MIL SPECS Tc fpoooo1es aoo3se7 b & MI L=5-1 9550/4) EL) AMINDMZNT-~i 21 May 1969 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTOR (CONTROLLED RECTIFIER), SILICON TYPES 2N3027 THROUGH 2N3032, AND TX2N3027 THROUGH TX2N3032 This Amendment forms ao part of Militar Specification MIL=5-1950074191E), 15 Mare 69. Page 3, paragraph 3.3.3: Replace with the following: ~~ "3.3.3 Terminal-lead material and finish.- The terminal-lead material shall be Type K (Kovar) or Type F (Alloy 52) conforming to requirements in Standard MIL-STD-1276, except that a nickel under-plating of thickness: optionally up through 100 microinches maximum, may be used. The terminal-lead finish shall be gold (per pertinent requirements in Standard MIL-STD~1276); however, if so specified in the contract or order, the lead-material finish may be tin, or tin- coating over gold. This tin-finish requirement shall not be construed as affecting adversely the qualified-product status of the device, or applicable JAN marking. (See 6.3a herein.) . " Selectivity of terminal-lead material.- Where choice of lead material (see 3.3.3 above) is desired, stipulation for the particular material shall be made in contract or order. (See 6.3b herein.)" Page 31, paragraph 6.3: Replace with the following: "6.3 Ordering data.- a. Terminal-lead finish: See 3.3.3 herein. b. Terminal-lead material: See herein. c. Lot-inspection data: See 4.2.7 herein." Custodian: Preparing activity: Army-EL . Army-EL Project No. 5961-A249 rer eoni! | FSC-5961MIL SPECS rcfooo0125 Ooossea 6 & MIL-S-19500/41 9A EL) .15 March 1969 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTOR (CONT ROLLED RECTIFIER), SILIOON TYPES 2N3027 THROUGH 2N3032, AND TX2N3027 THROUGH TX2N3032 1. SOOPE 1.1. Scope.- This specification covers the detail requirements for silicon, PNIN, thyristors for application particularly as controlled rectifier, reverse- blocking triode devices in compatible electronic-equipment circuits. (See 3.2, 3.4, and 6.2 herein.) The prefix "TX" 4dentifies devices meeting the special process-conditioning, testing, and screening requirements in. herein, and the stringent quality-control (LTPD) requirements in Tebles I, IJ, and III herein. 1.2 Outline and dimensions.- See Figure 1 herein. (T0-18) 1.3 Ratings. - (surge) 1p (See at: 1,a Table | T T +100C II) Veom/ | rem | FBxM ste (oper) mAdc adc v v Vv C C Min| Max | Min Min ---| 30] ---| 30 | -65}+200 | 65) +150 Max 2N3027 | ---{175 | -<- 5 ; own 2 wen| 60| n=] 60 | -651 +200 | -65) +150 5 5 5 2N3028 | ---|175 | --- 2N3029 | ---|175| --- 2N3030 | ---|175| --+ 2N3031 | ---|175 | --- 2N3032 | ---|175| --- m--|100 | ---|400 | -65| +200 -65} +150 we-| 30} ---| 30 | -65| +200 | -65| +150 ---| 60| ---} 60 | -65] +200 | -65) +150 ---|100| ---|100 | -65} +200 | -65) +150 mmm Mm ow 4 8 t Vaate connected to cathode across 1-Kohm resistor. FSC-5961MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/419(EL) 1.4 Particular electrical characteristics.- Ic ff ocodo1es oo035e9 T (At Tae+25C; see Table I): v1 Ii tort Vin | THox orl ar/ | tpelen) | *o Vde mAdc Vdc uAde usec usec Min Max | Min Max | Min Max MinMax| Min Max | Min Max 2N3027, 2N3028, 2N3029 0.8 1.51 0.3 5.0] O4 0.8 | <5 200 | --- 0.2 | --- 2.0 2N3030, 2N3031, 2N3032/0.8 1.5 | 0.3 iye0 | Oc 0.60 | -5 20 | -n- 0.1 | wwe 2-0 Y Gate connected to cathode across 1-Kohm resistor. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1. The following documents, of the issue in for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this tent specified herein: SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-S-19500 Semiconductor Devices, General Specification For STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-750 Test Methods For Semiconductor Devices MIL-STD-1276 Leads, Weldable, For Electronic Component Parts (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required with specific procurement functions should be obtained or as directed by the contracting officer. should be stipulated when requesting copies.) by contractors in connection from the procuring activity title and number or symbol 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 with Specification effect on date of invitation specification to the ex- Requirements.- Requirements for the thyristors shall be in accordance Fication MIL-S-19500, and as otherwise specified herein. Both theMIL SPECS TC oo00n25 0003530 & & MIL-S=19500/ 41 9(EL) 3.2 Abbreviations and Symbols.- The abbreviations and symbols used herein are defined in Specification ITS 9500, and as follows: THoxe****D.C. holding current; special gate and voltage conditions. Ry eeeeecexternal resistance between gate and cathode terminals. v oeeepaak reverse blocking voltage, gate connected to stated , RBXM reference terminal through stated impedance or bias (or both). exponential rate of voltage rise; (as used for test- Vepxeeeee characteristic determinant herein). 3.3 Design and construction.- The thyristor shall be of the design, con- struction, and physical dimensions specified in Figure 1. 3.3.1 Terminal arrangement.- The terminal arrangement on the thyristor shall be as indicated in Mgure 1. 3.3.2 Operating position.- The thyristor shall be capable of proper op- eration in any position. ; 3.3.3 Terminal-lead material and finish.- The terminal-lead material shall be Type K (Kovar) conforming to requirements in Standard MIL-STD-1276, except that a nickel under-plating of thickness: 20 microinches minimum, 100 microinches maxi- mam, shall be used. The terminal-lead finish shall be gold (per pertinent require- ments in Standard MIL-STD-1276); however, if so specified in the contract or order, the lead-material finish may be tin, or tin-coating over gold. This tin-finish re- quirement shall not be construed as affecting adversely the quelified-product sta- tus of the device, or applicable JAN marking. (See 6.3a herein.) 3.4 Performance characteristics.- The thyristor performance characteristics shall be as specified in Tables I, 11, and III herein. Except where specifically differentiated for respective thyristor types (see 1.3, 1.4, and Tables I, II, III, and IV herein), the performance requirements, including operating characteristics, ratings, test conditions, and test limits, apply equally to all thyristor types covered herein. 3.4.1 "TX" special requirements.- Specified "TX" device-types shall, in addition to all other performance requirements herein, be process-conditioned, tested, and screened in accordance with l.) herein. (See 3.5.1 herein.) At option of the manufacturer, the non-TX device-types may be subjected to the same process-conditioning and testing. 3.5 Marking.- Except as otherwise specified herein, marking shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-S-19500. The "manufacturer's identification" and "country of origin" may, at option of the manufacturer, be omitted from be- ing marked directly on the semiconductor device covered herein.MIL SPECS Ic o0001e5 0003531 & i MIL~S-19500/419(EL) 3.5.1 "TX" identification marking.- Marking of devices conforming to TX" and all other applicable requirements herein (see 3.4.1) shall include the prefix "TX" 4mmediately preceding the type designation. lh. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 General.- Except as otherwise specified herein, the responsibility for inspection, general procedures for accpptance, classification of inspection, and inspection conditions and methods of test shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-S-19500, Quality Assurance Provisions. le2 Qualification and acceptance ins ction.- Qualification and Quality Con- formance inspection shall be in accordance ath Specification MIL-S-19500, Quality Assurance Provisions, and as otherwise specified herein. Groups A, B, and C inspec- tion shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in Tables I, II and III, respectively, herein. Quality Conformance inspection shall include inspection of Preparation for Delivery (see 5.1 herein). 4.2.1 Permissible Group B or Group C combined-subgrou testing.- At option of the manufacturer, all of the tests of one subgroup in Group B (Table II herein) may be combined with all of the tests in one or more other subgroup(s) of Group B for sequential performance; the same option applies to Group C (Table III herein) constituent subgroups. The sample size and accept-reject criteria for such com- bined-subgroup testing shall be based upon the most stringent, existing LTPD or lambda ()) for one of the subgroups involved in the particular combination. The following administrative requirements shall apply hereto: a, It shall be understood that the above option may be adopted by manufacturer for Qualification testing of product, or for Quality Conformance inspection of any individual lot submitted by manufac- turer for lot acceptance. b. Prior notification as to adoption of this testing option, and con- current information as to the predesignated sample quantities to be used shall be made to the Government inspection authority con- cerned. c. Complete record of the combined-subgroup testing-program results shall be maintained and be available to the Government inspection authority. h.e2.2 Qualification testing.- The non-TX device types shall be considered subject to Qualification tests. Tt shall be understood that procurement of the TX device types will be made from sources for the approved non-TX devices as listed in Qualified Products List (QPL)-19500. Upon request, and validation by the qualifying activity, qualification may be extended (and appropriate QPL-list- ing effected) to TX devices manufactured by approved sources for the noneTX dev- ives. 4MIL SPECS TC ff coo0125 0003532 T A MIL-5-19500A1%EL) le2.2.1 Special Group A criteria for Qualification inspection.- For Qualtfi- cation inspection, only 5 Fallures Will be permitted for ali Croup A tests combined. Hereto, where the manufacturer deems that the data in paragraph .4.2 of Specifica- tion MIL-S-19500 are invokable, notification shall be made to the Chief, Components and Materials Standardization Branch, Procurement and Production Directorate, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703, attention: AMSEL~PP-EM-2, he2e2.2 Qroups B and C, and Life Test sampling and requirements for Qualifi- cation inspection.- a. For lots containing more than one thyristor type covered herein, sub~ jection of equal quantities (within the applicable LTPD size for the subgroup of the highest and lowest voltage types represented in the lot to ups B and C tests will be acceptable for determination of Qualification of those types and all intermediate types in the lot. b. For Qualification inspection, continuous required (total-hours dura- tion--through Group C requirement thereto) Life Test(s) shall be ef- fective. (See 2.) herein.) h.2.3 Acceptance inspection of lots containing multiple thyristor types.- For lots containing more than one thyristor type covered forein, subjection of adequate samples on a subdlot basis to customary Uroup A, B, and C testing shall be effective. (See .2. immediately below. ) . 4.204 Group B-Group C life test_samples.- Samples of non-TX thyristor types, only, that have been subjected to Group B, 340-hour life test may be continued on test for 1000 hours in order to satisfy Group C life test requirements. These sam- ples shall be predesignated, and shall remain subjected to the Group C, 1000-hour evaluation after they have passed the Group B, 30-hour acceptance criteria. The cumulative total of failures found during 30-hour test and during the subsequent interval up to 1000 hours shall be computed for 1000-hour acceptance. (See ).2.5 below.) "TX" thyristor types shall be subjected to 1000-hour life tests under Group B inspection requirements, and the lambda (A) established thereto in Table II shall apply. 4.2.5 Group Ctesting.- Group C tests shall be performed on a lot every 6 months. (See Table III erein.) The contractor shall, throughout the course of a contract or order, permit the Government representative to scrutinize all test data and findings covering manufacturer's test program on Group C characteristics and parameters for the product concerned. Upon determination by the Government inspector (in advance of Group C, 6-month, test results) that Group C parameters are not being adequately met, the Government inspector may require lot-by-lot in- spection, normally for a minimum of 3 consecutive lots, to be performed for re- quired Group C tests.MIL SPECS 1c oooo1es 0003533 1 i MIL-S-19500/419(EL) 4.2.6 Disposition of sample units.- Sample units have been subjected to Group C, Subgroup 2 and 3 tests shall hot be delivered on the contract or order. Sample units that have been subjected to and have passed Group B, Subgroups 1 through 6 and Group C, Subgroups 1, 4,Sand 6 tests (these tests to be consider- ed woe destructive), may be delivered on the contract or order provided that, after Group B and C inspection is terminated, those sample units are subjected to and pass Group A inspection. Defective units from any sample group that may have passed group inspection shall not be delivered on the contract or order un- til the dfect(s) has been remedied to the satisfaction of the Government. . 2.7 Copies of lot-inspection data.- When specified in the contract or order, one copy of the Siatity Conformance inspection data, including manufact- urer's test data and findings, covering the device inspection lot being shipped shall accompany the device(s) concerned. 4.3 Particular examination and test_requirements.- h.3.1 Mechanical damage resulting from tests.- Except for intentionally deforming, mutilating, or dismembering mechanical-stress tests to which samples are subjected, there shall be no evidence of mechanical damage to any sample unit as a result of any of the Group A, PB, or C tests. h.3.2 Endepoint tests.- The test delineated in Table IV and the test lim- its specified therein shall apply wherever reference to "Table IV" is made here- in, These end-point tests shall apply, equally, for a respective, newly-consti- tuted "subgroup" resulting from the subgroup-combination option adopted by manu- facturer in accordance with .2.1 herein. h.3e3 Blocking life Test.- With the thyristor connected into a circuit set-up as follows, the specified D.C. voltage shall be applied from anode to cathode. A thyristor (TUT) that triggers tion" during the specified test time or that fails to meet the specified end-point limits shall be considered a failure (see d, below). . a. The gate terminal shall be connected directly to cathode terminal. b. The cell stud temperature shall be maintained at +150C throughout the specified test time. c. A 5-Kohm resistor shall be connected in series with the voltage power-supply in order to limit current in event of cell voltage breakdown. : d. A means of detecting triggered "on" devices (TUT) shall be in- corporated in the test-circuit set-up.MIL SPECS icf Qo0001e5 0003534 3 i MIL-S-19500/419(E L) lh. Process conditioning, testing, and screening for ''TX" devices.- All "TX" devices (100% of each lot) shall be sibjected to the process conditioning, testing, and screening specified in 4.4.2 through h.l.6.l) herein, in accordance with the pro- cedural sequence established in Figure 2 herein, prior to submission of the lot to Group A, 5, C tests. Those conditioning and screening tests normally performed by manufacturer as standard-production tests, need not be repeated when these are pre- designated and acceptable to the Government as being equal to or more severe than those specified herein. . ok.1 Quality Assurance records and determinations.- The manufacturer shall maintain and make available for perusal and review at any time, during a period of 3 years minimm, to the authorized Government representative or other contracting customer concerned, complete lot-by-lot records for these devices. All devices that fail to meet. the process-conditioning, testing, and screening requirements specified herein shall be removed from the respective lot, and the test-failure identity and quantity removed shall be recorded in the permanent lot history. (See 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 herein.) 4.4.2 High-temperature storage.- The thyristor shall be stored for at least 2 hours at a minimum tenperature tTste) of +200C, 4.4.3 Thermal shock (temperature cycling).- The thyristor shall be subject- ed to (thermal shock) temperature cycling in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-750, Method 1051, Test Condition. C, except that M(ni h) shall be +175C and the cy- cling duration shall be 10 continuous cycles an the exposure time at the temper- ature extremes shall be 15 minutes, minimum. 4. Acceleration.- The thyristor shall be subjected to the constant accel- eration (centrifugal) test per Method 2006 in Standard MIL-STD-750, except that the following shall apply: ' a. Centrifugal force = 20,000 G. b. Orientation = Y1, only. c. Hold time of 1 minute shall not apply hereto. 4.b.5 Seal (fine-leak) test.- The thyristors shall be subjected to the Seal test per Standard MIL-STD-202, Method 112, Test Condition C, procedure III a or III b (see 4.h.5.1 or below), except that testing for gross leaks shall be in accordance with below. Conditions for procedure IIIa.- The sealed chamber in which the thyristors are placed shall be pressurized with helium gas to 50 psig, minimun, for a minimum of hours. At end of that period, the thyristors shall be re- moved from the chamber and, within 30 minutes, be subjected to a helium leak-~ detection test. Those thyristors showing a leakage rate of 1 X 10-7 ec/sec of helium or greater, when measured at a differential pressure of 1 atmosphere, shall be rejected and removed from the lot.MIL SPECS 1c oooo1es oonasas s iE MIL-S-19500A19(EL) 4..5.2 Conditions for procedure IIIb.- The devices shall be placed in an activation tank, pressurized with Krypton 65 tracer gas in a nitrogen solution, for sufficient time to detect a leak rate of 1 X 12-9 atmospheric cubic centimeters per second (atm cc/sec). Within four hours after subjection to this pressurization, the leakage rate of the devices shall be determined on an attribute basis using the general equation shown below. Any device exhibiting a leak rate equal to or great- er than 1 X 107 atm cc/sec shall be rejected and removed from the lot. The gener- al equation for use with radioactive-gas leak test equipment is: Q= RF ZF ey where: Q = leak rate in atm cc/sec. R = net counting rate of tested part above background in cts/min. S = specific activity of the test gas mixture in uCi/atm cc. K = counting efficiency of the system for the given part in cts/ min uCi. Pa" pressure of test gas in activation tank during pressurization in atm abs. P,= pressure inside part under test in atm abs. Tt. duration of pressurization in test gas mixture in seconds. leleS5e3 Gross Leak test.- The thyristors shall be subjected to gross-leak evaluation in accordance with requirements of Method 1071, Test Condition A, C, or D, in Standard MIL-STD-750. 4.6 Burn-in conditioning, tests, and evaluation (screening).- To enable proper evaluation of the thyristors conditioned and tested in accordance with the following requirements, each thyristor and lot shall be handled or identified in such a manner that results for each individual thyristor and lot can be ascertain- ed and recorded. h.4.6.1 Pre burn-in measurements.- The thyristor shall be tested for the characteristics Listed in Table 1V below, and the values found shall be recorded. Those thyristors that fail to meet specified limits shall be rejected and removed from the lot.MIL SPECS 1cfj g0001e5 0003534 7 i MIL-S-19500/419{EL) Table IV. Pre Burn-In Measurements. Test Method per Examination MIL~STD- or Teast Teast Limits 750 L/ Conditions Symbol Win Max Unit 211, Reverse blocking current: D.C.Method Bias Cord. B; Ry=1 Kohms 2N3027, 2N3030 Van yyt30Vde ippm --- 0.05 = uAde 2N3028, 2N3031 vinmCovdc ARBYM --- 0.05 ude 2N3029, 2N3032 Vanxe100Vde ARBXM ==. 0,05 ~ ude 4206 Forward blocking current: D.C. Method Bias Cond B; Rp"1 Kohms 2N3027, 2N3030 yom =30Vde 15BXM --- 0.02 ~ ude 2N3028, 2N3031 FBXM=60Vde drByM 0 --- 0,02 ~ ude 2N3029, 2N3032 VEBXM=100Vde 1FBXM === 0.02 ~ unde 221 Gate trigger voltage: V,s5V ; Ry*100 ohms =100 ohms 1 2N3027, 8, 9 Vor 0-40 0.80 Vde 2N3030, 1, 2 Var 0.4L 0.60 Vde 4221 Gate trigger current: Vo=5V Ry #100 ohms a Kohms 4 2N3027, 8, 9 Ign -3 200 ude Y Gate connected to cathode across 1-Kohm resistor.MIL SPECS 1c oooo1es on03s37 9 & MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Burn-in conditioning.- The thyristors shall be operated under the following conditions for 72th hours. Thyristors which turn "on" during this burn- in conditioning shall be rejected and removed from the lot (see below). T = +125C A 5 R, a Rox = 1 Kohms 2N3027, 2N3030: v5 14"30 V 2N3029, 2N3032: vypyy"100 V hele603 Post burn-in tests and measurements.- After burn-in conditioning, the thyristors shall be permitted to return to room-ambient temperature thermal- equilibrium and retested, within a maximum total elapsed time of 96 hours, for the characteristics listed in Table IV above. The values now found for each in- dividual thyristor shall not exceed the following (respectively applicable to the pre burn-in measurements per Table IV above): A Lippy +0,01 O uAde AS ray 4+0,.005 uAde | hehe6.4 Burn-in conditioning evaluation (screening).- Those thyristors whose measured characteristics exceed the delta (A ts specified in, above, or the limits of Table IV, shall be rejected and removed from the lot. The entire lot shall be considered non-acceptable as "TX" devices when 10% or more fail- ures, among all the thyristors subjected to burn-in conditioning and tests, are en- countered as follows: a. Those thyristors which turned "on" during burn-in conditioning per above; plus b. Those thyristors found to exceed the delta (a) limits per above, or the limits of Table IV (during post burn-in measurement). 10MIL SPECS icf goo0125 0003538 O i MIL-S=19500/419(EL) Table I. Group A inspection. a ene ae ee ee Rn ert se Teast Med hod Kxam ination per or Test MI L-STD- V LTPD Limits 750 Conditions Non-TX TX Symbol Win Max Unit , Subgroup 1 10 10 2071 Visual and mechanical onaw aue aan =oauw aon examination Subgroup 2 5 2 4211 Reverse blocking cur- D.C. Method rent: Bias Cond B; R,=1 Kohms 2N3027, 2N3030 Vapxy30 Vde ApBxXM 0 -w- (9-05 ~~ ude 2N3028, 2N3031 Vepyy700 Vde tRBXxM 0 w=- 0.05 = uAde 2N3029, 2N3032 Vigan" 700 Vde 4 RBXM -e- 0.05 udAde 4206 Forward blocking cur- D.C. Method rent: Bias Cond.B; . Ro=1 Kohms 2N3027, 2N3030 Vrpxy30 Vde 4FBIM 0 == 0,02 wAde 2N3028, 2N3031 Vrpxm=60 Vde LFBXM --- 0,02 udAde 2N3029, 2N3032 Vepxm-100 Vde LFBXM we- 0.02 uAde 4219 Reverse gate cur- Vxg5 Vde Ika --- 0.1 mAde rent (D.C.) 221 Gate trigger cur- Vor5 V rent: Rp#100 ohms Ry=10 Kohms 2/ 2N3027, 8, 9 Igr -5 200 udAde 2N3030, 1, 2 Lan <5 20 udAde 221 Gate trigger vol- V,=oV tage: =100 ohms 100 ohms 2/* 2N3027, 8, 9 Vor 0.40 0.80 Vac 2N3030, 1, 2 ; Vor Ol 0.60 Vac 11MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500A19(EL) Table I. tcf cooo1es oooasa5 2 Grouv A inspection - (Cont'd). Fest Method per MIL-STD-= 750 Examination or Test i Subgroup 2 - (cont'd) 226 Forward "on" voltage 4201 Holding current: 2N3027, 8, 9 2N3030, 1, 2 Subgroup 3 Exponential rate of voltage rise: 4231 2N3027, 2N3030 Limits Min Max LTPD Conditions Non-Tx TX Symbol Ady tA (pulse) Vv 0.8 1.5 PW=250 usec Duty cycle= 2% max Bias Cond. B3 R31 Kohms Vaqneh Vde Im =100 mAdc Tpol0 mAdc Gate trigger source volt,= 6V; Ro*330 ohms 0.3 5.0 0.3 4.0 Luox Tnx T,m+25C Bias Qond. B; R31 Kohm C=0.005 uf Ry#10 ohms Rep. rate= 60 pps; 260 Hz Test durations 15 sec. Vy q30 Vde3 v FBX dv/dt=30 V/ usec 12 Unit Vde mAdc mAdc VdeMIL SPECS tcf) oooo125 oooasuo 9 MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Table I. Group A inspection ~ (Cont'd). Test Method per Exeminatd on MIL-STD- , or Test LTPD Limits 750 VV Conditions WNon-TX TX Symbol Win Max Unit Subgroup 3~(Cont'd) 2N3028, 2N3031 V, 4760 Vae; Vrpy 94 wee Vide dv/dt=1 5V/usec 2N3029, 2N3032_ V,,"100 Vde; Vrpx 90 <= Vde dv/dt=10V/usec --- Forward blocking re~ Test cireuit and trp, ooo 2.0 usec covery time procedure per Fig. 3 herein dpystA Rgyc* 1 Kohms t,=100 usec --- Gate trigger~on pulse Test circuit and width: procedure per Fig. 4 herein Vi qr0 Vv tay lA 1 p10 mA 2N3027, 8, 9 tog lon) --- 0.2 usec 2N3030, 1, 2 tis(on) --- 0.1 usec 13 pgMIL SPECS MIL-S-19590/419(EL) cf oooo12s ooo3sya o Table I. Group A inspection - (Cont.'d). Test Method per Examination MIL-STD- , or Test LTPD Limits 750 Conditions Non-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup } 5 63 3/ High temperature Tystl 50C operation: u/ 206 Forward blocking D.C. Method current: Bias Cond. B; Ro=1 Kohms 2N3027, 2N3030 Varpyy730 Vde ippyy --- 0 20~s ude 2N3028, 2N3031 Vrpxy=60 Vdc ippyy --- 20 ~suAde 2N3029, 2N3032 Vpyy"100 Vde ippyy --- 220d 4211 Reverse blocking D.C. Method current: Bias Cond. B; R,=1 Kohms 2N3027, 2N3030 Vppyy"30 Vde ippyy o-*- 50 Ade 2N3028, 2N3031 Vppyyn60 Vde ippym --- 50 Ade 2N3029, 2N3032 Vapxm!00 Vde ipBxM oc7 50 uAde 221 Gate trigger volt- Vo=5V age? Ry,"100 ohms Re#100 ohms 2/ 2N3030, 1, 2 Vop 0.1 O04 Vde 1hMIL SPECS tc} cooo125 oooasye 2 [ Group A inspection = (Cont'd). MIL~S-19500/419(EL) Test Method per Examination MIL-STD- or Test Limits 750 . Conditions Non-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup l-(cont'd). 4201 Holding Current Bias Cond. B; THox 0.05 --- mAdc R31 Kohms Vaqned Vde Ty #100 mAdc Ipott0 mAdc Gate trigger source volt. =6V; R,=330 ohm --- Low temperature T,s65C operation: L/ 221 Gate trigger Vi"5V voltage: Ry=100 ohms Re=100 ohms 2/ 2N3027, 8, 9 Vor 0-6 1.10 Vde 2N3030, 1, 2 Vor O-lh 0.95 Vee 4221 Gate trigger Vi a5V current: R,"100 ohms Re=|0 Kohms 2/ 2N3027, 8, 9 lor 0 1.2 mAdc 2N3030, 1, 2 Ion 0 0.5 mAdc 15MIL SPECS rc fj oooo12s O003543 4 El MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Table I. Group A inspection - (Cont'd). Test Method per Examination MIL-STD- , or Test LTPD Limits 750 V/ Conditions WNon-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup -(cont'd), 4,201 Holding current: Bias Cond. B; R,*1 Kohms Vaawel Vde Zany 100 mAdc Tpontd mAdc Gate trigger source voltage=6V; R, "330 ohms 2N3030, 1, 2 Tupx 0.5 8.0 mAde Vsee 3.4 and 4.2.3 herein. } 2/agate connected to cathode across 1-Kohm resistor. 3/ In this Subgroup, the sample units subjected to the High-Temperature Operation test shall be permitted to return to and be stabilized at room ambient tempera- ture prior to their being subjected to the Low-Temperature Operation test. Wveasurement(s) shall be made after thermal equilibrium has been reached at the temperature specified. 16MIL SPECS tcf oooo1es oooasuy 4 ff MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Tably II, Group B inspection. Test Method per Examination MIL-STD~ , or Test Conditions LTPD Linits 750 Y on= Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 10 10 2066 Physical dimensions onm ean -we ene anew Subgroup 2 10 10 2026 Solderability ene naw aeaew aa aaw 1051 Temperature cycling Test Cond. C -- ene woe _ 1056 Thermal shock Test Cond. A oe woe woe --- (glass strain) 2006 Constant accelera- 20,000 G <n= wwe one -=- tion (centrifugal) Orientations ; Yi, Y2, 21 1021 Moisture resistance No initial con- -<= we wee aon ditioning End-Point tests: Per e see .3.2 herein) Subgroup 3 10 10 1,066 Surge current ip, (surge) = ose ws- cee woe 8 Ade 1,=200 mAdc t=8 msec ea. surge 10 surges ( gine wave ea.) at 1-minute in- tervals 17MIL SPECS 1fJ oogo12s oo03545 4 c MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Table II. Group B irspection - (Cont'd). Test Method per Examination MIL-STD- or Test Conditions LTPD Limits 750 ' WL Non-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup _) 10S 2/ -Blocking life T,7+150C ere wee eee wee + tn168"4 hrs Vepyy rated value @a. type (see 1.3 herein) End-Point tests: Per Table 1V (see 4.3.2 herein) ! Subgroup 5 10! \=10 , { 1031 High-temperature life Typ g*200+3C we ae cee --- (non-operating) - 3)0 hre Rox =0 BA End Point tests: Per Table iV (see h.3.2 herein) 18MIL SPECS rc} cooo12s ooossu, tT MIL-S-19500A419(EL) Table II. Group B inspection - (Cont'd). Test Method per Examination MIL-STD- or Test Conditions LTPD Limits 750 LV Non-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 6 201 Ae10 t -<- Operating life Test cirait ere eee cee --- and proce- dure per Fig. 5 here- in T,#+100C VFBXM"rated value ea. type (see 1.3 herein) Ips175 made += Ind-Point tests: 340 hre33/ Per Table 1V (see 4.3.2 herein) see 3.4, 4.2.1, 4.2.3, and 4.3.2 herein. 2/see 4.3.3 herein. see 4.2.4 herein. 19MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Table III, Group inspection. cf coooz2s oooasy7 1 1 Test Method per Examination MIL-STD- or Test LTPD Limits 750 , 2/ Conditions WNon-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 10 10 2016 Shock Non-operating wee wee ee wee 1500 G 5 blows of 0.5 msec ea. in orientations Y1, 2, 21 (total=15 blows) 2056 Vibration, variable --- ann one frequency End-Point tests: Per Table LV (see 4.3.2 herein) - Subgroup 2 15 15 101 Salt atmosphere + ~-- woe one --- (corrosion) Subgroup 3 15 15 2036 Terminal strength, Test Cond. E eee oan omm ene Lead fatigue 3/ End-Point test..: u/ Seal (leak rate) --- --- wee ane --- 20MIL SPECS cf oooasus a MIL-S-19500/419(EL) 1 Table III. Group C inspection - (conta) </ Test Method per Examination MIL-STD- or Test LTPD Limits 750 Z/ Conditions WNon-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 4 10 10 4231 Exponential rate of T,=+125C of voltage rise Bias Cond. B; (at high temp.): R3*1 Kohm , C#0.005 uF R,=10 ohms Rep. rate= 60 pps; f=60 Hz Test duration= 15 sec. dv/dt=5V/ usec 2N3028, 2N3031 V4 4760 Vde3 Vex Sh ewe Vde dv/dt=3V/ uses 2N3029, 2N3032 Vaat00 Vde; Vepx 90 wae Vde av/dt=2V/ usec Subgroup 5 \=10 --- 1031 High=tenperatire life Tyg 200830 wen wre aoe --- non-operating) =1000 hre Rgx "0 of End-Point tests: Per Table 1V (see 4.3.2 herein) 21MIL SPECS cf ooossua s MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Table Til. Qroup 0 inapevtdon 2 (onntetat) ed Tast Mathod per Examination MIL-STD- or Test LTPD Limits 750 2/ Conditions Non-TX TX Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 6 A=10 -- on Operating life Test circuit -<- awe ewe ~ and proce- dure per Fig. 5 herein T,=+100C Vypyy=rated value ea. type (see 1.3 herein) =175 mAdc g End-Point tests: er 6 see lh. 3.2 herein) V seo 4.2.5 herein, 2/see 3.4, 4.2.1, 4.2.3 and k.3.2 herein. / Electrical rejects from the same lot under evaluation may be used for this test. see l.l.5 herein. 2! sea 4.2. herein. 22MIL SPECS cf cooo1es oooasso 1 Bf ML-s-19590419(EL) Notes: Qeeepe ewe 1. The specified lead diameter applies to the zone between 2050 and .250 from the buse seat. Between .250 end end 5 wn . of lead a maximum of .021 is 500 2019 held. Outside of these zones if} gj (i (i ste ay 7016 DIA: the lead diameter is not _ controlled. 2. Maximum diameter leads at a gaging plane .05 +.001 -.000 below base seat to be within , .007 of their true location relative to Max. width tab and to the maximum .230 diameter measured with a suitable gage. -100 When gage is not used, measure- (Note 2) | ment will be made at base seat. 100 Gate Cathode. 3. Index tab for visual orienta- (Note Anode tion only. 4, Tab length to be .028 minimun (NOTE 6) -- .048 maximum, and will be determined by subtracting diameter A from dimension B. 5. All dimensions in inches. 6, Anode is internally connected to the case. Figure 1. Outline and climensions. 23MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/419(EL,) 1ff cooo1es oooassi 3 PRODUCTION 1. Raw Material 2. Factory Processing = INSPECTION LOTS FORMED AFTER FINAL ASSEMBLY OPERATION ( SEALING) FOR LOTS PROPOSED FOR TX TYPES 100% PROCESS CONDITIONING* 1. High-temperature storage 2. Temp. cycling (thermal shock) 3. Acceleration (centrifugal) i. Hermetic-seal test(s) tL 100% POWER BURN-IN* 1. Meas'm't of specif'd param't'rs 2. Burn-in conditioning : 3. Meas'm't of specif'd param't'rs to determine delta (4) kh. Lot evaluation LOTS PROPOSED NON-TX TYPES INSPECTION TESTS TO) VERIFY LTPD GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C I REVIEW OF GROUPS A,B,C DATA FOR ACCEPT OR REJECT tI PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY INSPECTION TESTS TO VERIFY LTPD GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C Ms GROUPS A,B,C REVIEW OF DATA FOR ACCEPT OR REJECT * Order of tests shall be as shown within block. tL PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY Figure'2. Flow chart fer non-TX and TX types. 2hMIL SPECS 1c ff oooones OOoassa 5 , oes r% \ Appr tmete | = a Ce C tees FONGE @20V SS] Te pviee qenerater oc t T : e Ot ptlO.S to SyS Cy riewes ieee On wt) Sto S0vS I | Rio . Ry Meccary oattee gentes! revs wor : Rt Sync te scope Rs Sev WOO usec pulse from vise qan ovtoul 100 waec delay i. ler | C a en < i Tut % , . LZ QRCUIT CONDTIONA (Switch S, set in position A; for test) ent : R, - 200 R,-2700 D, -IN457A C, (see table) ~~ leme . R,- 52 Ry - 27K D, ~INI763 C. 7 Olt elements: R,- 100 s-R, .BK_y - FDZOO Can ete R,~ IK Rio~ 1K D, ~ FD200 Ce Ivf (See note b) R, - 10K Ry 472 Dy IN457A 0-2N2854 Re7~ 472 Rie7 39 K Q,-2N656A Ris> 1OK NOTES: a. Guidance for testing procedure: on following page(s). b. Discussion of test circuit: on following pages. Figure 3. Forward Blocking Recovery Time test circuit and orceedural details. . \ 25MIL SPECS cf ocoo12s ooo3ass3 7 MIL-S-19500A19(EL) A. B, top 1. 2. for 2. Test Procedure: As the first step in the testing procedure, a pulse generator synced from the test circuit as shown, delivers a 100-usec wide pulse, delayed from the sync pulse by 100 usec, to the defined input point for turn-off of . the thyristor under test. ("Circuit Condition A" illustrated in the cir- cuit diagram is the driven-off mode of device operation.) A high-fre- quency oscilloscope is used to observe the anode voltage of the test de- vice. Capacitor C, sets the recovery-time range of the circuit (different values of C, are employed to alter the recovery-time range of the circuit) ; and potentiometer Ry, adjusts the rate of reapplication of forward blocking voltage. The forward blocking recovery time is the time measured from the leading edge of the turn-off pulse to the test device to the time when forward blocking voltage is reapplied. R, is adjusted to the point where the de- vice under test turns off each time a turn-off pulse is delivered. (See paragraph BS, below.) Test-Circuit Analysis: In this circuit, the rate of rise of reapplication of forward blocking voltage (dv/dt) is directly proportional to the measured recovery time. The exponential time constant equals 1.) times the forward blocking re- covery time, which is identical to the many practical circuit applica- tions where the anode is driven negative through a commutating capacitor. (This test circuit allows infinite variation of the exponential turn-off waveform for precise measurements of tfpr which is impossible to achieve by capacitor substitution methods.) With S, in position A (see circuit diagram), the anode of the device under test is driven nagative by a current source, resulting in an instantaneous reverse anode current (ip) which sweeps some of the stored charge out of the device. Anode supply voltage is applied through the contacts of a mercury-=wetted contact relay which switches back and forth at power line frequency. All contacts of this relay are momentarily shorted together, for an interval less than 1 millisecond, twice during each line cycle. (This results in a 10% duty cycle which minimizes self heating in the de- vice under test and provides much greater measurement accuracy than with DC test methods. ) Fig. 3-(Cont'd).- try, test circuit and procedural details. 263. MIL SPECS tcff cooo2s oooassy 9 MIL-S-19500/419(EL) Each time the contacts of the mercury relay close, a 10-microsecond wide pulse is delivered through to the gate of the device under test, turn- ing it on, and at. the same t providing a trigger pulse to the pulse generator. The pulse generator supplies a turn-off pulse after a delay of 100 microseconds. During this 100-microsecond period, the device un- der test conducts forward current (ip) established by R, and the anode supply-voltage (1 Ampere, as shown). This is sufficient time for steady- state conduction to be established, and for D, to isolate the gate cir- cuit sc that Ry, sets the bias condition for the test device. After the 100 microsecond delay period, the pulse generator delivers a 100-microsec ond wide 11-volt turn-off pulse. This pulse is differenti- ated by C,, Rj, and R,, and applied to the base of Q,, developing a 10- volt peak nential waveform across resistor Rp. e collectors of Q, and Qo deliver a 2-ampere peak negative current through Dj, so that at this terminal a net negative short-circuit of 1 ampere is applied to the anode of the device under test. The test device will conduct this reverse current for a period of time known as the reverse recovery time, (or turn-off time), during which some of the stored charge is swept out of the device. The anode Voltage will then drop to a negative value and conmerice to go positive in an exponential manner as the negative current source decays exponentially. When the anode voltage. crosses zero (proceeding exponentially toward the positive anode supply voltage), if the remaining stored charge is not suf- ficiently dissipated the device will self-trigger and remain on until the mercury relay contacts finallv open. Increasing R, will lengthen the ex- ponentinl time constant until the device regains..its.forward blocking ca- pability. With R, adjusted to this point, the forward blocking recovery time is measured the leading edge of the output pulse generator to the time the anode voltage crosses zero. (See paragraph A2, above.) Fig. 3 = (Cont'd).- fbr test circuit and procedural details. -(Cont'd). 27MIL-S=-19500/419(EL) MIL SPECS tcf oooo12s cooasss o f 24Vv 3 @ Vaa Re V4 404) yv in Pulse i = Generator 7 Pw Pos input / Net R, trigger pulse Output pulse o Vax o abe usv ac => , o Ol, OEVICE UNDER TEST Legend of i i R, - (K 2.7K C, - lvf circuit R,- 302, non-Inductive Rte s6n Ge . lyf, ceramic elements: R, - 500.20, 2W Ry-!K,2W Cy-Olyft a R,- 1K SCR,~ AAIOO te - n15V to 24V Step-down transformer Rs -100N 0,,0,,0,- INS57A T= IISV to 24V C.-T. Step-down transformer (on) Test Frocedure: + 1. With specified Vay, i Fr? initially established, connect a high- frequency oscilloscope vertied input to the I, monitor point. The width of the gate current pulse is then set to a valve that causes trig- ering to occur. 2+ See applicable waveform depiction on following nage.) The waveform shown for the I, monitor should be observed. The width of the gate cur- rent pulse is then gradually reduced to the voint where triggering no longer occurs. The pulse width at this point is the gate triezger-on pulse width. Fig. h. Gate Trigger-On Pulse Width test circuit and procedural details. 28MIL SPECS Circuit Waveforms: toe (on) Test tcf oono125 ooossse 2 ff = mtt-s-19500/419(EL) ! { { sov -- | | | # | | Vp Waveform vs. Time {note !) _ ff Tg Waveform vs Time (notes | & 2) r Van V,, Waveform vs Time (note I) SOV | Van | I ! l 0 + Va, Waveform vs. Time (note 3) > o} * V, Waveform vs Time (note 3) | | 710 % 1 ! t { 12% I, Waveform vs Time (note 3) NOTES |. Waveforms observed at test points at 20msec time line base sync 2. Inverted I,waveform as seen across current viewing resistor Pa. 3. Waveforms observed attest peints with exponded time Lose synchronized from Vp. Fig. kh - (Cont'd) .= tpg (on) test circuit and procedural details.MILS-19500/419(EL) MIL SPECS ic g000125 g00355? 4 i Legend of : circuit y Ty - $V- > elements: R,-20 K, 2w R,-12 92,5W R,- 1K 0,,0,- INS40 T 115 AC Adj. Transf. , ok = T,* ISVAG Adj Transf. Oo T, T, Re Oe Ty 1I5V to 140V Step- , up Transformer e Te IIS V to GV Step down Transformer Ta" HS Viol2v Step down Transtermer - 0- V Peak-Read- o | mM ng voltmeter a. DEVICE My- 0-1A9C Ammeter = UNDER My- O-1OV Peak-Read- : L Ry TEST ing Voltmeter IS5v AC 6O cps Regulated NOTES: T. The above circuit provides for a mode of operation in which the thyristor under test is subjected alternately to an 8-msec conduction period and an 8-msec forward-blocking period. PROCEDURAL DETATLS: . 1. the general procedural guidancesof Method 1036 in Standard MIL-STD-759 apply. 2. Under conformity with specified test conditions: a. Transformer T; is adjusted to provide a peak secondary voltage from T3 equal to the specified forward blocking voltage. b. Transformer Ty is adjusted so that the specified average rectified forward current is read on meter M,. c. Transformer Ty should provide a maximum of 5V, as read on meter M3, for device triggering. Figure 5. Bverating Life test circuit and procedural MIL SPECS cf oooo1es oooassa b MIL-S-19500/419(EL) S. PREPARATION FO? DELIVERY 5.1 Preparation for delivery.- Preparation for delivery and the inspection of Preparation For Delivery s e in accordance with Specification MIL-S-19500. 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes.- The notes included in Specification MIL-S-19500, with the follow- ing additions or exceptions, are applicable to this specification, 6.2 Application guidance.- a. To insure proper equipment-circuit application, particular atten- tion should be given to the differential control (blocking and gate triggering) voltages pertinent to the individual thyristor types covered herein. b. The thyristors covered herein are intended for single-sided cir- guiteboard wire-in; when used in double-sided circuit-board ap- plications where solder bridging might occur, a dielectric wash- er or ther standoff device to implement the wire-in of the thyristor(s) should be considered. 6.3 Ordering data.~ a. Terminal-lead finish: See 3.3.3 herein. b. Lot-inspection data: See .2.7 herein. 6.4 Procurement of "TX" types.- See 4.2.2 herein. 6.5 Quality assurance for "TX" types.- It is expected that where the perma- nent lot record, maintained as required in ..1 herein, begins to show a condit- ion of failures in excess of the LTPD rate specified herein, or a condition of en- tire-lot rejection (see ..6.4 herein) is recorded, the Government procuring ac- tivity will determine any additional monitoring controls and evaluation criteria needed to attain restoration of the prescribed (herein) quality assurance for ac- ceptance of product, 6.6 Qualification.- With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be made only for such products as have, prior to the time set for opening of bids, been tested and approved for inclusion in Qualified Products List (QPL)-19500, whether or not such products have actually been so listed by that date. Information pertaining to qualification of products covered by this specification should be re- quested from the Commanding General, U. S. Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703, Attention: AMSEL-PP-EM-2, Custodian: ; Preparing activity: Army-EL Arny-EL Project No. 5961-A230 31