Maxim Integrated
Evaluates: MAX77801
MAX77801 Evaluation Kit
The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps
below to verify board operation. Use twisted wires of
appropriate gauge (20AWG) that are as short as possible
to connect the load and power sources.
1) Ensure that the EV kit has the correct jumper set-
tings, as shown in Table 1.
2) Connect the MINIQUSB interface board (if I2C con-
trol is required to test).
3) Preset the DC power supply to 3.8V. Turn off the
power supply. Do not turn on the power supply until
all connections are completed.
4) Connect the EV kit to the power supply and meters.
Adjust the ammeters to their largest current range
to minimize their series impedance. Do not allow
the ammeters to operate in their autorange mode.
If current readings are not desired, short across the
5) Turn on the power supply.
6) Switch JU2 to VIO (1-2) to enable the MAX77801.
7) Apply load for desired test. If reading register (e.g.,
reading status register) or writing register (e.g., pro-
gramming specic output voltage) is required, then
proceed to step 8.
8) Visit to
download the latest version of the EV kit software,
MAX77801Rxx.ZIP. Save the EV kit software to a
temporary folder and uncompress the ZIP le.
9) Install the EV kit software on your computer by run-
ning the INSTALL.EXE program inside the temporary
folder. The program les are copied and icons are
created in the Windows Start | Programs menu.
10) Connect the USB cable from the PC to the
11) Start the EV kit software by opening its icon in the
Start | Programs menu. The EV kit software main
window appears, as shown in Figure 2.
12) The EV kit is now ready for testing.