TABLE I. Cont act cavit i es requirin g r educed diamet er s (XX ) for pi ns and sockets
in out er r ow of cont act cavit ies. 1/
Shell size Insert arrangement Contact cavities
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y
1/ The reduced diam eter “ XX” refers t o the diameters of the raised seal barriers (pin barri er r in gs) or
lead-in chamfers (s ocket entry holes) to ens ure pr oper sealing of pin and socket aft er mating. See
MIL-DTL-26482, connec tor i ntermateabil i ty control di mensions figure (seri es 1 an d series 2) for
reduced diam eter “ XX” for c ontac t s i ze 20 only.
Dimensions and configurat ion : See figure 1 and ta bl e I.
Connector mating: This con nect or m ates with M S3470, MS 3471, MS3472 , MS3473, MS3474 , MS3477
and MS3479.
Connectors will m at e wit h MS3115 (dummy stowage receptacl e) and the followi ng series 1 receptac l es
provided both mating connect or s contain a full c om pl i ment of power cont act s: MS3110, MS3112,
MS3113 , MS3114, MS3119, MS3120, MS3122, MS3124, MS3127 and M S3128.
I ntermateability and rear accessory interc hangeabil i ty d imensi ons are in ac cordance with
Class E i s cancelled and repl aced b y c l ass L. Class Z is cancelled and supers eded by class K.
This specification s heet super sed es MIL-C-8372 3/42 and MIL-C-83723/43.
For in sert arrangement, see MIL -STD-1669.
In sert arrangement s requir i ng r educ ed di am eters for raised seal barriers or l ead-in chamfers on outer
row o f con tac t c avities as indicat ed, see table I.
Connector i dentificat i on mar king s hal l b e in accordance wit h M IL-DTL-26482. Example: MS3475L----,
minimum h eigh t does not apply t o shell siz es 8, 10 and 12.
P ar t or Ident i fying Number ( PIN) example:
MS3475 L 24 - 61 P W
MS number
Shell size
I nsert ar r angement
Contact style
A lter nate insert position