Write us an FPSLIC
application note and
we will give you 6 months software…FREE!
Credit where credit is due right!
So here’s the deal…..
We at Atmel think that once you start using our FPSLIC starter kit that
you’ll come up with lots of neat ideas on how to use the board and the
FPSLIC device.
We want to hear about those ideas and share them with other FPSLIC
designers through articles, the Atmel web site and application briefs.
For every article you submit to us that is approved we will give you 6
months of FPSLIC software (a US$500 value) and list you in our FPSLIC
hall of fame on the Atmel WWW site.
What can the application note be on?
The application note can be on anything relevant to FPSLIC. Design examples with HDL
and/or C/ASM code are most likely to be approved.
The application note must be submitted in Word
format and all appropriate support files.
We are interested in content not layout so don’t worry about making the application note look
pretty Atmel will take care of that. However commented code and simulation test benches
(HDL) are required !!!! See the guidelines on the next page.