Part Number: KTIR0811S SUBMINIATURE, HIGH SENSITIVITY PHOTOINTERRUPTER *Features Compact and thin Visible light cut-off type High sensitivity Moisture sensitivity level: 4 RoHS Compliant t h Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is 0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3. Lead spacing is measured where the leads emerge from the package. 4. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice. *Applications Cassette tape recorders,VCRs. Floppy disk drives. Various microcomputerized control equipment. K g in g i r b *Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C Symbol Rating Unit Forward current IF 50 mA Reverse voltage VR 6 V Power dissipation PD 75 mW Peak Forward Current (Pulse Width 100uS, Duty Cycle =1%) IFP 1 A Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 35 V Emitter-collector voltage VECO 6 V Collector current IC 20 mA Collector power dissipation PC 75 mW Operating temperature Topr -25~+85 C Storage temperature Tstg -40~+100 C soldering temperature (1/16 inch from body for 5 seconds) Tsol 260 C Parameter Input Output Note: 1.Relative humidity levels maintained between 40% and 60% in production area are recommended to avoid the build-up of static electricity - Ref JEDEC/JESD625-A and JEDEC/J-STD-033. SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.16 DATE: DEC/06/2018 PAGE: 1 OF 6 APPROVED: Wynec CHECKED: Tracy Deng DRAWN: L.T.Zhang ERP:1206000004 Part Number: KTIR0811S Electro-optical Characteristics Parameter Input Output Symbol Conditions Min. TYP. Max. Unit Forward Voltage VF IF=20mA 1.0 1.2 1.5 V Reverse Current IR VR=6V - - 10 A Peak Wavelength P IF=20mA - 940 - nm -9 Collector Dark Current *1 Collector Current Transfer characteristics *2 Leak Current Response time ICEO VCE=20V - 10 IC VCE=2V IF=4mA 10 - 400 A ILEAK VCE=2V IF=4mA - - 0.1 A - 20 100 sec - 20 100 sec Rise time tr Fall time tf VCE=2V IC=100A RL=1K,d=1mm 10 -7 A *1 The condition and arrangement of the reflective object are shown below. *2 Without reflective object. *3 Excess driving current and/or operating temperature higher than recommended conditions may result in severe light degradation or premature failure. E 10-120 F 100-250 G 200-400 100 Forward current IF (m A) t h Ic (uA) g in K 25 50 75 10 g i r b 0 -25 Collect or current I C (uA) BIN CODE 2000 VCE=2V Ta=25 1500 1000 500 0 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 2 20 30 40 50 Forward current I F (mA) Forw ard voltage V F (V) IF=15mA Ta= 25 600 Relative collector current Ic (% 125 700 Collector C urrent Ic(uA ) 10 500 10mA 400 7mA 300 200 4mA 100 2mA 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Collector-emitter Voltage VCE(V) 100 75 50 IF=4mA VCE=2V 25 0 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient temperature Ta() SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.16 DATE: DEC/06/2018 PAGE: 2 OF 6 APPROVED: Wynec CHECKED: Tracy Deng DRAWN: L.T.Zhang ERP:1206000004 Part Number: KTIR0811S Response time (us) 10000 V CE =2V IC=100uA Ta=25 1000 tf tr 100 td ts 10 td tr ts tf td tr 1 ts tf 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Collect or dark current I CEO (A) Load resistance R L (K ) t h g i r b 1.E-06 VCE=20V 1.E-07 g in 1.E-08 1.E-09 K 1.E-10 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient temperature Ta( ) 100 IF =4mA Relative collector current(%) Relative collector current(%) 100 VCE=2V d=1mm Ta=25 80 60 40 20 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Card moving distance 1 (mm) I F=4mA VCE=2V d=1mm 80 Ta=25 60 40 20 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Card moving distance 1 (mm) SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.16 DATE: DEC/06/2018 PAGE: 3 OF 6 APPROVED: Wynec CHECKED: Tracy Deng DRAWN: L.T.Zhang ERP:1206000004 Part Number: KTIR0811S Test Condition for Distance&Detecting Position Characteristics t h g i r b g in d K SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.16 DATE: DEC/06/2018 PAGE: 4 OF 6 APPROVED: Wynec CHECKED: Tracy Deng DRAWN: L.T.Zhang ERP:1206000004 Part Number: KTIR0811S Wave Soldering Profile Wave Soldering Profile For Lead-free Through-hole LED. t h Notes: 1. Recommend pre-heat temperature of 105C or less (as measured with a thermocouple attached to the LED pins) prior to immersion in the solder wave with a maximum solder bath temperature of 260C 2. Peak wave soldering temperature between 245C ~ 255C for 3 sec (5 sec max). 3. Do not apply stress to the epoxy resin while the temperature is above 85C. 4. Fixtures should not incur stress on the component when mounting and during soldering process. 5. SAC 305 solder alloy is recommended. 6. No more than one wave soldering pass. K g in g i r b SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.16 DATE: DEC/06/2018 PAGE: 5 OF 6 APPROVED: Wynec CHECKED: Tracy Deng DRAWN: L.T.Zhang ERP:1206000004 Part Number: KTIR0811S PACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONS t h g i r b g in K Terms and conditions for the usage of this document 1. The information included in this document reflects representative usage scenarios and is intended for technical reference only. 2. The part number, type, and specifications mentioned in this document are subject to future change and improvement without notice. Before production usage customer should refer to the latest datasheet for the updated specifications. 3. When using the products referenced in this document, please make sure the product is being operated within the environmental and electrical limits specified in the datasheet. If customer usage exceeds the specified limits, Kingbright will not be responsible for any subsequent issues. 4. The information in this document applies to typical usage in consumer electronics applications. If customer's application has special reliability requirements or have life-threatening liabilities, such as automotive or medical usage, please consult with Kingbright representative for further assistance. 5. The contents and information of this document may not be reproduced or re-transmitted without permission by Kingbright. 6. All design applications should refer to Kingbright application notes available at SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.16 DATE: DEC/06/2018 PAGE: 6 OF 6 APPROVED: Wynec CHECKED: Tracy Deng DRAWN: L.T.Zhang ERP:1206000004