LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode
December 1994
LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 Micropower
Voltage Reference Diode
General Description
The LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 are micropower 2-
terminal band-gap voltage regulator diodes. Operating over
a20mA to 20 mA current range, they feature exceptionally
low dynamic impedance and good temperature stability. On-
chip trimming is used to provide tight voltage tolerance.
Since the LM-185-2.5 band-gap reference uses only transis-
tors and resistors, low noise and good long term stability
Careful design of the LM185-2.5 has made the device ex-
ceptionally tolerant of capacitive loading, making it easy to
use in almost any reference application. The wide dynamic
operating range allows its use with widely varying supplies
with excellent regulation.
The extremely low power drain of the LM185-2.5 makes it
useful for micropower circuitry. This voltage reference can
be used to make portable meters, regulators or general pur-
pose analog circuitry with battery life approaching shelf life.
Further, the wide operating current allows it to replace older
references with a tighter tolerance part. For applications re-
quiring 1.2V see LM185-1.2.
The LM185-2.5 is rated for operation over a b55§Cto
125§C temperature range while the LM285-2.5 is rated
C and the LM385-2.5 0§Cto70
C. The LM185-
2.5/LM285-2.5 are available in a hermetic TO-46 package
and the LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 are also available in a low-
cost TO-92 molded package, as well as S.O. The LM185-25
is also available in a hermetic leadless chip carrier package.
Yg20 mV (g0.8%) max. initial tolerance (A grade)
YOperating current of 20 mAto20mA
Y0.6Xdynamic impedance (A grade)
YLow temperature coefficient
YLow voltage referenceÐ2.5V
Y1.2V device and adjustable device also availableÐ
LM185-1.2 series and LM185 series, respectively
Wide Input Range Reference
Micropower Reference from 9V Battery
Connection Diagrams
Plastic Package
Bottom View
Order Number LM285Z-2.5,
LM285AZ-2.5, LM285AXZ-2.5,
LM285BXZ-2.5, LM285BYZ-2.5,
LM385Z-2.5, LM385AZ-2.5,
LM385AXZ-2.5, LM385AYZ-2.5,
LM385BZ-2.5, LM385BXZ-2.5
or LM385BYZ-2.5
See NS Package Number Z03A
Metal Can Package
Bottom View
Order Number LM185H-2.5,
LM185BXH-2.5, LM185BXH-2.5/883,
LM185BYH-2.5, LM185BYH2.5/883,
LM285H-2.5, LM285BXH-2.5
or LM285BYH-2.5
See NS Package Number H02A
SO Package
Order Number LM285M-2.5,
LM285AM-2.5, LM285AXM-2.5,
LM285AYM-2.5, LM285BXM-2.5,
LM285BYM-2.5, LM385M-2.5,
LM385AM-2.5, LM385AXM-2.5,
LM385AYM-2.5, LM385BM-2.5,
LM385BXM-2.5 or LM385BYM-2.5
See NS Package Number M08A
C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation RRD-B30M75/Printed in U. S. A.