Part Number: : KTIR0811S SUBMINIATURE, HIGH SENSITIVITY PHOTOINTERRUPTER *Features Compact and thin. Visible light cut-off type. High sensitivity. RoHS Compliant. *Applications Cassette tape recorders,VCRs. Floppy disk drives. Various microcomputerized control equipment. UNIT : MM[INCH] TOLERANCE :0.25[ 0.01] UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. *Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C Symbol Rating Unit Forward current IF 50 mA Reverse voltage VR 6 V Power dissipation Pd 75 mW Peak Forward Current (Pulse Width 100uS, Duty Cycle =1%) IFP 1 A Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 35 V Emitter-collector voltage VECO 6 V Collector current IC 20 mA Collector power dissipation PC 75 mW Operating temperature Topr -25~+85 C Storage temperature Tstg -40~+100 C soldering temperature (1/16 inch from body for 5 seconds) Tsol 260 C Parameter Input Output SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.11 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Tracy Deng DATE: MAR/17/2009 PAGE: 1 OF 6 DRAWN: S.P.Chen ERP:1206000004 Part Number: : KTIR0811S Electro-optical Characteristics Parameter Input Output Symbol Conditions Min. TYP. Max. Unit Forward Voltage VF IF=20mA 1.0 1.2 1.5 V Reverse Current IR VR=6V - - 10 A Peak Wavelength P IF=20mA - 940 - nm Collector Dark Current ICEO VCE=20V - 10-9 10-7 A IC VCE=2V IF=4mA 10 - 400 A ILEAK VCE=2V IF=4mA - - 0.1 A - 20 100 sec - 20 100 sec *1 Collector Current Transfer characteristics *2 Leak Current Response time Rise time tr Fall time tf VCE=2V IC=100A RL=1K,d=1mm *1 The condition and arrangement of the reflective object are shown below. *2 Without reflective object. BIN CODE Ic (uA) E 10-120 F 100-250 G 200-400 25 50 0 -25 75 10 Collect or current I C (uA) Forward current IF (m A) 100 2000 VCE=2V Ta=25 1500 1000 500 0 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 2 20 30 40 50 Forward current I F (mA) Forw ard voltage V F (V) IF=15mA Ta= 25 600 Relative collector current Ic (% 125 700 Collector C urrent Ic(uA ) 10 500 10mA 400 7mA 300 200 4mA 100 2mA 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Collector-emitter Voltage VCE(V) SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.11 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Tracy Deng 100 75 50 IF=4mA VCE=2V 25 0 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient temperature Ta() DATE: MAR/17/2009 PAGE: 2 OF 6 DRAWN: S.P.Chen ERP:1206000004 Part Number: : KTIR0811S Response time (us) 10000 V CE =2V IC=100uA Ta=25 1000 tf tr 100 td ts 10 td tr ts tf td tr 1 ts tf 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Collect or dark current I CEO (A) Load resistance R L (K ) 1.E-06 VCE=20V 1.E-07 1.E-08 1.E-09 1.E-10 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient temperature Ta( ) 100 IF =4mA Relative collector current(%) Relative collector current(%) 100 VCE=2V d=1mm Ta=25 80 60 40 20 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Card moving distance 1 (mm) SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.11 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Tracy Deng I F=4mA VCE=2V d=1mm 80 Ta=25 60 40 20 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Card moving distance 1 (mm) DATE: MAR/17/2009 PAGE: 3 OF 6 DRAWN: S.P.Chen ERP:1206000004 Part Number: : KTIR0811S Test Condition for Distance&Detecting Position Characteristics d SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.11 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Tracy Deng DATE: MAR/17/2009 PAGE: 4 OF 6 DRAWN: S.P.Chen ERP:1206000004 Part Number: : KTIR0811S Wave Soldering Profile SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.11 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Tracy Deng DATE: MAR/17/2009 PAGE: 5 OF 6 DRAWN: S.P.Chen ERP:1206000004 Part Number: : PACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONS SPEC NO: DSAB2476 REV NO: V.11 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Tracy Deng KTIR0811S KTIR0811S DATE: MAR/17/2009 PAGE: 6 OF 6 DRAWN: S.P.Chen ERP:1206000004