This manual has been updated in several places. Please consult "Errata to MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Host Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2," Rev 2.4, available from (order ID MPC8548ERMAD), to see these changes. MPC8548E PowerQUICCTM III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual Supports MPC8548E MPC8548 MPC8547E MPC8545E MPC8545 MPC8543E MPC8543 MPC8548ERM Rev. 2 02/2007 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Information Center, EL516 2100 East Elliot Road Tempe, Arizona 85284 +1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130 Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. 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Part I--Overview I Overview 1 Memory Map 2 Signal Descriptions 3 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization 4 Part II--e500 Core Complex and L2 Cache II Core Complex Overview 5 Core Register Summary 6 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7 Part III--Memory, Security, and I/O Interfaces III e500 Coherency Module 8 DDR Memory Controller 9 Programmable Interrupt Controller 10 I2C Interfaces 11 DUART 12 Local Bus Controller 13 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 14 DMA Controller 15 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 16 Serial RapidIO Interface 17 PCI Express Interface Controller 18 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 19 Part IV--Global Functions and Debug IV Global Utilities 20 Device Performance Monitor 21 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22 MPC8547E A MPC8545E B MPC8543E C Revision History D Glossary GLO Index 1 Register Index (Memory-Mapped Registers) REG Index 2 General Index IND I Part I--Overview 1 Overview 2 Memory Map 3 Signal Descriptions 4 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization II Part II--e500 Core Complex and L2 Cache 5 Core Complex Overview 6 Core Register Summary 7 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM III Part III--Memory, Security, and I/O Interfaces 8 e500 Coherency Module 9 DDR Memory Controller 10 Programmable Interrupt Controller 11 I2C Interfaces 12 DUART 13 Local Bus Controller 14 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 15 DMA Controller 16 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 17 Serial RapidIO Interface 18 PCI Express Interface Controller 19 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 IV Part IV--Global Functions and Debug 20 Global Utilities 21 Device Performance Monitor 22 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility A MPC8547E B MPC8545E C MPC8543E D Revision History GLO Glossary REG Index 1 Register Index (Memory-Mapped Registers) IND Index 2 General Index Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Contents About This Book Audience Suggested Reading......................................................................................................... cviii General Information................................................................................................... cviii Related Documentation.............................................................................................. cviii Conventions ......................................................................................................................cix Signal Conventions Acronyms and Abbreviations Part I Overview Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.3.9 1.3.10 1.3.11 1.3.12 1.3.13 1.3.14 1.3.15 1.3.16 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 1-1 MPC8548E Overview...................................................................................................... 1-2 Key Features ................................................................................................................ 1-2 MPC8548E Architecture Overview............................................................................... 1-10 e500 Core Overview .................................................................................................. 1-10 On-Chip Memory Unit............................................................................................... 1-14 On-Chip Memory as Memory-Mapped SRAM......................................................... 1-15 On-Chip Memory as L2 Cache.................................................................................. 1-15 e500 Coherency Module (ECM)................................................................................ 1-16 DDR SDRAM Controller .......................................................................................... 1-16 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC).................................................................. 1-17 Integrated Security Engine (SEC) for the MPC8548E .............................................. 1-18 I2C Controllers........................................................................................................... 1-19 Boot Sequencer .......................................................................................................... 1-19 Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (DUART) ............................... 1-19 Local Bus Controller.................................................................................................. 1-19 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers (eTSECs)............................................ 1-20 OceaN Switch Fabric ................................................................................................. 1-22 Integrated DMA......................................................................................................... 1-22 PCI/PCI-X Controllers............................................................................................... 1-22 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor v Contents Paragraph Number 1.3.17 1.3.18 1.3.19 1.3.20 1.3.21 1.3.22 1.3.23 1.3.24 1.4 1.4.1 Page Number Title High Speed I/O Interfaces.......................................................................................... 1-23 Serial RapidIO Interface ............................................................................................ 1-23 RapidIO Message Unit .......................................................................................... 1-23 PCI Express Interface ................................................................................................ 1-24 Power Management ................................................................................................... 1-24 Clocking..................................................................................................................... 1-25 Address Map .............................................................................................................. 1-25 Processing Across the On-Chip Fabric...................................................................... 1-25 Data Processing with the e500 Coherency Module ................................................... 1-26 MPC8548E Application Examples ................................................................................ 1-26 MPC8548E Applications ........................................................................................... 1-26 Chapter 2 Memory Map 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 Local Memory Map Overview and Example .................................................................. 2-1 Address Translation and Mapping ................................................................................... 2-3 SRAM Windows.......................................................................................................... 2-4 Window into Configuration Space............................................................................... 2-4 Local Access Windows................................................................................................ 2-4 Local Access Register Memory Map ...................................................................... 2-5 Local Access IP Block Revision Register 1 (LAIPBRR1)...................................... 2-6 Local Access IP Block Revision Register 2 (LAIPBRR2)...................................... 2-6 Local Access Window n Base Address Registers (LAWBAR0-LAWBAR9)........ 2-7 Local Access Window n Attributes Registers (LAWAR0-LAWAR9) .................... 2-7 Precedence of Local Access Windows .................................................................... 2-8 Configuring Local Access Windows ....................................................................... 2-8 Distinguishing Local Access Windows from Other Mapping Functions ................ 2-9 Illegal Interaction Between Local Access Windows and DDR SDRAM Chip Selects.......................................................................................... 2-9 Outbound Address Translation and Mapping Windows.............................................. 2-9 Inbound Address Translation and Mapping Windows .............................................. 2-10 Serial RapidIO Inbound ATMU............................................................................. 2-10 PCI/PCI-X Inbound ATMU................................................................................... 2-10 PCI Express Inbound ATMU................................................................................. 2-10 Illegal Interaction Between Inbound ATMUs and Local Access Windows .......... 2-10 Configuration, Control, and Status Register Map.......................................................... 2-10 Accessing CCSR Memory from the Local Processor................................................ 2-11 Accessing CCSR Memory from External Masters .................................................... 2-12 Organization of CCSR Memory ................................................................................ 2-12 General Utilities Registers ......................................................................................... 2-13 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 vi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.4 Title Page Number Interrupt Controller and CCSR .................................................................................. 2-14 Serial RapidIO and CCSR ......................................................................................... 2-14 Device-Specific Utilities............................................................................................ 2-15 Accessing Reserved Registers and Bits ..................................................................... 2-16 Complete CCSR Map .................................................................................................... 2-16 Chapter 3 Signal Descriptions 3.1 3.2 3.3 Signals Overview ............................................................................................................. 3-1 Configuration Signals Sampled at Reset ....................................................................... 3-18 Output Signal States During Reset ................................................................................ 3-20 Chapter 4 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 4-1 External Signal Descriptions ........................................................................................... 4-1 System Control Signals................................................................................................ 4-2 Clock Signals ............................................................................................................... 4-3 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................... 4-3 Local Configuration Control........................................................................................ 4-3 Accessing Configuration, Control, and Status Registers......................................... 4-4 Updating CCSRBAR ........................................................................................... 4-4 Configuration, Control, and Status Base Address Register (CCSRBAR)........... 4-5 Accessing Alternate Configuration Space ............................................................... 4-5 Alternate Configuration Base Address Register (ALTCBAR)............................ 4-6 Alternate Configuration Attribute Register (ALTCAR)...................................... 4-6 Boot Page Translation.............................................................................................. 4-7 Boot Page Translation Register (BPTR).............................................................. 4-7 Boot Sequencer ............................................................................................................ 4-7 Functional Description..................................................................................................... 4-8 Reset Operations .......................................................................................................... 4-8 Soft Reset................................................................................................................. 4-8 Hard Reset ............................................................................................................... 4-8 Power-On Reset Sequence........................................................................................... 4-9 Power-On Reset Configuration.................................................................................. 4-10 System PLL Ratio.................................................................................................. 4-11 e500 Core PLL Ratio ............................................................................................. 4-12 Boot ROM Location .............................................................................................. 4-12 Host/Agent Configuration ..................................................................................... 4-13 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor vii Contents Paragraph Number 4.4.4 Page Number Title I/O Port Selection .................................................................................................. 4-14 CPU Boot Configuration ....................................................................................... 4-15 Boot Sequencer Configuration .............................................................................. 4-15 DDR SDRAM Type............................................................................................... 4-16 eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width.................................................................................. 4-16 eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Width.................................................................................. 4-17 eTSEC1 Protocol ................................................................................................... 4-17 eTSEC2 Protocol ................................................................................................... 4-18 eTSEC3 Protocol ................................................................................................... 4-18 eTSEC4 Protocol ................................................................................................... 4-19 RapidIO Device ID ................................................................................................ 4-19 RapidIO System Size............................................................................................. 4-20 PCI Clock Selection............................................................................................... 4-20 PCI Speed Configuration ....................................................................................... 4-21 PCI Bus Width ....................................................................................................... 4-21 PCI I/O Impedance ................................................................................................ 4-22 PCI Arbiter Configuration ..................................................................................... 4-22 PCI Debug Configuration ...................................................................................... 4-23 PCI-X Configuration ............................................................................................. 4-23 Memory Debug Configuration .............................................................................. 4-23 DDR Debug Configuration.................................................................................... 4-24 General-Purpose POR Configuration .................................................................... 4-24 SerDes Enable........................................................................................................ 4-24 Clocking..................................................................................................................... 4-25 System Clock/PCI Clock ....................................................................................... 4-25 RapidIO and PCI Express Clocks.......................................................................... 4-26 Minimum Frequency Requirements .................................................................. 4-27 Ethernet Clocks...................................................................................................... 4-27 Real Time Clock .................................................................................................... 4-27 Part II e500 Core Complex and L2 Cache Chapter 5 Core Complex Overview 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.3 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 5-1 Upward Compatibility ................................................................................................. 5-3 Core Complex Summary ............................................................................................. 5-3 e500 Processor and System Version Numbers................................................................. 5-4 Features ............................................................................................................................ 5-5 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 viii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 5.3.1 5.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 5.8.5 5.9 5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.9.4 5.10 5.10.1 5.10.2 5.10.3 5.10.4 5.11 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.2 5.12.3 5.13 5.13.1 5.13.2 5.13.3 5.13.4 5.13.5 5.13.6 5.14 Title Page Number e500v2 Differences .................................................................................................... 5-11 Instruction Set ................................................................................................................ 5-12 Instruction Flow ............................................................................................................. 5-14 Initial Instruction Fetch.............................................................................................. 5-14 Branch Detection and Prediction ............................................................................... 5-14 e500 Execution Pipeline ............................................................................................ 5-15 Programming Model ...................................................................................................... 5-17 On-Chip Cache Implementation .................................................................................... 5-19 Interrupts and Exception Handling ................................................................................ 5-19 Exception Handling ................................................................................................... 5-19 Interrupt Classes ........................................................................................................ 5-20 Interrupt Types ........................................................................................................... 5-20 Upper Bound on Interrupt Latencies ......................................................................... 5-21 Interrupt Registers...................................................................................................... 5-21 Memory Management.................................................................................................... 5-23 Address Translation ................................................................................................... 5-25 MMU Assist Registers (MAS0-MAS4 and MAS6-MAS7)..................................... 5-26 Process ID Registers (PID0-PID2)............................................................................ 5-27 TLB Coherency.......................................................................................................... 5-27 Memory Coherency ....................................................................................................... 5-27 Atomic Update Memory References ......................................................................... 5-28 Memory Access Ordering.......................................................................................... 5-28 Cache Control Instructions ........................................................................................ 5-28 Programmable Page Characteristics .......................................................................... 5-28 Core Complex Bus (CCB) ............................................................................................. 5-28 Performance Monitoring................................................................................................ 5-29 Global Control Register ............................................................................................. 5-29 Performance Monitor Counter Registers ................................................................... 5-29 Local Control Registers ............................................................................................. 5-30 Legacy Support of Power Architecture Technology...................................................... 5-30 Instruction Set Compatibility..................................................................................... 5-30 User Instruction Set ............................................................................................... 5-30 Supervisor Instruction Set...................................................................................... 5-31 Memory Subsystem ................................................................................................... 5-31 Exception Handling ................................................................................................... 5-31 Memory Management................................................................................................ 5-31 Reset........................................................................................................................... 5-31 Little-Endian Mode.................................................................................................... 5-32 PowerQUICC III Implementation Details ..................................................................... 5-32 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor ix Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Title Chapter 6 Core Register Summary 6.1 6.1.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.6.4 6.6.5 6.7 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.8 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 6-1 Register Set .................................................................................................................. 6-1 Register Model for 32-Bit Implementations .................................................................... 6-3 Special-Purpose Registers (SPRs) ............................................................................... 6-4 Registers for Computational Operations.......................................................................... 6-8 General-Purpose Registers (GPRs).............................................................................. 6-8 Integer Exception Register (XER)............................................................................... 6-8 Registers for Branch Operations...................................................................................... 6-9 Condition Register (CR) .............................................................................................. 6-9 Link Register (LR)..................................................................................................... 6-11 Count Register (CTR)................................................................................................ 6-11 Processor Control Registers........................................................................................... 6-11 Machine State Register (MSR) .................................................................................. 6-11 Processor ID Register (PIR) ...................................................................................... 6-13 Processor Version Register (PVR)............................................................................. 6-13 System Version Register (SVR)................................................................................. 6-14 Timer Registers .............................................................................................................. 6-14 Timer Control Register (TCR)................................................................................... 6-14 Timer Status Register (TSR)...................................................................................... 6-15 Time Base Registers .................................................................................................. 6-16 Decrementer Register ................................................................................................ 6-16 Decrementer Auto-Reload Register (DECAR).......................................................... 6-17 Interrupt Registers.......................................................................................................... 6-17 Interrupt Registers Defined by the Embedded and Base Categories ......................... 6-17 Save/Restore Register 0 (SRR0)............................................................................ 6-17 Save/Restore Register 1 (SRR1)............................................................................ 6-17 Critical Save/Restore Register 0 (CSRR0) ............................................................ 6-17 Critical Save/Restore Register 1 (CSRR1) ............................................................ 6-18 Data Exception Address Register (DEAR)............................................................ 6-18 Interrupt Vector Prefix Register (IVPR) ................................................................ 6-18 Interrupt Vector Offset Registers (IVORn)............................................................ 6-18 Exception Syndrome Register (ESR) .................................................................... 6-19 Additional Interrupt Registers ................................................................................... 6-20 Machine Check Save/Restore Register 0 (MCSRR0) ........................................... 6-20 Machine Check Save/Restore Register 1 (MCSRR1) ........................................... 6-20 Machine Check Address Register (MCAR/MCARU) .......................................... 6-21 Machine Check Syndrome Register (MCSR)........................................................ 6-21 Software-Use SPRs (SPRG0-SPRG7 and USPRG0) ................................................... 6-22 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 x Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 6.9 6.9.1 6.9.2 6.9.3 6.10 6.10.1 6.10.2 6.11 6.11.1 6.11.2 6.11.3 6.11.4 6.12 6.12.1 6.12.2 6.12.3 6.12.4 6.12.5 6.13 6.13.1 6.13.2 6.13.3 6.13.4 6.14 6.14.1 6.15 6.15.1 6.15.2 Title Page Number Branch Target Buffer (BTB) Registers .......................................................................... 6-23 Branch Buffer Entry Address Register (BBEAR) ..................................................... 6-23 Branch Buffer Target Address Register (BBTAR) .................................................... 6-23 Branch Unit Control and Status Register (BUCSR) .................................................. 6-24 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Registers........................................................... 6-25 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0)......................................... 6-25 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)......................................... 6-26 L1 Cache Configuration Registers................................................................................. 6-28 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 0 (L1CSR0) .................................................. 6-28 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 1 (L1CSR1) .................................................. 6-29 L1 Cache Configuration Register 0 (L1CFG0) ......................................................... 6-30 L1 Cache Configuration Register 1 (L1CFG1) ......................................................... 6-31 MMU Registers.............................................................................................................. 6-32 Process ID Registers (PID0-PID2)............................................................................ 6-32 MMU Control and Status Register 0 (MMUCSR0) .................................................. 6-32 MMU Configuration Register (MMUCFG) .............................................................. 6-32 TLB Configuration Registers (TLBnCFG)................................................................ 6-33 TLB0 Configuration Register 0 (TLB0CFG) ........................................................ 6-33 TLB1 Configuration Register 1 (TLB1CFG) ........................................................ 6-34 MMU Assist Registers............................................................................................... 6-35 MAS Register 0 (MAS0) ....................................................................................... 6-35 MAS Register 1 (MAS1) ....................................................................................... 6-35 MAS Register 2 (MAS2) ....................................................................................... 6-36 MAS Register 3 (MAS3) ....................................................................................... 6-37 MAS Register 4 (MAS4) ....................................................................................... 6-38 MAS Register 6 (MAS6) ....................................................................................... 6-38 MAS Register 7 (MAS7) ....................................................................................... 6-39 Debug Registers ............................................................................................................. 6-39 Debug Control Registers (DBCR0-DBCR2) ............................................................ 6-39 Debug Control Register 0 (DBCR0)...................................................................... 6-39 Debug Control Register 1 (DBCR1)...................................................................... 6-41 Debug Control Register 2 (DBCR2)...................................................................... 6-42 Debug Status Register (DBSR).................................................................................. 6-43 Instruction Address Compare Registers (IAC1-IAC2) ............................................. 6-45 Data Address Compare Registers (DAC1-DAC2).................................................... 6-45 Signal Processing and Embedded Floating-Point Status and Control Register (SPEFSCR).............................................................................. 6-45 Accumulator (ACC)................................................................................................... 6-47 Performance Monitor Registers (PMRs) ....................................................................... 6-48 Global Control Register 0 (PMGC0, UPMGC0)....................................................... 6-49 Local Control A Registers (PMLCa0-PMLCa3, UPMLCa0-UPMLCa3) ............... 6-50 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xi Contents Paragraph Number 6.15.3 6.15.4 Page Number Title Local Control B Registers (PMLCb0-PMLCb3, UPMLCb0-UPMLCb3) .............. 6-51 Performance Monitor Counter Registers (PMC0-PMC3, UPMC0-UPMC3).......... 6-52 Chapter 7 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.1 7.1.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.3.1 7.4 7.4.1 7.5 7.6 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.7 7.7.1 7.7.2 7.7.3 7.7.4 7.7.5 7.7.6 7.8 L2 Cache Overview ......................................................................................................... 7-1 L2 Cache and SRAM Features .................................................................................... 7-2 L2 Cache and SRAM Organization ................................................................................. 7-4 Accessing the On-Chip Array as an L2 Cache ............................................................ 7-5 Accessing the On-Chip Array as an SRAM ................................................................ 7-5 Connection of the On-Chip Memory to the System .................................................... 7-7 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................... 7-8 L2/SRAM Register Descriptions ............................................................................... 7-10 L2 Control Register (L2CTL)................................................................................ 7-10 L2 Cache External Write Registers ....................................................................... 7-13 L2 Cache External Write Address Registers 0-3 (L2CEWARn) ...................... 7-13 L2 Cache External Write Address Registers Extended Address 0-3 (L2CEWAREAn)........................................................................................... 7-14 L2 Cache External Write Control Registers 0-3 (L2CEWCRn)....................... 7-15 L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Registers ................................................................. 7-16 L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers 0-1 (L2SRBARn) ........ 7-16 L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers Extended Address 0-1 (L2SRBAREAn)............................................................................................ 7-17 L2 Error Registers.................................................................................................. 7-17 Error Injection Registers.................................................................................... 7-18 Error Control and Capture Registers ................................................................. 7-20 External Writes to the L2 Cache (Cache Stashing)........................................................ 7-25 Stash-Only Cache Regions ........................................................................................ 7-26 L2 Cache Timing ........................................................................................................... 7-27 L2 Cache and SRAM Coherency................................................................................... 7-27 L2 Cache Coherency Rules........................................................................................ 7-28 Memory-Mapped SRAM Coherency Rules .............................................................. 7-29 L2 Cache Locking.......................................................................................................... 7-29 Locking the Entire L2 Cache ..................................................................................... 7-29 Locking Programmed Memory Ranges..................................................................... 7-30 Locking Selected Lines.............................................................................................. 7-30 Clearing Locks on Selected Lines ............................................................................. 7-30 Flash Clearing of Instruction and Data Locks ........................................................... 7-31 Locks with Stale Data ................................................................................................ 7-31 PLRU L2 Replacement Policy....................................................................................... 7-31 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 7.8.1 7.8.2 7.9 7.9.1 7.9.2 7.9.3 7.9.4 7.9.5 7.9.6 Title Page Number PLRU Bit Update Considerations.............................................................................. 7-32 Allocation of Lines .................................................................................................... 7-32 L2 Cache Operation ....................................................................................................... 7-33 Initialization ............................................................................................................... 7-33 L2 Cache Initialization .......................................................................................... 7-33 Memory-Mapped SRAM Initialization ................................................................. 7-33 Flash Invalidation of the L2 Cache............................................................................ 7-34 Managing Errors ........................................................................................................ 7-34 ECC Errors............................................................................................................. 7-34 Tag Parity Errors.................................................................................................... 7-34 L2 Cache States ......................................................................................................... 7-34 L2 State Transitions ................................................................................................... 7-35 Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) ...................................................................... 7-39 Part III Memory, Security, and I/O Interfaces Chapter 8 e500 Coherency Module 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.2 8.2.1 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.4 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 8-1 Overview...................................................................................................................... 8-2 Features........................................................................................................................ 8-2 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................... 8-3 Register Descriptions................................................................................................... 8-3 ECM CCB Address Configuration Register (EEBACR) ........................................ 8-3 ECM CCB Port Configuration Register (EEBPCR) ............................................... 8-4 ECM IP Block Revision Register 1 (EIPBRR1) ..................................................... 8-5 ECM IP Block Revision Register 2 (EIPBRR2) ..................................................... 8-5 ECM Error Detect Register (EEDR) ....................................................................... 8-6 ECM Error Enable Register (EEER) ....................................................................... 8-7 ECM Error Attributes Capture Register (EEATR) .................................................. 8-7 ECM Error Low Address Capture Register (EELADR) ......................................... 8-8 ECM Error High Address Capture Register (EEHADR) ........................................ 8-9 Functional Description..................................................................................................... 8-9 I/O Arbiter.................................................................................................................... 8-9 CCB Arbiter................................................................................................................. 8-9 Transaction Queue ..................................................................................................... 8-10 Global Data Multiplexor............................................................................................ 8-10 CCB Interface ............................................................................................................ 8-10 Initialization/Application Information ........................................................................... 8-10 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xiii Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Title Chapter 9 DDR Memory Controller 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.4 9.4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 9-1 Features ............................................................................................................................ 9-2 Modes of Operation ..................................................................................................... 9-3 External Signal Descriptions ........................................................................................... 9-3 Signals Overview......................................................................................................... 9-3 Detailed Signal Descriptions ....................................................................................... 9-6 Memory Interface Signals........................................................................................ 9-6 Clock Interface Signals............................................................................................ 9-9 Debug Signals........................................................................................................ 9-10 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 9-10 Register Descriptions................................................................................................. 9-11 Chip Select Memory Bounds (CSn_BNDS).......................................................... 9-11 Chip Select Configuration (CSn_CONFIG).......................................................... 9-12 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3)................................. 9-14 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0)................................. 9-14 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1)................................. 9-16 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 (TIMING_CFG_2)................................. 9-18 DDR SDRAM Control Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_CFG)............................. 9-20 DDR SDRAM Control Configuration 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2)...................... 9-23 DDR SDRAM Mode Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_MODE)............................ 9-25 DDR SDRAM Mode 2 Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2)..................... 9-26 DDR SDRAM Mode Control Register (DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL)................. 9-26 DDR SDRAM Interval Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL) ................. 9-29 DDR SDRAM Data Initialization (DDR_DATA_INIT) ....................................... 9-30 DDR SDRAM Clock Control (DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL) ............................. 9-30 DDR Initialization Address (DDR_INIT_ADDR)................................................ 9-31 DDR Initialization Extended Address (DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR) ...................... 9-31 DDR IP Block Revision 1 (DDR_IP_REV1)........................................................ 9-32 DDR IP Block Revision 2 (DDR_IP_REV2)........................................................ 9-32 Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask High (DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI) ........ 9-33 Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask Low (DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO)........ 9-33 Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask ECC (ERR_INJECT)........................... 9-34 Memory Data Path Read Capture High (CAPTURE_DATA_HI)......................... 9-34 Memory Data Path Read Capture Low (CAPTURE_DATA_LO) ........................ 9-35 Memory Data Path Read Capture ECC (CAPTURE_ECC).................................. 9-35 Memory Error Detect (ERR_DETECT)................................................................ 9-35 Memory Error Disable (ERR_DISABLE)............................................................. 9-36 Memory Error Interrupt Enable (ERR_INT_EN).................................................. 9-37 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xiv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4 9.5.5 9.5.6 9.5.7 9.5.8 9.5.9 9.5.10 9.5.11 9.5.12 9.6 9.6.1 9.6.2 9.6.3 Title Page Number Memory Error Attributes Capture (CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES).......................... 9-38 Memory Error Address Capture (CAPTURE_ADDRESS) .................................. 9-39 Memory Error Extended Address Capture (CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS)......... 9-40 Single-Bit ECC Memory Error Management (ERR_SBE) ................................... 9-40 Functional Description................................................................................................... 9-41 DDR SDRAM Interface Operation............................................................................ 9-45 Supported DDR SDRAM Organizations............................................................... 9-45 DDR SDRAM Address Multiplexing........................................................................ 9-47 JEDEC Standard DDR SDRAM Interface Commands ............................................. 9-52 DDR SDRAM Interface Timing................................................................................ 9-54 Clock Distribution ................................................................................................. 9-57 DDR SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing............................................................. 9-58 DDR SDRAM Registered DIMM Mode ................................................................... 9-59 DDR SDRAM Write Timing Adjustments ................................................................ 9-59 DDR SDRAM Refresh .............................................................................................. 9-60 DDR SDRAM Refresh Timing.............................................................................. 9-61 DDR SDRAM Refresh and Power-Saving Modes ................................................ 9-61 Self-Refresh in Sleep Mode............................................................................... 9-63 DDR Data Beat Ordering........................................................................................... 9-64 Page Mode and Logical Bank Retention ................................................................... 9-64 Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) ...................................................................... 9-65 Error Management ..................................................................................................... 9-67 Initialization/Application Information........................................................................... 9-68 Programming Differences Between Memory Types.................................................. 9-69 DDR SDRAM Initialization Sequence ...................................................................... 9-72 Using Forced Self-Refresh Mode to Implement a Battery-Backed RAM System ......................................................................................................... 9-72 Hardware Based Self-Refresh................................................................................ 9-72 Software Based Self-Refresh................................................................................. 9-73 Bypassing Re-initialization During Battery-Backed Operation ............................ 9-73 Chapter 10 Programmable Interrupt Controller 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.1.4 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 10-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 10-1 Features...................................................................................................................... 10-1 Interrupts to the Processor Core................................................................................. 10-2 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 10-3 Mixed Mode (GCR[M] = 1) .................................................................................. 10-3 Pass-Through Mode (GCR[M] = 0) ...................................................................... 10-3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xv Contents Paragraph Number 10.1.5 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.3.5 10.3.6 Page Number Title Interrupt Sources........................................................................................................ 10-4 Interrupt Routing--Mixed Mode........................................................................... 10-4 Internal Interrupt Sources ...................................................................................... 10-5 External Signal Descriptions ......................................................................................... 10-6 Signal Overview ........................................................................................................ 10-6 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................................... 10-6 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 10-7 Global Registers....................................................................................................... 10-16 Block Revision Register 1 (BRR1)...................................................................... 10-16 Block Revision Register 2 (BRR2)...................................................................... 10-17 Feature Reporting Register (FRR)....................................................................... 10-17 Global Configuration Register (GCR)................................................................. 10-18 Vendor Identification Register (VIR) .................................................................. 10-19 Processor Initialization Register (PIR) ................................................................ 10-19 IPI Vector/Priority Registers (IPIVPRn) ............................................................. 10-20 Spurious Vector Register (SVR).......................................................................... 10-21 Global Timer Registers ............................................................................................ 10-21 Timer Frequency Reporting Register (TFRR)..................................................... 10-21 Global Timer Current Count Registers (GTCCRn) ............................................. 10-22 Global Timer Base Count Registers (GTBCRn).................................................. 10-22 Global Timer Vector/Priority Registers (GTVPRn)............................................. 10-23 Global Timer Destination Registers (GTDRn) .................................................... 10-24 Timer Control Register (TCR)............................................................................. 10-24 External, IRQ_OUT, and Critical Interrupt Summary Registers............................. 10-26 External Interrupt Summary Register (ERQSR) ................................................. 10-26 IRQ_OUT Summary Register 0 (IRQSR0) ......................................................... 10-27 IRQ_OUT Summary Register 1 (IRQSR1) ......................................................... 10-28 IRQ_OUT Summary Register 2 (IRQSR2) ......................................................... 10-28 Critical Interrupt Summary Register 0 (CISR0).................................................. 10-29 Critical Interrupt Summary Register 1 (CISR1).................................................. 10-29 Critical Interrupt Summary Register 2 (CISR2).................................................. 10-30 Performance Monitor Mask Registers (PMMRs).................................................... 10-30 Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 0 (PMnMR0) ....................................... 10-30 Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 1 (PMnMR1) ....................................... 10-31 Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 2 (PMnMR2) ....................................... 10-31 Message Registers.................................................................................................... 10-32 Message Registers (MSGR0-MSGR3) ............................................................... 10-32 Message Enable Register (MER)......................................................................... 10-32 Message Status Register (MSR) .......................................................................... 10-33 Shared Message Signaled Registers ........................................................................ 10-34 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Registers (MSIRs) ...................................... 10-34 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 10.3.7 10.3.8 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 10.4.5 10.4.6 10.4.7 10.4.8 10.5 10.5.1 Title Page Number Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Status Register (MSISR)............................. 10-34 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Index Register (MSIIR) .............................. 10-35 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Vector/Priority Register (MSIVPRn).......... 10-35 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Destination Register (MSIDRn) ................. 10-36 Interrupt Source Configuration Registers ................................................................ 10-37 External Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (EIVPR0-EIVPR11) ..................... 10-37 External Interrupt Destination Registers (EIDR0-EIDR11) ............................... 10-38 Internal Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (IIVPR0-IIVPR47)......................... 10-38 Internal Interrupt Destination Registers (IIDR0-IIDR47) .................................. 10-39 Messaging Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (MIVPR0-MIVPR3) ................. 10-40 Messaging Interrupt Destination Registers (MIDR0-MIDR3) ........................... 10-41 Per-CPU Registers ................................................................................................... 10-41 Interprocessor Interrupt Dispatch Registers (IPIDR0-IPIDR3).......................... 10-43 Processor Current Task Priority Register (CTPR)............................................... 10-44 Who Am I Register (WHOAMI) ......................................................................... 10-45 Processor Interrupt Acknowledge Register (IACK)............................................ 10-45 Processor End of Interrupt Register (EOI) .......................................................... 10-46 Functional Description................................................................................................. 10-46 Flow of Interrupt Control......................................................................................... 10-46 Interrupt Source Priority ...................................................................................... 10-48 Processor Current Task Priority........................................................................... 10-48 Interrupt Acknowledge ........................................................................................ 10-48 Nesting of Interrupts ................................................................................................ 10-49 Spurious Vector Generation ..................................................................................... 10-49 Messaging Interrupts................................................................................................ 10-49 Shared Message Signaled Interrupts........................................................................ 10-49 PCI Express INTx.................................................................................................... 10-50 Global Timers .......................................................................................................... 10-50 Reset of the PIC ....................................................................................................... 10-51 Initialization/Application Information ......................................................................... 10-51 Programming Guidelines ......................................................................................... 10-51 PIC Registers ....................................................................................................... 10-51 Changing Interrupt Source Configuration ........................................................... 10-53 Chapter 11 Interfaces I2C 11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 11-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 11-2 Features...................................................................................................................... 11-2 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 11-2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xvii Contents Paragraph Number 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.3 11.3.1 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.4.4 11.4.5 11.5 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.5.7 Page Number Title External Signal Descriptions ......................................................................................... 11-3 Signal Overview ........................................................................................................ 11-3 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................................... 11-3 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 11-4 Register Descriptions................................................................................................. 11-5 I2C Address Register (I2CADR) ........................................................................... 11-6 I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2CFDR)........................................................... 11-6 I2C Control Register (I2CCR) ............................................................................... 11-7 I2C Status Register (I2CSR) .................................................................................. 11-9 I2C Data Register (I2CDR).................................................................................. 11-10 Digital Filter Sampling Rate Register (I2CDFSRR) ............................................11-11 Functional Description..................................................................................................11-11 Transaction Protocol .................................................................................................11-11 START Condition ................................................................................................ 11-12 Slave Address Transmission................................................................................ 11-12 Repeated START Condition ................................................................................ 11-13 STOP Condition................................................................................................... 11-13 Protocol Implementation Details ......................................................................... 11-13 Transaction Monitoring--Implementation Details.......................................... 11-13 Control Transfer--Implementation Details ..................................................... 11-14 Address Compare--Implementation Details ....................................................... 11-15 Arbitration Procedure .............................................................................................. 11-15 Arbitration Control .............................................................................................. 11-15 Handshaking ............................................................................................................ 11-16 Clock Control........................................................................................................... 11-16 Clock Synchronization......................................................................................... 11-16 Input Synchronization and Digital Filter ............................................................. 11-16 Input Signal Synchronization .......................................................................... 11-16 Filtering of SCL and SDA Lines ..................................................................... 11-17 Clock Stretching .................................................................................................. 11-17 Boot Sequencer Mode.............................................................................................. 11-17 EEPROM Calling Address .................................................................................. 11-18 EEPROM Data Format ........................................................................................ 11-19 Initialization/Application Information ......................................................................... 11-21 Initialization Sequence............................................................................................. 11-21 Generation of START .............................................................................................. 11-21 Post-Transfer Software Response ............................................................................ 11-22 Generation of STOP................................................................................................. 11-22 Generation of Repeated START .............................................................................. 11-23 Generation of SCL When SDA Low ....................................................................... 11-23 Slave Mode Interrupt Service Routine..................................................................... 11-23 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xviii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 11.5.8 Title Page Number Slave Transmitter and Received Acknowledge ................................................... 11-23 Loss of Arbitration and Forcing of Slave Mode.................................................. 11-23 Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart........................................................................ 11-24 Chapter 12 DUART 12.1 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.2 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.3 12.3.1 12.4 12.4.1 12.4.2 12.4.3 12.4.4 Overview........................................................................................................................ 12-1 Features...................................................................................................................... 12-1 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 12-2 External Signal Descriptions ......................................................................................... 12-3 Signal Overview ........................................................................................................ 12-3 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................................... 12-3 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 12-4 Register Descriptions................................................................................................. 12-6 Receiver Buffer Registers (URBR0, URBR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) .................... 12-6 Transmitter Holding Registers (UTHR0, UTHR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) ............. 12-6 Divisor Most and Least Significant Byte Registers (UDMB and UDLB) (ULCR[DLAB] = 1) .......................................................................................... 12-7 Interrupt Enable Register (UIER) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0)........................................ 12-9 Interrupt ID Registers (UIIR0, UIIR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) .............................. 12-10 FIFO Control Registers (UFCR0, UFCR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0)....................... 12-11 Line Control Registers (ULCR0, ULCR1).......................................................... 12-12 Modem Control Registers (UMCR0, UMCR1)................................................... 12-14 Line Status Registers (ULSR0, ULSR1) ............................................................. 12-15 Modem Status Registers (UMSR0, UMSR1) ...................................................... 12-16 Scratch Registers (USCR0, USCR1) ................................................................... 12-17 Alternate Function Registers (UAFR0, UAFR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 1) .............. 12-17 DMA Status Registers (UDSR0, UDSR1) .......................................................... 12-18 Functional Description................................................................................................. 12-19 Serial Interface......................................................................................................... 12-20 START Bit ........................................................................................................... 12-20 Data Transfer ....................................................................................................... 12-21 Parity Bit .............................................................................................................. 12-21 STOP Bit.............................................................................................................. 12-21 Baud-Rate Generator Logic ..................................................................................... 12-21 Local Loopback Mode ............................................................................................. 12-22 Errors ....................................................................................................................... 12-22 Framing Error ...................................................................................................... 12-22 Parity Error .......................................................................................................... 12-22 Overrun Error....................................................................................................... 12-22 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xix Contents Paragraph Number 12.4.5 12.5 Page Number Title FIFO Mode .............................................................................................................. 12-22 FIFO Interrupts .................................................................................................... 12-23 DMA Mode Select ............................................................................................... 12-23 Interrupt Control Logic........................................................................................ 12-23 DUART Initialization/Application Information .......................................................... 12-24 Chapter 13 Local Bus Controller 13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 13.1.4 13.2 13.3 13.3.1 13.4 13.4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 13-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 13-2 Features...................................................................................................................... 13-2 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 13-3 LBC Bus Clock and Clock Ratios ......................................................................... 13-3 Source ID Debug Mode ......................................................................................... 13-4 Power-Down Mode.................................................................................................... 13-4 External Signal Descriptions ......................................................................................... 13-4 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 13-8 Register Descriptions............................................................................................... 13-10 Base Registers (BR0-BR7) ................................................................................. 13-10 Option Registers (OR0-OR7).............................................................................. 13-12 Address Mask .................................................................................................. 13-12 Option Registers (ORn)--GPCM Mode ......................................................... 13-13 Option Registers (ORn)--UPM Mode ............................................................ 13-15 Option Registers (ORn)--SDRAM Mode ...................................................... 13-16 UPM Memory Address Register (MAR)............................................................. 13-17 UPM Mode Registers (MxMR) ........................................................................... 13-17 Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MRTPR) ........................................ 13-20 UPM Data Register (MDR) ................................................................................. 13-20 SDRAM Machine Mode Register (LSDMR) ...................................................... 13-21 UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)............................................................................... 13-23 SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT).......................................................................... 13-23 Transfer Error Status Register (LTESR) .............................................................. 13-24 Transfer Error Check Disable Register (LTEDR)................................................ 13-25 Transfer Error Interrupt Enable Register (LTEIR) .............................................. 13-26 Transfer Error Attributes Register (LTEATR) ..................................................... 13-27 Transfer Error Address Register (LTEAR).......................................................... 13-28 Local Bus Configuration Register (LBCR) ......................................................... 13-29 Clock Ratio Register (LCRR).............................................................................. 13-30 Functional Description................................................................................................. 13-31 Basic Architecture.................................................................................................... 13-32 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xx Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 13.4.2 13.4.3 13.4.4 Title Page Number Address and Address Space Checking ................................................................ 13-32 External Address Latch Enable Signal (LALE) .................................................. 13-32 Data Transfer Acknowledge (TA) ....................................................................... 13-34 Data Buffer Control (LBCTL)............................................................................. 13-35 Atomic Operation ................................................................................................ 13-35 Parity Generation and Checking (LDP)............................................................... 13-35 Bus Monitor ......................................................................................................... 13-36 General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine (GPCM)..................................................... 13-36 Timing Configuration .......................................................................................... 13-37 Chip-Select Assertion Timing ............................................................................. 13-39 Programmable Wait State Configuration......................................................... 13-39 Chip-Select and Write Enable Negation Timing ............................................. 13-40 Relaxed Timing ............................................................................................... 13-40 Output Enable (LOE) Timing.......................................................................... 13-42 Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses .......................................................... 13-43 External Access Termination (LGTA) ................................................................. 13-45 Boot Chip-Select Operation................................................................................. 13-45 SDRAM Machine .................................................................................................... 13-46 Supported SDRAM Configurations..................................................................... 13-46 SDRAM Power-On Initialization ........................................................................ 13-47 Intel PC133 and JEDEC-Standard SDRAM Interface Commands ..................... 13-48 Page Hit Checking ............................................................................................... 13-49 Page Management................................................................................................ 13-49 SDRAM Address Multiplexing ........................................................................... 13-49 SDRAM Device-Specific Parameters.................................................................. 13-50 Precharge-to-Activate Interval......................................................................... 13-51 Activate-to-Read/Write Interval ...................................................................... 13-51 Column Address to First Data Out--CAS Latency......................................... 13-52 Last Data In to Precharge--Write Recovery ................................................... 13-52 Refresh Recovery Interval (RFRC) ................................................................. 13-53 External Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD).................................... 13-53 SDRAM Interface Timing ................................................................................... 13-54 SDRAM Read/Write Transactions....................................................................... 13-56 SDRAM MODE-SET Command Timing............................................................ 13-56 SDRAM Refresh.................................................................................................. 13-56 SDRAM Refresh Timing ................................................................................. 13-57 User-Programmable Machines (UPMs)................................................................... 13-57 UPM Requests ..................................................................................................... 13-58 Memory Access Requests................................................................................ 13-59 UPM Refresh Timer Requests ......................................................................... 13-60 Software Requests--RUN Command ............................................................. 13-60 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxi Contents Paragraph Number 13.5 13.5.1 13.5.2 13.5.3 13.5.4 Page Number Title Exception Requests.......................................................................................... 13-61 Programming the UPMs ...................................................................................... 13-61 UPM Programming Example (Two Sequential Writes to the RAM Array).... 13-62 UPM Programming Example (Two Sequential Reads from the RAM Array) 13-62 UPM Signal Timing............................................................................................. 13-63 RAM Array .......................................................................................................... 13-63 RAM Words..................................................................................................... 13-64 Chip-Select Signal Timing (CSTn) ................................................................. 13-66 Byte Select Signal Timing (BSTn) .................................................................. 13-67 General-Purpose Signals (GnTn, GOn)........................................................... 13-68 Loop Control (LOOP) ..................................................................................... 13-68 Repeat Execution of Current RAM Word (REDO) ......................................... 13-68 Address Multiplexing (AMX) ......................................................................... 13-69 Data Valid and Data Sample Control (UTA) ................................................... 13-70 LGPL[0:5] Signal Negation (LAST) ............................................................... 13-70 Wait Mechanism (WAEN) ............................................................................... 13-70 Synchronous Sampling of LUPWAIT for Early Transfer Acknowledge ............ 13-71 Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses .............................................................. 13-72 Memory System Interface Example Using UPM ................................................ 13-72 Initialization/Application Information ......................................................................... 13-78 Interfacing to Peripherals......................................................................................... 13-78 Multiplexed Address/Data Bus and Non-Multiplexed Address Signals ............. 13-78 Peripheral Hierarchy on the Local Bus................................................................ 13-79 Peripheral Hierarchy on the Local Bus for Very High Bus Speeds..................... 13-79 GPCM Timings.................................................................................................... 13-80 Bus Turnaround ....................................................................................................... 13-81 Address Phase After Previous Read .................................................................... 13-81 Read Data Phase After Address Phase ................................................................ 13-81 Read-Modify-Write Cycle for Parity Protected Memory Banks ......................... 13-82 UPM Cycles with Additional Address Phases..................................................... 13-82 Interface to Different Port-Size Devices.................................................................. 13-82 Interfacing to SDRAM............................................................................................. 13-84 Basic SDRAM Capabilities of the Local Bus...................................................... 13-84 Maximum Amount of SDRAM Supported.......................................................... 13-85 SDRAM Machine Limitations............................................................................. 13-86 Analysis of Maximum Row Number Due to Bank Select Multiplexing......... 13-86 Bank Select Signals ......................................................................................... 13-86 128-Mbyte SDRAM ........................................................................................ 13-87 256-Mbyte SDRAM ........................................................................................ 13-89 512-Mbyte SDRAM ........................................................................................ 13-89 Power-Down Mode.......................................................................................... 13-90 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 13.5.5 13.5.6 Title Page Number Self-Refresh ..................................................................................................... 13-91 SDRAM Timing .............................................................................................. 13-92 Parity Support for SDRAM ................................................................................. 13-94 Interfacing to ZBT SRAM....................................................................................... 13-95 Interfacing to DSP Host Ports.................................................................................. 13-97 Interfacing to MSC8101 HDI16 .......................................................................... 13-97 HDI16 Peripherals ........................................................................................... 13-97 Physical Interconnections ................................................................................ 13-98 Supporting Burst Transfers............................................................................ 13-100 Host 60x Bus: HDI16 Peripheral Interface Hardware Timings..................... 13-100 Interfacing to MSC8102 DSI............................................................................. 13-101 DSI in Asynchronous SRAM-Like Mode ..................................................... 13-101 DSI in Synchronous Mode ............................................................................ 13-104 Broadcast Accesses........................................................................................ 13-110 Chapter 14 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.4.1 14.5 14.5.1 14.5.2 14.5.3 Overview........................................................................................................................ 14-1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 14-1 Modes of Operation ....................................................................................................... 14-4 External Signals Description ......................................................................................... 14-6 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................................... 14-8 Memory Map/Register Definition ............................................................................... 14-11 Top-Level Module Memory Map ............................................................................ 14-12 Detailed Memory Map............................................................................................. 14-12 Memory-Mapped Register Descriptions.................................................................. 14-21 eTSEC General Control and Status Registers...................................................... 14-21 Controller ID Register (TSEC_ID).................................................................. 14-21 Controller ID Register (TSEC_ID2)................................................................ 14-22 Interrupt Event Register (IEVENT) ................................................................ 14-23 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK) .................................................................. 14-27 Error Disabled Register (EDIS)....................................................................... 14-29 Ethernet Control Register (ECNTRL) ............................................................. 14-31 Pause Time Value Register (PTV) ................................................................... 14-33 DMA Control Register (DMACTRL) ............................................................. 14-34 TBI Physical Address Register (TBIPA) ......................................................... 14-35 Receive and Transmit FIFO Control and Status Registers .................................. 14-36 FIFO Receive Alarm Start Threshold Register (FIFO_RX_ALARM) ........... 14-37 FIFO Receive Alarm Shut-off Threshold Register (FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF) .............................................................. 14-37 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxiii Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Title FIFO Transmit Threshold Register (FIFO_TX_THR) .................................... 14-38 FIFO Transmit Starve Register (FIFO_TX_STARVE) ................................... 14-38 FIFO Transmit Starve Shutoff Register (FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF)... 14-39 eTSEC Transmit Control and Status Registers.................................................... 14-40 Transmit Control Register (TCTRL) ............................................................... 14-40 Transmit Status Register (TSTAT)................................................................... 14-41 Default VLAN Control Word Register (DFVLAN) ........................................ 14-43 Transmit Interrupt Coalescing Register (TXIC).............................................. 14-44 Transmit Queue Control Register (TQUEUE) ................................................ 14-45 TxBD Ring 0-3 Weighting Register (TR03WT)............................................. 14-46 TxBD Ring 4-7 Weighting Register (TR47WT)............................................. 14-47 Transmit Data Buffer Pointer High Register (TBDBPH)................................ 14-47 Transmit Buffer Descriptor Pointers 0-7 (TBPTR0-TBPTR7) ...................... 14-48 Transmit Descriptor Base Address High Register (TBASEH)........................ 14-48 Transmit Descriptor Base Address Registers (TBASE0-TBASE7) ............... 14-49 eTSEC Receive Control and Status Registers ..................................................... 14-50 Receive Control Register (RCTRL) ................................................................ 14-50 Receive Status Register (RSTAT).................................................................... 14-52 Receive Interrupt Coalescing Register (RXIC) ............................................... 14-54 Receive Queue Control Register (RQUEUE) ................................................. 14-55 Receive Bit Field Extract Control Register (RBIFX)...................................... 14-56 Receive Queue Filer Table Address Register (RQFAR) ................................. 14-58 Receive Queue Filer Table Control Register (RQFCR) .................................. 14-58 Receive Queue Filer Table Property Register (RQFPR) ................................. 14-60 Maximum Receive Buffer Length Register (MRBLR) ................................... 14-63 Receive Data Buffer Pointer High Register (RBDBPH) ................................. 14-63 Receive Buffer Descriptor Pointers 0-7 (RBPTR0-RBPTR7) ....................... 14-64 Receive Descriptor Base Address High Register (RBASEH)......................... 14-64 Receive Descriptor Base Address Registers (RBASE0-RBASE7) ................ 14-65 MAC Functionality.............................................................................................. 14-66 Configuring the MAC ..................................................................................... 14-66 Controlling CSMA/CD.................................................................................... 14-66 Handling Packet Collisions ............................................................................ 14-66 Controlling Packet Flow.................................................................................. 14-67 Controlling PHY Links.................................................................................... 14-68 MAC Registers .................................................................................................... 14-68 MAC Configuration 1 Register (MACCFG1)................................................. 14-68 MAC Configuration 2 Register (MACCFG2)................................................. 14-70 Inter-Packet Gap/Inter-Frame Gap Register (IPGIFG) ................................... 14-72 Half-Duplex Register (HAFDUP) ................................................................... 14-73 Maximum Frame Length Register (MAXFRM) ............................................. 14-74 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxiv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number MII Management Configuration Register (MIIMCFG) .................................. 14-74 MII Management Command Register (MIIMCOM)....................................... 14-75 MII Management Address Register (MIIMADD)........................................... 14-76 MII Management Control Register (MIIMCON)............................................ 14-76 MII Management Status Register (MIIMSTAT) ............................................. 14-77 MII Management Indicator Register (MIIMIND)........................................... 14-77 Interface Status Register (IFSTAT).................................................................. 14-78 MAC Station Address Part 1 Register (MACSTNADDR1) ........................... 14-78 MAC Station Address Part 2 Register (MACSTNADDR2) ........................... 14-79 MAC Exact Match Address 1-15 Part 1 Registers (MAC01ADDR1-MAC15ADDR1)............................................................ 14-80 MAC Exact Match Address 1-15 Part 2 Registers (MAC01ADDR2-MAC15ADDR2)............................................................ 14-80 MIB Registers...................................................................................................... 14-81 Transmit and Receive 64-Byte Frame Counter (TR64) .................................. 14-81 Transmit and Receive 65- to 127-Byte Frame Counter (TR127) .................... 14-82 Transmit and Receive 128- to 255-Byte Frame Counter (TR255) .................. 14-82 Transmit and Receive 256- to 511-Byte Frame Counter (TR511) .................. 14-83 Transmit and Receive 512- to 1023-Byte Frame Counter (TR1K) ................. 14-83 Transmit and Receive 1024- to 1518-Byte Frame Counter (TRMAX)........... 14-84 Transmit and Receive 1519- to 1522-Byte VLAN Frame Counter (TRMGV) .................................................................................................... 14-84 Receive Byte Counter (RBYT)........................................................................ 14-85 Receive Packet Counter (RPKT) ..................................................................... 14-85 Receive FCS Error Counter (RFCS) ............................................................... 14-86 Receive Multicast Packet Counter (RMCA) ................................................... 14-86 Receive Broadcast Packet Counter (RBCA) ................................................... 14-87 Receive Control Frame Packet Counter (RXCF) ............................................ 14-87 Receive Pause Frame Packet Counter (RXPF)................................................ 14-88 Receive Unknown Opcode Packet Counter (RXUO)...................................... 14-88 Receive Alignment Error Counter (RALN) .................................................... 14-89 Receive Frame Length Error Counter (RFLR)................................................ 14-89 Receive Code Error Counter (RCDE) ............................................................. 14-90 Receive Carrier Sense Error Counter (RCSE)................................................. 14-90 Receive Undersize Packet Counter (RUND)................................................... 14-91 Receive Oversize Packet Counter (ROVR)..................................................... 14-91 Receive Fragments Counter (RFRG) .............................................................. 14-92 Receive Jabber Counter (RJBR)...................................................................... 14-92 Receive Dropped Packet Counter (RDRP)...................................................... 14-93 Transmit Byte Counter (TBYT) ...................................................................... 14-93 Transmit Packet Counter (TPKT).................................................................... 14-94 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxv Contents Paragraph Number 14.5.4 Page Number Title Transmit Multicast Packet Counter (TMCA) .................................................. 14-94 Transmit Broadcast Packet Counter (TBCA) .................................................. 14-95 Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter (TXPF)............................................. 14-95 Transmit Deferral Packet Counter (TDFR) ..................................................... 14-96 Transmit Excessive Deferral Packet Counter (TEDF) .................................... 14-96 Transmit Single Collision Packet Counter (TSCL) ......................................... 14-97 Transmit Multiple Collision Packet Counter (TMCL) .................................... 14-97 Transmit Late Collision Packet Counter (TLCL) ............................................ 14-98 Transmit Excessive Collision Packet Counter (TXCL)................................... 14-98 Transmit Total Collision Counter (TNCL) ...................................................... 14-99 Transmit Drop Frame Counter (TDRP)........................................................... 14-99 Transmit Jabber Frame Counter (TJBR) ....................................................... 14-100 Transmit FCS Error Counter (TFCS) ............................................................ 14-100 Transmit Control Frame Counter (TXCF)..................................................... 14-101 Transmit Oversize Frame Counter (TOVR) .................................................. 14-101 Transmit Undersize Frame Counter (TUND)................................................ 14-102 Transmit Fragment Counter (TFRG)............................................................. 14-102 Carry Register 1 (CAR1) ............................................................................... 14-103 Carry Register 2 (CAR2) ............................................................................... 14-104 Carry Mask Register 1 (CAM1) .................................................................... 14-105 Carry Mask Register 2 (CAM2) .................................................................... 14-106 Receive Filer Rejected Packet Counter (RREJ) ............................................ 14-108 Hash Function Registers .................................................................................... 14-108 Individual/Group Address Registers 0-7 (IGADDRn) ................................. 14-108 Group Address Registers 0-7 (GADDRn) .................................................... 14-109 FIFO Registers................................................................................................... 14-110 FIFO Configuration Register (FIFOCFG)..................................................... 14-110 DMA Attribute Registers....................................................................................14-111 Attribute Register (ATTR)..............................................................................14-111 Attribute Extract Length and Extract Index Register (ATTRELI) ............... 14-112 Ten-Bit Interface (TBI) .......................................................................................... 14-113 TBI Transmit Process ........................................................................................ 14-113 Packet Encapsulation..................................................................................... 14-113 8B10B Encoding............................................................................................ 14-114 Preamble Shortening...................................................................................... 14-114 TBI Receive Process.......................................................................................... 14-114 Synchronization ............................................................................................. 14-114 Auto-Negotiation for 1000BASE-X.............................................................. 14-114 TBI MII Set Register Descriptions .................................................................... 14-114 Control Register (CR).................................................................................... 14-115 Status Register (SR)....................................................................................... 14-117 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 14.6 14.6.1 14.6.2 14.6.3 Title Page Number AN Advertisement Register (ANA) .............................................................. 14-118 AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register (ANLPBPA)........................... 14-120 AN Expansion Register (ANEX) .................................................................. 14-121 AN Next Page Transmit Register (ANNPT).................................................. 14-121 AN Link Partner Ability Next Page Register (ANLPANP) .......................... 14-122 Extended Status Register (EXST) ................................................................. 14-123 Jitter Diagnostics Register (JD) ..................................................................... 14-124 TBI Control Register (TBICON)................................................................... 14-125 Functional Description............................................................................................... 14-126 Connecting to Physical Interfaces on Ethernet ...................................................... 14-126 Media-Independent Interface (MII) ................................................................... 14-127 Reduced Media-Independent Interface (RMII) ................................................. 14-127 Gigabit Media-Independent Interface (GMII) ................................................... 14-129 Reduced Gigabit Media-Independent Interface (RGMII) ................................. 14-129 Ten-Bit Interface (TBI)...................................................................................... 14-130 Reduced Ten-Bit Interface (RTBI) .................................................................... 14-131 Ethernet Physical Interfaces Signal Summary................................................... 14-133 Connecting to FIFO Interfaces .............................................................................. 14-135 Flow Control...................................................................................................... 14-137 CRC Appending and Checking ......................................................................... 14-137 8-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Mode................................................................ 14-138 8-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Mode .................................................................... 14-139 16-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Mode ............................................................. 14-140 16-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Mode ................................................................. 14-141 FIFO Interface Signal Summary........................................................................ 14-142 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Channel Operation .................................................... 14-143 Initialization Sequence....................................................................................... 14-143 Hardware Controlled Initialization ................................................................ 14-143 User Initialization .......................................................................................... 14-143 Soft Reset and Reconfiguring Procedure........................................................... 14-144 Gigabit Ethernet Frame Transmission ............................................................... 14-145 Gigabit Ethernet Frame Reception .................................................................... 14-146 Ethernet Preamble Customization ..................................................................... 14-147 User-Defined Preamble Transmission ........................................................... 14-148 User-Visible Preamble Reception.................................................................. 14-148 RMON Support.................................................................................................. 14-149 Frame Recognition............................................................................................. 14-149 Destination Address Recognition and Frame Filtering ................................. 14-149 Hash Table Algorithm.................................................................................... 14-151 Magic Packet Mode ........................................................................................... 14-153 Flow Control...................................................................................................... 14-153 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxvii Contents Paragraph Number 14.6.4 14.6.5 14.6.6 14.7 14.7.1 Page Number Title Interrupt Handling ............................................................................................. 14-154 Interrupt Coalescing ...................................................................................... 14-155 Interrupt Coalescing By Frame Count Threshold.......................................... 14-156 Interrupt Coalescing By Timer Threshold ..................................................... 14-156 Inter-Frame Gap Time ....................................................................................... 14-157 Internal and External Loop Back....................................................................... 14-157 Error-Handling Procedure.................................................................................. 14-157 TCP/IP Off-Load ................................................................................................... 14-159 Frame Control Blocks........................................................................................ 14-159 Transmit Path Off-Load ..................................................................................... 14-160 Receive Path Off-Load ...................................................................................... 14-162 Quality of Service (QoS) Provision ....................................................................... 14-163 Receive Queue Filer .......................................................................................... 14-163 Filing Rules ................................................................................................... 14-164 Comparing Properties with Bit Masks........................................................... 14-165 Special-Case Rules ........................................................................................ 14-166 Filer Interrupt Events..................................................................................... 14-166 Setting Up the Receive Queue Filer Table .................................................... 14-166 Filer Example--802.1p Priority Filing.......................................................... 14-167 Filer Example--IP Diff-Serv Code Points Filing.......................................... 14-167 Filer Example--TCP and UDP Port Filing .................................................. 14-168 Transmission Scheduling................................................................................... 14-169 Priority-Based Queuing (PBQ)...................................................................... 14-169 Modified Weighted Round-Robin Queuing (MWRR) .................................. 14-170 Buffer Descriptors.................................................................................................. 14-171 Data Buffer Descriptors ..................................................................................... 14-171 Transmit Data Buffer Descriptors (TxBD) ........................................................ 14-172 Receive Buffer Descriptors (RxBD).................................................................. 14-176 Initialization/Application Information ....................................................................... 14-178 Interface Mode Configuration ............................................................................... 14-178 MII Interface Mode............................................................................................ 14-179 GMII Interface Mode......................................................................................... 14-183 TBI Interface Mode .......................................................................................... 14-187 RGMII Interface Mode ...................................................................................... 14-191 RMII Interface Mode ........................................................................................ 14-195 RTBI Interface Mode ........................................................................................ 14-199 8-Bit FIFO Mode ............................................................................................... 14-203 16-Bit FIFO Mode ............................................................................................ 14-206 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxviii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 15 DMA Controller 15.1 15.1.1 15.1.2 15.1.3 15.1.4 15.2 15.2.1 15.2.2 15.3 15.3.1 15.4 15.4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 15-1 Block Diagram........................................................................................................... 15-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 15-2 Features...................................................................................................................... 15-2 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 15-2 External Signal Description ........................................................................................... 15-5 Signal Overview ........................................................................................................ 15-5 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................................... 15-6 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 15-6 DMA Register Descriptions....................................................................................... 15-9 Mode Registers (MRn) ........................................................................................ 15-10 Status Registers (SRn) ......................................................................................... 15-12 Current Link Descriptor Address Registers (CLNDARn and ECLNDARn) ...... 15-13 Source Attributes Registers (SATRn).................................................................. 15-15 Source Address Registers (SARn)....................................................................... 15-17 Source Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Reads (SARn).............. 15-18 Destination Attributes Registers (DATRn).......................................................... 15-18 Destination Address Registers (DARn)............................................................... 15-20 Destination Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Writes (DARn) ..... 15-21 Byte Count Registers (BCRn) ............................................................................. 15-22 Next Link Descriptor Address Registers (NLNDARn and ENLNDARn) .......... 15-22 Current List Descriptor Address Registers (CLSDARn and ECLSDARn)......... 15-23 Next List Descriptor Address Registers (NLSDARn and ENLSDARn)............. 15-24 Source Stride Registers (SSRn) ........................................................................... 15-25 Destination Stride Registers (DSRn) ................................................................... 15-26 DMA General Status Register (DGSR) ............................................................... 15-27 Functional Description................................................................................................. 15-28 DMA Channel Operation......................................................................................... 15-28 Basic DMA Mode Transfer ................................................................................. 15-29 Basic Direct Mode ........................................................................................... 15-29 Basic Direct Single-Write Start Mode ............................................................. 15-30 Basic Chaining Mode ...................................................................................... 15-30 Basic Chaining Single-Write Start Mode ........................................................ 15-31 Extended DMA Mode Transfer ........................................................................... 15-31 Extended Direct Mode..................................................................................... 15-31 Extended Direct Single-Write Start Mode....................................................... 15-32 Extended Chaining Mode ................................................................................ 15-32 Extended Chaining Single-Write Start Mode .................................................. 15-32 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxix Contents Paragraph Number 15.4.2 15.4.3 15.4.4 15.4.5 15.5 15.5.1 Page Number Title External Control Mode Transfer.......................................................................... 15-33 Channel Continue Mode for Cascading Transfer Chains .................................... 15-34 Basic Mode ...................................................................................................... 15-34 Extended Mode................................................................................................ 15-35 Channel Abort...................................................................................................... 15-35 Bandwidth Control............................................................................................... 15-35 Channel State ....................................................................................................... 15-35 Illustration of Stride Size and Stride Distance..................................................... 15-36 DMA Transfer Interfaces ......................................................................................... 15-36 DMA Errors ............................................................................................................. 15-36 DMA Descriptors..................................................................................................... 15-37 Limitations and Restrictions .................................................................................... 15-40 DMA System Considerations ...................................................................................... 15-41 Unusual DMA Scenarios ......................................................................................... 15-43 DMA to e500 Core .............................................................................................. 15-43 DMA to Ethernet ................................................................................................. 15-44 DMA to Configuration, Control, and Status Registers........................................ 15-44 DMA to I2C ......................................................................................................... 15-44 DMA to DUART ................................................................................................. 15-44 Chapter 16 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 16.1 16.1.1 16.1.2 16.1.3 16.2 16.3 16.3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 16-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 16-2 Outbound Transactions .......................................................................................... 16-3 Inbound Transactions............................................................................................. 16-4 Features...................................................................................................................... 16-4 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 16-5 Host/Agent Mode Configuration ........................................................................... 16-5 Host Mode ......................................................................................................... 16-5 Agent Mode ....................................................................................................... 16-5 Agent Configuration Lock Mode ...................................................................... 16-5 PCI/X-64 or Dual PCI-32 Interface Configuration ............................................... 16-6 PCI/X Clocking Configuration .............................................................................. 16-6 PCI/X Arbiter (Internal/External Arbiter) Configuration...................................... 16-6 PCI/X Impedance Configuration ........................................................................... 16-6 PCI/X Debug Configuration .................................................................................. 16-6 External Signal Descriptions ......................................................................................... 16-6 Memory Map/Register Definitions .............................................................................. 16-14 PCI/X Memory-Mapped Registers .......................................................................... 16-14 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxx Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 16.3.2 Title Page Number PCI/X Configuration Access Registers ............................................................... 16-17 PCI/X Configuration Address Register (CFG_ADDR) .................................. 16-17 PCI Configuration Data Register (CFG_DATA) ............................................. 16-18 PCI/X Interrupt Acknowledge Register (INT_ACK)...................................... 16-19 PCI/X ATMU Outbound Registers...................................................................... 16-19 PCI/X Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARn) .......................... 16-19 PCI/X Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (POTEARn)........ 16-20 PCI/X Outbound Window Base Address Registers (POWBARn).................. 16-20 PCI/X Outbound Window Attributes Registers (POWARn)........................... 16-21 PCI/X ATMU Inbound Registers......................................................................... 16-22 PCI/X Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARn)............................... 16-23 PCI/X Inbound Window Base Address Registers (PIWBARn) ...................... 16-24 PCI/X Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PIWBEARn) .............................................................................................. 16-24 PCI/X Inbound Window Attributes Registers (PIWARn) ............................... 16-25 PCI/X Error Management Registers.................................................................... 16-26 PCI/X Error Detect Register (ERR_DR)......................................................... 16-27 PCI/X Error Capture Disable Register (ERR_CAP_DR)................................ 16-28 PCI/X Error Enable Register (ERR_EN) ........................................................ 16-29 PCI/X Error Attributes Capture Register (ERR_ATTRIB) ............................. 16-30 PCI/X Error Address Capture Register (ERR_ADDR)................................... 16-31 PCI/X Error Extended Address Capture Register (ERR_EXT_ADDR)......... 16-31 PCI/X Error Data Low Capture Register (ERR_DL) ...................................... 16-32 PCI/X Error Data High Capture Register (ERR_DH)..................................... 16-32 PCI/X Gasket Timer Register (GAS_TIMR) .................................................. 16-32 PCI-X Split Completion Timer Register (PCIX_TIMR)................................. 16-33 PCI/X Configuration Header ................................................................................... 16-33 PCI Vendor ID Register--Offset 0x00 ................................................................ 16-34 PCI Device ID Register--Offset 0x02 ................................................................ 16-35 PCI Bus Command Register--Offset 0x04 ......................................................... 16-35 PCI Bus Status Register--Offset 0x06................................................................ 16-36 PCI Revision ID Register--Offset 0x08 ............................................................. 16-38 PCI Bus Programming Interface Register--Offset 0x09 .................................... 16-38 PCI Subclass Code Register--Offset 0x0A......................................................... 16-39 PCI Bus Base Class Code Register--Offset 0x0B .............................................. 16-39 PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register--Offset 0x0C............................................... 16-39 PCI Bus Latency Timer Register--0x0D ............................................................ 16-40 PCI Base Address Registers ................................................................................ 16-40 PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register..................................................................... 16-42 PCI Subsystem ID Register ................................................................................. 16-43 PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register ................................................................. 16-43 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxxi Contents Paragraph Number 16.4 16.4.1 16.4.2 Page Number Title PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register .......................................................................... 16-43 PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register ............................................................................ 16-44 PCI Bus Minimum Grant Register (MIN_GNT)................................................. 16-44 PCI Bus Maximum Latency Register (MAX_LAT)............................................ 16-45 PCI Bus Function Register (PBFR) ..................................................................... 16-45 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PBACR)............................................. 16-46 PCI-X Next Capabilities ID Register--0x60 ...................................................... 16-47 PCI-X Capability Pointer Register--0x61 .......................................................... 16-47 PCI-X Command Register--0x62....................................................................... 16-47 PCI-X Status Register--0x64.............................................................................. 16-48 Functional Description................................................................................................. 16-49 PCI/X Bus Arbitration ............................................................................................. 16-49 PCI Bus Arbiter Operation .................................................................................. 16-50 PCI Bus Parking .................................................................................................. 16-51 Broken Master Lock-Out ..................................................................................... 16-51 Power-Saving Modes and the PCI Arbiter .......................................................... 16-51 PCI Bus Protocol ..................................................................................................... 16-52 Basic Transfer Control......................................................................................... 16-52 PCI Bus Commands............................................................................................. 16-53 Addressing ........................................................................................................... 16-54 Memory Space Addressing.............................................................................. 16-54 I/O Space Addressing ...................................................................................... 16-55 Configuration Space Addressing ..................................................................... 16-55 Device Selection .................................................................................................. 16-55 Byte Alignment.................................................................................................... 16-56 Bus Driving and Turnaround ............................................................................... 16-56 PCI Bus Transactions........................................................................................... 16-56 PCI Read Transactions .................................................................................... 16-56 PCI Write Transactions.................................................................................... 16-58 Transaction Termination ...................................................................................... 16-59 Master-Initiated Termination ........................................................................... 16-59 Target-Initiated Termination ............................................................................ 16-60 Fast Back-to-Back Transactions .......................................................................... 16-62 Dual Address Cycles............................................................................................ 16-62 Configuration Cycles ........................................................................................... 16-64 PCI Configuration Space Header .................................................................... 16-64 Host Accessing the PCI Configuration Space ................................................. 16-66 Agent Accessing the PCI Configuration Space ............................................... 16-67 PCI Type 0 Configuration Translation............................................................. 16-68 Type 1 Configuration Translation.................................................................... 16-69 Other Bus Transactions........................................................................................ 16-69 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxxii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 16.4.3 16.5 16.5.1 16.5.2 16.5.3 16.5.4 16.5.5 Title Page Number Interrupt-Acknowledge Transactions .............................................................. 16-69 Special-Cycle Transactions ............................................................................. 16-70 PCI Error Functions............................................................................................. 16-71 PCI Parity ........................................................................................................ 16-71 Error Reporting................................................................................................ 16-72 PCI-X Bus Protocol ................................................................................................. 16-73 PCI-X Terminology ............................................................................................. 16-74 PCI-X Command Encodings ............................................................................... 16-74 PCI-X Attribute Phase ......................................................................................... 16-75 PCI-X Transactions.............................................................................................. 16-77 PCI-X Wait State and Termination Rules ............................................................ 16-80 PCI-X Split Transactions ..................................................................................... 16-81 Split Response ................................................................................................. 16-82 Completion Address ........................................................................................ 16-83 Completer Attributes ....................................................................................... 16-84 PCI-X Configuration Transactions ...................................................................... 16-85 PCI-X Error Functions......................................................................................... 16-86 Error Reporting.................................................................................................... 16-86 Initialization/Application Information ......................................................................... 16-89 Power-On Reset Configuration Modes.................................................................... 16-89 Host Mode ........................................................................................................... 16-89 Agent Mode ......................................................................................................... 16-90 Agent Configuration Lock Mode......................................................................... 16-90 Extended 64-bit PCI1/X Signal Connections .......................................................... 16-90 Nonposted Writes in PCI-X ..................................................................................... 16-90 PCI-X Outbound Read Transaction Alignment ....................................................... 16-91 Byte Ordering .......................................................................................................... 16-91 Byte Order for Configuration Transactions ......................................................... 16-92 Chapter 17 Serial RapidIO Interface 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.3.1 17.3.2 17.4 17.4.1 17.4.2 Overview........................................................................................................................ 17-1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 17-1 Modes of Operation ....................................................................................................... 17-3 RapidIO Port .............................................................................................................. 17-3 Message Unit ............................................................................................................. 17-3 1x/4x LP-Serial Signal Descriptions.............................................................................. 17-3 Serial Rapid I/O Interface Overview ......................................................................... 17-4 Serial Rapid I/O Interface Detailed Signal Descriptions ........................................... 17-4 SD_TX[4:7]/SD_TX[4:7]--Outputs ..................................................................... 17-4 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxxiii Contents Paragraph Number 17.5 17.6 17.6.1 17.6.2 17.6.3 Page Number Title SD_RX[4:7]/SD_RX[4:7]--Inputs ....................................................................... 17-4 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 17-4 RapidIO Endpoint Configuration Register Definitions ............................................... 17-11 RapidIO Architectural Registers.............................................................................. 17-11 Device Identity Capability Register (DIDCAR).................................................. 17-11 Device Information Capability Register (DICAR).............................................. 17-11 Assembly Identity Capability Register (AIDCAR) ............................................. 17-12 Assembly Information Capability Register (AICAR) ......................................... 17-13 Processing Element Features Capability Register (PEFCAR) ............................ 17-13 Source Operations Capability Register (SOCAR)............................................... 17-14 Destination Operations Capability Register (DOCAR)....................................... 17-15 Mailbox Command and Status Register (MCSR) ............................................... 17-17 Port-Write and Doorbell Command and Status Register (PWDCSR)................. 17-18 Processing Element Logical Layer Control Command and Status Register (PELLCCSR)................................................................................................... 17-19 Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 Command and Status Register (LCSBA1CSR) ................................................................................................ 17-20 Base Device ID Command and Status Register (BDIDCSR).............................. 17-21 Host Base Device ID Lock Command and Status Register (HBDIDLCSR) ...... 17-21 Component Tag Command and Status Register (CTCSR) .................................. 17-22 RapidIO Extended Features Space, 1x/4x LP-Serial Registers ............................... 17-22 Port Maintenance Block Header 0 Register (PMBH0)........................................ 17-22 Port Link Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PLTOCCSR) ....... 17-23 Port Response Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PRTOCCSR) .................................................................................................. 17-23 General Control Command and Status Register (GCCSR) ................................. 17-24 Link Maintenance Request Command and Status Register (LMREQCSR)........ 17-25 Link Maintenance Response Command and Status Register (LMRESPCSR) ... 17-25 Local ackID Status Command and Status Register (LASCSR) .......................... 17-26 Error and Status Command and Status Register (ESCSR) .................................. 17-27 Control Command and Status Register (CCSR).................................................. 17-28 RapidIO Extended Features Space--Error Reporting Logical Registers................ 17-30 Error Reporting Block Header Register (ERBH) ................................................ 17-30 Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect Command and Status Register (LTLEDCSR)................................................................................................... 17-31 Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable Command and Status Register (LTLEECSR) ................................................................................................... 17-33 Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture Command and Status Register (LTLACCSR) .................................................................................................. 17-34 Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture Command and Status Register (LTLDIDCCSR) .............................................................................................. 17-35 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxxiv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 17.6.4 17.6.5 17.6.6 17.6.7 17.7 Title Page Number Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture Command and Status Register (LTLCCCSR)................................................................................................... 17-36 RapidIO Extended Features Space--Error Reporting Physical Registers............... 17-36 Error Detect Command and Status Register (EDCSR) ....................................... 17-36 Error Rate Enable Command and Status Register (ERECSR) ............................ 17-37 Error Capture Attributes Command and Status Register (ECACSR).................. 17-38 Packet/Control Symbol Error Capture Command and Status Register 0 (PCSECCSR0)................................................................................................. 17-39 Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 1 (PECCSR1)................... 17-40 Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 2 (PECCSR2)................... 17-40 Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 3 (PECCSR3)................... 17-41 Error Rate Command and Status Register (ERCSR)........................................... 17-41 Error Rate Threshold Command and Status Register (ERTCSR) ....................... 17-42 RapidIO Implementation Space Registers............................................................... 17-43 Logical Layer Configuration Register (LLCR) ................................................... 17-43 Error/Port-Write Interrupt Status Register (EPWISR) ........................................ 17-44 Logical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (LRETCR).................... 17-44 Physical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (PRETCR)................... 17-45 Alternate Device ID Command and Status Register (ADIDCSR) ...................... 17-45 Accept-All Configuration Register (AACR) ....................................................... 17-46 Logical Outbound Packet Time-to-Live Configuration Register (LOPTTLCR) 17-46 Implementation Error Command and Status Register (IECSR) ......................... 17-47 Physical Configuration Register (PCR)............................................................... 17-48 Serial Link Command and Status Register (SLCSR) ......................................... 17-48 Serial Link Error Injection Configuration Register (SLEICR)............................ 17-49 Revision Control Registers ...................................................................................... 17-50 IP Block Revision Register 1 (IPBRR1) ............................................................. 17-50 IP Block Revision Register 2 (IPBRR2) ............................................................. 17-50 RapidIO Implementation Space--ATMU Registers................................................ 17-51 Segmented Outbound Window Description ........................................................ 17-51 RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-8 (ROWTARn).................................................................................................... 17-53 RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Extended Address Registers 0-8 (ROWTEARn)................................................................................................. 17-54 RapidIO Outbound Window Base Address Registers 1-8 (ROWBARn) ........... 17-55 RapidIO Outbound Window Attributes Registers 0-8 (ROWARn) .................... 17-55 RapidIO Outbound Window Segment 1-3 Registers 1-8 (ROWSnRn) ............. 17-57 RapidIO Inbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-4 (RIWTARn) ..... 17-58 RapidIO Inbound Window Base Address Registers 1-4 (RIWBARn) ............... 17-59 RapidIO Inbound Window Attributes Registers 0-4 (RIWARn) ........................ 17-60 RapidIO Message Unit Registers................................................................................. 17-62 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxxv Contents Paragraph Number 17.7.1 17.7.2 17.7.3 17.7.4 Page Number Title RapidIO Outbound Message 0 Registers................................................................. 17-62 Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR)............................................... 17-62 Outbound Message n Status Registers (OMnSR)................................................ 17-64 Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EOMnDQDPAR) and Outbound Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (OMnDQDPAR) .................................... 17-65 Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (EOMnDQEPAR) and Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (OMnDQEPAR)........ 17-67 Extended Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (EOMnSAR) and Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (OMnSAR) .................. 17-68 Outbound Message n Destination Port Registers (OMnDPR) ............................ 17-69 Outbound Message n Destination Attributes Registers (OMnDATR) ................ 17-70 Outbound Message n Double-word Count Registers (OMnDCR) ...................... 17-70 Outbound Message n Retry Error Threshold Configuration Registers (OMnRETCR) ................................................................................. 17-71 Outbound Message n Multicast Group Registers (OMnMGR)........................... 17-72 Outbound Message n Multicast List Registers (OMnMLR) ............................... 17-72 RapidIO Inbound Message Registers ...................................................................... 17-73 Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR) ................................................... 17-73 Inbound Message n Status Registers (IMnSR) .................................................... 17-75 Extended Inbound Message Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQDPAR) and Inbound Message Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQDPAR) ........................... 17-76 Extended Inbound Message Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQEPAR) and Inbound Message Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQEPAR)............................ 17-77 Inbound Message n Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Registers (IMnMIRIR) .................................................................................................... 17-78 Outbound RapidIO Doorbell Controller Registers .................................................. 17-79 Outbound Doorbell Mode Register (ODMR)...................................................... 17-79 Outbound Doorbell Status Register (ODSR)....................................................... 17-80 Outbound Doorbell Destination Port Register (ODDPR) ................................... 17-80 Outbound Doorbell Destination Attributes Register (ODDATR) ....................... 17-81 Outbound Doorbell Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (ODRETCR).................................................................................................... 17-82 Inbound RapidIO Doorbell Controller..................................................................... 17-82 Inbound Doorbell Mode Register (IDMR) .......................................................... 17-82 Inbound Doorbell Status Register (IDSR) ........................................................... 17-84 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxxvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 17.7.5 17.8 17.8.1 17.8.2 17.8.3 17.8.4 17.8.5 17.8.6 17.8.7 17.8.8 17.8.9 17.8.10 17.8.11 17.8.12 Title Page Number Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Register (EIDQDPAR) and Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Register (IDQDPAR)....................................................................................... 17-85 Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (EIDQEPAR) and Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (IDQEPAR) ....................................................................................... 17-86 Inbound Doorbell Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Register (IDMIRIR) ..... 17-87 RapidIO Port-Write Registers.................................................................................. 17-88 Inbound Port-Write Mode Register (IPWMR) .................................................... 17-88 Inbound Port-Write Status Register (IPWSR) ..................................................... 17-89 Extended Inbound Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (EIPWQBAR) and Inbound Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (IPWQBAR)...................................................................................... 17-89 Functional Description................................................................................................. 17-90 RapidIO Transaction Summary ............................................................................... 17-90 RapidIO Packet Format Summary ........................................................................... 17-92 RapidIO Control Symbol Summary ........................................................................ 17-93 Accessing Configuration Registers via RapidIO Packets........................................ 17-95 Inbound Maintenance Accesses........................................................................... 17-95 Guidelines........................................................................................................ 17-95 Outbound Maintenance Accesses ........................................................................ 17-95 RapidIO Outbound ATMU ...................................................................................... 17-96 Valid Hits to Multiple ATMU Windows.............................................................. 17-96 Window Boundary Crossing Errors..................................................................... 17-97 RapidIO Inbound ATMU ......................................................................................... 17-98 Hits to Multiple ATMU Windows ....................................................................... 17-98 Window Boundary Crossing Errors..................................................................... 17-98 Generating Link-Request/Reset-Device .................................................................. 17-99 Outbound Drain Mode ............................................................................................. 17-99 Input Port Disable Mode........................................................................................ 17-100 Software Assisted Error Recovery Register Support............................................. 17-100 Hot-Swap Support.................................................................................................. 17-101 Method 1............................................................................................................ 17-101 Extraction....................................................................................................... 17-101 Insertion ......................................................................................................... 17-102 Method 2 with RapidIO Port Hot-Swapped ...................................................... 17-102 Extraction....................................................................................................... 17-102 Insertion ......................................................................................................... 17-103 Errors and Error Handling ..................................................................................... 17-103 RapidIO Error Description ................................................................................ 17-103 Physical Layer RapidIO Errors Detected .......................................................... 17-104 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxxvii Contents Paragraph Number 17.9 17.9.1 17.9.2 17.9.3 17.9.4 17.9.5 Page Number Title Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling.......................................................... 17-106 Logical Layer RapidIO Errors Detected........................................................ 17-107 RapidIO Message Unit............................................................................................... 17-139 Overview................................................................................................................ 17-139 Features.................................................................................................................. 17-140 Outbound Modes of Operation .............................................................................. 17-141 Outbound Message Controller Operation .............................................................. 17-141 Direct Mode Operation ...................................................................................... 17-141 Interrupts........................................................................................................ 17-142 Message Error Response Errors .................................................................... 17-143 Packet Response Time-out Errors ................................................................. 17-143 Retry Error Threshold Exceeded Errors ........................................................ 17-143 Transaction Errors ......................................................................................... 17-143 Error Handling ............................................................................................... 17-144 Disabling and Enabling the Message Controller ........................................... 17-144 Hardware Error Handling .............................................................................. 17-144 Programming Errors ...................................................................................... 17-148 Chaining Mode .................................................................................................. 17-149 Message Controller Initialization .................................................................. 17-150 Chaining Mode Operation ............................................................................. 17-150 Changing Descriptor Queues in Chaining Mode........................................... 17-152 Preventing Queue Overflow in Chaining Mode ............................................ 17-152 Switching Between Direct and Chaining Modes........................................... 17-152 Chaining Mode Descriptor Format................................................................ 17-152 Chaining Mode Controller Interrupts ............................................................ 17-153 Message Error Response Errors .................................................................... 17-154 Packet Response Time-out Errors ................................................................. 17-154 Retry Error Threshold Exceeded Errors ........................................................ 17-154 Transaction Errors ......................................................................................... 17-154 Error Handling ............................................................................................... 17-155 Hardware Error Handling .............................................................................. 17-155 Programming Errors ...................................................................................... 17-156 Message Controller Arbitration ......................................................................... 17-156 Inbound Message Controller Operation................................................................. 17-157 Inbound Message Controller Initialization ........................................................ 17-158 Inbound Controller Operation............................................................................ 17-158 Message Steering ............................................................................................... 17-159 Retry Response Conditions................................................................................ 17-159 Inbound Message Controller Interrupts ............................................................. 17-160 Message Request Time-out Errors................................................................. 17-160 Transaction Errors ......................................................................................... 17-160 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xxxviii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 17.9.6 17.10 17.10.1 17.10.2 17.10.3 Title Page Number Error Handling ............................................................................................... 17-161 Hardware Error Handling .............................................................................. 17-161 Programming Errors ...................................................................................... 17-166 Disabling and Enabling the Inbound Message Controller............................. 17-167 RapidIO Message Passing Logical Specification Registers .................................. 17-168 RapidIO Doorbell and Port-Write Unit...................................................................... 17-168 Features.................................................................................................................. 17-168 Doorbell Controller................................................................................................ 17-169 Outbound Doorbell Controller........................................................................... 17-169 Interrupts........................................................................................................ 17-170 Error Response Errors ................................................................................... 17-170 Packet Response Time-Out Errors................................................................. 17-171 Retry Error Threshold Exceeded Errors ........................................................ 17-171 Error Handling ............................................................................................... 17-171 Disabling and Enabling the Doorbell Controller ........................................... 17-171 Hardware Error Handling .............................................................................. 17-171 Programming Errors ...................................................................................... 17-174 Inbound Doorbell Controller ............................................................................. 17-175 Inbound Doorbell Controller Initialization.................................................... 17-175 Inbound Doorbell Controller Operation ........................................................ 17-175 Inbound Doorbell Queue Entry Format......................................................... 17-176 Retry Response Conditions ........................................................................... 17-177 Doorbell Controller Interrupts ....................................................................... 17-177 Transaction Errors ......................................................................................... 17-177 Error Handling ............................................................................................... 17-178 Hardware Error Handling .............................................................................. 17-178 Programming Errors ...................................................................................... 17-181 Disabling and Enabling the Doorbell Controller ........................................... 17-181 RapidIO Message Passing Logical Specification Registers .............................. 17-181 Port-Write Controller ............................................................................................. 17-182 Port-Write Controller Initialization ................................................................... 17-182 Port-Write Controller Operation........................................................................ 17-183 Port-Write Controller Interrupt .......................................................................... 17-183 Discarding Port-Writes ...................................................................................... 17-184 Transaction Errors.............................................................................................. 17-184 Error Handling ............................................................................................... 17-184 Hardware Error Handling .................................................................................. 17-184 Programming Errors ...................................................................................... 17-188 Disabling and Enabling the Port-Write Controller ............................................ 17-188 RapidIO Message Passing Logical Specification Registers .............................. 17-188 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xxxix Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Title Chapter 18 PCI Express Interface Controller 18.1 18.1.1 18.1.2 18.1.3 18.2 18.3 18.3.1 18.3.2 18.3.3 18.3.4 18.3.5 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 18-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 18-1 Outbound Transactions .......................................................................................... 18-2 Inbound Transactions............................................................................................. 18-3 Features...................................................................................................................... 18-3 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 18-4 Root Complex/Endpoint Modes ............................................................................ 18-4 Link Width............................................................................................................. 18-4 External Signal Descriptions ......................................................................................... 18-4 Memory Map/Register Definitions ................................................................................ 18-5 PCI Express Memory Mapped Registers................................................................... 18-5 PCI Express Configuration Access Registers............................................................ 18-9 PCI Express Configuration Address Register (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR) .............. 18-9 PCI Express Configuration Data Register (PEX_CONFIG_DATA)................... 18-10 PCI Express Outbound Completion Timeout Register (PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR) 18-11 PCI Express Configuration Retry Timeout Register (PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR) 18-11 PCI Express Configuration Register (PEX_CONFIG)........................................ 18-12 PCI Express Power Management Event and Message Registers ............................ 18-13 PCI Express PME and Message Detect Register (PEX_PME_MES_DR) ......... 18-13 PCI Express PME and Message Disable Register (PEX_PME_MES_DISR) .... 18-14 PCI Express PME and Message Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_PME_MES_IER) .................................................................................. 18-16 PCI Express Power Management Command Register (PEX_PMCR) ................ 18-17 PCI Express IP Block Revision Registers ............................................................... 18-18 IP Block Revision Register 1 (PEX_IP_BLK_REV1)........................................ 18-18 IP Block Revision Register 2 (PEX_IP_BLK_REV2)........................................ 18-19 PCI Express ATMU Registers ................................................................................. 18-19 PCI Express Outbound ATMU Registers ............................................................ 18-19 PCI Express Outbound Translation Address Registers (PEXOTARn) ........... 18-20 PCI Express Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (PEXOTEARn)............................................................................................ 18-21 PCI Express Outbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXOWBARn)... 18-21 PCI Express Outbound Window Attributes Registers (PEXOWARn)............ 18-22 PCI Express Inbound ATMU Registers ............................................................... 18-24 EP Inbound ATMU Implementation................................................................ 18-24 RC Inbound ATMU Implementation............................................................... 18-25 PCI Express Inbound Translation Address Registers (PEXITARn)................ 18-25 PCI Express Inbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXIWBARn) ....... 18-26 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xl Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 18.3.6 18.3.7 18.3.8 Title Page Number PCI Express Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PEXIWBEARn) ......................................................................................... 18-27 PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers (PEXIWARn) ................ 18-27 PCI Express Error Management Registers .............................................................. 18-29 PCI Express Error Detect Register (PEX_ERR_DR).......................................... 18-29 PCI Express Error Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_ERR_EN) .......................... 18-32 PCI Express Error Disable Register (PEX_ERR_DISR) .................................... 18-34 PCI Express Error Capture Status Register (PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT) ............... 18-35 PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R0)............................ 18-36 PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R1)............................ 18-38 PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R2)............................ 18-39 PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R3)............................ 18-40 PCI Express Configuration Space Access ............................................................... 18-42 RC Configuration Register Access...................................................................... 18-42 PCI Express Configuration Access Register Mechanism................................ 18-42 Outbound ATMU Configuration Mechanism (RC-Only) ............................... 18-42 EP Configuration Register Access....................................................................... 18-43 PCI Compatible Configuration Headers .................................................................. 18-43 Common PCI Compatible Configuration Header Registers................................ 18-44 PCI Express Vendor ID Register--Offset 0x00 .............................................. 18-44 PCI Express Device ID Register--Offset 0x02............................................... 18-44 PCI Express Command Register--Offset 0x04 .............................................. 18-44 PCI Express Status Register--Offset 0x06 ..................................................... 18-46 PCI Express Revision ID Register--Offset 0x08............................................ 18-47 PCI Express Class Code Register--Offset 0x09 ............................................. 18-47 PCI Express Cache Line Size Register--Offset 0x0C .................................... 18-48 PCI Express Latency Timer Register--0x0D.................................................. 18-49 PCI Express Header Type Register--0x0E ..................................................... 18-49 PCI Express BIST Register--0x0F ................................................................. 18-50 Type 0 Configuration Header .............................................................................. 18-50 PCI Express Base Address Registers--0x10-0x27......................................... 18-50 PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x2C .......... 18-53 PCI Express Subsystem ID Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x2E ....................... 18-53 Capabilities Pointer Register--0x34 ............................................................... 18-54 PCI Express Interrupt Line Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x3C ....................... 18-54 PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register--0x3D..................................................... 18-55 PCI Express Minimum Grant Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x3E ................... 18-55 PCI Express Maximum Latency Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x3F ............... 18-56 Type 1 Configuration Header .............................................................................. 18-56 PCI Express Base Address Register 0--0x10 ................................................. 18-57 PCI Express Primary Bus Number Register--Offset 0x18............................. 18-57 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xli Contents Paragraph Number 18.3.9 Page Number Title PCI Express Secondary Bus Number Register--Offset 0x19......................... 18-58 PCI Express Subordinate Bus Number Register--Offset 0x1A...................... 18-58 PCI Express Secondary Latency Timer Register--0x1B ................................ 18-59 PCI Express I/O Base Register--0x1C ........................................................... 18-59 PCI Express I/O Limit Register--0x1D.......................................................... 18-59 PCI Express Secondary Status Register--0x1E .............................................. 18-60 PCI Express Memory Base Register--0x20 ................................................... 18-61 PCI Express Memory Limit Register--0x22 .................................................. 18-61 PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Base Register--0x24 .............................. 18-62 PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Limit Register--0x26 ............................. 18-62 PCI Express Prefetchable Base Upper 32 Bits Register--0x28...................... 18-63 PCI Express Prefetchable Limit Upper 32 Bits Register--0x2C .................... 18-63 PCI Express I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Register--0x30 .................................... 18-63 PCI Express I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits Register--0x32 ................................... 18-64 Capabilities Pointer Register--0x34 ............................................................... 18-64 PCI Express Interrupt Line Register--0x3C ................................................... 18-65 PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register--0x3D..................................................... 18-65 PCI Express Bridge Control Register--0x3E ................................................. 18-66 PCI Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space........................................... 18-67 PCI Express Power Management Capability ID Register--0x44 ....................... 18-68 PCI Express Power Management Capabilities Register--0x46.......................... 18-68 PCI Express Power Management Status and Control Register--0x48 ............... 18-69 PCI Express Power Management Data Register--0x4B..................................... 18-69 PCI Express Capability ID Register--0x4C........................................................ 18-70 PCI Express Capabilities Register--0x4E........................................................... 18-70 PCI Express Device Capabilities Register--0x50............................................... 18-71 PCI Express Device Control Register--0x54...................................................... 18-71 PCI Express Device Status Register--0x56 ........................................................ 18-72 PCI Express Link Capabilities Register--0x58 .................................................. 18-73 PCI Express Link Control Register--0x5C......................................................... 18-73 PCI Express Link Status Register--0x5E ........................................................... 18-74 PCI Express Slot Capabilities Register--0x60.................................................... 18-75 PCI Express Slot Control Register--0x64 .......................................................... 18-75 PCI Express Slot Status Register--0x66 ............................................................. 18-76 PCI Express Root Control Register (RC Mode Only)--0x68............................. 18-77 PCI Express Root Status Register (RC Mode Only)--0x6C............................... 18-77 PCI Express MSI Message Capability ID Register (EP Mode Only)--0x70 ..... 18-78 PCI Express MSI Message Control Register (EP Mode Only)--0x72 ............... 18-78 PCI Express MSI Message Address Register (EP Mode Only)--0x74 .............. 18-79 PCI Express MSI Message Upper Address Register (EP Mode Only)--0x78 ... 18-79 PCI Express MSI Message Data Register (EP Mode Only)--0x7C ................... 18-79 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xlii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 18.3.10 18.4 18.4.1 18.4.2 Title Page Number PCI Express Extended Configuration Space ........................................................... 18-80 PCI Express Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID Register--0x100........... 18-81 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Status Register--0x104 ................................. 18-81 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Mask Register--0x108 .................................. 18-82 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Severity Register--0x10C ............................. 18-83 PCI Express Correctable Error Status Register--0x110 ..................................... 18-84 PCI Express Correctable Error Mask Register--0x114 ...................................... 18-84 PCI Express Advanced Error Capabilities and Control Register--0x118 .......... 18-85 PCI Express Header Log Register--0x11C-0x12B ............................................ 18-86 PCI Express Root Error Command Register--0x12C......................................... 18-87 PCI Express Root Error Status Register--0x130 ................................................ 18-87 PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register--0x134............................... 18-88 PCI Express Error Source ID Register--0x136 .................................................. 18-88 LTSSM State Status Register--0x404................................................................. 18-89 PCI Express Controller Core Clock Ratio Register--0x440............................... 18-90 PCI Express Power Management Timer Register--0x450 ................................. 18-91 PCI Express PME Time-Out Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x454 ....................... 18-92 PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Update Register (EP Mode Only)--0x478. 18-93 Configuration Ready Register--0x4B0............................................................... 18-93 PME_To_Ack Timeout Register (RC-Mode Only)--0x590 ............................... 18-94 Secondary Status Interrupt Mask Register (RC-Mode Only)--0x5A0 ............... 18-94 Functional Description................................................................................................. 18-96 Architecture ............................................................................................................. 18-97 PCI Express Transactions .................................................................................... 18-97 Byte Ordering ...................................................................................................... 18-98 Byte Order for Configuration Transactions ..................................................... 18-99 Lane Reversal ...................................................................................................... 18-99 Transaction Ordering Rules ............................................................................... 18-100 Memory Space Addressing................................................................................ 18-100 I/O Space Addressing ........................................................................................ 18-101 Configuration Space Addressing ....................................................................... 18-101 Serialization of Configuration and I/O Writes................................................... 18-101 Messages............................................................................................................ 18-101 Outbound ATMU Message Generation ......................................................... 18-101 Inbound Messages ......................................................................................... 18-103 Interrupts............................................................................................................... 18-105 EP Interrupt Generation..................................................................................... 18-105 Hardware INTx Message Generation ............................................................ 18-105 Hardware MSI Generation............................................................................. 18-105 Software INTx Message Generation ............................................................. 18-106 Software MSI Generation.............................................................................. 18-106 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xliii Contents Paragraph Number 18.4.3 18.4.4 18.4.5 18.5 18.5.1 Page Number Title RC Handling of INTx Message and MSI Interrupt ........................................... 18-106 INTx Message Handling................................................................................ 18-106 MSI Handling ................................................................................................ 18-106 Initial Credit Advertisement .................................................................................. 18-106 Power Management ............................................................................................... 18-107 L2/L3 Ready Link State..................................................................................... 18-108 Hot Reset................................................................................................................ 18-108 Initialization/Application Information ....................................................................... 18-108 Boot Mode and Inbound Configuration Transactions ........................................... 18-108 Chapter 19 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 19.1 19.1.1 19.1.2 19.1.3 19.1.4 19.2 19.3 19.3.1 19.3.2 19.3.3 19.3.4 19.3.5 19.4 19.4.1 SEC 2.1 Architecture Overview .................................................................................... 19-2 Descriptors ................................................................................................................. 19-4 Execution Units (EUs) ............................................................................................... 19-5 Public Key Execution Unit (PKEU) ...................................................................... 19-5 Elliptic Curve Operations .................................................................................. 19-5 Modular Exponentiation Operations ................................................................. 19-6 Data Encryption Standard Execution Unit (DEU)................................................. 19-6 ARC Four Execution Unit (AFEU) ....................................................................... 19-6 Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU) ............................................................. 19-7 Random Number Generator (RNG)....................................................................... 19-7 Advanced Encryption Standard Execution Unit (AESU)...................................... 19-7 Kasumi Execution Unit (KEU).............................................................................. 19-8 Crypto-Channels ........................................................................................................ 19-8 Controller ................................................................................................................... 19-9 Channel-Controlled Access ................................................................................. 19-10 Host-Controlled Access ....................................................................................... 19-10 Configuration of Internal Memory Space .................................................................... 19-10 Descriptor Overview.................................................................................................... 19-16 Descriptor Structure ................................................................................................. 19-16 Descriptor Format: Header Dword .......................................................................... 19-17 Selecting Execution Units--EU_SEL0 and EU_SEL1 ....................................... 19-18 Selecting Descriptor Type--DESC_TYPE ......................................................... 19-19 Descriptor Format: Pointer Dwords......................................................................... 19-20 Link Table Format ................................................................................................... 19-21 Descriptor Types ...................................................................................................... 19-24 Execution Units............................................................................................................ 19-25 Public Key Execution Unit (PKEU) ........................................................................ 19-26 PKEU Mode Register (PKEUMR)...................................................................... 19-26 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xliv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 19.4.2 19.4.3 Title Page Number PKEU Key Size Register (PKEUKSR) ............................................................... 19-27 PKEU AB Size Register (PKEUABS) ................................................................ 19-28 PKEU Data Size Register (PKEUDSR) .............................................................. 19-28 PKEU Reset Control Register (PKEURCR) ....................................................... 19-29 PKEU Status Register (PKEUSR)....................................................................... 19-29 PKEU Interrupt Status Register (PKEUISR)....................................................... 19-31 PKEU Interrupt Control Register (PKEUICR).................................................... 19-32 PKEU EU Go Register (PKEUEUG) .................................................................. 19-33 PKEU Parameter Memories ................................................................................ 19-33 PKEU Parameter Memory A ........................................................................... 19-33 PKEU Parameter Memory B ........................................................................... 19-33 PKEU Parameter Memory E ........................................................................... 19-33 PKEU Parameter Memory N ........................................................................... 19-33 Data Encryption Standard Execution Unit (DEU)................................................... 19-34 DEU Mode Register (DEUMR) .......................................................................... 19-34 DEU Key Size Register (DEUKSR).................................................................... 19-35 DEU Data Size Register (DEUDSR)................................................................... 19-35 DEU Reset Control Register (DEURCR)............................................................ 19-36 DEU Status Register (DEUSR) ........................................................................... 19-36 DEU Interrupt Status Register (DEUISR) ........................................................... 19-37 DEU Interrupt Control Register (DEUICR) ........................................................ 19-39 DEU EU Go Register (DEUEUG) ...................................................................... 19-41 DEU IV Register (DEUIV) ................................................................................. 19-41 DEU Key Registers 1-3 (DEUKn)...................................................................... 19-41 DEU FIFOs .......................................................................................................... 19-41 ARC Four Execution Unit (AFEU) ......................................................................... 19-41 AFEU Mode Register (AFEUMR)...................................................................... 19-42 Host-Provided Context via Prevent Permute....................................................... 19-42 Dump Context.................................................................................................. 19-42 AFEU Key Size Register (AFEUKSR) ............................................................... 19-43 AFEU Context/Data Size Register (AFEUDSR) ................................................ 19-44 AFEU Reset Control Register (AFEURCR) ....................................................... 19-44 AFEU Status Register (AFEUSR)....................................................................... 19-45 AFEU Interrupt Status Register (AFEUISR)....................................................... 19-46 AFEU Interrupt Control Register (AFEUICR).................................................... 19-48 AFEU EU Go Register (AFEUEUG) .................................................................. 19-49 AFEU Context ..................................................................................................... 19-49 AFEU Context Memory .................................................................................. 19-49 AFEU Context Memory Pointer Register ....................................................... 19-50 AFEU Key Registers 0-1 (AFEUKn) ................................................................. 19-50 AFEU FIFOs........................................................................................................ 19-50 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xlv Contents Paragraph Number 19.4.4 19.4.5 19.4.6 19.4.7 Page Number Title Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU) ............................................................... 19-50 MDEU Mode Register (MDEUMR) ................................................................... 19-50 Recommended Settings for MDEU Mode Register ............................................ 19-53 MDEU Key Size Register (MDEUKSR) ............................................................ 19-54 MDEU Data Size Register (MDEUDSR)............................................................ 19-54 MDEU Reset Control Register (MDEURCR)..................................................... 19-55 MDEU Status Register (MDEUSR) .................................................................... 19-55 MDEU Interrupt Status Register (MDEUISR).................................................... 19-57 MDEU Interrupt Control Register (MDEUICR) ................................................. 19-58 MDEU ICV Size Register (MDEUICVSR) ........................................................ 19-59 MDEU EU Go Register (MDEUEUG) ............................................................... 19-59 MDEU Context Registers .................................................................................... 19-60 MDEU Key Registers .......................................................................................... 19-61 MDEU FIFOs ...................................................................................................... 19-62 Random Number Generator (RNG)......................................................................... 19-62 RNG Mode Register (RNGMR).......................................................................... 19-63 RNG Data Size Register (RNGDSR) .................................................................. 19-63 RNG Reset Control Register (RNGRCR) ........................................................... 19-63 RNG Status Register (RNGSR)........................................................................... 19-64 RNG Interrupt Status Register (RNGISR)........................................................... 19-65 RNG Interrupt Control Register (RNGICR)........................................................ 19-66 RNG EU Go Register (RNGEUG) ...................................................................... 19-67 RNG FIFO ........................................................................................................... 19-67 Advanced Encryption Standard Execution Unit (AESU)........................................ 19-67 AESU Mode Register (AESUMR)...................................................................... 19-67 AESU Key Size Register (AESUKSR) ............................................................... 19-69 AESU Data Size Register (AESUDSR) .............................................................. 19-69 AESU Reset Control Register (AESURCR) ....................................................... 19-70 AESU Status Register (AESUSR)....................................................................... 19-71 AESU Interrupt Status Register (AESUISR)....................................................... 19-72 AESU Interrupt Control Register (AESUICR).................................................... 19-73 AESU EU Go Register (AESUEUG) .................................................................. 19-74 AESU Context Registers ..................................................................................... 19-75 Context for CBC Mode.................................................................................... 19-76 Context for Counter Mode............................................................................... 19-76 Context for SRT Mode .................................................................................... 19-76 Context for CCM Mode................................................................................... 19-77 AESU Key Registers ....................................................................................... 19-79 AESU FIFOs.................................................................................................... 19-79 Kasumi Execution Unit (KEU)................................................................................ 19-79 KEU Mode Register (KEUMR) .......................................................................... 19-80 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xlvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 19.5 19.5.1 19.5.2 19.6 19.6.1 19.6.2 19.6.3 19.6.4 19.6.5 Title Page Number KEU Key Size Register (KEUKSR).................................................................... 19-81 KEU Data Size Register (KEUDSR)................................................................... 19-81 KEU Reset Control Register (KEURCR)............................................................ 19-82 KEU Status Register (KEUSR) ........................................................................... 19-83 KEU Interrupt Status Register (KEUISR) ........................................................... 19-84 KEU Interrupt Control Register (KEUICR) ........................................................ 19-85 KEU Data Out Register (F9 MAC) (KEUDOR) ................................................. 19-87 KEU EU Go Register (KEUEUG) ...................................................................... 19-87 KEU IV 1 Register (KEUIV1) ............................................................................ 19-88 KEU ICV_In Register (KEUICV)....................................................................... 19-88 KEU IV_2 Register (Fresh) (KEUIV2) ............................................................... 19-89 KEU Context Data Registers (KEUCn) .............................................................. 19-89 KEU Key Data Registers_1 and _2 (Confidentiality Key) (KEUKDn) .............. 19-89 KEU Key Data Registers _3 and _4 (Integrity Key) (KEUKDn) ....................... 19-90 KEU FIFOs .......................................................................................................... 19-90 Crypto-Channels .......................................................................................................... 19-91 Channel Registers .................................................................................................... 19-92 Crypto-Channel Configuration Registers 1-4 (CCCRn) ..................................... 19-92 Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Registers 1-4 (CCPSRn) ................................... 19-95 Crypto-Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Registers 1-4 (CCDPRn) ............ 19-100 Fetch FIFO Address Registers 1-4 (FFn).......................................................... 19-101 Crypto-Channel 1-4 Descriptor Buffers [0-7] (DBn[0-7]) .............................. 19-102 Link Table Buffer Registers (Scatter or Gather)--LTB0-3 .............................. 19-102 Channel Interrupts.................................................................................................. 19-103 Channel Done Interrupt ..................................................................................... 19-103 Channel Error Interrupt...................................................................................... 19-103 Channel Reset .................................................................................................... 19-103 Security Controller..................................................................................................... 19-104 Assignment of EUs to Channels ............................................................................ 19-104 Channel Priority Arbitration .............................................................................. 19-105 Channel Round-Robin Arbitration .................................................................... 19-105 Bus Transfers ......................................................................................................... 19-105 Arbitration for Use of the Controller and Buses................................................ 19-106 System Bus Master Reads ................................................................................. 19-107 System Bus Master Writes................................................................................. 19-107 System Bus Slave Transactions (Reads and Writes) ......................................... 19-107 Snooping by Caches............................................................................................... 19-108 Controller Interrupts .............................................................................................. 19-108 Controller Registers ............................................................................................... 19-109 EU Assignment Status Register (EUASR) ........................................................ 19-109 Interrupt Mask Register (IMR).......................................................................... 19-110 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xlvii Contents Paragraph Number 19.7 Page Number Title Interrupt Status Register (ISR) ...........................................................................19-111 Interrupt Clear Register (ICR) ........................................................................... 19-112 ID Register......................................................................................................... 19-113 IP Block Revision Register................................................................................ 19-113 Master Control Register (MCR) ........................................................................ 19-114 Power-Saving Mode................................................................................................... 19-115 Part IV Global Functions and Debug Chapter 20 Global Utilities 20.1 20.2 20.2.1 20.2.2 20.2.3 20.2.4 20.2.5 20.3 20.3.1 20.3.2 20.4 20.4.1 Overview........................................................................................................................ 20-1 Global Utilities Features ................................................................................................ 20-1 Power Management and Block Disables ................................................................... 20-1 Accessing Current POR Configuration Settings........................................................ 20-1 General-Purpose I/O .................................................................................................. 20-1 Interrupt and Local Bus Signal Multiplexing ............................................................ 20-1 Clock Control............................................................................................................. 20-2 External Signal Description ........................................................................................... 20-2 Signals Overview....................................................................................................... 20-2 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................................... 20-2 Memory Map/Register Definition ................................................................................. 20-3 Register Descriptions................................................................................................. 20-5 POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR) ............................................................... 20-5 POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR)..................................................... 20-6 POR I/O Impedance Status and Control Register (PORIMPSCR) ....................... 20-7 POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR).......................................................... 20-8 POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR) .......................................... 20-10 POR Device Status Register 2 (PORDEVSR2)................................................... 20-11 General-Purpose POR Configuration Register (GPPORCR) .............................. 20-11 General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR) .............................................. 20-12 General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPOUTDR) ......................................... 20-12 General-Purpose Input Data Register (GPINDR)................................................ 20-14 Alternate Function Signal Multiplex Control Register (PMUXCR) ................... 20-14 Device Disable Register (DEVDISR) ................................................................. 20-15 Power Management Control and Status Register (POWMGTCSR).................... 20-17 Machine Check Summary Register (MCPSUMR).............................................. 20-19 Reset Request Status and Control Register (RSTRSCR) .................................... 20-20 Processor Version Register (PVR)....................................................................... 20-20 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xlviii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 20.5 20.5.1 20.5.2 20.5.3 Title Page Number System Version Register (SVR)........................................................................... 20-21 Reset Control Register (RSTCR)......................................................................... 20-22 LBC Voltage Select Control Register (LBCVSELCR) ....................................... 20-22 DDR Calibration Status Register (DDRCSR) ..................................................... 20-23 DDR Control Driver Register (DDRCDR).......................................................... 20-23 DDR Clock Disable Register (DDRCLKDR) ..................................................... 20-25 Clock Out Control Register (CLKOCR) ............................................................. 20-25 SerDes Control Register 0 (SRDSCR0) .............................................................. 20-26 SerDes Control Register 1 (SRDSCR1) .............................................................. 20-27 eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC12IOOVCR)....... 20-28 eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC34IOOVCR)....... 20-29 Functional Description................................................................................................. 20-30 Power Management ................................................................................................. 20-30 Relationship Between Core and Device Power Management States................... 20-30 CKSTP_IN is Not Power Management ............................................................... 20-31 Dynamic Power Management.............................................................................. 20-31 Shutting Down Unused Blocks............................................................................ 20-31 Software-Controlled Power-Down States............................................................ 20-32 Doze Mode ...................................................................................................... 20-32 Nap Mode ........................................................................................................ 20-32 Sleep Mode ...................................................................................................... 20-32 Power Management Control Fields ..................................................................... 20-33 Power-Down Sequence Coordination.................................................................. 20-33 Interrupts and Power Management ...................................................................... 20-35 Interrupts and Power Management Controlled by MSR[WE] ........................ 20-35 Interrupts and Power Management Controlled by POWMGTCSR................. 20-35 Snooping in Power-Down Modes........................................................................ 20-36 Software Considerations for Power Management ............................................... 20-36 Requirements for Reaching and Recovering from Sleep State............................ 20-36 General-Purpose I/O Signals ................................................................................... 20-37 Interrupt and Local Bus Signal Multiplexing .......................................................... 20-37 Chapter 21 Device Performance Monitor 21.1 21.1.1 21.1.2 21.2 21.3 21.3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 21-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 21-2 Features...................................................................................................................... 21-3 Signal Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 21-3 Memory Map and Register Definition........................................................................... 21-3 Register Summary...................................................................................................... 21-3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xlix Contents Paragraph Number 21.3.2 21.3.3 21.4 21.4.1 21.4.2 21.4.3 21.4.4 21.4.5 21.4.6 21.4.7 21.4.8 Page Number Title Control Registers ....................................................................................................... 21-5 Performance Monitor Global Control Register (PMGC0) .................................... 21-5 Performance Monitor Local Control Registers (PMLCAn, PMLCBn)................. 21-5 Counter Registers....................................................................................................... 21-9 Performance Monitor Counters (PMC0-PMC9)................................................... 21-9 Functional Description................................................................................................. 21-11 Performance Monitor Interrupt................................................................................ 21-11 Event Counting ........................................................................................................ 21-11 Threshold Events ..................................................................................................... 21-11 Chaining................................................................................................................... 21-12 Triggering ................................................................................................................ 21-13 Burstiness Counting................................................................................................. 21-13 Performance Monitor Events ................................................................................... 21-15 Performance Monitor Examples .............................................................................. 21-28 Chapter 22 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22.1 22.1.1 22.1.2 22.1.3 22.2 22.2.1 22.2.2 22.3 22.3.1 22.3.2 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 22-1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 22-1 Features...................................................................................................................... 22-3 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................... 22-3 Local Bus (LBC) Debug Mode.............................................................................. 22-4 DDR SDRAM Interface Debug Modes ................................................................. 22-4 PCI Interface Debug Modes .................................................................................. 22-4 Watchpoint Monitor Modes ................................................................................... 22-4 Trace Buffer Modes ............................................................................................... 22-5 External Signal Description ........................................................................................... 22-5 Overview.................................................................................................................... 22-5 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................................... 22-7 Debug Signals--Details......................................................................................... 22-7 Watchpoint Monitor Trigger Signals--Details...................................................... 22-8 Test Signals--Details............................................................................................. 22-8 Memory Map/Register Definition ............................................................................... 22-10 Watchpoint Monitor Register Descriptions ............................................................. 22-11 Watchpoint Monitor Control Registers 0-1 (WMCR0, WMCR1)...................... 22-11 Watchpoint Monitor Address Register (WMAR)................................................ 22-13 Watchpoint Monitor Address Mask Register (WMAMR) ................................. 22-13 Watchpoint Monitor Transaction Mask Register (WMTMR) ............................. 22-13 Watchpoint Monitor Status Register (WMSR) .................................................... 22-15 Trace Buffer Register Descriptions.......................................................................... 22-16 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 l Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 22.3.3 22.3.4 22.4 22.4.1 22.4.2 22.4.3 22.4.4 22.4.5 22.4.6 22.5 Title Page Number Trace Buffer Control Registers (TBCR0, TBCR1) ............................................. 22-16 Trace Buffer Address Register (TBAR) .............................................................. 22-18 Trace Buffer Address Mask Register (TBAMR)................................................. 22-19 Trace Buffer Transaction Mask Register (TBTMR)............................................ 22-19 Trace Buffer Status Register (TBSR) .................................................................. 22-20 Trace Buffer Access Control Register (TBACR) ................................................ 22-21 Trace Buffer Access Data High Register (TBADHR)......................................... 22-21 Trace Buffer Access Data Register (TBADR)..................................................... 22-22 Context ID Registers................................................................................................ 22-22 Programmed Context ID Register (PCIDR) ........................................................ 22-22 Current Context ID Register (CCIDR) ................................................................ 22-23 Trigger Out Function ............................................................................................... 22-23 Trigger Out Source Register (TOSR) .................................................................. 22-24 Functional Description................................................................................................. 22-24 Source and Target ID ............................................................................................... 22-24 PCI Interface Debug ................................................................................................ 22-25 DDR SDRAM Interface Debug............................................................................... 22-26 Debug Information on Debug Pins ...................................................................... 22-26 Debug Information on ECC Pins......................................................................... 22-26 Local Bus Interface Debug ...................................................................................... 22-26 Watchpoint Monitor ................................................................................................. 22-26 Watchpoint Monitor Performance Monitor Events ............................................. 22-27 Trace Buffer ............................................................................................................. 22-27 Traced Data Formats (as a Function of TBCR1[IFSEL]).................................... 22-28 Initialization ................................................................................................................. 22-30 Appendix A MPC8547E A.1 A.2 A.3 A.3.1 A.3.2 A.3.3 A.4 Overview of Differences................................................................................................. A-1 Differences in Signals ..................................................................................................... A-2 Differences in Peripheral Blocks .................................................................................... A-3 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface ............................................................................................ A-3 Serial RapidIO Interface ............................................................................................. A-3 PCI Express Interface ................................................................................................. A-3 I/O Port Selection............................................................................................................ A-3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor li Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Title Appendix B MPC8545E B.1 B.2 B.3 B.3.1 B.3.2 B.3.3 B.3.4 B.3.5 B.3.6 B.4 Overview of Differences..................................................................................................B-1 Differences in Signals ......................................................................................................B-2 Differences in Peripheral Blocks .....................................................................................B-3 DDR Memory Controller.............................................................................................B-3 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers...............................................................B-3 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface .............................................................................................B-3 Serial RapidIO Interface ..............................................................................................B-3 PCI Express Interface ..................................................................................................B-3 Security Engine............................................................................................................B-3 I/O Port Selection.............................................................................................................B-3 Appendix C MPC8543E C.1 C.2 C.3 C.3.1 C.3.2 C.3.3 C.3.4 C.3.5 C.3.6 C.4 Overview of Differences..................................................................................................C-1 Differences in Signals ......................................................................................................C-2 Differences in Peripheral Blocks .....................................................................................C-3 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM .....................................................................................C-3 DDR Memory Controller.............................................................................................C-3 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers...............................................................C-4 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface .............................................................................................C-4 PCI Express Interface ..................................................................................................C-4 Security Engine............................................................................................................C-4 I/O Port Selection.............................................................................................................C-4 Appendix D Revision History D.1 D.2 Changes From Revision 1 to Revision 2 ........................................................................ D-1 Changes From Revision 0 to Revision 1 ...................................................................... D-12 Index 1 Register Index (Memory-Mapped Registers) Index 2 General Index MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number Title Page Number Figures 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 3-1 3-2 3-3 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 MPC8548E Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 1-2 Integrated Security Engine Functional Blocks...................................................................... 1-18 Processing Transactions Across the On-Chip Fabric............................................................ 1-25 VPN Access Router Enabled by PCI Express and Ethernet ................................................. 1-26 High-Performance Communication System Using Distributed Processing ......................... 1-27 High-Performance Communication System Using MPC8548E ........................................... 1-27 RAID Controller Application Using MPC8548E ................................................................. 1-28 MPC8548E with SerDes ....................................................................................................... 1-28 MPC8548E as a Control Plane Processor for a DSP Farm Interconnected with RapidIO ... 1-28 Local Memory Map Example ................................................................................................. 2-2 Local Access IP Block Revision Register 1 (LAIPBRR1) ..................................................... 2-6 Local Access IP Block Revision Register 2 (LAIPBRR2) ..................................................... 2-6 Local Access Window n Base Address Registers (LAWBAR0-LAWBAR7) ....................... 2-7 Local Access Window n Attributes Registers (LAWAR0-LAWAR7) ................................... 2-7 Top-Level Register Map Example ........................................................................................ 2-11 General Utilities Registers Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block ................................................................................................ 2-13 PIC Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block ................................... 2-14 RapidIO Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block............................ 2-15 Device-Specific Register Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block ................................................................................................ 2-16 MPC8548E Signal Groupings (1/3)........................................................................................ 3-2 MPC8548E Signal Groupings (2/3) (Continued).................................................................... 3-3 MPC8548E Signal Groupings (3/3) (Continued).................................................................... 3-4 Configuration, Control, and Status Register Base Address Register (CCSRBAR)................ 4-5 Alternate Configuration Base Address Register (ALTCBAR) ............................................... 4-6 Alternate Configuration Attribute Register (ALTCAR) ......................................................... 4-6 Boot Page Translation Register (BPTR) ................................................................................. 4-7 Power-On Reset Sequence .................................................................................................... 4-10 Clock Subsystem Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 4-26 RTC and Core Timer Facilities Clocking Options ................................................................ 4-28 e500 Core Complex Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 5-2 Vector and Floating-Point APUs............................................................................................. 5-6 Four-Stage MU Pipeline, Showing Divide Bypass................................................................. 5-8 Three-Stage Load/Store Unit .................................................................................................. 5-9 Instruction Pipeline Flow ...................................................................................................... 5-15 GPR Issue Queue (GIQ) ....................................................................................................... 5-16 e500 Core Programming Model............................................................................................ 5-18 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor liii Figures Figure Number 5-8 5-9 5-10 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 6-31 6-32 6-33 6-34 6-35 6-36 6-37 6-38 Page Number Title MMU Structure ..................................................................................................................... 5-24 Effective-to-Real Address Translation Flow......................................................................... 5-25 Effective-to-Real Address Translation Flow (e500v2) ......................................................... 5-26 Core Register Model ............................................................................................................... 6-2 Integer Exception Register (XER) .......................................................................................... 6-8 Condition Register (CR) ......................................................................................................... 6-9 Link Register (LR) ................................................................................................................ 6-11 Count Register (CTR) ........................................................................................................... 6-11 Machine State Register (MSR) ............................................................................................. 6-11 Processor ID Register (PIR).................................................................................................. 6-13 Processor Version Register (PVR) ........................................................................................ 6-13 System Version Register (SVR)............................................................................................ 6-14 Timer Control Register (TCR) .............................................................................................. 6-14 Timer Status Register (TSR) ................................................................................................. 6-15 Time Base Upper/Lower Registers (TBU/TBL)................................................................... 6-16 Decrementer Register (DEC) ................................................................................................ 6-16 Decrementer Auto-Reload Register (DECAR)..................................................................... 6-17 Save/Restore Register 0 (SRR0) ........................................................................................... 6-17 Save/Restore Register 1 (SRR1) ........................................................................................... 6-17 Critical Save/Restore Register 0 (CSRR0) ........................................................................... 6-17 Critical Save/Restore Register 1 (CSRR1) ........................................................................... 6-18 Data Exception Address Register (DEAR) ........................................................................... 6-18 Interrupt Vector Prefix Register (IVPR) ............................................................................... 6-18 Interrupt Vector Offset Registers (IVORn) ........................................................................... 6-18 Exception Syndrome Register (ESR).................................................................................... 6-19 Machine Check Save/Restore Register 0 (MCSRR0)........................................................... 6-20 Machine Check Save/Restore Register 1 (MCSRR1)........................................................... 6-20 Machine Check Address Register (MCAR).......................................................................... 6-21 Machine Check Address Register Upper (MCARU)............................................................ 6-21 Machine Check Syndrome Register (MCSR) ....................................................................... 6-21 Software-Use SPRs (SPRG0-SPRG7 and USPRG0)........................................................... 6-22 Branch Buffer Entry Address Register (BBEAR) ................................................................ 6-23 Branch Buffer Target Address Register (BBTAR)................................................................ 6-23 Branch Unit Control and Status Register (BUCSR) ............................................................. 6-24 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0).................................................... 6-25 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1).................................................... 6-26 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 0 (L1CSR0).............................................................. 6-28 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 1 (L1CSR1).............................................................. 6-29 L1 Cache Configuration Register 0 (L1CFG0)..................................................................... 6-30 L1 Cache Configuration Register 1 (L1CFG1)..................................................................... 6-31 Process ID Registers (PID0-PID2)....................................................................................... 6-32 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 liv Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 6-39 6-40 6-41 6-42 6-43 6-44 6-45 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-50 6-51 6-52 6-53 6-54 6-55 6-56 6-57 6-58 6-59 6-60 6-61 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 Title Page Number MMU Control and Status Register 0 (MMUCSR0) ............................................................. 6-32 MMU Configuration Register (MMUCFG) ......................................................................... 6-32 TLB Configuration Register 0 (TLB0CFG) ......................................................................... 6-33 TLB Configuration Register 1 (TLB1CFG) ......................................................................... 6-34 MAS Register 0 (MAS0) ...................................................................................................... 6-35 MAS Register 1 (MAS1) ...................................................................................................... 6-35 MAS Register 2 (MAS2) ...................................................................................................... 6-36 MAS Register 3 (MAS3) ...................................................................................................... 6-37 MAS Register 4 (MAS4) ...................................................................................................... 6-38 MAS Register 6 (MAS6) ...................................................................................................... 6-38 MAS Register 7 (MAS7) ...................................................................................................... 6-39 Debug Control Register 0 (DBCR0) ..................................................................................... 6-39 Debug Control Register 1 (DBCR1) ..................................................................................... 6-41 Debug Control Register 2 (DBCR2) ..................................................................................... 6-42 Debug Status Register (DBSR)............................................................................................. 6-43 Instruction Address Compare Registers (IAC1-IAC2) ........................................................ 6-45 Data Address Compare Registers (DAC1-DAC2) ............................................................... 6-45 Signal Processing and Embedded Floating-Point Status and Control Register (SPEFSCR) 6-45 Accumulator (ACC) .............................................................................................................. 6-47 Performance Monitor Global Control Register 0 (PMGC0), User Performance Monitor Global Control Register 0 (UPMGC0) ................................ 6-49 Local Control A Registers (PMLCa0-PMLCa3), User Local Control A Registers (UPMLCa0-UPMLCa3) .................................................................................................. 6-50 Local Control B Registers (PMLCb0-PMLCb3)/User Local Control B Registers (UPMLCb0-UPMLCb3).................................................................................................. 6-51 Performance Monitor Counter Registers (PMC0-PMC3)/User Performance Monitor Counter Registers (UPMC0-UPMC3)............................................................................. 6-52 L2 Cache/SRAM Configuration ............................................................................................. 7-1 Cache Organization ................................................................................................................. 7-4 Physical Address Usage for L2 Cache Accesses .................................................................... 7-5 Physical Address Usage for SRAM Accesses ........................................................................ 7-6 Data Bus Connection of CCB ................................................................................................. 7-8 Address Bus Connection of CCB............................................................................................ 7-8 L2 Control Register (L2CTL) ............................................................................................... 7-10 Cache External Write Address Registers (L2CEWARn) ...................................................... 7-14 Cache External Write Address Registers Extended Address (L2CEWAREAn)................... 7-14 Cache External Write Control Registers (L2CEWCR0-L2CEWCR3) ................................ 7-15 L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers (L2SRBARn)................................... 7-16 L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers Extended Address 0-1 (L2SRBAREAn) .............................................................................................................. 7-17 L2 Error Injection Mask High Register (L2ERRINJHI) ...................................................... 7-18 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lv Figures Figure Number 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 Page Number Title L2 Error Injection Mask Low Register (L2ERRINJLO) ...................................................... 7-19 L2 Error Injection Mask Control Register (L2ERRINJCTL) ............................................... 7-19 L2 Error Capture Data High Register (L2CAPTDATAHI)................................................... 7-20 L2 Error Capture Data Low Register (L2CAPTDATALO) .................................................. 7-20 L2 Error Syndrome Register (L2CAPTECC) ....................................................................... 7-20 L2 Error Detect Register (L2ERRDET) ............................................................................... 7-21 L2 Error Disable Register (L2ERRDIS) ............................................................................... 7-22 L2 Error Interrupt Enable Register (L2ERRINTEN) ........................................................... 7-22 L2 Error Attributes Capture Register (L2ERRATTR) .......................................................... 7-23 L2 Error Address Capture Register (L2ERRADDRH)......................................................... 7-24 L2 Error Address Capture Register (L2ERRADDRL) ......................................................... 7-24 L2 Error Control Register (L2ERRCTL).............................................................................. 7-25 L2 Cache Line Replacement Algorithm ............................................................................... 7-31 e500 Coherency Module Block Diagram................................................................................ 8-1 ECM CCB Address Configuration Register (EEBACR)........................................................ 8-3 ECM CCB Port Configuration Register (EEBPCR)............................................................... 8-4 ECM IP Block Revision Register 1 (EIPBRR1)..................................................................... 8-5 ECM IP Block Revision Register 2 (EIPBRR2)..................................................................... 8-5 ECM Error Detect Register (EEDR)....................................................................................... 8-6 ECM Error Enable Register (EEER) ...................................................................................... 8-7 ECM Error Attributes Capture Register (EEATR) ................................................................. 8-7 ECM Error Low Address Capture Register (EELADR)......................................................... 8-8 ECM Error High Address Capture Register (EEHADR)........................................................ 8-9 DDR Memory Controller Simplified Block Diagram............................................................. 9-2 Chip Select Bounds Registers (CSn_BNDS)........................................................................ 9-12 Chip Select Configuration Register (CSn_CONFIG) ........................................................... 9-12 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3) ................................................ 9-14 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0) ................................................ 9-14 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1) ................................................ 9-16 DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 Register (TIMING_CFG_2).................................. 9-18 DDR SDRAM Control Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_CFG) .............................. 9-20 DDR SDRAM Control Configuration Register 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2)....................... 9-23 DDR SDRAM Mode Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_MODE)............................. 9-25 DDR SDRAM Mode 2 Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2)...................... 9-26 DDR SDRAM Mode Control Register (DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL) ................................ 9-26 DDR SDRAM Interval Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL) .................. 9-29 DDR SDRAM Data Initialization Configuration Register (DDR_DATA_INIT)................. 9-30 DDR SDRAM Clock Control Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL)....... 9-30 DDR Initialization Address Configuration Register (DDR_INIT_ADDR) ......................... 9-31 DDR Initialization Extended Address Configuration Register (DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR) 9-31 DDR IP Block Revision 1 (DDR_IP_REV1) ....................................................................... 9-32 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lvi Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28 9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40 9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 Title Page Number DDR IP Block Revision 2 (DDR_IP_REV2) ....................................................................... 9-32 Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask High Register (DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI) ......... 9-33 Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask Low Register (DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO)......... 9-33 Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask ECC Register (ERR_INJECT)............................ 9-34 Memory Data Path Read Capture High Register (CAPTURE_DATA_HI).......................... 9-34 Memory Data Path Read Capture Low Register (CAPTURE_DATA_LO) ......................... 9-35 Memory Data Path Read Capture ECC Register (CAPTURE_ECC)................................... 9-35 Memory Error Detect Register (ERR_DETECT) ................................................................. 9-36 Memory Error Disable Register (ERR_DISABLE).............................................................. 9-36 Memory Error Interrupt Enable Register (ERR_INT_EN)................................................... 9-37 Memory Error Attributes Capture Register (CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES)........................... 9-38 Memory Error Address Capture Register (CAPTURE_ADDRESS) ................................... 9-39 Memory Error Extended Address Capture Register (CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS).......... 9-40 Single-Bit ECC Memory Error Management Register (ERR_SBE) .................................... 9-40 DDR Memory Controller Block Diagram ............................................................................ 9-42 Typical Dual Data Rate SDRAM Internal Organization....................................................... 9-43 Typical DDR SDRAM Interface Signals .............................................................................. 9-43 Example 256-Mbyte DDR SDRAM Configuration With ECC ............................................ 9-44 DDR SDRAM Burst Read Timing--ACTTORW = 3, MCAS Latency = 2 ........................ 9-56 DDR SDRAM Single-Beat (Double Word) Write Timing--ACTTORW = 3...................... 9-56 DDR SDRAM 4-Beat Burst Write Timing--ACTTORW = 4 ............................................. 9-57 DDR SDRAM Clock Distribution Example for x8 DDR SDRAMs .................................... 9-58 DDR SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing........................................................................ 9-58 Registered DDR SDRAM DIMM Burst Write Timing ........................................................ 9-59 Write Timing Adjustments Example for Write Latency = 1 ................................................. 9-60 DDR SDRAM Bank Staggered Auto Refresh Timing.......................................................... 9-61 DDR SDRAM Power-Down Mode ...................................................................................... 9-62 DDR SDRAM Self-Refresh Entry Timing ........................................................................... 9-63 DDR SDRAM Self-Refresh Exit Timing ............................................................................. 9-63 Pass-Through Mode Example ............................................................................................... 10-3 Block Revision Register 1 (BRR1) ..................................................................................... 10-16 Block Revision Register 2 (BRR2) ..................................................................................... 10-17 Feature Reporting Register (FRR) ...................................................................................... 10-17 Global Configuration Register (GCR) ................................................................................ 10-18 Vendor Identification Register (VIR).................................................................................. 10-19 Processor Initialization Register (PIR) ............................................................................... 10-19 IPI Vector/Priority Register (IPIVPRn) .............................................................................. 10-20 Spurious Vector Register (SVR) ......................................................................................... 10-21 Timer Frequency Reporting Register (TFRR) .................................................................... 10-21 Global Timer Current Count Registers (GTCCRn)............................................................. 10-22 Global Timer Base Count Register (GTBCRn)................................................................... 10-22 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lvii Figures Figure Number 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-23 10-24 10-25 10-26 10-27 10-28 10-29 10-30 10-31 10-32 10-33 10-34 10-35 10-36 10-37 10-38 10-39 10-40 10-41 10-42 10-43 10-44 10-45 10-46 10-47 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 Page Number Title Global Timer Vector/Priority Register (GTVPRn).............................................................. 10-23 Global Timer Destination Registers (GTDRn).................................................................... 10-24 Example Calculation for Cascaded Timers......................................................................... 10-25 Timer Control Register (TCR) ............................................................................................ 10-25 External Interrupt Summary Register (ERQSR)................................................................. 10-27 IRQ_OUT Summary Register 0 (IRQSR0) ........................................................................ 10-27 IRQ_OUT Summary Register 1 (IRQSR1) ........................................................................ 10-28 IRQ_OUT Summary Register 2 (IRQSR2) ........................................................................ 10-28 Critical Interrupt Summary Register 0 (CISR0) ................................................................. 10-29 Critical Interrupt Summary Register 1 (CISR1) ................................................................. 10-29 Critical Interrupt Summary Register 2 (CISR2) ................................................................. 10-30 Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 0 (PMnMR0)....................................................... 10-30 Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 1 (PMnMR1)....................................................... 10-31 Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 2 (PMnMR2)....................................................... 10-31 Message Registers (MSGRs) .............................................................................................. 10-32 Message Enable Register (MER) ........................................................................................ 10-33 Message Status Register (MSR).......................................................................................... 10-33 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Register (MSIRs) ....................................................... 10-34 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Status Register (MSISR)............................................ 10-34 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Index Register (MSIIR) ............................................. 10-35 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Vector/Priority Register (MSIVPRn)......................... 10-35 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Destination Registers (MSIDRn) ............................... 10-36 External Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (EIVPR0-EIVPR11) ..................................... 10-37 External Interrupt Destination Registers (EIDRs) .............................................................. 10-38 Internal Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (IIVPRs) ......................................................... 10-39 Internal Interrupt Destination Registers (IIDRs) ................................................................ 10-40 Messaging Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (MIVPRs).................................................. 10-40 Messaging Interrupt Destination Registers (MIDRs) ......................................................... 10-41 Per-CPU Register Address Decoding in a Four-Core Device............................................. 10-43 Interprocessor Interrupt Dispatch Registers (IPIDR0-IPIDR3) ......................................... 10-43 Processor Current Task Priority Register (CTPR) .............................................................. 10-44 Processor Who Am I Register (WHOAMI)........................................................................ 10-45 Processor Interrupt Acknowledge Register (IACK) ........................................................... 10-45 End of Interrupt Register (EOI) .......................................................................................... 10-46 PIC Interrupt Processing Flow Diagram ............................................................................. 10-47 I2C Block Diagram................................................................................................................ 11-1 I2C Address Register (I2CADR)........................................................................................... 11-6 I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2CFDR) .......................................................................... 11-6 I2C Control Register (I2CCR)............................................................................................... 11-7 I2C Status Register (I2CSR) ................................................................................................. 11-9 I2C Data Register (I2CDR) ................................................................................................. 11-10 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lviii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14 12-15 12-16 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12 13-13 13-14 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 Title Page Number I2C Digital Filter Sampling Rate Register (I2CDFSRR).....................................................11-11 I2C Interface Transaction Protocol...................................................................................... 11-12 EEPROM Data Format for One Register Preload Command............................................. 11-19 EEPROM Contents ............................................................................................................. 11-20 Example I2C Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart ............................................................. 11-25 UART Block Diagram .......................................................................................................... 12-2 Receiver Buffer Registers (URBR0, URBR1)...................................................................... 12-6 Transmitter Holding Registers (UTHR0, UTHR1)............................................................... 12-7 Divisor Most Significant Byte Registers (UDMB0, UDMB1)............................................. 12-7 Divisor Least Significant Byte Registers (UDLB0, UDLB1)............................................... 12-8 Interrupt Enable Register (UIER) ......................................................................................... 12-9 Interrupt ID Registers (UIIR).............................................................................................. 12-10 FIFO Control Registers (UFCR0, UFCR1) ........................................................................ 12-11 Line Control Register (ULCR) ........................................................................................... 12-13 Modem Control Register (UMCR) ..................................................................................... 12-14 Line Status Register (ULSR) .............................................................................................. 12-15 Modem Status Register (UMSR) ........................................................................................ 12-16 Scratch Register (USCR) .................................................................................................... 12-17 Alternate Function Register (UAFR) .................................................................................. 12-17 DMA Status Register (UDSR) ............................................................................................ 12-18 UART Bus Interface Transaction Protocol Example .......................................................... 12-20 Local Bus Controller Block Diagram ................................................................................... 13-1 Base Registers (BRn) .......................................................................................................... 13-10 Option Registers (ORn) in GPCM Mode............................................................................ 13-13 Option Registers (ORn) in UPM Mode .............................................................................. 13-15 Option Registers (ORn) in SDRAM Mode......................................................................... 13-16 UPM Memory Address Register (MAR) ............................................................................ 13-17 UPM Mode Registers (MxMR)........................................................................................... 13-17 Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MRTPR)........................................................ 13-20 UPM Data Register (MDR) ................................................................................................ 13-20 SDRAM Machine Mode Register (LSDMR) ..................................................................... 13-21 UPM Refresh Timer (LURT) .............................................................................................. 13-23 LSRT SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT)............................................................................... 13-23 Transfer Error Status Register (LTESR) ............................................................................. 13-24 Transfer Error Check Disable Register (LTEDR) ............................................................... 13-25 Transfer Error Interrupt Enable Register (LTEIR).............................................................. 13-26 Transfer Error Attributes Register (LTEATR) .................................................................... 13-27 Transfer Error Address Register (LTEAR) ......................................................................... 13-28 Local Bus Configuration Register....................................................................................... 13-29 Clock Ratio Register (LCRR) ............................................................................................. 13-30 Basic Operation of Memory Controllers in the LBC.......................................................... 13-32 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lix Figures Figure Number 13-21 13-22 13-23 13-24 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-29 13-30 13-31 13-32 13-33 13-34 13-35 13-36 13-37 13-38 13-39 13-40 13-41 13-42 13-43 13-44 13-45 13-46 13-47 13-48 13-49 13-50 13-51 13-52 13-53 13-54 13-55 13-56 13-57 13-58 Page Number Title Example of 8-Bit GPCM Writing 32 Bytes to Address 0x5420 ......................................... 13-34 Basic LBC Bus Cycle with LALE, TA, and LCSn ............................................................. 13-34 Local Bus to GPCM Device Interface ................................................................................ 13-36 GPCM Basic Read Timing (XACS = 0, ACS = 1x, TRLX = 0) ........................................ 13-37 GPCM Basic Write Timing (XACS = 0, ACS = 00, CSNT = 1, SCY = 1, TRLX = 0) ..... 13-40 GPCM Relaxed Timing Read (XACS = 0, ACS = 1x, SCY = 1, EHTR = 0, TRLX = 1) . 13-41 GPCM Relaxed Timing Back-to-Back Writes (XACS = 0, ACS = 1x, SCY = 0, CSNT = 0, TRLX = 1) ................................................................................................... 13-41 GPCM Relaxed Timing Write (XACS = 0, ACS = 10, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1). 13-42 GPCM Relaxed Timing Write (XACS = 0, ACS = 00, SCY = 1, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1). 13-42 GPCM Read Followed by Read (TRLX = 0, EHTR = 0, Fastest Timing) ......................... 13-43 GPCM Read Followed by Write (TRLX = 0, EHTR = 1, 1-Cycle Extended Hold Time on Reads)........................................................................ 13-44 GPCM Read Followed by Write (TRLX = 1, EHTR = 0, 4-Cycle Extended Hold Time on Reads) ................................. 13-44 External Termination of GPCM Access.............................................................................. 13-45 Connection to a 32-Bit SDRAM with 12 Address Lines.................................................... 13-47 SDRAM Address Multiplexing .......................................................................................... 13-50 PRETOACT = 2 (2 Clock Cycles)...................................................................................... 13-51 ACTTORW = 2 (2 Clock Cycles)....................................................................................... 13-51 CL = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) ..................................................................................................... 13-52 WRC = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) ................................................................................................. 13-52 RFRC = 4 (6 Clock Cycles) ................................................................................................ 13-53 BUFCMD = 1, LCRR[BUFCMDC] = 2............................................................................. 13-53 SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Closed, CL = 3 .............................................................. 13-54 SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Hit, CL = 3 .................................................................... 13-54 SDRAM Two-Beat Burst Read, Page Closed, CL = 3........................................................ 13-54 SDRAM Four-Beat Burst Read, Page Miss, CL = 3........................................................... 13-54 SDRAM Single-Beat Write, Page Hit................................................................................. 13-55 SDRAM Three-Beat Write, Page Closed............................................................................ 13-55 SDRAM Read-After-Read Pipelined, Page Hit, CL = 3..................................................... 13-55 SDRAM Write-After-Write Pipelined, Page Hit................................................................. 13-55 SDRAM Read-After-Write Pipelined, Page Hit ................................................................. 13-56 SDRAM MODE-SET Command........................................................................................ 13-56 SDRAM Bank-Staggered Auto-Refresh Timing ................................................................ 13-57 User-Programmable Machine Functional Block Diagram.................................................. 13-58 RAM Array Indexing .......................................................................................................... 13-59 Memory Refresh Timer Request Block Diagram ............................................................... 13-60 UPM Clock Scheme............................................................................................................ 13-63 RAM Array and Signal Generation .................................................................................... 13-63 RAM Word Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 13-64 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lx Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 13-59 13-60 13-61 13-62 13-63 13-64 13-65 13-66 13-67 13-68 13-69 13-70 13-71 13-72 13-73 13-74 13-75 13-76 13-77 13-78 13-79 13-80 13-81 13-82 13-83 13-84 13-85 13-86 13-87 13-88 13-89 13-90 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 Title Page Number LCSn Signal Selection ........................................................................................................ 13-67 LBS Signal Selection .......................................................................................................... 13-67 UPM Read Access Data Sampling...................................................................................... 13-70 Effect of LUPWAIT Signal ................................................................................................. 13-71 Single-Beat Read Access to FPM DRAM .......................................................................... 13-73 Single-Beat Write Access to FPM DRAM ......................................................................... 13-74 Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM Using LOOP (Two Beats Shown).............................. 13-75 Refresh Cycle (CBR) to FPM DRAM ................................................................................ 13-76 Exception Cycle .................................................................................................................. 13-77 Multiplexed Address/Data Bus ........................................................................................... 13-78 Local Bus Peripheral Hierarchy.......................................................................................... 13-79 Local Bus Peripheral Hierarchy for Very High Bus Speeds ............................................... 13-80 GPCM Address Timings ..................................................................................................... 13-80 GPCM Data Timings........................................................................................................... 13-81 Interface to Different Port-Size Devices ............................................................................. 13-83 128-Mbyte SDRAM Diagram............................................................................................. 13-87 SDRAM Power-Down Timing............................................................................................ 13-91 SDRAM Self-Refresh Mode Timing .................................................................................. 13-92 Local Bus PLL Operation ................................................................................................... 13-94 Parity Support for SDRAM................................................................................................. 13-95 Interface to ZBT SRAM ..................................................................................................... 13-96 MSC8101 HDI16 Peripheral Registers............................................................................... 13-98 Interface to MSC8101 HDI16............................................................................................. 13-99 Interface to MSC8102 DSI in Asynchronous Mode ......................................................... 13-102 Asynchronous Write to MSC8102 DSI............................................................................. 13-103 Asynchronous Read from MSC8102 DSI......................................................................... 13-104 Interface to MSC8102 DSI in Synchronous Mode ........................................................... 13-105 UPM Synchronization Cycle ............................................................................................ 13-106 Synchronous Single Write to MSC8102 DSI.................................................................... 13-107 Synchronous Single Read from MSC8102 DSI................................................................ 13-108 Synchronous Burst Write to MSC8102 DSI ..................................................................... 13-109 Synchronous Burst Read from MSC8102 DSI ................................................................. 13-110 eTSEC Block Diagram.......................................................................................................... 14-2 TSEC_ID Register .............................................................................................................. 14-21 TSEC_ID2 Register ............................................................................................................ 14-22 IEVENT Register Definition .............................................................................................. 14-24 IMASK Register Definition ................................................................................................ 14-28 EDIS Register Definition .................................................................................................... 14-29 ECNTRL Register Definition ............................................................................................. 14-31 PTV Register Definition...................................................................................................... 14-33 DMACTRL Register........................................................................................................... 14-34 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxi Figures Figure Number 14-10 14-11 14-12 14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 14-17 14-18 14-19 14-20 14-21 14-22 14-23 14-24 14-25 14-26 14-27 14-28 14-29 14-30 14-31 14-32 14-33 14-34 14-35 14-36 14-37 14-38 14-39 14-40 14-41 14-42 14-43 14-44 14-45 14-46 14-47 14-48 14-49 14-50 Page Number Title TBIPA Register Definition.................................................................................................. 14-36 FIFO_RX_ALARM Register Definition ............................................................................ 14-37 FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF Register Definition......................................................... 14-37 FIFO_TX_THR Register Definition ................................................................................... 14-38 FIFO_TX_STARVE Register Definition ............................................................................ 14-38 FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF Register Definition ........................................................ 14-39 TCTRL Register Definition ................................................................................................ 14-40 TSTAT Register Definition ................................................................................................. 14-42 DFVLAN Register Definition............................................................................................. 14-43 TXIC Register Definition.................................................................................................... 14-44 TQUEUE Register Definition ............................................................................................. 14-45 TR03WT Register Definition.............................................................................................. 14-46 TR47WT Register Definition.............................................................................................. 14-47 TBDBPH Register Definition ............................................................................................. 14-47 TBPTR0-TBPTR7 Register Definition .............................................................................. 14-48 TBASEH Register Definition ............................................................................................. 14-49 TBASE Register Definition ................................................................................................ 14-49 RCTRL Register Definition ................................................................................................ 14-50 RSTAT Register Definition ................................................................................................. 14-52 RXIC Register Definition ................................................................................................... 14-54 RQUEUE Register Definition............................................................................................. 14-55 RBIFX Register Definition ................................................................................................. 14-56 Receive Queue Filer Table Address Register Definition .................................................... 14-58 Receive Queue Filer Table Control Register Definition ..................................................... 14-58 Receive Queue Filer Table Property IDs 0, 2-15 Register Definition................................ 14-60 Receive Queue Filer Table Property ID1 Register Definition ............................................ 14-60 MRBLR Register Definition ............................................................................................... 14-63 RBDBPH Register Definition............................................................................................. 14-63 RBPTR0-RBPTR7 Register Definition .............................................................................. 14-64 RBASEH Register Definition ............................................................................................. 14-65 RBASE Register Definition ................................................................................................ 14-65 MACCFG1 Register Definition .......................................................................................... 14-68 MACCFG2 Register Definition .......................................................................................... 14-70 IPGIFG Register Definition ................................................................................................ 14-72 Half-Duplex Register Definition......................................................................................... 14-73 Maximum Frame Length Register Definition..................................................................... 14-74 MII Management Configuration Register Definition ......................................................... 14-74 MIIMCOM Register Definition .......................................................................................... 14-75 MIIMADD Register Definition .......................................................................................... 14-76 MII Mgmt Control Register Definition............................................................................... 14-76 MIIMSTAT Register Definition.......................................................................................... 14-77 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 14-51 14-52 14-53 14-54 14-55 14-56 14-57 14-58 14-59 14-60 14-61 14-62 14-63 14-64 14-65 14-66 14-67 14-68 14-69 14-70 14-71 14-72 14-73 14-74 14-75 14-76 14-77 14-78 14-79 14-80 14-81 14-82 14-83 14-84 14-85 14-86 14-87 14-88 14-89 14-90 14-91 Title Page Number MII Mgmt Indicator Register Definition ............................................................................ 14-77 Interface Status Register Definition .................................................................................... 14-78 MAC Station Address Part 1 Register Definition ............................................................... 14-79 MAC Station Address Part 2 Register Definition ............................................................... 14-79 MAC Exact Match Address n Part 1 Register Definition ................................................... 14-80 MAC Exact Match Address x Part 2 Register Definition ................................................... 14-80 Transmit and Receive 64-Byte Frame Register Definition ................................................. 14-81 Transmit and Receive 65- to 127-Byte Frame Register Definition .................................... 14-82 Transmit and Received 128- to 255-Byte Frame Register Definition ................................ 14-82 Transmit and Received 256- to 511-Byte Frame Register Definition................................. 14-83 Transmit and Received 512- to 1023-Byte Frame Register Definition .............................. 14-83 Transmit and Received 1024- to 1518-Byte Frame Register Definition ............................ 14-84 Transmit and Received 1519- to 1522-Byte VLAN Frame Register Definition ................ 14-84 Receive Byte Counter Register Definition.......................................................................... 14-85 Receive Packet Counter Register Definition ...................................................................... 14-85 Receive FCS Error Counter Register Definition................................................................. 14-86 Receive Multicast Packet Counter Register Definition ...................................................... 14-86 Receive Broadcast Packet Counter Register Definition ..................................................... 14-87 Receive Control Frame Packet Counter Register Definition .............................................. 14-87 Receive Pause Frame Packet Counter Register Definition ................................................. 14-88 Receive Unknown OPCode Packet Counter Register Definition ....................................... 14-88 Receive Alignment Error Counter Register Definition....................................................... 14-89 Receive Frame Length Error Counter Register Definition ................................................. 14-89 Receive Code Error Counter Register Definition ............................................................... 14-90 Receive Carrier Sense Error Counter Register Definition .................................................. 14-90 Receive Undersize Packet Counter Register Definition ..................................................... 14-91 Receive Oversize Packet Counter Register Definition ....................................................... 14-91 Receive Fragments Counter Register Definition ................................................................ 14-92 Receive Jabber Counter Register Definition....................................................................... 14-92 Receive Dropped Packet Counter Register Definition ....................................................... 14-93 Transmit Byte Counter Register Definition ........................................................................ 14-93 Transmit Packet Counter Register Definition ..................................................................... 14-94 Transmit Multicast Packet Counter Register Definition ..................................................... 14-94 Transmit Broadcast Packet Counter Register Definition .................................................... 14-95 Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter Register Definition .............................................. 14-95 Transmit Deferral Packet Counter Register Definition....................................................... 14-96 Transmit Excessive Deferral Packet Counter Register Definition...................................... 14-96 Transmit Single Collision Packet Counter Register Definition .......................................... 14-97 Transmit Multiple Collision Packet Counter Register Definition....................................... 14-97 Transmit Late Collision Packet Counter Register Definition ............................................. 14-98 Transmit Excessive Collision Packet Counter Register Definition .................................... 14-98 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxiii Figures Figure Number 14-92 14-93 14-94 14-95 14-96 14-97 14-98 14-99 14-100 14-101 14-102 14-103 14-104 14-105 14-106 14-107 14-108 14-109 14-110 14-111 14-112 14-113 14-114 14-115 14-116 14-117 14-118 14-119 14-120 14-121 14-122 14-123 14-124 14-125 14-126 14-127 14-128 14-129 14-130 14-131 14-132 Page Number Title Transmit Total Collision Counter Register Definition........................................................ 14-99 Transmit Drop Frame Counter Register Definition ............................................................ 14-99 Transmit Jabber Frame Counter Register Definition ........................................................ 14-100 Transmit FCS Error Counter Register Definition ............................................................. 14-100 Transmit Control Frame Counter Register Definition ...................................................... 14-101 Transmit Oversized Frame Counter Register Definition .................................................. 14-101 Transmit Undersize Frame Counter Register Definition .................................................. 14-102 Transmit Fragment Counter Register Definition .............................................................. 14-102 Carry Register 1 (CAR1) Register Definition................................................................... 14-103 Carry Register 2 (CAR2) Register Definition................................................................... 14-104 Carry Mask Register 1 (CAM1) Register Definition........................................................ 14-105 Carry Mask Register 2 (CAM2) Register Definition........................................................ 14-107 Receive Filer Rejected Packet Counter Register Definition ............................................. 14-108 IGADDRn Register Definition ......................................................................................... 14-109 GADDRn Register Definition........................................................................................... 14-109 FIFOCFG Register Definition .......................................................................................... 14-110 ATTR Register Definition ................................................................................................. 14-112 ATTRELI Register Definition........................................................................................... 14-113 Control Register Definition............................................................................................... 14-115 Status Register Definition ................................................................................................. 14-117 AN Advertisement Register Definition............................................................................. 14-118 AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register Definition .................................................. 14-120 AN Expansion Register Definition ................................................................................... 14-121 AN Next Page Transmit Register Definition .................................................................... 14-121 AN Link Partner Ability Next Page Register Definition .................................................. 14-122 Extended Status Register Definition ................................................................................. 14-123 Jitter Diagnostics Register Definition ............................................................................... 14-124 TBI Control Register Definition ....................................................................................... 14-125 eTSEC-MII Connection .................................................................................................... 14-127 eTSEC-RMII Connection ................................................................................................. 14-128 eTSEC-GMII Connection ................................................................................................. 14-129 eTSEC-RGMII Connection............................................................................................... 14-130 eTSEC-TBI Connection.................................................................................................... 14-131 eTSEC-RTBI Connection ................................................................................................. 14-132 eTSEC-FIFO (8-Bit) Connection...................................................................................... 14-138 8-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Timing ............................................................................. 14-138 8-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Timing ................................................................................. 14-139 eTSEC-FIFO (16-Bit) Connection.................................................................................... 14-140 16-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Timing ........................................................................... 14-141 16-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Timing ............................................................................... 14-142 Definition of Custom Preamble Sequence ........................................................................ 14-148 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxiv Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 14-133 14-134 14-135 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-139 14-140 14-141 14-142 14-143 14-144 14-145 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-17 15-18 15-19 15-20 15-21 15-22 15-23 15-24 15-25 15-26 15-27 15-28 Title Page Number Definition of Received Preamble Sequence...................................................................... 14-149 Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart ......................................................................... 14-150 Sample C Code for Computing eTSEC Hash Table Indices............................................. 14-152 Location of Frame Control Blocks for TOE Parameters .................................................. 14-160 Transmit Frame Control Block ......................................................................................... 14-160 Receive Frame Control Block........................................................................................... 14-162 Structure of the Receive Queue Filer Table ...................................................................... 14-164 Example of eTSEC Memory Structure for BDs ............................................................... 14-172 Buffer Descriptor Ring...................................................................................................... 14-172 Transmit Buffer Descriptor ............................................................................................... 14-173 Mapping of TxBDs to a C Data Structure......................................................................... 14-173 Receive Buffer Descriptor................................................................................................. 14-176 Mapping of RxBDs to a C Data Structure ........................................................................ 14-177 DMA Block Diagram............................................................................................................ 15-1 DMA Operational Flow Chart .............................................................................................. 15-4 DMA Signal Summary.......................................................................................................... 15-5 DMA Mode Registers (MRn) ............................................................................................. 15-10 Status Registers (SRn)......................................................................................................... 15-12 Basic Chaining Mode Flow Chart....................................................................................... 15-14 Extended Current Link Descriptor Address Registers (ECLNDARn) ............................... 15-14 Current Link Descriptor Address Registers (CLNDARn) .................................................. 15-15 Source Attributes Registers (SATRn) ................................................................................. 15-16 Source Address Registers (SARn) ...................................................................................... 15-17 Source Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Reads (SARn) ................................. 15-18 Destination Attributes Registers (DATRn) ......................................................................... 15-19 Destination Address Registers (DARn) .............................................................................. 15-20 Destination Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Writes (DARn)......................... 15-21 Byte Count Registers (BCRn)............................................................................................. 15-22 Next Link Descriptor Address Registers (NLNDARn) ...................................................... 15-22 Extended Next Link Descriptor Address Registers (ENLNDARn).................................... 15-23 Extended Current List Descriptor Address Registers (ECLSDARn) ................................. 15-24 Current List Descriptor Address Registers (CLSDARn) .................................................... 15-24 Extended Next List Descriptor Address Registers (ENLSDARn)...................................... 15-25 Next List Descriptor Address Registers (NLSDARn) ........................................................ 15-25 Source Stride Registers (SSRn) .......................................................................................... 15-26 Destination Stride Registers (DSRn) .................................................................................. 15-26 DMA General Status Register (DGSR) .............................................................................. 15-27 External Control Interface Timing ...................................................................................... 15-34 Stride Size and Stride Distance ........................................................................................... 15-36 DMA Transaction Flow with DMA Descriptors ................................................................ 15-39 List Descriptor Format ........................................................................................................ 15-40 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxv Figures Figure Number 15-29 15-30 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 16-7 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 16-13 16-14 16-15 16-16 16-17 16-18 16-19 16-20 16-21 16-22 16-23 16-24 16-25 16-26 16-27 16-28 16-29 16-30 16-31 16-32 16-33 16-34 16-35 16-36 16-37 16-38 16-39 Page Number Title Link Descriptor Format....................................................................................................... 15-40 DMA Data Paths ................................................................................................................. 15-42 PCI/X Controller Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 16-2 PCI/X Interface External Signals.......................................................................................... 16-7 PCI/X CFG_ADDR Register .............................................................................................. 16-17 PCI/X CFG_DATA Register ............................................................................................... 16-18 PCI/X INT_ACK Register .................................................................................................. 16-19 PCI/X Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARn) .............................................. 16-19 PCI/X Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (POTEARn) ........................... 16-20 PCI/X Outbound Window Base Address Registers (POWBARn) ..................................... 16-20 PCI/X Outbound Window 0 (Default) Attributes Register (POWAR0) ............................. 16-21 PCI/X Outbound Window 1-4 Attributes Registers (POWAR1-POWAR4) ..................... 16-21 PCI/X Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARn) .................................................. 16-23 PCI/X Inbound Window Base Address Registers............................................................... 16-24 PCI/X Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PIWBEARn) ....................... 16-24 PCI/X Inbound Window Attributes Registers..................................................................... 16-25 PCI/X Error Detect Register (ERR_DR) ............................................................................ 16-27 PCI/X Error Capture Disable Register (ERR_CAP_DR) ................................................... 16-28 PCI/X Error Enable Register (ERR_EN)............................................................................ 16-29 PCI/X Error Attributes Capture Register (ERR_ATTRIB)................................................. 16-30 PCI/X Error Address Capture Register (ERR_ADDR) ...................................................... 16-31 PCI/X Error Extended Address Capture Register (ERR_EXT_ADDR) ............................ 16-31 PCI/X Error Data Low Capture Register (ERR_DL) ......................................................... 16-32 PCI/X Error Data High Capture Register (ERR_DH) ........................................................ 16-32 PCI/X Gasket Timer Register (GAS_TIMR)...................................................................... 16-32 PCI-X Split Completion Timer Register (PCIX_TIMR) .................................................... 16-33 Common PCI and PCI-X Configuration Header ................................................................ 16-34 PCI-X Additional Configuration Registers......................................................................... 16-34 PCI Vendor ID Register ...................................................................................................... 16-34 PCI Device ID Register....................................................................................................... 16-35 PCI Bus Command Register ............................................................................................... 16-35 PCI Bus Status Register ...................................................................................................... 16-37 PCI Revision ID Register.................................................................................................... 16-38 PCI Bus Programming Interface Register........................................................................... 16-38 PCI Subclass Code Register................................................................................................ 16-39 PCI Bus Base Class Code Register ..................................................................................... 16-39 PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register...................................................................................... 16-39 PCI Bus Latency Timer Register ........................................................................................ 16-40 PCI Configuration and Status Register Base Address Register (PCSRBAR) .................... 16-41 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register .............................................................................. 16-41 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register ...................................................................... 16-41 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxvi Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 16-40 16-41 16-42 16-43 16-44 16-45 16-46 16-47 16-48 16-49 16-50 16-51 16-52 16-53 16-54 16-55 16-56 16-57 16-58 16-59 16-60 16-61 16-62 16-63 16-64 16-65 16-66 16-67 16-68 16-69 16-70 16-71 16-72 16-73 16-74 16-75 16-76 16-77 16-78 16-79 16-80 Title Page Number 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register ..................................................................... 16-42 PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register .................................................................................... 16-42 PCI Subsystem ID Register................................................................................................. 16-43 PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register ................................................................................ 16-43 PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register.......................................................................................... 16-43 PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register............................................................................................ 16-44 PCI Bus Minimum Grant Register (MIN_GNT) ................................................................ 16-44 PCI Bus Maximum Latency Register (MAX_LAT) ........................................................... 16-45 PCI Bus Function Register.................................................................................................. 16-45 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register ............................................................................. 16-46 PCI-X Next Capabilities ID Register.................................................................................. 16-47 PCI-X Capability Pointer Register...................................................................................... 16-47 PCI-X Command Register .................................................................................................. 16-48 PCI-X Status Register ......................................................................................................... 16-48 PCI Arbitration Example .................................................................................................... 16-51 PCI Single-Beat Read Transaction...................................................................................... 16-57 PCI Burst Read Transaction................................................................................................ 16-58 PCI Single-Beat Write Transaction..................................................................................... 16-58 PCI Burst Write Transaction ............................................................................................... 16-59 PCI Target-Initiated Terminations....................................................................................... 16-61 DAC Single-Beat Read Example........................................................................................ 16-63 DAC Burst Read Example .................................................................................................. 16-63 DAC Single-Beat Write Example ....................................................................................... 16-64 DAC Burst Write Example ................................................................................................. 16-64 Standard PCI Configuration Header ................................................................................... 16-65 PCI Type 0 Configuration Translation ................................................................................ 16-68 PCI Parity Operation........................................................................................................... 16-71 PCI_AD[31:0] During PCI-X Burst/DWORD Attribute Phase ......................................... 16-76 Typical PCI-X Write Transaction........................................................................................ 16-77 Burst Memory Write Transaction........................................................................................ 16-78 Memory Read Block Transaction ....................................................................................... 16-79 DWORD (4-Byte) Write Transaction ................................................................................. 16-80 DWORD (4-Byte) Read Transaction .................................................................................. 16-80 Split Response to a Read Transaction ................................................................................. 16-82 Split Response to a DWORD (4-Byte) Write Transaction.................................................. 16-82 Split Completion Transaction Address AD[31:0]............................................................... 16-83 AD[31:0] During PCI-X Split Completion Attribute Phase ............................................... 16-84 PCI-X Type 0 Configuration Translation............................................................................ 16-85 AD[31:0] During PCI-X Configuration Attribute Phase .................................................... 16-86 Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Outbound........................................................ 16-91 Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Inbound .......................................................... 16-92 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxvii Figures Figure Number 16-81 16-82 16-83 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9 17-10 17-11 17-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-16 17-17 17-18 17-19 17-20 17-21 17-22 17-23 17-24 17-25 17-26 17-27 17-28 17-29 17-30 17-31 17-32 17-33 17-34 17-35 17-36 Page Number Title Address Invariant Byte Ordering--8 bytes Outbound........................................................ 16-92 Address Invariant Byte Ordering--2 bytes Inbound .......................................................... 16-92 CFG_DATA Byte Ordering................................................................................................. 16-93 RapidIO Endpoint and RMU ................................................................................................ 17-1 Device Identity Capability Register (DIDCAR) ................................................................. 17-11 Device Information Capability Register (DICAR) ............................................................. 17-12 Assembly Identity Capability Register (AIDCAR) ............................................................ 17-12 Assembly Information Capability Register (AICAR) ........................................................ 17-13 Processing Element Features Capability Register (PEFCAR)............................................ 17-13 Source Operations Capability Register (SOCAR) .............................................................. 17-14 Destination Operations Capability Register (DOCAR) ...................................................... 17-15 Mailbox Command and Status Register (MCSR) ............................................................... 17-17 Port-Write and Doorbell Command and Status Register (PWDCSR) ................................ 17-18 Processing Element Logic Layer Control Command and Status Register (PELLCCSR) .. 17-19 Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 Command and Status Register (LCSBA1CSR) ................................................................................................ 17-20 Base Device ID Command and Status Register (BDIDCSR) ............................................. 17-21 Host Base Device ID Lock Command and Status Register (HBDIDLCSR)...................... 17-21 Component Tag Command and Status Register (CTCSR) ................................................. 17-22 Port Maintenance Block Header 0 (PMBH0) ..................................................................... 17-22 Port Link Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PLTOCCSR)....................... 17-23 Port Response Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PRTOCCSR)............... 17-23 General Control Command and Status Register (GCCSR)................................................. 17-24 Link Maintenance Request Command and Status Register (LMREQCSR)....................... 17-25 Link Maintenance Response Command and Status Register (LMRESPCSR)................... 17-25 Local ackID Status Command and Status Register (LASCSR).......................................... 17-26 Error and Status Command and Status Register (ESCSR) ................................................. 17-27 Control Command and Status Register (CCSR) ................................................................. 17-28 Error Reporting Block Header (ERBH).............................................................................. 17-30 Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect Command and Status Register (LTLEDCSR)........ 17-31 Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable Command and Status Register (LTLEECSR)........ 17-33 Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture Command and Status Register (LTLACCSR). 17-34 Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture Command and Status Register (LTLDIDCCSR) ............................................................................................................. 17-35 Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture Command and Status Register (LTLCCCSR).. 17-36 Error Detect Command and Status Register (EDCSR)....................................................... 17-37 Error Rate Enable Command and Status Register (ERECSR)............................................ 17-37 Error Capture Attributes Command and Status Register (ECACSR) ................................. 17-38 Packet/Control Symbol Error Capture Command and Status Register 0 (PCSECCSR0) .. 17-39 Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 1 (PECCSR1).................................. 17-40 Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 2 (PECCSR2).................................. 17-40 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxviii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 17-37 17-38 17-39 17-40 17-41 17-42 17-43 17-44 17-45 17-46 17-47 17-48 17-49 17-50 17-51 17-52 17-53 17-54 17-55 17-56 17-57 17-58 17-59 17-60 17-61 17-62 17-63 17-64 17-65 17-66 17-67 17-68 17-69 17-70 17-71 17-72 17-73 17-74 Title Page Number Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 3 (PECCSR3).................................. 17-41 Error Rate Command and Status Register (ERCSR) .......................................................... 17-41 Error Rate Threshold Command and Status Register (ERTCSR)....................................... 17-42 Logical Layer Configuration Register (LLCR) .................................................................. 17-43 Error/Port-Write Interrupt Status Register (EPWISR)........................................................ 17-44 Logical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (LRETCR) ................................... 17-44 Physical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (PRETCR) .................................. 17-45 Alternate Device ID Command and Status Register (ADIDCSR)...................................... 17-46 Accept-All Configuration Register (AACR) ...................................................................... 17-46 Logical Outbound Packet Time-to-Live Configuration Register (LOPTTLCR) ................ 17-47 Implementation Error Command and Status Register (IECSR) ......................................... 17-47 Physical Configuration Register (PCR) .............................................................................. 17-48 Serial Link Command and Status Register (SLCSR) ......................................................... 17-48 Serial Link Error Injection Configuration Register (SLEICR) ........................................... 17-49 IP Block Revision Register 1 (IPBRR1)............................................................................. 17-50 IP Block Revision Register 2 (IPBRR2)............................................................................. 17-50 Example of Attribute Aliasing ............................................................................................ 17-52 Example of Multi-Targeting................................................................................................ 17-53 RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-8 (ROWTARn)................. 17-53 RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Extended Address Registers 0-8 ....................... 17-54 RapidIO Outbound Window Base Address Registers 1-8.................................................. 17-55 RapidIO Outbound Window Attributes Registers 0-8 ....................................................... 17-55 RapidIO Outbound Window Segment 1-3 Registers 1-8 (ROWSnRn)............................. 17-57 RapidIO Inbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-4 (RIWTARn)..................... 17-59 RapidIO Inbound Window Base Address Registers1-4 ..................................................... 17-59 Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR) .............................................................. 17-62 Outbound Message n Status Registers (OMnSR) ............................................................... 17-64 Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EOMnDQDPAR) .......................................................................................... 17-66 Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (OMnDQDPAR)............................................................................................. 17-66 Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Registers (EOMnDQEPAR)........................................................................................... 17-67 Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Registers (OMnDQEPAR) ...... 17-68 Extended Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (EOMnSAR) .......................... 17-68 Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (OMnSAR)............................................. 17-68 Outbound Message n Destination Port Registers (OMnDPR)............................................ 17-69 Outbound Message n Destination Attributes Registers (OMnDATR)................................ 17-70 Outbound Message n Double Word Count Registers (OMnDCR) ..................................... 17-70 Outbound Message n Retry Error Threshold Configuration Registers (OMnRETCR)...... 17-71 Outbound Message n Multicast Group Registers (OMnMGR) .......................................... 17-72 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxix Figures Figure Number 17-75 17-76 17-77 17-78 17-79 17-80 17-81 17-82 17-83 17-84 17-85 17-86 17-87 17-88 17-89 17-90 17-91 17-92 17-93 17-94 17-95 17-96 17-97 17-98 17-99 17-100 17-101 17-102 17-103 17-104 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-8 18-9 Page Number Title Outbound Message n Multicast List Registers (OMnMLR)............................................... 17-72 Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR) .................................................................. 17-73 Inbound Message n Status Registers (IMnSR) ................................................................... 17-75 Extended Inbound Message n Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQDPAR)............................................................................................. 17-76 Inbound Message n Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQDPAR) ... 17-77 Extended Inbound Message n Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQEPAR) ............................................................................................. 17-78 Inbound Message n Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQEPAR).... 17-78 Inbound Message n Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Registers (IMnMIRIR) ............. 17-79 Outbound Mode Register (ODMR) .................................................................................... 17-79 Outbound Doorbell Status Register (ODSR) ...................................................................... 17-80 Outbound Doorbell Destination Port Registers (ODDPR) ................................................. 17-80 Outbound Doorbell Destination Attributes Register (ODDATR)....................................... 17-81 Outbound Doorbell Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (ODRETCR)............. 17-82 Inbound Doorbell Mode Register (IDMR) ......................................................................... 17-82 Inbound Doorbell Status Register (IDSR) .......................................................................... 17-84 Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EIDQDPAR) ... 17-85 Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (IDQDPAR)...................... 17-86 Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (EIDQEPAR)...... 17-86 Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (IDQEPAR) ........................ 17-87 Inbound Doorbell Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Register (IDMIRIR) .................... 17-87 Inbound Port-Write Mode Register (IPWMR).................................................................... 17-88 Inbound Port-Write Status Register (IPWSR) .................................................................... 17-89 Extended Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (EIPWQBAR) .................................. 17-89 Inbound Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (IPWQBAR)....................................... 17-90 Outbound Frame Queue Structure .................................................................................... 17-149 Descriptor Dequeue Pointer and Descriptor ..................................................................... 17-153 Inbound Message Structure............................................................................................... 17-157 Inbound Doorbell Queue and Pointer Structure................................................................ 17-169 Doorbell Entry Format ...................................................................................................... 17-176 Inbound Port-Write Structure............................................................................................ 17-182 PCI Express Controller Block Diagram................................................................................ 18-2 PCI Express Configuration Address Register (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR) ............................. 18-9 PCI Express Configuration Data Register (PEX_CONFIG_DATA) .................................. 18-10 PCI Express Outbound Completion Timeout Register (PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR)............... 18-11 PCI Express Configuration Retry Timeout Register (PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR) ............... 18-11 PCI Express Configuration Register (PEX_CONFIG) ....................................................... 18-12 PCI Express PME and Message Detect Register (PEX_PME_MES_DR)......................... 18-13 PCI Express PME and Message Disable Register (PEX_PME_MES_DISR) ................... 18-14 PCI Express PME and Message Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_PME_MES_IER) ........ 18-16 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxx Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-14 18-15 18-16 18-17 18-18 18-19 18-20 18-21 18-22 18-23 18-24 18-25 18-26 18-27 18-28 18-29 18-30 18-31 18-32 18-33 18-34 18-35 18-36 18-37 18-38 18-39 18-40 18-41 18-42 Title Page Number PCI Express Power Management Command Register (PEX_PMCR) ............................... 18-17 IP Block Revision Register 1 .............................................................................................. 18-18 IP Block Revision Register 2 .............................................................................................. 18-19 RC Outbound Transaction Flow ......................................................................................... 18-20 PCI Express Outbound Translation Address Registers (PEXOTARn) ............................... 18-20 PCI Express Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (PEXOTEARn) ............ 18-21 PCI Express Outbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXOWBARn) ...................... 18-21 PCI Express Outbound Window Attributes Register 0 (PEXOWAR0).............................. 18-22 PCI Express Outbound Window Attributes Registers 1-4 (PEXOWARn) ........................ 18-22 RC Inbound Transaction Flow ............................................................................................ 18-25 PCI Express Inbound Translation Address Registers (PEXITARn) ................................... 18-25 PCI Express Inbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXIWBARn)........................... 18-26 PCI Express Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PEXIWBEARn) ........ 18-27 PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers (PEXIWARn).................................... 18-27 PCI Express Error Detect Register (PEX_ERR_DR) ......................................................... 18-30 PCI Express Error Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_ERR_EN).......................................... 18-32 PCI Express Error Disable Register (PEX_ERR_DISR).................................................... 18-34 PCI Express Error Capture Status Register (PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT)............................... 18-35 PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R0) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-36 PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R0) External Source, Inbound Transaction ........................................................................... 18-37 PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R1) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-38 PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R1) External Source, Inbound Transaction ........................................................................... 18-38 PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R2) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-39 PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R2) External Source, Inbound Transaction ........................................................................... 18-40 PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R3) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-41 PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R3) External Source, Inbound Transaction ........................................................................... 18-41 PCI Express PCI-Compatible Configuration Header Common Registers.......................... 18-43 PCI Express Vendor ID Register......................................................................................... 18-44 PCI Express Device ID Register ......................................................................................... 18-44 PCI Express Command Register......................................................................................... 18-45 PCI Express Status Register................................................................................................ 18-46 PCI Express Revision ID Register ...................................................................................... 18-47 PCI Express Class Code Register ....................................................................................... 18-48 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxi Figures Figure Number 18-43 18-44 18-45 18-46 18-47 18-48 18-49 18-50 18-51 18-52 18-53 18-54 18-55 18-56 18-57 18-58 18-59 18-60 18-61 18-62 18-63 18-64 18-65 18-66 18-67 18-68 18-69 18-70 18-71 18-72 18-73 18-74 18-75 18-76 18-77 18-78 18-79 18-80 18-81 18-82 18-83 Page Number Title PCI Express Bus Cache Line Size Register ........................................................................ 18-48 PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register........................................................................... 18-49 PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register........................................................................... 18-49 PCI Express PCI-Compatible Configuration Header--Type 0........................................... 18-50 PCI Express Base Address Register 0 (PEXCSRBAR)...................................................... 18-51 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register (BAR1)................................................................. 18-51 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register ...................................................................... 18-52 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register ..................................................................... 18-52 PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Register ...................................................................... 18-53 PCI Express Subsystem ID Register ................................................................................... 18-53 Capabilities Pointer Register............................................................................................... 18-54 PCI Express Interrupt Line Register ................................................................................... 18-54 PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register ..................................................................................... 18-55 PCI Express Maximum Grant Register (MAX_GNT) ....................................................... 18-55 PCI Express Maximum Latency Register (MAX_LAT)..................................................... 18-56 PCI Express PCI-Compatible Configuration Header--Type 1........................................... 18-56 PCI Express Base Address Register 0 (PEXCSRBAR)...................................................... 18-57 PCI Express Primary Bus Number Register ....................................................................... 18-57 PCI Express Secondary Bus Number Register ................................................................... 18-58 PCI Express Subordinate Bus Number Register................................................................. 18-58 PCI Express I/O Base Register ........................................................................................... 18-59 PCI Express I/O Limit Register .......................................................................................... 18-59 PCI Express Secondary Status Register.............................................................................. 18-60 PCI Express Memory Base Register ................................................................................... 18-61 PCI Express Memory Limit Register.................................................................................. 18-61 PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Base Register .............................................................. 18-62 PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Limit Register............................................................. 18-62 PCI Express Prefetchable Base Upper 32 Bits Register ..................................................... 18-63 PCI Express Prefetchable Limit Upper 32 Bits Register .................................................... 18-63 PCI Express I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Register .................................................................... 18-63 PCI Express I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits Register................................................................... 18-64 Capabilities Pointer Register............................................................................................... 18-64 PCI Express Interrupt Line Register ................................................................................... 18-65 PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register ..................................................................................... 18-65 PCI Express Bridge Control Register ................................................................................. 18-66 PCI Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space ...................................................... 18-67 PCI Express Power Management Capability ID Register .................................................. 18-68 PCI Express Power Management Capabilities Register ..................................................... 18-68 PCI Express Power Management Status and Control Register........................................... 18-69 PCI Express Power Management Data Register................................................................. 18-69 PCI Express Capability ID Register.................................................................................... 18-70 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 18-84 18-85 18-86 18-87 18-88 18-89 18-90 18-91 18-92 18-93 18-94 18-95 18-96 18-97 18-98 18-99 18-100 18-101 18-102 18-103 18-104 18-105 18-106 18-107 18-108 18-109 18-110 18-111 18-112 18-113 18-114 18-115 18-116 18-117 18-118 18-119 18-120 18-121 18-122 18-123 18-124 Title Page Number PCI Express Capabilities Register ...................................................................................... 18-70 PCI Express Device Capabilities Register .......................................................................... 18-71 PCI Express Device Control Register ................................................................................. 18-71 PCI Express Device Status Register ................................................................................... 18-72 PCI Express Link Capabilities Register.............................................................................. 18-73 PCI Express Link Control Register..................................................................................... 18-73 PCI Express Link Status Register ....................................................................................... 18-74 PCI Express Slot Capabilities Register ............................................................................... 18-75 PCI Express Slot Control Register...................................................................................... 18-75 PCI Express Slot Status Register ........................................................................................ 18-76 PCI Express Root Control Register .................................................................................... 18-77 PCI Express Root Status Register ....................................................................................... 18-77 PCI Express Capability ID Register.................................................................................... 18-78 PCI Express MSI Message Control Register ...................................................................... 18-78 PCI Express MSI Message Address Register ..................................................................... 18-79 PCI Express MSI Message Upper Address Register .......................................................... 18-79 PCI Express MSI Message Data Register........................................................................... 18-79 PCI Express Extended Configuration Space....................................................................... 18-80 PCI Express Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID Register ........................................ 18-81 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Status Register............................................................... 18-81 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Mask Register ............................................................... 18-82 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Severity Register ........................................................... 18-83 PCI Express Correctable Error Status Register................................................................... 18-84 PCI Express Correctable Error Mask Register ................................................................... 18-84 PCI Express Advanced Error Capabilities and Control Register........................................ 18-85 PCI Express Header Log Register ...................................................................................... 18-86 PCI Express Root Error Command Register....................................................................... 18-87 PCI Express Root Error Command Register....................................................................... 18-87 PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register ............................................................ 18-88 PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register ............................................................ 18-88 PCI Express LTSSM State Status Register (PEX_LTSSM_STAT) .................................... 18-89 PCI Express IP Block Core Clock Ratio Register (PEX_GCLK_RATIO) ........................ 18-91 PCI Express Power Management Timer Register (PEX_PM_TIMER) ............................. 18-91 PCI Express PME Time-Out Register (PEX_PME_TIMEOUT) ....................................... 18-92 PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Update Register (PEX_SSVID_UPDATE)................ 18-93 PCI Express Configuration Ready Register (PEX_CFG_READY) ................................... 18-93 PCI Express PME_To_Ack Timeout Register (PEX_PME_TO_ACK_TOR) ................... 18-94 PCI Express PCI Interrupt Mask Register (PEX_SS_INTR_MASK)................................ 18-95 Requestor/Completer Relationship ..................................................................................... 18-96 PCI Express High-Level Layering...................................................................................... 18-96 PCI Express Packet Flow.................................................................................................... 18-97 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxiii Figures Figure Number 18-125 18-126 18-127 18-128 18-129 18-130 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12 19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18 19-19 19-20 19-21 19-22 19-23 19-24 19-25 19-26 19-27 19-28 19-29 19-30 19-31 19-32 19-33 19-34 19-35 Page Number Title Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Outbound........................................................ 18-98 Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Inbound .......................................................... 18-98 Address Invariant Byte Ordering--8 bytes Outbound........................................................ 18-99 Address Invariant Byte Ordering--2 bytes Inbound .......................................................... 18-99 PEX_CONFIG_DATA Byte Ordering................................................................................ 18-99 WAKE Generation Example ............................................................................................. 18-108 SEC Connected to System Bus ............................................................................................. 19-3 SEC Functional Modules ...................................................................................................... 19-3 Descriptor Format ............................................................................................................... 19-16 Header Dword ..................................................................................................................... 19-17 Pointer Dword ..................................................................................................................... 19-20 Link Table Entry ................................................................................................................. 19-21 Descriptors, Link Tables, and Data Parcels ........................................................................ 19-23 PKEU Mode Register.......................................................................................................... 19-26 PKEU Key Size Register .................................................................................................... 19-28 PKEU AB Size Register ..................................................................................................... 19-28 PKEU Data Size Register ................................................................................................... 19-29 PKEU Reset Control Register............................................................................................. 19-29 PKEU Status Register ......................................................................................................... 19-30 PKEU Interrupt Status Register .......................................................................................... 19-31 PKEU Interrupt Control Register........................................................................................ 19-32 PKEU EU Go Register........................................................................................................ 19-33 DEU Mode Register............................................................................................................ 19-34 DEU Key Size Register....................................................................................................... 19-35 DEU Data Size Register...................................................................................................... 19-35 DEU Reset Control Register ............................................................................................... 19-36 DEU Status Register ........................................................................................................... 19-36 DEU Interrupt Status Register ............................................................................................ 19-38 DEU Interrupt Control Register .......................................................................................... 19-39 DEU EU Go Register .......................................................................................................... 19-41 AFEU Mode Register.......................................................................................................... 19-42 AFEU Key Size Register .................................................................................................... 19-43 AFEU Context/Data Size Register...................................................................................... 19-44 AFEU Reset Control Register............................................................................................. 19-45 AFEU Status Register ......................................................................................................... 19-45 AFEU Interrupt Status Register .......................................................................................... 19-46 AFEU Interrupt Control Register........................................................................................ 19-48 AFEU EU Go Register........................................................................................................ 19-49 MDEU Mode Register in Old Configuration (NEW = 0)................................................... 19-51 MDEU Mode Register in New Configuration (NEW = 1) ................................................. 19-52 MDEU Key Size Register ................................................................................................... 19-54 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxiv Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 19-36 19-37 19-38 19-39 19-40 19-41 19-42 19-43 19-44 19-45 19-46 19-47 19-48 19-49 19-50 19-51 19-52 19-53 19-54 19-55 19-56 19-57 19-58 19-59 19-60 19-61 19-62 19-63 19-64 19-65 19-66 19-67 19-68 19-69 19-70 19-71 19-72 19-73 19-74 19-75 19-76 Title Page Number MDEU Data Size Register .................................................................................................. 19-55 MDEU Reset Control Register ........................................................................................... 19-55 MDEU Status Register........................................................................................................ 19-56 MDEU Interrupt Status Register ......................................................................................... 19-57 MDEU Interrupt Control Register ...................................................................................... 19-58 MDEU ICV Size Register................................................................................................... 19-59 MDEU EU Go Register ...................................................................................................... 19-60 MDEU Context Register ..................................................................................................... 19-61 RNG Mode Register............................................................................................................ 19-63 RNG Data Size Register ..................................................................................................... 19-63 RNG Reset Control Register............................................................................................... 19-63 RNG Status Register ........................................................................................................... 19-64 RNG Interrupt Status Register ............................................................................................ 19-65 RNG Interrupt Control Register.......................................................................................... 19-66 RNG EU Go Register.......................................................................................................... 19-67 AESU Mode Register.......................................................................................................... 19-67 AESU Key Size Register .................................................................................................... 19-69 AESU Data Size Register ................................................................................................... 19-70 AESU Reset Control Register............................................................................................. 19-70 AESU Status Register ......................................................................................................... 19-71 AESU Interrupt Status Register .......................................................................................... 19-72 AESU Interrupt Control Register........................................................................................ 19-73 AESU EU Go Register........................................................................................................ 19-75 AESU Context Register ...................................................................................................... 19-75 AESU CCM Context Registers........................................................................................... 19-77 KEU Mode Register............................................................................................................ 19-80 KEU Key Size Register....................................................................................................... 19-81 KEU Data Size Register...................................................................................................... 19-82 KEU Reset Control Register ............................................................................................... 19-82 KEU Status Register ........................................................................................................... 19-83 KEU Interrupt Status Register ............................................................................................ 19-84 KEU Interrupt Control Register .......................................................................................... 19-86 KEU Data Out Register (F9 MAC)..................................................................................... 19-87 KEU EU Go Register .......................................................................................................... 19-88 KEU IV_1 Register ............................................................................................................. 19-88 KEU IV_2 Register (Fresh) ................................................................................................ 19-89 KEU Key Data Register_1 (CK-high) ................................................................................ 19-90 KEU Key Data Register_2 (CK-Low) ................................................................................ 19-90 KEU Key Data Register_3 (IK-high).................................................................................. 19-90 KEU Key Data Register_4 (IK-low)................................................................................... 19-90 Crypto-Channel Configuration Register (CCCR)............................................................... 19-92 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxv Figures Figure Number 19-77 19-78 19-79 19-80 19-81 19-82 19-83 19-84 19-85 19-86 19-87 19-88 19-89 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20 20-21 20-22 20-23 20-24 20-25 20-26 20-27 20-28 Page Number Title Header Dword Writeback Format ....................................................................................... 19-94 Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register ............................................................................. 19-95 Crypto-Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Register ....................................................... 19-100 Fetch FIFO ........................................................................................................................ 19-101 Descriptor Buffer Format.................................................................................................. 19-102 Link Table Buffer .............................................................................................................. 19-103 EU Assignment Status Register (EUASR) ....................................................................... 19-109 Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) ........................................................................................ 19-110 Interrupt Status Register (ISR)...........................................................................................19-111 Interrupt Clear Register (ICR) .......................................................................................... 19-112 ID Register (ID) ................................................................................................................ 19-113 IP Block Revision Register ............................................................................................... 19-113 Master Control Register (MCR) ....................................................................................... 19-114 POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR) .............................................................................. 20-5 POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR) .................................................................... 20-6 POR I/O Impedance Status and Control Register (PORIMPSCR) ....................................... 20-7 POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR) ......................................................................... 20-8 POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR).......................................................... 20-10 POR Device Status Register 2 (PORDEVSR2) .................................................................. 20-11 POR Configuration Register (GPPORCR) ......................................................................... 20-11 General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR).............................................................. 20-12 General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPOUTDR) ........................................................ 20-13 General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPINDR) ............................................................ 20-14 Alternate Function Pin Multiplex Control Register (PMUXCR) ....................................... 20-14 Device Disable Register (DEVDISR)................................................................................. 20-15 Power Management Control and Status Register (POWMGTCSR) ................................... 20-17 Machine Check Summary Register (MCPSUMR) ............................................................. 20-19 Reset Request Status and Control Register (RSTRSCR).................................................... 20-20 Processor Version Register (PVR) ...................................................................................... 20-20 System Version Register (SVR).......................................................................................... 20-21 Reset Control Register (RSTCR)........................................................................................ 20-22 LBC Voltage Select Control Register (LBCVSELCR)....................................................... 20-22 DDR Calibration Status Register (DDRCSR)..................................................................... 20-23 DDR Control Driver Register (DDRCDR) ......................................................................... 20-24 DDR Clock Disable Register (DDRCLKDR) .................................................................... 20-25 Clock Out Control Register (CLKOCR)............................................................................. 20-25 SerDes Control Register 0 (SRDSCR0).............................................................................. 20-26 SerDes Control Register 1 (SRDSCR1).............................................................................. 20-27 TSEC12 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC12IOOVCR) ........................................... 20-28 TSEC34 Overdrive Control Register (TSEC34IOOVCR) ................................................. 20-29 e500 Core Power Management State Diagram ................................................................... 20-30 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxvi Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 20-29 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9 21-10 21-11 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10 22-11 22-12 22-13 22-14 22-15 22-16 22-17 22-18 22-19 22-20 22-21 22-22 22-23 A-1 B-1 C-1 Title Page Number MPC8548E Power Management Handshaking Signals...................................................... 20-34 Performance Monitor Block Diagram................................................................................... 21-2 Performance Monitor Global Control Register (PMGC0).................................................... 21-5 Performance Monitor Local Control Register A0 (PMLCA0) ............................................. 21-6 Performance Monitor Local Control A Registers (PMLCA1-PMLCA9)............................ 21-6 Performance Monitor Local Control Register B0 (PMLCB0).............................................. 21-7 Performance Monitor Local Control Register B (PMLCB1-PMLCB9) .............................. 21-8 Performance Monitor Counter Register 0 (PMC0)............................................................. 21-10 Performance Monitor Counter Register (PMC1-PMC9) ................................................... 21-10 Duration Threshold Event Sequence Timing Diagram ....................................................... 21-12 Burst Size, Distance, Granularity, and Burstiness Counting............................................... 21-13 Burstiness Counting Timing Diagram ................................................................................ 21-15 Debug and Watchpoint Monitor Block Diagram .................................................................. 22-2 Watchpoint Monitor Control Register 0 (WMCR0) ........................................................... 22-11 Watchpoint Monitor Control Register 1 (WMCR1) ........................................................... 22-12 Watchpoint Monitor Address Register (WMAR) ............................................................... 22-13 Watchpoint Monitor Address Mask Register (WMAMR).................................................. 22-13 Watchpoint Monitor Transaction Mask Register (WMTMR)............................................. 22-14 Watchpoint Monitor Status Register (WMSR) ................................................................... 22-15 Trace Buffer Control Register 0 (TBCR0).......................................................................... 22-16 Trace Buffer Control Register 1 (TBCR1).......................................................................... 22-17 Trace Buffer Address Register (TBAR).............................................................................. 22-18 Trace Buffer Address Mask Register (TBAMR) ................................................................ 22-19 Trace Buffer Transaction Mask Register (TBTMR) ........................................................... 22-19 Trace Buffer Status Register (TBSR).................................................................................. 22-20 Trace Buffer Access Control Register (TBACR)) .............................................................. 22-21 Trace Buffer Read High Register (TBADHR).................................................................... 22-21 Trace Buffer Access Data Register (TBADR) .................................................................... 22-22 Programmed Context ID Register (PCIDR) ....................................................................... 22-23 Current Context ID Register (CCIDR) ............................................................................... 22-23 Trigger Out Source Register (TOSR).................................................................................. 22-24 e500 Coherency Module Dispatch (CMD) Trace Buffer Entry.......................................... 22-28 DDR Trace Buffer Entry ..................................................................................................... 22-29 PCI Trace Buffer Entry ....................................................................................................... 22-29 PCI Express Trace Buffer Entry.......................................................................................... 22-30 MPC8547E Block Diagram ................................................................................................... A-2 MPC8545E Block Diagram ....................................................................................................B-2 MPC8543E Block Diagram ....................................................................................................C-2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxvii Figures Figure Number Page Number Title MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxviii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number Title Page Number Tables i 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 Acronyms and Abbreviated Available L2 Cache/SRAM Configurations ......................................................................... 1-15 Supported eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Configurations ................................................................. 1-21 Supported eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Configurations ................................................................. 1-22 Target Interface Codes ............................................................................................................ 2-1 Local Access Windows Example............................................................................................ 2-2 Format of ATMU Window Definitions................................................................................... 2-3 Local Access Register Memory Map...................................................................................... 2-5 LAIPBRR1 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 2-6 LAIPBRR2 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 2-6 LAWBARn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 2-7 LAWARn Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 2-7 Overlapping Local Access Windows ...................................................................................... 2-8 Local Memory Configuration, Control, and Status Register Summary................................ 2-12 Memory Map......................................................................................................................... 2-17 MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block................................................................ 3-5 MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference.......................................................................... 3-12 MPC8548E Reset Configuration Signals.............................................................................. 3-19 Output Signal States During System Reset ........................................................................... 3-20 Signal Summary ...................................................................................................................... 4-1 System Control Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions ......................................................... 4-2 Clock Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions ........................................................................ 4-3 Local Configuration Control Register Map ............................................................................ 4-4 CCSRBAR Bit Settings .......................................................................................................... 4-5 ALTCBAR Bit Settings........................................................................................................... 4-6 ALTCAR Bit Settings ............................................................................................................. 4-6 BPTR Bit Settings ................................................................................................................... 4-7 CCB Clock PLL Ratio .......................................................................................................... 4-11 e500 Core Clock PLL Ratios ................................................................................................ 4-12 Boot ROM Location.............................................................................................................. 4-12 Host/Agent Configuration..................................................................................................... 4-13 I/O Port Selection.................................................................................................................. 4-14 CPU Boot Configuration....................................................................................................... 4-15 Boot Sequencer Configuration.............................................................................................. 4-15 DDR DRAM Type ................................................................................................................ 4-16 eTSEC1/eTSEC2 Width Configuration ................................................................................ 4-16 eTSEC3/eTSEC4 Width Configuration ................................................................................ 4-17 eTSEC1 Protocol Configuration ........................................................................................... 4-18 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxix Tables Table Number 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-31 4-32 4-33 4-34 4-35 4-36 4-37 4-38 4-39 4-40 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 Page Number Title eTSEC2 Protocol Configuration ........................................................................................... 4-18 eTSEC3 Protocol Configuration ........................................................................................... 4-19 eTSEC4 Protocol Configuration ........................................................................................... 4-19 RapidIO Device ID ............................................................................................................... 4-19 RapidIO System Size ............................................................................................................ 4-20 PCI1/PCI-X Clock Select...................................................................................................... 4-20 PCI2 Clock Select ................................................................................................................. 4-21 PCI1 Speed Configuration .................................................................................................... 4-21 PCI2 Speed Configuration .................................................................................................... 4-21 PCI-32 Configuration............................................................................................................ 4-21 PCI1/PCI-X I/O Impedance .................................................................................................. 4-22 PCI2 I/O Impedance.............................................................................................................. 4-22 PCI1/PCI-X Arbiter Configuration....................................................................................... 4-22 PCI2 Arbiter Configuration .................................................................................................. 4-22 PCI Debug Configuration ..................................................................................................... 4-23 PCI1/PCI-X Configuration ................................................................................................... 4-23 Memory Debug Configuration.............................................................................................. 4-23 DDR Debug Configuration ................................................................................................... 4-24 General-Purpose POR Configuration.................................................................................... 4-24 SerDes Enable POR Configuration....................................................................................... 4-25 High Speed Interface Clocking ............................................................................................. 4-27 Device Revision Level Cross-Reference ................................................................................ 5-4 Performance Monitor Instructions ........................................................................................ 5-12 Cache Locking Instructions .................................................................................................. 5-12 Scalar and Vector Embedded Floating-Point APU Instructions ........................................... 5-12 BTB Locking Instructions..................................................................................................... 5-13 Interrupt Registers................................................................................................................. 5-21 Interrupt Vector Registers and Exception Conditions........................................................... 5-22 Differences Between the e500 Core and the PowerQUICC III Core Implementation ........ 5-32 Base and Embedded Category Special-Purpose Registers (by SPR Abbreviation)................ 6-4 Additional SPRs (by SPR Abbreviation) ................................................................................ 6-7 XER Field Description............................................................................................................ 6-9 BI Operand Settings for CR Fields ......................................................................................... 6-9 CR0 Bit Descriptions ............................................................................................................ 6-11 MSR Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 6-12 PVR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 6-14 SVR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 6-14 TCR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 6-15 TSR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 6-16 IVOR Assignments ............................................................................................................... 6-18 ESR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 6-19 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxx Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 6-31 6-32 6-33 6-34 6-35 6-36 6-37 6-38 6-39 6-40 6-41 6-42 6-43 6-44 6-45 6-46 1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 Title Page Number MCSR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 6-21 SPR Assignments ................................................................................................................. 6-22 BBEAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 6-23 BBTAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 6-23 BUCSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 6-24 HID0 Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 6-25 HID1 Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 6-26 L1CSR0 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 6-28 L1CSR1 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 6-29 L1CFG0 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 6-30 L1CFG1 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 6-31 MMUCSR0 Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 6-32 MMUCFG Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 6-33 TLB0CFG Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 6-33 TLB1CFG Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 6-34 MAS0 Field Descriptions--MMU Read/Write and Replacement Control .......................... 6-35 MAS1 Field Descriptions--Descriptor Context and Configuration Control........................ 6-36 MAS2 Field Descriptions--EPN and Page Attributes ......................................................... 6-36 MAS3 Field Descriptions-RPN and Access Control ........................................................... 6-37 MAS4 Field Descriptions--Hardware Replacement Assist Configuration.......................... 6-38 MAS6--TLB Search Context Register 0.............................................................................. 6-39 MAS 7 Field Descriptions--High Order RPN ..................................................................... 6-39 DBCR0 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 6-40 DBCR1 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 6-41 DBCR2 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 6-42 DBSR Field Descriptions...................................................................................................... 6-44 SPEFSCR Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 6-45 ACC FIeld Descriptions........................................................................................................ 6-47 Supervisor-Level PMRs (PMR[5] = 1) ................................................................................. 6-48 User-Level PMRs (PMR[5] = 0) (Read Only)...................................................................... 6-48 PMGC0 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 6-49 PMLCa0-PMLCa3 Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 6-50 PMLCb0-PMLCb3 Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 6-51 PMC0-PMC3 Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 6-52 Available L2 Cache/SRAM Configurations ........................................................................... 7-3 Way Selection for SRAM Accesses........................................................................................ 7-6 L2/SRAM Memory-Mapped Registers................................................................................... 7-9 L2CTL Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 7-10 L2CEWARn Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 7-14 L2CEWAREAn Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 7-14 L2CEWCRn Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 7-15 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxi Tables Table Number 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 7-27 7-28 7-29 7-30 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 Page Number Title L2SRBARn Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 7-16 L2SRBAREAn Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 7-17 L2ERRINJHI Field Description............................................................................................ 7-18 L2ERRINJLO Field Description .......................................................................................... 7-19 L2ERRINJCTL Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 7-19 L2CAPTDATAHI Field Description..................................................................................... 7-20 L2CAPTDATALO Field Description.................................................................................... 7-20 L2CAPTECC Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 7-21 L2ERRDET Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 7-21 L2ERRDIS Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 7-22 L2ERRINTEN Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 7-23 L2ERRATTR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 7-23 L2ERRADDRH Field Description ....................................................................................... 7-24 L2ERRADDRL Field Description........................................................................................ 7-25 L2ERRCTL Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 7-25 Fastest Read Timing--Hit in L2 ........................................................................................... 7-27 PLRU Bit Update Algorithm ................................................................................................ 7-32 PLRU-Based Victim Selection Mechanism .......................................................................... 7-33 L2 Cache States..................................................................................................................... 7-35 State Transitions Due to Core-Initiated Transactions ........................................................... 7-35 State Transitions Due to System-Initiated Transactions ....................................................... 7-38 L2 Cache ECC Syndrome Encoding..................................................................................... 7-39 L2 Cache ECC Syndrome Encoding (Check Bits) ............................................................... 7-40 ECM Memory Map................................................................................................................. 8-3 EEBACR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 8-4 EEBPCR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 8-4 EIPBRR1 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 8-5 EIPBRR2 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 8-6 EEDR Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 8-6 EEER Field Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 8-7 EEATR Field Descriptions...................................................................................................... 8-7 EELADR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 8-8 EEHADR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 8-9 DDR Memory Interface Signal Summary .............................................................................. 9-3 Memory Address Signal Mappings......................................................................................... 9-5 Memory Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................... 9-6 Clock Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions ........................................................................ 9-9 DDR Memory Controller Memory Map............................................................................... 9-10 CSn_BNDS Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 9-12 CSn_CONFIG Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 9-13 TIMING_CFG_3 Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 9-14 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxxii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28 9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40 9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 9-48 Title Page Number TIMING_CFG_0 Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 9-15 TIMING_CFG_1 Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 9-16 TIMING_CFG_2 Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 9-19 DDR_SDRAM_CFG Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 9-21 DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2 Field Descriptions.......................................................................... 9-24 DDR_SDRAM_MODE Field Descriptions.......................................................................... 9-25 DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2 Field Descriptions...................................................................... 9-26 DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL Field Descriptions................................................................... 9-27 Settings of DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL Fields .................................................................... 9-29 DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL Field Descriptions .................................................................. 9-29 DDR_DATA_INIT Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 9-30 DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL Field Descriptions ................................................................. 9-30 DDR_INIT_ADDR Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 9-31 DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR Field Descriptions....................................................................... 9-32 DDR_IP_REV1 Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 9-32 DDR_IP_REV2 Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 9-33 DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI Field Descriptions....................................................................... 9-33 DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 9-33 ERR_INJECT Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 9-34 CAPTURE_DATA_HI Field Descriptions............................................................................ 9-34 CAPTURE_DATA_LO Field Descriptions........................................................................... 9-35 CAPTURE_ECC Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 9-35 ERR_DETECT Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 9-36 ERR_DISABLE Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 9-37 ERR_INT_EN Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 9-37 CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES Field Descriptions .................................................................... 9-38 CAPTURE_ADDRESS Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 9-39 CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS Field Descriptions ................................................................ 9-40 ERR_SBE Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 9-40 Byte Lane to Data Relationship ............................................................................................ 9-45 Supported DDR2 SDRAM Device Configurations .............................................................. 9-46 DDR1 Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled.................... 9-47 DDR1 Address Multiplexing for 32-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled.................... 9-48 DDR2 Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled.................... 9-49 DDR2 Address Multiplexing for 32-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled.................... 9-50 Example of Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus Interleaving Between Two Banks ....................................................................................................................... 9-51 Example of Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus Interleaving Between Four Banks 9-52 DDR SDRAM Command Table............................................................................................ 9-53 DDR SDRAM Interface Timing Intervals ............................................................................ 9-54 DDR SDRAM Power-Saving Modes Refresh Configuration............................................... 9-62 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxiii Tables Table Number 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52 9-53 9-54 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-23 10-24 10-25 10-26 10-27 10-28 10-29 10-30 10-31 10-32 10-33 10-34 10-35 Page Number Title Memory Controller-Data Beat Ordering .............................................................................. 9-64 DDR SDRAM ECC Syndrome Encoding ............................................................................ 9-66 DDR SDRAM ECC Syndrome Encoding (Check Bits) ....................................................... 9-67 Memory Controller Errors .................................................................................................... 9-68 Memory Interface Configuration Register Initialization Parameters.................................... 9-68 Programming Differences Between Memory Types............................................................. 9-69 Processor Interrupts Generated Outside the Core--Types and Sources ............................... 10-2 e500 Core-Generated Interrupts that Cause a Wake-Up ....................................................... 10-3 Internal Interrupt Sources...................................................................................................... 10-5 PIC Interface Signals ............................................................................................................ 10-6 Interrupt Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions .................................................................. 10-6 PIC Register Address Map.................................................................................................... 10-8 BRR1 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 10-17 BRR2 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 10-17 FRR Field Descriptions....................................................................................................... 10-18 GCR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 10-18 VIR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 10-19 PIR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 10-20 IPIVPRn Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 10-20 SVR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 10-21 TFRR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 10-22 GTCCRn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 10-22 GTBCRn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 10-23 GTVPRn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 10-23 GTDRn Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 10-24 Parameters for Hourly Interrupt Timer Cascade Example.................................................. 10-25 TCR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 10-25 ERQSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 10-27 IRQSR0 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 10-27 IRQSR1 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 10-28 IRQSR2 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 10-28 CISR0 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 10-29 CISR1 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 10-29 CISR2 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 10-30 PMnMR0 Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 10-31 PMnMR1 Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 10-31 PMnMR2 Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 10-32 MSGRn Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 10-32 MER Field Descriptions...................................................................................................... 10-33 MSR Field Descriptions...................................................................................................... 10-33 MSIRs Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 10-34 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxxiv Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 10-36 10-37 10-38 10-39 10-40 10-41 10-42 10-43 10-44 10-45 10-46 10-47 10-48 10-49 10-50 10-51 10-52 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14 12-15 Title Page Number MSISR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 10-35 MSIIR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 10-35 MSIVPRn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 10-36 MSIDRn Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 10-36 EIVPRn Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 10-37 EIDRn Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 10-38 IIVPRn Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 10-39 IIDRn Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 10-40 MIVPRn Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 10-41 MIDRn Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 10-41 Per-CPU Registers--Private Access Address Offsets ........................................................ 10-42 IPIDRn Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 10-44 CTPR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 10-44 WHOAMI Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 10-45 IACK Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 10-46 EOI Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 10-46 PCI Express INTx/IRQn Sharing........................................................................................ 10-50 I2C Interface Signal Descriptions ......................................................................................... 11-3 I2C Interface Signal--Detailed Signal Descriptions............................................................. 11-4 I2C Memory Map .................................................................................................................. 11-5 I2CADR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 11-6 I2CFDR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 11-7 I2CCR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 11-8 I2CSR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 11-9 I2CDR Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 11-10 I2CDFSRR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................11-11 DUART Signal Overview ..................................................................................................... 12-3 DUART Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions .................................................................. 12-3 DUART Register Summary .................................................................................................. 12-5 URBR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 12-6 UTHR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 12-7 UDMB Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 12-7 UDLB Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 12-8 Baud Rate Examples ............................................................................................................. 12-8 UIER Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 12-9 UIIR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 12-10 UIIR IID Bits Summary...................................................................................................... 12-11 UFCR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 12-12 ULCR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 12-13 Parity Selection Using ULCR[PEN], ULCR[SP], and ULCR[EPS] .................................. 12-14 UMCR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 12-14 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxv Tables Table Number 12-16 12-17 12-18 12-19 12-20 12-21 12-22 12-23 12-24 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12 13-13 13-14 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-21 13-22 13-23 13-24 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-29 13-30 13-31 13-32 Page Number Title ULSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 12-15 UMSR Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 12-16 USCR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 12-17 UAFR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 12-18 UDSR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 12-18 UDSR[TXRDY] Set Conditions ......................................................................................... 12-19 UDSR[TXRDY] Cleared Conditions.................................................................................. 12-19 UDSR[RXRDY] Set Conditions......................................................................................... 12-19 UDSR[RXRDY] Cleared .................................................................................................... 12-19 Signal Properties--Summary................................................................................................ 13-4 Local Bus Controller Detailed Signal Descriptions .............................................................. 13-5 Local Bus Controller Memory Map...................................................................................... 13-9 BRn Field Descriptions....................................................................................................... 13-11 Memory Bank Sizes in Relation to Address Mask ............................................................ 13-12 ORn--GPCM Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 13-13 ORn--UPM Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 13-15 ORn--SDRAM Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 13-16 MAR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 13-17 MxMR Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 13-17 MRTPR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 13-20 MDR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 13-20 LSDMR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 13-21 LURT Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 13-23 LSRT Field Descriptions..................................................................................................... 13-24 LTESR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 13-25 LTEDR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 13-26 LTEIR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 13-27 LTEATR Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 13-28 LTEAR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 13-29 LBCR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 13-29 LCRR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 13-30 GPCM Write Control Signal Timing .................................................................................. 13-37 GPCM Read Control Signal Timing ................................................................................... 13-38 Boot Bank Field Values After Reset ................................................................................... 13-46 SDRAM Interface Commands ............................................................................................ 13-48 UPM Routines Start Addresses........................................................................................... 13-59 RAM Word Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 13-64 MxMR Loop Field Use ....................................................................................................... 13-68 UPM Address Multiplexing ................................................................................................ 13-69 Data Bus Requirements For Read Cycle............................................................................. 13-83 Typical SDRAM Devices.................................................................................................... 13-85 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxxvi Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 13-33 13-34 13-35 13-36 13-37 13-38 13-39 13-40 13-41 13-42 13-43 13-44 13-45 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12 14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 14-17 14-18 14-19 14-20 14-21 14-22 14-23 14-24 14-25 14-26 14-27 14-28 Title Page Number LADn Signal Connections to 128-Mbyte SDRAM ............................................................ 13-87 Logical Address Bus Partitioning ....................................................................................... 13-88 SDRAM Device Address Port During Address Phase........................................................ 13-88 SDRAM Device Address Port During READ/WRITE Command..................................... 13-88 Register Settings for 128-Mbyte SDRAMs ........................................................................ 13-89 Logical Address Partitioning .............................................................................................. 13-89 SDRAM Device Address Port During Address Phase........................................................ 13-90 SDRAM Device Address Port During READ/WRITE Command..................................... 13-90 Register Settings for 512-Mbyte SDRAMs ........................................................................ 13-90 SDRAM Capacitance .......................................................................................................... 13-92 SDRAM AC Characteristics ............................................................................................... 13-93 Local Bus to MSC8101 HDI16 Connections...................................................................... 13-98 UPM Synchronization Cycles ........................................................................................... 13-106 eTSECn Network Interface Signal Properties ...................................................................... 14-6 eTSEC Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions .................................................................... 14-8 Module Memory Map Summary......................................................................................... 14-12 Module Memory Map ......................................................................................................... 14-13 TSEC_ID Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-22 TSEC_ID2 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 14-23 IEVENT Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 14-24 IMASK Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-28 EDIS Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 14-30 ECNTRL Field Descriptions............................................................................................... 14-31 eTSEC Interface Configurations ......................................................................................... 14-33 PTV Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 14-34 DMACTRL Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 14-34 TBIPA Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-36 FIFO_RX_ALARM Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 14-37 FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF Field Descriptions.......................................................... 14-37 FIFO_TX_THR Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 14-38 FIFO_TX_STARVE Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 14-39 FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF Field Descriptions.......................................................... 14-39 TCTRL Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 14-40 TSTAT Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 14-42 DFVLAN Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-44 TXIC Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 14-44 TQUEUE Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-45 TR03WT Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 14-46 TR47WT Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 14-47 TBDBPH Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-48 TBPTRn Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 14-48 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxvii Tables Table Number 14-29 14-30 14-31 14-32 14-33 14-34 14-35 14-36 14-37 14-38 14-39 14-40 14-41 14-42 14-43 14-44 14-45 14-46 14-47 14-48 14-49 14-50 14-51 14-52 14-53 14-54 14-55 14-56 14-57 14-58 14-59 14-60 14-61 14-62 14-63 14-64 14-65 14-66 14-67 14-68 14-69 Page Number Title TBASEH Field Descriptions............................................................................................... 14-49 TBASE0-TBASE7 Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 14-49 RCTRL Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-50 RSTAT Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-52 RXIC Field Descriptions..................................................................................................... 14-54 RQUEUE Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-55 RBIFX Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-57 RQFAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-58 RQFCR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-59 RQFPR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 14-61 MRBLR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 14-63 RBDBPH Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-64 RBPTRn Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 14-64 RBASEH Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-65 RBASE0-RBASE7 Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 14-65 MACCFG1 Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 14-69 MACCFG2 Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 14-70 IPGIFG Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-72 HAFDUP Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 14-73 MAXFRM Descriptions...................................................................................................... 14-74 MIIMCFG Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 14-75 MIIMCOM Descriptions..................................................................................................... 14-75 MIIMADD Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 14-76 MIIMCON Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 14-77 MIIMSTAT Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 14-77 MIIMIND Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 14-78 IFSTAT Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-78 MACSTNADDR1 Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 14-79 MACSTNADDR2 Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 14-79 MACnADDR1 Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 14-80 MAC01ADDR2-MAC15ADDR2 Field Descriptions ....................................................... 14-81 TR64 Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 14-82 TR127 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-82 TR255 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-82 TR511 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-83 TR1K Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-83 TRMAX Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 14-84 TRMGV Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 14-84 RBYT Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-85 RPKT Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-85 RFCS Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-86 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 lxxxviii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 14-70 14-71 14-72 14-73 14-74 14-75 14-76 14-77 14-78 14-79 14-80 14-81 14-82 14-83 14-84 14-85 14-86 14-87 14-88 14-89 14-90 14-91 14-92 14-93 14-94 14-95 14-96 14-97 14-98 14-99 14-100 14-101 14-102 14-103 14-104 14-105 14-106 14-107 14-108 14-109 14-110 Title Page Number RMCA Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-86 RBCA Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-87 RXCF Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-87 RXPF Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-88 RXUO Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-88 RALN Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-89 RFLR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-89 RCDE Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-90 RCSE Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-90 RUND Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-91 ROVR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-91 RFRG Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-92 RJBR Field Descriptions..................................................................................................... 14-92 RDRP Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-93 TBYT Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-93 TPKT Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-94 TMCA Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 14-94 TBCA Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-95 TXPF Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-95 TDFR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-96 TEDF Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-96 TSCL Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-97 TMCL Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-97 TLCL Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-98 TXCL Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-98 TNCL Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-99 TDRP Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 14-99 TJBR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-100 TFCS Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 14-100 TXCF Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-101 TOVR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-101 TUND Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-102 TFRG Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-102 CAR1 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-103 CAR2 Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-104 CAM1 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-105 CAM2 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-107 RREJ Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14-108 IGADDRn Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 14-109 GADDRn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 14-109 FIFOCFG Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 14-110 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxix Tables Table Number 14-111 14-112 14-113 14-114 14-115 14-116 14-117 14-118 14-119 14-120 14-121 14-122 14-123 14-124 14-125 14-126 14-127 14-128 14-129 14-130 14-131 14-132 14-133 14-134 14-135 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-139 14-140 14-141 14-142 14-143 14-144 14-145 14-146 14-147 14-148 14-149 14-150 14-151 Page Number Title ATTR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-112 ATTRELI Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 14-113 TBI MII Register Set......................................................................................................... 14-115 CR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 14-116 SR Descriptions................................................................................................................. 14-117 ANA Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 14-118 PAUSE Priority Resolution............................................................................................... 14-119 ANLPBPA Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 14-120 ANEX Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 14-121 ANNPT Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 14-122 ANLPANP Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 14-122 EXST Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 14-123 JD Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 14-124 TBICON Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 14-125 Ethernet Modes versus eTSEC (V = Available) ............................................................... 14-126 GMII, MII, and RMII Signals Multiplexing ..................................................................... 14-133 RGMII, TBI, and RTBI Signals Multiplexing .................................................................. 14-134 Shared Signals................................................................................................................... 14-135 Valid Combinations of eTSEC Signals and Interface Modes ........................................... 14-136 Signal Encoding for GMII-Style 8-Bit FIFO .................................................................... 14-139 Signal Encoding for Encoded 8-Bit FIFO......................................................................... 14-139 Signal Encoding for GMII-Style 16-Bit FIFO .................................................................. 14-141 Signal Encoding for Encoded 16-Bit FIFO....................................................................... 14-142 Steps for Minimum Register Initialization........................................................................ 14-143 Custom Preamble Field Descriptions................................................................................ 14-148 Received Preamble Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 14-149 Flow Control Frame Structure .......................................................................................... 14-153 Non-Error Transmit Interrupts .......................................................................................... 14-155 Non-Error Receive Interrupts............................................................................................ 14-155 Interrupt Coalescing Timing Threshold Ranges ............................................................... 14-156 Transmission Errors .......................................................................................................... 14-157 Reception Errors ............................................................................................................... 14-158 Tx Frame Control Block Descriptions .............................................................................. 14-161 Rx Frame Control Block Descriptions.............................................................................. 14-162 Special Filer Rules ............................................................................................................ 14-166 Receive Queue Filer Interrupt Events ............................................................................... 14-166 Filer Table Example--802.1p Priority Filing ................................................................... 14-167 Filer Table Example--IP Diff-Serv Code Points Filing ................................................... 14-168 Filer Table Example--TCP and UDP Port Filing............................................................. 14-168 Transmit Data Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) Field Descriptions .......................................... 14-174 Receive Buffer Descriptor Field Descriptions .................................................................. 14-177 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xc Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 14-152 14-153 14-154 14-155 14-156 14-157 14-158 14-159 14-160 14-161 14-162 14-163 14-164 14-165 14-166 14-167 14-168 14-169 14-170 14-171 14-172 14-173 14-174 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-17 15-18 Title Page Number MII Interface Mode Signal Configuration ........................................................................ 14-179 Shared MII Signals............................................................................................................ 14-180 MII Mode Register Initialization Steps............................................................................. 14-180 GMII Interface Mode Signal Configuration ..................................................................... 14-183 Shared GMII Signals......................................................................................................... 14-184 GMII Mode Register Initialization Steps.......................................................................... 14-184 TBI Interface Mode Signal Configuration ........................................................................ 14-187 Shared TBI Signals ........................................................................................................... 14-188 TBI Mode Register Initialization Steps............................................................................. 14-188 RGMII Interface Mode Signal Configuration................................................................... 14-191 Shared RGMII Signals ...................................................................................................... 14-192 RGMII Mode Register Initialization Steps ....................................................................... 14-192 RMII Interface Mode Signal Configuration...................................................................... 14-195 Shared RMII Signals ......................................................................................................... 14-196 RMII Mode Register Initialization Steps .......................................................................... 14-196 RTBI Interface Mode Signal Configuration...................................................................... 14-199 Shared RTBI Signals ......................................................................................................... 14-200 RTBI Mode Register Initialization Steps .......................................................................... 14-200 8-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configurations, eTSEC1/2 ........................................ 14-203 8-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configurations, eTSEC3/4 ........................................ 14-204 8-Bit FIFO Mode Register Initialization Steps ................................................................. 14-205 16-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configuration (eTSECs1 & 2)................................. 14-206 16-Bit FIFO Mode Register Initialization Steps ............................................................... 14-208 Relationship of Modes and Features ..................................................................................... 15-3 DMA Mode Bit Settings ....................................................................................................... 15-3 DMA Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions....................................................................... 15-6 DMA Register Summary ...................................................................................................... 15-7 MRn Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 15-10 SRn Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 15-13 ECLNDARn Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 15-15 CLNDARn Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 15-15 SATRn Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 15-16 SARn Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 15-18 SARn Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 15-18 DATRn Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 15-19 DARn Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 15-21 DARn Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 15-21 BCRn Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 15-22 NLNDARn Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 15-22 ENLNDARn Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 15-23 ECLSDARn Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 15-24 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xci Tables Table Number 15-19 15-20 15-21 15-22 15-23 15-24 15-25 15-26 15-27 15-28 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 16-7 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 16-13 16-14 16-15 16-16 16-17 16-18 16-19 16-20 16-21 16-22 16-23 16-24 16-25 16-26 16-27 16-28 16-29 16-30 16-31 Page Number Title CLSDARn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 15-24 ENLSDARn Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 15-25 NLSDARn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 15-25 SSRn Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 15-26 DSRn Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 15-26 DGSR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 15-27 Channel State Table............................................................................................................. 15-35 List DMA Descriptor Summary.......................................................................................... 15-37 Link DMA Descriptor Summary ........................................................................................ 15-38 MPC8548E DMA Paths...................................................................................................... 15-43 POR Parameters for PCI/X Controller.................................................................................. 16-5 PCI1/X and PCI2 Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions .................................... 16-8 PCI/X Memory-Mapped Register Map............................................................................... 16-14 PCI CFG_ADDR Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 16-17 PCI/X CFG_DATA Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 16-18 PCI/X INT_ACK Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 16-19 POTARn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 16-20 POTEARn Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 16-20 POWBARn Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 16-21 POWARn Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 16-21 PITARn Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 16-24 PIWBAR Field Descriptions............................................................................................... 16-24 PIWBEAR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 16-25 PIWARn Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 16-25 ERR_DR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 16-28 ERR_CAP_DR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 16-29 ERR_EN Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 16-30 ERR_ATTRIB Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 16-30 ERR_ADDR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 16-31 ERR_EXT_ADDR Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 16-32 ERR_DL Field Description................................................................................................. 16-32 ERR_DH Field Description ................................................................................................ 16-32 GAS_TIMR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 16-33 PCIX_TIMR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 16-33 PCI Vendor ID Register Field Description ......................................................................... 16-35 PCI Device ID Register Field Description.......................................................................... 16-35 PCI Bus Command Register Field Descriptions................................................................. 16-35 PCI Bus Status Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 16-37 PCI Revision ID Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 16-38 PCI Bus Programming Interface Register Field Description.............................................. 16-38 PCI Subclass Code Register Field Description................................................................... 16-39 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xcii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 16-32 16-33 16-34 16-35 16-36 16-37 16-38 16-39 16-40 16-41 16-42 16-43 16-44 16-45 16-46 16-47 16-48 16-49 16-50 16-51 16-52 16-53 16-54 16-55 16-56 16-57 16-58 16-59 16-60 16-61 16-62 16-63 16-64 16-65 16-66 16-67 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 Title Page Number PCI Bus Base Class Code Register Field Description ........................................................ 16-39 PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register Field Descriptions ....................................................... 16-40 PCI Bus Latency Timer Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 16-40 PCSRBAR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 16-41 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register Field Descriptions ................................................ 16-41 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register Field Descriptions........................................ 16-42 Bit Setting for 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register.............................................. 16-42 PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register Field Description ....................................................... 16-42 PCI Subsystem ID Register Field Description.................................................................... 16-43 PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register Field Description ................................................... 16-43 PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register Field Description............................................................. 16-44 PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register Field Description............................................................... 16-44 PCI Bus Minimum Grant Register Field Description ......................................................... 16-44 PCI Bus Maximum Latency Register Field Description .................................................... 16-45 PCI Bus Function Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 16-45 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register Field Descriptions .............................................. 16-46 PCI-X Next Capabilities ID Register Field Descriptions ................................................... 16-47 PCI-X Capability Pointer Register Field Description......................................................... 16-47 PCI-X Command Register Field Descriptions.................................................................... 16-48 PCI-X Status Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 16-48 PCI Bus Commands ............................................................................................................ 16-53 Supported Combinations of PCI_AD[1:0].......................................................................... 16-54 PCI Configuration Space Header Summary ....................................................................... 16-65 PCI Type 0 Configuration--Device Number to ADn Translation...................................... 16-68 Special-Cycle Message Encodings ..................................................................................... 16-70 PCI Mode Error Actions ..................................................................................................... 16-72 PCI-X Command Encodings............................................................................................... 16-74 Burst/DWORD Transaction Attribute Summary ................................................................ 16-76 Split Completion Transaction Address ............................................................................... 16-83 PCI-X Split Completion Transaction Attribute Summary .................................................. 16-84 PCI-X Type 0 Configuration--Device Number to ADn Translation ................................. 16-85 PCI-X Configuration Transaction Attribute Summary ....................................................... 16-86 PCI-X Mode Error Actions ................................................................................................. 16-87 Affected Configuration Register Bits for POR ................................................................... 16-89 Power-On Reset Values for Affected Configuration Bits ................................................... 16-89 Extended 64-bit PCI1/X Signal Connections...................................................................... 16-90 RapidIO Memory Map ......................................................................................................... 17-5 DIDCAR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-11 DICAR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 17-12 AIDCAR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-12 AICAR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 17-13 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xciii Tables Table Number 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9 17-10 17-11 17-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-16 17-17 17-18 17-19 17-20 17-21 17-22 17-23 17-24 17-25 17-26 17-27 17-28 17-29 17-30 17-31 17-32 17-33 17-34 17-35 17-36 17-37 17-38 17-39 17-40 17-41 17-42 17-43 17-44 17-45 17-46 Page Number Title PEFCAR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-13 SOCAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 17-14 DOCAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 17-16 MCSR Field Definitions ..................................................................................................... 17-17 PWDCSR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 17-18 PELLCCSR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-20 LCSBA1CSR Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 17-20 BDIDCSR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 17-21 HBDIDLCSR Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 17-22 CTCSR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 17-22 PMBH0 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 17-23 PLTOCCSR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-23 PRTOCCSR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-24 GCCSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 17-24 LMREQCSR Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 17-25 LMRESPCSR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 17-26 LASCSR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-26 ESCSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 17-27 CCSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 17-29 ERBH Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 17-30 LTLEDCSR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-31 LTLEECSR Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 17-33 LTLACCSR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-35 LTLDIDCCSR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 17-35 LTLCCCSR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-36 EDCSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 17-37 ERECSR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-38 ECACSR Field Descriptions............................................................................................... 17-39 PCSECCSR0 Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 17-40 PECCSR1 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 17-40 PECCSR2 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 17-40 PECCSR3 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 17-41 ERCSR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 17-41 ERTCSR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-43 LLCR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 17-43 EPWISR Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 17-44 LRETCR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-45 PRETCR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-45 ADIDCSR Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 17-46 AACR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 17-46 LOPTTLCR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-47 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xciv Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 17-47 17-48 17-49 17-50 17-51 17-52 17-53 17-54 17-55 17-56 17-57 17-58 17-59 17-60 17-61 17-62 17-63 17-64 17-65 17-66 17-67 17-68 17-69 17-70 17-71 17-72 17-73 17-74 17-75 17-76 17-77 17-78 17-79 17-80 17-81 17-82 17-83 17-84 17-85 17-86 17-87 Title Page Number IECSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 17-47 PCR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 17-48 SLCSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 17-49 SLEICR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 17-49 IPBRR1 Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 17-50 IPBRR2 Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 17-51 ROWTARn Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 17-54 ROWTEARn Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 17-54 ROWBARn Descriptions.................................................................................................... 17-55 ROWARn Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 17-56 ROWSnRn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 17-58 RIWTARn Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 17-59 RIWBARn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 17-60 RapidIO Inbound Window Attributes Register 1-4............................................................ 17-60 RapidIO Inbound Window Attributes Register 0................................................................ 17-60 RIWARn Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 17-60 OMnMR Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 17-63 OMnSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 17-64 EOMnDQDPAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 17-66 OMnDQDPAR Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 17-66 EOMnDQEPAR Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 17-67 OMnDQEPAR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 17-68 EOMnSAR Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 17-68 OMnSAR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 17-69 OMnDPR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 17-69 OMnDATR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 17-70 OMnDCR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 17-71 OMnRETCR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 17-71 OMnMGR Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 17-72 OMnMLR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 17-73 IMnMR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 17-73 IMnSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 17-75 EIMnFQDPAR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 17-76 IMnFQDPAR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 17-77 EIMnFQEPAR Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 17-78 IMnFQEPAR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 17-78 IMnMIRIR Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 17-79 ODMR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 17-79 ODSR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 17-80 ODDPR Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 17-81 ODDATR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 17-81 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xcv Tables Table Number 17-88 17-89 17-90 17-91 17-92 17-93 17-94 17-95 17-96 17-97 17-98 17-99 17-100 17-101 17-102 17-103 17-104 17-105 17-106 17-107 17-108 17-109 17-110 17-111 17-112 17-113 17-114 17-115 17-116 17-117 17-118 17-119 17-120 17-121 17-122 17-123 17-124 17-125 17-126 17-127 Page Number Title ODRETCR Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 17-82 IDMR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 17-83 IDSR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 17-84 EIDQDPAR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 17-85 IDQDPAR Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 17-86 EIDQEPAR Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 17-87 IDQEPAR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 17-87 IDMIRIR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 17-87 IPWMR Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 17-88 IPWSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 17-89 EIPWQBAR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 17-90 IPWQBAR Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 17-90 RapidIO I/O Transactions ................................................................................................... 17-91 RapidIO Message Passing Transactions ............................................................................. 17-91 RapidIO GSM Transactions ................................................................................................ 17-92 RapidIO Small Transport Field Packet Format................................................................... 17-92 1x/4x LP-Serial Control Symbol Format ............................................................................ 17-93 Physical RapidIO Errors Detected .................................................................................... 17-105 Physical RapidIO Threshold Response............................................................................. 17-106 Hardware Errors For NRead Transaction.......................................................................... 17-107 Hardware Errors For Maintenance Read/Write Req Transaction ..................................... 17-109 Hardware Errors For Atomic (inc, dec, set, or clr) Read Transaction ...............................17-111 Hardware Errors For NWrite, NWrite_r, and Unsupported Atomic Test-and-Swap Transactions.................................................................................................................. 17-113 Hardware Errors For SWrite Transactions........................................................................ 17-116 Hardware Errors For Maintenance Response Transactions .............................................. 17-117 Hardware Errors For IO/GSM Response Transactions (Not Maintenance) ..................... 17-120 Hardware Errors For DMA Message Response Transactions .......................................... 17-125 Hardware Errors For Message Request Transactions ....................................................... 17-127 Hardware Errors For Message Response Transactions..................................................... 17-129 Hardware Errors For Doorbell Request Transaction......................................................... 17-130 Hardware Errors For Doorbell Response Transactions..................................................... 17-132 Hardware Errors for PortWrite Transaction...................................................................... 17-134 Hardware Errors for Reserved Ftype ................................................................................ 17-136 Hardware Errors for Outbound Transaction Crossed ATMU Boundary........................... 17-138 Hardware Errors for Outbound Packet Time-to-live Errors ............................................ 17-139 Outbound Message Direct Mode Hardware Errors........................................................... 17-145 Outbound Message Direct Mode Programming Errors .................................................... 17-148 Outbound Message Unit Descriptor Summary ................................................................. 17-152 Outbound Message Chaining Mode Hardware Errors ...................................................... 17-156 Outbound Message Chaining Mode Programming Errors................................................ 17-156 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xcvi Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 17-128 17-129 17-130 17-131 17-132 17-133 17-134 17-135 17-136 17-137 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-8 18-9 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-14 18-15 18-16 18-17 18-18 18-19 18-20 18-21 18-22 18-23 18-24 18-25 18-26 18-27 18-28 Title Page Number Inbound Message Hardware Errors................................................................................... 17-162 Inbound Message Programming Errors ............................................................................ 17-166 Outbound Doorbell Hardware Errors................................................................................ 17-172 Outbound Doorbell Programming Errors ......................................................................... 17-174 Inbound Doorbell Target Info Definition.......................................................................... 17-176 Source Info Definition ...................................................................................................... 17-176 Inbound Doorbell Hardware Errors .................................................................................. 17-178 Inbound Doorbell Programming Errors ............................................................................ 17-181 Inbound Port-Write Hardware Errors................................................................................ 17-185 Inbound Port-Write Programming Errors ......................................................................... 17-188 POR Parameters for PCI Express Controller ........................................................................ 18-4 PCI Express Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions............................................. 18-5 PCI Express Memory-Mapped Register Map ....................................................................... 18-6 PEX_CONFIG_ADDR Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 18-9 PEX_CONFIG_DATA Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 18-10 PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 18-11 PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 18-12 PEX_CONFIG Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 18-12 PEX_PME_MES_DR Field Descriptions........................................................................... 18-13 PEX_PME_MES_DISR Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 18-15 PEX_PME_MES_IER Field Descriptions.......................................................................... 18-16 PEX_PMCR Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 18-18 PCI Express IP Block Revision Register 1 Field Descriptions........................................... 18-18 PCI Express IP Block Revision Register 2 Field Descriptions........................................... 18-19 PEXOTARn Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 18-20 PCI Express Outbound Extended Address Translation Register n Field Descriptions....... 18-21 PCI Express Outbound Window Base Address Register n Field Descriptions................... 18-22 PEXOWARn Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 18-22 PCI Express Inbound Translation Address Registers Field Descriptions ........................... 18-26 PCI Express Inbound Window Base Address Register Field Descriptions ........................ 18-26 PCI Express Inbound Window Base Extended Address Register Field Descriptions ........ 18-27 PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers Field Descriptions............................. 18-27 PCI Express Error Detect Register Field Descriptions ....................................................... 18-30 PCI Express Error Interrupt Enable Register Field Descriptions ....................................... 18-32 PCI Express Error Disable Register Field Descriptions ..................................................... 18-34 PCI Express Error Capture Status Register Field Descriptions .......................................... 18-36 PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-37 PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction ........................................................................... 18-37 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xcvii Tables Table Number 18-29 18-30 18-31 18-32 18-33 18-34 18-35 18-36 18-37 18-38 18-39 18-40 18-41 18-42 18-43 18-44 18-45 18-46 18-47 18-48 18-49 18-50 18-51 18-52 18-53 18-54 18-55 18-56 18-57 18-58 18-59 18-60 18-61 18-62 18-63 18-64 Page Number Title PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-38 PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction ........................................................................... 18-39 PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-40 PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction ........................................................................... 18-40 PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction.......................................................................... 18-41 PEX Error Capture Register 3 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction. 18-41 PCI Express Vendor ID Register Field Description............................................................ 18-44 PCI Express Device ID Register Field Description ............................................................ 18-44 PCI Express Command Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 18-45 PCI Express Status Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 18-46 PCI Express Revision ID Register Field Descriptions........................................................ 18-47 PCI Express Class Code Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 18-48 PCI Express Bus Cache Line Size Register Field Descriptions.......................................... 18-48 PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register Field Descriptions ............................................ 18-49 PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register Field Descriptions ............................................ 18-49 PEXCSRBAR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 18-51 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register (BAR1) Field Descriptions .................................. 18-51 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register Field Descriptions........................................ 18-52 Bit Setting for 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register.............................................. 18-52 PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Register Field Description ......................................... 18-53 PCI Express Subsystem ID Register Field Description ...................................................... 18-53 Capabilities Pointer Register Field Description.................................................................. 18-54 PCI Express Interrupt Line Register Field Description ...................................................... 18-54 PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register Field Description ........................................................ 18-55 PCI Express Maximum Grant Register Field Description.................................................. 18-55 PCI Express Maximum Latency Register Field Description .............................................. 18-56 PEXCSRBAR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 18-57 PCI Express Primary Bus Number Register Field Description .......................................... 18-57 PCI Express Secondary Bus Number Register Field Description ...................................... 18-58 PCI Express Subordinate Bus Number Register Field Description.................................... 18-58 PCI Express I/O Base Register Field Description .............................................................. 18-59 PCI Express I/O Limit Register Field Description ............................................................. 18-60 PCI Express Secondary Status Register Field Description ................................................. 18-60 PCI Express Memory Base Register Field Description ...................................................... 18-61 PCI Express Memory Limit Register Field Description ..................................................... 18-61 PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Base Register Field Description ................................. 18-62 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 xcviii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 18-65 18-66 18-67 18-68 18-69 18-70 18-71 18-72 18-73 18-74 18-75 18-76 18-77 18-78 18-79 18-80 18-81 18-82 18-83 18-84 18-85 18-86 18-87 18-88 18-89 18-90 18-91 18-92 18-93 18-94 18-95 18-96 18-97 18-98 18-99 18-100 18-101 18-102 18-103 18-104 18-105 Title Page Number PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Limit Register Field Description................................ 18-62 PCI Express Prefetchable Base Upper 32 Bits Register ..................................................... 18-63 PCI Express Prefetchable Limit Upper 32 Bits Register .................................................... 18-63 PCI Express I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Register Field Description ....................................... 18-64 PCI Express I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits Register Field Description...................................... 18-64 Capabilities Pointer Register Field Description.................................................................. 18-64 PCI Express Interrupt Line Register Field Description ...................................................... 18-65 PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register Field Description ........................................................ 18-65 PCI Express Bridge Control Register Field Description .................................................... 18-66 PCI Express Power Management Capability ID Register Field Description...................... 18-68 PCI Express Power Management Capabilities Register Field Description ........................ 18-68 PCI Express Status and Control Register Field Description............................................... 18-69 PCI Express Power Management Data Register Field Description.................................... 18-69 PCI Express Capability ID Register Field Description....................................................... 18-70 PCI Express Capabilities Register Field Description ......................................................... 18-70 PCI Express Device Capabilities Register Field Description ............................................. 18-71 PCI Express Device Control Register Field Description .................................................... 18-72 PCI Express Device Status Register Field Description....................................................... 18-72 PCI Express Link Capabilities Register Field Description ................................................. 18-73 PCI Express Link Control Register Field Description........................................................ 18-73 PCI Express Link Status Register Field Description .......................................................... 18-74 PCI Express Slot Capabilities Register Field Description .................................................. 18-75 PCI Express Slot Control Register Field Description ......................................................... 18-76 PCI Express Slot Status Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 18-76 PCI Express Root Control Register Field Description........................................................ 18-77 PCI Express Root Status Register Field Description .......................................................... 18-77 PCI Express Capability ID Register Field Description....................................................... 18-78 PCI Express MSI Message Control Register Field Description ......................................... 18-78 PCI Express MSI Message Address Register Field Description ........................................ 18-79 PCI Express MSI Message Upper Address Register Field Description ............................. 18-79 PCI Express MSI Message Data Register Field Description.............................................. 18-80 PCI Express Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID Register Field Description ........... 18-81 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Status Register Field Description.................................. 18-81 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Mask Register Field Description................................... 18-82 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Severity Register Field Description .............................. 18-83 PCI Express Correctable Error Status Register Field Description...................................... 18-84 PCI Express Correctable Error Mask Register Field Description....................................... 18-85 PCI Express Advanced Error Capabilities and Control Register Field Description........... 18-85 PCI Express Header Log Register Field Description.......................................................... 18-86 PCI Express Root Error Command Register Field Description.......................................... 18-87 PCI Express Root Error Command Register Field Description.......................................... 18-87 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor xcix Tables Table Number 18-106 18-107 18-108 18-109 18-110 18-111 18-112 18-113 18-114 18-115 18-116 18-117 18-118 18-119 18-120 18-121 18-122 18-123 18-124 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12 19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18 19-19 19-20 19-21 19-22 Page Number Title PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register Field Description ............................... 18-88 PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register Field Description ............................... 18-88 PEX_LTSSM_STAT Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 18-89 PEX_LTSSM_STAT Status Codes...................................................................................... 18-89 PEX_GCLK_RATIO Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 18-91 PEX_PM_TIMER Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 18-92 PEX_PME_TIMEOUT Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 18-92 PEX_SSVID_UPDATE Field Descriptions........................................................................ 18-93 PEX_CFG_READY Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 18-94 PEX_PME_TO_ACK_TOR Field Descriptions................................................................. 18-94 PEX_SS_INTR_MASK Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 18-95 PCI Express Transactions ................................................................................................... 18-97 Lane Assignment With and Without Lane Reversal ......................................................... 18-100 Internal Platform (OCeaN) Message Data Format ........................................................... 18-102 PCI Express ATMU Outbound Messages ......................................................................... 18-102 PCI Express RC Inbound Message Handling ................................................................... 18-103 PCI Express EP Inbound Message Handling.................................................................... 18-104 Initial credit advertisement................................................................................................ 18-107 Power Management State Supported ................................................................................ 18-107 Example Descriptor............................................................................................................... 19-4 SEC Base Address Map ...................................................................................................... 19-10 SEC Address Map............................................................................................................... 19-11 Header Dword Bit Definitions ............................................................................................ 19-17 EU_SEL0 and EU_SEL1 Values ........................................................................................ 19-18 Descriptor Types ................................................................................................................. 19-19 Pointer Dword Field Definitions......................................................................................... 19-20 Link Table Field Definitions ............................................................................................... 19-22 Descriptor Format by Type ................................................................................................. 19-24 PKEU[ROUTINE] Field Values ......................................................................................... 19-27 PKEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 19-29 PKEU Status Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 19-30 PKEU interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 19-31 PKEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 19-32 DEU Mode Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 19-34 DEU Key Size Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 19-35 DEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions................................................................. 19-36 DEU Status Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 19-37 DEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 19-38 DEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 19-39 AFEU Mode Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 19-43 AFEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 19-45 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 c Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 19-23 19-24 19-25 19-26 19-27 19-28 19-29 19-30 19-31 19-32 19-33 19-34 19-35 19-36 19-37 19-38 19-39 19-40 19-41 19-42 19-43 19-44 19-45 19-46 19-47 19-48 19-49 19-50 19-51 19-52 19-53 19-54 19-55 19-56 19-57 19-58 19-59 19-60 19-61 19-62 20-1 Title Page Number AFEU Status Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 19-46 AFEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions............................................................ 19-47 AFEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 19-48 MDEU Mode Register in Old Configuration (NEW = 0)................................................... 19-51 MDEU Mode Register in New Configuration (NEW = 1) ................................................. 19-52 Mode Register --HMAC or SSL-MAC Generated by Single Descriptor.......................... 19-53 Mode Register --HMAC Generated Across a Sequence of Descriptors............................ 19-54 MDEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 19-55 MDEU Status Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 19-56 MDEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 19-57 MDEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions ........................................................ 19-58 RNG Reset Control Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 19-64 RNG Status Register Field Descriptions............................................................................. 19-64 RNG Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions.............................................................. 19-65 RNG Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 19-66 AESU Mode Register.......................................................................................................... 19-68 AES Cipher Modes ............................................................................................................. 19-68 AESU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 19-70 AESU Status Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 19-71 AESU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions............................................................ 19-72 AESU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 19-73 KEU Mode Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 19-80 KEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions................................................................. 19-82 KEU Status Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 19-83 KEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 19-84 KEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 19-86 KEU IV_1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 19-88 Crypto-Channel Configuration Register (CCCR) Field Descriptions ................................ 19-93 Header Dword Writeback Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 19-94 Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Field Descriptions ............................................... 19-95 G_STATE and S_STATE Field Values................................................................................ 19-97 CHN_STATE Field Values.................................................................................................. 19-98 Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Error Field Descriptions ..................................... 19-98 Channel Pointer Status Register PTR_DW Field Values .................................................... 19-99 Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Register Field Descriptions ..................................... 19-100 Fetch FIFO Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 19-101 Channel Assignment Value ............................................................................................... 19-109 Field Names in Interrupt Mask, Interrupt Status, and Interrupt Clear Registers .............. 19-110 Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Register Signals....................................................... 19-113 Master Control Register (MCR) Field Descriptions ......................................................... 19-114 External Signal Summary ..................................................................................................... 20-2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor ci Tables Table Number 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20 20-21 20-22 20-23 20-24 20-25 20-26 20-27 20-28 20-29 20-30 20-31 20-32 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9 21-10 Page Number Title Detailed Signal Descriptions................................................................................................. 20-2 Global Utilities Block Register Summary ............................................................................ 20-3 PORPLLSR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 20-5 PORBMSR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 20-6 PORIMPSCR Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 20-7 PORDEVSR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 20-8 PORDBGMSR Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 20-10 PORDEVSR2 Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 20-11 GPPORCR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 20-11 GPIOCR Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 20-12 GPOUTDR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 20-13 GPINDR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 20-14 PMUXCR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 20-15 DEVDISR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 20-16 POWMGTCSR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 20-18 MCPSUMR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 20-19 RSTRSCR Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 20-20 PVR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 20-21 SVR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 20-21 RSTCR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 20-22 LBCVSELCR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 20-22 DDRCSR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 20-23 DDRCDR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 20-24 DDRCLKDR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 20-25 CLKOCR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 20-26 SRDSCR0 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 20-27 SRDSCR1 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 20-28 TSEC12IOOVCR Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 20-29 TSEC34IOOVCR Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 20-29 MPC8548E Power Management Modes--Basic Description ............................................ 20-31 Power Management Entry Protocol and Initiating Functional Units .................................. 20-33 Control Register Memory Map ............................................................................................. 21-4 PMGC0 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 21-5 PMLCA0 Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 21-6 PMLCA1-PMLCA9 Field Descriptions............................................................................... 21-6 PMLCB0 Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 21-7 PMLCBn Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 21-8 PMC0 Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 21-10 PMC[1-9] Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 21-10 Burst Definition................................................................................................................... 21-13 Performance Monitor Events .............................................................................................. 21-15 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 cii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 21-11 21-12 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10 22-11 22-12 22-13 22-14 22-15 22-16 22-17 22-18 22-19 22-20 22-21 22-22 22-23 22-24 22-25 22-26 22-27 22-28 22-29 22-30 A-1 B-1 C-1 C-2 Title Page Number PMGC0 and PMLCAn Settings.......................................................................................... 21-28 Register Settings for Counting Examples ........................................................................... 21-29 POR Configuration Settings and Debug Modes ................................................................... 22-3 Debug, Watchpoint and Test Signal Summary...................................................................... 22-6 Debug Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions ..................................................................... 22-7 Watchpoint and Trigger Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions .......................................... 22-8 JTAG Test and Other Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions .............................................. 22-8 Debug and Watchpoint Monitor Memory Map................................................................... 22-10 WMCR0 Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 22-11 WMCR1 Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 22-12 WMAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 22-13 WMAMR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 22-13 WMTMR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 22-14 Transaction Types By Interface........................................................................................... 22-14 WMSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 22-15 TBCR0 Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 22-16 TBCR1 Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 22-18 TBAR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 22-18 TBAMR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 22-19 TBTMR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 22-20 TBSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 22-20 TBACR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 22-21 TBADHR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 22-22 TBADR Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 22-22 PCIDR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 22-23 CCIDR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 22-23 TOSR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 22-24 Source and Target ID Values............................................................................................... 22-25 CMD Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 000) .............................. 22-28 DDR Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 001) ............................... 22-29 PCI Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 010 or 101)...................... 22-29 PCI Express Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 100) ................... 22-30 Comparison of Features Among MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Processor Family Members ............................................................................................................... A-1 Comparison of Features Among MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Processor Family Members ................................................................................................................B-1 Comparison of Features Among MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Processor Family Members ................................................................................................................C-1 Available L2 Cache/SRAM Configurations ...........................................................................C-3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor ciii Tables Table Number Page Number Title MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 civ Freescale Semiconductor About This Book This reference manual defines the functionality of the MPC8548E. This device integrates an e500v2 processor core, based on Power ArchitectureTM technology, with system logic required for networking, telecommunications, and wireless infrastructure applications. The processor core is a low-power implementation of the family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) embedded processors that implement the embedded category of the Power Architecture technology. This book is intended as a companion to the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual. Audience It is assumed that the reader understands operating systems, microprocessor system design, and the basic principles of RISC processing. Organization Following is a summary and a brief description of the major parts of this reference manual: Part I, "Overview," describes the many features of the MPC8548E integrated host processor at an overview level. The following chapters are included: * Chapter 1, "Overview," provides a high-level description of features and functionality of the MPC8548E integrated host processor. It describes the MPC8548E, its interfaces, and its programming model. The functional operation of the MPC8548E with emphasis on peripheral functions is also described. * Chapter 2, "Memory Map," describes the memory map of the MPC8548E. An overview of the local address map is followed by a description of how local access windows are used to define the local address map. The inbound and outbound address translation mechanisms used to map to and from external memory spaces are described next. Finally, the configuration, control, and status registers are described, including a complete listing of all memory-mapped registers with cross references to the sections detailing descriptions of each. * Chapter 3, "Signal Descriptions," provides a listing of all the external signals, cross-references for signals that serve multiple functions, output signal states at reset, and reset configuration signals (and the modes they define). * Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," describes the hard and soft resets, the power-on reset (POR) sequence, power-on reset configuration, clocking, and initialization of the MPC8548E. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor cv Part II, "e500 Core Complex and L2 Cache," describes the many features of the MPC8548E core processor at an overview level and the interaction between the core complex and the L2 cache. The following chapters are included: * Chapter 5, "Core Complex Overview," provides an overview of the e500v2 core processor and the L1 caches and MMU that, together with the core, comprise the core complex. * Chapter 6, "Core Register Summary," provides a listing of the e500v2 registers in reference form. * Chapter 7, "L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM," describes the L2 cache of the MPC8548E. Note that the L2 cache can also be addressed directly as memory-mapped SRAM. Part III, "Memory, Security, and I/O Interfaces," defines the memory, security, and I/O interfaces of the MPC8548E and how these blocks interact with one another and with other blocks on the device. The following chapters are included: * Chapter 8, "e500 Coherency Module," defines the e500v2 coherency module and how it facilitates communication between the e500v2 core complex, the L2 cache, and the other blocks that comprise the coherent memory domain of the MPC8548E. The ECM provides a mechanism for I/O-initiated transactions to snoop the core complex bus (CCB) of the e500v2 core in order to maintain coherency across cacheable local memory. It also provides a flexible, easily expandable switch-type structure for e500v2- and I/O-initiated transactions to be routed (dispatched) to target modules on the MPC8548E. * Chapter 9, "DDR Memory Controller," describes the DDR/DDR2 SDRAM memory controller of the MPC8548E. This fully programmable controller supports most DDR memories available today, including both buffered and unbuffered devices. The built-in error checking and correction (ECC) ensures very low bit-error rates for reliable high-frequency operation. Dynamic power management and auto-precharge modes simplify memory system design. Special features like ECC error injection support rapid system debug. * Chapter 10, "Programmable Interrupt Controller," describes the embedded programmable interrupt controller (PIC) of the MPC8548E. The PIC is an OpenPIC-compliant interrupt controller that provides interrupt management and is responsible for receiving hardware-generated interrupts from different sources (both internal and external), prioritizing them and delivering them to the CPU for servicing. * Chapter 11, "I2C Interfaces," describes the inter-IC (IIC or I2C) bus controllers of the MPC8548E. This synchronous, serial, bidirectional, multi-master bus allows two-wire connection of devices, such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices, A/D converters and LCDs. The MPC8548E powers up in boot sequencer mode which allows the I2C1 controller to initialize configuration registers. * Chapter 12, "DUART," describes the (dual) universal asynchronous receiver/transmitters (UARTs) which feature a PC16552D-compatible programming model. These independent UARTs are provided specifically to support system debugging. * Chapter 13, "Local Bus Controller," describes the local bus controller of the MPC8548E. The main component of the local bus controller (LBC) is its memory controller which provides a seamless interface to many types of memory devices and peripherals. The memory controller is responsible for controlling eight memory banks shared by a high performance SDRAM machine, a general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM), and up to three user-programmable machines MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 cvi Freescale Semiconductor * * * * * * (UPMs). As such, it supports a minimal glue logic interface to synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), SRAM, EPROM, Flash EPROM, burstable RAM, regular DRAM devices, extended data output DRAM devices, and other peripherals. Chapter 14, "Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers," describes the four enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers on the MPC8548E. These controllers provide 10/100/1Gb Ethernet support with a complete set of media-independent interface options including MII, RMII, GMII, RGMII, TBI, and RTBI. Each controller provides very high throughput using a captive DMA channel and direct connection to the MPC8548E memory coherency module. The controllers provide four full-duplex FIFO interface modes and quality of service support. They are backward compatible with PowerQUICC III TSEC controllers. Chapter 15, "DMA Controller," describes the four-channel general-purpose DMA controller of the MPC8548E. The DMA controller transfers blocks of data independent of the e500v2 core or external hosts. Data movement occurs among the local address space. The DMA controller has four high-speed channels. Both the e500 core and external masters can initiate a DMA transfer. All channels are capable of complex data movement and advanced transaction chaining. Chapter 16, "PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface," describes the PCI controller of the MPC8548E. Chapter 17, "Serial RapidIO Interface," describes the serial RapidIO interface of the MPC8548E. Chapter 18, "PCI Express Interface Controller," describes the PCI-Express implementation of the MPC8548E. Chapter 19, "Security Engine (SEC) 2.1," describes the security controller of the MPC8548E. Part IV, "Global Functions and Debug," defines other global blocks of the MPC8548E. The following chapters are included: * Chapter 20, "Global Utilities," defines the global utilities of the MPC8548E. These include power management, I/O device enabling, power-on-reset (POR) configuration monitoring, general-purpose I/O signal use, and multiplexing for the interrupt and local bus chip select signals. * Chapter 21, "Device Performance Monitor," describes the performance monitor of the MPC8548E. Note that the MPC8548E performance monitor is similar to but separate from the performance monitor implemented on the e500v2 core. * Chapter 22, "Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility," describes the debug features and watchpoint monitor of the MPC8548E. This manual contains appendixes describing the other members of the MPC8548E family and an appendix containing the manual's revision history. These appendixes are as follows: * Appendix A, "MPC8547E," contains the text of the product brief of this derivative of the MPC8548E. * Appendix B, "MPC8545E," contains the text of the product brief of this derivative of the MPC8548E. * Appendix C, "MPC8543E," contains the text of the product brief of this derivative of the MPC8548E. * Appendix D, "Revision History," lists the major differences between revisions of the MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual. This reference manual also includes a glossary, a register index and a general index. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor cvii Suggested Reading This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this manual as well as general information about the architecture. General Information The following documentation, published by Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 340 Pine Street, Sixth Floor, San Francisco, CA, provides useful information about the Power Architecture technology and computer architecture in general: * The PowerPC Architecture: A Specification for a New Family of RISC Processors, Second Edition, by International Business Machines, Inc. * Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Third Edition, by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson * Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Second Edition, by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy Related Documentation Freescale documentation is available from the sources listed on the back cover of this manual; the document order numbers are included in parentheses for ease in ordering: * EREF: A Reference for Freescale Book E and the e500 Core (Freescale order no. EREF)--This book, sometimes refered to simply as EREF, provides a higher-level view of the programming model as it is defined by Book E, the Freescale Book E implementation standards, and the e500 microprocessor. * PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual (Freescale order no. E500CORERM)--This book provides in-depth coverage of the e500 embedded microprocessor core for hardware and software developers. * Reference manuals (formerly called user's manuals)--These books provide details about individual implementations. * Addenda/errata to reference or user's manuals--Because some processors have follow-on parts an addendum is provided that describes the additional features and functionality changes. These addenda are intended for use with the corresponding reference or user's manuals. * Hardware specifications--Hardware specifications provide specific data regarding bus timing, signal behavior, and AC, DC, and thermal characteristics, as well as other design considerations. * Product Briefs--Each device has a technical summary that provides an overview of its features. This document is roughly equivalent to the overview (Chapter 1) of an implementation's reference or user's manual. * Application notes--These short documents address specific design issues useful to programmers and engineers working with Freescale processors. Additional literature is published as new processors become available. For a current list of documentation, refer to MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 cviii Freescale Semiconductor Conventions This document uses the following notational conventions: cleared/set When a bit takes the value zero, it is said to be cleared; when it takes a value of one, it is said to be set. mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold. italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx. Book titles in text are set in italics Internal signals are set in lowercase italics, for example, core_int 0x0 Prefix to denote hexadecimal number 0b0 Prefix to denote binary number rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR REG[FIELD] Abbreviations for registers are shown in uppercase text. Specific bits, fields, or ranges appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian mode enable bit in the machine state register. x In some contexts, such as signal encodings, an unitalicized x indicates a don't care. x An italicized x indicates an alphanumeric variable. n An italicized n indicates a numeric variable. NOT logical operator & AND logical operator | OR logical operator || Concatenation, for example TCR[WP]||TCR[WPEXT] Indicates a reserved bit field in a memory-mapped or an e500 register. R -- W Indicates a read-only bit field in a memory-mapped register. R FIELDNAME W Indicates a write-only bit field in a memory-mapped register. Although these bits can be written to as ones or zeros, they are always read as zeros. R W FIELDNAME MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor cix Signal Conventions OVERBAR lowercase_italics lowercase_plaintext An overbar indicates that a signal is active-low. Lowercase italics is used to indicate internal signals. Lowercase plain text is used to indicate signals that are used for configuration. For more information, see Section 3.2, "Configuration Signals Sampled at Reset." Acronyms and Abbreviations Table i contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms Term ADB ATMU Meaning Allowable disconnect boundary Address translation and mapping unit BD Buffer descriptor BIST Built-in self test BTB Branch target buffer BUID Bus unit ID CAM Content-addressable memory CCB Core complex bus CCSR Configuration control and status register CEPT Conference des administrations europeenes des postes et telecommunications (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) COL Collision CRC Cyclic redundancy check CRS Carrier sense DDR Double data rate DMA Direct memory access DPLL Digital phase-locked loop DRAM Dynamic random access memory DUART Dual universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter EA Effective address ECC Error checking and correction ECM e500 coherency module EHPI Enhanced host port interface EPROM Erasable programmable read-only memory FCS Frame-check sequence FEC 10/100 fast Ethernet controller GCI General circuit interface MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 cx Freescale Semiconductor Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term GMII Meaning Gigabit media independent interface GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine GPIO General-purpose I/O GPR General-purpose register GUI Graphical user interface I2C Inter-integrated circuit IDL Inter-chip digital link IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IPG Interpacket gap IrDA Infrared Data Association ITLB Instruction translation lookaside buffer IU Integer unit JTAG Joint Test Action Group LAE Local access error LAW Local access window LBC Local bus controller LIFO Last-in-first-out LRU Least recently used LSB Least-significant byte lsb Least-significant bit LSU Load/store unit MAC Multiply accumulate, media access control MDI Medium-dependent interface MESI Modified/exclusive/shared/invalid--cache coherency protocol MII Media independent interface MMU Memory management unit MSB Most-significant byte msb Most-significant bit NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface No-op No operation OCeaN On-chip network OSI Open systems interconnection PCI Peripheral component interconnect bus PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association PCS Physical coding sublayer PIC Programmable interrupt controller MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor cxi Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning PMA Physical medium attachment PMD Physical medium dependent POR Power-on reset RGMII Reduced gigabit media independent interface RISC Reduced instruction set computing RTOS Real-time operating system RWITM RWM Rx Read with intent to modify Read modify write Receive RxBD Receive buffer descriptor SCC Serial communication controller SCP Serial control port SDLC Synchronous data link control SDMA Serial DMA SFD SI Start frame delimiter Serial interface SIU System interface unit SPR Special-purpose register SRAM Static random access memory TAP Test access port TBI Ten-bit interface TDM Time-division multiplexed TLB Translation lookaside buffer TSA Time-slot assigner TSEC Tx Three-speed Ethernet controller Transmit TxBD Transmit buffer descriptor UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter UPM User-programmable machine USB Universal serial bus UTP Unshielded twisted pair VA ZBT Virtual address Zero bus turnaround MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 cxii Freescale Semiconductor Part I Overview Part I describes the many features of the MPC8548E integrated host processor at an overview level. The following chapters are included: Chapter 1, "Overview," provides a high-level description of features and functionality of the MPC8548E integrated host processor. It describes the MPC8548E, its interfaces, and programming model. The functional operation of the MPC8548E, with emphasis on peripheral functions, is also described. Chapter 2, "Memory Map," describes the MPC8548E memory map. An overview of the local address map is followed by a description of how local access windows are used to define the local address map. The inbound and outbound address translation mechanisms used to map to and from external memory spaces are described next. Finally, the configuration, control, and status registers are described, including a complete listing of all memory mapped registers with cross references to the sections detailing descriptions of each. Chapter 3, "Signal Descriptions," provides a listing of all the external signals, cross-references for signals that serve multiple functions, output signal states at reset, and reset configuration signals (and the modes they define). Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," describes the hard and soft resets, power-on reset sequence, power-on reset (POR) configuration, clocking, and initialization of the MPC8548E. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor I-1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 I-2 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 1 Overview The MPC8548E integrates an e500v2 processor core built on Power ArchitectureTM technology with system logic required for networking, telecommunications, and wireless infrastructure applications. The MPC8548E is a member of the PowerQUICCTM III family of devices that combine system-level support for industry-standard interfaces with processors that implement the embedded category of the Power Architecture technology. This chapter provides a high-level description of features and functionality of the MPC8548E integrated processor. Although this chapter is written from the perspective of the MPC8548E, most of the material applies to the MPC8547E, MPC8545E, and MPC8543E as well. For information on differences between these parts and the MPC8548E, see Appendix A, "MPC8547E," Appendix B, "MPC8545E," and Appendix C, "MPC8543E." 1.1 Introduction The MPC8548E uses the e500 core and high-speed interconnect technology to balance processor performance with I/O system throughput. The e500 core implements the Power ArchitectureTM definition of the embedded category instruction set architecture and provides unprecedented levels of hardware and software debugging support. In addition, the MPC8548E offers a double-precision floating-point auxiliary processing unit (APU), 512 Kbytes of level-2 cache, four integrated 10/100/1Gb enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSECs) with TCP/IP acceleration and classification capabilities, a DDR/DDR2 SDRAM memory controller, two PCI/PCI-X controllers that can serve as a single 64-bit PCI/PCI-X controller or two 32-bit controllers, a programmable interrupt controller, two I2C controllers, a four-channel DMA controller, an integrated security engine with XOR acceleration, a general-purpose I/O port, and dual universal asynchronous receiver/transmitters (DUART). For high speed interconnect, the MPC8548E provides a set of multiplexed pins that support two high-speed interface standards: 1x/4x serial RapidIO (with message unit) and up to x8 PCI Express. The high level of integration in the MPC8548E helps simplify board design and offers significant bandwidth and performance. The MPC8548E is also available without a security engine, in a configuration known as the MPC8548. All specifications other than those relating to security apply to the MPC8548 exactly as described in this document. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-1 Overview 1.2 MPC8548E Overview This section provides a high-level overview of MPC8548E features. Figure 1-1 shows the major functional units within the MPC8548E. DDR SDRAM DDR/DDR2/ Memory Controller Security Engine Flash SDRAM GPIO Local Bus Controller XOR Engine Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) IRQs Serial DUART I2C I2C Controller I2C I2C Controller MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII RTBI, RGMII, RMII eTSEC 10/100/1Gb eTSEC 10/100/1Gb eTSEC 10/100/1Gb eTSEC 10/100/1Gb e500 Coherency Module 512-Kbyte L2 Cache/ SRAM Core Complex Bus e500 Core 32-Kbyte L1 Instruction Cache Serial RapidIO or PCI Express OceaN Switch Fabric 32-bit PCI Bus Interface (If 64-bit not used) 32-bit PCI/ 64-bit PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 32-Kbyte L1 Data Cache 4x RapidIO x8 PCI Express PCI 32-bit 66 MHz PCI/PCI-X 133 MHz 4-Channel DMA Controller Figure 1-1. MPC8548E Block Diagram 1.2.1 Key Features The following list provides an overview of the MPC8548E feature set: * High-performance 32-bit enhanced e500 core that implements the embedded category of the Power Architecture technology -- 32-Kbyte L1 instruction cache and 32-Kbyte L1 data cache with parity protection. Caches can be locked entirely or on a per-line basis, with separate locking for instructions and data. -- Signal-processing engine (SPE) APU (auxiliary processing unit). Provides an extensive instruction set for vector (64-bit) integer and fractional operations. These instructions use both the upper and lower words of the 64-bit GPRs as they are defined by the SPE APU. -- Double-precision floating-point APU. Provides an instruction set for double-precision (64-bit) floating-point instructions that use the 64-bit GPRs. -- Embedded vector and scalar single-precision floating-point APUs. Provide an instruction set for single-precision (32-bit) floating-point instructions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-2 Freescale Semiconductor Overview * * * -- 36-bit real addressing (up to 64 Gbytes of memory) -- Memory management unit (MMU). Especially designed for embedded applications. Supports 4-Kbyte-4-Gbyte page sizes. -- Enhanced hardware and software debug support -- Performance monitor facility that is similar to, but separate from, the MPC8548E performance monitor The e500 defines features that are not implemented on the MPC8548E. It also generally defines some features that the MPC8548E implements more specifically. An understanding of these differences can be critical to ensure proper operations. Section 1.3.1, "e500 Core Overview," includes a comprehensive list of e500 core features. 512-Kbyte L2 cache/SRAM -- Flexible configuration. See Section 1.3.2, "On-Chip Memory Unit," for more information. -- Full ECC support on 64-bit boundary in both cache and SRAM modes -- Cache mode supports instruction caching, data caching, or both. -- External masters can force data to be allocated into the cache through programmed memory ranges or special transaction types (stashing). - One, two, or four ways can be configured for stashing only -- Eight-way set-associative cache organization (32-byte cache lines) -- Supports locking entire cache or selected lines. Individual line locks are set and cleared through Book E instructions or by externally mastered transactions. -- Global locking and flash clearing done through writes to L2 configuration registers -- Instruction and data locks can be flash cleared separately. -- SRAM features include the following: - I/O devices access SRAM regions by marking transactions as snoopable (global). - Regions can reside at any aligned location in the memory map. - Byte-accessible ECC is protected using read-modify-write transaction accesses for smaller-than-cache-line accesses. Address translation and mapping unit (ATMU) -- Ten local access windows define mapping within local 36-bit address space. -- Inbound and outbound ATMUs map to larger external address spaces. - Three inbound windows plus a configuration window on PCI/PCI-X and PCI Express - Four inbound windows plus a default window on RapidIO - Four outbound windows plus default translation for PCI/PCI-X and PCI Express - Eight outbound windows plus default translation for RapidIO with segmentation and sub-segmentation support DDR/DDR2 memory controller -- Programmable timing supporting DDR and DDR2 SDRAM -- 64-bit data interface -- Four banks of memory supported, each up to 4 Gbytes, to a maximum of 16 Gbytes MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-3 Overview * * -- DRAM chip configurations from 64 Mbits to 4 Gbits with x8/x16/x32 data ports -- Full ECC support -- Page mode support - Up to 16 simultaneous open pages for DDR - Up to 32 simultaneous open pages for DDR2 -- Contiguous or discontiguous memory mapping -- Chip select interleaving support -- Read-modify-write support for RapidIO atomic increment, decrement, set, and clear transactions -- Sleep mode support for self-refresh SDRAM -- On-die termination support when using DDR2 -- Supports auto refreshing -- On-the-fly power management using CKE signal -- Registered DIMM support -- Fast memory access via JTAG port -- 2.5-V SSTL_2 compatible I/O (1.8-V SSTL_1.8 for DDR2) -- Support for battery-backed main memory Programmable interrupt controller (PIC) -- Programming model is compliant with the OpenPIC architecture. -- Supports 16 programmable interrupt and processor task priority levels -- Supports 12 discrete external interrupts -- Supports 4 message interrupts with 32-bit messages -- Supports shared message signaled interrupts -- Supports connection of an external interrupt controller such as the 8259 programmable interrupt controller -- Four global high resolution timers/counters that can generate interrupts -- Supports a variety of other internal interrupt sources -- Supports fully nested interrupt delivery -- Interrupts can be routed to external pin for external processing. -- Interrupts can be routed to the e500 core's standard or critical interrupt inputs. -- Interrupt summary registers allow fast identification of interrupt source. Integrated security engine (SEC) optimized to process all the algorithms associated with IPSec, IKE, WTLS/WAP, SSL/TLS, and 3GPP -- Four crypto-channels, each supporting multi-command descriptor chains - Dynamic assignment of crypto-execution units via an integrated controller - Buffer size of 256 bytes for each execution unit, with flow control for large data sizes MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-4 Freescale Semiconductor Overview * * * -- PKEU--public key execution unit - RSA and Diffie-Hellman; programmable field size up to 2048 bits - Elliptic curve cryptography with F2m and F(p) modes and programmable field size up to 511 bits -- DEU--Data Encryption Standard (DES) execution unit - DES, 3DES - Two key (K1, K2, K1) or three key (K1, K2, K3) - ECB and CBC modes for both DES and 3DES -- AESU--Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) unit - Implements the Rijndael symmetric key cipher - ECB, CBC, CTR, and CCM modes - 128-, 192-, and 256-bit key lengths -- AFEU--ARC four execution unit - Implements a stream cipher compatible with the RC4 algorithm - 40- to 128-bit programmable key -- MDEU--message digest execution unit - SHA with 160- or 256-bit message digest - MD5 with 128-bit message digest - HMAC with either algorithm -- KEU--Kasumi execution unit - Implements F8 algorithm for encryption and F9 algorithm for integrity checking - Also supports A5/3 and GEA-3 algorithms -- RNG--random number generator -- XOR engine accelerates parity checking in RAID storage applications. Dual I2C controllers -- Two-wire interface -- Multiple master support -- Master or slave I2C mode support -- On-chip digital filtering rejects spikes on the bus Boot sequencer -- Optionally loads configuration data from serial ROM at reset via the I2C interface -- Can be used to initialize configuration registers and/or memory -- Supports extended I2C addressing mode -- Data integrity checked with preamble signature and CRC DUART -- Two 4-wire interfaces (SIN, SOUT, RTS, CTS) -- Programming model compatible with the original 16450 UART and the PC16550D MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-5 Overview * * Local bus controller (LBC) -- Multiplexed 32-bit address and data bus operating at up to 166 MHz -- Eight chip selects support eight external slaves. -- Up to eight-beat burst transfers -- The 32-, 16-, and 8-bit port sizes are controlled by an on-chip memory controller. -- Three protocol engines available on a per chip select basis: - General-purpose chip select machine (GPCM) - Three user programmable machines (UPMs) - Dedicated single data rate SDRAM controller -- Parity support -- Default boot ROM chip select with configurable bus width (8, 16, or 32 bits) Four enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSECs) -- Backward compatible with MPC8540/MPC8560 (PowerQUICC III) TSEC -- Three-speed support (10/100/1000 Mbps) -- Four IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3x, 802.3z, 802.3ac, 802.3ab compliant controllers -- Support for four full-duplex FIFO interface modes -- Support for various Ethernet physical interfaces: - 1000 Mbps full-duplex IEEE 802.3 GMII, IEEE 802.3z TBI, RTBI, and RGMII - 10/100 Mbps full and half-duplex IEEE 802.3 MII, IEEE 802.3 RGMII, and RMI -- Flexible configuration for multiple PHY interface configurations. See Section 1.3.13, "Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers (eTSECs)," for more information. -- TCP/IP acceleration and QoS features available - IP v4 and IP v6 header recognition on receive - IP v4 header checksum verification and generation - TCP and UDP checksum verification and generation - Per-packet configurable acceleration - Recognition of VLAN, stacked (queue in queue) VLAN, 802.2, PPPoE session, MPLS stacks, and ESP/AH IP-security headers - Supported in all FIFO modes -- Quality of service support: - Transmission from up to eight physical queues - Reception to up to eight physical queues -- Full- and half-duplex Ethernet support (1000 Mbps supports only full duplex): - IEEE 802.3 full-duplex flow control (automatic PAUSE frame generation or software-programmed PAUSE frame generation and recognition) -- Programmable maximum frame length supports jumbo frames (up to 9.6 Kbytes) and IEEE 802.1 virtual local area network (VLAN) tags and priority MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-6 Freescale Semiconductor Overview * * -- VLAN insertion and deletion - Per-frame VLAN control word or default VLAN for each eTSEC - Extracted VLAN control word passed to software separately -- Retransmission following a collision -- CRC generation and verification of inbound/outbound frames -- Programmable Ethernet preamble insertion and extraction of up to 7 bytes -- MAC address recognition: - Exact match on primary and virtual 48-bit unicast addresses - VRRP and HSRP support for seamless router fail-over - Up to 16 exact-match MAC addresses supported - Broadcast address (accept/reject) - Hash table match on up to 512 multicast addresses - Promiscuous mode -- Buffer descriptors backward compatible with MPC8260 and MPC860T 10/100 Ethernet programming models -- RMON statistics support -- 10-Kbyte internal transmit and 2-Kbyte receive FIFOs -- MII management interface for control and status -- Ability to force allocation of header information and buffer descriptors into L2 cache OCeaN switch fabric -- Full crossbar packet switch -- Reorders packets from a source based on priorities -- Reorders packets to bypass blocked packets -- Implements starvation avoidance algorithms -- Supports packets with payloads of up to 256 bytes Integrated DMA controller -- Four-channel controller -- All channels accessible by both the local and remote masters -- Extended DMA functions (advanced chaining and striding capability) -- Support for scatter and gather transfers -- Misaligned transfer capability -- Interrupt on completed segment, link, list, and error -- Supports transfers to or from any local memory or I/O port -- Selectable hardware-enforced coherency (snoop/no snoop) -- Ability to start and flow control each DMA channel from external 3-pin interface -- Ability to launch DMA from single write transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-7 Overview * * Two PCI/PCI-X controllers -- PCI 2.2 and PCI-X 1.0 compatible -- One 32-/64-bit PCI/PCI-X port with support for speeds of up to 133 MHz (maximum PCI-X speed is 110 MHz when operated in synchronous mode) -- Second 32-bit PCI port with support for speeds from 16 to 66 MHz (available when the first port is in 32-bit mode) -- Host and agent mode support -- 64-bit dual address cycle (DAC) support -- PCI-X supports multiple split transactions -- Supports PCI-to-memory and memory-to-PCI streaming -- Memory prefetching of PCI read accesses -- Supports posting of processor-to-PCI and PCI-to-memory writes -- PCI 3.3-V compatible -- Selectable hardware-enforced coherency Serial RapidIO interface unit -- Supports RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2 -- Both 1x and 4x LP-serial link interfaces -- Long- and short-haul electricals with selectable pre-compensation -- Transmission rates of 1.25, 2.5, and 3.125 Gbaud (data rates of 1.0, 2.0, and 2.5 Gbps) per lane -- Auto detection of 1x- and 4x-mode operation during port initialization -- Link initialization and synchronization -- Large and small size transport information field support selectable at initialization time -- 34-bit addressing -- Up to 256 bytes data payload -- All transaction flows and priorities -- Atomic set/clr/inc/dec for read-modify-write operations -- Generation of IO_READ_HOME and FLUSH with data for accessing cache-coherent data at a remote memory system -- Receiver-controlled flow control -- Error detection, recovery, and time-out for packets and control symbols as required by the RapidIO specification -- Register and register bit extensions as described in part VIII (Error Management) of the specification -- Hardware recovery only -- Register support is not required for software-mediated error recovery. -- Accept-all mode of operation for fail-over support -- Support for RapidIO error injection MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-8 Freescale Semiconductor Overview * * * * * -- Internal LP-serial and application interface-level loopback modes -- Memory and PHY BIST for at-speed production test RapidIO-compliant message unit -- 4 Kbytes of payload per message -- Up to sixteen 256-byte segments per message -- Two inbound data message structures within the inbox -- Capable of receiving three letters at any mailbox -- Two outbound data message structures within the outbox -- Capable of sending three letters simultaneously -- Single segment multicast to up to 32 devIDs -- Chaining and direct modes in the outbox -- Single inbound doorbell message structure -- Facility to accept port-write messages PCI Express interface -- PCI Express 1.0a compatible -- Supports x8, x4, x2, and x1 link widths -- Auto-detection of number of connected lanes -- Selectable operation as root complex or endpoint -- Both 32- and 64-bit addressing -- 256-byte maximum payload size -- Virtual channel 0 only -- Full 64-bit decode with 36-bit wide windows Pin multiplexing for the high speed I/O interfaces supports one of the following configurations: -- x8 PCI Express -- x4 PCI Express and 4x serial RapidIO Power management -- Supports power saving modes: doze, nap, and sleep -- Employs dynamic power management, which automatically minimizes power consumption of blocks when they are idle System performance monitor -- Supports eight 32-bit counters that count the occurrence of selected events -- Ability to count up to 512 counter-specific events -- Supports 64 reference events that can be counted on any of the eight counters -- Supports duration and quantity threshold counting -- Burstiness feature permits counting of burst events with a programmable time between bursts. -- Triggering and chaining capability -- Ability to generate an interrupt on overflow MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-9 Overview * * * 1.3 System access port -- Uses JTAG interface and a TAP controller to access entire system memory map -- Supports 32-bit accesses to configuration registers -- Supports cache-line burst accesses to main memory -- Supports large block (4-Kbyte) uploads and downloads -- Supports continuous bit streaming of entire block for fast upload and download IEEE 1149.1 compliant, JTAG boundary scan 783 FC-PBGA package MPC8548E Architecture Overview The following sections describe the major functional units of the MPC8548E. 1.3.1 e500 Core Overview This device uses the e500 microprocessor core complex. The e500 core has an internal PLL that allows independent optimization of the operating frequencies. The core frequencies are derived from either the primary PCI clock input or an external oscillator. For background information regarding the e500 core refer to the following documents: * EREF: A Reference for Freescale Book E and the e500 Core (Freescale order no. EREF) * PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual (Freescale order no. E500CORERM) * PowerPCTM e500 Application Binary Interface User's Guide (Freescale order no. E500ABIUG) NOTE The e500 defines features that are not implemented on this device. It also generally defines some features that this device implements more specifically. An understanding of these differences can be critical to ensure proper operations. The following is a brief list of some of the key features of the e500 core complex: * Implements full Book E 32-bit architecture * Implements additional instructions, registers, and interrupts defined by auxiliary processing units (APUs). The SPE APU provides an extensive instruction set for 64-bit vector integer and fractional operations. The embedded floating-point APUs provide vector single-precision instructions that operate on operands comprised of two 32-bit elements; the single-precision scalar instructions use only the bottom word. The double-precision floating-point APU provides scalar (64-bit) double-precision floating-point instructions that use the 64-bit GPRs. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-10 Freescale Semiconductor Overview NOTE The SPE APU and double-precision floating-point APU functionality is implemented in all PowerQUICC III devices. However, these instructions will not be supported in devices subsequent to PowerQUICC III. Freescale strongly recommends that use of these instructions be confined to libraries and device drivers. Customer software that uses SPE, double-precision floating-point, or embedded floating-point APU instructions at the assembly level or that uses SPE intrinsics will require rewriting for upward compatibility with next-generation PowerQUICC devices. Freescale offers a libcfsl_e500 library that uses SPE APU instructions. Freescale will also provide libraries to support next-generation PowerQUICC devices. * * * * * * * L1 cache structure -- 32-Kbyte, 32-byte line, eight-way set-associative instruction cache -- 32-Kbyte, 32-byte line, eight-way set-associative data cache -- 1.5-cycle cache array access, 3-cycle load-to-use latency -- Pseudo-LRU replacement algorithm -- Copy-back data cache Dual-dispatch superscalar Precise exception handling Seven-stage pipeline control Instruction unit -- Twelve-entry instruction queue -- Full hardware detection of interlocks -- Dispatch of up to two instructions per cycle -- Dispatch serialization control -- Register dependency resolution and renaming Branch unit (BU) -- Dynamic branch prediction -- Two-entry branch instruction queue (BIQ) -- Executes all branch and CR logical instruction Completion unit -- As many as 14 instructions allowed in 14-entry completion queue -- In-order retirement of up to two instructions per cycle -- Completion and refetch serialization control -- Synchronization for all instruction flow changes--interrupts and mispredicted branches MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-11 Overview * * * * * * * * Two simple execution units that perform: -- Single-cycle add and subtract -- Single-cycle shift and rotate -- Single-cycle logical operations -- Supports integer signal processing operations Multiple-cycle execution unit (MU) -- 4-cycle latency for integer and floating-point multiplication (including integer, fractional, and both vector and scalar floating-point multiply instructions) -- Variable-latency divide: 4, 11, 19, and 35 cycles for all Book E, SPE, and embedded floating-point divide instructions. Note that the MU allows divide instructions to bypass the second two MU pipeline stages, freeing those stages for other MU instructions to execute in parallel. -- 4-cycle floating-point multiply -- 4-cycle floating-point add and subtract Double-precision floating-point APU Signal processing engine APU (SPE APU). The single instruction multiple data (SIMD) capability provided by the 64-bit execution units (MIU, LSU, SIU1) is not a separate execution unit. The hardware that executes 32-bit Book E instructions also executes the lower half of 64-bit SPE APU instructions. -- Single-cycle integer add and subtract -- Single-cycle logical operations -- Single-cycle shift and rotate -- 4-cycle integer pipelined multiplies -- 4-, 11-, 19-, and 35-cycle integer divides -- 4-cycle SIMD pipelined multiply-accumulate (MAC) -- 64-bit accumulator for MAC operations Single-precision vector and scalar floating-point APUs Load/store unit (LSU) -- 3-cycle load latency -- Fully pipelined -- Nine-entry load queue allows up to nine load misses before stalling -- Can continue servicing load hits when load queue is full -- Six-entry store queue allows full pipelining of stores Cache coherency -- Bus support for hardware-enforced coherency (bus snooping) Core complex bus (CCB) -- High-speed, on-chip local bus with data tagging -- 36-bit address bus MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-12 Freescale Semiconductor Overview * * * -- 60x-like address protocol with address pipelining and retry/copyback -- Two general-purpose read data, one write data bus -- 128-bit data plus parity/tags (each data bus) -- Supports out-of-order reads, in-order writes -- Little to no data bus arbitration logic required for native systems -- Supports one-level pipelining of addresses with address-retry responses Extended exception handling -- Supports Book E interrupt model - Interrupt vector prefix register (IVPR) - Interrupt vector offset registers (IVORs) 0-15 as defined in Book E plus e500-defined IVORs 32-35 - Exception syndrome register (ESR) - Book E-defined preempting critical interrupt, including critical interrupt status registers (CSRR0 and CSRR1) and an rfci instruction -- e500-specific interrupts not defined in Book E architecture - SPE APU unavailable exception - Floating-point data exception - Floating-point round exception - Performance monitor Memory management unit (MMU) -- Data L1 MMU - Four-entry, fully-associative TLB array for variable-sized pages - 64-entry, four-way set-associative TLB for 4-Kbyte pages -- Instruction L1 MMU - Four-entry, four-way set-associative TLB for 4-Kbyte pages -- Unified L2 MMU - 16-entry, fully-associative TLB array for variable-sized pages - 512-entry, four-way set-associative TLB for 4-Kbyte pages -- Software reload for TLBs -- Support for as much as 4 Gbytes (232) of virtual memory -- Support for as much as 64 Gbytes (236) of physical memory -- Support for big-endian and true little-endian memory on a per-page basis Power management -- Dynamic power management on the core minimizes power consumption of functional units, such as execution units, caches, and MMUs, when they are idle. -- Core power-saving modes: core-halted and core-stopped -- NAP, DOZE, and SLEEP bits in HID0 that can be used to assert nap, doze, and sleep core output signals to initiate power-saving modes at the integrated device level. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-13 Overview * 1.3.2 Testability -- LSSD scan design -- JTAG interface -- ESP support On-Chip Memory Unit The MPC8548E contains an internal 512-Kbyte memory array that can be configured as memory-mapped SRAM or as a look-aside L2 cache. The array can also be divided into two arrays, one of which may be used as cache and the other as SRAM. The memory controller for this array connects to the core complex bus (CCB) and communicates via 128-bit read and write buses to the e500 core and the MPC8548E system logic. The on-chip memory unit contains: * 512 Kbytes of on-chip memory -- L2 cache partitioning is configurable; see Table 1-1 for detailed information. - Can act as a 512-Kbyte L2 cache - 512-Kbyte array organized as 2048 eight-way sets of 32-byte cache lines - Array can be partitioned into either L2 cache or memory mapped SRAM on a 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-way basis - Stashing of I/O data into the L2 array is supported, but can be limited to a 1-, 2-, or 4-way basis -- SRAM operation is byte-accessible. -- Data ECC on 64-bit boundaries (single-error correction, double-error detection) -- Tag parity (1 bit covering all tag bits) -- Cache mode supports instruction caching, data caching, or both. -- External masters can force data to be allocated into the cache through programmed memory ranges or special transaction types. -- Separate locking for instructions and data so that locks can be set and cleared separately -- Supports locking the entire cache or selected lines - Individual line locks are set and cleared through core-initiated instructions, by external reads or writes, or by accesses to programmed memory ranges. -- Flash clearing done through writes to L2 configuration registers -- Locks for the entire cache may be set and cleared by accesses to memory-mapped control registers. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-14 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Table 1-1 lists the possible L2 cache/SRAM configurations. Table 1-1. Available L2 Cache/SRAM Configurations Cache Stash-only Region SRAM Region 1 SRAM Region 2 512 Kbytes -- -- -- 448 Kbytes 384 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes -- -- -- 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes -- -- 64 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 320 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- -- 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 192 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- -- 64 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- -- 256 Kbytes 1.3.3 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 512 Kbytes -- 256 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes On-Chip Memory as Memory-Mapped SRAM When the on-chip memory is configured as an SRAM, the memory can be configured to reside at any aligned location in the memory map. It is byte-accessible, and fully ECC protected using read-modify-write transactions for sub-cache-line transactions. I/O devices can access the SRAM by marking transactions global so that they are directed to the CCB. 1.3.4 On-Chip Memory as L2 Cache The on-chip memory arrays include a 512-Kbyte data array, an address tag array, and a status array. The data array is organized as 2048 sets of eight cache lines. Each cache line size is 32 bytes. The replacement policy within each eight-way set is governed by a pseudo-LRU algorithm. The data is protected with ECC and the tag array is protected by parity. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-15 Overview The L2 cache tags are non-blocking for efficient load/store and snooping operations. The L2 cache can be accessed internally while a load miss is pending (allowing hits under misses). Subsequent to a load miss updating the memory, loads or stores can occur to that line on the very next cycle. The L2 status array maintains status bits for each line that are used to determine the status of the line. Different combinations of these bits result in different L2 states. Note that because the cache is always write-through, there is no modified state. The status bits include: * V--Valid * IL--Instruction locked * DL--Data locked All accesses to the L2 memory are fully pipelined so back-to-back loads and stores can have single-cycle throughput. The cache can be configured to allocate instructions only, data only, or both. It can also be configured to allocate global I/O writes that correspond to a programmable address window or that use a special transaction type (stashing). In this way, DMA engines or I/O devices can force data into the cache. Line locks can be set in a variety of ways. The Book E architecture defines instructions that explicitly set and clear locks in the L2. These instructions are supported by the core complex and the L2 controller. In addition, the L2 controller can be configured to lock all lines that fall into either of two specified address ranges when the line is allocated. Finally, the entire cache can be locked by writing to a configuration register in the L2 cache controller. The status array tracks line locks as either instruction locks or data locks for each line, and the status array supports flash clearing of all instruction locks or data locks separately by writes to configuration registers in the L2 controller. 1.3.5 e500 Coherency Module (ECM) The e500 coherency module (ECM) provides a mechanism for I/O-initiated transactions to snoop the bus between the e500 core and the integrated L2 cache in order to maintain coherency across local cacheable memory. It also provides a flexible switch-type structure for core- and I/O-initiated transactions to be routed or dispatched to target modules on the device. 1.3.6 DDR SDRAM Controller The MPC8548E supports DDR and DDR2 SDRAM. The memory interface controls main memory accesses and provides for a maximum of 16 Gbytes of main memory. The memory controller can be configured to support the various memory sizes through software initialization of on-chip configuration registers. The MPC8548E supports a variety of SDRAM configurations. SDRAM banks can be built using DIMMs or directly-attached memory devices. Sixteen multiplexed address signals provide for device densities of 64 Mbits, 128 Mbits, 256 Mbits, 512 Mbits, 1 Gbits, 2 Gbits and 4 Gbits. Four chip select signals support up to four banks of memory. The MPC8548E supports bank sizes from 64 Mbytes to 4 Gbytes. Nine column address strobes (MDM[0:8]) are used to provide byte selection for memory bank writes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-16 Freescale Semiconductor Overview The MPC8548E can be configured to retain the currently active SDRAM page for pipelined burst accesses. Page mode support of up to 16 simultaneously open pages (32 for DDR2) can dramatically reduce access latencies for page hits. Depending on the memory system design and timing parameters, using page mode can save 3 to 4 clock cycles from subsequent burst accesses that hit in an active page. The MPC8548E supports error checking and correction (ECC) for system memory. Using ECC, the MPC8548E detects and corrects all single-bit errors and detects all double-bit errors and all errors within a nibble. The MPC8548E can invoke a level of system power management by asserting the MCKE SDRAM signal on-the-fly to put the memory into a low-power sleep mode. The MPC8548E offers the following options to support battery-backed main memory: * Hardware based An external voltage sense device is connected to the MPC8548E via an interrupt line. The external interrupt from this device is steered through the MPC8548E interrupt controller to the IRQ_OUT signal. The IRQ_OUT signal from the interrupt controller is steered to an enable bit in the DDR controller which immediately causes main memory to enter self-refresh mode. This proposal precludes any other simultaneous use of IRQ_OUT. * Software based The DDR controller also has a software-programmable bit that immediately puts main memory into self-refresh mode. It is expected that a critical interrupt routine triggered by an external voltage sense device will have time to set this bit. The DDR controller offers an initialization bypass feature which system designers may use to prevent re-initialization of main memory during system power-on following abnormal shutdown. 1.3.7 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) The programmable interrupt controller (PIC) implements the necessary functions to provide a flexible solution for a general-purpose interrupt control. The interrupt controller unit implements the logic and programming structures of the OpenPIC architecture. The MPC8548E interrupt controller unit supports its processor core and provides for 12 external interrupts (with fully nested interrupt delivery), four message interrupts, internal-logic driven interrupts, and four global high resolution timers. Up to 16 programmable interrupt priority levels are supported. The MPC8548E supports reception of interrupt messages from the PCI Express interface. The PIC supports INTx and message signaled interrupts (MSI) from the PCI Express interface. Four INTx interrupts are presented as independent PIC interrupt sources. There are 256 individual MSI interrupt sources supported as eight groups of 32 sources. Each of the eight groups constitutes an independent PIC interrupt source. Individual interrupt sources have associated with them a vector, priority, and destination value. The interrupt controller unit can be bypassed to allow use of an external interrupt controller. Inter-processor interrupt (IPI) communication is supported through the external interrupt and core reset MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-17 Overview signals of different processor cores on the same device. The four IPIs are only used for self-interrupt in a single-core device such as the MPC8548E. 1.3.8 Integrated Security Engine (SEC) for the MPC8548E NOTE The features described in this section are only available on the MPC8548E. The MPC8548 does not include an integrated security engine. The SEC is a modular and scalable security core optimized to process all the algorithms associated with IPSec, IKE, WTLS/WAP, SSL/TLS, and 3GPP. Although it is not a protocol processor, the SEC is designed to perform multi-algorithmic operations (for example, 3DES-HMAC-SHA-1) in a single pass of the data, and every effort has been made to provide the SEC with the flexibility to perform single-pass operations for current and emerging security protocols. The version of the SEC used in the MPC8548E is specifically capable of performing single-pass security cryptographic processing for SSL 3.0, SSL 3.1/TLS 1.0, IPSec, SRTP, and 802.11i. A block diagram of the integrated security engine's internal architecture is shown in Figure 1-2. The bus interface module is designed to transfer 64-bit words between the internal bus and any register inside the SEC. Cryptochannel Cryptochannel Master/ Slave Interface Cryptochannel Cryptochannel Control PKEU FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO DEU MDEU AFEU KEU RNG FIFO FIFO AESU XOR FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO Figure 1-2. Integrated Security Engine Functional Blocks An operation begins with a write of a pointer to a crypto-channel fetch register that points to a data packet descriptor. The channel requests the descriptor and decodes the operation to be performed. The channel then requests the controller to assign crypto-execution units and fetch the keys, IVs, and data needed to perform the given operation. The controller satisfies the requests by assigning execution units to the channel and by making requests to the master interface. As data is processed, it is written to the individual execution unit's output buffer and then back to system memory via the bus interface module. The SEC functionality is compatible with code written for the integrated security engine present in the Freescale MPC8541E and MPC8555E devices. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-18 Freescale Semiconductor Overview The SEC also offers acceleration of the exclusive OR (XOR) operation used to generate parity data in RAID applications. XOR operations use SEC descriptors and offload both parity generation and data movement from the e500 core. 1.3.9 I2C Controllers The MPC8548E provides two inter-IC (IIC or I2C) interfaces. The I2C bus is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides a simple, efficient method of data exchange between devices. The synchronous, multi-master bus of the I2C allows the MPC8548E to exchange data with other I2C devices such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices, A/D converters, and LCDs. The two-wire bus (serial data SDA and serial clock SCL) minimizes the interconnections between devices. I2C allows the connection of additional devices to the bus for expansion and system development. The I2C controller is a true multimaster bus which includes collision detection and arbitration that prevents data corruption if two or more masters attempt to control the bus simultaneously. This feature allows for complex applications with multiprocessor control. The I2C controller consists of a transmitter/receiver unit, a clocking unit, and a control unit. The dual I2C units support general broadcast mode, and on-chip filtering rejects spikes on the bus. 1.3.10 Boot Sequencer The MPC8548E provides a boot sequencer that uses the I2C interface to access an external serial ROM and loads the data into the MPC8548E configuration registers. The boot sequencer is enabled by a configuration pin sampled at the negation of the MPC8548E hardware reset signal. If enabled, the boot sequencer holds the MPC8548E processor core in reset until the boot sequence is complete. If the boot sequencer is not enabled, the processor core exits reset and fetches boot code in default configurations. 1.3.11 Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (DUART) The MPC8548E includes a DUART intended for use in maintenance, bringing-up, and debugging of systems. The MPC8548E provides a standard four-wire handshake (SIN, SOUT, RTS, CTS) for each port. The DUART is a slave interface. An interrupt is provided to the interrupt controller or optionally steered externally to allow device handshakes. Interrupts are generated for transmit, receive, line status, and MODEM status. The MPC8548E DUART supports full-duplex operation. It is compatible with the PC16450 and PC16550 programming models. Also, 16-byte FIFOs are supported for both the transmitter and the receiver. Software programmable baud generators divide the system clock to generate a 16x clock. Serial interface data formats (data length, parity, 1/1.5/2 stop bits, baud rate) are also software selectable. 1.3.12 Local Bus Controller The MPC8548E local bus controller (LBC) port allows connections with a wide variety of external memories, DSPs, and ASICs. Three separate state machines share the same external pins and can be programmed separately to access different types of devices. The general-purpose chip select machine (GPCM) controls accesses to asynchronous devices using a simple handshake protocol. The user MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-19 Overview programmable machine (UPM) can be programmed to interface to synchronous devices or custom ASIC interfaces. The SDRAM controller provides access to standard SDRAM. Each chip select can be configured so that the associated chip interface can be controlled by the GPCM, UPM, or SDRAM controller. All may exist in the same system. The GPCM provides a flexible asynchronous interface to SRAM, EPROM, FEPROM, ROM, and other devices such as asynchronous DSP host interfaces and CAMs. Minimal glue logic is required. Handshake signals can be configured to transition on fractions of the system clock. The GPCM does not support bursting. The UPM allows an extremely flexible interface in which the programmer configures each of a set of general-purpose protocol signals by writing the transition pattern into a memory array. The UPM supports synchronous and bursting interfaces. It also supports multiplexed addressing so that a simple DRAM interface can be implemented. The UPM is entirely flexible in order to provide a very high degree of customization with respect to both asynchronous and burst-synchronous interfaces, which permits glueless or almost glueless connection to burst SRAM, custom ASIC, and synchronous DSP interfaces. The LBC provides a synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) machine that provides the control functions and signals for glueless connection to JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices. An internal PLL (phase-locked loop) for bus clock generation ensures improved data setup margins for board designs. The SDRAM machine can optimize burst transfers and exploits interleaving to maximize data transfer bandwidth and minimize access latency. Programmable row and column address multiplexing allows a variety of SDRAM configurations and sizes to be supported without hardware changes. 1.3.13 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers (eTSECs) The MPC8548E has four on-chip enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers. The eTSECs incorporate a media access control (MAC) sublayer that supports 10- and 100-Mbps and 1-Gbps Ethernet/802.3 networks with MII, RMII, GMII, RGMII, TBI, and RTBI physical interfaces. The eTSECs include 2-Kbyte receive and 10-Kbyte transmit FIFOs and DMA functions. The buffer descriptors are based on the MPC8260 and MPC860T 10/100 Ethernet programming models. Each eTSEC can emulate a PowerQUICC III TSEC, allowing existing driver software to be re-used with minimal change. The MPC8548E eTSECs support programmable CRC generation and checking, RMON statistics, and jumbo frames of up to 9.6 Kbytes. Frame headers and buffer descriptors can be forced into the L2 cache to speed classification or other frame processing. Each eTSEC provides hardware support for accelerating TCP/IP packet transmission and reception. By default, TCP/IP acceleration is not enabled, and the eTSEC processes frames as pure Ethernet frames. TCP/IP acceleration can be performed at a number of levels. The eTSEC can parse frames at layer 2 of the stack only (Ethernet headers and switching headers), layers 2 to 3 (including IP v4 or IP v6), or layers 2 to 4 (including TCP and UDP). On receive, the eTSEC provides protocol header recognition, header verification (IP v4 header checksum verification), and TCP/UDP payload checksum verification including verification of associated MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-20 Freescale Semiconductor Overview pseudo-header checksums. On transmit, the eTSEC provides IP v4 and TCP/UDP header checksum generation. The eTSEC does not checksum transmitted packets with IP header options or IP fragments. To provide for quality of service, transmission from up to eight queues is supported with priority-based queue selection. Arbitration is a modified weighted round-robin queue selection with fair bandwidth allocation. On receive, packets may be distributed to any of the 64 virtual receive queues overlaid onto the 8 physical receive queues. A table-oriented queue filing strategy is provided based on 16 header fields or flags. Frame rejection is supported for filtering applications. Filing can be based on Ethernet, IP, and TCP/UDP properties, including VLAN fields, Ether-type, IP protocol type, IP TOS or differentiated services, IP source and destination addresses, TCP/UDP port numbers, or user-defined bit fields. Each eTSEC provides a full-duplex packet FIFO interface port that bypasses the Ethernet MAC, but re-uses the PHY interface pins. As a result, the FIFO interface normally does not impose the overheads of Ethernet framing. The FIFO interface operates synchronously, at up to 200 MHz, providing up to 3.2-Gbps full-duplex transfer rates. Bare IP packets, with an optional 32-bit CRC check sequence, can be transferred to the eTSEC directly. The eTSEC Tx and Rx FIFOs, TCP/IP acceleration functions, and DMA continue to be used in packet FIFO mode. The FIFO interface supports 8- and 16-bit modes subject to pin-multiplexing limitations. It shares the same pins used for supporting the selectable MII, GMII, RMII (on eTSEC 1-3), RGMII, RTBI, and TBI interface protocols. As a result, use of some FIFO modes can limit the number of eTSECs that can be operating. NOTE While some of the Ethernet interfaces support either 2.5- or 3.3-V operation, the voltages of eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 must be the same. Likewise, the voltages of eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 must match. Table 1-2 lists available configurations for eTSECs 1 and 2. Table 1-2. Supported eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Configurations1 Mode Option eTSEC1 eTSEC2 Ethernet standard interfaces TBI, GMII, or MII TBI, GMII, or MII Ethernet reduced interfaces RTBI, RGMII, or RMII RTBI, RGMII, or RMII FIFO and mixed interfaces 8-bit FIFO RTBI, RGMII, RMII, or 8-bit FIFO TBI, GMII, MII, RTBI, RGMII, RMII, or 8-bit FIFO 8-bit FIFO 16-bit FIFO Not used/not available 1 Both interfaces must use the same voltage. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-21 Overview Table 1-3 lists the available configurations for eTSECs 3 and 4. Table 1-3. Supported eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Configurations1 Mode Option eTSEC3 eTSEC4 Ethernet standard interfaces TBI, GMII, or MII Not used/not available Ethernet reduced interfaces RTBI, RGMII, or RMII RTBI, RGMII, or RMII 8-bit FIFO Not used/not available FIFO interface 1 1.3.14 Both interfaces must use the same voltage. OceaN Switch Fabric In order to reduce the strain on core interconnects with the addition of new functional blocks in this generation of the PowerQUICC family, a multi-port, on-chip, non-blocking crossbar switch fabric called OCeaN (on-chip network) has been provided. The switch fabric serves to decrease contention and increase bandwidth. This non-blocking crossbar fabric allows full-duplex port communication with independent per-port transaction queuing and flow control. 1.3.15 Integrated DMA The MPC8548E DMA engine is capable of transferring blocks of data from any legal address range to any other legal address range. Therefore, it can perform a DMA transfer between any of its I/O or memory ports or even between two devices or locations on the same port. The four-channel DMA controller allows chaining (both extended and direct) through local memory-mapped chain descriptors. Scattering, gathering, and misaligned transfers are supported. In addition, advanced capabilities such as stride transfers and complex transaction chaining are supported. DMA transfers can be initiated by a single write to a configuration register. There is also support for external control of transfers using DMA_DREQ, DMA_DACK, and DMA_DDONE handshake signals. DMA descriptors encompass a rich set of attributes that allow DMA transfers to bypass outbound address translation and supply external addresses and attributes directly to the RapidIO port. Local attributes such as snoop and L2 write stashing can be specified by descriptors. Interrupts are provided on a completed segment, link, list, chain, or on an error condition. Coherency is selectable and hardware enforced (snoop/no snoop). 1.3.16 PCI/PCI-X Controllers The MPC8548E has a 64-bit PCI/PCI-X controller and a second 32-bit PCI controller. Both are compatible with the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. The PCI-X interface is compatible with the PCI-X Addendum, Revision 1.0. Each controller can function as host or agent bridge interface in either PCI mode. Due to pin multiplexing limitations, the PCI/PCI-X controller can operate in 64-bit mode or both interfaces can operate simultaneously in 32-bit mode. Both interfaces support 32- and 64-bit addressing. As a master, the MPC8548E supports read and write operations to PCI memory space, PCI I/O space, and PCI configuration space. The MPC8548E can also generate PCI special-cycle and interrupt-acknowledge MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-22 Freescale Semiconductor Overview commands. As a target, the MPC8548E supports read and write operations to system memory as well as configuration accesses. The PCI-X functionality includes split transaction support for four outstanding split transactions. Split response data is returned in order without interleaving. As a target, the MPC8548E supports all PCI-X sizes. As a master it will internally combine transactions up to 256 bytes. An internal arbiter can be used to support up to five external masters per interface. A round robin arbitration algorithm with two priority levels is used. Each interface can be clocked asynchronously from the other. The second PCI interface is available when serial RapidIO is not used. 1.3.17 High Speed I/O Interfaces The MPC8548E supports two high-speed I/O interface standards: serial RapidIO and PCI Express. Due to pin multiplexing, one of the following configurations must be selected at power-on reset: * * Single x8 PCI Express Single x4/x2/x1 PCI Express and single 4x/1x serial RapidIO 1.3.18 Serial RapidIO Interface The serial RapidIO interface is based on the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. RapidIO is a high-performance, point-to-point, low-pin-count, packet-switched system-level interconnect that can be used in a variety of applications as an open standard. The RapidIO architecture provides a rich variety of features including high data bandwidth, low-latency capability, and support for high-performance I/O devices, as well as providing message-passing and software-managed programming models. The RapidIO unit supports the I/O and message-passing logical specifications, both 8- and 16-bit common transport specifications, and the 1x/4x LP-Serial physical layer specification of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. It does not support the globally shared memory logical specification. Highlights of the implementation include: four priority levels and ordering within a priority level, CRC error management, and 32- to 256-byte transactions. The physical layer of the RapidIO unit can operate at 1.25-, 2.5-, and 3.125-Gbaud data rates over four lanes. The theoretical unidirectional peak bandwidth is 10 Gbps. Receive and transmit ports operate independently, resulting in an aggregate theoretical bandwidth of 20 Gbps. The serial RapidIO interface is available when the second PCI interface is not used. 1.3.19 RapidIO Message Unit The RapidIO messaging unit supports two inbox/outbox mailboxes (queues) for data and one doorbell message structure. Both chaining and direct modes are provided for the outbox, and messages can hold up to 16 packets of 256 bytes, or a total of 4 Kbytes. The message unit supports up to three outstanding letters from one or more of the four mailboxes. The message unit will pipeline letters to improve messaging performance. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-23 Overview The message unit also supports the ability to multicast a single-segment 256-byte message to up to 32 different destination DevIDs. 1.3.20 PCI Express Interface The MPC8548E supports a PCI Express interface compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a. It is configurable at boot time to act as either root complex or endpoint. The interface is selectable at boot time to support either 32 or 64-bit addressing. The maximum supported packet payload size is 256 bytes. The physical layer supports x8, x4, x2, and x1 lane widths with each lane running at the specified data rate of 2.5 Gbaud. The interface supports virtual channel 0 (VC0) and traffic class 0 (TC0) only. Inbound INTx transactions are supported and change the state of one of four level-sensitive interrupts presented to the PIC. Outbound INTx transactions are not supported. Message signaled interrupt (MSI) transactions are supported and control up to 256 interrupt sources within the PIC. Inbound transactions cause specific interrupt sources to be controlled within the PIC. Outbound MSI transactions are created by software using the MSI Capability Register Sets. The physical layer of the PCI Express interface operates at a 2.5-Gbaud data rate per lane. The theoretical unidirectional peak bandwidth is 16 Gbps. Receive and transmit ports operate independently, resulting in an aggregate theoretical bandwidth of 32 Gbps. 1.3.21 Power Management In addition to low-voltage operation and dynamic power management in its execution units, the MPC8548E supports four power consumption modes: full on, doze, nap, and sleep. The three low-power modes, doze, nap, and sleep, can be entered under software control in the e500 core or by external masters accessing a configuration register. Doze mode suspends execution of instructions in the e500 core. The core is left in a standby mode in which cache snooping and time base interrupts are still enabled. Device logic external to the processor core is fully functional in this mode. Nap mode shuts down clocks to all the e500 functional units except the time base, which can be disabled separately. No snooping is performed in nap mode, but the device logic external to the processor core is fully functional. Sleep mode shuts down not only the e500 core, but also all of the MPC8548E I/O interfaces as well. Only the interrupt controller and power management logic remain enabled so that the device can be awakened. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-24 Freescale Semiconductor Overview 1.3.22 Clocking The MPC8548E takes in the SYSCLK signal as an input to the platform PLL and multiplies it to generate the platform clock, which operates at the same frequency as the SDRAM data rate (for example, 666 MHz). The L2 cache also operates at this frequency. The e500 core uses the platform clock as an input to its PLL, which multiplies it again to generate the core clock. Although the DDR2 controller clocking is source synchronous, a PLL is used in the local bus memory controller (LBC) to generate memory clocks. Six differential clock pairs are generated for DDR SDRAMs. Two clock outputs are generated for the local bus controller (LBC). 1.3.23 Address Map The MPC8548E supports a flexible 36-bit physical address map. Conceptually, the address map consists of local space and external address space. The local address map is 64 Gbytes. The MPC8548E can be made part of a larger system address space through the mapping of translation windows. This functionality is included in the address translation and mapping units (ATMUs). Both inbound and outbound translation windows are provided. The ATMUs allows the MPC8548E to be part of larger address maps such as the PCI or PCI Express 64-bit address environment and the RapidIO environment. 1.3.24 Processing Across the On-Chip Fabric When processing across the on-chip fabric, the ATMUs at each fabric port are used to determine the flow of data across the MPC8548E. The ATMUs at each fabric port are responsible for generating a fabric port destination ID as well as a new local device address. The port ID and local address are based on the programmed destination of the transaction. The following is a general overview of how the ATMUs process transactions over the on-chip fabric (refer to Figure 1-3). 1. When a transaction on one of the fabric ports begins, the ATMU on the origination port translates the programmed destination address into both a destination fabric port ID and a local device address. 2. The data is then processed across the on-chip fabric from the origination port to the destination port. 3. If the destination port connects off chip (for example, to a PCI or RapidIO device), the local device address is translated by the destination port ATMU to an outbound address with respect to the destination port's memory map, and the data is processed accordingly. 2 1 3 ATMU ATMU Figure 1-3. Processing Transactions Across the On-Chip Fabric MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-25 Overview 1.3.25 Data Processing with the e500 Coherency Module Processing via the ECM is similar to processing across the on-chip fabric (in the sense of how data is received and transmitted) with the exception that the transaction passes through the ECM. The purpose of the ECM is to provide a means for any I/O transaction to maintain coherency with the cacheable DDR SDRAM and the local bus memory. However, simply because the ECM is used does not make transactions across it coherent. The e500 core and L2 cache are snooped to maintain coherency only if the transaction across the ECM is designated as global (GBL bit set). Otherwise, the transaction passes through the ECM using the ECM as a simple conduit to get to its destination. In essence, only global transactions across the ECM are coherent transactions; all others (across the on-chip fabric) are non-coherent. 1.4 MPC8548E Application Examples The following section provides block diagrams of different MPC8548E applications. The MPC8548E is a very flexible device and can be configured to meet many system application needs. In order to build a system, many factors should be considered. 1.4.1 MPC8548E Applications The MPC8548E can be used for control processing in applications such as routers, switches, internet access devices, firewall and other packet filtering processors, network attached storage, storage area networks, imaging, and general-purpose embedded computing. Figure 1-4 illustrates the MPC8548E in a virtual private network (VPN) access router that is enabled through PCI Express and Ethernet. MPC8548E PCI Express HighBandwidth Aggregators Data In Data Out Processor Core Complex 512-K L2 Memory Block RapidIO 4x eTSEC Memory Control PCI Data In Data Out 10/100/1G Ethernet Security DDR Memory Figure 1-4. VPN Access Router Enabled by PCI Express and Ethernet MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-26 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Figure 1-5 shows an MPC8548E as a control plane processor in a high-performance communication system using distributed computing. ASIC Accelerator Hardware RapidIO Switch MPC8548E ASIC Task Processor MPC8548E Processor 512-K L2 Core Memory Complex Block Processor 512-K L2 Memory Core Complex Block RapidIO Interface RapidIO 4x eTSEC PCI/PCI Memory Express Control 66-MHz PCI To Network Forwarding Plane DDR Memory Four Gigabit Ethernet Controllers To Control Plane PCI Express Figure 1-5. High-Performance Communication System Using Distributed Processing Figure 1-6 shows the MPC8548E as part of a high-end network card used in a system area network that is enabled by PCI Express. Server Data Control Four 10/100/1Gb Ethernet Controllers MPC8548E DDR Memory Processor Core Complex 512-K L2 Memory Block RapidIO 4x eTSEC PCI/PCI Express FPGA ROM GPCM/UPM/ SDRAM Memory Control RTC/NVRAM PCI Express Backplane RAID Controller Figure 1-6. High-Performance Communication System Using MPC8548E MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 1-27 Overview Figure 1-7 shows the MPC8548E in a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) controller application. MPC8548E Processor 512K L2 Core Memory Complex Block Disk Cache DDR Memory Descriptor Memory Flash 4x eTSEC Memory PCI Express Control XOR PCI-X to System SCSI Control PCI Express Switch Figure 1-7. RAID Controller Application Using MPC8548E Figure 1-8 shows the MPC8548E in a serializer/deserializer (SerDes) data transfer mode application enabled by Ethernet. MPC8548E Processor Core Complex RapidIO PCI 512-K L2 Memory Block 4x eTSEC Memory Control SerDes Interface 10/100/1Gb Ethernet Data In Using 10-Bit Interface Data Out Using 10-Bit Interface SerDes DDR Memory Figure 1-8. MPC8548E with SerDes Figure 1-9 shows a DSP farm enabled by the MPC8548E. Core Complex Unit DSP EPROM DSP RapidIO Switch DSP Local Bus 512-K L2 Controller Port Memory Block RapidIO PCI DSP 4x eTSEC Memory Control Data In Data Out 10/100/1Gb Ethernet DDR Memory DSP Farm Backplane Figure 1-9. MPC8548E as a Control Plane Processor for a DSP Farm Interconnected with RapidIO MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 1-28 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 2 Memory Map This chapter describes the MPC8548E memory map. An overview of the local address map is followed by a description of how local access windows are used to define the local address map. The inbound and outbound address translation mechanisms used to map to and from external memory spaces are described next. Finally, the configuration, control, and status registers are described, including a complete listing of all memory-mapped registers with cross references to the sections detailing descriptions of each. 2.1 Local Memory Map Overview and Example The MPC8548E provides an extremely flexible local memory map. The local memory map refers to the 36-bit address space seen by the processor as it accesses memory and I/O space. DMA engines also see this same local memory map. All memory accessed by the device DDR SDRAM and local bus memory controllers exists in this memory map, as do all memory-mapped configuration, control, and status registers. The local memory map is defined by a set of ten local access windows. Each of these windows maps a region of memory to a particular target interface, such as the DDR SDRAM controller or the PCI/PCI-X controller. Note that the local access windows do not perform any address translation. The size of each window can be configured from 4 Kbytes to 32 Gbytes. The target interface is specified using the codes shown in Table 2-1. . Table 2-1. Target Interface Codes Target Interface Target Code PCI1/PCI-X 0000 PCI2 0001 PCI Express 0010 Local bus 0100 Serial RapidIO 1100 DDR SDRAM 1111 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-1 Memory Map Figure 2-1 shows an example memory map. Example Local Memory Map 0 0x0_A000_0000 DDR SDRAM Memory PCI 0x0_8000_0000 0x0_B000_0000 Local Bus SRAM Serial RapidIO 0x0_A000_000 I/O Configuration Registers 0x0_C000_0000 CCSR Local Bus Flash Local Bus DSP Boot ROM 0x0_FFFF_FFFF 0x8_0000_0000 PCI-Express 0xF_FFFF_FFFF Figure 2-1. Local Memory Map Example Table 2-2 shows one corresponding set of local access window settings. Table 2-2. Local Access Windows Example Window Base Address Size Target Interface 0 0x0_0000_0000 2 Gbytes 0b1111 (DDR SDRAM) 1 0x0_8000_0000 1 Mbyte 0b0100 (local bus) 2 0x0_A000_0000 256 Mbytes 0b0000 (PCI) 3 0x0_B000_0000 256 Mbytes 0b1100 (serial RapidIO) 4 0x0_C000_0000 256 Mbytes 0b0100 (local bus) 5 0x8_0000_0000 32 Gbytes 0b0100 (PCI Express) 6-9 Unused MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-2 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map In this example, it is not necessary to use a local access window to specify the range of memory used for memory-mapped registers because this is a fixed 1-Mbyte space pointed to by CCSRBAR. See Section, "Configuration, Control, and Status Base Address Register (CCSRBAR)." Neither is it required to define a local access window to describe the location of the boot ROM because it is in the default location (see Section, "Boot ROM Location"). However, note that the e500 core only provides one default TLB entry to access boot code and it allows for accesses within the highest 4 Kbytes of the low 4 Gbytes of memory. In order for the e500 to access the full 8 Mbytes of default boot space (and the 1 Mbyte of CCSR space), additional TLB entries must be set up within the e500 MMU for mapping these regions. 2.2 Address Translation and Mapping Four distinct types of translation and mapping operations are performed on transactions in the device. These are as follows: * Mapping a local address to a target interface * Assigning attributes to transactions * Translating the local 36-bit address to an external address space * Translating external addresses to the local 36-bit address space The local access windows perform target mapping for transactions within the local address space. No address translation is performed by the local a ccess windows. Outbound ATMU windows perform the mapping from the local 36-bit address space to the address spaces of RapidIO or PCI/PCI-X, which may be much larger than the local space. Outbound ATMU windows also map attributes such as transaction type or priority level. Inbound ATMU windows perform the address translation from the external address space to the local address space, attach attributes and transaction types to the transaction, and also map the transaction to its target interface. Note that in mapping the transaction to the target interface, an inbound ATMU window performs a similar function as the local access windows. The target mappings created by an inbound ATMU must be consistent with those of the local access windows. That is, if an inbound ATMU maps a transaction to a given local address and a given target, a local access window must also map that same local address to the same target. All of the configuration registers that define translation and mapping functions use the concept of translation or mapping windows, and all follow the same register format. Table 2-3 summarizes the general format of these window definitions. Table 2-3. Format of ATMU Window Definitions Register Function Translation address High-order address bits defining location of the window in the target address space Base address High-order address bits defining location of the window in the initial address space Window size/attributes Window enable, window size, target interface, and transaction attributes MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-3 Memory Map Windows must be a power-of-two size. To perform a translation or mapping function, the address of the transaction is compared with the base address register of each window. The number of bits used in the comparison is dictated by each window's size attribute. When an address hits a window, if address translation is being performed, the new translated address is created by concatenating the window offset to the translation address. Again, the window's size attribute dictates how many bits are translated. 2.2.1 SRAM Windows The on-chip memory array of the MPC8548E can be configured as a memory-mapped SRAM ranging from 64 Kbytes to 512 Kbytes. Configuration registers in the L2 cache controller set the base addresses and sizes for these windows. When enabled, these windows supersede all other mappings of these addresses for processor and global (snoopable) I/O transactions. Therefore, SRAM windows must never overlap configuration space as defined by CCSRBAR. It is possible to have SRAM windows overlap local access windows, but this is discouraged because processor and snoopable I/O transactions would map to the SRAM while non-snooped I/O transactions would be mapped by the local access windows. Only if all accesses to the SRAM address range are snoopable can results be consistent if the SRAM window overlaps a local access window. See Section, "L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers 0-1 (L2SRBARn)," for information about configuring SRAM windows. 2.2.2 Window into Configuration Space CCSRBAR defines a window used to access all memory-mapped configuration, control, and status registers. No address translation is done, so there are no associated translation address registers. The window is always enabled with a fixed size of 1 Mbyte; no other attributes are attached, so there is no associated size/attribute register. This window always takes precedence over all local access windows. See Section, "Configuration, Control, and Status Base Address Register (CCSRBAR)," and Section 2.3, "Configuration, Control, and Status Register Map." 2.2.3 Local Access Windows As demonstrated in the address map overview in Section 2.1, "Local Memory Map Overview and Example," local access windows associate a range of the local 36-bit address space with a particular target interface. This allows the internal interconnections of the device to route a transaction from its source to the proper target. No address translation is performed. The base address defines the high order address bits that give the location of the window in the local address space. The window attributes enable the window, define its size, and specify the target interface. With the exception of configuration space (mapped by CCSRBAR), on-chip SRAM regions (mapped by L2SRBAR registers), and default boot ROM, all addresses used by the system must be mapped by a local access window. This includes addresses that are mapped by inbound ATMU windows; target mappings of inbound ATMU windows and local access windows must be consistent. The local access window registers exist as part of the local access block in the general utilities registers. See Section 2.3.4, "General Utilities Registers." A detailed description of the local access window MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-4 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map registers is given in the following sections. Note that the minimum size of a window is 4 Kbytes, so the low order 12 bits of the base address cannot be specified. Local Access Register Memory Map Table 2-4 shows the memory map for the local access registers. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 2-4. Local Access Register Memory Map Local Memory Offset (Hex) Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x0_0BF8 LAIPBRR1--Local access IP block revision register 1 R 0x0000_0000 0x0_0BFC LAIPBRR2--Local access IP block revision register 2 R 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C08 LAWBAR0--Local access window 0 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C10 LAWAR0--Local access window 0 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C28 LAWBAR1--Local access window 1 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C30 LAWAR1--Local access window 1 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C48 LAWBAR2--Local access window 2 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C50 LAWAR2--Local access window 2 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C68 LAWBAR3--Local access window 3 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C70 LAWAR3--Local access window 3 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C88 LAWBAR4--Local access window 4 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C90 LAWAR4--Local access window 4 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CA8 LAWBAR5--Local access window 5 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CB0 LAWAR5--Local access window 5 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CC8 LAWBAR6--Local access window 6 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CD0 LAWAR6--Local access window 6 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CE8 LAWBAR7--Local access window 7 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CF0 LAWAR7--Local access window 7 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D08 LAWBAR8--Local access window 8 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D10 LAWAR8--Local access window 8 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D28 LAWBAR9--Local access window 9 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D30 LAWAR9--Local access window 9 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-5 Memory Map Local Access IP Block Revision Register 1 (LAIPBRR1) The local access IP block revision register 1 is shown in Figure 2-2. Offset 0x0_0BF8 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R IP_ID 23 24 31 IP_MJ IP_MN W Reset All zeros Figure 2-2. Local Access IP Block Revision Register 1 (LAIPBRR1) Table 2-5 describes LAIPBRR1 fields. Table 2-5. LAIPBRR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 IP_ID IP block ID 16-23 IP_MJ Major revision 24-31 IP_MN Minor revision Description Local Access IP Block Revision Register 2 (LAIPBRR2) The local access IP block revision register 2 is shown in Figure 2-3. Offset 0x0_0BFC Access: Read only 0 7 8 15 16 R 23 24 31 IP_INT IP_CFG W Reset All zeros Figure 2-3. Local Access IP Block Revision Register 2 (LAIPBRR2) Table 2-6 describes LAIPBRR2 fields. Table 2-6. LAIPBRR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 IP_INT 16-23 -- 24-31 IP_CFG Description Reserved IP block integration options Reserved IP block configuration options MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-6 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Local Access Window n Base Address Registers (LAWBAR0-LAWBAR9) Figure 2-4 shows the bit fields of the LAWBARn registers. Offset LAWBAR0: 0x0_0C08 LAWBAR1: 0x0_0C28 LAWBAR2: 0x0_0C48 LAWBAR3: 0x0_0C68 LAWBAR4: 0x0_0C88 0 7 R Access: Read/Write LAWBAR5: 0x0_0CA8 LAWBAR6: 0x0_0CC8 LAWBAR7: 0x0_0CE8 LAWBAR8: 0x0_0D08 LAWBAR9: 0x0_0D28 8 31 -- W BASE_ADDR Reset All zeros Figure 2-4. Local Access Window n Base Address Registers (LAWBAR0-LAWBAR7) Table 2-7 describes LAWBARn fields. Table 2-7. LAWBAR n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-31 Description Write reserved, read = 0 BASE_ADDR Identifies the 24 most-significant address bits of the base of local access window n. The specified base address should be aligned to the window size, as defined by LAWARn[SIZE]. Local Access Window n Attributes Registers (LAWAR0-LAWAR9) Figure 2-5 shows the bit fields of the LAWARn registers. Offset LAWSR0: 0xC10 LAWSR1: 0xC30 LAWSR2: 0xC50 LAWSR3: 0xC70 LAWSR4: 0xC90 0 R W 1 7 EN -- Access: Read/Write LAWSR5: 0xCB0 LAWSR6: 0xCD0 LAWSR7: 0xCF0 LAWSR8: 0xD10 LAWSR9: 0xD30 8 11 12 25 26 TRGT_ID Reset -- 31 SIZE All zeros Figure 2-5. Local Access Window n Attributes Registers (LAWAR0-LAWAR7) Table 2-8 describes LAWARn fields. Table 2-8. LAWARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN 0 The local access window n (and all other LAWAR n and LAWBARn fields) are disabled. 1 The local access window n is enabled and other LAWAR n and LAWBARn fields combine to identify an address range for this window. 1-7 -- Write reserved, read = 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-7 Memory Map Table 2-8. LAWARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 8-11 Name TRGT_IF Identifies the target interface ID when a transaction hits in the address range defined by this window. Note that configuration registers and SRAM regions are mapped by the windows defined by CCSRBAR and L2SRBAR. These mappings supersede local access window mappings, so configuration registers and SRAM do not appear as a target for local access windows. 0000 PCI1/PCI-X 0001 PCI2 0010 PCI Express 0011 Reserved 0100 Local bus memory controller 0101-1011Reserved 1100 RapidIO 1101-1110Reserved 1111 DDR SDRAM 12-25 -- 26-31 SIZE Description Write reserved, read = 0 Identifies the size of the window from the starting address. Window size is 2(SIZE+1) bytes. 000000-001010Reserved 001011 4 Kbytes 001100 8 Kbytes 00110116 Kbytes . . . . . . . 2(SIZE+1) bytes 100010 32 Gbytes 100011-111111Reserved Precedence of Local Access Windows If two local access windows overlap, the lower numbered window takes precedence. For instance, if two windows are set up as shown in Table 2-9, local access window 1 governs the mapping of the 1-Mbyte region from 0x0_7FF0_0000 to 0x0_7FFF_FFF, even though the window described in local access window 2 also encompasses that memory region. Table 2-9. Overlapping Local Access Windows Window Base Address Size Target Interface 1 0x0_7FF0_0000 1 Mbyte 0b0100 (Local bus controller --LBC) 2 0x0_0000_0000 2 Gbytes 0b1111 (DDR SDRAM) Configuring Local Access Windows Once a local access window is enabled, it should not be modified while any device in the system may be using the window. Neither should a new window be used until the effect of the write to the window is visible to all blocks that use the window. This can be guaranteed by completing a read of the last local access window configuration register before enabling any other devices to use the window. For instance, if local access windows 0-3 are being configured in order during the initialization process, the last write (to LAWAR3) should be followed by a read of LAWAR3 before any devices try to use any of these windows. If the configuration is being done by the local e500 processor, the read of LAWAR3 should be followed by an isync instruction. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-8 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Distinguishing Local Access Windows from Other Mapping Functions It is important to distinguish between the mapping function performed by the local access windows and the additional mapping functions that happen at the target interface. The local access windows define how a transaction is routed through the device internal interconnects from the transactions source to its target. After the transaction has arrived at its target interface, that interface controller may perform additional mapping. For instance, the DDR SDRAM controller has chip select registers that map a memory request to a particular external device. Similarly, the local bus controller has base registers that perform a similar function. The RapidIO and PCI/PCI-X interfaces have outbound address translation and mapping units that map the local address into an external address space. These other mapping functions are configured by programming the configuration, control, and status registers of the individual interfaces. Note that there is no need to have a one-to-one correspondence between local access windows and chip select regions or outbound ATMU windows. A single local access window can be further decoded to any number of chip selects or to any number or outbound ATMU windows at the target interface. Illegal Interaction Between Local Access Windows and DDR SDRAM Chip Selects If a local access window maps an address to an interface other than the DDR SDRAM controller, then there should not be a valid chip select configured for the same address in the DDR SDRAM controller. Because DDR SDRAM chip selects boundaries are defined by a beginning and ending address, it is easy to define them so that they do not overlap with local access windows that map to other interfaces. 2.2.4 Outbound Address Translation and Mapping Windows Outbound address translation and mapping refers to the translation of addresses from the local 36-bit address space to the external address space and attributes of a particular I/O interface. On the MPC8548E, the following blocks have outbound address translation and mapping units (ATMUs): * PCI/PCI-X * Serial RapidIO * PCI Express The PCI1/PCI-X and PCI2 controllers each have four outbound ATMU windows plus a default window. The PCI/PCI-X outbound ATMU registers include extended translation address registers so that up to 64 bits of external address space can be supported. See Section, "PCI/X ATMU Outbound Registers," for a detailed description of the PCI/PCI-X outbound ATMU windows. The serial RapidIO controller has eight outbound ATMU windows plus a default window. If a transaction's address does not hit any of the eight outbound ATMU windows, the translation actions defined by the default window are used. The default window is always enabled. See Section 17.6.7, "RapidIO Implementation Space--ATMU Registers," for a detailed description of the serial RapidIO outbound ATMU windows. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-9 Memory Map The PCI Express interface has four outbound ATMU windows plus a default window. The PCI Express outbound ATMU registers include an extended translation address register so that up to 64 bits of external address space can be supported. 2.2.5 Inbound Address Translation and Mapping Windows Inbound address translation and mapping refers to the translation of an address from the external address space of an I/O interface (such as PCI/PCI-X or RapidIO address space) to the local 36-bit address space understood by the internal interfaces of the device. It also refers to the mapping of transactions to a particular target interface and the assignment of transaction attributes. Both the RapidIO controller and the PCI/PCI-X controller have inbound address translation and mapping units (ATMUs). Serial RapidIO Inbound ATMU The serial RapidIO controller has four inbound ATMU windows plus a default. If the inbound transaction's address does not hit any of the four inbound ATMU windows, the translation actions defined by the default window are used. The default window is always enabled. See Section 17.6.7, "RapidIO Implementation Space--ATMU Registers," for a detailed description of the serial RapidIO inbound ATMU windows. PCI/PCI-X Inbound ATMU The PCI1/PCI-X and PCI2 controllers each have three general inbound ATMU windows plus a dedicated window for memory mapped configuration accesses (PCSRBAR). These windows have a one-to-one correspondence with the base address registers in the PCI/PCI-X programming model. Updating one automatically updates the other. There is no default inbound window; if a PCI/PCI-X address does not match one of the inbound ATMU windows, the device does not respond with an assertion of PCI_DEVSEL. See Section, "PCI/X ATMU Inbound Registers," for a detailed description of the PCI/PCI-X inbound ATMU windows. PCI Express Inbound ATMU The PCI Express controller has three inbound ATMU windows plus a default. Illegal Interaction Between Inbound ATMUs and Local Access Windows Since both local access windows and inbound ATMUs map transactions to a target interface, it is essential that they not contradict one another. For instance, it is a programming error to have an inbound ATMU map a transaction to the DDR SDRAM memory controller (target interface 0b1111) if the resulting translated local address is mapped to PCI/PCI-X (target interface 0b0000) by a local access window. Such a programming error may result in unpredictable system deadlocks. 2.3 Configuration, Control, and Status Register Map All of the memory mapped configuration, control, and status registers in the MPC8548E are contained within a 1-Mbyte address region. To allow for flexibility, the configuration, control, and status block is MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-10 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map relocatable in the local address space. The local address map location of this register block is controlled by the configuration, control, and status registers base address register (CCSRBAR), see Section, "Configuration, Control, and Status Base Address Register (CCSRBAR)." The default value for CCSRBAR is 4 Gbytes-9 Mbytes, or 0x0_FF70_0000. NOTE The configuration, control, and status window must not overlap a local access window that maps to the DDR controller. Otherwise, undefined behavior occurs. An example of a top-level memory map with the default location of the configuration, control, and status registers is shown in Figure 2-6. CCSR Register Memory Block Example Local Memory Map 0 0x0_0000 General Utilities Memory 0x4_0000 PIC 0x8_0000 I/O Reserved 0xC_0000 CCSRBAR (4G-9M) RapidIO CCSR 4G-8M 4G Only reserved if Local Boot ROM 0xE_0000 Device-Specific Utilities 0xF_FFFF Shaded area indicates locations not allowed for CCSRBAR. Figure 2-6. Top-Level Register Map Example 2.3.1 Accessing CCSR Memory from the Local Processor When the local e500 processor is used to configure CCSR space, the CCSR memory space should typically be marked as cache-inhibited and guarded. In addition, many configuration registers affect accesses to other memory regions; therefore writes to these registers must be guaranteed to have taken effect before accesses are made to the associated memory regions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-11 Memory Map To guarantee that the results of any sequence of writes to configuration registers are in effect, the final configuration register write should be chased by a read of the same register, and that should be followed by a SYNC instruction. Then accesses can safely be made to memory regions affected by the configuration register write. 2.3.2 Accessing CCSR Memory from External Masters In addition to being accessible by the e500 processor, the configuration, control, and status registers are accessible from external interfaces. This allows external masters on the I/O ports to configure the device. External masters do not need to know the location of the CCSR memory in the local address map. Rather, they access this region of the local memory map through a window defined by a register in the interface programming model that is accessible to the external master from its external memory map. The PCI/PCI-X base address for accessing the local CCSR memory is selectable through the PCI/PCI-X configuration and status register base address register (PCSRBAR), at offset 0x10, described in Section, "PCI Base Address Registers." An external PCI/PCI-X master sets this register by running a PCI configuration cycle to the MPC8548E. Subsequent memory accesses by a PCI master to the PCI address range indicated by PCSRBAR are translated to the local address indicated by the current setting of CCSRBAR. The serial RapidIO base address for accessing the local CCSR memory is selectable through the serial RapidIO LCSBA1CSR, defined in the RapidIO programming model, see Section, "Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 Command and Status Register (LCSBA1CSR)." An external serial RapidIO master can set the value of LCSBA1CSR with a maintenance packet. Then subsequent read and write packets whose RapidIO addresses match the window defined by LCSBA1CSR are translated to the local address range indicated by CCSRBAR. 2.3.3 Organization of CCSR Memory The configuration, control, and status registers are grouped according to functional units. Most functional blocks are allocated a 4-Kbyte address space for registers. Registers that fall into this category are referred to as general utilities registers. These registers occupy the first 256 Kbytes of CCSR memory. Registers controlling functions that are not particular to a functional unit but to the device as a whole occupy the highest 256 Kbytes of CCSR memory and are referred to as device-specific registers. Some functional units, such as RapidIO and the OpenPIC-based interrupt controller have larger address spaces as defined by their programming models. The registers for these blocks are given their own large regions of CCSR memory. Table 2-10. Local Memory Configuration, Control, and Status Register Summary Offset from CCSRBAR Register Grouping 0x0_0000-0x3_FFFF General utilities 0x4_0000-0x7_FFFF Programmable interrupt controller (PIC) 0x8_0000-0xB_FFFF Reserved 0xC_0000-0xD_FFFF RapidIO 0xE_0000-0xF_FFFF Device-specific utilities MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-12 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map 2.3.4 General Utilities Registers Figure 2-7 provides an overview of the general utilities registers. General Utilities Registers Memory Block 0x0 0000 CCSR Memory Block 0x0 0000 General Utilities 0x0 1000 Local Access ECM 0x0 2000 DRAM 0x0 3000 I2C 0x0 4000 0x0 5000 DUART Local Bus 0x0 6000 0x0 7000 OCeaN 0x0 8000 0x0 9000 PCI1/PCI-X PCI2 0x0 A000 PCI Express 0x4 0000 General Utility Block 0xn n000 PIC General Registers 0x2 0000 0x8 0000 0x2 1000 L2 Cache DMA Reserved 0xC 0000 SRIO 0xn nC00 0x2 4000 eTSEC 1 0x2 5000 eTSEC 2 0x2 6000 eTSEC 3 0x2 7000 eTSEC 4 0xn nE00 0xn nF00 ATMU Error Mgmt Debug 0xE 0000 Device-Specific Utilities 0xF FFFF 0x3 0000 SEC 0x3 FFFF Figure 2-7. General Utilities Registers Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block Figure 2-7 also shows the organization of registers inside the 4-Kbyte register space allocated to an individual functional block. The first 3 Kbytes are available for general registers. The next 512 bytes are dedicated to address translation and mapping registers, if applicable to that particular functional unit (for example, PCI1/PCI-X). If a unit has error management registers, they are typically placed starting at offset MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-13 Memory Map 0xE00 from the beginning of the block's 4-Kbyte space, and any debug registers are typically placed in the final 256 bytes of the unit's register space starting at offset 0xF00. General utilities registers are accessed as 32-bit quantities except for the DUART and I2C registers, which are accessed as bytes. NOTE Refer to detailed register descriptions for each functional unit for exact locations, sizes, and access requirements. Some blocks may have exceptions to the above guidelines. 2.3.5 Interrupt Controller and CCSR The programmable interrupt controller (PIC) registers are at offset 0x4_0000 from CCSRBAR, see Figure 2-8. Its programming model follows the OpenPIC architecture. The interrupt controller registers should only be accessed with 32-bit accesses. CCSR Register Memory Block 0x0 0000 General Utilities PIC Registers 0x4 0000 0x4 1000 0x4 1100 0x4 1200 0x4 0000 0x5 0000 0x5 1020 Global Cfg Timers External IRQs Internal IRQs PIC 0x6 0000 Processor 0x8 0000 0x7 FFFF Reserved 0xC 0000 RIO 0xE 0000 Device-Specific Utilities 0xF FFFF Figure 2-8. PIC Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block 2.3.6 Serial RapidIO and CCSR The serial RapidIO module uses 128 Kbytes of CCSR memory; refer to Figure 2-9. All registers are 32-bits wide and should only be accessed with 32-bit accesses. The 4-Kbyte RapidIO implementation block has the same internal organization as those defined for the general utilities described above. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-14 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map CCSR Register Memory Block RapidIO Configuration 0xC 0000 0x0 0000 General Utilities RapidIO Arch. 0xC 4100 RapidIO Extended Features 0x4 0000 PIC 0x8 0000 0xD 0000 0xD 1000 Reserved RapidIO Impl. RapidIO Messaging 0xC 0000 RIO 0xE 0000 Device-Specific Utilities 0xF FFFF Figure 2-9. RapidIO Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block 2.3.7 Device-Specific Utilities The device-specific registers consist of power management, performance monitors, and device-wide debug utilities (refer to Figure 2-10). These registers are accessible with 32-bit accesses only. Transactions of other than 32-bit are considered a programming error and operation is undefined. Reserved bits in the following register descriptions are not guaranteed to have predictable values. Software must preserve the values of reserved bits when writing to a register. Also, when reading from a register, software should not rely on the value of any reserved bit remaining consistent. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-15 Memory Map Device-Specific Registers 0xE 0000 0x0 0000 General Utilities 0xE 1000 0xE 2000 Global Utilities Perf. Monitor Watchpoint/Debug 0x4 0000 PIC 0x8 0000 Reserved 0xC 0000 RIO 0xE 0000 0xF FFFF Device-Specific Utilities 0xF FFFC Figure 2-10. Device-Specific Register Mapping to Configuration, Control, and Status Memory Block 2.3.8 Accessing Reserved Registers and Bits Reserved registers and bits in the CCSR memory space are not guaranteed to have predictable values. In general, reads of reserved bits will return zeros, but software should not rely on the value of any reserved bit being a zero or remaining consistent. Unless otherwise specified, when writing registers in CCSR memory space, reserved bits should be written with zeros. Writing ones to a reserved bit may result in undefined operation. 2.4 Complete CCSR Map Table 2-11 lists the MPC8548E memory-mapped registers. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-16 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. NOTE In the eTSEC (three-speed Ethernet controller) section of the following table, registers denoted with an asterisk (*) are new to the enhanced TSEC (eTSEC) and are not supported by PowerQUICC III TSECs. Table 2-11. Memory Map Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page Local-Access Registers--Configuration, Control, and Status Registers 0x0_0000 CCSRBAR--Configuration, control, and status registers base address register R/W 0x000F_F700 0x0_0008 ALTCBAR--Alternate configuration base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0010 ALTCAR--Alternate configuration attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0020 BPTR--Boot page translation register R/W 0x0000_0000 Local-Access Registers--Local-Access Window Base and Size Registers 0x0_0BF8 LAIPBRR1--Local access IP block revision register 1 R 0x0000_0000 0x0_0BFC LAIPBRR2--Local access IP block revision register 2 R 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C08 LAWBAR0--Local access window 0 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C10 LAWAR0--Local access window 0 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C28 LAWBAR1--Local access window 1 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C30 LAWAR1--Local access window 1 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C48 LAWBAR2--Local access window 2 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C50 LAWAR2--Local access window 2 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C68 LAWBAR3--Local access window 3 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C70 LAWAR3--Local access window 3 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C88 LAWBAR4--Local access window 4 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0C90 LAWAR4--Local access window 4 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CA8 LAWBAR5--Local access window 5 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CB0 LAWAR5--Local access window 5 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CC8 LAWBAR6--Local access window 6 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CD0 LAWAR6--Local access window 6 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CE8 LAWBAR7--Local access window 7 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0CF0 LAWAR7--Local access window 7 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D08 LAWBAR8--Local access window 8 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D10 LAWAR8--Local access window 8 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D28 LAWBAR9--Local access window 9 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0D30 LAWAR9--Local access window 9 attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-17 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page e500 Coherency Module 0x0_1000 EEBACR--ECM CCB address configuration register R/W 0x0000_0003 0x0_1010 EEBPCR--ECM CCB port configuration register R/W 0x0n00_0000 0x0_1BF8 ECM IP Block Revision Register 1 R 0x0001_0000 0x0_1BFC ECM IP Block Revision Register 2 R 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E00 EEDR--ECM error detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E08 EEER--ECM error enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E0C EEATR--ECM error attributes capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E10 EELADR--ECM error low address capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E14 EEHADR--ECM error high address capture register R 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 DDR Memory Controller 0x0_2000 CS0_BNDS--Chip select 0 memory bounds 0x0_2008 CS1_BNDS--Chip select 1 memory bounds 0x0_2010 CS2_BNDS--Chip select 2 memory bounds 0x0_2018 CS3_BNDS--Chip select 3 memory bounds 0x0_2080 CS0_CONFIG--Chip select 0 configuration 0x0_2084 CS1_CONFIG--Chip select 1 configuration 0x0_2088 CS2_CONFIG--Chip select 2 configuration 0x0_208C CS3_CONFIG--Chip select 3 configuration 0x0_2100 TIMING_CFG_3--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2104 TIMING_CFG_0--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 0 R/W 0x0011_0105 0x0_2108 TIMING_CFG_1--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_210C TIMING_CFG_2--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2110 DDR_SDRAM_CFG--DDR SDRAM control configuration R/W 0x0200_0000 0x0_2114 DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2--DDR SDRAM control configuration 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2118 DDR_SDRAM_MODE--DDR SDRAM mode configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_211C DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2--DDR SDRAM mode configuration 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2120 DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL--DDR SDRAM mode control R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2124 DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL--DDR SDRAM interval configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2128 DDR_DATA_INIT--DDR SDRAM data initialization R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2130 DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL--DDR SDRAM clock control R/W 0x0200_0000 0x0_2148 DDR_INIT_ADDRESS--DDR training initialization address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_214C DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDRESS--DDR training initialization extended address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2BF8 DDR_IP_REV1--DDR IP Block Revision 1 R/W 0xnnnn_nnnn1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-18 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x0_2BFC DDR_IP_REV2--DDR IP Block Revision 2 R/W 0x00nn_00nn1 0x0_2E00 DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI--Memory data path error injection mask high R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E04 DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO--Memory data path error injection mask low R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E08 ECC_ERR_INJECT--Memory data path error injection mask ECC R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E20 CAPTURE_DATA_HI--Memory data path read capture high R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E24 CAPTURE_DATA_LO--Memory data path read capture low R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E28 CAPTURE_ECC--Memory data path read capture ECC R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E40 ERR_DETECT--Memory error detect w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E44 ERR_DISABLE--Memory error disable R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E48 ERR_INT_EN--Memory error interrupt enable R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E4C CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES--Memory error attributes capture R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E50 CAPTURE_ADDRESS--Memory error address capture R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E54 CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS--Memory error extended address capture R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_2E58 ERR_SBE--Single-Bit ECC memory error management R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 2C I I2C1 Registers 0x0_3000 0x0_3004 I2CADR--I2C address register 2C I2CFDR--I 2C frequency divider register 0x0_3008 I2CCR--I control register Mixed 0x00 0x0_300C I2CSR--I2C status register Mixed 0x81 0x0_3010 I2CDR--I2C data register R/W 0x00 0x0_3014 I2CDFSRR--I2C digital filter sampling rate register R/W 0x10 I 0x0_3100- 0x0_3114 2C2 Registers I2C2 Registers2 DUART Registers 0x0_4500 URBR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 receiver buffer register R 0x00 0x0_4500 UTHR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 transmitter holding register W 0x00 0x0_4500 UDLB--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART0 divisor least significant byte register R/W 0x00 0x0_4501 UIER--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 interrupt enable register R/W 0x00 0x0_4501 UDMB--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART0 divisor most significant byte register R/W 0x00 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-19 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x0_4502 UIIR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 interrupt ID register R 0x01 0x0_4502 UFCR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 FIFO control register W 0x00 0x0_4502 UAFR--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART0 alternate function register R/W 0x00 0x0_4503 ULCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 line control register R/W 0x00 0x0_4504 UMCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 modem control register R/W 0x00 0x0_4505 ULSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 line status register R 0x60 0x0_4506 UMSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 modem status register R 0x00 0x0_4507 USCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 scratch register R/W 0x00 0x0_4510 UDSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 DMA status register R 0x01 0x0_4600 URBR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 receiver buffer register R 0x00 0x0_4600 UTHR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 transmitter holding register W 0x00 0x0_4600 UDLB--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART1 divisor least significant byte register R/W 0x00 0x0_4601 UIER--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 interrupt enable register R/W 0x00 0x0_4601 UDMB_ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART1 divisor most significant byte register R/W 0x00 0x0_4602 UIIR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 interrupt ID register R 0x01 0x0_4602 UFCR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 FIFO control register W 0x00 0x0_4602 UAFR--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART1 alternate function register R/W 0x00 0x0_4603 ULCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 line control register R/W 0x00 0x0_4604 UMCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 modem control register R/W 0x00 0x0_4605 ULSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 line status register R 0x60 0x0_4606 UMSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 modem status register R 0x00 0x0_4607 USCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 scratch register R/W 0x00 0x0_4610 UDSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 DMA status register R 0x01 R/W 0x0000_nn013 Local Bus Controller Registers 0x0_5000 BR0--Base register 0 0x0_5008 BR1--Base register 1 0x0_5010 BR2--Base register 2 0x0_5018 BR3--Base register 3 0x0_5020 BR4--Base register 4 0x0_5028 BR5--Base register 5 0x0_5030 BR6--Base register 6 0x0_5038 BR7--Base register 7 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-20 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page R/W 0x0000_0FF7 0x0_5004 OR0--Options register 0 0x0_500C OR1--Options register 1 0x0_5014 OR2--Options register 2 0x0_501C OR3--Options register 3 0x0_5024 OR4--Options register 4 0x0_502C OR5--Options register 5 0x0_5034 OR6--Options register 6 0x0_503C OR7--Options register 7 0x0_5068 MAR--UPM address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_5070 MAMR--UPMA mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_5074 MBMR--UPMB mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_5078 MCMR--UPMC mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_5084 MRTPR--Memory refresh timer prescaler register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_5088 MDR--UPM data register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_5094 LSDMR--SDRAM mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50A0 LURT--UPM refresh timer R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50A4 LSRT--SDRAM refresh timer R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50B0 LTESR--Transfer error status register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0_50B4 LTEDR--Transfer error disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50B8 LTEIR--Transfer error interrupt register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50BC LTEATR--Transfer error attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50C0 LTEAR--Transfer error address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50D0 LBCR--Configuration register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_50D4 LCRR--Clock ratio register R/W 0x8000_0008 0x0000_0000 PCI/X Registers PCI1/PCI-X Interface (PCI1/X) PCI Configuration Access Registers 0x0_8000 CFG_ADDR--PCI configuration address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8004 CFG_DATA--PCI configuration data R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8008 INT_ACK--PCI interrupt acknowledge R 0x0000_0000 Reserved -- -- -- 0x0000_0000 0x0_800C- 0x0_8BFC PCI ATMU Registers--Outbound and Inbound 0x0_8C00-0x0_8C3C-Outbound Window 0 (default) 0x0_8C00 POTAR0--PCI outbound window 0 (default) translation address register R/W MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-21 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C04 POTEAR0--PCI outbound window 0 (default) translation extended address register 0x0_8C08 Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C0C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C10 POWAR0--PCI outbound window 0 (default) attributes register R/W 0x8004_401F 0x0_8C14- 0x0_8C1C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C20-0x0_8C3C--Outbound Window 1 0x0_8C20 POTAR1--PCI outbound window 1 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C24 POTEAR1--PCI outbound window 1 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C28 POWBAR1--PCI outbound window 1 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C2C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C30 POWAR1--PCI outbound window 1 attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C34- 0x0_8C3C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C40-0x0_8C5C--Outbound Window 2 0x0_8C40 POTAR2--PCI outbound window 2 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C44 POTEAR2--PCI outbound window 2 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C48 POWBAR2--PCI outbound window 2 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C4C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C50 POWAR2--PCI outbound window 2 attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C54- 0x0_8C5C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C60-0x0_8C7C--Outbound Window 3 0x0_8C60 POTAR3--PCI outbound window 3 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C64 POTEAR3--PCI outbound window 3 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C68 POWBAR3--PCI outbound window 3 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C6C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C70 POWAR3--PCI outbound window 3 attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C74- 0x0_8C7C Reserved -- -- 0x0_8C80-0x0_8C9C--Outbound Window 4 0x0_8C80 POTAR4--PCI outbound window 4 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C84 POTEAR4--PCI outbound window 4 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8C88 POWBAR4--PCI outbound window 4 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-22 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register 0x0_8C8C Reserved 0x0_8C90 POWAR4--PCI outbound window 4 attributes register 0x0_8C94- 0x0_8D9C Reserved Access Reset -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- Section/Page 0x0_8DA0-0x0_8DBC-Inbound Window 3 0x0_8DA0 PITAR3--PCI inbound window 3 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DA4 Reserved 0x0_8DA8 -- -- PIWBAR3--PCI inbound window 3 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DAC PIWBEAR3--PCI inbound window 3 base extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DB0 PIWAR3--PCI inbound window 3 attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DB4- 0x0_8DBC Reserved -- -- 0x0_8DC0-0x0_8DDC-Inbound Window 2 0x0_8DC0 PITAR2--PCI inbound window 2 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DC4 Reserved 0x0_8DC8 -- -- PIWBAR2--PCI inbound window 2 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DCC PIWBEAR2--PCI inbound window 2 base extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DD0 PIWAR2--PCI inbound window 2 attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8DD4- 0x0_8DDC Reserved -- -- 0x0_8DE0-0x0_8DFC-Inbound Window 1 0x0_8DE0 PITAR1--PCI inbound window 1 translation address register 0x0_8DE4 Reserved 0x0_8DE8 PIWBAR1--PCI inbound window 1 base address register 0x0_8DEC Reserved 0x0_8DF0 PIWAR1--PCI inbound window 1 attributes register 0x0_8DF4- 0x0_8DFC Reserved R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- PCI Error Management Registers 0x0_8E00 ERR_DR--PCI error detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0_8E04 ERR_CAP_DR--PCI error capture disabled register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8E08 ERR_EN--PCI error enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8E0C ERR_ATTRIB--PCI error attributes capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8E10 ERR_ADDR--PCI error address capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8E14 ERR_EXT_ADDR--PCI error extended address capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-23 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x0_8E18 ERR_DL--PCI error data low capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8E1C ERR_DH--PCI error data high capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_8E20 GAS_TIMR--PCI gasket timer register R/W 0x0100_3FFF 0x0_8E24 PCIX_TIMR--PCI-X split completion timer register R/W 0x0100_3FFF 0x0_8E28- 0x0_8EFC Reserved -- -- -- 0x0_8F00- 0x0_8FFC Reserved for debug -- -- -- PCI2 Registers 0x0_9000- 0x0_9FFC PCI2 registers Note: All registers defined for PCI1/PCI-X are also defined for PCI2 (with the exception of PCIX_TIMR, which applies only to the PCI-X interface); the offsets of PCI2 registers begin with 0x0_9nnn. PCI Express Registers PCI Express Configuration Access Registers 0x0_A000 PEX_CONFIG_ADDR--PCI Express configuration address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_A004 PEX _CONFIG_DATA--PCI Express configuration data register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_A008 Reserved -- -- 0x0_A00C PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR--PCI Express outbound completion timeout register R/W 0x0010_FFFF 0x0_A010 PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR--PCI Express configuration retry timeout register R/W 0x0400_FFFF 0x0_A014 PEX_CONFIG--PCI Express configuration register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_A018- 0x0_A01C Reserved -- -- PCI Express Power Management Event & Message Registers 0x0_A020 PEX_PME_MES_DR--PCI Express PME & message detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0_A024 PEX_PME_MES_DISR--PCI Express PME & message disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_A028 PEX_PME_MES_IER--PCI Express PME & message interrupt enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_A02C PEX_PMCR--PCI Express power management command register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_A030- 0x0_ABF7 Reserved -- -- R 0x0208_0100 PCI Express Block ID Registers 0x0_ABF8 PEX_IP_BLK_REV1--Block revision register 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-24 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset 0x0_ABFC Register PEX_IP_BLK_REV2--Block revision register 2 Access Reset Section/Page R 0x0000_0000 PCI Express ATMU Registers 0x0_AC00-0x0_AC1C-Outbound Window 0 (default) 0x0_AC00 PEXOTAR0--PCI Express outbound translation address register 0 (default) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC04 PEXOTEAR0--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 0 (default) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC08- 0x0_AC0C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC10 PEXOWAR0--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 0 (default) Mixed 0x8004_4023 0x0_AC14- 0x0_AC1C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC20-0x0_AC3C--Outbound Window 1 0x0_AC20 PEXOTAR1--PCI Express outbound translation address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC24 PEXOTEAR1--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC28 PEXOWBAR1--PCI Express outbound window base address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC2C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC30 PEXOWAR1--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 1 R/W 0x0004_4023 0x0_AC34- 0x0_AC3C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC40-0x0_AC5C--Outbound Window 2 0x0_AC40 PEXOTAR2--PCI Express outbound translation address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC44 PEXOTEAR2--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC48 PEXOWBAR2--PCI Express outbound window base address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC4C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC50 PEXOWAR2--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 2 R/W 0x0004_4023 0x0_AC54- 0x0_AC5C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC60-0x0_AC7C--Outbound Window 3 0x0_AC60 PEXOTAR3--PCI Express outbound translation address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-25 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x0_AC64 PEXOTEAR3--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC68 PEXOWBAR3--PCI Express outbound window base address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC6C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC70 PEXOWAR3--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 3 R/W 0x0004_4023 0x0_AC74- 0x0_AC7C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC80-0x0_AC9C--Outbound Window 4 0x0_AC80 PEXOTAR4--PCI Express outbound translation address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC84 PEXOTEAR4--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC88 PEXOWBAR4--PCI Express outbound window base address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AC8C Reserved -- -- 0x0_AC90 PEXOWAR4--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 4 R/W 0x0004_4023 0x0_AC94- 0x0_AC9C Reserved -- -- 0x0_ACA0- 0x0_AD9C Reserved -- -- 0x0_ADA0-0x0_ADBC-Inbound Window 3 0x0_ADA0 PEXITAR3--PCI Express inbound translation address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_ADA4 Reserved 0x0_ADA8 -- -- PEXIWBAR3--PCI Express inbound window base address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_ADAC PEXIWBEAR3--PCI Express inbound window base extended address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_ADB0 PEXIWAR3--PCI Express inbound window attributes register 3 R/W 0x20F4_4023 0x0_ADB4- 0x0_ADBC Reserved -- -- 0x0_ADC0-0x0_ADDC-Inbound Window 2 0x0_ADC0 PEXITAR2--PCI Express inbound translation address register 2 0x0_ADC4 Reserved 0x0_ADC8 PEXIWBAR2--PCI Express inbound window base address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-26 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x0_ADCC PEXIWBEAR2--PCI Express inbound window base extended address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_ADD0 PEXIWAR2--PCI Express inbound window attributes register 2 R/W 0x20F4_4023 0x0_ADD4- 0x0_ADDC Reserved -- -- 0x0_ADE0-0x0_ADFC-Inbound Window 1 0x0_ADE0 PEXITAR1--PCI Express inbound translation address register 1 0x0_ADE4 Reserved 0x0_ADE8 PEXIWBAR1--PCI Express inbound window base address register 1 0x0_ADEC Reserved 0x0_ADF0 PEXIWAR1--PCI Express inbound window attributes register 1 0x0_ADF4- 0x0_ADFC Reserved R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- R/W 0x20F4_4023 -- -- PCI Express Error Management Registers 0x0_AE00 PEX_ERR_DR--PCI Express error detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0_AE04 Reserved 0x0_AE08 PEX_ERR_EN--PCI Express error interrupt enable register 0x0_AE0C Reserved 0x0_AE10 PEX_ERR_DISR--PCI Express error disable register 0x0_AE14- 0x0_AE1C Reserved 0x0_AE20 PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT--PCI Express error capture status register 0x0_AE24 Reserved 0x0_AE28 -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- Mixed 0x0000_0000 -- -- PEX_ERR_CAP_R0--PCI Express error capture register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AE2C PEX_ERR_CAP_R1--PCI Express error capture register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_AE30 PEX_ERR_CAP_R2--PCI Express error capture register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 ` 0x0_AE34 PEX_ERR_CAP_R3--PCI Express error capture register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 ` 0x0_AE38- 0x0_AFFC Reserved -- -- L2/SRAM Memory-Mapped Configuration Registers 0x2_0000 L2CTL--L2 control register R/W 0x2000_0000 0x2_0010 L2CEWAR0--L2 cache external write address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0014 L2CEWAREA0--L2 cache external write address register extended address 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0018 L2CEWCR0--L2 cache external write control register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-27 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_0020 L2CEWAR1--L2 cache external write address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0024 L2CEWAREA1--L2 cache external write address register extended address 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0028 L2CEWCR1--L2 cache external write control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0030 L2CEWAR2--L2 cache external write address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0034 L2CEWAREA2--L2 cache external write address register extended address 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0038 L2CEWCR2--L2 cache external write control register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0040 L2CEWAR3--L2 cache external write address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0044 L2CEWAREA3--L2 cache external write address register extended address 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0048 L2CEWCR3--L2 cache external write control register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0100 L2SRBAR0--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0104 L2SRBAREA0--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register extended address 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0108 L2SRBAR1--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_010C L2SRBAREA1--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register extended address 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E00 L2ERRINJHI--L2 error injection mask high register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E04 L2ERRINJLO--L2 error injection mask low register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E08 L2ERRINJCTL--L2 error injection tag/ECC control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E20 L2CAPTDATAHI--L2 error data high capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E24 L2CAPTDATALO--L2 error data low capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E28 L2CAPTECC--L2 error syndrome register R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E40 L2ERRDET--L2 error detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E44 L2ERRDIS--L2 error disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E48 L2ERRINTEN--L2 error interrupt enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E4C L2ERRATTR--L2 error attributes capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E50 L2ERRADDRH--L2 error address capture register high R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E54 L2ERRADDRL--L2 error address capture register low R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E58 L2ERRCTL--L2 error control register R/W 0x0000_0000 DMA Registers 0x2_1100 MR0--DMA 0 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1104 SR0--DMA 0 status register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x2_1108 ECLNDAR0--DMA 0 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-28 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_110C CLNDAR0--DMA 0 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1110 SATR0--DMA 0 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1114 SAR0--DMA 0 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1118 DATR0--DMA 0 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_111C DAR0--DMA 0 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1120 BCR0--DMA 0 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1124 ENLNDAR0--DMA 0 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1128 NLNDAR0--DMA 0 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_112C Reserved -- -- 0x2_1130 ECLSDAR0--DMA 0 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1134 CLSDAR0--DMA 0 current list alternate base descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1138 ENLSDAR0--DMA 0 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_113C NLSDAR0--DMA 0 next list descriptor address register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x2_1140 SSR0--DMA 0 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1144 DSR0--DMA 0 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_1148- 0x2_117C Reserved 0x2_1180 MR1--DMA 1 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1184 SR1--DMA 1 status register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x2_1188 ECLNDAR1--DMA 1 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_118C CLNDAR1--DMA 1 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1190 SATR1--DMA 1 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1194 SAR1--DMA 1 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1198 DATR1--DMA 1 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_119C DAR1--DMA 1 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11A0 BCR1--DMA 1 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11A4 ENLNDAR1--DMA 1 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11A8 NLNDAR1--DMA 1 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11AC Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_11B0 ECLSDAR1--DMA 1 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11B4 CLSDAR1--DMA 1 current list alternate base descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-29 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_11B8 ENLSDAR1--DMA 1 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11BC NLSDAR1--DMA 1 next list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11C0 SSR1--DMA 1 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_11C4 DSR1--DMA 1 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_11C8- 0x2_11FC Reserved 0x2_1200 MR2--DMA 2 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1204 SR2--DMA 2 status register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x2_1208 ECLNDAR2--DMA 2 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_120C CLNDAR2--DMA 2 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1210 SATR2--DMA 2 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1214 SAR2--DMA 2 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1218 DATR2--DMA 2 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_121C DAR2--DMA 2 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1220 BCR2--DMA 2 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1224 ENLNDAR2--DMA 2 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1228 NLNDAR2--DMA 2 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_122C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_1230 ECLSDAR2--DMA 2 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1234 CLSDAR2--DMA 2 current list alternate base descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1238 ENLSDAR2--DMA 2 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_123C NLSDAR2--DMA 2 next list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1240 SSR2--DMA 2 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1244 DSR2--DMA 2 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_1248- 0x2_127C Reserved 0x2_1280 MR3--DMA 3 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1284 SR3--DMA 3 status register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x2_1288 ECLNDAR3--DMA 3 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_128C CLNDAR3--DMA 3 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1290 SATR3--DMA 3 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_1294 SAR3--DMA 3 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-30 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_1298 DATR3--DMA 3 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_129C DAR3--DMA 3 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12A0 BCR3--DMA 3 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12A4 ENLNDAR3--DMA 3 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12A8 NLNDAR3--DMA 3 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12AC Reserved -- -- 0x2_12B0 ECLSDAR3--DMA 3 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12B4 CLSDAR 3--DMA 3 current list alternate base descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12B8 ENLSDAR3--DMA 3 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12BC NLSDAR3--DMA 3 next list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12C0 SSR3--DMA 3 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_12C4 DSR3--DMA 3 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 Reserved -- -- -- DGSR--DMA general status register R 0x0000_0000 0x2_12C8- 0x2_12FC 0x2_1300 eTSEC Registers eTSECn General Control and Status Registers 0x2_4000 TSEC_ID*--Controller ID register R 0x0124_0000 0x2_4004 TSEC_ID2*--Controller ID register R 0x0030_00F0 0x2_4008- 0x2_400C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4010 IEVENT--Interrupt event register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x2_4014 IMASK--Interrupt mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4018 EDIS--Error disabled register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_401C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4020 ECNTRL--Ethernet control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4024 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4028 PTV--Pause time value register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_402C DMACTRL--DMA control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4030 TBIPA--TBI PHY address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4034- 0x2_4054 Reserved -- -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-31 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page eTSECn FIFO Control and Status Registers 0x2_4058 FIFO_RX_ALARM--FIFO receive alarm start threshold register R/W 0x0000_0040 0x2_405C FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF--FIFO receive alarm shut-off threshold register R/W 0x0000_0080 0x2_4060- 0x2_4088 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_408C FIFO_TX_THR--FIFO transmit threshold register R/W 0x0000_0080 0x2_4090- 0x2_4094 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4098 FIFO_TX_STARVE--FIFO transmit starve register R/W 0x0000_0040 0x2_409C FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF--FIFO transmit starve shut-off register R/W 0x0000_0080 0x2_40A0- 0x2_40FC Reserved -- -- -- eTSEC n Transmit Control and Status Registers 0x2_4100 TCTRL--Transmit control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4104 TSTAT--Transmit status register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x2_4108 DFVLAN*--Default VLAN control word R/W 0x8100_0000 0x2_410C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4110 TXIC--Transmit interrupt coalescing register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4114 TQUEUE*--Transmit queue control register R/W 0x0000_8000 0x2_4118- 0x2_413C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4140 TR03WT*--TxBD Rings 0-3 round-robin weightings R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4144 TR47WT*--TxBD Rings 4-7 round-robin weightings R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4148- 0x2_417C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4180 TBDBPH*--Tx data buffer pointer high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4184 TBPTR0--TxBD pointer for ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4188 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_418C TBPTR1*--TxBD pointer for ring 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4190 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4194 TBPTR2*--TxBD pointer for ring 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4198 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_419C TBPTR3*--TxBD pointer for ring 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_41A0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_41A4 TBPTR4*--TxBD pointer for ring 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-32 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register 0x2_41A8 Reserved 0x2_41AC TBPTR5*--TxBD pointer for ring 5 0x2_41B0 Reserved 0x2_41B4 TBPTR6*--TxBD pointer for ring 6 0x2_41B8 Reserved 0x2_41BC TBPTR7*--TxBD pointer for ring 7 0x2_41C0- 0x2_41FC Reserved Access Reset Section/Page -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4200 TBASEH--TxBD base address high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4204 TBASE0--TxBD base address of ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4208 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_420C TBASE1*--TxBD base address of ring 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4210 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4214 TBASE2*--TxBD base address of ring 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4218 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_421C TBASE3*--TxBD base address of ring 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4220 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4224 TBASE4*--TxBD base address of ring 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4228 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_422C TBASE5*--TxBD base address of ring 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4230 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4234 TBASE6*--TxBD base address of ring 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4238 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_423C TBASE7*--TxBD base address of ring 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4240- 0x2_42FC Reserved -- -- -- eTSECn Receive Control and Status Registers 0x2_4300 RCTRL--Receive control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4304 RSTAT--Receive status register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x2_4308 Reserved -- -- 0x2_4310 RXIC--Receive interrupt coalescing register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4314 RQUEUE*--Receive queue control register. R/W 0x0080_0080 0x2_4318- 0x2_432C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4330 RBIFX*--Receive bit field extract control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4334 RQFAR*--Receive queue filing table address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4338 RQFCR*--Receive queue filing table control register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-33 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_433C RQFPR*--Receive queue filing table property register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4340 MRBLR--Maximum receive buffer length register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4344- 0x2_437C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4380 RBDBPH*--Rx data buffer pointer high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4384 RBPTR0--RxBD pointer for ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4388 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_438C RBPTR1*--RxBD pointer for ring 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4390 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4394 RBPTR2*--RxBD pointer for ring 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4398 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_439C RBPTR3*--RxBD pointer for ring 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_43A0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_43A4 RBPTR4*--RxBD pointer for ring 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_43A8 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_43AC RBPTR5*--RxBD pointer for ring 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_43B0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_43B4 RBPTR6*--RxBD pointer for ring 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_43B8 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_43BC RBPTR7*--RxBD pointer for ring 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_43C0- 0x2_43FC Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4400 RBASEH--RxBD base address high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4404 RBASE0--RxBD base address of ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4408 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_440C RBASE1*--RxBD base address of ring 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4410 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4414 RBASE2*--RxBD base address of ring 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4418 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_441C RBASE3*--RxBD base address of ring 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4420 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4424 RBASE4*--RxBD base address of ring 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4428 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_442C RBASE5*--RxBD base address of ring 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4430 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4434 RBASE6*--RxBD base address of ring 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-34 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register 0x2_4438 Reserved 0x2_443C RBASE7*--RxBD base address of ring 7 0x2_4440- 0x2_44FC Reserved Access Reset Section/Page -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- eTSEC n MAC Registers 0x2_4500 MACCFG1--MAC configuration register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4504 MACCFG2--MAC configuration register 2 R/W 0x0000_7000 0x2_4508 IPGIFG--Inter-packet/inter-frame gap register R/W 0x4060_5060 0x2_450C HAFDUP--Half-duplex control R/W 0x00A1_F037 0x2_4510 MAXFRM--Maximum frame size R/W 0x0000_0600 0x2_4514- 0x2_451C Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_4520 MIIMCFG--MII management configuration R/W 0x0000_0007 0x2_4524 MIIMCOM--MII management command R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4528 MIIMADD--MII management address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_452C MIIMCON--MII management control W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4530 MIIMSTAT--MII management status R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4534 MIIMIND--MII management indicator R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4538 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_453C IFSTAT--Interface status R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4540 MACSTNADDR1--MAC station address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4544 MACSTNADDR2--MAC station address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-35 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_4548 MAC01ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 1, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_454C MAC01ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 1, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4550 MAC02ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 2, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4554 MAC02ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 2, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4558 MAC03ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 3, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_455C MAC03ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 3, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4560 MAC04ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 4, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4564 MAC04ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 4, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4568 MAC05ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 5, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_456C MAC05ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 5, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4570 MAC06ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 6, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4574 MAC06ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 6, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4578 MAC07ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 7, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_457C MAC07ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 7, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4580 MAC08ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 8, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4584 MAC08ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 8, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4588 MAC09ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 9, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_458C MAC09ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 9, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4590 MAC10ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 10, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4594 MAC10ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 10, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4598 MAC11ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 11, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_459C MAC11ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 11, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45A0 MAC12ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 12, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45A4 MAC12ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 12, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45A8 MAC13ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 13, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45AC MAC13ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 13, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45B0 MAC14ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 14, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45B4 MAC14ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 14, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45B8 MAC15ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 15, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45BC MAC15ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 15, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45C0- 0x2_467C Reserved -- -- -- eTSEC n Transmit and Receive Counters 0x2_4680 TR64--Transmit and receive 64-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4684 TR127--Transmit and receive 65- to 127-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4688 TR255--Transmit and receive 128- to 255-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-36 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_468C TR511--Transmit and receive 256- to 511-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4690 TR1K--Transmit and receive 512- to 1023-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4694 TRMAX--Transmit and receive 1024- to 1518-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4698 TRMGV--Transmit and receive 1519- to 1522-byte good VLAN frame count R/W 0x0000_0000 eTSECn Receive Counters 0x2_469C RBYT--Receive byte counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46A0 RPKT--Receive packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46A4 RFCS--Receive FCS error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46A8 RMCA--Receive multicast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46AC RBCA--Receive broadcast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46B0 RXCF--Receive control frame packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46B4 RXPF--Receive PAUSE frame packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46B8 RXUO--Receive unknown OP code counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46BC RALN--Receive alignment error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46C0 RFLR--Receive frame length error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46C4 RCDE--Receive code error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46C8 RCSE--Receive carrier sense error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46CC RUND--Receive undersize packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46D0 ROVR--Receive oversize packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46D4 RFRG--Receive fragments counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46D8 RJBR--Receive jabber counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46DC RDRP--Receive drop counter R/W 0x0000_0000 eTSECn Transmit Counters 0x2_46E0 TBYT--Transmit byte counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46E4 TPKT--Transmit packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46E8 TMCA--Transmit multicast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46EC TBCA--Transmit broadcast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46F0 TXPF--Transmit PAUSE control frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46F4 TDFR--Transmit deferral packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46F8 TEDF--Transmit excessive deferral packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46FC TSCL--Transmit single collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4700 TMCL--Transmit multiple collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4704 TLCL--Transmit late collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4708 TXCL--Transmit excessive collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-37 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_470C TNCL--Transmit total collision counter 0x2_4710 Reserved 0x2_4714 TDRP--Transmit drop frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4718 TJBR--Transmit jabber frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_471C TFCS--Transmit FCS error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4720 TXCF--Transmit control frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4724 TOVR--Transmit oversize frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4728 TUND--Transmit undersize frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_472C TFRG--Transmit fragments frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 eTSECn Counter Control and TOE Statistics Registers 0x2_4730 CAR1--Carry register one register4 R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4734 CAR2--Carry register two register 4 R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4738 CAM1--Carry register one mask register R/W 0xFE03_FFFF 0x2_473C CAM2--Carry register two mask register R/W 0x000F_FFFD 0x2_4740 RREJ*--Receive filer rejected packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4744- 0x2_47FC Reserved -- -- -- Hash Function Registers 0x2_4800 IGADDR0--Individual/group address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4804 IGADDR1--Individual/group address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4808 IGADDR2--Individual/group address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_480C IGADDR3--Individual/group address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4810 IGADDR4--Individual/group address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4814 IGADDR5--Individual/group address register 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4818 IGADDR6--Individual/group address register 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_481C IGADDR7--Individual/group address register 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4820- 0x2_487C Reserved -- -- 0x2_4880 GADDR0--Group address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4884 GADDR1--Group address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4888 GADDR2--Group address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_488C GADDR3--Group address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4890 GADDR4--Group address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4894 GADDR5--Group address register 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4898 GADDR6--Group address register 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_489C GADDR7--Group address register 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-38 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset 0x2_48A0- 0x2_49FC Register Access Reset -- -- R/W 0x0000_00C0 -- -- -- -- -- -- Reserved Section/Page -- eTSECn FIFO Control Registers 0x2_4A00 FIFOCFG*--FIFO interface configuration register 0x2_4A04- 0x2_4AFC Reserved eTSECn DMA Attribute Registers 0x2_4B00- 0x2_4BF4 Reserved 0x2_4BF8 ATTR--Attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4BFC ATTRELI--Attribute extract length and extract index register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- eTSECn Future Expansion Space 0x2_4C00- 0x2_4FFF Reserved Other eTSECs 5 0x2_5000- 0x2_5FFF eTSEC2 REGISTERS 0x2_6000- 0x2_6FFF eTSEC3 REGISTERS 6 0x2_7000- 0x2_7FFF eTSEC4 REGISTERS 7 Integrated Security Engine Controller 0x3_1008 IMR--Interrupt mask register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1010 ISR--Interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1018 ICR--Interrupt clear register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1020 ID--Identification register R 0x0030_0000_ 0010_0000 0x3_1BF8 IP block revision R 0x0030_0000_ 0010_0000 0x3_1028 EUASR--EU assignment status register R 0xF0F0_F0F0_ 00FF_F0F0 0x3_1030 MCR--Master control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-39 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Channel 1 0x3_1108 CCCR1--Crypto-channel 1 configuration register 0x3_1110 CCPSR1--Crypto-channel 1 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0007 0x3_1140 CDPR1--Crypto-channel 1 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1148 FF1--Crypto-channel 1 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1180- 0x3_11BF DB1--Crypto-channel 1 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_11C0- 0x3_11DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_11E0- 0x3_11FF Scatter link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Channel 2 0x3_1208 CCCR2--Crypto-channel 2 configuration register 0x3_1210 CCPSR2--Crypto-channel 2 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0007 0x3_1240 CDPR2--Crypto-channel 2 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1248 FF2--Crypto-channel 2 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1280- 0x3_12BF DB2--Crypto-channel 2 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_12C0- 0x3_12DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_12E0- 0x3_12FF Scatter link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Channel 3 0x3_1308 CCCR3--Crypto-channel3 configuration register 0x3_1310 CCPSR3--Crypto-channel3 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0007 0x3_1340 CDPR3--Crypto-channel 3 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1348 FF3--Crypto-channel 3 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1380- 0x3_13BF DB3--Crypto-channel 3 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-40 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x3_13C0- 0x3_13DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_13E0- 0x3_13FF Scatter link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Channel 4 0x3_1408 CCCR4--Crypto-channel 4 configuration register 0x3_1410 CCPSR4--Crypto-channel 4 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0007 0x3_1440 CDPR4--Crypto-channel 4 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1448 FF4--Crypto-channel 4 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_1480- 0x3_14BF DB4--Crypto-channel 4 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_14C0- 0x3_14DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_14E0- 0x3_14FF Scatter link tables W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Data Encryption Standard Execution Unit (DEU) 0x3_2000 DEUMR--DEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2008 DEUKSR--DEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2010 DEUDSR--DEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2018 DEURCR--DEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2028 DEUSR--DEU status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2030 DEUISR--DEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2038 DEUICR--DEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_3000 0x3_2050 DEUEUG--DEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2100 DEUIV--DEU initialization vector register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_2400 DEUK1--DEU key register 1 W -- 0x3_2408 DEUK2--DEU key register 2 W -- 0x3_2410 DEUK3--DEU key register 3 W -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-41 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset 0x3_2800- 0x3_2FFF Register DEU FIFO Access Reset Section/Page R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Advanced Encryption Standard Execution Unit (AESU) 0x3_4000 AESUMR--AESU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4008 AESUKSR--AESU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4010 AESUDSR--AESU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4018 AESURCR--AESU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4028 AESUSR--AESU status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4030 AESUISR--AESU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4038 AESUICR--AESU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_1000 0x3_4050 AESUEUG--AESU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4100- 0x3_4108 AESU context memory registers R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4400- 0x3_4408 AESU key memory R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_4800- 0x3_4FFF AESU FIFO R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU) 0x3_6000 MDEUMR--MDEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6008 MDEUKSR--MDEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6010 MDEUDSR--MDEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6018 MDEURCR--MDEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6028 MDEUSR--MDEU status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6030 MDEUISR--MDEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6038 MDEUICR--MDEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_1000 0x3_6040 MDEUICVSR--MDEU ICV size register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-42 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6050 MDEUEUG--MDEU EU go register 0x3_6100- 0x3_6120 MDEU context memory registers 0x3_6400- 0x3_647F MDEU key memory W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_6800- 0x3_6FFF MDEU FIFO W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 ARC Four Execution Unit (AFEU) 0x3_8000 AFEUMR--AFEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8008 AFEUKSR--AFEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8010 AFEUDSR--AFEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8018 AFEURCR--AFEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8028 AFEUSR--AFEU status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8030 AFEUISR--AFEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8038 AFEUICR--AFEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_1000 0x3_8050 AFEUEUG--AFEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8100- 0x3_81FF AFEU context memory registers R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8200 AFEU context memory pointers R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_8400 AFEUK1--AFEU key register 0 W -- 0x3_8480 AFEUK2--AFEU key register 1 W -- 0x3_8800- 0x3_8FFF (3_8E00) AFEU FIFO R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Random Number Generator (RNG) 0x3_A000 RNGMR--RNG mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_A010 RNGDSR--RNG data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_A018 RNGRCR--RNG reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-43 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x3_A028 RNGSR--RNG status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_A030 RNGISR--RNG interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_A038 RNGICR--RNG interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_1000 0x3_A050 RNGEUG--RNG EU go register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_A800- 0x3_AFFF RNG FIFO R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Public Key Execution Units (PKEU) 0x3_C000 PKEUMR--PKEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C008 PKEUKSR--PKEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C010 PKEUDSR--PKEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C018 PKEURCR--PKEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C028 PKEUSR--PKEU status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C030 PKEUISR--PKEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C038 PKEUICR--PKEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_1000 0x3_C040 PKEUABS--PKEU AB size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C050 PKEUEUG--PKEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C200- 0x3_C23F PKEU parameter memory A0 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C240- 0x3_C27F PKEU parameter memory A1 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C280- 0x3_C2BF PKEU parameter memory A2 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C2C0- 0x3_C2FF PKEU parameter memory A3 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C300- 0x3_C33F PKEU parameter memory B0 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C340- 0x3_C37F PKEU parameter memory B1 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C380- 0x3_C3BF PKEU parameter memory B2 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-44 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x3_C3C0- 0x3_C3FF PKEU parameter memory B3 R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C400- 0x3_C4FF PKEU parameter memory E W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_C800- 0x3_C8FF PKEU parameter memory N R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Kasumi Execution Unit (KEU) 0x3_E000 KEUMR--KEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E008 KEUKSR--KEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E010 KEUDSR--KEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E018 KEURCR--KEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E028 KEUSR--KEU status register R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E030 KEUISR--KEU interrupt status register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E038 KEUICR--KEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_1000 0x3_E048 KEUDOR--KEU data out register (F9 MAC) R 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E050 KEUEUG--KEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E100 KEUIV1--KEU initialization vector 1 register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E108 KEUICV--KEU ICV_In register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E110 KEUIV2--KEU initialization vector 2 register (Fresh) R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E118 KEUC1--KEU context_1 register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E120 KEUC2--KEU context_2 register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E128 KEUC3--KEU context_3 register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E130 KEUC4--KEU context_4 register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E138 KEUC5--KEU context_5 register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E140 KEUC6--KEU context_6 register R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-45 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x3_E400 KEUKD1--KEU key data register_1 (CK-high) R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E408 KEUKD2--KEU key data register_2 (CK-low) R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E410 KEUKD3--KEU key data register_3 (IK-high) R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E418 KEUKD4--KEU key data register_4 (IK-low) R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 0x3_E800- 0x3_EFFF KEUFIFO R/W 0x0000_0000_ 0000_0000 Programmable Interrupt Controller Registers Global Registers 0x4_0000 BRR1--Block Revision register 1 R 0x0040_0200 0x4_0010 BRR2--Block Revision register 2 R 0x0000_0001 0x4_0020- 0x4_0030 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_0040 IPIDR0--Interprocessor interrupt 0 (IPI 0) dispatch register W 0x0000_0000 0x4_0050 IPIDR1--Interprocessor interrupt 1 (IPI 1) dispatch register 0x4_0060 IPIDR2--Interprocessor interrupt 2 (IPI 2) dispatch register 0x4_0070 IPIDR3--Interprocessor interrupt 3 (IPI 3) dispatch register 0x4_0080 CTPR--Current task priority register R/W 0x0000_000F 0x4_0090 WHOAMI--Who am I register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_00A0 IACK--Interrupt acknowledge register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_00B0 EOI--End of interrupt register W 0x0000_0000 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1000 FRR--Feature reporting register R 0x004F_0002 0x4_1010 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1020 GCR--Global configuration register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_1030 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1040- 0x4_1070 Vendor reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1080 VIR--Vendor identification register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1090 PIR--Processor initialization register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_10A0 IPIVPR0--IPI 0 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_10B0 IPIVPR1--IPI 1 vector/priority register 0x4_10C0 IPIVPR2--IPI 2 vector/priority register 0x4_10D0 IPIVPR3--IPI 3 vector/priority register 0x4_00C0- 0x4_0FF0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-46 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset 0x4_10E0 Register SVR--Spurious vector register Access Reset Section/Page R/W 0x0000_FFFF R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0x0000_0000 Global Timer Registers 0x4_10F0 TFRR--Timer frequency reporting register 0x4_1100 GTCCR0--Global timer 0 current count register 0x4_1110 GTBCR0--Global timer 0 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1120 GTVPR0--Global timer 0 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1130 GTDR0--Global timer 0 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 0x4_1140 GTCCR1--Global timer 1 current count register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1150 GTBCR1--Global timer 1 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1160 GTVPR1--Global timer 1 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1170 GTDR1--Global timer 1 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 0x4_1180 GTCCR2--Global timer 2 current count register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1190 GTBCR2--Global timer 2 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11A0 GTVPR2--Global timer 2 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11B0 GTDR2--Global timer 2 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 0x4_11C0 GTCCR3--Global timer 3 current count register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_11D0 GTBCR3--Global timer 3 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11E0 GTVPR3--Global timer 3 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11F0 GTDR3--Global timer 3 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 0x4_1200- 0x4_12F0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1300 TCR--Timer control register R/W 0x0000_0000 External, IRQ_OUT, and Critical Interrupt Summary Registers 0x4_1308 ERQSR--External interrupt summary register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1310 IRQSR0--IRQ_OUT summary register 0 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1320 IRQSR1--IRQ_OUT summary register 1 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1324 IRQSR2--IRQ_OUT summary register 2 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1330 CISR0--Critical Interrupt summary register 0 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1340 CISR1--Critical Interrupt summary register 1 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1344 CISR2--Critical Interrupt summary register 2 R 0x0000_0000 Performance Monitor Mask Registers 0x4_1350 PM0MR0--Performance monitor 0 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF 0x4_1360 PM0MR1--Performance monitor 0 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1364 PM0MR2--Performance monitor 0 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1370 PM1MR0--Performance monitor 1 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-47 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x4_1380 PM1MR1--Performance monitor 1 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1384 PM1MR2--Performance monitor 1 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1390 PM2MR0--Performance monitor 2 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF 0x4_13A0 PM2MR1--Performance monitor 2 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13A4 PM2MR2--Performance monitor 2 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13B0 PM3MR0--Performance monitor 3 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF 0x4_13C0 PM3MR1--Performance monitor 3 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13C4 PM3MR2--Performance monitor 3 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13D0- 0x4_13F0 Reserved -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- Message Registers 0x4_1400 MSGR0--Message register 0 0x4_1410 MSGR1--Message register 1 0x4_1420 MSGR2--Message register 2 0x4_1430 MSGR3--Message register 3 0x4_1440- 0x4_14F0 Reserved 0x4_1500 MER--Message enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_1510 MSR--Message status register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_1520- 0x4_15F0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1600 MSIR0--Shared interrupt register 0 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1610 MSIR1--Shared interrupt register 1 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1620 MSIR2--Shared interrupt register 2 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1630 MSIR3--Shared interrupt register 3 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1640 MSIR4--Shared interrupt register 4 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1650 MSIR5--Shared interrupt register 5 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1660 MSIR6--Shared interrupt register 6 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1670 MSIR7--Shared interrupt register 7 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1680- 0x4_1700 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1720 MSISR--Shared message signaled interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1740 MSIIR--Shared message signaled interrupt index register W 0x0000_0000 0x4_1750- 0x4_FFFF Reserved -- -- -- PIC Register Address Map--Interrupt Source Configuration Registers 0x5_0000 EIVPR0--External interrupt 0 (IRQ0) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-48 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x5_0010 EIDR0--External interrupt 0 (IRQ0) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0020 EIVPR1--External interrupt 1 (IRQ1) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0030 EIDR1--External interrupt 1 (IRQ1) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0040 EIVPR2--External interrupt 2 (IRQ2) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0050 EIDR2--External interrupt 2 (IRQ2) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0060 EIVPR3--External interrupt 3 (IRQ3) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0070 EIDR3--External interrupt 3 (IRQ3) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0080 EIVPR4--External interrupt 4 (IRQ4) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0090 EIDR4--External interrupt 4 (IRQ4) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_00A0 EIVPR5--External interrupt 5 (IRQ5) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_00B0 EIDR5--External interrupt 5 (IRQ5) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_00C0 EIVPR6--External interrupt 6 (IRQ6) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_00D0 EIDR6--External interrupt 6 (IRQ6) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_00E0 EIVPR7--External interrupt 7 (IRQ7) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_00F0 EIDR7--External interrupt 7 (IRQ7) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0100 EIVPR8--External interrupt 8 (IRQ8) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0110 EIDR8--External interrupt 8 (IRQ8) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0120 EIVPR9--External interrupt 9 (IRQ9) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0130 EIDR9--External interrupt 9 (IRQ9) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0140 EIVPR10--External interrupt 10 (IRQ10) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0150 EIDR10--External interrupt 10 (IRQ10) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0160 EIVPR11--External interrupt 11 (IRQ11) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0170 EIDR11--External interrupt 11 (IRQ11) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0180- 0x5_01F0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x5_0200 IIVPR0--Internal interrupt 0 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0210 IIDR0--Internal interrupt 0 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0220 IIVPR1--Internal interrupt 1 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0230 IIDR1--Internal interrupt 1 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0240 IIVPR2--Internal interrupt 2 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0250 IIDR2--Internal interrupt 2 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0260 IIVPR3--Internal interrupt 3 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0270 IIDR3--Internal interrupt 3 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0280 IIVPR4--Internal interrupt 4 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0290 IIDR4--Internal interrupt 4 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-49 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x5_02A0 IIVPR5--Internal interrupt 5 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_02B0 IIDR5--Internal interrupt 5 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_02C0 IIVPR6--Internal interrupt 6 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_02D0 IIDR6--Internal interrupt 6 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_02E0 IIVPR7--Internal interrupt 7 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_02F0 IIDR7--Internal interrupt 7 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0300 IIVPR8--Internal interrupt 8 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0310 IIDR8--Internal interrupt 8 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0320 IIVPR9--Internal interrupt 9 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0330 IIDR9--Internal interrupt 9 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0340 IIVPR10--Internal interrupt 10 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0350 IIDR10--Internal interrupt 10 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0360 IIVPR11--Internal interrupt 11 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0370 IIDR11--Internal interrupt 11 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0380 IIVPR12--Internal interrupt 12 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0390 IIDR12--Internal interrupt 12 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_03A0 IIVPR13--Internal interrupt 13 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_03B0 IIDR13--Internal interrupt 13 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_03C0 IIVPR14--Internal interrupt 14 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_03D0 IIDR14--Internal interrupt 14 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_03E0 IIVPR15--Internal interrupt 15 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_03F0 IIDR15--Internal interrupt 15 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0400 IIVPR16--Internal interrupt 16 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0410 IIDR16--Internal interrupt 16 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0420 IIVPR17--Internal interrupt 17 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0430 IIDR17--Internal interrupt 17 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0440 IIVPR18--Internal interrupt 18 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0450 IIDR18--Internal interrupt 18 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0460 IIVPR19--Internal interrupt 19 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0470 IIDR19--Internal interrupt 19 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0480 IIVPR20--Internal interrupt 20 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0490 IIDR20--Internal interrupt 20 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_04A0 IIVPR21--Internal interrupt 21 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_04B0 IIDR21--Internal interrupt 21 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_04C0 IIVPR22--Internal interrupt 22 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_04D0 IIDR22--Internal interrupt 22 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-50 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x5_04E0 IIVPR23--Internal interrupt 23 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_04F0 IIDR23--Internal interrupt 23 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0500 IIVPR24--Internal interrupt 24 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0510 IIDR24--Internal interrupt 24 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0520 IIVPR25--Internal interrupt 25 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0530 IIDR25--Internal interrupt 25 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0540 IIVPR26--Internal interrupt 26 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0550 IIDR26--Internal interrupt 26 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0560 IIVPR27--Internal interrupt 27 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0570 IIDR27--Internal interrupt 27 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0580 IIVPR28--Internal interrupt 28 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0590 IIDR28--Internal interrupt 28 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_05A0 IIVPR29--Internal interrupt 29 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_05B0 IIDR29--Internal interrupt 29 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_05C0 IIVPR30--Internal interrupt 30 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_05D0 IIDR30--Internal interrupt 30 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_05E0 IIVPR31--Internal interrupt 31 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_05F0 IIDR31--Internal interrupt 31 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0600 IIVPR32--Internal interrupt 32 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0610 IIDR32--Internal interrupt 32 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0620 IIVPR33--Internal interrupt 33 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0630 IIDR33--Internal interrupt 33 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0640 IIVPR34--Internal interrupt 34 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0650 IIDR34--Internal interrupt 34 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0660 IIVPR35--Internal interrupt 35 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0670 IIDR35--Internal interrupt 35 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0680 IIVPR36--Internal interrupt 36 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0690 IIDR36--Internal interrupt 36 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_06A0 IIVPR37--Internal interrupt 37 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_06B0 IIDR37--Internal interrupt 37 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_06C0 IIVPR38--Internal interrupt 38 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_06D0 IIDR38--Internal interrupt 38 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_06E0 IIVPR39--Internal interrupt 39 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_06F0 IIDR39--Internal interrupt 39 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0700 IIVPR40--Internal interrupt 40 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0710 IIDR40--Internal interrupt 40 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-51 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x5_0720 IIVPR41--Internal interrupt 41 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0730 IIDR41--Internal interrupt 41 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0740 IIVPR42--Internal interrupt 42 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0750 IIDR42--Internal interrupt 42 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0760 IIVPR43--Internal interrupt 43 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0770 IIDR43--Internal interrupt 43 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0780 IIVPR44--Internal interrupt 44 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0790 IIDR44--Internal interrupt 44 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_07A0 IIVPR45--Internal interrupt 45 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_07B0 IIDR45--Internal interrupt 45 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_07C0 IIVPR46--Internal interrupt 46 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_07D0 IIDR46--Internal interrupt 46 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_07E0 IIVPR47--Internal interrupt 47 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_07F0 IIDR47--Internal interrupt 47 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0800- 0x5_15F0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x5_1600 MIVPR0--Messaging interrupt 0 (MSG 0) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1610 MIDR0--Messaging interrupt 0 (MSG 0) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1620 MIVPR1--Messaging interrupt 1 (MSG 1) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1630 MIDR1--Messaging interrupt 1 (MSG 1) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1640 MIVPR2--Messaging interrupt 2 (MSG 2) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1650 MIDR2--Messaging interrupt 2 (MSG 2) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1660 MIVPR3--Messaging interrupt 3 (MSG 3) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1670 MIDR3--Messaging interrupt 3 (MSG 3) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1680- 0x5_1BF0 Reserved -- -- -- 0x5_1C00 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 0 (MSIVPR0) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C10 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 0 (MSIDR0) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1C20 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 1 (MSIVPR1) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C30 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 1 (MSIDR1) Mixed 0x0000_0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-52 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x5_1C40 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 2 (MSIVPR2) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C50 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 2 (MSIDR2) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1C60 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 3 (MSIVPR3) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C70 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 3 (MSIDR3) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1C80 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 4 (MSIVPR4) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C90 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 4 (MSIDR4) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1CA0 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 5 (MSIVPR5) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1CB0 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 5 (MSIDR5) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1CC0 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 6 (MSIVPR6) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1CD0 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 6 (MSIDR6) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1CE0 Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 7 (MSIVPR7) Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1CF0 Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 7 (MSIDR7) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1D00- 0x5_FFF0 Reserved -- -- -- PIC Register Address Map--Per-CPU Registers 0x6_0000- 0x6_0030 Reserved -- -- -- 0x6_0040 IPIDR0--P0 IPI 0 dispatch register W 0x0000_0000 0x6_0050 IPIDR1--P0 IPI 1 dispatch register 0x6_0060 IPIDR2--P0 IPI 2 dispatch register 0x6_0070 IPIDR3--P0 IPI 3 dispatch register 0x6_0080 CTPR--Current task priority register R/W 0x0000_000F 0x6_0090 WHOAMI--Who am I register R 0x0000_0000 0x6_00A0 IACK--Interrupt acknowledge register R 0x0000_0000 0x6_00B0 EOI--End of interrupt register W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-53 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page RapidIO Registers8 RapidIO Architectural Registers 0xC_0000 Device identity capability register (DIDCAR) R 0x0012_0002 = MPC8548E 0x0013_0002 = MPC8548 0x0014_0002 = MPC8543E 0x0015_0002 = MPC8543 0x0018_0002 = MPC8547E 0x0019_0002 = MPC8545E 0x001A_0002 = MPC8545 0xC_0004 Device information capability register (DICAR) R 0xnnnn_nnnn 0xC_0008 Assembly identity capability register (AIDCAR) R/W 0xnnnn_nnnn 0xC_000C Assembly information capability register (AICAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0010 Processing element features capability register (PEFCAR) R 0xE0F8_00n9 0xC_0018 Source operations capability register (SOCAR) R 0x0600_FCF0 0xC_001C Destination operations capability register (DOCAR) R 0x0000_FCF4 0xC_0040 Mailbox command and status register (MCSR) R 0x2020_0000 0xC_0044 Port -Write and doorbell command and status register (PWDCSR) R 0x2000_0020 0xC_004C Processing element logical layer control command and status register (PELLCCSR) R 0x0000_0001 0xC_005C Local configuration space base address 1 command and status register (LCSBA1CSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0060 Base device ID command and status register (BDIDCSR) R/W 0x00nn_nnnn 0xC_0068 Host base device ID lock command and status register (HBDIDLCSR) Special 0x0000_FFFF 0xC_006C Component tag command and status register (CTCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0x0600_0001 Extended Features Space 1x/4x LP-Serial 0xC_0100 Port maintenance block header 0 (PMBH0) 0xC_0120 Port link time-out control command and status register (PLTOCCSR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 0xC_0124 Port response time-out control command and status register (PRTOCCSR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 0xC_013C General control command and status register (GCCSR) R/W 0xn000_0000 0xC_0140 Link maintenance request command and status register (LMREQCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-54 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page R 0x0000_0000 0xC_0144 Link maintenance response command and status register (LMRESPCSR) 0xC_0148 Local ackID status command and status register (LASCSR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xC_0158 Error and status command and status register (ESCSR) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0xC_015C Control command and status register (CCSR) R/W 0x5060_0001 R 0x0000_0007 0x0_00160- 0x0_053C Reserved Error Reporting, Logical 0xC_0600 Error reporting block header (ERBH) 0xC_0608 Logical/Transport layer error detect command and status register (LTLEDCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_060C Logical/Transport layer error enable command and status register (LTLEECSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0614 Logical/Transport layer address capture command and status register (LTLACCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0618 Logical/Transport layer device ID capture command and status register (LTLDIDCCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_061C Logical/Transport layer control capture command and status register (LTLCCCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 Error Reporting, Physical 0xC_0640 Error detect command and status register (EDCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0644 Error rate enable command and status register (ERECSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0648 Error capture attributes command and status register (ECACSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_064C Packet/control symbol error capture command and status register 0 (PCSECCSR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0650 Packet error capture command and status register 1 (PECCSR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0654 Packet error capture command and status register 2 (PECCSR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0658 Packet error capture command and status register 3 (PECCSR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0668 Error rate command and status register (ERCSR) R/W 0x8000_0000 0xC_066C Error rate threshold command and status register (ERTCSR) R/W 0xFFFF_0000 0xC_0680- 0xC_0E3C Reserved R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_00FF Implementation Space General 0xD_0004 Logical layer configuration register (LLCR) 0xD_0010 Error / port-write interrupt status register (EPWISR) 0xD_0020 Logical retry error threshold configuration register (LRETCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-55 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0xD_0080 Physical retry error threshold configuration register (PRETCR) R/W 0x0000_00FF 0xD_0100 Alternate device ID command and status register (ADIDCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0120 Accept-all configuration register (AACR) R/W 0xn000_000n 0xD_0124 Logical Outbound Packet time-to-live configuration register (LOPTTLCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0130 Implementation error command and status register (IECSR) w1c 0x0000_0000 0xD_0140 Physical configuration register (PCR) R/W 0x0000_8010 0xD_0158 Serial link command and status register (SLCSR) w1c 0x0000_0000 0xD_0160 Serial link error injection configuration register (SLEICR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0180- 0xD_08FC Reserved Revision Control Register 0xD_0BF8 IP Block Revision Register 1 (IPBRR1) R 0x01C0_0000 0xD_0BFC IP Block Revision Register 2 (IPBRR2) R 0x0000_0000 ATMU 0xD_0C00 RapidIO outbound window translation address register 0 (ROWTAR0) R/W 0xFF80_0000 0xD_0C04 RapidIO outbound window translation extended address register 0 (ROWTEAR0) R/W 0x0000_003F 0xD_0C08- 0xD_0C0F Reserved 0xD_0C10 RapidIO outbound window attributes register 0 (ROWAR0) R/W 0x8004_4023 0xD_0C20 RapidIO outbound window translation address register 1 (ROWTAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0C24 RapidIO outbound window translation extended address register 1 (ROWTEAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0C28 RapidIO outbound window base address register 1 (ROWBAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0C30 RapidIO outbound window attributes register 1 (ROWAR1) R/W 0x0004_4023 0xD_0C34 RapidIO outbound window segment 1 register 1 (ROWS1R1) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0C38 RapidIO outbound window segment 2 register 1 (ROWS2R1) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0C3C RapidIO outbound window segment 3 register 1 (ROWS3R1) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0C40- 0xD_0CFC RapidIO outbound window 2 through outbound window 7 0xD_0D00 RapidIO outbound window translation address register 8 (ROWTAR8) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D04 RapidIO outbound window translation extended address register 8 (ROWTEAR8) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D08 RapidIO outbound window base address register 8 (ROWBAR8) R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-56 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0xD_0D10 RapidIO outbound window attributes register 8 (ROWAR8) R/W 0x0004_4023 0xD_0D14 RapidIO outbound window segment 1 register 8 (ROWS1R8) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0D18 RapidIO outbound window segment 2 register 8 (ROWS2R8) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0D1C RapidIO outbound window segment 3 register 8 (ROWS3R8) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0D60 RapidIO Inbound window translation address register 4 (RIWTAR4) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D68 RapidIO Inbound window base address register 4 (RIWBAR4) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D70 RapidIO inbound window attributes register 4 (RIWAR4) R/W 0x0004_4021 0xD_0D80- 0xD_0DBC RapidIO inbound window 3 through inbound window 2 0xD_0DC0 RapidIO inbound window translation address register 1 (RIWTAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0DC8 RapidIO inbound window base address register 1 (RIWBAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0DD0 RapidIO inbound window attributes register 1 (RIWAR1) R/W 0x0004_4021 0xD_0DE0 RapidIO inbound window translation address register 0 (RIWTAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0DF0 RapidIO inbound window attributes register 0 (RIWAR0) Mixed 0x8004_4021 Message Unit RapidIO Outbound Message Unit 0 Registers 0xD_3000 Outbound message 0 mode register (OM0MR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3004 Outbound message 0 status register (OM0SR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD_3008 Extended outbound message 0 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (EOM0DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_300C Outbound message 0 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (OM0DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3010 Extended outbound message 0 source address register (EOM0SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3014 Outbound message 0 source address register (OM0SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3018 Outbound message 0 destination port register (OM0DPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_301C Outbound message 0 destination attributes Register (OM0DATR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3020 Outbound message 0 double-word count register (OM0DCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3024 Extended outbound message 0 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (EOM0DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3028 Outbound message 0 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (OM0DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_302C Outbound message 0 retry error threshold configuration register (OM0RETCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3030 Outbound message 0 multicast group register (OM0MGR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3034 Outbound message 0 multicast list register (OM0MLR) R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-57 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page RapidIO Inbound Message Unit 0 Registers 0xD_3060 Inbound message 0 mode register (IM0MR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3064 Inbound message 0 status register (IM0SR) Mixed 0x0000_0002 0xD_3068 Extended inbound message 0 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (EIM0FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_306C Inbound message 0 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (IM0FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3070 Extended inbound message 0 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (EIM0FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3074 Inbound message 0 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (IM0FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3078 Inbound message 0 maximum interrupt report interval register (IM0MIRIR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 RapidIO Outbound Message Unit 1 Registers 0xD _3100 Outbound message 1 mode register (OM1MR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3104 Outbound message 1 status register (OM1SR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD _3108 Extended outbound message 1 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (EOM1DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _310C Outbound message 1 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (OM1DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3110 Extended outbound message 1 source address register (EOM1SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3114 Outbound message 1 source address register (OM1SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3118 Outbound message 1 destination port register (OM1DPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _311C Outbound message 1 destination attributes register (OM1DATR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3120 Outbound message 1 double-word count register (OM1DCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3124 Extended outbound message 1 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (EOM1DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3128 Outbound message 1 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (OM1DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _312C Outbound message 1 retry error threshold configuration register (OM1RETCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3130 Outbound message 1 multicast group register (OM1MGR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3134 Outbound message 1 multicast list register (OM1MLR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3160 Inbound message 1 mode register (IM1MR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3164 Inbound message 1 status register (IM1SR) Mixed 0x0000_0002 0xD _3168 Extended inbound message 1 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (EIM1FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 RapidIO Inbound Message Unit 1 Registers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-58 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0xD _316C Inbound message 1 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (IM1FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3170 Extended inbound message 1 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (EIM1FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3174 Inbound message 1 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (IM1FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD _3178 Inbound message 1 maximum interrupt report interval register (IM1MIRIR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 RapidIO Doorbell Registers 0xD_3400 Outbound doorbell mode register (ODMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3404 Outbound doorbell status register (ODSR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD_3408- 0xD_3414 Reserved 0xD_3418 Outbound doorbell destination port register (ODDPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_341C Outbound doorbell destination attributes register (ODDATR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3420- 0xD_3428 Reserved 0xD_342C Outbound doorbell retry error threshold configuration register (ODRETCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3430- 0xD_345C Reserved 0xD_3460 Inbound doorbell mode register (IDMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3464 Inbound doorbell status register (IDSR) Mixed 0x0000_0002 0xD_3468 Extended inbound doorbell queue dequeue pointer address register (EIDQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_346C Inbound doorbell queue dequeue Pointer address register (IDQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3470 Extended inbound doorbell queue enqueue pointer address register (EIDQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3474 Inbound doorbell Queue enqueue pointer address register (IDQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3478 Inbound doorbell maximum interrupt report interval register (IDMIRIR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 0xD_347C Reserved 0xD_34E0 Inbound port-write mode register (IPWMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_34E4 Inbound port-write status register (IPWSR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD_34E8 Extended inbound port-write queue base address register (EIPWQBAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_34EC Inbound port-write queue base address register (IPWQBAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 RapidIO Port-Write Registers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-59 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page Global Utilities Registers Power-On Reset Configuration Values 0xE_0000 PORPLLSR--POR PLL ratio status register R 0x00nn_n0nn 0xE_0004 PORBMSR--POR boot mode status register R 0xnnnn_0000 0xE_0008 PORIMPSCR--POR I/O impedance status and control register Mixed 0x000n_007F 0xE_000C PORDEVSR--POR I/O device status register R see ref. 0xE_0010 PORDBGMSR--POR debug mode status register R see ref. 0xE_0014 PORDEVSR2--POR I/O device status register 2 R see ref. 0xE_0020 GPPORCR--General-purpose POR configuration register R see ref. Signal Multiplexing and GPIO Controls 0xE_0030 GPIOCR--GPIO control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0040 GPOUTDR--General-purpose output data register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0050 GPINDR--General-purpose input data register R 0xnnnn_0000 0xE_0060 PMUXCR--Alternate function signal multiplex control R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 Mixed 0x0000_0000 w1c 0x0000_0000 Mixed 0x0000_0000 Device Disables 0xE_0070 DEVDISR--Device disable control Power Management Registers 0xE_0080 POWMGTCSR--Power management status and control register Interrupt and Reset Status and Control 0xE_0090 MCPSUMR--Machine check summary register 0xE_0094 RSTRSCR--Reset request status and control register Version Registers 0xE_00A0 PVR--Processor version register R e500 processor version 0xE_00A4 SVR--System version register R MPC8548E system version Status Registers 0xE_00B0 RSTCR--Reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_00C0 LBCVSELCR--LBC voltage select control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0B20 DDRCSR--DDR calibration status register R 0x0000_0000 0xE_0B24 DDRCDR--DDR control driver register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0B28 DDRCLKDR--DDR clock disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 Debug Control 0xE_0E00 CLKOCR--Clock out control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0F04 SRDSCR0--LSerDes control register 0 R/W 0xnn00_nn00 0xE_0F08 SRDSCR1--LSerDes control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-60 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0xE_0F28 TSEC12IOOVCR--eTSEC 1 & 2 overdrive control register R/W See register 0xE_0F2C TSEC34IOOVCR--eTSEC 3 & 4 overdrive control register R/W See register Performance Monitor Control Registers 0xE_1000 PMGC0--Performance monitor global control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1010 PMLCA0--Performance monitor local control register A0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1014 PMLCB0--Performance monitor local control register B0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1018 PMC0 (lower)--Performance monitor counter 0 upper R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_101C PMC0 (upper)--Performance monitor counter 0 lower R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1020 PMLCA1--Performance monitor local control register A1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1024 PMLCB1--Performance monitor local control register B1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1028 PMC1--Performance monitor counter 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1030 PMLCA2--Performance monitor local control register A2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1034 PMLCB2--Performance monitor local control register B 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1038 PMC2--Performance monitor counter 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1040 PMLCA3--Performance monitor local control register A3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1044 PMLCB3--Performance monitor local control register B3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1048 PMC3--Performance monitor counter 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1050 PMLCA4--Performance monitor local control register A4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1054 PMLCB4--Performance monitor local control register B4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1058 PMC4--Performance monitor counter 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1060 PMLCA5--Performance monitor local control register A5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1064 PMLCB5--Performance monitor local control register B 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1068 PMC5--Performance monitor counter 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1070 PMLCA6--Performance monitor local control register A6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1074 PMLCB6--Performance monitor local control register B6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1078 PMC6--Performance monitor counter 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1080 PMLCA7--Performance monitor local control register A7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1084 PMLCB7--Performance monitor local control register B7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1088 PMC7--Performance monitor counter 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1090 PMLCA8--Performance monitor local control register A8 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1094 PMLCB8--Performance monitor local control register B8 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1098 PMC8--Performance monitor counter 8 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_10A0 PMLCA9--Performance monitor local control register A9 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_10A4 PMLCB9--Performance monitor local control register B9 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_10A8 PMC9--Performance monitor counter 9 R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 2-61 Memory Map Table 2-11. Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page Debug and Watchpoint Monitor Registers Watchpoint Monitor Registers 0xE_2000 WMCR0--Watchpoint monitor control register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2004 WMCR1--Watchpoint monitor control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_200C WMAR--Watchpoint monitor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2014 WMAMR--Watchpoint monitor address mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2018 WMTMR--Watchpoint monitor transaction mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_201C WMSR--Watchpoint monitor status register R/W 0x0000_0000 Trace Buffer Registers 0xE_2040 TBCR0--Trace buffer control register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2044 TBCR1--Trace buffer control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_204C TBAR--Trace buffer address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2054 TBAMR--Trace buffer address mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2058 TBTMR--Trace buffer transaction mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_205C TBSR--Trace buffer status register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2060 TBACR--Trace buffer access control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2064 TBADHR--Trace buffer access data high register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2068 TBADR--Trace buffer access data register R/W 0x0000_0000 Context ID Registers 0xE_20A0 PCIDR--Programmed context ID register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_20A4 CCIDR--Current context ID register R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 Other Registers 0xE_20B0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOSR--Trigger output source register Implementation-dependent reset values are listed in specified section/page. I2C2 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for I2C1 from 0x 0x0_3000 to 0x0_3014, except the offsets are from 0x0_3100 to 0x0_3114. Port size for BR0 is configured from external signals during reset, hence `nn' is either 0x08, 0x10, or 0x18. See Section, "Boot ROM Location," for more information. Cleared on read eTSEC2 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for eTSEC1 from 0x 2_4000 to 0x2_4FFF, except the offsets are from 0x 2_5000 to 0x2_5FFF. eTSEC3 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for eTSEC1 from 0x 2_4000 to 0x2_4FFF, except the offsets are from 0x 2_6000 to 0x2_6FFF. eTSEC4 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for eTSEC1 from 0x 2_4000 to 0x2_4FFF, except the offsets are from 0x 2_7000 to 0x2_7FFF. Serial RapidIO registers: values indicated with n are read from configuration signals at reset; values indicated with X are implementation dependent. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 2-62 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 3 Signal Descriptions This chapter describes the MPC8548E external signals. It is organized into the following sections: * Overview of signals and cross-references for signals that serve multiple functions, including two lists: one by functional block and one alphabetical * List of reset configuration signals * List of output signal states at reset NOTE A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active low, such as IRQ_OUT (interrupt out). Active-low signals are referred to as asserted (active) when they are low and negated when they are high. Signals that are not active low, such as IRQ (interrupt input), are referred to as asserted when they are high and negated when they are low. Internal signals are shown throughout this document as lower case and in italics. For example, sys_logic_clk is an internal signal. These are discussed only as necessary for understanding the external functionality of the device. 3.1 Signals Overview The MPC8548E signals are grouped as follows: * PCI interface signals * I2C interface signals * System control, general-purpose output, power management, and debug signals * Test, JTAG, configuration, and clock signals * PCI Express/serial RapidIO interface signals * eTSEC1-4 interface signals * DDR memory interface signals * Local bus interface signals * DMA interface signals * PIC interface signals * DUART interface signals * Configuration signals Figure 3-1, Figure 3-2, and Figure 3-3 illustrate the external signals of the MPC8548E, showing how the signals are grouped. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for a pinout diagram showing pin numbers and a listing of all the electrical and mechanical specifications. Note that these figures may show multiplexed signals more than once. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-1 Signal Descriptions PCI1_AD[63:48]/PCI2_AD[31:16] PCI1_AD[47:40]/PCI2_AD[15:8] /GPOUT[8:15] PCI1_AD[39:32]/PCI2_AD[7:0] /GPIN[8:15] PCI1_AD[31:0] PCI1_C/BE[7:4]/PCI2_C/BE[3:0] PCI1_C/BE[3:0] PCI1_PAR PCI1_PAR64/PCI2_PAR PCI1_FRAME PCI1_TRDY PCI1_IRDY PCI1_STOP PCI1/PCI-X Interface PCI1_DEVSEL PCI1_IDSEL PCI1_REQ64/PCI2_FRAME /cfg_pci1_width 16 8 8 32 4 16 PCI2_AD[15:8]/PCI1_AD[47:40] /GPOUT[8:15] 8 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 PCI1_ACK64/PCI2_DEVSEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 PCI1_PERR PCI1_SERR PCI1_REQ0 1 PCI1_REQ[1:4] 4 PCI1_GNT0 1 PCI1_GNT1/cfg_pci1_impd PCI2_PAR 1 1 1 PCI2_AD[7:0]/PCI1_AD[39:32] /GPIN[8:15] PCI2_C/BE[3:0] PCI2_FRAME/PCI1_REQ64 /cfg_pci1_width 4 1 PCI2_AD[31:16]/PCI1_AD[63:48] 1 1 1 PCI2_TRDY PCI2_IRDY PCI2_STOP PCI2_DEVSEL/PCI1_ACK64 PCI2 Interface PCI2_PERR PCI2_SERR PCI2_REQ0 PCI2_REQ[1:4] PCI2_GNT0 PCI2_GNT1/cfg_pci2_impd PCI2_GNT2/cfg_pci2_arb PCI2_GNT3/cfg_pci1_clk PCI2_GNT4/cfg_pci2_clk PCI2_CLK 1 PCI1_GNT2/cfg_pci1_arb 1 8 PCI1_GNT3/cfg_pci1_debug 1 PCI1_GNT4/cfg_pci1_mode 1 1 1 1 PCI1_CLK HRESET System Control HRESET_REQ SRESET CKSTP_IN CKSTP_OUT READY/TRIG_OUT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 TRIG_OUT/READY 1 1 MSRCID0/cfg_mem_debug 1 1 MSRCID1/cfg_ddr_debug 1 1 MSRCID[2:4] 3 TRIG_IN Debug 1 MDVAL 1 1 16 16 Power Management ASLEEP 1 2 GPOUT[24:31] Gen. Purpose SYSCLK RTC CLK_OUT Clock LSSD_MODE L1_TSTCLK L2_TSTCLK TEST_SEL (MPC8543E only) /TEST_SEL (MPC8548E, MPC8547E, MPC8545E) THERM[0:1] TCK TDI TDO TMS TRST Test JTAG SD_TX[7:0], SD_TX[[7:0] SD_RX[7:0], SD_RX[7:0] SD_REF_CLK, SD_REF_CLK SerDes Interface Figure 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Groupings (1/3) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-2 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Ethernet EC_GTX_CLK125 EC_MDC/cfg_tsec_1_2_reduce EC_MDIO 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 TSEC2_TXD7/GPOUT0 /cfg_tsec2_prtcl1 TSEC2_TXD[6:5]/GPOUT[1:2] TSEC2_TXD[4:2]/GPOUT[3:5] /cfg_device_ID[7:5] TSEC2_TXD1/GPOUT6 /cfg_dram_type0 TSEC2_TXD0//GPOUT7 /cfg_tsec2_prtcl0 TSEC2_TX_EN eTSEC2 TSEC2_TX_ER/cfg_dram_type1 TSEC2_TX_CLK TSEC2_GTX_CLK TSEC2_CRS TSEC2_COL TSEC2_RXD[7:0]/GPIN[0:7] TSEC2_RX_DV TSEC2_RX_ER TSEC2_RX_CLK 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 TSEC4_TXD2/TSEC3_TXD6 /FIFO3_TXD6/cfg_srds_en TSEC4_TXD[1:0]/TSEC3_TXD[5:4] /FIFO3_TXD[5:4]/cfg_tsec4_prtcl[1:0] eTSEC4 TSEC4_TX_EN /TSEC3_TX_ER/FIFO3_TX_ER TSEC4_GTX_CLK TSEC4_RXD[3:0]/TSEC3_RXD[7:4] /FIFO3_RXD[7:4] 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 4 1 1 1 4 1 TSEC4_RX_CLK/TSEC3_COL /FIFO3_TX_FC 1 PIC Interface 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 I2C IICn_SCL TSEC1_TXD0/cfg_tsec1_prtcl0 TSEC1_TX_EN TSEC1_TX_ER TSEC1_TX_CLK TSEC1_GTX_CLK eTSEC1 TSEC1_CRS TSEC1_COL TSEC1_RXD[7:0] TSEC1_RX_DV TSEC1_RX_ER TSEC1_RX_CLK TSEC3_TXD7/TSEC4_TXD3 /FIFO3_TXD7 TSEC3_TXD6/TSEC4_TXD2 /FIFO3_TXD6 TSEC3_TXD[5:4]/TSEC4_TXD[1:0] /FIFO3_TXD[5:4]/cfg_tsec4_prtcl[1:0] TSEC3_TXD3/FIFO3_TXD3 TSEC3_TXD2/FIFO3_TXD2 /cfg_tsec_3_reduce TSEC3_RXD[7:4]/TSEC4_RXD[3:0] /FIFO3_RXD[7:4] TSEC3_RXD[3:0]/FIFO3_RXD[3:0] eTSEC3 TSEC3_TX_EN/FIFO3_TX_EN TSEC3_TX_ER/TSEC4_TX_EN /FIFO3_TX_ER TSEC3_TX_CLK/FIFO3_TX_CLK TSEC3_GTX_CLK TSEC3_CRS/TSEC4_RX_DV /FIFO3_RX_FC TSEC3_COL/TSEC4_RX_CLK /FIFO3_TX_FC TSEC3_RX_DV/FIFO3_RX_DV TSEC3_RX_ER/FIFO3_RX_ER TSEC3_RX_CLK/FIFO3_RX_CLK 1 1 1 2 2 IICn_SDA TSEC1_TXD[3:1]/cfg_io_ports[0:2] TSEC3_TXD[1:0]//FIFO3_TXD[1:0] /cfg_tsec3_prtcl[1:0] 1 TSEC4_RX_DV/TSEC3_CRS /FIFO3_RX_FC MCP UDE IRQ[0:8] IRQ9/DMA_DREQ3 IRQ10/DMA_DACK3 IRQ11/DMA_DDONE3 IRQ_OUT TSEC1_TXD[6:4]/cfg_rom_loc[0:2] 1 1 TSEC4_TXD3/TSEC3_TXD7 /FIFO3_TXD7 TSEC1_TXD7/cfg_tsec1_prtcl1 2 2 2 2 UART_SIN[0:1] UART_SOUT[0:1] UART_CTS[0:1] UART_RTS[0:1] Dual UART Interface Figure 3-2. MPC8548E Signal Groupings (2/3) (Continued) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-3 Signal Descriptions Memory Interface MDQ[0:63] MECC[0:7] MDM[0:8] MDQS[0:8] MDQS[0:8] MBA[2:0] MA[15:0] MWE MRAS MCAS MCS[0:3] MCKE[0:3] MCK[0:5], MCK[0:5] MODT[0:3] MDIC[0:1] MSRCID0/cfg_mem_debug MSRCID1/cfg_ddr_debug MSRCID[2:4] DMA_DREQ[0:1] DMA_DACK[0:1] DMA_DDONE[0:1] DMA_DREQ2/LCS5 DMA Interface DMA_DACK2/LCS6 DMA_DDONE2/LCS7 DMA_DREQ3/IRQ9 DMA_DACK3/IRQ10 DMA_DDONE3/IRQ11 64 32 8 9 1 9 4 9 1 3 16 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 12 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Local Bus Interface LBCTL/cfg_core_pll0 LALE/cfg_core_pll1 LGPL0/LSDA10/cfg_rio_sys_size LGPL1/LSDWE/cfg_pci2_speed LGPL2/LOE/LSDRAS/cfg_core_pll2 LGPL3/LSDCAS/cfg_boot_seq0 LGPL4/LGTA/LUPWAIT/LPBSE LGPL5/cfg_boot_seq1 LCKE LCLK[0:2] LSYNC_IN, LSYNC_OUT 32 1 1 1 4 1 cfg_mem_debug/MSRCID0 cfg_ddr_debug/MSRCID1 cfg_tsec1_prtcl1/TSEC1_TXD7 cfg_rom_loc[0:2]/TSEC1_TXD[6:4] cfg_io_ports[0:2]/TSEC1_TXD[3:1] cfg_tsec1_prtcl0/TSEC1_TXD0 cfg_tsec_3_reduce /TSEC3_TXD2/FIFO3_TXD2 cfg_tsec3_prtcl[1:0]/TSEC3_TXD[1:0] /FIFO3_TXD[1:0] cfg_pci1_width/PCI2_FRAME/ PCI1_REQ64 cfg_pci2_impd/PCI2_GNT1 Configuration cfg_pci2_arb/PCI2_GNT2 cfg_pci1_clk/PCI2_GNT3 cfg_pci2_clk/PCI2_GNT4 cfg_pci1_impd/PCI1_GNT1 cfg_pci1_arb/PCI1_GNT2 1 cfg_pci1_debug/PCI1_GNT3 1 1 cfg_pci1_speed/LWE0/LSDDQM0/LBS0 cfg_host_agt[0:2]/LWE[1:3]/ LSDDQM[1:3]/LBS[1:3] cfg_core_pll0/LBCTL cfg_core_pll1/LALE cfg_rio_sys_size/LGPL0/LSDA10 cfg_pci2_speed/LGPL1/LSDWE cfg_core_pll2/LGPL2/LOE/LSDRAS cfg_boot_seq0/LGPL3/LSDCAS cfg_boot_seq1/LGPL5 cfg_pci1_width/PCI1_REQ64/ PCI2_FRAME 4 5 cfg_cpu_boot/LA27 cfg_sys_pll[0:3]/LA[28:31] 1 1 LAD[0:31]/cfg_gpinput[0:31] LDP[0:3] LA27/cfg_cpu_boot LA[28:31]/cfg_sys_pll[0:3] LCS[0:4] LCS5/DMA_DREQ2 LCS6/DMA_DACK2 LCS7/DMA_DDONE2 LWE0/LSDDQM0/LBS0/cfg_pci1_speed LWE[1:3]//LSDDQM[]/ LBS[1:3]/cfg_host_agt[0:2] cfg_gpinput[0:31]/LAD[0:31] 1 cfg_pci1_mode/PCI1_GNT4 1 1 1 1 MSRCID1/cfg_ddr_debug 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 cfg_tsec_1_2_reduce/EC_MDC cfg_tsec2_prtcl1/TSEC2_TXD7 /GPOUT0 cfg_device_ID[7:5]/TSEC2_TXD[4:2] /GPOUT[3:5] cfg_dram_type0/TSEC2_TXD1 /GPOUT6 cfg_tsec2_prtcl0/TSEC2_TXD0 /GPOUT7 cfg_dram_type1/TSEC2_TX_ER cfg_tsec4_prtcl[1:0]/TSEC4_TXD[1:0] /TSEC3_TXD[5:4]/FIFO3_TXD[5:4] Figure 3-3. MPC8548E Signal Groupings (3/3) (Continued) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-4 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Note that individual chapters of this document provide details for each signal, describing each signal's behavior when the signal is asserted or negated and when the signal is an input or an output. The following tables provide summaries of signal functions. Table 3-1 provides a summary of the signals grouped by function, and Table 3-2 provides the summary list of the signals grouped alphabetically. These tables detail the signal name, interface, alternate functions, number of signals, and whether the signal is an input, output, or bidirectional. The direction of the multiplexed signals applies for the primary signal function listed in the left-most column of the table for that row (and does not apply for the state of the reset configuration signals). Finally, the table provides a pointer to the table where the signal function is described. NOTE If the MPC8548E is configured to use serial RapidIO, only the PCI1/X interface is available. In this case PCI1/X may still be 64 bits wide. Table 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page MDQ[0:63] DDR data DDR memory -- 64 I/O 9-3/9-6 MECC[0:7] DDR error correcting code DDR memory -- 8 I/O 9-3/9-6 MDM[0:7] DDR data mask DDR memory -- 8 O 9-3/9-6 DDR ECC data mask DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 DDR data strobe DDR memory -- 8 I/O 9-3/9-6 MDQS8 DDR ECC data strobe DDR memory -- 1 I/O 9-3/9-6 MDQS[0:8] DDR ECC data strobe (complement) DDR memory -- 9 I/O 9-3/9-6 MBA[1:0] DDR bank select DDR memory -- 2 O 9-3/9-6 MBA2 DDR bank select DDR memory -- 1 0 9-3/9-6 MA[14:0] DDR address DDR memory -- 15 O 9-3/9-6 MA15 DDR address DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 MWE DDR write enable DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 MRAS DDR row address strobe DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 MCAS DDR column address strobe DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 DDR chip select (2/DIMM) DDR memory -- 4 O 9-3/9-6 MCKE[0:3] DDR clock enable DDR memory -- 4 O 9-4/9-9 MCK[0:5], MCK[0:5] DDR differential clocks (3 pairs/DIMM) DDR memory -- 12 O 9-4/9-9 MODT[0:3] DRAM On-Die Termination DDR memory -- 4 O -- Memory debug source ID Debug/ DDR memory -- 5 O 22-3/22-7 Driver impedance calibration DDR memory -- 2 I/O PCI/X PCI2_AD[31:16] 16 I/O MDM8 MDQS[0:7] MCS[0:3] MSRCID[0:4] MDIC[0:1] PCI1_AD[63:48] PCI address/data 16-2/16-8 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-5 Signal Descriptions Table 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page PCI1_AD[47:40] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI2_AD[15:8] GPOUT[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_AD[39:32] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI2_AD[7:0] GPIN[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_AD[31:0] PCI address/data PCI/X -- 32 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_C/BE[7:4] PCI command/byte enable PCI/X PCI2_C/BE[3:0] 4 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_C/BE[3:0] PCI command/byte enable PCI/X -- 4 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI parity PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_PAR64 PCI parity 64 PCI/X PCI2_PAR 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_FRAME PCI frame PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_TRDY PCI target ready PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_IRDY PCI initiator ready PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_STOP PCI stop PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI device select PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_IDSEL PCI initial device select PCI/X -- 1 I 16-2/16-8 PCI1_REQ64 PCI request 64 PCI/X PCI2_FRAME cfg_pci1_width 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_ACK64 PCI acknowledge 64 PCI/X PCI2_DEVSEL 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_PERR PCI parity error PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_SERR PCI system error PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_REQ0 PCI request 0 PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI request 4-1 PCI/X -- 4 I 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT0 PCI grant 0 PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT1 PCI grant 1 PCI/X cfg_pci1_impd 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT2 PCI grant 2 PCI/X cfg_pci1_arb 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT3 PCI grant 3 PCI/X cfg_pci1_debug 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT4 PCI grant 4 PCI/X cfg_pci1_mode 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI clock PCI/X -- 1 I 16-2/16-8 PCI2_AD[31:16] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI1_AD[63:48] 16 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_AD[15:8] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI1_AD[47:40] GPOUT[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_AD[7:0] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI1_AD[39:32] GPIN[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI command/byte enable PCI/X PCI1_C/BE[7:4] 4 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI parity 64 PCI/X PCI1_PAR64 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PC1I_PAR PCI1_DEVSEL PCI1_REQ[4:1] PCI1_CLK PCI2_C/BE[3:0] PCI2_PAR PCI2_TRDY PCI target ready PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_IRDY PCI initiator ready PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-6 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Table 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page PCI2_FRAME PCI request 64 PCI PCI1_REQ64 cfg_pci1_width 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_DEVSEL PCI acknowledge 64 PCI PCI1_ACK64 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_STOP PCI stop PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_PERR PCI parity error PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_SERR PCI system error PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_REQ0 PCI request 0 PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI request 4-1 PCI -- 4 I 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT0 PCI grant 0 PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT1 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci2_impd 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT2 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci2_arb 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT3 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci1_clk 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT4 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci2_clk 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI clock PCI -- 1 I 16-2/16-8 Gigabit reference clock Gigabit clock -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 EC_MDC Ethernet management data clock Ethernet management cfg_tsec_1_2_reduce 1 O 14-2/14-8 EC_MDIO Ethernet management data in/out Ethernet management -- 1 I/O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1 transmit data 7 TSEC1 cfg_tsec1_prtcl[1] 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TXD[6:4] TSEC1 transmit data 6-4 TSEC1 cfg_rom_loc[0:2] 3 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TXD[3:1] TSEC1 transmit data 3-1 TSEC1 cfg_io_ports[0:2] 3 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TXD0 TSEC1 transmit data 0 TSEC1 cfg_tsec1_prtcl[0] 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TX_EN TSEC1 transmit enable TSEC1 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TX_ER TSEC1 transmit error TSEC1 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TX_CLK TSEC1 transmit clock in TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 PCI2_REQ[4:1] PCI2_CLK EC_GTX_CLK125 TSEC1_TXD7 TSEC1_GTX_CLK TSEC1 transmit clock out TSEC1_CRS TSEC1 carrier sense TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_COL TSEC1 collision detect TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1 receive data TSEC1 -- 8 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_RX_DV TSEC1 receive data valid TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_RX_ER TSEC1 receiver error TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_RX_CLK TSEC1 receive clock TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2 transmit data 7 TSEC2 cfg_tsec2_prtcl[1] GPOUT0 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2 transmit data 6-5 TSEC2 GPOUT[1:2] 2 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_RXD[7:0] TSEC2_TXD7 TSEC2_TXD[6:5] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-7 Signal Descriptions Table 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block (continued) Name Description TSEC2_TXD[4:2] Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page TSEC2 transmit data 4-2 TSEC2 cfg_device_ID[7:5] GPOUT[3:5] 3 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TXD1 TSEC2 transmit data 1 TSEC2 cfg_dram_type0 GPOUT6 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TXD0 TSEC2 transmit data 0 TSEC2 cfg_tsec2_prtcl[0] GPOUT7 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TX_EN TSEC2 transmit enable TSEC2 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TX_ER TSEC2 transmit error TSEC2 cfg_dram_type1 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TX_CLK TSEC2 transmit clock in TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_GTX_CLK TSEC2 transmit clock out TSEC2_CRS TSEC2 carrier sense TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_COL TSEC2 collision detect TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2 receive data TSEC2 GPIN[0:7] 8 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_RX_DV TSEC2 receive data valid TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_RX_ER TSEC2 receive error TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_RX_CLK TSEC2 receive clock TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_TXD3 TSEC3 transmit data 3 TSEC3 FIFO3_TXD3 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_TXD2 TSEC3 transmit data 2 TSEC3 FIFO3_TXD2 cfg_tsec_3_reduce 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3 transmit data 1-0 TSEC3 FIFO3_TXD[1:0] cfg_tsec3_prtcl[1:0] 2 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_TX_EN TSEC3 transmit enable TSEC3 FIFO3_TX_EN 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_TX_CLK TSEC3 transmit clock in TSEC3 FIFO3_TX_CLK 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_GTX_CLK TSEC3 transmit clock out TSEC3 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_RXD[3:0] TSEC3 receive data 3-0 TSEC3 FIFO3_RXD[3:0] 4 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_RX_DV TSEC3 receive data valid TSEC3 FIFO3_RX_DV 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_RX_ER TSEC3 receive error TSEC3 FIFO3_RX_ER 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_RX_CLK TSEC3 receive clock TSEC3 FIFO3_RXCLK 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_TXD[3]/ TSEC3_TXD[7] TSEC4 transmit data 3/ TSEC3 transmit data 7 TSEC4 FIFO3_TXD7 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_TXD[2]/ TSEC3_TXD[6] TSEC4 transmit data 2/ TSEC3 transmit data 6 TSEC4 FIFO3_TXD6 cfg_srds_en 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4 transmit data 1-0/ TSEC3 transmit data 5-4 TSEC4 FIFO3_TXD[5:4] cfg_tsec3_prtcl[1:0] 2 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4 transmit enable/ TSEC3 transmit error TSEC4 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_RXD[7:0] TSEC3_TXD[1:0] TSEC4_TXD[1:0]/ TSEC3_TXD[5:4] TSEC4_TX_EN/ TSEC3_TX_ER TSEC4_GTX_CLK TSEC4 transmit clock out MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-8 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Table 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page TSEC4_RXD[3:0]/ TSEC3_RXD[7:4] TSEC4 receive data 3-0/ TSEC3 receive data 7-4 TSEC4 FIFO3_RXD[7:4] 4 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_RX_DV/ TSEC3_CRS TSEC4 receive data valid/ TSEC3 carrier sense TSEC4 FIFO3_RX_FC 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_RX_CLK/ TSEC3_COL TSEC4 receive clock/ TSEC3 collision detect TSEC4 FIFO3_TX_FC 1 I 14-2/14-8 LAD[0:31] Local bus address/data LBC cfg_gpinput[0:31] 32 I/O 13-2/13-5 LDP[0:3] Local bus data parity LBC -- 4 I/O 13-2/13-5 LA27 Local bus burst address LBC cfg_cpu_boot 1 O 13-2/13-5 LA[28:31] Local bus port address LBC cfg_sys_pll[0:3] 4 O 13-2/13-5 LCS[0:4] Local bus chip select 0-4 LBC -- 5 O 13-2/13-5 LCS5 Local bus chip select 5 LBC DMA_DREQ2 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCS6 Local bus chip select 6 LBC DMA_DACK2 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCS7 Local bus chip select 7 LBC DMA_DDONE2 1 O 13-2/13-5 LWE0/LSDDQM0/ LBS0 Local bus write enable/data mask/byte select 0 LBC cfg_pci1_speed 1 O 13-2/13-5 LWE[1:3]/ LSDDQM[1:3]/ LBS[1:3] Local bus write enable/data mask/byte select 1-3 LBC cfg_host_agt[0:2] 3 O 13-2/13-5 LBCTL Local bus data buffer control LBC cfg_core_pll0 1 O 13-2/13-5 Local bus address latch enable LBC cfg_core_pll1 1 O 13-2/13-5 LGPL0/LSDA10 Local bus UPM general purpose line 0/SDRAM address bit 10 LBC cfg_rio_sys_size 1 O 13-2/13-5 LGPL1/LSDWE Local bus GP line 1/SDRAM write enable LBC cfg_pci2_speed 1 O 13-2/13-5 Local bus GP line 2/output enable/SDRAM RAS LBC cfg_core_pll2 1 O 13-2/13-5 LGPL3/LSDCAS Local bus GP line 3/SDRAM CAS LBC cfg_boot_seq0 1 O 13-2/13-5 LGPL4/LGTA/ LUPWAIT/LPBSE Local bus GP line 4/GPCM terminate access/UPM wait/parity byte select LBC -- 1 I/O 13-2/13-5 LGPL5 Local bus GP line 5 address LBC cfg_boot_seq1 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCKE Local bus clock enable LBC -- 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCLK[0:2] Local bus clock LBC -- 3 O 13-2/13-5 LSYNC_IN Local bus PLL synchronization LBC -- 1 I 13-2/13-5 LSYNC_OUT Local bus PLL synchronization LBC -- 1 O 13-2/13-5 DMA request 0-1 DMA -- 2 I 15-3/15-6 LALE LGPL2/LOE/ LSDRAS DMA_DREQ[0:1] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-9 Signal Descriptions Table 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page DMA_DREQ2 DMA request 2 DMA LCS5 1 I 15-3/15-6 DMA_DREQ3 DMA request 3 DMA IRQ9 1 I 15-3/15-6 DMA acknowledge 0-1 DMA -- 2 O 15-3/15-6 DMA_DACK2 DMA acknowledge 2 DMA LCS6 1 O 15-3/15-6 DMA_DACK3 DMA acknowledge 3 DMA IRQ10 1 O 15-3/15-6 DMA -- 2 O 15-3/15-6 DMA_DACK[0:1] DMA_DDONE[0:1] DMA done 0-1 DMA_DDONE2 DMA done 2 DMA LCS7 1 O 15-3/15-6 DMA_DDONE3 DMA done 3 DMA IRQ11 1 O 15-3/15-6 MCP Machine check processor PIC -- 1 I 10-5/10-6 UDE Unconditional debug event PIC -- 1 I 10-5/10-6 External interrupt 0-8 PIC -- 9 I 10-5/10-6 IRQ9 External interrupt 9 PIC DMA_DREQ3 1 I 10-5/10-6 IRQ10 External interrupt 10 PIC DMA_DACK3 1 I 10-5/10-6 IRQ11 External interrupt 11 PIC DMA_DDONE3 1 I 10-5/10-6 Interrupt output PIC -- 1 O 10-5/10-6 DUART serial data in Dual UART -- 2 I 12-2/12-3 UART_SOUT[0:1] DUART serial data out Dual UART -- 2 O 12-2/12-3 UART_CTS[0:1] DUART clear to send Dual UART -- 2 I 12-2/12-3 UART_RTS[0:1] DUART ready to send Dual UART -- 2 O 12-2/12-3 serial data I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 serial clock I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 serial data I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 IRQ[0:8] IRQ_OUT UART_SIN[0:1] IIC1_SDA I2C IIC1_SCL I 2C IIC2_SDA I 2C IIC2_SCL I2C serial clock SD_RX[7:0] Receive data PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 I 18-2/18-5 SD_RX[7:0] Receive data (complement) PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 I 18-2/18-5 SD_TX[7:0] Transmit data PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 O 18-2/18-5 SD_TX[7:0] Transmit data (complement) PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 O 18-2/18-5 SD_TX[7:4] Transmit data SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 O 17.4/17-3 SD_TX[7:4] Transmit data (complement) SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 O 17.4/17-3 SD_RX[7:4] Receive data SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 I 17.4/17-3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-10 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Table 3-1. MPC8548E Signal Reference by Functional Block (continued) Name SD_RX[7:4] HRESET HRESET_REQ SRESET CKSTP_IN CKSTP_OUT GPOUT[24:31] Description Receive data (complement) Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 I 17.4/17-3 Hard reset System control -- 1 I 4-2/4-2 Hard reset request System control -- 1 O 4-2/4-2 Soft reset System control -- 1 I 4-2/4-2 Checkstop in System control -- 1 I 20-2/20-2 Checkstop out System control -- 1 O 20-2/20-2 Generalpurpose outputs -- 8 O 20-2/20-2 System control TRIG_OUT 1 O 4-2/4-2 Power mgmt -- 1 O 20-2/20-2 General-purpose output READY Device ready ASLEEP Asleep TRIG_IN Watchpoint trigger in Debug -- 1 I 22-4/22-8 TRIG_OUT Watchpoint trigger out Debug READY 1 O 22-4/22-8 MSRCID0 Memory debug source port ID 0 Debug cfg_mem_debug 1 O 22-3/22-7 MSRCID1 Memory debug source port ID 1 Debug cfg_ddr_debug 1 O 22-3/22-7 MSRCID[2:4] Memory debug source port ID 2-4 Debug -- 3 O 22-3/22-7 Memory debug data valid Debug -- 1 O 22-3/22-7 MDVAL LSSD_MODE LSSD mode Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 L1_TSTCLK L1 test clock Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 L2_TSTCLK L2 test clock Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 TEST_SEL (MPC8548E, MPC8547E, MPC8545E) Test select Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 Thermal resistor access Test -- 2 I 22-5/22-8 TCK Test clock JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 TDI Test data in JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 TDO Test data out JTAG -- 1 O 22-5/22-8 TMS Test mode select JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 TRST Test reset JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 System clock/PCI clock Clock -- 1 I 4-3/4-3 Real time clock Clock -- 1 I 4-3/4-3 Clock out Clock -- 1 O 20-2/20-2 TEST_SEL (MPC8543E) THERM[0:1] SYSCLK RTC CLK_OUT MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-11 Signal Descriptions Table 3-2. MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference Functional Block Alternate Function(s) Power mgmt -- 1 O 20-2/20-2 Checkstop in System control -- 1 I 20-2/20-2 Checkstop out System control -- 1 O 20-2/20-2 Clock out Clock -- 1 O 20-2/20-2 DMA acknowledge 0-1 DMA -- 2 O 15-3/15-6 DMA_DACK2 DMA acknowledge 2 DMA LCS6 1 O 15-3/15-6 DMA_DACK3 DMA acknowledge 3 DMA IRQ10 1 O 15-3/15-6 DMA -- 2 O 15-3/15-6 Name ASLEEP CKSTP_IN CKSTP_OUT CLK_OUT DMA_DACK[0:1] Description Asleep DMA_DDONE[0:1] DMA done 0-1 No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page DMA_DDONE2 DMA done 2 DMA LCS7 1 O 15-3/15-6 DMA_DDONE3 DMA done 3 DMA IRQ11 1 O 15-3/15-6 DMA request 0-1 DMA -- 2 I 15-3/15-6 DMA_DREQ2 DMA request 2 DMA LCS5 1 I 15-3/15-6 DMA_DREQ3 DMA request 3 DMA IRQ9 1 I 15-3/15-6 Gigabit reference clock Gigabit clock -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 EC_MDC Ethernet management data clock Ethernet management cfg_tsec_1_2_reduce 1 O 14-2/14-8 EC_MDIO Ethernet management data in/out Ethernet management -- 1 I/O 14-2/14-8 General-purpose output Generalpurpose outputs -- 8 O 20-2/20-2 Hard reset System control -- 1 I 4-2/4-2 Hard reset request System control -- 1 O 4-2/4-2 serial clock I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 serial data I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 serial clock I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 serial data I2C -- 1 I/O 11-2/11-4 External interrupt 0-8 PIC -- 9 I 10-5/10-6 Interrupt output PIC -- 1 O 10-5/10-6 IRQ10 External interrupt 10 PIC DMA_DACK3 1 I 10-5/10-6 IRQ11 External interrupt 11 PIC DMA_DDONE3 1 I 10-5/10-6 IRQ9 External interrupt 9 PIC DMA_DREQ3 1 I 10-5/10-6 L1_TSTCLK L1 test clock Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 L2_TSTCLK L2 test clock Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 LA[28:31] Local bus port address LBC cfg_sys_pll[0:3] 4 O 13-2/13-5 LA27 Local bus burst address LBC cfg_cpu_boot 1 O 13-2/13-5 LAD[0:31] Local bus address/data LBC cfg_gpinput[0:31] 32 I/O 13-2/13-5 DMA_DREQ[0:1] EC_GTX_CLK125 GPOUT[24:31] HRESET HRESET_REQ IIC1_SCL I2C IIC1_SDA 2C IIC2_SCL IIC2_SDA IRQ[0:8] IRQ_OUT I 2C I 2C I MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-12 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Table 3-2. MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) LALE Local bus address latch enable LBC cfg_core_pll1 1 O 13-2/13-5 LBCTL Local bus data buffer control LBC cfg_core_pll0 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCKE Local bus clock enable LBC -- 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCLK[0:2] Local bus clock LBC -- 3 O 13-2/13-5 LCS[0:4] Local bus chip select 0-4 LBC -- 5 O 13-2/13-5 LCS5 Local bus chip select 5 LBC DMA_DREQ2 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCS6 Local bus chip select 6 LBC DMA_DACK2 1 O 13-2/13-5 LCS7 Local bus chip select 7 LBC DMA_DDONE2 1 O 13-2/13-5 Local bus data parity LBC -- 4 I/O 13-2/13-5 LGPL0/LSDA10 Local bus UPM general purpose line 0/SDRAM address bit 10 LBC cfg_rio_sys_size 1 O 13-2/13-5 LGPL1/LSDWE Local bus GP line 1/SDRAM write enable LBC cfg_pci2_speed 1 O 13-2/13-5 Local bus GP line 2/output enable/SDRAM RAS LBC cfg_core_pll2 1 O 13-2/13-5 LGPL3/LSDCAS Local bus GP line 3/SDRAM CAS LBC cfg_boot_seq0 1 O 13-2/13-5 LGPL4/LGTA/ LUPWAIT/LPBSE Local bus GP line 4/GPCM terminate access/UPM wait/parity byte select LBC -- 1 I/O 13-2/13-5 LGPL5 Local bus GP line 5 address LBC cfg_boot_seq1 1 O 13-2/13-5 LSSD mode Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 LSYNC_IN Local bus PLL synchronization LBC -- 1 I 13-2/13-5 LSYNC_OUT Local bus PLL synchronization LBC -- 1 O 13-2/13-5 LWE[1:3]/ LSDDQM[1:3]/ LBS[1:3] Local bus write enable/data mask/byte select 1-3 LBC cfg_host_agt[0:2] 3 O 13-2/13-5 LWE0/LSDDQM0/ LBS0 Local bus write enable/data mask/byte select 0 LBC cfg_pci1_speed 1 O 13-2/13-5 LDP[0:3] LGPL2/LOE/ LSDRAS LSSD_MODE No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page MA[14:0] DDR address DDR memory -- 15 O 9-3/9-6 MA15 DDR address DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 MBA[1:0] DDR bank select DDR memory -- 2 O 9-3/9-6 MBA2 DDR bank select DDR memory -- 1 0 9-3/9-6 MCAS DDR column address strobe DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 MCK[0:5], MCK[0:5] DDR differential clocks (3 pairs/DIMM) DDR memory -- 12 O 9-4/9-9 MCKE[0:3] DDR clock enable DDR memory -- 4 O 9-4/9-9 PIC -- 1 I 10-5/10-6 MCP Machine check processor MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-13 Signal Descriptions Table 3-2. MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page MCS[0:3] DDR chip select (2/DIMM) DDR memory -- 4 O MDIC[0:1] Driver impedance calibration DDR memory -- 2 I/O MDM[0:7] DDR data mask DDR memory -- 8 O 9-3/9-6 DDR ECC data mask DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 MDQ[0:63] DDR data DDR memory -- 64 I/O 9-3/9-6 MDQS[0:7] DDR data strobe DDR memory -- 8 I/O 9-3/9-6 MDQS[0:8] DDR ECC data strobe (complement) DDR memory -- 9 I/O 9-3/9-6 MDQS8 DDR ECC data strobe DDR memory -- 1 I/O 9-3/9-6 MDVAL Memory debug data valid Debug -- 1 O 22-3/22-7 MECC[0:7] DDR error correcting code DDR memory -- 8 I/O 9-3/9-6 MODT[0:3] DRAM On-Die Termination DDR memory -- 4 O -- MRAS DDR row address strobe DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 MSRCID[0:4] Memory debug source ID Debug/ DDR memory -- 5 O 22-3/22-7 MSRCID[2:4] Memory debug source port ID 2-4 Debug -- 3 O 22-3/22-7 MSRCID0 Memory debug source port ID 0 Debug cfg_mem_debug 1 O 22-3/22-7 MSRCID1 Memory debug source port ID 1 Debug cfg_ddr_debug 1 O 22-3/22-7 DDR memory -- 1 O 9-3/9-6 PCI parity PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI acknowledge 64 PCI/X PCI2_DEVSEL 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_AD[31:0] PCI address/data PCI/X -- 32 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_AD[39:32] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI2_AD[7:0] GPIN[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_AD[47:40] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI2_AD[15:8] GPOUT[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_AD[63:48] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI2_AD[31:16] 16 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_C/BE[3:0] PCI command/byte enable PCI/X -- 4 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_C/BE[7:4] PCI command/byte enable PCI/X PCI2_C/BE[3:0] 4 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI clock PCI/X -- 1 I 16-2/16-8 PCI1_DEVSEL PCI device select PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_FRAME PCI frame PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT0 PCI grant 0 PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT1 PCI grant 1 PCI/X cfg_pci1_impd 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT2 PCI grant 2 PCI/X cfg_pci1_arb 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_GNT3 PCI grant 3 PCI/X cfg_pci1_debug 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 MDM8 MWE PC1I_PAR PCI1_ACK64 PCI1_CLK DDR write enable 9-3/9-6 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-14 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Table 3-2. MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page PCI1_GNT4 PCI grant 4 PCI/X cfg_pci1_mode 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_IDSEL PCI initial device select PCI/X -- 1 I 16-2/16-8 PCI initiator ready PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_PAR64 PCI parity 64 PCI/X PCI2_PAR 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_PERR PCI parity error PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_REQ[4:1] PCI request 4-1 PCI/X -- 4 I 16-2/16-8 PCI1_REQ0 PCI request 0 PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_REQ64 PCI request 64 PCI/X PCI2_FRAME cfg_pci1_width 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_SERR PCI system error PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_STOP PCI stop PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI1_TRDY PCI target ready PCI/X -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_AD[15:8] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI1_AD[47:40] GPOUT[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_AD[31:16] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI1_AD[63:48] 16 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_AD[7:0] PCI address/data PCI/X PCI1_AD[39:32] GPIN[8:15] 8 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI command/byte enable PCI/X PCI1_C/BE[7:4] 4 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI -- 1 I 16-2/16-8 PCI1_IRDY PCI2_C/BE[3:0] PCI2_CLK PCI clock PCI2_DEVSEL PCI acknowledge 64 PCI/X PCI1_ACK64 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_FRAME PCI request 64 PCI/X PCI1_REQ64 cfg_pci1_width 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT0 PCI grant 0 PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT1 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci2_impd 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT2 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci2_arb 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT3 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci1_clk 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_GNT4 PCI grant 4-1 PCI cfg_pci2_clk 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_IRDY PCI initiator ready PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_PAR PCI parity 64 PCI/X PCI1_PAR64 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_PERR PCI parity error PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_REQ[4:1] PCI request 4-1 PCI -- 4 I 16-2/16-8 PCI2_REQ0 PCI request 0 PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_SERR PCI system error PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_STOP PCI stop PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 PCI2_TRDY PCI target ready PCI -- 1 I/O 16-2/16-8 System control TRIG_OUT 1 O 4-2/4-2 READY Device ready MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-15 Signal Descriptions Table 3-2. MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference (continued) Name RTC Description Real time clock Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page Clock -- 1 I 4-3/4-3 SD_RX[7:0] Receive data PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 I 18-2/18-5 SD_RX[7:0] Receive data (complement) PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 I 18-2/18-5 SD_RX[7:4] Receive data SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 I 17.4/17-3 SD_RX[7:4] Receive data (complement) SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 I 17.4/17-3 SD_TX[7:0] Transmit data PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 O 18-2/18-5 SD_TX[7:0] Transmit data (complement) PCI Express Multiplexed with Serial RapidIO 8 O 18-2/18-5 SD_TX[7:4] Transmit data SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 O 17.4/17-3 SD_TX[7:4] Transmit data (complement) SRIO Multiplexed with PCI Express 4 O 17.4/17-3 System control -- 1 I 4-2/4-2 SRESET Soft reset SYSCLK System clock/PCI clock Clock -- 1 I 4-3/4-3 TCK Test clock JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 TDI Test data in JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 TDO Test data out JTAG -- 1 O 22-5/22-8 Test select Test -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 Thermal resistor access Test -- 2 I 22-5/22-8 Test mode select JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 Watchpoint trigger in Debug -- 1 I 22-4/22-8 Watchpoint trigger out Debug READY 1 O 22-4/22-8 Test reset JTAG -- 1 I 22-5/22-8 TEST_SEL (MPC8548E, MPC8547E, MPC8545E) TEST_SEL (MPC8543E) THERM[0:1] TMS TRIG_IN TRIG_OUT TRST TSEC1_COL TSEC1 collision detect TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_CRS TSEC1 carrier sense TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1 receive clock TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_RX_DV TSEC1 receive data valid TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_RX_ER TSEC1 receiver error TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_GTX_CLK TSEC1 transmit clock out TSEC1_RX_CLK MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-16 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Table 3-2. MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page TSEC1_RXD[7:0] TSEC1 receive data TSEC1 -- 8 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TX_CLK TSEC1 transmit clock in TSEC1 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TX_EN TSEC1 transmit enable TSEC1 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TX_ER TSEC1 transmit error TSEC1 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TXD[3:1] TSEC1 transmit data 3-1 TSEC1 cfg_io_ports[0:2] 3 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TXD[6:4] TSEC1 transmit data 6-4 TSEC1 cfg_rom_loc[0:2] 3 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TXD0 TSEC1 transmit data 0 TSEC1 cfg_tsec1_prtcl[0] 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC1_TXD7 TSEC1 transmit data 7 TSEC1 cfg_tsec1_prtcl[1] 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_COL TSEC2 collision detect TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_CRS TSEC2 carrier sense TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2 receive clock TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_RX_DV TSEC2 receive data valid TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_RX_ER TSEC2 receive error TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_RXD[7:0] TSEC2 receive data TSEC2 GPIN[0:7] 8 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TX_CLK TSEC2 transmit clock in TSEC2 -- 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TX_EN TSEC2 transmit enable TSEC2 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TX_ER TSEC2 transmit error TSEC2 cfg_dram_type1 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TXD[4:2] TSEC2 transmit data 4-2 TSEC2 cfg_device_ID[7:5] GPOUT[3:5] 3 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TXD[6:5] TSEC2 transmit data 6-5 TSEC2 GPOUT[1:2] 2 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TXD0 TSEC2 transmit data 0 TSEC2 cfg_tsec2_prtcl[0] GPOUT7 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TXD1 TSEC2 transmit data 1 TSEC2 cfg_dram_type0 GPOUT6 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_TXD7 TSEC2 transmit data 7 TSEC2 cfg_tsec2_prtcl[1] GPOUT0 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3 receive clock TSEC3 FIFO3_RXCLK 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_RX_DV TSEC3 receive data valid TSEC3 FIFO3_RX_DV 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_RX_ER TSEC3 receive error TSEC3 FIFO3_RX_ER 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_RXD[3:0] TSEC3 receive data 3-0 TSEC3 FIFO3_RXD[3:0] 4 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_TX_CLK TSEC3 transmit clock in TSEC3 FIFO3_TX_CLK 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_TX_EN TSEC3 transmit enable TSEC3 FIFO3_TX_EN 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3 transmit data 1-0 TSEC3 FIFO3_TXD[1:0] cfg_tsec3_prtcl[1:0] 2 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC2_GTX_CLK TSEC2 transmit clock out TSEC2_RX_CLK TSEC3_GTX_CLK TSEC3 transmit clock out TSEC3_RX_CLK TSEC3_TXD[1:0] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-17 Signal Descriptions Table 3-2. MPC8548E Alphabetical Signal Reference (continued) Name Description Functional Block Alternate Function(s) No. of I/O Signals Table/ Page TSEC3_TXD2 TSEC3 transmit data 2 TSEC3 FIFO3_TXD2 cfg_tsec_3_reduce 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC3_TXD3 TSEC3 transmit data 3 TSEC3 FIFO3_TXD3 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_GTX_CLK TSEC4 transmit clock out TSEC4 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_RX_CLK/ TSEC3_COL TSEC4 receive clock/ TSEC3 collision detect TSEC4 FIFO3_TX_FC 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_RX_DV/ TSEC3_CRS TSEC4 receive data valid/ TSEC3 carrier sense TSEC4 FIFO3_RX_FC 1 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_RXD[3:0]/ TSEC3_RXD[7:4] TSEC4 receive data 3-0/ TSEC3 receive data 7-4 TSEC4 FIFO3_RXD[7:4] 4 I 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_TX_EN/ TSEC3_TX_ER TSEC4 transmit enable/ TSEC3 transmit error TSEC4 -- 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4 transmit data 1-0/ TSEC3 transmit data 5-4 TSEC4 FIFO3_TXD[5:4] cfg_tsec3_prtcl[1:0] 2 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_TXD[2]/ TSEC3_TXD[6] TSEC4 transmit data 2/ TSEC3 transmit data 6 TSEC4 FIFO3_TXD6 cfg_srds_en 1 O 14-2/14-8 TSEC4_TXD[3]/ TSEC3_TXD[7] TSEC4 transmit data 3/ TSEC3 transmit data 7 TSEC4 FIFO3_TXD7 1 O 14-2/14-8 UART_CTS[0:1] DUART clear to send Dual UART -- 2 I 12-2/12-3 UART_RTS[0:1] DUART ready to send Dual UART -- 2 O 12-2/12-3 UART_SIN[0:1] DUART serial data in Dual UART -- 2 I 12-2/12-3 DUART serial data out Dual UART -- 2 O 12-2/12-3 PIC -- 1 I 10-5/10-6 TSEC4_TXD[1:0]/ TSEC3_TXD[5:4] UART_SOUT[0:1] UDE 3.2 Unconditional debug event Configuration Signals Sampled at Reset The signals that serve alternate functions as configuration input signals during system reset are summarized in Table 3-3. The detailed interpretation of their voltage levels during reset is described in Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization." Note that throughout this document, the reset configuration signals are described as being sampled at the negation of HRESET. However, there is a setup and hold time for these signals relative to the rising edge of HRESET, as described in the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications. Note that the PLL configuration signals have different setup and hold time requirements than the other reset configuration signals. The reset configuration signals are multiplexed with other functional signals. The values on these signals during reset are interpreted to be logic one or zero, regardless of whether the functional signal name is defined as active-low. Most of the reset configuration signals have internal pull-up resistors so that if the signals are not driven, the default value is high (a one), as shown in the table. Some signals do not have pull-up resistors and must be driven high or low during the reset period. For details about all the signals that require external pull-up resistors, see the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-18 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Note that the multiplexing of various signals on the MPC8548E is controlled by the PMUXCR register described in Chapter 20, "Global Utilities." Table 3-3. MPC8548E Reset Configuration Signals Functional Interface PCI Ethernet Management TSEC1 TSEC2 TSEC3 TSEC4 Reset Configuration Name Default PCI1_REQ64/PCI2_FRAME cfg_pci1_width 1 PCI1_GNT4 cfg_pci1_mode 1 PCI1_GNT3 cfg_pci1_debug 1 PCI1_GNT2 cfg_pci1_arb 1 PCI1_GNT1 cfg_pci1_impd 1 PCI2_GNT4 cfg_pci2_clk 1 PCI2_GNT3 cfg_pci1_clk 1 PCI2_GNT2 cfg_pci2_arb 1 PCI2_GNT1 cfg_pci2_impd 1 cfg_tsec_1_2_reduce 1 TSEC1_TXD7 cfg_tsec1_prtcl[1] 1 TSEC1_TXD0 cfg_tsec1_prtcl[0] 1 TSEC1_TXD[6:4] cfg_rom_loc[0:2] 111 TSEC1_TXD[3:1] cfg_io_ports[0:2] 111 TSEC2_TXD7 cfg_tsec2_prtcl[1] 1 TSEC2_TXD0 cfg_tsec2_prtcl[0] TSEC2_TXD[4:2] cfg_device_ID[7:5] 111 TSEC2_TXD1 cfg_dram_type[0] 1 TSEC2_TX_ER cfg_dram_type[1] 1 TSEC3_TXD2 cfg_tsec_3_reduce 1 TSEC3_TXD[1:0] cfg_tsec3_prtcl[1:0] 11 TSEC4_TXD[1:0] cfg_tsec4_prtcl[1:0] 11 cfg_srds_en 1 Functional Signal Name EC_MDC TSEC4_TXD2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-19 Signal Descriptions Table 3-3. MPC8548E Reset Configuration Signals (continued) Functional Interface LBC Functional Signal Name Reset Configuration Name LAD[0:31] cfg_gpinput[0:31] Indeterminate if not driven (no default) cfg_cpu_boot 1 cfg_sys_pll[0:3] Must be driven cfg_host_agt[0:2] 111 LBCTL cfg_core_pll0 Must be driven LALE cfg_core_pll1 Must be driven LGPL2/LOE/LSDRAS cfg_core_pll2 Must be driven LGPL0/LSDA10 cfg_rio_sys_size 1 LWE0/LSDDQM0/LBS0 cfg_pci1_speed 1 LGPL1/LSDWE cfg_pci2_speed 1 LGPL3/LSDCAS cfg_boot_seq0 1 LGPL5 cfg_boot_seq1 1 MSRCID0 cfg_mem_debug 1 MSRCID1 cfg_ddr_debug 1 LA27 LA[28:31] LWE[1:3]/LSDDQM[1:3]/LBS[1:3] Debug 3.3 Default Output Signal States During Reset When a system reset is recognized (HRESET is asserted), the MPC8548E aborts all current internal and external transactions and releases all bidirectional I/O signals to a high-impedance state. See Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," for a complete description of the reset functionality. During reset, the MPC8548E ignores most input signals (except for the reset configuration signals) and drives most of the output-only signals to an inactive state. Table 3-4 shows the states of the output-only signals (that is, the signals that are not multiplexed with other inputs, or are not used as reset configuration signals during system reset). Table 3-4. Output Signal States During System Reset Interface Signal State During Reset DDR Memory MBA[2:0] High-Z DDR Memory MA[15:0] High-Z DDR Memory MWE High-Z DDR Memory MRAS High-Z DDR Memory MCAS High-Z DDR Memory MCS[0:3] High-Z MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-20 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Descriptions Table 3-4. Output Signal States During System Reset (continued) Interface Signal State During Reset Driven1 DDR Memory MCKE[0:3] DDR Memory MCK[0:5], MCK[0:5] DDR Memory MODT[0:3] PCI Express/ Serial RapidIO SD_TX[7:0], SD_TX[7:0] High-Z PCI Express/ Serial RapidIO SD_PLL_TPD High-Z Analog SD_PLL_TPA Driven TSEC1 TSEC1_TX_EN Driven Low TSEC1 TSEC1_TX_ER High-Z TSEC1 TSEC1_GTX_CLK High-Z TSEC2 TSEC2_TX_EN TSEC2 TSEC2_TXD[5:6] Input--reset config (test only)2 TSEC2 TSEC2_GTX_CLK High-Z TSEC3 TSEC3_TX_EN TSEC3 TSEC3_GTX_CLK TSEC3 TSEC3_TXD[3] TSEC3/TSEC4 TSEC3_TXD[6:7] /TSEC4_TXD[2:3] TSEC3/TSEC4 TSEC3_TX_ER /TSEC4_TX_EN TSEC4 Driven Toggling Driven Low Driven Low Driven Low High-Z Input--reset config (test only)2 Input--reset config Driven Low TSEC4_GTX_CLK High-Z LBC LCLK[0:2] High-Z LBC LCKE High-Z LBC LCS[0:4] High-Z LBC DMA_DACK2/LCS6 DMA_DDONE2/LCS7 High-Z DMA DMA_DACK[0:1] DMA DMA_DACK2/LCS6 DMA_DDONE2/LCS7 High-Z DMA DMA_DDONE[0:1] High-Z PIC IRQ8 PIC IRQ_OUT High-Z Dual UART UART_SOUT[0:1] High-Z Dual UART UART_RTS[0:1] High-Z Input--reset config (test only)3 Driven (test only)2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3-21 Signal Descriptions Table 3-4. Output Signal States During System Reset (continued) Interface Signal System Control HRESET_REQ System Control CKSTP_OUT State During Reset Input--reset config (test only)2 High-Z Debug TRIG_OUT/READY Input--reset config (test only)2 Debug MSRCID[2:4] Input--reset config (test only)2 Debug MDVAL Power Mgmt Clock GPOUT JTAG ASLEEP CLK_OUT High-Z Input--reset config (test only)2 Driven Toggling GPOUT[24:31] High-Z TDO Driven 1 Driven according to DRAM type. See Section, "DDR SDRAM Type," on page 4-16 for specific voltage levels. 2 Test-mode input during reset; must not be pulled low. 3 Test-mode input during reset; see the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for details. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 3-22 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 4 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization This chapter describes the reset, clocking, and some overall initialization of the MPC8548E, including a definition of the reset configuration signals and the options they select. Additionally, the configuration, control, and status registers are described. Note that other chapters in this book may describe specific aspects of initialization for individual blocks. 4.1 Overview The reset, clocking, and control signals provide many options for the operation of the MPC8548E. Additionally, many modes are selected with reset configuration signals during a hard reset (assertion of HRESET). 4.2 External Signal Descriptions Table 4-1 summarizes the external signals described in this chapter. Table 4-2 and Table 4-3 have detailed signal descriptions, but Table 4-1 contains references to additional sections that contain more information. Table 4-1. Signal Summary Description References (Section/Page) Signal I/O HRESET I Hard reset input. Causes a power-on reset (POR) sequence. HRESET_REQ O Hard reset request output. An internal block requests that HRESET be asserted. SRESET I Soft reset input. Causes mcp assertion to the core READY O The MPC8548E has completed the reset operation and is not in a power-down (nap, doze or sleep) or debug state. SYSCLK I Primary clock input to the MPC8548E RTC I Real time clock input SD_REF_CLK/ SD_REF_CLK I SERDES high-speed interface reference clock -- 4.4.2/4-9 The following sections describe the reset and clock signals in detail. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-1 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization 4.2.1 System Control Signals Table 4-2 describes some of the system control signals of the MPC8548E. Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration," describes the signals that also function as reset configuration signals. Note that the CKSTP_IN and CKSTP_OUT signals are described in Chapter 20, "Global Utilities." Table 4-2. System Control Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O Description HRESET I Hard reset. Causes the MPC8548E to abort all current internal and external transactions and set all registers to their default values. HRESET may be asserted completely asynchronously with respect to all other signals. State Asserted/Negated--See Chapter 3, "Signal Descriptions," and Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Meaning Reset Configuration," for more information on the interpretation of the other MPC8548E signals during reset. Timing Assertion/Negation--The MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications gives specific timing information for this signal and the reset configuration signals. HRESET_REQ O Hard reset request. Indicates to the board (system in which the MPC8548E is embedded) that a condition requiring the assertion of HRESET has been detected. State Asserted--A watchdog timer, a RapidIO command, a boot sequencer failure (see Meaning Section 11.4.5, "Boot Sequencer Mode"), or has triggered a request for hard reset. Negated--Indicates no reset request. Timing Assertion/Negation--May occur any time, synchronous to the core complex bus clock. Once asserted, HRESET_REQ does not negate until HRESET is asserted. SRESET I Soft reset. Causes a machine check interrupt to the e500 core. Note that if the e500 core is not configured to process machine check interrupts, the assertion of SRESET causes a core checkstop. SRESET need not be asserted during a hard reset. State Asserted--Asserting SRESET causes a machine check interrupt (edge sensitive) to the Meaning e500 core. SRESET has no effect while HRESET is asserted. However, the POR sequence is paused if SRESET is asserted during POR. Timing Assertion--May occur at any time, asynchronous to any clock. Negation--Must be asserted for at least two CCB_clk cycles. READY O Ready. Multiplexed with TRIG_OUT and QUIESCE. See Chapter 22, "Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility," for more information on TOSR and TRIG_OUT. State Asserted--Indicates that the MPC8548E has completed the reset operation and is not in a Meaning power-down state (nap, doze, or sleep) when TOSR[SEL] equals 0b000. See Section 4.4.2, "Power-On Reset Sequence," for more information. Timing Assertion/Negation--Initial assertion of READY after reset is synchronous with SYSCLK. Subsequent assertion/negation due to power down modes occurs asynchronously. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-2 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization 4.2.2 Clock Signals Table 4-3 describes the overall clock signals of the MPC8548E. Note that some clock signals are specific to blocks within the MPC8548E, and although some of their functionality is described in Section 4.4.4, "Clocking," they are defined in detail in their respective chapters. Note that there is also a CLK_OUT signal in the MPC8548E; the signal driven on the CLK_OUT pin is selectable and described in Section, "Clock Out Control Register (CLKOCR)." Table 4-3. Clock Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O Description SYSCLK I System clock/PCI clock (SYSCLK/PCI_CLK). SYSCLK is the primary clock input to the MPC8548E. It is the clock source for the e500 core and for all devices and interfaces that operate synchronously with the core. It is multiplied up with a phased-lock loop (PLL) to create the core complex bus (CCB) clock (also called the platform clock), which is used by virtually all of the synchronous system logic, including the L2 cache, the DDR SDRAM and local bus memory controllers, and other internal blocks such as the DMA and interrupt controllers. The CCB clock, in turn, feeds the PLL in the e500 core and the PLL that creates the local bus memory clocks. When the PCI1/PCI-X interface is used, SYSCLK also functions as the PCI_CLK signal. Note that this is true whether the MPC8548E is in agent or host mode. The MPC8548E does not provide a separate PCI_CLK output in host mode. Timing Assertion/Negation--See the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for specific timing information for this signal. RTC I Real time clock. May be used (optionally) to clock the time base of the e500 core. The RTC timing specifications are given in the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications, but the maximum frequency should be less than one-quarter of the CCB frequency. See Section, "Real Time Clock." This signal can also be used (optionally) to clock the global timers in the programmable interrupt controller (PIC). Timing Assertion/Negation--See the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for specific timing information for this signal. 4.3 Memory Map/Register Definition This section describes the configuration and control registers that control access to the configuration space and to the boot code as well as guidelines for accessing these regions. It also contains a brief description of the boot sequencer which may be used to initialize configuration registers or memory before the CPU is released to boot. 4.3.1 Local Configuration Control Table 4-4 shows the memory map for local configuration control registers. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-3 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization * * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 4-4. Local Configuration Control Register Map Local Memory Offset (Hex) Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x0_0000 CCSRBAR--Configuration, control, and status registers base address register R/W 0x000F_F700 0x0_0008 ALTCBAR--Alternate configuration base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0010 ALTCAR--Alternate configuration attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_0020 BPTR--Boot page translation register R/W 0x0000_0000 Accessing Configuration, Control, and Status Registers The configuration, control, and status registers are memory mapped. The set of configuration, control, and status registers occupies a 1-Mbyte region of memory. Their location is programmable using the CCSR base address register (CCSRBAR). The default base address for the configuration, control, and status registers is 0xFF70_0000 (CCSRBAR = 0x000F_F700). CCSRBAR itself is part of the local access block of CCSR memory, which begins at offset 0x0 from CCSRBAR. Because CCSRBAR is at offset 0x0 from the beginning of the local access registers, CCSRBAR always points to itself. The contents of CCSRBAR are broadcast internally in the MPC8548E to all functional units that need to be able to identify or create configuration transactions. Updating CCSRBAR Updates to CCSRBAR that relocate the entire 1-Mbyte region of configuration, control, and status registers require special treatment. The effect of the update must be guaranteed to be visible by the mapping logic before an access to the new location is seen. To make sure this happens, these guidelines should be followed: * CCSRBAR should be updated during initial configuration of the device when only one host or controller has access to the device. - If the boot sequencer is being used to initialize, it is recommended that the boot sequencer set CCSRBAR to its desired final location. - If an external host on PCI or RapidIO is configuring the device, it should set CCSRBAR to the desired final location before the e500 core is released to boot. - If the e500 core is initializing the device, it should set CCSRBAR to the desired final location before enabling other I/O devices to access the device. * When the e500 core is writing to CCSRBAR, it should use the following sequence: - Read the current value of CCSRBAR using a load word instruction followed by an isync. This forces all accesses to configuration space to complete. - Write the new value to CCSRBAR. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-4 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization - Perform a load of an address that does not access configuration space or the on-chip SRAM, but has an address mapping already in effect (for example, boot ROM). Follow this load with an isync. - Read the contents of CCSRBAR from its new location, followed by another isync. Configuration, Control, and Status Base Address Register (CCSRBAR) Figure 4-1 shows the fields of CCSRBAR. Offset 0x0_0000 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R 8 23 24 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 31 BASE_ADDR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 4-1. Configuration, Control, and Status Register Base Address Register (CCSRBAR) Table 4-5 defines the bit fields of CCSRBAR. Table 4-5. CCSRBAR Bit Settings Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-23 24-31 Description Write reserved, read = 0. BASE_ADDR Identifies the16 most-significant address bits of the window used for configuration accesses. The base address is aligned on a 1-Mbyte boundary. -- Write reserved, read = 0 Accessing Alternate Configuration Space An alternate configuration space can be accessed by configuring the ALTCBAR and ALTCAR registers. These are intended to be used with the boot sequencer to allow the boot sequencer to access an alternate 1-Mbyte region of configuration space. By loading the proper boot sequencer command in the serial ROM, the base address in the ALTCBAR can be combined with the 20 bits of address offset supplied from the serial ROM to generate a 36-bit address that is mapped to the target specified in ALTCAR. Thus, by configuring these registers, the boot sequencer has access to the entire memory map, one 1-Mbyte block at a time. See Section 11.4.5, "Boot Sequencer Mode," for more information. NOTE The enable bit in the ALTCAR register should be cleared either by the boot sequencer or by the boot code that executes after the boot sequencer has completed its configuration operations. This prevents problems with incorrect mappings if subsequent configuration of the local access windows uses a different target mapping for the address specified in ALTCBAR. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-5 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Alternate Configuration Base Address Register (ALTCBAR) Figure 4-2 shows the fields of ALTCBAR. Offset 0x0_0008 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R 8 23 24 -- W 31 BASE_ADDR Reset -- All zeros Figure 4-2. Alternate Configuration Base Address Register (ALTCBAR) Table 4-6 defines the bit fields of ALTCBAR. Table 4-6. ALTCBAR Bit Settings Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-23 Description Write reserved, read = 0 BASE_ADDR Identifies the16 most significant address bits of an alternate window used for configuration accesses. 24-31 -- Write reserved, read = 0 Alternate Configuration Attribute Register (ALTCAR) Figure 4-3 shows the fields of ALTCAR. Offset 0x0_0010 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 EN 7 8 -- Reset 11 12 31 TRGT_ID -- All zeros Figure 4-3. Alternate Configuration Attribute Register (ALTCAR) Table 4-7 defines ALTCAR fields. Table 4-7. ALTCAR Bit Settings Bits Name 0 EN Enable for a second configuration window. Like CCSRBAR, it has a fixed size of 1 Mbyte. 0 Second configuration window is disabled. 1 Second configuration window is enabled. 1-7 -- Write reserved, read = 0 8-11 12-31 Description TRGT_I Identifies the device ID to target when a transaction hits in the 1-Mbyte address range defined by the second D configuration window. 1001-1010Reserved 0000 PCI1/PCI-X interface 1011 Security 0001 PCI2 1100 RapidIO 0010 PCI Express 1101 Reserved 0011 Reserved 1110 Reserved 0100 Local bus controller 1111 Local memory --DDR SDRAM and on-chip 0101-1011 Reserved SRAM 1000 Configuration, control, status registers -- Write reserved, read = 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-6 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Boot Page Translation When the e500 core comes out of reset, its MMU has one 4-Kbyte page defined at 0x0_FFFF_Fnnn. The core begins execution with the instruction at effective address 0x0_FFFF_FFFC. To get this instruction, the core's first instruction fetch is a burst read of boot code from effective address 0x0_FFFF_FFE0. For systems in which the boot code resides at a different address, the MPC8548E provides boot page translation capability. Boot page translation is controlled by the boot page translation register (BPTR). The boot sequencer can enable boot page translation, or the boot page translation can be set up by an external host when the MPC8548E is configured to be in boot holdoff mode. If translation is to be performed to a page outside the default boot ROM address range defined in the MPC8548E (8 Mbytes at 0x0_FF80_0000 to 0x0_FFFF_FFFF as defined in Section, "Boot ROM Location"), the external host or boot sequencer must then also set up a local access window to define the routing of the boot code fetch to the target interface that contains the boot code, because the BPTR defines only the address translation, not the target interface. See Section 2.1, "Local Memory Map Overview and Example," and Section 11.4.5, "Boot Sequencer Mode," for more information. Boot Page Translation Register (BPTR) Figure 4-4 shows the fields of BPTR. Offset 0x0_0020 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 7 EN 8 31 -- BOOT_PAGE Reset All zeros Figure 4-4. Boot Page Translation Register (BPTR) Table 4-8 describes BPTR bit settings. Table 4-8. BPTR Bit Settings Bits Name 0 EN Boot page translation enable 0 Boot page is not translated. 1 Boot page is translated as defined in the BPTR[BOOT_PAGE] parameter. 1-7 -- Write reserved, read = 0 8-31 4.3.2 Description BOOT_PAGE Translation for boot page. If enabled, the high order 24 bits of accesses to 0x0_FFFF_Fnnn are replaced with this value. Boot Sequencer The boot sequencer is a DMA engine that accesses a serial ROM on the I2C interface and writes data to CCSR memory or the memory space pointed to by the alternate configuration base address register (ALTCBAR). See Section, "Accessing Alternate Configuration Space." The boot sequencer is enabled by reset configuration pins as described in Section, "Boot Sequencer Configuration." If the MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-7 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization boot sequencer is enabled, the e500 core is held in reset until the boot sequencer has completed its operation. For more details, see Section 11.4.5, "Boot Sequencer Mode," in the I2C chapter. 4.4 Functional Description This section describes the various ways to reset the MPC8548E device, the POR configurations, and the clocking on the device. 4.4.1 Reset Operations The MPC8548E has reset input signals for hard and soft reset operation. Soft Reset Assertion of SRESET causes a machine check interrupt to the e500 core. When this occurs, the soft reset flag is recorded in the machine check summary register (MCPSUMR) in the global utilities block so that software can identify the machine check as a soft reset condition. See the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual for more information on the machine check interrupt and Section, "Machine Check Summary Register (MCPSUMR)," for more information on the setting of the soft reset flag. Note that if SRESET is asserted before the e500 core is configured to handle a machine check interrupt, a core checkstop condition occurs, which causes CKSTP_OUT to assert. Hard Reset The MPC8548E can be completely reset by the assertion of the HRESET input. The assertion of this signal by external logic is the equivalent of a POR and causes the sequence of events described in Section 4.4.2, "Power-On Reset Sequence." Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for the timing requirements for HRESET assertion and negation. The hard reset request output signal (HRESET_REQ) indicates to external logic that a hard reset is being requested by hardware or software or a RapidIO device. Hardware causes this signal to assert for a boot sequencer failure (see Section 11.4.5, "Boot Sequencer Mode," and Section, "EEPROM Data Format") or when the e500 watchdog timer is configured to cause a reset request when it expires. Software may request a hard reset by setting a bit in a global utilities register; see Section, "Reset Control Register (RSTCR)." A RapidIO device causes this signal to assert if it sends four consecutive RapidIO link maintenance reset commands without any other intervening packets or control symbols, except idle control symbols. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-8 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization 4.4.2 Power-On Reset Sequence The POR sequence for the MPC8548E is as follows: 1. Power is applied to meet the specifications in the MPC8548 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications. 2. The system asserts HRESET and TRST, causing all registers to be initialized to their default states and most I/O drivers to be three-stated (some clock, clock enabled, and system control signals are active). 3. The system applies a stable SYSCLK signal and stable PLL configuration inputs, and the device PLL begins locking to SYSCLK. 4. System negates HRESET after its required hold time and after POR configuration inputs have been valid for at least 4 SYSCLK cycles. NOTE: If the JTAG signals are not used, refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper connection recommendations. There is no need to assert the SRESET signal when HRESET is asserted. If SRESET is asserted on negation of HRESET, the POR sequence will be paused after the e500 core PLL is locked and before the e500 reset is negated. The POR sequence will be resumed when SRESET is negated. 5. MPC8548E enables I/O drivers. 6. The MPC8548E PCI1/PCI-X interface can assert DEVSEL in response to configuration cycles. 7. The e500 PLL configuration inputs are applied, allowing the e500 PLL to begin locking to the device clock (the CCB clock). 8. The CCB clock is cycled for approximately 50 s to lock the e500 PLL. 9. The internal hard reset to the e500 core is negated and soft resets are negated to the PLLs and other remaining I/O blocks. The PLLs begin to lock. 10. When PLL locking is completed, the boot sequencer is released, causing it to load configuration data from serial ROMs, if enabled, as described in Section, "Boot Sequencer Configuration." 11. When the boot sequencer completes, the RapidIO interface begins training, the PCI interface is released to accept external requests, and the boot vector fetch by the e500 core is allowed to proceed unless processor booting is further held off by POR configuration inputs as described in Section, "CPU Boot Configuration." The MPC8548E is now in its ready state. 12. The ASLEEP signal negates synchronized to a rising edge of SYSCLK, indicating the ready state. The ready state is also indicated by the assertion of READY/TRIG_OUT if TOSR[SEL] = 000. In this case, READY is asserted with the same rising edge of SYSCLK, to indicate that the device has reached its ready state. See Section, "Trigger Out Source Register (TOSR)," for more information on this register. Asserting READY allows external system monitors to know basic device status, for example, exactly when it emerges from reset, or if the device is in a low-power mode. For more information MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-9 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization on the debug functions of TRIG_OUT, see Section 22.3.4, "Trigger Out Function." For more information about power management states, see Section 20.4.1, "Register Descriptions." Figure 4-5 shows a timing diagram of the POR sequence. HRESET (high impedance) HRESET_REQ SYSCLK TRST SRESET PLL Configs POR Configs (High Impedance) ASLEEP (High Impedance) READY1 1 Multiplexed with TRIG_OUT. Figure 4-5. Power-On Reset Sequence 4.4.3 Power-On Reset Configuration Various device functions are initialized by sampling certain signals during the assertion of HRESET. The values of all these signals are sampled into registers while HRESET is asserted. These inputs are to be pulled high or low by external resistors. During HRESET, all other signal drivers connected to these signals must be in the high-impedance state. Most POR configuration signals have internal pull-up resistors so that if the desired setting is high, there is no need for a pull-up resistor on the board. Other POR configuration signals do not use pull-ups and therefore must be pulled high or low. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper resistor values to be used for pulling POR configuration signals high or low. This section describes the functions and modes configured by POR configuration signals. Note that many reset configuration settings are accessible to software through the following read-only memory-mapped registers described in Chapter 20, "Global Utilities": * POR PLL status register (PORPLLSR) * POR boot mode status register (PORBMSR) * POR I/O impedance status and control register (PORIMPSCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-10 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization * * * POR device status register (PORDEVSR) POR debug mode status register (PORDBGMSR) General-purpose POR configuration register (GPPORCR)--Reports the value on LAD[0:31] during POR (can be used to external system configuration) NOTE In the following tables, the binary value 0b0 represents a signal pulled down to GND and a value of 0b1 represents a signal pulled up to VDD, regardless of the sense of the functional signal name on the signal. System PLL Ratio The system PLL inputs, shown in Table 4-9, establish the clock ratio between the SYSCLK input and the platform clock used by the MPC8548E. The platform clock, also called the CCB clock, drives the L2 cache, the DDR SDRAM data rate, and the e500 core complex bus (CCB). There is no default value for this PLL ratio; these signals must be pulled to the desired values. See Section, "Minimum Frequency Requirements," for optimal selection of this ratio with regard to available high-speed interface widths and frequencies. Note that the values latched on these signals during POR are accessible in the PORPLLSR (POR PLL status register), as described in Section, "POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR)." Table 4-9. CCB Clock PLL Ratio Functional Signals Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) CCB Clock : SYSCLK Ratio LA[28:31] cfg_sys_pll[0:3] 0000 16 : 1 0001 Reserved 0010 2:1 0011 3:1 0100 4:1 0101 5:1 0110 6:1 0111 Reserved 1000 8:1 1001 9:1 1010 10 : 1 1011 Reserved 1100 12 : 1 1101 20: 1 1110 Reserved 1111 Reserved No Default MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-11 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization e500 Core PLL Ratio Table 4-10 describes the e500 core clock PLL inputs that program the core PLL and establish the ratio between the e500 core clock and the e500 core complex bus (CCB) clock. There is no default value for this PLL ratio; these signals must be pulled to the desired values. Note that the values latched on these signals during POR are accessible through the memory-mapped PORPLLSR, as described in Section, "POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR)," and also in the e500 core HID1 register, as described in Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." Table 4-10. e500 Core Clock PLL Ratios Functional Signals Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) LBCTL, LALE, LGPL2/LOE/LSDRAS cfg_core_pll[0:2] No Default e500 Core: CCB ClockRatio 000 4:1 001 9 : 2 (4.5:1) 010 1:1 011 3 : 2 (1.5 : 1) 100 2:1 101 5 : 2 (2.5:1) 110 3:1 111 7 : 2 (3.5 : 1) Boot ROM Location The MPC8548E defines the default boot ROM address range to be 8 Mbytes at address 0x0_FF80_0000 to 0x0_FFFF_FFFF. However, which peripheral interface handles these boot ROM accesses can be selected at power on. The boot ROM location inputs, shown in Table 4-11, select the physical location of boot ROM. Accesses to the boot vector and the default boot ROM region of the local address map are directed to the interface specified by these inputs. Table 4-11. Boot ROM Location Functional Signals Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) TSEC1_TXD[6:4] cfg_rom_loc[0:2] 000 PCI1/PCI-X 001 DDR SDRAM 010 PCI2 0111 Serial RapidIO 100 PCI Express 101 Local bus GPCM--8-bit ROM 110 Local bus GPCM--16-bit ROM 111 Local Bus GPCM--32-bit ROM (default) Default (111) 1 Meaning When booting from serial RapidIO, outbound ATMU window 0 must be used. See Section 17.6.7, "RapidIO Implementation Space--ATMU Registers," for information on configuring this window. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-12 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Note that the values latched on these signals during POR are accessible through the memory-mapped PORBMSR (POR boot mode status register) described in Section, "POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR)." See Section 2.1, "Local Memory Map Overview and Example," for an example memory map that relies on the default boot ROM values. Also, see Section, "Boot Page Translation Register (BPTR)," for information on translation of the boot page. Host/Agent Configuration The host/agent reset configuration inputs, shown in Table 4-12, configure the MPC8548E to act as a host or as an agent of a master on another interface. In host mode, the MPC8548E is immediately enabled to master transactions to the RapidIO and PCI/X interfaces. If the MPC8548E is an agent on the PCI/X, PCI Express, or RapidIO interfaces, then the MPC8548E is disabled from mastering transactions on that interface until the external host enables it to do so. The external host does this by setting the control registers of the MPC8548E's interfaces appropriately. See details in the PCI, PCI Express, and RapidIO programming models described in Chapter 16, "PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface," Chapter 18, "PCI Express Interface Controller," and Chapter 17, "Serial RapidIO Interface," respectively. Note that the values latched on these signals during POR are accessible through the memory-mapped PORBMSR (POR boot mode status register) described in Section, "POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR)." Table 4-12. Host/Agent Configuration Functional Signals Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) LWE[1:3]/LBS[1:3] cfg_host_agt[0:2] 000 MPC8548E acts as an agent (endpoint) of both a PCI Express and a serial RapidIO device. It acts as host for PCI1/PCI-X. x01 MPC8548E acts as an agent of a serial RapidIO host. It acts as host for PCI Express and PCI1/PCI-X. 010 MPC8548E acts as an endpoint of a PCI Express host. It acts as host for serial RapidIO and PCI1/PCI-X. 011 Reserved 100 MPC8548E acts as an agent of both a PCI1/PCI-X and a serial RapidIO device. It acts as the host processor/root complex for PCI Express. 110 MPC8548E acts as an agent of a PCI1/PCI-X host. It acts as the host processor/root complex for PCI Express and as host for serial RapidIO. 111 MPC8548E acts as the host processor/root complex (default). Default (111) Meaning MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-13 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization I/O Port Selection The MPC8548E can be configured with different I/O ports active. Table 4-13 shows the configuration of I/O ports and bit rates (and required reference clocks) that are possible for the Serial RapidIO and PCI Express interfaces. NOTE In addition to the combinations shown below, it is important to note that the PCI2 interface is unavailable and powered down whenever Serial RapidIO is in use. Table 4-13. I/O Port Selection Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) TSEC1_TXD[3:1] cfg_IO_ports[0:2] 000 Reserved 001 Reserved 010 Reserved 011 Serial RapidIO x4 (2.5 Gbps); PCI Express x4 (2.5 Gbps) (PCI2 is automatically disabled) 100-MHz reference clock Serial RapidIO: RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[4:7] TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[4:7] PCI Express: RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[0:3] TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[0:3] 100 Serial RapidIO x4 (1.25 Gbps); PCI Express x4 (2.5 Gbps) (PCI2 is automatically disabled) 100-MHz reference clock Serial RapidIO: RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[4:7] TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[4:7] PCI Express: RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[0:3] TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[0:3] 101 Serial RapidIO x4 (3.125 Gbps) (PCI2 is automatically disabled) 125-MHz reference clock RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[4:7] TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[4:7] 110 Serial RapidIO x4 (1.25 Gbps) (PCI2 is automatically disabled) 100-MHz reference clock RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[4:7] TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[4:7] 111 PCI Express x8 (2.5 Gbps) 100-MHz reference clock RX lane[0:7] SD_RX[0:7] TX lane[0:7] SD_TX[0:7] Default (111) Meaning MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-14 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization CPU Boot Configuration The CPU boot configuration input, shown in Table 4-14, specifies the boot configuration mode. If LA27 is sampled low at reset, the e500 core is prevented from fetching boot code until configuration by an external master is complete. The external master frees the CPU to boot by setting EEBPCR[CPU_EN] in the ECM CCB port configuration register (EEBPCR). See Section, "ECM CCB Port Configuration Register (EEBPCR)," for more information. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORBMSR (POR boot mode status register) described in Section, "POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR)." Note also that the value latched on this signal during POR affects the PCI agent lock mode (See Section, "PCI Bus Function Register (PBFR).") and the PCI Express Configuration Ready Register (See Section, "Configuration Ready Register--0x4B0.") Table 4-14. CPU Boot Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) LA27 cfg_cpu_boot 0 CPU boot holdoff mode. The e500 core is prevented from booting until configured by an external master. 1 The e500 core is allowed to boot without waiting for configuration by an external master (default). Default (1) Meaning Boot Sequencer Configuration The boot sequencer configuration options, shown in Table 4-15, allow the boot sequencer to load configuration data from the serial ROM located on the I2C1 port before the host tries to configure the MPC8548E. These options also specify normal or extended I2C addressing modes. See Section 11.4.5, "Boot Sequencer Mode," for more information on the boot sequencer. Note that the values latched on these signals during POR are accessible through the memory-mapped PORBMSR (POR boot mode status register) described in Section, "POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR)." Table 4-15. Boot Sequencer Configuration Functional Signal LGPL3/LSDCAS, LGPL5 Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_boot_seq[0:1] Meaning 00 Reserved 01 Normal I2C addressing mode is used. Boot sequencer is enabled and loads configuration information from a ROM on the I2C interface. A valid ROM must be present. 10 Extended I2C addressing mode is used. Boot sequencer is enabled and loads configuration information from a ROM on the I2C1 interface. A valid ROM must be present. 11 Boot sequencer is disabled. No I2C ROM is accessed (default). Default (11) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-15 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization NOTE When the boot sequencer is enabled, the processor core will be held in reset and thus prevented from fetching boot code until the boot sequencer has completed its task, regardless of the state of the CPU boot configuration signal described in Section, "CPU Boot Configuration." DDR SDRAM Type DDR1 requires a different voltage level from DDR2. Table 4-16 describes the configuration of the DDR SDRAM type. Table 4-16. DDR DRAM Type Functional Signal Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) TSEC2_TXD1, TSEC2_TX_ER cfg_dram_type[0:1] 00 Reserved 01 DDR1 2.5V, CKE low at reset 10 Reserved 11 DDR2 1.8V, CKE low at reset (default) Default (11) Meaning eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width The eTSEC width input, shown in Table 4-17, selects standard versus reduced width for three-speed Ethernet controller interfaces 1 and 2. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR (POR device status register) described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." This input does not affect the width of the FIFO interface for eTSEC2, which is always an 8-bit FIFO interface. For eTSEC1, however, this bit controls whether the interface is operating as a 16-bit FIFO or an 8-bit FIFO. Note that since the full-width FIFO interface (16-bits) requires the pins from both eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 controllers, eTSEC2 is unavailable if eTSEC1 is in 16-bit FIFO mode. Table 4-17. eTSEC1/eTSEC2 Width Configuration Functional Reset Configuration Value Signal Name (Binary) EC_MDC Default (1) cfg_tsec_1_2_reduce Meaning 0 eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Ethernet interfaces operate in reduced pin mode, either RTBI, RGMII, RMII, or in 8-bit FIFO mode. 1 eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Ethernet interfaces operate in their standard width TBI, GMII, MII. Or, if eTSEC1 is in FIFO mode, it operates as a 16-bit FIFO. eTSEC2 FIFO width is 8 bits regardless of this configuration setting. (default) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-16 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization NOTE While the width of both interfaces eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 is controlled by this one configuration input, the protocol (TBI, GMII, or FIFO) used by each is separately controlled with other configuration inputs described in Section, "eTSEC1 Protocol," and Section, "eTSEC2 Protocol." eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Width The eTSEC3 width input, shown in Table 4-18, selects standard versus reduced width for three-speed Ethernet controller interfaces 3 and 4. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR (POR device status register) described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." The value of this configuration setting does not affect the width of the FIFO interface on eTSEC3, which is always 8 bits. Because eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 share pins, eTSEC3 must operate in reduced-pin-width mode in order for eTSEC4 to be accessible. If eTSEC3 is not in reduced-pin-width mode, eTSEC4 is powered down. Table 4-18. eTSEC3/eTSEC4 Width Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) TSEC3_TXD[2] cfg_tsec_3_reduce Default (1) Meaning 0 eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Ethernet interfaces operate in reduced mode, either RTBI, RGMII or RMII. 1 eTSEC3 Ethernet interface operates in standard TBI, GMII, MII, or 8-bit FIFO mode. eTSEC 4 is unavailable. (default). NOTE While the width of both interfaces eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 is controlled by this one configuration input, the protocol (TBI, GMII, or FIFO) used by each is separately controlled with other configuration inputs described in Section, "eTSEC3 Protocol," and Section, "eTSEC4 Protocol." eTSEC1 Protocol The eTSEC1 protocol inputs, shown in Table 4-19, select the protocol (FIFO, MII, GMII or TBI) used by the eTSEC1 controller. Note that the value latched on these signals during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR (POR device status register) described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-17 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Table 4-19. eTSEC1 Protocol Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) TSEC1_TXD[0], TSEC1_TXD[7] cfg_tsec1_prtcl[0:1] Default (11) Meaning 00 The eTSEC1 controller operates using 16-bit FIFO protocol (or 8-bit FIFO protocol if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width"). 01 The eTSEC1 controller operates using the MII protocol (or RMII if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width"). 10 The eTSEC1 controller operates using the GMII protocol (or RGMII if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width"). 11 The eTSEC1 controller operates using the TBI protocol (or RTBI if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width") (default). eTSEC2 Protocol The eTSEC2 protocol inputs, shown in Table 4-20, select the protocol (FIFO, MII, GMII or TBI) used by the eTSEC2 controller. Note that the value latched on these signals during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR (POR device status register) described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." Table 4-20. eTSEC2 Protocol Configuration Functional Signal TSEC2_TXD[0], TSEC2_TXD[7] Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_tsec2_prtcl[0:1] 00 The eTSEC2 controller operates using 8-bit FIFO protocol. 01 The eTSEC2 controller operates using the MII protocol (or RMII if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width") 10 The eTSEC2 controller operates using the GMII protocol (or RGMII if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width"). 11 The eTSEC2 controller operates using the TBI protocol (or RTBI if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width") (default). Default (11) Meaning eTSEC3 Protocol The eTSEC3 protocol inputs, shown in Table 4-21, select the protocol (FIFO, MII, GMII or TBI) used by the eTSEC3 controller. Note that the value latched on these signals during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR (POR device status register) described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-18 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Table 4-21. eTSEC3 Protocol Configuration Functional Signal TSEC3_TXD[0], TSEC3_TXD[1] Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_tsec3_prtcl[0:1] 00 The eTSEC3 controller operates using 8-bit FIFO protocol. 01 The eTSEC3 controller operates using the MII protocol (or RMII if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Width") 10 The eTSEC3 controller operates using the GMII protocol (or RGMII if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Width"). 11 The eTSEC3 controller operates using the TBI protocol (or RTBI if configured in reduced mode as described in Section, "eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Width") (default). Default (11) Meaning eTSEC4 Protocol The eTSEC4 protocol input, shown in Table 4-22, selects the protocol (RMII, RGMII or RTBI) used by the eTSEC4 controller. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR (POR device status register) described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." Table 4-22. eTSEC4 Protocol Configuration Functional Signal TSEC4_TXD[0], TSEC4_TXD[1] Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) cfg_tsec4_prtcl[0:1] 00 Reserved 01 The eTSEC4 controller operates using the RMII protocol. 10 The eTSEC4 controller operates using the RGMII protocol. 11 The eTSEC4 controller operates using the RTBI protocol (default). Default (11) Meaning RapidIO Device ID The RapidIO device ID inputs, shown in Table 4-23, specify the 3 lower-order bits of the device ID of the MPC8548E as used by RapidIO hosts. Note that the 5 high-order RapidIO device ID bits cannot be set via POR configuration inputs. They may be initialized via the boot sequencer or by the processor from boot ROM or by the RapidIO discovery process. Table 4-23. RapidIO Device ID Functional Signals Reset Configuration Name Meaning TSEC2_TXD2 cfg_device_ID5 Device ID used for RapidIO hosts TSEC2_TXD3 cfg_device_ID6 Device ID used for RapidIO hosts TSEC2_TXD4 cfg_device_ID7 Device ID used for RapidIO hosts MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-19 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization If configured as a RapidIO host, the upper-order device ID bits default to zeros. If configured as a RapidIO agent, the upper-order device ID bits default to ones. Unconnected cfg_device_IDn inputs default to 1s regardless of the host/agent mode configuration. Note that the value latched on this signal at POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)," as well as the memory-mapped BDIDCSR described in Section, "Base Device ID Command and Status Register (BDIDCSR)." RapidIO System Size The RapidIO common transport specification defines two system sizes. The large size uses 16-bit source and destination IDs allowing for 65,536 devices, while the small size uses 8-bit source and destination IDs, supporting 256 devices. The RapidIO system size configuration shown in Table 4-24 specifies which system size is to be used by the RapidIO controller on the MPC8548E. Note that the system size setting determined by this signal at POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)," as well as the memory-mapped PEFCAR described in Section, "Processing Element Features Capability Register (PEFCAR)." Table 4-24. RapidIO System Size Functional Signals Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) LGPL0 cfg_rio_sys_size 0 Large system size (up to 65,536 devices) 1 Small system size (up to 256 devices) (default) Default (1) Meaning PCI Clock Selection The PCI clock source inputs, shown in Table 4-25 and Table 4-26 specify the clock mode (synchronous or asynchronous) for the PCI1/PCI-X and PCI2 interfaces. See Section, "System Clock/PCI Clock," for more information. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORPLLSR (POR PLL status register) described in Section, "POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR)." NOTE When in synchronous mode, the maximum PCI-X frequency is 110 MHz. Table 4-25. PCI1/PCI-X Clock Select Functional Signal PCI2_GNT[3] Default (1) Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_pci1_clk Meaning 0 Asynchronous mode. PCI1_CLK is used as the clock for the PCI1/PCI-X interface 1 Synchronous mode. SYSCLK is used as the clock for the PCI1/PCI-X interface. (default) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-20 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Table 4-26. PCI2 Clock Select Functional Signal Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_pci2_clk PCI2_GNT[4] Default (1) Meaning 0 Asynchronous mode. PCI2_CLK is used as the clock for the PCI2 interface 1 Synchronous mode. SYSCLK is used as the clock for the PCI2 interface. (default). PCI Speed Configuration The PCI speed configuration inputs, shown in Table 4-27 and Table 4-28, configure internal logic for proper operation with the PCI clock frequencies in use. The default setting is appropriate for PCI operating above 33 MHz or for PCI-X operating above 66 MHz. For low speed operation (PCI at or below 33 MHZ or PCI-X at 66 MHz) this POR configuration input should be low during HRESET. If this configuration is not set properly, behavior of the PCI interface may be unreliable. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR, described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." Table 4-27. PCI1 Speed Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) LWE0 cfg_pci1_speed 0 PCI frequency at or below 33 MHz or PCI-X frequency at 66 MHz 1 PCI frequency above 33 MHz or PCI-X frequency above 66 MHz (default) Default (1) Meaning Table 4-28. PCI2 Speed Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) LGPL1 cfg_pci2_speed 0 PCI frequency at or below 33 MHz 1 PCI frequency above 33 MHz (default) Default (1) Meaning PCI Bus Width The PCI width configuration input, shown in Table 4-29, configures the PCI1/PCI-X interface to 32- or 64-bit extended mode of operation. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the PORDEVSR, described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." Table 4-29. PCI-32 Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) PCI1_REQ64 cfg_pci1_width 0 The PCI1/PCI-X interface operates as a 64-bit interface. 1 The PCI1/PCI-X interface operates as a 32-bit interface (default). Default (1) Meaning MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-21 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization NOTE The PCI1_REQ64 signal is shared with PCI2_FRAME. PCI I/O Impedance The PCI I/O impedance configuration inputs, shown in Table 4-30 and Table 4-31 select the impedance of the PCI I/O drivers for the respective interfaces. Note that the values latched on these signals during POR are accessible through PORIMPSCR, described in Section, "POR I/O Impedance Status and Control Register (PORIMPSCR)." Table 4-30. PCI1/PCI-X I/O Impedance Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) PCI1_GNT1 cfg_pci1_impd 0 25- I/O drivers are used on the PCI1/PCI-X interface. 1 42- I/O drivers are used on the PCI1/PCI-X interface (default). Default (1) Meaning Table 4-31. PCI2 I/O Impedance Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) PCI2_GNT1 cfg_pci2_impd 0 25 I/O drivers are used on the PCI2 interface. 1 42 I/O drivers are used on the PCI2 interface (default). Default (1) Meaning PCI Arbiter Configuration The PCI arbiter configuration inputs, shown in Table 4-32 and Table 4-33, enable the on-chip PCI1/PCI-X arbiter. Note that the value latched on these signals during POR are accessible through the PORDEVSR described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." Table 4-32. PCI1/PCI-X Arbiter Configuration Functional Signal PCI1_GNT2 Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_pci1_arb Default (1) Meaning 0 The on-chip PCI1/PCI-X arbiter is disabled. External arbitration is required. 1 The on-chip PCI1/PCI-X arbiter is enabled (default). Table 4-33. PCI2 Arbiter Configuration Functional Signal PCI2_GNT2 Default (1) Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_pci2_arb Meaning 0 The on-chip PCI2 arbiter is disabled. External arbitration is required. 1 The on-chip PCI2 arbiter is enabled (default). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-22 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization PCI Debug Configuration The PCI debug configuration input, shown in Table 4-34, enables PCI debug mode for the PCI1/PCI-X interface only. In this mode, source ID information is driven onto the address/data signals PCI_AD[62:58] during the bus command phase (PCI) or attribute phase (PCI-X). Note that this debug functionality is only available on the PCI1/PCI-X interface and only when the controller is in 64-bit mode. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the PORDBGMSR described in Section, "POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR)." Table 4-34. PCI Debug Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) PCI1_GNT3 cfg_pci1_debug 0 PCI debug is enabled. Source ID information is driven onto the highest order address bits, PCI_AD[62:58], during the bus command phase (PCI) or attribute phase (PCI-X). 1 PCI operates in normal mode (default). Default (1) Meaning PCI-X Configuration The PCI-X configuration input, shown in Table 4-35, configures PCI or PCI-X mode on the PCI1/PCI-X port. Note that this input does not support the three states of the PCIXCAP input defined in the PCI-X specification. It is sampled as either a 1 or a 0 during reset only. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR, described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)." Table 4-35. PCI1/PCI-X Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) PCI1_GNT4 cfg_pci1_mode 0 PCI-X mode 1 PCI mode (default) Default (1) Meaning Memory Debug Configuration The memory debug configuration input, shown in Table 4-36, selects which debug outputs (DDR or LBC memory controller) are driven onto the MSRCID and MDVAL debug signals. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDBGMSR (POR debug mode register) described in Section, "POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR)." Table 4-36. Memory Debug Configuration Functional Signal Reset Configuration Name Value (Binary) MSRCID0 cfg_mem_debug 0 Debug information from the local bus controller (LBC) is driven on the MSRCID and MDVAL signals 1 Debug information from the DDR SDRAM controller is driven on the MSRCID and MDVAL signals (default). Default (1) Meaning MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-23 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization DDR Debug Configuration The DDR debug configuration input, shown in Table 4-37, enables a DDR memory controller debug mode in which the DDR SDRAM source ID field and data valid strobe are driven onto the ECC pins. ECC checking and generation are disabled in this case. ECC signals driven from the SDRAMs must be electrically disconnected from the ECC I/O pins of the MPC8548E in this mode. Table 4-37. DDR Debug Configuration Functional Reset Configuration Value Signal Name (Binary) MSRCID1 cfg_ddr_debug Meaning 0 Debug information is driven on the ECC pins instead of normal ECC I/O. ECC signals from memory devices must be disconnected. 1 Debug information is not driven on ECC pins. ECC pins function in their normal mode (default). Default (1) Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDBGMSR (POR debug mode register) described in Section, "POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR)." General-Purpose POR Configuration The LBC address/data bus inputs, shown in Table 4-38, configure the value of the general-purpose POR configuration register defined in Section, "General-Purpose POR Configuration Register (GPPORCR)." This register is intended to facilitate POR configuration of user systems. A value placed on LAD[0:31] during POR is captured and stored (read only) in the GPPORCR. Software can then use this value to inform the operating system about initial system configuration. Typical interpretations include circuit board type, board ID number, or a list of available peripherals. Table 4-38. General-Purpose POR Configuration Functional Signals LAD[0:31] No default Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_gpinput[0:31] -- Meaning General-purpose POR configuration vector to be placed in GPPORCR SerDes Enable The SerDes high speed interface may be disabled during power-on reset by pulling low the POR configuration signal cfg_srds_en, which exists on the external signal TSEC4_TXD[2], and is described in Table 4-39. By default, this signal is sampled high (SerDes enabled) unless pulled low externally (disabling SerDes). Pulling this signal low during POR is logically equivalent to setting DEVDISR bitfields, PCIE and SRIO. Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the PORDEVSR2, described in Section, "POR Device Status Register 2 (PORDEVSR2)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-24 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Table 4-39. SerDes Enable POR Configuration Functional Signals TSEC4_TXD2 Reset Configuration Value Name (Binary) cfg_srds_en Default (1) 4.4.4 Meaning 0 SerDes interface is disabled. 1 SerDes interface is enabled. (default) Clocking The following paragraphs describe the clocking within the MPC8548E device. System Clock/PCI Clock The MPC8548E takes a single input clock, SYSCLK, as its primary clock source for the e500 core and all of the devices and interfaces that operate synchronously with the core. As shown in Figure 4-6, the SYSCLK input (frequency) is multiplied up using a phase lock loop (PLL) to create the core complex bus (CCB) clock (also called the platform clock). The CCB clock is used by virtually all of the synchronous system logic, including the L2 cache, and other internal blocks such as the DMA and interrupt controller. The CCB clock also feeds the PLL in the e500 core and the PLL that create clocks for the local bus memory controller. Note that the divide-by-two CCB clock divider and the divide-by-n CCB clock divider, shown in Figure 4-6, are located in the DDR and local bus blocks, respectively. The PCI interfaces may use SYSCLK as the PCI clocks and thus have PCI operation be synchronous with the platform. Alternately, separate, independent clocks may be used for the PCI interfaces, in which case PCI operation is asynchronous with respect to SYSCLK and the platform clock. NOTE If PCI/PCI-X is to be operated synchronously, the clock ratio between the CCB clock and the SYSCLK input must be an even multiple (for example 6:1). If an uneven ratio such as 5:1 is needed, the PCI interface must be operated asynchronously. When in synchronous mode, the maximum PCI-X frequency is 110 MHz. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-25 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization MPC8548E e500 Core cfg_core_pll[0:2] cfg_sys_pll[0:3] 3 4 Core PLL Device PLL CCB_clk /2 core_clk 6 DDR 6 MCK[0:5] MCK[0:5] DDR Controller SYSCLK LSYNC_IN /n PCI1_CLK LSYNC_OUT PLL PCI1 LCLK0 LCLK1 LCLK2 LBC CCB_clk to Rest of the Device PCI2_CLK PCI2 Figure 4-6. Clock Subsystem Block Diagram RapidIO and PCI Express Clocks Clocks for these high speed interfaces on the MPC8548E are derived from a PLL in the SerDes block. This PLL is driven by a reference clock (SD_REF_CLK/SD_REF_CLK) whose input frequency is a function of the protocol and bit rate being used as shown in Table 4-40. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-26 Freescale Semiconductor Reset, Clocking, and Initialization Table 4-40. High Speed Interface Clocking Interfaces Bit Rate (Gbps) Reference Clock Frequency (MHz) PCI Express 2.5 100 Serial RapidIO 3.125 125 2.5 100 1.25 100 Serial RapidIO PCI Express 2.5 2.5 100 Serial RapidIO PCI Express 2.5 1.25 100 Minimum Frequency Requirements Section, "I/O Port Selection," describes various high-speed interface configuration options. Note that the CCB clock frequency must be considered for proper operation of such interfaces as described below. For proper PCI Express operation, the CCB clock frequency must be greater than: 500 MHz x ( PCI Express link width ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 See Section, "Link Width," for PCI Express interface width details. For proper serial RapidIO operation, the CCB clock frequency must be greater than: 2 x ( 0.80 ) x ( serial RapidIO interface frequency ) x ( serial RapidIO link width ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------64 See Section 17.4, "1x/4x LP-Serial Signal Descriptions," for serial RapidIO interface width and frequency details. Note that the minimum CCB:SYSCLK ratio for PCI/PCI-X in synchronous mode is 6:1. See Section, "System PLL Ratio," for details of selecting this ratio. See Section, "System Clock/PCI Clock," for selecting synchronous/asynchronous PCI/PCI-X Ethernet Clocks The Ethernet blocks operate asynchronously with respect to the rest of the device. These blocks use receive and transmit clocks supplied by their respective PHY chips, plus a 125-MHz clock input for gigabit protocols. Data transfers are synchronized to the CCB clock internally. Real Time Clock As shown in Figure 4-7, the real time clock (RTC) input can optionally be used to clock the e500 core timer facilities. RTC can also be used (optionally) by the MPC8548E programmable interrupt controller (PIC) global timer facilities. The RTC is separate from the e500 core clock and is intended to support relatively MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 4-27 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization low frequency timing applications. The RTC frequency range is specified in the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications, but the maximum value should not exceed one-quarter of the CCB Frequency. Before being distributed to the core time base, RTC is sampled and synchronized with the CCB clock. The clock source for the core time base is specified by two fields in HID0: time base enable (TBEN), and select time base clock (SEL_TBCLK). If the time base is enabled, (HID0[TBEN] is set), the clock source is determined as follows: * HID0[SEL_TBCLK] = 0, the time base is updated every 8 CCB clocks * HID0[SEL_TBCLK] = 1, the time base is updated on the rising edge of RTC The default source of the time base is the CCB clock divided by eight. For more details, see the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual. Section, "Timer Control Register (TCR)," provides additional information on the use of the RTC signal to clock the global timers in the PIC unit. e500 Core HID0 TBEN SEL_TBCLK Core Time Base (Incrementer) TBU 32 TBL 63 RTC 32 Watchdog timer events based on one of the 64 TB bits selected by the EIS-defined TCR[WPEXT] concatenated with the Book E-defined TCR[WP] (WPEXT||WP). Fixed-interval timer events based on one of the 64 TB bits selected by the EIS-defined TCR[FPEXT] concatenated with the Book E-defined TCR[FP] (FP||FPEXT). (Sampled and Synchronized) 63 /8 * * * Core Timer Facilities Clock CCB Clock * * * (Decrementer) DEC Decrementer Event (0 1 Detect) Auto-Reload DECAR 32 63 Note: The logic circuits shown depict functional relationships only; they do not represent physical implementation details. Figure 4-7. RTC and Core Timer Facilities Clocking Options MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4-28 Freescale Semiconductor Part II e500 Core Complex and L2 Cache This part describes the many features of the MPC8548E core processor at an overview level and the interaction between the core complex and the L2 cache. The following chapters are included: * Chapter 5, "Core Complex Overview," provides an overview of the e500 core processor and the L1 caches and MMU that, together with the core, comprise the core complex. * Chapter 6, "Core Register Summary," provides a listing of the e500 registers in reference form. * Chapter 7, "L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM," describes the L2 cache of the MPC8548E. Note that the L2 cache can also be addressed directly as memory-mapped SRAM. The e500 processor core is a low-power implementation of the family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) embedded processors that implement the embedded category of the Power Architecture technology. This part provides additional information about the Book E architecture as it relates specifically to the e500 core complex and specific details on how its registers are accessed. The e500 core complex interacts with the L2 cache through the core complex bus (CCB). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor II-1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 II-2 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 5 Core Complex Overview This chapter provides an overview of the e500 microprocessor core as it is implemented on the MPC8548E. References to e500 are true for both the e500v1 and e500v2. This chapter includes the following: * An overview of architecture features as implemented in this core and a summary of the core feature set * A summary of the instruction pipeline and flow * An overview of the programming model * An overview of interrupts and exception handling * A description of the memory management architecture * High-level details of the e500 core memory and coherency model * A brief description of the core complex bus (CCB) * A summary of the Power Architecture embedded category compatibility and migration from the original version of the PowerPC architecture as it is defined by Apple, IBM, and Motorola (referred to as the AIM version of the PowerPC architecture) Specific details about the e500 are provided in the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual (Freescale Document ID No. E500CORERM). The e500 core provides features that the integrated device may not implement or may implement in a more specific way. 5.1 Overview The e500 processor core is a low-power implementation of the family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) embedded processors that implement the embedded category features of the Power Architecture technology. The e500 is a 32-bit implementation using the lower words in the 64-bit general-purpose registers (GPRs). Figure 5-1 is a block diagram of the processor core complex that shows how the functional units operate independently and in parallel. Note that this conceptual diagram does not attempt to show how these features are physically implemented. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-1 5-2 Maximum Two Instructions Retire per Cycle BTB 512 Entry Completion Bus Simple Unit 2 (32 bit) Simple Unit 1 (32/64 bit) Rename Buffers (14) GPR File 32-/ 64-Bit e500v1 (3 entry) e500v2 (5 entry) GPR Operand Bus Multiple Unit (64/32 bit) Reservation Station Reservation Station Data Line Fill Buffer Data Write Buffer L1 Store Load Miss Queue Queue 64-Entry I-L1TLB4K 256/512-Entry TLB Array (TLB0) 64-Entry D-L1TLB4K e500v2 (9 entry) Instruction Line Fill Buffer e500v1 (4 entry) Tags 32-Kbyte D Cache 4-Entry D-L1VSP L1 Data MMU 16-Entry TLB Array (TLB1) L2 MMUs Unified 4-Entry I-L1VSP L1 Instruction MMU 32-Kbyte I Cache Tags Memory Unit Core Complex Bus Core Interface Unit MAS Registers 128-Bit (4 Instructions) Load/Store Unit (64/32 bit) Each execution unit can accept one instruction per cycle. General Issue Queue (GIQ) Instruction Queue (12 instructions) Two instruction issue to GIQ per clock Two Instruction Dispatch (1 BIQ, 2 GIQ) Reservation Station Branch Issue Queue (BIQ) Reservation Station CRF Bus Condition Register CR Field Rename Buffers (14) Completion Queue (14 Entry) Branch Unit Reservation Station One instruction issue to BIQ per clock CTR LR Branch Prediction Unit Fetch Stages Instruction Unit Program order is maintained by passing instructions from the IQ to the CQ at dispatch. Additional Features * Time Base Counter/Decrementer * Clock Multiplier * JTAG/COP Interface * Power Management * Performance Monitor Core Complex Overview Figure 5-1. e500 Core Complex Block Diagram MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview The Power Architecture technology defines categories that extend the architecture that can perform computational or system management functions. One of these on the e500 is the signal processing engine (SPE), which includes a suite of vector instructions that use the upper and lower halves of the GPRs as a single two-element operand. Some extensions are defined by Freescale's embedded category implementation standards (EIS). 5.1.1 Upward Compatibility The e500 provides 32-bit effective addresses and integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits, as defined by the architecture. It also provides two-element, 64-bit data types for the SPE and embedded vector floating-point instructions, which include instructions that operate on operands comprised of two 32-bit elements. It also provides a 64-bit scalar data type for use with the embedded double-precision floating-point APU. The embedded single-precision scalar floating-point instructions use 32-bit single-precision instructions. NOTE The SPE (which includes embedded floating-point functionality) is implemented in all PowerQUICC III devices. However, these instructions will not be supported in devices subsequent to PowerQUICC III. Freescale Semiconductor strongly recommends that use of these instructions be confined to libraries and device drivers. Customer software that uses SPE or embedded floating-point instructions at the assembly level or that uses SPE intrinsics will require rewriting for upward compatibility with next-generation PowerQUICC devices. Freescale Semiconductor offers a libcfsl_e500 library that uses SPE instructions. Freescale will also provide libraries to support next-generation PowerQUICC devices. 5.1.2 Core Complex Summary The core complex is a superscalar processor that can issue two instructions and complete two instructions per clock cycle. Instructions complete in order, but can execute out of order. Execution results are available to subsequent instructions through the rename buffers, but those results are recorded into architected registers in program order, maintaining a precise exception model. All arithmetic instructions that execute in the core operate on data in the GPRs. Although the GPRs are 64 bits wide, only SPE, DPFP (e500v2 only), and embedded vector floating-point instructions operate on the upper word of the GPRs; the upper 32 bits are not affected by other 32-bit instructions. The processor core integrates two simple instruction units (SU1, SU2), a multiple-cycle instruction unit (MU), a branch unit (BU), and a load/store unit (LSU). The LSU and SU2 support 64- and 32-bit instructions. The ability to execute five instructions in parallel and the use of simple instructions with short execution times yield high efficiency and throughput. Most integer instructions execute in 1 clock cycle. A series of MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-3 Core Complex Overview independent vector floating-point add instructions can be issued and completed with a throughput of one instruction per cycle. The core complex includes independent on-chip, 32-Kbyte, eight-way set-associative, physically addressed caches for instructions and data. It also includes on-chip first-level instruction and data memory management units (MMUs) and an on-chip second-level unified MMU. * The first-level MMUs contain two four-entry, fully-associative instruction and data translation lookaside buffer (TLB) arrays that provide support for demand-paged virtual memory address translation and variable-sized pages. They also contain two 64-entry, 4-way set-associative instruction and data TLB arrays that support 4-Kbyte pages. These arrays are maintained entirely by the hardware with a true least-recently-used (LRU) algorithm. * The second-level MMU contains a 16-entry, fully-associative unified (instruction and data) TLB array that provides support for variable-sized pages. It also contains a unified TLB for 4-Kbyte page size support, as follows: -- a 256-entry, 2-way set-associative unified TLB for the e500v1 -- a 512-entry, 4-way set-associative unified TLB for the e500v2 These second-level TLBs are maintained completely by the software. The core complex allows cache-line-based user-mode locks on the contents in either the instruction or data cache. This provides embedded applications with the capability for locking interrupt routines or other important (time-sensitive) instruction sequences into the instruction cache. It also allows data to be locked into the data cache, which supports deterministic execution time. The core complex supports a high-speed on-chip internal bus with data tagging called the core complex bus (CCB). The CCB has two general-purpose read data buses, one write data bus, data parity bits, data tag bits, an address bus, and address attribute bits. The processor core complex supports out-of-order reads, in-order writes, and one level of pipelining for addresses with address-retry responses. It can also support single-beat and burst data transfers for memory accesses and memory-mapped I/O operations. 5.2 e500 Processor and System Version Numbers Table 5-1lists the revision codes in the processor version register (PVR) and the system version register (SVR). These registers can be accessed as SPRs through the e500 core (see Section 6.5.3, "Processor Version Register (PVR)," and Section 6.5.4, "System Version Register (SVR)") or as memory-mapped registers defined by the integrated device (see "Section, "Processor Version Register (PVR)," and Section, "System Version Register (SVR)"). Table 5-1. Device Revision Level Cross-Reference MPC8548E Revision Core Revision Processor Version Register (PVR) 1.0 1.0 0x8021_0010 System Version Register (SVR) 0x8039_0010 for MPC8548E with security 0x8031_0010 for MPC8548 without security 0x803A_0010 for MPC8543E with security 0x8032_0010 for MPC8543 without security MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-4 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview Table 5-1. Device Revision Level Cross-Reference (continued) 5.3 MPC8548E Revision Core Revision Processor Version Register (PVR) 1.1, 1.1.1 1.0 0x8021_0010 1.2 1.0 0x8021_0010 2.0 2.0 0x8021_0020 System Version Register (SVR) 0x8039_0011 for MPC8548E with security 0x8031_0011 for MPC8548 without security 0x803A_0011 for MPC8543E with security 0x8032_0011 for MPC8543 without security 0x8039_0020 for MPC8548E with security 0x8031_0020 for MPC8548 without security 0x8039_0120 for MPC8547E with security 0x8039_0220 for MPC8545E with security 0x8031_0220 for MPC8545 without security 0x803A_0020 for MPC8543E with security 0x8032_0020 for MPC8543 without security Features Key features of the e500 are summarized as follows: * 32-bit architecture * Additional categories (formerly referred to as APUs) Branch target buffer (BTB) locking is specific to the e500. BTB locking gives the user the ability to lock, unlock, and invalidate BTB entries; further information is provided in Table 5-5. The EIS (see EREF: a Reference for Freescale Book E and the e500 Core) defines the following: -- Integer select. This instruction is now part of the Power Architecture technology base category. -- Performance monitor. The performance monitor facility provides the ability to monitor and count predefined events such as processor clocks, misses in the instruction cache or data cache, types of instructions decoded, or mispredicted branches. The count of such events can be used to trigger the performance monitor exception. Additional performance monitor registers (PMRs) similar to SPRs are used to configure and track performance monitor operations. These registers are accessed with the Move to PMR and Move from PMR instructions (mtpmr and mfpmr). See Section 5.12, "Performance Monitoring." -- Cache locking. Allows instructions and data to be locked into their respective caches on a cache block basis. Locking is performed by a set of touch and lock set instructions. This functionality can be enabled for user mode by setting MSR[UCLE]. The feature also provides resources for detecting and handling overlocking conditions. -- Machine check. The machine check interrupt is treated as a separate level of interrupt. It uses its own save and restore registers (MCSRR0 and MCSRR1) and Return from Machine Check Interrupt (rfmci) instruction. See Section 5.8, "Interrupts and Exception Handling." -- Single-precision embedded scalar and vector floating-point instructions, listed in Table 5-4. -- Signal processing engine (SPE). Note that the SPE is not a separate unit; SPE computational and logical instructions are executed in the simple and multiple-cycle units used by all other computational and logical instructions, and 64-bit loads and stores are executed in the common LSU. Figure 5-1 shows how execution logic for SU1, the MU, and the LSU is replicated to support operations on the upper halves of the GPRs. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-5 Core Complex Overview NOTE The SPE APU and the two single-precision floating-point APUs were combined in the original implementation of the e500 v1, as shown in Figure 5-2. Vector and Floating-Point APUs Original SPE Definition e500 v1 e500 v2 SPE vector instructions ev... Vector single-precision floating-point evfs... Scalar single-precision floating-point efs... Scalar double-precision floating-point efd... Figure 5-2. Vector and Floating-Point APUs * * The e500 register set is modified as follows: - GPRs are widened to 64 bits to support 64-bit load, store, and merge operations. Note that the upper 32 bits are affected only by 64-bit instructions. - A 64-bit accumulator (ACC) has been added. - The signal processing and embedded floating-point status and control register (SPEFSCR) provides interrupt control and status for SPE and embedded floating-point instructions. These registers are shown in Figure 5-7. SPE instructions are grouped as follows: - Single-cycle integer add and subtract with the same latencies for SPE operations as for the 32-bit equivalent - Single-cycle logical operations - Single-cycle shift and rotates - Four-cycle integer pipelined multiplies - 4-, 11-, 19-, and 35-cycle integer divides - If rA or rB is zero, a floating-point divide takes 4 cycles; all other cases take 29 cycles. - Four-cycle SIMD pipelined multiply-accumulate (MAC) - 64-bit accumulator for no-stall MAC operations - 64-bit loads and stores - 64-bit merge instructions Cache structure--Separate 32-Kbyte, 32-byte line, 8-way set-associative level 1 instruction and data caches -- 1.5-cycle cache array access, 3-cycle load-to-use latency -- Pseudo-LRU (PLRU) replacement algorithm -- Copy-back data cache that can function as a write-through cache on a page-by-page basis -- Supports all embedded category memory coherency modes -- Supports EIS-defined cache-locking instructions, as listed in Table 5-3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-6 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview * * * * * * * Dual-issue superscalar control -- Two-instructions-per-clock peak issue rate -- Precise exception handling Decode unit -- 12-entry instruction queue (IQ) -- Full hardware detection of interlocks -- Decodes as many as two instructions per cycle -- Decode serialization control -- Register dependency resolution and renaming Branch prediction unit (BPU) -- Dynamic branch prediction using a 512-entry, 4-way set-associative branch target buffer (BTB) supported by the e500 BTB instructions listed in Table 5-5. -- Branch prediction is handled in the fetch stages. Completion unit -- As many as 14 instructions allowed in 14-entry completion queue (CQ) -- In-order retirement of as many as two instructions per cycle -- Completion and refetch serialization control -- Synchronization for all instruction flow changes--interrupts, mispredicted branches, and context-synchronizing instructions Issue queues -- Two-entry branch instruction issue queue (BIQ) -- Four-entry general instruction issue queue (GIQ) Branch unit--The branch unit (BU) is an execution unit and is distinct from the BPU. It executes (resolves) all branch and CR logical instructions. Two simple units (SU1 and SU2) -- Add and subtract -- Shift and rotate -- Logical operations -- Support for 64-bit SPE instructions in SU1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-7 Core Complex Overview * Multiple-cycle unit (MU)--The MU is shown in Figure 5-3. From GIQ0 or GIQ1 Reservation Station Upper Lower MU-1 Divide Bypass Path MU-2 Divide Postdivide MU-3 MU-4 Figure 5-3. Four-Stage MU Pipeline, Showing Divide Bypass The MU has the following features: -- Four-cycle latency for all multiplication, including SPE integer and fractional multiply instructions and embedded scalar and vector floating-point multiply instructions -- Variable-latency divide: 4, 11, 19, and 35 cycles for all integer divide instructions. If rA or rB is zero, floating-point divide instructions take 4 cycles; all others take 29. Note that although most divide instructions take more than 4 cycles to execute, the MU allows subsequent multiply instructions to execute through all four MU stages in parallel with the divide. -- 4-cycle floating-point add and subtract MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-8 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview * The load/store unit (LSU) is shown in Figure 5-4. Reservation Station To completion queue Load/Store Unit (64-/32-Bit) Three-Stage Pipeline To GPR operand bus To GPRs Queues and Buffers Load L1 Store Queue Miss Queue e500v1 (4 entry) Data Line Fill Buffer e500v1 (3 entry) e500v2 (5 entry) To data cache e500v2 (9 entry) Data Write Buffer To core interface unit Figure 5-4. Three-Stage Load/Store Unit * * The LSU has the following features: -- Three-cycle load latency -- Fully pipelined -- Load miss queue allows up to four load misses before stalling (up to nine load misses in the e500v2). -- Load hits can continue to be serviced when the load miss queue is full. -- The seven-entry L1 store queue allows full pipelining of stores. -- The three-entry data line fill buffer (five-entry on the e500v2) is used for loads and cacheable stores. Stores are allocated here so loads can access data from the store immediately. -- The data write buffer contains three entries: one dedicated for snoop pushes, one dedicated for castouts, and one that can be used for snoop pushes or cast outs. Cache coherency -- Supports four-state cache coherency: modified-exclusive, exclusive, shared, and invalid (MESI). Note, however that shared state may not be accessible in some implementations. -- Bus support for hardware-enforced coherency (bus snooping) Core complex bus (CCB)--internal bus -- High-speed, on-chip local bus with data tagging -- 32-bit address bus -- Address protocol with address pipelining and retry/copyback derived from bus used by previous generations of processors (referred to as the 60x bus) -- Two general-purpose read data buses and one write data bus MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-9 Core Complex Overview * * * Extended exception handling -- Supports embedded category interrupt model - Less than 10-cycle interrupt latency - Interrupt vector prefix register (IVPR) - Interrupt vector offset registers (IVORs) 0-15 and 32-35 - Exception syndrome register (ESR) - Preempting critical interrupt, including critical interrupt status registers (CSRR0 and CSRR1) and an rfci instruction - A separate set of resources for machine-check interrupts - SPE unavailable exception - Floating-point data exception - Floating-point round exception - Performance monitor Memory management unit (MMU) -- 32-bit effective address translated to 32-bit real address (using a 41-bit interim virtual address) for the e500v1core and 36-bit real addressing for the e500v2 core -- TLB entries for variable- (4-Kbyte-256-Mbyte pages for the e500v1 and 4-Kbyte-4-Gbyte pages for the e500v2) and fixed-size (4-Kbyte) pages -- Data L1 MMU - 4-entry, fully-associative TLB array for variable-sized pages - 64-entry, 4-way set-associative TLB for 4-Kbyte pages -- Instruction L1 MMU - 4-entry, fully-associative TLB array for variable-sized pages - 64-entry, 4-way set-associative TLB for 4-Kbyte pages -- Unified L2 MMU - 16-entry, fully-associative TLB array for variable-sized pages - e500v1--A 256-entry, 2-way set-associative unified (for instruction and data accesses) L2 TLB array (TLB0) supports only 4-Kbyte pages - e500v2--A 512-entry, 4-way set-associative unified (for instruction and data accesses) L2 TLB array (TLB0) supports only 4-Kbyte pages -- Software reload for TLBs -- Virtual memory support for as much as 4 Gbytes (232) of effective address space -- Real memory support for as much as 4 Gbytes (232) of physical memory on the e500v1 and 64 Gbytes (236) on the e500v2 -- Support for big-endian and true little-endian memory on a per-page basis Power management -- Low-power design -- Power-saving modes: core-halted and core-stopped MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-10 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview * * 5.3.1 -- Internal clock multipliers ranging from 1 to 8 times the bus clock, including integer and half-mode multipliers.The MPC8548E supports multipliers of 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5 -- Dynamic power management of execution units, caches, and MMUs -- NAP, DOZE, and SLEEP bits in HID0 can be used to assert nap, doze, and sleep output signals to initiate power-saving modes at the integrated device level. Testability -- LSSD scan design -- JTAG interface -- ESP support Reliability and serviceability -- Parity checking on caches -- Parity checking on e500 local bus e500v2 Differences The e500v2 provides the following additional features not supported by the e500v1: * The e500v2 uses 36-bit physical addressing, which is supported by the following: -- MMU assist register 7 (MAS7) -- HID0[EN_MAS7_UPDATE] -- Programmable jumper options to specify the upper bits of the reset vector. * The e500v2 has a 512-entry, 4-way set-associative unified TLB for TLB1. * The maximum variable page size is extended to 4 Gbytes. * Embedded double-precision floating-point APU has been added. These instructions use the 64-bit GPRs as single, 64-bit double-precision operands. This APU is enabled through MSR[SPE]. * Slightly different functionality of HID1[RFXE] bit. * The data line fill buffer in the LSU is expanded from three to five entries. * The load miss queue in the LSU is expanded from four to nine entries. * TBSEL and TBEE bits have been added to the performance monitor global control register 0 (PMGC0) to support monitoring of time base events. * Minor modifications to the SPE APU. * Data cache flush assist capability, supported through HID0[DCFA]. When DCFA is set, the cache miss replacement algorithm ignores invalid entries and follows the replacement sequence defined by the PLRU bits. This reduces the series of uniquely addressed load or dcbz instructions required to flush the cache. Detailed descriptions of these differences are provided in their respective chapters. NOTE Unless otherwise indicated, references to e500 apply to both e500v1 and e500v2. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-11 Core Complex Overview 5.4 Instruction Set The e500 implements the following instructions: * The embedded category instruction set for 32-bit implementations. This is composed primarily of the user-level instructions defined by the Power Architecture user instruction set architecture (UISA). The e500 does not include floating-point instructions that require floating-point registers (FPRs), load string, or store string instructions. * The e500 supports the following instructions: -- Integer select. Now part of the base category. Consists of the Integer Select instruction (isel), which functions as an if-then-else statement that selects between two source registers by comparison to a CR bit. This instruction eliminates conditional branches, decreases latency, and reduces the code footprint. -- Performance monitor. Table 5-2 lists performance monitor instructions. Table 5-2. Performance Monitor Instructions Name Mnemonic Syntax Move from Performance Monitor Register mfpmr rD,PMRN Move to Performance Monitor Register mtpmr PMRN,rS -- Cache locking. Consists of the instructions described in Table 5-3. Table 5-3. Cache Locking Instructions Name Mnemonic Syntax dcblc CT, rA, rB Data Cache Block Lock Clear Data Cache Block Touch and Lock Set dcbtls CT, rA, rB dcbtstls CT, rA, rB Instruction Cache Block Lock Clear icblc CT, rA, rB Instruction Cache Block Touch and Lock Set icbtls CT, rA, rB Data Cache Block Touch for Store and Lock Set -- Machine check. Defines the Return from Machine Check Interrupt instruction (rfmci). -- SPE vector instructions. Vector instructions are defined that view the 64-bit GPRs as composed of a vector of two 32-bit elements (some instructions also read or write 16-bit elements). Some scalar instructions produce a 64-bit scalar result. -- The embedded floating-point categories provide scalar and vector floating-point instructions. Scalar single-precision floating-point instructions use only the lower 32 bits of the GPRs; double-precision operands (e500v2 only) use all 64 bits. Table 5-4 lists embedded floating-point instructions. Table 5-4. Scalar and Vector Embedded Floating-Point APU Instructions Mnemonic Instruction Syntax Scalar SP Scalar DP Vector Convert Floating-Point Single- from Double-Precision -- efscfd -- rD,rB Convert Floating-Point Double- from Single-Precision -- efdcfs -- rD,rB MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-12 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview Table 5-4. Scalar and Vector Embedded Floating-Point APU Instructions (continued) Mnemonic Instruction Syntax Scalar SP Scalar DP Vector Convert Floating-Point from Signed Fraction efscfsf efdcfsf evfscfsf rD,rB Convert Floating-Point from Signed Fraction efscfsf efdcfsf evfscfsf rD,rB Convert Floating-Point from Signed Integer efscfsi efdcfsi evfscfsi rD,rB Convert Floating-Point from Unsigned Fraction efscfuf efdcfuf evfscfuf rD,rB Convert Floating-Point from Unsigned Integer efscfui efdcfui evfscfui rD,rB Convert Floating-Point to Signed Fraction efsctsf efdctsf evfsctsf rD,rB Convert Floating-Point to Signed Integer efsctsi efdctsi evfsctsi rD,rB Convert Floating-Point to Signed Integer with Round toward Zero efsctsiz efdctsiz evfsctsiz rD,rB Convert Floating-Point to Unsigned Fraction efsctuf efdctuf evfsctuf rD,rB Convert Floating-Point to Unsigned Integer efsctui efdctui evfsctui rD,rB Convert Floating-Point to Unsigned Integer with Round toward Zero efsctuiz efdctuiz evfsctuiz rD,rB Floating-Point Absolute Value efsabs efdabs evfsabs rD,rA Floating-Point Add efsadd efdadd evfsadd rD,rA,rB Floating-Point Compare Equal efscmpeq efdcmpeq evfscmpeq crD,rA,rB Floating-Point Compare Greater Than efscmpgt efdcmpgt evfscmpgt crD,rA,rB Floating-Point Compare Less Than efscmplt efdcmplt evfscmplt crD,rA,rB Floating-Point Divide efsdiv efddiv evfsdiv rD,rA,rB Floating-Point Multiply efsmul efdmul evfsmul rD,rA,rB Floating-Point Negate efsneg efdneg evfsneg rD,rA Floating-Point Negative Absolute Value efsnabs efdnabs evfsnabs rD,rA Floating-Point Subtract efssub efdsub evfssub rD,rA,rB Floating-Point Test Equal efststeq efdtsteq evfststeq crD,rA,rB Floating-Point Test Greater Than efststgt efdtstgt evfststgt crD,rA,rB Floating-Point Test Less Than efststlt efdtstlt evfststlt crD,rA,rB -- BTB locking instructions. The core complex provides a 512-entry BTB for efficient processing of branch instructions. The BTB is a branch target address cache, organized as 128 rows with 4-way set associativity, that holds the address and target instruction of the 512 most-recently taken branches. Table 5-5 lists BTB instructions. Table 5-5. BTB Locking Instructions Name Mnemonic Syntax Branch Buffer Load Entry and Lock Set bblels -- Branch Buffer Entry Lock Reset bbelr -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-13 Core Complex Overview 5.5 Instruction Flow The e500 core is a pipelined, superscalar processor with parallel execution units that allow instructions to execute out of order but record their results in order. Pipelining breaks instruction processing into discrete stages, so multiple instructions in an instruction sequence can occupy the successive stages: as an instruction completes one stage, it passes to the next, leaving the previous stage available to a subsequent instruction. So, even though it may take multiple cycles for an instruction to pass through all of the pipeline stages, once a pipeline is full, instruction throughput is much shorter than the latency. A superscalar processor is one that issues multiple independent instructions into separate execution units, allowing parallel execution. The e500 core has five execution units, one each for branch (BU), load/store (LSU), and multiple-cycle operations (MU), and two for simple arithmetic operations (SU1 and SU2). The MU and SU1 arithmetic execution units also execute 64-bit SPE vector instructions, using both the lower and upper halves of the 64-bit GPRs. The parallel execution units allow multiple instructions to execute in parallel and out of order. For example, a low-latency addition instruction that is issued to an SU after an integer divide is issued to the MU should finish executing before the higher latency divide instruction. The add instruction can make its results available to a subsequent instruction, but it cannot update the architected GPR specified as its target operand ahead of the multiple-cycle divide instruction. 5.5.1 Initial Instruction Fetch The e500 core begins execution at fixed virtual address 0xFFFF_FFFC. The MMU has a default page translation which maps this to the identical physical address. So, the instruction at physical address 0xFFFF_FFFC must be a branch to another address within the 4-Kbyte boot page. 5.5.2 Branch Detection and Prediction To improve branch performance, the e500 provides implementation-specific dynamic branch prediction using the BTB to resolve branch instructions and improve the accuracy of branch predictions. Each of the 512 entries in the 4-way set associative address cache of branch target addresses includes a 2-bit saturating branch history counter, whose value is incremented or decremented depending on whether the branch was taken. These bits can take on four values indicating strongly taken, weakly taken, weakly not taken, and strongly not taken. The BTB is used not only to predict branches, but to detect branches during the fetch stage, offering an efficient way to access instruction streams for branches predicted as taken. In the e500, all branch instructions are assigned positions in the completion queue at dispatch. Speculative instructions in branch target streams are allowed to execute and proceed through the completion queue, although they can complete only after the branch prediction is resolved as correct and after the branch instruction itself completes. If a branch resolves as correct, instructions in the target stream are marked nonspeculative and are allowed to complete. If the branch history bits in the BTB indicated weakly taken or weakly not taken, the prediction is upgraded to strongly taken or strongly not taken. If a branch resolves as incorrect, instructions in the target stream are flushed from the execution pipeline, the branch history bits are updated in the BTB entry, and nonspeculative fetching begins from the correct path. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-14 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview 5.5.3 e500 Execution Pipeline The seven stages of the e500 execution pipeline--fetch1, fetch2/predecode, decode/dispatch, issue, execute, complete, and write back--are highlighted in grey in Figure 5-5. Fetch Stage 1 Indicates stages Instruction Cache Fetch Stage 2 At dispatch, instructions are deallocated from the IQ and assigned sequential positions in the CQ. Maximum four-instruction fetch per clock cycle Decode Stage Maximum two-instruction per cycle dispatch to the issue queues. BIQ can accept one per cycle; GIQ can accept at most two. Issue Stage General Issue Queue (GIQ) Branch Issue Queue (BIQ) Execute Stage MU Stage 1 BU Execute BU Finish Divide Bypass LSU Stage 1 Stage 2 Divide Stage 2 Stage 3 Postdivide Stage 3 Stage 4 SU1 SU2 Completion Stage Maximum two-instruction completion per clock cycle Write-Back Stage Figure 5-5. Instruction Pipeline Flow The common pipeline stages are as follows: * Instruction fetch--Includes the clock cycles necessary to request an instruction and the time the memory system takes to respond to the request. Instructions retrieved are latched into the instruction queue (IQ) for subsequent consideration by the dispatcher. Instruction fetch timing depends on many variables, such as whether an instruction is in the on-chip instruction cache or an L2 cache (if implemented). Those factors increase when it is necessary to fetch instructions from system memory and include the processor-to-bus clock ratio, the amount of bus traffic, and whether any cache coherency operations are required. Because there are so many variables, unless otherwise specified, the instruction timing examples in this chapter assume optimal performance and show the portion of the fetch stage in which the MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-15 Core Complex Overview * * instruction is in the instruction queue. The fetch1 and fetch2 stages are primarily involved in retrieving instructions. The decode/dispatch stage fully decodes each instruction; most instructions are dispatched to the issue queues (however, isync, rfi, sc, nops, and some other instructions do not go to issue queues). The two issue queues, BIQ and GIQ, can accept as many as one and two instructions, respectively, in a cycle. The behavior of instruction dispatch is covered in significant detail in the e500 Software Optimization Guide. The following simplification covers most cases: -- Instructions dispatch only from the two lowest IQ entries--IQ0 and IQ1. -- A total of two instructions can be dispatched to the issue queues per clock cycle. -- Space must be available in the CQ for an instruction to decode and dispatch (this includes instructions that are assigned a space in the CQ but not in an issue queue). Dispatch is treated as an event at the end of the decode stage. The issue stage reads source operands from rename registers and register files and determines when instructions are latched into the execution unit reservation stations. Note that the e500 has 14 rename registers, one for each completion queue entry, so instructions cannot stall because of a shortage of rename registers. The general behavior of the two issue queues is described as follows: -- The GIQ accepts as many as two instructions from the dispatch unit per cycle. SU1, SU2, MU, and all LSU instructions (including 64-bit loads and stores) are dispatched to the GIQ, shown in Figure 5-6. From IQ0/IQ1 GIQ3 GIQ2 GIQ1 To SU2, MU, or LSU GIQ0 To SU1, MU, or LSU Figure 5-6. GPR Issue Queue (GIQ) * Instructions can be issued out-of-order from the bottom two GIQ entries (GIQ1-GIQ0). GIQ0 can issue to SU1, MU, and LSU. GIQ1 can issue to SU2, MU, and LSU. Note that SU2 executes a subset of the instructions that can be executed in SU1. The ability to identify and dispatch instructions to SU2 increases the availability of SU1 to execute more computational-intensive instructions. An instruction in GIQ1 destined for SU2 or the LSU need not wait for an MU instruction in GIQ0 that is stalled behind a long-latency divide. The execute stage accepts instructions from its issue queue when the appropriate reservation stations are not busy. In this stage, the operands assigned to the execution stage from the issue stage are latched. The execution unit executes the instruction (perhaps over multiple cycles), writes results on its result bus, and notifies the CQ when the instruction finishes. The execution unit reports any exceptions to the completion stage. Instruction-generated exceptions are not taken until the excepting instruction is next to retire. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-16 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview * Most integer instructions have a 1-cycle latency, so results of these instructions are available 1 clock cycle after an instruction enters the execution unit. The MU and LSU are pipelined, as shown in Figure 5-5. Branches resolve in execute stage. If a branch is mispredicted, it takes 5 cycles for the next instruction to reach the execute stage. The complete and write-back stages maintain the correct architectural machine state and commit results to the architecture-defined registers in the proper order. If completion logic detects an instruction containing an exception status or a mispredicted branch, all following instructions are cancelled, their execution results in rename registers are discarded, and the correct instruction stream is fetched. The complete stage ends when the instruction is retired. Two instructions can be retired per clock cycle. If no dependencies exist, as many as two instructions are retired in program order. The write-back stage occurs in the clock cycle after the instruction is retired. The e500 core also provides new instructions that perform single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) operations. These signal processing instructions consist of parallel operations on both the upper and lower 32 bits of two 64-bit GPR values and produce two 32-bit results written to a 64-bit GPR. As shown in Figure 5-5, the LSU, MU, and SU1 replicate logic to support 64-bit operations. Although a vector instruction generates separate, discrete results in the upper and lower halves of the target GPR, latency and throughput for vector instructions are the same as those for their scalar equivalents. 5.6 Programming Model The following section describes the e500 core registers. Figure 5-7 shows the e500 register set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-17 Core Complex Overview User-Level Registers General-Purpose Registers 0 31 32 Instruction-Accessible Registers 63 0 31 32 (upper) GPR0 (lower) CR GPR1 Generalpurpose registers GPR2 GPR31 Performance Monitor PMRs (Read-Only) pmr 384 UPMGC0 pmr 0-3 1 UPMCs 1 CTR spr 8 LR 1 spr 515 spr 516 L1CFG11 spr 512 SPEFSCR 1 Integer exception register SPE FP status/control register Accumulator 3 spr 513 BBEAR spr 514 BBTAR 3 SPRG3 spr 260 SPRG4 spr 263 User SPR general 0 SPR general registers 3-7 SPRG7 Time-Base Registers (Read-Only) Branch buffer entry address register Branch buffer target address register L1 cache configuration registers 0-1 spr 259 * * * Miscellaneous Registers Local control registers a0-a3, b0-b3 L1 Cache (Read-Only) L1CFG01 Link register XER 63 USPRG0 General SPRs (Read-Only) Count register ACC 1 Counter registers 0-3 pmr 128-131 UPMLCas 1 pmr 256-259 UPMLCbs Global control register 32 spr 256 Condition register spr 9 spr 1 User General SPR (Read/Write) 63 spr 268 TBL spr 269 TBU spr 526 ATBL 1, 2 spr 527 ATBU 1, 2 Time base lower/upper Alternate time base lower/upper Supervisor-Level Registers Interrupt Registers 32 spr 63 IVPR spr 26 SRR0 spr 27 SRR1 spr 58 CSRR0 spr 59 CSRR1 spr 570 MCSRR0 1 spr 571 MCSRR1 1 spr 62 ESR spr 572 MCSR 1 spr 573 MCAR spr 569 MCARU 2 spr 61 DEAR 32 Interrupt vector prefix spr 308 DBCR0 spr 309 DBCR1 spr 310 DBCR2 spr 304 DBSR spr 312 IAC1 spr 313 IAC2 spr 317 DAC1 DAC2 IVOR0 spr 401 IVOR1 Critical SRR 0/1 spr 415 IVOR15 spr 528 IVOR32 1 spr 529 spr 530 Machine check SRR 0/1 spr 531 2 3 IVOR33 1 Interrupt vector offset registers 32-35 IVOR34 1 IVOR35 32 Interrupt vector offset registers 0-15 * * * Machine check syndrome register Machine check address register spr 1012 MMUCSR0 Data exception address register spr 624 MAS0 1 spr 625 MAS1 1 spr 626 MAS2 1 spr 627 MAS3 1 spr 628 MAS4 1 spr 630 MAS6 1 spr 944 Debug control registers 0-2 Debug status register Instruction address compare registers 1 and 2 Data address compare registers 1 and 2 MAS7 spr 48 PID0 PID1 1 spr 634 PID2 1 spr 1023 SVR System version spr 286 PIR Processor ID spr 287 PVR Processor version Timer/Decrementer Registers 1 MMU assist registers spr 688 TLB0CFG 1 spr 689 TLB1CFG 1 L1CSR1 1 DECAR spr 284 TBL spr 285 TBU Time base lower/upper spr 340 TCR Timer control spr 336 TSR Timer status spr 1008 HID0 1 spr 1009 HID1 1 spr 1013 BUCSR3 spr 272-279 SPRG0-7 Process ID registers 0-2 TLB configuration 0/1 Hardware implementation dependent 0-1 Branch control and status register General SPRs 0-7 Performance Monitor Registers MMU configuration L1 Cache (Read/Write) L1CSR0 1 Decrementer Decrementer auto-reload Miscellaneous Registers MMU Control and Status (Read Only) spr 1015 MMUCFG 1 DEC spr 54 MMU control and status register 0 1. 2 spr 633 Machine state spr 22 MMU Control and Status (Read/Write) Machine check address register upper 63 MSR 1 Exception syndrome register spr 1010 spr 1011 1 63 spr 400 Save/restore registers 0/1 Debug Registers spr 316 Configuration Registers 63 pmr 400 PMGC0 1 pmr 16-19 PMC0-3 1 Global control register Counter registers 0-3 1 Local control a0-a3 pmr 272-275 PMLCb0-3 1 Local control b0-b3 pmr 144-147 PMLCa0-3 L1 Cache Control/Status 0/1 These registers are defined by the EIS e500v2 only These registers are e500-specific Figure 5-7. e500 Core Programming Model MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-18 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview 5.7 On-Chip Cache Implementation The core complex contains separate 32-Kbyte, eight-way set-associative, level 1 (L1) instruction and data caches to give rapid access to instructions and data. The data cache supports four-state MESI memory coherency protocol. The core complex broadcasts all cache management functions based on the setting of the address broadcast enable bit, HID1[ABE], allowing management of other caches in the system. On the MPC8548E the ABE bit must be set to ensure that cache and TLB management instructions operate properly on the L2 cache. The caches implement a pseudo-least-recently-used (PLRU) replacement algorithm. Parity generation and checking may be enabled for both caches, and each cache can be independently invalidated through L1CSR1 and L1CSR0. Additionally, instructions are provided to perform cache locking and unlocking on both data and instruction caches on a cache-block granularity. These are listed in Section 5.10.3, "Cache Control Instructions." Individual instruction cache blocks and data cache blocks can be invalidated using the icbi and dcbi instructions, respectively. The entire data cache can be invalidated by setting L1CSR0[CFI]; the entire instruction cache can be invalidated by setting L1CSR1[ICFI]. 5.8 Interrupts and Exception Handling The e500 core supports an extended exception handling model, with nested interrupt capability and extensive interrupt vector programmability. The following sections define the exception model, including an overview of exception handling as implemented on the e500 core, a brief description of the exception classes, and an overview of the registers involved in the processes. 5.8.1 Exception Handling In general, interrupt processing begins with an exception that occurs due to external conditions, errors, or program execution problems. When the exception occurs, the processor checks to verify interrupt processing is enabled for that particular exception. If enabled, the interrupt causes the state of the processor to be saved in the appropriate registers and prepares to begin execution of the handler located at the associated vector address for that particular exception. Once the handler is executing, the implementation may need to check one or more bits in the exception syndrome register (ESR) or the SPEFSCR, depending on the exception, to verify the specific cause of the exception and take appropriate action. The core complex provides the interrupts described in Section 5.8.5, "Interrupt Registers." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-19 Core Complex Overview 5.8.2 Interrupt Classes All interrupts may be categorized as asynchronous/synchronous and critical/noncritical. * Asynchronous interrupts (such as machine check, critical input, and external interrupts) are caused by events that are independent of instruction execution. For asynchronous interrupts, the address reported in a save/restore register is the address of the instruction that would have executed next had the asynchronous interrupt not occurred. * Synchronous interrupts are those that are caused directly by the execution or attempted execution of instructions. Synchronous inputs may be either precise or imprecise, which are described as follows: -- Synchronous precise interrupts are those that precisely indicate the address of the instruction causing the exception that generated the interrupt or, in some cases, the address of the immediately following instruction. The interrupt type and status bits indicate which instruction is addressed in the appropriate save/restore register. -- Synchronous imprecise interrupts are those that may indicate the address of the instruction causing the exception that generated the interrupt or some instruction after the instruction causing the interrupt. If the interrupt was caused by either the context synchronizing mechanism or the execution synchronizing mechanism, the address in the appropriate save/restore register is the address of the interrupt forcing instruction. If the interrupt was not caused by either of those mechanisms, the address in the save/restore register is the last instruction to start execution and may not have completed. No instruction following the instruction in the save/restore register has executed. 5.8.3 Interrupt Types The e500 core processes all interrupts as either machine check, critical, or noncritical types. Separate control and status register sets are provided for each interrupt type. The core handles interrupts from these three types in the following priority order: 1. Machine check interrupt (highest priority)--The e500 defines a separate set of resources for the machine check interrupt. They use the machine check save and restore registers (MCSRR0/MCSRR1) to save state when they are taken, and they use the rfmci instruction to restore state. These interrupts can be masked by the machine check enable bit, MSR[ME]. 2. Noncritical interrupts--First-level interrupts that allow the processor to change program flow to handle conditions generated by external signals, errors, or unusual conditions arising from program execution or from programmable timer-related events. These interrupts are largely identical to those previously defined by the OEA portion of the architecture. They use save and restore registers (SRR0/SRR1) to save state when they are taken and they use the rfi instruction to restore state. Asynchronous noncritical interrupts can be masked by the external interrupt enable bit, MSR[EE]. 3. Critical interrupts--Critical interrupts can be taken during a noncritical interrupt or during regular program flow. They use the critical save and restore registers (CSRR0/CSRR1) to save state when they are taken and they use the rfci instruction to restore state. These interrupts can be masked by MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-20 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview the critical enable bit, MSR[CE]. The embedded category defines the critical input, watchdog timer, and machine check interrupts as critical interrupts, but the e500 implements a third set of resources for the machine check interrupt, as described in Table 5-6. All interrupts except machine check are ordered within the two categories of noncritical and critical, such that only one interrupt of each category is reported, and when it is processed (taken), no program state is lost. Because save/restore register pairs are serially reusable, program state may be lost when an unordered interrupt is taken. 5.8.4 Upper Bound on Interrupt Latencies Core complex interrupt latency is defined as the number of core clocks between the sampling of the interrupt signal as asserted and the initiation of the IVOR fetch (that is, the fetch of the first instruction in the handler). Core complex interrupt latency is determinate unless a guarded load or a cache-inhibited stwcx. is being executed, in which case the latency is indeterminate. The minimum latency is 3 core clocks and the maximum is 8, not including the 2 bus clock cycles required to synchronize the interrupt signal from the pad. When an interrupt is taken, all instructions in the IQ are thrown away unless the oldest instruction is a load/store instruction. That is, if an asynchronous interrupt is being serviced and the oldest instruction is not a load/store instruction, the core complex goes straight from sampling the interrupt to ensuring a recoverable state and issuing an exception. If a load/store instruction is oldest, the core complex waits 4 clocks before ensuring a recoverable state. During this time, any instruction finished by the LSU is deallocated. 5.8.5 Interrupt Registers The registers associated with interrupt and exception handling are described in Table 5-6. Table 5-6. Interrupt Registers Register Description Noncritical Interrupt Registers SRR0 Save/restore register 0--Holds the address of the instruction causing the exception or the address of the instruction that will execute after the rfi instruction. SRR1 Save/restore register 1--Holds machine state on noncritical interrupts and restores machine state after an rfi instruction is executed. Critical Interrupt Registers CSRR0 Critical save/restore register 0--On critical interrupts, holds either the address of the instruction causing the exception or the address of the instruction that will execute after the rfci instruction. CSRR1 Critical save/restore register 1--Holds machine state on critical interrupts and restores machine state after an rfci instruction is executed. Machine Check Interrupt Registers MCSRR0 Machine check save/restore register 0--Used to store the address of the instruction that will execute after an rfmci instruction is executed. MCSRR1 Machine check save/restore register 1--Holds machine state on machine check interrupts and restores machine state (if recoverable) after an rfmci instruction is executed. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-21 Core Complex Overview Table 5-6. Interrupt Registers (continued) Register MCAR Description Machine check address register--Holds the address of the data or instruction that caused the machine check interrupt. MCAR contents are not meaningful if a signal triggered the machine check interrupt. Syndrome Registers MCSR ESR Machine check syndrome register--Holds machine state information on machine check interrupts and restores machine state after an rfmci instruction is executed. Exception syndrome register--Provides a syndrome to differentiate between the different kinds of exceptions that generate the same interrupt type. Upon generation of a specific exception type, the associated bit is set and all other bits are cleared. SPE Interrupt Registers SPEFSCR Signal processing and embedded floating-point status and control register--Provides interrupt control and status as well as various condition bits associated with the operations performed by the SPE. Other Interrupt Registers DEAR Data exception address register--Holds the address that was referenced by a load, store, or cache management instruction that caused an alignment, data TLB miss, or data storage interrupt. IVPR IVORs Together, IVPR[32-47] || IVORn [48-59] || 0b0000 define the address of an interrupt-processing routine. See Table 5-7 and the EREF for more information. Each interrupt has an associated interrupt vector address, obtained by concatenating the IVPR value with the address index in the associated IVOR (that is, IVPR[32-47] || IVORn[48-59] || 0b0000). The resulting address is that of the instruction to be executed when that interrupt occurs. IVPR and IVOR values are indeterminate on reset, and must be initialized by the system software using mtspr. Table 5-7 lists IVOR registers implemented on the e500 and the associated interrupts. Table 5-7. Interrupt Vector Registers and Exception Conditions Register Interrupt Embedded Category-Defined IVORs IVOR0 Critical input IVOR1 Machine check interrupt offset IVOR2 Data storage interrupt offset IVOR3 Instruction storage interrupt offset IVOR4 External input interrupt offset IVOR5 Alignment interrupt offset IVOR6 Program interrupt offset IVOR7 Floating-point unavailable interrupt offset IVOR8 System call interrupt offset IVOR9 Auxiliary processor unavailable interrupt offset IVOR10 Decrementer interrupt offset IVOR11 Fixed-interval timer interrupt offset IVOR12 Watchdog timer interrupt offset IVOR13 Data TLB error interrupt offset MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-22 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview Table 5-7. Interrupt Vector Registers and Exception Conditions (continued) Register Interrupt IVOR14 Instruction TLB error interrupt offset IVOR15 Debug interrupt offset e500-Specific IVORs 5.9 IVOR32 SPE unavailable interrupt offset IVOR33 SPE floating-point data exception interrupt offset IVOR34 SPE floating-point round exception interrupt offset IVOR35 Performance monitor Memory Management The e500 core complex supports demand-paged virtual memory as well other memory management schemes that depend on precise control of effective-to-physical address translation and flexible memory protection as defined by the architecture. The mapping mechanism consists of software-managed TLBs that support variable-sized pages with per-page properties and permissions. The following properties can be configured for each TLB: * User-mode page execute access * User-mode page read access * User-mode page write access * Supervisor-mode page execute access * Supervisor-mode page read access * Supervisor-mode page write access * Write-through required (W) * Caching inhibited (I) * Memory coherency required (M) (ignored on the MPC8548E) * Guarded (G) * Endianness (E) * User-definable (U0-U3), a 4-bit implementation-specific field The core complex employs a two-level memory management unit (MMU) architecture. There are separate instruction and data level-1 (L1) MMUs backed up by a unified level-2 (L2) MMU. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-23 Core Complex Overview This two-level structure is shown in Figure 5-8. Memory Unit To instruction unit Instruction Line FIll Buffer 32-Kbyte I-Cache Tags L1 Instruction MMU 4-Entry I-L1VSP MAS Registers 64-Entry I-L1TLB4K L2 MMUs Unified 16-Entry TLB Array (TLB1) 256/512-Entry TLB Array (TLB0) L1 Data MMU 4-Entry D-L1VSP 64-Entry D-L1TLB4K Data Line FIll Buffer To load/store unit Tags 32-Kbyte D-Cache Core Interface Figure 5-8. MMU Structure Level-1 MMUs have the following features: * Four-entry, fully associative TLB array that supports all nine page sizes * 64-entry, 4-way set-associative TLB 4-Kbyte array that supports 4-Kbyte pages only * Hardware partially managed by L2 MMU * Supports snooping of TLBs by both internal and external tlbivax instructions The level-2 MMU has the following features: * A 16-entry, fully associative L2 TLB array (TLB1) that supports all nine variable page sizes * TLB array (TLB0) that supports only 4-Kbyte pages, as follows: -- e500v1--256-entry, 2-way set-associative TLB array -- e500v2--512-entry, 4-way set-associative TLB array * Hardware assist for TLB miss exceptions * Software managed by tlbre, tlbwe, tlbsx, tlbsync, tlbivax, and mtspr instructions * Supports snooping of TLB by both internal and external tlbivax instructions MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-24 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview 5.9.1 Address Translation The core complex fetch and load/store units generate 32-bit effective addresses. The MMU translates these addresses to real addresses (32-bit real addresses for the e500v1 core, 36-bit for the e500v2) (which are used for memory bus accesses) using an interim 41-bit virtual address. Figure 5-9 shows the translation flow for the e500v1 core. *** IS DS *** MSR Instruction Access Data Access 8 Bits AS PID0 32-Bit Effective Address (EA) 4-20 Bits* 12-28 Bits* Effective Page Number Byte Address PID1 PID2 Three 41-Bit Virtual Addresses (VAs) L1 MMUs L2 MMU (Unified) 16-Entry Fully-Assoc. VSP Array (TLB1) Instruction L1 MMU 2 TLBs Data L1 MMU 2 TLBs 256-Entry 2-Way Set-Assoc. Array (TLB0) 4-20 Bits* 32-Bit Real Address Real Page Number 12-28 Bits* Byte Address * Number of bits depends on page size (4 Kbytes-256 Mbytes). Figure 5-9. Effective-to-Real Address Translation Flow MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-25 Core Complex Overview Figure 5-10 shows the same translation flow for the e500v2 core. *** IS DS *** MSR Instruction Access Data Access 8 bits AS PID0 32-bit Effective Address (EA) 0-20 bits* 12-32 bits* Effective Page Number Byte Address PID1 PID2 Three 41-bit Virtual Addresses (VAs) L1 MMUs L2 MMU (unified) 16-Entry Fully-Assoc. VSP Array (TLB1) Instruction L1 MMU 2 TLBs Data L1 MMU 2 TLBs 512-Entry 4-Way Set Assoc. Array (TLB0) 4-24 bits* 36-bit Real Address 12-32 bits* Real Page Number Byte Address * Number of bits depends on page size (4 Kbytes-4 Gbytes) Figure 5-10. Effective-to-Real Address Translation Flow (e500v2) The appropriate L1 MMU (instruction or data) is checked for a matching address translation. The instruction L1 MMU and data L1 MMU operate independently and can be accessed in parallel, so that hits for instruction accesses and data accesses can occur in the same clock. If an L1 MMU misses, the request for translation is forwarded to the unified (instruction and data) L2 MMU. If found, the contents of the TLB entry are concatenated with the byte address to obtain the physical address of the requested access. On misses, the L1 TLB entries are replaced from their L2 TLB counterparts using a true LRU algorithm. 5.9.2 MMU Assist Registers (MAS0-MAS4 and MAS6-MAS7) MMU assist registers are used to hold values either read from or to be written to the TLBs and information required to identify the TLB to be accessed. MAS3 implements the real page number (RPN), the user attribute bits (U0-U3), and permission bits (UX, SX, UW, SW, UR, SR) that specify user and supervisor read, write, and execute permissions. The e500 does not implement MAS5. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-26 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview MAS registers are affected by the following instructions (see the EREF for more detailed information): * MAS registers are accessed with the mtspr and mfspr instructions. * The TLB Read Entry instruction (tlbre) causes the contents of a single TLB entry from the L2 MMU to be placed in defined locations in MAS0-MAS3 (and optionally MAS7 on the e500v2). The TLB entry to be extracted is determined by information written to MAS0 and MAS2 before the tlbre instruction is executed. * The TLB Write Entry instruction (tlbwe) causes the information stored in certain locations of MAS0-MAS3 (and MAS7 on the e500v2) to be written to the TLB specified in MAS0. * The TLB Search Indexed instruction (tlbsx) updates MAS registers conditionally, based on success or failure of a lookup in the L2 MMU. The lookup is specified by the instruction encoding and specific search fields in MAS6. The values placed in the MAS registers may differ, depending on a successful or unsuccessful search. For TLB miss and certain MMU-related DSI/ISI exceptions, MAS4 provides default values for updating MAS0-MAS2. 5.9.3 Process ID Registers (PID0-PID2) The e500 core complex also implements three process ID (PID) registers that hold the values used to construct the three virtual addresses for each access. These process IDs provide an extended page sharing capability. Which of these three virtual addresses is used is controlled by the TID field of a matching TLB entry, and when TID = 0x00 (identifying a page as globally shared), the PID values are ignored. A hit to multiple TLB entries in the L1 MMU (even if they are in separate arrays) or a hit to multiple entries in the L2 MMU is considered to be a programming error. 5.9.4 TLB Coherency The core complex provides the ability to invalidate a TLB entry, as defined by the architecture. The tlbivax instruction invalidates a matching local TLB entry. Execution of this instruction is also broadcast on the core complex bus (CCB) if HID1[ABE] is set. The core complex also snoops TLB invalidate transactions on the CCB from other bus masters. On the MPC8548E the ABE bit must be set to ensure that cache and TLB management instructions operate properly on the L2 cache. 5.10 Memory Coherency The core complex supports four-state memory coherency. Memory coherency is hardware-supported on the system bus through bus snooping and the retry/copyback bus protocol, and through broadcasting of cache management instructions. Translation coherency is also hardware-supported through broadcasting and bus snooping of TLB invalidate transactions. The four-state MESI protocol supports efficient large-scale real-time data sharing between multiple caching bus masters. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-27 Core Complex Overview 5.10.1 Atomic Update Memory References The e500 core supports atomic update memory references for both aligned word forms of data using the load and reserve and store conditional instruction pair, lwarx and stwcx. Typically, a load and reserve instruction establishes a reservation and is paired with a store conditional instruction to achieve the atomic operation. However, there are restrictions and requirements for this functionality. The processor revokes reservations during a context switch, so the programmer must reacquire the reservation after a context switch occurs. 5.10.2 Memory Access Ordering The core complex supports weakly ordered references to memory. Thus the e500 manages the order and synchronization of instructions to ensure proper execution when memory is shared between multiple processes or programs. The cache and data memory control attributes, along with msync and mbar, provide the required access control. 5.10.3 Cache Control Instructions The core complex supports instructions for performing a full range of cache control functions, including cache locking by line. The core complex supports broadcasting and snooping of these cache control instructions on the CCB. The e500 core also supports the following e500-specific cache locking instructions: * Data Cache Block Lock Clear (dcblc) * Data Cache Block Touch and Lock Set (dcbtls) * Data Cache Block Touch for Store and Lock Set (dcbtstls) * Instruction Cache Block Lock Clear (icblc) * Instruction Cache Block Touch and Lock Set (icbtls) 5.10.4 Programmable Page Characteristics Cache and memory attributes are programmable on a per-page basis. In addition to the write-through, caching-inhibited, memory coherency enforced, and guarded characteristics defined by the WIMG bits, the endianness bit, E, allows selection of big- or little-endian byte ordering on a per-page basis. In addition to the WIMGE bits, the MMU model defines user-definable page attribute bits U0-U3. 5.11 Core Complex Bus (CCB) The core complex defines a versatile local bus interface that allows a wide range of system performance and system-complexity trade-offs. The interface defines the following buses: * An address-out bus for mastering bus transactions * An address-in bus for snooping internal resources * Three tagged data buses MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-28 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview Two of the data buses are general-purpose data-in buses for reads, and the third is a data-out bus for writes. The two data-in buses feature support for out-of-order read transactions from two different sources simultaneously, and all three data buses may be operated concurrently. The address-in bus supports snooping for external management of the L1 caches and TLBs by other bus masters. The core complex broadcasts and snoops the cache and TLB management instructions accordingly. It is envisioned that a wide range of system implementations can be constructed from the defined interface. 5.12 Performance Monitoring The e500 core provides a performance monitoring capability that allows counting of events such as processor clocks, instruction cache misses, data cache misses, mispredicted branches, and others. The count of these events may be configured to trigger a performance monitor exception following the e500 interrupt model. This interrupt is assigned to vector offset register IVOR35. The register set associated with the performance monitoring function consists of counter registers, a global control register, and local control registers. These registers are read/write from supervisor mode, and each register is reflected to a corresponding read-only register for user mode. Two instructions, mtpmr and mfpmr, are provided for moving data to and from these registers. An overview of the performance monitoring registers is provided in the following sections. 5.12.1 Global Control Register The PMGC0 register provides global control of the performance monitoring facility from supervisor mode. From this register all counters may be frozen, unfrozen, or configured to freeze on an enabled condition or event. Additionally, the performance monitoring facility may be disabled or enabled from this register. The contents of PMGC0 are reflected to UPMGC0, which may be read from user mode using the mfpmr instruction. 5.12.2 Performance Monitor Counter Registers There are four counter registers (PCM0-PCM3) provided in the performance monitoring facility. These 32-bit registers hold the current count for software-selectable events and can be programmed to generate an exception on overflow. These registers may be written or read from supervisor mode using the mtpmr and mfpmr instructions. The contents of these registers are reflected to UPCM0-UPCM3, which can be read from user mode with mfpmr. Performance monitor exceptions occur only if all of the following conditions are met: * A counter is in the overflow state. * The counter's overflow signaling is enabled. * Overflow exception generation is enabled in PMGC0. * MSR[EE] is set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-29 Core Complex Overview 5.12.3 Local Control Registers For each of the counter registers, there are two corresponding local control registers. These two registers specify which of the 128 available events is to be counted, what specific action is to be taken on overflow, and various options for freezing a counter value under given modes or conditions. * PMLCa0-PMLCa3 provide fields that allow freezing of the corresponding counter in user mode, supervisor mode, or under software control. Additionally, the overflow condition may be enabled or disabled from this register. The contents of these registers are reflected to UPMLCa0-UPMLCa3, which can be read from user mode with mfpmr. * PMLCb0-PMLCb3 provide count scaling for each counter register using configurable threshold and multiplier values. The threshold is a 6-bit value and the multiplier is a 3-bit encoded value, allowing eight multiplier values in the range of 1 to 128. Any counter may be configured to increment only when an event occurs more than [threshold x multiplier] times. The contents of these registers are reflected to UPMLCb0-UPMLCb3, which can be read from user mode with mfpmr. 5.13 Legacy Support of Power Architecture Technology This section provides an overview of the architectural differences and compatibilities of the e500 core compared with the AIM Power Architecture technology. The two levels of the e500 programming environment are as follows: * User level--This defines the base user-level instruction set, user-level registers, data types, memory conventions, and the memory and programming models seen by application programmers. * Supervisor level--This defines supervisor-level resources typically required by an operating system, the memory management model, supervisor level registers, and the exception model. Like all devices that implement the Power Architecture technology, in general, the e500 core supports the user-level architecture. The following sections are intended to highlight the main differences. For specific implementation details refer to the relevant chapter. 5.13.1 Instruction Set Compatibility The following sections generally describe the user and supervisor instruction sets. User Instruction Set The e500 core executes legacy user-mode binaries and object files except for the following: * The e500 supports vector and scalar single-precision floating-point operations as part of the SPE. The e500v2 supports scalar double-precision floating-point instructions. These instructions have different encoding than the AIM definition of the architecture. Additionally, the e500 core uses GPRs for floating-point operations, rather than the FPRs defined by the UISA. Most porting of floating-point operations can be handled by recompiling. * String instructions are not implemented on the e500; therefore, trap emulation must be provided to ensure backward compatibility. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-30 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview Supervisor Instruction Set The supervisor mode instruction set defined by the PowerPC architecture is compatible with the e500 with the following exceptions: * The MMU architecture is different, so some TLB manipulation instructions have different semantics. * Instructions that support the BATs and segment registers are not implemented. 5.13.2 Memory Subsystem The architecture provides separate instruction and data memory resources. The e500 provides additional cache control features, including cache locking. 5.13.3 Exception Handling Exception handling is generally the same as that defined in the AIM version of the architecture for the e500, with the following differences: * The critical interrupt provides an extra level of interrupt nesting. The critical interrupt includes external critical and watchdog timer time-out inputs. * The machine check exception uses the Return from Machine Check Interrupt instruction, rfmci, and two machine check save/restore registers, MCSRR0 and MCSRR1. * IVPR and IVORs set interrupt vectors individually, but they can be set to the address offsets defined in the OEA to provide compatibility. * The embedded category does not define a reset vector; execution begins at a fixed virtual address, 0xFFFF_FFFC. * Timer services are generally compatible, although the embedded category defines a new decrementer auto reload feature, the fixed-interval timer critical interrupt, and the watchdog timer interrupt, which are implemented in the e500 core. An overview of the interrupt and exception handling capabilities of the e500 core can be found in Section 5.8, "Interrupts and Exception Handling." 5.13.4 Memory Management The embedded category defines resources for fixed 4-Kbyte pages and multiple, variable page sizes that can be configured in a single implementation. TLB management is provided with new instructions and SPRs. 5.13.5 Reset Embedded category-compliant cores do not share a common reset vector with the AIM version of the architecture. Instead, at reset fetching begins at address 0xFFFF_FFFC. In addition, the Freescale MMU category defines specific aspects of the MMU page translation and protection mechanisms. Unlike the AIM version of the core, as soon as instruction fetching begins, the e500 core is in virtual mode with a hardware-initialized TLB entry. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-31 Core Complex Overview MMU operations are described in the EREF. 5.13.6 Little-Endian Mode Unlike the AIM version of the architecture, where little-endian mode is controlled on a system basis, the embedded category allows control of byte ordering on a memory page basis. In addition, the little-endian byte ordering used is true little endian. 5.14 PowerQUICC III Implementation Details Table 5-8 summarizes e500 core functionality that is not implemented by PowerQUICC III devices. Table 5-8. Differences Between the e500 Core and the PowerQUICC III Core Implementation Feature PowerQUICC III Implementation Cache protocol The L2 cache does not support MESI cache protocol. Multiprocessor functionality Because PowerQUICC III is designed for a uniprocessor environment, the following e500 functionality is not implemented: * The memory coherence bit, M, which is controlled through MAS2[M] and MAS4[MD] has no effect. * HID1[ABE] has meaning only in that it must be set to ensure that cache and TLB management instructions operate properly with respect to the L2 cache. * Dynamic snooping does not occur in power-stopped state (see the note below in the entry for dynamic bus snooping). Nexus support Nexus is not supported. The Nexus processor ID register (NPIDR) and the Nexus bus enable bit (HID1[NEXEN]) are not supported. R1 and R2 data R1 and R2 data bus parity are disabled on PowerQUICC III devices. HID1[R1DPE,R2DPE] are reserved. bus parity Dynamic bus snooping The PowerQUICC III devices do not perform dynamic bus snooping as described here. That is, when the e500 core is in core-stopped state (which is the state of the core when the PowerQUICC III device is in either the nap or sleep state), the core is not awakened to perform snoops on global transactions. Therefore, before entering nap or sleep modes, L1 caches should be flushed if coherency is required during these power-down modes. For more information, see Section, "Snooping in Power-Down Modes." Supported TCR[WRC] PowerQUICC III devices define values for 01, 10, and 11, as follows: 00 No watchdog timer reset can occur. 01 Force processor checkstop on second timeout of watchdog timer 10 Assert processor reset output (core_hreset_req) on second timeout of watchdog timer 11 Reserved SPE and floating-point categories The SPE and the vector and scalar floating-point instructions will not be implemented in the next generation of PowerQUICC devices. Freescale Semiconductor strongly recommends that use of these instructions be confined to libraries and device drivers. Customer software that uses these instructions at the assembly level or that uses SPE or floating-point intrinsics will require rewriting for upward compatibility with next generation PowerQUICC devices. The e500v2 core implements the double-precision floating-point APU. Freescale Semiconductor offers a libcfsl_e500 library that uses SPE instructions. Freescale Semiconductor will also provide future libraries to support next generation PowerQUICC devices. HID0 implementation SEL_TBCLK bit. Selects time base clock. If this bit is set and the time base is enabled, the time base is based on the TBCLK input, which on the PowerQUICC III devices is RTC. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-32 Freescale Semiconductor Core Complex Overview Table 5-8. Differences Between the e500 Core and the PowerQUICC III Core Implementation (continued) Feature PowerQUICC III Implementation HID1 Implementation PLL_MODE. Set to 01 PLL_CFG. PowerQUICC III devices support the following: 0001_00Ratio of 2:1 0001_01Ratio of 5:2 (2.5:1) 0001_10Ratio of 3:1 0001_11Ratio of 7:2 (3.5:1) NEXEN, R1DPE, R2DPE, MPXTT, MSHARS, SSHAR, ATS, and MID are not implemented On PowerQUICC III devices, ABE must be set to ensure that cache and TLB management instructions operate properly on the L2 cache. Please refer to the description of HID1[RFXE] in Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." If RFXE is 0, conditions that cause the assertion of core_fault_in cannot directly cause the e500 to generate a machine check; however, PowerQUICC III devices must be configured to detect and enable such conditions. The following describes how error bits should be configured: * ECM mapping errors: EEER[LAEE] must be set. See Section, "ECM Error Enable Register (EEER)." * L2 multiple-bit ECC errors: L2ERRDIS[MBECCDIS] must be cleared to ensure that error can be detected. L2ERRINTEN[MBECCINTEN] must be set. See Section, "L2 Error Registers." * DDR multiple-bit ECC errors. ERR_DISABLE[MBED] and ERR_INT_EN[MBEE] must be zero and DDR_SDRAM_CFG[ECC_EN] must be one to ensure that an interrupt is generated. See Section 9.4.1, "Register Descriptions." * PCI. The appropriate parity detect and master-abort bits in ERR_DR must be cleared and the corresponding enable bits in ERR_EN must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. Local bus controller parity errors. LTEDR[PARD] must be cleared and LTEIR[PARI] must be set to ensure that an parity errors can generate an interrupt. See Section, "Transfer Error Check Disable Register (LTEDR)," and Section, "Transfer Error Interrupt Enable Register (LTEIR)." PIR value The PIR value is all zeros on PowerQUICC III devices. PVR value The PVR reset value is 0x80nn_nnnn. See Table 5-1 for specific values. PVR[VERSION] = 0x80nn PVR[REVISION] = 0xnnnn SVR value The SVR reset value is 0x80nn_nnnn. See Table 5-1 for specific values. Alternate time base The alternate time base defines a time base counter similar to the time base defined in architecture. It is intended to be used for measuring time in implementation defined intervals. It differs from the defined Time Base in that it is not writable and always counts up, wrapping when the 64-bit count overflows. It defines two SPRs, ATBL (SPR 526) and ATBL (SPR 527). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5-33 Core Complex Overview MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 5-34 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 6 Core Register Summary This chapter describes the e500 register model and indicates whether each register is defined by the Power Architecture technology, by the Freescale embedded category implementation standards (EIS), or by the implementation. For the programmer, drawing this distinction indicates the degree to which code is portable among Freescale processors. This chapter provides reference material--figures for each register and complete descriptions of register fields, including how the registers are accessed, reset values, and whether they can be accessed by userand supervisor-level software. Detailed discussions of how these registers are used are provided in EREF: A Reference for Freescale Book E and the e500 Core and the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual. Note that all registers described here are implemented in the hardware as part of the e500 core. 6.1 Overview As shown in Figure 6-1, most of the registers implemented are defined by the architecture, and most of those were defined by the AIM definition of the architecture and have changed very little. Additional registers and fields within registers are defined by the EIS and by the implementation. The Power Architecture technology defines some register fields in a very general way, leaving some details as implementation specific. In some cases, this more specific functionality is defined by the EIS; in others it is left up to the processor. This chapter identifies the level at which each features is defined. References to e500 are true for both the e500v1 and e500v2. 6.1.1 Register Set Table 6-1 shows the e500 register set, grouped by whether they can be accessed by user- or supervisor-level software. Unless otherwise indicated, these registers are defined by the base or embedded category. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-1 Core Register Summary User-Level Registers General-Purpose Registers 0 31 32 63 (upper) GPR02 (lower) GPR1 GPR2 0 Generalpurpose registers Performance Monitor Registers (read-only PMRs) pmr 384 UPMGC03 Global control register UPMCs 3 Counter registers 0-3 Local control registers a0-a3 Local control registers b0-b3 pmr 128-131 UPMLCa0-33 pmr 256-259 UPMLCb0-33 31 32 User General SPR (read/write) 63 CR GPR31 pmr 0-3 Instruction-Accessible Registers Condition register spr 9 CTR spr 8 LR Link register spr 1 XER Integer exception register SPE FP status/control register Accumulator Count register spr 512 SPEFSCR3 ACC3 Miscellaneous Registers 3 spr 513 BBEAR spr 514 BBTAR3 Branch buffer entry address register Branch buffer target address register spr 256 32 63 USPRG0 User SPR general 01 General SPRs (read only) spr 259 spr 260 SPRG3 SPRG4 SPR general registers 3-7 * * * spr 263 SPRG7 Time-Base Registers (read only) TBL spr 268 spr 269 Time base lower/upper TBU L1 Cache (read only) spr 515 spr 516 L1CFG03 L1 cache configuration registers 0-1 L1CFG13 Supervisor-Level Registers Interrupt Registers 32 spr 63 63 IVPR spr 26 spr 27 SRR0 SRR1 spr 58 spr 59 CSRR0 CSRR1 spr 570 MCSRR03 spr 571 MCSRR13 spr 62 ESR spr 572 MCSR3 spr 573 MCAR spr 569 MCARU 4 spr 61 DEAR Interrupt vector prefix Save/restore registers 0/1 DBCR0 DBCR1 spr 310 DBCR2 spr 304 DBSR spr 312 IAC1 spr 313 IAC2 spr 316 spr 317 DAC1 DAC2 63 spr 400 IVOR0 spr 401 IVOR1 * * * 32 Interrupt vector offset registers 0-15 spr 1023 63 MSR Machine state SVR System version spr 415 IVOR15 spr 286 PIR Processor ID Critical SRR 0/1 spr 528 spr 287 PVR Processor version Machine check SRR 0/1 spr 529 spr 530 spr 531 IVOR323 IVOR333 IVOR343 IVOR353 Interrupt vector offset registers 32-35 MMU Control and Status (read/write) Machine check syndrome register Machine check address register Machine check address register upper Data exception address register spr 1012 MMUCSR0 3 Debug control registers 0-2 Debug status register Instruction address compare registers 1-4 Data address compare registers 1 and 2 spr 624 spr 625 MAS0 3 MAS1 3 spr 626 spr 627 spr 628 MAS2 3 spr 630 spr 944 MAS3 3 MAS4 3 MMU control and status register 0 MMU assist registers 0-4 and 6 MAS7 4 spr 48 PID0 PID13 PID23 TLB0CFG3 spr 688 spr 689 TLB1CFG3 Decrementer spr 54 DECAR Decrementer auto-reload spr 284 spr 285 TBL TBU Time base lower/upper spr 340 TCR Timer control spr 336 TSR Timer status spr 1009 HID03 HID13 spr 1013 BUCSR5 spr 272-279 SPRG0-7 spr 1008 Process ID registers 0-2 MMU Control and Status (read only) spr 1015 MMUCFG3 DEC Miscellaneous Registers MAS6 3 spr 633 spr 634 Timer/Decrementer Registers spr 22 Exception syndrome register Debug Registers spr 308 spr 309 Configuration Registers 32 MMU configuration TLB configuration 0/1 Hardware implementation dependent 0-1 Branch control and status register General SPRs 0-7 Performance Monitor Registers pmr 400 PMGC03 pmr 16-19 3 PMC0-3 Global control Counter registers 0-3 3 L1 Cache (read/write) spr 1010 spr 1011 1 2 3 4 5 L1CSR03 L1CSR13 pmr 144-147 PMLCa0-3 pmr 272-275 PMLCb0-33 Local control a0-a3 Local control b0-b3 L1 Cache Control/Status 0/1 USPRG0 is a separate physical register from SPRG0. The 64-bit GPR registers are accessed by the SPE as separate 32-bit registers by SPE instructions. Only SPE vector instructions can access the upper word. These registers are defined by the EIS and are not part of the Book E architecture. e500v2 only These registers are e500-specific Figure 6-1. Core Register Model MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-2 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary 6.2 Register Model for 32-Bit Implementations Embedded 32-bit processors implement the following types of software-accessible registers: * Architecture-defined registers that are accessed as part of instruction execution. These include the following: -- Registers used for computation. These include the following: - General-purpose registers (GPRs)--The 32 GPRs hold source and destination operands for load, store, arithmetic, and computational instructions, and to read and write to other registers. The e500 implements these as 64-bit registers for use with 64-bit load, store, and merge instructions, as described in Section 6.3.1, "General-Purpose Registers (GPRs)." - Integer exception register (XER)--Bits in this register are set based on the operation of an instruction considered as a whole, not on intermediate results. (For example, the Subtract from Carrying instruction (subfc), the result of which is specified as the sum of three values, sets bits in the XER based on the entire operation, not on an intermediate sum.) These registers are described in Section 6.3, "Registers for Computational Operations." -- Condition register (CR)--Used to record conditions such as overflows and carries that occur as a result of executing arithmetic instructions (including those implemented by the SPE). The CR is described in Section 6.4, "Registers for Branch Operations." -- Machine state register (MSR)--Used by the operating system to configure parameters such as user/supervisor mode, address space, and enabling of asynchronous interrupts. This register is described in Section 6.5.1, "Machine State Register (MSR)," grouped with processor control SPRs. * Special-purpose registers (SPRs) are accessed explicitly using mtspr and mfspr instructions. These registers are listed in Table 6-1 in Section 6.2.1, "Special-Purpose Registers (SPRs)." * Freescale EIS- and e500-defined SPRs that are accessed explicitly using mtspr and mfspr are listed in Table 6-2 in Section 6.2.1, "Special-Purpose Registers (SPRs)." * Freescale EIS-defined performance monitor registers (PMRs). These registers are similar to SPRs, but are accessed with Freescale EIS-defined move to and move from PMR instructions (mtpmr and mfpmr). In this chapter, SPRs are grouped by function as follows: * Section 6.4, "Registers for Branch Operations," describes the count register (CTR) and the link register (LR). * Section 6.5, "Processor Control Registers" * Section 6.6, "Timer Registers" * Section 6.7, "Interrupt Registers" * Section 6.8, "Software-Use SPRs (SPRG0-SPRG7 and USPRG0)," describes SPRs defined for software use. * Section 6.9, "Branch Target Buffer (BTB) Registers," describes e500-specific registers defined to support the e500 tabs. * Section 6.10, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Registers," describes HID0 and HID1. * Section 6.11, "L1 Cache Configuration Registers" MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-3 Core Register Summary * * * Section 6.12, "MMU Registers" Section 6.13, "Debug Registers" Section 6.14, "Signal Processing and Embedded Floating-Point Status and Control Register (SPEFSCR)" The e500 core implements 64-bit GPRs, the upper 32 bits of which are used only with 64-bit load, store, and merge instructions. 6.2.1 Special-Purpose Registers (SPRs) Table 6-1 summarizes SPRs. The SPR numbers are used in the instruction mnemonics. Bit 5 in an SPR number indicates whether an SPR is accessible from user- or supervisor-level software. An mtspr or mfspr instruction that specifies an unsupported SPR number is considered an invalid instruction. In Table 6-1 and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. NOTE Writing to the following registers requires synchronization, as described in the "Synchronization Requirements" section in the "Register Model" chapter of the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual. * * * * * * BTB locking registers--BBEAR, BBTAR, and BUCSR DBCRn HIDn L1CSRn MMU registers--MASn, MMUCSR0, PIDn SPEFSCR Table 6-1. Base and Embedded Category Special-Purpose Registers (by SPR Abbreviation) Defined SPR Number SPR Abbreviation Name Decimal Binary Access Supervisor Only Section/ Page CSRR0 Critical save/restore register 0 58 00001 11010 Read/Write Yes CSRR1 Critical save/restore register 1 59 00001 11011 Read/Write Yes Count register 9 00000 01001 Read/Write No 6.4.3/6-11 CTR MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-4 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-1. Base and Embedded Category Special-Purpose Registers (by SPR Abbreviation) (continued) Defined SPR Number SPR Abbreviation Name Decimal Binary Access Supervisor Only Section/ Page Read/Write Yes 6.13.4/6-45 6.13.1/6-39 DAC1 Data address compare 1 316 01001 11100 DAC2 Data address compare 2 317 01001 11101 DBCR0 Debug control register 0 1 308 01001 10100 Read/Write Yes DBCR1 Debug control register 1 1 309 01001 10101 Read/Write Yes DBCR2 Debug control register 2 1 310 01001 10110 Read/Write Yes Yes 6.13.2/6-43 DBSR Debug status register 304 01001 10000 w1c2 DEAR Data exception address register 61 00001 11101 Read/Write Yes Decrementer 22 00000 10110 Read/Write Yes 6.6.4/6-16 Decrementer auto-reload 54 00001 10110 Write only ESR Exception syndrome register 62 00001 11110 Read/Write Yes IAC1 Instruction address compare 1 312 01001 11000 Read/Write Yes 6.13.3/6-45 IAC2 Instruction address compare 2 313 01001 11001 IVOR0 Critical input 400 01100 10000 Read/Write Yes IVOR1 Machine check interrupt offset 401 01100 10001 IVOR2 Data storage interrupt offset 402 01100 10010 IVOR3 Instruction storage interrupt offset 403 01100 10011 IVOR4 External input interrupt offset 404 01100 10100 IVOR5 Alignment interrupt offset 405 01100 10101 IVOR6 Program interrupt offset 406 01100 10110 IVOR8 System call interrupt offset 408 01100 11000 IVOR10 Decrementer interrupt offset 410 01100 11010 IVOR11 Fixed-interval timer interrupt offset 411 01100 11011 IVOR12 Watchdog timer interrupt offset 412 01100 11100 IVOR13 Data TLB error interrupt offset 413 01100 11101 IVOR14 Instruction TLB error interrupt offset 414 01100 11110 IVOR15 Debug interrupt offset 415 01100 11111 Interrupt vector 63 00001 11111 Read/Write Yes LR Link register 8 00000 01000 Read/Write No 6.4.2/6-11 PID Process ID register 3 48 00001 10000 Read/Write Yes 6.12.1/6-32 PIR Processor ID register 286 01000 11110 Read only Yes 6.5.2/6-13 PVR Processor version register 287 01000 11111 Read only Yes 6.5.3/6-13 DEC DECAR IVPR MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-5 Core Register Summary Table 6-1. Base and Embedded Category Special-Purpose Registers (by SPR Abbreviation) (continued) Defined SPR Number SPR Abbreviation Read/Write Yes SPRG1 SPR general 1 273 01000 10001 Read/Write Yes SPRG2 SPR general 2 274 01000 10010 Read/Write Yes SPRG3 SPR general 3 259 01000 00011 Read only No4 275 01000 10011 Read/Write Yes 260 01000 00100 Read only No 276 01000 10100 Read/Write Yes 261 01000 00101 Read only No 277 01000 10101 Read/Write Yes 262 01000 00110 Read only No 278 01000 10110 Read/Write Yes 263 01000 00111 Read only No 279 01000 10111 Read/Write Yes SPR general 5 SPR general 6 SPR general 7 6.8/6-22 Save/restore register 0 26 00000 11010 Read/Write Yes SRR1 Save/restore register 1 27 00000 11011 Read/Write Yes Time base lower 268 01000 01100 Read only No 6.6.3/6-16 284 01000 11100 Write only Yes 269 01000 01101 Read only No 285 01000 11101 Write only Yes TBU Time base upper TCR Timer control register 340 01010 10100 Read/Write Yes 6.6.1/6-14 TSR Timer status register 336 01010 10000 w1c5 Yes 6.6.2/6-15 06 256 01000 00000 Read/Write No 6.8/6-22 1 00000 00001 Read/Write No 6.3.2/6-8 USPRG0 XER 6 SPR general 4 SRR0 TBL 5 6.8/6-22 01000 10000 SPRG7 4 Section/ Page 272 SPRG6 3 Binary Supervisor Only SPR general 0 SPRG5 2 Decimal Access SPRG0 SPRG4 1 Name User SPR general Integer exception register Accesses to this register requires synchronization, as described in the "Synchronization Requirements" section of the "Register Model" chapter of the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual The DBSR is read using mfspr. It cannot be directly written to. Instead, DBSR bits corresponding to 1 bits in the GPR can be cleared using mtspr. Implementations may support more than one PID. For implementations with multiple PIDs, the PID defined by the embedded category is PID0. User-mode read access to SPRG3 is implementation dependent. The TSR is read using mfspr. It cannot be directly written to. Instead, TSR bits corresponding to 1 bits in the GPR can be cleared using mtspr. USPRG0 is a separate physical register from SPRG0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-6 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-2 describes the implementation-specific SPRs and SPRs defined by categories other than the base and embedded categories. Compilers should recognize the mnemonic names given in Table 6-2 when parsing instructions. Table 6-2. Additional SPRs (by SPR Abbreviation) SPR Abbreviation Name BBEAR Branch buffer entry address register 1 BBTAR Branch buffer target address register 1 BUCSR Branch unit control and status register 1 SPR Number Access Supervisor Only Section/ Page 513 Read/Write No 6.9.1/6-23 514 Read/Write No 6.9.2/6-23 1013 Read/Write Yes 6.9.3/6-24 HID0 Hardware implementation dependent reg 0 1 1008 Read/Write Yes 6.10.1/6-25 HID1 1 1009 Read/Write Yes 6.10.2/6-26 Hardware implementation dependent reg 1 IVOR32 SPE unavailable interrupt offset 528 Read/Write Yes IVOR33 Floating-point data exception interrupt offset 529 Read/Write Yes IVOR34 Floating-point round exception interrupt offset 530 Read/Write Yes IVOR35 Performance monitor 531 Read/Write Yes L1CFG0 L1 cache configuration register 0 515 Read only No 6.11.3/6-30 L1CFG1 L1 cache configuration register 1 516 Read only No 6.11.4/6-31 L1CSR0 L1 cache control and status register 0 1 1010 Read/Write Yes 6.11.1/6-28 L1CSR1 1 1011 Read/Write Yes 6.11.2/6-29 L1 cache control and status register 1 MAS0 MMU assist register 0 1 624 Read/Write Yes MAS1 MMU assist register 1 1 625 Read/Write Yes MAS2 MMU assist register 2 1 626 Read/Write Yes MAS3 MMU assist register 3 1 627 Read/Write Yes MAS4 MMU assist register 4 1 628 Read/Write Yes MAS6 MMU assist register 6 1 630 Read/Write Yes MAS7 MMU assist register 7 1 944 Read/Write Yes MCAR Machine check address register 573 Read only Yes Machine check address register upper 569 Read only Yes Machine check syndrome register 572 Read/Write Yes MCSRR0 Machine check save/restore register 0 570 Read/Write Yes MCSRR1 Machine check save/restore register 1 571 Read/Write Yes MMUCFG MMU configuration register 1015 Read only Yes 6.12.3/6-32 1012 Read/Write Yes 6.12.2/6-32 MCARU MCSR MMUCSR0 MMU control and status register 0 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-7 Core Register Summary Table 6-2. Additional SPRs (by SPR Abbreviation) (continued) SPR Abbreviation SPR Number Access Supervisor Only Section/ Page 6.12.1/6-32 PID0 Process ID register 0 1 48 Read/Write Yes PID1 Process ID register 1 1 633 Read/Write Yes PID2 1 634 Read/Write Yes Signal processing and embedded floating-point status and control register 1 512 Read/Write No 6.14/6-45 System version register 1023 Read only Yes 6.5.4/6-14 TLB0CFG TLB configuration register 0 688 Read only Yes 6.12.4/6-33 TLB1CFG TLB configuration register 1 689 Read only Yes SPEFSCR SVR 1 Name Process ID register 2 Accesses to this register requires synchronization, as described in the "Synchronization Requirements" section of the "Register Model" chapter of the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual. 6.3 Registers for Computational Operations The following sections describe general-purpose and integer exception registers. NOTE Register fields designated as write-one-to-clear are cleared only by writing ones to them. Writing zeros to them has no effect. 6.3.1 General-Purpose Registers (GPRs) GPR0-GPR31 support integer operations. The instruction formats provide 5-bit fields for specifying the GPRs to be used in the execution of the instruction. Each GPR is a 64-bit register, although only 64-bit load, store, and merge instructions use GPR bits 0-31. 6.3.2 Integer Exception Register (XER) SPR 1 R W Reset Access: User read/write 32 33 34 SO OV CA 35 56 57 -- 63 Number of bytes All zeros Figure 6-2. Integer Exception Register (XER) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-8 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-3. XER Field Description Bits Name Description 32 SO Summary overflow. Set when an instruction (except mtspr) sets the overflow bit. Once set, SO remains set until it is cleared by mtspr[XER] or mcrxr. SO is not altered by compare instructions or by other instructions (except mtspr[XER] and mcrxr) that cannot overflow. Executing mtspr[XER], supplying the values 0 for SO and 1 for OV, causes SO to be cleared and OV to be set. 33 OV Overflow. X-form add, subtract from, and negate instructions having OE = 1 set OV if the carry out of bit 32 is not equal to the carry out of bit 33, and clear OV otherwise to indicate a signed overflow. X-form multiply low word and divide word instructions having OE = 1 set OV if the result cannot be represented in 32 bits (mullwo, divwo, and divwuo) and clear OV otherwise. OV is not altered by compare instructions or by other instructions (except mtspr[XER] and mcrxr) that cannot overflow. 34 CA Carry. Add carrying, subtract from carrying, add extended, and subtract from extended instructions set CA if there is a carry out of bit 32 and clear it otherwise. CA can be used to indicate unsigned overflow for add and subtract operations that set CA. Shift right algebraic word instructions set CA if any 1 bits are shifted out of a negative operand and clear CA otherwise. Compare instructions and instructions that cannot carry (except Shift Right Algebraic Word, mtspr[XER], and mcrxr) do not affect CA. 35-56 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 57-63 No. of bytes 6.4 Supports emulation of load and store string instructions. Specifies the number of bytes to be transferred by a load string indexed or store string indexed instruction. Registers for Branch Operations This section describes registers that support branch and CR operations. 6.4.1 Condition Register (CR) Access: User read/write 32 R W 35 36 39 40 CR0 CR1 Reset 43 44 CR2 47 48 CR3 51 52 CR4 55 56 CR5 59 60 CR6 63 CR7 All zeros Figure 6-3. Condition Register (CR) Table 6-4. BI Operand Settings for CR Fields CRn Bits CR Bits BI Description CR0[0] 32 00000 Negative (LT)--Set when the result is negative. For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set if the high-order element of rA is equal to the high-order element of rB; cleared otherwise. CR0[1] 33 00001 Positive (GT)--Set when the result is positive (and not zero). For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set if the low-order element of rA is equal to the low-order element of rB; cleared otherwise. CR0[2] 34 00010 Zero (EQ)--Set when the result is zero. For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set to the OR of the result of the compare of the high and low elements. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-9 Core Register Summary Table 6-4. BI Operand Settings for CR Fields (continued) CRn Bits CR Bits BI CR0[3] 35 00011 Summary overflow (SO). Copy of XER[SO] at the instruction's completion. For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set to the AND of the result of the compare of the high and low elements. CR1[0] 36 00100 Negative (LT) For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set if the high-order element of rA is equal to the high-order element of rB; cleared otherwise. CR1[1] 37 00101 Positive (GT) For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set if the low-order element of rA is equal to the low-order element of rB; cleared otherwise. CR1[2] 38 00110 Zero (EQ) For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set to the OR of the result of the compare of the high and low elements. CR1[3] 39 00111 Summary overflow (SO) For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set to the AND of the result of the compare of the high and low elements. CRn[0] 40 44 48 52 56 60 01000 01100 10000 10100 11000 11100 Less than (LT) For integer compare instructions: rA < SIMM or rB (signed comparison) or rA < UIMM or rB (unsigned comparison). For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set if the high-order element of rA is equal to the high-order element of rB; cleared otherwise. CRn[1] 41 45 49 53 57 61 01001 01101 10001 10101 11001 11101 Greater than (GT) For integer compare instructions: rA > SIMM or rB (signed comparison) or rA > UIMM or rB (unsigned comparison). For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set if the low-order element of rA is equal to the low-order element of rB; cleared otherwise. CRn[2] 42 46 50 54 58 62 01010 01110 10010 10110 11010 11110 Equal (EQ) For integer compare instructions: rA = SIMM, UIMM, or rB. For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set to the OR of the result of the compare of the high and low elements. CRn[3] 43 47 51 55 59 63 01011 01111 10011 10111 11011 11111 Summary overflow (SO) For integer compare instructions, this is a copy of XER[SO] at the completion of the instruction. For SPE vector compare and vector test instructions: Set to the AND of the result of the compare of the high and low elements. Description MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-10 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary The bits of CR0 are interpreted as described in Table 6-5. Table 6-5. CR0 Bit Descriptions CR Bit Name 32 Negative (LT) Bit 32 of the result is equal to 1. 33 Positive (GT) Bit 32 of the result is equal to 0 and at least one bit from 33-63 of the result is non-zero. 34 Zero (EQ) 35 Description Bits 32-63 of the result are equal to 0. Summary overflow (SO) This is a copy of the final state of XER[SO] at the completion of the instruction. 6.4.2 Link Register (LR) SPR 8 Access: User read/write 32 63 R Link address W Reset All zeros Figure 6-4. Link Register (LR) 6.4.3 Count Register (CTR) SPR 9 Access: User read/write 32 63 R Count value W Reset All zeros Figure 6-5. Count Register (CTR) 6.5 Processor Control Registers This section addresses machine state, processor ID, and processor version registers. 6.5.1 Machine State Register (MSR) Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R W 36 -- 37 38 UCLE SPE Reset 39 44 -- 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 WE CE -- EE PR -- ME -- UBLE DE 57 58 59 60 -- 61 IS DS -- PMM 62 63 -- All zeros Figure 6-6. Machine State Register (MSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-11 Core Register Summary Table 6-6. MSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-36 -- 37 38 Description Reserved, should be cleared.1 UCLE User-mode cache lock enable. Used to restrict user-mode cache-line locking by the operating system 0 Any cache lock instruction executed in user-mode takes a cache-locking DSI exception and sets either ESR[DLK] or ESR[ILK]. This allows the operating system to manage and track the locking/unlocking of cache lines by user-mode tasks. 1 Cache-locking instructions can be executed in user-mode and they do not take a DSI for cache-locking (they may still take a DSI for access violations though). SPE SPE enable. (e500-specific). 0 If software attempts to execute an instruction that accesses the upper word of a GPR, the SPE unavailable exception is taken. 1 Software can execute the following instructions: These instructions include the SPE instructions, embedded double-precision, and single-precision vector floating-point instructions. (That is, all instructions that access the upper half of the 64-bit GPRs.) 39-44 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 1 45 WE Wait state enable. Allows the core complex to signal a request for power management, according to the states of HID0[DOZE], HID0[NAP], and HID0[SLEEP]. 0 The processor is not in wait state and continues processing. No power management request is signaled to external logic. 1 The processor enters wait state by ceasing to execute instructions and entering low-power mode. Details of how wait state is entered and exited and how the processor behaves in the wait state are implementation-dependent. On the e500, MSR[WE] gates the DOZE, NAP, and SLEEP outputs from the core complex; as a result, these outputs negate to the external power management logic on entry to the interrupt and then return to their previous state on return from the interrupt. WE is cleared on entry to any interrupt and restored to its previous state upon return. 46 CE Critical enable 0 Critical input and watchdog timer interrupts are disabled. 1 Critical input and watchdog timer interrupts are enabled. 47 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 1 48 EE External enable 0 External input, decrementer, fixed-interval timer, and performance monitor interrupts are disabled. 1 External input, decrementer, fixed-interval timer, and performance monitor interrupts are enabled. 49 PR User mode (problem state) 0 The processor is in supervisor mode, can execute any instruction, and can access any resource (for example, GPRs, SPRs, and the MSR). 1 The processor is in user mode, cannot execute any privileged instruction, and cannot access any privileged resource. PR also affects memory access control 50 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 1 51 ME Machine check enable 0 Machine check interrupts are disabled. 1 Machine check interrupts are enabled. 52 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 1 53 UBLE In the e500, it is the user BTB lock enable bit. 0 User-mode execution of the BTB lock instructions is disabled; privileged instruction exception taken instead. 1 User-mode execution of the BTB lock instructions for user mode is enabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-12 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-6. MSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 54 DE Debug interrupt enable. See the description of the DBSR[UDE] in Section 6.13.2, "Debug Status Register (DBSR)." 0 Debug interrupts are disabled. 1 Debug interrupts are enabled if DBCR0[IDM] = 1. 55-57 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 1 58 IS Instruction address space 0 The processor directs all instruction fetches to address space 0 (TS = 0 in the relevant TLB entry). 1 The processor directs all instruction fetches to address space 1 (TS = 1 in the relevant TLB entry). 59 DS Data address space 0 The processor directs data memory accesses to address space 0 (TS = 0 in the relevant TLB entry). 1 The processor directs data memory accesses to address space 1 (TS = 1 in the relevant TLB entry). 60 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 1 61 PMM Performance monitor mark bit. System software can set PMM when a marked process is running to enable statistics to be gathered only during execution of the marked process. MSR[PR] and MSR[PMM] together define a state that the processor (supervisor or user) and the process (marked or unmarked) may be in at any time. If this state matches an individual state specified in the PMLCax, the state for which monitoring is enabled, counting is enabled. 62-63 1 Description -- Preserved for OEA-defined RI and LE, respectively An MSR bit that is reserved may be altered by a return from interrupt instruction. 6.5.2 Processor ID Register (PIR) SPR 286 Access: Supervisor read only 32 63 R Processor ID W Reset All zeros Figure 6-7. Processor ID Register (PIR) 6.5.3 Processor Version Register (PVR) SPR 287 Access: Supervisor read only 32 47 48 R Version 63 Revision W Reset SoC-dependent value. See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers." Figure 6-8. Processor Version Register (PVR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-13 Core Register Summary Table 6-7. PVR Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-47 Version 48-63 Revision A 16-bit number that distinguishes between implementations of the version. Different revision numbers indicate minor differences between processors having the same version number, such as clock rate and engineering change level. (See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," for specific values.) 6.5.4 Description A 16-bit number that identifies the version of the processor. Different version numbers indicate major differences between processors, such as which optional facilities and instructions are supported. (See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," for specific values.) System Version Register (SVR) SPR 1023 Access: Supervisor read only 32 63 R System version W Reset SoC-dependent value. See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers." Figure 6-9. System Version Register (SVR) Table 6-8. SVR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-63 System version 6.6 A 16-bit number that identifies the SoC version. See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," for specific values. Timer Registers 6.6.1 Timer Control Register (TCR) SPR 340 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 33 34 35 R W Reset WP 36 37 WRC WIE DIE 38 39 FP 40 41 42 43 FIE ARE -- 46 47 WPEXT 50 51 FPEXT 63 -- All zeros Figure 6-10. Timer Control Register (TCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-14 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-9. TCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-33 WP Watchdog timer period. When concatenated with WPEXT, specifies one of 64-bit locations of the time base used to signal a watchdog timer exception on a transition from 0 to 1. WPEXT[0-3] || WP[0-1] = 0b00_0000 selects TBU[32] (the msb of the TB) WPEXT[0-3] || WP[0-1] = 0b11_1111 selects TBL[63] (the lsb of the TB) 34-35 WRC Watchdog timer reset control. This value is written into TSR[WRS] when a watchdog event occurs. WRC may be set by software but cannot be cleared by software, except by a software-induced reset. Once written to a non-zero value, WRC may no longer be altered by software. 00 No watchdog timer reset will occur. 01 A second timeout is ignored, regardless of the value of MSR[ME]. 10 Assert processor reset output (core_hreset_req) on second timeout of watchdog timer 11 Reserved 36 WIE Watchdog timer interrupt enable 0 Watchdog timer interrupts disabled 1 Watchdog timer interrupts enabled 37 DIE Decrementer interrupt enable 0 Decrementer interrupts disabled 1 Decrementer interrupts enabled 38-39 FP Fixed interval timer period. When concatenated with FPEXT, FP specifies one of 64 bit locations of the time base used to signal a fixed-interval timer exception on a transition from 0 to 1. FPEXT[0-3] || FP[0-1] = 0b00_0000 selects TBU[32] (the msb of the TB) FPEXT[0-3] || FP[0-1] = 0b11_1111 selects TBL[63] (the lsb of the TB) 40 FIE Fixed interval interrupt enable 0 Fixed interval interrupts disabled 1 Fixed interval interrupts enabled 41 ARE Auto-reload enable. Controls whether the DECAR value is reloaded into the DEC when the DEC value reaches 0000_0001. See EREF: A Reference for Freescale Book E and the e500 Core. 0 Auto-reload disabled 1 Auto-reload enabled 42 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 43-46 WPEXT Watchdog timer period extension (see the description for WP) 47-50 FPEXT 51-63 -- 6.6.2 Fixed-interval timer period extension (see the description for FP) Reserved, should be cleared. Timer Status Register (TSR) Access: Supervisor w1c1 SPR 336 36 37 R ENW 32 WIS 33 34 WRS DIS FIS W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 35 38 63 -- All zeros 1 Set by hardware. Read with mfspr and cleared with mtspr by writing ones to any TSR bit positions to be cleared and zeros in all other bit positions. Figure 6-11. Timer Status Register (TSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-15 Core Register Summary Table 6-10. TSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32 ENW Enable next watchdog time. Functions as write-one-to-clear. 0 Action on next watchdog timer time-out is to set TSR[ENW] 1 Action on next watchdog timer time-out is governed by TSR[WIS] When a watchdog timer time-out occurs while WIS = 0 and the next watchdog time-out is enabled (ENW = 1), a watchdog timer exception is generated and logged by setting WIS. This is referred to as a watchdog timer first time out. A watchdog timer interrupt occurs if enabled by TCR[WIE] and MSR[CE]. To avoid another watchdog timer interrupt once MSR[CE] is reenabled, (assuming TCR[WIE] is not cleared instead), the interrupt handler must reset TSR[WIS]. 33 WIS Watchdog timer interrupt status. Functions as write-one-to-clear. 0 A watchdog timer event has not occurred. 1 A watchdog timer event occurred. When MSR[CE] = 1 and TCR[WIE] = 1, a watchdog timer interrupt is taken. See the description of ENW for more information about how WIS is used. 34-35 WRS Watchdog timer reset status. Functions as write-one-to-clear. Defined at reset (value = 00). Set to TCR[WRC] when a reset is caused by the watchdog timer. 36 DIS Decrementer interrupt status. Functions as write-one-to-clear. 0 A decrementer event has not occurred. 1 A decrementer event occurred. When MSR[EE] = TCR[DIE] = 1, a decrementer interrupt is taken. 37 FIS Fixed-interval timer interrupt status. Functions as write-one-to-clear. 0 A fixed-interval timer event has not occurred. 1 A fixed-interval timer event occurred. When MSR[EE] = 1 and TCR[FIE] = 1, a fixed-interval timer interrupt is taken. 38-63 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 6.6.3 Time Base Registers SPR TBU: 269 read/285 write TBL: 268 read/284 write Access: User read/Supervisor write 32 R 63 32 TBU W Reset 63 TBL All zeros Figure 6-12. Time Base Upper/Lower Registers (TBU/TBL) 6.6.4 Decrementer Register SPR 22 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 63 R W Reset Decrementer value All zeros Figure 6-13. Decrementer Register (DEC) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-16 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary 6.6.5 Decrementer Auto-Reload Register (DECAR) SPR 54 Access: Supervisor write only 32 63 R W Decrementer auto-reload value Reset All zeros Figure 6-14. Decrementer Auto-Reload Register (DECAR) 6.7 Interrupt Registers 6.7.1 Interrupt Registers Defined by the Embedded and Base Categories Save/Restore Register 0 (SRR0) SPR 26 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 63 R Next instruction address W Reset All zeros Figure 6-15. Save/Restore Register 0 (SRR0) Save/Restore Register 1 (SRR1) SPR 27 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 63 R MSR state information W Reset All zeros Figure 6-16. Save/Restore Register 1 (SRR1) Critical Save/Restore Register 0 (CSRR0) SPR 58 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 63 R Next instruction address W Reset All zeros Figure 6-17. Critical Save/Restore Register 0 (CSRR0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-17 Core Register Summary Critical Save/Restore Register 1 (CSRR1) SPR 59 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 63 R MSR state information W Reset All zeros Figure 6-18. Critical Save/Restore Register 1 (CSRR1) Data Exception Address Register (DEAR) SPR 61 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 63 R Exception address W Reset All zeros Figure 6-19. Data Exception Address Register (DEAR) Interrupt Vector Prefix Register (IVPR) SPR 63 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 47 48 R 63 Interrupt vector prefix W Reset -- All zeros Figure 6-20. Interrupt Vector Prefix Register (IVPR) Interrupt Vector Offset Registers (IVORn) SPR (See Table 6-11.) Access: Supervisor read/write 32 47 48 R -- W 59 60 Interrupt vector offset Reset 63 -- All zeros Figure 6-21. Interrupt Vector Offset Registers (IVORn) Table 6-11. IVOR Assignments IVOR Number SPR Interrupt Type IVOR0 400 Critical input IVOR1 401 Machine check IVOR2 402 Data storage IVOR3 403 Instruction storage IVOR4 404 External input MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-18 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-11. IVOR Assignments (continued) IVOR Number SPR Interrupt Type IVOR5 405 Alignment IVOR6 406 Program IVOR8 408 System call IVOR10 410 Decrementer IVOR11 411 Fixed-interval timer interrupt IVOR12 412 Watchdog timer interrupt IVOR13 413 Data TLB error IVOR14 414 Instruction TLB error IVOR15 415 Debug IVOR16-IVOR31 -- IVOR32 528 SPE unavailable IVOR33 529 Floating-point data exception IVOR34 530 Floating-point round exception IVOR35 531 Performance monitor IVOR36-IVOR63 -- Reserved for future architectural use Allocated for implementation-dependent use Exception Syndrome Register (ESR) SPR 62 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R W 35 -- 36 37 PIL PPR 38 39 40 41 PTR -- ST -- Reset 42 43 DLK ILK 44 45 -- 46 47 BO 55 -- 56 57 SPE 63 -- All zeros Figure 6-22. Exception Syndrome Register (ESR) Table 6-12. ESR Field Descriptions Bits Name Syndrome Interrupt Types 32-35 -- Reserved, should be cleared. -- 36 PIL Illegal instruction exception Program 37 PPR Privileged instruction exception Program 38 PTR Trap exception Program 39 -- Reserved and permanently cleared because the e500 does not implement this FPU. -- Setting it has no effect. 40 ST Store operation Alignment, data storage, data TLB error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-19 Core Register Summary Table 6-12. ESR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 41 -- 42 Syndrome Interrupt Types Reserved, should be cleared. -- DLK Cache locking. Settings are implementation-dependent. 0 Default 1 On the e500, DLK is set when a DSI occurs because dcbtls, dcbtstls, or dcblc is executed in user mode while MSR[UCLE] = 0. Data storage 43 ILK Set when a DSI occurs because icbtl or icblc is executed in user mode (MSR[PR] = 1) and MSR[UCLE] = 0 Data storage 44-45 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 46 BO Byte-ordering exception Data storage, instruction storage 47-55 -- Reserved, should be cleared. -- 56 SPE SPE exception bit (e500-specific) 0 Default 1 Any exception caused by an SPE or SPFP instruction SPE unavailable 57-63 -- Reserved, should be cleared. -- 6.7.2 Additional Interrupt Registers Machine Check Save/Restore Register 0 (MCSRR0) SPR 570 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R 63 Next instruction address W Reset All zeros Figure 6-23. Machine Check Save/Restore Register 0 (MCSRR0) Machine Check Save/Restore Register 1 (MCSRR1) SPR 571 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R W Reset 63 MSR state information All zeros Figure 6-24. Machine Check Save/Restore Register 1 (MCSRR1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-20 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Machine Check Address Register (MCAR/MCARU) SPR 573 Access: Supervisor read only 32 63 R Machine check address 4-35 W Reset All zeros Figure 6-25. Machine Check Address Register (MCAR) SPR 569 Access: Supervisor read only 32 59 60 R -- W 63 Machine check address 0-4 Reset All zeros Figure 6-26. Machine Check Address Register Upper (MCARU) Machine Check Syndrome Register (MCSR) SPR 572 R W Access: Supervisor read/write 32 33 34 35 MCP ICPERR DCP_PERR DCPERR Reset 36 39 -- All zeros 40 47 R -- W Reset All zeros 48 55 R -- W Reset All zeros 56 R W 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 BUS_IAERR BUS_RAERR BUS_WAERR BUS_IBERR BUS_RBERR BUS_WBERR BUS_IPERR BUS_RPERR Reset All zeros Figure 6-27. Machine Check Syndrome Register (MCSR) Table 6-13. MCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 32 MCP 33 ICPERR Description Machine check input pin Instruction cache parity error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-21 Core Register Summary Table 6-13. MCSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 34 DCP_PERR 35 DCPERR 36-55 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 56 BUS_IAERR Bus instruction address error 57 BUS_RAERR Bus read address error 58 BUS_WAERR Bus write address error 59 BUS_IBERR Bus instruction data bus error 60 BUS_RBERR Bus read data bus error 61 BUS_WBERR Bus write bus error 62 BUS_IPERR Bus instruction parity error 63 BUS_RPERR Bus read parity error 6.8 Description Data cache push parity error Data cache parity error Software-Use SPRs (SPRG0-SPRG7 and USPRG0) SPR See Table 6-14. Access: See Table 6-14. 32 63 R Software-Determined Information W Reset All zeros Figure 6-28. Software-Use SPRs (SPRG0-SPRG7 and USPRG0) Table 6-14. SPR Assignments Name SPR Access Level SPRG0 272 Read/Write Supervisor SPRG1 273 Read/Write Supervisor SPRG2 274 Read/Write Supervisor SPRG3 SPRG4 SPRG5 SPRG6 SPRG7 USPRG0 259 Read only User/Supervisor 275 Read/Write Supervisor 260 Read only User/Supervisor 276 Read/Write Supervisor 261 Read only User/Supervisor 277 Read/Write Supervisor 262 Read only User/Supervisor 278 Read/Write Supervisor 263 Read only User/Supervisor 279 Read/Write Supervisor 256 Read/Write User/Supervisor MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-22 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary 6.9 Branch Target Buffer (BTB) Registers 6.9.1 Branch Buffer Entry Address Register (BBEAR) SPR 513 Access: User read/write 32 61 R Branch buffer entry address W Reset 62 63 IAB[0-1] All zeros Figure 6-29. Branch Buffer Entry Address Register (BBEAR) Table 6-15. BBEAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-61 Branch buffer entry address 62-63 IAB[0-1] 6.9.2 Description Branch buffer entry effective address bits 0-29 Instruction after branch (with BBTAR[62]). 3-bit pointer that points to the instruction in the cache line after the branch. See the description in the bblels instruction in the EREF. If the branch is the last instruction in the cache block, IAB = 000, to indicate the next sequential instruction, which resides in the zeroth position of the next cache block. Branch Buffer Target Address Register (BBTAR) SPR 514 Access: User read/write 32 61 R Branch buffer target address W Reset 62 63 IAB2 BDIRPR All zeros Figure 6-30. Branch Buffer Target Address Register (BBTAR) Table 6-16. BBTAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-61 Branch buffer target address 62 IAB2 63 BDIRPR Description Branch buffer target effective address bits 0-29 Instruction after branch bit 2 (with BBEAR[62-63]). IAB is a 3-bit pointer that points to the instruction in the cache line after the branch. See the description for bblels in the EREF. If the branch is the last instruction in the cache block, IAB = 000, to indicate the next sequential instruction, which resides in the zeroth position of the next cache block. Branch direction prediction. The user can pick the direction of the predicted branch. 0 The locked address is always predicted as not taken. 1 The locked address is always predicted as taken. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-23 Core Register Summary 6.9.3 Branch Unit Control and Status Register (BUCSR) SPR 1013 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 53 R -- W Reset 54 55 56 57 58 BBFI BBLO BBUL BBLFC 62 -- 63 BPEN All zeros Figure 6-31. Branch Unit Control and Status Register (BUCSR) Table 6-17. BUCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-53 -- 54 BBFI 55 BBLO Branch buffer lock overflow status 0 Indicates a lock overflow condition was not encountered in the branch buffer 1 Indicates a lock overflow condition was encountered in the branch buffer This sticky bit is set by hardware and is cleared by writing 0 to this bit location. 56 BBUL Branch buffer unable to lock 0 Indicates a lock overflow condition in the branch buffer 1 Indicates a lock set instruction failed in the branch buffer, for example, if the BTB is disabled. This sticky bit is set by hardware and is cleared by writing 0 to this bit location. 57 BBLFC Branch buffer lock bits flash clear. Clearing and then setting BBLFC flash clears the lock bit of all entries in the branch buffer; clearing occurs independently from the value of the enable bit (BPEN). BBLFC is always read as 0. 58-62 63 -- Description Reserved, should be cleared. Branch buffer flash invalidate. Clearing and then setting BBFI flash clears the valid bit of all entries in the branch buffer; clearing occurs independently from the value of the enable bit (BPEN). BBFI is always read as 0. Reserved, should be cleared. BPEN Branch prediction enable 0 Branch prediction disabled 1 Branch prediction enabled (enables BTB to predict branches) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-24 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary 6.10 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Registers 6.10.1 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0) SPR 1008 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R W 33 39 EMCP -- 42 43 47 NAP SLEEP -- All zeros 48 W 41 DOZE Reset R 40 -- 49 50 TBEN SEL_TBCLK 51 55 -- Reset 56 57 EN_MAS7_UPDATE DCFA 58 62 -- 63 NOPTI All zeros Figure 6-32. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0) Table 6-18. HID0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32 EMCP Enable machine check pin, MCP. Used to mask out further machine check exceptions caused by assertion of MCP. 0 MCP is disabled. 1 MCP is enabled. If MSE[ME] = 0, asserting MCP causes checkstop. If MSR[ME] = 1, asserting MCP causes a machine check exception. 33-39 -- 40 DOZE 41 NAP 42 SLEEP 43-48 -- 49 TBEN 50 51-55 Reserved, should be cleared. Doze power management mode. If MSR[WE] is set, this bit controls DOZE mode. 0 Core not in doze mode 1 Core in doze mode Nap power management mode. If MSR[WE] is set, this bit controls NAP mode. 0 Core not in nap mode 1 Core in nap mode Configure for sleep power management mode. Controls SLEEP mode if MSR[WE] is set. 0 Core not in sleep mode 1 Core in sleep mode Reserved, should be cleared. Time base enable 0 Time base disabled (no counting) 1 Time base enabled * If HID0[TBEN] = 1 and HID0[SEL_TBCLK] = 0, the time base is updated every 8 bus clocks * If HID0[TBEN] = 1 and HID0[SEL_TBCLK] = 1, the time base is updated on the rising edge of core_tbclk (sampled at bus rate). The maximum supported frequency can be found in the electrical specifications, but this value is approximately 25% of the bus clock frequency. SEL_TBCLK Select time base clock. If the time base is enabled, this field functions as follows: 0 Time base is based on the processor clock 1 Time base is based on the TBCLK (RTC) input -- Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-25 Core Register Summary Table 6-18. HID0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 56 Name Description EN_MAS7_ Enable MAS7 update (e500v2 only). Enables updating MAS7 by tlbre and tlbsx. UPDATE 0 MAS7 is not updated by a tlbre or tlbsx. 1 MAS7 is updated by a tlbre or tlbsx. 57 DCFA 58-62 -- 63 NOPTI 6.10.2 Data cache flush assist (e500v2 only). Force data cache to ignore invalid sets on miss replacement selection. 0 The data cache flush assist facility is disabled 1 The miss replacement algorithm ignores invalid entries and follows the replacement sequence defined by the PLRU bits. This reduces the series of uniquely addressed load or dcbz instructions to eight per set. The bit should be set just before beginning a cache flush routine and should be cleared when the series of instructions is complete. Reserved, should be cleared. No-op the data and instruction cache touch instructions. 0 dcbt, dcbtst, and icbt are enabled. On the e500, if CT = 0, icbt is always a no-op, regardless of the value of NOPTI. If CT = 1, icbt does a touch load to an L2 cache, if one is present. 1 dcbt, dcbtst, and icbt are treated as no-ops; dcblc and dcbtls are not. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1) SPR 1009 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R 33 34 39 PLL_MODE 40 45 PLL_CFG -- W Reset W 47 RFXE -- All zeros 48 R 46 49 -- 50 51 52 63 ASTME ABE -- Reset All zeros Figure 6-33. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1) Table 6-19. HID1 Field Descriptions Bits 32-33 34-39 Name Description PLL_MODE Read-only for integrated devices. 01 Fixed value for MPC8548E PLL_CFG Reflected directly from configuration input pins (read-only). PLL_CFG[0-4] corresponds to the integer divide ratio and PLL_CFG5 is the half-mode bit. The following values are supported: 0001_00 Ratio of 2:1 0001_01 Ratio of 5:2 (2.5:1) 0001_10 Ratio of 3:1 0001_11 Ratio of 7:2 (3.5:1) Note that this value is also reflected to PORPLLSR[e500_Ratio]. See Section, "POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-26 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-19. HID1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 40-45 -- 46 RFXE 47-49 -- 50 ASTME Reserved, should be cleared. Read fault exception enable. Enables the core to internally generate a machine check interrupt when core_fault_in is asserted. Depending on the value of MSR[ME], this results in either a machine check interrupt or a checkstop. 0 Assertion of core_fault_in cannot cause a machine check. The core does not execute any instructions from a faulty instruction fetch and does not execute any load instructions that get their data from a faulty data fetch. On the e500v2, if these instructions are eventually required by the sequential programming model (that is, they are not in a speculative execution path), the e500v2 stalls until an asynchronous interrupt is taken. The e500v1 does not stall when faulty instructions or data are received, as described in the following note. Note: The e500v1 does not stall when faulty instructions or data are received. Instead, it continues processing with faulty instructions or data. The only reliable way to prevent such behavior is to set RFXE, which causes a machine check before the faulty instructions or data are used. To avoid the use of faulty instructions or data and to have good error determination, software must set RFXE and program the PIC to interrupt the processor when errors occur. As a result, software must deal with multiple interrupts for the same fundamental problem. 1 Assertion of core_fault_in causes a machine check if MSR[ME] = 1 or a checkstop if MSR[ME] = 0. The core_fault_in signal is asserted to the core when logic outside of the core has a problem delivering good data to the core. For example, the front-side L2 cache asserts core_fault_in when an ECC error occurs and ECC is enabled. As a second example, it is asserted when there is a master abort on a PCI transaction. See "Proper Reporting of Bus Faults" in the core complex bus chapter of the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual. The RFXE bit provides flexibility in error recovery. Typically, devices outside the core have some way other than the assertion of core_fault_in to signal the core that an error occurred. Usually, this is done by channeling interrupt requests through a programmable interrupt controller (PIC) to the core. In these cases, the assertion of core_fault_in is used only to prevent the core from using bad data before receiving an interrupt from the PIC (for example, an external or critical input interrupt). Possible combinations of RFXE and PIC configuration are as follows: * RFXE = 0 and the PIC is configured to interrupt the processor. In this configuration, the assertion of core_fault_in does not trigger a machine check interrupt. The core does not use the faulty instructions or data and may stall. The PIC interrupts the core so that error recovery can begin. This configuration allows the core to query the PIC and the rest of the system for more information about the cause of the interrupt, and generally provides the best error recovery capabilities. * RFXE = 1 and the PIC is not configured to interrupt the processor. This configuration provides quick error detection without the overhead of configuring the PIC. When the PIC is not configured, setting RFXE avoids stalling the core when core_fault_in is asserted. Determination of the root cause of the problem may be somewhat more difficult than it would be if the PIC were enabled. * RFXE = 1 and the PIC is configured to interrupt the processor. In this configuration, the core may receive two interrupts for the same fundamental error. The two interrupts may occur in any order, which may complicate error handling. Therefore, this is usually not an interesting configuration for a single-core device. This may, however, be an interesting configuration for multi-core devices in which the PIC may steer interrupts to a processor other than the one that attempted to fetch the faulty data. * RFXE = 0 and the PIC is not configured to interrupt the processor. This is not a recommended configuration. The processor may stall indefinitely due to an unreported error. Reserved, should be cleared. Address bus streaming mode enable. This bit, along with the ECM stream control bits in the EEBACR, enables address bus streaming on the CCB. See Section, "ECM CCB Address Configuration Register (EEBACR)." 0 Address bus streaming mode disabled 1 Address bus streaming mode enabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-27 Core Register Summary Table 6-19. HID1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 51 ABE Address broadcast enable. The e500 broadcasts cache management instructions (dcbst, dcblc (CT = 1), icblc (CT = 1), dcbf, dcbi, mbar, msync, tlbsync, icbi) based on ABE. ABE must be set to allow management of external L2 caches. 0 Address broadcasting disabled 1 Address broadcasting enabled 52-63 -- 6.11 Reserved, should be cleared. L1 Cache Configuration Registers 6.11.1 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 0 (L1CSR0) SPR 1010 Access: Supervisor read/write Line Locking Bits 32 46 R -- W 47 48 CPE CPI Reset 49 51 -- 52 53 54 55 56 CSLC CUL CLO CLFR 61 -- 62 63 CFI CE All zeros Figure 6-34. L1 Cache Control and Status Register 0 (L1CSR0) Table 6-20. L1CSR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-46 -- 47 CPE (Data) Cache parity enable 0 Parity checking of the cache disabled 1 Parity checking of the cache enabled 48 CPI (Data) Parity error injection enable 0 Parity error injection disabled 1 Parity error injection enabled. Cache parity must also be enabled (CPE = 1) when this bit is set. 49-51 -- 52 Description Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. CSLC (Data) Cache snoop lock clear. Sticky bit set by hardware if a dcbi snoop (either internally or externally generated) invalidated a locked cache line. Note that the lock bit for that line is cleared whenever the line is invalidated. This bit can be cleared only by software. 0 The cache has not encountered a dcbi snoop that invalidated a locked line. 1 The cache has encountered a dcbi snoop that invalidated a locked line. 53 CUL (Data) Cache unable to lock. Sticky bit set by hardware and cleared by writing 0 to this bit location. 0 Indicates a lock set instruction was effective in the cache 1 Indicates a lock set instruction was not effective in the cache 54 CLO (Data) Cache lock overflow. Sticky bit set by hardware and cleared by writing 0 to this bit location. 0 Indicates a lock overflow condition was not encountered in the cache 1 Indicates a lock overflow condition was encountered in the cache MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-28 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-20. L1CSR0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 55 Description CLFR (Data) Cache lock bits flash reset. Writing a 1 during a flash clear operation causes an undefined operation. Writing a 0 during a flash clear operation is ignored. Clearing occurs regardless of the enable (CE) value. 0 Default. 1 Hardware initiates a cache lock bits flash clear operation. This bit is cleared when the operation is complete. 56-61 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 62 CFI (Data) Cache flash invalidate. 0 No cache invalidate. Writing a 0 to CFI during an invalidation operation is ignored. 1 Cache invalidation operation. A cache invalidation operation is initiated by hardware. Once complete, this bit is cleared. Writing a 1 during an invalidation operation causes an undefined operation. Invalidation occurs regardless of the enable (CE) value. 63 CE (Data) Cache enable 0 The cache is neither accessed or updated. 1 Enables cache operation 6.11.2 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 1 (L1CSR1) SPR 1011 Access: Supervisor read/write Line Locking Bits 32 46 R -- W 47 48 ICPE ICPI Reset 49 51 -- 52 53 54 55 56 ICSLC ICUL ICLO ICLFR 61 -- 62 63 ICFI ICE All zeros Figure 6-35. L1 Cache Control and Status Register 1 (L1CSR1) Table 6-21. L1CSR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-46 -- 47 ICPE Instruction cache parity enable 0 Parity checking of the instruction cache disabled 1 Parity checking of the instruction cache enabled 48 ICPI Instruction parity error injection enable 0 Parity error injection disabled 1 Parity error injection enabled. Note that instruction cache parity must also be enabled (ICPE = 1) when this bit is set. 49-51 -- 52 Description Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. ICSLC Instruction cache snoop lock clear. Sticky bit set by hardware if an icbi snoop (either internally or externally generated) invalidated a locked line in the instruction cache. Note that the lock bit for that line is cleared whenever the line is invalidated. This bit can only be cleared by software. 0 The instruction cache has not encountered an icbi snoop that invalidated a locked line. 1 The instruction cache has encountered an icbi snoop that invalidated a locked line. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-29 Core Register Summary Table 6-21. L1CSR1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 53 ICUL Instruction cache unable to lock. Sticky bit set by hardware and cleared by writing 0 to this bit location. 0 Indicates a lock set instruction was effective in the instruction cache 1 Indicates a lock set instruction was not effective in the instruction cache 54 ICLO Instruction cache lock overflow. Sticky bit set by hardware and cleared by writing 0 to this bit location. 0 Indicates a lock overflow condition was not encountered in the instruction cache 1 Indicates a lock overflow condition was encountered in the instruction cache 55 ICLFR Instruction cache lock bits flash reset. Writing 0 and then 1 flash clears the lock bit of all entries in the instruction cache; clearing occurs independently from the value of the enable bit (ICE). ICLFR is always read as 0. 56-61 -- 62 ICFI Instruction cache flash invalidate. Written to 0 and then 1 to flash clear the valid bit of all entries in the instruction cache; operates independently from the value of the enable bit (ICE). ICFI is always read as 0. 63 ICE Instruction cache enable 0 The instruction cache is neither accessed or updated. 1 Enables instruction cache operation 6.11.3 Reserved, should be cleared. L1 Cache Configuration Register 0 (L1CFG0) SPR 515 32 Access: User read only 33 34 R CARCH 38 -- 39 40 41 42 43 44 CBSIZE CREPL CLA CPA 45 49 50 51 52 53 -- CNWAY 55 56 -- 63 CSIZE W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 6-36. L1 Cache Configuration Register 0 (L1CFG0) Table 6-22. L1CFG0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-33 CARCH 34-38 -- 39-40 CBSIZE Cache line size 0 32 bytes 1 64 bytes 41-42 CREPL Cache replacement policy 0 True LRU 1 Pseudo LRU 43 CLA Cache architecture 00 Harvard 01 Unified Reserved, should be cleared. Cache locking available 0 Unavailable 1 Available MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-30 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-22. L1CFG0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 44 CPA 45-49 -- 50-52 CNWAY 53-55 -- 56-63 CSIZE 6.11.4 Description Cache parity available 0 Unavailable 1 Available Reserved, should be cleared. Cache number of ways 111 Indicates 8 ways Reserved, should be cleared. Cache size 0x20 indicates 32 Kbytes L1 Cache Configuration Register 1 (L1CFG1) SPR 516 Access: User read only 32 38 R -- 39 40 41 42 43 44 ICBSIZE ICREPL ICLA ICPA 45 52 53 ICNWAY 63 ICSIZE W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 6-37. L1 Cache Configuration Register 1 (L1CFG1) Table 6-23. L1CFG1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-38 -- 39-40 ICBSIZ Instruction cache block size 00 Indicates block size of 32 bytes 41-42 ICREPL Instruction cache replacement policy 01 Indicates pseudo-LRU policy 43 ICLA Instruction cache locking available 1 Indicates available 44 ICPA Instruction cache parity available 1 Indicates available 45-52 ICNWAY Instruction cache number of ways 111 Indicates 8 ways 53-63 ICSIZE Reserved, should be cleared. Instruction cache size 0x20 indicates 32 Kbytes MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-31 Core Register Summary 6.12 MMU Registers 6.12.1 Process ID Registers (PID0-PID2) Access: Supervisor read/write SPR 48 (PID0) SPR 633 (PID1) SPR 634 (PID2) 32 55 56 R 63 -- W Process ID Reset All zeros Figure 6-38. Process ID Registers (PID0-PID2) 6.12.2 MMU Control and Status Register 0 (MMUCSR0) SPR 1012 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 60 R -- W 61 62 63 L2TLB0_FI L2TLB1_FI -- Reset All zeros Figure 6-39. MMU Control and Status Register 0 (MMUCSR0) Table 6-24. MMUCSR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-60 -- Description Reserved, should be cleared. 61 L2TLB0_FI TLB0 flash invalidate (write to 1 to invalidate) 62 L2TLB1_FI TLB1 flash invalidate (write 1 to invalidate) 0 No flash invalidate. Writing a 0 to this bit during an invalidation operation is ignored. 1 TLB1 invalidation operation. Hardware initiates a TLB1 invalidation operation. When this operation is complete, this bit is cleared. Writing a 1 during an invalidation operation causes an undefined operation. 63 -- 6.12.3 Reserved, should be cleared. MMU Configuration Register (MMUCFG) SPR 1015 Access: Supervisor read only 32 48 49 R -- 52 53 NPIDS 57 58 59 PIDSIZE -- 60 61 62 63 NTLBS MAVN 0 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Figure 6-40. MMU Configuration Register (MMUCFG) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-32 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-25. MMUCFG Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-48 -- 49-52 NPIDS Number of PID registers, a 4-bit field that indicates the number of PID registers provided by the processor. The e500 implements three PIDs. 53-57 PIDSIZE PID register size. The 5-bit value of PIDSIZE is one less than the number of bits in each of the PID registers implemented by the processor. The processor implements only the least significant PIDSIZE+1 bits in the PID registers. 00111 indicates 8-bit registers. This is the value presented by the e500. 58-59 -- 60-61 NTLBS Number of TLBs. The value of NTLBS is one less than the number of software-accessible TLB structures that are implemented by the processor. NTLBS is set to one less than the number of TLB structures so that its value matches the maximum value of MAS0[TLBSEL]. 00 1 TLB 01 2 TLBs. This is the value presented by the e500. 10 3 TLBs 11 4 TLBs 62-63 MAVN MMU architecture version number. Indicates the version number of the architecture of the MMU implemented by the processor. 0b00 indicates version 1.0. Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. TLB Configuration Registers (TLBnCFG) 6.12.4 TLB0 Configuration Register 0 (TLB0CFG) SPR 688 Access: Supervisor read only 32 R 39 40 ASSOC 43 44 MINSIZE 47 MAXSIZE 48 49 50 51 52 IPROT AVAIL -- 63 NENTRY W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 6-41. TLB Configuration Register 0 (TLB0CFG) Table 6-26. TLB0CFG Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-39 ASSOC Associativity of TLB0 0x02 indicates associativity is 2-way set associative 40-43 MINSIZE Minimum page size of TLB0 0x1 indicates smallest page size is 4K 44-47 MAXSIZE Maximum page size of TLB0 0x1 indicates maximum page size is 4K 48 IPROT Invalidate protect capability of TLB0 0 Indicates invalidate protection capability not supported 49 AVAIL Page size availability of TLB0 0 No variable-sized pages available (MINSIZE = MAXSIZE) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-33 Core Register Summary Table 6-26. TLB0CFG Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 50-51 -- 52-63 NENTRY Description Reserved, should be cleared. Number of entries in TLB0 0x100 LB0 contains 256 entries 0x200TLB0 contains 512 entries (e500v2 only) TLB1 Configuration Register 1 (TLB1CFG) SPR 689 Access: Supervisor read only 32 39 40 R ASSOC 43 44 MINSIZE 47 MAXSIZE 48 49 IPROT AVAIL 50 51 52 63 -- NENTRY W Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Figure 6-42. TLB Configuration Register 1 (TLB1CFG) Table 6-27. TLB1CFG Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-39 ASSOC Associativity of TLB1 0x10 indicates associativity is 16 40-43 MINSIZE Minimum page size of TLB1 0x1 indicates smallest page size is 4K 44-47 MAXSIZE Maximum page size of TLB1 0x9 Indicates maximum page size is 256 Mbyte 0xB Indicates maximum page size is 4 Gbytes (e500v2 only) 48 IPROT Invalidate protect capability of TLB1 1 Indicates that TLB1 supports invalidate protection capability 49 AVAIL Page size availability of TLB1 1 Indicates all page sizes between MINSIZE and MAXSIZE supported 50-51 -- 52-63 NENTRY Reserved, should be cleared. Number of entries in TLB1 0x010: TLB1 contains 16 entries MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-34 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary 6.12.5 MMU Assist Registers MAS Register 0 (MAS0) SPR 624 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R 34 -- W 35 36 TLBSEL 43 44 -- 47 48 62 ESEL Reset -- 63 NV All zeros Figure 6-43. MAS Register 0 (MAS0) Table 6-28. MAS0 Field Descriptions--MMU Read/Write and Replacement Control Bits Name 32-34 -- 35 TLBSEL 36-43 -- 44-47 ESEL 48-62 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 63 NV Next victim. Next victim bit value to be written to TLB0[NV] on execution of tlbwe. This field is also updated on TLB error exceptions (misses), tlbsx hit and miss cases and on execution of tlbre. This field is updated based on the calculated next victim bit for TLB0 (based on the round-robin replacement algorithm.) Note that this field is not defined for operations that specify TLB1 (when TLBSEL = 01). Descriptions Reserved, should be cleared. Selects TLB for access 0 TLB0 1 TLB1 Reserved, should be cleared. Entry select. Number of entry in selected array to be used for tlbwe. This field is also updated on TLB error exceptions (misses), and tlbsx hit and miss cases. Only certain bits are valid, depending on the array selected in TLBSEL. Other bits should be 0. For the e500, ESEL serves as the way select for the corresponding TLB as follows: When TLBSEL = 00 (TLB0 selected), bits 46-47 are used (and bits 44-45 should be cleared). This field selects between way 0, 1, 2, or 3 of TLB0. EA bits 45-51 from MAS2[EPN] are used to index into the TLB to further select the entry for the operation. Note that for the e500v1, bit 47 selects either way 0 or way 1, and bit 46 should remain cleared. When TLBSEL = 01 (TLB1 selected), all four bits are used to select one of 16 entries in the array. MAS Register 1 (MAS1) SPR 625 32 R W Access: Supervisor read/write 33 34 V IPROT 39 40 -- Reset 47 48 TID 50 -- 51 52 TS 55 56 TSIZE 63 -- All zeros Figure 6-44. MAS Register 1 (MAS1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-35 Core Register Summary Table 6-29. MAS1 Field Descriptions--Descriptor Context and Configuration Control Bits Name 32 V 33 Descriptions TLB valid bit 0 This TLB entry is invalid. 1 This TLB entry is valid. IPROT Invalidate protect. Set to protect this TLB entry from invalidate operations due the execution of tlbiva[x] (TLB1 only). Note that not all TLB arrays are necessarily protected from invalidation with IPROT. Arrays that support invalidate protection are denoted as such in the TLB configuration registers. 0 Entry is not protected from invalidation 1 Entry is protected from invalidation. 34-39 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 40-47 TID Translation identity. An 8-bit field that defines the process ID for this TLB entry. TID is compared with the current process IDs of the three virtual address to be translated. A TID value of 0 defines an entry as global and matches with all process IDs. 48-50 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 51 TS Translation space. This bit is compared with the IS or DS fields of the MSR (depending on the type of access) to determine if this TLB entry may be used for translation. 52-55 TSIZE Translation size. Defines the TLB entry page size. For arrays that contain fixed-size TLB entries, TSIZE is ignored. For variable page size arrays, the page size is 4TSIZE Kbytes. The e500 supports the following sizes: 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 56-63 -- 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 4 Kbytes 16 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 1 Mbyte 4 Mbytes 16 Mbytes 64 Mbytes 256 Mbytes 1 Gbyte (e500v2 only) 4 Gbytes (e500v2 only) Reserved, should be cleared. MAS Register 2 (MAS2) SPR 626 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 51 52 R EPN W Reset 56 -- 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 X0 X1 W I M G E All zeros Figure 6-45. MAS Register 2 (MAS2) Table 6-30. MAS2 Field Descriptions--EPN and Page Attributes Bits Name Description 32-51 EPN Effective page number. Depending on page size, only the bits associated with a page boundary are valid. Bits that represent offsets within a page are ignored and should be cleared. 52-56 -- Reserved for implementation-specific use 57 X0 Implementation-dependent page attribute 58 X1 Implementation-dependent page attribute MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-36 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-30. MAS2 Field Descriptions--EPN and Page Attributes (continued) Bits Name 59 W 60 I Caching-inhibited 0 Accesses to this page are considered cacheable. 1 The page is considered caching-inhibited. All loads and stores to the page bypass the caches and are performed directly to main memory. 61 M Memory coherency required 0 Memory coherency is not required. 1 Memory coherency is required. This allows loads and stores to this page to be coherent with loads and stores from other processors (and devices) in the system, assuming all such devices are participating in the coherency protocol. 62 G Guarded 0 Accesses to this page are not guarded and can be performed before it is known if they are required by the sequential execution model. 1 All loads and stores to this page that miss in the L1 cache are performed without speculation (that is, they are known to be required). Speculative loads can be performed if they hit in the L1 cache. In addition, accesses to caching-inhibited pages are performed using only the memory element that is explicitly specified. 63 E Endianness. Determines endianness for the corresponding page. Little-endian operation is true little endian, which differs from the modified little-endian byte-ordering model optionally available in previous devices that implement the original PowerPC architecture. See the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual for more information. 0 The page is accessed in big-endian byte order. 1 The page is accessed in true little-endian byte order. Description Write-through 0 This page is considered write-back with respect to the caches in the system. 1 All stores performed to this page are written through the caches to main memory. MAS Register 3 (MAS3) SPR 627 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 51 52 53 54 R RPN W Reset -- 57 U0-U3 58 59 60 61 62 63 UX SX UW SW UR SR All zeros Figure 6-46. MAS Register 3 (MAS3) Table 6-31. MAS3 Field Descriptions-RPN and Access Control Bits Name Description 32-51 RPN Real page number. Depending on page size, only the bits associated with a page boundary are valid. Bits that represent offsets within a page are ignored and should be cleared. For the e500v2, the 4 high-order bits of RPN are stored in MAS7[RPN]. 52-53 -- 54-57 U0-U3 58-63 Reserved, should be cleared. User attribute bits. Associated with a TLB entry and can be used by system software. For example, they can hold information useful to a page-scanning algorithm or mark more abstract page attributes. PERMIS Permission bits (UX, SX, UW, SW, UR, SR). User and supervisor read, write, and execute permission bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-37 Core Register Summary MAS Register 4 (MAS4) SPR 628 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R 34 -- W 35 36 45 TLBSELD -- 46 47 48 TIDSELD Reset 50 51 52 -- 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 TSIZED -- X0D X1D WD ID MD GD ED All zeros Figure 6-47. MAS Register 4 (MAS4) Table 6-32. MAS4 Field Descriptions--Hardware Replacement Assist Configuration Bits Name 32-34 -- 35 Description Reserved, should be cleared. TLBSELD TLBSEL default value. The default value to be loaded in MAS0[TLBSEL] on a TLB miss exception. 0 TLB0 1 TLB1 36-45 -- 46-47 Reserved, should be cleared. TIDSELD TID default selection value. A 2-bit field that specifies which of the current PID registers should be used to load the MAS1[TID] field on a TLB miss exception. The e500 implementation defines this field as follows: 00 PID0 01 PID1 10 PID2 11 TIDZ (0x00) (all zeros) 48-51 -- 52-55 TSIZED 56 -- 57 X0D Default X0 value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS2[X0] on a TLB miss exception. 58 X1D Default X1 value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS2[X1] on a TLB miss exception. 59 WD Default W value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS2[W] on a TLB miss exception. 60 ID Default I value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS2[I] on a TLB miss exception. 61 MD Default M value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS2[M] on a TLB miss exception. 62 GD Default G value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS2[G] on a TLB miss exception. 63 ED Default E value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS2[E] on a TLB miss exception. Reserved, should be cleared. Default TSIZE value. Specifies the default value to be loaded into MAS1[TSIZE] on a TLB miss exception. Reserved, should be cleared. MAS Register 6 (MAS6) SPR 630 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 R W Reset 39 40 -- 47 48 SPID0 62 -- 63 SAS All zeros Figure 6-48. MAS Register 6 (MAS6) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-38 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-33. MAS6--TLB Search Context Register 0 Bits Name 32-39 -- 40-47 Comments, or Function when Set Reserved, should be cleared. SPID0 Specifies the PID value (recent value of PID0) used when searching the TLB during execution of tlbsx. 48-62 -- 63 SAS Reserved, should be cleared. Address space (AS) value for searches. Specifies the value of AS used when searching the TLB (during execution of tlbsx). MAS Register 7 (MAS7) SPR 944 Access: Supervisor read/write 32 59 60 R -- W Reset 63 RPN All zeros Figure 6-49. MAS Register 7 (MAS7) Table 6-34. MAS 7 Field Descriptions--High Order RPN 6.13 Bits Name 32-63 RPN Description Real page number. Four high-order bits of the RPN. The 20 low-order bits of RPN are in MAS3. Debug Registers 6.13.1 Debug Control Registers (DBCR0-DBCR2) Debug Control Register 0 (DBCR0) SPR 308 32 R W Access: Supervisor read/write 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 -- IDM RST ICMP BRT IRPT TRAP IAC1 IAC2 Reset 42 43 44 45 46 47 -- 48 49 DAC1 DAC2 RET 62 63 -- FT All zeros Figure 6-50. Debug Control Register 0 (DBCR0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-39 Core Register Summary Table 6-35. DBCR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32 -- 33 IDM Internal debug mode 0 Debug interrupts are disabled. No debug interrupts are taken and debug events are not logged. 1 If MSR[DE] = 1, the occurrence of a debug event or the recording of an earlier debug event in the DBSR when MSR[DE] = 0 or DBCR0[IDM] = 0 causes a debug interrupt. Programming note: Software must clear debug event status in the DBSR in the debug interrupt handler when a debug interrupt is taken before re-enabling interrupts through MSR[DE]. Otherwise, redundant debug interrupts are taken for the same debug event. 34-35 RST Reset. The e500 implements these bits as follows: 0x Default (No action) 1x Causes a hard reset if MSR[DE] and DBCR0[IDM] are set. Always cleared on subsequent cycle. This causes a hard reset to the core only. 36 ICMP Instruction completion debug event enable 0 ICMP debug events are disabled 1 ICMP debug events are enabled Note: Instruction completion does not cause an ICMP debug event if MSR[DE] = 0. 37 BRT Branch taken debug event enable 0 BRT debug events are disabled 1 BRT debug events are enabled Note: Taken branches do not cause a BRT debug event if MSR[DE] = 0. 38 IRPT Interrupt taken debug event enable. This bit affects only noncritical interrupts. 0 IRPT debug events are disabled 1 IRPT debug events are enabled 39 TRAP Trap debug event enable 0 TRAP debug events cannot occur 1 TRAP debug events can occur 40 IAC1 Instruction address compare 1 debug event enable 0 IAC1 debug events cannot occur 1 IAC1 debug events can occur 41 IAC2 Instruction address compare 2 debug event enable 0 IAC2 debug events cannot occur 1 IAC2 debug events can occur 42-43 -- 44-45 DAC1 Data address compare 1 debug event enable 00 DAC1 debug events cannot occur 01 DAC1 debug events can occur only if a store-type data storage access 10 DAC1 debug events can occur only if a load-type data storage access 11 DAC1 debug events can occur on any data storage access 46-47 DAC2 Data address compare 2 debug event enable 00 DAC2 debug events cannot occur 01 DAC2 debug events can occur only if a store-type data storage access 10 DAC2 debug events can occur only if a load-type data storage access 11 DAC2 debug events can occur on any data storage access Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-40 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-35. DBCR0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 48 RET 49-62 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 63 FT Freeze timers on debug event 0 Enable clocking of timers 1 Disable clocking of timers if any DBSR bit is set (except MRR) Description Return debug event enable 0 RET debug events cannot occur 1 RET debug events can occur Note: An rfci does not cause an RET debug event if MSR[DE] = 0 at the time that rfci executes. Debug Control Register 1 (DBCR1) SPR 309 32 R W Access: Supervisor read/write 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 63 IAC1US IAC1ER IAC2US IAC2ER IAC12M Reset -- All zeros Figure 6-51. Debug Control Register 1 (DBCR1) Table 6-36. DBCR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-33 IAC1US Instruction address compare 1 user/supervisor mode 00 IAC1 debug events can occur 01 Reserved 10 IAC1 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 0 11 IAC1 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 1 34-35 IAC1ER Instruction address compare 1 effective/real mode 00 IAC1 debug events are based on effective addresses 01 Reserved on the e500 10 IAC1 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[IS] = 0 11 IAC1 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[IS] = 1 36-37 IAC2US Instruction address compare 2 user/supervisor mode 00 IAC2 debug events can occur 01 Reserved 10 IAC2 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 0 11 IAC2 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 1 38-39 IAC2ER Instruction address compare 2 effective/real mode 00 IAC2 debug events are based on effective addresses 01 Reserved on the e500 10 IAC2 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[IS] = 0 11 IAC2 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[IS] = 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-41 Core Register Summary Table 6-36. DBCR1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 40-41 Name Description IAC12M Instruction address compare 1/2 mode 00 Exact address compare. IAC1 debug events can occur only if the address of the instruction fetch is equal to the value specified in IAC1. IAC2 debug events can occur only if the address of the instruction fetch is equal to the value specified in IAC2. 01 Address bit match. IAC1 and IAC2 debug events can occur only if the address of the instruction fetch, ANDed with the contents of IAC2 are equal to the contents of IAC1, plus ANDed with the contents of IAC2. If IAC1US IAC2US or IAC1ER IAC2ER, results are boundedly undefined. 10 Inclusive address range compare. IAC1 and IAC2 debug events occur only if the address of the instruction fetch is greater than or equal to the value specified in IAC1 and less than the value specified in IAC2. If IAC1US IAC2US or IAC1ER IAC2ER, results are boundedly undefined. 11 Exclusive address range compare. IAC1 and IAC2 debug events occur only if the address of the instruction fetch is less than the value specified in IAC1 or is greater than or equal to the value specified in IAC2. If IAC1US IAC2US or IAC1ER IAC2ER, results are boundedly undefined. 42-63 -- Reserved, should be cleared. Debug Control Register 2 (DBCR2) SPR 310 32 R W Access: Supervisor read/write 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 63 DAC1US DAC1ER DAC2US DAC2ER DAC12M Reset -- All zeros Figure 6-52. Debug Control Register 2 (DBCR2) Table 6-37. DBCR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32-33 DAC1US Data address compare 1 user/supervisor mode 00 DAC1 debug events can occur 01 Reserved 10 DAC1 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 0. 11 DAC1 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 1. 34-35 DAC1ER Data address compare 1 effective/real mode 00 DAC1 debug events are based on effective addresses. 01 Reserved on the e500 10 DAC1 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[DS] = 0. 11 DAC1 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[DS] = 1. 36-37 DAC2US Data address compare 2 user/supervisor mode 00 DAC2 debug events can occur. 01 Reserved 10 DAC2 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 0. 11 DAC2 debug events can occur only if MSR[PR] = 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-42 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-37. DBCR2 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 38-39 DAC2ER Data address compare 2 effective/real mode 00 DAC2 debug events are based on effective addresses. 01 Reserved on the e500 10 DAC2 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[DS] = 0. 11 DAC2 debug events are based on effective addresses and can occur only if MSR[DS] = 1. 40-41 DAC12M Data address compare 1/2 mode 00 Exact address compare. DAC1 debug events can occur only if the address of the data storage access is equal to the value specified in DAC1. DAC2 debug events can occur only if the address of the data storage access is equal to the value specified in DAC2. 01 Address bit match. DAC1 and DAC2 debug events can occur only if the address of the data storage access, ANDed with the contents of DAC2 are equal to the contents of DAC1, also ANDed with the contents of DAC2. If DAC1US DAC2US or DAC1ER DAC2ER, results are boundedly undefined. 10 Inclusive address range compare. DAC1 and DAC2 debug events can occur only if the address of the data storage access is greater than or equal to the value specified in DAC1 and less than the value specified in DAC2. If DAC1US DAC2US or DAC1ER DAC2ER, results are boundedly undefined. 11 Exclusive address range compare. DAC1 and DAC2 debug events can occur only if the address of the data storage access is less than the value specified in DAC1 or is greater than or equal to the value specified in DAC2. If DAC1US DAC2US or DAC1ER DAC2ER, results are boundedly undefined. 42-63 -- 6.13.2 Reserved, should be cleared. Debug Status Register (DBSR) SPR: 304 Access: Supervisor w1c 32 33 IDE UDE MRR IRPT TRAP IAC1 IAC2 W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 undefined 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 49 R Reset 34 35 36 37 ICMP BRT 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 DAC1R DAC1W DAC2R DAC2W -- 0 44 0 w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 63 R RET -- W w1c Reset All zeros Figure 6-53. Debug Status Register (DBSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-43 Core Register Summary Table 6-38. DBSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32 IDE Imprecise debug event. Set if MSR[DE] = 0 and a debug event causes its respective DBSR bit to be set. Functions as write-one-to-clear. 33 UDE Unconditional debug event. Set if an unconditional debug event occurred. Functions as write-one-to-clear. If UDE (level sensitive, active low) is asserted, DBSR[UDE] is affected as follows: MSR[DE]DBCR0[IDM]Action X 0 No action. 0 1 UDE is set. 1 1 UDE is set and a debug interrupt is taken. 34-35 MRR Most recent reset. Functions as write-one-to-clear. Undefined at power-on. The e500 implements HRESET as follows: 0x No hard reset occurred since this bit was last cleared by software. 1x The previous reset was a hard reset. 36 ICMP Instruction complete debug event. Set if an instruction completion debug event occurred and DBCR0[ICMP] = 1. Functions as write-one-to-clear. 37 BRT Branch taken debug event. Set if a branch taken debug event occurred (DBCR0[BRT] = 1). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 38 IRPT Interrupt taken debug event. Set if an interrupt taken debug event occurred (DBCR0[IRPT] = 1). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 39 TRAP Trap instruction debug event. Set if a trap Instruction debug event occurred (DBCR0[TRAP] = 1). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 40 IAC1 Instruction address compare 1 debug event. Set if an IAC1 debug event occurred (DBCR0[IAC1] = 1). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 41 IAC2 Instruction address compare 2 debug event. Set if an IAC2 debug event occurred (DBCR0[IAC2] = 1). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 42-43 -- 44 DAC1R Data address compare 1 read debug event. Set if a read-type DAC1 debug event occurred (DBCR0[DAC1] = 10 or 11). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 45 DAC1W Data address compare 1 write debug event. Set if a write-type DAC1 debug event occurred (DBCR0[DAC1] = 01 or 11). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 46 DAC2R Data address compare 2 read debug event.Set if a read-type DAC2 debug event occurred (DBCR0[DAC2] = 10 or 11). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 47 DAC2W Data address compare 2 write debug event. Set if a write-type DAC2 debug event occurred (DBCR0[DAC2] = 01 or 11). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 48 RET Return debug event. Set if a return debug event occurred (DBCR0[RET] = 1). Functions as write-one-to-clear. 49-63 -- Reserved, should be cleared Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-44 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary 6.13.3 Instruction Address Compare Registers (IAC1-IAC2) SPR 312 (IAC1); SPR 313 (IAC2) Access: Supervisor read/write 32 61 62 63 R Instruction address W Reset -- All zeros Figure 6-54. Instruction Address Compare Registers (IAC1-IAC2) 6.13.4 Data Address Compare Registers (DAC1-DAC2) SPR 316 (DAC1); SPR 317 (DAC2) Access: Supervisor read/write 32 63 R Data address W Reset All zeros Figure 6-55. Data Address Compare Registers (DAC1-DAC2) Signal Processing and Embedded Floating-Point Status and Control Register (SPEFSCR) 6.14 SPR: 512 Access: User mixed High-Word Error Bits 32 R W 33 34 35 36 37 Status Bits 38 39 40 SOVH OVH FGH FXH FINVH FDBZH FUNFH FOVFH Reset 41 -- 42 43 44 45 46 FINXS FINVS FDBZS FUNFS FOVFS 47 MODE All zeros Enable Bits R W 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 SOV OV FG FX FINV FDBZ FUNF Reset 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 FOVF -- FINXE FINVE FDBZE FUNFE FOVFE 62 63 FRMC All zeros Figure 6-56. Signal Processing and Embedded Floating-Point Status and Control Register (SPEFSCR) Table 6-39. SPEFSCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Function 32 SOVH Summary integer overflow high. Set whenever an instruction (except mtspr) sets OVH. SOVH remains set until it is cleared by an mtspr[SPEFSCR]. 33 OVH Integer overflow high. An overflow occurred in the upper half of the register while executing a SPE integer instruction 34 FGH Embedded floating-point guard bit high. Floating-point guard bit from the upper half. The value is undefined if the processor takes a floating-point exception due to input error, floating-point overflow, or floating-point underflow. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-45 Core Register Summary Table 6-39. SPEFSCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Function 35 FXH 36 FINVH 37 FDBZH Embedded floating-point divide by zero error high. Set if the dividend is non-zero and the divisor is zero. 38 FUNFH Embedded floating-point underflow error high 39 FOVFH Embedded floating-point overflow error high Embedded floating-point sticky bit high. Floating bit from the upper half. The value is undefined if the processor takes a floating-point exception due to input error, floating-point overflow, or floating-point underflow. Embedded floating-point invalid operation error high. Set when an input value on the high side is a NaN, Inf, or Denorm. Also set on a divide if both the dividend and divisor are zero. 40-41 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 42 FINXS Embedded floating-point inexact sticky. FINXS = FINXS | FGH | FXH | FG | FX 43 FINVS Embedded floating-point invalid operation sticky. Location for software to use when implementing true IEEE floating point. 44 FDBZS Embedded floating-point divide by zero sticky. FDBZS = FDBZS | FDBZH | FDBZ 45 FUNFS Embedded floating-point underflow sticky. Storage location for software to use when implementing true IEEE floating point. 46 FOVFS Embedded floating-point overflow sticky. Storage location for software to use when implementing true IEEE floating point. 47 MODE Embedded floating-point mode (read only on e500) 48 SOV 49 OV Integer overflow. An overflow occurred in the lower half of the register while a SPE integer instruction is being executed. 50 FG Embedded floating-point guard bit. Floating-point guard bit from the lower half. The value is undefined if the processor takes a floating-point exception due to input error, floating-point overflow, or floating-point underflow. 51 FX Embedded floating-point sticky bit. Floating bit from the lower half. The value is undefined if the processor takes a floating-point exception due to input error, floating-point overflow, or floating-point underflow. 52 FINV Embedded floating-point invalid operation error. Set when an input value on the high side is a NaN, Inf, or Denorm. Also set on a divide if both the dividend and divisor are zero. 53 FDBZ Embedded floating-point divide by zero error. Set of the dividend is non-zero and the divisor is zero. 54 FUNF Embedded floating-point underflow error 55 FOVF Embedded floating-point overflow error 56 -- 57 FINXE Embedded floating-point inexact enable 58 FINVE Embedded floating-point invalid operation/input error exception enable 0 Exception disabled 1 Exception enabled If the exception is enabled, a floating-point data exception is taken if FINV or FINVH is set by a floating-point instruction. Integer summary overflow. Set whenever an SPE instruction (except mtspr) sets OV. SOV remains set until it is cleared by mtspr[SPEFSCR]. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-46 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-39. SPEFSCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Function 59 FDBZE Embedded floating-point divide-by-zero exception enable 0 Exception disabled 1 Exception enabled If the exception is enabled, a floating-point data exception is taken if FDBZ or FDBZH is set by a floating-point instruction. 60 FUNFE Embedded floating-point underflow exception enable 0 Exception disabled 1 Exception enabled If the exception is enabled, a floating-point data exception is taken if FUNF or FUNFH is set by a floating-point instruction. 61 FOVFE Embedded floating-point overflow exception enable 0 Exception disabled 1 Exception enabled If the exception is enabled, a floating-point data exception is taken if FOVF or FOVFH is set by a floating-point instruction. 62-63 FRMC Embedded floating-point rounding mode control 00 Round to nearest 01 Round toward zero 10 Round toward +infinity 11 Round toward -infinity 6.14.1 Accumulator (ACC) Access: User read/write 0 31 32 R 63 Upper word W Reset Lower word All zeros Figure 6-57. Accumulator (ACC) Table 6-40. ACC FIeld Descriptions Bits Name Function 0-31 Upper word Holds the upper-word accumulate value for SPE multiply with accumulate instructions 32-63 Lower word Holds the lower-word accumulate value for SPE multiply with accumulate instructions MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-47 Core Register Summary 6.15 Performance Monitor Registers (PMRs) Table 6-41. Supervisor-Level PMRs (PMR[5] = 1) Abbreviation Register Name PMR Number pmr[0-4] pmr[5-9] Section/Page 6.15.4/6-52 PMC0 Performance monitor counter 0 16 00000 10000 PMC1 Performance monitor counter 1 17 00000 10001 PMC2 Performance monitor counter 2 18 00000 10010 PMC3 Performance monitor counter 3 19 00000 10011 PMGC0 Performance monitor global control register 0 400 01100 10000 6.15.1/6-49 PMLCa0 Performance monitor local control a0 144 00100 10000 6.15.2/6-50 PMLCa1 Performance monitor local control a1 145 00100 10001 PMLCa2 Performance monitor local control a2 146 00100 10010 PMLCa3 Performance monitor local control a3 147 00100 10011 PMLCb0 Performance monitor local control b0 272 01000 10000 PMLCb1 Performance monitor local control b1 273 01000 10001 PMLCb2 Performance monitor local control b2 274 01000 10010 PMLCb3 Performance monitor local control b3 275 01000 10011 6.15.3/6-51 Table 6-42. User-Level PMRs (PMR[5] = 0) (Read Only) Abbreviation Register Name PMR Number pmr[0-4] pmr[5-9] Section/Page 6.15.4/6-52 UPMC0 User performance monitor counter 0 0 00000 00000 UPMC1 User performance monitor counter 1 1 00000 00001 UPMC2 User performance monitor counter 2 2 00000 00010 UPMC3 User performance monitor counter 3 3 00000 00011 UPMLCa0 User performance monitor local control a0 128 00100 00000 UPMLCa1 User performance monitor local control a1 129 00100 00001 UPMLCa2 User performance monitor local control a2 130 00100 00010 UPMLCa3 User performance monitor local control a3 131 00100 00011 UPMLCb0 User performance monitor local control b0 256 01000 00000 UPMLCb1 User performance monitor local control b1 257 01000 00001 UPMLCb2 User performance monitor local control b2 258 01000 00010 UPMLCb3 User performance monitor local control b3 259 01000 00011 UPMGC0 User performance monitor global control register 0 384 01100 00000 6.15.3/6-51 6.15.3/6-51 6.15.2/6-50 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-48 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary 6.15.1 Global Control Register 0 (PMGC0, UPMGC0) PMGC0 (PMR400) UPMGC0 (PMR384) 32 R W 33 34 Access: PMGC0: Supervisor- read/write UPMGC0: Supervisor/user read only 35 50 FAC PMIE FCECE 52 TBSEL1 -- Reset 51 53 54 55 -- TBEE1 56 63 -- All zeros 1 e500v2 only Figure 6-58. Performance Monitor Global Control Register 0 (PMGC0), User Performance Monitor Global Control Register 0 (UPMGC0) Table 6-43. PMGC0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32 FAC Freeze all counters. When FAC is set by hardware or software, PMLCx[FC] maintains its current value until it is changed by software. 0 The PMCs are incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits). 1 The PMCs are not incremented. 33 PMIE Performance monitor interrupt enable 0 Performance monitor interrupts are disabled. 1 Performance monitor interrupts are enabled and occur when an enabled condition or event occurs. 34 FCECE Freeze counters on enabled condition or event 0 The PMCs can be incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits). 1 The PMCs can be incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits) only until an enabled condition or event occurs. When an enabled condition or event occurs, PMGC0[FAC] is set. It is up to software to clear FAC. 35-50 -- 51-52 TBSEL 53-54 -- Reserved, should be cleared. Time base selector. Selects the time base bit that can cause a time base transition event (the event occurs when the selected bit changes from 0 to 1). 00 TB[63] (TBL[31]) 01 TB[55] (TBL[23]) 10 TB[51] (TBL[19]) 11 TB[47] (TBL[15]) Time base transition events can be used to periodically collect information about processor activity. In multiprocessor systems in which TB registers are synchronized among processors, time base transition events can be used to correlate the performance monitor data obtained by the several processors. For this use, software must specify the same TBSEL value for all processors in the system. Because the time-base frequency is implementation-dependent, software should invoke a system service program to obtain the frequency before choosing a value for TBSEL. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-49 Core Register Summary Table 6-43. PMGC0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 55 TBEE Time base transition event exception enable. 0 Exceptions from time base transition events are disabled. 1 Exceptions from time base transition events are enabled. A timebase transition is signaled to the performance monitor if the TB bit specified in PMGC0[TBSEL] changes from 0 to 1. Timebase transition events can be used to freeze the counters (PMGC0[FCECE]) or signal an exception (PMGC0[PMIE]). Changing PMGC0[TBSEL] while PMGC0[TBEE] is enabled may cause a false 0 to 1 transition that signals the specified action (freeze, exception) to occur immediately. Although the interrupt signal condition may occur with MSR[EE] = 0, the interrupt cannot be taken until MSR[EE] = 1. 56-63 -- 6.15.2 Reserved, should be cleared. Local Control A Registers (PMLCa0-PMLCa3, UPMLCa0-UPMLCa3) UPMLCa0 UPMLCa1 UPMLCa2 UPMLCa3 PMLCa0 (PMR144) PMLCa1 (PMR145) PMLCa2 (PMR146) PMLCa3 (PMR147) 32 R W 33 34 35 36 37 38 FC FCS FCU FCM1 FCM0 CE Reset Access: PMLCa0-PMLCa3: Supervisor read/write UPMLCa0-UPMLCa3: Supervisor/user read only (PMR128) (PMR129) (PMR130) (PMR131) 40 41 -- 47 48 EVENT 63 -- All zeros Figure 6-59. Local Control A Registers (PMLCa0-PMLCa3), User Local Control A Registers (UPMLCa0-UPMLCa3) Table 6-44. PMLCa0-PMLCa3 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 32 FC Freeze counter 0 The PMC is incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits). 1 The PMC is not incremented. 33 FCS Freeze counter in supervisor state 0 The PMC is incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits). 1 The PMC is not incremented if MSR[PR] = 0. 34 FCU Freeze counter in user state 0 The PMC is incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits). 1 The PMC is not incremented if MSR[PR] = 1. 35 FCM1 Freeze counter while mark = 1 0 The PMC is incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits). 1 The PMC is not incremented if MSR[PMM] = 1. 36 FCM0 Freeze counter while mark = 0 0 The PMC is incremented (if permitted by other PM control bits). 1 The PMC is not incremented if MSR[PMM] = 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-50 Freescale Semiconductor Core Register Summary Table 6-44. PMLCa0-PMLCa3 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 37 CE Condition enable 0 PMC x overflow conditions cannot occur (PMCx cannot cause interrupts, cannot freeze counters) 1 Overflow conditions occur when the most-significant bit of PMC x is equal to 1. It is recommended that CE be cleared when counter PMC x is selected for chaining. 38-40 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 41-47 EVENT Event selector. Up to 128 events selectable. These events are described in the PowerPCTM e500 Core Family Reference Manual. 48-63 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 6.15.3 Local Control B Registers (PMLCb0-PMLCb3, UPMLCb0-UPMLCb3) PMLCb0 PMLCb1 PMLCb2 PMLCb3 (PMR272) (PMR273) (PMR274) (PMR275) Access: PMLCb0-PMLCb3: Supervisor read/write UPMLCb0-UPMLCb3: Supervisor/user read only UPMLCb0 (PMR256) UPMLCb1 (PMR257) UPMLCb2 (PMR258) UPMLCb3 (PMR259) 32 52 R -- W 53 55 56 57 58 THRESHMUL Reset -- 63 THRESHOLD All zeros Figure 6-60. Local Control B Registers (PMLCb0-PMLCb3)/User Local Control B Registers (UPMLCb0-UPMLCb3) Table 6-45. PMLCb0-PMLCb3 Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-52 -- 53-55 THRESHMUL Description Reserved, should be cleared. 56-57 -- 58-63 THRESHOLD Threshold multiple 000 Threshold field is 001 Threshold field is 010 Threshold field is 011 Threshold field is 100 Threshold field is 101 Threshold field is 110 Threshold field is 111 Threshold field is multiplied by 1 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 1) multiplied by 2 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 2) multiplied by 4 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 4) multiplied by 8 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 8) multiplied by 16 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 16) multiplied by 32 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 32) multiplied by 64 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 64) multiplied by 128 (PMLCbn[THRESHOLD] x 128) Reserved, should be cleared. Threshold. Only events that exceed the threshold value are counted. Such events are implementation-dependent as are the dimension (for example duration in cycles) and granularity with which the value is interpreted. By varying the value, software can obtain a profile of the event characteristics subject to thresholding. For example, if PMC1 is configured to count cache misses that last longer than the threshold value, software can obtain the distribution of cache miss durations for a given program by monitoring the program repeatedly using a different threshold each time. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 6-51 Core Register Summary 6.15.4 Performance Monitor Counter Registers (PMC0-PMC3, UPMC0-UPMC3) PMC0 (PMR16) PMC1 (PMR17) PMC2 (PMR18) PMC3 (PMR19) 32 R 33 63 OV W Access: PMC0-PMC3: Supervisor read/write UPMC0-UPMC3: Supervisor/user read only UPMC0 (PMR0) UPMC1 (PMR1) UPMC2 (PMR2) UPMC3 (PMR3) Counter value Reset All zeros Figure 6-61. Performance Monitor Counter Registers (PMC0-PMC3)/User Performance Monitor Counter Registers (UPMC0-UPMC3) Table 6-46. PMC0-PMC3 Field Descriptions Bits Name 32 OV 33-63 Counter value Description Overflow. When this bit is set, it indicates this counter reaches its maximum value. Indicates the number of occurrences of the specified event MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6-52 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 7 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM This chapter describes the organization of the on-chip L2/SRAM, cache coherency rules, cache line replacement algorithm, cache control instructions, and various cache operations. It also describes the interaction between the L2/SRAM and the e500 core complex. 7.1 L2 Cache Overview The integrated 512-Kbyte L2 cache is organized as 2048 eight-way sets of 32-byte cache lines based on 36-bit physical addresses, as shown in Figure 7-1. 512/256-Kbyte L2 Cache/SRAM e500 Core Complex e500 Core 32-Kbyte L1 Data Cache Two 256/128-Kbyte banks (8-way) Independently programmable as L2 cache or SRAM WR IN DOUT 32-Kbyte L1 Instruction Cache Core Complex Bus RD IN RD1 RD2 WR 64 128 128 Coherency Module Figure 7-1. L2 Cache/SRAM Configuration The SRAM can be configured with memory-mapped registers as externally accessible memory-mapped SRAM in addition to or instead of cache. The L2 cache can operate in the following modes, described in Section 7.2, "L2 Cache and SRAM Organization": * Full cache mode (512-Kbyte cache). * Full memory-mapped SRAM mode (512-Kbyte SRAM mapped as a single 512-Kbyte block or two 256-Kbyte blocks) * Partial SRAM and partial cache mode, in which one eighth, one quarter, or one half the total on-chip memory can be allocated to 1 or 2 SRAM regions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-1 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.1.1 L2 Cache and SRAM Features The L2 cache has the following characteristics: * Supports 36-bit address space * Write-through, front-side cache -- Front-side design provides easier cache access for the I/O masters, such as Ethernet and RapidIO -- Write-through design is more efficient on the processor bus for front-side caches * Valid, locked, and stale states (no modified state) * Two input data buses (64 and 128 bits wide) and one output data bus (128 bits wide) * All accesses are fully pipelined and non-blocking (allows hits under misses) * 512-Kbyte array organized as 2048 eight-way sets of 32-byte cache lines * Eight-way set associativity with a pseudo-LRU (7-bit) replacement algorithm. -- High level of associativity yields good performance even with many lines locked or used as SRAM regions * I/O devices can store data into the cache in a process called `stashing.' -- Stashing is indicated for global I/O writes either by a transaction attribute or by a programmable memory range -- Regions of the cache can be reserved exclusively for stashing to prevent pollution of processor cache regions. * Processor L2 cache regions are configurable to allocate instructions, data, or both. -- External masters can force data to be allocated into the cache through programmed memory ranges or special transaction types (stashing). - 1, 2, or 4 ways can be configured for stashing only * Data ECC on 64-bit boundaries (single-error correction, double-error detection) * Tag arrays use 20 tag bits and 1 tag parity bit per line. * Multiple cache locking methods supported -- Individual line locks are set and cleared by using e500 cache locking APU instructions--Data Cache Block Touch and Lock Set (dcbtls), Data Cache Block Touch for Store and Lock Set (dcbtstls), and Instruction Cache Block Touch and Lock Set (icbtls). -- A lock attribute can be attached to write operations. -- Individual line locks are set and cleared through core-initiated instructions, by external reads or writes, or by accesses to programmed memory ranges defined in L2 cache external write address registers (L2CEWARn). -- The entire cache can be locked by setting a configuration register appropriately. * Lock clearing methods -- Individual locks can be cleared by cache-locking APU instructions--Data Cache Block Lock Clear (dcblc) and Instruction Cache Block Lock Clear (icblc)--or by a snooped flush unless entire cache is locked. -- Flash clearing of all instruction and/or data locks is done by writes to configuration registers. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-2 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM * -- An unlock attribute can be attached to a read instruction. Error injection modes supported for testing error handling SRAM features include the following: * SRAM regions are created by configuring 1, 2, 4 or 8 ways of each set to be reserved for memory-mapped SRAM. * Regions can reside at any location in the memory map aligned to the SRAM size. * SRAM memory is byte addressable; for accesses of less than a cache line, ECC is updated using read-modify-write transactions. * I/O devices access SRAM regions by marking transactions as snoopable (global). Table 1 lists the possible L2 cache/SRAM configurations. Table 1. Available L2 Cache/SRAM Configurations Cache Stash-only Region SRAM Region 1 SRAM Region 2 512 Kbytes -- -- -- 448 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes -- -- -- 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes -- -- 64 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- -- 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- -- 64 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 512 Kbytes -- 256 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 384 Kbytes 320 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 192 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-3 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.2 L2 Cache and SRAM Organization The on-chip memory array has eight banks, each containing 256 sets of eight cache blocks (or `ways'), as shown in Figure 7-2. Each block consists of 32 bytes of data and a tag. Bank 7 Bank 0 256 Sets 256 Sets Way 0 Address Tag 0 Words [0-7] Way 1 Address Tag 1 Words [0-7] Way 2 Address Tag 2 Words [0-7] Way 3 Address Tag 3 Words [0-7] Way 4 Address Tag 4 Words [0-7] Block 5 Address Tag 5 Words [0-7] Block 6 Address Tag 6 Words [0-7] Block 7 Address Tag 7 Words [0-7] Way 0 Address Tag 0 Words [0-7] Way 1 Address Tag 1 Words [0-7] Way 2 Address Tag 2 Words [0-7] Way 3 Address Tag 3 Words [0-7] Way 4 Address Tag 4 Words [0-7] Way 5 Address Tag 5 Words [0-7] Way 6 Address Tag 6 Words [0-7] Way 7 Address Tag 7 Words [0-7] 8 Words/Block 8 Words/Block Figure 7-2. Cache Organization MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-4 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.2.1 Accessing the On-Chip Array as an L2 Cache Figure 7-3 shows how physical address bits are used to access the L2 cache. 20 22 23 Tag Lookup 30 ADDR Bank select Set index (10 bits) Tags (20 bits) 8 Tags per Set Way Select 0 19 ADDR Tag Compare Way 20 22 23 Data Read/Write 30 31 ADDR Bank select Set index (8 bits) 35 ADDR Way select (3 bits) Byte select (5 bits) Figure 7-3. Physical Address Usage for L2 Cache Accesses Physical address bits 20-30 identify the bank and set of the tag and data. Physical address bits 0-19 are compared against the tags of all eight ways. A match of a valid tag selects a 32-byte block of data (or way) within the set. Physical address bits 31-35 identify the byte or bytes of data within the block. 7.2.2 Accessing the On-Chip Array as an SRAM When all or part of the array is dedicated to memory mapped SRAM, individual ways of each set are reserved for that purpose. SRAM accesses use physical address bits 17-19 in conjunction with the SRAM mode to select a way of the indexed set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-5 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 0 13 L2CTL Register 15 31 L2SRAM L2SRBAR Registers Base Addr 0 19 ADDR BAR hit compare 17 19 ADDR Way Physical Address Bits 20 22 23 30 31 ADDR Bank select 35 ADDR Set index (8 bits) Way Select (3 bits) Byte select (5 bits) Figure 7-4. Physical Address Usage for SRAM Accesses The mapping of address bits and SRAM mode to a way select is shown below in Table 7-2. SRAM size is dependent on the value of L2CTL[L2SIZ], since L2SIZ can be 256KB, 512KB or 1024KB. Table 7-2. Way Selection for SRAM Accesses Description L2SRAM BAR 0 Hit BAR 1 Hit Addr[17:19] Way Select No SRAM 000 -- -- -- -- Entire Array is SRAM (single 512KB SRAM if L2SIZ=512KB) 001 1 0 000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 111 7 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-6 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-2. Way Selection for SRAM Accesses (continued) Description L2SRAM BAR 0 Hit BAR 1 Hit Addr[17:19] Way Select One half of array is an SRAM (single 256KB SRAM if L2SIZ=512KB) 010 1 0 x00 0 x01 1 x10 2 x11 3 x00 0 x01 1 x10 2 x11 3 x00 4 x01 5 x10 6 x11 7 xx0 0 xx1 1 xx0 0 xx1 1 xx0 2 xx1 3 Both halves of array are SRAM (two 256KB SRAMs if L2SIZ=512KB) 011 1 0 One quarter of the array is SRAM (single 128KB SRAM if L2SIZ=512KB) 100 Two quarters of the array are SRAMs (two 128KB SRAMs if L2SIZ=512KB) 101 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 One eighth of the array is an SRAM (single 64KB SRAM if L2SIZ=512KB) 110 1 0 -- 0 Two eighths of the array are SRAM (two 64KB SRAMs if L2SIZ=512KB) 111 1 0 -- 0 0 1 -- 1 7.2.3 Connection of the On-Chip Memory to the System The e500 core connects to the L2 cache and the system interface through the high-speed core complex bus (CCB). The e500 core and the L2 cache connect to the rest of the integrated device through the e500 coherency module (ECM). Figure 7-5 shows the data connections of the e500 core and L2/SRAM. The e500 core can simultaneously read 128 bits of data from the L2/SRAM, read 64 bits of data from the system interface, and write 128 bits of data to the L2/SRAM and/or system interface. The L2/SRAM can be accessed by the e500 core or the system interface through the ECM. The L2 cache does not initiate transactions. Figure 7-5 shows the data bus connections of the e500 core and L2/SRAM. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-7 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM . e500 Core RD1 RD2 L2/SRAM RD IN DOUT WR IN WR 64 128 128 e500 Coherency Module (ECM) Figure 7-5. Data Bus Connection of CCB Figure 7-6 shows address connections of the e500 core and L2/SRAM. e500 Core SNOOP MSTR L2/SRAM ADDR_IN e500 Coherency Module (ECM) Figure 7-6. Address Bus Connection of CCB In SRAM mode, if a non-cache-line read or write transaction is not preceded by a cache-line write, an ECC error occurs; such a non-cache-line write transaction cannot be allocated in the L2. 7.3 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 7-3 shows the memory map for the L2/SRAM registers. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-8 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-3. L2/SRAM Memory-Mapped Registers Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x2_0000 L2CTL--L2 control register R/W 0x2000_0000 0x2_0010 L2CEWAR0--L2 cache external write address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0014 L2CEWAREA0--L2 cache external write address register extended address 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0018 L2CEWCR0--L2 cache external write control register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0020 L2CEWAR1--L2 cache external write address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0024 L2CEWAREA1--L2 cache external write address register extended address 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0028 L2CEWCR1--L2 cache external write control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0030 L2CEWAR2--L2 cache external write address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0034 L2CEWAREA2--L2 cache external write address register extended address 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0038 L2CEWCR2--L2 cache external write control register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0040 L2CEWAR3--L2 cache external write address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0044 L2CEWAREA3--L2 cache external write address register extended address 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0048 L2CEWCR3--L2 cache external write control register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0100 L2SRBAR0--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0104 L2SRBAREA0--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register extended address 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0108 L2SRBAR1--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_010C L2SRBAREA1--L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address register extended address 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E00 L2ERRINJHI--L2 error injection mask high register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E04 L2ERRINJLO--L2 error injection mask low register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E08 L2ERRINJCTL--L2 error injection tag/ECC control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E20 L2CAPTDATAHI--L2 error data high capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E24 L2CAPTDATALO--L2 error data low capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E28 L2CAPTECC--L2 error syndrome register R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E40 L2ERRDET--L2 error detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E44 L2ERRDIS--L2 error disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E48 L2ERRINTEN--L2 error interrupt enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E4C L2ERRATTR--L2 error attributes capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E50 L2ERRADDRH--L2 error address capture register high R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E54 L2ERRADDRL--L2 error address capture register low R 0x0000_0000 0x2_0E58 L2ERRCTL--L2 error control register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-9 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.3.1 L2/SRAM Register Descriptions The following sections describe registers that control and configure the L2/SRAM array. L2 Control Register (L2CTL) The L2 control register (L2CTL), shown in Figure 7-7, controls configuration and operation of the L2/SRAM array. The sequence for modifying L2CTL is as follows: 1. mbar 2. isync 3. stw (WIMG = 01xx) CCSRBAR+0x2_0000 4. lwz (WIMG = 01xx) CCSRBAR+0x2_0000 5. mbar Offset 0x2_0000 0 R W Reset R W Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 4 8 L2SIZ L2E L2I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -- -- L2LO L2SLC -- Reset 9 10 L2DO L2IO 0 L2LFR L2LFRID 0 11 12 -- L2INTDIS 0 0 0 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 L2STASHDIS -- -- 13 15 L2SRAM L2STASHCTL All zeros Figure 7-7. L2 Control Register (L2CTL) Table 7-4 describes L2CTL fields. Table 7-4. L2CTL Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 L2E L2 enable. Used to enable the L2 array (cache or memory-mapped SRAM). 0 The L2 SRAM (cache and memory-mapped SRAM) is disabled and is not accessed for reads, snoops, or writes. Setting the L2 flash invalidate bit (L2I) is allowed. 1 The L2 SRAM (cache or memory-mapped SRAM) is enabled. Note that L2I can be set regardless of the value of L2E. 1 L2I L2 flash invalidate. 0 The L2 status and LRU bits are not being cleared. 1 Setting L2I invalidates the L2 cache globally by clearing the all the L2 status bits, as well as the LRU algorithm. Memory-mapped SRAM is unaffected. Data to memory-mapped SRAM are unaffected by the flash invalidate. The hardware automatically clears L2I when the invalidate is complete. 2-3 L2SIZ L2 SRAM size (read only). Indicates the total available size of on-chip memory array (to be configured as cache or memory-mapped SRAM). 00 Reserved 01 Reserved 10 512 Kbyte 11 Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-10 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-4. L2CTL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 4-8 -- 9 L2DO L2 data-only. Reserved in full memory-mapped SRAM mode. L2DO may be changed while the L2 is enabled or disabled. 0 The L2 cache allocates entries for instruction fetches that miss in the L2. 1 The L2 cache allocates entries for processor data loads that miss in the L2 and for processor L1 castouts but does not allocate entries for instruction fetches that miss in the L2. Instruction accesses that hit in the L2, data accesses, and accesses from the system (including I/O stash writes) are unaffected. Note that if L2DO and L2IO are both set, no new lines are allocated into the L2 cache for any processor transactions, and processor writes and castouts that hit existing data in the cache invalidate those lines rather than updating them. 10 L2IO L2 instruction-only. Reserved in full memory-mapped SRAM mode. Causes the L2 cache to allocate lines for instruction cache transactions only. L2IO may be changed while the L2 is enabled or disabled. 0 The L2 cache entries are allocated for data loads that miss in the L2 and for processor L1 castouts. 1 The L2 cache allocates entries for instruction fetch misses, but does not allocate entries for processor data transactions. Data accesses that hit in the L2, instruction accesses, and accesses from the system (including I/O stash writes) are unaffected. Note that if L2DO and L2IO are both set, no new lines are allocated into the L2 cache for any processor transactions, and processor writes and castouts that hit existing data in the cache invalidate those lines rather than updating them. 11 -- 12 L2INTDIS Cache read intervention disable. Reserved for full memory-mapped SRAM mode. Used to disable cache read intervention. May be changed while the L2 is enabled or disabled. 0 Cache intervention is enabled. The ECM ensures that if a data read from another device hits in the L2 cache, it is serviced from the L2 cache. 1 Cache intervention is disabled 13-15 L2SRAM L2 SRAM configuration. Determines the L2 cache/memory-mapped SRAM allocation of the on-chip memory array. SRAM size depends on the value of L2SIZ. Since L2SIZ can be 256KB, 512KB or 1024KB, SRAM can have sizes from 32KB to 1024KB. 000 No SRAM. Entire array is cache. 001 Entire array is a single SRAM (512-Kbyte SRAM for L2SIZ = 512 Kbytes) 010 One half of the array is an SRAM (256-Kbyte SRAM for L2SIZ = 512 Kbytes) 011 Both halves of the array are SRAMs (two 256-Kbyte SRAMs for L2SIZ = 512 Kbytes) 100 One quarter of the array is an SRAM (one 128-Kbyte SRAM for L2SIZ = 512 Kbytes) 101 Two quarters of the array are SRAMs (two 128-Kbyte SRAMs for L2SIZ = 512 Kbytes) 110 One eighth of the array is an SRAM (one 64-Kbyte SRAM for L2SIZ = 512 Kbytes) 111 Two eighths of the array are SRAMs (two 64-Kbyte SRAMs for L2SIZ = 512 Kbytes) For one SRAM region L2SRBAR0 is used and for two SRAM regions L2SRBAR0 and L2SRABAR1 are used. Regions of the array that are not allocated to SRAMs will be used as cache memory. To change these bits, the L2 must be disabled (L2CTL[L2E] = 0). Note that when setting L2SRAM after cache has been enabled, L2I should be set as well. The fields can be set simultaneously, and this step is not needed if SRAM size is getting smaller. 16-17 -- Reserved Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-11 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-4. L2CTL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 18 L2LO L2 cache lock overflow. Reserved in full memory-mapped SRAM mode. This sticky bit is set if an overlock condition is detected in the L2 cache. A lock overflow is triggered either by executing instruction or data cache block touch and lock set instructions or by performing L2 cache external writes with lock set. If all ways are locked and an attempt to stash is made, the stash is not allocated. 0 The L2 cache did not encounter a lock overflow. L2LO is cleared only by software. 1 The L2 cache encountered a lock overflow condition. 19 L2SLC L2 snoop lock clear. This sticky bit is set if a snoop invalidated a locked data cache line. Note that the lock bit for that line is cleared whenever the line is invalidated. L2SLC is reserved in full memory-mapped SRAM mode. 0 A snoop did not invalidate a locked L2 cache line. L2SLC is cleared only by software. 1 The L2 cache encountered a snoop that invalidated a locked line. 20 -- 21 L2LFR L2 cache lock bits flash reset. The L2 cache must be enabled (L2CTL[L2E] = 1) for reset to occur. This field is reserved in full memory-mapped SRAM mode. 0 The L2 cache lock bits are not cleared or the clear operation completed. 1 A reset operation is issued that clears each L2 cache line's lock bits. Depending on the L2LFRID value, data or instruction locks, or both, can be reset. Cache access is blocked during this time. After L2LFR is set, the L2 cache unit automatically clears L2LFR when the reset operation is complete (if L2CTL[L2E] is set). 22-23 L2LFRID L2 cache lock bits flash reset select instruction or data. Indicates whether data or instruction lock bits or both are reset. 00 Not used 01 Reset data locks if L2LFR = 1. 10 Reset instruction locks if L2LFR = 1. 11 Reset both data and instruction locks if L2LFR = 1. 24-27 -- 28 Reserved Reserved L2STASHDIS L2 stash allocate disable. Disables allocation of lines for stashing. 0 The L2 cache will allocate lines for global writes that hit in a stash range or that have the stashing attribute set. 1 The L2 will not allocate lines for stashed writes. Note: This bit does NOT affect the updating of lines that are already resident in the cache and have the stash attribute set or hit a stash range. Such lines will be updated even if this bit is set.To change this bit, the L2 must be disabled (L2CTL[L2E] = 0). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-12 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-4. L2CTL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 29 -- Description Reserved 30-31 L2STASHCTL L2 stash configuration. This field reserves regions of the cache for stash-only operation. That is, blocks of each cache set are reserved so that they can only be allocated for stash data. If such a region is created, processor reads and writes will not be allocated into this region; it can only be populated by stash writes. Similarly, stash writes will only be allocated into this region. This prevents processor and stashed I/O data from polluting one another. 00 No stash-only region. Stashed writes will be allocated across the entire cache and can evict processor data and can be evicted by processor data. 01 One half of the array is a stash-only cache (way4, way5, way6 & way7 of each set) 10 One quarter of the array is a stash-only cache (way6 & way7 of each set) 11 One eighth of the array is a stash-only cache (way7 of each set) Like L2SRAM configuration, stash-only regions subtract from the amount of the on-chip memory that is available to the processor as cache. If the L2SRAM configuration uses the entire on-chip memory array as SRAM, then no stash-only region can be created. To change these bits, the L2 must be disabled (L2CTL[L2E] = 0). This field has no effect if the L2STASHDIS bit is set. L2 Cache External Write Registers The device supports allocating and locking L2 cache lines from external agents such as PCI. This functionality is called stashing. Four sets of registers are provided to support this feature; each set has three registers that specify a programmed memory range that can be locked with a snoop write transaction. All three registers in a set must be configured in order to use an external write address. These registers are the L2 cache external write address registers 0-3 (L2CEWARn), the L2 cache external write address registers extended address 0-3 (L2CEWAREAn), and the L2 cache external write control registers 0-3 (L2CEWCRn). L2CEWARn contain the lower 24 bits of the external write base address and L2CEWAREAn contain the upper 4 bits. The base address specified in the address registers must be naturally aligned to the window size in the corresponding control register. Further details on the locations and fields of these registers are given in the following sections. L2 Cache External Write Address Registers 0-3 (L2CEWARn) Note that in revision 1.0 of the reference manual the description of this register correctly reflected the programming model for revision 1.0 of the MPC8548E silicon. However, since this programming model was incompatible with previous Power QUICC III processors, it was changed for revision 2.0 of the MPC8548E silicon. This change, which makes this register identical to that of the MPC8540 and MPC8555, is reflected herein. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-13 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM The L2CEWARn registers contain the lower 24 bits of the 28-bit L2 cache external write base address. Each of these registers has identical fields, as shown in Figure 7-8. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x2_0010 0x2_0020 0x2_0030 0x2_0040 0 23 24 R 31 ADDR W -- Reset All zeros Figure 7-8. Cache External Write Address Registers (L2CEWARn) Table 7-5 describes L2CEWARn fields. Table 7-5. L2CEWAR n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 ADDR 24-31 -- Description Contains the lower 24 bits of the 28-bit L2 cache external write base address. Note that the upper 4 bits of the base address are in L2CEWAREAn[ADDR]. Reserved L2 Cache External Write Address Registers Extended Address 0-3 (L2CEWAREAn) The L2 cache external write address registers extended address (L2CEWAREAn), shown in Figure 7-9, contain the upper 4 bits of the 28-bit L2 cache external write base address. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x2_0014 0x2_0024 0x2_0034 0x2_0044 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 ADDR All zeros Figure 7-9. Cache External Write Address Registers Extended Address (L2CEWAREA n) Table 7-6 describes the fields of L2CEWAREAn. Table 7-6. L2CEWAREA n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 ADDR Description Reserved Contains the upper 4 bits of the L2 cache external write base address. Note that the rest of the base address is in L2CEWARn[ADDR]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-14 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM L2 Cache External Write Control Registers 0-3 (L2CEWCRn) The L2CEWARn/L2CEWAREAn address registers work with the L2 cache external write control registers 0-3 (L2CEWCRn), shown in Figure 7-10, to control cache external write functionality. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x2_0018 0x2_0028 0x2_0038 0x2_0048 0 R W 1 2 E LOCK 3 4 -- Reset 31 SIZMASK All zeros Figure 7-10. Cache External Write Control Registers (L2CEWCR0-L2CEWCR3) The L2CEWCRn registers contain identical fields, which are described in Table 7-7. Table 7-7. L2CEWCRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 E 1 LOCK 2-3 -- 4-31 SIZMASK Description External write enable. An external write matching the address window defined by L2CEWARn/L2CEWAREAn/L2CEWCRn is allocated or updated in the L2 cache. 0 External writes for the L2CEWARn/L2CEWAREAn/L2CEWCRn set are disabled. 1 External writes are enabled for the L2CEWARn/L2CEWAREAn/L2CEWCRn set. Lock lines in the targeted cache. An external write matching the address window defined by L2CEWARn/L2CEWAREAn/L2CEWCRn is locked in the L2 cache when it is allocated or updated. 0 The locked bit is not set when a line is allocated unless explicitly specified by transaction attributes. 1 Cache lines are allocated as locked. A hit to a valid, unlocked line sets the lock. Reserved Mask size. Defines the size of the naturally aligned address region for cache external writes. The address region must be aligned to a boundary that is a multiple of the mask size. Any value not listed below is illegal and produces boundedly undefined results. 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 256 bytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 512 bytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 1 Kbyte 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000 2 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 4 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 8 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 16 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000 32 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 64 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 128 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000 256 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 512 Kbytes 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 1 Mbyte 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000 2 Mbytes 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 4 Mbytes 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000 8 Mbytes 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 16 Mbytes 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 32 Mbytes 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 64 Mbytes 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 128 Mbytes 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 256 Mbytes 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 512 Mbytes 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 Gbyte 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2 Gbytes 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4 Gbytes 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8 Gbytes 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 16 Gbytes 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 32 Gbytes 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 64 Gbytes MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-15 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Registers The registers described in this section, the L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address registers 0-1 (L2SRBARn) and the L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address registers extended address 0-1 (L2SRBAREAn), control the memory-mapped SRAM mode functionality. Together, these two pairs of registers define memory blocks that can be mapped into the L2 cache. Specified SRAM base addresses must be aligned to the size of the SRAM region. If L2CTL[L2SRAM] specifies one memory-mapped SRAM block, its base address must be written to the pair L2SRBAR0 and L2SRBAREA0; if it specifies two memory-mapped SRAM blocks, L2SRBAR0 and L2SRBAREA0 are used for the first SRAM block and L2SRBAR1 and L2SRBAREA1 are used for the second block. L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers 0-1 (L2SRBARn) Note that in revision 1.0 of the reference manual the description of these registers correctly reflected the programming model for revision 1.0 of the MPC8548E silicon. However, since this programming model was incompatible with previous Power QUICC III processors, it was changed for revision 2.0 of the MPC8548E silicon. This change, which makes these registers identical to those of the MPC8540 and MPC8555, is reflected herein. The L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address registers (L2SRBARn), shown in Figure 7-11, contain the lower 18 bits of the 22-bit SRAM base address. Offset 0x2_0100 0x2_0108 Access: Read/Write 0 17 18 R ADDR W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 7-11. L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers (L2SRBARn) L2SRBAR bits are described in Table 7-8. Table 7-8. L2SRBAR n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-17 ADDR Contains the lower 18 bits of the 22-bit L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address; the upper 4 bits are contained in L2SRBAREAn[ADDR]. (Note that some of these bits may not be needed, depending on how the L2 cache is partitioned.) The combined base address from L2SRBAREAn[ADDR] || L2SRBARn[ADDR] is used as follows: SRAM Partition Bits Required for SRAM Offset Bits Used for Actual Base Address 64 Kbytes 16 20 (0-19) 128 Kbytes 17 19 (0-18) 256 Kbytes 18 18 (0-17) 512 Kbytes 19 17 (0-16) Unused bits of the base address are masked off by the hardware. 18-31 -- Description Reserved When enabled, the windows defined in L2SRBARn and L2SRBAREAn supersede all other mappings of these addresses for processor and global (snoopable) I/O transactions. Therefore, SRAM windows must MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-16 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM never overlap configuration space as defined by CCSRBAR (see Section, "Configuration, Control, and Status Base Address Register (CCSRBAR).") Overlapping SRAM and local access windows is discouraged because processor and snoopable I/O transactions would map to the SRAM while non-snooped I/O transactions would be mapped by the local access windows. Only if all accesses to the SRAM address range are snoopable can results be consistent if SRAM and local access windows overlap. L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers Extended Address 0-1 (L2SRBAREAn) Note that these registers were added for revision 2.0 of the MPC8548E silicon to restore backward compatibility with previous Power QUICC III devices. See Section, "L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers 0-1 (L2SRBARn)," for more information. The L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address registers extended address (L2SRBAREAn), shown in Figure 7-12, contain the upper 4 bits of the L2 cache SRAM base address. Offset 0x2_0104 0x2_010C Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 ADDR All zeros Figure 7-12. L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Base Address Registers Extended Address 0-1 (L2SRBAREAn) Table 7-9 describes the fields of L2SRBAREAn. Table 7-9. L2SRBAREA n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 ADDR Description Reserved Contains the upper 4 bits of the L2 cache SRAM base address. Note that the 18 low-order bits of the base address are contained in L2SRBARn[ADDR]. L2 Error Registers L2 error detection, reporting, and injection allow flexible handling of ECC and parity errors in the L2 data and tag arrays. When the device detects an L2 error, the appropriate bit in the error detect register (L2ERRDET) is set. Error detection is disabled by setting the corresponding bit in the error disable register (L2ERRDIS). The address and attributes of the first detected error are also saved in the error capture registers (L2ERRADDR, L2ERRATTR, L2CAPTDATAHI, L2CAPTDATALO, and L2CAPTACC). Subsequent errors set error bits in the error detection registers, but information is saved only for the first one. Error reporting (by generating an interrupt) is enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the error interrupt enable register (L2ERRINTEN). Note that the error detect bit is set regardless of the state of the interrupt enable bit. When an error is detected, if error detection is enabled the L2 cache/SRAM always asserts an internal error signal with read data to prevent the L1 caches and architectural registers from being loaded MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-17 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM with corrupt data. If error detection is disabled, the detected error bit is not set and no internal signal is asserted. The L2 error detect register (L2ERRDET) is implemented as a bit-reset type register. Reading from this register occurs normally; however, write operations can clear but not set bits. A bit is cleared whenever the register is written and the data in the corresponding bit location is a 1. For example, to clear bit 6 and not affect any other bits in the register, the value 0x0200_0000 is written to the register. Note that in SRAM mode, if a non-cache-line read or write transaction is not preceded by a cache-line write, an ECC error occurs; such a non-cache-line write transaction cannot be allocated in the L2. Error Injection Registers The L2 cache includes support for injecting errors into the L2 data, data ECC, or tag. This may be used to test error recovery software by deterministically creating error scenarios. The preferred method for error injection is to set all data pages to cache-inhibited (MMU TLB entry I = 1) except a scratch page, set L2CTL[L2DO] to prevent allocation of instruction accesses, and invalidate the L2 by setting L2CTL[L2I] = 1. The following code sequence triggers an error, then detects it (A is an address in the scratch page): dcbz A dcbtls_L2 A lwz A | allocates the line in the L1 in the modified state | forces the line from the L1 and allocates the line in the L2 Data or tag errors are injected into the line, according to the error injection settings in L2ERRINJHI, L2ERRINJLO, and L2ERRINJCTL, at allocation. The final load detects and reports the error (if enabled) and allows software to examine the offending data, address, and attributes. Note that error injection enable bits in L2ERRINJCTL must be cleared by software and the L2 must be invalidated (by setting L2CTL[L2I]) before resuming L2 normal operation. Figure 7-13 shows the L2 error injection mask high register (L2ERRINJHI). Offset 0x2_0E00 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R EIMASKHI W Reset All zeros Figure 7-13. L2 Error Injection Mask High Register (L2ERRINJHI) Table 7-10 describes L2ERRINJHI[EIMASKHI]. Table 7-10. L2ERRINJHI Field Description Bits 0-31 Name Description EIMASKHI Error injection mask/high word. A set bit corresponding to a data path bit causes that bit on the data path to be inverted on cache/SRAM writes if L2ERRINJCTL[DERRIEN] = 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-18 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Figure 7-14 shows the L2 error injection mask low register (L2ERRINJLO). Offset 0x2_0E04 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R EIMASKLO W Reset All zeros Figure 7-14. L2 Error Injection Mask Low Register (L2ERRINJLO) Table 7-11 describes L2ERRINJLO[EIMASKLO]. Table 7-11. L2ERRINJLO Field Description Bits Name 0-31 Description EIMASKLO Error injection mask/low word. A set bit corresponding to a data path bit causes that bit on the data path to be inverted on SRAM writes if L2ERRINJCTL[DERRIEN] = 1. Figure 7-15 shows the L2 error injection mask control register (L2ERRINJCTL). Offset 0x2_0E08 Access: Read/Write 0 14 R -- W 15 TERRIEN Reset 16 21 -- 22 23 ECCMB DERRIEN 24 31 ECCERRIM All zeros Figure 7-15. L2 Error Injection Mask Control Register (L2ERRINJCTL) Table 7-12 describes L2ERRINJCTL fields. Table 7-12. L2ERRINJCTL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-14 -- 15 TERRIEN 16-21 -- 22 ECCMB 23 DERRIEN 24-31 Description Reserved L2 tag array error injection enable 0 No tag errors are injected. 1 All subsequent entries written to the L2 tag array have the parity bit inverted. Reserved ECC mirror byte enable. 0 ECC byte mirroring is disabled 1 The most significant data path byte is mirrored onto the ECC byte if DERRIEN = 1. L2 data array error injection enable: 0 No data errors are injected. 1 Subsequent entries written to the L2 data array have data or ECC bits inverted as specified in the data and ECC error injection masks and/or data path byte mirrored onto ECC as specified by ECC mirror byte enable. Note: if both ECC mirror byte and data error injection are enabled, ECC mask error injection is performed on the mirrored ECC. ECCERRIM Error injection mask for the ECC bits. A set bit corresponding to an ECC bit causes that bit to be inverted on SRAM writes if DERRIEN = 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-19 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Error Control and Capture Registers The error control and capture registers control detection and reporting of tag parity, ECC and L2 configuration errors. L2 configuration errors are illegal combinations of L2 size and block size and are detected when the L2 is enabled (L2CTL[L2E] = 1). Figure 7-16 shows the L2 error capture data high register (L2CAPTDATAHI). Offset 0x2_0E20 Access: Read Only 0 31 R L2DATA W Reset All zeros Figure 7-16. L2 Error Capture Data High Register (L2CAPTDATAHI) Table 7-13 describes L2CAPTDATAHI[L2DATA]. Table 7-13. L2CAPTDATAHI Field Description Bits Name 0-31 L2DATA Description L2 data high word Figure 7-17 shows the L2 error capture data low register (L2CAPTDATALO). Offset 0x2_0E24 Access: Read Only 0 31 R L2DATA W Reset All zeros Figure 7-17. L2 Error Capture Data Low Register (L2CAPTDATALO) Table 7-14 describes L2CAPTDATALO[L2DATA]. Table 7-14. L2CAPTDATALO Field Description Bits Name 0-31 L2DATA Description L2 data low word Figure 7-18 shows the L2 error syndrome register (L2CAPTECC). Offset 0x2_0E28 Access: Read Only 0 R W Reset 7 ECCSYND 8 23 24 -- 31 ECCCHKSUM All zeros Figure 7-18. L2 Error Syndrome Register (L2CAPTECC) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-20 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-15 describes L2CAPTECC fields. Table 7-15. L2CAPTECC Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 ECCSYND The calculated ECC syndrome of the failing double word 8-23 -- Reserved 24-31 ECCCHKSUM The data path ECC of the failing double word Figure 7-19 shows the L2 error detect register (L2ERRDET). Offset 0x2_0E40 0 Access: W1c 1 26 R MULL2ERR W -- W1c Reset 27 28 29 TPARERR MBECCERR SBECCERR w1c w1c w1c 30 -- 31 L2CFGDIS w1c All zeros Figure 7-19. L2 Error Detect Register (L2ERRDET) Table 7-16 describes L2ERRDET fields. Table 7-16. L2ERRDET Field Descriptions Bits 0 Name Description MULL2ERR Multiple L2 errors (bit reset, write 1 to clear) 0 Multiple L2 errors of the same type were not detected 1 Multiple L2 errors of the same type were detected 1-26 -- Reserved 27 TPARERR Tag parity error (bit reset, write 1 to clear) 0 Tag parity error was not detected 1 Tag parity error was detected Note that if an L2 cache tag parity error occurs on an attempt to write a new line, the L2 cache must be Flash invalidated. L2 functionality is not guaranteed if Flash invalidation is not performed after a tag parity error. 28 MBECCERR Multiple-bit ECC error (bit reset, write 1 to clear) 0 Multiple-bit ECC errors were not detected 1 Multiple-bit ECC errors were detected 29 SBECCERR Single-bit ECC error (bit reset, write 1 to clear) 0 Single-bit ECC error was not detected 1 Single-bit ECC error was detected. 30 31 -- Reserved L2CFGERR L2 configuration error (bit reset, write 1 to clear) 0 L2 configuration errors were not detected 1 L2 illegal configuration error detected. Reports inconsistencies between the L2SRAM, L2STASHDIS and L2STASHCTL fields of the L2 control register (L2CTL) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-21 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Figure 7-20 shows the L2 error disable register (L2ERRDIS). Offset 0x2_0E44 Access: Read/Write 0 26 R -- W Reset 27 28 29 30 31 TPARDIS MBECCDIS0 SBECCDIS -- L2CFGDIS All zeros Figure 7-20. L2 Error Disable Register (L2ERRDIS) Table 7-17 describes L2ERRDIS fields. Table 7-17. L2ERRDIS Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-26 -- 27 TPARDIS Description Reserved Tag parity error disable 0 Tag parity error detection enabled 1 Tag parity error detection disabled 28 MBECCDIS Multiple-bit ECC error disable. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, MBECCDIS must be cleared and L2ERRINTEN[MBECCINTEN] must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." 0 Multiple-bit ECC error detection enabled 1 Multiple-bit ECC error detection disabled 29 SBECCDIS Single-bit ECC error disable 0 Single-bit ECC error detection enabled 1 Single-bit ECC error detection disabled 30 -- 31 L2CFGDIS Reserved L2 configuration error disable 0 L2 configuration error detection enabled 1 L2 configuration error detection disabled Figure 7-21 shows the L2 error interrupt enable register (L2ERRINTEN). When an enabled error condition exists, the L2 signals an interrupt to the core through the internal int signal. Offset 0x2_0E48 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 26 -- 27 28 29 30 31 TPARINTEN MBECCINTEN SBECCINTEN -- L2CFGINTEN All zeros Figure 7-21. L2 Error Interrupt Enable Register (L2ERRINTEN) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-22 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-18 describes L2ERRINTEN fields. Table 7-18. L2ERRINTEN Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-26 -- 27 TPARINTEN 28 MBECCINTEN Multiple-bit ECC error reporting enable. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, L2ERRDIS[MBECCDIS] must be cleared and MBECCINTEN must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." 0 Multiple-bit ECC error reporting disabled 1 Multiple-bit ECC error reporting enabled 29 SBECCINTEN Single-bit ECC error reporting enable 0 Single-bit ECC error reporting disabled 1 Single-bit ECC error reporting enabled 30 -- 31 L2CFGINTEN Reserved Tag parity error reporting enable 0 Tag parity error reporting disabled 1 Tag parity error reporting enabled Reserved L2 configuration error reporting enable 0 L2 configuration error reporting disabled 1 L2 configuration error reporting enabled Figure 7-22 shows the L2 error attributes capture register (L2ERRATTR). Offset 0x2_0E4C 0 1 R W 2 Access: Read/Write 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 -- DWNUM -- TRANSSIZ BURST -- 15 16 17 TRANSSRC Reset -- 18 19 20 TRANSTYPE 30 -- 31 VALINFO All zeros Figure 7-22. L2 Error Attributes Capture Register (L2ERRATTR) Table 7-19 describes L2ERRATTR fields. Table 7-19. L2ERRATTR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 -- 2-3 DWNUM 4 -- 5-7 TRANSSIZ Description Reserved Double-word number of the detected error (data ECC errors only) Reserved Transaction size for detected error Single-beat Burst 000 8 bytes Reserved 001 1 byte 16 bytes 010 2 bytes 32 bytes 011 3 bytes Reserved 100 101 110 111 Single-beat 4 bytes 5 bytes 6 bytes 7 bytes Burst Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-23 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-19. L2ERRATTR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 8 BURST 9-10 -- 11-15 TRANSSRC 16-17 -- 18-19 TRANSTYPE 20-30 -- 31 VALINFO Description Burst transaction for detected error 0 Single-beat ( 64 bits) transaction 1 Burst transaction Reserved Transaction source for detected error 00000External (system logic) 10000Processor (instruction) 10001Processor (data) Reserved Transaction type for detected error 00 Snoop (tag/status read) 01 Write 10 Read 11 Read-modify-write Reserved L2 capture registers valid 0 L2 capture registers contain no valid information or no enabled errors were detected. 1 L2 capture registers contain information of the first detected error which has reporting enabled. Software must clear this bit to unfreeze error capture so error detection hardware can overwrite the capture address/data/attributes for a newly detected error. Figure 7-23 shows the L2 error address capture register high (L2ERRADDRH). Offset 0x2_0E50 Access: Read Only 0 31 R L2ADDRH W Reset All zeros Figure 7-23. L2 Error Address Capture Register (L2ERRADDRH) Table 7-20 describes L2ERRADDRH[L2ADDRH]. Table 7-20. L2ERRADDRH Field Description Bits Name 0-31 L2ADDRH Description L2 address bits 4-35 corresponding to detected error Figure 7-24 shows the L2 error address capture register low (L2ERRADDRL). Offset 0x2_0E54 Access: Read Only 0 R W Reset 27 28 31 L2ADDRH -- All zeros Figure 7-24. L2 Error Address Capture Register (L2ERRADDRL) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-24 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-21 describes L2ERRADDRL[L2ADDRL]. Table 7-21. L2ERRADDRL Field Description Bits Name Description 0-27 -- 28-31 L2ADDRL Reserved L2 address bits 0-3 corresponding to detected error Figure 7-25 shows the L2 error control register (L2ERRCTL). Offset 0x2_0E58 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R -- W 8 15 16 L2CTHRESH Reset 23 24 -- 31 L2CCOUNT All zeros Figure 7-25. L2 Error Control Register (L2ERRCTL) Table 7-22 describes L2ERRCTL fields. Table 7-22. L2ERRCTL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 16-23 24-31 7.4 Description Reserved L2CTHRESH L2 cache threshold. Threshold value for the number of ECC single-bit errors that are detected before reporting an error condition. -- Reserved L2CCOUNT L2 count. Counts ECC single-bit errors detected. If L2CCOUNT equals the ECC single-bit error trigger threshold, an error is reported if single-bit error reporting is enabled. External Writes to the L2 Cache (Cache Stashing) Data from an I/O master can be allocated into the L2 cache while simultaneously being written to memory. External (stashed) writes can be performed from any I/O master. For example: * Ethernet * RapidIO * PCI/PCI-X/PCI-Express * DMA Stashing is controlled either by an attribute from the initiator of a write or by address range registers in the L2 cache. New cache lines are allocated for full-cache-line writes (unless the line is already resident in the cache). Sub-cache-line write data is stashed only if the line is already valid in the cache. For these sub-cache-line writes, a read-modify-write process is used to merge the write data with the valid data already in the cache. For information on how to initiate cache stashing from an I/O master, see the respective chapters for the I/O masters that support stashing. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-25 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM For address range based control of stashing, the L2 cache external write address registers 0-3 (L2CEWARn) and the L2 cache external write address registers extended address 0-3 (L2CEWAREAn) are used with the L2 cache external write control registers 0-3 (L2CEWCRn) to control the cache stashing functionality. Each register set (for example L2CEWAR0, L2CEWAREA0, and L2CEWCR0) specifies a programmed memory range that can be allocated and optionally locked with a global write transaction. The address register must be naturally aligned to the window size in the corresponding control register. For more information, see Section, "L2 Cache External Write Registers." Note that stashing can occur regardless of whether the L1 cache is enabled or whether the cache-inhibited bit in the MMU is set for the page. 7.4.1 Stash-Only Cache Regions In order to prevent stashed I/O data from polluting processor data in the L2 cache (and vice versa), it is possible to create stash-only regions. This is controlled by the L2STASHCTL field of L2CTL. See Section, "L2 Control Register (L2CTL)." If a stash-only region is created, then that region of the cache will only be used for stashed I/O data, and stashed I/O data will not cause the eviction of processor data; they are kept in separate ways of each set. The processor may allocate data into the ways of the cache that are not allocated to SRAM or stash-only memory. Replacement within the stash-only region and the processor region will be governed by a pseudo-LRU algorithm modified by masks that allow only applicable ways of a cache set to be considered for replacement. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-26 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.5 L2 Cache Timing Table 7-23 shows the timing of back-to-back loads that miss in the L1 data cache and hit in the L2 cache, assuming the core is running at 2 1/2 times the L2 cache frequency. The L2 returns the 128 bits containing the requested data (critical quad word) first. This data is forwarded to the result register before the full cache line reloads the L1. . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D-cache miss to CIU CIU Q to D-cache D-cache miss to CIU to D-cache e500 core load 1 21 22 23 24 25 Result bus 8 LSU reads out data 7 LSU reads command 6 LSU DLFB 5 to CIU 4 Result bus 3 LSU reads out data 2 LSU reads command 1 LSU DLFB Core Clocks to CIU Table 7-23. Fastest Read Timing--Hit in L2 CCB clocks CCB addr bus load 1 <1 CIU Q e500 core load 2 2 3 BG TS CCB addr bus load 2 4 BG 5 6 AACK HIT DATACOMING TS CCB data bus load 1 CCB data bus load 2 7.6 7 8 AACK HIT DATACOMING DATA DATA 9 10 DATA DATA 26 11> L2 Cache and SRAM Coherency This section explains the rules of cache and memory-mapped SRAM coherency. The term `snoop transaction' refers to transactions initiated by the MPC8548E system logic or by I/O traffic, as opposed to e500 core-initiated transactions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-27 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.6.1 L2 Cache Coherency Rules L2 cache coherency rules are as follows: * The L2 is non-inclusive of the L1--valid L1 lines may be valid or invalid in the L2. * The L2 cache holds no modified data. Data is in one of four states--invalid, exclusive, exclusive locked, and stale. * The L2 allocates entries for data cast out or pushed (non-global, non-write-through write with kill) from the L1 caches. * Lines for e500 core-initiated burst read transactions are allocated as exclusive in the L2. * The L2 supports I/O devices reading data from valid lines in the L2 cache (data intervention) if L2CTL[L2INTDIS] = 0. An optional unlock attribute causes I/O reads to clear a lock when the read is performed. * The L2 cache does not respond to cache-inhibited read transactions. * e500 core-initiated, cache-inhibited store transactions invalidate the line when they hit on a valid L2 line. If the line is locked, it goes to the stale state. For other write transactions the cache-inhibited bit is ignored. * Non-burst cacheable write transactions from the e500 core (generated by write-through cacheable stores) update a valid L2 cache line through a read-modify-write operation. * e500 core cast out transactions that hit on a stale line in the L2 cache cause a data update of the line and a change to the valid locked state for that line. * An e500 core-initiated, cacheable, non-write-through store that misses in the L1 and hits on a line in the L2 invalidates that line in the L2. If the line is marked exclusive locked, the L2 marks the line as stale. * Transactions that hit a stale L2 cache line that would cause an allocate if they miss cause a data update of the line (when data arrives from memory) and a change to the line's valid locked state. Data is not supplied by the L2 cache for the read in this case. * The following transactions kill the data and the respective locks when they hit a valid L2 line: -- dcbf -- dcbi * The L2 cache supports mixed cache external writes and core-initiated writes to the same addresses if the core-initiated writes are marked coherency-required, caching allowed, not write-through (WIMG = 001x) and the external writes are marked coherency-required, caching-allowed. * The L2 cache supports writes to the L2 cache from peripheral devices or from I/O controllers through snoop write transactions with addresses that hit in a programmed memory range. Full cache line (32-byte) write transactions update the data for a valid line in the L2 and if the line is not valid in the L2, a line is allocated. Sub-cache line write transactions update the data only for valid L2 cache lines through read-modify-write operations. * The L2 cache supports burst writes that lock an L2 cache line from peripheral devices or from I/O controllers through write transactions with addresses that hit in a programmed memory range that has the lock attribute set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-28 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM * 7.6.2 The L2 cache supports burst writes that allocate and/or lock an L2 cache line from peripheral devices or I/O controllers through a write allocate transaction. See the system logic programming model (for example, that of the DMA controller) for details on how to set the transaction type for cache external writes to the L2. Memory-Mapped SRAM Coherency Rules Memory-mapped SRAM coherency rules are as follows: * External (non-core-initiated) accesses to memory-mapped SRAM must be marked coherency-required. External accesses to memory-mapped SRAM marked coherency-not-required may cause an address unavailable error. * Accesses to memory-mapped SRAM are cacheable only in the corresponding e500 L1 caches. External accesses must be marked cache-inhibited or be performed with non-caching transactions. 7.7 L2 Cache Locking The MPC8548E caches can be locked and cleared using the following methods: * Cache locking methods -- Individual line locks are set and cleared by using instructions defined by the e500 cache locking APU, which is part of the Freescale Book E Implementation Standards (EIS). These instructions include Data Cache Block Touch and Lock Set (dcbtls), Data Cache Block Touch for Store and Lock Set (dcbtstls), and Instruction Cache Block Touch and Lock Set (icbtls). For detailed information about these instructions, see the PowerPC e500 Core Reference Manual. -- A lock attribute can be attached to write operations. -- Individual line locks are set and cleared through core-initiated instructions, by external reads or writes, or by accesses to programmed memory ranges defined in L2 cache external write address registers (L2CEWARn). -- The entire cache can be locked by setting a configuration registers appropriately * Methods for clearing locks -- Individual locks can be cleared by cache locking APU instructions (Instruction Cache Block Lock Clear (icblc) and Data Cache Block Lock Clear (dcblc)) or by snooped flush unless the entire cache is locked. -- Flash clearing of all instruction and/or data locks can be done by writes to configuration registers. -- An unlock attribute can be attached to I/O read operations. 7.7.1 Locking the Entire L2 Cache The entire L2 cache can be locked by setting L2CTL[L2DO] = 1 and L2CTL[L2IO] = 1. This has the effect of preventing any further allocation of new lines in the cache by core requests. If there are lines in the cache that are not valid, they cannot be used by core requests until the cache is unlocked. While the cache is locked, read requests are serviced as normal, and snooping continues as normal to maintain MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-29 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM coherency. Lines invalidated to satisfy coherency requirements cannot be reallocated by core requests while the cache remains locked. The L2 cache can be unlocked by clearing L2CTL[L2IO] and/or L2CTL[L2DO]. Note that L2CTL[L2DO] and L2CTL[L2IO] have no effect on cache external write allocations or memory-mapped SRAM. Note that this form of cache locking does not use the lock bits of the cache and cannot be cleared by resetting the cache or lock bits. 7.7.2 Locking Programmed Memory Ranges A programmed memory range can be locked with a snoop write transaction that matches a cache external write address range (specified by L2CEWARn/L2CEWAREAn and L2CEWCRn). There are no clearing of locks through the programmed address ranges. Locks can be cleared using clear lock instructions, flushes, read-and-clear-lock snoop (RWNITC with clear lock attribute), or flash clear locks. 7.7.3 Locking Selected Lines Individual lines are locked when the L2 receives one of the following burst transactions: * icbtls (CT = 1)--Instruction Cache Block Touch and Lock Set instruction * dcbtls (CT = 1)--Data Cache Block Touch and Lock Set instruction * dcbtstls (CT = 1)--Data Cache Block Touch for Store and Lock Set instruction * Snoop burst write--If the address hits on a programmed cache external write space with the lock attribute set, or if the write allocate transaction type is used * Snoop non-burst write--If the address hits on a programmed cache external write space with the lock attribute set Note that the core complex broadcasts these instructions to the L2 if the CT field in the instruction specifies the L2 cache (CT = 1). When the L2 cache is specified, data is not placed in the L1, only the L2. If the L1 cache is specified (CT = 0), the L2 does not lock the line, and the data is placed in the L1 (and locked). When the touch lock set L2 instruction (dcbtls or dcbtstls) hits are modified in the L1 cache, the modified data is allocated into the L2 cache (and written back to main memory) and a data lock is set. The L1 line state transitions to invalid. Note that if the L2 receives a request to allocate and lock a line, but all lines in the selected way are locked, the requested L2 line is not allocated and the L2 cache lock overflow bit (L2CTL[L2LO]) is set. Lines invalidated to satisfy coherency requirements cannot be reallocated while the cache remains locked. 7.7.4 Clearing Locks on Selected Lines Individual locks in the L2 are cleared by a lock clear (icblc or dcblc, CT = 1) instruction. This directs the L2 cache to clear a lock on that line if it hits in the L2 cache. Both data and instruction locks are cleared by the icblc and dcblc instructions. Note that the lock on a line is cleared if the line is invalidated by a snooped Flush transaction, and the line in the cache is available for allocation of a new line of instruction or data unless the entire cache is locked. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-30 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.7.5 Flash Clearing of Instruction and Data Locks Locks for instructions and data are recorded separately in the L2 cache, and they can be flash cleared separately by writing the appropriate value to the L2 cache control register (L2CTL[L2LFR] and L2CTL[L2LFRID]). Flash invalidating of the L2 (setting L2CTL[L2I]) clears all locks on both instructions and data. Note that flash clearing is the only way to clear data locks without clearing instruction locks, or to clear instruction locks without clearing data locks. All instructions and snoop transactions that clear locks clear both data and instruction locks. 7.7.6 Locks with Stale Data If data is locked in the L2 and either the e500 core performs a cacheable copyback store or a dcbtst misses in the L1, the L2 invalidates the line; however, the L2 clears the valid bit for the data, the lock remains, and the line cannot be victimized. If the e500 core casts out modified data or pushes it in response to a non-flush snoop, the L2 updates the data and sets the valid bit again, maintaining the lock and keeping the data in the cache hierarchy. 7.8 PLRU L2 Replacement Policy Line replacement is determined using a pseudo least-recently-used (PLRU) algorithm. There is a valid bit (V0-V7) for each line. To determine the replacement victim (the line to be cast out), there are seven PLRU bits (P0-P6) for each set. PLRU bits are updated every time a new line is allocated and every time an existing line is read by the processor, updated by a write, or invalidated. Figure 7-26 shows the binary decision tree used to generate the victim line. The eight ways of the L2 cache are labeled W0-W7; the seven PLRU bits are labeled P0-P6. P0 = 0? Yes No P1 = 0? Yes No P3 = 0? Yes P2 = 0? Yes P4 = 0? No Yes No No P5 = 0? Yes P6 = 0? No Yes No Allocate Allocate Allocate Allocate Allocate Allocate Allocate Allocate W0 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 0 0 x 0 x x x 0 0 x 1 x x x 0 1 x x 0 x x 0 1 x x 1 x x 1 x 0 x x 0 x 1 x 0 x x 1 x 1 x 1 x x x 0 1 x 1 x x x 1 Figure 7-26. L2 Cache Line Replacement Algorithm MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-31 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.8.1 PLRU Bit Update Considerations PLRU bit updates depend on which cache way was last accessed, as summarized in Table 7-24. Table 7-24. PLRU Bit Update Algorithm Last Way Accessed PLRU Bits P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 0 1 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 1 1 -- 0 -- -- -- 2 1 0 -- -- 1 -- -- 3 1 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 4 0 -- 1 -- -- 1 -- 5 0 -- 1 -- -- 0 -- 6 0 -- 0 -- -- -- 1 7 0 -- 0 -- -- -- 0 When an L2 line is invalidated, the PLRU bits are updated, marking the corresponding way as least-recently used. This causes the invalidated way to be selected as the next victim. 7.8.2 Allocation of Lines The general PLRU algorithm described above must be modified to take into account special features of the L2 cache; namely SRAM regions, line locking, and stash-only regions. Each of these features reserves ways within each cache set such that some ways are not eligible for allocation/victimization by the general LRU algorithm. To preserve the state of the ways that are set aside for other special functions, the PLRU pointers are modified by a mask that is a function of the L2 configuration registers, the lock bits in the cache status array, and initiator of the transaction. The mask effectively points the PLRU algorithm away from ways that are not to be considered for replacement. L2 cache lines are locked through the status array lock bits. There are two lock bits for each way of each set (1024 sets by eight ways). These bits are set or cleared through special L2 controller commands.There are two sets of lock bits, one for instructions (I0-I7) and one for data (D0-D7) for every line. The lock bits act as a mask over the PLRU bits to determine victim selection. The PLRU bits are updated regardless of line locking. Lock bits are used at allocate time to steer the PLRU algorithm away from selecting locked victims. In the following discussion, the eight lock bits for a particular set are called L0-L7. Where Lock Way i: Li = Di | Ii, i=0...7 (Di = data lock, Ii = instruction lock) An effective value of each PLRU bit is calculated as follows: P0_eff = f(P0,L0,L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7) = (L0 & L1 & L2 & L3) | (P0 & ~(L4 & L5 & L6 & L7)) P1_eff = f(P1,L0,L1,L2,L3) = (L0 & L1) | (P1 & ~(L2 & L3)) P2_eff = f(P2,L4,L5,L6,L7) = (L4 & L5) | (P2 & ~(L6 & L7)) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-32 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM P3_eff P4_eff P5_eff P6_eff = = = = f(P3,L0,L1) f(P4,L2,L3) f(P5,L4,L5) f(P6,L6,L7) = = = = L0 L2 L4 L6 | | | | (P3 (P4 (P5 (P6 & & & & ~L1) ~L3) ~L5) ~L7) These effective PLRU bits are used to select a victim, as indicated in Table 7-25. Table 7-25. PLRU-Based Victim Selection Mechanism 7.9 Way Selected Effective PLRU State (Binary) Reduced Logic Equation (using effective PLRU bits) W0 00x0xxx ~P0 & ~P1 & ~P3 W1 00x1xxx ~P0 & ~P1 & P3 W2 01xx0xx ~P0 & P1 & ~P4 W3 01xx1xx ~P0 & P1 & P4 W4 1x0xx0x P0 & ~P2 & ~P5 W5 1x0xx1x P0 & ~P2 & P5 W6 1x1xxx0 P0 & P2 & ~P6 W7 1x1xxx1 P0 & P2 & P6 L2 Cache Operation This section describes the behavior of the L1 and L2 cache in response to various operations and in various configurations. 7.9.1 Initialization L2 Cache Initialization After power-on reset the valid bits in the L2 cache status array are in random states. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a flash invalidate before using the array as an L2 cache. This is done by writing a one to the L2I field of the L2 control register (L2CTL). This can be done before or simultaneously with the write that enables the L2 cache. That is, the L2E and L2I bits of L2CTL can be set simultaneously. The L2I bit clears automatically, so no further writes are necessary. Memory-Mapped SRAM Initialization After power-on reset the contents of the data and ECC arrays are random, so all SRAM data must be initialized before it is read. If the cache is initialized by the processor or any other device that uses sub-cache-line transactions, ECC error checking should be disabled during the initialization process to avoid false ECC errors generated during the read-modify-write process used for sub-cache-line writes to the SRAM array. This is done by setting the multi- and single-bit ECC error disable bits of the L2 error disable register (L2ERRDIS[MBECCDIS, SBECCDIS]). See Section, "Error Control and Capture Registers." If the array is initialized by a DMA engine using cache-line writes, ECC checking can remain enabled during the initialization process. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-33 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7.9.2 Flash Invalidation of the L2 Cache The L2 cache may be completely invalidated by setting the L2I bit of the L2 control register (L2CTL). Note that no data is lost in this process because the L2 cache is a write-through cache and contains no modified data. Flash invalidation of the cache is necessary when the cache is initially enabled and may be necessary to recover from some error conditions such as a tag parity error. The invalidation process requires several cycles to complete. The L2I bit remains set during this procedure and is then cleared automatically when the procedure is complete. The L2 cache controller issues retries for all transactions on the e500 core complex bus while the flash invalidation process is in progress. Note that the contents of memory-mapped SRAM regions of the data array are unaffected by a flash invalidation of the L2 cache regions of the array. 7.9.3 Managing Errors ECC Errors An individual soft error that causes a single- or multi-bit ECC error can be cleared from the L2 array simply by performing a dcbf instruction on the address captured in the L2ERRADDR register. This will invalidate the line in the L2 cache. When the load that caused the ECC error is performed again, the data will be reallocated into the L2 with ECC bits set properly again. If the threshold for single bit errors set in the L2ERRCTL register is exceeded, then the L2 cache should be flash invalidated to clear out all single-bit errors. Note that no data is lost by dcbfs or flash invalidates, since the L2 cache is write-through and contains no modified data. Tag Parity Errors A tag parity error must be fixed by flash invalidating the L2 cache. Note that a dcbf operation to the address that caused the error to be reported is not sufficient since a tag parity error is seen as an L2 miss and will not cause invalidation of the bad tag. Proper L2 operation cannot be guaranteed if an L2 tag parity error is not repaired by a flash invalidation of the entire array. 7.9.4 L2 Cache States The L2 status array uses four bits for each line to determine the status of the line. Different combinations of these bits result in different L2 states. The status bits are as follows: * Valid (V) * Instruction locked (IL) * Data locked (DL) * Stale (T) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-34 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-26 shows L2 cache states. Note that these conventions are also used in Table 7-27. Table 7-26. L2 Cache States 7.9.5 V T IL DL L2 states 0 x x x Invalid (I) 1 0 0 0 Exclusive (E) 1 0 0 1 Exclusive data locked (EDL) 1 0 1 0 Exclusive instruction locked (EIL) 1 0 1 1 Exclusive instruction and data locked (EL) 1 1 0 0 Stale (data invalid, locks invalid) (T) 1 1 0 1 Stale (data invalid, dlock valid) (TDL) 1 1 1 0 Stale (data invalid, ilock valid) (TIL) 1 1 1 1 Stale (data invalid, locks valid) (TL) L2 State Transitions Table 7-27 lists state transitions for all e500 core-initiated transactions that change the L2 cache state. Core-initiated transactions caused when the core executes msync, mbar, tlbivax, or tlbsync do not change the L2 cache state. The table does not list initial L1 states for transactions that hit in the L1 (iL1 or dL1) and are not sent to the L2. In the table, the heading `L2 hit' indicates that the L2 provides (on a read) or captures (on a write) data for an existing line. Some entries list two final L1 states. L2 touch instructions never allocate into iL1 or dL1. Note that if the L2 SRAM is disabled, the L2 initial and final states are always I and the L2 never hits. Similarly, if the L2 SRAM is in full memory-mapped SRAM mode, the L2 initial and final states are always I and the L2 never hits for addresses not in the memory-mapped SRAM address range. The L2 always hits for addresses in the enabled memory-mapped SRAM address ranges. Table 7-27. State Transitions Due to Core-Initiated Transactions Initial States Source of Transaction Cacheable instruction fetch icbtls_L1 icbt_L2 L2 Hit Final States Comments L1 L2 iL1 I I//T No I/V I No I/V E E/EL Yes I/V same T No I/V EL dL1 I,E L1 L2 same L2CTL[L2DO] = 1. L2 touch instructions not allocated in L1 L2CTL[L2DO] = 0 L2CTL[L2DO] = 0. Restore locked line in L2 with valid data from bus MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-35 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-27. State Transitions Due to Core-Initiated Transactions (continued) Initial States icbtls_L2 Final States L1 L2 L2 Hit dL1 I,E I/T No I E Yes I I L2CTL[L2DO] = 1 EL Yes I T L2CTL[L2DO] = 1 I No I EL L2CTL[L2DO] = 0 E Yes I EL L2CTL[L2DO] = 0 EL Yes I T No I EL L2CTL[L2DO] = 0. Restore locked line in L2 with valid data from bus N/A No L1/L2 effect Source of Transaction Comments L1 L2 same L2CTL[L2DO] = 1 same L2CTL[L2DO] = 0 Cache-inhibited instruction fetch N/A N/A No N/A Cacheable load (4-state) Cacheable lwarx (4-state) dcbt_L1 (4-state) dcbtls_L1 (4-state) dL1 I I/T No E E Yes E I L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 EL Yes E T L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 I No E E L2CTL[L2IO] = 0 E/EL Yes E T No EL EL L2CTL[L2IO] = 0. Restore locked line in L2 with valid data from bus same L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 same L2CTL[L2IO] = 0 Cache-inhibited load N/A N/A No N/A N/A No L1/L2 effect Cache-inhibited lwarx N/A N/A No N/A N/A No L2 effect Writeback Store dL1 I I/T No M E Yes M I EL Yes M T I/T No M same E Yes M I EL Yes M T I No E/I I L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 T No E/I T L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 E Yes E/I I L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 EL Yes E/I T L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 I No E/I E L2CTL[L2IO] = 0 Writeback stwcx dL1 I Cacheable load (3-state) Cacheable lwarx (3-state) dcbt_L1 (3-state) dcbtls_L1 (3-state) dL1 I same L2 allocates when a line is cast out of L1. dcbt_L2 dcbtst_L2 dL1 I,E E/EL Yes E/I same L2CTL[L2IO] = 0 T No E/I EL dcbtst_L1 dcbtstls_L1 dL1 I I/T No E same E Yes E I EL Yes E T L2CTL[L2IO] = 0. Restore locked line with valid data from bus MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-36 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-27. State Transitions Due to Core-Initiated Transactions (continued) Initial States L1 L2 L2 Hit dL1 I,E I Source of Transaction dcbtls_L2 dcbtstls_L2 Write-through store Cache-inhibited store Cache-inhibited stwcx dcblc_L2 icblc_L2 dL1 I,E,M N/A N/A dL1 I,E,M dL1 M Victim castout dcbt_L2 icbt_L2 dcbtst_L2 dL1 M Snoop push dL1 M Comments L1 L2 No I I L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 T No I T L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 E Yes I I L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 EL Yes I T L2CTL[L2IO] = 1 I No I EL L2CTL[L2IO] = 0 E/EL Yes I EL L2CTL[L2IO] = 0 T No I EL L2CTL[L2IO] = 0. Restore locked line with valid data from bus I/T No same I E/EL Yes same I/E No N/A I Invalidate line EL/T No N/A T Invalidate data, keep lock I/E No N/A I Invalidate line EL/T No N/A T Invalidate data, keep lock I/E No same same EL No same E T No same I I/T No I I No I E L2CTL[L2IO] = 0 No I I/T L2CTL[L2IO] = 1. Yes I T Yes I EL L2CTL[L2IO = 0. I No I EL An icbtls_L2 that hits modified in L1 cannot be distinguished from dcbtls_L2 and sets the L2 dlock bit. If software shares cache lines between instructions and data and wishes to set hillocks in L2, it must perform dcbst to flush the line out of the dL1 before locking it in L2. E/EL/T Yes I EL I/E No I/E I EL/T No I/E T E/EL dcbtls_L2 icbtls_L2 dcbtstls_L2 Final States same Read-modify-write same L2CTL[L2IO] = 1. If software sharing cache lines between instructions and data wishes to capture instruction lines in L2 with L2CTL[L2IO] = 1, it must perform dcbst to flush the line out of the dL1 before fetching it into L2. Same L2CTL[L2IO] = 0. dcbf dcbst dL1 M I/E/EL No I I dcbz dcba dL1 I I/E No M I EL No M T Invalidate data, keep lock MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-37 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-27. State Transitions Due to Core-Initiated Transactions (continued) Initial States L2 Hit Source of Transaction L1 L2 dcbi dL1 I,E,M I/ E/EL/T dcbf dcbst dL1 I,E icbi iL1 I,V Final States Comments L1 L2 No I I I/ E/EL/T No I I I/ E/EL/T No I I Table 7-28 lists L2 cache state transitions for all system-initiated (non-core) transactions that change the L2. The transaction types and attributes listed follow MPX bus nomenclature, with the addition of write allocate (burst write with L2 cache allocation). Table 7-28 accounts for changes caused by L1 snoop pushes triggered by snoops, listed in Table 7-27. Table 7-28. State Transitions Due to System-Initiated Transactions Transaction Type Clean IKill wt ci gbl Initial L2 State Final L2 State x x 0 I/E/EL/T Same Comments Flush x x 0 I/E/EL/T I Write allocate x 1 0 I/E/EL/T EL Allocate and lock regardless of cache external write (CEW) window x 1 0 I/E E Allocate regardless of CEW window EL/T EL I/E I No allocate if cache-inhibited EL/T T Invalidate data, keep lock I/E/EL/T I Miss in cache external write windows I E/EL Hit in cache external write window EL Same Hit in cache external write window E E/EL Hit in cache external write window T EL Hit in cache external write window I/E I Invalidate line EL/T T Invalidate data, keep lock I/E I Miss in cache external write windows x WWK 32-byte WWF 32-byte WWF atomic x x < 32-byte WWF < 32-byte WWF atomic x x 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 EL/T T I/T Same Hit in CEW window but need burst data Miss in cache external write windows. EL Same Hit in cache external write window E E/EL Hit in cache external write window. Set lock if CEW lock attribute set. I/E I Invalidate line EL/T T Invalidate data, keep lock MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-38 Freescale Semiconductor L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-28. State Transitions Due to System-Initiated Transactions (continued) Transaction Type Read Read atomic RWNITC wt ci gbl Initial L2 State Final L2 State 1 1 0 I/T Same E E EL EL x 0 0 N/A N/A 1 1 0 I//T Same 0 Kill RWITM RWITM atomic RClaim 7.9.6 1 0 No L1/L2 effect E E EL EL I Same EL E T I x 0 0 N/A N/A x 1 0 I/E I EL/T T I/E/EL/T Same x 0 0 Comments Read-and-clear-lock No L1/L2 effect Invalidate data, keep lock Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) The L2 cache supports error checking and correcting (ECC) for the data path between the core master and system memory. It detects all double-bit errors, detects all multi-bit errors within a nibble, and corrects all single-bit errors. Other errors may be detected, but are not guaranteed to be corrected or detected. Multiple-bit errors are always reported when error reporting is enabled. When a single-bit error occurs, the single-bit error counter register is incremented, and its value compared to the single-bit error trigger register. An error is reported when these values are equal. The single-bit error registers can be programmed such that minor memory faults are corrected and ignored, but double- or multi-bit errors generate an interrupt. The syndrome encodings for the ECC code are shown in Table 7-29 and Table 7-30. Table 7-29. L2 Cache ECC Syndrome Encoding Syndrome Bit Data Bit 0 1 0 * * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 2 3 4 5 6 * * * * * * * * 7 Data Bit * Syndrome Bit 0 1 2 3 32 * * * 33 * * * 34 * * * 35 * * * * 4 5 6 7 * * 36 * * 37 * * * * 38 * * * * * 39 * * * * * 40 * * * * * * * * MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7-39 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM Table 7-29. L2 Cache ECC Syndrome Encoding (continued) Syndrome Bit Data Bit 0 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 1 2 3 4 * * * * * * * 17 * 18 * * * * * 20 * 21 * 22 * * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 * * 27 * 6 * 16 19 5 41 * 42 * 43 0 * * 5 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 45 * * * * * * * 46 * * * * * * * 47 * * * * * * 48 * * * * 49 * * * 50 * * * * * 52 * 53 * * 54 * * * * * 56 * 57 * * 58 * * * 59 * * * 60 * * * 61 * 62 * 29 * 30 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 55 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 63 7 * * * * 4 44 51 * 3 * * * 2 * * * 1 * * * 7 * 28 31 Syndrome Bit Data Bit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Table 7-30. L2 Cache ECC Syndrome Encoding (Check Bits) Syndrome Bit Check Bit 0 0 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * * * * * * * MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 7-40 Freescale Semiconductor Part III Memory, Security, and I/O Interfaces Part III defines the memory, security and I/O interfaces of the MPC8548E and it describes how these blocks interact with one another and with other blocks on the device. The following chapters are included: * Chapter 8, "e500 Coherency Module," defines the e500 coherency module and how it facilitates communication between the e500 core complex, the L2 cache, and the other blocks that comprise the coherent memory domain of the MPC8548E. The ECM provides a mechanism for I/O-initiated transactions to snoop the core complex bus (CCB) of the e500 core in order to maintain coherency across cacheable local memory. It also provides a flexible, easily expandable switch-type structure for e500- and I/O-initiated transactions to be routed (dispatched) to target modules on the MPC8548E. * Chapter 9, "DDR Memory Controller," describes the DDR SDRAM memory controller of the MPC8548E. This fully programmable controller supports most DDR memories available today, including both buffered and unbuffered devices. The built-in error checking and correction (ECC) ensures very low bit error rates for reliable high-frequency operation. Dynamic power management and auto-precharge modes simplify memory system design. Special features like ECC error injection support rapid system debug. * Chapter 10, "Programmable Interrupt Controller," describes the embedded programmable interrupt controller (PIC) of the MPC8548E. This controller is an OpenPIC-compliant interrupt controller that provides interrupt management, and is responsible for receiving hardware-generated interrupts from different sources (both internal and external), prioritizing them, and delivering them to the CPU for servicing. * Chapter 11, "I2C Interfaces," describes the inter-IC (IIC or I2C) bus controller of the MPC8548E. This synchronous, serial, bidirectional, multi-master bus allows two-wire connection of devices such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices, A/D converters, and LCDs. The MPC8548E powers up in boot sequencer mode which allows the I2C controller to initialize configuration registers. * Chapter 12, "DUART," describes the (dual) universal asynchronous receiver/transmitters (UARTs) which feature a PC16552D-compatible programming model. These independent UARTs are provided specifically to support system debugging. * Chapter 13, "Local Bus Controller," describes the local bus controller of the MPC8548E. The main component of the local bus controller (LBC) is its memory controller which provides a seamless interface to many types of memory devices and peripherals. The memory controller is responsible for controlling eight memory banks shared by a high performance SDRAM machine, a general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM), and up to three user-programmable machines (UPMs). As such, it supports a minimal glue logic interface to synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor III-1 * * * * * * SRAM, EPROM, Flash EPROM, burstable RAM, regular DRAM devices, extended data output DRAM devices, and other peripherals. Chapter 14, "Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers," describes the four enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers of the MPC8548E. These controllers provide 10/100/1Gb Ethernet support with a complete set of media-independent interface options including GMII, RGMII, TBI, and RTBI. Each controller provides very high throughput using a captive DMA channel and direct connection to the MPC8548E memory coherency module. Chapter 15, "DMA Controller," describes the four-channel general-purpose DMA controller of the MPC8548E. The DMA controller transfers blocks of data, independent of the e500 core or external hosts. Data movement occurs among RapidIO and the local address space. The DMA controller has four high-speed channels. Both the e500 core and external masters can initiate a DMA transfer. All channels are capable of complex data movement and advanced transaction chaining. Chapter 16, "PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface," describes the PCI/X and PCI controllers of the MPC8548E. Chapter 17, "Serial RapidIO Interface," describes the dual serial RapidIO interfaces of the MPC8548E. Chapter 18, "PCI Express Interface Controller," describes the PCI-Express implementation of the MPC8548E. Chapter 19, "Security Engine (SEC) 2.1," describes the security controller of the MPC8548E. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 III-2 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 8 e500 Coherency Module 8.1 Introduction The e500 coherency module (ECM) provides a flexible, easily expandable switching structure for routing e500- and I/O-initiated transactions to target modules on the device. Figure 8-1 shows a high-level block diagram of the ECM. Core Complex Bus (to/from e500) CCB Interface Config Reg's CCB Arbiter Global Data Bus (to OCeaN, DDR, LBC...) Global Data Bus Arbiter I/O Arbiter (to OCeaN, DDR, LBC,...) Dispatch Bus Transaction Queue Data Bus Internal Global Global Data Mux Request Buses Port Data Bus (internal) I/O Masters Configuration Bus * Port Data Buses * (from OCeaN, * DDR, LBC...) * Figure 8-1. e500 Coherency Module Block Diagram MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 8-1 e500 Coherency Module 8.1.1 Overview The ECM routes transactions initiated by the e500 core to the appropriate target interface on the device. In a manner analogous to a bridging router in a local area network, the ECM forwards I/O-initiated transactions that are tagged with the global attribute onto the core complex bus (CCB). This allows on-chip caches to snoop these transactions as if they were locally initiated and to take actions to maintain coherency across cacheable memory. 8.1.2 Features The ECM includes these distinctive features: * Support for the e500 core and an L2/SRAM on the CCB, including a CCB arbiter. * It sources a 64-bit data bus for returning read data from the ECM to the e500 core and routing write data from the ECM to the L2/SRAM. It sinks a 128-bit data bus for receiving data from the L2/SRAM and a 128-bit write data bus from the e500 core. * Four connection points for I/O initiating (mastering into the device) interfaces. The ECM supports five connection points for I/O targets. The DDR memory controller, local bus, OCeaN targets, and configuration register access block all have a target port connection to the ECM. * Split transaction support--separate address and data tenures allow for pipelining of transactions and out-of-order data tenures between initiators and targets. * Proper ordering of I/O-initiated transactions. * Speculative read bus for low-latency dispatch of reads to the DDR controller. * Low-latency path for returning read data from DDR to the e500 core. * Error registers trap transactions with invalid addresses. Errors can be programmed to generate interrupts to the e500 core, as described in the following sections: -- Section, "ECM Error Detect Register (EEDR)" -- Section, "ECM Error Enable Register (EEER)" -- Section, "ECM Error Attributes Capture Register (EEATR)" -- Section, "ECM Error Low Address Capture Register (EELADR)" -- Section, "ECM Error High Address Capture Register (EEHADR)" * Errors from reading I/O devices (for example, a master-aborted read transaction on the PCI interface) terminate with data sent to the master with a corrupt attribute. If the master is the e500 core, the ECM asserts core_fault_in to the core, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and one of these errors occurs, appropriate interrupts must be enabled to ensure that an interrupt is generated. See Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 8-2 Freescale Semiconductor e500 Coherency Module 8.2 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 8-1 shows the ECM's memory map. Undefined 4-byte address spaces within offset 0x000-0xFFF are reserved. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 8-1. ECM Memory Map Local Memory Offset Register Access Reset Section/page 0x0_1000 EEBACR--ECM CCB address configuration register R/W 0x0000_0003 0x0_1010 EEBPCR--ECM CCB port configuration register R/W 0x0n00_0000 0x0_1BF8 ECM IP Block Revision Register 1 R 0x0001_0000 0x0_1BFC ECM IP Block Revision Register 2 R 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E00 EEDR--ECM error detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E08 EEER--ECM error enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E0C EEATR--ECM error attributes capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E10 EELADR--ECM error low address capture register R 0x0000_0000 0x0_1E14 EEHADR--ECM error high address capture register R 0x0000_0000 8.2.1 Register Descriptions This section consists of detailed descriptions of those registers summarized in Table 8-1. Note that these registers are shown in big-endian format. ECM CCB Address Configuration Register (EEBACR) The ECM CCB address configuration register, shown in Figure 8-2, controls arbitration and streaming policies for the CCB. Offset 0x0_1000 Access: Read/Write 0 27 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 29 30 31 A_STRM_DIS CORE_STRM_DIS A_STRM_CNT 0 0 1 1 Figure 8-2. ECM CCB Address Configuration Register (EEBACR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 8-3 e500 Coherency Module Table 8-2 describes the EEBACR fields. Table 8-2. EEBACR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28 A_STRM_DIS 29 30-31 Description Reserved Controls whether the ECM allows any streaming to occur. 0 Streaming is enabled. 1 Streaming is disabled. CORE_STRM_DIS With A_STRM_DIS, controls whether the e500 core can stream commands onto the CCB. A_STRM_DIS and CORE_STRM_DIS must both be cleared for the e500 core to be enabled to stream address tenures that it masters. 0 Stream address tenures initiated by the e500 core, provided A_STRM_DIS is cleared. 1 Streaming of address tenures initiated by the e500 core not allowed. A_STRM_CNT Stream count. Specifies the maximum number of transactions that any master can stream (issue sequentially without preemption) on the CCB following an initial transaction. 00 Reserved 01 One transaction can be streamed with the initial transaction. 10 Two transactions can be streamed with the initial transaction. 11 Three transactions can be streamed with the initial transaction. Default. ECM CCB Port Configuration Register (EEBPCR) The ECM CCB port configuration register (EEBPCR) is shown in Figure 8-3. Offset 0x0_1010 Access: Read/Write 0 R W 6 -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 28 CPU_EN -- n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 30 31 CPU_RD_HI_DIS CPU_PRI 0 0 0 Figure 8-3. ECM CCB Port Configuration Register (EEBPCR) Table 8-3 describes EEBPCR fields. Table 8-3. EEBPCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-6 -- 7 CPU_EN 8-28 -- Description Reserved CPU port enable. Controls boot holdoff mode when the device is an agent of an external host. Specifies whether the e500 core (CPU) port is enabled to run transactions on the CCB. The CPU boot configuration power-on reset pin (cfg_cpu_boot) determines the initial value of this bit. If the pin is sampled as a logic 1 at the negation of reset, the CPU is enabled to boot at the end of the POR sequence. Otherwise, the CPU cannot fetch its boot vector until an external host sets the CPU_EN bit. 0 Boot holdoff mode. CPU arbitration is disabled on the CCB and no bus grants are issued. 1 CPU is enabled and receives bus grants in response to bus requests for the boot vector. After this bit is set, it should not be cleared by software. It is not intended to dynamically enable and disable CPU operation. It is only intended to end boot holdoff mode. See Section, "CPU Boot Configuration," for more information. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 8-4 Freescale Semiconductor e500 Coherency Module Table 8-3. EEBPCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 29 Description CPU_RD_HI_DIS Identifies which read queue of DDR targets is assigned to the e500 core (CPU) port's read transactions (in understressed system). 0 Read high queue (higher bandwidth DDR queue) is assigned for the e500 core's read transactions 1 Read low queue (lower bandwidth DDR queue) is assigned for the e500 core's read transactions 30-31 CPU_PRI Specifies the priority level of the e500 core 0 (CPU) port. This priority level is used to determine whether a particular port's bus request can cause the CCB arbiter to terminate another port's streaming of address tenures. 00 Lowest priority level 01 Second lowest priority level 10 Highest priority level 11 Reserved ECM IP Block Revision Register 1 (EIPBRR1) The ECM IP block revision register 1 is shown in Figure 8-4. Offset 0x0_1BF8 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R 23 24 IP_ID 31 IP_MJ IP_MN W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 8-4. ECM IP Block Revision Register 1 (EIPBRR1) Table 8-4 describes EIPBRR1 fields. Table 8-4. EIPBRR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 IP_ID IP block ID 16-23 IP_MJ Major revision 24-31 IP_MN Minor revision Description ECM IP Block Revision Register 2 (EIPBRR2) The ECM IP block revision register 2 is shown in Figure 8-5. Offset 0x0_1BFC Access: Read only 0 7 R -- W Reset 8 15 16 IP_INT 23 24 -- 31 IP_CFG All zeros Figure 8-5. ECM IP Block Revision Register 2 (EIPBRR2) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 8-5 e500 Coherency Module Table 8-5 describes EIPBRR2 fields. Table 8-5. EIPBRR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 IP_INT 16-23 -- 24-31 IP_CFG Description Reserved IP block integration options Reserved IP block configuration options ECM Error Detect Register (EEDR) The ECM error detect register (EEDR) is shown in Figure 8-6. Offset 0x0_1E00 0 Access: w1c 1 30 R MULT_ERR W LAE -- w1c Reset 31 w1c All zeros Figure 8-6. ECM Error Detect Register (EEDR) Table 8-6 describes EEDR fields. Table 8-6. EEDR Field Descriptions Bits 0 Name Description MULT_ERR Multiple error. Indicates the occurrence of multiple errors of the same type. Write 1 to clear. 0 Multiple errors of the same type were not detected. 1 Multiple errors of the same type were detected. 1-30 -- Reserved 31 LAE Local access error. Write 1 to clear. Two cases can generate LAEs: * Transaction does not map to any target. In this case the ECM injects read responses (with the corrupt attribute set) and write data is dropped. Note that a read that attempts to access an unmapped target causes the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, EEER[LAEE] must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." * Source and target IDs indicate that an OCN port initiated a transaction that targets an OCN port. This loopback behavior can result from programming errors where inbound ATMU window targets are inconsistent with targets configured in the local access windows for a given address range. For this type of LAE, the dispatch (to OCN target in this case) is not screened off; the LAE error is reported, but the transaction is still sent to its OCN target. 0 Local access error has not occurred. 1 Local access error occurred. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 8-6 Freescale Semiconductor e500 Coherency Module ECM Error Enable Register (EEER) The ECM error enable register (EEER) shown in Figure 8-7 enables the reporting of error conditions to the e500 core through the internal int interrupt signal. Offset 0x0_1E08 Access: Read/Write 0 30 R -- W Reset 31 LAEE All zeros Figure 8-7. ECM Error Enable Register (EEER) Table 8-7 describes EEER fields. Table 8-7. EEER Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-30 31 Description -- Reserved LAEE Local access error enable. Note that a read that attempts to access an unmapped target causes the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If HID1[RFXE] is zero and this error occurs, LAEE must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." 0 Disable reporting local access errors as interrupts. 1 Enable reporting local access errors as interrupts. ECM Error Attributes Capture Register (EEATR) The ECM error attributes capture register (EEATR) is shown in Figure 8-8. Offset 0x0_1E0C 0 R W 2 Access: Read Only 3 7 BYTE_CNT -- 8 10 11 -- Reset 15 16 17 SRC_ID 20 21 TTYPE -- 30 -- 31 VAL All zeros Figure 8-8. ECM Error Attributes Capture Register (EEATR) Table 8-8 describes EEATR fields. Table 8-8. EEATR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-2 -- 3-7 8-10 Description Reserved BYTE_CNT Byte count. Specifies the transaction byte count. 00100 4 bytes 00000 32 bytes 01000 8 bytes 00001 1 byte 10000 16 bytes 00010 2 bytes -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 8-7 e500 Coherency Module Table 8-8. EEATR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 11-15 SRC_ID 16 -- 17-20 TTYPE Source ID. Specifies the source device mastering the transaction. 10100 Reserved 00000 PCI1/PCI-X interface 10101 DMA 00001 PCI2 interface 10110 Reserved 00010 PCI Express 10111 SAP 00011 Reserved 11000 eTSEC1 00100-01001 Reserved 11001 eTSEC2 01010 Boot sequencer 11010 eTSEC3 01011 Reserved 11011 eTSEC4 01100 RapidIO 11100 RapidIO message unit 01101-01111 Reserved 11101 RapidIO doorbell unit 10000 Processor (instruction) 11110 RapidIO port-write unit 10001 Processor (data) 11111 Reserved 10010-10011 Reserved Reserved 21-30 -- 31 VAL Description Transaction type. Defined as follows: 0000 Write 0001 Reserved 0010 Write with allocate 0011 Write with allocate with lock 0100 Address only transaction 0101-0111Reserved 1000 Read 1001 101x 1100 1101 1110 1111 Read with Reserved Read with Read with Read with Read with unlock clear atomic set atomic decrement atomic increment atomic Reserved Register data valid. 0 ECM error attribute capture register does not contain valid information. 1 ECM error attribute capture register contains valid information. ECM Error Low Address Capture Register (EELADR) The ECM error low address capture register (EELADR) is shown in Figure 8-9. Offset 0x0_1E10 Access: Read only 0 31 R ADDR W Reset All zeros Figure 8-9. ECM Error Low Address Capture Register (EELADR) Table 8-9 describes EELADR fields. Table 8-9. EELADR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 ADDR Description Address. Specifies the lower-order 32 bits of the 36-bit address of the transaction. Qualified by EEATR[VAL]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 8-8 Freescale Semiconductor e500 Coherency Module ECM Error High Address Capture Register (EEHADR) The ECM error high address capture register (EEHADR) is shown in Figure 8-10. Offset 0x0_1E14 Access: Read only 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 ADDR All zeros Figure 8-10. ECM Error High Address Capture Register (EEHADR) Table 8-10 describes EEHADR fields. Table 8-10. EEHADR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 ADDR 8.3 Description Reserved Address. Specifies the high-order 4 bits of the 36-bit address of the transaction. Qualified by EEATR[VAL]. Functional Description The following is a very general discussion of ECM operation. 8.3.1 I/O Arbiter Figure 8-1 shows the I/O arbiter block that manages I/O-initiated address tenure requests arriving on the request buses. Four request buses compete for access to the ECM, which can only process one request at a time. The ECM uses two factors to select the winning request bus: the primary factor is requested bandwidth and the secondary factor is longest waiting/least recently granted status. By default all requesters start requesting low levels of bandwidth. A starvation avoidance algorithm ensures that low bandwidth requesters make forward progress in the presence of high bandwidth requesters.The transaction from the winning request bus competes with e500 core requests for the CCB and entry into the transaction queue. 8.3.2 CCB Arbiter Figure 8-1 shows the CCB arbiter block coordinating the entry of new transactions into the ECM's transaction queue. It handles arbitration for requests to use the CCB from the e500 core and the winning request bus and consequently controls when these new transactions can enter the transaction queue. Because the CCB bus operates most efficiently when it streams commands from one initiator, the CCB arbiter alternates grants between streams of transactions from the e500 core and from the winner of the I/O arbiter. The length of a stream (number of back-to-back transactions) is limited by the A_STRM_CNT field in the EEBACR register. However, the arbiter also uses the priority of the requests to limit streaming. If the priority of a new request is higher than that of a stream in progress, then the higher priority transaction will interrupt the other stream. The priority of e500 transactions is set by the CPU_PRI field MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 8-9 e500 Coherency Module in EEBPCR register. Depending how the CPU_RD_HI_DIS field in EEBPCR register is set, read transactions from the e500 core are initially assigned to either the higher- or lower-bandwidth queue of the DDR target. 8.3.3 Transaction Queue The ECM's transaction queue performs four basic functions: arbitration across the e500 core and I/O masters, target mapping and dispatching, enforcement of ordering, and enforcement of coherency. The address of each transaction is compared against each local access window, and the transaction is then routed to the appropriate target interface associated with the local access window that the address hits within. Even though the CCB and ECM allow the pipelining of transactions, the address tenures of all transactions issued from I/O masters (masters other than the e500 core) may still be ordered. For those transactions accessing address space marked as snoopable, or space that may be cached by the e500 core, the ECM enforces coherency, snooping those transactions on the CCB, and taking castouts from the e500 core as is necessary. 8.3.4 Global Data Multiplexor Figure 8-1 shows how the global data multiplexor takes data bus connections and multiplexes them onto one 128-bit global data bus. The global data mux allows initiators of write transactions to route data to their targets and read targets to return data to the initiators. 8.3.5 CCB Interface Figure 8-1 shows the CCB interface for both CCB address and data tenures. This interface formats CCB address tenures for the ECM transaction queue. It also contains the queueing and buffering needed to manage outstanding CCB data tenures. The buffers receive e500 core-initiated write and I/O-initiated read data (that hit in the L2/SRAM module) from the e500 write (128-bit wide) and read (128-bit wide) data buses and route them through the global data mux to the global data bus. The buffers also receive e500 core-initiated read and I/O-initiated write data (that hit in the L2/SRAM module) from the global data bus and forward them onto the CCB data bus (64 bits). 8.4 Initialization/Application Information If the e500 core is used to initialize the MPC8548E, the CPU boot configuration power-on reset pin should be pulled high to initially set EEBPCR[CPU_EN]. See Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," for more information on power-up reset initialization. If any device other than the e500 core, such as the boot sequencer or PCI, is used to initialize the MPC8548E, the CPU boot configuration power-on reset pin should be pulled low to initially clear EEBPCR[CPU_EN]. This prevents the e500 core from accessing any configuration registers or local memory space during initialization. However, in any such system, one step near the end of the initialization routine must set EEBPCR[CPU_EN] to re-enable the e500 core. Note that for basic functionality, EEBPCR[CPU_EN] is the only field that must be written (provided a device other than the e500 core is used to initialize the device) in the ECM. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 8-10 Freescale Semiconductor e500 Coherency Module EEBPCR[CPU_PRI] specifies the priority level associated with all e500 core initiated transactions. This value allows users running time-critical applications to adjust the average response latency of transactions initiated by the core compared to those initiated by I/O masters. This priority level affects whether e500 core requests can interrupt the streaming of address tenures initiated by (the ECM on behalf of) I/O masters. Only transactions with a priority greater than the current CCB transaction can interrupt streaming. The higher the core's priority, the lower the average latency needed for it to obtain bus grants from the ECM, because it can interrupt lower priority streaming. The default value of zero gives all core-initiated transactions the lowest priority, which prevents the core from interrupting I/O master transaction streams. EEBACR[A_STRM_CNT] allows users to balance response latency with throughput and should prove useful in tuning systems with multiple time-critical tasks. The default value of 0b11 causes the ECM to attempt to stream as many as four transactions initiated from the same CCB master. Increasing this value increases the maximum number of transactions that may be streamed together from any one CCB master. Raising this value can increase throughput for high priority transactions, but may increase latency for lower priority transactions from another CCB master. Note that the e500 core must also have streaming enabled (through HID1[ASTME]) for the CCB to stream. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 8-11 e500 Coherency Module MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 8-12 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 9 DDR Memory Controller 9.1 Introduction The fully programmable DDR SDRAM controller supports most JEDEC standard x8, x16, or x32 DDR and DDR2 memories available. In addition, unbuffered and registered DIMMs are supported. However, mixing different memory types or unbuffered and registered DIMMs in the same system is not supported. Built-in error checking and correction (ECC) ensures very low bit-error rates for reliable high-frequency operation. Dynamic power management and auto-precharge modes simplify memory system design. A large set of special features, including ECC error injection, support rapid system debug. NOTE In this chapter, the word `bank' refers to a physical bank specified by a chip select; `logical bank' refers to one of the four or eight sub-banks in each SDRAM chip. A sub-bank is specified by the 2 or 3 bits on the bank address (MBA) pins during a memory access. Figure 9-1 is a high-level block diagram of the DDR memory controller with its associated interfaces. Section 9.5, "Functional Description," contains detailed figures of the controller. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-1 DDR Memory Controller Request from master Row Open Table Address Decode Address from master DDR SDRAM Memory Array MA[15:0] MBA[2:0] Address Control ECM SDRAM Control EN Error Signals To error management ECC Data Qualifiers MDQS[0:8] MDQS[0:8] Delay chain Data from SDRAM FIFO RMW Data from master DDR SDRAM Memory Control MCS[0:3] MCAS MRAS MWE MDM[0:8] MCKE[0:3] MODT[0:3] MDIC[0:1] Data Signals MDQ[0:63] MECC[0:7] EN ECC SDRAM Control Clock Control Clocks MCK[0:5] MCK[0:5] Figure 9-1. DDR Memory Controller Simplified Block Diagram 9.2 Features The DDR memory controller includes these distinctive features: * Support for DDR2 and DDR SDRAM * 64-/72-bit SDRAM data bus. 32-/40-bit SDRAM data bus supported for DDR and DDR2 * Programmable settings for meeting all SDRAM timing parameters * The following SDRAM configurations are supported: -- As many as four physical banks (chip selects), each bank independently addressable -- 64-Mbit to 4-Gbit devices depending on internal device configuration with x8/x16/x32 data ports (no direct x4 support) -- Unbuffered and registered DIMMs * Chip select interleaving support * Support for data mask signals and read-modify-write for sub-double-word writes. Note that a read-modify-write sequence is only necessary when ECC is enabled. * Support for double-bit error detection and single-bit error correction ECC (8-bit check word across 64-bit data) * Open page management (dedicated entry for each logical bank) * Automatic DRAM initialization sequence or software-controlled initialization sequence MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-2 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller * * * * 9.2.1 Automatic DRAM data initialization Support for up to eight posted refreshes Memory controller clock frequency of two times the SDRAM clock with support for sleep power management Support for error injection Modes of Operation The DDR memory controller supports the following modes: * Dynamic power management mode. The DDR memory controller can reduce power consumption by negating the SDRAM CKE signal when no transactions are pending to the SDRAM. * Auto-precharge mode. Clearing DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL[BSTOPRE] causes the memory controller to issue an auto-precharge command with every read or write transaction. Auto-precharge mode can be enabled for separate chip selects by setting CSn_CONFIG[AP_n_EN]. 9.3 External Signal Descriptions This section provides descriptions of the DDR memory controller's external signals. It describes each signal's behavior when the signal is asserted or negated and when the signal is an input or an output. 9.3.1 Signals Overview Memory controller signals are grouped as follows: * Memory interface signals * Clock signals * Debug signals Table 9-1 shows how DDR memory controller external signals are grouped. The device hardware specification has a pinout diagram showing pin numbers. It also lists all electrical and mechanical specifications. Table 9-1. DDR Memory Interface Signal Summary Name Function/Description Reset Pins I/O MDQ[0:63] Data bus All zeros 64 I/O MDQS[0:8] Data strobes All zeros 9 I/O MDQS[0:8] Complement data strobes All ones 9 I/O MECC[0:7] Error checking and correcting All zeros 8 I/O One 1 O MCAS Column address strobe MA[15:0] Address bus All zeros 16 O MBA[2:0] Logical bank address All zeros 3 O MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-3 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-1. DDR Memory Interface Signal Summary (continued) Name Function/Description Reset Pins I/O MCS[0:3] Chip selects All ones 4 O MWE Write enable One 1 O MRAS Row address strobe One 1 O MDM[0:8] Data mask All zeros 9 O MCK[0:5] DRAM clock outputs All zeros 6 O MCK[0:5] DRAM clock outputs (complement) All zeros 6 O MCKE[0:3] DRAM clock enable All zeros 4 O MODT[0:3] DRAM on-die termination All zeros 4 O MDVAL Memory debug data valid Zero 1 O MSRCID[0:4] Memory debug source ID All zeros 5 O b10 2 I/O MDIC[0:1] Driver impedance calibration MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-4 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-2 shows the memory address signal mappings. Table 9-2. Memory Address Signal Mappings Signal Name (Outputs) msb JEDEC DDR DIMM Signals (Inputs) MA15 A15 MA14 A14 MA13 A13 MA12 A12 MA11 A11 MA10 A10 (AP for DDR)1 MA9 A9 MA8 A8 (alternate AP for DDR)2 MA7 A7 MA6 A6 MA5 A5 MA4 A4 MA3 A3 MA2 A2 MA1 A1 lsb MA0 A0 msb MBA2 MBA2 MBA1 MBA1 MBA0 MBA0 lsb 1 Auto-precharge for DDR signaled on A10 when DDR_SDRAM_CFG[PCHB8] = 0 2 Auto-precharge for DDR signaled on A8 when DDR_SDRAM_CFG[PCHB8] = 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-5 DDR Memory Controller 9.3.2 Detailed Signal Descriptions The following sections describe the DDR SDRAM controller input and output signals, the meaning of their different states, and relative timing information for assertion and negation. Memory Interface Signals Table 9-3 describes the DDR controller memory interface signals. Table 9-3. Memory Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal MDQ[0:63] I/O Description I/O Data bus. Both input and output signals on the DDR memory controller. O As outputs for the bidirectional data bus, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--Represent the value of data being driven by the DDR memory controller. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--Driven coincident with corresponding data strobes (MDQS) signal. High impedance--No READ or WRITE command is in progress; data is not being driven by the memory controller or the DRAM. I As inputs for the bidirectional data bus, these signals operate a s described below. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the state of data being driven by the external DDR SDRAMs. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--The DDR SDRAM drives data during a READ transaction. High impedance--No READ or WRITE command in progress; data is not being driven by the memory controller or the DRAM. MDQS[0:8]/ MDQS[0:8] I/O Data strobes. Inputs with read data, outputs with write data. The data strobes may be single ended or differential. O As outputs, the data strobes are driven by the DDR memory controller during a write transaction. The memory controller always drives these signals low unless a read has been issued and incoming data strobes are expected. This keeps the data strobes from floating high when there are no transactions on the DRAM interface. State Asserted/Negated--Driven high when positive capture data is transmitted and driven low when Meaning negative capture data is transmitted. Centered in the data "eye" for writes; coincident with the data eye for reads. Treated as a clock. Data is valid when signals toggle. See Table 9-38 for byte lane assignments. Timing Assertion/Negation--If a WRITE command is registered at clock edge n, data strobes at the DRAM assert centered in the data eye on clock edge n + 1. See the JEDEC DDR SDRAM specification for more information. I As inputs, the data strobes are driven by the external DDR SDRAMs during a read transaction. The data strobes are used by the memory controller to synchronize data latching. State Asserted/Negated--Driven high when positive capture data is received and driven low when Meaning negative capture data is received. Centered in the data eye for writes; coincident with the data eye for reads. Treated as a clock. Data is valid when signals toggle. See Table 9-38 for byte lane assignments. Timing Assertion/Negation--If a READ command is registered at clock edge n, and the latency is programmed in TIMING_CFG_1[CASLAT] to be m clocks, data strobes at the DRAM assert coincident with the data on clock edge n + m. See the JEDEC DDR SDRAM specification for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-6 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-3. Memory Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal MECC[0:7] I/O Description I/O Error checking and correcting codes. Input and output signals for the DDR controller's bidirectional ECC bus. MECC[0:5] function in both normal and debug modes. O As normal mode outputs the ECC signals represent the state of ECC driven by the DDR controller on writes. As debug mode outputs MECC[0:5] provide source ID and data-valid information. See Section 9.5.11, "Error Checking and Correcting (ECC)," and Section, "Debug Information on ECC Pins," for more details. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the state of ECC being driven by the DDR controller on writes. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--Same timing as MDQ High impedance--Same timing as MDQ I As inputs, the ECC signals represent the state of ECC driven by the SDRAM devices on reads. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the state of ECC being driven by the DDR SDRAMs on reads. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--Same timing as MDQ High impedance--Same timing as MDQ MA[15:0] O Address bus. Memory controller outputs for the address to the DRAM. MA[15:0] carry 16 of the address bits for the DDR memory interface corresponding to the row and column address bits. MA0 is the lsb of the address output from the memory controller. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the address driven by the DDR memory controller. Contains Meaning different portions of the address depending on the memory size and the DRAM command being issued by the memory controller. See Table 9-40 and Table 9-42 for a complete description of the mapping of these signals. Timing Assertion/Negation--The address is always driven when the memory controller is enabled. It is valid when a transaction is driven to DRAM (when MCSn is active). High impedance--When the memory controller is disabled MBA[2:0] O Logical bank address. Outputs that drive the logical (or internal) bank address pins of the SDRAM. Each SDRAM supports four or eight addressable logical sub-banks. Bit zero of the memory controller's output bank address must be connected to bit zero of the SDRAM's input bank address. MBA0, the least-significant bit of the three bank address signals, is asserted during the mode register set command to specify the extended mode register. State Asserted/Negated--Selects the DDR SDRAM logical (or internal) bank to be activated during Meaning the row address phase and selects the SDRAM internal bank for the read or write operation during the column address phase of the memory access. Table 9-40 and Table 9-42 describe the mapping of these signals in all cases. Timing Assertion/Negation--Same timing as MAn High impedance--Same timing as MAn MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-7 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-3. Memory Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O MCAS O Description Column address strobe. Active-low SDRAM address multiplexing signal. MCAS is asserted for read or write transactions and for mode register set, refresh, and precharge commands. State Asserted--Indicates that a valid SDRAM column address is on the address bus for read and Meaning write transactions. See Table 9-46 for more information on the states required on MCAS for various other SDRAM commands. Negated--The column address is not guaranteed to be valid. Timing Assertion/Negation--Assertion and negation timing is directed by the values described in Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0)," Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1)," Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 (TIMING_CFG_2)," and Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3)." High impedance--MCAS is always driven unless the memory controller is disabled. MRAS O Row address strobe. Active-low SDRAM address multiplexing signal. Asserted for activate commands. In addition; used for mode register set commands and refresh commands. State Asserted--Indicates that a valid SDRAM row address is on the address bus for read and write Meaning transactions. See Table 9-46 for more information on the states required on MRAS for various other SDRAM commands. Negated--The row address is not guaranteed to be valid. Timing Assertion/Negation--Timing is directed by the values described in Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0)," Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1)," Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 (TIMING_CFG_2)," and Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3)." High impedance--MRAS is always driven unless the memory controller is disabled. MCS[0:3] O Chip selects. Four chip selects supported by the memory controller. State Asserted--Selects a physical SDRAM bank to perform a memory operation as described in Meaning Section, "Chip Select Memory Bounds (CSn_BNDS)," and Section, "Chip Select Configuration (CSn_CONFIG)." The DDR controller asserts one of the MCS[0:3] signals to begin a memory cycle. Negated--Indicates no SDRAM action during the current cycle. Timing Assertion/Negation--Asserted to signal any new transaction to the SDRAM. The transaction must adhere to the timing constraints set in TIMING_CFG_0-TIMING_CFG_3. High impedance--Always driven unless the memory controller is disabled. MWE O Write enable. Asserted when a write transaction is issued to the SDRAM. This is also used for mode registers set commands and precharge commands. State Asserted--Indicates a memory write operation. See Table 9-46 for more information on the Meaning states required on MWE for various other SDRAM commands. Negated--Indicates a memory read operation. Timing Assertion/Negation--Similar timing as MRAS and MCAS. Used for write commands. High impedance--MWE is always driven unless the memory controller is disabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-8 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-3. Memory Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description MDM[0:8] O DDR SDRAM data output mask. Masks unwanted bytes of data transferred during a write. They are needed to support sub-burst-size transactions (such as single-byte writes) on SDRAM where all I/O occurs in multi-byte bursts. MDM0 corresponds to the most significant byte (MSB) and MDM7 corresponds to the LSB, while MDM8 corresponds to the ECC byte. Table 9-38 shows byte lane encodings. State Asserted--Prevents writing to DDR SDRAM. Asserted when data is written to DRAM if the Meaning corresponding byte(s) should be masked for the write. Note that the MDMn signals are active-high for the DDR controller. MDMn is part of the DDR command encoding. Negated--Allows the corresponding byte to be read from or written to the SDRAM. Timing Assertion/Negation--Same timing as MDQx as outputs. High impedance--Always driven unless the memory controller is disabled. MODT[0:3] O On-Die termination. Memory controller outputs for the ODT to the DRAM. MODT[0:3] represents the on-die termination for the associated data, data masks, ECC, and data strobes. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the ODT driven by the DDR memory controller. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--Driven in accordance with JEDEC DRAM specifications for on-die termination timings. It is configured through the CS n_CONFIG[ODT_RD_CFG] and CSn_CONFIG[ODT_WR_CFG] fields. High impedance--Always driven. MDIC[0:1] I/O Driver impedance calibration. Note that the MDIC signals require the use of 18.2- precision 1% resistors; MDIC0 must be pulled to GND, while MDIC1 must be pulled to GVDD. See," for more information on these signals. State These pins are used for automatic calibration of the DDR IOs. Meaning Timing These will be driven for four DRAM cycles at a time while the DDR controller is executing the automatic driver compensation. Clock Interface Signals Table 9-4 contains the detailed descriptions of the clock signals of the DDR controller. Table 9-4. Clock Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O MCK[0:5], MCK[0:5] O Description DRAM clock outputs and their complements. See Section, "Clock Distribution." State Asserted/Negated--The JEDEC DDR SDRAM specifications require true and complement Meaning clocks. A clock edge is seen by the SDRAM when the true and complement cross. Timing Assertion/Negation--Timing is controlled by the DDR_CLK_CNTL register at offset 0x130. MCKE[0:3] O Clock enable. Output signals used as the clock enables to the SDRAM. MCKE[0:3] can be negated to stop clocking the DDR SDRAM. State Asserted--Clocking to the SDRAM is enabled. Meaning Negated--Clocking to the SDRAM is disabled and the SDRAM should ignore signal transitions on MCK or MCK. MCK/MCK are don't cares while MCKE[0:3] are negated. Timing Assertion/Negation--Asserted when DDR_SDRAM_CFG[MEM_EN] is set. Can be negated when entering dynamic power management or self refresh. Will be asserted again when exiting dynamic power management or self refresh. High impedance--Always driven. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-9 DDR Memory Controller Debug Signals The debug signals MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL have no function in normal DDR controller operation. A detailed description of these signals can be found in: Section 22.4.3, "DDR SDRAM Interface Debug." 9.4 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 9-5 shows the register memory map for the DDR memory controller. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 9-5. DDR Memory Controller Memory Map Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page DDR Registers--Block Base Address: 0x0_2000 0x000 CS0_BNDS--Chip select 0 memory bounds R/W 0x0000_0000 0x008 CS1_BNDS--Chip select 1 memory bounds R/W 0x0000_0000 0x010 CS2_BNDS--Chip select 2 memory bounds R/W 0x0000_0000 0x018 CS3_BNDS--Chip select 3 memory bounds R/W 0x0000_0000 0x080 CS0_CONFIG--Chip select 0 configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x084 CS1_CONFIG--Chip select 1 configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x088 CS2_CONFIG--Chip select 2 configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x08C CS3_CONFIG--Chip select 3 configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x100 TIMING_CFG_3--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104 TIMING_CFG_0--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 0 R/W 0x0011_0105 0x108 TIMING_CFG_1--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10C TIMING_CFG_2--DDR SDRAM timing configuration 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x110 DDR_SDRAM_CFG--DDR SDRAM control configuration R/W 0x0200_0000 0x114 DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2--DDR SDRAM control configuration 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x118 DDR_SDRAM_MODE--DDR SDRAM mode configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x11C DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2--DDR SDRAM mode configuration 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x120 DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL--DDR SDRAM mode control R/W 0x0000_0000 0x124 DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL--DDR SDRAM interval configuration R/W 0x0000_0000 0x128 DDR_DATA_INIT--DDR SDRAM data initialization R/W 0x0000_0000 0x130 DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL--DDR SDRAM clock control R/W 0x0200_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-10 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-5. DDR Memory Controller Memory Map (continued) Offset Register 0x140- Reserved 0x144 1 Access Reset Section/Page -- -- -- 0x148 DDR_INIT_ADDR--DDR training initialization address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x14C DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDRESS--DDR training initialization extended address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x150- Reserved 0xBF4 -- -- -- 0xBF8 R 0xnnnn_nnnn1 R 0x00nn_00nn1 DDR_IP_REV1--DDR IP block revision 1 0xBFC DDR_IP_REV2--DDR IP block revision 2 0xE00 DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI--Memory data path error injection mask high R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE04 DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO--Memory data path error injection mask low R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE08 ECC_ERR_INJECT--Memory data path error injection mask ECC R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE20 CAPTURE_DATA_HI--Memory data path read capture high R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE24 CAPTURE_DATA_LO--Memory data path read capture low R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE28 CAPTURE_ECC--Memory data path read capture ECC R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE40 ERR_DETECT--Memory error detect w1c 0x0000_0000 0xE44 ERR_DISABLE--Memory error disable R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE48 ERR_INT_EN--Memory error interrupt enable R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE4C CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES--Memory error attributes capture R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE50 CAPTURE_ADDRESS--Memory error address capture R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE54 CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS--Memory error extended address capture R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE58 ERR_SBE--Single-Bit ECC memory error management R/W 0x0000_0000 Implementation-dependent reset values are listed in specified section/page. 9.4.1 Register Descriptions This section describes the DDR memory controller registers. Shading indicates reserved fields that should not be written. Chip Select Memory Bounds (CSn_BNDS) The chip select bounds registers (CSn_BNDS) define the starting and ending address of the memory space that corresponds to the individual chip selects. Note that the size specified in CSn_BNDS should equal the size of physical DRAM. Also, note that EAn must be greater than or equal to SAn. If chip select interleaving is enabled, all fields in the lower interleaved chip select will be used, and the other chip selects' bounds registers will be unused. For example, if chip selects 0 and 1 are interleaved, all fields in CS0_BNDS will be used, and all fields in CS1_BNDS will be unused. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-11 DDR Memory Controller CSn_BNDS are shown in Figure 9-2. Offset 0x000, 0x008, 0x010, 0x018 0 R 3 4 15 16 19 20 SAn -- W Access: Read/Write 31 EAn -- Reset All zeros Figure 9-2. Chip Select Bounds Registers (CSn_BNDS) Table 9-6 describes the CSn_BNDS register fields. Table 9-6. CSn_BNDS Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-3 -- 4-15 SAn 16-19 -- 20-31 EAn Description Reserved Starting address for chip select (bank) n. This value is compared against the 12 msbs of the 36-bit address. Reserved Ending address for chip select (bank) n. This value is compared against the 12 msbs of the 36-bit address. Chip Select Configuration (CSn_CONFIG) The chip select configuration (CSn_CONFIG) registers shown in Figure 9-3 enable the DDR chip selects and set the number of row and column bits used for each chip select. These registers should be loaded with the correct number of row and column bits for each SDRAM. Because CSn_CONFIG[ROW_BITS_CS_n, COL_BITS_CS_n] establish address multiplexing, the user should take great care to set these values correctly. If chip select interleaving is enabled, then all fields in the lower interleaved chip select will be used, and the other registers' fields will be unused, with the exception of the ODT_RD_CFG and ODT_WR_CFG fields. For example, if chip selects 0 and 1 are interleaved, all fields in CS0_CONFIG will be used, but only the ODT_RD_CFG and ODT_WR_CFG fields in CS1_CONFIG will be used. Offset 0x080, 0x084, 0x088, 0x08C 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 7 CS_n _EN AP_n_EN -- Reset R Reset 9 11 ODT_RD_CFG 12 -- 13 15 ODT_WR_CFG All zeros 16 W 8 17 BA_BITS_CS_n 18 20 -- 21 23 ROW_BITS_CS_n 24 28 29 31 COL_BITS_CS_n -- All zeros Figure 9-3. Chip Select Configuration Register (CSn_CONFIG) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-12 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-7 describes the CSn_CONFIG register fields. Table 9-7. CSn_CONFIG Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 CS_n_EN 1-7 -- 8 AP_n_EN 9-11 ODT_RD_CFG 12 -- 13-15 ODT_WR_CFG ODT for writes configuration. Note that write latency plus additive latency must be at least 3 cycles for ODT _WR_CFG to be enabled. ODT should only be used with DDR2 memories. 000 Never assert ODT for writes 001 Assert ODT only during writes to CSn 010 Assert ODT only during writes to other chip selects 011 Assert ODT only during writes to other DIMM modules. It is assumed that CS0 and CS1 are on the same DIMM module, whereas CS2 and CS3 are on a separate DIMM module. 100 Assert ODT for all writes 101-111 Reserved 16-17 BA_BITS_CS_n Number of bank bits for SDRAM on chip select n. These bits correspond to the sub-bank bits driven on MBA n in Table 9-40 and Table 9-42. 00 2 logical bank bits 01 3 logical bank bits 10-11 Reserved 18-20 -- 21-23 Description Chip select n enable 0 Chip select n is not active 1 Chip select n is active and assumes the state set in CSn_BNDS. Reserved Chip select n auto-precharge enable 0 Chip select n will only be auto-precharged if global auto-precharge mode is enabled (DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL[BSTOPRE] = 0). 1 Chip select n will always issue an auto-precharge for read and write transactions. ODT for reads configuration. Note that CAS latency plus additive latency must be at least 3 cycles for ODT_RD_CFG to be enabled. ODT should only be used with DDR2 memories. 000 Never assert ODT for reads 001 Assert ODT only during reads to CSn 010 Assert ODT only during reads to other chip selects 011 Assert ODT only during reads to other DIMM modules. It is assumed that CS0 and CS1 are on the same DIMM module, whereas CS2 and CS3 are on a separate DIMM module. 100 Assert ODT for all reads 101-111 Reserved Reserved Reserved ROW_BITS_CS_n Number of row bits for SDRAM on chip select n. See Table 9-40 and Table 9-42 for details. 000 12 row bits 001 13 row bits 010 14 row bits 011 15 row bits 100 16 row bits 101-111 Reserved 24-28 -- 29-31 COL_BITS_CS_n Reserved Number of column bits for SDRAM on chip select n. For DDR, the decoding is as follows: 000 8 column bits 001 9 column bits 010 10 column bits 011 11 column bits 100-111 Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-13 DDR Memory Controller DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3) DDR SDRAM timing configuration register 3, shown in Figure 9-4, sets the extended refresh recovery time, which is combined with TIMING_CFG_1[REFREC] to determine the full refresh recovery time. Offset 0x100 Access: Read/Write 0 12 13 R -- W 15 16 31 EXT_REFREC Reset -- All zeros Figure 9-4. DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3) Table 9-8 describes TIMING_CFG_3 fields. Table 9-8. TIMING_CFG_3 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-12 -- 13-15 Description Reserved, should be cleared. EXT_REFREC Extended refresh recovery time (tRFC). Controls the number of clock cycles from a refresh command until an activate command is allowed. This field is concatenated with TIMING_CFG_1[REFREC] to obtain a 7-bit value for the total refresh recovery. Note that hardware adds an additional 8 clock cycles to the final, 7-bit value of the refresh recovery. tRFC = {EXT_REFREC || REFREC} + 8, such that tRFC is calculated as follows: 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 16-31 -- 0 clocks 16 clocks 32 clocks 48 clocks 64 clocks 80 clocks 96 clocks 112 clocks Reserved, should be cleared. DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0) DDR SDRAM timing configuration register 0, shown in Figure 9-5, sets the number of clock cycles between various SDRAM control commands. Offset 0x104 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 2 3 4 5 RWT WRT RRT Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 WWT -- ACT_PD_EXIT -- PRE_PD_EXIT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 16 19 20 -- 0 0 0 0 23 24 ODT_PD_EXIT 0 0 0 1 27 28 -- 31 MRS_CYC 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Figure 9-5. DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-14 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-9 describes TIMING_CFG_0 fields. Table 9-9. TIMING_CFG_0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-1 RWT Read-to-write turnaround (tRTW). Specifies how many extra cycles will be added between a read to write turnaround. If 0 clocks is chosen, then the DDR controller will use a fixed number based on the CAS latency and write latency. Choosing a value other than 0 adds extra cycles past this default calculation. As a default the DDR controller will determine the read-to-write turnaround as CL - WL + BL/2 + 2. In this equation, CL is the CAS latency rounded up to the next integer, WL is the programmed write latency, and BL is the burst length. 00 0 clocks 01 1 clock 2-3 WRT Write-to-read turnaround. Specifies how many extra cycles will be added between a write to read turnaround. If 0 clocks is chosen, then the DDR controller will use a fixed number based on the, read latency, and write latency. Choosing a value other than 0 adds extra cycles past this default calculation. As a default, the DDR controller will determine the write-to-read turnaround as WL - CL + BL/2 + 1. In this equation, CL is the CAS latency rounded down to the next integer, WL is the programmed write latency, and BL is the burst length. 00 0 clocks 01 1 clock 4-5 RRT WWT 8 -- 13-15 10 2 clocks 11 3 clocks Reserved, should be cleared. ACT_PD_EXIT Active powerdown exit timing (tXARD and tXARDS). Specifies how many clock cycles to wait after exiting active powerdown before issuing any command. 000 001 010 011 12 10 2 clocks 11 3 clocks Write-to-write turnaround. Specifies how many extra cycles will be added between writes to different chip selects. As a default, 2 cycles will be required between write commands to different chip selects. Extra cycles may be added with this field. Note: If 8-beat bursts are enabled, then 4 cycles will be the default. Note that DDR2 does not support 8-beat bursts. 00 0 clocks 01 1 clock 9-11 10 2 clocks 11 3 clocks Read-to-read turnaround. Specifies how many extra cycles will be added between reads to different chip selects. As a default, 3 cycles will be required between read commands to different chip selects. Extra cycles may be added with this field. Note: If 8-beat bursts are enabled, then 5 cycles will be the default. Note that DDR2 does not support 8-beat bursts. 00 0 clocks 01 1 clock 6-7 10 2 clocks 11 3 clocks -- Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 100 101 110 111 4 clocks 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks Reserved, should be cleared. PRE_PD_EXIT Precharge powerdown exit timing (tXP). Specifies how many clock cycles to wait after exiting precharge powerdown before issuing any command. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 clocks 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-15 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-9. TIMING_CFG_0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 16-19 Description -- Reserved, should be cleared. ODT_PD_EXIT ODT powerdown exit timing (tAXPD). Specifies how many clocks must pass after exiting powerdown before ODT may be asserted. 20-23 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 24-27 -- 28-31 MRS_CYC 8 clocks 9 clocks 10 clocks 11 clocks 12 clocks 13 clocks 14 clocks 15 clocks Reserved, should be cleared. Mode register set cycle time (tMRD). Specifies the number of cycles that must pass after a Mode Register Set command until any other command. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0 clock 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 clocks 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 clocks 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks 8 clocks 9 clocks 10 clocks 11 clocks 12 clocks 13 clocks 14 clocks 15 clocks DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1) DDR SDRAM timing configuration register 1, shown in Figure 9-6, sets the number of clock cycles between various SDRAM control commands. Offset 0x108 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 3 -- PRETOACT 4 7 ACTTOPRE 8 9 11 12 -- ACTTORW Reset 15 16 CASLAT 19 20 21 REFREC 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 -- WRREC -- ACTTOACT -- WRTORD All zeros Figure 9-6. DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1) Table 9-10 describes TIMING_CFG_1 fields. Table 9-10. TIMING_CFG_1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- Description Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-16 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-10. TIMING_CFG_1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 1-3 Name Description PRETOACT Precharge-to-activate interval (tRP). Determines the number of clock cycles from a precharge command until an activate or refresh command is allowed. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 4-7 ACTTOPRE Activate to precharge interval (tRAS). Determines the number of clock cycles from an activate command until a precharge command is allowed. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 8 9-11 -- 16 clocks 17 clocks 18 clocks 19 clocks 4 clocks 0101 0110 0111 ... 1111 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks 15 clocks Reserved, should be cleared. ACTTORW Activate to read/write interval for SDRAM (tRCD). Controls the number of clock cycles from an activate command until a read or write command is allowed. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 12-15 Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 clocks 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks CASLAT Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 clocks 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks MCAS latency from READ command. Number of clock cycles between registration of a READ command by the SDRAM and the availability of the first output data. If a READ command is registered at clock edge n and the latency is m clocks, data is available nominally coincident with clock edge n + m. This value must be programmed at initialization as described in Section, "DDR SDRAM Control Configuration 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2).") 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 Reserved 1 clock 1.5 clocks 2 clocks 2.5 clocks 3 clocks 3.5 clocks 4 clocks 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 4.5 clocks 5 clocks 5.5 clocks 6 clocks 6.5 clocks 7 clocks 7.5 clocks 8 clocks MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-17 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-10. TIMING_CFG_1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 16-19 REFREC Refresh recovery time (tRFC). Controls the number of clock cycles from a refresh command until an activate command is allowed. This field is concatenated with TIMING_CFG_3[EXTREFREC] to obtain a 7-bit value for the total refresh recovery. Note that hardware adds an additional 8 clock cycles to the final, 7-bit value of the refresh recovery, such that tRFC is calculated as follows: tRFC = {EXT_REFREC || REFREC} + 8. 0011 11 clocks ... 1111 23 clocks 0000 8 clocks 0001 9 clocks 0010 10 clocks 20 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 21-23 WRREC Last data to precharge minimum interval (tWR). Determines the number of clock cycles from the last data associated with a write command until a precharge command is allowed. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 24 -- Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 clocks 5 clocks 6 clocks 7 clocks Reserved, should be cleared. 25-27 ACTTOACT Activate-to-activate interval (tRRD). Number of clock cycles from an activate command until another activate command is allowed for a different logical bank in the same physical bank (chip select). 000 001 010 011 28 -- 29-31 100 101 110 111 Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 5 6 7 clocks clocks clocks clocks Reserved, should be cleared. WRTORD Last write data pair to read command issue interval (tWTR). Number of clock cycles between the last write data pair and the subsequent read command to the same physical bank. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Reserved 1 clock 2 clocks 3 clocks 4 5 6 7 clocks clocks clocks clocks DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 (TIMING_CFG_2) DDR SDRAM timing configuration 2, shown in Figure 9-7, sets the clock delay to data for writes. Offset 0x10C 0 R W Reset 1 Access: Read/Write 3 4 -- ADD_LAT 8 9 10 CPO 12 13 -- WR_LAT 15 -- 16 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 RD_TO_PRE WR_DATA_DELAY -- CKE_PLS 31 FOUR_ACT All zeros Figure 9-7. DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 Register (TIMING_CFG_2) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-18 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-11 describes the TIMING_CFG_2 fields. Table 9-11. TIMING_CFG_2 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 -- 1-3 ADD_LAT Additive latency. The additive latency must be set to a value less than TIMING_CFG_1[ACTTORW]. (DDR2-specific) 000 0 clocks 001 1 clock 010 2 clocks 011 3 clocks 100 4 clocks 101 5 clocks 110 Reserved 111 Reserved 4-8 CPO1 MCAS-to-preamble override. Defines the number of DRAM cycles between when a read is issued and when the corresponding DQS preamble is valid for the memory controller. For these decodings, "READ_LAT" is equal to the CAS latency plus the additive latency. 01100 READ_LAT + 5/2 00000 READ_LAT + 1 01101 READ_LAT + 11/4 00001 Reserved 01110 READ_LAT + 3 00010 READ_LAT 01111 READ_LAT + 13/4 00011 READ_LAT + 1/4 10000 READ_LAT + 7/2 00100 READ_LAT + 1/2 10001 READ_LAT + 15/4 00101 READ_LAT + 3/4 10010 READ_LAT + 4 00110 READ_LAT + 1 10011 READ_LAT + 17/4 00111 READ_LAT + 5/4 10100 READ_LAT + 9/2 01000 READ_LAT + 3/2 10101 READ_LAT + 19/4 01001 READ_LAT + 7/4 10110-11111 Reserved 01010 READ_LAT + 2 01011 READ_LAT + 9/4 9 -- 10-12 WR_LAT 13-15 -- 16-18 RD_TO_PRE Reserved Reserved Write latency. Note that the total write latency for DDR2 is equal to WR_LAT + ADD_LAT; the write latency for DDR1 is 1. 000 Reserved 001 1 clock 010 2 clocks 011 3 clocks 100 4 clocks 101 5 clocks 110 6 clocks 111 7 clocks Reserved Read to precharge (tRTP). For DDR2, with a non-zero ADD_LAT value, takes a minimum of ADD_LAT + tRTP cycles between read and precharge. For DDR1 with burst length of 4, must be set to 010; for DDR1 with burst length of 8, must be set to 100. 100 4 cycles 000 Reserved 101-111 Reserved 001 1 cycle 010 2 cycles 011 3 cycles MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-19 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-11. TIMING_CFG_2 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 19-21 WR_DATA_DELAY Write command to write data strobe timing adjustment. Controls the amount of delay applied to the data and data strobes for writes. See Section 9.5.7, "DDR SDRAM Write Timing Adjustments," for details. 100 1 clock delay 000 0 clock delay 101 5/4 clock delay 001 1/4 clock delay 110 3/2 clock delay 010 1/2 clock delay 111 Reserved 011 3/4 clock delay 22 -- 23-25 CKE_PLS 26-31 FOUR_ACT 1 Reserved Minimum CKE pulse width (tCKE). Can be set to 001 for DDR1. 011 3 cycles 000 Reserved 100 4 cycles 001 1 cycle 101-111 Reserved 010 2 cycles Window for four activates (tFAW). This is applied to DDR2 with eight logical banks only. Must be set to 000001 for DDR1. ... 000000 Reserved 010011 19 cycles 000001 1 cycle 010100 20 cycles 000010 2 cycles 010101-111111 Reserved 000011 3 cycles 000100 4 cycles For CPO decodings other than 00000 and 11111, `READ_LAT' is rounded up to the next integer value. DDR SDRAM Control Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_CFG) The DDR SDRAM control configuration register, shown in Figure 9-8, enables the interface logic and specifies certain operating features such as self refreshing, error checking and correcting, registered DIMMs, and dynamic power management. Offset 0x110 0 R W Reset R W Reset Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 MEM_EN SREN ECC_EN RD_EN -- SDRAM_TYPE 0 0 16 17 2T_EN 0 0 0 BA_INTLV_CTL 0 1 9 -- 10 11 DYN_PWR -- 12 13 32_BE 8_BE 14 15 NCAP -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -- x32_EN PCHB8 HSE -- MEM_HALT BI All zeros Figure 9-8. DDR SDRAM Control Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_CFG) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-20 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-12 describes the DDR_SDRAM_CFG fields. Table 9-12. DDR_SDRAM_CFG Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MEM_EN 1 SREN 2 ECC_EN 3 RD_EN 4 -- 5-7 SDRAM_TYPE 8-9 -- 10 DYN_PWR 11 -- 12 32_BE 32-bit bus enable. 0 64-bit bus is used. 1 32-bit bus is used. 13 8_BE 8-beat burst enable. 0 4-beat bursts are used on the DRAM interface. 1 8-beat bursts are used on the DRAM interface. Note: 8-beat bursts may be used by DDR1 (SDRAM_TYPE = 010), and only when using 32-bit bus mode (32_BE = 1); DDR2 (SDRAM_TYPE = 011) must use 4-beat bursts, even when using 32-bit bus mode DDR SDRAM interface logic enable. 0 SDRAM interface logic is disabled. 1 SDRAM interface logic is enabled. Must not be set until all other memory configuration parameters have been appropriately configured by initialization code. Self refresh enable (during sleep). 0 SDRAM self refresh is disabled during sleep. Whenever self-refresh is disabled, the system is responsible for preserving the integrity of SDRAM during sleep. 1 SDRAM self refresh is enabled during sleep. ECC enable. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, ERR_DISABLE[MBED] and ERR_INT_EN[MBEE] must be zero and ECC_EN must be one to ensure an interrupt is generated. See Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." 0 No ECC errors are reported. No ECC interrupts are generated. 1 ECC is enabled. Registered DIMM enable. Specifies the type of DIMM used in the system. 0 Indicates unbuffered DIMMs. 1 Indicates registered DIMMs. Reserved Type of SDRAM device to be used. This field will be used when issuing the automatic hardware initialization sequence to DRAM via Mode Register Set and Extended Mode Register Set commands. Default value is 010 designating DDR1 SDRAM. 000-001Reserved 010 DDR1 SDRAM 011 DDR2 SDRAM 100 Reserved 101 Reserved 110 Reserved 111 Reserved Reserved Dynamic power management mode 0 Dynamic power management mode is disabled. 1 Dynamic power management mode is enabled. If there is no ongoing memory activity, the SDRAM CKE signal is negated. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-21 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-12. DDR_SDRAM_CFG Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 14 NCAP Non-concurrent auto-precharge. Some older DDR DRAMs do not support concurrent auto precharge. If one of these devices is used, then this bit will need to be set if auto precharge is used. 0 DRAMs in system support concurrent auto-precharge. 1 DRAMs in system do not support concurrent auto-precharge. 15 -- 16 2T_EN 17-23 BA_INTLV_CTL 24-25 -- 26 x32_EN x32 enable. 0 Either x8 or x16 discrete DRAM chips are used. In this mode, each data byte has a dedicated corresponding data strobe. 1 x32 discrete DRAM chips are used. In this mode, DQS0 will be used to capture DQ[0:31], DQS4 will be used to capture DQ[32:63] and DQS8 will be used to capture ECC[0:7]. 27 PCHB8 Precharge bit 8 enable. 0 MA[10] will be used to indicate the auto-precharge and precharge all commands. 1 MA[8] will be used to indicate the auto-precharge and precharge all commands. If x32_EN is cleared, then PCHB8 should be cleared as well. 28 HSE Reserved Enable 2T timing 0 1T timing is enabled. The DRAM command/address are held for only 1 cycle on the DRAM bus. 1 2T timing is enabled. The DRAM command/address are held for 2 full cycles on the DRAM bus for every DRAM transaction. However, the chip select is only held for the second cycle. Bank (chip select) interleaving control. Set this field only if you wish to use bank interleaving. (`x' denotes a don't care bit value. All unlisted field values are reserved.) 0000000No external memory banks are interleaved 1000000External memory banks 0 and 1 are interleaved 0100000External memory banks 2 and 3 are interleaved 1100000External memory banks 0 and 1 are interleaved together and banks 2 and 3 are interleaved together xx00100External memory banks 0 through 3 are all interleaved together Reserved Global half-strength override Sets I/O driver impedance to half strength. This impedance will be used by the MDIC, address/command, data, and clock impedance values, but only if automatic hardware calibration is disabled and the corresponding group's software override is disabled in the DDR control driver register(s) described in." 0 I/O driver impedance will be configured to full strength. 1 I/O driver impedance will be configured to half strength. S 29 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-22 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-12. DDR_SDRAM_CFG Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 30 MEM_HALT DDR memory controller halt. When this bit is set, the memory controller will not accept any new data read/write transactions to DDR SDRAM until the bit is cleared again. This can be used when bypassing initialization and forcing MODE REGISTER SET commands through software. 0 DDR controller will accept new transactions. 1 DDR controller will finish any remaining transactions, and then it will remain halted until this bit is cleared by software. 31 BI Bypass initialization 0 DDR controller will cycle through initialization routine based on SDRAM_TYPE 1 Initialization routine will be bypassed. Software is responsible for initializing memory through DDR_SDRAM_MODE2 register. If software is initializing memory, then the MEM_HALT bit can be set to prevent the DDR controller from issuing transactions during the initialization sequence. Note that the DDR controller will not issue a DLL reset to the DRAMs when bypassing the initialization routine, regardless of the value of DDR_SDRAM_CFG[DLL_RST_DIS]. If a DLL reset is required, then the controller should be forced to enter and exit self refresh after the controller is enabled. See Section, "DDR Initialization Address (DDR_INIT_ADDR)," for details on avoiding ECC errors in this mode. DDR SDRAM Control Configuration 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2) The DDR SDRAM control configuration register 2, shown in Figure 9-9, provides more control configuration for the DDR controller. Offset 0x114 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 4 FRC_SR SR_IE DLL_RST_DIS -- DQS_CFG Reset W 6 8 -- 9 10 11 15 ODT_CFG -- All zeros 16 R 5 19 NUM_PR Reset 20 26 -- 27 28 D_INIT 31 -- All zeros Figure 9-9. DDR SDRAM Control Configuration Register 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-23 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-13 describes the DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2 fields. Table 9-13. DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 FRC_SR 1 SR_IE Self-refresh interrupt enable. The DDR controller can be placed into self refresh mode by forcing the PIC to assert IRQ_OUT. This is considered a `panic interrupt' by the DDR controller, and it will enter self refresh as soon as possible. DDR_SDRAM_CFG[SREN] must also be set if the panic interrupt will be used. 0 DDR controller will not enter self-refresh mode if panic interrupt is asserted. 1 DDR controller will enter self-refresh mode if panic interrupt is asserted. 2 DLL_RST_DIS DLL reset disable. The DDR controller will typically issue a DLL reset to the DRAMs when exiting self refresh. However, this function may be disabled by setting this bit during initialization. 0 DDR controller will issue a DLL reset to the DRAMs when exiting self refresh. 1 DDR controller will not issue a DLL reset to the DRAMs when exiting self refresh. 3 -- 4-5 DQS_CFG 6-8 -- 9-10 ODT_CFG 11-15 -- 16-19 NUM_PR 20-26 -- Force self refresh 0 DDR controller will operate in normal mode. 1 DDR controller will enter self-refresh mode. Reserved DQS configuration 00 Only true DQS signals are used. 01 Differential DQS signals are used for DDR2 support. 10 Reserved 11 Reserved Reserved ODT configuration. This field defines how ODT will be driven to the on-chip IOs. See Section, "DDR Control Driver Register (DDRCDR)," which defines the termination value that will be used. (DDR2-specific, must be cleared for DDR1) 00 Never assert ODT to internal IOs 01 Assert ODT to internal IOs only during writes to DRAM 10 Assert ODT to internal IOs only during reads to DRAM 11 Always keep ODT asserted to internal IOs Reserved Number of posted refreshes. This will determine how many posted refreshes, if any, can be issued at one time. Note that if posted refreshes are used, then this field, along with DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL[REFINT], must be programmed such that the maximum tras specification cannot be violated. For example, some DDR1 SDRAMs will not be able to use more than 3 posted refreshes because the required refresh interval could then exceed the maximum constraint for tras. 0000 Reserved 0001 1 refresh will be issued at a time 0010 2 refreshes will be issued at a time 0011 3 refreshes will be issued at a time ... 1000 8 refreshes will be issued at a time 1001-1111Reserved Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-24 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-13. DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 27 D_INIT DRAM data initialization This bit is set by software, and it is cleared by hardware. If software sets this bit before the memory controller is enabled, the controller will automatically initialize DRAM after it is enabled. This bit will be automatically cleared by hardware once the initialization is completed. 0 There is not data initialization in progress, and no data initialization is scheduled 1 The memory controller will initialize memory once it is enabled. This bit will remain asserted until the initialization is complete. The value in DDR_DATA_INIT register will be used to initialize memory. 28-31 -- DDR SDRAM Mode Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_MODE) Reserved The DDR SDRAM mode configuration register, shown in Figure 9-10, sets the values loaded into the DDR's mode registers. Offset 0x118 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R ESDMODE W Reset 31 SDMODE All zeros Figure 9-10. DDR SDRAM Mode Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_MODE) Table 9-14 describes the DDR_SDRAM_MODE fields. Table 9-14. DDR_SDRAM_MODE Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 ESDMODE Extended SDRAM mode. Specifies the initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM extended mode register. The range and meaning of legal values is specified by the DDR SDRAM manufacturer. When this value is driven onto the address bus (during the DDR SDRAM initialization sequence), MA[0] presents the lsb of ESDMODE, which, in the big-endian convention shown in Figure 9-10, corresponds to ESDMODE[15]. The msb of the SDRAM extended mode register value must be stored at ESDMODE[0]. 16-31 SDMODE SDRAM mode. Specifies the initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM mode register. The range of legal values is specified by the DDR SDRAM manufacturer. When this value is driven onto the address bus (during DDR SDRAM initialization), MA[0] presents the lsb of SDMODE, which, in the big-endian convention shown in Figure 9-10, corresponds to SDMODE[15]. The msb of the SDRAM mode register value must be stored at SDMODE[0]. Because the memory controller forces SDMODE[7] to certain values depending on the state of the initialization sequence, (for resetting the SDRAM's DLL) the corresponding bits of this field are ignored by the memory controller. Note that SDMODE[7] is mapped to MA[8]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-25 DDR Memory Controller DDR SDRAM Mode 2 Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2) The DDR SDRAM mode 2 configuration register, shown in Figure 9-11, sets the values loaded into the DDR's extended mode 2 and 3 registers (for DDR2). Offset 0x11C Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R 31 ESDMODE2 W ESDMODE3 Reset All zeros Figure 9-11. DDR SDRAM Mode 2 Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2) Table 9-15 describes the DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2 fields. Table 9-15. DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 ESDMODE2 Extended SDRAM mode 2. Specifies the initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM extended 2 mode register. The range and meaning of legal values is specified by the DDR SDRAM manufacturer. When this value is driven onto the address bus (during the DDR SDRAM initialization sequence), MA[0] presents the lsb bit of ESDMODE2, which, in the big-endian convention shown in Figure 9-11, corresponds to ESDMODE2[15]. The msb of the SDRAM extended mode 2 register value must be stored at ESDMODE2[0]. 16-31 ESDMODE3 Extended SDRAM mode 3. Specifies the initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM extended 3 mode register. The range of legal values of legal values is specified by the DDR SDRAM manufacturer. When this value is driven onto the address bus (during DDR SDRAM initialization), MA[0] presents the lsb of ESDMODE3, which, in the big-endian convention shown in Figure 9-11, corresponds to ESDMODE3[15]. The msb of the SDRAM extended mode 3 register value must be stored at ESDMODE3[0]. DDR SDRAM Mode Control Register (DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL) The DDR SDRAM mode control register, shown in Figure 9-12, allows the user to carry out the following tasks: * Issue a mode register set command to a particular chip select * Issue an immediate refresh to a particular chip select * Issue an immediate precharge or precharge all command to a particular chip select * Force the CKE signals to a specific value Table 9-16 describes the fields of this register. Table 9-17 shows the user how to set the fields of this register to accomplish the above tasks. Offset 0x120 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 MD_EN -- CS_SEL -- MD_SEL SET_REF SET_PRE CKE_CNTL 12 15 16 -- 31 MD_VALUE All zeros Figure 9-12. DDR SDRAM Mode Control Register (DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-26 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-16 describes the DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL fields. NOTE Note that MD_EN, SET_REF, and SET_PRE are mutually exclusive; only one of these fields can be set at a time. Table 9-16. DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MD_EN Mode enable. Setting this bit specifies that valid data in MD_VALUE is ready to be written to DRAM as one of the following commands: * MODE REGISTER SET * EXTENDED MODE REGISTER SET * EXTENDED MODE REGISTER SET 2 * EXTENDED MODE REGISTER SET 3 The specific command to be executed is selected by setting MD_SEL. In addition, the chip select must be chosen by setting CS_SEL. MD_EN is set by software and cleared by hardware once the command has been issued. 0 Indicates that no mode register set command needs to be issued. 1 Indicates that valid data contained in the register is ready to be issued as a mode register set command. 1 -- 2-3 CS_SEL 4 -- 5-7 MD_SEL Reserved Select chip select. Specifies the chip select that will be driven active due to any command forced by software in DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL. 00 Chip select 0 is active 01 Chip select 1 is active 10 Chip select 2 is active 11 Chip select 3 is active Reserved Mode register select. MD_SEL specifies one of the following: * During a mode select command, selects the SDRAM mode register to be changed * During a precharge command, selects the SDRAM logical bank to be precharged. A precharge all command ignores this field. * During a refresh command, this field is ignored. Note that MD_SEL contains the value that will be presented onto the memory bank address pins (MBAn) of the DDR controller. 000 MR 001 EMR 010 EMR2 011 EMR3 8 SET_REF Set refresh. Forces an immediate refresh to be issued to the chip select specified by DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL[CS_SEL]. This bit will be set by software and cleared by hardware once the command has been issued. 0 Indicates that no refresh command needs to be issued. 1 Indicates that a refresh command is ready to be issued. 9 SET_PRE Set precharge. Forces a precharge or precharge all to be issued to the chip select specified by DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL[CS_SEL]. This bit will be set by software and cleared by hardware once the command has been issued. 0 Indicates that no precharge all command needs to be issued. 1 Indicates that a precharge all command is ready to be issued. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-27 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-16. DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 10-11 CKE_CNTL Clock enable control. Allows software to globally clear or set all CKE signals issued to DRAM. Once software has forced the value driven on CKE, that value will continue to be forced until software clears the CKE_CNTL bits. At that time, the DDR controller will continue to drive the CKE signals to the same value forced by software until another event causes the CKE signals to change (i.e., self refresh entry/exit, power down entry/exit). 00 CKE signals are not forced by software. 01 CKE signals are forced to a low value by software. 10 CKE signals are forced to a high value by software. 11 Reserved 12-15 -- Reserved 16-31 MD_VALUE Mode register value. This field, which specifies the value that will be presented on the memory address pins of the DDR controller during a mode register set command, is significant only when this register is used to issue a mode register set command or a precharge or precharge all command. For a mode register set command, this field contains the data to be written to the selected mode register. For a precharge command, only bit five is significant: 0 Issue a precharge command; MD_SEL selects the logical bank to be precharged 1 Issue a precharge all command; all logical banks are precharged MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-28 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-17 shows how DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL fields should be set for each of the tasks described above. Table 9-17. Settings of DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL Fields Field Mode Register Set Refresh Precharge Clock Enable Signals Control MD_EN 1 0 0 -- SET_REF 0 1 0 -- SET_PRE 0 0 1 -- CS_SEL Chooses chip select (CS) -- MD_SEL Select mode register. See Table 9-16. -- MD_VALUE Value written to mode register -- Only bit five is significant. See Table 9-16. CKE_CNTL 0 0 0 Selects logical bank -- -- See Table 9-16. DDR SDRAM Interval Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL) The DDR SDRAM interval configuration register, shown in Figure 9-13, sets the number of DRAM clock cycles between bank refreshes issued to the DDR SDRAMs. In addition, the number of DRAM cycles that a page is maintained after it is accessed is provided here. Offset 0x124 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 17 18 R REFINT W Reset -- 31 BSTOPRE All zeros Figure 9-13. DDR SDRAM Interval Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL) Table 9-18 describes the DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL fields. Table 9-18. DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 REFINT 16-17 -- Description Refresh interval. Represents the number of memory bus clock cycles between refresh cycles. Depending on DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2[NUM_PR], some number of rows are refreshed in each DDR SDRAM physical bank during each refresh cycle. The value for REFINT depends on the specific SDRAMs used and the interface clock frequency. Refreshes will not be issued when the REFINT is set to all 0s. Reserved 18-31 BSTOPRE Precharge interval. Sets the duration (in memory bus clocks) that a page is retained after a DDR SDRAM access. If BSTOPRE is zero, the DDR memory controller uses auto-precharge read and write commands rather than operating in page mode. This is called global auto-precharge mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-29 DDR Memory Controller DDR SDRAM Data Initialization (DDR_DATA_INIT) The DDR SDRAM data initialization register, shown in Figure 9-14, provides the value that will be used to initialize memory if DDR_SDRAM_CFG2[D_INIT] is set. Offset 0x128 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R INIT_VALUE W Reset All zeros Figure 9-14. DDR SDRAM Data Initialization Configuration Register (DDR_DATA_INIT) Table 9-19 describes the DDR_DATA_INIT fields. Table 9-19. DDR_DATA_INIT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 Description INIT_VALUE Initialization value. Represents the value that DRAM will be initialized with if DDR_SDRAM_CFG2[D_INIT] is set. DDR SDRAM Clock Control (DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL) The DDR SDRAM clock control configuration register, shown in Figure 9-15, provides a source-synchronous option, along with a 1/8 cycle clock adjustment. Offset 0x130 Access: Read/Write 0 4 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 5 8 9 31 CLK_ADJUST 0 0 0 1 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 9-15. DDR SDRAM Clock Control Configuration Register (DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL) Table 9-20 describes the DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL fields. Table 9-20. DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 -- 5-8 9-31 Description Reserved CLK_ADJUST Clock adjust 0000 Clock will be launched aligned with address/command 0001 Clock will be launched 1/8 applied cycle after address/command 0010 Clock will be launched 1/4 applied cycle after address/command 0011 Clock will be launched 3/8 applied cycle after address/command 0100 Clock will be launched 1/2 applied cycle after address/command 0101 Clock will be launched 5/8 applied cycle after address/command 0110 Clock will be launched 3/4 applied cycle after address/command 0111 Clock will be launched 7/8 applied cycle after address/command 1000 Clock will be launched 1 applied cycle after address/command 1001-1111Reserved -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-30 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller DDR Initialization Address (DDR_INIT_ADDR) The DDR SDRAM initialization address register, shown in Figure 9-16, provides the address that will be used for the data strobe to data skew adjustment and automatic CAS to preamble calibration after POR. NOTE After the skew adjustment, this address will contain bad ECC data. This is not important at POR, as all of memory should be subsequently initialized if ECC is enabled (either by software or through the use of DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2[D_INIT]). If an HRESET has been issued after the DRAM is in self-refresh mode, however, memory is not initialized, so this address should be written to using an 8- or 32-byte transaction to avoid possible ECC errors if this address could later be accessed. Offset 0x148 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R INIT_ADDR W Reset All zeros Figure 9-16. DDR Initialization Address Configuration Register (DDR_INIT_ADDR) Table 9-21 describes the DDR_INIT_ADDR fields. Table 9-21. DDR_INIT_ADDR Field Descriptions Bits 0-31 Name Description INIT_ADDR Initialization address. Represents the address that will be used for the data strobe to data skew adjustment and automatic CAS to preamble calibration at POR. This address will be written to during the initialization sequence. DDR Initialization Extended Address (DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR) The DDR SDRAM initialization extended address register, shown in Figure 9-17, provides the extended address that will be used for the data strobe to data skew adjustment and automatic CAS to preamble calibration after POR. Offset 0x14C 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 27 28 UIA -- Reset 31 DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR All zeros Figure 9-17. DDR Initialization Extended Address Configuration Register (DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-31 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-22 describes the DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR fields. Table 9-22. DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 UIA 1-27 -- 28-31 Description Use initialization address. 0 Use the default address for training sequence as calculated by the controller. This will be the first valid address in the first enabled chip select. 1 Use the initialization address programmed in DDR_INIT_ADDR and DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR. Reserved, should be cleared. INIT_EXT_ADDR Initialization extended address. Represents the extended address that will be used for the data strobe to data skew adjustment and automatic CAS to preamble calibration at POR. This extended address will be written to during the initialization sequence. DDR IP Block Revision 1 (DDR_IP_REV1) The DDR IP block revision 1 register, shown in Figure 9-18, provides read-only fields with the IP block ID, along with major and minor revision information. Offset 0xBF8 Access: Read Only 0 15 16 R 23 24 IP_ID 31 IP_MJ IP_MN W Reset n1 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Figure 9-18. DDR IP Block Revision 1 (DDR_IP_REV1) 1 For reset values, see Table 9-23. Table 9-23 describes the DDR_IP_REV1 fields. Table 9-23. DDR_IP_REV1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 IP_ID IP block ID. For the DDR controller, this value is 0x0002. 16-23 IP_MJ Major revision. This is currently set to 0x02. 24-31 IP_MN Minor revision. This is currently set to 0x00. DDR IP Block Revision 2 (DDR_IP_REV2) The DDR IP block revision 2 register, shown in Figure 9-19, provides read-only fields with the IP block integration and configuration options. Offset 0xBFC Access: Read Only 0 R W Reset 7 -- 8 15 16 IP_INT 23 24 -- 31 IP_CFG All zeros Figure 9-19. DDR IP Block Revision 2 (DDR_IP_REV2) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-32 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-24 describes the DDR_IP_REV2 fields. Table 9-24. DDR_IP_REV2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 IP_INT 16-23 -- 24-31 Description Reserved IP block integration options Reserved IP_CFG IP block configuration options Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask High (DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI) The memory data path error injection mask high register is shown in Figure 9-20. Offset 0xE00 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R EIMH W Reset All zeros Figure 9-20. Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask High Register (DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI) Table 9-25 describes the DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI fields. Table 9-25. DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 EIMH Error injection mask high data path. Used to test ECC by forcing errors on the high word of the data path. Setting a bit causes the corresponding data path bit to be inverted on memory bus writes. Description Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask Low (DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO) The memory data path error injection mask low register is shown in Figure 9-21. Offset 0xE04 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R EIML W Reset All zeros Figure 9-21. Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask Low Register (DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO) Table 9-26 describes the DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO fields. Table 9-26. DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 EIML Error injection mask low data path. Used to test ECC by forcing errors on the low word of the data path. Setting a bit causes the corresponding data path bit to be inverted on memory bus writes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-33 DDR Memory Controller Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask ECC (ERR_INJECT) The memory data path error injection mask ECC register, shown in Figure 9-22, sets the ECC mask, enables errors to be written to ECC memory, and allows the ECC byte to mirror the most significant data byte. Offset 0xE08 Access: Read/Write 0 21 R -- W Reset 22 23 24 31 EMB EIEN EEIM All zeros Figure 9-22. Memory Data Path Error Injection Mask ECC Register (ERR_INJECT) Table 9-27 describes the ERR_INJECT fields. Table 9-27. ERR_INJECT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-21 -- 22 EMB ECC mirror byte 0 Mirror byte functionality disabled. 1 Mirror the most significant data path byte onto the ECC byte. 23 EIEN Error injection enable 0 Error injection disabled. 1 Error injection enabled. This applies to the data mask bits, the ECC mask bits, and the ECC mirror bit. Note that error injection should not be enabled until the memory controller has been enabled via DDR_SDRAM_CFG[MEM_EN]. 24-31 EEIM ECC error injection mask. Setting a mask bit causes the corresponding ECC bit to be inverted on memory bus writes. Description Reserved Memory Data Path Read Capture High (CAPTURE_DATA_HI) The memory data path read capture high register, shown in Figure 9-23, stores the high word of the read data path during error capture. Offset 0xE20 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R ECHD W Reset All zeros Figure 9-23. Memory Data Path Read Capture High Register (CAPTURE_DATA_HI) Table 9-28 describes the CAPTURE_DATA_HI fields. Table 9-28. CAPTURE_DATA_HI Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 ECHD Error capture high data path. Captures the high word of the data path when errors are detected. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-34 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Memory Data Path Read Capture Low (CAPTURE_DATA_LO) The memory data path read capture low register, shown in Figure 9-24, stores the low word of the read data path during error capture. Offset 0xE24 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R ECLD W Reset All zeros Figure 9-24. Memory Data Path Read Capture Low Register (CAPTURE_DATA_LO) Table 9-29 describes the CAPTURE_DATA_LO fields. Table 9-29. CAPTURE_DATA_LO Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 ECLD Error capture low data path. Captures the low word of the data path when errors are detected. Description Memory Data Path Read Capture ECC (CAPTURE_ECC) The memory data path read capture ECC register, shown in Figure 9-25, stores the ECC syndrome bits that were on the data bus when an error was detected. Offset 0xE28 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R -- W Reset 31 ECE All zeros Figure 9-25. Memory Data Path Read Capture ECC Register (CAPTURE_ECC) Table 9-30 describes the CAPTURE_ECC fields. Table 9-30. CAPTURE_ECC Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 ECE Description Reserved Error capture ECC. Captures the ECC bits on the data path whenever errors are detected. Memory Error Detect (ERR_DETECT) The memory error detect register stores the detection bits for multiple memory errors, single- and multiple-bit ECC errors, and memory select errors. It is a read/write register. A bit can be cleared by writing a one to the bit. System software can determine the type of memory error by examining the contents of this register. If an error is disabled with ERR_DISABLE, the corresponding error is never detected or captured in ERR_DETECT. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-35 DDR Memory Controller ERR_DETECT is shown in Figure 9-26. Offset 0xE40 0 Access: w1c 1 23 R MME -- W w1c Reset 24 25 ACE 27 -- w1c 28 29 30 MBE SBE w1c w1c -- 31 MSE w1c All zeros Figure 9-26. Memory Error Detect Register (ERR_DETECT) Table 9-31 describes the ERR_DETECT fields. Table 9-31. ERR_DETECT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 MME 1-23 -- 24 ACE 25-27 -- 28 MBE Multiple-bit error. This bit is cleared by software writing a 1. 0 A multiple-bit error has not been detected. 1 A multiple-bit error has been detected. 29 SBE Single-bit ECC error. This bit is cleared by software writing a 1. 0 The number of single-bit ECC errors detected has not crossed the threshold set in ERR_SBE[SBET]. 1 The number of single-bit ECC errors detected crossed the threshold set in ERR_SBE[SBET]. 30 -- 31 MSE Description Multiple memory errors. This bit is cleared by software writing a 1. 0 Multiple memory errors of the same type were not detected. 1 Multiple memory errors of the same type were detected. Reserved Automatic calibration error. This bit is cleared by software writing a 1. 0 An automatic calibration error has not been detected. 1 An automatic calibration error has been detected. Reserved Reserved Memory select error. This bit is cleared by software writing a 1. 0 A memory select error has not been detected. 1 A memory select error has been detected. Memory Error Disable (ERR_DISABLE) The memory error disable register, shown in Figure 9-27, allows selective disabling of the DDR controller's error detection circuitry. Disabled errors are not detected or reported. Offset 0xE44 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 23 -- 24 ACED 25 27 -- 28 29 30 31 MBED SBED -- MSED All zeros Figure 9-27. Memory Error Disable Register (ERR_DISABLE) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-36 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-32 describes the ERR_DISABLE fields. Table 9-32. ERR_DISABLE Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24 Description Reserved ACED Automatic calibration error disable 0 Automatic calibration errors are enabled. 1 Automatic calibration errors are disabled. 25-27 -- Reserved 28 MBED Multiple-bit ECC error disable 0 Multiple-bit ECC errors are detected if DDR_SDRAM_CFG[ECC_EN] is set. They are reported if ERR_INT_EN[MBEE] is set. Note that uncorrectable read errors cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, MBED and ERR_INT_EN[MBEE] must be zero and ECC_EN must be one to ensure that an interrupt is generated. 1 Multiple-bit ECC errors are not detected or reported. 29 SBED Single-bit ECC error disable 0 Single-bit ECC errors are enabled. 1 Single-bit ECC errors are disabled. 30 -- 31 Reserved MSED Memory select error disable 0 Memory select errors are enabled. 1 Memory select errors are disabled. Memory Error Interrupt Enable (ERR_INT_EN) The memory error interrupt enable register, shown in Figure 9-28, enables ECC interrupts or memory select error interrupts. When an enabled interrupt condition occurs, the internal int signal is asserted to the programmable interrupt controller (PIC). Offset 0xE48 Access: Read/Write 0 23 R -- W Reset 24 ACEE 25 27 -- 28 29 30 31 MBEE SBEE -- MSEE All zeros Figure 9-28. Memory Error Interrupt Enable Register (ERR_INT_EN) Table 9-33 describes the ERR_INT_EN fields. Table 9-33. ERR_INT_EN Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24 25-27 Description Reserved ACEE Automatic calibration error interrupt enable 0 Automatic calibration errors cannot generate interrupts. 1 Automatic calibration errors generate interrupts. -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-37 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-33. ERR_INT_EN Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 28 MBEE Multiple-bit ECC error interrupt enable. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, MBEE and ERR_DISABLE[MBED] must be zero and DDR_SDRAM_CFG[ECC_EN] must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." 0 Multiple-bit ECC errors cannot generate interrupts. 1 Multiple-bit ECC errors generate interrupts. 29 SBEE Single-bit ECC error interrupt enable 0 Single-bit ECC errors cannot generate interrupts. 1 Single-bit ECC errors generate interrupts. 30 -- 31 Reserved MSEE Memory select error interrupt enable 0 Memory select errors do not cause interrupts. 1 Memory select errors generate interrupts. Memory Error Attributes Capture (CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES) The memory error attributes capture register, shown in Figure 9-29, sets attributes for errors including type, size, source, and others. Offset 0xE4C 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 -- 3 BNUM 4 -- Reset 5 7 TSIZ 8 10 11 -- 15 16 17 18 19 20 TSRC -- TTYP 30 -- 31 VLD All zeros Figure 9-29. Memory Error Attributes Capture Register (CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES) Table 9-34 describes the CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES fields. Table 9-34. CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- 1-3 Description Reserved BNUM Data beat number. Captures the doubleword number for the detected error. Relevant only for ECC errors. 4 -- 5-7 TSIZ 8-10 -- Reserved Transaction size for the error. Captures the transaction size in double words. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-38 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-34. CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 11-15 Name TSRC Transaction source for the error 00000 PCI1/PCI-X interface 00001 PCI2 interface 00010 PCI Express 00011 Reserved 00100 Local Bus 00101-00111 Reserved 01000 Configuration space 01001 Reserved 01010 Boot sequencer 01011 Reserved 01100 Serial RapidIO 01101-01110 Reserved 01111 DDR controller 10000 Processor (instruction) 10001 Processor (data) 16-17 18-19 Description -- 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 Reserved Reserved Reserved DMA Reserved SAP eTSEC 1 eTSEC 2 eTSEC 3 eTSEC 4 RapidIO Message Unit RapidIO Doorbell Unit RapidIO Port-write Unit Reserved Reserved TTYP Transaction type for the error 00 Reserved 01 Write 10 Read 11 Read-modify-write 20-30 -- 31 VLD Reserved Valid. Set as soon as valid information is captured in the error capture registers. Memory Error Address Capture (CAPTURE_ADDRESS) The memory error address capture register, shown in Figure 9-30, holds the 32 lsbs of a transaction when a DDR ECC error is detected. Offset 0xE50 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R CADDR W Reset All zeros Figure 9-30. Memory Error Address Capture Register (CAPTURE_ADDRESS) Table 9-35 describes the CAPTURE_ADDRESS fields. Table 9-35. CAPTURE_ADDRESS Field Descriptions Bits 0-31 Name Description CADDR Captured address. Captures the 32 lsbs of the transaction address when an error is detected. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-39 DDR Memory Controller Memory Error Extended Address Capture (CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS) The memory error extended address capture register, shown in Figure 9-31, holds the four most significant transaction bits when an error is detected. Offset 0xE54 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 CEADDR All zeros Figure 9-31. Memory Error Extended Address Capture Register (CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS) Table 9-36 describes the CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS fields. Table 9-36. CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- Description Reserved 28-31 CEADDR Captured extended address. Captures the 4 msbs of the transaction address when an error is detected Single-Bit ECC Memory Error Management (ERR_SBE) The single-bit ECC memory error management register, shown in Figure 9-32, stores the threshold value for reporting single-bit errors and the number of single-bit errors counted since the last error report. When the counter field reaches the threshold, it wraps back to the reset value (0). If necessary, software must clear the counter after it has managed the error. Offset 0xE58 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R -- W 8 15 16 SBET Reset 23 24 31 -- SBEC All zeros Figure 9-32. Single-Bit ECC Memory Error Management Register (ERR_SBE) Table 9-37 describes the ERR_SBE fields. Table 9-37. ERR_SBE Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 16-23 24-31 Description Reserved SBET Single-bit error threshold. Establishes the number of single-bit errors that must be detected before an error condition is reported. -- Reserved SBEC Single-bit error counter. Indicates the number of single-bit errors detected and corrected since the last error report. If single-bit error reporting is enabled, an error is reported and a machine check or critical interrupt is generated when this value equals SBET. SBEC is automatically cleared when the threshold value is reached. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-40 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller 9.5 Functional Description The DDR SDRAM controller controls processor and I/O interactions with system memory. It provides support for JEDEC-compliant DDR2 and DDR SDRAMs. The memory system allows a wide range of memory devices to be mapped to any arbitrary chip select, and support is provided for registered DIMMs and unbuffered DIMMs. However, registered DIMMs cannot be mixed with unbuffered DIMMs. Figure 9-33 is a high-level block diagram of the DDR memory controller. Requests are received from the internal mastering device and the address is decoded to generate the physical bank, logical bank, row, and column addresses. The transaction is compared with values in the row open table to determine if the address maps to an open page. If the transaction does not map to an open page, an active command is issued. The memory interface supports as many as four physical banks of 64-/72-bit wide or 32-/40-bit wide memory. Bank sizes up to 4 Gbytes are supported, providing up to a maximum of 16 Gbytes of DDR main memory. Programmable parameters allow for a variety of memory organizations and timings. Optional error checking and correcting (ECC) protection is provided for the DDR SDRAM data bus. Using ECC, the DDR memory controller detects and corrects all single-bit errors within the 64- or 32-bit data bus, detects all double-bit errors within the 64- or 32-bit data bus, and detects all errors within a nibble. The controller allows as many as 32 pages to be open simultaneously. The amount of time (in clock cycles) the pages remain open is programmable with DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL[BSTOPRE]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-41 DDR Memory Controller Request from Master Row Open Table Address Decode Address from Master DDR SDRAM Memory Array MA[15:0] MBA[2:0] Address Control Debug Signals MSRCID[0:4] MDVAL SDRAM Control ECM EN To Error Management Data from SDRAM Error Signals ECC DQ Data Strobes MDQS[0:8] MDQS[0:8] Delay Chain POS FIFO DQ DDR SDRAM Memory Control MCS[0:3] MCAS MRAS MWE MDM[0:8] MCKE[0:3] MODT[0:3] Data Signals MDQ[0:63] MECC[0:7] NEG FIFO EN RMW Data from Master ECC DQ SDRAM Control Clocks MCK[0:5] MCK[0:5] Figure 9-33. DDR Memory Controller Block Diagram Read and write accesses to memory are burst oriented; accesses start at a selected location and continue for a programmed number of higher locations (4 or 8) in a programmed sequence. Accesses to closed pages start with the registration of an ACTIVE command followed by a READ or WRITE. (Accessing open pages does not require an ACTIVE command.) The address bits registered coincident with the activate command specifies the logical bank and row to be accessed. The address coincident with the READ or WRITE command specify the logical bank and starting column for the burst access. The data interface is source synchronous, meaning whatever sources the data also provides a clocking signal to synchronize data reception. These bidirectional data strobes (MDQS[0:8]) are inputs to the controller during reads and outputs during writes. The DDR SDRAM specification requires the data strobe signals to be centered within the data tenure during writes and to be offset by the controller to the center of the data tenure during reads. This delay is implemented in the controller for both reads and writes. When ECC is enabled, 1 clock cycle is added to the read path to check ECC and correct single-bit errors. ECC generation does not add a cycle to the write path. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-42 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller The address and command interface is also source synchronous, although 1/8 cycle adjustments are provided for adjusting the clock alignment. Figure 9-34 shows an example DDR SDRAM configuration with four logical banks. Data Bus Data-Out Registers Data-In Registers SDRAM MUX, MASK, Read Data Latch ADDR COMMAND: MCS, MRAS, MCAS, MWE Control DQM Logical Bank 0 Logical Bank 1 Logical Bank 2 Logical Bank 3 BA1,BA0 CKE, MCK, MCK Figure 9-34. Typical Dual Data Rate SDRAM Internal Organization Figure 9-35 shows some typical signal connections. 64M x 1 Byte 512 Mbit ADDR `SUB' BANK ADDR 13 2 A[12:0] DQ[7:0] MWE DATA BA[1:0] DQS MRAS MCAS 8 DATA STROBE Command Bus MCS DM Write Enable CKE MCK CK MCK Figure 9-35. Typical DDR SDRAM Interface Signals Figure 9-36 shows an example DDR SDRAM configuration with four physical banks each comprised of nine 8M x 8 DDR modules for a total of 256 Mbytes of system memory. One of the nine modules is used for the memory's ECC checking function. Certain address and control lines may require buffering. Analysis of the device's AC timing specifications, desired memory operating frequency, capacitive loads, and board routing loads can assist the system designer in deciding signal buffering requirements. The DDR memory controller drives 16 address pins, but in this example the DDR SDRAM devices use only 12 bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-43 DDR Memory Controller MDQS[0:8] MDQ[0:63] Memory Data Bus and Strobes MECC[0:7] MA[15:0] MBA[2:0] MRAS To all SDRAM Devices in Common MCAS MWE MCKE MCK[0:5] MCK[0:5] MCS[0:3] MCS1 MCS0 DDR Controller 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Mx8 SDRAM 2Mx8 SDRAM A[11:0] 2Mx8 SDRAM BA[1:0] A[0-11] RAS 2 Mx8 MDQS SDRAM BA[0-1] A(11-0) CAS RAS 2Mx8 BA(1-0) A(11-0) SDRAM DQ[7:0] WE CAS RAS 2Mx8 SDRAM BA(1-0) A[0-11] CKE DQ[0-7] CAS RAS 2Mx8 SDRAM BA[0-1] A[0-11] CK CKE DQ(7-0) CAS RAS 2 Mx8 SDRAM BA[0-1] A[0-11] CS CLK CKE DQ(7-0) CAS RAS BA[0-1] A[0-11] DM CS CLK CKE DQ[0-7] CAS RAS BA[0-1] DM CS CLK CKE DQ[0-7] CAS RAS DM CS CLK CKE CAS DQ[0-7] DM CS CLK CKE DQ[0-7] DM CS CLK CKE DM CS CLK DM CS DM MDQS[0] MDQ[0:7] MDQ[8:15] MDQ[16:23] MDQ[24:31] MDQ[32:39] MDQ[40:47] MDQ[48:55] MDQ[56:63] MDQS[7] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Mx8 SDRAM 2Mx8 SDRAM A[11:0] 2 Mx8 SDRAM BA[1:0] A[0-11] RAS 2Mx8 MDQS SDRAM BA[0-1] A(11-0) CAS RAS 2Mx8 SDRAM BA(1-0) A(11-0) DQ[7:0] WE CAS RAS 2Mx8 SDRAM BA(1-0) A[0-11] CKE DQ[0-7] CAS RAS 2 Mx8 SDRAM BA[0-1] A[0-11] CK CKE DQ(7-0) CAS RAS 2Mx8 BA[0-1] A[0-11] SDRAM CS CLK CKE DQ(7-0) CAS RAS BA[0-1] A[0-11] DM CS CLK CKE DQ[0-7] CAS RAS BA[0-1] DM CS CLK CKE DQ[0-7] CAS RAS DM CS CLK CKE CAS DQ[0-7] DM CS CLK CKE DQ[0-7] DM CS CLK CKE DM CS CLK DM CS DM MDQS[0] MDQ[0:7] MDQ[8:15] MDQ[16:23] MDQ[24:31] MDQ[32:39] MDQ[40:47] MDQ[48:55] MDQ[56:31] MDQS[7] MDM[0:8] 8M x 8 SDRAM A[11:0] BA[1:0] RAS MDQS CAS DQ[7:0] WE CKE CK CS 8 DM 8M x 8 SDRAM MDQS[8] ECC[0:7] A[11:0] BA[1:0] RAS MDQS CAS DQ[7:0] WE CKE CK CS 8 DM MDQS[8] ECC[0:7] Bank 0 Bank 1 Banks 2-3 8M x 72 (64 Mbytes) 8M x 72 (64 Mbytes) 1. All signals are connected in common (in parallel) except for MCS[0:3], MCK[0:5], MDM[0:8], and the data bus signals. 2. Each of the MCS[0:3] signals correspond with a separate physical bank of memory. 3. Buffering may be needed if large memory arrays are used. 4. MCK[0:5] may be apportioned among all memory devices. Complementary bus is not shown. Figure 9-36. Example 256-Mbyte DDR SDRAM Configuration With ECC Section 9.5.12, "Error Management," explains how the DDR memory controller handles errors. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-44 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller 9.5.1 DDR SDRAM Interface Operation The DDR memory controller supports many different DDR SDRAM configurations. SDRAMs with different sizes can be used in the same system. Sixteen multiplexed address signals and three logical bank select signals support device densities from 64 Mbits to 4 Gbits. Four chip select (CS) signals support up to two DIMMs of memory. The DDR SDRAM physical banks can be built from standard memory modules or directly-attached memory devices. The data path to individual physical banks is 64 or 32 bits wide, 72 or 40 bits with ECC. The DDR memory controller supports physical bank sizes from 16 Mbytes to 4 Gbytes. The physical banks can be constructed using x8, x16, or x32 memory devices. The memory technologies supported are 64 Mbits, 128 Mbits, 256 Mbits, 512 Mbits, 1 Gbit, 2 Gbits, and 4 Gbits. Nine data qualifier (DQM) signals provide byte selection for memory accesses. NOTE An 8-bit DDR SDRAM device has a DQM signal and 8 data signals (DQ[0:7]). A 16-bit DDR SDRAM device has 2 DQM signals associated with specific halves of the 16 data signals (DQ[0:7] and DQ[8:15]). When ECC is enabled, all memory accesses are performed on double-word boundaries (that is, all DQM signals are set simultaneously). However, when ECC is disabled, the memory system uses the DQM signals for byte lane selection. Table 9-38 shows the DDR memory controller's relationships between data byte lane0-7, MDM[0:7], MDQS[0:7], and MDQ[0:63] when DDR SDRAM memories are used with x8 or x16 devices. Table 9-38. Byte Lane to Data Relationship Data Byte Lane Data Bus Mask Data Bus Strobe Data Bus 64-Bit Mode 0 (MSB) MDM[0] MDQS[0] MDQ[0:7] 1 MDM[1] MDQS[1] MDQ[8:15] 2 MDM[2] MDQS[2] MDQ[16:23] 3 MDM[3] MDQS[3] MDQ[24:31] 4 MDM[4] MDQS[4] MDQ[32:39] 5 MDM[5] MDQS[5] MDQ[40:47] 6 MDM[6] MDQS[6] MDQ[48:55] 7 (LSB) MDM[7] MDQS[7] MDQ[56:63] Supported DDR SDRAM Organizations Although the DDR memory controller multiplexes row and column address bits onto 16 memory address signals and 3 logical bank select signals, a physical bank may be implemented with memory devices requiring fewer than 31 address bits. The physical bank may be configured to provide from 12 to 16 row address bits, plus 2 or 3 logical bank-select bits and from 8-11 column address bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-45 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-71, Table 9-39, describe DDR SDRAM device configurations supported by the DDR memory controller. NOTE DDR SDRAM is limited to 30 total address bits. SDRAM Device Device Configuration Row x Column x Sub-Bank Bits 64-Bit Bank Size Four Banks of Memory 64 Mbits 8 Mbits x 8 12 x 9 x 2 64 Mbytes 256 Mbytes 1 4 Mbits x 16 12 x 8 x 2 32 Mbytes 128 Mbytes 128 Mbits 16 Mbits x 8 12 x 10 x 2 128 Mbytes 512 Mbytes 128 Mbits 8 Mbits x 16 12 x 9 x 2 64 Mbytes 256 Mbytes 256 Mbits 32 Mbits x 8 13 x 10 x 2 256 Mbytes 1 Gbytes 256 Mbits 16 Mbits x 16 13 x 9 x 2 128 Mbytes 512 Mbytes 512 Mbits 64 Mbits x 8 13 x 11 x 2 512 Mbytes 2 Gbytes 512 Mbits 32 Mbits x 16 13 x 10 x 2 256 Mbytes 1 Gbytes 1 Gbits 128 Mbits x 8 14 x 11 x 2 1 Gbyte 4 Gbytes 1 Gbits 64 Mbits x 16 14 x 10 x 2 512 Mbytes 2 Gbytes 2 Gbits 256 Mbits x 8 15 x 11 x 2 2 Gbytes 8 Gbytes 2 Gbits 128 Mbits x 16 15 x 10 x 2 1 Gbytes 4 Gbytes 4 Gbits 512 Mbits x 8 16 x 11 x 2 4 Gbytes 16 Gbytes 4 Gbits 256 Mbits x 16 16 x 10 x 2 2 Gbytes 8 Gbytes 64 Mbits 1 This configuration is not supported in 16-bit bus mode. Table 9-39. Supported DDR2 SDRAM Device Configurations SDRAM Device Device Configuration Row x Column x Sub-Bank Bits 64-Bit Bank Size Four Banks of Memory 256 Mbits 32 Mbits x 8 13 x 10 x 2 256 Mbytes 1 Gbytes 256 Mbits 16 Mbits x 16 13 x 9 x 2 128 Mbytes 512 Mbytes 512 Mbits 64 Mbits x 8 14 x 10 x 2 512 Mbytes 2 Gbytes 512 Mbits 32 Mbits x 16 13 x 10 x 2 256 Mbytes 1 Gbytes 1 Gbits 128 Mbits x 8 14 x 10 x 3 1 Gbyte 4 Gbytes 1 Gbits 64 Mbits x 16 13 x 10 x 3 512 Mbytes 2 Gbytes 2 Gbits 256 Mbits x 8 15 x 10 x 3 2 Gbytes 8 Gbytes 2 Gbits 128Mbits x 16 14 x 10 x 3 1 Gbyte 4 Gbytes 4 Gbits 512 Mbits x 8 16 x 10 x 3 4 Gbytes 16 Gbytes 4 Gbits 256 Mbits x 16 15 x 10 x 3 2 Gbytes 8 Gbytes If a transaction request is issued to the DDR memory controller and the address does not lie within any of the programmed address ranges for an enabled chip select, a memory select error is flagged. Errors are described in detail in Section 9.5.12, "Error Management." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-46 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller By using a memory-polling algorithm at power-on reset or by querying the JEDEC serial presence detect capability of memory modules, system firmware uses the memory-boundary registers to configure the DDR memory controller to map the size of each bank in memory. The memory controller uses its bank map to assert the appropriate MCSn signal for memory accesses according to the provided bank starting and ending addresses. The memory banks are not required to be mapped to a contiguous address space. 9.5.2 DDR SDRAM Address Multiplexing Table 9-40, Table 9-41, Table 9-42, and Table 9-43 show the address bit encodings for each DDR SDRAM configuration. The address presented at the memory controller signals MA[15:0] use MA[15] as the msb and MA[0] as the lsb. Also, MA[10] is used as the auto-precharge bit in DDR1/DDR2 modes for reads and writes, so the column address can never use MA[10]. Table 9-40. DDR1 Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled Row x Col msb Address from Core Master 4 5 16 x 11 MRAS x2 MBA 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-35 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 16 x 10 MRAS x2 MBA 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 15 x 11 MRAS x2 MBA lsb 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 x 10 MRAS x2 MBA 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 13 12 11 10 9 14 x 11 MRAS x2 MBA 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 11 9 MCAS 13 12 11 10 9 14 x 10 MRAS x2 MBA 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 MCAS 12 11 10 9 13 x 11 MRAS x2 MBA 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 12 11 10 9 13 x 10 MRAS x2 MBA 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 9 MCAS MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-47 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-40. DDR1 Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled (continued) msb Row x Col 4 Address from Core Master 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-35 12 11 10 9 13 x 9 MRAS x2 MBA lsb 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 11 10 9 12 x 10 MRAS x2 MBA 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 MCAS 11 10 9 5 0 1 12 x 8 MRAS x2 MBA 6 0 MCAS 11 10 9 7 0 1 12 x 9 MRAS x2 MBA 8 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS Table 9-41. DDR1 Address Multiplexing for 32-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled Row x Col 16 x MRAS 11 x 2 MBA msb 4 Address from Core Master 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34-35 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 16 x MRAS 10 x 2 MBA 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 15 x MRAS 11 x 2 MBA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 15 x MRAS 10 x 2 MBA 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 14 x MRAS 11 x 2 MBA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 14 x MRAS 10 x 2 MBA MCAS lsb 11 9 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 9 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-48 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-41. DDR1 Address Multiplexing for 32-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled Row x Col msb 4 Address from Core Master 5 6 7 13 x MRAS 11 x 2 MBA lsb 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34-35 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 11 9 MCAS 13 x MRAS 10 x 2 MBA 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 9 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 MCAS 11 10 9 2 0 1 12 x MRAS 8x2 MBA 3 0 MCAS 11 10 9 4 0 1 12 x MRAS 9x2 MBA 5 0 MCAS 11 10 9 6 0 1 12 x MRAS 10 x 2 MBA 7 0 MCAS 13 x MRAS 9x2 MBA 8 0 3 2 1 0 1 MCAS 0 Table 9-42. DDR2 Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled Row x Col 16 x 10 MRAS x3 MBA msb 4 Address from Core Master 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-35 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 MCAS 15 x 10 MRAS x3 MBA lsb 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 MCAS 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 x 10 MRAS x3 MBA 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 MCAS 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 x 10 MRAS x2 MBA 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-49 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-42. DDR2 Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled (continued) msb Row x Col 4 Address from Core Master 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-35 12 11 10 9 13 x 10 MRAS x3 MBA 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 MCAS 13 x 10 MRAS x2 MBA 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 MCAS 12 11 10 9 9 0 1 13 x 9 MRAS x2 MBA lsb 1 0 1 0 MCAS Table 9-43. DDR2 Address Multiplexing for 32-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled Row x Col 16 x MRAS 10 x 3 MBA msb 4 Address from Core Master 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34-35 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 MCAS 15 x MRAS 10 x 3 MBA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 MCAS 14 x MRAS 10 x 3 MBA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 MCAS 14 x MRAS 10 x 2 MBA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 MCAS 13 x MRAS 10 x 3 MBA MCAS lsb 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-50 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-43. DDR2 Address Multiplexing for 32-Bit Data Bus with Interleaving Disabled (continued) Row x Col msb Address from Core Master 4 5 6 7 8 13 x MRAS 10 x 2 MBA lsb 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34-35 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 9 MCAS 12 11 10 9 13 x MRAS 9x2 MBA 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 MCAS Chip select interleaving is supported for the memory controller, and is programmed in DDR_SDRAM_CFG[BA_INTLV_CTL]. Interleaving is supported between chip selects 0 and 1 or chip selects 2 and 3. In addition, interleaving between all four chip selects can be enabled. When interleaving is enabled, the chip selects being interleaved must use the same size of memory. If two chip selects are interleaved, then 1 extra bit in the address decode is used for the interleaving to determine which chip select to access. If four chip selects are interleaved, then two extra bits are required in the address decode. Table 9-44 illustrates examples of the address decode when interleaving between two chip selects, and Table 9-45 shows examples of the address decode when interleaving between four chip selects. Table 9-44. Example of Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus Interleaving Between Two Banks Row x Col 14 MRAS x MBA 10 x 3 MCAS msb 4 Address from Core Master 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 lsb 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-35 5 4 3 2 1 0 CS SEL 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 MRAS x MBA 10 x 2 MCAS 13 12 11 10 9 13 MRAS x MBA 10 x 3 MCAS 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CS 1 0 SEL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CS SEL 12 11 10 9 13 MRAS x MBA 10 x 2 MCAS 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CS 1 SEL 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-51 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-45. Example of Address Multiplexing for 64-Bit Data Bus Interleaving Between Four Banks Row x Col msb Address from Core Master 4 5 14 MRAS x MBA 10 x 3 MCAS 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-35 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 13 12 11 10 9 13 MRAS x MBA 10 x 3 MCAS 12 11 10 9.5.3 7 CS SEL 14 MRAS x MBA 10 x 2 MCAS 13 MRAS x MBA 10 x 2 MCAS lsb 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CS SEL 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CS SEL 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CS SEL 1 0 JEDEC Standard DDR SDRAM Interface Commands The following section describes the commands and timings the controller uses when operating in DDR2 or DDR modes. All read or write accesses to DDR SDRAM are performed by the DDR memory controller using JEDEC standard DDR SDRAM interface commands. The SDRAM device samples command and address inputs on rising edges of the memory clock; data is sampled using both the rising and falling edges of DQS. Data read from the DDR SDRAM is also sampled on both edges of DQS. The following DDR SDRAM interface commands (summarized in Table 9-46) are provided by the DDR controller. All actions for these commands are described from the perspective of the SDRAM device. * Row activate--Latches row address and initiates memory read of that row. Row data is latched in SDRAM sense amplifiers and must be restored by a precharge command before another row activate occurs. * Precharge--Restores data from the sense amplifiers to the appropriate row. Also initializes the sense amplifiers in preparation for reading another row in the memory array, (performing another activate command). Precharge must occur after read or write, if the row address changes on the next open page mode access. * Read--Latches column address and transfers data from the selected sense amplifier to the output buffer as determined by the column address. During each succeeding clock edge, additional data is driven without additional read commands. The amount of data transferred is determined by the burst size which defaults to 4. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-52 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller * Write--Latches column address and transfers data from the data pins to the selected sense amplifier as determined by the column address. During each succeeding clock edge, additional data is transferred to the sense amplifiers from the data pins without additional write commands. The amount of data transferred is determined by the data masks and the burst size, which is set to four by the DDR memory controller. Refresh (similar to MCAS before MRAS)--Causes a row to be read in all logical banks (JEDEC SDRAM) as determined by the refresh row address counter. This refresh row address counter is internal to the SDRAM. After being read, the row is automatically rewritten in the memory array. All logical banks must be in a precharged state before executing a refresh. The memory controller also supports posted refreshes, where several refreshes may be executed at once, and the refresh interval may be extended. Mode register set (for configuration)--Allows setting of DDR SDRAM options. These options are: MCAS latency, additive latency (for DDR2), write recovery (for DDR2), burst type, and burst length. MCAS latency may be chosen as provided by the preferred SDRAM (some SDRAMs provide MCAS latency {1,2,3}, some provide MCAS latency {1,2,3,4}, etc.). Burst type is always sequential. Although some SDRAMs provide burst lengths of 1, 2, 4, 8, and page size, this memory controller supports a burst length of 4. A burst length of 8 is supported for DDR1 memory only. For DDR2 in 32-bit bus mode, all 32-byte burst accesses from the platform are split into two 16-byte (that is, 4 beat) accesses to the SDRAMs in the memory controller. The mode register set command is performed by the DDR memory controller during system initialization. Parameters such as mode register data, MCAS latency, burst length, and burst type, are set by software in DDR_SDRAM_MODE[SDMODE] and transferred to the SDRAM array by the DDR memory controller after DDR_SDRAM_CFG[MEM_EN] is set. If DDR_SDRAM_CFG[BI] is set to bypass the automatic initialization, then the MODE registers can be configured through software via use of the DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL register. Self refresh (for long periods of standby)--Used when the device is in standby for very long periods of time. Automatically generates internal refresh cycles to keep the data in all memory banks refreshed. Before execution of this command, the DDR controller will place all logical banks in a precharged state. * * * Table 9-46. DDR SDRAM Command Table CKE CKE MCS MRAS MCAS MWE Prev. Current Operation MBA MA10 MA Activate H H L L H H Logical bank select Row Row Precharge select logical bank H H L L H L Logical bank select L X Precharge all logical banks H H L L H L X H X Read H H L H L H Logical bank select L Column Read with auto-precharge H H L H L H Logical bank select H Column Write H H L H L L Logical bank select L Column MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-53 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-46. DDR SDRAM Command Table (continued) CKE CKE MCS MRAS MCAS MWE Prev. Current Operation MBA MA10 MA H Column Write with auto-precharge H H L H L L Logical bank select Mode register set H H L L L L Opcode Auto refresh H H L L L H X X X Self refresh H L L L L H X X X 9.5.4 Opcode Opcode and mode DDR SDRAM Interface Timing The DDR memory controller supports four-beat bursts to SDRAM. For single-beat reads, the DDR memory controller performs a four- (or eight-) beat burst read, but ignores the last three (or seven) beats. Single-beat writes are performed by masking the last three (or seven) beats of the four- (or eight-) beat burst using the data mask MDM[0:8]. If ECC is disabled, writes smaller than double words are performed by appropriately activating the data mask. If ECC is enabled, the controller performs a read-modify write. NOTE If a second read or write is pending, reads shorter than four beats are not terminated early even if some data is irrelevant. To accommodate available memory technologies across a wide spectrum of operating frequencies, the DDR memory controller allows the setting of the intervals defined in Table 9-47 with granularity of one memory clock cycle, except for CASLAT, which can be programmed with 1/2 clock granularity. Table 9-47. DDR SDRAM Interface Timing Intervals Timing Intervals Definition ACTTOACT The number of clock cycles from a bank-activate command until another bank-activate command within a physical bank. This interval is listed in the AC specifications of the SDRAM as tRRD. ACTTOPRE The number of clock cycles from an activate command until a precharge command is allowed. This interval is listed in the AC specifications of the SDRAM as tRAS. ACTTORW The number of clock cycles from an activate command until a read or write command is allowed. This interval is listed in the AC specifications of the SDRAM as tRCD. BSTOPRE The number of clock cycles to maintain a page open after an access. The page open duration counter is reloaded with BSTOPRE each time the page is accessed (including page hits). When the counter expires, the open page is closed with a SDRAM precharge bank command as soon as possible. CASLAT PRETOACT Used in conjunction with additive latency to obtain the READ latency. The number of clock cycles between the registration of a READ command by the SDRAM and the availability of the first piece of output data. If a READ command is registered at clock edge n, and the read latency is m clocks, the data is available nominally coincident with clock edge n + m. The number of clock cycles from a precharge command until an activate or a refresh command is allowed. This interval is listed in the AC specifications of the SDRAM as tRP. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-54 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-47. DDR SDRAM Interface Timing Intervals (continued) Timing Intervals Definition REFINT Refresh interval. Represents the number of memory bus clock cycles between refresh cycles. Depending on DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2[NUM_PR], some number of rows are refreshed in each SDRAM bank during each refresh cycle. The value of REFINT depends on the specific SDRAMs used and the frequency of the interface as tRP. REFREC The number of clock cycles from the refresh command until an activate command is allowed. This can be calculated by referring to the AC specification of the SDRAM device. The AC specification indicates a maximum refresh to activate interval in nanoseconds. WR_DATA_DELAY Provides different options for the timing between a write command and the write data strobe. This allows write data to be sent later than the nominal time to meet the SDRAM timing requirement between the registration of a write command and the reception of a data strobe associated with the write command. The specification dictates that the data strobe may not be received earlier than 75% of a cycle, or later than 125% of a cycle, from the registration of a write command. This parameter is not defined in the SDRAM specification. It is implementation-specific, defined for the DDR memory controller in TIMING_CFG_2. WRREC WRTORD The number of clock cycles from the last beat of a write until a precharge command is allowed. This interval, write recovery time, is listed in the AC specifications of the SDRAM as tWR. Last write pair to read command. Controls the number of clock cycles from the last write data pair to the subsequent read command to the same bank as tWTR. The value of the above parameters (in whole clock cycles) must be set by boot code at system start-up (in the TIMING_CFG_0, TIMING_CFG_1, TIMING_CFG_2, and TIMING_CFG_3 registers as described in Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0)," Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1)," Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 (TIMING_CFG_2)," and Section, "DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3),") and be kept in the DDR memory controller configuration register space. The following figures show SDRAM timing for various types of accesses. System software is responsible (at reset) for optimally configuring SDRAM timing parameters. The programmable timing parameters apply to both read and write timing configuration. The configuration process must be completed and the DDR SDRAM initialized before any accesses to SDRAM are attempted. Figure 9-37 through Figure 9-39 show DDR SDRAM timing for various types of accesses; see Figure 9-37 for a single-beat read operation, Figure 9-38 for a single-beat write operation, and Figure 9-39 for a burst-write operation. Note that all signal transitions occur on the rising edge of the memory bus clock and that single-beat read operations are identical to burst-reads. These figures assume the CLK_ADJUST is set to 1/2 DRAM cycle, an additive latency of 0 DRAM cycles is used, and the write latency is 1 DRAM cycle (for DDR1). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-55 DDR Memory Controller 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SDRAM Clock MCS ACTTORW MRAS MCAS MAn ROW COL COL MWE CASLAT MDQ n D0 D1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D2 D3 MDQS Figure 9-37. DDR SDRAM Burst Read Timing--ACTTORW = 3, MCAS Latency = 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SDRAM Clock MCS PRECHARGE ACTTORW MRAS MCAS MAn WRREC ROW COL A10=0 PRETOACT ROW MWE MDQn D0 D1 D2 D3 MDQS MDM[0:7] 00 FF FF FF Figure 9-38. DDR SDRAM Single-Beat (Double Word) Write Timing--ACTTORW = 3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-56 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SDRAM Clock MCS0 MCS1 ACTTORW MRAS MCAS MAn ROW ROW COL COL COL COL MWE MDQ[0:63] D0 D1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D2 D MDQS MDM[0:7] 00 Figure 9-39. DDR SDRAM 4-Beat Burst Write Timing--ACTTORW = 4 * * * * Clock Distribution If running with many devices, zero-delay PLL clock buffers, JEDEC-JESD82 standard, should be used. These buffers were designed for DDR applications. A 72 bit x 64 Mbytes DDR bank has 9-byte-wide DDR chips, resulting in 18 DDR chips in a two-bank system. In this case, each MCK/MCK signal pair should drive exactly three devices. PCB traces for DDR clock signals should be short, all on the same layer, and of equal length and loading. DDR SDRAM manufacturers provide detailed information on PCB layout and termination issues. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-57 DDR Memory Controller A[15:0], BA[2:0], MRAS, MCAS, MWE, CKE CS[0] CS[1] MCK[0], MCK[0] DQ[0:7], DQS[0], DM[0] DDR MCK[3], MCK[3] DQ[8:15], DQS[1], DM[1] DQ[16:23], DQS[2], DM[2] DQ[24:31], DQS[3], DM[3] MCK[1], MCK[1] MCK[4], MCK[4] DQ[32:39], DQS[4], DM[4] DQ[40:47], DQS[5], DM[5] DQ[48:55], DQS[6], DM[6] MCK[2], MCK[2] MCK[5], MCK[5] DQ[56:63], DQS[7], DM[7] ECC[0:7], DQS[8], DM[8] Figure 9-40. DDR SDRAM Clock Distribution Example for x8 DDR SDRAMs 9.5.5 DDR SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing The DDR memory controller transfers the mode register set commands to the SDRAM array, and it uses the setting of TIMING_CFG_0[MRS_CYC] for the Mode Register Set cycle time. Figure 9-41 shows the timing of the mode-set command. The first transfer corresponds to the ESDMODE code; the second corresponds to SDMODE. The Mode Register Set cycle time is set to 2 DRAM cycles. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SDRAM Clock MCS MRAS MCAS MAn MBAn Code Code 0x4 0x0 MWE MDQn MDQS Figure 9-41. DDR SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-58 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller 9.5.6 DDR SDRAM Registered DIMM Mode To reduce loading, registered DIMMs latch the DDR SDRAM control signals internally before using them to access the array. Setting DDR_SDRAM_CFG[RD_EN] compensates for this delay on the DIMMs' control bus by delaying the data and data mask writes (on SDRAM buses) by an extra SDRAM clock cycle. Figure 9-42 shows the registered DDR SDRAM DIMM single-beat write timing. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SDRAM Clock MCS ACTTORW MRAS MCAS MAn ROW COL COL MWE MDQn D0 D1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D2 D3 MDQS MDM[0:7] 00 Figure 9-42. Registered DDR SDRAM DIMM Burst Write Timing 9.5.7 DDR SDRAM Write Timing Adjustments The DDR memory controller facilitates system design flexibility by providing a write timing adjustment parameter, write data delay, (TIMING_CFG_2[WR_DATA_DELAY]) for data and DQS. The DDR SDRAM specification requires DQS be received no sooner than 75% of an SDRAM clock period--and no later than 125% of a clock period--from the capturing clock edge of the command/address at the SDRAM. The WR_DATA_DELAY parameter may be used to meet this timing requirement for a variety of system configurations, ranging from a system with one DIMM to a fully populated system with two DIMM. TIMING_CFG_2[WR_DATA_DELAY] specifies how much to delay the launching of DQS and data from the first clock edge occurring one SDRAM clock cycle after the command is launched. The delay increment step sizes are in 1/4 SDRAM clock periods starting with the default value of 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-59 DDR Memory Controller Figure 9-43 shows the use of the WR_DATA_DELAY parameter. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SDRAM Clock MCS ACTTORW MRAS MCAS MAn ROW COL COL MWE MDQ n D0 D1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D2 D3 MDQS MDM n MDQ n 1/4 Delay 00 D0 D1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D2 D3 1/2 Delay MDQS MDMn 00 Figure 9-43. Write Timing Adjustments Example for Write Latency = 1 9.5.8 DDR SDRAM Refresh The DDR memory controller supports auto-refresh and self-refresh. Auto refresh is used during normal operation and is controlled by the DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL[REFINT] value; self-refresh is used only when the DDR memory controller is set to enter a sleep power management state. The REFINT value, which represents the number of memory bus clock cycles between refresh cycles, must allow for possible outstanding transactions to complete before a refresh request is sent to the memory after the REFINT value is reached. If a memory transaction is in progress when the refresh interval is reached, the refresh cycle waits for the transaction to complete. In the worst case, the refresh cycle must wait the number of bus clock cycles required by the longest programmed access. To ensure that the latency caused by a memory transaction does not violate the device refresh period, it is recommended that the programmed value of REFINT be less than that required by the SDRAM. When a refresh cycle is required, the DDR memory controller does the following: 1. Completes all current memory requests. 2. Closes all open pages with a PRECHARGE-ALL command to each DDR SDRAM bank with an open page (as indicated by the row open table). 3. Issues one or more auto-refresh commands to each DDR SDRAM bank (as identified by its chip select) to refresh one row in each logical bank of the selected physical bank. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-60 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller The auto-refresh commands are staggered across the four possible banks to reduce the system's instantaneous power requirements. Three sets of auto refresh commands will be issued on consecutive cycles when the memory is fully populated with two DIMMs. The initial PRECHARGE-ALL commands are also staggered in three groups for convenience. It is important to note that when entering self-refresh mode, only one refresh command is issued simultaneously to all physical banks. For this entire refresh sequence, no cycle optimization occurs for the usual case where fewer than four banks are installed. After the refresh sequence completes, any pending memory request is initiated after an inactive period specified by TIMING_CFG_1 [REFREC] and TIMING_CFG_3[EXT_REFREC]. In addition, posted refreshes are supported to allow the refresh interval to be set to a larger value. DDR SDRAM Refresh Timing Refresh timing for the DDR SDRAM is controlled by the programmable timing parameter TIMING_CFG_1 [REFREC], which specifies the number of memory bus clock cycles from the refresh command until a logical bank activate command is allowed. The DDR memory controller implements bank staggering for refreshes, as shown in Figure 9-44 (TIMING_CFG_1 [REFREC] = 10 in this example). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SDRAM Clock CKE 0 or 3 MCS[0,3] MCS1 MCS2 REFREC MRAS MCAS MAn ROW Figure 9-44. DDR SDRAM Bank Staggered Auto Refresh Timing System software is responsible for optimal configuration of TIMING_CFG_1 [REFREC] and TIMING_CFG_3[EXT_REFREC]at reset. Configuration must be completed before DDR SDRAM accesses are attempted. DDR SDRAM Refresh and Power-Saving Modes In full-on mode, the DDR memory controller supplies the normal auto refresh to SDRAM. In sleep mode, the DDR memory controller can be configured to take advantage of self-refreshing SDRAMs or to provide no refresh support. Self-refresh support is enabled with the SREN memory control parameter. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-61 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-48 summarizes the refresh types available in each power-saving mode. Table 9-48. DDR SDRAM Power-Saving Modes Refresh Configuration Power Saving Mode Refresh Type SREN Sleep Self 1 None -- Note that in the absence of refresh support, system software must preserve DDR SDRAM data (such as by copying the data to disk) before entering the power-saving mode. The dynamic power-saving mode uses the CKE DDR SDRAM pin to dynamically power down when there is no system memory activity. The CKE pin is negated when both of the following conditions are met: * No memory refreshes are scheduled * No memory accesses are scheduled CKE is reasserted when a new access or refresh is scheduled or the dynamic power mode is disabled. This mode is controlled with DDR_SDRAM_CFG[DYN_PWR_MGMT]. Dynamic power management mode offers tight control of the memory system's power consumption by trading power for performance through the use of CKE. Powering up the DDR SDRAM when a new memory reference is scheduled causes an access latency penalty, depending on whether active or precharge powerdown is used, along with the settings of TIMING_CFG_0[ACT_PD_EXIT] and TIMING_CFG_0[PRE_PD_EXIT]. A penalty of 1 cycle is shown in Figure 9-45. Mem Bus Clock CKE COMMAND NOP NOP ACT Figure 9-45. DDR SDRAM Power-Down Mode MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-62 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Self-Refresh in Sleep Mode The entry and exit timing for self-refreshing SDRAMs is shown in Figure 9-46 and Figure 9-47. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 204 205 206 SDRAM Clock MCKE MCS MRAS MCAS MAn MWE (High Impedance) MDQn MDQS Figure 9-46. DDR SDRAM Self-Refresh Entry Timing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 202 203 SDRAM Clock MCKE MCS MRAS MCAS MA n MWE MDQ n MDQS (High Impedance) 200 Cycles Figure 9-47. DDR SDRAM Self-Refresh Exit Timing MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-63 DDR Memory Controller 9.5.9 DDR Data Beat Ordering Transfers to and from memory are always performed in four- or eight-beat bursts (four beats = 32 bytes when a 64-bit bus is used). For transfer sizes other than four or eight beats, the data transfers are still operated as four- or eight-beat bursts. If ECC is enabled and either the access is not doubleword aligned or the size is not a multiple of a doubleword, a full read-modify-write is performed for a write to SDRAM. If ECC is disabled or both the access is doubleword aligned with a size that is a multiple of a doubleword, the data masks (MDM[0:8] (MDM[0:4] for 32-bit bus) can be used to prevent the writing of unwanted data to SDRAM. The DDR memory controller also uses data masks to prevent all unintended full double words from writing to SDRAM. For example, if a write transaction is desired with a size of one double word (8 bytes), then the second, third, and fourth beats of data are not written to DRAM. Table 9-49 lists the data beat sequencing to and from the DDR SDRAM and the data queues for each of the possible transfer sizes with each of the possible starting double-word offsets. All underlined double-word offsets are valid for the transaction. Table 9-49. Memory Controller-Data Beat Ordering 1 9.5.10 Double-Word Sequence1 to/from DRAM and Queues Transfer Size Starting Double-Word Offset 1 double word 0 1 2 3 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-0 2 double words 0 1 2 0-1-2-3 1-2-3-0 2-3-0-1 3 double words 0 1 0-1-2-3 1-2-3-0 4 double words 0 1 2 3 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-0 -2 -3 -0 -1 -2 -3 -0 -1 -3 -0 -1 -2 -3 -0 -1 -2 All underlined double-word offsets are valid for the transaction. Page Mode and Logical Bank Retention The DDR memory controller supports an open/closed page mode with an allowable open page for each logical bank of DRAM used. In closed page mode for DDR SDRAMs, the DDR memory controller uses the SDRAM auto-precharge feature, which allows the controller to indicate that the page must be automatically closed by the DDR SDRAM after the READ or WRITE access. This is performed by using MA[10] of the address during the COMMAND phase of the access to enable auto-precharge. Auto-precharge is non-persistent in that it is either enabled or disabled for each individual READ or WRITE command. It can, however, be enabled or disabled separately for each chip select. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-64 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller When the DDR memory controller operates in open page mode, it retains the currently active SDRAM page by not issuing a precharge command. The page remains opens until one of the following conditions occurs: * Refresh interval is met. * The user-programmable DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL[BSTOPRE] value is exceeded. * There is a logical bank row collision with another transaction that must be issued. Page mode can dramatically reduce access latencies for page hits. Depending on the memory system design and timing parameters, using page mode can save two to three clock cycles for subsequent burst accesses that hit in an active page. Also, better performance can be obtained by using more banks, especially in systems which use many different channels. Page mode is disabled by clearing DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL[BSTOPRE] or setting CSn_CONFIG[AP_n_EN]. 9.5.11 Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) The DDR memory controller supports error checking and correcting (ECC) for the data path between the core master and system memory. The memory detects all double-bit errors, detects all multi-bit errors within a nibble, and corrects all single-bit errors. Other errors may be detected, but are not guaranteed to be corrected or detected. Multiple-bit errors are always reported when error reporting is enabled. When a single-bit error occurs, the single-bit error counter register is incremented, and its value compared to the single-bit error trigger register. An error is reported when these values are equal. The single-bit error registers can be programmed such that minor memory faults are corrected and ignored, but a catastrophic memory failure generates an interrupt. For writes that are smaller than 64 bits, the DDR memory controller performs a double-word read from system memory of the address for the write (checking for errors), and merges the write data with the data read from memory. Then, a new ECC code is generated for the merged double word. The data and ECC code is then written to memory. If a multi-bit error is detected on the read, the transaction completes the read-modify-write to keep the DDR memory controller from hanging. However, the corrupt data is masked on the write, so the original contents in SDRAM remain unchanged. The syndrome encodings for the ECC code are shown in Table 9-50 and Table 9-51. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-65 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-50. DDR SDRAM ECC Syndrome Encoding Syndrome Bit Data Bit 0 1 0 * * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 2 3 4 * * * * * * * 17 * 18 * * * * 20 * 21 * 22 * * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 * * 27 * * * * 33 * * * 34 * * * 35 * * * * * * * * 39 * * * * * * * * 38 * * 40 * * 41 * * * * 42 * * * * * 43 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 44 * * * * 45 * * * * * * * 46 * * * * * * * 47 * * * * * * 48 * * * * 49 * * * 50 * * * * 51 52 * 53 * * 54 * * * * 55 * 56 * 57 * * 58 * * * 59 * * * 60 * * * 61 * 62 * 29 * 30 * * * * * * * * * 7 * * * 6 * * * * 5 * * * 32 * 4 * 28 31 3 37 * * 2 * * * 1 * * * * 0 36 * * 7 Syndrome Bit * * * * 6 * 16 19 5 Data Bit 63 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-66 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-51. DDR SDRAM ECC Syndrome Encoding (Check Bits) Syndrome Bit Check Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9.5.12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * * * * * * * * Error Management The DDR memory controller detects four different kinds of errors: training, single-bit, multi-bit, and memory select errors. The following discussion assumes all the relevant error detection, correction, and reporting functions are enabled as described in Section, "Memory Error Interrupt Enable (ERR_INT_EN)," Section, "Memory Error Disable (ERR_DISABLE)," and Section, "Memory Error Detect (ERR_DETECT)." Single-bit errors are counted and reported based on the ERR_SBE value. When a single-bit error is detected, the DDR memory controller does the following: * Corrects the data * Increments the single-bit error counter ERR_SBE[SBEC] * Generates a critical interrupt if the counter value ERR_SBE[SBEC] equals the programmable threshold ERR_SBE[SBET] * Completes the transaction normally If a multi-bit error is detected for a read, the DDR memory controller logs the error and generates the machine check or critical interrupt (if enabled, as described in Section, "Memory Error Disable (ERR_DISABLE)"). Another error the DDR memory controller detects is a memory select error, which causes the DDR memory controller to log the error and generate a critical interrupt (if enabled, as described in Section, "Memory Error Detect (ERR_DETECT)"). This error is detected if the address from the memory request does not fall into any of the enabled, programmed chip select address ranges. For all memory select errors, the DDR memory controller does not issue any transactions onto the pins after the first read has returned data strobes. If the DDR memory controller is not using sample points, then a dummy transaction is issued to DDR SDRAM with the first enabled chip select. In this case, the source port on the pins is forced to 0x1F to show the transaction is not real. Table 9-52 shows the errors with their descriptions. The final error the memory controller detects is the automatic calibration error. This error is set if the memory controller detects an error during its training sequence. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-67 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-52. Memory Controller Errors Category Notification Error Descriptions Single-bit ECC threshold Action Detect Register The number of ECC errors has reached the threshold specified in the ERR_SBE. Multi-bit ECC error The error is reported via machine check or critical interrupt if A multi-bit ECC error is detected during a read, or enabled. read-modify-write memory operation. Memory select error Read, or write, address does not fall within the address range of any of the memory banks. The error control register only logs read versus write, not full type Access Error 9.6 Initialization/Application Information System software must configure the DDR memory controller, using a memory polling algorithm at system start-up, to correctly map the size of each bank in memory. Then, the DDR memory controller uses its bank map to assert the appropriate MCSn signal for memory accesses according to the provided bank depths. System software must also configure the DDR memory controller at system start-up to appropriately multiplex the row and column address bits for each bank. Refer to row-address configuration in Section, "Chip Select Configuration (CSn_CONFIG)." Address multiplexing occurs according to these configuration bits. At system reset, initialization software (boot code) must set up the programmable parameters in the memory interface configuration registers. See Section 9.4.1, "Register Descriptions," for more detailed descriptions of the configuration registers. These parameters are shown in Table 9-53. Table 9-53. Memory Interface Configuration Register Initialization Parameters Name Description CSn_BNDS CSn_CONFIG Parameter Section/page SAn EAn Chip select memory bounds Chip select configuration CS_n_EN AP_n_EN ODT_RD_CFG ODT_WR_CFG BA_BITS_CS_n ROW_BITS_CS_n COL_BITS_CS_n EXT_REFREC TIMING_CFG_3 Extended timing parameters for fields in TIMING_CFG_1 TIMING_CFG_0 Timing configuration RWT WRT RRT WWT ACT_PD_EXIT PRE_PD_EXIT ODT_PD_EXIT MRS_CYC TIMING_CFG_1 Timing configuration PRETOACT ACTTOPRE ACTTORW CASLAT REFREC WRREC ACTTOACT WRTORD TIMING_CFG_2 Timing configuration ADD_LAT CPO WR_LAT RD_TO_PRE WR_DATA_DELAY CKE_PLS FOUR_ACT MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-68 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-53. Memory Interface Configuration Register Initialization Parameters (continued) Name Description Parameter Section/page DDR_SDRAM_CFG Control configuration SREN ECC_EN RD_EN SDRAM_TYPE DYN_PWR 32_BE 8_BE NCAP 2T_EN BA_INTLV_CTL x32_EN HSE BI DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2 Control configuration SR_IE DLL_RST_DIS DQS_CFG ODT_CFG NUM_PR D_INIT DDR_SDRAM_MODE Mode configuration ESDMODE SDMODE DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2 Mode configuration ESDMODE2 ESDMODE3 REFINT BSTOPRE INIT_VALUE CLK_ADJUST INIT_ADDR INIT_EXT_ADDR DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL DDR_DATA_INIT Interval configuration Data initialization configuration register DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL Clock adjust DDR_INIT_ADDR Initialization address DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR 9.6.1 Extended initialization address Programming Differences Between Memory Types Depending on the memory type used, certain fields must be programmed differently. Table 9-54 illustrates the differences in certain fields for different memory types. Note: This table does not list all fields that must be programmed. Table 9-54. Programming Differences Between Memory Types Parameter AP_n_EN ODT_RD_CFG Description Chip Select n Auto Precharge Enable Chip Select ODT Read Configuration Differences DDR1 Can be used to place chip select n in auto precharge mode DDR2 Can be used to place chip select n in auto precharge mode DDR1 Should always be set to 000 DDR2 Can be enabled to assert ODT if desired. This could be set differently depending on system topology. However, systems with only 1 chip select will typically not use ODT when issuing reads to the memory. Section/page MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-69 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-54. Programming Differences Between Memory Types (continued) Parameter ODT_WR_CFG ODT_PD_EXIT PRETOACT ACTTOPRE ACTTORW CASLAT REFREC WRREC ACTTOACT Description Differences Section/page Chip Select ODT Write Configuration DDR1 Should always be set to 000 DDR2 Can be enabled to assert ODT if desired. This could be set differently depending on system topology. However, ODT will typically be set to assert for the chip select that is getting written to (value would be set to 001). ODT Powerdown Exit DDR1 Should be set to 0000 DDR2 Should be set according to the DDR2 specifications for the memory used. The JEDEC parameter this applies to is tAXPD. DDR1 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tRP) DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tRP) DDR1 Should be set, along with the Extended Activate to Precharge Timing, according to the specifications for the memory used (tRAS) DDR2 Should be set, along with the Extended Activate to Precharge Timing, according to the specifications for the memory used (tRAS) DDR1 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tRCD) DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tRCD) DDR1 Should be set, along with the Extended CAS Latency, to the desired CAS latency DDR2 Should be set, along with the Extended CAS Latency, to the desired CAS latency DDR1 Should be set, along with the Extended Refresh Recovery, to the specifications for the memory used (tRFC) DDR2 Should be set, along with the Extended Refresh Recovery, to the specifications for the memory used (TRFC) DDR1 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tWR) DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tWR) DDR1 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tRRD) DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tRRD) Precharge to Activate Timing Activate to Precharge Timing Activate to Read/Write Timing CAS Latency Refresh Recovery Write Recovery Activate A to Activate B MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-70 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller Table 9-54. Programming Differences Between Memory Types (continued) Parameter WRTORD ADD_LAT WR_LAT RD_TO_PRE CKE_PLS FOUR_ACT RD_EN 8_BE 2T_EN Description Write to Read Timing Additive Latency Write Latency Read to Precharge Timing Differences DDR1 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tWRD) DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tWRD) DDR1 Should be set to 000 DDR2 Should be set to the desired additive latency. This must be set to a value less than TIMING_CFG_1[ACTTORW] DDR1 Should be set to 001 DDR2 Should be set to CAS latency - 1 cycle. For example, if the CAS latency if 5 cycles, then this field should be set to 100 (4 cycles). DDR1 Should be set to 010 if burst length is 4 and 100 if burst length is 8 DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tRTP). Time between read and precharge for non-zero value of additive latency (AL) is a minimum of AL + tRTP cycles. Minimum CKE Pulse Width DDR1 Four Activate Window Registered DIMM Enable 8-beat burst enable 2T Timing Enable Can be set to 001 DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tCKE) DDR1 Should be set to 0001 DDR2 Should be set according to the specifications for the memory used (tFAW). Only applies to eight logical banks. DDR1 If registered DIMMs are used, then this field should be set to 1 DDR2 If registered DIMMs are used, then this field should be set to 1 DDR1 If a 32-bit bus is used, and 8-beat bursts are desired, then this field should be set to 1 DDR2 Should be set to 0 DDR1 In heavily loaded systems, this can be set to 1 to gain extra timing margin on the interface at the cost of address/command bandwidth. DDR2 In heavily loaded systems, this can be set to 1 to gain extra timing margin on the interface at the cost of address/command bandwidth. Section/page MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-71 DDR Memory Controller Table 9-54. Programming Differences Between Memory Types (continued) Parameter Description DLL_RST_DIS DQS_CFG ODT_CFG BSTOPRE 9.6.2 DLL Reset Disable DQS Configuration ODT Configuration Differences Section/page DDR1 Should typically be set to 0, unless it is desired to bypass the DLL reset when exiting self refresh. DDR2 Should typically be set to 0, unless it is desired to bypass the DLL reset when exiting self refresh. DDR1 Should be set to 00 DDR2 Can be set to either 00 or 01, depending on if differential strobes will be used DDR1 Should be set to 00 DDR2 Can be set for termination at the IOs according to system topology. Typically, if ODT is enabled, then the internal IOs should be set up for termination only during reads to DRAM. Burst To Precharge Interval DDR1 Can be set to any value, depending on the application. Auto precharge can be enabled by setting this field to all 0s. DDR2 Can be set to any value, depending on the application. Auto precharge can be enabled by setting this field to all 0s. DDR SDRAM Initialization Sequence After configuration of all parameters is complete, system software must set DDR_SDRAM_CFG[MEM_EN] to enable the memory interface. Note that 200 s must elapse after DRAM clocks are stable (DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL[CLK_ADJUST] is set and any chip select is enabled) before MEM_EN can be set, so a delay loop in the initialization code may be necessary if software is enabling the memory controller. If DDR_SDRAM_CFG[BI] is not set, the DDR memory controller will conduct an automatic initialization sequence to the memory, which will follow the memory specifications. If the bypass initialization mode is used, then software can initialize the memory through the DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL register. 9.6.3 Using Forced Self-Refresh Mode to Implement a Battery-Backed RAM System This section describes the options offered by this device to support battery-backed main memory. Hardware Based Self-Refresh An external voltage sense device can be connected to this device through one of the external interrupt lines IRQn. The external interrupt from the voltage sensor would then be steered through this device's programmable interrupt controller (PIC) to the IRQ_OUT signal. Note that the IRQ_OUT signal must remain high until power is removed. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-72 Freescale Semiconductor DDR Memory Controller If DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2[SR_IE] is set, the IRQ_OUT signal from the interrupt controller is then automatically detected by the DDR controller, which immediately causes main memory to enter self-refresh mode. See Section, "DDR SDRAM Control Configuration 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2)," for further information on this bit. These fields in the appropriate registers in the PIC must be set for self refresh to function: * EIVPRn[PRIORITY] should be set to 0xF (highest priority) * EIDRn[EP] should be set in order to route the incoming signal to IRQ_OUT See Section, "External Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (EIVPR0-EIVPR11)," and Section, "External Interrupt Destination Registers (EIDR0-EIDR11)," for descriptions of these registers. Note that this application precludes any other simultaneous use of IRQ_OUT. Software Based Self-Refresh The DDR controller also has a software-programmable bit, DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2[FRC_SR], that immediately puts main memory into self-refresh mode. See Section, "DDR SDRAM Control Configuration 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2)," for a description of this register. It is expected that a critical interrupt routine triggered by an external voltage sensing device will have time to set this bit. Bypassing Re-initialization During Battery-Backed Operation The DDR controller offers an initialization bypass feature (DDR_SDRAM_CFG[BI]), which system designers may use to prevent re-initialization of main memory during system power-on following an abnormal shutdown. See Section, "DDR SDRAM Control Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_CFG)," for information on this bit and Section, "DDR Initialization Address (DDR_INIT_ADDR)," for a discussion of avoiding possible ECC errors in this mode. Note that the DDR controller will automatically wait 200 DRAM cycles before issuing any command after the assertion of MCKE[0:3] when this mode is used. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9-73 DDR Memory Controller MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 9-74 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 10 Programmable Interrupt Controller This chapter describes the programmable interrupt controller (PIC) interrupt protocol, various types of interrupt sources controlled by the PIC unit, and the PIC registers with some programming guidelines. 10.1 Introduction The PIC prioritizes and manages interrupts directed to the int signal. It also manages the interrupts generated by the PIC itself and by off-chip interrupt sources. The PIC receives interrupt signals from three sources: external to the integrated device, internal to the integrated device, and intrinsic to the PIC itself. The PIC selects among all current interrupts the one with the highest priority and forwards it to the internal processor core, or, in pass-through mode, off-chip for external servicing. 10.1.1 Overview The PIC is compliant with the OpenPIC architecture. The interrupt controller provides interrupt management, and is responsible for receiving hardware-generated interrupts from different sources (both internal and external), prioritizing them, and delivering them to the CPU for servicing. 10.1.2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * Features Programming model compliant with the OpenPIC architecture Support for 12 external and 48 internal interrupt sources. (Table 10-5 lists which of the 48 internal sources are implemented.) Serial interrupts are not supported. Four interprocessor interrupt channels. Four 32-bit messaging interrupt channels. Eight shared message signaled interrupt sources and up to 32 sharers for shared interrupt register. Four global high-resolution timers that can be clocked with the platform clock or the RTC input. Fully-nested interrupt delivery Processor initialization control Programmable resetting of the PIC unit through the global configuration register 16 programmable interrupt priority levels Support for connection of external interrupt controller device such as an 8259 programmable interrupt controller In 8259 mode, it generates a local (internal) interrupt output signal, IRQ_OUT. Recovery from spurious interrupts MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-1 Programmable Interrupt Controller 10.1.3 Interrupts to the Processor Core The int signal, which causes the external interrupt exception, is the main interrupt output from the PIC unit to the processor core. Interrupts can alternately be configured as critical interrupts (in the destination registers); these are reported to the core through the cint signal. The architecture implemented by the e500 core defines a separate critical interrupt type with its own save and restore registers (CSRR0 and CSRR1) and return instruction (Return from Critical Interrupt, rfci). In addition to the external and critical interrupts that are generated by the PIC, other conditions (shown in Table 10-1) cause interrupts to the core (and wake up the core when it is in a low-power state). Table 10-1. Processor Interrupts Generated Outside the Core--Types and Sources Core Interrupt Type Signaled by (Input to Core) Sources PIC--Programmable Interrupts External interrupt int Generated by the PIC, as described in Section 10.1.5, "Interrupt Sources." Critical interrupt cint Generated by the PIC, as described in Section 10.1.5, "Interrupt Sources." Other Interrupts Generated Outside the Core Machine check core_mcp * MCP * SRESET * Assertion of core_mcp by global utilities block Unconditional debug event core_ude UDE. Asserting UDE generates an unconditional debug exception type debug interrupt and sets a bit in the debug status register, DBSR[UDE], as described in Section 6.13.2, "Debug Status Register (DBSR)." core_hreset * HRESET assertion (and negation) * core_hreset_req. Output from core--caused by writing to the core DBCR0[RST]. This condition is additionally qualified with MSR[DE] and DBCR0[IDM] bits. Note that assertion of this signal causes a hard reset of the core only. core_hreset_req can also be caused by a second timer timeout condition as described in Section, "Timer Control Register (TCR)." * core_reset. Output from PIC. See Section, "Processor Initialization Register (PIR)." Reset The global utilities block monitors two additional interrupt conditions generated by the e500 core (core_tbint and core_fault_out signals), as shown in Table 10-2. Assertion of either of these signals causes the processor to exit a low-power state. These cases are caused by core conditions, and after the global utilities logic wakes up the core, they are handled by the core as shown in Table 10-2. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-2 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-2. e500 Core-Generated Interrupts that Cause a Wake-Up Core Signaled by Interrupt Type (Output from Core) Fixed interval timer core_tbint The source of both of these interrupts is the time base facility within the e500 core. The integrated logic monitors this core output signal and considers it a processor interrupt for the purposes of power management (causes the core to exit a low-power state). For more information about the interaction between core-generated signals and power management, see Chapter 20, "Global Utilities." core_fault_out Occurs when the L1 cache has a parity error on a snoop push operation, which can occur while the core is halted. The integrated logic monitors this signal and considers it a processor interrupt for the purposes of power management (causes the core to exit a low-power state). Decrementer Machine check 10.1.4 Sources Modes of Operation Mixed or pass-through mode can be chosen by setting or clearing GCR[M] as described in Section, "Global Configuration Register (GCR)." Mixed Mode (GCR[M] = 1) In mixed mode, the external and internal interrupts are delivered using the normal priority and delivery mechanisms detailed in Section, "External Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (EIVPR0-EIVPR11)," through Section, "Internal Interrupt Destination Registers (IIDR0-IIDR47)." Pass-Through Mode (GCR[M] = 0) The PIC unit provides a mechanism to support alternate external interrupt controllers such as the PC/AT compatible 8259 interrupt controller architecture. After a hard reset, the PIC unit defaults to pass-through mode, in which active-high interrupts from external source IRQ0 are passed directly to the e500 core, as shown in Table 10-1; all other external interrupt signals are ignored. Thus, the interrupt signal from an external interrupt controller can be connected to IRQ0 and cause direct interrupts to the processor. The PIC does not perform a vector fetch from an 8259 interrupt controller. IRQ[1:11] (Disabled) External PC/AT-Compatible 8259 Interrupt Controller PIC GCR[M] = 0 e500 Core int IRQ0 IRQ_OUT irq_out Internal interrupts (see Table 10-3) (not including PIC-generated interrupts) PCI Express Figure 10-1. Pass-Through Mode Example MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-3 Programmable Interrupt Controller When pass-through mode is enabled, the internally-generated interrupts shown in Table 10-5, are not forwarded to the e500 core. Instead, the PIC passes the raw interrupts from the internal sources to IRQ_OUT. Note that when the PCI Express controller is configured as an endpoint (EP) device, the irq_out signal from the PIC may used to automatically generate an outbound PCI Express MSI transaction toward the remote interrupt controller resource on the root complex (RC). See Section, "Hardware MSI Generation." Note that in pass-through mode, interrupts generated by the PIC itself (global timers, interprocessor, and message register interrupts) cannot be used. If internal or PIC-generated interrupts must be reported internally to the processor, pass-through mode must be disabled. 10.1.5 Interrupt Sources Aside from the sources of machine check, unconditional debug event, and reset interrupts to the core described in Table 10-1, the PIC unit can receive interrupts from six different sources as follows: * External--Off-chip signals, IRQ[0:11] * Internal--On-chip. Sources are L2, ECM, DDR, LBC, DMA, PCI Express, eTSEC1-4, DUART, performance monitor, SRIO, security engine, and I2C. * Global timers--From inside the PIC * Inter-processor (IPI)--Intended for communication between different processor cores on the same device. Used only for self-interrupt in single-core devices. * Message registers--From inside the PIC. Triggered on register write, cleared on read. Used for inter-process communication. * Shared message signaled interrupt registers--From within the PIC. Triggered on register write; cleared on read. Interrupt Routing--Mixed Mode When an interrupt request is delivered to the PIC, the corresponding interrupt destination register is checked to determine where the request should be routed, as follows: * If xIDRn[EP] = 1 (and all other destination bits are zero), the interrupt is routed off-chip to the external signal. Or if the PCI Express controller is in EP mode and automatically generates a PCI Express MSI transaction. See Section, "Hardware MSI Generation." * If xIDR[CI] is set (and all other destination bits are zero), the interrupt is routed to cint. * If xIDRn[P0] is set (and all other destination bits are zero) the interrupt is routed to int0. Setting xIDRn[P1] likewise routs the interrupt to int1 In this case, the interrupt is latched by the interrupt pending register (IPR) and the interrupt flow is as described in Section 10.4.1, "Flow of Interrupt Control." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-4 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Internal Interrupt Sources Table 10-3 shows the assignments of the internal interrupt sources. Note that this list does not include the interrupts generated by the PIC unit. Table 10-3. Internal Interrupt Sources1 Internal Interrupt Number 1 Interrupt Source Internal Interrupt Number Interrupt Source 0 L2 cache 24 eTSEC2 error 1 ECM 25 Reserved 2 DDR DRAM 26 DUART 3 LBC 27 I2C controllers 4 DMA channel 0 28 Performance monitor 5 DMA channel 1 29 Security channel 6 DMA channel 2 30 Reserved 7 DMA channel 3 31 Unused 8 PCI1 32 Serial RapidIO error/write-port unit 9 PCI2 33 Serial RapidIO outbound doorbell 10 PCI Express 34 Serial RapidIO inbound doorbell 11 Reserved 35 Reserved 12 Reserved 36 Reserved 13 eTSEC1 transmit 37 Serial RapidIO outbound message unit 0 14 eTSEC1 receive 38 Serial RapidIO inbound message unit 0 15 eTSEC3 transmit 39 Serial RapidIO outbound message unit 1 16 eTSEC3 receive 40 Serial RapidIO inbound message unit 1 17 eTSEC3 error 41 Reserved 18 eTSEC1 error 42 Reserved 19 eTSEC2 transmit 43 Reserved 20 eTSEC2 receive 44 Reserved 21 eTSEC4 transmit 45 Reserved 22 eTSEC4 receive 46 Reserved 23 eTSEC4 error 47 Reserved In the interest of PowerQUICC III family consistency and backwards compatibility, though the labeling of an IP block may change, the association between a target interface and its address offset and interrupt line remain the same. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-5 Programmable Interrupt Controller 10.2 External Signal Descriptions The following sections provide an overview and detailed descriptions of the PIC signals. 10.2.1 Signal Overview PIC interface signals are described in Table 10-4. There are 12 distinct external interrupt request input signals (IRQ[0:11]) and 1 interrupt request output signal (IRQ_OUT). As Table 10-4 shows, three IRQ inputs are multiplexed with DMA signals for DMA channel 3. Table 10-4. PIC Interface Signals Signal Name I/O Description IRQ[0:8] I External interrupts IRQ9/DMA_DREQ31 I External interrupt/DMA channel 3 request IRQ10/DMA_DACK31 I or O External interrupt (input)/DMA channel 3 acknowledge (output) IRQ11/DMA_DDONE31 I or O External interrupt (input)/DMA channel 3 done (output) IRQ_OUT O Interrupt request out MCP I Processor machine check UDE I Unconditional debug event 1 IRQ9-IRQ11 are multiplexed with DMA3 signals. These functions are mutually exclusive; the active function is specified in PMUXCR of the global utilities block as described in Section, "Alternate Function Signal Multiplex Control Register (PMUXCR)." 10.2.2 Detailed Signal Descriptions Table 10-5 provides detailed descriptions of the external PIC signals. Table 10-5. Interrupt Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O Description IRQ[0:11] I Interrupt request 0-11. The polarity and sense of each of these signals is programmable. All of these inputs can be driven asynchronously. The interrupt request signals IRQn may share PIC external interrupt registers with PCI Express INTx signaling. See Section 10.4.6, "PCI Express INTx," for more information. State Asserted--When an external interrupt signal is asserted (according to the programmed polarity), Meaning the priority is checked by the PIC unit, and the interrupt is conditionally passed to the processor. In pass-through mode, only interrupts detected on IRQ0 are passed directly to the processor core. Negated--There is no incoming interrupt from that source. Timing Assertion--All of these inputs can be asserted completely asynchronously. Negation--Interrupts programmed as level-sensitive must remain asserted until serviced. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-6 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-5. Interrupt Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description IRQ_OUT O Interrupt request out. Active-low, open drain. When the PIC is programmed in pass-through mode, this output reflects the raw interrupts generated by on-chip sources. See Section 10.1.4, "Modes of Operation," for more details. State Asserted--At least one interrupt is currently being signaled to the external system. Meaning Negated--Indicates no interrupt source currently routed to IRQ_OUT. Timing Because external interrupts are asynchronous with respect to the system clock, both assertion and negation of IRQ_OUT occurs asynchronously with respect to the interrupt source. All timing given here is approximate. Assertion--Internal interrupt source: 2 CCB clock cycles after interrupt occurs. External interrupt source: 4 cycles after interrupt occurs. Message interrupts: 2 cycles after write to message register. Negation--Follows interrupt source negation with the following delay: Internal interrupt: 2 CCB clock cycles External interrupt: 4 cycles. Message interrupts: 2 cycles after message register cleared. MCP I Machine check processor. Assertion causes a machine check interrupt to the e500 core. Note that if the e500 core is not configured to process machine check interrupts (MSR[ME] = 0), assertion of MCP causes a checkstop condition. Note that internal sources for the internal core_mcp signal can also cause a machine check interrupt to the processor core, as described in Section, "Machine Check Summary Register (MCPSUMR)," Table 10-1 and Table 10-2. State Asserted--Integrated logic should initiate a machine check interrupt or enter the checkstop state Meaning as directed by the MSR. Negated--Machine check handling is not being requested by the external system. Timing Assertion--May occur at any time, asynchronous to any clock. Negation--Because MCP is edge-triggered, it can be negated one clock after its assertion. UDE I Unconditional debug event. Assertion signal causes an unconditional debug exception to the e500 core. State Asserted--Indicates that integrated logic should initiate an unconditional debug event interrupt to Meaning the processor core. Negated--Indicates that unconditional debug event handling is not being requested by UDE. Timing Assertion--May occur at any time, asynchronous to any clock. Negation--Should remain asserted until software in the unconditional debug event interrupt handler causes the external device asserting the UDE signal to negate it. 10.3 Memory Map/Register Definition The PIC programmable register map occupies 256 Kbytes of memory-mapped space. Reading undefined portions of the memory map returns all zeros; writing has no effect. All PIC registers are 32 bits wide and, although located on 128-bit address boundaries, should only be accessed as 32-bit quantities. The PIC address offset map, shown in Table 10-6, is divided into three areas: * 0xnn4_0000-0xnn4_FFF0--Global registers * 0xnn5_0000-0xnn5_FFF0--Interrupt source configuration registers * 0xnn6_0000-0xnn7_FFF0--Per-CPU registers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-7 Programmable Interrupt Controller In the following table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page PIC Register Address Map--Global Registers 0x4_0000 BRR1--Block revision register 1 R 0x0040_0200 0x4_0010 BRR2--Block revision register 2 R 0x0000_0001 0x4_0020- Reserved 0x4_0030 -- -- -- 0x4_0040 IPIDR0--Interprocessor interrupt 0 (IPI 0) dispatch register W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_000F 0x4_0090 WHOAMI--Who am I register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_00A0 IACK--Interrupt acknowledge register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_00B0 EOI--End of interrupt register W 0x0000_0000 0x4_00C0- Reserved 0x4_0FF0 -- -- -- 0x4_1000 FRR--Feature reporting register R 0x004F_0002 0x4_1010 Reserved -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_1030 Reserved -- -- -- 0x4_1040- Vendor reserved 0x4_1070 -- -- -- 0x4_1080 VIR--Vendor identification register R 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_0050 IPIDR1--Interprocessor interrupt 1 (IPI 1) dispatch register 0x4_0060 IPIDR2--Interprocessor interrupt 2 (IPI 2) dispatch register 0x4_0070 IPIDR3--Interprocessor interrupt 3 (IPI 3) dispatch register 0x4_0080 CTPR--Current task priority register 0x4_1020 GCR--Global configuration register 0x4_1090 PIR--Processor initialization register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-8 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page R/W 0x8000_0000 R/W 0x0000_FFFF R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1110 GTBCR0--Global timer 0 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1120 GTVPR0--Global timer 0 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1130 GTDR0--Global timer 0 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1150 GTBCR1--Global timer 1 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1160 GTVPR1--Global timer 1 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_1170 GTDR1--Global timer 1 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1190 GTBCR2--Global timer 2 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11A0 GTVPR2--Global timer 2 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11B0 GTDR2--Global timer 2 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_11D0 GTBCR3--Global timer 3 base count register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11E0 GTVPR3--Global timer 3 vector/priority register R/W 0x8000_0000 0x4_11F0 GTDR3--Global timer 3 destination register R/W 0x0000_0001 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_10A0 IPIVPR0--IPI 0 vector/priority register 0x4_10B0 IPIVPR1--IPI 1 vector/priority register 0x4_10C0 IPIVPR2--IPI 2 vector/priority register 0x4_10D0 IPIVPR3--IPI 3 vector/priority register 0x4_10E0 SVR--Spurious vector register Global Timer Registers 0x4_10F0 TFRR--Timer frequency reporting register 0x4_1100 GTCCR0--Global timer 0 current count register 0x4_1140 GTCCR1--Global timer 1 current count register 0x4_1180 GTCCR2--Global timer 2 current count register 0x4_11C0 GTCCR3--Global timer 3 current count register 0x4_1200- Reserved 0x4_12F0 0x4_1300 TCR--Timer control register External, IRQ_OUT, and Critical Interrupt Summary Registers 0x4_1308 ERQSR--External interrupt summary register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1310 IRQSR0--IRQ_OUT summary register 0 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1320 IRQSR1--IRQ_OUT summary register 1 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1324 IRQSR2--IRQ_OUT summary register 2 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1330 CISR0--Critical Interrupt summary register 0 R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1340 CISR1--Critical Interrupt summary register 1 R 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-9 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register 0x4_1344 CISR2--Critical Interrupt summary register 2 Access Reset Section/Page R 0x0000_0000 Performance Monitor Mask Registers 0x4_1350 PM0MR0--Performance monitor 0 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF 0x4_1360 PM0MR1--Performance monitor 0 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1364 PM0MR2--Performance monitor 0 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1370 PM1MR0--Performance monitor 1 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF 0x4_1380 PM1MR1--Performance monitor 1 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1384 PM1MR2--Performance monitor 1 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_1390 PM2MR0--Performance monitor 2 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF 0x4_13A0 PM2MR1--Performance monitor 2 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13A4 PM2MR2--Performance monitor 2 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13B0 PM3MR0--Performance monitor 3 mask register 0 R/W 0x00FF_FFFF 0x4_13C0 PM3MR1--Performance monitor 3 mask register 1 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13C4 PM3MR2--Performance monitor 3 mask register 2 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x4_13D0- Reserved 0x4_13F0 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x4_1500 MER--Message enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x4_1510 MSR--Message status register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x4_1600 MSIR0--Shared message signaled interrupt register 0 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1610 MSIR1--Shared message signaled interrupt register 1 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1620 MSIR2--Shared message signaled interrupt register 2 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1630 MSIR3--Shared message signaled interrupt register 3 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1640 MSIR4--Shared message signaled interrupt register 4 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1650 MSIR5--Shared message signaled interrupt register 5 Special 0x0000_0000 Message Registers 0x4_1400 MSGR0--Message register 0 0x4_1410 MSGR1--Message register 1 0x4_1420 MSGR2--Message register 2 0x4_1430 MSGR3--Message register 3 0x4_1440- Reserved 0x4_14F0 0x4_1520- Reserved 0x4_15F0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-10 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x4_1660 MSIR6--Shared message signaled interrupt register 6 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1670 MSIR7--Shared message signaled interrupt register 7 Special 0x0000_0000 0x4_1680- Reserved 0x4_1700 -- -- -- 0x4_1720 MSISR--Shared message signaled interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000 0x4_1740 MSIIR--Shared message signaled interrupt index register W 0x0000_0000 0x4_1750- Reserved 0x4_FFFF -- -- -- PIC Register Address Map--Interrupt Source Configuration Registers 0x5_0000 EIVPR0--External interrupt 0 (IRQ0) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0010 EIDR0--External interrupt 0 (IRQ0) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0020 EIVPR1--External interrupt 1 (IRQ1) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0030 EIDR1--External interrupt 1 (IRQ1) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0040 EIVPR2--External interrupt 2 (IRQ2) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0050 EIDR2--External interrupt 2 (IRQ2) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0060 EIVPR3--External interrupt 3 (IRQ3) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0070 EIDR3--External interrupt 3 (IRQ3) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0080 EIVPR4--External interrupt 4 (IRQ4) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0090 EIDR4--External interrupt 4 (IRQ4) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_00A0 EIVPR5--External interrupt 5 (IRQ5) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_00B0 EIDR5--External interrupt 5 (IRQ5) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_00C0 EIVPR6--External interrupt 6 (IRQ6) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_00D0 EIDR6--External interrupt 6 (IRQ6) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_00E0 EIVPR7--External interrupt 7 (IRQ7) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_00F0 EIDR7--External interrupt 7 (IRQ7) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0100 EIVPR8--External interrupt 8 (IRQ8) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0110 EIDR8--External interrupt 8 (IRQ8) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0120 EIVPR9--External interrupt 9 (IRQ9) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0130 EIDR9--External interrupt 9 (IRQ9) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0140 EIVPR10--External interrupt 10 (IRQ10) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0150 EIDR10--External interrupt 10 (IRQ10) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0160 EIVPR11--External interrupt 11 (IRQ11) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_0170 EIDR11--External interrupt 11 (IRQ11) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-11 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page -- -- -- 0x5_0200 IIVPR0--Internal interrupt 0 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0210 IIDR0--Internal interrupt 0 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0220 IIVPR1--Internal interrupt 1 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0230 IIDR1--Internal interrupt 1 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0240 IIVPR2--Internal interrupt 2 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0250 IIDR2--Internal interrupt 2 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0260 IIVPR3--Internal interrupt 3 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0270 IIDR3--Internal interrupt 3 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0280 IIVPR4--Internal interrupt 4 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0290 IIDR4--Internal interrupt 4 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_02A0 IIVPR5--Internal interrupt 5 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_02B0 IIDR5--Internal interrupt 5 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_02C0 IIVPR6--Internal interrupt 6 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_02D0 IIDR6--Internal interrupt 6 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_02E0 IIVPR7--Internal interrupt 7 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_02F0 IIDR7--Internal interrupt 7 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0300 IIVPR8--Internal interrupt 8 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0310 IIDR8--Internal interrupt 8 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0320 IIVPR9--Internal interrupt 9 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0330 IIDR9--Internal interrupt 9 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0340 IIVPR10--Internal interrupt 10 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0350 IIDR10--Internal interrupt 10 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0360 IIVPR11--Internal interrupt 11 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0370 IIDR11--Internal interrupt 11 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0380 IIVPR12--Internal interrupt 12 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0390 IIDR12--Internal interrupt 12 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_03A0 IIVPR13--Internal interrupt 13 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_03B0 IIDR13--Internal interrupt 13 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_03C0 IIVPR14--Internal interrupt 14 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_03D0 IIDR14--Internal interrupt 14 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_03E0 IIVPR15--Internal interrupt 15 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0180- Reserved 0x5_01F0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-12 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x5_03F0 IIDR15--Internal interrupt 15 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0400 IIVPR16--Internal interrupt 16 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0410 IIDR16--Internal interrupt 16 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0420 IIVPR17--Internal interrupt 17 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0430 IIDR17--Internal interrupt 17 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0440 IIVPR18--Internal interrupt 18 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0450 IIDR18--Internal interrupt 18 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0460 IIVPR19--Internal interrupt 19 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0470 IIDR19--Internal interrupt 19 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0480 IIVPR20--Internal interrupt 20 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0490 IIDR20--Internal interrupt 20 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_04A0 IIVPR21--Internal interrupt 21 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_04B0 IIDR21--Internal interrupt 21 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_04C0 IIVPR22--Internal interrupt 22 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_04D0 IIDR22--Internal interrupt 22 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_04E0 IIVPR23--Internal interrupt 23 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_04F0 IIDR23--Internal interrupt 23 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0500 IIVPR24--Internal interrupt 24 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0510 IIDR24--Internal interrupt 24 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0520 IIVPR25--Internal interrupt 25 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0530 IIDR25--Internal interrupt 25 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0540 IIVPR26--Internal interrupt 26 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0550 IIDR26--Internal interrupt 26 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0560 IIVPR27--Internal interrupt 27 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0570 IIDR27--Internal interrupt 27 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0580 IIVPR28--Internal interrupt 28 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0590 IIDR28--Internal interrupt 28 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_05A0 IIVPR29--Internal interrupt 29 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_05B0 IIDR29--Internal interrupt 29 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_05C0 IIVPR30--Internal interrupt 30 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_05D0 IIDR30--Internal interrupt 30 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_05E0 IIVPR31--Internal interrupt 31 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_05F0 IIDR31--Internal interrupt 31 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-13 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x5_0600 IIVPR32--Internal interrupt 32 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0610 IIDR32--Internal interrupt 32 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0620 IIVPR33--Internal interrupt 33 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0630 IIDR33--Internal interrupt 33 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0640 IIVPR34--Internal interrupt 34 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0650 IIDR34--Internal interrupt 34 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0660 IIVPR35--Internal interrupt 35 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0670 IIDR35--Internal interrupt 35 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0680 IIVPR36--Internal interrupt 36 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0690 IIDR36--Internal interrupt 36 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_06A0 IIVPR37--Internal interrupt 37 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_06B0 IIDR37--Internal interrupt 37 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_06C0 IIVPR38--Internal interrupt 38 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_06D0 IIDR38--Internal interrupt 38 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_06E0 IIVPR39--Internal interrupt 39 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_06F0 IIDR39--Internal interrupt 39 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0700 IIVPR40--Internal interrupt 40 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0710 IIDR40--Internal interrupt 40 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0720 IIVPR41--Internal interrupt 41 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0730 IIDR41--Internal interrupt 41 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0740 IIVPR42--Internal interrupt 42 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0750 IIDR42--Internal interrupt 42 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0760 IIVPR43--Internal interrupt 43 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0770 IIDR43--Internal interrupt 43 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_0780 IIVPR44--Internal interrupt 44 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_0790 IIDR44--Internal interrupt 44 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_07A0 IIVPR45--Internal interrupt 45 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_07B0 IIDR45--Internal interrupt 45 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_07C0 IIVPR46--Internal interrupt 46 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_07D0 IIDR46--Internal interrupt 46 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_07E0 IIVPR47--Internal interrupt 47 vector/priority register Mixed 0x8080_0000 0x5_07F0 IIDR47--Internal interrupt 47 destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-14 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page -- -- -- 0x5_1600 MIVPR0--Messaging interrupt 0 (MSG 0) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1610 MIDR0--Messaging interrupt 0 (MSG 0) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1620 MIVPR1--Messaging interrupt 1 (MSG 1) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1630 MIDR1--Messaging interrupt 1 (MSG 1) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1640 MIVPR2--Messaging interrupt 2 (MSG 2) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1650 MIDR2--Messaging interrupt 2 (MSG 2) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1660 MIVPR3--Messaging interrupt 3 (MSG 3) vector/priority register Mixed 0x8000_0000 0x5_1670 MIDR3--Messaging interrupt 3 (MSG 3) destination register Mixed 0x0000_0001 -- -- -- 0x5_1C00 MSIVPR0--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 0 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C10 MSIDR0--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 0 Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1C20 MSIVPR1--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 1 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C30 MSIDR1--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 1 Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1C40 MSIVPR2--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 2 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C50 MSIDR2--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 2 Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1C60 MSIVPR3--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 3 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C70 MSIDR3--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 3 Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1C80 MSIVPR4--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 4 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1C90 MSIDR4--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 4 Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1CA0 MSIVPR5--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 5 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1CB0 MSIDR5--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 5 Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1CC0 MSIVPR6--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 6 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1CD0 MSIDR6--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 6 Mixed 0x0000_0001 0x5_1CE0 MSIVPR7--Shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority register 7 Mixed 0x1000_0000 0x5_1CF0 MSIDR7--Shared message signaled interrupt destination register 7 Mixed 0x0000_0001 -- -- -- 0x5_0800- Reserved 0x5_15F0 0x5_1680- Reserved 0x5_1BF0 0x5_1D00- Reserved 0x5_FFF0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-15 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-6. PIC Register Address Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page PIC Register Address Map--Per-CPU Registers 0x6_0000- Reserved 0x6_0030 -- -- -- 0x6_0040 IPIDR0--Interprocessor interrupt 0 (IPI 0) dispatch register W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_000F 0x6_0090 WHOAMI--Who am I register R 0x0000_0000 0x6_00A0 IACK--interrupt acknowledge register R 0x0000_0000 0x6_00B0 EOI--End of interrupt register W 0x0000_0000 0x6_0050 IPIDR1--Interprocessor interrupt 1 (IPI 1) dispatch register 0x6_0060 IPIDR2--Interprocessor interrupt 2 (IPI 2) dispatch register 0x6_0070 IPIDR3--Interprocessor interrupt 3 (IPI 3) dispatch register 0x6_0080 CTPR--Current task priority register 10.3.1 Global Registers Most registers have one address. Some registers are replicated for each processor in a multiprocessor device. In this case, each processor accesses its separate registers using the same address, the address decoding being sensitive to the processor ID. A copy of the per-CPU registers is available to each processor core at the same physical address, that is, the private access address space. The private access address space acts like an alias to a processor's own copy of the per-CPU registers. As shown in Figure 10-41, the ID of the processor initiating the read/write transaction is used to determine which processor's per-CPU registers to access. For more information on per-CPU registers, see Section 10.3.8, "Per-CPU Registers." NOTE Register fields designated as write-1-to-clear are cleared only by writing ones to them. Writing zeros to them has no effect. Block Revision Register 1 (BRR1) The block revision register (BRR1) shown in Figure 10-2 provides information about the IP block. Offset 0x4_0000 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R 23 24 IPID 31 IPMJ IPMN W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-2. Block Revision Register 1 (BRR1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-16 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-9 describes the BRR1 fields. Table 10-7. BRR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 IPID IP block ID 16-23 IPMJ The Major Revision of IP block 24-31 IPMN The Minor Revision of IP block Description Block Revision Register 2 (BRR2) The block revision register (BRR2) shown in Figure 10-3 provides information about the IP block integration option and IP block configuration options. Offset 0x4_0010 Access: Read only 0 7 R 8 15 16 IPINTO -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 23 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 IPCFGO -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 10-3. Block Revision Register 2 (BRR2) Table 10-8 describes the BRR2 fields. Table 10-8. BRR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 IPINTO 16-23 -- 24-31 IPCFGO Description Reserved. IP block integration options Reserved. IP block configuration options Feature Reporting Register (FRR) The feature reporting register (FRR) shown in Figure 10-4 provides information about interrupt and processor configurations. It also informs the programming environment of the controller version. Offset 0x4_1000 Access: Read only 0 4 R 15 16 NIRQ -- W Reset 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 19 -- 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 23 24 31 NCPU 0 0 0 0 0 VID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Figure 10-4. Feature Reporting Register (FRR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-17 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-9 describes the FRR fields. Table 10-9. FRR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 -- 5-15 NIRQ 16-18 -- 19-23 Description Reserved. Number of interrupts. Contains the binary value of the maximum number of interrupt sources supported minus one. The value is 79 (0x4F) because this device supports 80 interrupts: 12 external sources, 48 internal sources (see Table 10-3), 4 timer sources, 4 IPI sources, 4 messaging sources, and 8 Shared message signaled sources. A zero in this field corresponds to one source. Reserved. NCPU Number of CPUs. The number of the highest physical CPU supported. The MPC8548E implements one CPU (the processor core), referenced as P0. 24-31 VID Version ID. Version ID for this interrupt controller. Reports the OpenPIC specification revision level supported by this implementation. A value of two corresponds to revision 1.2 which is the revision level currently supported. Global Configuration Register (GCR) The global configuration register (GCR) shown in Figure 10-5 controls the PIC's operating mode, and allows software to reset the PIC. Offset 0x4_1020 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 2 3 31 RST -- M -- Reset All zeros Figure 10-5. Global Configuration Register (GCR) Table 10-10 describes the GCR fields. Table 10-10. GCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 Description RST Reset. Setting this field forces the PIC to be reset. Cleared automatically when the reset sequence is complete. See Section 10.4.8, "Reset of the PIC," for more information. 1 -- Reserved 2 M Mode. PIC operating mode. 0 Pass-through mode. On-chip PIC is disabled and interrupts detected on IRQ0 are passed directly to the processor core. See Section 10.1.4, "Modes of Operation," for more details. 1 Mixed mode. Interrupts are handled by the normal priority and delivery mechanisms of the PIC. See Section 10.1.4, "Modes of Operation," for more details. 3-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-18 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Vendor Identification Register (VIR) The vendor identification register (VIR) shown in Figure 10-6 has specific read-only information about the vendor and the device revision. Offset 0x4_1080 Access: Read only 0 7 R 8 15 16 STEP -- W Reset 23 24 DEVICE ID 31 VENDOR ID All zeros Figure 10-6. Vendor Identification Register (VIR) Table 10-11 describes the VIR fields. Table 10-11. VIR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 STEP Description Reserved Stepping. Indicates the silicon revision for this device. Has no meaning when the VENDOR ID value is zero. 16-23 DEVICE ID Device identification. Vendor-specified identifier for this device. Has no meaning if VENDOR ID = 0. 24-31 VENDOR ID Vendor identification. Specifies the manufacturer of this part. A value of zero implies a generic PIC-compliant device. Processor Initialization Register (PIR) The processor initialization register in the PIC provides a mechanism for software to reset the processor. The core_reset signal to the processor is held active until a zero is written to the processor initialization register field. Thus, PIR should only be written by an external host and the external host should wait at least 100 s to clear this field after writing it. The processor should not attempt to write to PIR because writing to it resets the core, and the core will not be able to clear the reset field, and so it would remain in reset indefinitely. Note that although the architecture was designed to support multiple processing cores, only fields corresponding to processors on the device are implemented, as shown in Figure 10-7. On single-core implementations, only PIR[P0] is implemented. Offset 0x4_1090 Access: Read/Write 0 30 31 R -- W Reset P0 All zeros Figure 10-7. Processor Initialization Register (PIR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-19 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-12 describes the PIR fields. Table 10-12. PIR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-30 -- Reserved 31 P0 Processor 0 core reset. Setting this bit causes the PIC unit to assert the core_reset signal to processor 0 (the e500 core). IPI Vector/Priority Registers (IPIVPRn) The interprocessor interrupt (IPI) vector/priority registers contain the interrupt vector and priority fields for the four interprocessor interrupt channels as shown in Figure 10-8. There is one IPI vector/priority register per channel. The VECTOR and PRIORITY values should not be changed while IPIVPRn[A] is set. Offset 0x4_10A0, 0x4_10B0, 0x4_10C0, 0x4_10D0 0 R W Reset 1 MSK 1 2 11 12 A 0 -- 0 Access: Read/Write 0 0 0 0 15 16 31 PRIORITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VECTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-8. IPI Vector/Priority Register (IPIVPRn) Table 10-13 describes the IPIVPRn fields. Table 10-13. IPIVPRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MSK 1 A Activity. Indicates an interrupt has been reported or is in-service. Note that this field is read only. The values of VECTOR and PRIORITY should not be changed while IPIVPRn[A] is set. 0 No current interrupt activity associated with this source. 1 The interrupt bit for this source in the IPR or ISR is set. 2-11 -- Reserved Mask. Mask interrupts from this source. Always set following reset. 0 An interrupt request is generated if the corresponding IPR bit is set. 1 Further interrupts from this source are disabled. 12-15 PRIORITY Priority. Specifies the interrupt priority. The lowest priority is 0 and the highest priority is 15. A priority level of 0 disables interrupt reporting from this source. 16-31 VECTOR Vector. The vector value in this field is returned when the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) register is read and this interrupt resides in the interrupt request register (IRR) shown in Figure 10-47. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-20 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Spurious Vector Register (SVR) The spurious vector register (SVR), shown in Figure 10-9, contains the 16-bit vector returned to the processor when the IACK register is read for a spurious interrupt. Offset 0x4_10E0 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R 31 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VECTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 10-9. Spurious Vector Register (SVR) Table 10-14 describes the SVR fields. Table 10-14. SVR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- Description Reserved 16-31 VECTOR Spurious interrupt vector. Value returned when the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) register is read during a spurious vector fetch. See Section 10.4.3, "Spurious Vector Generation," for more information about the events and conditions that may cause a spurious vector fetch. 10.3.2 Global Timer Registers This section describes the global timer registers. Note that each timer has four individual configuration registers (GTCCRn, GTBCRn, GTVPRn, GTDRn), but they are only shown once in this section. Timer Frequency Reporting Register (TFRR) The timer frequency reporting register (TFRR), shown in Figure 10-10, is written by software to report the clocking frequency of the PIC timers. Note that although TFRR is read/write, the value of this register is ignored by the PIC unit. Offset 0x4_10F0 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R FREQ W Reset All zeros Figure 10-10. Timer Frequency Reporting Register (TFRR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-21 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-15 describes the TFRR register. Table 10-15. TFRR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 FREQ Timer frequency (in ticks/second (Hz)). Used to communicate the frequency of the global timers' clock source, identically the core complex bus (CCB) clock, to user software. See Section 4.4.4, "Clocking," for more details. TFRR is set only by software for later use by other applications and its value in no way affects the operating frequency of the global timers. The timers operate at a ratio of this clock frequency set by TCR[CLKR]. See Section, "Timer Control Register (TCR)." Global Timer Current Count Registers (GTCCRn) The global timer current count registers (GTCCRs), shown in Figure 10-11, contain the current count for each of the four PIC timers. Offset 0x4_1100, 0x4_1140, 0x4_1180, 0x4_11C0 0 Access: Read only 1 31 R TOG COUNT W Reset All zeros Figure 10-11. Global Timer Current Count Registers (GTCCRn) Table 10-16 describes the GTCCRn fields. Table 10-16. GTCCRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 TOG Description Toggle. Toggles when the current count decrements to zero. Cleared when GTBCRn[CI] goes from 1 to 0. 1-31 COUNT Current count. Decremented while GTBCRn[CI] is zero. When the timer count reaches zero, an interrupt is generated (provided it is not masked), the toggle bit is inverted, and the count is reloaded. For non-cascaded timers, the reload value is the contents of the corresponding base count register. Cascaded timers are reloaded with either all ones, or the contents of the base count register, depending on the value of TCR[ROVR]. See Section, "Timer Control Register (TCR)," for more details. Global Timer Base Count Registers (GTBCRn) The global timer base count registers (GTBCRs) contain the base counts for each of the four PIC timers as shown in Figure 10-12. This value is reloaded into the corresponding GTCCRn when the current count reaches zero. Note that when zero is written to the base count field, (and GTCCRn[CI] = 0), the timer generates an interrupt on every timer cycle. Offset 0x4_1110, 0x4_1150, 0x4_1190, 0x4_11D0 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 31 CI Reset 1 BASE CNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-12. Global Timer Base Count Register (GTBCRn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-22 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-17 describes the GTBCRn fields. Table 10-17. GTBCRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 CI Description Count inhibit. Always set following reset 0 Counting enabled 1 Counting inhibited 1-31 BASE CNT Base count. When CI transitions from 1 to 0, this value is copied into the corresponding current count register and the toggle bit is cleared. If CI is already cleared (counting is in progress), the base count is copied to the current count register at the next zero crossing of the current count. Global Timer Vector/Priority Registers (GTVPRn) The global timer vector/priority registers (GTVPRs) contain the interrupt vector and the interrupt priority as shown in Figure 10-13. They also contain the mask and activity fields. Offset 0x4_1120, 0x4_1160, 0x4_11A0, 0x4_11E0 0 R W Reset 1 MSK 1 2 11 12 A 0 -- 0 Access: Mixed 0 0 0 0 15 16 31 PRIORITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VECTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-13. Global Timer Vector/Priority Register (GTVPRn) Table 10-18 describes the GTVPRn fields. Table 10-18. GTVPRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MSK 1 A Activity. This field is read-only. 0 No current interrupt activity associated with this source. 1 An interrupt has been requested by the corresponding source or is currently being serviced. The interrupt bit for this source is set in the IPR or ISR. The VECTOR and PRIORITY values should not be changed while the A bit is set. 2-11 -- Reserved Mask. Inhibits interrupts from this source. 0 Interrupt requests are generated when the corresponding IPR bit is set. 1 Further interrupts from this source are disabled. 12-15 PRIORITY Priority. Specifies the interrupt priority. The lowest priority is 0 and the highest priority is 15. A priority level of 0 disables interrupts from this source. 16-31 VECTOR Vector. The vector value in this field is returned when the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) register is read and this interrupt resides in the interrupt request register shown in Figure 10-47. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-23 Programmable Interrupt Controller Global Timer Destination Registers (GTDRn) The global timer destination register controls the destination processor for this timer's interrupt, as shown in Figure 10-14. Offset 0x4_1130, 0x4_1170, 0x4_11B0, 0x4_11F0 Access: Read only 0 30 31 R P0 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 10-14. Global Timer Destination Registers (GTDRn) Table 10-19 describes the GTDRn fields. Table 10-19. GTDRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-30 -- Reserved 31 P0 Processor 0. Indicates that processor 0 handles any interrupt. This bit is meaningful only in a multi-core device. In a single-core device, internally serviced interrupts are always directed to processor 0. Permanently set and read only. 1 Interrupt directed to processor 0. Timer Control Register (TCR) The timer control register (TCR) shown in Figure 10-16 provides various configuration options such as count frequency and roll-over behavior. There are two choices for the clock source for the timers: a selectable frequency ratio from the CCB clock, or the RTC signal. The TCR also provides the ability to create timers larger than the default 31-bit global timers. Timer cascade fields allow configuration of up to two 63-bit timers, one 95-bit timer or one 127-bit timer. With one exception mentioned below, the value reloaded into a timer is determined by its roll-over control field TCR[ROVR]. Setting a timer's roll-over field causes its current count register to roll over to all ones when the count reaches zero. This is equivalent to reloading the count register with 0xFFFF_FFFF instead of its base count value. Clearing a timer's associated ROVR bit ensures the timer always reloads with its base count value. When timers are cascaded the last (most significant) counter in the cascade also affects their roll-over behavior. Cascaded timers always reload their base count when the most significant counter has decremented to zero, regardless of the settings in TCR[ROVR]. For example, timers 0, 1, and 2 can be cascaded to generate one interrupt every hour. As shown in Table 10-20, given a CCB clock of 333 MHz, letting the timer clock frequency default to 1/8th the system clock, (TCR[CLKR] = 0 sets a clock ratio of 8), provides a basic input of 41.625 MHz to timer 0. Setting timer 0 to count 41,625,000 (0x27B_25A8) timer clock cycles will generate one output per second. Setting both timers 1 and 2 to 59, and cascading all three timers, generates one interrupt every hour from timer 2. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-24 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-20. Parameters for Hourly Interrupt Timer Cascade Example System Clock Clock Ratio 333 MHz 1 Timer Clock 1/8 Timer 0 Count 106 41.625 MHz 41.625 x (0x027B_25A8) Timer 1 Count 1 59 (0x0000_0036) Timer 2 Count 59 (0x0000_0036) Counting down from 59 through 0 requires 60 ticks. (41.625 x 106 ticks/sec) x (60 sec/min) x (60 min/hr) = total ticks/hr generating 1 interrupt/hr Figure 10-15. Example Calculation for Cascaded Timers Offset 0x4_1300 0 R Access: Read/Write 4 -- W 5 7 8 14 ROVR -- Reset 15 16 RTM 21 22 23 24 -- CLKR 28 29 -- 31 CASC All zeros Figure 10-16. Timer Control Register (TCR) Table 10-21 describes the TCR fields. Table 10-21. TCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 -- 5-7 8-14 15 16-21 Description Reserved ROVR Roll-over control for cascaded timers only. Specifies behavior when count reaches zero by identifying the source of the reload value. Cascaded timers are always reloaded with their base count value when the more significant timer in the cascade (the upstream timer) is zero. Bits 5-7 correspond to timers 2-0. Note that global timer 3 always reloads with its base count register. 0 Timer does not roll over. When the count reaches zero, current count register is reloaded with the base count register value. 1 Timer rolls over at zero to all ones. (When the count reaches zero, current count register is reloaded with 0xFFFF_FFFF.) 000 All timers reload with base count. 001 Timers 1 and 2 reload with base count, timer 0 rolls over (reloads with 0xFFFF_FFFF). 010 Timers 0 and 2 reload with base count, timer 1 rolls over (reloads with 0xFFFF_FFFF). 011 Timer 2 reloads with base count, timers 0 and 1 roll over (reload with 0xFFFF_FFFF). 100 Timers 0 and 1 reload with base count, timer 2 rolls over (reloads with 0xFFFF_FFFF). 101 Timer 1 reloads with base count, timers 0 and 2 roll over (reload with 0xFFFF_FFFF). 110 Timer 0 reloads with base count, timers 1 and 2 roll over (reload with 0xFFFF_FFFF). 111 Timers 0, 1, and 2 roll over (reload with 0xFFFF_FFFF). -- Reserved RTM Real time mode. Specifies the clock source for the PIC timers. 0 Timer clock frequency is a ratio of the frequency of the platform (CCB) clock as determined by the CLKR field. This is the default value. 1 The RTC signal is used to clock the PIC timers. If this bit is set, the CLKR field has no meaning. -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-25 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-21. TCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 22-23 CLKR Clock ratio. Specifies the ratio of the timer frequency to the platform (CCB) clock. The following clock ratios are supported: 00 Default. Divide by 8 01 Divide by 16 10 Divide by 32 11 Divide by 64 24-28 -- Reserved 29-31 CASC Cascade timers. Specifies the output of particular global timers as input to others. 000 Default. Timers not cascaded 001 Cascade timers 0 and 1 010 Cascade timers 1 and 2 011 Cascade timers 0, 1, and 2 100 Cascade timers 2 and 3 101 Cascade timers 0 and 1; timers 2 and 3 110 Cascade timers 1, 2, and 3 111 Cascade timers 0, 1, 2, and 3 10.3.3 External, IRQ_OUT, and Critical Interrupt Summary Registers The summary registers indicate the interrupt sources directed to IRQ_OUT or cint. Summary register bits are cleared when the corresponding interrupt that caused a bit to be set is negated. Note that only level-sensitive interrupts can be directed to IRQ_OUT or cint. The IRQ_OUT summary registers, shown in Figure 10-18 through Figure 10-20 contain one bit for each interrupt source. The corresponding bit is set if the interrupt is active and is directed to IRQ_OUT (that is, if the corresponding xIDR[EP] is set). The critical interrupt summary registers shown in Figure 10-21 through Figure 10-23 contain one bit for each interrupt source. The corresponding bit is set if the interrupt is active and is directed to the processor's critical interrupt signal cint (if the CI field in its corresponding destination register is set). The summary register bits are cleared when the corresponding interrupt that caused a bit to be set is negated. Note that unused IRQn signals may be used as general-purpose inputs. The external interrupt summary register (ERQSR) can be used to monitor these signals. See Section, "External Interrupt Summary Register (ERQSR)," and Section 20.5.2, "General-Purpose I/O Signals," for more information. External Interrupt Summary Register (ERQSR) NOTE The fields in ERQSR report only the current state of IRQ0-11. These fields were designed to work with level-sensitive interrupts; the values returned for edge-sensitive interrupts may be unreliable. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-26 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Figure 10-17 shows the ERQSR fields. Offset 0x4_1308 0 Access: Read Only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 31 R EINT0 EINT1 EINT2 EINT3 EINT4 EINT5 EINT6 EINT7 EINT8 EINT9 EINT10 EINT11 -- W Reset All zeros Figure 10-17. External Interrupt Summary Register (ERQSR) Table 10-22 describes the ERQSR fields. Table 10-22. ERQSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 EINTn Description External interrupt pin n status. 0 External interrupt pin n is not active. 1 External interrupt pin n is active. 12-31 Reserved IRQ_OUT Summary Register 0 (IRQSR0) Figure 10-18 shows the IRQSR0 fields. Offset 0x4_1310 Access: Read only 0 19 20 31 EXTn R W Reset All zeros Figure 10-18. IRQ_OUT Summary Register 0 (IRQSR0) Table 10-23 describes the IRQSR0 fields. Table 10-23. IRQSR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 Description Reserved EXTn External interrupts 0-11. Each bit corresponds to a different interrupt according to the following: Bit Interrupt 20 IRQ0 21 IRQ1 * * * * 31 IRQ11 0 The corresponding interrupt is not active or not directed to IRQ_OUT. 1 The corresponding interrupt is active and directed to IRQ_OUT (if the corresponding xIDR[EP] is set). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-27 Programmable Interrupt Controller IRQ_OUT Summary Register 1 (IRQSR1) Figure 10-19 shows the IRQSR1 fields. Offset 0x4_1320 Access: Read only 0 31 INTn R W Reset All zeros Figure 10-19. IRQ_OUT Summary Register 1 (IRQSR1) Table 10-24 describes the IRQSR1 fields. Table 10-24. IRQSR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 INTn Internal interrupts 0-31 status. Bit 0 represents INT0. Bit 31 represents INT31. 0 The corresponding interrupt is not active or not directed to IRQ_OUT. 1 The corresponding interrupt is active and is directed to IRQ_OUT (that is, if the corresponding xIDR[EP] is set). IRQ_OUT Summary Register 2 (IRQSR2) Figure 10-20 shows the IRQSR2 fields. Offset 0x4_1324 Access: Read only 0 15 16 INT n R -- W Reset 31 All zeros Figure 10-20. IRQ_OUT Summary Register 2 (IRQSR2) Table 10-25 describes the IRQSR2 fields. Table 10-25. IRQSR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 INTn Internal interrupts 32-47 status. Bit 0 represents INT32. Bit 15 represents INT47. 32 The corresponding interrupt is not active or not directed to IRQ_OUT. 47 The corresponding interrupt is active and directed to IRQ_OUT (that is, if the corresponding xIDR[EP] is set). 16-31 -- Description Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-28 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Critical Interrupt Summary Register 0 (CISR0) Figure 10-21 shows the CISR0 fields. Offset 0x4_1330 Access: Read only 0 31 R EXTn -- W Reset All zeros Figure 10-21. Critical Interrupt Summary Register 0 (CISR0) Table 10-26 describes the CISR0 fields. Table 10-26. CISR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 Description Reserved EXTn External interrupts 0-11. Bit 20 represents IRQ0. Bit 31 represents IRQ11. 0 The corresponding interrupt is not active or not directed to cint. 1 The corresponding interrupt is active and is directed to the cint (if the corresponding xIDR[CI] is set). Critical Interrupt Summary Register 1 (CISR1) Figure 10-22 shows the CISR1 fields. Offset 0x4_1340 Access: Read only 0 31 INTn R W Reset All zeros Figure 10-22. Critical Interrupt Summary Register 1 (CISR1) Table 10-27 describes CISR1 register. Table 10-27. CISR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 INTn Description Internal interrupts 0-31. Bit 0 represents INT0. Bit 31 represents INT31. 0 Corresponding interrupt is not active or not directed to cint. 1 The corresponding interrupt is active and is directed to the cint (if the corresponding xIDR[CI] is set). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-29 Programmable Interrupt Controller Critical Interrupt Summary Register 2 (CISR2) Figure 10-23 describes the CISR2 register. Offset 0x4_1344 Access: Read only 0 15 16 31 INT n R -- W Reset All zeros Figure 10-23. Critical Interrupt Summary Register 2 (CISR2) Table 10-28 shows CISR2 fields. Table 10-28. CISR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 INTn 16-31 -- 10.3.4 Description Internal interrupts 32-47. Bit 0 represents INT32. Bit 15 represents INT47. 0 Corresponding interrupt is not active or not directed to cint. 1 The corresponding interrupt is active and is directed to the cint (if the corresponding xIDR[CI] is set). Reserved Performance Monitor Mask Registers (PMMRs) The twelve performance monitor mask registers consist of four sets of three 32-bit registers--PMnMR0, PMnMR1, and PMnMR2. Each set can be configured to select one interrupt source (IPI, timer, message, or external) to generate a performance monitor event. The performance monitor can be configured to track this event in the performance monitor local control registers. See Section, "Performance Monitor Local Control Registers (PMLCAn, PMLCBn)." Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 0 (PMnMR0) Figure 10-24 shows the PMnMR0 registers. Each PMnMR0 register is associated with a PMnMR1 and a PMnMR2 register. Because each unreserved bit in the 96-bit set (PMnMR0/1/2) specifies a different interrupt, only one bit in each set can be unmasked at a time. Unmasking more than one bit per set is considered a programming error and results in unpredictable behavior. Offset PM0MR0: 0x4_1350, PM1MR0: 0x4_1370, PM2MR0: 0x4_1390' PM3MR0: 0x4_13B0 0 7 R -- W Reset 0 8 0 0 0 11 12 IPI 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 15 16 TIMER 1 1 1 1 Access: Read/Write 19 20 31 MSG 1 1 1 1 EXT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 10-24. Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 0 (PMnMR0) Table 10-29 describes the PMnMR0 fields. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-30 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-29. PMnMR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 -- Reserved 8-11 IPI IPI interrupts 0-3 0 The corresponding interrupt source generates a performance monitor event when the interrupt occurs. 1 The corresponding interrupt does not generate a performance monitor event. 12-15 TIMER Timer interrupts 0-3 0 The corresponding interrupt source generates a performance monitor event when the interrupt occurs. 1 The corresponding interrupt does not generate a performance monitor event. 16-19 MSG Message interrupts 0-3 0 The corresponding interrupt source generates a performance monitor event when the interrupt occurs. 1 The corresponding interrupt does not generate a performance monitor event. 20-31 EXT External interrupts IRQ[0:11] 0 The corresponding interrupt source generates a performance monitor event when the interrupt occurs. 1 The corresponding interrupt does not generate a performance monitor event. Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 1 (PMnMR1) Figure 10-25 shows the PM0MR1, PM1MR1, PM2MR1, and PM3MR1 registers. Offset PM0MR1: 0x4_1360, PM1MR1: 0x4_1380, PM2MR1: 0x4_13A0, PM3MR1: 0x4_13C0 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R INT W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 10-25. Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 1 (PMnMR1) Table 10-30 describes the PMnMR1 fields. Table 10-30. PMnMR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 INT Description Internal interrupts 0-31 0 The corresponding interrupt source generates a performance monitor event when the interrupt occurs. 1 The corresponding interrupt does not generate a performance monitor event. Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 2 (PMnMR2) Figure 10-26 shows the PM0MR2, PM1MR2, PM2MR2, and PM3MR2 registers. Offset PM0MR2: 0x4_1364, PM1MR2: 0x4_1384, PM2MR2: 0x4_13A4, PM3MR2: 0x4_13C4 0 15 16 R 31 INT W Reset 1 Access: Read/Write 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-26. Performance Monitor n Mask Registers 2 (PMnMR2) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-31 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-30 describes the PMnMR2 fields. Table 10-31. PMnMR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 INT Internal interrupts 32-48 0 The corresponding interrupt source generates a performance monitor event when the interrupt occurs. 1 The corresponding interrupt does not generate a performance monitor event. 16-31 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 10.3.5 Description Message Registers Writing to one of the four message registers (MSGR0-MSGR3) causes a messaging interrupt to the processor. Reading this register clears the messaging interrupt. Note that a messaging interrupt can also be cleared by writing a one to the corresponding status field of the PIC message status register (MSR), shown in Figure 10-29. Message Registers (MSGR0-MSGR3) The message registers (MSGR0-MSGR3), shown in Figure 10-27, contain a 32-bit message. Offset MSGR0: 0x4_1400, MSGR1: 0x4_1410, MSGR2: 0x4_1420, MSGR3: 0x4_1430 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R MSG W Reset All zeros Figure 10-27. Message Registers (MSGRs) Table 10-32 describes the MSGR registers. Table 10-32. MSGRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 MSG Description Message. Contains the 32-bit message data. Message Enable Register (MER) The MER shown in Figure 10-28 contains the enable bits for each message register. The enable bit must be set to enable interrupt generation when the corresponding message register is written. When bits in MER are set to mask message interrupts, an interrupt is not generated if the message register is written while it is masked in MER and the MER bit is then cleared. To mask the interrupt without loss, set MIVPRn[MSK]. (See Section, "Messaging Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (MIVPR0-MIVPR3).") MER should be set to 0x0000_000F at reset and be left unchanged during normal operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-32 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Offset 0x4_1500 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 29 30 31 R -- W Reset E3 E2 E1 E0 All zeros Figure 10-28. Message Enable Register (MER) Table 10-33 describes the MER fields. Table 10-33. MER Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- Description Reserved E3-E0 Enable n. Used to enable interrupt generation for MSGRn. 0 Interrupt generation for MSGRn disabled. 1 Interrupt generation for MSGRn enabled. 28-31 Message Status Register (MSR) The PIC message status register (MSR) shown in Figure 10-29 contains status bits for each message register. The status bit is set when the corresponding messaging interrupt is active. Writing a one to a status bit clears the corresponding message interrupt and the status bit. Offset 0x4_1510 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 29 30 31 R -- W Reset S3 S2 S1 S0 All zeros Figure 10-29. Message Status Register (MSR) Table 10-34 describes the MSR fields. Table 10-34. MSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 Description Reserved S3-S0 Status n. Reports status of messaging interrupt 3. Writing a 1 clears this field. 0 Messaging interrupt n is not active. 1 Messaging interrupt n is active. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-33 Programmable Interrupt Controller 10.3.6 Shared Message Signaled Registers This section contains the description of all of the shared message signaled interrupt registers. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Registers (MSIRs) The shared message signaled interrupt registers indicate which of the interrupt sources sharing the message register have pending interrupts. Up to 32 sources can share any individual message register. These registers are cleared when read. A write to these registers has no effect. Offset 0x4_1600, 0x4_1610, 0x4_1620, 0x4_1630, 0x4_1640, 0x4_1650, 0x4_1660, 0x4_1670 0 R SH31 Access: Special 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SH30 SH29 SH28 SH27 SH26 SH25 SH24 SH23 SH22 SH21 SH20 SH19 SH18 SH17 SH16 W Reset All zeros 16 R SH15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SH14 SH13 SH12 SH11 SH10 SH9 SH8 SH7 SH6 SH5 SH4 SH3 SH2 SH1 SH0 W Reset All zeros (Note: After reset, read the MSIRs to ensure that any interrupts previously pending are cleared). Figure 10-30. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Register (MSIRs) Table 10-35 describes the bits of the MSIRs. Table 10-35. MSIRs Field Descriptions Bits Name SH n 31-0 Description Message sharer n (n = 31-0) has a pending interrupt. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Status Register (MSISR) This register contains the status bits for the shared message signaled interrupts. The status bit is set to 1 when the corresponding shared message signaled interrupt is active. The status bit is 0 if all the corresponding shared interrupt sources are cleared in the shared message signaled interrupt register (MSIR). This register is read-only. Offset 0x4_1720 Access: Read Only 0 R W 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 -- Reset All zeros Figure 10-31. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Status Register (MSISR) Table 10-36 describes the bits of the MSISR. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-34 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-36. MSISR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- Description Reserved. S7-S0 Status n. Set when shared message signaled interrupt n is active 24-31 Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Index Register (MSIIR) MSIIR provides a mechanism for setting an interrupt in the shared message signaled interrupt registers. There are two fields. When MSIIR is written, MSIIR[SRS] selects the register in which an interrupt bit is to be set; MSIIR[IBS] selects the shared interrupt field in the selected MSIR register to be set. This register is primarily intended to support PCI Express MSIs. This register is write-only. Offset 0x04_1740 0 2 Access: Write only 3 8 9 31 R W SRS -- IBS Reset All zeros Figure 10-32. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Index Register (MSIIR) Table 10-37 describes the bits of the MSIIRs. Table 10-37. MSIIR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-2 SRS Shared interrupt register select--Select the shared message signaled interrupt register 000 Shared message signaled interrupt register 0 001 Shared message signaled interrupt register 1 ... 111 Shared message signaled interrupt register 7 3-8 IBS Interrupt bit select--Selects the bit to set in the MSIR 00000 Set field SH0 (bit 31) 00001 Set filed SH1 (bit 30) ... 11111 Set field SH31 (bit 0) 9-31 -- Reserved. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Vector/Priority Register (MSIVPRn) The shared message signaled interrupt vector/priority registers have the same field and format as the GTVPRs. These registers are read/write. Offset 0x5_1C00, 0x5_1C20, 0x5_1C40, 0x5_1C60, 0x5_1C80, 0x5_1CA0, 0x5_1CC0, 0x5_1CE0 0 R W Reset MSK 1 1 11 12 A 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 31 PRIORITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 Access: Mixed 0 0 0 VECTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-33. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Vector/Priority Register (MSIVPRn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-35 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-38 describes the bits of the MSIVPRn. Table 10-38. MSIVPRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MSK 1 A Activity (read only). Indicates whether an interrupt has been requested or that it is in-service. 0 No current interrupt activity associated with this source. 1 The interrupt bit for this source in the IPR or ISR is set. The PRIORITY value should not be changed while the A bit is set. 2-11 -- Reserved. Mask. Mask interrupts from this source. 0 If the mask bit is cleared while the corresponding IPR bit is set, an interrupt request is generated. 1 Further interrupts from this source are disabled. This bit is always set to a 1 following reset. 12-15 PRIORITY Priority. Sets interrupt priority. The highest priority is 15; the lowest is 0 (interrupt generation disabled). 16-31 VECTOR Vector. The vector value in this field is returned when the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) register is examined and the interrupt associated with this vector has been requested. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Destination Register (MSIDRn) The shared message signaled interrupt destination registers contain the destination bits for the shared message signaled interrupt. A shared message signaled interrupt can be directed to one of the processors by setting the appropriate bit in the shared message signaled interrupt destination register. Only one of the bits corresponding to destination processors may be set. The behavior is more than one bit is set is not defined. This register also contains the external pin and critical interrupt fields that can be programmed to direct the interrupt to the external pin or critical interrupt pin of the processor, respectively. These registers are read/write, as shown in Figure 10-34. Offset 0x5_1C10, 0x5_1C30, 0x5_1C50, 0x5_1C70, 0x5_1C90, 0x5_1CB0, 0x5_1CD0, 0x5_1CF0 0 1 2 30 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 P0 -- W Reset 0 Access: Mixed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 10-34. Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Destination Registers (MSIDRn) Table 10-39 describes the bits of the MSIDRn. Table 10-39. MSIDRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-30 -- Reserved. 31 P0 Processor 0. Set to 1 directs the interrupt to processor 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-36 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller 10.3.7 Interrupt Source Configuration Registers The interrupt source configuration registers control the source of each interrupt, specifying parameters such as the interrupting event, signal polarity, and relative priority. External Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (EIVPR0-EIVPR11) The external interrupt vector/priority registers (EIVPRs) contain polarity and sense fields for the external interrupts caused by the assertion of any of IRQ[0:11]. The format of the EIVPRs is shown in Figure 10-35. Offset EIVPR0: 0x5_0000, EIVPR1: 0x5_0020, EIVPR2: 0x5_0040, EIVPR3: 0x5_0060, EIVPR4: 0x5_0080, EIVPR5: 0x5_00A0, EIVPR6: 0x5_00C0, EIVPR7: 0x5_00E0, EIVPR8: 0x5_0100, EIVPR9: 0x5_0120, EIVPR10: 0x5_0140, EIVPR11: 0x5_0160 0 R W Reset 1 MSK 1 2 7 A 0 -- 0 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 P S 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 15 16 31 PRIORITY 0 0 0 0 0 Access: Mixed VECTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-35. External Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (EIVPR0-EIVPR11) Table 10-40 describes the EIVPR fields. Table 10-40. EIVPRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MSK 1 A Activity. A read-only field indicating that an interrupt has been requested or is in-service. Note: The P (polarity), S (sense), VECTOR and PRIORITY values should not be changed while the corresponding interrupt is active, that is, while EIVPRn [A] is set. 0 No current interrupt activity associated with this source. 1 The interrupt bit for this source is set in the IPR or ISR. 2-7 -- Reserved. 8 P Polarity. Specifies the polarity for the external interrupt. 0 Polarity is active-low or negative edge triggered. 1 Polarity is active-high or positive edge-triggered. 9 S Sense. Specifies the sense for external interrupts. 0 The external interrupt is edge sensitive. 1 The external interrupt is level-sensitive. 10-11 -- Reserved. Mask. Masks interrupts from this source. 0 If the corresponding IPR bit is set an interrupt request is generated. 1 Interrupts from this source are disabled. 12-15 PRIORITY Priority. Specifies the interrupt priority. The lowest priority is 0 and the highest priority is 15. A priority level of 0 disables interrupts from this source. 16-31 VECTOR Vector. Contains the value returned when the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) register is read and this interrupt resides in the interrupt request register (IRR) shown in Figure 10-47. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-37 Programmable Interrupt Controller External Interrupt Destination Registers (EIDR0-EIDR11) The external interrupt destination registers (EIDRs), shown in Figure 10-36, control the destination of external interrupts caused by the assertion of any of IRQ[0:11]. All external interrupts are directed to the processor 0 interrupt, int, by default. External interrupts can be selectively directed to IRQ_OUT or to the processor 0 critical interrupt signal, cint, instead of int by writing to the appropriate EIDRn fields. NOTE The behavior of the PIC unit is not defined if both the EP and CI bits of the same interrupt destination register are set. Access: Mixed Offset EIDR0 0x5_0010, EIDR1 0x5_0030, EIDR2 0x5_0050, EIDR3 0x5_0070, EIDR4 0x5_0090, EIDR5 0x5_00B0, EIDR6 0x5_00D0, EIDR7 0x5_00F0, EIDR8 0x5_0110, EIDR9 0x5_0130, EIDR10 0x5_0150, EIDR11 0x5_0170 R W 0 1 EP CI Reset 0 0 2 30 31 P0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 10-36. External Interrupt Destination Registers (EIDRs) Table 10-41 describes the EIDR fields. Because external interrupts can be channeled only to processor 0, the P0 bit is permanently set. As shown in Figure 10-47, if either the CI or EP bits are set, the interrupt is not sent to the processor's interrupt input. The EP or CI fields must be set only for level-sensitive interrupts. Setting these fields for edge-sensitive interrupts does not provide reliable interrupt response. Table 10-41. EIDRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EP External pin. Allows external interrupt to be serviced externally. 0 External interrupt is serviced internally with int signal to the processor core. 1 External interrupt is directed to IRQ_OUT for external service. 1 CI Critical interrupt. 0 External interrupt is serviced internally with int signal to the processor core. 1 External interrupt is directed to processor 0 as a critical interrupt with the cint signal. 2-30 -- Reserved 31 P0 Processor 0. Indicates that processor 0 handles any interrupt. P0 is meaningful only in a multi-core device. In a single-core device, all interrupts that are serviced internally are directed to processor 0. Permanently set and read only. 1 Interrupt directed to processor 0. Internal Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (IIVPR0-IIVPR47) The internal interrupt vector/priority registers (IIVPRs), shown in Figure 10-37, have the same fields and format as the GTVPRs, except that they apply to the internal interrupt sources listed in Table 10-42. These interrupts are all level-sensitive. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-38 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller NOTE Because all internal interrupts are active-high, clearing any IIVPRn polarity field disables that interrupt. Care should be taken to ensure this field is not inadvertently corrupted when loading or reloading IIVPRs with priority, mask, or vector data. Offset IIVPR0-7 0x5_0200, 0x5_0220, 0x5_0240, 0x5_0260, 0x5_0280, 0x5_02A0, 0x5_02C0, 0x5_02E0 IIVPR8-15 0x5_0300, 0x5_0320, 0x5_0340, 0x5_0360, 0x5_0380, 0x5_03A0, 0x5_03C0, 0x5_03E0 IIVPR16-23 0x5_0400, 0x5_0420, 0x5_0440, 0x5_0460, 0x5_0480, 0x5_04A0, 0x5_04C0, 0x5_04E0 IIVPR24-31 0x5_0500, 0x5_0520, 0x5_0540, 0x5_0560, 0x5_0580, 0x5_05A0, 0x5_05C0, 0x5_05E0 IIVPR32-39 0x5_0600, 0x5_0620, 0x5_0640, 0x5_0660, 0x5_0680, 0x5_06A0, 0x5_06C0, 0x5_06E0 IIVPR40-47 0x5_0700, 0x5_0720, 0x5_0740, 0x5_0760, 0x5_0780, 0x5_07A0, 0x5_07C0, 0x5_07E0 0 R W Reset 1 MSK 1 2 7 A 0 -- 0 0 0 8 9 P 0 0 0 1 11 -- 0 0 12 15 16 31 PRIORITY 0 0 0 0 0 Access: Mixed VECTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-37. Internal Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (IIVPRs) Table 10-42 describes the IIVPR fields. Table 10-42. IIVPRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MSK 1 A Activity. Indicates an interrupt has been requested or is in-service. Note this field is read only. The VECTOR and PRIORITY values should not be changed while IIVPRn [A] is set. 0 No current interrupt activity associated with this source. 1 The interrupt field for this source is set in the IPR or ISR. 2-7 -- Reserved 8 P Polarity. Specifies the polarity for the internal interrupt. Note: Because all internal interrupts are active-high, clearing this bit disables the interrupt. 0 Interrupt polarity is active-low. This value disables the interrupt. 1 Interrupt polarity is active-high. This is the reset value and should not be changed. 9-11 -- Reserved. Mask. Mask interrupts from this source. 0 An interrupt request is generated when the corresponding IPR field is set. 1 Further interrupts from this source are disabled. 12-15 PRIORITY Priority. Specifies the interrupt priority. The lowest priority is 0 and the highest priority is 15. A priority level of 0 disables interrupts from this source. 16-31 VECTOR Vector. The vector value in this field is returned when the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) register is read and this interrupt resides in the interrupt request register (IRR) shown in Figure 10-47. Internal Interrupt Destination Registers (IIDR0-IIDR47) Internal interrupt destination registers (IIDRs), shown in Figure 10-38, have the same fields and format as EIVDRs, except that they apply to the internal interrupt sources listed in Table 10-43. Like external interrupts, internal interrupts can be directed only to processor 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-39 Programmable Interrupt Controller NOTE The behavior of the PIC unit is not defined if both the EP and CI bits of the same interrupt destination register are set. Offset IIDR0-70x5_0210, 0x5_0230, 0x5_0250, 0x5_0270, 0x5_0290, 0x5_02B0, 0x5_02D0, 0x5_02F0 IIDR8-15 0x5_0310, 0x5_0330, 0x5_0350, 0x5_0370, 0x5_0390, 0x5_03B0, 0x5_03D0, 0x5_03F0 IIDR16-23 0x5_0410, 0x5_0430, 0x5_0450, 0x5_0470, 0x5_0490, 0x5_04B0, 0x5_04D0, 0x5_04F0 IIDR24-31 0x5_0510, 0x5_0530, 0x5_0550, 0x5_0570, 0x5_0590, 0x5_05B0, 0x5_05D0, 0x5_05F0 IIDR32-39 0x5_0610, 0x5_0630, 0x5_0650, 0x5_0670, 0x5_0690, 0x5_06B0, 0x5_06D0, 0x5_06F0 IIDR40-47 0x5_0710, 0x5_0730, 0x5_0750, 0x5_0770, 0x5_0590, 0x5_07B0, 0x5_07D0, 0x5_07F0 0 R W Reset 1 2 30 31 EP CI 0 0 Access: Mixed -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 10-38. Internal Interrupt Destination Registers (IIDRs) Table 10-43 describes the IIDR fields. Table 10-43. IIDR n Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EP External pin. Allows internal interrupt to be serviced externally. 0 Internal interrupt is serviced internally with int signal to the processor core. 1 Internal interrupt is directed to IRQ_OUT for external service. The behavior of the PIC is not defined if both EP and CI are set on the same interrupt destination register. 1 CI Critical interrupt. 0 Internal interrupt is serviced internally with int signal to the processor core. 1 Internal interrupt is directed to the processor 0 as a critical interrupt with the cint signal. The behavior of the PIC is not defined if both EP and CI are set on the same interrupt destination register. 2-30 -- Reserved 31 P0 Processor 0. Indicates that processor 0 handles any interrupt. This bit is meaningful only in a multi-core device. For a single-core device, interrupts serviced internally are directed to processor 0. Permanently set and read only. 1 Interrupt directed to processor 0. Messaging Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (MIVPR0-MIVPR3) The messaging interrupt vector/priority registers (MIVPRs), shown in Figure 10-39, have the same fields and format as the GTVPRs, except they apply to messaging interrupts. Offset MIVPR0: 0x5_1600, MIVPR1: 0x5_1620, MIVPR2: 0x5_1640, MIVPR3: 0x5_1660 0 R W Reset MSK 1 1 2 11 12 A 0 -- 0 0 0 0 Access: Mixed 15 16 31 PRIORITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VECTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 10-39. Messaging Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (MIVPRs) Table 10-44 describes the MIVPR fields. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-40 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-44. MIVPRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MSK 1 A Activity. Indicates an interrupt has been requested or is in-service. Note this field is read only. The VECTOR and PRIORITY values should not be changed while MIVPRn[A] is set. 0 No current interrupt activity associated with this source. 1 The interrupt field for this source is set in the IPR or ISR. 2-11 -- Reserved Mask. Mask interrupts from this source. 0 An interrupt request is generated when the corresponding IPR field is set. 1 Further interrupts from this source are disabled. 12-15 PRIORITY Priority. Specifies the interrupt priority. The lowest priority is 0 and the highest priority is 15. A priority level of 0 disables interrupts from this source. 16-31 VECTOR Vector. The vector value in this field is returned when the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) register is read and this interrupt resides in the interrupt request register (IRR) shown in Figure 10-47. Messaging Interrupt Destination Registers (MIDR0-MIDR3) The messaging interrupt destination registers (MIDRs), shown in Figure 10-40, control the destination for the messaging interrupts. MIDR enables the user to direct the interrupt to either the external interrupt output pin (IRQ_OUT), the core's critical interrupt input (cint), or to its normal interrupt input (int). Offset MIDR0: 0x5_1610, MIDR1: 0x5_1630, MIDR2: 0x5_1650, MIDR3: 0x5_1670 0 1 Access: Mixed 2 30 31 R P0 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 10-40. Messaging Interrupt Destination Registers (MIDRs) Table 10-45 describes the MIDR fields. Table 10-45. MIDRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-30 -- Reserved 31 P0 Processor 0. Indicates that processor 0 handles any interrupt. This bit is meaningful only in a multi-core device. Because the MPC8548E is a single-core device, all interrupts that are serviced internally are always directed to processor 0. Permanently set and read only. 1 Interrupt directed to processor 0. 10.3.8 Per-CPU Registers The OpenPIC programming model supports multiprocessor systems of up to 32 separate processors. As such, the OpenPIC interface specification provides for coordinating both the requesting and servicing of interrupts among several processor cores within a single integrated device. To fully comply with the OpenPIC specification, the PIC incorporates several of these multiprocessor capabilities. Because the MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-41 Programmable Interrupt Controller value of features such as private address space for per-CPU registers and interprocessor interrupts is fully realized only in a multi-core environment, their utility in this single-core device is not intuitive. The registers in Table 10-46 are called per-CPU registers, because they would be duplicated for each core in a multi-core device. The OpenPIC interface specifies that a copy of these registers be available to each core at the same physical address by using the ID of the processor that initiates the transaction to determine the set of per-CPU registers to access. Table 10-46. Per-CPU Registers--Private Access Address Offsets Register Name Offset IPI 0 dispatch register (IPIDR0) 0x4_0040 IPI 1 dispatch register (IPIDR1) 0x4_0050 IPI 2 dispatch register (IPIDR2) 0x4_0060 IPI 3 dispatch register (IPIDR3) 0x4_0070 Current task priority register (CTPR) 0x4_0080 Who am I register (WHOAMI0) 0x4_0090 Interrupt acknowledge register (IACK) 0x4_00A0 End of interrupt register (EOI) 0x4_00B0 These addresses, shown in Table 10-46, appear in the memory map at the same offset for every processor, and are called the private access space. Because the MPC8548E has only one core, there is only one set of per-CPU registers, each register having two addresses. For example, the CTPR is located normally at 0x6_0080, and also at the private access address of 0x4_0080. While this double mapping seems superfluous on a single-core device, the purpose of this feature is to enable user code to execute correctly in an multiprocessor environment without needing to know which CPU it is running on. It is included on this device to simplify the porting of such code. An example of how the different registers are addressed in a four-core device is illustrated in Figure 10-41. Note that when accessing a register normally, each core sources a different address. However, when accessing the same register using the per-CPU address space, each core sources the same address. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-42 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller IACK Registers (one per core) Normal Register Address Decode Reg 3 Reg 2 63 0x Reg 1 6 0x 2 61 0x Reg 0 0x 60 0x63 0x62 0x61 0x60 4 0x 0 + 40 0 0x ID0 0x40 40 1 Address + 0x + 40 2 0x + 0x40 ID1 3 Uses Core ID 0x40 Per-CPU Register Address Decode 0x40 Processor Cores ID2 Address ID3 Figure 10-41. Per-CPU Register Address Decoding in a Four-Core Device Interprocessor Interrupt Dispatch Registers (IPIDR0-IPIDR3) There are four interprocessor interrupt dispatch registers (IPIDRs), one for each IPI channel, as shown in Figure 10-42. Writing to an IPIDR with a bit set causes a self interrupt. While the concept of interprocessor interrupts apparently makes little sense in a single-core device, this feature can serve as a doorbell type interrupt because external bus masters can write to these registers. Offset IPIDR0 0x6_0040, IPIDR1 0x6_0050, IPIDR2 0x6_0060, IPIDR3 0x6_0070 (Also accessible at private access offset 0x4_0xxx; see Section 10.3.8, "Per-CPU Registers.") Access: Write only 0 30 31 R -- W Reset P0 All zeros Figure 10-42. Interprocessor Interrupt Dispatch Registers (IPIDR0-IPIDR3) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-43 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-42 describes the IPIDRn fields. Table 10-47. IPIDRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-30 -- Reserved 31 P0 Processor 0. Determines if processor 0 receives the interrupt. (write only). 0 Processor 0 does not receive the interrupt. 1 Directs the interrupt to processor 0. Description Processor Current Task Priority Register (CTPR) There is one CTPR on this device, shown in Figure 10-43. Offset CTPR0 0x6_0080 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W 31 TASKP Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Figure 10-43. Processor Current Task Priority Register (CTPR) Software must write the priority of the current processor task in the CTPR. The PIC uses this value for comparison with the priority of incoming interrupts. Given several concurrent incoming interrupts, the highest priority interrupt is asserted to the core if the following apply: * The interrupt is not masked * The priority of the interrupt is higher than the values in the CTPR and ISR Priority levels from 0 (lowest) to 15 (highest) are supported. Setting the task priority to 15 masks all interrupts to the processor. Hardware sets the task register to 0x0000_000F during reset or when the Px field of the processor initialization register is set. Table 10-48 describes the fields of the CTPR. Table 10-48. CTPR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 Description Reserved TASKP Task priority. This field is set from 0 to 15, where 15 corresponds to the highest priority for processor tasks. If CTPR[TASKP] = 0xF, no interrupts are signaled to the processor. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-44 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Who Am I Register (WHOAMI) The processor who am I register (WHOAMI), shown in Figure 10-44, can be read by the processor to determine its physical connection to the PIC. The value returned when reading this register may be used to determine the value for the destination masks used for dispatching interrupts. Offset 0x6_0090 Access: Read only 0 26 27 R -- W Reset 31 ID All zeros Figure 10-44. Processor Who Am I Register (WHOAMI) Table 10-49 describes the WHOAMI fields. Table 10-49. WHOAMI Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-26 -- Reserved 27-31 ID Returns the ID of the processor reading this register. Always returns zero. Description Processor Interrupt Acknowledge Register (IACK) In systems based on processors that implement the Power Architecture technology, the interrupt acknowledge function occurs as an explicit read operation to a memory-mapped interrupt acknowledge register (IACK), shown in Figure 10-45. Reading the interrupt acknowledge register returns the interrupt vector corresponding to the highest priority pending interrupt. Reading IACK also has the following side effects: * The associated field in the interrupt pending register is cleared for edge-sensitive interrupts. * The in-service register (ISR) is updated. * The interrupt signal (int or cint) to the processor is negated. Reading this register when there is no pending interrupt returns the spurious vector value as described in Section, "Spurious Vector Register (SVR)." Offset 0x6_00A0 Access: Read Only 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 VECTOR All zeros Figure 10-45. Processor Interrupt Acknowledge Register (IACK) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-45 Programmable Interrupt Controller Table 10-50 describes the IACK fields. Table 10-50. IACK Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 VECTOR Description Reserved Interrupt vector. Vector of the highest pending interrupt (read only) Processor End of Interrupt Register (EOI) Writing to the end of interrupt (EOI) register shown in Figure 10-46 signals the end of processing for the highest-priority interrupt currently in-service by the processor. The write to the EOI updates the ISR by retiring the highest priority interrupt. Data values written to this register are ignored, and zero is assumed. Offset 0x6_00B0 Access: Write only 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 EOI CODE All zeros Figure 10-46. End of Interrupt Register (EOI) Table 10-51 describes the EOI fields. Table 10-51. EOI Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EOI CODE 10.4 Description Reserved 0000 (write only) Functional Description This section is a functional description of the PIC. 10.4.1 Flow of Interrupt Control Figure 10-47 is a block diagram of the PIC unit showing the flow of interrupt processing. This figure is intended to aid in understanding and does not fully represent all internal circuitry of the actual implementation. The PIC receives interrupt signals from both external and internal sources. These signals are qualified and latched in the interrupt pending register (IPR). The IPR feeds the interrupt selector (IS). The interrupt router of the PIC monitors the outputs of its internal interrupt request register (IRR) and other configuration registers. When the priority of the interrupt latched in the IRR is higher than the value in the processor's task priority register, the interrupt router asserts the internal interrupt signal (int) to indicate an interrupt request to the processor. This causes the processor to vector to the external interrupt handler. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-46 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller int To Processor Core Processor's Task Priority Register Interrupt Router Pipeline Latch Interrupt Request Register (IRR) Highest Priority Interrupt IACK Interrupt Selector (IS) EOI In-Service Register (ISR) PIC Configuration and Status Registers End of Interrupt Activity Bit Mask Bit (xVPR[MSK]) Interrupt Pending Register (IPR) Global Timers (4) Inter-Processor Critical Interrupt xIDR[CI] Internal and External Interrupts External Pin xIDR[EP] cint To Processor Core IRQ_OUT Note: All signal lines represent buses except for int, cint, and IRQ_OUT. The behavior of the PIC unit is not defined if both the EP and CI bits of the same interrupt destination register are set. Figure 10-47. PIC Interrupt Processing Flow Diagram The interrupt handler executing on the processor should then acknowledge the interrupt by explicitly reading IACK (at which point the interrupt is considered to be in-service). The PIC unit interprets this read as an interrupt acknowledge (IACK) cycle; in response, the PIC unit returns the vector associated with the interrupt source to the interrupt handler routine. The handler can further vector to different branches of interrupt handling accordingly. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-47 Programmable Interrupt Controller Note that reading IACK also negates the interrupt signal to the processor. See Section, "Processor Interrupt Acknowledge Register (IACK)," for more details. The internal in-service register (ISR) tracks all in-service interrupts. An interrupt is considered in-service from the time its vector is read (through an IACK cycle) until the end of interrupt (EOI) register is written, generating what the PIC considers an EOI signal. Interrupt Source Priority Each interrupt source is assigned a priority value through its corresponding vector/priority register. Priority values range from 0 to 15, where 15 is the highest. Interrupts are delivered only when the priority of the interrupt source is greater than the current task priority. Therefore setting a source priority to zero inhibits that interrupt. The PIC services simultaneous interrupts occurring with the same priority according to the following order: 1. MSG0-MSG3 2. MSI0-MSI7 3. IPI0-IPI3 4. Timer 0-timer 3 5. IRQ[0:11]/PCI INTx 6. Internal 0-internal 31 For example, if MSG0, MSG2, and IPI0 all have the same priority and receive simultaneous interrupts, they are serviced in the following order: 1. MSG0 2. MSG2 3. IPI0 Processor Current Task Priority The CTPR is set by system software to indicate the relative importance of the task running on the processor. The processor does not receive interrupts with a priority level equal to or lower than its current task priority. Therefore setting the current task priority to 15 for a particular processor prevents the delivery of any interrupt to the processor. Interrupt Acknowledge The PIC unit notifies the processor core of an interrupt by asserting the int signal. When the processor core acknowledges the interrupt request by reading the interrupt acknowledge register (IACK) in the PIC unit, the PIC returns the 16-bit vector associated with the interrupt source to the processor. The interrupt is then considered to be in-service, and remains in-service until the processor performs a write to the PIC unit end of interrupt register (EOI). Writing to the EOI is referred to as an EOI cycle. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-48 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller 10.4.2 Nesting of Interrupts A processor servicing an interrupt, can be interrupted again only if the PIC receives an interrupt request from a source with higher priority than the one being serviced. This is true even if software, as part of its interrupt service routine, writes a new and lower value into the CTPR. Thus, although several interrupts may be in-service simultaneously, the code currently executing is always handling the highest priority of all the interrupts that are in service. When the processor performs an EOI cycle, this highest priority interrupt is taken out-of-service. The next EOI cycle takes the next-highest priority interrupt out-of-service, and so on. An interrupt with lower priority than those currently in-service is not started until all higher priority interrupts complete even if its priority is greater than the CTPR value. 10.4.3 Spurious Vector Generation Under certain circumstances, the PIC has no valid vector to return to the processor during an interrupt acknowledge cycle. In these cases, the spurious vector from the spurious vector register is returned. The following cases cause a spurious vector fetch: * int is asserted in response to an externally sourced interrupt which is activated with level-sensitive logic, and the asserted level is negated before the interrupt is acknowledged. * int is asserted for an interrupt source that is later masked (using the mask bit in the vector/priority register corresponding to that source) before the interrupt is acknowledged. * int is asserted for an interrupt source that is later masked by an increase in the task priority level before the interrupt is acknowledged. * An interrupt acknowledge cycle is performed by the processor in spite of the fact that the int signal has not been asserted by the PIC. In all cases, a spurious vector is not returned if there is another pending interrupt that has sufficient priority to interrupt the processor. If such an interrupt is available, the vector for that interrupt source is returned. The EOI register should not be written in response to the spurious vector. Otherwise, a previously-accepted interrupt might be cleared unintentionally. 10.4.4 Messaging Interrupts There are four 32-bit message registers that can be used to send 32-bit messages to the processor. A messaging interrupt is generated by writing a message register if the corresponding enable bit in the message enable/status register is set, and the interrupt is not masked. Reading the message register or writing a 1 to the status bit clears the interrupt. 10.4.5 Shared Message Signaled Interrupts There are eight shared MSIRs, described in Section, "Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Registers (MSIRs)," that indicate which of the interrupt sources sharing the MSI register have pending interrupts. Up to 32 sources can share any individual MSI register. A shared message signaled interrupt is generated by writing to Shared Message Signaled Interrupt Index Register (MSIIR) fields SRS and IBS. This register is primarily intended to support inbound PCI Express message signaled interrupts (MSIs) when the PCI Express controller is configured as a root complex (RC). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-49 Programmable Interrupt Controller MSIIR[SRS] selects the associated MSIR and MSIIR[IBS] selects the interrupt flag/bit in that register that is to be set. The corresponding interrupt needs to be unmasked for the interrupt to occur. A read to an MSIR clears the all of its flags. 10.4.6 PCI Express INTx Whenever the PCI Express controller is in root complex mode and it receives an inbound INTx asserted or negated message transaction, it asserts or negates an equivalent internal INTx signal to the PIC. This INTx virtual-wire interrupt signaling mechanism replaces the PCI standard sideband interrupts (INTA, INTB, INTC, and INTD) that historically were connected to the IRQn external interrupt inputs. The internal INTx signals from the PCI Express controller are logically combined with the interrupt request (IRQn) signals so that they share the same OpenPIC external interrupt controlled by the associated EIVPRn and EIDRn registers. Table 10-52 details the association of INTx signals to IRQn signals. Table 10-52. PCI Express INTx/IRQn Sharing PCI Express Number INTx PCI Express 1 IRQn INTA IRQ0 INTB IRQ1 INTC IRQ2 INTD IRQ3 In general, these signals should be considered mutually exclusive. In particular, if an IRQn signal is being used as active high (EIVPRn[P] = 1), or edge triggered (EIVPRn[S] = 0), the system must not allow inbound PCI Express INTx transactions. If a PCI Express INTx signal is being used, the PIC must be configured so that external interrupts are active low (EIVPRn[P] = 0) and level sensitive (EIVPRn[S] = 1). In this case, the associated IRQn should be pulled high. Note that it is possible to share IRQn and INTx if the external interrupt is also active-low and level sensitive. However, if an interrupt occurs, the interrupt service routine must poll both the external sources connected to the IRQn input and the PCI Express INTx sources to determine from which path the external interrupt came. 10.4.7 Global Timers There are appropriate clock prescalers and synchronizers to provide a time base for the four internal timers of the PIC unit. The timers can be individually programmed to generate a processor interrupt when they count down to zero and can be used to generate regular periodic interrupts. Each timer has the following four configuration and control registers: * Global timer current count register (GTCCRn) * Global timer base count register (GTBCRn) * Global timer vector-priority register (GTVPRn) * Global timer destination register (GTDRn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-50 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller The timer frequency should be written to the TFRR. (All of the timers operate at this frequency.) Refer to Section, "Timer Frequency Reporting Register (TFRR)," for a description of this register. Timer interrupts are all edge-triggered interrupts. If a timer period expires while a previous interrupt from the same source is pending or in-service, the subsequent interrupt is lost. The timer control register (TCR) provides users with the ability to create timers larger than the 31-bit global timers. The option also exists to change the timer frequency by setting the appropriate fields of the TCR. See Section, "Timer Control Register (TCR)." 10.4.8 Reset of the PIC The PIC unit is reset by a device power-on reset (POR) or by software that sets the GCR[RST] bit. Both of these actions cause the following: * All pending and in-service interrupts are cleared. * All interrupt mask bits are set. * Polarity, sense, external pin, critical interrupt, and activity fields are reset to default values. * PIR, TFRR, TCR, MER, MSR, and MSGR0-3 are cleared. * MSG and timer destination fields are set. * The IPI dispatch registers are cleared. * All timer base count values are reset to zero and count inhibited. * The CTPR[TASKP] is reset to 0xF, thus disabling interrupt delivery to the processor. * The spurious interrupt vector resets to 0xFFFF. * The PMMRs are reset to 0xFFFF. * The PIC defaults to the pass-through mode (GCR[M] = 0). * All other registers remain at their pre-reset programmed values. The GCR[RST] bit is automatically cleared when the reset sequence is complete. 10.5 Initialization/Application Information This section contains initialization and application information for the PIC. 10.5.1 Programming Guidelines The following sections contain information about programming PIC registers. PIC Registers Most PIC control and status registers are readable and return the last value written. The exceptions to this rule are as follows: * IPI dispatch registers and the EOI register, which return zeros on reads. * Activity bit (A) of the vector/priority registers, which returns the value according to the status of the current interrupt source. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-51 Programmable Interrupt Controller * * IACK register, which returns the vector of highest priority which is currently pending, or the spurious vector. Reserved fields always return 0. The following guidelines are recommended when the PIC unit is programmed in mixed mode (GCR[M] = 1): * All PIC registers must be located in a cache-inhibited and guarded area (through the processor MMU). * The PIC portion of the address map must be set-up appropriately. In addition, the following initialization sequence is recommended: 1. Write the vector, priority, and polarity values in each interrupt's vector/priority register, leaving their MSK (mask) bit set. This is required only if interrupts are used. 2. Clear the CTPR (CTPR = 0x0000_0000). 3. Program the PIC to mixed mode by setting GCR[M]. 4. Clear the MSK bit in the vector/priority registers to be used. 5. Perform a software loop to clear all pending interrupts: -- Load counter with FPR[NIRQ]. -- While counter > 0, perform IACK and EOIs to guarantee all the interrupt pending and in-service registers are cleared. 6. Set the processor CTPR value to the desired value. 7. Set MER as desired (for example, 0x0000_000F enables all message interrupts). See Section, "Message Enable Register (MER)," for more information. Depending on the interrupt system configuration, the PIC may generate spurious interrupts to clear interrupts latched during power-up. A spurious or non-spurious vector is returned for an interrupt acknowledge cycle in this case. See the programming note below for the non-spurious case. NOTE: Because the default polarity/sense for external interrupts is edge-sensitive, and edge-sensitive interrupts are not cleared until they are acknowledged, it is possible for the PIC to store spurious edges detected during power-up as pending external interrupts. If software permanently configures an external interrupt source to be edge-sensitive, it may receive the vector for the interrupt source and not a spurious interrupt vector when software clears the mask bit. This can occur once for any edge-sensitive interrupt when its mask bit is first cleared and the PIC is in mixed mode. To avoid having to handle a false interrupt for this case, software can clear the PIC interrupt pending register of these spurious edge detections by first configuring the polarity/sense of external interrupt sources to be level-sensitive; high-level if the input is a positive-edge source, low-level if it's a negative-edge source (while the mask bit remains set). After this is complete, configuring the external interrupt source as edge-sensitive will not cause a false interrupt. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-52 Freescale Semiconductor Programmable Interrupt Controller Changing Interrupt Source Configuration To change the vector, priority, polarity, sense or destination of an active (unmasked) interrupt source, the following sequence should be performed: 1. Mask the source using the mask (MSK) bit in the vector/priority register. 2. Wait for the activity (A) bit for that source to be cleared. 3. Make the desired changes. 4. Unmask the source. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 10-53 Programmable Interrupt Controller MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10-54 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 11 I2C Interfaces This chapter describes the two inter-IC (IIC or I2C) bus interfaces implemented on this device. 11.1 Introduction The I2C bus is a two-wire--serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL)-- bidirectional serial bus that provides a simple efficient method of data exchange between this device and other devices, such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices, A/D converters, and LCDs. Figure 11-1 shows a block diagram of the two I2C interfaces. Address and Control Interrupt Addr Decode I2CDSRR I2CADR Clock and Control Data Data Mux I2CFDR I2CCR I2CSR START/ STOP/ Restart and Arbitration Control Input Sync and Digital Filter I2CDR In/Out Data Shift Register Address Compare arb_lost SDA SCL Figure 11-1. I2C Block Diagram MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-1 I2C Interfaces 11.1.1 Overview The two-wire I2C bus minimizes interconnections between devices. The synchronous, multiple-master I2C bus allows the connection of additional devices to the bus for expansion and system development. The bus includes collision detection and arbitration that prevent data corruption if two or more masters attempt to control the bus simultaneously. 11.1.2 Features The I2C interface includes the following features: * Two-wire interface * Multiple-master operation * Arbitration lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave * Calling address identification interrupt * START and STOP signal generation/detection * Acknowledge bit generation/detection * Bus busy detection * Software-programmable clock frequency * Software-selectable acknowledge bit * On-chip filtering for spikes on the bus 11.1.3 Modes of Operation The I2C units on this device can operate in one of the following modes: * * * * Master mode--The I2C is the driver of the SDA line. It cannot use its own slave address as a calling address. The I2C cannot be a master and a slave simultaneously. Slave mode--The I2C is not the driver of the SDA line. The module must be enabled before a START condition from a non-I2C master is detected. Interrupt-driven byte-to-byte data transfer--When successful slave addressing is achieved (and SCL returns to zero), the data transfer can proceed on a byte-to-byte basis in the direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master. Each byte of data must be followed by an acknowledge bit, which is signaled from the receiving device. Several bytes can be transferred during a data transfer session. Boot sequencer mode--This mode can be used to initialize the configuration registers in the device after the I2C1 module is initialized. Note that the device powers up with boot sequencer mode disabled as a default, but this mode can be selected with the cfg_boot_seq[0:1] power-on reset (POR) configuration signals that are located on the LGPL3 and LGPL5 signals. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-2 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces Additionally, the following three I2C-specific states are defined for the I2C interface: * START condition--This condition denotes the beginning of a new data transfer (each data transfer contains several bytes of data) and awakens all slaves. * Repeated START condition--A START condition that is generated without a STOP condition to terminate the previous transfer. * STOP condition--The master can terminate the transfer by generating a STOP condition to free the bus. 11.2 External Signal Descriptions The following sections give an overview of signals and provide detailed signal descriptions. 11.2.1 Signal Overview The I2C interface uses the SDA and SCL signals, described in Table 11-1, for data transfer. Note that the signal patterns driven on SDA represent address, data, or read/write information at different stages of the protocol. Table 11-1. I2C Interface Signal Descriptions Signal Name Idle State I/O State Meaning Serial Clock (IIC n_SCL) HIGH I When the I2C module is idle or acts as a slave, SCL defaults as an input. The unit uses SCL to synchronize incoming data on SDA. The bus is assumed to be busy when SCL is detected low. O As a master, the I2C module drives SCL along with SDA when transmitting. As a slave, the I2C module drives SCL low for data pacing. I When the I2C module is idle or in a receiving mode, SDA defaults as an input. The unit receives data from other I2C devices on SDA. The bus is assumed to be busy when SDA is detected low. O When writing as a master or slave, the I2C module drives data on SDA synchronous to SCL. Serial Data (IIC n_SDA) 11.2.2 HIGH Detailed Signal Descriptions SDA and SCL, described in Table 11-2, serve as a communication interconnect with other devices. All devices connected to these two signals must have open-drain or open-collector outputs. The logic AND function is performed on both of these signals with external pull-up resistors. Refer to theMPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for the electrical characteristics of these signals. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-3 I2C Interfaces Table 11-2. I2C Interface Signal--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal IIC n_SCL I/O Description I/O Serial clock. Performs as an input when the device is programmed as an I2C slave. SCL also performs as an output when the device is programmed as an I2C master. O As outputs for the bidirectional serial clock, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--Driven along with SDA as the clock for the data. Meaning I As inputs for the bidirectional serial clock, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--The I2C unit uses this signal to synchronize incoming data on SDA. The bus Meaning is assumed to be busy when this signal is detected low. IICn_SDA I/O Serial data. Performs as an input when the device is in a receiving mode. SDA also performs as an output signal when the device is transmitting (as an I2C master or a slave). O As outputs for the bidirectional serial data, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated-- Data is driven. Meaning I As inputs for the bidirectional serial data, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--Used to receive data from other devices. The bus is assumed to be busy when Meaning SDA is detected low. 11.3 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 11-3 lists the I2C-specific registers and their offsets. It lists the offset, name, and a cross-reference to the complete description of each register. Note that the full register address is comprised of CCSRBAR together with the block base address and offset listed in Table 11-3. The offsets to the memory map table are defined for both I2C interfaces. That is, I2C1 starts at address offset 0x000, and I2C2 starts at address offset 0x100. The registers for I2C1 are listed in Table 11-3, but the registers for I2C2 are not. Note that the registers are the same for I2C2 except that the offsets change from 0x0nn to 0x1nn. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-4 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces All I2C registers are one byte wide. Reads and writes to these registers must be byte-wide operations. Table 11-3. I2C Memory Map I2C Register Offset Access Reset Section/Page I2C1 Registers Block Base Address: 0x0_3000 0x000 I2CADR--I2C address register R/W 0x00 0x004 I2CFDR--I2C frequency divider register R/W 0x00 0x008 I2CCR--I2C control register Mixed 0x00 0x00C I2CSR--I2C status register Mixed 0x81 0x010 I2CDR--I2C data register R/W 0x00 0x014 I2CDFSRR--I2C digital filter sampling rate register R/W 0x10 I2C2 Registers Block Base Address: 0x0_3000 0x100- 0x114 1 I2C2 Registers1 I2C2 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for I2C1 from 0x000 to 0x014, except the offsets range from 0x100 to 0x114. 11.3.1 Register Descriptions This section describes the I2C registers in detail. NOTE Reserved bits should always be written with the value they returned when read. That is, the register should be programmed by reading the value, modifying appropriate fields, and writing back the value. The return value of the reserved fields should not be assumed, even though the reserved fields return zero. This note does not apply to the I2C data register (I2CDR). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-5 I2C Interfaces I2C Address Register (I2CADR) Figure 11-2 shows the I2CADR register, which contains the address to which the I2C interface responds when addressed as a slave. Note that this is not the address that is sent on the bus during the address-calling cycle when the I2C module is in master mode. Offset I2C1: 0x000 I2C2: 0x100 Access: Read/Write 0 6 R ADDR W Reset 7 -- All zeros Figure 11-2. I2C Address Register (I2CADR) Table 11-4 describes the fields of I2CADR. Table 11-4. I2CADR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-6 ADDR Slave address. Contains the specific slave address that is used by the I2C interface. Note that the default mode of the I2C interface is slave mode for an address match. Note that an address match is one of the conditions that can cause I2CSR[MIF] to be set, signaling an interrupt pending condition. 7 -- Description Reserved I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2CFDR) Figure 11-3 shows the bits of the I2C frequency divider register. Refer to application note AN2919, Determining the I2C Frequency Divider Ratio for SCL, for additional guidance regarding the proper use of I2CFDR and I2CDFSRR. Offset I2C1: 0x004 I2C2: 0x104 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 1 2 7 -- FDR All zeros Figure 11-3. I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2CFDR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-6 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces Table 11-5 describes the bit settings of I2CFDR. It also maps the I2CFDR[FDR] field to the clock divider values. Table 11-5. I2CFDR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 -- 2-7 FDR Description Reserved Frequency divider ratio. Used to prescale the clock for bit rate selection. The serial bit clock frequency of SCL is equal to one half the CCB clock divided by the designated divider. Note that the frequency divider value can be changed at any point in a program. The serial bit clock frequency divider selections are described as follows: FDR Divider (Decimal) FDR Divider (Decimal) FDR Divider (Decimal) 0x2B 1024 0x16 12288 0x00 384 0x2C 1280 0x17 15360 0x01 416 0x2D 1536 0x18 18432 0x02 480 0x2E 1792 0x19 20480 0x03 576 0x2F 2048 0x1A 24576 0x04 640 0x30 2560 0x1B 30720 0x05 704 0x31 3072 0x1C 36864 0x06 832 0x32 3584 0x1D 40960 0x07 1024 0x33 4096 0x1E 49152 0x08 1152 0x34 5120 0x1F 61440 0x09 1280 0x35 6144 0x20 256 0x0A 1536 0x36 7168 0x21 288 0x0B 1920 0x37 8192 0x22 320 0x0C 2304 0x38 10240 0x23 352 0x0D 2560 0x39 12288 0x24 384 0x0E 3072 0x3A 14336 0x25 448 0x0F 3840 0x3B 16384 0x26 512 0x10 4608 0x3C 20480 0x27 576 0x11 5120 0x3D 24576 0x28 640 0x12 6144 0x3E 28672 0x29 768 0x13 7680 0x3F 32768 0x2A 896 0x14 9216 0x15 10240 I2C Control Register (I2CCR) Figure 11-4 shows the I2C control register, I2CCR. Offset I2C1: 0x008 I2C2: 0x108 R W Access: Mixed 0 1 2 3 4 MEN MIEN MSTA MTX TXAK Reset 5 RSTA 6 7 -- BCST All zeros 2 Figure 11-4. I C Control Register (I2CCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-7 I2C Interfaces Table 11-6 describes the bit settings of the I2CCR. . Table 11-6. I2CCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MEN Module enable. This bit controls the software reset of the I2C module. 0 The module is reset and disabled. When low, the interface is held in reset but the registers can still be accessed. 1 The I2C module is enabled. This bit must be set before any other control register bits have any effect. All I2C registers for slave receive or master START can be initialized before setting this bit. 1 MIEN Module interrupt enable 0 Interrupts from the I2C module are disabled. This does not clear any pending interrupt conditions. 1 Interrupts from the I2C module are enabled. An interrupt occurs provided I2CSR[MIF] is also set. 2 MSTA Master/slave mode START 0 When this bit is changed from one to zero, a STOP condition is generated and the mode changes from master to slave. 1 Cleared without generating a STOP condition when the master loses arbitration. When this bit is changed from zero to one, a START condition is generated on the bus, and master mode is selected. 3 MTX 4 TXAK Transfer acknowledge. This bit specifies the value driven onto the SDA line during acknowledge cycles for both master and slave receivers. The value of this bit only applies when the I2C module is configured as a receiver, not a transmitter. It also does not apply to address cycles; when the device is addressed as a slave, an acknowledge is always sent. 0 An acknowledge signal (low value on SDA) is sent out to the bus at the 9th clock after receiving one byte of data. 1 No acknowledge signal response (high value on SDA) is sent. 5 RSTA Repeated START. Setting this bit always generates a repeated START condition on the bus, provides the device with the current bus master. Attempting a repeated START at the wrong time (or if the bus is owned by another master), results in loss of arbitration. Note that this bit is not readable, which means if a read is performed to I2CCR[RSTA], a zero value will be returned. 0 No START condition is generated 1 Generates repeated START condition 6 7 -- Transmit/receive mode select. This bit selects the direction of the master and slave transfers. When configured as a slave, this bit should be set by software according to I2CSR[SRW]. In master mode, the bit should be set according to the type of transfer required. Therefore, for address cycles, this bit will always be high. The MTX bit is cleared when the master loses arbitration. 0 Receive mode 1 Transmit mode Reserved BCST Broadcast 0 Disables the broadcast accept capability 1 Enables the I2C to accept broadcast messages at address zero MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-8 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces I2C Status Register (I2CSR) The I2C status register, shown in Figure 11-5, is read only with the exception of the MIF and MAL bits, which can be cleared by software. The MCF and RXAK bits are set at reset; all other I2CSR bits are cleared on reset. Offset I2C1: 0x00C I2C2: 0x10C R Access: Mixed 0 1 2 MCF MAAS MBB 1 0 0 W Reset 3 MAL 0 4 5 BCSTM SRW 0 0 6 MIF 0 7 RXAK 1 Figure 11-5. I2C Status Register (I2CSR) Table 11-7 describes the bit settings of the I2CSR. Table 11-7. I2CSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 MCF 1 Description Data transfer. When one byte of data is transferred, the bit is cleared. It is set by the falling edge of the 9th clock of a byte transfer. 0 Byte transfer in progress. MCF is cleared under the following conditions: *When I2CSR is read in receive mode or *When I2CDR is written in transmit mode 1 Byte transfer is completed MAAS Addressed as a slave. When the value in I2CDR matches with the calling address, this bit is set. The processor is interrupted, if I2CCR[MIEN] is set. Next, the processor must check the SRW bit and set I2CCR[MTX] accordingly. Writing to the I2CCR automatically clears this bit. 0 Not addressed as a slave 1 Addressed as a slave 2 MBB Bus busy. Indicates the status of the bus. When a START condition is detected, MBB is set. If a STOP condition is detected, it is cleared. 0 I2C bus is idle 1 I2C bus is busy 3 MAL Arbitration lost. Automatically set when the arbitration procedure is lost. Note that the device does not automatically retry a failed transfer attempt. 0 Arbitration is not lost. Can only be cleared by software 1 Arbitration is lost 4 5 BCSTM Broadcast match 0 There has not been a broadcast match. 1 The calling address matches with the broadcast address instead of the programmed slave address. This will also be set if this I2C drives an address of all 0s and broadcast mode is enabled. SRW Slave read/write. When MAAS is set, SRW indicates the value of the R/W command bit of the calling address, which is sent from the master. 0 Slave receive, master writing to slave 1 Slave transmit, master reading from slave. This bit is valid only when both of the following conditions are true: *A complete transfer occurred and no other transfers have been initiated. *The I2C interface is configured as a slave and has an address match. By checking this bit, the processor can select slave transmit/receive mode according to the command of the master. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-9 I2C Interfaces Table 11-7. I2CSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 6 MIF 7 Description Module interrupt. The MIF bit is set when an interrupt is pending, causing a processor interrupt request (provided I2CCR[MIEN] is set). The interrupts for I2C1 and I2C2 are combined into one interrupt, which is sourced by the dual I2C controller. 0 No interrupt is pending. Can be cleared only by software. 1 Interrupt is pending. MIF is set when one of the following events occurs: *One byte of data is transferred (set at the falling edge of the 9th clock). *The value in I2CADR matches with the calling address in slave-receive mode. *Arbitration is lost. RXAK Received acknowledge. The value of SDA during the reception of acknowledge bit of a bus cycle. If the received acknowledge bit (RXAK) is low, it indicates that an acknowledge signal has been received after the completion of eight bits of data transmission on the bus. If RXAK is high, it means no acknowledge signal has been detected at the 9th clock. 0 Acknowledge received 1 No acknowledge received I2C Data Register (I2CDR) The I2C data register is shown in Figure 11-6. Offset I2C1: 0x010 I2C2: 0x110 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R DATA W Reset All zeros Figure 11-6. I2C Data Register (I2CDR) Table 11-8 shows the bit descriptions for I2CDR. Table 11-8. I2CDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 DATA Transmission starts when an address and the R/W bit are written to the data register and the I2C interface performs as the master. A data transfer is initiated when data is written to the I2CDR. The most significant bit is sent first in both cases. In master receive mode, reading the data register allows the read to occur, but also allows the I2C module to receive the next byte of data on the I2C interface. In slave mode, the same function is available after it is addressed. Note that the very first read is always a dummy read. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-10 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces Digital Filter Sampling Rate Register (I2CDFSRR) The digital filter sampling rate register (I2CDFSRR) is shown in Figure 11-7. Refer to application note AN2919, Determining the I2C Frequency Divider Ratio for SCL, for additional guidance regarding the proper use of I2CFDR and I2CDFSRR. Offset I2C1: 0x014 I2C2: 0x114 0 Access: Read/Write 1 2 7 R DFSR W Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Figure 11-7. I2C Digital Filter Sampling Rate Register (I2CDFSRR) Table 11-9 shows the field descriptions for I2CDFSRR. Table 11-9. I2CDFSRR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 -- 2-7 11.4 Description Reserved DFSR Digital filter sampling rate. To assist in filtering out signal noise, the sample rate is programmed. This field is used to prescale the frequency at which the digital filter takes samples from the I2C bus. The resulting sampling rate is calculated by dividing one half the platform (CCB clock) frequency by the non-zero value of DFSR. Functional Description The I2C unit always performs as a slave receiver as a default, unless explicitly programmed to be a master or slave transmitter. After the boot sequencer has completed (when powered up in boot sequencer mode), the I2C interface will perform as a slave receiver. Note that the boot sequencer only functions from the I2C1 interface; the I2C2 interface cannot be used for this purpose. 11.4.1 Transaction Protocol A standard I2C transfer consists of the following: * START condition * Slave target address transmission * Data transfer * STOP condition Figure 11-8 shows the interaction of these four parts with the calling address, data byte, and new calling address components of the I2C protocol. The details of the protocol are described in the following sections. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-11 I2C Interfaces SCL SDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 Read/ write SDA 2 3 4 5 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 6 7 8 9 Data byte START 1 5 XX XX D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 R/W Calling address SCL 4 6 7 8 No ack Ack 9 A5 A6 R/W 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 R/W Calling address New calling address Read/ write Ack START 2 STOP No ack Repeated START STOP Figure 11-8. I2C Interface Transaction Protocol START Condition When the I2C bus is not engaged (both SDA and SCL lines are at logic high), a master can initiate a transfer by sending a START condition. As shown in Figure 11-8, a START condition is defined as a high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This condition denotes the beginning of a new data transfer. Each data transfer can contain several bytes and awakens all slaves. The START condition is initiated by a software write that sets I2CCR[MSTA]. Slave Address Transmission The first byte of data is transferred by the master immediately after the START condition is the slave address. This is a seven-bit calling address followed by a R/W bit, which indicates the direction of the data being transferred to the slave. Each slave in the system has a unique address. In addition, when the I2C module is operating as a master, it must not transmit an address that is the same as its slave address. An I2C device cannot be master and slave at the same time; if this is attempted, the results are boundedly undefined. Only the slave with a calling address that matches the one transmitted by the master responds by returning an acknowledge bit (pulling the SDA signal low at the 9th clock) as shown in Figure 11-8. If no slave acknowledges the address, the master should generate a STOP condition or a repeated START condition. When slave addressing is successful (and SCL returns to zero), the data transfer can proceed on a byte-to-byte basis in the direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master. The I2C module responds to a general call (broadcast) command when I2CCR[BCST] is set. A broadcast address is always zero; however the I2C module will not check the R/W bit. The second byte of the broadcast message is the master address. Because the second byte is automatically acknowledged by MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-12 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces hardware, the receiver device software must verify that the broadcast message is intended for itself by reading the second byte of the message. If the master address is for another receiver device and the third byte is a write command, software can ignore the third byte during the broadcast. If the master address is for another receiver device and the third byte is a read command, software must write 0xFF to I2CDR with I2CCR[TXAK] = 1, so that it does not interfere with the data written from the addressed device. Each data byte is 8 bits long. Data bits can be changed only while SCL is low and must be held stable while SCL is high, as shown in Figure 11-8. There is one clock pulse on SCL for each data bit, and the most significant bit (msb) is transmitted first. Each byte of data must be followed by an acknowledge bit, which is signaled from the receiving device by pulling the SDA line low at the 9th clock. Therefore, one complete data byte transfer takes 9 clock pulses. Several bytes can be transferred during a data transfer session. If the slave receiver does not acknowledge the master, the SDA line must be left high by the slave. The master can then generate a stop condition to abort the data transfer or a START condition (repeated START) to begin a new calling. If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after a byte of transmission, the slave interprets that the end-of-data has been reached. Then the slave releases the SDA line for the master to generate a STOP or a START condition. Repeated START Condition Figure 11-8 shows a repeated START condition, which is generated without a STOP condition that can terminate the previous transfer. The master uses this method to communicate with another slave or with the same slave in a different mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus. STOP Condition The master can terminate the transfer by generating a STOP condition to free the bus. A STOP condition is defined as a low-to-high transition of the SDA signal while SCL is high. For more information, see Figure 11-8. Note that a master can generate a STOP even if the slave has transmitted an acknowledge bit, at which point the slave must release the bus. The STOP condition is initiated by a software write that clears I2CCR[MSTA]. As described in Section, "Repeated START Condition," the master can generate a START condition followed by a calling address without generating a STOP condition for the previous transfer. This is called a repeated START condition. Protocol Implementation Details The following sections give details of how aspects of the protocol are implemented in this I2C module. Transaction Monitoring--Implementation Details The different conditions of the I2C data transfers are monitored as follows: * START conditions are detected when an SDA fall occurs while SCL is high. * STOP conditions are detected when an SDA rise occurs while SCL is high. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-13 I2C Interfaces * * Data transfers in progress are canceled when a STOP condition is detected or if there is a slave address mismatch. Cancellation of data transactions resets the clock module. The bus is detected to be busy upon the detection of a START condition, and idle upon the detection of a STOP condition. Control Transfer--Implementation Details The I2C module contains logic that controls the output to the serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL) lines of the I2C. The SCL output is pulled low as determined by the internal clock generated in the clock module. The SDA output can only change at the midpoint of a low cycle of the SCL, unless it is performing a START, STOP, or restart condition. Otherwise, the SDA output is held constant. The SDA signal is pulled low when one or more of the following conditions are true in either master or slave mode: * Master mode -- Data bit (transmit) -- Ack bit (receive) -- START condition -- STOP condition -- Restart condition * Slave mode -- Acknowledging address match -- Data bit (transmit) -- Ack bit (receive) The SCL signal corresponds to the internal SCL signal when one or more of the following conditions are true in either master or slave mode: * Master mode -- Bus owner -- Lost arbitration -- START condition -- STOP condition -- Restart condition begin -- Restart condition end * Slave mode -- Address cycle -- Transmit cycle -- Ack cycle MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-14 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces Address Compare--Implementation Details Address compare block determines if a slave has been properly addressed, either by its slave address or by the general broadcast address (which addresses all slaves). The three performed address comparisons are described as follows: * Whether a broadcast message has been received, to update the I2CSR * Whether the module has been addressed as a slave, to update the I2CSR and to generate an interrupt * If the address transmitted by the current master matches the general broadcast address 11.4.2 Arbitration Procedure The I2C interface is a true multiple-master bus that allows more than one master device to be connected on it. If two or more masters simultaneously try to control the bus, each master's clock synchronization procedure (including the I2C module) determines the bus clock--the low period is equal to the longest clock low period and the high is equal to the shortest one among the masters. A bus master loses arbitration if it transmits a logic 1 on SDA while another master transmits a logic 0. The losing masters immediately switch to slave-receive mode and stop driving the SDA line. In this case, the transition from master to slave mode does not generate a STOP condition. Meanwhile, the I2C unit sets the I2CSR[MAL] status bit to indicate the loss of arbitration and, as a slave, services the transaction if it is directed to itself. If the I2C module is enabled in the middle of an ongoing byte transfer, the interface behaves as follows: * Slave mode--The I2C module ignores the current transfer on the bus and starts operating whenever a subsequent START condition is detected. * Master mode--The I2C module cannot tell whether the bus is busy; therefore, if a START condition is initiated, the current bus cycle can be corrupted. This ultimately results in the current bus master of the I2C interface losing arbitration, after which bus operations return to normal. Arbitration Control The arbitration control block controls the arbitration procedure of the master mode. A loss of arbitration occurs whenever the master detects a 0 on the external SDA line while attempting to drive a 1, tries to generate a START or restart at an inappropriate time, or detects an unexpected STOP request on the line. In master mode, arbitration by the master is lost (and I2CSR[MAL] is set) under the following conditions: * SDA samples low when the master drives high during an address or data-transmit cycle (transmit). * SDA samples low when the master drives high during a data-receive cycle of the acknowledge (Ack) bit (receive). * A START condition is attempted when the bus is busy. * A repeated START condition is requested in slave mode. * A start condition is attempted when the requesting device is not the bus owner * Unexpected STOP condition detected Note that the I2C module does not automatically retry a failed transfer attempt. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-15 I2C Interfaces 11.4.3 Handshaking The clock synchronization mechanism can be used as a handshake in data transfer. Slave devices can hold SCL low after completion of a 1-byte transfer (9 bits). In such cases, it halts the bus clock and forces the master clock into wait states until the slave releases the SCL line. 11.4.4 Clock Control The clock control block handles requests from the clock signal for transferring and controlling data for multiple tasks. A 9-cycle data transfer clock is requested for the following conditions: * Master mode -- Transmit slave address after START condition -- Transmit slave address after restart condition -- Transmit data -- Receive data * Slave mode -- Transmit data -- Receive data -- Receive slave address after START or restart condition Clock Synchronization Due to the wire AND logic on the SCL line, a high-to-low transition on the SCL line affects all devices connected on the bus. The devices begin counting their low period when the master drives the SCL line low. After a device has driven SCL low, it holds the SCL line low until the clock high state is reached. However, the change of low-to-high in a device clock may not change the state of the SCL line if another device is still within its low period. Therefore, the synchronized clock signal, SCL, is held low by the device with the longest low period. Devices with shorter low periods enter a high wait state during this time. When all devices concerned have counted off their low period, the synchronized SCL line is released and pulled high. Then there is no difference between the devices' clocks and the state of the SCL line, and all the devices begin counting their high periods. The first device to complete its high period pulls the SCL line low again. Input Synchronization and Digital Filter The following sections describes the synchronizing of the input signals, and the filtering of the SCL and SDA lines in detail. Input Signal Synchronization The input synchronization block synchronizes the input SCL and SDA signals to the system clock and detects transitions of these signals. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-16 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces Filtering of SCL and SDA Lines The SCL and SDA inputs are filtered to eliminate noise. Three consecutive samples of the SCL and SDA lines are compared to a pre-determined sampling rate. If they are all high, the output of the filter is high. If they are all low, the output is low. If they are any combination of highs and lows, the output is whatever the value of the line was in the previous clock cycle. The sampling rate is equal to a binary value stored in the frequency register I2CDFSRR. The duration of the sampling cycle is controlled by a down counter. This allows a software write to the frequency register to control the filtered sampling rate. Clock Stretching Slaves can use the clock synchronization mechanism to slow down the transfer bit rate. After the master has driven the SCL line low, the slave can drive SCL low for the required period and then release it. If the slave SCL low period is greater than the master SCL low period, then the resulting SCL bus signal low period is stretched. 11.4.5 Boot Sequencer Mode If boot sequencer mode is selected on POR (by the settings on the cfg_boot_seq[0:1] reset configuration signals, as described in Section, "Boot Sequencer Configuration"), the I2C1 module communicates with one or more EEPROMs through the I2C interface on IIC1_SCL and IIC1_SDA. The boot sequencer accesses the I2C1 serial ROM device at the interface frequency designated by the default value of the I2CDFR[DFR] field, 0x2C, which corresponds to a divider of 1280. See Section, "I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2CFDR)," for additional details of the I2CFDR. The EEPROM(s) can be programmed to initialize one or more configuration registers of this integrated device. If the boot sequencer is enabled for normal I2C addressing mode, the I2C interface initiates the following sequence during reset: 1. Generate RESET sequence (START then 9 SCL cycles) to the EEPROM twice. This clears any transactions that may have been in progress prior to the reset. 2. Generate START 3. Transmit 0xA0 which is the 7-bit calling address (0b101_0000) with a write command appended (0 as the least significant bit). 4. Transmit 0x00 which is the 8-bit starting address 5. Generate a repeated START 6. Transmit 0xA1 which is the 7-bit calling address (0b101_0000) with a read command appended (1 as the least significant bit). 7. Receive 256 bytes of data from the EEPROM (unless the CONT bit is cleared in the data structure). 8. Generate a repeated START 9. Transmit 0xA2 which is the 7-bit calling address of the second target (0b101_0001) with a write command appended (0 as the least significant bit). 10. Transmit 0x00 which is the 8-bit starting address for the second target. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-17 I2C Interfaces 11. Generate a repeated START 12. Transmit 0xA3 which is the 7-bit calling address (0b101_0001) with a read command appended (1 as the least significant bit). 13. Receive another 256 bytes of data from the second EEPROM (unless the CONT bit is cleared in the data structure). The sequence repeats with successive targets until the CONT bit in the data structure is cleared and the CRC check is executed. If the last register is not detected (that is, the CONT bit is never cleared) before wrapping back to the first address, an error condition is detected, causing the device to hang and the HRESET_REQ signal to assert externally. The I2C module continues to read from the EEPROM(s) as long as the continue (CONT) bit is set in the EEPROM(s). The CONT bit resides in the address/attributes field that is transferred from the EEPROM, as described in Section, "EEPROM Calling Address." There should be no other I2C traffic when the boot sequencer is active. The boot sequencer mode also supports an extension of the standard I2C interface that uses more address bits to allow for EEPROM devices that have more than 256 bytes, and this extended addressing mode is selectable during POR with a different encoding on the cfg_boot_seq[0:1] reset configuration signals. In this mode, only one EEPROM device may be used, and the maximum number of registers is limited by the size of the EEPROM. If the boot sequencer is enabled for extended I2C addressing mode, the I2C interface initiates the following sequence during reset: 1. Generate RESET sequence (START then 9 SCL cycles) to the EEPROM twice. This clears any transactions that may have been in progress prior to the reset. 2. Generate START 3. Transmit 0xA0 which is the 7-bit calling address (0b101_0000) with a write command appended (0 as the least significant bit). 4. Transmit 0x00 which is the high-order starting address 5. Transmit 0x00 which is the low-order starting address 6. Generate a repeated START 7. Transmit 0xA1 which is the 7-bit calling address (0b101_0000) with a read command appended (1 as the least significant bit). 8. Receive data continuously from the EEPROM until the CONT bit is cleared and the CRC check is executed. See Section, "EEPROM Data Format," for more information. Note that as described in Section, "Boot Sequencer Configuration," the default value for the cfg_boot_seq[0:1] reset configuration pins is 0b11, which corresponds to the I2C boot sequencer being disabled at power-up. EEPROM Calling Address The MPC8548E uses 0b101_0000 for the EEPROM calling address. The first EEPROM to be addressed must be programmed to respond to this address, or an error is generated. If more EEPROMs are used, they are addressed in sequential order. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-18 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces EEPROM Data Format The I2C module expects that a particular data format be used for data in the EEPROM. A preamble should be the first 3 bytes programmed into the EEPROM. It should have a value of 0xAA55AA. The I2C module checks to ensure that this preamble is correctly detected before proceeding further. Following the preamble, there should be a series of configuration registers (known as register preloads) programmed into the EEPROM. Each configuration register should be programmed according to a particular format, as shown in Figure 11-9. The first 3 bytes hold the attributes and address offset, as follows. The attributes contained are alternate configuration space (ACS), byte enables, and continue (CONT). The boot sequencer expects the address offset to be a 32-bit (word) offset, that is, the 2 low-order bits are not included in the boot sequencer command. For example, to access LAWBAR0 (byte offset of 0x00C08), the boot sequencer ADDR[0:17] should be set to 0x00302. After the first 3 bytes, 4 bytes of data should hold the desired value of the configuration register, regardless of the size of the transaction. Byte enables should be asserted for any byte that will be written to the configuration register, and they should be asserted contiguously, creating a 1-, 2-, or 4-byte write to a register. The boot sequencer assumes that a big-endian address is stored in the EEPROM. In addition, byte enable bit 0 (bit 1 of the byte) corresponds to the most-significant byte of data (data[0:7]), and byte enable bit 3 (bit 4 of the byte) corresponds to the LSB of data (data[24:31]). By setting ACS, an alternate configuration space address is prepended to the write request from the boot sequencer. Otherwise, CCSRBAR is prepended to the EEPROM address. If CONT is cleared, the first 3 bytes, including ACS, the byte enables, and the address, must also be cleared. Also, the data contains the final cyclic redundancy check (CRC). A CRC-32 algorithm is used to check the integrity of the data. The polynomial used is: 1 + x1 + x2 + x4 + x5 + x7 + x8 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x16 + x22 + x23 + x26 + x32 CRC values are calculated using the above polynomial with a start value of 0xFFFF_FFFF and an XOR with 0x0000_0000. The CRC should cover all bytes stored in the EEPROM prior to the CRC. This includes the preamble, all register preloads, and the first 3 bytes of the last 7-byte preload (which should be all zeros). If a preamble or CRC fail is detected, the device hangs and the external HRESET_REQ signal asserts. If there is a preamble fail, the boot sequencer may continue to pull I2C pins low until a hard reset occurs. 0 ACS 1 4 BYTE_EN 5 6 7 CONT ADDR[0-1] ADDR[2-9] ADDR[10-17] DATA[0-7] DATA[8-15] DATA[16-23] DATA[24-31] Figure 11-9. EEPROM Data Format for One Register Preload Command Figure 11-10 shows an example of the EEPROM contents, including the preamble, data format, and CRC. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-19 I2C Interfaces 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ACS BYTE_EN 1 Preamble ADDR[0-1] ADDR[2-9] ADDR[10-17] First Configuration Preload Command DATA[0-7] DATA[8-15] DATA[16-23] DATA[24-31] ACS BYTE_EN 1 ADDR[0-1] ADDR[2-9] ADDR[10-17] Second Configuration Preload Command DATA[0-7] DATA[8-15] DATA[16-23] DATA[24-31] . . . ACS BYTE_EN 1 ADDR[0-1] ADDR[2-9] ADDR[10-17] Last Configuration Preload Command DATA[0-7] DATA[8-15] DATA[16-23] DATA[24-31] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End Command CRC[0-7] CRC[8-15] CRC[16-23] Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC[24-31] Figure 11-10. EEPROM Contents MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-20 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces 11.5 Initialization/Application Information This section describes some programming guidelines recommended for the I2C interface. Figure 11-11 is a recommended flowchart for I2C interrupt service routines. The I2C registers in this chapter are shown in big-endian format. If the system is in little-endian mode, software must swap the bytes appropriately. This appropriate byte swapping is needed as I2C registers are byte registers. Also, an msync assembly instruction must be executed after each I2C register read/write access to guarantee in-order execution. The I2C controller does not guarantee its recovery from all illegal I2C bus activity. In addition, a malfunctioning device may hold the bus captive. A good programming practice is for software to rely on a watchdog timer to help recover from I2C bus hangs. The recovery routine should also handle the case when the status bits returned after an interrupt are not consistent with what was expected due to illegal I2C bus protocol behavior. 11.5.1 Initialization Sequence A hard reset initializes all the I2C registers to their default states. The following initialization sequence initializes the I2C unit: 1. All I2C registers must be located in a cache-inhibited page. 2. Update I2CFDR[FDR] and select the required division ratio to obtain the SCL frequency from the CCB (platform) clock. Note that the platform frequency must first be divided by two; see Section, "I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2CFDR)," for more details. 3. Update I2CADR to define the slave address for this device. 4. Modify I2CCR to select master/slave mode, transmit/receive mode, and interrupt-enable or disable. 5. Set the I2CCR[MEN] to enable the I2C interface. 11.5.2 Generation of START After initialization, the following sequence can be used to generate START: 1. If the device is connected to a multimaster I2C system, test the state of I2CSR[MBB] to check whether the serial bus is free (I2CSR[MBB] = 0) before switching to master mode. 2. Select master mode (set I2CCR[MSTA]) to transmit serial data and select transmit mode (set I2CCR[MTX]) for the address cycle. 3. Write the slave address being called into I2CDR. The data written to I2CDR[0-6] comprises the slave calling address. I2CCR[MTX] indicates the direction of transfer (transmit/receive) required from the slave. The scenario above assumes that the I2C interrupt bit (I2CSR[MIF]) is cleared. If MIF is set at any time, an I2C interrupt is generated (provided interrupt reporting is enabled with I2CCR[MIEN] =1) so that the I2C interrupt handler can handle the interrupt. Note that the interrupts for I2C1 and I2C2 are combined into one interrupt, which is sourced by the dual I2C controller. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-21 I2C Interfaces 11.5.3 Post-Transfer Software Response Transmission or reception of a byte automatically sets the data transferring bit (I2CSR[MCF]), which indicates that one byte has been transferred. The I2C interrupt bit (I2CSR[MIF]) is also set and an interrupt is generated to the processor if the interrupt function is enabled during the initialization sequence (I2CCR[MIEN] is set). In the interrupt handler, software must take the following steps: 1. Clear I2CSR[MIF] 2. Read the contents of the I2C data register (I2CDR) in receive mode or write to I2CDR in transmit mode. Note that this causes I2CSR[MCF] to be cleared. See Section 11.5.8, "Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart." When an interrupt occurs at the end of the address cycle, the master remains in transmit mode. If master receive mode is required, I2CCR[MTX] must be toggled at this stage. See Section 11.5.8, "Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart." If the interrupt function is disabled, software can service the I2CDR in the main program by monitoring I2CSR[MIF]. In this case, I2CSR[MIF] must be polled rather than I2CSR[MCF] because MCF behaves differently when arbitration is lost. Note that interrupt or other bus conditions may be detected before the I2C signals have time to settle. Thus, when polling I2CSR[MIF] (or any other I2CSR bits), software delays may be needed in order to give the I2C signals sufficient time to settle. During slave-mode address cycles (I2CSR[MAAS] is set), I2CSR[SRW] should be read to determine the direction of the subsequent transfer and I2CCR[MTX] should be programmed accordingly. For slave-mode data cycles (MAAS is cleared), I2CSR[SRW] is not valid and I2CCR[MTX] must be read to determine the direction of the current transfer. See Section 11.5.8, "Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart," for more details. 11.5.4 Generation of STOP A data transfer ends with a STOP condition generated by the master device. A master transmitter can generate a STOP condition after all the data has been transmitted. If a master receiver wants to terminate a data transfer, it must inform the slave transmitter by not acknowledging the last byte of data (by setting the transmit acknowledge bit (I2CCR[TXAK])) before reading the next-to-last byte of data. At this time, the next-to-last byte of data has already been transferred on the I2C interface, so the last byte will not receive the data acknowledge (because I2CCR[TXAK] is set). For 1-byte transfers, a dummy read should be performed by the interrupt service routine (see Section 11.5.8, "Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart"). Before the interrupt service routine reads the last byte of data, a STOP condition must first be generated. The I2C controller automatically generates a STOP if I2CCR[TXAK] is set. Therefore, I2CCR[TXAK] must be set before allowing the I2C module to receive the last data byte on the I2C bus. Eventually, I2CCR[TXAK] needs to be cleared again for subsequent I2C transactions. This can be accomplished when setting up the I2CCR for the next transfer. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-22 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces 11.5.5 Generation of Repeated START At the end of a data transfer, if the master still wants to communicate on the bus, it can generate another START condition followed by another slave address without first generating a STOP condition. This is accomplished by setting I2CCR[RSTA]. 11.5.6 Generation of SCL When SDA Low It is sometimes necessary to force the I2C module to become the I2C bus master out of reset and drive SCL (even though SDA may already be driven, which indicates that the bus is busy). This can occur when a system reset does not cause all I2C devices to be reset. Thus, SDA can be driven low by another I2C device while this I2C module is coming out of reset and will stay low indefinitely. The following procedure can be used to force this I2C module to generate SCL so that the device driving SDA can finish its transaction: 1. Disable the I2C module and set the master bit by setting I2CCR to 0x20 2. Enable the I2C module by setting I2CCR to 0xA0 3. Read the I2CDR 4. Return the I2C module to slave mode by setting I2CCR to 0x80 11.5.7 Slave Mode Interrupt Service Routine In the slave interrupt service routine, the module addressed as a slave should be tested to check if a calling of its own address has been received. If I2CSR[MAAS] is set, software should set the transmit/receive mode select bit (I2CCR[MTX]) according to the R/W command bit (I2CSR[SRW]). Writing to I2CCR clears MAAS automatically. MAAS is read as set only in the interrupt handler at the end of that address cycle where an address match occurred; interrupts resulting from subsequent data transfers clear MAAS. A data transfer can then be initiated by writing to I2CDR for slave transmits or dummy reading from I2CDR in slave-receive mode. The slave drives SCL low between byte transfers. SCL is released when the I2CDR is accessed in the required mode. Slave Transmitter and Received Acknowledge In the slave transmitter routine, the received acknowledge bit (I2CSR[RXAK]) must be tested before sending the next byte of data. The master signals an end-of-data by not acknowledging the data transfer from the slave. When no acknowledge is received (I2CSR[RXAK] is set), the slave transmitter interrupt routine must clear I2CCR[MTX] to switch the slave from transmitter to receiver mode. A dummy read of I2CDR then releases SCL so that the master can generate a STOP condition. See Section 11.5.8, "Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart." Loss of Arbitration and Forcing of Slave Mode When a master loses arbitration the following conditions all occur: * I2CSR[MAL] is set * I2CCR[MSTA] is cleared (changing the master to slave mode) * An interrupt occurs (if enabled) at the falling edge of the 9th clock of this transfer MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-23 I2C Interfaces Thus, the slave interrupt service routine should first test I2CSR[MAL] and software should clear it if it is set. See Section, "Arbitration Control," for more information. 11.5.8 Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart Figure 11-11 shows an example algorithm for an I2C interrupt service routine. Deviation from the flowchart may result in unpredictable I2C bus behavior. However, in the slave receive mode (not shown), the interrupt service routine may need to set I2CCR[TXAK] when the next-to-last byte is to be accepted. It is recommended that an msync instruction follow each I2C register read or write to guarantee in-order instruction execution. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-24 Freescale Semiconductor I2C Interfaces Clear I2CSR[MIF] == 1 == 0 I2CCR[MTX] == 0 I2CCR[MSTA] A == 1 Master Xmit Y == 1 Last byte N Clear I2CSR[MAL] == 1 Y Write next byte to I2CDR Y N B == 0 B EOI Slave Data Cycle == 1 Only one byte to receive? Set I2CCR[TXAK] == 1 == 0 End of address phase for master receive mode? N == 1 I2CSR[MAAS] == 0 I2CSR[MAAS] I2CSR[RXAK] == 0 Generate STOP I2CSR[MAL] Slave Xmit == 1 I2CCR[MTX] == 0 Slave Received I2CSR[RXAK] Read I2CDR and store == 0 Clear I2CCR[MTX] N Clear I2CCR[MTX] Read I2CDR (dummy read) Write next byte to I2CDR Read I2CDR (dummy read) Set I2CCR[TXAK] EOI EOI A Master Rcv All done Y N B Y Last byte Slave Addr. Phase == 1 Y Next-to-last byte N Generate STOP Set I2CCR[TXAK] I2CSR[SRW] Set I2CCR[MTX] == 0 Clear I2CCR[MTX] Dummy read Write I2CDR Read I2CDR and store EOI EOI Figure 11-11. Example I2C Interrupt Service Routine Flowchart MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11-25 I2C Interfaces MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 11-26 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 12 DUART This chapter describes the dual universal asynchronous receiver/transmitters (DUART). It describes the functional operation, the DUART initialization sequence, and the programming details for the DUART registers and features. 12.1 Overview The DUART consists of two universal asynchronous receiver/transmitters (UARTs). The UARTs act independently; all references to UART refer to one of these receiver/transmitters. Each UART is clocked by the core complex bus (CCB) clock. The DUART programming model is compatible with the PC16552D. The UART interface is point to point, meaning that only two UART devices are attached to the connecting signals. As shown in Figure 12-1, each UART module consists of the following: * Receive and transmit buffers * Clear to send (CTS) input port and request to send (RTS) output port for data flow control * 16-bit counter for baud rate generation * Interrupt control logic 12.1.1 Features The DUART includes these distinctive features: * Full-duplex operation * Programming model compatible with the original PC16450 UART and the PC16550D (an improved version of the PC16450 that also operates in FIFO mode) * PC16450 register reset values * FIFO mode for both transmitter and receiver, providing 16-byte FIFOs * Serial data encapsulation and decapsulation with standard asynchronous communication bits (START, STOP, and parity) * Maskable transmit, receive, line status, and modem status interrupts * Software-programmable baud generators that divide the CCB clock by 1 to (216 - 1) and generate a 16x clock for the transmitter and receiver engines MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-1 DUART Data SIN Receive Buffer UART Module Internal Bus Address Bus Control Logic Control int Interrupt Control SOUT Transmit Buffer Input Port Output Port CTS RTS HRESET 16-Bit Counter/ Baud Rate Generator CCB_clk Figure 12-1. UART Block Diagram * * * * * * * Clear to send (CTS) and ready to send (RTS) modem control functions Software-selectable serial interface data format (data length, parity, 1/1.5/2 STOP bit, baud rate) Line and modem status registers Line-break detection and generation Internal diagnostic support, local loopback, and break functions Prioritized interrupt reporting Overrun, parity, and framing error detection 12.1.2 Modes of Operation The communication channel provides a full-duplex asynchronous receiver and transmitter using an operating frequency derived from the CCB clock. The transmitter accepts parallel data from a write to the transmitter holding register (UTHR). In FIFO mode, the data is placed directly into an internal transmitter shift register of the transmitter FIFO. The transmitter converts the data to a serial bit stream inserting the appropriate start, stop, and optional parity bits. Finally, it outputs a composite serial data stream on the channel transmitter serial data output signal (SOUT). The transmitter status may be polled or interrupt driven. The receiver accepts serial data bits on the channel receiver serial data input signal (SIN), converts it to parallel format, checks for a start bit, parity (if any), stop bits, and transfers the assembled character (with start, stop, parity bits removed) from the receiver buffer (or FIFO) in response to a read of the UART's receiver buffer register (URBR). The receiver status may be polled or interrupt driven. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-2 Freescale Semiconductor DUART 12.2 External Signal Descriptions This section contains a signal overview and detailed signal descriptions. 12.2.1 Signal Overview Table 12-1 summarizes the DUART signals. Note that although the actual device signal names are prepended with the UART_ prefix as shown in the table, the functional (abbreviated) signal names are often used throughout this chapter. Table 12-1. DUART Signal Overview Signal Name I/O Pins Reset Value UART_SIN[0:1] I 2 1 Serial in data UART0 and UART1 UART_SOUT[0:1] O 2 1 Serial out data UART0 and UART1 UART_CTS[0:1] I 2 1 Clear to send UART0 and UART1 UART_RTS[0:1] O 2 1 Request to send UART0 and UART1 12.2.2 State Meaning Detailed Signal Descriptions The DUART signals are described in detail in Table 12-2. Table 12-2. DUART Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O UART_SIN[0:1] I Description Serial data in. Data is received on the receivers of UART0 and UART1 through its respective serial data input signal, with the least-significant bit received first. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the data being received on the UART interface. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--An internal logic sample signal, rxcnt, uses the frequency of the baud-rate generator to sample the data on SIN. UART_SOUT[0:1] O Serial data out. The serial data output signals for the UART0 and UART1 are set ('mark' condition) when the transmitter is disabled, idle, or operating in the local loopback mode. Data is shifted out on these signals, with the least significant bit transmitted first. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the data being transmitted on the respective UART Meaning interface. Timing Assertion/Negation-- An internal logic sample signal, rxcnt, uses the frequency of the baud-rate generator to update and drive the data on SOUT. UART_CTS[0:1] I Clear to send. These active-low inputs are the clear-to-send inputs. They are connected to the respective RTS outputs of the other UART devices on the bus. They can be programmed to generate an interrupt on change-of-state of the signal. State Asserted/Negated--Represent the clear to send condition for their respective UART. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--Sampled at the rising edge of every CCB clock. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-3 DUART Table 12-2. DUART Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O UART_RTS[0:1] O Description Request to send. UART_RTSx are active-low output signals that can be programmed to be automatically negated and asserted by either the receiver or transmitter. When connected to the clear-to-send (CTS) input of a transmitter, this signal can be used to control serial data flow. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the data being transmitted on the respective UART Meaning interface. Timing Assertion/Negation--Updated and driven at the rising edge of every CCB clock. 12.3 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 12-3 lists the DUART registers and their offsets. It lists the address, name, and a cross-reference to the complete description of each register. Note that the full register address is comprised of CCSRBAR together with the block base address and offset listed in Table 12-3. There are two complete sets of DUART registers (one for UART0 and one for UART1). The two UARTs on the device are identical, except that the registers for UART0 are located at offset 0x4500 (local), and the registers for UART1 are located at offset 0x4600 (local). Throughout this chapter, the registers are described by a singular acronym: for example, LCR represents the line control register for either UART0 or UART1. The registers in each UART interface are used for configuration, control, and status. The divisor latch access bit, ULCR[DLAB], is used to access the divisor latch least- and most-significant bit registers and the alternate function register. Refer to Section, "Line Control Registers (ULCR0, ULCR1)," for more information on ULCR[DLAB]. All the DUART registers are one byte wide. Reads and writes to these registers must be byte-wide operations. Table 12-3 provides a register summary with references to the section and page that contains detailed information about each register. Undefined byte address spaces within offset 0x000-0xFFF are reserved. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-4 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Table 12-3. DUART Register Summary Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page Block Base Address: 0x0_4000 0x500 URBR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 receiver buffer register R 0x00 0x500 UTHR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 transmitter holding register W 0x00 0x500 UDLB--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART0 divisor least significant byte register R/W 0x00 0x501 UIER--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 interrupt enable register R/W 0x00 0x501 UDMB--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART0 divisor most significant byte register R/W 0x00 0x502 UIIR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 interrupt ID register R 0x01 0x502 UFCR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART0 FIFO control register W 0x00 0x502 UAFR--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART0 alternate function register R/W 0x00 0x503 ULCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 line control register R/W 0x00 0x504 UMCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 modem control register R/W 0x00 0x505 ULSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 line status register R 0x60 0x506 UMSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 modem status register R 0x00 0x507 USCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 scratch register R/W 0x00 0x510 UDSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART0 DMA status register R 0x01 0x600 URBR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 receiver buffer register R 0x00 0x600 UTHR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 transmitter holding register W 0x00 0x600 UDLB--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART1 divisor least significant byte register R/W 0x00 0x601 UIER--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 interrupt enable register R/W 0x00 0x601 UDMB_ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART1 divisor most significant byte register R/W 0x00 0x602 UIIR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 interrupt ID register R 0x01 0x602 UFCR--ULCR[DLAB] = 0 UART1 FIFO control register W 0x00 0x602 UAFR--ULCR[DLAB] = 1 UART1 alternate function register R/W 0x00 0x603 ULCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 line control register R/W 0x00 0x604 UMCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 modem control register R/W 0x00 0x605 ULSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 line status register R 0x60 0x606 UMSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 modem status register R 0x00 0x607 USCR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 scratch register R/W 0x00 0x610 UDSR--ULCR[DLAB] = x UART1 DMA status register R 0x01 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-5 DUART 12.3.1 Register Descriptions The following sections describe the UART0 and UART1 registers. Receiver Buffer Registers (URBR0, URBR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) These registers contain the data received from the transmitter on the UART buses. In FIFO mode, when read, they return the first byte received. For FIFO status information, refer to the UDSR[RXRDY] description. Except for the case when there is an overrun, URBR returns the data in the order it was received from the transmitter. Refer to the ULSR[OE] description, Section, "Line Status Registers (ULSR0, ULSR1)." Figure 12-3 shows the receiver buffer registers. Note that these registers have same offset as the UTHRs. Figure 12-2 shows the bits in the URBRs. Offset 0x500 0x600 Access: Read only 0 7 R W Reset All zeros Figure 12-2. Receiver Buffer Registers (URBR0, URBR1) Table 12-4 describes the fields of URBR. Table 12-4. URBR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 DATA Description Data received from the transmitter on the UART bus (read only) Transmitter Holding Registers (UTHR0, UTHR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) A write to these 8-bit registers causes the UART devices to transfer 5-8 data bits on the UART bus in the format set up in the ULCR (line control register). In FIFO mode, data written to UTHR is placed into the FIFO. The data written to UTHR is the data sent onto the UART bus, and the first byte written to UTHR will be the first byte onto the bus. UDSR[TXRDY] indicates when the FIFO is full. Refer to the Table 12-21 and the Table 12-22 for more details. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-6 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Figure 12-3 shows the bits in the UTHRs. Offset 0x500 0x600 Access: Write only 0 7 R W Reset All zeros Figure 12-3. Transmitter Holding Registers (UTHR0, UTHR1) Table 12-5 describes the fields of UTHR. Table 12-5. UTHR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 DATA Description Data that is written to UTHR (write only) Divisor Most and Least Significant Byte Registers (UDMB and UDLB) (ULCR[DLAB] = 1) The divisor least significant byte register (UDLB) is concatenated with the divisor most significant byte register (UDMB) to create the divisor used to divide the input clock into the DUART. The output frequency of the baud generator is 16 times the baud rate; therefore the desired baud rate = platform clock frequency / (16 x [UDMB||UDLB]). Equivalently, [UDMB||UDLB:0b0000] = platform clock frequency / desired baud rate. Baud rates that can be generated by specific input clock frequencies are shown in Table 12-8. Figure 12-4 shows the bits in the UDMBs. Offset 0x501 0x601 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R UDMB W Reset All zeros Figure 12-4. Divisor Most Significant Byte Registers (UDMB0, UDMB1) Table 12-6 describes the fields of UDMB registers. Table 12-6. UDMB Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 UDMB Divisor most-significant byte MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-7 DUART Figure 12-5 shows the bits in the UDLBs. Offset 0x500 0x600 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R UDLB W Reset All zeros Figure 12-5. Divisor Least Significant Byte Registers (UDLB0, UDLB1) Table 12-7 describes the fields of UDLB registers. Table 12-7. UDLB Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 UDLB Divisor least-significant byte. This is concatenated with UDMB. Table 12-8 shows baud rate when the input clock is at certain frequencies. Note that because only integer values can be used as divisors, the actual baud rate differs slightly from the desired (target) baud rate; for this reason, both target and actual baud rates are given, along with the percentage of error. Table 12-8. Baud Rate Examples Divisor Input Clock (CCB) Frequency (MHz) Actual Baud Rate (Decimal) Percent Error (Decimal) 6C8 266 9600.61444 0.0064 868 364 266 19,201.22888 0.0064 38,400 434 1B2 266 38,402.45776 0.0064 56,000 298 12A 266 55,928.41163 0.1280 128,000 130 82 266 128,205.12821 0.1600 256,000 65 41 266 256,410.25641 0.1600 9,600 2170 87A 333 9600.61444 0.0064 19,200 1085 43D 333 19,201.22888 0.0064 38,400 543 21F 333 38,367.09638 0.0858 56,000 372 174 333 56,003.58423 0.0064 128,000 163 A3 333 127,811.86094 0.1472 256,000 81 51 333 257,201.64609 0.4672 9,600 3472 D90 533 9600.61444 0.0064 19,200 1736 6C8 533 19,201.22888 0.0064 Target Baud Rate (Decimal) Decimal Hex 9,600 1736 19,200 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-8 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Table 12-8. Baud Rate Examples (continued) Divisor Input Clock (CCB) Frequency (MHz) Actual Baud Rate (Decimal) Percent Error (Decimal) 364 533 38,402.45776 0.0064 595 253 533 56,022.40896 0.0400 128,000 260 104 533 128,205.12821 0.1600 256,000 130 82 533 256,410.25641 0.1600 Target Baud Rate (Decimal) Decimal Hex 38,400 868 56,000 Interrupt Enable Register (UIER) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) The UIER gives the user the ability to mask specific UART interrupts to the MPC8548E programmable interrupt controller (PIC). Figure 12-6 shows the bits in the UIER. Offset 0x501, 0x601 Access: Read/Write 0 3 4 5 6 7 EMSI ERLSI ETHREI ERDAI R -- W Reset All zeros Figure 12-6. Interrupt Enable Register (UIER) Table 12-9 describes the fields of UIER. Table 12-9. UIER Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-3 -- 4 EMSI Enable modem status interrupt. 0 Mask interrupts caused by UMSR[DCTS] being set 1 Enable and assert interrupts when the clear-to-send bit in the UART modem status register (UMSR) changes state 5 ERLSI Enable receiver line status interrupt. 0 Mask interrupts when ULSR's overrun, parity error, framing error or break interrupt bits are set 1 Enable and assert interrupts when ULSR's overrun, parity error, framing error or break interrupt bits are set 6 7 Description Reserved. ETHREI Enable transmitter holding register empty interrupt. 0 Mask interrupt when ULSR[THRE] is set 1 Enable and assert interrupts when ULSR[THRE] is set ERDAI Enable received data available interrupt. 0 Mask interrupt when new receive data is available or receive data time out has occurred 1 Enable and assert interrupts when a new data character is received from the external device and/or a time-out interrupt occurs in the FIFO mode MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-9 DUART Interrupt ID Registers (UIIR0, UIIR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) The UIIRs indicate when an interrupt is pending from the corresponding UART and what type of interrupt is active. They also indicate if the FIFOs are enabled. The DUART prioritizes interrupts into four levels and records these in the corresponding UIIR. The four levels of interrupt conditions in order of priority are: 1. Receiver line status 2. Received data ready/character time-out 3. Transmitter holding register empty 4. Modem status See Table 12-11 for more details. When the UIIR is read, the associated DUART serial channel freezes all interrupts and indicates the highest priority pending interrupt. While this read transaction is occurring, the associated DUART serial channel records new interrupts, but does not change the contents of UIIR until the read access is complete. Figure 12-7 shows the bits in the UIIR. Offset 0x502 0x602 Access: Read only 0 R 1 2 3 FE 4 5 6 7 IID3 IID2 IID1 IID0 0 0 0 1 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 Figure 12-7. Interrupt ID Registers (UIIR) Table 12-10 describes the fields of the UIIR. Table 12-10. UIIR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 FE FIFOs enabled. Reflects the setting of UFCR[FEN] 2-3 -- Reserved 4 IID3 5-6 7 Description Interrupt ID bits identify the highest priority interrupt that is pending as indicated in Table 12-11. IID3 is set along with IID2 only when a timeout interrupt is pending for FIFO mode. IID2-1 Interrupt ID bits identify the highest priority interrupt that is pending as indicated in Table 12-11. IID0 IID0 indicates when an interrupt is pending. 0 The UART has an active interrupt ready to be serviced. 1 No interrupt is pending. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-10 Freescale Semiconductor DUART The bits contained in the UIIR registers are described in Table 12-11. Table 12-11. UIIR IID Bits Summary IID Bits IID[3-0] Priority Level Interrupt Type Interrupt Description How To Reset Interrupt 0b0001 -- -- -- -- 0b0110 Highest Receiver line status Overrun error, parity error, framing error, or break interrupt Read the line status register. 0b0100 Second Received data available Receiver data available or trigger level reached in FIFO mode Read the receiver buffer register or interrupt is automatically reset if the number of bytes in the receiver FIFO drops below the trigger level. 0b1100 Second Character time-out Read the receiver buffer register. No characters have been removed from or input to the receiver FIFO during the last 4 character times and there is at least one character in the receiver FIFO during this time. 0b0010 Third UTHR empty Transmitter holding register is empty Read the UIIR or write to the UTHR. 0b0000 Fourth Modem status CTS input value changed since last read of UMSR Read the UMSR. FIFO Control Registers (UFCR0, UFCR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0) The UFCR, a write-only register, is used to enable and clear the receiver and transmitter FIFOs, set a receiver FIFO trigger level to control the received data available interrupt, and select the type of DMA signaling. When the UFCR bits are written, the FIFO enable bit must also be set or else the UFCR bits are not programmed. When changing from FIFO mode to 16450 mode (non-FIFO mode) and vice versa, data is automatically cleared from the FIFOs. After all the bytes in the receiver FIFO are cleared, the receiver internal shift register is not cleared. Similarly, the bytes are cleared in the transmitter FIFO, but the transmitter internal shift register is not cleared. Both TFR and RFR are self-clearing bits. Figure 12-8 shows the bits in the UFCRs. Offset 0x502 0x602 Access: Write only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMS TFR RFR FEN R -- W RTL Reset All zeros Figure 12-8. FIFO Control Registers (UFCR0, UFCR1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-11 DUART Table 12-12 describes the fields of the UFCRs. Table 12-12. UFCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 RTL 2-3 -- 4 DMS DMA mode select. See Section, "DMA Mode Select," for more information. 0 UDSR[RXRDY] and UDSR[TXRDY] bits are in mode 0. 1 UDSR[RXRDY] and UDSR[TXRDY] bits are in mode 1 if UFCR[FEN] = 1. 5 TFR Transmitter FIFO reset 0 No action 1 Clears all bytes in the transmitter FIFO and resets the FIFO counter/pointer to 0 6 RFR Receiver FIFO reset 0 No action 1 Clears all bytes in the receiver FIFO and resets the FIFO counter/pointer to 0 7 FEN FIFO enable 0 FIFOs are disabled and cleared 1 Enables the transmitter and receiver FIFOs Description Receiver trigger level. A received data available interrupt occurs when UIER[ERDAI] is set and the number of bytes in the receiver FIFO equals the designated interrupt trigger level as follows: 00 1 byte 01 4 bytes 10 8 bytes 11 14 bytes Reserved Line Control Registers (ULCR0, ULCR1) The ULCRs specify the data format for the UART bus and set the divisor latch access bit ULCR[DLAB], which controls the ability to access the divisor latch least and most significant bit registers and the alternate function register. After initializing the ULCR, the software should not re-write the ULCR when valid transfers on the UART bus are active. The software should not re-write the ULCR until the last STOP bit has been received and there are no new characters being transferred on the bus. The stick parity bit, ULCR[SP], assigns a set parity value for the parity bit time slot sent on the UART bus. The set value is defined as mark parity (logic 1) or space parity (logic 0). ULCR[PEN] and ULCR[EPS] help determine the set parity value. See Table 12-14 for more information. ULCR[NSTB], defines the number of STOP bits to be sent at the end of the data transfer. The receiver only checks the first STOP bit, regardless of the number of STOP bits selected. The word length select bits (1 and 0) define the number of data bits that are transmitted or received as a serial character. The word length does not include START, parity, and STOP bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-12 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Figure 12-9 shows the bits in the ULCRs. Offset 0x503 0x603 Access: Read/Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 DLAB SB SP EPS PEN NSTB 6 7 R WLS W Reset All zeros Figure 12-9. Line Control Register (ULCR) Table 12-13 describes the fields of the ULCRs. Table 12-13. ULCR Field Descriptions Bits 0 Name Description DLAB Divisor latch access bit. 0 Access to all registers except UDLB, UAFR, and UDMB 1 Ability to access divisor latch least and most significant byte registers and alternate function register (UAFR) 1 SB Set break. 0 Send normal UTHR data onto the serial output (SOUT) signal 1 Force logic 0 to be on the SOUT signal. Data in the UTHR is not affected 2 SP Stick parity. 0 Stick parity is disabled. 1 If PEN = 1 and EPS = 1, space parity is selected. And if PEN = 1 and EPS = 0, mark parity is selected. 3 EPS Even parity select. See Table 12-14 for more information. 0 If PEN = 1 and SP = 0, odd parity is selected. 1 If PEN = 1 and SP = 0, even parity is selected. 4 PEN Parity enable. 0 No parity generation and checking 1 Generate parity bit as a transmitter, and check parity as a receiver 5 NTSB Number of STOP bits. 0 One STOP bit is generated in the transmitted data. 1 When a 5-bit data length is selected, 1 STOP bits are generated. When either a 6-, 7-, or 8-bit word length is selected, two STOP bits are generated. 6-7 WLS Word length select. Number of bits that comprise the character length. The word length select values are as follows: 00 5 bits 01 6 bits 10 7 bits 11 8 bits MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-13 DUART Table 12-14. Parity Selection Using ULCR[PEN], ULCR[SP], and ULCR[EPS] PEN SP EPS Parity Selected 0 0 0 No parity 0 0 1 No parity 0 1 0 No parity 0 1 1 No parity 1 0 0 Odd parity 1 0 1 Even parity 1 1 0 Mark parity 1 1 1 Space parity Modem Control Registers (UMCR0, UMCR1) The UMCRs control the interface with the external peripheral device on the UART bus. Figure 12-10 shows the bits in the UMCRs Offset 0x504 0x604 Access: Read/Write 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 RTS -- R -- LOOP -- W Reset All zeros Figure 12-10. Modem Control Register (UMCR) Table 12-15 describes the fields of UMCRs. . Table 12-15. UMCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-2 -- 3 Description Reserved. LOOP Local loopback mode. 0 Normal operation 1 Functionally, the data written to UTHR can be read from URBR of the same UART, and UMCR[RTS] is tied to UMSR[CTS]. 4-5 -- 6 RTS 7 -- Reserved. Ready to send. 0 Negates corresponding UART_RTS output 1 Assert corresponding UART_RTS output. Informs external modem or peripheral that the UART is ready for sending/receiving data Reserved. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-14 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Line Status Registers (ULSR0, ULSR1) The ULSRs are read-only registers that monitor the status of the data transfer on the UART buses. To isolate the status bits from the proper character received through the UART bus, software should read the ULSR and then the URBR. Figure 12-11 shows the bits in the ULSRs. Offset 0x505 0x605 R Access: Read only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RFE TEMT THRE BI FE PE OE DR 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset Figure 12-11. Line Status Register (ULSR) Table 12-16 describes the fields of the ULSRs. Table 12-16. ULSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 RFE Receiver FIFO error. 0 This bit is cleared when there are no errors in the receiver FIFO or on a read of the ULSR with no remaining receiver FIFO errors. 1 Set to one when one of the characters in the receiver FIFO encounters an error (framing, parity, or break interrupt) 1 TEMT Transmitter empty. 0 Either or both the UTHR or the internal transmitter shift register has a data character. In FIFO mode, a data character is in the transmitter FIFO or the internal transmitter shift register. 1 Both the UTHR and the internal transmitter shift register are empty. In FIFO mode, both the transmitter FIFO and the internal transmitter shift register are empty. 2 THRE Transmitter holding register empty. 0 The UTHR is not empty. 1 A data character has transferred from the UTHR into the internal transmitter shift register. In FIFO mode, the transmitter FIFO contains no data character. 3 BI Break interrupt. 0 This bit is cleared when the ULSR is read or when a valid data transfer is detected (that is, STOP bit is received). 1 Received data of logic 0 for more than START bit + Data bits + Parity bit + one STOP bits length of time. A new character is not loaded until SIN returns to the mark state (logic 1) and a valid START is detected. In FIFO mode, a zero character is encountered in the FIFO (the zero character is at the top of the FIFO). In FIFO mode, only one zero character is stored. 4 FE Framing error. 0 This bit is cleared when ULSR is read or when a new character is loaded into the URBR from the receiver shift register. 1 Invalid STOP bit for receive data (only the first STOP bit is checked). In FIFO mode, this bit is set when the character that detected a framing error is encountered in the FIFO (that is the character at the top of the FIFO). An attempt to resynchronize occurs after a framing error. The UART assumes that the framing error (due to a logic 0 being read when a logic 1 (STOP) was expected) was due to a STOP bit overlapping with the next START bit, so it assumes this logic 0 sample is a true START bit and then will receive the following new data. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-15 DUART Table 12-16. ULSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 5 PE Parity error. 0 This bit is cleared when ULSR is read or when a new character is loaded into the URBR. 1 Unexpected parity value encountered when receiving data. In FIFO mode, the character with the error is at the top of the FIFO. 6 OE Overrun error. 0 This bit is cleared when ULSR is read. 1 Before the URBR is read, the URBR was overwritten with a new character. The old character is loss. In FIFO mode, the receiver FIFO is full (regardless of the receiver FIFO trigger level setting) and a new character has been received into the internal receiver shift register. The old character was overwritten by the new character. Data in the receiver FIFO was not overwritten. 7 DR Data ready. 0 This bit is cleared when URBR is read or when all of the data in the receiver FIFO is read. 1 A character has been received in the URBR or the receiver FIFO. Modem Status Registers (UMSR0, UMSR1) The UMSRs track the status of the modem (or external peripheral device) clear to send (CTS) signal for the corresponding UART. Figure 12-12 shows the bits in the UMSRs. Offset 0x506 0x606 Access: Read only 0 2 R 3 4 6 CTS 7 DCTS -- -- W Reset All zeros Figure 12-12. Modem Status Register (UMSR) Table 12-17 describes the fields of the UMSRs. Table 12-17. UMSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-2 -- 3 CTS 4-6 -- 7 Description Reserved. Clear to send. Represents the inverted value of the CTS input pin from the external peripheral device 0 Corresponding CTSn is negated 1 Corresponding CTSn is asserted. The modem or peripheral device is ready for data transfers. Reserved. DCTS Clear to send. 0 No change on the corresponding CTSn signal since the last read of UMSR[CTS] 1 The CTSn value has changed, since the last read of UMSR[CTS]. Causes an interrupt if UIER[EMSI] is set to detect this condition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-16 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Scratch Registers (USCR0, USCR1) The USCR registers are for debugging software or the DUART hardware. The USCRs do not affect the operation of the DUART. Figure 12-13 shows the bits in USCRs. Offset 0x507 0x607 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R DATA W Reset All zeros Figure 12-13. Scratch Register (USCR) Table 12-18 describes the fields of the USCRs. Table 12-18. USCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 DATA Description Data Alternate Function Registers (UAFR0, UAFR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 1) The UAFRs give software the ability to write to both UART0 and UART1 registers simultaneously with the same write operation. The UAFRs also provide a means for the device's performance monitor to track the baud clock. Figure 12-14 shows the bits in the UAFRs. Offset 0x502 0x602 Access: Read/Write 0 5 6 7 BO CW R -- W Reset All zeros Figure 12-14. Alternate Function Register (UAFR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-17 DUART Table 12-19 describes the fields of the UAFRs. Table 12-19. UAFR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-5 -- Reserved. 6 BO Baud clock select. 0 The baud clock is not gated off. 1 The baud clock is gated off. 7 CW Concurrent write enable. 0 Disables writing to both UART0 and UART1 1 Enables concurrent writes to corresponding UART registers. A write to a register in UART0 is also a write to the corresponding register in UART1 and vice versa. The user needs to ensure that the LCR[DLAB] of both UARTs are in the same state before executing a concurrent write to register addresses 0x500, 0x501 and 0x502. Description DMA Status Registers (UDSR0, UDSR1) The DMA status registers (UDSRs) are read-only registers that return transmitter and receiver FIFO status. UDSRs also provide the ability to assist DMA data operations to and from the FIFOs. Figure 12-15 shows the bits in UDSRs. Offset 0x510 0x610 Access: Read only 0 5 R 6 7 TXRDY RXRDY 0 1 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 12-15. DMA Status Register (UDSR) Table 12-20 describes the fields of the UDSRs. Table 12-20. UDSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-5 -- Description Reserved 6 TXRDY Transmitter ready. This read-only bit reflects the status of the transmitter FIFO or the UTHR. The status depends on the DMA mode selected, which is determined by the DMS and FEN bits in the UFCR. 0 The bit is cleared, as shown in Table 12-22. 1 This bit is set, as shown in Table 12-21. 7 RXRDY Receiver ready. This read-only bit reflects the status of the receiver FIFO or URBR. The status depends on the DMA mode selected, which is determined by the DMS and FEN bits in the UFCR. 0 The bit is cleared, as shown in Table 12-24. 1 This bit is set, as shown in Table 12-23. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-18 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Table 12-21. UDSR[TXRDY] Set Conditions DMS FEN DMA Mode 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Meaning TXRDY is set after the first character is loaded into the transmitter FIFO or UTHR. TXRDY is set when the transmitter FIFO is full. Table 12-22. UDSR[TXRDY] Cleared Conditions DMS FEN DMA Mode 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Meaning TXRDY is cleared when there are no characters in the transmitter FIFO or UTHR. TXRDY is cleared when there are no characters in the transmitter FIFO or UTHR. TXRDY remains clear when the transmitter FIFO is not yet full. Table 12-23. UDSR[RXRDY] Set Conditions DMS FEN DMA Mode 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Meaning RXRDY is set when there are no characters in the receiver FIFO or URBR. RXRDY is set when the trigger level has not been reached and there has been no time out. Table 12-24. UDSR[RXRDY] Cleared DMS FEN DMA Mode 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 12.4 Meaning RXRDY is cleared when there is at least one character in the receiver FIFO or URBR. RXRDY is cleared when the trigger level or a time-out has been reached. RXRDY remains cleared until the receiver FIFO is empty. Functional Description The communication channel provides a full-duplex asynchronous receiver and transmitter using an operating frequency derived from the CCB clock signal. The transmitter accepts parallel data with a write access to the transmitter holding register (UTHR). In FIFO mode, the data is placed directly into an internal transmitter shift register, or into the transmitter FIFO--see Section 12.4.5, "FIFO Mode." The transmitting registers convert the data to a serial bit stream, by inserting the appropriate START, STOP, and optional parity bits. Finally, the registers output a MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-19 DUART composite serial data stream on the channel transmitter serial data output (SOUT). The transmitter status may be polled or interrupt-driven. The receiver accepts serial data on the channel receiver serial data input (SIN), converts the data into parallel format, and checks for START, STOP, and parity bits. In FIFO mode, the receiver removes the START, STOP, and parity bits and then transfers the assembled character from the receiver buffer, or receiver FIFO. This transfer occurs in response to a read of the UART receiver buffer register (URBR). The receiver status may be polled or interrupt driven. 12.4.1 Serial Interface The UART bus is a serial, full-duplex, point-to-point bus as shown in Figure 12-16. Therefore, only two devices are attached to the same signals and there is no need for address or arbitration bus cycles. rxcnt SOUT1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PTY 10 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PTY Data Bits START 2 Data Bits STOP Bits START STOP Bits Optional Even/Odd Parity Optional Even/Odd Parity Two 7-bit data transmissions with parity and 2-bit STOP transactions Figure 12-16. UART Bus Interface Transaction Protocol Example A standard UART bus transfer is composed of either three or four parts: * START bit * Data transfer bits (least-significant bit is first data bit on the bus) * Parity bit (optional) * STOP bits An internal logic sample signal, rxcnt, uses the frequency of the baud-rate generator to drive the bits on SOUT. The following sections describe the four components of the serial interface, the baud-rate generator, local loopback mode, different errors, and FIFO mode. START Bit A write to the transmitter holding register (UTHR) generates a START bit on the SOUT signal. Figure 12-16 shows that the START bit is defined as a logic 0. The START bit denotes the beginning of a new data transfer which is limited to the bit length programmed in the UART line control register (ULCR).When the bus is idle, SOUT is high. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-20 Freescale Semiconductor DUART Data Transfer Each data transfer contains 5-8 bits of data. The ULCR data bit length for the transmitter and receiver UART devices must agree before a transfer begins; otherwise, a parity or framing error may occur. A transfer begins when UTHR is written. At that time a START bit is generated followed by 5-8 of the data bits previously written to the UTHR. The data bits are driven from the least significant to the most significant bits. After the parity and STOP bits, a new data transfer can begin if new data is written to the UTHR. Parity Bit The user has the option of using even, odd, no parity, or stick parity (see Section, "Line Control Registers (ULCR0, ULCR1)." Both the receiver and transmitter parity definition must agree before attempting to transfer data. When receiving data a parity error can occur if an unexpected parity value is detected. (See Section, "Line Status Registers (ULSR0, ULSR1).") STOP Bit The transmitter device ends the write transfer by generating a STOP bit. The STOP bit is always high. The user can program the length of the STOP bit(s) in the ULCR. Both the receiver and transmitter STOP bit length must agree before attempting to transfer data. A framing error can occur if an invalid STOP bit is detected. 12.4.2 Baud-Rate Generator Logic Each UART contains an independent programmable baud-rate generator, that is capable of taking the CCB clock input and dividing the input by any divisor from 1 to 216 - 1. The baud rate is defined as the number of bits per second that can be sent over the UART bus. The formula for calculating baud rate is as follows: Baud rate = (1/16) x (CCB clock frequency/divisor value) Therefore, the output frequency of the baud-rate generator is 16 times the baud rate. The divisor value is determined by the following two 8-bit registers to form a 16-bit binary number: * UART divisor most significant byte register (UDMB) * UART divisor least significant byte register (UDLB) Upon loading either of the divisor latches, a 16-bit baud-rate counter is loaded. The divisor latches must be loaded during initialization to ensure proper operation of the baud-rate generator. Both UART devices on the same bus must be programmed for the same baud-rate before starting a transfer. The baud clock can be passed to the performance monitor by enabling the UAFR[BO] bit. This can be used to determine baud rate errors. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-21 DUART 12.4.3 Local Loopback Mode Local loopback mode is provided for diagnostic testing. The data written to UTHR can be read from the receiver buffer register (URBR) of the same UART. In this mode, the modem control register UMCR[RTS] is internally tied to the modem status register UMSR[CTS]. The transmitter SOUT is set to a logic 1 and the receiver SIN is disconnected. The output of the transmitter shift register is looped back into the receiver shift register input. The CTS (input signal) is disconnected, RTS is internally connected to CTS, and the RTS (output signal) becomes inactive. In this diagnostic mode, data that is transmitted is immediately received. In local loopback mode the transmit and receive data paths of the DUART can be verified. Note that in local loopback mode, the transmit/receive interrupts are fully operational and can be controlled by the interrupt enable register (UIER). 12.4.4 Errors The following sections describe framing, parity, and overrun errors which may occur while data is transferred on the UART bus. Each of the error bits are usually cleared, as described below, when the line status register (ULSR) is read. Framing Error When an invalid STOP bit is detected, a framing error occurs and ULSR[FE] is set. Note that only the first STOP bit is checked. In FIFO mode, ULSR[FE] is set when the character at the top of the FIFO detects a framing error. An attempt to re-synchronize occurs after a framing error. The UART assumes that the framing error (due to a logic 0 being read when a logic 1 (STOP) was expected) was due to a STOP bit overlapping with the next START bit. ULSR[FE] is cleared when ULSR is read or when a new character is loaded into the URBR from the receiver shift register. Parity Error A parity error occurs, and ULSR[PE] is set, when unexpected parity values are encountered while receiving data. In FIFO mode, ULSR[PE] is set when the character with the error is at the top of the FIFO. ULSR[PE] is cleared when ULSR is read or when a new character is loaded into the URBR. Overrun Error When a new (overwriting character) STOP bit is detected and the old character is lost, an overrun error occurs and ULSR[OE] is set. In FIFO mode, ULSR[OE] is set after the receiver FIFO is full (despite the receiver FIFO trigger level setting) and a new character has been received into the internal receiver shift register. Data in the FIFO is not overwritten; only the shift register data is overwritten. Therefore, the interrupt occurs immediately. ULSR[OE] is cleared when ULSR is read. 12.4.5 FIFO Mode The UARTs use an alternate mode (FIFO mode) to relieve the processor core from excessive software overhead. The FIFO control register (UFCR) is used to enable and clear the receiver and transmitter FIFOs MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-22 Freescale Semiconductor DUART and set the FIFO receiver trigger level UFCR[RTL] to control the received data available interrupt UIER[ERDAI]. The UFCR also selects the type of DMA signaling. The UDSR[RXRDY] indicates the status of the receiver FIFO. The DMA status registers (UDSR[TXRDY]) indicate when the transmitter FIFO is full. When in FIFO mode, data written to UTHR is placed into the transmitter FIFO. The first byte written to UTHR is the first byte onto the UART bus. FIFO Interrupts In FIFO mode, the UIER[ERDAI] is set when a time-out interrupt occurs. When a receive data time-out occurs there is a maskable interrupt condition (through UIER[ERDAI]). See Section, "Interrupt Enable Register (UIER) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0)," for more details on interrupt enables. The interrupt ID register (UIIR) indicates if the FIFOs are enabled. Interrupt ID3 UIIR[IID3] bit is only set for FIFO mode interrupts. The character time-out interrupt occurs when no characters have been removed from or input to the receiver FIFO during the last four character times and there is at least one character in the receiver FIFO during this time. The character time-out interrupt (controlled by UIIR[IID]) is cleared when the URBR is read. See Section, "Interrupt ID Registers (UIIR0, UIIR1) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0)," for more information. The UIIR[FE] bits indicate if FIFO mode is enabled. DMA Mode Select The UDSR[RXRDY] bit reflects the status of the receiver FIFO or URBR. In mode 0 (UFCR[DMS] is cleared), UDSR[RXRDY] is cleared when there is at least one character in the receiver FIFO or URBR and it is set when there are no more characters in the receiver FIFO or URBR. This occurs regardless of the setting of the UFCR[FEN] bit. In mode 1 (UFCR[DMS] and UFCR[FEN] are set), UDSR[RXRDY] is cleared when the trigger level or a time-out has been reached and it is set when there are no more characters in the receiver FIFO. The UDSR[TXRDY] bit reflects the status of the transmitter FIFO or UTHR. In mode 0 (UFCR[DMS] is cleared), UDSR[TXRDY] is cleared when there are no characters in the transmitter FIFO or UTHR and it is set after the first character is loaded into the transmitter FIFO or UTHR. This occurs regardless of the setting of the UFCR[FEN] bit. In mode 1 (UFCR[DMS] and UFCR[FEN] are set), UDSR[TXRDY] is cleared when there are no characters in the transmitter FIFO or UTHR and it is set when the transmitter FIFO is full. See Section, "DMA Status Registers (UDSR0, UDSR1)," for a complete description of the USDR[RXRDY] and USDR[TXRDY] bits. Interrupt Control Logic An interrupt is active when DUART interrupt ID register bit 0 (UIIR[0]), is cleared. The interrupt enable register (UIER) is used to mask specific interrupt types. For more details refer to the description of UIER in Section, "Interrupt Enable Register (UIER) (ULCR[DLAB] = 0)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 12-23 DUART When the interrupts are disabled in UIER, polling software can not use UIIR[0] to determine whether the UART is ready for service. The software must monitor the appropriate bits in the line status (ULSR) and/or the modem status (UMSR) registers. UIIR[0] can be used for polling if the interrupts are enabled in UIER. 12.5 DUART Initialization/Application Information The following requirements must be met for DUART accesses: * All DUART registers must be mapped to a cache-inhibited and guarded area. (That is, the WIMG setting in the MMU needs to be 0b01X1.) * All DUART registers are 1 byte wide. Reads and writes to these registers must be byte-wide operations. A system reset puts the DUART registers to a default state. Before the interface can transfer serial data, the following initialization steps are recommended: 1. Update the programmable interrupt controller (PIC) DUART channel interrupt vector source registers. 2. Set data attributes and control bits in the ULCR, UFCR, UAFR, UMCR, UDLB, and UDMB. 3. Set the data attributes and control bits of the external modem or peripheral device. 4. Set the interrupt enable register (UIER). 5. To start a write transfer, write to the UTHR. 6. Poll UIIR if the interrupts generated by the DUART are masked. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12-24 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 13 Local Bus Controller This chapter describes the local bus controller (LBC) block. It describes the external signals and the memory-mapped registers as well as a functional description of the general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM), SDRAM machine, and user-programmable machines (UPMs) of the LBC. Finally, it includes an initialization and applications information section with many specific examples of its use. 13.1 Introduction Figure 13-1 is a functional block diagram of the LBC, which supports three interfaces: GPCM, UPM, and SDRAM controller. Timers/ Counters Config Regs UPM CTRL UPM RAM Refresh Memory Banks and Compare SDRAM Local Memory Controller GPCM Control Signal Timing Generator LCS[0:7] LBCTL GPCM CTRL LOE LGTA LWE[0:3] Clock Divider Address and Data Machine Transfer Acknowledge Addr/Data Mux Gasket and Mux Local Address Local Data UPM CTRL LGPL[0:3] LGPL4/LUPWAIT LGPL5 LBS[0:3] SDRAM CTRL LSDA10 LSDWE LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDDQM[0:3] LA[27:31] LALE LPBSE LDP[0:3] MDVAL MSRCID[0:4] LAD[0:31] LCLK[0:2] LCKE LSYNC_IN LSYNC_OUT Figure 13-1. Local Bus Controller Block Diagram MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-1 Local Bus Controller 13.1.1 Overview The main component of the LBC is its memory controller, which provides a seamless interface to many types of memory devices and peripherals. The memory controller is responsible for controlling eight memory banks shared by a high performance SDRAM machine, a GPCM, and up to three UPMs. As such, it supports a minimal glue logic interface to synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), SRAM, EPROM, Flash EPROM, burstable RAM, regular DRAM devices, extended data output DRAM devices, and other peripherals. The external address latch signal (LALE) allows multiplexing of addresses with data signals to reduce the device signal count. The LBC also includes a number of data checking and protection features such as data parity generation and checking, write protection and a bus monitor to ensure that each bus cycle is terminated within a user-specified period. 13.1.2 Features The LBC main features are as follows: * Memory controller with eight memory banks -- 34-bit1 address decoding with mask -- Variable memory block sizes (32 Kbytes to 4 Gbytes) -- Selection of control signal generation on a per-bank basis -- Data buffer controls activated on a per-bank basis -- Up to 256-byte bursts, arbitrarily aligned -- Automatic segmentation of large transactions -- Odd/even parity checking including read-modify-write (RMW) parity for single accesses -- Write-protection capability -- Atomic operation -- Parity byte-select * SDRAM machine -- Provides the control functions and signals for glueless connection to JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices -- Supports up to four concurrent open pages per device -- Supports SDRAM port size of 32, 16, and 8 bits -- Supports external address and/or command lines buffering * General-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM) -- Compatible with SRAM, EPROM, FEPROM, and peripherals -- Global (boot) chip-select available at system reset -- Boot chip-select support for 8-, 16-, 32-bit devices -- Minimum 3-clock access to external devices 1. Refers to the logical address space of the LBC. Once the address is decoded by the LBC, the 34-bit address becomes the right-most 34 bits of the 36-bit physical address space. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-2 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller * * * -- Four byte-write-enable signals (LWE[0:3]) -- Output enable signal (LOE) -- External access termination signal (LGTA) Three user-programmable machines (UPMs) -- Programmable-array-based machine controls external signal timing with a granularity of up to one-quarter of an external bus clock period -- User-specified control-signal patterns run when an internal master requests a single-beat or burst read or write access. -- UPM refresh timer runs a user-specified control signal pattern to support refresh -- User-specified control-signal patterns can be initiated by software -- Each UPM can be defined to support DRAM devices with depths of 64, 128, 256, and 512 Kbytes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 Mbytes -- Support for 8-, 16-, 32-bit devices -- Page mode support for successive transfers within a burst -- Internal address multiplexing supporting 64-, 128-, 256-, and 512-Kbyte, and 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, and 256-Mbyte page banks Optional monitoring of transfers between local bus internal masters and local bus slaves (local bus error reporting) Support for phase-locked loop (PLL) with software-configurable bypass for low frequency bus clocks 13.1.3 Modes of Operation The LBC provides one GPCM, one SDRAM machine, and three UPMs for the local bus, with no restriction on how many of the eight banks (chip selects) can be programmed to operate with any given machine. When a memory transaction is dispatched to the LBC, the memory address is compared with the address information of each bank (chip select). The corresponding machine assigned to that bank (GPCM, SDRAM, or UPM) then takes ownership of the external signals that control the access and maintains control until the transaction ends. Thus, with the LBC in GPCM, SDRAM, or UPM mode, only one of the eight chip selects is active at any time for the duration of the transaction. LBC Bus Clock and Clock Ratios The LBC supports ratios of 4, 8, and 16 between the faster system (CCB) clock and the slower external bus clock (LCLK[0:2]). This ratio is software programmable through the clock ratio register (LCRR[CLKDIV]). In addition to establishing the frequency of the external local bus clock, CLKDIV also affects the resolution of signal timing shifts in GPCM mode and the interpretation of UPM array words in UPM mode. The bus clock is driven identically onto signals LCLK[0:2] to allow the clock load to be shared equally across a pair of signal nets, thereby enhancing the edge rates of the bus clock. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-3 Local Bus Controller Source ID Debug Mode In debug mode, the LBC provides the ID of a transaction source on external device signals. This mode is enabled on power-on reset, as described in Section 22.4.4, "Local Bus Interface Debug." When placed in this mode, the 5-bit internal ID of the current transaction source appears on MSRCID[0:4] whenever valid address or data is available on the LBC external signals. The reserved value of 0x1F, which indicates invalid address or data, appears on the source ID signals at all other times. The combination of a valid source ID (any value except 0x1F) and the value of external address latch enable (LALE) and data valid (MDVAL) facilitate capturing useful debug data as follows: * If a valid source ID is detected on MSRCID[0:4] and LALE is asserted, a valid full 32-bit address may be latched from LAD[0:31]. Note that in SDRAM mode the address vector contains the full address as {row, bank, column, lsbs} where row corresponds to the same row address for the given column address and lsbs are the unconnected lsbs of the address for a given port size. * If a valid source ID is detected on MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL is asserted, valid data may be latched from LAD[0:31]. 13.1.4 Power-Down Mode The LBC can enter a power-down mode when the system stops the internal (system) clock to the block by using a handshake protocol initiated by the DEVDISR[LBC] setting in the global utilities block. On entering power-down mode, the LBC places any SDRAM devices, if used, in self-refresh mode before the bus clock is stopped. The LBC also allows the PLL sufficient time to recover following the reapplication of the system clock. Once the LBC has been put into power-down mode, the only way to exit from this mode is through HRESET. 13.2 External Signal Descriptions Table 13-1 contains a list of external signals related to the LBC and summarizes their function. I/O impedance of designated local bus signals is determined by PORIMPSCR, as described in Section, "POR I/O Impedance Status and Control Register (PORIMPSCR)." Table 13-1. Signal Properties--Summary Name Number of Signals Direction LALE 1 Output External address latch enable LCS 8 Output Chip selects LWEn/ LSDDQM n/ LBSn 4 Output Output Output GPCM mode: write enable SDRAM mode: byte lane data mask UPM mode: byte (lane) select LSDA10/ LGPL0 1 Output Output SDRAM mode: row address bit/command bit UPM mode: general-purpose line 0 LSDWE/ LGPL1 1 Output Output SDRAM mode: write enable UPM mode: general-purpose line 1 Function MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-4 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-1. Signal Properties--Summary (continued) Number of Signals Name Direction Function LOE/ LSDRAS/ LGPL2 1 Output Output Output GPCM mode: output enable SDRAM mode: row address strobe UPM mode: general-purpose line 2 LSDCAS/ LGPL3 1 Output Output SDRAM mode: column address strobe UPM mode: general-purpose line 3 LGTA/ LGPL4/ LUPWAIT/ LPBSE 1 Input Output Input Output GPCM mode: transaction termination UPM mode: general-purpose line 4 UPM mode: external device wait Local bus parity byte select LGPL5 1 Output UPM mode: general-purpose line 5 LBCTL 1 Output Data buffer control LA[27:31] 5 Output Local bus non-multiplexed address lsbs LAD[0:31] 32 Input/Output Multiplexed address/data bus LDP 4 Input/Output Local bus data parity LCKE 1 Output Local bus clock enable LCLK[0:2] 3 Output Local bus clocks LSYNC_IN 1 Input LSYNC_OUT 1 Output PLL synchronize output MDVAL 1 Output In LBC debug mode: local bus data valid MSRCID 5 Output In LBC debug mode: local bus source ID PLL synchronize input Table 13-2 contains detailed external signal descriptions for the LBC. Table 13-2. Local Bus Controller Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal LALE I/O Description O External address latch enable. The local bus memory controller provides control for an external address latch, which allows address and data to be multiplexed on the device signals. State Asserted/Negated--LALE is asserted with the address at the beginning of each memory Meaning controller transaction. The number of cycles for which it is asserted is governed by the ORn[EAD] and LCRR[EADC] fields. The exact timing of the negation of LALE is controlled by the LBCR[AHD] field. Note that no other control signals are asserted during the assertion of LALE. LCS[0:7] O Chip selects. Eight chip selects are provided which are mutually exclusive. State Asserted/Negated--Used to enable specific memory devices or peripherals connected to the Meaning LBC. LCS[0:7] are provided on a per-bank basis with LCS0 corresponding to the chip select for memory bank 0, which has the memory type and attributes defined by BR0 and OR0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-5 Local Bus Controller Table 13-2. Local Bus Controller Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description LWE[0:3]/ O GPCM write enable/SDRAM data mask/UPM byte select. These signals select or validate each byte lane of the data bus. For banks with port sizes of 32 bits (as set by BRn[PS]), all four signals are defined. For a LSDDQM[0:3]/ LBS[0:3] 16-bit port size, only bits 0:1 are defined; and for an 8-bit port size, bit 0 is the only defined signal. The least-significant address bits of each access also determine which byte lanes are considered valid for a given data transfer. State Asserted/Negated--For GPCM operation, LWE[0:3] assert for each byte lane enabled for Meaning writing. For SDRAM operation, LSDDQM[0:3] function as the DQM or data mask signals provided by JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices, with one DQM provided per byte lane. LSDDQM[0:3] are driven high when the LBC wishes to mask a write or disable read data output from the SDRAM. LBS[0:3] are programmable byte-select signals in UPM mode. See Section, "RAM Array," for programming details about LBS[0:3]. Timing Assertion/Negation--See Section 13.4.2, "General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine (GPCM)," for details regarding the timing of LWE[0:3]. LSDA10/ LGPL0 O SDRAM A10/General-purpose line 0 LSDWE/ LGPL1 O SDRAM write enable/General-purpose line 1 LOE/ LSDRAS/ LGPL2 O GPCM output enable/SDRAM RAS/General-purpose line 2 LSDCAS/ LGPL3 O SDRAM CAS/General-purpose line 3 LGTA/ LGPL4/ LUPWAIT/ LPBSE I/O GPCM transfer acknowledge/General-purpose line 4/UPM wait/parity byte select State Asserted/Negated--For SDRAM accesses, represents address bit 10. When the row address is Meaning driven, it drives the value of address bit 10. When the column address is driven, it forms part of the SDRAM command. One of six general-purpose signals when in UPM mode; it drives a value programmed in the UPM array. State Asserted/Negated--Should be connected to the SDRAM device WE input. Acts as the SDRAM Meaning write enable when accessing SDRAM. One of six general-purpose signals when in UPM mode, and drives a value programmed in the UPM array. State Asserted/Negated--Controls the output buffer of memory when accessing memory/devices in Meaning GPCM mode. For SDRAM accesses, it is the row address strobe (RAS). One of six general-purpose lines when in UPM mode; it drives a value programmed in the UPM array. State Asserted/Negated--In SDRAM mode, drives the column address strobe (CAS). One of six general-purpose signals when in UPM mode, and drives a value programmed Meaning in the UPM array. State Asserted/Negated--Input in GPCM mode used for transaction termination. It may also be Meaning configured as one of six general-purpose output signals when in UPM mode or as an input to force the UPM controller to wait for the memory/device. When configured as LPBSE, it disables any use in GPCM or UPM modes. Because systems that use read-modify-write parity require an additional memory device, they must generate a byte-select like a normal data device. ANDing LBS[0:3] through external logic to achieve the logical function of this byte-select adds a delay to the byte-select path that can affect memory access timing. The LBC provides this optional byte-select signal that is an internal AND of the four (active low) byte selects, allowing glueless, faster connection to RMW-parity devices. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-6 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-2. Local Bus Controller Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description LGPL5 O General-purpose line 5 State Asserted/Negated--One of six general-purpose signals when in UPM mode, and drives a value Meaning programmed in the UPM array. LBCTL O Data buffer control. The memory controller activates LBCTL for the local bus when a GPCM- or UPM-controlled bank is accessed. Access to an SDRAM machine-controlled bank does not activate the buffer control. Buffer control is disabled by setting ORn[BCTLD]. State Asserted/Negated--The LBCTL signal normally functions as a write/read control for a bus Meaning transceiver connected to the LAD lines. Note that an external data buffer must not drive the LAD lines in conflict with the LBC when LBCTL is high, because LBCTL remains high after reset and during address phases. LA[27:31] O Local bus non-multiplexed address lsbs. All bits driven on LA[27:31] are defined for 8-bit port sizes. For 32-bit port sizes, LA[30:31] are don't cares; for 16-bit port sizes LA31 is a don't care. State Asserted/Negated--Although the LBC shares an address and data bus, up to five lsbs of the Meaning RAM address always appear on the dedicated address signals, LA[27:31]. These may be used, unlatched, in place of LAD[27:31] to connect the five lsbs of the address for address phases. For some RAM devices, such as fast-page DRAM, LA[27:31] serve as the column address offset during a burst access. LAD[0:31] I/O Multiplexed address/data bus. For configuration of a port size in BRn[PS] as 32 bits, all of LAD[0:31] must be connected to the external RAM data bus, with LAD[0:7] occupying the most significant byte lane (at address offset 0). For a port size of 16 bits, LAD[0:7] connect to the most significant byte lane (at address offset 0), while LAD[8:15] connect to the least-significant byte lane (at address offset 1); LAD[16:31] are unused for 16-bit port sizes. For a port size of 8 bits, only LAD[0:7] are connected to the external RAM. State Asserted/Negated--LAD[0:31] is the shared 32-bit address/data bus through which external Meaning RAM devices transfer data and receive addresses. Timing Assertion/Negation--During assertion of LALE, LAD[0:31] are driven with the RAM address for the access to follow. External logic should propagate the address on LAD[0:31] while LALE is asserted, and latch the address upon negation of LALE. After LALE is negated, LAD[0:31] are either driven by write data or are made high impedance by the LBC in order to sample read data driven by an external device. Following the last data transfer of a write access, LAD[0:31] are again taken into a high-impedance state. LDP[0:3] I/O Local bus data parity. Drives and receives the data parity corresponding with the data phases on LAD[0:31]. State Asserted/Negated--During write accesses, a parity bit is generated for each 8 bits of LAD[0:31], Meaning such that LDP0 is even/odd parity for LAD[0:7], while LDP3 is even/odd parity for LAD[24:31]. Unused byte lanes for port sizes less than 32 bits have undefined parity. Timing Assertion/Negation--Drive and receive the data parity corresponding with the data phases on LAD[0:31]. For read accesses, the parity bits for each byte lane are sampled on LDP[0:3] with the same timing that read data is sampled on LAD[0:31]. LDP[0:3] change impedance in concert with LAD[0:31]. LCKE O Local bus clock enable State Asserted/Negated--LCKE is the bus clock enable signal (CKE) for JEDEC-standard SDRAM Meaning devices. Asserted during normal SDRAM operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-7 Local Bus Controller Table 13-2. Local Bus Controller Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O LCLK[0:2] Description O Local bus clocks State Asserted/Negated--LCLK[0:2] drive an identical bus clock signal for distributed loads. If the LBC Meaning PLL is enabled (see LCRR[PBYP], Figure 13-19 on page 13-30), the bus clock phase is shifted earlier than transitions on other LBC signals (such as LAD[0:31] and LCSn) by a time delay matching the delay of the PLL timing loop set up between LSYNC_OUT and LSYNC_IN. LSYNC_OUT O PLL synchronization out State Asserted/Negated--A replica of the bus clock, appearing on LSYNC_OUT, should be Meaning propagated through a passive timing loop and returned to LSYNC_IN for achieving correct PLL lock. Timing Assertion/Negation--The time delay of the timing loop should be such that it compensates for the round-trip flight time of LCLK[2] and clocked drivers in the system. No load other than a timing loop should be placed on LSYNC_OUT. LSYNC_IN I PLL synchronization in State Asserted/Negated--See description of LSYNC_OUT. Meaning MDVAL O Local bus data valid (LBC debug mode only) State Asserted/Negated--For a read, MDVAL asserts for one bus cycle in the cycle immediately Meaning preceding the sampling of read data on LAD[0:31]. For a write, MDVAL asserts for one bus cycle during the final cycle for which the current write data on LAD[0:31] is valid. During burst transfers, MDVAL asserts for each data beat. Timing Assertion/Negation--Valid only while the LBC is in system debug mode. In debug mode, MDVAL asserts when the LBC generates a data transfer acknowledge. MSRCID[0:4] O Local bus source ID (LBC debug mode only). In debug mode, all MSRCID[0:4] signals are driven high unless MSRCID[0:4] is driving a debug source ID for identifying the internal system device controlling the LBC. State Asserted/Negated--Remain high until the last bus cycle of the assertion of LALE, in which case Meaning the source ID of the address is indicated, or until MDVAL is asserted, in which case the source ID relating to the data transfer is indicated. In case of address debug, MSRCID[0:4] is valid only when the address on LAD[0:31] consists of all physical address bits--with optional padding--for reconstructing the system address presented to the LBC. For example, MSRCID[0:4] is valid only during CAS phases of SDRAM accesses, because the column, bank select, and (normally unused) row address bits are all present on LAD[0:31] during a CAS cycle 13.3 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 13-3 shows the memory mapped registers of the LBC and their offsets. It lists the offset, name, and a cross-reference to the complete description of each register. Note that the full register address is comprised of CCSRBAR together with the block base address and offset listed in Table 13-3. Undefined 4-byte address spaces within offset 0x000-0xFFF are reserved. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-8 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller * * * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. Mixed indicates a combination of access types. Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 13-3. Local Bus Controller Memory Map Offset Use Access Reset Section/Page 0x0000_nn011 Local Bus Block Base Address: 0x0_5000 0x000 BR0--Base register 0 R/W 0x008 BR1--Base register 1 0x010 BR2--Base register 2 0x018 BR3--Base register 3 0x020 BR4--Base register 4 0x028 BR5--Base register 5 0x030 BR6--Base register 6 0x038 BR7--Base register 7 0x004 OR0--Options register 0 0x00C OR1--Options register 1 0x014 OR2--Options register 2 0x01C OR3--Options register 3 0x024 OR4--Options register 4 0x02C OR5--Options register 5 0x034 OR6--Options register 6 0x03C OR7--Options register 7 0x068 MAR--UPM address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x070 MAMR--UPMA mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x074 MBMR--UPMB mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x078 MCMR--UPMC mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x084 MRTPR--Memory refresh timer prescaler register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x088 MDR--UPM data register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x094 LSDMR--SDRAM mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0A0 LURT--UPM refresh timer R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0A4 LSRT--SDRAM refresh timer R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0B0 LTESR--Transfer error status register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x0B4 LTEDR--Transfer error disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0FF7 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-9 Local Bus Controller Table 13-3. Local Bus Controller Memory Map (continued) Offset 1 Use Access Reset Section/Page 0x0B8 LTEIR--Transfer error interrupt register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0BC LTEATR--Transfer error attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0C0 LTEAR--Transfer error address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0D0 LBCR--Configuration register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0D4 LCRR--Clock ratio register R/W 0x8000_0008 Port size for BR0 is configured from external signals during reset, hence `nn' is either 0x08, 0x10, or 0x18. See Section, "Boot ROM Location," for more information. 13.3.1 Register Descriptions This section provides a detailed description of the LBC configuration, status, and control registers with detailed bit and field descriptions. Address offsets in the LBC address range that are not defined in Table 13-3 should not be accessed for reading or writing. Similarly, only zero should be written to reserved bits of defined registers, as writing ones can have unpredictable results in some cases. Bits designated as write-one-to-clear are cleared only by writing ones to them. Writing zeros to them has no effect. Base Registers (BR0-BR7) The base registers (BRn), shown in Figure 13-2, contain the base address and address types for each memory bank. The memory controller uses this information to compare the address bus value with the current address accessed. Each register (bank) includes a memory attribute and selects the machine for memory operation handling. Note that after system reset, BR0[V] is set, BR1[V]-BR7[V] are cleared, and the value of BR0[PS] reflects the initial port size configured by the boot ROM location signals. Offset 0x000 (BR0) 0x008 (BR1) 0x010 (BR2) 0x018 (BR3) 0 R W Access: Read/Write 0x020 (BR4) 0x028 (BR5) 0x030 (BR6) 0x038 (BR7) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BA XBA Reset BR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset BR1-BR7 0 PS 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 DECC WP MSEL -- ATOM -- V n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 All zeros 1 BR0 has its valid bit set during reset. Thus bank 0 is valid with the port size (PS) configured from external boot ROM configuration signals during reset. (See Section, "Boot ROM Location," for more information.) All other base registers have all bits cleared to zero during reset. Figure 13-2. Base Registers (BRn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-10 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-4 describes BRn fields. Table 13-4. BR n Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-16 BA Base address. The upper 17 bits of each base register are compared to the address on the address bus to determine if the bus master is accessing a memory bank controlled by the memory controller. Used with the address mask bits OR n[AM]. 17-18 XBA Extended base address. Extends BA by a further 2 bits such that 19 bits of each base register are compared to the 34-bit transaction address. XBA provides the extra 2 msb's (i.e. {XBA,BA} represents the full base address). Used with the extended address mask bits ORn[XAM]. 19-20 PS Port size. Specifies the port size of this memory region. For BR0, PS is configured from the boot ROM location signals during reset. For all other banks the value is reset to 00 (port size not defined). 00 Reserved 01 8-bit 10 16-bit 11 32-bit 21-22 23 24-26 27 28-29 DECC Specifies the method for data error checking. 00 Data error checking disabled, but normal parity generation 01 Normal parity generation and checking 10 Read-modify-write parity generation and normal parity checking (32-bit port size only) 11 Reserved WP Write protect 0 Read and write accesses are allowed. 1 Only read accesses are allowed. The memory controller does not assert LCSn on write cycles to this memory bank. LTESR[WP] is set (if WP is set) if a write to this memory bank is attempted, and a local bus error interrupt is generated (if enabled), terminating the cycle. MSEL Machine select. Specifies the machine to use for handling memory operations. 000 GPCM (reset value) 001 Reserved 010 Reserved 011 SDRAM 100 UPMA 101 UPMB 110 UPMC 111 Reserved -- Reserved ATOM Atomic operation. Writes (reads) to the address space handled by the memory controller bank reserve the selected memory bank for the exclusive use of the accessing device. The reservation is released when the device performs a read (write) operation to this memory controller bank. If a subsequent read (write) request to this memory controller bank is not detected within 256 bus clock cycles of the last write (read), the reservation is released and an atomic error is reported (if enabled). 00 The address space controlled by this bank is not used for atomic operations. 01 Read-after-write-atomic (RAWA) 10 Write-after-read-atomic (WARA) 11 Reserved 30 -- Reserved 31 V Valid bit. Indicates that the contents of the BRn and OR n pair are valid. LCSn does not assert unless V is set (an access to a region that has no valid bit set may cause a bus time-out). After a system reset, only BR0[V] is set. 0 This bank is invalid. 1 This bank is valid. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-11 Local Bus Controller Option Registers (OR0-OR7) The ORn registers define the sizes of memory banks and access attributes. The ORn attribute bits support the following three modes of operation as defined by BRn[MSEL]. * GPCM mode * UPM mode * SDRAM mode The ORn registers are interpreted differently depending on which of the three machine types is selected for that bank. Address Mask The address mask fields of the option registers (ORn[XAM,AM]) mask up to 19 corresponding BRn[BA,XBA] fields. The 15 lsbs of the 34-bit internal address do not participate in bank address matching in selecting a bank for access. Masking address bits independently allows external devices of different size address ranges to be used. Address mask bits can be set or cleared in any order in the field, allowing a resource to reside in more than one area of the address map. Table 13-5 shows memory bank sizes from 32 Kbytes to 4 Gbytes. Note that the use of the ORn[XAM] fields provides 34-bits of internal addressing which allows aliasing across 32-bit external banks. Table 13-5. Memory Bank Sizes in Relation to Address Mask Address Mask Memory Bank Size Address Mask Memory Bank Size 0000_0000_0000_0000_0 4 Gbytes 1111_1111_1000_0000_0 8 Mbytes 1000_0000_0000_0000_0 2 Gbytes 1111_1111_1100_0000_0 4 Mbytes 1100_0000_0000_0000_0 1 Gbyte 1111_1111_1110_0000_0 2 Mbytes 1110_0000_0000_0000_0 512 Mbytes 1111_1111_1111_0000_0 1 Mbyte 1111_0000_0000_0000_0 256 Mbytes 1111_1111_1111_1000_0 512 Kbytes 1111_1000_0000_0000_0 128 Mbytes 1111_1111_1111_1100_0 256 Kbytes 1111_1100_0000_0000_0 64 Mbytes 1111_1111_1111_1110_0 128 Kbytes 1111_1110_0000_0000_0 32 Mbytes 1111_1111_1111_1111_0 64 Kbytes 1111_1111_0000_0000_0 16 Mbytes 1111_1111_1111_1111_1 32 Kbytes MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-12 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Option Registers (ORn)--GPCM Mode Figure 13-3 shows the bit fields for ORn when the corresponding BRn[MSEL] selects the GPCM machine. Access: Read/Write 0x024 (OR4) 0x02C (OR5) 0x034 (OR6) 0x03C (OR7) Offset 0x004 (OR0) 0x00C (OR1) 0x014 (OR2) 0x01C (OR3) 0 16 17 18 R AM W 19 20 21 22 23 XAM BCTLD CSNT ACS XACS Reset OR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset OR1-7 0 1 1 1 1 24 27 SCY 28 29 30 31 SETA TRLX EHTR EAD 1 1 1 1 0 1 11 1 All zeros Figure 13-3. Option Registers (OR n) in GPCM Mode 1 OR0 has this value set during reset (GPCM is the default control machine for all banks coming out of reset). All other option registers have all bits cleared. Table 13-6 describes ORn fields for GPCM mode. Table 13-6. ORn--GPCM Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-16 AM GPCM address mask. Masks corresponding BRn bits. Masking address bits independently allows external devices of different size address ranges to be used. Address mask bits can be set or cleared in any order in the field, allowing a resource to reside in more than one area of the address map. 0 Corresponding address bits are masked. 1 Corresponding address bits are used in the comparison between base and transaction addresses. 17-18 XAM Extended address mask. Masks the corresponding XBA bits in the BR n register, effectively extending the address mask (AM) by 2 bits. 19 BCTLD Buffer control disable. Disables assertion of LBCTL during access to the current memory bank. 0 LBCTL is asserted upon access to the current memory bank. 1 LBCTL is not asserted upon access to the current memory bank. 20 CSNT Chip select negation time. Determines when LCS n and LWE are negated during an external memory write access handled by the GPCM, provided that ACS 00 (when ACS = 00, only LWE is affected by the setting of CSNT). This helps meet address/data hold times for slow memories and peripherals. 0 LCSn and LWE are negated normally. 1 LCSn and LWE are negated one quarter of a bus clock cycle earlier. 21-22 ACS Address to chip-select setup. Determines the delay of the LCSn assertion relative to the address change when the external memory access is handled by the GPCM. At system reset, OR0[ACS] = 11. Value Meaning 00 LCSn is output at the same time as the address lines. Note that this overrides the value of CSNT such that CSNT=0. 01 Reserved. 10 LCSn is output a quarter bus clock cycle after the address lines. 11 LCSn is output a half bus clock cycle after the address lines. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-13 Local Bus Controller Table 13-6. ORn--GPCM Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 23 Name Description XACS Extra address to chip-select setup. Setting this bit increases the delay of the LCSn assertion relative to the address change when the external memory access is handled by the GPCM. After a system reset, OR0[XACS] = 1. 0 Address to chip-select setup is determined by ORx[ACS]. 1 Address to chip-select setup is extended (see Table 13-23 and Table 13-24). 24-27 SCY Cycle length in bus clocks. Determines the number of wait states inserted in the bus cycle, when the GPCM handles the external memory access. Thus it is the main parameter for determining cycle length. The total cycle length depends on other timing attribute settings. After a system reset, OR0[SCY] = 1111. 0000 No wait states 0001 1 bus clock cycle wait state ... 1111 15 bus clock cycle wait states 28 SETA External address termination 0 Access is terminated internally by the memory controller unless the external device asserts LGTA earlier to terminate the access. 1 Access is terminated externally by asserting the LGTA external signal. (Only LGTA can terminate the access). 29 TRLX Timing relaxed. Modifies the settings of timing parameters for slow memories or peripherals. 0 Normal timing is generated by the GPCM. 1 Relaxed timing on the following parameters: * Adds an additional cycle between the address and control signals (only if ACS 00) * Doubles the number of wait states specified by SCY, providing up to 30 wait states * Works in conjunction with EHTR to extend hold time on read accesses * LCSn (only if ACS 00) and LWE signals are negated one cycle earlier during writes. 30 EHTR Extended hold time on read accesses. Indicates with TRLX how many cycles are inserted between a read access from the current bank and the next access. 31 EAD TRLX EHTR Meaning 0 0 The memory controller generates normal timing. No additional cycles are inserted. 0 1 1 idle clock cycle is inserted. 1 0 4 idle clock cycles are inserted. 1 1 8 idle clock cycles are inserted. External address latch delay. Allow extra bus clock cycles when using external address latch (LALE). 0 No additional bus clock cycles (LALE asserted for one bus clock cycle only) 1 Extra bus clock cycles are added (LALE is asserted for the number of bus clock cycles specified by LCRR[EADC]). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-14 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Option Registers (ORn)--UPM Mode Figure 13-4 shows the bit fields for ORn when the corresponding BRn[MSEL] selects a UPM machine. Access: Read/Write 0x024 (OR4) 0x02C (OR5) 0x034 (OR6) 0x03C (OR7) Offset 0x004 (OR0) 0x00C (OR1) 0x014 (OR2) 0x01C (OR3) 0 16 17 18 R AM W 19 20 XAM BCTLD Reset 22 23 24 -- BI 28 -- 29 30 31 TRLX EHTR EAD All zeros Figure 13-4. Option Registers (ORn) in UPM Mode Table 13-7 describes BRn fields for UPM mode. Table 13-7. ORn--UPM Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-16 AM UPM address mask. Masks corresponding BRn bits. Masking address bits independently allows external devices of different size address ranges to be used. Address mask bits can be set or cleared in any order in the field, allowing a resource to reside in more than one area of the address map. 0 Corresponding address bits are masked. 1 The corresponding address bits are used in the comparison with address signals. 17-18 XAM 19 Extended address mask. Masks the corresponding XBA bits in the BR n register, effectively extending the address mask (AM) by 2 bits. BCTLD Buffer control disable. Disables assertion of LBCTL during access to the current memory bank. 0 LBCTL is asserted upon access to the current memory bank. 1 LBCTL is not asserted upon access to the current memory bank. 20-22 -- Reserved 23 BI Burst inhibit. Indicates if this memory bank supports burst accesses. 0 The bank supports burst accesses. 1 The bank does not support burst accesses. The selected UPM executes burst accesses as a series of single accesses. 24-28 -- Reserved 29 TRLX Timing relaxed. Works in conjunction with EHTR to extend hold time on read accesses. 30 EHTR Extended hold time on read accesses. Indicates with TRLX how many cycles are inserted between a read access from the current bank and the next access. TRLX 31 EAD EHTR Meaning 0 0 The memory controller generates normal timing. No additional cycles are inserted. 0 1 1 idle clock cycle is inserted. 1 0 4 idle clock cycles are inserted. 1 1 8 idle clock cycles are inserted. External address latch delay. Allow extra bus clock cycles when using external address latch (LALE). 0 No additional bus clock cycles (LALE asserted for one bus clock cycle only) 1 Extra bus clock cycles are added (LALE is asserted for the number of bus clock cycles specified by LCRR[EADC]). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-15 Local Bus Controller Option Registers (ORn)--SDRAM Mode Figure 13-5 shows the bit fields for ORn when the corresponding BRn[MSEL] selects the SDRAM machine. Offset 0x004 (OR0) 0x00C (OR1) 0x014 (OR2) 0x01C (OR3) Access: Read/Write 0x024 (OR4) 0x02C (OR5) 0x034 (OR6) 0x03C (OR7) 0 16 17 18 19 R AM W Reset XAM 21 22 23 COLS 25 26 27 -- ROWS PMSEL 30 -- 31 EAD All zeros Figure 13-5. Option Registers (ORn) in SDRAM Mode Table 13-8 describes BRn fields for SDRAM mode. Table 13-8. ORn--SDRAM Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-16 AM SDRAM address mask. Masks corresponding BRn bits. Masking address bits independently allows external devices of different size address ranges to be used. Address mask bits can be set or cleared in any order in the field, allowing a resource to reside in more than one area of the address map. AM can be read or written at any time. 0 Corresponding address bits are masked. 1 The corresponding address bits are used in the comparison with address signals. 17-18 XAM 19-21 COLS Number of column address lines. Sets the number of column address lines in the SDRAM device. 100 11 000 7 101 12 001 8 110 13 010 9 111 14 011 10 22 23-25 26 -- Extended address mask. Masks the corresponding BR n[XBA] bits, effectively extending the address mask (AM) by 2 bits. Reserved ROWS Number of row address lines. Sets the number of row address lines in the SDRAM device. 100 13 000 9 101 14 001 10 110 15 010 11 111 Reserved 011 12 PMSEL Page mode select. Selects page mode for the SDRAM connected to the memory controller bank. 0 Back-to-back page mode (normal operation). Page is closed when the bus becomes idle. 1 Page is kept open until a page miss or refresh occurs. 27-30 -- 31 EAD Reserved External address latch delay. Allow extra bus clock cycles when using external address latch (LALE). 0 No additional bus clock cycles (LALE asserted for one bus clock cycle only) 1 Extra bus clock cycles are added (LALE is asserted for the number of bus clock cycles specified by LCRR[EADC]). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-16 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller UPM Memory Address Register (MAR) Figure 13-6 shows the fields of the UPM memory address register (MAR). Offset 0x068 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R A W Reset All zeros Figure 13-6. UPM Memory Address Register (MAR) Table 13-9 describes the MAR fields. Table 13-9. MAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 A Description Address that can be output to the address signals under control of the AMX bits in the UPM RAM word. UPM Mode Registers (MxMR) The UPM machine mode registers (MAMR, MBMR and MCMR), shown in Figure 13-7, contain the configuration for the three UPMs. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x070 (MAMR) 0x074 (MBMR) 0x078 (MCMR) 0 R W 1 2 -- RFEN 3 4 OP UWPL 5 7 AM 8 9 10 DS Reset 12 G0CL 13 14 GPL4 17 18 RLF 21 22 WLF 25 26 TLF 31 MAD All zeros Figure 13-7. UPM Mode Registers (MxMR) Table 13-10 describes UPM mode fields. Table 13-10. MxMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- 1 Description Reserved RFEN Refresh enable. Indicates that the UPM needs refresh services. This bit must be set for UPMA (refresh executor) if refresh services are required on any UPM assigned chip selects. If MAMR[RFEN] = 0, no refresh services can be provided, even if UPMB and/or UPMC have their RFEN bit set. 0 Refresh services are not required 1 Refresh services are required MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-17 Local Bus Controller Table 13-10. MxMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 2-3 OP Command opcode. Determines the command executed by the UPMn when a memory access hits a UPM assigned bank. See Section, "Programming the UPMs," for important programming considerations. 00 Normal operation 01 Write to UPM array. On the next memory access that hits a UPM assigned bank, write the contents of the MDR into the RAM location pointed to by MAD. After the access, MAD is automatically incremented. 10 Read from UPM array. On the next memory access that hits a UPM assigned bank, read the contents of the RAM location pointed to by MAD into the MDR. After the access, MAD is automatically incremented. 11 Run pattern. On the next memory access that hits a UPM assigned bank, run the pattern written in the RAM array. The pattern run starts at the location pointed to by MAD and continues until the LAST bit is set in the RAM word. 4 5-7 UWPL LUPWAIT polarity active low. Sets the polarity of the LUPWAIT signal when in UPM mode. 0 LUPWAIT is active high. 1 LUPWAIT is active low. AM Address multiplex size. Determines how the address of the current memory cycle can be output on the address signals. This field is needed when interfacing with devices requiring row and column addresses multiplexed on the same signals. Value LA0-LA15 8-9 DS LA16 LA17 LA18 LA19-LA28 LA29 LA30 LA31 000 0 A8 A9 A10 A11-A20 A21 A22 A23 001 0 A7 A8 A9 A10-A19 A20 A21 A22 010 0 A6 A7 A8 A9-A18 A19 A20 A21 011 0 A5 A6 A7 A8-A17 A18 A19 A20 100 0 A4 A5 A6 A7-A16 A17 A18 A19 101 0 A3 A4 A5 A6-A15 A16 A17 A18 110 Reserved 111 Reserved Disable timer period. Guarantees a minimum time between accesses to the same memory bank controlled by UPM n. The disable timer is turned on by the TODT bit in the RAM array word, and when expired, the UPMn allows the machine access to handle a memory pattern to the same bank. Accesses to a different bank by the same UPMn is also allowed. To avoid conflicts between successive accesses to different banks, the minimum pattern in the RAM array for a request serviced, should not be shorter than the period established by DS. 00 1-bus clock cycle disable period 01 2-bus clock cycle disable period 10 3-bus clock cycle disable period 11 4-bus clock cycle disable period MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-18 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-10. MxMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 10-12 G0CL General line 0 control. Determines which logical address line can be output to the LGPL0 signal when the UPM n is selected to control the memory access. 000 A12 001 A11 010 A10 011 A9 100 A8 101 A7 110 A6 111 A5 13 GPL4 LGPL4 output line disable. Determines how the LGPL4/LUPWAIT signal is controlled by the corresponding bits in the UPMn array. See Table 13-28. Value LGPL4/LUPWAIT Signal Function Interpretation of UPM Word Bits G4T1/DLT3 G4T3/WAEN 0 LGPL4 (output) G4T1 G4T3 1 LUPWAIT (input) DLT3 WAEN 14-17 RLF Read loop field. Determines the number of times a loop defined in the UPMn will be executed for a burst- or single-beat read pattern or when MxMR[OP] = 11 (RUN command) 0000 16 0001 1 0010 2 0011 3 ... 1110 14 1111 15 18-21 WLF Write loop field. Determines the number of times a loop defined in the UPMn will be executed for a burst- or single-beat write pattern. 0000 16 0001 1 0010 2 0011 3 ... 1110 14 1111 15 22-25 TLF Refresh loop field. Determines the number of times a loop defined in the UPM n will be executed for a refresh service pattern. 0000 16 0001 1 0010 2 0011 3 ... 1110 14 1111 15 26-31 MAD Machine address. RAM address pointer for the command executed. This field is incremented by 1 each time the UPM is accessed, and the OP field is set to WRITE or READ. Address range is 64 words per UPMn. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-19 Local Bus Controller Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MRTPR) The refresh timer prescaler register (MRTPR), shown in Figure 13-8, is used to divide the system clock to provide the SDRAM and UPM refresh timers clock. Offset 0x084 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R 8 31 PTP W -- Reset All zeros Figure 13-8. Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MRTPR) Table 13-11 describes MRTPR fields. Table 13-11. MRTPR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 PTP Refresh timers prescaler. Determines the period of the refresh timers input clock. The system clock is divided by PTP except when the value is 0000_0000, which represents the maximum divider of 256. 8-31 -- Reserved UPM Data Register (MDR) The memory data register (MDR), shown in Figure 13-9, contains data written to or read from the RAM array for UPM read or write commands. MDR must be set up before issuing a write command to the UPM. Offset 0x088 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R D W Reset All zeros Figure 13-9. UPM Data Register (MDR) Table 13-12 describes MDR[D]. Table 13-12. MDR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 D Description The data to be read or written into the RAM array when a write or read command is supplied to the UPM (MxMR[OP] = 01 or MxMR[OP] = 10). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-20 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller SDRAM Machine Mode Register (LSDMR) The local bus SDRAM mode register (LSDMR), shown in Figure 13-10, is used to configure operations pertaining to SDRAM. Offset 0x094 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 2 -- RFEN 4 5 OP 7 -- 8 10 11 BSMA 13 14 -- 16 RFCR Reset 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PRETOACT ACTTORW BL -- 29 WRC -- BUFCMD 30 31 CL All zeros Figure 13-10. SDRAM Machine Mode Register (LSDMR) Table 13-12 describes LSDMR fields. Table 13-13. LSDMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- 1 RFEN 2-4 OP Description Reserved Refresh enable. Indicates that the SDRAM requires refresh services. 0 Refresh services are not required. 1 Refresh services are required. SDRAM operation. Selects the operation that occurs when the SDRAM device is accessed. Value 5-7 -- 8-10 BSMA 11-13 -- Meaning Use 000 Normal operation Normal operation 001 Auto refresh Initialization 010 Self refresh Power-down mode or debug 011 Mode Register write Initialization 100 Precharge bank Debug 101 Precharge all banks Initialization 110 Activate bank Debug 111 Read/write without valid data transfer Debug Reserved Bank select multiplexed address line. Selects which address signals serve as the 2-bit bank-select address for SDRAM. Note that only 4-bank SDRAMs are supported. 100 LA16:LA17 000 LA12:LA13 101 LA17:LA18 001 LA13:LA14 110 LA18:LA19 010 LA14:LA15 111 LA19:LA20 011 LA15:LA16 Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-21 Local Bus Controller Table 13-13. LSDMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 14-16 RFCR Refresh recovery. Sets the refresh recovery interval in bus clock cycles. Defines the earliest timing for an ACTIVATE or REFRESH command after a REFRESH command. 100 6 clocks 000 Reserved 101 7 clocks 001 3 clocks 110 8 clocks 010 4 clocks 111 16 clocks 011 5 clocks 17-19 PRETOACT Defines the earliest timing for ACTIVATE or REFRESH command after a PRECHARGE command (number of bus clock cycle wait states). 100 4 000 8 101 5 001 1 110 6 010 2 111 7 011 3 20-22 ACTTORW Defines the earliest timing for READ/WRITE command after an ACTIVATE command (number of bus clock cycle wait states). 100 4 000 8 101 5 001 Reserved 110 6 010 2 111 7 011 3 23 BL Sets the burst length for SDRAM accesses. 0 SDRAM burst length is 4. Use this value if the device port size is16. 1 SDRAM burst length is 8. Use this value if the device port size is 32 or 8. 24-25 -- Reserved 26-27 WRC 28 -- 29 BUFCMD 30-31 CL Write recovery time. Defines the earliest timing for PRECHARGE command after the last data is written to the SDRAM. 00 4 01 Reserved 10 2 11 3 Reserved Control line assertion timing. If external buffers are placed on the control lines going to both the SDRAM and address lines, setting BUFCMD causes all SDRAM control lines except LCSn, LCKE, LALE, and LSDDQM[0:3] to be asserted for LCRR[BUFCMDC] cycles, instead of one. 0 Normal timing for the control lines 1 All control lines except LCSn are asserted for the number of cycles specified by LCRR[BUFCMDC]. CAS latency. Defines the timing for first read data after SDRAM samples a column address. 00 Extended CAS latency. According to LCRR[ECL]. See Table 13-22. 01 1 10 2 11 3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-22 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller UPM Refresh Timer (LURT) The UPM refresh timer (LURT), shown in Figure 13-11, generates a refresh request for all valid banks that selected a UPM machine and are refresh-enabled (MxMR[RFEN] = 1). Each time the timer expires, a qualified bank generates a refresh request using the selected UPM. The qualified banks rotate their requests. Offset 0x0A0 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R 8 31 LURT W -- Reset All zeros Figure 13-11. UPM Refresh Timer (LURT) Table 13-14 describes LURT fields. Table 13-14. LURT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 Description LURT UPM refresh timer period. Determines, along with the timer prescaler (MRTPR), the timer period according to the following equation: LURT TimerPeriod = ---------------------------------------------Fsystemclock ---------------------------------------- MRTPR [ PTP ] Example: For a 266-MHz system clock and a required service rate of 15.6 s, given MRTPR[PTP] = 32, the LURT value should be 128 decimal. 128/(266 MHz/32) = 15.4 s, which is less than the required service period of 15.6 s. Note that the reset value (0x00) sets the maximum period to 256 x MRTPR[PTP] system clock cycles. 8-31 -- Reserved SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT) The SDRAM refresh timer (LSRT), shown in Figure 13-12, generates a refresh request for all valid banks that selected a SDRAM machine and are refresh-enabled (LSDMR[RFEN] = 1). Each time the timer expires, all qualifying banks generate a bank staggering auto-refresh request using the SDRAM machine. Offset 0x0A4 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R 8 31 LSRT W Reset -- All zeros Figure 13-12. LSRT SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-23 Local Bus Controller Table 13-15 describes LSRT fields. Table 13-15. LSRT Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 LSRT SDRAM refresh timer period. Determines, along with the timer prescaler (MRTPR), the timer period according to the following equation: LSRT TimerPeriod = ---------------------------------------------Fsystemclock ---------------------------------------- MRTPR [ PTP ] Example: For a 266-MHz system clock and a required service rate of 15.6 s, given PTP = 32, the LSRT value should be 128 decimal. 128/(266 MHz/32) = 15.4 s, which is less than the required service period of 15.6 s. Note that the reset value, 0x00, sets the maximum period to 256 x MRTPR[PTP] system clock cycles. 8-31 -- Reserved Transfer Error Status Register (LTESR) The LBC has the following registers for error management: * The transfer error status register (LTESR) indicates the cause of an error. * The transfer error check disable register (LTEDR) is used to enable (and disable) error checking. * The transfer error check interrupt register (LTEIR) enables reporting of errors through an interrupt. * The transfer error attributes register (LTEATR) captures source attributes of an error. * The transfer error address register (LTEAR) captures the address of a transaction that caused an error. LTESR, shown in Figure 13-13, is a write-one-to-clear register. Reading LTESR occurs normally; however, write operations can clear but not set bits. A bit is cleared whenever the register is written and the data in the corresponding bit location is a 1. For example, to clear only the write protect error bit (LTESR[WP]) without affecting other LTESR bits, 0x0400_0000 should be written to the register. Note that LTEATR[V] bit has to be cleared to register subsequent errors in LTESR. Offset 0x0B0 0 R BM W w1c Reset Access: w1c 1 -- 2 PAR w1c 3 4 -- 5 WP w1c 6 7 -- 8 9 ATMW ATMR w1c w1c 10 11 -- 12 13 CS w1c 31 -- All zeros Figure 13-13. Transfer Error Status Register (LTESR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-24 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-16 describes LTESR fields. Table 13-16. LTESR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 BM Bus monitor time-out 0 No local bus monitor time-out occurred. 1 Local bus monitor time-out occurred. No data beat was acknowledged on the bus within LBCR[BMT] x 8 bus clock cycles from the start of a transaction. 1 -- Reserved 2 PAR 3-4 -- Reserved 5 WP Write protect error 0 No write protect error occurred. 1 A write was attempted to a local bus memory region that was defined as read-only in the memory controller. Usually, in this case, a bus monitor time-out will occur (as the cycle is not automatically terminated). 6-7 -- Reserved Parity 0 No local bus parity error 1 Local bus parity error. LTEATR[PB] indicates the byte lane that caused the error and LTEATR[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank was accessed. 8 ATMW Atomic error write 0 No atomic write error occurred. 1 The subsequent write (WARA) to a memory bank did not occur within 256 bus clock cycles. 9 ATMR Atomic error read 0 No atomic read error occurred. 1 The subsequent read (RAWA) to a memory bank did not occur within 256 bus clock cycles. 10-11 -- Reserved 12 CS Chip select error 0 No chip select error occurred. 1 A transaction was sent to the LBC that did not hit any memory bank. 13-31 -- Reserved Transfer Error Check Disable Register (LTEDR) The transfer error check disable register (LTEDR), shown in Figure 13-14, is used to disable error checking. Note that control of error checking is independent of control of reporting of errors (LTEIR) through the interrupt mechanism. Offset 0x0B4 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 2 BMD -- PARD Reset 3 4 -- 5 WPD 6 7 -- 8 9 WARA RAWA 10 11 12 -- CSD 13 31 -- All zeros Figure 13-14. Transfer Error Check Disable Register (LTEDR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-25 Local Bus Controller Table 13-17 describes LTEDR fields. Table 13-17. LTEDR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 BMD 1 -- Description Bus monitor disable 0 Bus monitor is enabled 1 Bus monitor is disabled Reserved PARD Parity error checking disabled. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, PARD must be cleared and LTEIR[PARI] must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." 0 Parity error checking is enabled. 1 Parity error checking is disabled. 2 3-4 -- Reserved 5 WPD 6-7 -- Write protect error checking disable 0 Write protect error checking is enabled. 1 Write protect error checking is disabled. Reserved 8 WARA Write-after-read atomic (WARA) error checking disable 0 WARA error checking is enabled. 1 WARA error checking is disabled. 9 RAWA Read-after-write atomic (RAWA) error checking disable 0 RAWA error checking is enabled. 1 RAWA error checking is disabled. 10-11 -- Reserved 12 CSD 13-31 -- Chip select error checking disable 0 Chip select error checking is enabled. 1 Chip select error checking is disabled. Reserved Transfer Error Interrupt Enable Register (LTEIR) The transfer error interrupt enable register (LTEIR), shown in Figure 13-15, is used to send or block error reporting through the LBC internal interrupt mechanism. Software should clear pending errors in LTESR before enabling interrupts. After an interrupt has occurred, clearing relevant LTESR error bits negates the interrupt. Offset 0x0B8 0 R W Reset 1 Access: Read/Write 2 BMI -- PARI 3 4 -- 5 WPI 6 7 -- 8 9 WARA RAWA 10 11 12 -- CSI 13 31 -- All zeros Figure 13-15. Transfer Error Interrupt Enable Register (LTEIR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-26 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-18 describes LTEIR fields. Table 13-18. LTEIR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 BMI 1 -- 2 PARI 3-4 -- 5 WPI 6-7 -- Description Bus monitor error interrupt enable 0 Bus monitor error reporting is disabled. 1 Bus monitor error reporting is enabled. Reserved Parity error interrupt enable. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, LTEDR[PARD] must be cleared and PARI must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." 0 Parity error reporting is disabled. 1 Parity error reporting is enabled. Reserved Write protect error interrupt enable 0 Write protect error reporting is disabled. 1 Write protect error reporting is enabled. Reserved 8 WARA Write-after-read atomic (WARA) error interrupt enable 0 WARA error reporting is disabled. 1 WARA error reporting is enabled. 9 RAWA Read-after-write atomic (RAWA) error interrupt enable 0 RAWA error reporting is disabled. 1 RAWA error reporting is enabled. 10-11 -- 12 CSI 13-31 -- Reserved Chip select error interrupt enable 0 Chip select error reporting is disabled. 1 Chip select error reporting is enabled. Reserved Transfer Error Attributes Register (LTEATR) Figure 13-16 shows the LTEATR. After LTEATR[V] has been set, software must clear this bit to allow LBC error registers to update following any subsequent errors. Offset 0x0BC 0 R W Access: Read/Write 2 -- 3 4 RWB Reset 10 11 -- 15 16 SRCID 19 20 PB 27 28 29 30 31 BNK XA -- V All zeros Figure 13-16. Transfer Error Attributes Register (LTEATR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-27 Local Bus Controller Table 13-19 describes LTEATR fields. Table 13-19. LTEATR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-2 -- 3 RWB 4-10 -- 11-15 Description Reserved Transaction type for the error 0 The transaction for the error was a write transaction. 1 The transaction for the error was a read transaction. Reserved SRCID Captures the source of the transaction when this information is provided on the internal interface to the LBC. 10010 Reserved 00000 PCI1/PCI-X interface 10011 Reserved 00001 PCI2 interface 10100 Reserved 00010 PCI Express 10101 DMA 00011 Reserved 10110 Reserved 00100 Local Bus 10111 SAP 00101-00111 Reserved 11000 eTSEC 1 01000 Configuration space 11001 eTSEC 2 01001 Reserved 11010 eTSEC 3 01010 Boot sequencer 11011 eTSEC 4 01011 Reserved 11100 RapidIO Message Unit 01100 Serial RapidIO 11101 RapidIO Doorbell Unit 01101-01110 Reserved 11110 RapidIO Port-write Unit 01111 DDR controller 11111 Reserved 10000 Processor (instruction) 10001 Processor (data) 16-19 PB Parity error on byte. There are four parity error status bits, one per byte lane. A bit is set for the byte that had a parity error (bit 16 represents byte 0, the most significant byte lane). 20-27 BNK Memory controller bank. There is one error status bit per memory controller bank (bit 20 represents bank 0). A bit is set for the local bus memory controller bank that had an error. Note that BNK is invalid if the error was not caused by parity checks. 28-29 XA Extended address for the error. These bits capture the two msbs of the 34-bit address of the transaction resulting in an error. 30 -- Reserved 31 V Error attribute capture is valid. Indicates that the captured error information is valid 0 Captured error attributes and address are not valid 1 Captured error attributes and address are valid Transfer Error Address Register (LTEAR) The transfer error address register (LTEAR) is shown in Figure 13-17. Offset 0x0C0 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 31 A All zeros Figure 13-17. Transfer Error Address Register (LTEAR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-28 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-20 describes LTEAR fields. Table 13-20. LTEAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 A Description Transaction address for the error. Holds the 32 lsbs of the 34-bit address of the transaction resulting in an error. Local Bus Configuration Register (LBCR) The local bus configuration register (LBCR) is shown in Figure 13-18. Offset 0x0D0 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 LDIS 7 -- 8 9 10 BCTLC AHD Reset 11 13 -- 14 15 16 LPBSE EPAR 23 24 BMT 31 -- All zeros Figure 13-18. Local Bus Configuration Register Table 13-21 describes LBCR fields. Table 13-21. LBCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 LDIS 1-7 -- 8-9 Local bus disable 0 Local bus is enabled 1 Local bus is disabled. No internal transactions will be acknowledged. Reserved BCTLC Defines the use of LBCTL 00 LBCTL is used as W/R control for GPCM or UPM accesses (buffer control). 01 LBCTL is used as LOE for GPCM accesses only. 10 LBCTL is used as LWE for GPCM accesses only. 11 Reserved. 10 AHD 11-13 -- 14 Description Address hold disable. Removes part of the hold time for LAD with respect to LALE in order to lengthen the LALE pulse 0 During address phases on the local bus, the LALE signal negates two platform clock periods prior to the address being invalidated. At 666 MHz, this provides 3 ns of additional address hold time at the external address latch. 1 During address phases on the local bus, the LALE signal negates one platform clock period prior to the address being invalidated. This halves the address hold time, but extends the latch enable duration. This may be necessary for very high frequency designs. Reserved LPBSE Enables parity byte select on LGTA/LGPL4/LUPWAIT/LPBSE signal. 0 Parity byte select is disabled. LGTA/LGPL4/LUPWAIT/LPBSE signal is available for memory control as LGPL4 (output) or LGTA/LUPWAIT (input). 1 Parity byte select is enabled. LGTA/LGPL4/LUPWAIT/LPBSE signal is dedicated as the parity byte select output, and LGTA/LUPWAIT is disabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-29 Local Bus Controller Table 13-21. LBCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 15 Description EPAR Determines odd or even parity. Writing the memory with EPAR = 1 and reading the memory with EPAR = 0 generates parity errors for testing. 0 Odd parity 1 Even parity 16-23 BMT 24-31 -- Bus monitor timing. Defines the bus monitor time-out period. Clearing BMT (reset value) selects the maximum count of 2048 bus clock cycles. For non-zero values of BMT, the number of LCLK clock cycles to count down before a time-out error is generated is given by: bus cycles = BMT x 8. Apart from BMT = 0x00, the minimum value of BMT is 5, corresponding with 40 bus cycles. Shorter time-outs may result in spurious errors during SDRAM operation. Reserved Clock Ratio Register (LCRR) The clock ratio register sets the system (CCB) clock to LBC bus frequency ratio. It also provides configuration bits for extra delay cycles for address and control signals. Offset 0x0D4 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 PBYP -- BUFCMDC 1 0 0 0 4 5 -- 6 7 ECL 8 13 14 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 EADC 0 0 27 28 -- 31 CLKDIV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Figure 13-19. Clock Ratio Register (LCRR) Table 13-22 describes LCRR fields. Table 13-22. LCRR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 PBYP 1 -- 2-3 4-5 Description PLL bypass. This bit should be set when using low bus clock frequencies if the PLL is unable to lock. When in PLL bypass mode, incoming data is captured in the middle of the bus clock cycle.It is recommended that PLL bypass mode be used at frequencies of 83 MHz or less. 0 The PLL is enabled. 1 The PLL is bypassed. Reserved BUFCMDC Additional delay cycles for SDRAM control signals. Defines the number of cycles to be added for each SDRAM command when LSDMR[BUFCMD] = 1. 00 4 01 1 10 2 11 3 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-30 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-22. LCRR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 6-7 ECL 8-13 -- 14-15 EADC 16-27 -- 28-31 CLKDIV 13.4 Description Extended CAS latency. Determines the extended CAS latency for SDRAM accesses when LSDMR[CL] = 00. 00 4 01 5 10 6 11 7 Reserved External address delay cycles. Defines the number of cycles for the assertion of LALE. Note that LALE negates prior to the end of the final local bus clock, as controlled by LBCR[AHD]. 00 4 01 1 10 2 11 3 Reserved System (CCB) clock divider. Sets the frequency ratio between the system (CCB) clock and the memory bus clock. Only the values shown in the table below are allowed. Note: It is critical that no transactions are being executed via the local bus while CLKDIV is being modified. As such, prior to modification, the user must ensure that code is not executing out of the local bus. Once LCRR[CLKDIV] is written, the register should be read, and then an isync should be executed. 0000-0001 Reserved 0010 4 0011 Reserved 0100 8 0101-0111 Reserved 1000 16 1001-1111 Reserved Functional Description The LBC allows the implementation of memory systems with very specific timing requirements. * The SDRAM machine provides an interface to SDRAMs using bank interleaving and back-to-back page mode to achieve high performance through a multiplexed address/data bus. An internal PLL for bus clock generation ensures improved data set-up margins for board designs. * The GPCM provides interfacing for simpler, lower-performance memories and memory-mapped devices. It has inherently lower performance because it does not support bursting. For this reason, GPCM-controlled banks are used primarily for boot-loading and access to low-performance memory-mapped peripherals. * The UPM supports refresh timers, address multiplexing of the external bus and generation of programmable control signals for row address and column address strobes, to allow for a minimal glue logic interface to DRAMs, burstable SRAMs, and almost any other kind of peripheral. The UPM can be used to generate flexible, user-defined timing patterns for control signals that govern a memory device. These patterns define how the external control signals behave during a read, write, burst-read, or burst-write access. Refresh timers are also available to periodically initiate user-defined refresh patterns. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-31 Local Bus Controller Internal Memory Access Request Select 34-bit System Address Address Comparator Bank Select MSEL Field SDRAM Machine UPM A/B/C GPCM Signals Timing Generator MUX 32-Bit Physical RAM Address (A) External Signals Figure 13-20. Basic Operation of Memory Controllers in the LBC Each memory bank (chip select) can be assigned to any one of these three type of machines through the machine select bits of the base register for that bank (BRn[MSEL]), as illustrated in Figure 13-20. If a bank match occurs, the corresponding machine (GPCM, SDRAM or UPM) then takes ownership of the external signals that control the access and maintains control until the transaction ends. 13.4.1 Basic Architecture The following sections describe the basic architecture of the LBC. Address and Address Space Checking The defined base addresses are written to the BRn registers, while the corresponding address masks are written to the ORn registers. Each time a local bus access is requested, the internal transaction address is compared with each bank. Addresses are decoded by comparing the 19 msbs of the address, masked by ORn[XAM] and ORn[AM], with the base address for each bank (BRn[XBA] and BRn[BA]). If a match is found on a memory controller bank, the attributes defined in the BRn and ORn for that bank are used to control the memory access. If a match is found in more than one bank, the lowest-numbered bank handles the memory access (that is, bank 0 has priority over bank 1). External Address Latch Enable Signal (LALE) The local bus uses a multiplexed address/data bus. Therefore, the LBC must distinguish between address and data phases, which take place on the same bus (LAD[0:31] signals). The LALE signal, when asserted, signifies an address phase during which the LBC drives the memory address on the LAD[0:31] signals. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-32 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller An external address latch uses this signal to capture the address and provide it to the address signals of the memory or peripheral device. When LALE is negated, LAD[0:31] then serves as the (bidirectional) data bus for the access. Any address phase initiates the assertion of LALE, which has a programmable duration of between 1 and 4 bus clock cycles. To ensure adequate hold time on the external address latch, LALE negates earlier than the address changes on LAD[0:31] during address phases. By default, LALE negates earlier by two platform clock periods (which, divided by LCRR[CLKDIV], yields the local bus clock). For example, if the LBC is operating at 666 MHz internally, then an additional 3 ns of address hold time is introduced. However, when LCRR[CLKDIV] = 2 (clock ratio of 4) and the LCLK frequency exceeds 100 MHz, the duration of the shortened LALE pulse may not meet the minimum latch enable pulse width specifications of some latches. In such cases, setting LBCR[AHD] = 1 increases the LALE pulse width by one platform clock cycle, and decreases the address hold time by the same amount. At 666 MHz and with LCRR[CLKDIV] = 2 (clock ratio of 4), the duration of LALE would then be 4.5 ns, with 1.5 ns of hold time. If both longer hold time and longer LALE pulse duration are needed, then the address phase can be extended using the ORn[EAD] and LCRR[EADC] fields, and the LBCR[AHD] bit can be left at 0. However, this will add latency to all address tenures. The frequency of LALE assertion varies across the three memory controllers. For GPCM, every assertion of LCSn is considered an independent access, and accordingly, LALE asserts prior to each such access. For example, GPCM driving an 8-bit port would assert LALE and LCSn 32 times in order to satisfy a 32-byte cache line transfer. The SDRAM controller asserts LALE only to initiate a burst transfer with a starting address, therefore no more than one assertion of LALE may be required for SDRAM to transfer a 32-byte cache line through a 32-bit port. In the case of UPM, the frequency of LALE assertion depends on how the UPM RAM is programmed. UPM single accesses typically assert LALE once, on commencement, but it is possible to program UPM to assert LALE several times, and to change the values of LA[27:31] with and without LALE being involved. In general, when using the GPCM and SDRAM controllers it is not necessary to use LA[27:31] if a sufficiently wide latch is used to capture the entire address during LALE phases. UPM may require LA[27:31] if the LBC is generating its own burst address sequence. To illustrate how a large transaction is handled by the LBC, Figure 13-21 shows LBC signals for GPCM performing a 32-byte write starting at address 0x5420. Note that during each of the 32 assertions of LALE, LA[27:31] exactly mirror LAD[27:31], but during data phases, only LAD[0:7] and LDP[0] are driven with valid data and parity, respectively. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-33 Local Bus Controller LCLK LALE LCSn LWE LA[27:31] 00 LAD[0:7] 00 LAD[8:31] 54 20 LDP[0] 0 LDP[1:3] 0 01 D(B0) 00 02 D(B1) 54 21 P(B0) 0 0 00 D(B2) 54 22 P(B1) 0 0 P(B2) 03 1C 1D 1F 1E 00 00 D(B29) 00 D(B30) 00 D(B31) 54 23 54 3D 0 0 0 0 54 3E P(B29) 0 54 3F P(B30) 0 0 P(B31) 0 Note: All address and signal values are shown in hexadecimal. D(Bk) = kth of 32 data bytes, P(Bk) = parity bit of kth data byte. Figure 13-21. Example of 8-Bit GPCM Writing 32 Bytes to Address 0x5420 Data Transfer Acknowledge (TA) The three memory controllers in the LBC generate an internal transfer acknowledge signal, TA, to allow data on LAD[0:31] to be either sampled (for reads) or changed (on writes). The data sampling/data change always occurs at the end of the bus cycle in which the LBC asserts TA internally. In LBC debug mode, TA is also visible externally on the MDVAL signal. GPCM and SDRAM controllers automatically generate TA according to the timing parameters programmed for them in option and mode registers; a UPM generates TA only when a UPM pattern has the UTA RAM word bit set. Figure 13-22 shows LALE, TA (internal), and LCSn. Note that TA and LALE are never asserted together, and that for the duration of LALE, LCSn (or any other control signal) remains negated or frozen. LCLK LAD Address Data LALE LCS n TA Figure 13-22. Basic LBC Bus Cycle with LALE, TA, and LCSn MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-34 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Data Buffer Control (LBCTL) The memory controller provides a data buffer control signal for the local bus (LBCTL). This signal is activated when a GPCM or UPM controlled bank is accessed. LBCTL can be disabled by setting ORn[BCTLD]. Access to an SDRAM machine controlled bank does not activate the LBCTL control. LBCTL can be further configured by LBCR[BCTLC] to act as an extra LWE or an extra LOE signal when in GPCM mode. If LBCTL is configured as a data buffer control (LBCR[BCTLC] = 00), the signal is asserted (high) on the rising edge of the bus clock on the first cycle of the memory controller operation, coincident with LALE. If the access is a write, LBCTL remains high for the whole duration. However, if the access is a read, LBCTL is negated (low) with the negation of LALE so that the memory device is able to drive the bus. If back-to-back read accesses are pending, LBCTL is asserted (high) one bus clock cycle before the next transaction starts (that is, one bus clock cycle before LALE) to allow a whole bus cycle for the bus to turn around before the next address is driven. If an external bus transceiver is used, LBCTL should be used to signify the write direction when high. Note that the default (reset and bus idle) value of LBCTL is also high. Atomic Operation The LBC supports the following kinds of atomic bus operations (set by BRn[ATOM]): * Read-after-write atomic (RAWA). When a write access hits a memory bank in which ATOM = 01, the LBC reserves the selected memory bank for the exclusive use of the accessing master. While the bank is reserved, no other device can be granted access to this bank. The reservation is released when the master that created it accesses the same bank with a read transaction. Additional write transactions prior to the releasing read do not change reservation status, but are otherwise processed normally. If the master fails to release the reservation within 256 bus clock cycles, the reservation is released and an atomic error is reported (if enabled). This feature is intended for CAM operations. * Write-after-read atomic (WARA). When a read access hit a memory bank in which ATOM = 10, the LBC reserves the bus for the exclusive use of the accessing master. During the reservation period, no other device can be granted access to the atomic bank. The reservation is released when the device that created it accesses the same bank with a write transaction. Additional read transactions prior to the releasing write are otherwise processed normally and do not change the reservation status. If the device fails to release the reservation within 256 bus clock cycles, the reservation is released and an atomic error is reported (if enabled). Parity Generation and Checking (LDP) Parity can be configured for any bank by programming BRn[DECC]. Parity is generated and checked on a per-byte basis using LDP[0:3] for the bank if BRn[DECC] = 01 (normal parity) or BRn[DECC] = 10 for read-modify-write (RMW) parity. Byte lane parity on LDP[0:3] is generated regardless of the BRn[DECC] setting. Note that RMW parity can be used only for 32-bit port size banks. LBCR[EPAR] determines the global type of parity (odd or even). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-35 Local Bus Controller Bus Monitor A bus monitor is provided to ensure that each bus cycle is terminated within a reasonable (user defined) period. When a transaction starts, the bus monitor starts counting down from the time-out value (LBCR[BMT]) until a data beat is acknowledged on the bus. It then reloads the time-out value and resumes the countdown until the data tenure completes and then idles if there is no pending transaction. Setting LTEDR[BMD] disables bus monitor error checking (i.e,. the LTESR[BM] bit is not set by a bus monitor time-out); however, the bus monitor is still active and can generate a UPM exception (as noted in Section, "Exception Requests") or terminate a GPCM access. It is very important to ensure that the value of LBCR[BMT] is not set too low; otherwise spurious bus time-outs may occur during normal operation--particularly for SDRAMs-- resulting in incomplete data transfers. Accordingly, apart from the reset value of 0x00 (corresponding with the maximum time-out of 2048 bus cycles), LBCR[BMT] must not be set below 0x05 (or 40 bus cycles for time-out) under any circumstances. 13.4.2 General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine (GPCM) The GPCM allows a minimal glue logic and flexible interface to SRAM, EPROM, FEPROM, ROM devices, and external peripherals. The GPCM contains two basic configuration register groups--BRn and ORn. Figure 13-23 shows a simple connection between an 8-bit port size SRAM device and the LBC in GPCM mode. Byte-write enable signals (LWE) are available for each byte written to memory. Also, the output enable signal (LOE) is provided to minimize external glue logic. On system reset, a global (boot) chip-select is available that provides a boot ROM chip-select (LCS0) prior to the system being fully configured. LCSn CE LOE OE LWE0 W LA[30:31] A[1:0] LA[27:29] A[4:2] LBC in GPCM Mode LALE Memory/Peripheral LAD[12:26] A[19:5] Latch LAD[0:7] Data[7:0] Figure 13-23. Local Bus to GPCM Device Interface MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-36 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Figure 13-24 shows LCS as defined by the setup time required between the address lines and LCS. The user can configure ORn[ACS] to specify LCS to meet this requirement. LCLK LAD Address Read Data LALE Latched Address A[19:5] ACS = 10 ACS = 11 TA LCS n LOE Figure 13-24. GPCM Basic Read Timing (XACS = 0, ACS = 1x, TRLX = 0) Timing Configuration If BRn[MSEL] selects the GPCM, the attributes for the memory cycle are taken from ORn. These attributes include the CSNT, ACS, XACS, SCY, TRLX, EHTR, and SETA fields. Table 13-23 shows signal behavior and system response for a write access. Table 13-23. GPCM Write Control Signal Timing Option Register Attributes Signal Behavior (Bus Clock Cycles) Address to LCSn LCSn Negated to Asserted Address Change LWE Negated to Address/Data Invalid Total Cycles1 0 0 3+SCY 1/4 0 0 3+SCY 0 1/2 0 0 3+SCY 00 0 0 0 0 3+SCY 1 10 0 1 0 0 3+SCY 0 1 11 0 2 0 0 4+SCY 0 0 00 1 0 0 -1/4 3+SCY 0 0 10 1 1/4 -1/4 -1/4 3+SCY 0 0 11 1 1/2 -1/4 -1/4 3+SCY 0 1 00 1 0 0 -1/4 3+SCY 0 1 10 1 1 -1/4 -1/4 3+SCY 0 1 11 1 2 -1/4 -1/4 4+SCY 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 3+2*SCY TRLX XACS ACS CSNT 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-37 Local Bus Controller Table 13-23. GPCM Write Control Signal Timing (continued) Option Register Attributes 1 Signal Behavior (Bus Clock Cycles) Address to LCSn LCSn Negated to Asserted Address Change LWE Negated to Address/Data Invalid Total Cycles1 0 0 4+2*SCY 1+1/2 0 0 4+2*SCY 0 0 0 0 3+2*SCY 10 0 2 0 0 4+2*SCY 1 11 0 3 0 0 5+2*SCY 1 0 00 1 0 0 -1-1/4 4+2*SCY 1 0 10 1 1+1/4 -1-1/4 -1-1/4 5+2*SCY 1 0 11 1 1+1/2 -1-1/4 -1-1/4 5+2*SCY 1 1 00 1 0 0 -1-1/4 4+2*SCY 1 1 10 1 2 -1-1/4 -1-1/4 5+2*SCY 1 1 11 1 3 -1-1/4 -1-1/4 6+2*SCY TRLX XACS ACS CSNT 1 0 10 0 1+1/4 1 0 11 0 1 1 00 1 1 1 Total cycles when LALE is asserted for one cycle only (ORn[EAD] = 0; ORn[EAD] = 1 and LCRR[EADC] = 01). Asserting LALE for more than one cycle increases the total cycle count accordingly. Table 13-24 shows the signal behavior and system response for a read access. Table 13-24. GPCM Read Control Signal Timing Option Register Attributes Signal Behavior (Bus Clock Cycles) TRLX EHTR XACS ACS Address to LCSn Asserted LCSn Negated to Address Change Total Cycles1 0 0 0 00 0 1 4+SCY 0 0 0 10 1/4 1 4+SCY 0 0 0 11 1/2 1 4+SCY 0 0 1 00 0 1 4+SCY 0 0 1 10 1 1 4+SCY 0 0 1 11 2 1 5+SCY 0 1 0 00 0 2 5+SCY 0 1 0 10 1/4 2 5+SCY 0 1 0 11 1/2 2 5+SCY 0 1 1 00 0 2 5+SCY 0 1 1 10 1 2 5+SCY 0 1 1 11 2 2 6+SCY 1 0 0 00 0 5 8+2*SCY 1 0 0 10 1+1/4 5 9+2*SCY MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-38 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-24. GPCM Read Control Signal Timing (continued) Option Register Attributes 1 Signal Behavior (Bus Clock Cycles) TRLX EHTR XACS ACS Address to LCSn Asserted LCSn Negated to Address Change Total Cycles1 1 0 0 11 1+1/2 5 9+2*SCY 1 0 1 00 0 5 8+2*SCY 1 0 1 10 2 5 9+2*SCY 1 0 1 11 3 5 10+2*SCY 1 1 0 00 0 9 12+2*SCY 1 1 0 10 1+1/4 9 13+2*SCY 1 1 0 11 1+1/2 9 13+2*SCY 1 1 1 00 0 9 12+2*SCY 1 1 1 10 2 9 13+2*SCY 1 1 1 11 3 9 14+2*SCY Total cycles when LALE is asserted for one cycle only (ORn[EAD] = 0; ORn[EAD] = 1 and LCRR[EADC] = 01). Asserting LALE for more than one cycle increases the total cycle count accordingly. Chip-Select Assertion Timing The banks selected to work with the GPCM support an option to drive the LCSn signal with different timings (with respect to the external address/data bus). LCSn can be driven in any of the following ways: * Simultaneous with the latched memory address. (This refers to the externally latched address, not the address timing on LAD[0:31]. That is, chip select does not assert during LALE). * One quarter of a clock cycle later. * One half of a clock cycle later * One clock cycle later (for LCRR[CLKDIV] = 2 (clock ratio of 4)) when ORn[XACS] = 1. * Two clock cycles later, when ORn[XACS] = 1. * Three clock cycles later, when ORn[XACS] = 1 and ORn[TRLX] = 1. The timing diagram in Figure 13-24 shows two chip-select assertion timings. Programmable Wait State Configuration The GPCM supports internal generation of transfer acknowledge. It allows between zero and 30 wait states to be added to an access by programming ORn[SCY] and ORn[TRLX]. Internal generation of transfer acknowledge is enabled if ORn[SETA] = 0. If LGTA is asserted externally two bus clock cycles or more before the wait state counter has expired (to allow for synchronization latency), the current memory cycle is terminated by LGTA; otherwise it is terminated by the expiration of the wait state counter. Regardless of the setting of ORn[SETA], wait states prolong the assertion duration of both LOE and LWEn in the same manner. When TRLX = 1, the number of wait states inserted by the memory controller is doubled from ORn[SCY] cycles to 2 x ORn[SCY] cycles, allowing a maximum of 30 wait states. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-39 Local Bus Controller Chip-Select and Write Enable Negation Timing Figure 13-23 shows a basic connection between the local bus and a static memory device. In this case, LCSn is connected directly to CE of the memory device. The LWE[0:3] signals are connected to the respective WE[3:0] signals on the memory device where each LWE[0:3] signal corresponds to a different data byte. LCLK LAD Address Write Data LALE A Latched Address TA LCSn LWEn SCY = 1 CSNT = 1 LOE Figure 13-25. GPCM Basic Write Timing (XACS = 0, ACS = 00, CSNT = 1, SCY = 1, TRLX = 0) As Figure 13-25 shows, the timing for LCSn is the same as for the latched address. The strobes for the transaction are supplied by LOE or LWEn, depending on the transaction direction--read or write (write case shown in Figure 13-25). ORn[CSNT] controls the timing for the appropriate strobe negation in write cycles. When this attribute is asserted, the strobe is negated one quarter of a clock before the normal case. For example, when ACS = 00 and CSNT = 1, LWEn is negated one quarter of a clock earlier, as shown in Figure 13-25. Relaxed Timing ORx[TRLX] is provided for memory systems that require more relaxed timing between signals. Setting TRLX = 1 has the following effect on timing: * An additional bus cycle is added between the address and control signals (but only if ACS 00). * The number of wait states specified by SCY is doubled, providing up to 30 wait states. * The extended hold time on read accesses (EHTR) is extended further. * LCSn signals are negated 1 cycle earlier during writes (but only if ACS 00). * LWE[0:3] signals are negated 1 cycle earlier during writes. Figure 13-26 and Figure 13-27 show relaxed timing read and write transactions. The example in Figure 13-27 also shows address and data multiplexing on LAD[0:31] for a pair of writes issued consecutively. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-40 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD Address Address Read Data LALE A Latched Address TA ACS = 10 LCSn ACS = 11 LBCTL LOE SCY = 1, TRLX = 1 Figure 13-26. GPCM Relaxed Timing Read (XACS = 0, ACS = 1x, SCY = 1, EHTR = 0, TRLX = 1) LCLK LAD Address 1 Write Data 1 Address 2 Write Data 2 LALE Latched Address 1 A Latched Address 2 ACS = 10 TA ACS = 11 LCS n LBCTL LWEn LOE Figure 13-27. GPCM Relaxed Timing Back-to-Back Writes (XACS = 0, ACS = 1x, SCY = 0, CSNT = 0, TRLX = 1) When TRLX and CSNT are set in a write access, the LWE[0:3] strobe signals are negated one clock earlier than in the normal case, as shown in Figure 13-28 and Figure 13-29. If ACS 00, LCSn is also negated one clock earlier. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-41 Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD Address Write Data LALE A TA Latched Address ACS = 10 CSNT = 1 LCS n LBCTL LWEn LOE Figure 13-28. GPCM Relaxed Timing Write (XACS = 0, ACS = 10, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1) LCLK LAD Address Write Data LALE A Latched Address TA LCSn LBCTL SCY = 1, TRLX = 1 CSNT = 1 LWEn LOE Figure 13-29. GPCM Relaxed Timing Write (XACS = 0, ACS = 00, SCY = 1, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1) Output Enable (LOE) Timing The timing of LOE is affected only by TRLX. It always asserts and negates on the rising edge of the bus clock. LOE asserts either on the rising edge of the bus clock after LCSn is asserted or coinciding with LCSn (if XACS = 1 and ACS = 10 or 11). Accordingly, assertion of LOE can be delayed (along with the assertion of LCSn) by programming TRLX = 1. LOE negates on the rising clock edge coinciding with LCSn negation MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-42 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses Slow memory devices that take a long time to disable their data bus drivers on read accesses should choose some combination of ORn[TRLX,EHTR]. Any access following a read access to the slower memory bank is delayed by the number of clock cycles specified by the configuration of ORn[TRLX,EHTR], as described in Section, "Option Registers (ORn)--GPCM Mode," in addition to any existing bus turnaround cycle. The final bus turnaround cycle is automatically inserted by the LBC for reads, regardless of the setting of ORn[EHTR]. Figure 13-30, Figure 13-31, and Figure 13-32 present various GPCM timing examples. LCLK LAD Address 1 Read Data 1 Address 2 Data 2 Bus turnaround LALE Latched Address 1 A Latched Address 2 TA LCSn LCSy LBCTL LOE Figure 13-30. GPCM Read Followed by Read (TRLX = 0, EHTR = 0, Fastest Timing) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-43 Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD Rd. Address Read Data LALE Wr. Address Extended hold Bus turnaround Latched Read Address A Wr. Data Wr. Address TA LCS n LCSy LBCTL LOE Figure 13-31. GPCM Read Followed by Write (TRLX = 0, EHTR = 1, 1-Cycle Extended Hold Time on Reads) LCLK LAD LALE A Rd. Ad. Read Data Wr. Ad. Wr. Da. Extended Hold Latched Read Address Bus turnaround Latched Write Addr. TA LCSn LCSy LBCTL LOE Figure 13-32. GPCM Read Followed by Write (TRLX = 1, EHTR = 0, 4-Cycle Extended Hold Time on Reads) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-44 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller External Access Termination (LGTA) External access termination is supported by the GPCM using the asynchronous LGTA input signal, which is synchronized and sampled internally by the local bus. If, during assertion of LCSn, the sampled LGTA signal is asserted, it is converted to an internal generation of transfer acknowledge, which terminates the current GPCM access (regardless of the setting of ORn[SETA]). LGTA should be asserted for at least one bus cycle to be effective. Note that because LGTA is synchronized, bus termination occurs two cycles after LGTA assertion, so in the case of a read cycle, the device still must drive data as long as LOE is asserted. The user selects whether transfer acknowledge is generated internally or externally (LGTA) by programming ORn[SETA]. Asserting LGTA always terminates an access, even if ORn[SETA] = 0 (internal transfer acknowledge generation), but it is the only means by which an access can be terminated if ORn[SETA] = 1. The timing of LGTA is illustrated by the example in Figure 13-33. LCLK LAD Address Read Data LALE Latched Address A TA LGTA LCS n LBCTL LOE Figure 13-33. External Termination of GPCM Access Boot Chip-Select Operation Boot chip-select operation allows address decoding for a boot ROM before system initialization. LCS0 is the boot chip-select output; its operation differs from other external chip-select outputs after a system reset. When the core begins accessing memory after system reset, LCS0 is asserted for every local bus access until BR0 or OR0 is reconfigured. The boot chip-select also provides a programmable port size, which is configured during reset. The boot chip-select does not provide write protection. LCS0 operates this way until the first write to OR0 and it can be used as any other chip-select register after the preferred address range is loaded into BR0. After the first write to OR0, the boot chip-select can be restarted only with a hardware reset. Table 13-25 describes the initial values of the boot bank in the memory controller. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-45 Local Bus Controller Table 13-25. Boot Bank Field Values After Reset Register Field Setting Register Field Setting BR0 BA XBA PS DECC WP MSEL ATOM V 0000_0000_0000_0000_0 00 From signal during reset. 00 0 000 00 1 OR0 AM XAM BCTLD CSNT ACS XACS SCY SETA TRLX EHTR EAD 0000_0000_0000_0000_0 00 0 1 11 1 1111 0 1 1 1 13.4.3 SDRAM Machine The LBC provides an SDRAM interface (machine) for the local bus. The machine provides the control functions and signals for Intel PC133 and JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices. Each bank can control an SDRAM device on the local bus. Supported SDRAM Configurations The memory controller supports any SDRAM configuration with the restrictions that all SDRAM devices that reside on the bus should have the same port size and timing parameters (as defined in LSDMR). Figure 13-34 shows an example connection between the LBC and a 32-bit SDRAM device with 12 address lines. Note that address signals A[2:0] of the SDRAM connect directly to LA[27:29], address signal A10 connects to the LBCs dedicated LSDA10 signal, while the remaining address bits (except A10) are latched from LAD[20:26]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-46 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller LSDWE WE LSDRAS RAS LSDCAS CAS LCS1 CS LSDDQM[0:3] DQM[3:0] A10 LSDA10 A[2:0] LA[27:29] Latch LALE Memory Address A[11,9:3] Local Bus Controller SDRAM 32-Bit Port Size LAD[18,20:26] Memory Data LAD[0:31] DQ[31:0] LCLK CLK LCKE CKE Figure 13-34. Connection to a 32-Bit SDRAM with 12 Address Lines SDRAM Power-On Initialization Following a system reset, initialization software must set up the programmable parameters in the memory controller banks registers (ORn, BRn, LSDMR). After all memory parameters are configured, system software should execute the following initialization sequence for each SDRAM device. * Issue a PRECHARGE-ALL-BANKS command * Issue eight AUTO-REFRESH commands * Issue a MODE-SET command to initialize the mode register The initial commands are executed by setting LSDMR[OP] and accessing the SDRAM with any write that hits the relevant bank. Since the result of any update to the LSDMR must be in effect before accessing the SDRAM with any write, a write to LSDMR should be followed immediately by a read from LSDMR, which must complete prior to an initial write to SDRAM. Further, the first write to SDRAM should be followed immediately by an SDRAM read, which must complete prior to additional LSDMR updates. This enforces a proper ordering between updates to the LSDMR and write accesses to the SDRAM. If the initialization is being done by the e500, this described protocol is guaranteed only if the SDRAM is mapped as cache-inhibited and guarded, as the CCSR memory region containing LSDMR should be. If the initialization is from an external host, said host must ensure completion of LSDMR and SDRAM reads prior to subsequent writes, as described above. Note that software should ensure that no memory operations begin until this process completes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-47 Local Bus Controller NOTE In general (not only during power-on reset) the LSDMR/SDRAM access ordering protocol should be observed for proper operation. Intel PC133 and JEDEC-Standard SDRAM Interface Commands The SDRAM machine performs all accesses to SDRAM by using Intel PC133 and JEDEC-standard SDRAM interface commands. The SDRAM device samples the command and data inputs on the rising edge of the bus clock. Data at the output of the SDRAM device is sampled on the rising edge of the bus clock. The following SDRAM interface commands are provided by setting LSDMR[OP] to a non-zero value (LSDMR[OP] = 000 sets normal read/write operation): Table 13-26. SDRAM Interface Commands Command (LSDMR[OP]) ACTIVATE (110) MODE-SET (011) Description Latches the row address and initiates a memory read of that row. Row data is latched in SDRAM sense amplifiers and must be restored with a PRECHARGE command before another ACTIVATE is issued. Allows setting of SDRAM options--CAS latency and burst length. CAS latency depends on the SDRAM device used. Although some SDRAMs provide burst lengths of 1, 2, 4, 8, or a page, the local bus memory controller supports only 8-beat bursts for 8-bit and 32-bit port size, or 4-beat bursts for 16-bit port size. The LBC does not support burst lengths of 1, 2 and a page for SDRAMs. The mode register data (CAS latency and burst length) is programmed into the LSDMR register by initialization software after reset. After the LSDMR is set, the LBC transfers the information to the SDRAM device by issuing a MODE-SET command. PRECHARGE Restores data from the sense amplifiers to the appropriate row in the SDRAM device array. Also initializes (100: single bank) the sense amplifiers to prepare for activating another row in the SDRAM device. Note that the LBC uses (101: all-banks) LSDA10 to distinguish between PRECHARGE-ALL-BANKS (LSDA10 is high) and PRECHARGE-SINGLE-BANK (LSDA10 is low). The SDRAMs must be compatible with this format. READ (111) Latches the column address and transfers data from the selected sense amplifier on the SDRAM device, to the output buffer as determined by the column address. During each successive clock, additional data is driven without additional read commands. At the end of the burst, the page remains open. Burst length is the one set for this bank. Read data is discarded by the LBC. WRITE (111) Latches the column address and transfers data from the data signals to the selected sense amplifier on the SDRAM device, as determined by the column address. During each successive clock, additional data is transferred to the sense amplifiers from the data signals without additional write commands. At the end of the burst, the page remains open. Burst length is the one set for this bank. LSDDQM[0:3] are inactive and write data is undefined. AUTO-REFRESH Causes a row to be read in all memory banks (JEDEC SDRAM) as determined by the refresh row address (001) counter (similar to CBR). The refresh row address counter is internal to the SDRAM device. After being read, a row is automatically rewritten into the memory array. All banks must be in a precharged state before executing refresh. SELF-REFRESH Allows data to be retained in the SDRAM device, even when the rest of the LBC is in a power saving mode (010) with clocks turned off. When placed in this mode, the SDRAM device is capable of issuing its own refresh commands, without external clocking from the LBC and the LCKE signal from the LBC is negated. This command can be issued at any time. Normal operation can be resumed only by setting LSDMR[OP] = 000, and waiting a minimum of 200 bus cycles before issuing reads or writes to the LBC. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-48 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Page Hit Checking The SDRAM machine supports page-mode operation. Each time a page is activated on the SDRAM device, the SDRAM machine stores its address in a page register. The page information, which the user writes to the ORn register, is used along with the bank size to compare page bits of the address to the page register each time a bus-cycle access is requested. If a match is found, together with a bank match, the bus cycle is defined as a page hit. An open page is automatically closed by the SDRAM machine if the bus becomes idle, unless ORn[PMSEL] = 1. Page Management The LBC can manage at most four open pages (one page per SDRAM bank) for a single SDRAM device. After a page is opened, it remains open unless: * The next access is to a page in a different SDRAM device, in which case all open pages on the current device are closed with a PRECHARGE-ALL-BANKS command. * The next access is to a page in an SDRAM bank that has a different page open on it, in which case the old page is closed with a PRECHARGE-SINGLE-BANK command. * The current SDRAM device requires refresh services, in which case all open pages on the current device are closed with a PRECHARGE-ALL-BANKS command. * The bus becomes idle and ORn[PMSEL] = 0, in which case all open pages in the current device are closed with a PRECHARGE-ALL-BANKS command. SDRAM Address Multiplexing The lower address bus bits are connected to the memory device's address port with the memory controller multiplexing the row/column and the internal bank select lines. The position of the bank select lines are set according to LSDMR[BSMA]. Figure 13-35 shows how the SDRAM controller shifts the row address down to the lower output address signals during activate and shifts the bank select bits up to the address signals specified by LSDMR[BSMA], supporting page-based interleaving. The lsb of the logical row address (An in Figure 13-35) is aligned with the connected lsb of LAD (bits 29, 30, and 31 for port sizes of 32, 16, and 8 bits, respectively). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-49 Local Bus Controller An 0 Logical Address: msbs Row BS BS Activate Address (RAS): R/W Address (CAS): 31 Row BS Column lsbs Row -- lsbs Column lsbs To memory device signals, except A10 Figure 13-35. SDRAM Address Multiplexing Note that during normal operation (read/write), a full 32-bit address that includes row and column is generated on LAD[0:31]. However, address/data signal multiplexing implies that the address must be latched by an external latch that is controlled by LALE. All SDRAM device address signals need to be connected to the latched address bits and burst address bits (LA[27:31]) of the LBC, with the exception of A10, which has a dedicated connection on LSDA10. LSDA10 is driven with the appropriate row address bit for SDRAM commands that require A10 to be an address. SDRAM Device-Specific Parameters The software is responsible for setting correct values for device-specific parameters that can be extracted from the device's data sheet. The values are stored in the ORn and LSDMR registers. These parameters include the following: * Precharge to activate interval (LSDMR[PRETOACT]) * Activate to read/write interval (LSDMR[ACTTORW]) * CAS latency, column address to first data out (LSDMR[CL] and LCRR[ECL]) * Write recovery, last data in to precharge (LSDMR[WRC]) * Refresh recovery interval (LSDMR[RFRC]) * External buffers on the control lines present (LSDMR[BUFCMD] and LCRR[BUFCMDC]) In addition, the LBC hardware ensures a default activate to precharge interval of 10 bus cycles. The following sections describe SDRAM parameters programmed in LSDMR. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-50 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Precharge-to-Activate Interval The precharge-to-activate interval parameter, controlled by LSDMR[PRETOACT], defines the earliest timing for an ACTIVATE or REFRESH command after a PRECHARGE command to the same SDRAM bank. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] 1111 LAD[0:31] ZZZZZZZZ RAS ADD XXXXX CAS ADD 0000 1111 D0 ZZZZZZZZ PRETOACT = 2 PRECHARGE Command Bank A ACTIVATE Command Bank A Figure 13-36. PRETOACT = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) Activate-to-Read/Write Interval This parameter, controlled by LSDMR[ACTTORW], defines the earliest timing for a READ/WRITE command after an ACTIVATE command to the same SDRAM bank. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE 1111 LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] ZZZZZZZZ RAS ADD XXXX 0000 CAS ADD D0 D1 1111 D2 D3 ZZZZZZZZ ACTTORW = 2 ACTIVATE Command WRITE Command Figure 13-37. ACTTORW = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-51 Local Bus Controller Column Address to First Data Out--CAS Latency This parameter, controlled by LSDMR[CL] for latency of 1, 2, or 3 and by LCRR[ECL] for latency of more than 3, defines the timing for first read data after a column address is sampled by the SDRAM. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] 1111 ZZZZZZZZ 0000 RAS ADD XXXX CAS ADD ZZZZZZZZ 1111 D0 D1 D2 D3 CL = 2 READ Command First Data Out Figure 13-38. CL = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) Last Data In to Precharge--Write Recovery This parameter, controlled by LSDMR[WRC], defines the earliest timing for a PRECHARGE command after the last data was written to the SDRAM. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] 1111 ZZZZZZZZ 0000 CAS ADD D0 D1 D2 1111 D3 RAS ADD X 0000 CAS ADD D0 D1 WRC = 2 WRITE Command Last Data In PRECHARGE Command Figure 13-39. WRC = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-52 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Refresh Recovery Interval (RFRC) This parameter, controlled by LSDMR[RFRC], defines the earliest timing for an ACTIVATE or REFRESH command after a REFRESH command to the same SDRAM device. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE 1111 LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] ZZZZZZZZ RAS ADD PRETOACT = 3 PRECHARGE ALL Command (If Needed) XXXX CAS ADD RFRC = 4 (6 Clocks) AUTO REFRESH Command ACTIVATE Command Figure 13-40. RFRC = 4 (6 Clock Cycles) External Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD) If the additional delay of any buffers placed on the command strobes (LSDRAS, LSDCAS, LSDWE, and LSDA10), is endangering the device setup time, LSDMR[BUFCMD] should be set. Setting this bit causes the memory controller to add LCRR[BUFCMDC] extra bus cycles to the assertion of SDRAM control signals (LSDRAS, LSDCAS, LSDWE, and LSDA10) for each SDRAM command. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM LAD ZZZZZZ RAS ADD 1111 XXXXXXXX Command Setup Cycle 0000 CAS ADD XXXX D0 D1 D2 1111 D3 ZZZZZZZZ Command Setup Cycle Figure 13-41. BUFCMD = 1, LCRR[BUFCMDC] = 2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-53 Local Bus Controller SDRAM Interface Timing The following figures show SDRAM timing for various types of accesses. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE 1111 LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] TA 0000 ZZZZZZZZ ROW ADD COL ADD 1111 ZZZZZZZZ D0 ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZ Figure 13-42. SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Closed, CL = 3 LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE 1111 LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] TA 0000 ZZZZZZZZ COL ADD 1111 ZZZZZZZZ D0 Figure 13-43. SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Hit, CL = 3 LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] TA 1111 0000 ZZZZZZZZ ROW ADD COL ADD 1111 ZZZZZZZZ D0 D1 ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZ Figure 13-44. SDRAM Two-Beat Burst Read, Page Closed, CL = 3 Deactivate Activate LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] 1111 LAD[0:31] ZZZZZZZZ ROW ADD ZZZZZZZZ 0000 COL ADD ZZZZZZZZ 1111 D0 D1 D2 D3 ZZZZZZZZ TA Figure 13-45. SDRAM Four-Beat Burst Read, Page Miss, CL = 3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-54 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] 1111 ZZZZZZZZ 0000 1111 D0 ZZZZZZZZ COL ADD TA Figure 13-46. SDRAM Single-Beat Write, Page Hit LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE 1111 LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] ZZZZZZZZ RAS ADD 0000 XXXXXXXX COL ADD D0 1111 D1 D2 ZZZZZZZZ TA Figure 13-47. SDRAM Three-Beat Write, Page Closed LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] 1111 Z 0000 COL ADD 1 1111 Z D0 D1 0000 Z COL ADD 2 1111 Z X D0 D1 TA Figure 13-48. SDRAM Read-After-Read Pipelined, Page Hit, CL = 3 LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] 1111 LAD[0:31] Z 0000 COL ADD 1 D0 D1 D2 1111 D3 COL ADD 2 0000 D0 D1 D2 D3 Z TA Figure 13-49. SDRAM Write-After-Write Pipelined, Page Hit MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-55 Local Bus Controller LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE 1111 LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] TA Z COL ADD 1 0000 D0 D1 1111 D2 D3 COL ADD 2 0000 Z 1111 D0 D1 D2 D3 Z Figure 13-50. SDRAM Read-After-Write Pipelined, Page Hit SDRAM Read/Write Transactions The SDRAM interface supports read and write transactions of between 1 and 8 data beats for transaction sizes ranging from 1 to 32 bytes. A full burst is performed for each transaction, with the burst length dependent on the port size. A maximum burst of 8 beats is used for an 8-bit or 32-bit port size, while a maximum burst of 4 beats is used for a 16-bit port size, as programmed in LSDMR[BL]. For reads that require less than the full burst length, extraneous data in the burst is ignored and suppressed by the assertion of LSDDQM[0:3]. For writes that require less than the full burst length, the non-targeted addresses are protected by driving corresponding LSDDQM bits high (inactive) on the irrelevant cycles of the burst. However, system performance is not compromised because, if a new transaction is pending, the SDRAM controller begins executing it immediately, effectively terminating the burst early. SDRAM MODE-SET Command Timing The LBC transfers mode register data (CAS latency and burst length) stored in the LSDMR register to the SDRAM device by issuing the MODE-SET command, as shown in Figure 13-51. In this case, the latched address carries the mode bits for the command. LCLK LALE LCSn LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] LAD[0:31] 1111 ZZZZZZZZ MODE ZZZZZZZZ MODE-SET Command Figure 13-51. SDRAM MODE-SET Command SDRAM Refresh The memory controller supplies AUTO-REFRESH commands to any connected SDRAM device according to the interval specified in LSRT (and prescaled by MRTPR[PTP]). This represents the time period required between refreshes. The values of LSRT and MRTPR depend on the specific SDRAM devices used and the system clock frequency of the LBC. This value should allow for a potential collision MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-56 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller between memory accesses and refresh cycles. The period of the refresh interval must be greater than the access time to ensure that read and write operations complete successfully. There are two levels of refresh request priority--low and high. The low priority request is generated as soon as the refresh timer expires; this request is granted only if no other requests to the memory controller are pending. If the request is not granted (memory controller is busy) and the refresh timer expires two more times, the request becomes high priority and is served when the current memory controller operation finishes. SDRAM Refresh Timing The SDRAM memory controller implements bank staggering for the auto refresh function. This reduces instantaneous current consumption for memory refresh operations. After a refresh request is granted, the memory controller begins issuing an AUTO-REFRESH command to each device associated with the refresh timer. After a refresh command is issued to an SDRAM device, the memory controller waits for the number of bus clock cycles programmed in the S DRAM machine's mode register (LSDMR[RFCR]) before issuing any subsequent ACTIVATE command to the same device. To avoid violating SDRAM device timing constraints, the user should ensure that the refresh request interval, defined by LSRT and MRTPR, is greater than the refresh recovery interval, defined by LSDMR[RFCR]. LSDMR[RFCR] Auto Ref Auto Ref Auto Ref Auto Ref Activate LCLK LALE LCS1 LCS2 LCS3 LCS4 LSDRAS LSDCAS LSDWE LSDDQM[0:3] 1111 LAD[0:31] Z ROW ADD X COL ADD 0000 1111 D0 Z TA Figure 13-52. SDRAM Bank-Staggered Auto-Refresh Timing 13.4.4 User-Programmable Machines (UPMs) UPMs are flexible interfaces that connect to a wide range of memory devices. At the heart of each UPM is an internal RAM array that specifies the logical value driven on the external memory control signals (LCSn, LBS[0:3], and LGPL[0:5]) for a given clock cycle. Each word in the RAM array provides bits that allow a memory access to be controlled with a resolution of up to one quarter of the external bus clock period on the byte select and chip select lines. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-57 Local Bus Controller NOTE If the LGPL4/LGTA/LUPWAIT/LPBSE signal is used as both an input and an output, a weak pull-up is required. Refer to the hardware specification for details regarding termination options. Figure 13-53 shows the basic operation of each UPM. Internal / External Memory Access Request UPM Refresh Timer Request Run Command (issued in software) Array Index Generator Index RAM Array Exception Request LUPWAIT Wait Request Logic Hold Increment Index (LAST = 0) Internal Signals Latch Signals Timing Generator LGPLn LBSn LCSn WAEN Bit Internal Controls Figure 13-53. User-Programmable Machine Functional Block Diagram The following events initiate a UPM cycle: * Any internal device requests an external memory access to an address space mapped to a chip-select serviced by the UPM * A UPM refresh timer expires and requests a transaction, such as a DRAM refresh * A bus monitor time-out error during a normal UPM cycle redirects the UPM to execute an exception sequence The RAM array contains 64 words of 32-bits each. The signal timing generator loads the RAM word from the RAM array to drive the general-purpose lines, byte-selects, and chip-selects. If the UPM reads a RAM word with WAEN set, the external LUPWAIT signal is sampled and synchronized by the memory controller and the current request is frozen. UPM Requests A special pattern location in the RAM array is associated with each of the possible UPM requests. An internal device's request for a memory access initiates one of the following patterns (MxMR[OP] = 00): * Read single-beat pattern (RSS) * Read burst cycle pattern (RBS) * Write single-beat pattern (WSS) * Write burst cycle pattern (WBS) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-58 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller A UPM refresh timer request pattern initiates a refresh timer pattern (RTS). An exception (caused by a bus monitor time-out error) occurring while another UPM pattern is running initiates an exception condition pattern (EXS). Figure 13-54 and Table 13-27 show the start addresses of these patterns in the UPM RAM, according to cycle type. RUN commands (MxMR[OP] = 11), however, can initiate patterns starting at any of the 64 UPM RAM words. Array Index Generator Read Single-Beat Request Read Burst Request Write Single-Beat Request Write Burst Request Refresh Timer Request Exception Condition Request RSS RBS WSS RAM Array WBS 64 RAM Words RTS EXS Figure 13-54. RAM Array Indexing Table 13-27. UPM Routines Start Addresses UPM Routine Routine Start Address Read single-beat (RSS) 0x00 Read burst (RBS) 0x08 Write single-beat (WSS) 0x18 Write burst (WBS) 0x20 Refresh timer (RTS) 0x30 Exception condition (EXS) 0x3C Memory Access Requests The user must ensure that the UPM is appropriately initialized before a request occurs. The UPM supports two types of memory reads and writes: * A single-beat transfer transfers one operand consisting of up to a single word (dependent on port size). A single-beat cycle starts with one transfer start and ends with one transfer acknowledge. * A burst transfer transfers exactly 4 double words regardless of port size. For 32-bit accesses, the burst cycle starts with one transfer start but ends after eight transfer acknowledges, whereas an 8-bit device requires 32 transfer acknowledges. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-59 Local Bus Controller The user must ensure that patterns for single-beat transfers contain one, and only one, transfer acknowledge (UTA bit in RAM word set high) and for a burst transfer, contain the exact number of transfer acknowledges required. Any transfers that do not naturally fit single or burst transfers are synthesized as a series of single transfers. These accesses are treated by the UPM as back-to-back, single-beat transfers. Burst transfers can also be inhibited by setting ORn[BI]. Burst performance can be achieved by ensuring that UPM transactions are 32-byte aligned with a transaction size being some multiple of 32-bytes, which is a natural fit for cache-line transfers, for example. UPM Refresh Timer Requests Each UPM contains a refresh timer that can be programmed to generate refresh service requests of a particular pattern in the RAM array. Figure 13-55 shows the clock division hardware associated with memory refresh timer request generation. The UPM refresh timer register (LURT) defines the period for the timers associated with all three UPMs. System Clock PTP Prescaling Divide by LURT UPM Refresh Timer Request Figure 13-55. Memory Refresh Timer Request Block Diagram By default, all local bus refreshes are performed using the refresh pattern of UPMA. This means that if refresh is required, MAMR[RFEN] must be set. It also means that only one refresh routine should be programmed and be placed in UPMA, which serves as the refresh executor. Any banks assigned to a UPM are provided with the refresh pattern if the RFEN bit of the corresponding UPM is set. UPMA assigned banks, therefore, always receive refresh services when MAMR[RFEN] is set, while UPMB and UPMC assigned banks also receive (the same) refresh services if the corresponding MxMR[RFEN] bits are set. Note that the UPM refresh timer request should not be used in a system with SDRAM refresh enabled. The system designer must choose to use either SDRAM refresh or UPM refresh. Using both may result in missing refresh periods to memory. Software Requests--RUN Command Software can start a request to the UPM by issuing a RUN command to the UPM. Some memory devices have their own signal handshaking protocol to put them into special modes, such as self-refresh mode. Other memory devices require special commands to be issued on their control signals, such as for SDRAM initialization. For these special cycles, the user creates a special RAM pattern that can be stored in any unused areas in the UPM RAM. Then a RUN command is used to run the cycle. The UPM runs the pattern beginning at the specified RAM location until it encounters a RAM word with its LAST bit set. The RUN command is issued by setting MxMR[OP] = 11 and accessing UPMn memory region with any write transaction that hits the corresponding UPM machine. MxMR[MAD] determines the starting address in the RAM array for the pattern. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-60 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Note that transfer acknowledges (UTA bit in the RAM word) are ignored for software (RUN command) requests, and hence the LAD signals remain high-impedance unless the normal initial LALE occurs or the RUN pattern causes assertion of LALE to occur on changes to the RAM word AMX field. Exception Requests When the LBC under UPM control initiates an access to a memory device and an exception occurs (bus monitor time-out), the UPM provides a mechanism by which memory control signals can meet the device's timing requirements without losing data. The mechanism is the exception pattern that defines how the UPM negates its signals in a controlled manner. Programming the UPMs The UPM is a micro sequencer that requires microinstructions or RAM words to generate signal timings for different memory cycles. Follow these steps to program UPMs: 1. Set up BRn and ORn registers. 2. Write patterns into the RAM array. 3. Program MRTPR, LURT and MAMR[RFEN] if refresh is required. 4. Program MxMR. Patterns are written to the RAM array by setting MxMR[OP] = 01 and accessing the UPM with any write transaction that hits the relevant chip select. The entire array is thus programmed by an alternating series of writes: to MDR (RAM word to be written) each time followed by a read from MDR and then followed by a (dummy) write transaction to the relevant UPM assigned bank. A read from MDR is required to ensure that the MDR update has occurred prior to the (dummy) write transaction. RAM array contents may also be read for debug purposes, for example, by alternating dummy read transactions, each time followed by reads of MDR (when MxMR[OP] = 10). NOTE MxMR/MDR registers should not be updated while dummy read/write accesses are still in progress. Dummy transaction completion is indicated by incremented MxMR[MAD]. In order to enforce proper ordering between updates to the MxMR register and the dummy accesses to the UPM memory region, two rules must be followed: 1.) Since the result of any update to the MxMR/MDR register must be in effect before the dummy read or write to the UPM region, a write to MxMR/MDR should be followed immediately by a read of MxMR/MDR. 2.) The UPM memory region should have the same MMU settings as the memory region containing the MxMR configuration register; both should be mapped by the MMU as cache-inhibited and guarded. This prevents the e500 core from re-ordering a read of the UPM memory around the read of MxMR. Once the programming of the UPM array is complete the MMU setting for the associated address range can be set to the proper mode for normal operation, such as cacheable and copyback. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-61 Local Bus Controller UPM Programming Example (Two Sequential Writes to the RAM Array) The following example further illustrates the steps required to perform two writes to the RAM array at non-sequential addresses assuming that the relevant BRn and ORn registers have been previously setup. 1. Program MxMR for the first write (with desired RAM array address). 2. Write pattern/data to MDR to ensure that the MxMR has already been updated with the desired configuration. 3. Read MDR to ensure that the MDR has already been updated with the desired pattern. (Or, read MxMR if step 2 is not performed.) 4. Preform a dummy write transaction. (Write transaction can now be performed.) 5. Read/check MxMR[MAD]. If incremented, then the previous dummy write transaction is completed; proceed to step 6. Repeat step 5 until incremented. 6. Program MxMR for the second write with the desired RAM array address. 7. Write pattern/data to MDR to ensure that the MxMR has already been updated with the desired configuration. 8. Read MDR to ensure that the MDR has already been updated with the desired pattern. 9. Perform a dummy write transaction.(Write transaction can now be performed.) 10. Read/check MxMR[MAD]. If incremented, then the previous dummy write transaction is completed. Note that if step 1 (or 6) and 2 (or 7) are reversed, then step 3 (or 8) is replaced by the following: * Read MxMR to ensure that the MxMR has already been updated with the desired configuration. UPM Programming Example (Two Sequential Reads from the RAM Array) RAM array contents may also be read for debug purposes, for example, by alternating dummy read transactions, each time followed by reads of MDR (when MxMR[OP] = 0b10). The following example further illustrates the steps required to perform two reads from the RAM array at non-sequential addresses assuming that the relevant BRn and ORn registers have been previously setup. 1. Program MxMR for the first read with the desired RAM array address. 2. Read MxMR to ensure that the MxMR has already been updated with the desired configuration, such as RAM array address. 3. Perform a dummy read transaction.(Read transaction can now be performed.) 4. Read/check MxMR[MAD]. If incremented, then the previous dummy read transaction is completed; proceed to step 5. Repeat step 4 until incremented. 5. Read MDR. 6. Program MxMR for the second read with the desired RAM array address. 7. Read MxMR to ensure that the MxMR has already been updated with the desired configuration, such as RAM array address. 8. Perform a dummy read transaction.(Read transaction can now be performed.) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-62 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller 9. Read/check MxMR[MAD]. If incremented, then the previous dummy read transaction is completed; proceed to step 10. Repeat step 9 until incremented. 10. Read MDR. UPM Signal Timing RAM word fields specify the value of the various external signals at a granularity of up to four values for each bus clock cycle. The signal timing generator causes external signals to behave according to timing specified in the current RAM word. Each bit in the RAM word relating to LCSn and LBS timing specifies the value of the corresponding external signal at each quarter phase of the bus clock. The division of UPM bus cycles into phases is shown in Figure 13-56. LCLK T1 T2 T3 T4 Figure 13-56. UPM Clock Scheme RAM Array The RAM array for each UPM is 64 locations deep and 32 bits wide, as shown in Figure 13-57. The signals at the bottom of the figure are UPM outputs. The selected LCSn is for the bank that matches the current address. The selected LBS is for the byte lanes read or written by the access. 32 Bits RAM Array Clock Phases T1, T2, T3, T4 64 Deep External Signals Timing Generator BRn[PS], LA[30,31] Current Bank Byte Select Logic CS Line Selector LCS[0:7] LGPL0 LGPL1 LGPL2 LGPL3 LGPL4 LGPL5 LBS[0:3] Figure 13-57. RAM Array and Signal Generation MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-63 Local Bus Controller RAM Words The RAM word is a 32-bit microinstruction stored in one of 64 locations in the RAM array. It specifies timing for external signals controlled by the UPM. Figure 13-58 shows the RAM word fields. The CSTn and BSTn bits determine the state of UPM signals LCSn and LBS[0:3] at each quarter phase of the bus clock. Access: Read/Write 0 R W 1 CST1 CST2 2 3 CST3 CST4 4 5 8 9 G0L 10 11 12 13 14 15 G0H G1T1 G1T3 G2T1 G2T3 All zeros 16 W 7 BST1 BST2 BST3 BST4 Reset R 6 17 18 19 20 21 G3T1 G3T3 G4T1/DLT3 G4T3/WAEN G5T1 G5T3 Reset 22 23 REDO 24 25 26 27 LOOP EXEN AMX 28 NA 29 30 31 UTA TODT LAST All zeros Figure 13-58. RAM Word Field Descriptions Table 13-28 describes RAM word fields. Table 13-28. RAM Word Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 CST1 Chip select timing 1. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LCSn during bus clock quarter phase 1. 1 CST2 Chip select timing 2. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LCSn during bus clock quarter phase 2. 2 CST3 Chip select timing 3. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LCSn during bus clock quarter phase 3. 3 CST4 Chip select timing 4. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LCSn during bus clock quarter phase 4. 4 BST1 Byte select timing 1. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LBS during bus clock quarter phase 1. 5 BST2 Byte select timing 2:. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LBS during bus clock quarter phase 2. 6 BST3 Byte select timing 3. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LBS during bus clock quarter phase 3. 7 BST4 Byte select timing 4. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LBS during bus clock quarter phase 4. 8-9 G0L General-purpose line 0 lower. Defines the state of LGPL0 during the bus clock quarter phases 1 and 2 (first half phase). 00 Value defined by M xMR[G0CL] 01 Reserved 10 0 11 1 10-11 G0H General-purpose line 0 higher. Defines the state of LGPL0 during the bus clock quarter phases 3 and 4 (second half phase). 00 Value defined by MxMR[G0CL] 01 Reserved 10 0 11 1 12 G1T1 General-purpose line 1 timing 1. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL1 during bus clock quarter phases 1 and 2 (first half phase). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-64 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-28. RAM Word Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 13 G1T3 General-purpose line 1 timing 3. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL1 during bus clock quarter phases 3 and 4 (second half phase) 14 G2T1 General-purpose line 2 timing 1. Defines state (0 or 1) of LGPL2 during bus clock quarter phases 1 and 2 (first half phase). 15 G2T3 General-purpose line 2 timing 3. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL2 during bus clock quarter phases 3 and 4 (second half phase). 16 G3T1 General-purpose line 3 timing 1. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL3 during bus clock quarter phases 1 and 2 (first half phase). 17 G3T3 General-purpose line 3 timing 3. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL3 during bus clock quarter phases 3 and 4 (second half phase). 18 G4T1/DLT3 General-purpose line 4 timing 1/delay time 3. The function of this bit is determined by M xMR[GPL4]. If MxMR[GPL4] = 0 and LGPL4/LUPWAIT signal functions as an output (LGPL4), G4T1/DLT3 defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL4 during bus clock quarter phases 1 and 2 (first half phase). If M xMR[GPL4] = 1 and LGPL4/LUPWAIT functions as an input (LUPWAIT), if a read burst or single read is executed, G4T1/DLT3 defines the sampling of the data bus as follows: 0 In the current word, the data bus should be sampled at the start of bus clock quarter phase 1 of the next bus clock cycle. 1 In the current word, the data bus should be sampled at the start of bus clock quarter phase 3 of the current bus clock cycle. 19 G4T3/WAEN General-purpose line 4 timing 3/wait enable. Bit function is determined by MxMR[GPL4]. If M xMR[GPL4] = 0 and LGPL4/LUPWAIT signal functions as an output (LGPL4), G4T3/WAEN defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL4 during bus clock quarter phases 3 and 4 (second half phase). If M xMR[GPL4] = 1 and LGPL4/LUPWAIT functions as an input (LUPWAIT), G4T3/WAEN is used to enable the wait mechanism: 0 LUPWAIT detection is disabled. 1 LUPWAIT is enabled. If LUPWAIT is detected as being asserted, a freeze in the external signals logical values occurs until LUPWAIT is detected as being negated. 20 G5T1 General-purpose line 5 timing 1. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL5 during bus clock quarter phases 1 and 2 (first half phase). 21 G5T3 General-purpose line 5 timing 3. Defines the state (0 or 1) of LGPL5 during bus clock quarter phases 3 and 4 (second half phase). 22-23 REDO Redo current RAM word. Defines the number of times to execute the current RAM word. 00 Once (normal operation) 01 Twice 10 Three times 11 Four times 24 LOOP Loop start/end. The first RAM word in the RAM array where LOOP is 1 is recognized as the loop start word. The next RAM word where LOOP is 1 is the loop end word. RAM words between, and including the start and end words, are defined as part of the loop. The number of times the UPM executes this loop is defined in the corresponding loop fields of the MxMR. 0 The current RAM word is not the loop start word or loop end word. 1 The current RAM word is the start or end of a loop. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-65 Local Bus Controller Table 13-28. RAM Word Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 25 EXEN Exception enable. Allows branching to an exception pattern at the exception start address (EXS). When an internal bus monitor time-out exception is recognized and EXEN in the RAM word is set, the UPM branches to the special exception start address (EXS) and begins operating as the pattern defined there specifies. The user should provide an exception pattern to negate signals controlled by the UPM in a controlled fashion. For DRAM control, a handler should negate RAS and CAS to prevent data corruption. If EXEN = 0, exceptions are ignored by UPM (but not by Local Bus) and execution continues. After the UPM branches to the exception start address, it continues reading until the LAST bit is set in the RAM word. 0 The UPM continues executing the remaining RAM words, ignoring any internal bus monitor time-out. 1 The current RAM word allows a branch to the exception pattern after the current cycle if an exception condition is detected. 26-27 AMX Address multiplexing. Determines the source of LAD[0:31] during a LALE phase. Any change in the AMX field initiates a new LALE (address) phase. 00 LAD[0:31] is the non-multiplexed address. For example, column address. 01 Reserved 10 LAD[0:31] is the address multiplexed according to M xMR[AM]. For example, row address. 11 LAD[0:31] is the contents of MAR. Used, for example, to initialize a mode. Note that Source ID debug mode is only supported for the AMX = 00 setting. 28 NA Next burst address. Determines when the address is incremented during a burst access. 0 The address increment function is disabled. 1 The address is incremented in the next cycle. In conjunction with the BRn[PS], the increment value of the state of LA[27:31] is 1, 2 or 4 for port sizes of 8-bits, 16-bits and 32-bits, respectively. 29 UTA UPM transfer acknowledge. Indicates assertion of transfer acknowledge in the current cycle. 0 Transfer acknowledge is not asserted in the current cycle. 1 Transfer acknowledge is asserted in the current cycle. 30 TODT Turn-on disable timer. The disable timer associated with each UPM allows a minimum time to be guaranteed between two successive accesses to the same memory bank. This feature is critical when DRAM requires a RAS precharge time. TODT turns the timer on to prevent another UPM access to the same bank until the timer expires.The disable timer period is determined in M xMR[DSn]. The disable timer does not affect memory accesses to different banks. Note that TODT must be set together with LAST, otherwise it is ignored. 0 The disable timer is turned off. 1 The disable timer for the current bank is activated preventing a new access to the same bank (when controlled by the UPMs) until the disable timer expires. For example, precharge time. 31 LAST Last word. When LAST is read in a RAM word, the current UPM pattern terminates and control signal timing set in the RAM word is applied to the current (and last) cycle. However, if the disable timer is activated and the next access is to the same bank, execution of the next UPM pattern is held off and the control signal values specified in the last word are extended in duration for the number of clock cycles specified in M xMR[DSn]. 0 The UPM continues executing RAM words. 1 Indicates the last RAM word in the program. The service to the UPM request is done after this cycle concludes. Chip-Select Signal Timing (CSTn) If BRn[MSEL] of the accessed bank selects a UPM on the currently requested cycle, the UPM manipulates the LCSn for that bank with timing as specified in the UPM RAM word CSTn fields. The selected UPM affects only the assertion and negation of the appropriate LCSn signal. The state of the selected LCSn MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-66 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller signal of the corresponding bank depends on the value of each CSTn bit. Figure 13-59 shows how UPMs control LCSn signals. Bank Selected Switch UPMA/B/C LCS0 BRn[MSEL] LCS1 LCS2 LCS3 SDRAM MUX LCS4 LCS5 LCS6 GPCM LCS7 Figure 13-59. LCSn Signal Selection Byte Select Signal Timing (BSTn) If BRn[MSEL] of the accessed memory bank selects a UPM on the currently requested cycle, the selected UPM affects the assertion and negation of the appropriate LBS[0:3] signal. The timing of all four byte-select signals is specified in the RAM word. However, LBS[0:3] are also controlled by the port size of the accessed bank, the number of bytes to transfer, and the address accessed. Figure 13-60 shows how UPMs control LBS[0:3]. Bank Selected A[29:31] Byte count BRn[MSEL] BRn[PS] UPMA UPMB LBS0 MUX Byte-Select Logic LBS1 LBS2 LBS3 UPMC Figure 13-60. LBS Signal Selection The uppermost byte select (LBS0), when asserted, indicates that LAD[0:7] contains valid data during a cycle. Likewise, LBS1 indicates that LAD[8:15] contains valid data, LBS2 indicates that LAD[16:23] contains valid data, and LBS3 indicates that LAD[24:31] contains valid data. For a UPM refresh timer request, all LBS[0:3] signals are asserted/negated by the UPM according to the refresh pattern only. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-67 Local Bus Controller Following any internal bus monitor exception, LBS[0:3] signals are negated regardless of the exception handling provided by any UPM exception pattern to prevent spurious writes to external RAM. General-Purpose Signals (GnTn, GOn) The general-purpose signals (LGPL[0:5]) each have two bits in the RAM word that define the logical value of the signal to be changed at the rising edge of the bus clock and/or at the falling edge of the bus clock. LGPL0 offers enhancements beyond the other LGPLn lines. GPL0 can be controlled by an address line specified in MxMR[G0CL]. To use this feature, G0H and G0L should be set in the RAM word. For example, for a SIMM with multiple banks, this address line can be used to switch between internal memory device banks. Loop Control (LOOP) The LOOP bit in the RAM word specifies the beginning and end of a set of UPM RAM words that are to be repeated. The first time LOOP = 1, the memory controller recognizes it as a loop start word and loads the memory loop counter with the corresponding contents of the loop field shown in Table 13-29. The next RAM word for which LOOP = 1 is recognized as a loop end word. When it is reached, the loop counter is decremented by one. Continued loop execution depends on the loop counter. If the counter is not zero, the next RAM word executed is the loop start word. Otherwise, the next RAM word executed is the one after the loop end word. Loops can be executed sequentially but cannot be nested. Also, special care must be taken if LAST and LOOP must not be set together. Table 13-29. MxMR Loop Field Use Request Serviced Loop Field Read single-beat cycle RLF Read burst cycle RLF Write single-beat cycle WLF Write burst cycle WLF Refresh timer expired TLF RUN command RLF Repeat Execution of Current RAM Word (REDO) The REDO function is useful for wait-state insertion in a long UPM routine that would otherwise need too many RAM words. Setting the REDO bits of the RAM word to a nonzero value causes the UPM to re-execute the current RAM word up to three more times, as defined in the REDO field of the current RAM word. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-68 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Special care must be taken in the following cases: * When UTA and REDO are set together, TA is asserted the number of times specified by the REDO function. * When NA and REDO are set together, the address is incremented the number of times specified by the REDO function. * When LOOP and REDO are set together, the loop mechanism works as usual and the line is repeated according to the REDO function. * LAST and REDO must not be set together. * REDO should not be used within the exception routine. Address Multiplexing (AMX) The address lines can be controlled by the pattern the user provides in the UPM. The address multiplex bits can choose between driving the transaction address, driving it according to the multiplexing specified by the MxMR[AM] field, or driving the MAR contents on the address signals. In all cases, LA[27:31] of the LBC are driven by the five lsbs of the address selected by AMX, regardless of whether the NA bit of the RAM word is used to increment the current address. The effect of NA = 1 is visible only when AMX = 00 chooses the column address. Table 13-30 shows how MxMR[AM] settings affect address multiplexing when the RAM word AMX = 10. The 16 msbs of the LAD[0:31] bus during an address phase are driven with zero in the AMX = 10 case. Table 13-30. UPM Address Multiplexing AM LAD[0:31] as Address A0-A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 Signals 000 Signal driven on external 001 signal when 010 address multiplexing is 011 enabled-- RAM word 100 AMX = 10 101 0 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 0 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 0 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 0 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 0 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 0 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 Note that any change to the AMX field from one RAM word to the next RAM word executed results in an address phase on the LAD[0:31] bus with the assertion of LALE for the number of cycles set for LALE in the ORn and LCRR registers. The LGPL[0:5] signals maintain the value specified in the RAM word during the LALE phase. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-69 Local Bus Controller Data Valid and Data Sample Control (UTA) When a read access is handled by the UPM, and the UTA bit is 1 (data is to be sampled by the LBC), the value of the DLT3 bit in the same RAM word, in conjunction with MxMR[GPLn4DIS], determines when the data input is sampled by the LBC as follows: * If MxMR[GPLn4DIS] = 1 (G4T4/DLT3 functions as DLT3) and DLT3 = 1 in the RAM word, data is latched on the falling edge of the bus clock instead of the rising edge. The LBC samples the data on the next falling edge of the bus clock, which is during the middle of the current bus cycle. This feature should be used only in systems without external synchronous bus devices that require mid-cycle sampling. * If GPLn4DIS = 0 (G4T4/DLT3 functions as G4T4), or if GPLn4DIS = 1 but DLT3 = 0, data is latched on the rising edge of the bus clock, which occurs at the end of the current bus clock cycle (normal operation). Figure 13-61 shows how data sampling is controlled by the UPM. To Internal Data Bus Multiplexor UPM Read and GPL4nDIS = 1 and DLT3 = 1 1 0 LAD[0:31] LCLK Figure 13-61. UPM Read Access Data Sampling LGPL[0:5] Signal Negation (LAST) When the LAST bit is read in a RAM word, the current UPM pattern is terminated at the end of the current cycle. On the next cycle (following LAST) all the UPM signals are negated unconditionally (driven to logic 1), unless there is a back-to-back UPM request pending. In this case, the signal values for the cycle following the one in which the LAST bit was set are taken from the first RAM word of the pending UPM routine. Wait Mechanism (WAEN) The WAEN bit in the RAM array word can be used to enable the UPM wait mechanism in selected UPM RAM words. If the UPM reads a RAM word with WAEN set, the external LUPWAIT signal is sampled and synchronized by the memory controller as if it were an asynchronous signal. The WAEN bit is ignored if LAST = 1 in the same RAM word. Synchronization of LUPWAIT starts at the rising edge of the bus clock and takes at least 1 bus cycle to complete. If LUPWAIT is asserted and WAEN = 1 in the current UPM word, the UPM is frozen until LUPWAIT is negated. The value of external signals driven by the UPM remains as indicated in the MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-70 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller previous RAM word. When LUPWAIT is negated, the UPM continues normal functions. Note that during WAIT cycles, the UPM does not handle data. Figure 13-62 shows how the WAEN bit in the word read by the UPM and the LUPWAIT signal are used to hold the UPM in a particular state until LUPWAIT is negated. As the example shows, the LCSn and LGPL1 states and the WAEN value are frozen until LUPWAIT is recognized as negated. WAEN is typically set before the line that contains UTA = 1. Note that if WAEN and NA are both set in the same RAM word, NA causes the burst address to increment once as normal regardless of whether the UPM freezes. LCLK T1 T2 T3 T4 LCSn LGPL1 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 A B c12 c13 c14 C D TA WAEN LUPWAIT Word n Word n+1 Word n+2 Wait Word n+3 Figure 13-62. Effect of LUPWAIT Signal Synchronous Sampling of LUPWAIT for Early Transfer Acknowledge If LUPWAIT is to be considered an asynchronous signal, which can be asserted/negated at any time, no UPM RAM word must contain both WAEN = 1 and UTA = 1 simultaneously. However, programming WAEN = 1 and UTA = 1 in the same RAM word allows UPM to treat LUPWAIT as a synchronous signal, which must meet set-up and hold times in relation to the rising edge of the bus clock. In this case, as soon as UPM samples LUPWAIT negated on the rising edge of the bus clock, it immediately generates an internal transfer acknowledge, which allows a data transfer one bus clock cycle later. The generation of transfer acknowledge is early because LUPWAIT is not re-synchronized, and the acknowledge occurs regardless of whether UPM was already frozen in WAIT cycles or not. This feature allows the synchronous negation of LUPWAIT to affect a data transfer, even if UTA, WAEN, and LAST are set simultaneously. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-71 Local Bus Controller Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses Slow memory devices that take a long time to turn off their data bus drivers on read accesses should choose some non-zero combination of ORn[TRLX] and ORn[EHTR]. The next accesses after a read access to the slow memory device is delayed by the number of clock cycles specified in the ORn register in addition to any existing bus turn around cycle. Memory System Interface Example Using UPM Connecting the local bus UPM controller to a DRAM device requires a detailed examination of the timing diagrams representing the possible memory cycles that must be performed when accessing this device. This section shows timing diagrams for various UPM configurations, using fast-page mode DRAM as an example, with LCRR[CLKDIV] = 4(clock ratio of 8) or 8(clock ratio of 16). These illustrative examples may not represent the timing necessary for any specific device used with the LBC. Here, LGPL1 is programmed to drive R/W of the DRAM, although any LGPLn signal may be used for this purpose. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-72 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD Address Address Read Data LALE Column Row A TA LA Column lsbs Row lsbs LCSn (RAS) LBSn (CAS) LGPL1 (R/W) LBCTL cst1 cst2 cst3 cst4 bst1 bst2 bst3 bst4 g0l0 g0l1 g0h0 g0h1 g1t1 g1t3 g2t1 g2t3 g3t1 g3t3 g4t1 g4t3 g5t1 g5t3 redo[0] redo[1] loop exen amx0 amx1 na uta todt last 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RSS+1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 RSS+2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 LALE pause (due to change in AMX) RSS+1 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 Figure 13-63. Single-Beat Read Access to FPM DRAM MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-73 Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD Address Write Data Address Write Data LALE Column Row A TA LA Column lsbs Row lsbs LCSn (RAS) LBSn (CAS) LGPL1 (R/W) LBCTL cst1 cst2 cst3 cst4 bst1 bst2 bst3 bst4 g0l0 g0l1 g0h0 g0h1 g1t1 g1t3 g2t1 g2t3 g3t1 g3t3 g4t1 g4t3 g5t1 g5t3 redo[0] redo[1] loop exen amx0 amx1 na uta todt last 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 WSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WSS+1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 WSS+2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 LALE pause (due to change in AMX) WSS+1 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 Figure 13-64. Single-Beat Write Access to FPM DRAM MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-74 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD Address Address Data 2 Data 1 LALE Column 1 Row A Column 2 TA LA Column 1 lsbs Row lsbs Column 2 lsbs LCS n (RAS) LBS n (CAS) LGPL1 (R/W) LBCTL cst1 cst2 cst3 cst4 bst1 bst2 bst3 bst4 g0l0 g0l1 g0h0 g0h1 g1t1 g1t3 g2t1 g2t3 g3t1 g3t3 g4t1 g4t3 g5t1 g5t3 redo[0] redo[1] loop exen amx0 amx1 na uta todt last 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RBS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RBS+1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 RBS+2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 RBS+3 LALE pause (due to change in AMX) Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 Figure 13-65. Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM Using LOOP (Two Beats Shown) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-75 Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD LALE A TA LA LCS n (RAS) LBS n (CAS) LBCTL cst1 cst2 cst3 cst4 bst1 bst2 bst3 bst4 g0l0 g0l1 g0h0 g0h1 g1t1 g1t3 g2t1 g2t3 g3t1 g3t3 g4t1 g4t3 g5t1 g5t3 redo[0] redo[1] loop exen amx0 amx1 na uta todt last 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PTS+1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 PTS+2 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 Figure 13-66. Refresh Cycle (CBR) to FPM DRAM MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-76 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller LCLK LAD LALE TA LCSn (RAS) LBSn (CAS) LBCTL cst1 cst2 cst3 cst4 bst1 bst2 bst3 bst4 g0l0 g0l1 g0h0 g0h1 g1t1 g1t3 g2t1 g2t3 g3t1 g3t3 g4t1 g4t3 g5t1 g5t3 redo[0] redo[1] loop exen amx0 amx1 na uta todt last 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 EXS Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 Figure 13-67. Exception Cycle MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-77 Local Bus Controller 13.5 13.5.1 Initialization/Application Information Interfacing to Peripherals Multiplexed Address/Data Bus and Non-Multiplexed Address Signals To save signals on the local bus, address and data are multiplexed onto the same 32 bit bus. An external latch is needed to demultiplex and reconstruct the original address. No external intelligence is needed, because the LALE signal provides the correct timing to control a standard logic latch. The LAD signals can be directly connected to the data signals of the memory/peripheral. Transactions on the local bus start with an address phase, where the LBC drives the transaction address on the LAD signals and asserts the LALE signal. This can be used to latch the address and then the LBC can continue with the data phase. The LBC supports port sizes of 8,16, and 32 bits. For devices smaller than 32 bits, transactions must be broken down. For this reason, LA[30:31] are driven non-multiplexed. For 8-bit devices, LA[30:31] should be used and for 16-bit devices, LA[30] should be used. 32-bit devices use neither of these signals. In addition, the LBC supports burst transfers (not in the GPCM machine). LA[27:29] are the burst addresses within a natural 32-byte burst. To minimize the amount of address phases needed on the local bus and to optimize the throughput, those signals are driven separately and should be used whenever a device requires the five least significant addresses. Those should not be used from LAD[27:31]. All other addresses, A[0:26], must be reconstructed through the latch. Local Bus Interface D[0:31] LAD[0:31] D Q LALE A[0:26] LE Latch A[27:31] LA[27:31] Muxed Address/Data Non-Muxed Address Figure 13-68. Multiplexed Address/Data Bus MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-78 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Peripheral Hierarchy on the Local Bus To achieve high bus speed interfaces for synchronous SRAMs or SDRAMs, a hierarchy of the memories/peripherals connected to the local bus is suggested, as shown in Figure 13-69. Local Bus Interface SDRAM MA LA[27:31] A DQ LAD[0:31] SSRAM D A Q LALE LE Latch A A LBCTL DIR DQ B DQ Slower Memories and Peripherals Buffer Muxed Address/Data Non-Muxed Address Buffered Data Figure 13-69. Local Bus Peripheral Hierarchy The multiplexed address/data bus sees the capacitive loading of the data signals of the fast SDRAMs or synchronous SRAMs plus one load for an address latch plus one load for a buffer to the slow memories. The loadings of all other memories and peripherals are hidden behind the buffer and the latch. The system designer needs to investigate the loading scenario and ensure that I/O timings can be met with the loading determined by the connected components. Peripheral Hierarchy on the Local Bus for Very High Bus Speeds To achieve the highest possible bus speeds on the local bus, it is recommended to reduce the number of devices connected directly to the local bus even further. For those cases probably only one bank of synchronous SRAMs or SDRAMs should be used and instead of using a separate latch and a separate bus transceiver, a bus demultiplexer combining those two functions into one device should be used. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-79 Local Bus Controller Figure 13-70 shows an example of such a hierarchy. This section is only a guideline and the board designer must simulate the electric characteristics of his scenario to determine the maximum operating frequency. SDRAM Local Bus Interface MA LA[27:31] A DQ LAD[0:31] Latch A/D Q LALE LE A DIR LBCTL DQ B Slower Memories and Peripherals Muxed Address/Data Non-Muxed Address Buffered Data Figure 13-70. Local Bus Peripheral Hierarchy for Very High Bus Speeds GPCM Timings In case a system contains a memory hierarchy with high speed synchronous memories (SDRAM, synchronous SRAM) and lower speed asynchronous memories (for example, Flash EPROM and peripherals) the GPCM-controlled memories should be decoupled by buffers to reduce capacitive loading on the bus. Those buffers have to be taken into account for the timing calculations. Local Bus Interface LAD[0:31] Latch LALE LBCTL A Buffer Device A Input Signal Slower Memories and Peripherals Muxed Address/Data Non-Muxed Address Buffered Address Figure 13-71. GPCM Address Timings To calculate address setup timing for a slower peripheral/memory device, several parameters have to be added: propagation delay for the address latch, propagation delay for the buffer and the address setup for the actual peripheral. Typical values for the 2 propagation delays are in the order of 3-6 ns, so for a 166-MHz bus frequency, LCS should arrive on the order of 3 bus clocks later. For data timings, only the propagation delay of one buffer plus the actual data setup time has to be considered. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-80 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Local Bus Interface LAD[0:31] Buffer Device D Input Signal Slower Memories and Peripherals LBCTL Muxed Address/Data Buffered Data Figure 13-72. GPCM Data Timings 13.5.2 Bus Turnaround Because the local bus uses multiplexed address and data, special consideration must be given to avoid bus contention at bus turnaround. The following cases must be examined: * * * * Address phase after previous read Read data phase after address phase Read-modify-write cycle for parity protected memory banks UPM cycles with additional address phases The bus does not change direction for the following cases so they need no special attention: * Continued burst after the first beat * Write data phase after address phase * Address phase after previous write Address Phase After Previous Read During a read cycle, the memory/peripheral drives the bus and the bus transceiver drives LAD. After the data has been sampled, the output drivers of the external device must be disabled. This can take some time; for slow devices the EHTR feature of the GPCM or the programmability of the UPM should be used to guarantee that those devices have stopped driving the bus when the LBC memory controller ends the bus cycle. In this case, after the previous cycle ends, LBCTL goes high and changes the direction of the bus transceiver. The LBC then inserts a bus turnaround cycle to avoid contention. The external device has now already placed its data signals in high impedance and no bus contention will occur. Read Data Phase After Address Phase During the address phase, LAD actively drives the address and LBCTL is high, driving the bus transceivers in the same direction as during a write. After the end of the address phase, LBCTL goes low and changes the direction of the bus transceiver. The LBC places the LAD signals in high impedance after its tdis(LB). The LBCTL will have its new state after ten(LB) and, because this is an asynchronous input, the transceiver starts to drive those signals after its ten(transceiver) time. The system designer has to ensure, that [ten(LB) + ten(transceiver)] is larger than tdis (LB) to avoid bus contention. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-81 Local Bus Controller Read-Modify-Write Cycle for Parity Protected Memory Banks Principally, a read-modify-write cycle is a read cycle immediately followed by a write cycle. Because the write cycle will have a new address phase in any case, this basically is the same case as an address phase after a previous read. UPM Cycles with Additional Address Phases The flexibility of the UPM allows the user to insert additional address phases during read cycles by changing the AMX field, therefore, turning around the bus during one pattern. The LBC automatically inserts a single bus turnaround cycle if the bus (LAD) was previously high impedance for any reason, such as a read, before LALE is driven and LAD is driven with the new address. The turnaround cycle is not inserted on a write, because the bus was already driven to begin with. However, bus contention could potentially still occur on the far side of a bus transceiver. It is the responsibility of the designer of the UPM pattern to guarantee that enough idle cycles are inserted in the UPM pattern to avoid this. 13.5.3 Interface to Different Port-Size Devices The LBC supports 8-, 16-, and 32-bit data port sizes. However, the bus requires that the portion of the data bus used for a transfer to or from a particular port size be fixed. A 32-bit port must reside on D[0:31], a 16-bit port must reside on D[0:15], and an 8-bit port must reside on D[0:7]. The local bus always tries to transfer the maximum amount of data on all bus cycles. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-82 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Figure 13-73 shows the device connections on the data bus. Interface Output Register 0 31 OP0 OP1 D[0:7] OP2 D[8:15] OP3 D[15:23] OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 D[24:31] OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP0 63 32-Bit Port Size 16-Bit Port Size 8-Bit Port Size OP7 Figure 13-73. Interface to Different Port-Size Devices Table 13-31 lists the bytes required on the data bus for read cycles. Table 13-31. Data Bus Requirements For Read Cycle Port Size/Data Bus Assignments Transfer Size Byte Address State 1 A[29:31] 32-Bit 16-Bit 8-Bit 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31 0-7 8-15 0-7 000 OP02 --3 -- -- OP0 -- OP0 001 -- OP1 -- -- -- OP1 OP1 010 -- -- OP2 -- OP2 -- OP2 011 -- -- -- OP3 -- OP3 OP3 100 OP4 -- -- -- OP4 -- OP4 101 -- OP5 -- -- -- OP5 OP5 110 -- -- OP6 -- OP6 -- OP6 111 -- -- -- OP7 -- OP7 OP7 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-83 Local Bus Controller Table 13-31. Data Bus Requirements For Read Cycle (continued) Port Size/Data Bus Assignments Transfer Size Half word Word Address State 1 A[29:31] 32-Bit 16-Bit 8-Bit 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31 0-7 8-15 0-7 000 OP0 OP1 -- -- OP0 OP1 OP0 001 -- OP1 OP2 -- -- OP1 OP1 010 -- -- OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP2 100 OP4 OP5 -- -- OP4 OP5 OP4 101 -- OP5 OP6 -- -- OP5 OP5 110 -- -- OP6 OP7 OP6 OP7 OP6 000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0 100 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP4 1 Address state is the calculated address for port size. OPn: These lanes are read or written during that bus transaction. OP0 is the most-significant byte of a word operand and OP3 is the least-significant byte. 3 -- Denotes a byte not driven during that write cycle. 2 13.5.4 Interfacing to SDRAM The following sections provide application information on interfacing to SDRAM. Basic SDRAM Capabilities of the Local Bus The LBC provides one SDRAM machine for the local bus. Although there is only one machine, multiple chip selects (LCSn) can be programmed to support multiple SDRAM devices. Note that no limitation exists on the number of chip selects that can be programmed for SDRAM. This means that LCS[1:7] can be programmed to support SDRAM, assuming LCS0 is reserved for the GPCM to connect to Flash memory. If multiple chip selects are configured to support SDRAM on the local bus, each SDRAM device should have the same port size and timing parameters. This means that all option registers (ORn) for the SDRAM chip selects should be programmed exactly the same. NOTE Although in principle it is possible to mix different port sizes and timing parameters, combinations are limited and this operation is not recommended. All the chip selects share the same local bus SDRAM mode register (LSDMR) for initialization along with the local bus-assigned SDRAM refresh timer register (LSRT) and the memory refresh timer prescaler register (MPTPR) for refresh. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-84 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller For refresh, the memory controller supplies auto refresh to SDRAM according to the time interval specified in LSRT and MPTPR as follows: LSRTx ( MPTPR [ PTP ] ) Refresh Period = ----------------------------------------------------------------System Frequency This represents the time period required between refreshes. When the refresh timer expires, the memory controller issues a CBR to each chip select. Each CBR is separated by one clock. A refresh timing diagram for multiple chip selects is shown in Figure 13-52 in Section, "SDRAM Refresh Timing." During a memory transaction dispatched to the local bus, the memory controller compares the memory address with the address information of each chip select (programmed with BRn and ORn). If the comparison matches a chip select that is controlled by SDRAM, the memory controller requests service to the local bus SDRAM machine, depending on the information in BRn. Although multiple chip selects may be programmed for SDRAM, only one chip select is active at any given time; thus, multiple chip selects can share the same SDRAM machine. Maximum Amount of SDRAM Supported Table 13-32 summarizes information based on typical SDRAM data sheets. Table 13-32. Typical SDRAM Devices SDRAM Device 64-Mbit 128-Mbit 256-Mbit 512-Mbit I/O Port x4 x8 x16 x32 x4 x8 x16 x32 x4 x8 x16 x32 x4 x8 x16 x32 Bank 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Row 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 -- Column 10 9 8 8 11 10 9 8 11 10 9 8 12 11 10 -- The data port size is programmable, but the following examples use all 32 bits of the local bus. The 32-bit port size requires 4 SDRAM devices (with 8-bit I/O ports) connected in parallel to a single chip select. If 128-Mbit devices are used, 1 chip select provides 128-Mbit/device x 4 devices = 64 Mbytes. If 4 chip selects are programmed for SDRAM use, the result is 64 Mbytes x 4 = 256 Mbytes. If 256-Mbit SDRAM devices are used, the total available memory is 512 Mbytes. Consequently, 512-Mbit devices allow for 1 Gbyte. Although there is no technical difficulty in supporting multiple chip select configurations, in practice, the user may want to maximize the amount of SDRAM assigned to each chip select to minimize cost. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-85 Local Bus Controller SDRAM Machine Limitations This section describes limitations of the local bus SDRAM machine. Analysis of Maximum Row Number Due to Bank Select Multiplexing LSDMR[BSMA] is used to multiplex the bank select address. The BSMA field and corresponding multiplexed address are shown below: 000 LA12-LA13 001 LA13-LA14 ... 111 LA19-LA20 Note that LA12 is the latched value of LAD12. The highest address signals that the bank selects can be multiplexed with are LA[12:13], which limits the signals for the row address to LA[14:31]. For a 32-bit port, the maximum width of the local bus, LA[30:31] are not connected, and the maximum row is LA[14:29]. The local bus SDRAM machine supports 15 rows, which is sufficient for all devices. Bank Select Signals Page-based interleaving allows bank signals to be multiplexed to the higher-order address signals to leave room for future upgrades. For example, a user could multiplex the bank select signals to LA[14:15], leaving LA16 to connect to the address signal for a larger memory size. This allows the system designer to design one board that can be used with a current generation of SDRAM devices and upgraded to the next generation without requiring a new board layout. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-86 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller 128-Mbyte SDRAM Figure 13-74 shows the connection to an SDRAM of 128 Mbytes. Note that all circuit diagrams are principal connection diagrams and do not show any means of signal integrity. Local Bus Interface LSDDQM[0:3] DQM0 DQM3 *** LCSn LSDRAS LSDWE LSDCAS LALE Latch LAD[0:31] 32M x 8 SDRAM 32M x 8 SDRAM CAS CS RAS WE BA[1:0] DQM CKE CLK ADDR[12:0] A10 DQ[0:7] CAS CS RAS WE BA[1:0] DQM CKE CLK ADDR[12:0] A10 DQ[0:7] x4 *** DATA[0:7] LSDA10 LCLK DATA[24:31] LCKE Figure 13-74. 128-Mbyte SDRAM Diagram Table 13-33 shows details about LADn signal connections for the example in Figure 13-74. Table 13-33. LADn Signal Connections to 128-Mbyte SDRAM LAD (Latch Address) SDRAM Address Signal LAD29 A0 LAD28 A1 LAD27 A2 LAD26 A3 LAD25 A4 LAD24 A5 LAD23 A6 LAD22 A7 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-87 Local Bus Controller Table 13-33. LADn Signal Connections to 128-Mbyte SDRAM (continued) LAD (Latch Address) SDRAM Address Signal LAD21 A8 LAD20 A9 LAD19 (no connect) A10 is connected to LSDA10 LAD18 A11 LAD17 A12 LAD16 BA0 (if LSDMR[BSMA] = 011) LAD15 BA1 (if LSDMR[BSMA] = 011) Consider the following SDRAM organization: * The 32-bit port size is organized as 8 x 8 x 32 Mbits. * Each device has 4 internal banks, 13 row address lines, and 10 column address lines. The logical address is partitioned as shown in Table 13-34. Table 13-34. Logical Address Bus Partitioning A[0:4] A[5:17] A[18:19] A[20:29] A[30:31] msb of start address Row Bank select Column lsb The following parameters are extracted: * COLS = 011, 10 column lines * ROWS = 100, 13 row lines During the address phase, the SDRAM address port is set as shown in Table 13-35. Table 13-35. SDRAM Device Address Port During Address Phase LA[0:14] LA[15:16] LA[17:29] LA[30:31] -- Internal bank select A[18:19] Row A[5:17] No connect Because the internal bank selects are multiplexed over LA[15:16], LSDMR[BSMA] must be set to 011. Table 13-36 shows the address port configuration during a READ/WRITE command. Table 13-36. SDRAM Device Address Port During READ/WRITE Command LA[0:14] LA[15:16] LA[17:18] LA[19] LA[20:29] LA[30:31] msb of start address Internal bank select Don't care AP Column No connect MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-88 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-37 shows the register configuration for this example. PSRT and MPTPR are not shown but should be programmed according to the device's specific refresh requirements. Table 13-37. Register Settings for 128-Mbyte SDRAMs Register Field Value BRn BA XBA PS MS V Base address Ext. Base Address 11 = 32-bit port size 011 = SDRAM-local bus 1 OR n AM XAM COLS ROWS 11_1111_1000_0000_0000_0 11 011 100 LSDMR RFEN OP BSMA RFRC PRETOACT ACTTOROW BL WRC BUFCMD CL From From From From From 1 000 011 device data sheet device data sheet device data sheet 0 device data sheet 0 device data sheet 256-Mbyte SDRAM This example uses the same Micron SDRAM as in the previous example, but doubles the number of devices connected and therefore uses two chip selects. 512-Mbyte SDRAM This example uses the MT48LC64M4A2FB from Micron to implement 512 Mbytes. In this SDRAM organization: * The 32-bit port size is 8 x 4 x 64 Mbit x 2 chip select lines. * Each device has 4 internal banks, 13 row address lines, and 11 column address lines. The logical address is partitioned as shown in Table 13-38. Table 13-38. Logical Address Partitioning A[0:3] A[4:16] A[17:18] A[19:29] A[30:31] msb of start address Row Bank select Column lsb The following parameters can be extracted: * COLS = 100, 11 column lines * ROWS = 100, 13 row lines MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-89 Local Bus Controller During the address phase, the SDRAM address port is set as in Table 13-39. Table 13-39. SDRAM Device Address Port During Address Phase LA[0:13] LA[15:16] LA[17:29] LA[30:31] -- Internal bank select (A[17:18]) Row (A[4:16]) No-connect Because the internal bank selects are multiplexed over LA[15:16], LSDMR[BSMA] must be set to 011. Table 13-40 shows the address port settings during a READ/WRITE command. Table 13-40. SDRAM Device Address Port During READ/WRITE Command LA[0:14] LA[15:16] LA[17] LA[18] LA[19:29] LA[30:31] msb of start address Internal bank select Don't care AP Column No-connect Table 13-41 shows the register configuration. PSRT and MPTPR are not shown, but they should be programmed according to the specific device's refresh requirements. Table 13-41. Register Settings for 512-Mbyte SDRAMs Register Field Value BRn BA XBA PS MS V Base address ext. Base address 11 = 32-bit port size 011 = SDRAM-local bus 1 OR n AM XAM BPD COLS ROWS 11_1110_0000_0000_0000_0 11 01 100 100 PSDMR RFEN OP BSMA RFRC PRETOACT ACTTOROW BL WRC BUFCMD CL From From From From From 1 000 011 device data sheet device data sheet device data sheet 0 device data sheet 0 device data sheet Power-Down Mode SDRAMs offer a power-down mode during which the device is not refreshed, and therefore, data is not maintained. This mode is invoked by driving CKE low, while all internal banks are idle; note that they must be precharged first. Figure 13-75 shows the timing. Note that the figure does not show the precharge-all command that is issued by the LBC automatically prior to the self-refresh command. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-90 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Clock low-to-high transitions CKE Supplier specific minimum time COMMAND (As defined by S, RE, CE, W, and ADDR) NOP All banks idle NOP NOP New command accepted here Cannot violate minimum refresh specification Figure 13-75. SDRAM Power-Down Timing CKE remains low, as long as the device is powered down. After CKE transitions to high, the SDRAM exits the power-down mode. Self-Refresh In order to be able to stop activity on the local bus (for power save or debug), while the content of the SDRAM is maintained, the self-refresh mode is supported. This mode is invoked by issuing a self-refresh command to the SDRAM. The LBC applies the same timing as for the auto refresh, but also pulls the SDRAM CKE (LCKE) signal low in the same cycle. This can only be done with all banks being idle; the SDRAM machine must precharge them ahead of this. As long as CKE stays low, the device refreshes itself and does not need to see any refreshes from the local bus. To exit self refresh, CKE simply has to be pulled high. Note that after returning from self-refresh mode the SDRAM needs a supplier-specific time before it can accept new commands and the auto-refresh mechanism has to be started again. Figure 13-76 shows this timing. The SDRAM controller always uses 200 local bus clocks, which should satisfy any SDRAM requirements. As in the case of the power-down mode, the figure does not show the precharge-all command that is issued by the LBC automatically prior to the self-refresh command. 1. Refer to Section, "Intel PC133 and JEDEC-Standard SDRAM Interface Commands," for SDRAM interface commands and information on the self-refresh command. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-91 Local Bus Controller t EXTERNAL CK Stable clock CKE Supplier-specific minimum time S RE CE W NOP An Self-refresh entry Self-refresh exit New command can occur here All banks idle Figure 13-76. SDRAM Self-Refresh Mode Timing SDRAM Timing To allow for very high speeds on the memory bus, the capacitive loading on the local bus must be taken into consideration as shown in Table 13-42. Table 13-42. SDRAM Capacitance Signal Min Max Unit CLK 2.0 4.0 pf RAS, CAS, WE, CS, CKE, DQM 2.0 5.0 pf Address 2.0 5.0 pf DQ 0-DQ31 3.5 6.5 pf Note:Capacitance values compiled from worst case numbers from various data sheets from Samsung and Micron To implement a system using the hierarchy described earlier for 2 synchronous memory banks, 1 address latch, and 1 buffer loading the multiplexed address/data bus sees a loading of 4 loads of about 6.5 pF maximum. For a nominal load, 30 pF can be used. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-92 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-43. SDRAM AC Characteristics Device Speed Parameter 166 MHz 133 MHz Unit Min Max Min Max CAS latency = 3 6 1000 7.5 1000 ns CAS latency = 2 -- CAS latency = 3 -- 5 -- 5.4 ns CAS latency = 2 -- -- -- 5.4 CAS latency = 3 2.5 -- 3 -- CAS latency = 2 -- -- 3 -- Input setup time 1.5 -- 2 -- ns Input hold time 1 -- 1 -- ns CAS latency = 3 -- 5 5.4 -- ns CAS latency = 2 -- -- 5.4 -- CLK cycle time CLK to valid output delay Output data hold time CLK to output in Hi-Z 7.5 ns Note:AC characteristics compiled from worst-case numbers from various data sheets from Samsung and Micron. Setup and Hold Timing Calculations: * * * * * * * * * Address TOF (time of flight): board layout delay Data TOF (time of flight): board layout delay Clock skew (time of flight): clock skew between the LBC and the clock at the memory device. The local bus PLL feedback mechanism must be used to control this skew to optimize the timing margins, as described in the rest of this subsection. Address setup margin = cycle time - local bus address CTQ - SDRAM address input setup time - address TOF + clock skew Address hold margin = local bus address output hold time + address TOF - SDRAM address input hold time - clock skew Data write to SDRAM setup margin = cycle time - local bus data CTQ - SDRAM data input setup time - data TOF + clock skew Data write to SDRAM hold margin = local bus data output hold time + data TOF - SDRAM data input hold time - clock skew Data read from SDRAM setup margin = cycle time - SDRAM data CTQ - local bus data input setup time - data TOF - clock skew Data read from SDRAM hold margin = SDRAM data output hold time + data TOF - local bus data input hold time + clock skew MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-93 Local Bus Controller To improve the timing margins a PLL is used to generate external clocks, which minimize the skew between the local bus and the memory clock. Figure 13-77 shows relative timings for the local bus clock PLL. tP LBC output signals on pins tD = tPLL+tP RBC (reference bus clock) LSYNC_IN LSYNC_OUT tL LCLK Figure 13-77. Local Bus PLL Operation Parity Support for SDRAM Contrary to older DRAM technologies, SDRAM devices typically are organized either x4, x8, x16, or x32. There are no mainstream devices that include parity support. To allow for error protection on the local bus an additional SDRAM for the 4 parity bits must be used. Since the local bus allows for SDRAM accesses with less than the full port size, read-modify-write cycles are supported for SDRAM write cycles. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-94 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Figure 13-78 shows a connection diagram. Local Bus Interface LPBSE LSDDQM[0:3] DQM0 *** DQM3 LCSn LSDRAS LSDWE LSDCAS 32M x 8 SDRAM LALE Latch LAD[0:31] LSDA10 LCLK CAS CS RAS WE BA[1:0] DQM CKE CLK x4 ADDR[12:0] A10 *** DQ[0:7] DATA[0:7] 32M x 8 SDRAM 32M x 4 SDRAM CAS CS RAS WE BA[1:0] DQM CKE CLK ADDR[12:0] A10 DQ[0:7] CAS CS RAS WE BA[1:0] DQM CKE CLK ADDR[12:0] A10 DQ[0:3] DATA[24:31] LCKE DP[0:3] LDP[0:3] Figure 13-78. Parity Support for SDRAM 13.5.5 Interfacing to ZBT SRAM In many applications, SDRAM provides sufficient performance for the local bus. However, especially in networking applications, memory access patterns are often random and SDRAM is not optimized for that case. ZBT SRAMs have been designed to optimize the performance in networking applications. This section describes how to interface to ZBT SRAMs. Figure 13-79 shows the connections. The UPM is used to generate control signals. The same interfacing is used for pipelined and flow-through versions of ZBT SRAMs. However different UPM patterns must be generated for those cases. Because ZBT SRAMs will mostly be used by performance-critical applications, we assume here that, typically, the maximum width of the local bus of 32 bits will be used. ZBT SRAMs allow different configurations. For the local bus the burst order should be set to linear burst order by tying the mode signal to GND; CKE should also be tied to ground. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-95 Local Bus Controller ZBT SRAMs perform four-beat bursts. Because the LBC generates eight-beat transactions (for 32-bit ports) the UPM breaks down each burst into two consecutive four-beat bursts. The internal address generator of the LBC generates the new A27 for the second burst. Local Bus Interface LBS[0:3] BW[0:1] BW[2:3] LCSn LGPL0 LGPL1 LGPL2 GPIO LA[27:29] LALE Latch LAD[0:31] LDP[0:3] 1M x 18 ZBT SRAM OE CE ADV/LD WE ZZ BW[0:1] MODE CKE CLK SA[19:0] DQ[0:17] DATA[0:15] 1M x 18 ZBT SRAM OE CE ADV/LD WE ZZ BW[0:1] MODE CKE CLK SA[19:0] DQ[0:17] DATA[16:31] DP[0:1] DP[2:3] LCLK Figure 13-79. Interface to ZBT SRAM Because we use linear burst on the SRAM, the device will itself burst with the burst addresses of [0:1:2:3]. The local bus always generates linear bursts and expects [0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7]. Therefore, two consecutive linear bursts of the ZBT SRAM with A27 = 0 for the first burst and A27 = 1 for the second burst give the desired burst pattern. The UPM also supports single beat accesses. Because the ZBT SRAM does not support this and always responds with a burst, the UPM pattern has to take care that data for the critical beat is provided (for write) or sampled (for read), and that the rest of the burst is ignored (by negating WE). The UPM controller basically has to wait for the end of the SRAM burst to avoid bus contention with further bus activities. ZBT SRAMs have a power down mode, which is invoked by the ZZ signal. Connecting a GPIO signal to ZZ allows use of that power down mode; however, accesses to the SRAM while in power down mode do not create valid results. This should be taken care of by the system software. Another observation is that SRAMs are available with natural parity. In the example, we use a x18 SRAM, which holds two data bytes and two parity bits. While for the support of parity on SDRAM banks the local MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-96 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller bus has to use read-modify-write cycles and compromise performance, SRAM banks can be used with natural parity and do not compromise performance for parity support. 13.5.6 Interfacing to DSP Host Ports In many applications, an integrated communications processor aggregates traffic for DSPs and distributes that traffic to the DSPs. The local bus allows connection to a variety of different DSP host ports and this section gives some information on how to interface to some example DSPs. Interfacing to MSC8101 HDI16 This section describes how to interface to the HDI16 peripheral interface of the MSC8101. After initial set-up of the interface, the host and HDI16 device can communicate either by a read and write transaction from the core or, if the setup on the DSP and the host are implemented appropriately, by DMA transfers of the host DMA controller, which can be triggered automatically by signals generated by the HDI16 peripheral. HDI16 Peripherals The host interface (HDI16) is a 16-bit-wide, full-duplex, double-buffered parallel port that can directly connect to the data bus of a host processor. It supports a variety of buses and gluelessly connects with a number of industry-standard microcomputers, microprocessors, and DSPs. The HDI16 also supports the 8-bit host data bus, which makes it fully compatible with the DSP56300 HI08 (as viewed by the host side, not from the DSP side). The host bus can operate asynchronously to the SC140 core clock, and the HDI16 registers are divided into two banks. The host register bank is accessible to the external host, and the core register bank is accessible to the SC140 core. The MSC8101HDI16 host port peripheral has two sets of 16-bit-wide registers--one set is only visible internally to the DSP, while the other set is visible only to the external host processor. Figure 13-81 illustrates the relationship between the two sides. All of the HDI16 peripheral's registers are mapped directly onto the MSC8101 QBus, as defined by the MSC8101 16-Bit Digital Signal Processor Reference Manual (MSC8101RM); the transmit and receive FIFOs are mapped onto the DMA data bus such that the DMA controller can access them directly without core intervention. The addressing for each of these registers is defined in Section, "Physical Interconnections." The HDI16 host port itself is a 16-bit-wide parallel port with various strobe and multiplexing options. The most important HDI16 host port facet is that it is specified as an asynchronous interface and so reduces concerns over clock skew between the HDI16 host port and the host device's buses. Furthermore, with all the host port registers being accessed with a single chip select and four address lines, as far as the local bus is concerned, the DSP host port is akin to an asynchronous memory mapped region. So, for the HDI16 port in single strobe mode, the host device asserts a chip select, a single data strobe and a read/write line to select HDI16 read or write bus operations. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-97 Local Bus Controller The read and write strobes are also used as the data latch control to complete the bus transactions, obviating the need for any handshake termination signal from the DSP. The UPM programmer is responsible for satisfying the AC timings of the HDI16 transactions. Through appropriate mode selection, the HDI16 peripheral's feature set can be fully supported by the local bus's UPM controlled signals. The UPM defined interface can be used with any of the local bus's eight chip selects to give the 16-bit port size and strobe generation that matches that of the HDI16 host port. Figure 13-80 shows the internal register diagram of the HDI16. DMA Data Bus QBus Data Bus 16 16 16 16 HPCR HCR HSR HCVR ISR ICR CVR 16 16 16 64 64 64 HOTX RX0 RX1 16 HORX RX2 16 64 16 RX3 TX0 16 TX1 16 16 TX2 TX3 16 16 Host Bus Figure 13-80. MSC8101 HDI16 Peripheral Registers Physical Interconnections The physical interconnections between the UPM controlled local bus and the HDI16 of the MSC8101 HDI16 peripheral are given in Table 13-44 and Figure 13-81. Table 13-44. Local Bus to MSC8101 HDI16 Connections MSC8101 Signal(s) Type HD[0:15] I/O/Z HA[0] Description Connect with Local Bus Signal Host data bus LAD[0:15] I Host address line Either LA[27] or latched A25 HA[1] I Host address line Either LA[28] or latched A26 HA[2] I Host address line LA[29] HA[3] I Host address line LA[30] HCS1 I Host chip select 1 LCSn HCS2 I Host chip select 2 Tie this to VDD HRDRW I Host R/W signal LGPL1 or inverted LBCTL signal MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-98 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Table 13-44. Local Bus to MSC8101 HDI16 Connections (continued) MSC8101 Signal(s) Type HDS I Host data strobe signal LGPLy HRRQ/HACK O Receive host request OP As required in application HTRQ/HREQ O Transmit host request OP As required in application Local Bus Interface Description LAD[0:15] Connect with Local Bus Signal MSC8101 HD[0:15] LAD[0:31] LALE Latch HA[0:1] LA[27:28] LA[29:30] LCSn LGPL1 or inverted LBCTL LGPLy As required in application HA[2:3] HCS1 HRDRW HDS HRRQ/HACK HTRQ/HREQ HCS2 Figure 13-81. Interface to MSC8101 HDI16 The connections are specified as follows: * One chip select, LCSn (whatever is available in the system), is used to memory map accesses from the host local bus to the HDI16 MSC8101 HDI16 peripheral, and is connected to the HDI16 chip select line (HCS). * This interface uses two separate general-purpose strobe lines (LGPL1 and LGPLy): -- LGPL1 is programmed to generate the HDI16 read/write signal (HRDRW), which is typically high for a read access and low for write access. In any case, the host port requires a HR/W signal. This can be generated by using LGPL1, and allows it to adopt the timing virtually without restrictions. Alternatively the designer can invert LBCTL to generate this signal. It is the responsibility of the UPM pattern designer to plan for the additional delay of that inverter in the UPM pattern to satisfy the AC timings at the DSP host port. -- LGPLy is programmed to generate the HDI16 data strobe (HDS), which must be asserted every 16-bit read or write transaction. * Data lines--The bus data lines (LADn) are directly connected to the HDI16 data lines (HDn). * DMA request/service request signals (HRRQ and HTRQ)--as appropriate in the application MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-99 Local Bus Controller * * Address lines--The address lines between the LBC and the HDI16 MSC8101 can either be connected in a straightforward or a specific manner to enable burst transfers across the HDI16. The connections are defined as follows and are described in more detail in the following sub-section: -- Either LA[27] or latched value of A25 -> HA0 -- Either LA[28] or latched value of A26 -> HA1 -- LA[29] -> HA2 -- LA[30] -> HA3 Ground lines--In order to provide the best ground plane, it is highly advised that all grounds are common and connected together. Supporting Burst Transfers As mentioned previously, to facilitate burst transfers the host's local bus address lines can be connected in a very specific way. First, the local bus A31 signal is not required, as the HDI16 registers are 16-bit word addressed. Secondly, local bus LA[27] and LA[28] signals can be eliminated, so that the host side transmit and receive registers wrap around the same four 16-bit word addresses. For example, host transmit register 0 on the HDI16 peripheral (address 0x04) can be obtained by the host by accessing any of the following memory mapped addresses: 0x20, 0x28, 0x30, or 0x38. This is critical for burst accesses as the source or destination addresses increment after each 16-bit access to the interface for all 16 transactions within that burst. By using the addressing as defined, if the first access is at 0x20, the last will be at 0x3e but, more importantly, the four host Tx/Rx registers will have been looped around four times. Host 60x Bus: HDI16 Peripheral Interface Hardware Timings The host UPM-controlled local bus and the HDI16 MSC8101 HDI16 host interface are both programmable. Careful programming of the host chip select registers and UPM can meet the HDI16 MSC8101 host port timings. On any bus access the critical timing for both read and write is typically around the data latch point. For the UPM based read access, the host has the flexibility to latch data on a rising or falling LCLK edge. The falling LCLK edge is used here to latch the HDI16 data into the host MSC8101 at its earliest convenience. After the data is latched, appropriate HDI16 port data hold time is ensured before the data strobe (DS) and chip select (CS1) are negated. On a UPM write cycle, the critical action is in enveloping the DS assertion with CS asserted to ensure proper write data hold time after latching by the HDI16 host port. Special attention needs to be given to both the host read and write access strobe (DS) negation times (HDS assert). The HDI16 MSC8101 specifies some restrictions for consecutive register access, which results in a hold off negation time for the read and write access strobes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-100 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Rather than restrict the firmware to avoid consecutive bus accesses to host port registers, the negation hold off times should be accommodated in the UPM hardware interface settings. Additional clocks must be built into the end of UPM based cycle giving appropriate time before the next bus cycle starts. The timings can be readily adapted to allow external decode logic to be added to support chip selects for a larger number of DSP HDI16 host ports. Interfacing to MSC8102 DSI The MSC8102 direct-slave interface (DSI) gives an external host direct access to the MSC8102. It provides the following slave interfaces to an external host: * Asynchronous SRAM-like interface giving the host single accesses (with no external clock). * Synchronous SSRAM-like interface giving the host single or burst accesses of 256 bits (eight beats of 32 bits or four beats of 64 bits) with its external clock decoupled from the MSC8102 internal bus clock. The DSI supports a 32- or 64-bit data bus. For connection to the local bus the DSI has to be configured in 32-bit mode. This is achieved through the DSP reset configuration. The DSI supports two addressing modes, which are determined during the MSC8102 boot sequence. Refer to details in the MSC8102 documentation. * Full address bus mode with HA[11:29] used in both 32-bit data mode and 64-bit data mode * Sliding window mode with HA[14:29] used in both 32-bit data mode and 64-bit data mode DSI in Asynchronous SRAM-Like Mode The local bus supports the DSI single strobe as well as the DSI double strobes of operation. As an example the dual strobe configuration is shown below. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-101 Local Bus Controller Figure 13-82 shows the interface to the MSC8102 DSI for asynchronous mode. Local Bus Interface MSC8102 HD[0:31] LAD[0:31] HA[11:26] Latch LALE HCID[0:3] LA[27:29] HA[27:29] LGPL2 LBS[0:3] LUPWAIT HRDS/HRDE HWBS/HDBS/ HWBE/HDBE[0:3] HTA INTn HINT LCSn HBCS LCSy HCS Figure 13-82. Interface to MSC8102 DSI in Asynchronous Mode The asynchronous SRAM-like mode of the DSI is inherently slower than the synchronous mode and should be used, if only relatively small amounts of data are transferred between the communications controller and the MSC8102. To allow for maximum timing flexibility, the UPM machine of the LBC should be used. The UPM programmer is responsible for ensuring correct setup and hold timings for all signals. The UPM allows sufficient control to satisfy any requirements here. Figure 13-83 shows an asynchronous write access. The DSI samples the host chip ID signals (HCID[0:3]) on the first falling edge of the host write byte strobe signals (HWBS) on which the host chip select signal (HCS) is asserted. If the HCID[0:3] signals match the CHIPID value, the DSI is accessed. The DSI will signal with the assertion of the host transfer acknowledge signal (HTA), whether it is ready to sample the host data bus (HD), and the host can terminate the access by immediately negating HWBS. The WAEN feature of the UPM must be used to insert wait states while the DSI is busy. The UWPL bit in the MxMR must be cleared to interpret the correct polarity of HTA. The DSI samples the host address bus (HA) and the host data bus (HD) on the rising edge of HWBS. In addition the assertion of HWBS[0:3] are sampled at the end and are part of the access attributes. Because the UPM is used for this mode, the DCR[4]:HTAAD should be set to 1 and DCR[9-10]:HTADT should be defined to a value different than 00. This mode is to be used in implementations with a pull-up resistor on HTA. The host can start its next access (back-to-back accesses) without negating HCS between accesses. If the next access is not to the same MSC8102, then to prevent contention on the HTA signal, the host must wait until the previous DSI stops driving HTA before it accesses the next device. If the next access is to the same MSC8102, the host must not start consecutive accesses before HTA is actively driven to a value of 1 by the previous access. The easiest way to achieve this is to insert idle cycles at the end of the UPM pattern to guarantee that HTA is inactive. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-102 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller HCS HCID[0:3] HA[11:29] HDST[0:1] HD[0:63] HRDS HWBS[0:7] HTAAD=1 & HTADT = 01,10,11 HTA Legend: Timing conventions: 1 Valid value that can be 1 or 0 0 1 0 HTAAD = 0 & HTADT = 00 Don't care Three-state output signal that is not driven by the DSI Figure 13-83. Asynchronous Write to MSC8102 DSI Figure 13-84 shows an asynchronous read access. The DSI samples the host address bus (HA) and the HCID on the first falling edge of the host read strobe signal (HRDS) on which the HCS is asserted. If HCID[0:3] match the CHIPID value, the DSI is accessed. When the DCR[8]:RPE bit is set, read access to the memory space (not to the register space) initiates data prefetching from consecutive addresses in the internal memory space. The DSI signals (with the assertion of the host transfer acknowledge signal (HTA)) that data is valid, and the host can sample the host data bus (HD) and terminate the access by negating HRDS. If the data for this access is already in the read buffer due to the prefetch mechanism, assertion time of HTA is improved. The WAEN feature of the UPM must be used to insert wait states while the DSI is busy. MxMR[UWPL] has to be cleared to interpret the correct polarity of the HTA signal. Because the UPM is used in the mode, the DCR[4]:HTAAD should be set to 1 and the drive time control field, DCR[9-10]:HTADT, should be defined to a value different than 00. This mode is specially designed to be used for implementations with a pull-up resistor on HTA. The host can start its next access (back-to-back accesses) without negating the HCS signal between accesses. If the next access is not to the same MSC8102, then to prevent contention on HTA, the host must wait until the previous DSI stops driving HTA before it accesses the next device. If the next access is to the same MSC8102, the host must not start consecutive access before HTA is actively driven to 1 by the previous access. The easiest way to achieve this is to insert idle cycles at the end of the UPM pattern to guarantee that HTA is inactive. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-103 Local Bus Controller HCS HCID[0:3] HA[11:29] HDST[0:1] HD[0:63] HRDS HWBS[0:7] HTAAD = 1 & HTADT = 01,10,11 HTA Legend: Timing conventions: 1 Valid value that can be 1 or 0 0 1 0 HTAAD = 0 & HTADT = 00 Don't care Three-state output signal that is not driven by the DSI Figure 13-84. Asynchronous Read from MSC8102 DSI DSI in Synchronous Mode The synchronous SSRAM-like mode of the DSI is inherently faster than the asynchronous mode and should be used if larger amounts of data are transferred between the communications controller and the MSC8102. This will optimize the bus utilization, especially if several MSC8102s are connected to one local bus. The UPM machine of the LBC must be used to implement this interface. Figure 13-85 shows the interface for synchronous mode. Because the DSI will assert and negate HTA in synchronous mode even within a burst transfer on a clock-by-clock basis and because the DSI expects the host to react within one clock cycle, some tricks can be implemented to support the synchronous mode. HTA drives LUPWAIT of the UPM. MxMR[UWPL] must be cleared to interpret the correct polarity of HTA. Because this signal influences the internal state machine of the local bus clock, the local bus cannot react to HTA changes correctly within one local bus clock. Refer to Section, "Wait Mechanism (WAEN)," for more detailed information. The solution to this lies in that the local bus operates at a higher frequency than the DSI interface of the DSP. The local bus clock can be divided by an integer divider (1:2, 1:3, or 1:4) to generate the DSI clock. This should not be a problem because the local bus is designed for much higher frequencies than the DSI. Because all timings are given in DSP DSI clock cycles, the UPM patterns must be adjusted appropriately and need to assert a signal for 2, 3, or 4 clocks (as many as the divider ratio) instead of one. Fortunately, the UPM has the REDO feature, which allows every UPM RAM entry to be executed 1x, 2x, 3x, or 4x, which should be sufficient for any divider ratio that would be used in this case. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-104 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Local Bus Interface LCLK LUPWAIT MSC8102 Clock Divider Sync Logic HCLKIN HTA LGPLy HD[0:31] HA[11:26] LAD[0:31] Latch LALE HCID[0:3] LA[27:29] HA[27:29] LGPL2 LBS[0:3] INT n LGPLn HRDS/HRDE HWBS/HDBS/ HWBE/HDBE[0:3] HINT HBRST LCSn HBCS LCSy HCS Figure 13-85. Interface to MSC8102 DSI in Synchronous Mode This solution allows the local bus to react within multiple local bus clocks to the HTA signal and be still within one DSI clock. Typically, LUPWAIT is synchronized internally, and only 2 clocks after LUPWAIT changes, new data can be sampled or presented. For example, if the local bus clock ratio is 3x the DSI clock, data can be sampled in the third local bus sub-clock, which is the last third of the DSI clock. If the local bus clock ratio is only 2x the DSI clock, there is a special mode, where the LUPWAIT is NOT synchronized. Refer to Section, "Synchronous Sampling of LUPWAIT for Early Transfer Acknowledge," for more detailed information. In this mode, data is sampled in the second sub-clock, which is the second half of the DSI clock. AC timing of LUPWAIT must be met in this mode; otherwise indeterministic behavior may occur. The remaining issue is the synchronization of the UPM cycles to the beginning of the DSI clock cycle. Because the UPM executes n cycles for every cycle of the DSI, a mechanism must be used to ensure that the UPM changes transitions in a way that is synchronized to the DSI clock. The solution is to use a special synchronize cycle at the beginning of the pattern. A GPL signal is used to control a multiplexer and to activate external synchronization logic, which uses the DSI clock to stall the UPM by asserting LUPWAIT until the beginning of the next DSI cycle. After that, this GPL signal must be negated and the multiplexer connects LUPWAIT to HTA instead, for the rest of the bus cycle. Note that the GPL signals should be used in the inverted state of their inactive state (GPL[0:4] are 1 when inactive, GPL5 is 0 when inactive) to start the synchronization process. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-105 Local Bus Controller Figure 13-86 shows an example for a synchronization mechanism for a clock divider of 3. Note that the length of the synchronization cycle depends on the relative start of the synchronization process and varies with every access. It can vary in length from one to n (clock ratio) local bus clocks. LCLK DSI_CLK LGPLy LUPWAIT Figure 13-86. UPM Synchronization Cycle The second column (compensation cycle) of Table 13-45 is intended to compensate for the reaction time of LUPWAIT to get in lockstep with the DSI clock. For example, if the clock divider ratio is 1:3 and the LUPWAIT reaction time is two local bus clocks, because LUPWAIT is synchronized, then one local bus clock should be inserted. Table 13-45. UPM Synchronization Cycles Sync Cycle Compensation Cycle DSI Cycle 1 Bits cst1-cst4 0-3 bst1-bst4 4-7 g0xx 8-11 g1tx 12-13 g2tx 14-15 g3tx 16-17 g4t1 18 g4t3 1 0 19 g5tx 20-21 redo[0] 0 0 1 22 redo[1] 0 0 0 23 loop 0 0 exen 0 amx0 0 0 26 amx1 0 0 27 na 0 28 uta 0 29 todt 0 30 last 0 31 24 25 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-106 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller This section describes synchronous single write and read, and synchronous burst write and read operations. The local bus supports the DSI single strobe as well as the DSI double strobes of operation. The dual strobe configuration is shown as an example. Synchronous Single Write Figure 13-87 shows a synchronous single write access. HCLKIN HCS HCID[0:3] HA[11:29] HDST[0:1] HD[0:63] HWBE[0:7] HRDE HBRST HTA Legend: Timing conventions: 1 Valid value that can be 1 or 0 0 1 0 Don't care Three-state output signal that is not driven by the DSI Figure 13-87. Synchronous Single Write to MSC8102 DSI The DSI samples HA, HDST, HCID, HD, HWBE, HRDE, and HBRST on the first HCLKIN rising edge on which HCS is asserted. If HCID[0:3] match the CHIPID value, the DSI is accessed. At least one HWBE signal is asserted, and HRDE and HBRST are negated. Assertion of HTA indicates that the DSI is ready to complete the current access and the host must terminate this access. Because HTA is connected to the LUPWAIT signal of the UPM, all local bus signals are frozen until HTA goes to 0 and then the UPM continues in its pattern. Typically, HTA is asserted immediately. If the write buffer is full, HTA assertion is delayed. HTA is asserted for one HCLKIN cycle, driven to logic 1 in the next cycle, and stops being driven on the next rising edge of HCLKIN. The host can start its next access to the same MSC8102 immediately on the next HCLKIN rising edge without negating HCS between accesses. If the next access is not to the same MSC8102, then, to prevent contention on HTA, the host must wait to access the next device until the previous DSI stops driving HTA. The easiest way to achieve this is to insert idle cycles at the end of the UPM pattern to guarantee that HTA is inactive. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-107 Local Bus Controller Synchronous Single Read Figure 13-88 shows a synchronous single read access. HCLKIN HCS HCID[0:3] HA[11:29] HDST[0:1] HD[0:63] HWBE[0:7] HRDE HBRST HTA Legend: Timing conventions: 1 Valid value that can be 1 or 0 0 1 Don't care 0 Three-state output signal that is not driven by the DSI Figure 13-88. Synchronous Single Read from MSC8102 DSI The DSI samples HA, HDST, HCID, HWBE, HRDE, and HBRST on the first HCLKIN rising edge on which HCS is asserted. If the HCID[0:3] signals match the CHIPID value, the DSI is accessed. HRDE is asserted, and HWBE and HBRST are negated. If DCR[8]:RPE is set (see MSC8102 documentation), read access to the memory space (not to the register space) initiates prefetching data from consecutive addresses in the internal memory space. Assertion of HTA indicates that data is valid and the host must sample the HD and terminate the access. Because HTA is connected to the UPM LUPWAIT signal, all local bus signals are frozen until HTA goes to 0; then the UPM continues in its pattern. HTA is asserted earlier when the data for this access is already prefetched to the read buffer. It asserted for one HCLKIN cycle and driven to logic 1 in the next cycle. It stops being driven on the next rising edge of HCLKIN. The host can start its next access to the same MSC8102 immediately in the next HCLKIN rising edge without negating HCS between accesses. If the next access is not to the same MSC8102, then, to prevent contention on HTA, the host must wait to access the next device until the previous DSI stops driving HTA. The easiest way to achieve this is to insert idle cycles at the end of the UPM pattern to guarantee that HTA is inactive. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-108 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Synchronous Burst Write Figure 13-89 shows a synchronous burst write access. HCLKIN HCS HCID[0:3] HA[11:29] A HDST[0:1] HD[0:63] D(A) D(A+1) D(A+2) D(A+2) D(A+n) HWBE[0:7] HRDE HBRST HTA Legend: Timing conventions: 1 Valid value that can be 1 or 0 0 1 Don't care 0 n = 3 in 64-bit data bus interface n = 7 in 32-bit data bus interface Three-state output signal that is not driven by the DSI Figure 13-89. Synchronous Burst Write to MSC8102 DSI The DSI samples HA, HDST, HCID, HD, HWBE, HRDE, and HBRST on the first HCLKIN rising edge on which HCS is asserted. If HCID[0:3] match the CHIPID value, the DSI is accessed. HWBE are asserted, HBRST is asserted, and HRDE is negated. Assertion of HTA indicates that the DSI is ready to complete the current beat of the access and the host must proceed to the next beat of this access. When the host reaches the last beat of the access, it must terminate the burst access. Typically HTA is asserted immediately for each beat of the access. If the write buffer is full, HTA assertion is delayed. Because HTA is connected to the LUPWAIT signal of the UPM, all local bus signals are frozen until HTA goes to 0 and then the UPM continues in its pattern. After the last beat of the access, HTA is driven to logic 1 and stops being driven on the next rising edge of HCLKIN. The host can start its next access to the same MSC8102 immediately in the next HCLKIN rising edge without negating HCS between accesses. If the next access is not to the same MSC8102, then, to prevent contention on HTA, the host must wait to access the next device until the previous DSI stops driving HTA. The easiest way to achieve this is to insert idle cycles at the end of the UPM pattern to guarantee that HTA is inactive. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-109 Local Bus Controller Synchronous Burst Read Figure 13-90 shows a synchronous burst read access. The DSI samples HA, HDST, HCID, HWBE, HRDE, and HBRST on the first HCLKIN rising edge on which HCS is asserted. If HCID[0:3] match the CHIPID value, the DSI is accessed. HCLKIN HCS HCID[0:3] HA[11:29] A HDST[0:1] HD[0:63] D(A) D(A+1) D(A+2) D(A+2) D(A+n) HRDE HWBE[0:7] HBRST HTA Legend: Timing conventions: 1 Valid value that can be 1 or 0 0 1 Don't care 0 n = 3 in 64-bit data bus interface n = 7 in 32-bit data bus interface Three-state output signal that is not driven by the DSI Figure 13-90. Synchronous Burst Read from MSC8102 DSI HRDE and HBRST are asserted and HWBE are negated. When the DCR[8]:RPE bit (see the MSC8102 documentation) is set, a burst read access initiates data prefetching from consecutive addresses in the internal memory space. Assertion of HTA indicates that data is valid for the current beat of the access and the host must proceed to the next beat of this access. Because HTA is connected to the LUPWAIT signal of the UPM, all local bus signals are frozen until HTA goes to 0 and then the UPM continues in its pattern. When the host reaches the last beat of the access, it must terminate the burst access. The HTA is asserted earlier when the data for this access is already prefetched to the read buffer. Typically, after the first beat of the burst access, HTA remains asserted until the end of the access. After the last beat of the access, HTA is driven to 1 and stops being driven in the next rising edge of HCLKIN. The host can start its next access to the same MSC8102 immediately in the next HCLKIN rising edge without negating HCS between accesses. If the next access is not to the same MSC8102, to prevent contention on HTA, the host must wait to access the next device until the previous DSI stops driving the HTA signal. The easiest way to achieve this is insert idle cycles at the end of the UPM pattern to guarantee that HTA is inactive. Broadcast Accesses Using HBCS, a host can share one chip-select signal between multiple MSC8102 devices for broadcasting write accesses. In broadcast mode, the DSI does not drive its HTA signal to prevent contention between multiple devices driving different values to the same signal. Also, the DSI does not decode HCID[0:3]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-110 Freescale Semiconductor Local Bus Controller Note that broadcasting is allowed only for write accesses. The DSI sets the DSI error register (DER) OVF bit if there is an overflow during broadcast accesses. This bit can be cleared by writing a value of 1 to it. NOTE To avoid overflow when accessing DSI registers during broadcast accesses, wait at least 10 host clock cycles in synchronous mode or 8 internal clock cycles in asynchronous mode between each DSI register access. To avoid data corruption, if DER[0]:OVF is set, no broadcast access is written until the bit is reset. Therefore, after the last broadcast access, and before any regular write access, DER[0]:OVF must first be read and reset if it is set. NOTE In asynchronous mode, write data from a previous access (even a normal write access) may be lost due to overflow during broadcast accesses. To prevent such a loss, ensure that previous access data has propagated to the FIFO or DSI registers, depending on the type of previous access. This can be achieved by performing a read access prior to the first broadcast access. In broadcast accesses, the host must comply with the following rules: * In asynchronous mode, HWBS[0:3]/HDBS[0:3] assertion time should be at least the minimum, which is defined in the AC characteristics section of the MSC8102 Technical Data sheet. * In synchronous mode single access, the host must wait 1 cycle before terminating the access. Access signals must be in the same valid state during two positive edges of the host clock cycles. Access duration is two clock cycles (the DSI may translate accesses lasting longer than two clock cycles as two or more back-to-back accesses). * In synchronous mode burst accesses, broadcast accesses are not allowed. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13-111 Local Bus Controller MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 13-112 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 14 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 14.1 Overview The enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSECs) of the device interface to 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1 Gbps Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 networks and devices featuring generic 8-16-bit FIFO ports. For Ethernet, an external PHY or SerDes device is required to complete the interface to the media. Each eTSEC supports multiple standard media-independent interfaces, of which the FIFO interface bypasses the Ethernet MAC. Four eTSECs are available, providing flexible options for connectivity and control access at different speeds. The eTSEC provides the flexibility to accelerate the identification and retrieval of standard and non-standard protocols carried over Ethernet, including both IP versions 4 and 6 and TCP/UDP. CPU-intensive parsing and checksum operations can be optionally off-loaded to an eTSEC to accelerate existing TCP/IP stacks. On transmission, varying fractions of link bandwidth can be allocated to each of multiple transmit queues through a modified weighted round-robin scheduler. On receive, an arbitrary set of queue selection rules can be programmed into each eTSEC to implement flexible quality of service or firewall strategies based on high-level protocol identification. Without enabling these advanced features, each eTSEC emulates a PowerQUICC III TSEC, allowing existing driver software to be re-used with minimal change. Each eTSEC is organized as shown in Figure 14-1. 14.2 Features The eTSECs of the device include these distinctive features: * IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 820.3x, 802.3z, 802.3ac, 802.3ab compliant * Support for different Ethernet physical interfaces: -- 10/100 Mbps IEEE 802.3 GMII -- 1000 Mbps full-duplex IEEE 802.3 GMII -- 10/100 Mbps IEEE 802.3 MII and RMII -- 10/100 Mbps RGMII -- 1000 Mbps full-duplex RGMII -- 1000 Mbps IEEE 802.3z TBI -- Single-clock TBI -- 1000 Mbps full-duplex RTBI MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-1 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers To Host Memory Interface Tx DMA Rx DMA Rx FIFO 2 Kbyte Tx FIFO 10 Kbyte Tx FIFO control Rx FIFO control Tx Queue Scheduler Ethernet Address Filter Rx Filing Engine Ethernet/ IP/TCP/UDP Parser TCP/IP Checksum MAC Layer RMON Parallel Interface GMII RMII TBI Reduced Pin I/F Reduced Pin I/F To PHY To PHY To PHY or or Clocks GMII RGMII MII or RMII or To PHY RTBI or TBI MII Mgmt or FIFO Figure 14-1. eTSEC Block Diagram * * Support for four full-duplex FIFO interface modes -- Two 8-bit modes--GMII style and encoded packet -- Two 16-bit modes--GMII style and encoded packet -- Inter-packet and intra-packet flow control -- Optional CRC-32 generation and checking -- Minimal glue logic required to support POS PHY Level 3 conversion -- TCP/IP off-load and QoS features available in all FIFO modes, at up to OC-48 rates TCP/IP off-load -- IP v4 and IP v6 header recognition on receive -- IP v4 header checksum verification and generation MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-2 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * * * * -- TCP and UDP checksum verification and generation -- Per-packet configurable off-load -- Recognition of VLAN, stacked-VLAN, 802.2, PPPoE session, MPLS stacks, and ESP/AH IP-Security headers Quality of service (QoS) support -- Transmission from up to eight queues - Priority-based queue selection - Modified weighted round-robin queue selection with fair bandwidth allocation -- Reception to up to eight physical queues - 64 virtual receive queues overlaid on 8 physical buffer descriptor rings - Table-oriented queue filing strategy based on 16 header fields or flags - Frame rejection support for filtering applications - Filing based on Ethernet, IP, and TCP/UDP properties, including VLAN fields, Ether-type, IP protocol type, IP TOS or differentiated services, IP source and destination addresses, TCP/UDP port numbers Interrupt coalescing -- Packet-count-based thresholds for both receive and transmit -- Timer-based thresholds Full- and half-duplex Ethernet support (1000 Mbps supports only full duplex): -- IEEE 802.3 full-duplex flow control (automatic PAUSE frame generation or software programmed PAUSE frame generation and recognition) -- Programmable maximum frame length supports jumbo frames (up to 9.6 Kbytes) and IEEE 802.1 virtual local area network (VLAN) tags and priority -- VLAN insertion and deletion - Per-frame VLAN control word or default VLAN for each eTSEC - Extracted VLAN control word passed to software separately - Programmable VLAN tag to support metropolitan bridging -- Retransmission following a collision -- Support for CRC generation and verification of inbound/outbound packets -- Programmable Ethernet preamble insertion and extraction of up to 7 bytes MAC address recognition: -- Exact match on primary and virtual 48-bit unicast addresses - VRRP and HSRP support for seamless router fail-over - In addition to primary station address, up to fifteen additional exact-match MAC addresses supported -- Broadcast address (accept/reject) -- Hash table match on up to 256 unicast/multicast or 512 multicast-only addresses -- Promiscuous mode MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-3 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * * 14.3 RMON statistics support -- 32-bit byte counters -- Carry/Overflow of counter interrupts Backward compatibility with MPC8540E/MPC8560E (PowerQUICC III) TSEC -- PowerQUICC III buffer descriptor (BD) format and rings supported -- Common register memory map, with specific exceptions: - Out-of-sequence transmit BD not supported - Internal DMA BD pointers and data counts not visible - MINFLR register not supported -- Reset state of eTSEC defaults to common PowerQUICC III TSEC subset -- TSEC_ID register permits TSEC versus enhanced TSEC differentiation Modes of Operation The eTSEC's primary operational modes are the following: * Ethernet and FIFO operation The ECNTRL register's FIFO mode enable bit (ECNTRL[FIFM]) allows bypass of the Ethernet MAC and enables I/O through the FIFO interface sharing the normal GMII signals. eTSECs 0 and 1, 2, and 3 support an 8-bit FIFO interface independently. Pairs of GMII ports can be combined to create a 16-bit, full-duplex interface. If configured in FIFO mode, the FIFOCFG register determines operation. In FIFO mode data is transferred synchronously with respect to the external data clock, whose maximum is defined by a ratio of 4.2:1 (platform:TxClk) in GMII mode and a ratio of 3.2:1 (platform:TxClk) in encoded mode. * Full- and half-duplex operation This is determined by the MACCFG2 register's full-duplex bit (MACCFG2[Full Duplex]). Full-duplex mode is intended for use on point-to-point links between switches or end node to switch. Half-duplex mode is used in connections between an end node and a repeater or between repeaters. If configured in half-duplex mode (10- and 100-Mbps operation; MACCFG2[Full Duplex] is cleared), the MAC complies with the IEEE CSMA/CD access method. If configured in full-duplex mode (10/100/1000 Mbps operation; MACCFG2[Full Duplex] is set), the MAC supports flow control. If flow control is enabled, it allows the MAC to receive or send PAUSE frames. * 10- and 100-Mbps MII interface operation The MAC-PHY interface operates in MII mode by setting MACCFG2[I/F Mode] = 01. The MII is the media-independent interface defined by the 802.3 standard for 10/100 Mbps operation. The speed of operation is determined by the TSECn_TX_CLK and TSECn_RX_CLK signals, which are driven by the transceiver. The transceiver either auto-negotiates the speed, or it may be controlled by software using the serial management interface (MDC/MDIO signals) to the transceiver. Clause 22.2.4 of the IEEE 802.3 specification describes the MII management interface. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-4 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * * * * * * * * 10- and 100-Mbps RMII interface operation The RMII is the reduced media-independent interface defined by the RMII Consortium (March 1998) for 10/100 Mbps operation. The speed of operation is determined by the TSECn_TX_CLK signal, which is driven by the transceiver. 1000 Mbps GMII and TBI interface operation The MAC-PHY interface operates in GMII mode by setting MACCFG2[I/F Mode] = 10. The GMII is the gigabit media-independent interface defined by the 802.3 standard for 1000-Mbps operation. Independently, the MAC-PHY interface can also operate in TBI mode. Note that either the TBI or GMII interface is chosen, not both at the same time. TBI is the 10-bit interface which contains PCS functions (10-bit encoding/decoding) as defined by the 802.3 standard. In reduced-pin count mode (RGMII or RTBI), the MAC remains configured in GMII or TBI but the eTSEC muxes and decodes the input signals and provides the MAC with the expected interface. eTSEC provides the TSECn_GTX_CLK to the PHY in either GMII or TBI mode of operation. MAC address recognition options The options supported are promiscuous, broadcast, exact unicast address match, exact unicast virtual address match to support router redundancy, and multicast hash match. For detailed descriptions refer to Section, "Frame Recognition." eTSEC supports automatic LAN-initiated wake-up during power management via the AMD Magic PacketTM protocol, as described in Section, "Magic Packet Mode." Receive frame parsing options Frame parsing options are to disable parsing (no TCP/IP off-load), IP header parsing, and TCP or UDP parsing. Parsing must be enabled to make use of receive queue filing algorithms. The options are detailed in Section 14.6.4, "TCP/IP Off-Load." Receive queue selection options Received frames are by default sent to a single buffer descriptor ring. If multiple receive queues are enabled, a receive queue filer can be programmed with selection criteria to differentiate received frames and file them to different buffer descriptor rings. See Section 14.6.5, "Quality of Service (QoS) Provision," for detailed descriptions. TCP/IP transmit options Frames for transmission may be sent as-is, with IP header processing, or TCP header processing. The transmit buffer descriptors, described in Section, "Transmit Data Buffer Descriptors (TxBD)," enable these options and operate with parameters prepended to frame buffers, as described in Section 14.6.4, "TCP/IP Off-Load." Transmit queue selection options The options supported are single transmit queue, priority-based queue selection, and modified weighted round-robin queueing. These options are described further in Section, "Transmit Control Register (TCTRL)." RMON support Standard Ethernet interface MIBs can be generated via the RMON MIB counters. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-5 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * Internal loop back supported for all interfaces except when configured for half-duplex operation Internal loop back mode is selected via the loop back bit in the MACCFG1 register. See Section 14.7.1, "Interface Mode Configuration," for details. 14.4 External Signals Description This section defines the eTSEC interface signals. The buses are described using the bus convention used in IEEE 802.3 because the PHY follows this same convention. (That is, TxD[7:0] means 0 is the lsb.) Note that except for external physical interfaces the buses and registers follow a big-endian format, where 0 denotes the msb. Each eTSEC network interface supports multiple options: * The MII option requires 18 I/O signals (including the MDIO and MDC MII management interface) and supports both a data and a management interface to the PHY (transceiver) device. The MII option supports both 10- and 100-Mbps Ethernet rates. * The GMII option is a superset of the MII signals and supports a 1000-Mbps Ethernet rate. * The TBI interface shares signals with the GMII interface signals. * The RGMII, RTBI, and RMII options are reduced-pin implementations of the GMII, TBI, and MII interfaces, respectively. * Finally, the FIFO interfaces share the GMII signals--8 bits of data plus 3 bits of control signals. Table 14-1 lists the network interface signals. Table 14-1. eTSECn Network Interface Signal Properties Signal Name Reset State Function TSEC n_COL MII--collision, input FIFO--transmit flow control, input -- TSECn_CRS MII--carrier sense, input TBI--signal detect, input FIFO--receive flow control, output -- TSECn_GTX_CLK RTBI, RGMII--inverted transmit clock feedback, output TBI, FIFO--continuous transmit clock feedback, output GMII, MII, RMII--transmit clock feedback when transmission is enabled, zero otherwise, output 0 EC_GTX_CLK125 Oscillator source for GMII, TBI, RGMII, RTBI transmit clock, input, shared by all eTSECs -- EC_MDC TBI, RTBI, GMII, RGMII, MII, RMII--Management clock, output, shared by all eTSECs 0 EC_MDIO TBI, RTBI, GMII, RGMII, MII, RMII--Management data, bidirectional, shared by all eTSECs Hi-Z (input) TSECn_RX_CLK -- GMII, MII, RGMII--receive clock, input TBI--PMA receive clock 0, input FIFO--receive clock, input MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-6 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-1. eTSECn Network Interface Signal Properties (continued) Signal Name Function TSECn_RX_DV Reset State GMII, MII--receive data valid, input TBI--receive code group (RCG) bit 8, input RGMII (RX_CLK rising)--receive data valid, input RGMII (RX_CLK falling)--receive error, input RTBI (RX_CLK rising)--receive code group (RCG) bit 4, input RTBI (RX_CLK falling)--receive code group (RCG) bit 9, input RMII--CRS_DV carrier sense/data valid, input FIFO--receive data valid or receive control bit, input -- TSECn_RXD[7:4] GMII--receive data bits 7:4 input TBI--RCG bits 7:4, input FIFO--receive data bits 7:4 input RGMII, RTBI, RMII--unused -- TSECn_RXD[3:0] GMII, MII--Receive data bits 3:0, input TBI--RGC bits 3:0, input RGMII (RX_CLK rising) --Receive data bits 3:0, input RGMII (RX_CLK falling)--Receive data bits 7:4, input RTBI (RX_CLK rising)--RCG bits 3:0, input RTBI (RX_CLK falling)--RCG bits 8:5, input RMII--RXD[1:0] receive data bits, input RMII--RXD[3:2] are unused FIFO--Receive data bits 3:0, input -- TSEC n_RX_ER GMII, MII, RMII--Receive error, input TBI--RGC bit 9, input FIFO--Receive error or receive frame control bit, input RGMII, RTBI--Unused, output driven zero -- TSECn_TX_CLK MII--transmit clock, input TBI--PMA receive clock 1, input RMII--reference transmit and receive clock, input FIFO--transmit clock, input RGMII, RTBI--unused -- TSECn_TXD[7:4] GMII--transmit data bit 7:4, output TBI--transmit code group (TCG) bit 7:4, output FIFO--transmit data bit 7:4, output RGMII, RTBI, RMII--unused, output driven zero 0000 TSECn_TXD[3:0] GMII, MII--Transmit data bits 3:0, output TBI--TCG bits 3:0, output RGMII (TX_CLK rising)--Transmit data bits 3:0, output RGMII (TX_CLK falling)--Transmit data bits 7:4, output RTBI (TX_CLK rising)--TCG bits 3:0, output RTBI (TX_CLK falling)--TCG bits 8:5, output RMII--TXD[1:0] transmit data bits, output RMII--TXD[3:2] unused, output driven zero FIFO--Transmit data bits 3:0, output 0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-7 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-1. eTSECn Network Interface Signal Properties (continued) Signal Name Reset State Function TSEC n_TX_ER GMII, MII--transmit error, output RGMII, RTBI, RMII--unused, output driven zero TBI--TCG bit 9, output FIFO--transmit error or transmit frame control bit, output 0 TSEC n_TX_EN GMII, MII, RMII--Transmit data valid, output TBI--TCG bit 8, output RGMII (TX_CLK rising)--Transmit data enabled, output RGMII (TX_CLK falling)--Transmit error, output RTBI (TX_CLK rising)--TCG bit 4, output RTBI (TX_CLK falling)--TCG bit 9, output FIFO--Transmit data valid or transmit control bit, output 0 14.4.1 Detailed Signal Descriptions Below is a description of the eTSEC interface signals. For RGMII mode details please refer to the Hewlett-Packard reduced gigabit media-independent interface (RGMII) specification version 1.2a, dated 9/22/2000. RMII mode details follow the RMII Consortium Specification, dated 3/20/1998. All other modes follow the IEEE 802.3 standard, 2000 Edition. Input signals not used are internally disabled. Except for TSECn_GTX_CLK, output signals not used are driven low. Table 14-2. eTSEC Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O TSEC n_COL I Description Collision input. The behavior of this signal is not specified while in full-duplex mode. State Asserted/Negated--In MII mode, this signal is asserted upon detection of a collision, and Meaning must remain asserted while the collision persists. In FIFO mode this signal is used to effect flow control on the transmitter. This signal is not used in the eTSEC GMII, TBI, RMII, RTBI and RGMII modes. Timing Asserted/Negated--This signal is not required to transition synchronously with TSECn_TX_CLK or TSECn_RX_CLK. TSECn_CRS I Carrier sense input. In TBI and RTBI modes, this signal is used as SDET (signal detect). In TBI mode SDET must be tied high externally on the board. In RTBI mode SDET is tied high internally. This signal is not used in the eTSEC GMII, RMII, or RGMII modes. State Asserted/Negated--In MII mode, TSECn_TX_CLK is asserted while the transmit or Meaning receive medium is not idle. In the event of a collision, TSECn_CRS must remain asserted for the duration of the collision. Timing Asserted/Negated--This signal is not required to transition synchronously with TSECn_TX_CLK or TSECn_RX_CLK. O Receiver flow control signal in FIFO mode. This signal is not used in the eTSEC Ethernet modes. State Asserted/Negated--TSECn_CRS is asserted while the FIFO receiver is unprepared to Meaning accept additional receive data. Timing Asserted/Negated--This signal transitions synchronously with TSECn_RX_CLK. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-8 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-2. eTSEC Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description TSECn_GTX_CLK O Gigabit transmit clock. This signal is an output from the eTSEC into the PHY. In GMII, TBI, or RTBI mode TSECn_GTX_CLK is a 125 MHz clock that provides a timing reference for TX_EN, TXD, and TX_ER. In RGMII mode, TSECn_GTX_CLK becomes the transmit clock and provides timing reference during 1000Base-T (125 MHz), 100Base-T (25 MHz) and 10Base-T (2.5 MHz) transmissions. In RMII mode, TSECn_GTX_CLK feeds back the effective transmit clock according to the interface, 100Base-T is 25 MHz and 10Base-T is 2.5 MHz. This signal feeds back the uninverted transmit clock in MII or FIFO modes, but feeds back an inverted transmit clock in RTBI or RGMII modes. This signal is driven low unless transmission is enabled, or the eTSEC is in TBI or FIFO mode. EC_GTX_CLK125 I Gigabit transmit 125 MHz source. This signal must be generated externally with a crystal or oscillator, or is sometimes provided by the PHY. In GMII, RGMII, or RTBI or TBI mode, EC_GTX_CLK125 is a 125 MHz input into the eTSEC and is used to generate all 125-MHz related signals and clocks. This input is not used in MII, or RMII, or FIFO modes. EC_MDC O Management data clock. In MII, RMII, GMII, RGMII, TBI, or RTBI mode this signal is a clock (typically 2.5 MHz) supplied by the MAC. (IEEE set minimum period of 400 ns or a frequency of 2.5 MHz, but the device may be configured up to 12.5 MHz if supported by the PHY at that speed.) The frequency can be modified by writing to MIIMCFG[28:31] of the eTSEC1 controller. EC_MDIO I/O Management data input/output, BIDI State Asserted/Negated--In MII, RMII, GMII, RGMII, TBI, or RTBI mode EC_MDIO is a Meaning bidirectional signal to input PHY-supplied status during management read cycles and output control during MII management write cycles. Addressed using eTSEC1 memory-mapped registers. Timing Asserted/Negated--This signal is required to be synchronous with the EC_MDC signal. TSECn_RX_CLK I Receive clock. In GMII, MII, or RGMII mode, the receive clock TSECn_RX_CLK is a continuous clock (2.5, 25, or 125 MHz) that provides a timing reference for TSECn_RX_DV, TSECn_RXD, and TSECn_RX_ER. In TBI mode, TSECn_RX_CLK is the input for a 62.5 MHz PMA receive clock, 0 split phase with PMA_RX_CLK1 and is supplied by the SerDes. In RTBI mode it is a 125 MHz receive clock. In RMII mode this clock is not used for the receive clock, as RMII uses a shared reference clock. In FIFO mode the receive clock is a continuous clock whose maximum is defined by a ratio of 4.2:1 (platform:RxClk) in GMII mode and a ratio of 3.2:1 (platform:RxClk) in encoded mode. TSECn_RX_DV I Receive data valid. In GMII or MII mode, if TSECn_RX_DV is asserted, the PHY is indicating that valid data is present on the GMII and MII interfaces. In RGMII mode, TSECn_RX_DV becomes RX_CTL. The RX_DV and RX_ERR are received on this signal on the rising and falling edges of TSECn_RX_CLK. In TBI mode, TSECn_RX_DV represents receive code group (RCG) bit 8. Together, with RCG[9] and RCG[7:0], they represents the 10-bit encoded symbol of GMII receive signals. In RTBI mode, TSECn_RX_DV represents receive code group (RCG) bit 4 and 9. On the positive edge of the TSEC n_RX_CLK, RCG[4] and RCG[3:0] represent the first half of the 10-bit encoded symbol. On the negative edge of the TSEC n_RX_CLK, RCG[9] and RCG[8:5] represent the second half of the 10-bit encoded symbol. In RMII mode the PHY asserts TSECn_RX_DV (CRS_DV) when the receive medium is non-idle. This signal asserts asynchronously with respect to the RMII reference clock, but negates synchronously to indicate loss of carrier. In FIFO mode TSECn_RX_DV is used to indicate valid data (GMII-style protocols) or forms part of the receive control flags (encoded packet protocols). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-9 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-2. eTSEC Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description TSECn_RXD[7:0] I Receive data in. In GMII mode, TSECn_RXD[7:4] with TSECn_RXD[3:0], represent one complete octet of data to be transferred from the PHY to the MAC when TSECn_RX_DV is asserted. In TBI mode, TSECn_RXD[7:4] represents RCG[7:4]. Together, with RCG[9:8] and RCG[3:0], they represent the 10-bit encoded symbol of GMII receive signals. In GMII or MII mode, TSECn_RXD[3:0] represents a nibble of data to be transferred from the PHY to the MAC when TSECn_RX_DV is asserted. A completely-formed SFD must be passed across the MII. While TSEC n_RX_DV is not asserted, TSEC n_RXD has no meaning. In RGMII mode, data bits 3:0 are received on the rising edge of TSECn_RX_CLK. In RTBI mode, TSECn_RXD[3:0] represents RCG[3:0] on the rising edge of TSECn_RX_CLK and RCG[8:5] are received on the falling edge of TSECn_RX_CLK. In TBI mode, TSECn_RXD[3:0] represents RCG[3:0]. Together, with RCG[9:4], they represent the 10-bit encoded symbol of GMII receive signals. In RMII mode TSECn_RXD[1:0] represents RXD[1:0], which is considered valid when TSECn_RX_DV (CRS_DV) is asserted, or invalid otherwise. In FIFO mode TSECn_RXD[7:4] with TSEC n_RXD[3:0] represent one complete octet of data to be received from the external FIFO device. For 16-bit FIFO operation the TSECn_RXD[7:0] signals of a pair of eTSECs are combined to represent two octets of data. TSEC n_RX_ER I Receive error State Asserted/Negated--In GMII, MII, or RMII mode, if TSECn_RX_ER and TSECn_RX_DV Meaning are asserted, the PHY has detected an error in the current frame. In TBI mode, this signal represents RCG[9]. Together, with RCG[8:0], they represent the 10-bit encoded symbol of GMII receive signals. In FIFO mode, this signal represents either receive data error (GMII-style protocols) or forms part of the receive control flags (encoded packet protocols). This signal is not used in the RTBI or RGMII modes. TSECn_TX_CLK I Transmit clock in. In MII mode, TSECn_TX_CLK is a continuous clock (2.5 or 25 MHz) that provides a timing reference for the TSECn_TX_EN, TSECn_TXD, and TSECn_TX_ER signals. In GMII mode, this signal provides the 2.5 or 25 MHz timing reference during 10Base-T and 100Base-T and comes from the PHY. In 1000Base-T this clock is not used and TSEC n_GTX_CLK (125 MHz) becomes the timing reference. The TSECn_GTX_CLK is generated in the eTSEC and provided to the PHY and the MAC. The TSECn_TX_CLK is generated in the PHY and provided to the MAC. In TBI mode, this signal is PMA receive clock 1 at 62.5 MHz, split phase with PMA_RX_CLK0, and is supplied by the SerDes. In RMII mode this signal is the reference clock shared between transmit and receive, and is supplied by the PHY. In FIFO mode the transmit clock is a continuous clock whose maximum is defined by a ratio of 4.2:1 (platform:TxClk) in GMII mode and a ratio of 3.2:1 (platform:TxClk) in encoded mode. This signal is not used in the eTSEC RTBI or RGMII modes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-10 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-2. eTSEC Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description TSECn_TXD[7:4] O Transmit data out. In GMII mode, TSECn_TXD[7:0] represents one complete octet of data to be sent from the MAC to the PHY when TSEC_TX_DV is asserted and has no meaning while TSECn_TX_EN is negated. In TBI mode, TSECn_TXD[7:4] represents transmit code group (TCG) bits 7:4. Together, with TCG[9:8] and TCG[3:0], they represent the 10-bit encoded symbol. In GMII or MII mode, TSECn_TXD[3:0] represent a nibble of data to be sent from the MAC to the PHY when TSECn_TX_EN is asserted and have no meaning while TSECn_TX_EN is negated. In RGMII or RTBI mode, data bits 3:0 are transmitted on the rising edge of TSECn_TX_CLK, and data bits 7:4 are transmitted on the falling edge of TSECn_TX_CLK. In TBI mode, TSECn_TXD[3:0] represents TCG[3:0]. Together, with TCG[9:4], they represent the 10-bit encoded symbol. In RMII mode, TSECn_TXD[1:0] represents TXD[1:0], which is valid data sent to the PHY when TSECn_TX_EN is asserted, or undefined otherwise. In FIFO mode, TSECn_TXD[7:4] with TSECn_TXD[3:0] represent one complete octet of data to be received from the external FIFO device. For 16-bit FIFO operation the TSECn_TXD[7:0] signals of a pair of eTSECs are combined to represent two octets of data. Note that some of these signals are also used during reset to configure the eTSEC interface mode. TSEC n_TX_EN O Transmit data valid. In GMII, MII, or RMII mode, if TSEC n_TX_EN is asserted, the MAC is indicating that valid data is present on the GMII's or the MII's TSECn_TXD signals. In RGMII mode, TSECn_TX_EN becomes TX_CTL. TX_EN and TX_ERR are asserted on this signal on rising and falling edges of the TSECn_TX_CLK, respectively. In TBI mode, TSECn_TX_EN represents TCG[8]. Together, with TCG[9] and TCG[7:0], they represent the 10-bit encoded symbol. In RTBI mode, TSECn_TX_EN represents TCG[4] on the rising edge and TCG[9] on the falling edge of TSECn_TX_CLK, respectively. Together with TCG[3:0] and TCG[8:5], they represent the 10-bit encoded symbol. In FIFO mode TSECn_TX_EN is used to indicate valid data (GMII-style protocols) or forms part of the transmit control flags (encoded packet protocols). TSEC n_TX_ER O Transmit error. In GMII or MII mode, assertion of TSECn_TX_ER for one or more clock cycles while TSECn_TX_EN is asserted causes the PHY to transmit one or more illegal symbols. Asserting TSECn_TX_ER has no effect while operating at 10 Mbps or while TSECn_TX_EN is negated. This signal transitions synchronously with respect to TSECn_TX_CLK. In TBI mode, TSEC n_TX_ER represents TCG[9]. Together, with TCG[8:0], they represents the 10-bit encoded symbol. In FIFO mode TSECn_TX_ER represents either transmit data error (GMII-style protocols) or forms part of the transmit control flags (encoded packet protocols). This signal is not used in the eTSEC RMII, RTBI, or RGMII modes and is driven low. 14.5 Memory Map/Register Definition The eTSECs use a software model that is a superset of the PowerQUICC III TSEC functionality and is similar to that employed by the Fast Ethernet function supported on the Freescale MPC8260 CPM FCC and in the FEC of the MPC860T. The eTSEC device is programmed by a combination of control/status registers (CSRs) and buffer descriptors. The CSRs are used for mode control, interrupts, and to extract status information. The descriptors are used to pass data buffers and related buffer status or frame information between the hardware and software. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-11 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers All accesses to and from the registers must be made as 32-bit accesses. There is no support for accesses of sizes other than 32 bits. Writes to reserved register bits must always store 0, as writing 1 to reserved bits may have unintended side-effects. Reads from unmapped register addresses return zero. Unless otherwise specified, the read value of reserved bits in mapped registers is not defined, and must not be assumed to be 0. This section of the document defines the memory map and describes the registers in detail. The buffer descriptor is described in Section 14.6.6, "Buffer Descriptors." The ten-bit interface (TBI) module MII registers are also described in this section. The TBI registers are defined like PHY registers and, as such, are accessed via the MII management interface in the same way the PHYs are accessed. For detailed descriptions of the TBI registers (the MII register set for the ten-bit interface) refer to Section 14.5.4, "Ten-Bit Interface (TBI)." 14.5.1 Top-Level Module Memory Map Each of the four eTSECs is allocated 4 Kbytes of memory-mapped space. The space for each eTSEC is divided as indicated in Table 14-3. Table 14-3. Module Memory Map Summary Address Offset 14.5.2 Function 000-0FF eTSEC general control/status registers 100-2FF eTSEC transmit control/status registers 300-4FF eTSEC receive control/status registers 500-5FF MAC registers 600-7FF RMON MIB registers 800-8FF Hash table registers 900-9FF -- A00-AFF FIFO control/status registers B00-BFF DMA system registers C00-FFF -- Detailed Memory Map Table 14-4 lists the address, name, and a cross-reference to the complete description of each register. The offsets to the memory map table are defined for all four eTSECs. That is, eTSEC1 starts at 0x2_4000 address offset, and eTSEC2 starts at 0x2_5000 address offset, eTSEC3 starts at 0x2_6000 address offset, and eTSEC4 starts at 0x2_7000 address offset. The registers for eTSEC1 are listed in Table 14-4, but the registers for the other eTSECs are not. Note that the registers are the same for eTSEC2-eTSEC4 except that the offset changes as previously explained and as noted at the end of Table 14-4. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-12 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * * * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. Mixed indicates a combination of access types. Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 14-4. Module Memory Map eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page eTSEC General Control and Status Registers 0x2_4000 TSEC_ID*--Controller ID register R 0x0124_0000 0x2_4004 TSEC_ID2*--Controller ID register R 0x0030_00F0 0x2_4008- Reserved 0x2_400C -- -- -- 0x2_4010 IEVENT--Interrupt event register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x2_4014 IMASK--Interrupt mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4018 EDIS--Error disabled register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4028 PTV--Pause time value register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_402C DMACTRL--DMA control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4030 TBIPA--TBI PHY address register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_401C Reserved 0x2_4020 ECNTRL--Ethernet control register 0x2_4024 Reserved 0x2_4034- Reserved 0x2_404C eTSEC FIFO Control and Status Registers 0x2_4058 FIFO_RX_ALARM--FIFO receive alarm start threshold register R/W 0x0000_0040 0x2_405C FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF--FIFO receive alarm shut-off threshold register R/W 0x0000_0080 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0080 -- -- -- 0x2_4098 FIFO_TX_STARVE--FIFO transmit starve register R/W 0x0000_0040 0x2_409C FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF--FIFO transmit starve shut-off register R/W 0x0000_0080 -- -- -- 0x2_4060- Reserved 0x2_4088 0x2_408C FIFO_TX_THR--FIFO transmit threshold register 0x2_4090- Reserved 0x2_4094 0x2_40A0- Reserved 0x2_40FC eTSEC Transmit Control and Status Registers 0x2_4100 TCTRL--Transmit control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4104 TSTAT--Transmit status register w1c 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-13 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page R/W 0x8100_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4110 TXIC--Transmit interrupt coalescing register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4114 TQUEUE*--Transmit queue control register R/W 0x0000_8000 -- -- -- 0x2_4140 TR03WT*--TxBD Rings 0-3 round-robin weightings R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4144 TR47WT*--TxBD Rings 4-7 round-robin weightings R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4180 TBDBPH*--Tx data buffer pointer high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4184 TBPTR0--TxBD pointer for ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4200 TBASEH--TxBD base address high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4204 TBASE0--TxBD base address of ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4108 DFVLAN*--Default VLAN control word 0x2_410C Reserved 0x2_4118- Reserved 0x2_413C 0x2_4148- Reserved 0x2_417C 0x2_4188 Reserved 0x2_418C TBPTR1*--TxBD pointer for ring 1 0x2_4190 Reserved 0x2_4194 TBPTR2*--TxBD pointer for ring 2 0x2_4198 Reserved 0x2_419C TBPTR3*--TxBD pointer for ring 3 0x2_41A0 Reserved 0x2_41A4 TBPTR4*--TxBD pointer for ring 4 0x2_41A8 Reserved 0x2_41AC TBPTR5*--TxBD pointer for ring 5 0x2_41B0 Reserved 0x2_41B4 TBPTR6*--TxBD pointer for ring 6 0x2_41B8 Reserved 0x2_41BC TBPTR7*--TxBD pointer for ring 7 0x2_41C0- Reserved 0x2_41FC 0x2_4208 Reserved 0x2_420C TBASE1*--TxBD base address of ring 1 0x2_4210 Reserved 0x2_4214 TBASE2*--TxBD base address of ring 2 0x2_4218 Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-14 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 0x2_421C TBASE3*--TxBD base address of ring 3 0x2_4220 Reserved 0x2_4224 TBASE4*--TxBD base address of ring 4 0x2_4228 Reserved 0x2_422C TBASE5*--TxBD base address of ring 5 0x2_4230 Reserved 0x2_4234 TBASE6*--TxBD base address of ring 6 0x2_4238 Reserved 0x2_423C TBASE7*--TxBD base address of ring 7 0x2_4240- Reserved 0x2_42FC Access 2 Reset Section/Page R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- eTSEC Receive Control and Status Registers 0x2_4300 RCTRL--Receive control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4304 RSTAT--Receive status register w1c 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4310 RXIC--Receive interrupt coalescing register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4314 RQUEUE*--Receive queue control register. R/W 0x0080_0080 -- -- -- 0x2_4330 RBIFX*--Receive bit field extract control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4334 RQFAR*--Receive queue filing table address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4338 RQFCR*--Receive queue filing table control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_433C RQFPR*--Receive queue filing table property register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4340 MRBLR--Maximum receive buffer length register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4380 RBDBPH*--Rx data buffer pointer high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4384 RBPTR0--RxBD pointer for ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4308- Reserved 0x2_430C 0x2_4318- Reserved 0x2_432C 0x2_4344- Reserved 0x2_437C 0x2_4388 Reserved 0x2_438C RBPTR1*--RxBD pointer for ring 1 0x2_4390 Reserved 0x2_4394 RBPTR2*--RxBD pointer for ring 2 0x2_4398 Reserved 0x2_439C RBPTR3*--RxBD pointer for ring 3 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-15 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4400 RBASEH--RxBD base address high bits R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4404 RBASE0--RxBD base address of ring 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4500 MACCFG1--MAC configuration register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4504 MACCFG2--MAC configuration register 2 R/W 0x0000_7000 0x2_4508 IPGIFG--Inter-packet/inter-frame gap register R/W 0x4060_5060 0x2_450C HAFDUP--Half-duplex control R/W 0x00A1_F037 0x2_4510 MAXFRM--Maximum frame length R/W 0x0000_0600 0x2_43A0 Reserved 0x2_43A4 RBPTR4*--RxBD pointer for ring 4 0x2_43A8 Reserved 0x2_43AC RBPTR5*--RxBD pointer for ring 5 0x2_43B0 Reserved 0x2_43B4 RBPTR6*--RxBD pointer for ring 6 0x2_43B8 Reserved 0x2_43BC RBPTR7*--RxBD pointer for ring 7 0x2_43C0- Reserved 0x2_43FC 0x2_4408 Reserved 0x2_440C RBASE1*--RxBD base address of ring 1 0x2_4410 Reserved 0x2_4414 RBASE2*--RxBD base address of ring 2 0x2_4418 Reserved 0x2_441C RBASE3*--RxBD base address of ring 3 0x2_4420 Reserved 0x2_4424 RBASE4*--RxBD base address of ring 4 0x2_4428 Reserved 0x2_442C RBASE5*--RxBD base address of ring 5 0x2_4430 Reserved 0x2_4434 RBASE6*--RxBD base address of ring 6 0x2_4438 Reserved 0x2_443C RBASE7*--RxBD base address of ring 7 0x2_4440- Reserved 0x2_44FC eTSEC MAC Registers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-16 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page -- -- -- 0x2_4520 MIIMCFG--MII management configuration R/W 0x0000_0007 0x2_4524 MIIMCOM--MII management command R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4528 MIIMADD--MII management address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_452C MIIMCON--MII management control WO 0x0000_0000 0x2_4530 MIIMSTAT--MII management status R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4534 MIIMIND--MII management indicator R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4538 Reserved -- -- -- 0x2_453C IFSTAT--Interface status R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4540 MACSTNADDR1--MAC station address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4544 MACSTNADDR2--MAC station address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4548 MAC01ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 1, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_454C MAC01ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 1, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4550 MAC02ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 2, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4554 MAC02ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 2, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4558 MAC03ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 3, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_455C MAC03ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 3, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4560 MAC04ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 4, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4564 MAC04ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 4, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4568 MAC05ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 5, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_456C MAC05ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 5, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4570 MAC06ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 6, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4574 MAC06ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 6, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4578 MAC07ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 7, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_457C MAC07ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 7, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4580 MAC08ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 8, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4584 MAC08ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 8, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4588 MAC09ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 9, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_458C MAC09ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 9, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4590 MAC10ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 10, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4514- Reserved 0x2_451C MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-17 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page 0x2_4594 MAC10ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 10, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4598 MAC11ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 11, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_459C MAC11ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 11, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45A0 MAC12ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 12, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45A4 MAC12ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 12, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45A8 MAC13ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 13, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45AC MAC13ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 13, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45B0 MAC14ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 14, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45B4 MAC14ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 14, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45B8 MAC15ADDR1*--MAC exact match address 15, part 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_45BC MAC15ADDR2*--MAC exact match address 15, part 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_45C0- Reserved 0x2_467C eTSEC Transmit and Receive Counters 0x2_4680 TR64--Transmit and receive 64-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4684 TR127--Transmit and receive 65- to 127-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4688 TR255--Transmit and receive 128- to 255-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_468C TR511--Transmit and receive 256- to 511-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4690 TR1K--Transmit and receive 512- to 1023-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4694 TRMAX--Transmit and receive 1024- to 1518-byte frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4698 TRMGV--Transmit and receive 1519- to 1522-byte good VLAN frame count R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_469C RBYT--Receive byte counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46A0 RPKT--Receive packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46A4 RFCS--Receive FCS error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46A8 RMCA--Receive multicast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46AC RBCA--Receive broadcast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46B0 RXCF--Receive control frame packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46B4 RXPF--Receive PAUSE frame packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46B8 RXUO--Receive unknown OP code counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46BC RALN--Receive alignment error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46C0 RFLR--Receive frame length error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46C4 RCDE--Receive code error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46C8 RCSE--Receive carrier sense error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 eTSEC Receive Counters MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-18 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page 0x2_46CC RUND--Receive undersize packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46D0 ROVR--Receive oversize packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46D4 RFRG--Receive fragments counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46D8 RJBR--Receive jabber counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46DC RDRP--Receive drop counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46E0 TBYT--Transmit byte counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46E4 TPKT--Transmit packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46E8 TMCA--Transmit multicast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46EC TBCA--Transmit broadcast packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46F0 TXPF--Transmit PAUSE control frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46F4 TDFR--Transmit deferral packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46F8 TEDF--Transmit excessive deferral packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_46FC TSCL--Transmit single collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4700 TMCL--Transmit multiple collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4704 TLCL--Transmit late collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4708 TXCL--Transmit excessive collision packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_470C TNCL--Transmit total collision counter R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4714 TDRP--Transmit drop frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4718 TJBR--Transmit jabber frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_471C TFCS--Transmit FCS error counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4720 TXCF--Transmit control frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4724 TOVR--Transmit oversize frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4728 TUND--Transmit undersize frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_472C TFRG--Transmit fragments frame counter R/W 0x0000_0000 eTSEC Transmit Counters 0x2_4710 Reserved eTSEC Counter Control and TOE Statistics Registers 0x2_4730 CAR1--Carry register one register3 R 0x0000_0000 3 R 0x0000_0000 0x2_4738 CAM1--Carry register one mask register R/W 0xFE03_FFFF 0x2_473C CAM2--Carry register two mask register R/W 0x000F_FFFD 0x2_4740 RREJ*--Receive filer rejected packet counter R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4734 CAR2--Carry register two register 0x2_4744- Reserved 0x2_47FC MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-19 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page 0x2_4800 IGADDR0--Individual/group address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4804 IGADDR1--Individual/group address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4808 IGADDR2--Individual/group address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_480C IGADDR3--Individual/group address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4810 IGADDR4--Individual/group address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4814 IGADDR5--Individual/group address register 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4818 IGADDR6--Individual/group address register 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_481C IGADDR7--Individual/group address register 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x2_4880 GADDR0--Group address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4884 GADDR1--Group address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4888 GADDR2--Group address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_488C GADDR3--Group address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4890 GADDR4--Group address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4894 GADDR5--Group address register 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4898 GADDR6--Group address register 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_489C GADDR7--Group address register 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_00C0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0x2_4BF8 ATTR--Attribute register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4BFC ATTRELI--Attribute extract length and extract index register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2_4C00- Reserved 0x2_4D94 -- -- -- 0x2_4D98- Reserved 0x2_4FFF -- -- -- Hash Function Registers 0x2_4820- Reserved 0x2_487C 0x2_48A0- Reserved 0x2_49FC eTSEC FIFO Control Registers 0x2_4A00 FIFOCFG*--FIFO interface configuration register 0x2_4A04- Reserved 0x2_4AFC eTSEC DMA Attribute Registers 0x2_4B00- Reserved 0x2_4BF4 eTSEC Future Expansion Space MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-20 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-4. Module Memory Map (continued) eTSEC1 Offset Name1 Access 2 Reset Section/Page eTSECs 2, 3, and 4 0x2_5000- eTSEC2 0x2_5FFF REGISTERS4 0x2_6000- eTSEC3 REGISTERS5 0x2_6FFF 0x2_7000- eTSEC4 REGISTERS6 0x2_7FFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 Registers denoted * are new to the enhanced TSEC and not supported by PowerQUICC III TSECs. Key: R = read only, WO = write only, R/W = read and write, LH = latches high, SC = self-clearing. Cleared on read. eTSEC2 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for eTSEC1 from 0x 2_4000 to 0x2_4FFF, except the offsets are from 0x 2_5000 to 0x2_5FFF. eTSEC3 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for eTSEC1 from 0x 2_4000 to 0x2_4FFF, except the offsets are from 0x 2_6000 to 0x2_6FFF. eTSEC4 has the same memory-mapped registers that are described for eTSEC1 from 0x 2_4000 to 0x2_4FFF, except the offsets are from 0x 2_7000 to 0x2_7FFF. 14.5.3 Memory-Mapped Register Descriptions This section provides a detailed description of all the eTSEC registers. Because all of the eTSEC registers are 32 bits wide, only 32-bit register accesses are supported. eTSEC General Control and Status Registers This section describes general control and status registers used for both transmitting and receiving Ethernet frames. All of the registers are 32 bits wide. Controller ID Register (TSEC_ID) The controller ID register (TSEC_ID) is a read-only register. The TSEC_ID register is used to identify the eTSEC block and revision. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4000; eTSEC2:0x2_5000; eTSEC3:0x2_6000; eTSEC4:0x2_7000 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R 23 24 TSEC_ID 31 TSEC_REV_MJ TSEC_REV_MN W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-2. TSEC_ID Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-21 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-9 describes the fields of the TSEC_ID register. Table 14-5. TSEC_ID Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 TSEC_ID 16-23 TSEC_REV_MJ 24-31 TSEC_REV_MN Value identifies the minor revision of the eTSEC. 00 Initial revision Description Value identifying the eTSEC (10/100/1000 Ethernet MAC). 0124 Unique identifier for eTSEC with 8 Rx and 8 Tx BD rings. Value identifies the major revision of the eTSEC. 00 Initial revision Controller ID Register (TSEC_ID2) The controller ID register (TSEC_ID2) is a read-only register. The TSEC_ID2 register is used to identify the eTSEC block configuration. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4004; eTSEC2:0x2_5004; eTSEC3:0x2_6004; eTSEC4:0x2_7004 0 9 R Reset 0 10 0 0 0 0 15 16 23 24 TSEC_INT -- W Access: Read only 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 31 TSEC_CFG -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-3. TSEC_ID2 Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-22 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-6 describes the fields of the TSEC_ID2 register. Table 14-6. TSEC_ID2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-15 TSEC_INT Description Reserved Interface mode support. Bit Mode 10 0 Ethernet mode not supported 1 Ethernet mode supported 11 0 FIFO mode not supported 1 FIFO mode supported 12 0 Can be configured to run in FIFO 16-bit mode 1 FIFO 16-bit mode off 13 0 Can be configured to run in FIFO 8-bit mode 1 FIFO 8-bit mode off 14 0 Can be configured to run in Ethernet normal/full mode 1 Ethernet normal/full mode off 15 0 Can be configured to run in Ethernet reduced mode 1 Ethernet reduced mode off For eTSEC1: 0x30 For eTSEC2: 0x38 For eTSEC3: 0x38 For eTSEC4: 0x2E 16-23 -- 24-31 TSEC_CFG Reserved Value identifies configuration options of the eTSEC. 00 eTSEC multiple ring, Rx TOE, Filer and Tx TOE supports are off F0 eTSEC multiple ring, Rx TOE, Filer and Tx TOE supports are on 30 eTSEC multiple ring support is OFF and Rx TOE, Filer and Tx TOE supports are on 50 eTSEC multiple ring and filer supports are OFF and Rx TOE and Tx TOE supports are on Interrupt Event Register (IEVENT) Interrupt events cause bits in the IEVENT register to be set. Software may poll this register at any time to check for pending interrupts. If an event occurs and its corresponding enable bit is set in the interrupt mask register (IMASK), the event also causes a hardware interrupt at the PIC. A bit in the interrupt event register is cleared by writing a 1 to that bit position. A write of 0 has no effect. Each eTSEC can issue three kinds of hardware interrupt to the PIC: 1. Transmit interrupts--Issued whenever bits TXB or TXF of IEVENT are set to 1 and either transmit interrupt coalescing is disabled or the interrupt coalescing thresholds have been met for TXF. To negate this hardware interrupt, software must clear both TXB and TXF bits. 2. Receive interrupts--Issued whenever bits RXB or RXF of IEVENT are set to 1 and either receive interrupt coalescing is disabled or the interrupt coalescing thresholds have been met for RXF. To negate this hardware interrupt, software must clear both RXB and RXF bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-23 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 3. Error and diagnostic interrupts--Issued whenever bits MAG, GTSC, GRSC, TXC, RXC, BABR, BABT, LC, CRL, FIR, FIQ, DPE, PERR, EBERR, TXE, XFUN or BSY of IEVENT are set to 1. Software must clear all of these bits to negate an error/diagnostic hardware interrupt. -- Magic Packet reception event is: MAG -- Operational diagnostics are events on: GTSC, GRSC, TXC and RXC -- Interrupts resulting from errors/problems detected in the network or transceiver are: BABR, BABT, LC and CRL -- Interrupts resulting from internal errors are: FIR, FIQ, DPE, PERR, EBERR, TXE, XFUN and BSY Some of the error interrupts are independently counted in the management information base (MIB) block counters. Software may choose to mask off these interrupts because these errors are visible to network management via the MIB counters. Figure 14-4 describes the definition for the IEVENT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4010; eTSEC2: 0x2_5010; eTSEC3:0x2_6010; eTSEC4:0x2_7010 1 2 3 R BABR 0 RXC BSY EBERR W w1c w1c w1c w1c 4 -- Access: w1c 5 6 MSRO GTSC w1c w1c Reset 8 9 10 11 12 w1c w1c w1c 23 24 25 w1c w1c -- 13 14 15 LC CRL XFUN w1c w1c w1c All zeros 16 17 R RXB W 7 BABT TXC TXE TXB TXF w1c Reset 18 -- 19 20 21 22 MAG MMRD MMWR GRSC RXF w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 26 -- 27 28 29 30 31 FIR FIQ DPE PERR w1c w1c w1c w1c All zeros Figure 14-4. IEVENT Register Definition Table 14-7 describes the fields of the IEVENT register. Table 14-7. IEVENT Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 BABR Babbling receive error. This bit indicates that a frame was received with length in excess of the MAC's maximum frame length register while MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is set. 0 Excessive frame not received. 1 Excessive frame received. 1 RXC Receive control interrupt. A control frame was received while MACCFG1[Rx_Flow] is set. As soon as the transmitter finishes sending the current frame, a pause operation is performed. 0 Control frame not received. 1 Control frame received. 2 BSY Busy condition interrupt. Indicates that a frame was received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. 0 No frame received and discarded. 1 Frame received and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-24 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-7. IEVENT Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 3 Name Description EBERR Internal bus error. This bit indicates that a system bus error occurred while a DMA transaction was underway. As a result, transferred data is expected to be partially or completely invalid. 0 No system bus error occurred. 1 System bus error occurred. 4 -- Reserved 5 MSRO MIB counter overflow. This interrupt is asserted if the count for one of the MIB counters has exceeded the size of its register. 0 MIB count not exceeding its register size. 1 MIB count exceeds its register size. 6 GTSC Graceful transmit stop complete. This interrupt is asserted for one of two reasons. Graceful stop means that the transmitter is put into a pause state after completion of the frame currently being transmitted. * A graceful stop, which was initiated by setting DMACTRL[GTS], is now complete. * A transmission of a flow control PAUSE frame, which was initiated by setting TCTRL[TFC_PAUSE], is now complete. 0 No graceful stop interrupt. 1 Graceful stop requested. 7 BABT Babbling transmit error. This bit indicates that the transmitted frame length has exceeded the value in the MAC's maximum frame length register and MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is cleared. Frame truncation occurs when this condition occurs. 0 Transmitted frame length not exceeding maximum frame length. 1 Transmitted frame length exceeding maximum frame length when MACCFG2[Huge Frame] = 0. 8 TXC Transmit control interrupt. This bit indicates that a control frame was transmitted. 0 Control frame not transmitted. 1 Control frame transmitted. 9 TXE Transmit error. This bit indicates that an error occurred on the transmitted channel that has caused TSTAT[THLT] to be set by the eTSEC. This bit is set whenever any transmit error occurs that causes the transmitter to halt (EBERR, LC, CRL, XFUN). 0 No transmit channel error occurred. 1 Transmit channel error occurred. 10 TXB Transmit buffer. This bit indicates that a transmit buffer descriptor was updated whose I (interrupt) bit was set in its status word and was not the last buffer descriptor of the frame. 0 No transmit buffer descriptor updated. 1 Transmit buffer descriptor updated. 11 TXF Transmit frame interrupt. This bit indicates that a frame was transmitted and that the last corresponding transmit buffer descriptor (TxBD) was updated. This only occurs if the I (interrupt) bit in the status word of the buffer descriptor is set. The specific transmit queue that was updated has its TXF bit set in TSTAT. 0 No frame transmitted/TxBD not updated. 1 Frame transmitted/TxBD updated. 12 -- Reserved 13 LC Late collision. This bit indicates that a collision occurred beyond the collision window (slot time) in half-duplex mode. The frame is truncated with a bad CRC and the remainder of the frame is discarded. 0 No late collision occurred. 1 Late collision occurred. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-25 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-7. IEVENT Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 14 CRL Collision retry limit. This bit indicates that the number of successive transmission collisions has exceeded the MAC's half-duplex register's retransmission maximum count (HAFDUP[Retransmission Maximum]). The frame is discarded without being transmitted and transmission of the next frame commences. This only occurs while in half-duplex mode. 0 Successive transmission collisions do not exceed maximum. 1 Successive transmission collisions exceed maximum. 15 XFUN Transmit FIFO underrun. This bit indicates that the transmit FIFO became empty before the complete frame was transmitted. 0 Transmit FIFO not underrun. 1 Transmit FIFO underrun. 16 RXB Receive buffer. This bit indicates that a receive buffer descriptor was updated which had the I (Interrupt) bit set in its status word and was not the last buffer descriptor of the frame. 0 Receive buffer descriptor not updated. 1 Receiver buffer descriptor updated. 17-19 -- 20 MAG 21 MMRD 22 MMWR MII management write completion 0 MII management write not issued or in process. 1 MII management write completed that was initiated by a user write to the MIIMCON register. 23 GRSC Graceful receive stop complete. This interrupt is asserted if a graceful receive stop is completed. It allows the user to know if the system has completed the stop and it is safe to write to receive registers (status, control or configuration registers) that are used by the system during normal operation. 0 Graceful stop not completed. 1 Graceful stop completed. 24 RXF Receive frame interrupt. This bit indicates that a frame was received and the last receive buffer descriptor (RxBD) in that frame was updated. This occurs either if the I (interrupt) bit in the buffer descriptor status word is set, or an overrun error occurs. The specific receive queue that was updated has its RXF bit set in RSTAT. 0 Frame not received. 1 Frame received. 25-27 -- Reserved 28 FIR The receive queue filer result is invalid, either because not enough time between frames was available to find a matching rule, or no entry in the filer table could be matched. 0 Receive queue filer reached a definite result; however, bit FIQ may still be set if a frame was filed to a disabled RxBD ring. 1 Receive queue filer was unable to reach a definite result. In this case, bit FIQ will also be set if no entry in the filer table could provide a rule match. Reserved Magic Packet detected when the eTSEC is in Magic Packet detection mode (MACCFG2[MPEN] = 1). 0 No Magic Packet received, or Magic Packet mode was not enabled. 1 A Magic Packet was received while in Magic Packet mode. MACCFG2[MPEN] is also cleared upon receiving the Magic Packet. MII management read completion 0 MII management read not issued or in process. 1 MII management read completed that was initiated by a user through the MII Scan or Read cycle command. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-26 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-7. IEVENT Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 29 FIQ Filed frame to invalid receive queue. This bit indicates that either the receive queue filer chose to DMA a received frame to a disabled RxBD ring, or that no rule in the filer table could be matched. 0 Received frames filed to valid queues or rejected. Note that a frame may be rejected if the filer has insufficient time to reach a conclusive result between frames, in which case bit FIR is set. 1 Received frames filed to RxBD rings that are not enabled. The frame is discarded. If bit FIR is also set this indicates that the filer exhausted all of its table entries without a rule match. 30 DPE Internal data parity error. This bit indicates that the eTSEC has detected a parity error on its stored data, which is likely to compromise the validity of recently transferred frames. 0 No parity errors detected. 1 Data held in the FIFO or filer arrays is expected to be corrupted due to a parity error. 31 PERR Receive frame parse error for TCP/IP off-load. This bit indicates that a received frame could not be parsed unambiguously, due to encapsulated header type fields contradicting each other. 0 Received frame parsed successfully. 1 Received frame parse revealed header inconsistencies. Description Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK) The interrupt mask register provides control over which possible interrupt events in the IEVENT register are permitted to participate in generating hardware interrupts to the PIC. All implemented bits in this register are R/W and cleared upon a hardware reset. If the corresponding bits in both the IEVENT and IMASK registers are set, the PIC will receive an interrupt (for each eTSEC these are grouped into transmit, receive, and error/diagnostic interrupts). The interrupt signal remains asserted until either the IEVENT bit is cleared, by writing a 1 to it, or by writing a 0 to the corresponding IMASK bit. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-27 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Figure 14-5 describes the IMASK register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4014; eTSEC2:0x2_5014; eTSEC3:0x2_6014; eTSEC4:0x2_7014 R W Access: Read/Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BREN RXCEN BSYEN EBERREN -- MSROEN GTSCEN BTEN Reset R W All zeros 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TXCEN TXEEN TXBEN TXFEN -- LCEN CRLEN XFUNEN 20 21 22 23 MAGEN MMRDEN MMWREN GRSCEN 28 29 30 31 FIREN FIQEN DPEEN PERREN Reset All zeros 16 R W 17 RXBEN 19 -- Reset All zeros 24 R W 25 RXFEN 27 -- Reset All zeros Figure 14-5. IMASK Register Definition Table 14-8 describes the fields of the IMASK register. Table 14-8. IMASK Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 BREN 1 RXCEN Receive control interrupt enable 2 BSYEN Busy interrupt enable 3 EBERREN 4 -- 5 MSROEN MIB counter overflow interrupt enable 6 GTSCEN Graceful transmit stop complete interrupt enable 7 BTEN 8 TXCEN Transmit control interrupt enable 9 TXEEN Transmit error interrupt enable 10 TXBEN Transmit buffer interrupt enable 11 TXFEN Transmit frame interrupt enable 12 -- Babbling receiver interrupt enable Ethernet controller bus error enable Reserved Babbling transmitter interrupt enable Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-28 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-8. IMASK Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 13 LCEN 14 CRLEN 15 XFUNEN Transmit FIFO underrun enable 16 RXBEN Receive buffer interrupt enable 17-19 -- 20 MAGEN 21 MMRDEN MII management read completion interrupt enable 22 MMWREN MII management write completion interrupt enable 23 GRSCEN Graceful receive stop complete interrupt enable 24 RXFEN 25-27 -- 28 FIREN Filer invalid result interrupt enable 29 FIQEN Filed frame to invalid queue interrupt enable 30 DPEEN Data parity error interrupt enable 31 PERREN Receive frame parse error enable Description Late collision enable Collision retry limit enable Reserved Magic Packet received interrupt enable Receive frame interrupt enable Reserved Error Disabled Register (EDIS) Figure 14-6 describes the definition for the EDIS register. The error disabled register allows the user to disable an error interruption, possibly to avoid spurious error indications external to the eTSECs. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4018; eTSEC2:0x2_5018; eTSEC3:0x2_6018; eTSEC4:0x2_7018 0 R 1 -- W 2 3 BSYDIS EBERRDIS Access: Read/Write 4 6 -- Reset 7 8 9 10 BABTDIS -- TXEDIS 12 -- 13 14 15 LCDIS CRLDIS XFUNDIS All zeros 16 27 R -- W Reset 28 29 30 31 FIRDIS FIQDIS DPEDIS PERRDIS All zeros Figure 14-6. EDIS Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-29 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-9 describes the fields of the EDIS register. Table 14-9. EDIS Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 -- 2 BSYDIS 3 Description Reserved Busy disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[BSY] status and halt buffer descriptor queue if BSY condition occurs. 1 Do not set IEVENT[BSY] and do not halt buffer descriptor queue if BSY condition occurs. EBERRDIS Ethernet controller bus error disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[EBERR] status and halt buffer descriptor queue if EBERR condition occurs. 1 Do not set IEVENT[EBERR] and do not halt buffer descriptor queue if EBERR condition occurs. 4-6 -- Reserved 7 BABTDIS 8 -- 9 TXEDIS 10-12 -- 13 LCDIS Late collision disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[LC] status, set the buffer descriptor LC field, and halt buffer descriptor queue if LC condition occurs. 1 Do not set IEVENT[LC] nor the buffer descriptor LC field, and do not halt buffer descriptor queue if LC condition occurs. 14 CRLDIS Collision retry limit disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[CRL] status, set the buffer descriptor RL field, and halt buffer descriptor queue if CRL condition occurs. 1 Do not set IEVENT[CRL] nor the buffer descriptor RL field, and do not halt buffer descriptor queue if CRL condition occurs. 15 XFUNDIS Transmit FIFO underrun disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[XFUN] status, set the buffer descriptor UN field, and halt buffer descriptor queue if XFUN condition occurs. 1 Do not set IEVENT[XFUN] nor the buffer descriptor UN field, and do not halt buffer descriptor queue if XFUN condition occurs. 16-27 -- 28 FIRDIS Filer invalid result error disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[FIR] status. 1 Do not set IEVENT[FIR] if eTSEC fails to reach a definite filer result when attempting to file a received frame, but discard the frame silently. 29 FIQDIS Filed frame to invalid queue error disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[FIQ] status. 1 Do not set IEVENT[FIQ] if eTSEC attempts to file a received frame to an invalid (disabled) RxBD ring, but discard the frame silently. Babbling transmit error disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[BABT] status and set the buffer descriptor TR field. 1 Do not set IEVENT[BABT] nor the buffer descriptor TR field. Reserved Transmit error disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[TXE] status. 1 Do not set IEVENT[TXE] if TXE condition occurs. Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-30 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-9. EDIS Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 30 DPEDIS 31 PERRDIS Description Data parity error disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[DPE] status. 1 Do not set IEVENT[DPE] if a parity error occurs in eTSEC's FIFO or filer arrays. Receive frame parse error disable. 0 Allow eTSEC to report IEVENT[PERR] status. 1 Do not set IEVENT[PERR] if a parse error occurs on a received frame. Ethernet Control Register (ECNTRL) ECNTRL is a register writable by the user to reset, configure, and initialize the eTSEC. Note that the FIFM, GMIIM, TBIM, RPM, and RMM fields are read-only, having been set after sampling signals at power-on-reset. Figure 14-7 describes the definition for the ECNTRL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4020; eTSEC2:0x2_5020; eTSEC3:0x2_6020; eTSEC4:0x2_7020 Access: Mixed 0 15 R -- W Reset All zeros 16 17 R FIFM W 18 19 20 CLRCNT AUTOZ STEN Reset 24 25 26 27 GMIIM TBIM RPM -- 28 R100M 29 30 31 RMM All zeros Figure 14-7. ECNTRL Register Definition Table 14-10 describes the fields of the ECNTRL register. Table 14-10. ECNTRL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16 FIFM 17 Description Reserved FIFO mode enable. If this bit is set, 8- or 16-bit FIFO interface mode is enabled. This bit can be pin configured at reset to set or clear. See Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration." The FIFO width is configured according to RPM. 0 Interface to external signals via the Ethernet MAC. 1 Interface to external signals via the 8/16-bit FIFO interface, bypassing the Ethernet MAC. Frame parsing in this mode automatically assumes that IP packets are being received and transmitted. See FIFOCFG register for configuration of the FIFO interface. CLRCNT Clear all statistics counters 0 Allow MIB counters to continue to increment. 1 Reset all MIB counters. This bit is self-resetting. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-31 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-10. ECNTRL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 18 AUTOZ Automatically zero MIB counter values. 0 The user must write the addressed counter zero after a host read. 1 The addressed counter value is automatically cleared to zero after a host read. This is a steady state signal and must be set prior to enabling the Ethernet controller and must not be changed without proper care. 19 STEN MIB counter statistics enabled. 0 Statistics not enabled 1 Enables internal counters to update This is a steady state signal and must be set prior to enabling the Ethernet controller and must not be changed without proper care. 20-24 -- 25 GMIIM GMII interface mode. If this bit is set, a PHY with a GMII or RGMII interface is expected to be connected. If cleared, a PHY with an MII or RMII interface is expected. The user should then set MACCFG2[I/F Mode] accordingly. The state of this status bit is defined during power-on reset. See Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration." 0 MII or RMII mode interface expected 1 GMII or RGMII mode interface expected 26 TBIM Ten-bit interface mode. If this bit is set, ten-bit interface mode is enabled. This bit can be pin-configured at reset to set or clear. See Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration." 0 GMII or MII or RMII mode interface 1 TBI mode interface 27 RPM Reduced-pin mode for Gigabit interfaces. If this bit is set, a reduced-pin interface is expected on either Ethernet and FIFO interfaces. RPM and RMM are never set together. This register can be pin-configured at reset to 0 or 1. See Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration." 0 GMII or MII or TBI in non-reduced-pin mode configuration FIFO configured for 16-bit operation 1 RGMII or RTBI reduced-pin mode FIFO configured for 8-bit operation 28 R100M 29 RMM 30-31 -- Reserved RGMII/RMII 100 mode. This bit is ignored unless RPM or RMM are set and MACCFG2[I/F Mode] is assigned to 10/100 (01). If this bit is set, the eTSEC interface is in 100 Mbps speed. 0 RGMII is in 10 Mbps mode; RMII is in 10 Mbps mode, and every 10th RMII Reference clock is used to transfer data 1 RGMII is in 100 Mbps mode; RMII is in 100 Mbps mode, and data is transferred on every Reference clock Reduced-pin mode for 10/100 interfaces. If this bit is set, a RMII pin interface is expected. Valid only if FIFM = 0 and TBIM = 0. RPM and RMM are never set together. This register can be pin-configured at reset to 0 or 1. See Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration." 0 MII, RGMII, GMII, TBI, or RTBI mode configuration 1 RMII mode Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-32 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The different interface configurations indicated by registers ECNTRL and MACCFG2 are summarized in Table 14-11. Table 14-11. eTSEC Interface Configurations ECNTRL Field MACCFG2 Field Interface Mode FIFM GMIIM TBIM RPM R100M RMM I/F Mode FIFO 16-bits 1 0 0 0 -- 0 -- FIFO 8-bits 1 0 0 1 -- 0 -- TBI 1 Gbps 0 0 1 0 -- 0 10 RTBI 1 Gbps 0 0 1 1 -- 0 10 GMII 1 Gbps 0 1 0 0 -- 0 10 RGMII 1 Gbps 0 1 0 1 -- -- 10 RGMII 100 Mbps 0 1 0 1 1 -- 01 RGMII 10 Mbps 0 1 0 1 0 0 01 MII 10/100 Mbps 0 0 0 0 -- 0 01 RMII 100 Mbps 0 0 0 0 1 1 01 RMII 10 Mbps 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Pause Time Value Register (PTV) PTV is a 32-bit register written by the user to store the pause duration used when the eTSEC initiates an IEEE 802.3 PAUSE control frame via TCTRL[TFC_PAUSE]. The low-order 16 bits (PT) represent the pause time and the high-order 16 bits (PTE) represent the extended pause control parameter. The pause time is measured in units of pause_quanta, equal to 512 bit times. The pause time can range from 0 to 65,535 pause_quanta, or 0 to 33,553,920 bit times. See Section, "Flow Control," for additional details. Figure 14-8 describes the definition for the PTV register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4028; eTSEC2:0x2_5028; eTSEC3:0x2_6028; eTSEC4:0x2_7028 0 Access: Read/Write 15 16 R PTE W Reset 31 PT All zeros Figure 14-8. PTV Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-33 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-12 describes the fields of the PTV register. Table 14-12. PTV Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 PTE Extended pause control. This field allows software to add a 16-bit additional control parameter into the PAUSE frame to be sent when TCTRL[TFC_PAUSE] is set. Note that current IEEE 802.3 PAUSE frame format requires this parameter to be cleared. 16-31 PT Pause time value. Represents the 16-bit pause quanta (i.e. 512 bit times). This pause value is used as part of the PAUSE frame to be sent when TCTRL[TFC_PAUSE] is set. See Section, "Flow Control," on page 14-153 for more information. DMA Control Register (DMACTRL) DMACTRL is writable by the user to configure the DMA block. Figure 14-9 describes the definition for the DMACTRL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_402C; eTSEC2:0x2_502C; eTSEC3:0x2_602C; eTSEC4:0x2_702C 0 Access: Read/Write 15 16 17 R -- W Reset LE 23 -- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TDSEN TBDSEN -- GRS GTS TOD WWR WOP All zeros Figure 14-9. DMACTRL Register Table 14-13 describes the fields of the DMACTRL register. Table 14-13. DMACTRL Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 -- Reserved 16 LE Little-endian descriptor mode enable. This bit controls both the reading and writing of descriptors; data buffers are always transferred in network byte order. 0 RxBDs and TxBDs are interpreted with big-endian byte ordering, as shown in Section, "Data Buffer Descriptors." 1 RxBDs and TxBDs are interpreted with little-endian byte ordering. That is, the 16 bits of flags are considered a complete half-word unit, the buffer length is considered another complete half-word unit, and the buffer pointer is considered a complete word unit. 17-23 -- Reserved 24 TDSEN Tx Data snoop enable. 0 Disables snooping of all transmit frames from memory. 1 Enables snooping of all transmit frames from memory. 25 TBDSEN TxBD snoop enable. 0 Disables snooping of all transmit BD memory accesses. 1 Enables snooping of all transmit BD memory accesses. 26 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-34 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-13. DMACTRL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 27 GRS Graceful receive stop. If this bit is set, the Ethernet controller stops receiving frames following completion of the frame currently being received. (That is, after a valid end of frame was received). The contents of the Rx FIFO are then written to memory, and the IEVENT[GRSC] is set to indicate that all current receive buffers have been closed. Because the receive enable bit of the MAC may still be set, the MAC may continue to receive but the eTSEC ignores the receive data until GRS is cleared. If this bit is cleared, the eTSEC scans the input data stream for the start of a new frame (preamble sequence and start of frame delimiter) and the first valid frame received uses the next RxBD. If GRS is set, the user must monitor the graceful receive stop complete (GRSC) bit in the IEVENT register to insure that the graceful receive stop was completed. The user can then clear IEVENT[GRSC] and can write to receive registers that are accessible to both user and the eTSEC hardware without fear of conflict. 0 eTSEC scans input data stream for valid frame. 1 eTSEC stops receiving frames following completion of current frame. 28 GTS Graceful transmit stop. If this bit is set, the Ethernet controller stops transmission after all frames that are currently in the Tx FIFO or scheduled have been transmitted, and the GTSC interrupt in the IEVENT register is asserted. A frame that has started reading buffer descriptors or data from memory will be read to completion and transmitted before the GTSC interrupt occurs. However, if no frame has been scheduled for transmission and the Tx FIFO is empty, the GTSC interrupt is asserted immediately. Once transmission has completed, clearing GTS will "restart" transmit. 0 Controller continues. 1 Controller stops transmission after completion of current frame. 29 TOD Transmit on demand for TxBD ring 0. This bit is applicable only to the transmitter, and requires both TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 00 and DMACTRL[WOP] = 0. If 1 is written to this bit, the eTSEC immediately begins fetching the next TxBD from ring 0, avoiding waiting the normal polling time to check the TxBD's R bit. This bit is always read as 0. 0 eTSEC continues waiting for the TxBD ring 0 poll timer to expire. 1 eTSEC immediately fetches a new TxBD from ring 0, and resets the poll timer. 30 WWR Write with response. This bit gives the user the assurance that a BD was updated in memory before it receives an interrupt concerning a transmit or receive frame. 0 Do not wait for acknowledgement from system for BD writes before setting IEVENT bits. 1 Before setting IEVENT bits TXB, TXF, TXE, XFUN, LC, CRL, RXB, RXF, the eTSEC waits for acknowledgement from system that the transmit or receive BD being updated was stored in memory. 31 WOP Wait or poll for TxBD ring 0. This bit, which is applicable only to the transmitter and when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 00, provides the user the option for the eTSEC to periodically poll TxBDs or to wait for software to tell eTSEC to fetch a buffer descriptor. While operating in the "Wait" mode, the eTSEC allows two additional reads of a descriptor which is not ready before entering a halt state. No interrupt is driven. To resume transmission, software must clear TSTAT[THLT]. 0 Poll TxBD on ring 0 every 512 serial clocks. 1 Do not poll, but wait for TSTAT[THLT] to be cleared by the user. TBI Physical Address Register (TBIPA) The TBIPA, shown in Figure 14-10, is writable by the user to assign a physical address to the TBI for MII management configuration. The TBI registers are accessed at the offset of TBIPA. For detailed descriptions of the TBI registers (the MII register set for the ten-bit interface) please refer to Section 14.5.4, "Ten-Bit Interface (TBI)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-35 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4030; eTSEC2:0x2_5030; eTSEC3:0x2_6030; eTSEC4:0x2_7030 Access: Read/Write 0 26 27 R -- W Reset 31 TBIPA All zeros Figure 14-10. TBIPA Register Definition Table 14-14 describes the fields of the TBIPA register. Table 14-14. TBIPA Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-26 -- 27-31 Description Reserved TBIPA This field is used to program the PHY address of the ten-bit interface's MII management bus. To access the TBI register the user must write the TBIPA value to the MIIMADD [PHY Address] register located in the MAC register section. PHY Address 0 is reserved. Refer to Section, "MII Management Address Register (MIIMADD)." Receive and Transmit FIFO Control and Status Registers The following registers allow the user to change some of the default settings in the FIFO that can be used to optimize operation for performance and reliability. They must be set carefully in order to avoid an underrun condition. Underrun is an error condition in which data is not retrieved from external memory quickly enough, leaving the TX FIFO empty before the complete frame is transmitted. Because different combinations of events, several of which are determined by the user, can lead to underrun, the eTSEC provides several FIFO registers that allow the user to select the proper setting to be able to tune the system and obtain the maximum performance with minimal chance of underrun. The principal causes for underrun in the eTSEC are: * Misaligned data buffer addresses * Small data buffer sizes * Combinations of the above It is recommended that data buffers be larger than 64 bytes and 64-byte aligned. The user can deviate from these recommended values to try to increase performance or to use less memory, but unless the default values of some of the FIFO registers are adjusted, the probability of an underrun may also increase. The FIFO_TX_THR (default is 128 entries or 1 Kbyte) indicates the amount of data required to be in the FIFO before starting transmission of a frame. The FIFO_TX_STARVE (default is 64 entries or 512 bytes) is used to indicate that the amount of data in the FIFO is so low that the risk of underrun is extremely high. The FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF (default is 128 entries or 1 Kbyte) contains the watermark level to be used for exiting the starve state. These registers are intended to allow the user to make the proper trade-off. If triggered, the starve mode, for instance, automatically raises the priority of eTSEC fetches from memory. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-36 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers FIFO Receive Alarm Start Threshold Register (FIFO_RX_ALARM) The FIFO receive alarm start threshold register controls at what receive FIFO occupancy eTSEC enters an alarm state, and demands immediate DMA service to prevent an overrun. Figure 14-11 describes the definition for the FIFO_RX_ALARM register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4058; eTSEC2:0x2_5058; eTSEC3:0x2_6058; eTSEC4:0x2_7058 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALARM_START 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-11. FIFO_RX_ALARM Register Definition Table 14-15 describes the fields of the FIFO_RX_ALARM register. Table 14-15. FIFO_RX_ALARM Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 Description Reserved ALARM_START FIFO receive alarm threshold. These bits indicate the number of receive FIFO entries (as 8-byte units) remaining that must be reached to enter alarm state, and force immediate DMA attention. FIFO Receive Alarm Shut-off Threshold Register (FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF) The FIFO receive alarm shut-off threshold register controls at what receive FIFO occupancy eTSEC exits its alarm state, and returns to normal DMA service priority. Figure 14-12 describes the definition for the FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_405C; eTSEC2:0x2_505C; eTSEC3:0x2_605C; eTSEC4:0x2_705C Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ALARM_SHUTOFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-12. FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF Register Definition Table 14-16 describes the fields of the FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF register. Table 14-16. FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 Description Reserved ALARM_SHUTOFF FIFO receive alarm shutoff. These bits indicate the value beyond which to exit the alarm state. The alarm state turns off if the number of free entries in the receive FIFO becomes greater than or equal to ALARM_SHUTOFF. If the number of free entries falls below this threshold without eTSEC being in an alarm state, corrective action may be taken to raise DMA throughput and prevent an alarm condition. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-37 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers FIFO Transmit Threshold Register (FIFO_TX_THR) The main purpose of the threshold registers is to trigger the unloading of FIFO data to the PHY. It represents the Tx FIFO entry in 8-byte units (4-511 entries) to trigger the threshold function. If the number of valid entries in the FIFO reaches or exceeds the threshold register, then transmission can begin. Figure 14-13 describes the definition for the FIFO_TX_THR register. The lowest practical value for FIFO_TX_THR is 4 entries. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_408C; eTSEC2:0x2_508C; eTSEC3:0x2_608C; eTSEC4:0x2_708C Access: Read/Write 0 22 23 R 31 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIFO_TX_THR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-13. FIFO_TX_THR Register Definition Table 14-17 describes the fields of the FIFO_TX_THR register. Table 14-17. FIFO_TX_THR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-22 -- Description Reserved 23-31 FIFO_TX_THR FIFO transmit threshold. These bits mark the number of entries (in units of 8-bytes) in the transmit FIFO that, if reached, trigger the unloading of frame data into the MAC. FIFO Transmit Starve Register (FIFO_TX_STARVE) The purpose of the starve register is to inform the system of extremely imminent underrun conditions. It represents the Tx FIFO entry (0-511 entries) to trigger the starve function. If the number of valid entries in the FIFO reaches or drops below the value in the starve register, a starve alert is triggered. This triggered condition is used to change the Tx transaction priority. This register is read/write by software. Figure 14-14 describes the definition for the FIFO_TX_STARVE register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4098; eTSEC2:0x2_5098; eTSEC3:0x2_6098; eTSEC4:0x2_7098 Access: Read/Write 0 22 23 R -- W Reset 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIFO_TX_STARVE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-14. FIFO_TX_STARVE Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-38 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-18 describes the fields of the FIFO_TX_STARVE register. Table 14-18. FIFO_TX_STARVE Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-22 -- 23-31 Description Reserved FIFO_TX_STARVE FIFO transmit starve. These bits indicate the value to trigger the transmit starve function. It triggers once the number of valid entries in the FIFO is less than or equal to the FIFO Tx starve. The starve state turns off if the number of valid entries in the FIFO becomes greater than or equal to the FIFO Tx starve shutoff register. FIFO Transmit Starve Shutoff Register (FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF) The starve shutoff registers contains the watermark level to be used for exiting the starve state. If the starve state is in effect and the number of valid entries in the FIFO becomes greater than or equal to the value in the FIFO_TX starve shutoff register, the starve condition ends. This register is read/write by software. Figure 14-15 describes the definition for the FIFO_TX starve shutoff register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_409C; eTSEC2:0x2_509C; eTSEC3:0x2_609C; eTSEC4:0x2_709C Access: Read/Write 0 22 23 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-15. FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF Register Definition Table 14-19 describes the fields of the FIFO_TX starve shutoff register. Table 14-19. FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-22 -- 23-31 Description Reserved FIFO_TX_STARVE_ FIFO transmit starve shutoff. These bits indicate the value beyond which to exit the starve state. SHUTOFF The starve state turns off if the number of valid entries in the FIFO becomes greater than or equal to the FIFO Tx starve shutoff register. If the number of valid entries falls below this threshold without eTSEC being in a starve state, corrective action may be taken to raise DMA throughput and prevent a starve condition. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-39 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers eTSEC Transmit Control and Status Registers This section describes the control and status registers that are used specifically for transmitting Ethernet frames. All of the registers are 32 bits wide. Transmit Control Register (TCTRL) This register is writable by the user to configure the transmit block. Figure 14-16 describes the TCTRL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4100; eTSEC2:0x2_5100; eTSEC3:0x2_6100; eTSEC4:0x2_7100 0 16 R -- W 17 Access: Mixed 18 19 20 21 IPCSEN TUCSEN VLINS THDF Reset 26 -- 27 RFC_PAUSE 28 29 30 31 TFC_PAUSE TXSCHED -- All zeros Figure 14-16. TCTRL Register Definition Table 14-20 describes the fields of the TCTRL register. Table 14-20. TCTRL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-16 -- 17 IPCSEN IP header checksum generation enable. When set, the eTSEC offloads IPv4 header checksum generation. See Section, "Transmit Path Off-Load," on page 14-160. 0 IP header checksum generation is disabled even if enabled in a transmit frame control block. 1 IP header checksum generation is performed for IPv4 headers as determined by the settings in the current transmit frame control block. 18 TUCSEN TCP/UDP header checksum generation enable. When set, the eTSEC offloads TCP or UDP header checksum generation. See Section, "Transmit Path Off-Load," on page 14-160. 0 TCP or UDP header checksum generation is disabled even if enabled in a transmit frame control block. 1 TCP or UDP header checksum generation is performed as determined by the settings in the current transmit frame control block. 19 VLINS VLAN (IEEE Std. 802.1Q) tag insertion enable. Applicable only for transmission via the Ethernet MAC. 0 Do not insert a VLAN tag into the frame. 1 Insert a VLAN tag into the frame. If the frame FCB has a valid VLAN field, use the FCB to source the VLAN control word, otherwise take the default VLAN control word from register DFVLAN. 20 THDF Transmit half-duplex flow control under software control for 10-/100-Mbps half-duplex media. This bit is not self-resetting. 0 Disable back pressure 1 Back pressure is applied to media by raising carrier 21-26 -- 27 Description Reserved Reserved RFC_PAUSE Receive flow control pause frame (written by the eTSEC). This read-only status bit is set if a flow control pause frame was received and the transmitter is paused for the duration defined in the received pause frame. This bit automatically clears after the pause duration is complete. 0 Pause duration complete. 1 Flow control pause frame received. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-40 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-20. TCTRL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 28 Name Description TFC_PAUSE Transmit flow control pause frame. Set this bit to transmit a PAUSE frame. If this bit is set, the MAC stops transmission of data frames after the current transmission completes. Next, the GTSC interrupt in the IEVENT register is asserted. With transmission of data frames stopped, the MAC transmits a MAC control PAUSE frame with the duration value obtained from the PTV register. The TXC interrupt occurs after sending the control pause frame. Next, the MAC clears TFC_PAUSE and resumes transmitting data frames. Note that if the transmitter is paused due to user assertion of GTS or reception of a PAUSE frame, the MAC may still transmit a MAC control PAUSE frame. 0 MAC continues. 1 Pause frame is transmitted. 29-30 TXSCHED 31 -- Transmit ring scheduling algorithm. This field determines which scheme the transmit scheduler uses to arbitrate between the enabled TxBD rings. The scheme chosen also controls how the DMACTRL and TQUEUE bits are interpreted. Ring polling is supported only by mode 00; the other modes require software to restart rings with the TSTAT register. TCP/IP offload can be enabled with any scheduling mode. 00 Single polled ring mode. TxBD ring 0 is the only ring serviced, even if other rings are enabled and ready. In this scheduler mode, the DMACTRL[WOP] and DMACTRL[TOD] bits control polling and retry behavior. This mode supports ring polling, and allows fetching of a non-ready TxBD to be retried twice. 01 Priority scheduling mode. All enabled TxBD rings are serviced in ascending ring index order. Once a non-ready TxBD has been fetched from the lowest-numbered ring, the eTSEC attempts to fetch TxBDs from the next enabled ring having a higher index, until transmission stops for lack of data. TSTAT records whenever a TxBD ring is exhausted. 10 Modified weighted round-robin scheduling mode. Each TxBD ring is polled in sequence for frames that are ready for transmission. If a non-ready TxBD is fetched from a ring, that ring is removed from the scheduling pool until software re-enables it. Ready frames are repeatedly transmitted from a chosen ring until its transmission quota is exhausted. The transmission quota for TxBD ring n is set to WT n x 64 bytes, where WT n is a weight from the TR03WT/TR47WT registers. If a ring transmits more data than its quota allows, the excess is deducted from its quota on the next transmission opportunity, thereby preventing large frames from monopolizing the eTSEC bandwidth. 11 Reserved Reserved Transmit Status Register (TSTAT) This register is read/write-one-to-clear and is written by the eTSEC to convey DMA status information for each TxBD ring. Only enabled rings can indicate halt state. After processing transmit-related interrupts, software should use TSTAT to restart transmission from rings that may have been affected by the interrupt condition. In particular, an error condition that prevents eTSEC from continuing transmission will halt DMA from all rings, including the ring that gave rise to the error. Figure 14-17 describes the TSTAT register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-41 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4104; eTSEC2:0x2_5104; eTSEC3:0x2_6104; eTSEC4:0x2_7104 0 R THLT0 W w1c Access: w1c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THLT1 THLT2 THLT3 THLT4 THLT5 THLT6 THLT7 w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 8 15 -- All zeros 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 R TXF0 TXF1 TXF2 TXF3 TXF4 TXF5 TXF6 TXF7 W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 24 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-17. TSTAT Register Definition Table 14-21 describes the fields of the TSTAT register. Table 14-21. TSTAT Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 THLT0 Transmit halt of ring 0. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched. DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. 1 THLT1 Transmit halt of ring 1. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched.DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. 2 THLT2 Transmit halt of ring 2. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched. DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. 3 THLT3 Transmit halt of ring 3. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched. DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. 4 THLT4 Transmit halt of ring 4. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched. DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. 5 THLT5 Transmit halt of ring 5. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched. DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. 6 THLT6 Transmit halt of ring 6. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched. DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-42 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-21. TSTAT Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 7 Description THLT7 Transmit halt of ring 7. Set by the eTSEC if is no longer processing transmit frames from this TxBD ring, and DMA from this ring is disabled. To re-start transmission from this TxBD ring, this bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. This bit is set only on a general error condition (as in IEVENT[TXE]) or if no ready TxBDs can be fetched. DMACTRL[GTS] being set by the user does not cause this bit to be set. 8-15 -- 16 TXF0 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 0. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 17 TXF1 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 1. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 18 TXF2 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 2. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 19 TXF3 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 3. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 20 TXF4 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 4. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 21 TXF5 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 5. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 22 TXF6 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 6. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 23 TXF7 Transmit frame event occurred on ring 7. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[TXF] was set in relation to transmitting a frame from this ring. 24-31 -- Reserved Reserved Default VLAN Control Word Register (DFVLAN) This register defines the default value for the VLAN Ethertype and control word when VLAN tags are automatically inserted by the eTSEC, and no per-frame VLAN data is supplied by software. On receive, this register defines a customizable VLAN Ethertype for automatic deletion. Note that an Ethertype of 0x8808 (Control Word) is not permitted as a custom VLAN tag. Frames with an Ethertype of 0x8808 will be dropped by the receiver unless RCNTRL[CFA] is set. In the case of frames containing stacked VLAN tags, this register defines the tag associated with the outer or metropolitan area VLAN. Figure 14-18 describes the DFVLAN register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4108; eTSEC2:0x2_5108; eTSEC3:0x2_6108; eTSEC4:0x2_7108 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R TAG W Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 PRI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 20 31 CFI 0 0 VID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-18. DFVLAN Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-43 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-22 describes the fields of the DFVLAN register. Table 14-22. DFVLAN Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 TAG This is the default Ethertype used to tag VLAN frames. On transmit, this tag is inserted ahead of the VLAN control word; TAG should be set to 0x8100 for IEEE 802.1Q VLAN. On receive, an Ethertype matching TAG or an Ethertype of 0x8100 marks a VLAN-tagged frame. Note that if using DFVLAN to set a custom ethertype (that is, using a value other than 0x8100), packets received with a custom tag are not counted by any of the RMON counters. Affected counters include TRMGV, RMCA, RBCA, RXCF, RXPF, RXUO, RALN, RFLR, ROVR, RJBR, TMCA, TBCA, TXPF, TXCF. 16-18 PRI This is the default value used for the IEEE Std. 802.1p frame priority. 19 CFI This is the default value used for the IEEE Std. 802.1Q canonical format indicator. 20-31 VID This is the default value used for the virtual-LAN identifier in VLAN-tagged frames. A value of zero is defined as the null VLAN, however field PRI may be still set independently. Transmit Interrupt Coalescing Register (TXIC) The TXIC register enables and configures the operational parameters for interrupt coalescing associated with transmitted frames. Figure 14-19 describes the definition for the TXIC register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4110; eTSEC2:0x2_5110; eTSEC3:0x2_6110; eTSEC4:0x2_7110 0 R W 1 2 3 ICEN ICCS -- Reset Access: Read/Write 10 11 ICFT 15 16 -- 31 ICTT All zeros Figure 14-19. TXIC Register Definition Table 14-23 describes the fields of the TXIC register. Table 14-23. TXIC Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 ICEN Interrupt coalescing enable 0 Interrupt coalescing is disabled. Interrupts are raised as they are received. 1 Interrupt coalescing is enabled. If the eTSEC transmit frame interrupt is enabled (IMASK[TXFEN] is set), an interrupt is raised when the threshold number of frames is reached (defined by TXIC[ICFT]) or when the threshold timer expires (determined by TXIC[ICTT]). 1 ICCS Interrupt coalescing timer clock source. 0 The coalescing timer advances count every 64 eTSEC Tx interface clocks (TSECn_GTX_CLK). 1 The coalescing timer advances count every 64 system clocks. This mode is recommended for FIFO operation. 2 -- 3-10 ICFT Reserved Interrupt coalescing frame count threshold. While interrupt coalescing is enabled (TXIC[ICEN] is set), this value determines how many frames are transmitted before raising an interrupt. The eTSEC threshold counter is reset to ICFT following an interrupt. The value of ICFT must be greater than zero to avoid unpredictable behavior. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-44 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-23. TXIC Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 11-15 -- 16-31 ICTT Description Reserved Interrupt coalescing timer threshold. While interrupt coalescing is enabled (TXIC[ICEN] is set), this value determines the maximum amount of time after transmitting a frame before raising an interrupt. If frames have been transmitted but the frame count threshold has not been met, an interrupt is raised when the threshold timer reaches zero. The threshold timer is reset to the value in this field and begins counting down upon transmission of the first frame having its TxBD[I] bit set. The threshold value is represented in units of 64 clock periods as specified by the timer clock source (TXIC[ICCS[). The value of ICTT must be greater than zero to avoid unpredictable behavior. Transmit Queue Control Register (TQUEUE) The TQUEUE register, shown in Figure 14-20, selectively enables each of the TxBD rings 0-7. By default, TxBD ring 0 is enabled. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4114; eTSEC2:0x2_5114; eTSEC3:0x2_6114; eTSEC4:0x2_7114 0 Access: Read/Write 15 R -- W 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 EN0 EN1 EN2 EN3 EN4 EN5 EN6 EN7 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-20. TQUEUE Register Definition Table 14-24 describes the TQUEUE register. \ Table 14-24. TQUEUE Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 -- 16 EN0 Transmit queue 0 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. 17 EN1 Transmit queue 1 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. 18 EN2 Transmit queue 2 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. 19 EN3 Transmit queue 3 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. 20 EN4 Transmit queue 4 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-45 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-24. TQUEUE Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 21 EN5 Transmit queue 5 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. 22 EN6 Transmit queue 6 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. 23 EN7 Transmit queue 7 enable. 0 TxBD ring is not queried for transmission. In effect the transmit queue is disabled. 1 TxBD ring is queried for transmission. 24-31 -- Description Reserved TxBD Ring 0-3 Weighting Register (TR03WT) When modified weighted round-robin Tx scheduling is enabled (TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10), this register determines the weighting applied to each transmit queue for queues 0 to 3. For priority-based scheduling, TR03WT has no effect. A description of how queue weights affect eTSEC's round-robin algorithm appears in Section, "Modified Weighted Round-Robin Queuing (MWRR)." Figure 14-21 describes the TR03WT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4140; eTSEC2:0x2_5140; eTSEC3:0x2_6140; eTSEC4:0x2_7140 0 R W Reset 7 WT0 Access: Read/Write 8 15 16 WT1 23 24 31 WT2 WT3 All zeros Figure 14-21. TR03WT Register Definition Table 14-25 describes the fields of the TR03WT register. Table 14-25. TR03WT Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 WT0 Weighting value for TxBD ring 0 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT0 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 0. Clearing this field prevents transmission. 8-15 WT1 Weighting value for TxBD ring 1 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT1 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 1. Clearing this field prevents transmission. 16-23 WT2 Weighting value for TxBD ring 2 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT2 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 2. Clearing this field prevents transmission. 24-31 WT3 Weighting value for TxBD ring 3 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT3 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 3. Clearing this field prevents transmission. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-46 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers TxBD Ring 4-7 Weighting Register (TR47WT) When modified weighted round-robin Tx scheduling is enabled (TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10), this register determines the weighting applied to each enabled transmit queue for queues 4 to 7. For priority-based scheduling, TR47WT has no effect. A description of how queue weights affect eTSEC's modified weighted round-robin algorithm appears in Section, "Modified Weighted Round-Robin Queuing (MWRR)." Figure 14-22 describes the definition for the TR47WT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4144; eTSEC2:0x2_5144; eTSEC3:0x2_6144; eTSEC4:0x2_7144 0 7 R WT4 W Access: Read/Write 8 15 16 WT5 23 24 31 WT6 Reset WT7 All zeros Figure 14-22. TR47WT Register Definition Table 14-26 describes the fields of the TR47WT register. Table 14-26. TR47WT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 WT4 Weighting value for TxBD ring 4 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT4 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 4. Clearing this field prevents transmission. 8-15 WT5 Weighting value for TxBD ring 5 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT5 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 5. Clearing this field prevents transmission. 16-23 WT6 Weighting value for TxBD ring 6 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT6 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 6. Clearing this field prevents transmission. 24-31 WT7 Weighting value for TxBD ring 7 when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. On each round of the Tx scheduler, a minimum of WT7 x 64 bytes of data are scheduled for transmission from TxBD ring 7. Clearing this field prevents transmission. Description Transmit Data Buffer Pointer High Register (TBDBPH) The TBDBPH register is written by the user with the most significant address bits common to all TxBD buffer addresses, TxBD[Data Buffer Pointer]. As a consequence, all Tx buffers must be placed in a 4 gigabyte segment of memory whose base address is prefixed by the bits in TBDBPH. The TxBD ring itself can reside in a different memory region (based at TBASEH). Figure 14-23 describes the definition for the TBDBPH register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4180; eTSEC2:0x2_5180; eTSEC3:0x2_6180; eTSEC4:0x2_7180 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 TBDBPH All zeros Figure 14-23. TBDBPH Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-47 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-29 describes the fields of the TBDBPH register. Table 14-27. TBDBPH Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 TBDBPH Description Reserved Most significant bits common to all data buffer addresses contained in TxBDs. The user must initialize TBDBPH before enabling the eTSEC transmit function. Transmit Buffer Descriptor Pointers 0-7 (TBPTR0-TBPTR7) TBPTR0-TBPTR7 each contains the low-order 32 bits of the next transmit buffer descriptor address for their respective TxBD ring. Figure 14-24 describes the TBPTR registers. These registers takes on the value of their ring's associated TBASE when the TBASE register is written by software. Software must not write TBPTR0-TBPTR7 while eTSEC is actively transmitting frames. However, TBPTR0- TBPTR7 can be modified when the transmitter is disabled or when no Tx buffer is in use (after a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command is issued and the frame completes its transmission) in order to change the next TxBD eTSEC transmits. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4184+8xn; eTSEC2:0x2_5184+8xn; eTSEC3:0x2_6184+8xn; eTSEC4:0x2_7184+8xn Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R TBPTRn W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-24. TBPTR0-TBPTR7 Register Definition Table 14-28 describes the fields of the TBPTRn register. Table 14-28. TBPTRn Field Descriptions Bits 0-28 29-31 Name Description TBPTRn Current TxBD pointer for TxBD ring n. Points to the current BD being processed or to the next BD the transmitter uses when it is idling. When the end of the TxBD ring is reached, eTSEC initializes TBPTRn to the value in the corresponding TBASEn. The TBPTR register is internally written by the eTSEC's DMA controller during transmission. The pointer increments by eight (bytes) each time a descriptor is closed successfully by the eTSEC. Note that the three least significant bits of this register are read-only and zero. After an error condition, the eTSEC returns TBPTR n to point to the first BD of the frame partially transmitted. -- Reserved Transmit Descriptor Base Address High Register (TBASEH) The TBASEH register is written by the user with the most significant address bits common to all TxBD addresses, including TBASE0-TBASE7 and TBPTR0-TBPTR7. As a consequence, all TxBD rings must be placed in a 4 Gbyte segment of memory whose base address is prefixed by the bits in TBASEH. Data buffers are located in a potentially different region, based at TBDBPH. Figure 14-25 describes the TBASEH register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-48 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4200; eTSEC2:0x2_5200; eTSEC3:0x2_6200; eTSEC4:0x2_7200 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 TBASEH All zeros Figure 14-25. TBASEH Register Definition Table 14-29 describes the fields of the TBASEH register. Table 14-29. TBASEH Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 Description Reserved TBASEH Most significant bits common to all TxBD addresses--except data buffer pointers. The user must initialize TBASEH before enabling the eTSEC transmit function. Transmit Descriptor Base Address Registers (TBASE0-TBASE7) The TBASEn registers are written by the user with the base address of each TxBD ring n. Each such value must be divisible by eight, since the three least significant bits always write as 000. Figure 14-26 describes the definition for the TBASEn registers. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4204+8xn; eTSEC2:0x2_5204+8xn; eTSEC3:0x2_6204+8xn; eTSEC4:0x2_7204+8xn Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R TBASEn W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-26. TBASE Register Definition Table 14-30 describes the fields of the TBASEn registers. Table 14-30. TBASE0-TBASE7 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-28 TBASEn Transmit base for ring n. TBASE defines the starting location in the memory map for the eTSEC TxBDs. This field must be 8-byte aligned. Together with setting the W (wrap) bit in the last BD, the user can select how many BDs to allocate for the transmit packets. The user must initialize TBASE before enabling the eTSEC transmit function on the associated ring. 29-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-49 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers eTSEC Receive Control and Status Registers This section describes the control and status registers that are used specifically for receiving Ethernet frames. All of the registers are 32 bits wide. Receive Control Register (RCTRL) The RCTRL register is programmed by the user and controls the operational mode of the receiver. It must be written only after a system reset (at initialization) or after a graceful receive stop has completed. Figure 14-27 describes the RCTRL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4300; eTSEC2:0x2_5300; eTSEC3:0x2_6300; eTSEC4:0x2_7300 Access: Read/Write 0 6 R 15 PAL Reset W 11 -- W R 10 All zeros 16 17 -- -- 18 19 20 21 22 23 VLEX FILREN FSQEN GHTX IPCSEN TUCSEN Reset 24 25 PRSDEP 26 27 28 29 30 31 -- BC_REJ PROM RSF EMEN -- All zeros Figure 14-27. RCTRL Register Definition Table 14-31 describes the fields of the RCTRL register. Table 14-31. RCTRL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-10 -- 11-15 PAL 16-17 -- 18 VLEX Description Reserved Packet alignment padding length. If not zero, PAL (1-31) bytes of zero padding are inserted before the start of each received frame, but following the RxFCB if TOE is enabled. For Ethernet where optional preamble extraction is enabled, the padding appears before the preamble, otherwise the padding precedes the layer 2 header. The value of PAL can be set so that the start of the IP header in the receive data buffer is aligned to a 32-bit boundary. Normally, setting PAL = 2 will provide minimal padding to ensure such alignment of the IP header. Reserved Enable automatic VLAN tag extraction and deletion from Ethernet frames. 0 Do not delete VLAN tags from received Ethernet frames. 1 If a VLAN tag is seen after the Ethernet source address, and PRSDEP is non-zero, delete the VLAN tag and return the VLAN control word in the frame control block returned with this frame. Note that if PRSDEP is cleared, VLEX must be cleared as well. (VLAN tag extraction is only supported when the parser is enabled.) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-50 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-31. RCTRL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 19 FILREN Filer enable. When set, the receive frame filer is enabled. This will file accepted frames to a particular RxBD ring according to rules defined in the filer table. In this case, PRSDEP must not be cleared. 0 Do not search the receive queue filer table for received frames. All received frames are sent to RxBD ring 0 by default. 1 Search the receive queue filer table for received frames, and let the filer determine the index of the RxBD ring for each frame. Note that if PRSDEP is cleared, FILREN must be cleared as well. 20 FSQEN Enable single-queue mode for the receive frame filer. This bit is ignored unless FILREN is also set. 0 The filer chooses the RxBD ring using the least significant bits of the virtual queue ID as a ring index. 1 The filer always attempts to file received frames to ring 0, regardless of virtual queue ID. This mode is intended for operating the filer as a packet classification engine. 21 GHTX Group address hash table extend. By default, the group address hash table is 256 entries (as defined by registers GADDR0-GADDR7); registers IGADDR0-IGADDR7 are then used to define the individual address hash table. When this bit is set, the hash table is extended to a total of 512 entries (IGADDR0-IGADDR7 are then the first 256 entries of the extended 512-entry group address hash table). 0 Both the individual and group hash functions are the 8 MSBs of the CRC-32 of the Ethernet destination address. 1 The group hash function is the 9 MSBs of the CRC-32 of the Ethernet destination address. The individual address hash function is unavailable. 22 IPCSEN 23 TUCSEN TCP or UDP Checksum verification enable. See Section, "Receive Path Off-Load." 0 TCP or UDP checksums are not verified by the eTSEC--even if layer 4 parsing is enabled. 1 Perform TCP or UDP checksum verification if PRSDEP = 11. 24-25 IP Checksum verification enable. See Section, "Receive Path Off-Load." 0 IPv4 header checksums are not verified by the eTSEC--even if layer 3 parsing is enabled. 1 Perform IPv4 header checksum verification if PRSDEP > 01. PRSDEP Parser control. The level of parser layer recognition is determined as follows: 00 Parser disabled. Receive frame filer must also be disabled by clearing RCTRL[FILREN]. This should be the setting for raw (non-IP) packets received over FIFO interface 01 Only L2 (ethernet) protocols are recognised. For packets received over FIFO interface, this parse level is unavailable. 10 L2 and L3 (IP) protocols are recognised. This is the minimum parse level for IP packets received over FIFO interface. 11 L2, L3 and L4 (TCP/UDP) protocols are recognized If this field is non-zero, a TOE frame control block is prepended to the received frame, and the first RxBD will point to the FCB. Note that if PRSDEP is cleared, VLEX must be cleared as well. (VLAN tag extraction is only supported when the parser is enabled.) Also, if PRSDEP is cleared, FILREN must also be cleared. 26 -- Reserved 27 BC_REJ 28 PROM 29 RSF Broadcast frame reject. If this bit is set, frames with DA (destination address) = FFFF_FFFF_FFFF are rejected unless RCTRL[PROM] is set. If both BC_REJ and RCTRL[PROM] are set, then frames with broadcast DA are accepted and the M (MISS) bit is set in the receive BD. Promiscuous mode. All Ethernet frames, regardless of destination address, are accepted. Receive short frame mode. When set, enables the reception of frames shorter than 64 bytes. For packets received over the FIFO packet interface, this bit has no effect (packets shorter than 64 bytes are always accepted). 0 Ethernet frames less than 64B in length are silently dropped. 1 Frames less than 64B are accepted upon a DA match. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-51 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-31. RCTRL Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 30 EMEN 31 -- Description Exact match MAC address enable. If this bit is set, the MAC01ADDR1-MAC15ADDR1 and MAC01ADDR2-MAC15ADDR2 registers are recognized as containing MAC addresses aliasing the MAC's station address. Setting this bit therefore allows eTSEC to receive Ethernet frames having a destination address matching one of these 15 addresses. Reserved Receive Status Register (RSTAT) The eTSEC writes to this register under the following conditions: * A frame interrupt event occurred on one or more RxBD rings * The receiver runs out of descriptors due to a busy condition on a RxBD ring * The receiver was halted because an error condition was encountered while receiving a frame Writing 1 to any bit of this register clears it. Software should clear the QHLT bit to take eTSEC's receiver function out of halt state for the associated queue. Figure 14-28 describes the definition for the RSTAT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4304; eTSEC2:0x2_5304; eTSEC3:0x2_6304; eTSEC4:0x2_7304 0 Access: w1c 7 R -- W 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QHLT0 QHLT1 QHLT2 QHLT3 QHLT4 QHLT5 QHLT6 QHLT7 w1c Reset w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c All zeros 16 23 R -- W Reset 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RXF0 RXF1 RXF2 RXF3 RXF4 RXF5 RXF6 RXF7 w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c All zeros Figure 14-28. RSTAT Register Definition Table 14-32 describes the fields of the RSTAT register. Table 14-32. RSTAT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8 Description Reserved QHLT0 RxBD queue 0 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT0 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-52 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-32. RSTAT Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 9 QHLT1 RxBD queue 1 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT1 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. 10 QHLT2 RxBD queue 2 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT2 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. 11 QHLT3 RxBD queue 3 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT3 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. 12 QHLT4 RxBD queue 4 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT4 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. 13 QHLT5 RxBD queue 5 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT5 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. 14 QHLT6 RxBD queue 6 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT6 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. 15 QHLT7 RxBD queue 7 is halted. It is a hardware-initiated stop indication. (DMACTRL[GRS] being set by the user does not cause a QHLT7 to be set.). The current frame and all other frames directed to a halted queue are discarded. A write with a value of 1 re-enables the queue for receiving. 0 This queue is enabled for reception. (That is, it is not halted) 1 All controller receive activity to this queue is halted. 16-23 -- Reserved 24 RXF0 Receive frame event occurred on ring 0. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. 25 RXF1 Receive frame event occurred on ring 1. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. 26 RXF2 Receive frame event occurred on ring 2. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. 27 RXF3 Receive frame event occurred on ring 3. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. 28 RXF4 Receive frame event occurred on ring 4. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-53 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-32. RSTAT Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 29 RXF5 Receive frame event occurred on ring 5. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. 30 RXF6 Receive frame event occurred on ring 6. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. 31 RXF7 Receive frame event occurred on ring 7. Set by the eTSEC if IEVENT[RXF] was set in relation to receiving a frame to this ring. Receive Interrupt Coalescing Register (RXIC) The RXIC register enables and configures the operational parameters for interrupt coalescing associated with received frames. Figure 14-29 describes the RXIC register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4310; eTSEC2:0x2_5310; eTSEC3:0x2_6310; eTSEC4:0x2_7310 0 R W 1 2 3 ICEN ICCS -- Reset Access: Read/Write 10 ICFT 11 15 16 -- 31 ICTT All zeros Figure 14-29. RXIC Register Definition Table 14-33 describes the fields of the RXIC register. Table 14-33. RXIC Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 ICEN Interrupt coalescing enable 0 Interrupt coalescing is disabled. Interrupts are raised as they are received. 1 Interrupt coalescing is enabled. If the eTSEC receive frame interrupt is enabled (IMASK[RXFEN] is set), an interrupt is raised when the threshold number of frames is reached (defined by RXIC[ICFT]) or when the threshold timer expires (determined by RXIC[ICTT]). 1 ICCS Interrupt coalescing timer clock source. 0 The coalescing timer advances count every 64 eTSEC Rx interface clocks (TSECn_GTX_CLK). 1 The coalescing timer advances count every 64 system clocks. This mode is recommended for FIFO operation. 2 -- 3-10 ICFT 11-15 -- 16-31 ICTT Reserved Interrupt coalescing frame count threshold. While interrupt coalescing is enabled (RXIC[ICE] is set), this value determines how many frames are received before raising an interrupt. The eTSEC threshold counter is reset to ICFT following an interrupt. The value of ICFT must be greater than zero avoid unpredictable behavior. Reserved Interrupt coalescing timer threshold. While interrupt coalescing is enabled (RXIC[ICE] is set), this value determines the maximum amount of time after receiving a frame before raising an interrupt. If frames have been received but the frame count threshold has not been met, an interrupt is raised when the threshold timer reaches zero. The threshold timer is reset to the value in this field and begins counting down upon receiving the first frame having its RxBD[I] bit set. The threshold value is represented in units equal to 64 periods of the clock specified by RXIC[ICCS]. ICTT must be greater than zero to avoid unpredictable behavior. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-54 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Queue Control Register (RQUEUE) The RQUEUE register enables each of the RxBD rings 0-7. By default, RxBD ring 0 is enabled. Figure 14-30 describes the definition for the RQUEUE register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4314; eTSEC2:0x2_5314; eTSEC3:0x2_6314; eTSEC4:0x2_7314 0 7 R -- W 8 9 10 11 12 Access: Read/Write 13 14 15 EX0 EX1 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EX6 EX7 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 23 -- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 EN0 EN1 EN2 EN3 EN4 EN5 EN6 EN7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-30. RQUEUE Register Definition Table 14-34 describes the RQUEUE register. \ Table 14-34. RQUEUE Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 -- 8 EX0 Receive queue 0 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 9 EX1 Receive queue 1 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 10 EX2 Receive queue 2 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 11 EX3 Receive queue 3 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 12 EX4 Receive queue 4 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 13 EX5 Receive queue 5 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 14 EX6 Receive queue 6 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 15 EX7 Receive queue 7 extract enable. 0 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring is not extracted to cache. 1 Data transferred by DMA to this RxBD ring undergoes extraction according to ATTR register. 16-23 -- 24 EN0 Reserved Reserved Receive queue 0 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-55 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-34. RQUEUE Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 25 EN1 Receive queue 1 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. 26 EN2 Receive queue 2 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. 27 EN3 Receive queue 3 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. 28 EN4 Receive queue 4 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. 29 EN5 Receive queue 5 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. 30 EN6 Receive queue 6 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. 31 EN7 Receive queue 7 enable. 0 RxBD ring is not queried for reception. In effect the receive queue is disabled. 1 RxBD ring is queried for reception. Description Receive Bit Field Extract Control Register (RBIFX) The RBIFX register provides a set of four 6-bit offsets for locating up to four octets in a received frame and passing them to the receive queue filer as the user-defined ARB property. Through RBIFX a custom ARB filer property can be constructed from arbitrary bytes, which allows frame filing on the basis of bitfields not ordinarily provided to the filer, such as bits from the Ethernet preamble or TCP flags. The value of property ARB is the concatenation of {B0, B1, B2, B3} to 32-bits, where B0-B3 are the bytes as defined by RBIFX. Figure 14-31 describes the definition for the RBIFX register. Note: when the eTSEC is configured to receive frame via the FIFO packet interface, a value of BnCTL = 01 is not supported. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4330; eTSEC2:0x2_5330; eTSEC3:0x2_6330; eTSEC4:0x2_7330 0 R W Reset 1 B0CTL 2 7 B0OFFSET 8 9 B1CTL Access: Read/Write 10 15 16 B1OFFSET 17 B2CTL 18 23 B2OFFSET 24 25 26 B3CTL 31 B3OFFSET All zeros Figure 14-31. RBIFX Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-56 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-35 describes the RBIFX register. \ Table 14-35. RBIFX Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 B0CTL 2-7 8-9 10-15 16-17 18-23 24-25 26-31 Description Location of byte 0 of property ARB. 00 Byte 0 is not extracted, and appears as zero in property ARB. 01 Byte 0 is located in the received frame at offset (B0OFFSET - 8) bytes from the first byte of the Ethernet DA. A negative effective offset points to bytes of the standard Ethernet preamble. 10 Byte 0 is located in the received frame at offset B0OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 3 header. 11 Byte 0 is located in the received frame at offset B0OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 4 header. B0OFFSET Offset relative to the header defined by B0CTL that locates byte 0 of property ARB. An effective offset of zero points to the first byte of the specified header. B1CTL Location of byte 1 of property ARB. 00 Byte 1 is not extracted, and appears as zero in property ARB. 01 Byte 1 is located in the received frame at offset (B1OFFSET - 8) bytes from the first byte of the Ethernet DA. A negative effective offset points to bytes of the standard Ethernet preamble. 10 Byte 1 is located in the received frame at offset B1OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 3 header. 11 Byte 1 is located in the received frame at offset B1OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 4 header. B1OFFSET Offset relative to the header defined by B1CTL that locates byte 1 of property ARB. An effective offset of zero points to the first byte of the specified header. B2CTL Location of byte 2 of property ARB. 00 Byte 2 is not extracted, and appears as zero in property ARB. 01 Byte 2 is located in the received frame at offset (B2OFFSET - 8) bytes from the first byte of the Ethernet DA. A negative effective offset points to bytes of the standard Ethernet preamble. 10 Byte 2 is located in the received frame at offset B2OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 3 header. 11 Byte 2 is located in the received frame at offset B2OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 4 header. B2OFFSET Offset relative to the header defined by B2CTL that locates byte 2 of property ARB. An effective offset of zero points to the first byte of the specified header. B3CTL Location of byte 3 of property ARB. 00 Byte 3 is not extracted, and appears as zero in property ARB. 01 Byte 3 is located in the received frame at offset (B3OFFSET - 8) bytes from the first byte of the Ethernet DA. A negative effective offset points to bytes of the standard Ethernet preamble. 10 Byte 3 is located in the received frame at offset B3OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 3 header. 11 Byte 3 is located in the received frame at offset B3OFFSET bytes from the first byte of the layer 4 header. B3OFFSET Offset relative to the header defined by B3CTL that locates byte 3 of property ARB. An effective offset of zero points to the first byte of the specified header. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-57 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Queue Filer Table Address Register (RQFAR) RQFAR, shown in Figure 14-32, contains the index of the current, indirectly accessible entry of the received queue filer table. Each table entry occupies a pair of 32-bit words, denoted RQCTRL and RQPROP. To access the RQCTRL and RQPROP words of entry n, write n to RQFAR. Then read or write the indexed RQCTRL and RQPROP words by reading or writing the RQFCR and RQFPR registers, respectively. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4334; eTSEC2:0x2_5334; eTSEC3:0x2_6334; eTSEC4:0x2_7334 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 -- W Reset RQFAR All zeros Figure 14-32. Receive Queue Filer Table Address Register Definition Table 14-36 describes the fields of the RQFAR register. Table 14-36. RQFAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 Description Reserved RQFAR Current index of receive queue filer table, which spans a total of 256 entries. Receive Queue Filer Table Control Register (RQFCR) RQFCR is accessed to read or write the RQCTRL words in entries of the receive queue filer table. The table entries are described in greater detail in Section, "Receive Queue Filer." The word accessed via RQFCR is defined by the current value of RQFAR. Figure 14-33 describes the definition for the RQFCR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4338; eTSEC2:0x2_5338; eTSEC3:0x2_6338; eTSEC4:0x2_7338 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 15 16 -- 21 Q 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CLE REJ AND CMP -- 31 PID All zeros Figure 14-33. Receive Queue Filer Table Control Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-58 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-37 describes the fields of the RQFCR register. Table 14-37. RQFCR Field Descriptions Bit Name Description 0-15 -- Reserved, should be written with zero. 16-21 Q Receive queue index, from 0 to 63, inclusive, written into the Rx frame control block associated with the received frame. When a property matches the value in the RQPROP entry at this index, and REJ = 0 and AND = 0, the frame is sent to either RxBD ring 0 (if RCTRL[FSQEN] = 1) or the RxBD ring with index (Q mod 8) and the filing table search is terminated. In the case where RCTRL[FSQEN] = 0, 8 virtual receive queues are overlaid on every RxBD ring, and software needs to consult the RQ field of the Rx frame control block to determine which virtual receive queue was chosen. 22 CLE Cluster entry/exit (used in combination with AND bit). This bit brackets clusters, marking the start and end entries of a cluster. Clusters cannot be nested. 0 Regular RQCTRL entry. 1 If entry matches and AND = 1, treat subsequent entries as belonging to a nested cluster and enter the cluster; otherwise skip all entries up to and including the next cluster exit. If AND = 0, exit current cluster. 23 REJ Reject frame. This bit and its specified action are ignored if AND = 1. 0 If entry matches, accept frame and file it to RxBD ring Q. 1 If entry matches, reject frame and discard it, ignoring Q. 24 AND Match this entry and the next entry as a pair. 0 Match property[PID] against RQPROP, independent of the next entry. 1 Match property[PID] against RQPROP. If matched and CLE = 0, attempt to match next entry, otherwise, skip all entries up to and including the entry with AND = 0. If matched and CLE = 1, enter cluster of entries, otherwise, skip all entries up to and including the entry with CLE = 1 (cluster exit). 25-26 CMP Comparison operation to perform on the RQPROP entry at this index when PID > 0. The property value extracted by the frame parser is masked by the 32-bit mask_register prior to comparison against RQPROP. However, the property value is not permanently altered by the value in mask_register. By default, mask_register is initialized to 0xFFFF_FFFF before each frame is processed. In the case where PID = 0, CMP is interpreted as follows: 00/01 Filer mask_register is set to all 32 bits of RQPROP, and this entry always matches. 10/11 Filer mask_register is set to all 32 bits of RQPROP, and this entry always fails to match. In the case where PID > 0, CMP is interpreted as follows (& is bit-wise AND operator): 00 property[PID] & mask_register = RQPROP 01 property[PID] & mask_register >= RQPROP 10 property[PID] & mask_register != RQPROP 11 property[PID] & mask_register < RQPROP 27 -- 28-31 PID Reserved, should be written with zero. Property identifier. The value in the RQPROP entry at this index is interpreted according to PID (see Table 14-38). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-59 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Queue Filer Table Property Register (RQFPR) RQFPR (see Figure 14-34) is accessed to read or write the RQPROP words in entries of the receive queue filer table. The table entries are described in greater detail in Section, "Receive Queue Filer." The word accessed via RQFPR is defined by the current value of RQFAR. Figure 14-34 and Figure 14-35 describe the fields of the RQFPR register according to property ID. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_433C; eTSEC2:0x2_533C; eTSEC3:0x2_633C; eTSEC4:0x2_733C Access: Read/Write 0 31 R RQPROP W Reset All zeros Figure 14-34. Receive Queue Filer Table Property IDs 0, 2-15 Register Definition Offset eTSEC1:0x2_433C; eTSEC2:0x2_533C; eTSEC3:0x2_633C; eTSEC4:0x2_733C Access: Read/Write 0 15 R -- W Reset R W Reset All zeros 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 EBC VLN CFI JUM IPF FIF IP4 IP6 ICC ICV TCP UDP 28 29 -- 30 31 PER EER All zeros Figure 14-35. Receive Queue Filer Table Property ID1 Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-60 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-38 describes the fields of the RQFPR register. Table 14-38. RQFPR Field Descriptions PID1 Bit 0000 0-31 0001 0-15 -- 16 EBC Set if the destination Ethernet address is to the broadcast address. 17 VLN Set if a VLAN tag (Ethertype DFVLAN[TAG] or 0x8100) was seen in the frame. 18 CFI Set to the value of the Canonical Format Indicator in the VLAN control tag if VLAN is set, zero otherwise. 19 JUM Set if a jumbo Ethernet frame was parsed. 20 IPF Set if a fragmented IPv4 or IPv6 header was encountered. 21 FIF Set if the packet entered on eTSEC's FIFO interface. 22 IP4 Set if an IPv4 header was parsed. 23 IP6 Set if an IPv6 header was parsed. 24 ICC Set if the IPv4 header checksum was checked. 25 ICV Set if the IPv4 header checksum was verified correct. 26 TCP Set if a TCP header was parsed. 27 UDP Set if a UDP header was parsed. 28-29 -- 30 PER Set on a parse error, such as header inconsistency. 31 EER Set on an Ethernet framing error that prevents parsing. 0-7 ARB User-defined arbitrary bit field property: byte 0 extracted. Defaults to 0x00. 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 Name Description MASK Mask bits to be written to Filer mask_register for masking of property values. The rule match/fail status for this PID is determined by RQCTRL[CMP]. Since mask_register is bit-wise ANDed with properties, every bit of MASK that is cleared also results in the corresponding property bit being cleared in comparisons. Therefore setting MASK to 0xFFFF_FFFF ensures that all property bits participate in rule matches. Reserved Reserved. 8-15 User-defined arbitrary bit field property: byte 1 extracted. Defaults to 0x00. 16-23 User-defined arbitrary bit field property: byte 2 extracted. Defaults to 0x00. 24-31 User-defined arbitrary bit field property: byte 3 extracted. Defaults to 0x00. 0-7 -- 8-31 DAH 0-7 -- 8-31 DAL 0-7 -- 8-31 SAH 0-7 -- 8-31 SAL Reserved, should be written with zero. Destination MAC address, most significant 24 bits. Defaults to 0x000000. Reserved, should be written with zero. Destination MAC address, least significant 24 bits. Defaults to 0x000000. Reserved, should be written with zero. Source MAC address, most significant 24 bits. Defaults to 0x000000. Reserved, should be written with zero. Source MAC address, least significant 24 bits. Defaults to 0x000000. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-61 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-38. RQFPR Field Descriptions (continued) PID1 Bit Name 0111 0-15 -- 16-31 ETY 0-19 -- 20-31 VID 0-28 -- 29-31 PRI 0-23 -- 24-31 TOS 0-23 -- 24-31 L4P Layer 4 protocol identifier as per published IANA specification. This is the last recognized protocol type recognized in the case of IPv6 extension headers. This value defaults to 0xFF to indicate that no layer 4 header was recognized (possibly due to absence of an IP header). 1100 0-31 DIA Destination IP address. If an IPv4 header was found, this is the entire destination address. If an IPv6 header was found, this is the 32 most significant bits of the 128-bit destination address. This value defaults to 0x0000_0000 if no IP header appeared. 1101 0-31 SIA Source IP address. If an IPv4 header was found, this is the entire source address. If an IPv6 header was found, this is the 32 most significant bits of the 128-bit source address. This value defaults to 0x0000_0000 if no IP header appeared. 1110 0-15 -- 16-31 DPT 0-15 -- 16-31 SPT 1000 1001 1010 1011 1111 1 Description Reserved, should be written with zero. Ethertype of next layer protocol, i.e., last ethertype if layer 2 headers nest. Defaults to 0xFFFF. Using the filer to match ETY does not work in the case of PPPoE packets, because the PPPoE ethertype in the original packet, 0x8864, is always overwritten with the PPP protocol field. Thus, matches on ETY == 0x8864 always fail. Instead, software should use PID=1 fields IP4 (ETY = 0x0021) and IP6 (ETY = 0x0057) to distinguish PPPoE session packets carrying IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams. Other PPP protocols are encoded in the ETY field, but many of them overlap with real ethertype definitions. Consult IANA and IEEE for possible ambiguities. Reserved, should be written with zero. VLAN network identifier (as per IEEE Std. 802.1Q). This value defaults to 0x000 if no VLAN tag was found, or the VLAN tag contained only priority information. Reserved, should be written with zero. VLAN user priority (as per IEEE Std. 802.1p). This value defaults to 000 (best effort priority) if no VLAN tag was found. Reserved, should be written with zero. IPv4 header Type Of Service field or IPv6 Traffic Class field. This value defaults to 0x00 (default RFC 2474 best-effort behavior) if no IP header appeared. Note that for IPv6 the Traffic Class field is extracted using the IP header definition in RFC 2460. IPv6 headers formed using the earlier RFC 1883 have a different format and must be handled with software. Reserved, should be written with zero. Reserved, should be written with zero. Destination port number for TCP or UDP headers. This value defaults to 0x0000 if no TCP or UDP headers were recognized. Reserved, should be written with zero. Source port number for TCP or UDP headers. This value defaults to 0x0000 if no TCP or UDP headers were recognized. PID is the property identifier field of the filer table control entry (see RQFCR[PID]) at the same index. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-62 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Maximum Receive Buffer Length Register (MRBLR) The MRBLR register is written by the user. It informs the eTSEC how much space is in the receive buffer pointed to by the RxBD. Figure 14-36 describes the definition for the MRBLR. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4340; eTSEC2:0x2_5340; eTSEC3:0x2_6340; eTSEC4:0x2_7340 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W 25 26 MRBL Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-36. MRBLR Register Definition \\ Table 14-39. MRBLR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-25 Description Reserved MRBL Maximum receive buffer length. MRBL is the number of bytes that the eTSEC receiver writes to the receive buffer. The MRBL register is written by the user with a multiple of 64 for all modes. The eTSEC can write fewer bytes to the buffer than the value set in MRBL if a condition such as an error or end-of-frame occurs, but it never exceeds the MRBL value; therefore, user-supplied buffers must be at least as large as the MRBL. MRBL must be set, together with the number of buffer descriptors, to ensure adequate space for received frames. See Section, "Maximum Frame Length Register (MAXFRM)," for further discussion. 26-31 -- To ensure that MRBL is a multiple of 64, these bits are reserved and should be cleared. Receive Data Buffer Pointer High Register (RBDBPH) The RBDBPH register is written by the user with the most significant address bits common to all RxBD buffer addresses, RxBD[Data Buffer Pointer]. As a consequence, Rx buffers must be placed in a 4 Gbyte segment of memory whose base address is prefixed by the bits in RBDBPH. The RxBD ring itself can reside in a different memory region (based at RBASEH). Figure 14-37 describes the definition for the RBDBPH register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4380; eTSEC2:0x2_5380; eTSEC3:0x2_6380; eTSEC4:0x2_7380 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 RBDBPH All zeros Figure 14-37. RBDBPH Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-63 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-40 describes the fields of the RBDBPH register. Table 14-40. RBDBPH Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 Description Reserved RBDBPH Most significant bits common to all data buffer addresses contained in RxBDs. The user must initialize RBDBPH before enabling the eTSEC receive function. Receive Buffer Descriptor Pointers 0-7 (RBPTR0-RBPTR7) RBPTR0-RBPTR7 each contains the low-order 32 bits of the next receive buffer descriptor address for their respective RxBD ring. Figure 14-38 describes the RBPTR registers. These registers takes on the value of their ring's associated RBASE when the RBASE register is written by software. Software must not write RBPTRn while eTSEC is actively receiving frames. However, RBPTRn can be modified when the receiver is disabled or when no Rx buffer is in use (after a GRACEFUL STOP RECEIVE command is issued and the frame completes its reception) in order to change the next RxBD eTSEC receives. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4384+8xn; eTSEC2:0x2_5384+8xn; eTSEC3:0x2_6384+8xn; eTSEC4:0x2_7384+8xn Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R RBPTRn W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-38. RBPTR0-RBPTR7 Register Definition Table 14-28 describes the fields of the RBPTRn register. Table 14-41. RBPTRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-28 RBPTRn Current RxBD pointer for RxBD ring n. Points to the current BD being processed or to the next BD the receiver uses when it is idling. After reset or when the end of the RxBD ring is reached, eTSEC initializes RBPTRn to the value in the corresponding RBASEn. The RBPTR register is internally written by the eTSEC's DMA controller during reception. The pointer increments by 8 (bytes) each time a descriptor is closed successfully by the eTSEC. Note that the 3 least-significant bits of this register are read only and zero. 29-31 -- Reserved Receive Descriptor Base Address High Register (RBASEH) The RBASEH register is written by the user with the most significant address bits common to all RxBD addresses, including RBASE0-RBASE7 and RBPTR0-RBPTR7. As a consequence, RxBD rings must be placed in a 4 Gbyte segment of memory whose base address is prefixed by the bits in RBASEH. However, Rx data buffers may potentially reside in a different memory region based at RBDBPH. Figure 14-39 describes the definition for the RBASEH register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-64 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4400; eTSEC2:0x2_5400; eTSEC3:0x2_6400; eTSEC4:0x2_7400 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 RBASEH All zeros Figure 14-39. RBASEH Register Definition Table 14-29 describes the fields of the RBASEH register. Table 14-42. RBASEH Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 Description Reserved RBASEH Most significant bits common to all RxBD addresses--except data buffer pointers. The user must initialize RBASEH before enabling the eTSEC receive function. Receive Descriptor Base Address Registers (RBASE0-RBASE7) The RBASEn registers are written by the user with the base address of each RxBD ring n. Each such value must be divisible by eight, since the 3 least-significant bits always write as 000. Figure 14-40 describes the RBASEn registers. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4404+8xn; eTSEC2:0x2_5404+8xn; eTSEC3:0x2_6404+8xn; eTSEC4:0x2_7404+8xn Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R RBASEn W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-40. RBASE Register Definition Table 14-30 describes the fields of the RBASEn registers. Table 14-43. RBASE0-RBASE7 Field Descriptions Bits 0-28 29-31 Name Description RBASEn Receive base for ring n. RBASE defines the starting location in the memory map for the eTSEC RxBDs. This field must be 8-byte aligned. Together with setting the W (wrap) bit in the last BD, the user can select how many BDs to allocate for the receive packets. The user must initialize RBASE before enabling the eTSEC receive function on the associated ring. -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-65 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers MAC Functionality This section describes the MAC registers and provides a brief overview of the functionality that can be exercised through the use of these registers, particularly those that provide functionality not explicitly required by the IEEE 802.3 standard. All of the MAC registers are 32 bits wide. Configuring the MAC The MAC configuration registers 1 and 2 provide for configuring the MAC in multiple ways: * Adjusting the preamble length--The length of the preamble can be adjusted from the nominal seven bytes to some other (non-zero) value. Should custom preamble insertion/extraction be configured, then this register must by left at its default value. * Varying pad/CRC combinations--Three different pad/CRC combinations are provided to handle a variety of system requirements. Simplest are frames that already have a valid FCS field. The other two options include appending a valid CRC or padding and then appending a valid CRC, resulting in a minimum frame of 64 octets. In addition to the programmable register set, the pad/CRC behavior can be dynamically adjusted on a per-packet basis. Controlling CSMA/CD The half-duplex register (HAFDUP) allows control over the carrier-sense multiple access/collision detection (CSMA/CD) logic of the eTSEC. Half-duplex mode is only supported for 10- and 100-Mbps operation. Following the completion of the packet transmission the part begins timing the inter packet gap (IPG) as programmed in the back-to-back IPG configuration register. The system is now free to begin another frame transfer. In full-duplex mode both the carrier sense (CRS) and collision (COL) indications from the PHY are ignored, but in half-duplex mode the eTSEC defers to CRS, and following a carrier event, times the IPG using the non-back-to-back IPG configuration values that include support for the optional two-thirds/one-third CRS deferral process. This optional IPG mechanism enhances system robustness and ensures fair access to the medium. During the first two-thirds of the IPG, the IPG timer is cleared if CRS is sensed. During the final one-third of the IPG, CRS is ignored and the transmission begins once IPG is timed. The two-thirds/one-third ratio is the recommended value. Handling Packet Collisions While transmitting a packet in half-duplex mode, the eTSEC is sensitive to COL. If a collision occurs, it aborts the packet and outputs the 32-bit jam sequence. The jam sequence is comprised of several bits of the CRC, inverted to guarantee an invalid CRC upon reception. A signal is sent to the system indicating that a collision occurred and that the start of the frame is needed for retransmission. The eTSEC then backs off of the medium for a time determined by the truncated binary exponential back off (BEB) algorithm. Following this back-off time, the packet is retried. The back-off time can be skipped if configured via the half-duplex register. However, this is non-standard behavior and its use must be carefully applied. Should any one packet experience excessive collisions, the packet is aborted. The system should flush the frame and move to the next one in line. If the system requests to send a packet while the eTSEC is deferring to a carrier, the eTSEC simply waits until the end of the carrier event and the timing of IPG before it honors the request. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-66 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers If packet transmission attempts experience collisions, the eTSEC outputs the jam sequence and waits some amount of time before retrying the packet. This amount of time is determined by a controlled randomization process called truncated binary exponential back-off. The amount of time is an integer number of slot times. The number of slot times to delay before the nth retransmission attempt is chosen as a uniformly-distributed random integer r in the range: 0 r 2k, where k = min(n,10). So after the first collision, the eTSEC backs off either 0 or 1 slot times. After the fifth collision, the eTSEC backs off between 0 and 32 slot times. After the tenth collision, the maximum number of slot times to back off is 1024. This can be adjusted via the half-duplex register. An alternate truncation point, such as 7 for instance, can be programmed. On average, the MAC is more aggressive after seven collisions than other stations on the network. Controlling Packet Flow Packet flow can be dealt with in a number of ways within eTSEC. A default retransmit attempt limit of 15 can be reduced using the half-duplex register. The slot time or collision window can be used to gate the retry window and possibly reduce the amount of transmit buffering within the system. The slot time for 10/100 Mbps is 512 bit times. Because the slot time begins at the beginning of the packet (including preamble), the end occurs around the 56th byte of the frame data. Slot time in 1000-Mbps mode is not supported. Full-duplex flow control is provided for in IEEE 802.3x. Currently the standard does not address flow control in half-duplex environments. Common in the industry, however, is the concept of back pressure. The eTSEC implements the optional back pressure mechanism using the raise carrier method. If the system receive logic wishes to stop the reception of packets in a network-friendly way, transmit half-duplex flow control (THDF) is set (TCTRL[THDF]). If the medium is idle, the eTSEC raises carrier by transmitting preamble. Other stations on the half-duplex network then defer to the carrier. In the event the preamble transmission happens to cause a collision, the eTSEC ensures the minimum 96-bit presence on the wire, then drops preamble and waits a back-off time depending on the value of the back-pressure-no-back-off configuration bit HAFDUP[BP No BackOff]. These transmitting-preamble-for-back pressure collisions are not counted. If HAFDUP[BP No BackOff] is set, the eTSEC waits an inter-packet gap before resuming the transmission of preamble following the collision and does not defer. If HAFDUP[BP No BackOff] is cleared, the eTSEC adheres to the truncated BEB algorithm that allows the possibility of packets being received. This also can be detrimental in that packets can now experience excessive collisions, causing them to be dropped in the stations from which they originate. To reduce the likelihood of lost packets and packets leaking through the back pressure mechanism, HAFDUP[BP No BackOff] must be set. The eTSEC drops carrier (cease transmitting preamble) periodically to avoid excessive defer conditions in other stations on the shared network. If, while applying back pressure, the eTSEC is requested to send a packet, it stops sending preamble, and waits one IPG before sending the packet. HAFDUP[BP No BackOff] applies for any collision that occurs during the sending of this packet. Collisions for packets while half duplex back pressure is asserted are counted. The eTSEC does not defer while attempting to send packets while in back pressure. Again, back pressure is non-standard, yet it can be effective in reducing the flow of receive packets. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-67 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Controlling PHY Links Control and status to and from the PHY is provided via the two-wire MII management interface described in IEEE 802.3u. The MII management registers (MII management configuration, command, address, control, status, and indicator registers) are used to exercise this interface between a host processor and one or more PHY devices (including the TBI). The eTSEC MII's registers provide the ability to perform continuous read cycles (called a scan cycle); although, scan cycles are not explicitly defined in the standard. If requested (by setting MIIMCOM[Scan Cycle]), the part performs repetitive read cycles of the PHY status register, for example. In this way, link characteristics may be monitored more efficiently. The different fields in the MII management indicator register (scan, not valid and busy) are used to indicate availability of each read of the scan cycle to the host from MIIMSTAT[PHY scan]. Yet another parameter that can be modified through the MII registers is the length of the MII management interface preamble. After establishing that a PHY supports preamble suppression, the host may so configure the eTSEC. While enabled, the length of MII management frames are reduced from 64 clocks to 32 clocks. This effectively doubles the efficiency of the interface. MAC Registers This section describes the MAC registers. MAC Configuration 1 Register (MACCFG1) MACCFG1 is written by the user. Figure 14-41 describes the definition for the MACCFG1 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4500; eTSEC2:0x2_5500; eTSEC3:0x2_6500; eTSEC4:0x2_7500 0 R W Access: Mixed 1 11 Soft_Reset -- Reset 14 15 All zeros 16 W 13 Reset Rx MC Reset Tx MC Reset Rx Fun Reset Tx Fun Reset R 12 22 -- 23 Loop Back 24 25 -- 26 27 Rx_Flow Tx_Flow 28 Sync'd Rx EN 29 Rx_EN 30 Sync'd Tx EN 31 Tx_EN All zeros Figure 14-41. MACCFG1 Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-68 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-44 describes the fields of the MACCFG1 register. \ Table 14-44. MACCFG1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 Soft_Reset 1-11 -- Description Soft reset. This bit is cleared by default. See Section, "Soft Reset and Reconfiguring Procedure," for more information on setting this bit. 0 Normal operation. 1 Place the entire MAC in reset except for the host interface. Reserved 12 Reset Rx MC Reset receive MAC control block. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Place the receive part of the MAC in reset. This block detects control frames and contains the pause timers. 13 Reset Tx MC Reset transmit MAC control block. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Place the transmit part of the MAC in reset. This block multiplexes data and control frame transfers. It also responds to XOFF PAUSE control frames. 14 Reset Rx Fun Reset receive function block. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Place the receive function in reset. This block performs the receive frame protocol. 15 Reset Tx Fun Reset transmit function block. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Place the transmit function in reset. This block performs the frame transmission protocol. 16-22 -- 23 Loop Back 24-25 -- 26 Rx_Flow Receive flow. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The receive MAC control ignores PAUSE flow control frames. 1 The receive MAC control detects and acts on PAUSE flow control frames. 27 Tx_Flow Transmit flow. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The transmit MAC control may not send PAUSE flow control frames if requested by the system. 1 The transmit MAC control may send PAUSE flow control frames if requested by the system. 28 29 Reserved Loop back. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Loop back the MAC transmit outputs to the MAC receive inputs. Reserved Sync'd Rx EN Receive enable synchronized to the receive stream. (Read-only) 0 Frame reception is not enabled. 1 Frame reception is enabled. Rx_EN Receive enable. This bit is cleared by default. If set, prior to clearing this bit, set DMACTRL[GRS] then confirm subsequent occurrence of the graceful receive stop interrupt (IEVENT[GRSC] is set). 0 The MAC may not receive frames from the PHY. 1 The MAC may receive frames from the PHY. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-69 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-44. MACCFG1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 30 Description Sync'd Tx EN Transmit enable synchronized to the transmit stream. (Read-only) 0 Frame transmission is not enabled. 1 Frame transmission is enabled. 31 Tx_EN Transmit enable. This bit is cleared by default. If set, prior to clearing this bit, set DMACTRL[GTS] then confirm subsequent occurrence of the graceful receive stop interrupt (IEVENT[GTSC] is set). 0 The MAC may not transmit frames from the system. 1 The MAC may transmit frames from the system. MAC Configuration 2 Register (MACCFG2) The MACCFG2 register is written by the user. Figure 14-42 describes the definition for the MACCFG2 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4504; eTSEC2:0x2_5504; eTSEC3:0x2_6504; eTSEC4:0x2_7504 Access: Read/Write 0 15 R -- W Reset All zeros 16 19 20 21 R Preamble W Length -- Reset 0 1 1 1 0 0 22 23 I/F Mode 0 0 24 25 PreAmRxEN PreAmTxEN 0 0 26 27 Huge Frame Length check 0 0 28 29 30 MPEN PAD/CRC CRC EN 0 0 0 31 Full Duplex 0 Figure 14-42. MACCFG2 Register Definition Table 14-45 describes the fields of the MACCFG2 register. Table 14-45. MACCFG2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-19 Preamble Length 20-21 -- 22-23 I/F Mode 24 Description Reserved This field determines the length in bytes of the preamble field preceding each Ethernet start-of-frame delimiter byte. The default value of 0x7 should not be altered in order to guarantee reliable operation with IEEE 802.3 compliant hardware. Reserved This field determines the type of interface to which the MAC is connected. Its default is 00. 00 Reserved bit mode (not supported) (10 Mbps GENDEC/GPSI) 01 Nibble mode (MII) (10/100 Mbps MII/RMII) 10 Byte mode (GMII/TBI) (1000 Mbps GMII/TBI). Reserved if neither GMII nor TBI are supported. 11 Reserved PreAM RxEN User defined preamble enable for received frames. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The MAC skips the Ethernet preamble without returning it. 1 The MAC recovers the received Ethernet preamble and passes it to the driver at the start of each received frame. Not applicable to FIFO or RMII 10/100 modes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-70 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-45. MACCFG2 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 25 26 Name Description PreAM TxEN User defined preamble enable for transmitted frames. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The MAC generates a standard Ethernet preamble. 1 If a user-defined preamble has been passed to the MAC it is transmitted instead of the standard preamble. Otherwise the standard Ethernet preamble is generated. The Preamble Length field should be left at its default setting if a user-defined preamble is transmitted. Not applicable to FIFO or RMII 10/100 modes. Huge Frame Huge frame enable. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Limit the length of frames received to less than or equal to the maximum frame length value (MAXFRM[Maximum Frame]) and limit the length of frames transmitted to less than the maximum frame length. See Section 14.6.6, "Buffer Descriptors," for further details of buffer descriptor bit updating. Packet truncation Buffer descriptor updated Receive or transmit > maximum frame length yes yes Receive = maximum frame length no yes Transmit = maximum frame length no no Receive or transmit < maximum frame length no no Frame type Frame length 1 Frames are transmitted and received regardless of their relationship to the maximum frame length. Note that if Huge Frame is cleared, the user must ensure that adequate buffer space is allocated for received frames. See Section, "Maximum Frame Length Register (MAXFRM)," for further information. 27 Length check Length check. This bit is cleared by default. 0 No length field checking is performed. 1 The MAC checks the frame's length field on receive to ensure it matches the actual data field length. Transmitted frames are not checked. 28 MPEN Magic packet enable for Ethernet modes. This bit is cleared by default. MPEN should be enabled only after GRACEFUL RECEIVE STOP and GRACEFUL TRANSMIT STOP are completed successfully (in other words, transmission and reception have stopped). 0 Normal receive behavior on receive, or Magic Packet mode has exited with reception of a valid Magic Packet. 1 Commence Magic Packet detection by the MAC provided that frame reception is enabled in MACCFG1. In this mode the MAC ignores all received frames until the specific Magic Packet frame is received, at which point this bit is cleared by the eTSEC, and a maskable interrupt via IEVENT[MAG] occurs. 29 PAD/CRC Pad and append CRC. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Frames presented to the MAC have a valid length and contain a CRC. 1 The MAC pads all transmitted short frames and appends a CRC to every frame regardless of padding requirement. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-71 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-45. MACCFG2 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 30 CRC EN CRC enable. If the configuration bit PAD/CRC ENABLE or the per-packet PAD/CRC ENABLE is set, CRC ENABLE is ignored. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Frames presented to the MAC have a valid length and contain a valid CRC. 1 The MAC appends a CRC on all frames. Clear this bit if frames presented to the MAC have a valid length and contain a valid CRC. 31 Full Duplex Full duplex configure. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The MAC operates in half-duplex mode only. 1 The MAC operates in full-duplex mode. Inter-Packet Gap/Inter-Frame Gap Register (IPGIFG) The IPGIFG register is written by the user. Figure 14-43 describes the definition for IPGIFG. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4508; eTSEC2:0x2_5508; eTSEC3:0x2_6508; eTSEC4:0x2_7508 0 R W -- Reset 0 1 7 8 Access: Read/Write 9 15 16 23 24 25 Non-Back-to-Back Non-Back-to-Back -- Inter-Packet-Gap, Part 1 Inter-Packet-Gap, Part 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum IFG Enforcement 0 1 0 1 0 0 Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap -- 0 0 0 31 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-43. IPGIFG Register Definition Table 14-46 describes the fields of the IPGIFG register. Table 14-46. IPGIFG Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- 1-7 8 9-15 Description Reserved Non-Back-to-Back This is a programmable field representing the optional carrier sense window referenced in Inter-Packet-Gap, Part 1 IEEE 802.3/ `carrier deference'. If carrier is detected during the timing of IPGR1, the MAC defers to carrier. If, however, carrier becomes active after IPGR1, the MAC continues timing IPGR2 and transmits, knowingly causing a collision, thus ensuring fair access to medium. Its range of values is 0x00 to IPGR2. Its default is 0x40 (64d) which follows the two-thirds/one-third guideline. -- Reserved Non-Back-to-Back This is a programmable field representing the non-back-to-back inter-packet-gap in bits. Its Inter-Packet-Gap, Part 2 default is 0x60 (96d), which represents the minimum IPG of 96 bits. 16-23 Minimum IFG Enforcement 24 -- 25-31 Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap This is a programmable field representing the minimum number of bits of IFG to enforce between frames. A frame is dropped whose IFG is less than that programmed. The default setting of 0x50 (80d) represents half of the nominal minimum IFG which is 160 bits. Reserved This is a programmable field representing the IPG between back-to-back packets. This is the IPG parameter used exclusively in full-duplex mode and in half-duplex mode if two transmit packets are sent back-to-back. Set this field to the number of bits of IPG desired. The default setting of 0x60 (96d) represents the minimum IPG of 96 bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-72 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Half-Duplex Register (HAFDUP) The HAFDUP register is written by the user. Figure 14-44 describes the HAFDUP register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_450C; eTSEC2:0x2_550C; eTSEC3:0x2_650C; eTSEC4:0x2_750C Access: Read/Write 0 7 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 16 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 19 20 21 22 Retransmission Maximum 1 1 1 8 11 12 13 14 15 Alternate BEB Alt BEB BP No BackOff No BackOff Excess Defer Truncation 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 31 -- 1 0 Collision Window 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 Figure 14-44. Half-Duplex Register Definition Table 14-47 describes the fields of the HAFDUP register. Table 14-47. HAFDUP Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-11 Alternate BEB Truncation 12 Alt BEB Alternate binary exponential backoff. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The Tx MAC follows the standard binary exponential back off rule. 1 The Tx MAC uses the ALTERNATE BINARY EXPONENTIAL BACKOFF TRUNCATION setting instead of the 802.3 standard tenth collision. The standard specifies that any collision after the tenth uses one less than 210 as the maximum backoff time. 13 BP No BackOff Back pressure no backoff. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The Tx MAC follows the binary exponential back off rule. 1 The Tx MAC immediately re-transmits, following a collision, during back pressure operation. 14 No BackOff 15 Excess Defer 16-19 Retransmission Maximum 20-21 -- 22-31 Description Reserved This field is used while ALTERNATE BINARY EXPONENTIAL BACKOFF ENABLE is set. The value programmed is substituted for the Ethernet standard value of ten. Its default is 0xA. No backoff. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The Tx MAC follows the binary exponential back off rule. 1 The Tx MAC immediately re-transmits following a collision. Excessively deferred. This bit is set by default. 0 The Tx MAC aborts the transmission of a packet that is excessively deferred. 1 The Tx MAC allows the transmission of a packet that is excessively deferred. This is a programmable field specifying the number of retransmission attempts following a collision before aborting the packet due to excessive collisions. The standard specifies the attempt limit to be 0xF (15d). Its default value is 0xF. Reserved Collision Window This is a programmable field representing the slot time or collision window during which collisions occur in properly configured networks. Because the collision window starts at the beginning of transmission, the preamble and SFD are included. Its default of 0x37 (55d) corresponds to the count of frame bytes at the end of the window. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-73 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Maximum Frame Length Register (MAXFRM) The MAXFRM register is written by the user. Figure 14-45 shows the MAXFRM register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4510; eTSEC2:0x2_5510; eTSEC3:0x2_6510; eTSEC4:0x2_7510 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R 31 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maximum Frame 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-45. Maximum Frame Length Register Definition Table 14-48 describes the fields of the MAXFRM register. Table 14-48. MAXFRM Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- Description Reserved 16-31 Maximum Frame By default this field is set to 0x0600 (1536 bytes). It sets the maximum Ethernet frame size in both the transmit and receive directions. (Refer to MACCFG2[Huge Frame].). It does not affect the size of packets sent or received via the FIFO packet interface. Note that if MACCFG2[Huge Frame] = 0, the value of this field must be less than or equal to MRBLR[MRBL] x (minimum number of RxBDs per ring). See Section, "MAC Configuration 2 Register (MACCFG2)," Section, "Maximum Receive Buffer Length Register (MRBLR)," and Section, "Receive Buffer Descriptors (RxBD)." MII Management Configuration Register (MIIMCFG) The MIIMCFG register is written by the user to configure all MII management operations. Note that MII management hardware is shared by all eTSECs. Thus, only through the MIIM registers of eTSEC1 can external PHYs be accessed and configured. Note: when an eTSEC is configured to use TBI or RTBI, configuration of the TBI (described in Section 14.5.4, "Ten-Bit Interface (TBI)") is done via the MIIM registers for that eTSEC. For example, if a TBI interface is required on eTSEC2, then the MIIM registers starting at offset 0x2_5520 are used to configure it. Figure 14-46 describes the definition for the MIIMCFG register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4520; eTSEC2:0x2_5520; eTSEC3:0x2_6520; eTSEC4:0x2_7520 0 R W Reset 1 Reset Mgmt 0 Access: Read/Write 26 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 28 No Pre -- 0 0 0 29 31 MgmtClk 1 1 1 Figure 14-46. MII Management Configuration Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-74 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-49 describes the fields of the MIIMCFG register. Table 14-49. MIIMCFG Field Descriptions Bits 0 Name Description Reset Mgmt Reset management. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Allow the MII MGMT to perform mgmt read/write cycles if requested via the host interface. 1 Reset the MII MGMT. 1-26 -- 27 No Pre 28 -- 29-31 MgmtClk Reserved Preamble suppress. This bit is cleared by default. 0 The MII MGMT performs Mgmt read/write cycles with 32 clocks of preamble. 1 The MII MGMT suppresses preamble generation and reduces the Mgmt cycle from 64 clocks to 32 clocks. This is in accordance with IEEE 802.3/ Reserved This field determines the clock frequency of the MII management clock (EC_MDC). Its default value is 111. 000 1/4 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 001 1/4 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 010 1/6 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 011 1/8 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 100 1/10 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 101 1/14 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 110 1/20 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 111 1/28 of the eTSEC system clock divided by 8 MII Management Command Register (MIIMCOM) The MIIMCOM register is written by the user. Figure 14-47 describes the definition for MIIMCOM. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4524; eTSEC2:0x2_5524; eTSEC3:0x2_6524; eTSEC4:0x2_7524 Access: Read/Write 0 29 R -- W Reset 30 31 Scan Cycle Read Cycle All zeros Figure 14-47. MIIMCOM Register Definition Table 14-50 describes the fields of the MIIMCOM register. Table 14-50. MIIMCOM Descriptions Bits Name 0-29 -- Description Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-75 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-50. MIIMCOM Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 30 Scan Cycle Scan cycle. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 The MII management continuously performs read cycles. This is useful for monitoring link fail, for example. 31 Read Cycle Read cycle. This bit is cleared by default but is not self-clearing once set. 0 Normal operation. 1 The MII management performs a single read cycle upon the transition of this bit from 0 to 1 using the PHY address (at MIIMADD[PHY Address]) and the register address (at MIIMADD[Register Address]). The 0-to-1 transition of this bit also causes the MIIMIND[Busy] bit to be set. The read is complete when the MIIMIND[Busy] bit clears. Data is returned in register MIIMSTAT[PHY Status]. MII Management Address Register (MIIMADD) The MIIMADD register is written by the user. Figure 14-48 shows the MIIMADD register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4528; eTSEC2:0x2_5528; eTSEC3:0x2_6528; eTSEC4:0x2_7528 Access: Read/Write 0 18 19 R -- W Reset 23 24 PHY Address 26 27 31 Register Address -- All zeros Figure 14-48. MIIMADD Register Definition Table 14-51 describes the fields of the MIIMADD register. Table 14-51. MIIMADD Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-18 -- 19-23 PHY Address 24-26 -- Description Reserved This field represents the 5-bit PHY address field of Mgmt cycles. Up to 31 PHYs can be addressed (0 is reserved). Its default value is 0x00. Reserved 27-31 Register Address This field represents the 5-bit register address field of Mgmt cycles. Up to 32 registers can be accessed. Its default value is 0x00. MII Management Control Register (MIIMCON) MIIMCON, shown in Figure 14-49, is written by the user. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_452C; eTSEC2:0x2_552C; eTSEC3:0x2_652C; eTSEC4:0x2_752C 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 15 16 -- 31 PHY Control All zeros Figure 14-49. MII Mgmt Control Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-76 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-52 describes the fields of the MIIMCON register. Table 14-52. MIIMCON Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 Description Reserved PHY Control If written, an MII Mgmt write cycle is performed using this 16-bit data, the pre-configured PHY address (at MIIMADD[PHY Address]) and the register address (at MIIMADD[Register Address]). Its default value is 0x0000. MII Management Status Register (MIIMSTAT) The MIIMSTAT register is read only by the user. Figure 14-50 describes the definition for the MIIMSTAT register. O Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4530; eTSEC2:0x2_5530; eTSEC3:0x2_6530; eTSEC4:0x2_7530 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R PHY Status -- W 31 Reset All zeros Figure 14-50. MIIMSTAT Register Definition Table 14-53 describes the fields of the MIIMSTAT register. Table 14-53. MIIMSTAT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 Description Reserved PHY Status Following an MII Mgmt read cycle, the 16-bit data can be read from this location. Its default value is 0x0000. MII Management Indicator Register (MIIMIND) The MIIMIND register is read-only by the user. Figure 14-51 describes the definition for the MIIMIND register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4534; eTSEC2:0x2_5534; eTSEC3:0x2_6534; eTSEC4:0x2_7534 Access: Read only 0 28 R -- W Reset 29 30 31 Not Valid Scan Busy All zeros Figure 14-51. MII Mgmt Indicator Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-77 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-54. MIIMIND Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 -- 29 Not Valid 30 Scan Scan in progress. 0 A scan operation (continuous MII Mgmt read cycles) is not in progress. 1 A scan operation (continuous MII Mgmt read cycles) is in progress. 31 Busy Busy. 0 MII Mgmt block is not currently performing an MII Mgmt read or write cycle. 1 MII Mgmt block is currently performing an MII Mgmt read or write cycle. Description Reserved Not valid. 0 MII Mgmt read cycle has completed and the read data is valid. 1 MII Mgmt read cycle has not completed and the read data is not yet valid. Interface Status Register (IFSTAT) Figure 14-52 shows the IFSTAT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_453C; eTSEC2:0x2_553C; eTSEC3:0x2_653C; eTSEC4:0x2_753C Access: Read only 0 21 R Reset 23 31 Excess Defer -- W 22 -- All zeros Figure 14-52. Interface Status Register Definition Table 14-55 describes the fields of the FSTAT register. Table 14-55. IFSTAT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-21 -- 22 Description Reserved Excess Defer Excessive transmission defer. This bit latches high and is cleared when read. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 The MAC excessively defers a transmission. 23-31 -- Reserved MAC Station Address Part 1 Register (MACSTNADDR1) The MACSTNADDR1 register is written by the user. The value of the station address written into MACSTNADDR1 and MACSTNADDR2 is byte reversed from how it would appear in the DA field of a frame in memory. For example, for a station address of 0x12345678ABCD, MACSTNADDR1 is set to 0xCDAB7856 and MACSTNADDR2 is set to 0x34120000. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-78 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Figure 14-53 shows the MACSTNADDR1 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4540; eTSEC2:0x2_5540; eTSEC3:0x2_6540; eTSEC4:0x2_7540 0 R W 7 Station Address, 6th Octet Access: Read/Write 8 15 16 Station Address, 5th Octet Reset 23 24 Station Address, 4th Octet 31 Station Address, 3rd Octet All zeros Figure 14-53. MAC Station Address Part 1 Register Definition Table 14-56 describes the fields of the MACSTNADDR1 register. Table 14-56. MACSTNADDR1 Field Descriptions Bit Name 0-7 Station Address, 6th Octet This field holds the sixth octet of the station address. The sixth octet (station address bits 40-47) defaults to a value of 0x0. 8-15 Station Address, 5th Octet This field holds the fifth octet of the station address. The fifth octet (station address bits 32-39) defaults to a value of 0x0. 16-23 Station Address, 4th Octet This field holds the fourth octet of the station address. The fourth octet (station address bits 24-31) defaults to a value of 0x0. 24-31 Station Address, 3rd Octet This field holds the third octet of the station address. The third octet (station address bits 16-23) defaults to a value of 0x0. Description MAC Station Address Part 2 Register (MACSTNADDR2) The MACSTNADDR2 register is written by the user. Figure 14-54 describes the definition for the MACSTNADDR2 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4544; eTSEC2:0x2_5544; eTSEC3:0x2_6544; eTSEC4:0x2_7544 0 R W 7 Station Address, 2nd Octet Access: Read/Write 8 15 16 31 Station Address, 1st Octet Reset -- All zeros Figure 14-54. MAC Station Address Part 2 Register Definition Table 14-57 describes the fields of the MACSTNADDR2 register. Table 14-57. MACSTNADDR2 Field Descriptions Bit Name Description 0-7 Station Address, 2nd Octet This field holds the second octet of the station address. The second octet (station address bits 8-15) defaults to a value of 0x0. 8-15 Station Address, 1st Octet This field holds the first octet of the station address. The first octet (station address bits 0-7) defaults to a value of 0x0. 16-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-79 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers MAC Exact Match Address 1-15 Part 1 Registers (MAC01ADDR1-MAC15ADDR1) The MAC01ADDR1-MAC15ADDR1 registers are written by the user with the unicast or multicast addresses aliasing the MAC. Figure 14-55 describes the definition for all of the fifteen MACnADDR1 registers. The value of the address written into MACxADDR1 and MACnADDR2 is byte reversed from how it would appear in the DA field of a frame in memory. For example, for a MAC address of 0x12345678ABCD, MACnADDR1 is set to 0xCDAB7856 and MACnADDR2 is set to 0x34120000. For any valid, non-zero MAC address received, exact match registers can be excluded individually by clearing them to all zero bytes. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4548+8xn; eTSEC2:0x2_5548+8xn; eTSEC3:0x2_6548+8xn; eTSEC4:0x2_7548+8xn 0 R 7 8 Exact Match Address, 6th Octet W Access: Read/Write 15 16 Exact Match Address, 5th Octet Reset 23 24 Exact Match Address, 4th Octet 31 Exact Match Address, 3rd Octet All zeros Figure 14-55. MAC Exact Match Address n Part 1 Register Definition Table 14-56 describes the fields of a MACnADDR1 register. Table 14-58. MACnADDR1 Field Descriptions Bit Name 0-7 Description Exact Match Address, 6th Octet Holds the sixth octet of the exact match address. The sixth octet (destination address bits 40-47) defaults to a value of 0x0. 8-15 Exact Match Address, 5th Octet Holds the fifth octet of the exact match address. The fifth octet (destination address bits 32-39) defaults to a value of 0x0. 16-23 Exact Match Address, 4th Octet Holds the fourth octet of the exact match address. The fourth octet (destination address bits 24-31) defaults to a value of 0x0. 24-31 Exact Match Address, 3rd Octet Holds the third octet of the exact match address. The third octet (destination address bits 16-23) defaults to a value of 0x0. MAC Exact Match Address 1-15 Part 2 Registers (MAC01ADDR2-MAC15ADDR2) The MAC01ADDR2-MAC15ADDR2 registers are written by the user with the unicast or multicast addresses aliasing the MAC. Figure 14-56 describes the definition for all of the fifteen MACxADDR2 registers. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_454C+8xn; eTSEC2:0x2_554C+8xn; eTSEC3:0x2_654C+8xn; eTSEC4:0x2_754C+8xn 0 R W Reset 7 Exact Match Address, 2nd Octet Access: Read/Write 8 15 16 Exact Match Address, 1st Octet 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-56. MAC Exact Match Address x Part 2 Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-80 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-57 describes the fields of a MACxADDR2 register. Table 14-59. MAC01ADDR2-MAC15ADDR2 Field Descriptions Bit 0-7 Name Description Exact Match Address, 2nd Octet This field holds the second octet of the exact match address. The second octet (destination address bits 8-15) defaults to a value of 0x0. 8-15 Exact Match Address, 1st Octet This field holds the first octet of the exact match address. The first octet (destination address bits 0-7) defaults to a value of 0x0. 16-31 Reserved -- MIB Registers This section describes the MIB registers. The eTSEC RMON module has 37 separate statistics counters, which simply count or accumulate statistical events that occur as packets transmitted and received. These counters support RMON MIB group 1, RMON MIB group 2 if table counters, RMON MIB group 3, RMON MIB group 9, RMON MIB 2, and the 802.3 Ethernet MIB. An interrupt can be generated upon any one counter's rollover condition via a carry interrupt output from the RMON. Each counter's rollover condition can be discretely masked from causing an interrupt by internal masking registers. In addition, each individual counter value may be reset on read access, or all counters may be simultaneously reset by setting ECNTRL[CLRCNT]. The majority of MIB counters are Ethernet-specific. In FIFO modes, only the following registers are updated: * Transmit: TBYT, TPKT, TDRP * Receive: RBYT, RPKT, RFCS Transmit and Receive 64-Byte Frame Counter (TR64) Figure 14-57 describes the definition for the TR64 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4680; eTSEC2:0x2_5680; eTSEC3:0x2_6680; eTSEC4:0x2_7680 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W Reset TR64 All zeros Figure 14-57. Transmit and Receive 64-Byte Frame Register Definition Table 14-60 describes the fields of the TR64 register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-81 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-60. TR64 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 Description Reserved TR64 Transmit and receive 64-byte frame counter--Increment for each good or bad frame transmitted and received which is 64 bytes in length, inclusive (excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes). Transmit and Receive 65- to 127-Byte Frame Counter (TR127) Figure 14-58 describes the definition for the TR127 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4684; eTSEC2:0x2_5684; eTSEC3:0x2_6684; eTSEC4:0x2_7684 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W TR127 Reset All zeros Figure 14-58. Transmit and Receive 65- to 127-Byte Frame Register Definition Table 14-61 describes the fields of the TR127 register. Table 14-61. TR127 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- Description Reserved 10-31 TR127 Transmit and receive 65- to 127-byte frame counter--Increments for each good or bad frame transmitted and received which is 65-127 bytes in length, inclusive (excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes). Transmit and Receive 128- to 255-Byte Frame Counter (TR255) Figure 14-59 describes the definition for the TR255 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4688; eTSEC2:0x2_5688; eTSEC3:0x2_6688; eTSEC4:0x2_7688 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W Reset TR255 All zeros Figure 14-59. Transmit and Received 128- to 255-Byte Frame Register Definition Table 14-62 describes the fields of the TR255 register. Table 14-62. TR255 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 Description Reserved TR255 Transmit and receive 128- to 255-byte frame counter--Increments for each good or bad frame transmitted and received which is 128-255 bytes in length, inclusive (excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-82 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit and Receive 256- to 511-Byte Frame Counter (TR511) Figure 14-60 describes the definition for the TR511 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_468C; eTSEC2:0x2_568C; eTSEC3:0x2_668C; eTSEC4:0x2_768C 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W TR511 Reset All zeros Figure 14-60. Transmit and Received 256- to 511-Byte Frame Register Definition Table 14-63 describes the fields of the TR511 register. Table 14-63. TR511 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 Description Reserved TR511 Increments for each good or bad frame transmitted and received which is 256-511 bytes in length, inclusive (excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes). Transmit and Receive 512- to 1023-Byte Frame Counter (TR1K) Figure 14-61 shows the TR1K register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4690; eTSEC2:0x2_5690; eTSEC3:0x2_6690; eTSEC4:0x2_7690 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W Reset TR1K All zeros Figure 14-61. Transmit and Received 512- to 1023-Byte Frame Register Definition Table 14-64 describes the fields of the TR1K register. Table 14-64. TR1K Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 TR1K Description Reserved Increments for each good or bad frame transmitted and received which is 512-1023 bytes in length, inclusive (excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-83 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit and Receive 1024- to 1518-Byte Frame Counter (TRMAX) Figure 14-62 describes the definition for the TRMAX register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4694; eTSEC2:0x2_5694; eTSEC3:0x2_6694; eTSEC4:0x2_7694 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W TRMAX Reset All zeros Figure 14-62. Transmit and Received 1024- to 1518-Byte Frame Register Definition Table 14-65 describes the fields of the TRMAX register. Table 14-65. TRMAX Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 TRMAX Description Reserved Increments for each good or bad frame transmitted and received which is 1024-1518 bytes in length, inclusive (excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes). Transmit and Receive 1519- to 1522-Byte VLAN Frame Counter (TRMGV) Figure 14-63 describes the definition for the TRMGV register. Access: Read/Write Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4698; eTSEC2:0x2_5698; eTSEC3:0x2_6698; eTSEC4:0x2_7698 0 9 R 10 31 -- W Reset TRMGV All zeros Figure 14-63. Transmit and Received 1519- to 1522-Byte VLAN Frame Register Definition Table 14-66 describes the fields of the TRMGV register. Table 14-66. TRMGV Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 Description Reserved TRMGV Increments for each good or bad frame transmitted and received which is 1519-1522 bytes in length, inclusive (excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-84 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Byte Counter (RBYT) Figure 14-64 shows the RBYT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_469C; eTSEC2:0x2_569C; eTSEC3:0x2_669C; eTSEC4:0x2_769C Access: Read/Write 0 31 R RBYT W Reset All zeros Figure 14-64. Receive Byte Counter Register Definition Table 14-67 describes the fields of the RBYT register. Table 14-67. RBYT Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 RBYT Receive byte counter. The statistic counter register increments by the byte count of frames received, including those in bad packets, excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes. In FIFO mode, all bytes (including FCS bytes) are counted. Receive Packet Counter (RPKT) Figure 14-65 describes the definition for the RPKT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46A0; eTSEC2:0x2_56A0; eTSEC3:0x2_66A0; eTSEC4:0x2_76A0 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W Reset RPKT All zeros Figure 14-65. Receive Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-68 describes the fields of the RPKT register. Table 14-68. RPKT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 RPKT Description Reserved Receive packet counter. Increments for each frame received packet (including bad packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-85 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive FCS Error Counter (RFCS) Figure 14-66 describes the definition for the RFCS register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46A4; eTSEC2:0x2_56A4; eTSEC3:0x2_66A4; eTSEC4:0x2_76A4 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R 31 -- W RFCS Reset All zeros Figure 14-66. Receive FCS Error Counter Register Definition Table 14-69 describes the fields of the RFCS register. Table 14-69. RFCS Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RFCS Description Reserved Receive FCS error counter. In Ethernet mode, increments for each frame received that has an integral 64-1518 length and contains a frame check sequence error. In FIFO mode, increments for each frame received that contains a frame check sequence error (regardless of size). Receive Multicast Packet Counter (RMCA) Figure 14-67 describes the definition for the RMCA register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46A8; eTSEC2:0x2_56A8; eTSEC3:0x2_66A8; eTSEC4:0x2_76A8 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W Reset RMCA All zeros Figure 14-67. Receive Multicast Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-70 describes the fields of the RMCA register. Table 14-70. RMCA Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 RMCA Description Reserved Receive multicast packet counter. Increments for each multicast frame with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN), excluding broadcast frames. This count does not include range/length errors. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-86 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Broadcast Packet Counter (RBCA) Figure 14-68 describes the definition for the RBCA register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46AC; eTSEC2:0x2_56AC; eTSEC3:0x2_66AC; eTSEC4:0x2_76AC 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W RBCA Reset All zeros Figure 14-68. Receive Broadcast Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-71 describes the fields of the RBCA register. Table 14-71. RBCA Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 RBCA Description Reserved Receive broadcast packet counter. Increments for each broadcast frame with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN), excluding multicast frames. Does not include range/length errors. Receive Control Frame Packet Counter (RXCF) Figure 14-69 describes the definition for the RXCF register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46B0; eTSEC2:0x2_56B0; eTSEC3:0x2_66B0; eTSEC4:0x2_76B0 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 RXCF All zeros Figure 14-69. Receive Control Frame Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-72 describes the fields of the RXCF register. Table 14-72. RXCF Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RXCF Description Reserved Receive control frame packet counter. Increments for each MAC control frame received (PAUSE and unsupported) with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-87 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Pause Frame Packet Counter (RXPF) Figure 14-70 describes the definition for the RXPF register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46B4; eTSEC2:0x2_56B4; eTSEC3:0x2_66B4; eTSEC4:0x2_76B4 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W 31 RXPF Reset All zeros Figure 14-70. Receive Pause Frame Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-73 describes the fields of the RXPF register. Table 14-73. RXPF Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RXPF Description Reserved Receive PAUSE frame packet counter. Increments each time a PAUSE MAC control frame is received with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN). Receive Unknown Opcode Packet Counter (RXUO) Figure 14-71 describes the definition for the RXUO register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46B8; eTSEC2:0x2_56B8; eTSEC3:0x2_66B8; eTSEC4:0x2_76B8 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 RXUO All zeros Figure 14-71. Receive Unknown OPCode Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-74 describes the fields of the RXUO register. Table 14-74. RXUO Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RXUO Description Reserved Receive unknown opcode counter. Increments each time a MAC control frame is received which contains an opcode other than PAUSE, but the frame has valid CRC and length 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-88 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Alignment Error Counter (RALN) Figure 14-72 describes the definition for the RALN register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46BC; eTSEC2:0x2_56BC; eTSEC3:0x2_66BC; eTSEC4:0x2_76BC Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W 31 RALN Reset All zeros Figure 14-72. Receive Alignment Error Counter Register Definition Table 14-75 describes the fields of the RALN register. Table 14-75. RALN Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RALN Description Reserved Receive alignment error counter. Increments for each received frame from 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) which contains an invalid FCS and is not an integral number of bytes. Receive Frame Length Error Counter (RFLR) Figure 14-73 describes the definition for the RFLR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46C0; eTSEC2:0x2_56C0; eTSEC3:0x2_66C0; eTSEC4:0x2_76C0 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 RFLR All zeros Figure 14-73. Receive Frame Length Error Counter Register Definition Table 14-76 describes the fields of the RFLR register. Table 14-76. RFLR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RFLR Description Reserved Receive frame length error counter. Increments for each frame received in which the 802.3 length field did not match the number of data bytes actually received (46-1500 bytes). The counter does not increment if the length field is not a valid 802.3 length, such as an Ethertype value. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-89 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Code Error Counter (RCDE) Figure 14-74 describes the definition for the RCDE register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46C4; eTSEC2:0x2_56C4; eTSEC3:0x2_66C4; eTSEC4:0x2_76C4 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W 31 RCDE Reset All zeros Figure 14-74. Receive Code Error Counter Register Definition Table 14-77 describes the fields of the RCDE register. Table 14-77. RCDE Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 Description Reserved RCDE Receive code error counter. Increments each time a valid carrier is present and at least one invalid data symbol is detected. Receive Carrier Sense Error Counter (RCSE) Figure 14-75 describes the definition for the RCSE register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46C8; eTSEC2:0x2_56C8; eTSEC3:0x2_66C8; eTSEC4:0x2_76C8 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 RCSE All zeros Figure 14-75. Receive Carrier Sense Error Counter Register Definition Table 14-78 describes the fields of the RCSE register. Table 14-78. RCSE Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 Description Reserved RCSE Receive false carrier counter. Counts the number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctuates during a transmission attempt. The event is reported along with the statistics generated on the next received frame, as defined by a 1 on TSECn_RX_ER and an 0xE on TSECn_RXD. Only one false carrier condition can be detected and logged between frames. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-90 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Undersize Packet Counter (RUND) Figure 14-76 describes the definition for the RUND register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46CC; eTSEC2:0x2_56CC; eTSEC3:0x2_66CC; eTSEC4:0x2_76CC Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W 31 RUND Reset All zeros Figure 14-76. Receive Undersize Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-79 describes the fields of the RUND register. Table 14-79. RUND Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RUND Description Reserved Receive undersize packet counter. Increments each time a frame is received which is less than 64 bytes in length and contains a valid FCS and were otherwise well formed. This count does not include range length errors. Receive Oversize Packet Counter (ROVR) Figure 14-77 describes the definition for the ROVR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46D0; eTSEC2:0x2_56D0; eTSEC3:0x2_66D0; eTSEC4:0x2_76D0 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 ROVR All zeros Figure 14-77. Receive Oversize Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-80 describes the fields of the ROVR register. Table 14-80. ROVR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 ROVR Description Reserved Receive oversize packet counter. Increments each time a frame is received which exceeded 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) and contains a valid FCS and was otherwise well formed. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-91 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Fragments Counter (RFRG) Figure 14-78 describes the definition for the RFRG register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46D4; eTSEC2:0x2_56D4; eTSEC3:0x2_66D4; eTSEC4:0x2_76D4 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W 31 RFRG Reset All zeros Figure 14-78. Receive Fragments Counter Register Definition Table 14-81 describes the fields of the RFRG register. Table 14-81. RFRG Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RFRG Description Reserved Receive fragments counter. Increments for each frame received which is less than 64 bytes in length and contains an invalid FCS. This includes integral and non-integral lengths. Receive Jabber Counter (RJBR) Figure 14-79 describes the definition for the RJBR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46D8; eTSEC2:0x2_56D8; eTSEC3:0x2_66D8; eTSEC4:0x2_76D8 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 RJBR All zeros Figure 14-79. Receive Jabber Counter Register Definition Table 14-82 describes the fields of the RJBR register. Table 14-82. RJBR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RJBR Description Reserved Receive jabber counter. Increments for frames received which exceed 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) bytes and contain an invalid FCS. This includes alignment errors. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-92 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Dropped Packet Counter (RDRP) Figure 14-80 describes the definition for the RDRP register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46DC; eTSEC2:0x2_56DC; eTSEC3:0x2_66DC; eTSEC4:0x2_76DC Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W 31 RDRP Reset All zeros Figure 14-80. Receive Dropped Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-83 describes the fields of the RDRP register. Table 14-83. RDRP Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 RDRP Description Reserved Receive dropped packets counter. Increments for frames received which are streamed to system but are later dropped due to lack of system resources. Transmit Byte Counter (TBYT) Figure 14-81 describes the definition for the TBYT register. ff Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46E0; eTSEC2:0x2_56E0; eTSEC3:0x2_66E0; eTSEC4:0x2_76E0 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R TBYT W Reset All zeros Figure 14-81. Transmit Byte Counter Register Definition Table 14-84 describes the fields of the TBYT register. Table 14-84. TBYT Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 TBYT Transmit byte counter. Increments by the number of bytes that were put on the wire including fragments of frames that were involved with collisions. This count does not include preamble/SFD or jam bytes. Note that the value of TBYT may be greater than the actual number of bytes transmitted if the frame is truncated because it exceeds MAXFRM. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-93 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Packet Counter (TPKT) Figure 14-82 describes the definition for the TPKT register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46E4; eTSEC2:0x2_56E4; eTSEC3:0x2_66E4; eTSEC4:0x2_76E4 0 R 9 Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W TPKT Reset All zeros Figure 14-82. Transmit Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-85 describes the fields of the TPKT register. Table 14-85. TPKT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 TPKT Description Transmit packet counter. Increments for each transmitted packet (including bad packets, excessive deferred packets, excessive collision packets, late collision packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets). Transmit Multicast Packet Counter (TMCA) Figure 14-83 describes the definition for the TMCA register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46E8; eTSEC2:0x2_56E8; eTSEC3:0x2_66E8; eTSEC4:0x2_76E8 0 R 9 Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W Reset TMCA All zeros Figure 14-83. Transmit Multicast Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-86 describes the fields of the TMCA register. Table 14-86. TMCA Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 TMCA Description Reserved Transmit multicast packet counter. Increments for each multicast valid frame transmitted (excluding broadcast frames) with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-94 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Broadcast Packet Counter (TBCA) Figure 14-84 describes the definition for the TBCA register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46EC; eTSEC2:0x2_56EC; eTSEC3:0x2_66EC; eTSEC4:0x2_76EC 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W TBCA Reset All zeros Figure 14-84. Transmit Broadcast Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-87 describes the fields of the TBCA register. Table 14-87. TBCA Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 TBCA Description Reserved Transmit broadcast packet counter. Increments for each broadcast frame transmitted (excluding multicast frames) with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN). Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter (TXPF) Figure 14-85 describes the definition for the TXPF register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46F0; eTSEC2:0x2_56F0; eTSEC3:0x2_66F0; eTSEC4:0x2_76F0 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 TXPF All zeros Figure 14-85. Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter Register Definition Table 14-88 describes the fields of the TXPF register. Table 14-88. TXPF Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 TXPF Description Reserved Transmit PAUSE frame packet counter. Increments each time a valid PAUSE MAC control frame is transmitted with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-95 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Deferral Packet Counter (TDFR) Figure 14-86 describes the definition for the TDFR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46F4; eTSEC2:0x2_56F4; eTSEC3:0x2_66F4; eTSEC4:0x2_76F4 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TDFR All zeros Figure 14-86. Transmit Deferral Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-89 describes the fields of the TDFR register. Table 14-89. TDFR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TDFR Description Reserved Transmit deferral packet counter. Increments for each frame, which was deferred on its first transmission attempt. This count does not include frames involved in collisions. Transmit Excessive Deferral Packet Counter (TEDF) Figure 14-87 describes the definition for the TEDF register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46F8; eTSEC2:0x2_56F8; eTSEC3:0x2_66F8; eTSEC4:0x2_76F8 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TEDF All zeros Figure 14-87. Transmit Excessive Deferral Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-90 describes the fields of the TEDF register. Table 14-90. TEDF Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TEDF Description Reserved Transmit excessive deferral packet counter. Increments for frames aborted which were deferred for an excessive period of time (3036 byte times). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-96 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Single Collision Packet Counter (TSCL) Figure 14-88 describes the definition for the TSCL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_46FC; eTSEC2:0x2_56FC; eTSEC3:0x2_66FC; eTSEC4:0x2_76FC Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TSCL All zeros Figure 14-88. Transmit Single Collision Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-91 describes the fields of the TSCL register. Table 14-91. TSCL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TSCL Description Reserved Transmit single collision packet counter. Increments for each frame transmitted which experienced exactly one collision during transmission. Transmit Multiple Collision Packet Counter (TMCL) Figure 14-89 describes the definition for the TMCL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4700; eTSEC2:0x2_5700; eTSEC3:0x2_6700; eTSEC4:0x2_7700 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TMCL All zeros Figure 14-89. Transmit Multiple Collision Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-92 describes the fields of the TMCL register. Table 14-92. TMCL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TMCL Description Reserved Transmit multiple collision packet counter. Increments for each frame transmitted which experienced 2-15 collisions (including any late collisions) during transmission as defined using the Half_Duplex[RETRANSMISSION MAXIMUM] field. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-97 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Late Collision Packet Counter (TLCL) Figure 14-90 describes the definition for the TLCL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4704; eTSEC2:0x2_5704; eTSEC3:0x2_6704; eTSEC4:0x2_7704 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TLCL All zeros Figure 14-90. Transmit Late Collision Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-93 describes the fields of the TLCL register. Table 14-93. TLCL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TLCL Description Reserved Transmit late collision packet counter. Increments for each frame transmitted which experienced a late collision during a transmission attempt. Late collisions are defined using the collision window field of the half-duplex [26:31] register. Transmit Excessive Collision Packet Counter (TXCL) Figure 14-91 describes the definition for the TXCL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4708; eTSEC2:0x2_5708; eTSEC3:0x2_6708; eTSEC4:0x2_7708 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TXCL All zeros Figure 14-91. Transmit Excessive Collision Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-94 describes the fields of the TXCL register. Table 14-94. TXCL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TXCL Description Reserved Transmit excessive collision packet counter. Increments for each frame that experienced 16 collisions during transmission and was aborted. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-98 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Total Collision Counter (TNCL) Figure 14-92 describes the definition for the TNCL register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_470C; eTSEC2:0x2_570C; eTSEC3:0x2_670C; eTSEC4:0x2_770C Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R 31 -- W Reset TNCL All zeros Figure 14-92. Transmit Total Collision Counter Register Definition Table 14-95 describes the fields of the TNCL register. Table 14-95. TNCL Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TNCL Description Reserved Transmit total collision counter. Increments by the number of collisions experienced during the transmission of a frame as defined as the simultaneous presence of signals on the DO and RD circuits (That is, transmitting and receiving at the same time). Note: This count does not include collisions that result in an excessive collision condition. Transmit Drop Frame Counter (TDRP) Figure 14-93 describes the definition for the TDRP register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4714; eTSEC2:0x2_5714; eTSEC3:0x2_6714; eTSEC4:0x2_7714 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R -- W Reset 31 TDRP All zeros Figure 14-93. Transmit Drop Frame Counter Register Definition Table 14-96 describes the fields of the TDRP register. Table 14-96. TDRP Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 TDRP Description Reserved Transmit drop frame counter. Increments each time a memory error or an underrun has occurred. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-99 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Jabber Frame Counter (TJBR) Figure 14-94 describes the definition for the TJBR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4718; eTSEC2:0x2_5718; eTSEC3:0x2_6718; eTSEC4:0x2_7718 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R 31 -- W Reset TJBR All zeros Figure 14-94. Transmit Jabber Frame Counter Register Definition Table 14-97 describes the fields of the TJBR register. Table 14-97. TJBR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TJBR Description Reserved Transmit jabber frame counter. Increments for each oversized transmitted frame with an incorrect FCS value. Transmit FCS Error Counter (TFCS) Figure 14-95 describes the definition for the TFCS register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_471C; eTSEC2:0x2_571C; eTSEC3:0x2_671C; eTSEC4:0x2_771C Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TFCS All zeros Figure 14-95. Transmit FCS Error Counter Register Definition Table 14-98 describes the fields of the TFCS register. Table 14-98. TFCS Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TFCS Description Reserved Transmit FCS error counter. Increments for every valid sized packet with an incorrect FCS value. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-100 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Control Frame Counter (TXCF) Figure 14-96 describes the definition for the TXCF register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4720; eTSEC2:0x2_5720; eTSEC3:0x2_6720; eTSEC4:0x2_7720 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TXCF All zeros Figure 14-96. Transmit Control Frame Counter Register Definition Table 14-99 describes the fields of the TXCF register. Table 14-99. TXCF Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TXCF Description Reserved Transmit control frame counter. Increments for every control frame with valid CRC and of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN). Transmit Oversize Frame Counter (TOVR) Figure 14-97 describes the definition for the TOVR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4724; eTSEC2:0x2_5724; eTSEC3:0x2_6724; eTSEC4:0x2_7724 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TOVR All zeros Figure 14-97. Transmit Oversized Frame Counter Register Definition Table 14-100 describes the fields of the TOVR register. Table 14-100. TOVR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TOVR Description Reserved Transmit oversize frame counter. Increments for each oversized transmitted frame with a correct FCS value. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-101 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Transmit Undersize Frame Counter (TUND) Figure 14-98 describes the definition for the TUND register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4728; eTSEC2:0x2_5728; eTSEC3:0x2_6728; eTSEC4:0x2_7728 Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TUND All zeros Figure 14-98. Transmit Undersize Frame Counter Register Definition Table 14-101 describes the fields of the TUND register. Table 14-101. TUND Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- 20-31 TUND Description Reserved Transmit undersize frame counter. Increments for every frame less then 64 bytes, with a correct FCS value. Transmit Fragment Counter (TFRG) Figure 14-99 describes the definition for the TFRG register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_472C; eTSEC2:0x2_572C; eTSEC3:0x2_672C; eTSEC4:0x2_772C Access: Read/Write 0 19 20 R -- W Reset 31 TFRG All zeros Figure 14-99. Transmit Fragment Counter Register Definition Table 14-102 describes the fields of the TFRG register. Table 14-102. TFRG Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-19 -- Description Reserved 20-31 TFRG Transmit fragment counter. Increments for every frame less then 64 bytes, with an incorrect FCS value. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-102 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Carry Register 1 (CAR1) Carry register bits are cleared on carry register writes when the respective bits are set. Figure 14-100 describes the definition for the CAR1 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4730; eTSEC2:0x2_5730; eTSEC3:0x2_6730; eTSEC4:0x2_7730 R W Access: Read/Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C1 64 C1 127 C1 255 C1 511 C1 1K C1 MAX C1 MGV Reset 13 -- 14 15 C1 REJ C1 RBY All zeros 16 R 7 C1 W RPK 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 C1 RFC C1 RMC C1 RBC C1 RXC C1 RXP C1 RXU C1 RAL C1 RFL C1 RCD C1 RCS C1 RUN C1 ROV C1 RFR C1 RJB C1 RDR Reset All zeros Figure 14-100. Carry Register 1 (CAR1) Register Definition Table 14-103 describes the fields of the CAR1 register. Table 14-103. CAR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 C164 Carry register 1 TR64 counter carry bit 1 C1127 Carry register 1 TR127 counter carry bit 2 C1255 Carry register 1 TR255 counter carry bit 3 C1511 Carry register 1 TR511 counter carry bit 4 C11K Carry register 1 TR1K counter carry bit 5 C1MAX Carry register 1 TRMAX counter carry bit 6 C1MGV Carry register 1 TRMGV counter carry bit 7-13 -- 14 C1REJ Carry register 1 RREJ counter carry bit 15 C1RBY Carry register 1 RBYT counter carry bit 16 C1RPK Carry register 1 RPKT counter carry bit 17 C1RFC Carry register 1 RFCS counter carry bit 18 C1RMC Carry register 1 RMCA counter carry bit 19 C1RBC Carry register 1 RBCA counter carry bit 20 C1RXC Carry register 1 RXCF counter carry bit 21 C1RXP Carry register 1 RXPF counter carry bit 22 C1RXU Carry register 1 RXUO counter carry bit 23 C1RAL Carry register 1 RALN counter carry bit 24 C1RFL Carry register 1 RFLR counter carry bit Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-103 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-103. CAR1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 25 C1RCD Carry register 1 RCDE counter carry bit 26 C1RCS Carry register 1 RCSE counter carry bit 27 C1RUN Carry register 1 RUND counter carry bit 28 C1ROV Carry register 1 ROVR counter carry bit 29 C1RFR Carry register 1 RFRG counter carry bit 30 C1RJB Carry register 1 RJBR counter carry bit 31 C1RDR Carry register 1 RDRP counter carry bit Carry Register 2 (CAR2) Figure 14-101 describes the definition for the CAR2 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4734; eTSEC2:0x2_5734; eTSEC3:0x2_6734; eTSEC4:0x2_7734 Access: Read/Write 0 R -- W Reset 13 14 15 C2 TJB C2 TFC C2 TCF C2 TOV 30 31 -- C2 TDP All zeros 16 R 12 C2 W TUN 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 C2 TFG C2 TBY C2 TPK C2 TMC C2 TBC C2 TPF C2 TDF C2 TED C2 TSC C2 TMA C2 TLC C2 TXC C2 TNC Reset All zeros Figure 14-101. Carry Register 2 (CAR2) Register Definition Carry register bits are cleared on carry register write when the respective bits are set. Table 14-104 describes the fields of the CAR2 register. Table 14-104. CAR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-11 -- 12 C2TJB Carry register 2 TJBR counter carry bit 13 C2TFC Carry register 2 TFCS counter carry bit 14 C2TCF Carry register 2 TXCF counter carry bit 15 C2TOV Carry register 2 TOVR counter carry bit 16 C2TUN Carry register 2 TUND counter carry bit 17 C2TFG Carry register 2 TFRG counter carry bit 18 C2TBY Carry register 2 TBYT counter carry bit 19 C2TPK Carry register 2 TPKT counter carry bit Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-104 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-104. CAR2 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 20 C2TMC Carry register 2 TMCA counter carry bit 21 C2TBC Carry register 2 TBCA counter carry bit 22 C2TPF Carry register 2 TXPF counter carry bit 23 C2TDF Carry register 2 TDFR counter carry bit 24 C2TED Carry register 2 TEDF counter carry bit 25 C2TSC Carry register 2 TSCL counter carry bit 26 C2TMA Carry register 2 TMCL counter carry bit 27 C2TLC Carry register 2 TLCL counter carry bit 28 C2TXC Carry register 2 TXCL counter carry bit 29 C2TNC Carry register 2 TNCL counter carry bit 30 -- 31 C2TDP Reserved, should be cleared Carry register 2 TDRP counter carry bit Carry Mask Register 1 (CAM1) While one of the below mask bits are cleared, the corresponding carry bit in CAR1 is allowed to cause interrupt indications in register IEVENT[MSR0]. These bits all default to a set state. Figure 14-102 describes the definition for the CAM1 register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4738; eTSEC2:0x2_5738; eTSEC3:0x2_6738; eTSEC4:0x2_7738 R W Reset 0 1 2 3 4 M1 64 M1 127 M1 255 M1 511 M1 1K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 M1 RXC M1 RXP M1 RXU M1 RAL M1 RFL M1 RCD M1 RCS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R M1 W RPK Reset 1 M1 M1 M1 RFC RMC RBC 1 1 1 5 Access: Read/Write 6 7 13 M1 M1 MAX MGV 14 15 M1 REJ M1 RBY 0 1 1 28 29 30 31 M1 RUN M1 ROV M1 RFR M1 RJB M1 RDR 1 1 1 1 1 -- Figure 14-102. Carry Mask Register 1 (CAM1) Register Definition Table 14-105 describes the fields of the CAM1 register. Table 14-105. CAM1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 M164 Mask register 1 TR64 counter carry bit mask 1 M1127 Mask register 1 TR127 counter carry bit mask 2 M1255 Mask register 1 TR255 counter carry bit mask MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-105 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-105. CAM1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 3 M1511 Mask register 1 TR511 counter carry bit mask 4 M11k Mask register 1 TR1K counter carry bit mask 5 M1MAX Mask register 1 TRMAX counter carry bit mask 6 M1MGV Mask register 1 TRMGV counter carry bit mask 7-13 -- 14 M1REJ Mask register 1 RREJ counter carry bit mask 15 M1RBY Mask register 1 RBYT counter carry bit mask 16 M1RPK Mask register 1 RPKT counter carry bit mask 17 M1RFC Mask register 1 RFCS counter carry bit mask 18 M1RMC Mask register 1 RMCA counter carry bit mask 19 M1RBC Mask register 1 RBCA counter carry bit mask 20 M1RXC Mask register 1 RXCF counter carry bit mask 21 M1RXP Mask register 1 RXPF counter carry bit mask 22 M1RXU Mask register 1 RXUO counter carry bit mask 23 M1RAL Mask register 1 RALN counter carry bit mask 24 M1RFL Mask register 1 RFLR counter carry bit mask 25 M1RCD Mask register 1 RCDE counter carry bit mask 26 M1RCS Mask register 1 RCSE counter carry bit mask 27 M1RUN Mask register 1 RUND counter carry bit mask 28 M1ROV Mask register 1 ROVR counter carry bit mask 29 M1RFR Mask register 1 RFRG counter carry bit mask 30 M1RJB Mask register 1 RJBR counter carry bit mask 31 M1RDR Mask register 1 RDRP counter carry bit mask Reserved Carry Mask Register 2 (CAM2) While one of the below mask bits are cleared, the corresponding carry bit in CAR2 is allowed to cause interrupt indications in register IEVENT[MSR0]. These bits default to a set state. Figure 14-103 describes the definition for the CAM2 register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-106 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Offset eTSEC1:0x2_473C; eTSEC2:0x2_573C; eTSEC3:0x2_673C; eTSEC4:0x2_773C Access: Read/Write 0 11 R -- W Reset 13 14 15 M2 TFC M2 TCF M2 TOV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M2 TFG M2 TBY M2 TPK M2 TMC M2 TBC M2 TPF M2 TDF M2 TED M2 TSC M2 TMA M2 TLC M2 TXC M2 TNC -- M2 TDP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 R M2 W TUN Reset 12 M2 TJB 1 Figure 14-103. Carry Mask Register 2 (CAM2) Register Definition Table 14-106 describes the fields of the CAM2 register. Table 14-106. CAM2 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-11 -- 12 M2TJB Mask register 2 TJBR counter carry bit mask 13 M2TFC Mask register 2 TFCS counter carry bit mask 14 M2TCF Mask register 2 TXCF counter carry bit mask 15 M2TOV Mask register 2 TOVR counter carry bit mask 16 M2TUN Mask register 2 TUND counter carry bit mask 17 M2TFG Mask register 2 TFRG counter carry bit mask 18 M2TBY Mask register 2 TBYT counter carry bit mask 19 M2TPK Mask register 2 TPKT counter carry bit mask 20 M2TMC Mask register 2 TMCA counter carry bit mask 21 M2TBC Mask register 2 TBCA counter carry bit mask 22 M2TPF Mask register 2 TXPF counter carry bit mask 23 M2TDF Mask register 2 TDFR counter carry bit mask 24 M2TED Mask register 2 TEDF counter carry bit mask 25 M2TSC Mask register 2 TSCL counter carry bit mask 26 M2TMA Mask register 2 TMCL counter carry bit mask 27 M2TLC Mask register 2 TLCL counter carry bit mask 28 M2TXC Mask register 2 TXCL counter carry bit mask 29 M2TNC Mask register 2 TNCL counter carry bit mask 30 -- 31 M2TDP Reserved Reserved Mask register 2 TDRP counter carry bit mask MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-107 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Filer Rejected Packet Counter (RREJ) Figure 14-104 describes the definition for the RREJ register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4740; eTSEC2:0x2_5740; eTSEC3:0x2_6740; eTSEC4:0x2_7740 0 9 R Access: Read/Write 10 31 -- W RREJ Reset All zeros Figure 14-104. Receive Filer Rejected Packet Counter Register Definition Table 14-71 describes the fields of the RREJ register. Table 14-107. RREJ Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-31 RREJ Description Reserved Receive filer rejected packet counter. Increments for each frame with valid CRC received, but rejected by the receive queue filer--either due to a matching rule that asserted the REJ flag or due to filing to a RxBD ring that was not enabled (see IEVENT[FIQ] error). Hash Function Registers This section provides detailed descriptions of the registers used for hash functions. All of the registers are 32 bits wide. The DA field of every received frame is processed through a 32-bit CRC generator (CRC-32 polynomial), and the 8 or 9 most significant bits of the CRC are mapped to a hash table entry. The user can enable a hash entry by setting its bit. A hash entry usually represents a set of addresses. A hash table hit occurs if the DA CRC result points to an enabled hash entry. Software may need to further filter the address in order to eliminate false-positive hits in the hash table. If RCTRL[GHTX] = 0, the 8 most significant bits of the CRC are used as the hash table index. In this case, registers IGADDR0-IGADDR7 comprise a 256-entry hash table exclusively for individual (unicast) address matching, while registers GADDR0-GADDR7 comprise a 256-entry hash table for group (multicast) address matching. If RCTRL[GHTX] = 1, the group hash table is extended to all 512 entries, and the 9 most significant bits of the CRC are used as the hash table index. In this case, registers IGADDR0-IGADDR7 hold hash table entries 0-255 for group addresses, while registers GADDR0-GADDR7 hold entries 256-511 of the extended group hash table. See Section, "Hash Table Algorithm" for more information on the hash algorithm. Individual/Group Address Registers 0-7 (IGADDRn) The IGADDRn registers are written by the user. Together these registers represent, depending on RCTRL[GHTX], either the 256 entries of the individual address hash table, or the first 256 entries of the extended group address hash table used in the address recognition process. The user can enable a hash entry by setting the appropriate bit. A hash table hit occurs if the DA CRC-32 result points to an enabled hash entry. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-108 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Figure 14-105 describes the definition for the IGADDRn register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4800+4xn; eTSEC2:0x2_5800+4xn; eTSEC3:0x2_6800+4xn; eTSEC4:0x2_7800+4xn Access: Read/Write 0 31 R IGADDRn W Reset All zeros Figure 14-105. IGADDRn Register Definition Table 14-109 describes the fields of the IGADDRn register. Table 14-108. IGADDRn Field Descriptions Bits 0-31 Name Description IGADDR n Represents the 32-bit value associated with the corresponding register. When RCTRL[GHTX] = 0, IGADDR0 contains entries 0-31 of the 256-entry individual hash table and IGADDR7 represents entries 224-255. When RCTRL[GHTX] = 1, IGADDR0 contains entries 0-31 of the 512-entry extended group hash table and IGADDR7 represents entries 224-255. Group Address Registers 0-7 (GADDRn) The GADDRn registers are written by the user. Together these registers represent, depending on RCTRL[GHTX], either the 256 entries of the group address hash table, or the last 256 entries of the extended group address hash table used in the address recognition process. The user can enable a hash entry by setting the appropriate bit. A hash table hit occurs if the DA CRC result points to an enabled hash entry. Figure 14-106 describes the definition for the GADDRn register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4880+4xn; eTSEC2:0x2_5880+4xn; eTSEC3:0x2_6880+4xn; eTSEC4:0x2_7880+4xn Access: Read/Write 0 31 R GADDR n W Reset All zeros Figure 14-106. GADDR n Register Definition Table 14-109 describes the fields of the GADDRn register. Table 14-109. GADDRn Field Descriptions Bits 0-31 Name Description GADDRn Represents the 32-bit value associated with the corresponding register. When RCTRL[GHTX] = 0, GADDR0 contains entries 0-31 of the 256-entry group hash table and GADDR7 represents entries 224-255. When RCTRL[GHTX] = 1, GADDR0 contains entries 256-287 of the 512-entry extended group hash table and GADDR7 represents entries 480-511. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-109 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers FIFO Registers This section provides detailed descriptions of the registers used to configure the FIFO interface. All of the registers are 32 bits wide. The ECNTRL[FIFM] bit is set to indicate that data transfers take place over this interface. Please refer to Section 14.6.2, "Connecting to FIFO Interfaces," for details of the signaling protocols available. FIFO Configuration Register (FIFOCFG) The FIFO Configuration Register configures and enables the 8/16-bit FIFO interface. The FIFO Configuration Register configures and enables the 8-bit FIFO interface. Figure 14-107 describes the definition for the FIFOCFG register. Offse eTSEC1:0x2_4A00; eTSEC2:0x2_5A00; t eTSEC3:0x2_6A00; eTSEC4:0x2_7A00 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R R W Reset 15 -- W Reset 8 IPG 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 RRX RTX RXE TXE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LPB RFC TFC 0 1 1 -- 0 0 0 FFC CRCAPP CRCCHK 0 0 0 -- 0 SIGM 0 0 Figure 14-107. FIFOCFG Register Definition Table 14-110 describes the fields of the FIFOCFG register. Table 14-110. FIFOCFG Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 -- 8-15 IPG Minimum inter packet gap. This sets the minimum number of cycles inserted between back-to-back frames transmitted over the FIFO interface. If CRC is appended to frames, at least 3 cycles (16-bit mode) or 7 cycles (8-bit mode) of non-payload data separates packets. 16 RRX Enable reset of FIFO receive function. 0 Do not reset the FIFO receiver. 1 Reset the FIFO receiver for as long as this bit is set. 17 RTX Enable reset of FIFO transmit function. 0 Do not reset the FIFO transmitter. 1 Reset the FIFO transmitter for as long as this bit is set. 18 RXE Enable FIFO receive function. 0 Disable reception over the FIFO interface, ignoring data presented to the signals. 1 Enable normal reception over the FIFO interface. 19 TXE Enable FIFO transmit function. 0 Disable transmission over the FIFO interface. 1 Enable normal transmission over the FIFO interface. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-110 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-110. FIFOCFG Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 20-22 -- 23 LPB Loopback enable. 0 Do not loopback data in the FIFO interface. 1 Loopback transmitted data to the FIFO receiver rather than outputting transmitted data to signals. 24 RFC Enable receive flow control. Setting FFC overrides this bit. 0 Do not allow the FIFO receiver to assert link-level flow control if eTSEC requires it. 1 Allow the FIFO receiver to assert link-level flow control if eTSEC requires it. This is the default setting. 25 TFC Enable transmit flow control. 0 Do not allow the FIFO transmitter to assert link-level flow control if transmit data is unavailable, resulting in underruns. 1 Allow the FIFO transmitter to assert link-level flow control if transmit data is unavailable and SIGM = 01. This is the default setting. 26 FFC Force flow control. This can be used by software to stop reception on the FIFO interface. 0 Do not assert link-level flow control via the RXFC signal unless eTSEC requires flow control. 1 Force flow control on the RXFC signal in encoded FIFO packet mode regardless of eTSEC pause requirements. Reserved. 27 CRCAPP Append a CRC (CRC-32 algorithm, as per IEEE Std. 802.3) to the end of every transmitted frame. 0 Do not automatically append a CRC to transmitted frames. Allow TxBD[TC], if set, to control when a CRC is appended. 1 Automatically append a CRC to transmitted frames. Ignore TxBD[TC]. 28 CRCCHK Check the CRC (CRC-32 algorithm, as per IEEE Std. 802.3) at the end of every frame. 0 Do not automatically check the last 4 bytes of received frames for a valid CRC. 1 Automatically check the last 4 bytes of received frames for a valid CRC. If a CRC error is detected, or insufficient data is received to recover the CRC, the RxBD[CR] bit will be set. 29 -- 30-31 SIGM Reserved FIFO signaling mode. Determines how the GMII signals are interpreted as framing signals. 00 GMII style mode. 01 Encoded packet mode. 10 Reserved 11 Reserved DMA Attribute Registers This section describes the two eTSEC DMA attribute registers. Attribute Register (ATTR) The attribute register defines memory access attributes and transaction types used to access buffer descriptors, to write receive data, and to read transmit data. Snoop enable attributes may be set for reading buffer descriptors and for reading transmit data. Buffer descriptors may be written with attributes that cause allocation into the L2 cache. Similarly, broad sections of a receive frame header may have attributes attached that cause allocation in the L2 cache. This process of specifying a region of each frame to stash into the L2 cache is referred to as extraction, which is specified in conjunction with register ATTRELI. ATTR[ELCWT] only has meaning if ATTRELI[EL] is non-zero. It is important to note that even though MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-111 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers portions of received frames may be stashed to L2 cache, this is only a performance optimization as entire frames are still written to off-chip memory regardless of settings in ATTR. Figure 14-108 describes the definition for the ATTR register. Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4BF8; eTSEC2:0x2_5BF8; eTSEC3:0x2_6BF8; eTSEC4:0x2_7BF8 0 Access: Read/Write 16 R -- W Reset 17 18 19 20 21 ELCWT -- BDLWT 22 23 -- 24 25 26 RDSEN RBDSEN 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-108. ATTR Register Definition Table 14-111 describes the fields of the ATTR register. Table 14-111. ATTR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-16 -- Description Reserved 17-18 ELCWT Extracted L2 cache write type. Specifies the write transaction type to perform for the extracted data. For maximum performance, it is recommended that if ELCWT is set to allocate, BDLWT should also be set to allocate.Writes to cache are always performed with snoop. 00 No allocation performed. 01 Reserved 10 Allocate L2 cache line. 11 Reserved. 19 -- Reserved 20-21 BDLWT Buffer descriptor L2 cache write type. specifies the write transaction type to perform for the bufferdescriptor for a receive frame. Writes to cache are always performed with snoop. 00 No allocation performed. 01 Reserved 10 Allocate L2 cache line. 11 Reserved. 22-23 24 25 26-31 -- Reserved RDSEN Rx data snoop enable. 0 Disables snooping of all receive frames data to memory unless ELCWT specifies L2allocation. 1 Enables snooping of all receive frames data to memory. RBDSEN RxBD snoop enable. 0 Disables snooping of all receive BD memory accesses unless BDLWT specifies L2 allocation. 1 Enables snooping of all receive BD memory accesses. -- Reserved Attribute Extract Length and Extract Index Register (ATTRELI) The ATTRELI registers are written by the user to specify the extract index and extract length for extracting received frames. The extract length is typically set to the expected length of extracted packet headers. Figure 14-109 describes the definition for the ATTRELI register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-112 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Offset eTSEC1:0x2_4BFC; eTSEC2:0x2_5BFC; eTSEC3:0x2_6BFC; eTSEC4:0x2_7BFC 0 R W 1 2 Access: Read/Write 12 13 -- EL Reset 17 18 -- 28 29 EI 31 -- All zeros Figure 14-109. ATTRELI Register Definition Table 14-112 describes the fields of the ATTRELI register. Table 14-112. ATTRELI Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 -- Reserved 2-12 EL Extracted length. Specifies the number of bytes, as a multiple of 8 bytes, to extract from the receive frame. The DMA controller uses this field to perform extraction. If set to zero, no extraction is performed. 13-15 -- To ensure that EL is a multiple of 8 bytes, these bits should be written with zero. 16-17 -- Reserved 18-28 EI Extracted index. Points to the first byte, as a multiple of 8 bytes, within the receive frame from which to begin extracting data. 29-31 -- To ensure that EI is a multiple of 8 bytes, these bits should be written with zero. 14.5.4 Description Ten-Bit Interface (TBI) This section describes the ten-bit interface (TBI) and the TBI MII set of registers. TBI Transmit Process The eTSEC's TBI implements the transmit portion of the physical coding sublayer as found in Clause 36 of IEEE 802.3z. In SerDes mode, packets conveyed across the GMII are encapsulated and encoded into 10-bit symbols and output to the SerDes. In GMII mode, the GMII signals are passed through to the attached GMII PHY. Packet Encapsulation If TX_EN is de-asserted the eTSEC outputs an idle stream. If TX_EN is asserted, a Start_of_Packet symbol is output. This symbol replaces the first byte of the preamble field. All other bytes of the packet pass through an 8B10B encoding module. After the last byte of the FCS field is signaled via the GMII, the MAC de-asserts TX_EN. The eTSEC then outputs an End_of_Packet symbol. Then, depending on the position of the End_of_Packet symbols (being in either an odd or even position) the eTSEC outputs one or two Carrier_Extend symbols. Following the last Carrier_Extend symbol, the eTSEC resumes sending idle codes. If, during a packet, the eTSEC wishes to mark a byte invalid, TX_ER is asserted. The eTSEC, upon detection of TX_ER, substitutes the data symbol for an Error_Propagation symbol. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-113 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 8B10B Encoding Every eight-bit data octet has two (not necessarily different) ten-bit symbols associated with it. Depending on the running disparity (the cumulative difference of ones and zeroes) the eTSEC module chooses the appropriate symbol. Special encapsulation symbols are called ordered_sets. Ordered_sets are comprised of one to four ten-bit symbols. Ordered_sets can be found in Clause 36 of the IEEE 802.3z specification. Preamble Shortening Because the idle ordered_set comprises two symbols and begins on an even symbols boundary, packets can only begin on an even boundary. However, the GMII has no such restriction and may signal TX_EN on an odd boundary. If this happens, the eTSEC delays the Start_of_Packet symbol, effectively ignoring the first byte of preamble; thus, a seven octet preamble becomes six octets on the Ten-Bit Interface. TBI Receive Process The eTSEC's TBI Implements the receive portion of the physical coding sublayer as found in Clause 36 of IEEE 802.3z. The Receive portion includes the Synchronization state machine. In SerDes mode, the eTSEC first attempts to acquire synchronization on the link by examining received symbols. Once synchronization is acquired, received packets are decoded and sent across the Receive GMII interface. In GMII mode, the GMII signals are passed through to the MAC. Synchronization The eTSEC examines received symbols looking for the seven bit `comma' string embedded in some special symbols. Both the idle ordered_set and the Configuration ordered_set contain a symbol which has the comma. Once a certain number of codes with comma are detected, the eTSEC is considered to have acquired synchronization. Auto-Negotiation for 1000BASE-X Once synchronization is acquired, ordered_sets are decoded. If Configuration ordered_sets are received, the eTSEC decodes the two octet data field and the sixteen-bit Configuration data is stored and used to Auto-Negotiate with the link partner. in the Receive Configuration Register (RXCR[15:0]) an internal register used to receive all the link partners informations and used to compare to local ability during negotiation. Not visible to user. If, during Auto-Negotiation an invalid symbol is detected, Auto-Negotiation re-starts. After Auto-Negotiation is completed the TBI MII Status Register SR[AN done] in set. In this mode, packets may be received from the link partner. TBI MII Set Register Descriptions This section describes the TBI MII registers. All of the TBI registers are 16 bits wide. The TBI registers are accessed at the offset of the TBI physical address. The eTSEC's TBI physical address is stored in the TBIPA register. Writing to the TBI registers is performed in a way similar to writing to an external PHY; by using the MII management interface. By using TBIPA in place of the PHY address, in the MIIMADD[PHY Address] field, and setting the MIIMADD[Register Address] to the appropriate address offset that MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-114 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers corresponds to the register that one wants to read or write (see Table 14-113), the user can read (set MIIMCOM[read cycle]) or write (writing to MIIMCON[PHY control]) to the TBI block. Refer to the TBI physical address register in Section, "eTSEC General Control and Status Registers," and the TBI MII register set in Table 14-113. Notice that jitter diagnostics and TBI control are not IEEE 802.3 required registers and are only used for test and control of the eTSEC TBI block. The TBI's TBI control register (TBI) is for configuring the eTSEC ten-bit interface block. However, because this TBI block has an MII management interface (just like any other PHY), it has an IEEE 802.3 register called the control register (CR). Table 14-113. TBI MII Register Set Offset Address Name Access Size Section/page TEN-BIT INTERFACE (TBI) REGISTERS 16 bits R, LH, LL 16 bits R 2 bytes -- RW, R 16 bits R 16 bits 0x00 Control (CR) R/W 0x01 Status (SR) 0x02-0x03 1 14.5.4/14-113 Reserved 1 0x04 AN advertisement (ANA) 0x05 AN link partner base page ability (ANLPBPA) 0x06 AN expansion (ANEX) R, LH 16 bits 0x07 AN next page transmit (ANNPT) R/W, R 16 bits 0x08 AN link partner ability next page (ANLPANP) R 16 bits 0x0F Extended status (EXST) R 16 bits 0x10 Jitter diagnostics (JD) R/W 16 bits 0x11 TBI control (TBICON) R/W 16 bits R = means Read-only, WO = Write Only, R/W = Read and Write, LH = Latches High, LL = Latches Low, SC = Self-clearing, Control Register (CR) Figure 14-110 describes the definition for the CR register. Offset 0x00 0 Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 4 R PHY -- Speed[0] AN Enable W Reset Reset 0 0 0 1 5 -- 0 6 7 8 9 10 15 Reset AN Full Duplex -- Speed[1] 0 0 1 0 1 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-110. Control Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-115 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-114 describes the fields of the CR register. Table 14-114. CR Field Descriptions Bits 0 1 2 Name PHY Reset PHY reset. This bit is cleared by default. This bit is self-clearing. 0 Normal operation. 1 The internal state of the TBI is reset. This in turn may change the state of the TBI link partner. -- AN Enable 4-5 -- Auto-negotiation enable. This bit is set by default. 0 The values programmed in bits 2, 7 and 9 determine the operating condition of the link. 1 Auto-negotiation process enabled. Reserved Reset AN Reset auto-negotiation. This bit is cleared by default and is self-clearing. 0 Normal operation. 1 The auto-negotiation process restarts. This action is only available if auto-negotiation is enabled. 7 Full Duplex 8 -- 9 Reserved Speed[0] Speed selection. This bit defaults to a cleared state and should always be cleared, which corresponds to 1000 Mbps speed.Setting this field controls the speed at which the TBI operates. The table for Speed[1] provides the appropriate encoding. Its default is bit[2] = `0'; bit[9] = '1'. 3 6 Description Duplex mode. This bit is set by default. 0 Reserved. 1 Full-duplex operation. Reserved, should be cleared. Speed[1] Speed selection. This bit defaults to a set state and should always be set, which corresponds to 1000 Mbps speed.Setting this field controls the speed at which the TBI operates. The following table provides the appropriate encoding. Its default is bit[2] = `0'; bit[9] = '1'. Maximum Operating Speed 10-1 5 -- Bit 2 Bit 9 Reserved 0 0 Reserved 1 0 1000 Mbps 0 1 Reserved 1 1 Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-116 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Status Register (SR) Figure 14-111 describes the definition for the SR register. Offset 0x01 Access: Read only 0 6 R -- 7 8 Extend Status -- 1 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 No Pre AN Done Remote Fault AN Ability Link Status -- Extend Ability 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14-111. Status Register Definition Table 14-115 describes the fields of the SR register. Table 14-115. SR Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-6 -- 7 Extend Status 8 -- Reserved, should be cleared. 9 No Pre MF preamble suppression enable. This bit indicates whether or not the PHY is capable of handling MII management frames without the 32-bit preamble field. Returns 1, indicating support for suppressed preamble MII management frames. This bit is read-only. 10 AN Done 11 Remote Fault 12 AN Ability Auto-negotiation ability. While read as set, this bit indicates that the PHY has the ability to perform auto-negotiation. While read as cleared, this bit indicates the PHY lacks the ability to perform auto-negotiation. Returns 1 on read. This bit is read-only. 13 Link Status Link status. This bit is read-only and is cleared by default. 0 A valid link is not established. This bit latches low allowing for software polling to detect a failure condition. 1 A valid link is established. 14 -- 15 Extend Ability Reserved, should be cleared. This bit indicates that PHY status information is also contained in the Register 15, Extended Status Register. Returns 1 on read. This bit is read-only. Auto-negotiation complete. This bit is read-only and is cleared by default. 0 Either the auto-negotiation process is underway or the auto-negotiation function is disabled. 1 The auto-negotiation process has completed. Remote fault. This bit is read-only and is cleared by default. Each read of the status register clears this bit. 0 Normal operation. 1 A remote fault condition was detected. This bit latches high in order for software to detect the condition. Reserved, should be cleared. Extended capability. This bit indicates that the PHY contains the extended set of registers (those beyond control and status). Returns 1 on read. This bit is read-only. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-117 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers AN Advertisement Register (ANA) Figure 14-112 describes the definition for the ANA register. Offset 0x04 0 R W Next Page Access: Read/Write 1 -- 2 3 4 Remote Fault 6 7 -- 8 Pause Reset 9 10 Half Duplex Full Duplex 11 15 -- All zeros Figure 14-112. AN Advertisement Register Definition Table 14-116 describes the fields of the ANA register. Table 14-116. ANA Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 Next Page Next page configuration. The local device sets this bit to either request next page transmission or advertise next page exchange capability. 0 The local device wishes not to engage in next page exchange. 1 The local device has no next pages but wishes to allow reception of next pages. If the local device has no next pages and the link partner wishes to send next pages, the local device shall send null message codes and have the message page set to 0b000_0000_0001, as defined in annex 28C. 1 -- 2-3 Reserved. (Ignore on read) Remote The local device's remote fault condition is encoded in bits 2 and 3 of the base page. Values are shown in Fault the following table. The default value is 00. Indicate a fault by setting a non-zero remote fault encoding and re-negotiating. 4-6 -- 7-8 Pause RF1 bit[3] RF2 bit[2] Description 0 0 No error, link OK 0 1 Offline 1 0 Link_Failure 1 1 Auto-Negotiation_Error Reserved, should be cleared. The local device's PAUSE capability is encoded in bits 7 and 8, and the decodes are shown in the following table. For priority resolution information consult Table 14-117. PAUSE bit[8] ASM_DIR bit[7] Capability 0 0 No PAUSE 0 1 Asymmetric PAUSE toward link partner 1 0 Symmetric PAUSE 1 1 Both symmetric PAUSE and Asymmetric PAUSE toward local device MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-118 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-116. ANA Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 9 Half Duplex Half-duplex capability. 0 Designates local device as not capable of half-duplex operation. 1 Designates local device as capable of half-duplex operation. 10 Full Duplex Full-duplex capability. 0 Designates the local device as not capable of full-duplex operation. 1 Designates the local device as capable of full-duplex operation. 11-15 -- Reserved, should be cleared. Table 14-117 describes the resolution of pause priority. Table 14-117. PAUSE Priority Resolution Local Device Link Partner Local Resolution Link Partner Resolution PAUSE ASM_DIR PAUSE ASM_DIR 0 0 x x Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive 0 1 0 x Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive 0 1 1 0 Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive 0 1 1 1 Enable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive Disable PAUSE transmit Enable PAUSE receive 1 0 0 x Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive 1 0 1 x Enable PAUSE transmit Enable PAUSE receive Enable PAUSE transmit Enable PAUSE receive 1 1 0 0 Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive Disable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive 1 1 0 1 Disable PAUSE transmit Enable PAUSE receive Enable PAUSE transmit Disable PAUSE receive 1 1 1 x Enable PAUSE transmit Enable PAUSE receive Enable PAUSE transmit Enable PAUSE receive MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-119 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register (ANLPBPA) Figure 14-113 describes the definition for the ANLPBPA register. Offset 0x05 0 R Next Page Access: Read/Write 1 -- 2 3 4 Remote Fault 6 7 8 Pause -- 9 10 Half Duplex Full Duplex 11 15 -- W Reset All zeros Figure 14-113. AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register Definition Table 14-118 describes the fields of the ANLPBPA register. Table 14-118. ANLPBPA Field Descriptions Bits 0 1 2-3 Name Next Page Next page. This bit is read-only. The link partner sets or clears this bit. 0 Link partner has no subsequent next pages or is not capable of receiving next pages. 1 Link partner either requesting next page transmission or indicating the capability to receive next pages. -- Reserved. (Ignore on read) Remote The link partner's remote fault condition is encoded in bits 2 and 3 of the base page. Values are shown in Fault the remote fault encoding field table below. This bit is read-only. 4-6 -- 7-8 Pause 9 Description Half Duplex RF1 bit[3] RF2 bit[2] Description 0 0 No error, link OK 0 1 Offline 1 0 Link_Failure 1 1 Auto-Negotiation_Error Reserved, should be cleared. Encoding of the link partner's PAUSE capability is shown in the PAUSE encoding table below. For priority resolution information consult. This bit is read-only PAUSE bit[8] ASM_DIR bit[7] Capability 0 0 No PAUSE 0 1 Asymmetric PAUSE toward link partner 1 0 Symmetric PAUSE 1 1 Both symmetric PAUSE and Asymmetric PAUSE toward local device Half-duplex capability. This bit is read-only. 0 Link partner is not capable of half-duplex mode. 1 Link partner is capable of half-duplex mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-120 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-118. ANLPBPA Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 10 Full Duplex 11-15 -- Description Full-duplex capability. This bit is read-only. 0 Link partner is not capable of full-duplex mode. 1 Link partner is capable of full-duplex mode. Reserved, should be cleared. AN Expansion Register (ANEX) Figure 14-114 describes the definition for the ANEX register. Offset 0x06 Access: Read only 0 12 R -- W Reset 13 14 NP Able Page Rx'd 15 -- All zeros Figure 14-114. AN Expansion Register Definition Table 14-119 describes the fields of the ANEX register. Table 14-119. ANEX Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-12 -- 13 NP Able Next page able. This bit is read-only and returns 1 on read. While read as set, indicates local device supports next page function. 14 Page Rx'd Page received. This bit is read-only. The bit clears on a read to the register. 0 Normal operation. 1 A new page was received and stored in the applicable AN link partner ability or AN next page register. This bit latches high in order for software to detect while polling. 15 -- Description Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. AN Next Page Transmit Register (ANNPT) Figure 14-115 describes the definition for the ANNPT register. Offset 0x07 0 R Next W Page Access: Mixed 1 -- Reset 2 3 Msg Page Ack2 4 Toggle 5 15 Message/Un-formatted Code Field All zeros Figure 14-115. AN Next Page Transmit Register Definition MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-121 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-120 describes the fields of the ANNPT register. Table 14-120. ANNPT Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 Next Page 1 -- 2 Msg Page 3 Ack2 4 Toggle 5-15 Message/ Un-formatted Code Field Description Next page indication. [Reference MII bit 7.15 in IEEE 802.3, 2000 Edition Clause 28.2.4] 0 Last page. 1 Additional next pages to follow. Reserved. (Ignore on read) Message page. [Reference MII bit 7.13] 0 Unformatted page. 1 Message page. Acknowledge 2. Used by the next page function to indicate that the device has the ability to comply with the message. [Reference MII bit 7.12] 0 The local device cannot comply with message. 1 The local device complies with message. Toggle. Used to ensure synchronization with the link partner during next page exchange. This bit always takes the opposite value of the toggle bit of the previously-exchanged link code word. The initial value in the first next page transmitted is the inverse of bit 11 in the base link code word. [Reference MII bit 7.11] This bit is read-only. 0 Toggle bit of the previously-exchanged link code word was 1. 1 Toggle bit of the previously-exchanged link code word was 0. Message pages are formatted pages that carry a pre-defined message code, which is enumerated in IEEE 802.3u/Annex 28C. Unformatted code fields take on an arbitrary value. [Reference MII field 7.10:0] AN Link Partner Ability Next Page Register (ANLPANP) Figure 14-116 describes the definition for the ANLPANP register. Offset 0x08 Access: Read-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 R Next Page -- Msg Page Ack2 Toggle 15 Message/Un-formatted Code Field W Reset All zeros Figure 14-116. AN Link Partner Ability Next Page Register Definition Table 14-121 describes the fields of the ANLPANP register. Table 14-121. ANLPANP Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 Next Page 1 -- 2 Msg Page Description Next page. The link partner sets and clears this bit. 0 Last page from link partner 1 Additional next pages to follow Reserved. (Ignore on read) Message page. 0 Unformatted page 1 Message page MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-122 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-121. ANLPANP Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 3 Ack2 4 Toggle Description Acknowledge 2. Indicates the link partner's ability to comply with the message. 0 Link partner cannot comply with message. 1 Link partner complies with message. Toggle. Used to ensure synchronization with the link partner during next page exchange. This bit always takes the opposite value of the toggle bit of the previously-exchanged link code word. The initial value in the first next page transmitted is the inverse of bit 11 in the base link code word. This bit is read-only. 0 Toggle bit of the previously-exchanged link code word was 1. 1 Toggle bit of the previously-exchanged link code word was 0. Message pages are formatted pages that carry a pre-defined message code, which is Message/ Un-formatted enumerated in IEEE 802.3u/Annex 28C. Unformatted code fields take on an arbitrary value. Code Field 5-15 Extended Status Register (EXST) Figure 14-117 describes the definition for the EXST register. Offset 0x0F R Access: Read only 0 1 2 3 1000X Full 1000X Half 1000T Full 1000T Half 4 -- 15 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset Figure 14-117. Extended Status Register Definition Table 14-122 describes the fields of the EXST register. Table 14-122. EXST Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 1000X Full 1000X full-duplex capability. Returns 1 on read. This bit is read-only. 0 PHY cannot operation in 1000BASE-X full-duplex mode. 1 PHY can operate in 1000BASE-X full-duplex mode. 1 1000X Half 1000X half-duplex capability. Returns 0 on read. This bit is read-only. 0 PHY cannot operation in 1000BASE-X half-duplex mode. 1 PHY can operate in 1000BASE-X half-duplex mode. 2 1000T Full 1000T full-duplex capability. Returns 1 on read. This bit is read-only. 0 PHY cannot operation in 1000BASE-T full-duplex mode. 1 PHY can operate in 1000BASE-T full-duplex mode. 3 1000T Half 1000T half-duplex capability. Returns 0 on read. This bit is read-only. 0 PHY cannot operation in 1000BASE-T half-duplex mode. 1 PHY can operate in 1000BASE-T half-duplex mode. 4-15 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-123 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Jitter Diagnostics Register (JD) Annex 36A in IEEE 802.3z describes several jitter test patterns. These can be configured to be sent by writing the jitter diagnostics register. See the register description for more information. In may be wise to auto-negotiate and advertise a remote fault signaling of offline prior to beginning the test patterns. Figure 14-118 describes the definition for the JD register. Offset 0x10 0 R Jitter W Enable Access: Read/Write 1 3 Jitter Select 4 5 6 15 -- Reset Custom Jitter Pattern All zeros Figure 14-118. Jitter Diagnostics Register Definition Table 14-123 describes the fields of the JD register. Table 14-123. JD Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 Jitter Enable Jitter enable. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal transmit operation. 1 Enable the TBI to transmit the jitter test patterns defined in IEEE 802.3z 36A. 1-3 Jitter Select Selects the jitter pattern to be transmitted in diagnostics mode. Encoding of this field is shown in the following table. Default is 00. Jitter Pattern Select 4-5 6-15 -- bit[1] bit[2] bit[3] User defined uses custom jitter pattern, bits 6-15 0 0 0 High frequency (+/- D21.5) 1010101010101010101010101010101010101010... 0 0 1 Mixed frequency (+/- K28.5) 1111101011000001010011111010110000010100... 0 1 0 Low frequency 1111100000111110000011111000001111100000... 0 1 1 Complex pattern (10'h17c,10'h0c9,10'h0e5,10'h2a3, 10'h17c,...) 1 0 0 Square Wave (- K28.7) 0011111000001111100000111110000011111000... 1 0 1 Reserved 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 1 Reserved Custom Jitter Used in conjunction with jitter (pattern) select and jitter (diagnostic) enable; set this field to the desired Pattern custom pattern which is continuously transmitted. Its default is 0x000. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-124 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers TBI Control Register (TBICON) Figure 14-119 describes the definition for the TBICON register. Offset 0x11 Access: Mixed 0 1 Soft_Reset -- 0 0 2 R 4 Disable Disable Rx Dis Tx Dis W Reset 3 0 0 6 0 8 AN Sense -- 0 7 0 9 Clock Select -- 0 0 10 0 0 11 12 13 MII Mode 1 14 15 0 0 -- 0 0 Figure 14-119. TBI Control Register Definition Table 14-124 describes the fields of the TBICON register. Table 14-124. TBICON Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 Soft_Reset 1 -- Description Soft reset. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Resets the functional modules in the TBI. Reserved. (Ignore on read) 2 Disable Rx Dis Disable receive disparity. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Disables the running disparity calculation and checking in the receive direction. 3 Disable Tx Dis Disable transmit disparity. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Normal operation. 1 Disables the running disparity calculation and checking in the transmit direction. 4-6 -- Reserved 7 AN Sense 8-9 -- 10 Clock Select Clock select. This bit is cleared by default. 0 Allow the TBI to accept dual split-phase 62.5 MHz receive clocks. 1 Configure the TBI to accept a 125 MHz receive clock from the SerDes/PHY. The 125 MHz clock must be physically connected to `PMA receive clock 0'. 11 MI Mode This bit describes the configuration mode of the TBI. The user reads a 1 while the TBI is configured in GMII/MII mode (connected to a GMII/MII PHY) and a 0 while configured in TBI mode (connected to a 1000BASE-X SerDes). Its value is the inverse of ECNTRL[TBIM]. 0 TBI mode. 1 GMII mode. 12-15 -- Auto-negotiation sense enable. This bit is cleared by default. 0 IEEE 802.3z Clause 37 behavior is desired, which results in the link not completing. 1 Allow the auto-negotiation function to sense either a Gigabit MAC in auto-negotiation bypass mode or an older Gigabit MAC without auto-negotiation capability. If sensed, auto-negotiation complete becomes true; however, the page received is low, indicating no page was exchanged. Management can then act accordingly. Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-125 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 14.6 14.6.1 Functional Description Connecting to Physical Interfaces on Ethernet This section describes how to connect the eTSEC to various interfaces: MII, GMII, RMII, RGMII, TBI, and RTBI. To avoid confusion, all of the buses follow the bus conventions used in the IEEE 802.3 specification because the PHYs follow the same conventions. (For instance, in the bus TSECn_TXD[7:0], bit 7 is the msb and bit 0 is the lsb). If a mode does not use all input signals available to a particular eTSEC, those inputs that are not used must be pulled low on the board. The I/O drivers and receivers on the MPC8548E require different controls depending on the applied voltage level (2.5 V vs 3.3 V, for example). The I/O controls for the eTSEC interfaces are selected based on protocol, and FIFO mode defaults to 2.5-V supply. If a user wishes to run the FIFO interface at 3.3 V or override the voltage dictated by the protocol--like running GMII at 2.5 V instead of the specified 3.3 V--the registers that enable the user to do this are TSEC12IOOVCR (see Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC12IOOVCR)") and TSEC23IOOVCR (see Section, "eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC34IOOVCR)). eTSEC1, eTSEC2 and eTSEC3 can be configured in all modes, whereas eTSEC4 can only operate in a reduced-pin mode and only when eTSEC3 is also configured in a reduced-pin mode. Table 14-125 shows what modes are available for each eTSEC. Table 14-125. Ethernet Modes versus eTSEC (V = Available) Mode eTSEC1 eTSEC2 eTSEC3 eTSEC4 GMII V V V -- RGMII V V V V TBI V V V -- RTBI V V V V MII V V V -- RMII V V V V MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-126 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Media-Independent Interface (MII) This section describes the media-independent interface (MII) intended to be used between the PHYs and the eTSEC. Figure 14-120 depicts the basic components of the MII including the signals required to establish eTSEC module connection with a PHY. Transmit Error (TSECn_TX_ER) Transmit Data (TSECn_TXD[3:0]) Transmit Enable (TSECn_TX_EN) Transmit Clock (TSECn_TX_CLK) eTSEC Collision Detect (TSECn_COL) 10/100 Ethernet PHY Receive Data (TSECn_RXD[3:0]) Medium Receive Error (TSECn_RX_ER) Receive Clock (TSECn_RX_CLK) Receive Data Valid (TSECn_RX_DV) Carrier Sense Output (TSECn_CRS) Management Data Clock1 (MDC) Management Data I/O1 (MDIO) 1 The management signals (MDC and MDIO) are common to all of the Ethernet controllers' connections in the system, assuming that each PHY has a different management address. Figure 14-120. eTSEC-MII Connection An MII interface has 18 signals (including the TSECn_MDC and TSECn_MDIO signals), as defined by the IEEE 802.3u standard, for connecting to an Ethernet PHY. Reduced Media-Independent Interface (RMII) This section describes the reduced media-independent interface (RMII) intended to be used between the PHYs and the GMII MAC. The RMII is a reduced-pin alternative to the IEEE802.3u MII. The RMII reduces the number of signals required to interconnect the MAC and the PHY from a maximum of 18 signals (MII) to 10 signals. To accomplish this objective, the data paths are halved in width and clocked at twice the MII clock frequency, while clocks, carrier sense and error signals have been partly combined. For 100 Mbps operation, the reference clock operates at 50 MHz, whereas for 10 Mbps operation, the clock remains at 50MHz, but only every 10th cycle is used. Figure 14-121 depicts the basic components of the reduced media-independent interface and the signals required to establish an eTSEC's connection with a PHY. The RMII is implemented as defined by the RMII Specification of the RMII Consortium, as of March 20, 1998. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-127 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers NOTE Due to pin limitations on the MPC8548E, eTSEC4 must be configured differently from the other eTSECs in RMII mode. For eTSEC1-3, the RMII reference clock is obtained from TSECn_TX_CLK. For eTSEC4, however, this clock comes from TSEC4_RX_CLK (TSEC3_COL). Reference Clock (TSECn_TX_CLK)1 Transmit Control (TX_EN) eTSEC Transmit Data (TSECn_TXD[1:0]) RMII Ethernet PHY Receive Control (RX_DV, RX_ER) Receive Data (TSECn_RXD[1:0]) Medium Management Data Clock2 (MDC) Management Data I/O2 (MDIO) 1 eTSEC4 of the MPC8548 uses TSEC4_RX_CLK (TSEC3_COL) as reference clock due to device pin limitations. 2 The management signals (MDC and MDIO) are common to all of the Ethernet controllers module connections in the system, assuming that each PHY has a different management address. Figure 14-121. eTSEC-RMII Connection MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-128 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Gigabit Media-Independent Interface (GMII) This section describes the gigabit media-independent interface (GMII) intended to be used between the PHYs and the eTSEC. Figure 14-122 depicts the basic components of the GMII including the signals required to establish the eTSEC module connection with a PHY. Gigabit Reference Clock (GTX_CLK125) Transmit Error (TSEC n_TX_ER) Transmit Nibble Data (TSEC n_TXD[7:0]) Transmit Enable (TSECn_TX_EN) eTSEC GigaBit Transmit Clock (TSECn_GTX_CLK) Gigabit Ethernet PHY Transmit Clock (TSECn_TX_CLK) Medium Receive Nibble Data (TSECn_RXD[7:0]) Receive Error (TSECn_RX_ER) Receive Clock (TSECn_RX_CLK) Receive Data Valid (TSECn_RX_DV) Carrier Sense Output (TSECn_CRS) Management Data Clock1 (MDC) Management Data I/O 1 (MDIO) 1 The management signals (MDC and MDIO) are common to all of the Ethernet controllers' connections in the system, assuming that each PHY has a different management address. Figure 14-122. eTSEC-GMII Connection A GMII interface has 28 signals (TSECn_GTX_CLK + EC_GTX_CLK125 included), as defined by the IEEE 802.3u standard, for connecting to an Ethernet PHY. Reduced Gigabit Media-Independent Interface (RGMII) This section describes the reduced gigabit media-independent interface (RGMII) intended to be used between the PHYs and the GMII MAC. The RGMII is an alternative to the IEEE802.3u MII, the IEEE802.3z GMII and the TBI. The RGMII reduces the number of signals required to interconnect the MAC and the PHY from a maximum of 28 signals (GMII) to 15 signals (GTX_CLK125 included) in a cost effective and technology independent manner. To accomplish this objective, the data paths and all associated control signals are multiplexed using both edges of the clock. For gigabit operation, the clocks operate at 125MHz, and for 10/100 operation, the clocks operate at 2.5 MHz or 25 MHz, respectively. Note that the GTX_CLK125 input must be provided at 125 MHz for an RGMII interface, regardless of operation speed (1 Gbps, 100 Mbps, or 10 Mbps). Figure 14-123 depicts the basic components of the gigabit reduced media-independent interface and the signals required to establish the gigabit Ethernet controllers' module MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-129 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers connection with a PHY. The RGMII is implemented as defined by the RGMII specification Version 1.2a 9/22/00. Gigabit Reference Clock (GTX_CLK125) GigaBit Transmit Clock (TSECn_GTX_CLK) Transmit Control (TX_EN/f(TX_EN,TX_ER)) eTSEC Transmit Data (TSECn_TXD[3:0]/TSECn_TXD[7:4]) Gigabit Ethernet PHY Receive Clock (TSECn_RX_CLK) Medium Receive Control (RX_DV/f(RX_DV,RX_ER)) Receive Data (TSECn_RXD[3:0]/TSECn_RXD[7:4]) Management Data Clock1 (MDC) Management Data I/O1 (MDIO) 1 The management signals (MDC and MDIO) are common to all of the gigabit Ethernet controllers module connections in the system, assuming that each PHY has a different management address. Figure 14-123. eTSEC-RGMII Connection Ten-Bit Interface (TBI) This section describes the ten-bit interface (TBI) intended to be used between the PHYs and the eTSEC to implement a standard SerDes interface for optical-fiber devices in 1000BASE-SX/LX applications. Figure 14-124 depicts the basic components of the TBI including the signals required to establish eTSEC module connection with a PHY. RBC0 and RBC1 are differential 62.5 MHz receive clocks. If not connected to the TBI PHY, the Signal Detect (SDET) input must be tied high. This causes the eTSEC to begin auto negotiation with the SERDES immediately upon the TBI module being enabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-130 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Gigabit Reference Clock (GTX_CLK125) Transmit Data (TSECn_TXD[9:0]) GigaBit Transmit Clock (TSECn_GTX_CLK) Gigabit Ethernet PHY eTSEC Receive Data (TSECn_RXD[9:0]) Medium TBI Receive Clock 0 (TSEC n_RX_CLK) TBI Receive Clock 1 (TSECn_TX_CLK) SIGNAL DETECT (TSEC n_RX_CRS) Management Data Clock1 (MDC) Management Data I/O 1 (MDIO) 1 The management signals (MDC and MDIO) are common to all of the Ethernet controllers' connections in the system, assuming that each PHY has a different management address. Figure 14-124. eTSEC-TBI Connection A TBI interface has 26 signals (GE_GTX_CLK125 included) for connecting to an Ethernet PHY, as defined by IEEE 802.3z GMII and TBI standards. Reduced Ten-Bit Interface (RTBI) This section describes the reduced ten-bit interface (RTBI) intended to be used between the PHYs and the eTSEC to implement a reduced-pin count version of a SerDes interface for optical-fiber devices in 1000BASE-SX/LX applications. Figure 14-125 depicts the basic components of the RTBI including the signals required to establish eTSEC module connection with a PHY. Note that in RTBI the eTSEC immediately begins auto-negotiation with the SerDes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-131 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Gigabit Reference Clock (GTX_CLK125) Transmit Data (TSECn_TXD[4:0]/TSECn_TXD[9:5]) GigaBit Transmit Clock (TSECn_GTX_CLK) eTSEC Gigabit Ethernet PHY Receive Data (TSEC n_RXD[4:0]/TSECn_RXD[9:5]) Medium Receive Clock (TSEC n_RX_CLK) Management Data Clock1 (MDC) Management Data I/O1 (MDIO) 1 The management signals (MDC and MDIO) are common to all of the Ethernet controllers' connections in the system, assuming that each PHY has a different management address. Figure 14-125. eTSEC-RTBI Connection A RTBI interface has 15 signals (GE_GTX_CLK125 included), as defined by the RGMII specification Version 1.2a 9/22/00, and is intended to be an alternative to the IEEE 802.3u MII, the IEEE 802.3z GMII and the TBI standard for connecting to an Ethernet PHY. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-132 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Ethernet Physical Interfaces Signal Summary Table 14-126 describes the signal multiplexing for the following interfaces: GMII, MII, TBI, and RMII. Table 14-126. GMII, MII, and RMII Signals Multiplexing eTSEC Signals GMII Interface MII Interface RMII Interface Frequency [MHz] 125 Frequency [MHz] 125 Frequency [MHz] 25 Frequency [MHz] 50 Voltage[V] 3.3/2.5 Voltage[V] 3.3 Voltage[V] 3.3 Voltage[V] 3.3 Signals (TSEC n_) I/O No. of Signals Signals (TSECn_) I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 TX_CLK I TxD[0] O 1 TxD[0] TxD[1] O 1 TxD[2] O TxD[3] Signals (TSECn_) I/O No. of Signals Signals (TSECn_) I/O No. of Signals 1 TX_CLK I 1 REF_CLK1 I 1 O 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 1 TxD[2] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 TxD[5] O 1 TxD[5] O 1 TxD[6] O 1 TxD[6] O 1 TxD[7] O 1 TxD[7] O 1 TX_EN O 1 TX_EN O 1 TX_EN O 1 TX_EN O 1 TX_ER O 1 TX_ER O 1 TX_ER O 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 RxD[5] I 1 RxD[5] I 1 RxD[6] I 1 RxD[6] I 1 RxD[7] I 1 RxD[7] I 1 RX_DV I 1 RX_DV I 1 RX_DV I 1 CRS_DV I 1 RX_ER I 1 RX_ER I 1 RX_ER I 1 RX_ER I 1 COL I 1 COL I 1 CRS I 1 CRS I 1 25 Sum Sum 23 Sum 16 Sum 8 1 eTSEC4 of the MPC8548 uses TSEC4_RX_CLK (TSEC3_COL) as reference clock due to device pin limitations. All the other eTSEC interfaces (1-3) use TSECn_TX_CLK. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-133 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-127 describes the signal multiplexing for RGMII and RTBI interfaces. Table 14-127. RGMII, TBI, and RTBI Signals Multiplexing eTSEC Signals RGMII Interface TBI Interface RTBI Interface Frequency [MHz] 125 Frequency [MHz] 125 Frequency [MHz] 62.5 Frequency [MHz] 62.5 Voltage[V] 3.3/2.5 Voltage[V] 2.5 Voltage[V] 3.3 Voltage[V] 2.5 Signals (TSECn_) I/O No. of Signals Signals (TSECn_) I/O No. of Signals Signals (TSECn_) I/O No. of Signals Signals (TSECn_) I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK1 I 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[0]/TxD[4] O 1 TCG[0] O 1 TCG[0]/TCG[5] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[1]/TxD[5] O 1 TCG[1] O 1 TCG[1]/TCG[6] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TxD[2]/TxD[6] O 1 TCG[2] O 1 TCG[2]/TCG[7] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[3]/TxD[7] O 1 TCG[3] O 1 TCG[3]/TCG[8] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 TCG[4] O 1 TxD[5] O 1 TCG[5] O 1 TxD[6] O 1 TCG[6] O 1 TxD[7] O 1 TCG[7] O 1 TX_EN O 1 TCG[8] O 1 TCG[4]/TCG[9] O 1 TX_ER O 1 TCG[9] O 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK0 I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0]/RxD[4] I 1 RCG[0] I 1 RCG[0]/RCG[5] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1]/RxD[5] I 1 RCG[1] I 1 RCG[1]/RCG[6] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[2]/RxD[6] I 1 RCG[2] I 1 RCG[2]/RCG[7] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[3]/RxD[7] I 1 RCG[3] I 1 RCG[3]/RCG[8] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 RCG[4] I 1 RxD[5] I 1 RCG[5] I 1 RxD[6] I 1 RCG[6] I 1 RxD[7] I 1 RCG[7] I 1 RCG[8] I 1 RX_DV I 1 RCG[4]/RCG[9] I 1 RX_ER I 1 COL I 1 CRS I 1 Sum 25 TX_CTL (TX_EN/TX_E RR) RX_CTL (RX_DV/RX_E RR) Sum O I 1 1 12 RCG[9] I 1 SDET I 1 Sum 24 I Sum 12 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-134 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-128 describes the signals shared by all interfaces. Table 14-128. Shared Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals Function EC_MDIO I/O 1 Management interface I/O EC_MDC O 1 Management interface clock GTX_CLK125 I 1 Reference clock Sum 14.6.2 3 Connecting to FIFO Interfaces This section describes how to connect an eTSEC to third-party communication devices, including users' ASICs and FPGAs, via the FIFO interface. Each eTSEC provides an 8-bit or 16-bit full-duplex packet FIFO interface port that bypasses the Ethernet MAC, but re-uses the GMII signals. As a result, the FIFO interface normally does not impose the overheads of Ethernet framing. The FIFO interface operates synchronously, at a maximum frequency defined by a ratio of 4.2:1 (platform:TxClk) in GMII mode and 3.2:1 (platform:TxClk) in encoded mode providing OC-48 full-duplex transfer rates. For example, a FIFO frequency of 127 MHz in GMII mode requires a platform frequency of533 MHz; a FIFO frequency of 200 MHz in encoded mode requires a platform frequency of 667 MHz; a FIFO frequency of 167 MHz in encoded mode requires a platform frequency of 533 MHz. Bare IP packets--with an optional 32-bit CRC check sequence--can be transferred to the eTSEC directly. The eTSEC Tx and Rx FIFOs, TOE functions, and DMA continue to be used in packet FIFO mode. The ECNTRL[FIFM] bit determines whether eTSEC is communicating with its Ethernet MAC or FIFO interface. There are two main modes of FIFO operation: * 8-bit packet FIFO -- The GMII signals of each eTSEC can be used to create a FIFO port, therefore eTSEC can support up to three simultaneous 8-bit FIFO interfaces (eTSEC4 cannot accommodate GMII Ethernet and, as such, cannot accommodate a dedicated FIFO.) Choosing between 8-bit FIFO and Ethernet affects each eTSEC independently, therefore a mix of FIFO and Ethernet interfaces can be configured. -- The data signals of GMII and 8-bit FIFO remain the same. The data valid (RX_DV, TX_EN) and error (RX_ER, TX_ER) signals are used to signal framing information. If required, the collision (COL) and carrier sense (CRS) signals can be used in an encoded mode to provide link-level flow control. * 16-bit packet FIFO -- The GMII signals of eTSECs 1 & 2 may be combined to create a 16-bit FIFO port, therefore providing up to one 16-bit FIFO and one 8-bit FIFO (or Ethernet) interfaces simultaneously MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-135 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The eTSEC that loses access to its GMII signals (eTSEC2) in this mode cannot be used for communications. -- The possible pairing of eTSECs to create 16-bit FIFO ports is limited to eTSEC1 paired with eTSEC2. The remaining eTSEC (or eTSEC3) must be used in an 8-bit FIFO or Ethernet mode. -- Either a GMII-style or encoded framing protocol is available, the latter allowing relatively simple conversion to a POS PHY Level 3 interface with additional glue logic. When the FIFO interface is in 16-bit mode, RX_DV and TX_EN signals from both ports are used to determine data valid. Only one of the RX_ER and TX_ER signals are used to determine framing errors. The collision (COL) and carrier sense (CRS) signals can be used to provide link-level flow control. The possible port mode combinations supported across all four eTSECs are shown in Table 14-129. Table 14-129. Valid Combinations of eTSEC Signals and Interface Modes Mode Option eTSEC1 Signals eTSEC2 Signals eTSEC3 Signals eTSEC4 Signals Ethernet only All Ethernets All Ethernets All Ethernets -- Reduced Ethernets Reduced Ethernets 8-bit FIFO Only 8-bit FIFO port 1 8-bit FIFO port 2 8-bit FIFO port 3 8-bit FIFO & Ethernet, mixed 8-bit FIFO port 1 or Reduced Ethernets 8-bit FIFO port 2 or Reduced Ethernets 8-bit FIFO port 3 16-bit FIFO & 8-bit FIFO 16-bit FIFO port 1 16-bit FIFO & Ethernet 16-bit FIFO port 1 All Ethernets -- Reduced Ethernets Reduced Ethernets 8-bit FIFO port 3 All Ethernets -- Reduced Ethernets Reduced Ethernets The following restrictions apply in any of the FIFO modes: * Transferred packets must be a minimum of 10 bytes, and no more than 9600 bytes in length. * Although TCP/IP offload is supported, the receive queue filer table must be limited to as many entries as eTSEC can search every packet. See Section, "Filing Rules," on page 14-164 for guidance on how to determine maximum table size for an application. * eTSEC requires received packets to have a minimum inter-packet gap of three cycles. * On transmission, the minimum inter-packet gap is three cycles if CRC is not automatically appended; each CRC data beat reduces this minimum inter-packet gap down to no less than one cycle. No Ethernet-specific features (such as MAC address matching) or layer 2 properties (such as Ethertype) are available in FIFO mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-136 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Flow Control In the encoded (non GMII-style) FIFO modes, link-level flow control is provided to the eTSEC transmitter on the COL signal of the controlling eTSEC, while back pressure to the remote transmitter is sent on the CRS signal (which acts as an output signal only in FIFO mode). Owing to the synchronization delay of responding to flow control on signal COL, the eTSEC cannot stop transmission immediately, but may require up to 8 clock cycles before transmission is paused. The eTSEC will issue flow control either when software forces it (via the FIFOCFG[FFC] bit), or when the Rx FIFO reaches its high watermark. CRC Appending and Checking If FIFOCFG[CRCAPP] is enabled, the FIFO interface will automatically append a 4-byte CRC to each transmitted packet. Alternatively, if FIFOCFG[CRCAPP] is cleared, TxBD[TC] provides a per-packet override to append CRC. The IEEE 802.3 standard CRC-32 algorithm is used, where the least significant bit of each byte (TXD[0]) is combined into the CRC ahead of the most significant bit (TXD[7]). Accordingly, the CRC result, CRC[31:0] is transmitted onto the interface in bit-reversed order, CRC[24:31], CRC[16:23], CRC[8:15], CRC[0:7]. Automatic checking of CRC-32 checksums received over the FIFO interface is enabled by setting FIFOCFG[CRCCHK]. CRC errors are recorded in the RxBD[CR] flag of every last buffer. Like transmit, the receiver combines data into the CRC in the order least significant data bit (RXD[0]) to most significant bit (RXD[7]). The last 4 bytes of the packet are assumed to be CRC whenever FIFOCFG[CRCCHK] is enabled, and these bytes are returned as part of the data buffer. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-137 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 8-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Mode Figure 14-126 depicts the signals required to establish eTSEC module connection with an external device using the 8-bit FIFO interface. Transmit Error (TSECn_TX_ER) Transmit Data (TSECn_TXD[7:0]) Transmit Enable (TSECn_TX_EN) ASIC with 8-Bit FIFO Interface eTSEC Reflected Transmit Clock (TSECn_GTX_CLK) Transmit Clock (TSECn_TX_CLK) Receive Clock (TSECn_RX_CLK) Receive Data (TSEC n_RXD[7:0]) Receive Error (TSEC n_RX_ER) Receive Data Valid (TSECn_RX_DV) Transmit Flow Control1 (TSECn_COL) Receive Flow Control1 (TSECn_CRS) 1The flow control signals (TSECn_CRS and TSEC n_COL) are common to all of the FIFO modes. TSEC n_CRS becomes an output signal in FIFO modes only. Figure 14-126. eTSEC-FIFO (8-Bit) Connection The 8-bit FIFO interface has 25 signals (including the flow control signals). Illustrative timing of the GMII-style FIFO mode is shown in Figure 14-127. TX/RX_CLKn TX_EN/RX_DV TX_ER/RX_ER TXD/RXD[7:0] SOP EOP Figure 14-127. 8-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Timing MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-138 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The encoding of the eTSEC GMII signals in this FIFO mode is shown in Table 14-130. Table 14-130. Signal Encoding for GMII-Style 8-Bit FIFO Condition Valid data, start of packet TX_EN/RX_DV TX_ER/RX_ER 0 to 1 transition at start of cycle 0 1 0 1 to 0 transition at end of cycle 0 1 1 until TX_EN/RX_DV falls Valid data Valid data, end of packet Error In this mode flow control can control only the decision to continue transmitting packets, as packet transfers cannot be suspended once started. 8-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Mode The encoded packet 8-bit FIFO mode uses the signals shown in Figure 14-128. The control lines encode four states that can be associated with each beat of data. This mode should be used where invalid bytes can appear between the start and end of packet. Illustrative timing of the encoded packet FIFO mode is shown in Figure 14-128. TX/RX_CLK n TX_EN/RX_DV TX_ER/RX_ER TXD/RXD[7:0] SOP EOP Figure 14-128. 8-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Timing The encoding of the eTSEC GMII signals in this FIFO mode is shown in Table 14-131. Table 14-131. Signal Encoding for Encoded 8-Bit FIFO Condition TX_EN/RX_DV TX_ER/RX_ER Valid data, start of packet 1 0 Valid data 1 1 Valid data, end of packet 0 1 Data not valid 0 0 In this mode flow control can cause an indefinite number of invalid data bytes to be transferred. This is the only mode in which an empty eTSEC Tx FIFO also causes a string of invalid data bytes to be transmitted rather than causing an underrun error. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-139 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 16-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Mode Figure 14-129 depicts the signals required to establish eTSEC module connection with an external device using the 16-bit FIFO interface. The controlling eTSEC is marked as eTSECn, with eTSECn+1 being disabled in this mode. Data is transferred simultaneously on both pairs of RXD[7:0] and TXD[7:0]. The ordering of bytes in each 16 bits is such that eTSECn receives/transmits the earlier byte ahead of the byte in the packet transferred by eTSECn+1. In the case where an odd number of bytes are being transferred, the last byte on eTSECn+1 data signals will be undefined. Transmit Error n (TSECn_TX_ER) Transmit Data n (TSEC n_TXD[7:0]) Transmit Data n+1 (TSEC n+1_TXD[7:0]) Transmit Enable n (TSEC n_TX_EN) Transmit Enable n+1 (TSEC n+1_TX_EN) Reflected Transmit Clock (TSECn_GTX_CLK) Transmit Clock (TSECn_TX_CLK) Receive Clock (TSECn_RX_CLK) eTSECn Paired with eTSECn+1 Receive Data n (TSECn_RXD[7:0]) Receive Data n+1 (TSECn+1_RXD[7:0]) ASIC with 16-Bit FIFO Interface Receive Error n (TSECn_RX_ER) Receive Data Valid n (TSEC n_RX_DV) Receive Data Valid n+1 (TSEC n+1_RX_DV) Transmit Flow Control1 (TSECn_COL) Receive Flow Control1 (TSEC n_CRS) 1 The flow control signals (TSECn_CRS and TSECn_COL) are common to all of the FIFO modes. TSECn_CRS becomes an output signal in FIFO modes only. Figure 14-129. eTSEC-FIFO (16-Bit) Connection The 16-bit FIFO interface has 44 signals (including the flow control signals). Illustrative timing of the GMII-style FIFO mode is shown in Figure 14-130. The eTSECn control signals mark the extent of valid data, while the eTSECn+1 signals mark whether the paired byte is also valid. Any errors are indicated by the eTSECn error signals, and held until the end of the packet. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-140 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers TX/RX_CLKn TX_ENn/RX_DVn TX_ERn/RX_ERn TX_ENn+1/RX_DVn+1 TXD n/RXD n[7:0] SOP EOP SOP TXDn+1/RXDn+1[7:0] EOP Figure 14-130. 16-Bit GMII-Style Packet FIFO Timing The encoding of the paired eTSEC GMII signals in 16-bit GMII-style packet FIFO mode is shown in Table 14-132. Table 14-132. Signal Encoding for GMII-Style 16-Bit FIFO TX_ENn/RX_DVn TX_ERn/RX_ERn TX_ENn+1/RX_DVn+1 0 0 0 0 to 1 transition at start cycle 0 0 to 1 transition at start cycle 1 0 1 End of packet, 1 byte valid 1 to 0 transition at end cycle 0 0 End of packet, 2 bytes valid 1 to 0 transition at end cycle 0 1 to 0 transition at end cycle 1 1 held until TX_EN/RX_DV = 0 for both eTSECs 1 Condition Data not valid Start of packet, 2 bytes valid Middle of packet, 2 bytes valid Error In 16-bit FIFO mode, one invalid byte and one valid byte received prior to the end of the packet is a signaling error which results in the CR bit of the RxBD being set for the frame in question (regardless of the state of FIFOCFG[CRCAPP]) and should be recognized by software as an indication that the receive data contains error(s). In this mode flow control can control only the decision to continue transmitting packets, as packet transfers cannot be suspended once started. 16-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Mode The 16-bit encoded packet FIFO mode uses the control signals from both eTSECs to mark the status of data. The encoding scheme facilitates easy conversion to POS PHY Level 3 signaling via a PLD. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-141 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Illustrative timing of the encoded FIFO mode is shown in Figure 14-131. Note that GMII control signals from both participating eTSECs are combined into a 3-bit code, with the usual FIFO flow control signals operating in parallel. TX/RX_CLKn RXC[2:0] = { RX_DVn+1, RX_ERn, RX_DVn } TXC[2:0]/RXC[2:0] 111 000 111 111 010 000 TXDn/RXDn[7:0] TXC[2:0] = { TX_ENn+1, TX_ERn, TX_ENn } 000 EOP SOP 101 111 111 111 000 111 111 110 000 SOP TXDn+1/RXDn+1[7:0] EOP FC COLn/CRSn Figure 14-131. 16-Bit Encoded Packet FIFO Timing The encoding of the paired eTSEC GMII signals in 16-bit encoded packet FIFO mode is shown in Table 14-133. Table 14-133. Signal Encoding for Encoded 16-Bit FIFO Condition TXC[2:0]1/RXC[2:0]2 Data not valid 000 Reserved 001 End of packet, only eTSECn byte valid 010 End of packet with error 011 Reserved 100 Start of packet, both eTSEC n and eTSECn+1 bytes valid 101 End of packet, both eTSEC n and eTSECn+1 bytes valid 110 Middle of packet, both eTSECn and eTSECn+1 bytes valid 111 1 2 TXC[2:0] = {TX_ENn+1, TX_ERn, TX_ENn} RXC[2:0] = {RX_DVn+1, RX_ERn, RX_DVn} In this mode flow control can control either the decision to continue transmitting packets or insert invalid data (TXC/RXC = 000) into the data stream. Once asserted by the external receiver, transmit flow control takes effect after several (typically six) rising edges of TX_CLK. Should eTSEC momentarily run out of transmit data, it will send an indefinite stream of invalid data until normal transmission can resume; no transmit underrun can occur. In the event where the transmitter halts due to a lack of valid transmit BDs, the packet will be terminated with an error. FIFO Interface Signal Summary Refer to Section, "8-Bit FIFO Mode" and Section, "16-Bit FIFO Mode," for interface signal details. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-142 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 14.6.3 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Channel Operation This section describes the operation of the eTSEC. First, the software initialization sequence is described. Next, the software (Ethernet driver) interface for transmitting and receiving frames is reviewed. Frame filtering and receive filing algorithm features are also discussed. The section concludes with interrupt handling, inter-packet gap time, and loop back descriptions. Initialization Sequence This sections describes which registers are reset due to a hard or software reset and what registers the user must initialize prior to enabling the eTSEC. Hardware Controlled Initialization A hard reset occurs when the system powers up. All eTSEC's registers and control logic are reset to their default states after a hard reset has occurred. In this state, each eTSEC behaves like a PowerQUICC III device, except for the absence of out-of-sequence TxBD features. That is, initially TCP/IP off-load is disabled and only single RxBD and TxBD rings are accessible. User Initialization After the system has undergone a hard reset, software must initialize certain basic eTSEC registers. Other registers can also be initialized during this time, but they are optional and must be determined based on the requirements of the system. See Table 14-3 for the register list. Table 14-134 describes the minimum steps for register initialization. Table 14-134. Steps for Minimum Register Initialization Description 1. Set and clear MACCFG1 [Soft_Reset] 2. Initialize MACCFG2 3. Initialize MAC station address 4. Set up the PHY using the MII Mgmt Interface 5. Configure the TBI control to TBI or GMII 6. Clear IEVENT 7. Initialize IMASK 8. Initialize RCTRL 9. Initialize DMACTRL After the initialization of registers is performed, the user must execute the following steps in the order described below to bring the eTSEC into a functional state (out of reset): 1. Write to the MACCFG1 register and set the appropriate bits. These need to include RX_EN and TX_EN. To enable flow control, Rx_Flow and Tx_Flow should also be set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-143 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 2. For the transmission of Ethernet frames, TxBDs must first be built in memory, linked together as a ring, and pointed to by the TBASEn registers. A minimum of two buffer descriptors per ring is required, unless the ring is disabled. Setting the ring to a size of one causes the same frame to be transmitted twice. If TCP/IP off-load is to be enabled, the TxBD[TOE] bit must be set for each frame. 3. Likewise, for the reception of Ethernet frames, the receive queue (or queues) must be ready, with its RxBD pointed to by the RBASEn registers. If TCP/IP off-load is to be enabled, RCTRL[PRSDEP] must be set to the required off-load level. Both transmit and receive can be gracefully stopped after transmission and reception begins. 4. Clearing DMACTRL[GTS] triggers the transmission of frame data if the transmitter had been previously stopped. The DMACTRL[GRS] must be cleared if the receiver had been previously stopped. Refer to the DMACTRL register section, and Section, "Data Buffer Descriptors," for more information. Soft Reset and Reconfiguring Procedure Before issuing a soft-reset to and/or reconfiguring the MAC with new parameters, the user must properly shutdown the DMA and make sure it is in an idle state for the entire duration. User must gracefully stop the DMA by setting both GRS and GTS bits in the DMACTRL register, then wait for both GRSC and GTSC bits to be set in the IEVENT register before resetting the MAC or changing parameters. Both GRS and GTS bits must be cleared before re-enabling the MAC to resume the DMA. During the MAC configuration, if a new set of Tx buffer descriptors will be used, the user must load the pointers into the TBASE registers. Likewise if a new set of Rx buffer descriptors will be used, the RBASE registers must be written with new pointers. Following is a procedure to gracefully reset and reconfigure the MAC: 1. Set GRS/GTS bits in DMACTRL register 2. Poll GRSC/GTSC bits in IEVENT register until both are set 3. Set SOFT_RESET bit in MACCFG1 register 4. Clear SOFT_RESET bit in MACCFG1 register 5. Load TDBPH, TBASEH, TBASE0-TBASE7 with new Tx BD pointers 6. Load RDBPH, RBASEH, RBASE0-RBASE7 with new Rx BD pointers 7. Setup other MAC registers (MACCFG2, MAXFRM, etc.) 8. Setup group address hash table (GADDR0-GADDR15) if address filtering is required 9. Setup receive frame filer table (via RQFAR, RQFCR, and RQFPR) if filing to multiple RxBD rings is required 10. Setup WWR, WOP, TOD bits in DMACTRL register 11. Enable transmit queues in TQUEUE, and ensure that the transmit scheduling mode is correctly set in TCTRL. 12. Enable receive queues in RQUEUE, and optionally set TOE functionality in RCTRL. 13. Clear THLT and TXF bits in TSTAT register by writing 1 to them 14. Clear QHLT and RXF bits in RSTAT register by writing 1 to them. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-144 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 15. Clear GRS/GTS bits in DMACTRL (do not change other bits) 16. Enable Tx_EN/Rx_EN in MACCFG1 register Gigabit Ethernet Frame Transmission The Ethernet transmitter requires little core intervention. After the software driver initializes the system, the eTSEC begins to poll the first transmit buffer descriptor (TxBD) in TxBD ring 0 every 512 transmit clocks. If TxBD[R] is set, and the TxBD ring is scheduled for transmission, the eTSEC begins copying the associated transmit buffer from memory to its Tx FIFO. The transmitter takes data from the Tx FIFO and transmits data to the MAC. The MAC transmits the data through the GMII interface to the physical media. The transmitter, once initialized, runs until the end-of-frame (EOF) condition is detected unless a collision within the collision window occurs (half-duplex mode) or an abort condition is encountered. If the user has a frame ready to transmit, setting the DMACTRL[TOD] eliminates waiting for the next poll and a DMA transfer of the transmit data buffers can begin immediately. The transmission begins once all data for the frame is loaded into the Tx FIFO or sufficient transmit data (determined by the Tx FIFO threshold register) is in the Tx FIFO. If the line is not busy, the MAC transmit logic asserts TX_EN and sends the 7-octet preamble sequence, 1-octet start of frame delimiter, and frame information in that order. If the line is busy, the controller waits for the carrier sense signal, CRS, to remain inactive for 60 bit times (60 clocks) and transmission begins after an additional 36 bit times (96 bit times after CRS became active). In full-duplex mode, because collisions are ignored, frame transmission maintains only the interframe gap (96 bit times) regardless of CRS. In half-duplex mode (MACCFG2[Full Duplex] is cleared) the MAC defers transmission if the line is busy (CRS asserted). Before transmitting, the MAC waits for carrier sense to become inactive, at which point it then determines if CRS remains negated for 60 clocks. If so, transmission begins after an additional 36 bit times (96 bit times after CRS originally became negated). If CRS continues to be asserted, the MAC follows a specified back-off procedure and tries to retransmit the frame until the retry limit is reached. Data stored in the Tx FIFO is re-transmitted in case of a collision. This avoids unnecessary memory traffic. The transmitter also monitors for an abort condition and terminates the current frame if an abort condition is encountered. In full-duplex mode the protocol is independent of network activity, and only the transmit inter-frame gap must be enforced. The transmitter implements full-duplex flow control. If a flow control frame is received, the MAC does not service the transmitter's request to send data until the pause duration is over. If the MAC is currently sending data after a pause frame has been received and processed, the MAC finishes sending the current frame, then suspends subsequent frames (except a pause frame) until the pause duration is over. In addition, the transmitter supports transmission of flow control frames via TCTRL[TFC_PAUSE]. The transmit pause frame is generated internally based on the PAUSE register that defines the pause value to be sent. Note that it is possible to send a pause frame while the pause timer has not expired. The MAC automatically appends FCS (32-bit CRC) bytes to the frame if any of the following values are set: * TxBD[PAD/CRC] is set in first TxBD * TxBD[TC] is set in first TxBD * MACCFG2[PAD/CRC] is set MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-145 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * MACCFG2[CRC] is set The Tx_EN is negated after the FCS is sent. This notifies the PHY of the need to generate the illegal Manchester encoding that signifies the end of an Ethernet frame. Following the transmission of the FCS, the Ethernet controller writes the frame status bits into the BD and clears TxBD[R]. If the end of the current buffer is reached and TxBD[L] is cleared (a frame is comprised of multiple buffer descriptors), only TxBD[R] is cleared. For both half- and full-duplex modes, an interrupt can be issued depending on TxBD[I]. The Ethernet controller then proceeds to the next TxBD in the table. In this way, the core can be interrupted after each frame, after each buffer, or after a specific buffer is sent. If TxBD[PAD/CRC] is set, the Ethernet controller pads any frame shorter than 64 bytes with zero bytes to make up the minimum length. To pause transmission, or rearrange the transmit queue, set DMACTRL[GTS]. This can be useful for transmitting expedited data ahead of previously-linked buffers or for error situations. If this bit is set, the eTSEC transmitter performs a graceful transmit stop. The Ethernet controller stops immediately if no transmission is in progress or continues transmission until all queued frames in the Tx FIFO have been disposed of. The IEVENT[GTSC] interrupt occurs once the graceful transmit stop operation is completed. After the DMACTRL[GTS] is cleared, the eTSEC resumes transmission with the next frame. While the eTSEC is in 10/100Mbps mode it sends bytes least-significant nibble first and each nibble is sent lsb first. While it is in 1000Mbps mode it sends bytes LSB first. Gigabit Ethernet Frame Reception The eTSEC Ethernet receiver is designed to work with little core intervention and can perform data extraction, address recognition, CRC checking, short frame checking, and maximum frame-length checking. After a hardware reset, the software driver clears the RSTAT register and sets MACCFG1[RX_EN]. The Ethernet receiver is enabled and immediately starts processing receive frames. The MAC checks for when TSECn_RX_DV is asserted and as long as TSECn_COL remains negated (full-duplex mode ignores TSECn_COL), the MAC looks for the start of a frame by searching for a valid preamble/SFD (start of frame delimiter) header, which is stripped (unless MACCFG2[PreAM RxEN] is set) and the frame begins to be processed. If a valid header is not found, the frame is ignored. If the receiver detects the first bytes of a frame, the eTSEC controller begins to perform the frame recognition function through destination address (DA) recognition (see Section, "Frame Recognition"). Based on this match the frame can be accepted or rejected. The receiver can filter frames based on individual (unicast), group (multicast), and broadcast addresses. Because Ethernet receive frame data is not written to memory until the internal frame recognition algorithm is complete, system bus usage is not wasted on frames unwanted by this station. If a frame is accepted, the Ethernet controller fetches the receive buffer descriptor (RxBD) from either queue 0 or the queue determined by the filer. If the RxBD is not being used by software (RxBD[E] is set), the eTSEC starts transferring the incoming frame. RxBD[F] is set for the first RxBD used for any particular receive frame. If the current RxBD is not available for the received frame, a receive busy error condition is raised in IEVENT[BSY]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-146 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers After the buffer is filled, the eTSEC clears RxBD[E] and, if RxBD[I] is set, generates an interrupt. If the incoming frame is larger than the buffer, the Ethernet controller fetches the next RxBD in the table. If it is empty, the controller continues receiving the rest of the frame. In half-duplex mode, if a collision is detected during the frame, no RxBDs are used; thus, no collision frames are presented to the user except late collisions, which indicate LAN problems. The RxBD length is determined by the MRBL field in the maximum receive buffer length register (MRBLR). The smallest valid value is 64 bytes, with larger values being be some integral multiple of 64 bytes. During reception, the Ethernet controller checks for frames that are too short or too long. After the frame ends (CRS is negated), the receive CRC field is checked and written to the data buffer. The data length written to the last RxBD in the Ethernet frame is the length of the entire frame, which enables the software to recognize an oversized frame condition. Receive frames are not truncated when they exceed maximum frame bytes in the MAC's maximum frame register if MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is set, yet the babbling receiver error interrupt occurs (IEVENT[BABR] is set) and RxBD[LG] is set. After the receive frame is complete, the Ethernet controller sets RxBD[L], updates the frame status bits in the RxBD, and clears RxBD[E]. If RxBD[I] is set, the Ethernet controller next generates an interrupt (that can be masked) indicating that a frame was received and is in memory. The Ethernet controller then waits for a new frame. To interrupt reception or rearrange the receive queue, DMACTRL[GRS] must be set. If this bit is set, the eTSEC receiver performs a graceful receive stop. The Ethernet controller stops immediately if no frames are being received or continues receiving until the current frame either finishes or an error condition occurs. The IEVENT[GRSC] interrupt event is signaled after the graceful receive stop operation is completed. While in this mode the user can write to registers that are accessible to both the user and the eTSEC hardware without fear of conflict, and finally clear IEVENT[GRSC]. After DMACTRL[GRS] is cleared, the eTSEC scans the input data stream for the start of a new frame (preamble sequence and start of frame delimiter), it resumes receiving, and the first valid frame received is placed in the next available RxBD. Ethernet Preamble Customization By default eTSEC generates a standard Ethernet preamble sequence prior to transmitting frames. However, the user can substitute a custom preamble sequence for the purpose of controlling switching equipment at the receiver, particularly at 100/1000Mbps speeds. In FIFO mode preamble customization is ignored; in any RMII mode only the standard preamble can be transmitted. eTSEC normally searches for and discards the standard Ethernet preamble sequence upon receiving frames. Part of the received preamble sequence can be optionally recovered and returned as part of the frame data, making it visible to user software. Note however, that no preamble is received in FIFO mode, and preamble cannot be recovered in any RMII mode.Note that it is also possible for the first two bytes of custom preamble (PreOct0 and PreOct1) to be lost in during conversion to ten-bit code groups in the PCS sub-layer. Thus is it recommended that any custom preamble start at PreOct2. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-147 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers User-Defined Preamble Transmission To substitute a custom preamble, the user must ensure that: * MACCFG2[PreAm TxEN] bit is set * The first TxBD of every frame containing a custom preamble has its PRE bit set * An 8-byte custom preamble sequence appears before the Ethernet DA field in the first transmit data buffer The definition of the 8-byte custom preamble sequence is shown in Figure 14-132. Byte Offsets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0-1 PreOct0 PreOct1 2-3 PreOct2 PreOct3 4-5 PreOct4 PreOct5 6-7 PreOct6 13 14 15 Figure 14-132. Definition of Custom Preamble Sequence The fields of the custom preamble sequence are described in Table 14-135. It should be noted that use of preamble octets matching the standard start of frame delimiter (0xD5) can be expected to trigger premature frame reception by the receiving station. Table 14-135. Custom Preamble Field Descriptions Bytes Bits 0-1 0-7 2-3 4-5 6-7 Name Description PreOct0 Octet #0 of custom transmit preamble. This is the first octet of preamble sent. 8-15 PreOct1 Octet #1 of custom transmit preamble. This is the second octet of preamble sent. 0-7 PreOct2 Octet #2 of custom transmit preamble. This is the third octet of preamble sent. 8-15 PreOct3 Octet #3 of custom transmit preamble. This is the fourth octet of preamble sent. 0-7 PreOct4 Octet #4 of custom transmit preamble. This is the fifth octet of preamble sent. 8-15 PreOct5 Octet #5 of custom transmit preamble. This is the sixth octet of preamble sent. 0-7 PreOct6 Octet #6 of custom transmit preamble. This is the seventh octet of preamble sent. The last octet (the start of frame delimiter) is generated by the MAC automatically. 8-15 -- Reserved; should be cleared. User-Visible Preamble Reception To return the received preamble, the user must ensure that: * MACCFG2[PreAm RxEN] bit is set * Space for an 8-byte preamble sequence is allowed before the Ethernet DA field in the first receive data buffer of each frame MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-148 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The definition of the 8-byte received preamble sequence is shown in Figure 14-133. Byte Offsets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0-1 PreOct0 PreOct1 2-3 PreOct2 PreOct3 4-5 PreOct4 PreOct5 6-7 PreOct6 13 14 15 Figure 14-133. Definition of Received Preamble Sequence The fields of the received preamble sequence are described in Table 14-136. Should the received preamble be shorter than the 7-octet sequence defined by IEEE Std. 802.3, initial bytes of the received preamble sequence hold undefined values. The standard start of frame delimiter (0xD5) is always omitted. Note that preamble extraction is not possible in RMII mode. Table 14-136. Received Preamble Field Descriptions Bytes Bits 0-1 0-7 PreOct0 Octet #0 of received preamble. This is the first octet of preamble received. 8-15 PreOct1 Octet #1 of received preamble. This is the second octet of preamble received. 0-7 PreOct2 Octet #2 of received preamble. This is the third octet of preamble received. 8-15 PreOct3 Octet #3 of received preamble. This is the fourth octet of preamble received. 0-7 PreOct4 Octet #4 of received preamble. This is the fifth octet of preamble received. 8-15 PreOct5 Octet #5 of received preamble. This is the sixth octet of preamble received. 0-7 PreOct6 Octet #6 of received preamble. This is the seventh octet of preamble received. The last octet (the start of frame delimiter) is discarded. 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-15 Name -- Description Reserved RMON Support By using promiscuous mode, the eTSEC can automatically gather network statistics required for remote network interface monitoring. The RMON MIB group 1, RMON MIB group 2, RMON MIB group 3, RMON MIB group 9, RMON MIB2, and the 802.3 Ethernet MIB are supported. For RMON statistics and their corresponding counters, see the memory map. Frame Recognition The Ethernet controller performs frame recognition using destination address (DA) recognition. A frame can be rejected or accepted based on the outcome. Destination Address Recognition and Frame Filtering The eTSEC can perform layer 2 frame filtering on the basis of destination Ethernet address (DA), as illustrated by the flowchart in Figure 14-134. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-149 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Incoming Frame F F G F I/G Address? Exact Addr. Enable? T Search of Exact Match MAC Address Table I Broadcast Address? Hash Search of Group/Extended Address Table T Station Addr. Match? F Exact Addr. Match? T T 1 RCTRL [GHTX]? 0 T Hash Match? Hash Search of Individual Address Table F Broadcast Reject? F T F T Hash Match? Promiscuous Mode? T F Discard Frame Receive Frame Figure 14-134. Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart In promiscuous mode, the eTSEC accepts all received frames regardless of DA. Note, however, that Ethernet frame filtering simply restricts the traffic seen by the receive queue filer. Therefore even in promiscuous mode it remains possible to program the filer to reject frames based on their higher-layer header contents. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-150 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers In the case of an individual address, the DA field of the received frame is compared with the physical address that the user programs in the station address registers (MACSTNADDR1 and MACSTNADDR2). If the DA does not match the station address, and exact MAC address matching is enabled via RCTRL[EMEN], the controller performs address recognition on the multiple MAC addresses written to the MACxADDR1 and MACxADDR2 registers. These virtual addresses give a particular eTSEC the ability to mirror other MACs on the network, which caters for router redundancy protocols, such as HSRP and VRRP. If exact MAC address matching is not enabled, the eTSEC determines whether DA is a group or individual address. If DA is the standard broadcast address, and broadcast addresses are not rejected, the frame is accepted. If any other group address is received, the eTSEC looks-up the DA by means of the group hash table. The group hash table may be extended to 512 entries if RCTRL[GHTX] = 1. Otherwise, an individual address is hashed into the 256-entry individual hash table when RCTRL[GHTX] = 0. Hash Table Algorithm The hash table process used in the group hash filtering operates as follows. By default, the Ethernet controller maps any 48-bit destination address into one of 256 bins, represented by the 256 bits in IGADDR0-IGADDR7 for individual addresses, and the 256 bits in GADDR0-GADDR7 for group addresses. But in the case where RCTRL[GHTX] is set, both sets of registers are combined into an extended group-only hash table of 512 bits, where IGADDR0-IGADDR7 contain the first 256 bits and GADDR0-GADDR7 contain the last 256 bits. No individual-address table exists in extended mode. The 48-bit destination address received by the MAC is passed through the Ethernet CRC-32 algorithm to produce a hash value. The CRC polynomial used is: x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1 The MAC initializes its CRC register to 0xFFFFFFFF before computing a CRC on the 6 bit-reversed octets of the DA. A non-optimized sample of C code for computing the DA hash is listed in Figure 14-135. The 9 most significant bits of the raw, uninverted CRC are used as the hash table index, H[8:0]. If RCTRL[GHTX] = 0, bits H[8:6] select one of the 8 IGADDR or GADDR registers, while bits H[5:1] select a bit within the 32-bit register. If RCTRL[GHTX] = 1, bits H[8:5] select one of the 16 registers in the {IGADDR, GADDR} set, while bits H[4:0] select a bit within the 32-bit register. For example, if H[8:5] = 7, IGADDR7 is selected, whereas H[8:5] = 9 selects GADDR1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-151 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers /* Wrapper macros for 256-bucket and 512-bucket hash tables: Pass 6-byte Ethernet MAC address as parameter. */ #define TSEC_HASH256(macaddr) ((crc32(macaddr) >> 24) & 0xff) #define TSEC_HASH512(macaddr) ((crc32(macaddr) >> 23) & 0x1ff) /* CRC constants. Note: CRC-32 polynomial is bit-reversed. */ #define CRC_POLYNOMIAL 0xedb88320 #define CRC_INITIAL 0xffffffff #define MAC_ADDRLEN 6 #define BITS_PER_BYTE 8 /* crc32() Takes the array of bytes, macaddr[], representing an Ethernet MAC address and returns the CRC-32 result over these bytes, where each byte is used in bit-reversed form (Ethernet bit order). Index 0 of macaddr[] is the first byte of the address on the wire. Test case: the result of crc32 on {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05} should be 0xad0c28f3. */ unsigned long crc32(unsigned char macaddr[MAC_ADDRLEN]) { unsigned long crc, result; int byte, i; /* CRC-32 algorithm starts by inverting first 4 bytes */ crc = CRC_INITIAL; /* add each byte to running CRC accumulator */ for (byte = 0; byte < MAC_ADDRLEN; ++byte) { crc ^= macaddr[byte]; /* shift CRC right to perform but reversal on byte of address */ for (i = 0; i < BITS_PER_BYTE; ++i) if (crc & 1) crc = (crc >> 1) ^ CRC_POLYNOMIAL; else crc >>= 1; } /* finally, reverse bits of result to get CRC in normal bit order */ for (result = 0, i = 4*BITS_PER_BYTE-1; i >= 0; crc >>= 1, --i) result |= (crc & 1) << i; return result; } Figure 14-135. Sample C Code for Computing eTSEC Hash Table Indices If the CRC hash table index selects a bit that is set in the hash table, the frame is accepted. If 32 group addresses are stored in the hash table and random group addresses are received, the extended hash table prevents roughly 480/512 (93.8%) of the group address frames from reaching memory. Software must further filter those that reach memory to determine if they contain the correct addresses. Alternatively, small multicast groups can be held in the exact match MAC address registers, which guarantees that only correct frames are admitted. The effectiveness of the hash table declines as the number of addresses increases. For instance, as the number of addresses stored in the 512-bin hash table increases, the vast majority of the hash table bits are set, preventing only a small fraction of frames from reaching memory. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-152 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers NOTE The hash table cannot be used to reject frames that match a set of selected addresses because unintended addresses can map to the same bit in the hash table. The receive queue filer may be used to reject frames with unintended address hits in the hash table. Magic Packet Mode eTSEC implements the AMD Magic PacketTM specification for LAN-initiated power management. This mode is normally entered with the rest of the system in a low-power sleep mode. Software must enable normal receive function in the Ethernet MAC, and then finally set the MACCFG2[MPEN] bit to enable Magic Packet detection before the system enters a reduced mode. While the rest of the system is operating in low-power mode, the enabled eTSEC continues to receive Ethernet frames, but discards them immediately. Upon receipt of any frame whose contents contain the valid Magic Packet sequence, the eTSEC exits out of Magic Packet mode, thus clearing MACCFG2[MPEN], and raises an error/diagnostic interrupt via IEVENT[MAG], which causes the surrounding system to wake-up. Frames received after Magic Packet mode has exited are received into software buffers as usual. Software can abort Magic Packet mode by writing 0 to MACCFG2[MPEN] at any time. AMD specify a Magic PacketTM to be any Ethernet frame containing a valid Ethernet header (Destination and Source Addresses) and valid FCS (CRC-32), and whose payload includes the specific Magic Packet byte sequence at any offset from the start of frame. The specific byte sequence comprises an unbroken stream of 102 bytes, the first 6 bytes of which are 0xFFFFFF_FFFFFF, followed by 16 copies of the MAC's unique IEEE station address in the normal byte order for Ethernet addresses. For example, if the station address were 0x112233_445566, then the MAC would have to receive 0xFFFFFF_FFFFFF, 0x112233_445566, ..., 0x112233_445566 in any payload to detect a Magic Packet. Only frames addressed specifically to the MAC's station address or the standard broadcast address can be examined for the Magic Packet sequence. Flow Control Because collisions cannot occur in full-duplex mode, gigabit Ethernet can operate at the maximum rate. If the rate becomes too fast for a station's receiver, the station's transmitter can send flow-control frames to reduce the rate. Flow-control instructions are transferred by special frames of minimum frame size. The length/type fields of these frames have a special value. Table 14-137 lists the flow-control frame structure. Table 14-137. Flow Control Frame Structure Size [Octets] Description 7 Preamble 1 SFD 6 Value Comment -- Start frame delimiter Destination address 01-80-C2-00-00-01 Multicast address reserved for use in MAC frames (or MAC station address) 6 Source address 2 Length/type -- 88-08 Control frame type MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-153 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-137. Flow Control Frame Structure (continued) Size [Octets] Description Value 2 MAC opcode 00-01 2 MAC parameter Pause time as defined by the PTV[PT] field. The pause period is measured in pause_quanta, a speed independent constant of 512 bit-times (unlike slot time). The most-significant octet is transmitted first. 2 Extended MAC parameter Pause time extended as defined by the PTV[PTE] field. The most significant octet is transmitted first. 40 Reserved 4 FCS -- Comment Pause command -- Frame check sequence (CRC) If flow-control mode is enabled (MACCFG1[Rx_Flow] is set) and the receiver identifies a pause-flow control frame, transmission stops for the time specified in the control frame. Since the pause timer commences counting immediately upon receipt of a PAUSE frame, regardless of whether transmission is currently in progress, a sufficiently large pause time must be received to stop transmission past a frame of MTU size. During a pause, only a control frame can be sent (TCTRL[TFC_PAUSE] is set). Normal transmission resumes after the pause timer stops counting, or resumes immediately if a pause frame with a zero time-out is received. If another pause-control frame is received during the pause, the period changes to the new value received. Interrupt Handling The following describes what usually occurs within a eTSEC interrupt handler: * If an interrupt occurs, read IEVENT to determine interrupt sources. IEVENT bits to be handled in this interrupt handler are normally cleared at this time. There are three kinds of interrupt: -- Errors (all bits in IEVENT other than RXB, RXF, TXB, or TXF) -- Receive interrupts, when bits RXB or RXF in IEVENT are set -- Transmit interrupts, when bits TXB or TXF in IEVENT are set * Process the TxBDs to reuse them if the IEVENT[TXB, TXF or TXE] were set. Consult register bits TSTAT[TXF0-TXF7] to determine which TxBD rings gave rise to the transmit interrupt in the case of TXF. If the transmit speed is fast or the interrupt delay is long, more than one transmit buffer may have been sent by the eTSEC; thus, it is important to check more than just one TxBD during the interrupt handler. One common practice is to process all TxBDs in the interrupt handler until one is found with R set. * Obtain data from RxBD rings if IEVENT[RXC, RXB or RXF] is set. Consult register bits RSTAT[RXF0-RXF7] to determine which RxBD rings gave rise to the receive interrupt in the case of RXF. If the receive speed is fast or the interrupt delay is long, the eTSEC may have received more than one RxBD; thus, it is important to check more than just one RxBD during interrupt handling. Typically, all RxBDs in the interrupt handler are processed until one is found with E set. Because the eTSEC pre-fetches BDs, the BD table must be big enough so that there is always another empty BD to pre-fetch, otherwise a BSY error occurs. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-154 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * * Clear any set halt or frame interrupt bits in TSTAT and RSTAT registers, or DMACTRL[GTS] and DMACTRL[GRS] by writing 1's to these bits. Continue normal execution. Table 14-138. Non-Error Transmit Interrupts Interrupt GTSC Description Action taken by the eTSEC Graceful transmit stop complete: transmitter is put into a pause state after completion of the frame currently being transmitted. None TXC Transmit control: Instead of the next transmit frame, a control frame was sent. None. TXB Transmit buffer: A transmit buffer descriptor, that is not the last one Programmable "write with response" in the frame, was updated in one of the enabled TxBD rings. TxBD to memory before setting IEVENT[TXB]. TXF Transmit frame: A frame from an enabled TxBD ring was transmitted and the last transmit buffer descriptor (TxBD) of that frame was updated. Programmable "write with response" to memory on the last TxBD before setting IEVENT[TXF]. Table 14-139. Non-Error Receive Interrupts Interrupt Description Action taken by the eTSEC GRSC Graceful receive stop complete: Receiver is put into a pause state after completion of the frame currently being received. None RXC Receive control: A control frame was received. As soon as the transmitter finishes sending the current frame, a pause operation is performed. None. RXB Receive buffer: A receive buffer descriptor, that is not the last one of the frame, was updated in one of the enabled RxBD rings. Programmable "write with response" RxBD to memory before setting IEVENT[RXB]. RXF Receive frame: A frame was received to an enabled RxBD Programmable "write with response" to memory on the last RxBD before setting ring and the last receive buffer descriptor (RxBD) of that IEVENT[RXF]. frame was updated. Interrupt Coalescing Interrupt coalescing offers the user the ability to contour the behavior of the eTSEC with regard to frame interrupts. Separate but identical mechanisms exist for both transmitted frames and received frames. In either case, frame interrupts require that software set the I-bit in RxBDs or TxBDs, and disable buffer interrupts (IEVENT[RXB] or IEVENT[TXB]). Particular rings can remain free of interrupts by ensuring that the I-bit is consistently cleared in all BDs. While interrupt coalescing is enabled, a transmit or receive frame interrupt is raised either when a counter threshold-defined number of frames is received/transmitted or the timer threshold-defined period of time has elapsed, whichever occurs first. Disabling and then re-enabling interrupt coalescing forces reset of the coalescing timers and counters to reflect changes made to the threshold registers. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-155 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Interrupt Coalescing By Frame Count Threshold To avoid interrupt bandwidth congestion due to frequent, consecutive interrupts, the user may enable and configure interrupt coalescing to deliberately group frame interrupts, reducing the total number of interrupts raised. The number of frames received or transmitted prior to an interrupt being raised is determined by the frame threshold field (ICFT) in the appropriate interrupt coalescing configuration register (RXIC or TXIC). The frame threshold field may be assigned a value between 1 and 255. The internal transmit or receive frame counter decrements from this initial value each time a frame is transmitted or received. Upon reaching zero, an interrupt is raised, the appropriate threshold counter is reset to the value in the ICFT field, and then eTSEC continues counting frames while the interrupt is active. The appropriate threshold counter is also reset to the value in the ICFT field if an interrupt is raised subject to the corresponding threshold timer. Interrupt Coalescing By Timer Threshold To avoid stale frame interrupts, the user may also assign a timer threshold, beyond which any frame interrupts not yet raised are forced. The timer threshold fields of the receive and transmit interrupt coalescing configuration registers (RXIC[ICTT] and TXIC[ICTT]) are defined in units equivalent to 64 interface clocks or system clocks, depending on the setting of the ICCS field in RXIC and TXIC. After transmitting a frame, the transmit interrupt coalescing threshold time begins counting down from the value in TXIC[ICTT]. An interrupt is raised when the counter reaches zero. In the event of graceful transmit stop completion before the coalescing timer expires, the eTSEC will issue two interrupts, the first for GTS, the second for TXF (due to timer expiration of a pending event). To prevent the second interrupt from affecting servicing of the GTS event, it is recommended that the user mask out the TXF event during execution of the service routine. After receiving a frame, the receive interrupt coalescing threshold time begins counting down from the value in RXIC[ICTT]. An interrupt is raised when the counter reaches zero. In the event of graceful receive stop completion before the coalescing timer expires, the eTSEC will issue two interrupts, the first for GRS, the second for RXF (due to timer expiration of a pending event). To prevent the second interrupt from affecting servicing of the GRS event, it is recommended that the user mask out the RXF event during execution of the service routine. The interrupt coalescing timer thresholds (transmit and receive, operating independently) may be values ranging from 0x0001 to 0xFFFF. Table 14-140 specifies the range of possible timing thresholds subject to timer clock source, the interface or system frequency, and the value of the RXIC[ICTT] or TXIC[ICTT] field. Table 14-140. Interrupt Coalescing Timing Threshold Ranges ICCS (Clock Source) eTSEC Interface Format and Frequency or eTSEC System Frequency Interrupt Coalescing Threshold Time Minimum (ICTT = 0x0001) Maximum (ICTT = 0xFFFF) 0 (I/F clock) 10Base-T at 2.5 MHz 25.6 s 1.68 s 0 (I/F clock) 100Base-T at 25 MHz 2.56 s 168 ms 0 (I/F clock) 1000Base-T at 125 MHz 0.51 s 33.6 ms 1 (sys. clock) eTSEC operating at 266 MHz 0.24 s 15.7 ms 1 (sys. clock) eTSEC operating at 333 MHz 0.19 s 12.6 ms MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-156 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The transmit timer threshold counter is reset to the value in TXIC[ICTT] and begins counting down on transmission of the frame following an interrupt. The receive timer threshold counter is reset to the value in RXIC[ICTT] and begins counting down on receiving the frame following an interrupt. Inter-Frame Gap Time If a station must transmit, it waits until the LAN becomes silent for a specified period (inter-frame gap). After a station begins sending, it continually checks for collisions on the LAN. If a collision is detected, the station forces a jam signal (all ones) on its frame and stops transmitting. Collisions usually occur close to the beginning of a packet. The station then waits a random time period (back-off) before attempting to send again. After the back-off completes, the station waits for silence on the LAN and then begins retransmission on the LAN. This process is called a retry. If the frame is not successfully sent within a specified number of retries, an error is indicated. The minimum inter-frame gap time for back-to-back transmission is 96 bit times. The receiver receives back-to-back frames with this minimum spacing. In addition, after waiting a required number of bit times (based on the back-off algorithm), the transmitter waits for carrier sense to be negated before retransmitting the frame. Retransmission begins 36 bit times after carrier sense is negated for at least 60 bit times. Internal and External Loop Back Setting MACCFG1[Loop Back] causes the MAC transmit outputs to be looped back to the MAC receive inputs. Clearing this bit results in normal operation. This bit is cleared by default. Clearing this bit results in normal operation. Error-Handling Procedure The eTSEC reports frame reception and transmission error conditions using the channel BDs, the error counters, and the IEVENT register. Transmission errors are described in Table 14-141. Table 14-141. Transmission Errors Error Response Transmitter underrun Transmitter underrun can occur either after frame transmission has commenced, or in response to an incomplete sequence of TxBDs. In the former case, the controller sends 32 bits that ensure a CRC error, and terminates buffer transmission. In the latter case, the relevant transmit queue is halted. In all cases, the eTSEC closes the buffer, sets TxBD[UN], IEVENT[XFUN], and IEVENT[TXE]. The controller resumes transmission after TSTAT[THLT] is cleared (and DMACTRL[GTS] is cleared). Retransmission attempts limit expired The controller terminates buffer transmission, sets TxBD[RL], closes the buffer, IEVENT[CRL], and IEVENT[TXE]. Transmission resumes after TSTAT[THLT] is cleared (and DMACTRL[GTS] is cleared). Late collision The controller terminates buffer transmission, sets TxBD[LC], closes the buffer, IEVENT[LC], and IEVENT[TXE]. The controller resumes transmission after TSTAT[THLT] is cleared (and DMACTRL[GTS] is cleared). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-157 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-141. Transmission Errors (continued) Error Response Memory read error A system bus error occurred during a DMA transaction. The controller sets IEVENT[EBERR], DMA stops sending data to the FIFO which causes an underrun error, and therefore TxBD[UN] is set, but IEVENT[XFUN] is not set. The TSTAT[THLT] is set. Transmits are continued once TSTAT[THLT] is cleared. Data parity error Data in the transmit FIFO was potentially corrupted. The controller sets IEVENT[DPE], but otherwise continues transmission until halted explicitly. Babbling transmit error A frame is transmitted which exceeds the MAC's Maximum Frame Length and MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is a 0. The controller sets IEVENT[BABT] and continues without interruption. Reception errors are described in Table 14-142. Table 14-142. Reception Errors Error Description Overrun error The Ethernet controller maintains an internal FIFO buffer for receiving data. If a receiver FIFO buffer overrun occurs, the controller sets RxBD[OV], sets RxBD[L], closes the buffer, increments the discarded frame counter (RDRP), and sets IEVENT[RXF], The receiver then enters hunt mode (seeking start of a new frame). Busy error A frame is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. The controller sets IEVENT[BSY] and increments the discarded frame counter (RDRP). In addition, the RSTAT[QHLTn] bit is set. RDRP will increment for each frame that is received while the receiver is halted due to a busy condition. The halted queue resumes reception once the RSTAT[QHLTn] bit is cleared. Filed frame to invalid queue error A frame is received and discarded as a result of the filer directing it to an RxBD ring that is currently not enabled. The controller sets IEVENT[FIQ] and increments the discarded frame counter (RDRP). Parser error If the receive frame parser is enabled, a parse error can be flagged as a result of inconsistencies discovered between fields of the embedded packet headers. For example, the L2 header may indicate an IPv4 header, but the IP version number fails to match. In the event of a parse error, parsing is terminated at the inconsistent header, and the RxFCB[PERR] field indicates at which layer of the protocol stack the error was discovered. Receiver function continues regardless of parse errors, but IEVENT[PERR] is set. The receive queue filer may operate with reduced or default information in some cases; therefore, filer rule sets should be constructed so as to be tolerant of misformed frames. Non-octet error (dribbling bits) The Ethernet controller handles a nibble of dribbling bits if the receive frame terminates as non-octet aligned and it checks the CRC of the frame on the last octet boundary. If there is a CRC error, the frame non-octet aligned (RxBD[NO]) error is reported, IEVENT[RXF] is set, and the alignment error counter increments. The eTSEC relies on the statistics collector block to increment the receive alignment error counter (RALN). If there is no CRC error, no error is reported. CRC error If a CRC error occurs, the controller sets RxBD[CR], closes the buffer, and sets IEVENT[RXF]. This eTSEC relies on the statistics collector block to record the event. After receiving a frame with a CRC error, the receiver then enters hunt mode. Memory read error A system bus error occurred during a DMA transaction. The controller sets IEVENT[EBERR] and discards the frame and increments the discarded frame counter (RDRP). In addition the RSTAT[QHLTn] bit is set. The halted queue resumes reception once the RSTAT[QHLTn] bit is cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-158 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-142. Reception Errors (continued) Error Description Data parity error Data in the receive FIFO or filer table was potentially corrupted. The controller sets IEVENT[DPE], but otherwise continues reception until halted explicitly. Babbling receive error A frame is received that exceeds the MAC's maximum frame length. The controller sets IEVENT[BABR] and continues. 14.6.4 TCP/IP Off-Load Each eTSEC provides hardware support for accelerating the basic functions of TCP/IP packet transmission and reception. By default, these features are disabled and must be explicitly enabled via RCTRL and TCTRL. In this configuration, the eTSEC processes frames as vanilla Ethernet frames and none of the multi-ring QoS/CoS receive services or per-frame VLAN insertion and deletion are available. Operate eTSEC in this default configuration when using existing TCP/IP stack software that has not been modified to take advantage of TOE. TOE can be enabled independently for Rx and Tx and at various levels. Receive TOE functions are controlled by RCTRL and transmit functions via a combination of TCTRL[TUCSEN] and the Tx frame control block. On receive, according to RCTRL[PRSDEP], eTSEC can parse frames at layer 2 of the stack only (Ethernet headers and switching headers), layers 2 to 3 (including IPv4 or IPv6), or layers 2 to 4 (including TCP and UDP). TOE provides protocol header recognition, header verification (IPv4 header checksum verification), and TCP/UDP payload checksum verification including verification of associated pseudo-header checksums. For large frames off-load of checksum verification saves a significant fraction of the CPU cycles that would otherwise be spent by the TCP/IP stack. IP packet fragmentation and re-assembly, and TCP stream establishment and tear-down are not performed in hardware. The frame parser sets RQFPR[IPF] status flag encountering a fragmented frame. The frame parser in eTSEC searches a maximum of 512 bytes from the start of a received frame when attempting to locate headers; headers deeper than 512 bytes are assumed not to exist, and any associated receive status flags in the frame control block remain cleared. On transmit, TOE provides IPv4 and TCP/UDP header checksum generation. Like receive TOE, checksum generation reduces CPU load significantly for TCP/IP stacks modified to exploit eTSEC TOE functions. The eTSEC does not checksum transmitted packets with IPv6 routing headers or calculate TCP/UDP checksums from IP fragments. If a transmitted TCP segment requires checksum generation but IPv6 extension headers would prevent eTSEC from calculating the pseudo-header checksum, software can calculate just the pseudo-header checksum in advance and supply it to the eTSEC as part of per-frame TOE configuration. Frame Control Blocks Frame control blocks (FCBs) are 8-byte blocks of TOE control and/or status data that are passed between software (driver and TCP/IP stack) and each eTSEC. A FCB always precedes the frame it applies to, and is present only when TOE functions are being used. As Figure 14-136 shows, the first BD of each frame points to the initial data buffer and the FCB. The initial data buffer must be at least 8 bytes long to contain MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-159 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers the FCB without breaking it. Custom or received Ethernet preamble sequences also follow the FCB if preambles are visible. L3OS L4OS L2 HDR L3 HDR Frame data, first buffer FCB BD L4 HDR BD BD BD (last) (first) (last) Frame data, second buffer BD ring BD Figure 14-136. Location of Frame Control Blocks for TOE Parameters For TxBD rings, FCBs are assumed present when the TxBD[TOE/UN] bit is set by user software. The eTSEC ignores the TxBD[TOE/UN] bit in all BDs other than those pointing to initial data buffers, therefore FCBs must not be inserted in second and subsequent data buffers. Since TxBD[TOE/UN] can be set under software discretion, TOE acceleration for transmit may be applied on a frame-by-frame basis. In the case of RxBD rings, FCBs are inserted by the eTSEC whenever RCTRL[PRSDEP] is set to a non-zero value. Only one FCB is inserted per frame, in the buffer pointed to by the RxBD with bit F set. TOE acceleration for receive is enabled for all frames in this case. Transmit Path Off-Load TOE functions for transmit are defined by the contents of the Tx FCB. Figure 14-137 describes the definition for the Tx FCB. Offset + 0 Offset + 2 0 1 2 3 VLN IP IP6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TUP UDP CIP CTU NPH L4OS L3OS Offset + 4 PHCS Offset + 6 VLCTL Figure 14-137. Transmit Frame Control Block MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-160 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The contents of the Tx FCB are defined in Table 14-143. Table 14-143. Tx Frame Control Block Descriptions Bytes Bits Name 0-1 0 VLN 1 IP Layer 3 header is an IP header. 0 Ignore layer 3 and higher headers. 1 Assume that the layer 3 header is an IPv4 or IPv6 header, and take L3OS field as valid. 2 IP6 IP header is IP version 6. Valid only if IP = 1. 0 IP header version is 4. 1 IP header version is 6. 3 TUP Layer 4 header is a TCP or UDP header. 0 Do not process any layer 4 header. 1 Assume that the layer 4 header is either TCP or UDP (see UDP bit), and offload checksumming on the basis that the IP header has no extension headers. 4 UDP UDP protocol at layer 4. 0 Layer 4 protocol is either TCP (if TUP = 1) or undefined. 1 Layer 4 protocol is UDP if TUP = 1. 5 CIP Checksum IP header enable. 0 Do not generate an IP header checksum. 1 Generate an IPv4 header checksum. 6 CTU Checksum TCP or UDP header enable. 0 Do not generate a TCP or UDP header checksum. RFC 768 advises that UDP packets not requiring checksum validation should have their checksum field set to zero. 1 Generate a TCP header checksum if IP = 1 and TUP = 1 and UDP = 0. 7 NPH Disable calculation of TCP or UDP pseudo-header checksum. This bit should be set if IP options need to be consulted in forming the pseudo-header checksum, as eTSEC does not examine IP options or extension headers for TCP/IP offload on transmit. 0 Calculate TCP or UDP pseudo-header checksum as normal, assuming that the IP header has no options. 1 Do not calculate a TCP or UDP pseudo-header checksum, but instead use the value in field PHCS when determining the overall TCP or UDP checksum. 8-15 -- 0-7 L4OS Layer 4 header offset from start of layer 3 header. The layer 4 header starts L4OS octets after the layer 3 header if it is present. The maximum layer 3 header length supported is thus 255 bytes, which may prevent TCP/IP offload on particularly large IPv6 headers. 8-15 L3OS Layer 3 header offset from start of frame not including the 8 bytes for this FCB. The layer 3 header starts L3OS octets from the start of the frame including any custom preamble header that may be present. The maximum layer 2 header length supported is thus 255 bytes. 4-5 0-15 PHCS Pseudo-header checksum (16-bit one's complement sum with carry wraparound, but without result inversion) for TCP or UDP packets, calculated by software. Valid only if NPH = 1. 6-7 0-15 VLCTL VLAN control word for insertion in the transmitted VLAN tag. Valid only if VLN = 1. 0-1 2-3 Description VLAN control word valid. 0 Ignore VLCTL field. 1 If VLAN tag insertion is enabled for eTSEC, use the VLCTL field as the VLAN control word. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-161 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Receive Path Off-Load Upon receive, the Rx FCB returns the status of frame parse and TOE functions applied to the accompanying frame. Figure 14-138 describes the definition for the Rx FCB. Offset + 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VLN IP IP6 TUP CIP CTU EIP ETU Offset + 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PERR RQ PRO Offset + 4 Offset + 6 VLCTL Figure 14-138. Receive Frame Control Block The contents of the Rx FCB are defined in Table 14-144. Table 14-144. Rx Frame Control Block Descriptions Bytes Bits Name Description 0-1 0 VLN 1 IP IP header found at layer 3.RCTRL[PRSDEP] must be set to 10 or 11 in order to enable IP discovery. See also IP6 bit of FCB. 0 No layer 3 header recognized. 1 An IP header was recognized at layer 3; the IANA protocol identifier for the next header can be found in PRO. 2 IP6 IP version 6 header found at layer 3. 0 No IPv6 header was found. 1 The layer 3 header was an IPv6 header provided IP = 1. 3 TUP TCP or UDP header found at layer 4. RCTRL[PRSDEP] must be set to 10 or 11 in order to enable TCP/UDP discovery. 0 No layer 4 header recognized. 1 The layer 4 header was recognized as either TCP (PRO = 0x06) or UDP (PRO = 0x11). 4 CIP IPv4 header checksum checked. RCTRL[PRSDEP] must be set to 10 or 11 in order to enable IPv4 checksum verification. 0 IPv4 header checksum not verified, either because verification was disabled or a valid IPv4 header could not be located. 1 IPv4 header checksum was verified by the eTSEC, and bit EIP indicates result. 5 CTU TCP or UDP header checksum checked. RCTRL[PRSDEP] must be set to 11 in order to enable layer 4 checksum verification. 0 TCP or UDP header checksum not verified, either because verification was disabled or a valid TCP or UDP header could not be located. If a UDP header with zero checksum was located, this bit is cleared in accordance with RFC 768. 1 TCP or UDP header checksum was verified by the eTSEC, and ETU indicates result. 6 EIP IPv4 header checksum verification error. Not valid unless CIP = 1. 0 No checksum error in IPv4 header. 1 Error in header checksum only if IP = 1 and IP6 = 0. VLAN tag recognized. This bit is set only if RCTRL[VLEX] is set. 0 No VLAN tag recognized. 1 IEEE Std. 802.1Q VLAN tag found; VLAN control word in VLCTL is valid. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-162 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-144. Rx Frame Control Block Descriptions (continued) Bytes Bits Name 0-1 7 ETU 8-11 -- 12-13 PER 14-15 -- Reserved 0-1 -- Reserved 2-7 RQ Receive queue index. This index was selected by the eTSEC Rx Filer (from a matching Filer rule's RQCTRL[Q] field) when it accepted the associated frame. If filing is not enabled, RQ is zero. Note that the 3 least significant bits of RQ correspond with the RxBD ring index whenever RCTRL[FSQEN] = 0. 8-15 PRO 4-5 0-15 -- 6-7 0-15 VLCTL 2-3 14.6.5 Description TCP or UDP header checksum verification error. Not valid unless CTU = 1. 0 No checksum error in TCP or UDP header. 1 Error in header checksum only if PRO = 0x06 or PRO = 0x11. Reserved Parse error. 00 No error in L2 to L4 parse 01 Reserved 10 Inconsistent or unsupported L3 header sequence 11 Reserved Layer 4 protocol identified according to IANA specification. Valid only if IP = 1. Reserved VLAN control word as per IEEE Std. 802.1Q. The lower 12 bits comprise the VLAN identifier. Valid only if VLN = 1. Quality of Service (QoS) Provision This section describes the quality of service support features of this device. Receive Queue Filer The receive queue filer receives protocol header properties extracted from the incoming frame by the eTSEC frame parse engine. A property is defined to be a field extracted from a packet header, such as a TCP port number or VLAN identifier. As soon as the last identifiable header has been recognized, the filer commences searching the receive queue filer table, comparing properties in the table against properties extracted from the frame. This table is illustrated in Figure 14-139. Software populates the table with property values, stored to the RQPROP field, and indicates how to match and interpret the properties by setting flags in the RQCTRL field. The eTSEC memory map provides access to these fields by way of an address register (RQFAR) and two porthole registers (RQFCR and RQFPR). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-163 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 32 Bits 32 Bits Entry 0 RQCTRL RQPROP Entry 1 RQCTRL RQPROP Entry 2 RQCTRL RQPROP entry 255 RQCTRL RQPROP Access Index RQFAR Control/interpretation (Access via RQFCR) Filer Table Search Sequence Property Constant (Access via RQFPR) Figure 14-139. Structure of the Receive Queue Filer Table Filing Rules Unless the filer is disabled, every received frame from the Ethernet MAC or FIFO interface initiates a search of the receive queue filer table, starting at entry 0. The table search is terminated as soon as an entry is found whose contents match a property of the frame. Accordingly, software must guarantee that at least one entry will result in a match--even if only to set a default receive queue index. Since eTSEC searches the table at a rate of two entries every system clock cycle, all 256 entries can be searched in the time taken to receive a 64-byte Ethernet frame. However, for frames received through the 16-bit FIFO interface, fewer than 256 entries may be the maximum that can be searched while receiving a 40-byte packet. For example, with the 16-bit FIFO operating at 155 MHz, a 333-MHz eTSEC is limited to a maximum of 88 filing table entries. Each entry of the receive queue filer table specifies a simple match rule for determining how to process the received frame. The elements of a filing rule, expressed in the RQCTRL and RQPROP fields, are summarized as follows: * The PID field in RQCTRL identifies what property is being matched against RQPROP. The eTSEC supports 16 properties, some of which are different portions of the same header field. Reserved or unused bits in RQPROP are read as zero. See Section, "Receive Queue Filer Table Property Register (RQFPR)," on page 14-60 for a list of all properties and their associated PID values. * The Q field in RQCTRL identifies which one of 64 virtual receive queues the frame should be filed to (sent via DMA) in the event of a filing rule match that accepts the frame. The physical RxBD ring this queue maps to is controlled by the RCTRL[FSQEN] bit. If RCTRL[FSQEN] = 0, the three least significant bits of the Q field indicate which physical RxBD ring hosts the queue. If RCTRL[FSQEN] = 1, RxBD ring 0 hosts all receive queues, but the RxFCB[RQ] field allows software to distinguish queues by ID. In all cases if Q maps to a RxBD ring that is not currently enabled, the frame is discarded with an IEVENT[FIQ] error. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-164 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers * * * * The REJ field in RQCTRL controls whether the frame is to be rejected (REJ = 1) or filed (REJ = 0) upon a filing rule match. Rejected frames occupy Rx FIFO space, but do not consume memory bus cycles. The CMP field in RQCTRL determines how property PID is compared against RQPROP. Equality, inequality, greater-or-equal, and less-than compares are available. The AND field in RQCTRL allows more than one comparison in a sequence to be chained together as a Boolean AND condition. Setting AND = 1 defers evaluation of the rule until the next entry has been matched, which may, in turn, have AND set. If any comparison involving AND = 1 fails, the entire chained sequence fails. A typical use for AND is to combine a pair of comparisons in a range match; the first such entry has AND = 1, the second has AND = 0 and its values of Q and REJ take effect. The CLE field in RQCTRL offers a way to bracket a set of consecutive--perhaps related--rules into a rule cluster. A cluster must be preceded by a guard rule, which simply determines whether the cluster rules can be evaluated. If the guard rule succeeds and its last entry has both CLE = 1 and AND = 1, the cluster rules that follow are enabled. The cluster ends at the first entry where CLE = 1 and AND = 0, which may also belong to a rule that files or rejects a frame. If the guard rule fails, all rules in the cluster are skipped, including mask_register assignments. Clusters must not be nested. Comparing Properties with Bit Masks By default, extracted properties are compared arithmetically according to the CMP field in each RQCTRL word. This permits point value matches in each table entry, and range checks across a pair of table entries combined with the AND attribute in RQCTRL. However, inspection of the parse flags, Ethernet preamble, and IP addresses typically requires `don't care' bit fields in the properties to be cleared as part of the comparison. The eTSEC provides a dedicated 32-bit register, known as the mask_register, for performing such masking operations. At the start of each table search by the filer, mask_register is reset to 0xFFFF_FFFF, which ensures that no masking occurs. Filer rules may be configured to assign specific bit patterns to mask_register. Such rules can be configured to either match always (useful for implementing a default rule and specifying an associated receive queue), or fail always (which prevents termination of the filer table search). Once mask_register has been assigned, it retains its value until it is reassigned or the table search terminates. All properties are non-destructively bit-wise ANDed with mask_register prior to comparison in subsequent rules, which allows an entire cluster of rules to make use of a common mask. Individual masks for specific rules can also be created simply by combining a mask_register assignment (match always form) with a regular rule using the AND attribute. To create a mask_register assignment rule, it is necessary to select PID = 0 in RQCTRL, and choose CMP such that the rule either matches (CMP = 01) or fails (CMP = 11). In this entry, RQPROP is then considered to be the assigned bit vector. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-165 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Special-Case Rules It is frequently useful to create rules that are guaranteed to succeed or fail, specifically to enforce a default filing decision or act as null entries. Suggested constructions for such rules are shown in Table 14-145. Table 14-145. Special Filer Rules RQCTRL Fields Rule Description CLE REJ AND Q CMP PID RQPROP Word RQCTRL Word1 Default file--Always file frame to ring Q 0 0 0 Q 01 0000 0x0000_0000 0x0000_qq20 Default reject--Always discard frame 0 1 0 000_000 01 0000 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0120 Empty rule in AND--Always matches 0/12 0 1 000_000 01 0000 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x0000_00A0 Empty rule in rule set--Always fails 0/13 0 0 000_000 11 0000 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x0000_0060 1 Hexadecimal digits qq denotes field Q shifted left 2 bits. Set CLE = 1 if the empty rule guards a cluster. 3 Set CLE = 1 if the empty rule occurs at the end of a cluster. 2 Filer Interrupt Events The filer can produce two interrupt events in IEVENT. Event FIR indicates an error condition where the filer was unable to provide a definite result, either because no rule in the table succeeded, or because frames arrived too rapidly to complete searching of the table. Event FIQ indicates that the filer accepted a frame to a RxBD ring that was not enabled in RQCTRL (this can also occur if the filer is disabled, but RxBD ring 0--default queue or FSQEN mode queue--is not enabled). FIQ is also asserted in the case where no rule in the entire table succeeded. The various combinations of these interrupt events and their interpretation appear in Table 14-146. Table 14-146. Receive Queue Filer Interrupt Events IEVENT[FIR] IEVENT[FIQ] 0 0 No error. The filer successfully rejected or filed a frame. 0 1 Illegal queue error. The filer accepted a frame to a RxBD ring that is disabled (including ring 0 if filing is disabled). 1 0 Partial search error. The filer did not have sufficient time to complete its search of the filer table. 1 1 No matching rule error. The filer searched all 256 entries of the filer table without finding a rule that succeeds. Description Setting Up the Receive Queue Filer Table The eTSEC frame parser always provides values for all properties, even where the relevant headers are not available. In the latter case, the filer is given default properties that can be used to avoid conflict with normal, defined property values. Accordingly, the rules in the filer table can be partitioned into rule sets such that if all rules in a given set fail (due to headers being unavailable), lower priority rule sets can be subsequently searched until either a rule set provides a match or a single default--catch-all--rule specifies a definite receive queue. For example, an 802.1p priority rule set may be followed by an IP TOS rule set, MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-166 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers followed by a default rule; thus, if no VLAN tag appears in the received frame, the TOS rules are checked, or the default is activated should no IP header be present. The rule cluster feature is used to conditionalize evaluation of rule sets. Typically, this avoids evaluating rules based on properties that may not be valid or relevant to the filing or filtering decision. For example, TCP-related rules might be clustered behind a guard rule that checks that a TCP header has appeared and the IP address matches our home address. Property 1--the parse flags property--is provided specifically to check the characteristics of the received frame and the parser error status. The mask_register is typically assigned beforehand to extract specific flags, in which case care should be taken that mask_register be reassigned an appropriate mask vector for following comparisons. In many cases it will be possible to write the entire filer table before using eTSEC, as the rule set is static. However, dynamic rule updates can be supported by pre-allocating partially instantiated rule sets, which software rewrites as necessary. Rules that are not instantiated should be composed of empty entries, as indicated in Table 14-145. In many cases empty entries can be overwritten by software without stopping eTSEC's receive function. Filer Example--802.1p Priority Filing This example, shown in Table 14-147, illustrates how to file frames according to layer 2 802.1p priority. This matches against property 1001, comparing each specific priority level in order to associate them with a RxBD ring index. Note that if a VLAN tag does not appear in the frame, the parser passes priority 0 to the filer, which will always match the rule at entry 7 and terminate the table search. Table 14-147. Filer Table Example--802.1p Priority Filing Table Entry RQCTRL Fields RQPROP CLE REJ AND Q CMP PID Comment RQCTRL Word 0 0 0 0 000_000 00 1001 0x0000_0007 File priority 7 to ring 0 0x0000_0009 1 0 0 0 000_001 00 1001 0x0000_0006 File priority 6 to ring 1 0x0000_0409 2 0 0 0 000_010 00 1001 0x0000_0005 File priority 5 to ring 2 0x0000_0809 3 0 0 0 000_011 00 1001 0x0000_0004 File priority 4 to ring 3 0x0000_0C09 4 0 0 0 000_100 00 1001 0x0000_0003 File priority 3 to ring 4 0x0000_1009 5 0 0 0 000_101 00 1001 0x0000_0002 File priority 2 to ring 5 0x0000_1409 6 0 0 0 000_110 00 1001 0x0000_0001 File priority 1 to ring 6 0x0000_1809 7 0 0 0 000_111 00 1001 0x0000_0000 File undefined 802.1p or priority 0 to ring 7--Default always matches 0x0000_1C09 Filer Example--IP Diff-Serv Code Points Filing This example demonstrates use of rule priority for determining class selector codepoints (RFC 2474) from the IP TOS property. An example filer table is shown in Table 14-148. The example relies on the fact that the first rule matched terminates the search, hence successively lower Diff-Serv codepoint ranges can be compared in each step until the default (zero or greater) range is reached. By default, property 1010 (IP MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-167 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers TOS) takes the value 0x00 if no IP headers were recognized, therefore the table search will always terminate. Table 14-148. Filer Table Example--IP Diff-Serv Code Points Filing Table Entry RQCTRL Fields RQPROP CLE REJ AND Q CMP RQCTRL Word Comment PID 0 0 0 0 001_000 01 1010 0x0000_00E0 File class 7 to queue 8 (TOS >= 0xE0) 0x0000_202A 1 0 0 0 001_001 01 1010 0x0000_00C0 File class 6 to queue 9 (TOS >= 0xC0) 0x0000_242A 2 0 0 0 001_010 01 1010 0x0000_00A0 File class 5 to queue 10 (TOS >= 0xA0) 0x0000_282A 3 0 0 0 001_011 01 1010 0x0000_0080 File class 4 to queue 11 (TOS >= 0x80) 0x0000_2C2A 4 0 0 0 000_100 01 1010 0x0000_0060 File class 3 to queue 4 (TOS >= 0x60) 0x0000_102A 5 0 0 0 001_100 01 1010 0x0000_0040 File class 2 to queue 12 (TOS >= 0x40) 0x0000_302A 6 0 0 0 010_100 01 1010 0x0000_0020 File class 1 to queue 20 (TOS >= 0x20) 0x0000_502A 7 0 0 0 011_100 01 1010 0x0000_0000 File class 0 to queue 28 (TOS >= 0x00) or file to ring 4 by default 0x0000_702A Filer Example--TCP and UDP Port Filing This example demonstrates rule clusters and AND-combined entries for filing packets based on transport protocol and well-known port numbers in a termination application. An example filer table is shown in Table 14-149. The example contains two clusters; the first is entered only for TCP packets, the second is entered only for UDP packets. A default filing rule catches the case where neither TCP nor UDP headers are found. Each cluster compares source port number (property 1111) against a list of server ports, and files the packets accordingly. Note that entries 1 and 2 form an AND rule for checking that the port number >= 20 and port number < 22. Entries 4 and 5 are initially set up to always fail (zero port number), and thus comprise empty entries that can be used at a later time. Table 14-149. Filer Table Example--TCP and UDP Port Filing Table Entry RQCTRL Fields RQPROP CLE REJ AND Q CMP PID RQCTRL Word Comment 0 1 0 1 000_000 00 1011 0x0000_0006 Enter cluster if layer 4 is TCP 0x0000_028B 1 0 0 1 000_000 01 1111 0x0000_00AF 2 0 0 0 000_010 11 1111 0x0000_0014 AND rule--FTP from TCP ports 20 and 21: file to ring 2 0x0000_0016 3 0 0 0 000_011 00 1111 0x0000_0017 telnet from TCP port 23: file to ring 3 0x0000_0C0F 4 0 0 0 000_000 00 1111 0x0000_0000 empty entry reserved for future use 0x0000_000F 5 0 0 0 000_000 00 1111 0x0000_0000 empty entry reserved for future use 0x0000_000F 6 1 0 0 000_001 01 0000 0x0000_0000 end cluster; default TCP: file to ring 1 0x0000_0620 7 1 0 1 000_000 00 1011 0x0000_0011 Enter cluster if layer 4 is UDP 0x0000_028B 8 0 0 0 000_101 00 1111 0x0000_0801 NFS from UDP port 2049 0x0000_140F 0x0000_086F MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-168 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-149. Filer Table Example--TCP and UDP Port Filing (continued) Table Entry RQCTRL Fields RQPROP CLE REJ AND Q CMP PID Comment RQCTRL Word 9 0 0 0 000_111 00 1111 0x0000_0208 route from UDP port 520 0x0000_000F 10 0 0 0 000_110 00 1111 0x0000_0045 TFTP from UDP port 69 0x0000_180F 11 1 0 0 000_100 01 0000 0x0000_0000 end cluster; default UDP: file to ring 4 0x0000_1220 12 0 0 0 000_000 01 0000 0x0000_0000 By default, file to ring 0 0x0000_0020 Transmission Scheduling Each eTSEC can maintain multiple TxBD rings (or transmission queues) to satisfy QoS requirements. The ability to choose from a number of transmission streams dynamically is especially important during periods of network congestion. Certain application such as voice and video streaming are delay sensitive, but loss insensitive. For instance, VoIP applications require little bandwidth, but are highly sensitive to latency. Conversely, FTP or SMTP protocols are delay insensitive, but loss sensitive. eTSEC has a transmission scheduler that implements a programmable QoS regime. The scheduler is responsible for choosing which of the prefetched TxBDs shall be processed next, and accordingly issuing DMA requests to service the data stream described by the chosen BD(s). The scheduler cycle is one of: 1. decide on a TxBD queue, 2. transmit exactly one frame from that queue, and 3. return to deciding on another queue, in step 1. If TCTRL[TXSCHED] is set to 00, no transmission scheduling occurs, and only TxBD ring 0 is polled for new data to transmit, with DMACTRL controlling waiting or polling. TCTRL[TXSCHED], if not zero, can be programmed to invoke one of two scheduling algorithms, namely priority-based queuing (PBQ), and modified weighted round-robin queuing (MWRR). In all cases where TCTRL[TXSCHED] is not zero, the scheduler can choose from among 1 to 8 TxBD rings per eTSEC, with individual rings being enabled by the setting of TQUEUE[EN0-EN7] bits. For example, TxBD rings 3, 4, and 7 may be enabled for scheduling by setting EN3, EN4, and EN7, and clearing all other EN bits. Priority-Based Queuing (PBQ) PBQ is the simplest scheduler decision policy. The enabled TxBD rings are assigned a priority value based on their index. Rings with a lower index have precedence over rings with higher indices. For example, TxBD ring 0 has higher priority than TxBD ring 1, and TxBD ring 1 has higher priority than TxBD ring 2, and so on. The scheduling decision is then achieved as follows: loop priority_ring = null; ring = 0; while priority_ring == null and ring <= 7 loop if enabled(ring) and not ring_empty(ring) then priority_ring = ring; MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-169 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers endif ring = ring + 1; endloop if priority_ring >= 0 then while not ring_empty(priority_ring) loop transmit_frame(priority_ring); endloop endif endloop In practice a protocol stack or device driver can abuse PBQ by attempting to queue too much traffic onto high priority rings. It is recommended that the highest priority ring should normally not be used at all except for frames requiring the utmost urgent transmission. This allows emergency traffic to overtake backlogged queues out of sequence. Modified Weighted Round-Robin Queuing (MWRR) eTSEC implements a modified weighted round-robin scheduling algorithm across all enabled TxBD rings when TCTRL[TXSCHED] = 10. In MWRR, the weights in the TR03WT and TR47WT registers determine the ideal size of each transmit slot, as measured in multiples of 64 bytes. Thus, to set a transmit slot of 512 bytes, a weight of 512/64 or 8 needs to be set for the ring. In this mode TxBD rings 1-7 are selected in round-robin fashion, whereas TxBD ring 0, if enabled with ready data for transmission, is always selected in between other rings so as to expedite transmission from ring 0. The scheduling decision is then achieved as follows: for ring = 1..7 and enabled(ring) loop credit[ring] = 0; endloop for ring = 1..7 and enabled(ring) loop if not ring_empty(0) then credit[0] = credit[0] + weight[0]; while credit[0] > 0 loop transmit_frame(0); credit[0] = credit[0] - frame_size; if ring_empty(0) then credit[0] = 0; endif endloop endif if not ring_empty(ring) then credit[ring] = credit[ring] + weight[ring]; endif while credit[ring] > 0 loop transmit_frame(ring); credit[ring] = credit[ring] - frame_size; if ring_empty(ring) then credit[ring] = 0; endif endloop endloop MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-170 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The algorithm checks registers TQUEUE[EN0-EN7] for enabled(), TSTAT[THLT0- THLT7] for ring_empty(), and TRxWT for weight(). For TxBD ring k, having a weight WTk, the long term average throughput for that ring is: rate of queue[k] (K=1 to 7) = (available bandwidth)*WTk/(sum(WTi)+6WT0) rate of queue(0) = (available bandwidth)*7*WT0/(sum(WTi)+6WT0) where i = 0 to 7 14.6.6 Buffer Descriptors The eTSEC buffer descriptor (BD) is modeled after the MPC8260 Fast Ethernet controller BD for ease of reuse across the PowerQUICC network processor family. Drawing from the MPC8260 FEC BD programming model, the eTSEC descriptor base registers point to the beginning of BD rings. The eTSEC BD also expands upon the MPC8260 BD model to accommodate the eTSEC's unique features. However, the 8-byte data BD format is designed to be compatible with the existing MPC8260 BD model. The eTSEC is capable of duplicating--or extracting--data directly into the L2 cache memory. This allows the processor to quickly access critical frame information as soon as the processor is ready without having to first fetch the data from main memory, which holds the master copy. This results in substantial improvement in throughput and hence reduction in latency. Data Buffer Descriptors Data buffers are used in the transmission and reception of Ethernet frames (see Figure 14-140). Data BDs encapsulate all information necessary for the eTSEC to transmit or receive an Ethernet frame. Within each data BD there is a status field, a data length field, and a data pointer. The BD completely describes an Ethernet packet by centralizing status information for the data packet in the status field of the BD and by containing a data BD pointer to the location of the data buffer. Software is responsible for setting up the BDs in memory. Because of pre-fetching, a minimum of two buffer descriptors per ring are required. This applies to both the transmit and the receive descriptor rings. Transmit rings are limited to a maximum size of 65536 BDs due to BD and frame data prefetching. Software also must have the data pointer pointing to a legal memory location. Within the status field, there exists an ownership bit which defines the current state of the buffer (pointed to by the data pointer). Other bits in the status field of the buffer descriptor are used to communicate status/control information between the eTSEC and the software driver. Because there is no next BD pointer in the transmit/receive BD (see Figure 14-141), all BDs must reside sequentially in memory. The eTSEC increments the current BD location appropriately to the next BD location to be processed. There is a wrap bit in the last BD that informs the eTSEC to loop back to the beginning of the BD chain. Software must initialize the TBASE and RBASE registers that point to the beginning transmit and receive BDs for eTSEC. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-171 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Memory Map System Memory Tx Buffer Descriptors Status & Control TxBD Table Pointer (TBASEn) TxBD Table for Ring n RxBD Table Pointer (RBASEn) Tx Buffer Data Length Buffer Pointer Rx Buffer Descriptors RxBD Table for Ring n Status & Control Data Length Buffer Pointer Rx Buffer Figure 14-140. Example of eTSEC Memory Structure for BDs Beginning BD pointer 0 1 4 W =1 2 3 Figure 14-141. Buffer Descriptor Ring Transmit Data Buffer Descriptors (TxBD) Data is presented to the eTSEC for transmission by arranging it in memory buffers referenced by the TxBDs. In the TxBD the user initializes the R, PAD, W, I, L, TC, PRE, HFE, CF, and TOE bits and the length (in bytes) in the first word, and the buffer pointer in the second word. Unused fields or fields written by the eTSEC must be initialized to zero. For transmission over the FIFO interface the Ethernet specific bits (PRE, DEF, HFE, LC, CF, RL and RC) have no meaning. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-172 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The eTSEC clears the R bit in the first word of the BD after it finishes using the data buffer. The transfer status bits are then updated. Additional transmit frame status can be found in statistic counters in the MIB block. Software must expect eTSEC to prefetch multiple TxBDs, and for TCP/IP checksumming an entire frame must be read from memory before a checksum can be computed. Accordingly, the R bit of the first TxBD in a frame must not be set until at least one entire frame can be fetched from this TxBD onwards. If eTSEC prefetches TxBDs and fails to reach a last TxBD (with bit L set), it will halt further transmission from the current TxBD ring and report an underrun error as IEVENT[XFUN]; this indicates that an incomplete frame was fetched, but remained unprocessed. The relevant TBPTR register points to the next unread TxBD following the error. Figure 14-142 defines the TxBD. Offset + 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R PAD/CRC W I L TC PRE/DEF 0 Offset + 2 8 9 10 11 HFE/LC CF/RL 12 13 RC 14 15 TOE/UN TR DATA LENGTH Offset + 4 TX DATA BUFFER POINTER Offset + 6 Figure 14-142. Transmit Buffer Descriptor The TxBD definition is interpreted by eTSEC hardware as if TxBDs mapped to C data structures in the manner illustrated by Figure 14-143. typedef unsigned short uint_16; /* choose 16-bit native type */ typedef unsigned int uint_32; /* choose 32-bit native type */ typedef struct txbd_struct { uint_16 flags; uint_16 length; uint_32 bufptr; } txbd; Figure 14-143. Mapping of TxBDs to a C Data Structure MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-173 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The TxBD fields are detailed in Table 14-150. Table 14-150. Transmit Data Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) Field Descriptions Offset Bits Name Description 0-1 0 R Ready, written by eTSEC and user. 0 The data buffer associated with this BD is not ready for transmission. The user is free to manipulate this BD or its associated data buffer. The eTSEC clears this bit after the buffer is transmitted or after an error condition is encountered. 1 The data buffer, which is prepared for transmission by the user, was not transmitted or is currently being transmitted. No fields of this BD may be written by the user once this bit is set. 1 PAD/CRC Padding for frames. (Valid only while it is set in the first BD and MACCFG2[PAD enable] is cleared). If MACCFG2[PAD enable] is sector if the eTSEC is operating in FIFO mode (ECTRL[FIFM] is set), this bit is ignored. 0 Do not add padding to short frames. 1 Add PAD to frames. PAD bytes are inserted until the length of the transmitted frame equals 64 bytes. Unlike the MPC8260 which PADs up to MINFLR value, the eTSEC PADs always up to the IEEE minimum frame length of 64 bytes. CRC is always appended to frames. 2 W Wrap. Written by user. 0 The next buffer descriptor is found in the consecutive location. 1 The next buffer descriptor is found at the location defined in TBASE. 3 I Interrupt. Written by user. 0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced. 1 IEVENT[TXB] or IEVENT[TXF] are set after this buffer is serviced. These bits can cause an interrupt if they are enabled (That is, IEVENT[TXBEN] or IEVENT[TXFEN] are set). 4 L Last in frame. Written by user. 0 The buffer is not the last in the transmit frame. 1 The buffer is the last in the transmit frame. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-174 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-150. Transmit Data Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) Field Descriptions (continued) Offset Bits Name Description 0-1 5 TC Tx CRC. Written by user. (Valid only while it is set in first BD and TxBD[PAD/CRC] is cleared and MACCFG2[PAD/CRC enable] is cleared and MACCFG2[CRC enable] is cleared.) If MACCFG2[PAD/CRC enable] is set or MACCFG2[CRC enable] is set, this bit is ignored in ethernet modes. If FIFOCFG[CRCAPP] is set, this bit is ignored in FIFO modes 0 End transmission immediately after the last data byte with no hardware generated CRC appended, unless TxBD[PAD/CRC] is set. 1 Transmit the CRC sequence after the last data byte. 6 PRE Transmit user-defined Ethernet preamble. Written by user. Valid only if set in the first BD of a frame, and MACCFG2[PreAm TxEN] is set. 0 This frame does not contain Ethernet preamble bytes for transmission. 1 This frame includes a user-defined Ethernet preamble sequence prior to the destination address in the data buffer. DEF Defer indication. The eTSEC updates this bit after transmitting a frame (TxBD[L] is set) 0 This frame was not deferred. 1 This frame did not have a collision before it was sent but it was sent late because of deferring 7 -- 8 HFE 9 10-13 Reserved Huge frame enable. Written by user. Valid only if set in the first BD of a frame and MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is cleared. If MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is set, this bit is ignored. 0 Truncate transmit frame if its length is greater than the MAC's maximum frame length. 1 Allow large frames to be transmitted without truncation. LC Late collision. Written by the eTSEC. 0 No late collision. 1 A collision occurred after 64 bytes are sent. The eTSEC terminates the transmission and updates LC. CF Control Frame. Written by user. Valid only if set in the first BD of a frame. 0 Regular frame; transmission will be deferred when eTSEC is in PAUSE. 1 Control frame; transmission will start even if eTSEC is in PAUSE. RL Retransmission Limit. Written by the eTSEC. 0 Transmission before maximum retry limit is hit. 1 The transmitter failed (max. retry limit + 1) attempts to successfully send a message due to repeated collisions. The eTSEC terminates the transmission and updates RL. RC Retry Count. Written by the eTSEC. 0 The frame is sent correctly the first time. x One or more attempts where needed to send the transmit frame. If this field is 15, then 15 or more retries were needed. The Ethernet controller updates RC after sending the buffer. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-175 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-150. Transmit Data Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) Field Descriptions (continued) Offset Bits Name Description 0-1 14 UN Underrun. Written by the eTSEC. 0 No underrun encountered (data was retrieved from external memory in time to send a complete frame). 1 The Ethernet controller encountered a transmitter underrun condition while sending the associated buffer. This could also have occurred in relation to a bus error causing IEVENT[EBERR]. The eTSEC terminates the transmission and updates UN. TOE TCP/IP off-load enable. Written by user. Valid only if set in the first BD of a frame. 0 No TCP/IP off-load acceleration is applied to the frame prior to transmission. 1 eTSEC looks for a TOE Frame Control Block preceding the frame, and applies TCP/IP off-load acceleration as controlled by the FCB. 15 TR 2-3 0-15 Data Length 4-7 0-31 Truncation. Written by the eTSEC. Set in the last TxBD (TxBD[L] is set) when IEVENT[BABT] occurs for a frame (a frame length greater than or equal to the value set in the maximum frame length register is encountered, the HFE bit in the BD is cleared, and MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is cleared). The frame is sent truncated. Data length is the number of octets the eTSEC should transmit from this BD's data buffer. It is never modified by the eTSEC. This field must be greater than zero, as zero indicates a BD not ready. TX Data The transmit buffer pointer contains the address of the associated data buffer. There are no Buffer alignment requirements for this address. Pointer Receive Buffer Descriptors (RxBD) In the RxBD the user initializes the E, I, and W bits in the first word and the pointer in second word. If the data buffer is used, the eTSEC modifies the E, L, F, M, BC, MC, LG, NO, CR, OV, and TR bits and writes the length of the used portion of the buffer in the first word. The M, BC, MC, LG, NO, CR, OV, and TR bits in the first word of the buffer descriptor are only modified by the eTSEC if the L (last BD in frame) bit is set. The first word of the RxBD contains control and status bits. For packets received over the FIFO interface, those bits which are ethernet specific (M, BC, MC, LG, NO, and TR) should be ignored. Its formats are detailed below. The number of buffer descriptors in a ring is set by using the W bit to indicate that the next buffer wraps back to the beginning of the ring. See Section, "Maximum Frame Length Register (MAXFRM)," for information on setting the size of the buffer ring. Figure 14-144 defines the RxBD. Offset + 0 Offset + 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 E RO1 W I L F 0 M BC MC LG NO SH CR OV TR DATA LENGTH Offset + 4 RX DATA BUFFER POINTER Offset + 6 Figure 14-144. Receive Buffer Descriptor MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-176 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The RxBD definition is interpreted by eTSEC hardware as if RxBDs mapped to C data structures in the manner illustrated by Figure 14-145. typedef unsigned short uint_16; /* choose 16-bit native type */ typedef unsigned int uint_32; /* choose 32-bit native type */ typedef struct rxbd_struct { uint_16 flags; uint_16 length; uint_32 bufptr; } rxbd; Figure 14-145. Mapping of RxBDs to a C Data Structure Table 14-151 describes the fields of the RxBD. Table 14-151. Receive Buffer Descriptor Field Descriptions Offset Bits 0-1 Name Description 0 E Empty, written by the eTSEC (when cleared) and by the user (when set). 0 The data buffer associated with this BD is filled with received data, or data reception is aborted due to an error condition. The status and length fields have been updated as required. 1 The data buffer associated with this BD is empty, or reception is currently in progress. 1 RO1 Receive software ownership bit. This field is reserved for use by software. This read/write bit is not modified by hardware, nor does its value affect hardware. 2 W 3 I Interrupt, written by user. 0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced. 1 IEVENT[RXB] or IEVENT[RXF] are set after this buffer is serviced. This bit can cause an interrupt if enabled (IMASK[RXBEN] or IMASK[RXFEN]). If the user wants to be interrupted only if RXF occurs, then the user must disable RXB (IMASK[RXBEN] is cleared) and enable RXF (IMASK[RXFEN] is set). 4 L Last in frame, written by the eTSEC. 0 The buffer is not the last in a frame. 1 The buffer is the last in a frame. 5 F First in frame, written by the eTSEC. 0 The buffer is not the first in a frame. 1 The buffer is the first in a frame. 6 -- Reserved 7 M Miss, written by the eTSEC. (This bit is valid only if the L-bit is set and eTSEC is in promiscuous mode.) This bit is set by the eTSEC for frames that were accepted in promiscuous mode, but were flagged as a "miss" by the internal address recognition; thus, while in promiscuous mode, the user can use the M-bit to quickly determine whether the frame was destined to this station. 0 The frame was received because of an address recognition hit. 1 The frame was received because of promiscuous mode. Wrap, written by user. 0 The next buffer descriptor is found in the consecutive location. 1 The next buffer descriptor is found at the location defined in RBASE. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-177 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-151. Receive Buffer Descriptor Field Descriptions (continued) Offset Bits 0-1 Name Description 8 BC Broadcast. Written by the eTSEC. (Only valid if L is set.) Is set if the DA is broadcast (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF). 9 MC Multicast. Written by the eTSEC. (Only valid if L is set.) Is set if the DA is multicast and not BC. 10 LG Rx frame length violation, written by the eTSEC (only valid if L is set). A frame length greater than or equal to the maximum frame length was recognized; in this case LG is set regardless of the setting of MACCFG2[Huge Frame]. If MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is cleared, the frame is truncated to the value programmed in the maximum frame length register. This bit is valid only if the L bit is set. This bit is not set when in FIFO mode as truncation cannot occur. 11 NO Rx non-octet aligned frame, written by the eTSEC (only valid if L is set). A frame that contained a number of bits not divisible by eight was received. This bit cannot be set in FIFO mode. 12 SH Short frame, written by the eTSEC (only valid if L is set). A frame length less than the minimum 64B that is defined for ethernet. was recognized, provided RCTRL[RSF] is set. This bit should be disregarded in FIFO mode. 13 CR Rx CRC error, written by the eTSEC (only valid if L is set). This frame contains a CRC error and is an integral number of octets in length.This bit is also set if a receive code group error is detected. 14 OV Overrun, written by the eTSEC (only valid if L is set). A receive FIFO overrun occurred during frame reception. If this bit is set, the other status bits, M, LG, NO, CR and TR lose their normal meaning and are zero. 15 TR Truncation, written by the eTSEC (only valid if L is set). Set if the receive frame is truncated. This can happen if a frame length greater than the maximum frame length is received and MACCFG2[Huge Frame] is cleared. If this bit is set, the frame must be discarded and the other error bits must be ignored as they may be incorrect. This bit is not set when in FIFO mode as truncation cannot occur. 2-3 0-15 Data Length Data length, written by the eTSEC. Data length is the number of octets written by the eTSEC into this BD's data buffer if L is cleared (the value is equal to MRBLR), or, if L is set, the length of the frame including CRC, FCB (if RCTRL[PRSDEP > 00) and any padding (RCTRL[PAL]). 4-7 0-31 RX Data Receive buffer pointer, written by the user. Buffer The receive buffer pointer, which always points to the first location of the associated data buffer, must Pointer be 8-byte aligned. The buffer must reside in memory external to the eTSEC. 14.7 14.7.1 Initialization/Application Information Interface Mode Configuration This section describes how to configure the eTSEC in different supported interface modes. These include MII, GMII, TBI, RMII, RGMII, SGMII, RTBI, 8-bit FIFO, and 16-bit FIFO. The pinout, the data registers that must be initialized, as well as speed selection options are described. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-178 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers MII Interface Mode Table 14-152 describes the signal configurations required for MII interface mode. Table 14-152. MII Interface Mode Signal Configuration eTSEC Signals MII Interface Frequency [MHz] 25 Voltage [V] 3.3 Signals I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 TX_CLK I 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[5] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[6] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[7] O 1 leave unconnected TX_EN O 1 TX_EN O 1 TX_ER O 1 TX_ER O 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 not used RxD[5] I 1 not used RxD[6] I 1 not used RxD[7] I 1 not used RX_DV I 1 RX_DV I 1 RX_ER I 1 RX_ER I 1 COL I 1 COL I 1 CRS I 1 CRS I 1 Sum 25 Signals I/O No. of Signals leave unconnected Sum 16 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-179 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-153 describes the shared signals of the MII interface. Table 14-153. Shared MII Signals eTSEC Signals I/O No. of Signals MII Signals I/O No. of Signals Function MDIO I/O 1 MDIO I/O 1 Management interface I/O MDC O 1 MDC O 1 Management interface clock GTX_CLK125 I 1 not used I 0 Reference clock Sum 3 Sum 2 Table 14-154 describes the register initializations required to configure the eTSEC in MII mode. Table 14-154. MII Mode Register Initialization Steps Set Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Clear Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACCFG2, for MII, half duplex operation. Set I/F Mode bit, MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0001_0000_0100] (This example has Full Duplex = 0, Preamble count = 7, PAD/CRC append = 1) Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] (This example has Statistics Enable = 1) Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR2[0110_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000] Set station address to 02_60_8C_87_65_43, for example. Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR1[0100_0011_0110_0101_1000_0111_1000_1100] Set station address to 02_60_8C_87_65_43, for example. Assign a Physical address to the TBI so as to not conflict with the external PHY Physical address, TBIPA[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] Set to 05, for example. Reset the management interface. MIIMCFG[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0111] Setup the MII Mgmt clock speed, MIIMCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] set source clock divide by 14 for example to insure that MDC clock speed is not greater than 2.5 MHz Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the eTSEC MII Mgmt bus is idle. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Auxiliary Control and Status Register to configure the PHY through the Management interface (overrides configuration signals of the PHY). MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_1100] Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY Writing to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-180 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-154. MII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Extended PHY control register #1 to set up the interface mode selection. MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0111] Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Mode control register to set up the interface mode selection. MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_00uu_00uu_0u00_0000] where u is user defined based on desired configuration. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. If auto-negotiation was enabled in the PHY, check to see if PHY has completed Auto-Negotiation. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to PHY MII Mgmt register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001] The PHY Status register is at address 0x1 and in this case the PHY Address is 0x00. Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of Status Register. Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle]. Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle]. (Uses the PHY address (0) and Register address (1) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MIIMSTAT register and check bit 10 (AN Done and Link is up) MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0100] Other information about the link is also returned.(Extend Status, No pre, Remote Fault, An Ability, Link status, extend Ability) Check auto-negotiation attributes in the PHY as necessary. Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACnADDR1/2 (Optional) MACnADDR1/2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize GADDRn (Optional) GADDRn[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-181 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-154. MII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor ring and fill buffers with Data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-182 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers GMII Interface Mode Table 14-155 describes the signal configurations required for GMII interface mode. Table 14-155. GMII Interface Mode Signal Configuration eTSEC Signal s GMII Interface Frequency [MHz] 125 Voltage [V] 3.3 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 TX_CLK I 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 TxD[5] O 1 TxD[5] O 1 TxD[6] O 1 TxD[6] O 1 TxD[7] O 1 TxD[7] O 1 TX_EN O 1 TX_EN O 1 TX_ER O 1 TX_ER O 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 RxD[5] I 1 RxD[5] I 1 RxD[6] I 1 RxD[6] I 1 RxD[7] I 1 RxD[7] I 1 RX_DV I 1 RX_DV I 1 RX_ER I 1 RX_ER I 1 COL I 1 not used CRS I 1 not used Sum 25 Sum 23 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-183 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-156 describes the shared signals of the GMII interface. Table 14-156. Shared GMII Signals eTSEC Signals I/O No. of Signals GMII Signals I/O No. of Signals Function MDIO I/O 1 MDIO I/O 1 Management interface I/O MDC O 1 MDC O 1 Management interface clock GTX_CLK125 I 1 GTX_CLK125 I 1 Reference clock Sum 3 Sum 3 Table 14-157 describes the register initializations required to configure the eTSEC in GMII mode. Table 14-157. GMII Mode Register Initialization Steps Set Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Clear Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACCFG2, for GMII, Full duplex operation. Set I/F Mode bit. MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0010_0000_0101] (This example has Full Duplex = 1, Preamble count = 7, PAD/CRC append = 1) Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] (This example has Statistics Enable = 1) Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR2[0110_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000] Set station address to 02_60_8C_87_65_43, for example. Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR1[0100_0011_0110_0101_1000_0111_1000_1100] Set station address to 02_60_8C_87_65_43, for example. Assign a Physical address to the TBI so as to not conflict with the external PHY Physical address, TBIPA[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] Set to 05, for example. Reset the management interface, MIIMCFG[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0111] Setup the MII Mgmt clock speed, MIIMCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] set source clock divide by 14 for example to insure that MDC clock speed is not greater than 2.5 MHz Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the eTSEC MII Mgmt bus is idle. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Auxiliary Control and Status Register to configure the PHY through the Management interface (overrides configuration signals of the PHY), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_1100] Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-184 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-157. GMII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Extended PHY control register #1 to set up the interface mode selection MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0111] Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Mode control register to set up the interface mode selection, MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_000u_00u1_0100_0000] where u is user defined based on desired configuration. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. If auto-negotiation was enabled in the PHY, check to see if PHY has completed Auto-Negotiation. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to PHY MII Mgmt register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001] The PHY Status register is at address 0x1 and in this case the PHY Address is 0x00 Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of Status Register. Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle]. Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle]. (Uses the PHY address (0) and Register address (1) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, Read the MIIMSTAT register and check bit 10 (AN Done and Link is up), MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0100] Other information about the link is also returned.(Extend Status, No pre, Remote Fault, An Ability, Link status, extend Ability) Check auto-negotiation attributes in the PHY as necessary. Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACnADDR1/2 (Optional) MACnADDR1/2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize GADDRn (Optional) GADDRn[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-185 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-157. GMII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor ring and fill buffers with Data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-186 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers TBI Interface Mode Table 14-158 describes the signal configurations required for TBI interface mode. Table 14-158. TBI Interface Mode Signal Configuration eTSEC Signals TBI Interface Frequency [MHz] 62.5 Voltage [V] 3.3 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK1 I 1 TxD[0] O 1 TCG[0] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TCG[1] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TCG[2] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TCG[3] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 TCG[4] O 1 TxD[5] O 1 TCG[5] O 1 TxD[6] O 1 TCG[6] O 1 TxD[7] O 1 TCG[7] O 1 TX_EN O 1 TCG[8] O 1 TX_ER O 1 TCG[9] O 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK0 I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RCG[0] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RCG[1] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RCG[2] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RCG[3] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 RCG[4] I 1 RxD[5] I 1 RCG[5] I 1 RxD[6] I 1 RCG[6] I 1 RxD[7] I 1 RCG[7] I 1 RX_DV I 1 RCG[8] I 1 RX_ER I 1 RCG[9] I 1 COL I 1 CRS I 1 Sum 25 not used SDET Sum I 1 24 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-187 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-159 describes the shared signals for the TBI interface. Table 14-159. Shared TBI Signals eTSEC Signals I/O No. of Signals GMII Signals I/O No. of Signals Function MDIO I/O 1 MDIO I/O 1 Management interface I/O MDC O 1 MDC O 1 Management interface clock GTX_CLK125 I 1 GTX_CLK125 I 1 Reference clock Sum 3 Sum 3 Table 14-160 describes the register initializations required to configure the eTSEC in TBI mode. Table 14-160. TBI Mode Register Initialization Steps Set Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Clear Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACCFG2, MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0010_0000_0101] (I/F Mode = 2, Full Duplex = 1) Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] (This example has Statistics Enable = 1) Initialize MAC Station Address MACSTNADDR2[0110_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000] to 02608C:876543, for example. Initialize MAC Station Address MACSTNADDR1[0100_0011_0110_0101_1000_0111_1000_1100] to 02608C:876543, for example. Assign a Physical address to the TBI, TBIPA[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000] set to 16, for example. Setup the MII Mgmt clock speed, MIIMCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] set source clock divide by 14 for example to insure that MDC clock speed is not greater than 2.5 MHz Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the eTSEC MII Mgmt bus is idle. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to TBI Control register (write the TBI address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] The TBI Control register is at offset address 0x0 from TBIPA. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-188 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-160. TBI Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle to verify state of TBI Control Register(0ptional) Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the TBI address and Register address placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MIIMSTAT and look for AN Enable and other bit information. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to TBI's AN Advertisement register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0100] The AN Advertisement register is at offset address 0x04 from the TBI's address. (in this case 0x10) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to TBI. Writing to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for TBI's AN Advertisement register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_1010_0000] This advertises to the Link Partner that the TBI supports PAUSE and Full Duplex mode and does not support Half Duplex mode. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to TBI's Control register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] the Control register is at offset address 0x00 from the TBI's address. (in this case 0x10) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to TBI. Writing to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for TBI's Control register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0010_0000_0000] This enables the TBI to restart Auto-Negotiations using the configuration set in the AN Advertisement register. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Check to see if PHY has completed Auto-Negotiation. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to PHY MII Mgmt register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0001] The PHY Status control register is at address 0x1 and in this case the PHY Address is 0x10. Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of Status Register. Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (2) and Register address (2) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MIIMSTAT register and check bit 10 (AN Done) MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000] Other information about the link is also returned. (Extend Status, No pre, Remote Fault, An Ability, Link status, extend Ability) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-189 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-160. TBI Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Expansion Register. Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0110] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x10) and Register address (6) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Expansion register and check bits 13 and 14 (NP Able and Page Rx'd) MII Mgmt AN Expansion ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0110] Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register. (Optional) Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0101] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x10) and Register address (5) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability register and check bits 9 and 10. (Half and Full Duplex) MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_000x_x110_0000] Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACnADDR1/2 (Optional) MACnADDR1/2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize GADDRn (Optional) GADDRn[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor ring and fill buffers with Data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-190 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers RGMII Interface Mode Table 14-161 shows the signals configurations required for RGMII interface mode. Table 14-161. RGMII Interface Mode Signal Configuration eTSEC Signals RGMII Interface Frequency [MHz] 125 Voltage [V] 2.5 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[0]/TxD[4] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[1]/TxD[5] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TxD[2]/TxD[6] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TxD[3]/TxD[7] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[5] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[6] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[7] O 1 leave unconnected TX_EN O 1 TX_ER O 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0]/RxD[4] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1]/RxD[5] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RxD[2]/RxD[6] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RxD[3]/RxD[7] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 not used RxD[5] I 1 not used RxD[6] I 1 not used RxD[7] I 1 not used RX_DV I 1 RX_ER I 1 not used COL I 1 not used CRS I 1 not used Sum 25 not used TX_CTL (TX_EN/TX_ERR) O 1 leave unconnected RX_CTL (RX_DV/RX_ERR) Sum I 1 12 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-191 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-162 describes the shared signals for the RGMII interface. Table 14-162. Shared RGMII Signals eTSEC Signals I/O No. of Signals GMII Signals I/O No. of Signals Function MDIO I/O 1 MDIO I/O 1 Management interface I/O MDC O 1 MDC O 1 Management interface clock GTX_CLK125 I 1 GTX_CLK125 I 1 Reference clock Sum 3 Sum 3 Table 14-163 describes the register initializations required to configure the eTSEC in RGMII mode. Table 14-163. RGMII Mode Register Initialization Steps Set Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Clear Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACCFG2, MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0010_0000_0101] (I/F Mode = 2, Full Duplex = 1) Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] (This example has RGMII 10Mbps mode, Statistics Enable = 1) Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR2[0110_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000] to 02608C:876543, for example. Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR1[0100_0011_0110_0101_1000_0111_1000_1100] to 02608C:876543, for example. Assign a Physical address to the TBI, TBIPA[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000] set to 16, for example. Setup the MII Mgmt clock speed, MIIMCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] Set source clock divide by 14, for example, to insure that EC_MDC clock speed is not greater than 2.5 MHz. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the eTSEC MII Mgmt bus is idle. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to external the PHY AN Advertisement register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0100] The AN Advertisement register is at offset address 0x04 from the external PHY address. (in this case 0x11) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-192 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-163. RGMII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY AN Advertisement register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_u0uu_uuuu_uuuu_uuuu] Where u must be selected by the user for proper system configuration. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Control register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0000] The Control register is at offset address 0x00 from the external PHY address. (in this case 0x11) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY Control register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0010_0000_0000] This enables the external PHY to restart Auto-Negotiations using the configuration set in the AN Advertisement register. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Check to see if PHY has completed Auto-Negotiation. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to the PHY MII Mgmt register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0001] The PHY Status register is at address 0x1 and in this case the PHY Address is 0x2. Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of Status Register. Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (2) and Register address (2) placed in MIIMADD register) When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MIIMSTAT register and check bit 10. (AN Done) MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000] Other information about the link is also returned. (Extend Status, No pre, Remote Fault, An Ability, Link status, extend Ability) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Expansion Register. Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0110] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x11) and Register address (6) placed in MIIMADD register) When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Expansion register and check bits 13 and 14. (NP Able and Page Rx'd) MII Mgmt AN Expansion ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0110] Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register. (Optional) Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0101] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x11) and Register address (5) placed in MIIMADD register) When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability register and check bits 9 and 10. (Half and Full Duplex) MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_000x_1x10_0000] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-193 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-163. RGMII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACnADDR1/2 (Optional) MACnADDR1/2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize GADDRn (Optional) GADDRn[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor ring and fill buffers with Data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-194 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers RMII Interface Mode Table 14-164 shows the signals configurations required for RMII interface mode. Table 14-164. RMII Interface Mode Signal Configuration eTSEC Signals RMII Interface Frequency [MHz] 50 Voltage [V] 3.3 Signals I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 REF_CLK I 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[0] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[3] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[4] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[5] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[6] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[7] O 1 leave unconnected TX_EN O 1 TX_ER O 1 leave unconnected RX_CLK I 1 leave unconnected RxD[0] I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 not used RxD[3] I 1 not used RxD[4] I 1 not used RxD[5] I 1 not used RxD[6] I 1 not used RxD[7] I 1 not used RX_DV I 1 CRS_DV I 1 RX_ER I 1 RX_ER I 1 COL I 1 not used CRS I 1 not used Sum 25 Signals I/O No. of Signals leave unconnected TX_EN Sum O 1 8 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-195 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-165 describes the shared signals for the RMII interface. Table 14-165. Shared RMII Signals eTSEC Signals I/O No. of Signals GMII Signals I/O No. of Signals Function MDIO I/O 1 MDIO I/O 1 Management interface I/O MDC O 1 MDC O 1 Management interface clock TX_CLK I 1 REF_CLK I 1 Reference clock Sum 3 Sum 3 Table 14-166 describes the register initializations required to configure the eTSEC in RMII mode. Table 14-166. RMII Mode Register Initialization Steps Set Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Clear Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACCFG2, MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0010_0000_0101] (I/F Mode = 2, Full Duplex = 1) Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0001_0000] (Used to setup Reduced-Pin mode = 1, and TBIM = 0,statistics enable = 1) Initialize MAC Station Address MACSTNADDR2[0110_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000] to 02608C:876543 for example Initialize MAC Station Address MACSTNADDR1[0100_0011_0110_0101_1000_0111_1000_1100] to 02608C:876543 for example Setup the MII Mgmt clock speed, MIIMCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1101] set system clock divide by 14 for example to insure that MDC clock speed = 2.5 MHz Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the eTSEC MII Mgmt bus is idle. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to external the PHY AN Advertisement register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0100] The AN Advertisement register is at offset address 0x04 from the external PHY address. (in this case 0x11) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY AN Advertisement register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_u0uu_uuuu_uuuu_uuuu] Where u must be selected by the user for proper system configuration. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-196 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-166. RMII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to the external PHY Control register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0000] The Control register is at offset address 0x00 from the external PHY address. (in this case 0x11) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to the external PHY. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for the external PHY Control register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0010_0000_0000] This enables the external PHY to restart Auto-Negotiations using the configuration set in the AN Advertisement register. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Check to see if PHY has completed Auto-Negotiation. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to the PHY MII Mgmt register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0001] The PHY Status register is at address 0x1 and in this case the PHY Address is 0x2. Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of Status Register. Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (2) and Register address (1) placed in MIIMADD register) When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MIIMSTAT register and check bit 10. (AN Done) MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000] Other information about the link is also returned. (Extend Status, No pre, Remote Fault, An Ability, Link status, extend Ability) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Expansion Register. Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0110] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x11) and Register address (6) placed in MIIMADD register) When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Expansion register and check bits 13 and 14. (NP Able and Page Rx'd) MII Mgmt AN Expansion ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0110] Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register. (Optional) Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0000_0101] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x11) and Register address (5) placed in MIIMADD register) When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability register and check bits 9 and 10. (Half and Full Duplex) MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_000x_x110_0000] Setting up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to TBI MII Mgmt register (write the TBI's address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_1011] the TBI control register is at offset address 0x11 from TBIPA Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle Writing to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for TBI's MII Mgmt control register (TBI control), MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0001_0000] This configures the TBI control to GMII mode and AN sense Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicate that the write cycle was completed MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-197 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-166. RMII Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle (0ptional) Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the TBI address and Register address placed in MIIMADD register), read the MIIMSTAT register and verify that MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0001_0000] Check to see if PHY has completed Auto-Negotiation Setting up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to PHY's MII Mgmt register (write the PHY's address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0010] the PHY Status control register is at address 0x2 and lets say the PHY Address is 0x2 Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of Status Register Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (2) and Register address (2) placed in MIIMADD register), read the MIIMSTAT register and check bit 10 (AN Done) MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000] other information about the link is also returned (Extend Status, No pre, Remote Fault, An Ability, Link status, extend Ability) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Expansion Register MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0110] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (2) and Register address (6) placed in MIIMADD register), read the MII Mgmt AN Expansion register and check bits 13 and 14 (NP Able and Page Rx'd) MII Mgmt AN Expansion ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0110] Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register (Optional) MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0101] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (2) and Register address (5) placed in MIIMADD register), read the MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability register and check bits 9 and 10 (Half and Full Duplex) MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_00X_1110_0000] Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize GADDRn (Optional) GADDRn[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor ring and fill buffers with Data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-198 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers RTBI Interface Mode Table 14-167 describes the signal configurations required for RTBI interface mode. Table 14-167. RTBI Interface Mode Signal Configuration eTSEC Signal s RTBI Interface Frequency [MHz] 125 Voltage [V] 2.5 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals GTX_CLK O 1 GTX_CLK O 1 TX_CLK I 1 TxD[0] O 1 TCG[0]/TCG[5] O 1 TxD[1] O 1 TCG[1]/TCG[6] O 1 TxD[2] O 1 TCG[2]/TCG[7] O 1 TxD[3] O 1 TCG[3]/TCG[8] O 1 TxD[4] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[5] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[6] O 1 leave unconnected TxD[7] O 1 leave unconnected TX_EN O 1 TX_ER O 1 RX_CLK I 1 RX_CLK I 1 RxD[0] I 1 RCG[0]/RCG[5] I 1 RxD[1] I 1 RCG[1]/RCG[6] I 1 RxD[2] I 1 RCG[2]/RCG[7] I 1 RxD[3] I 1 RCG[3]/RCG[8] I 1 RxD[4] I 1 not used RxD[5] I 1 not used RxD[6] I 1 not used RxD[7] I 1 not used RX_DV I 1 I 1 RX_ER I 1 not used COL I 1 not used CRS I 1 not used Sum 25 not used TCG[4]/TCG[9] O 1 leave unconnected RCG[4]/RCG[9] sum 12 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-199 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-168 describes the shared signals for the RTBI interface. Table 14-168. Shared RTBI Signals eTSEC Signals I/O No. of Signals GMII Signals I/O No. of Signals Function MDIO I/O 1 MDIO I/O 1 Management interface I/O MDC O 1 MDC O 1 Management interface clock GTX_CLK125 I 1 GTX_CLK125 I 1 Reference clock 3 Sum Sum 3 Table 14-169 describes the register initializations required to configure the eTSEC in RTBI mode. Table 14-169. RTBI Mode Register Initialization Steps Set Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Clear Soft_Reset, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACCFG2, MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0010_0000_0101] (I/F Mode = 2, Full Duplex = 1) Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] (This example has Statistics Enable = 1) Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR2[0110_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000] to 02608C:876543, for example. Initialize MAC Station Address, MACSTNADDR1[0100_0011_0110_0101_1000_0111_1000_1100] to 02608C:876543, for example. Assign a Physical address to the TBI, TBIPA[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000] set to 16, for example. Setup the MII Mgmt clock speed, MIIMCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] Set source clock divide by 14, for example, to insure that EC_MDC clock speed is not greater than 2.5 MHz. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the eTSEC MII Mgmt bus is idle. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to TBI Control register (write the TBI's address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] The TBI Control register is at offset address 0x0 from TBIPA. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-200 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-169. RTBI Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle to verify state of TBI Control Register(0ptional) Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the TBI address and Register address placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MIIMSTAT and look for AN Enable and other bit information. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to TBI's AN Advertisement register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0100] The AN Advertisement register is at offset address 0x04 from the TBI's address. (in this case 0x10) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to TBI. Write to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for TBI's AN Advertisement register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_1010_0000] This advertises to the Link Partner that the TBI supports PAUSE and Full Duplex mode and does not support Half Duplex mode. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Set up the MII Mgmt for a write cycle to TBI's Control register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000] The Control register is at offset address 0x00 from the TBI's address. (in this case 0x10) Perform an MII Mgmt write cycle to TBI. Writing to MII Mgmt Control with 16-bit data intended for TBI's Control register, MIIMCON[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0010_0000_0000] This enables the TBI to restart Auto-Negotiations using the configuration set in the AN Advertisement register. Check to see if MII Mgmt write is complete. Read MII Mgmt Indicator register and check for Busy = 0, MIIMIND ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] This indicates that the write cycle was completed. Check to see if PHY has completed Auto-Negotiation. Set up the MII Mgmt for a read cycle to the PHY MII Mgmt register (write the PHY address and Register address), MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0001] The PHY Status control register is at address 0x1 and in this case the PHY Address is 0x10. Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of Status Register. Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (2) and Register address (2) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MIIMSTAT register and check bit 10 (AN Done) MIIMSTAT ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000] Other information about the link is also returned. (Extend Status, No pre, Remote Fault, An Ability, Link status, extend Ability) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-201 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-169. RTBI Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Expansion Register. Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0110] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x10) and Register address (6) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Expansion register and check bits 13 and 14. (NP Able and Page Rx'd) MII Mgmt AN Expansion ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0110] Perform an MII Mgmt read cycle of AN Link Partner Base Page Ability Register. (Optional) Setup MIIMADD[0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0101] Clear MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] Set MIIMCOM[Read Cycle] (Uses the PHY address (0x10) and Register address (5) placed in MIIMADD register), When MIIMIND[BUSY]=0, read the MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability register and check bits 9 and 10. (Half and Full Duplex) MII Mgmt AN Link Partner Base Page Ability ---> [0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_00x_x110_0000] Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize MACnADDR1/2 (Optional) MACnADDR1/2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize GADDRn (Optional) GADDRn[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor ring and fill buffers with Data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx, MACCFG1[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-202 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 8-Bit FIFO Mode Table 14-170 describes the signal configurations required for 8-bit FIFO interface mode on eTSEC1 and/or eTSEC2. Table 14-170. 8-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configurations, eTSEC1/2 eTSEC Signals 8-Bit FIFO Interface Frequency [MHz] 155 Voltage [V] 3.3/2.5 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals TSECn_GTX_CLK O 1 FIFOn_GTX_CLK O 1 TSECn_TX_CLK I 1 FIFO n_TX_CLK I 1 TSECn_TxD[0] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[0] O 1 TSECn_TxD[1] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[1] O 1 TSECn_TxD[2] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[2] O 1 TSECn_TxD[3] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[3] O 1 TSECn_TxD[4] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[4] O 1 TSECn_TxD[5] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[5] O 1 TSECn_TxD[6] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[6] O 1 TSECn_TxD[7] O 1 FIFOn_TxD[7] O 1 TSECn_TX_EN O 1 FIFOn_TX_EN O 1 TSECn_TX_ER O 1 FIFOn_TX_ER O 1 TSECn_RX_CLK I 1 FIFO n_RX_CLK I 1 TSECn_RxD[0] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[0] I 1 TSECn_RxD[1] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[1] I 1 TSECn_RxD[2] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[2] I 1 TSECn_RxD[3] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[3] I 1 TSECn_RxD[4] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[4] I 1 TSECn_RxD[5] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[5] I 1 TSECn_RxD[6] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[6] I 1 TSECn_RxD[7] I 1 FIFOn_RxD[7] I 1 TSECn_RX_DV I 1 FIFOn_RX_DV I 1 TSECn_RX_ER I 1 FIFOn_RX_ER I 1 TSEC n_COL I 1 FIFOn_TX_FC I 1 TSEC n_CRS I/O 1 FIFOn_RX_FC O 1 TSEC1_MDIO I/O 1 leave unconnected TSEC1_MDC O 1 leave unconnected Sum 27 Sum 25 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-203 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-171 describes the signal configurations required for 8-bit FIFO interface mode on eTSEC3 sharing signals with eTSEC4. Table 14-171. 8-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configurations, eTSEC3/4 eTSEC Signals 8-Bit FIFO Interface Frequency [MHz] 155 Voltage [V] 3.3/2.5 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals TSEC3_GTX_CLK O 1 FIFO3_GTX_CLK O 1 TSEC3_TX_CLK I 1 FIFO3_TX_CLK I 1 TSEC3_TxD[0] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[0] O 1 TSEC3_TxD[1] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[1] O 1 TSEC3_TxD[2] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[2] O 1 TSEC3_TxD[3] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[3] O 1 TSEC3_TX_EN O 1 FIFO3_TX_EN O 1 TSEC3_TX_ER O 1 FIFO3_TX_ER O 1 TSEC3_RX_CLK I 1 FIFO3_RX_CLK I 1 TSEC3_RxD[0] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[0] I 1 TSEC3_RxD[1] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[1] I 1 TSEC3_RxD[2] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[2] I 1 TSEC3_RxD[3] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[3] I 1 TSEC3_RX_DV I 1 FIFO3_RX_DV I 1 TSEC3_RX_ER I 1 FIFO3_RX_ER I 1 TSEC3_COL I 1 FIFO3_TX_FC I 1 TSEC3_CRS I/O 1 FIFO3_RX_FC O 1 TSEC4_GTX_CLK O 1 leave unconnected TSEC4_TX_CLK I 1 not used TSEC4_TxD[0] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[4] O 1 TSEC4_TxD[1] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[5] O 1 TSEC4_TxD[2] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[6] O 1 TSEC4_TxD[3] O 1 FIFO3_TxD[7] O 1 TSEC4_TX_EN O 1 leave unconnected TSEC4_TX_ER O 1 leave unconnected TSEC4_RX_CLK I 1 not used TSEC4_RxD[0] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[4] I 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-204 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-171. 8-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configurations, eTSEC3/4 (continued) eTSEC Signals 8-Bit FIFO Interface Frequency [MHz] 155 Voltage [V] 3.3/2.5 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals TSEC4_RxD[1] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[5] I 1 TSEC4_RxD[2] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[6] I 1 TSEC4_RxD[3] I 1 FIFO3_RxD[7] I 1 TSEC4_RX_DV I 1 not used TSEC4_RX_ER I 1 not used TSEC4_COL I 1 not used TSEC4_CRS I/O 1 not used TSEC1_MDIO I/O 1 leave unconnected TSEC1_MDC O 1 leave unconnected Sum 36 Sum 25 Table 14-172 describes the register initializations required to configure the eTSEC in 8-bit FIFO mode. Table 14-172. 8-Bit FIFO Mode Register Initialization Steps Set FIFO Soft_Reset, FIFOCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_1100_0000_0000_0000] (Reset RX = 1, reset Tx = 1, Rx enable = 0, Tx enable = 0) Clear FIFO Soft_Reset, FIFOCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1000] (Reset RX = 0, reset Tx = 0, Rx enable = 0, Tx enable = 0) Ensure MACCFG2 is set to default values. MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0000_0000_0000] Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000] (Used to set up FIFO mode = 1, and statistics enable = 0) Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-205 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-172. 8-Bit FIFO Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Initialize (Empty) transmit descriptor ring and fill buffers with data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx over FIFO, FIFOCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0011_0000_1101_1000] (Rx enable = 1, Tx enable = 1, enable flow control and CRC, 8-bit mode) 16-Bit FIFO Mode Table 14-173 describes the signal configurations required when eTSECs 1 & 2 are placed into 16-bit FIFO interface mode. Table 14-173. 16-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configuration (eTSECs1 & 2) eTSEC Signals 16-Bit FIFO Interface Frequency [MHz] 155 Voltage [V] 3.3/2.5 Signals I/O No. of Signals Signals I/O No. of Signals TSEC1_GTX_CLK O 1 FIFO1_GTX_CLK O 1 TSEC1_TX_CLK I 1 FIFO1_TX_CLK I 1 TSEC1_TxD[0] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[0] O 1 TSEC1_TxD[1] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[1] O 1 TSEC1_TxD[2] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[2] O 1 TSEC1_TxD[3] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[3] O 1 TSEC1_TxD[4] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[4] O 1 TSEC1_TxD[5] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[5] O 1 TSEC1_TxD[6] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[6] O 1 TSEC1_TxD[7] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[7] O 1 TSEC1_TX_EN O 1 FIFO1_TXC[0] O 1 TSEC1_TX_ER O 1 FIFO1_TXC[1] O 1 TSEC1_RX_CLK I 1 FIFO1_RX_CLK I 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-206 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-173. 16-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configuration (eTSECs1 & 2) (continued) eTSEC Signals 16-Bit FIFO Interface Frequency [MHz] 155 Voltage [V] 3.3/2.5 TSEC1_RxD[0] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[0] I 1 TSEC1_RxD[1] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[1] I 1 TSEC1_RxD[2] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[2] I 1 TSEC1_RxD[3] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[3] I 1 TSEC1_RxD[4] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[4] I 1 TSEC1_RxD[5] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[5] I 1 TSEC1_RxD[6] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[6] I 1 TSEC1_RxD[7] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[7] I 1 TSEC1_RX_DV I 1 FIFO1_RXC[0] I 1 TSEC1_RX_ER I 1 FIFO1_RXC[1] I 1 TSEC1_COL I 1 FIFO1_TX_FC I 1 TSEC1_CRS I/O 1 FIFO1_RX_FC O 1 TSEC1_MDIO I/O 1 leave unconnected TSEC1_MDC O 1 leave unconnected TSEC2_GTX_CLK O 1 leave unconnected TSEC2_TX_CLK I 1 not used TSEC2_TxD[0] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[8] O 1 TSEC2_TxD[1] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[9] O 1 TSEC2_TxD[2] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[10] O 1 TSEC2_TxD[3] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[11] O 1 TSEC2_TxD[4] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[12] O 1 TSEC2_TxD[5] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[13] O 1 TSEC2_TxD[6] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[14] O 1 TSEC2_TxD[7] O 1 FIFO1_TxD[15] O 1 TSEC2_TX_EN O 1 FIFO1_TXC[2] O 1 TSEC2_TX_ER O 1 leave unconnected TSEC2_RX_CLK I 1 not used TSEC2_RxD[0] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[8] I 1 TSEC2_RxD[1] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[9] I 1 TSEC2_RxD[2] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[10] I 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-207 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-173. 16-Bit FIFO Interface Mode Signal Configuration (eTSECs1 & 2) (continued) eTSEC Signals 16-Bit FIFO Interface Frequency [MHz] 155 Voltage [V] 3.3/2.5 TSEC2_RxD[3] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[11] I 1 TSEC2_RxD[4] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[12] I 1 TSEC2_RxD[5] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[13] I 1 TSEC2_RxD[6] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[14] I 1 TSEC2_RxD[7] I 1 FIFO1_RxD[15] I 1 TSEC2_RX_DV I 1 FIFO1_RXC[2] I 1 TSEC2_RX_ER I 1 not used TSEC2_COL I 1 not used TSEC2_CRS I 1 not used Sum 52 Sum 43 Table 14-174 describes the register initializations required to configure the controlling the eTSEC (eTSEC1) in 16-bit FIFO mode. The disabled eTSEC (eTSEC2) must be held in soft reset, and have its transmit and receive functions disabled. Table 14-174. 16-Bit FIFO Mode Register Initialization Steps Set FIFO Soft_Reset, FIFOCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_1100_0000_0000_0000] (Reset RX = 1, reset Tx = 1, Rx enable = 0, Tx enable = 0) Clear FIFO Soft_Reset, FIFOCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1000] (Reset RX = 0, reset Tx = 0, Rx enable = 0, Tx enable = 0) Ensure MACCFG2 is set to default values. MACCFG2[0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0000_0000_0000] Initialize ECNTRL, ECNTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000] (Used to setup FIFO mode = 1, and statistics enable = 0) Clear IEVENT register, IEVENT[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize IMASK (Optional) IMASK[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize RCTRL (Optional) RCTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] Initialize DMACTRL (Optional) DMACTRL[0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-208 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers Table 14-174. 16-Bit FIFO Mode Register Initialization Steps (continued) Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor ring and fill buffers with Data Initialize TBASE0-TBASE7, TBASE0-TBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring and fill with empty buffers Initialize RBASE0-RBASE7, RBASE0-RBASE7[LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLL_L000] Enable Transmit Queues Initialize TQUEUE Enable Receive Queues Initialize RQUEUE Enable Rx and Tx over FIFO, FIFOCFG[0000_0000_0000_0000_0011_0000_1101_1100] (Rx enable = 1, Tx enable = 1, enable flow control and CRC, 16-bit mode) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 14-209 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14-210 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 15 DMA Controller This chapter describes the DMA controller of the MPC8548E. 15.1 Introduction The DMA controller transfers blocks of data between the serial RapidIO controller, PCI, PCI Express, the local bus controller (LBC) interface, and the local address space, independent of the e500 core or external hosts. 15.1.1 Block Diagram Figure 15-1 shows the block diagram of the DMA controller. CHN 0 CHN 1 CHN 2 CHN 3 Arbitration and Bandwidth Control Destination Address Controls Source Address Controls DMA Controller Address Tenure Controls Address Interface Data Tenure Controls Data Interface Figure 15-1. DMA Block Diagram MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-1 DMA Controller 15.1.2 Overview The DMA controller has four high-speed DMA channels. Both the e500 core and external devices can initiate DMA transfers. All channels are capable of complex data movement and advanced transaction chaining. Figure 15-1 is a high-level block diagram of the DMA controller. Operations such as descriptor fetches and block transfers are initiated by each channel. A channel is selected by the arbitration logic and information is passed to the source and destination control blocks for processing. The source and destination blocks generate read and write requests to the address tenure engine, which manages the DMA master port address interface. After a transaction is accepted by the master port, control is transferred to the data tenure engine that manages the read and write data transfers. A channel remains active in the shared resources for the duration of the data transfer unless the allotted bandwidth per channel is reached. 15.1.3 Features The DMA controller offers the following features: * Four high-speed/high-bandwidth channels accessible by local and remote masters * Basic DMA operation modes (direct, simple chaining) * Extended DMA operation modes (advanced chaining and stride capability) * Cascading descriptor chains * Misaligned transfers * Programmable bandwidth control between channels * Up to 256 bytes for DMA sub-block transfers to maximize performance * Three priority levels supported for source and destination transactions * Interrupt on error and completed segment, list, or link * Externally-controlled transfer using DMA_DREQ, DMA_DACK, and DMA_DDONE 15.1.4 Modes of Operation The MPC8548E has two modes of operation: basic and extended. Basic mode is the DMA legacy mode. It does not support advanced features. Extended mode supports advanced features like striding and flexible descriptor structures. These two basic modes allow users to initiate and end DMA transfers in various ways. Table 15-1 summarizes the relationship between the modes and the following features: * Direct mode. No descriptors are involved. Software must initialize the required fields as described in Table 15-1 before starting a transfer. * Chaining mode. Software must initialize descriptors in memory and the required fields as described in Table 15-1 before starting a transfer. * Single-write start mode. The DMA process can be started by using a single-write command to either the descriptor address register in one of the chaining modes or the source/destination address registers in one of the direct modes. * External control capability. This allows an external agent to start, pause, and check the status of a DMA transfer which has already been initialized. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-2 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller * * Channel continue capability. The channel continue capability allows software the flexibility of having the DMA controller start with descriptors that have already been programmed while software continues to build more descriptors in memory. Channel abort capability. The software can abort a previously initiated transfer by setting the bit MRn[CA]. The DMA controller terminates all outstanding transfers initiated by the channel without generating any errors before entering an idle state. Table 15-1. Relationship of Modes and Features Mode B (Basic) Mode with One Additional Feature Mode with Two Additional Features BD (basic direct) BDS (BD single-write start) BDE (BD external control) BC (basic chaining) BCE (BC external control) BCS (BC single-write start) Ext (Extended) ExtD (extended direct) ExtDS (ExtD single-write start) ExtDE (ExtD external control) ExtC (extended chaining) ExtCE (ExtC external control) ExtCS (ExtC single-write start) Table 15-2 describes bit settings required for each DMA mode of operation. ( Table 15-2. DMA Mode Bit Settings Modes with Features MRn[XFE] MRn[CTM] MRn[SRW] MRn[CDSM/SWSM] MRn[EMS_EN] Basic Direct Modes Basic direct 0 1 0 0 0 Basic direct external control 0 1 0 0 1 Basic direct single-write start 0 1 1 1 or 0 0 Basic Chaining Modes Basic chaining 0 0 Reserved 0 0 Basic chaining external control 0 0 Reserved 0 1 Basic chaining single-write start 0 0 Reserved 1 0 Extended Direct Modes Extended direct 1 1 0 0 0 Extended direct external control 1 1 0 0 1 Extended direct single-write start 1 1 1 1 or 0 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-3 DMA Controller Table 15-2. DMA Mode Bit Settings (continued) Modes with Features MRn[XFE] MRn[CTM] MRn[SRW] MRn[CDSM/SWSM] MRn[EMS_EN] Extended Chaining Modes Extended chaining 1 0 Reserved 0 0 Extended chaining external control 1 0 Reserved 0 1 Extended chaining single-write start 1 0 Reserved 1 0 Refer to Section 15.4, "Functional Description," for details on these modes. Figure 15-2 shows the general DMA operational flow chart. Software Sets 1st Link Process Link Y In Chain or Extended Mode? N Is Last Link? Advance Link Y N Is Y Last List? N Done -- DMA Halts Advance List Figure 15-2. DMA Operational Flow Chart MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-4 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller 15.2 External Signal Description This section describes the DMA signals. 15.2.1 Signal Overview Figure 15-3 summarizes the DMA controller signals. DMA Unit 1 DMA_DREQ0 1 1 DMA_DACK0 1 DMA_DREQ1 1 1 DMA_DACK1 1 DMA_DREQ2 1 1 DMA_DACK2 1 1 1 DMA_DREQ3 DMA_DACK3 DMA_DDONE0 DMA_DDONE1 DMA External Control Interface DMA_DDONE2 DMA_DDONE3 Figure 15-3. DMA Signal Summary Note that the three DMA signals for DMA channel 3 are multiplexed with the IRQ9-11 signals on the MPC8548E device. These functions are mutually exclusive and the active function is specified in the PMUXCR register of the global utilities block as described in Section, "Alternate Function Signal Multiplex Control Register (PMUXCR)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-5 DMA Controller 15.2.2 Detailed Signal Descriptions Table 15-3 describes the DMA signals. Table 15-3. DMA Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O DMA_DREQn DMA request I Description DMA request. The DMA request signal indicates the start of a DMA transfer or a restart from a paused request. Assertion of DMA_DREQ n causes MRn[CS] to be set, thereby activating the corresponding DMA channel. State Asserted--Assertion of DMA_DREQn while DMA_DACK n is negated causes a new transfer Meaning to start OR resumes a paused transfer if the EMP_EN bit is set. Assertion while DMA_DACKn is asserted results in an illegal condition. Negated--Negation while DMA_DACKn is asserted has no effect. Negation before the assertion of DMA_DACKn results in an illegal condition. Timing Assertion--Can be asserted asynchronously Negation-- Must remain asserted at least until the assertion of the corresponding DMA_DACKn DMA_DACKn O DMA acknowledge. Indicates that a DMA transfer is currently in progress State Asserted--Indicates that a DMA transfer is currently in progress. Asserted after the assertion Meaning of DMA_DREQn to indicate the start of a transfer Negated--Negated after finishing a complete transfer or after entering a paused state if MR n[EMP_EN] is set Timing Assertion--Asynchronous assertion; asserted for more than three system clocks Negation--Asynchronous negation; negated for more than three system clocks DMA_DDONEn O DMA done. Indicates that a DMA transfer is complete State Asserted--Indicates transfer completion. SRn[CB] is clear. Note, however, that write data Meaning may still be queued at the target interface or in the process of transfer on an external interface. Negated--Indicates that the current transfer is in process Timing Assertion--Always asserts asynchronously after the negation of the final DMA_DACKn to indicate completion of a transfer. For a paused transfer, DMA_DDONEn is asserted asynchronously after the negation of the final DMA_DACKn. Negation--Negated asynchronously after the assertion of DMA_DREQn for the next transfer 15.3 Memory Map/Register Definition This section provides a detailed description of all accessible DMA memory and registers. The descriptions include individual bit level descriptions and reset states of each register. Undefined 4-byte address spaces within offset 0x000-0xFFF are reserved. Table 15-4 lists the DMA registers and their offsets. Note that the full register address is comprised of the programmable CCSRBAR together with the fixed DMA block base address and offset listed in Table 15-4. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-6 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller * * * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. Mixed indicates a combination of access types. Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 15-4. DMA Register Summary Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page DMA Controller Block Base Address: 0x2_1000 0x100 MR0--DMA 0 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104 SR0--DMA 0 status register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x108 ECLNDAR0--DMA 0 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10C CLNDAR0--DMA 0 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x110 SATR0--DMA 0 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x114 SAR0--DMA 0 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x118 DATR0--DMA 0 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x11C DAR0--DMA 0 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x120 BCR0--DMA 0 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x124 ENLNDAR0--DMA 0 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x128 NLNDAR0--DMA 0 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x130 ECLSDAR0--DMA 0 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x134 CLSDAR0--DMA 0 current list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x138 ENLSDAR0--DMA 0 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x13C NLSDAR0--DMA 0 next list descriptor address register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x140 SSR0--DMA 0 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x144 DSR0--DMA 0 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x148- 0x17C Reserved -- -- -- 0x180 MR1--DMA 1 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x184 SR1--DMA 1 status register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x188 ECLNDAR1--DMA 1 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x18C CLNDAR1--DMA 1 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x190 SATR1--DMA 1 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x194 SAR1--DMA 1 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x198 DATR1--DMA 1 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x19C DAR1--DMA 1 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-7 DMA Controller Table 15-4. DMA Register Summary (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x1A0 BCR1--DMA 1 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1A4 ENLNDAR1--DMA 1 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1A8 NLNDAR1--DMA 1 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1B0 ECLSDAR1--DMA 1 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1B4 CLSDAR1--DMA 1 current list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1B8 ENLSDAR1--DMA 1 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1BC NLSDAR1--DMA 1 next list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1C0 SSR1--DMA 1 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1C4 DSR1--DMA 1 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- 0x1C8- 0x1FC Reserved 0x200 MR2--DMA 2 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x204 SR2--DMA 2 status register Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x208 ECLNDAR2--DMA 2 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x20C CLNDAR2--DMA 2 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x210 SATR2--DMA 2 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x214 SAR2--DMA 2 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x218 DATR2--DMA 2 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x21C DAR2--DMA 2 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x220 BCR2--DMA 2 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x224 ENLNDAR2--DMA 2 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x228 NLNDAR2--DMA 2 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x230 ECLSDAR2--DMA 2 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x234 CLSDAR2--DMA 2 current list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x238 ENLSDAR2--DMA 2 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x23C NLSDAR2--DMA 2 next list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x240 SSR2--DMA 2 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x244 DSR2--DMA 2 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x248- 0x27C Reserved -- -- -- 0x280 MR3--DMA 3 mode register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-8 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-4. DMA Register Summary (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page Mixed 0x0000_0000 0x284 SR3--DMA 3 status register 0x288 ECLNDAR3--DMA 3 current link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x28C CLNDAR3--DMA 3 current link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x290 SATR3--DMA 3 source attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x294 SAR3--DMA 3 source address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x298 DATR3--DMA 3 destination attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x29C DAR3--DMA 3 destination address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2A0 BCR3--DMA 3 byte count register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2A4 ENLNDAR3--DMA 3 next link descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2A8 NLNDAR3--DMA 3 next link descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2B0 ECLSDAR3--DMA 3 current list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2B4 CLSDAR3--DMA 3 current list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2B8 ENLSDAR3--DMA 3 next list descriptor extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2BC NLSDAR3--DMA 3 next list descriptor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2C0 SSR3--DMA 3 source stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x2C4 DSR3--DMA 3 destination stride register R/W 0x0000_0000 Reserved -- -- -- DGSR--DMA general status register R 0x0000_0000 0x2C8- 0x2FC 0x300 15.3.1 DMA Register Descriptions The following sections describe the DMA registers. The majority of these registers are channel-specific and can be identified by one of the four offsets that describe the register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-9 DMA Controller Mode Registers (MRn) The mode register allows software to start a DMA transfer and to control various DMA transfer characteristics. Figure 15-4 describes the MRn. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x100 0x180 0x200 0x280 0 3 R 4 7 -- W BWC 10 11 EMP_EN 12 -- 13 14 15 EMS_EN DAHTS All zeros 16 R 9 -- Reset W 8 17 18 19 SAHTS DAHE SAHE 20 -- 21 22 23 24 25 SRW EOSIE EOLNIE EOLSIE EIE Reset 26 27 28 29 XFE CDSM/SWSM CA CTM 30 31 CC CS All zeros Figure 15-4. DMA Mode Registers (MRn) Table 15-5 describes the MRn fields. Table 15-5. MRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-3 -- 4-7 BWC Description Reserved Bandwidth/pause control. If multiple channels are executing transfers concurrently the value of MRn[BWC] determines how many bytes a given channel is allowed to transfer before the DMA engine pauses the current channel and switches to the next channel. If only one channel is executing transfers the value of MRn[BWC] dictates how many bytes are allowed to transfer before pausing the channel, after which a new assertion of DREQ resumes channel operation. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 8-9 10 11-12 13 -- 1 byte 2 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes 16 bytes 32 bytes 64 bytes 0111 128 bytes 1000 256 bytes 1001 512 bytes 1010 1024 bytes 1011-1110 Reserved 1111 Disable bandwidth sharing to allow uninterrupted transfers from each channel. Reserved EMP_EN External master pause enable. Valid only if MR n[EMS_EN] is set. 0 Disable the external master pause feature. 1 Enable the external master pause feature. Channel is paused as described by MR n[BWC]. -- Reserved EMS_EN External master start enable. This bit does not apply to single-write start modes (direct or chaining). 0 Disable the channel from being started by an external DMA start pin. 1 Enable the channel to be started by an external DMA start pin, which sets MRn[CS]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-10 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-5. MRn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 14-15 DAHTS Destination address hold transfer size. Indicates the transfer size used for each transaction while MR n[DAHE] is set. The byte count register must be in multiples of the size and the destination address register must be aligned based on the size. The transfer size assigned to MR n[DAHTS] must be equal to or smaller than that assigned to MR n[BWC] to avoid undefined behavior. 00 1 byte 01 2 bytes 10 4 bytes 11 8 bytes 16-17 SAHTS Source address hold transfer size. Indicates the transfer size used for each transaction while MR n[SAHE] is set. The byte count register must be in multiples of the size and the source address register must be aligned based on the size. The transfer size assigned to MR n[SAHTS] must be equal to or smaller than that assigned to MRn[BWC] to avoid undefined behavior. 00 1 byte 01 2 bytes 10 4 bytes 11 8 bytes 18 DAHE Destination address hold enable 0 Disable destination address hold 1 Enable the DMA controller to hold the destination address of a transfer to the size specified by MR n[DAHTS]. Hardware only supports aligned transfers for this feature. 19 SAHE Source address hold enable 0 Disable source address hold 1 Enable the DMA controller to hold the source address of a transfer to the size specified by MRn[SAHTS]. Hardware only supports aligned transfers for this feature. 20 -- 21 SRW Single register write (Direct mode only; reserved for chaining mode.) 0 Normal operation 1 Enable a write to the source address register to simultaneously set MR n[CS], starting a DMA transfer, when MRn[CDSM/SWSM] is also set. Setting this bit and clearing CDSM/SWSM causes a write to the destination address register to simultaneously set MR n[CS], starting a DMA transfer. 22 EOSIE End-of-segments interrupt enable 0 Do not generate an interrupt at the completion of a data transfer. CLNDARn[EOSIE] overrides this bit on a link descriptor basis. 1 Generate an interrupt at the completion of a data transfer (That is, SR n[EOSI] is set). This bit overrides the CLNDARn[EOSIE]. Reserved 23 EOLNIE End-of-links interrupt enable 0 Do not generate an interrupt at the completion of a list of DMA transfers. 1 Generate an interrupt at the completion of a list of DMA transfers (That is, NLNDARn[EOLND] is set). 24 EOLSIE End-of-lists interrupt enable 0 Do not generate an interrupt at the completion of all DMA transfers. 1 Generate an interrupt at the completion of all DMA transfers (That is, NLNDAR n[EOLND] and NLSDAR n[EOLSD] are set). 25 EIE Error interrupt enable 0 Do not generate an interrupt if a programming or transfer error is detected. 1 Generate an interrupt if a programming or transfer error is detected. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-11 DMA Controller Table 15-5. MRn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 26 XFE 27 CDSM/ SWSM * In chaining mode: current descriptor start mode/single-write start mode * In basic mode (MRn[XFE] is cleared), setting this bit causes a write to the current link descriptor address register to simultaneously set MR n[CS], starting a DMA transfer. * In extended chaining mode (MR n[XFE] is set), setting this bit causes a write to the current list descriptor address register to simultaneously set MRn[CS], starting a DMA transfer. * In direct mode: Setting this bit and MRn[SRW] causes a write to the source address register to simultaneously set MRn[CS], starting a DMA transfer. Clearing this bit and setting MRn[SRW] causes a write to the destination address register to simultaneously set MRn[CS], starting a DMA transfer. This bit must be cleared when MRn[SRW] is cleared. 28 CA Channel abort 0 No effect 1 Cause the current transfer to be aborted and SRn[CB] to be cleared if the channel is busy. The channel remains in the idle state until a new transfer is programmed. 29 CTM 30 CC Channel continue. This bit applies only to chaining mode and is cleared by hardware after the first descriptor read when continuing a transfer. This bit is reserved for external master mode. 0 No effect 1 The DMA transfer restarts the transferring process starting at the current descriptor address. 31 CS Channel start. This bit is also automatically set by hardware during single-write start mode and external master start enable mode. 0 Halt the DMA process if channel is busy (SRn[CB] is set). No effect if the channel is not busy. 1 Start the DMA process if channel is not busy (CB is cleared). If the channel was halted (CS = 0 and CB = 1), the transfer continues from the point at which it was halted. Description Extended features enable 0 Disable the new chaining features. 1 Enable the new chaining features. Channel transfer mode 0 Configure the channel in chaining mode. 1 Configure the channel into direct mode. This means that software is responsible for placing all the required parameters into necessary registers to start the DMA process. Status Registers (SRn) The status registers, shown in Figure 15-5, report various DMA conditions during and after a DMA transfer. Access: Mixed Offset 0x104 0x184 0x204 0x284 0 R W Reset 23 24 TE -- w1c 25 -- 26 27 CH PE w1c 28 29 30 31 EOLNI CB EOSI EOLSI w1c w1c w1c All zeros Figure 15-5. Status Registers (SR n) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-12 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-6 describes the bits of the SRn. Table 15-6. SRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- Reserved 24 TE Transfer error (Bit reset, write 1 to clear) 0 No error condition during the DMA transfer 1 Error condition during the DMA transfer. See Section 15.4.3, "DMA Errors," for additional information. 25 -- Reserved 26 CH Channel halted. Cleared automatically by hardware if MRn[CS] is set again for resuming a halted transfer 0 Channel is not halted. If software attempts to halt an idle channel (SRn[CB] is cleared), this bit will remain 0. 1 DMA transfer was successfully halted by software and can be resumed. 27 PE Programming error (bit reset, write 1 to clear) 0 No programming error detected 1 A programming error is detected that prevents the DMA transfer from occurring. 28 Description EOLNI End-of-links interrupt. After transferring the last block of data in the last link descriptor, if MRn[EOLSIE] is set, then this bit is set and an interrupt is generated. (Bit reset, write 1 to clear) 29 CB 30 EOSI 31 EOLSI End-of-list interrupt. After transferring the last block of data in the last list descriptor, if MRn[EOLSIE] is set, then this bit is set and an interrupt is generated. (Bit reset, write 1 to clear) Channel busy 0 DMA transfer is finished, an error occurred, or a channel abort occurred. 1 A DMA transfer is currently in progress. End-of-segment interrupt. In chaining mode, after finishing a data transfer, if MR n[EOSIE] is set or if CLNDARn[EOSIE] is set, this bit gets set and an interrupt is generated. In direct mode, if MRn[EOSIE] is set, this bit gets set and an interrupt is generated. (Bit reset, write 1 to clear) Current Link Descriptor Address Registers (CLNDARn and ECLNDARn) Current link descriptor address registers contain the address of the current link descriptor. In basic chaining mode, shown in Figure 15-6, software must initialize these registers to point to the first link descriptors in memory. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-13 DMA Controller Software initializes CLNDAR n with 1st link descriptor 1st link descriptor is processed Current link descriptor <- Next link descriptor Is NLNDARn[EOLND] set? Y N Last link descriptor has been processed Is Extended Chaining enabled? Y N Y Is NLSDARn[EOLSD] set? N Done -- DMA halts CLSDARn <- NLSDARn Figure 15-6. Basic Chaining Mode Flow Chart After the current descriptor is processed, the current link descriptor address register is loaded from the next link descriptor address registers and NLNDARn[EOLND] in the next link descriptor address register is examined. If EOLND is zero, the DMA controller reads in the new current link descriptor for processing. If EOLND is set, the last descriptor of the list was just completed. If extended chaining mode is not enabled, all DMA transfers are complete and the DMA controller halts. If extended chaining mode is enabled, the DMA controller examines the state of NLSDARn[EOLSD] in the next list descriptor address register. If EOLSD is clear, the controller loads the contents of the next list descriptor address register into the current list descriptor address register and reads the new list descriptor from memory. If EOLSD is set, all DMA transfers are complete and the DMA controller halts. Figure 15-7 shows ECLNDARn. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x108 0x188 0x208 0x288 0 R W Reset 27 28 -- 31 ECLNDA All zeros Figure 15-7. Extended Current Link Descriptor Address Registers (ECLNDARn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-14 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-7. ECLNDARn Field Descriptions Bit Name 0-27 -- 28-31 Description Reserved ECLNDA Current link descriptor extended address (upper 4 bits of 36-bit address) Figure 15-8 shows CLNDARn. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x10C 0x18C 0x20C 0x28C 0 26 R CLNDA W Reset 27 28 -- EOSIE 29 31 -- All zeros Figure 15-8. Current Link Descriptor Address Registers (CLNDAR n) Table 15-8 describes the fields of the CLNDARn. Table 15-8. CLNDAR n Field Descriptions Bits 0-26 Name CLNDA Current link descriptor address. Contains the current descriptor address of the buffer descriptor in memory. The descriptor must be aligned to a 32-byte boundary. (This is the lower portion of the 36-bit address formed by CLNDARn[CLNDA] and ECLNDARn[ECLNDA].) 27 28 Description -- Reserved EOSIE End-of-segment interrupt enable 0 Do not generate an interrupt upon completion of the current DMA transfer for the current link descriptor. 1 Generate an interrupt upon completion of the current DMA transfer for the current link descriptor. 29-31 -- Reserved Source Attributes Registers (SATRn) The source attributes registers, shown in Figure 15-9, contain the transaction attributes to be used for the DMA operation. Stride mode is enabled by setting SATRn[SSME]. Source read transaction type is specified using SATRn[SREADTTYPE]. ATMU bypass mode is enabled by setting SATRn[SBPATMU] and is only applicable for accesses to RapidIO. If SATRn[SBPATMU] is set, SATRn[STRANSINT] must be set to RapidIO and attributes that would otherwise come from the ATMU must be specified in this register. If SATRn[SBPATMU] is cleared, attributes are derived from local access windows and outbound ATMU registers according to the transaction address. Note that ATMU bypass mode is not supported in RapidIO large transport system size. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-15 DMA Controller Access: Read/Write Offset 0x110 0x190 0x210 0x290 R W 0 1 2 3 -- SBPATM U -- 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 15 16 STFLOWLV SPCIORDER SSME STRANSINT SREADTTYPE L Reset 21 22 -- 31 ESAD All zeros Figure 15-9. Source Attributes Registers (SATRn) Table 15-9 describes the fields of the SATRn. Table 15-9. SATRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-1 -- 2 SBPATMU 3 -- 4-5 STFLOWLVL RapidIO transaction flow level 00 Lowest priority transaction flow 01 Next highest priority transaction flow 10 Highest priority level transaction flow 11 Reserved Applicable only to RapidIO interface, while SATRn[SBPATMU] is set. 6 SPCIORDER Follow PCI transaction ordering rules (elevate write priority one level over reads). Applicable only while SATRn[SBPATMU] is set. 7 SSME 8-11 STRANSINT Reserved Bypass ATMU for this DMA operation 0 Route the operation through the ATMU outbound windows. SATRn[SREADTTYPE] should specify a local address space transaction type. 1 Bypass ATMU. Never generate an address match. Always use the attributes in the source attribute registers. Route the transaction to the interface specified in SATRn[STRANSINT]. Applicable only to RapidIO interface. Reserved Source stride mode enable 0 Stride mode disabled 1 Stride mode enabled Ignored in basic mode (MR n[XFE] is cleared). Striding on the source address can be accomplished by enabling SATRn[SSME] and setting the desired stride size and distance in the SSRn. DMA source transaction interface 0000-1011 Reserved 1100 RapidIO interface 1101-1111 Reserved Applicable only to RapidIO interface, while SATRn[SBPATMU] is set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-16 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-9. SATRn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 12-15 Description SREADTTYPE DMA source transaction type. Reserved values will result in a programming error being detected and logged in SR[PE]. Transaction type to run on RapidIO interface in ATMU bypass mode 0000-0001 Reserved 0010 I/O read home 0011 Reserved 0100 nread 0101-0110 Reserved 0111 maintenance read 1000-1111 Reserved Transaction type to run on local address space - used even in non-ATMU bypass mode 0000-0001 Reserved 0011 Reserved 0100 Read, don't snoop local processor 0101 Read, snoop local processor 0111 Read, unlock L2 cache line 1000-1111 Reserved 16-21 -- Reserved 22-31 ESAD Extended source address. ESAD[6-9] represents the four high-order bits of the 36-bit source address. When used for RapidIO interface, ESAD[0-7] represents the target ID and ESAD[8-9] represent the two high-order bits of the local device offset over the RapidIO interface. Source Address Registers (SARn) The source address registers, shown in Figure 15-10, contain the address from which the DMA controller reads data. In direct mode, if MRn[CDSM/SWSM] and MRn[SRW] are set, a write to this register simultaneously sets MRn[CS], starting a DMA transfer. Software must ensure that this is a valid address. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x114 0x194 0x214 0x294 0 31 R SAD W Reset All zeros Figure 15-10. Source Address Registers (SAR n) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-17 DMA Controller Table 15-10 describes the field of the SARn. Table 15-10. SARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 SAD Source address. This register contains the low-order bits of the 36-bit source address of the DMA transfer. The contents are updated after every DMA write operation unless the final stride of a striding operation is less than the stride size, in which case it remains equal to the address from which the last stride began. Source Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Reads (SARn) If RapidIO is the source of a transaction, the SARn registers are redefined as shown below. Several options exist for the packet type that can be specified. A maintenance read is one of many possible reads. Maintenance packets have an offset instead of an address. Figure 15-11 describes the SARn. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x114 0x194 0x214 0x294 0 R W 7 8 29 30 31 HOP_COUNT CONFIG_OFFSET Reset -- All zeros Figure 15-11. Source Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Reads (SARn) Table 15-11 describes the fields of the SARn. Table 15-11. SARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 HOP_COUNT Description Maintenance packet hop_count as defined by the RapidIO Interconnect Specification 1.2 8-29 CONFIG_OFFSET Maintenance packet word offset as defined by the RapidIO Interconnect Specification 1.2 30-31 -- Reserved Destination Attributes Registers (DATRn) The destination attributes registers, shown in Figure 15-12, contain the transaction attributes for the DMA operation. Stride mode is enabled by setting DATRn[DSME]. Destination write transaction type is specified using the DATRn[DWRITETTYPE] field. ATMU bypass mode, which is applicable only for accesses to RapidIO, is enabled by setting DATRn[DBPATMU]. If DATRn[DBPATMU] is set, DATRn[DTRANSINT] must be set to RapidIO and attributes that would otherwise come from the ATMU must be specified in this register. Note that ATMU bypass mode is not supported in RapidIO large transport system size. If DATRn[DBPATMU] is cleared, the target interface is derived from the local access ATMU mapping and the transaction is obtained from the value specified in DATRn[DWRITETTYPE] using the local address space category. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-18 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Access: Read/Write Offset 0x118 0x198 0x218 0x298 0 1 R W 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 15 16 -- DPBATMU -- DTFLOWLVL DPCIORDER DSME DTRANSINT DWRITETTYPE Reset 21 22 -- 31 EDAD All zeros Figure 15-12. Destination Attributes Registers (DATRn) Table 15-12 describes the fields of the DATRn. Table 15-12. DATRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 -- 2 DBPATMU 3 -- 4-5 DTFLOWLVL 6 Description Reserved Bypass ATMU for this DMA operation 0 Route the operation through the ATMU outbound windows. DATRn[DWRITETTYPE] should specify a local address space transaction type. 1 Bypass ATMU. Never generate an address match. Always use the attributes in the destination attribute registers. Route the transaction to the interface specified in the DATRn[DTRANSINT] field. Applicable only to RapidIO interface. Reserved RapidIO transaction flow level 00 Lowest priority transaction flow 01 Next highest priority transaction flow 10 Highest priority transaction flow 11 Reserved Applicable only to RapidIO interface, while DATR n[DBPATMU] is set. DPCI_ORDER PCI ordering rules enable. Applicable only while DATR n[DBPATMU] is set. 0 Retain original transaction ordering 1 Follow PCI transaction ordering rules on RapidIO (elevate write priority one level over reads). 7 DSME 8-11 DTRANSINT Destination stride mode enable 0 Stride mode disabled 1 Stride mode enabled Ignored in basic mode (MRn[XFE] is cleared). Striding on the destination address can be accomplished by setting DSME and setting the desired stride size and distance in DSRn. DMA destination transaction interface. Applicable only while DATRn[DBPATMU] is set. 0000-1011 Reserved 1100 RapidIO interface 1101-1111 Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-19 DMA Controller Table 15-12. DATRn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 12-15 Description DWRITETTYPE DMA destination transaction type. Reserved values will result in a programming error being detected and logged in SR[PE]. Transaction type to run on RapidIO interface in ATMU bypass mode 0000 Reserved 0001 Flush 0010 Reserved 0011 SWRITE for all but last, NWRITE_R for last transaction 0100 NWRITE for all but last, NWRITE_R for last transaction 0101 NWRITE_R 0110 Message of size 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 bytes. (Other message sizes produce boundedly undefined behavior.) 0111 MAINTENANCE write 1000-1111 Reserved Transaction type to run on local address space--Used even in non-ATMU bypass mode 0000-0011 Reserved 0100 Write, don't snoop local processor 0101 Write, snoop local processor 0110 Write, allocate L2 cache line 0111 Write, allocate and lock L2 cache line 1000-1111 Reserved 16-21 -- Reserved 22-31 EDAD Extended destination address. EDAD[6-9] represents the four high-order bits of the 36-bit destination address. When used for RapidIO interface, EDAD[0-7] represents the target ID and EDAD[8-9] is defined as follows, subject to the transaction type: Message: EDAD[8-9] represents the value for the mbox field in the message packet. Other: EDAD[8-9] represents the two high-order bits of the local device offset. Destination Address Registers (DARn) The destination address registers, shown in Figure 15-13, contain the addresses to which the DMA controller writes data. In direct mode, if MRn[SRW] is set and MRn[CDSM/SWSM] is cleared, a write to this register simultaneously sets MRn[CS], starting a DMA transfer. Software must ensure that this is a valid address. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x11C 0x19C 0x21C 0x29C 0 R W Reset 31 DAD All zeros Figure 15-13. Destination Address Registers (DARn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-20 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-13 describes the field of the DARn. Table 15-13. DARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 DAD Destination address. This register contains the low-order bits of the 36-bit destination address of the DMA transfer. The contents are updated after every DMA write operation unless the final stride of a striding operation is less than the stride size, in which case it remains equal to the address from which the last stride began. Destination Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Writes (DARn) If RapidIO is the destination of a transaction, the DARn registers are redefined as shown below. Several options exist for the transaction type that can be specified. There are a number of noncoherent write and flush types for address-based write transactions, and message types for port-based write transactions. Maintenance packets have an offset instead of an address. Figure 15-14 shows the DARn. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x11C 0x19C 0x21C 0x29C 0 R W 7 8 29 30 31 HOP_COUNT CONFIG_OFFSET Reset -- All zeros Figure 15-14. Destination Address Registers for RapidIO Maintenance Writes (DARn) Table 15-14 describes the fields of the DARn. Table 15-14. DARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 HOP_COUNT Maintenance packet hop count as defined by the RapidIO Interconnect Specification 1.2 8-29 30-31 CONFIG_OFFSET Maintenance packet word offset as defined by the RapidIO Interconnect Specification 1.2 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-21 DMA Controller Byte Count Registers (BCRn) The byte count register, shown in Figure 15-15, contains the number of bytes to transfer. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x120 0x1A0 0x220 0x2A0 0 5 R 6 31 -- W BC Reset All zeros Figure 15-15. Byte Count Registers (BCRn) Table 15-15 describes the fields of the BCRn. Table 15-15. BCRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-5 -- Reserved 6-31 BC Byte count. Contains the number of bytes to transfer. The value in this register is decremented after each DMA read operation. The maximum transfer size is (226) - 1 bytes. Next Link Descriptor Address Registers (NLNDARn and ENLNDARn) The next link descriptor address registers, shown in Figure 15-16 and Figure 15-17, contain the address for the next link descriptor in memory. Contents transferred to the current descriptor address registers become effective for the current transfer in basic and extended chaining modes. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x128 0x1A8 0x228 0x2A8 0 26 R NLNDA W Reset 27 28 -- NDEOSIE 29 30 -- 31 EOLND All zeros Figure 15-16. Next Link Descriptor Address Registers (NLNDARn) Table 15-16 describes the fields of the NLNDARn registers. Table 15-16. NLNDARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-26 NLNDA Next link descriptor address. Contains the next link descriptor address in memory. The descriptor must be aligned to a 32-byte boundary. 27 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-22 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-16. NLNDARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 28 Description NDEOSIE Next descriptor end-of-segment interrupt enable 0 Do not generate an interrupt if the current DMA transfer for the current descriptor is finished. 1 Generate an interrupt if the current DMA transfer for the current descriptor is finished. 29-30 -- Reserved 31 EOLND End-of-links descriptor. This bit is ignored in direct mode. 0 This descriptor is not the last link descriptor in memory for this list. 1 This descriptor is the last link descriptor in memory for this list. If this bit is set, the DMA controller advances to the next list descriptor in memory if NLSDAR n[EOLSD] is also set in extended mode. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x124 0x1A4 0x224 0x2A4 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 ENLNDA All zeros Figure 15-17. Extended Next Link Descriptor Address Registers (ENLNDARn) Table 15-17 describes the fields of the ENLNDARn registers. Table 15-17. ENLNDARn Field Descriptions Bit Name 0-27 -- 28-31 ENLNDA Description Reserved Next link descriptor extended address bits (upper 4 bits of 36-bit address) Current List Descriptor Address Registers (CLSDARn and ECLSDARn) The current list descriptor address registers, shown in Figure 15-19 and Table 15-19, contain the current address of the list descriptor in memory in extended chaining mode. In extended chaining mode, software must initialize CLSDARn and ECLSDARn to point to the first list descriptor in memory. After finishing the last link descriptor in the current list, the DMA controller loads the contents of the next list descriptor address register into the current list descriptor address register. If NLSDARn[EOLSD] in the next list descriptor address register is clear, the DMA controller reads the new current list descriptor from memory to process that list. If EOLSD in the next list descriptor address register is set and the last link in the current list is finished all DMA transfers are complete. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-23 DMA Controller Access: Read/Write Offset 0x130 0x1B0 0x230 0x2B0 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 ECLSDA All zeros Figure 15-18. Extended Current List Descriptor Address Registers (ECLSDARn) Table 15-18. ECLSDARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 ECLSDA Description Reserved Current list descriptor extended address bits (upper 4 bits of 36-bit address) Access: Read/Write Offset 0x134 0x1B4 0x234 0x2B4 0 26 R 27 CLSDA W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 15-19. Current List Descriptor Address Registers (CLSDARn) Table 15-19 describes the fields of the CLSDARn. Table 15-19. CLSDARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-26 CLSDA 27-31 -- Description Current list descriptor address. Contains the low-order bits of the 36-bit current list descriptor address of the buffer descriptor in memory in extended chaining mode. The descriptor must be aligned to a 32-byte boundary. Reserved Next List Descriptor Address Registers (NLSDARn and ENLSDARn) The next list descriptor address registers, shown in Figure 15-20 and Figure 15-21, contain the address for the next list descriptor in memory. If the contents are transferred to the current list descriptor address register they become effective for the current transfer in extended chaining mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-24 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Access: Read/Write Offset 0x138 0x1B8 0x238 0x2B8 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 ENLSDA All zeros Figure 15-20. Extended Next List Descriptor Address Registers (ENLSDARn) Table 15-20. ENLSDARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 ENLSDA Description Reserved Next list descriptor extended address bits (upper 4 bits of 36-bit address) Table 15-21 describes the fields of the NLSDARn. Access: Mixed Offset 0x13C 0x1BC 0x23C 0x2BC 0 26 R 27 NLSDA W Reset 30 -- 31 EOLSD All zeros Figure 15-21. Next List Descriptor Address Registers (NLSDARn) Table 15-21. NLSDARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-26 NLSDA Next list descriptor address. Contains the low-order bits of the 36-bit next descriptor address of the buffer descriptor in memory. The descriptor must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 27-30 31 -- Description Reserved EOLSD End-of-lists descriptor. This bit is ignored in direct mode. 0 This list descriptor is not the last list descriptor in memory. 1 This list descriptor is the last list descriptor in memory. If this bit is set, then the DMA controller halts after the last link descriptor transaction is finished. Source Stride Registers (SSRn) The source stride register, shown in Figure 15-22, contains the stride size and distance. Note that the source stride information is loaded when a new list descriptor is read from memory. Therefore, the source stride register is applicable for all link descriptors in the new list. Changing the source stride information for a link requires that a new list be generated. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-25 DMA Controller Access: Read/Write Offset 0x140 0x1C0 0x240 0x2C0 0 7 R 8 19 20 -- W SSS Reset 31 SSD All zeros Figure 15-22. Source Stride Registers (SSRn) Table 15-22 describes the fields of the SSRn. Table 15-22. SSRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-19 SSS Source stride size. Number of bytes to transfer before jumping to the next address as specified in the source stride distance field. 20-31 SSD Source stride distance. The source stride distance in bytes from start byte to start byte. Description Reserved Destination Stride Registers (DSRn) The destination stride register contains the stride size, and distance. Note that the destination stride information is loaded when a new list descriptor is read from memory. Therefore, the destination stride register is applicable for all link descriptors in the new list. Changing the destination stride information for a link requires that a new list be generated. Figure 15-23 describes the DSRn. Access: Read/Write Offset 0x144 0x1C4 0x244 0x2C4 0 7 R 8 19 20 -- W DSS Reset 31 DSD All zeros Figure 15-23. Destination Stride Registers (DSRn) Table 15-23 describes the fields of the DSRn. Table 15-23. DSRn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 -- 8-19 DSS Destination stride size. Number of bytes to transfer before jumping to the next address as specified in the destination stride distance field. 20-31 DSD Destination stride distance. The destination stride distance in bytes from start byte to start byte. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-26 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller DMA General Status Register (DGSR) The DMA general status register combines all of the status bits from each channel into one register. This register is read-only. Figure 15-24 describes the DGSR. Offset 0x300 0 R TE0 W Access: Read Only 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CH0 PE0 EOLNI0 CB0 EOSI0 EOLSI0 TE1 Reset 9 -- 10 11 12 13 14 15 CH1 PE1 EOLNI1 CB1 EOSI1 EOLSI1 All zeros 16 R TE2 W 17 -- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CH2 PE2 EOLNI2 CB2 EOSI2 EOLSI2 TE3 Reset 25 -- 26 27 28 29 30 31 CH3 PE3 EOLNI3 CB3 EOSI3 EOLSI3 All zeros Figure 15-24. DMA General Status Register (DGSR) Table 15-24 describes the fields of the DGSR. Table 15-24. DGSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 TE0 1 -- 2 CH0 Channel halted, channel 0 3 PE0 Programming error, channel 0 4 EOLNI0 5 CB0 6 EOSI0 End-of-segment interrupt, channel 0 7 EOLSI0 End-of-lists/direct interrupt, channel 0 8 TE1 9 -- 10 CH1 Channel halted, channel 1 11 PE1 Programming error, channel 1 12 EOLNI1 13 CB1 14 EOSI1 End-of-segment interrupt, channel 1 15 EOLSI1 End-of-lists/direct interrupt, channel 1 Transfer error, channel 0 0 Normal operation 1 An error condition occurred during the DMA transfer. Reserved End-of-links interrupt, channel 0 Channel busy, channel 0 Transfer error, channel 1 0 Normal operation 1 An error condition occurred during the DMA transfer. Reserved End-of-links interrupt, channel 1 Channel busy, channel 1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-27 DMA Controller Table 15-24. DGSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 16 TE2 17 -- 18 CH2 Channel halted, channel 2 19 PE2 Programming error, channel 2 20 EOLNI2 21 CB2 22 EOSI2 End-of-segment interrupt, channel 2 23 EOLSI2 End-of-lists/direct interrupt, channel 2 24 TE3 25 -- 26 CH3 Channel halted, channel 3 27 PE3 Programming error, channel 3 28 EOLNI3 29 CB3 30 EOSI3 End-of-segment interrupt, channel 3 31 EOLSI3 End-of-lists/direct interrupt, channel 3 15.4 Description Transfer error, channel 2 0 Normal operation 1 An error condition occurred during the DMA transfer. Reserved End-of-links interrupt, channel 2 Channel busy, channel 2 Transfer error, channel 3 0 Normal operation 1 An error condition occurred during the DMA transfer. Reserved End-of-links interrupt, channel 3 Channel busy, channel 3 Functional Description This section describes the function of the DMA controller. 15.4.1 DMA Channel Operation All DMA channels support two different modes of operation: a basic mode (MRn[XFE] is cleared) and an extended mode (MRn[XFE] is set). In both modes, a channel can be activated by clearing and setting MRn[CS], or through the single-write start mode using MRn[CDSM/SWSM] and MRn[SRW], or through an external control mode using MRn[ECS_EN]. In basic mode, the channel can be programmed in basic direct mode or basic chaining mode. In extended mode, the channel can be programmed in extended direct mode or extended chaining mode. Extended mode provides more capabilities, such as extended descriptor chaining, striding capabilities, and a more flexible descriptor structure. The DMA controller supports misaligned transfers for both the source and destination addresses. In order to maximize performance, the source and destination engines align the source and destination addresses to a 64-byte boundary. The DMA always reads/writes the maximum number of bytes for a given transfer as MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-28 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller described by the capability inputs of the DMA controller except for globally coherent transactions that use the size of the cache coherence granule as described by the mode select input. Using 256 bytes over the RapidIO interface reduces packet overhead which translates to increased bandwidth utilization through the interface. The DMA controller supports bandwidth control, which prevents a channel from consuming all the data bandwidth in the controller. Each channel is allowed to consume the bandwidth of the shared resources as specified by the bandwidth control value. After the channel uses its allotted bandwidth, the arbiter grants the next channel access to the shared resources. The arbitration is round robin between the channels. This feature is also used to implement the external control pause feature. If the external control start and pause are enabled in the MRn, the channel enters a paused state after transferring the data described in the bandwidth control. External control can restart the channel from a paused state. The DMA controller is designed to support RapidIO transaction types, including various priority level support. The DMA controller offers additional features from previous generations in which the reads can be mapped to globally coherent (IO_READ), non-coherent (NREAD), or maintenance reads. In addition, the writes can be mapped to coherent (flush with data) and non-coherent (NWRITE, NWRITE_R) writes, messages, and maintenance writes. The DMA programming model permits software to program each DMA engine independently to interrupt on completed segment, chain, or error. It also provides the capability for software to resume the DMA engine from a hardware halted condition by setting the channel continue bit, MRn[CC]. See Table 15-25 for more complete descriptions of the channel states and state transitions. Basic DMA Mode Transfer This mode is primarily included for backward compatibility with existing DMA controllers which use a simple programming model. This is the default mode out of reset. The different modes of operation under the basic mode are explained in the following sections. Basic Direct Mode In basic direct mode, the DMA controller does not read descriptors from memory, but instead uses the current parameters programmed in the DMA registers to start the DMA transfer. Software is responsible for initializing SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATRn, and BCRn registers. The DMA transfer is started when MRn[CS] is set. Software is expected to program all the appropriate registers before setting MRn[CS] to a 1. The transfer is finished after all the bytes specified in the byte count register have been transferred or if an error condition occurs. The sequence of events to start and complete a transfer in basic direct mode is as follows: 1. Poll the channel state (see Table 15-25), to confirm that the specific DMA channel is idle. 2. Initialize SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATRn and BCRn. 3. Set the mode register channel transfer mode bit, MRn[CTM], to indicate direct mode. Other control parameters may also be initialized in the mode register. 4. Clear then set the mode register channel start bit, MRn[CS], to start the DMA transfer. 5. SRn[CB] is set by the DMA controller to indicate the DMA transfer is in progress. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-29 DMA Controller 6. SRn[CB] is automatically cleared by the DMA controller after the transfer is finished, or if the transfer is aborted (MRn[CA] transitions from a 0 to 1), or if a transfer error occurs. 7. End of segment interrupt is generated if MRn[EOSIE] is set. Basic Direct Single-Write Start Mode In basic direct single-write start mode, the DMA controller does not read descriptors from memory, but instead uses the current parameters programmed in the DMA registers to start the DMA transfer. Software is responsible for initializing the SATRn, DATRn, and BCRn registers. Setting MRn[SRW] configures the DMA controller to begin the DMA transfer either when SARn is written or when DARn is written, determined by the state of MRn[CDSM/SWSM]. Writing to SARn initiates the DMA transfer if MRn[CDSM/SWSM] is set. Writing to DARn initiates the DMA transfer if MRn[CDSM/SWSM] is cleared. The DMA controller automatically sets the channel start bit, MRn[CS]. Software is expected to program all the appropriate registers before writing the source or destination address registers. The transfer is finished after all the bytes specified in the byte count register have been transferred or if an error condition occurs. The sequence of events to start and complete a transfer in single-write start basic direct mode is as follows: 1. Poll the channel state (see Table 15-25), to confirm that the specific DMA channel is idle. 2. Initialize the source attributes (SATRn), DATRn, and BCRn registers. 3. Set the mode register channel transfer mode bit, MRn[CTM], and the single-write start direct mode bit, MRn[SRW]. Other control parameters may also be initialized in the mode register. Set MRn[CDSM/SWSM] for transfers started using SARn. Clear MRn[CDSM/SWSM] for transfers started using the DARn. 4. A write to the source or destination address register starts the DMA transfer and automatically sets MRn[CS]. 5. SRn[CB] is set by the DMA controller to indicate the DMA transfer is in progress. 6. SRn[CB] is automatically cleared by the DMA controller after the transfer is finished, or if the transfer is aborted (MRn[CA] transitions from a 0 to 1), or if a transfer error occurs. 7. End of segment interrupt is generated if MRn[EOSIE] is set. Basic Chaining Mode In basic chaining mode, software must first build link descriptor segments in memory. Then the current link descriptor address register must be initialized to point to the first descriptor in memory. The DMA controller loads descriptors from memory prior to a DMA transfer. The DMA controller begins the transfer according to the link descriptor information loaded for the segment. After the current segment is finished, the DMA controller reads the next link descriptor from memory and begins another DMA transfer. The transfer is finished if the current link descriptor is the last one in memory or if an error condition occurs. The sequence of events to start and complete a transfer in chaining mode is as follows: 1. Build link descriptor segments in memory. 2. Poll the channel state (see Table 15-25), to confirm that the specific DMA channel is idle. 3. Initialize CLNDARn and ECLNDARn to point to the first link descriptor in memory. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-30 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller 4. Clear the mode register channel transfer mode bit, MRn[CTM], as well as MRn[XFE], to indicate basic chaining mode. Other control parameters may also be initialized in the mode register. 5. Clear, then set the mode register channel start bit, MRn[CS], to start the DMA transfer. 6. SRn[CB] is set by the DMA controller to indicate the DMA transfer is in progress. 7. SRn[CB] is automatically cleared by the DMA controller after finishing the transfer of the last descriptor segment, or if the transfer is aborted (MRn[CA] transitions from a 0 to 1), or if an error occurs during any of the transfers. Basic Chaining Single-Write Start Mode Basic chaining single-write start mode allows a chain to be started by writing the current link descriptor address register (CLNDARn). (Note that ECLNDARn must be written first so that the full 36-bit descriptor address is present when the chain starts.) Setting MRn[CDSM/SWSM] in the mode register causes MRn[CS] to be automatically set when the current link descriptor address register is written. The sequence of events to start and complete a chain using single-write start mode is as follows: 1. Set the mode register current descriptor start mode bit, MRn[CDSM/SWSM], and the extended features enable bit MRn[XFE]. Also, clear the channel transfer mode bit, MRn[CTM]. This initialization indicates basic chaining and single-write start mode. Also other control parameters may be initialized in the mode register. 2. Build link descriptor segments in memory. 3. Poll the channel state (see Table 15-25), to confirm that the specific DMA channel is idle. 4. Initialize CLNDARn and ECLNDARn to point to the first descriptor segment in memory. This write automatically causes the DMA controller to begin the link descriptor fetch and set MRn[CS]. 5. SRn[CB] is set by the DMA controller to indicate the DMA transfer is in progress. 6. SRn[CB] is automatically cleared by the DMA controller after finishing the transfer of the last descriptor segment, or if the transfer is aborted (MRn[CA] transitions from a 0 to 1), or if an error occurs during any of the transfers. Extended DMA Mode Transfer The extended DMA mode also operates in chaining and direct mode. It offers additional capability over the basic mode by supporting striding and a more flexible descriptor structure. This additional functionality also requires a new and more complex programming model. The extended DMA mode is activated by setting MRn[XFE]. Extended Direct Mode Extended direct mode has the same functionality as basic direct mode with the addition of stride capabilities. The bit settings are the same as in direct mode with the exception of the MRn[XFE] being set. Striding on the source address can be accomplished by setting SATRn[SSME] and setting the desired stride size and distance in SSRn. Striding on the destination address can be accomplished by setting DATRn[DSME] and setting the desired stride size and distance in DSRn. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-31 DMA Controller Extended Direct Single-Write Start Mode Extended direct single-write start mode has the same functionality as the basic direct single-write start mode with the addition of stride capabilities. The bit settings are also the same with the exception of MRn[XFE] being set. Striding on the source address can be accomplished by setting SATRn[SSME] and setting the desired stride size and distance in SSRn. Striding on the destination address can be accomplished by setting DATRn[DSME] and setting the desired stride size and distance in DSRn. Extended Chaining Mode In extended chaining mode, the software must first build list and link descriptor segments in memory. Then CLSDARn and ECLSDARn must be initialized to point to the first list descriptor in memory. The DMA controller loads list descriptors and link descriptors from memory prior to a DMA transfer. The DMA controller begins the transfer according to the link descriptor information loaded. Once the current link descriptor is finished, the DMA controller reads the next link descriptor from memory and begins another DMA transfer. If the current link descriptor is the last in the list, the DMA controller reads the next list descriptor in memory. The transfer is finished if the current link descriptor is the last one in the last list in memory or if an error condition occurs. The sequence of events to start and complete a transfer in extended chaining mode is as follows: 1. Build link and list descriptor segments in memory. 2. Poll the channel state (see Table 15-25), to confirm that the specific DMA channel is idle. 3. Initialize CLSDARn and ECLSDARn to point to the first list descriptor in memory. 4. Clear the mode register channel transfer mode bit, MRn[CTM], to indicate chaining mode. MRn[XFE] must be set to indicate extended DMA mode. Other control parameters may also be initialized in the mode register. 5. Clear, then set the mode register channel start bit, MRn[CS], to start the DMA transfer. 6. SRn[CB] is set by the DMA controller to indicate the DMA transfer is in progress. 7. SRn[CB] is automatically cleared by the DMA controller after finishing the transfer of the last descriptor segment, or if the transfer is aborted (MRn[CA] transitions from a 0 to 1), or if an error occurs during any of the transfers. Extended Chaining Single-Write Start Mode In the extended mode, the single-write start feature allows a chain to be started by writing the current list descriptor pointer. Setting MRn[CDSM/SWSM] causes MRn[CS] to be set automatically when CLSDARn is written. (Note that ECLSDARn must be written first so that the full 36-bit descriptor address is present when the chain starts.) The sequence of events to start and complete an extended chain using single-write start mode is as follows: 1. Set MRn[CDSM/SWSM], MRn[CTM], and MRn[XFE] to indicate extended chaining and single-write start mode. Also other control parameters may be initialized in the mode register. 2. Build list and link descriptor segments in local memory. 3. Poll the channel state (see Table 15-25), to confirm that the specific DMA channel is idle. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-32 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller 4. Initialize the current list descriptor address register to point to the first list descriptor segment in memory. This write automatically causes the DMA controller to begin the list descriptor fetch and set MRn[CS]. 5. SRn[CB] is set by the DMA controller to indicate the DMA transfer is in progress. 6. SRn[CB] is automatically cleared by the DMA controller after finishing the transfer of the last descriptor segment, or if the transfer is aborted (MRn[CA] transitions from a 0 to 1), or if an error occurs during any of the transfers. External Control Mode Transfer An external control can be used to control all DMA channels by setting MRn[EMS_EN]. The external control can control the DMA channel in the following transfer modes: * Basic direct * Basic chaining * Extended direct * Extended chaining Note that when operating the DMA in chaining mode the register byte count field, BCR[BC], must be initialized to zero before enabling the pause feature. In chaining modes, the channel does not pause for descriptor fetch transfer. The external control and the DMA controller use a well defined protocol to communicate. The external control can start or restart a paused DMA transfer. The DMA controller acknowledges a DMA transfer in progress and also indicates a transfer completion. The pause feature can be enabled by setting MRn[EMP_EN]. MRn[BWC] specifies how much data to allow a specific channel to transfer before entering a paused state by clearing MRn[CS]. Note, however, that write data for a paused transfer may not have reached the target interface when so indicated. The channel can be restarted from a paused state by the asserted edge of DREQ as driven by an external master. In chaining modes, the channel does not pause for descriptor fetch transfer. It only pauses during the actual data transfer. The following signals are defined for the external control interface: * DMA_DREQ - Asserting edge triggers a DMA transfer start or restart from a pause request. Sets MRn[CS]. * DMA_DACK - Indicates a DMA transfer currently in progress. SRn[CB] is set. * DMA_DDONE - Indicates the completion of the DMA controller's involvement in the transfer and the readiness to accept a new DMA command. SRn[CB] is clear. Note, however, that write data may still be queued at the target interface or in the process of transfer on an external interface. Detailed descriptions of the external control interface are in Table 15-3. The timing diagram of the external control interface is shown in Figure 15-25. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-33 DMA Controller CLOCK DREQ DACK DDONE EMP_EN Transfer Start Transfer Done Transfer Start Transfer Pause Transfer Restart Transfer In Progress Figure 15-25. External Control Interface Timing Channel Continue Mode for Cascading Transfer Chains The channel continue mode (enabled when MRn[CC] is set) offers software the flexibility of having the DMA controller get started on descriptors that have already been programmed while software continues to build more descriptors in memory. Software can set the end-of-links descriptor (EOLND) in basic mode, or end-of-lists descriptor (EOLSD) in extended mode, to cause the channel to go into a halted state while software continues to build other descriptors in memory. Software can then set CC to force hardware to continue where it left off. channel continue is only meaningful for chaining modes, not direct mode. If CC is set by software while the channel is busy with a transfer, the DMA controller finishes all transfers until it reaches the EOLND in basic mode or EOLSD in extended mode. The DMA controller then refetches the last link descriptor in basic mode, or the last list descriptor in extended mode and clears the channel continue bit. If EOLND or EOLSD is still set for their respective modes, the DMA controller remains in the idle state. If EOLND or EOLSD is not set, the DMA controller continues the transfer by refetching the new descriptor. If CC is set by software while the channel is not busy with a transfer, the DMA controller refetches the last link descriptor in basic mode, or the last list descriptor in extended mode and clears the channel continue bit. If EOLND or EOLSD is still set for their respective modes, the DMA controller remains in the idle state. If the EOLND or EOLSD bits are not set, the DMA controller continues the transfer by refetching the new descriptor. Basic Mode On a channel continue, the descriptor at the current link descriptor address registers (CLNDARn and ECLNDARn) is refetched to get the next link descriptor address field as updated by software. The channel halts if NLNDARn[EOLND] is still set. If EOLND is zero, the next link descriptor address is copied into CLNDARn and ECLNDARn and the channel continues with another descriptor fetch of the current link descriptor address. As a result, two link descriptor fetches always exist after channel continue before starting the first transfer. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-34 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Extended Mode On a channel continue, the descriptor at the current list descriptor (CLSDARn and ECLSDARn) address register is refetched to get the next list descriptor address field as updated by software. The channel halts if NLSDARn[EOLSD] is still set. If not, the next list descriptor address is copied into the CLSDARn and ECLSDARn registers and the channel continues with another descriptor fetch of the current list descriptor address. As a result, two list descriptor fetches always exist after channel continue before the first link descriptor fetch and the first transfer. Channel Abort Software can abort a previously initiated transfer by setting MRn[CA]. Once the DMA channel controller detects a zero-to-one transition of MRn[CA], it finishes the current sub-block transfer and halts all further activity. The controller then waits for all previously initiated transfers from the specified channel to drain and clears SRn[CB]. Successful completion of a software initiated abort request can be recognized by MRn[CA] being set and SRn[CB] being cleared. Obviously, if the controller was already halted because of an error condition (SRn[TE] is set), or the channel has completed all transfers, then SRn[CB] being cleared may not signify that the controller entered a halt state due to the abort request. Bandwidth Control MRn[BWC] specifies how much data to allow a specific channel to transfer before allowing the next channel to use the shared data transfer hardware. This promotes equitable bandwidth allocation between channels. However, if only one channel is busy, hardware overrides the specified bandwidth control size value. The DMA controller allows a channel to transfer up to 1 Kbyte at a time when no other channel is active. Channel State Table 15-25 defines the state of a channel based on the values of the channel start (MRn[CS]), channel busy (SRn[CB]), transfer error (SRn[TE]), and channel continue (MRn[CC]) bits. Table 15-25. Channel State Table MRn[CS] SRn[CB] SRn[TE] MRn[CC] Channel State 0 0 0 0 Idle state. This is the state of the bits out of reset. 0 0 0 1 Channel continue unexpected. Channel remains idle 0 0 1 0 Error occurred after software halted the channel. 0 0 1 1 Channel Continue unexpected. Channel remains in error halt state 0 1 0 0 Software halted channel. The channel was busy and software cleared MR n[CS]. 0 1 0 1 Channel remains in halt state. -- 1 1 -- The channel has encountered an error condition and it is trying to halt. 1 0 0 0 Ready to start a transfer, or transfer completed 1 0 0 1 Continue transfer (only meaningful in chaining mode, not direct mode). In direct mode, the channel continue has no effect. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-35 DMA Controller Table 15-25. Channel State Table (continued) MRn[CS] SRn[CB] SRn[TE] MRn[CC] Channel State 1 0 1 0 Error occurred during transfer 1 0 1 1 Channel remains in error halt state 1 1 0 0 Transfer in progress 1 1 0 1 Continue after reaching the end of list/link, or the first descriptor fetch after channel continue Illustration of Stride Size and Stride Distance If operating in stride mode, the stride size defines the amount of data to transfer before jumping to the next quantity of data as specified by the stride distance. The stride distance is added to the current base address to point to the next quantity of data to be transferred. Figure 15-26 illustrates the stride size and distance parameters. As shown, each time the stride distance is added to the base address, the resulting address becomes the new base address. This sequence repeats until the amount of data transferred equals the transfer size. Stride Distance Stride Size Base Address New Base Address New Base Address Figure 15-26. Stride Size and Stride Distance 15.4.2 DMA Transfer Interfaces The DMA can be used to achieve data transfers across the entire memory map. 15.4.3 DMA Errors On a transfer error (uncorrectable ECC errors on memory accesses, parity errors on local bus or PCI, address mapping errors, for example), the DMA halts by setting SRn[TE] and generates an interrupt if MRn[EIE] is set. On a programming error, the DMA sets SRn[PE] and generates an interrupt if MRn[EIE] is set. The DMA controller detects the following programming errors: * Transfer started with a byte count of zero * Stride transfer started with a stride size of zero * Transfer started with a priority of three * Illegal type, defined by SATRn[SREADTTYPE] and DATRn[DWRITETTYPE], used for the transfer. * Invalid interface--Defined by SATRn[STRANSINT] and DATRn[DTRANSINT]. Used for the transfer when in ATMU bypass mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-36 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller 15.4.4 DMA Descriptors The DMA engine recognizes list descriptors and link descriptors. List descriptors connect lists of link descriptors. Link descriptors describe the DMA activity that is to take place. DMA descriptors are built in either local or remote memory and are connected by the next descriptor fields. Only link descriptors contain information for the DMA controller to transfer data. Software must ensure that each descriptor is 32-byte aligned. The last link descriptor in the last list in memory sets the EOLND bit in the next link descriptor; the next list descriptor fields indicating that these are the last descriptors in memory. Software initializes the current list descriptor address register to point to the first list descriptor in memory. The DMA controller traverses through the descriptor lists until the last link descriptor is met. For each link descriptor in the chain, the DMA controller starts a new DMA transfer with the control parameters specified by that descriptor. Link and list descriptor fetches always snoop the local memory space. NOTE Software must ensure that each descriptor is aligned on a 32-byte boundary. The last link descriptor in the last list in memory sets NLNDARn[EOLND] in the next link descriptor and NLSDARn[EOLSD] in the next list descriptor fields indicating that these are the last descriptors in memory. Software initializes the current list descriptor address register to point to the first list descriptor in memory. The DMA controller traverses through the descriptor lists until the last link descriptor is met as shown in Figure 15-27. For each link descriptor in the chain, the DMA controller starts a new DMA transfer with the control parameters specified by that descriptor. Table 15-26 summarizes the DMA list descriptors. Table 15-26. List DMA Descriptor Summary Descriptor Field Description Next list descriptor extended address Points to the next list descriptor in memory. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the next list descriptor extended address registers. Next list descriptor address Points to the next list descriptor in memory. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the next list descriptor address registers. First link descriptor extended address Points to the first link descriptor in memory for this list. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the current link descriptor extended address registers. First link descriptor address Points to the first link descriptor in memory for this list. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the current link descriptor address registers. Source stride Contains the stride information used for the data source if striding is enabled for a link in the list Destination stride Contains the stride information used for the data destination if striding is enabled for a link in the list MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-37 DMA Controller Table 15-27 summarizes the DMA link descriptors. Table 15-27. Link DMA Descriptor Summary Descriptor Field Description Source attributes register Contains source transaction attributes Source address Contains the source address of the DMA transfer. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the Source address register. Destination attributes register Contains destination transaction attributes Destination address Contains the destination address of the DMA transfer. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the destination address register. Next link descriptor extended Points to the next link descriptor in memory. After the DMA controller reads the link descriptor address from memory, this field is loaded into the extended next link descriptor address registers Next link descriptor address Points to the next link descriptor in memory. After the DMA controller reads the link descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the next link descriptor address registers. Byte count Contains the number of bytes to transfer. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field is loaded into the byte count register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-38 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Figure 15-27 describes the DMA transaction flow. Descriptors In Memory Current list descriptor Address Register List Descriptor Link Descriptor Link Descriptor DMA Controller Flow (Extended Mode) Start MRn[CS] is set by software after programming descriptors in memory Fetch the first list descriptor using the CLSDAR n address Write NLSDAR n, CLNDARn Fetch the first link descriptor Write programming model registers Begin DMA transfer using SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATRn After transfer check if NLNDAR n[EOLND] is set Move NLNDARn to CLNDARn Fetch the current link descriptor . . . Link Descriptor (EOLND) List Descriptor Link Descriptor Link Descriptor . . Link Descriptor (EOLND) List Descriptor Link Descriptor Link Descriptor . . Link Descriptor (EOLND/EOLSD) Write programming model registers Begin DMA transfer using SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATRn After DMA transfer check if NLNDARn[EOLND] is set Check if NLSDAR n[EOLSD] is set Move NLSDARn to CLSDARn Fetch the current list descriptor Write NLSDAR n, CLNDARn Move NLNDARn to CLNDARn Fetch the first link descriptor Write programming model registers Begin DMA transfer using SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATRn After DMA transfer check if NLNDARn[EOLND] is set Move NLNDARn to CLNDARn Fetch the current link descriptor Write programming model registers Begin DMA transfer using SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATRn After DMA transfer check if NLNDARn[EOLND] is set Check if NLSDAR n[EOLSD] is set Move NLSDARn to CLSDARn Fetch the current list descriptor Write NLSDAR n, CLNDARn Fetch the first link descriptor Write programming model registers Begin DMA transfer using SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATRn After DMA transfer check if NLNDARn[EOLND] is set Move NLNDARn to CLNDARn Fetch the current link descriptor Write programming model registers Begin DMA transfer using SARn, SATRn, DARn, DATR n After DMA transfer check if NLNDARn[EOLND] is set Check if NLSDAR n[EOLSD] is set Clear SRn[CB] DMA Transfer Complete Finish Figure 15-27. DMA Transaction Flow with DMA Descriptors MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-39 DMA Controller Figure 15-28 describes the format of the list descriptors. Offset 0x00 0x04 Next List Descriptor Extended Address Next List Descriptor Address 0x08 First Link Descriptor Extended Address 0x0C First Link Descriptor Address 0x10 Source Stride 0x14 Destination Stride 0x18 Reserved 0x1C Reserved Figure 15-28. List Descriptor Format Figure 15-29 describes the format of the link descriptors. Offset 0x00 Source Attributes 0x04 Source Address 0x08 Destination Attributes 0x0C Destination Address 0x10 Next Link Descriptor Extended Address 0x14 Next Link Descriptor Address 0x18 Byte Count 0x1C Reserved Figure 15-29. Link Descriptor Format 15.4.5 Limitations and Restrictions This section addresses some of the limitations and restrictions of the DMA controller and is intended to help software maximize the DMA performance and avoid DMA programming errors. The limitations of the DMA controller are the following: * Due to the limited number of buffers that the DMA controller can use, stride sizes less than 64 bytes should be avoided. Maximum utilization is obtained from strides greater than or equal to 256 bytes. However, small stride sizes can be used for scatter-gather functions. * Coherent reads or writes are broken up into cache line accesses in the DMA. The DMA controller restrictions are as follows: * Setting the source or destination priority level (STFLOWLVL or DTFLOWLVL) to a value of three (0b11) is considered a programming error. * All interface capabilities from where descriptors are being fetched must support read sizes of 32 bytes or greater. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-40 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller * * * * * * * 15.5 If MRn[SAHE] is set, the source interface transfer size capability must be greater than or equal to MRn[SAHTS]. The source address must be aligned to a size specified by SAHTS. If MRn[DAHE] is set, the destination interface transfer size capability must be greater than or equal to MRn[DAHTS]. The destination address must be aligned to the size specified by DAHTS. Destination striding is not supported if MRn[DAHE] is set and source striding is not supported if MRn[SAHE] is set. If the DMA is programmed to send SWRITEs over RapidIO, the programmer must ensure that the destination address is double-word aligned and that the byte count is a double-word multiple. If the DMA is programmed to send messages over RapidIO, the programmer must ensure that the message length (BCRn[BC]) is 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 bytes. This can be achieved by setting the byte count register (BCR) to a power of 2 value equal to 8 or greater. Striding does not work if the destination transaction type is MESSAGE (DATR[DWRITETTYPE] = 0x0110) because messages have no memory addresses. As well, destination address hold should be disabled (MRn[DAHE] is cleared) unless the destination address hold transfer size indicates an 8-byte message (MRn[DAHTS] = 0x11). Software is responsible for disabling striding and DAHE, in this case, and for ensuring that the bandwidth control is large enough to support the desired message size. Failure to adhere to these restrictions results in boundedly undefined behavior. When DMA is used to issue maintenance reads and writes in bypass mode, the sum of the starting offset field in DAR and the byte count must not cause the offset to rollover. Failure to adhere to this restriction results in boundedly undefined behavior. DMA System Considerations Figure 15-30 shows the most important data paths within the device. Many of these paths are served by captive DMA controllers and virtually all can be served by the general purpose four-channel DMA controller. This section provides information about how to make most effective use of these DMA channels including the following topics: * DMA transaction initiators (masters) * DMA targets, that is, data sources and destinations * Transparency of the bus interfaces to DMA operations * What is useful as opposed to what is possible. For example, it is possible to address any internal register through the internal control bus, which means configuration and control registers can be DMA source or destination targets. However, the typical use of DMA functionality is to reduce host processor loading by moving large amounts of data with minimal CPU involvement. Using a general-purpose DMA controller to load small amounts of configuration data only makes sense in special circumstances (perhaps during system boot, for example). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-41 DMA DMA Controller Enhanced Three speed Ethernet 10/100/1G MAC ECM DMA MII RMII Enhanced Three speed Ethernet 10/100/1G MAC DMA GMII RGMII e500 Coherency Module Enhanced Three speed Ethernet 10/100/1G MAC L2-cache DMA TBI RTBI Enhanced Three speed Ethernet 10/100/1G MAC PCI bus PCI1/PCI-X controller PCI bus PCI2 controller Serial In/Out DUART e500 core OCeaN DDR2 SDRAM controller DDR SDRAM bus PCI Express controller PCI Express Serial RapidIO controller Serial RapidIO DMA Ext DMA pins (4 channel) controller PIC I/O voltages supported = 3.3V I 2C Register & control Local bus controller Boot sequencer Local bus I/O voltages supported = 3.3V Bus speeds: 66MHz/83MHz/ 100MHz/133MHz/166MHz Peripheral sizes 8/16/32-bit Figure 15-30. DMA Data Paths MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-42 Freescale Semiconductor DMA Controller Table 15-28 lists all of the DMA controllers (both captive and general-purpose) on the device and the most likely DMA targets on and off-chip. The bus controllers themselves cannot initiate DMA transfers; rather, they operate transparently with respect to both on- and off-chip DMA controllers.The codes in the table cells have the following meaning: * Y--Supported * NR--Possible, but not recommended. Inefficient use of system resources * NS--Possible, but not supported. Resulting system behavior is not defined Table 15-28. MPC8548E DMA Paths On-Chip Targets DMA Controllers On-chip Off-chip L2 Off-Chip Targets Configuration Local DDR Registers Bus PCI/ PCI-X DUART Ethernet Serial PCI FIFO Buffers RapidIO Express Ethernet Y NS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 Channel Y NR Y Y Y Y NS Y Y PCI Controller Y NS Y Y -- Y Y Y Y Serial RapidIO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y -- Y PCI Express Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y -- Note: On-chip target configuration registers include I2C data register. Note: On-chip Ethernet is captive resource. Not available to external masters. Note: On-chip 4-channel controller can serve external masters. 15.5.1 Unusual DMA Scenarios The following is a description of unusual DMA paths including explanations of why some functional blocks cannot serve as DMA targets. The following topics are addressed: * Transaction initiators (masters) * DMA targets, that is, data sources or destinations * Transparency of the bus controllers to DMA transactions * What is useful as opposed to what is possible. For example, any register can be addressed through an internal control bus, which means configuration and control registers can be DMA targets. DMA to e500 Core The L1 cache cannot be a direct DMA target because it cannot be directly addressed by software. However, DMA access into the L1 cache occurs indirectly if a block of memory that is cached in the L1 is specified as the DMA target. This effect is deterministic if the target memory block was locked into the L1 with cache locking instructions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15-43 DMA Controller DMA to Ethernet The Ethernet controllers cannot serve as DMA targets because they have no suitable internal memory for this purpose. The Ethernet controllers have dedicated DMA channels to move data between the external transmit and receive buffers and the internal packet buffer. This dedicated channel is the only DMA service to the internal packet buffers. However, Ethernet ports can serve as DMA targets by using a general-purpose DMA controller to access the transmit and receive buffers defined by the Ethernet buffer descriptors. Because Ethernet data buffers are located in RAM outside of the Ethernet controllers, general-purpose DMA engines can move data to or from these memory regions. Also, because Ethernet controllers automatically read buffer descriptors and send (or load) data buffers, a DMA transfer into (or out of) these buffers is effectively a transfer into (or out of) the Ethernet ports. DMA to Configuration, Control, and Status Registers Because any internal register can be addressed with the four-channel DMA controller, configuration, control, and status registers throughout the device are valid DMA targets. However, the primary purpose of DMA--to reduce processor load by moving large blocks of data-- is not served by DMA transfers of configuration data. For example, while it is possible to DMA into the I2C controller or programmable interrupt controller (PIC), doing so is extremely inefficient and is seldom beneficial in normal operation. The overhead of creating DMA descriptors far exceeds any savings in CPU cycles. DMA to I2C The I2C controller is not transparent to DMA transfers. Observe the caveats listed in Section, "DMA to Configuration, Control, and Status Registers," when accessing any I2C register, including the data register (I2CDR). DMA to DUART The DUART provides complete and sophisticated DMA support which is described in Chapter 12, "DUART," specifically, Section 12.4.5, "FIFO Mode." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 15-44 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 16 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface The PCI/PCI-X interface complies with the PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev. 2.2 and the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev. 1.0a. It is beyond the scope of this manual to document the intricacies of the PCI and PCI-X buses. This chapter describes the PCI/PCI-X controller (referenced as PCI/X throughout this chapter) of this device and provides a basic description of PCI and PCI-X bus operations. The specific emphasis is directed at how the integrated processor implements the PCI and PCI-X buses. Designers of systems incorporating PCI/PCI-X devices should refer to the respective specification for a thorough description of the PCI/PCI-X buses. NOTE Much of the available PCI literature refers to a 16-bit quantity as a WORD and a 32-bit quantity as a DWORD. Because this is inconsistent with the terminology in this manual, the terms `word' and `double word' are not used in this chapter. Instead, the number of bits or bytes indicates the exact quantity. 16.1 Introduction The PCI/X controller acts as a bridge between the PCI/X interface and the OCeaN switch fabric. Figure 16-1 is a high-level block diagram of the PCI/X controller. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-1 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI1/X Interface PCI2 Interface PCI/X Bus Interface Regs Regs Regs Arb Arb Arb PCI1 PCIX OCeaN Gasket PCI2 OCeaN Gasket OCeaN Physical Interface Figure 16-1. PCI/X Controller Block Diagram 16.1.1 Overview The PCI/X controller connects the OCeaN to the PCI bus, to which I/O components are connected. The PCI bus uses a 32- or 64-bit multiplexed address/data bus, plus various control and error signals. The PCI/X interface supports address and data parity with error checking and reporting. The integrated processor's PCI/X interface functions both as a master (initiator) and a target device. Internally, the design is divided into the following: * Data path blocks * Control logic blocks * Memory The data path blocks contain the queues, tables for transaction tracking, and ordering. The control blocks contain control logic and state-machines for buffer control, bus protocol, tag generation, and transaction resizing. The memory blocks are used solely for inbound and outbound data storage. This allows the integrated processor to handle separate PCI/X transactions simultaneously. For example, consider the case where a burst-write transaction from the integrated processor to another PCI/X device terminates with a disconnect before finishing the transaction. If another PCI/X device is granted the PCI bus and requests a burst-read from local memory, the integrated processor, as a target, can accept the burst-read transfer. When the integrated processor is granted mastership of the PCI bus, the burst-write transaction continues. The PCI interface does not flush pending outbound writes as a result of an inbound read command. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-2 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Systems must not rely on inbound reads to ensure all pending outbound writes have completed. For example, consider the case where a core writes data to a PCI device and then updates a flag in the local DDR memory indicating the write to PCI has completed. An external PCI master may misread the flag ahead of the actual write transaction's completion on the PCI bus. There are two blocks of memory in the design: * The inbound buffers * The outbound read buffers combined with the outbound write buffers There are many blocks of control logic in the block. On the PCI/X side there are machines for PCI/X controller initiated address and data tenures for inbound and outbound data, respectively. On the OCeaN side there are machines for fabric arbitration, outbound data, and inbound data. As an initiator, the integrated processor supports read and write operations to the PCI/X memory space, the PCI/X I/O space, and the 256-byte PCI/X configuration space. As an initiator, the integrated processor also supports generating PCI/X special-cycle and interrupt-acknowledge transactions. As a target, the integrated processor supports read and write operations to local memory, and, when configured in agent mode, read and write operations to the internal PCI/X configuration registers. The integrated processor can function as either a PCI/X host bridge (host mode) or a peripheral device on the PCI/X bus (agent mode). See Section, "Host Mode," for more information. In agent mode, all of the PCI/X configuration registers in the integrated processor can be programmed from the PCI bus. See Section, "Agent Accessing the PCI Configuration Space," for more information. The PCI/X interface provides bus arbitration for the integrated processor and up to five other PCI/X bus masters. The arbitration algorithm is a programmable two-level, round-robin priority selector. The on-chip PCI/X arbiter can operate in both host and agent modes or it can be disabled to allow for an external PCI/X arbiter. The integrated processor also provides an address translation mechanism to map inbound PCI/X to OCeaN accesses and outbound OCeaN to PCI/X accesses. Outbound Transactions Upon detecting an OCeaN-to-PCI/X transaction, the integrated processor requests the use of the PCI bus. For OCeaN-to-PCI/X bus write operations, the integrated processor requests mastership of the PCI bus when the source completes the write operation to the OCeaN. For OCeaN-to-PCI/X read operations, the integrated processor requests mastership of the PCI bus when it decodes that the access is for PCI/X address space. Once granted, the integrated processor drives the address (PCI_AD[63:0]) and the bus command (PCI_C/BE[7:0]) signals. The master part of the interface can initiate master-abort cycles, recognizes target-abort, target-retry, and target-disconnect cycles, and supports various device selection timings. The master interface does not run fast back-to-back or exclusive accesses. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-3 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Inbound Transactions Upon detection of a PCI/X address phase, the integrated processor decodes the address and bus command to determine if the transaction is within the local memory access boundaries. If the transaction is destined for local memory, the target interface latches the address, decodes the PCI/X bus command, and forwards the transaction to the OCeaN control unit. On writes to local memory, data is forwarded along with the byte enables (if applicable) to the internal control unit. On reads, the data is driven on the bus and the byte enables (if applicable) determine which byte lanes contain meaningful data. The target interface of the integrated processor can issue target-abort, target-retry, and target-disconnect cycles. The target interface supports fast back-to-back transactions. The target interface uses the fastest device selection timing. As a PCI/X target, the integrated processor can issue split response and split completion transactions. The integrated processor supports data streaming to and from local memory. This means that data can flow between the processor PCI/X interface and local memory as long as the internal buffers are not filled. 16.1.2 Features The following is a list of PCI features that is supported: * PCI interface 2.2 compatible * 66- and 33-MHz support * 64- and 32-bit PCI interface support on primary PCI port * Host and agent mode support * 64-bit dual address cycle (DAC) support * On-chip arbitration with support for five high-priority request and grant signal pairs * Support for accesses to all PCI memory and I/O address spaces * Support for PCI-to-memory and memory-to-PCI streaming * Memory prefetching of PCI read accesses * Support posting of processor-to-PCI and PCI-to-memory writes * Support selectable snoop for inbound accesses * PCI configuration registers * PCI 3.3-V compatible The following is a list of PCI-X features supported: * PCI-X rev 1.0a compatible * Support for up to 133-MHz point-to-point connection (maximum PCI-X speed is 110 MHz when operated in synchronous mode) * Support for 32- and 64-bit interface * 64-bit dual address cycle (DAC) support * On-chip arbitration with support for five high-priority request and grant signal pairs * Support for accesses to all PCI-X memory and I/O address spaces * Support for four split transactions MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-4 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface * * * * Complete allowable disconnect boundary (ADB) support All PCI-X ordering rules enforced Implementation of relaxed ordering PCI-X 3.3-V compatible 16.1.3 Modes of Operation A number of parameters that affect the PCI/X controller modes of operation are determined at power-on reset (POR) by reset configuration signals as described in Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization." Table 16-1 provides a summary of these modes. Table 16-1. POR Parameters for PCI/X Controller Parameter Description Section/page Host/agent configuration Selects between host and agent mode for the PCI1/X interface. PCI width selection Selects between 32- and 64-bit width for PCI1/PCI-X. PCI clocking Selects between asynchronous or synchronous clocking for PCI PCI arbiter enable Enables the on-chip PCI bus arbiter PCI I/O impedance Selects the impedance of the PCI I/O drivers PCI debug mode enable Selects between normal operation or debug mode. PCI-X configuration Selects between PCI and PCI-X on the PCI1/PCI-X interface Host/Agent Mode Configuration The PCI/X controller can function as either a PCI/X host bridge (referred to as host mode) or a peripheral device on the PCI bus (referred to as agent mode). Additionally, the PCI/X controller can operate in agent configuration lock mode. The second PCI module is always in host mode. Note that host/agent mode selection is determined at power-up. Host Mode When the device powers up in host mode, all inbound configuration accesses are ignored (and thus master aborted). See Section, "Host Mode," for more information. Agent Mode When the device powers up in agent mode, it acknowledges inbound configuration accesses. See Section, "Agent Mode," for more information. Note that in PCI agent mode, the PCI/X controller ignores all PCI/X memory accesses except those to the memory-mapped registers) until inbound address translation is enabled. Agent Configuration Lock Mode When the device powers up in agent configuration lock mode, it retries inbound configuration accesses until the ACL bit in the PCI bus function register is cleared. See Section, "Agent Configuration Lock Mode," for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-5 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI/X-64 or Dual PCI-32 Interface Configuration The interface can be configured to be a single PCI/X-64 interface or two independent PCI-32 interfaces. See Section 16.5.2, "Extended 64-bit PCI1/X Signal Connections," for more information on pin assignments for the PCI/X-64 configuration. The initial value for PCI interface selection is determined by a power-on reset configuration signal. See Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," and the separate hardware specifications document, for more information. NOTE If the device is configured to use serial RapidIO, only the PCI1/X interface is available. Note that in this case PCI1/X may still be configured as a 64-bit interface. PCI/X Clocking Configuration The interface can be configured to be clocked asynchronously with a PCI1_CLK input or synchronously with the SYSCLK input. The initial values for clocking are determined by power-on reset configuration signals. PCI/X Arbiter (Internal/External Arbiter) Configuration The interface can be configured to use an on-chip or off-chip PCI/X arbiter. The initial values for the arbiter are determined by power-on reset configuration signals. PCI/X Impedance Configuration The device has a programmable impedance for PCI/X bus signals. The initial values for impedance are determined by power-on reset configuration signals. PCI/X Debug Configuration The interface offers the ability to output source information for outbound transactions in a debug mode. This may be useful information for a logic analyzer to debug code. When this mode is enabled, certain signals (PCI/X_AD[62:58]) will display debug source information for the PCI/X interface. The initial value for PCI/X Debug is determined by the value on a power-on reset configuration signal. Debug information for PCI2 is not available. 16.2 External Signal Descriptions Figure 16-2 shows the external PCI signals. NOTE If the device is configured to use serial RapidIO, only the PCI1/X interface is available. Note that in this case PCI1/X may still be configured as a 64-bit interface. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-6 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI1/X Signals Address and Data 37 signals Interface Command 6 signals PCI1_AD[31:0] 32 PCI1_C/BE[3:0] 4 PCI1_PAR PCI1_FRAME 1 PCI1_TRDY 1 PCI1_IRDY 1 PCI1_STOP 1 PCI1_DEVSEL 1 PCI1_IDSEL Error Reporting 2 signals Arbitration 10 signals 1 1 PCI1_PERR 1 PCI1_SERR 1 PCI1_REQ[4:0] PCI1_GNT[4:0] PCI1_CLK 5 5 1 PCI 2 Signals Address and Data 37 signals Interface Command 5 signals Error Reporting PCI2_AD[63:32] PCI2_C/BE[7:4] PCI2_PAR 32 4 1 PCI2_FRAME 1 PCI2_TRDY 1 PCI2_IRDY 1 PCI2_STOP 1 PCI2_DEVSEL 1 PCI2_PERR 1 PCI2_SERR 1 Arbitration PCI2_REQ[4:0] 5 10 signals PCI2_GNT[4:0] 2 signals PCI2_CLK 5 1 Figure 16-2. PCI/X Interface External Signals MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-7 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-2 contains the detailed descriptions of the external PCI/X interface signals. Table 16-2. PCI1/X and PCI2 Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal PCI1_ACK64 I/O Description I/O 64-bit transaction acknowledge. The 64-bit transaction acknowledge (PCI_ACK64) signal is both an input and output signal. It indicates that the current target supports 64-bit transfers during the data phase of the current transaction. O As an output for the bidirectional 64-bit transaction acknowledge, this signal operates as follows: State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller, as the target of a PCI transaction, may use the Meaning full 64-bit data bus for the data phase of the transaction. Negated--Indicates that this PCI controller, as the target of a PCI transaction, may use only 32 bits of the data bus in servicing a data transfer. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev 2.2 I As an input for the bidirectional 64-bit transaction acknowledge, this signal operates as follows: State Asserted--Indicates that the target of a PCI transaction may use the full 64-bit data bus for Meaning the data phase of the transaction. Negated--Indicates that the target of a PCI transaction may only use 32 bits of the data bus during the data phase of the transaction. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_AD[63:32]/ PCI2_AD[31:0], PCI1_AD[31:0] I/O PCI address/data bus. The PCI address/data bus consists of signals that are both input and output signals on this PCI controller. O As outputs for the bidirectional PCI address/data bus, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the physical address during the address phase of a PCI Meaning transaction. During the data phase(s) of a PCI transaction, the PCI address/data bus contain the data being written. The PCIn_AD[7:0] signals define the LSB and PCI1_AD[63:56] or PCIn_AD[31:24] the MSB. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional PCI address/data bus, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--Represents the address to be decoded as a check for device select Meaning during the address phase of a PCI transaction or the data being received during the data phase(s) of a PCI transaction. The PCIn_AD[7:0] signals define the LSB and PCI1_AD[63:56] or PCIn_AD[31:24] the MSB. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-8 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-2. PCI1/X and PCI2 Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal PCI1_C/BE[7:4]/ PCI2_C/BE[3:0], PCI1_C/BE[3:0] I/O Description I/O Command/byte enable. The command/byte enable signals are both input and output signals on this PCI controller. The command encodings for PCI bus mode are described in Section, "PCI Bus Commands." O As outputs for the bidirectional command/byte enable, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--During the address phase, PCIn_C/BE[7:0] define the bus command. Meaning During the data phase, PCIn_C/BE[7:0] act as byte enables indicating which byte lanes carry meaningful data. The PCI_C/BE[0] signal applies to the LSB. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional command/byte enable, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted/Negated--During the address phase, PCIn_C/BE[7:0] indicate the command that Meaning another master is sending. During the data phase, PCIn_C/BE[7:0] indicate which byte lanes are valid. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_DEVSEL, PCI2_DEVSEL I/O Device select. The device select signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. PCI2_DEVSEL is multiplexed with PCI1_ACK64. O As outputs for the bidirectional device select, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller has decoded the address and is the target of Meaning the current access. Negated--Indicates that this PCI controller has decoded the address and is not the target of the current access. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional device select, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that some PCI agent (other than this PCI controller) has decoded its Meaning address as the target of the current access. Negated--Indicates that no PCI agent has been selected. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_FRAME, PCI2_FRAME I/O Frame. The frame signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller.PCI2_FRAME is multiplexed with PCI1_REQ64. O As outputs for the bidirectional frame, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller, acting as a PCI master, is initiating a bus Meaning transaction. While PCI_FRAME is asserted, data transfers may continue. Negated--If PCI_IRDY is asserted, indicates that the PCI transaction is in the final data phase; if PCI_IRDY is negated, indicates that the PCI bus is idle. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional frame, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that another PCI master is initiating a bus transaction. Meaning Negated--Indicates that the transaction is in the final data phase or that the bus is idle. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-9 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-2. PCI1/X and PCI2 Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal PCI_GNT[4:0], PCI2_GNT[4:0] I/O Description O PCI bus grant. Output signals on this PCI controller when the arbiter is enabled. When the arbiter is disabled PCI_GNT0 is an input signal. Note that PCI_GNT[n] is a point-to-point signal. Every master has its own bus grant signal. Also, note that these signals are also used as reset configuration signals as described in Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration." State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller has granted control of the PCI bus to agent n. Meaning Negated--Indicates that this PCI controller has not granted control of the PCI bus to agent n. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_IDSEL I Initialization device select. The initialization device select signal is an input signal on this PCI controller. It is used as a chip select during configuration read and write transactions. State Asserted--Indicates this PCI controller is being selected as a target of a configuration read Meaning or write transactions. Negated--Indicates this PCI controller is not being selected as a target of configuration read or write transactions. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_IRDY, PCI2_IRDY I/O Initiator ready. The initiator ready signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. O As outputs for the bidirectional initiator ready, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller, acting as a PCI master, can complete the Meaning current data phase of a PCI transaction. During a write, this PCI controller asserts PCI_IRDY to indicate that valid data is present on the data bus. During a read, this PCI controller asserts PCI_IRDY to indicate that it is prepared to accept data. Negated--Indicates that the PCI target needs to wait before this PCI controller, acting as a PCI master, can complete the current data phase. During a write, this PCI controller negates PCI_IRDY to insert a wait cycle when it cannot provide valid data to the target. During a read, this PCI controller negates PCI_IRDY to insert a wait cycle when it cannot accept data from the target. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional initiator ready, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates another PCI master is able to complete the current data phase of a Meaning transaction. Negated--If PCI_FRAME is asserted, indicates a wait cycle from another master. If PCI_FRAME is negated, indicates the PCI bus is idle. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-10 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-2. PCI1/X and PCI2 Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal PCI1_PAR, PCI2_PAR I/O Description I/O PCI parity. The PCI parity signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller.PCI2_PAR is multiplexed with PCI_PAR64. O As outputs for the bidirectional PCI parity, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates odd parity across the PCIn_AD[31:0] and PCIn_C/BE[3:0] signals Meaning during address and data phases. Negated--Indicates even parity across the PCIn_AD[31:0] and PCIn_C/BE[3:0] signals during address and data phases. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional PCI parity, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates odd parity driven by another PCI master or the PCI target during read Meaning data phases. Negated--Indicates even parity driven by another PCI master or the PCI target during read data phases. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_PAR64 I/O Upper DWORD parity. The PCI parity signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. PCI_PAR64 is the even parity bit that protects the upper 32 bits of data and upper 4 bits of command/byte enable. O As outputs for the bidirectional Upper DWORD Parity, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates odd parity across the PCI1_AD[63:32] and PCI1_C/BE[7:4] signals Meaning during address and data phases. Negated--Indicates even parity across the PCI1_AD[63:32] and PCI1_C/BE[7:4] signals during address and data phases. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional Upper DWORD Parity, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates odd parity driven by another PCI master or the PCI target during read Meaning data phases. Negated--Indicates even parity driven by another PCI master or the PCI target during read data phases. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-11 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-2. PCI1/X and PCI2 Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal PCI1_PERR, PCI2_PERR I/O Description I/O PCI parity error. The PCI parity error signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. O As outputs for the bidirectional PCI parity error, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller, acting as a PCI agent, detected a data parity Meaning error. (The PCI initiator drives PCI_PERR on read operations; the PCI target drives PCI_PERR on write operations.) Negated--Indicates no error. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional PCI parity error, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that another PCI agent detected a data parity error while this PCI Meaning controller was sourcing data (this PCI controller was acting as the PCI initiator during a write, or was acting as the PCI target during a read). Negated--Indicates no error. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_REQ[4:0], PCI2_REQ[4:0] I PCI bus request. Input signals on this PCI controller when the arbiter is enabled. When the arbiter is disabled, PCI_REQ[0] is an output. Note that PCI_REQ[n] is a point-to-point signal. Every master has its own bus request signal. Following is the state meaning for the PCI_REQ[n] input. State Asserted--Indicates that agent n is requesting control of the PCI bus to perform a Meaning transaction. Negated--Indicates that agent n does not require use of the PCI bus. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_REQ64 I/O 64-bit transaction request. Both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. It indicates that the current master desires to transfer data using 64-bit transfers. Also, note that this signal is used as a reset configuration signal as described in Section 4.4.3, "Power-On Reset Configuration." O As an output for the bidirectional 64-bit transaction request, this signal operates as follows: State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller, as the master of a PCI transaction, desires to Meaning use all 64 bits. Negated-- Indicates that this PCI controller, as the master of a PCI transaction, uses only 32 bits of the data bus in servicing a data transfer. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As an input for the bidirectional 64-bit transaction request, this signal operates as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that the master of a PCI transaction is requesting to use the full 64-bit Meaning data bus for the data phase of the transaction. Negated--Indicates that the master of a PCI transaction uses only 32 bits of the data bus during the data phase of the transaction. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-12 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-2. PCI1/X and PCI2 Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal PCI1_SERR, PCI2_SERR I/O Description I/O PCI system error.The PCI system error signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. O As outputs for the bidirectional PCI system error, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that an address parity error, a target-abort (when this PCI controller is Meaning acting as the initiator), or some other system error (where the result is a catastrophic error) was detected. Negated--Indicates no error. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional PCI system error, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that a target (other than this PCI controller) has detected a Meaning catastrophic error. Negated--Indicates no error. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_STOP, PCI2_STOP I/O Stop.The stop signal is both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. O As outputs for the bidirectional stop, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller, acting as a PCI target, is requesting that the Meaning initiator stop the current transaction. Negated--Indicates that the current transaction can continue. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional stop, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that a target is requesting that the PCI initiator stop the current Meaning transaction. Negated--Indicates that the current transaction can continue. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 PCI1_TRDY, PCI2_TRDY I/O Target ready. Both an input and output signal on this PCI controller. O As outputs for the bidirectional target ready, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Indicates that this PCI controller, acting as a PCI target, can complete the Meaning current data phase of a PCI transaction. During a read, this PCI controller asserts PCI_TRDY to indicate that valid data is present on the data bus. During a write, this PCI controller asserts PCI_TRDY to indicate that it is prepared to accept data. Negated--Indicates that the PCI initiator needs to wait before this PCI controller, acting as a PCI target, can complete the current data phase. During a read, this PCI controller negates PCI_TRDY to insert a wait cycle when it cannot provide valid data to the initiator. During a write, this PCI controller negates PCI_TRDY to insert a wait cycle when it cannot accept data from the initiator. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 I As inputs for the bidirectional target ready, these signals operate as described below. State Asserted--Another PCI target is able to complete the current data phase of a transaction. Meaning Negated--Indicates a wait cycle from another target. Timing Assertion/Negation--As specified by PCI Local Bus Specification Rev 2.2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-13 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 16.3 Memory Map/Register Definitions The PCI/X controller supports the following two types of registers: * Memory-mapped registers--these registers control PCI/X address translation, PCI/X error management, and PCI/X configuration register access. These registers are described in Section 16.3.1, "PCI/X Memory-Mapped Registers," and its subsections. * PCI/X configuration registers contained within the PCI configuration header--these registers are specified by the PCI bus specification for every PCI/X device. These registers are described in Section 16.3.2, "PCI/X Configuration Header," and its subsections. 16.3.1 PCI/X Memory-Mapped Registers The PCI/X memory mapped registers are accessed by reading and writing to an address comprised of the base address (specified in the CCSRBAR on the local side or the PCSRBAR on the PCI/X side) plus the block base address, plus the offset of the specific register to be accessed. Note that all memory-mapped registers (except the PCI/X configuration data register, PCI/X CFG_DATA) must only be accessed as 32-bit quantities. Table 16-3 lists the memory-mapped registers. Note that although the table explicitly lists only the registers for the PCI Controller 1, the register map for PCI Controller 2 is the same except the for the block base address. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 16-3. PCI/X Memory-Mapped Register Map Offset Register Access Reset Section/page PCI/X Controller 1 Memory-Mapped Registers--Block Base Address 0x0_8000 PCI Configuration Access Registers 0x000 CFG_ADDR--PCI configuration address R/W 0x0000_0000 0x004 CFG_DATA--PCI configuration data R/W 0x0000_0000 0x008 INT_ACK--PCI interrupt acknowledge R 0x0000_0000 Reserved -- 0x00C- 0xBFC -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-14 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-3. PCI/X Memory-Mapped Register Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/page PCI ATMU Registers--Outbound and Inbound 0xC00-0xC3C-Outbound Window 0 (default) 0xC00 POTAR0--PCI outbound window 0 (default) translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC04 POTEAR0--PCI outbound window 0 (default) translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC08 Reserved -- -- 0xC0C Reserved -- -- 0xC10 POWAR0--PCI outbound window 0 (default) attributes register 0xC14- 0xC1C Reserved R/W -- 0x8004_401F -- 0xC20-0xC3C--Outbound Window 1 0xC20 POTAR1--PCI outbound window 1 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC24 POTEAR1--PCI outbound window 1 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC28 POWBAR1--PCI outbound window 1 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC2C Reserved 0xC30 POWAR1--PCI outbound window 1 attributes register 0xC34- 0xC3C Reserved -- R/W -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0xC40-0xC5C--Outbound Window 2 0xC40 POTAR2--PCI outbound window 2 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC44 POTEAR2--PCI outbound window 2 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC48 POWBAR2--PCI outbound window 2 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC4C Reserved 0xC50 POWAR2--PCI outbound window 2 attributes register 0xC54- 0xC5C Reserved -- R/W -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0xC60-0xC7C--Outbound Window 3 0xC60 POTAR3--PCI outbound window 3 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC64 POTEAR3--PCI outbound window 3 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC68 POWBAR3--PCI outbound window 3 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC6C Reserved 0xC70 POWAR3--PCI outbound window 3 attributes register 0xC74- 0xC7C Reserved -- R/W -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0xC80-0xC9C--Outbound Window 4 0xC80 POTAR4--PCI outbound window 4 translation address register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-15 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-3. PCI/X Memory-Mapped Register Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/page 0xC84 POTEAR4--PCI outbound window 4 translation extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC88 POWBAR4--PCI outbound window 4 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC8C Reserved 0xC90 POWAR4--PCI outbound window 4 attributes register 0xC94- 0xD9C Reserved -- R/W -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0xDA0-0xDBC-Inbound Window 3 0xDA0 PITAR3--PCI inbound window 3 translation address register R/W 0xDA4 Reserved 0xDA8 PIWBAR3--PCI inbound window 3 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDAC PIWBEAR3--PCI inbound window 3 base extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDB0 PIWAR3--PCI inbound window 3 attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDB4- 0xDBC Reserved -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- -- 0xDC0-0xDDC-Inbound Window 2 0xDC0 PITAR2--PCI inbound window 2 translation address register R/W 0xDC4 Reserved 0xDC8 PIWBAR2--PCI inbound window 2 base address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDCC PIWBEAR2--PCI inbound window 2 base extended address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDD0 PIWAR2--PCI inbound window 2 attributes register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDD4- 0xDDC Reserved -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- -- 0xDE0-0xDFC-Inbound Window 1 0xDE0 PITAR1--PCI inbound window 1 translation address register 0xDE4 Reserved 0xDE8 PIWBAR1--PCI inbound window 1 base address register 0xDEC Reserved 0xDF0 PIWAR1--PCI inbound window 1 attributes register 0xDF4- 0xDFC Reserved R/W -- R/W -- R/W -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0x0000_0000 -- PCI Error Management Registers 0xE00 ERR_DR--PCI error detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0xE04 ERR_CAP_DR--PCI error capture disabled register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE08 ERR_EN--PCI error enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE0C ERR_ATTRIB--PCI error attributes capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE10 ERR_ADDR--PCI error address capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE14 ERR_EXT_ADDR--PCI error extended address capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-16 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-3. PCI/X Memory-Mapped Register Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/page 0xE18 ERR_DL--PCI error data low capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE1C ERR_DH--PCI error data high capture register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE20 GAS_TIMR--PCI gasket timer register R/W 0x0100_3FFF 0xE24 PCI-X split completion timer register (PCIX_TIMR) R/W 0x0100_3FFF 0xE28- 0xEFC Reserved -- -- 0xF00- 0xFFC Reserved for debug -- -- PCI/X Controller 2 Memory-Mapped Registers--Block Base Address 0x0_9000 0x000- 0xFFC PCI/X Controller 2 registers Note: All registers defined for PCI/X Controller 1 are also defined for PCI/X Controller 2 (with the exception of PCIX_TIMR, which applies only to the PCI-X interface); the offsets of PCI/X Controller 2 registers are the same except they have a different block base address. PCI/X Configuration Access Registers The PCI/X configuration header, shown in Figure 16-25 and Figure 16-64, is accessed via an indirect method utilizing a pair of 32-bit memory-mapped access registers. For PCI1/X, CFG_ADDR is at offset 0x000 and CFG_DATA is at offset 0x004. For PCI2, CFG_ADDR is at offset 0x0_9000 and CFG_DATA is at offset 0x0_9004. PCI/X Configuration Address Register (CFG_ADDR) The CFG_ADDR register is shown in Figure 16-3. Offset 0x000 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 7 EN 8 -- 15 16 Bus Number Reset 20 21 Device Number 23 24 Function Number 29 30 31 Register Number -- All zeros Figure 16-3. PCI/X CFG_ADDR Register Table 16-4 describes the bit settings for the CFG_ADDR register. Table 16-4. PCI CFG_ADDR Field Descriptions Bits 0 Name Description Enable Allow a PCI configuration access when PCI CFG_DATA is accessed 1-7 -- Reserved 8-15 Bus Number PCI bus number to access 16-20 Device Number Device number to access on specified bus 21-23 Function Number Function to access within specified device MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-17 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-4. PCI CFG_ADDR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 24-29 Register Number 32-bit register to access within specified device 30-31 -- Reserved, hardwired to logic 00 Bus number 0xb00 and device number 0b0_0000 are used to configure the internal PCI configuration header of the PCI controller itself. See Section, "Host Accessing the PCI Configuration Space," and Section, "Agent Accessing the PCI Configuration Space," for usage of PCI CFG_ADDR. PCI Configuration Data Register (CFG_DATA) The CFG_DATA register is shown in Figure 16-3. Offset 0x004 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R Data W Reset All zeros Figure 16-4. PCI/X CFG_DATA Register Table 16-5 describes the bit settings for the CFG_DATA register Table 16-5. PCI/X CFG_DATA Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 Data A read or write to this register starts a PCI configuration cycle if the PCI CFG_ADDR enable bit is set. If the enable bit is not set, a PCI I/O transaction is generated. The CFG_DATA register is a 4-byte window into the little-endian PCI configuration header data structure; therefore, byte addressing within the CFG_DATA register uses little-endian convention. Note that CFG_DATA may contain 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes depending on the size of the register being accessed. See Section, "Host Accessing the PCI Configuration Space," and Section, "Agent Accessing the PCI Configuration Space," for usage of CFG_DATA. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-18 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI/X Interrupt Acknowledge Register (INT_ACK) An external PCI/X interrupt acknowledge transaction is generated by reading the INT_ACK register. For PCI1/X, INT_ACK is at offset 0x008. For PCI2, INT_ACK is at offset 0x0_9000. PCI INT_ACK is read-only; writing to it has no effect. INT_ACK is shown in Figure 16-5. Offset 0x008 Access: Read Only 0 31 R Data W Reset All zeros Figure 16-5. PCI/X INT_ACK Register Table 16-6 describes the bit settings for the INT_ACK register. Table 16-6. PCI/X INT_ACK Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 Data A read to this register generates a PCI interrupt acknowledge cycle. PCI/X ATMU Outbound Registers The outbound address translation and mapping unit controls the mapping of transactions from the internal platform address space to the external PCI address space. The outbound ATMU consists of four translation windows plus a default translation for transactions that do not hit in one of the four windows. Each window contains a base address that points to the beginning of the window in the local address map, a translation address that specifies the high-order bits of the transaction in the external PCI address space, and a set of attributes including window size and external transaction type. Each window must be aligned based on the granularity specified by the window size. If two outbound ATMU windows overlap in the local address space, the mapping of the lower numbered window has precedence over the higher numbered window. Window 0 is the default window and is the only window enabled upon reset. The default outbound register set is used when a transaction misses in all of the other outbound windows. PCI/X Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARn) The PCI/X outbound translation address registers (POTARn) select the starting addresses in the PCI address space for hits in the PCI/X outbound windows. The translated address is created by concatenating the transaction offset to this translation address. The format of the POTARn is shown in Figure 16-6. Offset 0xC00, 0xC20, 0xC40, 0xC60, 0xC80 0 Access: Read/Write 11 12 R 31 TEA W Reset TA All zeros Figure 16-6. PCI/X Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-19 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-7 describes the fields of the POTARn registers. Table 16-7. POTAR n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 Description TEA Translation extended address. Represents bits 43-32 of a 64-bit PCI address (bit 0 is lsb). 12-31 TA Translation address. Represents bits 31-12 of the PCI address. Based on the size of the window specified in POWARn[OWS], the low-order bits of this field may be ignored. PCI/X Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (POTEARn) The PCI/X outbound translation extended address registers (POTEARn) contain the most significant bits of a 64-bit translation address. The format of POTEARn is shown in Figure 16-7. Offset 0xC04, 0xC24, 0xC44, 0xC64, 0xC84 0 Access: Read/Write 11 12 R 31 -- W TEA Reset All zeros Figure 16-7. PCI/X Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (POTEARn) Table 16-8 describes the fields of the POTEARn. Table 16-8. POTEARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 -- 12-31 TEA Description Reserved Translation extended address. Comprise bits [44-63] of the translation address register PCI/X Outbound Window Base Address Registers (POWBARn) The PCI/X outbound window base address registers (POWBARn) point to the beginning of each translation window in the local 32-bit address space. Addresses for outbound transactions are compared to the appropriate bits in these registers, according to the sizes of the windows. If a transaction does not fall within one of these windows, the default translation and mapping is used. The default window is always enabled and used when the other windows miss. Note that POWBAR0 (for outbound ATMU window 0) is not used, because window 0 is the default window used when no other windows match. POWBAR0 may be read from and written to, but the value is ignored. The format of the POWBARn is shown in Figure 16-8. Offset 0xC28, 0xC48, 0xC68, 0xC88 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 11 12 31 WBEA WBA All zeros Figure 16-8. PCI/X Outbound Window Base Address Registers (POWBAR n) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-20 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-9 describes the field of the POWBARn. Table 16-9. POWBAR n Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-11 WBEA Window base extended address. Comprise bits [32-35] of the base address. 0x00000 - 0x01111 are valid. 0x10000 and greater are reserved. 12-31 WBA Window base address. Source address which is the starting point for the outbound translation window. The window must be aligned based on the size selected in the window size bits. PCI/X Outbound Window Attributes Registers (POWARn) The PCI/X outbound window attributes registers (POWARn) define the window sizes to translate and other attributes for the translations. The minimum window size is 4 Kbytes. The maximum window size is 16 Gbytes. The default window attribute register, POWAR0, is shown in Figure 16-9. Note that the fields for all of the POWARn registers are the same, only the reset values are different. Offset 0xC10 0 Access: Read/Write 1 11 12 R E W N Reset 1 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 RTT 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 20 25 26 WTT 0 0 0 1 0 31 -- 0 0 0 0 OWS 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 11 Figure 16-9. PCI/X Outbound Window 0 (Default) Attributes Register (POWAR0) 1 The default window is enabled, configured for memory read and memory write, and set to an OWS size of 4 Gbytes. POWAR1-POWAR4 are shown in Figure 16-10. Offset 0xC30, 0xC50, 0xC70, 0xC90 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 11 12 EN -- Reset 15 16 RTT 19 20 WTT 25 26 -- 31 OWS All zeros Figure 16-10. PCI/X Outbound Window 1-4 Attributes Registers (POWAR1-POWAR4) Table 16-10 describes the fields for the POWARn registers. Table 16-10. POWARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN Enable. Enables this address translation 1-11 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-21 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-10. POWARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 12-15 RTT Read transaction type to run on PCI 0000 Reserved ... 0011 Reserved 0100 Memory Read 0101 Reserved ... 0111 Reserved 1000 I/O Read 1001 Reserved ... 1111 Reserved 16-19 WTT Write transaction type to run on PCI 0000 Reserved ... 0011 Reserved 0100 Memory Write 0101 Reserved ... 0111 Reserved 1000 I/O Write 1001 Reserved ... 1111 Reserved 20-25 -- 26-31 OWS Description Reserved Outbound window size. Outbound translation window size N which is the encoded 2^(N+1) bytes window size. The smallest window size is 4 Kbytes. 000000Reserved ... 0010114-Kbyte window size 0011008-Kbyte window size ... 0111114-Gbyte window size 1000008-Gbyte window size 10000116-Gbyte window size 100010Reserved ... 111111Reserved The default POWAR register (0xC10) has an OWS value of 011111. PCI/X ATMU Inbound Registers The inbound address translation and mapping unit controls the mapping of transactions from the external PCI address space to the internal platform address space. The inbound ATMU is comprised of four windows--a configuration window and three general translation windows. The configuration window has higher priority than all other inbound ATMU windows and takes precedence over them if there is an overlap. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-22 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Each window contains the following: * A base address, which points to the beginning of the window in the external PCI address map. The base address of each window is also accessible by PCI configuration transactions as base address registers within the PCI configuration header, as shown in Figure 16-28. The registers may be read or updated equivalently through the ATMU memory map or through PCI configuration transactions to the PCI configuration header. * A translation address, which specifies the upper order bits of the transaction in the local address space. * A set of attributes including window size and internal transaction attributes. Each window's base address and translation address must be aligned to the size of the window. If two general inbound ATMU windows overlap in the external PCI address space, the mappings of the lower numbered window are applied; PCSRBAR takes priority over any overlapping inbound ATMU window. In addition, if inbound ATMU windows are overlapped, the ATMU windows must not map to the same address with different sets of attributes (other than window size). Note that PCSRBAR in the PCI configuration header acts as a fourth inbound window that translates a 1-Mbyte region of PCI space to the local configuration space pointed to by CCSRBAR. PCSRBAR can be accessed by PCI configuration cycles or by accessing the PCI configuration header through the PCI CFG_ADDR and PCI CFG_DATA registers. See Section, "PCI/X Configuration Address Register (CFG_ADDR)," Section, "PCI Configuration Data Register (CFG_DATA)," and Section, "PCI Base Address Registers." All accesses to PCSRBAR have an automatic internal byte lane redirection from the little-endian PCI bus to the big-endian CCSRBAR configuration space. PCI/X Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARn) The PCI/X inbound translation address registers (PITARn) points to the beginning of the local address space for the inbound window. The translated address is created by concatenating the transaction offset to this translation address. The format of the PITARn is shown in Figure 16-11. Offset 0xDA0, 0xDC0, 0xDE0 0 Access: Read/Write 11 12 R 31 TEA W Reset TA All zeros Figure 16-11. PCI/X Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-23 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-11 describes the fields of the PITARn registers. Table 16-11. PITARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 Description TEA Translation extended address. Comprise bits [32-35] of the translation address. 0x00000 - 0x01111 are valid. 0x10000 and greater are reserved. 12-31 TA Translation address. Indicates the starting point of the inbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. TA corresponds to the high-order 20 bits of a 32-bit local address. PCI/X Inbound Window Base Address Registers (PIWBARn) The PCI/X inbound window base address registers (PIWBARn) select the PCI/X base address for the windows that are translated to the internal platform address space. Addresses for inbound transactions are compared to these windows. If a PCI transaction does not fall within one of these spaces, then the PCI/X interface does not assert DEVSEL. The PIWBARn is shown in Figure 16-12. Offset 0xDA8, 0xDC8, 0xDE8 0 Access: Read/Write 11 12 R 31 BEA W BA Reset All zeros Figure 16-12. PCI/X Inbound Window Base Address Registers Table 16-12 describes the fields of the PIWBARn registers. Table 16-12. PIWBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 BEA 12-31 BA Description Base extended address. Corresponds to bits 43-32 of a 64-bit PCI base address. Base address. Corresponds to bits 31-12 of a PCI base address. PCI/X Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PIWBEARn) The PCI/X inbound window base extended address registers (PIWBEARn) contain the most-significant bits of a 64-bit base address. Note that inbound window 1 supports only a 32-bit base address and does not define an inbound window base extended address register. The PIWBEARn are shown in Figure 16-13. Offset 0xDAC, 0xDCC Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 11 12 31 -- BEA All zeros Figure 16-13. PCI/X Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PIWBEAR n) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-24 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-13 describes the fields of the PIWBEARn registers. Table 16-13. PIWBEAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 -- 12-31 BEA Description Reserved Base extended address. Corresponds to bits 63-44 of a 64-bit PCI base address. PCI/X Inbound Window Attributes Registers (PIWARn) The PCI/X inbound window attributes registers (PIWARn) define the window sizes to translate and other attributes for the translations. 16 Gbytes is the largest window size allowed. The format of the PIWBARn is shown in Figure 16-14. Offset 0xDB0, 0xDD0, 0xDF0 R W 0 1 2 EN -- PF 3 Access: Read/Write 7 -- 8 11 12 TRGT 15 16 RTT Reset 19 20 WTT 25 26 -- 31 IWS All zeros Figure 16-14. PCI/X Inbound Window Attributes Registers Table 16-14 describes the fields of the PIWARn registers. Table 16-14. PIWARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN Enable. Enables this address translation 1 -- Reserved 2 PF Prefetchable. Indicates that the address space is prefetchable so that prefetching and streaming are attempted. 0 Not prefetchable 1 Prefetchable 3-7 -- Reserved 8-11 TRGT Target interface. 0000 PCI Interface 1 0001 PCI Interface 2 0010 PCI Express 0011-1011 Reserved 1100 Serial RapidIO 1101-1110 Reserved 1111 Local Memory (DDR SDRAM, Local Bus, SRAM) Note: If this field is set to an I/O port rather than local memory space, attributes for the external I/O transaction are assigned in an outbound ATMU of that I/O controller. Note also that it is illegal for PCI1 to use PCI1 as a target, or for PCI2 to use PCI2 as a target. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-25 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-14. PIWAR n Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 12-15 RTT Read transaction type. Transaction type to run if access is a read. The field description differs subject to the transaction being targeted to I/O interface or to local memory. Following are the transaction type settings for reads to an I/O interface: 0000-0011 Reserved 0100 Read 0101-1111 Reserved Following are the transaction type settings for reads to local memory: 0000-0011 Reserved 0100 Read, don't snoop local processor 0101 Read, snoop local processor 0110 Reserved 0111 Read, unlock L2 cache line 1000-1111 Reserved 16-19 WTT Write transaction type. Transaction type to run if access is a write. The field description differs subject to the transaction being targeted to an I/O interface or to local memory. Following are the transaction type settings for writes to an I/O interface: 0000-0011 Reserved 0100 Write 0101-1111 Reserved Following are the transaction type settings for writes to local memory: 0000-Reserved 0100 Write, don't snoop local processor 0101 Write, snoop local processor 0110 Write, allocate L2 cache line 0111 Write, allocate and lock L2 cache line 1000-1111 Reserved 20-25 -- Reserved 26-31 IWS Inbound window size. Inbound translation window size N which is the encoded 2^(N+1) bytes window size. The smallest window is 4 Kbytes. 000000 Reserved ... 001011 4-Kbyte window size 001100 8-Kbyte window size ... 011111 4-Gbyte window size 100000 8-Gbyte window size 100001 16-Gbyte window size 100010 Reserved ... 111111 Reserved For configuration and run-time registers, the window size is fixed at 010011 1-Mbyte window size For register set 0, the window size is limited to 4 Gbytes or smaller. PCI/X Error Management Registers When a PCI/X error is detected, the appropriate error bit is set in the PCI/X error detect register. Subsequent errors set the appropriate error bits in the error detection registers, but relevant information (attributes, address, and data) is captured only for the first error. The PCI/X error detect register is a write-1-to-clear type register. That is, reading from this register occurs normally; however, write operations are different in that the bits can be cleared but not set. A bit is cleared whenever the register is MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-26 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface written, and the data in the corresponding bit location is a 1. For example, to clear bit 25 and not affect any other bits in the register, the value 0x0000_0040 is written to the register. The error bit is set regardless of the state of the corresponding error enable bit in the PCI/X error enable register. The error enable bits are used to send or block the error reporting to the interrupt mechanism. The interrupt can be cleared by writing 0xFFFF_FFFF to the PCI/X error detect register. A master-abort condition during a configuration cycle is not necessarily an error. In this case, if relevant, the master abort error enable can be disabled to prevent the reporting of master-aborts during outbound configuration cycles. Master-aborts during configuration reads return 0xFFFF_FFFF. For an inbound configuration write transaction with a parity error, the device always updates the register access and generates the error interrupt if the interrupt enabled bit is set. See Section, "PCI Error Functions," for more detail on error handling. PCI/X Error Detect Register (ERR_DR) Offset 0xE00 Access: w1c 0 R W 1 7 Multiple PCI Errors -- w1c Reset All zeros 8 15 R -- W Reset All zeros 16 20 R 21 22 23 Addr Parity Rcvd SERR Mstr PERR error error error -- W Reset w1c w1c w1c All zeros 24 R Trgt PERR error W w1c Reset 25 26 Mstr abort Trgt abort error error w1c w1c 27 28 29 30 31 OWMSV error ORMSV error IRMSV error SCM error TOE error w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c All zeros Figure 16-15. PCI/X Error Detect Register (ERR_DR) Table 16-15 describes ERR_DR fields. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and an error occurs, the appropriate parity detect and master-abort bits in ERR_DR must be cleared and the appropriate enable bits in ERR_EN must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. See Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-27 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-15. ERR_DR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 Description Multiple PCI errors 0 Multiple PCI errors of the same type were not detected (write-1-to-clear) 1 Multiple PCI errors of the same type were detected 1-20 -- Reserved 21 Addr Parity error Address parity error (write-1-to-clear) 22 Rcvd SERR error Received SERR error (write-1-to-clear) 23 Mstr PERR error Master PERR error (write-1-to-clear) 24 Trgt PERR error Target PERR error (write-1-to-clear) 25 Mstr abort error Master abort error (write-1-to-clear) 26 Trgt abort error Target abort error (write-1-to-clear) 27 OWMSV error Outbound write memory space violation error (write-1-to-clear) 28 ORMSV error Outbound read memory space violation error (write-1-to-clear) 29 IRMSV error Inbound read memory space violation error (write-1-to-clear) 30 SCM error Split completion message error (write-1-to-clear) 31 TOE error Time-out error (write-1-to-clear) PCI/X Error Capture Disable Register (ERR_CAP_DR) Offset 0xE04 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R -- W Reset All zeros 8 15 R -- W Reset All zeros 16 20 -- Reset 23 All zeros 24 R Trgt PERR error W capture disable Reset 22 Rcvd SERR Mstr PERR Addr parity error error capture error capture capture disable disable disable R W 21 25 26 Mstr abort Trgt abort error error capture capture disable disable 27 28 29 30 31 OWMSV error capture disable ORMSV error capture disable IRMSV error capture disable SCM error capture disable TOE error capture disable All zeros Figure 16-16. PCI/X Error Capture Disable Register (ERR_CAP_DR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-28 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-16. ERR_CAP_DR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-20 Description -- Reserved 21 Addr parity error capture disable Disable capture for address parity errors 22 Rcvd SERR error capture disable Disable capture for received SERR errors 23 Mstr PERR error capture disable Disable capture for master PERR errors 24 Trgt PERR error capture disable Disable capture for target PERR errors 25 Mstr abort error capture disable Disable capture for master abort errors 26 Trgt abort error capture disable Disable capture for target abort errors 27 OWMSV error capture disable Disable capture for outbound write memory space violation errors 28 ORMSV error capture disable Disable capture for outbound read memory space violation errors 29 IRMSV error capture disable Disable capture for inbound read memory space violation errors 30 SCM error capture disable Disable capture for split completion message errors 31 TOE error capture disable Disable capture for time-out errors PCI/X Error Enable Register (ERR_EN) Offset 0xE08 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R -- W Reset All zeros 8 15 R -- W Reset All zeros 16 20 R Addr parity error enable -- W 21 Reset 22 23 Rcvd SERR Mstr PERR error enable error enable All zeros 24 25 R Trgt PERR Mstr abort W error enable error enable Reset 26 27 Trgt abort error enable OWMSV error enable 28 29 ORMSV error IRMSV error enable enable 30 31 SCM error enable TOE error enable All zeros Figure 16-17. PCI/X Error Enable Register (ERR_EN) Table 16-17 describes ERR_EN fields. Note that uncorrectable read errors may cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which causes the core to generate a machine check interrupt, unless it is disabled (by clearing HID1[RFXE]). If RFXE is zero and this error occurs, the appropriate parity detect and MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-29 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface master-abort bits in ERR_DR must be cleared and the appropriate enable bits in ERR_EN must be set to ensure that an interrupt is generated. For more information, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." Table 16-17. ERR_EN Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-20 -- Reserved 21 Addr parity error enable Enable reporting address parity errors 22 Rcvd SERR error enable Enable reporting received SERR errors 23 Mstr PERR error enable Enable reporting master PERR errors 24 Trgt PERR error enable Enable reporting target PERR errors 25 Mstr abort error enable Enable reporting master abort errors 26 Trgt abort error enable Enable reporting target abort errors 27 OWMSV error enable Enable reporting outbound write memory space violation errors 28 ORMSV error enable Enable reporting outbound read memory space violation errors 29 IRMSV error enable Enable reporting inbound read memory space violation errors 30 SCM error enable Enable reporting split completion message errors 31 TOE error enable Enable reporting time-out errors PCI/X Error Attributes Capture Register (ERR_ATTRIB) Offset 0xE0C 0 Access: Read/Write 3 4 R High word byte enables W 7 8 Low word byte enables High parity bit Reset 9 10 11 Low parity bit -- 15 16 Error source 19 20 Command 30 -- 31 Valid All zeros Figure 16-18. PCI/X Error Attributes Capture Register (ERR_ATTRIB) Table 16-18. ERR_ATTRIB Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-3 High word byte enables PCI byte enables for most significant word of the double word 4-7 Low word byte enables PCI byte enables for least significant word of the double word 8 High parity bit Parity bit for most significant PCI bus data word (only valid for 64-bit PCI bus) 9 Low parity bit Parity bit for least significant PCI bus data word 10 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-30 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-18. ERR_ATTRIB Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 11-15 Error source 16-19 Command 20-30 -- 31 Valid info The source of the PCI transaction 00000 PCI1/PCI-X 00001 PCI2 00010 PCI Express 00011 Reserved 00100 Local bus controller 00101-01000Reserved 01001 Reserved 01010-01011 Reserved 01100 Serial RapidIO 01101 Reserved 01110 Reserved 01111 Reserved 10000 e500 core (instruction) 10001 e500 core (data) 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 Reserved Reserved Reserved DMA RDC SAP TSEC1 TSEC2 TSEC3 TSEC4 Reserved RapidIO message units RapidIO doorbell units RapidIO port-write units Reserved PCI command Reserved The PCI bus capture registers contain valid information PCI/X Error Address Capture Register (ERR_ADDR) Offset 0xE10 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R Memory Address W Reset All zeros Figure 16-19. PCI/X Error Address Capture Register (ERR_ADDR) Table 16-19. ERR_ADDR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 Memory address Description Memory transaction address PCI/X Error Extended Address Capture Register (ERR_EXT_ADDR) Offset 0xE14 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R Memory Extended Address W Reset All zeros Figure 16-20. PCI/X Error Extended Address Capture Register (ERR_EXT_ADDR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-31 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-20. ERR_EXT_ADDR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 Memory extended address Description Memory transaction extended address PCI/X Error Data Low Capture Register (ERR_DL) Offset 0xE18 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R Data low W Reset All zeros Figure 16-21. PCI/X Error Data Low Capture Register (ERR_DL) Table 16-21. ERR_DL Field Description Bits Name 0-31 Data low Description Least significant PCI bus data word PCI/X Error Data High Capture Register (ERR_DH) Offset 0xE1C Access: Read/Write 0 31 R Data high W Reset All zeros Figure 16-22. PCI/X Error Data High Capture Register (ERR_DH) Table 16-22. ERR_DH Field Description Bits Name 0-31 Data high Description Most significant PCI bus data word (only valid with 64-bit PCI bus) PCI/X Gasket Timer Register (GAS_TIMR) Offset 0xE20 Access: Read/Write 0 6 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 7 8 31 EN 0 0 0 1 TCNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 16-23. PCI/X Gasket Timer Register (GAS_TIMR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-32 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-23. GAS_TIMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-6 -- Reserved 7 EN Gasket timer enable. 0 PCI-X default: gasket timer is disabled. 1 PCI default: gasket timer is enabled. 8-31 TCNT Number of system clocks to purge a non-prefetchable inbound read buffer PCI-X Split Completion Timer Register (PCIX_TIMR) Offset PCIX: 0xE24 Access: Read only 0 6 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 7 8 31 EN 0 0 0 1 TCNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 16-24. PCI-X Split Completion Timer Register (PCIX_TIMR) Table 16-24. PCIX_TIMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-6 -- Reserved 7 EN PCI-X timer enable 0 PCI-X timer is disabled. 1 PCI-X timer is enabled (default). 8-31 TCNT Number of system clocks to purge a split completion buffer. This occurs when a split completion does not follow a split response. 16.3.2 PCI/X Configuration Header The PCI Local Bus Specification defines the configuration registers contained within the PCI/X configuration header from 0x00 through 0x3F. The PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification defines additional registers beyond 0x3F. Figure 16-25 lists the common PCI/X configuration header as implemented by the device. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-33 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Address Offset (Hex) Reserved Device ID Vendor ID PCI Bus Status 00 PCI Bus Command 04 Bus Base Class Code Subclass Code Bus Programming Interface Revision ID 08 BIST Control Header Type Bus Latency Timer Bus Cache Line Size 0C PCI Configuration and Status Register Base Address Register (PCSRBAR) 10 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register 14 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register 18 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register 1C 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register 20 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register 24 28 Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID 2C 30 PCI Bus Capability Pointer 34 38 PCI Bus MAX_LAT PCI Bus MIN_GNT PCI Bus Interrupt Pin PCI Bus Interrupt Line 3C 40 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration PCI Bus Function 44 Figure 16-25. Common PCI and PCI-X Configuration Header Figure 16-26 lists the additional PCI-X configuration registers. Address Offset (Hex) Reserved PCI-X Command PCI-X Next Capability PCI-X Capability ID 60 64 PCI-X Status Figure 16-26. PCI-X Additional Configuration Registers Table 16-54 in Section, "PCI Configuration Space Header," provides a summary of the PCI configuration header registers. Detailed descriptions of these registers are provided in the PCI Local Bus Specification. PCI Vendor ID Register--Offset 0x00 The PCI vendor ID register, shown in Figure 16-27, is used to identify the manufacturer of the part. Offset 0x00 Access: Read only 15 0 R Vendor ID W Reset 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Figure 16-27. PCI Vendor ID Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-34 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-25 describes PCI vendor ID register fields. Table 16-25. PCI Vendor ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Vendor ID Description 0x1957 (Freescale) PCI Device ID Register--Offset 0x02 The PCI device ID register, shown in Figure 16-28, is used to identify the device. Offset 0x02 Access: Read only 15 0 R Device ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Figure 16-28. PCI Device ID Register Table 16-26. PCI Device ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Device ID Description 0x0012 MPC8548E (with security) 0x0013MPC8548 (without security) PCI Bus Command Register--Offset 0x04 The 2-byte PCI bus command register provides control over the ability to generate and respond to PCI cycles. Table 16-27 describes the bits of the PCI bus command register. Offset 0x04 Access: Mixed 15 10 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Fast Memory-write- Special I/O space back-to-back SERR -- Parity error -- and-invalidate cycles Bus master Memory response space 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 PCI1/X: *0 = Agent, 1 = Host PCI2: *=1 Figure 16-29. PCI Bus Command Register Table 16-27. PCI Bus Command Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 15-10 -- 9 Description Reserved Fast Hard-wired to 0, indicating that this PCI controller (as a master) does not run fast back-to-back back-to-back transactions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-35 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-27. PCI Bus Command Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 8 SERR 7 -- 6 Parity error response 5 -- Description Controls the PCI_SERR driver of this PCI controller. This bit (and bit 6) must be set to report address parity errors. 0 Disables the PCI_SERR driver 1 Enables the PCI_SERR driver Reserved Controls whether this PCI controller responds to parity errors. 0 Parity errors are ignored and normal operation continues. 1 Parity errors cause the appropriate bit in the PCI status register to be set. However, note that errors are reported based on the values set in the PCI error enable and detection registers. Reserved 4 Memory-write- Hard-wired to 0, indicating that this PCI controller, acting as a master, can not generate the and-invalidate memory-write-and-invalidate command. 3 Special-cycles Hard-wired to 0, indicating that this PCI controller (as a target) ignores all special-cycle commands. 2 Bus master 1 Memory space 0 I/O space Indicates whether this PCI controller is configured as a master. This indicates the setting of the host/agent configuration input signal at power-on reset. 0 Disables the ability to generate PCI accesses 1 Enables this PCI controller to behave as a PCI bus master (Host) Controls whether this PCI controller (as a target) responds to memory accesses. 0 This PCI controller does not respond to PCI memory space accesses. 1 This PCI controller (as a target) responds to PCI memory space accesses. Hard-wired to 0, indicating that this PCI controller (as a target) does not respond to PCI I/O space accesses. PCI Bus Status Register--Offset 0x06 The 2-byte PCI bus status register is used to record status information for PCI bus bus-related events. The definition of each bit is given in Table 16-28. Only 2-byte accesses to address offset 0x06 are allowed. Reads to this register behave normally. Writes are slightly different in that bits can be cleared, but not set. A bit is cleared whenever the register is written, and the data in the corresponding bit location is a 1. For example, to clear bit 14 without affecting any other bits in the register, write the value 0b0100_0000_0000_0000 to the register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-36 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Offset 0x06 Access: Mixed 15 14 R Detected parity error W w1c 13 12 11 Signaled Received Received system error master-abort target-abort w1c w1c w1c Reset Signaled target-abort 10 9 DEVSEL timing 8 Master data parity error detected w1c w1c All zeros 7 R Fast back-toback capable 6 5 4 -- 66-MHz capable Capabilities list 0 1 0 3 0 -- W Reset 1 0 0 0 0 Figure 16-30. PCI Bus Status Register . Table 16-28. PCI Bus Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 15 Detected parity error 14 Signaled system Set whenever this PCI controller asserts PCI_SERR. error Set whenever this PCI controller detects a PCI parity error, even if parity error handling is disabled (as controlled by bit 6 in the PCI bus command register). 13 Received master-abort Set whenever this PCI controller, acting as the PCI master, terminates a transaction (except for a special-cycle) using master-abort. 12 Received target-abort Set whenever a PCI transaction initiated by this PCI controller (excluding a special-cycle) is terminated by a target-abort. 11 Signaled target-abort Set whenever this PCI controller, acting as the PCI target, issues a target-abort to a PCI master. 10-9 DEVSEL timing Hard-wired to 0b00, indicating that this PCI controller uses fast device select timing. 8 Master data parity Set upon detecting a data parity error. Three conditions must be met for this bit to be set: error detected * This PCI controller detected a parity error. * This PCI controller was acting as the bus master for the operation in which the error occurred. * Bit 6 in the PCI bus command register was set. 7 Fast back-to-back Hard-wired to 1, indicating that this PCI controller (as a target) is capable of accepting fast capable back-to-back transactions. 6 -- Reserved 5 66-MHz capable Read-only bit indicates that this PCI controller is capable of 66 MHz PCI bus operation. 4 Capabilities List 3-0 -- PCI1: Hard-wired to 1 PCI2: Hard-wired to 0 Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-37 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Revision ID Register--Offset 0x08 The PCI revision ID register is used to identify the revision of the part. Offset 0x08 Access: Read only 7 0 R Revision ID W Reset Revision specific Figure 16-31. PCI Revision ID Register Table 16-29. PCI Revision ID Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 7-0 Revision ID Description Revision specific PCI Bus Programming Interface Register--Offset 0x09 Table 16-30 describes the PCI bus programming interface register (PIR). Offset 0x09 Access: Read only 7 0 R Programming Interface W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PCI1/X: *0 = Host, 1 = Agent PCI2: *0 = Host Figure 16-32. PCI Bus Programming Interface Register Table 16-30. PCI Bus Programming Interface Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Programming Interface Description 0x00 When the PCI controller is configured as host bridge 0x01 When the PCI controller is configured as an agent device Note that the PCI2 interface is always in host mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-38 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Subclass Code Register--Offset 0x0A Table 16-32 describes the PCI subclass code register (PSCR). Offset 0x0A Access: Read only 7 0 R Subclass Code W Reset 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 16-33. PCI Subclass Code Register Table 16-31. PCI Subclass Code Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Subclass Code Description PowerPC--0x20 PCI Bus Base Class Code Register--Offset 0x0B Table 16-32 describes the PCI bus base class code register (PBCCR). Offset 0x0B Access: Read only 7 0 R Base Class Code W Reset 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Figure 16-34. PCI Bus Base Class Code Register Table 16-32. PCI Bus Base Class Code Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Base Class Code Description Processor--0x0B PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register--Offset 0x0C Table 16-33 describes the PCI bus cache line size register (PCLSR). Offset 0x0C Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Cache Line Size W Reset All zeros Figure 16-35. PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-39 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-33. PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 7-0 Cache Line Size Represents the cache line size of the processor in terms of 32-bit words (8 32-bit words = 32 bytes). PCLSR is read-write; however, for PCI operation an attempt to program this register to any value other than 0x8 results in clearing it. PCI Bus Latency Timer Register--0x0D Table 16-34 describes the PCI latency timer register (PLTR). Offset 0x0D Access: Mixed 7 3 2 R 0 Latency Timer Latency Timer W Reset All zeros Figure 16-36. PCI Bus Latency Timer Register Table 16-34. PCI Bus Latency Timer Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 7-3 Latency Timer The maximum number of PCI clocks that the device, when mastering a transaction, holds the bus after PCI bus grant has been negated The value is in PCI clocks. The PCI 2.2 specification gives rules by which the PCI bus interface unit completes transactions when the timer has expired. 2-0 Latency Timer Read-only bits. The minimum latency timer value when set is 8 PCI clocks. PCI Base Address Registers A PCI base address register points to the beginnings of each address range to which the device responds by asserting PCI_DEVSEL. The base address register (BAR) at offset 0x10 is a fixed 1-Mbyte window that is automatically translated to the local configuration, control, and status registers address space. The other base address registers are aliases (with differing format) of the PCI inbound ATMU windows; see Section, "PCI/X ATMU Inbound Registers." The 32-bit base address register at offset 0x14 corresponds to inbound ATMU window 1; the 64-bit base address registers at offsets 0x18 and 0x20 correspond to inbound ATMU windows 2 and 3. If one of these registers is written, the corresponding ATMU register is also updated; if a PCI inbound ATMU register is written, the corresponding BAR is also updated. If one of these registers is read, the corresponding size of ATMU is returned on the PCI bus providing valid window size in the Inbound ATMU window attributes register. Note that PCSRBAR cannot be updated through the inbound ATMU registers. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-40 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Offset 0x10 Access: Mixed 31 20 19 R 4 ADDRESS W 3 -- Reset 2 1 PREF TYPE 0 MSI All zeros Figure 16-37. PCI Configuration and Status Register Base Address Register (PCSRBAR) Table 16-35. PCSRBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-20 ADDRESS Indicates the base address that the inbound configuration/run-time window resides at. This window is fixed at 1 Mbyte. 19-4 -- Reserved 3 PREF Prefetchable 2-1 TYPE Type. 00 Locate anywhere in 32-bit address space. 0 MSI Memory space indicator Offset 0x14 Access: Mixed 31 12 11 R 4 ADDRESS W -- Reset 3 2 1 0 PREF TYPE MSI All zeros Figure 16-38. 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register Table 16-36. 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-12 ADDRESS Indicates the base address that the inbound memory window resides at. The number of upper bits that the device allows to be writable is selected through the inbound translation windows. 11-4 -- Reserved. The device allows a 4 Kbyte window minimum. 3 PREF Prefetchable 2-1 TYPE Type. 00 Locate anywhere in 32-bit address space. 0 MSI Memory space indicator. Offset 0x18 0x20 Access: Mixed 31 12 11 R ADDRESS W Reset 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 PREF TYPE MSI -- 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Figure 16-39. 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-41 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-37. 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-12 ADDRESS Indicates the base address that the inbound memory window resides at. The number of upper bits that the device allows to be writable is selected through the inbound translation windows. 11-4 -- Reserved. The device allows a 4 Kbyte window minimum. 3 PREF Prefetchable 2-1 TYPE Type. 0b10 Locate anywhere in 64-bit address space. 0 MSI Memory space indicator Offset 0x1C 0x24 Access: Read/Write 31 0 R ADDRESS W Reset All zeros Figure 16-40. 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register Table 16-38. Bit Setting for 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register Bits Name Description 31-0 ADDRESS Indicates the base address that the inbound memory window resides at. The number of upper bits that the device allows to be writable is selected through the inbound translation windows. If no access to local memory is to be permitted by external masters then all bits are programmed. PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register The PCI subsystem vendor ID register is used to identify the subsystem. Offset 0x2C Access: Read/Write 15 0 R Subsystem Vendor ID W Reset All zeros Figure 16-41. PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register Table 16-39. PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Subsystem Vendor ID Description 0x0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-42 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Subsystem ID Register The PCI subsystem ID register is used to identify the subsystem. Offset 0x2E Access: Read/Write 15 0 R Subsystem ID W Reset All zeros Figure 16-42. PCI Subsystem ID Register Table 16-40. PCI Subsystem ID Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-0 Subsystem ID 0x0000 PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register The PCI bus capabilities pointer identifies additional functionality supported by the device. Offset 0x34 Access: Read only 7 0 R Capabilities Pointer W Reset All zeros Figure 16-43. PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register Table 16-41. PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Capabilities Pointer Description No additional capabilities PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register Offset 0x3C Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Interrupt Line W Reset All zeros Figure 16-44. PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-43 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-42. PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register Field Description Bits Name Description 7-0 Interrupt Line Used to communicate interrupt line routing information. PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register The programmable interrupt controller (PIC) has 12 general purpose interrupt request inputs (IRQ[0:11]) and an interrupt output, IRQ_OUT (active low, level sensitive), to which all external and most internal interrupt sources (including PCI) can be routed. IRQ_OUT is mapped to PCI_INTA as a default. Note that this device does not respond to INTACK or special cycle commands on the PCI interfaces. Offset 0x3D Access: Read only 7 0 R Interrupt Pin W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 16-45. PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register Table 16-43. PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Interrupt pin Description PCI_INTA pin selected PCI Bus Minimum Grant Register (MIN_GNT) Offset 0x3E Access: Read only 7 0 R MINGNT W Reset All zeros Figure 16-46. PCI Bus Minimum Grant Register (MIN_GNT) Table 16-44. PCI Bus Minimum Grant Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 MINGNT Description Specifies the length of the device's burst period (0x00 indicates that this PCI controller has no major requirements for the settings of latency timers.) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-44 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Bus Maximum Latency Register (MAX_LAT) Offset 0x3F Access: Read Only 7 0 R MAXLAT W Reset All zeros Figure 16-47. PCI Bus Maximum Latency Register (MAX_LAT) Table 16-45. PCI Bus Maximum Latency Register Field Description Bits Name Description 7-0 MAXLA Specifies how often the device needs to gain access to the PCI bus (0x00 indicates that this PCI T controller has no major requirements for the settings of latency timers.) PCI Bus Function Register (PBFR) The 2-byte PCI bus function register is used to determine how different features of the PCI interface in bus 0 are configured. This register is in PCI configuration space at offset 0x44. Offset 0x44 Access: Mixed 15 6 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 ACL -- * 0 3 2 P64 * 1 -- 0 0 PAH 0 * PCI1/X: * = Depends on the state of the reset configuration signals at reset PCI2: *=0 Figure 16-48. PCI Bus Function Register Table 16-46. PCI Bus Function Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 15-6 5 4 3 -- Description Reserved ACL Agent configuration lock. Indicates to an external host whether the local processor is doing internal configuration and must be explicitly set and cleared by the local processor during this time. ACL is set during reset if the cfg_cpu_boot configuration input selects the CPU as the configuration owner. (See Section, "CPU Boot Configuration.") This bit is only meaningful in agent mode. 0 PCI interface allows incoming PCI configuration cycles. 1 PCI interface retries all incoming PCI configuration cycles. -- Reserved P64 PCI 64-bit configuration. Read-only. Indicates the reset value of the cfg_pci1_width configuration signal, PCI_REQ64. 0 64-bit interface functions as a 32-bit interface. 1 64-bit interface functions as a 64-bit interface. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-45 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-46. PCI Bus Function Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 2-1 -- 0 Description Reserved PAH PCI agent/host. Read-only. Indicates the reset value of the cfg_host_agt configuration signal. 0 PCI interface is in host mode 1 PCI interface is in agent mode PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PBACR) The PCI bus arbiter configuration register is used to determine the configuration of the PCI bus arbiter. Offset 0x46 Access: Mixed 15 R PAD W 14 13 12 PM -- PBMD Reset 11 7 -- 6 2 PBMP 1 0 -- DP All zeros Figure 16-49. PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register Table 16-47. PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 15 PAD PCI arbiter disable. Determines if the device is the PCI arbiter on the PCI bus or not. The reset state is determined by the inverse of the cfg_pcin_arb configuration input signal when reset is released. 0 Device is the PCI arbiter. 1 Device is not the PCI arbiter. Device presents its request on PCI_REQ0 to the external arbiter and receives its grant on PCI_GNT0. 14 PM Parking mode. controls which device receives the bus grant when there are no outstanding bus requests and the bus is idle. 0 The bus is parked on the last device to use the bus. 1 The bus is parked on the device. 13 -- Reserved 12 11-7 PBMD PCI broken master disable. Determines if the device ignores the bus requests of an initiator that requests the bus for an excessive period without using the bus. 0 An initiator that requests the bus and receives the grant must begin using the bus within 16 PCI clock periods after the bus becomes idle or else its request is subsequently ignored. 1 No requests are ignored. -- Reserved 6-2 PBMP PCI bus master priorities. Determines arbitration priority given to different masters on the PCI bus. Bit 6 corresponds to the priority of the master sourcing PCI_REQ0; bit 2 corresponds to the priority of the master sourcing PCI_REQ4. 0 Master n is low priority. 1 Master n is high priority. 1 -- Reserved 0 DP Device priority. Determines this device's arbitration priority. 0 Device is low priority. 1 Device is high priority. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-46 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI-X Next Capabilities ID Register--0x60 This register is an additional standard register specified by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification. Offset 0x60 Access: Read only 7 0 R Capabilities ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Figure 16-50. PCI-X Next Capabilities ID Register Table 16-48. PCI-X Next Capabilities ID Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 7-0 Capabilities ID This register identifies this item in the capabilities list as a PCI-X device having PCI-X registers. PCI-X Capability Pointer Register--0x61 The PCI-X next capabilities pointer register is an additional standard register specified by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification. This register identifies additional functionality supported by the device. The definition of each bit is given in Table 16-49. Offset 0x61 Access: Read only 7 0 R Capability Pointer W Reset All zeros Figure 16-51. PCI-X Capability Pointer Register Table 16-49. PCI-X Capability Pointer Register Field Description Bits Name Description 7-0 Capability Pointer Specifies the byte offset in the configuration space containing the first item in the capabilities list. PCI-X Command Register--0x62 The 2-byte PCI-X command register is an additional standard register specified by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification. This register provides control over the ability to generate and respond to PCI-X cycles. Table 16-50 describes the bits of the PCI-X command register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-47 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Offset 0x62 Access: Mixed 15 7 R 6 4 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 3 MOST 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 MMRBC 1 0 0 ERO 0 DPRE 0 0 Figure 16-52. PCI-X Command Register Table 16-50. PCI-X Command Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 15-7 -- 6-4 MOST 3-2 Description Reserved Maximum outstanding split transactions (4 supported) MMRBC Maximum memory read byte count (128 supported) 1 ERO 0 DPRE Enable relax ordering (read-only) Data parity error recovery enable (supported) PCI-X Status Register--0x64 The 4-byte PCI-X status register is an additional standard register specified by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification. This register is used to record additional status information for PCI-X bus-related events. In agent mode, the device and bus number are updated by the inbound configuration write transaction except for the inbound configuration write to PCI-X status register. The definition of each bit is given in Table 16-51. Only 4-byte accesses to address offset 0x64 are allowed. Offset 0x64 Access: Mixed 31 R 0 29 28 RSM -- W Reset 30 26 25 DMCRS 23 DMOST 22 21 DMRBC 20 19 18 17 16 DC USC SCD MC SBD w1c w1c 0 0 1 * 3 2 w1c 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 R 1 1 8 7 0 DBN 0 0 DDN 0 DFN W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 *0 = 32-bit bus, 1 = 64-bit bus Figure 16-53. PCI-X Status Register Table 16-51. PCI-X Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 31-30 -- 29 RSM 28-26 DMCRS Description Reserved Receive split completion error message (write-1-to-clear) Designed maximum cumulative read size (16 Kbytes) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-48 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-51. PCI-X Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) 16.4 Bits Name Description 25-23 DMOST Designed maximum outstanding split transactions (4 outstanding) 22-21 DMRBC Designed maximum memory read byte count (128 Bytes) 20 DC 19 USC Unexpected split completion (write-1-to-clear) 18 SCD Split completion discarded (write-1-to-clear) 17 MC 133-MHz capability 16 SBD 64-bit device 15-8 DBN Bus number (used for diagnostic purposes) 7-3 DDN Device number (used for diagnostic purposes) 2-0 DFN Function number (used for diagnostic purposes) Device complexity (simple device, can retry writes) Functional Description This section describes the functionality of the PCI interface. 16.4.1 PCI/X Bus Arbitration PCI bus arbitration is access-based. Bus masters must arbitrate for each access performed on the bus. The PCI bus uses a central arbitration scheme where each master has its own unique request (REQ) output and grant (GNT) input signal. A simple request/grant handshake is used to gain access to the bus. Arbitration for the bus occurs during the previous access so that no PCI bus cycles are consumed due to arbitration (except when the bus is idle). The PCI controller provides bus arbitration logic for its master interface and up to five other external PCI bus masters. The on-chip PCI arbiter is independent of host or agent mode. The on-chip PCI arbiter functions in both host and agent modes, or it can be disabled to allow for an external PCI arbiter. A configuration signal sampled at the negation of the reset signal (HRESET) determines if the on-chip PCI arbiter is enabled (high) or disabled (low). The on-chip PCI arbiter can also be enabled or disabled by programming bit 15 of the PCI bus arbitration control register (PBACR[PAD]). Note that the sense of PBACR[PAD] corresponds to the inverse of the configuration signal (that is, when PAD = 0 the arbiter is enabled, and when PA = 1 the arbiter is disabled). See Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," for more information on the reset configuration signals. If the on-chip PCI arbiter is enabled, a request-grant pair of signals is provided for each external master (PCI_REQ[0:4] and PCI_GNT[0:4]). In addition, there is an internal request/grant pair for the internal master state machine that governs internal accesses to the PCI interface. If the on-chip PCI arbiter is disabled, the PCI controller uses the PCI_REQ0 signal as an output to issue its request to the external arbiter and uses the PCI_GNT0 signal as an input to receive its grant from the external arbiter. The following sections describe the operation of the on-chip PCI arbiter that arbitrates between external PCI masters and the internal PCI bus master. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-49 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Bus Arbiter Operation The on-chip PCI arbiter uses a programmable two-level, round-robin arbitration algorithm. Each of the five external masters, plus the device itself, can be programmed for two priority levels, high or low, using the appropriate bits in the PBACR. Within each priority group, the PCI bus grant is asserted to the next requesting device in numerical order, with the PCI controller positioned before device 0. Conceptually, the lowest priority device is the master that is currently using the bus, and the highest priority device is the device that follows the current master in numerical order and group priority. This is considered to be a fair algorithm, since a single device cannot prevent other devices from having access to the bus; it automatically becomes the lowest priority device as soon as it begins to use the bus. If a master is not requesting the bus, then its transaction slot is given to the next requesting device within its priority group. A grant is awarded to the highest priority requesting device as soon as the current master begins a transaction; however, the granted device must wait until the bus is relinquished by the current master before initiating a transaction. The grant given to a particular device may be removed and awarded to another higher priority device, whenever the higher priority device asserts its request. If the bus is idle when a device requests the bus, then the arbiter withholds the grant for one clock cycle. The arbiter re-evaluates the priorities of all requesting devices and grants the bus to the highest priority device in the following clock cycle. This allows a turnaround clock when a higher priority device is using address stepping or when the bus is parked. The low-priority group collectively has one bus transaction request slot in the high-priority group. For N high-priority devices and M low-priority devices, each high-priority device is guaranteed at least 1 of N+1 bus transactions and each low-priority device is guaranteed at least 1 of (N+1) x M bus transactions, with one low-priority device receiving the grant in 1 of N+1 bus transactions. If all devices are programmed to the same priority level, or if the low-priority group has only one device, the algorithm defaults to give each device an equal number of bus grants in round-robin sequence. For the example in Figure 16-54, assume that several devices are requesting the bus. If two masters are in the high-priority group and three are in the low-priority group, each high-priority master is guaranteed at least one out of three transaction slots and each low-priority master is guaranteed one out of nine transaction slots. In Figure 16-54, the grant sequence (with all devices, except device 4 requesting the bus and device 3 being the current master) is 0, 2, MPC8548EMPC8539, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 3, ..., and repeating. If device 2 is not requesting the bus, the grant sequence is 0, MPC8548EMPC8539, 0, 1, 0, 3, ..., and repeating. If device 2 requests the bus when device 0 is conducting a transaction and the MPC8548EMPC8539 has the next grant, the MPC8548EMPC8539 has its grant removed and device 2 is awarded the grant since device 2 is higher priority than the MPC8548EMPC8539 when device 0 has the bus. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-50 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface High-Priority Group Low-Priority Group Device 2 (1/3) Device 1 (1/9) LowPriority Slot (1/3) Device 0 (1/3) MPPQIII (1/9) Device 3 (1/9) Figure 16-54. PCI Arbitration Example PCI Bus Parking When no device is using or requesting the bus, the PCI arbiter grants the bus to a selected device. This is known as parking the bus on the selected device. The selected device is required to drive the PCI_AD[31:0], PCI_C/BE[0:3], and the PCI parity signals to a stable value, preventing these signals from floating. The parking mode parameter (PBACR[PM]) determines which device the arbiter selects for parking the PCI bus. If PBACR[PM] = 0 (or if the bus is not idle), then the bus is parked on the last master to use the bus. If the bus is idle and PBACR[PM] = 1, the bus is parked on the PCI controller. Broken Master Lock-Out The PCI bus arbiter has a feature that allows it to lock out any masters that are broken or ill-behaved. The broken master feature is controlled by programming bit 12 of the PCI bus arbitration control register (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled). When the broken master feature is enabled, a granted device that does not assert PCI_FRAME within 16 PCI clock cycles after the bus is idle, has its grant removed and subsequent requests are ignored until its REQ is negated for at least one clock cycle. This prevents ill-behaved masters from monopolizing the bus. When the broken master feature is disabled, a device that requests the bus and receives a grant never loses its grant until and unless it begins a transaction or negates its REQ signal. Note that disabling the broken master feature is not recommended. Power-Saving Modes and the PCI Arbiter In the sleep power-saving mode, the clock signal driving SYSCLK can be disabled. If the clock is disabled, the arbitration logic is not able to perform its function. System programmers must park the bus with a device that can sustain the PCI_AD[31:0], PCI_C/BE[3:0], and parity signals prior to disabling the SYSCLK signal. If the bus is parked on the MPC8548EMPC8539 when its clocks are stopped, the MPC8548EMPC8539 sustains the PCI_AD[31:0], PCI_C/BE[3:0], and parity signals in their prior states. In this situation, the only way for another agent to use the PCI bus is by waking the MPC8548EMPC8539. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-51 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface In nap and doze power-saving modes, the arbiter continues to operate allowing other PCI devices to run transactions. 16.4.2 PCI Bus Protocol This section provides a general description of the PCI bus protocol. Specific PCI bus transactions are described in Section, "PCI Bus Transactions." Refer to Figure 16-55, Figure 16-56, Figure 16-57, and Figure 16-58 for examples of the transfer-control mechanisms described in this section. All signals are sampled on the rising edge of the PCI bus clock (SYSCLK). Each signal has a setup and hold aperture with respect to the rising clock edge in which transitions are not allowed. Outside this aperture, signal values or transitions have no significance. See the separate hardware specifications document for specific setup and hold times. Basic Transfer Control The basic PCI bus transfer mechanism is a burst. A burst is composed of an address phase followed by one or more data phases. Fundamentally, all PCI data transfers are controlled by three signals--PCI_FRAME (frame), PCI_IRDY (initiator ready), and PCI_TRDY (target ready). An initiator asserts PCI_FRAME to indicate the beginning of a PCI bus transaction and negates PCI_FRAME to indicate the end of a PCI bus transaction. An initiator negates PCI_IRDY to force wait cycles. A target negates PCI_TRDY to force wait cycles. The PCI bus is considered idle when both PCI_FRAME and PCI_IRDY are negated. The first clock cycle in which PCI_FRAME is asserted indicates the beginning of the address phase. The address and bus command code are transferred in that first cycle. The next cycle begins the first of one or more data phases. Data is transferred between initiator and target in each cycle that both PCI_IRDY and PCI_TRDY are asserted. Wait cycles may be inserted in a data phase by the initiator (by negating PCI_IRDY) or by the target (by negating PCI_TRDY). Once an initiator has asserted PCI_IRDY, it cannot change PCI_IRDY or PCI_FRAME until the current data phase completes regardless of the state of PCI_TRDY. Once a target has asserted PCI_TRDY or PCI_STOP, it cannot change PCI_DEVSEL, PCI_TRDY, or PCI_STOP until the current data phase completes. In simpler terms, once an initiator or target has committed to the data transfer, it cannot change its mind. When the initiator intends to complete only one more data transfer (which could be immediately after the address phase), PCI_FRAME is negated and PCI_IRDY is asserted (or kept asserted), indicating the initiator is ready. After the target indicates the final data transfer (by asserting PCI_TRDY), the PCI bus may return to the idle state (both PCI_FRAME and PCI_IRDY are negated) unless a fast back-to-back transaction is in progress. In the case of a fast back-to-back transaction, an address phase immediately follows the last data phase. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-52 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Bus Commands A PCI bus command is encoded in the PCI_C/BE[3:0] signals during the address phase of a PCI transaction. The bus command indicates to the target the type of transaction the initiator is requesting. Table 16-52 describes the PCI bus commands implemented by the device. Table 16-52. PCI Bus Commands PCI_C/ BE[3:0] 1 PCI Bus Command Supported as an Initiator Supported as a Target Definition 0000 Interruptacknowledge Yes No A read (implicitly addressing the system interrupt controller). Only one device on the PCI bus should respond to this command; others ignore it. See Section, "Interrupt-Acknowledge Transactions," for more information. 0001 Special cycle Yes No Provides a way to broadcast select messages to all devices on the PCI bus. See Section, "Special-Cycle Transactions," for more information. 0010 I/O-read Yes No Accesses agents mapped into the PCI I/O space. 0011 I/O-write Yes No Accesses agents mapped into the PCI I/O space. 0100 Reserved 1 No No -- 0101 Reserved 1 No No -- 0110 Memory-read Yes Yes Accesses either local memory or agents mapped into PCI memory space, depending on the address. When a PCI master issues this command to local memory, the PCI controller (the target) fetches data from the requested address to the end of the cache line (32 bytes) from local memory, even though all of the data may not be requested by (or sent to) the initiator. 0111 Memory-write Yes Yes Accesses either local memory or agents mapped into PCI memory space, depending on the address. 1000 Reserved 1 No No -- 1001 Reserved 1 No No -- 1010 Configurationread Yes 1011 Configurationwrite Yes 1100 Memory-readmultiple Yes Yes Similar to the memory-read command, but also causes a prefetch of the next cache line (32 bytes). 1101 Dual-addresscycle Yes Yes Used to transfer a 64-bit address (in two 32-bit address cycles) to 64-bit addressable devices. 1110 Memory-readline Yes Yes Indicates that an initiator is requesting the transfer of an entire cache line. This occurs only when the processor is performing a burst read. Note that these processors perform burst reads only when the appropriate cache is enabled and the transaction is not cache-inhibited. 1111 Memory-writeand-invalidate No Yes Indicates that an initiator is transferring an entire cache line; if this data is in any cacheable memory, that cache line needs to be invalidated. Agent mode Accesses the 256-byte configuration space of a PCI agent. A specific only agent is selected when its IDSEL signal is asserted during the address phase. See Section, "Configuration Cycles," for details. Agent mode only Reserved command encodings are reserved for future use. The PCI controller does not respond to these commands. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-53 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Addressing PCI defines three physical address spaces--PCI memory space, PCI I/O space, and PCI configuration space. Access to the PCI memory and I/O space is straightforward, although one must take into account the local memory access window and address translation being used. The address translation registers are described in Section 16.3.1, "PCI/X Memory-Mapped Registers." Access to the PCI configuration space is described in Section, "Configuration Cycles." Address decoding on the PCI bus is performed by every device for every PCI transaction. Each agent is responsible for decoding its own address. PCI supports two types of address decoding--positive decoding and subtractive decoding. For positive decoding, each device looks for accesses in the address range that the device has been assigned. For subtractive decoding, one device on the bus looks for accesses that no other device has claimed. See Section, "Device Selection," for information about claiming transactions. The information contained in the two low-order address bits (PCI_AD[1:0]) varies by the address space (memory, I/O, or configuration). Regardless of the encoding scheme, the two low-order address bits are always included in parity calculations. Memory Space Addressing For memory accesses, PCI defines two types of burst ordering controlled by the two low-order bits of the address--linear incrementing (PCI_AD[1:0] = 0b00) and cache wrap mode (PCI_AD[1:0] = 0b10), as shown in Table 16-53. The other two PCI_AD[1:0] possibilities (0b01 and 0b11) are reserved. As an initiator, the PCI controller always encodes PCI_AD[1:0] = 00 for PCI memory space accesses. As a target, the PCI controller executes a target disconnect after the first data phase completes if PCI_AD[1:0] = 01 or PCI_AD[1:0] = 0b11 during the address phase of a local memory access. See Section, "Target-Initiated Termination," for more information on target disconnect conditions. Table 16-53. Supported Combinations of PCI_AD[1:0] Target Initiator PCI_AD[1:0] 00 Linear 01 Reserved 10 Cache Wrap 11 Reserved Read Write Read Write TD TD -- -- TD -- -- TD TD -- -- For linear incrementing mode, the memory address is encoded/decoded using PCI_AD[63:2] or PCI_AD[31:2] in 32-bit mode. Thereafter, the address is incremented by 4 bytes after each data phase completes until the transaction is terminated or completed (a 4-byte data width per data phase is implied). Note that the two low-order bits on the address bus are included in all parity calculations. For cache wrap mode (PCI_AD[1:0] = 0b10) reads, the critical memory address is decoded using PCI_AD[63:2]/PCI_AD[31:2]. The address is incremented by 4 bytes after each data phase completes until the end of the cache line is reached. For cache-wrap reads, the address wraps to the beginning of the current cache line and continues incrementing until the entire cache line (32 bytes) is read. The PCI MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-54 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface controller does not support cache-wrap write operations and executes a target disconnect after the data phase for the end of the cache line completes for writes with PCI_AD[1:0] = 0b10. That is, the PCI controller does not wrap back to the beginning of the cache line. Note that the two low-order bits on the address bus are included in all parity calculations. I/O Space Addressing For PCI I/O accesses, 32 address signals (PCI_AD[31:0]) are used to provide a byte address. After a target has claimed an I/O access, it must determine if it can complete the entire access as indicated by the byte enable signals. If all the selected bytes are not in the address range of the target, the entire access cannot complete. In this case, the target does not transfer any data and terminates the transaction with a target-abort error. See Section, "Target-Initiated Termination," for more information. Configuration Space Addressing PCI supports two types of configuration accesses that use different formats for the PCI_AD[31:0] signals during the address phase. The two low-order bits of the address indicate the format used for the configuration address phase--type 0 (PCI_AD[1:0] = 0b00) or type 1 (PCI_AD[1:0] = 0b01). Both address formats identify a specific device and a specific configuration register for that device. See Section, "Configuration Cycles," for descriptions of the two formats. Device Selection The PCI_DEVSEL signal is driven by the target of the current transaction. PCI_DEVSEL indicates to the other devices on the PCI bus that the target has decoded the address and claimed the transaction. PCI_DEVSEL may be driven one, two, or three clock cycles (fast, medium, or slow device select timing) following the address phase. Device select timing is encoded into the device's PCI bus status register. If no agent asserts PCI_DEVSEL within three clock cycles of PCI_FRAME, the agent responsible for subtractive decoding may claim the transaction by asserting PCI_DEVSEL. A target must assert PCI_DEVSEL (claim the transaction) before or coincident with any other target response (assert PCI_TRDY, PCI_STOP, or data signals). In all cases except target-abort, once a target asserts PCI_DEVSEL, it must not negate PCI_DEVSEL until PCI_FRAME is negated (with PCI_IRDY asserted) and the last data phase has completed. For normal termination, negation of PCI_DEVSEL coincides with the negation of PCI_TRDY or PCI_STOP. If the first access maps into a target's address range, that target asserts PCI_DEVSEL to claim the access. However, if the initiator attempts to continue the burst access across the resource boundary, then the target must issue a target disconnect. The PCI controller is hardwired for fast device select timing (PCI bus status register [10-9] = 0b00). Therefore, when the PCI controller is the target of a transaction (local memory access or configuration register access), it asserts PCI_DEVSEL one clock cycle following the address phase. As an initiator, if the PCI controller does not detect the assertion of PCI_DEVSEL within four clock cycles after the address phase (that is, five clock cycles after it asserts PCI_FRAME), it terminates the transaction with a master-abort termination; see Section, "Master-Initiated Termination." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-55 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Byte Alignment The byte enable signals of the PCI bus (PCI_C/BE[7:0], during a data phase) are used to determine which byte lanes carry meaningful data. The byte enable signals may enable different bytes for each of the data phases. The byte enables are valid on the edge of the clock that starts each data phase and stay valid for the entire data phase. Note that parity is calculated for all bytes regardless of the state of the byte enable signals. See Section, "PCI Parity," for more information. If the PCI controller, as a target, detects no byte enables asserted, it completes the current data phase with no permanent change. This implies that on a read transaction, the PCI controller expects that the data is not changed, and on a write transaction, the data is not stored. Bus Driving and Turnaround To avoid contention, a turnaround cycle is required on all signals that may be driven by more than one agent. The turnaround cycle occurs at different times for different signals. The PCI_IRDY, PCI_TRDY, PCI_DEVSEL, and PCI_STOP signals use the address phase as their turnaround cycle. PCI_FRAME,PCI_C/BE[7:0], and PCI_AD[63:0] signals use the idle cycle between transactions (when both PCI_FRAME and PCI_IRDY are negated) as their turnaround cycle. PCI_PERR has a turnaround cycle on the fourth clock cycle after the last data phase. The PCI address/data signals, PCI_AD[63:0], are driven to a stable condition during every address/data phase. Even when the byte enables indicate that byte lanes carry meaningless data, the signals carry stable values. Parity is calculated on all bytes regardless of the byte enables. See Section, "PCI Parity," for more information. PCI Bus Transactions This section provides descriptions of the PCI bus transactions. All bus transactions follow the protocol as described in Section 16.4.2, "PCI Bus Protocol." Read and write transactions are similar for the memory and I/O spaces, so they are described as generic read transactions and generic write transactions. The timing diagrams in this section show the relationship of significant signals involved in bus transactions. When a signal is drawn as a solid line, it is actively being driven by the current master or target. When a signal is drawn as a dashed line, no agent is actively driving it. High-impedance signals are indicated to have indeterminate values when the dashed line is between the two rails. The terms `edge' and `clock edge' always refer to the rising edge of the clock. The terms `asserted' and `negated' always refer to the globally visible state of the signal on the clock edge, and not to signal transitions. ` ' represents a turnaround cycle in the timing diagrams. PCI Read Transactions This section describes PCI single-beat read transactions and PCI burst read transactions. A read transaction starts with the address phase, occurring when an initiator asserts PCI_FRAME. During the address phase, PCI_AD[63:0] contains a valid address and PCI_C/BE[73:0] contains a valid bus command. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-56 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface The first data phase of a read transaction requires a turnaround cycle. This allows the transition from the initiator driving PCI_AD[63:0] as address signals to the target driving PCI_AD[63:0] as data signals. The turnaround cycle is enforced by the target with the TRDY signal. The target provides valid data at the earliest one cycle after the turnaround cycle. The target must drive the PCI_AD[63:0] signals when PCI_DEVSEL is asserted. During the data phase, the PCI_C/BE[73:0] signals indicate which byte lanes are involved in the current data phase. A data phase may consist of a data transfer and wait cycles. The PCI_C/BE[73:0] signals remain actively driven for both reads and writes from the first clock of the data phase through the end of the transaction. A data phase completes when data is transferred, which occurs when both PCI_IRDY and PCI_TRDY are asserted on the same clock edge. When either PCI_IRDY or PCI_TRDY is negated, a wait cycle is inserted and no data is transferred. The initiator indicates the last data phase by negating PCI_FRAME when PCI_IRDY is asserted. The transaction is considered complete when data is transferred in the last data phase. Figure 16-55 illustrates a PCI single-beat read transaction. SYSCLK PCI_AD ADDR PCI_C/BE CMD DATA Byte Enables PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-55. PCI Single-Beat Read Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-57 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-56 illustrates a PCI burst read transaction. SYSCLK PCI_AD ADDR DATA1 PCI_C/BE CMD Byte Enables 1 DATA2 Byte Enables 2 PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-56. PCI Burst Read Transaction PCI Write Transactions This section describes PCI single-beat write transactions, and PCI burst write transactions. A PCI write transaction starts with the address phase, occurring when an initiator asserts PCI_FRAME. A write transaction is similar to a read transaction except no turnaround cycle is needed following the address phase because the initiator provides both address and data. The data phases are the same for both read and write transactions. Although not shown in the figures, the initiator must drive the PCI_C/BE[73:0] signals, even if the initiator is not ready to provide valid data (PCI_IRDY negated). Figure 16-57 illustrates a PCI single-beat write transaction. SYSCLK PCI_AD ADDR DATA PCI_C/BE CMD Byte Enables PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_EVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-57. PCI Single-Beat Write Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-58 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-58 illustrates a PCI burst write transaction. SYSCLK PCI_AD PCI_C/BE ADDR DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 CMD Byte Enables 1 Byte Enables 2 Byte Enables 3 BEs 4 PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-58. PCI Burst Write Transaction Transaction Termination A PCI transaction may be terminated by either the initiator or the target. The initiator is ultimately responsible for concluding all transactions, regardless of the cause of the termination. All transactions are concluded when PCI_FRAME and PCI_IRDY are both negated, indicating the bus is idle. Master-Initiated Termination Normally, a master initiates termination by negating PCI_FRAME and asserting PCI_IRDY. This indicates to the target that the final data phase is in progress. The final data transfer occurs when both PCI_TRDY and PCI_IRDY are asserted. The transaction is considered complete when data is transferred in the last data phase. After the final data phase, both PCI_FRAME and PCI_IRDY are negated (the bus becomes idle). There are three types of master-initiated termination: * Completion--Refers to termination when the initiator has concluded its intended transaction. This is the most common reason for termination. * Timeout--Refers to termination when the initiator loses its bus grant (GNTn is negated), and its internal latency timer has expired. The intended transaction is not necessarily concluded. * Master-abort--An abnormal case of master-initiated termination. If no device (including the subtractive decoding agent) asserts PCI_DEVSEL to claim a transaction, the initiator terminates the transaction with a master-abort. For a master-abort termination, the initiator negates PCI_FRAME and then negates PCI_IRDY on the next clock. If a transaction is terminated by master-abort (except for a special-cycle command), the received master-abort bit (bit 13) of the PCI bus status register is set. As an initiator, if the PCI controller does not detect the assertion of PCI_DEVSEL within four clock cycles following the address phase (five clock cycles after asserting PCI_FRAME), it terminates the transaction with a master-abort. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-59 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Target-Initiated Termination By asserting the PCI_STOP signal, a target may request that the initiator terminate the current transaction. Once asserted, the target holds PCI_STOP asserted until the initiator negates PCI_FRAME. Data may or may not be transferred during the request for termination. If PCI_TRDY and PCI_IRDY are asserted during the assertion of PCI_STOP, data is transferred. However, if PCI_TRDY is negated when PCI_STOP is asserted, it indicates that the target will not transfer any more data; therefore, the initiator does not wait for a final data transfer as it would in a completion termination. When a transaction is terminated by PCI_STOP, the initiator must negate its REQn signal for a minimum of two PCI clock cycles, (one corresponding to when the bus goes to the idle state (PCI_FRAME and PCI_IRDY negated)). If the initiator intends to complete the transaction, it can reassert its REQn immediately following the two clock cycles. If the initiator does not intend to complete the transaction, it can assert REQn whenever it needs to use the PCI bus again. There are three types of target-initiated termination: * Disconnect--Disconnect refers to termination requested because the target is temporarily unable to continue bursting. Disconnect implies that some data has been transferred. The initiator may restart the transaction at a later time starting with the address of the next untransferred data. (That is, data transfer may resume where it left off.) * Retry--Retry refers to termination requested because the target is currently in a state where it is unable to process the transaction. Retry implies that no data was transferred. The initiator may start the entire transaction over again at a later time. Note that the PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev. 2.2 requires that all retried transactions must be completed. * Target-Abort--Target-abort is an abnormal case of target-initiated termination. Target-abort is used when a fatal error has occurred or when a target can never respond. As a target, the PCI controller terminates a transaction with a target disconnect due to the following: * It is unable to respond within eight PCI clock cycles (not including the first data phase). * The transaction is attempting to cross a 4-Kbyte boundary. * A single beat of data has been transferred and the inbound ATMU is marked non-prefetchable. * The end of a cache line has been transferred for a cache-wrap mode write transaction. See Section, "Memory Space Addressing," for more information. As a target, the PCI controller responds to a transaction with a retry due to the following: * The 32-clock latency timer has expired, and the first data phase has not begun. * There is no more internal buffer space available for an inbound transaction. Target-abort is indicated by asserting PCI_STOP and negating PCI_DEVSEL. This indicates that the target requires termination of the transaction and does not want the transaction retried. If a transaction is terminated by target-abort, the received target-abort bit (bit 12) of the initiator's bus status register and the signaled target-abort bit (bit 11) of the target's bus status register are set. Note that any data transferred in a target-aborted transaction may be corrupt. For PCI writes to local memory, if an address parity error or data parity error occurs, the PCI controller aborts the transaction internally, but continues the transaction on the PCI bus. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-60 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-59 shows several target-initiated terminations. SYSCLK SYSCLK PCI_FRAME PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_STOP PCI_STOP Disconnect A Disconnect B SYSCLK PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY PCI_STOP Retry SYSCLK SYSCLK PCI_FRAME PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_STOP PCI_STOP Disconnect Without Data Target Abort Figure 16-59. PCI Target-Initiated Terminations The three disconnect terminations are unique in the data transferred at the end of the transaction. For disconnect A, the initiator is negating PCI_IRDY when the target asserts PCI_STOP and data is transferred only at the end of the current data phase. For disconnect B, the target negates PCI_TRDY one clock after MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-61 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface it asserts PCI_STOP, indicating that the target can accept the current data, but no more data can be transferred. For disconnect-without-data, the target asserts PCI_STOP when PCI_TRDY is negated indicating that the target cannot accept any more data. Fast Back-to-Back Transactions The PCI bus allows fast back-to-back transactions by the same master. During a fast back-to-back transaction, the initiator starts the next transaction immediately without an idle state. The last data phase completes when PCI_FRAME is negated, and PCI_IRDY and PCI_TRDY are asserted. The current master starts another transaction in the clock cycle immediately following the last data transfer for the previous transaction. Fast back-to-back transactions must avoid contention on the PCI_TRDY, PCI_DEVSEL, PCI_PERR, and PCI_STOP signals. There are two types of fast back-to-back transactions--those that access the same target and those that access multiple targets sequentially. The first type places the burden of avoiding contention on the initiator; the second type places the burden of avoiding contention on all potential targets. As an initiator, the PCI controller does not perform any fast back-to-back transactions. As a target, the PCI controller supports both types of fast back-to-back transactions. During fast back-to-back transactions, the PCI controller monitors the bus states to determine if it is the target of a transaction. If the previous transaction was not directed to the PCI controller but the current transaction is directed at the PCI controller, it delays the assertion of PCI_DEVSEL (as well as PCI_TRDY, PCI_STOP, and PCI_PERR) for one clock cycle to allow the other target to stop driving the bus. Dual Address Cycles The PCI controller supports dual address cycle (DAC) commands (64-bit addressing on PCI bus) as both an initiator and a target. DACs are different from single address cycles (SACs) in that the address phase takes two PCI beats instead of one PCI beat to transfer (64-bit vs. 32-bit addressing). Only PCI memory commands can use DAC cycles; I/O, configuration, interrupt acknowledge, and special cycle command cannot use DAC cycles. The PCI controller block supports single-beat and burst DAC transactions. For the case of the local processor, DAC generation depends on the setting of the POTEARx. If the POTEARx are programmed with nonzero values and a transaction from the local processor core hits in one of the outbound windows, a DAC transaction is generated on the PCI bus with the translated lower 32-bit addresses. Refer to Section, "PCI/X ATMU Outbound Registers," for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-62 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface The timing sequence of the PCI signals for single-beat DAC reads is shown in Figure 16-60. PCI_CLK PCI_AD[31:0] PCI_C/BE[3:0] Lo-Addr Hi-Addr x'D' T/A Cmd Data Byte Enables T/A T/A PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-60. DAC Single-Beat Read Example The timing for a DAC burst read is shown in Figure 16-61. PCI_CLK PCI_AD[31:0] PCI_C/BE[3:0] Lo-Addr Hi-Addr x'D' Cmd T/A Data1 Byte Enables1 Data2 T/A Byte Enables2 T/A PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-61. DAC Burst Read Example MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-63 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-62 and Figure 16-63 show timing examples for single-beat DAC writes and burst DAC writes, respectively. PCI_CLK PCI_AD[31:0] PCI_C/BE[3:0] Lo-Addr Hi-Addr x'D' Cmd Data T/A Byte Enables T/A PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-62. DAC Single-Beat Write Example PCI_CLK PCI_AD[31:0] PCI_C/BE[3:0] Lo-Addr Hi-Addr x'D' Cmd Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 T/A BE's1 BE's2 BE's3 BE's4 T/A PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY Figure 16-63. DAC Burst Write Example Configuration Cycles This section describes PCI configuration cycles used for configuring standard PCI devices. The PCI configuration space of any device is intended for configuration, initialization, and catastrophic error-handling functions only. Access to the PCI configuration space should be limited to initialization and error-handling software. PCI Configuration Space Header The first 64 bytes of the 256-byte configuration space consists of a predefined header that every PCI device must support. The predefined header for all PCI devices is shown in Figure 16-64. The first 16 bytes of the predefined header are defined the same for all PCI devices; the remaining 48 bytes of the header may have differing layouts depending on the function of the device. Most PCI devices use the configuration header MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-64 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface layout shown in Figure 16-64. The rest of the 256-byte configuration space is device-specific. The PCI header specific to the PCI controller is described in Section 16.3.2, "PCI/X Configuration Header." Address Offset (Hex) Device ID Vendor ID Status 00 Command 04 Class Code BIST Header Type Latency Timer Revision ID 08 Cache Line Size 0C 10 14 18 Base Address Registers 1C 20 24 Reserved 28 Subsystem ID Max_Lat Subsystem Vendor ID 2C Expansion ROM Base Address 30 Reserved 34 Reserved 38 Min_Gnt Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line 3C Figure 16-64. Standard PCI Configuration Header Table 16-54 summarizes the configuration header registers. Detailed descriptions of these registers are provided in the PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev. 2.2. Table 16-54. PCI Configuration Space Header Summary Address Offset (Hex) Register Name Description 0x00 Vendor ID Identifies the manufacturer of the device (assigned by the PCI SIG (special-interest group) to ensure uniqueness). 0x02 Device ID Identifies the particular device (assigned by the vendor). 0x04 Command Provides coarse control over a device's ability to generate and respond to PCI bus cycles 0x06 Status 0x08 Revision ID Specifies a device-specific revision code (assigned by vendor) 0x09 Class code Identifies the generic function of the device and (in some cases) a specific register-level programming interface 0x0C Cache line size 0x0D Latency timer Specifies the value of the latency timer in PCI bus clock units for the device when acting as an initiator 0x0E Header type Bits 0-6 identify the layout of bytes 0x10-0x3F; bit 7 indicates a multifunction device. The most common header type (0x00) is shown in Figure 16-64 and in this table. 0x0F BIST 0x10-0x27 Base address registers Records status information for PCI bus-related events Specifies the system cache line size in 32-bit units Optional register for control and status of built-in self test (BIST) Address mapping information for memory and I/O space MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-65 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-54. PCI Configuration Space Header Summary (continued) Address Offset (Hex) Register Name 0x28 -- 0x2C Subsystem Vendor ID 0x2E Subsystem ID 0x30 Expansion ROM base address 0x34, 0x38 -- 0x3C Interrupt line Contains interrupt line routing information 0x3D Interrupt pin Indicates which interrupt pin the device (or function) uses 0x3E Min_Gnt Specifies the length of the device's burst period in 0.25 s units 0x3F Max_Lat Specifies how often the device needs access to the bus in 0.25 s units Description Reserved for future use Identifies the subsystem vendor ID Identifies the subsystem ID Base address and size information for expansion ROM contained in an add-on board Reserved for future use To access the configuration space, a 32-bit value must be written to the PCI CFG_ADDR register that specifies the target PCI bus, the target device on that bus, and the configuration register to be accessed within that device. A read or write to the PCI CFG_DATA register causes the host bridge to translate the access into a PCI configuration cycle (provided the enable bit in CONFIG_ADDR is set and the device number is not 0b1_1111). See Section, "PCI/X Configuration Address Register (CFG_ADDR)," for details on PCI CFG_ADDR and Section, "PCI Configuration Data Register (CFG_DATA)," for details on PCI CFG_DATA. Host Accessing the PCI Configuration Space Processor accesses to the PCI CFG_DATA register should use the load/store with byte-reversed instructions. Example: Configuration sequence, 4-byte data read from the revision ID/standard programming interface/subclass code/class code registers at address offset 0x08 of the PCI configuration header (device 0 on the PCI bus 0 is the PCI controller itself). Initial values: r0 contains r1 contains r2 contains r3 contains Register at 0x8000_0008 CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x000 (Address of PCI CFG_ADDR register) CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x004 (Address of PCI CFG_DATA register) 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x08 contains 0x9988_7766 (0x0B to 0x08) Code sequence: stw r0, 0 (r1) ld r3, 0 (r2) Results: Address CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x000 contains 0x8000_0008 Register r3 contains 0x6677_8899 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-66 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Agent Accessing the PCI Configuration Space When this device is configured as an agent device, it responds to a remote host-generated PCI configuration cycle. This is indicated by decoding the configuration command along with PCI's IDSEL being asserted. When the PCI controller detects an access to PCI CFG_DATA, it checks the enable flag and the device number in the PCI CFG_ADDR register. If the enable bit is set, and the device number is not 0b1_1111, the PCI controller performs a configuration cycle translation function and runs a configuration-read or configuration-write transaction on the PCI bus. The device number 0b1_1111 is used for performing interrupt-acknowledge and special-cycle transactions. See Section, "Other Bus Transactions," for more information. If the bus number corresponds to the local PCI bus (bus number = 0x00), the PCI controller performs a type 0 configuration cycle translation. If the bus number indicates a remote PCI bus (that is, nonlocal), the PCI controller performs a type 1 configuration cycle translation. Note that in the following examples, the data in the configuration register is shown in little-endian order. This is because all the PCI registers are intrinsically little-endian. External PCI masters that use the local address map to access configuration space do not need to reverse bytes since byte lane redirection from the little-endian PCI bus is performed internally. Example: Configuration sequence, 4-byte data write to PCI register at address offset 0x14 of Device 1 on PCI bus 0. Initial values: r0 contains r1 contains r2 contains r3 contains Register at 0x8000_0814 CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x000 (Address of PCI CFG_ADDR register) CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x004 (Address of PCI CFG_DATA register) 0x1122_3344 0x14 contains 0xFFFF_FFFF (0x17 to 0x14) Code sequence: stw r0, 0 (r1) // Update PCI CFG_ADDR register to point to //register offset 0x14 of device 1. stwbrx r3, 0 (r2) Results: Address CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x000 contains 0x8000_0814 Register at 0x14 contains 0x1122_3344 (0x17 to 0x14) Example: Configuration sequence, 2-byte data write to PCI register at address offset 0x1C of Device 1 on PCI bus 0. Initial values: r0 contains r1 contains r2 contains r3 contains Register at 0x8000_081C CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x000 CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x004 0xDDCC_BBAA 0x1C contains 0xFFFF_FFFF (0x1F to 0x1C) Code sequence: stw r0, 0 (r1) sthbrx r3, 0 (r2) Results: Address CCSRBAR + BlockBase + 0x000 contains 0x8000_081C Register at 0x1C contains 0xFFFF_BBAA (0x1F to 0x1C) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-67 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Type 0 Configuration Translation Figure 16-65 shows the PCI type 0 translation function performed on the contents of the PCI CFG_ADDR register to the PCI_AD[31:0] signals on the PCI bus during the address phase of the configuration cycle. Reserved Contents of PCI CFG_ADDR Register E 000_0000 0 Function Number Bus Number 1 Device Number 7 8 15 16 Register Number 20 21 2324 00 29 30 31 See Table 16-55 PCI_AD[31:0] Signals During Address Phase IDSEL-Only One Signal High 31 Function/Register Number 11 10 00 2 1 0 Figure 16-65. PCI Type 0 Configuration Translation For PCI type 0 configuration cycles, the PCI controller translates the device number field of the PCI CFG_ADDR register into a unique IDSEL signal for up to 21 different devices. Each device connects its IDSEL input to one of the PCI_AD[31:11] signals. For PCI type 0 configuration cycles, the PCI controller translates the device number to ADn as shown in Table 16-55. Table 16-55. PCI Type 0 Configuration--Device Number to ADn Translation Device Number Device Number Binary Decimal AD n Used for IDSEL 0b0_0000 0 --1 0b1_0100 20 AD20 2 0b1_0101 21 AD21 Decimal ADn Used for IDSEL 0b0_0001-0b0_1001 1-9 0b0_1010 10 AD31 0b1_0110 22 AD22 0b0_1011 11 AD11 0b1_0111 23 AD23 0b0_1100 12 AD12 0b1_1000 24 AD24 0b0_1101 13 AD13 0b1_1001 25 AD25 0b0_1110 14 AD14 0b1_1010 26 AD26 0b0_1111 15 AD15 0b1_1011 27 AD27 0b1_0000 16 AD16 0b1_1100 28 AD28 0b1_0001 17 AD17 0b1_1101 29 AD29 0b1_0010 18 AD18 0b1_1110 30 AD30 AD19 0b1_1111 3 31 -- 0b1_0011 19 -- Binary 1 No external configuration transaction takes place; rather, internal registers are accessed. line asserted. Type0 configuration transaction is run, but ends with a master abort since no device responds. 3A device number of all ones indicates a PCI special-cycle or interrupt-acknowledge transaction. 2No IDSEL For PCI type 0 translations, the function number and register number fields are copied without modification onto the PCI_AD[10:2] signals during the address phase. The PCI_AD[1:0] signals are MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-68 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface driven to 0b00 during the address phase for type 0 configuration cycles. The PCI controller implements address stepping on configuration cycles so that the target's IDSEL, which is connected directly to one of the PCI_AD lines, reaches a stable value. This means that a valid address and command are driven on PCI_AD[31:0] and PCI_C/BE[3:0] one clock cycle before the assertion of PCI_FRAME. Type 1 Configuration Translation For type 1 translations, the PCI controller copies the 30 high-order bits of the PCI CFG_ADDR register (without modification) onto the PCI_AD[31:2] signals during the address phase. The PCI controller automatically translates PCI_AD[1:0] into 0b01 during the address phase to indicate a type 1 configuration cycle. Other Bus Transactions There are two other PCI transactions that the PCI controller supports--interrupt acknowledge and special cycles. As an initiator, the PCI controller may initiate both interrupt acknowledge and special-cycle transactions; however, as a target, the PCI controller ignores interrupt-acknowledge and special-cycle transactions. Both transactions make use of the PCI CFG_ADDR and PCI CFG_DATA registers described in Section, "Agent Accessing the PCI Configuration Space." Interrupt-Acknowledge Transactions The PCI bus supports an interrupt-acknowledge transaction. The interrupt-acknowledge command is a read operation implicitly addressed to the system interrupt controller. Note that the PCI interrupt-acknowledge command does not address the device's PIC processor interrupt-acknowledge register and does not return the interrupt vector address from the PIC unit. See Chapter 10, "Programmable Interrupt Controller," for more information about the PIC unit. When the PCI controller detects a read to the PCI CFG_DATA register, it checks the enable flag and the device number in the PCI CFG_ADDR register. If the enable bit is set, the bus number corresponds to the local PCI bus (bus number = 0x00), the device number is all ones (0b1_1111), the function number is all ones (0b111), and the register number is zero (0b00_0000), then the PCI controller performs an interrupt-acknowledge transaction. If the bus number indicates a nonlocal PCI bus, the PCI controller performs a type 1 configuration cycle translation, similar to any other configuration cycle for which the bus number does not match. The address phase contains no valid information other than the interrupt-acknowledge command (PCI_C/BE[3:0] = 0b0000). Although there is no explicit address, PCI_AD[63:0] are driven to a stable state, and parity is generated. Only one device (the system interrupt controller) on the PCI bus should respond to the interrupt-acknowledge command by asserting PCI_DEVSEL. All other devices on the bus should ignore the interrupt-acknowledge command. As stated previously, the device's PIC unit does not respond to PCI interrupt-acknowledge commands. During the data phase, the responding device returns the interrupt vector on PCI_AD[63:0] when PCI_TRDY is asserted. The size of the interrupt vector returned is indicated by the value driven on the PCI_C/BE[73:0] signals. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-69 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface The PCI controller also provides a direct way to generate PCI interrupt-acknowledge transactions. Reads from PCI INT_ACK at offset 0x008 generate PCI interrupt-acknowledge transactions. Note that processor writes to these addresses do nothing. Special-Cycle Transactions The special-cycle command provides a mechanism to broadcast select messages to all devices on the PCI bus. The special-cycle command contains no explicit destination address but is broadcast to all PCI agents. When the PCI controller detects a write to PCI CFG_DATA, it checks the enable flag and the device number in PCI CFG_ADDR. If the enable bit is set, the bus number corresponds to the local PCI bus (bus number = 0x00), the device number is all ones (0b1_1111), the function number is all ones (0b111), and the register number is zero (0b00_0000), then the PCI controller performs a special-cycle transaction on the local PCI bus. If the bus number indicates a nonlocal PCI bus, the PCI controller performs a type 1 configuration cycle translation, similar to any other configuration cycle for which the bus number does not match. Aside from the special-cycle command (PCI_C/BE[3:0] = 0b0001) the address phase contains no other valid information. Although there is no explicit address, PCI_AD[63:0] are driven to a stable state, and parity is generated. During the data phase, PCI_AD[63:0] contain the special-cycle message and an optional data field. The special-cycle message is encoded on the 16 least-significant bits (PCI_AD[15:0]); the optional data field is encoded on the most-significant 16 lines (PCI_AD[31:16]). The special-cycle message encodings are assigned by the PCI SIG steering committee. The current list of defined encodings are provided in Table 16-56. Table 16-56. Special-Cycle Message Encodings PCI_AD[15:0] Message 0x0000 SHUTDOWN 0x0001 HALT 0x0002 x86 architecture-specific 0x0003-0xFFFF -- Note that the PCI controller does not automatically issue a special-cycle message when it enters any of its power-saving modes. It is the responsibility of software to issue the appropriate special-cycle message, if needed. Each receiving agent must determine whether the special-cycle message is applicable to itself. Assertion of PCI_DEVSEL in response to a special-cycle command is not necessary. The initiator of the special-cycle transaction can insert wait states but since there is no specific target, the special-cycle message and optional data field are valid on the first clock PCI_IRDY is asserted. All special-cycle transactions are terminated by master-abort; however, the master-abort bit in the initiator's bus status register is not set for special-cycle terminations. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-70 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI Error Functions PCI provides for parity and other system errors to be detected and reported. The PCI command register provides for selective enabling of specific PCI error detection. The PCI bus status register provides PCI error reporting. This section describes generation and detection of parity and error reporting for the PCI bus. PCI Parity Generating parity is not optional; it must be performed by all PCI-compliant devices. All PCI transactions, regardless of type, calculate even parity; that is, the number of ones on the PCI_AD[31:0], PCI_C/BE[3:0], and PCI_PAR signals all sum to an even number and the number of ones on the PCI_AD[63:32], PCI_C/BE[7:4], and PCI_PAR64 signals all sum to an even number. Parity provides a way to determine, on each transaction, if the initiator successfully addressed the target and transferred valid data. The PCI_C/BE[7:4] and PCI_C/BE[3:0] signals are included in the parity calculation to ensure that the correct bus command is performed (during the address phase) and correct data is transferred (during the data phase). The agent responsible for driving the bus must also drive even parity on the PAR and PCI_PAR64 signals one clock cycle after a valid address phase or valid data transfer, as shown in Figure 16-66. SYSCLK PCI_AD[63:0] PCI_C/BE[7:0] ADDR DATA CMD Byte Enables ADDR DATA CMD Byte Enables PCI_PAR, PCI_PAR64 PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_DEVSEL PCI_TRDY PCI_PERR PCI_SERR Figure 16-66. PCI Parity Operation During the address and data phases, parity covers all 64 address/data signals and 8 command/byte enable signals, regardless of whether all lines carry meaningful information. Byte lanes not actually transferring data must contain stable (albeit meaningless) data and are included in parity calculation. During configuration, special-cycle, or interrupt-acknowledge commands; some address lines are not defined, but are driven to stable values and are included in parity calculation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-71 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Agents that support parity checking must set the detected parity error bit in the PCI bus status register when a parity error is detected. Any additional response to a parity error is controlled by the parity error response bit in the PCI command register. If the parity error response bit is cleared, the agent ignores all parity errors. Error Reporting PCI provides for the detection and signaling of both parity and other system errors. Two signals are used to report these errors--PCI_PERR and PCI_SERR. The PCI_PERR signal is used exclusively to report data parity errors on all transactions except special cycles. The PCI_SERR signal is used for other error signaling including address parity errors and data parity errors on special-cycle transactions; it may also be used to signal other system errors. Table 16-57 shows the actions taken for each kind of error. Table 16-57. PCI Mode Error Actions PCI Error Type Error Detect Register bit PCI Status Register bit Comment PCI Outbound Read Received SERR at any phase Rcvd SERR Received Parity Error for data phase Mstr PERR Master Abort Mstr abort Target Abort Trgt abort Memory space violation ORMSV -- No data transferred Detected Parity Error, No data transferred Master Data Parity Error Detected Received Master Abort No data transferred Received Target Abort No data transferred -- No data transferred. Only 8 bytes are requested in PCI bus PCI Outbound Write Received SERR related to Address phase Rcvd SERR -- Received SERR related to Data phase Rcvd SERR -- Received PERR (Data phase) Mstr PERR Master Data Parity Error Master Abort Mstr abort Received Master Abort Target Abort Trgt abort Received Target Abort Memory space violation OWMSV -- May float AD bus to avoid contention Only 8 bytes transferred. PCI Inbound Read Detected Parity Error for Address phase Addr Parity Error Detected Parity Error, Float AD bus Signaled System Error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-72 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-57. PCI Mode Error Actions (continued) PCI Error Type Detected Parity Error on upper address bus for Address phase (SAC or DAC) Error Detect Register bit PCI Status Register bit -- -- Received SERR at any phase Received SERR -- Received PERR (Data phase) Target PERR -- Internal error Target Abort Signaled Target Abort Comment No PAR64 check during Address phase PCI Inbound Write Detected Parity Error for Address phase Addr Parity Error Detected Parity Error, Cache line purged Signaled System Error Detected Parity Error on upper address bus for Address phase (SAC or DAC) -- -- Received SERR at any phase Rcvd SERR -- Detected Parity Error for Data phase Trgt PERR 16.4.3 No PAR64 check during Address phase Detected Parity Error Cache line purged PCI-X Bus Protocol The PCI-X bus protocol is an enhancement of the PCI bus protocol that features a backward-compatible, higher-bandwidth, 32- or 64-bit multiplexed address/data bus at frequencies up to 133 MHz. (Note that on this device, the maximum speed supported in synchronous mode is 110 MHz.) The most significant of these enhancements are the following: * Slightly different command types define burst and DWORD transaction types * A new attribute phase for each transaction provides more information about the transaction including a byte count, sequence ID, and handling instructions (for ordering and cacheability) * Restricted wait state and disconnection rules * A new split transaction, consisting of a split response termination and one or more split completions, replaces the delayed transaction functionality from the PCI bus protocol. The following sections describe the new functionality of the PCI-X bus protocol. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-73 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI-X Terminology The PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification introduces terminology that is helpful when describing aspects of the protocol. This terminology is introduced in context in the following sections. However, three terms that are important to keep in mind throughout these sections are defined as follows: Sequence A sequence is one or more transactions associated with carrying out a single logical transfer by a requester. Each transaction in the same sequence carries the same unique sequence ID. Requester A requester is an initiator that first introduces a transaction into the PCI-X domain.If a transaction is terminated with a split response, the requester becomes the target of the subsequent split completion. Completer A completer is the device addressed by a transaction (other than a split completion transaction). If a target terminates a transaction with a split response, the completer becomes the initiator of the subsequent split completion. PCI-X Command Encodings The PCI-X protocol uses a slightly different set of command encodings for PCI_C/BE[3:0] during the address phase of a PCI-X transaction. The bus command indicates to the target the type of transaction the initiator is requesting. Table 16-52 describes the PCI-X bus commands implemented by the device. Table 16-58. PCI-X Command Encodings PCI_C/ BE[3:0] PCI -X Bus Command Length/ Supported Supported Byte-Enable as Initiator as Target Usage Definition 0000 Interruptacknowledge 4 bytes/ Attribute Yes No This command is a read (implicitly addressing the system interrupt controller). Only one device on the PCI bus should respond to this command; other devices ignore it. See Section, "Interrupt-Acknowledge Transactions." 0001 Special cycle 4 bytes/ Attribute Yes No Provides a way to broadcast select messages to all devices on the PCI bus. See Section, "Special-Cycle Transactions," for more information. 0010 I/O-read 4 bytes/ Attribute Yes No Accesses agents mapped into the PCI I/O space. 0011 I/O-write 4 bytes/ Attribute Yes No Accesses agents mapped into the PCI I/O space. 0100 Reserved1 -- -- -- -- 0101 Reserved1 -- -- -- -- 0110 Memory-readDWORD 4 bytes/ Attribute Yes Yes Accesses 4-bytes in either local memory or agents mapped into PCI memory space, depending on the address. 0111 Memory-write Burst/ Data phase Yes Yes Accesses either local memory or agents mapped into PCI memory space, depending on the address. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-74 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-58. PCI-X Command Encodings (continued) Length/ Supported Supported Byte-Enable as Initiator as Target Usage PCI_C/ BE[3:0] PCI -X Bus Command 1000 Reserved. (Aliased to memory-readblock) Burst/ None No Aliased Reserved for use in future revisions of the PCI-X specification. Current targets must treat this command as if it were a a memory-read-block. 1001 Reserved. (Aliased to memory-writeblock) Burst/ None No Aliased Reserved for use in future revisions of the PCI-X specification. Current targets must treat this command as if it were a a memory-write-block. 1010 Configurationread 4 bytes/ Attribute Yes Agent Accesses the configuration space of a PCI-X agent. mode only See Section, "PCI-X Configuration Transactions," for more detail on PCI-X configuration cycles. 1011 Configurationwrite 4 bytes/ Attribute Yes Agent Accesses the configuration space of a PCI-X agent. mode only See Section, "PCI-X Configuration Transactions," for more detail on PCI-X configuration cycles. 1100 Splitcompletion Burst/ None Yes (as completer) 1101 Dual-addresscycle -- Yes Yes Indicates the transfer a 64-bit address (in two 32-bit address cycles) to 64-bit addressable devices. The actual transaction command is transferred either on PCI_C/BE[3:0] in the second address phase for a 32-bit bus or on PCI_C/BE[7:4] for a 64-bit bus. 1110 Memory-readblock Burst/ None Yes Yes Indicates that an initiator is requesting the transfer of a block of data. 1111 Memory-writeblock Burst/ None Yes Yes Indicates that an initiator is transferring a block of data. Definition Similar to the memory-write command, but the Yes transaction is associated with a previous read or (as requester) write transaction that was terminated with a split response. 1 Reserved command encodings are reserved for future use. The PCI-X controller does not respond to these commands. PCI-X Attribute Phase PCI-X defines a new attribute phase that occurs one clock cycle after the address phase. During the attribute phase, a specially encoded attribute is driven by the initiator on PCI_C/BE[3:0] and AD[31:0]. PCI_C/BE[3:0] provide either the upper four bits of the byte count for burst transactions or byte enables for DWORD transactions. Figure 16-67 shows PCI_AD[31:0] attributes for burst and DWORD transactions. The attributes for split completion transactions are described in Section, "PCI-X Split Transactions," and the attributes for PCI-X configuration transactions are described in Section, "PCI-X Configuration Transactions." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-75 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 31 30 29 0 NS RO 28 24 23 16 Tag 15 11 Requester Device Number 10 Requester Bus Number 8 Requester Function Number 7 0 Lower Byte Count (Reserved for DWORD transactions) Figure 16-67. PCI_AD[31:0] During PCI-X Burst/DWORD Attribute Phase Table 16-59 describes the fields of the attribute for burst and DWORD transactions. Table 16-59. Burst/DWORD Transaction Attribute Summary AD Name 31 -- Reserved. Must be 0 30 NS No snoop. This attribute indicates whether the sequence should be snooped for coherency. 0 The requester cannot guarantee that the locations between the starting and ending address, inclusive, of this sequence are not stored in any cache in the system. Thus, all potentially effected caches should be snooped. 1 The requester guarantees that the locations between the starting and ending address, inclusive, of this sequence are not stored in any cache in the system. Thus, snooping is not necessary. 30 RO Relaxed ordering. This attribute indicates whether the requester requires a transaction to be strictly ordered. In general, devices set the RO attribute for payload sequences and clear the RO attribute for control and status sequences. Refer to the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Bus Specification for a complete discussion of usage models for relaxed transaction ordering. 0 The requester requires that the transaction remain in strict order. 1 The requester guarantees that the transaction is not required to remain in strict order. 28:24 Tag The tag attribute identifies up to 32 unique sequences from a single initiator. Tag is also a component of the sequence ID. 23:16 Description Requester The requester bus number attribute is supplied by the bus number field in the PCI-X status register. The Bus Number requester bus number is also a component of the sequence ID. 15:11 Requester The requester device number attribute is supplied by the device number field in the PCI-X status register. The requester bus number is also a component of the sequence ID. Device Number 10:8 Requester The requester function number attribute is supplied by the function number field in the PCI-X status Function register. The requester bus number is also a component of the sequence ID. Number 7:0 Lower Byte For a burst transaction attribute phase, PCI_C/BE[3:0] is concatenated with AD[7:0] to create a 12-bit Count byte count. The byte count indicates the number of bytes the initiator plans to transfer in the remainder of the sequence. For DWORD transactions, the transaction has an implicit size of up to 4-bytes. Therefore, for DWORD transactions, there is no byte count and AD[7:0] is reserved. PCI_C/BE[3:0] contain the individual byte enables for DWORD transactions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-76 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI-X Transactions Figure 16-68 shows a typical PCI-X write transaction. To highlight some of the difference with the PCI protocol, compare this to the PCI write transaction shown in Figure 16-58. Address Phase Turn Around Attribute Phase Target Response Phase Data Data Data Data Data Data Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PCI_CLK PCI_AD ADDR ATTR PCI_C/BE CMD ATTR DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 BE0 BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4 BE5 PCI_FRAME Data Transfer PCI_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_DEVSEL Bus Transaction Initiator Termination Figure 16-68. Typical PCI-X Write Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-77 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-69 shows a the following burst write transactions: memory write, memory write block, and split completion transactions. Signals preceded by "s1_" indicate a signal that is internal to the device after the signal has been sampled. For the memory write block and split completion transactions the PCI_C/BE[7:0] signals are driven high by the initiator on every data phase. Note that there are no target initial wait states for this example. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PCI_CLK PCI Bus PCI_FRAME PCI_AD ADDR ATTR PCI_C/BE CMD ATTR DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 BE0 BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4 BE5 BE6 BE7 Data Transfer PCI_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_DEVSEL Bus Transaction Decode Speed A Initiator Signals Termination 2 Clocks Before End of Transaction Initiator's View of the PCI Bus PCI_FRAME PCI_AD ADDR ATTR PCI_C/BE CMD ATTR DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 BE0 BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4 BE5 BE6 BE7 PCI_IRDY s1_TRDY s1_DEVSEL Target's View of the PCI Bus s1_FRAME s1_AD ADDR ATTR s1_C/BE CMD ATTR DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 BE0 BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4 BE5 BE6 BE7 s1_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_DEVSEL Figure 16-69. Burst Memory Write Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-78 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-70 shows a memory read block transaction. Signals preceded by "s1_" indicate a signal that is internal to the device after the signal has been sampled. Note that there are no target initial wait states for this example. PCI_CLK PCI Bus PCI_FRAME PCI_AD ADDR ATTR CMD PCI_C/BE DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 ATTR BE = FFh Data Transfer PCI_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_DEVSEL Bus Transaction Decode Speed A Initiator Signals Termination 2 Clocks Before End of Transaction Initiator's View of the PCI Bus PCI_FRAME PCI_AD ADDR ATTR PCI_C/BE CMD ATTR BE = FFh PCI_IRDY s1_AD DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 s1_TRDY s1_DEVSEL Target's View of the PCI Bus s1_FRAME s1_AD ADDR ATTR s1_C/BE CMD ATTR s1_IRDY PCI_AD DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 PCI_TRDY PCI_DEVSEL Figure 16-70. Memory Read Block Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-79 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-71 shows a DWORD write transaction such as an I/O write. Note that there are no target initial wait states for this example. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PCI_CLK PCI_AD[31:0] ADDR ATTR PCI_C/BE[3:0] CMD ATTR DATA0 BE = Fh PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_DEVSEL Figure 16-71. DWORD (4-Byte) Write Transaction Figure 16-72 shows a DWORD read transaction that can be used for a memory read DWORD or an I/O read transaction. This example has two target initial wait states before data is transfered. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PCI_CLK PCI_AD[31:0] PCI_C/BE[3:0] DATA0 ADDR ATTR CMD ATTR BE = Fh PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_DEVSEL Figure 16-72. DWORD (4-Byte) Read Transaction PCI-X Wait State and Termination Rules PCI-X adds the following restrictions to wait state and disconnect rules: * Initiators are not permitted to insert wait states. * Targets are not permitted to insert wait states after the initial data phase; that is, targets are only allowed to insert wait states on the initial data phase. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-80 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface * Initiators and targets can end burst transactions as follows: -- After a burst data transfer starts and the target signals it can accept more than one data phase, the transaction can only be stopped in one of the following ways: - Target or initiator disconnect at an allowable disconnect boundary (ADB). An ADB is a naturally-aligned, 128-byte address; that is, an address whose lower 7 bits are zeros. - The transaction byte count is satisfied - Target abort - Burst transactions can start on any byte address. Both the initiator and the target can disconnect on any ADB. A target is also permitted to disconnect a burst transaction after a single data phase. In PCI-X mode, the PCI-X controller always terminates an inbound write transaction with a target-disconnect at the ADB. Also, in PCI-X mode, in addition to the target-retry conditions listed in Section, "Target-Initiated Termination," the PCI-X controller may retry a subsequent inbound transaction if a previous outbound read transaction was terminated by a master-abort, a split-completion error message, or a target-abort. PCI-X Split Transactions The basic sequence for a split transaction is as follows: 1. The initiator (requester) requests the bus and the arbiter grants the bus to the requester. 2. The requester initiates a transaction (other than a split completion). 3. The target (completer) communicates its intent to split the transaction by using a split response termination. 4. The completer requests the bus and the arbiter grants the bus to the completer 5. The completer initiates a split completion transaction. Split completions are routed back to original requester across bridges by using requester's bus, device and function numbers in the split completion address. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-81 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Split Response Figure 16-73 shows a split response to a read transaction. Note that the read could be either a memory read block or a memory read DWORD transaction. 1 2 3 4 PCI_AD ADDR ATTR PCI_C/BE CMD ATTR 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 PCI_CLK FFFFFFFFh BE = Fh PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_STOP PCI_DEVSEL Figure 16-73. Split Response to a Read Transaction Figure 16-73 shows a split response to a write transaction. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PCI_CLK PCI_AD[31:0] ADDR ATTR PCI_C/BE[3:0] CMD ATTR DATA0 BE = Fh PCI_FRAME PCI_IRDY PCI_TRDY PCI_STOP PCI_DEVSEL Figure 16-74. Split Response to a DWORD (4-Byte) Write Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-82 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Completion Address Figure 16-75 shows how AD[31:0] are driven during the address phase for split completion transactions. 31 30 00 29 28 24 RO 23 16 Tag 15 11 Requester Device Number 10 Requester Bus Number 8 Requester Function Number 7 6 0 0 Lower Address [6-0] Figure 16-75. Split Completion Transaction Address AD[31:0] Table 16-60 describes the fields of the attribute for burst and DWORD transactions. Table 16-60. Split Completion Transaction Address AD Name 31:30 -- Reserved. Must be 00 30 RO Relaxed ordering. The completer copies this field from the RO field of the requester attributes. Bridges optionally use this to influence transaction ordering. 0 The requester requires that the transaction remain in strict order. 1 The requester guarantees that the transaction is not required to remain in strict order. 28:24 Tag The completer copies this field from the tag field of the requester attributes. The requester uses this information to identify the appropriate split completions. 23:16 Requester Bus Number The completer copies this field from the requester bus number field of the requester attributes. The requester uses this information to identify the appropriate split completions. 15:11 Requester The completer copies this field from the requester device number field of the requester Device Number attributes. The requester uses this information to identify the appropriate split completions. 10:8 Requester The completer copies this field from the requester function number field of the requester Function Number attributes. The requester uses this information to identify the appropriate split completions. 7 -- 6:0 Lower Address Description Reserved. Must be 0 The completer copies the 7 lsbs of the split request address if all of the following are true: * The split request for this sequence is a burst read * This is the first split completion of the sequence * The split completion is not a split completion message. If the split completion is disconnected on an ADB, this field is cleared when the sequence resumes. If the split request is a DWORD transaction or the split completion is a split completion message, this field is cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-83 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Completer Attributes PCI-X split completion transactions include an attribute phase one clock cycle after the address phase. The completer attribute for a split completion transaction is similar to the burst transaction attribute. For the split completion attribute, PCI_C/BE[3:0] provide the four msbs of the byte count and AD[31:0] are driven as shown in Figure 16-76. 31 30 29 BCM SCE SCM 28 24 23 00000 15 11 Completer Device Number 10 16 Completer Bus Number 8 7 0 Completer Function Number Lower Byte Count Figure 16-76. AD[31:0] During PCI-X Split Completion Attribute Phase Table 16-61 describes the fields of the completer attribute for PCI-X split completion transactions. Table 16-61. PCI-X Split Completion Transaction Attribute Summary AD Name Description 31 BCM Byte count modified. The completer must set BCM if the byte count is less than the full remaining byte count of the transaction. If the byte count is the full byte count of the split request, the completer clears BCM. 30 SCE Split completion error. The completer sets this bit to indicate the transaction is a split completion message that includes an error message. 29 SCM Split completion message. The completer clears this bit if the split completion contains read data. The completer sets this bit if the split completion contains a split completion message. 28:24 -- 23:16 Completer Bus Number Reserved. Must be 00000 The completer bus number attribute is supplied by the bus number field in the PCI-X status register. 15:11 Completer Device The completer device number attribute is supplied by the device number field in the PCI-X Number status register. 10:8 Completer The completer function number is assigned to the function in the completer by design. Function Number 7:0 Lower Byte Count For a split completion attribute phase, PCI_C/BE[3:0] is concatenated with AD[7:0] to create a 12-bit byte count. The byte count indicates the number of bytes remaining in the sequence. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-84 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI-X Configuration Transactions Figure 16-77 shows the PCI-X type 0 translation function performed on the contents of the PCI CFG_ADDR register to AD[31:0] on the PCI-X bus during the address phase of the configuration cycle. Contents of PCI CFG_ADDR Register E 000_0000 Function Number Bus Number 0 1 7 8 Reserved Device Number 15 16 Register Number 20 21 23 24 00 29 30 31 See Table 16-62 PCI_AD[31:0] Signals During Address Phase IDSEL-Only One Signal High 31 Device/Function/Register Number 16 15 00 21 0 Figure 16-77. PCI-X Type 0 Configuration Translation Compare the PCI-X translation in Figure 16-77 with the PCI configuration translation shown in Figure 16-65. Note that for PCI-X mode in addition to being used to generate the IDSEL signal, the device number is repeated on AD[15:11]. For PCI-X type 0 configuration cycles, the PCI-X controller translates the device number field of PCI CFG_ADDR into a unique IDSEL signal for up to 15 different devices. Each device connects its IDSEL input to one of the AD[31:17] signals. For PCI-X type 0 configuration cycles, the PCI-X controller translates the device number to ADn as shown in Table 16-62. Table 16-62. PCI-X Type 0 Configuration--Device Number to ADn Translation Device Number Device Number AD Signal Used for IDSEL Binary Decimal 0b0_0000 0 0b0_0001 AD Signal Used for IDSEL Binary Decimal -- 0b0_1001 9 AD25 1 AD17 0b0_1010 10 AD26 0b0_0010 2 AD18 0b0_1011 11 AD27 0b0_0011 3 AD19 0b0_1100 12 AD28 0b0_0100 4 AD20 0b0_1101 13 AD29 0b0_0101 5 AD21 0b0_1110 14 AD30 0b0_0110 6 AD22 0b0_1111 15 AD31 0b0_0111 7 AD23 0b1_xxxx -- -- 31 -- 0b0_1000 1 8 AD24 0b1_1111 1 A device number of all ones indicates a PCI-X special-cycle or interrupt-acknowledge transaction. For PCI-X type 0 translations, the function number and register number fields are copied without modification onto PCI_AD[15:2] during the address phase. PCI_AD[1:0] are driven to 0b00 during the MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-85 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface address phase for PCI-X type 0 configuration cycles. The PCI-X controller implements address stepping on configuration cycles so that the target's IDSEL, which is connected directly to one of the PCI_AD lines, reaches a stable value. This means that a valid address and command are driven on PCI_AD[31:0] and PCI_C/BE[3:0] four clocks before the assertion of PCI_FRAME. PCI-X configuration transactions include an attribute phase one clock cycle after the address phase. The the attribute for a configuration transaction is similar to the DWORD transaction attribute. For the configuration attribute, PCI_C/BE[3:0] provide the byte enables and AD[31:0] are driven as shown in Figure 16-78. 31 29 28 24 000 23 Tag 15 11 Requester Device Number 10 16 Requester Bus Number 8 Requester Function Number 7 0 Secondary Bus Number Figure 16-78. AD[31:0] During PCI-X Configuration Attribute Phase Table 16-63 describes the fields of the attribute for PCI-X configuration transactions. Table 16-63. PCI-X Configuration Transaction Attribute Summary AD Name 31:29 -- Description Reserved. Must be 0 28:24 Tag Identifies up to 32 unique sequences from a single initiator. Tag is also a component of the sequence ID. 23:16 Requester Bus Number Supplied by the bus number field in the PCI-X status register. The requester bus number is also a component of the sequence ID. 15:11 Requester Device Number Supplied by the device number field in the PCI-X status register. The requester bus number is also a component of the sequence ID. 10:8 Requester Supplied by the function number field in the PCI-X status register. The requester bus Function Number number is also a component of the sequence ID. 7:0 Secondary Bus Number The number of the bus on which the Type 0 configuration transaction is executing PCI-X Error Functions PCI-X provides for parity and other system errors to be detected and reported. This section describes generation and detection of parity and error reporting for the PCI-X bus. Error Reporting PCI-X provides for the detection and signaling of both parity and other system errors. Two signals are used to report these errors--PCI_PERR and PCI_SERR. PCI_PERR is used exclusively to report data parity errors on all transactions except special cycles. The PCI_SERR signal is used for other error signaling MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-86 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface including address parity errors and data parity errors on special-cycle transactions; it may also be used to signal other system errors. Table 16-64 shows actions taken for each kind of error. Table 16-64. PCI-X Mode Error Actions PCI-X Error Type Error Detect Register Bit PCI Status Register Bit PCI-X Status Register Bit Comment PCI-X Outbound Read Received SERR at any phase Rcvd SERR -- -- No data transferred Received data parity error for data Mstr PERR phase Detected Parity Error, Master Data Parity Error -- No data transferred Master abort Mstr abort Received Master Abort -- No data transferred Target abort Trgt abort Received Target Abort -- No data transferred Memory space violation ORMSV -- -- No data transferred. Only 8 bytes are requested in PCI bus SC (split completion) with byte count value different than requested SCM error Signaled Target Abort USC No data transferred. Target abort SC with wrong lower addr field (burst read) SCM error Signaled Target Abort USC No data transferred. Target abort SC with wrong lower addr field (dword read) -- -- -- Extra SC. No pending SC with that tag SCM error -- USC Master abort SC error message SCM error -- RSM No data transferred SC not received before SC PCI-X TOE error timer time-out -- -- No data transferred Detected parity error at address or attribute phase of SC Address parity error Detected Parity Error, Signaled System Error -- No data transferred Detected parity error at data phase of SC Master PERR Detected Parity Error, Master Data Parity Error -- No data transferred Received SERR at any phase of SC Received SERR -- -- No data transferred Float AD bus PCI-X Outbound Write Received SERR at any phase Received SERR -- -- Received PERR (data phase) Master PERR Master Data Parity Error -- Master abort Master abort Received Master Abort -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-87 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Table 16-64. PCI-X Mode Error Actions (continued) PCI-X Error Type Error Detect Register Bit PCI Status Register Bit PCI-X Status Register Bit Comment Target abort Target abort Received Target Abort -- Memory space violation OWMSV -- -- No data transferred. Only 8 bytes are requested in PCI bus PCI-X Inbound Read Detected parity error for address Address parity or attribute phases error Detected Parity Error, Signaled System Error -- Split completion error message generated -- Detected parity error on upper address bits for address (SAC) or attribute phases -- -- No PAR64 checks for SAC address or attribute phases Detected parity error for address Address parity (DAC) phases error Detected Parity Error, Signaled System Error -- Split completion error message generated Received SERR at any phase Received SERR -- -- Split completion error message generated Internal error -- -- -- Split completion error message generated Memory space violation IRMSV -- -- Split completion error message generated Received SERR at any phase of SC Received SERR -- -- Float AD bus Received PERR at SC (data phase) Target PERR -- -- Master abort for SC -- -- -- Target abort for SC -- -- -- PCI-X Inbound Write Detected parity error for address Address parity or attribute phases error Detected Parity Error, Signaled System Error -- Transaction purged -- Detected parity error on upper address bits for address (SAC) or attribute phases -- -- No PAR64 checks for SAC address or attribute phases Detected Parity Error, Signaled System Error -- Transaction purged -- Transaction purged -- Transaction from the point of the error is purged Detected parity error on upper address bits for address (DAC) phases Address parity error Received SERR at any phase Received SERR -- Detected parity error for data phase Target PERR Detected Parity Error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-88 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 16.5 Initialization/Application Information This section describes some tips for use of the PCI/X controller. 16.5.1 Power-On Reset Configuration Modes The PCI1/X controller can power-on in three modes: host mode, agent mode and agent configuration lock mode. Certain bits in the configuration registers are set differently according to the POR (power-on reset) mode. Also, certain configuration bits have different implications when compared with past Freescale parts and PCI implementations. Note that after reset, the device cannot be switched from one mode to another. PCI2 is always in host mode. The affected configuration bits are defined in Table 16-65. Table 16-65. Affected Configuration Register Bits for POR Register (offset) Bit Name Register Description PCI Command Register (0x04) 2 Bus Controls whether the device can master a transaction on the PCI bus. If cleared, the device master can not master a transaction. This bit is independent of host or agent mode. 1 Memory Controls the acknowledgement of inbound memory transactions. If cleared, all inbound space memory accesses (including accesses to PCSRBAR space) end in a master abort. This bit is independent of host or agent mode. PCI Bus Function Register (0x44) 5 ACL Valid only in agent mode. Controls acknowledgement of inbound configuration accesses. If set, all inbound configuration accesses are retried. If cleared, inbound configuration accesses are acknowledged. In host mode all inbound configuration accesses end in master aborts. 0 PAH Determines whether the device is in agent or host mode. Zero indicates host mode. The POR reset values for the affected configuration bits are described in Table 16-66. Table 16-66. Power-On Reset Values for Affected Configuration Bits Configuration Bit Mode Bus Master Memory Space ACL PAH PCI1/X PCI2 PCI1/X PCI2 PCI1/X PCI2 PCI1/X PCI2 Host 1 1 0 0 X 0 0 0 Agent 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Agent configuration lock 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Host Mode When the device powers up in host mode, all inbound configuration accesses are ignored (and thus master aborted). The PBFR[ACL] bit is a don't care. The device powers up with the ability to master transactions on the PCI bus, however in order to acknowledge memory transactions, the memory space bit must be set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-89 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Agent Mode When the device powers up in agent mode, it acknowledges inbound configuration accesses. However the device cannot master transactions or acknowledge inbound memory accesses on the PCI bus until the appropriate configuration bits (bus master and memory space, respectively) have been set. Agent Configuration Lock Mode Agent configuration lock mode is similar to agent mode with the added restriction that when the device powers up in agent configuration lock mode, it retries all inbound configuration accesses until the PBFR[ACL] bit is cleared. The purpose of this mode is to allow initial configuration on the port by the local processor before opening the port to be further configured by the external host. As in agent mode, the device in agent configuration lock mode cannot master transactions or acknowledge inbound memory accesses on the PCI bus until the appropriate configuration bits (bus master and memory space, respectively) have been set. 16.5.2 Extended 64-bit PCI1/X Signal Connections The PCI/X controller can be configured as one PCI-64 interface or two independent PCI-32 interfaces at power-on reset. See Section, "PCI/X-64 or Dual PCI-32 Interface Configuration," for more details. When this device is configured as one PCI-64 interface, PCI2 pins are used for the extended 64-bit PCI1/X signals. Table 16-67 shows the extended 64-bit PCI1/X signal connections using the PCI2 pins. Table 16-67. Extended 64-bit PCI1/X Signal Connections 16.5.3 PCI1/X PIN Names PCI2 PIN Names PCI1_AD[63:32] PCI2_AD[31:0] PCI1_C/BE[7:4] PCI2_C/BE[3:0] PCI1_REQ64 PCI2_FRAME PCI1_ACK64 PCI2_DEVSEL PCI1_PAR64 PCI2_PAR Nonposted Writes in PCI-X The PCI-X block may pipeline I/O write and configuration write accesses to a target that signals a split response. To fully serialize these non-posted writes, the processor should follow each write transaction with a read of the same target, followed by proper barrier instructions to guarantee completion of the read before continuing with a subsequent write. This method guarantees completion of the write and serialization of a series of writes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-90 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 16.5.4 PCI-X Outbound Read Transaction Alignment The PCI-X protocol supports only read transactions with byte enables that are 32-bit aligned and are 32 bits wide. The PCI-X controller requires the following: 1. Reads to PCI-X greater than 32 bits must be aligned to a 64-bit boundary and have a size that is a multiple of 8 bytes. 2. Reads to PCI-X less than or equal to 32 bits must not cross a 32-bit boundary. A read to PCI-X that is not aligned to a 32-bit boundary that crosses a 32-bit boundary will execute only to the 32-bit boundary. No mechanism is provided in hardware to split this type of read into multiple transactions with byte enables on the PCI-X bus. Care should be taken on the PCI-X controller when writing software to meet these alignment restrictions. 16.5.5 Byte Ordering Whenever data must cross a bridge between two busses, the byte ordering of data on the source and destination buses must be considered. The internal platform bus of this device is inherently big endian and the PCI bus interface is inherently little endian. There are two methods to handle ordering of data as it crosses a bridge--address invariance and data invariance. Address invariance preserves the addressing of bytes within a scalar data element, but not the relative significance of the bytes within that scalar. Conversely, data invariance preserves the relative significance of bytes within a scalar, but not the addressing of the individual bytes that make up a scalar. This device uses address invariance as its byte ordering policy. As stated above, address invariance preserves the byte address of each byte on an I/O interface as it is placed in memory or moved into a register. This policy can have the effect of reversing the significance order of bytes (most significant to least significant and vice versa), but it has the benefit of preserving the format of general data structures. Provided that software is aware of the endianness and format of the data structure, it can correctly interpret the data on either side of the bridge. Figure 16-79 shows the transfer of a 4-byte scalar, 0x4142_4344, from a big endian source across an address invariant bridge to a little endian destination. Big endian source bus Little endian destination bus Byte lane 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 Address lsbs 000 001 010 011 011 010 001 000 Data 41 42 43 44 44 43 42 41 Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 16-79. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Outbound Note that although the significance of the bytes within the scalar have changed, the address of the individual bytes that make up the scalar have not changed. As long as software is aware that the source of the data used a big endian format, the data can be interpreted correctly. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-91 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface Figure 16-81 shows data flowing the other way, from a little endian source to a big endian destination. Little endian source bus Big endian destination bus Byte lane 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 Address lsbs 011 010 001 000 000 001 010 011 Data 41 42 43 44 44 43 42 41 Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 16-80. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Inbound Figure 16-81 shows an outbound transfer of an 8-byte scalar, 0x5455_1617_CDCE_2728, using address invariance. Big endian source bus Little endian destination bus Byte lane 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address lsbs 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000 Data 54 55 16 17 CD CE 27 28 28 27 CE CD 17 16 55 54 Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 16-81. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--8 bytes Outbound Figure 16-82 shows an inbound transfer of a 2-byte scalar, 0x5837, using address invariance. Little endian source bus Big endian destination bus Byte lane 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 Address lsbs 011 010 001 000 000 001 010 011 Data -- -- 58 37 37 58 -- -- Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 16-82. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--2 bytes Inbound Note that in all of these examples, the original addresses of the individual bytes within the scalars (as created by the source) have been preserved. Byte Order for Configuration Transactions All internal memory-mapped registers in the CCSR space use big endian byte ordering. However, the PCI specification defines PCI configuration registers as little endian. All accesses to the PCI configuration port, CFG_DATA, including the those targeting the internal PCI configuration registers, use the address invariance policy as shown in Figure 16-83. Therefore, software must access CFG_DATA with little-endian formatted data--either by using the lwbrx/stwbrx instructions or by manipulating the data before writing to and after reading from CFG_DATA. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-92 Freescale Semiconductor PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface MSB LSB CFG_DATA Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 PCI Configuration Space Byte3 Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Figure 16-83. CFG_DATA Byte Ordering MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 16-93 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16-94 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 17 Serial RapidIO Interface The MPC8548E serial RapidIO controller consists of a RapidIO endpoint and the RapidIO messaging unit (RMU). Both portions are compliant with the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. 17.1 Overview The serial RapidIO interface provides a RapidIO port and message unit to communicate with other RapidIO devices. Figure 17-1 shows the RapidIO port and message unit as they interface with OCeaN and with each other. OCN Ports RapidIO Port RapidIO Physical OCN Port RapidIO Cfg OCN Fabric SerDes Interface Block RapidIO Signals RapidIO Logical Message Unit Msg Unit Logical OCN Port RapidIO Cfg Figure 17-1. RapidIO Endpoint and RMU 17.2 Features The RapidIO port supports the following features of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2: * Small or large size transport information field * 34-bit addressing * Up to 256-byte data payload * Up to eight outstanding unacknowledged RapidIO transactions * Hardware recovery only * All transaction flows and all priorities MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-1 Serial RapidIO Interface * * * * * * * Register and register bit extensions as described in the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2, Part VIII: Error Management Extensions Specification. Hot swap ATOMIC set/clr/inc/dec for read-modify-write operations IO_READ_HOME and FLUSH w/data for accessing cache-coherent data from a remote memory system Only supports receiver-controlled flow control Inbound transactions to the configuration registers are limited to 32-bit accesses only. Outbound maintenance transactions can be any valid size. The RMU supports the following features of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2: * Two outbound message controllers * Two inbound message controllers * One outbound doorbell controller * One inbound doorbell controllers * One inbound port-write controller RapidIO endpoint supports the following user-defined features: * Nine outbound ATMU windows with each window having up to 32 subwindows except the default window * Five inbound ATMU windows * Logical outbound packet time-to-live counter to prevent local processor from hanging when the RIO interface fails * Accept-all mode of operation for failover support * RapidIO random bit error injection * Internal LP-Serial and OCN loopback modes * Performance monitor interface The RMU supports the following user-defined features: * Performance monitor interface RapidIO endpoint does not support or has limited support of the following features of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2: * No support for 50- and 66-bit addressing * No support for software assisted error recovery * No support for ATOMIC test-and-swap transaction * No support for coherent (CC-NUMA) transactions with the exception of IO_READ_HOME and FLUSH w/data transactions * No support for transmitter-controlled flow control MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-2 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * * No decrementing of a maintenance packet hop count (pass-through support does not imply switch functionality) No support for multicast event control symbols RapidIO endpoint supports the following features of RapidIO 1x/4x LP-Serial: * Both 1x and 4x LP-Serial link interfaces * Transmission rates of 1.25, 2.5, and 3.125 Gbaud (data rates of 1.0, 2.0, and 2.5 Gbps) per lane * Auto detection of 1x and 4x mode operation during port initialization * Error detection for packets and control symbols * Support for link initialization, synchronization, error recovery, and time-out RapidIO endpoint does not support the following features of RapidIO 1x/4x LP-Serial: * RapidIO endpoint cannot be configured as four 1x ports 17.3 17.3.1 Modes of Operation RapidIO Port The RapidIO port's primary operating modes are the following: * 1x or 4x LP-Serial link interfaces * Transmission rates of 1.25, 2.5, or 3.125 Gbaud (data rates of 1.0, 2.0, and 2.5 Gbps) per lane * Small or large size transport information field * Accept-all mode of operation--all packets are accepted regardless of the target ID 17.3.2 Message Unit The message unit's primary operating modes are the following: * Outbound message controller -- Direct mode. No descriptors are involved. Software must initialize the required fields before starting a transfer. -- Chaining mode. Software must initialize descriptors in memory and the required fields before starting a transfer -- Multicast mode. Single segment messages can be transferred to up to 32 destinations. 17.4 1x/4x LP-Serial Signal Descriptions The high-speed interface signals used for the serial RapidIO interface are shared with other I/O ports and must be configured at power-on reset for use with the serial RapidIO controller. See Section, "I/O Port Selection," for specific configuration details. Note that if the serial RapidIO port is enabled, the PCI2 controller is automatically disabled, as these are mutually-exclusive interfaces (logically, not physically). See Section, "Minimum Frequency Requirements," for proper selection of CCB clock frequency with regard to serial RapidIO link width and frequency selection. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-3 Serial RapidIO Interface The following sections describe the serial RapidIO signal functionality. Refer to the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2, Part VI: Physical Layer 1x/4x LP-Serial Specifications, Chapter 8, Electrical Specifications, for electrical characteristic details. 17.4.1 Serial Rapid I/O Interface Overview The serial Rapid I/O (SRIO) interface is compatible with the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2, Part VI: Physical Layer 1x/4x LP-Serial Specifications. 17.4.2 Serial Rapid I/O Interface Detailed Signal Descriptions SD_TX[4:7]/SD_TX[4:7]--Outputs These are the serial data outputs. They are differential pairs, one for each lane in 4x mode of operation. In the case of 1x mode of operation on a 1x/4x-compatible serial RapidIO interface, only pairs SD_TX[4]/SD_TX[4] and/or SD_TX[6]/SD_TX[6] may be used. See Part VI: Physical Layer 1x/4x LP-Serial Specification, RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2, for complete details. These outputs are asynchronous, as described in Part VI of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. This implementation supports data rates of 1.25, 2.5, and 3.125 Gbaud. SD_RX[4:7]/SD_RX[4:7]--Inputs These are the serial data input pads. They are differential pairs, one for each lane in 4x mode of operation. In the case of 1x mode of operation on a 1x/4x-compatible serial RapidIO interface, only pair SD_RX[4]/SD_RX[4] is used. See Part VI: Physical Layer 1x/4x LP-Serial Specification, RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. for complete details. These inputs are asynchronous, as described in Part VI of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. This implementation supports data rates of 1.25, 2.5, and 3.125 Gbaud. 17.5 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 17-1 is the memory map of the RapidIO configuration registers. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-4 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-1. RapidIO Memory Map Offset Register Access Reset1 Section/Page Architectural 0xC_0000 Device identity capability register (DIDCAR) R 0x0012_0002 = MPC8548E 0x0013_0002 = MPC8548 0x0014_0002 = MPC8543E 0x0015_0002 = MPC8543 0x0018_0002 = MPC8547E 0x0019_0002 = MPC8545E 0x001A_0002 = MPC8545 0xC_0004 Device information capability register (DICAR) R 0xnnnn_nnnn 0xC_0008 Assembly identity capability register (AIDCAR) R/W 0xnnnn_nnnn 0xC_000C Assembly information capability register (AICAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0010 Processing element features capability register (PEFCAR) R 0xE0F8_00n9 0xC_0018 Source operations capability register (SOCAR) R 0x0600_FCF0 0xC_001C Destination operations capability register (DOCAR) R 0x0000_FCF4 0xC_0040 Mailbox command and status register (MCSR) R 0x2020_0000 0xC_0044 Port -Write and doorbell command and status register (PWDCSR) R 0x2000_0020 0xC_004C Processing element logical layer control command and status register (PELLCCSR) R 0x0000_0001 0xC_005C Local configuration space base address 1 command and status register (LCSBA1CSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0060 Base device ID command and status register (BDIDCSR) R/W 0x00nn_nnnn 0xC_0068 Host base device ID lock command and status register (HBDIDLCSR) Special 0x0000_FFFF 0xC_006C Component tag command and status register (CTCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0x0600_0001 Extended Features Space 1x/4x LP-Serial 0xC_0100 Port maintenance block header 0 (PMBH0) 0xC_0120 Port link time-out control command and status register (PLTOCCSR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 0xC_0124 Port response time-out control command and status register (PRTOCCSR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 0xC_013C General control command and status register (GCCSR) R/W 0xn000_0000 0xC_0140 Link maintenance request command and status register (LMREQCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-5 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-1. RapidIO Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset1 Section/Page R 0x0000_0000 0xC_0144 Link maintenance response command and status register (LMRESPCSR) 0xC_0148 Local ackID status command and status register (LASCSR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xC_0158 Error and status command and status register (ESCSR) Mixed 0x0000_0001 0xC_015C Control command and status register (CCSR) R/W 0x5060_0001 R 0x0000_0007 Error Reporting, Logical 0xC_0600 Error reporting block header (ERBH) 0xC_0608 Logical/Transport layer error detect command and status register (LTLEDCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_060C Logical/Transport layer error enable command and status register (LTLEECSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0614 Logical/Transport layer address capture command and status register (LTLACCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0618 Logical/Transport layer device ID capture command and status register (LTLDIDCCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_061C Logical/Transport layer control capture command and status register (LTLCCCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 Error Reporting, Physical 0xC_0640 Error detect command and status register (EDCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0644 Error rate enable command and status register (ERECSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0648 Error capture attributes command and status register (ECACSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_064C Packet/control symbol error capture command and status register 0 (PCSECCSR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0650 Packet error capture command and status register 1 (PECCSR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0654 Packet error capture command and status register 2 (PECCSR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0658 Packet error capture command and status register 3 (PECCSR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC_0668 Error rate command and status register (ERCSR) R/W 0x8000_0000 0xC_066C Error rate threshold command and status register (ERTCSR) R/W 0xFFFF_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0x0000_0000 Implementation Space General 0xD_0004 Logical layer configuration register (LLCR) 0xD_0010 Error / port-write interrupt status register (EPWISR) 0xD_0020 Logical retry error threshold configuration register (LRETCR) R/W 0x0000_00FF 0xD_0080 Physical retry error threshold configuration register (PRETCR) R/W 0x0000_00FF MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-6 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-1. RapidIO Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset1 Section/Page 0xD_0100 Alternate device ID command and status register (ADIDCSR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0120 Accept-all configuration register (AACR) R/W 0xn000_000n 0xD_0124 Logical Outbound Packet time-to-live configuration register (LOPTTLCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0130 Implementation error command and status register (IECSR) w1c 0x0000_0000 0xD_0140 Physical configuration register (PCR) R/W 0x0000_8010 0xD_0158 Serial link command and status register (SLCSR) w1c 0x0000_0000 0xD_0160 Serial link error injection configuration register (SLEICR) R/W 0x0000_0000 Revision Control Register 0xD_0BF8 IP Block Revision Register 1 (IPBRR1) R 0x01C0_0000 0xD_0BFC IP Block Revision Register 2 (IPBRR2) R 0x0000_0000 ATMU 0xD_0C00 RapidIO outbound window translation address register 0 (ROWTAR0) R/W 0xFF80_0000 0xD_0C04 RapidIO outbound window translation extended address register 0 (ROWTEAR0) R/W 0x0000_003F 0xD_0C10 RapidIO outbound window attributes register 0 (ROWAR0) R/W 0x8004_4023 0xD_0C20 RapidIO outbound window translation address register 1 (ROWTAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0C24 RapidIO outbound window translation extended address register 1 (ROWTEAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0C28 RapidIO outbound window base address register 1 (ROWBAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0C30 RapidIO outbound window attributes register 1 (ROWAR1) R/W 0x0004_4023 0xD_0C34 RapidIO outbound window segment 1 register 1 (ROWS1R1) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0C38 RapidIO outbound window segment 2 register 1 (ROWS2R1) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0C3C RapidIO outbound window segment 3 register 1 (ROWS3R1) R/W 0x0044_0000 -- -- -- 0xD_0C40 - RapidIO outbound window 2 through outbound window 7 0xD_0CFC 0xD_0D00 RapidIO outbound window translation address register 8 (ROWTAR8) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D04 RapidIO outbound window translation extended address register 8 (ROWTEAR8) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D08 RapidIO outbound window base address register 8 (ROWBAR8) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D10 RapidIO outbound window attributes register 8 (ROWAR8) R/W 0x0004_4023 0xD_0D14 RapidIO outbound window segment 1 register 8 (ROWS1R8) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0D18 RapidIO outbound window segment 2 register 8 (ROWS2R8) R/W 0x0044_0000 0xD_0D1C RapidIO outbound window segment 3 register 8 (ROWS3R8) R/W 0x0044_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-7 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-1. RapidIO Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset1 Section/Page 0xD_0D60 RapidIO Inbound window translation address register 4 (RIWTAR4) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D68 RapidIO Inbound window base address register 4 (RIWBAR4) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0D70 RapidIO inbound window attributes register 4 (RIWAR4) R/W 0x0004_4021 0xD_0D80- RapidIO inbound window 3 through inbound window 2 0xD_0DBC 0xD_0DC0 RapidIO inbound window translation address register 1 (RIWTAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0DC8 RapidIO inbound window base address register 1 (RIWBAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0DD0 RapidIO inbound window attributes register 1 (RIWAR1) R/W 0x0004_4021 0xD_0DE0 RapidIO inbound window translation address register 0 (RIWTAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_0DF0 RapidIO inbound window attributes register 0 (RIWAR0) Mixed 0x8004_4021 Message Unit RapidIO Outbound Message Unit 0 Registers 0xD_3000 Outbound message 0 mode register (OM0MR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3004 Outbound message 0 status register (OM0SR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD_3008 Extended outbound message 0 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (EOM0DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_300C Outbound message 0 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (OM0DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3010 Extended outbound message 0 source address register (EOM0SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3014 Outbound message 0 source address register (OM0SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3018 Outbound message 0 destination port register (OM0DPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_301C Outbound message 0 destination attributes Register (OM0DATR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3020 Outbound message 0 double-word count register (OM0DCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3024 Extended outbound message 0 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (EOM0DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3028 Outbound message 0 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (OM0DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_302C Outbound message 0 retry error threshold configuration register (OM0RETCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3030 Outbound message 0 multicast group register (OM0MGR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3034 Outbound message 0 multicast list register (OM0MLR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 RapidIO Inbound Message Unit 0 Registers 0xD_3060 Inbound message 0 mode register (IM0MR) R/W MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-8 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-1. RapidIO Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset1 Section/Page Mixed 0x0000_0002 0xD_3064 Inbound message 0 status register (IM0SR) 0xD_3068 Extended inbound message 0 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (EIM0FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_306C Inbound message 0 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (IM0FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3070 Extended inbound message 0 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (EIM0FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3074 Inbound message 0 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (IM0FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3078 Inbound message 0 maximum interrupt report interval register (IM0MIRIR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 RapidIO Outbound Message Unit 1 Registers 0xD_3100 Outbound message 1 mode register (OM1MR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3104 Outbound message 1 status register (OM1SR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD_3108 Extended outbound message 1 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (EOM1DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_310C Outbound message 1 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address register (OM1DQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3110 Extended outbound message 1 source address register (EOM1SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3114 Outbound message 1 source address register (OM1SAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3118 Outbound message 1 destination port register (OM1DPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_311C Outbound message 1 destination attributes register (OM1DATR) R/W 0x0006_0000 0xD_3120 Outbound message 1 double-word count register (OM1DCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3124 Extended outbound message 1 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (EOM1DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3128 Outbound message 1 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (OM1DQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_312C Outbound message 1 retry error threshold configuration register (OM1RETCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3130 Outbound message 1 multicast group register (OM1MGR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3134 Outbound message 1 multicast list register (OM1MLR) R/W 0x0000_0000 RapidIO Inbound Message Unit 1 Registers 0xD_3160 Inbound message 1 mode register (IM1MR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3164 Inbound message 1 status register (IM1SR) Mixed 0x0000_0002 0xD_3168 Extended inbound message 1 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (EIM1FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_316C Inbound message 1 frame queue dequeue pointer address register (IM1FQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-9 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-1. RapidIO Memory Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset1 Section/Page 0xD_3170 Extended inbound message 1 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (EIM1FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3174 Inbound message 1 frame queue enqueue pointer address register (IM1FQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3178 Inbound message 1 maximum interrupt report interval register (IM1MIRIR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 RapidIO Doorbell Registers 0xD_3400 Outbound doorbell mode register (ODMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3404 Outbound doorbell status register (ODSR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD_3408 - Reserved 0xD_3414 0xD_3418 Outbound doorbell destination port register (ODDPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_341C Outbound doorbell destination attributes register (ODDATR) R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3420 - Reserved 0xD_3428 0xD_342C Outbound doorbell retry error threshold configuration register (ODRETCR) 0xD_34300xD_345C Reserved 0xD_3460 Inbound doorbell mode register (IDMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3464 Inbound doorbell status register (IDSR) Mixed 0x0000_0002 0xD_3468 Extended inbound doorbell queue dequeue pointer address register (EIDQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_346C Inbound doorbell queue dequeue Pointer address register (IDQDPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3470 Extended inbound doorbell queue enqueue pointer address register (EIDQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3474 Inbound doorbell Queue enqueue pointer address register (IDQEPAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_3478 Inbound doorbell maximum interrupt report interval register (IDMIRIR) R/W 0xFFFF_FF00 0xD_347C Reserved RapidIO Port-Write Registers 1 0xD_34E0 Inbound port-write mode register (IPWMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_34E4 Inbound port-write status register (IPWSR) Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xD_34E8 Extended inbound port-write queue base address register (EIPWQBAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xD_34EC Inbound port-write queue base address register (IPWQBAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 Values indicated with n are read from configuration signals at reset; see register description for details. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-10 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface 17.6 RapidIO Endpoint Configuration Register Definitions The RapidIO endpoint registers are described in detail below. 17.6.1 RapidIO Architectural Registers Device Identity Capability Register (DIDCAR) Figure 17-2 shows the fields of the device identity capability register (DIDCAR). The device vendor identity field (DVI) identifies the vendor that manufactured the device containing the processing element. A value for DVI is uniquely assigned to a device vendor by the registration authority of the RapidIO Trade Association. The device identity field (DI) is intended to uniquely identify the type of device from the vendor specified by DVI. The values for DI are assigned and managed by the respective vendor. DIDCAR is a read-only register. Offset 0xC_0000 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R DI 31 DVI W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Figure 17-2. Device Identity Capability Register (DIDCAR) Table 17-2 lists DIDCAR fields. Table 17-2. DIDCAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 DI Device identity 0x0012 = MPC8548E 0x0013 = MPC8548 0x0014 = MPC8543E 0x0015 = MPC8543 0x0018 = MPC8547E 0x0019 = MPC8545E 0x001A = MPC8545 16-31 DVI Device vendor identity (Freescale = 0x0002) Description Device Information Capability Register (DICAR) Figure 17-3 shows the fields of the device information capability register (DICAR). The device revision field (DR) is intended to identify the revision level of the device. The value for DR is assigned and managed by the vendor specified by DIDCAR[DVI]. DICAR represents a copy of the device's system version register (SVR). See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," and Section 6.5.4, "System Version Register (SVR)," for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-11 Serial RapidIO Interface Offset 0xC_0004 Access: Read only 0 31 R DR W Reset n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Note: Figure 17-3. Device Information Capability Register (DICAR) DICAR is a read-only register. Table 17-3 lists DICAR fields. Table 17-3. DICAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 DR Device revision. This is a copy of the device's system version register (SVR). See Section, "System Version Register (SVR)," for additional information. 0x8039_0020 for MPC8548E with security 0x8031_0020 for MPC8548 without security 0x8039_0120 for MPC8547E with security 0x8039_0220 for MPC8545E with security 0x8031_0220 for MPC8545 without security 0x803A_0020 for MPC8543E with security 0x8032_0020 for MPC8543 without security Assembly Identity Capability Register (AIDCAR) Figure 17-4 shows the fields of the assembly identity capability register (AIDCAR). The assembly vendor identity field (AVI) identifies the vendor that manufactured the assembly or subsystem containing the device. A value for AVI is uniquely assigned to an assembly vendor by the registration authority of the RapidIO Trade Association. The assembly identity field (AI) is intended to uniquely identify the type of assembly from the vendor specified by AVI. The values for AI are assigned and managed by the respective vendor. Offset 0xC_0008 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R AI W 31 AVI Reset All zeros Figure 17-4. Assembly Identity Capability Register (AIDCAR) Table 17-4 lists the fields of the AIDCAR. Table 17-4. AIDCAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 AI Assembly identity (all zeros) 16-31 AVI Assembly vendor identity (all zeros) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-12 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Assembly Information Capability Register (AICAR) Figure 17-5 shows the fields of the assembly information capability register (AICAR). AICAR contains additional information about the assembly and the pointer to the first entry in the extended features list. Offset 0xC_000C Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R 31 AR W EFP Reset All zeros Figure 17-5. Assembly Information Capability Register (AICAR) Table 17-5 lists AICAR fields. Table 17-5. AICAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 AR AssyRev field (all zeros) 16-31 EFP ExtendedFeaturesPtr field (all zeros) Description Processing Element Features Capability Register (PEFCAR) The processing element features capability register (PEFCAR), shown in Figure 17-6, identifies the major functionality provided by the processing element. PEFCAR is a read-only register. Offset 0xC_0010 0 1 Access: Read only 2 3 R BR MEM PROC SW W Reset 1 1 1 0 4 7 8 11 12 13 MB -- 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 26 DB 1 -- 27 28 29 CTLS EF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 1 31 EAS 0 0 1 Figure 17-6. Processing Element Features Capability Register (PEFCAR) Table 17-6 lists fields of the PEFCAR. Table 17-6. PEFCAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 BR 1 MEM Memory. PE has physically addressable local address space and can be accessed as an endpoint through non-maintenance operations. (MEM = 1) 2 PROC Processor. PE physically contains a local processor that executes code. (PROC = 1) 3 SW Switch. PE does not bridge to another external RapidIO interface. (SW = 0) 4-7 -- Reserved Bridge. PE can bridge to another interface. (BR = 1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-13 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-6. PEFCAR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 8-11 MB Mailbox 0-3. Bit 0 indicates PE supports inbound mailbox 0. Bit 1 indicates PE supports inbound mailbox 1. Bit 2 indicates PE supports inbound mailbox 2. Bit 3 indicates PE supports inbound mailbox 3. (MB = 1111) 12 DB Doorbell. The RapidIO controller supports inbound doorbells. (DB = 1) 13-26 -- Reserved 27 CTLS 28 EF 29-31 EAS Description This bit reflects the selected RapidIO common transport system size. The RapidIO common transport system size is determined at power-on reset. See Section, "RapidIO System Size," for POR configuration details. 0 PE only supports common transport small systems (up to 256 devices). 1 PE supports common transport large systems (up to 65,536 devices). Extended features pointer is valid. (EF = 1) Indicates the number of address bits supported by the PE both as a source and target of an operation. EAS = 001(34-bit addresses) Source Operations Capability Register (SOCAR) The source operations capability register (SOCAR), shown in Figure 17-7, defines the set of RapidIO I/O logical operations that can be issued by this processing element. SOCAR is a read-only register. Offset 0xC_0018 R Access: Read only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R IR RO DCI C F IOR ICI TIE TIES 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 22 10 15 -- W Reset R 16 17 18 19 20 21 NR NW SW NWR M D 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Reset -- 0 0 0 0 28 23 24 25 26 27 ATS AI AD AS AC 0 1 1 1 1 -- 0 0 0 29 30 31 PW 0 0 -- 0 0 Figure 17-7. Source Operations Capability Register (SOCAR) Table 17-7 lists SOCAR fields. Table 17-7. SOCAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 R PE does not support a Read operation. (R = 0) 1 IR PE does not support an IRead operation. (IR = 0) 2 RO PE does not support a Read_To_Own operation. (RO = 0) 3 DCI PE does not support a Data Cache Invalidate operation. (DCI = 0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-14 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-7. SOCAR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 4 C PE does not support a Castout operation. (C = 0) 5 F PE supports a Flush operation. (F = 1) 6 IOR PE supports an I/O-Read operation. (IOR = 1) 7 ICI PE does not support an Instruction Cache Invalidate operation. (ICI = 0) 8 TIE PE does not support a TLBIE operation. (TIE = 0) 9 TIES 10-15 -- Reserved 16 NR PE supports a Nread operation. (NR = 1) 17 NW PE supports a Nwrite operation. (NW = 1) 18 SW PE supports an Swrite operation. (SW = 1) 19 NWR 20 M PE supports a Message operation. (M = 1) 21 D PE supports a Doorbell operation. (D = 1) 22 -- Reserved 23 ATS 24 AI PE supports an Atomic-Inc operation. (AI = 1) 25 AD PE supports an Atomic-Dec operation. (AD = 1) 26 AS PE supports an Atomic-Set operation. (AS = 1) 27 AC PE supports an Atomic-Clr operation. (AC = 1) 28 -- Reserved 29 PW PE does not support a Port-Write operation. (PW = 0) 30-31 -- Reserved Description PE does not support a TLBSYNC operation. (TIES = 0) PE supports a Nwrite_R operation. (NWR = 1) PE does not support an Atomic-Test-and-Swap operation. (ATS = 0) Destination Operations Capability Register (DOCAR) The destination operations capability register (DOCAR), shown in Figure 17-8, defines the set of RapidIO I/O operations that can be supported by this processing element. DOCAR is a read-only register. Offset 0xC_001C R Access: Read only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R IR RO DCI C F IOR ICI TIE TIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 10 11 12 R 16 17 18 19 20 21 NR NW SW NWR M D 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Reset -- 0 14 15 0 0 0 29 30 31 -- W Reset 13 0 0 0 28 23 24 25 26 27 ATS AI AD AS AC 0 1 1 1 1 -- PW 0 1 -- 0 0 Figure 17-8. Destination Operations Capability Register (DOCAR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-15 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-8 lists DOCAR fields. Table 17-8. DOCAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 R PE does not support a Read operation. (R = 0) 1 IR PE does not support an IRead operation. (IR = 0) 2 RO PE does not support a Read_To_Own operation. (RO = 0) 3 DCI PE does not support a Data Cache Invalidate operation. (DCI = 0) 4 C PE does not support a Castout operation. (C = 0) 5 F PE does not support a Flush operation. (F = 0) 6 IOR PE does not support an I/O-Read operation. (IOR = 0) 7 ICI PE does not support an Instruction Cache Invalidate operation. (ICI = 0) 8 TIE PE does not support a TLBIE operation. (TIE = 0) 9 TIES 10-15 -- Reserved 16 NR PE supports a Nread operation. (NR = 1) 17 NW PE supports a Nwrite operation. (NW = 1) 18 SW PE supports an Swrite operation. (SW = 1) 19 NWR 20 M PE supports a Message operation. (M = 1) 21 D PE supports a Doorbell operation. (D = 1) 22 -- Reserved 23 ATS 24 AI PE supports an Atomic-Inc operation. (AI = 1) 25 AD PE supports an Atomic-Dec operation. (AD = 1) 26 AS PE supports an Atomic-Set operation. (AS = 1) 27 AC PE supports an Atomic-Clr operation. (AC = 1) 28 -- Reserved 29 PW PE supports a Port-Write operation. (PW = 1) 30-31 -- Reserved PE does not support a TLBSYNC operation. (TIES = 0) PE supports a Nwrite_R operation. (NWR = 1) PE does not support an Atomic-Test-and-Swap operation. (ATS = 0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-16 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Mailbox Command and Status Register (MCSR) The MCSR, shown in Figure 17-9, reflects the status of the RapidIO message controllers on this device. Offset 0xC_0040 0 1 Access: Read only 2 3 4 5 R A0 FU0 EM0 B0 FA0 ERR0 W Reset 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 7 -- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A1 FU1 EM1 B1 FA1 ERR1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 31 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-9. Mailbox Command and Status Register (MCSR) Table 17-9 describes the fields of the MCSR. Table 17-9. MCSR Field Definitions Bits Name Description 0 A0 1 FU0 Full 0 Message Controller 0 is not full. 1 Message Controller 0 is full. New messages are retried. 2 EM0 Empty 0 Message Controller 0 contains outstanding messages. 1 Message Controller 0 contains no outstanding messages. 3 B0 Busy 0 Message Controller 0 is not busy processing a message. 1 Message Controller 0 is busy processing a message. New message operations return retry responses. 4 FA0 Failure 0 Message Controller 0 has not encountered an internal error. 1 Message Controller 0 had an internal fault or error condition and is waiting for assistance. All incoming message transactions return error responses. 5 ERR0 6-7 -- Reserved 8 A1 Available 0 Message Controller 1 is not ready to accept messages. All incoming message transactions return error responses. 1 Message Controller 1 is initialized and ready to accept messages. 9 FU1 Full 0 Message Controller 1 is not full. 1 Message Controller 1 is full. New messages are retried. 10 EM1 Empty 0 Message Controller 1 contains outstanding messages. 1 Message Controller 1 contains no outstanding messages. Available 0 Message Controller 0 is not ready to accept messages. All incoming message transactions return error responses. 1 Message Controller 0 is initialized and ready to accept messages. Error This field always returns a 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-17 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-9. MCSR Field Definitions (continued) Bits Name 11 B1 Busy 0 Message Controller 1 is not busy processing a message. 1 Message Controller 1 is busy processing a message. New message operations return retry responses. 12 FA1 Failure 0 Message Controller 1 has not encountered an internal error. 1 Message Controller 1 had an internal fault or error condition and is waiting for assistance. All incoming message transactions return error responses. 13 ERR1 14-31 -- Description Error This field always returns a 0. Reserved Port-Write and Doorbell Command and Status Register (PWDCSR) The PWDCSR, shown in Figure 17-10, reflects the status of the RapidIO doorbell and port-write hardware on this device. Additional details can be found in the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2, in sections "Doorbell CSR" and "Write Port CSR." Offset 0xC_0044 0 1 2 Access: Read only 3 4 5 6 23 R A FU EM B FA ERR -- W Reset 0 0 1 0 0 0 24 25 26 27 PA PFU PEM PB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 -- 0 0 29 PE 0 30 31 -- 0 0 Figure 17-10. Port-Write and Doorbell Command and Status Register (PWDCSR) Table 17-10 describes the fields of the PWDCSR. : Table 17-10. PWDCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 A 1 FU Full 0 Doorbell unit is not full. 1 Doorbell unit is full. New doorbell messages are retried. 2 EM Empty 0 Doorbell unit has outstanding doorbell messages. 1 Doorbell unit has no outstanding doorbell messages. 3 B Available 0 Doorbell unit is not ready to accept doorbell messages. All incoming doorbell transactions return error responses. 1 Doorbell unit is initialized and ready to accept doorbell messages. Busy 0 Doorbell unit is not busy processing a doorbell message. 1 Doorbell unit is busy processing a doorbell message. Incoming transactions are not retried. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-18 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-10. PWDCSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 4 FA 5 ERR 6-23 -- Reserved 24 PA Port-write unit available. 0 Port-write unit is not available. All incoming port-write packets are discarded. 1 Port-write unit is initialized and ready to accept a port-write packet. 25 PFU Port-write unit full 0 Port-write unit is not full. 1 Port-write unit is full. All incoming port-write packets are discarded. 26 PEM Port-write unit empty This field always returns a 1. 27 PB Port-write unit busy 0 Port-write unit is not busy. 1 Port-write unit is busy processing a port-write packet. Incoming port-write packets are discarded. 28 -- Reserved 29 PE Error This field always returns a 0. 30-31 -- Reserved Failure 0 Doorbell unit has not encountered an internal error. 1 Doorbell unit had an internal fault or error condition and is waiting for assistance. All incoming doorbell transactions return error responses. Error This field always returns a 0. Processing Element Logical Layer Control Command and Status Register (PELLCCSR) The processing element logical layer control command and status register (PELLCCSR), shown in Figure 17-11, controls the extended addressing abilities. The RapidIO endpoint will only supports 34-bit addressing. PELLCCSR is a read-only register. Offset 0xC_004C Access: Read only 0 28 29 R Reset 0 EAC -- W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 17-11. Processing Element Logic Layer Control Command and Status Register (PELLCCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-19 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-11 lists PELLCCSR fields. Table 17-11. PELLCCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 -- 29-31 EAC Description Reserved Extended addressing control. Read-only value is 0b001. Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 Command and Status Register (LCSBA1CSR) The local configuration space base address 1 command and status register (LCSBA1CSR), shown in Figure 17-12, specifies the least-significant bits of the local physical address double-word offset for the processing element's configuration register space, allowing the configuration register space to be physically mapped in the processing element. This register allows configuration and maintenance of a processing element through regular read and write operations rather than maintenance operations. The double-word offset is right-justified in the register. This window has priority over all ATMU windows. As is the case with all registers, an external processor writing to LCSBA1CSR should not assume it has been written until a response has been received. Offset 0xC_005C 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 14 15 -- 31 LCSBA Reset -- All zeros Figure 17-12. Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 Command and Status Register (LCSBA1CSR) Table 17-12 lists LCSBA1CSR fields. Table 17-12. LCSBA1CSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- 1-14 LCSBA 15-31 -- Description Reserved Local configuration space base address. These bits correspond to the highest 14 bits of the 34-bit RapidIO address space. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-20 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Base Device ID Command and Status Register (BDIDCSR) BDIDCSR, shown in Figure 17-13, contains the base device ID values for the processing element. Offset 0xC_0060 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R 8 -- W 15 16 BDID 31 LBDID Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n1 Figure 17-13. Base Device ID Command and Status Register (BDIDCSR) 1 Values indicated with n are determined by configuration signals at reset. Table 17-13 lists BDIDCSR fields. Table 17-13. BDIDCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 -- 8-15 BDID 16-31 LBDID Large base device ID of the device in a large common transport system. This field is valid only if PEFCAR[CTLS] is set. If RapidIO is configured as a host, LBDID = 0b0000_0000. If RapidIO is configured as an agent, LBDID = 0b1111_1111. (See Section, "Host/Agent Configuration," for details.) Reserved Base device ID of the device in a small common transport system (RapidIO device ID). If RapidIO is configured as a host, BDID = {0b0000_0, cfg_device_ID[5:7]}. If RapidIO is configured as an agent, BDID = {0b1111_111, cfg_device_ID[7]}. (See Section, "Host/Agent Configuration," and Section, "RapidIO Device ID," for details.) Host Base Device ID Lock Command and Status Register (HBDIDLCSR) The host base device ID lock command and status register (HBDIDLCSR) contains the base device ID value for the processing element in the system that is responsible for initializing this processing element. The HBDID field is a write-once/resettable field which provides a lock function. Once HBDID is written, all subsequent writes to the field are ignored, except in the case that the value written matches the value contained in the field. In this case, the register is re-initialized to 0xFFFF. After writing HBDID, a processing element must then read the host base device ID lock CSR to verify that it owns the lock before attempting to initialize this processing element. HBDIDLCSR is shown in Figure 17-14. Offset 0xC_0068 Access: Special 0 15 16 R -- W 31 HBDID Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 17-14. Host Base Device ID Lock Command and Status Register (HBDIDLCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-21 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-14 lists HBDIDLCSR fields. Table 17-14. HBDIDLCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-31 Description Reserved HBDID This is the host base device ID for the processing element that is responsible for initializing this device. Only the first write to this field is accepted; all other writes are ignored, except in the case that the value written matches the value contained in the field. In this case, the register is re-initialized to 0xFFFF. Component Tag Command and Status Register (CTCSR) The component tag command and status register (CTCSR), shown in Figure 17-15, contains a component tag value for the processing element and can be assigned by software when the device is initialized. It is unused internally in the RapidIO endpoint. Offset 0xC_006C Access: Read only 0 31 R CT W Reset All zeros Figure 17-15. Component Tag Command and Status Register (CTCSR) Table 17-15 lists CTCSR fields. Table 17-15. CTCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 CT 17.6.2 Description Component tag RapidIO Extended Features Space, 1x/4x LP-Serial Registers Port Maintenance Block Header 0 Register (PMBH0) The port maintenance block header 0 register (PMBH0), shown in Figure 17-16, contains a pointer to the next EF_BLK (Extended Features Space, Error Management) and the EF_ID that identifies this as the generic end point port maintenance block header. Note that while registers defined by software-assisted error recovery are supported, software-assisted error recovery is not (these registers are included for hot insertion only); therefore, the RapidIO endpoint is defined here as not supporting software-assisted error recovery. PMBH0 is a read-only register. Offset 0xC_0100 Access: Read only 0 R 15 16 EF_PTR 31 EF_ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 17-16. Port Maintenance Block Header 0 (PMBH0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-22 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-16 lists PMBH0 fields. Table 17-16. PMBH0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 Description EF_PTR Extended features pointer 16-31 EF_ID Extended features ID Port Link Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PLTOCCSR) The port link time-out control command and status register (PLTOCCSR), shown in Figure 17-17, contains the link time-out value for all ports on a device. This time-out is for link events such as sending a packet to receiving the corresponding acknowledge and sending a link-request to receiving the corresponding link-response. The reset value is the maximum time-out interval and represents between 3 and 5 seconds. Offset 0xC_0120 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 TV W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-17. Port Link Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PLTOCCSR) Table 17-17 lists PLTOCCSR fields. Table 17-17. PLTOCCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 TV Time-out value. Setting to all zeros disables the link time-out timer. This value is loaded each time the link time-out timer starts. 24-31 -- Reserved Description Port Response Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PRTOCCSR) The port response time-out control command and status register (PRTOCCSR), shown in Figure 17-18, contains the time-out timer count for all ports on a device. This time-out is for sending a request packet to receiving the corresponding response packet.The reset value is the maximum time-out interval and represents between 3 and 5 seconds. Note that this applies to the RapidIO endpoint and the messaging unit. Offset 0xC_0124 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R TV W 31 -- Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-18. Port Response Time-Out Control Command and Status Register (PRTOCCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-23 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-18 lists PRTOCCSR fields. Table 17-18. PRTOCCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-23 TV Time-out value. Setting to all zeros disables the response time-out timer. This value is loaded each time the response time-out timer starts. 24-31 -- Reserved General Control Command and Status Register (GCCSR) The general control command and status register (GCCSR), shown in Figure 17-19, contains control register bits applicable to the RapidIO interface. Offset 0xC_013C 0 R W 1 2 Access: Read/Write 3 31 H M D Reset n n n -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Figure 17-19. General Control Command and Status Register (GCCSR) 1 Values indicated with n are read from configuration signals at reset. Table 17-19 lists GCCSR fields. Table 17-19. GCCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 H Host. The value of this bit is assigned by power-on reset configuration signals, LWE n/LBS n, which determine host/agent configuration for the device. See Section, "Host/Agent Configuration," for more information. 0 Agent device 1 Host device 1 M Master. The value of this bit is identical to GCCSR[H] which is assigned by power-on reset configuration signals, LWEn/LBSn, which determine host/agent configuration for the device. See Section, "Host/Agent Configuration," for more information. 0 Device is not enabled to issue requests into the system. 1 Device is enabled to issue requests into the system. M is ignored by the RapidIO endpoint. It is expected that if M = 0, software will not send packets out of outbound. If packets are sent by OCN to outbound, they will be sent out of the RapidIO endpoint, regardless of the value of M. 2 D Discovered. The value of this bit is identical to GCCSR[H] which is assigned by power-on reset configuration signals, LWEn/LBSn, which determine host/agent configuration for the device. See Section, "Host/Agent Configuration," for more information. 0 Device has not been discovered by system host. 1 Device has been discovered by system host. 3-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-24 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Link Maintenance Request Command and Status Register (LMREQCSR) The link maintenance request command and status register (LMREQCSR), shown in Figure 17-20, is accessible both by the local processor and an external device. A write to this register generates a link-request control symbol on the RapidIO endpoint port interface. Care should be taken when writing this register that it is only used for hot swap and not for software-assisted error recovery (which is not supported). Offset 0xC_0140 Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R -- W Reset 31 C All zeros Figure 17-20. Link Maintenance Request Command and Status Register (LMREQCSR) Table 17-20 lists LMREQCSR fields. Table 17-20. LMREQCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 -- Reserved 29-31 C LINK_REQUEST command to send. If read, this field returns the last written value. If written with a value other than 0b011 (reset-device) or 0b100 (input-status), the resulting operation will be undefined, as all other values are reserved in the RapidIO specification. Description Link Maintenance Response Command and Status Register (LMRESPCSR) The link maintenance response command and status register (LMRESPCSR), shown in Figure 17-21, is accessible both by the local processor and an external device. A read to this register returns the status received in a link-response control symbol. This register is read only. Offset 0xC_0144 0 Access: Read only 1 R RV W Reset 21 22 26 27 AS -- 31 LS All zeros Figure 17-21. Link Maintenance Response Command and Status Register (LMRESPCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-25 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-21 lists the fields of the LMRESPCSR. Table 17-21. LMRESPCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 RV Response valid. If the link-request causes a link-response, this bit indicates that the link-response has been received and the status fields are valid. If the link-request does not cause a link-response, this bit indicates that the link-request has been transmitted (clears on read) 1-21 -- Reserved 22-26 AS AckID_status field from LINK_RESPONSE 27-31 LS Link_status field from LINK_RESPONSE Local ackID Status Command and Status Register (LASCSR) The local ackID status command and status register (LASCSR), shown in Figure 17-22, is accessible both by the local processor and an external device. A read to this register returns the local ackID status for both the output and input ports of the device. Care should be taken to use this register only for hot swap and not software error management. Offset 0xC_0148 0 R W 2 -- Access: Mixed 3 7 8 IA 18 19 OUTA -- Reset 23 24 26 27 -- 31 OBA All zeros Figure 17-22. Local ackID Status Command and Status Register (LASCSR) Table 17-22 lists LASCSR fields. Table 17-22. LASCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-2 -- Reserved 3-7 IA Input port next expected ackID value. 8-18 -- Reserved 19-23 OUTA 24-26 -- 27-31 OBA Outstanding port unacknowledged ackID status. Next expected acknowledge control symbol ackID field that indicates the ackID value expected in the next received acknowledge control symbol. Note that this value is read only even though RapidIO specification allows for it to be writable. Reserved Outbound ackID output port next transmitted ackID value. This can be written by software but only if there are no outstanding unacknowledged packets. If there are, a newly-written value will be ignored. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-26 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Error and Status Command and Status Register (ESCSR) The error and status command and status register (ESCSR), shown in Figure 17-23, is accessed when the local processor or an external device wishes to examine the port error and status information. Offset 0xC_0158 Access: Mixed 0 4 R -- W 5 6 7 OPD OFE ODE w1c w1c w1c Reset 8 10 -- 11 12 13 14 15 ORE OR ORS OEE OES w1c w1c All zeros 16 20 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 21 22 23 IRS IEE IES 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 PWP -- w1c 0 26 0 0 28 -- 29 30 31 PE PO PU 0 1 w1c 0 0 Figure 17-23. Error and Status Command and Status Register (ESCSR) Table 17-23 lists the fields of the ESCSR. Table 17-23. ESCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-4 -- 5 OPD Output Packet-dropped. Output port has discarded a packet. A packet will be discarded if: * It is received while OFE is set and CCSR[DPE] (drop packet enable) is set and CCSR[SPF] (stop on port failed) is set. * It is received while PCR[OBDEN] (output buffer drain enable) is set. * It is not-accepted by the link-partner while ERCSR[ERFTT] (error rate failed threshold trigger) is met or exceeded and CCSR[DPE] is set and CCSR[SPF] is not set (and link-response returns expected ackID). Once OPD is set, it remains set until written with a logic 1 to clear. 6 OFE Output Failed-encountered. Output port has encountered a failed condition, meaning that the Error Rate Counter has met or exceeded the port's failed error threshold (ERFTT) Once set remains set until written with a logic 1 to clear. Once cleared, will not assert again unless the Error Rate Counter dips below the port's failed error threshold and then meets or exceeds it again. 7 ODE Output port has encountered a degraded condition, meaning that the Error Rate Counter has met or exceeded the port's degraded error threshold. Once set remains set until written with a logic 1 to clear. Once cleared, will not assert again unless the Error Rate Counter dips below the port's degraded error threshold and then meets or exceeds it again. 8-10 -- 11 ORE Output port has encountered a retry condition. This bit is set when bit 13 is set. Once set, remains set until written with a logic 1 to clear. 12 OR Output port has received a packet retry control symbol and cannot make forward progress. This bit is set when bit 13 is set and cleared when a packet-accepted or packet-not-accepted control symbol is received. (read only) 13 ORS Output port is stopped due to a retry (read only) 14 OEE Output port has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 15 is set. Once set, remains set until written with a logic 1 to clear. Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-27 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-23. ESCSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 15 OES 16-20 -- 21 IRS Input port is stopped due to a retry (read only) 22 IEE Input port has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 23 is set. Once set, remains set until written with a logic 1 to clear. 23 IES Input port is stopped due to a transmission error (read-only) 24-26 -- Reserved 27 PWP 28 -- Reserved 29 PE Input or output port has encountered an error from which hardware was unable to recover. Once set, remains set until written with a logic 1 to clear. This bit indicates that OFE is set while CCSR[SPF] is set; in other words, the failed threshold has been reached which has caused the output port to stop transmitting packets. 30 PO The input and output ports are initialized and the port is exchanging error-free control symbols with the attached device. (read-only). 31 PU Input and output ports are not initialized. This bit and bit 30 are mutually exclusive (read-only). Description Output port is stopped due to a transmission error (read only) Reserved Port has encountered a condition which required it to initiate a maintenance port-write operation. This bit is only valid if the device is capable of issuing a maintenance port-write transaction. The RapidIO endpoint will not be capable of issuing port-writes. This bit is hardwired to 0. Control Command and Status Register (CCSR) The control command and status register (CCSR), shown in Figure 17-24, contains control register bits for the RapidIO port. Offset 0xC_015C 0 R 1 PW W Reset 0 Access: Read/Write 2 4 IPW 5 7 PWO 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 PD OPE IPE 0 1 1 11 12 ECD MEP 0 0 13 27 -- 28 29 30 SPF DPE PL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 PT 1 Figure 17-24. Control Command and Status Register (CCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-28 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-24 lists CCSR fields. Table 17-24. CCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-1 PW Hardware width of the port (read-only). 00 Single-lane port 01 Four-lane port 10-11 Reserved 2-4 IPW Width of the ports after initialized (read-only). 000 Single-lane port, lane 0 001 Single-lane port, lane 2 010 Four-lane port 011-111 Reserved 5-7 PWO Soft port configuration to override the hardware size. 000 No override 001 Reserved 010 Force single lane, lane 0 011 Force single lane, lane 2 100-111 Reserved, will cause undefined operation This field should be changed only when the port is uninitialized. To achieve this, first disable the RapidIO port. Then change PWO to any valid value. Finally, re-enable the RapidIO port. To achieve this, first set CCSR[PD] (port disabled). Then change PWO to any legal value. Finally, clear CCSR[PD] (enabled). 8 PD 9 OPE Port disable. 0b0 - Input error state machine operates normally 0b1 -Input error state machine is forced to normal state Output port transmit enable. 0 Port is stopped and not enabled to issue any packets except to route or respond to I/O logical MAINTENANCE packets. Control symbols are not affected and are sent normally. 1 Port is enabled to issue any packets. OPE is ignored by RapidIO endpoints. It is expected that if OPE = 0, software will not send packets out of outbound. If packets are sent by OCN to outbound, they will be sent out of RapidIO endpoints, regardless of the value of OPE. Initial value read from configuration pins. 10 IPE Input port receive enable. 0 Port is stopped and only enabled to route or respond to I/O logical MAINTENANCE packets. Other packets generate packet-not-accepted control symbols to force an error condition to be signaled by the sending device. Control symbols are not affected and are received and handled normally. 1 Port is enabled to respond to any packet. This bit value must equal the value of the output port enable (OPE) bit in order for the RapidIO controller to function properly. Initial value read from configuration pins. 11 ECD Error checking disable. This bit is hardwired to 0. This bit disables all RapidIO transmission error checking 0 Error checking and recovery is enabled. 1 Error checking and recovery is disabled. 12 MEP Multicast-event participant. This bit is hardwired to 0. 13-27 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-29 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-24. CCSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 28 SPF Stop on port failed-encountered enable. This bit is used with the drop packet enable bit to force certain behavior when the error rate failed threshold has been met or exceeded. 29 DPE Drop packet enable. This bit is used with the stop on port failed-encountered enable bit to force certain behavior when the error rate failed threshold has been met or exceeded. 30 PL Port lockout. 0 The packets that may be received and issued are controlled by the state of the OPE and IPE bits. 1 This port is stopped and is not enabled to issue or receive any packets; the input port can still follow the training procedure and can still send and respond to link-requests; all received packets return packet-not-accepted control symbols to force an error condition to be signaled by the sending device. 31 PT Port type (read-only). 0 Reserved 1 Serial port. 17.6.3 RapidIO Extended Features Space--Error Reporting Logical Registers Error Reporting Block Header Register (ERBH) The error reporting block header register contains the EF_PTR to the next EF_BLK (the next EF_PTR will be 0x0000 since this is the last set of registers in the extended features space) and the EF_ID that identifies this as the error reporting block header. ERBH is a read-only register. Offset 0xC_0600 Access: Read only 0 R 15 16 EF_PTR 31 EF_ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Figure 17-25. Error Reporting Block Header (ERBH) Table 17-25 lists the fields of ERBH. Table 17-25. ERBH Field Descriptions Bits 0-15 16-31 Name Description EF_PTR Extended features pointer EF_ID Extended features ID MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-30 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect Command and Status Register (LTLEDCSR) This register indicates the error that was detected by the Logical or Transport logic layer. Software should write this register with all 0s to clear the detected error and unlock the capture registers. Error information that corresponds to two or more different error events will not be captured on the same clock cycle. However, one error event (such as a corrupted inbound packet) can cause multiple bits to be set. The priority of errors is PRT and all other errors. OACB error results in PRT. When PRT bit is set with OACB bit, error capture is for an OCN transaction for which an Outbound ATMU window boundary was crossed or a segment or subsegment boundary was crossed. An error that is not enabled will set the detect bit in this register as long as a capture has not yet occurred. Note that fields in this register can be set by writing this register. This can be used to emulate a hardware error during software development. Undefined results will occur if fields in this register are set while an actual Logical/Transport Layer error is being detected. Note that this register can be written with an invalid combination of bits set and care should be taken to avoid this LTLEDCSR is shown in Figure 17-26. Offset 0xC_0608 R W Access: Read/Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IER MER GER MFE ITD ITTE MRT PRT UR UT Reset 10 15 -- All zeros 16 23 R -- W Reset 24 25 26 27 28 29 IACB OACB DMAMER RETE TSE PTTL 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-26. Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect Command and Status Register (LTLEDCSR) Table 17-26 lists the LTLEDCSR fields. Table 17-26. LTLEDCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 IER IO error response. Received a response of ERROR for an IO logical layer request. 1 MER Reserved for message error response. Received a response of ERROR for an MSG logical layer request. Error detected and captured in the message unit, if one exists. 2 GER GSM error response. Received a response of ERROR for a GSM logical layer request. 3 MFE Reserved for message format error. Received MESSAGE packet data payload with an invalid size or segment. Error detected and captured in the message unit, if one exists. 4 ITD Illegal transaction decode. Received illegal fields in the request/response packet for a supported transaction (IO/MSG/GSM logical) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-31 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-26. LTLEDCSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 5 ITTE Illegal transaction target error. Received a packet that contained a destination ID that is not defined for this end point when pass-through and accept-all are not enabled. Endpoints with multiple ports and a built-in switch function may not report this as an error (transport) 6 MRT Reserved for message request time-out. A required message request has not been received within the specified time-out interval. Error detected and captured in the message unit, if one exists. 7 PRT Packet response time-out. A required response has not been received within the specified time out interval (IO/MSG/GSM logical) 8 UR Unsolicited response. An unsolicited/unexpected response packet was received (IO/MSG/GSM logical; only maintenance response for switches) 9 UT Unsupported transaction. A transaction is received that is not supported in the destination operations CAR (IO/MSG/GSM logical; only maintenance port-write for switches) 10-23 -- Reserved 24 IACB Inbound ATMU crossed boundary. A transaction is received that crosses an inbound ATMU boundary. 25 OACB Outbound ATMU crossed boundary. A transaction is being sent that crosses an outbound ATMU boundary, a segment boundary, or a subsegment boundary. 26 DMAMER DMA message error response. An error response was received for a DMA message (detected in the RapidIO endpoint, not the message unit). 27 RETE Retry error threshold exceeded. The allowed number of logical retries (given by LRETCR[RET] has been exceeded. This bit is also driven by the Message Unit when the allowed number of message retries has been exceeded. 28 TSE Transport size error. The tt field is not consistent with bit 27 of the processing element features CAR (that is, the tt value is reserved or indicates a common transport system that is unsupported by this device). 29 PTTL Packet time-to-live error. A packet time-to-live error occurred (a packet could not be successfully transmitted before the packet time-to-live counter expired). 30-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-32 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable Command and Status Register (LTLEECSR) This register contains the bits that control whether an error condition locks the logical/transport layer error detect and capture registers and is reported to the system host. LTLEEDCSR, shown in Figure 17-27, is stored in all ports and the message unit. Offset 0xC_060C R W Access: Read/Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IER MER GER MFE ITD ITTE MRT PRT UR UT Reset 10 15 -- All zeros 16 23 R -- W Reset 24 25 26 27 28 29 IACB OACB DMAMER RETE TSE PTTL 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-27. Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable Command and Status Register (LTLEECSR) Table 17-27 lists the LTLEEDCSR fields. Table 17-27. LTLEECSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 IER IO error response enable.Enable reporting of an IO error response. Capture and lock the error. 1 MER Message error response enable. Enable reporting of a Message error response. Capture and lock the error (capture done in Message Unit, if one exists). 2 GER GSM error response enable. Enable reporting of a GSM error response. Capture and lock the error. 3 MFE Message format error enable. Enable reporting of a message format error. Capture and lock the error.(capture done in Message Unit, if one exists). 4 ITD Illegal transaction decode enable. Enable reporting of an illegal transaction decode error. Capture and lock the error. 5 ITTE Illegal transaction target error enable. Enable reporting of an illegal transaction target error. Capture and lock the error. 6 MRT Message request time-out enable. Enable reporting of a Message Request time-out error. Capture and lock the error. (capture done in Message Unit, if one exists) 7 PRT Packet response time-out error enable. Enable reporting of a packet response time-out error. Capture and lock the error. 8 UR Unsolicited response error enable. Enable reporting of an unsolicited response error. Capture and lock the error. 9 UT Unsupported transaction error enable. Enable reporting of an unsupported transaction error. Capture and lock the error. 10-23 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-33 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-27. LTLEECSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 24 IACB Inbound ATMU crossed boundary error enable. Enable reporting of a received transaction that crosses an inbound ATMU boundary. Capture and lock the error. 25 OACB Outbound ATMU crossed boundary error enable. Enable reporting of a transaction that crosses an outbound ATMU boundary, a segment boundary, or a subsegment boundary. Capture and lock the error. 26 DMAMER DMA message error response. Enable error reporting of an error response for a DMA message. Capture and lock the error. 27 RETE 28 TSE Transport size error. Enable error reporting when the tt field is not consistent with bit 27 of the Processing Element Features CAR (that is, the tt value is reserved or indicates a common transport system that is unsupported by this device). 29 PTTL Packet time-to-live error. Enable reporting of a packet time-to-live time-out error. Capture and lock the error. 30-31 -- Retry error threshold exceeded. Enable error reporting when the allowed number of logical retries has been exceeded. Reserved Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture Command and Status Register (LTLACCSR) This register contains error information. It is locked when a logical/transport error is detected and the corresponding enable bit is set. LTLACCSR is stored in each port and the message unit, although the values in this register can differ between each port and message unit. The message unit LTLACCSR cannot lock if any port has locked; no port LTLACCSR can lock if the message unit or any other port has locked. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual logical/transport layer errors are being detected by the port. Note that fields in this register can be set by writing this register. This can be used to emulate a hardware error during software development. Undefined results will occur if fields in this register are set while an actual Logical/Transport Layer error is being detected. Offset 0xC_0614 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 28 29 30 31 A -- XA All zeros Figure 17-28. Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture Command and Status Register (LTLACCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-34 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-28. LTLACCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-28 A Normally the least significant 29 bits of the address associated with the error (for requests, for responses if available). Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. 29 -- Reserved 30-31 XA xamsbs. Normally the extended address bits of the address associated with the error (for requests, responses, if available). Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture Command and Status Register (LTLDIDCCSR) This register contains error information. It is locked when a logical/transport error is detected and the corresponding enable bit is set. LTLDIDCCSR is stored in each port and the message unit, although the values in this register can differ between each port and message unit. The message unit LTLDIDCCSR cannot lock if any port has locked; no port LTLDIDCCSR can lock if the message unit or any other port has locked. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual logical/transport layer errors are being detected by the port. Note that fields in this register can be set by writing this register. This can be used to emulate a hardware error during software development. Undefined results will occur if fields in this register are set while an actual Logical/Transport Layer error is being detected. Offset 0xC_0618 0 Access: Read/Write 7 R DIDMSB W Reset 8 15 16 DID 23 24 SIDMSB 31 SID All zeros Figure 17-29. Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture Command and Status Register (LTLDIDCCSR) Table 17-29. LTLDIDCCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 DIDMSB Normally the most significant byte of the destinationID associated with the error. This field is valid only if bit 27 of the Processing Element Features CAR is set (large transport systems only). Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. 8-15 DID 16-23 SIDMSB Normally the most significant byte of the sourceID associated with the error. This field is valid only if bit 27 of the Processing Element Features CAR is set (large transport systems only). Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. 24-31 SID Normally the sourceID (or least significant byte of the source ID if large transport system) associated with the error. Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. Normally the destinationID (or least significant byte of the destination ID if large transport system) associated with the error. Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-35 Serial RapidIO Interface Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture Command and Status Register (LTLCCCSR) This register contains error information. LTLCCCSR is stored in each port and the message unit, although the values in this register can differ between each port and message unit. The message unit LTLCCCSR cannot lock if any port has locked; no port LTLCCCSR can lock if the message unit or any other port has locked. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual logical/transport layer errors are being detected by the port. Note that fields in this register can be set by writing this register. This can be used to emulate a hardware error during software development. Undefined results will occur if fields in this register are set while an actual Logical/Transport Layer error is being detected. Offset 0xC_061C 0 R 3 FT W Reset Access: Read/Write 4 7 TT 8 15 16 MI 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-30. Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture Command and Status Register (LTLCCCSR) Table 17-30. LTLCCCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-3 FT Normally the format type associated with the error. Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. 4-7 TT Normally the transaction type associated with the error. Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. 8-15 MI Normally the message Information: letter, mbox, and msgseg for the last message request received for the mailbox that had an error (message errors only). Please see Section, "Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling," for details. 16-31 -- Reserved 17.6.4 RapidIO Extended Features Space--Error Reporting Physical Registers Error Detect Command and Status Register (EDCSR) The error detect command and status register (EDCSR), shown in Figure 17-31, indicates transmission errors that are detected by the hardware. Software can write bits in this register with 1 to cause the Error Rate Counter to increment. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual physical layer errors are being detected by the port. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-36 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Offset 0xC_0640 Access: Read/Write 0 8 R -- W 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CCS AUA PNA UA CRC EM Reset 25 -- 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOA PE -- DE UCS LTO All zeros Figure 17-31. Error Detect Command and Status Register (EDCSR) Table 17-31. EDCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-8 -- 9 CCS Received a control symbol with a bad CRC value. 10 AUA Received acknowledge control symbol with unexpected ackID (packet-accepted or packet-retry). 11 PNA Received packet-not-accepted acknowledge control symbol 12 UA 13 CRC 14 EM Received packet which exceed the maximum allowed size (276 bytes). 15-25 -- Reserved 26 NOA 27 PE Protocol Error: An unexpected packet or control symbol was received. 28 -- Reserved 29 DE Received unaligned /SC/ or /PD/ or undefined code-group. 30 UCS An unexpected acknowledge control symbol was received. 31 LTO An acknowledge or link-response control symbol is not received within the specified time-out interval. Description Reserved Received packet with unexpected ackID value. Received a packet with a bad CRC value Link-response received with an ackID that is not outstanding. Error Rate Enable Command and Status Register (ERECSR) This register contains the bits that control when an error condition is allowed to increment the error rate counter in the error rate threshold register and lock the error capture registers. Offset 0xC_0644 Access: Read/Write 0 R W 8 -- Reset 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CCS AUA PNA UA CRC EM 25 -- 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOA PE -- DE UCS LTO All zeros Figure 17-32. Error Rate Enable Command and Status Register (ERECSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-37 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-32. ERECSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-8 -- 9 CCS Enable error rate counting of a corrupt control symbol 10 AUA Enable error rate counting of an acknowledge control symbol with an unexpected ackID 11 PNA Enable error rate counting of received packet-not-accepted control symbols. 12 UA 13 CRC 14 EM Enable error rate counting of packet which exceeds the maximum allowed size 15-25 -- Reserved 26 NOA 27 PE Enable error rate counting of protocol errors 28 -- Reserved 29 DE Enable error rate counting of delineation errors. 30 UCS Enable error rate counting of unsolicited acknowledge control symbol errors. 31 LTO Enable error rate counting of link time-out errors. Description Reserved Enable error rate counting of packet with unexpected ackID value. Enable error rate counting of packet with a bad CRC value. Enable error rate counting of link-responses received with an ackID that is not outstanding. Error Capture Attributes Command and Status Register (ECACSR) The error capture attribute register indicates the type of information contained in the error capture registers. In the case of multiple detected errors during the same clock cycle one of the errors must be reflected in the Error type field. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual physical layer errors are being detected by the port. Software should check that the ECACSR[CVI] bit is set before reading the capture registers to ensure that the error has been properly captured. Offset 0xC_0648 0 R W Reset 1 IT 2 -- Access: Read/Write 3 7 ET 8 23 24 ECI 30 -- 31 CVI All zeros Figure 17-33. Error Capture Attributes Command and Status Register (ECACSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-38 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-33. ECACSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-1 IT Type of information logged: 00 Packet (error capture registers hold the first 4 words of the packet, or the entire packet if it is less than 4 words long). 01 Control symbol (only error capture register 0 is valid) 10 Reserved 11 Undefined (not clearly a control symbol or packet error. Error capture registers hold the symbol that caused the error and the next 3 symbols.) 2 -- Reserved 3-7 ET The encoded value of the bit in the error detect CSR that describes the error captured in the error capture CSRs 8-23 ECI Extended capture information [0:15]. ECI contains the control/data character signal corresponding to each byte of captured data. ECI[0] = bit associated with PCSERCSR0[0:7] ECI[1] = bit associated with PCSERCSR0[8:15] ECI[2] = bit associated with PCSERCSR0[16:23] ECI[3] = bit associated with PCSERCSR0[24:31] ECI[4] = bit associated with PECCSR1[0:7] ECI[5] = bit associated with PECCSR1[8:15] ... ECI[14] = bit associated with PECCSR3[16:23] ECI[15] = bit associated with PECCSR3[24:31] 24-30 -- 31 CVI Description Reserved This bit is set by hardware to indicate that the Packet/control symbol capture registers contain valid information. For control symbols, only capture register 0 will contain meaningful information. Packet/Control Symbol Error Capture Command and Status Register 0 (PCSECCSR0) This register contains the first 4 bytes of captured packet symbol information or a control character and control symbol. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual physical layer errors are being detected by the port. Software should check that the ECACSR[CVI] bit is set before reading the capture registers to ensure that the error has been properly captured. Offset 0xC_064C Access: Read/Write 0 31 R C0 W Reset All zeros Figure 17-34. Packet/Control Symbol Error Capture Command and Status Register 0 (PCSECCSR0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-39 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-34. PCSECCSR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 C0 Description Capture 0: Control Character and control symbol or bytes 0 to 3 of packet header. Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 1 (PECCSR1) Error capture register 1 contains bytes 4 through 7 of the packet header. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual physical layer errors are being detected by the port. Software should check that the ECACSR[CVI] bit is set before reading the capture registers to ensure that the error has been properly captured. Offset 0xC_0650 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R C1 W Reset All zeros Figure 17-35. Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 1 (PECCSR1) Table 17-35. PECCSR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 C1 Description Capture 1. Bytes 4 to 7 of the packet header Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 2 (PECCSR2) Error capture register 2 contains bytes 8 through 11 of the packet header. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual physical layer errors are being detected by the port. Software should check that the ECACSR[CVI] bit is set before reading the capture registers to ensure that the error has been properly captured. Offset 0xC_0654 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R C2 W Reset All zeros Figure 17-36. Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 2 (PECCSR2) Table 17-36. PECCSR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 C2 Description Capture 2. Bytes 8 to 11 of the packet header MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-40 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 3 (PECCSR3) Error capture register 3 contains bytes 12 through 15 of the packet header. Undefined results will occur if this register is written while actual physical layer errors are being detected by the port. Software should check that the ECACSR[CVI] bit is set before reading the capture registers to ensure that the error has been properly captured. Offset 0xC_0658 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R C3 W Reset All zeros Figure 17-37. Packet Error Capture Command and Status Register 3 (PECCSR3) Table 17-37. PECCSR3 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 C3 Description Capture 3. Bytes 12 to 15 of the packet header Error Rate Command and Status Register (ERCSR) The error rate register is a 32-bit register used with the error rate threshold register to monitor and control the reporting of transmission errors. Offset 0xC_0668 0 Access: Read/Write 7 R ERB W 8 13 14 15 16 -- ERR 23 24 PER 31 ERC Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-38. Error Rate Command and Status Register (ERCSR) Table 17-38. ERCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 ERB 8-13 -- Description These bits provide the error rate bias value. 0x00 Do not decrement the error rate counter 0x01 Decrement every 1 ms (34%) 0x02 Decrement every 10 ms (34%) 0x04 Decrement every 100 ms (34%) 0x08 Decrement every 1 s (34%) 0x10 Decrement every 10 s (34%) 0x20 Decrement every 100 s (34%) 0x40 Decrement every 1000 s (34%) 0x80 Decrement every 10000 s (34%) Other values are reserved and will cause undefined operation. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-41 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-38. ERCSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 14-15 ERR These bits limit the incrementing of the error rate counter above the failed threshold trigger. 0b00 Only count 2 errors above 0b01 Only count 4 errors above 0b10 Only count 16 error above 0b11 Do not limit incrementing the error rate count Note that the Error Rate Counter will never increment above 0xFF, even if the combination of the settings of ERR and the failed threshold trigger might imply that it would. 16-23 PER Peak error rate. Contains the peak value attained by the error rate counter 24-31 ERC Error rate counter. These bits maintain a count of the number of transmission errors that have been detected by the port, decremented by the Error Rate Bias mechanism, to create an indication of the link error rate. Software should not attempt to write this field to a value higher than failed threshold trigger plus the number of errors specified in the ERR field (the maximum ERC value). Error Rate Threshold Command and Status Register (ERTCSR) The error rate threshold register is a 32-bit register used to control the reporting of the link status to the system host. Offset 0xC_066C 0 R W Access: Read/Write 7 ERFTT 8 15 ERDTT 31 -- Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-39. Error Rate Threshold Command and Status Register (ERTCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-42 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-39. ERTCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 ERFTT Error rate failed threshold trigger. These bits provide the threshold value for reporting an error condition due to a possibly broken link. 0x00 Disable the Error Rate Failed Threshold Trigger. 0x01 Set the error reporting threshold to 1. 0x02 Set the error reporting threshold to 2. ... 0xFF Set the error reporting threshold to 255. The ESCSR[OFE] bit will not be set if the ERFTT is written to a value lower than or equal to the ERCSR[ERC]. 8-15 ERDTT Error rate degraded threshold trigger. These bits provide the threshold value for reporting an error condition due to a degrading link. 0x00 Disable the Error Rate Degraded Threshold Trigger. 0x01 Set the error reporting threshold to 1. 0x02 Set the error reporting threshold to 2. ... 0xFF Set the error reporting threshold to 255. The ESCSR[ODE] bit will not be set if the ERDTT is written to a value lower than or equal to the ERCSR[ERC]. 16-31 -- 17.6.5 Reserved RapidIO Implementation Space Registers Logical Layer Configuration Register (LLCR) The logical layer configuration register contains general port-common logical layer mode enables. Offset 0xD_0004 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 31 Unused DMAME ECRAB Reset -- All zeros Figure 17-40. Logical Layer Configuration Register (LLCR) Table 17-40. LLCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- 1 Description This bit is unused. It is readable and writable. DMAME DMA message enable (for outbound DMA messages). 0 Message Unit messages can be assigned to letter 0,1,2,3. No DMA Messages. 1 DMA messages are assigned letter 3, Message Unit messages 0,1,2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-43 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-40. LLCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 2 ECRAB External configuration register access block. When set, all maintenance requests and accesses that hit LCSBA1CSR will be blocked; reads will return all 0's, and writes will be ignored (both return done response). When clear, any external RapidIO device can access registers. 3-31 -- Reserved Error/Port-Write Interrupt Status Register (EPWISR) The EPWISR register contains status bits of the interrupts that have been generated by any port or the message unit for physical or logical/transport layer errors or inbound port-writes. Because errors from all ports will be reported to the core with one interrupt signal, this register provides the core with quick access to where the error occurred. This register is read only and is stored in each port and the message unit as a logically equivalent copy. Offset 0xD_0010 0 R Access: Read only 1 29 PINT -- W Reset 30 31 MU PW All zeros Figure 17-41. Error/Port-Write Interrupt Status Register (EPWISR) Table 17-41. EPWISR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 PINT A physical or logical/transport error interrupt was generated. 1-29 -- Reserved (can be used to indicate error on more ports if they exist). 30 MU A logical/transport layer error interrupt was generated in the message unit. 31 PW An inbound port-write was received. Logical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (LRETCR) The LRETCR register contains the retry error threshold for the logical layer. When the number of consecutive logical retries for a given packet is greater than to this value, an error interrupt is generated. Note that the number of retries must be greater than this value unlike other registers that define a retry threshold. Offset 0xD_0020 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R -- W Reset 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 17-42. Logical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (LRETCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-44 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-42. LRETCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 RET Description Reserved Retry error threshold. These bits provide the threshold value for the number of consecutive logical retries (for GSM responses) received for a given packet that will cause RAPIDIO ENDPOINT to report an error condition. 0x00 Disable the RET 0x01 Set the error reporting threshold to 1 ... 0xFF Set the error reporting threshold to 255 Physical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (PRETCR) The PRETCR register contains the retry error threshold for the physical layer. When the number of consecutive ACK-retries is greater than or equal to this value, an error interrupt is generated. Offset 0xD_0080 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 17-43. Physical Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (PRETCR) Table 17-43. PRETCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 RET Description Reserved Retry error threshold. These bits provide the threshold value for the number of consecutive ACK retries received that will cause RAPIDIO ENDPOINT to report an error condition. 0x00 Disable the RET 0x01 Set the error reporting threshold to 1 ... 0xFF Set the error reporting threshold to 255 Alternate Device ID Command and Status Register (ADIDCSR) The alternate device id CSR contains an alternate deviceID. It is intended that this register should be enabled before the master enabled bit of the GCCSR is set, such that when it is enabled, all other devices in the RapidIO system (including switches) send packets to and receive packets from the deviceID contained in this register, instead of the deviceID contained in BDIDCSR. When the alternate deviceID is enabled, the inbound RapidIO endpoint will only accept packets sent with the deviceID contained in ADIDCSR or with the deviceID contained in BDIDCSR (except during Accept All mode, during which the inbound RapidIO endpoint will accept packets using the same common transport system). In addition, the outbound RapidIO endpoint will only generate requests using the deviceID contained in ADIDCSR; it will generate responses with the deviceID given in the original request packet (either from ADIDCSR or BDIDCSR). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-45 Serial RapidIO Interface Offset 0xD_0100 0 R 1 ADE W Access: Read/Write 7 -- Reset 8 15 16 ADID 31 LADID All zeros Figure 17-44. Alternate Device ID Command and Status Register (ADIDCSR) Table 17-44. ADIDCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 ADE 1-7 -- 8-15 ADID 16-31 LADID Alternate device ID for the device in a large transport system Description Alternate device ID enable When set, this bit causes the port to use the deviceID specified in this register instead of the deviceid specified in BDIDCSR Reserved Alternate device ID for the device in a small transport system Accept-All Configuration Register (AACR) The accept-all configuration register contains information on accept-all mode. Offset 0xD_0120 Access: Read/Write 0 30 R -- W Reset 31 AA All zeros Figure 17-45. Accept-All Configuration Register (AACR) Table 17-45. AACR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-30 -- Reserved 31 AA Accept all. 1 All packets are accepted without checking the target ID. However, the tt field must be consistent with the common transport system specified by bit 27 of the processing element features CAR. 0 Normal RapidIO acceptance based on target ID. Description Logical Outbound Packet Time-to-Live Configuration Register (LOPTTLCR) The logical outbound packet time-to-live configuration register, shown in Figure 17-46, contains the time-to-live count for all ports on a device. This packet time-to-live counter starts when a packet is ready to be transmitted. If the packet is not successfully transmitted before the timer expires, the packet is discarded. Successfully transmitted means that a packet accept was received for the packet on the RIO interface. If the packet requires a response, an internal error response will be returned after the response MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-46 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface time-out occurs (PRTOCCSR). The packet time-to-live counter prevents the local processor from being stalled when packets cannot be successfully transmitted (acknowledged with an accept by the link partner at the physical level). The value of this register should always be larger than the link time-out value (PLTOCCSR). The reset value is the maximum time-out interval and represents between 3 and 5 seconds. When the packet time-to-live counter expires, PCR[OBDEN] is automatically set. PCR[OBDEN] must be cleared by software. Offset 0xD_0124 Access: R/W 0 23 24 R TV W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-46. Logical Outbound Packet Time-to-Live Configuration Register (LOPTTLCR) Table 17-46 lists LOPTTLCR fields. Table 17-46. LOPTTLCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-23 TV Time-out value. Setting to all zeros disables the time-to-live time-out timer. This value is loaded each time the time-to-live time-out timer starts. 24-31 -- Reserved Implementation Error Command and Status Register (IECSR) The IECSR register contains status bits that are asserted whenever an implementation-defined error occurs. Offset 0xD_0130 0 Access: w1c 1 R RETE W w1c Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-47. Implementation Error Command and Status Register (IECSR) Table 17-47. IECSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 RETE Retry error threshold exceeded. This bit is asserted when the number of consecutive retries has reached Retry Error Threshold in the Retry Error Threshold Register. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it. This bit will set again if another retry is received and the number of consecutive retries continues to exceed the Retry Error Threshold. 1-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-47 Serial RapidIO Interface Physical Configuration Register (PCR) The PCR contains general physical layer protocol and link mode enables. Offset 0xD_0140 Access: Read/Write 0 15 R -- W 16 17 18 19 CCC Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 26 -- 0 0 0 00 0 27 CCP 0 0 0 0 1 28 29 -- OBDEN 0 0 30 31 -- 0 0 Figure 17-48. Physical Configuration Register (PCR) Table 17-48. PCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 -- 16 CCC 17-18 -- Reserved 19-26 -- Reserved 27 CCP 28 -- 29 OBDEN 30-31 -- Reserved CRC checking enable - control symbol. When set, CRC is checked on received control symbols. When cleared, no CRC is checked on received control symbols. CRC checking enable - packet. When set, CRC is checked on received packets. When cleared, no CRC is checked on received packets Reserved Output buffer drain enable. When set, the output drains packets from the outbound buffer and does not send them out. This will intentionally cause the inbound to time-out (when a response on a drained request was expected) and send an error response to OCN. A packet time-to-live time-out will cause this bit to be set. (See Section, "Logical Outbound Packet Time-to-Live Configuration Register (LOPTTLCR).") Reserved Serial Link Command and Status Register (SLCSR) The SLCSR contains status of the of the serial physical link. Offset 0xD_0158 0 1 Access: w1c 2 3 R LS0 LS1 LS2 LS3 W w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 4 7 -- 8 9 31 LA -- w1c All zeros Figure 17-49. Serial Link Command and Status Register (SLCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-48 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-49. SLCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 LS0 Lane sync achieved for lane 0. Write with 1 to clear 1 LS1 Lane sync achieved for lane 1. Write with 1 to clear 2 LS2 Lane sync achieved for lane 2. Write with 1 to clear 3 LS3 Lane sync achieved for lane 3. Write with 1 to clear. 4-7 -- Reserved 8 LA Lane alignment achieved. Write with 1 to clear. 9-31 -- Reserved Serial Link Error Injection Configuration Register (SLEICR) The SLEICR is used to control the injection of bit errors into the transmit bit stream. Offset 0xD_0160 0 R W Access: Read/Write 4 EIC Reset 5 11 12 31 -- EIR All zeros Figure 17-50. Serial Link Error Injection Configuration Register (SLEICR) Table 17-50. SLEICR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 EIC 5-11 -- 12-31 EIR Description Error injection control. Enables and controls serial link error injection as follows: 00000 Error injection is disabled. 10000 Error injection, lane 0 only 01000 Error injection, lane 1 only 00100 Error injection, lane 2 only 00010 Error injection, lane 3 only 11110 Error injection, all 4 lanes simultaneously 11111 Error injection, randomly distributed over all 4 lanes All other values are reserved. Reserved Error injection range. The value of EIR x 32 determines the maximum value of the pseudo-random delay between errors. For example, a value of 0x1 would indicate a maximum delay of 32 character times. Value within this register should be right-justified. The SLEICR register is used to generate pseudo-random errors into the outbound serial RapidIO data stream. If the EIC field is any of the allowable non-zero values (as shown in the table above), then error injection is enabled for one lane or all four lanes, as selected by the EIC value. When enabled, at MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-49 Serial RapidIO Interface pseudo-random intervals, an error will be injected by inverting a single bit in the outgoing data stream. This will occur only in the lane(s) that have error injection enabled. The range of the pseudo-random value (delay between injected errors) is controlled by the EIR field, as described above. That is, the value of EIR, multiplied by 32, will determine the maximum number of character times between injected errors. 17.6.6 Revision Control Registers IP Block Revision Register 1 (IPBRR1) IP block revision register 1 is used to track changes and revisions of the RapidIO endpoint. IP block revision register 1 is a read-only register. Offset 0xD_0BF8 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R 23 24 IPID 31 IPMJ IPMN W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-51. IP Block Revision Register 1 (IPBRR1) Table 17-51. IPBRR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 IPID IP block ID = 0x01C0 16-23 IPMJ Major revision of the IP block = 0x01 24-31 IPMN Minor revision of the IP block = 0x0 Description IP Block Revision Register 2 (IPBRR2) IP block revision register 2 is used to track changes and revisions of the RapidIO endpoint. IP block revision register 2 is a read-only register. Offset 0xD_0BFC Access: Read only 0 R W Reset 7 -- 8 15 16 IPINT 23 24 31 IPCFG -- All zeros Figure 17-52. IP Block Revision Register 2 (IPBRR2) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-50 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-52. IPBRR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 IPBID 16-23 -- 24-31 Description Reserved IP block Integration options = 0x0 Reserved IPCFG IP block Configuration options = 0x0 17.6.7 RapidIO Implementation Space--ATMU Registers ATMU registers are used for outbound and inbound transactions. Their purpose is to translate RapidIO packets to OCN packets on inbound and to translate OCN packets to RapidIO packets on outbound. ATMU window misses use the window 0 register set by default, and overlapping window hits will result in the use of the lowest number window register set hit. For both inbound and outbound translation, the smallest window size is 4K and the largest window size is 16G for inbound translation and 64G for outbound translation. The default window register set will cause no translation of the transaction address for inbound transactions since the RapidIO address space has 34 bits and the OCN address space has 36 bits. For outbound transactions, the default window maps each of the four 16G chunks to the RapidIO 16G address space. The inbound and outbound translation windows must be aligned based on the granularity selected by the size fields. The packet device ID fields are not used in the inbound translation process, only the address field. The RapidIO endpoint implementation allows up to a 34-bit (0:33) RapidIO address and a 36-bit (0:35) OCN address. In a device confined to 32-bit OCN addresses, the top 4 bits (0:3) of the Inbound translation address and the Outbound base address should be set to all 0's; setting them otherwise will result in undefined behavior. As is the case with all registers, an external processor writing the ATMU registers should not assume that the write has completed until a response is received. Note that when booting from serial RapidIO, outbound ATMU window 0 must be used. Segmented Outbound Window Description All outbound windows have the capability to have 2 or 4 segments, all of which are equal in size, numbered 0 and 1, or 0 through 3, respectively (the standard 8540 unsegmented window definition becomes segment 0). Each segment assigns attributes and the target deviceID for an outbound transaction. All segments of a window translate to the same translation address in the target. Additionally, each segment can be set up with 2, 4, or 8 subsegments, all of which are equal in size. These subsegments allow a single segment to target a number of numerically adjacent target device IDs, and, again, they all translate to the same translation address in the targets. For example, a segment with 8 subsegments can be configured to generate a transaction with the same set of attributes to target deviceIDs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, depending on which subsegment is addressed. Note that subsegments are only supported when multiple segments are chosen. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-51 Serial RapidIO Interface This allows a window to be configured so that aliases can be created to the same offset within the target device so that a single window can be used to generate different transaction types. Without segmented windows, achieving the equivalent behavior would require multiple windows. Figure 17-53 shows an example of this capability. A window is defined to be 4kB in size, and is defined to have 4 segments and no subsegments. Each segment is assigned to target deviceID 0x05, and each segment is given a different write transaction type attribute - segment 0 is assigned NWRITE, segment 1 is assigned SWRITE, segment 2 is assigned NWRITE_R, and segment 3 is assigned FLUSH. Since all of the segments are assigned to target the same device, by writing to the same offset in each segment, a different write transaction can be generated to the target to the same offset in the target. 1KB target deviceID[22-29] = 0x0000_0101 write ttype = NWRITE 1KB target deviceID = 0x0000_0101 write ttype = SWRITE 1KB target with deviceID = 0x0000_0101 4KB 1KB target deviceID = 0x0000_0101 write ttype = NWRITE_R 1KB target deviceID = 0x0000_0101 write ttype = FLUSH 4KB window with 4 segments Figure 17-53. Example of Attribute Aliasing So, writing to offset 0x0 in segment 0 is translated (as defined in the translation address registers) and generates a NWRITE transaction to offset 0x0 in a 1KB window in the target with deviceID = 0x05. A write to offset 0x0 in segment 2 is also translated, to the same offset in the target device as the write to segment 0, but this time a NWRITE_R transaction is generated. Another use is that the same window can be used to target multiple devices with the same translation offset. Without segmented, (and subsegmented) windows, achieving the equivalent behavior would require multiple windows. Figure 17-54 shows an example of this multi-targeting. For example, a 4kB window is set up with 2 segments of 2 subsegments. Each segment is assigned a write ttype of NWRITE, but each segment and subsegment has a different target deviceID. Segments 0 and 1 are assigned target deviceIDs 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, respectively. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-52 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface 1KB x=0 1KB target deviceID[22-29] = 0x0000_010x write ttype = NWRITE 1KB x=1 1KB x=0 target with deviceID = 4 4KB 1KB target deviceID = 0x0000_100x write ttype = NWRITE 1KB target with deviceID = 5 x=1 1KB 4KB window with 2 segments of 2 subsegments target with deviceID = 8 1KB target with deviceID = 9 Figure 17-54. Example of Multi-Targeting In this example, a write to offset 0x0 in segment 0 is translated as defined, and a NWRITE transaction is generated targeted to deviceID 4. A corresponding write to segment 1 to offset 0x400 is also translated but also using the assigned deviceID instead of the translation address bits [22-29]. The generated NWRITE transaction has the same target device offset as the write to segment 0, but is instead targeted to deviceID 9. Combinations of aliasing and multi-targeting are also possible for a window. RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-8 (ROWTARn) The RapidIO outbound window translation address registers select the starting addresses in the external address space for window hits within the outbound translation windows. The new translated address is created by concatenating the transaction offset to this translation address. Offset 0xD_0C00 0xD_0C20 0xD_0C40 0 R W 1 LTGTID Reset (ROWTAR0) 1 Reset (ROWTAR1-8) 1 0xD_0CA0 0xD_0C60 0xD_0C80 2 Access: Read/Write 0xD_0CC0 0xD_0CE0 0xD_0D00 11 12 31 TREXAD TRAD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All zeros Figure 17-55. RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-8 (ROWTARn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-53 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-53. ROWTARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-1 LTGTID LTGTID correspond to bits 6-7 of the target ID for a large transport system. This field is valid only if bit 27 of PEFCAR is set. Bits 0-5 of the target ID are specified in the window's RapidIO outbound window translation extended address register. 2-11 TREXAD Translation extended address. TREXAD[0-7] correspond to the target ID for a small transport system or the least significant byte (bits 8-15) of the target ID for a large transport system. TREXAD[8-9] corresponds to bits [0-1] of a 34-bit RapidIO translation address. For maintenance transactions and default window 0, TREXAD[8-9] is reserved. 12-31 TRAD Translation address. System address which represents the starting point of the outbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. This corresponds to bits [2-21] of the 34-bit RapidIO translation address. For maintenance transactions, the hop count is formed from TRAD[0-7], and the upper 12 bits of the maintenance offset is formed from TRAD[8-19]; the rest of the maintenance offset is formed from the untranslated address. This field is reserved for default window 0. RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Extended Address Registers 0-8 (ROWTEARn) The RapidIO outbound window translation extended address registers contain bits 0-5 of the target ID for a common transport large system. Offset 0xD_0C04 0xD_0C24 0xD_0C44 0xD_0C64 0xD_0C84 Access: Read/Write 0xD_0CA4 0xD_0CC4 0xD_0CE4 0xD_0D04 0 25 26 R -- W Reset (ROWTEAR0) 0 Reset (ROWTEAR1-8) 0 31 LTGTID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 All zeros Figure 17-56. RapidIO Outbound Window Translation Extended Address Registers 0-8 Table 17-54. ROWTEARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-25 -- 26-31 LTGTID Description Reserved LTGTID correspond to bits 0-5 of the target ID for a large transport system. This field is valid only if bit 27 of PEFCAR is set. Bits 6-7 of the target ID are specified in the window's RapidIO outbound window translation address register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-54 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface RapidIO Outbound Window Base Address Registers 1-8 (ROWBARn) The RapidIO outbound window base address registers select the base address for the windows which are translated to an alternate system address space. Addresses for outbound transactions are compared to these windows. If such a transaction does not fall within one of these spaces the transaction is forwarded through the default register set. For transactions that cross more than one window, please see Section, "Window Boundary Crossing Errors." 0 7 R -- W Access: Read/Write 0xD_0CA8 0xD_0CC8 0xD_0CE8 0xD_0D08 Offset 0xD_0C28 0xD_0C48 0xD_0C68 0xD_0C88 8 11 12 31 BEXTADD BADD Reset All zeros Figure 17-57. RapidIO Outbound Window Base Address Registers 1-8 Table 17-55. ROWBARn Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-11 BEXTADD 12-31 BADD Description Reserved Window base extended address. Corresponds to bits [0-3] of the 36-bit OCN base address. Window base address. Source address which is the starting point for the outbound translation window. The window must be aligned based on the size selected in the window size bits. This corresponds to bits [4-23] of the 36-bit OCN base address. RapidIO Outbound Window Attributes Registers 0-8 (ROWARn) The RapidIO outbound window attributes registers, shown in Figure 17-58, define the window sizes to translate and other attributes for the translations. 64G is the largest window size allowed. For a segmented window, these attributes are used for segment 0. The PCI_Window bit applies for all segments. 0 R W 1 EN 3 -- Reset 01 0 0 0 (ROWAR0) Reset 0 (ROWAR1-8) 0 0 0 Access: Read/Write 0xD_0CB0 0xD_0CD0 0xD_0CF0 0xD_0D10 Offset 0xD_0C10 0xD_0C30 0xD_0C50 0xD_0C70 0xD_0C90 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TFLOWLV PCI -- NSEG NSSEG 15 16 RDTYP 19 20 WRTYP 25 26 -- 31 SIZE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Figure 17-58. RapidIO Outbound Window Attributes Registers 0-8 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-55 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-56. ROWARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 EN This field enables this address translation window. It is set to 1 and is read only for default window 0. 1-3 -- Reserved 4-5 Description TFLOWLV Transaction flow level. 00 Lowest priority transaction request flow 01 Next highest priority transaction request flow 10 Highest priority level transaction request flow 11 Reserved This field must be set to 00 if the PCI bit is set. Also, the RapidIO priority given by this field must always be greater than or equal to the OCN priority or a deadlock can occur. Normally, the OCN priority of all packets is 0 except for packets coming from a PCI type interface. Read type packets coming from a PCI type interface are priority 0 and write type packets are priority 1. Packets coming from a PCI type interface should set this field to 0 and set the PCI field to 1. 6 PCI PCI_Window. This window follows PCI ordering rules as defined in the RapidIO Inter-operability specification The TFLOWLV field must be set to 00 if this bit is set causing reads to have RapidIO priority 0 and writes to have RapidIO priority 1. 7 -- 8-9 NSEG 10-11 NSSEG Number of subsegments for this segment. 00 One target deviceID for this segment 01 Two target deviceIDs for this segment 10 Four target deviceIDs for this segment 11 Eight target deviceIDs for this segment This field is reserved for default window 0. Note that this field is valid only when ROWARn[NSEG] contains a non-zero value (1 or 2). 12-15 RDTYP Transaction type to run on RapidIO interface if access is a read. 0111 MAINTENANCE read 0000 Reserved 1000 Reserved 0001 Reserved ... 0010 IO_READ_HOME 1100 ATOMIC increment 0011 Reserved 1101 ATOMIC decrement 0100 NREAD 1110 ATOMIC set 0101 Reserved 1111 ATOMIC clear 0110 Reserved Reserved Number of segments for this window. 00 One segment (normal window) 01 Two segments (half size aliasing window) 10 Four segments (quarter size aliasing window) 11 Reserved This field is reserved for default window 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-56 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-56. ROWARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 16-19 WRTYP 20-25 -- 26-31 SIZE Transaction type to run on RapidIO interface if access was a write. 0110 Reserved 0000 Reserved 0111 MAINTENANCE write 0001 FLUSH 1000 Reserved 0010 Reserved ... 0011 SWRITE 1111 Reserved 0100 NWRITE 0101 NWRITE_R Write-requiring-response sent from OCN must generate a write-requiring-response to RapidIO. Therefore, if an OCN write-requiring-response request hits a window with WRTYP = SWRITE or NWRITE, the RapidIO endpoint will generate a NWRITE_R instead. Reserved Outbound translation window size N which is the encoded 2(N+1) bytes window size. The smallest window size is 4 Kbytes. 100000 8G window size 000000 Reserved 100001 16G window size ... 100010 32G window size 001011 4K window size 100011 64G window size 001100 8K window size 100100 Reserved ... ... 011111 4G window size 111111 Reserved This field is read only for default window 0. RapidIO Outbound Window Segment 1-3 Registers 1-8 (ROWSnRn) The RapidIO outbound window segment registers define the attributes and target device ID that are to be used for a transaction that hits in that segment rather than the primary attributes and target deviceID. There is one of these registers for each segment (except segment 0). 0 R W 3 -- Reset 0 0 0 0 4 5 TFLOWLV 0 0 6 7 -- Access: Read/Write 0xD_0C3C 0xD_0C5C 0xD_0C7C 0xD_0C9C 0xD_0CBC 0xD_0CDC 0xD_0CFC 0xD_0D1C 0xD_0C38 0xD_0C58 0xD_0C78 0xD_0C98 0xD_0CB8 0xD_0CD8 0xD_0CF8 0xD_0D18 Offset 0xD_0C34 0xD_0C54 0xD_0C74 0xD_0C94 0xD_0CB4 0xD_0CD4 0xD_0CF4 0xD_0D14 8 11 12 RDTYP 15 16 WRTYP 23 24 -- 31 SGTGTDID 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-59. RapidIO Outbound Window Segment 1-3 Registers 1-8 (ROWSnRn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-57 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-57. ROWSnRn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-3 -- 4-5 TFLOWLV 6-7 -- 8-11 RDTYP Transaction type to run on RapidIO interface if access was a read. 0111 MAINTENANCE read 0000 Reserved 1000 Reserved 0001 Reserved ... 0010 IO_READ_HOME 1100 ATOMIC increment 0011 Reserved 1101 ATOMIC decrement 0100 NREAD 1110 ATOMIC set 0101 Reserved 1111 ATOMIC clear 0110 Reserved 12-15 WRTYP Transaction type to run on RapidIO interface if access was a write. 0110 Reserved 0000 Reserved 0111 MAINTENANCE write 0001 FLUSH 1000 Reserved 0010 Reserved ... 0011 SWRITE 1110 Reserved 0100 NWRITE 1111 Reserved 0101 NWRITE_R Writes-requiring-response sent from OCN must generate a write-requiring-response to RapidIO. Therefore, if an OCN write-requiring-response request hits a window with WRTYP = SWRITE or NWRITE, the RapidIO endpoint will generate a NWRITE_R instead. 16-23 -- 24-28 SGTGTDID Bits 0-4 (or bits 8-12 if large transport system) of the target device ID for this segment. 29 SGTGTDID Bit 5 (or bit 13 if large transport system) of the target deviceID; this bit is reserved if 8 target subsegments are selected. 30 SGTGTDID Bit 6 (or bit 14 if large transport system) of the target deviceID; this bit is reserved if 8 or 4 target subsegments are selected. 31 SGTGTDID Bit 7 (or bit 15 if large transport system) of the target deviceID; this bit is reserved if 8, 4, or 2 target subsegments are selected. Description Reserved Transaction flow level. 00 Lowest priority transaction request flow 01 Next highest priority transaction request flow 10 Highest priority level transaction request flow 11 Reserved This field must be set to 00 if the PCI_Window bit is set Reserved Reserved RapidIO Inbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-4 (RIWTARn) The RapidIO inbound window translation address registers point to the starting addresses in local address space for window hits within the inbound translation windows. The new translated address is created by concatenating the transaction offset to this translation address. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-58 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Access: Read/Write Offset 0xD_0D60 0xD_0D80 0xD_0DA0 0xD_0DC0 0xD_0DE0 0 7 R -- W 8 11 12 31 TREXAD TRAD Reset All zeros Figure 17-60. RapidIO Inbound Window Translation Address Registers 0-4 (RIWTARn) Table 17-58. RIWTARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 -- 8-11 TREXAD 12-31 TRAD Reserved Translation extended address. Corresponds to bits 0-3 of the 36-bit OCN translation address. TREXAD[2-3] are reserved for default window 0. Translation address. Target address which indicates the starting point of the inbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. This corresponds to bits 4-23 of the 36-bit OCN translation address. TRAD is reserved for default window 0. RapidIO Inbound Window Base Address Registers 1-4 (RIWBARn) The RapidIO inbound window n base address registers select the base address for the windows which are translated to an alternate target address space. Addresses for inbound transactions are compared to these windows. If such a transaction does not fall within one of these spaces, then the transaction is forwarded to the interior of the chip using the default window. For transactions that cross more than one window, please see Section, "Window Boundary Crossing Errors." Access: Read/Write Offset 0xD_0D68 0xD_0D88 0xD_0DA8 0xD_0DC8 0 9 R -- W Reset 10 11 12 31 BEXAD BADD All zeros Figure 17-61. RapidIO Inbound Window Base Address Registers1-4 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-59 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-59. RIWBARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-11 BEXAD 12-31 BADD Description Reserved Base extended address. BEXAD represents bits 0-1 of the 34-bit RapidIO address. Base address. System address which is the starting point for the inbound translation window. The window must be aligned based on the size selected in the window size bits. This corresponds to bits 2-21 of the 34-bit RapidIO base address. RapidIO Inbound Window Attributes Registers 0-4 (RIWARn) The RapidIO inbound window attributes registers define the window sizes to translate and other attributes for the translations. 16 Gbytes is the largest window size allowed. The RDTYP and WRTYP fields are used for attributes on the request, but do not actually change the transaction type of the transaction. In other words, RIWARn does not modify whether or not the request requires a response or if the request was atomic; this type of attribute remains unchanged on the request as it is translated through the ATMU. Access: Read/Write Offset 0xD_0D70 0xD_0D90 0xD_0DB0 0xD_0DD0 0 R W 1 2 7 EN PW Reset 0 0 8 -- 0 0 0 11 12 TGINT 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 RDTYP 0 0 1 0 19 20 25 26 WRTYP 0 0 1 0 31 -- 0 0 0 0 SIZE 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Table 17-60. RapidIO Inbound Window Attributes Register 1-4 Offset 0xD_0DF0 0 R EN W Reset 1 1 Access: Mixed 2 7 PW 0 8 -- 0 0 0 11 12 TGINT 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 RDTYP 0 0 1 0 19 20 25 26 WRTYP 0 0 1 0 31 SIZE -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Table 17-61. RapidIO Inbound Window Attributes Register 0 Table 17-62. RIWARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN This bit enables this address translation. This field is set to 1 and read-only for default window 0. 1 PW Protected Window. This bit indicates that this window is protected. Writes requiring response and reads to this window will generate an error response. Writes not requiring response will be silently discarded. 2-7 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-60 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-62. RIWARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 8-11 TGINT Target interface. If this field is set to anything other than local address space, the attributes for the transaction must be assigned in a corresponding outbound window at the target. This is the field definition for the MPC8548E: 0000 PCI/PCI-X interface 1 0001 PCI interface 2 0010 PCI Express 0011 Reserved ... 1110 Reserved 1111 Local memory (DDR, local bus controller, L2) 12-15 RDTYP Transaction type to run on the I/O interface if access is a read. 0000 Reserved ... 0100 Read 0101 Reserved ... 1111 Reserved Transaction type to run on local memory if access is a read. 0000 Reserved ... 0100 Read, don't snoop local processor 0101 Read, snoop local processor 0110 Reserved 0111 Read, unlock L2 cache line 1000 Reserved ... 1111 Reserved 16-19 WRTYP Transaction type to run on I/O interface if access is a write. 0000 Reserved ... 0100 write 0101 Reserved ... 1111 Reserved Transaction type to run on local memory if access is a write. 0000 Reserved ... 0011 Reserved 0100 Write, don't snoop local processor 0101 Write, snoop local processor 0110 Write, allocate cache line 0111 Write, allocate and lock cache line 1000 Reserved ... 1111 Reserved 20-25 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-61 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-62. RIWARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 26-31 SIZE Inbound translation window size N which is the encoded 2^(N+1) bytes window size. The smallest window size is 4K bytes. 000000 Reserved ... 001011 4K window size 001100 8K window size ... 011111 4G window size 100000 8G window size 100001 16G window size 100010 Reserved ... 111111 Reserved This field is read only for default window 0. 17.7 RapidIO Message Unit Registers 17.7.1 RapidIO Outbound Message 0 Registers The registers in this section control RapidIO outbound messages. The following provide partial descriptions of these registers. Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR) The outbound message mode register allows software to start a message operation and to control various message operation characteristics. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3000 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3100 0 R W Reset 3 4 -- 6 7 SCTL Access: Read/Write 10 -- 11 DES_SEN 12 15 16 -- 19 20 21 CIRQ_SIZ -- 22 23 24 25 26 QOIE QFIE -- QEIE EIE 27 28 -- 29 30 31 MUTM MUI MUS All zeros Figure 17-62. Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-62 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-63. OMnMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-3 -- 4-6 SCTL 7-10 -- 11 DES_SEN 12-14 -- Reserved 15 -- Reserved 16-19 CIRQ_SIZ 20-21 -- 22 QOIE Queue overflow interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt on detection of a queue overflow (that is, the enqueue and dequeue pointers are no longer equal after being incremented by the processor and the queue was full). No queue overflow interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. (only applicable to chaining mode). If this bit is not set and the queue overflows, the result is undefined. 23 QFIE Queue full interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt when the queue transitions to full (that is, the enqueue and dequeue pointers are equal after being incremented by the processor). No QF interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. If this bit is set and OMnSR[QF] is a 1, OMnSR[QFI] will assert. 24 -- Reserved Service control. Determines the number of descriptors to process before servicing the next queue. 0b000 Fixed priority based on outbound message unit number 0b001 1 descriptors 0b010 2 descriptors 0b011 4 descriptors 0b100 8 descriptors 0b101 16 descriptors 0b110 32 descriptors 0b111 64 descriptors Note that if one queue has SCTL set to fixed priority, all SCTL values in other queues are ignored. For example, of the two outbound message units, if unit 1's service control value is set to 0b000, fixed priority results with unit 0 the highest priority results. If a queue is in direct mode only one message operation will be serviced before servicing the next queue. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled. The value of this field cannot be changed unless both units are disabled. Reserved Descriptor snoop enable. When set enables snooping of the local processor when reading descriptors from memory. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled Circular descriptor queue size. Determines the number of descriptors that can be placed on the circular queue without overflow. 0b1000 512 0b0000 2 0b1001 1024 0b0001 4 0b1010 2048 0b0010 8 0b1011 Reserved 0b0011 16 0b1100 Reserved 0b0100 32 0b1101 Reserved 0b0101 64 0b1110 Reserved 0b0110 128 0b1111 Reserved 0b0111 256 For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-63 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-63. OMnMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 25 QEIE Queue empty interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt at the completion of all outstanding message operations (that is, the enqueue and dequeue pointers are equal after an increment by the message unit controller). No QE interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 26 EIE Error interrupt enable. When set will generate the port-write/error interrupt when a transfer error (OMnSR[TE]), a message error response (OMnSR[MER]), a packet response time-out (OM nSR[PRT]), or a retry threshold event exceeded (OMnSR[RETE]) event occurs. No port-write/error interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. 27-28 -- Reserved 29 MUTM 30 MUI Message unit increment. Software will set this bit after writing a descriptor to memory. Hardware will then increment the OMnDQEPAR and clear this bit. Always reads as 0 when MUS is set. 31 MUS Message unit start. Direct mode--A 0 to 1 transition when the message unit is not busy (MUB bit is 0) will start the message unit. A 1 to 0 transition will have no effect. Chaining mode--If this bit is set the message unit will start whenever the enqueue and dequeue pointers are not equal. Message unit transfer mode. Setting this bit will put the message unit into direct mode. This means that software is responsible for placing all the required parameters into necessary registers to start the message transmission. Clearing this bit will configure the message unit in chaining mode. Outbound Message n Status Registers (OMnSR) The outbound message status register reports various message unit conditions during and after a message operation. Writing a 1 to the corresponding set bit will clear the bit. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3004 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3104 0 Access: Mixed 10 11 12 R QF -- W Reset 18 -- 19 20 21 22 23 MER RETE PRT w1c w1c w1c -- 24 TE w1c 25 -- 26 27 QOI QFI w1c w1c 28 -- 29 30 31 MUB EOMI QEI w1c w1c All zeros Figure 17-63. Outbound Message n Status Registers (OMnSR) Table 17-64. OMnSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-10 -- Reserved 11 QF Queue full - If the queue becomes full, then this bit will be set. (Read-only) 12-18 -- Reserved 19 MER Message error response. This bit is set when an ERROR response is received from the message target. The Error response received field indicates value of the error response status bits when an error response is received. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-64 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-64. OMnSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 20 RETE Retry error threshold exceeded. This bit is set when the message unit has been unable to complete a message operation because the retry error threshold value has been exceeded due to RapidIO retry response. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. 21 PRT Packet response time-out. This bit is set when the message unit has been unable to complete a message operation and a packet response time-out occurred. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. 22-23 -- Reserved 24 TE Transaction error. This bit is set when an internal error condition occurs during the message operation. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 25 -- Reserved 26 QOI Queue overflow interrupt. This bit is set when a queue overflow condition is detected. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. (only applicable to chaining mode) 27 QFI Queue full interrupt. If the queue becomes full, if the QFIE bit in the Mode Register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. 28 -- 29 MUB Message unit busy. When set indicates that a message operation is currently in progress. This bit will be cleared as a result of an error or the message operation is finished. (Read-only) 30 EOMI End-Of-Message interrupt. After finishing this message operation, if the EOMIE bit in the Destination Attributes Register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. 31 QEI Reserved Queue Empty Interrupt. When the last message operation in the outbound descriptor queue is finished, if the QEIE bit in the Mode Register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt is generated. Otherwise, no interrupt is generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EOMnDQDPAR) and Outbound Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (OMnDQDPAR) The outbound message descriptor queue dequeue pointer address registers contain the address of the first descriptor in memory to be processed. Software must initialize these registers to point to the first descriptor in memory. After processing this descriptor, the message unit controller increments the outbound message descriptor queue dequeue pointer address in OMnDQDPAR and EOMnDQDPAR to point to the next descriptor. If the outbound message descriptor queue enqueue pointer and the outbound message descriptor queue dequeue pointer are not equal (indicating that the queue is not empty), the message unit controller reads the next descriptor from memory for processing. If the enqueue and dequeue pointers are equal after the dequeue pointer has been incremented by the message unit controller, the queue is empty and the message unit halts until the enqueue pointer is incremented by the processor. Incrementing the pointer indicates that a new descriptor has been added to the queue and is ready for processing. If the queue becomes empty and OMnMR[QEIE] is set, OMnSR[QEI] is set and an interrupt is generated. When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor). For example, if there are eight entries in the queue, the queue must be 256-byte aligned. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-65 Serial RapidIO Interface The number of queue entries is set in OMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ]; see Section, "Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR)"). Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3008 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3108 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 EDQDPA All zeros Figure 17-64. Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EOMnDQDPAR) Table 17-65. EOMnDQDPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EDQDPA Description Reserved Extended descriptor queue dequeue pointer address bits. These are the highest order address bits. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_300C Msg unit 1: 0xD_310C Access: Read/Write 0 26 27 R DQDPA W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-65. Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (OMnDQDPAR) Table 17-66. OMnDQDPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-26 DQDPA 27-31 -- Description Descriptor queue dequeue pointer address. Contains the address of the first descriptor in memory to process. The descriptor must be aligned to a 32-byte boundary. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-66 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (EOMnDQEPAR) and Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (OMnDQEPAR) The outbound message descriptor queue enqueue pointer address registers contain the address for the next descriptor in memory to be added to the queue. Software must initialize these registers to match the outbound message descriptor queue dequeue pointer address. When a message is ready to be sent, the processor writes a descriptor to the next location in the queue (indicated by the address in OMnDQEPAR and EOMnDQEPAR), and then either writes the OMnDQEPAR to point to the next descriptor location in memory or sets OMnMR[MUI]. This can result in a number of actions: * If the enqueue and dequeue pointers match, the queue is now full. If the OMnMR[QFIE] bit is set, then the OMnSR[QFI] bit is set, and an interrupt is generated. * If the enqueue and dequeue pointer no longer match after the enqueue pointer has been incremented and the queue is full, then the queue overflows, and the message unit stops. If OMnMR[QOIE] is set, OMnSR[QOI] is set and an interrupt is generated. OMnMR[MUS] must transition to a 0 to clear this error condition. If the enqueue pointer is directly written, the queue overflow condition is not detected. * If the enqueue and dequeue pointers were the same before reading the register, the message unit controller will start (if enabled). When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor). For example, if there are eight entries in the queue, the queue must be 256-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in OMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ]; see Section, "Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR)"). Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3024 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3124 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 EDQEPA All zeros Figure 17-66. Extended Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Registers (EOMnDQEPAR) Table 17-67. EOMnDQEPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- Description Reserved 28-31 EDQEPA Extended descriptor queue enqueue pointer address. These are the highest-order address bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-67 Serial RapidIO Interface Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3028 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3128 Access: Read/Write 0 26 27 R 31 DQEPA W Reset -- All zeros Figure 17-67. Outbound Message n Descriptor Queue Enqueue Pointer Registers (OMnDQEPAR) Table 17-68. OMnDQEPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-26 Description DQEPA Descriptor queue enqueue pointer address. Contains the address of the last descriptor in memory to process. The descriptor must be aligned to a 32 byte boundary and a descriptor queue boundary. 27-31 -- Reserved Extended Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (EOMnSAR) and Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (OMnSAR) The outbound message unit source address registers indicate the address from which the message unit controller is to read data. Software must ensure that this is a valid local memory address. The source address must be aligned to a double-word boundary, so the least significant three bits are reserved. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3010 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3110 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 ESAD All zeros Figure 17-68. Extended Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (EOMnSAR) Table 17-69. EOMnSAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 ESAD Description Reserved Extended source address bits. These are the highest order address bits. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3014 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3114 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 28 SAD 29 30 31 SNEN -- All zeros Figure 17-69. Outbound Message n Source Address Registers (OMnSAR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-68 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-70. OMnSAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-28 SAD Source address. This is the source address of the message operation. The contents are updated after every memory read operation. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 29 SNEN Snoop enable. This bit enables snooping of the local processor caches for the data reads from local memory. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 30-31 -- Reserved Outbound Message n Destination Port Registers (OMnDPR) The destination port register indicates the RapidIO destination ID and mailbox to which the message unit controller is to send data. The software must ensure that this is a valid port in the receiving device. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3018 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3118 0 R W Access: Read/Write 7 EDTGTROUTE Reset 8 15 16 25 26 DTGTROUTE -- 29 30 31 XMAILBOX MAILBOX All zeros Figure 17-70. Outbound Message n Destination Port Registers (OMnDPR) Table 17-71. OMnDPR Field Descriptions Bits 0-7 Name Description EDTGTROUTE Extended destination target route. Most significant byte of a 16-bit target route when operating in large transport mode. Reserved when operating in small transport mode. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 8-15 DTGTROUTE Destination target route. Contains the target route field of the transaction (Device ID of the target). This value is overridden by the multicast group and list if multicast mode is enabled. On error, if multicast mode is enabled, this field is loaded with the destination of the failed operation. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 16-25 -- 26-29 XMAILBOX Value for `xmbox' field in MESSAGE packet. This field is only used when OM nMR[MM] is set. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 30-31 MAILBOX Value for `mbox' field in MESSAGE packet. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-69 Serial RapidIO Interface Outbound Message n Destination Attributes Registers (OMnDATR) The outbound message destination attributes register contains the transaction attributes to be used for the message operation. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_301C Msg unit 1: 0xD_311C 0 R W 1 2 3 Access: Read/Write 4 5 6 MM -- EOMIE -- DTFLOWLVL Reset 7 -- 8 11 12 31 DTGTINT -- All zeros Figure 17-71. Outbound Message n Destination Attributes Registers (OMnDATR) Table 17-72. OMnDATR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 MM 1 -- 2 EOMIE 3 -- 4-5 Description Multicast mode. When set, the message operation is sent to all of the targets indicated by the multicast group and list. Messages are limited to one segment and 256 bytes or less when this mode is enabled. Reserved End-of-Message interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt when the current message operation is finished. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled. Reserved DTFLOWLVL Transaction flow level. 00 Lowest priority transaction request flow 01 Next highest priority transaction request flow 10 Highest priority transaction request flow 11 Reserved For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled 6-7 -- 8-11 DTGTINT 12-31 -- Reserved Target interface. For the MPC8548E, the value of this field should always be set to RapidIO (0x0). Reserved Outbound Message n Double-word Count Registers (OMnDCR) The outbound message double-word count register contains the number of double-words for the message operation. The maximum message operation size is 4 Kbytes and the minimum is 8 bytes. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3020 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3120 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 18 19 -- 28 29 DCR 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-72. Outbound Message n Double Word Count Registers (OMnDCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-70 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-73. OMnDCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-18 -- 19-28 DCR 29-31 -- Description Reserved Transfer count register. Contains the number of bytes for the message operation. 00 0000 0000 Reserved 00 0000 0001 8 bytes 00 0000 0010 16 bytes 00 0000 0100 32 bytes 00 0000 1000 64 bytes 00 0001 0000 128 bytes 00 0010 0000 256 bytes 00 0100 0000 512 bytes (multi segment mode only) 00 1000 0000 1024 bytes (multi segment mode only) 01 0000 0000 2048 bytes (multi segment mode only) 10 0000 0000 4096 bytes (multi segment mode only) All other values yield undefined behavior. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled. Reserved Outbound Message n Retry Error Threshold Configuration Registers (OMnRETCR) The outbound message retry error threshold configuration register controls the number of times that the message unit will attempt to transfer a message segment to a particular destination before reporting an error. A message segment is retransmitted if a RETRY response is received from the target. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_302C Msg unit 1: 0xD_312C Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R -- W Reset 31 RET All zeros Figure 17-73. Outbound Message n Retry Error Threshold Configuration Registers (OMnRETCR) Table 17-74. OMnRETCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 RET Description Reserved Retry error threshold. This value is the number of times that the message unit will attempt to transmit a message segment to a particular target. 0x00 Disabled 0x01 Message segment transmitted only 1 time 0x02 Message segment transmitted up to 2 times ... 0xFF Message segment transmitted up to 255 times For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-71 Serial RapidIO Interface Outbound Message n Multicast Group Registers (OMnMGR) The multicast group register contains a multicast group (MG) value and extended multicast group number (EMG) which, in combination with the multicast list register and the multicast enable (OMnMR[MM]), indicates which deviceIDs are targets of a multicast operation. The multicast group represents the most significant three bits (bits[0-2]) of the RapidIO deviceIDs that are destinations of the message operation, whereas the multicast list indicates a list of targets within that group. Each individual set bit, when encoded, determines the least significant five bits of the RapidIO deviceIDs (bits[3-7]) that are targets of the message operation. Therefore, multicast group 0 (MG = 0) contains target deviceIDs (0,1,...,31), multicast group 1 (MG = 1) contains target deviceIDs (32,33,...63), etc. If in large transport mode, the extended multicast group represents the eight most significant bits (bits[0-7]), the multicast group represents the next three bits (bits[8-10]) and the multicast list indicates a list of targets within that group. If multicast is enabled, this information in the multicast group and mask register is used to determine the target of the message operation instead of the DTGTROUTE and EDTGTROUTE fields in the outbound message n destination attributes register. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3030 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3130 Access: Read/Write 0 20 21 R -- W Reset 28 29 EMG 31 MG All zeros Figure 17-74. Outbound Message n Multicast Group Registers (OMnMGR) Table 17-75. OMnMGR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-20 -- 21-28 EMG 29-31 MG Description Reserved Extended multicast group. This is the most significant eight bits of the target deviceIDs for the multicast operation when operating in large transport mode. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled Multicast group. This is the most significant three bits of the target deviceIDs for the multicast operation. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled Outbound Message n Multicast List Registers (OMnMLR) See the multicast group register description for more information. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3034 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3134 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 31 ML All zeros Figure 17-75. Outbound Message n Multicast List Registers (OMnMLR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-72 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-76. OMnMLR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 ML Multicast list. This is the group target list for the message operation. Depending on the value of the multicast group value, bit 0 corresponds to deviceID 0, 32, 64, 96, etc., bit 1 corresponds to deviceID 1, 33, 65, 97, etc. and so on. If none of the bits are set, bit 0 is assumed to be set. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the outbound message controller is not enabled. 17.7.2 RapidIO Inbound Message Registers Registers in this section describe the RapidIO inbound message registers. Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR) The inbound message mode register allows software to enable the mailbox controller and to control various message operation characteristics. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3060 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3160 0 R W 3 Access: Read/Write 4 MIQ_THRESH 10 -- Reset 11 12 15 16 SEN FRM_SIZ 19 20 CIRQ_SIZ 22 -- 23 24 25 26 QFIE -- MIQIE EIE 27 29 30 -- 31 MI ME All zeros Figure 17-76. Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR) Table 17-77. IMnMR Field Descriptions Bits 0-3 Name Description MIQ_THRESH Message in queue threshold. Determines the number of message frames to be accumulated in the frame queue before Message In Queue is signaled. Undefined operation results if the message in queue threshold is set greater than or equal to the message queue size (IMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ]). 0111 128 0000 1 1000 256 0001 2 1001 512 0010 4 1010 1024 0011 8 1011 Reserved 0100 16 ... 0101 32 1111 Reserved 0110 64 For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. 4-10 -- 11 SEN Reserved Snoop enable. When set, enables snooping the local processor when writing messages into memory. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-73 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-77. IMnMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 12-15 FRM_SIZ Message frame size. Determines the maximum message size that can be accepted by this mailbox without error. This parameter combined with CIRQ_SIZ determine the maximum contiguous memory space allocated to the mailbox. 1000 512 bytes 0000 Reserved 1001 1024 bytes ... 1010 2048 bytes 0010 8 bytes 1011 4096 bytes 0011 16 bytes 1100 Reserved 0100 32 bytes ... 0101 64 bytes 1111 Reserved 0110 128 bytes 0111 256 bytes For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. 16-19 CIRQ_SIZ Circular frame queue size. Determines the number of message frames that can be place on the circular queue without overflow. This parameter combined with FRM_SIZ determine the maximum contiguous memory space allocated to the mailbox. 0111 256 0000 2 1000 512 0001 4 1001 1024 0010 8 1010 2048 0011 16 1011 Reserved 0100 32 ... 0101 64 1111 Reserved 0110 128 For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. 20-22 -- 23 QFIE 24 -- 25 MIQIE Message in queue interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt when the queue has accumulated the number of messages specified by the IMnMR[MIQ_THRESH]. No MIQ interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. If this bit is set and IMnSR[MIQ] is a 1, IMnSR[MIQI] will assert. If this bit is set and IMnMR[MI] is also set simultaneously, IM nSR[MIQI] indicates reflects the value of MIQ after the increment. 26 EIE Error interrupt enable. When set will generate the port-write/error interrupt when a transfer error (IMnSR[TE]) or a message request time-out (IM nSR[MRT]) event occurs. No port-write/error interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. 27-29 -- Reserved Reserved Queue full interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt when the queue is full (that is, the enqueue and dequeue pointers are equal after the dequeue pointer was incremented by the mailbox controller). No QFI interrupt is generated if this if this bit is cleared. If this bit is set and IMnSR[QF] is a 1, IMnSR[QFI] will assert. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-74 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-77. IMnMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 30 MI Mailbox increment. Software will set this bit after processing an inbound message. Hardware will increment the IMnFQDPAR and clear this bit. Always reads as 0. 31 ME Mailbox enable. If this bit is set the mailbox has been initialized and can service incoming message operations. If this bit is cleared after the first segment of a multi-segment message has arrived, a message request time-out will result (IM nSR[MRT]) and the busy bit (IM nSR[MB]) will clear if the port response timer value (PRTOCCSR[TV]) is not set to the disabled value. If the port response timer value is set to the disabled value, the busy bit will not clear. Inbound Message n Status Registers (IMnSR) The inbound message status register reports various mailbox conditions during and after a message operation. Writing a 1 to the corresponding set bit will clear the bit. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3064 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3164 0 Access: Mixed 10 11 12 R QF -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 -- 0 0 0 15 MIQ 0 16 20 -- 0 0 0 0 0 21 MRT w1c 0 22 23 -- 0 0 24 TE w1c 0 25 26 -- 0 0 27 QFI w1c 0 28 -- 0 29 30 31 MB QE MIQI w1c 0 1 0 Figure 17-77. Inbound Message n Status Registers (IMnSR) Table 17-78. IMnSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-10 -- Reserved 11 QF Queue full. If the queue becomes full, then this bit will be set. This bit will also be cleared if the message controller is disabled. (Read-only) 12-14 -- Reserved 15 MIQ 16-20 -- 21 MRT 22-23 -- Reserved 24 TE Transaction error. This bit is set when there is an internal error condition occurs during the message operation. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. 25-26 -- Reserved 27 QFI 28 -- Reserved 29 MB Mailbox busy. When set indicates that a message operation is currently in progress. This bit will be cleared as a result of an error or the message operation is finished. (Read-only) Message-In-Queue. If the queue has accumulated the number of messages specified by the IM nMR[MIQ_THRESH], then this bit will be set. This bit will also be cleared if the message controller is disabled. (Read-only) Reserved Message request time-out. This bit is set when the message unit has not received another message segment for a multi segment message and a time-out occurred. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. Queue full interrupt. If the queue is full, if the QFIE bit in the mode register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated.This bit is cleared by writing a 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-75 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-78. IMnSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 30 QE 31 MIQI Description Queue empty. If the queue is empty, then this bit is set. This bit will also be set if the message controller is disabled. (Read-only) Message-In-Queue interrupt. If the queue has accumulated the number of messages specified by the IM nMR[MIQ_THRESH], if the MIQIE bit in the Mode Register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. Extended Inbound Message Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQDPAR) and Inbound Message Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQDPAR) The inbound message frame queue dequeue pointer address registers contain the address for the first message in memory to be processed. Software must initialize these registers to the first frame location in memory. When a message has been processed, the processor sets IMnMR[MI]. The mailbox hardware then increments IMnFQDPAR and EIMnFQDPAR to point to the next frame in memory and clears the IMnMR[MI] bit. If the inbound message frame queue enqueue pointer and the inbound message frame queue dequeue pointer are not equal (indicating that the queue is not empty), the processor can read the next message frame from memory for processing. If the enqueue and dequeue pointers are equal after being incremented by the processor, the queue is empty and all outstanding messages have been processed. When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x frame size. For example, if there are eight entries in the queue and the frame size is 128 bytes, the queue must be 1024-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in IMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ], and the frame size is set in IMnMR[FRM_SIZ]. See Section, "Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR)"). Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3068 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3168 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 EFQDPA All zeros Figure 17-78. Extended Inbound Message n Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQDPAR) Table 17-79. EIMnFQDPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EFQDPA Description Reserved Extended frame queue dequeue pointer address bits. These are the highest order address bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-76 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_306C Msg unit 1: 0xD_316C Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R FQDPA W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-79. Inbound Message n Frame Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQDPAR) Table 17-80. IMnFQDPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 FQDPA Frame queue dequeue pointer address. Contains the address of the first message in memory to process. 29-31 -- Description Reserved Extended Inbound Message Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQEPAR) and Inbound Message Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQEPAR) The inbound message frame queue enqueue pointer address registers contain the address for the next message frame in memory to be added to the queue. Software must initialize these registers to match the frame queue dequeue pointer address. When a message is received by the mailbox controller, it writes the message data to the next location in the queue (indicated by the address in IMnFQEPAR and EIMnFQEPAR) and then increments IMnFQEPAR and EIMnFQEPAR to point to the next frame location in memory. This can result in a number of actions: * If the enqueue and dequeue pointers match, the queue is now full and the mailbox controller does not accept any more incoming messages, returning RETRY responses to the sending devices until the queue is no longer full. If the IMnMR[QFIE] bit is set, then the IMnMR[QFI] bit is set and an interrupt is generated. * If the enqueue and dequeue pointers were the same before the register was read, the queue has transitioned from empty to not empty. If IMnMR[MIQIE] is set, IMnSR[MIQI] is set, and an interrupt is generated. When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x frame size. For example, if there are eight entries in the queue and the frame size is 128 bytes, the queue must be 1024-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in IMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ], and the frame size is set in IMnMR[FRM_SIZ]. See Section, "Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR)"). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-77 Serial RapidIO Interface Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3070 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3170 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 EFQEPA All zeros Figure 17-80. Extended Inbound Message n Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (EIMnFQEPAR) Table 17-81. EIMnFQEPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- Description Reserved 28-31 EFQEPA Extended frame queue enqueue pointer address bits. These are the highest order address bits. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3074 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3174 Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R FQEPA W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-81. Inbound Message n Frame Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Registers (IMnFQEPAR) Table 17-82. IMnFQEPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 FQEPA Frame queue enqueue pointer address. Contains the address of the next message frame to be added to the queue. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. 29-31 -- Description Reserved Inbound Message n Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Registers (IMnMIRIR) The maximum interrupt interval register contains a time-out timer value to define the maximum amount of time that the mailbox controller is to wait from transitioning from not empty to signaling an interrupt (if enabled) to the local processor if the IMnMR[MIQ_THRESH] limit is not reached. The reset value is the maximum time-out interval. The timer decrements at one-half the CCB clock rate; thus at a CCB clock rate of 400 MHz, the maximum time-out value is approximately 83.9 ms. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-78 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Offset Msg unit 0: 0xD_3078 Msg unit 1: 0xD_3178 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 MIRI W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-82. Inbound Message n Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Registers (IMnMIRIR) Table 17-83. IMnMIRIR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-23 MIRI Maximum interrupt report interval. Maximum message-in-queue to interrupt generation time. A value of 0 disables the time-out timer. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the inbound message controller is not enabled. 24-31 -- 17.7.3 Reserved Outbound RapidIO Doorbell Controller Registers These registers control the outbound RapidIO doorbell controller. The following sections provide descriptions of these registers. Outbound Doorbell Mode Register (ODMR) The outbound mode register allows software to start a doorbell operation and to control various doorbell operation characteristics. Offset 0xD_3400 Access: Read/Write 0 30 R -- W Reset 31 DUS All zeros Figure 17-83. Outbound Mode Register (ODMR) Table 17-84. ODMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-30 -- 31 DUS Description Reserved Doorbell unit start. Direct mode - A 0 to 1 transition when the doorbell unit is not busy (DUB bit is 0) will start the doorbell unit. A 1 to 0 transition will have no effect. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-79 Serial RapidIO Interface Outbound Doorbell Status Register (ODSR) The outbound status register reports various doorbell unit conditions during and after a doorbell operation. For some bits, writing a 1 to the bit will clear it. Offset 0xD_3404 Access: Mixed 0 18 R -- W 19 20 21 MER RETE PRT w1c Reset w1c w1c 22 28 29 30 DUB EODI -- w1c 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-84. Outbound Doorbell Status Register (ODSR) Table 17-85. ODSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-18 -- 19 MER Message error response. This bit is set when an ERROR response is received from the doorbell target. The Error response received field indicates value of the error response status bits when an error response is received.This bit is cleared by writing a 1. For proper operation, this bit should only be cleared when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 20 RETE Retry error threshold exceeded. This bit is set when the doorbell unit has been unable to complete a doorbell operation because the retry error threshold value has been exceeded due to RapidIO retry response. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. For proper operation, this bit should only be cleared when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 21 PRT Packet response time-out. This bit is set when the doorbell unit has been unable to complete a doorbell operation and a packet response time-out occurred. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. For proper operation, this bit should only be cleared when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 22-28 -- 29 DUB Doorbell unit busy. When set indicates that a doorbell operation is currently in progress. This bit will be cleared as a result of an error or when the doorbell operation is finished. (Read-only) 30 EODI End-of-doorbell interrupt. After finishing this doorbell operation, if the EODIE bit in the Destination Attributes Register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. For proper operation, this bit should only be cleared when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 31 -- Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Outbound Doorbell Destination Port Register (ODDPR) The destination port register indicates the RapidIO Destination ID and mailbox to which the doorbell unit controller is to send data. The software must ensure that this is a valid port in the receiving device. Offset 0xD_3418 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 7 EDTGTROUTE 8 15 16 DTGTROUTE 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-85. Outbound Doorbell Destination Port Registers (ODDPR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-80 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-86. ODDPR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 EDTGTROUTE Extended destination target route. Most significant byte of a 16-bit target route when operating in large transport mode. Reserved when operating in small transport mode. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 8-15 DTGTROUTE Destination target route. Contains the target route field of the transaction (Device ID of the target). For proper operation, this field should only be modified when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 16-31 -- Reserved Outbound Doorbell Destination Attributes Register (ODDATR) The outbound destination attributes register contains the transaction attributes to be used for the doorbell operation. Offset 0xD_341C 0 R W 1 -- 2 Access: Read/Write 3 4 5 6 EODIE -- DTFLOWLVL 7 8 -- Reset 11 12 DTGTINT 15 16 -- 23 24 INFO_MSB 31 INFO_LSB All zeros Figure 17-86. Outbound Doorbell Destination Attributes Register (ODDATR) Table 17-87. ODDATR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 -- Reserved 1 -- Reserved, hard wired to 0 2 EODIE 3 -- 4-5 Description End-of-Doorbell interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt when the current doorbell operation is finished. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when a doorbell operation is not in progress. Reserved DTFLOWLVL Transaction flow level. 00 Lowest priority transaction flow 01 Next highest priority transaction flow 10 Highest priority transaction flow 11 Reserved For proper operation, this field should only be modified when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 6-7 -- Reserved 8-11 DTGTINT 12-15 -- 16-23 INFO_MSB Most significant byte of the doorbell "info" field. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when a doorbell operation is not in progress. 24-31 INFO_LSB Least significant byte of the doorbell "info" field. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when a doorbell operation is not in progress. Target interface. For the MPC8548E, the value of this field should always be set to RapidIO (0x0). Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-81 Serial RapidIO Interface Outbound Doorbell Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (ODRETCR) The retry error threshold configuration register controls the number of times that the doorbell unit will attempt to complete a doorbell operation before reporting an error and moving on to the next task, if one is available. Failures to complete an operation are indicated by receiving a RapidIO logical layer RETRY response from the target. If the programmed count is exceeded, the ODSR[RETE] bit is set. Offset 0xD_342C Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 -- W Reset RET All zeros Figure 17-87. Outbound Doorbell Retry Error Threshold Configuration Register (ODRETCR) Table 17-88. ODRETCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 RET 17.7.4 Description Reserved Retry error threshold. This value is the number of times that the doorbell unit will attempt to transmit a doorbell. 0x00 Disabled 0x01 Doorbell transmitted only 1 time 0x02 Doorbell transmitted up to 2 times ... 0xFF Doorbell transmitted up to 255 times For proper operation, this field should only be modified when a doorbell operation is not in progress. Inbound RapidIO Doorbell Controller These registers control the inbound RapidIO doorbell controller. The following sections provide descriptions of these registers. Inbound Doorbell Mode Register (IDMR) The doorbell mode register allows software to enable the doorbell controller to control various doorbell operation characteristics. The IDMR is shown in Figure 17-88. Offset 0xD_3460 0 R W Reset Access: Read/Write 3 DIQ_THRESH 4 10 -- 11 SEN 12 15 16 -- 19 20 CIRQ_SIZ 22 -- 23 24 25 26 QFIE -- DIQIE EIE 27 29 30 -- 31 DI DE All zeros Figure 17-88. Inbound Doorbell Mode Register (IDMR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-82 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-89. IDMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-3 DIQ_THRESH Doorbell-in-queue threshold. Determines the number of doorbells to be accumulated in the doorbell queue before the Doorbell-in-queue bit is set (IDSR[DIQ]). Undefined operation results if the actual number of entries defined by the doorbell-in-queue threshold is set greater than or equal to the actual size of the doorbell queue. 0111 128 0000 1 1000 256 0001 2 1001 512 0010 4 1010 1024 0011 8 1011 reserved 0100 16 ... 0101 32 1111 reserved 0110 64 For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the doorbell controller is not enabled. 4-10 -- 11 SEN 12-15 -- 16-19 CIRQ_SIZ 20-22 -- 23 QFIE 24 -- 25 DIQIE Doorbell in queue interrupt enable. When set will allow the doorbell in queue interrupt to assert. The doorbell in queue interrupt cannot be asserted if this bit is cleared. Doorbell in queue interrupt enable. 0 No DIQ interrupt is generated 1 Generates an interrupt when the DIQ bit is set (IDSR[DIQ]) If this bit is set and IDSR[DIQ] is a 1, IDSR[DIQI] will assert. If this bit is set and IDMR[DI] is also set simultaneously, IDSR[DIQI] indicates reflects the value of DIQ after the increment. 26 EIE Error interrupt enable. When set will generate the port-write/error interrupt when a transfer error (IDSR[TE]),event occurs. No port-write/error interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. 27-29 -- Reserved Reserved Snoop enable. When set enables snooping the local processor when writing messages into memory. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the doorbell controller is not enabled. Reserved Circular doorbell queue size. Determines the number of doorbell entries that can be place on the circular queue. CIRQ_SIZ x 8 bytes determine the maximum contiguous memory space allocated to the doorbell unit. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the doorbell controller is not enabled. 0111 256 0000 2 1000 512 (4-kbyte page boundary) 0001 4 1001 1024 0010 8 1010 2048 0011 16 1011 reserved 0100 32 ... 0101 64 1111 reserved 0110 128 For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the doorbell controller is not enabled. Reserved Queue full interrupt enable. 0 No QF interrupt is generated 1 Generates an interrupt when the queue is full (that is, the enqueue and dequeue pointers are equal after the dequeue pointer was incremented by the doorbell controller). If this bit is set and IDSR[QF] is a 1, IDSR[QFI] will assert. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-83 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-89. IDMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 30 DI Doorbell increment. Software sets this bit after processing an inbound doorbell. Hardware then increments the ODQEPAR and clears this bit. Always reads as 0. 31 DE Doorbell enable. 0 Doorbell disabled 1 The doorbell has been initialized and can service incoming doorbell operations. Description Inbound Doorbell Status Register (IDSR) The doorbell status register reports various doorbell conditions after a doorbell operation. Writing a 1 to the corresponding set bit will clear the bit. The IDSR is shown in Figure 17-89. Offset 0xD_3464 Access: Mixed 0 10 11 12 R QF -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 -- 0 0 0 15 DIQ 0 16 23 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 TE w1c 0 25 26 -- 0 0 27 QFI w1c 0 28 29 -- 0 30 31 DB QE DIQI w1c 0 1 0 Figure 17-89. Inbound Doorbell Status Register (IDSR) Table 17-90. IDSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-10 -- Reserved 11 QF Queue full. If the queue is full, then this bit will be set. This bit will also be cleared if the doorbell controller is disabled. (Read-only) 12-14 -- Reserved 15 DIQ 16-23 -- Reserved 24 TE Transaction error. This bit is set when an internal error occurs during the doorbell operation. (Bit reset, write 1 clear). For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the doorbell controller is not enabled. 25-26 -- Reserved 27 QFI 28 -- Reserved 29 DB Doorbell busy. When set indicates that a doorbell has been received and the doorbell queue is currently being written. This bit will be cleared when the write to memory has finished. Disabling the doorbell controller does not affect this bit. (Read-only) Doorbell-In-Queue. If the queue has accumulated the number of doorbells specified by DIQ_THRESH, then this bit will be set. Also, if a valid entry pointed to by the dequeue address pointers has not been serviced within the configured maximum interval, this bit will be set. This bit will also be cleared if the doorbell controller is disabled. (Read-only) Queue full interrupt. If the queue becomes full and the QFIE bit in the Mode Register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-84 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-90. IDSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 30 QE Queue empty. If the queue is empty, then this bit is set. This bit will also be set if the doorbell controller is disabled.(Read-only) 31 DIQI Doorbell-In-Queue interrupt. If DIQ is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Register (EIDQDPAR) and Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Register (IDQDPAR) The inbound doorbell queue dequeue pointer address registers (EIDQDPAR and IDQDPAR) contain the double-word address for the first doorbell in memory to be processed. Software must initialize these registers to the first doorbell entry location in memory. When the current doorbell has been processed, the processor sets IDMR[DI]. The doorbell hardware then increments the doorbell queue dequeue pointer address register to point to the next doorbell entry in memory and clears IDMR[DI]. When processing multiple doorbells, instead of setting IDMR[DI] for each doorbell, the processor can write these registers directly. If the doorbell queue enqueue pointer and the doorbell queue dequeue pointer are not equal (indicating that the queue is not empty), the processor can read the next doorbell from memory for processing. If the enqueue and dequeue pointers are equal after being incremented by the processor, the queue is empty and all outstanding doorbells have been processed. The EIDQDPAR is shown in Figure 17-90 and the IDQDPAR is shown in Figure 17-91. Offset 0xD_3468 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 EDQDPA All zeros Figure 17-90. Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (EIDQDPAR) Table 17-91. EIDQDPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EDQDPA Description Reserved Extended doorbell queue dequeue pointer address bits. These are the highest order address bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-85 Serial RapidIO Interface Offset 0xD_346C Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R DQDPA W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-91. Inbound Doorbell Queue Dequeue Pointer Address Registers (IDQDPAR) Table 17-92. IDQDPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 DQDPA 29-31 -- Description Doorbell queue dequeue pointer address. Contains the double-word address of the first doorbell in memory to process. Reserved Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (EIDQEPAR) and Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (IDQEPAR) The doorbell queue enqueue pointer address registers (EIDQEPAR and IDQEPAR) contain the double-word address for the next doorbell entry in memory to be added to the queue. Software must initialize IDQEPAR and EIDQEPAR to match the doorbell queue dequeue pointer address. When a doorbell packet is received by the doorbell controller, it writes the doorbell information to the next location in the queue (indicated by the address in IDQEPAR and EIDQEPAR) and then increments IDQEPAR and EIDQEPAR to point to the next doorbell location in memory. This can result in a number of actions: * If the enqueue and dequeue pointers match, then the queue is now full and the doorbell controller will not accept any more incoming doorbell packets, returning RETRY responses to the sending devices until the queue is no longer full. If the IDMR[QFIE] bit is set, then the IDSR[QFI] is set and the interrupt is generated. * If the enqueue and dequeue pointers were the same before receiving the doorbell, the queue has transitioned from empty to not empty. When the number of doorbells received matches the configured threshold, the IDSR[DIQ] bit is set. If the DRM[DIQIE] bit is set, then the IDSR[DIQI] bit is also set and the inbound doorbell interrupt is generated. Offset 0xD_3470 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 27 28 -- 31 EDQEPA All zeros Figure 17-92. Extended Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (EIDQEPAR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-86 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-93. EIDQEPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EDQEPA Description Reserved Doorbell queue enqueue pointer address bits. These are the highest order address bits. This field can only be written when the doorbell controller is disabled or undefined operation will result. Offset 0xD_3474 Access: Read/Write 0 28 29 R DQEPA W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-93. Inbound Doorbell Queue Enqueue Pointer Address Register (IDQEPAR) Table 17-94. IDQEPAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-28 DQEPA Doorbell queue enqueue pointer address. Contains the double-word address of the next doorbell location to be added to the queue. This field can only be written when the doorbell controller is disabled or undefined operation will result. 29-31 -- Reserved Inbound Doorbell Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Register (IDMIRIR) The maximum interrupt interval register contains a time-out timer value to define the maximum amount of time that a doorbell entry can be at the head of the doorbell queue before generating an interrupt (if enabled) if the DIQ_THRESH limit is not reached. The reset value is the maximum time-out interval, and represents between 3 and 6 seconds. Offset 0xD_3478 Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 MIRI W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 17-94. Inbound Doorbell Maximum Interrupt Report Interval Register (IDMIRIR) Table 17-95. IDMIRIR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-23 MIRI Maximum interrupt report interval - Maximum doorbell-in-queue to interrupt generation time. A value of 0 disables the timer. This field can only be written when the doorbell controller is disabled or undefined operation will result. 24-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-87 Serial RapidIO Interface 17.7.5 RapidIO Port-Write Registers These registers control the RapidIO port-write unit. The following sections provide partial descriptions of these registers. Inbound Port-Write Mode Register (IPWMR) The port-write mode register allows software to enable the port-write controller and to control various port-write operation characteristics. The IPWMR is shown in Figure 17-95. Offset 0xD_34E0 Access: Read/Write 0 10 R -- W 11 SEN Reset 12 22 -- 23 24 25 26 QFIE -- EIE 27 29 -- 30 31 CQ PWE All zeros Figure 17-95. Inbound Port-Write Mode Register (IPWMR) Table 17-96. IPWMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-10 -- 11 SEN 12-22 -- 23 QFIE 24-25 -- Reserved 26 EIE Error Interrupt enable. When set will generate the port-write/error interrupt when a transfer error (IPW0SR[TE]) event occurs. No port-write/error interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. 27-29 -- Reserved 30 CQ Clear queue. Software sets this bit after processing an inbound port-write operation. Hardware clears the queue full bit (IPWSR[QF]), clears this bit, and allows another port-write to be received. This bit is always read as a 0. 31 PWE Port write enable. If this bit is set the port-write controller has been initialized and can service an incoming port-write operation. Reserved Snoop enable. When set enables snooping the local processor when writing port-write data payload into memory. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the port-write controller is not enabled. Reserved Queue full interrupt enable. When set will generate the error/port-write interrupt when the queue is full (that is, the controller has written the port-write data payload into memory). No error/port-write interrupt is generated if this if this bit is cleared. For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the port-write controller is not enabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-88 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Inbound Port-Write Status Register (IPWSR) The port-write status register reports various port-write conditions. The IPWSR is shown in Figure 17-96 Offset 0xD_34E4 Access: Mixed 0 10 11 12 R -- W 23 QF -- Reset 24 TE w1c 25 26 -- 27 28 29 30 31 QFI PWD PWB w1c w1c -- All zeros Figure 17-96. Inbound Port-Write Status Register (IPWSR) Table 17-97. IPWSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-10 -- Reserved 11 QF Queue full. If the queue becomes full then this bit will be set. This bit is cleared when the clear queue bit is set (IPWMR[CQ]) and the queue is not full. This bit will also be cleared if the port-write controller is disabled. (Read-only) 12-23 -- Reserved 24 TE Transaction error. This bit is set when there an internal error condition occurs during the port-write operation. (Bit reset, write 1 clear). For proper operation, this field should only be modified when the port-write controller is not enabled. 25-26 -- Reserved 27 QFI Queue full interrupt. If the queue becomes full and the QFIE bit in the Mode Register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt generated. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. 28 PWD Port-write discarded. This bit is set if a port-write is discarded while the port-write controller is enabled but busy. This bit is cleared by writing a 1. 29 PWB Port-write busy (Read-only). 0 This bit is cleared after the port-write payload has been written to memory. 1 Indicates that a port-write has been received and the port-write payload is currently being written to memory. Disabling the port-write controller does not affect this bit. 30-31 -- Description Reserved Extended Inbound Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (EIPWQBAR) and Inbound Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (IPWQBAR) The port-write queue base address registers (EIPWQBAR and IPWQBAR) contain the 64-byte cache line address for the port-write data payload. Software must initialize these registers to the desired location in memory. The EIPWQBAR and IPWQBAR are shown in Figure 17-97 and Figure 17-98. Offset 0xD_34E8 Access: Read/Write 0 27 28 R -- W Reset 31 EPWQBA All zeros Figure 17-97. Extended Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (EIPWQBAR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-89 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-98. EIPWQBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EPWQBA Description Reserved Extended port-write queue base address bits. These are the highest order address bits.This field can only be written when the port-write controller is disabled or undefined operation will result. Offset 0xD_34EC Access: Read/Write 0 25 26 R PWQBA W Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 17-98. Inbound Port-Write Queue Base Address Register (IPWQBAR) Table 17-99. IPWQBAR Field Descriptions Bits 0-25 Name Description PWQBA Port-write queue base address. Contains the cache line address of the port-write data payload. This field can only be written when the port-write controller is disabled or undefined operation will result. 26-31 17.8 17.8.1 -- Reserved Functional Description RapidIO Transaction Summary The RapidIO endpoint on this device supports all RapidIO I/O transactions, all RapidIO message passing transactions, and a few RapidIO GSM transactions. Table 17-100 summarizes the RapidIO I/O transactions that are supported by this RapidIO endpoint. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-90 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-100. RapidIO I/O Transactions IO Transaction ftype ttype Status Description NREAD 0100 Read ATOMIC inc 1100 Read and post-increment with response 1101 Read and post-decrement with response ATOMIC set 1110 Read and set to all-1s with response ATOMIC clr 1111 ATOMIC dec 0010 Read and set to all-0s with response NA NWRITE 0100 Write with no response 0101 Write with response N/A Streaming-Write MAINT read 0000 Maintenance read MAINT write 0001 Maintenance write MAINT read response 0010 0101 NWRITE_R SWRITE 0110 1000 MAINT write response 0000 Done maintenance read response 0111 Error response 0000 Done maintenance write response 0111 Error response 0011 MAINT port-write 0100 RESPONSE without data 0000 1101 RESPONSE with data 1000 NA Maintenance port-write1 0000 I/O done response 0111 I/O error response 0000 I/O done response with data 1). Limited to inbound RapidIO packets only Table 17-101 summarizes the RapidIO message passing transactions that are supported by this RapidIO endpoint. Table 17-101. RapidIO Message Passing Transactions MSG Transaction ftype DOORBELL 1010 MESSAGE ttype status NA NA Doorbell 1011 Message 0000 RESPONSE without data Description 0000 Doorbell done response 0011 Doorbell retry response 0111 Doorbell error response 0000 Message done response 0011 Message retry response 0111 Message error response 1101 0001 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-91 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-102 summarizes the RapidIO GSM transactions that are supported by this RapidIO endpoint. Table 17-102. RapidIO GSM Transactions GSM Transaction ftype ttype IO_READ_HOME 0010 0010 status Description I/O Read Home1 NA FLUSH w/data 0101 GSM Flush with data1 0001 RESPONSE without data 0000 GSM done response 0011 GSM retry response 0101 GSM done intervention response 0111 GSM error response 0000 GSM done response 0001 GSM data only response 0000 1101 RESPONSE with data 1000 1). Limited to RapidIO packet generation only 17.8.2 RapidIO Packet Format Summary Table 17-103 summarizes the small transport field packet formats for supported RapidIO transaction types for LP-Serial operation. Note that this RapidIO endpoint limits configuration read and write requests to 32-bit data accesses. Table 17-103. RapidIO Small Transport Field Packet Format Bits Transaction 32 32 16 64 5 3 2 NREAD, ATOMIC ack rsv prio (inc/dec/inc/dec), ID = 0 IO_READ_HOME 2 4 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 13 1 2 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype rdsize src TID addr wd xam ptr bs NA src TID addr wd xam ptr bs dword 0 -> dword n addr wd xam ptr bs dword 0 -> dword n NWRITE_R, FLUSH w/data ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype wrsize NWRITE ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype wrsize don't care SWRITE ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID MAINT read ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype rd/wrs ize src TID hop cnt cfg offset wd rsv = ptr 0 NA MAINT write ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype rd/wrs ize src TID hop cnt cfg offset wd rsv = ptr 0 dword 0 (32-bit) MAINT port-write ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype rd/wrs ize rsv = 0 hop cnt rsv = 0 wd rsv = ptr 0 dword 0 -> dword n MAINT response without data ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype status tar TID hop cnt addr(29), rsv(1) = 0, xambs(2) dword 0 -> dword n rsv = 0 NA MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-92 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-103. RapidIO Small Transport Field Packet Format (continued) Bits Transaction 32 32 16 64 5 3 2 2 4 8 8 4 4 8 8 hop cnt 8 13 1 2 MAINT response with data ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype status tar TID RESPONSE without data ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype status tar TID NA RESPONSE without data for message ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype status letter(2), mbox(2), msgseg(4) NA RESPONSE with data ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID ttype status tar TID dword 0 -> dword n DOORBELL ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype des tID src ID rsv = 0 MESSAGE ack rsv prio ID = 0 tt ftype dest ID src ID msglen(4), ssize(4), letter(2), mbox(2), msgseg(4) src TID Infomsb dword 0 (32-bit) rsv = 0 Inf ols b NA dword 0 -> dword n The large transport field packet formats extends the destination and source IDs to 16-bits each. 17.8.3 RapidIO Control Symbol Summary Table 17-104 summarizes the 1x/4x LP-Serial control symbols and their format. Refer to the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2, Part IV: Physical Layer 1x/4x LP-Serial Specifications, Chapter 4, PCS and PMA Layers, for 8B/10B data and special (/PD/, /SC/, idle, sync, skip, align) characters. The 32-bit LP-Serial control symbol is comprised of the eight bit special character and the 24-bit control symbol format. Table 17-104. 1x/4x LP-Serial Control Symbol Format Bits 24 Description stype0 param0 param1 stype1 cmd CRC 3 5 5 3 3 5 000 pkt_ackID buf_stat - crc Packet accepted 001 pkt_ackID buf_stat - crc Packet retry crc Packet not accepted cause: 00001: Received unexpected ackID on packet 00010: Received a control symbol with bad CRC 00011: Non-maintenance packet reception is stopped 00100: Received packet with bad CRC 00101: Received invalid character or a valid but illegal character 11111: General error 010 pkt_ackID cause - MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-93 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-104. 1x/4x LP-Serial Control Symbol Format (continued) Bits 24 Description stype0 param0 param1 stype1 cmd CRC 3 5 5 3 3 5 100 110 ackID_stat ackID_stat buf_stat - port_stat - crc Status ackID_stat: 00000: Expecting ackID 0 00001: Expecting ackID 1 00010: Expecting ackID 2 00011: Expecting ackID 3 00100: Expecting ackID 4 00101: Expecting ackID 5 00110: Expecting ackID 6 00111: Expecting ackID 7 crc Link-response ackID_stat: 00000: Expecting ackID 0 00001: Expecting ackID 1 00010: Expecting ackID 2 00011: Expecting ackID 3 00100: Expecting ackID 4 00101: Expecting ackID 5 00110: Expecting ackID 6 00111: Expecting ackID 7 port_stat: 00010: Error; unrecoverable 00100: Retry stopped 00101: Error stopped 10000: OK - 000 000 crc Start of packet - 001 000 crc Stomp - 010 000 crc End of packet - 011 000 crc Restart from retry crc Link request cmd: 011: Reset the receiving device 100: Return input port status; functions as a restart-from-error control symbol under error conditions - 100 cmd 101 000 crc Multicast-event - 111 000 crc NOP (ignore) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-94 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface 17.8.4 Accessing Configuration Registers via RapidIO Packets Inbound Maintenance Accesses There are two suggested methods by which RapidIO transactions can target RapidIO configuration register space in local memory. The first method is based on RapidIO NREAD and NWRITE_R requests hitting a RapidIO address window defined by the local configuration space base address command and status register (LCSBACSR). See Section, "Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 Command and Status Register (LCSBA1CSR)," for details. If external configuration accesses are disabled (LLCR[ECRAB] = 1), any configuration access through the LCSBACSR window is denied. A 32-bit data payload of all zeros is returned for a non-maintenance configuration read. The second method is based on a RapidIO MAINT requests. This method allows an external device limited access to local RapidIO configuration register space only. Any maintenance access beyond the first 64 Kbytes (lower 64KB contains RapidIO architecture registers; upper 64KB contains RapidIO implementation registers) of RapidIO configuration register space, is denied. A 32-bit data payload of all zeros is returned if for a read response. A third method, though not suggested, would use an inbound ATMU window to translate RapidIO NREAD and NWRITE_R requests to configuration accesses. This method does not support the configuration access protection features offered by the LCSBACSR window and RapidIO MAINT requests. Guidelines The RapidIO endpoint limits requests to configuration register space to 32-bit data accesses. If the order of completion is important, inbound configuration accesses should be assumed incomplete until an appropriate response has been received. It is suggested that there be only one outstanding configuration request at a time to ensure that requests are completed in the order they were intended. Outbound Maintenance Accesses Outbound OCN NREAD_R or NWRITE requests can be translated to a RapidIO maintenance request if the OCN address falls within the bounds of an outbound ATMU window that is setup for generating a maintenance request. The ATMU window specifies the configuration offset, hop count, source and destination ID, and priority for the outbound RapidIO packet. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-95 Serial RapidIO Interface 17.8.5 RapidIO Outbound ATMU Valid Hits to Multiple ATMU Windows If a request hits multiple ATMU windows, window 1 has the highest priority of the nine outbound ATMU windows (windows 1-8, default). Window 2 is given the next higher priority and is followed by windows 3 through 8. The default window has the lowest priority. If a request hits (base address match) multiple ATMU windows and the transaction's end address is contained within the boundary of each hit window and does not extend into another ATMU window, the translation window is the highest priority window that is hit. If a lower priority window is programmed to lie entirely within a higher priority window, then it is possible for a transaction to cross window boundaries. Although not a practical programming application, the RapidIO endpoint handles this as follows: 1. If a request hits (base address match) an ATMU window (1-8) and the transaction's end address extends into another ATMU window with lower priority but is still contained within the boundary of the hit window, the translation window is the hit window. window #1 transaction start address window #2 transaction ending address 2. If a request hits (base address match) multiple ATMU windows (1-8) and the transaction's end address extends beyond the boundary of a lower priority hit window but is still contained within the boundary of a higher priority hit window, the translation window is the highest priority window that is hit. window #1 window #2 transaction start address transaction ending address MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-96 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Window Boundary Crossing Errors If a higher priority window is programmed to lie entirely within a lower priority window, then it is possible for a transaction to cross window boundaries. The RapidIO endpoint handles this as follows: 1. If a request hits (base address match) an ATMU window (1-8, default) and the transaction's end address extends into another ATMU window with higher priority, an ATMU crossed boundary error is generated and logged. The outbound request is discarded. window #3 transaction start address window #2 transaction ending address 2. If a request hits multiple ATMU windows (1-8, default) and transaction's end address extends beyond the boundary of a higher priority hit window, an outbound ATMU crossed boundary error is generated and logged. The outbound request is discarded. window #3 window #2 transaction start address transaction ending address Other window boundary crossing errors are: 1. If a request hits (base address match) an ATMU window (1-8) and the transaction's end address exceeds the size of the window, an outbound ATMU crossed boundary error is generated and logged. The outbound request is discarded. window #0 (default window) window #2 transaction start address transaction ending address Boundary crossing errors (outbound ATMU boundary crossing, segment boundary crossing, and subsegment boundary crossing) are logged in the LTLEDCSR[OACB] configuration register field. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-97 Serial RapidIO Interface If a request misses all ATMU windows (1-8) and the transaction's end address exceeds the maximum size of the default window, an outbound ATMU crossed boundary error is not generated. The outbound request is forwarded to the RapidIO target device. 17.8.6 RapidIO Inbound ATMU Hits to Multiple ATMU Windows If a request hits multiple ATMU windows, window 1 has the highest priority of the five inbound ATMU windows (windows 1-4, default). Window 2 is given the next higher priority and is followed by windows 3 and 4. The default window has the lowest priority. If a request hits (base address match) multiple ATMU windows and the transaction's end address is contained within the boundary of each hit window and does not extend into another ATMU window, the translation window is the highest priority window that is hit. If a lower priority window is programmed to lie entirely within a higher priority window, then it is possible for a transaction to cross window boundaries. Although not a practical programming application, the RapidIO endpoint handles this as follows: 1. If a request hits (base address match) an ATMU window (1-4) and the transaction's end address extends into another ATMU window with lower priority but is still contained within the boundary of the hit window, the translation window is the hit window. 2. If a request hits (base address match) multiple ATMU windows (1-4) and transaction's end address extends beyond the boundary of a lower priority hit window but is still contained within the boundary of a higher priority hit window, the translation window is the highest priority window that is hit. Window Boundary Crossing Errors If a higher priority window is programmed to lie entirely within a lower priority window, then it is possible for a transaction to cross window boundaries. The RapidIO endpoint handles this as follows: 1. If a request hits (base address match) an ATMU window (1-4, default) and the transaction's end address extends into another ATMU window with higher priority, an ATMU crossed boundary error is generated and logged. 2. If a request hits multiple ATMU windows (1-4, default) and transaction's end address extends beyond the boundary of a higher priority hit window, an inbound ATMU crossed boundary error is generated and logged. Other window boundary crossing errors are: 1. If a request hits (base address match) an ATMU window (1-4) and the transaction's end address exceeds the size of the window, an inbound ATMU crossed boundary error is generated and logged. 2. If a NREAD/NWRITE_R/NWRITE/SWRITE request hits (base address match) an ATMU window (1-4, default) and the transaction's end address extends into the region defined as the local configuration space window, an inbound ATMU crossed boundary error is generated and logged. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-98 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface A RapidIO error response is generated for RapidIO requests that require a response. RapidIO requests that do not require a response are dropped. Inbound ATMU boundary crossing errors are logged in the LTLEDCSR[IACB] configuration register. If a request misses all ATMU windows (1-4) and the transaction's end address exceeds the maximum size of the default window, an inbound ATMU crossed boundary error is not generated. 17.8.7 Generating Link-Request/Reset-Device In LP-Serial mode the link partner cannot be reliably reset using the link-request/reset-device control symbols since the input port receiver cannot be disabled independent of the output port driver. The input port driver needs to be disabled to prevent non idle control symbols from being transmitted between the four link-request/reset-device control symbols. For example, if a packet was received on the inbound side after one of the four link-request/reset-device control symbols was sent outbound, the required sequence of four link-request/reset-device symbols would be interrupted with the packet acknowledgement (packet accept, packet retry or packet not accept). 17.8.8 * Outbound Drain Mode The RapidIO port is placed into Drain mode when one of the following occurs: - PCR[OBDEN] is set - the Failed Threshold has been encountered and the CCSR[SPF] and CCSR[DPE] are both set - the packet time-to-live counter expires causing PCR[OBDEN] to be set * When the RapidIO port is placed into Drain mode, the RapidIO port discards all packets in the outgoing data stream. Since the data stream is invalid, the RapidIO port also puts its Outbound port back to normal state. Any received acknowledgements and link-responses are considered invalid during this period (since the RapidIO port has cleared out all acknowledgement history). * The RapidIO port's outbound and outstanding ackID will show that all outstanding packets at the time Drain mode was entered were accepted, whether they truly were accepted or not. If the outbound ackID is not acceptable, then software should change it prior to taking the RapidIO port out of the Drain mode. Also, if the link-partner needs to be put back into inbound OK state, then software should send a link-request/input-status. The recommended sequence for recovering from Drain mode is given in Section 17.8.10, "Software Assisted Error Recovery Register Support." * PCR[OBDEN] will also cause any queued up packet acknowledgements to be discarded if the port is uninitialized (the RapidIO port will let them be transferred if the port is initialized.) Drain mode due to Failed Threshold does not cause any packet acknowledgements to be dropped. * If a discarded packet in the outgoing data stream requires a logical response, a packet response time-out will occur if the packet response timer is enabled (PRTOCCSR is non 0). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-99 Serial RapidIO Interface 17.8.9 Input Port Disable Mode * The RapidIO port is placed into Input Port Disable mode when CCSR[PD] is set. * When the RapidIO port is placed in Input Port Disable mode, the RapidIO port discards all incoming data stream (obviously). Since the incoming stream is invalid, the RapidIO port also puts its Inbound port back to normal state. * When the RapidIO port is placed in Input Port Disable mode, the RapidIO port also: * - ends any packet capture that was in progress - clears the link-request/reset-device count The RapidIO port's inbound ackID will show that all packets successfully received by the RapidIO port at the time Input Port Disable mode was entered were accepted. If Output Port Disable mode was entered at the same time, some packet acknowledgements may be discarded by the RapidIO port. If the inbound ackID is not acceptable, then software should change it prior to taking the RapidIO port out of Input Port Disable mode. 17.8.10 Software Assisted Error Recovery Register Support * LMREQCSR is only supported for recovery from drain mode, including hot-swap support. Consistent with this statement, software should only write this register when the port is in Drain mode. * The proper sequence for recovering from Drain mode is: a. Software ensures that link activity is stopped. This should include: i. software polls for Port OK bit to be set ii. software waits longer than the link time-out value b. Software generates a link-request/input-status to obtain the link-partner's inbound ackID value. c. Software changes the RapidIO port's outbound ackID to this value (if necessary). d. If the link-partner was hot-inserted, software changes the RapidIO port's inbound ackID to zero. (Note that software needs to know when the link-partner was hot-inserted.) e. f. * NOTE: If software can guarantee that the link-partner will not attempt to forward any packets to this RapidIO port, then software may write the outbound ackID of the link-partner to match the inbound ackID of this RapidIO port. However, if the link-partner attempts to forward another packet while this write is still outstanding, and the ackIDs already happened to line-up, then the write will actually cause the ackIDs to not match, and the link will not be recovered. Software should cause the link-partner to send a link-request/input-status just to ensure that the RapidIO port's inbound port is in Normal operation. Software clears the Failed Encountered bit or the Output Buffer Drain Enable bit; whichever one caused the Drain mode (thus clearing Drain mode). Software is responsible for timing software generated link-requests. If the response valid bit is not set in some reasonable period of time, the software should write another request in the register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-100 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * When software writes LMREQCSR, software should make sure to successfully read LMRESPCSR set, otherwise, software may read a "stale" ackID status/link status later. * Note that when the RapidIO port's outbound ackID is written by software using LASCSR, the inbound ackID is also written. Care must be taken to ensure that the inbound ackID is not written to an incorrect value. For example, CCSR[PL] could be set to prevent the inbound ackID from changing before LASCSR is written. 17.8.11 Hot-Swap Support The two basic hot-insertion approaches described in the RapidIO Error Management Extensions are supported although the second approach is only partially supported. Method one has a host bringing a field replacement unit (FRU) into the system. Method two has the FRU bringing itself into the system. Note that this RapidIO port is most likely the device being hot-inserted/extracted since typically this device would be connected to a switch but it could be the link partner of a device being hot-inserted/extracted. Method 1 One possible sequence for when the host brings the FRU into the system is given. This RapidIO port can be either the device being hot-inserted/extracted or the link partner of the device being hot-inserted/extracted. The goal of this sequence is to bring the FRU into the system cleanly without generating errors. Extraction * The host determines that the FRU has failed by getting a port response time-out when polling the port OK bit (PO bit in error and status CSR) of the FRU. Note that there are other ways to determine that the FRU has failed. This is one possible method to detect FRU failure. * The host must perform the following steps to the FRU link partner before hot insertion of the FRU occurs. - set the port lockout bit (PL = 1 in the control CSR) preventing packet reception and transmission - prevent any new packets from arriving to the FRU link partner RapidIO port by all other RapidIO devices and discard all pending packets destined for the FRU so that - congestion to this RapidIO port does not occur and cause other system problems - the FRU is not immediately flooded with old packets after insertion causing other errors like unsolicited responses - note that this RapidIO endpoint has a specific bit to enable the discard of pending packets (OBDEN in PCR). Also note that setting OBDEN in PCR forces the output state from error or retry to normal. In a switch, the time-to-live feature may be used to discard packets. - force the input state to normal. In this RapidIO endpoint, this occurs by disabling the input port receiver. - leave the input port receivers and output port drivers enabled so that initialization can complete when the FRU is inserted MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-101 Serial RapidIO Interface - clear all errors pertaining to the extracted RapidIO port in the FRU link partner and any other RapidIO port that was affected by the FRU failing (port response time-outs) - if RapidIO endpoint, clear OBDEN in PCR for normal operation - set the outbound and inbound ackID to 0x00 in the local ackID status CSR so that the ackID is correct and packets can be transmitted and received when the FRU is inserted * The host indicates that the FRU should be removed. * The FRU is removed from the system. Insertion * The FRU is inserted into the system * Link initialization occurs and initialization complete status is indicated (port OK bit in the error and status CSR) in both RapidIO ports * The host determines that this link partner has been inserted by periodically polling the initialization complete status in the FRU link partner (PO bit = 1 in the error and status command and status register) * The host clears the output and input port enable bits and clears the port lockout bit in the control CSR in the FRU link partner allowing only maintenance transactions * The host sets the master enabled and discovered bits in the FRU (M = 1 and D = 1 in the general control CSR). Note that the master enable bit does not prevent the RapidIO endpoint from transmitting packets. * The host completes configuration of the FRU * The host sets the output and input port enable bits in the control CSR in the FRU link partner allowing transmission and reception of all packet types * The host re-enables packets to be sent to this RapidIO port by other RapidIO devices * System operation resumes Method 2 with RapidIO Port Hot-Swapped One possible sequence for when the FRU brings itself into the system is given. This RapidIO Port can be either the device being hot-inserted/extracted or the link partner of the device being hot-inserted/extracted. The goal of this sequence is to bring the FRU into the system cleanly without generating errors. Extraction * The FRU fails. * New packets are prevented from arriving to the FRU link partner by all other RapidIO devices and all pending packets destined for the FRU are discarded so that - congestion to this RapidIO port does not occur and cause other system problems MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-102 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface - the FRU is not immediately flooded with old packets after insertion causing other errors like unsolicited responses * This FRU link partner continues to have its drivers enabled. * The FRU link partner continues to allow the transmission and reception of all packet types since its output and input port enable bits are set and the port lockout bit is cleared in the control CSR * The FRU is removed from the system Insertion * The FRU is inserted * Link initialization occurs, initialization complete status is indicated in both RapidIO ports (PO bit = 1 in the error and status command and status register) * After initialization is complete both devices set the port OK bit = 1 in the control CSR * The FRU sets its port lockout bit in the control CSR * The FRU generates a link-request/input-status to its link partner using the link maintenance request register. The FRU determines the link partner's inbound ackID by reading the link maintenance response register. The FRU then sets its outbound ackID in the local ackID status CSR. * The FRU only enables maintenance transactions by clearing its output and input port enable bits in the control CSR and by clearing its port lockout bit in the control CSR * The FRU generates a maintenance write to its link partner's local ackID status CSR to set the link partner's outbound ackID value to 0. Upon receipt of the maintenance write, the link partner sets its outbound ackID value and generates the maintenance response using the new value. Note that if all packets intended for the link partner have not been discarded, or if any new packets intended for the link partner arrive, this step may fail (the RapidIO endpoint has no way to protect against this). * The FRU completes configuration * The FRU enables all packets to be transmitted and received by setting its output and input port enable bits in the control CSR * System operation resumes 17.8.12 Errors and Error Handling This section describes how the logical and physical layers detect and react to RapidIO errors. The action of the core on notification of any of these errors is described minimally here. See RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2 Part VII (Error Management Extensions Specifications) for more details on specific errors described below. RapidIO Error Description RapidIO errors are classified under three categories: recoverable errors, notification errors, and fatal errors. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-103 Serial RapidIO Interface Recoverable errors are non-fatal transmission errors (such as corrupt packet or control symbols, and general protocol errors) that RapidIO supports hardware detection of and a recovery mechanism for, as described in the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. In these cases, the appropriate bit is set in the Error Detect CSR. Only the packet containing the first detected recoverable error that is enabled for error capture (by error enable CSR) will be captured in the error capture CSRs. No interrupt is generated or actions required for a recoverable error. Recoverable errors are detected in the physical layer only. Notification errors are non-recoverable non-fatal errors detected by RapidIO (such as degraded threshold, port-write received, and all logical/transport layer (LTL) errors captured). Because they are non-recoverable (and in some cases have caused a packet to be dropped), notification by interrupt is available. However, because they are non-fatal, response to the interrupt is not crucial to port performance; that is, the port is still functional. When a notification error is detected, the appropriate bit is set in the error-specific register, an interrupt is generated, and in some cases, the error is captured. In all cases, the RapidIO port continues operating. Notification errors are detected in both the physical and logical layer. The RapidIO controller detects two fatal errors: exceeded failed threshold and exceeded consecutive retry threshold. In these cases, the port has failed because its recoverable error rate has exceeded a predefined failed threshold or because it has received too many packet retries in a row. In the first case, the controller sets the output failed-encountered bit in the error and status CSR; the RapidIO output hardware may or may not stop (based on stop-on-port-failed-encounter-enable and drop-packet-enable bits). In the second case, the controller sets the retry counter threshold trigger exceeded bit in the implementation error CSR; the RapidIO hardware will continue to operate. In both cases, an interrupt is generated, and while the port will continue operating at least partially, a system-level fix (such as reset) is recommended to clean up the controller's internal queues and resume normal operation. Fatal errors are detected in the physical layer only. Physical Layer RapidIO Errors Detected Table 17-105 lists all the RapidIO link errors detected by the RapidIO endpoint physical layer and the actions taken by the RapidIO endpoint. The error enable column lists the control bits that may disable the error checking associated with a particular error (if blank, error checking cannot be disabled). The cause field column indicates what cause field will be used with the associated packet-not-accept control symbol for input error recovery. The EME error enable/detect column indicates which bit of the ERECSR allows the error to increment the error rate counter and lock the error capture registers, and likewise which bit of the EDCSR is set when the error has been detected. Table 17-106 lists the RapidIO endpoint behavior after exceeding certain preset limits (degraded threshold, failed threshold, retry threshold). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-104 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-105. Physical RapidIO Errors Detected Level Error Error Enable RapidIO Endpoint Action Cause Field EME Error Type EME Error Enable / Detect Delineation Error DE Received corrupt control symbol CCS Protocol Error (unexpected packet/control symbol received) PE Recoverable Errors 1a Received character had a disparity error. (serial) Enter Input Error Stopped. Enter Output Error Stopped. 5: Received invalid/illegal character 1a Received an invalid character, or valid but illegal character (serial) Enter Input Error Stopped. Enter Output Error Stopped. 5: Received invalid/illegal character 1b The four control character bits associated with the received symbol do not make sense (not 0000, 1000, 1111) (serial) Enter Input Error Stopped. Enter Output Error Stopped. 5: Received invalid/illegal character 1b Control symbol does not begin with an /SC/ or /PD/ control character. (serial) Enter Input Error Stopped. Enter Output Error Stopped. 5: Received invalid/illegal character 1c Received packet with embedded idles. (serial) Enter Input Error Stopped. 5: Received invalid/illegal character 1d Received a control symbol with a bad CRC Enter Input Error Stopped. Enter Output Error Stopped. 2: Received a control symbol with bad CRC 1d Missing start: Packet data received w/o previous SOP control symbol Enter Input Error Stopped. 7/31: General error 1e Received packet that is < 64 bits Enter Input Error Stopped. 7/31: General error 1e Received an EOP control symbol when there is no packet being received. Enter Input Error Stopped. 7/31: General error 1e Received a stomp control symbol when there is no packet being received. Enter Input Error Stopped. 7/31: General error 2a Received a Restart-from-retry control symbol when in the "OK" state Enter Input Error Stopped 7/31: General error Protocol Error (unexpected packet/control symbol received) PE 2a Received packet with a bad CRC value. Enter Input Error Stopped. 4: bad CRC on packet. Received packet with bad CRC CRC 2a Received packet which exceeds the maximum allowed size by the RapidIO spec. Enter Input Error Stopped. 7/31: General error Received packet exceeds 276 Bytes EM 2b Received packet with unexpected ackID value (out-of-sequence ACKID) Enter Input Error Stopped. 1: Received unexpected ACKID on packet Received packet with unexpected ackID UA 2c Received a non-maintenance packet when non-maintenance packet reception is stopped Non-maint. packet reception is stopped when `Input Port Enable' = 0. Enter Input Error Stopped. 3: Non-maintenance packet reception is stopped Not Captured 2d Any packet received while Port Lockout bit is set All packet reception is stopped when Port Lockout bit is set. Enter Input Error Stopped. 3: Non-maintenance packet reception is stopped Not Captured - Received a Link request control symbol before servicing previous link request. 2a Received packet-not-accepted ACK control symbol. PCR[CCC] enables detect. PCR[CCP] enables detect. Not detected. Enter Output Error Stopped. Received packet-not-accept PNA ed symbol MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-105 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-105. Physical RapidIO Errors Detected (continued) Level Error Enable Error RapidIO Endpoint Action Cause Field EME Error Type EME Error Enable / Detect Unsolicited ACK symbol UCS 2b Received an ACK (accepted, or retry) control symbol when there are no outstanding packets Enter Output Error Stopped. 2b Received packet ACK (accepted) for a packet whose transmission has not finished Enter Output Error Stopped. 2b Received a Link response control symbol when no outstanding request. Enter Output Error Stopped. 2c Received an ACK (accepted or retry) control symbol with an unexpected ACKID. Enter Output Error Stopped. Received ack. control symbol with unexpected ackID AUA 2c Link_response received with an ackID that is not outstanding Re-enter Output Error Stopped. Non-outstanding ackID NOA 2d An ACK control symbol is not received within the specified time-out interval. PLTOCCSR[TV] > 0 enables detect. Enter Output Error Stopped. Link time-out LTO 2d A Link response is not received within the specified time-out interval PLTOCCSR[TV] > 0 enables detect. (re-) Enter Output Error Stopped. Table 17-106. Physical RapidIO Threshold Response Error Enable Error RapidIO Endpoint Action EME Error Type Error Detect Interrupt clear1 Notification Errors Error Rate Counter has exceeded the Degraded Threshold. ERTCSR[ERDTT] > 0 & any bit in EECSR enables detect and interrupt generation. Generate Interrupt. Continue to operate normally. Degraded Threshold ESCSR[OD E] Write 1 to ESCSR[ODE] Consecutive Retry Threshold IECSR[RET Write 1 to E] IECSR[RETE] Failed Threshold ESCSR[OF E] Fatal Errors Consecutive Retry Counter has exceeded the Retry Counter Threshold Trigger Error Rate Counter has exceeded the Failed Threshold. 1Information PRETCR[RET] > 0 enables detect and interrupt generation ERTCSR[ERFTT] > 0 & any bit in EECSR enables detect and interrupt generation. Generate Interrupt. Port will be in priority order. Generate Interrupt. Port behavior depends on CCSR[SPF] and CCSR[DPE] -port can continue transmitting packets or can stop sending output packets, keeping or dropping them. Write 1 to ESCSR[OFE]. given here is minimal for clearing the interrupt. More detailed steps should be taken to find the cause of the in- terrupt. Logical Layer Errors and Error Handling This section describes how the logical layer will detect and react to RapidIO errors. The action of the core on notification of any of these errors is described minimally here. Reference RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2 Part VII (Error Management Extensions Specifications). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-106 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Logical Layer RapidIO Errors Detected Table 17-107 through Table 17-121 lists all the errors detected by the RapidIO endpoint logical layer and the actions taken by the RapidIO endpoint. Note that when the RapidIO endpoint action includes sending an error response to either OCN or RapidIO, an error response is only sent if the original transaction was a request that required a response. Otherwise, no error response is sent. When dealing with multiple errors, discard of packet has higher priority than error response. For misaligned transactions, the error management extension registers are updated with each child. All packet field positions are assumed to be in the mode (small or large transport) configured. For example, when configured for small transport mode with pass-through mode not enabled and a large transport mode NREAD packet is received, the transaction type field bit positions checked correspond to a small transport type NREAD packet. Table 17-107. Hardware Errors For NRead Transaction Error Priority Priority of Read transaction is 3 TransportType Received reserved TT Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set RapidIO Logical/Transport Error Layer Capture Comments Response Register Generated LTLEDCS Yes R[ITD] if LTLEECSR[ ITD] is set No Using the incoming RapidIO packet, for Small Transport type packet, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMS B] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMS B] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's For Large Transport type packets r.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR [DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID ] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMS B] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's RapidIO packet is dropped. LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR[ R[TSE] TSE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-107 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-107. Hardware Errors For NRead Transaction (continued) Error Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set RapidIO Logical/Transport Error Layer Capture Comments Response Register Generated LTLEDCS Received TT which is not enabled. - Error valid when Yes if LTLEECSR[ R[TSE] pass_through is disabled and accept_all is disabled TSE] is set Or when accept_all is enabled. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR[ R[ITTE] DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate ITTE] is set DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (pass_through or accept_all) is false Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self SourceID Not Checked for error. -- DestID -- -- -- Same as first entry -- LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR[ R[ITD] Received RapidIO packet with reserved TType for this ITD] is set ftype Yes RdSize Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- SrcTID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- TransactionType OCN error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR[ R[IACB] IACB] is set Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR[ R[ITD] ITD] is set Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self Address:WdPtr:Xambs LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR[ R[ITD] Beginning address matches LCSBA1CSR with non 32 ITD] is set bit read request. Performed only when ttype == 4'b0100 Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if Header Size Header size is not 12 Bytes for small Transport packet LTLEECSR[ R[ITD] ITD] is set or not 16 Bytes for Large Transport packet. Large Transport packet has 14 valid bytes and two bytes of padding of 0's. Padding of 0's is not checked. Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self PayloadSize Not Applicable -- Address:WdPtr:Xambs Read request hits overlapping ATMU windows Refer to Address:WdPtr:Xambs Request hits a protected ATMU window -- -- -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-108 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-108. Hardware Errors For Maintenance Read/Write Req Transaction Error Priority Priority of maintenance read or write request transaction is 3 Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set LTLEDCS Yes R[ITD] if LTLEECSR [ITD] is set RapidIO Error Response Generated No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Using the incoming RapidIO packet, for Small Transport type packets, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Comments RapidIO packet is dropped For Large Transport type packets. LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DID MSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's TransportType Yes LTLEDCS R[TSE] No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped Received TT which is not enabled. - Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[TSE] [TSE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped DestID LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITTE] [ITTE] is set Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self Received reserved TT DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false SourceID Not Checked for error. TransactionType Reserved Transaction Type for this ftype -- -- LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set -- Yes -- Same as first entry -- RapidIO packet is dropped MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-109 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-108. Hardware Errors For Maintenance Read/Write Req Transaction (continued) Error RdSize Read/Write request size is not for 4 bytes Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set RapidIO Error Response Generated Yes Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Same as first entry Comments OCN error response is generated to self SrcTID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- HopCount Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- Config Offset Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- LTLEDCS Yes if Header Size Maintenance Read request - Header size is not 12 LTLEECSR R[ITD] Bytes for small Transport packet or not 16 Bytes [ITD] is set for Large Transport packet. Maintenance Write request - total header size is not 12 Bytes for Small Transport packet or not 16 Bytes for Large Transport packet. Padding of 0's in last two bytes of Large Transport packet is not checked. Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self PayloadSize Write request with payload not equal to 8 bytes. Read request with payload not 0 bytes MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-110 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-109. Hardware Errors For Atomic (inc, dec, set, or clr) Read Transaction Error Priority Priority of read transaction is 3 Status Bit RapidIO Set if Error Interrupt correspon Response Generated ding bit is Generated enabled LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Using the incoming RapidIO packet, for Small Transport type packets, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 - 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Comments RapidIO packet is dropped For Large Transport type packets.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[TSE] [TSE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if Received TT which is not enabled. LTLEECSR R[TSE] - Error valid when passthrough [TSE] is set is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITTE] [ITTE] is set Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self TransportType Received reserved TT DestID DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false SourceID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- TransactionType -- -- -- -- -- Non-Atomic ttype is tested with Nread MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-111 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-109. Hardware Errors For Atomic (inc, dec, set, or clr) Read Transaction (continued) Error Status Bit RapidIO Set if Error Interrupt correspon Response Generated ding bit is Generated enabled Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCS Yes if TransactionType LTLEECSR R[UT] Received Atomic Increment request with DOCAR[AI] disabled. [UT] is se Received Atomic decrement request with DOCAR[AD) disabled. Received Atomic Set request with DOCAR[AS] disabled. Received Atomic Clear request with DOCAR[AC] disabled. Yes Same as second entry Error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes Same as first entry Error response is generated to self RdSize Not unsupported RdSize request is not for contiguous one, two or four bytes SrcTID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- Address:WdPtr:Xambs Not unsupported Request hits a protected ATMU window or the LCSBA1CSR Refer to LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes Same as first entry Error response is generated to self Address:WdPtr:Xambs LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[IACB] [IACB] is set Yes Same as first entry Error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes Same as first entry Error response is generated to self Read request hits overlapping ATMU windows Refer to Header Size Not unsupported Header size is not 12 Bytes for small Transport packet and not 16 Bytes for Large Transport packet Padding of 0's in last two bytes of Large Transport packet is not checked MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-112 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-110. Hardware Errors For NWrite, NWrite_r, and Unsupported Atomic Test-and-Swap Transactions Error Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Priority Not unsupported RapidIO Error Response Generated No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments RapidIO Using the incoming RapidIO packet is packet, for Small Transport type packets, LTLACCSR[XA] dropped. gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's For Large Transport type packets.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DID MSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's TransportType Yes LTLEDCS R[TSE] No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if Received TT which is not enabled. LTLEECSR R[TSE] Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or [TSE] is set when accept_all is enabled. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped Received reserved TT MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-113 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-110. Hardware Errors For NWrite, NWrite_r, and Unsupported Atomic Test-and-Swap Transactions (continued) Error DestID DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false SourceID Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITTE] [ITTE] is set -- -- RapidIO Error Response Generated Yes for Nwrite_r. Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self for Nwrite_r. RapidIO packet is dropped for Nwrite No for Nwrite. -- Comments -- -- Not applicable TransactionType Received RapidIO packet for Atomic test-and-swap transaction TransactionType Received RapidIO packet with reserved TType for this ftype Packet is treated as Nwrite Transaction WrSize Not unsupported transaction WrSize request is for one of reserved sizes Address:WdPtr:Xambs Not unsupported transaction Nwrite request hits LCSBA1CSR Address:WdPtr:Xambs Not unsupported transaction Request hits a protected ATMU window LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[UT] [UT] is set Yes Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes for Nwrite_r. Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self for Nwrite_r. RapidIO packet is dropped for Nwrite No for Nwrite. LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set No for Nwrite. Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped for Nwrite LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes for Nwrite_r. Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self for Nwrite_r. RapidIO packet is dropped for Nwrite No for Nwrite. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-114 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-110. Hardware Errors For NWrite, NWrite_r, and Unsupported Atomic Test-and-Swap Transactions (continued) Error Address:WdPtr:Xambs Write request hits overlapping ATMU windows Refer to SrcTID Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[IACB] [IACB] is set -- -- RapidIO Error Response Generated Yes for Nwrite_r. Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self for Nwrite_r. RapidIO packet is dropped for Nwrite -- -- No for Nwrite. -- Comments Not Checked for error. LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] Nwrite_r address matches LCSBA1CSR [ITD] is set with non 32 bit read request. Performed only for Nwrite_r packet Yes for Nwrite_r. Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes for Nwrite_r. Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self for Nwrite_r. RapidIO packet is dropped for Nwrite Same as first entry OCN error response is generated to self for Nwrite_r. RapidIO packet is dropped for Nwrite Address:WdPtr:Xambs Header Size Not unsupported transaction Header size is less than 12 bytes for small Transport packet or less than 16 bytes for Large Transport packet that is, no payload present. No for Nwrite. Large Transport packet has 14 valid bytes and 2 bytes of padding of 0s. Padding of 0s is not checked. PayloadSize Not unsupported transaction Payload is greater than that indicated by {wdptr:wrsize} field, payload is not double word aligned or does not have any payload LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set Yes for Nwrite_r. No for Nwrite. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-115 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-111. Hardware Errors For SWrite Transactions Error Priority Swrite transaction priority is 3 TransportType Received reserved TT Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[TSE] [TSE] is set No RapidIO Using the incoming RapidIO packet is packet, for Small Transport type dropped packets, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 62 - 63, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 32 - 60, LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's For Large Transport type packets.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78-79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48-76,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMS B] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Received TT which is not enabled. Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[TSE] [TSE] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped DestID LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITTE] [ITTE] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false SourceID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-116 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-111. Hardware Errors For SWrite Transactions (continued) Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error Address:WdPtr:Xambs Swrite request hits overlapping ATMU windows. Refer to Address:WdPtr:Xambs Request hits a protected ATMU window or the LCSBA1CSR PayloadSize Payload size is not in DWs, has exceeded 256 bytes or has no payload. Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[IACB] [IACB] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped Table 17-112. Hardware Errors For Maintenance Response Transactions Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error Priority Not UR Response priority is not higher than RapidIO maintenance request priority LTLEDCS Yes if R[ITD] LTLEECSR [ITD] is set OCN Error Response Generated No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Using the incoming RapidIO packet, for Small Transport type packets, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 - 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored For Large Transport type packets.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's TransportType Received reserved TT LTLEDCS Yes if R[TSE] LTLEECSR [TSE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-117 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-112. Hardware Errors For Maintenance Response Transactions (continued) Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCS Yes if Received TT which is not R[TSE] LTLEECSR enabled. - Error valid [TSE] is set when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITTE] [ITTE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCS Yes if R[UR] LTLEECSR [UR] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCS Yes if TransactionType R[ITD] LTLEECSR Not UR Received RapidIO packet [ITD] is set with reserved TType for this ftype No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCS Yes if R[ITD] LTLEECSR [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored DestID DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false SourceID Does not match the request's DestID Not UR Maintenance read/write response does not correspond to an outstanding valid message read/write request. HopCount Not Checked for error. Status Not UR Is not "Done" or "Error" Not "Done" status for "read_response" transaction type with payload "Error" status with payload. -- -- LTLEDCS Yes if R[ITD] LTLEECSR [ITD] is set -- No -- -- Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-118 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-112. Hardware Errors For Maintenance Response Transactions (continued) OCN Error Response Generated Error Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Status Not UR Error Response LTLEDCS Yes if R[IER] LTLEECSR [IER] is set Yes Same as first entry except error capture is done from original request OCN error response is generated to requestor. TargetTID No outstanding transaction for this TargetTID LTLEDCS Yes if R[UR] LTLEECSR [UR] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCS Yes if Header Size R[ITD] LTLEECSR Not UR [ITD] is set Maintenance Read response - total payload size with done status is not greater than 4 Bytes. Maintenance Write response - total header size is less than 12 Bytes for Small Transport packet or is less than 16 Bytes for Large Transport packet. Padding of 0's for Small or Large Transport packets is not verified. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCS Yes if PayloadSize R[ITD] LTLEECSR Not UR [ITD] is set Maintenance write response has payload. Maintenance read response with done status and payload not matching valid request size, request size for the response is invalid or payload size is not dword aligned. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCS Yes if Packet response time-out R[PRT] Response is not received LTLEECSR [PRT] is set by configured time Yes Same as first entry except error capture is done from original request. OCN error response is generated to requestor. Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-119 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-113. Hardware Errors For IO/GSM Response Transactions (Not Maintenance) Interrupt Generated Error Priority Not UR Response priority is not higher than RapidIO request priority Status Bit Set LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set OCN Error Response Generated No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Using the incoming RapidIO packet, for Small Transport type packets, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79 (if available), LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 - 76 (if available),LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 - 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Comments RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored For Large Transport type packets.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95 (if available), LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92 (if available),LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's LTLEDCSR Yes if TransportType Received reserved TT for this LTLEECSR [TSE] [TSE] is set ftype No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [TSE] [TSE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if DestID LTLEECSR [ITTE] DestID does not match this [ITTE] is set port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored Received TT which is not enabled. - Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-120 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-113. Hardware Errors For IO/GSM Response Transactions (Not Maintenance) (continued) Interrupt Generated Error Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments SourceID Does not match the request's DestID LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [UR] [UR] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored TransactionType Not UR Received RapidIO packet with reserved TType LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored Not UR IO read response does not correspond to an outstanding valid IO/GSM read request. IO write response does not correspond to an outstanding valid IO/GSM write request. LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored Status Not UR IO transaction - Is not "Done" or "Error" GSM transaction IO_Read_Home Is not "Done - Data-Only", "Done - Done-Intervention", "Done", "Retry" or "Error". Flush_w_Data response is not "Done", "Retry" or "Error" Transaction type of "Response_with_data" and status is not done LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. Status Not UR GSM Error response LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [GER] [GER] is set Status Not UR IO Error Response LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [IER] [IER] is set Yes if data Same as first entry except error capture is done from original request packet. is not received for this request. Yes OCN error response is generated to requestor if data is not forwarded to it. Else the RapidIO packet is dropped. Same as first entry except error capture is OCN error done from original request packet. response is generated to requestor. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-121 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-113. Hardware Errors For IO/GSM Response Transactions (Not Maintenance) (continued) Interrupt Generated Error Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [UR] [UR] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. LTLEDCSR Yes if Packet Size LTLEECSR [ITD] Not UR [ITD] is set (All non-maintenance and non-message) Write response - Header size is not 8 Bytes for Small Transport packet or not 12 Bytes for Large Transport packet GSM - "Done" response packet size to "Flush" is not 8 Bytes for Small Transport packet or not 12 Bytes for Large Transport packet. "Done-Intervention" is not 8 Bytes for Small Transport and 12 Bytes for Large Transport field. Two byte padding of 0's in Large Transport field packet is not checked. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. TargetTID No outstanding transaction for this TargetTID Payload Size Not UR IO - Read Response - total payload is not of the size requested. "Done" or "Done-Data_Only" response to IO_Read_Home with incorrect payload size. Response with transaction type "response_with_no_data" has payload MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-122 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-113. Hardware Errors For IO/GSM Response Transactions (Not Maintenance) (continued) Interrupt Generated Error Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCSR Yes if Retry LTLEECSR [RETE] Not UR [RETE] is GSM request has had one set more than configured number of retries for non misaligned request. The misaligned GSM request has had one to four (cumulative for the corresponding child requests) more than configured number of retries. Yes Same as first entry except error capture is OCN error done from original request. response is generated to requestor. LTLEDCSR Yes if Packet response time-out Response is not received by LTLEECSR [PRT] [PRT] is set configured time for packets requiring RapidIO response. "GSM - IO_Read_Home" Done_With_Data is not received in configured time when Done_Intervention is received for non misaligned request or last child of misaligned request. Done response is not received in configured time for non misaligned request or last child of misaligned request. EME capture occurs for each child packet response time-out. Yes Same as first entry except error capture is OCN error done from original request. response is generated to requestor. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-123 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-113. Hardware Errors For IO/GSM Response Transactions (Not Maintenance) (continued) Interrupt Generated Error Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCSR Yes if Packet response time-out Response is not received by LTLEECSR [PRT] [PRT] is set configured time for packets requiring RapidIO response. "GSM - IO_Read_Home" Done_Intervention is not received in configured time when Done_With_Data is received. This is true for both non misaligned or misaligned requests. No Same as first entry except error capture is An OCN done from original request. done response is generated when the Done_With _Data is received for non misaligned requests or the last child of a misaligned request. Therefore, an error response cannot be sent when the packet response time-out occurs. LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry LTLEDCSR Yes if Not UR LTLEECSR [IER]/[GER Response for OCN packets [IER]/[GER] ]/[RETE] not requiring response, but converted to "response" type /[RETE] is set packet by ATMU receives Error response. e.g. NWrite converted to NWrite_r received "Error" response No Same as first entry except error capture is RapidIO done from original request. packet is dropped and ignored. LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [PRT] [PRT] is set No Same as first entry except error capture is No error done from original request. response is generated. GSM - IO_Read_Home Not UR Done response, Retry response, or Error response is after Done_Intervention response or Data_only is received. Response for OCN packets not requiring response, but converted to "response" type packet by ATMU is not received by configured time. RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-124 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-114. Hardware Errors For DMA Message Response Transactions Interrupt Error Generated Priority Not UR Response priority is not higher than RapidIO request priority Status Bit Set LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set OCN Error Response Generated No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Using the incoming RapidIO packet, for Small Transport type packets, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets packet bits 40-47 Comments RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored For Large Transport type packets.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets packet bits 56-63 LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [TSE] [TSE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if Received TT which is not LTLEECSR [TSE] enabled. Error valid when passthrough [TSE] is set is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if DestID LTLEECSR [ITTE] DestID does not match this [ITTE] is set port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [UR] [UR] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored TransportType Received reserved TT SourceID Does not match the request's DestID TransactionType Not checked. To be a message response TType has to be 0x1 -- -- -- -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-125 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-114. Hardware Errors For DMA Message Response Transactions (continued) Interrupt Error Generated Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Status Not UR DMA Message Error response LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [DMAMER] [DMAMER] is set Yes Same as first entry except error capture is done from original request OCN error response is generated to requestor. Status Not UR Received status of reserved type Yes if Yes if LTLEECSR LTLEDCSR [ITD] is set [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored No outstanding transaction for this letter, mailbox and message segment LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [UR] [UR] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. Packet Size Not UR (All non-maintenance and non-message) DMA response - Header size is not 8 Bytes for Small Transport packet or not 12 Bytes for Large Transport packet LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. Payload Size Not UR Payload size is not zero LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. Retry Not UR DMA request - has had more than configured number of retries LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [RETE] [RETE] is set Yes Same as first entry except error capture is done from original request OCN error response is generated to requestor. Packet response time-out Response is not received by configured time. LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [PRT] [PRT] is set Yes Same as first entry except error capture is done from original request OCN error response is generated to requestor. Two byte padding of 0's in Large Transport field packet is not checked. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-126 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-115. Hardware Errors For Message Request Transactions Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error Priority Not Applicable -- TransportType Received reserved TT -- LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[TSE] [TSE] is set RapidIO Error Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Response Generated -- -- No Using the original request RapidIO packet, for small Transport type, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 - 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets packet bits 40-47. -- RapidIO packet is dropped For Large Transport type packets. LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 4851, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets packet bits 56-63. LTLEDCS Yes if Received TT which is not LTLEECSR R[TSE] enabled. - Error valid [TSE] is set when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. DestID DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[ITTE] [ITTE] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped Yes if priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped Same as third entry OCN error response is sent to self if request priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped. SourceID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- MsgLen,Ssize,Ltr,Mbox, MsgSeg Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-127 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-115. Hardware Errors For Message Request Transactions (continued) Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error RapidIO Error Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Response Generated LTLEDCS Yes if PayloadSize Message payload size is LTLEECSR R[MFE] larger than the specified [MFE] is set ssize, or is of size 0 when seg_len == msg_len. Or Message payload size is not equal to specified ssize when seg_len != msg_len. Yes if priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped Same as third entry. OCN error response is sent to self if request priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped. Reserved ssize field LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[MFE] [MFE] is set Yes if priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped Same as third entry. OCN error response is sent to self if request priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped. Other Received Message request with SOCAR[M] disabled LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECSR R[UT] [UT] is se Yes if priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped Same as third entry OCN error response is sent to self if request priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-128 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-116. Hardware Errors For Message Response Transactions Interrupt Error Generated Priority -- Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated -- -- Not Checked for error. Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Using the original request RapidIO packet, for small Transport type, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 - 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets packet bits 40-47. Comments -- For Large Transport type packets. LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 4851, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets packet bits 56-63. TransportType Received reserved TT Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCSR [TSE] No Same as first entry except capture registers are loaded from the response RapidIO packet RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored Received TT which is not enabled. - Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCSR [TSE] No Same as first entry except capture registers are loaded from the response RapidIO packet RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored DestID (All non-maintenance) DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECS [ITTE] R[ITTE] is set No Same as first entry except capture registers are loaded from the response RapidIO packet RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored SourceID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-129 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-116. Hardware Errors For Message Response Transactions (continued) Interrupt Error Generated Status Not Checked for error. Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments -- -- -- -- -- LTLEDCSR Yes if Other Received Message response LTLEECS [UR] R[UR] is se with SOCAR[M] disabled. No Same as first entry except capture registers are loaded from the response RapidIO packet RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored Table 17-117. Hardware Errors For Doorbell Request Transaction Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments -- -- Priority Not Applicable -- -- -- TransportType Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCS R[TSE] No Received reserved TT Using the original request RapidIO packet, for small RapidIO packet is Transport type, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits dropped 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's For Large Transport type packets. LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Received TT which is not enabled. Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCS R[TSE] No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-130 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-117. Hardware Errors For Doorbell Request Transaction (continued) Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error DestID DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECS R[ITTE] R[ITTE] is set Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Same as third entry Yes if priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped Comments OCN error response is sent to self if request priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped. SourceID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- SrcTID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- LTLEDCS Yes if Other LTLEECS R[UT] Received Doorbell R[UT] is se request with DOCAR[D] disabled. Same as third entry Yes if priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped OCN error response is sent to self if request priority is not 3. Else packet is dropped. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-131 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-118. Hardware Errors For Doorbell Response Transactions Interrupt Generated Error Priority Not UR or UT Response priority is not higher than RapidIO request priority Status Bit Set LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is se OCN Error Response Generated No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Using the incoming RapidIO packet, for small Transport type, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Comments RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored For Large Transport type packets r.LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12-15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48-51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [TSE] [TSE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if Received TT Error valid when passthrough LTLEECSR [TSE] is disabled and accept_all is [TSE] is set disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if DestID LTLEECSR [ITTE] DestID does not match this [ITTE] is port's DeviceID if Alternate set DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored LTLEDCSR Yes if SourceID Does not match the request's LTLEECSR [UR] [UR] is set DestID No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored TransportType Received reserved TT MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-132 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-118. Hardware Errors For Doorbell Response Transactions (continued) Interrupt Generated Error Status Bit Set OCN Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Status Not UR or UT Not one of Done/Error/Retry LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is se No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored TransactionType Not UR or UT Anything other than Done_No_Data LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [ITD] [ITD] is se No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored TargetTID No outstanding transaction for this TargetTID LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [UR] [UR] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. LTLEDCSR Yes if Packet Size LTLEECSR [ITD] Not UR or UT Header size is not 8 Bytes for [ITD] is set Small Transport packet or not 12 Bytes for Large Transport packet No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped and ignored. Yes OCN Same as first entry except capture registers are loaded from original request doorbell PRT RapidIO packet. response is generated to requestor. Note: Two byte padding of 0's in Large Transport field packet is not checked. Packet response time-out Response is not received by configured time LTLEDCSR Yes if LTLEECSR [PRT] [PRT] is set MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-133 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-119. Hardware Errors for PortWrite Transaction Error Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments -- -- Priority Not Applicable -- -- -- TransportType Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCS R[TSE] No Received reserved TT RapidIO Using the original request RapidIO packet is packet, for small Transport type, dropped LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 - 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Large Transport type packets. LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Received TT which is not enabled. - Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCS R[TSE] No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped DestID LTLEDCS Yes if LTLEECS R[ITTE] R[ITTE] is set No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false SourceID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- TransactionType -- -- -- -- -- Not Checked for error. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-134 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-119. Hardware Errors for PortWrite Transaction (continued) Error Interrupt Status Bit Generated Set Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Yes if LTLEECS R[ITD] is se LTLEDCS R[ITD] No SrcTID Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- HopCount Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- ConfigOffset Not Checked for error. -- -- -- -- -- PayloadSize Not unsupported transaction An incorrect port-write wr_size encoding (not 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64 bytes). Payload size is greater than the value defined by wr_size. Payload size is not dword aligned when the wr_size is not 4 bytes. Yes if LTLEECS R[ITD] is set LTLEDCS R[ITD] No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped Other Received PortWrite transaction with DOCAR[PW] disabled. Yes if LTLEECS R[UT] is set LTLEDCS R[UT] No Same as third entry RapidIO packet is dropped WrSize Not unsupported transaction Is one of reserved sizes or less than 4 bytes Same as third entry Comments RapidIO packet is dropped MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-135 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-120. Hardware Errors for Reserved Ftype Status Bit Set if Interrupt corresponding Generated bit is enabled Error Ftype Ftype is not IO Read, IO Write, SWrite, Maintenance request, Maintenance Response, Response (Ftype 13), Doorbell or Message class and it is not a passthrough transaction. (passthrough is not enabled or accept_all is enabled or transaction is addressed to this port) Yes if LTLEECS R[IUT] is set LTLEDCSR[UT] RapidIO Error Response Generated No Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments RapidIO Using the original request RapidIO packet is packet, for small Transport type, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, dropped LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 - 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Large Transport type packets. LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCSR[TSE ] No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped Received TT which is not enabled. - Error valid when passthrough is disabled and accept_all is disabled Or when accept_all is enabled. Yes if LTLEECS R[TSE] is set LTLEDCSR[TSE ] No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped DestID LTLEDCSR[ITT Yes if LTLEECS E] R[ITTE] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped TransportType Received reserved TT DestID does not match this port's DeviceID if Alternate DeviceID is disabled or DestId does not match either Alternate DeviceID or DeviceId if Alternate DeviceID is enabled. Error valid when (passthrough or accept_all) is false MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-136 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-120. Hardware Errors for Reserved Ftype (continued) Status Bit Set if Interrupt corresponding Generated bit is enabled Error Address:WdPtr:Xambs Request hits overlapping ATMU windows. Refer to Packet checked as non Swrite packet Address:WdPtr:Xambs Not unsupported transaction Request hits a protected ATMU window or the LCSBA1CSR Packet checked as non Swrite packet RapidIO Error Response Generated Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments LTLEDCSR[IAC Yes if LTLEECS B] R[IACB] is set No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped LTLEDCSR[ITD] No Same as first entry RapidIO packet is dropped Yes if LTLEECS R[ITD] is set MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-137 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-121. Hardware Errors for Outbound Transaction Crossed ATMU Boundary Error OCN Address and payload size OCN address range for Outbound RapidIO transaction hits multiple ATMU windows. Refer to Status Bit Set if Interrupt Generated corresponding bit is enabled Yes if LTLEECSR [OACB] is set and/or LTLEECSR [PRT] is set LTLEDCSR[OA CB], LTLEDCSR[PR T] Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Using the original request RapidIO packet send out by OB, for small Transport type, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's For Large Transport type packets, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92,LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB ] gets 16-23,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 31,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-138 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-122. Hardware Errors for Outbound Packet Time-to-live Errors Error Packet time-to-live error Status Bit Set if Interrupt Generated corresponding bit is enabled LTLEDCSR[PT Yes if LTLEECSR TL] [PTTL] is set Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Using the RapidIO packet attempted to send outbound, if configured in small transport mode, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 78 - 79, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 48 76,LTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 0's,LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets packet bits 16 23,LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets 0's, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 32 - 35, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's For large transport mode, LTLACCSR[XA] gets packet bits 94-95, LTLACCSR[A] gets packet bits 64-92, LTLTLTLDIDCCSR[DIDMSB] gets 16-23, LTLDIDCCSR[DID] LTL gets packet bits 24 - 31, LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] gets bits 32-39, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets bits 40-47, LTLCCCSR[FT] gets packet bits 12 - 15, LTLCCCSR[TT] gets packet bits 48- 51, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0's 17.9 RapidIO Message Unit This message unit supports multicast and non-multicast single segment messages and non-multicast multiple segment messages. 17.9.1 Overview The RapidIO message unit supports a message passing programming model for inter-processor and inter-device communication. This model enables a producer to send a message across the interconnect fabric to a consumer's message hardware, called a mailbox. The receiving mailbox hardware places the message in a queue located in local memory. A message may consist of one to sixteen segments. When a configured number of messages have been received, an interrupt (if enabled) is generated to the interrupt controller for the processor to process the messages. Messages can be queued for transmission in the producer's memory and the message hardware will process them sequentially. Messages can also be queued in the consumer's memory while software processes them sequentially. The depths of the queues MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-139 Serial RapidIO Interface in the producer and consumer are configurable by software. A multicast function allows single segment messages to be sent to multiple consumers. The message unit is compliant with the message passing logical specification contained in the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2 (but assumes the msgseg field is redefined for more mailboxes when single segment messages are being sent). The most common use of the message passing model is in systems where a processing element is only allowed to access memory that is local to itself, and communication between processing elements is achieved through message passing and communication is address independent. Each inbound message controller has a dedicated interrupt that can be used to notify software that a configured number of messages have been received. Similarly, each outbound message controller has a dedicated interrupt that can be used to notify software that there are no more messages for the outbound mailbox controller to process. The message controller is managed through a set of run-time registers. 17.9.2 * Features Support for one or more outbound message controllers with the following features -- chaining and direct modes -- extended mailboxes (XMBOX) for single segment messages -- multicast up to 32 RapidIO destinations for single segment messages -- transmitting to any mailbox and extended mailbox for a single segment message (letter 3 is reserved for an alternative message source like the DMA, but can be used if the DMA will not generate messages and the RapidIO endpoint is configured appropriately) -- transmitting to any mailbox for multi segment message (letter 3 is reserved for an alternative message source like the DMA, but can be used if the DMA will not generate messages and the RapidIO endpoint is configured appropriately) -- segment size up to 256 bytes -- up to sixteen segment messages with a total payload of up to 4 Kbytes -- one entire message (up to a 16 message segments) can be transmitted before receiving any response -- one entire single segment message to all multicast destinations (up to 32) can be transmitted before receiving any response -- all message segment transfers for a message transaction must complete before the next message transaction begins -- pipelined transmission of a full message in each message controller but all responses must be received before the next message can be transmitted -- in chaining mode the next descriptor can be fetched before the current message completes (descriptor prefetching) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-140 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * Support for one or more inbound message controllers with the following features -- reception of any mailbox and letter for a single or multi segment message -- segment size up to 256 bytes -- up to sixteen segment messages with a total payload of up to 4 Kbytes -- full inbound line rate performance -- back-to-back message reception of the same or lower priority -- out-of-order message segment reception -- concurrent inbound message controller operation 17.9.3 * * * Outbound Modes of Operation Direct mode: Software is expected to program all the necessary registers for sending an outbound message. Chaining mode: A descriptor that describes the message information is fetched from local memory before a message is sent. Multicast mode: A single segment message (256 bytes or less) is sent to multiple destinations. This mode is supported in direct or chaining mode. The following sections describe the structure and operation of the outbound message controller and inbound message controller hardware in the data message controller. 17.9.4 Outbound Message Controller Operation The outbound message controller is responsible for sending messages stored in local memory. The outbound message controller supports three modes of operation, direct, chaining, and multicast mode. In direct mode, software programs the necessary registers to point to the beginning of the message in memory. In chaining mode, software programs the necessary registers to point to the beginning of the first valid descriptor in memory. The descriptor provides all the necessary registers to start the message transfer. In multicast mode, a single segment message can be sent to multiple destinations. Multicast mode is supported in direct or chaining mode. Each outbound message controller uses a unique letter number. For example, if there are two outbound message controllers, message controller 0 uses letter 0 and message controller 1 uses letter 1. Direct Mode Operation In direct mode (OMnMR[MUTM] is set in the outbound message mode register) the outbound message controller does not read descriptors from memory, but instead uses the current parameters programmed in the outbound message controller registers to start the transfer. In direct mode, software is responsible for initializing all the parameters in all the necessary registers to start the message transmission. The message transfer is started when the outbound message controller start bit, OMnMR[MUS], in the outbound message mode register transitions from a 0 to 1 and the outbound message controller is not already busy. If the outbound message controller is already busy, OMnMR[MUS] transitioning from 0 to 1 is ignored. Software is expected to program all the appropriate registers before setting OMnMR[MUS]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-141 Serial RapidIO Interface There are many ways in which software can interact with the message controller. One sequence of events to start and complete a transfer in direct mode is as follows: * Poll the status register message unit busy bit, OMnSR[MUB], to make sure the outbound message controller is not busy with a previously initiated message. * Clear the status bits (OMnSR[MER], OMnSR[RETE], OMnSR[PRT], OMnSR[TE], OMnSR[QOI], OMnSR[QFI], OMnSR[EOMI], and OMnSR[QEI]) * Initialize the source address (EOMnSAR, OMnSAR), destination port (OMnDPR), destination attributes (OMnDATR), retry error threshold (OMnRETCR), and double-word count (OMnDCR) registers. If multicast mode is enabled (OMnMR[MM]) initialize the multicast group and list (OMnMGR, OMnMLR). * Initialize the outbound message mode register message unit transfer mode bit, OMnMR[MUTM] = 1, to indicate direct mode. Other control parameters must also be initialized in the mode register. * Clear, then set the mode register message unit start bit, OMnMR[MUS], to start the message transfer. * OMnSR[MUB] bit is set by the outbound message controller to indicate the message transfer is in progress. * The outbound message controller reads a message segment from local memory using the source address register (EOMnSAR, OMnSAR). * If a message has multiple segments, the outbound message controller reads the other message segments from local memory. * After the message read to local memory completes, the message is sent. * The OMnSR[MUB] is cleared by the outbound message controller after the message operation completes. A non multicast message transfer completes after all message segments complete. A multicast message transfer completes after all message segments complete for each destination. A message segment completes when one of the following occurs: -- done response received -- error response -- a packet response time-out received -- retry error threshold exceeded -- an internal error occurs during the local memory access * After the outbound message operation completes, the outbound message interrupt will be generated if the end of message outbound message interrupt event is enabled (OMnDATR[EOMIE]). Interrupts The outbound message controller interrupt can be generated for one reason in direct mode. * End-Of-Message - an interrupt is generated after the completion of a message if this interrupt event is enabled (OMnDATR[EOMIE] is a 1). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by OMnSR[EOMI]. The interrupt will be held until the OMnSR[EOMI] bit is cleared by writing a 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-142 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface The error/port-write interrupt can be generated for the following reasons in direct mode. * message error response - an interrupt is generated after a message error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) * packet response time-out- an interrupt is generated after a packet response time-out occurs and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) * retry error threshold exceeded- an interrupt is generated after a retry threshold exceeded error occurs and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) * transaction error- an interrupt is generated after an OCN error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) Message Error Response Errors When a message error response is received by the message controller the following occurs. * The message controller sets the message error response status bit (OMnSR[MER]) * If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops Packet Response Time-out Errors When a packet response time-out occurs for a message segment the following occurs. * The message controller sets the packet response time-out status bit (OMnSR[PRT]) * If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops Retry Error Threshold Exceeded Errors When a retry error threshold exceeded error occurs for a message segment the following occurs. * The message controller sets the retry threshold exceed status bit (OMnSR[RETE]) * If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops Transaction Errors When an internal error occurs during a local memory read by the message controller the following occurs. * The message controller sets the transaction error bit (OMnSR[TE]) * Message segments that have an internal error are not sent because the message data is not available * Memory reads that already were generated before the internal error occurred are also not transferred. * Additional memory reads for the same message operation are generated but not transferred. * All subsequent message segments for the same message operation are not transferred. This includes retried message segments. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-143 Serial RapidIO Interface * * After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. Error Handling When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is generated, the following occurs. * Software determines the cause of the interrupt and processes the error * Software verifies the message controller has stopped operation by polling OMnSR[MUB] * Software disables the message controller by clearing OMnMR[MUS] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (OMnSR[MER], OMnSR[PRT], OMnSR[RETE], or OMnSR[TE]) When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is not enabled, the following occurs. * Software determines that an error has occurred by polling the status bits (OMnSR[MER], OMnSR[PRT], OMnSR[RETE], or OMnSR[TE]) * Software verifies the message controller has stopped operation by polling OMnSR[MUB] * Software disables the message controller by clearing OMnMR[MUS] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (OMnSR[MER], OMnSR[PRT], OMnSR[RETE], or OMnSR[TE]) Disabling and Enabling the Message Controller Once the message controller is started, it cannot be stopped. Hardware Error Handling The following list possible error conditions and what occurs when they are encountered. The error checking level indicates the order in which errors are checked. Multiple errors can be checked at an error checking level. Once an error is detected no additional error checking beyond the current level is performed. The first error detected in the processing pipeline updates the error management extensions registers. These error condition checks are provided by the messaging unit. These check are in addition to the error condition checks provided by the RapidIO port given in Section 17.8.12, "Errors and Error Handling." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-144 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-123. Outbound Message Direct Mode Hardware Errors Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Transaction Error Message Request An internal error occurred during a read of the message segment from local memory 1 SRIO error/writeport if OM nMR[EI E] set Message Request An internal error occurred for an earlier message segment local memory read. An internal error for a subsequent message segment local memory read for the same message may or may not occur. 2 No Undefined Packet Reserved ftype encoding1 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UT] set Status Bit Set Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Message Segment Sent Transaction error in the outbound message status register (OMnSR[TE]). Message Failed in the Mailbox CSR (MCSR[FA]). No None Yes Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UT] Yes -- Comments Message controller stops after the current message operation completes. The descriptor dequeue pointer is not incremented in chaining mode. Message controller stops after the current message operation completes. Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-145 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-123. Outbound Message Direct Mode Hardware Errors (continued) Transaction Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Message Segment Sent Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Message Response Reserved tt encoding1 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [TSE] set Illegal transaction target in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITT E] Transport size error in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE ] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response Large transport size when operating in small transport size or small transport size when operating in large transport size1 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [TSE] set Transport size error in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE ] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. An error or illegal transaction target error response is not generated. Message Response Illegal Destination ID1 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITTE] set Illegal transaction target in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITT E] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response ttype (transaction field) is not message response1 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response Message response received and no outbound mailboxes are supported1 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UR] set Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UR] No Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-146 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-123. Outbound Message Direct Mode Hardware Errors (continued) Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Message Segment Sent Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Transaction Error Message Response reserved response status (not done, retry, or error) 4a SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response message response packet size is incorrect 4a SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Message Format error in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response Incorrect Source ID 4b SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UR] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response letter, mbox and msgseg not outstanding or letter, mbox and xmbox not outstanding 4b SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UR] set Unsolicited response in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UR] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response RapidIO priority is less than or equal to message request 4c SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Response error response 5 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [MER] set. SRIO error/writeport if OM nMR[EI E]. Message error response in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ME R]. OMnSR[MER] bit set if in direct mode or if in chaining mode. Yes Updated with the corresponding message request packet2 Message segment transfer complete. The descriptor dequeue pointer is not incremented in chaining mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-147 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-123. Outbound Message Direct Mode Hardware Errors (continued) Transaction Error Message Response number of retries exceeds limit Message Response packet response time-out Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Message Segment Sent Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments 5 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [RETE] set. SRIO error/writeport if OM nMR[EI E]. Retry error threshold exceeded in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[RET E] OMnSR[RETE] bit set if in direct mode or if in chaining mode. Yes Updated with the corresponding message request packet2 Message segment transfer complete. The descriptor dequeue pointer is not incremented in chaining mode. unrelated SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [PRT] set. SRIO error/writeport if OM nMR[EI E]. Packet response time-out in the Logical/Transpor t Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[PRT ]. OMnSR[PRT] bit set if in direct mode or if in chaining mode. Yes Updated with the corresponding message request packet.2 The LTLDIDCCSR[SIDMSB] and LTLDIDCCSR[SID] field will be 0.. Message segment transfer complete. The descriptor dequeue pointer is not incremented in chaining mode. 1 - These error types are actually detected in the RapidIO port, not in the message controller 2 - If operating in small transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 78 - 79), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 48 - 76), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16 - 23), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 24 - 31), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12 - 15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 32 - 35), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets the msg info (packet bits 40 - 47). If operating in large transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 94- 95), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 64- 92), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets the most significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16 - 23), LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 24 - 31), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets the most significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 32 - 39), LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 40 - 47), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12 - 15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 48 - 51) if the message request packet is captured or 0 if the message response packet is captured, LTLCCCSR[MI] gets the msg info (packet bits 56 - 63). Programming Errors The following is the list of programming errors that result in undefined or undesired hardware operation. Table 17-124. Outbound Message Direct Mode Programming Errors Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set double-word count greater than 256 bytes when multicast mode selected No None Undefined operation results double-word count set to a reserved value No None Undefined operation results Error Comments MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-148 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-124. Outbound Message Direct Mode Programming Errors (continued) Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Transaction flow level set to 3 No None Undefined operation results Target interface set to an invalid RapidIO port No None Undefined operation results Source address for message read is invalid No No Local memory will capture the transaction and generate an interrupt. address for error enqueue address pointer is invalid No No Local memory will capture the transaction and generate an interrupt. register values changed during operation No No Undefined operation results Error Comments Chaining Mode In chaining mode, OMnMR[MUTM] = 0 in the outbound message mode register, message descriptors are built in local memory in a circular queue. There are several options available to the programmer in chaining mode. Software can build one or more descriptors in memory before initializing the outbound message controller registers, or it can initialize the outbound message controller registers and then build the descriptors. The enqueue pointer (OMnDQEPAR, EOMnDQEPAR) is maintained by software. The outbound message controller dequeues descriptors, processes them and increments the dequeue pointer (OMnDQDPAR, EOMnDQDPAR) to point to the next descriptor in the queue. Figure 17-99 below depicts a sample structure of the outbound portion of the message controller, and a descriptor queue, with each valid descriptor queue entry pointing to a valid message. In this example, the descriptor queue has eight entries, four of which are currently valid. The local processor enqueues descriptors and the outbound message controller dequeues the descriptors. Local Processor Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers Packets to RapidIO Interface Local Memory Outbound Message Controller Local Memory Enqueue Pointer Dequeue Pointer Desc Desc Desc Desc Outbound Descriptor List Queue Message Data Message Data Message Data Message Data Figure 17-99. Outbound Frame Queue Structure MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-149 Serial RapidIO Interface Message Controller Initialization There are many ways in which software can interact with the message controller. One method to initialize the message controller is as follows: * Poll the status register message unit busy bit, OMnSR[MUB], to make sure the outbound message controller is not busy with a previously initiated message. * Clear the message unit start bit (OMnMR[MUS]) * Initialize the descriptor queue dequeue pointer address registers (OMnDQDPAR, EOMnDQDPAR) and the descriptor queue enqueue pointer address registers (OMnDQEPAR, EOMnDQEPAR). These need to be initialized to the same value for proper operation. These pairs of registers must also be queue size aligned (that is, the queue must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor)). For example, if there are 16 entries in the queue, the queue must be 512-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in OMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ]; see Section, "Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR)"). * Initialize the retry error threshold in the outbound message retry error threshold configuration register (OMnRETCR). * Clear OMnMR[MUTM] for chaining mode * If using single segment multicast mode, set OMnMR[MM] * Configure the other control parameters in the mode register (OMnMR). * Clear OMnSR[MER, PRT, RETE, TE, QOI, QFI, EOMI and QEI]. If OMnSR[MER, PRT, RETE, TE or QOI] are not cleared, the message controller will not start a new message operation. Incorrect status will be indicated if the other status bits are not cleared. * Set the message unit start (OMnMR[MUS]). This enables the outbound message controller and causes the descriptor dequeue pointer (OMnDQDPAR, EOMnDQDPAR) to be saved off as the base address of the descriptor queue. Chaining Mode Operation The method to start and complete transfers by adding descriptors after initializing the message unit is as follows: * Create one or more descriptors in local memory starting at the address pointed to by the descriptor queue enqueue pointer address register (OMnDQEPAR, EOMnDQEPAR) * Either increment the enqueue pointer address registers (OMnDQEPAR, EOMnDQEPAR) by setting OMnMR[MUI] for each descriptor entry added or directly change the enqueue pointer address register (OMnDQEPAR). If OMnMR[MUI] is set by software, the message controller clears this bit after successfully incrementing the enqueue pointer. * When the descriptor queue is not empty, the message controller reads the descriptor from local memory using the address pointed to by the dequeue pointer (OMnDQDPAR, EOMnDQDPAR) and sets the busy bit (OMnSR[MUB]). * If another descriptor is available, the message controller reads the next descriptor from local memory using the address pointed to by the dequeue pointer (OMnDQDPAR, EOMnDQDPAR). The message controller will not prefetch more than one descriptor. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-150 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OMnSR[MUB] is set by the message controller to indicate that the message transfer is in progress. OMnSR[MUB] will remain set until the descriptor queue is empty or a transaction error occurs. Additional descriptors can be created and enqueued by software while the message controller is busy (OMnSR[MUB]). Software can continue adding descriptors as long as the descriptor queue is not full. If software is adding descriptors using the OMnMR[MUI] bit, overflowing the queue can be prevented by polling the queue full bit (OMnSR[QF]) before creating and enqueueing the next descriptor. After the descriptor memory read completes, the corresponding message segment is read from local memory. If a message has multiple segments, the outbound message controller reads the other message segments from local memory. After the message read to local memory completes, the message is sent. If multicast is enabled, all of the indicated targets are sent the same message. A non multicast message transfer completes after all message segments complete. A multicast message transfer completes after all message segments complete for each destination. A message segment completes when one of the following occurs: -- done response received -- error response received -- a packet response time-out occurred -- retry error threshold exceeded -- an internal error occurred during the descriptor (all message segments complete) or message read of local memory When processing for the current descriptor completes, if another descriptor is available the above steps are repeated. If a RapidIO error response is received, the message error response bit is set (OMnSR[MER]) and outbound message controller operation stops after all message segments complete. If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. If a packet response time-out occurs, the packet response time-out bit is set (OMnSR[PRT]). If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. If the retry error threshold value is exceeded for a specific segment, the retry error threshold exceeded bit is set (OMnSR[RETE]) and outbound message controller operation stops after all message segments complete. If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. If an internal error occurs while reading local memory, the transaction error bit is set (OMnSR[TE]) and outbound message controller operation stops after all message segments complete. If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. The above process continues until the descriptor queue is empty (dequeue pointer equals the enqueue pointer). The message unit clears OMnSR[MUB] after completing the processing of the last descriptor or a transaction error occurs. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-151 Serial RapidIO Interface * If an error occurs the message unit must be disabled, re-initialized and re-enabled before another message can be sent. Changing Descriptor Queues in Chaining Mode When software wants to switch to another descriptor queue in local memory, it must wait for the processing of the current queue to complete as indicated by the busy bit (OMnSR[MUB]). Software then disables the message controller by clearing OMnMR[MUS], changes the enqueue and dequeue descriptor pointers (EOMnDQEPAR, OMnDQEPAR and EOMnDQDPAR, OMnDQDPAR) and re-enables the message unit by setting OMnMR[MUS]. Preventing Queue Overflow in Chaining Mode Software must guarantee that descriptors are not added to an already full queue. When the increment bit is used (OMnMR[MUI]) software can poll the queue full bit (OMnSR[QF]) before enqueueing another descriptor. When software sets the enqueue pointer directly, software is responsible for not overflowing the descriptor queue. Switching Between Direct and Chaining Modes The message unit architecture allows switching from direct mode to chaining mode and vice-versa once all the required parameters have been initialized in the appropriate registers and when the message unit is not busy with a current transfer as indicated by OMnSR[MUB] being cleared. When switching from direct mode to chaining mode, if OMnMR[MUS] is cleared and set, the message unit will be re-initialized in chaining mode and the outbound message descriptor queue dequeue pointer address will be saved off as the new base address of the circular queue in memory. When switching from chaining mode to direct mode, OMnMR[MUS] must also be cleared and set. Chaining Mode Descriptor Format The descriptor contains information for the message unit controller to transfer data. Software must ensure that each descriptor is aligned on a 32-byte boundary and that the descriptor queue is on a queue boundary (in other words, on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor)). For each descriptor in the queue, the message unit controller starts a new message operation with the control parameters specified by the descriptor. Table 17-125. Outbound Message Unit Descriptor Summary Descriptor Field Description Source Extended Address Contains the source address of the message operation for local addresses of greater than 32 bits. After the message controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the source extended address register. Source Address Contains the source address of the message operation. After the message controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the source address register. Destination Port Contains the destination port of the message operation. After the message controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the destination port register. Destination Attributes Contains transaction attributes of the message operation. After the message controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the destination attributes register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-152 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-125. Outbound Message Unit Descriptor Summary (continued) Descriptor Field Description Multicast Group Contains the logical multicast group. Groups are defined a list of 32 numerically consecutive destinations by deviceID. Multicast List Contains a bit vector list of consecutive destinations by deviceID. Double-word Count Contains the number of doublewords for the message operation. After the message controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the double-word count register. Reserved -- Figure 17-100 depicts the queue dequeue pointer and an associated descriptor. The descriptor is only valid if the enqueue and dequeue pointers are not equal. Descriptor Dequeue Pointer Address Register 0 31 Local Memory Offset 0x00 Source Extended Address 0x04 Source Address 0x08 Destination Port 0x0C Destination Attributes 0x10 Multicast Group 0x14 0x18 Double-word Count Multicast List Reserved 0x1C 0 Descriptor 31 Figure 17-100. Descriptor Dequeue Pointer and Descriptor Chaining Mode Controller Interrupts The outbound message interrupt can be generated for several reasons. * Queue empty--an interrupt is generated to the interrupt controller if the queue goes empty and the interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[QEIE] is a 1). The event that caused the outbound message interrupt is indicated by OMnSR[QEI]. The interrupt will be held until the queue is not empty and the OMnSR[QEI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. * Queue full--an interrupt is generated to the interrupt controller if the queue is full and the interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[QFIE] is a 1). The event that caused the outbound message interrupt is indicated by OMnSR[QFI]. The interrupt will be held until the queue is not full and the OMnSR[QFI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. * Queue overflow--an interrupt is generated to the interrupt controller if the queue is full, the increment bit is set (OMnMR[MUI]) and the interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[QOIE] is a 1). The event that caused the outbound message interrupt is indicated by OMnSR[QOI]. The message unit must be re-initialized. The interrupt will be held until the OMnSR[QOI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. This interrupt is also generated if the enqueue pointer is directly written and causes an overflow. * End-of-message--an interrupt is generated after the completion of the message if this interrupt event is enabled (OMnDATR[EOMIE] is a 1). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-153 Serial RapidIO Interface OMnSR[EOMI]. The interrupt will be held until the OMnSR[EOMI] bit is cleared by writing a 1. This allows an interrupt to be generated after a particular descriptor has been processed. The error/port-write interrupt can be generated for the following reasons in direct mode. * Message error response--an interrupt is generated after a message error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) * Packet response time-out--an interrupt is generated after a packet response time-out occurs and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) * Retry error threshold exceeded--an interrupt is generated after a retry threshold exceeded error occurs and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) * Transaction error--an interrupt is generated after a message error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (OMnMR[EIE]) Message Error Response Errors When a message error response is received by the message controller the following occurs. * The message controller sets the message error response status bit (OMnSR[MER]) * If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops Packet Response Time-out Errors When a packet response time-out occurs for a message segment the following occurs. * The message controller sets the packet response time-out status bit (OMnSR[PRT]) * If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops Retry Error Threshold Exceeded Errors When a retry error threshold exceeded error occurs for a message segment the following occurs. * The message controller sets the retry threshold exceed status bit (OMnSR[RETE]) * If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops Transaction Errors When an internal error occurs during a local memory read by the message controller the following occurs. * The message controller sets the transaction error bit (OMnSR[TE]) * If the internal error occurs during the descriptor memory read by the message controller, no message segment memory reads are generated and no message segments are sent * Message segments that have an internal error are not sent because the message data is not available * Memory reads that already were generated before the internal error occurred are also not transferred. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-154 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * * * * Additional memory reads for the same message operation are generated but not transferred. All subsequent message segments for the same message operation are not transferred. This includes retried message segments. After the message operation completes (indicated by OMnSR[MUB]) the message controller stops If OMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. Error Handling When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is generated, the following occurs. * Software determines the cause of the interrupt and processes the error * Software verifies the message controller has stopped operation by polling OMnSR[MUB] * Software disables the message controller by clearing OMnMR[MUS] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (OMnSR[MER], OMnSR[PRT], OMnSR[RETE], or OMnSR[TE]) When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is not enabled, the following occurs. * Software determines that an error has occurred by polling the status bits (OMnSR[MER], OMnSR[PRT], OMnSR[RETE], or OMnSR[TE]) * Software verifies the message controller has stopped operation by polling OMnSR[MUB] * Software disables the message controller by clearing OMnMR[MUS] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (OMnSR[MER], OMnSR[PRT], OMnSR[RETE], or OMnSR[TE]) Hardware Error Handling The following list additional error conditions beyond the errors listed for direct mode. All the errors listed in the direct mode section can also occur. The error checking level indicates the order in which errors are checked. Multiple errors can be checked at an error checking level. Once an error is detected no additional error checking beyond the current level is performed. The first error detected in the processing pipeline updates the error management extensions registers. These error condition checks are provided by the messaging unit. These checks are in addition to the error condition checks provided by the RapidIO port given in Section 17.8.12, "Errors and Error Handling." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-155 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-126. Outbound Message Chaining Mode Hardware Errors Transaction Error Message Request An internal error occurred during a read of the descriptor from local memory Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level 0 Status Bit Set Message Segment Sent Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register No -- SRIO Transaction error error/write- in the outbound port if message status OMnMR[EI register (OMnSR[TE]). E] set Message Failed in the Mailbox CSR (MCSR[FA]). Comments Message controller stops. Note that the descriptor dequeue pointer is not incremented. Programming Errors The following is the list of programming errors that result in undefined or undesired hardware operation. These errors are in addition to the programming errors listed for direct mode. Table 17-127. Outbound Message Chaining Mode Programming Errors Error Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Comments Enqueued descriptor address is invalid No No Local memory will capture the transaction and generate an interrupt. Address for descriptor enqueue address pointer is invalid No No Local memory will capture the transaction and generate an interrupt. Descriptor queue enqueue and dequeue pointers are not initialized to the same value No No Undefined operation results Descriptor queue size set to a reserved value No No Undefined operation results Address of descriptor enqueue pointer set to a value outside of queue No No Undefined operation results Enqueueing of descriptors causes descriptor queue overflow Outbound message interrupt enable set (OMnMR[QOIE]) Queue misaligned No Queue overflow Message controller stops. (OM nSR[QOI]) No May result in duplicate messages being sent Message Controller Arbitration Service control defines the order in which each message controller sends messages from its message queues when there are more than one outbound message unit. There are two options: * Fixed priority--the lowest numbered message unit has the highest priority. Message unit 0 has the highest priority. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-156 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * Rotating priority-- in this mode the order in which the message units take turns sending messages is round robin (message units 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, etc.). The number of messages a message unit can send is from 1 to 64. OMnMR[SCNTL] configures the message units for these modes and defines operation in direct or chaining mode. In fixed priority mode, all message segments for message unit 0 must complete before another lower priority message unit (message units 1, 2, 3, etc.) can start. However, in rotating priority mode, another message unit can start processing a message as soon as all message segments have been transmitted. Also, if in fixed priority mode and a message unit other than message unit 0 is processing a message, message unit 0 can start processing a message as soon as all of the message segments have been transmitted. 17.9.5 Inbound Message Controller Operation The inbound message controller is responsible for receiving messages and placing them in a circular frame queue in local memory. The inbound message controller can receive segments of a message in any order. The address of where to write the message is computed as: Base address + (msgseg x ssize in double-words). Unlike the outbound message controller where the enqueue pointer is controlled by software and the dequeue pointer is controlled by hardware, the inbound message controller controls the enqueue pointer and the software controls the dequeue pointer. Figure 17-101 depicts a sample structure of the inbound message frames and the frame pointers. In this example, the frame queue has eight entries, three of which are currently valid. The inbound controller controls the enqueue pointer and the software controls the dequeue pointer. After a configured number of messages have been received, an interrupt is generated to the processor. After processing a received message, the local processor can either write the inbound message mode register mailbox increment bit (IMnMR[MI]]) causing the dequeue pointer to point to the next message frame in the queue or wait until all the received messages have been processed and write the dequeue pointer. Local Processor Read Dequeue Pointer Local Memory Enqueue Pointer Packets from RapidIO Interface Inbound Mailbox Port Dequeue Pointer Message Frame Message Frame Message Frame Figure 17-101. Inbound Message Structure MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-157 Serial RapidIO Interface Inbound Message Controller Initialization The sequence of events to initialize the message controller is as follows: * Initialize the frame queue dequeue pointer address registers (IMnFQDPAR, EIMnFQDPAR) and the frame queue enqueue pointer address registers (EIMnFQEPAR, IMnFQEPAR). These need to be initialized to the same value for proper operation. These also must be queue size aligned (in other words, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x frame size). For example, if there are eight entries in the queue and the frame size is 128 bytes, the queue must be 1024-byte aligned. * Clear the status register (IMnSR). * Set the mailbox enable bit (IMnMR[ME]) along with the other control parameters (frame queue size, message-in-queue threshold, frame size, snoop enable, and the various interrupt enables) in the inbound message mode register (IMnMR). Inbound Controller Operation There are many ways in which software can interact with the message controller. One method is as follows: * The inbound message controller receives a message segment request from the RapidIO port. If the inbound message controller is enabled (IMnMR[ME] =1), the inbound message controller has received all the segments for the previous message, and the frame queue is not full then the message segment is accepted. * The inbound message controller computes the address for each segment of the message (up to 16 segments per message) using the value of the inbound message frame queue enqueue pointer address registers and the segment number. * The inbound message controller writes each segment to the circular queue in local memory at the computed address. * Once the entire message is received and the write of all message segments have completed, the enqueue pointer is incremented to point to the next message frame in local memory by the inbound message controller. A message operation completes after all message segments for the message complete. A message segment completes when one of the following occurs: -- the memory write completes (either successfully or an internal error occurred) -- a message request time-out occurs (all message segments that have not yet been received are now complete) * The message segments for a message can immediately be followed by the message segments for another message if certain rules are followed. If a message segment arrives for a new message before all of the previous message memory writes complete for the previous message and the RapidIO priority (the prio field value in the message packet) of the message is equal to or lower than the RapidIO priority of all of the previous messages, the message is processed by the message controller and a memory write is generated to the appropriate frame queue entry. If the RapidIO priority of the message is higher than any of the previous message memory writes that have not completed, the message controller generates a retry. Also, if a message segment arrives before all of the previous message memory writes for the same message complete and the new message segment is higher priority than the previous message segments, then the message controller MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-158 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * * * * * * generates a retry. The IMnSR[MB] is cleared by the message controller when all message operations complete. An inbound message interrupt is generated to the local processor if the number of messages in the queue is greater than or equal to the configured message-in-queue threshold (IMnMR[MIQ_THRESH) and this event is enabled to generate the interrupt (IMnMR[MIQIE]). Software determines that the message-in-queue event caused the interrupt by detecting that the message-in-queue interrupt bit is set when reading the inbound message status register (IMnSR[MIQI]). Software processes the frame queue entry pointed to by the frame dequeue pointer address registers (IMnFQDPAR, EIMnFQDPAR). Software increments the dequeue pointer address registers (IMnFQDPAR, EIMnFQDPAR) by setting the message increment bit (IMnMR[MI]). Software determines if there are any more messages to process by reading the queue empty bit (IMnSR[QE]). If the queue is not empty, the previous two steps are repeated. Optionally, software reads the enqueue pointer address registers (IMnFQEPAR, EIMnFQEPAR) and processes all the received messages. After the message processing is complete the dequeue pointer address registers (IMnFQDPAR, EIMnFQDPAR) are written. Software clears the message-in-queue interrupt bit (IMnSR[MIQI]) by writing a 1 to the IMnSR[MIQI] bit. Message Steering Messages are forwarded to the inbound message controllers as follows: * Messages directed to mailbox 0 are forwarded to message controller 0 * Messages directed to mailbox 1, 2 or 3 are forwarded to message controller 1 Retry Response Conditions The conditions to generate a logical layer retry (response retry) are: * Local memory circular queue is full and a message is received. * The inbound message controller has already received at least one segment of a multi-segment message but has not received all message segments (determined by a different RapidIO source ID, RapidIO destination ID or mailbox) * Message received with a higher priority than all of the previous messages that are being written to memory but have not completed. Note that if all inbound messages are the same RapidIO priority the third condition for generating a retry will not occur. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-159 Serial RapidIO Interface Inbound Message Controller Interrupts The inbound message controller generates the inbound message interrupt for several different events. Each event can be individually enabled. * Message-in-queue--an interrupt is generated whenever -- The circular queue has accumulated the specified number of messages and this interrupt event is enabled (IMnMR[MIQIE]). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by IMnSR[MIQI]. The interrupt will be held until the dequeue pointer and enqueue pointer indicate that the specified number of messages is not in the frame queue and the IMnSR[MIQI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. -- The circular queue has one or message in it, the specified number of message has not accumulated, a message has not been dequeued for the maximum interrupt report interval and this interrupt event is enabled (IMnSR[MIQIE]). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by IMnSR[MIQI]. The interrupt will be held until the IMnSR[MIQI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. * Queue full--an interrupt is generated whenever the circular queue becomes full and this interrupt event is enabled (IMnSR[QFIE]). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by IMnSR[QFI]. The interrupt will be held until the queue is not full and the IMnSR[QFI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. The error/port-write interrupt can be generated for the following reasons. * Message request time-out--an interrupt is generated after a message request time-out occurs and this interrupt event is enabled (IMnMR[EIE]) * Transaction error-- an interrupt is generated after a OCN error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (IMnMR[EIE]) Message Request Time-out Errors The message request time-out counter starts after the first valid segment of a multisegment message is received and the time-out counter is enabled. When a message request time-out occurs the following occurs. * The message controller sets the message request time-out status bit (IMnSR[MRT]) * All message segments that have not yet been received are considered complete * If IMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated * Once all message segments complete (indicated by IMnSR[MB]), the message controller stops Transaction Errors When an internal error occurs during a local memory write by the message controller the following occurs. * The message controller sets the transaction error bit (IMnSR[TE]) and enters the error state * The message controller returns an error response * Memory writes that already were generated before the internal error occurred also return an error response MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-160 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface * * After the message operation completes (indicated by IMnSR[MB]) the message controller stops If IMnMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. Error Handling When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is generated, the following occurs. * Software determines the cause of the interrupt and processes the error * Software verifies the message controller has stopped operation by polling IMnSR[MB] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (IMnSR[MRT], and/or IMnSR[TE]) * The message unit must be disabled, re-initialized and re-enabled before another message can be received. When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is not enabled, the following occurs. * Software determines that an error has occurred by polling the status bits (IMnSR[MRT] and/or IMnSR[TE]) * Software verifies the message controller has stopped operation by polling IMnSR[MB] * Software disables the message controller by clearing IMnMR[ME] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (IMnSR[MRT] and/or IMnSR[TE]) Hardware Error Handling The following lists possible error conditions and what occurs when they are encountered. The error checking level indicates the order in which errors are checked. Multiple errors can be checked at an error checking level. Once an error is detected no additional error checking beyond the current level is performed. Note that messages are processed in a pipeline fashion. The first error detected in the processing pipeline updates the error management extensions registers. These error condition checks are provided by the messaging unit. These check are in addition to the error condition checks provided by the RapidIO port given in Table 17-128. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-161 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-128. Inbound Message Hardware Errors Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status Logical/ Transport Layer Capture Register Comments A reserved ftype1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[UT] set Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UT] No No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Reserved tt encoding1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[TSE] set Transport size error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE]. No No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Large transport size when operating in small transport size or small transport size when operating in large transport size1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[TSE] set Transport size error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE] No No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. An error or illegal transaction target error response is not generated. Illegal Destination ID1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[ITTE] set Illegal transaction target in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITTE] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. An incorrect message packet size (payload is not than the specified ssize except for the last segment. The last segment's payload can be less than or equal to the segment size but not 0. Note that payload sizes are dword multiples.)1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message Format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Reserved ssize field1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message Format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-162 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-128. Inbound Message Hardware Errors (continued) Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status Logical/ Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Message received and no mailboxes are supported as indicated by DOCAR[M]1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[UT] set Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UT] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message packet size larger than the configured frame size and message controller is enabled 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message Format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. An inbound message packet with a RapidIO priority of 3 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] No No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Not an error - The RapidIO priority is not consistent for all message segments of a message 2 -- -- Yes Done or Retry Response message segment number is larger than the number of message segments in the message 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error -- Updated with the packet2 Retry response occurs if the higher priority message segment is received while the memory write for a corresponding lower priority message segment is outstanding Packet is ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-163 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-128. Inbound Message Hardware Errors (continued) Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status Logical/ Transport Layer Capture Register Comments duplicate message segment is received (Note that all segments of a multi segment message must be received before the next message begins). 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. msglen (number of segments in a message) is not consistent in all segments of a multi segment message 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. ssize (segment size) is not consistent in all segments of a multi segment message 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Message received for an unsupported mailbox but at least one mailbox is supported 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[UT] set Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UT] No Error -- Packet is ignored and discarded. This error will only apply if a mailbox is not supported. This error is not currently supported since all mailboxes are supported. Message Controller Disabled and Message Received 2 No None No Error -- Packet is ignored and discarded. Message Controller Enabled but in the Error State and Message Received 2 No None No Error -- Packet is ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-164 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-128. Inbound Message Hardware Errors (continued) Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Internal error occurred during the write of the frame queue entry to memory 3 SRIO error/writeport if IMnMR[EI E] set An internal error occurred for an earlier posted frame queue entry memory write and a subsequent frame queue entry memory write is posted before the internal error is detected. An internal error may or may not occur during the subsequent frame queue entry memory write. The frame queue could be for the same message or a different message. 4 No Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status Logical/ Transport Layer Capture Register Transaction error in the Message status register (IMnSR[TE]). Message Failed in the Message CSR (MCSR[FA]) No Error -- Message controller stops after the current message operation completes. The enqueue pointer is not incremented. None Yes Error -- -- Status Bit Set Comments MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-165 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-128. Inbound Message Hardware Errors (continued) Error message request to request time-out for multi segment messages Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level unrelated SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MRT] set. SRIO error/writeport if OM nMR[EI E]. Status Bit Set Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status No No Message request time-out in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MRT]. IM nSR[MRT] bit set. Logical/ Transport Layer Capture Register Updated with the previous message request packet except that the message segment field (bits 4 to 7 of LTLCCCSR[MI]) is updated with the lowest message segment number that has not yet been received.2 Comments All message segments received before the time-out update memory. The enqueue pointer is not incremented. The message operation completes. Note: 1. These error types are actually detected in the RapidIO port, not in the message controller. 2. If operating in small transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 78 79), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 48 - 76), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16 - 23), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 24 - 31), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12 - 15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 32 - 35), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets the msg info (packet bits 40 - 47). If operating in large transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 94- 95), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 64- 92), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets the most significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16 - 23), LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 24 - 31), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets the most significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 32 - 39), LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 40 - 47), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12 - 15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 48 - 51), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets the msg info (packet bits 56 - 63). Programming Errors The following is a partial list of programming errors that result in undefined or undesired hardware operation. Table 17-129. Inbound Message Programming Errors Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Reserved value of the message in queue threshold (IMnMR[MIQ_THRESH]) or reserved value of the circular frame queue size (IM nMR[CIRQ_SIZE]) No No Undefined operation results The message in-queue threshold is equal to the frame queue size No No Message in queue interrupt occurs when queue is full The message in-queue threshold is greater than the frame queue size No No Message in queue interrupt never occurs Error Comments MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-166 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-129. Inbound Message Programming Errors (continued) Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Comments Frame queue entry written to non-existent memory No No Memory controller will cause the interrupt and update capture registers. IMnSR[TE] will be set due to the internal error. Message enqueue and dequeue pointers are not initialized to the same value No No Undefined operation results The dequeue frame pointer register is set incorrectly. No No Undefined operation results Queue misaligned No No May cause unpredictable behavior Error Disabling and Enabling the Inbound Message Controller When the message controller is disabled by clearing IMnMR[ME] the following occurs. * Queue full clears (IMnSR[QF]) * Message-in-queue clears (IMnSR[MIQ]) * Queue empty is set (IMnSR[QE]) Once the message controller is disabled, an error response will be generated for all new message packets. If the message controller is disabled before all of the message segments for a multisegment message are received, a message request time-out must occur and all pending frame queue writes must complete before message busy clears (IMnSR[MB]). Before the message controller is re-enabled the message busy bit must be clear (IMnSR[MB) and the (IMnMR[ME]) the frame queue dequeue pointer address registers (IMnFQDPAR, EIMnFQDPAR) and the frame queue enqueue pointer address registers (IMnFQEPAR, EIMnFQEPAR) must be initialized to the same value for proper message controller operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-167 Serial RapidIO Interface 17.9.6 RapidIO Message Passing Logical Specification Registers The mailbox command and status register (MCSR) provides the status for the four inbound and the four outbound controllers. These read-only status bits indicate the state of each of the message controllers. * Available (MCSR[A])--Indicates that the inbound message controller is enabled (IMnMR[ME]), the inbound message controller is not in the internal error state (IMnSR[TE] = 0) and the inbound message controller did not detect a message request time-out (IMnSR[MRT] = 0) * Full (MCSR[FU])--This bit reflects the inbound message controller queue full status * Empty (MCSR[EM])--This bit reflects the state of the outbound message controller message empty status * Busy (MCSR[B])--This bit reflects the state of the inbound message controller busy bit IMnSR[MB] * Failed (MCSR[FA])--This bit is set if any of the following bits are set: - The inbound message controller transaction error status bit IMnSR[TE] - The inbound message controller message request time-out status bit IMnSR[MRT] - The outbound message controller transaction error status bit OMnSR[TE] is set - The outbound message controller packet response time-out bit OMnSR[PRT] is set - The outbound message controller message error response received status bit OMnSR[MER] is set - The outbound message controller retry error threshold exceeded status bit OMnSR[RETE] is set * Error (MCSR[ERR])--This bit is always 0 17.10 RapidIO Doorbell and Port-Write Unit This section describes the operation of the doorbell and port-write controllers, which are part of the RapidIO message unit. The doorbell and port-write controllers are compliant with the message passing logical specification contained in the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2. The doorbell controller generates and receives doorbells. The port-write controller receives but does not generate port-writes. The doorbell and port-write controllers are controlled through a set of run-time registers. 17.10.1 Features * Support for one outbound doorbell controller * Support for one inbound doorbell controller - * The doorbell controller can sustain back-to-back inbound doorbells Support for one inbound port-write controller with the following features - Up to 64 bytes of payload - Only one inbound port-write queue entry MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-168 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface 17.10.2 Doorbell Controller RapidIO supports a doorbell type that contains no data payload. The RapidIO architecture references outbound and inbound doorbell controllers. This doorbell unit supports both inbound and outbound doorbells. Inbound doorbells are handled by the doorbell controller similar to how the message controller handles inbound data messages. The doorbell controller receives the doorbells and places it in a circular queue located in local memory. Additional doorbells can be received and forwarded to memory before the previous doorbell memory write completes as long as the RapidIO priority is the same or lower than the previous doorbell. The doorbell is retried if the RapidIO priority is higher than the previous doorbell. Outbound doorbells are generated through a memory-mapped write port rather than a queue. An outbound doorbell must complete before another outbound doorbell can be generated. Figure 17-102 depicts an example of the structure of the inbound doorbell queue and pointers. The doorbell queue has eight entries, three of which are currently valid. The doorbell controller enqueues doorbells and the local processor dequeues doorbells. The doorbell entry size is fixed at 64 bits because doorbell packets only pass a small amount of information, making the enqueue and dequeue pointers double-word addresses. The outbound doorbell controller has a dedicated interrupt that can be used to notify software that a doorbell has been sent. Each inbound doorbell controller has a dedicated interrupt that can be used for notification of incoming doorbells. Local Processor Read Dequeue Pointer Local Memory Enqueue Pointer Packets from RapidIO Interface Inbound Doorbell Controller Dequeue Pointer Doorbell Entry Doorbell Entry Doorbell Entry Figure 17-102. Inbound Doorbell Queue and Pointer Structure Outbound Doorbell Controller The outbound doorbell controller is used to generate doorbells. Software is responsible for initializing all the parameters in all the necessary registers to start the doorbell transmission. The doorbell transfer is started when the doorbell start bit, ODMR[DUS], in the outbound doorbell mode register transitions from a 0 to 1 and the doorbell controller is not already busy. Software is expected to program all the appropriate registers before setting ODMR[DUS]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-169 Serial RapidIO Interface There are many ways in which software can interact with the doorbell controller. One method to generate a doorbell is as follows: * Poll the status register doorbell unit busy bit, ODSR[DUB], to make sure the outbox is not busy with a previously initiated doorbell. * Clear the status bits (ODSR[MER], ODSR[RETE], ODSR[PRT], and ODSR[EODI]) * Initialize the destination port (ODDPR), destination attributes (ODDATR) and retry error threshold (ODRETCR) registers * Clear, then set the doorbell start bit, ODMR[DUS], to start the doorbell transfer. * ODSR[DUB] is set when ODMR[DUS] transitions from a 0 to a 1 to indicate the doorbell transfer is in progress. * The outbound doorbell controller sends the doorbell * The ODSR[DUB] is cleared by the outbound doorbell controller after the doorbell operation completes. A doorbell completes when one of the following occurs: -- done response received -- error response received -- a packet response time-out occurred -- the retry limit was exceeded * The outbound doorbell interrupt will be generated if the end of doorbell outbound doorbell interrupt event is enabled (ODDATR[EODIE]). Interrupts The outbound doorbell controller interrupt can be generated for one reason. * End-Of-Doorbell. An interrupt is generated after the completion of a doorbell (done, error, packet response time-out or retry limit exceeded) if this interrupt event is enabled (ODDATR[EODIE] is a 1). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by ODSR[EODI]. The interrupt will be held until the ODSR[EODI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. The error/port-write interrupt can be generated for the following reasons. * RapidIO error response. An interrupt is generated after a RapidIO error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (ODMR[EIE]) * Packet response time-out. An interrupt is generated after a packet response time-out occurs and this interrupt event is enabled (ODMR[EIE]) * Retry error threshold exceeded. An interrupt is generated after a retry threshold exceeded error occurs and this interrupt event is enabled (ODMR[EIE]) Error Response Errors When a RapidIO error response is received by the doorbell controller the following occurs. * The doorbell controller sets the message error response status bit (ODSR[MER]) * If ODMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the doorbell operation completes (indicated by ODSR[DUB]) the doorbell controller stops MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-170 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Packet Response Time-Out Errors When a packet response time-out occurs for a doorbell the following occurs. * The doorbell controller sets the packet response time-out status bit (ODSR[PRT]) * If ODMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the doorbell operation completes (indicated by ODSR[DUB]) the doorbell controller stops Retry Error Threshold Exceeded Errors When a retry error threshold exceeded error occurs for a doorbell the following occurs. * The doorbell controller sets the retry threshold exceed status bit (ODSR[RETE]) * If ODMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. * After the doorbell operation completes (indicated by ODSR[DUB]) the doorbell controller stops Error Handling When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is generated, the following occurs. * Software determines the cause of the interrupt and processes the error * Software verifies the doorbell controller has stopped operation by polling ODSR[DUB] * Software disables the doorbell controller by clearing ODMR[DUS] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (ODSR[PRT], ODSR[PRT], and/or ODSR[RETE]) When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is not enabled, the following occurs. * Software determines that an error has occurred by polling the status bits (ODSR[MER], ODSR[PRT], and/or ODSR[RETE]) * Software verifies the doorbell controller has stopped operation by polling ODSR[DUB] * Software disables the doorbell controller by clearing ODMR[DUS] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (ODSR[MER], ODSR[PRT], and/or ODSR[RETE]) Disabling and Enabling the Doorbell Controller Once the doorbell controller is started, it cannot be stopped. Hardware Error Handling The following is a list possible error conditions and what occurs when they are encountered. The error checking level indicates the order in which errors are checked. Multiple errors can be checked at an error checking level. Once an error is detected, no additional error checking beyond the current level is performed. Note that outbound doorbell responses are processed in a pipeline fashion. The first error detected in the processing pipeline updates the error management extensions registers. These error condition checks are provided by the messaging unit. These check are in addition to the error condition checks provided by the RapidIO port given in Section 17.8.12, "Errors and Error Handling." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-171 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-130. Outbound Doorbell Hardware Errors Error Checking Level Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Doorbell Sent Logical/Transp ort Layer Capture Register Comments Transaction Error Undefined Packet Reserved ftype encoding1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UT] set Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UT] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response Reserved tt encoding1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [TSE] set Transport size error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE. Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response Large transport size when operating in small transport size or small transport size when operating in large transport size1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [TSE] set Transport size error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE. Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. An error or illegal transaction target error response is not generated. Doorbell Response Illegal Destination ID1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITTE] set Illegal transaction target in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITTE] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response doorbell not outstanding1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UR] set Unsolicited response in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UR] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response ttype (transaction field) is not doorbell response1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response RapidIO priority is less than or equal to outbound request1 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-172 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-130. Outbound Doorbell Hardware Errors (continued) Error Checking Level Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Doorbell Sent Logical/Transp ort Layer Capture Register Comments Transaction Error Doorbell Response Incorrect Source ID1 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response reserved response status 1 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response doorbell response packet size is incorrect1 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [MFE] set Message Format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] Yes Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Response error response 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [MER] set. SRIO error/writeport if ODMR[EIE] . Message error response in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MER]. ODSR[MER] bit set Yes Updated with doorbell transfer the complete corresponding doorbell request packet2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-173 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-130. Outbound Doorbell Hardware Errors (continued) Error Checking Level Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Logical/Transp ort Layer Capture Register Doorbell Sent Comments Transaction Error Doorbell Response number of retries exceeds limit 3 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [RETE] set. SRIO error/writeport if ODMR[EIE] . Retry limit exceeded in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[RETE] ODSR[RETE] bit set. Yes Updated with doorbell transfer the complete corresponding doorbell request packet2 Doorbell Response packet response time-out1 unrelated SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [PRT] set. SRIO error/writeport if ODMR[EIE. Packet response time-out in the logical/transport layer error detect CSR LTLEDCSR[PRT] in RapidIO endpoint. ODSR[PRT] bit set. Yes Updated with the doorbell request packet in the RapidIO endpoint2 1) 2) doorbell transfer complete. Note that the RapidIO endpoint sends special priority 3 pkt indicating doorbell time-out. These error types are actually detected in the RapidIO port, not in the doorbell controller If operating in small transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 78-79), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 48-76), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16-23), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 24-31), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12-15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 32-35), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0. If operating in large transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 94-95), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 64-92), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets the most significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16-23), LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 24-31), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets the most significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 32-39), LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 40-47), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12-15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 48-51), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0. Programming Errors The following is the list of programming errors that result in undefined or undesired hardware operation. Table 17-131. Outbound Doorbell Programming Errors Error Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Comments Transaction flow level set to reserved (2'b11) No None Unit hangs. If the transaction flow level is then changed to a value other than reserved, the doorbell operation will start using this new transaction flow level. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-174 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-131. Outbound Doorbell Programming Errors (continued) Error Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Target interface set to an invalid RapidIO port No None Undefined operation results Register values changed during operation No No Undefined operation results Comments Inbound Doorbell Controller The inbound doorbell controller is responsible for receiving doorbells and placing them in a circular doorbell queue in local memory. The inbound controller controls the enqueue pointer and the software controls the dequeue pointer. After a configured number of doorbells have been received, an interrupt is generated to the processor. After processing a received doorbell, the local processor can either write the doorbell mode register increment bit (IDMR[DI]]) causing the dequeue pointer to point to the next doorbell in the queue or wait until all the received doorbells have been processed and write the dequeue pointer. Inbound Doorbell Controller Initialization There are many ways in which software can interact with the doorbell controller. One method to initialize the doorbell controller is as follows: * Initialize the doorbell queue dequeue pointer address registers (DQDPAR, EDQDPAR) and the doorbell queue enqueue pointer address registers (DQEPAR, EDQEPAR). These need to be initialized to the same value for proper operation. These also must be queue size aligned. * Clear the status register (IDSR). * Set the doorbell enable bit (IDMR[DE]) along with the other control parameters (doorbell queue size, doorbell-in-queue threshold, snoop enable, and the various interrupt enables) in the doorbell mode register (IDMR). Inbound Doorbell Controller Operation There are many ways in which software can interact with the doorbell controller. One method is as follows: * The doorbell controller receives a doorbell. If the inbound doorbell controller is enabled (IDMR[DE] = 1) and the doorbell queue is not full, then the doorbell is accepted. * The 16-bit information field along with the RapidIO source ID and RapidIO destination ID are stored in local memory by the doorbell controller using the value of the doorbell queue enqueue pointer address registers (DQEPAR, EDQEPAR). * Once the memory write completes the enqueue pointer is incremented to point to the next doorbell queue entry in local memory. * If another doorbell arrives before all of the previous doorbell memory writes complete and the RapidIO priority of the doorbell is equal to or lower than the RapidIO priority of all of the previous doorbells, the doorbell is processed by the doorbell controller and a memory write is generated to the appropriate doorbell queue entry. If the RapidIO priority of the doorbell is higher than any of the previous doorbell memory writes that have not completed, the doorbell controller generates a retry. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-175 Serial RapidIO Interface * * * * * * An inbound doorbell interrupt is generated to the local processor because the number of doorbells in the queue is greater than or equal to the configured doorbell-in-queue threshold (IDMR[DIQ_THRESH) and this event is enabled to generate the interrupt (IDMR[DIQIE]). Software determines that the doorbell-in-queue event caused the interrupt by detecting that the doorbell-in-queue interrupt bit is set when reading the doorbell status register (IDSR[DIQI]). Software processes the doorbell queue entry pointed to by the doorbell dequeue pointer address registers (DQDPAR, EDQDPAR). Software increments the dequeue pointer address registers (DQDPAR, EDQDPAR) by setting the doorbell increment bit (IDMR[DI]). Software determines if there are any more doorbells to process by reading the queue empty bit (IDSR[QE]). If the queue is not empty, the previous two steps are repeated. Software clears the doorbell-in-queue interrupt bit (IDSR[DIQI]) by writing a 1 to the IDSR[DIQI] bit. Inbound Doorbell Queue Entry Format This section defines the format of the doorbell information written to memory by the doorbell controller. Each doorbell entry in the queue has 2 offsets of 32 bits, one for target information and one for source information. The target information is stored because a RapidIO port can be configured to accept packets from any destination. In addition, when there are multiple RapidIO ports on one device each port may be configured with a different destination ID. Table 17-132. Inbound Doorbell Target Info Definition Bits Name 0-15 -- Description Reserved 16-23 ETID Extended target ID when in large transport mode, reserved when in small transport mode 24-31 TID Target ID field from the received doorbell packet Table 17-133. Source Info Definition Bits Name Description 0-7 ESID Extended Source ID when in large transport mode, reserved when in small transport mode 8-15 SID Source ID field from the received doorbell packet 16-23 INFO MSB Most significant byte of the info field from the received doorbell packet 24-31 INFO LSB Least significant byte of the info field from the received doorbell packet Figure 17-103 depicts the doorbell queue entry fields and their related offsets. Local Memory Offset 0b000 Target Info 0b100 Source Info 0 31 Figure 17-103. Doorbell Entry Format MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-176 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Retry Response Conditions There are two conditions in which a doorbell is retried at the logical layer (response retry). * Doorbell received and there are no entries available in the doorbell queue. * Doorbell received with a higher priority than all of the previous doorbells that are being written to memory but have not completed. If all inbound doorbells are the same RapidIO priority the second condition for generating a retry will not occur. Doorbell Controller Interrupts There is one doorbell controller interrupt per inbound doorbell controller. The following events can generate this interrupt. * Doorbell-in-queue--this event generates an interrupt under the following conditions -- the circular queue has accumulated the configured number of doorbells specified by the doorbell-in-queue threshold (IDMR[DIQ_THRESH) and this interrupt event is enabled (IDMR[DIQIE]). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by IDSR[DIQI]. The interrupt will be held until the dequeue pointer and enqueue pointer indicate that the specified number of doorbells is not in the doorbell queue and the IDSR[DIQI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. -- the circular queue has one or more doorbells in it, the specified number of doorbells has not accumulated, a doorbell has not been dequeued for the maximum interrupt report interval and this interrupt event is enabled (IDMR[DIQIE]). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by IDSR[DIQI]. The interrupt will be held until either IDMR[DI] has been set or DQDPAR[DQDPA] has been written followed by clearing IDSR[DIQI]. * Queue full--an interrupt is generated each time the circular queue becomes full and this interrupt event is enabled (IDSR[QFIE]). The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by IDSR[QFI]. The interrupt will be held until the queue is not full and the IDSR[QFI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. The error/port-write interrupt can be generated for the following reasons. * Transaction error--an interrupt is generated after a OCN error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (IDMR[EIE]) Transaction Errors When an internal error occurs during a local memory write by the doorbell controller the following occurs. * The doorbell controller sets the transaction error bit (IDSR[TE]) and enters the error state * The doorbell controller returns an error response * If IDMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-177 Serial RapidIO Interface Error Handling When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is generated, the following occurs. * Software determines the cause of the interrupt and processes the error * Software verifies the doorbell controller has stopped operation by polling IDSR[DB] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (IDSR[TE]) * The doorbell unit must be disabled, re-initialized and re-enabled before another doorbell can be received. Hardware Error Handling The following list possible error conditions and what occurs when they are encountered. The error checking level indicates the order in which errors are checked. Multiple errors can be checked at an error checking level. Once an error is detected no additional error checking beyond the current level is performed. Note that doorbells are processed in a pipeline fashion. The first error detected in the processing pipeline updates the error management extensions registers These error condition checks are provided by the messaging unit. These check are in addition to the error condition checks provided by the RapidIO port given in Section 17.8.12, "Errors and Error Handling." Table 17-134. Inbound Doorbell Hardware Errors Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status Logical/Transp ort Layer Capture Register Comments Reserved ftype1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[UT] set Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UT] No No Updated with the Packet is Response packet2 ignored and discarded. Reserved tt encoding1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[TSE] set Transport size error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE]. No No Updated with the Packet is Response packet2 ignored and discarded. Large transport size when operating in small transport size or small transport size when operating in large transport size1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[TSE] set Transport size error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[TSE]. No No Updated with the Packet is Response packet2 ignored and discarded. An error or illegal transaction target error response is not generated. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-178 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-134. Inbound Doorbell Hardware Errors (continued) Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status Logical/Transp ort Layer Capture Register Comments Illegal Destination ID1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[ITTE] set Illegal transaction target in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITTE] No Error Updated with the Packet is packet2 ignored and discarded. Inbound doorbell received and inbound doorbells are not supported as indicated by DOCAR[D]1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[UT] set Unsupported transaction in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[UT] No Error Updated with the Packet is packet2 ignored and discarded. An inbound doorbell packet with a RapidIO priority of 3 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[ITD] set Illegal transaction decode in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ITD] No An incorrect doorbell packet size (not one datum in small transport mode or not two datums in large transport mode) 2 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECS R[MFE] set Message Format error in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[MFE] No Error Doorbell Controller Disabled and Doorbell Received 3 No None No Error -- Packet is ignored and discarded. Doorbell Controller Enabled but in the Error State and Doorbell Received 3 No None No Error -- Packet is ignored and discarded. No Updated with the Packet is Response packet2 ignored and discarded. Updated with the Packet is packet2 ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-179 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-134. Inbound Doorbell Hardware Errors (continued) Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Internal error occurred during the write of the doorbell queue entry to memory 4 SRIO error/writeport if OMMR[EI E] set An internal error occurred for an earlier posted write of a doorbell queue entry to memory and a subsequent write of a doorbell queue entry to memory is posted before the internal error is detected. An internal error may or may not occur during the subsequent write of a doorbell queue entry to memory. 5 No Queue Entry Written in Local Memory Response Status Logical/Transp ort Layer Capture Register Transaction error in the Doorbell status register (ISSR[TE]). Doorbell Failed in the Port-write and Doorbell CSR (PWDCSR[FA]) No Error -- Doorbell controller stops after the current doorbell operation completes. The enqueue pointer is not incremented. None Yes Error -- -- Status Bit Set Comments 1. These error types are actually detected in the RapidIO port, not in the doorbell controller 2. If operating in small transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 78-79), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 48-76), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16-23), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 24-31), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12-15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 32-35), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0. If operating in large transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 94-95), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 64-92), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets the most significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16-23), LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 24-31), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets the most significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 32- 39), LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 40-47), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12-15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 48-51), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-180 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Programming Errors The following is the list of programming errors that result in undefined or undesired hardware operation. Table 17-135. Inbound Doorbell Programming Errors Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Reserved value of the doorbell in queue threshold (ID nMR[DIQ_THTRES]) or reserved value of the circular doorbell queue size (IDnMR[CIRQ_SIZE]) No No Undefined operation results The doorbell in-queue threshold is equal to the doorbell queue size No No Doorbell in queue interrupt occurs when queue is full The doorbell in-queue threshold is greater than the doorbell queue size No No Doorbell in queue interrupt never occurs Doorbell queue entry written to non-existent memory No No Memory controller will cause the interrupt and update capture registers Doorbell enqueue and dequeue pointers are not initialized to the same value No No Undefined operation results The dequeue pointer register is set incorrectly. No No Undefined operation results Error Comments Disabling and Enabling the Doorbell Controller When the doorbell controller is disabled by clearing IDMR[DE] the following occurs. * Queue full clears (IDSR[QF]) * Doorbell-in-queue clears (IDSR[DIQ]) * Queue empty is set (IDSR[QE]) * Doorbell busy clears (IDSR[DUB]) after all pending doorbell queue entry writes to local memory complete Before the doorbell controller is re-enabled the doorbell busy bit must be clear (IDSR[DB) and the doorbell queue dequeue pointer address registers (DQDPAR, EDQDPAR) and the doorbell queue enqueue pointer address registers (DQEPAR, EDQEPAR) must be initialized to the same value for proper doorbell controller operation. RapidIO Message Passing Logical Specification Registers The port-write and doorbell command and status register (PWDCSR) includes several doorbell controller status bits. These read-only status bits indicate the state of doorbell controller 0. * Available (PWDCSR[A]). Indicates that the inbound doorbell controller is enabled (IDMR[DE]) and the doorbell controller is not in the internal error state (IDSR[TE] = 0) * Full (PWDCSR[FU]). This bit reflects the inbound doorbell controller queue full status bit (IDSR[QF]) * Empty (PWDCSR[EM]). This bit reflects the inverted state of the outbound doorbell busy bit (ODSR[DUB] = 0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-181 Serial RapidIO Interface * * * Busy (PWDCSR[B]). This bit reflects the state of the inbound doorbell controller busy bit IDSR[DUB] Failed (PWDCSR[FA]). This bit reflects the state of the transaction error status bit IDSR[TE] Error (PWDCSR[ERR]). This bit is always a 0 17.10.3 Port-Write Controller The implementation of the port-write controller is very similar to the inbound message and doorbell controllers except only one queue entry is supported. The port write is intended as an error reporting mechanism from an end point-less device to a control processor or other system host. Figure 17-104 depicts an example of the structure of the inbound queue and pointer. The port-write queue only contains one entry with a fixed size of 64 bytes and aligned to a cache line boundary. The port-write controller uses the error/port-write interrupt (SRIO error/write-port) for notification of incoming port-writes. Local Processor Read Pointer Inbound Port-Write Port-Write Packets From Controller RapidIO Interface Local Memory Pointer Port-Write 64-Byte Entry Port Write Queue Figure 17-104. Inbound Port-Write Structure Port-Write Controller Initialization There are many ways in which software can interact with the port-write controller. One method to initialize the port-write controller is as follows: * Initialize the port-write queue base address registers (IPWQBAR, EIPWQBAR). * Clear the status register (IPWSR). * Set the port-write enable bit (IPWMR[PWE]) along with the other control parameters (snoop enable and the interrupt enable) in the inbound port-write mode register (IPWMR). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-182 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Port-Write Controller Operation There are several ways in which software can interact with the port-write controller. One method is as follows: * The port-write controller receives a port-write from the RapidIO port. If the inbound port-write controller is enabled (IPWMR[PWE] = 1) and the port-write queue is not full, then the port-write is accepted. * 64 bytes of payload is stored by the port-write controller in local memory using the value of the port-write queue base address registers (IPWQBAR, EIPWQBAR). Valid payload sizes include 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64 bytes. Note that 64 bytes are always written to memory. If the actual payload size is less than 64 bytes, the non payload data written is undefined. * If the queue full interrupt enable bit is set (IPWMR[QFIE]) after the memory write completes the error/port-write interrupt is generated by the port-write controller. * An inbound error/port-write interrupt is generated to the local processor because a port-write was received and this event is enabled to generate the interrupt (IPWMR[QFIE]). Note that the RMU actually generates the SRIO error/write-port output and this is combined with the error interrupt to generate the error/port-write interrupt. * Software determines that the queue full event caused the interrupt by detecting that the queue full interrupt bit is set when reading the inbound port-write status register (IPWSR[QFI]). Note there are many events that can generate this interrupt. Software must read several registers to determine that the interrupt was generated due to a port-write. * Software processes the port-write queue entry pointed to by the port-write base address registers (IPWQBAR, EIPWQBAR). * Software sets the clear queue bit (IPWMR[CQ]) re-enabling the hardware to receive another port-write. * Software clears the queue full interrupt bit (IPWSR[QFI]) by setting the IPWSR[QFI]. Port-Write Controller Interrupt The error/port-write interrupt is used by the port-write controller. This interrupt is used to notify the processor that some type of error event has occurred in a RapidIO port, message controller, doorbell controller or port-write controller. There are many events that can generate this interrupt. For example, the error management extensions use this interrupt to notify that error events have occurred. In the port-write controller the following event can generate this interrupt. * Queue full--an interrupt is generated when this interrupt event is enabled (IPWMR[QFIE]) and a port-write is received and has been written to memory. The event that caused this interrupt is indicated by IPWSR[QFI]. The interrupt will be held until the queue is not full and the IPWSR[QFI] bit has been cleared by writing a 1. * Transaction error--an interrupt is generated after a OCN error response is received and this interrupt event is enabled (IPWMR[EIE]) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-183 Serial RapidIO Interface Discarding Port-Writes While the queue full bit is set or if a port-write is currently being written to memory but has not completed all received port-writes are discarded. When a port-write is discarded for one of these reasons the controller sets the port write discarded bit (IPWSR[PWD]). Note that the port-write busy bit (IPWSR[PWB]) indicates that a port-write is currently being written to memory but has not completed. Transaction Errors When an internal error occurs during a local memory write by the port-write controller the following occurs. * The port-write controller sets the transaction error bit (IPWSR[TE]) and enters the error state * If IPWMR[EIE] is set, the interrupt SRIO error/write-port is generated. Error Handling When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is generated, the following occurs. * Software determines the cause of the interrupt and processes the error * Software verifies the port-write controller has stopped operation by polling IPWSR[PWB] * Software disables the port-write controller by clearing IPWMR[PWE]. * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (IPWSR[TE]) * The port-write unit must be disabled, re-initialized and re-enabled before another maintenance port-write can be received. When an error occurs and the SRIO error/write-port interrupt is not enabled, the following occurs. * Software determines that an error has occurred by polling the status bits (IPWSR[TE]) * Software verifies the port-write controller has stopped operation by polling IPWSR[PWB] * Software disables the port-write controller by clearing IPWMR[PWE] * Software clears the error by writing a 1 to the corresponding status bit (IPWSR[TE]) Hardware Error Handling The following list possible error conditions and what occurs when they are encountered. The error checking level indicates the order in which errors are checked. Multiple errors can be checked at an error checking level. Once an error is detected no additional error checking beyond the current level is performed. Note that port-writes are processed in a pipeline fashion. The first error detected in the processing pipeline updates the error management extensions registers These error condition checks are provided by the messaging unit. These check are in addition to the error condition checks provided by the RapidIO port given in Section 17.8.12, "Errors and Error Handling." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-184 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-136. Inbound Port-Write Hardware Errors Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue entry written in local memory Response status Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments reserved ftype1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UT] set Unsupporte No d transaction in the Logical/Tran sport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ UT] No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Reserved tt encoding1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [TSE] set No Transport size error in the Logical/Tran sport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ TSE]. No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Large transport size when operating in small transport size or small transport size when operating in large transport size1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [TSE] set No Transport size error in the Logical/Tran sport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ TSE]. No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. An error or illegal transaction target error response is not generated. Illegal Destination ID 1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITTE] set No Illegal transaction target in the Logical/Tran sport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ ITTE] No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-185 Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-136. Inbound Port-Write Hardware Errors (continued) Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue entry written in local memory Response status Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments An incorrect wr_size encoding (not 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64 bytes), payload size greater than the size defined by wr_size, or not dword aligned when the size is not 4 bytes.1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set No Message Format error in the Logical/Tran sport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ ITD] No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. wr_size value reserved1 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [ITD] set No Message Format error in the Logical/Tran sport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ ITD] No Response Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. Inbound maintenance port-write received and inbound maintenance port-writes are not supported as indicated by DOCAR[PW] 1 SRIO error/writeport if LTLEECSR [UT] set Unsupporte No d transaction in the Logical/Tran sport Layer Error Detect CSR LTLEDCSR[ UT] Error Updated with the packet2 Packet is ignored and discarded. 2 -- No Response Inbound port write considered priority 2 by the inbound port write controller since response from memory is required at priority 3. 1 Not an error An inbound port-write packet with a RapidIO priority of 3 -- Yes -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-186 Freescale Semiconductor Serial RapidIO Interface Table 17-136. Inbound Port-Write Hardware Errors (continued) Error Error Interrupt Checking Generated Level Status Bit Set Queue entry written in local memory Response status Logical/Transport Layer Capture Register Comments Port-write Controller Disabled and Port-write Received 2 No None No No Response -- Packet is ignored and discarded. Port-write Controller Enabled but in the Error State and Port-write Received 2 No None No No Response -- Packet is ignored and discarded. Internal error occurred during the write of the port-write queue entry to memory 3 SRIO error/writeport if IPWMR[EI E] set Transaction No error in the Port-write status register (IPWSR[TE] ). Port-write Failed in the Port-write and Doorbell CSR (PWDCSR[ PFA]) No Response -- Port-write controller stops after the current port-write operation completes. 1. These error types are actually detected in the RapidIO port, not in the port-write controller 2. If operating in small transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 78 - 79), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 48 - 76), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16 - 23), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets 0, LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 24 - 31), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12 - 15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 32 - 35), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0. If operating in large transport size configuration using the packet LTLACCSR[XA] gets the extended address (packet bits 94- 95), LTLACCSR[A] gets the address (packet bits 64- 92), LTLDIDCCSR[MDID] gets the most significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 16 - 23), LTLDIDCCSR[DID] gets the least significant byte of the destination ID (packet bits 24 - 31), LTLDIDCCSR[MSID] gets the most significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 32 - 39), LTLDIDCCSR[SID] gets the least significant byte of the source ID (packet bits 40 - 47), LTLCCCSR[FT] gets the ftype (packet bits 12 - 15), LTLCCCSR[TT] gets the ttype (packet bits 48 - 51), LTLCCCSR[MI] gets 0. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17-187 Serial RapidIO Interface Programming Errors The following is the list of programming errors. Table 17-137. Inbound Port-Write Programming Errors Error Port-write queue entry written to non-existent memory Interrupt Generated Status Bit Set Comments No No When a write to memory occurs the memory controller will cause its own interrupt and update its own capture registers. An internal error response will be returned. When the port-write controller receives the error response it will set the transaction error bit (IPWSR[TE]) and be in the error state. Disabling and Enabling the Port-Write Controller When the port-write controller is disabled by clearing IPWMR[PWE] the following occurs. * Queue full clears (IPWSR[QF]) * Port-write busy clears (IPWSR[PWB]) after a pending port-write queue entry write completes Before the port-write controller is re-enabled (IPWMR[PWE]) the port-write busy bit must be clear (IPWSR[PWB]). RapidIO Message Passing Logical Specification Registers The port-write and doorbell command and status register (PWDCSR) includes several port-write controller status bits. These read-only status bits only indicate the state of the port-write controller. * Available (PWDCSR[PA]). Indicates that the port-write controller is enabled (IPWMR[PWE]), the only port-write queue entry is available to be written (IPWSR[QF]) = 0 and the port-write controller is not in the internal error state (IPWSR[TE] = 0) * Full (PWDCSR[PFU]). This bit reflects the state of the queue full status bit (IPWSR[QF]) * Empty (PWDCSR[PEM]). This bit always a 1 since a port-write cannot be generated * Busy (PWDCSR[PB]). This bit reflects the state of the busy bit IPWSR[PWB] * Failed (PWDCSR[PFA]). This bit reflects the state of the transaction error status bit IPWSR[TE] * Error (PWDCSR[PE]). This bit is always a 0 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 17-188 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 18 PCI Express Interface Controller The PCI Express interface complies with the PCI ExpressTM Base Specification, Revision 1.0a (available from It is beyond the scope of this manual to document the intricacies of the PCI Express protocol. This chapter describes the PCI Express controller of this device and provides a basic description of the PCI Express protocol. The specific emphasis is directed at how the device implements the PCI Express specification. Designers of systems incorporating PCI Express devices should refer to the specification for a thorough description of PCI Express. NOTE Much of the available PCI Express literature refers to a 16-bit quantity as a WORD and a 32-bit quantity as a DWORD. Note that this is inconsistent with the terminology in the rest of this manual where the terms `word' and `double word' refer to a 32-bit and 64-bit quantity, respectively. Where necessary to avoid confusion, the precise number of bits or bytes is specified. 18.1 Introduction The PCI Express controller provides the mechanism to communicate with PCI Express devices. Figure 18-1 is a high-level block diagram of the PCI Express controller. 18.1.1 Overview The PCI Express controller connects the internal platform to a 2.5-GHz serial interface. MPC8548E offers up to a x8 interface link. As both an initiator and a target device, the PCI Express interface is capable of high-bandwidth data transfer and is designed to support next generation I/O devices. Upon coming out of reset, the PCI Express interface performs link width negotiation and exchanges flow control credits with its link partner. Once link autonegotiation is successful, the controller is in operation. Internally, the design contains queues to keep track of inbound and outbound transactions. There is control logic that handles buffer management, bus protocol, transaction spawning and tag generation. In addition, there are memory blocks used to store inbound and outbound data. The PCI Express controller can be configured to operate as either a PCI Express root complex (RC) or an endpoint (EP) device. An RC device connects the host CPU/memory subsystem to I/O devices while an EP device typically denotes a peripheral or I/O device. In RC mode, a PCI Express type 1 configuration header is used; in EP mode, a PCI Express type 0 configuration header is used. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-1 PCI Express Interface Controller Message Manager RX TX Transaction Layer RX TX Data Link Layer RX TX MAC Layer Configuration Registers Internal Platform (OCeaN) Interface SerDes Interface PCI Express Link Figure 18-1. PCI Express Controller Block Diagram As an initiator, the PCI Express controller supports memory read and write operations with a maximum transaction size of 256 bytes. In addition, configuration and I/O transactions are supported if the PCI Express controller is in RC mode. As a target interface, the PCI Express controller accepts read and write operations to local memory space. When configured as an EP device, the PCI Express controller accepts configuration transactions to the internal PCI Express configuration registers. Message generation and acceptance are supported in both RC and EP modes. Locked transactions and inbound I/O transactions are not supported. Outbound Transactions Outbound internal platform transactions to PCI Express are first mapped to a translation window to determine what PCI Express transactions are to be issued. A transaction from the internal platform can become a PCI Express Memory, I/O, Message, or Configuration transaction depending on the window attributes. A transaction may be broken up into smaller sized transactions depending on the original request size, transaction type, and either the PCI Express device control register [MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE] field for write requests or the PCI Express device control register [MAX_READ_SIZE] field for read requests. The MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-2 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller controller performs PCI Express ordering rule checking to determine which transaction is to be sent on the PCI Express link. In general, transactions are serviced in the order that they are received from the internal platform (OCeaN). Only when there is a stalled condition does the controller apply PCI Express ordering rules to outstanding transactions. For posted write transactions, once all data has been received from the internal platform (OCeaN), the data is forwarded to the PCI Express link and the transaction is considered as done. For non-posted write transactions, the controller waits for the completion packets to return before considering the transaction finished. For non-posted read transactions, the controller waits for all completion packets to return and then forwards all data back to the internal platform before terminating the transaction. Inbound Transactions Inbound PCI Express transactions to internal platform are first mapped to a translation window to determine what internal platform transactions are to be issued. A transaction may be broken up into smaller sized transactions when sending to the internal platform depending on the original request size, byte enables and starting/ending addresses. The controller performs PCI Express ordering rule checking to determine what transaction is to be sent next to the internal platform (OCeaN). In general, transactions are serviced in the order that they are received from the PCI Express link. Only when there is a stalled condition does the controller apply PCI Express ordering to outstanding transactions. For posted write transactions, once all data has been received from the PCI Express link, the data is forwarded to the internal platform and the transaction is considered as done. For non-posted read transactions, the controller forwards internal platform data back to the PCI Express link. Note that the controller splits transactions at the crossing of every 256-byte-aligned boundary when sending data back to the PCI Express link. 18.1.2 Features The following is a list of features supported by the PCI Express controller: * Complies with the PCI ExpressTM Base Specification, Revision 1.0a * Supports root complex (RC) and endpoint (EP) configurations * 32- and 64-bit address support * x8, x4, x2, and x1 link support * Supports accesses to all PCI Express memory and I/O address spaces (requestor only) * Supports posting of processor-to-PCI Express and PCI Express-to-memory writes * Supports strong and relaxed transaction ordering rules * PCI Express configuration registers (type 0 in EP mode, type 1 in RC mode) * Baseline and advanced error reporting support * One virtual channel (VC0) * 256-byte maximum payload size (MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE) * Supports three inbound general-purpose translation windows and one configuration window MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-3 PCI Express Interface Controller * * * * * * Supports four outbound translation windows and one default window Supports eight non-posted and four posted PCI Express transactions Supports up to six priority 0 internal platform reads and eight priority 0 to 2 internal platform writes. (The maximum number of outstanding transactions at any given time is eight.) Credit-based flow control management Supports PCI Express messages and interrupts Accepts up to 256-byte transactions from the internal platform (OCeaN) 18.1.3 Modes of Operation Several parameters that affect the PCI Express controller modes of operation are determined at power-on reset (POR) by reset configuration signals as described in Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization." Table 18-1. POR Parameters for PCI Express Controller Parameter Description Section/Page Host/Agent Configuration Selects between root complex (RC) and endpoint (EP) modes. I/O Port Selection Selects the width of the PCI Express link Root Complex/Endpoint Modes The PCI Express controller can function as either a root complex (RC) or an endpoint (EP) on the PCI Express link. The host/agent configuration input signals cfg_host_agt[0:2] multiplexed on LWE/LBS[1:3] determine the RC/EP mode. Link Width The initial link width of the PCI Express controller is either x4/x8. The I/O port selection configuration input signals cfg_IO_ports[0:2] multiplexed on TSEC1_TXD[3:1] determine the initial link width. (See Section, "I/O Port Selection.") See Section, "Minimum Frequency Requirements," for proper selection of CCB clock frequency with regard to PCI Express link width selection. Note that the link width also depends on the configuration of the serial RapidIO width. 18.2 External Signal Descriptions PCI Express defines the connection between two devices as a link, which can be composed of a single or multiple lanes. Each lane consists of a differential pair for transmitting (TXn and TXn) and a differential pair for receiving (RXn and RXn) with an embedded data clock. For the MPC8548E, the link may be either x4 or x8, depending on the cfg_io_ports[0:2] sampled at reset. See Section, "I/O Port Selection," for more information. Note that the PCI Express signals are MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-4 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller multiplexed on the SD port with the serial RapidIO signals. Table 18-2 contains detailed descriptions of the external PCI Express interface signals. Table 18-2. PCI Express Interface Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O Description SD_RX[7:0] I Receive data. The receive data signals carry PCI Express packet information. When in x8 mode, SD_RX[7:0] correspond to PCI Express RX lanes 7:0.When in x4 mode, SD_RX[3:0] correspond to PCI Express RX lanes 3:0. Note that lane reversal may affect the logical lane assignment. Refer to Section, "Lane Reversal," for more information. State Asserted/Negated--Represents data being received from the PCI Express interface. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--As described in the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a. SD_RX[7:0] I Receive data, inverted. SD_RX[7:0] are the inverted forms of the receive data signals (SD_RX[7:0]). State Asserted/Negated--Represents the inverse of data being received from the PCI Express Meaning interface. Timing Assertion/Negation--As described in the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a. SD_TX[7:0] O Transmit data. The transmit data signals carry PCI Express packet information. When in x8 mode, SD_TX[7:0] correspond to PCI Express TX lanes 7:0.When in x4 mode, SD_TX[3:0] correspond to PCI Express TX lanes 3:0. Note that lane reversal may affect the logical lane assignment. Refer to Section, "Lane Reversal," for more information. State Asserted/Negated--Represents data being transmitted to the PCI Express interface. Meaning Timing Assertion/Negation--As described in the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a. SD_TX[7:0] O Transmit data, inverted. SD_TX[7:0] are the inverted form of the transmit data signals (SD_TX[7:0]). State Asserted/Negated--Represents the inverse of data being transmitted to the PCI Express Meaning interface. Timing Assertion/Negation--As described in the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a. 18.3 Memory Map/Register Definitions The PCI Express interface supports the following register types: * Memory-mapped registers--these registers control PCI Express address translation, PCI error management, and PCI Express configuration register access. These registers are described in Section 18.3.1, "PCI Express Memory Mapped Registers," and its subsections. * PCI Express configuration registers contained within the PCI Express configuration space--these registers are specified by the PCI Express specification for every PCI Express device. These registers are described in Section 18.3.7, "PCI Express Configuration Space Access," and its subsections. 18.3.1 PCI Express Memory Mapped Registers The PCI Express memory mapped registers are accessed by reading and writing to an address comprised of the base address (specified in the CCSRBAR on the local side or the PEXCSRBAR on the PCI Express side) plus the block base address, plus the offset of the specific register to be accessed. Note that all MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-5 PCI Express Interface Controller memory-mapped registers (except the PCI Express configuration data register, PEX_CONFIG_DATA) must only be accessed as 32-bit quantities. Table 18-3 lists the memory-mapped registers. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 18-3. PCI Express Memory-Mapped Register Map Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page PCI Express Controller Memory-Mapped Registers--Block Base Address 0x0_A000 PCI Express Configuration Access Registers 0x000 PEX_CONFIG_ADDR--PCI Express configuration address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x004 PEX_CONFIG_DATA--PCI Express configuration data register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x008 Reserved -- -- 0x00C PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR--PCI Express outbound completion timeout register R/W 0x0010_FFFF 0x010 PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR--PCI Express configuration retry timeout register R/W 0x0400_FFFF 0x014 PEX_CONFIG--PCI Express configuration register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x018- 0x01C Reserved -- -- PCI Express Power Management Event & Message Registers 0x020 PEX_PME_MES_DR--PCI Express PME & message detect register w1c 0x0000_0000 0x024 PEX_PME_MES_DISR--PCI Express PME & message disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x028 PEX_PME_MES_IER--PCI Express PME & message interrupt enable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x02C PEX_PMCR--PCI Express power management command register R/W 0x0000_0000 0x030- 0xBF4 Reserved -- -- PCI Express IP Block Revision Registers 0xBF8 IP block revision register 1 (PEX_IP_BLK_REV1) R 0x0208_0100 0xBFC IP block revision register 2 (PEX_IP_BLK_REV2) R 0x0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-6 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-3. PCI Express Memory-Mapped Register Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page PCI Express ATMU Registers Outbound Window 0 (Default) 0xC00 PEXOTAR0--PCI Express outbound translation address register 0 (default) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC04 PEXOTEAR0--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 0 (default) R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC08- 0xC0C Reserved 0xC10 PEXOWAR0--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 0 (default) 0xC14- 0xC1C Reserved -- Mixed -- -- 0x8004_4023 -- Outbound Window 1 0xC20 PEXOTAR1--PCI Express outbound translation address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC24 PEXOTEAR1--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC28 PEXOWBAR1--PCI Express outbound window base address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC2C Reserved 0xC30 PEXOWAR1--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 1 0xC34- 0xC3C Reserved -- R/W -- -- 0x0004_4023 -- Outbound Window 2 0xC40 PEXOTAR2--PCI Express outbound translation address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC44 PEXOTEAR2--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC48 PEXOWBAR2--PCI Express outbound window base address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC4C Reserved 0xC50 PEXOWAR2--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 2 0xC54- 0xC5C Reserved -- R/W -- -- 0x0004_4023 -- Outbound Window 3 0xC60 PEXOTAR3--PCI Express outbound translation address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC64 PEXOTEAR3--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC68 PEXOWBAR3--PCI Express outbound window base address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC6C Reserved 0xC70 PEXOWAR3--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 3 -- R/W -- 0x0004_4023 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-7 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-3. PCI Express Memory-Mapped Register Map (continued) Offset 0xC74- 0xC7C Register Reserved Access Reset -- -- Section/Page Outbound Window 4 0xC80 PEXOTAR4--PCI Express outbound translation address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC84 PEXOTEAR4--PCI Express outbound translation extended address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC88 PEXOWBAR4--PCI Express outbound window base address register 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xC8C Reserved 0xC90 PEXOWAR4--PCI Express outbound window attributes register 4 0xC94- 0xC9C Reserved -- -- 0xCA0- 0xD9C Reserved -- -- -- R/W -- 0x0004_4023 Inbound Window 3 0xDA0 PEXITAR3--PCI Express inbound translation address register 3 R/W 0xDA4 Reserved 0xDA8 PEXIWBAR3--PCI Express inbound window base address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDAC PEXIWBEAR3--PCI Express inbound window base extended address register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDB0 PEXIWAR3--PCI Express inbound window attributes register 3 R/W 0x20F4_4023 0xDB4- 0xDBC Reserved -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- -- Inbound Window 2 0xDC0 PEXITAR2--PCI Express inbound translation address register 2 R/W 0xDC4 Reserved 0xDC8 PEXIWBAR2--PCI Express inbound window base address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDCC PEXIWBEAR2--PCI Express inbound window base extended address register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xDD0 PEXIWAR2--PCI Express inbound window attributes register 2 R/W 0x20F4_4023 0xDD4- 0xDDC Reserved -- -- 0x0000_0000 -- -- Inbound Window 1 0xDE0 PEXITAR1--PCI Express inbound translation address register 1 0xDE4 Reserved 0xDE8 PEXIWBAR1--PCI Express inbound window base address register 1 0xDEC Reserved 0xDF0 PEXIWAR1--PCI Express inbound window attributes register 1 0xDF4- 0xDFC Reserved R/W -- R/W -- R/W -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0x0000_0000 -- 0x20F4_4023 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-8 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-3. PCI Express Memory-Mapped Register Map (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page w1c 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- R/W 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- Mixed 0x0000_0000 -- -- -- PCI Express Error Management Registers 0xE00 PEX_ERR_DR--PCI Express error detect register 0xE04 Reserved 0xE08 PEX_ERR_EN--PCI Express error interrupt enable register 0xE0C Reserved 0xE10 PEX_ERR_DISR--PCI Express error disable register 0xE14- 0xE1C Reserved 0xE20 PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT--PCI Express error capture status register 0xE24 Reserved 0xE28 PEX_ERR_CAP_R0--PCI Express error capture register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE2C PEX_ERR_CAP_R1--PCI Express error capture register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE30 PEX_ERR_CAP_R2--PCI Express error capture register 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE34 PEX_ERR_CAP_R3--PCI Express error capture register 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE38- 0xFFC Reserved -- -- 18.3.2 PCI Express Configuration Access Registers PCI Express Configuration Address Register (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR) The PCI Express configuration address register, shown in Figure 18-2, contains address information for accesses to PCI Express internal and external configuration registers. Offset 0x000 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 3 -- EN 4 7 EXTREGN Reset 8 15 16 BUSN 20 21 DEVN 23 24 FUNCN 29 30 31 REGN -- All zeros Figure 18-2. PCI Express Configuration Address Register (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR) The fields of the PCI Express configuration address register are described in Table 18-4. Table 18-4. PEX_CONFIG_ADDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN Enable. This bit allows a PCI Express configuration access when PEX_CONFIG_DATA is accessed. If this bit is cleared, writing to PEX_CONFIG_DATA has no effect and reading PEX_CONFIG_DATA returns unknown data. 1-3 -- Reserved 4-7 EXTREGN Extended register number. This field allows access to extended PCI Express configuration space (that is, the registers in the offset range from 0x100 to 0xFFF). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-9 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-4. PEX_CONFIG_ADDR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 8-15 BUSN Bus number. PCI bus number to access 16-20 DEVN Device number. Device number to access on specified bus 21-23 FUNCN 24-29 REGN 30-31 -- Function number. Function to access within specified device Register number. 32-bit register to access within specified device Reserved Both root complex (RC) and endpoint (EP) configuration headers contain 4096 bytes of address space. To access a register within the header, both the extended register number and the register number fields are concatenated to form the 4-byte aligned address of the register. That is, the register address is extended register number || register number || 0b00. PCI Express Configuration Data Register (PEX_CONFIG_DATA) The PCI Express configuration data register, show in Figure 18-3, is a 32-bit port for internal and external configuration access. Note that accesses of 1, 2, or 4 bytes to the PCI Express configuration data register are allowed. Offset 0x004 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 31 Data All zeros Figure 18-3. PCI Express Configuration Data Register (PEX_CONFIG_DATA) The fields of the PCI Express configuration data register are described in Table 18-5. Table 18-5. PEX_CONFIG_DATA Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 Data Description A read or write to this register starts a PCI Express configuration cycle if the PEX_CONFIG_ADDR enable bit is set (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR[EN] = 1). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-10 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Outbound Completion Timeout Register (PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR) The PCI Express outbound completion timeout register, shown in Figure 18-4, contains the maximum wait time for a response to come back as a result of an outbound non-posted request before a timeout condition occurs. Offset 0x00C 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 7 8 31 -- TD Reset 0 0 0 0 0 TC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 18-4. PCI Express Outbound Completion Timeout Register (PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR) The fields of the PCI Express outbound completion timeout register are described in Table 18-6. Table 18-6. PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 TD Timeout disable. This bit controls the enabling/disabling of the timeout function. 0 Enable completion timeout 1 Disable completion timeout 1-7 -- Reserved 8-31 TC Timeout counter. This is the value that is used to load the response counter of the completion timeout. One TC unit is 24 ns at 333 MHz and 30 ns at 260 MHz. Timeout period based on different TC settings: 0x00_0000 Reserved 0x10_FFFF 26.72 ms at 333.33 MHz platform clock 0xFF_FFFF 446.94 ms at 333.33 MHz platform clock Description PCI Express Configuration Retry Timeout Register (PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR) The PCI Express configuration retry timeout register, shown in Figure 18-5, contains the maximum time period during which retries of configuration transactions which resulted in a CRS response occur. Offset 0x010 0 R W 1 3 4 31 -- RD Reset 0 Access: Read/Write 0 0 TC 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 18-5. PCI Express Configuration Retry Timeout Register (PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-11 PCI Express Interface Controller The fields of the PCI Express configuration retry timeout register are described in Table 18-7. Table 18-7. PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 RD Retry disable. This bit disables the retry of a configuration transaction that receives a CRS status response packet. 0 Enable retry of a configuration transaction in response to receiving a CRS status response until the timeout counter (defined by the PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR[TC] field) has expired. 1 Disable retry of a configuration transaction regardless of receiving a CRS status response. 1-3 -- Reserved 4-31 TC Timeout counter. This is the value that is used to load the CRS response counter. One TC unit is 24 ns at 333 MHz and 30 ns at 260 MHz. Timeout period based on different TC settings: 0x000_0000 Reserved 0x400_FFFF 1.612 seconds at 333.33 MHz platform clock 0xFFF_FFFF 7.12 seconds at 333.33 MHz platform clock PCI Express Configuration Register (PEX_CONFIG) The PCI Express configuration register, shown in Figure 18-6, contains various control switches for the controller. Offset 0x014 Access: Read/Write 0 26 R -- SAC W Reset 27 28 29 -- 30 31 SP SCC all zeros Figure 18-6. PCI Express Configuration Register (PEX_CONFIG) The fields of the PCI Express configuration register are described in Table 18-8. Table 18-8. PEX_CONFIG Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-26 -- 27 SAC 28-29 -- Reserved 30 SP Slot Present. This bit controls the default value of the PCI Express capabilities register [slot] bit. See Section, "PCI Express Capabilities Register--0x4E," for more information. 31 SCC Reserved Sense ASPM Control. This bit controls the default value of ASPM of PEX Link Control Register's bit 0. See Section, "PCI Express Link Control Register--0x5C," for more information. Slot Clock Configuration. This bit controls the default value of the PCI Express link status register [SCC] bit. See Section, "PCI Express Link Status Register--0x5E," for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-12 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller 18.3.3 PCI Express Power Management Event and Message Registers PCI Express PME and Message Detect Register (PEX_PME_MES_DR) The PCI Express PME and message detect register, shown in Figure 18-7, logs inbound messages and PME events that are detected by the PCI Express controller. This register is a write-1-to-clear type register. Offset 0x020 Access: w1c 0 15 R -- W Reset 16 17 18 19 PTO PTAT ENL23 EXL23 w1c w1c w1c w1c 20 -- 21 22 HRD LDD w1c w1c 23 24 -- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AION AIB AIOF PION PIB PIOF ABP w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c All zeros Figure 18-7. PCI Express PME and Message Detect Register (PEX_PME_MES_DR) The fields of the PCI Express PME and message detect register are described in Table 18-9. Table 18-9. PEX_PME_MES_DR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 -- 16 PTO PME turn off. This bit indicates the detection of a PME_Turn_Off message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 A PME_Turn_Off_message is detected 0 No PME_Turn_Off message detected 17 PTAT PME to ack time-out. This bit indicates the detection of a PME_to_ack time-out condition. This bit is only valid in RC mode. 1 A PME_TO_Ack time-out condition is detected 0 No PME_TO_Ack time-out condition detected Reserved 18 ENL23 Entered L2/L3 ready state. This bit indicates that the PCI Express controller has entered L2/L3 state. This is only valid in RC mode. 1 L2/L3 ready state has been entered 0 L2/L3 ready state has not been entered 19 EXL23 Exit L2/L3 ready state. This bit indicates that the PCI Express controller has exited the L2/L3 state. This is only valid in RC mode. 1 Exit L2/L3 state has been detected 0 Exit L2/L3 state not detected 20 -- Reserved. Note that during normal operation, this bit may be set (falsely). The bit may be ignored and cleared (w1c) without consequence. 21 HRD Hot reset detected. This bit indicates that the PCI Express controller has detected a hot reset condition on the link. The controller will be reset and will clean up all outstanding transactions. Link retraining will take place once hot reset state is exited. This is valid only in EP mode. 1 Hot reset request has been detected 0 Hot reset request not detected 22 LDD Link down detected. This bit indicates that a link down condition has been detected. The controller will be reset and then will clean up all outstanding transactions. Link retraining will take place once the controller has cleaned itself up. 1 Link down has been detected 0 Link down not detected 23-24 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-13 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-9. PEX_PME_MES_DR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 25 AION Attention indicator on. This bit indicates the detection of an Attention_Indicator_On message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 Attention indicator on message is detected 0 No attention indicator on message detected 26 AIB Attention indicator blink. This bit indicates the detection of an Attention_Indicator_Blink message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 Attention indicator blink message is detected 0 No attention indicator blink message detected 27 AIOF Attention indicator off. This bit indicates the detection of an Attention_Indicator_Off message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 Attention indicator off message is detected 0 No attention indicator off message detected 28 PION Power indicator on. This bit indicates the detection of a Power_Indicator_On message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 Power indicator on message is detected 0 No power indicator on message detected 29 PIB Power indicator blink. This bit indicates the detection of an Power_Indicator_Blink message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 Power indicator blink message is detected 0 No power indicator blink message detected 30 PIOF Power indicator off. This bit indicates the detection of an Power_Indicator_Off message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 Power indicator off message is detected 0 No power indicator off message detected 31 ABP Attention button pressed. This bit indicates the detection of an Attention_Button_Pressed message. This bit is only valid in EP mode. 1 Attention button press message is detected 0 No attention button press message detected PCI Express PME and Message Disable Register (PEX_PME_MES_DISR) The PCI Express PME and message disable register, shown in Figure 18-8, when set, prevents the detection of the corresponding bits in the PCI Express PME and message detect register. Offset 0x024 Access: Read/Write 0 15 R -- W Reset All zeros 16 R W Reset 17 18 19 PTOD PTATD ENL23D EXL23D 20 -- 21 22 23 24 HRDD LDDD -- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AIOND AIBD AIOFD PIOND PIBD PIOFD ABPD All zeros Figure 18-8. PCI Express PME and Message Disable Register (PEX_PME_MES_DISR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-14 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller The fields of the PCI Express PME and message disable register are described in Table 18-10. Table 18-10. PEX_PME_MES_DISR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 -- 16 PTOD PME turn off disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[PTO] bit. 1 Disable PME_Turn_Off_message detection 0 Enable PME_Turn_Off message detection Reserved 17 PTATD PME to ack time-out disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[PTAT] bit. 1 Disable PME_TO_Ack time-out detection 0 Enable PME_TO_Ack time-out detection 18 ENL23D Entered_L2/L3 ready disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[ENL23] bit. 1 Disable Entered_L2/L3 ready state detection 0 Enable Entered_L2/L3 ready state detection 19 EXL23D Exited_L2/L3 ready disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[EXL23] bit. 1 Disable Exited_L2/L3 ready state detection 0 Enable Exited_L2/L3 ready state detection 20 -- Reserved 21 HRDD Hot reset detected disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[HRD] bit. 1 Disable hot reset state detection 0 Enable hot reset state detection 22 LDDD Link down detected disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[LDD] bit. 1 Disable link down state detection 0 Enable link down state detection 23-24 -- 25 AIOND Reserved Attention indicator on disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[AION] bit. 1 Disable attention indicator on message detection 0 Enable attention indicator on message detection 26 AIBD Attention indicator blink disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[AIB] bit. 1 Disable attention indicator blink message detection 0 Enable attention indicator blink message detection 27 AIOFD Attention indicator off disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[AIOF] bit. 1 Disable attention indicator off message detection 0 Enable attention indicator off message detection 28 PIOND Power indicator on disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[PION] bit. 1 Disable power indicator on message detection 0 Enable power indicator on message detection 29 PIBD Power indicator blink disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[PIB] bit. 1 Disable power indicator blink message detection 0 Enable power indicator blink message detection 30 PIOFD Power indicator off disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[PIOF] bit. 1 Disable power indicator off message detection 0 Enable power indicator off message detection 31 ABPD Attention button pressed disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_PME_MES_DR[ABP] bit. 1 Disable attention button press message detection 0 Enable attention button press message detection MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-15 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express PME and Message Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_PME_MES_IER) The PCI Express PME and message interrupt enable register, shown in Figure 18-9, allows for the detection of a message or a PME event to generate an interrupt, provided that the corresponding bit in the PCI Express PME and message detect register is set. Offset 0x028 Access: Read/Write 0 15 R -- W Reset All zeros 16 R W 17 PTOIE PTATIE 18 19 EN EX L23IE L23IE Reset 20 -- 21 22 HRDIE LDDIE 23 24 -- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AIONIE AIBIE AIOFIE PIONIE PIBIE PIOFIE ABPIE All zeros Figure 18-9. PCI Express PME and Message Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_PME_MES_IER) Table 18-11 shows the fields of the PCI Express PME and message interrupt enable register. Table 18-11. PEX_PME_MES_IER Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 -- 16 PTOIE PME turn off interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[PTO]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable PME_Turn_Off_message interrupt generation 0 Disable PME_Turn_Off message interrupt generation 17 PTATIE PME To ack time-out interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[PTAT]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable PME_TO_Ack time-out interrupt generation 0 Disable PME_TO_Ack time-out interrupt generation Reserved 18 ENL23IE Entered L2/L3 ready interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[ENL23]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable Entered_L2/L3 ready state interrupt generation 0 Disable Entered_L2/L3 ready state interrupt generation 19 EXL23IE Exited L2/L3 ready interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[EXL23]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable Exited_L2/L3 ready state interrupt generation 0 Disable Exited_L2/L3 ready state interrupt generation 20 -- Reserved 21 HRDIE Hot reset detected interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[HRD]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable hot reset state interrupt generation 0 Disable hot reset state interrupt generation 22 LDDIE Link down detected interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[LDD]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable link down state interrupt generation 0 Disable link down state interrupt generation 23-24 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-16 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-11. PEX_PME_MES_IER Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 25 AIONIE Attention indicator on interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[AION]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable attention indicator on message interrupt generation 0 Disable attention indicator on message interrupt generation 26 AIBIE Attention indicator blink interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[AIB]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable attention indicator blink message interrupt generation 0 Disable attention indicator blink message interrupt generation 27 AIOFIE Attention indicator off interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[AIOF]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable attention indicator off message interrupt generation 0 Disable attention indicator off message interrupt generation 28 PIONIE Power indicator on interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[PION]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable power indicator on message interrupt generation 0 Disable power indicator on message interrupt generation 29 PIBIE Power indicator blink interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[PIB]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable power indicator blink message interrupt generation 0 Disable power indicator blink message interrupt generation 30 PIOFIE Power indicator off interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[PIOF]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable power indicator off message interrupt generation 0 Disable power indicator off message interrupt generation 31 ABPIE Attention button pressed interrupt enable. When set and PEX_PME_MES_DR[ABP]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable attention button press message interrupt generation 0 Disable attention button press message interrupt generation Description PCI Express Power Management Command Register (PEX_PMCR) The PCI Express power management command register, shown in Figure 18-10, provides software a mechanism to allow the PCI Express controller to get back to L0 link state. Offset 0x02C Access: Read/Write 0 28 R -- 30 31 SPMES EXL2S PTOMR W Reset 29 All zeros Figure 18-10. PCI Express Power Management Command Register (PEX_PMCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-17 PCI Express Interface Controller The fields of the PCI Express power management command register are described in Table 18-12. Table 18-12. PEX_PMCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 -- 29 SPMES Set PME status. This will set the PME status bit and if PME is enabled (see Section, "PCI Express Power Management Status and Control Register--0x48," on page 18-69 for more information) it will transmit a PM_PME message upstream. This bit should not be used when in RC mode. This bit is self-clearing. 30 EXL2S Exit L2 state. When set will exit the link state out of L2/L3 ready state in order to send new requests. The request is only made when entered_L2/L3 ready state is active. This bit is self-clearing. When the link has exited L2/L3 ready state, the status bit Exit_L2/L3 ready state will be set. This bit should not be used when in EP mode. 31 PTOMR PME_Turn_Off message request. When set will broadcast a PME turn_off message. This bit should not be used when in EP mode. This bit is self-clearing 18.3.4 Description Reserved PCI Express IP Block Revision Registers IP Block Revision Register 1 (PEX_IP_BLK_REV1) The IP block revision register 1 is shown in Figure 18-11. Offset 0xBF8 Access: Read-only 0 15 16 R 23 24 IP_ID 31 IP_MJ IP_MN W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 18-11. IP Block Revision Register 1 Table 18-13 contains descriptions of the fields of the IP block revision register 1. Table 18-13. PCI Express IP Block Revision Register 1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 IP_ID 16-23 IP_MJ Block Major Revision 24-31 IP_MN Block Minor Revision Block ID MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-18 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller IP Block Revision Register 2 (PEX_IP_BLK_REV2) The IP block revision register 2 is shown in Figure 18-12. Offset 0xBFC 0 Access: Read-only 7 8 R 15 16 23 24 IP_INT 31 IP_CFG W Reset All zeros Figure 18-12. IP Block Revision Register 2 Table 18-14 contains descriptions of the fields of the IP block revision register 2. Table 18-14. PCI Express IP Block Revision Register 2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-15 IP_INT 16-23 -- 24-31 Description Reserved Block integration option Reserved IP_CFG Block configuration option 18.3.5 PCI Express ATMU Registers PCI Express Outbound ATMU Registers The outbound address translation windows must be aligned based on the granularity selected by the size fields. Outbound window misses use the default outbound register set (outbound ATMU window 0). If the transaction hits multiple BARs, then the lowest-numbered BAR will be used. Overlapping outbound windows are not supported and will cause undefined behavior. Note that for RC mode, all outbound transactions post ATMU must hit either into the memory base/limit range or the prefetchable memory base/limit range defined in the PCI Express type 1 header. For EP mode, there is no such requirement. Note that in RC mode, there is no checking on whether the translated address actually hits into the memory base/limit range. It will just pass it through as is. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-19 PCI Express Interface Controller Figure 18-13 shows the outbound transaction flow. Primary Side Secondary Side Outbound ATMUs Memory or IO Base Memory or IO Limit From Memory Prefetchable Memory Base Prefetchable Memory Limit Figure 18-13. RC Outbound Transaction Flow PCI Express Outbound Translation Address Registers (PEXOTARn) The PCI Express outbound translation address registers, shown in Figure 18-14, select the starting addresses in the system address space for window hits within the PCI Express outbound address translation windows. The new translated address is created by concatenating the transaction offset to this translation address. Access: Read/Write Offset Window 0: 0xC00 Window 1: 0xC20 Window 2: 0xC40 Window 3: 0xC60 Window 4: 0xC80 0 R W Reset 11 12 31 TEA TA All zeros Figure 18-14. PCI Express Outbound Translation Address Registers (PEXOTARn) Table 18-15 describes the fields of the PCI Express outbound translation address registers. Table 18-15. PEXOTARn Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-11 TEA Translation extended address. System address which indicates the starting point of the outbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. Corresponds to PCI Express address bits [43:32] (bit 32 is the lsb). 12-31 TA Translation address. System address which indicates the starting point of the outbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. This corresponds to PCI Express address bits [31:12]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-20 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (PEXOTEARn) The PCI Express outbound translation extended address registers, shown in Figure 18-15, contain the most-significant bits of a 64 bit translation address. Access: Read/Write Offset Window 0: 0xC04 Window 1: 0xC24 Window 2: 0xC44 Window 3: 0xC64 Window 4: 0xC84 0 11 12 R 31 -- TEA W Reset All zeros Figure 18-15. PCI Express Outbound Translation Extended Address Registers (PEXOTEARn) Table 18-16 describes the fields of the PCI Express outbound translation extended address registers. Table 18-16. PCI Express Outbound Extended Address Translation Register n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 -- 12-31 TEA Description Reserved Translation extended address. System address which indicates the starting point of the outbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. Corresponds to PCI Express address bits [63:44]. PCI Express Outbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXOWBARn) The PCI Express outbound window base address registers, shown in Figure 18-16, select the base address for the windows which are translated to the external address space. Addresses for outbound transactions are compared to these windows. If such a transaction does not fall within one of these spaces the transaction is forwarded through a default register set. Access: Read/Write Offset Window 1: 0xC28 Window 2: 0xC48 Window 3: 0xC68 Window 4: 0xC88 0 7 R -- W Reset 8 11 12 31 WBEA WBA All zeros Figure 18-16. PCI Express Outbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXOWBARn) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-21 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-17 describes the fields of the PCI Express outbound window base address registers. Table 18-17. PCI Express Outbound Window Base Address Register n Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8-11 Description Reserved WBEA Window base extended address. Source address which is the starting point for the outbound translation window. The window must be aligned based on the size selected in the window size bits. Correspond to internal platform address bits [0:3]. (where 0 is the msb of the internal platform address) 12-31 WBA Window base address. Source address which is the starting point for the outbound translation window. The window must be aligned based on the size selected in the window size bits. This corresponds to internal platform address bits [4:23]. PCI Express Outbound Window Attributes Registers (PEXOWARn) The PCI Express outbound window attributes registers, shown in Figure 18-17 and Figure 18-18, define the window sizes to translate and other attributes for the translations. 64 Gbytes is the largest window size allowed. Figure 18-17 shows the outbound window attributes register 0 (PEXOWAR0). Offset 0xC10 0 R EN W Reset 1 Access: Mixed 1 2 3 -- 4 5 ROE NS 0 0 0 0 7 8 -- 10 11 12 TC 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 -- 0 19 20 RTT 0 0 1 25 26 WTT 0 0 0 31 -- 1 0 0 0 0 0 OWS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Figure 18-17. PCI Express Outbound Window Attributes Register 0 (PEXOWAR0) Figure 18-18 shows the PCI Express outbound window attributes registers 1-4 (PEXOWARn). Offset Window Window Window Window 0 R W EN Reset 0 Access: Read/Write 1: 0xC30 2: 0xC50 3: 0xC70 4: 0xC90 1 2 -- 0 3 4 5 7 8 ROE NS 0 0 0 10 11 12 TC 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 RTT 0 0 0 1 0 19 20 WTT 0 0 1 0 25 26 31 -- 0 OWS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Figure 18-18. PCI Express Outbound Window Attributes Registers 1-4 (PEXOWARn) Table 18-18 describes the fields of the PCI Express outbound window attributes registers. Table 18-18. PEXOWARn Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 EN Description Enable. This bit enables this address translation window. For the default window, this bit is read-only and always hardwired to 1. 0 Disable outbound translation window 1 Enable outbound translation window 1-2 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-22 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-18. PEXOWARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 3 ROE Relaxed ordering enable. This bit when set and the PCI Express device control register[Enable Relaxed] bit is set will enable the Relaxed Ordering bit for the packet. This bit only applies to memory transactions. 0 Default ordering 1 Relaxed ordering 4 NS No snoop enable. This bit when set and the PCI Express device control register[Enable No Snoop] bit is set will enable the no snoop bit for the packet. This bit only applies to memory transactions. 0 Snoopable 1 No snoop 5-7 -- Reserved 8-10 TC Traffic class. This field indicates the traffic class of the outbound packet. This field only applies to memory transaction. All other transaction types should set the TC field to 0. 000 TC0 001 TC1 010 TC2 011 TC3 100 TC4 101 TC5 110 TC6 111 TC7 Note: Traffic class settings are passed through to the PCI Express link, but no specific actions are taken in the device based on traffic class. 11 -- Reserved 12-15 RTT Read transaction type. Read transaction type to run on the PCI Express link 0000 Reserved 0000 Reserved 0010 Configuration read. Supported only when in RC mode and size of less than or equal to 4 bytes and not crossing 4-byte address boundary. 0100 Memory read ... Reserved 1000 IO read. Supported only when in RC mode and size of less than or equal to 4 bytes and not crossing 4-byte address boundary. ... Reserved 1111 Reserved 16-19 WTT Write 0000 0001 0010 0100 0101 ... 1000 ... 1111 transaction type. Write transaction type to run on the PCI Express link. Reserved Reserved Configuration write. Supported only when in RC mode and size of less than or equal to 4 bytes and not crossing 4-byte address boundary. Memory write Message write. Only support 4-byte size access on a 4-byte address boundary. Reserved IO Write. Supported only when in RC mode and size of less than or equal to 4 bytes and not crossing 4-byte address boundary. Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-23 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-18. PEXOWARn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 20-25 -- 26-31 OWS Description Reserved Outbound window size. Outbound translation window size N which is the encoded 2(N + 1)-byte window size. The smallest window size is 4 Kbytes. Note that for the default window (window 0), the outbound window size may be programmed less than the 64-Gbyte maximum. However, accesses that miss all other windows and hit outside the default window will be aliased to the default window. 000000 Reserved ... 001011 4-Kbyte window size 001100 8-Kbyte window size ... 011111 4-Gbyte window size 100000 8-Gbyte window size 100001 16-Gbyte window size 100010 32-Gbyte window size 100011 64-Gbyte window size 100100 Reserved ... 111111 Reserved PCI Express Inbound ATMU Registers There are differences between RC and EP implementations of inbound ATMU registers as described in the following sections. EP Inbound ATMU Implementation All base address registers (BARs) reside in the PCI Express type 0 configuration header space which is accessible via PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA mechanism. Note that host software must program these BAR using configuration type 0 cycles. There are 4 inbound BARs. * Default inbound window BAR0 at configuration address 0x10 (32-bit). Also known as PEXCSRBAR. This is a fixed 1-Mbyte window used for inbound memory transactions that access memory-mapped registers. * Inbound window BAR1 at configuration address 0x14 (32-bit) * Inbound window BAR2 at configuration address 0x18-0x1c (64-bit) * Inbound window BAR3 at configuration address 0x20-0x24 (64-bit) The PCI Express controller does not implement a shadow of the inbound BARs in the memory-mapped register set. However, when there is a hit to the BAR(s), the PCI Express controller uses the corresponding translation and attribute registers in the memory-mapped register set for the translation. If the transaction hits multiple BARs, then the lowest-numbered BAR will be used. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-24 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller RC Inbound ATMU Implementation In RC mode, the PEXIWBAR[1-3] registers reside outside of the type 1 header; PEXIWBAR0 is the only inbound BAR that resides in the Type 1 header (at offset 0x10). If the transaction hits any window, the translation is performed and then the transaction is sent to memory. If there is no hit to any one of the BARs, then a UR completion will be returned for non-posted transactions. All posted transactions with no BAR hit are ignored. Figure 18-19 shows the inbound transaction flow in RC mode. Primary Side Secondary Side Inbound ATMUs Memory or IO Base Memory or IO Limit To Memory Prefetchable Memory Base Prefetchable Memory Limit Figure 18-19. RC Inbound Transaction Flow PCI Express Inbound Translation Address Registers (PEXITARn) The PCI Express inbound translation address registers, shown in Figure 18-20, contain the translated internal platform address to be used. Note that PEXITAR0 does not exist in the memory-mapped space; it is a fixed 1-Mbyte translation to the internal configuration (CCSRBAR) space. Access: Read/Write Offset Window 1: 0xDE0 Window 2: 0xDC0 Window 3: 0xDA0 0 R 7 -- W Reset 8 11 12 31 TEA TA All zeros Figure 18-20. PCI Express Inbound Translation Address Registers (PEXITAR n) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-25 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-19 describes the fields of the PCI Express inbound translation address registers. Table 18-19. PCI Express Inbound Translation Address Registers Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 -- 8-11 TEA Translation extended address. Target address which indicates the starting point of the inbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. Corresponds to internal platform address bits [0:3] where bit 0 is the msb of the internal platform address. 12-31 TA Translation address. Target address which indicates the starting point of the inbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the size field. This corresponds to internal platform address bits [4:23]. Reserved PCI Express Inbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXIWBARn) The PCI Express inbound window base address registers, shown in Figure 18-21, select the base address for the windows which are translated to an alternate target address space. In root complex (RC) mode, addresses for inbound transactions are compared to these windows. In RC mode, PEXIWBAR0 is located in the PCI Express type 1 configuration header space and PEXIWBAR[1-3] registers are implemented as described in this section. In endpoint (EP) mode, these registers are not implemented in the memory-mapped space. Reading these registers in EP mode will return all zeros and writing to these offsets has no consequences. All base address registers in EP are located in the PCI Express type 0 configuration header space. Note that PEXIWBAR1 only supports 32-bit PCI Express address space. Access: Read/Write Offset Window 1: 0xDE8 Window 2: 0xDC8 Window 3: 0xDA8 0 R W Reset 11 12 31 WBEA (Windows 2 and 3 only) WBA All zeros Figure 18-21. PCI Express Inbound Window Base Address Registers (PEXIWBARn) Table 18-20 describes the fields of the PCI Express inbound window base address registers. Table 18-20. PCI Express Inbound Window Base Address Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 WBEA Window base extended address. This field corresponds to PCI Express address bits [43:32]. Note that the extended address is supported for windows 2 and 3 only; for PEXIWBAR1, these bits are reserved and must be 0. 12-31 WBA Description Window base address. Source address which is the starting point for the inbound translation window. The window must be aligned based on the size selected in the window size bits. This corresponds to PCI Express address bits [31:12]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-26 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PEXIWBEARn) The PCI Express inbound window base extended address registers, shown in Figure 18-22, contain the most-significant bits of a 64 bit base address. Offset Window 2: 0xDCC Window 3: 0xDAC Access: Read/Write 0 11 12 R 31 -- WBEA W Reset All zeros Figure 18-22. PCI Express Inbound Window Base Extended Address Registers (PEXIWBEARn) Table 18-21 describes the fields of the PCI Express inbound window base extended address registers. Table 18-21. PCI Express Inbound Window Base Extended Address Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-11 -- 12-31 Description Reserved WBEA Window base extended address. This field corresponds to PCI Express address bits [63:44] PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers (PEXIWARn) The PCI Express inbound window attributes registers, shown in Figure 18-23, define the window sizes to translate and other attributes for the translations. 64 Gbytes is the largest window size allowed. Access: Read/Write Offset Window 1: 0xDF0 Window 2: 0xDD0 Window 3: 0xDB0 0 R W 1 EN Reset 0 2 -- PF 0 1 3 7 8 -- 0 0 0 0 11 12 TRGT 0 1 1 1 15 16 RTT 1 0 1 0 19 20 WTT 0 0 1 0 25 26 31 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IWS 1 0 0 0 1 1 Figure 18-23. PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers (PEXIWARn) Table 18-22 describes the fields of the PCI Express inbound window attributes registers. Table 18-22. PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN Enable. This bit controls the enabling/disabling of the translation window. 0 Disable inbound window translation 1 Enable inbound window translation 1 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-27 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-22. PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 2 PF Prefetchable. This bit indicates that the address space is prefetchable. This bit corresponds to the prefetchable bit in the BAR in the PCI Express type 0 header. This bit drives the BAR's prefetchable bit in EP mode. 0 Not prefetchable 1 Prefetchable 3-7 -- Reserved 8-11 12-15 TRGT Target interface. If this field is set to anything other than local memory space, the attributes for the transaction must be assigned in a corresponding outbound window at the target. 0000 PCI/X 0001 PCI2 0010-1011 Reserved 1100 Serial RapidIO 1101-1110 Reserved 1111 Local memory space RTT Read transaction type. Read transaction type to send to target interface. If the transaction is not going to local memory space 0000 ... 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 ... 1111 Reserved Read Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved If the transaction is going to local memory space 0000 ... 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 ... 1111 Reserved Read, don't snoop local processor Read, snoop local processor Reserved Read, snoop local processor, unlock L2 cache line Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-28 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-22. PCI Express Inbound Window Attributes Registers Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 16-19 WTT Description Write transaction type. Write transaction type to send to target interface. If the transaction is not going to local memory space 0000 ... 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 ... 1111 Reserved Write Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved If the transaction is going to local memory space 0000 ... 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 ... 1111 20-25 -- 26-31 IWS 18.3.6 Reserved Write, don't snoop local processor Write, snoop local processor Write, snoop local processor, allocate L2 cache line Write, snoop local processor, allocate and lock L2 cache line Reserved Reserved Reserved Inbound window size. Inbound translation window size N which is the encoded 2(N + 1)-bytes window size. The smallest window size is 4 Kbytes. For EP mode, this field directly controls the size of the BARs. 000000 Reserved ... 001010 Reserved 001011 4-Kbyte window size 001100 8-Kbyte window size ... 011111 4-Gbyte window size 100000 8-Gbyte window size 100001 16-Gbyte window size 100010 32-Gbyte window size 100011 64-Gbyte window size 100100 Reserved ... 111111 Reserved PCI Express Error Management Registers PCI Express Error Detect Register (PEX_ERR_DR) The PCI Express error detect register, shown in Figure 18-24, contains error status bits that are detected by hardware.The detected error bits are write-1-to-clear type registers. Reading from these registers occurs MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-29 PCI Express Interface Controller normally; however, write operations can clear but not set bits. A bit is cleared whenever the register is written, and the data in the corresponding bit location is a 1. For example, to clear bit 6 and not affect any other bits in the register, the value 0b0200_0000 is written to the register. When an error is detected the appropriate error bit is set. Subsequent errors will set the appropriate error bits in the error detection registers, but only the first error for a particular unit will have any relevant information captured. The interrupt enable bits are used to allow or block the error reporting to the interrupt mechanism while the disable bits are used to prevent or allow the setting of the status bits. Offset 0xE00 Access: w1c 0 R 1 7 ME -- W w1c 8 9 PCT -- w1c Reset 10 11 12 13 14 15 PCAC PNM CDNSC CRSNC ICCA IACA w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c All zeros 17 18 19 R CRST 16 MIS IOIS CIS CIEP IOIEP OAC IOIA W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 20 21 w1c 22 w1c 23 24 31 -- All zeros Figure 18-24. PCI Express Error Detect Register (PEX_ERR_DR) Table 18-23 describes the fields of the PCI Express error detect register. Table 18-23. PCI Express Error Detect Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 ME Multiple errors. Detecting multiple errors of the same type. An error is considered as multiple error when its detect bit is set and the same error is occurring again. Note that this bit does not track the ordering of when the error occurs. 1 Multiple errors were detected. 0 Multiple errors were not detected. 1-7 -- Reserved 8 PCT 9 -- 10 PCAC PCI Express completer abort (CA) completion. A completion with CA status was received. 1 A completion with CA status was detected. 0 No completion with CA status detected. 11 PNM PCI Express no map. Detect an inbound transaction that was not mapped to any inbound windows. In RC mode, a completion without data (Cpl) packet with a UR completion status is sent back to the requester and this bit is set. For EP mode, a Cpl packet with a UR completion status is sent back to the requester but will not set this bit. 1 A no-map transaction was detected in RC mode. 0 No no-map transaction detected. PCI Express completion time-out. A completion time-out condition was detected for a non-posted, outbound PCI Express transaction. An error response is sent back to the requestor. 1 A completion time-out on the PCI Express link was detected. 0 No completion time-out on the PCI Express link detected. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-30 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-23. PCI Express Error Detect Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 12 CDNSC Completion with data not successful. A completion with data packet was received with a non successful status (i.e. UR, CA or CRS status). 1 Completion with data non successful packet was detected. 0 No completion with data non successful packet detected. 13 CRSNC CRS non configuration. A completion was detected for a non configuration cycle and with CRS status. 1 CRS non configuration packet was detected. 0 No CRS non configuration packet detected. 14 ICCA Invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA configuration access. Access to an illegal configuration space from PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA was detected. 1 Invalid CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA access detected 0 No invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA access detected 15 IACA Invalid ATMU configuration access. Access to an illegal configuration space from an ATMU window was detected. 1 Invalid ATMU configuration access was detected 0 No invalid ATMU configuration access detected 16 CRST CRS thresholded. An outbound configuration transaction was retried and thresholded due to a CRS completion status. An error response is sent back to the requestor. See Section, "PCI Express Configuration Retry Timeout Register (PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR)," for more information. 1 A CRS threshold condition was detected for an outbound configuration transaction 0 No CRS threshold condition detected 17 MIS Message invalid size. An outbound message transaction that is greater than 4 bytes or crosses a 4-byte boundary was detected. See Section, "Outbound ATMU Message Generation," for more information. 1 An invalid size outbound message transaction was detected 0 No invalid size outbound message transaction detected 18 IOIS I/O invalid size. An outbound I/O transaction that is greater than 4 bytes or crosses a 4-byte boundary was detected. 1 an invalid size outbound I/O transaction was detected 0 no invalid size outbound I/O transaction detected 19 CIS Configuration invalid size. An outbound configuration transaction that is greater than 4 bytes or crosses a 4-byte boundary was detected. 1 An invalid size outbound configuration transaction was detected 0 No invalid size outbound configuration transaction detected 20 CIEP Configuration invalid EP. An outbound ATMU configuration transaction request was seen when in EP mode. 1 An outbound configuration transaction while in EP was detected 0 No outbound configuration transaction in EP detected 21 IOIEP I/O invalid EP. An outbound I/O transaction request was seen when in EP mode. 1 An outbound I/O transaction while in EP was detected 0 No outbound I/O transaction in EP detected 22 OAC Outbound ATMU crossing. An outbound crossing ATMU transaction was detected. 1 An outbound transaction that hits in one window and crosses overing it was detected 0 No outbound ATMU crossing condition detected MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-31 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-23. PCI Express Error Detect Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 23 IOIA 24-31 -- Description I/O invalid address. An outbound I/O transaction with a translated address of greater than 4G was detected. 1 A greater than 4G I/O address was detected 0 No greater than 4G I/O address detected Reserved PCI Express Error Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_ERR_EN) The PCI Express error interrupt enable register, shown in Figure 18-25, allows interrupts to be generated when the corresponding PCI Express error detect register bits are set. Offset 0xE08 Access: Read/Write 0 7 R 8 -- PCTIE W Reset -- 10 12 13 14 15 PCACIE PNMIE CDNSCIE CRSNCIE ICCAIE IACAIE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reset 31 -- CRSTIE MISIE IOISIE CISIE CIEPIE IOIEPIE OACIE IOIAIE W 11 All zeros 16 R 9 All zeros Figure 18-25. PCI Express Error Interrupt Enable Register (PEX_ERR_EN) Table 18-24 describes the fields of the PCI Express error interrupt enable register. Table 18-24. PCI Express Error Interrupt Enable Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-7 -- 8 PCTIE 9 -- 10 PCACIE PCI Express CA completion interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[PCAC]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable completion with CA status interrupt generation 0 Disable completion with CA status interrupt generation 11 PNMIE PCI Express no map interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[PNM]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable no map PCI Express packet interrupt generation 0 Disable no map PCI Express packet interrupt generation 12 Description Reserved PCI Express completion time-out interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[PCT]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable PCI Express completion time-out interrupt generation 0 Disable PCI Express completion time-out interrupt generation Reserved CDNSCIE Completion with data not successful interrupt enable. When this bit is set and PEX_ERR_DR[CDNSC] = 1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable completion with data non successful interrupt generation 0 Disable completion with data non successful interrupt generation MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-32 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-24. PCI Express Error Interrupt Enable Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 13 Name Description CRSNCIE CRS non configuration interrupt enable. When this bit is set and PEX_ERR_DR[CRSNC] = 1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable CRS non configuration interrupt generation 0 Disable CRS non configuration interrupt generation 14 ICCAIE Invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA configuration access interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[ICCA]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA access interrupt generation 0 Disable invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA access interrupt generation. 15 IACAIE Invalid ATMU configuration access. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[IACA]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable invalid ATMU configuration access interrupt generation 0 Disable invalid ATMU configuration access interrupt generation 16 CRSTIE CRS thresholded interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[CRST]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable CRS threshold interrupt generation 0 Disable CRS threshold interrupt generation 17 MISIE Message invalid size interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[MIS]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable invalid outbound message size interrupt generation 0 Disable invalid outbound message size interrupt generation 18 IOISIE I/O invalid size interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[IOIS]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable invalid outbound I/O size interrupt generation 0 Disable invalid outbound I/O size interrupt generation 19 CISIE Configuration invalid size interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[CIS]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable invalid outbound configuration size interrupt generation 0 Disable invalid outbound configuration size interrupt generation 20 CIEPIE Configuration invalid EP interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[CIEP]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable outbound configuration transaction while in EP mode interrupt generation 0 Disable outbound configuration transaction in EP mode interrupt generation 21 IOIEPIE I/O invalid EP interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[IOIEP]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable outbound I/O transaction EP mode interrupt generation 0 Disable outbound I/O transaction EP mode interrupt generation 22 OACIE Outbound ATMU crossing interrupt enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[OAC]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable outbound crossing ATMU interrupt generation 0 Disable outbound crossing ATMU interrupt generation 23 IOIAIE I/O address invalid enable. When set and PEX_ERR_DR[IOIA]=1 will generate an interrupt. 1 Enable greater than 4G I/O address interrupt generation 0 Disable greater than 4G I/O address interrupt generation 24-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-33 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Error Disable Register (PEX_ERR_DISR) The PCI Express error disable register, shown in Figure 18-26, controls the setting of the PCI Express error detect register's bits. Offset 0xE10 Access: Read/Write 0 R 1 7 MED W PCTD Reset W 9 -- 10 11 12 13 14 15 PCACD PNMD CDNSCD CRSNCD ICCAD IACAD All zeros 16 R 8 -- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CRSTD MISD IOISD CISD CIEPD IOIEPD OACD IOIAD Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 18-26. PCI Express Error Disable Register (PEX_ERR_DISR) Table 18-25 describes the fields of the PCI Express error disable register. Table 18-25. PCI Express Error Disable Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 MED 1-7 -- 8 PCTD 9 -- 10 PCACD PCI Express CA completion disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[PCAC] bit. 1 Disable completion with CA status detection 0 Enable completion with CA status detection 11 PNMD PCI Express no map disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[PNM] bit. 1 Disable no map PCI Express packet detection 0 Enable no map PCI Express packet detection Multiple errors disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[ME] bit. 1 Disable multiple errors detection 0 Enable multiple errors detection Reserved PCI Express completion time-out disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[PET] bit. 1 Disable PCI Express completion time-out detection 0 Enable PCI Express completion time-out detection Reserved 12 CDNSCD Completion with data not successful disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[CDNSC] bit. 1 Disable completion with data not successful detection 0 Enable completion with data not successful detection 13 CRSNCD CRS non configuration disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[CRSNC] bit. 1 Disable CRS non configuration detection 0 Enable CRS non configuration detection 14 ICCAD Invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA configuration access disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[ICCA] bit. 1 Disable invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA access detection 0 Enable invalid PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA access detection MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-34 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-25. PCI Express Error Disable Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 15 IACAD Invalid ATMU configuration access. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[IACA] bit. 1 Disable invalid ATMU configuration access detection 0 Enable invalid ATMU configuration access detection 16 CRSTD CRS thresholded disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[CRST] bit. 1 Disable CRS threshold detection 0 Enable CRS threshold detection 17 MISD Message invalid size disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[MIS] bit. 1 Disable invalid outbound message size detection 0 Enable invalid outbound message size detection 18 IOISD I/O invalid size disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[IOIS] bit. 1 Disable invalid outbound I/O size detection 0 Enable invalid outbound I/O size detection 19 CISD Configuration invalid size disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[CIS] bit. 1 Disable invalid outbound configuration size detection 0 Enable invalid outbound configuration size detection 20 CIEPD Configuration invalid EP disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[CIEP] bit. 1 Disable outbound configuration transaction EP mode detection 0 Enable outbound configuration transaction EP mode detection 21 IOIEPD I/O invalid EP disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[IOEP] bit. 1 Disable outbound I/O transaction EP mode detection 0 Enable outbound I/O transaction EP mode detection 22 OACD Outbound ATMU crossing disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[OAC] bit. 1 Disable outbound crossing ATMU detection 0 Enable outbound crossing ATMU detection 23 IOIAD I/O invalid address disable. When set will disable the setting of PEX_ERR_DR[IOIA] bit. 1 Disable greater than 4G I/O address detection 0 Enable greater than 4G I/O address detection 24-31 -- Description Reserved PCI Express Error Capture Status Register (PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT) The PCI Express error capture status register, shown in Figure 18-27, allows vital error information to be captured when an error occurs. Note that no further error capturing is performed until the ECV bit is cleared. Offset 0xE20 Access: Mixed 0 24 R -- 26 TO W Reset 25 30 GSID 31 ECV w1c All zeros Figure 18-27. PCI Express Error Capture Status Register (PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-35 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-26 describes the fields of the PCI Express error capture status register. Table 18-26. PCI Express Error Capture Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-24 -- Reserved 25 TO Transaction originator. This field Indicates whether the originator of the transaction is from PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA. 1 Transaction originated from PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA. 0 Transaction not originated from PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA. 26-30 GSID Global source ID. This field indicates the internal platform global source ID that the error transaction originates. This field only applies to non PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA transactions. 00000 PCI1/PCI-X 00001 PCI2 00010 PCI Express (for inbound transaction) 00111 Security 01010 Boot sequencer 01100 Serial RapidIO (all reads and writes) 10000 Processor instruction 10001 Processor data 10101 DMA 11000 eTSEC1 11001 eTSEC2 11010 eTSEC3 11011 eTSEC4 11100 RapidIO message/doorbell/port write with responses and reads All other settings reserved. 31 ECV Error capture valid. This bit indicates that the capture registers 0-3 contain valid info. This bit when set indicates that the captured registers contain valid capturing information. No new capturing will be done unless this bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it. PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R0) Together with the other PCI Express error capture registers, PEX_ERR_CAP_R0 allows vital error information to be captured when an error occurs. Different error information is reported depending on whether the error source is from an outbound transaction from an internal source or from an inbound transaction from an external source; the source of the captured error is reflected in PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID]. Note that after the initial error is captured, no further capturing is performed until the PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[ECV] bit is clear. PEX_ERR_CAP_R0 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] 0h02), is shown in Figure 18-28. Offset 0xE28 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 15 16 17 18 -- FMT 22 23 TYPE 31 -- All zeros Figure 18-28. PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R0) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-36 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-27 describes the fields of the PCI Express error capture register 0 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source. Table 18-27. PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction Bits Name Description 0-15 -- 16-17 FMT PCI Express format. This field indicates the PCI Express packet format. See PCI Express Spec 1.0a for more information on 3 or 4 DW (4-byte) header format. 18-22 TYPE PCI Express type. This field indicates the PCI express packet type. See PCI Express Spec 1.0a for more information on 3 or 4 DW (4-byte) header format. 23-31 -- Reserved Reserved PEX_ERR_CAP_R0 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] = 0h02 for controller 1), is shown in Figure 18-29. Offset 0xE28 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R GH0 W Reset All zeros Figure 18-29. PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R0) External Source, Inbound Transaction Table 18-28 describes the fields of PEX_ERR_CAP_R0 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source. Table 18-28. PCI Express Error Capture Register 0 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction Bits Name Description 0-31 GH0 PCI Express 1st DW (4-byte) header. This field contains the PCI Express error packet's 1st DW (4-byte) header. 27-31 type 26-26 fmt 20-24 Rsv 17-19 TC 16 Rsv 14-15 length[9:8] 12-13 Rsv 10-11 Attr 9 EP 8 TD 0-7 length[7:0] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-37 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R1) Together with the other PCI Express error capture registers, PEX_ERR_CAP_R1 allows vital error information to be captured when an error occurs. Different error information is reported depending on whether the error source is from an outbound transaction from an internal source or from an inbound transaction from an external source; the source of the captured error is reflected in PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID]. Note that after the initial error is captured, no further capturing is performed until the PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[ECV] bit is clear. PEX_ERR_CAP_R1 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] 0h02), is shown in Figure 18-30. Offset 0xE2C Access: Read/Write 0 23 24 R 31 -- OD0 W Reset All zeros Figure 18-30. PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R1) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction Table 18-29 describes the fields of PEX_ERR_CAP_R1 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source. Table 18-29. PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction Bits Name 0-23 -- 24-31 OD0 Description Reserved Internal platform header bits 71-64. Contains internal platform header bit 71:64. Note that this field is only valid for outbound internal platform errors. It is not valid for completion time-out errors or PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA errors. 30-31 Cls 26-29 Tag for read and non-posted write. Reserved otherwise. 25 Reserved 24 With Response (1 for read and non-posted write) PEX_ERR_CAP_R1 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] = 0h02 for controller 1), is shown in Figure 18-31. Offset 0xE2C Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 31 GH1 All zeros Figure 18-31. PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R1) External Source, Inbound Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-38 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-30 describes the fields of PEX_ERR_CAP_R1 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source. Table 18-30. PCI Express Error Capture Register 1 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction Bits Name 0-31 GH1 Description PEX 2nd DW (4-byte) header. This field contains the PCI Express error packet's 2nd DW (4-byte) header. 24-31 Comp ID[15:8] 16-23 Comp ID[7:0] 13-15 Comp Status 12 BCM 8-11 Byte Count[11:8] 0-7 Byte Count[7:0] PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R2) Together with the other PCI Express error capture registers, PEX_ERR_CAP_R2 allows vital error information to be captured when an error occurs. Different error information is reported depending on whether the error source is from an outbound transaction from an internal source or from an inbound transaction from an external source; the source of the captured error is reflected in PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID]. Note that after the initial error is captured, no further capturing is performed until the PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[ECV] bit is clear. PEX_ERR_CAP_R2 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] 0h02), is shown in Figure 18-32. Offset 0xE30 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R OD1 W Reset All zeros Figure 18-32. PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R2) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-39 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-29 describes the fields of PEX_ERR_CAP_R2 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source. Table 18-31. PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction Bit Name Description 0-31 OD1 Internal platform header bits 63-32. Contains the internal platform header bits 63-32. Note that this field is only valid for outbound internal platform errors. It is not valid for completion time-out errors or PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA errors. 27-31Transaction type (00000 for write, 00001 for read) 25-26 Transaction priority 19-24 Source ID 10-18 Size 9 No snoop 8 Stash 7 Lock 1-6 Reserved 0 Address[0] PEX_ERR_CAP_R2 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] = 0h02 for controller 1), is shown in Figure 18-31. Offset 0xE30 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R GH2 W Reset All zeros Figure 18-33. PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R2) External Source, Inbound Transaction Table 18-30 describes the fields of PEX_ERR_CAP_R2 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source. Table 18-32. PCI Express Error Capture Register 2 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction Bits Name 0-31 GH2 Description PCI Express 3rd DW (4-byte) header. This field contains the PCI Express error packet's 3rd DW (4-byte) header. 24-31 Req ID[15:8] 16-23 Req ID[7:0] 8-15 Tag[7:0] 1-7 Lower Address[6:0] 0 Rsv PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R3) Together with the other PCI Express error capture registers, PEX_ERR_CAP_R3 allows vital error information to be captured when an error occurs. Different error information is reported depending on whether the error source is from an outbound transaction from an internal source or from an inbound MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-40 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller transaction from an external source; the source of the captured error is reflected in PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID]. Note that after the initial error is captured, no further capturing is performed until the PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[ECV] bit is clear. PEX_ERR_CAP_R3 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] 0h02), is shown in Figure 18-34. Offset 0xE34 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R OD2 W Reset All zeros Figure 18-34. PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R3) Internal Source, Outbound Transaction Table 18-29 describes the fields of PEX_ERR_CAP_R3 for the case when the error is caused by an outbound transaction from an internal source. Table 18-33. PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 Field Descriptions Internal Source, Outbound Transaction Bits Name Description 0-31 OD2 Internal platform header bits 31-0. Contains internal platform header bits 31-0. Note that this field is only valid for outbound internal platform errors. It is not valid for completion time-out errors or PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA errors. 0-31Address[1:32] PEX_ERR_CAP_R3 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source (that is, PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT[GSID] = 0h02 for controller 1), is shown in Figure 18-31. Offset 0xE34 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R GH3 W Reset All zeros Figure 18-35. PCI Express Error Capture Register 3 (PEX_ERR_CAP_R3) External Source, Inbound Transaction Table 18-30 describes the fields of PEX_ERR_CAP_R3 for the case when the error is caused by an inbound transaction from an external source. Table 18-34. PEX Error Capture Register 3 Field Descriptions External Source, Inbound Transaction Bits Name 0-31 GH3 Description PEX 4th DW (4-byte) header. This field is a don't care. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-41 PCI Express Interface Controller 18.3.7 PCI Express Configuration Space Access There are two methods of accessing the PCI Express configuration header: * PCI Express outbound ATMU window * PCI Express configuration access registers (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA) RC Configuration Register Access To access internal configuration space, software must rely on the PCI Express configuration access register (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/ PEX_CONFIG_DATA) mechanism. To access external configuration space, software can either use configuration access registers or the outbound ATMU mechanism. For the configuration access register method, a value must be written to the PEX_CONFIG_ADDR register that specifies the PCI Express bus, the device on that bus, the function within the device, and the configuration register in that device that should be accessed. Then either a write or a read to the PEX_CONFIG_DATA register triggers the actual write or read cycle to the configuration space. Note that the PCI Express controller's bus number is obtained from the PCI Express configuration header (type 1). PCI Express Configuration Access Register Mechanism There are two types of configuration transactions (Type 0 and Type 1) needed to support hierarchical bridges. * * * * If the bus number, and device number equal to the PCI Express controller's bus number and device number, and the function number is zero, then an internal PCI Express configuration cycle access is performed. If the bus number does not equal the PCI Express controller's bus number, but does equal the secondary bus number (from the type 1 header) and the device number is 0, then a Type 0 configuration transaction is sent to the PCI Express link. If the bus number does not equal the PCI Express controller's bus number, and does not equal the secondary bus number (from the type 1 header), and the bus number is less than or equal to the subordinate bus number (from the type 1 header), then a Type 1 configuration transaction is sent to the PCI Express link. If none of the above conditions occur, then the PCI Express controller returns all 1s for reads and ignores writes. Outbound ATMU Configuration Mechanism (RC-Only) Software can also program one of the outbound ATMU windows to perform a configuration access. This is accomplished by programming the ReadTType or WriteTType field of the desired PEXOWAR to 0x2. Software must only issue 4-byte or less access to the ATMU configuration window and the access cannot cross a 4-byte boundary. The bus number, device number, function number, register, and extended register number sent are decoded from the outbound translated PCI Express address. * bus number[7:0] = PCI Express address[27:20] * device number[4:0] = PCI Express address[19:15] * function number[2:0] = PCI Express address[14:12] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-42 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller * * extended register number[3:0] = PCI Express address[11:8] register number[5:0] = PCI Express address[7:2] A Type 0 configuration cycle is sent to the link if the bus number equals the secondary bus number (from the type 1 header) and device number is 0. A Type 1 configuration cycle is sent to the link if bus number does not equal primary bus and secondary bus numbers and it is less than or equal to the subordinate bus number (from the type 1 header). For all other cases, the PCI Express controller squashes the write and read will result in a response with error returned. Note that the PCI Express controller does not support access to its internal configuration registers using the outbound ATMU mechanism. That is, the outbound ATMU mechanism must not be used to program the internal registers. EP Configuration Register Access When the PCI Express controller is configured as an EP device it responds to remote host generated configuration cycles. This is indicated by decoding the configuration command along with type 0 access in the packet. A remote host can access up to 4096 bytes of the PCI Express configuration area. While in EP mode, the PCI Express controller does not support generating configuration accesses as a master. All accesses to PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA cause the device to access the internal configuration registers regardless of the bus number or device number programmed in the PEX_CONFIG_ADDR register. There is no configuration mechanism supported in EP mode using the ATMU window. If the outbound ATMU window is configured to issue a configuration transaction, all posted transactions hitting this window are ignored and all non-posted transactions will get a response with an error. 18.3.8 PCI Compatible Configuration Headers The first 64 bytes of the 256-byte PCI compatible configuration space consists of a predefined header that every PCI device must support. The first 16 bytes of the predefined header are defined the same for all PCI Express devices. These common registers are shown in Figure 18-36. Address Offset (Hex) Reserved Device ID Vendor ID Status Command Class Code BIST 00 Header Type Latency Timer 04 Revision ID 08 Cache Line Size 0C Figure 18-36. PCI Express PCI-Compatible Configuration Header Common Registers The remaining 48 bytes of the header may have differing layouts depending on the function of the device. There are two header types applicable to PCI Express. Type 0 headers are typically used by endpoints; Type 1 headers are used by root complexes and switches/bridges. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-43 PCI Express Interface Controller Common PCI Compatible Configuration Header Registers This section details the registers that are common to both type 0 and type 1 configuration headers. PCI Express Vendor ID Register--Offset 0x00 The vendor ID register, shown in Figure 18-37, is used to identify the manufacturer of the device. Offset 0x00 Access: Read-only 15 0 R Vendor ID W Reset 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Figure 18-37. PCI Express Vendor ID Register Table 18-35 describes the vendor ID register fields. Table 18-35. PCI Express Vendor ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Vendor ID Description 0x1957 (Freescale) PCI Express Device ID Register--Offset 0x02 The device ID register, shown in Figure 18-38, is used to identify the device. Offset 0x02 Access: Read-only 15 0 R Device ID W Reset Device-specific; see field description Figure 18-38. PCI Express Device ID Register Table 18-36 describes the device ID register fields. Table 18-36. PCI Express Device ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Device ID Description 0x0012 MPC8548E 0x0013 MPC8548 PCI Express Command Register--Offset 0x04 The command register, shown in Figure 18-39, provides control over the ability to generate and respond to PCI Express cycles. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-44 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Offset 0x04 Access: Mixed 15 11 R -- W 10 9 Interrupt Disable -- Reset 8 SERR 7 6 5 -- Parity error response 3 -- 2 Bus master 1 0 Memory space I/O space All zeros Figure 18-39. PCI Express Command Register Table 18-37 describes the bits of the command register. Table 18-37. PCI Express Command Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 15-11 -- 10 Interrupt Disable 9 -- 8 SERR 7 -- 6 Parity error response 5-3 -- 2 Bus master Reserved Controls the ability to generate INTx interrupt messages. 0 Enables INTx interrupt messages 1 Disables INTx interrupt messages Any INTx emulation interrupts already asserted by this device must be deasserted when this bit is set. Reserved Controls the reporting of fatal and non-fatal errors detected by the device to the root complex. 0 Disables reporting 1 Enables reporting Note: The error control and status bits in the command and status registers control PCI-compatible error reporting. PCI Express advanced error reporting is controlled by the PCI Express device control register described in Section, "PCI Express Device Control Register--0x54," and the advance error reporting capability structure described in sections through Reserved Controls whether this PCI Express controller responds to parity errors. 0 Parity errors are ignored and normal operation continues. 1 Parity errors cause the appropriate bit in the PCI Express status register to be set. However, note that errors are reported based on the values set in the PCI Express error enable and detection registers. Note: The error control and status bits in the command and status registers control PCI-compatible error reporting. PCI Express advanced error reporting is controlled by the PCI Express device control register described in Section, "PCI Express Device Control Register--0x54," and the advance error reporting capability structure described in sections through Reserved Indicates whether this PCI Express device is configured as a master. 0 Disables the ability to generate PCI Express accesses 1 Enables this PCI Express controller to behave as a PCI Express bus master EP mode: Clearing this bit prevent the device from issuing any memory or I/O transactions. Because MSI interrupts are effectively memory writes, clearing this bit also disables the ability of the device to issue MSI interrupts. RC mode: Clearing this bit disables the ability of the device to forward memory transactions upstream. This causes any inbound memory transaction to be treated as an unsupported request. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-45 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-37. PCI Express Command Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 1 Memory space 0 I/O space Description Controls whether this PCI Express device (as a target) responds to memory accesses. 0 This PCI Express device does not respond to PCI Express memory space accesses. 1 This PCI Express device responds to PCI Express memory space accesses. EP mode: Clearing this bit will prevent the device from accepting any memory transaction. RC mode: This bit is ignored. It does not affect outbound memory transaction I/O space. 0 This PCI Express device (as a target) does not respond to PCI Express I/O space accesses. 1 This PCI Express device (as a target) does respond to PCI Express I/O space accesses. EP mode: Clearing this bit will prevent the device from accepting any IO transaction. Note that this bit is a don't care in EP mode since the device does not support IO transaction. RC mode: This bit is ignored. It does not affect outbound IO transaction. PCI Express Status Register--Offset 0x06 The status register, shown in Figure 18-40, is used to record status information for PCI Express related events. Offset 0x06 Access: Mixed 15 14 R Detected parity error W w1c 13 12 w1c w1c 10 Signaled target-abort w1c Reset 9 8 Master data parity error -- w1c w1c All zeros 7 R 11 Signaled Received Received system error master-abort target-abort 6 5 4 3 Interrupt Status 0 -- -- -- Capabilities list 0 0 0 1 2 0 -- W Reset 0 0 0 Figure 18-40. PCI Express Status Register . The definition of each bit is given in Table 18-38. Table 18-38. PCI Express Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 15 Detected parity error1 Set whenever a device receives a poisoned TLP regardless of the state of bit 6 in the command register. 14 Signaled system Set whenever a device sends a ERR_FATAL or ERR_NONFATAL message and the SERR enable bit in error1 the command register is set. 13 Received master-abort1 Set whenever a requestor receives a completion with unsupported request completion status. 12 Received target-abort1 Set whenever a device receives a completion with completer abort completion status. 11 Signaled target-abort1 Set whenever a device completes a request using completer abort completion status. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-46 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-38. PCI Express Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 10-9 -- 8 1 Description Reserved Master data parity Set by the requestor (primary side for Type1 headers) when either the requestor receives a completion error detected1 marked poisoned or the requestor poisons a write request. Note that the parity error enable bit (bit 6) in the command register must be set for this bit to be set. 7-5 -- Reserved 4 Capabilities List All PCI Express devices are required to implement the PCI Express capability structure. 3 Interrupt Status Set when an INTx interrupt message is pending internally to the device. Note that this bit is associated with INTx messages and not Message Signaled Interrupts. 2-0 -- Reserved The error control and status bits in the command and status registers control PCI-compatible error reporting. PCI Express advanced error reporting is controlled by the PCI Express device control register described in Section, "PCI Express Device Control Register--0x54," and the advance error reporting capability structure described in sections through PCI Express Revision ID Register--Offset 0x08 The revision ID register, shown in Figure 18-41, is used to identify the revision of the device. Offset 0x08 Access: Read-only 7 0 R Revision ID W Reset Revision specific Figure 18-41. PCI Express Revision ID Register . Table 18-39 describes the revision ID register fields. Table 18-39. PCI Express Revision ID Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 7-0 Revision ID Description Revision specific. PCI Express Class Code Register--Offset 0x09 The class code register, shown in Figure 18-42, is comprised of three single-byte fields--base class (offset 0x0B), sub-class (offset 0x0A), and programming interface (offset 0x09)--that indicate the basic functionality of the function. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-47 PCI Express Interface Controller Offset 0x09 Access: Mixed 23 16 R Base Class W Reset 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 15 8 R Sub-Class W Reset 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 R Programming Interface W Reset 0x00 RC mode 0x01 EP mode Figure 18-42. PCI Express Class Code Register . Table 18-40 describes the class code register fields. Table 18-40. PCI Express Class Code Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 23-16 Base Class 0x0B--Processor 15-8 7-0 Sub-Class 0x20--PowerPC Programming 0x00--RC mode Interface 0x01--EP mode PCI Express Cache Line Size Register--Offset 0x0C The cache line size register, shown in Figure 18-43, is provided for legacy compatibility purposes (PCI 2.3); it is not used for PCI Express device functionality. Offset 0x0C Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Cache Line Size W Reset All zeros Figure 18-43. PCI Express Bus Cache Line Size Register Table 18-41 describes the cache line size register. Table 18-41. PCI Express Bus Cache Line Size Register Field Descriptions Bits 7-0 Name Description Cache Line Represents the cache line size of the processor in terms of 32-bit words (8 32-bit words = 32 bytes). Size Note that for PCI Express operation this register is ignored. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-48 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Latency Timer Register--0x0D The latency timer register, shown in Figure 18-44, is provided for legacy compatibility purposes (PCI 2.3); it is not used for PCI Express device functionality. Offset 0x0D Access: Read-only 7 0 R Latency Timer W Reset All zeros Figure 18-44. PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register Table 18-42 describes the PCI Express latency timer register (PLTR). Table 18-42. PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register Field Descriptions Bits 7-0 Name Description Latency Timer Note that for PCI Express operation this register is ignored. PCI Express Header Type Register--0x0E The PCI Express header type register, shown in Figure 18-43, is used to identify the layout of the PCI compatible header. Offset 0x0D Access: Read-only 7 6 R Multifunction 0 Header Layout W Reset 0x00 (EP mode) 0x01 (RC mode) Figure 18-45. PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register Table 18-42 describes the PCI Express header type register. Table 18-43. PCI Express Bus Latency Timer Register Field Descriptions Bits 7 6-0 Name Description Multifunction Identifies whether a device supports multiple functions 0 Single function device 1 Multiple function device Header Layout 0x00 Endpoint. See Figure 18-46 for type 0 layout. 0x01 Root Complex. See Figure 18-58 for type 1 layout. All other encodings reserved. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-49 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express BIST Register--0x0F The BIST register is optional and reserved on the PCI Express controller. Type 0 Configuration Header The type 0 header is shown in Figure 18-46. Address Offset (Hex) Reserved Device ID Vendor ID Status Command Class Code BIST 00 Header Type 04 Revision ID Latency Timer Cache Line Size 08 0C 10 14 18 Base Address Registers 1C 20 24 28 Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID 2C 30 Capabilities Pointer Expansion ROM Base Address MAX_LAT MIN_GNT Interrupt Pin 34 38 Interrupt Line 3C Figure 18-46. PCI Express PCI-Compatible Configuration Header--Type 0 Section, "Common PCI Compatible Configuration Header Registers," describes the registers in the first 16 bytes of the header. This section describes the registers that are unique to the type 0 header beginning at offset 0x10. PCI Express Base Address Registers--0x10-0x27 The PCI Express base address registers (BARs) point to the beginning of distinct address ranges which the device should claim. In EP mode, the device supports a configuration space BAR, a 32-bit memory space BAR, and two 64-bit memory space BARs. In RC mode, the device only supports the configuration space BAR in the header; the other memory spaces are defined by the inbound ATMUs. Refer to Section, "PCI Express Inbound ATMU Registers," for more information. Base address register 0 at offset 0x10 is a special fixed 1-Mbyte window that is used for inbound configuration accesses. This window is called the PCI Express configuration and status register base address register (PEXCSRBAR). Note that PEXCSRBAR cannot be updated through the inbound ATMU registers. The PEXCSRBAR is shown in Figure 18-47. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-50 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Offset 0x10 Access: Mixed 31 20 19 R ADDRESS W 4 -- Reset 3 2 PREF 1 0 TYPE MemSp All zeros Figure 18-47. PCI Express Base Address Register 0 (PEXCSRBAR) Table 18-44 describes the PCI Express configuration and status register base address register. Table 18-44. PEXCSRBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-20 ADDRESS Indicates the base address that the inbound configuration window occupies. This window is fixed at 1 Mbyte. 19-4 -- Reserved 3 PREF Prefetchable 2-1 TYPE Type. 00 Locate anywhere in 32-bit address space. 0 MemSp Memory space indicator Base address register 1 at offset 0x14 is used to define the inbound memory window in the 32-bit memory space. The 32-bit memory BAR is shown in Figure 18-48. Offset 0x14 (EP-mode only) Access: Mixed 31 12 11 R ADDRESS W 4 -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 PREF 1 2 1 TYPE 0 0 0 MemSp 0 Figure 18-48. 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register (BAR1) Table 18-45 describes the PCI Express 32-bit memory BAR fields. Table 18-45. 32-Bit Memory Base Address Register (BAR1) Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-12 ADDRESS Indicates the base address where the inbound memory window begins. The number of upper bits that the device allows to be writable is selected through the inbound window size in the inbound window attributes register (PEXIWAR1). 11-4 -- 3 PREF Prefetchable. This bit is determined by PEXIWAR1[PF]. 2-1 TYPE Type. 00 Locate anywhere in 32-bit address space. 0 MemSp Reserved. The device allows a 4 Kbyte window minimum. Memory space indicator. Base address register 2 at offset 0x18 and base address register 4 at offset 0x20 are used to define the lower portion of the 64-bit inbound memory windows. The 64-bit low memory BARs are shown in Figure 18-49. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-51 PCI Express Interface Controller Offset 0x18 (EP-mode only) 0x20 (EP-mode only) Access: Mixed 31 12 11 R ADDRESS W 4 -- 3 2 PREF Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 TYPE 1 0 0 MemSp 0 Figure 18-49. 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register Table 18-46 describes the PCI Express 64-bit low memory BAR fields. Table 18-46. 64-Bit Low Memory Base Address Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-12 ADDRESS Indicates the lower portion of the base address where the inbound memory window begins. The number of bits that the device allows to be writable is selected through the inbound window size in the inbound window attributes registers (PEXIWAR2 for offset 0x18 and PEXIWAR3 for offset 0x20). 11-4 -- Reserved. The device allows a 4 Kbyte window minimum. 3 PREF Prefetchable. This bit is determined by PEXIWARn[2]. 2-1 TYPE Type. 0b10 Locate anywhere in 64-bit address space. 0 MemSp Memory space indicator Base address register 3 at offset 0x1C and base address register 5 at offset 0x24 are used to define the upper portion of the 64-bit inbound memory windows. The 64-bit high memory BARs are shown in Figure 18-50. Offset 0x1C (EP-mode only) 0x24 (EP-mode only) Access: Read/Write 31 R W Reset 0 ADDRESS All zeros Figure 18-50. 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register Table 18-47 describes the PCI Express 64-bit low memory BAR fields. Table 18-47. Bit Setting for 64-Bit High Memory Base Address Register Bits Name Description 31-0 ADDRESS Indicates the upper portion of the base address where the inbound memory window begins. The number of bits that the device allows to be writable is selected through the inbound window size in the inbound window attributes registers (PEXIWAR2 for offset 0x1C and PEXIWAR3 for offset 0x24). If no access to local memory is to be permitted by external requestors, then all bits are programmed. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-52 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x2C The PCI Express subsystem vendor ID register is used to identify the subsystem. Offset 0x2C (EP-mode only) Access: Read-only 15 0 R Subsystem Vendor ID W Reset Value taken from PEX_SSVID_UPDATE[SSV_ID] Figure 18-51. PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Register Table 18-48. PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Subsystem Vendor ID Description The value for subsystem vendor ID is determined by the PCI Express subsystem vendor ID update register. See Section, "PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Update Register (EP Mode Only)--0x478," for more information. PCI Express Subsystem ID Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x2E The PCI Express subsystem ID register is used to identify the subsystem. Offset 0x2E (EP-mode only) Access: Read-only 15 0 R Subsystem ID W Reset Value taken from PEX_SSVID_UPDATE[SSV_ID] Figure 18-52. PCI Express Subsystem ID Register Table 18-49. PCI Express Subsystem ID Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-0 Subsystem ID The value for subsystem ID is determined by the PCI Express subsystem vendor ID update register. See Section, "PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Update Register (EP Mode Only)--0x478," for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-53 PCI Express Interface Controller Capabilities Pointer Register--0x34 The capabilities pointer identifies additional functionality supported by the device. Offset 0x34 Access: Read-only 7 0 R Capabilities Pointer W Reset 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Figure 18-53. Capabilities Pointer Register Table 18-50. Capabilities Pointer Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Capabilities Pointer Description The capabilities pointer provides the offset (0x44) for additional PCI-compatible registers above the common 64-byte header. Refer to Section 18.3.9, "PCI Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space," for more information. PCI Express Interrupt Line Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x3C The interrupt line register is used by device drivers and OS software to communicate interrupt line routing information. Values in this register are programmed by system software and are system specific. Offset 0x3C (EP-mode only) Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Interrupt Line W Reset All zeros Figure 18-54. PCI Express Interrupt Line Register Table 18-51. PCI Express Interrupt Line Register Field Description Bits Name Description 7-0 Interrupt Line Used to communicate interrupt line routing information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-54 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register--0x3D The interrupt pin register identifies the legacy interrupt (INTx) messages the device (or function) uses. Offset 0x3D Access: Read-only 7 0 R Interrupt Pin W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-55. PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register Table 18-52. PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Interrupt pin Description Legacy INTx message used by this device. 0x00 This device does not use legacy interrupt (INTx) messages. 0x01 INTA 0x02 INTB 0x03 INTC 0x04 INTD all others Reserved. PCI Express Minimum Grant Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x3E This register does not apply to PCI Express. It is present for legacy purposes. Offset 0x3E (EP-mode only) Access: Read-only 7 0 R MIN_GNT W Reset All zeros Figure 18-56. PCI Express Maximum Grant Register (MAX_GNT) Table 18-53. PCI Express Maximum Grant Register Field Description Bits 7-0 Name Description MIN_GNT Does not apply for PCI Express. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-55 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Maximum Latency Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x3F This register does not apply to PCI Express. It is present for legacy purposes. Offset 0x3F (EP-mode only) Access: Read-only 7 0 R MAX_LAT W Reset All zeros Figure 18-57. PCI Express Maximum Latency Register (MAX_LAT) Table 18-54. PCI Express Maximum Latency Register Field Description Bits 7-0 Name Description MAX_LAT Does not apply for PCI Express. Type 1 Configuration Header The type 1 header is shown in Figure 18-58. Address Offset (Hex) Reserved Device ID Vendor ID Status 00 Command 04 Class Code BIST Header Type Latency Timer Revision ID 08 Cache Line Size 0C Base Address Register 0 10 14 Secondary Latency Timer Subordinate Bus Number Secondary Status Secondary Bus Number Primary Bus Number I/O Limit I/O Base Memory Limit Prefetchable Memory Limit 1C Memory Base 20 Prefetchable Memory Base 24 Prefetchable Base Upper 32 Bits 28 Prefetchable Limit Upper 32 Bits I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits 2C I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Capabilities Pointer Expansion ROM Base Address Bridge Control 18 Interrupt Pin 30 34 38 Interrupt Line 3C Figure 18-58. PCI Express PCI-Compatible Configuration Header--Type 1 Section, "Common PCI Compatible Configuration Header Registers," describes the registers in the first 16 bytes of the header. This section describes the registers that are unique to the type 1 header beginning at offset 0x10. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-56 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Base Address Register 0--0x10 Base address register 0 at offset 0x10 is a special fixed 1-Mbyte window that is used for inbound configuration accesses. This window is called the PCI Express configuration and status register base address register (PEXCSRBAR). Note that PEXCSRBAR cannot be updated through the inbound ATMU registers. The PEXCSRBAR is shown in Figure 18-47. Offset 0x10 Access: Mixed 31 20 19 R ADDRESS W 4 PREF -- Reset 3 2 1 TYPE 0 MemSp All zeros Figure 18-59. PCI Express Base Address Register 0 (PEXCSRBAR) Table 18-44 describes the PCI Express configuration and status register base address register. Table 18-55. PEXCSRBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-20 ADDRESS Indicates the base address that the inbound configuration window occupies. This window is fixed at 1 Mbyte. 19-4 -- 3 PREF Prefetchable 2-1 TYPE Type. 00 Locate anywhere in 32-bit address space. 0 MemSp Reserved Memory space indicator PCI Express Primary Bus Number Register--Offset 0x18 The primary bus number register is shown in Figure 18-60. Offset 0x18 Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Primary Bus Number W Reset All zeros Figure 18-60. PCI Express Primary Bus Number Register Table 18-56 describes the primary bus number register fields. Table 18-56. PCI Express Primary Bus Number Register Field Description Bits Name Description 7-0 Primary Bus Number Bus that is connected to the upstream interface. Note that this register is programmed during system enumeration; in RC mode this register should remain 0x00. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-57 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Secondary Bus Number Register--Offset 0x19 The secondary bus number register is shown in Figure 18-61. Offset 0x19 Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Secondary Bus Number W Reset All zeros Figure 18-61. PCI Express Secondary Bus Number Register Table 18-57 describes the secondary bus number register fields. Table 18-57. PCI Express Secondary Bus Number Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Description Secondary Bus Number Bus that is directly connected to the downstream interface. Note that this register is programmed during system enumeration; in RC mode, this register is typically programmed to 0x01. PCI Express Subordinate Bus Number Register--Offset 0x1A The subordinate bus number register is shown in Figure 18-62. Offset 0x1A Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Subordinate Bus Number W Reset All zeros Figure 18-62. PCI Express Subordinate Bus Number Register Table 18-58 describes the subordinate bus number register fields. Table 18-58. PCI Express Subordinate Bus Number Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Subordinate Bus Number Description Highest bus number that is on the downstream interface. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-58 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Secondary Latency Timer Register--0x1B The secondary latency timer register does not apply to PCI Express. It must be read-only and return all zeros when read. PCI Express I/O Base Register--0x1C Note that this device does not support inbound I/O transactions. The I/O base register is shown in Figure 18-62. Offset 0x1C Access: Read-only 7 4 R 3 I/O Start Address 0 Address Decode Type W Reset All zeros Figure 18-63. PCI Express I/O Base Register Table 18-58 describes the I/O base register fields. Table 18-59. PCI Express I/O Base Register Field Description Bits Name 7-4 I/O Start Address 3-0 Description Specifies bits 15:12 of the I/O space start address Address Decode Type Specifies the number of I/O address bits. 0x00 16-bit I/O address decode 0x01 32-bit I/O address decode All other settings reserved. PCI Express I/O Limit Register--0x1D Note that this device does not support inbound I/O transactions. The I/O limit register is shown in Figure 18-62. Offset 0x1D Access: Read-only 7 R 4 3 I/O Limit Address 0 Address Decode Type W Reset All zeros Figure 18-64. PCI Express I/O Limit Register Table 18-58 describes the I/O limit register fields. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-59 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-60. PCI Express I/O Limit Register Field Description Bits Name 7-4 I/O Limit Address 3-0 Description Specifies bits 15:12 of the I/O space ending address Address Decode Type Specifies the number of I/O address bits. 0x00 16-bit I/O address decode 0x01 32-bit I/O address decode All other settings reserved. PCI Express Secondary Status Register--0x1E The PCI Express secondary status register is shown in Figure 18-65. Note that the errors in this register may be masked by corresponding bits in the secondary status interrupt mask register (PEX_SS_INTR_MASK) and that by default all of the errors are masked. See Section, "Secondary Status Interrupt Mask Register (RC-Mode Only)--0x5A0" for more information. Offset 0x1E 15 Access: Mixed 14 13 12 11 R DPE SSE RMA RTA STA W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 10 9 -- 8 7 0 MDPE -- w1c Reset All zeros Figure 18-65. PCI Express Secondary Status Register Table 18-61 describes the PCI Express secondary status register fields. Table 18-61. PCI Express Secondary Status Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15 DPE Detected parity error. This bit is set whenever the secondary side receives a poisoned TLP regardless of the state of the parity error response bit. 14 SSE Signaled system error. This bit is set when a device sends a ERR_FATAL or ERR_NONFATAL message, provided the SERR enable bit in the command register is set to enable reporting. 13 RMA Received master abort. This bit is set when the secondary side receives an unsupported request (UR) completion. 12 RTA Received target abort. This bit is set when the secondary side receives a completer abort (CA) completion. 11 STA Signaled target abort. This bit is set when the secondary side issues a CA completion. 10-9 -- 8 MDPE 7-0 -- Reserved Master data parity error. This bit is set when the parity error response bit is set and the secondary side requestor receives a poisoned completion or poisons a write request. If the parity error response bit is cleared, this bit is never set. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-60 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Memory Base Register--0x20 The memory base register is shown in Figure 18-66. Offset 0x20 Access: Read/Write 15 4 R 3 0 -- Memory Base W Reset All zeros Figure 18-66. PCI Express Memory Base Register Table 18-62 describes the memory base register fields. Table 18-62. PCI Express Memory Base Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-4 Memory Base Specifies bits 31:20 of the non-prefetchable memory space start address. Typically used for specifying memory-mapped I/O space. Note: Inbound posted transactions hitting into the mem base/limit range are ignored; inbound non-posted transactions hitting into the mem base/limit range results in an unsupported request response. 3-0 -- Reserved PCI Express Memory Limit Register--0x22 The memory limit register is shown in Figure 18-67. Offset 0x22 Access: Read/Write 15 4 R 3 Memory Limit W Reset 0 -- All zeros Figure 18-67. PCI Express Memory Limit Register Table 18-63 describes the memory base register fields. Table 18-63. PCI Express Memory Limit Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-4 Memory Limit Specifies bits 31:20 of the non-prefetchable memory space ending address. Typically used for specifying memory-mapped I/O space. Note: Inbound posted transactions hitting into the mem base/limit range are ignored; inbound non-posted transactions hitting into the mem base/limit range will result in unsupported request response. 3-0 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-61 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Base Register--0x24 The prefetchable memory base register is shown in Figure 18-68. Offset 0x24 Access: Read/Write 15 4 R Reset 0 Address Decode Type PF Memory Base W 3 All zeros Figure 18-68. PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Base Register Table 18-64 describes the prefetchable memory base register fields. Table 18-64. PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Base Register Field Description Bits Name 15-4 PF Memory Base 3-0 Description Specifies bits 31:20 of the prefetchable memory space start address. Address Decode Type Specifies the number of prefetchable memory address bits. 0x00 32-bit memory address decode 0x01 64-bit memory address decode All other settings reserved. PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Limit Register--0x26 The prefetchable memory limit register is shown in Figure 18-69. Offset 0x26 Access: Read/Write 15 4 R Reset 0 Address Decode Type PF Memory Limit W 3 All zeros Figure 18-69. PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Limit Register Table 18-65 describes the prefetchable memory limit register fields. Table 18-65. PCI Express Prefetchable Memory Limit Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-4 PF Memory Limit Specifies bits 31:20 of the prefetchable memory space ending address. 3-0 Address Decode Type Specifies the number of prefetchable memory address bits. 0x00 32-bit memory address decode 0x01 64-bit memory address decode All other settings reserved. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-62 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Prefetchable Base Upper 32 Bits Register--0x28 The PCI Express prefetchable memory base upper 32 bits register is shown in Figure 18-70. Offset 0x28 Access: Read/Write 31 R PF Base Upper 32 Bits W Reset All zeros Figure 18-70. PCI Express Prefetchable Base Upper 32 Bits Register Table 18-66 describes the PCI Express prefetchable memory base upper 32 bits register fields. Table 18-66. PCI Express Prefetchable Base Upper 32 Bits Register Bits Name 31-0 Description PF Base Upper 32 Bits Specifies bits 64:32 of the prefetchable memory space start address when the address decode type field in the prefetchable memory base register is 0x01. PCI Express Prefetchable Limit Upper 32 Bits Register--0x2C The PCI Express prefetchable memory base upper 32 bits register is shown in Figure 18-71. Offset 0x2C Access: Read/Write 31 R PF Limit Upper 32 Bits W Reset All zeros Figure 18-71. PCI Express Prefetchable Limit Upper 32 Bits Register Table 18-67 describes the PCI Express prefetchable memory limit upper 32 bits register fields. Table 18-67. PCI Express Prefetchable Limit Upper 32 Bits Register Bits 31-0 Name Description PF Limit Upper 32 Bits Specifies bits 64-32 of the prefetchable memory space ending address when the address decode type field in the prefetchable memory limit register is 0x01. PCI Express I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Register--0x30 Note that this device does not support inbound I/O transactions. The I/O base upper 16 bits register is shown in Figure 18-72. Offset 0x30 Access: Read-only 15 0 R I/O Base Upper 16 Bits W Reset All zeros Figure 18-72. PCI Express I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-63 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-68 describes the I/O base upper 16 bits register fields. Table 18-68. PCI Express I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Register Field Description Bits 15-0 Name Description I/O Base Upper 16 Bits Specifies bits 31-16 of the I/O space start address when the address decode type field in the I/O base register is 0x01. PCI Express I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits Register--0x32 Note that this device does not support inbound I/O transactions. The I/O limit upper 16 bits register is shown in Figure 18-73. Offset 0x32 Access: Read-only 15 0 R I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits W Reset All zeros Figure 18-73. PCI Express I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits Register Table 18-69 describes the I/O limit upper 16 bits register fields. Table 18-69. PCI Express I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits Register Field Description Bits 15-0 Name Description I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits Specifies bits 31-16 of the I/O space ending address when the address decode type field in the I/O limit register is 0x01. Capabilities Pointer Register--0x34 The capabilities pointer identifies additional functionality supported by the device. Offset 0x34 Access: Read-only 7 0 R Capabilities Pointer W Reset 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Figure 18-74. Capabilities Pointer Register Table 18-70. Capabilities Pointer Register Field Description Bits 7-0 Name Description Capabilities Pointer The capabilities pointer provides the offset (0x44) for additional PCI-compatible registers above the common 64-byte header. Refer to Section 18.3.9, "PCI Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space," for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-64 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Interrupt Line Register--0x3C The interrupt line register is used by device drivers and OS software to communicate interrupt line routing information. Values in this register are programmed by system software and are system specific. Offset 0x3C Access: Read/Write 7 0 R Interrupt Line W Reset All zeros Figure 18-75. PCI Express Interrupt Line Register Table 18-71. PCI Express Interrupt Line Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Interrupt Line Description Used to communicate interrupt line routing information. PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register--0x3D The interrupt pin register identifies the legacy interrupt (INTx) messages the device (or function) uses. Offset 0x3D Access: Read-only 7 0 R Interrupt Pin W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-76. PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register Table 18-72. PCI Express Interrupt Pin Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Interrupt pin Description Legacy INTx message used by this device. 0x00 This device does not use legacy interrupt (INTx) messages. 0x01 INTA 0x02 INTB 0x03 INTC 0x04 INTD all others Reserved. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-65 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Bridge Control Register--0x3E The PCI Express bridge control register is shown in Figure 18-77. Offset 0x3E Access: Read/Write 15 7 R -- W Reset 6 5 Scnd_RST 4 -- 3 2 1 0 VGA_EN ISA_EN SERR_EN PER All zeros Figure 18-77. PCI Express Bridge Control Register Table 18-73 describes the PCI Express bridge control register fields. Table 18-73. PCI Express Bridge Control Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-7 -- 6 Scnd_RST 5-4 -- 3 VGA_EN VGA enable 2 ISA_EN ISA enable 1 SERR_EN 0 PER Reserved Secondary bus reset Reserved SERR enable. This bit controls the propagation of ERR_COR, ERR_NONFATAL, and ERR_FATAL responses received on the secondary side. Parity error response. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-66 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller 18.3.9 PCI Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space The PCI compatible device-specific configuration space is a PCI compatible configuration space from 0x40 to 0xFF (just above the 64-byte PCI-compatible configuration header). Address Offset (Hex) Reserved 00 PCI-Compatible Configuration Header (See Section 18.3.8, "PCI Compatible Configuration Headers," for more information.) 3F 40 Power Mgmt Capabilities Next Pointer (0x4C) Power Mgmt Capability ID 44 Power Management Status & Control Data PCI Express Capabilities Next Pointer (0x70 -- EP mode) (NULL -- RC mode) Device Capabilities 50 Device Status Device Control Link Capabilities 54 58 Link Status Link Control Slot Capabilities 5C 60 Slot Status Slot Control 64 Root Control (RC mode only) 68 Root Status MSI Message Control 48 PCI Express Capability ID 4C 6C Next Pointer (NULL) MSI Message Capability ID 70 MSI Message Address 74 MSI Upper Message Address 78 MSI Message Data 7C 80 FF Figure 18-78. PCI Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-67 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Power Management Capability ID Register--0x44 The PCI Express power management capability ID register is shown in Figure 18-79. Offset 0x44 Access: Read-only 7 0 R Power Mgmt Capability ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-79. PCI Express Power Management Capability ID Register Table 18-74. PCI Express Power Management Capability ID Register Field Description Bits Name Description 7-0 Power Mgmt Capability ID Power Management = 0x01 PCI Express Power Management Capabilities Register--0x46 The PCI Express power management capabilities register is shown in Figure 18-80. Offset 0x46 Access: Read-only 15 11 R PME Support 10 9 D2 D1 1 1 8 6 AUX Curr 5 DSI 4 3 2 -- PME CLK 0 Version W Reset 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Figure 18-80. PCI Express Power Management Capabilities Register Table 18-75. PCI Express Power Management Capabilities Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-11 PME Support 10 D2 D2 Support 9 D1 D1 Support 8-6 AUX Curr AUX Current 5 DSI 4 -- 3 PME CLK 2-0 Version Indicates the power states that this device supports -- Reserved Does not apply to PCI Express. -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-68 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Power Management Status and Control Register--0x48 The PCI Express power management status and control register is shown in Figure 18-81. Offset 0x48 Access: Mixed 15 14 R PME_STAT W 13 12 Data Scale 9 Data Select w1c Reset 8 7 PME_EN 2 1 -- 0 Power State Sticky All zeros Figure 18-81. PCI Express Power Management Status and Control Register Table 18-76. PCI Express Status and Control Register Field Description Bits Name 15 PME_STAT PME Status 14-13 Data Scale -- 12-9 Data Select -- 8 PME_EN 7-2 -- 1-0 Power State Description PME Enable Reserved Power state. Indicates the current power state of the function. 0x00 D0 0x01 D1 0x02 D2 0x03 D3 PCI Express Power Management Data Register--0x4B The PCI Express power management data register is shown in Figure 18-82. Offset 0x4B Access: Read-only 7 0 R Data W Reset All zeros Figure 18-82. PCI Express Power Management Data Register Table 18-77. PCI Express Power Management Data Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Data Description -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-69 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Capability ID Register--0x4C The PCI Express capability ID register is shown in Figure 18-83. Offset 0x4C Access: Read-only 7 0 R PCI Express Capability ID W Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Figure 18-83. PCI Express Capability ID Register Table 18-78. PCI Express Capability ID Register Field Description Bits 7-0 Name Description PCI Express Capability ID PCI Express = 0x10 PCI Express Capabilities Register--0x4E The PCI Express capabilities register is shown in Figure 18-84. Offset 0x4E Access: Read-only 15 R 14 13 -- 8 Interrupt Message Number 7 Slot 4 3 0 Device/Port Type Version W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-84. PCI Express Capabilities Register Table 18-79. PCI Express Capabilities Register Field Description Bits Name 15-14 -- 13-9 Description Reserved Interrupt Message Number -- 8 Slot 7-4 Device/Port Type 3-0 Version Slot Implemented (RC mode only) 0100 (RC mode) 0000 (EP mode) -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-70 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Device Capabilities Register--0x50 The PCI Express device capabilities register is shown in Figure 18-85. Offset 0x50 Access: Read-only 31 28 R 27 -- 26 25 18 CSPLS 17 CSPLV 16 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 R -- PIP 13 12 11 AIP ABP 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 8 EP_L1_LAT 1 1 1 6 EP_L0s_LAT 5 ET 1 1 4 3 1 0 0 2 PHAN_FCT 0 MAX_PL_SIZE_SUP W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-85. PCI Express Device Capabilities Register Table 18-80. PCI Express Device Capabilities Register Field Description Bits Name 31-28 -- 27-26 CSPLS Captured Slot Power Limit Scale 25-18 CSPLV Captured Slot Power Limit Value 17-15 -- Reserved 14 PIP Power Indicator Present 13 AIP Attention Indicator Present 12 ABP Attention Button Present 11-9 EP_L1_LAT Endpoint L1 Acceptable Latency 8-6 EP_L0s_LAT Endpoint L0s Acceptable Latency 5 ET Extended Tag Field Supported 4-3 PHAN_FCT Phantom Functions Supported 2-0 MAX_PL_SIZE_SUP Description Reserved Maximum payload size supported. 001 = 256-bytes PCI Express Device Control Register--0x54 The PCI Express device control register is shown in Figure 18-86. Offset 0x54 15 R W Reset -- 0 Access: Read/write 14 12 MAX_READ_SIZE 0 1 0 11 10 9 8 NSE APE PFE ETE 1 0 0 0 7 5 MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 0 0 0 4 3 RO URR 1 0 2 1 0 FER NFER CER 0 0 0 Figure 18-86. PCI Express Device Control Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-71 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-81. PCI Express Device Control Register Field Description Bits Name 15 -- 14-12 MAX_READ_SIZE 11 NSE No snoop enable 10 APE AUX power PM enable 9 PFE Phantom functions enable 8 ETE Extended tag field enable 7-5 Description Reserved Maximum read request size MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE Maximum payload size 4 RO 3 URR Unsupported request reporting 2 FER Fatal error reporting 1 NFER 0 CER Relaxed ordering Non-fatal error reporting Correctable error reporting PCI Express Device Status Register--0x56 The PCI Express device status register is shown in Figure 18-87. Offset 0x56 Access: Mixed 15 6 R -- W Reset 5 4 3 TP APD URD FED NFED CED 2 1 w1c w1c w1c 0 w1c All zeros Figure 18-87. PCI Express Device Status Register Table 18-82. PCI Express Device Status Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-6 -- Reserved 5 TP Transactions pending 4 APD AUX power detected 3 URD Unsupported request detected 2 FED Fatal error detected 1 NFED Non-fatal error detected 0 CED Correctable error detected MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-72 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Link Capabilities Register--0x58 The PCI Express link capabilities register is shown in Figure 18-88. Offset 0x58 Access: Read-only 31 24 R 23 18 Port Number -- 17 16 L1_EX_LAT ... W Reset R 0 0 15 14 ... 0 0 0 0 0 12 11 10 9 L0s_EX_LAT 0 ASPM 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 MAX_LINK_W 0 1 1 0 MAX_LINK_SP W Reset 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-88. PCI Express Link Capabilities Register Table 18-83. PCI Express Link Capabilities Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-24 Port Number 23-18 -- 17-15 L1_EX_LAT L1 exit latency 14-12 L0s_EX_LAT L0s exit latency 11-10 ASPM 9-4 MAX_LINK_W Maximum link width 3-0 MAX_LINK_SP Maximum link speed Reserved Active state power management (ASPM) Support PCI Express Link Control Register--0x5C The PCI Express link control register is shown in Figure 18-89. Offset 0x5C Access: Read/Write 15 8 R -- W 7 6 5 4 3 2 EXT_SYNC CCC RL LD RCB -- Reset 1 0 ASPM_CTL All zeros Figure 18-89. PCI Express Link Control Register Table 18-84. PCI Express Link Control Register Field Description Bits Name 15-8 -- 7 EXT_SYNC 6 CCC Description Reserved Extended synch Common clock configuration MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-73 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-84. PCI Express Link Control Register Field Description (continued) Bits Name Description 5 RL Retrain link 4 LD Link disable 3 RCB 2 -- 1-0 ASPM_CTL Read completion boundary Reserved Active state power management (ASPM) control PCI Express Link Status Register--0x5E The PCI Express link status register is shown in Figure 18-90. Offset 0x5E Access: Read-only 15 R 13 -- 12 11 10 SCC LT -- 0 0 0 9 4 3 NEG_LINK_W 0 LINK_SP W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-90. PCI Express Link Status Register Table 18-85. PCI Express Link Status Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-13 -- 12 SCC 11 LT Link training 10 -- Reserved. 9-4 NEG_LINK_W 3-0 LINK_SP Reserved Slot clock configuration Negotiated link width Link speed MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-74 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Slot Capabilities Register--0x60 The PCI Express slot capabilities register is shown in Figure 18-91. Offset 0x60 Access: Read-only 31 19 R 18 Physical Slot Number 17 -- 16 SPLS W Reset All zeros 15 14 7 R SPLS SPLV 6 5 4 3 HPC HPS PIP AIP 2 1 MRLSP PCP 0 ABP W Reset All zeros Figure 18-91. PCI Express Slot Capabilities Register Table 18-86. PCI Express Slot Capabilities Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-19 Physical Slot Number 18-17 -- 16-15 SPLS Slot power limit scale. 14-17 SPLV Slot power limit value. 6 HPD Hot plug capable. 5 HPS Hot plug surprise. 4 PIP Power indicator present. 3 AIP Attention indicator present. 2 MRLSP 1 PCP Power controller present. 0 ABP Attention button present. -- Reserved MRL sensor present. PCI Express Slot Control Register--0x64 The PCI Express slot control register is shown in Figure 18-92. Offset 0x64 Access: Read/Write 15 R W 11 -- Reset 10 PCC 9 8 PIC 7 6 AIC 5 4 3 2 1 0 HPIE CCIE PDCE MRLSCE PFDE ABPE All zeros Figure 18-92. PCI Express Slot Control Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-75 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-87. PCI Express Slot Control Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-11 -- 10 PCC Power controller control. 9-8 PIC Power indicator control. 7-6 AIC Attention indicator control. 5 HPIE Hot plug interrupt enable. 4 CCIE Command completed interrupt enable. 3 PDCE Presence detect changed enable. 2 MRLSCE MRL sensor changed enable. 1 PFDE Power fault detected enable. 0 ABPE Attention button pressed enable. Reserved PCI Express Slot Status Register--0x66 The PCI Express slot status register is shown in Figure 18-93. Offset 0x66 Access: Mixed 15 7 R -- 6 5 PDS MRLSS W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 2 1 0 CC PDC MRLSC PFD ABP w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 18-93. PCI Express Slot Status Register Table 18-88. PCI Express Slot Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 15-7 -- 6 PDS 5 MRLSS 4 CC 3 PDC 2 MRLSC MRL sensor changed. 1 PFD Power fault detected. 0 ABP Attention button pressed. Reserved Presence detect state. This bit indicates the presence of a card in the slot. 0 Slot empty 1 Card is present MRL sensor state. 0 MRL closed 1 MRL open Command completed. Presence detect changed. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-76 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Root Control Register (RC Mode Only)--0x68 The PCI Express root control register is shown in Figure 18-94. Offset 0x68 Access: Read/Write 15 4 R -- W 3 2 1 0 PMEIE SEFEE SENFEE SECEE Reset All zeros Figure 18-94. PCI Express Root Control Register Table 18-89. PCI Express Root Control Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-4 -- 3 PMEIE PME interrupt enable. 2 SEFEE System error on fatal error enable. 1 SENFEE 0 SECEE Reserved System error on non-fatal error enable. System error on correctable error enable. PCI Express Root Status Register (RC Mode Only)--0x6C The PCI Express root status register is shown in Figure 18-95. Offset 0x6C Access: Mixed 31 18 R -- 17 16 PMEP PMES W w1c Reset All zeros 15 0 R PME Requestor ID W Reset All zeros Figure 18-95. PCI Express Root Status Register Table 18-90. PCI Express Root Status Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-18 -- 17 PMEP PME pending. 16 PMES PME status. 15-0 PME Requestor ID Reserved PME requestor ID. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-77 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express MSI Message Capability ID Register (EP Mode Only)--0x70 The PCI Express MSI message capability ID register is shown in Figure 18-96. Offset 0x70 Access: Read-only 7 0 R MSI Message Capability ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Figure 18-96. PCI Express Capability ID Register Table 18-91. PCI Express Capability ID Register Field Description Bits Name 7-0 Description MSI Message Capability ID MSI Message = 0x05 PCI Express MSI Message Control Register (EP Mode Only)--0x72 The PCI Express MSI message control register is shown in Figure 18-97. Offset 0x72 Access: Mixed 15 8 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 7 6 64AC 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 MME 0 0 1 MMC 0 1 0 0 MSIE 0 0 Figure 18-97. PCI Express MSI Message Control Register Table 18-92. PCI Express MSI Message Control Register Field Description Bits Name Description 15-8 -- 7 64AC 64-bit address capable. 6-4 MME Multiple message enable. 3-1 MMC Multiple message capable. 0 MSIE MSI enable. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-78 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express MSI Message Address Register (EP Mode Only)--0x74 The PCI Express MSI message address register is shown in Figure 18-98. Offset 0x74 Access: Read/Write 31 2 R Reset 0 00 Message Address W 1 All zeros Figure 18-98. PCI Express MSI Message Address Register Table 18-93. PCI Express MSI Message Address Register Field Description Bits Name 31-2 Message Address 1-0 00 Description System-specified message address Always returns 00 on reads; write operations have no effect. PCI Express MSI Message Upper Address Register (EP Mode Only)--0x78 The PCI Express MSI message upper address register is shown in Figure 18-99. Offset 0x78 Access: Read/Write 31 0 R Message Upper Address W Reset All zeros Figure 18-99. PCI Express MSI Message Upper Address Register Table 18-94. PCI Express MSI Message Upper Address Register Field Description Bits 31-0 Name Description Message Upper Address System-specified message upper address PCI Express MSI Message Data Register (EP Mode Only)--0x7C The PCI Express MSI message data register is shown in Figure 18-100. Offset 0x7C Access: Read/Write 15 0 R Message Data W Reset All zeros Figure 18-100. PCI Express MSI Message Data Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-79 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-95. PCI Express MSI Message Data Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Message Data Description System-specified message. 18.3.10 PCI Express Extended Configuration Space Address Offset (Hex) Reserved 000 PCI Compatible Configuration Header (See Section 18.3.8, "PCI Compatible Configuration Headers," for more information.) 03F 040 PCI-Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space (See Section 18.3.9, "PCI Compatible Device-Specific Configuration Space," for more information.) 0FF Next Capability Offset (NULL)/Capability Version Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID 100 Uncorrectable Error Status 104 Uncorrectable Error Mask 108 Uncorrectable Error Severity 10C Correctable Error Status 110 Correctable Error Mask 114 Advanced Error Capabilities and Control 118 11C 120 Header Log 124 128 Error Source ID Root Error Command 12C Root Error Status 130 Correctable Error Source ID 134 138 3FF 400 PCI Express Controller Internal CSRs 5A3 5A4 FFF Figure 18-101. PCI Express Extended Configuration Space MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-80 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID Register--0x100 The PCI Express advanced error reporting capability ID register is shown in Figure 18-102. Offset 0x100 Access: Read-only 15 0 R Capability ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 18-102. PCI Express Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID Register Table 18-96. PCI Express Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Capability ID Description Advanced error reporting capability = 0x0001 PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Status Register--0x104 The PCI Express uncorrectable error status register is shown in Figure 18-103. Offset 0x104 Access: Read/Write 31 21 R -- W Reset 19 18 17 16 ECRCE MTLP RXO UC w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 4 3 All zeros 15 14 13 12 CA CTO FCPE PTLP W w1c w1c w1c w1c R 20 URE 11 5 DLPE -- Reset w1c 1 -- 0 TE w1c All zeros Figure 18-103. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Status Register Table 18-97. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Status Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-21 -- 20 URE 19 ECRCE 18 MTLP Malformed TLP status. 17 RXO Receiver overflow status. 16 UC Unexpected completion status. 15 CA Completer abort status. 14 CTO Completion timeout status. 13 FCPE Flow control protocol error status. Reserved Unsupported request error status. ECRC error status. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-81 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-97. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Status Register Field Description (continued) Bits Name Description 12 PTLP 11-5 -- 4 DLPE 3-1 -- Reserved 0 TE Training error status. Poisoned TLP status. Reserved Data link protocol error status. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Mask Register--0x108 The PCI Express uncorrectable error mask register is shown in Figure 18-104. Offset 0x108 Access: Read/Write 31 21 R -- W 18 17 16 All zeros 15 W 19 UREM ECRCEM MTLPM RXOM UCM Reset R 20 14 13 12 11 5 CAM CTOM FCPEM PTLPM -- Reset 4 3 DLPEM 1 -- 0 TEM All zeros Figure 18-104. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Mask Register Table 18-98. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Mask Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-21 -- 20 UREM 19 ECRCEM 18 MTLPM Malformed TLP mask. 17 RXOM Receiver overflow mask. 16 UCM Unexpected completion mask. 15 CAM Completer abort mask. 14 CTOM 13 FCPEM Flow control protocol error mask. 12 PTLPM Poisoned TLP mask. 11-5 -- 4 DLPEM Reserved Unsupported request error mask. ECRC error mask. Completion timeout mask. Reserved Data link protocol error mask. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-82 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-98. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Mask Register Field Description (continued) Bits Name 3-1 -- 0 TEM Description Reserved Training error mask. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Severity Register--0x10C The PCI Express uncorrectable error severity register is shown in Figure 18-105. Offset 0x10C Access: Read/Write 31 21 R -- W Reset R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 -- 0 19 18 17 16 URES ECRCES MTLPS RXOS UCS CAS CTOS FCPES PTLPS 0 20 0 0 0 DLPES 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 -- 0 0 TES 0 1 Figure 18-105. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Severity Register Table 18-99. PCI Express Uncorrectable Error Severity Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-21 -- 20 URES 19 ECRCES 18 MTLPS Malformed TLP severity. 17 RXOS Receiver overflow severity. 16 UCS Unexpected completion severity. 15 CAS Completer abort severity. 14 CTOS Completion timeout severity. 13 FCPES Flow control protocol error severity. 12 PTLPS Poisoned TLP severity. 11-5 -- 4 DLPES 3-1 -- 0 TES Reserved Unsupported request error severity. ECRC error severity. Reserved Data link protocol error severity. Reserved Training error severity. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-83 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Correctable Error Status Register--0x110 The PCI Express correctable error status register is shown in Figure 18-106. Offset 0x110 Access: Read/Write 31 16 R -- W Reset All zeros 15 13 R -- W 12 11 RTTO 9 -- w1c 8 7 6 5 1 RNR BDLLP BTLP w1c Reset w1c 0 RXE -- w1c w1c All zeros Figure 18-106. PCI Express Correctable Error Status Register Table 18-100. PCI Express Correctable Error Status Register Field Description Bits Name 31-13 -- 12 RTTO 11-9 -- 8 RNR 7 BDLLP 6 BTLP 5-1 -- 0 RXE Description Reserved Replay timer timeout status Reserved REPLAY_NUM Rollover status Bad DLLP status Bad TLP status Reserved Receiver error status PCI Express Correctable Error Mask Register--0x114 The PCI Express correctable error mask register is shown in Figure 18-107. Offset 0x114 Access: Read/Write 31 16 R -- W Reset All zeros 15 R W Reset 13 -- 12 RTTOM 11 9 -- 8 7 6 5 RNRM BDLLPM BTLPM 1 -- 0 RXEM All zeros Figure 18-107. PCI Express Correctable Error Mask Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-84 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-101. PCI Express Correctable Error Mask Register Field Description Bits Name 31-13 -- 12 RTTOM 11-9 -- 8 RNRM 7 BDLLPM 6 BTLPM 5-1 -- 0 RXEM Description Reserved Replay timer timeout mask Reserved REPLAY_NUM Rollover mask Bad DLLP mask Bad TLP mask Reserved Receiver error mask PCI Express Advanced Error Capabilities and Control Register--0x118 The PCI Express advanced error capabilities and control register is shown in Figure 18-108. Offset 0x118 Access: Read/Write 31 16 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 R 0 9 8 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 ECRCCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 ECRCCC ECRCGE 1 0 0 0 5 4 ECRCGC 1 0 0 0 0 0 First Error Pointer 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 18-108. PCI Express Advanced Error Capabilities and Control Register Table 18-102. PCI Express Advanced Error Capabilities and Control Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-9 -- 8 ECRCCE ECRC checking enable. 7 ECRCCC ECRC checking capable. 6 ECRCGE ECRC generation enable. 5 ECRCGC ECRC generation capable. 4-0 First Error Pointer Reserved. -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-85 PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Header Log Register--0x11C-0x12B The PCI Express header log register is shown in Figure 18-109. Offset 0x11C Access: Read-only 31 24 23 R Byte 0 16 15 Byte 1 8 7 0 Byte 2 Byte 3 W Reset All zeros Offset 0x120 Access: Read-only 31 24 23 R Byte 4 16 15 Byte 5 8 7 0 Byte 6 Byte 7 W Reset All zeros Offset 0x124 Access: Read-only 31 24 23 R Byte 8 16 15 Byte 9 8 7 0 Byte A Byte B W Reset All zeros Offset 0x128 Access: Read-only 31 24 23 R Byte C 16 15 Byte D 8 7 0 Byte E Byte F W Reset All zeros Figure 18-109. PCI Express Header Log Register Table 18-103. PCI Express Header Log Register Field Description Bits Name 127-0 Header Log Description Header of TLP associated with error. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-86 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Root Error Command Register--0x12C The PCI Express root error command register is shown in Figure 18-110. Offset 0x12C Access: Read/Write 31 16 R -- W Reset All zeros 15 3 R -- W Reset 2 1 0 FERE NFERE CERE All zeros Figure 18-110. PCI Express Root Error Command Register Table 18-104. PCI Express Root Error Command Register Field Description Bits Name Description 31-3 -- 2 FERE 1 NFERE Non-fatal error reporting enable 0 CERE Correctable error reporting enable Reserved Fatal error reporting enable. PCI Express Root Error Status Register--0x130 The PCI Express root error status register is shown in Figure 18-111. Offset 0x12C Access: Mixed 31 R 27 26 16 AEIMN -- W Reset All zeros 15 7 R -- W 6 5 4 3 2 1 FEMR NFEMR FUF MEFNFR EFNFR MECR w1c Reset w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 ECR w1c All zeros Figure 18-111. PCI Express Root Error Command Register Table 18-105. PCI Express Root Error Command Register Field Description Bits Name 31-27 AEIMN 26-7 -- Description Advanced error interrupt message number. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-87 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-105. PCI Express Root Error Command Register Field Description (continued) Bits Name Description 6 FEMR 5 NFEMR 4 FUF 3 MEFNFR 2 EFNFR ERR_FATAL/NONFATAL received. 1 MECR Multiple ERR_COR received. 0 ECR Fatal error messages received. Non-fatal error messages received. First uncorrectable fatal. Multiple ERR_FATAL/NONFATAL received. ERR_COR received. PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register--0x134 The PCI Express correctable error source ID register is shown in Figure 18-112. Offset 0x134 Access: Read-only 15 0 R ERR_COR Source ID W Reset All zeros Figure 18-112. PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register Table 18-106. PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 ERR_COR Source ID Description -- PCI Express Error Source ID Register--0x136 The PCI Express error source ID register is shown in Figure 18-113. Offset 0x134 Access: Read-only 15 0 R Error Source ID W Reset All zeros Figure 18-113. PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register Table 18-107. PCI Express Correctable Error Source ID Register Field Description Bits Name 15-0 Error Source ID Description ERR_FATAL/NONFATAL source ID ===================================================== MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-88 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller LTSSM State Status Register--0x404 The PCI Express link training and status state machine (LTSSM) state status register, shown in Figure 18-114, provides detailed information about link training status. This register is useful for debugging link training failures. Offset 0x404 Access: Read-only 31 7 R 6 -- 0 Status Code W Reset All zeros Figure 18-114. PCI Express LTSSM State Status Register (PEX_LTSSM_STAT) The fields of the PCI Express LTSSM state status register are described in Table 18-108. Table 18-108. PEX_LTSSM_STAT Field Descriptions Bits Name 31-7 -- 6-0 Description Reserved Status code Status code. See Table 18-109 for encodings. Table 18-109 provides the encodings for the status code field of the PEX_LTSSM_STAT register. Table 18-109. PEX_LTSSM_STAT Status Codes Status Code (Hex) LTSSM State Description Status Code (Hex) LTSSM State Description 00 Detect quiet 27 TX L0s FTS; RX L0s FTS 01 Detect active (0) 28 L0 to L1 (0) 02 Detect active (1) 29 L0 to L1 (1) 03 Detect active (2) 2A L1 entry 04 Polling active (0) 2B L1 idle (0) 05 Polling active (1) 2C L1 idle (1) 06 Polling config (0) 2D L0 to L2 (0) 07 Polling config (1) 2E L0 to L2 (1) 08 Polling compliance 2F L2 entry 09 Configuration link width start (0) 30 L2 idle (0) 0A Configuration link width start (1) 31 L2 idle (1) 0B Configuration link width accept (0) 32 Recovery lock (0) 0C Configuration link width accept (1) 33 Recovery lock (1) 0D Configuration lane number wait (0) 34 Recovery lock (2) 0E Configuration lane number wait (1) 35 Recovery cfg (0) 0F Configuration lane number wait (2) 36 Recovery cfg (1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-89 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-109. PEX_LTSSM_STAT Status Codes (continued) Status Code (Hex) LTSSM State Description Status Code (Hex) LTSSM State Description 10 Configuration lane number wait (3) 37 Recovery idle (0) 11 Configuration lane number accept 38 Recovery idle (1) 12 Configuration complete (0) 39 Recovery to configuration 13 Configuration complete (1) 3A Recovery cfg to configuration 14 Configuration idle (0) 3F L0 no training 15 Configuration idle (1) 7F Detect quiet EI 16 L0 49 Configuration link width start--RC 17 TX L0; RX L0s entry 4A Configuration link width accept--RC 18 TX L0; RX L0s idle 4B Configuration lane number wait--RC 19 TX L0; RX L0s fast training sequence (FTS) 4C Configuration lane number accept--RC 1A TX L0s entry (0); RX L0 60 Loopback slave active (0) 1B TX L0s entry (0); RX L0s idle 61 Loopback slave active (1) 1C TX L0s entry (0); RX L0s FTS 62 Loopback slave exit 1D TX L0s entry (1); RX L0 68 Hot reset (0) 1E TX L0s entry (1); RX L0s idle 69 Hot reset (1) 1F TX L0s entry (1); RX L0s FTS 6A Hot reset (0)--RC 20 TX L0s idle; RX L0 6B Hot reset (1)--RC 21 TX L0s idle; RX L0s entry 75 Disabled (0) 22 TX L0s idle; RX L0s idle 71 Disabled (1) 23 TX L0s idle; RX L0s FTS 72 Disabled (2) 24 TX L0s FTS; RX L0 73 Disabled (3) 25 TX L0s FTS; RX L0s entry 74 Disabled (4) 26 TX L0s FTS; RX L0s idle 78 L0 to L1/L2--RC PCI Express Controller Core Clock Ratio Register--0x440 The PCI Express controller core clock ratio register, shown in Figure 18-115, is used to program the ratio of the actual PCI Express controller core clock frequency to the default controller core frequency (333 MHz). This is required only when a PCI Express controller core clock other than the default 333 MHz has to be used. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-90 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Offset 0x440 Access: Mixed 31 6 R 5 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clock Ratio Numerator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Figure 18-115. PCI Express IP Block Core Clock Ratio Register (PEX_GCLK_RATIO) The fields of the PCI Express IP block core clock ratio register are described in Table 18-110. Table 18-110. PEX_GCLK_RATIO Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-6 -- 5-0 Clock Ratio Numerator Reserved The numerator of the ratio of the actual PCI Express controller core clock used to the default core clock of 333 MHz. The denominator of the ratio is fixed at 16. The default value of this register is 0x10 (16 decimal), which corresponds to a ratio of 1:1 (or 16/16) As an example of programming PEX_GCLK_RATIO, consider the case where the actual PCI Express controller clock is 250 MHz and the default is 333 MHz, the ratio of the actual clock to the default clock is 3:4. that is, the default core clock has to be multiplied by the ratio (3/4, which is equivalent to 12/16). So the register has to be programmed with the decimal numerator value 12 or 0x0000_000C. PCI Express Power Management Timer Register--0x450 The PCI Express power management timer register, shown in Figure 18-116, is used to program the time-in values for entering L0s and L1 power management states. Offset 0x450 Access: Mixed 31 24 23 R 12 11 -- L1_WAIT_PERIOD W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 L0s_TIME_IN 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Figure 18-116. PCI Express Power Management Timer Register (PEX_PM_TIMER) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-91 PCI Express Interface Controller The fields of the PCI Express power management timer register are described in Table 18-111. Table 18-111. PEX_PM_TIMER Field Descriptions Bits Name 31-24 -- Description Reserved 23-12 L1_WAIT_PERIOD Wait period (in PCI Express controller core clock cycles) before entering L1 power state after all functions are in a non-D0 power state. The value is calculated as: Time (in sec) x PCI Express controller core clock frequency (in MHz) The time value must be less than 2 sec; the default value (0x14D) is 1 sec for the default clock frequency of 333 MHz. 11-0 L0s_TIME_IN Time in value (in PCI Express controller core clock cycles) for entering L0s power state. The value is calculated as: Time (in sec) x PCI Express controller core clock frequency (in MHz) The maximum time value is 7 sec; the default value (0x7CE) is 6 sec for the default clock frequency of 333 MHz. PCI Express PME Time-Out Register (EP-Mode Only)--0x454 The PCI Express PME time-out register, shown in Figure 18-117, is used to program the time-out value that the controller uses before re-sending a PME message to the host. If PME is requested by a function and the host does not clear the associated PME_STAT bit even after this time-out has expired, the PME message is sent again to the host by the PCI Express controller. This register is supported only for EP mode. Offset 0x454 (EP-mode only) 31 Access: Mixed 26 25 R 0 -- PME_TIMEOUT W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 18-117. PCI Express PME Time-Out Register (PEX_PME_TIMEOUT) The fields of the PCI Express PME time-out register are described in Table 18-111. Table 18-112. PEX_PME_TIMEOUT Field Descriptions Bits Name 31-26 -- 25-0 PME_TIMEOUT Description Reserved The PME time-out value specifies the interval before PME messages are resent by the controller, provided the PME_STAT bit in the PCI Express power management status and control register (offset 0x48) is not cleared by the host. The value for PME_TIMEOUT is specified in terms of PCI Express controller core clock cycles. The value is calculated as: Time (in sec) x PCI Express controller core clock frequency (in MHz) The minimum time value is 100 msec; the default value (0x1FC1E20) is 100 msec for the default clock frequency of 333 MHz. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-92 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Update Register (EP Mode Only)--0x478 The PCI Express subsystem vendor ID update register, shown in Figure 18-118, is used to set the values for the Subsystem ID and Subsystem Vendor ID registers in the Type 0 configuration header. Offset 0x478 (EP-mode only) Access: Red/Write 31 16 15 R 0 SS_ID W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SSV_ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 18-118. PCI Express Subsystem Vendor ID Update Register (PEX_SSVID_UPDATE) The fields of the PCI Express subsystem vendor ID update register are described in Table 18-113. Table 18-113. PEX_SSVID_UPDATE Field Descriptions Bits Name 31-16 SS_ID 15-0 SSV_ID Description Subsystem ID [15-0] value Subsystem vendor ID [15-0] value When used as an endpoint, the controller's initialization software programs the desired subsystem ID and subsystem vendor ID values in PEX_SSVID_UPDATE before setting the CFG_READY bit in the PEX_CFG_READY register (see Section, "Configuration Ready Register--0x4B0"). That way, when the host begins system enumeration, the correct values will be present in the Type 0 configuration header. Configuration Ready Register--0x4B0 The PCI Express configuration ready register, shown in Figure 18-119, is used to indicate configuration complete status to the transaction layer. The transaction layer handles configuration requests from external hosts only after the CFG_READY bit is set. All the configuration requests received from external hosts before the CFG_READY bit is set are completed with configuration request retry status (CRS). The CFG_READY bit in this register should be set after all relevant configuration registers have been programmed. This makes sure the external host reads the correct capability advertisements during enumeration. Note that the state of PEX_CFG_READY[CFG_READY] is dependent upon the POR configuration setting described in Section, "CPU Boot Configuration." Offset 0x4B0 Access: Mixed 31 1 R -- CFG_READY W Reset 0 All zeros Figure 18-119. PCI Express Configuration Ready Register (PEX_CFG_READY) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-93 PCI Express Interface Controller The fields of the PCI Express configuration ready register are described in Table 18-114. Table 18-114. PEX_CFG_READY Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-1 -- 0 CFG_READY Reserved Configuration ready 1 The transaction layer will accept inbound configuration requests. 0 The transaction layer will respond to all inbound configuration requests with retry (CRS) PME_To_Ack Timeout Register (RC-Mode Only)--0x590 The PCI Express PME_To_Ack timeout register, shown in Figure 18-120, is used to program the timeout value for a PME_To_Ack message response in terms of PCI Express controller core clock cycles. Offset 0x590 (RC-mode only) Access: Mixed 31 22 21 R 0 -- PME_TO_ACK_TIMEOUT W Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Figure 18-120. PCI Express PME_To_Ack Timeout Register (PEX_PME_TO_ACK_TOR) The fields of the PCI Express PME_To_Ack timeout register are described in Table 18-115. Table 18-115. PEX_PME_TO_ACK_TOR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31-22 -- 21-0 Description Reserved PME_TO_ACK_ After a PME_Turn_Off message is broadcast by the RC, the power management module waits TIMEOUT for the duration of the PME_To_Ack timeout interval to receive a PME_To_Ack message from the downstream device. If the Ack message is not received within this interval, the power manager indicates that it is safe to switch off power, since timeout has occurred. The value is calculated as: Time (in sec) x PCI Express controller core clock frequency (in MHz) The recommended timeout duration is 1 msec to 10 msec to make sure that the downstream devices get enough time to prepare for power-off condition. Secondary Status Interrupt Mask Register (RC-Mode Only)--0x5A0 The PCI Express secondary status interrupt mask register, shown in Figure 18-121, can be used to disable sideband interrupt generation when error bits in the PCI Express secondary status register are set. See Section, "PCI Express Secondary Status Register--0x1E," for more information. By default, interrupt generation due to secondary status errors is disabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-94 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Offset 0x5A0 (RC-mode only) Access: Mixed 31 6 R -- 5 4 3 2 1 0 M_DPE M_SSE M_RMA M_RTA M_STA M_MDPE W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 18-121. PCI Express PCI Interrupt Mask Register (PEX_SS_INTR_MASK) The fields of the PCI Express secondary status interrupt mask register are described in Table 18-116. Table 18-116. PEX_SS_INTR_MASK Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31-6 -- 5 M_DPE Mask detected parity error 4 M_SSE Mask signaled system error 3 M_RMA Mask received master abort 2 M_RTA Mask received target abort 1 M_STA Mask signaled target abort 0 M_MDPE Reserved Mask master data parity error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-95 PCI Express Interface Controller 18.4 Functional Description The PCI Express protocol relies on a requestor/completer relationship where one device requests that some desired action be performed by some target device and the target device completes the task and responds. Usually the requests and responses occur through a network of links, but to the requestor and to the completer, the intermediate components are transparent. Requestor Intermediate Component(s) Link Ultimate Completer Link Figure 18-122. Requestor/Completer Relationship Each PCI device is divided into two halves-transmit (TX) and receive (RX), and each of these halves is further divided into three layers--transaction, data link, and physical--as shown in Figure 18-123. Transaction Transaction Data Link Data Link Physical Physical Logical Sub-block Logical Sub-block Electrical Sub-block Electrical Sub-block RX TX RX TX Figure 18-123. PCI Express High-Level Layering Packets are formed in the transaction layer (TLPs) and data link layer (DLLPs), and each subsequent layer adds the necessary encodings and framing. As packets are received, they are decoded and processed by the same layers but in reverse order, so they may be processed by the layer or by the device application software. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-96 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Framing Sequence Number Header Data ECRC LCRC Framing Transaction Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer Figure 18-124. PCI Express Packet Flow 18.4.1 Architecture This section describes some of the implementation details of the PCI Express controller. PCI Express Transactions Table 18-117 contains the list of transactions that the PCI Express controller supports as an initiator and a target. Table 18-117. PCI Express Transactions PCI Express Supported as Supported as Transaction an Initiator a Target Definition Mrd Yes Yes Memory Read Request MRdLk No No Memory Read Lock. As a target, CplLk with UR status is returned. MWr Yes Yes Memory Write Request to memory-mapped PCI-Express space IORd Yes (RC only) No I/O Read request. As a target, Cpl with UR status is returned IOWr Yes (RC only) No I/O Write Request. As a target, Cpl with UR status is returned CfgRd0 Yes (RC only Yes Configuration Read Type 0 CfgWr0 Yes (RC only) Yes Configuration Write Type 0 CfgRd1 Yes (RC only) No Configuration Read Type 1. As a target, Cpl with UR status is returned. CfgWr1 Yes (RC only) No Configuration Write Type 1. As a target, Cpl with UR status is returned. Msg Yes Yes Message Request MsgD Yes (RC only) Cpl Yes Yes Completion without Data CplD Yes Yes Completion with Data CplLk No Yes Completion for Locked Memory Read without Data. The only time that CplLk is returned with UR status is when the controller receives a MRdLk command. CplDLk No No Completion for Locked Memory Read with Data Yes (EP only) Message Request with Data payload. Note that Set_Slot_Power_Limit is the only message with data that is supported and then only when the controller is an initiator and in RC mode or a target and in EP mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-97 PCI Express Interface Controller Byte Ordering Whenever data must cross a bridge between two busses, the byte ordering of data on the source and destination buses must be considered. The internal platform bus of this device is inherently big endian and the PCI Express bus interface is inherently little endian. There are two methods to handle ordering of data as it crosses a bridge--address invariance and data invariance. Address invariance preserves the addressing of bytes within a scalar data element, but not the relative significance of the bytes within that scalar. Conversely, data invariance preserves the relative significance of bytes within a scalar, but not the addressing of the individual bytes that make up a scalar. This device uses address invariance as its byte ordering policy. As stated above, address invariance preserves the byte address of each byte on an I/O interface as it is placed in memory or moved into a register. This policy can have the effect of reversing the significance order of bytes (most significant to least significant and vice versa), but it has the benefit of preserving the format of general data structures. Provided that software is aware of the endianness and format of the data structure, it can correctly interpret the data on either side of the bridge. Figure 18-125 shows the transfer of a 4-byte scalar, 0x4142_4344, from a big endian source across an address invariant bridge to a little endian destination. Big endian source bus Little endian destination bus Byte lane 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 Address lsbs 000 001 010 011 011 010 001 000 Data 41 42 43 44 44 43 42 41 Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 18-125. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Outbound Note that although the significance of the bytes within the scalar have changed, the address of the individual bytes that make up the scalar have not changed. As long as software is aware that the source of the data used a big endian format, the data can be interpreted correctly. Figure 18-127 shows data flowing the other way, from a little endian source to a big endian destination. Little endian source bus Big endian destination bus Byte lane 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 Address lsbs 011 010 001 000 000 001 010 011 Data 41 42 43 44 44 43 42 41 Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 18-126. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--4 bytes Inbound Figure 18-127 shows an outbound transfer of an 8-byte scalar, 0x5455_1617_CDCE_2728, using address invariance. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-98 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Big endian source bus Little endian destination bus Byte lane 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address lsbs 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000 Data 54 55 16 17 CD CE 27 28 28 27 CE CD 17 16 55 54 Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 18-127. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--8 bytes Outbound Figure 18-128 shows an inbound transfer of a 2-byte scalar, 0x5837, using address invariance. Little endian source bus Big endian destination bus Byte lane 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 Address lsbs 011 010 001 000 000 001 010 011 Data -- -- 58 37 37 58 -- -- Significance MSB LSB MSB LSB Figure 18-128. Address Invariant Byte Ordering--2 bytes Inbound Note that in all of these examples, the original addresses of the individual bytes within the scalars (as created by the source) have been preserved. Byte Order for Configuration Transactions All internal memory-mapped registers in the CCSR space use big endian byte ordering. However, the PCI Express specification defines PCI Express configuration registers as little endian. All accesses to the PCI Express configuration port, PEX_CONFIG_DATA, including the those targeting the internal PCI Express configuration registers, use the address invariance policy as shown in Figure 18-129. Therefore, software must access PEX_CONFIG_DATA with little-endian formatted data--either by using the lwbrx/stwbrx instructions or by manipulating the data before writing to and after reading from PEX_CONFIG_DATA. MSB LSB PEX_CONFIG_DATA Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 PCI Express Configuration Space Byte3 Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Figure 18-129. PEX_CONFIG_DATA Byte Ordering Lane Reversal The PCI Express link supports lane reversal. Table 18-118 describes the supported configurations. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-99 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-118. Lane Assignment With and Without Lane Reversal Link Configuration Lane 0 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 x8 link without lane reversal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x4 link without lane reversal 0 1 2 3 -- -- -- -- x2 link without lane reversal 0 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- x1 link without lane reversal 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- x8 link with lane reversal 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x4 link with lane reversal -- -- -- -- 3 2 1 0 x2 link with lane reversal -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 0 x1 link with lane reversal -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 Note: The numbers shown in this table (0-7) are the lane numbers assigned to each lane as a result of link initialization and configuration. -- indicates that the lane is not part of the configured link. Note that lane reversal is only effective for devices that use the full 8 lanes. That is, if a x4 device is connected to lanes 0-3 and the link training fails without lane reversal, the lane reversal will cause the link to attempt connection on lanes 7-4 which would be impossible. Transaction Ordering Rules In general, transactions are serviced in the order that they are received. However, transactions can be reordered as they are sent due to a stalled condition such as a full internal buffer. The following are the ordering rules for sending the next outstanding request: * * * A posted request can and will bypass all other transactions except another posted request. A completion can and will only bypass non-posted. It can and will bypass posted requests only if the relaxed ordering (RO) bit is set. A non-posted request cannot bypass posted or other non-posted requests, but it can bypass a completion if the relaxed ordering (RO) bit is set. Memory Space Addressing A PCI Express memory transaction can address a 32- or 64-bit memory space. The Fmt[0] field in the PCI Express TLP header for a 32-bit address packet is 0; a 64-bit address packet has a Fmt[0] = 1. The PCI Express TLP header for a memory read transaction has Type[4:0] = 00000 and Fmt[1] = 0. A memory write transaction has Type[4:0] = 00000 and Fmt[1] = 1. As an initiator, the controller is capable of sending 32- or 64-bit memory packets. Any transaction from the internal platform that (after passing through the translation mechanism) has a translated address greater than 4G is sent as a 64-bit memory packet. Otherwise, a 32-bit memory packet is sent. As a target device, the controller is capable of decoding 32- or 64-bit memory packets. This is done through two 32-bit inbound windows and two 64-bit inbound windows. All inbound addresses are translated to 36-bit internal platform addresses. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-100 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller I/O Space Addressing The controller does not support I/O transactions as a target. As an initiator, the controller can send I/O transactions in RC mode only. This can be done by programming one of the outbound translation window's attribute to send I/O transactions. All I/O transactions only access 32-bit address I/O space. The PCI Express TLP header for an I/O read transaction has Type[4:0] = 00010 and Fmt[1] = 0. The PCI Express TLP header for an I/O write transaction has Type[4:0] = 00010 and Fmt[1] = 1. Configuration Space Addressing As an initiator, the controller supports both type 0 and type 1 configuration cycles when configured in RC mode. There are two methods of generating a configuration transaction; refer to Section 18.3.7, "PCI Express Configuration Space Access," for more information. A configuration transaction can hit into the controller's internal configuration space, it can be sent out on the PCI Express link, or it can be internally terminated. The PCI Express TLP header for a type 0 configuration read transaction has Type[4:0] = 00100 and Fmt[1] = 0; the PCI Express TLP header for a type 0 configuration write transaction has Type[4:0] = 00100 and Fmt[1] = 1. The PCI Express TLP header for a type 1 configuration read transaction has Type[4:0] = 00101 and Fmt[1] = 0; the PCI Express TLP header for a type 1 configuration write transaction has Type[4:0] = 00101 and Fmt[1] = 1. Note that all configuration transactions sent on PCI Express require a response regardless whether they are read or a write configuration transactions. The controller does not generate configuration transactions in EP mode. Only inbound configuration transactions are supported in EP mode. Serialization of Configuration and I/O Writes Configuration and I/O writes originating from the PCI Express outbound ATMUs are serialized by the controller. The logic after issuing a configuration write or IO write will not issue any new transactions until the outstanding configuration or I/O write is finished. This means that an acknowledgement packet from the link partner in the form of a CpL TLP packet must be seen or the transaction has timed out. If the CpL packet contains a CRS status, then the logic will re-issue the configuration write transaction. It will keep retrying the request until either a status other than CRS is returned or the transaction times out. Note that configuration writes originating from the PCI Express configuration access registers (PEX_CONFIG_ADDR/PEX_CONFIG_DATA) are not serialized. Note that it is possible for outbound configuration read request to be requeued and be placed at the end of the request queue due to CRS condition. Messages Software message generation is supported in both RC and EP modes. Outbound ATMU Message Generation Software can choose to send a message by programming PEXOWARn[WTT] = 0x5. A message is sent by writing a 4-byte transaction in big-endian format that hits in an outbound window configured to send messages. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-101 PCI Express Interface Controller Part of the 4-byte data is used to store information such as message code and routing information. The data format is slightly different depending on whether data invariance mode is enabled. Table 18-119 describes the message data format. In addition, the PEX PM Command register also allow the capability to send PME_Turn_Off message or PM_PME message by setting bits 31 or 29. See Section, "PCI Express Power Management Command Register (PEX_PMCR)," on page 18-17 for more information. Table 18-119. Internal Platform (OCeaN) Message Data Format Bits Name Reset Value Description 0-15 -- -- Reserved 16-18 Routing x Routing mechanism. Contains the message's routing information 19-23 -- -- Reserved 24-31 Code x Message code. Contains the actual message type to be sent. Table 18-120 provides a complete list of supported outbound messages depending on whether RC or EP is configured. Table 18-120. PCI Express ATMU Outbound Messages Name Code[7:0] Routing[2:0] RC EP Description Assert_INTA 0010 0000 100 N/A No Not supported Assert_INTB 0010 0001 100 N/A No Not supported Assert_INTC 0010 0010 100 N/A No Not supported Assert_INTD 0010 0011 100 N/A No Not supported Deassert_INTA 0010 0100 100 N/A No Not supported Deassert_INTB 0010 0101 100 N/A No Not supported Deassert_INTC 0010 0110 100 N/A No Not supported Deassert_INTD 0010 0111 100 N/A No Not supported PM_Active_State_Nak 0001 0100 100 Yes N/A Terminate at receiver PM_PME 0001 1000 000 N/A Yes Sent Upstream by PME-requesting component PME_Turn_Off 0001 1001 011 Yes N/A Broadcast Downstream PM_TO_Ack 0001 1011 101 N/A Yes Sent Upstream by Endpoint ERR_COR 0011 0000 000 N/A Yes Sent by component when it detects a correctable error ERR_NONFATAL 0011 0001 000 N/A Yes Sent by component when it detects a Non-fatal, uncorrectable error ERR_FATAL 0011 0011 000 N/A Yes Sent by component when it detects a Fatal, uncorrectable error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-102 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-120. PCI Express ATMU Outbound Messages (continued) Name Code[7:0] Routing[2:0] RC EP Unlock 0000 0000 000 No N/A Not supported Set_Slot_Power_Limit 0101 0000 100 Yes N/A Set Slot Power Limit in Upstream Port Vendor_Defined Type 0 0111 1110 No No Not supported Vendor_Defined Type 1 0111 1111 No No Not supported Attention_Indicator_On 0100 0001 100 Yes N/A Hot-plug message Attention_Indicator_Blink 0100 0011 100 Yes N/A Hot-plug message Attention_Indicator_Off 0100 0000 100 Yes N/A Hot-plug message Power_Indicator_On 0100 0101 100 Yes N/A Hot-plug message Power_Indicator_Blink 0100 0111 100 Yes N/A Hot-plug message Power_Indicator_Off 0100 0100 100 Yes N/A Hot-plug message Attention_Button_Pressed 0100 1000 100 Yes N/A Hot-plug message Description Inbound Messages Table 18-121 provides a complete list of supported inbound messages in RC mode. Table 18-121. PCI Express RC Inbound Message Handling Name Code[7:0] Routing[2:0] Action Assert_INTA 0010 0000 100 Send to PIC Assert_INTB 0010 0001 100 Send to PIC Assert_INTC 0010 0010 100 Send to PIC Assert_INTD 0010 0011 100 Send to PIC De-assert_INTA 0010 0100 100 Send to PIC De-assert_INTB 0010 0101 100 Send to PIC De-assert_INTC 0010 0110 100 Send to PIC De-assert_INTD 0010 0111 100 Send to PIC PM_Active_State_Nak 0001 0100 100 No action taken PM_PME 0001 1000 000 Generate interrupt to PIC if enabled PME_Turn_Off 0001 1001 011 No action taken PME_TO_Ack 0001 1011 101 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[ENL23] bit and generate interrupt to PIC if enabled ERR_COR 0011 0000 000 Generate interrupt to PIC if enabled ERR_NONFATAL 0011 0001 000 Generate interrupt to PIC if enabled ERR_FATAL 0011 0011 000 Generate interrupt to PIC if enabled Unlock 0000 0000 000 No action taken MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-103 PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-121. PCI Express RC Inbound Message Handling (continued) Name Code[7:0] Routing[2:0] Action Set_Slot_Power_Limit 0101 0000 100 Vendor_Defined Type 0 0111 1110 No action taken Vendor_Defined Type 1 0111 1111 No action taken Attention_Indicator_On 0100 0001 100 No action taken Attention_Indicator_Blink 0100 0011 100 No action taken Attention_Indicator_Off 0100 0000 100 No action taken Power_Indicator_On 0100 0101 100 No action taken Power_Indicator_Blink 0100 0111 100 No action taken Power_Indicator_Off 0100 0100 100 No action taken Attention_Button_Pressed 0100 1000 100 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[ABP] bit and send interrupt if enabled. No action taken Table 18-122 provides a complete list of supported inbound messages in EP mode. Table 18-122. PCI Express EP Inbound Message Handling Name Code[7:0] Routing[2:0] Action Assert_INTA 0010 0000 100 No action taken Assert_INTB 0010 0001 100 No action taken Assert_INTC 0010 0010 100 No action taken Assert_INTD 0010 0011 100 No action taken Deassert_INTA 0010 0100 100 No action taken Deassert_INTB 0010 0101 100 No action taken Deassert_INTC 0010 0110 100 No action taken Deassert_INTD 0010 0111 100 No action taken PM_Active_State_Nak 0001 0100 100 No action taken PM_PME 0001 1000 000 No action taken PME_Turn_Off 0001 1001 011 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[PTO] bit. Send interrupt if enabled. PM_TO_Ack 0001 1011 101 No action taken ERR_COR 0011 0000 000 No action taken ERR_NONFATAL 0011 0001 000 No action taken ERR_FATAL 0011 0011 000 No action taken Unlock 0000 0000 000 No action taken Set_Slot_Power_Limit 0101 0000 100 Update power value in PCI Express device capability register in configuration space. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-104 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller Table 18-122. PCI Express EP Inbound Message Handling Name Code[7:0] Routing[2:0] Action Vendor_Defined Type 0 0111 1110 No action taken Vendor_Defined Type 1 0111 1111 No action taken Attention_Indicator_On 0100 0001 100 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[AION] bit. Send interrupt if enabled. Attention_Indicator_Blink 0100 0011 100 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[AIB] bit. Send interrupt if enabled. Attention_Indicator_Off 0100 0000 100 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[AIOF] bit. Send interrupt if enabled. Power_Indicator_On 0100 0101 100 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[PION] bit. Send interrupt if enabled. Power_Indicator_Blink 0100 0111 100 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[PIB] bit. Send interrupt if enabled. Power_Indicator_Off 0100 0100 100 Set PEX_PME_MES_DR[PIOF] bit. Send interrupt if enabled. Attention_Button_Pressed 0100 1000 100 No action taken 18.4.2 Interrupts Both INTx and message signaled interrupts (MSI) are supported; however there are subtle differences depending on whether the PCI Express controller is configured as an RC or EP device. EP Interrupt Generation Hardware INTx Message Generation INTx message generation is not supported in EP mode. Hardware MSI Generation In EP mode, the PCI Express controller can be configured to automatically generate MSI transactions to the root complex when an interrupt event occurs. The PCI Express controller uses irq_out (an internal version of the IRQ_OUT signal) to trigger the generation of the MSI. To trigger the MSI, interrupt events must be routed to the to irq_out by setting the EP (external pin) bit in the associated Interrupt Destination register in the PIC. Note that the IRQ_OUT signal should not be used for any other function if it is being used to trigger MSI transactions. The remote root complex is expected set up the MSI capability structure of all endpoints at system initialization by filling the Message Address and Message Data registers with appropriate values and setting the MSIE bit in the MSI Message Control register. With the PCI Express controller properly configured, when it detects the leading edge of irq_out going active, it generates a PCI Express memory write transaction to the address specified in the MSI Message MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-105 PCI Express Interface Controller Address register (and MSI Message Upper Address register) with a data payload as specified in the MSI Message Data register (with leading zeros appended). Software INTx Message Generation INTx message generation is not supported in EP mode. Software MSI Generation Host software has to set up the MSI capability registers to enable MSI mode, and have the correct values for the MSI address and data register. Then local software has to read the MSI address in the MSI capability register and configure the outbound ATMU window to map the translated address to the MSI address. Software has to determine the number of allocated messages in the MSI capability register and allocates the appropriate data values to use. A write to the ATMU window containing the MSI address with the appropriate data value will generate the desired MSI transaction to the remote RC. RC Handling of INTx Message and MSI Interrupt INTx Message Handling MSIs are the preferred interrupt signaling mechanism for PCI Express. However, in RC mode, the PCI Express controller supports the INTx virtual-wire interrupt signaling mechanism (as described in the PCI Express specification). Whenever the controller receives an inbound INTx (INTA, INTB, INTC, or INTD) asserted or negated message, it asserts or negates an equivalent internal INTx signal (inta, intb, intc, or intd) to the PIC. The internal INTx signals from the PCI Express controller are logically combined with the interrupt request (IRQn) input signals so that they share the same interrupt controlled by the associated EIVPRn and EIDRn registers in the PIC. Refer to Chapter 10, "Programmable Interrupt Controller," for more information about handling of PCI Express INTx interrupts and the external interrupt request (IRQn) signals. If a PCI Express INTx interrupt is being used, then the PIC must be configured so that external interrupts are active-low (EIVPRn[P] = 0), and level-sensitive (EIVPRn[S] = 1). MSI Handling An inbound MSI cycle must hit into the PCSRBAR window with the address offset that points to the MSIIR register in the PIC. Note that it is the responsibility of the host software to configure each EP's MSI capability registers such that an MSI cycle generated from the EP device is routed to the MSIIR register in the PIC and for the appropriate interrupt to be generated to the core. 18.4.3 Initial Credit Advertisement To prevent overflowing of the receiver's buffers and for ordering compliance purposes, the transmitter cannot send transactions unless it has enough flow control (FC) credits to send. Each device maintains an FC credit pool. The FC information is conveyed between the two link partners by DLLPs during link MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-106 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Express Interface Controller training (initial credit advertisement). The transaction layer performs the FC accounting functions. One FC unit is four DWs (16-bytes) of data. Table 18-123. Initial credit advertisement 18.4.4 Credit Type Initial Credit Advertisement PH (Memory Write, Message Write) 4 PD (Memory Write, Message Write) (256/16)x4=64 NPH (Memory Read, IO Read, Cfg Read, Cfg Write) 8 NPD (IO Write, Cfg Write) 2 CPLH (Memory Read Completion, IO R/W Completion, Cfg R/W Completion) Infinite CPLD (Memory Read Completion, IO Read Completion, Cfg Read Completion) Infinite Power Management All device power states are supported with the exception of D3cold with Vaux. In addition, all link power states are supported with the exception of L2 states. Only L0s ASPM mode is supported if enabled by configuring the Link Control register's bits 1-0 in configuration space. Note that there is no power saving in the controller when the device is put into a non-D0 state. The only power saving is the I/O drivers when the controller is put into a non-L0 link state. Table 18-124. Power Management State Supported Component D-State Permissible Interconnect State D0 L0, L0s D1 L0, L0s, L1 All outbound traffics are stalled. All inbound traffics will be thrown away. The only exceptions are PME messages and configuration transactions. If the device is in RC mode, it is permissible to send a PM_Turn_Off message via the PEX Power Management Command register. D2 L0, L0s, L1 All outbound traffics are stalled. All inbound traffics will be thrown away. The only exceptions are PME messages and configuration transactions. If the device is in RC mode, it is permissible to send a PM_Turn_Off message via the PEX Power Management Command register. D3hot Action In full operation. L0, L0s, L1, L2/L3 All outbound traffics are stalled. All inbound traffics will be thrown away. The only Ready exceptions are PME messages and configuration transactions. If the device is in RC mode, it is permissible to send a PM_Turn_Off message via the PEX Power Management Command register. Note that if a transition of D3hot->D0 occurs, a reset is performed to the controller's configuration space. In addition, link training will restart. D3cold L3 Completely off. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 18-107 PCI Express Interface Controller L2/L3 Ready Link State The L2/L3 Ready link state is entered after the EP device is put into a D3hot state followed by a PME_Turn_Off/PME_TO_Ack message handshake protocol. Exiting this state requires a POR reset or a WAKE signal from the EP device. The PCI Express controller (in EP mode) does not support the generation of beacon; therefore, as an alternative, the device can use one of the GPIO signals as an enable to an external tristate buffer to generate a WAKE signal, as shown in Figure 18-130. PCI Express controller in EP mode WAKE GPOUT[24] Figure 18-130. WAKE Generation Example In RC mode, the WAKE signal from the EP device can be connected to one of the external interrupt inputs to service the WAKE request. 18.4.5 Hot Reset When a hot reset condition occurs, the controller (in both RC and EP mode) will initiate a clean-up of all outstanding transactions and returns to an idle state. All configuration register bits that are non-sticky will be reset. Link training will take place subsequently. The device is permitted to generate a hot reset condition on the bus when it is configured as an RC device by setting the "Secondary Bus Reset" bit in the Bridge Control Register in the configuration space. As an EP device, it is not permitted to generate a hot reset condition; it can only detected a hot reset condition and initiates the clean-up procedure appropriately. 18.5 18.5.1 Initialization/Application Information Boot Mode and Inbound Configuration Transactions In normal boot mode (cfg_cpu_boot = 1), the core is allowed to boot and configure the device. During this time, the PCI Express interface will retry all inbound PCI Express configuration transactions. When the core has configured the device to a state where it can accept inbound PCI Express configuration transactions, the boot code should set the CFG_READY bit in the PEX_CFG_READY register after which inbound PCI Express configuration transactions will be accepted. Refer to Section, "Configuration Ready Register--0x4B0," for more information about the CFG_READY bit. In boot hold-off mode (cfg_cpu_boot = 0), the core is prevented from fetching its first instruction by withholding its internal bus grant. During this time, the PCI Express interface accepts all inbound PCI Express configuration transactions which allows an external host/RC to configure the device. When the external host/RC has configured the device to a state where it can allow the core to fetch code from the boot vector, it sets the MCMPCR[PORT0_EN] bit after which the core is granted the internal bus. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18-108 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 19 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 This chapter describes the functionality of the integrated security engine (SEC 2.1) of the MPC8548E. It addresses the following topics: * Section 19.1, "SEC 2.1 Architecture Overview" * Section 19.2, "Configuration of Internal Memory Space" * Section 19.3, "Descriptor Overview" * Section 19.4, "Execution Units" * Section 19.5, "Crypto-Channels" * Section 19.6, "Security Controller" * Section 19.7, "Power-Saving Mode" The SEC 2.1 is designed to off-load computationally intensive security functions, such as key generation and exchange, authentication, and bulk encryption from the processor core of the MPC8548E. It is optimized to process all the algorithms associated with IPSec, IKE, SSL/TLS, iSCSI, SRTP, and 802.11i. The SEC 2.1 is derived from integrated security cores found in other members of the PowerQUICC family, including the SEC 2.0, the version implemented in the MPC8555E and MPC8541E. The security engine's execution units (EUs) and primary features include the following: * PKEU--Public key execution unit that supports the following: -- RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) and Diffie-Hellman algorithms - Programmable field size up to 2048 bits -- Elliptic curve cryptography - F2m and F(p) modes - Programmable field size up to 511 bits * DEU--Data encryption standard execution unit -- DES, 3DES -- Two key (K1, K2, K1) or three key (K1, K2, K3) -- ECB and CBC modes for both DES and 3DES * AESU--Advanced encryption standard unit -- Implements the Rijndael symmetric-key cipher -- ECB, CBC, CCM, and counter modes -- 128-, 192-, 256-bit key lengths MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-1 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 * * * * * * * * 19.1 AFEU--ARC Four execution unit -- Implements a stream cipher compatible with the RC4 algorithm -- 40- to 128-bit programmable key KEU--Kasumi execution unit -- Implements the Kasumi cipher -- Performs F8 encryption and F9 integrity checking as required for 3GPP -- Additionally performs A5/3 and GEA-3 modes as used in GSM, EDGE, and GPRS MDEU--Message digest execution unit -- SHA with 160-bit, 224-bit, or 256-bit message digest -- MD5 with 128-bit message digest -- HMAC with either algorithm RNG--Random number generator XOR parity generation accelerator for RAID applications Four crypto-channels, each supporting a queue of commands (descriptor pointers) -- Dynamic assignment of crypto-execution units via an integrated controller -- 256-byte buffer FIFOs on data input and output paths of each execution unit, with flow control for large data sizes Master/slave logic, with DMA capability -- 36-bit address/64-bit data -- Master interface allows multiple pipelined requests -- DMA blocks can be on any byte boundary Scatter/gather capability -- Gather capability enables the SEC 2.1 to concatenate multiple segments of memory when reading input data -- Similarly, scatter capability enables SEC 2.1 to write to multiple segments of memory when writing output data SEC 2.1 Architecture Overview The position of the SEC 2.1 (henceforth referred to as SEC) in the MPC8548E architecture is shown in Figure 19-1. The SEC can act as a master on the internal system bus, allowing it to off-load the data movement bottleneck normally associated with slave-only cores. The host processor accesses the SEC through its device drivers using DDR system memory for data storage. The SEC resides in the peripheral memory map of the processor; therefore, when an application requires cryptographic functions, it simply creates descriptors for the SEC which define the cryptographic function to be performed and the location of the data. The SEC's bus-mastering capability permits the host processor to set up a channel with a few short register writes, leaving the SEC to perform reads and writes on system memory to complete the required task. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-2 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 e500 Core L2 Cache Coherency Module Internal System Bus Security Engine (SEC) eTSEC eTSEC eTSEC eTSEC OCEAN DDR Controller System Memory Figure 19-1. SEC Connected to System Bus A block diagram of the SEC internal architecture is shown in Figure 19-2. The controller block is designed to transfer 64-bit words between the bus and any register inside the SEC. Cryptochannel Cryptochannel Cryptochannel Bus Interface Cryptochannel Control PKEU FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO DEU MDEU AFEU KEU RNG FIFO FIFO AESU XOR FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO Figure 19-2. SEC Functional Modules An SEC operation begins when the host writes a descriptor pointer to the fetch FIFO in one of the four SEC crypto-channels. From this point on, the channel directs the sequence of operations. The channel uses the descriptor pointer to read the descriptor, then decodes the first word of the descriptor to determine the operation to be performed and the crypto-execution units needed to perform it. The channel requests the controller to assign the needed crypto-execution units. Next, the channel requests that the controller fetch the keys, context, and data from locations specified in the rest of the descriptor. The controller satisfies the requests by making requests to the master interface per the programmable priority scheme. Data is fed into the execution units through their registers and input FIFOs. The execution units read from their input FIFOs and write processed data to their output FIFOs. The channel requests the controller to write data from the output FIFOs and registers, back to system memory via the master/slave interface. The channel can signal to the host that it is done with a descriptor via interrupt or by a writeback of the descriptor header into host memory. For more about this signaling, see Section 19.5, "Crypto-Channels." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-3 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Upon completion of a descriptor, the channel checks the next entry in its fetch FIFO, and, if non-zero, the channel requests a burst read of the next descriptor. For most packets, the entire payload is too long to fit in an execution unit's input or output FIFO. The SEC then uses a flow control scheme for reading and writing data. The channel directs the controller to read bursts of input as necessary to keep refilling the input FIFO, until the entire payload has been fetched. Similarly, the channel directs the controller to write bursts of output whenever enough accumulates in the execution unit's output FIFO. 19.1.1 Descriptors As a crypto-acceleration block, the SEC controller has been designed for easy use and integration with existing systems and software. All cryptographic functions are accessible through descriptors. A descriptor specifies a cryptographic function to be performed, and contains pointers to all necessary input data and to the places where output data is to be written. Some descriptor types perform multiple functions to facilitate particular protocols. A sample descriptor is shown in Table 19-1. Table 19-1. Example Descriptor Field Name Value Description Header 0x2053_1E08_0000_0000 Length0 Extent0 Pointer0 16 0 (32 or 36-bit pointer) Number of bytes in authenticate key Unused Pointer to authentication key Length1 Extent1 Pointer1 16 0 (32 or 36-bit pointer) Number of bytes in authentication-only data Unused Pointer to authentication-only data Length2 Extent2 Pointer2 8 0 (32 or 36-bit pointer) Length of input context (IV) Unused Pointer to input context Length3 Extent3 Pointer3 8 0 (32 or 36-bit pointer) Number of bytes in cipher key Unused Pointer to cipher key Length4 Extent4 Pointer4 1500 0 (32 or 36-bit pointer) Number of bytes of data to be ciphered Unused Pointer to input data to perform ciphering upon Length5 Extent5 Pointer5 1500 12 (32 or 36-bit pointer) Number of bytes of data after ciphering Number of bytes in authentication result (ICV) Pointer to location where cipher output is to be written, followed by ICV Length6 Extent6 Pointer6 8 0 (32 or 36-bit pointer) Length of output Context (IV) Unused Pointer to location where altered Context is to be written Example header for IPsec ESP outbound using DES and MD-5 Each descriptor contains eight long-words (64 bits each), consisting of the following: * One long-word of header--The header describes the required services and encodes information that indicates which EUs to use and which modes to set. It also indicates whether notification should be sent to the host when the descriptor operation is complete. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-4 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 * Seven long-words containing pointers and lengths used to locate input or output data. Each pointer can either point directly to the data, or can point to a link table that lists a set of data segments to be concatenated. For more information, refer to Section 19.3, "Descriptor Overview." 19.1.2 Execution Units (EUs) Execution unit (EU) is the generic term for a functional block that performs the mathematical manipulations required by protocols used in cryptographic processing. The EUs are compatible with IPSec, IKE, SSL/TLS, iSCSI, SRTP, and 802.11i processing, and can work together to perform high-level cryptographic tasks. The SEC's execution units are as follows: * PKEU for computing asymmetric key operations, including modular exponentiation (and other modular arithmetic functions) or ECC point arithmetic * DEU for performing block cipher, symmetric key cryptography using DES and 3DES * AFEU for performing RC-4 compatible stream cipher symmetric key cryptography * AESU for performing the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm and XOR acceleration * MDEU for performing security hashing using MD-5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 * KEU for performing 3GPP confidentiality and integrity (F8 and F9) algorithms. * RNG for random number generation Each EU is described in detail in Section 19.4, "Execution Units." Public Key Execution Unit (PKEU) The PKEU is capable of performing many advanced mathematical functions to support both RSA and ECC public-key cryptographic algorithms. ECC is supported in both F(2)m (polynomial-basis) and F(p) modes. This EU supports all levels of functions to assist the host microprocessor to perform its desired cryptographic function. For example, at the highest level, the accelerator performs modular exponentiations to support RSA and performs point multiplies to support ECC. At the lower levels, the PKEU can perform simple operations such as modular multiplies. For more information, refer to Section 19.4.1, "Public Key Execution Unit (PKEU)." Elliptic Curve Operations The PKEU has its own data and control units, including a general-purpose register file in the programmable-size arithmetic unit. The field or modulus size can be programmed to any value between 160 bits and 512 bits in programmable increments of 8, with each programmable value i supporting all actual field sizes from 8i - 7 to 8i. The result is hardware supporting a wide range of cryptographic security. Larger field/modulus sizes result in greater security but lower performance; processing time is determined by field or modulus size. For example, a field size of 160 is roughly equivalent to the security provided by 1024-bit RSA. A field size set to 208 roughly equates to 2048 bits of RSA security. The PKEU contains routines implementing the atomic functions for elliptic curve processing--point arithmetic and finite field arithmetic. The point operations (multiplication, addition and doubling) involve one or more finite field operations which are addition, multiplication, inverse, and squaring. Point add and MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-5 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 double each use of all four finite field operations. Similarly, point multiplication uses all elliptic curve point operations as well as the finite field operations. All these functions are supported both in modular arithmetic as well as polynomial basis finite fields. Modular Exponentiation Operations The PKEU is also capable of performing ordinary integer modulo arithmetic. This arithmetic is an integral part of the RSA public key algorithm; however, it can also play a role in the generation of ECC digital signatures (including ECDSA) and Diffie-Hellman key exchanges. Modular arithmetic functions supported by the SEC's PKEU include the following (refer to Table 19-10 for a complete list): * R2 mod N * AE mod N * (A x B) R-1 mod N * (A x B) R-2 mod N * (A + B) mod N * (A - B) mod N where A = AR mod N, N is the modulus vector, A and B are input vectors, E is the exponent vector, and R is 2s, where s is the bit length of the N vector rounded up to the nearest multiple of 32. The PKEU can perform modular arithmetic on operands up to 2048 bits in length. The modulus must be larger than or equal to 97 bits (13 bytes). This is not seen as a limitation since for sizes smaller than this, no useful cryptographic application exists. Furthermore, for small data sizes the overhead of using a hardware accelerator would not be justified. The PKEU uses the Montgomery modular multiplication algorithm to perform core functions. The addition and subtraction functions help support known methods of the Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) for efficient implementation of the RSA algorithm. Data Encryption Standard Execution Unit (DEU) The DES execution unit (DEU) performs bulk data encryption/decryption, in compliance with the Data Encryption Standard algorithm (ANSI x3.92). The DEU can also compute 3DES, an extension of the DES algorithm in which each 64-bit input block is processed three times. The SEC supports 2-key (K1=K3) or 3-key 3DES. The DEU operates by permuting 64-bit data blocks with a shared 56-bit key and an initialization vector (IV). The SEC supports two modes of operation: electronic code book (ECB) and cipher clock chaining (CBC). For more information, refer to Section 19.4.2, "Data Encryption Standard Execution Unit (DEU)." ARC Four Execution Unit (AFEU) The AFEU accelerates a bulk encryption algorithm compatible with the RC4 stream cipher from RSA Security, Inc. The algorithm is byte-oriented, meaning a byte of plain text is encrypted with a key to produce a byte of ciphertext. The key is variable length and the AFEU supports key lengths from 8 to MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-6 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 128 bits (in byte increments), providing a wide range of security strengths. ARC4 is a symmetric algorithm, meaning each of the two communicating parties share the same key. For more information, refer to Section 19.4.3, "ARC Four Execution Unit (AFEU)." Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU) The MDEU computes a single message digest (or hash or integrity check) value of all the data presented on the input bus, using either the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-225 or SHA-256 algorithms for bulk data hashing. With any hash algorithm, the larger message is mapped onto a smaller output space; therefore collisions are possible, albeit not probable. The 160-bit hash value is a sufficiently large space such that collisions are extremely rare. The security of the hash function is based on the difficulty of locating collisions. That is, it is computationally infeasible to construct two distinct but similar messages that produce the same hash output. * The MD5 generates a 128-bit hash, and the algorithm is specified in RFC 1321. * SHA-1 is a 160-bit hash function, specified by the ANSI X9.30-2 and FIPS 180-1 standards. * SHA-224 and SHA-256 are cryptographic hash functions that provide integrity protection against collision attacks. * The MDEU also supports HMAC computations, as specified in RFC 2104. For more information, refer to Section 19.4.4, "Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU)." Random Number Generator (RNG) The RNG is a functional block capable of generating 64-bit random numbers. It is designed to comply with FIPS 140-1 standards for randomness and non-determinism. Because many cryptographic algorithms use random numbers as a source for generating a secret value (a nonce), it is desirable to have a private RNG for use by the SEC. The anonymity of each random number must be maintained, as well as the unpredictability of the next random number. The FIPS-140 common-criteria compliant private RNG allows the system to develop random challenges or random secret keys. The secret key can thus remain hidden from even the high-level application code, providing an added measure of physical security. For more information, refer to Section 19.4.5, "Random Number Generator (RNG)." Advanced Encryption Standard Execution Unit (AESU) The AESU is used to accelerate bulk data encryption/decryption in compliance with the Advanced Encryption Standard Rijndael algorithm. The AESU executes on 128 bit blocks with a choice of key sizes: 128, 192, or 256 bits. AESA is a symmetric-key algorithm, the sender and receiver use the same key for both encryption and decryption. The session key and initialization vector (IV) are supplied to the AESU module prior to encryption. The processor supplies data to the module that is processed as 128 bit input. The AESU operates in ECB, CBC, CTR, and CCM modes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-7 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 The AESU is also used for performing the exclusive OR (XOR) operation used to generate parity data for RAID storage applications. When operating in this mode, no session keys are involved, and the AESU XORs up to three data streams at a time to produce parity data. For more information, refer to Section 19.4.6, "Advanced Encryption Standard Execution Unit (AESU)." Kasumi Execution Unit (KEU) The KEU is a functional block capable of encrypting/decrypting and/or performing integrity checks on 64-bit blocks of data using a 128-bit key. The KEU is designed to be compatible with both the F8 and F9 algorithms as defined in the ETSI/SAGE specification document 1 for the 3GPP standard. In addition, if the KEU is supplied with an original MAC value, it is capable of performing a bitwise check of this original MAC against an F9 MAC generated by the KEU. The KEU also performs Kasumi-based algorithms that are used to protect data in 2G and 2.5G protocols, specifically A5/3 for GSM and EDGE, and GEA-3 for GPRS. For more information, refer to Section 19.4.7, "Kasumi Execution Unit (KEU)." 19.1.3 Crypto-Channels The SEC includes four crypto-channels that manage data and EU function. Each channel contains the following: * A fetch FIFO, which holds a queue of pointers to descriptors waiting to be serviced * A configuration register, which allows the user a number of options for SEC event signaling * Control registers containing information about the transaction in process * A status register containing an indication of the last unfulfilled bus request * A descriptor buffer memory used to store the active descriptor * Scatter and gather link table buffer memory used to store the active link table Whenever a crypto-channel is idle and its fetch FIFO is non-empty, the channel reads the next descriptor pointer from the fetch FIFO. Using this pointer, the channel fetches the descriptor and places it in its descriptor buffer. To service this descriptor, the channel directs execution of the following steps: 1. Analyze the descriptor header to determine the cryptographic services required, and request use of the appropriate EUs from the controller. 2. Wait for the controller to grant access to the required EUs. 3. Set the appropriate mode bits in the EU(s) for the required service. 4. Fetch data parcels using pointers from the descriptor buffer, and place them in either an EU input FIFO or EU registers (as appropriate). The term data parcel refers here to any input or output of a cryptographic process, such as a key, hash result, input context, output context, or text-data. Context refers to either an initialization vector (IV) or other internal EU state that can be read out or loaded in. Text-data refers to plaintext or ciphertext to be operated on. 5. If the data size is greater than EU FIFO size, continue fetching input data, and writing output data to memory. 6. Wait for EU(s) to complete processing. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-8 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 7. Upon completion, unload results from output FIFOs and context registers and write them to external memory using pointers in the descriptor buffer. 8. If multiple services are requested, go back to step 3. 9. Release the EUs. 10. If done notification is enabled, perform this notification. The channel can signal to the host that it is done with a descriptor via interrupt or by a writeback of the descriptor header into host memory. In the case of writeback, the value written back is identical to the header that was read, with the exception that a DONE field is set to all 1s. In addition, the channel can be configured to write back other status fields that indicate the result of ICV checking (if any). The user can opt to enable this signaling at end of every descriptor, or at the end of selected descriptors. For more information about configuring signaling, see Section, "Crypto-Channel Configuration Registers 1-4 (CCCRn)." Many security protocols involve both encryption and hashing of packet payloads. To accomplish this without requiring two passes through the data, channels can configure data flows through more than one EU. In such cases, one EU is designated the primary EU, and the other as the secondary EU. The primary EU receives its data from memory via the controller, and the secondary EU receives its data by snooping the SEC buses. There are two types of snooping. * Input data can be fed to the primary EU and the same input data snooped by the secondary EU. This is called in-snooping. * Output data from the primary EU can be snooped by the secondary EU. This is called out-snooping. In the SEC, the secondary EU is always the MDEU. For more information, refer to Section 19.5, "Crypto-Channels." 19.1.4 Controller The controller manages on-chip resources, including the individual execution units (EUs), FIFOs, the master/slave interface to the MPC8548E internal system bus, and the other internal buses that connect the remaining modules. The controller receives service requests from the master/slave interface and from the crypto-channels, and schedules the required activities. The controller provides for two ways of operating the execution units: * Channel-controlled access--A channel can request a particular service from any available execution unit. This is the normal operating condition. * Host-controlled access--The host can move data into and out of any execution unit directly through memory-mapped EU registers. This is typically only used for debug. The system bus interface and access to system memory are critical factors in performance, and the 64-bit master/slave interface of the SEC controller allows it to achieve performance unattainable on secondary buses. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-9 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Channel-Controlled Access Processing begins when a descriptor pointer is written to the fetch FIFO of one of the channels. Based on the services requested by the descriptor header, the channel asks the controller to assign the necessary EUs to that channel. If all appropriate EUs are already reserved by other channels, the channel stalls and waits to fetch data until an appropriate EU is available. If multiple channels simultaneously request the same EU, the EU is assigned on a weighted priority or round-robin basis. Once the required EU has been reserved, the channel requests that the controller fetch and load the appropriate data. The controller acts as a master on the system bus, reading and writing on byte boundaries. The channel operates the EU, and makes further requests to the controller to write output data to system memory. When the descriptor processing is complete, the channel asks the controller to release the EU for use by other channels. Host-Controlled Access All execution units (EUs) are memory-mapped, and can be used entirely through register read/write access. The SEC operates as a slave, and the host must write the information typically provided through the descriptor into the appropriate registers and FIFOs of the SEC. This method is more CPU intensive, and requires a great deal of familiarity with the SEC registers. It is recommended that host-controlled access be used only for operations using a single EU, and for debug purposes. For more information, refer to Section 19.6, "Security Controller." 19.2 Configuration of Internal Memory Space Table 19-2 shows the base address map, while Table 19-3 provides the address map, including all registers in the execution units. These address values are offsets from CCSRBAR. Note that these tables show modulo-8 addresses; the three least-significant address bits that are used to select bytes within 64-bit words are not shown. Table 19-2. SEC Base Address Map Address Offset (AD 17-0) Module 0x3_0000-0x3_0FFF -- 0x3_1000-0x3_10FF Controller Arbiter/controller control register space 0x3_1100-0x3_11FF Channel_1 Channel 1 0x3_1200-0x3_12FF Channel_2 Channel 2 0x3_1300-0x3_13FF Channel_3 Channel 3 0x3_1400-0x3_14FF Channel_4 Channel 4 Description Reserved Type Reference -- -- Resource control 19.6/19-104 Data control 19.5/19-91 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-10 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-2. SEC Base Address Map (continued) Address Offset (AD 17-0) Module 0x3_2000-0x3_2FFF DEU 0x3_4000-0x3_4FFF AESU AES execution unit 19.4.6/19-67 0x3_6000-0x3_6FFF MDEU Message digest execution unit 19.4.4/19-50 0x3_8000-0x3_8FFF AFEU Arc Four execution unit 19.4.3/19-41 0x3_A000-0x3_AFFF RNG Random number generator 19.4.5/19-62 0x3_C000-0x3_CFFF PKEU Public key execution unit 19.4.1/19-26 0x3_E000-0x3_EFFF KEU Kasumi execution unit 19.4.7/19-79 Description DES/3DES execution unit Type Reference Crypto EU 19.4.2/19-34 Table 19-3 shows the system address map showing all functional registers. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 19-3. SEC Address Map Address Offset (AD 17-0) Register Access Reset Reference Controller 0x3_1008 IMR--Interrupt mask register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1010 ISR--Interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1018 ICR--Interrupt clear register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1020 ID--Identification register R 0x0030_0000_0010_0000 0x3_1BF8 IP block revision R 0x0030_0000_0010_0000 0x3_1028 EUASR--EU assignment status register R 0xF0F0_F0F0_00FF_F0F0 0x3_1030 MCR--Master control register R/W 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 Channel 1 0x3_1108 CCCR1--Crypto-channel 1 configuration register 0x3_1110 CCPSR1--Crypto-channel 1 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0007 0x3_1140 CDPR1--Crypto-channel 1 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-11 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-3. SEC Address Map (continued) Address Offset (AD 17-0) Register Access Reset Reference FF1--Crypto-channel 1 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 DB1--Crypto-channel 1 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_11C0-0x3_11DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_11E0-0x3_11FF W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1148 0x3_1180-0x3_11BF Scatter link tables Channel 2 0x3_1208 CCCR2--Crypto-channel 2 configuration register 0x3_1210 CCPSR2--Crypto-channel 2 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0007 0x3_1240 CDPR2--Crypto-channel 2 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1248 FF2--Crypto-channel 2 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 DB2--Crypto-channel 2 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_12C0-0x3_12DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_12E0-0x3_12FF W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1280-0x3_12BF Scatter link tables Channel 3 0x3_1308 CCCR3--Crypto-channel3 configuration register 0x3_1310 CCPSR3--Crypto-channel3 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0007 0x3_1340 CDPR3--Crypto-channel 3 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1348 FF3--Crypto-channel 3 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 DB3--Crypto-channel 3 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_13C0-0x3_13DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_13E0-0x3_13FF W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0007 0x3_1380-0x3_13BF Scatter link tables Channel 4 0x3_1408 CCCR4--Crypto-channel 4 configuration register 0x3_1410 CCPSR4--Crypto-channel 4 pointer status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1440 CDPR4--Crypto-channel 4 current descriptor pointer register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1448 FF4--Crypto-channel 4 fetch FIFO address register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-12 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-3. SEC Address Map (continued) Address Offset (AD 17-0) Register Access Reset Reference DB4--Crypto-channel 4 descriptor buffers [0-7] R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_14C0-0x3_14DF Gather link tables W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_14E0-0x3_14FF W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_1480-0x3_14BF Scatter link tables Data Encryption Standard Execution Unit (DEU) 0x3_2000 DEUMR--DEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2008 DEUKSR--DEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2010 DEUDSR--DEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2018 DEURCR--DEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2028 DEUSR--DEU status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2030 DEUISR--DEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2038 DEUICR--DEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_3000 0x3_2050 DEUEUG--DEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2100 DEUIV--DEU initialization vector register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2400 DEUK1--DEU key register 1 W -- 0x3_2408 DEUK2--DEU key register 2 W -- 0x3_2410 DEUK3--DEU key register 3 W -- R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_2800-0x3_2FFF DEU FIFO Advanced Encryption Standard Execution Unit (AESU) 0x3_4000 AESUMR--AESU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4008 AESUKSR--AESU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4010 AESUDSR--AESU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4018 AESURCR--AESU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4028 AESUSR--AESU status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4030 AESUISR--AESU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4038 AESUICR--AESU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_1000 0x3_4050 AESUEUG--AESU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4100-0x3_4108 AESU context memory registers R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4400-0x3_4408 AESU key memory R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_4800-0x3_4FFF AESU FIFO R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU) 0x3_6000 MDEUMR--MDEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6008 MDEUKSR--MDEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6010 MDEUDSR--MDEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6018 MDEURCR--MDEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6028 MDEUSR--MDEU status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-13 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-3. SEC Address Map (continued) Address Offset (AD 17-0) Register Access Reset Reference 0x3_6030 MDEUISR--MDEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6038 MDEUICR--MDEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_1000 0x3_6040 MDEUICVSR--MDEU ICV size register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6050 MDEUEUG--MDEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6100-0x3_6120 MDEU context memory registers 0x3_6400-0x3_647F MDEU key memory W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_6800-0x3_6FFF MDEU FIFO W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 ARC Four Execution Unit (AFEU) 0x3_8000 AFEUMR--AFEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_808 AFEUKSR--AFEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8010 AFEUDSR--AFEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8018 AFEURCR--AFEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8028 AFEUSR--AFEU status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8030 AFEUISR--AFEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8038 AFEUICR--AFEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_1000 0x3_8050 AFEUEUG--AFEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8100-0x3_81FF AFEU context memory registers R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8200 AFEU context memory pointers R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8400 AFEUK1--AFEU key register 0 W -- 0x3_8480 AFEUK2--AFEU key register 1 W -- R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_8800-0x3_8FFF (3_8E00) AFEU FIFO Random Number Generator (RNG) 0x3_A000 RNGMR--RNG mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_A010 RNGDSR--RNG data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_A018 RNGRCR--RNG reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_A028 RNGSR--RNG status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_A030 RNGISR--RNG interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_A038 RNGICR--RNG interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_1000 0x3_A050 RNGEUG--RNG EU go register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_A800-0x3_AFFF RNG FIFO Public Key Execution Units (PKEU) 0x3_C000 PKEUMR--PKEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C008 PKEUKSR--PKEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C010 PKEUDSR--PKEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-14 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-3. SEC Address Map (continued) Address Offset (AD 17-0) Register Access Reset Reference 0x3_C018 PKEURCR--PKEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C028 PKEUSR--PKEU status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C030 PKEUISR--PKEU interrupt status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C038 PKEUICR--PKEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_1000 0x3_C040 PKEUABS--PKEU AB size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C050 PKEUEUG--PKEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C200-0x3_C23F PKEU parameter memory A0 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C240-0x3_C27F PKEU parameter memory A1 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C280-0x3_C2BF PKEU parameter memory A2 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C2C0-0x3_C2FF PKEU parameter memory A3 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C300-0x3_C33F PKEU parameter memory B0 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C340-0x3_C37F PKEU parameter memory B1 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C380-0x3_C3BF PKEU parameter memory B2 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C3C0-0x3_C3FF PKEU parameter memory B3 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C400-0x3_C4FF PKEU parameter memory E W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_C800-0x3_C8FF PKEU parameter memory N R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 Kasumi Execution Unit (KEU) 0x3_E000 KEUMR--KEU mode register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E008 KEUKSR--KEU key size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E010 KEUDSR--KEU data size register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E018 KEURCR--KEU reset control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E028 KEUSR--KEU status register R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E030 KEUISR--KEU interrupt status register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E038 KEUICR--KEU interrupt control register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_1000 0x3_E048 KEUDOR--KEU data out register (F9 MAC) R 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E050 KEUEUG--KEU EU go register W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E100 KEUIV1--KEU initialization vector 1 register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E108 KEUICV--KEU ICV_In register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E110 KEUIV2--KEU initialization vector 2 register (Fresh) R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E118 KEUC1--KEU context_1 register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E120 KEUC2--KEU context_2 register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E128 KEUC3--KEU context_3 register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E130 KEUC4--KEU context_4 register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E138 KEUC5--KEU context_5 register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-15 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-3. SEC Address Map (continued) Address Offset (AD 17-0) Register Access Reset Reference 0x3_E140 KEUC6--KEU context_6 register R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E400 KEUKD1--KEU key data register_1 (CK-high) R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E408 KEUKD2--KEU key data register_2 (CK-low) R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E410 KEUKD3--KEU key data register_3 (IK-high) R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E418 KEUKD4--KEU key data register_4 (IK-low) R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0x3_E800-0x3_EFFF KEUFIFO 19.3 Descriptor Overview The host processor maintains a record of current secure sessions and the corresponding keys and contexts of those sessions. Once the host has determined that a security operation is required, it creates a descriptor containing all the information the SEC needs to perform the security operation. The host creates the descriptor in main memory, then writes a pointer to the descriptor into the fetch FIFO of one of the SEC channels. The channel uses this pointer to read the descriptor into its descriptor buffer. Once it obtains the descriptor, the SEC uses its bus mastering capability to obtain inputs and write results, thus off-loading data movement and encryption operations from the host processor. For test purposes, it is also possible for the host to write keys, context, and text-data directly to execution units, using SEC's host-controlled access. This method avoids the use of descriptors. 19.3.1 Descriptor Structure SEC descriptors are conceptually similar to descriptors used by most devices with DMA capability. The descriptors have a fixed length of 64 bytes, i.e. eight 64-bit words (referred to as dwords). A descriptor consists of one header dword and seven pointer dwords, as shown in Figure 19-3. 0 15 16 17 Header dword 23 24 27 28 31 32 Header 63 Reserved Pointer dword 0 Length0 J0 Extent0 -- Pointer0 Pointer dword 1 Length1 J1 Extent1 -- Pointer1 Pointer dword 2 Length2 J2 Extent2 -- Pointer2 Pointer dword 3 Length3 J3 Extent3 -- Pointer3 Pointer dword 4 Length4 J4 Extent4 -- Pointer4 Pointer dword 5 Length5 J5 Extent5 -- Pointer5 Pointer dword 6 Length6 J6 Extent6 -- Pointer6 Figure 19-3. Descriptor Format MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-16 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 The header dword specifies the security operation to be performed, the execution unit(s) needed, and the modes for each execution unit. The pointer dwords, all of which have the same format, contain pointer and length information for locating input or output data parcels (such as keys, context, or text-data). The large number of pointers provided in the descriptor allows for multi-algorithm operations that require fetching of multiple keys, as well as fetch and return of contexts. Any pointer dword that is not needed can be given a length of zero, and the channel will skip over the corresponding operations. SEC descriptors include scatter/gather capability, which means that each pointer in a descriptor can be either a direct pointer to a contiguous parcel of data, or can be a pointer to a link table which is a list of pointers and lengths used to assemble the data parcel. When a link table is used to read input data, this is referred to as a gather operation; when used to write output data, it is referred to as a scatter operation. 19.3.2 Descriptor Format: Header Dword Descriptors are created by the host to guide the SEC through required cryptographic operations. The header dword defines the operations to be performed, the mode for each operation, and internal addressing used by the controller and channel for internal data movement. The fields that must be supplied to SEC are shown in the field rows of Figure 19-4, and described in Table 19-4. The SEC device drivers allow the host to create proper headers for each cryptographic operation. 0 3 4 11 12 15 OP_0 16 23 24 28 DESC_TYPE MODE0 30 31 -- DIR DN OP_1 Field EU_SEL0 29 EU_SEL1 MODE1 Figure 19-4. Header Dword Header dword bit definitions are described below. Table 19-4. Header Dword Bit Definitions Bits Name Description OP_0 0-3 EU_SEL0 4-11 MODE0 Primary EU select. See Section, "Selecting Execution Units--EU_SEL0 and EU_SEL1," for possible values. Primary mode. Mode data used to program the primary EU. The mode data is to the chosen EU. This field is passed directly to bits 56-63 of the mode register in the selected EU. OP_1 12-15 EU_SEL1 Secondary EU select. See Section, "Selecting Execution Units--EU_SEL0 and EU_SEL1," for possible values. 16-23 MODE1 Secondary mode. Mode data used to program the primary EU. The mode data is to the chosen EU. This field is passed directly to bits 56-63 of the mode register in the selected EU. 24-28 DESC_TYPE Descriptor type. This field, along with DIR, determines the sequence of actions to be performed by the channel and selected EUs using the blocks of data listed in the rest of the descriptor. The attributes determined include the direction of data flow for each data block, which EU (primary or secondary) is accessed, what snooping options are used, and which internal EU addresses are accessed. See Section, "Selecting Descriptor Type--DESC_TYPE," for possible values. 29 -- Reserved. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-17 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-4. Header Dword Bit Definitions (continued) Bits Name Description 30 DIR Direction. Direction of overall data flow. 0 Outbound 1 Inbound This, along with the DESC_TYPE field, helps determine the sequence of actions to be performed by the channel and selected EUs. 31 DN Done notification. 0 No done notification. 1 Signal done to the host on completion of this descriptor. This enables done notification if the NT field is 1 in the channel configuration register (see Table 19-50). The done notification can take the form of an interrupt, a writeback in the DONE field of this header dword (see Table 19-51), or both, depending upon the states of the CDIE (channel done interrupt enable) and CDWE (channel done writeback enable) bits in the channel configuration register. Selecting Execution Units--EU_SEL0 and EU_SEL1 Table 19-5 shows the values for EU_SEL0 and EU_SEL1 in the descriptor header. The following rules govern the choices for these fields: 1. EU_SEL0 values of no EU selected or reserved result in an unrecognized header error condition during processing of the descriptor header. 2. The only valid choices for EU_SEL1 are No EU selected or MDEU. Any other choice results in an unrecognized header error condition. 3. If EU_SEL1 is MDEU, then EU_SEL0 must be DEU, AESU, or AFEU. All other values of EU_SEL0 result in an unrecognized header error condition. Table 19-5. EU_SEL0 and EU_SEL1 Values Value (binary) Selected EU 0000 No EU selected 0001 AFEU 0010 DEU 0011 MDEU 0100 RNG 0101 PKEU 0110 AESU 0111 KEU others Reserved 1111 Reserved for header writeback MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-18 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Selecting Descriptor Type--DESC_TYPE Table 19-6 shows the permissible values for the DESC_TYPE field in the descriptor header. Descriptor types from the SEC1.0, which have 0 in the last bit, are listed first, followed by new SEC 2.0 types, which have a 1 in the last bit. Table 19-6. Descriptor Types Value (binary) Descriptor Type 0000_0 aesu_ctr_nonsnoop AESU CTR nonsnooping1 0001_0 common_nonsnoop Common, nonsnooping, non-PKEU, non-AFEU 0010_0 hmac_snoop_no_afeu 0011_0 -- Reserved 0100_0 -- Reserved 0101_0 common_nonsnoop_afeu 0110_0 -- Reserved 0111_0 -- Reserved 1000_0 pkeu_mm 1001_0 -- Reserved 1010_0 -- Reserved 1011_0 -- Reserved 1100_0 hmac_snoop_aesu_ctr 1101_0 -- Reserved 1110_0 -- Reserved 1111_0 -- Reserved 0000_1 ipsec_esp 0001_1 802.11i AES ccmp Notes Snooping, HMAC, non-AFEU Common, nonsnooping, AFEU PKEU-Montgomery multiplication AESU CTR hmac snooping 2 IPsec ESP mode encryption and hashing CCMP encryption and hashing, suitable for 802.11i 0010_1 srtp 0011_1 pkeu_assemble SRTP encryption and hashing 0100_1 pkeu_ptmul 0101_1 pkeu_ptadd_dbl 0110_1 -- Reserved 0111_1 -- Reserved 1000_1 tls_ssl_block 1001_1 tls_ssl_stream 1010_1 raid_xor All others -- pkeu_assemble elliptic curve cryptography pkeu_ptmul elliptic curve cryptography pkeu_ptadd_dbl elliptic curve cryptography TLS/SSL generic block cipher TLS/SSL generic stream cipher XOR data streams Reserved 1 Type 0000_0 is for AES-CTR operations. Type 0001_0 also supports AES-CTR, however to use AES-CTR with 0001_0, the user must prepend zeros to the AES-Ctx before loading the AES context registers. 2 Type 1100_0 is for AES-CTR operations with HMAC. Type 0010_0 also supports AES-CTR with HMAC, however to use AES-CTR with 0010_0, the user must prepend zeros to the AES-Ctx before loading the AES context registers. For more about descriptor types and the data used for each type, see Section 19.3.5, "Descriptor Types." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-19 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 19.3.3 Descriptor Format: Pointer Dwords The descriptor contains seven pointer dwords which define where in memory the SEC should access its input and output data parcels. The pointer dwords are numbered 0 to 6 as shown in Figure 19-3. The channel determines how it will use each of the pointer dwords based on the DESC_TYPE and DIR fields in the header. The channel accesses the first data parcel by starting at a location given by a POINTER value, and accessing a number of bytes given by a LENGTH or EXTENT value. Subsequent data parcels may be accessed by starting where a previous data parcel ended, or by starting at a different POINTER. The LENGTH or EXTENT used with any POINTER may be from the same pointer dword or from a different pointer dword in the same descriptor. Although the EXTENT field exists in each pointer dword of the SEC descriptor, only the EXTENTs in pointer dwords 3, 4, and 5 are currently in use. If the extend address enable field is high (CCR[EAE]; see Table 19-50), then the four EPTR bits are concatenated with the POINTER field to form a 36-bit pointer address. 0 15 16 17 LENGTH J 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXTENT 31 32 EPTR 63 POINTER Figure 19-5. Pointer Dword Table 19-7. Pointer Dword Field Definitions Bits 0-15 16 Name Description LENGTH Length. A number of bytes in the range 0 to 65535. The use of this field depends on the DESC_TYPE and DIR fields in the header dword. A value of zero causes the channel to skip this dword. J Jump. Determines whether to jump to a link table whenever the POINTER field in this same lword is used. 0 The POINTER field points to data. 1 The POINTER field points to a link table, and scatter/gather is enabled. 17-23 EXTENT Extent. A number of bytes in the range 0 to 127. The use of this field depends on the DESC_TYPE and DIR fields in the header dword. 24-27 -- 28-31 EPTR Reserved. Extended pointer. Concatenated as the top 4 bits of the pointer when CCR[EAE] is set. See Section, "Crypto-Channel Configuration Registers 1-4 (CCCRn)." 32-63 POINTER Pointer. A memory address. On occasion, a descriptor field may not be applicable to the requested service. With seven pointer dwords, it is possible that not all these dwords will be required to specify the input and output parameters. (Some operations, for example, do not require context.) Where a particular dword is not used, all fields should be set to 0. Some descriptors involve more than seven parcels of input and output data. In these cases, it is necessary to use one POINTER field to address a sequence of data parcels. LENGTH and EXTENT fields normally specify the sizes of data parcels. In some cases, however, the POINTER field is zero, and the LENGTH and/or EXTENT fields simply specify values to be written to an EU. The J bit in each pointer dword is used to enable the scatter/gather feature. If a data parcel to be read or written by SEC is in one contiguous block of memory locations, then the scatter/gather feature is not MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-20 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 needed. In this case the POINTER should be set to point directly at the first byte of the parcel, and the J bit should be 0. On the other hand, if the data parcel is stored in several separate segments of memory, then the scatter/gather capability is needed to assemble or distribute the complete parcel. In this case the POINTER should be set to point to a link table, and the J bit should be 1. For link table format, see Section 19.3.4, "Link Table Format." Scatter/gather capability is available for all pointer dwords of all descriptor types, with the following exception(s): * The RAID-XOR descriptor type does not allow scatter/gather. 19.3.4 Link Table Format Link tables implement scatter/gather capability. For gather operations, a link table specifies a list of memory segments that are to be concatenated in the process of assembling data parcels. For scatter operations, a link table specifies a list of memory segments into which the output data should be written. Scatter or gather of a data parcel may be specified by a single link table or by a chain of link tables that are linked together with pointers (see Figure 19-7). The link table or chain of link tables accessed through some descriptor POINTER must specify enough memory segments to hold all the data that will be accessed through that pointer. In most cases, only a single data parcel is accessed through a given POINTER, and the chain of link tables specifies just that parcel. In other cases, the descriptor POINTER is used multiple times to access a sequence of data parcels, and the chain of link tables must supply data for the entire sequence. If a link table is used to access a sequence of data parcels, the end of each parcel must also be at the end of a memory segment. In other words, a single memory segment must not straddle two data parcels. An example of proper construction of link tables is illustrated in Figure 19-7. A link table may contain any number of long word entries. There are two kinds of entries, regular entries and next entries. Each regular entry specifies a memory segment by means of a 36-bit starting address (SEGPTR) and a 16-bit length (SEGLEN). A next entry is used at the end of a link table to specify that the list of memory segments is continued in another link table. In a next entry, the N bit is set, the SEGPTR field gives the address of the next link table, and the SEGLEN field must be 0. A chain of link tables may contain any number of link tables. Whether the list of memory segments is in a single link table or split into several link tables, the last entry in the last link table is a regular entry with the R (return) bit set. The R bit signifies the end of link table operations so that the channel returns to the descriptor for its next pointer (if any). Link tables are illustrated in Figure 19-7. A single link table entry is shown in Figure 19-6. 0 Field 15 SEGLEN 16 21 -- 22 23 R N 24 27 -- 28 31 32 EPTR 63 SEGPTR Figure 19-6. Link Table Entry MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-21 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-8. Link Table Field Definitions Bits 0-15 Name Description SEGLEN Length. When N=0, a number in the range 1 to 65535, specifying the number of bytes in the memory segment. pointed to by SEGPTR. A value of 0 will cause an error state to be set in the channel pointer status register--G-STATE for a gather operation or S-STATE for a scatter operation (see Section When N=1, must be 0. 16-21 -- Reserved 22 R Return. When N=0: 0 No special action. 1 This is the last entry in the chain of link tables. If this entry does not specify the right number of bytes to complete the last data parcel, a G-STATE or S-STATE error will be set in the channel pointer status register (see Section When N=1, ignored. 23 N Next. 0 No special action. 1 This is the last long word in the current link table. The SEGPTR field is the address of the next link table in the chain. 24-27 -- Reserved 28-31 EPTR Extended Pointer. Concatenated as the top 4 bits of the segment pointer when EAE is high (see the EAE bit in Table 1-51 on page 1-116). 32-63 SEGPTR Segment pointer: A memory address. For any sequence of data parcels accessed by a link table or chain of link tables, the combined lengths of the parcels (the sum of their LENGTH and/or EXTENT fields) must equal the combined lengths of the link table memory segments (SEGLEN fields). Otherwise the channel sets the appropriate error state in the channel pointer status register--G-STATE for gather error or S-STATE for scatter error (see Section Example (from Figure 19-7): To demonstrate use of a link table, assume that the current descriptor type calls for the channel to read a data parcel using Pointer3 and Extent3 fields, and assume that J3 = 1. Due to the J3 value, Pointer3 is not used as a data address but instead used as the address of a link table. The channel begins by reading the first four long words starting at Pointer3 into an internal `gather table buffer'. Using the first entry of the gather table buffer, the channel starts accessing the data parcel by reading SEGLEN bytes beginning at SEGPTR. If the required data parcel size (Extent3) is greater than this first SegLen, the channel moves on to the next entry of the gather table buffer, and reads SEGLEN bytes starting at SEGPTR. While there are more bytes to be read in the data parcel, this process continues. If the channel's gather table buffer is exhausted, the channel reads the next four long words of the link table into its gather table buffer. If a gather table buffer entry is encountered in which the N bit is set, the channel uses the SEGPTR field in that word to find the next link table in the chain. The last byte of the required parcel size (Extent3) must coincide with the last byte of a memory segment, or unpredictable results may occur. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-22 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 DATA DATA SEGMENTS PARCELS DESCRIPTOR Header dword Length0 J=0 Pointer0 Length1 J=1 Pointer1 Length2 J=0 Extent2 Pointer2 LINKTABLES Parcel A Length0 Length3 J=1 Extent3 Pointer3 Extent4 N=1 N=1 Parcel B Length1 R=1 Parcel C Length2 Parcel D Extent2 Parcel E Extent3 N=1 Parcel F Length3 R=1 Parcel G Extent4 Figure 19-7. Descriptors, Link Tables, and Data Parcels This figure illustrates various ways that a descriptor may specify data parcels: The first pointer dword in the descriptor specifies Parcel A using the simplest method--the parcel is specified directly through Pointer0 and Length0. The next pointer dword uses a chain of link tables to specify Parcel B. Since J=1, Pointer1 is used as the address of a link table. The link table specifies several "regular" entries specifying data segments to be concatenated. The last word of the link table is a "next" entry indicating that the list continues in the next link table. The last entry in the last link table of the chain has the R bit set. The last cases illustrate how one pointer in a descriptor can be used to specify multiple parcels. Pointer2 and Length2 specify Parcel C, then Parcel D follows immediately afterwards, with length specified by Extent2. Pointer3 is used for three data parcels (E, F, and G), this time using link tables. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-23 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Now assume that the channel accesses its next data parcel using Pointer3 again, this time with length given by Length3. In this case the channel continues to the next line of the link table, and begins reading the memory segment specified there. As before, the channel concatenates memory segments from as many link table entries as necessary to obtain the required number of bytes (Length3). Similarly, the next data parcel is obtained by using Pointer3 yet again, this time with length given by Extent4. Assume that for the current descriptor type, the Extent4 data parcel is the last one to be accessed through Pointer3. Then the link table entry that supplies the last memory segment for Extent4 has the R bit set, signifying that this is the last entry in the chain of link tables. 19.3.5 Descriptor Types Table 19-9 shows how the pointer dwords should be used with the various descriptor types to load keys, context, and text-data into the execution units, and how the required outputs should be unloaded. Additional explanation of the use of certain descriptor types, and the meaning of the pointer dwords can be found in the SEC 2.1 Descriptor Programmer's Guide. Table 19-9. Descriptor Format by Type Descriptor Type field type Pointer Dword1 Pointer Dword2 Pointer Dword 3 Pointer Dword4 Pointer Dword 5 Pointer Dword 6 Pointer Dword 7 0000_0 Length nil Cipher IV Cipher Key In FIFO Out FIFO Cipher IV Out nil nosnoop Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined 0001_0 Length nil Cipher IV Cipher Key In FIFO Out FIFO Cipher IV Out nil nosnoop Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined 0010_0 Length HMAC Key HMAC Data Cipher Key Cipher IV In FIFO Out FIFO HMAC Out aesu_ctr_ common_ hmac_snoop Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined Length nil ARC-4 Context (In FIFO) ARC-4 Key In FIFO Out FIFO ARC-4 Context (Out FIFO) nil afha Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined 1000_0 Length N B A E B Out nil nil pkmm Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined HMAC Data AES Key AES Ctx In FIFO Out FIFO HMAC Out undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined HMAC Data Cipher IV Cipher Key In FIFO Out FIFO Cipher IV Out _no_afha 0101_0 common_ nosnoop_ 1100_0 Length HMAC Key hmac_snoop_ undefined aesu_ctr Extent 0000_1 Length HMAC Key ipsec_esp Extent undefined undefined undefined nil HMAC In HMAC Out undefined 0001_1 Length nil AES-Ctx AES Key In FIFO In FIFO Out FIFO AES-Ctx-Out ccmp Extent undefined undefined undefined nil HMAC In HMAC Out undefined MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-24 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-9. Descriptor Format by Type (continued) Descriptor Type 0010_1 field type Pointer Dword1 Pointer Dword2 Pointer Dword 3 Pointer Dword4 Pointer Dword 5 Pointer Dword 6 Pointer Dword 7 Length HMAC Key AES-Ctx AES Key In FIFO Out FIFO HMAC Out AES-Ctx-Out srtp Extent undefined undefined undefined In FIFO In FIFO nil undefined 0011_1 Length A0 A1 A2 A3 B0 B1 'Build' pkbuild Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined 0100_1 Length N E 'Build' B1 Out B2 Out B3 Out nil pkptmul Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined 0101_1 Length N 'Build' B2 B3 B1 Out B2 Out B3 Out pkptadd Extent undefined undefined undefined nil nil nil undefined 1000_1 outbound Length MAC Key Cipher IV Cipher Key Out FIFO Cipher IV Out Extent undefined undefined undefined nil undefined Length MAC Key Cipher IV Cipher Key Out FIFO Cipher IV Out Extent undefined undefined undefined MAC Out undefined 1001_1 outbound Length MAC Key Cipher IV Cipher Key Out FIFO Cipher IV Out tls_ssl_ stream Extent undefined undefined undefined nil undefined 1001_1 inbound Length MAC Key Cipher IV Cipher Key Out FIFO Cipher IV Out tls_ssl_ stream Extent undefined undefined undefined MAC In MAC Out undefined 1010_1 Length nil nil nil In 1 (opt) In 2 In 3 Out raid_xor Extent nil nil nil undefined undefined undefined undefined tls_ssl_ block 1000_1 inbound tls_ssl_ block others 19.4 In FIFO In FIFO Auth & CIpher Cipher Only In FIFO Auth only nil In FIFO Auth only MAC Out In FIFO Auth & CIpher MAC In In FIFO In FIFO Auth & CIpher Cipher Only In FIFO Auth only nil In FIFO Auth only MAC Out In FIFO Auth & CIpher Reserved Execution Units Execution unit (EU) is the term used for a functional block that performs the mathematical manipulations required by protocols used in cryptographic processing. The EUs are compatible with IPSec, IKE, SSL/TLS, iSCSI, SRTP, and 802.11i processing, and can work together to perform high level cryptographic tasks. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-25 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 The following execution units are used in the SEC: * Public key execution unit (PKEU) * Data encryption standard execution unit (DEU) * Advanced encryption standard execution unit (AESU) implementing the Rijndael symmetric key cipher. * ARC four execution unit (AFEU) * Message digest execution unit (MDEU) * Kasumi (F8/F9) execution unit (KEU) * One private on-chip random number generator (RNG) Working together, the EUs can perform high-level cryptographic tasks, such as IPSec encapsulating security protocol (ESP) and digital signature. The remainder of this section provides details about the execution units themselves. 19.4.1 Public Key Execution Unit (PKEU) This section contains details about the public key execution unit (PKEU), including modes of operation, status and control registers, and parameter RAMs. Most of the registers described here are not normally accessed by the host. They are documented here mainly for debug purposes. In typical operation, the PKEU is used through channel-controlled access, which means that most reads and writes of PKEU registers are directed by the SEC channels. Driver software might perform host-controlled register accesses on only a few registers for initial configuration and error handling. PKEU Mode Register (PKEUMR) This register specifies the internal PKEU routine to be executed. The mode register is cleared when the PKEU is reset or re-initialized. Setting a reserved mode bit generates a data error. If the mode register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Figure 19-8 shows the PKEU mode register, and Table 19-10 lists the possible values for the ROUTINE field. Offset PKEU 0x3_C000 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 55 56 -- 63 ROUTINE All zeros Figure 19-8. PKEU Mode Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-26 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-10. PKEU[ROUTINE] Field Values Mode [56-63] Routine Name Routine Description 0x00 RESERVED Reserved 0x01 CLEARMEMORY Clear memory 0x02 MOD_EXP FP: Exponentiate mod N and deconvert from Montgomery format 0x03 MOD_R2MODN FP: Compute Montgomery converter (R 2 mod N) 0x04 MOD_RRMODP FP: Compute Montgomery converter for Chinese Remainder Theorem (RnRp mod N) 0x05 EC_FP_AFF_PTMULT FP EC: Multiply scalar times point in affine coordinates 0x06 EC_F2M_AFF_PTMULT F2m EC: Multiply scalar times point in affine coordinates 0x07 EC_FP_PROJ_PTMULT FP EC: Multiply scalar times point in projective coordinates 0x08 EC_F2M_PROJ_PTMUL T F2m EC: Multiply scalar times point in projective coordinates 0x09 EC_FP_ADD FP EC: Add two points in projective coordinates 0x0A EC_FP_DOUBLE FP EC: Double a point in projective coordinates 0x0B EC_F2M_ADD F2m EC: Add two points in projective coordinates 0x0C EC_F2M_DOUBLE F2m EC: Double a point in projective coordinates 0x0D F2M_R2 F2m: Compute Montgomery converter (R 2 mod N) 0x0E F2M_INV F2m: Invert mod N 0x0F MOD_INV FP: Invert mod N 0x10 MOD_ADD FP: Add mod N 0x20 MOD_SUB FP: Subtract mod N 0x30 MOD_MULT1_MONT FP: Multiply mod N in Montgomery format 0x40 MOD_MULT2_DECONV FP: Multiply mod N and deconvert from Montgomery format 0x50 F2M_ADD F2m: Add mod N 0x60 F2M_MULT1_MONT F2m: Multiply mod N in Montgomery format 0x70 F2M_MULT2_DECONV F2m: Multiply mod N and deconvert from Montgomery format 0x80 RSA_SSTEP FP: Exponentiate mod N (combines MOD_R2MODN, POLY_F2M_MULT1_MONT, and MOD_EXP) 0xFF SPK_BUILD Build PK data structure (data structure used by all elliptic curve routines) PKEU Key Size Register (PKEUKSR) The key size register reflects the number of significant bytes to be used from PKEU parameter memory E in performing modular exponentiation or elliptic curve point multiplication. The range of values for this register, when performing either modular exponentiation or elliptic curve point multiplication, is from 1 to 256. Specifying a key size outside of this range will cause a key size error (KSE) in the PKEU interrupt status register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-27 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Offset PKEU 0x3_C008 Access: Read/Write 0 51 52 R -- W Reset 63 KEY SIZE All zeros Figure 19-9. PKEU Key Size Register PKEU AB Size Register (PKEUABS) The AB size register (Figure 19-10) represents the operand size for the specific operands whenever it is required. The unit of the value written into the AB size is in bits, even though internally the PKEU imposes a 32-bit alignment. Any data beyond the number of bits in the AB size register, either in A and B-RAM (operands) will be ignored. No error checking is performed whether the operand sizes are greater than the prime modulus or the field size and this may result in a wrong result. In other words, it is assumed that operands are modulo reduced before being written into the PKEU. Hence, the AB size must be less than or equal to data size for a correct result. If the AB size register is modified during processing, an error is generated. An illegal data size error is generated as follows: * For all non ECC routines a data size > 256 generates an illegal data size error. * For all ECC routines a data size > 64 generates an illegal data size error. An AB size = 0 (either intentionally written, or by ignoring and not writing at all) generates an illegal size error, except for routines that do not require an A or B operand such as the CLEAR_MEM routine. Offset PKEU 0x3_C040 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 51 52 -- 63 AB SIZE All zeros Figure 19-10. PKEU AB Size Register PKEU Data Size Register (PKEUDSR) The PKEU data size register, Figure 19-11, specifies, in bits, the size of the significant portion of the modulus or irreducible polynomial. Any value written to this register that is a multiple of 32 bits (for example, 128 bits, 160 bits,...), is represented internally as the same value (128 bits, 160 bits,...). Any value written that is not a multiple of 32 bits (for example, 132 bits, 161 bits,...), is represented internally as the next larger 32 bit multiple (160 bits, 196 bits,...). This internal rounding up to the next 32-bit multiple is described for information only. The minimum size valid for all routines to operate properly is 97 bits (internally 128 bits). The maximum size to operate properly is 2048 bits. A value in bits larger than 2048 results in a data size error. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-28 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Offset PKEU 0x3_C010 Access: Read/Write 0 51 52 R 63 -- W DATA SIZE Reset All zeros Figure 19-11. PKEU Data Size Register PKEU Reset Control Register (PKEURCR) This register, shown in Figure 19-12, contains three reset options specific to the PKEU. Offset PKEU 0x3_C018 Access: Read/Write 0 60 61 62 R -- W Reset 63 RI MI SR All zeros Figure 19-12. PKEU Reset Control Register Table 19-11 describes the PKEU reset control register fields. Table 19-11. PKEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-60 -- Reserved 61 RI Reset interrupt. Writing this bit active high causes PKEU interrupts signaling DONE and ERROR to be reset. It further resets the state of the PKEU interrupt status register. 0 Don't reset 1 Reset interrupt logic 62 MI Module initialization. Module initialization is nearly the same as software reset, except that the interrupt control register remains unchanged. This module initialization includes execution of an initialization routine, completion of which is indicated by the RESET_DONE bit in the PKEU status register (Section, "PKEU Status Register (PKEUSR)"). 0 Don't reset 1 Reset most of PKEU 63 SR SW reset. Software reset is functionally equivalent to hardware reset (the RESET signal), but only for the PKEU. All registers and internal state are returned to their defined reset state. Upon negation of SW_RESET, the PKEU enters a routine to perform proper initialization of the parameter memories. The RESET_DONE bit in the PKEU status register indicates when this initialization routine is complete (Section, "PKEU Status Register (PKEUSR)"). 0 Don't reset 1 Full PKEU reset PKEU Status Register (PKEUSR) This status register contains 6 fields that reflect the state of PKEU internal fields. The PKEU status register is read-only. Writing to this location results in an address error being reflected in the PKEU interrupt status register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-29 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 The PKEU status register is shown in Figure 19-13 Offset PKEU 0x3_C028 Access: Read 0 56 57 R -- 58 Z HALT 59 60 61 62 -- 63 IE ID RD W Reset All zeros Figure 19-13. PKEU Status Register Table 19-12 describes the PKEU status register fields. Table 19-12. PKEU Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-56 -- Reserved 57 Z Zero. This bit reflects the state of the PKEU zero detect bit when last sampled. Only particular instructions within routines cause zero to be modified, so this bit should be used with great care. 58 Description HALT Halt indicates that the PKEU has halted due to an error. 0 PKEU not halted 1 PKEU halted Note: Because the error causing the PKEU to stop operating may be masked before reaching the interrupt status register, the PKEU interrupt status register is used to provide a second source of information regarding errors preventing normal operation. 59-60 -- Reserved 61 IE Interrupt error. This status bit reflects the state of the ERROR interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 PKEU is not signaling error 1 PKEU is signaling error 62 ID Interrupt done. This status bit reflects the state of the DONE interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 PKEU is not signaling done 1 PKEU is signaling done 63 RD Reset done. This status bit, when high, indicates that PKEU has completed its reset sequence, as reflected in the signal sampled by the appropriate channel. 0 Reset in progress 1 Reset done Note: Reset done resets to 0, but has typically switched to 1 by the time a user checks the register, indicating the EU is ready for operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-30 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 PKEU Interrupt Status Register (PKEUISR) The interrupt status register tracks the state of possible errors--if those errors are not masked--via the PKEU interrupt control register. The definition of each bit in the PKEU interrupt status register is shown in Figure 19-14. Offset PKEU 0x3_C030 Access: Read 0 49 R -- 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 INV IE -- CE KSE DSE ME AE 63 -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-14. PKEU Interrupt Status Register Table 19-13 describes PKEU interrupt status register fields. Table 19-13. PKEU interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-49 -- 50 INV 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while the PKEU was operating. 0 No error detected 1 Internal error Note: This bit will be asserted any time an enabled error condition occurs and can only be cleared by setting the corresponding bit in the interrupt control register or by resetting the PKEU. 52 -- Reserved 53 CE Context error. A PKEU key register, the key size register, the data size register, or mode register was modified while the PKEU was operating. 0 No error detected 1 Context error 54 KSE Key size error. Value outside the bounds of 1-256 bytes was written to the PKEU key size register 0 No error detected 1 Key size error detected 55 DSE Data size error. Value outside the bounds 97- 2048 bits was written to the PKEU data size register 0 No error detected 1 Data size error detected 56 ME Mode error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. 0 No error detected 1 Mode error Note: Writing to reserved bits in a mode register is a likely source of error. 57 AE Address error. Illegal read or write address was detected within the PKEU address space. 0 No error detected 1 Address error 58-63 -- Reserved Reserved Inversion error. Indicates that the inversion routine has a zero operand. 0 No inversion error detected 1 Inversion error detected MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-31 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 PKEU Interrupt Control Register (PKEUICR) The PKEU interrupt control register controls the result of detected errors. For a given error (as defined in Section, "PKEU Interrupt Status Register (PKEUISR)"), if the corresponding bit in this register is set, then the error is disabled; no error interrupt occurs and the interrupt status register is not updated to reflect the error. If the corresponding bit is not set, then upon detection of an error, the PKEU interrupt status register is updated to reflect the error, causing assertion of the error interrupt signal, and causing the module to halt processing. Offset PKEU 0x3_C038 Access: Read 0 49 R -- 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 INV IE -- CE KSE DSE ME AE 63 -- W Reset 1000 Figure 19-15. PKEU Interrupt Control Register Table 19-13 describes PKEU interrupt control register fields. Table 19-14. PKEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-49 -- 50 INV 51 IE Internal error 0 Internal error enabled 1 Internal error disabled 52 -- Reserved 53 CE Context error 0 Context error enabled 1 Context error disabled 54 KSE Key size error 0 Key size error enabled 1 Key size error disabled 55 DSE Data size error 0 Data size error enabled 1 Data size error disabled 56 ME Mode error 0 Mode error enabled 1 Mode error disabled 57 AE Address error 0 Address error enabled 1 Address error disabled 58-63 -- Reserved Reserved Inversion error 0 Inversion error enabled 1 Inversion error disabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-32 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 PKEU EU Go Register (PKEUEUG) The EU go register in the PKEU is used to indicate the start of a new computation. Writing to this register causes the PKEU to execute the function requested by the ROUTINE field, per the contents of the parameter memories listed below. This register has no data size, and during the write operation, the host data bus is not read. Hence, any data value is accepted. Normally, a write operation with a zero data value is performed. Reading from this register is not meaningful, but a zero value is always returned, and no error is generated. Offset PKEU 0x3_C050 Access: Write 0 63 R W -- Reset All zeros Figure 19-16. PKEU EU Go Register PKEU Parameter Memories The PKEU uses four 2048-bit memories to receive and store operands for the arithmetic operations the PKEU will be asked to perform. In addition, results are stored in one particular parameter memory. Data addressing within these memories is big endian; that is, the most significant byte is stored in the lowest address. PKEU Parameter Memory A This 2048 bit memory is used typically as an input parameter memory space. For modular arithmetic routines, this memory operates as one of the operands of the desired function. For elliptic curve routines, this memory is segmented into four 512 bit memories, and it is used to specify particular curve parameters and input values. PKEU Parameter Memory B This 2048 bit memory is used typically as an input parameter memory space, as well as the result memory space. For modular arithmetic routines, this memory operates as one of the operands of the desired function, as well as the result memory space. For elliptic curve routines, this memory is segmented in to four 512 bit memories, and it is used to specify particular curve parameters and input values, as well as to store result values. PKEU Parameter Memory E This 2048 bit memory is non-segmentable, and stores the exponent for modular exponentiation, or the multiplier k for elliptic curve point multiplication. This memory space is write only; a read of this memory space causes an address error to be reflected in the PKEU interrupt status register. PKEU Parameter Memory N This 2048 bit memory is non-segmentable, and stores the modulus for modular arithmetic and Fp elliptic curve routines. For F2m elliptic curve routines, this memory stores the irreducible polynomial. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-33 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 19.4.2 Data Encryption Standard Execution Unit (DEU) This section contains details about the data encryption standard execution unit (DEU), including modes of operation, status and control registers, and FIFOs. Most of the registers described here are not normally accessed by the host. They are documented here mainly for debug purposes. In typical operation, the DEU is used through channel-controlled access, which means that most reads and writes of DEU registers are directed by the SEC channels. Driver software performs host-controlled register accesses on only a few registers for initial configuration and error handling. DEU Mode Register (DEUMR) The DEUMR mode register contains 3 bits which are used to program DEU operation. The mode register is cleared when the DEU is reset or re-initialized. Setting a reserved mode bit generates a data error. If the mode register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Offset DEU 0x3_2000 Access: Read/Write 0 54 55 56 R -- W Reset 60 61 -- 62 63 CE TS ED All zeros Figure 19-17. DEU Mode Register Table 19-15 describes the DEU mode register fields. Table 19-15. DEU Mode Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description The following bits are described for information only. They are not under direct user control. 0-54 -- Reserved 55 -- Reserved The following bits are controlled through the MODE0 field of the descriptor header. 56-60 -- Reserved 61 CE CBC/ECB. If set, DEU operates in cipher-block-chaining mode. If not set, DEU operates in electronic codebook mode. 0 ECB mode 1 CBC mode 62 TS Triple/single DES. If set, DEU operates the triple DES algorithm; if not set, DEU operates the single DES algorithm. 0 Single DES 1 Triple DES 63 ED Encrypt/decrypt. If set, DEU operates the encryption algorithm; if not set, DEU operates the decryption algorithm. 0 Perform decryption 1 Perform encryption MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-34 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 DEU Key Size Register (DEUKSR) This value indicates the number of bytes of key memory that should be used in encrypting or decrypting. If the DEU mode register is set for single DES, any value other than 8 bytes will automatically generate a key size error in the DEU interrupt status register. If the mode bit is set for triple DES, any value other than 16 bytes (112 bits for 2-key triple DES (K1=K3) or 24 bytes (168 bits for 3-key triple DES) will generate an error. Triple DES always uses K1 to encrypt, Key2 to decrypt, K3 to encrypt. Offset DEU 0x3_2008 Access: Read/Write 0 51 52 R 63 -- W Reset KEY SIZE All zeros Figure 19-18. DEU Key Size Register Table 19-16 shows the legal values for DEU key size. Table 19-16. DEU Key Size Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-51 -- 52-63 Key Size Description Reserved 8 bytes = 0x08 (only legal value if mode is single DES.) 16 bytes= 0x10 (for 2 key 3DES, K1 = K3) 24 bytes= 0x18 (for 3 key 3DES) DEU Data Size Register (DEUDSR) This register, shown in Figure 19-19, stores the number of bits in the final message block, which must be 64. All data to be processed by the DEU must be a multiple of the DES algorithm block size of 64 bits; the DEU does not automatically pad messages out to 64-bit blocks. If a data size that is not a multiple of 64 bits is written, a data size error will be generated. Only bits 58-63 are checked to determine if there is a data size error. Since all upper bits are ignored, the entire message length (in bits) can be written to this register. This register is cleared when the DEU is reset or re-initialized. Offset DEU 0x3_2010 Access: Read/Write 0 47 48 R -- W Reset 63 KEY SIZE All zeros Figure 19-19. DEU Data Size Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-35 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 DEU Reset Control Register (DEURCR) This register, shown in Figure 19-20, allows three levels reset of just DEU, as defined by the three self-clearing bits: Offset DEU 0x3_2018 Access: Read/Write 0 61 62 R -- W Reset 63 RI MI SR All zeros Figure 19-20. DEU Reset Control Register Table 19-17 describes DEU reset control register fields. Table 19-17. DEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Names Description 0-60 -- Reserved 61 RI Reset interrupt. Writing this bit active high causes DEU interrupts signaling DONE and ERROR to be reset. It further resets the state of the DEU interrupt status register. 0 Don't reset 1 Reset interrupt logic 62 MI Module initialization is nearly the same as software reset, except that the interrupt control register remains unchanged. this module initialization includes execution of an initialization routine, completion of which is indicated by the RESET_DONE bit in the DEU status register 0 Don't reset 1 Reset most of DEU 63 SR Software reset is functionally equivalent to hardware reset (the RESET signal), but only for DEU. All registers and internal state are returned to their defined reset state. Upon negation of SW_RESET, the DEU enters a routine to perform proper initialization of the parameter memories. The RESET_DONE bit in the DEU status register indicates when this initialization routine is complete 0 Don't reset 1 Full DEU reset DEU Status Register (DEUSR) This status register, shown in Figure 19-21, contains 6 fields which reflect the state of DEU internal signals. The DEU status register is read-only. Writing to this location results in an address error being reflected in the DEU interrupt status register. Address DEU 0x3_2028 Access: Read-only 0 R W Reset 39 40 -- 47 48 OFL 55 56 57 IFL -- 58 HALT 59 60 61 62 -- 63 IE ID RD -- All zeros Figure 19-21. DEU Status Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-36 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-18 describes the DEU status register bit settings. Table 19-18. DEU Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-39 -- 40-47 OFL The number of dwords currently in the output FIFO 48-55 IFL The number of dwords currently in the input FIFO 56-57 -- Reserved 58 Description Reserved HALT Halt. Indicates that the DEU has halted due to an error. 0 DEU not halted 1 DEU halted Note: Because the error causing the DEU to stop operating may be masked before reaching the interrupt status register, the DEU interrupt status register is used to provide a second source of information regarding errors preventing normal operation. 59-60 -- Reserved 61 IE Interrupt error. This status bit reflects the state of the ERROR interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 DEU is not signaling error 1 DEU is signaling error 62 ID Interrupt done. This status bit reflects the state of the DONE interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 DEU is not signaling done 1 DEU is signaling done 63 RD Reset done. This status bit, when high, indicates that DEU has completed its reset sequence, as reflected in the signal sampled by the appropriate channel. 0 Reset in progress 1 Reset done Note: Reset Done resets to 0, but has typically switched to 1 by the time a user checks the register, indicating the EU is ready for operation. DEU Interrupt Status Register (DEUISR) The DEU interrupt status register, shown in Figure 19-22, records occurrences of errors. Each bit in this register can only be set if the corresponding bit of the DEU interrupt control register is zero (see Section, "DEU Interrupt Control Register (DEUICR)"). If the DEU interrupt status register is non-zero, the DEU halts and the DEU error interrupt signal is asserted to the controller (see Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). In addition, if the DEU is being operated through channel-controlled access, then an interrupt signal is generated to the channel to which this EU is assigned. The EU error then appears in bit 55 of the channel pointer status register (see Table 19-55) and generates a channel error interrupt to the controller. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-37 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Address DEU 0x3_2030 Access: Read-only 0 49 R -- W Reset 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 KPE IE ERE CE KSE DSE ME AE OFE IFE IFU IFO OFU OFO All zeros Figure 19-22. DEU Interrupt Status Register Table 19-19 describes DEU interrupt status register fields. Table 19-19. DEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-49 -- Reserved 50 KPE Key parity error. Defined parity bits in the keys written to the key registers did not reflect odd parity correctly. (Note that key register 2 and key register 3 are checked for parity only if the appropriate DEU mode register bit indicates triple DES. Also, key register 3 is checked only if key size reg = 24. Key register 2 is checked only if key size reg = 16 or 24.) 0 No error detected 1 Key parity error 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while performing encryption. 0 No error detected 1 Internal error Note: This bit will be asserted any time an enabled error condition occurs and can only be cleared by setting the corresponding bit in the interrupt control register or by resetting the DEU. 52 ERE 53 CE 54 KSE Key size error. An inappropriate value (8 being appropriate for single DES, and 16 and 24 being appropriate for triple DES) was written to the DEU key size register 0 No error detected 1 Key size error 55 DSE Data size error (DSE). A value was written to the DEU data size register that is not a multiple of 64 bits. 0 No error detected 1 Data size error 56 ME Mode error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. Note: writing to reserved bits in mode register is likely source of error. 0 No error detected 1 Mode error 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the DEU address space. 0 No error detected 1 Address error 58 OFE Early read error. The DEU IV register was read while the DEU was performing encryption. 0 No error detected 1 Early read error Context error. A DEU key register, the key size register, data size register, mode register, or IV register was modified while DEU was performing encryption. 0 No error detected 1 Context error Output FIFO error. The DEU output FIFO was detected non-empty upon write of DEU data size register. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO non-empty error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-38 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-19. DEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The DEU input FIFO was detected non-empty upon generation of DONE interrupt. 0 No error detected 1 Input FIFO non-empty error 60 IFU Input FIFO underflow. The DEU input FIFO was read while empty. 0 No error detected 1 Input FIFO has had underflow error 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The DEU input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 No error detected 1 Input FIFO has overflowed Note: When operated through channel-controlled access, the SEC implements flow control, and FIFO size is not a limit to data input. When operated through host-controlled access, the DEU cannot accept FIFO inputs larger than 256 bytes without overflowing. 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The DEU output FIFO was read while empty. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO has underflow error 63 OFO Output FIFO overflow. The DEU output FIFO was pushed while full. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO has overflowed DEU Interrupt Control Register (DEUICR) The interrupt control register controls the result of detected errors. For a given error (as defined in Section, "DEU Interrupt Status Register (DEUISR)"), if the corresponding bit in this register is set, then the error is ignored; no bit is set in the DEU interrupt status register, and no error interrupt occurs.If the corresponding bit is not set, then upon detection of an error, the interrupt status register is updated to reflect the error, causing assertion of the error interrupt signal, and causing the module to halt processing. Address DEU 0x3_2038 Access: Read/Write 0 49 R -- W Reset 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 KPE IE ERE CE KSE DSE ME AE OFE IFE IFU IFO OFU OFO 3000 Figure 19-23. DEU Interrupt Control Register Table 19-20. DEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-49 -- 50 KPE Description Reserved Key parity error. The defined parity bits in the keys written to the key registers did not reflect odd parity correctly. (Note that key register 2 and key register 3 are only checked for parity if the appropriate DEU mode register bit indicates triple DES. 0 Key parity error enabled 1 Key parity error disabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-39 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-20. DEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while performing encryption. 0 Internal error enabled 1 Internal error disabled 52 ERE 53 CE Context error. A DEU key register, the key size register, the data size register, the mode register, or IV register was modified while DEU was performing encryption. 0 Context error enabled 1 Context error disabled 54 KSE Key size error. An inappropriate value (8 being appropriate for single DES, and 16 and 24 being appropriate for Triple DES) was written to the DEU key size register 0 Key size error enabled 1 Key size error disabled 55 DSE Data size error (DSE): A value that is not a multiple of 64 bits was written to the DEU data size register. 0 Data size error enabled 1 Data size error disabled 56 ME Mode error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. 0 Mode error enabled 1 Mode error disabled 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the DEU address space. 0 Address error enabled 1 Address error disabled 58 OFE Output FIFO error. The DEU output FIFO was detected non-empty upon write of DEU data size register 0 Output FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Output FIFO non-empty error disabled 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The DEU input FIFO was detected non-empty upon generation of done interrupt 0 Input FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Input FIFO non-empty error disabled 60 IFU Input FIFO underflow. The DEU input FIFO was read while empty. 0 Input FIFO Underflow error enabled 1 Input FIFO Underflow error disabled 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The DEU input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 Input FIFO overflow error enabled 1 Input FIFO overflow error disabled Note: When operated through channel-controlled access, the SEC implements flow control, and FIFO size is not a limit to data input. When operated through host-controlled access, the DEU cannot accept FIFO inputs larger than 256 bytes without overflowing. 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The DEU output FIFO was read while empty. 0 Output FIFO underflow error enabled 1 Output FIFO underflow error disabled 63 OFO Output FIFO overflow. The DEU output FIFO was pushed while full. 0 Output FIFO overflow error enabled 1 Output FIFO overflow error disabled Early read error. The DEU IV register was read while the DEU was performing encryption. 0 Early read error enabled 1 Early read error disabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-40 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 DEU EU Go Register (DEUEUG) The EU go register in the DEU is used to indicate a DES operation may be completed. After the final message block is written to the input FIFO, the EU go register must be written. The value in the data size register will be used to determine how many bits of the final message block (always 64) will be processed. Note that this register has no data size, and during the write operation, the host data bus is not read. Hence, any data value is accepted. Normally, a write operation with a zero data value is performed. Reading from this register is not meaningful, but a zero value is always returned, and no error is generated. Writing to this register is merely a trigger causing the DEU to process the final block of a message, allowing it to signal DONE. Address DEU 0x3_2050 Access: Write-only 0 63 R W -- Reset All zeros Figure 19-24. DEU EU Go Register DEU IV Register (DEUIV) For CBC mode, the initialization vector is written to and read from the DEU IV register. The value of this register changes as a result of the encryption process and reflects the context of DEU. Reading this memory location while the module is processing data generates an error interrupt. DEU Key Registers 1-3 (DEUKn) The DEU uses three write-only key registers to perform encryption and decryption. In single DES mode, only key register 1 may be written. The value written to key register 1 is simultaneously written to key register 3, auto-enabling the DEU for 112-bit triple DES if the key size register indicates 2 key 3DES is to be performed (key size = 16 bytes). To operate in 168-bit triple DES, key register 1 must be written first, followed by the write of key register 2, and then key register 3. Reading any of these memory locations generates an address error interrupt. DEU FIFOs DEU uses an input FIFO/output FIFO pair to hold data before and after the encryption process. These FIFOs are multiply addressable, but those multiple addresses point only to the appropriate end of the appropriate FIFO. A write to anywhere in the DEU FIFO address space causes the 64-bit-word to be pushed onto the DEU input FIFO, and a read from anywhere in the DEU FIFO Address space causes a 64-bit-word to be popped off of the DEU output FIFO. Overflows and underflows caused by reading or writing the DEU FIFOs are reflected in the DEU interrupt status register. 19.4.3 ARC Four Execution Unit (AFEU) This section contains details about the ARC four execution unit (AFEU), including modes of operation, status and control registers, S-box memory, and FIFOs. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-41 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Most of the registers described here would not normally be accessed by the host. They are documented here mainly for debug purposes. In typical operation, the AFEU is used through channel-controlled access, which means that most reads and writes of AFEU registers are directed by the SEC channels. Driver software performs host-controlled register accesses on only a few registers for initial configuration and error handling. AFEU Mode Register (AFEUMR) Shown in Figure 19-25, the AFEU mode register contains three bits which are used to program the AFEU. The mode register is cleared when the AFEU is reset or re-initialized. Setting a reserved mode bit generates a data error. If the mode register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Host-Provided Context via Prevent Permute In the default mode of operation, the host provides the key and key size to the AFEU. The initial memory values in the S-box are permuted with the key to create new S-box values, which are used to encrypt the plaintext. If the prevent permute mode bit is set, the AFEU does not require a key. Rather, the host writes the context to the AFEU and message processing occurs using the provided context. This mode is used to resume processing of a message using the already permuted S-box. The context may be written through the FIFO if the context source mode bit is set. The AFEU context is 259 bytes long, and must be in the format provided by the dump context function. (See Section, "Dump Context.") Dump Context This mode may be independently specified in addition to host-provided context mode. In this mode, once message processing is complete and the output data is read, the AFEU will make the current context data available for reads via the output FIFO. The AFEU context is 259 bytes long. NOTE After the initial key permute to generate a context for an AFEU encrypted session, all subsequent messages will re-use that context, such that it is loaded, modified during the encryption, and unloaded, similar to the use of a CBC initialization vector in DES operations. A new context is generated (via key permute) according to a re-keying interval specified by the security protocol. Context should never be loaded to encrypt a message if a key is loaded and permuted at the same time. Address AFEU 0x3_8000 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 54 -- 55 56 -- 60 61 -- 62 63 CS DC PP All zeros Figure 19-25. AFEU Mode Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-42 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-21 describes AFEU mode register fields. Table 19-21. AFEU Mode Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description The following bits are described for information only. They are not under direct user control. 0-54 -- 55 Reserved Reserved The following bits are controlled through the MODE0 field of the descriptor header. 56-60 -- Reserved 61 CS Context source. If set, this causes the context to be moved from the input FIFO into the S-box prior to starting encryption/decryption. Otherwise, context should be directly written to the context registers. Context source is only checked if the prevent permute bit is set. 0 Context not from FIFO 1 Context from input FIFO 62 DC Dump context. If set, this causes the context to be moved from the S-box to the output FIFO following assertion AFEU's done interrupt. 0 Do not dump context 1 After cipher, dump context 63 PP Prevent permute. Normally, the AFEU receives a key and uses that information to randomize the S-box. If re-using a context from a previous descriptor, this bit should be set to prevent AFEU from re-performing this permutation step. 0 Perform S-box permutation 1 Do not permute AFEU Key Size Register (AFEUKSR) This value indicates the number of bytes of key memory that should be used in performing S-box permutation. Any key data beyond the number of bytes in the key size register is ignored. This register is cleared when the AFEU is reset or re-initialized. If the key size specified is less than 1 or greater than 16, a key size error is generated. If the key size register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Note: Although the AFEU supports key lengths as short as 1 byte, a 1 byte key offers little security. Most uses of ARC-4 specify keys of 5-16 bytes. Figure 19-26 depicts the AFEU key size register. Address AFEU 0x3_8008 Access: Read-only 0 51 52 R -- W Reset 63 KEY SIZE All zeros Figure 19-26. AFEU Key Size Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-43 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 NOTE The device driver will create properly formatted descriptors for situations requiring a key permute prior to ciphering. When operating the SEC as a slave (typically for debug), the user must set the AFEU mode register to perform a permute with key function, then write the key data to AFEU key registers, then write the key size to the key size register. The AFEU starts permuting the memory with the contents of the key registers immediately after the key size is written. AFEU Context/Data Size Register (AFEUDSR) The AFEU context/data size register, shown in Figure 19-27, stores the number of bits in the final message block. This value controls how much data will be processed from the last block. The last message block must be a multiple of 8, from 8 to 64. If a data size that is not a multiple of 8 bits is written, a data size error is generated. A data size of 0 is illegal and results in the associated crypto-channel locking, requiring a crypto-channel and AFEU reset. Only bits 61-63 are checked to determine if there is a data size error. Since all upper bits are ignored, the entire message length (in bits) can be written to this register. The context/data size register is also used to specify the context size, when context is used. The context size is fixed at 2072 bits (259 bytes). When loading context through the FIFO, all context data must be written prior to writing the context data size. The message data size must be written separately. NOTE In slave mode, when reloading an existing context, the user must write the context to the input FIFO, then write the context size (always 2072 bits). The write of the context size indicates to the AFEU that all context has been loaded. The user then writes the message data size to the context/data size register. After this write, the user may begin writing message data to the FIFO. Writing to this register signals the AFEU to start processing data from the input FIFO as soon as it is available. If the value of data size is modified during processing, a context error is generated. This register is cleared when the AFEU is reset or re-initialized. Address AFEU 0x3_8010 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 47 -- 48 63 Data Size All zeros Figure 19-27. AFEU Context/Data Size Register AFEU Reset Control Register (AFEURCR) This register, as shown in Figure 19-28, allows 3 levels of reset that effect the AFEU only, as defined by 3 self-clearing bits. Note that the AFEU executes an internal reset sequence for hardware reset, MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-44 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 SW_RESET, or module initialization, which performs proper initialization of the S-box. To determine when this is complete, poll the RESET_DONE bit in the AFEU status register. Address AFEU 0x3_8018 Access: Read/Write 0 60 61 R -- W Reset 62 63 RI MI SR All zeros Figure 19-28. AFEU Reset Control Register Table 19-22 describes AFEU reset control register fields. Table 19-22. AFEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-60 -- Reserved 61 RI Reset interrupt. Writing this bit active high causes AFEU interrupts signaling DONE and ERROR to be reset. It further resets the state of the AFEU interrupt status register. 0 Do not reset 1 Reset interrupt logic 62 MI Module initialization is nearly the same as software reset, except that the interrupt control register remains unchanged. 0 Do not reset 1 Reset most of AFEU 63 SR Software reset is functionally equivalent to hardware reset (the RESET signal), but only for AFEU. All registers and internal states are returned to their defined reset state. On negation of SW_RESET, the AFEU enters a routine to perform proper initialization of the S-box. 0 Do not reset 1 Full AFEU reset AFEU Status Register (AFEUSR) This status register, shown in Figure 19-29, contains 6 bits that reflect the state of the AFEU internal signals. The AFEU status register is read-only. Writing to this location results in an address error being reflected in the AFEU interrupt status register. Address AFEU 0x3_8028 Access: Read-only 0 39 40 R -- 47 48 OFL 55 56 57 IFL -- 58 HALT 59 60 61 62 -- 63 IE ID RD W Reset All zeros Figure 19-29. AFEU Status Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-45 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-23 describes the AFEU status register fields. Table 19-23. AFEU Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-39 -- 40-47 OFL The number of dwords currently in the output FIFO 48-55 IFL The number of dwords currently in the input FIFO 56-57 -- Reserved 58 Description Reserved HALT Halt. Indicates that the AFEU has halted due to an error. 0 AFEU not halted 1 AFEU halted Note: Because the error causing the AFEU to stop operating may be masked before reaching the interrupt status register, the AFEU interrupt status register is used to provide a second source of information regarding errors preventing normal operation. 59-60 -- Reserved 61 IE Interrupt error. This status bit reflects the state of the ERROR interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 AFEU is not signaling error 1 AFEU is signaling error 62 ID Interrupt done. This status bit reflects the state of the DONE interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 AFEU is not signaling done 1 AFEU is signaling done 63 RD Reset done. This status bit, when high, indicates that AFEU has completed its reset sequence, as reflected in the signal sampled by the appropriate channel. 0 Reset in progress 1 Reset done Note: Reset done resets to 0, but has typically switched to 1 by the time a user checks the register, indicating the EU is ready for operation. AFEU Interrupt Status Register (AFEUISR) The interrupt status register, shown in Figure 19-30, tracks the state of possible errors, if those errors are not masked, via the AFEU interrupt control register. Address AFEU 0x3_8030 Access: Read-only 0 R 50 51 -- 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 IE ERE CE KSE DSE ME AE OFE IFE -- IFO OFU -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-30. AFEU Interrupt Status Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-46 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-24 describes AFEU interrupt status register fields. Table 19-24. AFEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Names Description 0-50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while performing encryption. 0 No error detected 1 Internal error 52 ERE Early read error. The AFEU context memory or control was read while the AFEU was performing encryption. 0 No error detected 1 Early read error 53 CE Context error. The AFEU mode register, key register, key size register, data size register, or context memory is modified while AFEU processes data. 0 No error detected 1 Context error 54 KSE Key size error. A value outside the bounds 1-16 bytes was written to the AFEU key size register 0 No error detected 1 Key size error 55 DSE Data size error. A value that is not a multiple of 8 bits was written to the AFEU data size register: 0 No error detected 1 Data size error 56 ME Mode error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. Note: writing to reserved bits in mode register is likely source of error. 0 No error detected 1 Mode error 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the AFEU address space. 0 No error detected 1 Address error 58 OFE Output FIFO error. The AFEU output FIFO was detected non-empty upon write of AFEU data size register. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO non-empty error 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The AFEU input FIFO was detected non-empty upon generation of done interrupt 0 Input FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Input FIFO non-empty error disabled 60 -- Reserved 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The AFEU input FIFO was pushed while full. 1 Input FIFO has overflowed 0 No error detected Note: When operated through channel-controlled access, the SEC implements flow control, and FIFO size is not a limit to data input. When operated through host-controlled access, the AFEU cannot accept FIFO inputs larger than 256 bytes without overflowing. 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The AFEU output FIFO was read while empty. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO has underflow error 63 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-47 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 AFEU Interrupt Control Register (AFEUICR) The interrupt control register, shown in Figure 19-31, controls the result of detected errors. For a given error (as defined in Section, "AFEU Interrupt Status Register (AFEUISR)"), if the corresponding bit in this register is set, the error is disabled; no error interrupt occurs and the interrupt status register is not updated to reflect the error. If the corresponding bit is not set, then upon detection of an error, the interrupt status register is updated to reflect the error, causing assertion of the error interrupt signal, and causing the module to halt processing. Address AFEU 0x3_8038 Access: Read/Write 0 50 51 R -- W Reset 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 IE ERE CE KSE DSE ME AE OFE IFE -- IFO OFU -- 1000 Figure 19-31. AFEU Interrupt Control Register Table 19-25 describes AFEU interrupt control register fields. Table 19-25. AFEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while performing encryption. 0 Internal error enabled 1 Internal error disabled 52 ERE 53 CE 54 KSE Key size error. A value outside the bounds 1-16 bytes was written to the AFEU key size register 0 Key size error enabled 1 Key size error disabled 55 DSE Data size error. An inconsistent value was written to the AFEU data size register: 0 Data Size error enabled 1 Data size error disabled 56 ME Mode error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. 0 Mode error enabled 1 Mode error disabled 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the AFEU address space. 0 Address error enabled 1 Address error disabled 58 OFE Early read error. The AFEU register was read while the AFEU was performing encryption. 0 Early read error enabled 1 Early read error disabled Context error. An AFEU key register, the key size register, data size register, mode register, or context memory was modified while AFEU was performing encryption. 0 Context error enabled 1 Context error disabled Output FIFO error. The AFEU output FIFO was detected non-empty upon write of AFEU data size register 0 Output FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Output FIFO non-empty error disabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-48 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-25. AFEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The AFEU input FIFO was detected non-empty upon generation of done interrupt. 0 Input FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Input FIFO non-empty error disabled 60 -- Reserved 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The AFEU input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 Input FIFO overflow error enabled 1 Input FIFO overflow error disabled 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The AFEU output FIFO was read while empty. 0 Output FIFO underflow error enabled 1 Output FIFO underflow error disabled 63 -- Description Reserved AFEU EU Go Register (AFEUEUG) The EU go register in the AFEU, displayed in Figure 19-32, is used to signal the AFEU that all data to be processed has been written to the input FIFO. This allows the AFEU to perform special processing when it reaches the last block of data. Before this register is written, the AFEU will not process the last block of data in its input FIFO. After this register is written, the AFEU continues to perform normal processing on all but the last block of data, then it goes on to processes the last block, using the value in the data size register to determine how much of the block to process. The data size register specifies the number of bits to process, which is a multiple of 8, from 8 to 64. After processing of the last block is completed, the AFEU signals DONE. If the dump context bit in the AFEU mode register is set, the context is written to the output FIFO following the last message word. A read of the AFEUEUG register always returns a zero value. Address 0x3_1BF8 Access: Write-only 0 63 R W AFEU EU_GO Reset All zeros Figure 19-32. AFEU EU Go Register AFEU Context This section provides additional information about the AFEU context memory and its related pointer register. AFEU Context Memory The S-box memory consists of 32 64-bit words, each readable and writable. The S-box contents should not be written with data unless it was previously read from the S-box. Context data may only be written if the prevent permutation mode bit is set (see Figure 19-25) and the context data must be written prior to the message data. If the context registers are written during message processing or the prevent permutation bit is not set, a context error will be generated. Reading this memory while the module is not done generates an error interrupt. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-49 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 AFEU Context Memory Pointer Register The context memory pointer register holds the internal context pointers that are updated with each byte of message processed. These pointers correspond to the values of I, J, and Sbox[I+1] in the ARC-4 algorithm. If this register is written during message processing, a context error will be generated. When performing ARC-4 operations, the user has the option of performing a new S-box permutation per packet, or unloading the contents of the S-box (context) and reloading this context prior to processing of the next packet. The S-box contents (256 bytes) plus the three bytes of the context memory pointers are unloaded and reloaded via the AFEU FIFOs. AFEU context consists of the contents of the S-box, as well as three counter values, which indicate the next values to be used from the S-box. Context must be loaded in the same order in which it was unloaded. AFEU Key Registers 0-1 (AFEUKn) AFEU uses two write-only key registers to guide initial permutation of the AFEU S-box, in conjunction with the AFEU key size register. AFEU performs permutation starting with the first byte of key register 1, and uses as many bytes from the two key registers as necessary to complete the permutation. Reading either of these memory locations generates an address error interrupt. AFEU FIFOs The AFEU uses an input FIFO/output FIFO pair to hold data before and after the encryption process. These FIFOs are multiply addressable, but those multiple addresses point only to the appropriate end of the appropriate FIFO. A write to anywhere in the AFEU FIFO address space causes the 64-bit-word to be pushed onto the AFEU input FIFO, and a read from anywhere in the AFEU FIFO address space causes a 64-bit-word to be popped off of the AFEU output FIFO. Overflows and underflows caused by reading or writing the AFEU FIFOs are reflected in the AFEU interrupt status register. 19.4.4 Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU) This section contains details about the message digest execution unit (MDEU), including modes of operation, status and control registers, and FIFOs. Most of the registers described here would not normally be accessed by the host. They are documented here mainly for debug purposes. In typical operation, the MDEU is used through channel-controlled access, which means that most reads and writes of MDEU registers are directed by the SEC channels. Driver software performs host-controlled register accesses on only a few registers for initial configuration and error handling. MDEU Mode Register (MDEUMR) The MDEU mode register is used to program the function of the MDEU. Bits 56-63 of this register are specified by the user through the MODE0 or MODE1 field of the descriptor header. The remaining bits are supplied by the channel and thus are not under direct user control. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-50 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 The MDEU mode register has two configurations, determined by the value of the NEW bit (see Figure 19-33 and Figure 19-34). The new configuration (NEW = 1) is used only by TLS/SSL descriptor types (1000_1, 1001_). The old configuration (NEW = 0) is used by all other descriptor types and is backward compatible with SEC 2.0. The mode register is cleared when the MDEU is reset or re-initialized. Setting a reserved mode bit generated a data error. If the mode register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Address MDEU 0x3_6000 Access: Read/Write 0 53 R -- W Reset 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 NEW -- CONT CICV SMAC INIT HMAC PD 62 63 ALG All zeros Figure 19-33. MDEU Mode Register in Old Configuration (NEW = 0) Table 19-26 describes the MDEU mode register fields in the old configuration. Table 19-26. MDEU Mode Register in Old Configuration (NEW = 0) Bits Name Description The following bits are described for information only. They are not under direct user control. 0-53 54 55 -- Reserved NEW=0 Determines the configuration of the MDEU mode register. This table shows the configuration for NEW=0. -- Reserved. Must be set to zero. The following bits are controlled through the MODE0 or MODE1 fields of the descriptor header. 56 CONT Continue. Most operations require this bit to be cleared. It is set only when the data to be hashed is spread across multiple descriptors. The value programmed in PD must be opposite to the value in this bit. 0 Perform autopadding and complete the message digest. Used when the entire hash is performed with one descriptor, or on the last of a sequence of descriptors. 1 This hash will be continued in a subsequent descriptor. Do not autopad and do not complete the message digest. 57 CICV Compare integrity check values. 0 Normal operation; no ICV comparison. 1 After the message digest (ICV) is computed, compare it to the data in the MDEU's input FIFO. If the ICVs do not match, send an error interrupt to the channel. The number of bytes to be compared is given by the ICV size register. Only applicable to descriptor types that provide for reading an ICV in value. 58 SMAC Specifies whether to perform an SSL-MAC operation. 0 Normal operation 1 Perform an SSL3.0 MAC operation. This requires a key and key length. If this is set then the HMAC bit should be 0. 59 INIT Initialization bit. Most operations will require this bit to be set. Cleared only for operations that load context from a known intermediate hash value. 0 Do not initialize digest registers. In this case the registers must be loaded from a hash context pointer in the descriptor. When the data to be hashed is spread across multiple descriptors, this bit must be 0 on all but the first descriptor. 1 Do an algorithm-specific initialization of the digest registers. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-51 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-26. MDEU Mode Register in Old Configuration (NEW = 0) (continued) Bits Name Description 60 HMAC Specifies whether to perform an HMAC operation: 0 Normal operation 1 Perform an HMAC operation. This requires a key and key length. If this is set then the SMAC bit should be 0. 61 PD 62-63 ALG If set, configures the MDEU to automatically pad partial message blocks.This bit must be programmed opposite to the CONT bit. 0 Do not autopad. 1 Perform automatic message padding whenever an incomplete message block is detected. Message digest algorithm selection 00 SHA-160 algorithm (full name for SHA-1) 01 SHA-256 algorithm 10 MD5 algorithm 11 SHA-224 algorithm Address MDEU 0x3_6000 Access: Read/Write 0 52 R -- W Reset 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 STIB NEW -- CONT CICV SMAC INIT HMAC EALG ALG All zeros Figure 19-34. MDEU Mode Register in New Configuration (NEW = 1) Table 19-27 describes MDEU mode register fields in the new configuration. Table 19-27. MDEU Mode Register in New Configuration (NEW = 1) Bits Name Description The following bits are described for information only. They are not under direct user control. 0-52 -- 53 STIB 54 55 Reserved SSL/TLS inbound, block cipher. 0 Normal operation. 1 Special operation only for SSL/TLS inbound, block cipher. Upon receiving an EU_Go indication, the MDEU performs a calculation involving the last valid byte of data written into its input FIFO (which is pad length) to compute a final data size. The MDEU then processes the amount of data specified by this data size, and completes the message digest. NEW=1 Determines the configuration of the MDEU mode register. This table shows the configuration for NEW=1. -- Reserved. Must be set to zero. The following bits are controlled through the MODE0 or MODE1 fields of the descriptor header. 56 CONT Continue. Most operations will require this bit to be cleared. Set only when the data to be hashed is spread across multiple descriptors. 0 Perform autopadding and complete the message digest. Used when the entire hash is performed with one descriptor, or on the last of a sequence of descriptors. 1 This hash will be continued in a subsequent descriptor. Do not autopad and do not complete the message digest. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-52 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-27. MDEU Mode Register in New Configuration (NEW = 1) (continued) Bits Name Description 57 CICV Compare integrity check values. 0 Normal operation; no ICV comparison. 1 After the message digest (ICV) is computed, compare it to the data in the MDEU's input FIFO. If the ICVs do not match, send an error interrupt to the channel. The number of bytes to be compared is given by the ICV size register. 58 SMAC Specifies whether to perform an SSL-MAC operation: 0 Normal operation 1 Perform an SSL3.0 MAC operation. This requires a key and key length. If this is set then the HMAC bit should be 0. 59 INIT Initialization bit. Most operations will require this bit to be set. Cleared only for operations that load context from a known intermediate hash value. 0 Do not initialize digest registers. In this case the registers must be loaded from a hash context pointer in the descriptor. When the data to be hashed is spread across multiple descriptors, this bit is set on all but the first descriptor. 1 Perform an algorithm-specific initialization of the digest registers. 60 HMAC Specifies whether to perform an HMAC operation: 0 Normal operation 1 Perform an HMAC operation. This requires a key and key length. If this is set then the SMAC bit should be 0. 61 EALG 62-63 ALG The EALG (extended algorithm bit) and ALG (algorithm) bits together specify the message digest algorithm, as follows: 000 SHA-160 algorithm (full name for SHA-1) 001 SHA-256 algorithm 010 MD5 algorithm 011 SHA-224 algorithm Recommended Settings for MDEU Mode Register The most common task likely to be executed via the MDEU is HMAC generation. HMACs are used to provide message integrity within a number of security protocols, including IPSec, and TLS. The SSL 3.0 protocol uses a slightly different SSL-MAC. If an HMAC or SSL-MAC is to be performed using a single descriptor (with the MDEU acting as sole or secondary EU), the following mode register bit settings should be used: Table 19-28. Mode Register --HMAC or SSL-MAC Generated by Single Descriptor Value Bits Field for HMAC for SSL-MAC 56 CONT 0 (off) 0 (off) 58 SMAC 0(on) 1(on) 59 INIT 1(on) 1(on) 60 HMAC 1(on) 0(on) To generate an HMAC for a message that is spread across a sequence of descriptors, the following mode register bit settings should be used: MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-53 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-29. Mode Register --HMAC Generated Across a Sequence of Descriptors Value Bits Field 56 First Descriptor Middle Descriptor(s) Final Descriptor CONT 1 (on) 1 (on) 0 (off) 59 INIT 1 (on) 0 (off) 0 (off) 60 HMAC 1 (on) 0 (off) 1 (on) All descriptors other than the final descriptor must output the intermediate message digest for the next descriptor to reload as MDEU context. SSL-MAC operations cannot be spread across a sequence of descriptors. Additional information on descriptors can be found in Section 19.3, "Descriptor Overview." MDEU Key Size Register (MDEUKSR) Shown in Figure 19-35, this value indicates the number of bytes of key memory that should be used in HMAC generation. MDEU supports at most 64 bytes of key. MDEU generates a key size error if the value written to this register exceeds 64 bytes. Offset MDEU 0x3_6008 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 56 57 -- 63 KEY SIZE All zeros Figure 19-35. MDEU Key Size Register MDEU Data Size Register (MDEUDSR) The MDEU data size register, shown in Figure 19-36, indicates the number of bits of data to be processed. The data size field is a 21-bit signed number. Values written to this register are added to the current register value. Multiple writes are allowed. The MDEU processes data when there is a positive value in this register and there is data available in the MDEU input FIFO. (Negative values can arise in inbound processing, when it is necessary to hold back data from the MDEU until the pad length has been decrypted.) Since the MDEU does not support bit offsets, bits 61-63 must be written as 0, and are always read as zero. Furthermore, when the CONT bit of the MDEU mode register is high, the data size must be a multiple of the 512-bit block size (i.e. bits 55-63 must be written as 0). Violating either of these conditions causes a data size error (DSE in the MDEU interrupt status register). This register is cleared when the MDEU is reset or re-initialized. At the end of processing, its contents have been decremented down to zero (unless there is an error interrupt). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-54 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 NOTE Writing to the data size register will allow the MDEU to enter auto-start mode. Therefore, the required context registers must be written prior to writing the data size. Offset MDEU 0x3_6010 Access: Read/Write 0 47 48 R -- W 63 DATA SIZE Reset All zeros Figure 19-36. MDEU Data Size Register MDEU Reset Control Register (MDEURCR) This register, shown in Figure 19-37, allows three levels of reset for the MDEU, as defined by the three self-clearing bits. Offset MDEU 0x3_6018 Access: Read/Write 0 61 62 R -- W Reset 63 RI MI SR All zeros Figure 19-37. MDEU Reset Control Register Table 19-30 describes MDEU reset control register fields. Table 19-30. MDEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-60 -- Reserved 61 RI Reset interrupt. Writing this bit active high causes MDEU interrupts signaling DONE and ERROR to be reset. It further resets the state of the MDEU interrupt status register. 0 No reset 1 Reset interrupt logic 62 MI Module initialization is nearly the same as software reset, except that the MDEU interrupt control register remains unchanged. 0 No reset 1 Reset most of MDEU 63 SR Software reset is functionally equivalent to hardware reset (the RESET signal), but only for the MDEU. All registers and internal state are returned to their defined reset state. 0 No reset 1 Full MDEU reset MDEU Status Register (MDEUSR) This status register, as seen in Figure 19-38, reflects the state of the MDEU internal signals. The majority of these internal signals reflect the state of low-level MDEU functions, such as data padding, key padding, etc., and are not important to the user; however the user should be aware that reads of this register, MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-55 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 especially during processing, are likely to return non-zero values for many bits between 0-57. The four signals shown are those which are most likely to be of interest to the user. The MDEU status register is read-only. Writing to this location results in address error being reflected in the MDEU interrupt status register. Address MDEU 0x3_6028 Access: Read-only 0 57 R -- W -- Reset 58 59 60 61 62 63 HALT ICCR IE ID RD All zeros Figure 19-38. MDEU Status Register Table 19-31 describes the MDEU status register fields. Table 19-31. MDEU Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-57 -- 58 HALT Halt. Indicates that the MDEU has halted due to an error. 0 MDEU not halted 1 MDEU halted Note: Because the error causing the MDEU to stop operating may be masked before reaching the interrupt status register, the MDEU interrupt status register is used to provide a second source of information regarding errors preventing normal operation. 59-60 ICCR Integrity check comparison result 00 No integrity check comparison was performed. 01 The integrity check comparison passed. 10 The integrity check comparison failed. 11 Reserved Note: A passed or failed result is generated only if ICV checking is enabled. 61 IE Interrupt error. This status bit reflects the state of the ERROR interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 MDEU is not signaling error 1 MDEU is signaling error 62 ID Interrupt done. This status bit reflects the state of the DONE interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 MDEU is not signaling done 1 MDEU is signaling done 63 RD Reset done. This status bit, when high, indicates that MDEU has completed its reset sequence, as reflected in the signal sampled by the appropriate channel. 0 Reset in progress 1 Reset done Note: Reset done resets to 0, but has typically switched to 1 by the time a user checks the register, indicating the EU is ready for operation. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-56 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 MDEU Interrupt Status Register (MDEUISR) The interrupt status register tracks the state of possible errors, if those errors are not masked, via the MDEU interrupt control register. The definition of each bit in the interrupt status register is shown in Figure 19-39. Address MDEU 0x3_6030 Access: Read-only 0 48 R -- 49 50 ICE -- 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 IE ERE CE KSE DSE ME AE 60 -- 61 62 63 IFO -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-39. MDEU Interrupt Status Register Table 19-32 describes MDEU interrupt status register fields. Table 19-32. MDEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-48 -- 49 ICE 50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error. Indicates the MDEU has been locked up and requires a reset before use. 0 No internal error detected 1 Internal error detected Note: This bit will be asserted any time an enabled error condition occurs and can only be cleared by resetting the MDEU. 52 ERE 53 CE Context error. The MDEU key register, key size register, or data size register was modified while MDEU was hashing. 0 No error detected 1 Context error 54 KSE Key size error. A value greater than 64 bytes was written to the MDEU key size register. 0 No error detected 1 Key size error 55 DSE Data size error. A value not a multiple of 512 bits while the MDEU mode register CONT bit is high. 0 No error detected 1 Data size error 56 ME Mode error. Will be set if any of these error conditions is detected: * any reserved bit of the mode register is set * the ALG field of the mode register contains an illegal value 0 No error detected 1 Mode error 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the MDEU address space. 0 No error detected 1 Address error Reserved Integrity check error. 0 No error detected 1 Integrity check error detected. An ICV check was performed and the supplied ICV did not match the one computed by the MDEU. Early read error. The MDEU context was read before the MDEU completed the hashing operation. 0 No error detected 1 Early read error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-57 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-32. MDEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 58-60 -- 61 IFO 62-63 -- Description Reserved Input FIFO overflow. The MDEU input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 No overflow detected 1 Input FIFO has overflowed Note: When operated through channel-controlled access, the SEC implements flow control, and FIFO size is not a limit to data input size. When operated through host-controlled access, the MDEU cannot accept FIFO inputs larger than 256 bytes without overflowing. Reserved MDEU Interrupt Control Register (MDEUICR) The MDEU interrupt control register, shown in Figure 19-40, controls the result of detected errors. For a given error (as defined in Section, "MDEU Interrupt Status Register (MDEUISR)"), if the corresponding bit in this register is set, then the error is disabled; no error interrupt occurs and the interrupt status register is not updated to reflect the error. If the corresponding bit is not set, then upon detection of an error, the interrupt status register is updated to reflect the error, causing assertion of the error interrupt signal, and causing the module to halt processing. Address MDEU 0x3_6038 Access: Read/Write 0 48 R -- W Reset 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ICE -- IE ERE CE KSE DSE ME AE -- 61 62 63 IFO -- 0x3000 Figure 19-40. MDEU Interrupt Control Register Table 19-33 describes MDEU interrupt status register fields. Table 19-33. MDEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-48 -- 49 ICE 50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while performing hashing. 0 Internal error enabled 1 Internal error disabled 52 ERE 53 CE Reserved Integrity check error. The supplied ICV did not match the one computed by the MDEU. 0 Integrity check error enabled 1 Integrity check error disabled Early read error. The MDEU register was read while the MDEU was performing hashing. 0 Early read error enabled 1 Early read error disabled Context error. The MDEU key register, the key size register, the data size register, or the mode register, was modified while the MDEU was performing hashing. 0 Context error enabled 1 Context error disabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-58 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-33. MDEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 54 KSE Key size error. A value outside the bounds 64 bytes was written to the MDEU key size register 0 Key size error enabled 1 Key size error disabled 55 DSE Data size error. An inconsistent value was written to the MDEU data size register: 0 Data size error enabled 1 Data size error disabled 56 ME Mode error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. 0 Mode error enabled 1 Mode error disabled 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the MDEU address space. 0 Address error enabled 1 Address error disabled 58-60 -- Reserved 61 IFO 62-63 -- Description Input FIFO overflow. The MDEU input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 Input FIFO overflow error enabled 1 Input FIFO overflow error disabled Reserved MDEU ICV Size Register (MDEUICVSR) The MDEU ICV size register, shown in Figure 19-41, stores the number of bytes of the ICV result to be compared if the MDEU performs ICV comparison. (See Section, "MDEU Mode Register (MDEUMR).") This register is cleared when the MDEU is reset or re-initialized. Address MDEU 0x3_6040 Access: Read/Write 0 56 57 R -- W Reset 63 ICV_SIZE All zeros Figure 19-41. MDEU ICV Size Register MDEU EU Go Register (MDEUEUG) The EU go register in the MDEU, see Figure 19-42, is used to indicate an authentication operation may be completed. After the final message block is written to the input FIFO, the EU go register must be written. The value in the data size register is used to determine how many bits of the final message block (always 512) is processed. Note that this register has no data size, and during the write operation, the host data bus is not read. Hence, any data value is accepted. Normally, a write operation with a zero data value is performed. Reading from this register is not meaningful, but a zero value is always returned, and no error is generated. Writing to this register is merely a trigger causing the MDEU to process the final block of a message, allowing it to signal DONE. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-59 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Address MDEU 0x3_6050 Access: Write-only 0 63 R W -- Reset All zeros Figure 19-42. MDEU EU Go Register MDEU Context Registers For the MDEU, the context consists of the hash plus the message length count. Write access to this register block allows continuation of a previous hash. Reading these registers provide the resulting message digest or HMAC, along with an aggregate bit count. NOTE SHA-1and SHA-256 are big endian. MD5 is little endian. The MDEU module internally reverses the endianness of the five registers A, B, C, D, and E upon writing to or reading from the MDEU context if the MDEU mode register indicates MD5 is the hash of choice. Most other endian considerations are performed as 8-byte swaps. In this case, 4-byte endianness swapping is performed within the A, B, C, D, and E fields as individual registers. Reading this memory location while the module is not done will generate an error interrupt. After a power-on reset, all the MDEU context register values are cleared to 0. Figure 19-43 shows how the MDEU context registers are initialized if the INIT bit is set in the MDEU mode register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-60 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 0 31 32 63 Name A B MD-5 0x01234567 0x89ABCDEF SHA-1 0x67452301 0xEFCDAB89 SHA-256 0x6A09E667 0xBB67AE85 SHA-224 0xC1059ED8 0x367CD507 Name C D MD-5 0xFEDCBA98 0x76543210 SHA-1 0x98BADCFE 0x10325476 SHA-256 0x3C6EF372 0xA54FF53A SHA-224 0x3070DD17 0xF70E5939 Name E F MD-5 0xF0E1D2C3 0x8C68059B SHA-1 0xC3D2E1F0 0x9B05688C SHA-256 0x510E527F 0x9B05688C SHA-224 0xFFC00B31 0x68581511 Name G H MD-5 0xABD9831F 0x19CDE05B SHA-1 0x1F83D9AB 0x5BE0CD19 SHA-256 0x1F83D9AB 0x5BE0CD19 SHA-224 0x64F98FA7 0xBEFA4FA4 Name Message Length Count Reset 0 Context offset 0x3_6100 Context offset 0x3_6108 Context offset 0x3_6110 Context offset 0x3_6118 Context offset 0x3_6120 Figure 19-43. MDEU Context Register All registers are initialized, regardless of mode selected, however only the appropriate context register values are used in hash generation per the mode selected. The user typically doesn't care about the MDEU context register initialization values; however they are documented for completeness in the event the user reads these registers using host-controlled access. MDEU reset via the MDEU reset control register (Figure 19-37) or SEC global software reset (Figure 19-89) does not clear these registers. MDEU Key Registers The MDEU maintains eight 64-bit registers for writing an HMAC key. The IPAD and OPAD operations are performed automatically on the key data when required. NOTE SHA-1 and SHA-256 are big endian. MD5 is little endian. The MDEU module internally reverses the endianness of the key upon writing to or reading from the MDEU key registers if the MDEU mode register indicates MD5 is the hash of choice. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-61 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 MDEU FIFOs MDEU uses an input FIFO to hold data to be hashed. The input FIFO is multiple-addressable, but those multiple addresses point only to the write (push) end of the FIFO. A write to anywhere in the MDEU FIFO address space causes the 64-bit-words to be pushed onto the MDEU input FIFO, and a read from anywhere in the MDEU FIFO address space returns all zeros. NOTE SHA-1 and SHA-256 are big endian. MD5 is little endian. The MDEU module internally reverses the endianness of the key upon writing to or reading from the MDEU key registers if the MDEU mode register indicates MD5 is the hash of choice. 19.4.5 Random Number Generator (RNG) This section contains details about the random number generator (RNG), including modes of operation, status and control registers, and FIFOs. The RNG is an execution unit capable of generating 64-bit random numbers. It is designed to comply with the FIPS-140 standard for randomness and non-determinism. A linear feedback shift register (LSFR) and cellular automata shift register (CASR) are operated in parallel to generate pseudo-random data. The RNG consists of six major functional blocks: * Bus interface unit (BIU) * Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) * Cellular automata shift register (CASR) * Clock controller * Six ring oscillators The states of the LFSR and CASR are advanced at unknown frequencies determined by the two ring oscillator clocks and the clock control. When a read is performed, the oscillator clocks are halted and a collection of bits from the LFSR and CASR are XORed together to obtain the 64-bit random output. Most of the registers described here would not normally be accessed by the host. They are documented here mainly for debug purposes. In typical operation, the MDEU is used through channel-controlled access, which means that most reads and writes of MDEU registers are directed by the SEC channels. Driver software performs host-controlled register accesses on only a few registers for initial configuration and error handling. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-62 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 RNG Mode Register (RNGMR) The RNG mode register is used to control the RNG. One operational mode, randomizing, is defined. The RNG mode register is a writable location but all mode bits are currently reserved. It is documented for the sake of consistency with the other EU's. The RNG mode register is shown in Figure 19-44. Address RNG 0x3_A000 Access: Read/Write 0 63 R -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-44. RNG Mode Register RNG Data Size Register (RNGDSR) The RNG data size register is used to tell the RNG to begin generating random data. The actual contents of the data size register does not affect the operation of the RNG. After a reset and prior to the first write of data size, the RNG builds entropy without pushing data onto the FIFO. Once the data size register is written, the RNG begins pushing data onto the FIFO. Data is pushed onto the FIFO every 256 cycles until the FIFO is full. The RNG then attempts to keep the FIFO full. Address RNG 0x3_A010 Access: Read/Write 0 63 R -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-45. RNG Data Size Register RNG Reset Control Register (RNGRCR) This register, shown in Figure 19-46, contains three reset options specific to the RNG. Address RNG 0x3_A018 Access: Read/Write 0 60 R -- W Reset 61 62 63 RI MI SR All zeros Figure 19-46. RNG Reset Control Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-63 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-34 describes the RNG reset control register fields. Table 19-34. RNG Reset Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-60 -- Reserved 61 RI Reset interrupt. Writing this bit active high causes RNG interrupts signaling DONE and ERROR to be reset. It further resets the state of the RNG interrupt status register. 0 No reset 1 Reset interrupt logic 62 MI Module initialization. This reset value performs enough of a reset to prepare the RNG for another request, without forcing the internal control machines and the output FIFO to be reset, thereby invalidating stored random numbers or requiring reinvocation of a warm-up period. Module initialization is nearly the same as software reset, except that the interrupt control register remains unchanged. 0 No reset 1 Reset most of RNG 63 SR Software reset is functionally equivalent to hardware reset (the RESET signal), but only for the RNG. All registers and internal state are returned to their defined reset state. 0 No reset 1 Full RNG reset RNG Status Register (RNGSR) This RNG status register, shown in Figure 19-47, contains 6 fields that reflect the state of the RNG internal signals. The RNG status register is read-only. Writing to this location results in an address error being reflected in the RNG interrupt status register. Address RNG 0x3_A028 Access: Read-only 0 39 40 R -- 47 48 OFL 57 -- 58 59 60 61 62 63 HALT -- IE -- RD W Reset All zeros Figure 19-47. RNG Status Register Table 19-35 describes the RNG status register fields. Table 19-35. RNG Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-39 -- 40-47 OFL 48-57 -- 58 HALT Description Reserved The number of dwords currently in the output FIFO. Reserved Halt. Indicates that the RNG has halted due to an error. 0 RNG not halted 1 RNG halted Note: Because the error causing the RNG to stop operating may be masked before reaching the interrupt status register, the RNG interrupt status register is used to provide a second source of information regarding errors preventing normal operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-64 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-35. RNG Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 59-60 -- Reserved 61 IE Interrupt error. This status bit reflects the state of the ERROR interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 RNG is not signaling error 1 RNG is signaling error 62 -- Reserved 63 RD Reset done. This status bit, when high, indicates that the RNG has completed its reset sequence. 0 Reset in progress 1 Reset done Note: Reset Done resets to 0, but has typically switched to 1 by the time a user checks the register, indicating the EU is ready for operation. Description RNG Interrupt Status Register (RNGISR) The RNG interrupt status register tracks the state of possible errors, if those errors are not masked, via the RNG interrupt control register. The definition of each bit in the interrupt status register is shown in Figure 19-48. Address RNG 0x3_A030 Access: Read-only 0 50 R -- 51 52 IE 55 -- 56 57 ME AE 58 61 -- 62 63 OFU -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-48. RNG Interrupt Status Register Table 19-36 describes RNG interrupt status register fields. Table 19-36. RNG Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error 0 No internal error detected 1 Internal error 52-55 -- Reserved 56 ME Mode error. Indicates that the host has attempted to write an illegal value to the mode register 0 Valid data 1 Invalid data error 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the RNG address space. 0 No error detected 1 Address error 58-61 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-65 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-36. RNG Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 62 OFU 63 -- Description Output FIFO underflow. The RNG output FIFO was read while empty. 0 No overflow detected 1 Output FIFO has underflowed Reserved RNG Interrupt Control Register (RNGICR) The RNG interrupt control register controls the result of detected errors. For a given error (as defined in Section, "RNG Interrupt Status Register (RNGISR)"), if the corresponding bit in this register is set, then the error is disabled; no error interrupt occurs and the interrupt status register is not updated to reflect the error. If the corresponding bit is not set, then upon detection of an error, the interrupt status register is updated to reflect the error, causing assertion of the error interrupt signal, and causing the module to halt processing. Address RNG 0x3_A038 Access: Read-only 0 50 R -- 51 52 IE 55 -- 56 57 ME AE 58 61 -- 62 63 OFU -- W Reset 1000 Figure 19-49. RNG Interrupt Control Register Table 19-37 describes RNG interrupt status register fields. Table 19-37. RNG Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while generating random numbers. 0 Internal error enabled 1 Internal error disabled 52-55 -- Reserved 56 ME Mode error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. 0 Mode error enabled 1 Mode error disabled 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the MDEU address space. 0 Address error enabled 1 Address error disabled 58-61 -- Reserved 62 OFU 63 -- Output FIFO underflow. RNG output FIFO was read while empty. 0 Output FIFO underflow error enabled 1 Output FIFO underflow error disabled Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-66 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 RNG EU Go Register (RNGEUG) The RNG EU go is a writable location but serves no function in the RNG. It is documented for the sake of consistency with the other EUs. Address RNG 0x3_A050 Access: Write-only 0 63 R W -- Reset All zeros Figure 19-50. RNG EU Go Register RNG FIFO RNG uses an output FIFO to collect periodically sampled random 64-bit-words, with the intent that random data always be available for reading. The FIFO is multiple-addressed, but those multiple addresses point only to the appropriate end of the output FIFO. A read from anywhere in the RNG FIFO address space causes a 64-bit-word to be popped off of the RNG output FIFO. Underflows caused by reading or writing the RNG output FIFO are reflected in the RNG interrupt status register. Also, a write to the RNG output FIFO space will be reflected as an addressing error in the RNG interrupt status register. 19.4.6 Advanced Encryption Standard Execution Unit (AESU) This section contains details about the advanced encryption standard execution unit (AESU), including modes of operation, status and control registers, and FIFOs. Most of the registers described here are not normally be accessed by the host. They are documented here mainly for debug purposes. In typical operation, the ASEU is used through channel-controlled access, which means that most reads and writes of ASEU registers are directed by the SEC channels. Driver software performs host-controlled register accesses on only a few registers for initial configuration and error handling. AESU Mode Register (AESUMR) The AESU mode register, shown in Figure 19-51, contains 7 bits which are used to program the AESU. The mode register is cleared when the AESU is reset or re-initialized. Setting a reserved mode bit generates a data error. If the mode register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Address AESU 0x3_4000 Access: Read/write 0 50 R -- W Reset 51 52 53 54 SCM 55 -- 56 57 ECM 58 FM 59 60 IM RDK 61 62 CM 63 ED All zeros Figure 19-51. AESU Mode Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-67 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-38 describes the AESU mode register fields. Table 19-38. AESU Mode Register Bits Name Description The following bits are described for information only. They are not under direct user control. 0-50 51-53 54-55 -- Reserved SCM Sub-cipher-mode. Specifies additional options specific to particular cipher modes. * XOR cipher mode: specifies the number of sources to be XORed together. Valid values are 2 and 3. * For all other cipher modes, this field must be 0. -- Reserved, must be set to zero. The following bits are controlled through the MODE0 field of the descriptor header. 56-57 ECM Extend cipher mode. Used in combination with bits 61-62 (cipher mode) to define the mode of AES operation. See Table 19-39 for mode bit combinations. 58 FM Final MAC (FM). Processes final message block and generates final MAC tag at end of message processing (CCM mode only) 0 Do not generate final MAC tag 1 Generate final MAC tag after CCM processing is complete. 59 IM Initialize MAC(IM). Initializes AESU for new message (CCM mode only) 0 Do not initialize (context will be loaded by host) 1 Initialize new message with nonce 60 RDK Restore decrypt key (RDK). Specifies that key data write will contain pre-expanded key (decrypt mode only). See note below on use of RDK bit. 0 Expand the user key prior to decrypting the first block 1 Do not expand the key. The expanded decryption key will be written following the context switch. 61-62 CM Cipher mode. Used in combination with bits 56-57 (extend cipher mode) to define the mode of AES operation. See Table 19-39 for mode bit combinations. 63 ED Encrypt/decrypt. If set, AESU operates the encryption algorithm; if not set, AESU operates the decryption algorithm. 0 Perform decryption 1 Perform encryption Note: This bit is ignored if CM is set to 0b11--CTR mode. Table 19-39. AES Cipher Modes Mode ECM (56-57) CM (61-62) ECB 00 00 CBC 00 01 CTR 00 11 1 SRT 01 11 CCM (without ICV comparison) 10 00 CCM with ICV comparison 11 00 XOR 11 11 Reserved 1 all others SRT is not a new AES mode, it is an AESU method of performing AES-CTR mode with reduced context loading overhead specifically for performing SRTP. It should be used with descriptor type 0010_0 srtp. See Section, "Context for SRT Mode," for more information on how SRT mode reduces context loading overhead. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-68 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 NOTE Note on restore decrypt key (RDK)--In most networking applications, the decryption of an AES protected packet is performed as a single operation. However, if circumstances dictate that the decryption of a message should be split across multiple descriptors, the AESU allows the user to save the decrypt key, and the active AES context, to memory for later re-use. This saves the internal AESU processing overhead associated with regenerating the decryption key schedule (~12 AESU clock cycles for the first block of data to be decrypted.) The use of RDK is completely optional, as the input time of the preserved decrypt key may exceed the ~12 cycles required to restore the decrypt key for processing the first block. To use RDK, the following procedure is recommended: The descriptor type used in decryption of the first portion of the message is 0100_0- AESU key expand output. The AESU mode must be decrypted. See Table 19-6 for more information. The descriptor causes the SEC to write the contents of the context registers and the key registers (containing the expanded decrypt key) to memory. To process the remainder of the message, use a common descriptor type (0001_0), and set the restore decrypt key mode bit. Load the context registers and the expanded decrypt key with previously saved key and context data from the first message. The key size is written as before (16, 24, or 32 bytes). AESU Key Size Register (AESUKSR) The AESU key size register stores the number of bytes in the key (16,24,32). Any key data beyond the number of bytes in the key size register will be ignored. This register is cleared when the AESU is reset or re-initialized. If a key size other than 16, 24, or 32 bytes is specified, an illegal key size error is generated. If the key size register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Address AESU 0x3_4008 Access: Read/write 0 51 52 R -- W Reset 63 Key Size All zeros Figure 19-52. AESU Key Size Register AESU Data Size Register (AESUDSR) The AESU data size register, shown in Figure 19-53, stores the number of bits in the final message block. Acceptable sizes vary depending on the AES mode selected. In ECB, CBC, and CTR mode, the message processed by the AESU must be a multiple of 128 bits; the AESU does not automatically pad messages out to 128-bit blocks. In CCM mode, data size must be a multiple of 8 bits. In XOR mode the data size MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-69 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 must be a multiple of 256 bits (32 bytes). If an improper data size is written, a data size error is generated. Only the lowest 3, 7, or 8 bits of the data size register are checked to determine if there is a data size error. Since all upper bits are ignored, the entire message length (in bits) can be written to this register. This register is cleared when the AESU is reset or re-initialized. Writing to this register signals the AESU to start processing data from the input FIFO as soon as it is available. If the value of data size is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Address AESU 0x3_4010 Access: Read/write 0 47 48 R 63 -- W Data Size Reset All zeros Figure 19-53. AESU Data Size Register AESU Reset Control Register (AESURCR) This register allows three levels of reset for the AESU, as defined by the three self-clearing bits: Address AESU 0x3_4018 Access: Read/write 0 60 R -- W Reset 61 62 63 RI MI SR All zeros Figure 19-54. AESU Reset Control Register Table 19-40 describes AESU reset control register fields. Table 19-40. AESU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-60 -- Reserved 61 RI Reset interrupt. Writing this bit active high causes AESU interrupts signaling DONE and ERROR to be reset. It further resets the state of the AESU interrupt status register. 0 Don't reset 1 Reset interrupt logic 62 MI Module initialization is nearly the same as software reset, except that the interrupt control register remains unchanged. This module initialization includes execution of an initialization routine, completion of which is indicated by the RESET_DONE bit in the AESU status register 0 Don't reset 1 Reset most of AESU 63 SR Software reset is functionally equivalent to hardware reset (the RESET signal), but only for AESU. All registers and internal state are returned to their defined reset state. Upon negation of SW_RESET, the AESU enters a routine to perform proper initialization of the parameter memories. The RESET_DONE bit in the AESU status register indicates when this initialization routine is complete 0 Don't reset 1 Full AESU reset MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-70 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 AESU Status Register (AESUSR) AESU status register is a read-only register that reflects the state of six status outputs. Writing to this location will result in an address error being reflected in the AESU interrupt status register. Address AESU 0x3_4028 Access: Read-only 0 39 40 R -- 47 48 OFL 55 56 IFL 57 -- 58 59 HALT 60 ICCR 61 62 63 IE ID RD W Reset All zeros Figure 19-55. AESU Status Register Table 19-41 describes the AESU status register fields. Table 19-41. AESU Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-39 -- 40-47 OFL The number of dwords currently in the output FIFO 48-55 IFL The number of dwords currently in the input FIFO 56-57 -- Reserved 58 Description Reserved HALT Halt. Indicates that the AESU has halted due to an error. 0 AESU not halted 1 AESU halted Note: Because the error causing the AESU to stop operating may be masked before reaching the interrupt status register, the AESU interrupt status register is used to provide a second source of information regarding errors preventing normal operation. 59-60 ICCR Integrity check comparison result 00 No integrity check comparison was performed. 01 The integrity check comparison passed. 10 The integrity check comparison failed. 11 Reserved A passed or failed result is generated only if ICV checking is enabled and the cipher mode selected is CCM with ICV comparison 61 IE Interrupt error. This status bit reflects the state of the ERROR interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 AESU is not signaling error 1 AESU is signaling error 62 ID Interrupt done. This status bit reflects the state of the DONE interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 AESU is not signaling done 1 AESU is signaling done 63 RD Reset done. This status bit, when high, indicates that AESU has completed its reset sequence, as reflected in the signal sampled by the appropriate channel. 0 Reset in progress 1 Reset done Note: Reset done resets to 0, but has typically switched to 1 by the time a user checks the register, indicating the EU is ready for operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-71 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 AESU Interrupt Status Register (AESUISR) The AESU interrupt status register tracks the state of possible errors, if those errors are not masked via the AESU interrupt control register. The definition of each bit in the interrupt status register is shown in Figure 19-56. Address AESU 0x3_4030 0 R Access: Read-only 48 -- 49 50 51 ICE -- IE 52 53 54 55 56 ERE CE KSE DSE ME 57 58 59 AE OFE IFE 60 -- 61 62 IFO OFU 63 -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-56. AESU Interrupt Status Register Table 19-42 describes the AESU interrupt status register fields. Table 19-42. AESU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-48 -- Reserved 49 ICE 50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while the AESU was processing. 0 No error detected 1 Internal error Note: This bit will be asserted any time an enabled error condition occurs and can only be cleared by setting the corresponding bit in the interrupt control Register or by resetting the AESU. 52 ERE 53 CE 54 KSE Key size error. An inappropriate value (not 16, 24 or 32bytes) was written to the AESU key size register 0 No error detected 1 Key size error 55 DSE Data size error (DSE): A value was written to the AESU data size register that is not a proper size. See Section, "AESU Data Size Register (AESUDSR)." 0 No error detected 1 Data size error 56 ME Mode error. Indicates that invalid data was written to a register or a reserved mode bit was set. 0 Valid data 1 Reserved or invalid mode selected 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the AESU address space. 0 No error detected 1 Address error Integrity check error 0 No error detected 1 Integrity check error detected. An ICV check was performed and the supplied ICV did not match the one computed by the AESU. Early read error. The AESU IV register was read while the AESU was processing. 0 No error detected 1 Early read error Context error. An AESU key register, the key size register, data size register, mode register, or IV register was modified while AESU was processing 0 No error detected 1 Context error MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-72 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-42. AESU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 58 OFE Output FIFO error. The AESU output FIFO was detected non-empty upon write of AESU data size register. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO non-empty error 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The AESU input FIFO was detected non-empty upon generation of done interrupt. 0 No error detected 1 Input FIFO non-empty error 60 -- Reserved 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The AESU Input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 No error detected 1 Input FIFO has overflowed Note: When operated through channel-controlled access, the SEC implements flow control, and FIFO size is not a limit to data input. When operated through host-controlled access, the AESU cannot accept FIFO inputs larger than 256 bytes without overflowing. 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The AESU Output FIFO was read while empty. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO has underflow error 63 -- Reserved AESU Interrupt Control Register (AESUICR) The AESU interrupt control register, shown in Figure 19-57, controls the result of detected errors. For a given error (as defined in Section, "AESU Interrupt Status Register (AESUISR)"), if the corresponding bit in this register is set, then the error is ignored; no error interrupt occurs and the interrupt status register is not updated to reflect the error. If the corresponding bit is not set, then upon detection of an error, the interrupt status register is updated to reflect the error, causing assertion of the error interrupt signal, and causing the module to halt processing. Address AESU 0x3_4038 0 R 48 -- W Access: Read/write Reset 49 50 51 ICE -- IE 52 53 54 55 56 ERE CE KSE DSE ME 57 58 59 AE OFE IFE 60 -- 61 62 IFO OFU 63 -- 1000 Figure 19-57. AESU Interrupt Control Register Table 19-43 describes the AESU interrupt control register fields. Table 19-43. AESU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-48 -- 49 ICE 50 -- Description Reserved Integrity check error. The supplied ICV did not match the one computed by the AESU. 0 Integrity check error enabled 1 Integrity check error disabled Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-73 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-43. AESU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 51 IE 52 ERE 53 CE 54 KSE Key size error. An inappropriate value (non 16, 24 or 32 bytes) was written to the AESU key size register 0 Key size error enabled 1 Key size error disabled 55 DSE Data size error. Indicates that the number of bits to process is out of range. 0 Data size error enabled 1 Data size error disabled 56 ME Mode error. Indicates that invalid data was written to a register or a reserved mode bit was set. 0 Mode error enabled 1 Mode error disabled 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the AESU address space. 1 Address error disabled 0 Address error enabled 58 OFE Output FIFO error. The AESU output FIFO was detected non-empty upon write of AESU data size register 0 Output FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Output FIFO non-empty error disabled 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The AESU input FIFO was detected non-empty upon generation of done interrupt 0 Input FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Input FIFO non-empty error disabled 60 -- Reserved 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The AESU input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 Input FIFO overflow error enabled 1 Input FIFO overflow error disabled 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The AESU Output FIFO was read while empty. 0 Output FIFO underflow error enabled 1 Output FIFO underflow error disabled 63 -- Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while the AESU was processing. 0 Internal error enabled 1 Internal error disabled Early read error. The AESU IV register was read while the AESU was processing. 0 Early read error enabled 1 Early read error disabled Context error. An AESU key register, the key size register, data size register, mode register, or IV register was modified while the AESU was processing. 0 Context error enabled 1 Context error disabled Reserved AESU EU Go Register (AESUEUG) The AESU EU go register, shown in Figure 19-58, is used to indicate an AES operation may be completed. After the final message block is written to the input FIFO, the EU go register must be written. The value in the data size register is used to determine how many bits of the final message block (always 128) will MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-74 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 be processed. Writing to this register causes the AESU to process the final block of a message, allowing it to signal DONE. A read of this register will always return a zero value. Address AESU 0x3_4050 Access: Write-only 0 63 R AESU EU_Go W Reset All zeros Figure 19-58. AESU EU Go Register AESU Context Registers There are seven 64-bit context data registers that allow the host to read/write the contents of the context used to process the message. The context must be written prior to the key data. If the context registers are written during message processing, a context error will be generated. All context registers are cleared when a hard/soft reset or initialization is performed. The context registers must be read when changing context and restored to their original values to resume processing an interrupted message (CBC, CTR and CCM modes). For CTR and CCM mode, all seven 64-bit context registers must be read to retrieve context, and all seven must be written back to restore context. Effectively, the user must read the four empty place holder context registers in addition to the three context registers holding the counter and counter modulus exponent when in CTR mode. The contents of the empty context registers need not be preserved, but when restoring the CTR mode context, the `empty' registers must be filled with 32 bytes of zeros before writing the saved counter and counter modulus exponent. Context should be loaded with the lower bytes in the lowest 64-bit context register. The context registers are summarized in Figure 19-59. Cipher Mode Context Register (64 Bits Each) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ECB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CBC IV11 IV21 -- -- -- -- -- CTR -- -- SRT Counter1 CCM IV1/MAC Tag -- -- Counter modulus exponent (M)1 -- Encrypted MAC 2/decrypted MAC/encrypted counter Counter 1 -- Counter modulus exponent1 -- Counter 1 -- Counter modulus exponent1/header size/MAC size3 Figure 19-59. AESU Context Register 1 Must be written at the start of a new message Must be written at start of new CCM decryption 3 Header size/MAC size is only used if AES-CCM processing is suspended and resumed. 2 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-75 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Context for CBC Mode Within the context register, for use in CBC mode, are two 64-bit context data registers that allow the host to read/write the contents of the initialization vector (IV): * IV1 holds the least significant bytes of the initialization vector (bytes 1-8). * IV2 holds the most significant bytes of the initialization vector (bytes 9-16). The IV must be written prior to the message data. If the IV registers are written during message processing, or the CBC mode bit is not set, a context error is generated. The IV registers may only be read after processing has completed, as indicated by the setting of interrupt done (DONE) in the AESU status register as shown in Section, "AESU Status Register (AESUSR)". If the IV registers are read prior to assertion of interrupt done, an early read error is generated. The IV registers must be read when changing context and restored to resume processing an interrupted message (CBC mode only). Context for Counter Mode In counter mode, a random 128-bit initial counter value is incremented modulo 2M with each block processed. The running counter is encrypted and exclusive-ORed with the plaintext to derive the ciphertext, or with the ciphertext to recover the plaintext. The modulus exponent M can be set between 8 and 128 in multiples of 8. The value of M is specified by writing to context register 3 as described in Figure 19-60. Context for SRT Mode As was noted in the AESU mode register, SRT is not a new AES mode; it is an AESU method of performing AES-CTR mode with reduced context loading overhead specifically for performing SRTP. It should be used with descriptor type 0010_0 srtp. As with counter mode, a random 128-bit initial counter value is incremented modulo 2M with each block processed. The running counter is encrypted and exclusive-ORed with the plaintext to derive the ciphertext, or with the ciphertext to recover the plaintext. The modulus exponent M can be set between 8 and 128 in multiples of 8. The value of M is specified by writing to context register 3 as described in Figure 19-60. The only difference between SRT mode and CTR mode is that in SRT mode, the AES context is loaded and read via context registers 1-3, with no requirement to access context registers 4-7. In CTR mode, context registers 1-4 must be loaded with zeros, with the counter and modulus being loaded into and read from context registers 5-7. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-76 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Context for CCM Mode The SEC AESU is capable of performing single pass encryption and MAC generation. The host is required to order the CCM context is such a way that the context can be fetched as a contiguous string into the context registers, prior to encryption/MAC generation or decryption/MAC validation. The context register contents for CCM mode is summarized in Figure 19-60 and further described below. Context Registers 1 Inputs 2 3 IV 4 0 5 6 Initial Counter Counter Modulus Exponent Initial Counter Counter Modulus Exponent Encrypt (outbound Outputs MAC Inputs 0 IV Decrypt (inbound) Outputs Computed MAC 0 MIC 0 MIC 0 Decrypted MAC 0 7 Figure 19-60. AESU CCM Context Registers The context for CCM encryption/MAC generation is: * Reg 1-2 Session-specific 128-bit initialization vector (from memory) * Reg 3-4 128 bits of zero padding * Reg 5-6 Session-specific counter (initial counter value) (from memory) * Reg 7 Counter modulus exponent (msb<--lsb); should be fixed at 0x0000_0080. Note: The counter modulus for CCM mode is currently defined as 2128, making the exponent 128. This value has been made programmable in the SEC in case the final version of 802.11i uses a different counter modulus. Because this is a programmable field, it must be generated and stored along with other session-specific information for loading into the AESU context register prior to CCM encryption. CCM encryption processing With the session-specific key and context, the AESU performs the following operations. 1. Initialize the IV, and encrypt with the symmetric key. 2. In CBC fashion, take the output of step 1, hash with the first block of plaintext, and encrypt with the symmetric key. 3. Continue as in step 2 until the final block of plaintext has been processed. The result of the encryption of the final block of plaintext with the symmetric key is the MAC tag. The full 128 bits of MAC data is written to context registers 1-2, for use in the next phase of CCM processing. Once the MAC Tag has been generated (step 3), the MAC tag, along with the plaintext is encrypted with the AESU operating in counter mode. 4. The first item to be encrypted in counter mode is the counter (initial counter value) from context registers 5-6. The counter is encrypted with the symmetric key, and the result is hashed with the MAC tag (retrieved from context register1-2) to produce the MIC (encrypted MAC), which is then stored in context registers 3-4. At the completion of CCM encrypt processing, this MIC is output MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-77 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 to memory (per the descriptor pointer) for the host to append to the 802.11i frame. Note: The MIC written out to memory by the AESU is the full 128 bits. The host must only append the most significant 64 bits to the frame as the MIC. 5. The counter value is incremented, and is then encrypted with the symmetric key. The result is then hashed with the first block of plaintext to produce the first block of cipher text. The ciphertext is placed in the AESU output FIFO. 6. The counter continues to be incremented, and encrypted with the symmetric key, with the result hashed with each successive block of plaintext, until all plaintext has been converted to ciphertext. The SEC controller will manage FIFO reads and writes, fetching plaintext and writing ciphertext per the pointers provided in the descriptor. When all ciphertext and the MIC has been output, the CCM encrypt operation is complete. The context for CCM decryption/MAC generation is: * Reg 1-2 Session-specific128-bit initialization vector (from memory) * Reg 3-4 MIC (from received frame) + 64 bits of zero padding * Reg 5-6 Session-specific counter (initial counter value) (from memory) * Reg 7 Counter modulus exponent (msb<--lsb) Should be fixed at 0x0000_0080. NOTE The counter modulus for CCM mode is currently defined as 2128, making the exponent 128. This value has been made programmable in the SEC to in case the final version of 802.11i uses a different counter modulus. Because this is a programmable field, it must be generated and stored along with other session specific information for loading into the AESU context register prior to CCM decryption. CCM decryption processing is the reverse of encryption. With the session specific key and context, the AESU performs the following operations: 1. Initialize the IV, and encrypt with the symmetric key. Simultaneously, the counter (initial counter value) from context registers 5-6 is encrypted with the symmetric key. The result is hashed with the encrypted MAC (from context register 3-4), and the resulting original MAC is written to context register 3-4, overwriting the encrypted MAC. Note: Strictly speaking, the counter is encrypted with the symmetric key; however, the AESU should be set for decrypt to perform the counter and CBC processes in the correct order. 2. The 802.11 frame header is hashed with the encrypted IV. (The AESU automatically determines the header length.) Simultaneously, the counter is incremented, and is then encrypted with the symmetric key. The result is then hashed with the first block of ciphertext to produce the first block of plaintext. The plaintext is placed in the AESU output FIFO, while simultaneously, in CBC fashion, a copy of the first block of plaintext is hashed with the output of encryption of the 802.11 frame header. The output is encrypted with the symmetric key. 3. As each ciphertext block is converted to plaintext, the plaintext is CBC encrypted. When the final plaintext block has been processed, the CBC MAC (MAC tag) is written to context registers 1-2. The first 64 bits of the MAC tag are compared to the MAC tag recovered in step 1. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-78 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 NOTE For both encrypt and decrypt operations, if the 802.11 frame is being processed as a whole (not split across multiple descriptors), the initialize and final MAC bits should be set in the AESU mode register. AESU Key Registers The AESU key registers hold from 16, 24, or 32 bytes of key data, with the first 8 bytes of key data written to key 1. Any key data written to bytes beyond the value written to the key size register is ignored. The key data registers are cleared when the AESU is reset or re-initialized. If these registers are modified during message processing, a context error is generated. The key data registers may be read when changing context in decrypt mode. To resume processing, the value read must be written back to the key registers and the restore decrypt key bit must be set in the mode register. This eliminates the overhead of expanding the key prior to starting decryption when switching context. AESU FIFOs The AESU fetches data 128 bits at a time from the input FIFO. During processing, the input data is encrypted or decrypted with the key and initialization vector (CBC mode only) and the results are placed in the output FIFO. The output size is the same as the input size. Writing to the FIFO address space places 64 bits of message data into the input FIFO. The input FIFO may be written any time the number of dwords currently in the input FIFO (as indicated by the IFL field of the AESU status register) is less than 32. There is no limit on the total number of bytes in a message. The number of bits in the final message block must be set in the data size register. Reading from the FIFO address space will pop 64 bits of message data from the output FIFO. The output FIFO may be read any time the OFR signal is asserted (as indicated in the AESU status register). This indicates that the number of bytes in the output FIFO is at or above the threshold specified in the mode register. 19.4.7 Kasumi Execution Unit (KEU) This section contains details about the Kasumi execution unit (KEU), including modes of operation, status and control registers, and FIFOs. The Kasumi execution unit (KEU) has been designed to support the F8 confidentiality function of the 3GPP, GSM A5/3, EDGE A5/3 and GPRS GEA3 algorithms and also the 3GPP F9 integrity function. Most of the registers described here would not normally be accessed by the host. They are documented here mainly for debug purposes. In typical operation, the KEU is used through channel-controlled access, which means that most reads and writes of KEU registers are directed by the SEC channels. Driver software performs host-controlled register accesses on only a few registers for initial configuration and error handling. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-79 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 KEU Mode Register (KEUMR) The KEU mode register, shown in Figure 19-61, contains several bits which are used to program the KEU. The mode register is cleared when the KEU is reset or re-initialized. Setting a reserved mode bit generates a data error. Setting both the GSM and EDGE bits to one generates a data error. If the KEU mode register is modified during processing, a context error is generated. Address KEU 0x3_E000 Access: Read/write 0 55 R -- W 56 GSM Reset 57 58 CICV EDGE 59 60 61 PE INT -- 62 63 ALG All zeros Figure 19-61. KEU Mode Register Table 19-44 describes the KEU mode register fields. Table 19-44. KEU Mode Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-55 -- 56 GSM Select GSM A5/3 blocks 0 GSM A5/3 blocks not selected 1 GSM A5/3 blocks selected Note 1: For GSM A5/3, Two 114-bit blocks are required to be produced each 4.615mS slot. If GSM = 1, the first read of the output FIFO retrieves the first 64 bits of block 1. The second read of the output FIFO retrieves the next 50 bits of block 1 (the remaining bits of this 64-bit word are set to zero). The third read of the output FIFO retrieves the first 64 bits of block 2, while a fourth read of the output FIFO retrieves the next 50 bits of block 2 (the remaining bits of this 64-bit word are set to zero). Note 2: If GSM = 0, 228 contiguous bits may be read with successive reads of the output FIFO. In this case the host (application) will be responsible for handling the A5/3 block formatting. Note 3: If GSM is set to 1, while EDGE = 1, an interrupt/error will be generated. 57 CICV Compare integrity check values. 0 Normal operation; no ICV comparison. 1 After the ICV is computed, compare it to the data in the KEU's ICV_In register. If the ICVs do not match, send an error interrupt to the channel. Only applicable to 58 EDGE Select EDGE A5/3 blocks 0 EDGE A5/3 blocks not selected 1 EDGE A5/3 blocks selected Note 1: For EDGE A5/3, Two 348-bit blocks are required to be produced each 4.615mS slot. If EDGE = 1, the first five reads of the output FIFO retrieve the first 320 bits of block 1. The sixth read of the output FIFO retrieves the final 28 bits of block 1 (the remaining bits of the sixth 64-bit word are set to zero). The next five reads of the output FIFO retrieve the first 320 bits of block 2. The following read of the output FIFO retrieves the final 28 bits of block 2 (the remaining bits of this 64-bit word are set to zero). Note 2: If EDGE = 0, 696 contiguous bits may be read with successive reads of the output FIFO. In this case the host (application) will be responsible for handling the A5/3 block formatting. Note 3: If EDGE is set to 1, whilst GSM = 1, an interrupt/error will be generated. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-80 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-44. KEU Mode Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 59 PE Process end of message. Enables final processing of last message block (F9 only). 0 Prevent final block processing (message incomplete) 1 Enable final block processing (message complete) Note: For f9 operations, if the 3G frame (or message) is being processed as a whole (not split across multiple descriptors), the process end of message bit should be set. If the frame is processed across multiple descriptors, this bit should only be set on the descriptor performing f9 processing on the final message block. 60 INT Initialization. Enables initialization for a new message. 0 Prevent initialization 1 Enable initialization Note: For F8 or F9 operations, if the 3G frame (or message) is being processed through a single descriptor, the Initialization bit should be set. If the frame is split across multiple descriptors, this bit should only be set in the descriptor that processes the first block of the message. 61 -- 62-63 ALG Reserved Algorithm selection. Specifies the functions to perform. 00 Perform F8 function only 01 Reserved 10 F9 function only 11 Reserved KEU Key Size Register (KEUKSR) The KEU key size register, shown in Figure 19-62, stores the number of bytes in the key. It should be set to 16 bytes. This register is cleared when the KEU is reset or re-initialized. If a key size is specified that does not match the selected algorithm(s), an illegal key size error is generated. Address KEU 0x3_E008 Access: Read/write 0 51 52 R -- 63 Key Size (Bytes) W Reset All zeros Figure 19-62. KEU Key Size Register KEU Data Size Register (KEUDSR) The KEU data size register stores the number of bits to process in the final message word. Because Kasumi allows for bit level granularity for encryption/decryption, there are no illegal data sizes. The proper bit length of the message must be written to notify the KEU of any padding performed by the host. This register is cleared when the KEU is reset or re-initialized. Writing to this register signals the KEU to start processing data from the input FIFO as soon as it is available. If the value of data size is modified during processing, a context error is generated. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-81 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Address KEU 0xE010 Access: Read/write 0 47 48 R -- W Reset 63 Data Size (bits) All zeros Figure 19-63. KEU Data Size Register For the F8 function, for example, if the 64-bit F8 keystream is 0x1234567890ABCDEF and the data size register contains 0x0a (10 = 1 byte + 2 bits), the final ten message bits will be exclusive-ORed (XORed) with ten bits of keystream 0x120. The PE (process end of message) mode bit must be set. For the 3GPP F9 function: The final 64 bits of the message will be padded as specified in the 3GPP F9 algorithm. The PE (process end of message) mode bit must be set. 3GPP F9 padding is automatically performed. The CD (communication direction) bit (see Table 19-49) and 1 is appended to the end of the message. The result is then zero-padded to 64 bits. For example, if the last block is xF81A_0000_0000_0000 (big endian) and data size contains 0x0F (15 bits = 1 byte + 7 bits), the word (0xF81A = 1111_1000_0001_1010) the most-significant 15 bits (underlined) are padded left to right as follows: 1111_1000_0001_101$_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 where $ is the value of the CD (communication direction) bit in the mode register. KEU Reset Control Register (KEURCR) The KEU reset control register, shown in Figure 19-64, allows 3 levels of reset of the KEU, as defined by the 3 self-clearing bits: Address KEU 0xE018 Access: Read/write 0 60 R W Reset 61 62 63 RI MI SR All zeros Figure 19-64. KEU Reset Control Register Table 19-45 describes the KEU reset control register fields. Table 19-45. KEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-60 -- Reserved 61 RI Reset interrupt. Writing this bit active high causes KEU interrupts signaling DONE and ERROR to be reset. It further resets the state of the KEU interrupt status register. 0 Don't reset 1 Reset interrupt logic MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-82 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-45. KEU Reset Control Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 62 MI Module initialization is nearly the same as software reset, except that the interrupt control register remains unchanged. This module initialization includes execution of an initialization routine, completion of which is indicated by the RESET_DONE bit in the KEU status register 0 Don't reset 1 Reset most of KEU 63 SR Software reset. Functionally equivalent to hardware reset (the RESET signal), but only for KEU. All registers and internal state are returned to their defined reset state. Upon negation of the SR bit, the KEU enters a routine to perform proper initialization of the parameter memories. The RD (reset done) bit in the KEU status register indicates when this initialization is complete 0 Normal operation 1 Full KEU reset Description KEU Status Register (KEUSR) The KEU status register, shown in Figure 19-65, is a read-only register that reflects the state of six status outputs. Writing to this location results in an address error being reflected in the KEU interrupt status register. Address KEU 0x3_E028 Access: Read-only 0 39 40 R -- 47 48 OFL 55 56 57 IFL -- 58 59 60 61 62 63 HALT ICCR IE ID RD W Reset All zeros Figure 19-65. KEU Status Register Table 19-46 describes the KEU status register fields. Table 19-46. KEU Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-39 -- 40-47 OFL Output FIFO level. The number of dwords currently in the output FIFO 48-55 IFL Input FIFO level. The number of dwords currently in the input FIFO 56-57 -- Reserved 58 HALT Reserved Indicates when the KEU core has halted due to an error. 0 KEU not halted 1 KEU core halted (must be reset/re-initialized) Note: Because the error causing the KEU to stop operating may be masked to the interrupt status register, the status register is used to provide a second source of information regarding errors preventing normal operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-83 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-46. KEU Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 59-60 ICCR Integrity check comparison result. 00 No integrity check comparison was performed. 01 The integrity check comparison passed. 10 The integrity check comparison failed. 11 Reserved Note: A passed or failed result is generated only if ICV checking is enabled and the algorithm selected is F9. 61 IE Interrupt error. Reflects the state of the ERROR interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 KEU is not signaling error 1 KEU is signaling error 62 ID Interrupt done. Reflects the state of the DONE interrupt signal, as sampled by the controller interrupt status register (Section, "Interrupt Status Register (ISR)"). 0 Processing not done 1 All bytes processed 63 RD Reset done. Indicates when the KEU has completed its reset sequence, as reflected in the signal sampled by the appropriate channel. 0 Reset in progress 1 Reset done KEU Interrupt Status Register (KEUISR) The KEU interrupt status register tracks the state of possible errors, provided those errors are not masked, via the KEU interrupt control register. The definition of each bit in the KEU interrupt status register is shown in Figure 19-66. Address KEU 0x3_E030 Access: Read-write 0 R 48 -- W Reset 49 50 51 ICE -- IE 52 53 54 55 56 ERE CE KSE DSE DE 57 58 59 AE OFE IFE 60 -- 61 62 IFO OFU 63 -- All zeros Figure 19-66. KEU Interrupt Status Register Table 19-47 describes the KEU interrupt status register signals. Table 19-47. KEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Signal 0-48 -- 49 ICE 50 -- Description Reserved Integrity check error. 0 No error detected 1 Integrity check error detected. An ICV check was performed on an F9 result and the supplied ICV did not match the one computed by the KEU. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-84 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-47. KEU Interrupt Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Signal Description 51 IE Internal error. an internal processing error was detected while the KEU was processing. 0 No error detected 1 Internal error Note: This bit will be asserted any time an enabled error condition occurs and can only be cleared by setting the corresponding bit in the interrupt control register or by resetting the KEU. 52 ERE 53 CE Context error. A KEU key register, the key size register, the data size register, the mode register, or IV register was modified while the KEU was processing 0 No error detected 1 Context error 54 KSE Key size error. An inappropriate value (not 16 or 32) was written to the KEU key size register 0 No error detected 1 Key size error 55 DSE Data size error. A value was written to the KEU data size register that is greater than 64 bits. 0 No error detected 1 Data size error 56 DE Data error. Invalid data was written to a register or a reserved mode bit was set. 0 Valid data 1 Reserved or invalid mode selected 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the KEU address space. 0 No error detected 1 Address error 58 OFE Output FIFO error. The KEU output FIFO was non-empty upon write of KEU data size register. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO non-empty error 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The KEU input FIFO was non-empty upon generation of done interrupt. 0 No error detected 1 Input FIFO non-empty error 60 -- Reserved 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The KEU input FIFO has been pushed while full. 0 No error detected 1 Input FIFO has overflowed 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The KEU output FIFO was read while empty. 0 No error detected 1 Output FIFO has underflow error 63 -- Early read error. A KEU context or IV register was read while the KEU was processing. 0 No error detected 1 Early read error Reserved KEU Interrupt Control Register (KEUICR) The KEU interrupt control register controls the result of detected errors. For a given error (as defined in Section, "KEU Interrupt Status Register (KEUISR)"), if the corresponding bit in this register is set, then the error is ignored; no error interrupt occurs and the KEU interrupt status register is not updated MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-85 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 to reflect the error. If the corresponding bit is not set, then upon detection of an error, the KEU interrupt status register is updated to reflect the error, causing assertion of the error interrupt signal, and causing the module to halt processing. The definition of each bit in the KEU interrupt control register is shown in Figure 19-67. Address KEU 0x3_E038 Access: Read-only 0 48 R W Reset 49 50 51 -- ICE -- IE 0 0 0 1 52 53 54 55 56 ERE CE KSE DSE DE 57 58 59 AE OFE IFE 60 -- 61 62 IFO OFU 63 -- 0 Figure 19-67. KEU Interrupt Control Register Table 19-48 describes the KEU interrupt control register fields. Table 19-48. KEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-48 -- 49 ICE 50 -- Reserved 51 IE Internal error. An internal processing error was detected while performing encryption. 0 Internal error enabled 1 Internal error disabled 52 ERE 53 CE Context error. A KEU key register, the key size register, data size register, mode register, or IV register was modified while KEU was performing encryption. 0 Context error enabled 1 Context error disabled 54 KSE Key size error. An inappropriate value (not 16 or 32 bytes) was written to the KEU key size register 0 Key size error enabled 1 Key size error disabled 55 DSE Data size error. Indicates that the number of bits to process is out of range. 0 Data size error enabled 1 Data size error disabled 56 DE Data error. Indicates that invalid data was written to a register or a reserved mode bit was set. 0 Data error enabled 1 Data error disabled 57 AE Address error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the KEU address space. 0 Address error enabled 1 Address error disabled 58 OFE Reserved Integrity check error. 0 ICV check error enabled 1 ICV check error disabled Early read error. A KEU context or IV register was read while the KEU was performing encryption. 0 Early read error enabled 1 Early read error disabled Output FIFO error. The KEU output FIFO was detected non-empty upon write of KEU data size register 0 Output FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Output FIFO non-empty error disabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-86 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-48. KEU Interrupt Control Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 59 IFE Input FIFO error. The KEU input FIFO was detected non-empty upon generation of done interrupt 0 Input FIFO non-empty error enabled 1 Input FIFO non-empty error disabled 60 -- Reserved 61 IFO Input FIFO overflow. The KEU input FIFO was pushed while full. 0 Input FIFO overflow error enabled 1 Input FIFO overflow error disabled 62 OFU Output FIFO underflow. The KEU output FIFO was read while empty. 0 Output FIFO underflow error enabled 1 Output FIFO underflow error disabled 63 -- Description Reserved KEU Data Out Register (F9 MAC) (KEUDOR) Following a done interrupt, the read-only KEU data out register holds the F9 message authentication code. A 64-bit value is returned. This value may be truncated to 32 bits for some applications. Writing to this location results in an address error being reflected in the KEU interrupt status register. Address KEU 0x3_E048 Access: Read/write 0 63 R KEU Data Out Register (F9 MAC) W Reset All zeros Figure 19-68. KEU Data Out Register (F9 MAC) NOTE According to the ETSI/SAGE 3GPP specification for F9 (version 1.2), only 32 bits of the final MAC are used. This corresponds to the lower 4 bytes of the KEU data out register. KEU EU Go Register (KEUEUG) The KEU EU go register, shown in Figure 19-69, is used to signal to the KEU that the final message block has been written to the input FIFO. Writing to this register causes the KEU to process the final block of a message, allowing it to signal DONE. When processing the last block, the value in the data size register determines how many bits of the final message word (1-64) are processed. The value written to this register does not matter. A read of this register always returns a zero value. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-87 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Address KEU 0x3_E050 Access: Read/write 0 63 R -- W Reset All zeros Figure 19-69. KEU EU Go Register KEU IV 1 Register (KEUIV1) The KEUIV1 register is a general purpose IV register used during the initialization phase of the F8 algorithms for 3GPP, GSM A5/3, EDGE A5/3, GPRS GEA3 and also for the F9 algorithm for 3GPP. The appropriate value as defined by the standards for each algorithm must be written before a new message is started. After the initialization phase has been completed, KEUIV1 register is no longer used for the remainder of F8 or F9 processing. However, if 3GPP F9, is selected, because the KEUIV1 register contains the direction bit as defined by the 3GPP standard, the KEUIV1 register must be written back during context switches, to complete the generation of the 3GPP MAC. Address KEU 0x3_E100 0 Access: Read-only 15 R CC W 16 23 CA 24 25 -- 26 27 CD Reset 31 32 CB 63 CC All zeros Figure 19-70. KEU IV_1 Register . Table 19-49. KEU IV_1 Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 CC Defined by the algorithm selected 16-23 CA Defined by the algorithm selected 24-25 0 26 CD Defined by the algorithm selected (For 3GPP and GPRS, this is the communication direction bit) 27-31 CB Defined by the algorithm selected 31-63 CC Defined by the algorithm selected Reserved NOTE It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that fields of the IV 1 register are programmed correctly in accordance with the algorithm selected. KEU ICV_In Register (KEUICV) If ICV checking is required, then the value to be compared with the computed F9 MAC value must be written to the ICV_In register before data size is written. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-88 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 KEU IV_2 Register (Fresh) (KEUIV2) The fresh value, KEU IV_2 register, is used during the initialization phase of the 3GPP F9 algorithm. This value is ignored when the F8 algorithm is selected. The fresh value must be written before a new message to be processed with 3GPP F9 is started. After the initialization phase has been completed, KEU IV_2 register is no longer used during message processing. KEU IV_2 register need not be written during context switches. Address 0x3_E110 Access: Read/write 0 63 R KEU IV_2 Register (Fresh) W Reset All zeros Figure 19-71. KEU IV_2 Register (Fresh) KEU Context Data Registers (KEUCn) There are 6, 64-bit KEU context data registers that allow the host to read/write the contents of the context used to process the message. The KEU context data registers must be read when changing context and restored to their original values to resume processing an interrupted message. For F8 and 3GPP F9 modes, all 6 64-bit KEU context data registers must be read to retrieve context, and all 6 must be written back to restore context. The context must be written prior to the key data. If the any of the KEU context data registers are written during message processing, a context error will be generated. All KEU context data registers are cleared when a hard/soft reset or initialization is performed. NOTE In typical operation, a frame will be received and processed in it's entirety, with the KEU performing session specific initialization using the contexts of KEU IV_1 and IV_2 registers. The KEU context data and IV_1 registers should only be unloaded/reloaded when the processing of a frame is discontinued prior to completion; then processing is resumed. KEU Key Data Registers_1 and _2 (Confidentiality Key) (KEUKDn) The first two KEU key data registers together hold one 128-bit key that is used for F8 encryption/decryption. KEU key data register_1, (CK-high), holds the first 8 bytes (1-8). KEU key data register_2, (CK-low), holds the second 8 bytes (9-16). The KEU key data registers must be written before message processing begins and cannot be written while the block is processing data, or a context error occurs. Reading from either of these registers results in an address error being reflected in the KEU interrupt status register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-89 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Address KEU 0x3_E400 Access: Read/write 0 63 R KEU Key Data Register _1 (CK-high) W Reset All zeros Figure 19-72. KEU Key Data Register_1 (CK-high) Address KEU 0x3_E408 Access: Read/write 0 63 R KEU Key Data Register _2 (CK-low) W Reset All zeros Figure 19-73. KEU Key Data Register_2 (CK-Low) KEU Key Data Registers _3 and _4 (Integrity Key) (KEUKDn) The KEU key data registers_3 & _4 together hold one 128-bit key that is used for F9 message authentication. KEU key data register_3, (IK-high), holds the first 8 bytes (1-8). KEU key data register_4, (IK-low), holds the second 8 bytes (9-16). The KEU key data registers must be written before message processing begins and cannot be written while the block is processing data, or a context error will occur. If the F9 only mode is set, the integrity key data may be optionally written to KEU key data registers_1 & _2. This eliminates the need for the host to offset from the base key address to write to KEU key data registers_3 & _4 while using the KEU exclusively for the F9 integrity function. Reading from either of these registers will result in an address error being reflected in the KEU interrupt status register. Address KEU 0x3_E410 Access: Read/write 0 63 R KEU Key Data Register _3 (IK-high) W Reset All zeros Figure 19-74. KEU Key Data Register_3 (IK-high) Address KEU 0x3_E418 Access: Read/write 0 63 R KEU Key Data Register _4 (IK-low) W Reset All zeros Figure 19-75. KEU Key Data Register_4 (IK-low) KEU FIFOs The KEU fetches data 64 bits at a time from the KEU input FIFO. During F8 processing, the input data is XORed with the generated keystream and the results are placed in the KEU output FIFO. During F9 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-90 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 processing, the input data is hashed with the integrity key and the resulting MAC is placed in the KEU data out register. The output size is the same as the input size. A write to anywhere in the KEU FIFO address space causes the 64-bit-word to be pushed onto the KEU input FIFO, and a read from anywhere in the KEU FIFO address space causes a 64-bit-word to be popped off of the KEU output FIFO. Overflows and underflows caused by reading or writing the KEU FIFOs are reflected in the KEU interrupt status register. 19.5 Crypto-Channels A channel in the SEC manages the execution of each cryptographic task, making use of one or more of the SEC's execution units (EUs). Control information and data pointers for a given task are stored in the form of a descriptor (see Section 19.3.1, "Descriptor Structure") in system memory or in the channel itself. A descriptor determines what EUs are used, how they are configured, where to fetch needed data, and where to store the results. To invoke cryptographic tasks, the host constructs a descriptor, selects a channel, and writes a pointer to the descriptor into the selected channel's fetch FIFO. The fetch FIFO can store up to 24 pointers. Operations performed by channels include the following (not necessarily in this order): * If the channel is idle and its fetch FIFO is non-empty, read the next descriptor pointer from the fetch FIFO, and use this pointer to read the descriptor into the channel's descriptor buffer. * Request from the controller the assignment of one or more EUs for the exclusive use of the channel. Where necessary, configure the secondary EU to snoop input or output data intended for the primary EU. * Upon notification of completion of the EU reset sequence, initialize mode registers in the assigned EU. * Initialize EUs and write to EU registers such as key size and text-data size. * Transfer data parcels (up to 32 Kbytes) from system memory into assigned EU input registers and FIFOs. This may involve using link tables to gather input data that has been split into multiple segments which are stored in various locations of system memory. For the RAID-XOR descriptor type, the channel rotates among three data sources, fetching 32 bytes from each source. * Transfer data parcels (up to 32 Kbytes) from assigned EU output registers and FIFOs to system memory space. This may involve using link tables to scatter output data into multiple segments which are stored in various locations of system memory. * Initialize the EU go register (where applicable) in the assigned EU upon completion of last EU write indicated by the descriptor. The channel waits for a indication from the EU that processing of input text-data is complete before proceeding with further activity after writing EU go. * Reset assigned EU(s). * Release assigned EU(s). * When a descriptor has been completely processed, provide feedback to the host, in the form of interrupt and/or descriptor header write-back to system memory. * When descriptor processing is halted due to an error, provide feedback to the host via interrupt. The channel waits indefinitely for the controller to complete a requested activity before continuing to the next step of descriptor processing. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-91 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 The channel can generate two types of done notification signals when it completes operation on a descriptor--an interrupt and/or a writeback of the descriptor header. The done interrupt is enabled by the CDIE bit and the writeback is enabled by the CDWE bit of the channel configuration register (Table 19-50). Table 19-51 shows the DONE field that is written back in if writeback is enabled. The selected done notification can be performed at the end of processing of every descriptor, or only on selected descriptors. If the NT field is 0 in the channel configuration register, then done notification is performed after every descriptor. If the NT field is 1, then done notification is only performed on descriptors in which the DN bit is set in the packet header (Table 19-4). 19.5.1 Channel Registers The SEC includes four channels that manage data and EU function. Each channel contains the following: * A fetch FIFO, which holds a queue of pointers to descriptors waiting to be serviced * A configuration register, which allows the user a number of options for SEC event signaling. * Control registers containing information about the transaction in process * A status register containing an indication of the last unfulfilled bus request * A descriptor buffer memory used to store the active descriptor * Scatter and gather link table buffer memory used to store the active link table These registers are described in detail below. Crypto-Channel Configuration Registers 1-4 (CCCRn) These register contains nine operational bits permitting configuration of the channel as shown in Figure 19-76. Address Channel_1 0x1108 Channel_2 0x1208 Channel_3 0x1308 Channel_4 0x1408 Access: User read/write 0 29 R Reset Reset CON R 61 62 63 NT CDIE -- All zeros 32 W 31 -- W R 30 54 -- 55 56 57 58 BS IWSE -- EAE 59 60 CDWE AWSE All zeros Figure 19-76. Crypto-Channel Configuration Register (CCCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-92 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-50 describes the CCCRs. Table 19-50. Crypto-Channel Configuration Register (CCCR) Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-29 -- 30 CON Continue. 0 No special action. 1 Causes the same channel reset actions as bit R, except that the fetch FIFO and the lower half of the CCR register are not cleared. After the reset sequence is complete, this bit automatically returns to 0 and the channel resumes normal operation, servicing the next descriptor pointer in the fetch FIFO, if any. 31 R Reset channel. 0 No special action. 1 Causes a software reset of the channel, clearing all its internal state. The details of the software reset actions depend upon what the channel is doing when the bit is set: If the R bit is set while the channel is requesting an EU assignment from the controller, the channel cancels its request by asserting the release output signals. The channel then resets all its registers, clears the R bit, and returns the channel state machine to the idle state. If the R bit is set after the channel has been assigned an EU, the channel requests a write from the controller to set the software reset bit of the EU. If a secondary EU has been reserved, the channel requests a write to reset that EU as well. The channel next asserts the appropriate release signal to notify the controller that the channel has finished with the reserved EU(s). The channel then resets all the registers, clears the RESET bit and returns the channel state machine to the idle state. 32-54 -- Reserved. Set to zero. 55 BS Burst size. The SEC accesses long text-data parcels in main memory through bursts of programmable size: 0 Burst size is 64 bytes 1 Burst size is 128 bytes 56 Description Reserved. Set to zero. IWSE ICV writeback status enable. 0 No special action. 1 If the descriptor calls for ICV comparison, then at the completion of descriptor processing, write back the status of primary and secondary EUs into the header dword. 57 -- 58 EAE Reserved. Set to zero. Extend address enable. This bit determines whether the channel uses a 36-bit address bus or a 32-bit address bus. 0 Channel's address bus is 32 bits. 1 Channel's address bus is 36 bits. (Not available in SEC 2.1) 59 CDWE Channel done writeback enable. 0 Channel done writeback disabled. 1 Channel done writeback enabled. Upon completion of descriptor processing, if the NT bit is set for global, or if the DN (done notification) bit is set in the header word of the descriptor, then notify the host by writing back the descriptor header with the writeback information shown in Table 19-51. This enables the host to poll the memory location of the original descriptor header to determine if that descriptor has been completed. 60 AWSE Always writeback status enable. 0 No special action. 1 At the completion of processing each descriptor, write back the status of primary and secondary EUs into the header dword. In this case, IWSE has no effect. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-93 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-50. Crypto-Channel Configuration Register (CCCR) Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 61 NT Notification type. This bit controls when the channel will generate channel done notification. Channel done notification can take the form of an interrupt or modified header writeback or both, depending on the state of the CDIE and CDWE control bits. 0 Global notification: The channel will generate channel done notification (if enabled) at the end of each descriptor. 1 Selected notification: The channel will generate channel done notification (if enabled) at the end of every descriptor with the DONE bit set in the descriptor header. 62 CDIE Channel done interrupt enable. 0 Channel done interrupt disabled 1 Channel done interrupt enabled. Upon completion of descriptor processing, if the NT bit is set for global, or if the DN (done notification) bit is set in the header word of the descriptor, then notify the host by asserting an interrupt. Refer to Section 19.5.2, "Channel Interrupts," for complete description of channel interrupt operation. 63 -- Reserved. Set to zero. Figure 19-77 shows the format of the header dword when the channel is configured to perform done notification via header writeback. A detailed description of the header dword fields used in writeback notification is provided in Table 19-51. 0 Writeback 7 DONE 8 34 -- 35 36 37 ICCR0 42 -- 43 44 45 ICCR1 63 -- Figure 19-77. Header Dword Writeback Format Table 19-51. Header Dword Writeback Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-7 DONE When done writeback is used, then at the completion of descriptor processing this byte is written with the value 0xFF. To determine when done writeback is used, see the CDWE, NT, and CDIE fields in the channel configuration register (see Table 19-51). 8-34 -- 35-36 37-42 43-44 45-63 Reserved. ICCR0 Integrity check comparison result from primary. These bits are supplied by the primary EU when descriptor processing is complete. 00 No integrity check comparison was performed. 01 The integrity check comparison passed. 10 The integrity check comparison failed. 11 Reserved -- Reserved. ICCR1 Integrity check comparison result from secondary. These bits are supplied by the secondary EU (if any) when descriptor processing is complete. 00 No integrity check comparison was performed. 01 The integrity check comparison passed. 10 The integrity check comparison failed. 11 Reserved -- Reserved. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-94 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Registers 1-4 (CCPSRn) These registers contains status fields and counters which provide the user with status information regarding the channel's actual processing of a given descriptor. Access: Read-only Address Channel_1 0x01110 Channel_2 0x01210 Channel_3 0x01310 Channel_4 0x01410 0 R 2 3 -- 7 8 11 FF_COUNTER 12 -- 15 16 G_STATE 19 20 -- 23 24 S_STATE 31 CHN_STATE W Reset All zeros 32 37 38 R -- 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 MI MO PR SR PG SG PRD SRD PD SD 59 60 Error 63 PTR_DW W Reset All zeros Figure 19-78. Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Table 19-52 describes the channel pointer status register fields. Table 19-52. Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-2 -- 3-7 Description Reserved. FF_COUNTER Fetch FIFO counter. This 5 bit counter indicates how many fetch pointers are currently stored in the FIFO. 8-10 -- Reserved. 12-15 G_STATE 16-19 -- 20-23 S_STATE Scatter state machine state. This field reflects the state of the channel scatter control state machine. The value of this field indicates which stage the channel is while performing scatter function. Table 19-53 shows the meaning of all possible values of the S_STATE field. Note: S_State is documented for information only. The user will not typically care about the scatter state machine. 24-31 CHN_STATE State. State of the channel state machine. This field reflects the state of the channel control state machine. The value of this field indicates exactly which stage the channel is in the sequence of fetching and processing data descriptors. Table 19-54 shows the meaning of all possible values of the STATE field. Note: CHN_State is documented for information only. The user will not typically care about the channel state machine. 32-37 -- Gather state machine state. This field reflects the state of the channel gather control state machine. The value of this field indicates which stage the channel is while performing gather function. Table 19-53 shows the meaning of all possible values of the G_STATE field. Note: G_State is documented for information only. The user will not typically care about the gather state machine. Reserved. Reserved, set to zero MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-95 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-52. Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 38 MI Multi_EU_IN. The Multi_EU_IN bit indicates whether data input snooping will be performed, as determined by the snoop type bit in the descriptor header. 0 Data input snooping by secondary EU disabled. 1 Data input snooping by secondary EU enabled. 39 MO Multi_EU_OUT. The Multi_EU_OUT bit indicates whether data output snooping will be performed, as determined by the snoop type bit in the descriptor header. 0 Data output snooping by secondary EU disabled. 1 Data output snooping by secondary EU enabled. 40 PR PRI_REQ. Request primary EU assignment. 0 Primary EU assignment request is inactive. 1 The channel is requesting assignment of primary EU to the channel. The channel will assert the EU request signal indicated by the op0 field in the descriptor header register as long as this bit remains set. The PRI_REQ bit is set when descriptor processing is initiated by the channel and the Op_0 field in the descriptor header contains a valid EU identifier. This bit is cleared when the request is granted, which will be reflected in the status register by the setting the PRI_GRANT bit. 41 SR SEC_REQ. Request secondary EU assignment. 0 Secondary EU assignment request is inactive. 1 The channel is requesting assignment of secondary EU to the channel. The channel will assert the EU request signal indicated by the Op_1 field in the descriptor header register as long as this bit remains set. The SEC_REQ bit is set when descriptor processing is initiated by the channel and the Op_1 field in the descriptor header contains a valid EU identifier. This bit is cleared when the request is granted, which will be reflected in the status register by the setting the SEC_GRANT bit. 42 PG Primary EU granted. The PRI_GRANT bit reflects the state of the EU grant signal for the requested primary EU from the controller. 0 The primary EU grant signal is inactive. 1 The EU grant signal is active indicating the controller has assigned the requested primary EU to the channel. 43 SG Secondary EU granted. The SEC_GRANT bit reflects the state of the EU grant signal for the requested secondary EU from the controller. 0 The secondary EU grant signal is inactive. 1 The EU grant signal is active indicating the controller has assigned the requested secondary EU to the channel. 44 PRD Primary EU reset done. The PRI_RST_DONE bit reflects the state of the reset done signal from the assigned primary EU. 0 The assigned primary EU reset done signal is inactive. 1 The assigned primary EU reset done signal is active indicating its reset sequence has completed and it is ready to accept data. 45 SRD Secondary EU reset done. The SEC_RST_DONE bit reflects the state of the reset done signal from the assigned secondary EU. 0 The assigned secondary EU reset done signal is inactive. 1 The assigned secondary EU reset done signal is active indicating its reset sequence has completed and it is ready to accept data. 46 PD Primary EU done. The PRI_DONE bit reflects the state of the done interrupt from the assigned primary EU. 0 The assigned primary EU done interrupt is inactive. 1 The assigned primary EU done interrupt is active indicating the EU has completed processing and is ready to provide output data. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-96 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-52. Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 47 SD 48-59 Error 60-63 PTR_DW Secondary EU done. The SEC_DONE bit reflects the state of the done interrupt from the assigned secondary EU. 0 The assigned secondary EU done interrupt is inactive. 1 The assigned secondary EU done interrupt is active indicating the EU has completed processing and is ready to provide output data. Channel error status. This field reflects the error status of the channel. When a channel error interrupt is generated, this field will reflect the source of the error. The bits in the ERROR field are registered at specific stages in the descriptor processing flow. Once registered, an error can only be cleared only by resetting the channel or writing the appropriate registers to initiate the processing of a new descriptor. Table 19-55 lists the conditions which can cause a channel error and how they are represented in the ERROR field. PTR_DW indicates which pointer-dword is currently being processed by the channel. Table 19-56 shows the meaning of all possible values of the PTR_DW field. Table 19-53 shows the values for G_STATE and S_STATE fields, which are the states for the gather and scatter state machines. Table 19-53. G_STATE and S_STATE Field Values Value Gather State Machine 0x0 GS_IDLE 0x1 GS_LOAD_POINTER 0x2 GS_LOAD_POINTER_DONE 0x3 GS_LOAD_NEXT_POINTER 0x4 GS_PROCESS_POINTER 0x5 GS_TRANS_BLOCK 0x6 GS_TRANS_BLOCK_DONE 0x7 GS_TRANS_BYTES 0x8 GS_TRANS_BYTES_DONE 0x9 GS_INC_PAIR_PTR 0xA GS_UPDATE 0xB GS_DONE 0xC GS_ERROR 0xD GS_RELOAD 0xE GS_TRANS_INBOUND 0xF GS_TRANS_INBOUND_DONE MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-97 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-54 shows the values of crypto-channel states. Table 19-54. CHN_STATE Field Values Value 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19 0x1B 0x1E 0x1F Channel State IDLE PROCESS_HEADER FETCH_DESCRIPTOR CHANNEL_DONE CHANNEL_DONE_IRQ CHANNEL_DONE_WRITEBACK CHANNEL_DONE_NOTIFICATION CHANNEL_ERROR REQUEST_PRI_CHA INC_DATA_PAIR_POINTER DELAY_DATA_PAIR_UPDATE EVALUATE_DATA_PAIRS WRITE_RESET_PRI RELEASE_PRI_CHA WRITE_RESET_SEC RELEASE_SEC_CHA PROCESS_DATA_PAIRS WRITE_MODE_PRI WRITE_MODE_SEC WRITE_DATASIZE_PRI DELAY_RNGA_DONE WRITE_DATASIZE_SEC_SNOOPIN TRANS_REQUEST_WRITE_SNOOPIN DELAY_PRI_SEC_DONE TRANS_REQUEST_WRITE WRITE_KEY_SIZE DELAY_PRI_DONE WRITE_DATASIZE_SEC_SNOOPOUT TRANS_REQUEST_READ_SNOOPOUT Value 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 0x26 0x27 0x28 0x29 0x2A 0x2B 0x2C 0x2D 0x2E 0x2F 0x30 0x31 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39 0x3A 0x3C others Channel State DELAY_SEC_DONE TRANS_REQUEST_READ EVALUATE_RESET RESET_WRITE_RESET_PRI RESET_RELEASE_PRI_CHA RESET_WRITE_RESET_SEC RESET_RELEASE_SEC_CHA RESET_CHANNEL WRITE_DATASIZE_PRI_POST RESET_RELEASE_ALL RESET_RELEASE_ALL_DELAY REQUEST_SEC_CHA WRITE_DATASIZE_SEC WRITE_ICV_SIZE WRITE_SEC_CHA_GO_SNOOPOUT WRITE_PRI_CHA_GO_SNOOPIN WRITE_SEC_CHA_GO_SNOOPIN DELAY_1CYCLE TRANS_EXTENT_READ TRANS_EXTENT3 TRANS_EXTENT4 XOR_WRITE_READ_REG DELAY_SEC_DONE_TLS MAC_TO_CIPHER MAC_TO_CIPHER_DONE READ_PRI_STATUS READ_SEC_STATUS Reserved Table 19-55 shows the bit positions of each potential error. Multiple errors are possible. Table 19-55. Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Error Field Descriptions Value Error 48 DOF. Double fetch FIFO write overflow error.This bit is set when the channel fetch FIFO is full, SOF is set, and another write has been made to the fetch FIFO. When this bit is set the channel will stop, and an error interrupt will be activated. The channel will not start again until a continue or reset is given via the CCR register. This bit can be cleared by writing `1' to this bit in the CPSR Register. 49 SOF. Single fetch FIFO write overflow Error. This bit is set when the channel fetch FIFO is full and another write has been made to the fetch FIFO. The channel will set this bit and activate an error interrupt. The channel continues processing, but the descriptor pointer is lost. The host must clear this bit by writing `1' to this bit in the CPSR register. 50 MDTE. A master data transfer error was received from the master bus interface. When the SEC, while acting as a bus master, detects an error, the controller passes the error to the channel in use. The channel halts and activates an interrupt. The channel can only be restarted by writing a `1' to the continue or reset bit in the channel configuration register, or resetting the whole SEC. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-98 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-55. Crypto-Channel Pointer Status Register Error Field Descriptions (continued) Value Error 51 Scatter/gather data length zero error. A zero length scatter/gather data pointer was detected. 52 Fetch pointer zero error. An all zero fetch pointer was detected. 53 Illegal descriptor header. Possible causes of an illegal descriptor header are: * Invalid primary EU indicated by op0 field in descriptor header. * Invalid secondary EU indicated by op1 field in descriptor header. * Descriptor type field in descriptor headers indicates secondary EU transaction when not in snoop mode 54 Invalid EU assignment request. Indicates the channel was assigned one or more EUs not requested by the descriptor header. 55 EU error detected. An EU assigned to this channel has generated an error interrupt. This error may also be reflected in the controller's interrupt status register. 56 Gather boundary error. Indicates a gather pointer straddles both a primary and secondary EU's data transfer. 57 Gather return/length error. Indicates the total data size covered by a gather link table did not match the total data size from the main descriptor. 58 Scatter boundary error. Indicates a scatter pointer straddles both a primary and secondary EU's data transfer. 59 Scatter return/length error. Indicates the total data size covered by a scatter link table did not match the total data size from the main descriptor. NOTE The EU error bit (bit 55) can only be cleared by first clearing the error source in the assigned EU which caused it to be set. Table 19-56 shows the possible values of the PTR_DW field in the CPSR. Table 19-56. Channel Pointer Status Register PTR_DW Field Values Value Error 0x00 Processing header or pointer dword 0 0x01 Processing pointer dword 1 0x02 Processing pointer dword 2 0x03 Processing pointer dword 3 0x04 Processing pointer dword 4 0x05 Processing pointer dword 5 0x06 Processing pointer dword 6 0x07 Complete (or not yet begun) processing of header dword and pointer dwords 0x08-FF Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-99 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Crypto-Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Registers 1-4 (CCDPRn) The CCDPRs, shown in Figure 19-79, contain the address of the descriptor that the channel is currently processing. Address Channel_1 Channel_2 Channel_3 Channel_4 0x3_1140 0x3_1240 0x3_1340 0x3_1440 Access: Read-only 0 27 28 R -- 31 32 EPTR 63 CUR_DES_PTR_ADRS W Reset All zeros Figure 19-79. Crypto-Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Register The bits in the current descriptor pointer register perform the functions described in Table 19-57. Table 19-57. Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Register Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EPTR 32-63 Description Reserved. Set to zero. Extended pointer. Concatenated as the top 4 bits of the CUR_DES_PTR_ADRS when EAE is high (see the EAE bit in Table 1-51 on page 1-116). CUR_DES_PTR_ADRS Current descriptor pointer address. Pointer to system memory location of the current descriptor. This field reflects the starting location in system memory of the descriptor currently loaded into the DB. This value is updated whenever the channel requests a fetch of a descriptor from the controller. The value from the fetch FIFO is transferred to the current descriptor pointer register immediately after the fetch is completed. This address will be used as the destination for writeback of the modified header dword, if header writeback notification is enabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-100 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Fetch FIFO Address Registers 1-4 (FFn) Each channel contains a fetch address FIFO to store a queue of pointers to descriptors for the channel to process. The fetch address FIFOs, shown in Figure 19-80, contain the addresses of the first byte of descriptors to be processed. In typical operation, the host CPU creates a descriptor in memory containing all relevant mode and location information for the SEC, then launches the SEC by writing the address of the descriptor to the fetch FIFO. The fetch FIFO can hold up to 24 descriptor pointers at a time. When the end of the current descriptor is reached, the descriptor pointed to by the next location in the fetch FIFO is read to launch the next descriptor. The fetch address is written into the FIFO only if the write includes the least-significant byte (bits 56-63). If extend address enable is high (see the EAE bit in Table 19-50), then the extended fetch address must be written before the fetch address or concurrent with it. Specifying a FETCH_ADRS of 0 causes the channel to generate an error and stop. Writing a descriptor pointer to the fetch FIFO while the FIFO is full will result in a single overflow interrupt to advise the user that the descriptor pointer was not successfully written to the fetch FIFO. The channel will continue processing and software can check the fetch FIFO counter in the crypto-channel pointer status register before attempting to re-enqueue the descriptor pointer. If a second descriptor pointer is written to the fetch FIFO before the single the single overflow error is cleared, the channel generates a double overflow error interrupt and stop processing descriptors. The channel can be restarted by setting the continue bit in the crypto-channel configuration register, or completely reset by writing the reset bit in the same register. Address Channel_1 0x3_01148 Channel_2 0x3_01248 Channel_3 0x3_01348 Channel_4 0x3_01448 Access: Write-only 0 27 28 31 32 63 R W -- EPTR Reset FETCH_ADRS All zeros Figure 19-80. Fetch FIFO Table 19-58 describes the fetch FIFO fields. Table 19-58. Fetch FIFO Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-27 -- 28-31 EPTR Description Reserved -- Set to zero. Extended pointer. Concatenated as the top 4 bits of the FETCH_ADRS when EAE is high (see the EAE bit in Table 1-51 on page 1-116). 32-63 FETCH_ADRS Fetch address. Pointer to system memory location of a descriptor the host wants the SEC to fetch. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-101 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Crypto-Channel 1-4 Descriptor Buffers [0-7] (DBn[0-7]) The descriptor buffers (DBs) consists of 8 dword registers (DBn[0-7]), and contain the current descriptor being processed by the channel. These registers are read-only, since the descriptor is always fetched from system memory. The write of any valid pointer to the fetch FIFO will cause the channel to read 64 contiguous bytes beginning at the fetch address into the descriptor buffer. For more information about the fields in a descriptor, see Section 19.3.1, "Descriptor Structure." 0 15 16 DB0 17 23 24 31 32 Header 63 Reserved DB1 Length0 J1 Extent0 -- Pointer0 DB2 Length1 J2 Extent1 -- Pointer1 DB3 Length2 J3 Extent2 -- Pointer2 DB4 Length3 J4 Extent3 -- Pointer3 DB5 Length4 J5 Extent4 -- Pointer4 DB6 Length5 J6 Extent5 -- Pointer5 DB7 Length6 J7 Extent6 -- Pointer6 Address Channel_1 0x3_1180-0x3_11BF, Channel_2 0x3_1280-0x3_12BF, Channel_3 0x3_1380-0x3_13BF, Channel_4 0x3_1480-0x3_14BF Figure 19-81. Descriptor Buffer Format Link Table Buffer Registers (Scatter or Gather)--LTB0-3 The link table buffer consists of 4 dword registers (LTB0-LTB3), and contains the link table (scatter or gather) being processed by the channel, when scatter/gather is in use. These registers are read-only, since the link table is always fetched from system memory. Any descriptor length/pointer dword with the jump bit set will cause the channel to read 32 contiguous bytes beginning at the pointer address into the link table buffer. Additionally, any link table entry with the next bit set causes the channel to read 32 contiguous bytes into the link table buffer. As the data may not be so scattered as to require 4 link table entries to gather it, automatically reading 32 bytes (4 link table entries) is pre-fetching, and is done for performance reasons. Proper use of the return and next bits is required to avoid problems arising from pre-fetching. For more information about the fields in a link table, see Section 19.3.4, "Link Table Format." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-102 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 0 15 16 21 22 23 24 27 28 31 32 63 LTB0 SEGLEN -- R N -- EPTR SEGPTR LTB1 SEGLEN -- R N -- EPTR SEGPTR LTB2 SEGLEN -- R N -- EPTR SEGPTR LTB3 SEGLEN -- R N -- EPTR SEGPTR Figure 19-82. Link Table Buffer 19.5.2 Channel Interrupts The channel can assert both DONE and ERROR interrupts to the controller. When the interrupt generation conditions have been met, the channel asserts the appropriate interrupt. The status of the registered channel interrupts is available in the controller interrupt status register. The channel does not have an internal interrupt controller, but the SEC controller can be programmed to block channel interrupts via its interrupt mask register (see Section, "Interrupt Mask Register (IMR)"). Channel Done Interrupt Whether and when a channel DONE interrupt is generated depends on the setting of the channel configuration register NT and CDIE bits in the CCR (see Figure 19-76). Assuming the CDIE (channel done interrupt enable) is set, the channel will generate an interrupt event after every successfully completed descriptor (notification type set to global), or after each successfully completed descriptor with the DN (done notification) bit set in the header word of the descriptor. Even if multiple channel done interrupt events are generated by a channel before the first can be cleared by the host, the interrupt events are not lost. The controller queues channel done interrupts from each channel (see Section 19.6.4, "Controller Interrupts"). Channel Error Interrupt The channel error interrupt is generated when an error condition occurs during descriptor processing. The channel error interrupt will be asserted as soon as the error condition is detected. The type of error condition is reflected the ERROR field of the channel pointer status register (CPSR). Refer to Table 19-55 for a complete listing of error types. Channel Reset Channel reset is asserted when the host sets the RESET bit in the channel configuration register (CCR). The effect of software reset on the channel varies according to what the channel is doing when the bit is set: * If the RESET bit is set while the channel is requesting an EU assignment from the controller, the channel cancels its request by asserting the release output signals. The channel then resets all the registers, clears the RESET bit and returns the control state machine to the idle state. * If the RESET bit is set after the channel has been dynamically assigned an EU, the channel requests a write from the controller to set the software reset bit of the EU. A write to reset the secondary MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-103 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 (MDEU) EU is also requested if one has been reserved for snooping. The channel then asserts the appropriate release output signal to notify the controller that the channel has finished with the reserved EU(s). The channel then resets all the registers, clears the RESET bit and returns the control state machine to the idle state. 19.6 Security Controller The controller within the SEC is responsible for overseeing the operations of the execution units (EUs), the interface to the host processor, and the management of the channels. The controller interfaces to the host via the master/slave bus interface and to the channels and EUs via internal buses. All transfers between the host and the EUs are moderated by the controller. Some of the main functions of the controller are as follows: * Provide arbitration for bus access and control bus accesses * Control the internal bus accesses to the EUs * Provide arbitration for channels requesting EUs and assign EUs to channels * Monitor interrupts from channels and pass to host * Realign read and write data to the proper byte alignment 19.6.1 Assignment of EUs to Channels Assignment of an EU to a channel is done dynamically. The channel requests an EU, the controller checks to see if the requested EU is available, and if it is, the controller grants the channel assignment of the EU. If an EU is available for a channel when requested, the controller will assert the grant signal pertaining to the request from the channel. The grant signal will remain asserted until the channel is done and releases the EU. In some cases, a channel may request two EUs. The channel will do this by first requesting the primary EU, then requesting the secondary EU. Once the controller has granted both EUs, this channel is then capable of requesting that the secondary EU snoop the bus. Snooping status is indicated in the MI and MO bits of Table 19-52. In all cases, the controller assigns the primary EU to a requesting channel as the EUs become available. The controller does not wait until both EUs are available before issuing any grants to a channel which is requesting two EUs. Since there are multiple channels in the SEC, they must arbitrate for access to execution units. To accomplish this, the controller implements one arbiter for each EU and one arbiter for the internal system bus. These are snapshot arbiters, which means they operate as follows: * When there are requests, the arbiter records the set of requests waiting (that is, it takes a snapshot) * Then it satisfies those requests as the resource becomes available. * When all requests in the snapshot have been satisfied, the arbiter takes another snapshot. To choose which request to grant within a given snapshot, the arbiters can use either a weighted priority-based or round-robin scheme, depending on the values of CHN3_EU_PR_CNT and CHN4_EU_PR_CNT in the master control register (see Section, "Master Control Register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-104 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 (MCR)"). If both CHN3_EU_PR_CNT and CHN4_EU_PR_CNT are set to non-zero values, the arbiter will implement the weighted priority scheme. If both are zero, the arbitration will be round-robin. Setting only one of the CHN_EU_PR_CNT fields to a non-zero value will result in unpredictable operation. Channel Priority Arbitration When arbitrating on the priority scheme, the priority is as follows: * Channel 1--Highest priority * Channel 2--Second highest priority, unless CHN3_EU_PR_CNT or CHN4_EU_PR_CNT expired * Channel 3--Third priority, unless CHN4_EU_PR_CNT expired * Channel 4--Lowest priority, until CHN4_EU_PR_CNT expired Initially, the priority is channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, and channel 4, in that order. In order to prevent channels 3 and 4 from being locked out, the CHN3_EU_PR_CNT and CHN4_EU_PR_CNT fields are implemented in the master control register (MCR). The value of these fields determines how many times channel 3 or channel 4 can be refused access to an EU in favor of a higher priority channel. A counter is implemented in the arbiter for each of these entities. When the channel has lost arbitration the number of times specified in its CHN_EU_PR_CNT field, then that channel has the 2nd highest priority when the requested EU becomes available. CHN1 always has the highest priority, but it cannot make back to back requests, so the 2nd highest priority channel will be serviced upon completion of the current CHN1 operation. It is permissible for the CHN_EU_PR_CNT values to be different from the CHN_BUS_PR_CNT values, i.e., EU access may be prioritized, while bus access is pure round robin, and vice-versa. Channel Round-Robin Arbitration In round-robin arbitration, requesting channels are granted access in rotating numerical order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, ... etc. 19.6.2 Bus Transfers The controller in the SEC has the ability to be a bus master or a slave. This means that the controller can issue read and write commands to the bus, and it can also be written to and read from by the host. The controller is the sole bus master within the SEC. All other modules are slave-only devices. A channel may request access to system resources including the bus. In these cases, the channel must provide the starting address of the transfer for the bus(es) requested. All subsequent addresses are generated by the controller. All addresses are sequential. The controller is involved in transfers on the internal system bus and the internal bus. For channel-controlled access, the channels make requests to the controller to perform data transfers. The channel specifies data lengths and addresses for the internal and system buses. Multiple channels may request use of the controller at the same time, so the controller performs arbitration to choose a channel. The controller then services the request and performs the required transfer. Most transfers involve not only MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-105 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 the internal bus, but also the system bus with the controller as bus master. Here are examples of the various types of transfers: 1. Obtaining a descriptor: -- Channel makes request, arbitrates for attention from controller -- Controller arbitrates for use of the system bus and performs read from external memory -- Controller sends descriptor to channel over the internal bus 2. Transferring data length parameter from channel to EU -- Channel makes request, arbitrates for attention from controller -- Controller transfers data from channel to EU over the internal bus 3. Obtaining input data from external memory for input to an EU -- Channel makes request, arbitrates for attention from controller -- Controller arbitrates for use of the system bus and performs read from external memory -- Controller sends data to EU over the internal bus. If in-snooping, data is sent to two EUs 4. Writing output data from an EU back to external memory -- Channel makes request, arbitrates for attention from controller -- Controller begins reading data from the EU into a controller FIFO. If out-snooping, the same data is also read by another EU. Meanwhile, the controller arbitrates for use of the internal system bus. -- Controller performs write to external memory Arbitration for Use of the Controller and Buses The controller attempts to maximize use of the system bus by grouping outstanding bus requests from the channels by request type (read or write). The controller performs all write requests to the internal system bus, followed by all read requests, then repeat. Within a request type, the controller grants bus access via the same snapshot scheme that is used for granting EUs. If, for example, the controller is performing writes, it takes a snapshot of the current write requests, satisfies them as the bus becomes available, then takes another snapshot of write requests, and repeats. If there are no more write requests in a snapshot, the arbiter switches to handling reads. It repeatedly takes snapshots of the reads waiting and satisfies them until there are no more read requests in a snapshot. It then switches back to handling writes, etc. As with arbitration for EUs, controls for setting channel priorities are in the master control register (see Section, "Master Control Register (MCR)"), and the same two methods are available for selecting which request to satisfy within a snapshot. If both CHN3_BUS_PR_CNT and CHN4_BUS_PR_CNT are set to non-zero values, the arbiter will implement the weighted priority scheme (see Section, "Channel Priority Arbitration"). If both are zero, the arbitration will be round-robin (see Section, "Channel Round-Robin Arbitration"). Setting only one of the CHNx_BUS_PR_CNT fields to a non-zero value results in unpredictable operation. When the buses are granted to a channel, they are granted until the channel transfer is completely satisfied. The SEC does not dynamically adjust its own transaction priorities. System software, however, can adjust SEC transaction priority in real-time, with the change in priority taking effect immediately. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-106 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 System Bus Master Reads This section contains more detail on the sequence of events for a system bus read with the controller as master: 1. Channel asserts its bus read request to the controller. 2. Channel furnishes external read address, internal write address, and transfer length. 3. Controller sends request acknowledge to channel. 4. Controller asserts request to the system bus. 5. Controller waits for system bus read to begin. 6. When bus read begins, controller receives data from the master interface and performs a write to the appropriate internal address supplied by the channel. Data may be realigned byte-wise by the controller if either: -- the read did not begin on a 32-bit word boundary, or -- the previous write to an execution unit's input FIFO did not end on a 32-bit word boundary. 7. Transfer continues until the bus read is completed and the controller has written all data to the appropriate internal address. The master interface continues making bus requests until the full data length has been read. When the SEC performs a transaction as master, it is possible for the intended slave to terminate the transfer due to an error. The SEC's transaction requests are posted to the MPC8548E target queue, after which the MPC8548E takes responsibility for completing the transaction or signaling error. An error in an SEC initiated transaction is also reported by the SEC via the channel interrupt status register. The host will be able to determine which channel generated the interrupt by checking the ISR for the channel ERROR bit. System Bus Master Writes This section contains more detail on the sequence of events for an system bus write with the controller as master: 1. Channel asserts its bus write request to the controller. 2. Channel furnishes internal read address, external write address, and transfer length. 3. Controller sends request acknowledge to channel. 4. Controller performs a read from the appropriate internal address supplied by the channel, loads the write data into its FIFO, asserts a request to the system bus and waits for the system bus to become available. 5. When the system bus becomes available, controller writes data from its FIFO to the master interface. While the controller is satisfying a requests from one channel, it can still acknowledge and queue requests from the other channels. System Bus Slave Transactions (Reads and Writes) The controller also acts as a bus slave. As a slave, the controller simply responds to read and write commands from the bus. When a write command is received from the bus, the controller takes the data MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-107 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 from the slave interface and sends it to whichever internal location is indicated by the address. For a read, the controller goes to the internal location and fetches the requested data from the specified address. The SEC internal memory space must be accessed on modulo-4 boundaries to avoid invalid data or unpredictable operation. 19.6.3 Snooping by Caches All SEC transactions are snooped by the e500 coherency module (ECM). This is part of the wiring of the SEC interface and requires no user intervention. 19.6.4 Controller Interrupts All interrupt outputs from the channels, EUs, and bus interface are fed to the controller as interrupt conditions. In addition, the controller itself detects some interrupt conditions. The controller maintains an interrupt status register (ISR) with bits corresponding to all of these possible interrupt conditions. If an interrupt condition occurs and the corresponding bit of the interrupt mask register (IMR) is high, then the associated interrupt status register bit is set, indicating the presence of a pending interrupt. Whenever any bits are set in the interrupt status register, the controller asserts its internal interrupt signal to the host. To handle an interrupt, the host must read the interrupt status register (ISR) to determine the source. It may then need to do further reads of interrupt status registers of other blocks to get more detailed information about the cause. In some cases, the host may need to take action to clear the root cause of the interrupt. After that, the host can clear the desired bit of the interrupt status register by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit of the interrupt clear register (ICR) (and then write zeros to the end of interrupt register in the PIC to enable additional SEC interrupts). If the cause of the interrupt condition has not been cleared, or if there is some other interrupt condition from the same source, then the interrupt status register bit will clear for a cycle and go high again, and the interrupt output line to the host remains high. If the interrupt status register bit is successfully cleared and no other interrupt conditions are present, the controller negates its interrupt output. If any interrupts are still pending in the interrupt status register, the interrupt output remains asserted. Note that EU interrupt conditions may be blocked at two different levels. There is an interrupt control register in each EU which can block particular interrupt conditions before they reach the EU's interrupt status register, and in addition, bits of the controller's interrupt mask register must be set to allow interrupt conditions to reach the interrupt status register. Interrupt conditions from the channels and controller can only be blocked through the interrupt mask register. For typical operation it is suggested that the interrupt mask register be programmed as follows: * Leave channel interrupts enabled, while masking interrupts from the EUs. Errors or done signals coming from the EUs eventually cause the channel to signal an error or done interrupt. A channel can generate frequent interrupts, especially if it is configured to interrupt at the completion of each descriptor. To make sure that the host receives the right number of interrupts, each channel done interrupt has a special queuing feature. If multiple channel done interrupts are generated before the first is cleared, then the additional interrupts are queued by the controller. When the host clears a channel MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-108 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 interrupt, if there are no other interrupts queued from that channel, then the channel done interrupt is negated. If other interrupts remain in the queue, the controller negates the interrupt for one cycle and then re-asserts it again. Interrupts are queued separately for each channel. The SEC generates a single interrupt to the MPC8548E embedded programmable interrupt controller (PIC). See the Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) chapter for additional information on the PIC. The user allows interrupts from the SEC to be reported to the CPU by clearing the mask bit in the associated vector/priority register of the PIC. 19.6.5 Controller Registers The controller registers are described in detail in the following sections. EU Assignment Status Register (EUASR) The EUASR, displayed in Figure 19-83, is used to check the assignment status of an EU to a particular channel. When an EU is already assigned, it is inaccessible to any other channel. Offset 0x3_1028 0 R 3 Access: Read 4 7 8 11 12 15 16 19 20 23 24 27 28 31 -- AFEU -- MDEU -- AESU -- DEU All ones All zeros All ones All zeros All ones All zeros All ones All zeros W Reset Offset 0x0104 (OR0) 32 R 43 44 47 48 63 -- KEU -- PKEU -- RNG 0x000F All zeros All ones All zeros All ones All zeros W Reset Figure 19-83. EU Assignment Status Register (EUASR) A four-bit field (see Table 19-59) indicates the channel to which an EU is assigned. Table 19-59. Channel Assignment Value Value Channel 0x0 No channel assigned 0x1 Channel 1 0x2 Channel 2 0x3 Channel 3 0x4 Channel 4 0xA-0xE Undefined 0xF Unavailable MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-109 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) The SEC controller generates the single interrupt output from all possible interrupt sources. These sources can be individually enabled by the interrupt mask register. If enabled, the interrupt source value, when active, is captured into the interrupt status register. Figure 19-84 shows the bit positions of each potential interrupt source. Each interrupt source is individually enabled by setting its corresponding bit. At reset, all bits are disabled. The bit fields are described in Table 19-60. Address 0x3_1008 Access: Read/write 0 14 R -- W Reset ITO All zeros DONE Overflow 16 19 R -- W CHN_4 CHN_2 CHN_1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1 Err Dn Err Dn Err Dn Err Dn All zeros KEU 32 37 R -- W PKEU 38 39 Err Dn Reset 40 41 -- 42 43 Err Dn RNG 44 45 -- 46 47 Err Dn All zeros AFEU 48 W CHN_3 20 Reset R 15 49 -- Reset MDEU 50 51 Err Dn 52 53 -- 54 55 Err Dn AESU 56 57 -- 58 59 Err Dn DEU 60 61 -- 62 63 Err Dn All zeros Figure 19-84. Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) Table 19-60 describes the register field names in the interrupt mask register, interrupt status register, and interrupt clear register. I Table 19-60. Field Names in Interrupt Mask, Interrupt Status, and Interrupt Clear Registers Bits Name Description 15 ITO Internal time out. 0 No internal time out 1 An internal time out was detected The internal time out interrupt is triggered by the controller if a slave access to an SEC register does not result in successful data transfer within 16 clock cycles. With ITO enabled the SEC controller terminates the transaction and signals and interrupt. 20-23 Done Overflow Done overflow. 0 No done overflow 1 Done overflow error. Indicates that more than 15 done interrupts were queued from the interrupting channel without an interrupt clear. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-110 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-60. Field Names in Interrupt Mask, Interrupt Status, and Interrupt Clear Registers (continued) Bits Name Description Multiple CHN_Err_Dn Each of the 4 channels has error and done bits. 0 No error detected. 1 Error detected. Indicates that execution unit status register must be read to determine exact cause of the error. 0 Not DONE. 1 DONE bit indicates that the interrupting channel or EU has completed its operation. Multiple EU_Err_Dn Multiple -- Each of the execution units has error and done bits. 0 No error detected. 1 Error detected. Indicates that execution unit status register must be read to determine exact cause of the error. 0 Not DONE. 1 DONE bit indicates that the interrupting channel or EU has completed its operation. Reserved, set to zero. Interrupt Status Register (ISR) The ISR contains fields representing all possible sources of interrupts. The interrupt status register is cleared either by a reset, or by writing the appropriate bits active in the interrupt clear register. Figure 19-85 shows the bit positions of each potential interrupt source. Address 0x3_1010 Access: Read-only 0 14 15 R W -- Reset ITO All zeros DONE Overflow 16 19 CHN_4 CHN_3 CHN_2 CHN_1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1 Err Dn Err Dn Err Dn Err Dn R W -- Reset All zeros KEU 32 37 PKEU 38 39 Err Dn 40 41 42 43 Err Dn RNG 44 45 46 47 Err Dn R W -- Reset -- -- All zeros AFEU 48 49 MDEU 50 51 Err Dn 52 53 54 55 Err Dn AESU 56 57 58 59 Err Dn DEU 60 61 62 63 Err Dn R W -- Reset -- -- -- All zeros Figure 19-85. Interrupt Status Register (ISR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-111 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Interrupt Clear Register (ICR) The interrupt clear register provides a means of clearing the interrupt status register. When a bit in the ICR is written with a 1, the corresponding bit in the ISR is cleared, clearing the interrupt output signal IRQ (assuming the cleared bit in the ISR is the only interrupt source). If the input source to the ISR is a steady-state signal that remains active, the appropriate ISR bit, and subsequently IRQ, will be re-asserted shortly thereafter. Figure 19-86 shows the bit positions of each interrupt source that can be cleared by this register. The complete bit definitions for the ICR can be found in Figure 19-86. When an ICR bit is written, it automatically clears itself one cycle later. That is, it is not necessary to write a `0' to a bit position which has been written with a `1.' NOTE Interrupts are registered and sent based upon the conditions that cause them. If the cause of an interrupt is not removed, the interrupt will return a few cycles after it has been cleared using the ICR. Address 0x3_1018 Access: Write-only 0 14 15 R W -- Reset ITO All zeros DONE Overflow 16 19 CHN_4 CHN_3 CHN_2 CHN_1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1 Err Dn Err Dn Err Dn Err Dn R W -- Reset All zeros KEU 32 37 PKEU 38 39 Err Dn 40 41 42 43 Err Dn RNG 44 45 46 47 Err Dn R W -- Reset -- -- All zeros AFEU 48 49 MDEU 50 51 52 Err Dn 53 54 55 Err Dn AESU 56 57 58 59 Err Dn DEU 60 61 62 63 Err Dn R W Reset -- -- -- -- All zeros Figure 19-86. Interrupt Clear Register (ICR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-112 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 ID Register The read-only ID register, displayed in Figure 19-87, contains a 64-bit value that uniquely identifies the version of the SEC 2.1. The value of this register is always 0x0030_0000_0010_0000. Address 0x3_1020 Access: Read only 0 63 R VERSION W Reset 0x0030_0000_0010_0000 Figure 19-87. ID Register (ID) IP Block Revision Register The read-only IP block revision register, displayed in Figure 19-88, contains a 64-bit value that encodes implementation and integration information specific of the SEC 2.1 as used in the MPC8548E. The value of this register is 0x0030_0000_0010_0000. In general, the ID register is used by the device driver to recognize SEC capabilities, while the IP block revision register is used to track design revisions. Address 0x3_1BF8 Access: Read only 0 R 15 16 IP_ID 23 24 IP_MJ 31 32 IP_MN 39 40 -- 47 48 IP_NT 55 56 -- 63 IP_CFG W Reset 0x0030_0000_0010_0000 Figure 19-88. IP Block Revision Register Table 19-61 describes the fields of the IP block revision register. Table 19-61. Channel Current Descriptor Pointer Register Signals Bits Name Description 0-15 IP_ID IP block identifier 16-23 IP_MJ IP major revision number 24-31 IP_MN IP minor revision number 32-39 -- 40-47 IP_INT 48-55 -- 56-63 IP_CFG Reserved IP block integration options Reserved IP block configuration options MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-113 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Master Control Register (MCR) The MCR, shown in Figure 19-89, controls certain functions in the controller and provides a means for software to reset the SEC. Address 0x3_ 1030 Access: User read/write 0 21 R -- W Reset W 23 24 30 PRIORITY -- 31 SWR All zeros 32 R 22 39 40 CHN3_EU_PR_CNT 47 48 CHN4_EU_PR_CNT Reset 55 CHN3_BUS_PR_CNT 56 63 CHN4_BUS_PR_CNT All zeros Figure 19-89. Master Control Register (MCR) Table 19-62 describes the master control register fields. Table 19-62. Master Control Register (MCR) Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-21 -- 22-23 Priority 24-30 -- 31 SWR 32-39 CHN3_EU_PR_CNT Channel 3 EU priority counter. This counter is used by the controller to determine when Channel 3 has been denied access to a requested EU long enough to warrant immediate elevation to top priority. Note: If set to zero, the CHN4_EU_PR_CTR must also be set to zero, and the controller will assign EU's on a pure round robin basis. If set to non-zero, CHN4_EU_PR_CTR must also be set to a different, non-zero value. 40-47 CHN4_EU_PR_CNT Channel 4 EU priority counter. This counter is used by the controller to determine when Channel 4 has been denied access to a requested EU long enough to warrant immediate elevation to top priority. Note: If set to zero, the CHN3_EU_PR_CTR must also be set to zero, and the controller will assign EU's on a pure round robin basis. If set to non-zero, CHN3_EU_PR_CTR must also be set to a different, non-zero value. Reserved Priority on master bus. The setting of these bits determines the transaction priority level the SEC asserts to the MPC8548E internal arbiter. The SEC does not dynamically alter its priority level based on system congestion or SEC utilization, however software may change the SEC priority level in real-time. 00 Lowest priority (default) 01 Next lowest priority 10 Next highest priority 11 Highest priority Reserved Software reset. Writing 1 to this bit causes a global software reset. Upon completion of the reset, this bit is automatically cleared. 0 Don't reset 1 Global reset MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-114 Freescale Semiconductor Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 Table 19-62. Master Control Register (MCR) Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 48-55 CHN3_BUS_PR_CNT Channel 3 bus priority counter.This counter is used by the controller to determine when Channel 3 has been denied access to the bus long enough to warrant immediate elevation to top priority. Note: If set to zero, the CHN4_BUS_PR_CTR must also be set to zero, and the controller will assign access to the bus on a pure round robin basis. If set to non-zero, CHN4_BUS_PR_CTR must also be set to a different, non-zero value. 56-63 CHN4_BUS_PR_CNT Channel 4 bus priority counter. This counter is used by the controller to determine when Channel 4 has been denied access to a needed on-chip resource long enough to warrant immediate elevation to top priority. Note: If set to zero, the CHN3_BUS_PR_CTR must also be set to zero, and the controller will assign access to the bus on a pure round robin basis. If set to non-zero, CHN3_BUS_PR_CTR must also be set to a different, non-zero value. 19.7 Power-Saving Mode The SEC may be disabled by setting DEVDISR[SEC]. (See Section, "Device Disable Register (DEVDISR)," for more information on this register.). The clocks to the SEC are active by default. The SEC should not be enabled/disabled during normal operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19-115 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 19-116 Freescale Semiconductor Part IV Global Functions and Debug Part IV defines other global blocks of the MPC8548E. The following chapters are included: * Chapter 20, "Global Utilities," defines the global utilities of the MPC8548E. These include power management, I/O device enabling, power-on-reset (POR) configuration monitoring, general-purpose I/O signal use, and multiplexing for the interrupt and local bus chip select signals * Chapter 21, "Device Performance Monitor," describes the performance monitor of the MPC8548E. * Chapter 22, "Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility," describes the debug features and watchpoint monitor of the MPC8548E. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor IV-1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 IV-2 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 20 Global Utilities This chapter describes the global utilities of the MPC8548E. It provides signal descriptions, register descriptions, and a functional description of these utilities. 20.1 Overview The global utilities block controls power management, I/O device enabling, power-on-reset (POR) configuration monitoring, general-purpose I/O signal configuration, alternate function selection for multiplexed signals, and clock control. 20.2 Global Utilities Features This section provides an overview of global utilities features. 20.2.1 Power Management and Block Disables The following features affect the device's overall power consumption: * Dynamic power management mode * Software-controlled power management (doze, nap, sleep) * Externally controlled power management (doze, sleep) * Static power management (I/O block disables) 20.2.2 Accessing Current POR Configuration Settings The POR configuration values of all device parameters sampled from pins at reset are available through memory-mapped registers in the global utilities block. 20.2.3 General-Purpose I/O Certain PCI2 signals, unused external interrupt signals, and eTSEC2 data bus signals can be used as general-purpose I/O signals when not used for their primary function. Section 20.5.2, "General-Purpose I/O Signals," details the use of this supplementary general purpose I/O functionality. 20.2.4 Interrupt and Local Bus Signal Multiplexing IRQ[9:11] and LCS[5:7] serve multiple functions that can be selected by configuration registers in the global utilities block. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-1 Global Utilities 20.2.5 Clock Control The global utilities block also selects the internal clock signal driven on CLK_OUT. 20.3 External Signal Description The following subsections provide information about signals that serve as global utilities. 20.3.1 Signals Overview Table 20-1 summarizes the external signals used by the global utilities block. Table 20-1. External Signal Summary Signal Name I/O Description Reference (Section/page) ASLEEP O Signals that the device has reached a sleep state. CKSTP_IN I Checkstop input Table 20-2 on page 20-2 CKSTP_OUT O Checkstop output. Table 20-2 on page 20-2 CLK_OUT O Clock out. Selected by CLKOCR values. GPOUT[24:31] O General-purpose output. 20.3.2 Detailed Signal Descriptions Table 20-2 describes signals in the global utilities block in detail. Table 20-2. Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O Description ASLEEP O Asleep. See Section, "Sleep Mode." After negation of HRESET, ASLEEP is asserted until the device completes its power-on reset sequence and reaches its ready state. State Asserted--Indicates that the device is either still in its power-on reset sequence or it has Meaning reached a sleep state after a power-down command is issued by software. Negated--The device is not in sleep mode. (It has either awakened from a power-down state, or has completed the POR sequence.) Timing CKSTP_IN I Assertion--May occur at any time; may be asserted asynchronously to the input clocks. Negation--Negates synchronously with SYSCLK when leaving power-on sequence; otherwise negation is asynchronous. Checkstop in State Asserted--Indicates that the e500 core must enter a hard stop condition. All e500 clocks are Meaning turned off. CKSTP_OUT is asserted. The rest of MPC8548E device logic, including memory controllers, internal memories and registers, and I/O interfaces, remains functional. Negated--Indicates that normal operation should proceed. Timing Assertion--May occur at any time; may be asserted asynchronously to the input clocks. Negation--Must remain asserted until the MPC8548E is reset with assertion of HRESET. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-2 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-2. Detailed Signal Descriptions (continued) Signal I/O CKSTP_OUT O Description Checkstop out State Asserted--Indicates that the e500 core of the MPC8548E is in a checkstop state. The rest of Meaning the device logic remains functional. Negated--Indicates normal operation. After CKSTP_OUT has been asserted, it is negated after the next negation (low-to-high transition) of HRESET. Timing CLK_OUT O Assertion--May occur at any time; may be asserted asynchronously to the input clocks. Negation--Must remain asserted until the device has been reset with a hard reset. Clock out. Reflects clock signal selected by CLKOCR (see Section, "Clock Out Control Register (CLKOCR)"). State Asserted--If CLKOCR[ENB] = 1, clock signal selected by CLKOCR[CLK_SEL] is driven. Meaning High impedance--If CLKOCR[ENB] = 0. Timing GPOUT[24:31] 20.4 O Assertion/Negation--Depends on the value of CLKOCR[CLK_SEL]. General-Purpose Output. See Table on page 20-12 for details. Memory Map/Register Definition Table 20-3 summarizes the global utilities registers and their addresses. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 20-3. Global Utilities Block Register Summary Offset Register Access Reset Section/page Power-On Reset Configuration Values 0xE_0000 PORPLLSR--POR PLL ratio status register R 0x00nn_n0nn 0xE_0004 PORBMSR--POR boot mode status register R 0xnnnn_0000 Mixed 0x000n_007F 0xE_000C PORDEVSR--POR I/O device status register R see ref. 0xE_0010 PORDBGMSR--POR debug mode status register R see ref. 0xE_0014 PORDEVSR2--POR I/O device status register 2 R see ref. 0xE_0020 GPPORCR--General-purpose POR configuration register R see ref. 0xE_0008 PORIMPSCR--POR I/O impedance status and control register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-3 Global Utilities Table 20-3. Global Utilities Block Register Summary (continued) Offset Register Access Reset Section/page Signal Multiplexing and GPIO Controls 0xE_0030 GPIOCR--GPIO control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0040 GPOUTDR--General-purpose output data register R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0xnnnn_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 Mixed 0x0000_0000 w1c 0x0000_0000 Mixed 0x0000_0000 0xE_0050 GPINDR--General-purpose input data register 0xE_0060 PMUXCR--Alternate function signal multiplex control Device Disables 0xE_0070 DEVDISR--Device disable control Power Management Registers 0xE_0080 POWMGTCSR--Power management status and control register Interrupt and Reset Status and Control 0xE_0090 MCPSUMR--Machine check summary register 0xE_0094 RSTRSCR--Reset request status and control register Version Registers 0xE_00A0 PVR--Processor version register R e500 processor version 0xE_00A4 SVR--System version register R MPC8548E system version R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 R 0x0000_0000 0xE_0B24 DDRCDR--DDR control driver register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0B28 DDRCLKDR--DDR clock disable register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0E00 CLKOCR--Clock out control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0F04 SRDSCR0--LSerDes control register 0 R/W 0xnn00_nn00 0xE_0F08 SRDSCR1--LSerDes control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_0F28 TSEC12IOOVCR--eTSEC 1 & 2 overdrive control register R/W See register 0xE_0F2C TSEC34IOOVCR--eTSEC 3 & 4 overdrive control register R/W See register Status Registers 0xE_00B0 RSTCR--Reset control register 0xE_00C0 LBCVSELCR--LBC voltage select control register 0xE_0B20 DDRCSR--DDR calibration status register Debug Control MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-4 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities 20.4.1 Register Descriptions This section describes the global utilities registers in detail. POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR) PORPLLSR, shown in Figure 20-1, contains the settings for the PLL ratios as set by the cfg_sys_pll[0:3], cfg_core_pll[0:1], cfg_pci1_clk, and cfg_pci2_clk POR configuration pins. See Section, "System PLL Ratio," and Section, "e500 Core PLL Ratio," for more information. Offset 0xE_0000 Access: Read Only 0 9 R -- 10 15 16 17 18 e500_Ratio PCI1_clk_sel PCI2_clk_sel 25 26 -- 30 31 Plat_Ratio 0 0 n n n n n n W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n nnnn n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20-1. POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR) Table 20-4 describes the bit settings of PORPLLSR. Table 20-4. PORPLLSR Field Descriptions 1 Bits Name 0-9 -- 10-15 e500_Ratio Description Reserved Clock ratio between the e500 core and the CCB clock. The 3 lsbs of this field correspond to the values on cfg_core_pll[0:2] at the negation of HRESET. Patterns not shown are reserved. 000110 3:1 000010 1:1 000111 7:2 000011 3:2 001000 4:1 000100 2:1 001001 9:2 000101 5:2 16 PCI1_clk_sel Clock used for PCI1/PCI-X. This bit corresponds to the values on cfg_pci1_clk_sel at the negation of HRESET: 0 PCI1 runs off of PCI1_CLK 1 PCI1 runs off of SYSCLK 1 17 PCI2_clk_sel Clock used for PCI2. This bit corresponds to the values on cfg_pci2_clk_sel at the negation of HRESET: 0 PCI2 runs off of PCI2_CLK 1 PCI2 runs off of SYSCLK 1 18-25 -- Reserved 26-30 Plat_Ratio 31 -- Clock ratio between the CCB (platform) clock and SYSCLK. The 4 lsbs correspond to the values on cfg_sys_pll[0:3] at the negation of HRESET. Patterns not shown are reserved. 01000 8:1 00010 2:11 01001 9:1 00011 3:1 01010 10:1 00100 4:1 01100 12:1 00101 5:1 10000 16:1 00110 6:1 10100 20:1 Reserved 2:1 CCB to SYSCLK clock ratio may not be selected when PCI1_clk_sel or PCI2_clk_sel are configured to run off of SYSCLK. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-5 Global Utilities POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR) The PORBMSR, shown in Figure 20-2, reports setting of the POR configuration pins that control the boot mode settings (described in Section, "Boot ROM Location," Section, "CPU Boot Configuration," and Section, "Boot Sequencer Configuration") and the default settings of PCI host/agent mode (described in Section, "Host/Agent Configuration"). Offset 0xE_0004 0 1 R BCFG W n Reset Access: Read Only 4 -- 5 7 ROM_LOC 0 0 0 0 n n 8 9 -- 10 11 12 13 BSCFG -- n 00 n n 0 15 16 HA n n 31 -- n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20-2. POR Boot Mode Status Register (PORBMSR) For more information about the PCI configurations, see Section, "PCI Bus Function Register (PBFR)." Figure 20-5 describes the bit settings of the PORBMSR. Table 20-5. PORBMSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 BCFG CPU boot configuration 0 The CPU is prevented from booting until configuration by an external master is complete. 1 The CPU is allowed to start fetching boot code. 1-4 -- 5-7 Reserved ROM_LOC Location of boot ROM. This field reflects the values on cfg_rom_loc[0:2] at the negation of HRESET. 000 001 010 011 PCI1/PCI-X DDR SDRAM PCI2 Serial RapidIO 100 101 110 111 PCI Express Local bus GPCM: 8-bit Local bus GPCM:16-bit Local bus GPCM: 32-bit 8-9 -- Reserved 10-11 BSCFG 12 -- Reserved 13-15 HA Host/agent mode configuration. When the MPC8548E is an agent on an interface, it is prevented from mastering transactions on that interface until the external host configures the interface appropriately. Note that PCI2 is always in host mode. 000 PCI Express and Serial RapidIO agent mode x01 Serial RapidIO agent mode 010 PCI Express agent mode 011 PCI1/PCI-X and PCI Express agent mode 100 PCI1/PCI-X and Serial RapidIO agent mode 110 PCI1/PCI-X agent mode 111 Host mode 16-31 -- Reserved Boot sequencer configuration 00 Reserved 01 Boot sequencer enabled with normal I2C addressing 10 Boot sequencer enabled with extended I2C addressing 11 Boot sequencer disabled MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-6 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities POR I/O Impedance Status and Control Register (PORIMPSCR) PORIMPSCR, shown in Figure 20-3,contains the current I/O driver impedances for local bus and PCI interfaces. Offset 0xE_0008 Access: Mixed 0 13 R -- W 14 15 16 24 25 PCI2_Z PCI1_Z Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n -- 0 0 0 0 0 31 LBC_Z 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 20-3. POR I/O Impedance Status and Control Register (PORIMPSCR) The I/O impedance of local bus signals (including the local bus clock) is controlled through this register. The I/O impedance of PCI signals is controlled by POR configuration pins (described in Section, "PCI I/O Impedance"). The MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specification provides exact I/O impedances. Table 20-6 describes PORIMPSCR fields. Table 20-6. PORIMPSCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-13 -- Description Reserved 14 PCI2_Z PCI2 I/O impedance 0 Low impedance 1 High impedance 15 PCI1_Z PCI1 I/O impedance 0 Low impedance 1 High impedance 16-24 -- Reserved 25-31 LBC_Z I/O impedance for these local bus signals: LAD[0:31], LDP[0:3], LA[27:31], LCS[1:2], LWE[0:3], LGPL[0:5], LCKE, LCLK[0:2] Note: Other signals (eg. LALE, LCS[0], LCS[3:7]) use a fixed high I/O impedance 1111111 High impedance else Low impedance MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-7 Global Utilities POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR) Shown in Figure 20-4, PORDEVSR reports other POR settings for I/O devices as described in Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width," Section, "eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Width," Section, "eTSEC2 Protocol," Section, "PCI Arbiter Configuration," and Section, "PCI Bus Width." Offset 0xE_000C R Access: Read Only 0 1 ECW1 ECW2 2 5 n n 0 0 n 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 7 ECP1 -- W Reset 6 0 R PCI1_SPD PCI2_SPD ECP2 ECP3 n n 23 24 ECP4 -- W Reset 0 0 n n n n n 8 PCI1 n 0 9 10 12 IO_SEL -- 0 n n 25 26 27 RTYPE n n -- 13 n n 28 29 RIO_CTLS 0 14 15 PCI2_ARB PCI1_ARB PCI32 0 n n 31 DEV_ID n 0 0 Figure 20-4. POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR) Table 20-7 describes the bit settings of PORDEVSR. Table 20-7. PORDEVSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 ECW1 eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 controller width (See Section, "eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 Width.") 0 Reduced interfaces for eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 (RGMII, RTBI, or 8-bit FIFO on eTSEC1) 1 Full interfaces for eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 (MII, GMII, TBI, or 16-bit FIFO on eTSEC1) note: FIFO mode on eTSEC2 is always 8-bits regardless of ECW1 1 ECW2 eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 controller width (See Section, "eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 Width.") 0 Reduced interfaces for eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 (RGMII, RTBI) 1 Full interface for eTSEC3 (MII, GMII, TBI); eTSEC4 unavailable note: FIFO mode on eTSEC3 is always 8-bits regardless of ECW2. 2-5 -- 6-7 ECP1 eTSEC1 controller protocol (See Section, "eTSEC1 Protocol.") 00 The eTSEC1 controller operates using the 16-bit FIFO protocol (or 8-bit FIFO if configured in reduced mode). 01 The eTSEC1 controller operates using the MII protocol (or RMII if configured in reduced mode). 10 The eTSEC1 controller operates using the GMII protocol (or RGMII if configured in reduced mode). 11 The eTSEC1 controller operates using the TBI protocol (or RTBI if configured in reduced mode). note: 16-bit FIFO mode on eTSEC1 disables eTSEC2. 8 PCI1 PCI1/PCI-X mode (See Section, "PCI-X Configuration.") 0 PCI-X Mode 1 PCI1 Mode 9 -- Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-8 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-7. PORDEVSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 10-12 IO_SEL Description I/O port selection mode (See Section, "I/O Port Selection.") 000 Reserved 001 Reserved 010 Reserved 011 Serial RapidIO x4 (2.5Gbps); PCI Express x4 (2.5Gbps) 100MHz ref clock 100 Serial RapidIO x4 (1.25Gbps); PCI Express x4 (2.5Gbps) 100MHz ref clock 101 Serial RapidIO x4 (3.125Gbps) 125MHz ref clock 110 Serial RapidIO x4 (1.25Gbps) 100MHz ref clock 111 PCI Express x8 100MHz ref clock 13 PCI2_ARB PCI2 arbiter enable (See Section, "PCI Arbiter Configuration.") 0 PCI2 arbiter is disabled 1 PCI2 arbiter is enabled 14 PCI1_ARB PCI1/PCI-X arbiter enable (See Section, "PCI Arbiter Configuration.") 0 PCI1/PCI-X arbiter is disabled 1 PCI1/PCI-X arbiter is enabled 15 PCI32 PCI1/PCI-X interface width (See Section, "PCI Bus Width.") 0 64-bit 1 32-bit. PCI2 may be enabled. 16 PCI1_SPD PCI1/PCI-X speed (See Section, "PCI Speed Configuration.") 0 PCI1/PCI-X set for low speed operation--PCI below 33MHz or PCI-X below 66MHz 1 PCI1/PCI-X set for normal speed operation--PCI at or above 33MHz, or PCI-X at or above 66MHz 17 PCI2_SPD PCI2 speed (See Section, "PCI Speed Configuration.") 0 PCI2 set for low speed operation--below 33MHz 1 PCI2 set for normal speed operation--at or above 33MHz 18-19 ECP2 eTSEC2 controller protocol (See Section, "eTSEC2 Protocol.") 00 The eTSEC2 controller operates using the 8-bit FIFO protocol. 01 The eTSEC2 controller operates using the MII protocol (or RMII if configured in reduced mode). 10 The eTSEC2 controller operates using the GMII protocol (or RGMII if configured in reduced mode). 11 The eTSEC2 controller operates using the TBI protocol (or RTBI if configured in reduced mode). 20-21 ECP3 eTSEC3 controller protocol (See Section, "eTSEC3 Protocol.") 00 The eTSEC3 controller operates using the 8-bit FIFO protocol. 01 The eTSEC3 controller operates using the MII protocol (or RMII if configured in reduced mode). 10 The eTSEC3 controller operates using the GMII protocol (or RGMII if configured in reduced mode). 11 The eTSEC3 controller operates using the TBI protocol (or RTBI if configured in reduced mode). Note: Operation of eTSEC3 in MII, GMII, TBI, or FIFO modes disables eTSEC4. 22-23 ECP4 eTSEC4 controller protocol (See Section, "eTSEC4 Protocol.") 00 Reserved 01 The eTSEC4 controller operates RMII 10 The eTSEC4 controller operates using the RGMII protocol 11 The eTSEC4 controller operates using the RTBI protocol Note: eTSEC4 is only available when eTSEC3 is operating in a reduced interface mode--RMII, RGMII, or RTBI. eTSEC4 does not support FIFO mode. 24 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-9 Global Utilities Table 20-7. PORDEVSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 25-26 RTYPE 27 -- 28 Description DRAM Type (See Section, "DDR SDRAM Type.") 00 Reserved 01 DDR1 10 Reserved 11 DDR2 Reserved RIO_CTLS RapidIO system size (See Section, "RapidIO System Size.") 0 Device does not support common transport large systems (up to 256 devices) 1 Device supports common transport large systems (up to 65,536 devices) 29-31 DEV_ID Serial RapidIO device ID (See Section, "RapidIO Device ID.") POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR) PORDBGMSR, shown in Figure 20-5, holds debug mode settings from the POR configuration pins as described in Section, "Memory Debug Configuration," Section, "DDR Debug Configuration," and Section, "PCI Debug Configuration." Offset 0xE_0010 Access: Read Only 0 4 R -- W Reset 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 MEM_SEL DDR_DBG PCI1_DBG 0 0 n n n 31 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20-5. POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR) Table 20-8 describes the bit settings of PORDBGMSR. Table 20-8. PORDBGMSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 -- Description Reserved 5 MEM_SEL Memory select. Indicates which controller is driving MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL. 0 Local bus controller is driving debug information 1 DDR SDRAM controller is driving debug information 6 DDR_DBG DDR debug configuration 0 SourceID and data valid information is being driven on ECC pins of DDR SDRAM interface 1 Normal mode. ECC information is being driven on ECC pins of DDR SDRAM interface 7 PCI1_DBG PCI1/PCI-X debug configuration. Note that PCI1/PCI-X must be configured for 64-bit mode to see source ID debug information. If configured for 32-bit mode, this bitfield is disregarded. 0 PCI1/PCI-X drives source ID onto signals PCI2_AD[30:26]/PCI1_AD[62:58]. Note that PCI1/PCI-X must be configured for 64 bit mode to see source ID debug information. 1 PCI1/PCI-X drives address 62:58 onto signals PCI2_AD[30:26]/PCI1_AD[62:58]. 8-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-10 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities POR Device Status Register 2 (PORDEVSR2) Shown in Figure 20-6,the PORDEVSR2 reports POR settings as described in Section, "SerDes Enable." Offset 0xE_0014 Access: Read Only 0 28 R -- 29 30 SRDS_EN 31 -- W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 20-6. POR Device Status Register 2 (PORDEVSR2) Table 20-9 describes the bit settings of PORDEVSR2. Table 20-9. PORDEVSR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 -- 29 Description Reserved SRDS_EN Enable SerDes block. (Driven by POR reset signal: TSEC4_TXD2 / cfg_srds_en) 0 SerDes interface is disabled. 1 SerDes interface is enabled. (default) 30-31 -- Reserved General-Purpose POR Configuration Register (GPPORCR) GPPORCR stores the value sampled from the local bus address/data signals, LAD[0:31], during POR, as described in Section, "General-Purpose POR Configuration." Software can use this value to inform the operating system about initial system configuration. Typical interpretations include circuit board type, board ID number, or a list of available peripherals. GPPORCR is shown in Figure 20-7. Offset 0xE_0020 Access: Read Only 0 31 R POR_CFG_VEC W Reset n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Figure 20-7. POR Configuration Register (GPPORCR) Table 20-10 describes the bit settings of GPPORCR. Table 20-10. GPPORCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 POR_CFG_VEC General-purpose POR configuration vector sampled from local bus address/data signals at the negation of HRESET. Note that if nothing is driven on these signals during reset, the value of this register is indeterminate. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-11 Global Utilities General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR) Shown in Figure 20-8, GPIOCR contains the enable bits for each group of pins that may be used for general-purpose I/O. These bits have meaning only if the pins are not being used for their primary function. Note that when these signals are enabled as general-purpose I/O signals, they are read and written through GPINDR and GPOUTDR described in Section, "General-Purpose Input Data Register (GPINDR)," and Section, "General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPOUTDR)." Section 20.5.2, "General-Purpose I/O Signals," describes the use of general-purpose I/O signals. Offset 0xE_0030 0 Access: Read/Write 5 R -- W 6 7 8 Tx2out Rx2in 13 -- 14 15 16 PCIout PCIin Reset 21 -- 22 23 GPout 31 -- All zeros Figure 20-8. General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR) Table 20-11 describes the bit settings of GPIOCR. Table 20-11. GPIOCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-5 -- Description Reserved 6 Tx2out Enables TSEC2_TX[7:0] for use as general-purpose output if the eTSEC2 interface is disabled and eTSEC1 is not configured for 16-bit FIFO mode. 7 Rx2in 8-13 -- 14 Reserved PCIout Enables PCI2_AD[15:8] for use as general-purpose output. Note that the PCI1 interface must be configured for 32-bit mode AND the PCI2 interface must be disabled. 15 PCIin 16-21 -- 22 Enables TSEC2_RX[7:0] for use as general-purpose input if the eTSEC2 interface is disabled and eTSEC1 is not configured for 16-bit FIFO mode. Enables PCI2_AD[7:0] for use as general-purpose input. Note that the PCI1 interface must be configured for 32-bit mode AND the PCI2 interface must be disabled. Reserved GPout Enables GPOUT[24:31] for use as general-purpose output. 23-31 -- Reserved General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPOUTDR) GPOUTDR, shown in Figure 20-9, contains the data driven as general-purpose output on TSEC2_TxD[7:0] and/or PCI2_AD[15:8] when either or both of these buses are configured as general-purpose I/O buses, as described in Section, "General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR)." Writes to GPOUTDR affect only pins enabled as general-purpose outputs. Reads return valid data only for bits corresponding to pins enabled as general-purpose outputs. GPOUTDR may be accessed using single byte writes (using big-endian addressing) so that writes to one byte do not affect outputs controlled by others. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-12 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Offset 0xE_0040 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R 23 24 GPOUT W Reset -- 31 GPOUT All zeros Figure 20-9. General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPOUTDR) Table 20-12 describes the fields of GPOUTDR. Table 20-12. GPOUTDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description General-purpose output data. When the corresponding signals are configured to be general-purpose output signals, the values of the bits of GPOUT are driven onto those pins. 0-15 GPOUT GPOUTDR[0:7] corresponds to TSEC2_TXD[7:0] as follows: GPOUTDR[0] TSEC2_TXD[7] GPOUTDR[1] TSEC2_TXD[6] GPOUTDR[2] TSEC2_TXD[5] GPOUTDR[3] TSEC2_TXD[4] GPOUTDR[4] TSEC2_TXD[3] GPOUTDR[5] TSEC2_TXD[2] GPOUTDR[6] TSEC2_TXD[1] GPOUTDR[7] TSEC2_TXD[0] 16-23 -- GPOUTDR[8:15] corresponds to PCI2_AD[15:8] as follows: GPOUTDR[8] PCI2_AD[15] GPOUTDR[9] PCI2_AD[14] GPOUTDR[10] PCI2_AD[13] GPOUTDR[11] PCI2_AD[12] GPOUTDR[12] PCI2_AD[11] GPOUTDR[13] PCI2_AD[10] GPOUTDR[14] PCI2_AD[9] GPOUTDR[15] PCI2_AD[8] Reserved, should be cleared 24-31 GPOUT General-purpose output data. The values of the bits of field GPOUTDR[24:31] are driven onto pins GPOUT[24:31] as follows: GPOUTDR[24] GPOUT[24] GPOUTDR[25] GPOUT[25] GPOUTDR[26] GPOUT[26] GPOUTDR[27] GPOUT[27] GPOUTDR[28] GPOUT[28] GPOUTDR[29] GPOUT[29] GPOUTDR[30] GPOUT[30] GPOUTDR[31] GPOUT[31] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-13 Global Utilities General-Purpose Input Data Register (GPINDR) GPINDR, shown in Figure 20-10, contains the data currently sampled as general-purpose input on TSEC2_RxD[7:0] and/or PCI2_AD[7:0] when either or both of these buses are configured as general-purpose I/O buses in GPIOCR (see Section, "General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR)." GPINDR bits are updated only if the associated bits are configured as general-purpose input pins rather than their primary functions. Offset 0xE_0050 Access: Read Only 0 15 16 R 31 GPIN -- W Reset n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20-10. General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPINDR) Table 20-12 describes the fields of GPINDR. Table 20-13. GPINDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-15 GPIN General-purpose input data. When the corresponding signals are configured to be general-purpose input signals, the values sampled on these signals are reflected in GPIN. GPINDR[8:15] corresponds to PCI2_AD[7:0] as follows: GPINDR[8] PCI2_AD[7] GPINDR[9] PCI2_AD[6] GPINDR[10] PCI2_AD[5] GPINDR[11] PCI2_AD[4] GPINDR[12] PCI2_AD[3] GPINDR[13] PCI2_AD[2] GPINDR[14] PCI2_AD[1] GPINDR[15] PCI2_AD[0] GPINDR[0:7] corresponds to TSEC2_RXD[7:0] as follows: GPINDR[0] TSEC2_RXD[7] GPINDR[1] TSEC2_RXD[6] GPINDR[2] TSEC2_RXD[5] GPINDR[3] TSEC2_RXD[4] GPINDR[4] TSEC2_RXD[3] GPINDR[5] TSEC2_RXD[2] GPINDR[6] TSEC2_RXD[1] GPINDR[7] TSEC2_RXD[0] 16-31 -- Reserved Alternate Function Signal Multiplex Control Register (PMUXCR) Shown in Figure 20-11, PMUXCR contains bits that enable DMA channels 2 and 3 which exist as alternate functions on local bus chip select pins LCS[5:7], and interrupt input pins IRQ[9:11], respectively. Specifically, DMA request, acknowledge, and done signals comprise the secondary functions for the associated IRQ and local bus chip select signals. Offset 0xE_0060 Access: Read/Write 0 R W Reset 14 -- 15 16 DMA2 30 -- 31 DMA3 All zeros Figure 20-11. Alternate Function Pin Multiplex Control Register (PMUXCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-14 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-14 describes the bit settings of PMUXCR. Table 20-14. PMUXCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-14 -- 15 DMA2 16-30 -- 31 DMA3 Description Reserved Enables DMA channel 2 signals. 0 DMA channel 2 is not exposed to pins; the pins retain their primary function as local bus chip selects 1 DMA channel 2 is exposed to pins as follows: LCS5 functions as DMA_DREQ2 LCS6 functions as DMA_DACK2 LCS7 functions as DMA_DDONE2 Reserved Enables DMA channel 3 signals. 0 DMA channel 3 is not exposed to pins; the pins retain their primary function as interrupt requests. 1 DMA channel 3 is exposed to pins as follows: IRQ9 functions as DMA_DREQ3 IRQ10 functions as DMA_DACK3 IRQ11 functions as DMA_DDONE3 Device Disable Register (DEVDISR) DEVDISR, shown in Figure 20-12, contains disable bits for various functional blocks. Offset 0xE_0070 0 R W Reset R W Reset PCI1 Access: Read/Write 1 2 PCI2 PCIE 0 n n 16 17 18 E500 TB 0 0 3 4 -- LBC n 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 n 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -- 0 0 5 6 -- 0 8 10 SEC DMA 0 7 -- 0 11 -- 0 0 13 14 15 -- DDR n 0 01 28 29 30 31 -- I2C DUART -- 0 0 0 01 SRIO RMSG TSEC1 TSEC2 TSEC3 TSEC4 0 12 0 n Figure 20-12. Device Disable Register (DEVDISR) 1 n bits depend on the state of the corresponding POR configuration signals at reset. All functional blocks are enabled after reset; unneeded blocks can be disabled to reduce power consumption or allow their signals to be used as general-purpose I/O signals. See Section, "General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR)." Blocks disabled by DEVDISR must not be re-enabled without a hard reset, except for the time base, which can be freely disabled and re-enabled at any time. Section, "Shutting Down Unused Blocks," has more information on the use of DEVDISR. Table 20-15 describes DEVDISR fields. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-15 Global Utilities . Table 20-15. DEVDISR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 PCI1 PCI1/PCI-X controller disable 0 PCI1/PCI-X controller enable 1 PCI1 controller disable 1 PCI2 PCI2 controller disable 0 PCI2 controller enable 1 PCI2 controller disable. PCI2_AD[15:0] may be used as general-purpose I/O provided PCI1 is disabled or in 32-bit mode. The Serial RapidIO interface may be enabled provided PCI2 is disabled. 2 PCIE PCI Express controller disable 0 PCI Express controller enable 1 PCI Express controller disable 3 -- 4 LBC 5-6 -- 7 SEC 8-11 -- 12 SRIO 13 RMSG RapidIO message units disable 0 RapidIO message units enable 1 RapidIO message units disable Reserved Local bus controller disable 0 Local bus controller enable 1 Local bus controller disable Reserved Security disable 0 Security enable 1 Security disable Reserved Serial RapidIO controller disable 0 Serial RapidIO controller enable 1 Serial RapidIO controller disable; the PCI2 controller may be enabled provided the Serial RapidIO controller is disabled. 14 -- Reserved 15 DDR DDR SDRAM controller disable 0 DDR SDRAM controller enable 1 DDR SDRAM controller disable 16 E500 e500 core disable 0 e500 core enable 1 e500 core disable. Places the core in the core_stopped state in which it does not respond to interrupts. Equivalent to nap mode. Instruction fetching is stopped, snooping is disabled, and clocks are shut down to all functional units of the core including the timer facilities. For more information, see Section, "Shutting Down Unused Blocks." 17 TB Time base (timer facilities) of the e500 core disable. 0 Timer facilities enabled 1 Timer facilities disabled Note that unlike other the blocks disabled by fields in this register, the time base may be freely disabled and then re-enabled without a hard reset. 18-20 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-16 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-15. DEVDISR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 21 DMA 22-23 -- Description DMA controller disabled 0 DMA controller enabled 1 DMA controller disabled Reserved 24 TSEC1 Three-speed Ethernet controller 1 disable 0 eTSEC1 enabled 1 eTSEC1 disabled 25 TSEC2 Three-speed Ethernet controller 2 disable 0 eTSEC2 enabled 1 eTSEC2 disabled. RxD and TxD pins may be used for general-purpose I/O 26 TSEC3 Three-speed Ethernet controller 3 disable 0 eTSEC1 enabled 1 eTSEC1 disabled 27 TSEC4 Three-speed Ethernet controller 4 disable 0 eTSEC1 enabled 1 eTSEC1 disabled 28 -- Reserved 29 I2C I2C controllers disabled 0 I2C controllers enabled 1 I2C controllers disabled 30 DUART Dual UART controller disabled 0 DUART enabled 1 DUART disabled 31 -- Reserved Power Management Control and Status Register (POWMGTCSR) Shown in Figure 20-13, POWMGTCSR contains bits for placing the MPC8548E into low power states and for controlling when it wakes up. It also contains power management status bits. See Section, "Interrupts and Power Management Controlled by POWMGTCSR," for more information. Offset 0xE_0080 0 R W Access: Mixed 1 IRQ_MSK CI_MSK Reset 2 11 -- 12 13 14 15 DOZ -- SLP 27 -- 28 29 30 31 DOZING NAPPING SLPING -- All zeros Figure 20-13. Power Management Control and Status Register (POWMGTCSR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-17 Global Utilities Table 20-16 describes the bit settings of POWMGTCSR. Table 20-16. POWMGTCSR Field Descriptions Bits 0 Name Description IRQ_MSK Interrupt input mask 0 Interrupts cause the device to wake up from a low-power state. 1 Interrupts are masked as a wake-up condition. The device remains in a low-power state despite the presence of an interrupt request. 1 CI_MSK 2-11 -- 12 DOZ 13 -- 14 SLP 15-27 -- 28 DOZING 29 NAPPING Nap status 0 Device is not in nap mode. 1 The MPC8548E is in nap mode because HID0[NAP] and MSR[WE] are set. The core has halted instruction fetching, snooping of the L1 caches is disabled, and all of the core's functional units except the timer facilities are shut down. All functional blocks in the device are running. 30 SLPING 31 -- Critical interrupt input mask 0 Critical interrupts cause the device to wake up from a low power state. 1 Critical interrupts are masked as a wake-up condition. The device remains in a low-power state despite the presence of a critical interrupt. Reserved Doze mode. 0 No request to put device in doze mode. Note that this bit is automatically cleared on MCP, UDE, SRESET, core_tbint (from the core) and also int and cint if not masked. 1 Device is to be placed in doze mode. Instruction fetching is halted in the e500 core. Note that this bit is logically ORed with HID0[DOZE]. Reserved Sleep mode 0 No request to put device in sleep mode. 1 Device is to be placed in sleep mode. Instruction fetching is halted, snooping of L1 caches is disabled, and most functional blocks are shut down in both the e500 core and the system logic. Reserved Doze status 0 Device is not in doze mode. 1 The MPC8548E is in doze mode because POWMGTCSR[DOZ] is set or because HID0[DOZE] and MSR[WE] (in the e500 core) are set. The core has halted instruction fetching, but all other functional blocks in the core and device are running. Sleep status 0 Device is not attempting to reach sleep mode. 1 The device is attempting to SLEEP because POWMGTCSR[SLP] is set or because HID0[SLEEP] and MSR[WE] (in the e500 core) are set. Most functional blocks in the core and device are shut down or are attempting to shut down. Reserved. Should be cleared. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-18 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Machine Check Summary Register (MCPSUMR) Shown in Figure 20-14, MCPSUMR contains bits summarizing some of the sources of a pending machine check interrupt. All MCPSUMR bits function as write-1-to-clear. NOTE Register fields designated as write-1-to-clear are cleared only by writing ones to them. Writing zeros to them has no effect. Note that other conditions can cause a machine check condition not summarized in MCPSUMR. For example, uncorrectable read errors cause the assertion of core_fault_in, which may directly cause a machine check (if HID1[RFXE] = 1). If RFXE = 0, the assertion of core_fault_in does not directly cause a machine check interrupt, but must be handled by the block that generated the error. For more information about RFXE, see Section 6.10.2, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)." Offset 0xE_0090 Access: w1c 0 28 R -- W 29 w1c Reset 30 31 WRS SRESET MCP_IN w1c w1c All zeros Figure 20-14. Machine Check Summary Register (MCPSUMR) Table 20-17 describes the bit settings of MCPSUMR. Table 20-17. MCPSUMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-28 -- 29 WRS Description Reserved Watchdog timer machine check 0 Machine check exception was not caused by watchdog timer. 1 Machine check was caused by a soft reset condition from the e500 watchdog timer as configured in the core's TSR. Specifically, TSR[WRS] = 01 and a watchdog reset condition occurred. 30 SRESET Soft reset machine check 0 Machine check exception was not caused by SRESET assertion. 1 Machine check exception was caused by the assertion of the SRESET input signal. 31 MCP_IN MCP signal asserted 0 Machine check exception was not caused by MCP assertion. 1 Machine check exception was caused by the assertion of the MCP input signal. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-19 Global Utilities Reset Request Status and Control Register (RSTRSCR) Shown in Figure 20-15, the RSTRSCR contains mask bits for RapidIO and PCI Express reset requests, status for boot sequencer, watchdog timer, RapidIO, and PCI Express requests, and a software settable reset request bit. Offset 0xE_0094 0 R W Access: Mixed 1 7 SRIO_MSK 8 9 SRIO_RR -- 10 11 12 13 31 BS_RR WDT_RR SW_RR -- Reset -- All zeros Figure 20-15. Reset Request Status and Control Register (RSTRSCR) Table 20-18 describes the bit settings of RSTRSCR. Table 20-18. RSTRSCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 SRIO_MSK 1-7 -- 8 SRIO_RR 9 -- 10 BS_RR Boot sequence reset request 11 WDT_RR Watchdog timer reset request 12 SW_RR 13-31 -- Serial RapidIO (SRIO) reset request mask Reserved Serial RapidIO (SRIO) reset request Reserved Software settable reset request Reserved Processor Version Register (PVR) Shown in Figure 20-16, the PVR contains the e500 processor version number. It is a memory-mapped copy of the PVR in the e500 core (and is therefore accessible to external devices). Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," lists the complete values for the MPC8548E. Offset 0xE_00A0 Access: Read only 0 15 16 R 31 Version Revision W Reset n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Figure 20-16. Processor Version Register (PVR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-20 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-19 describes the fields of PVR. Table 20-19. PVR Field Descriptions Bits Name 32-47 Description Version A 16-bit number that identifies the version of the processor. Different version numbers indicate major differences between processors, such as which optional facilities and instructions are supported. (See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," for specific values.) 48-63 Revision A 16-bit number that distinguishes between implementations of the version. Different revision numbers indicate minor differences between processors having the same version number, such as clock rate and engineering change level. (See Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," for specific values.) System Version Register (SVR) Shown in Figure 20-17, the SVR contains the system version number for the MPC8548E implementation. This value can also be read though the SVR SPR of the e500 core. See Section 6.5.4, "System Version Register (SVR)." Section 5.2, "e500 Processor and System Version Numbers," lists the complete values for the MPC8548E. Offset 0xE_00A4 Access: Read only 0 31 R System Version W Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Figure 20-17. System Version Register (SVR) Table 20-20 describes the fields of SVR. Table 20-20. SVR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 SV Description System version numbers for the MPC8548E system logic 0x8039_0020 for MPC8548E with security 0x8031_0020 for MPC8548 without security 0x8039_0120 for MPC8547E with security 0x8039_0220 for MPC8545E with security 0x8031_0220 for MPC8545 without security 0x803A_0020 for MPC8543E with security 0x8032_0020 for MPC8543 without security MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-21 Global Utilities Reset Control Register (RSTCR) Shown in Figure 20-18, the RSTCR contains the reset control bits. Offset 0xE_00B0 Access: Read/Write 0 29 R -- W Reset 30 31 HRESET_REQ -- All zeros Figure 20-18. Reset Control Register (RSTCR) Table 20-21 describes the bit settings of RSTCR. Table 20-21. RSTCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-29 -- 30 HRESET_REQ 31 -- Reserved Hardware reset request Reserved LBC Voltage Select Control Register (LBCVSELCR) Shown in Figure 20-19, the LBCVSELR contains local bus voltage control bits. Offset 0xE_00C0 Access: Read/Write 0 25 26 R -- W Reset 27 28 LBCV 31 -- All zeros Figure 20-19. LBC Voltage Select Control Register (LBCVSELCR) Table 20-22 describes the bit settings of LBCVSELCR. Table 20-22. LBCVSELCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-25 -- 26-27 LBCV 28-31 -- Description Reserved Selects the I/O voltage for the local bus 00 (default) 3.3 V 01 2.5 V 10 Reserved 11 Reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-22 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities DDR Calibration Status Register (DDRCSR) Shown in Figure 20-20, the DDRCSR contains debug status bits from the DDR SDRAM controller. Offset 0xE_0B20 0 1 Access: Read Only 2 R DDRDC 5 PZ 6 9 10 31 NZ -- W Reset All zeros Figure 20-20. DDR Calibration Status Register (DDRCSR) Table 20-23 describes the bit settings of DDRCSR. Table 20-23. DDRCSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-1 DDRDC DDR driver compensation input value. This field reflects the current state of the MDIC[0:1] driver impedance calibration signals. 2-5 PZ Current setting of PFET driver impedance (Field values not defined below are reserved.) 0000 Highest impedance; half strength 1000 Higher impedance 1100 Nominal impedance 1110 Lower impedance 1111 Lowest impedance; double strength 6-9 NZ Current setting of NFET driver impedance (Field values not defined below are reserved.) 0000 Highest impedance; half strength 1000 Higher impedance 1100 Nominal impedance 1110 Lower impedance 1111 Lowest impedance; double strength 10-31 -- Reserved DDR Control Driver Register (DDRCDR) DDRCDR contains bits that allow control over the I/O drivers of the DDR SDRAM controller. The fields in DDRCDR, other than ODT, are used to enable driver calibration with the MDIC[0:1] pins. This can be used to calibrate the DDR drivers to 18 ohms. However, this should only be used for full-strength driver applications. If half strength is desired, then this calibration should remain disabled. The hardware DDR driver calibration is enabled using DDRCDR[DHC_EN]. If this is used, then it should be set before DDR_SDRAM_CFG[MEM_EN] is set. Software can be used to calibrate the drivers instead of the automatic hardware calibration. If software calibration is used, the following steps should be taken: 1. Set DDRCDR[DSO_EN] and ensure that DDRCDR[DHC_EN] is cleared. 2. Set the highest impedance (value 0000) for DDRCDR[DSO_PZ]. 3. Set DDRCDR[DSO_PZ_OE] to enable the output enable for MDIC[0]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-23 Global Utilities 4. After at least 4 cycles, read DDRCSR[0]. If the value is 0, then use the next lower impedance, and read DDRCSR[0] again. Once a value of 1 is detected, then leave DDRCDR[DSO_PZ] at the calibrated value. 5. Clear DDRCDR[DSO_PZ_OE]. 6. After DDRCDR[DSO_PZ] is calibrated, set a value of 0000 for DDRCDR[DSO_NZ]. 7. Set DDRCDR[DSO_NZ_OE] to enable the output enable for MDIC[1]. 8. After at least 4 cycles, read DDRCSR[1]. If the value is 1, then use the next lower impedance, and read DDRCSR[1] again. Once a value of 0 is detected, then leave DDRCDR[DSO_NZ] at the calibrated value. 9. Clear DDRCDR[DSO_NZ_OE]. Note that the legal impedance values (from highest impedance to lowest impedance) are: * 0000 * 1000 * 1100 * 1110 * 1111 DDRCDR is shown in Figure 20-21. Offset 0xE_0B24 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 2 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 DHC_EN DSO_EN DSO_PZ DSO_NZ DSO_PZ_OE DSO_NZ_OE ODT Reset 31 -- All zeros Figure 20-21. DDR Control Driver Register (DDRCDR) Table 20-24 describes the bit settings of DDRCDR. Table 20-24. DDRCDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 DHC_EN DDR driver hardware compensation enable 1 DSO_EN DDR driver software override enable 2-5 DSO_PZ DDR driver software p-impedance override 6-9 DSO_NZ DDR driver software n-impedance override 10 DSO_PZ_OE DDR driver software p-impedance OE 11 DSO_NZ_OE DDR driver software n-impedance OE 12 ODT 13-31 -- ODT termination value for IOs 0 ODT termination of 75 ohms 1 ODT termination of 150 ohms Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-24 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities DDR Clock Disable Register (DDRCLKDR) Shown in Figure 20-21, the DDRCLKDR contains bits that allow disabling the clocks of the DDR SDRAM controller. Offset 0xE_0B28 Access: Read/Write 0 25 R -- W 26 27 28 29 30 31 MCK0_DIS MCK1_DIS MCK2_DIS MCK3_DIS MCK4_DIS MCK5_DIS Reset All zeros Figure 20-22. DDR Clock Disable Register (DDRCLKDR) Table 20-24 describes the bit settings of DDRCLKDR. Table 20-25. DDRCLKDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-25 -- 26 MCK0_DIS DDR clock 0 disable 0 MCK0 is enabled. 1 MCK0 is disabled. 27 MCK1_DIS DDR clock 1 disable 0 MCK1 is enabled. 1 MCK1 is disabled. 28 MCK2_DIS DDR clock 2 disable 0 MCK2 is enabled. 1 MCK2 is disabled. 29 MCK3_DIS DDR clock 3 disable 0 MCK3 is enabled. 1 MCK3 is disabled. 30 MCK4_DIS DDR clock 4 disable 0 MCK4 is enabled. 1 MCK4 is disabled. 31 MCK5_DIS DDR clock 5 disable 0 MCK5 is enabled. 1 MCK5 is disabled. Reserved Clock Out Control Register (CLKOCR) Shown in Figure 20-23, the CLKOCR contains control bits that select the clock sources to be placed on the clock out (CLK_OUT) signal. Offset 0xE_0E00 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 25 26 ENB -- Reset 31 CLK_SEL All zeros Figure 20-23. Clock Out Control Register (CLKOCR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-25 Global Utilities Table 20-26 describes the bit settings of CLKOCR. Table 20-26. CLKOCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 ENB 1-25 -- 26-31 Description Clock out enable 0 CLK_OUT signal is three-stated 1 CLK_OUT signal is driven according to CLKOCR[CLK_SEL] Reserved CLK_SEL Clock out select 000000 CCB (platform) clock 000001 CCB (platform) clock divided by 2 000010 SYSCLK (echoes SYSCLK input) 000011 SYSCLK divided by 2 (demonstrates platform PLL lock) 000100 Reserved 000101 Reserved 000110 Reserved 000111 Reserved 001000 Reserved 001001 Reserved 001010 Reserved 001011 Reserved 001100 Reserved 001101 Reserved 001110 Reserved 001111 Reserved 01xx0x Reserved 01xx1x 10x000 10x001 10x010 10x011 10x100 10x101 10x110 10x111 11x000 11x001 11x010 11x011 11x100 11x101 11x110 11x111 Reserved Reserved Reserved PCI1 bus clock PCI1 bus clock divided by 2 Reserved Reserved Reserved Logic 0 Reserved Reserved PCI2 bus clock PCI2 bus clock divided by 2 Reserved Reserved Reserved Logic 1 SerDes Control Register 0 (SRDSCR0) Shown in Figure 20-24, SRDSCR0 contains control bits for the SerDes high-speed interface port. Offset 0xE_0F04 Access: Read/Write 0 15 16 R W Reset n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 20 23 24 XMITEQ03 XMITEQ47 n n n n n n n n 31 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20-24. SerDes Control Register 0 (SRDSCR0) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-26 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-27 describes the bit settings of SRDSCR0. Table 20-27. SRDSCR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-15 -- 16-19 XMITEQ03 Description Reserved Transmit equalization selection bus for lanes 0-3 Default value: 0100 PCI Express Bit 16 is amplitude select: 0 5/6 Vdd-diff-pk=pk 1 Vdd-diff-pk=pk Bits 17-19 are equalization amplitude: 000 No equalization 001 1.09x relative amplitude 010 1.2x relative amplitude 011 1.33x relative amplitude 100 1.5x relative amplitude 101 1.71x relative amplitude 110 2.0x relative amplitude 20-23 XMITEQ47 Transmit equalization selection bus for lanes 4-7 Default value: 0100 PCI Express 1011 Serial RapidIO Bit 20 is amplitude select: 0 5/6 Vdd-diff-pk=pk 1 Vdd-diff-pk=pk Bits 21-23 are equalization amplitude: 000 No equalization 001 1.09x relative amplitude 010 1.2x relative amplitude 011 1.33x relative amplitude 100 1.5x relative amplitude 101 1.71x relative amplitude 110 2.0x relative amplitude 24-31 -- Reserved SerDes Control Register 1 (SRDSCR1) Shown in Figure 20-25, SRDSCR1 contains control bits for the SerDes high-speed interface port. Offset 0xE_0F08 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 31 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 Reset All zeros Figure 20-25. SerDes Control Register 1 (SRDSCR1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-27 Global Utilities Table 20-28 describes the fields of SRDSCR1. Table 20-28. SRDSCR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 PD0 Lane 0 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 0 PD1 Lane 1 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 2 PD2 Lane 2 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 3 PD3 Lane 3 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 4 PD4 Lane 4 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 5 PD5 Lane5 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 6 PD6 Lane 6 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 7 PD7 Lane 7 power down 0 Normal 1 The serial links are disabled and power usage is minimized in all internal cells. 8-31 -- Reserved eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC12IOOVCR) Shown in Figure 20-26, TSEC12IOOVCR contains I/O voltage control bits for eTSEC1 and eTSEC2. Offset 0xE_0F28 0 R W Reset ENB 0 Access: Read/Write 1 4 5 12 13 REC_ADJ n1 n n n 31 ZSEL n n n n n -- n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20-26. TSEC12 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC12IOOVCR) 1 If TSECs 1 and 2 are configured for MII, GMII, TBI, or RMII mode during power-on reset, REC_ADJ[1:4] = 1100, otherwise REC_ADJ[1:4] = 1111 ZSEL[5:12] = 1110_0000 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-28 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-29 describes the bit settings of TSEC12IOOVCR. Table 20-29. TSEC12IOOVCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 ENB eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 I/O overdrive control enable 1-4 REC_ADJ eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 I/O receiver trip point adjust 1100 3.3 V 1111 2.5 V All other values reserved 5-12 ZSEL 13-31 -- eTSEC1 and eTSEC2 I/O voltage mode inputs for driver 11100000 2.5 V and 3.3V All other values reserved Reserved eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 I/O Overdrive Control Register (TSEC34IOOVCR) Shown in Figure 20-27, TSEC34IOOVCR contains I/O voltage control bits for eTSEC3 and eTSEC4. Offset 0xE_0F2C 0 R W Reset 1 ENB 0 Access: Read/Write 4 5 12 13 REC_ADJ n1 n n 31 ZSEL n n n n n n -- n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20-27. TSEC34 Overdrive Control Register (TSEC34IOOVCR) 1 If TSECs 3 and 4 are configured for MII, GMII, TBI, or RMII mode at power-on reset, REC_ADJ[1:4] = 1100, otherwise REC_ADJ[1:4] = 1111 ZSEL[5:12] = 1110_0000 Table 20-30 describes the bit settings of TSEC34IOOVCR. Table 20-30. TSEC34IOOVCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 ENB eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 I/O overdrive control enable 1-4 REC_ADJ eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 I/O receiver trip point adjust 1100 3.3 V 1111 2.5 V All other values reserved 5-12 ZSEL 13-31 -- eTSEC3 and eTSEC4 I/O voltage mode inputs for driver 11100000 for 2.5 V and 3.3V All other values reserved Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-29 Global Utilities 20.5 Functional Description This section describes the global utilities from a functional perspective. 20.5.1 Power Management The MPC8548E has features to minimize power consumption at several levels. Dynamic power management locally minimizes power consumption when a block is idle. Software can also shut down clocks to individual blocks when they are not needed through a memory-mapped register (DEVDISR). Additionally, software running on the e500 core can access the core's SPRs to put the device into doze, nap, or sleep power down state. Finally, software can access a memory-mapped register (POWMGTCR) in the global utilities block to put the device in the doze or sleep states. Note that the software that writes to either DEVDISR or POWMGTCR can be running either on the e500 core or on an external master that can write to the MPC8548E memory-mapped registers through the PCI interfaces. These features are described in further detail in this section. Relationship Between Core and Device Power Management States The MPC8548E has three low-power states: doze, nap, and sleep. The mapping of core and device power management states is shown in Figure 20-28; state transitions are from the perspective of the e500 core. core_halt Full On core_halt core_halt Core-Halted (Doze) core_stop & core_halt core_stop Core-Stopped (Nap) core_tben core_halt & core_stop core_stop core_tben Core-Stopped (Sleep) core_tben Figure 20-28. e500 Core Power Management State Diagram For each operating state represented in the diagram, the core's state is listed first, with the corresponding state of the MPC8548E shown beneath it in parenthesis. Note that there are many other variables that control the state transitions between MPC8548E power management states. These additional variables are described in more detail in Section, "Power-Down Sequence Coordination." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-30 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Table 20-31 lists basic characteristics of the low-power modes and the full on mode. Table 20-31. MPC8548E Power Management Modes--Basic Description Core Responds To Mode Snoop Full On Signal States Description Interrupts READY ASLEEP All units operating normally. Yes Yes Asserted Negated Doze Core stops dispatching new instructions (core is halted) Yes Yes Negated Negated Nap Core is stopped with clocks off except to time base Should flush data cache before entering No Yes Negated Negated Core is stopped with clocks off. Clocks powered down to all blocks (including core time base) except to the interrupt controller (PIC) unit No Yes Negated Asserted Sleep CKSTP_IN is Not Power Management CKSTP_IN is not described here because it is not considered a power management signal, although asserting it does stop the core and a stopped core is technically in a low-power mode. CKSTP_IN is described in Section 20.3.2, "Detailed Signal Descriptions." Dynamic Power Management Many blocks in the MPC8548E can dynamically turn off clocks within the block when sections of the block are idle. This feature is always enabled and occurs automatically. Shutting Down Unused Blocks As described in Section, "Device Disable Register (DEVDISR)," DEVDISR provides a way to shut down certain functional blocks within the MPC8548E when they are not needed in a particular system. DEVDISR can be written by the e500 core or by an external master. Powering down a block in this way turns off all clocks to that block. DEVDISR was designed with the expectation that, once initialized by software, it would be modified only by a hard system reset (HRESET). It is recommended that this register be written only during system initialization. Blocks disabled by DEVDISR must not be re-enabled without a hard reset. The exception to this rule is the time base, which may be freely disabled and then re-enabled without a hard reset. (Setting DEVDISR[TB] disables the core's timer facilities, and setting DEVDISR[E500] places the core in the core_stopped state in which it does not respond to interrupts.) The results of re-enabling previously disabled blocks by clearing the corresponding DEVDISR field, except for the time base, without a hard reset are boundedly undefined. NOTE Functional blocks disabled using DEVDISR cannot respond to configuration accesses. Any access to configuration, control, and status registers of a disabled block is a programming error. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-31 Global Utilities Software-Controlled Power-Down States e500 software can place the device in doze, nap, or sleep power-down states by writing to HID0 in the core. In addition, external masters can write to the memory-mapped POWMGTCR in the MPC8548E to cause the device to enter doze or sleep modes. Doze Mode In doze mode, the e500 core suspends instruction execution, significantly reducing the power consumption of the core. Snooping of the L1 data cache is still supported and thus the data in the data cache is kept coherent. Interrupts directed to the core as described in Section 10.1.3, "Interrupts to the Processor Core," are monitored by the device and cause the MPC8548E to use the defined handshake mechanism to exit the core from doze mode to allow the core to recognize and process the interrupt; however, unless the interrupt subroutine turns off (or masks) the control bits that enabled doze mode (MSR[WE], and HID0[DOZE]), the device re-enters doze mode after the interrupt has been serviced. See Section, "Interrupts and Power Management," for more information. The e500 core's timer facilities are still enabled during doze mode, and core time base interrupts can be generated. All device logic external to the core remains fully operational in doze mode. Nap Mode In nap mode all clocks internal to the e500 core are turned off except for its timer facilities clock (the core time base). The L1 caches do not respond to snoops in nap mode, so if coherency with external I/O transactions is required, the L1 cache must be flushed before entering nap mode. Similar to doze mode, interrupts occurring in nap mode cause the device to wake up the e500 core in order to service the interrupt. However, unless the interrupt service routine changes the control bits that caused the device to enter nap mode (MSR[WE], and HID0[NAP]), the MPC8548E returns to nap mode after the interrupt is serviced. See Section, "Interrupts and Power Management," for more information. All device logic external to the e500 core remains fully operational in nap mode. Sleep Mode In sleep mode, all clocks internal to the e500 core are turned off, including the timer facilities clock. All I/O interfaces in the device logic are also shut down. Only the clocks to the MPC8548E PIC are still running so that an external interrupt can wake up the device. After the core and I/O interfaces have shut down, ASLEEP is asserted and READY is negated. NOTE Only external interrupts can wake the MPC8548E from sleep mode. Internal interrupt sources like the core interval timer or watchdog timer depend on an active clock for their operation and these are disabled in sleep mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-32 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Power Management Control Fields The e500 core provides the following fields to signal power management requests to the MPC8548E device logic. * MSR[WE]--Used to qualify the values of HID0[DOZE,NAP,SLEEP] in the generation of the internal doze, nap, and sleep signals. * HID0[DOZE]--Signals the MPC8548E to initiate doze mode. * HID0[NAP]--Signals the MPC8548E to initiate nap mode. * HID0[SLEEP]--Signals the MPC8548E to initiate sleep mode. These register fields and their functional relationship are shown in Figure 20-29. The PowerPC e500 Core Family Reference Manual has details on accessing these power management control bits. An external master can also initiate power management requests by setting the DOZ or SLP bits in the memory-mapped power management control and status register (POWMGTCSR). Because the core responds to snoops while dozing but not while napping, maintaining cache coherency requires significant preparation by the core before entering nap mode. For this reason only the core can initiate a nap during normal operation while other masters can initiate a doze. Power-Down Sequence Coordination To preserve cache coherency and otherwise avoid loss of system state, the core's transition to low-power modes is coordinated by a set of handshaking signals, shown in Figure 20-29, and protocols with all other MPC8548E functional blocks that respond to power-down requests. The mode-transition protocol is executes automatically under these conditions and is shown in Figure 20-28 and described in Table 20-32. The column in Table 20-32 showing the global utilities block as initiating a low-power mode corresponds to the external masters that can write to the POWMGTCSR that resides in the global utilities block. For the MPC8548E, these are the PCI interfaces. However, note that the core can also write to POWMGTCSR and, in this case, can initiate power management through the global utilities block. Table 20-32. Power Management Entry Protocol and Initiating Functional Units Low-Power Mode Entry Protocol Initiating Functional Unit Global Utilities Core Doze 1. Assert core_halt input to core. 2. Wait for core_halted handshake from core. Nap 1. Follow doze protocol 2. Assert core_stop input to core. 3. Wait for core_stopped handshake from core. -- 1. 2. 3. 4. Sleep Follow doze protocol; send stop requests to rest of device. Follow nap protocol. Wait for all interfaces to acknowledge stop requests. Assert ASLEEP, negate READY, power down all clocks except to PIC unit. As shown in Figure 20-29, the e500 core enters low-power modes only in response to the core_halt, core_stop, or core_tben inputs from the MPC8548E's power management logic. These inputs may be prompted by the core (by setting the NAP, DOZE, or SLEEP bits in the HID0 when enabled by setting MSR[WE]) or by an external master (by setting POWMGTCSR[DOZ,SLP]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-33 Global Utilities Figure 20-29 shows how all the clocking to the core timer facilities is disabled by clearing HID0[TBEN]. When enabled, (HID0[TBEN] = 1), the clock source is either the CCB clock divided by eight (the default) or a synchronized version of the RTC input. For more details, see Section 6.10.1, "Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0)." e500 Core Complex Device Logic MSR[WE] sleep HID0[SLEEP] POWMGTCSR[SLP] nap CKSTP_IN HID0[NAP] HRESET doze HID0[DOZE] POWMGTCSR[DOZ] No Instruction Execution Stopped? core_halt Stop Fetching Instructions Processor interrupt sources (see Table 10-1 and Table 10-2) Yes No Snoopable Traffic Stopped? DEVDISR[E500] Yes core_halted No Clock Distribution Stopped? Yes core_stop Stop Clock Distribution All transactions that could have snooped are complete core_stopped DEVDISR[TB]or[E500] Core Timer Facilities Core Timer Clock (Time Base) core_tben HID0[TBEN] RTC (Sampled and Synchronized) core_tbint /8 HID0[SEL_TBCLK] CCB Clock Note: All signals shown are internal to the device. Figure 20-29. MPC8548E Power Management Handshaking Signals MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-34 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities Interrupts and Power Management Whether low-power modes are automatically re-enabled after an interrupt is processed differs depending on whether the low power mode was entered due to a write to the core MSR[WE] bit or the low power mode was entered due to a write to POWMGTCSR. Interrupts and Power Management Controlled by MSR[WE] When an interrupt is asserted to the CPU, the core complex saves portions of the MSR to MCSRR1, CSRR1, or SRR1 (depending on the type of interrupt), and restores those values on return from the routine. MSR[WE], which gates the doze, nap, and sleep power management outputs (internal device signals) from the core complex, is always among the bits saved and restored; hence these outputs negate to the MPC8548E power management logic when the interrupt begins processing in the core. They return to their previous state when the core executes an rfi, rfci, or rfmci instruction. Section 10.1.3, "Interrupts to the Processor Core," lists interrupts that cause the MPC8548E to wake up. NOTE Returning doze, nap, and sleep signals to their original state when MSR[WE] is restored differs from how power management is implemented on earlier devices where MSR[POW], which enables power-down requests, is cleared when the processor exits a low-power state and is not automatically restored, as it is in Book E implementations. Interrupts and Power Management Controlled by POWMGTCSR The IRQ_MSK and CI_MSK fields of the POWMGTCSR register prevent int interrupts or cint critical interrupts from waking the device from a low-power state. This is true regardless of the method used to enter the low-power state. Any unmasked interrupt (not masked by the mask bits in the POWMGTCSR register) causes the POWMGTCSR[DOZ,SLP] fields to be cleared when it occurs. When such an interrupt occurs, the device returns to the normal operating mode and does not automatically attempt to return to a low-power state after the interrupt is handled. Note that interrupts caused by the unconditional debug event (UDE) and machine check (MCP) signals are not masked by the IRQ_MSK and CI_MSK fields; therefore, when these signals assert, the POWMGTCSR[DOZ,SLP] fields are cleared and the device will return to full power operation. See Section, "Power Management Control and Status Register (POWMGTCSR)," for detailed information about the bits of POWMGTCSR. Note also that unmasked interrupts that occur while the device is in the process of going into the sleep state (before sleep is completely attained) can also cause the device to clear the POWMGTCSR[DOZ,SLP] fields and return the device to full power operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-35 Global Utilities Snooping in Power-Down Modes When the MPC8548E is in doze mode, the e500 core is in the core-halted state and it snoops its L1 caches and full coherency is maintained. In deeper power-down modes, however, the e500 core does not respond to snoops. The MPC8548E does not perform dynamic bus snooping as described in the e500 Reference Manual. That is, when the e500 core is in the core-stopped state (which is the state of the core when the MPC8548E is in either the nap or sleep state), the core is not awakened to perform snoops on global transactions. Therefore, before entering nap or sleep modes, the L1 caches should be flushed if coherency is required during these power-down modes. Software Considerations for Power Management Setting MSR[WE] generates a request to the MPC8548E logic (external to the core complex) to enter a power saving state. It is assumed that the desired power-saving state (doze, nap, or sleep) was set up by setting the appropriate HID0 bit, typically at system start-up time. Setting WE has no direct effect on instruction execution, but is reflected on the internal doze, nap, and sleep signals, depending on the HID0 settings. To ensure a clean transition into and out of a power-saving mode, the following program sequence is recommended: loop: sync mtmsr (WE) isync br loop Requirements for Reaching and Recovering from Sleep State In order to successfully reach the sleep state, I/O traffic to the device must be stopped. The logic that controls the power down sequence waits for all I/O interfaces to become idle. In some applications this may happen eventually without actively shutting down interfaces, but most likely, software will have to take steps to shut down the eTSEC, and PCI interfaces before issuing the command (either the write to the core MSR[WE] as described above or writing to POWMGTCSR) to put the device into sleep state. The PCI interfaces will begin retrying inbound transactions before entering a power-down state. The PCI interfaces, however, could potentially be in an unknown state when they exit sleep if they were in the middle of a retry sequence when internal clocks were shut down. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that system software clear the memory space bit in the PCI Bus Command Register before putting the device in sleep mode. Software may also need to set the Agent Config Lock bit of the PCI Bus Function Register so that the device will not respond to configuration transactions. Upon exiting sleep mode, software should return these configuration bits to their normal state. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-36 Freescale Semiconductor Global Utilities 20.5.2 General-Purpose I/O Signals Several groups of signals can optionally be used as general-purpose I/O signals when not being used for their primary function. The general-purpose I/O functionality of these signals can be enabled through configuration registers in the global utilities block. These signals are the following: * PCI2_AD[15:8] and PCI2_AD[7:0]. When configured as general-purpose I/O, PCI2_AD[15:8] function as outputs and PCI2_AD[7:0] function as inputs. PCI2_AD[15:0] can be used as general-purpose I/O if the PCI2 interface is disabled and if the PCI1 controller is in 32-bit mode. * TSEC2_RxD[0:7] and TSEC2_TxD[0:7]. eTSEC2 pins are fixed as either inputs or outputs based on the direction of the signal's primary function. The TSEC2_TxD pins are always outputs, so these signals may only be used as outputs when configured as general-purpose I/O. Similarly, the TSEC2_RxD pins are used as inputs when configured as general-purpose I/O. The eTSEC2 TxD and RxD pins are available when the eTSEC2 block is disabled. The TxD signals can then be enabled as general-purpose outputs and the RxD pins can be enabled as general-purpose inputs. Note that the eTSEC2 RxD and TxD signals may be at either 2.5 V or 3.3 V depending on the power supply to the ethernet controllers. When configured as general-purpose I/O signals, software can read inputs by reading the associated GPIO data register (See Section, "General-Purpose Input Data Register (GPINDR)"). Output values can be set by writing the to the associated GPIO data register (See Section, "General-Purpose Output Data Register (GPOUTDR)"). For details regarding the control and status of the general-purpose I/O signals, see Section, "General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR)." As well, a general purpose input register is loaded with the values of the local bus address/data pins at the negation of HRESET. See Section, "General-Purpose POR Configuration Register (GPPORCR)," for additional details. NOTE Unused IRQn signals may also be used as general-purpose inputs. The external interrupt summary register (ERQSR) can be used to monitor these signals. See Section, "External Interrupt Summary Register (ERQSR)," for more information. 20.5.3 Interrupt and Local Bus Signal Multiplexing The MPC8548E has very little signal multiplexing. Two sets of DMA channel triggering signals can alternately be placed on other signals as follows: * LCS[5:7] are multiplexed with DMA channel 2 DMA_DREQ2, DMA_DACK2, and DMA_DONE2. * IRQ[9:11] are multiplexed with DMA channel 3 DMA_DREQ3, DMA_DACK3, and DMA_DDONE3. For details regarding the selection of the alternate function DMA trigger, see Section, "Alternate Function Signal Multiplex Control Register (PMUXCR)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 20-37 Global Utilities MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20-38 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 21 Device Performance Monitor This chapter describes the device performance monitor facility, which can be used to monitor and optimize performance. The e500 core implements a separate performance monitor for strictly core-related behavior, such as instruction timing and L1 cache operations. This is described in the PowerPC e500 Core Family Reference Manual (Freescale Document E500CORERM). Section 21.4.7, "Performance Monitor Events," briefly describes the events that can be monitored. Refer to the individual chapters for a better understanding of these events. 21.1 Introduction The device-level performance monitor facility that can be used to monitor and record selected behaviors of the integrated device. Although the performance monitor described here is similar in many respects to the performance monitor facility implemented on the e500 core, it differs in that it is implemented using memory-mapped registers and it counts events outside the e500 core, for example, PCI, DDR, and L2 cache events. Performance monitor counters (PMC0-PMC9) are used to count events selected by the performance monitor local control registers. PMC0 is a 64-bit counter specifically designated to count cycles. PMC1-PMC9 are 32-bit counters that can monitor 64 counter-specific events in addition to counting 64 reference events. The benefits of the on-chip performance monitor are numerous, and include the following: * Because some systems or software environments are not easily characterized by signal traces or benchmarks, the performance monitor can be used to understand the MPC8548E behavior in any system or software environment. * The performance monitor facility can be used to aid system developers when bringing up and debugging systems. * System performance can be increased by monitoring memory hierarchy behavior. This can help to optimize algorithms used to schedule or partition tasks and to refine the data structures and distribution used by each task. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-1 Device Performance Monitor 21.1.1 Overview Figure 21-1 is a high-level block diagram of the performance monitor, which consists of a global control register (PMGC0), one 64-bit counter (PMC0), nine 32-bit counters, and two control registers per counter (20 total control registers). The global control register PMGC0 affects all counters and takes priority over local control registers. The local control registers are divided into two groups, as follows: * Local control A registers control counter freezing, overflow condition enable, event selection, and burstiness. Local control register PMLCA0, which controls counter PMC0, does not contain event selection because PMC0 counts only cycles. * Local control B registers control the start and stop triggering, contain the counters' threshold values, and the value of the threshold multiplier. Local control register PMLCB0, which controls PMC0, does not contain threshold information because PMC0 only counts cycles. Event Signals Performance Monitor Output Signals Event 0 Control Logic Interrupt (int) Event 1 Counters and Registers Read Data Global Control Register Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 PMGC0 Local Control Registers PMLCA0 PMLCA1 PMLCA2 PMLCA3 ... PMLCA9 PMLCB0 PMLCB1 PMLCB2 PMLCB3 ... PMLCB9 Counters PMC0 (upper) ... Event 9 PMC1 PMC2 PMC3 ... PMC9 PMC0 (lower) 32-bit Figure 21-1. Performance Monitor Block Diagram Performance monitor events are signaled by the functional blocks in the integrated device and are selectively recorded in the PMCs. Sixty-four of these events are referred to as reference events, which can be counted on any of the nine counters. Counter-specific events can be counted only on the counter where the event is defined. The performance monitor can generate an interrupt on overflow. Several control registers specify how a performance monitor interrupt is signaled. The PMCs can also be programmed to freeze when an interrupt is signaled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-2 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor 21.1.2 Features The MPC8548E performance monitor offers a rich set of features that permits a complete performance characterization of the implementation. These features include: * One 64-bit counter exclusively dedicated to counting cycles * Nine 32-bit counters that count the occurrence of selected events * One global control register (affects all counters) and two local control registers per counter * Ability to count up to 64 reference events that may be counted on any of the nine 32-bit counters * Ability to count up to 576 counter-specific events * Triggering and chaining capability * Duration and quantity threshold counting * Burstiness feature that permits counting of burst events with a programmable time between bursts * Ability to generate an interrupt on overflow 21.2 Signal Descriptions The performance monitor does not have any signals that are driven externally (off-chip) but it does assert the internal interrupt (int) signal on a performance monitor interrupt condition. 21.3 Memory Map and Register Definition Performance monitor registers reside in the run-time register block starting at offset 0xE_1000. Undefined 4-byte address spaces within offset 0x000-0xFFF are reserved. This section describes the registers implemented to support the performance monitor facilities. Table 21-1 lists the performance monitor registers. These registers can be read or written only with 32-bit accesses. 21.3.1 Register Summary The performance monitor uses ten counter registers and a group of local control registers that are used to specify the method of counting. Two local control registers are associated with each counter in addition to a global control register that applies to all counters. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-3 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-1. Control Register Memory Map Address Offset (in Hex) Register Access Reset Section/Page 0xE_1000 PMGC0--Performance monitor global control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1010 PMLCA0--Performance monitor local control register A0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1014 PMLCB0--Performance monitor local control register B0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1018 PMC0 (lower)--Performance monitor counter 0 upper R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_101C PMC0 (upper)--Performance monitor counter 0 lower R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1020 PMLCA1--Performance monitor local control register A1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1024 PMLCB1--Performance monitor local control register B1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1028 PMC1--Performance monitor counter 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1030 PMLCA2--Performance monitor local control register A2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1034 PMLCB2--Performance monitor local control register B 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1038 PMC2--Performance monitor counter 2 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1040 PMLCA3--Performance monitor local control register A3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1044 PMLCB3--Performance monitor local control register B3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1048 PMC3--Performance monitor counter 3 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1050 PMLCA4--Performance monitor local control register A4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1054 PMLCB4--Performance monitor local control register B4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1058 PMC4--Performance monitor counter 4 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1060 PMLCA5--Performance monitor local control register A5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1064 PMLCB5--Performance monitor local control register B 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1068 PMC5--Performance monitor counter 5 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1070 PMLCA6--Performance monitor local control register A6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1074 PMLCB6--Performance monitor local control register B6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1078 PMC6--Performance monitor counter 6 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1080 PMLCA7--Performance monitor local control register A7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1084 PMLCB7--Performance monitor local control register B7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1088 PMC7--Performance monitor counter 7 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1090 PMLCA8--Performance monitor local control register A8 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1094 PMLCB8--Performance monitor local control register B8 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_1098 PMC8--Performance monitor counter 8 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_10A0 PMLCA9--Performance monitor local control register A9 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_10A4 PMLCB9--Performance monitor local control register B9 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_10A8 PMC9--Performance monitor counter 9 R/W 0x0000_0000 In addition to these registers, the interrupt control provides four pairs of mask registers that can be used to monitor message, interprocessor, timer, and external interrupts. See Section 10.3.4, "Performance Monitor Mask Registers (PMMRs)." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-4 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor 21.3.2 Control Registers This section describes the performance monitor control registers in detail. Performance Monitor Global Control Register (PMGC0) The performance monitor global control register (PMGC0), shown in Figure 21-2, is a 32-bit register used to control all PMCs. Offset 0xE_1000 0 Access: Read/Write 1 2 3 31 R FAC PMIE FCECE -- W Reset All zeros Figure 21-2. Performance Monitor Global Control Register (PMGC0) Table 21-2 describes PMGC0 fields. Table 21-2. PMGC0 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 FAC Freeze all counters. 0 PMCs are incremented (if permitted by other PMGC0/PMLC bits). 1 PMCs are not incremented. Set by hardware when an interrupt is signaled and FCECE = 1. 1 PMIE Performance monitor interrupt enable. Interrupts are caused by PMC overflows. 0 Interrupts are disabled. 1 Interrupts are enabled and occur when an enabled condition or event occurs. 2 Description FCECE Freeze counters on enabled condition or event. An enabled condition or event is defined as: (DISCOUNT) The msb = 1 in PMCn and PMLCAn[CE] = 1. The use of the trigger and freeze counter conditions depends on the enabled condition. 0 PMCs can be incremented (if permitted by other control bits). 1 PMCs can be incremented (if permitted by other control bits) only until an enabled condition or event occurs, at which time PMGC0[FAC] is set. It is up to software to clear FAC. 3-31 -- Reserved Performance Monitor Local Control Registers (PMLCAn, PMLCBn) The performance monitor local control registers (PMLCAn and PMLCBn) are used to control the operation of the PMCs. The performance monitor local control A and B registers are paired 32-bit control registers that are associated with an individual counter to specify how the counter is used and what event is monitored on that counter. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-5 Device Performance Monitor Figure 21-3 shows the performance monitor local control A0 register (PMLCA0). Offset 0xE_1010 0 Access: Read/Write 1 4 5 6 31 R FC -- CE -- W Reset All zeros Figure 21-3. Performance Monitor Local Control Register A0 (PMLCA0) Table 21-3 describes PMLCA0 fields. Table 21-3. PMLCA0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 FC Freeze counter. Basic counter enable. 0 The PMCs are enabled and incremented (if permitted by other SPM control bits). 1 The PMCs are disabled-they do not increment. 1-4 -- Reserved 5 CE Condition enable. Controls counter overflow condition. Should be cleared when PMC0 is used as a trigger or is selected for chaining. 0 Overflow conditions for PMC0 cannot occur (PMC0 cannot cause interrupts or freeze counters) 1 Overflow conditions occur when PMC0[msb] is set. 6-31 -- Reserved Figure 21-4 shows the performance monitor local control registers A1-A9. Offset 0xE_1020 0xE_1030 0xE_1040 0xE_1050 0xE_1060 0 1 Access: Read/Write 0xE_1070 0xE_1080 0xE_1090 0xE_10A0 4 5 6 8 9 15 16 20 21 25 26 31 R FC -- CE -- EVENT BSIZE BGRAN BDIST W Reset All zeros Figure 21-4. Performance Monitor Local Control A Registers (PMLCA1-PMLCA9) Table 21-4 describes PMLCAn fields. Table 21-4. PMLCA1-PMLCA9 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 FC Freeze counter 0 The PMCs are incremented (if permitted by other PMC control bits). 1 The PMCs are not incremented (if permitted by other PMC control bits). 1-4 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-6 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-4. PMLCA1-PMLCA9 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 5 CE Condition enable 0 Overflow conditions for PMCn cannot occur (PMCn cannot cause interrupts or freeze counters). Should be cleared when PMCn is used as a trigger or is selected for chaining. 1 Overflow conditions occur when PMCn[msb] is set. 6-8 -- Reserved 9-15 EVENT Event selector. Up to 128 events selectable. Note that with counter-specific events, an offset of 64 must be used when programming the field, because counter-specific events occupy the bottom 64 values of the 7-bit event field where events are numbered. For example, to specify counter-specific event 0, the event field must be programmed to 64. See Table 21-10 for definition of events. 16-20 BSIZE Burst size. Fewest event occurrences that constitute a burst, that is, a rapid sequence of events followed by a relatively long pause. A value less than two implies regular event counting. Any non-threshold, regular event may be counted in a bursty fashion. See Section 21.4.6, "Burstiness Counting," for more information. 21-25 BGRAN Burst granularity. The maximum number of clock cycles between events that are considered part of a single burst. See Section 21.4.6, "Burstiness Counting." 26-31 BDIST Burst distance (used with TBMULT). The number of clock cycles between bursts. Must be set to a value greater than BSIZE for proper burstiness counting behavior. 00_0000 Regular counting Figure 21-5 shows the performance monitor local control B0 register (PMLCB0). Offset 0xE_1014 0 1 Access: Read/Write 2 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 31 R -- TRIGONSEL -- TRIGOFFSEL TRIGONCNTL TRIGOFFCNTL -- W Reset All zeros Figure 21-5. Performance Monitor Local Control Register B0 (PMLCB0) Table 21-5 describes PMLCB0 fields. Table 21-5. PMLCB0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-1 -- 2-5 TRIGONSEL 6-7 -- 8-11 TRIGOFFSEL Reserved Trigger-on select. The number of the counter that starts event counting. When the specified counter's TRIGONCNTL event overflows, the current counter begins counting. No triggering occurs if the value is self-referential, that is, when set to the current counter number. Reserved Trigger-off select. The number of the counter that stops event counting. When the specified counter's TRIGONCNTL event overflows, the current counter stops counting. No triggering occurs if the value is self-referential, that is, when set to the current counter number. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-7 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-5. PMLCB0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 12-13 TRIGONCNTL Trigger-on control. Indicates the condition under which triggering to start counting occurs 00 Trigger off (no triggering to start) 01 Trigger on change 10 Trigger on overflow 11 Reserved 14-15 TRIGOFFCNTL Trigger-off control. Indicates the condition under which triggering to stop occurs 00 Trigger off (no triggering to stop) 01 Trigger on change 10 Trigger on overflow 11 Reserved 16-31 -- Reserved Figure 21-6 shows performance monitor local control registers 1-9. 0 1 2 Access: Read/Write 0xE_1074 0xE_1084 0xE_1094 0xE_10A4 Offset 0xE_1024 0xE_1034 0xE_1044 0xE_1054` 0xE_1064 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 23 24 25 26 31 R -- TRIGONSEL -- TRIGOFFSEL TRIGONCNTL TRIGOFFCNTL -- TBMULT -- THRESHOLD W Reset All zeros Figure 21-6. Performance Monitor Local Control Register B (PMLCB1-PMLCB9) Table 21-6 describes PMLCBn fields. Table 21-6. PMLCB n Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-1 -- 2-5 TRIGONSEL 6-7 -- 8-11 TRIGOFFSEL Trigger-off select. Set this field equal to the number of the counter that should trigger event counting to stop. When the specified counter's TRIGONCNTL event overflows, the current counter stops counting. No triggering occurs when TRIGOFFSEL = current counter. 12-13 TRIGONCNTL Trigger-on control. Indicates the condition under which triggering to start counting occurs 00 Trigger off (no triggering to start) 01 Trigger on change 10 Trigger on overflow 11 Reserved Reserved Trigger-on select. Set this field equal to the number of the counter that should trigger event counting to start. When the specified counter's TRIGONCNTL event overflows, the current counter begins counting. No triggering occurs when TRIGONSEL = current counter. Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-8 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-6. PMLCBn Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 14-15 Name Description TRIGOFFCNTL Trigger-off control. Indicates the condition under which triggering to stop occurs 00 Trigger off (no triggering to stop) 01 Trigger on change 10 Trigger on overflow 11 Reserved 16-20 -- 21-23 TBMULT 24-25 -- 26-31 THRESHOLD 21.3.3 Reserved Threshold and burstiness multiplier. Threshold events are counted when the event duration exceeds a specified threshold value. The threshold is scaled based on the TBMULT settings.TBMULT is not used to scale the threshold value for quantity threshold events. The burst distance for burstiness counting is also scaled using the TBMULT settings. For all events that scale the threshold, the threshold field is multiplied by the factors shown below (ranging from 1 to 128). 000 1 001 2 010 4 011 8 100 16 101 32 110 64 111 128 Reserved Threshold. Only events whose (number of) occurrences exceed this value are counted. By varying the threshold value, software can characterize the events subject to the threshold. For example, if PMC2 counts eTSEC BD read latencies for which the duration exceeds the threshold, software can obtain the distribution of eTSEC BD read latencies for a given program by monitoring the program using various threshold values. Counter Registers This section describes the PMCs in detail. NOTE Because accessing a PMC manually has priority over incrementing it due to event counting, reading or writing a PMC while it is counting may affect the count. Likewise, accessing a performance monitor control register while its target counter is counting may also affect the count. Performance Monitor Counters (PMC0-PMC9) PMC0-PMC9 are used to count events selected by the performance monitor local control registers. PMC0, shown in Figure 21-7, is associated with two 32-bit registers that form a 64-bit counter designated to count MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-9 Device Performance Monitor clock cycles. PMC0 upper represents the upper 32 bits of counter 0, and PMC0 lower represents the lower 32 bits. Offset 0xE_101C 0xE_1018 0 31 Access: Read/Write 32 63 R PMC0 upper PMC0 lower W Reset All zeros Figure 21-7. Performance Monitor Counter Register 0 (PMC0) Table 21-7 describes PMC0 fields. . Table 21-7. PMC0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-63 PMC0 Event count. Counts only clock cycles PMC1-PMC9, shown in Figure 21-8, are 32-bit counters that can monitor 64 unique events in addition to the 64 reference events that can be counted on all of these registers. Offset 0xE_1028 0xE_1038 0xE_1048 0xE_1058 0xE_1068 Access: Read/Write 0xE_1078 0xE_1088 0xE_1098 0xE_10A8 0 31 R PMC n W Reset All zeros Figure 21-8. Performance Monitor Counter Register (PMC1-PMC9) Table 21-8 describes PMCn fields. Table 21-8. PMC[1-9] Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 PMCn Event count. An overflow is indicated when the msb = 1. Manually setting the msb can cause an immediate interrupt. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-10 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor 21.4 Functional Description This section describes the use of some features of the performance monitor. 21.4.1 Performance Monitor Interrupt PMCs can generate an interrupt on an overflow when the msb of a counter changes from 0 to 1. For the interrupt to be signaled, the condition enable bit (PMLCAn[CE]) and performance monitor interrupt enable bit (PMGC0[PMIE]) must be set. When an interrupt is signaled and the freeze-counters-on-enabled-condition-or-event bit (PMGC0[FCECE]) is set, PMGC0[FAC] is set by hardware and all of the registers are frozen. Software can clear the interrupt condition by resetting the performance monitor and clearing the most significant bit of the counter that generated the overflow. 21.4.2 Event Counting Using the control registers described in Section 21.3.2, "Control Registers," the ten PMCs can count the occurrences of specific events. The 64-bit PMC0 is designated to count only clock cycles. However, to provide flexibility, a total of 64 reference events can be counted on any of the 32-bit PMCs (PMC1-PMC9). Additionally, up to 64 unique events can be counted on each 32-bit counter. The performance monitor must be reset before event counting sequences. The performance monitor can be reset by first freezing one or more counters and then clearing the freeze condition to allow the counters to count according to the settings in the performance monitor registers.Counters can be frozen individually by setting PMLCAn[FC] bits, or simultaneously by setting PMGC0[FAC]. Simply clearing these freeze bits will then allow the performance monitor to begin counting based on the register settings. Note that using PMLCAn[FC] to reset the performance monitor resets only the specified counter. Performance monitor registers can be configured through reads or writes while the counters are frozen as long as freeze bits are not cleared by the register accesses. 21.4.3 Threshold Events The threshold feature allows characterization of events that can take a variable number of clock cycles to occur. Threshold events are counted only if the latency is greater than the threshold value specified in PMLCBn[THRESHOLD]. There are two types of threshold events. The first type of threshold events are duration threshold events. For duration threshold event sequences, the PMC increments only when the duration of the event is equal to or greater than the threshold value. The threshold value is scaled by a multiple specified in PMLCBn[TBMULT]. A duration threshold event requires two signals: The first indicates when a threshold event sequence begins, and the second indicates when it ends. An internal counter determines when the threshold count is exceeded and when the PMC can increment. This internal counter decrements during a threshold event sequence until it reaches the value of one. A new sequence cannot begin until the current one completes. Additional threshold start signals are ignored during a sequence until a threshold stop signal occurs. If both a start and stop signal are asserted during the same cycle in a current sequence, the stop terminates the current sequence and the start signals the beginning of a new one. However, if both signals are asserted MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-11 Device Performance Monitor during the same cycle while not in a current event sequence, both signals are ignored. Figure 21-9 is a timing diagram for duration threshold event counting. An illegal condition exists if the threshold value obtained from PMLCBn[THRESHOLD] and PMLCBn[TBMULT] is less than two. Under these conditions the intent of threshold counting is ambiguous. 1 PMLCBn[THRESHOLD] 3 PMLCBn[TBMULT] 0 thresh_value 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 thresh_start thresh_stop 3 thresh_counter 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 thresh_exceeded 0 perfmon_counter 1 1 2 For this example a threshold value of three indicates that the user wishes to count the number of times a particular event lasts three cycles or longer. Figure 21-9. Duration Threshold Event Sequence Timing Diagram The second type of threshold event is the quantity threshold event. For these types of threshold event sequences the performance monitor counter is only incremented when the specified threshold event exceeds the threshold value. These events do not use the multiplier register field (PMLCBn[TBMULT]) like the duration threshold events. This type of threshold event is generally used to monitor the usage of buffers and queues. For example, the usage of a specific queue could be characterized by measuring the amount of time the queue is completely full or partially full. For this example the threshold field would be used to specify how many entries are required to be valid in the queue for that event to be counted. 21.4.4 Chaining By configuring one counter to increment each time another counter overflows, several counters can be chained together to provide event counts larger than 32 bits. Each counter in a chain adds 32 bits to the maximum count. The register chaining sequence is not arbitrary and is specified indirectly by selecting the register overflow event to be counted. Selecting an event has the effect of selecting a source register because all available chaining events, as shown in Table 21-10, are dedicated to specific registers. Note that the chaining overflow event occurs when the counter reaches its maximum value and wraps, not when the register's msb is set. For this overflow to occur, PMLCAn[CE] should be cleared to avoid signaling an interrupt when the counter's most significant bit is set. Note that several cycles may be required for the chained counters to reflect the true count because of the internal delay between when an overflow occurs and a counter increments. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-12 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor 21.4.5 Triggering Triggering allows one counter to start or stop counting on the change of another counter or on the overflow of another counter. More specifically, if PMC1 is set to start or stop counting as a result of a change or overflow in counter PMC2, then counter PMC2 must be identified in the local control register of counter PMC1. This is done by appropriately setting the trigger-on select bit or trigger-off select bit (PMLCB1[TRIGOFFSEL] or PMLCB1[TRIGONSEL]). Additionally, the condition that triggers the counter must be selected by configuring the corresponding control bits (PMLCB1[TRIGONCNTL] or PMLCB1[TRIGOFFCNTL]). Assuming the counter is enabled by other control register settings, the counter increments (or freezes) when its specified event occurs after the trigger-on (or off) condition occurs. When trigger on and trigger off are both selected, the trigger-off condition is ignored until the trigger-on condition has occurred. Furthermore, when a trigger-off condition occurs, the counter state is preserved; it is not restarted by subsequent trigger-on conditions. Triggering is disabled when the counter's trigger-select bits specify itself as the trigger source. Similarly, triggering is disabled when the trigger control bits are cleared. 21.4.6 Burstiness Counting The burstiness counting feature makes it easier to characterize events that occur in rapid succession followed by a relatively long pause. As shown in Table 21-9, event bursts are defined by size, granularity, and distance. Table 21-9. Burst Definition Parameter Size Description Register Field The minimum number of events constituting a burst PMLCAn [BSIZE] Granularity The maximum time between individual events counted as members of the same burst PMLCAn [BGRAN] Distance PMLCAn [BDIST] x PMLCBn[TBMULT] The minimum time between bursts Figure 21-10 shows the relationships between size, granularity, and distance. Burstiness counting can be performed for all events except threshold events. Burst Size Burst Granularity Event Occurrence Burst Size Burst Distance Time (cycles) Figure 21-10. Burst Size, Distance, Granularity, and Burstiness Counting The burstiness size field (PMLCAn[BSIZE]) specifies the minimum number of event occurrences that constitute a burst. A burst is identified when the number of event occurrences equals or exceeds PMLCAn[BSIZE]. Furthermore, these individual event occurrences must be separated by no more clock MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-13 Device Performance Monitor cycles than the value in the burstiness granularity field (PMLCAn[BGRAN]). Note that, although a burst is identified when the minimum number of events occurs, it is not counted until the burst sequence has ended. A burst sequence ends when the specified burstiness granularity is exceeded, at which point the last valid event has occurred for that sequence. PMLCAn[BGRAN] specifies the maximum number of cycles between individual events for them to qualify as members of the same burst sequence. The burstiness distance field (PMLCAn[BDIST]) and threshold/burstiness multiplier field (PMLCBn[TBMULT]) specify the acceptable number of cycles between the end of a burst sequence and the beginning of a new sequence for a group of event occurrences to be counted as an individual burst. The product of the burstiness distance field and the threshold/burstiness multiplier field determine the burstiness distance value used to determine when another burst sequence can begin. Note that the burst distance count begins when a new burst sequence ends and the PMC is incremented. No new burst sequence may begin until the burst distance count has reached zero. After the burst distance count reaches zero, it holds the zero value indicating that a new burst sequence can be counted. The burst distance count begins again when a new burst sequence is identified and counted. Burstiness counting is disabled when the definition of a burst is ambiguous, that is, when the burst size field is less than two, or the burst distance is zero. When burstiness counting is disabled, regular counting is allowed. Figure 21-10 shows that the burst distance is measured from the end of one burst sequence and that a new burst sequence may not begin until the burst distance count expires. Three internal counters track the different values required for burstiness counting. * Burstiness size is monitored by a counter. It is loaded with the value specified in the local control register when the burst granularity counter and the burst distance counters reach zero, and no new event is occurring. It always decrements when the following conditions occur: its value is not already zero, an event occurs, and the burst distance count equals zero. * Burstiness granularity is monitored by a counter that is loaded with the specified value in the local control register on the rising edge of an event occurrence whenever the burst distance count equals zero. The granularity counter is decremented (if it has not already reached zero) when an event is not occurring and burst distance count equals zero. * Burstiness distance is measured by a counter that is loaded with the product of PMLCBn[BDIST] and PMLCBn[TBMULT] when a burst sequence has been identified and counted. This counter is decremented when burstiness counting is enabled (and the counter has not already reached zero). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-14 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor A burst is counted at the end of a burst sequence when the three burst parameter counters are all equal to zero. Figure 21-11 shows a burstiness counting example. 1 PMLCBn[BGRAN] 1 PMLCBn[BSIZE] 5 PMLCBn[BDIST] 4 2 3 4 5 PMLCBn[TBMULT] 1 (Multiply by 2) Burst Size Counter 5 Burst Granularity Counter 1 Burst Distance Counter 0 4 0 7 2 3 1 6 0 8 1 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 1 5 4 3 0 1 2 5 4 0 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Burst Count 1 For this example: count bursts of 5 event occurrences, burst granularity of 1, and acceptable distance between bursts of 8 (product of TBMULT and BDIST). Figure 21-11. Burstiness Counting Timing Diagram 21.4.7 Performance Monitor Events Table 21-10 lists performance monitor events specified in PMLCA1-PMLC9. The event assignment column indicates the event's type and number, using the following formats: * Ref:#--Reference events are shared across counters PMC1-PMC9. The number indicates the event. For example, Ref:6 means that PMC1-PMC9 share reference event 6. * C[0-9]:#--Counter-specific events. C8 indicates an event assigned to PMC8. Thus C8:62 means PMC8 is assigned event 62 (PIC interrupt wait cycles). Note that with counter-specific events, an offset of 64 must be used when programming the field, because counter-specific events occupy the bottom 64 values of the 7-bit event field where events are numbered. For example, to specify counter-specific event 0, the event field must be programmed to 64. Counter events not specified in Table 21-10 are reserved. Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted General Events Nothing Ref:0 System cycles C0 Register counter holds current value CCB (platform) clock cycles MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-15 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted DDR Memory Controller Events DRAM read Ref:19 Each data beat returned from the DRAM DRAM write Ref:11 Each data beat transmitted to the DRAM Pipelined read misses in the row open table C1:57 Row open table read misses issued while a read is outstanding Pipelined read or write misses in the row open table C2:0 Row open table read or write misses issued while a read or write is outstanding Non-pipelined read misses in the row open table C3:60 Row open table read misses issued when no reads are outstanding Non-pipelined read or write misses in the row open table C4:0 Row open table read or write misses issued when no reads or writes are outstanding Pipelined read hits in the row open table C5:56 Row open table read hits issued when a read is outstanding Pipelined read or write hits in the row open table C6:0 Row open table read or write hits issued when a read or write is outstanding Non-pipelined read hits in the row open table C7:57 Row open table read hits issued when no reads are outstanding Non-pipelined read or write hits in the row open table C8:0 Row open table read or write hits issued when no reads or writes are outstanding Forced page closings not caused by a refresh C1:0 Precharges issued to the DRAM for any reason except refresh. The possibilities are as follows: * A new transaction must be issued to an already active bank and sub-bank that has a different row open. * A new transaction must be issued, but the row open table is full and there is no bank/sub-bank match between the current transaction and the row open table. * The BSTOPRE interval expired for an open row. Row open table misses C2:1 Transactions that miss in the row open table Row open table hits C3:0 Transaction that hit in the row open table Force page closings C4:1 Forced page closings including those due to refreshes Read-modify-write transactions due to ECC C5:0 If ECC is enabled and a transaction requires byte enables, a read-modify-write sequence is issued on the DRAM interface. Forced page closings due to collision with bank and sub-bank Ref:12 Increments if a new transaction must be issued to an active bank and sub-bank that has a different row open Reads or writes from core Ref:13 Counts total number of transactions (reads or writes) from the core Reads or writes from eTSEC 1-4 C3:1 -- Reads or writes from PCI C3:2 -- Reads or writes from high speed interfaces (PCI Express, and Serial RapidIO) C4:3 -- Reads or writes from DMA C5:2 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-16 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Reads or writes from Security Number Description of Event Counted C6:5 -- Row open table hits for reads or writes from core Ref:14 -- Row open table hits for reads or writes from eTSEC 1-4 C6:1 -- Row open table hits for reads or writes from PCI C6:2 -- Row open table hits for reads or writes from high speed interfaces (PCI Express, and Serial RapidIO) C7:1 -- Row open table hits for reads or writes from DMA C8:2 -- Row open table hits for reads or writes from Security C7:4 -- Memory Target Queue Events MEM TQ read/write address collision C5:5 -- DMA Controller Events Channel 0 read request C1:2 DMA channel 0 read request active in the system Channel 1 read request C2:5 DMA channel 1 read request active in the system Channel 2 read request C3:4 DMA channel 2 read request active in the system Channel 3 read request C4:6 DMA channel 3 read request active in the system Channel 0 write request C1:3 DMA channel 0 write request active in the system Channel 1 write request C2:6 DMA channel 1 write request active in the system Channel 2 write request C3:5 DMA channel 2 write request active in the system Channel 3 write request C4:7 DMA channel 3 write request active in the system Channel 0 descriptor request C5:41 DMA channel 0 descriptor request active in the system Channel 1 descriptor request C6:44 DMA channel 1 descriptor request active in the system Channel 2 descriptor request C7:41 DMA channel 2 descriptor request active in the system Channel 3 descriptor request C8:41 DMA channel 3 descriptor request active in the system Channel 0 read DW or less C1:4 and C5:53 DMA channel 0 read double word valid Channel 1 read DW or less C2:7 and C6:58 DMA channel 1 read double word valid Channel 2 read DW or less C3:6 and C7:54 DMA channel 2 read double word valid Channel 3 read DW or less C4:8 and C8:52 DMA channel 3 read double word valid Channel 0 write DW or less C1:5 DMA channel 0 write double word valid Channel 1 write DW or less C2:8 DMA channel 1 write double word valid Channel 2 write DW or less C3:7 DMA channel 2 write double word valid Channel 3 write DW or less C4:9 DMA channel 3 write double word valid MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-17 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted e500 Coherency Module (ECM) Events ECM request wait core C8:13 Asserted for every cycle core request occurs ECM request wait SAP/I2C/Security C7:13 Asserted for every cycle SAP/I2C/Security request occurs ECM request wait PCI/PCI-X/PEX/DMA/SRIO C5:16 Asserted for every cycle PCI/PCI-X/PEX/DMA/SRIO request occurs ECM request wait eTSEC1-2 C6:16 Asserted for every cycle eTSEC1-2 request occurs ECM request wait eTSEC3-4 C4:20 Asserted for every cycle eTSEC3-4 request occurs ECM dispatch Ref:15 ECM dispatch (includes address only's) Note: all ECM dispatch events are for committed dispatches ECM dispatch from core C1:16 ECM dispatch from core (includes address only's) ECM dispatch from eTSEC1 C3:19 -- ECM dispatch from eTSEC2 C4:21 -- ECM dispatch from eTSEC3 C8:16 -- ECM dispatch from eTSEC4 C9:16 -- ECM dispatch from SRIO C5:17 -- ECM dispatch from PCI1/PEX1 C6:17 -- ECM dispatch from PCI2/PEX2 C7:16 -- ECM dispatch from PCI3/PEX3 C8:17 -- ECM dispatch from DMA C7:14 -- ECM dispatch from Security C9:17 -- ECM dispatch from RIO Message Unit, Door Bell, or Port Write C9:18 -- ECM dispatch from other C8:14 -- ECM dispatch to DDR C4:22 -- ECM dispatch to L2 C5:18 -- ECM dispatch to SRAM C1:15 -- ECM dispatch to LBC C6:18 -- ECM dispatch to SRIO C7:15 -- ECM dispatch to PCI1/PEX1 C8:15 -- ECM dispatch to PCI2/PEX2 C9:19 -- ECM dispatch to PCI3/PEX3 C1:21 -- ECM dispatch to CCSR C2:20 -- ECM dispatch write C1:17 -- ECM dispatch write allocate C2:21 -- ECM dispatch read C4:23 -- ECM dispatch read atomic clr, set, dec, inc C9:23 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-18 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted ECM data bus grant DDR C1:18 -- ECM data bus grant PCI/PCI-X/PEX/DMA/SRIO C2:22 -- ECM data bus grant SAP/I2C/Security C3:22 -- ECM data bus grant LBC C1:19 -- ECM data bus grant eTSEC1-2 C2:23 -- ECM data bus grant eTSEC3-4 C4:25 -- ECM global data bus beat Ref:16 -- ECM e500 direct read bus beat Ref:17 -- ECM e500 direct read bus beat forwarded C2:24 ECM direct read bus beat forwarded directly to e500 R1 data bus ECM cancel Ref:18 -- Mag2Cu magenta requests C1:55 Number of magenta requests (total) Mag2Cu magenta read requests C2:12 Number of magenta read requests Mag2Cu magenta data beats C3:11 Number of magenta data beats (total) Mag2Cu magenta read data beats C4:15 Number of magenta read data beats Mag2Cu magenta request less than 32 bytes C7:12 Number of magenta requests less than 32 bytes Interrupt Controller (PIC) Events PIC total interrupt count Ref:26 Total number of interrupts serviced PIC interrupt wait cycles C8:62 Counts cycles when an interrupt waits to be acknowledge PIC interrupt service cycles C2:19 Number of cycles there is an interrupt currently being serviced. PIC interrupt select 0 (duration threshold) C1:56 PIC interrupt select 1 (duration threshold) C3:59 PIC interrupt select 2 (duration threshold) C5:55 PIC interrupt select 3 (duration threshold) C6:60 THRESHOLD: select 0-3: interrupt count over threshold. (Note: only unmasked, nonzero priority requests are acknowledged). The four interrupts are selected through register pairs, PM0MR n-PM3MRn. See Section 10.3.4, "Performance Monitor Mask Registers (PMMRs)." PCI/PCI-X 1 Events PCI/PCI-X clock cycles Ref:28 -- PCI/PCI-X inbound memory reads C1:62 Includes all read types. PCI/PCI-X inbound memory writes C2:37 -- PCI/PCI-X inbound config reads C3:63 -- PCI/PCI-X inbound config writes C4:37 -- PCI/PCI-X outbound memory reads C5:30 Includes all read types. PCI outbound memory writes/PCI-X outbound memory writes attempted C6:32 Number of PCI outbound memory writes or number of PCI-X outbound memory writes attempted. PCI/PCI-X outbound I/O reads C3:37 -- PCI/PCI-X outbound I/O writes C4:38 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-19 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted PCI outbound config reads/PCI-X outbound config reads attempted C7:26 Number of PCI outbound config reads OR number of PCI-X outbound config reads attempted. PCI/PCI-X outbound config writes C8:26 -- PCI/PCI-X inbound total read data beats C5:32 Includes 32- and 64-bit transactions. PCI/PCI-X inbound total write data beats C6:34 Includes 32- and 64-bit transactions. PCI/PCI-X outbound total read data beats C7:28 Includes 32- and 64-bit transactions. PCI/PCI-X outbound total write data beats C8:28 Includes 32- and 64-bit transactions. PCI/PCI-X inbound 32-bit read data beats C1:30 -- PCI/PCI-X inbound 32-bit write data beats C2:38 -- PCI/PCI-X outbound 32-bit read data beats C3:38 -- PCI/PCI-X outbound 32-bit write data beats C4:39 -- PCI/PCI-X total transactions C7:29 Includes 32- and 64-bit transactions. PCI/PCI-X 64-bit transactions C8:29 -- PCI/PCI-X inbound purgeable reads C2:2 -- PCI/PCI-X inbound (speculative reads) purgeable reads discarded C8:63 PCI/PCI-X idle cycles C1:31 -- PCI/PCI-X dual address cycles C2:40 -- PCI/PCI-X internal cycles C3:39 -- PCI inbound memory read PCI-X inbound memory 32-bit read C1:34 -- PCI inbound memory readline PCI-X inbound memory alias read C2:44 -- PCI inbound memory read multiple PCI-X inbound memory block read C3:42 -- PCI outbound memory reads/PCI-X outbound memory DWORD reads attempted C4:43 Number of PCI outbound memory reads or number of PCI-X outbound memory DWORD reads attempted. PCI outbound memory read lines/ PCI-X outbound memory burst read attempted C5:36 Number of PCI outbound memory read lines or number of PCI-X outbound memory burst reads attempted. PCI wait PCI-X initial wait C1:35 PCI_IRDY, PCI_TRDY not both asserted PCI/PCI-X snoopable C1:32 -- PCI/PCI-X write stash C2:42 -- PCI/PCI-X write stash with lock C3:41 -- PCI/PCI-X read unlock C4:42 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-20 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted PCI/PCI-X byte enable transactions C1:33 -- PCI/PCI-X non-byte enable transactions C2:43 -- PCI 2 Events PCI clock cycles Ref:27 -- PCI inbound memory reads C1:59 Includes all read types. PCI inbound memory writes C2:41 -- PCI inbound config reads C3:62 -- PCI inbound config writes C4:40 -- PCI outbound memory reads C5:31 Includes all read types. PCI outbound memory writes C6:33 Number of PCI outbound memory writes. PCI outbound I/O reads C3:40 -- PCI outbound I/O writes C4:41 -- PCI outbound config reads C7:27 Number of PCI outbound config reads. PCI outbound config writes C8:27 -- PCI inbound 32-bit read data beats C1:10 -- PCI inbound 32-bit write data beats C2:18 -- PCI outbound 32-bit read data beats C3:13 -- PCI outbound 32-bit write data beats C4:19 -- PCI total transactions C7:30 -- PCI inbound purgeable reads C2:9 -- PCI inbound (speculative reads) purgeable reads discarded C8:57 PCI idle cycles C1:14 -- PCI dual address cycles C2:16 -- PCI internal cycles C3:17 -- PCI inbound memory read C1:11 -- PCI inbound memory readline C2:15 -- PCI inbound memory read multiple C3:16 -- PCI outbound memory reads C4:18 Number of PCI outbound memory reads. PCI outbound memory read lines C5:34 Number of PCI outbound memory read lines. PCI wait C1:13 PCIn_IRDY, PCIn_TRDY not both asserted PCI snoopable C1:12 -- PCI write stash C2:14 -- PCI write stash with lock C3:15 -- PCI read unlock C4:17 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-21 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted PCI byte enable transactions C1:9 -- PCI non-byte enable transactions C2:13 -- eTSEC 1 Events DMA write data beats C3:45 DMA write data beats DMA read data beats C4:46 DMA read data beats DMA Write Request C5:42 DMA Write Request DMA Read Request C6:45 DMA Read Request Number of dropped frames C9:24 Number of dropped frames TxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:34 TxBD read lifetime RxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:38 RxBD read lifetime TxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:42 TxBD write lifetime RxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:46 RxBD write lifetime Read data lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:50 Read data lifetime Rx IP packets checked for checksum C9:28 Rx IP packets checked for checksum TX IP packet with checksum C1:41 TX IP packet with checksum TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum C2:49 TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. C3:50 TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error C4:51 IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error Number of rejected frames by filer C5:47 Number of rejected frames by filer Number of rejected frames due to filer error C6:50 Number of rejected frames due to filer error Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full C5:46 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full C6:49 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full C7:46 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full C8:46 Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full eTSEC 2 Events DMA write data beats C5:43 DMA write data beats DMA read data beats C6:46 DMA read data beats DMA Write Request C7:43 DMA Write Request DMA Read Request C8:43 DMA Read Request Number of dropped frames C2:46 Number of dropped frames TxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:35 TxBD read lifetime RxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:39 RxBD read lifetime TxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:43 TxBD write lifetime RxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:47 RxBD write lifetime MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-22 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted Read data lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:51 Read data lifetime Rx IP packets checked for checksum C3:51 Rx IP packets checked for checksum TX IP packet with checksum C4:52 TX IP packet with checksum TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum C5:37 TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. C6:51 TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error C7:47 IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error Number of rejected frames by filer C8:47 Number of rejected frames by filer Number of rejected frames due to filer error C9:29 Number of rejected frames due to filer error Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full C7:49 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full C8:49 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full C9:32 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full C1:44 Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full eTSEC 3 Events DMA write data beats C7:44 DMA write data beats DMA read data beats C8:44 DMA read data beats DMA Write Request C9:26 DMA Write Request DMA Read Request C1:39 DMA Read Request Number of dropped frames C4:48 Number of dropped frames TxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:36 TxBD read lifetime RxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:40 RxBD read lifetime TxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:44 TxBD write lifetime RxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:48 RxBD write lifetime Read data lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:52 Read data lifetime Rx IP packets checked for checksum C6:52 Rx IP packets checked for checksum TX IP packet with checksum C7:48 TX IP packet with checksum TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum C8:48 TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. C9:30 TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error C1:42 IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error Number of rejected frames by filer C2:50 Number of rejected frames by filer Number of rejected frames due to filer error C3:52 Number of rejected frames due to filer error Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full C9:33 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full C1:45 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full C2:52 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-23 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full Number C3:54 Description of Event Counted Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full eTSEC 4 Events DMA write data beats C9:27 DMA write data beats DMA read data beats C1:40 DMA read data beats DMA Write Request C2:48 DMA Write Request DMA Read Request C3:48 DMA Read Request Number of dropped frames C6:40 Number of dropped frames TxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:37 TxBD read lifetime RxBD read lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:41 RxBD read lifetime TxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:45 TxBD write lifetime RxBD write lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:49 RxBD write lifetime Read data lifetime (Duration Threshold) Ref:53 Read data lifetime Rx IP packets checked for checksum C9:31 Rx IP packets checked for checksum TX IP packet with checksum C1:43 TX IP packet with checksum TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum C2:51 TX TCP/UDP packet with checksum TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. C3:53 TCP/UDP packets checked for c.s. IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error C4:53 IP or TCP/UDP Rx checksum error Number of rejected frames by filer C5:38 Number of rejected frames by filer Number of rejected frames due to filer error C6:42 Number of rejected frames due to filer error Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full C8:40 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/4 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full C9:34 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 1/2 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full C1:46 Number of cycles Rx FIFO > 3/4 full Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full C2:53 Number of cycles Rx FIFO = full PCI Express to OCeaN Gasket Events Inbound G2PI read C8:55 A single pulse to indicate an inbound G2PI read has occurred. Inbound G2PI write C9:37 A single pulse to indicate an inbound G2PI write has occurred. Inbound G2PI data C5:60 A level signal to indicate the amount of data transferred if any for inbound G2PI request. Active for every beat of G2PI data. Outbound G2PI read C6:62 A single pulse to indicate an outbound G2PI read has occurred. Outbound G2PI write C7:61 A single pulse to indicate an outbound G2PI write has occurred. Outbound G2PI data C8:60 A level signal to indicate the amount of data transferred if any for outbound G2PI request. Active for every beat of G2PI data. Inbound Static Queue 0 start (Duration Threshold) Ref:54 Lifetime of ISQ entry 0 or 6. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-24 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Outbound Static Queue 0 start (Duration Threshold) Number Ref:55 Description of Event Counted Lifetime of OSQ entry 0. Serial RapidIO Events Inbound packet accepted C1:60 Packet accepted on RIO Inbound priority 0 packet accepted C2:62 Packet accepted from RIO of priority 0 Inbound non-idles received C4:62 Non idles received. This can be used to determine the RIO link utilization. This is actually 1/2 of the actual count (please see section 4.14.1 for more information). Inbound packet retry occurred C5:19 Packet retry occurred, any cause Inbound buffer is full C6:21 Clock cycle occurred in which the inbound buffer is full to any priority (measured from when EOP received to EOP transferred on OCN). Event asserted for as many clock cycles as this is true. Inbound buffer is full to priority 0 C7:59 Clock cycle occurred in which the inbound buffer is full to priority 0 (measured from when EOP received to EOP transferred on OCN). Event asserted for as many clock cycles as this is true. Outbound non-idles transmitted Ref:59 Non idles transmitted. This can be used to determine the RIO link utilization. This is actually 1/2 of the actual count (please see section 4.14.1 for more information). Outbound packet sent to RapidIO interface C2:63 Outbound packet sent to RapidIO interface Outbound packet was misaligned C4:12 Outbound packet was misaligned Outbound packet was retried C5:20 Outbound packet was retried Outbound packet was reordered C6:9 Outbound packet was reordered Outbound packet sent to RIO of priority 0 C7:60 Outbound packet sent to RIO of priority 0 Outbound buffer is full C8:59 Clock cycle occurred in which the outbound buffer is full to any priority. Event asserted for as many clock cycles as this is true. Outbound buffer is full to priority 0 C9:39 Clock cycle occurred in which the outbound buffer is full to priority 0. Event asserted for as many clock cycles as this is true. RapidIO Message Unit Events Inbound packet received Ref:60 Packet received of any priority Inbound priority 0 packet received C5:13 Packet received of priority 0 Inbound buffer is full C6:8 Clock cycle occurred in which the inbound buffer is full to any priority (measured from when SOP received to buffer release transferred on OCN). Event asserted for as many clock cycles as this is true. Inbound buffer is full for priority 0 C7:8 Clock cycle occurred in which the inbound buffer is full to priority 0 (measured from when SOP received to buffer release transferred on OCN). Event asserted for as many clock cycles as this is true. Packet sent to OCeaN C8:38 Packet sent to OCN MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-25 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Packet sent to OCeaN of priority 0 Number C9:41 Description of Event Counted Packet sent to OCN of priority 0 Protocol Converter Events PEX Symbol Gain of 1 when SKP detected C2:54 Number of times the Protocol Converter Elastic Buffer gains 1 PEX Symbol before receiving a SKP ordered-set PEX Symbol Gain of 2 when SKP detected C3:31 Number of times the Protocol Converter Elastic Buffer gains 2 PEX Symbols before receiving a SKP ordered-set PEX Symbol Gain of 3 when SKP detected C4:59 Number of times the Protocol Converter Elastic Buffer gains 3 PEX Symbols before receiving a SKP ordered-set PEX Symbol Loss of 1 when SKP detected C5:54 Number of times the Protocol Converter Elastic Buffer loss 1 PEX Symbol before receiving a SKP ordered-set PEX Symbol Loss of 2 when SKP detected C6:59 Number of times the Protocol Converter Elastic Buffer loss 2 PEX Symbols before receiving a SKP ordered-set PEX Symbol Loss of 3 when SKP detected C7:55 Number of times the Protocol Converter Elastic Buffer loss 3 PEX Symbols before receiving a SKP ordered-set PEX Symbol Disparity Error C8:53 Number of times a receive PEX Symbol Disparity Error was detected PEX Symbol Decode Error C9:35 Number of times an unrecognizable PEX Symbol (Decode Error) was received and detected Local Bus Events Bank 1 hits (chip-select) C1:51 -- Bank 2 hits (chip-select) C2:56 -- Bank 3 hits (chip-select) C3:55 -- Bank 4 hits (chip-select) C4:54 -- Bank 5 hits (chip-select) C5:48 -- Bank 6 hits (chip-select) C6:53 -- Bank 7 hits (chip-select) C7:50 -- Bank 8 hits (chip-select) C8:50 -- Requests granted to ECM port C2:57 -- Cycles atomic reservation for ECM port is enabled C4:55 Atomic reservation time-outs for ECM port C6:54 -- Cycles a read is taking in GPCM C1:53 -- Cycles a read is taking in UPM C2:58 -- Cycles a read is taking in SDRAM C3:57 -- Cycles a write is taking in GPCM C4:56 -- Cycles a write is taking in UPM C5:50 -- Cycles a write is taking in SDRAM C6:55 -- SDRAM bank misses C7:51 -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-26 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted SDRAM page misses Number C8:51 Description of Event Counted -- L2 Cache/SRAM Events Core instruction accesses to L2 that hit Ref:22 -- Core instruction accesses to L2 that miss C2:59 -- Core data accesses to L2 that hit Ref:23 -- Core data accesses to L2 that miss C4:57 -- Non-core burst write to L2 (cache external write or SRAM) C5:51 -- Non-core non-burst write to L2 C6:56 -- Noncore write misses cache external write window and SRAM memory range C7:52 -- Non-core read hit in L2 Ref:24 -- Non-core read miss in L2 C1:54 -- L2 allocates, from any source Ref:25 -- L2 retries due to full write queue C2:60 -- L2 retries due to address collision C3:58 -- L2 failed lock attempts due to full set C4:58 -- L2 victimizations of valid lines C5:52 -- L2 invalidations of lines C6:57 -- L2 clearing of locks C7:53 -- Debug Events External event C3:61 Number of cycles trig_in pin is asserted Watchpoint monitor hits C2:61 -- Trace buffer hits C1:58 -- DUART Events UART0 baud rate C1:63 -- UART1 baud rate C5:63 -- Chaining Events PMC0 carry-out Ref:1 PMC0[0] 1-to-0 transitions. PMC1 carry-out Ref:2 PMC1[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC1. PMC2 carry-out Ref:3 PMC2[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC2. PMC3 carry-out Ref:4 PMC3[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC3. PMC4 carry-out Ref:5 PMC4[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC4. PMC5 carry-out Ref:6 PMC5[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC5. PMC6 carry-out Ref:7 PMC6[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC6. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-27 Device Performance Monitor Table 21-10. Performance Monitor Events (continued) Event Counted Number Description of Event Counted PMC7 carry-out Ref:8 PMC7[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC7. PMC8 carry-out Ref:9 PMC8[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC8. PMC9 carry-out Ref:10 PMC9[0] 1-to-0 transitions. Reserved for PMC9. 21.4.8 Performance Monitor Examples Table 21-12 contains sample register settings for the four supported modes. * Simple event performance monitoring example * Triggering event performance monitoring example * Threshold event performance monitoring example * Burstiness event performance monitoring example The settings in Table 21-11 are identical for all four examples. Table 21-11. PMGC0 and PMLCAn Settings Field Setting Reason PMGC0[FAC] 0 Counters must not be frozen. PMGC0[PMIE] 1 Performance monitor interrupts are enabled PMGC0[FCECE] 1 Counters should be frozen when an interrupt is signaled. PMLCAn[FC] 0 Counters cannot be frozen for counting. PMLCAn[CE] 1 Overflow condition enable is required to allow interrupt signaling. For simple event counting, a non-threshold event is selected in PMLCAn[EVENT] and all other features are disabled by clearing all register fields except for CE. For the triggering example any event can be selected in PMLCAn[EVENT]. All other features are disabled by clearing these register fields except for CE to allow interrupt signaling. If PMLCBn[TRIGONSEL] is 3 and PMLCBn[TRIGOFFSEL] is 5, the counter begins and ends counting based on the conditions in counters three and five. Furthermore, if PMLCBn[TRIGONCNTL] is 1, the counter begins counting when PMC3 changes value. According to the setting in PMLCBn[TRIGOFFCNTL], the counter ends counting when PMC5 overflows. Also, although the register settings for PMC5 is not shown, PMLCAn[CE] for this counter must be cleared so that interrupt signaling is not enabled and the counter does not freeze when it overflows. For threshold counting, a threshold event must be specified in PMLCAn[EVENT]. For this example, the duration threshold value is scaled by two because PMLCBn[TBMULT] is one. All other features are disabled by clearing the appropriate fields. Any non-threshold event can use the burstiness feature. For burstiness counting, values for PMLCAn[BSIZE,BGRAN,BDIST] and PMLCBn[TBMULT] must be specified. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-28 Freescale Semiconductor Device Performance Monitor Table 21-12. Register Settings for Counting Examples Register Register Field Simple Event Triggering Threshold Burstiness PMGC0 FAC 0 0 0 0 PMIE 1 1 1 1 FCECE 1 1 1 1 FC 0 0 0 0 CE 1 1 1 1 EVENT 89 68 39 2 BSIZE 0 0 0 5 BGRAN 0 0 0 1 BDIST 0 0 0 8 TRIGONSEL 0 3 0 0 TRIGOFFSEL 0 5 0 0 TRIGONCNTL 0 1 0 0 TRIGOFFCNTL 0 2 0 0 TBMULT 0 0 0 0 THRESHOLD 0 0 3 0 PMLCAn PMLCBn The performance monitor must be reset before event counting sequences. The performance monitor can be reset by first freezing one or more counters and then clearing the freeze condition to allow the counters to count according to the settings in the performance monitor registers. Counters can be frozen individually by setting PMLCAn[FC] bits, or simultaneously by setting PMGC0[FAC]. Simply clearing these freeze bits will then allow the performance monitor to begin counting based on the register settings. Note that using PMLCAn[FC] to reset the performance monitor resets only the specified counter. Performance monitor registers can be configured through reads or writes while the counters are frozen as long as freeze bits are not cleared by the register accesses. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21-29 Device Performance Monitor MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 21-30 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 22 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility This chapter describes all customer-visible debug modes of the MPC8548E integrated device. The debug features on the MPC8548E pertain to these interfaces: the PCI interface (only when in 64-bit PCI mode), the local bus controller (LBC), and the DDR SDRAM interface. In addition to the external interfaces, the MPC8548E provides triggering capabilities based on user-programmable events. The watchpoint and trace buffer also provide some visibility to internal buses. This chapter also describes context ID registers, useful for software debug, and describes the JTAG access port signals that comply with the IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan specification. 22.1 Introduction As shown in the block diagram of Figure 22-1, the MPC8548E device provides the following debug features (listed with references to sections of this chapter that describe them): * PCI interface debug (Section 22.4.2, "PCI Interface Debug") * DDR SDRAM interface debug (Section 22.4.3, "DDR SDRAM Interface Debug") * Local bus controller (LBC) debug (Section 22.4.4, "Local Bus Interface Debug") * Watchpoint monitor and trace buffer debug (Section 22.4.5, "Watchpoint Monitor," and Section 22.4.6, "Trace Buffer") 22.1.1 Overview As shown in Figure 22-1, debug information is provided through the following interfaces: PCI, LBC, and DDR SDRAM. Limited visibility, through a 256 x 64 trace buffer, is also provided for the processor core interface. This visibility into internal device operation is useful for debugging application software through inverse assembly and reconstruction of the fetch stream. The combination of a source ID (MSRCID[0:4]) and a data-valid signal (MDVAL) indicates that meaningful debug information is visible on either the local bus or DDR SDRAM interfaces. A logic analyzer can be programmed to capture data based on the values of MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-1 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility PORDBGMSR[MEM_SEL] = POR Value of MSRCID0 LBC Protocol Signals Signal Name e500 Processor Core LBC (Local Bus) 6 6 SRCID[0:4] DVAL e500 Coherency Module All Other DDR Signals 6 DDR SDRAM Controller PCI Express Controller MSRCID[0:4], MDVAL 6 SRCID[0:4] DVAL MECC[0:5] All Other PCI Signals PCI Controller 5 SRCID[0:4] PCI1_AD[62:58] Performance Monitor Trace Buffer (256 x 64) Watchpoint and Trace Buffer Control TRIG_IN TRIG_OUT Figure 22-1. Debug and Watchpoint Monitor Block Diagram Other system debugging is supported by the programmable triggering of the watchpoint monitor and trace buffer. Both can be triggered from one of the following three sources: * Each other * A performance monitor event * An external source (through TRIG_IN). The watchpoint monitor can be configured to assert TRIG_OUT when a programmed event occurs. The two context ID registers, described in Section 22.3.3, "Context ID Registers," are useful for software debug. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-2 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22.1.2 Features The principal features of the debug modes and the watchpoint monitor are as follows: * PCI1 interface: transaction source ID driven onto PCI1_AD[62:58] (only when in 64-bit PCI mode) * LBC and DDR interface source ID and data-valid indicators -- LBC or DDR SDRAM source ID can be selected to be driven onto MSRCID[0:4] -- Source ID and data-valid indicators can be selected to be driven onto the error correcting code (ECC) pins of the DDR interface * Watchpoint monitor that supports -- Two-level triggering -- Programmable external trigger (TRIG_OUT) -- Interlocked with performance monitor to use its large number of counters * Trace buffer features that support -- Two-level triggering -- Programmable external trigger (TRIG_OUT) -- Interlocked with performance monitor to use its large number of counters -- 256-entry trace buffer, 64 bits each -- Programmable trace start and stop -- Can function as a second watchpoint monitor * Context ID registers that can be programmed to trigger events 22.1.3 Modes of Operation The PCI, LBC, and DDR SDRAM interfaces all have debug modes, which are controlled by values on configuration inputs during the power-on reset (POR) sequence, as shown in Table 22-3.The DDR controller can also drive debug information on either MSRCID[0:4] or MECC[0:5]. See Section 22.4.1, "Source and Target ID," for additional information about the source ID information driven on the debug signals in these modes. Note that both the watchpoint monitor and trace buffer also operate in a variety of modes. Table 22-1. POR Configuration Settings and Debug Modes Configuration Signal POR Value MSRCID0 0 Local bus SDRAM information appears on MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL. 1 Default value (internal pull-up resistor). DDR SDRAM information appears on MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL. 0 MECC[0:4] operate in debug mode and provide memory debug source ID and MECC5 provides data-valid information. 1 Default value (internal pull-up resistor). MECC[0:4] operate in normal mode and provide DDR SDRAM error correcting code information. MSRCID1 Effect Reference MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-3 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-1. POR Configuration Settings and Debug Modes (continued) Configuration Signal POR Value PCI1_GNT3 Effect Reference 0 The PCI interface operates in debug mode. The source ID information appears on the high-order address bits (PCI1_AD[62:58]) during the bus command phase. 1 Default value (internal pull-up resistor). The PCI interface operates in normal mode. Local Bus (LBC) Debug Mode The LBC and the DDR SDRAM controller can drive debug information (source ID and data-valid indicator) onto MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL. As shown in Table 22-1, the MSRCID0 value during POR controls multiplexing. If MSRCID0 is low when sampled during POR, the local bus SDRAM information appears on MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL; otherwise, the DDR SDRAM debug information is presented. DDR SDRAM Interface Debug Modes MSRCID1 is sampled during POR to multiplex either ECC or debug information on the ECC pins of the DDR SDRAM interface. As shown in Table 22-1, if MSRCID1 is low during POR, the ECC pins operate in debug mode and provide memory debug source ID and data-valid information. MSRCID1 must be pulled low during POR to use the ECC pins in debug mode. If MSRCID1 is unconnected, an internal pull-up resistor ensures the ECC pins always source DDR SDRAM error correcting code information as their default power-on reset configuration. NOTE If the DDR ECC pins are in debug mode (configured for debug during POR), ECC checking is disabled in the memory controller. In this case, MECC[0:4] do not provide ECC information and must not be connected to SDRAM devices. PCI Interface Debug Modes If PCI1_GNT3 is low when sampled during POR, the PCI interface operates in debug mode. PCI debug mode is only possible when the PCI1 is configured for a 64-bit interface. In this mode, the source ID information appears on the high-order address bits (PCI1_AD[62:58]) during the bus command phase. See Section 22.4.2, "PCI Interface Debug," for more information. Watchpoint Monitor Modes The watchpoint monitor supports the following operating modes: * Immediate trigger arming (one-level triggering)--The watchpoint monitor triggers as soon as the first trigger event occurs. * Wait for trigger arming (two-level triggering)--The watchpoint monitor waits for a specific event before enabling (arming) the trigger logic. The monitor does not respond to trigger events until after the arming event occurs. This function is similar to two-level triggering on a logic analyzer. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-4 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility * Assert TRIG_OUT on hit--The debug block can be programmed to assert the TRIG_OUT signal when a programmed watchpoint monitor event occurs. This signal can be used to trigger a logic analyzer. Trace Buffer Modes The trace buffer supports the following operating modes: * Immediate trigger arming (one-level triggering)--The trace buffer triggers as soon as the first trigger event occurs. * Wait for trigger arming (two-level triggering)--The trace buffer waits for a specific event before enabling (arming) the trigger logic. The trace buffer does not respond to trigger events until after the arming event occurs. This function is similar to two-level triggering on a logic analyzer. * Specific interface selection--The trace buffer can be programmed to trace one of several internal interfaces. * Specific event selection--The trace buffer can be programmed to trace on the occurrence of one or several concurrent events. * Specific trace selection--To facilitate trace data filtering, the trace buffer can be configured to capture data under the following conditions: -- On every cycle in which a valid transaction is present on the selected interface -- Only when the programmed trace event is detected * Programmable trace stop--The trace buffer may be programmed to stop tracing when a programmed stop-tracing event occurs or when the 256-entry buffer is full. 22.2 External Signal Description This section provides information about all the external signals associated with the various MPC8548E debug functions. As shown in Table 22-1, the MPC8548E has several signals that are sampled during POR to determine the configuration of the phase-locked loop clock mode and the ROM, flash, and dynamic memory. See Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization." To facilitate system testing, the MPC8548E provides a JTAG test access port (TAP) that complies with the IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan specification. This section also describes JTAG TAP signals. 22.2.1 Overview All the signals associated with device debug features are summarized in Table 22-2, listed with a reference to the page number of the section with more information. The detailed descriptions are contained in Table 22-2. Some signals (the MECC bus for example) are additionally described in other chapters, but are described here also for completeness, with emphasis on their debugging utility. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-5 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-2. Debug, Watchpoint and Test Signal Summary Description MDVAL Memory data-valid Debug MECC[0:7] DDR error correcting code DDR SDRAM MSRCID[0:1] Memory source ID Debug TRIG_IN Trigger in Debug TRIG_OUT Trigger out MSRCID[2:4] PCI1_AD[62:58] PCI address 1 Functional Block Name Function Reset Value Selectable data-valid signal from either DDR SDRAM controller or LBC. I/O Page # 1 O 22-7 In debug mode, the high-order six bits carry debug information (transaction source ID and data-valid indication). 0x08 O1 22-7 Selectable transaction source ID from either DDR SDRAM controller or local bus controller. Reset_cfg O 22-7 111 O 22-7 Trigger for various function in the watchpoint monitor and trace buffer. 1 I 22-8 Debug Can be used externally for triggering a logic analyzer. Additionally, it can be used for observing system ready indication. Functions are multiplexed onto this signal depending on TOSR[SEL] (see Table 22-25). 1 O 22-8 Debug In debug mode these pins carry the source ID of the transaction. 0000_0 O 22-7 TCK Test clock Debug Clock for JTAG testing. Internally pulled up. 1 I 22-8 TDI Test data input Debug Serial input for instructions and data to the JTAG test subsystem. Internally pulled up. 1 I 22-8 TDO Test data output Debug Serial data output for the JTAG test subsystem. High impedance except when scanning out data. Hi Z O 22-8 TMS Test mode select Debug Carries commands to the TAP controller for boundary scan operations. Internally pulled up. 1 I 22-8 TRST Test reset Debug Resets the TAP controller asynchronously. -- I 22-8 LSSD_ MODE Test Test Factory Test. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper treatment. I 22-8 L1_TSTCLK Test Test Factory Test. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper treatment. I 22-8 L2_TSTCLK Test Test Factory Test. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper treatment. I 22-8 While these signals are normally bidirectional, when sourcing debug information they are output only. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-6 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22.2.2 Detailed Signal Descriptions This section describes the details of the debug, watchpoint monitor, and JTAG test signals Debug Signals--Details Table 22-3 describes all signals associated with device debug modes. Table 22-3. Debug Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O Description MDVAL O Memory data-valid. Indicates when valid data is available. May be used by a logic analyzer to capture the data on the data bus. State Asserted--Indicates that data is valid on the data bus during the current clock cycle. When Meaning the DDR SDRAM interface is selected to source information on MDVAL, this signal is valid for every cycle that data is driven or received on the DDR SDRAM interface. When the LBC is selected, this signal is valid for every cycle that data is driven or received on the local bus interface. The assertion of this signal may be used by a logic analyzer to capture data. Timing Asserted/Negated--Referenced to the selected interface, (DDR or local bus). Asserts when data is valid. Assertions are held for the duration of the transfer. Read data timing is similar to MA. Write data timing is similar to the output MDQ. MECC[0:7] O Memory ECC. DDR error checking and correcting. The normally bidirectional operation of the memory ECC (MECC) bus is described in Section 9.5.11, "Error Checking and Correcting (ECC)." This bus is used for debug functions when MSRCID1 is sampled low during POR. In debug mode, the high-order 5 bits (MECC[0:4]) may be used to provide the transaction source ID and MECC5 can be used as the data-valid indicator. In debug mode, MECC[0:5] is constantly driven with debug information and must be disconnected from the DDR memory's ECC pins. State Asserted/Negated--In debug mode, MECC[0:5] is always driven. The source ID values Meaning appear during RAS and CAS cycles. A value of 0x1F (all ones) is driven during cycles other than RAS and CAS. The data-valid indicator appears when data is being received or driven on the pins. Timing Driven every cycle in debug mode. MSRCID[0:4] O Memory source ID. Attribute signals associated with the memory interface that indicate the source ID for a transaction on an SDRAM interface. The SDRAM interface, DDR or local bus, to which the debug information applies is specified during POR with MSRCID0 as shown in Table 22-1. Two of these signals serve as reset configuration input signals. State Asserted/Negated--In debug mode, always driven with the value of the source ID. The Meaning source ID has a value of 0x1F for cycles other than RAS and CAS. The encodings shown in Table 22-26 provide detailed information about a memory transaction. Timing Driven every cycle in debug mode. Similar timing to MA. PCI1_AD[62:58] O PCI Address. Provides transaction source ID for the current PCI bus transaction. State Asserted/Negation--In debug mode, always driven with the value of the transaction source Meaning ID. Timing Driven every cycle in debug mode. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-7 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Watchpoint Monitor Trigger Signals--Details Table 22-4 shows detailed descriptions of the watchpoint monitor and trace buffer signals. Table 22-4. Watchpoint and Trigger Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O Description TRIG_IN I Trigger in. Can be used to trigger the watchpoint and trace buffers. Note this is an active-high (rising-edge triggered) signal. State Asserted--Indicates that a programmed/armed external event has been detected. Assertion Meaning may be used internally to trigger trace buffers and watchpoint mechanisms. Timing Assertion/Negation--The MPC8548E interprets TRIG_IN as asserted on detection of the rising edge. It may occur at any time. Must remain asserted for at least 3 system clocks to be recognized internally. TRIG_OUT O Trigger out. Function determined by TOSR[SEL]. When TOSR[SEL] is non-zero, it can be used for triggering external devices, like a logic analyzer, with either the watchpoint monitor, the trace buffer, or the performance monitor as trigger sources. When TOSR[SEL] is cleared, TRIG_OUT is multiplexed with READY, which indicates the operational readiness of the device (running or in low-power or debug modes). See Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," and Chapter 20, "Global Utilities," for more details about reset, low-power, and debug states. State Asserted--When TOSR[SEL] is all zeros, serves as the READY signal, indicating that the device Meaning is not in a low-power or debug mode and that it has emerged from reset. SEL 0 indicates that a programmed trigger event has occurred. Negation--No final watchpoint match condition Timing Assertion may occur at any time. Remains asserted for at least 3 system clocks Test Signals--Details Table 22-5 shows detailed descriptions of the JTAG test signals. Table 22-5. JTAG Test and Other Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O TCK I Description JTAG test clock. State Asserted/Negated--Should be driven by a free-running clock signal with a 30-70% duty cycle. Meaning Input signals to the TAP are clocked in on the rising edge. Changes to the TAP output signals occur on the falling edge. The test logic allows TCK to be stopped. An unterminated input appears as a high signal level to the test logic due to an internal pull-up resistor. Timing See IEEE 1149.1 standard for more details. TDI I JTAG test data input. State Asserted/Negated--The value present on the rising edge of TCK is clocked into the selected Meaning JTAG test instruction or data register. An unterminated input appears as a high signal level to the test logic due to an internal pull-up resistor. Timing See IEEE 1149.1 standard for more details. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-8 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-5. JTAG Test and Other Signals--Detailed Signal Descriptions Signal I/O TDO O Description JTAG test data output. State Asserted/Negated--The contents of the selected internal instruction or data register are Meaning shifted out on this signal on the falling edge of TCK. Remains in a high-impedance state except when scanning data. Timing See IEEE 1149.1 standard for more details. TMS I JTAG test mode select. State Asserted/Negated--Decoded by the internal JTAG TAP controller to distinguish the primary Meaning operation of the test support circuitry. An unterminated input appears as a high signal level to the test logic due to an internal pull-up resistor. Timing See IEEE 1149.1 standard for more details. TRST I JTAG test reset. State Asserted--Causes asynchronous initialization of the internal JTAG TAP controller. Must be Meaning asserted during power-on reset in order to properly initialize the JTAG TAP and for normal operation of the MPC8548E. An unterminated input appears as a high signal level to the test logic due to an internal pull-up resistor. Negated-- Normal operation. Timing See IEEE 1149.1 standard for more details. LSSD_MODE I Used for factory test. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper treatment. L1_TSTCLK I Used for factory test. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper treatment. L2_TSTCLK I Used for factory test. Refer to the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for proper treatment. THERM[0:1] I These signals provide access to an internal resistor that has a value that varies linearly with temperature. The actual value for the resistor varies from device to device, but the linear relationship between temperature and resistance is consistent. See the MPC8548E Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications for more information on how to accurately measure the junction temperature of a device. Note that this thermal resistor is intended for engineering development only. TEST_SEL I Used for factory test. Should be negated (pulled high) for normal operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-9 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22.3 Memory Map/Register Definition Table 22-6 shows the memory-mapped debug and watchpoint registers of the MPC8548E. Undefined 4-byte address spaces within offset 0x000-0xFFF are reserved. In this table and in the register figures and field descriptions, the following access definitions apply: * Reserved fields are always ignored for the purposes of determining access type. * R/W, R, and W (read/write, read only, and write only) indicate that all the non-reserved fields in a register have the same access type. * w1c indicates that all of the non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them. * Mixed indicates a combination of access types. * Special is used when no other category applies. In this case the register figure and field description table should be read carefully. Table 22-6. Debug and Watchpoint Monitor Memory Map Local Memory Offset Register Access Reset Section/Page Watchpoint Monitor Registers 0xE_2000 WMCR0--Watchpoint monitor control register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2004 WMCR1--Watchpoint monitor control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_200C WMAR--Watchpoint monitor address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2014 WMAMR--Watchpoint monitor address mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2018 WMTMR--Watchpoint monitor transaction mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_201C WMSR--Watchpoint monitor status register R/W 0x0000_0000 Trace Buffer Registers 0xE_2040 TBCR0--Trace buffer control register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2044 TBCR1--Trace buffer control register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_204C TBAR--Trace buffer address register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2054 TBAMR--Trace buffer address mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2058 TBTMR--Trace buffer transaction mask register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_205C TBSR--Trace buffer status register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2060 TBACR--Trace buffer access control register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2064 TBADHR--Trace buffer access data high register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_2068 TBADR--Trace buffer access data register R/W 0x0000_0000 Context ID Registers 0xE_20A0 PCIDR--Programmed context ID register R/W 0x0000_0000 0xE_20A4 CCIDR--Current context ID register R/W 0x0000_0000 R/W 0x0000_0000 Other Registers 0xE_20B0 TOSR--Trigger output source register MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-10 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22.3.1 Watchpoint Monitor Register Descriptions The following sections describe the control registers for the watchpoint monitor facility. Watchpoint Monitor Control Registers 0-1 (WMCR0, WMCR1) The watchpoint monitor control registers (WMCR0, WMCR1) shown in Figure 22-2 and Figure 22-3 control the specification of watchpoint monitor events. Offset 0xE_2000 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 21 EN AMD TMD ECEN NECEN SIDEN TIDEN Reset -- 23 24 STRT 31 -- All zeros Figure 22-2. Watchpoint Monitor Control Register 0 (WMCR0) Table 22-7 describes WMCR0 fields. Table 22-7. WMCR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN 1 AMD Address match disable. Qualifies address match as a watchpoint event criterion. 0 Address matching is used to recognize a watchpoint event. 1 Address matching does not affect watchpoint event detection. 2 TMD Transaction match disable. Qualifies transaction type match (as defined in WMCR1[IFSEL] and WMTMR) as a watchpoint event criterion. 0 A transaction type match is used to recognize watchpoint events. 1 A transaction type match does not affect watchpoint event detection. 3 ECEN Equal context enable. Qualifies the matching of current context with programmed context as a watchpoint event criterion, as written in the context registers described in Section 22.3.3, "Context ID Registers." 0 Current context match does not affect watchpoint event detection. 1 Watchpoint events are qualified by comparing current context with the programmed context event value. Note: ECEN and NECEN must not be enabled in the same run. If both are set, watchpoint events are inhibited (never occur). 4 NECEN Not equal context enable. Qualifies the matching of current context with programmed context as a watchpoint event criterion, as written in the context registers described in Section 22.3.3, "Context ID Registers." 0 The failure of a current context match does not affect watchpoint event detection 1 Watchpoint events are qualified with NOT getting a current context compare with the programmed context event value. Note: ECEN and NECEN must not be enabled in the same run. If both are set, watchpoint events are inhibited (never occur). 5 SIDEN Source ID enable 0 Source ID does not affect watchpoint event detection. 1 Watchpoint events are qualified by comparison with the programmed WMCR1(SID) value. 6 TIDEN Target ID enable 0 Target ID does not affect watchpoint event detection. 1 Watchpoint events are qualified by comparison with the programmed WMCR1(TID) value. Enable 0 Watchpoint monitor events are not flagged. 1 A watchpoint monitor event is flagged. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-11 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-7. WMCR0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 7-20 -- 21-23 Description Reserved STRT Start condition. Specifies the event that arms the watchpoint monitor to start looking for the programmed event. 000 No event. Armed immediately 001 Trace buffer event is detected 010 Performance monitor signals overflow 011 TRIG_IN transitions from 0 to 1 100 TRIG_IN transitions from 1 to 0 101 Current context ID equals programmed context ID 110 Current context ID is not equal to programmed context ID 111 Reserved 24-31 -- Reserved Figure 22-3 shows the WMCR1. Offset 0xE_2004 0 Access: Read/Write 4 R 5 -- W 7 IFSEL 8 10 -- Reset 11 15 16 SID 26 27 -- 31 TID All zeros Figure 22-3. Watchpoint Monitor Control Register 1 (WMCR1) Table 22-8 describes the WMCR1 fields. Table 22-8. WMCR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 -- 5-7 Description Reserved IFSEL Interface selection. Selects the address, transaction type (as defined in WMTMR), and other attributes to be used for comparison 000 Selects e500 coherency module (ECM) dispatch interface 001 Selects internal DDR SDRAM interface 010 Selects internal PCI 1 outbound interface 011 Reserved 100 Selects internal PCI Express outbound interface 101 Selects internal PCI 2 outbound interface 110-111 Reserved 8-10 -- Reserved 11-15 SID 16-26 -- Reserved 27-31 TID Target ID. Specifies the target ID associated with WMCR0[TIDEN]. For a definition of the target ID see Table 22-26. Source ID. Specifies the source ID associated with WMCR0[SIDEN]. For a definition of the source ID, see Table 22-26. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-12 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Watchpoint Monitor Address Register (WMAR) The watchpoint monitor address register (WMAR) shown in Figure 22-4 contains the address to match against if WMCR[AMD] is clear. Note that this address may be further qualified with the bits described in Section, "Watchpoint Monitor Address Mask Register (WMAMR)." Offset 0xE_200C Access: Read/Write 0 31 R WMA W Reset All zeros Figure 22-4. Watchpoint Monitor Address Register (WMAR) Table 22-9 describes the WMAR fields. Table 22-9. WMAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 WMA Description Watchpoint monitor address. Watchpoint Monitor Address Mask Register (WMAMR) The watchpoint monitor address mask register (WMAMR) shown in Figure 22-5 contains the mask for the address in the WMAR. Offset 0xE_2014 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R WMAM W Reset All zeros Figure 22-5. Watchpoint Monitor Address Mask Register (WMAMR) Table 22-10 describes the WMAMR fields. Table 22-10. WMAMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 WMAM Watchpoint monitor address mask. A value of zero masks the address comparison for the corresponding address bit. These bits only mask the address bits generated by the hardware, but do not affect the bits specified in WMAR. A bit that is masked from the comparison should be set to 0 in WMAR. Description Watchpoint Monitor Transaction Mask Register (WMTMR) The watchpoint monitor transaction mask register (WMTMR), shown in Figure 22-6, specifies which transaction types to monitor. WMTMR allows users to qualify watchpoint events specifically with any combination of transaction types. As shown in Table 22-12, each bit represents as many as four separate transaction types; one for each interface. Setting a bit enables watchpoint monitoring for the corresponding transaction types. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-13 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Because the supported transaction types vary by interface, the type designated by a WMTMR field also depends on the interface specified by WMCR1[IFSEL]. Table 22-12 lists transaction types associated with each WMTMR bit by interface. Offset 0xE_2018 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R WMTM W Reset All zeros Figure 22-6. Watchpoint Monitor Transaction Mask Register (WMTMR) Table 22-11 describes the WMTMR fields. Table 22-11. WMTMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 WMTM Watchpoint monitor transaction mask. Each bit corresponds to a transaction type as defined in Table 22-12. The transaction associated with any particular bit may be different depending on the interface being monitored. A value of 1 for a given mask bit enables the matching of the transaction associated with that bit. These bits are meaningful only when WMCR0[TMD] = 0. The following table, Table 22-12, defines the transactions associated with each transaction mask bit for the different interfaces supported by the watchpoint monitor. Table 22-12. Transaction Types By Interface Description DDR Controller PCI Outbound Request PCI Express Outbound Transaction Write Memory write Posted write -- I/O write Non-posted write Bits e500 Coherency Module Dispatch 0 Write with local processor snoop 1 Write with no local processor snoop 2 Write with allocate(L2 stashing) Write with allocate -- -- 3 Write with allocate and lock (L2 stashing with locking) Write with allocate and lock -- -- 4 Reserved -- -- -- 5 Reserved -- -- -- 6 Reserved -- -- -- 7 Reserved -- -- -- 8 Read with local processor snoop Read Memory read Read 9 Read with no local processor snoop -- I/O read -- 10 Read with unlock Read with unlock -- -- 11 Reserved -- -- Read response MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-14 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-12. Transaction Types By Interface (continued) Description DDR Controller PCI Outbound Request PCI Express Outbound Transaction Reserved -- -- -- 13-15 Reserved -- -- -- ATOMIC clear -- -- ATOMIC set -- -- Bits e500 Coherency Module Dispatch 12 16 ATOMIC clear 17 ATOMIC set 18 ATOMIC decrement ATOMIC decrement -- -- 19 ATOMIC increment ATOMIC increment -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20-24 Reserved 25 Address only transaction 26-31 Reserved Watchpoint Monitor Status Register (WMSR) The watchpoint monitor status register (WMSR) shown in Figure 22-7 indicates the state of the watchpoint monitor. Offset 0xE_201C 0 R W Access: Read/Write 1 2 31 ACT TRIG -- Reset All zeros Figure 22-7. Watchpoint Monitor Status Register (WMSR) Table 22-13 describes the WMSR fields. Table 22-13. WMSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 ACT Active 0 The start triggering event has not occurred; watchpoint monitor is not armed. 1 The start triggering event has occurred; watchpoint monitor is armed. 1 TRIG Triggered 0 The programmed event in WMCR0 has not yet been triggered. 1 The programmed event in WMCR0 has been triggered at least once. 2-31 -- Reserved MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-15 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22.3.2 Trace Buffer Register Descriptions The following sections describes the trace buffer registers. Trace Buffer Control Registers (TBCR0, TBCR1) The trace buffer control registers (TBCR0, TBCR1), shown in Figure 22-8 and Figure 22-9, specify trace buffer events. Offset 0xE_2040 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EN AMD TMD ECEN NECEN SIDEN TIDEN HALT Reset 13 14 -- 15 16 MODE 20 21 -- 23 24 STRT 28 29 -- 31 STOP All zeros Figure 22-8. Trace Buffer Control Register 0 (TBCR0) Table 22-14 describes the TBCR0 fields. Table 22-14. TBCR0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EN 1 AMD Address match disable 0 The address match is used to qualify a trace buffer event. 1 The address match is ignored when detecting a trace buffer event. 2 TMD Transaction match disable 0 The transaction type match is used to qualify a trace buffer event. 1 The transaction type match is ignored when detecting a trace buffer event. 3 ECEN Equal context enable. Qualifies the matching of current context with programmed context as a trace buffer event criterion, as written in the context registers described in Section 22.3.3, "Context ID Registers." 0 Current context match does not affect trace buffer event detection 1 Trace buffer events are qualified by comparing current context with the programmed context event value. Note: ECEN and NECEN must not be enabled in the same run. If both are set, watchpoint events are inhibited (never occur). 4 NECEN Not equal context enable. Qualifies the matching of current context with programmed context as a trace buffer event criterion, as written in the context registers described in Section 22.3.3, "Context ID Registers." 0 The failure of a current context match does not affect trace buffer event detection 1 trace buffer events are qualified with NOT getting a current context compare with the programmed context event value. Note: ECEN and NECEN must not be enabled in the same run. If both are set, watchpoint events are inhibited (never occur). 5 SIDEN Source ID enable 0 Trace buffer events ignore the programmed source ID value. 1 Trace buffer events are qualified by comparison with the programmed SID event value. 6 TIDEN Target ID enable 0 Trace buffer events ignore the programmed TID event value. 1 Trace buffer events are qualified by comparison with the programmed TID event value. This comparison only applies when the ECM is selected for tracing (TBCR1[IFSEL] is all zeros). Enable 0 The trace buffer facility is disabled. 1 The trace buffer facility is enabled. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-16 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-14. TBCR0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 7 HALT 8-13 -- 14-15 Description Halt causes the trace buffer to stop tracing immediately. TBSR[ACT] remains set when this bit is set. Reserved MODE Trace mode. Specifies one of two trace modes. 00 Trace every valid transaction 01 Reserved 10 Trace only cycles in which a trace event is detected. Note that if EN and other TBCR0 fields are not properly programmed to specify a traceable event, tracing occurs for every valid address. 11 Reserved 16-20 -- 21-23 Reserved STRT Start condition. Specifies the event that arms the trace buffer to start looking for the programmed event 000 No event. Armed immediately 001 Watchpoint monitor event is detected 010 Trace buffer event is detected 011 Performance monitor signals overflow 100 TRIG_IN transitions from 0 to 1 101 TRIG_IN transitions from 1 to 0 110 Current context ID equals programmed context ID 111 Current context ID does not equal programed context ID 24-28 -- 29-31 Reserved STOP Trace stop mode. Specifies the event that stops the updating of the trace buffer after it has been started. Trace buffer only stops after it has been triggered at least once. 000 Buffer is full 001 Watchpoint monitor event is detected 010 Trace buffer event is detected 011 Performance monitor signals overflow 100 TRIG_IN transitions from 0 to 1 101 TRIG_IN transitions from 1 to 0 110 Current context ID equals programmed context ID 111 Current context ID does not equal programed context ID Figure 22-9 depicts TBCR1. Offset 0xE_2044 0 R W Access: Read/Write 4 -- 5 7 IFSEL Reset 8 10 -- 11 15 16 SID 26 27 -- 31 TID All zeros Figure 22-9. Trace Buffer Control Register 1 (TBCR1) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-17 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-15 describes the TBCR1 fields. Table 22-15. TBCR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 -- 5-7 Description Reserved IFSEL Interface selection. Specifies the interface that sources information for both comparison/buffer control and buffer data capture. 000 Selects e500 coherency module (ECM) dispatch interface 001 Selects internal DDR SDRAM interface 010 Selects internal PCI 1 outbound interface 011Reserved 100 Selects internal PCI Express outbound interface 101 Selects internal PCI 2 outbound interface 110-111 Reserved 8-10 -- 11-15 SID 16-26 -- Reserved 27-31 TID Target ID. Specifies the target ID associated with TBCR0[TIDEN]. The target ID is defined in Table 22-26. Reserved Source ID. Specifies the source ID associated with TBCR0[SIDEN]. The source ID is defined in Table 22-26. Trace Buffer Address Register (TBAR) The trace buffer address register (TBAR) shown in Figure 22-10 contains the address to match against (if TBCR0[AMD] is zero). This address may be further qualified by the mask bits defined in Section, "Trace Buffer Address Mask Register (TBAMR)." Offset 0xE_204C Access: Read/Write 0 31 R TBA W Reset All zeros Figure 22-10. Trace Buffer Address Register (TBAR) Table 22-16 describes the TBAR field. Table 22-16. TBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 TBA Description Trace buffer address. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-18 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Trace Buffer Address Mask Register (TBAMR) The trace buffer address mask register (TBAMR) shown in Figure 22-11 contains a mask for the TBAR, which allows excluding address bits from the comparison. Offset 0xE_2054 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R TBAM W Reset All zeros Figure 22-11. Trace Buffer Address Mask Register (TBAMR) Table 22-17 describes the TBAMR field. Table 22-17. TBAMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 TBAM Trace buffer address mask.A value of zero masks the address comparison for the corresponding address bit. These bits only mask the address bits generated by the hardware, but do not affect the bits specified in TBAR. A bit that is masked from the comparison should be set to 0 in TBAR. Description Trace Buffer Transaction Mask Register (TBTMR) The trace buffer transaction mask register (TBTMR) shown in Figure 22-12 specifies which transaction types to monitor. Each bit in the TBTMR represents a transaction type on the selected interface. The transaction associated with any particular bit depends on the interface being monitored as specified by TBCR1[IFSEL]. Note that the transactions used for defining trace buffer events are the same as those defined for watchpoint monitor events. Thus, Table 22-12 defines the transaction types associated with each interface. Setting a bit enables a hit when this transaction is matched (provided all other match criteria are met and TBCR0[TMD] is clear). Different interfaces support different transaction types, and the same bit may represent different transaction types depending on the interface. Offset 0xE_2058 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R TBTM W Reset All zeros Figure 22-12. Trace Buffer Transaction Mask Register (TBTMR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-19 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-18 describes the TBTMR field. Table 22-18. TBTMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 TBTM Trace buffer transaction mask. Each bit corresponds to a transaction type as defined in Table 22-12. The transaction associated with a bit depends on the interface being monitored. A value of 1 for a given mask bit enables the matching of the transaction associated with that bit. These bits are meaningful only when TBCR0[TMD] = 0. Description Trace Buffer Status Register (TBSR) The trace buffer status register (TBSR) shown in Figure 22-13 indicates the operational state of the trace buffer. Offset 0xE_205C 0 R W 1 Access: Read/Write 2 3 4 23 24 ACT TRIG STP WRAP 31 -- Reset C_INDX All zeros Figure 22-13. Trace Buffer Status Register (TBSR) Table 22-19 describes the TBSR fields. Table 22-19. TBSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 ACT Active. Indicates trace buffer activity. 0 The start triggering event has not yet occurred. Trace buffer is not armed. 1 The start triggering event has occurred. Trace buffer is armed. 1 TRIG Triggered. Indicates whether or not a programmed event has been triggered. 0 The programmed event in TBCR0 has not yet been triggered. 1 The programmed event in TBCR0 has been triggered at least once. 2 STP Stopped. Indicates whether or not a trace buffer stop condition has been detected. 0 No stop condition yet detected. 1 The trace buffer has detected a stop condition and is no longer capturing events. 3 WRAP 4-23 -- 24-31 Description Wrapped. Indicates that the trace buffer write pointer has wrapped to the beginning of the buffer at least once. Set when the last entry of the trace buffer is written. 0 Pointer has not yet wrapped. 1 Pointer has wrapped to the beginning at least once. Reserved C_INDX Current index. Represents the current value of the write pointer at the time TBSR was read. This value may be written by software to initialize the write pointer; however, software is not allowed to write the write pointer while the trace buffer is active. Writes are ignored while the trace buffer is active. It is recommended to write the status register before enabling the trace buffer in order to zero out any bits that might have been set during a prior run and to initialize the write pointer to zero. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-20 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Trace Buffer Access Control Register (TBACR) The trace buffer access control register (TBACR) enables software to read or write the trace buffer. Each entry is 64 bits; therefore, it takes one write of TBACR and two reads of the access data register (TBADR and TBADHR) to read one 256-entry array entry. Similarly, it takes one write of TBACR and two writes of TBADR and TBADHR to write one array entry. Software can access any entry by writing the appropriate index into TBACR[INDX]. To read or write the buffer sequentially, starting with entry 0, the index must start with a value of 0 and increment every time a new entry is accessed. TBACR is shown in Figure 22-14. Offset 0xE_2060 R W 0 1 RD WR Access: Read/Write 2 23 24 -- Reset 31 INDX All zeros Figure 22-14. Trace Buffer Access Control Register (TBACR)) Table 22-20 describes the TBACR fields. Table 22-20. TBACR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 RD Read command. When set, a trace buffer read is performed using the value of TBACR[INDX]. This bit is automatically cleared when the read is performed. 1 WR Write command. When set, a trace buffer write is performed using the value of TBACR[INDX]. This bit is automatically cleared when the write is performed. A write occurs only if the trace buffer is not active: write requests are ignored while the buffer is active. 2-23 -- 24-31 INDX Description Reserved Buffer index to read from or write into (0-255). Used in conjunction with TBACR[RD] and TBACR[WR]. Trace Buffer Access Data High Register (TBADHR) The trace buffer access data high register (TBADHR), shown in Figure 22-15, contains the high-order 32 bits of the data read from the trace buffer during a software-initiated read command (TBACR[RD]), or the write data to be written into the trace buffer during a software-initiated write command (TBACR[WR]). TBACR must be configured to perform a read before this register contains valid data. This register must be initialized by software before configuring the TBACR to perform a write command. Offset 0xE_2064 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R TBADH W Reset All zeros Figure 22-15. Trace Buffer Read High Register (TBADHR) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-21 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Table 22-21 describes TBADHR. Table 22-21. TBADHR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 Description TBADH Trace buffer access data high. The higher 32 bits of the data read from or to be written into the trace buffer, depending on whether the array is accessed with a read or a write. Trace Buffer Access Data Register (TBADR) The trace buffer access data register (TBADR), shown in Figure 22-16, contains the low-order 32 bits of the data read from the trace buffer during a software-initiated read command (TBACR[RD]) or the write data to be written into the trace buffer during a software-initiated write command (TBACR[WR]). TBACR must be configured to perform a read before this register contains valid data. This register must be initialized by software before configuring the TBACR to perform a write command. Offset 0xE_2068 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R TBAD W Reset All zeros Figure 22-16. Trace Buffer Access Data Register (TBADR) Table 22-22 describes the TBADR field. Table 22-22. TBADR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 TBAD 22.3.3 Description Trace buffer access data. Corresponds to the lower 32 bits of the data read from the trace buffer or to be written into the trace buffer, depending on whether software is accessing the array with a read or a write. Context ID Registers This section describes the context ID registers. The current context ID register (CCIDR) and programmed context ID registers (PCIDR) are set by software and facilitate debugging complex software. Programmed Context ID Register (PCIDR) The programmed context ID register (PCIDR), shown in Figure 22-17, contains the user-programmed context ID. This register can be configured to trigger watchpoint events when its value matches the current context ID register (CCIDR), as controlled by WMCR0[ECEN] and WMCR0[NECEN]. See Section, "Watchpoint Monitor Control Registers 0-1 (WMCR0, WMCR1)," for more information. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-22 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Offset 0xE_20A0 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R PCID W Reset All zeros Figure 22-17. Programmed Context ID Register (PCIDR) Table 22-23 describes the PCIDR field. Table 22-23. PCIDR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-31 PCID Description Programmed context ID. Contains the user-programmed context ID. Compared with current context ID for context-sensitive event triggering Current Context ID Register (CCIDR) The current context ID register (CCIDR) shown in Figure 22-18 contains the current context ID. This register is written by software after a context switch and can be used to trigger events when compared with the programmed context ID register (PCIDR). Offset 0xE_20A4 Access: Read/Write 0 31 R CCID W Reset All zeros Figure 22-18. Current Context ID Register (CCIDR) Table 22-24 describes the CCIDR field. Table 22-24. CCIDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0-31 CCID Current context ID. Set by user software. Typically loaded immediately following a context switch. Compared with user-programmed context ID for context-sensitive event triggering 22.3.4 Trigger Out Function TRIG_OUT provides a convenient mechanism for triggering external system monitors and diagnostic equipment such as logic analyzers. Note that READY is multiplexed with TRIG_OUT. See the last paragraph of Section 4.4.2, "Power-On Reset Sequence," for more information about READY functionality. When the trace buffer hit is selected by TOSR[SEL], TRIG_OUT is only meaningful if the trace buffer control register 0 (TBCR0) is properly configured to hit on a traceable event. The same holds true for the watchpoint monitor when the watchpoint monitor is selected by TOSR[SEL]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-23 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Trigger Out Source Register (TOSR) The trigger out source register (TOSR) shown in Figure 22-19 specifies the source for TRIG_OUT. The three event-trigger sources are the following: * The watchpoint monitor * The trace buffer * The performance monitor Offset 0xE_20B0 0 Access: Read/Write 4 R -- W 5 7 8 31 SEL -- Reset All zeros Figure 22-19. Trigger Out Source Register (TOSR) Table 22-25 describes the TOSR fields. Table 22-25. TOSR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0-4 -- 5-7 SEL 8-31 -- 22.4 Description Reserved Select. Selects the source for TRIG_OUT 000 READY signal. Multiplexed with TRIG_OUT. Basic device state indicator. READY asserts whenever the device is not in reset or not asleep. See Chapter 4, "Reset, Clocking, and Initialization," for more details about the reset sequence, and Chapter 20, "Global Utilities," for more information about power management states. 001 Selects the watchpoint monitor hit indication 010 Selects the trace buffer hit indication 011 Selects the performance monitor overflow indication Reserved Functional Description The debug features on the MPC8548E use the PCI interface, the LBC interfaces, and the DDR SDRAM interface. 22.4.1 Source and Target ID Debug information that is common to all the interfaces is the source ID (SID). The transaction source ID provides enough information to determine which block or port originated a transaction including the distinction between instruction and data fetches from the processor core. Table 22-26 shows the values and interpretation for the 5-bit SID field. Note that the table also includes ports that are only slaves, such as local memory. These ports are always targets. As such, the value shown represents a target ID (TID) and not a source ID. For ports that can function in both capacities, the value indicates source ID when MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-24 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility mastering transactions, and target ID when responding as slave. The TID field is only meaningful when one of the following participates in the transaction: * The e500 coherency module (ECM) dispatch bus * The watchpoint monitor (WMCR1[IFSEL] = 000) * The trace buffer (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 000) Table 22-26. Source and Target ID Values Value (Hex) Source (or Target) Port Value (Hex) Source (or Target) Port 00 PCI1/PCI-X 10 Local processor (instruction fetch) 01 PCI2 11 Local processor (data fetch) 12 Reserved 02 03 PCI Express 13 Reserved 04 Local bus controller 14 Reserved 05 Reserved 15 DMA 06 Reserved 16 Reserved 07 Security 17 System access port (SAP) 08 Configuration space 18 eTSEC1 09 Reserved 19 eTSEC2 0A Boot sequencer 1A eTSEC3 0B Reserved 1B eTSEC4 0C Serial RapidIO 1C Serial RapidIO message/doorbell/port write Unit 0D Reserved 1D Reserved 0E Reserved 1E Reserved 0F Local space (DDR) 1F Non valid port indicator (reserved for debug info) 22.4.2 PCI Interface Debug If PCI1_GNT3 is low when sampled during POR, the PCI interface operates in debug mode. PCI debug mode is only possible when PCI1 is configured as a 64-bit interface. In debug mode the source ID appears on the high-order address bits (PCI1_AD[62:58]) during the bus command phase of a PCI transaction. The bus command phase occurs either during the first cycle that PCI1_FRAME is asserted, or, in the case of addresses greater than 32 bits, after a dual-address cycle phase. In either case, the debug information appears on the highest order address bits while PCI1_FRAME is asserted and both PCI1_IRDY and PCI1_TRDY are negated. When accessing the low 4 Gbytes of PCI address space for which no dual-address cycle is needed, the debug information appears during the first (and only) address phase on PCI1_AD[62:58]. Whenever a dual-address cycle must be run, (addresses above 4 Gbytes) the debug information appears on PCI1_AD[62:58] during the second address cycle. In either case a logic analyzer should be configured to sample information on the first cycle of the assertion of PCI1_FRAME and the cycle following a dual-address cycle command. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-25 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility NOTE Because they share the same pins, an entire 64-bit address and the debug information cannot be captured in a single cycle. 22.4.3 DDR SDRAM Interface Debug The DDR interface has two debug modes distinguished by which pins drive the debug information. In one mode, debug information (source ID, data valid) is multiplexed onto the ECC pins; the other mode uses the debug pins. Debug Information on Debug Pins If MSRCID0 is high when sampled during POR, the debug information from the DDR SDRAM interface is driven on MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL. This POR value is captured in PORDBGMSR[MEM_SEL] as described in Section, "POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR)." In this mode, the source ID appears on MSRCID[0:4] during a RAS or CAS cycle. During any other cycle, the value of MSRCID[0:4] is all ones, which indicates idle cycles on the address/command interface. Similarly, MDVAL is asserted during valid data cycles on the DDR interface. Debug Information on ECC Pins If MSRCID1 is low when sampled during POR, debug information from the DDR SDRAM interface is selected to appear on MECC[0:5] as shown in Figure 22-1. In this mode, the ID value of the source port, (the source ID), appears on MECC[0:4] during a RAS or CAS cycle. During any other cycle the value of MECC[0:4] is all ones. A data-valid signal (DVAL) is driven on MECC5 during valid DDR SDRAM data cycles. NOTE In this mode, MECC[0:5] must be disconnected from all SDRAM devices to prevent contention on those lines. 22.4.4 Local Bus Interface Debug If MSRCID0 is low when sampled during POR, the LBC is selected as the source for the debug information appearing on MSRCID[0:4] and MDVAL. For more information on this mode, see Section, "Source ID Debug Mode." 22.4.5 Watchpoint Monitor The watchpoint monitor (WM) can be programmed to arm and trigger on many different events including any of the following: * External event (through TRIG_IN) * A trace buffer event * A performance monitor overflow event * A comparison of the current and programmed context ID registers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-26 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility A watchpoint event can be used in the following ways: * Trigger a logic analyzer (using TRIG_OUT) * Arm or trigger the trace buffer * Trigger a performance monitor event The large counters available in the performance monitor block and the interlock between it and the watchpoint monitor support sophisticated debug scenarios. A WM trigger event may be composed of several events programmed in the watchpoint monitor control registers (WMCR0-WMCR1). Because the watchpoint monitor is disabled by default during POR, these registers must be initialized to make use of this debug feature. Note that the WM address mask register (WMAMR) and the type mask register (WMTMR) are cleared during POR. This means that the watchpoint monitor's default behavior following a power-on reset is to trigger on any address and no transaction type. The reset value of WMCR0[TMD] is 0 which means transaction matching is enabled but since no transaction is selected (WMTMR = 0), a match will never occur. Either the transaction matching must be disabled by setting WMCR0[TMD] to a value of 1, or valid transactions must be selected by setting one or more of the WMTMR bits to a value of 1. Watchpoint Monitor Performance Monitor Events The WM can produce a performance monitor (PM) event with every trigger. This is accomplished by configuring the performance monitor to count WM events. For more information on this configuration see the events named `Number of watchpoint monitor hits' and `Number of trace buffer hits' in Table 21-10. Multi-level triggers can be created using the watchpoint monitor, the performance monitor, and the trace buffer combined. For example, the WM can be programmed to trigger on events that also increment a PM counter (the performance monitor must also be programmed to respond to this event), the output of which (perfmon_overflow) could trigger the start of tracing in the trace buffer. 22.4.6 Trace Buffer The trace buffer is a 256 x 64 array that can capture information about the internal processing of transactions to selected interfaces. The trace buffer controls are a superset of those for the watchpoint monitor. Close inspection of the trace buffer control registers (TBCRn) and the WM control registers (WMCRn) shows that trace buffer controls not needed for the WM are marked reserved in WMCRn. This permits using the trace buffer as a second watchpoint monitor by simply ignoring the trace options. The trace buffer provides great flexibility about when to start tracing, when to stop tracing, and what to trace. The trace mode field, TBCR0[MODE], indicates when to trace: on every valid cycle, on a watchpoint monitor event, or when all the programmed events in the TBCR are met. This permits a user to program the trace condition in the watchpoint monitor and to program a start or stop condition in the trace buffer control register. The user can also program the TBCR with the conditions in which to stop tracing: on an event, or when the buffer is full. TBCR0[IFSEL] specifies which interface transactions are being captured. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-27 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility The trace buffer can be programmed to trace the dispatch bus from any of the following: * e500 coherency module (ECM) * Outbound host interface to the PCI controller * Host interface to the DDR controller Transactions come into the ECM, arbitrate for common resources, and get dispatched to the target port. Information such as transaction types, source ID, and other attributes can be captured in any of the selected interfaces. Traced Data Formats (as a Function of TBCR1[IFSEL]) Figure 22-20 shows the trace buffer entry format for an ECM dispatch (CMD) transaction that is specified when TBCR1[IFSEL] = 000. 0 R W 4 5 9 10 13 14 18 CMDTT CMDSID CMDTID CMDBC Reset 19 27 28 63 -- CMDADDR All zeros Figure 22-20. e500 Coherency Module Dispatch (CMD) Trace Buffer Entry Table 22-27 describes the fields of CMD trace buffer entries. Table 22-27. CMD Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 000) Bits Name Function 0-4 CMDTT Transaction type. Specifies the transaction type as shown in Table 22-12. For example, a value of zero indicates a write with local processor snoop condition. 5-9 CMDSID Source ID. Identifies the source of the transaction as shown in Table 22-26. For example, a value of 010101 indicates that DMA is the transaction source. 10-13 CMDTID Target ID. Identifies the target of the transaction as shown in Table 22-26. For example, a value of 010101 indicates that DMA is the transaction target. 14-18 CMDBC Byte count. Range: 32 to 1 where a value of 0 indicates 32 bytes. 00000 = 32 bytes 00001 = 1 byte 00010 = 2 bytes * * * 11110 = 30 bytes 11111 = 31 bytes 19-27 -- 28-63 CMDADDR Reserved Address bits 0-35 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-28 Freescale Semiconductor Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Figure 22-21 shows the trace buffer entry format for the DDR SDRAM interface, TBCR1[IFSEL] = 001. 0 R W 4 DDRTT 5 9 10 DDRSID 13 -- 14 18 19 DDRBC 27 28 63 -- DDRADDR Reset All zeros Figure 22-21. DDR Trace Buffer Entry Table 22-28 describes the fields of DDR SDRAM trace buffer entries when TBCR1[IFSEL] = 001. Table 22-28. DDR Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 001) Bits Name Function 0-4 DDRTT Transaction type. Specifies the transaction type as shown in Table 22-12. For example, a value of all zeros maps to write. 5-9 DDRSID Source ID. Specifies the source of the transaction as shown in Table 22-26. For example, a value of 010101 indicates that DMA is the transaction source, and so on. 10-13 -- Reserved 14-18 DDRBC Byte count 19-27 -- Reserved 28-63 DDRADDR Address bits 0-35 Figure 22-22 shows the PCI trace buffer entry format when TBCR1[IFSEL] = 010 or 101. 0 R W 4 PCITT 5 9 PCISID 10 11 12 PCIBC 31 32 63 -- Reset PCIADDR All zeros Figure 22-22. PCI Trace Buffer Entry Table 22-29 describes the fields of PCI trace buffer entries when TBCR1[IFSEL] = 010 or 101. Table 22-29. PCI Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 010 or 101) Bits Name Function 0-4 PCITT Transaction type. Specifies the transaction type as shown in Table 22-12. For example, a value of all zeros maps to write. 5-9 PCISID Source ID. Identifies the source of the transaction as shown in Table 22-26. For example, a value of 010101 identifies DMA as the transaction source. 10-11 PCIBC Byte count. The size of the transaction. 00 32 bytes 01 8 bytes 12-31 32-63 -- 10 16 bytes 11 24 bytes Reserved PCIADDR Address bits 0-31 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 22-29 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility Figure 22-23 shows the PCI Express trace buffer entry format when TBCR1[IFSEL] = 100. 0 R W 4 PEXTT 5 9 PEXSID 10 15 16 PEXBC 33 34 -- Reset 63 PEXADDR All zeros Figure 22-23. PCI Express Trace Buffer Entry Table 22-30 describes the fields of PCI Express trace buffer entries when TBCR1[IFSEL] = 100. Table 22-30. PCI Express Trace Buffer Entry Field Descriptions (TBCR1[IFSEL] = 100) Bits Name Function 0-4 PEXTT Transaction type. Specifies the transaction type as shown in Table 22-12. For example, a value of all zeros maps to write. 5-9 PEXSID Source ID. Identifies the source of the transaction as shown in Table 22-26. For example, a value of 010101 identifies DMA as the transaction source. For responses, this corresponds to Requestor's ID's bus number bits 3-7. 10-15 PEXBC Byte count. The size of the transaction. 000000 4 bytes 000001 8 bytes 000010 12 bytes ... 111111 256 bytes 16-33 -- Reserved 34-63 PEXADDR Address bits 31-2 22.5 Initialization Configuring the appropriate control register must be the last step in the initialization sequence for either the watchpoint or trace buffer. That is, all required registers except the corresponding control register must be configured before any control register bits that enable watchpoint or trace events are set. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22-30 Freescale Semiconductor Appendix A MPC8547E This appendix provides a list of major differences between the MPC8547E and the MPC8548E. A.1 Overview of Differences Table A-1 compares some of the features of the MPC8548E family. Table A-1. Comparison of Features Among MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Processor Family Members Feature MPC8548E MPC8547E MPC8545E MPC8543E 512 Kbytes 512 Kbytes 512 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 64-Bit DDR2 support Yes Yes Yes Yes Support for battery-backed DDR Yes Yes -- -- Single 64-bit PCI/PCI-X OR dual 32-bit PCI 64-bit PCI/PCI-X Single 64-bit PCI OR dual 32-bit PCI 32-bit PCI 4 4 2 2 x8/x4/x2/x1 PCI Express x4/x2/x1 PCI Express x4/x2/x1 PCI Express 4x/1x serial RapidIO L2 cache PCI/PCI-X Enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSECs) High-speed interconnects x4/x2/x1 PCI Express 4x/1x serial RapidIO AND x4/x2/x1 PCI Express Double-precision floating-point APU Yes Yes Yes Yes Security engine Yes Yes Yes Yes XOR acceleration Yes Yes -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor A-1 MPC8547E Figure A-1 shows the major functional units within the MPC8547E. DDR SDRAM DDR/DDR2/ FCRAM1/FCRAM2 Memory Controller Flash SDRAM GPIO Local Bus Controller IRQs Serial Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) DUART I2C I2C Controller I2C I2C Controller MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII RTBI, RGMII, RMII Security Engine XOR Engine e500 Coherency Module 512-Kbyte L2 Cache/ SRAM Core Complex Bus e500 Core 32-Kbyte L1 Instruction Cache 32-Kbyte L1 Data Cache PCI Express x4 PCI Express 64-bit PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface PCI/PCI-X 64 bit 133 MHz eTSEC OceaN Switch Fabric 10/100/1Gb eTSEC 10/100/1Gb eTSEC 4-Channel DMA Controller 10/100/1Gb eTSEC 10/100/1Gb Figure A-1. MPC8547E Block Diagram A.2 Differences in Signals The following figure describes the signals available on the MPC8547E. The following signal functionality (described in the MPC8548E Reference Manual) is not available in the MPC8547E during normal operation: * PCI2 controller signals * High-speed serial interface signals SD_TX[7:4] * High-speed serial interface signals SD_RX[7:4] Please refer to the MPC8548E Hardware SpecificationS for details on remaining functionality of associated signals, including power-on reset configuration functionality. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 A-2 Freescale Semiconductor MPC8547E A.3 Differences in Peripheral Blocks Unless specifically mentioned in the following sections, all peripheral blocks in the MPC8547E are identical to those of the MPC8548E. A.3.1 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface The MPC8547E has a single 64-bit PCI/PCI-X controller; the interface cannot function as two 32-bit controllers. None of the signals marked PCI2_xxxx are available on the MPC8547E. Also, disregard the note in Section 16.3, "Memory Map/Register Definitions," stating that PCI2 registers begin at offset 0x0_9000; these registers are also unavailable. A.3.2 Serial RapidIO Interface The MPC8547E does not include a serial RapidIO interface. Only PCI Express is available as a high-speed I/O interface. A.3.3 PCI Express Interface The MPC8547E supports a PCI Express interface that is identical to that of the MPC8548E except that it can be a maximum of 4 bits wide. A.4 I/O Port Selection I/O port selection (see Section, "I/O Port Selection") is not necessary for MPC8547 devices since only PCI Express x1/x2/x4 (2.5 Gbps) is available and appears as follows with the default cfg_IO_ports[0:2] value of 111: * RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[0:3] * TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[0:3] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor A-3 MPC8547E MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 A-4 Freescale Semiconductor Appendix B MPC8545E This appendix provides a list of major differences between the MPC8545E and the MPC8548E. B.1 Overview of Differences Table A-1 compares some of the features of the MPC8548E family. Table B-1. Comparison of Features Among MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Processor Family Members Feature MPC8548E MPC8547E MPC8545E MPC8543E 512 Kbytes 512 Kbytes 512 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 64-Bit DDR2 support Yes Yes Yes Yes Support for battery-backed DDR Yes Yes -- -- Single 64-bit PCI/PCI-X OR dual 32-bit PCI 64-bit PCI/PCI-X Single 64-bit PCI OR dual 32-bit PCI 32-bit PCI 4 4 2 2 x8/x4/x2/x1 PCI Express x4/x2/x1 PCI Express x4/x2/x1 PCI Express 4x/1x serial RapidIO L2 cache PCI/PCI-X Enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSECs) High-speed interconnects x4/x2/x1 PCI Express 4x/1x serial RapidIO AND x4/x2/x1 PCI Express Double-precision floating-point APU Yes Yes Yes Yes Security engine Yes Yes Yes Yes XOR acceleration Yes Yes -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor B-1 MPC8545E Figure B-1 shows the major functional units within the MPC8545E. DDR SDRAM DDR/DDR2/ FCRAM1/FCRAM2 Memory Controller Flash SDRAM GPIO Local Bus Controller IRQs Serial Security Engine Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) 512-Kbyte L2 Cache/ SRAM e500 Core e500 Coherency Module Core Complex Bus 32-Kbyte L1 Instruction Cache DUART PCI Express I2C I2C Controller I2C I2C Controller MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII 32-Kbyte L1 Data Cache OceaN Switch Fabric eTSEC 10/100/1Gb eTSEC x4 PCI Express 32-bit PCI Bus Interface (If 64-bit not used) PCI 32 bit 66 MHz 32-/64bit PCI Bus Interface PCI 64 bit 66 MHz 4-Channel DMA Controller 10/100/1Gb Figure B-1. MPC8545E Block Diagram B.2 Differences in Signals The following figure describes the signals available on the MPC8545E. The following signal functionality (described in the MPC8548E Reference Manual) is not available in the MPC8545E during normal operation: * High-speed serial interface signals SD_TX[7:4] * High-speed serial interface signals SD_RX[7:4] * eTSEC2 controller signals (Associated signals may be used for GPIO, as described in Section, "General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR)," when eTSEC1 is not configured for 16-bit FIFO mode.) * eTSEC4 controller signals Please refer to the MPC8548E Hardware SpecificationS for details on remaining functionality of associated signals, including power-on reset configuration functionality. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 B-2 Freescale Semiconductor MPC8545E B.3 Differences in Peripheral Blocks Unless specifically mentioned in the following sections, all peripheral blocks in the MPC8545E are identical to those of the MPC8548E. B.3.1 DDR Memory Controller The MPC8545E does not support battery-backed RAM. B.3.2 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The MPC8545E supports two enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSEC1 and eTSEC3). B.3.3 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface The MPC8545E has a 64-bit PCI controller that can function as two 32-bit controllers. PCI-X is not supported on the MPC8545E. Because PCI-X is not supported, the PCI-X-only register PCIX_TIMR is not supported. B.3.4 Serial RapidIO Interface The MPC8545E does not include a serial RapidIO interface. Only PCI Express is available as a high-speed I/O interface. B.3.5 PCI Express Interface The MPC8545E supports a PCI Express interface identical to that of the MPC8548E except that it can be a maximum of 4 bits wide. B.3.6 Security Engine The MPC8545E does not support XOR acceleration; otherwise, the security engine operates exactly as that of the MPC8548E. B.4 I/O Port Selection I/O port selection (see Section, "I/O Port Selection") is not necessary for MPC8545 devices since only PCI Express x1/x2/x4 (2.5 Gbps) is available and appears as follows with the default cfg_IO_ports[0:2] value of 111: * RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[0:3] * TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[0:3] MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor B-3 MPC8545E MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 B-4 Freescale Semiconductor Appendix C MPC8543E This appendix provides a list of major differences between the MPC8543E and the MPC8548E. C.1 Overview of Differences Table C-1 compares some of the features of the MPC8548E family. Table C-1. Comparison of Features Among MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Processor Family Members Feature MPC8548E MPC8547E MPC8545E MPC8543E 512 Kbytes 512 Kbytes 512 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 64-Bit DDR2 support Yes Yes Yes Yes Support for battery-backed DDR Yes Yes -- -- Single 64-bit PCI/PCI-X OR dual 32-bit PCI 64-bit PCI/PCI-X Single 64-bit PCI OR dual 32-bit PCI 32-bit PCI 4 4 2 2 x8/x4/x2/x1 PCI Express x4/x2/x1 PCI Express x4/x2/x1 PCI Express 4x/1x serial RapidIO L2 cache PCI/PCI-X Enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSECs) High-speed interconnects x4/x2/x1 PCI Express 4x/1x serial RapidIO AND x4/x2/x1 PCI Express Double-precision floating-point APU Yes Yes Yes Yes Security engine Yes Yes Yes Yes XOR acceleration Yes Yes -- -- MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor C-1 MPC8543E Figure C-1 shows the major functional units within the MPC8543E. DDR SDRAM DDR/DDR2/ FCRAM1/FCRAM2 Memory Controller Flash SDRAM GPIO Local Bus Controller IRQs Serial Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) I2C Controller I2C I2C MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII e500 Coherency Module 256-Kbyte L2 Cache/ SRAM Core Complex Bus e500 Core 32-Kbyte L1 Instruction Cache 32-Kbyte L1 Data Cache DUART I2C MII, GMII, TBI, RTBI, RGMII, RMII Security Engine OceaN Switch Fabric Controller Serial RapidIO Interface or PCI Express 4x RapidIO x4 PCI Express 32-bit PCI Bus Interface PCI 32 bit 66 MHz eTSEC 10/100/1Gb eTSEC 4-Channel DMA Controller 10/100/1Gb Figure C-1. MPC8543E Block Diagram C.2 Differences in Signals The following figure describes the signals available on the MPC8543E. The following signal functionality (described in the MPC8548E Reference Manual) is not available in the MPC8543E during normal operation: * eTSEC2 controller signals (Associated signals may be used for GPIO, as described in Section, "General-Purpose I/O Control Register (GPIOCR)," when eTSEC1 is not configured for 16-bit FIFO mode.) * eTSEC4 controller signals * PCI2 controller signals Please refer to the MPC8548E Hardware Specification for details on remaining functionality of associated signals, including power-on reset configuration functionality. Also, the factory test signal, TEST_SEL, is active high on the MPC8543E, unlike the active-low TEST_SEL signal of the MPC8548E. TEST_SEL should be tied to GND and should remain so at all times during normal operation. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 C-2 Freescale Semiconductor MPC8543E C.3 Differences in Peripheral Blocks Unless specifically mentioned in the following sections, all peripheral blocks in the MPC8543E are identical to those of the MPC8548E. C.3.1 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM The MPC8543E includes a 256-Mbyte L2 cache. Stashing is supported as on the MPC8548E, but the corresponding sizes are reduced. Table C-2 lists the possible L2 cache/SRAM configurations Table C-2. Available L2 Cache/SRAM Configurations Cache Stash-only Region 256 Kbytes -- -- -- 224 Kbytes -- 32 Kbytes -- 32 Kbytes -- -- 192 Kbytes SRAM Region 1 -- 64 Kbytes -- 32 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 32 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes -- -- 32 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 32 Kbytes 160 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 32 Kbytes -- -- 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 32 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- -- 32 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- 32 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 96 Kbytes 64 Kbytes -- -- 128 Kbytes C.3.2 SRAM Region 2 256 Kbytes -- 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 128 Kbytes -- 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes DDR Memory Controller The MPC8543E does not support battery-backed RAM. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor C-3 MPC8543E C.3.3 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers The MPC8543E supports two enhanced three-speed Ethernet controllers (eTSEC1 and eTSEC3). C.3.4 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface The MPC8543E has a single 32-bit PCI controller. PCI-X is not supported on the MPC8543E. Because PCI-X is not supported, the PCI-X-only register PCIX_TIMR is not supported. C.3.5 PCI Express Interface The MPC8543E supports a PCI Express interface identical to that of the MPC8548E except that it can be a maximum of 4 bits wide. C.3.6 Security Engine The MPC8543E does not support XOR acceleration; otherwise, the security engine operates exactly as that of the MPC8548E. C.4 I/O Port Selection Since the maximum width of the PCI Express interface for MPC8543 devices is x4, the default cfg_IO_ports[0:2] value of 111 presents this interface as follows: * RX lane[0:3] SD_RX[0:3] * TX lane[0:3] SD_TX[0:3] All other cfg_IO_ports[0:2] value definitions remain as defined for MPC8548 devices (see Section, "I/O Port Selection"). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 C-4 Freescale Semiconductor Appendix D Revision History This appendix provides a list of major differences between revisions of the MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Host Processor Family Reference Manual. D.1 Changes From Revision 1 to Revision 2 Major changes to this document from Revision 1 to Revision 2 are as follows: NOTE Except where marked with an asterisk (*) all references are to the current document. Those references marked are to revision 1. Section, Page Changes Throughout In the PIC, memory map, and elsewhere, registers previously refered to as message shared interrupt registers are now called shared message signaled interrupt registers. 1.2.1, 1-2 In PCI/PCI-X features list on page 1-8, revised the second item as follows: -- One 32-/64-bit PCI/PCI-X port with support for speeds of up to 133 MHz (maximum PCI-X speed is 110 MHz when operated in synchronous mode) Revised list of PCI Express features starting on page 1-9. The last item should read "Full 64-bit decode with 36-bit wide windows," and the item immediately before it ("Traffic class 0 only") should be removed. 1.3.1, 1-10 Replaced second paragraph of second note (begins with words "Freescale offers..."): Freescale offers a libcfsl_e500 library that uses SPE APU instructions. Freescale will also provide libraries to support next-generation PowerQUICC devices. 2.3.7, 2-15 2.4, 2-16 Replaced second paragraph with new section 2.3.8. Relocated a number of registers (MSIRn, MSISR, MSIIR) in programmable interrupt controller (PIC) chapter to comply with OpenPIC programming model. Chapter 3, 3-1 Relabeled signals MA and MBA. Note that the sense of these signals is unchanged--MA0 and MBA0 are still the lowest-order signals. Thus, signals listed previously (and erroneously) as MA[0:15] and MBA[0:2] are now correctly shown as MA[15:0] and MBA[2:0]. 3.1, 3-1 In Table 3-1 and Table 3-2, the rows containing signals LWEn and LBSn should also have included LSDDQMn. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor D-1 Revision History 3.2, 3-18 3.3, 3-20 Added new configuration signal (cfg_srds_en) to Table 3-3. Added/modified rows in Table 3-4. 4.4.2, 4-9, 4-12, 4-13, 4-14 Replaced note in step 4 of reset sequence. In Table 4-11, added footnote 1 to row for serial RapidIOTM. Modified Table 4-12. Modified Table 4-13., 4-16 Replaced section., 4-20 Replaced third paragraph: Note that the system size setting determined by this signal at POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORDEVSR described in Section, "POR Device Status Register (PORDEVSR)," as well as the memory-mapped PEFCAR described in Section, "Processing Element Features Capability Register (PEFCAR)." Replaced last sentence of first paragraph: Note that the value latched on this signal during POR is accessible through the memory-mapped PORPLLSR (POR PLL status register) described in Section, "POR PLL Status Register (PORPLLSR)." In same section, add the following note immediately before Table 4-25:, 4-20 NOTE When in synchronous mode, the maximum PCI-X frequency is 110 MHz., 4-21 Replaced entire section, including Table 4-27 and Table 4-28., 4-24 Add new section, "SerDes Enable.", 4-25 Added note to end of section, immediately before Figure 4-6: NOTE If PCI/PCI-X is to be operated synchronously, the clock ratio between the CCB clock and the SYSCLK input must be an even multiple (for example 6:1). If an uneven ratio such as 5:1 is needed, the PCI interface must be operated asynchronously. When in synchronous mode, the maximum PCI-X frequency is 110 MHz. 5.1.1, 5-3 Modified first paragraph. Also replaced second paragraph of note. 5.2, 5-4 5.14, 5-32 Replaced Table 5-1. In Table 5-8, updated descriptions of HID1 and SPE and floating-point APUs., 6-21 Modified title of this section to `Machine Check Address Register (MCAR/MCARU).' Added MCARU register. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 D-2 Freescale Semiconductor Revision History 6.10.2, 6-26 Chapter 7, 7-1, 7-10 Replaced description of HID1[RFXE] in Table 6-19. All references in chapter to L2STASH should be changed to L2STASHCTL. Added sentence to end of description of L2SRAM. Note that when setting L2SRAM after cache has been enabled, L2I should be set as well. The fields can be set simultaneously, and this step is not needed if SRAM size is getting smaller., 7-12*, 7-13*, 7-14* Revised these sections extensively, adding new registers. See Section, "L2 Cache External Write Registers," and Section, "L2 Memory-Mapped SRAM Registers.", 7-20 Added note to description of L2ERRDET[TPARERR] in Table 7.14. Note that if an L2 cache tag parity error occurs on an attempt to write a new line, the L2 cache must be Flash invalidated. L2 functionality is not guaranteed if Flash invalidation is not performed after a tag parity error. Chapter 9, 9-1 Relabeled signals MA and MBA. Thus, signals listed previously (and erroneously) as MA[0:15] and MBA[0:2] are now correctly shown as MA[15:0] and MBA[2:0]. Note that the sense of these signals is unchanged--MA0 and MBA0 are still the lowest-order signals. Also, MDMn signals are output only. Any references to MDMn as inputs should be deleted. Also, remove all references to LPDDR and FCRAMTM (both FCRAM1TM and FCRAM2TM). 9.1, 9-1 Updated first sentence of chapter to show support for x32 DDR and DDR2 memories., 9-6 Replaced row in Table 9-3 that describes MODT[0:3] and MDIC[0:1] signals., 9-9 9.4, 9-10 Replaced row in Table 9-4 describing MCKE[0:3] signals. Updated reset values in memory map, Table 9-5, for DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL, TIMING_CFG_0, DDR_SDRAM_CFG, and DDR_IP_REV2., 9-14 Changed name of register described in this section to DDR SDRAM timing configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3)., 9-18 Updated some fields of TIMING_CFG_2., 9-20, 9-23 Updated description of DDR_SDRAM_CFG[SDRAM_TYPE]. Updated descriptions of DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2 fields ODT_CFG and DQS_CFG., 9-25 In Table 9-14, replaced last sentence of description of DDR_SDRAM_MODE[SDMODE]. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor D-3 Revision History, 9-26 In Table 9-16, the description of DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL[MD_EN] also applies to the EXTENDED MODE REGISTER SET 2 and EXTENDED MODE REGISTER SET 3 commands. Replaced description of MD_SEL. Added new table explaining register settings. Updated reset value of DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL to 0x0200_0000. Replaced first paragraph of section. Updated reset value of DDR_IP_REV2 to 0x00nn_00nn., 9-30, 9-31, 9-32, 9-45 Removed second paragraph following Table 9-41 on page 9-45 (begins with words "If a disabled bank has ...."). 9.5.2, 9-47 Added new Table 9-43, immediately after existing Table 9-42, and Table 9-44, immediately after existing Table 9-43. 9.5.3, 9-52 Added sentence to sixth bullet (mode register set): For DDR2 in 32-bit bus mode, all 32-byte burst accesses from the platform are split into two 16-byte (that is, 4 beat) accesses to the SDRAMs in the memory controller. 9.6.1, 9-69 Removed all rows in Table 9-57 relating to FCRAM1, FCRAM2, and LPDDR. Chapter 10, 10-1 Registers formerly refered to as message shared interrupt registers are now called shared message signaled interrupt registers., 10-3 Replaced Figure 10-1. Added paragraph after paragraph two., 10-4 Replaced this section. 10.3, 10-7, 10-26 Relocated a number of registers (MSIRn, MSISR, MSIIR) in programmable interrupt controller (PIC) chapter to comply with OpenPIC programming model. Added note immediately before Table 10-22., 10-27 Removed fields MSI0-MSI7 from IRQSR0., 10-29 Removed fields MSI0-MSI7 and MSG0-MSG3 from CISR0., 10-32, 10-34 Added paragraph after first paragraph of this section. Updated message shared interrupt registers (MSIRs) to show new offsets.* Removed message shared interrupt mask register (MSIMR)., 10-34 Updated message shared interrupt status register (MSISR) to show new offset., 10-35 Updated message shared interrupt index register (MSIIR) to show new offset. Replaced third sentence of introduction to MSIIR. Updated settings for fields SRS and IBS in Table 10-38., 10-36 Removed fields EP and CI from MSIDRn., 10-38 Updated section heading to "Internal Interrupt Vector/Priority Registers (IIVPR0-IIVPR47)." 10.4.1, 10-46 Replaced Figure 10-48 (page 10-52). MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 D-4 Freescale Semiconductor Revision History, 10-48 Updated item 5 In first numbered list to read `IRQ[0:11]/PCI INTx.' 10.4.5, 10-49 Added new section, "Shared Message Signaled Interrupts.", 10-51 Insert step seven into numbered list of initialization steps: 7. Set MER as desired (for example, 0x0000_000F enables all message interrupts). See Section, "Message Enable Register (MER)," for more information. 11.3, 11-4 Added note at end of Section 11.3, just before Table 11-3:, 11-6 Updated introduction to I2CFDR., 11-11, 11-12 Updated description of I2CDFSRR[DFSR]. Updated first paragraph. 11.4.5, 11-17, 12-7 Replaced entire section. Replaced Table 12-8 and text introducing it. Removed text between Table 12-8 and end of section. 13.2, 13-4, 13-27, 13-30 Restored local bus signals LSDDQMn to Table 13-1 and Table 13-2. Replaced description of LTEATR[SRCID] in Table 13-19. Added note to description of LCRR[PBYP] in Table 13-22. Added note to description of LCRR[CLKDIV]., 13-40 Replaced Figure 13-26. Modified figure title. 14.3, 14-4 Replaced first bullet in list of operational modes. Replaced last bullet (loop back mode). In Table 14-1, modified description of TSECn_RX_ER. In Table 14-2, updated descriptions of TSECn_RX_CLK and TSECn_TX_CLK. 14.4.1, 14-8, 14-21 Updated Figure 14-2 and Table 14-5., 14-22 Updated Figure 14-3., 14-23 All fields of register IEVENT are w1c (write-one-to-clear)., 14-31 Added column to Table 14-11, "eTSEC Interface Configurations," on page 14-32., 14-34 Replaced description of DMACTRL[GTS]., 14-36* Removed section, "FIFO Receive Pause Start Threshold Register (FIFO_RX_PAUSE).", 14-36* Removed section, "FIFO Receive Pause Shut-off Threshold Register (FIFO_RX_PAUSE_SHUTOFF).", 14-38 Updated introduction to FIFO_TX_THR., 14-41 All fields of register TSTAT are w1c (write-one-to-clear)., 14-43 Replaced description of DFVLAN[TAG]., 14-47 Updated Figure 14-24, "TR47WT Register Definition." MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor D-5 Revision History, 14-50 Added field RSF to RCTRL. Updated descriptions of VLEX, FILREN and PRSDEP., 14-52 All fields of register RSTAT are w1c (write-one-to-clear)., 14-60 Removed bits TUC (bit 28) and TUV (bit 29) from Figure 14-37. Added note to description of RQFPR[ETY] (PID 0111, bits 16-31) and RQFPR[TOS] (PID 1010, bits 16-31) in Table 14-40., 14-63 Updated description of MRBLR[MRBL] (Table 14-41)., 14-70 In Table 14-47, updated descriptions of MACCFG2[Huge Frame] and MACCFG2[MPEN]., 14-74 In Table 14-50, updated description of MAXFRM[Maximum Frame]., 14-90 Updated description of RCSE[RCSE]., 14-91 In Table 14-82, updated description of ROVR[ROVR]., 14-93 Updated description of TBYT[TBYT]. 14.6.1, 14-126 Added two paragraphs after first paragraph., 14-127, 14-129, 14-131 Updated Figure 14-121. Added note immediately before Figure 14-121. Modified introductory text. Replaced Figure 14-123. Replaced Figure 14-125., 14-133 Added note to Table 14-126. 14.6.2, 14-135 Replaced second paragraph. In bulleted list following paragraph three, modified first sub-bullet of first item ("8-bit packet FIFO") and first sub-bullet of second item("16-bit packet FIFO"). Updated Table 14-129., 14-140 Added paragraph immediately after Table 14-134*., 14-143*, 14-157 Removed section, including Table 14-136*, "8-/16-Bit FIFO Signals Multiplexing, eTSEC1/2," and Table 14-137*, "8-Bit FIFO Signals Multiplexing, eTSEC 3/4." Updated some entries in Table 14-141., 14-171 Updated first paragraph., 14-172 Replaced description of TxBD field TR in Table 14-154., 14-172 Added paragraph after first paragraph of this section, "Receive Buffer Descriptors (RxBD)." Replaced descriptions of RxBD fields LG and TR in Table 14-155., 14-179 Updated headings of Table 14-152., 14-183 Updated headings of Table 14-155. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 D-6 Freescale Semiconductor Revision History, 14-187 Updated headings of Table 14-158., 14-191 Updated headings of Table 14-161., 14-195 Updated headings of Table 14-164., 14-199 Updated headings of Table 14-167., 14-203 Updated headings and signal names in Table 14-170., 14-206, 15-10 Updated signal names and headings in Table 14-173. Removed sentence "Defined only if MRn[EMP_EN] is enabled" from description of MRn[BWC]., 15-15, 15-18 Added sentence to end of second paragraph in each section explaining a limitation on ATMU bypass mode with SRIO., 15-33 Added paragraph immediately after bulleted list. 16.1.1, 16-2 Added text to introduction: The PCI interface does not flush pending outbound writes as a result of an inbound read command. Systems must not rely on inbound reads to ensure all pending outbound writes have completed. For example, consider the case where a core writes data to a PCI device and then updates a flag in the local DDR memory indicating the write to PCI has completed. An external PCI master may misread the flag ahead of the actual write transaction's completion on the PCI bus. 16.1.2, 16-4 Updated second bullet in list of PCI-X features.:, 16-22 Updated third paragraph., 16-25 Updated list of target interfaces in description of field TGI in Table 16-14., 16-36 Updated description of capabilities list field in Table 16-28., 16-44 Updated section title and register described. 16.4.3, 16-73 Updated first paragraph: Note that on this device, the maximum speed supported in synchronous mode is 110 MHz. 16.5.5, 16-91 Added new section, "Byte Ordering." 17.2, 17-1 * * Added feature to bulleted list under heading "RapidIO endpoint supports the following user-defined features": Logical outbound packet time-to-live counter to prevent local processor from hanging when the RIO interface fails Added feature to bulleted list under heading "RapidIO endpoint does not support or has limited support of the following features of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 1.2": No decrementing of a maintenance packet hop count (pass-through support does not imply switch functionality) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor D-7 Revision History, 17-12 All fields in register AIDCAR are now read/write, 17-13 All fields in register AICAR are now read/write., 17-13 Updated values of PEFCAR[CTLS]., 17-28 Added new field (PD) to CCSR., 17-31 Updated second paragraph introducing LTLEDCSR. Added field PTTL; modified description of LTLEDSCR[OACB]. Added field PTTL; modified description of LTLEESCR[OACB]. Updated reset value of LLCR[ECRAB] to zero. Insert new section describing register (LOPTTLCR)., 17-33, 17-43, 17-46, 17-48 17.6.7, 17-51 Updated field description for PCR[OBDEN]. Added this paragraph to end of section: Note that when booting from serial RapidIO, outbound ATMU window 0 must be used., 17-51 Added paragraph after paragraph two: Note that subsegments are only supported when multiple segments are chosen., 17-55 Added sentence to description of ROWARn[NSSEG]: NSSEG is valid only when ROWARn[NSEG] contains a non-zero value., 17-65 Added text after first paragraph: When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor). For example, if there are eight entries in the queue, the queue must be 256-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in OMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ]; see Section, "Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR)")., 17-67 Added text to end of section (after bulleted list): When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor). For example, if there are eight entries in the queue, the queue must be 256-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in OMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ]; see Section, "Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR)")., 17-76 Added text after first paragraph: When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x frame size. For example, if there are eight entries in the queue and the frame size is 128 bytes, the register must be 1024-byte aligned. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 D-8 Freescale Semiconductor Revision History The number of queue entries is set in IMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ], and the frame size is set in IMnMR[FRM_SIZ]. See Section, "Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR)")., 17-77 Added text to end of section (after bulleted list): When software initializes these registers, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x frame size. For example, if there are eight entries in the queue and the frame size is 128 bytes, the register must be 1024-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in IMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ], and the frame size is set in IMnMR[FRM_SIZ]. See Section, "Inbound Message n Mode Registers (IMnMR)")., 17-78 Replace last sentence of first paragraph introducing IMnMIRIR with the following: The reset value is the maximum time-out interval. The timer decrements at one-half the CCB clock rate; thus at a CCB clock rate of 400 MHz, the maximum time-out value is approximately 83.9 ms. Replaced next-to-last paragraph of section (top of p. 17-96) with the following: Boundary crossing errors (outbound ATMU boundary crossing, segment boundary crossing, and subsegment boundary crossing) are logged in the LTLEDCSR[OACB] configuration register field., 17-97 17.8.8, 17-99, 17-107 Added new sections after Section 17.8.7, "Generating Link-Request/Reset-Device." Added row to Table 17-110., 17-150 Added text at end of third bullet: These pairs of registers must also be queue size aligned (that is, the queue must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor)). For example, if there are 16 entries in the queue, the queue must be 512-byte aligned. The number of queue entries is set in OMnMR[CIRQ_SIZ]; see Section, "Outbound Message n Mode Registers (OMnMR)")., 17-152 Added text at end of second sentence: (in other words, on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x 32 bytes (size of each queue descriptor)), 17-156 Added row to Table 17-125., 17-158 Added text to first bullet: These also must be queue size aligned (in other words, the queue to which they point must be aligned on a boundary equal to number of queue entries x frame size). For example, if there are eight entries in the queue and the frame size is 128 bytes, the queue must be 1024-byte aligned., 17-166 Added row to Table 17-127., 18-3 Replaced last sentence of first paragraph with the following: MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor D-9 Revision History Note that the controller splits transactions at the crossing of every 256-byte-aligned boundary when sending data back to the PCI Express link. 18.2, 18-4, 18-11, 18-12, 18-13, 18-14, 18-16, 18-19 Updated descriptions of receive and transmit data signals. Updated description of PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR[RD]. Added field to PEX_CONFIG. Removed field PEX_PME_MES_DR[BD]; updated some field descriptions. Removed PEX_PME_MES_DISR[BDD]. Removed PEX_PME_MES_IER[BDIE]. Inserted sentence after second sentence of first paragraph: If the transaction hits multiple BARs, the lowest-numbered BAR will be used. Also inserted paragraph after first paragraph: Note that in RC mode, there is no checking on whether the translated address actually hits into the memory base/limit range. It will just pass it through as is. In figure, replaced labels "Memory Base" and "Memory Limit" with "Memory or I/O Base" and "Memory or I/O Limit.", 18-24 Added sentence at end of last paragraph: If the transaction hits multiple BARs, then the lowest-numbered BAR will be used, 18-25, 18-27 In figure, replaced labels "Memory Base" and "Memory Limit" with "Memory or I/O Base" and "Memory or I/O Limit." Changed names of PEXIWARn fields ReadType and WriteType (in Table 18-22) to RTT and WTT. Also updated descriptions of same fields., 18-29 Added fields to PEX_ERR_DR; updated some field descriptions., 18-32 Added fields ICCAIE and IACAIE to PEX_ERR_EN., 18-34 Updated PEX_ERR_DISR., 18-36, 18-38, 18-39, 18-40, 18-36 Replaced introductory text of PEX_ERR_CAP_R0, PEX_ERR_CAP_R1, PEX_ERR_CAP_R2, and PEX_ERR_CAP_R3. Inserted text and table following figure., 18-38 Updated field description of OD0. Added text and table following figure., 18-39 Updated field description of OD1. Added text following figure., 18-40 Added text and table following figure., 18-42 Updated first paragraph with the following: MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 D-10 Freescale Semiconductor Revision History, 18-53, 18-53, 18-55, 18-59, 18-59 Updated reset value of PCI Express subsystem vendor ID register and PCI Express subsystem ID register to `Value taken from PEX_SSVID_UPDATE[SSV_ID].' Updated PCI Express interrupt pin register to read only., 18-60 Updated PCI Express I/O base and limit registers, located at offsets 0x1C and 0x1D, to read only. Replaced introductory text., 18-65 The PCI Express interrupt pin register should be read only., 18-74, 18-76 In the PCI Express link status register (0x5E), field LTE should be reserved. Replaced field descriptions of fields PDS and MRLSS., 18-78 Updated section heading to "PCI Express MSI Message Control Register (EP Mode Only)--0x72.", 18-79 Updated section heading to "PCI Express MSI Message Data Register (EP Mode Only)--0x7C.", 18-81 Updated reset value for PCI Express advanced error capabilities and control register., 18-89-, 18-94 Added new sections after Section, "PCI Express Error Source ID Register--0x136.", 18-87*, 18-87*, 18-87*, 18-99 Removed these sections; replaced with new Section, "Byte Ordering." Added section, "Lane Reversal.", 18-101 18.4.2, 18-105 Inserted a new section before existing Section, "Messages." Replace section with several new sections. 19.2, 19-10 19.3.5, 19-24 In Table 19-2, updated some execution units' memory-mapped register ranges. Replaced entire row for raid_xor descriptor format (1010_1) in Table 19-9, "Descriptor Format by Type.", 19-44 Updated first paragraph., 19-101 Added paragraph just before register figure (last paragraph)., 19-113 Changed reset value of ID register to 0x0030_0000_0010_0000., 19-113 Changed reset value of IP block revision register to 0x0030_0000_0010_0000., 20-7 Updated field description of LBC_Z in Table 20-6. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor D-11 Revision History, 20-8 Updated description of PORDEVSR[RTYPE] in Table 20-7., 20-11 Added new section after Section, "POR Debug Mode Status Register (PORDBGMSR).", 20-15 Updated section to show that DEVDISR[TB] may be freely toggled., 20-22 In LBCVSELCR[SBCV], setting 0b10 (1.8 V) is no longer supported., 20-23, 20-26, 20-27, 20-28, 20-29 Replaced introductory text for DDRCDR, DDR control driver register. 21.4.7, 21-15 Modified events Ref:11, Ref:13, and Ref:19 in Table 21-10., 22-28 Updated some trace buffer entries in this section: Added four new sections after Section, "Clock Out Control Register (CLKOCR)." The command trace buffer field CMDADDR should be 36 bits long. The DDR trace buffer entry for DDRADDR should be 36 bits long. Appendix A, A-1 Appendix B, B-1 Appendix C, C-1 D.2 Also, in the PCI Express trace buffer, field PEXBC should be 6 bits wide, and the description of field PEXADDR is incorrect. Add a new section A.4. Add a new section B.4. Add a new section C.4. Changes From Revision 0 to Revision 1 Revision 1 was the initial version of this reference manual. Revision 0 was temporarily available, but should be disregarded for design purposes. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 D-12 Freescale Semiconductor Glossary The glossary contains an alphabetical list of terms, phrases, and abbreviations used in this reference manual. A Architecture. A detailed specification of requirements for a processor or computer system. It does not specify details of how the processor or computer system must be implemented; instead it provides a template for a family of compatible implementations. Atomic access. A bus access that attempts to be part of a read-write operation to the same address uninterrupted by any other access to that address (the term refers to the fact that the transactions are indivisible). The Power Architecture technology implements atomic accesses through the lwarx/stwcx. instruction pair. Autobaud. The process of determining a serial data rate by timing the width of a single bit. B Beat. A single state on the bus interface that may extend across multiple bus cycles. A transaction can be composed of multiple address or data beats. Big-endian. A byte-ordering method in memory where the address n of a word corresponds to the most-significant byte. In an addressed memory word, the bytes are ordered (left to right) 0, 1, 2, 3, with 0 being the most-significant byte. See Little-endian. Boundedly undefined. A characteristic of certain operation results that are not rigidly prescribed by the Power Architecture technology. Boundedly- undefined results for a given operation may vary among implementations and between execution attempts in the same implementation. Although the architecture does not prescribe the exact behavior for when results are allowed to be boundedly undefined, the results of executing instructions in contexts where results are allowed to be boundedly undefined are constrained to ones that could have been achieved by executing an arbitrary sequence of defined instructions, in valid form, starting in the state the machine was in before attempting to execute the given instruction. Breakpoint. A programmable event that forces the core to take a breakpoint exception. Burst. A multiple-beat data transfer whose total size is typically equal to a cache block. Bus clock. Clock that causes the bus state transitions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Glossary-1 Bus master. The owner of the address or data bus; the device that initiates or requests the transaction. C Cache. High-speed memory containing recently accessed data or instructions (subset of main memory). Cache block. A small region of contiguous memory that is copied from memory into a cache. The size of a cache block may vary among processors; the maximum block size is one page. In Power Architecture processors, cache coherency is maintained on a cache-block basis. Note that the term `cache block' is often used interchangeably with `cache line.' Cache coherency. An attribute wherein an accurate and common view of memory is provided to all devices that share the same memory system. Caches are coherent if a processor performing a read from its cache is supplied with data corresponding to the most recent value written to memory or to another processor's cache. Cache flush. An operation that removes from a cache any data from a specified address range. This operation ensures that any modified data within the specified address range is written back to main memory. This operation is generated typically by a Data Cache Block Flush (dcbf) instruction. Caching-inhibited. A memory update policy in which the cache is bypassed and the load or store is performed to or from main memory. Cast out. A cache block that must be written to memory when a cache miss causes a cache block to be replaced. Changed bit. One of two page history bits found in each page table entry (PTE). The processor sets the changed bit if any store is performed into the page. See also Page access history bits and Referenced bit. Clean. An operation that causes a cache block to be written to memory, if modified, and then left in a valid, unmodified state in the cache. Clear. To cause a bit or bit field to register a value of zero. See also Set. Context synchronization. An operation that ensures that all instructions in execution complete past the point where they can produce an exception, that all instructions in execution complete in the context in which they began execution, and that all subsequent instructions are fetched and executed in the new context. Context synchronization may result from executing specific instructions (such as isync or rfi) or when certain events occur (such as an exception). Copy-back operation. A cache operation in which a cache line is copied back to memory to enforce cache coherency. Copy-back operations consist of snoop push-out operations and cache cast-out operations. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Glossary-2 Freescale Semiconductor D Direct-mapped cache. A cache in which each main memory address can appear in only one location within the cache; operates more quickly when the memory request is a cache hit. Double data rate. Memory that allows data transfers at the start and end of a clock cycle. thereby doubling the data rate. E Effective address (EA). The 32-bit address specified for a load, store, or an instruction fetch. This address is then submitted to the MMU for translation to either a physical memory address or an I/O address. Exclusive state. MEI state (E) in which only one caching device contains data that is also in system memory. F Frame-check sequence (FCS). Specifies the standard 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) obtained using the standard CCITT-CRC polynomial on all fields except the preamble, SFD, and CRC. Fetch. Retrieving instructions from either the cache or main memory and placing them into the instruction queue. Flush. An operation that causes a cache block to be invalidated and the data, if modified, to be written to memory. G General-purpose register (GPR). Any of the 32 registers in the general-purpose register file. These registers provide the source operands and destination results for all integer data manipulation instructions. Integer load instructions move data from memory to GPRs and store instructions move data from GPRs to memory. Guarded. The guarded attribute pertains to out-of-order execution. When a page is designated as guarded, instructions and data cannot be accessed out-of-order. H Harvard architecture. An architectural model featuring separate caches and other memory management resources for instructions and data. I IEEE 754. A standard written by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers that defines operations and representations of binary floating-point numbers. Illegal instructions. A class of instructions that are not implemented for a particular Power Architecture processor. These include instructions not defined by the architecture. In addition, for 32-bit implementations, instructions that are defined only for 64-bit implementations are considered to be illegal instructions. For 64-bit implementations instructions that are defined only for 32-bit implementations are considered to be illegal instructions. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Glossary-3 Implementation. A particular processor that conforms to the Power Architecture technology, but may differ from other architecture-compliant implementations for example in design, feature set, and implementation of optional features. The Power Architecture technology has many different implementations. Inbound ATMU windows. Mappings that perform address translation from the external address space to the local address space, attach attributes and transaction types to the transaction, and map the transaction to its target interface. Inter-packet gap. The gap between the end of one Ethernet packet and the beginning of the next transmitted packet. Integer unit. An execution unit in the core responsible for executing integer instructions. In-order. An aspect of an operation that adheres to a sequential model. An operation is said to be performed in-order if, at the time that it is performed, it is known to be required by the sequential execution model. Instruction latency. The total number of clock cycles necessary to execute an instruction and make ready the results of that instruction. K Kill. An operation that causes a cache block to be invalidated without writing any modified data to memory. L Latency. The number of clock cycles necessary to execute an instruction and make ready the results of that execution for a subsequent instruction. L2 cache. Level-2 cache. See Secondary cache. Least-significant bit (lsb). The bit of least value in an address, register, field, data element, or instruction encoding. Least-significant byte (LSB). The byte of least value in an address, register, data element, or instruction encoding. Little-endian. A byte-ordering method in memory where the address n of a word corresponds to the least-significant byte. In an addressed memory word, the bytes are ordered (left to right) 3, 2, 1, 0, with 3 being the most-significant byte. See Big-endian. Local access window. Mapping used to translate a region of memory to a particular target interface, such as the DDR SDRAM controller or the PCI controller. The local memory map is defined by a set of eight local access windows. The size of each window can be configured from 4 Kbytes to 2 Gbytes. M Media access control (MAC) sublayer. Sublayer that provides a logical connection between the MAC and its peer station. Its primary responsibility is to initialize, control, and manage the connection with the peer station. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Glossary-4 Freescale Semiconductor Medium-dependent interface (MDI) sublayer--Sublayer that defines different connector types for different physical media and PMD devices. Media-independent interface (MII) sublayer. Sublayer that provides a standard interface between the MAC layer and the physical layer for 10/100-Mbps operations. It isolates the MAC layer and the physical layer, enabling the MAC layer to be used with various implementations of the physical layer. MEI (modified/exclusive/invalid). Cache coherency protocol used to manage caches on different devices that share a memory system. Note that the Power Architecture technology does not specify the implementation of a MEI protocol to ensure cache coherency. Memory access ordering. The specific order in which the processor performs load and store memory accesses and the order in which those accesses complete. Memory-mapped accesses. Accesses whose addresses use the page or block address translation mechanisms provided by the MMU and that occur externally with the bus protocol defined for memory. Memory coherency. An aspect of caching in which it is ensured that an accurate view of memory is provided to all devices that share system memory. Memory consistency. Refers to agreement of levels of memory with respect to a single processor and system memory (for example, on-chip cache, secondary cache, and system memory). Memory management unit (MMU). The functional unit that is capable of translating an effective (logical) address to a physical address, providing protection mechanisms, and defining caching methods. Modified state. MEI state (M) in which one, and only one, caching device has the valid data for that address. The data at this address in external memory is not valid. Most-significant bit (msb). The highest-order bit in an address, registers, data element, or instruction encoding. Most-significant byte (MSB). The highest-order byte in an address, registers, data element, or instruction encoding. N NaN. An abbreviation for not a number; a symbolic entity encoded in floating-point format. There are two types of NaNs--signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. No-op. No-operation. A single-cycle operation that does not affect registers or generate bus activity. O OCeaN. (On-chip network) Non-blocking crossbar switch fabric. Enables full duplex port connections at 128Gb/s concurrent throughput and independent per port MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Glossary-5 transaction queuing and flow control. Permits high bandwidth, high performance, as well as the execution of multiple data transactions. Outbound ATMU windows. Mappings that perform address translations from local 32-bit address space to the address spaces of, which may be much larger than the local space. Outbound ATMU windows also map attributes such as transaction type or priority level. P Packet. A unit of binary data that can be routed through a network. Sometimes packet is used to refer to the frame plus the preamble and start frame delimiter (SFD). Page. A region in memory. The OEA defines a page as a 4-Kbyte area of memory aligned on a 4-Kbyte boundary. Page access history bits. The changed and referenced bits in the PTE keep track of the access history within the page. The referenced bit is set by the MMU whenever the page is accessed for a read or write operation. The changed bit is set when the page is stored into. See Changed bit and Referenced bit. Page fault. A page fault is a condition that occurs when the processor attempts to access a memory location that does not reside within a page not currently resident in physical memory. On Power Architecture processors, a page fault exception condition occurs when a matching, valid page table entry (PTE[V] = 1) cannot be located. Page table. A table in memory is comprised of page table entries, or PTEs. It is further organized into eight PTEs per PTEG (page table entry group). The number of PTEGs in the page table depends on the size of the page table (as specified in the SDR1 register). Page table entry (PTE). Data structures containing information used to translate effective address to physical address on a 4-Kbyte page basis. A PTE consists of 8 bytes of information in a 32-bit processor and 16 bytes of information in a 64-bit processor. Physical coding sublayer (PCS). Sublayer responsible for encoding and decoding data stream to and from the MAC sublayer. Physical medium attachment (PMA) sublayer. Sublayer responsible for serializing code groups into a bit stream suitable for serial bit-oriented physical devices (SERDES) and vice versa. Synchronization is also performed for proper data decoding in this sublayer. The PMA sits between the PCS and the PMD sublayers. Physical medium dependent (PMD) sublayer. Sublayer responsible for signal transmission. The typical PMD functionality includes amplifier, modulation, and wave shaping. Different PMD devices may support different media. Physical memory. The actual memory that can be accessed through the system's memory bus. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Glossary-6 Freescale Semiconductor Pipelining. A technique that breaks operations, such as instruction processing or bus transactions, into smaller distinct stages or tenures (respectively) so that a subsequent operation can begin before the previous one has completed. Precise exceptions. A category of exception for which the pipeline can be stopped so instructions that preceded the faulting instruction can complete and subsequent instructions can be flushed and redispatched after exception handling has completed. See Imprecise exceptions. Primary opcode. The most-significant 6 bits (bits 0-5) of the instruction encoding that identifies the type of instruction. Program order. The order of instructions in an executing program. More specifically, this term is used to refer to the original order in which program instructions are fetched into the instruction queue from the cache. Protection boundary. A boundary between protection domains. Protection domain. A protection domain is a segment, a virtual page, a BAT area, or a range of unmapped effective addresses. It is defined only when the appropriate relocate bit in the MSR (IR or DR) is 1. Q Quad word. A group of 16 contiguous locations starting at an address divisible by 16. Quiesce. To come to rest. The processor is said to quiesce when an exception is taken or a sync instruction is executed. The instruction stream is stopped at the decode stage and executing instructions are allowed to complete to create a controlled context for instructions that may be affected by out-of-order, parallel execution. See Context synchronization. R rA. The rA instruction field is used to specify a GPR to be used as a source or destination. rB. The rB instruction field is used to specify a GPR to be used as a source. rD. The rD instruction field is used to specify a GPR to be used as a destination. rS. The rS instruction field is used to specify a GPR to be used as a source. Record bit. Bit 31 (or the Rc bit) in the instruction encoding. When it is set, updates the condition register (CR) to reflect the result of the operation. Reconciliation sublayer. Sublayer that maps the terminology and commands used in the MAC layer into electrical formats appropriate for the physical layer entities. Referenced bit. One of two page history bits found in each page table entry. The processor sets the referenced bit whenever the page is accessed for a read or write. See also Page access history bits. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Glossary-7 Reservation. The processor establishes a reservation on a cache block of memory space when it executes an lwarx instruction to read a memory semaphore into a GPR. Reservation station. A buffer between the dispatch and execute stages that allows instructions to be dispatched even though the results of instructions on which the dispatched instruction may depend are not available. RISC (reduced instruction set computing). An architecture characterized by fixed-length instructions with nonoverlapping functionality and by a separate set of load and store instructions that perform memory accesses. S Secondary cache. A cache memory that is typically larger and has a longer access time than the primary cache. A secondary cache may be shared by multiple devices. Also referred to as L2, or level-2, cache. Set (v). To write a nonzero value to a bit or bit field; the opposite of clear. The term `set' may also be used to generally describe the updating of a bit or bit field. Set (n). A subdivision of a cache. Cacheable data can be stored in a given location in one of the sets, typically corresponding to its lower-order address bits. Because several memory locations can map to the same location, cached data is typically placed in the set whose cache block corresponding to that address was used least recently. See Set-associative. Set-associative. Aspect of cache organization in which the cache space is divided into sections, called sets. The cache controller associates a particular main memory address with the contents of a particular set, or region, within the cache. Slave. The device addressed by a master device. The slave is identified in the address tenure and is responsible for supplying or latching the requested data for the master during the data tenure. Snooping. Monitoring addresses driven by a bus master to detect the need for coherency actions. Snoop push. Response to a snooped transaction that hits a modified cache block. The cache block is written to memory and made available to the snooping device. Stall. An occurrence when an instruction cannot proceed to the next stage. Sticky bit. A bit that when set must be cleared explicitly. Superscalar machine. A machine that can issue multiple instructions concurrently from a conventional linear instruction stream. Supervisor mode. The privileged operation state of a processor. In supervisor mode, software, typically the operating system, can access all control registers and can access the supervisor memory space, among other privileged operations. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Glossary-8 Freescale Semiconductor Synchronization. A process to ensure that operations occur strictly in order. See Context synchronization. Synchronous exception. An exception that is generated by the execution of a particular instruction or instruction sequence. There are two types of synchronous exceptions, precise and imprecise. System memory. The physical memory available to a processor. T Time-division multiplex (TDM). A single serial channel used by several channels taking turns. Tenure. The period of bus mastership. There can be separate address bus tenures and data bus tenures. TLB (translation lookaside buffer). A cache that holds recently-used page table entries. Throughput. The measure of the number of instructions that are processed per clock cycle. Transaction. A complete exchange between two bus devices. A transaction is typically comprised of an address tenure and one or more data tenures, which may overlap or occur separately from the address tenure. A transaction may be minimally comprised of an address tenure only. Transfer termination. Signal that refers to both signals that acknowledge the transfer of individual beats (of both single-beat transfer and individual beats of a burst transfer) and to signals that mark the end of the tenure. U User mode. The operating state of a processor used typically by application software. In user mode, software can access only certain control registers and can access only user memory space. No privileged operations can be performed. Also referred to as problem state. V Virtual address. An intermediate address used in the translation of an effective address to a physical address. Virtual memory. The address space created using the memory management facilities of the processor. Program access to virtual memory is possible only when it coincides with physical memory. W Way. A location in the cache that holds a cache block, its tags, and status bits. Word. A 32-bit data element. Write-back. A cache memory update policy in which processor write cycles are directly written only to the cache. External memory is updated only indirectly, for example, when a modified cache block is cast out to make room for newer data. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Glossary-9 Write-through. A cache memory update policy in which all processor write cycles are written to both the cache and memory. MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Glossary-10 Freescale Semiconductor Index 1 Register Index (Memory-Mapped Registers) Numerics ATTRELI (eTSEC DMA attribute extract length and extract index register), 14-112 A AACR (RapidIO accept-all configuration register), 17-46 ADIDCSR (RapidIO alternate device ID command and status register), 17-45 AESU context registers (SEC block), 19-75 AESU FIFOs (SEC AESU FIFOs), 19-79 AESU key registers (SEC block), 19-79 AESUDSR (SEC AESU data size register), 19-69 AESUEUG (SEC AESU EU go register), 19-74 AESUICR (SEC AESU interrupt control register), 19-73 AESUISR (SEC AESU interrupt status register), 19-72 AESUKSR (SEC AESU key size register), 19-69 AESUMR (SEC AESU mode register), 19-67 AESURCR (SEC AESU reset control register), 19-70 AESUSR (SEC AESU status register), 19-71 AFEU context memory pointer register (SEC block), 19-50 AFEU context memory registers (SEC block), 19-49 AFEU FIFOs (SEC AFEU FIFO space), 19-50 AFEUDSR (SEC AFEU context/data size register), 19-44 AFEUEUG (SEC AFEU EU go register), 19-49 AFEUICR (SEC AFEU interrupt control register), 19-48 AFEUISR (SEC AFEU interrupt status register), 19-46 AFEUKn (SEC AFEU key registers 0-1), 19-50 AFEUKSR (SEC AFEU key size register), 19-43 AFEUMR (SEC AFEU mode register), 19-42 AFEURCR (SEC AFEU reset control register), 19-44 AICAR (RapidIO assembly information capability register), 17-13 AIDCAR (RapidIO assembly identity capability register), 17-12 ALTCAR (alternate configuration attribute address register), 4-6 ALTCBAR (alternate configuration base address register), 4-6 ANA (eTSEC AN advertisement register), 14-118 ANEX (eTSEC AN expansion register), 14-121 ANLPANP (eTSEC AN link partner ability next page register), 14-122 ANLPBPA (eTSEC AN link partner base page ability register), 14-120 ANNPT (eTSEC AN next page transmit register), 14-121 ATTR (eTSEC DMA attribute register), 14-111 B BCRn (DMA 0-3 byte count registers), 15-22 BDIDCSR (RapidIO base device ID command and status register), 17-21 BPTR (boot page translation register), 4-7 BRn (LBC base registers 0-7), 13-10 C CAM1 (eTSEC carry mask register one), 14-105 CAM2 (eTSEC carry mask register two), 14-106 CAPTURE_ADDRESS (DDR memory error address capture register), 9-39 CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES (DDR memory error attributes capture register), 9-38 CAPTURE_DATA_HI (DDR memory data path read capture high register), 9-34 CAPTURE_DATA_LO (DDR memory data path read capture low register), 9-35 CAPTURE_ECC (DDR memory data path read capture ECC register), 9-35 CAPTURE_EXT_ADDRESS (DDR memory error extended address capture register), 9-40 CAR1 (eTSEC carry register one), 14-103 CAR2 (eTSEC carry register two), 14-104 CCCRn (SEC crypto-channel configuration registers 1-4), 19-92 CCDPRn (SEC crypto-channel current descriptor pointer registers 1-4), 19-100 CCIDR (current context ID register), 22-23 CCPSRn (SEC crypto-channel pointer status registers 1-4), 19-95 CCSR (RapidIO control command and status register), 17-28 CCSRBAR (configuration, control, and status registers base address register), 4-4-4-5 CFG_ADDR (PCI/X configuration address register), 16-17 CFG_DATA (PCI/X configuration data register), 16-18 CISR0 (PIC critical interrupt summary register 0), 10-29 CISR1 (PIC critical interrupt summary register 1), 10-29, 10-30 CLKOCR (clock out control register), 20-25 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 1-1 D-E CLKOCR (clock out select register), 20-28, 20-29 CLNDARn (DMA 0-3 current link descriptor address registers), 15-13 CLSDARn (DMA 0-3 current list-alternate base descriptor address registers), 15-23 CR (eTSEC control register), 14-115 CSnBNDS (DDR chip select 0-3 bounds registers), 9-11 CSnCONFIG (DDR chip select 0-3 configuration registers), 9-12 CTCSR (RapidIO component tag command and status register), 17-22 CTPR0 (PIC per-CPU processor current task priority register), also mapped as global CTPR, 10-44 D DARn (DMA 0-3 destination address registers), 15-20 DARn (DMA 0-3 destination address registers for RapidIO maintenance writes), 15-21 DATA_ERR_INJECT_HI (DDR memory data path error injection mask high register), 9-33 DATA_ERR_INJECT_LO (DDR memory data path error injection mask low register), 9-33 DATRn (DMA 0-3 destination attributes registers), 15-18 DBn (SEC crypto-channel 1-4 descriptor buffers [0-7]), 19-102 DDR_DATA_INIT (DDR SDRAM data initialization register), 9-30 DDR_INIT_ADDR (DDR initialization address register), 9-31 DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR (DDR initialization extended address register), 9-31 DDR_IP_REV1 (DDR IP block revision register 1), 9-32 DDR_IP_REV2 (DDR IP block revision register 2), 9-32 DDR_SDRAM_CFG (DDR SDRAM control configuration register), 9-20 DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2 (DDR SDRAM control configuration register 2), 9-23 DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL (DDR SDRAM clock control register), 9-30 DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL (DDR SDRAM interval configuration register), 9-29 DDR_SDRAM_MD_CNTL (DDR SDRAM mode control register), 9-26 DDR_SDRAM_MODE (DDR SDRAM mode configuration register), 9-25 DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2 (DDR SDRAM mode 2 configuration register), 9-26 DDRCDR (DDR control driver register), 20-23 DDRCLSDR (DDR clock disable register), 20-25 DDRCSR (DDR calibration status register), 20-23 DEU FIFOs (SEC DEU FIFO space), 19-41 DEUDSR (SEC DEU data size register), 19-35 DEUEUG (SEC DEU EU go register), 19-41 DEUICR (SEC DEU interrupt control register), 19-39 DEUISR (SEC DEU interrupt status register), 19-37 DEUIV (SEC DEU IV register), 19-41 DEUKn (SEC DEU key registers 1-3), 19-41 DEUKSR (SEC DEU key size register), 19-35 DEUMR (SEC DEU mode register), 19-34 DEURCR (SEC DEU reset control register), 19-36 DEUSR (SEC DEU status register), 19-36 DEVDISR (device disable control), 20-15 DFVLAN (eTSEC default VLAN control word register), 14-43 DGSR (DMA general status register), 15-27 DICAR (RapidIO device information capability register), 17-11 DIDCAR (RapidIO device identity capability register), 17-11 DMACTRL (eTSEC DMA control register), 14-34 DOCAR (RapidIO destination operations capability register), 17-15 DSRn (DMA 0-3 destination stride registers), 15-26 E ECACSR (RapidIO error capture attributes command and status register), 17-38 ECC_ERR_INJECT (DDR memory data path error injection mask ECC register), 9-34 ECNTRL (eTSEC Ethernet control register), 14-31 EDCSR (RapidIO error detect command and status register), 17-36 EDIS (eTSEC error disabled register), 14-29 EEADR (ECM error address capture register), 8-8, 8-9 EEATR (ECM error attributes capture register), 8-7 EEBACR (ECM CCB address configuration register), 8-3 EEBPCR (ECM CCB port configuration register), 8-4 EEDR (ECM error detect register), 8-6 EEER (ECM error enable register), 8-7 EIDQDPAR (RapidIO extended inbound doorbell queue dequeue pointer address register), 17-85 EIDQEPAR (RapidIO extended inbound doorbell queue enqueue pointer address register), 17-86 EIDRn (PIC external interrupt destination registers 0-11), 10-38 EIMnFQDPAR (RapidIO inbound message 0-1 frame queue dequeue pointer address registers), 17-76 EIMnFQEPAR (RapidIO extended inbound message 0-1 frame queue enqueue pointer address registers), 17-77 EIPWQBAR (RapidIO extended inbound port-write queue base address register), 17-89 EIVPRn (PIC external interrupt vector/priority registers 0-11), 10-34, 10-35, 10-36, 10-37 EOI0 (PIC per-CPU processor end of interrupt register) also mapped as global EOI, 10-46 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 1-2 Freescale Semiconductor F-I EOMnDQDPAR (RapidIO extended outbound message 0-1 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address registers), 17-65 EOMnDQEPAR (RapidIO extended outbound message 0-1 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address registers), 17-67 EOMnSAR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 source address registers), 17-68 EPWISR (RapidIO error/port-write interrupt status register), 17-44 ERBH (RapidIO error reporting block header register), 17-30 ERCSR (RapidIO error rate command and status register), 17-41 ERECSR (RapidIO error rate enable command and status register), 17-37 ERR_ADDR (PCI/X error address capture register), 16-31 ERR_ATTRIB (PCI/X error attributes register), 16-30 ERR_CAP_DR (PCI/X error capture disable register), 16-28 ERR_DETECT (DDR memory error detect register), 9-35 ERR_DH (PCI/X error data high capture register), 16-32 ERR_DISABLE (DDR memory error disable register), 9-36 ERR_DL (PCI/X error data low capture register), 16-32 ERR_DR (PCI/X error detect register), 16-27 ERR_EN (PCI/X error enable register), 16-29 ERR_EXT_ADDR (PCI/X error extended address capture register), 16-31 ERR_INJECT, see ECC_ERR_INJECT ERR_INT_EN (DDR memory error interrupt enable register), 9-37 ERR_SBE (DDR single-bit ECC memory error management register), 9-40 ERTCSR (RapidIO error rate threshold command and status register), 17-42 ESCSR (RapidIO error and status command and status register), 17-27 EUASR (SEC EU assignment status register), 19-109 EXST (eTSEC extended status register), 14-123 F FFn (SEC crypto-channel fetch FIFO address registers 1-4), 19-101 FIFO_RX_ALARM (eTSEC FIFO receive alarm start threshold register), 14-37 FIFO_RX_ALARM_SHUTOFF (eTSEC FIFO receive alarm shut-off threshold register), 14-37 FIFO_TX_STARVE (eTSEC FIFO transmit starve register), 14-38 FIFO_TX_STARVE_SHUTOFF (eTSEC FIFO transmit starve shutoff register), 14-39 FIFO_TX_THR (eTSEC FIFO transmit threshold register), 14-38 FIFOCFG (eTSEC FIFO configuration register), 14-110 FRR (PIC feature reporting register), 10-16, 10-17 G GADDRn (group address registers 0-7), 14-109 GAS_TIMR (PCI/X gasket timer register), 16-32 GCCSR (RapidIO general control command and status register), 17-24 GCR (PIC global configuration register), 10-18 GPINDR (general-purpose input data register), 20-14 GPIOCR (GPIO control register), 20-12 GPOUTDR (general-purpose output data register), 20-12 GPPORCR (general-purpose POR configuration register), 20-11 GTBCRn (PIC global timer 0-3 base count registers), 10-22 GTCCRn (PIC global timer 0-3 current count registers), 10-22 GTDRn (PIC global timer 0-3 destination registers), 10-24 GTVPRn (PIC global timer 0-3 vector/priority registers), 10-23 H HAFDUP (eTSEC half-duplex register), 14-73 HBDIDLCSR (RapidIO host base device ID lock command and status register), 17-21 I I2CADR (I2C address register), 11-6 I2CCR (I2C control register), 11-7 I2CDFSRR (I2C digital filter sampling rate register), 11-11 I2CDR (I2C data register), 11-10 I2CFDR (I2C frequency divider register), 11-6 I2CSR (I2C status register), 11-9 IACK0 (PIC per-CPU processor interrupt acknowledge register), also mapped as global IACK, 10-45 ICR (SEC interrupt clear register), 19-112 ID (SEC identification register), 19-113 IDMIRIR (RapidIO inbound doorbell maximum interrupt report interval register), 17-87 IDMR (RapidIO inbound doorbell mode register), 17-82 IDQDPAR (RapidIO inbound doorbell queue dequeue pointer address register), 17-85 IDQEPAR (RapidIO inbound doorbell queue enqueue pointer address register), 17-86 IDSR (RapidIO inbound doorbell status register), 17-84 IECSR (RapidIO implementation error command and status register), 17-47 IEVENT (eTSEC interrupt event register), 14-23 IFSTAT (eTSEC interface status register), 14-78 IGADDRn (eTSEC individual/group address registers 0-7), 14-108 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 1-3 J-L IIDPRn (PIC internal interrupt destination registers 0-31), 10-39 IIVPRn (PIC internal interrupt vector/priority registers 0-31), 10-38 IMASK (eTSEC interrupt mask register), 14-27 IMnFQDPAR (RapidIO extended inbound message 0-1 frame queue dequeue pointer address registers), 17-76 IMnFQEPAR (RapidIO inbound message 0-1 frame queue enqueue pointer address registers), 17-77 IMnMIRIR (RapidIO inbound message 0-1 maximum interrupt report interval registers), 17-78 IMnMR (RapidIO inbound message 0-1 mode registers), 17-73 IMnSR (RapidIO inbound message 0-1 status registers), 17-75 IMR (SEC interrupt mask register), 19-110 INT_ACK (PCI/X interrupt acknowledge register), 16-19 IP block revision (SEC IP block revision register), 19-113 IP block revision register 1 (PCI Express), 18-18 IP block revision register 2 (PCI Express), 18-19 IPBRR1 (RapidIO IP block revision register 1), 17-50 IPBRR2 (RapidIO IP block revision register 2), 17-50 IPGIFG (eTSEC inter-packet gap/inter-frame gap register), 14-72 IPIDRn (PIC per-CPU interprocessor interrupt dispatch registers 0-3), 10-43 IPIVPRn (PIC IPI vector/priority registers 0-3), 10-20 IPWMR (RapidIO inbound port-write mode register), 17-88 IPWQBAR (RapidIO inbound port-write queue base address register), 17-89 IPWSR (RapidIO inbound port-write status register), 17-89 IRQSR0 (PIC IRQ_OUT summary register 0), 10-27 IRQSR1 (PIC IRQ_OUT summary register 1), 10-26, 10-28 ISR (SEC interrupt status register), 19-111 J JD (eTSEC jitter diagnostics register), 14-124 K KEU FIFOs (SEC KEU FIFOs), 19-90 KEUCn (SEC KEU context 1-6 registers), 19-89 KEUDOR (SEC KEU data out register--F9 MAC), 19-87 KEUDSR (SEC KEU data size register), 19-81 KEUEUG (SEC KEU EU go register), 19-87 KEUICR (SEC KEU interrupt control register), 19-85 KEUICV (SEC KEU ICV in register), 19-88 KEUISR (SEC KEU interrupt status register), 19-84 KEUIV1 (SEC KEU IV 1 register), 19-88 KEUIV2 (SEC KEU IV 2 register--fresh), 19-89 KEUKDn (SEC KEU key data registers 1-2), 19-89 KEUKDn (SEC KEU key data registers 3-4), 19-90 KEUKSR (SEC KEU key size register), 19-81 KEUMR (SEC KEU mode register), 19-80 KEURCR (SEC KEU reset control register), 19-82 KEUSR (SEC KEU status register), 19-83 L L2CAPTDATAHI (L2 error capture data high register), 7-20 L2CAPTDATALO (L2 error capture data low register), 7-20 L2CAPTECC (L2 error syndrome register), 7-18, 7-20 L2CEWARn (L2 cache external write address registers 0-3), 7-13 L2CEWCRn (L2 cache external write control registers 0-3), 7-15 L2CTL (L2 control register), 7-10 L2ERRADDR (L2 error address capture register), 7-20, 7-24 L2ERRATTR (L2 error attributes capture register), 7-20, 7-23 L2ERRCTL (L2 error control register), 7-20, 7-25 L2ERRDET (L2 error detect register), 7-20, 7-21 L2ERRDIS (L2 error disable register), 7-20, 7-22 L2ERRINJCTL (L2 error injection mask control register), 7-18, 7-19 L2ERRINJHI (L2 error injection mask high register), 7-18 L2ERRINJLO (L2 error injection mask low register), 7-18, 7-19 L2ERRINTEN (L2 error interrupt enable register), 7-20, 7-22 L2SRBARn (L2 memory-mapped SRAM base address registers 0-1), 7-16 LASCSR (RapidIO local accID status command and status register), 17-26 LAWARn (Local access window 0-7 attributes registers), 2-7 LBCR (LBC configuration register), 13-29 LBCVSELCR (LBC voltage select control register), 20-22 LCRR (LBC clock ratio register), 13-30 LCSBA1CSR (RapidIO local configuration space base address 1 command and status register), 17-20 LLCR (RapidIO logical layer configuration register), 17-43 LMREQCSR (RapidIO link maintenance request command and status register), 17-25 LMRESPCSR (RapidIO link maintenance response command and status register), 17-25 LRETCR (RapidIO logical retry error threshold configuration register), 17-44 LSDMR (LBC SDRAM mode register), 13-21 LSRT (LBC SDRAM refresh timer), 13-23 LTBn (SEC crypto-channel link table 1-4 buffers), 19-102 LTEAR (LBC transfer error address register), 13-28 LTEATR (LBC transfer error attributes register), 13-27 LTEDR (LBC transfer error disable register), 13-25 LTEIR (LBC transfer error interrupt register), 13-26 LTESR (LBC transfer error status register), 13-24 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 1-4 Freescale Semiconductor M-O LTLACCSR (RapidIO logical/transport layer address capture command and status register), 17-34 LTLCCCSR (RapidIO logical/transport layer control capture command and status register), 17-36 LTLDIDCCSR (RapidIO logical/transport layer device ID capture command and status register), 17-35 LTLEDCSR (RapidIO logical/transport layer error detect command and status register), 17-31 LTLEECSR (RapidIO logical/transport layer error enable command and status register), 17-33 LURT (UPM refresh timer), 13-23 MIVPRn (PIC messaging interrupt vector/priority registers 0-3), 10-40 MRBLR (eTSEC maximum receive buffer length register), 14-63 MRn (DMA 0-3 mode registers), 15-10 MRTPR (LBC memory refresh timer prescaler register), 13-20 MSGRn (PIC message registers 0-3), 10-32 MSR (PIC message status register), 10-33 MxMR (LBC UPM A-C mode registers), 13-17-13-19 N M MACCFG1 (MAC configuration 1 register), 14-68 MACCFG2 (MAC configuration 2 register), 14-70 MACnADDR1 (MAC exact match address 1-15 part 1 registers), 14-80 MACnADDR2 (MAC exact match address 1-15 part 2 registers), 14-80 MACSTNADDR1 (MAC station address part 1 register), 14-78 MACSTNADDR2 (MAC station address part 2 register), 14-79 MAR (UPM address register), 13-17 MAXFRM (eTSEC maximum frame length register), 14-74 MCPSUMR (machine check summary register), 20-19 MCR (SEC master control register), 19-114 MCSR (RapidIO mailbox command and status register), 17-17 MDEU context registers (SEC block), 19-60 MDEU FIFOs (SEC MDEU FIFOs), 19-62 MDEU key registers (SEC block), 19-61 MDEUDSR (SEC MDEU data size register), 19-54 MDEUEUG (SEC MDEU EU go register), 19-59 MDEUICR (SEC MDEU interrupt control register), 19-58 MDEUICVSR (SEC MDEU ICV size register), 19-59 MDEUISR (SEC MDEU interrupt status register), 19-57 MDEUKSR (SEC MDEU key size register), 19-54 MDEUMR (SEC MDEU mode register), 19-50 MDEURCR (SEC MDEU reset control register), 19-55 MDEUSR (SEC MDEU status register), 19-55 MDR (UPM data register), 13-20 MER (PIC message enable register), 10-32 MIDRn (PIC messaging interrupt destination registers 0-3), 10-41 MIIMADD (MII management address register), 14-76 MIIMCFG (MII management configuration register), 14-74 MIIMCOM (MII management command), 14-75 MIIMCON (MII management control register), 14-76 MIIMIND (MII management indicator register), 14-77 MIIMSTAT (eTSEC MII management status register), 14-77 NLNDARn (DMA 0-3 next link descriptor address registers), 15-22 NLSDARn (DMA 0-3 next list descriptor address register), 15-24 O ODDATR (RapidIO outbound doorbell destination attributes register), 17-81 ODDPR (RapidIO outbound doorbell destination port register), 17-80 ODMR (RapidIO outbound doorbell mode register), 17-79 ODRETCR (RapidIO outbound doorbell retry error threshold configuration register), 17-82 ODSR (RapidIO outbound doorbell status register), 17-80 OMnDATR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 destination attributes registers), 17-70 OMnDCR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 double-word count registers), 17-70 OMnDPR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 destination port registers), 17-69 OMnDQDPAR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 descriptor queue dequeue pointer address registers), 17-65 OMnDQEPAR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 descriptor queue enqueue pointer address registers), 17-67 OMnMGR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 multicast group registers), 17-72 OMnMLR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 multicast list registers), 17-72 OMnMR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 mode registers), 17-62 OMnRETCR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 retry error threshold configuration registers), 17-71 OMnSAR (RapidIO extended outbound message 0-1 source address registers), 17-68 OMnSR (RapidIO outbound message 0-1 status registers), 17-64 ORn (LBC options registers 0-7), 13-12-13-16 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 1-5 P-P P PCI configuration header registers see General Index, PCI/PCI-X controller PCI configuration registers, see General Index, PCI Express controller PCIDR (programmed context ID register), 22-22 PCIX_TIMR (PCI-X split completion timer register), 16-33 PCR (RapidIO physical configuration register), 17-48 PCSECCSR0 (RapidIO packet/control symbol error capture command and status register 0), 17-39 PECCSR1 (RapidIO packet error capture command and status register 1), 17-40 PECCSR2 (RapidIO packet error capture command and status register 2), 17-40 PECCSR3 (RapidIO packet error capture command and status register 3), 17-41 PEFCAR (RapidIO processing element features capability register), 17-13 PELLCCSR (RapidIO processing element logical layer command and status register), 17-19 PEX_CONF_RTY_TOR (PCI Express configuration retry timeout register), 18-11 PEX_CONFIG (PCI Express configuration register), 18-12 PEX_CONFIG_ADDR (PCI Express configuration address register), 18-9 PEX_CONFIG_DATA (PCI Express configuration data register), 18-10 PEX_ERR_CAP_R0 (PCI Express error capture register 0), 18-36 PEX_ERR_CAP_R1 (PCI Express error capture register 1), 18-38 PEX_ERR_CAP_R2 (PCI Express error capture register 2), 18-39 PEX_ERR_CAP_R3 (PCI Express error capture register 3), 18-40 PEX_ERR_CAP_STAT (PCI Express error capture status register), 18-35 PEX_ERR_DISR (PCI Express error disable register), 18-34 PEX_ERR_DR (PCI Express error detect register), 18-29 PEX_ERR_EN (PCI Express error interrupt enable register), 18-32 PEX_OTB_CPL_TOR (PCI Express outbound completion timeout register), 18-11 PEX_PMCR (PCI Express power management command register), 18-17 PEX_PME_MES_DISR (PCI Express PME and message disable register), 18-14 PEX_PME_MES_DR (PCI Express PME and message detect register), 18-13 PEX_PME_MES_IER (PCI Express PME and message interrupt enable register), 18-16 PEXITARn (PCI Express inbound translation address registers 1-3), 18-25 PEXIWARn (PCI Express inbound window attributes registers 1-3), 18-27 PEXIWBARn (PCI Express inbound window base address registers 1-3), 18-26 PEXIWBEARn (PCI Express inbound window base extended address registers 1-3), 18-27 PEXOTARn (PCI Express outbound translation address registers 0-4), 18-20 PEXOTEARn (PCI Express outbound translation extended address registers 0-4), 18-21 PEXOWARn (PCI Express outbound window attributes registers 0-4), 18-22 PEXOWBARn (PCI Express outbound window base address registers 0-4), 18-21 PIR (PIC processor initialization register), 10-19 PITARn (PCI/X inbound translation address registers 1-3), 16-23 PIWARn (PCI/X inbound window attributes registers 1-3), 16-25 PIWBARn (PCI/X inbound window base address registers 1-3), 16-24 PIWBEARn (PCI/X inbound window base extended address registers 1-3), 16-24 PKEUABS (SEC PKEU AB size register), 19-28 PKEUDSR (SEC PKEU data size register), 19-28 PKEUEUG (SEC PKEU EU go register), 19-33 PKEUICR (SEC PKEU interrupt control register), 19-32 PKEUISR (SEC PKEU interrupt status register), 19-31 PKEUKSR (SEC PKEU key size register), 19-27 PKEUMR (SEC PKEU mode register), 19-26 PKEURCR (SEC PKEU reset control register), 19-29 PKEUSR (SEC PKEU status register), 19-29 PLTOCCSR (RapidIO port link time-out control command and status register), 17-23 PMBH0 (RapidIO port maintenance block header 0 register), 17-22 PMCn (performance monitor counters 0-8), 21-9 PMGC0 (performance monitor global control register 0), 21-5 PMLCA0 (performance monitor local control register A 0), 21-6 PMLCAn (performance monitor local control registers A 1-8), 21-6 PMLCB0 (performance monitor local control register B 0), 21-7 PMLCBn (performance monitor local control registers B 1-8), 21-8 PMnMR0 (PIC performance monitor 0-3 mask registers (lower)), 10-30 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 1-6 Freescale Semiconductor R-S PMnMR1 (PIC performance monitor 0-3 mask registers (upper)), 10-31 PMUXCR (alternate function signal multiplex control), 20-14 PORBMSR (POR boot mode status register), 4-13, 4-15, 20-6 PORDBGMSR (POR debug mode status register), 4-23, 4-24, 20-10 PORDEVSR (POR I/O device status register), 4-16, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19, 4-20, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 20-8, D-2 PORIMPSCR (POR I/O impedance status and control register), 4-22, 20-7 PORPLLSR (POR PLL ratio status register), 4-11, 4-12, 20-5 POTARn (PCI/X outbound translation address registers 0-4), 16-19 POTEARn (PCI/X outbound translation extended address registers 0-4), 16-20 POWARn (PCI/X outbound window attributes registers 0-4), 16-21 POWBARn (PCI/X outbound window base address registers 0-4), 16-20 POWMGTCSR (power management status and control register), 20-17 PRETCR (RapidIO physical retry error threshold configuration register), 17-45 PTV (eTSEC pause time value register), 14-33 PVR (processor version register), 20-20 PWDCSR (RapidIO port-write and doorbell command and status register), 17-18 R RALN (eTSEC receive alignment error counter), 14-89 RBASE0-7 (eTSEC receive descriptor base address registers 0-7), 14-65 RBASEH (eTSEC receive descriptor base address high register), 14-64 RBCA (eTSEC receive broadcast packet counter), 14-87 RBDBPH (eTSEC receive data buffer pointer high register), 14-63 RBIFX (eTSEC receive bit field extract control register), 14-56 RBPTR0-7 (eTSEC receive buffer descriptor pointers 0-7), 14-64 RBYT (eTSEC receive byte counter), 14-85 RCDE (eTSEC receive code error counter), 14-90 RCSE (eTSEC receive carrier sense error counter), 14-90 RCTRL (eTSEC receive control register), 14-50 RDRP (eTSEC receive dropped packet counter), 14-93 RFCS (eTSEC receive FCS error counter), 14-86 RFLR (eTSEC receive frame length error counter), 14-89 RFRG (eTSEC receive fragments counter), 14-92 RIWARn (RapidIO inbound window attributes registers 0-4), 17-60 RIWBARn (RapidIO inbound window base address registers 1-4), 17-59 RIWTARn (RapidIO inbound window translation address registers 0-4), 17-58 RJBR (eTSEC receive jabber counter), 14-92 RMCA (eTSEC receive multicast packet counter), 14-86 RNG FIFO (SEC RNG FIFO), 19-67 RNGDSR (SEC RNG data size register), 19-63 RNGEUG (SEC RNG EU go register), 19-67 RNGICR (SEC RNG interrupt control register), 19-66 RNGISR (SEC RNG interrupt status register), 19-65 RNGMR (SEC RNG mode register), 19-63 RNGRCR (SEC RNG reset control register), 19-63 RNGSR (SEC RNG status register), 19-64 ROVR (eTSEC receive oversize packet counter), 14-91 ROWARn (RapidIO outbound window attributes registers 0-8), 17-55 ROWBARn (RapidIO outbound window base address registers 0-8), 17-55 ROWSnRn (RapidIO outbound window segment 1-3 registers 1-8), 17-57 ROWTARn (RapidIO outbound window translation address registers 0-8), 17-53 ROWTEARn (RapidIO outbound window translation extended address registers 0-8), 17-54 RPKT (eTSEC receive packet counter), 14-85 RQFAR (eTSEC receive queue filer table address register), 14-58 RQFCR (eTSEC receive queue filer table control register), 14-58 RQFPR (eTSEC receive queue filer table property register), 14-60 RQUEUE (eTSEC receive queue control register), 14-55 RREJ (eTSEC receive filer rejected packet counter), 14-108 RSTAT (eTSEC receive status register), 14-52 RSTCR (reset control register), 20-22 RSTRSCR (reset request status and control register), 20-20 RUND (eTSEC receive undersize packet counter), 14-91 RXCF (eTSEC receive control frame packet counter), 14-87 RXIC (eTSEC receive interrupt coalescing register), 14-54 RXPF (eTSEC receive pause frame packet counter), 14-88 RXUO (eTSEC receive unknown opcode packet counter), 14-88 S SARn (DMA 0-3 source address registers), 15-17 SARn (DMA 0-3 source address registers for RapidIO maintenance reads), 15-18 SATRn (DMA 0-3 source attributes registers), 15-15 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 1-7 T-U SLCSR (RapidIO serial link command and status register), 17-48 SLEICR (RapidIO serial link error injection configuration register), 17-49 SOCAR (RapidIO source operations capability register), 17-14 SR (eTSEC status register), 14-117 SRn (DMA 0-3 status registers), 15-12 SSRn (DMA 0-3 source stride registers), 15-25 SVR (PIC spurious vector register), 10-21 SVR (system version register), 20-21 T TBACR (trace buffer access control register), 22-21 TBADHR (trace buffer access data high register), 22-21 TBADR (trace buffer access data register), 22-22 TBAMR (trace buffer address mask register), 22-19 TBAR (trace buffer address register), 22-18 TBASE0-7 (eTSEC transmit descriptor base address registers 0-7), 14-49 TBASEH (eTSEC transmit descriptor base address high register), 14-48 TBCA (eTSEC transmit broadcast packet counter), 14-95 TBCRn (trace buffer control registers 0-1), 22-16 TBDBPH (eTSEC transmit data buffer pointer high register), 14-47 TBICON (eTSEC TBI control register), 14-125 TBIPA (eTSEC TBI physical address register), 14-35 TBPTR0-7 (eTSEC transmit buffer descriptor pointers 0-7), 14-48 TBSR (trace buffer status register), 22-20 TBTMR (trace buffer transaction mask register), 22-19 TBYT (eTSEC transmit byte counter), 14-93 TCR (PIC timer control register), 10-24 TCTRL (eTSEC transmit control register), 14-40 TDFR (eTSEC transmit deferral packet counter), 14-96 TDRP (eTSEC drop frame counter), 14-99 TEDF (eTSEC transmit excessive deferral packet counter), 14-96 TFCS (eTSEC transmit FCS error counter), 14-100 TFRG (eTSEC transmit fragment counter), 14-102 TFRR (PIC timer frequency reporting register), 10-21 TIMING_CFG_0 (DDR SDRAM timing configuration register 0), 9-14 TIMING_CFG_1 (DDR SDRAM timing configuration register 1), 9-16 TIMING_CFG_2 (DDR SDRAM timing configuration register 2), 9-18 TIMING_CFG_3 (DDR SDRAM timing configuration register 3), 9-14 TJBR (eTSEC jabber frame counter), 14-100 TLCL (eTSEC transmit late collision packet counter), 14-98 TMCA (eTSEC transmit multicast packet counter), 14-94 TMCL (eTSEC transmit multiple collision packet counter), 14-97 TNCL (eTSEC transmit total collision counter), 14-99 TOSR (trigger output source register), 22-24 TOVR (eTSEC transmit oversize frame counter), 14-101 TPKT (eTSEC transmit packet counter), 14-94 TQUEUE (eTSEC transmit queue control register), 14-45 TR03WT (eTSEC TxBD ring 0-3 weighting register), 14-46 TR127 (eTSEC transmit and receive 65- to 127-byte frame counter), 14-82 TR1K (eTSEC transmit and receive 512- to 1023-byte frame counter), 14-83 TR255 (eTSEC transmit and receive 128- to 255-byte frame counter), 14-82 TR47WT (eTSEC TxBD ring 4-7 weighting register), 14-47 TR511 (eTSEC tansmit and receive 256- to 511-byte frame counter), 14-83 TR64 (eTSEC transmit and receive 64-Byte frame counter), 14-81 TRMAX (eTSEC transmit and receive 1024- to 1518-byte frame counter), 14-84 TRMGV (eTSEC transmit and receive 1519- to 1522-byte VLAN frame counter), 14-84 TSCL (eTSEC transmit single collision packet counter), 14-97 TSEC_ID (controller ID register), 14-21 TSEC_ID2 (controller ID register 2), 14-22 TSTAT (eTSEC transmit status register), 14-41 TUND (eTSEC transmit undersize frame counter), 14-102 TXCF (eTSEC transmit control frame counter), 14-101 TXCL (eTSEC excessive collision packet counter), 14-98 TXIC (eTSEC transmit interrupt coalescing register), 14-44 TXPF (eTSEC transmit pause control frame counter), 14-95 U UAFRn (DUART alternate function registers 0-1), 12-17 UDLBn (DUART divisor least significant byte registers 0-1), 12-7 UDMBn (DUART divisor most significant byte registers 0-1), 12-7 UDSRn (DUART DMA status registers 0-1), 12-6, 12-18 UFCRn (DUART FIFO control registers 0-1), 12-11 UIER (DUART interrupt enable register), 12-9 UIIRn (DUART interrupt ID registers 0-1), 12-10 ULCRn (DUART line control registers 0-1), 12-12 ULSRn (DUART line status registers 0-1), 12-15 UMCRn (DUART MODEM control registers 0-1), 12-14 UMSRn (DUART MODEM status registers 0-1), 12-16 URBRn (DUART receiver buffer registers 0-1), 12-2, 12-6 USCRn (DUART scratch registers 0-1), 12-17 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 1-8 Freescale Semiconductor V-W UTHRn (DUART transmitter holding registers 0-1), 12-2, 12-6 V VIR (PIC vendor ID register), 10-19 W WHOAMI0 (PIC per-CPU who am I register--P0) also mapped as global WHOAMI, 10-45 WMAMR (watchpoint monitor address mask register), 22-13 WMAR (watchpoint monitor address register), 22-13 WMCRn (watchpoint monitor control registers 0-1), 22-11 WMSR (watchpoint monitor status register), 22-15 WMTMR (watchpoint monitor transaction mask register), 22-13 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 1-9 W-W MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 1-10 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2 General Index A B Accumulator (ACC), 6-47 Address maps addressing on PCI/PCI-X bus, 16-54 Address mask (LBC), 13-12 Address multiplexing (LBC SDRAM), 13-49 Address translation and mapping units (ATMUs) inbound windows, 2-10 illegal interactions between inbound ATMUs and local access windows, 2-10 PCI Express, 18-24 endpoint (EP) mode, 18-24 root complex (RC) mode, 18-25 PCI/PCI-X--4 windows, 2-10, 16-22 RapidIO, 2-10, 17-98 local access windows, 2-3-2-10 see also Local access windows outbound windows, 2-9 PCI Express, 18-19 PCI/PCI-X--4 windows, 16-19 RapidIO, 17-96 Address translation, see e500 core, memory management unit (MMU) Addressing PCI bus addressing, 16-55 configuration space, 16-55 I/O space, 16-55 memory space, 16-54 Alignment, byte (PCI/PCI-X), 16-56 Applications control processing, 1-26 examples, 1-26 Arbitration I2C interface arbitration control, 11-15 loss of arbitration--forcing of slave mode, 11-23 procedure for arbitration, 11-15 PCI/PCI-X interface, 16-5, 16-49 Architecture overview, 1-10 ASLEEP (global utilities asleep) signal, 20-2, 20-32 ATMUs, see Address translation and mapping units Battery backup, self-refresh mode, 9-72 BBEAR (branch buffer address register), see e500 core, registers BBTAR (branch buffer target address register), see e500 core, registers Block diagrams DDR controller, 9-1, 9-41 debug modes, watchpoint monitor, and trace buffer, 22-1 DMA controller, 15-1 DUART, 12-2 e500 coherency module (ECM), 8-1 e500 core complex, 5-1 eTSEC, 14-2 I2C interface, 11-1 interrupt controller (PIC), 10-46 L2 cache/SRAM, 7-1 local bus controller (LBC), 13-1 PCI Express, 18-2 PCI/PCI-X controller, 16-1 performance monitor, 21-2 RapidIO controller, 17-1 security engine (SEC), 19-3 Boot mode CPU holdoff (POR), 4-15, 8-4 POR status register (PORBMSR), 20-6 Boot page translation, 4-7 Boot ROM location (POR), 4-12 Boot sequencer boot holdoff mode (POR), 4-15, 8-4 boot page translation, 4-7 I2C interface, 11-2, 11-17-11-20 overview, 1-19, 4-7 POR configuration, 4-15 BUCSR (branch unit control and status register), see e500 core, registers Buffer descriptors, see eTSEC, buffer descriptors Burst operations (PCI) see PCI/PCI-X controller, bus protocol Bus operations PCI/PCI-X, see PCI/PCI-X controller, bus protocol Byte alignment (PCI/PCI-X), 16-56 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-1 C-D C Chaining performance monitor events, 21-27 CKSTP_IN (global utilities checkstop in) signal, 20-2 CKSTP_OUT (global utilities checkstop out) signal, 20-3 CLK_OUT (global utilities clock out) signal, 20-3, 20-25, 20-28, 20-29 Clocks clock out (CLK_OUT), see Global utilities DDR clock distribution, 9-57 DDR controller clock disable, 20-25 device clock signals summary, 4-3 see also Signals, clock device clocking operation, 4-25-4-28 CCB (platform) clock, 4-25 minimum CCB frequency equations, 4-27 Ethernet clocks, 4-27 RapidIO clocks, 4-26 system clock/PCI clock, 4-25 e500 core clock multipliers, 5-11 see also Clocks, POR settings eTSEC inputs and outputs, 14-9 management clock out (EC_MDC), 14-9, 14-75 I2 C clock stretching, 11-17 clock synchronization, 11-16 input synchronization and digital filter, 11-16 LBC bus clocks and clock ratios, 13-3 clock ratio register (LCRR), 13-30 overview, 1-25 PCI/PCI-X clocking, 16-52, 16-56 POR settings e500 core PLL ratio, 4-12 system/CCB PLL ratio, 4-11 Coherency rules L1 caches, 5-27 L2 cache, 7-28 Commands PCI, see PCI/PCI-X controller Configuration DDR, 9-11-9-33, 9-43 ECM CCB address configuration register (EEBACR), 8-3 CCB port configuration register (EEBPCR), 8-4 eTSEC interfaces, 14-178, 14-178-14-208 LBC configuration register (LBCR), 13-29 SDRAM configurations supported, 13-46 PCI/PCI-X configuration access registers, 16-66 configuration cycles, 16-64 configuration space header, 16-64 PCI-X configuration transactions, 16-85 PIC global configuration register, 10-18 POR, see Power-on-reset (POR) RapidIO, 17-95 Configuration space PCI Express, 18-42 PCI/PCI-X addressing, 16-55 Configuration, control, and status accessing CCSR memory from external masters, 2-11, 2-12 accessing CCSRs, 4-4 alternate configuration space (ALTBAR and ALTCAR), 4-5 boot page translation, 4-7 CCSR and RapidIO registers, 2-14 CCSR memory map, 2-10-2-16 CCSRBAR update guidelines, 4-4 memory map/register definition, 4-3 organization of CCSR memory, 2-12 Context ID registers, 22-22-22-23 Core complex bus (CCB), see e500 core, core complex bus (CCB) CR (condition register), see e500 core, registers Critical interrupts see also Interrupt controller (PIC), critical interrupts see e500 core, critical interrupts Crypto-channels, see Security engine (SEC) CSRR0-1 (critical save/restore registers 0-1), see e500 core, registers CTR (count register), see e500 core, registers CTS, see DUART_CTS[0:1] D DACn (data address compare registers 1-2), see e500 core, registers Data cache see also e500 core, L1 caches see L2 cache/SRAM DBCRn (debug control register 0-2), see e500 core, registers DBSR (debug status register), see e500 core, registers DDR controller address signal mappings, 9-5 battery-backed RAM and forced self-refresh mode, 9-72 block diagram, 9-1, 9-41 clock distribution, 9-57 clocks disabling, 20-25 configuration, example, 9-43 data beat ordering, 9-64 DDR2 calibration, 20-23 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-2 Freescale Semiconductor D-D debug mode signal selection (POR), 4-23, 4-24 source and target ID, 22-4, 22-24 driver impedance calibration, 9-9 error checking and correcting (ECC), 7-39, 9-65 testing ECC with error injection, 9-33-9-34 error handling, 9-34, 9-67 features, 9-2 functional description, 9-41 I/O impedance control, 20-23 initialization/application information, 9-68 programming different memory types, 9-69 interrupts, 9-37 memory map/register definition, 9-10 modes of operation, 9-3 on-die termination for CSs, 9-9 overview, 1-16 page mode and logical bank retention, 9-64 performance monitor events, 21-16 register descriptions, 9-11 by acronym, see Register Index configuration registers, 9-11-9-33 error handling registers, 9-34-9-40 error injection registers, 9-33-9-34 SDRAM operation, 9-45 address multiplexing, 9-47 initialization sequence, 9-72 JEDEC standard interface commands, 9-52 mode-set command timing, 9-58 organizations supported, 9-45 refresh operation, 9-60 power-saving modes, 9-61 timing, 9-61 registered DIMM mode, 9-59 timing, 9-54 write timing adjustments, 9-59 self-refresh operation in sleep mode, 9-63 using forced mode for battery backup, 9-72 signals summary, 9-3 see also Signals, DDR DEAR (data exception address register), see e500 core, registers Debug modes and watchpoint monitor signals summary, 22-5 see also Signals, debug and watchpoint monitor/trace buffer block diagram, 22-1 DDR signal selection (POR) ECC pins used for debug, 4-24 DDR source ID debug modes, 22-4, 22-24 source ID on debug signals, 22-26 source ID on ECC pins, 22-26 DDR/LBC signal selection (POR), 4-23 e500 core registers, 6-39-6-45 features, 22-3 functional description, 22-24 LBC source ID debug mode, 13-4, 22-4, 22-24 memory map/register definition, 22-10 modes of operation (set at POR), 22-3 overview, 22-1 PCI/PCI-X debug configuration (POR), 4-23 source ID debug mode, 22-24 performance monitor events, 21-27 POR status (global utilities), 20-10 READY negation, 4-2 software debug context ID registers, 22-22 trace buffer, see Trace buffer watchpoint, see Watchpoint monitor DEC (decrementer register), see e500 core, registers DECAR (decrementer auto-reload register), see e500 core, registers DMA channel 2 and 3 signal select, 20-14 DMA controller block diagram, 15-1 channel operation, 15-28 bandwidth control, 15-35 channel abort, 15-35 channel state, 15-35 stride size and distance, 15-36 descriptor formats, 15-37 error handling, 15-36 features, 15-2 functional description, 15-28 interrupts, 15-10-15-13, 15-15, 15-23, 15-27, 15-36 limitations and restrictions, 15-40 memory map/register definition, 15-6 modes of operation, 15-2 basic mode transfer, 15-29 basic chaining mode, 15-30 basic chaining single-write start mode, 15-31 basic direct mode, 15-29 basic direct single-write start mode, 15-30 channel continue mode for cascading transfer chains, 15-34 basic channel continue mode, 15-34 extended mode, 15-35 extended DMA mode transfer, 15-31 extended chaining mode, 15-32 extended chaining single-write start mode, 15-32 extended direct mode, 15-31 extended direct single-write start mode, 15-32 external control mode transfer, 15-33 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-3 E-E overview, 15-2 performance monitor events, 21-17 register descriptions, 15-9-15-28 by acronym, see Register Index signal select--channel 2 and 3, 20-14, 20-37 signals summary, 15-5 see also Signals, DMA controller system considerations, 15-41 unusual scenarios, 15-43 DMA to configuration and control registers, 15-44 DMA to DUART, 15-44 DMA to e500 core, 15-43 DMA to Ethernet, 15-44 DMA to I2C, 15-44 transfer interfaces, 15-36 DMA_DACK[0:3] (DMA acknowledge) signals, 15-6 DMA_DDONE[0:3] (DMA done) signals, 15-6 DMA_DREQ[0:3] (DMA request) signals, 15-6 Doorbell and port-write controller, see RapidIO controller, message unit Doze mode, 1-24, 20-32 see also Global utilities, power management DUART asynchronous communication bits, 12-1 parity bit, 12-21 START bit, 12-20 STOP bit, 12-21 baud-rate generator logic, 12-21 block diagram, 12-2 divisor latch access bit (ULCRn[DLAB]), 12-4, 12-12 error handling, 12-22 framing error, 12-9, 12-15, 12-21, 12-22 overrun error, 12-22 parity error, 12-22 errors detected, 12-2 features, 12-1 functional description, 12-19 initialization/application information, 12-24 interrupts interrupt control logic, 12-23 interrupt enable and control registers, 12-9-12-11 memory map/register definition, 12-4 modes of operation, 12-2 DMA mode selection, 12-23 FIFO mode, 12-22 interrupts, 12-23 local loopback mode, 12-22 overview, 1-19, 12-1 PC16450 UART compatibility, 12-1 performance monitor events, 21-27 register descriptions, 12-4, 12-6-12-19 by acronym, see Register Index UART0 register offsets, 12-4 UART1 register offsets, 12-4 serial interface data format, 12-2 serial interface operation, 12-20-12-21 data transfer, 12-21 START bit, 12-20 STOP bit, 12-21 transaction protocol example, 12-20 signals summary, 12-3 see also Signals, DUART E e500 coherency module (ECM) block diagram, 8-1 CCB arbiter, 8-9 CCB interface, 8-10 configuration CCB address configuration register (EEBACR), 8-3 CCB port configuration register (EEBPCR), 8-4 error handling error handling registers, 8-6-8-9 features, 8-2 functional description, 8-9 global data multiplexor, 8-10 I/O arbiter, 8-9 initialization/application information, 8-10-8-11 interrupts ECM error enable register (EEER), 8-7 memory map/register definition, 8-3 overview, 1-16, 8-2 performance monitor events, 21-18 register descriptions, 8-3 by acronym, see Register Index transaction queue, 8-10 e500 core block diagram, 5-1 Book E architecture auxiliary processing units (APUs) branch target buffer (BTB) locking, 5-5, 5-13 cache line lock and unlock, 5-5, 5-12 integer select (isel), 5-5 machine check, 5-5, 5-12 performance monitor, 5-5, 5-12, 5-29 single-precision floating-point (SPFP), 5-12 future upward compatibility and SPE APU, 5-3 legacy support of PowerPC architecture, 5-30 exception handling, 5-31 instruction set compatibility, 5-30 little-endian mode, 5-32 memory management unit (MMU) and TLBs, 5-31 reset operation, 5-31 boot mode (POR), 4-15 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-4 Freescale Semiconductor E-E branch operations registers, 6-9-6-11 branch target buffer (BTB) registers, 6-23-6-25 branch target buffer (BTB) locking, 5-5 instructions, 5-13 cache line lock and unlock APU, 5-5 instructions, 5-12 clock multipliers, 5-11 see also Clocks, POR settings computational operations registers, 6-8-6-9 core complex bus (CCB), 5-9, 5-28 critical interrupts, 5-20 data cache, see e500 core, L1 caches debug registers, 6-39-6-45 device implementation details, 5-32 exceptions and interrupt handling, 5-19 critical interrupts, 5-20 interrupt classes, 5-20 interrupt latencies (upper bound), 5-21 interrupt registers, 5-21 interrupt types, 5-20 execution units load/store unit, 5-9 multiple-cycle unit (MU), 5-8 features, 5-5 future compatibility warning and SPE APU, 5-3, 5-32 hardware implementation-dependent registers (HID0-1), 6-25-6-28 instruction flow, 5-14 branch detection and prediction, 5-14 execution pipeline, 5-15 instruction pipeline stages complete and write-back, 5-17 decode/dispatch, 5-16 execute, 5-16 instruction fetch, 5-15 issue queues (BIQ, GIQ), 5-16 interrupts registers, 6-17-6-22 sources, 10-2 L1 caches, 5-19 cache coherency, 5-9, 5-27 cache control instructions, 5-28 registers, 6-28-6-32 structure, 5-6 machine check APU, 5-5 rfmci instruction, 5-12 memory coherency atomic update memory references, 5-28 memory access ordering, 5-28 memory management unit (MMU), 5-23 address translation, 5-25 registers, 6-32-6-39 MMU assist registers (MAS0-MAS4, MAS6), 6-35-6-38 MMU assist registers (MAS0-MAS4, MAS6-MAS7), 5-26, 6-35-6-39 process ID registers (PID0-PID2), 5-27 TLB coherency, 5-27 TLB instructions, 5-24, 5-27 two-level MMU structure, 5-23 memory/cache attributes (WIMGE), 5-28 overview, 1-10, 5-1 performance monitor, 5-29 instructions, 5-12 purposes, 5-5 registers, 6-48-6-52 power management, 5-10 processor control registers, 6-11-6-14 programming model instruction set, 5-12 registers diagram, 5-17 registers BBEAR (branch buffer address register), 6-23 BBTAR (branch buffer target address register), 6-23 BUCSR (branch unit control and status register), 6-24 CR (condition register), 6-9 CSRR0-1 (critical save/restore registers 0-1), 6-17 CTR (count register), 6-11 DACn (data address compare registers 1-2), 6-45 DBCRn (debug control register 0-2), 6-39-6-43 DBSR (debug status register), 6-43 DEAR (data exception address register 0), 6-18 DEC (decrementer register), 6-16 DECAR (decrementer auto-reload register), 6-17 ESR (exception syndrome register), 6-19 GPRs (general-purpose registers), 6-8 HID0-1 (hardware implementation-dependent registers 0-1), 6-25 IACn (instruction address compare registers 1-2), 6-45 IVORn (interrupt vector offset registers), 6-18 IVPR (interrupt vector prefix register), 6-18 L1CFG0-1 (L1 cache configuration registers 0-1), 6-30 L1CSR0-1 (L1 cache status and control registers 0-1), 6-28 LR (link register), 6-11 MAS0-MAS6 (MMU assist registers 0-6), 6-35-6-39 MAS0-MAS7 (MMU assist registers 0-7), 5-26 MCAR (machine check address register), 6-21 MCSR (machine check syndrome register), 6-21 MCSRR0-1 (machine check save/restore registers 0-1), 6-20 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-5 E-E MMUCFG (MMU configuration register), 6-32 MMUCSR0 (MMU control and status register 0), 6-32 MSR (machine state register), 6-11 PIDn (process ID registers 0-2), 5-27, 6-32 PIR (processor ID register), 6-13 PMCn (performance monitor counter registers 0-3), 5-29, 6-52 PMGC0 (performance monitor global control register 0), 5-29, 6-49 PMLCan (performance monitor local control registers a0-a3), 6-50 PMLCan (performance monitor local control registers a0-a3), 5-30 PMLCbn (performance monitor local control registers b0-b3), 6-51 PMLCbn (performance monitor local control registers b0-b3), 5-30 PVR (processor version register), 5-4, 6-13 SPEFSCR (signal processing and embedded floating-point status and control register), 6-45 SPRGn (software-use registers 0-7), 6-22 SRR0-1 (save/restore registers 0-1), 6-17 SVR (system version register), 5-4, 5-33, 6-14, 20-21 TBL (time base lower register), 6-16 TBU (time base upper register), 6-16 TCR (timer control register), 6-14 TLB0CFG (TLB0 configuration register), 6-33 TLB1CFG (TLB1 configuration register), 6-34 TSR (timer status register), 6-15 UPMCn (user performance monitor counter registers 0-3), 5-29, 6-52 UPMGC0 (user performance monitor global control register 0), 5-29, 6-49 UPMLCan (user performance monitor local control registers a0-a3), 5-30, 6-50 UPMLCbn (user performance monitor local control registers b0-b3), 5-30, 6-51 USPRG0 (user software-use register 0), 6-22 XER (integer exception register), 6-8 signal processing engine (SPE) registers, 6-45 single-precision floating-point (SPFP) instructions, 5-12 software-use SPRs, 6-22 time base RTC (real time clock) signal options, 4-3, 4-27 timer registers, 6-14-6-17 translation lookaside buffers (TLBs), see e500 core, memory management unit (MMU) EC_GTX_CLK125 (eTSEC gigabit transmit 125 MHz source) signal, 14-9 EC_MDC (eTSEC management data clock) signal, 14-9 EC_MDIO (eTSEC management data input/output, BIDI) signal, 14-9 Encryption algorithms, see Security engine (SEC), execution units (EUs) Error handling DDR, 9-34-9-40, 9-67 DMA, 15-36 DUART, 12-2, 12-22 framing error, 12-9, 12-15, 12-21, 12-22 overrun error, 12-22 parity error, 12-22 ECM error handling registers, 8-6-8-9 eTSEC, 14-157-14-159 I2C interface boot sequencer mode, 11-19 L2 cache/SRAM error handling registers, 7-17 error injection, 7-18 LBC transfer error registers, 13-24-13-28 PCI Express registers, 18-29-18-42 PCI/PCI-X address/data parity, 16-60, 16-71, 16-72 reporting, 16-71-16-72 PERR and SERR signals, 16-72, 16-86 target-initiated termination, 16-60 retry transactions, 16-60 target-abort, 16-60 target-disconnect, 16-60 PCI-X, 16-86 address/data parity, 16-87 reporting, 16-87 RapidIO, 17-103 error types, 17-103 logical layer errors detected, 17-107 message unit doorbell error handling, 17-170, 17-177-17-181 inbound error handling, 17-160-17-167 outbound error handling, 17-143-17-149, 17-154-17-156 port-write error handling, 17-184-17-188 physical layer errors detected, 17-104 security engine (SEC), 19-98, 19-103 ESR (exception syndrome register), see e500 core, registers eTSEC block diagram, 14-2 buffer descriptors, 14-171-14-178 receive buffer descriptors (RxBD), 14-176 transmit buffer descriptors (TxBD), 14-172 clocks inputs and outputs, 14-9 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-6 Freescale Semiconductor E-E management clock out (EC_MDC), 14-9, 14-75 operation, 4-27 configuration of interfaces, 14-178, 14-178-14-208 16-bit FIFO mode, 14-206 8-bit FIFO mode, 14-203 GMII interface mode, 14-183 MAC configuration, 14-66 MII interface mode, 14-179 RGMII interface mode, 14-191 RMII interface mode, 14-195 RTBI interface mode, 14-199 TBI interface mode, 14-187 data width (POR), 4-16, 4-17 error-handling, 14-157-14-159 eTSEC1 protocol (POR), 4-17 eTSEC2 protocol (POR), 4-18, 4-19 eTSEC3 protocol (POR), 4-18 eTSEC4 protocol (POR), 4-19 features, 14-1 FIFO interface connections, 14-135 16-bit encoded packet FIFO mode, 14-141 16-bit GMII-style packet FIFO mode, 14-140 8-bit encoded packet FIFO mode, 14-139 8-bit GMII-style packet FIFO mode, 14-138 CRC appending and checking, 14-137 flow control, 14-137 signal summary, 14-142 functional description, 14-126 gigabit Ethernet channel operation, 14-143 flow control, 14-153 frame reception, 14-146 frame recognition, 14-149 frame transmission, 14-145 initialization sequence, 14-143 soft reset and reconfiguring procedure, 14-144 internal and external loop back, 14-157 inter-packet gap time, 14-157 Magic Packet mode, 14-153 preamble customization, 14-147 RMON support, 14-149 hash function algorithm, 14-151 registers, 14-108-14-109 initialization/application information, 14-178-14-208 gigabit Ethernet channel, 14-143 soft reset and reconfiguring procedure, 14-144 see also eTSEC, configuration interrupts, 14-154-14-157 interrupt coalescing, 14-155 by frame count threshold, 14-156 by timer threshold, 14-156 interrupt registers, 14-23-14-29 MAC functionality, 14-66-14-81 configuration, 14-66 CSMA/CD control, 14-66 handling packet collisions, 14-66 packet flow control, 14-67 PHY links control, 14-68 registers, 14-68-14-81 memory map/register definition, 14-11 detailed memory map, 14-12-14-21 eTSEC2-4 controller offsets, 14-21 top-level module map, 14-12 modes of operation, 14-4 RMON support, 14-81 overview, 1-20, 14-1 physical interface connections, 14-126 gigabit media-independent interface (GMII), 14-129 media-independent interface (MII), 14-127 reduced gigabit media-independent interface (RGMII), 14-129 reduced media-independent interface (RMII), 14-127 reduced ten-bit interface (RTBI), 14-131 ten-bit interface (TBI), 14-130 quality of service (QoS) support, 14-163-14-171 receive queue filer, 14-163 transmission scheduling, 14-169 register descriptions, 14-21-14-126 by acronym, see Register Index DMA attribute registers, 14-111-14-113 FIFO control and status registers, 14-36-14-39 FIFO registers, 14-110-14-111 general control and status registers, 14-21-14-36 hash function registers, 14-108-14-109 MAC registers, 14-68-14-81 MIB registers, 14-81-14-108 receive control and status registers, 14-50-14-65 ten-bit interface registers, 14-114-14-125 transmit control and status registers, 14-40-14-49 signals, 14-8-14-11 FIFO interface signal summary, 14-142 see also Signals, eTSEC summary, 14-6 TCP/IP off-load, 14-159-14-163 frame control blocks, 14-159 receive path off-load, 14-162 transmit path off-load, 14-160 eTSEC2 signals as GP I/O, see Global utilities, general-purpose I/O signals External system configuration POR (LAD[0:31]) status, 4-24, 20-11 External writes, see L2 cache/SRAM, stashing MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-7 F-I F FEC controller clocks operation, 4-27 Full-on mode (power), 1-24 G General-purpose I/O (PCI and eTSEC2) see Global utilities Global utilities clock out CLK_OUT signal, 20-3, 20-25, 20-28, 20-29 clock out control register (CLKOCR), 20-25, 20-28, 20-29 overview, 20-2 DDR calibration status, 20-23 DDR controller clock disable, 20-25 DMA signal multiplex control register (PMUXCR), 20-14, 20-37 features, 20-1 functional description, 20-30 general-purpose I/O signals (PCI and eTSEC2), 20-1 control register (GPIOCR), 20-12 GPOUT[24:31] signals, 20-3 input data register (GPINDR), 20-14 operation of, 20-37 output data register (GPOUTDR), 20-12 I/O impedance DDR controller, software select, 20-23 interrupt and local bus signal multiplexing, 20-1, 20-14 operation, 20-37 interrupts and power management, 20-35 LBC voltage select, 20-22 machine check summary sources of mcp (MCPSUMR), 20-19 memory map/register definition, 20-3 overview, 20-1 POR configuration boot mode status register (PORBMSR), 20-6 debug mode status register (PORDBGMSR), 20-10 device status register (PORDEVSR), 20-8 I/O impedance status register (PORIMPSCR), 20-7 LAD[0:31] external system configuration (GPPORCR), 4-24, 20-11 PLL status register (PORPLLSR), 20-5 see also Power-on reset (POR) power management and interrupts, 20-35 and snooping, 20-36 block disable (DEVDISR), 20-15, 20-31 CKSTP_IN and core_stopped mode, 20-31 core and device control bits, 20-33 core and device modes, 20-30 device mode control and status register (POWMGTCSR), 20-17 doze mode, 20-32 dynamic power management, 20-31 features, 20-1 functional description, 20-30 nap mode, 20-32 power-down sequence, 20-33 sleep mode, 20-32, 20-36 software considerations, 20-36 processor version register (PVR), 20-20 register descriptions, 20-5 by acronym, see Register Index reset HRESET_REQ control, 20-22 RapidIO and PCI Express reset requests (RSTRSCR), 20-20 signals summary, 20-2 see also Signals, global utilities snooping and power management, 20-36 system version register (SVR), 20-21 GPCM (LBC general-purpose chip-select machine), 13-36 see also Local bus controller (LBC) GPOUT[24:31] (general-purpose outputs) signal, 20-3 GPRs (general-purpose registers), see e500 core, registers H Hash function, see eTSEC, hash function HID0-1 (hardware implementation-dependent registers 0-1), see e500 core, registers HRESET (hard reset) signal, 4-2, 4-8 HRESET_REQ (hard reset request) signal, 4-2, 11-18, 11-19 I I/O impedance DDR controller driver select, 20-23 LBC and PCI/PCI-X signals control and status register (global utilities), 20-7 PCI/PCI-X interface (POR), 4-22 I/O requirements, 20-36 I/O space PCI/PCI-X addressing, 16-55 I2C interface arbitration arbitration control, 11-15 loss of arbitration--forcing of slave mode, 11-23 procedure for arbitration, 11-15 block diagram, 11-1 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-8 Freescale Semiconductor I-I boot sequencer POR configuration, 4-15 boot sequencer mode, 11-2, 11-17-11-20 error condition behavior, 11-19 calling address match condition, 11-6 clock control, 11-16 clock stretching, 11-17 clock synchronization, 11-16 input synchronization and digital filter, 11-16 master mode, 11-16 slave mode, 11-16 data transfer, 11-13 error handling boot sequencer mode, 11-19 features, 11-2 frequency divider frequency divider register (I2CFDR), 11-6 functional description, 11-11 handshaking, 11-16 implementation details, 11-13 address compare, 11-15 control transfer, 11-14 transaction monitoring, 11-13 initialization/application information, 11-21-11-25 boot sequencer mode, see I2C interface, boot sequencer mode generation of SCL when SDA low, 11-23 initialization sequence, 11-21 post-transfer software response, 11-22 repeated START generation, 11-23 START generation, 11-12, 11-21 STOP generation, 11-13, 11-22 interrupts calling address match condition, 11-6 flowchart for interrupt service routine, 11-24 interrupt after transfer, 11-22 interrupt enable bit (I2CCR[MIEN]), 11-8 interrupt on START, 11-21 interrupt pending status bit (I2CSR[MIF]), 11-10 interrupt-driven byte-to-byte transfers, 11-2 read of last byte, 11-22 slave mode interrupt service routine guidelines, 11-23 for slave transmitter routine, 11-23 loss of arbitration, 11-23 memory map/register definition, 11-4 modes of operation, 11-2 boot sequencer mode, 11-2, 11-17-11-20 interrupt-driven byte-to-byte data transfer, 11-2 master mode, 11-2 slave mode, 11-2 overview, 11-2 register descriptions, 11-5 by acronym, see Register Index signals summary, 11-3 see also Signals, I2C transaction protocol, 11-11 handshaking, 11-16 repeated START condition, 11-3, 11-13 slave address transmission, 11-12 START condition, 11-3, 11-12, 11-21 STOP condition, 11-3, 11-13, 11-22 IACn (instruction address compare registers 1-2), see e500 core, registers Initialization DDR (initialization and application information), 9-68 programming different memory types, 9-69 ECM (initialization and application information), 8-10-8-11 eTSEC (initialization and application information), 14-143, 14-178-14-208 see also eTSEC, configuration I2C interface (initialization and application information), 11-21-11-25 boot sequencer mode, see I2C interface, boot sequencer mode generation of SCL when SDA low, 11-23 initialization sequence, 11-21 post-transfer software response, 11-22 repeated START generation, 11-23 START generation, 11-12, 11-21 STOP generation, 11-13, 11-22 LBC (initialization and application information), 13-78-13-111 LBC SDRAM power-on initialization, 13-47 PCI/PCI-X (initialization and application information), 16-89-16-91 PIC (initialization and application information), 10-51 watchpoint monitor and trace buffer, 22-30 Intel PC133 SDRAM commands (LBC), 13-48 Interrupt controller (PIC) block diagram, 10-46 configuration (global), 10-18 critical interrupts, 10-4, 10-26, 10-29, 10-38 destination (interrupt routing), 10-38 IRQ_OUT, 10-4 see also e500 core, critical interrupts end of interrupt (EOI), 10-46, 10-48 external interrupts routed to critical interrupt (cint), 10-29 routed to IRQ_OUT, 10-27 features, 10-1 flow (interrupt processing), 10-46 functional description, 10-46 global timers, 10-21, 10-50 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-9 J-J cascading of timers, 10-24, 10-26 clocking of timers, 10-22, 10-26 RTC (real time clock) signal options, 4-3, 4-27, 10-24, 10-25 initialization/application information, 10-51 interrupt acknowledge (IACK) signaling, 10-45, 10-48 interrupt routing (mixed mode), 10-4, 10-46 interrupt source priorities, 10-48 memory map/register definition, 10-7 messaging interrupts, 10-49 modes of operation, 10-3, 10-18 mixed mode, 10-3 pass-through mode (to support external interrupt controllers), 10-3 nesting of interrupts, 10-49 overview, 1-17, 10-1 performance monitor events, 21-19 power management (wake up conditions), 10-2 processor core interrupt sources, 10-2 critical interrupt (cint) sources, 10-26 processor current task priority, 10-48 programming guidelines, 10-51 changing interrupt source configuration, 10-53 register descriptions, 10-16 by acronym, see Register Index, 10-16 global registers, 10-16-10-21 global timer registers, 10-21-10-26 interrupt source configuration registers, 10-21-10-24, 10-37-10-41 message registers, 10-32-10-33 non-accessible registers in-service register (ISR), 10-48 interrupt pending register (IPR), 10-46 interrupt request register (IRR), 10-46 per-CPU registers, 10-41-10-46 performance monitor mask registers, 10-30-10-32 summary registers, 10-26-10-30 reset of PIC, 10-18, 10-51 reset processor from software, 10-19 signals summary, 10-6 see also Signals, PIC simultaneous interrupts, priorities, 10-48 sources of interrupts, 10-4 internal (to PIC) interrupt destinations, 10-27, 10-28, 10-29, 10-30 internal (to PIC) interrupt sources, 10-5 spurious vector generation, 10-21, 10-49 vendor identification, 10-19 Interrupts DDR, 9-37 DMA, 15-10-15-13, 15-15, 15-23, 15-27, 15-36 DUART interrupt control logic, 12-23 interrupt enable and control registers, 12-9-12-11 e500 core registers, 6-17-6-22 ECM interrupt register (ECM error enable register--EEER), 8-7 eTSEC, 14-154-14-157 interrupt registers, 14-23-14-29 I2C interface calling address match condition, 11-6 flowchart for interrupt service routine, 11-24 interrupt after transfer, 11-22 interrupt enable bit (I2CCR[MIEN]), 11-8 interrupt on START, 11-21 interrupt pending status bit (I2CSR[MIF]), 11-10 interrupt-driven byte-to-byte transfers, 11-2 read of last byte, 11-22 slave mode interrupt service routine guidelines, 11-23 for slave transmitter routine, 11-23 loss of arbitration, 11-23 IRQ[9:11] signal select, 20-14, 20-37 LBC interrupt register, 13-26 PCI/PCI-X error enable register, 16-29 performance monitor (PIC), 21-19 power management and interrupts (global utilities), 20-35 RapidIO message unit doorbell, 17-170, 17-177 inbound, 17-160 outbound, 17-142, 17-153 port-write controller, 17-170, 17-177, 17-183 security engine (SEC), 19-103-19-104, 19-108 registers, 19-110-19-112 see also Interrupt controller (PIC) IRQ[0:11] (interrupt request 0-11) signals, 10-6 IRQ[9:11] signal select global utilities, 20-14 IRQ_OUT (interrupt request out) signal, 10-7, 10-26 IVORn (interrupt vector offset registers), see e500 core, registers IVPR (interrupt vector prefix register), see e500 core, registers J JEDEC SDRAM commands (LBC), 13-48 JTAG test access port signals summary, 22-5 see also Signals, JTAG, 22-5 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-10 Freescale Semiconductor L-L L L1CFG0-1 (L1 cache configuration registers 0-1), see e500 core, registers L1CSR0-1 (L1 cache status and control registers 0-1), see e500 core, registers L2 cache/SRAM allocation of lines, 7-32 block diagram, 7-1 coherency rules, 7-28 error handling registers, 7-17 error injection, 7-18 external writes, see stashing flash clearing, instruction and data locks, 7-31 locking clearing locks on selected lines, 7-30 entire, 7-29 programmed memory ranges, 7-30 selected lines, 7-30 with stale data, 7-31 memory map/register definition, 7-8 memory-mapped SRAM coherency rules, 7-29 memory-mapped windows, 2-4 operation, 7-33 overview, 7-1 performance monitor events, 21-27 PLRU bit update considerations, 7-32 register descriptions, 7-10-7-25 replacement policy, 7-31 SRAM features, 7-2 stashing, 7-25 state transitions, 7-35 due to core-initiated transactions, 7-35 due to system-initiated transactions, 7-38 timing, 7-27 LA[27:31] (LBC non-multiplexed address) signals, 13-7 LAD[0:31] (LBC multiplexed address/data) signals, 13-7 LALE (LBC external address latch enable) signal, 13-5, 13-32 LBCTL (LBC data buffer control) signal, 13-7, 13-35 LBS[0:3] (LBC UPM byte select) signals, 13-6 LCK[0:2] (LBC clock) signals, 13-8 LCKE (LBC clock enable) signal, 13-7 LCS[0:7] (LBC chip select) signals, 13-5 LCS[5:7] signal select global utilities, 20-14 LCS0 (LBC chip select 0) signal, 13-45 LDP[0:3] (LBC data parity) signals, 13-7, 13-35 LGPL0 (LBC GP line 0) signal, 13-6 LGPL1 (LBC GP line 1) signal, 13-6 LGPL2 (LBC GP line 2) signal, 13-6 LGPL3 (LBC GP line 3) signal, 13-6 LGPL4 (LBC GP line 4) signal, 13-6 LGPL5 (LBC GP line 5) signal, 13-7 LGTA (LBC GPCM transfer acknowledge) signal, 13-6, 13-45 Local access windows, 2-3-2-10 ATMUs, see Address translation and mapping units (ATMUs) configuring local access windows, 2-8 distinguishing local access windows from other mapping functions, 2-9 illegal interactions between inbound ATMUs and local access windows, 2-10 between local access windows and DDR SDRAM chip selects, 2-9 L2 cache/SRAM window interactions, 2-4 precedence if overlapping among themselves, 2-8 precedence if overlapping with L2 cache/SRAM windows, 2-4 registers, 2-7-2-8 by acronym, see Register Index Local address map, 1-25 see also Local access windows Local bus controller (LBC) address and address space checking, 13-32 address mask field--option registers, 13-12 atomic bus operations, 13-35 block diagram, 13-1 boot chip-select operation, 13-45 bus monitor, 13-36 bus turnaround, 13-81 additional address phases (UPM cycles), 13-82 address following read, 13-81 read data following address, 13-81 read-modify-write cycle (parity), 13-82 clocks and clock ratios, 13-3 clock ratio register (LCRR), 13-30 configuration LBC configuration register (LBCR), 13-29 debug mode signal selection (POR), 4-23 source and target ID, 22-4, 22-24 DSP hosts (interface to), 13-97 MSC8101 HDI16 interface, 13-97 MSC8102 DSI interface, 13-101 error handling transfer error registers, 13-24-13-28 external access termination (LGTA), 13-45 features, 13-2 functional description, 13-31 general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM), 13-36 chip-select and write enable negation timing, 13-40 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-11 M-M chip-select assertion timing, 13-39 extended hold time on read accesses, 13-43 GPCM mode registers, 13-13 output enable timing, 13-42 programmable wait state configuration, 13-39 relaxed timing, 13-40 timing configuration, 13-37 initialization/application information, 13-78-13-111 interrupts transfer error interrupt enable register (LTEIR), 13-26 LCS[5:7] signal select, 20-14 LCS[5:7] signal select, 20-37 memory map/register definition, 13-8 memory refresh timer prescaler, 13-20 modes of operation, 13-3 bus clock and clock ratios, 13-3 GPCM mode, registers, 13-13 power-down mode, 13-4 SDRAM mode, registers, 13-16 source ID debug mode, 13-4 UPM mode, registers, 13-15 overview, 13-2 parity generation and checking, 13-35, 13-94 performance monitor events, 21-26 peripherals, 13-78 GPCM timing, 13-80 hierarchy for very high speeds, 13-79 hierarchy on the local bus, 13-79 multiplexed address/data, 13-78 port sizes, 13-82 register descriptions, 13-10 by acronym, see Register Index SDRAM interface, 13-46-13-57, 13-84 address multiplexing, 13-49 basic capabilities, 13-84 commands (Intel PC133 and JEDEC), 13-48 configurations supported, 13-46 device-specific parameters, 13-50 limitations, 13-86-13-94 maximum SDRAM supported, 13-85 page hit checking, 13-49 page management, 13-49 parity support, 13-94 power-on initialization, 13-47 refresh, 13-56 SDRAM mode registers, 13-16, 13-21 timing, 13-54 activate-to-read/write interval, 13-51 CAS latency, 13-52 external buffers, 13-53 MODE-SET commands, 13-56 precharge-to-activate interval, 13-51 refresh recovery, 13-53 refresh timing, 13-57 write recovery, 13-52 transactions, 13-56 signals summary, 13-4 see also Signals, LBC UPM interfaces, 13-57-13-77 block diagram, 13-58 example interface, 13-72 extended hold time (reads), 13-72 programming the UPMs, 13-61 RAM array, 13-63 address multiplexing, 13-69 byte select signal timing, 13-67 chip select signal timing, 13-66 data timing, 13-70 general purpose signal timing, 13-68 LGPL[0:5] timing (LAST), 13-70 loop control, 13-68 RAM word definition, 13-64 REDO, 13-68 wait mechanism (WAEN), 13-70 signal timing, 13-63 synchronous UPWAIT (early transfer acknowledge), 13-71 UPM mode registers, 13-15, 13-17 UPM requests, 13-58 exception requests, 13-61 memory access requests, 13-59 refresh timer requests, 13-60 software requests, 13-60 voltage selection, 20-22 ZBT SRAM interface, 13-95 LOE (LBC GPCM output enable) signal, 13-6 LPBSE (LBC parity byte select) signal, 13-6 LR (link register), see e500 core, registers LSDA10 (LBC SDRAM A10) signal, 13-6 LSDCAS (LBC SDRAM CAS) signal, 13-6 LSDDQM[0:3] (LBC SDRAM data mask) signal, 13-6 LSDRAS (LBC SDRAM RAS) signal, 13-6 LSDWE (LBC SDRAM write enable) signal, 13-6 LSYNC_IN (LBC PLL synchronization in) signal, 13-8 LSYNC_OUT (LBC PLL synchronization out) signal, 13-8 LWE[0:3] (LBC GPCM write enable) signals, 13-6 M MA[0:14] (DDR address bus) signals, 9-7 MAC functionality, see eTSEC, MAC functionality Machine check MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-12 Freescale Semiconductor N-P MCP (processor machine check) signal, 10-7 mcp summary register (MCPSUMR), 20-19 SRESET (soft reset) signal, 4-8 MAS0-MAS6 (MMU assist registers 0-6), see e500 core, registers MBA[0:1] (DDR logical bank address) signals, 9-7 MCAR (machine check address register), see e500 core, registers MCAS (DDR column address strobe) signal, 9-8 MCK[0:5] (DDR clock output complement) signals, 9-9 MCK[0:5] (DDR clock output) signals, 9-9 MCKE[0:3] (DDR clock enable) signals, 9-9 MCP (processor machine check) signal, 10-7 MCS[0:3] (DDR chip select) signals, 9-8 MCSR (machine check syndrome register), see e500 core, registers MCSRR0-1 (machine check save/restore registers 0-1), see e500 core, registers MDIC[0:1] (DDR driver impedance calibration) signals, 9-9 MDM[0:8] (DDR SDRAM data output mask) signals, 9-9 MDQ[0:8] (DDR data bus strobe) signals, 9-6, 9-42 MDVAL (DDR/LBC debug mode data valid) signal, 4-23, 13-8, 22-3, 22-7 MECC[0:5] (DDR error correcting code) signals as debug, 22-3, 22-7 MECC[0:7] (DDR error correcting code) signals, 4-24, 9-7 Memory management unit (MMU), see e500 core, memory management unit (MMU) Memory maps CCSR memory, 2-4 accessing CCSR memory from external masters, 2-11, 2-12 CCSR and RapidIO registers, 2-14 CCSR map, complete list of memory-mapped registers (by offset), 2-16 CCSR organization, 2-12 CCSR registers, 2-10-2-16 device-specific utilities, 2-15 general utilities registers, 2-13 programmable interrupt controller (PIC) space, 2-14 configuration, control, and status registers, 4-3 DDR controller, 9-10 illegal interaction between local access windows and DDR SDRAM chip selects, 2-9 debug, watchpoint, and trace buffer registers, 22-10 device memory map address translation and mapping, 2-3 overview and example, 2-1 DMA, 15-6 DUART, 12-4 ECM, 8-3 eTSEC, 14-11 global utilities, 20-3 I2C, 11-4 interrupt controller (PIC), 10-7 L2 cache/SRAM, 7-8 LBC, 13-8 PCI/PCI-X, 16-14 performance monitor, 21-3 RapidIO endpoint, 17-4 message unit, 17-8 security engine (SEC), 19-10 Memory space PCI/PCI-X addressing, 16-54 Memory target queue performance monitor events, 21-17 Message interrupts, see Interrupt controller (PIC), message interrupts Message unit, see RapidIO controller, message unit MMUCFG (MMU configuration register), see e500 core, registers MMUCSR0 (MMU control and status register 0), see e500 core, registers MODT[0:3] (DDR on-die termination) signals, 9-9 MRAS (DDR row address strobe) signal, 9-8 MSR (machine state register), see e500 core, registers MSRCID[0:4] (DDR/LBC debug source ID) signals, 4-23, 13-8, 22-3, 22-7 MWE (DDR write enable) signal, 9-8 N Nap mode, 1-24, 20-32 see also Global utilities, power management O On-chip memory as L2 Cache, 1-15 as mapped SRAM, 1-15 overview, 1-14 P Page hit checking (LBC SDRAM), 13-49 Page management (LBC SDRAM), 13-49 PCI configuration header registers, 16-33-16-49 PCI Express Base Specification, Rev. 1.0a see PCI Express controller PCI Express controller accessing configuration space endpoint (EP) mode, 18-43 root complex (RC) mode, 18-42 address translation and mapping unit (ATMU) MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-13 P-P inbound windows, 18-24 endpoint (EP) mode, 18-24 root complex (RC) mode, 18-25 outbound windows, 18-19 block diagram, 18-2 clocks minimum CCB frequency equation, 4-27 commands command register, 18-44 configuration space accesses, 18-42 error handling registers, 18-29-18-42 features, 18-3 latency timer, 18-49 modes of operation, 18-4 link width, 18-4 root complex or endpoint mode, 18-4 overview, 18-1 POR configuration, 18-4 power management, 18-13-18-18, 18-68-18-69 register descriptions configuration header registers, 18-43-18-66 32-bit memory base address register, 18-51 64-bit high memory base address register, 18-52 64-bit low memory base address register, 18-52 base address registers, 18-50-18-52, 18-57 bridge control register, 18-66 bus status register, 18-46 cache line size register, 18-48 capabilities pointer register, 18-54, 18-64 command register, 18-44 configuration and status register base address (PCSRBAR), 18-50, 18-57 device ID register, 18-44, 18-53 I/O base register, 18-59 I/O base upper 16 bits register, 18-63 I/O limit register, 18-59 I/O limit upper 16 bits register, 18-64 interrupt line register, 18-54, 18-65 interrupt pin register, 18-55, 18-65 latency timer register, 18-49, 18-59 maximum latency (EP-mode) register, 18-56 memory base register, 18-61 memory limit register, 18-61 minimum grant (EP-mode) register, 18-55 prefetchable base upper 32 bits register, 18-63 prefetchable limit upper 32 bits register, 18-63 prefetchable memory base register, 18-62 prefetchable memory limit register, 18-62 primary bus number register, 18-57 revision ID register, 18-47 secondary bus number register, 18-58 secondary status register, 18-60 subordinate bus number register, 18-58 subsystem vendor ID register, 18-53 vendor ID register, 18-44 device-specific configuration space registers, 18-67-18-80 capabilities register, 18-70 capability ID register, 18-70 data capabilities register, 18-71 device control register, 18-71 device status register, 18-72 link capabilities register, 18-73 link control register, 18-73 link status register, 18-74 MSI message address register, 18-79 MSI message capability ID register, 18-78 MSI message control register, 18-78 MSI message data register, 18-79 MSI message upper address register, 18-79 power management capabilities register, 18-68 power management capability ID register, 18-68 power management data register, 18-69 power management status and control register, 18-69 root control register, 18-77 root status register, 18-77 slot capabilities register, 18-75 slot control register, 18-75 slot status register, 18-76 extended configuration space registers, 18-80-18-88 advanced error capabilities and control register, 18-85 advanced error reporting capability ID register, 18-81 correctable error mask register, 18-84 correctable error source ID register, 18-88 correctable error status register, 18-84 error source ID register, 18-88 header log register, 18-86 root error command register, 18-87 root error status register, 18-87 uncorrectable error mask register, 18-82 uncorrectable error severity register, 18-83 uncorrectable error status register, 18-81 memory-mapped registers, 18-5 ATMU registers, 18-19-18-29 by acronym, see Register Index configuration access registers, 18-9-18-12, 18-42-18-43 error management registers, 18-29-18-42 IP block revision registers, 18-18-18-19 pwr mgmt and message registers, 18-13-18-18 signals summary, 18-4 see also Signals, PCI Express PCI Local Bus Specification configuration registers see PCI/PCI-X controller, registers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-14 Freescale Semiconductor P-P PCI/PCI-X controller 64-bit/32-bit bus, 16-6 address bus decoding, 16-54 address translation and mapping unit (ATMU) inbound windows (4), 2-10, 16-22 outbound windows (4), 16-19 arbiter configuration (POR), 4-22, 16-5, 16-6 block diagram, 16-1 burst operations cache wrap mode, 16-54 linear incrementing, 16-54 bus arbitration, 16-5, 16-49 bus protocol, 16-52 burst operation, 16-52 command encodings, 16-53 PCI-X-specific protocol, see PCI/PCI-X controller, PCI-X operation clocking, 16-52, 16-56 commands command register, 16-35, 16-65 encodings, 16-53 interrupt-acknowledge transactions, 16-69 PCI-X encodings, 16-74 special-cycle, 16-70 configuration cycles, 16-64 configuration space addressing, 16-55 data bus width (POR), 4-20, 4-21 debug configuration (POR), 4-23 debug mode source and target ID (PCI_AD[63:59]), 22-24 error handling, 16-71-16-72 address/data parity, 16-60, 16-71, 16-72 detection and reporting, 16-71, 16-86 PCI-X, 16-86, 16-87 address/data parity, 16-87 reporting PERR and SERR signals, 16-72, 16-86 target-initiated termination, 16-60 retry transactions, 16-60 target-abort, 16-60 target-disconnect, 16-60 features, 16-4 functional description, 16-49 I/O impedance (POR), 4-22 I/O space addressing, 16-55 initialization/application information, 16-89-16-91 interrupts error enable register, 16-29 latency timer, 16-40, 16-60, 16-65 memory map/register definition, 16-14 memory space addressing, 16-54 modes of operation, 16-5 agent configuration lock mode, 16-90 agent mode, 16-90 cache wrap mode, 16-54 host mode, 16-89 linear incrementing, 16-54 PCI-X mode selection (POR), 4-21, 4-23 overview, 16-2 PCI-X operation attribute phase, 16-75 bus protocol, 16-73-16-88 command encodings, 16-74 configuration, 16-85 nonposted writes, 16-90 outbound read transaction alignment, 16-91 terminology, 16-74 transactions, 16-77-16-80, 16-81-16-84 completer attributes, 16-84 completion address, 16-83 split response, 16-82 split transactions, 16-81-16-84 wait state and terminations rules, 16-80 performance monitor events common events, 21-19, 21-21 POR configuration, 16-89, 16-90 power management special-cycle operations, 16-70 register descriptions configuration header registers, 16-33-16-49, 16-65 32-bit memory base address register, 16-41 64-bit high memory base address register, 16-42 64-bit low memory base address register, 16-41 arbiter configuration register (PBACR), 16-46 base address registers, 16-40-16-42 base class code register, 16-39 bus function register (PBFR), 16-45 bus status register, 16-36, 16-55, 16-59, 16-71, 16-72 cache line size register, 16-39 capabilities pointer register, 16-43 command register, 16-35, 16-65 configuration and status register base address (PCSRBAR), 16-40 device ID register, 16-35, 16-43 interrupt line register, 16-43 interrupt pin register, 16-44 latency timer register, 16-40 maximum grant (MAX GNT) register, 16-44 maximum latency (MAX LAT) register, 16-45 PCI-X capability pointer register, 16-47 PCI-X command register, 16-47 PCI-X next capabilities ID register, 16-47 PCI-X status register, 16-48 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-15 P-P programming interface register, 16-38 revision ID register, 16-38 subclass code register, 16-39 vendor ID register, 16-34, 16-42 memory-mapped registers, 16-14 ATMU inbound registers, 16-22-16-26 ATMU outbound registers, 16-19-16-22 by acronym, see Register Index configuration access registers, 16-17-16-19, 16-66 error management registers, 16-26-16-32 signals summary, 16-6 see also Signals, PCI/PCI-X target-abort termination, 16-60 target-disconnect cycles, 16-3, 16-60 target-initiated termination target-abort error, 16-60 target-disconnect, 16-3, 16-60 transactions fast back-to-back transactions, 16-62 interrupt-acknowledge transactions, 16-69 PCI-X, see PCI/PCI-X controller, PCI-X operation read transactions, 16-56 retry transactions, 16-60 special-cycle transactions, 16-70 timing diagrams, 16-56 transaction termination, 16-59 bus status register, termination status, 16-60 completion, 16-59 master-abort termination, 16-59 master-initiated, 16-59 target-initiated, 16-60 timeout, 16-59 write transactions, 16-56, 16-58 turnaround cycle, 16-56 PCI_ACK64 (PCI 64-bit transaction acknowledge) signal, 16-8 PCI_AD[47:40] signals as GP I/O, see Global utilities, general-purpose I/O signals PCI_AD[63:0] (PCI address/data bus) signals, 16-8, 16-54 PCI_AD[63:59] (high-order PCI address) signals as debug, 22-4, 22-7 PCI_C/BE[7:0] (PCI command/byte enable) signals, 16-9, 16-53, 16-55, 16-56, 16-71 PCI_DEVSEL (PCI device select) signal, 16-9, 16-55 PCI_FRAME (PCI frame) signal, 16-9, 16-52 PCI_GNT[4:0] (PCI bus grant) signals, 16-10, 16-49 PCI_IDSEL (PCI initialization device) signal, 16-10 PCI_IRDY (PCI intitiator ready) signal, 16-10, 16-52 PCI_PAR (PCI parity) signal, 16-11, 16-71 PCI_PAR64 (PCI upper DWORD parity) signal, 16-11 PCI_PERR (PCI parity error) signal, 16-12, 16-72, 16-86 PCI_REQ[4:0] (PCI bus request) signals, 16-12, 16-49 PCI_REQ64 (PCI 64-bit transaction request) signal, 16-12 PCI_SERR (PCI system error) signal, 16-13, 16-72, 16-86 PCI_STOP (PCI stop) signal, 16-13, 16-56 PCI_TRDY (PCI target ready) signal, 16-13, 16-52, 16-59 Performance monitor (device) block diagram, 21-2 burstiness, 21-13, 21-28 control registers, 21-5-21-9 counters (PMCn) chaining, 21-12 registers, 21-9 triggering, 21-13 event counting, 21-11 events, 21-15-21-28 chaining, 21-27 DDR controller, 21-16 debug, 21-27 DMA controller, 21-17 DUART, 21-27 e500 coherency module (ECM), 21-18 interrupt controller (PIC), 21-19 L2 cache/SRAM, 21-27 local bus controller (LBC), 21-26 memory target queue, 21-17 PCI/PCI-X common events, 21-19, 21-21 events triggered by watchpoint monitor, 22-27 examples, 21-28 burstiness event, 21-13 burstiness event counting, 21-29 simple event counting, 21-28, 21-29 threshold event counting, 21-28 triggering event counting, 21-28, 21-29 external signals, 21-3 features, 21-3 functional description, 21-11 interrupts, 21-11 interrupts (from PIC) to generate events, 10-30 masking interrupts (from PIC), 10-30 memory map/register definition, 21-3 overflow indication on TRIG_OUT, 22-24 overview, 21-2 threshold events, 21-11 Performance monitor (e500 core) counter registers, 5-29 Phase-locked loops (PLLs) POR status (global utilities), 20-5 PIDn (process ID registers 0-2), see e500 core, registers PIR (processor ID register), see e500 core, registers PMCn (performance monitor counter registers 0-3), see e500 core, registers PMGC0 (performance monitor global control register 0), see e500 core, registers MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-16 Freescale Semiconductor Q-R PMLCan (performance monitor local control registers a0-a3), see e500 core, registers PMLCbn (performance monitor local control registers b0-b3), see e500 core, registers Port-write controller, see RapidIO controller, message unit Power management block disable block disable control (DEVDISR), 20-15, 20-31 LBC, 13-4 DDR interface, 9-61 device low-power modes, 20-30-20-36 control and status register (POWMGTCSR), 20-17 READY negation, 4-2 interrupts that cause wake-up, 10-2 overview, 1-24 PCI Express, 18-13-18-18, 18-68-18-69 PCI special-cycle operations, 16-70 see also Global utilities, power management Power-on reset (POR) configuration boot ROM location, 4-12 boot sequencer configuration, 4-15 clock e500 core PLL ratio, 4-12 system/CCB PLL ratio, 4-11 CPU boot configuration, 4-15 DDR debug mode (ECC pins used for debug), 4-24, 22-3 eTSEC1 protocol, 4-17 eTSEC1-2 data width, 4-16 eTSEC2 protocol, 4-18, 4-19 eTSEC3 protocol, 4-18 eTSEC3-4 data width, 4-17 eTSEC4 protocol, 4-19 general-purpose (external system) configuration--LAD[0:31] (GPPORCR), 4-24 memory debug select (DDR or LBC), 4-23, 22-3 PCI data bus width, 4-20, 4-21 PCI debug configuration, 4-23, 22-3 PCI I/O impedance, 4-22 PCI/PCI-X arbiter configuration, 4-22 PCI/PCI-X, modes of operation, 16-89, 16-90 PCI-X mode selection, 4-21, 4-23 RapidIO device ID, 4-19 configuration reporting global utilities, 20-5, 20-6, 20-7, 20-8, 20-10, 20-11 debug modes summary, 22-3 hard reset, 4-8 output signal states during reset, 3-20 PCI Express, modes of operation, 18-4 reset configuration signals, 3-18 sequence of events, 4-9 and READY signal, 4-2, 4-9 Processor version (PVR), 20-20 Programmable interrupt controller (PIC), see Interrupt controller (PIC), 1-17 Protocols PCI, see PCI/PCI-X contoller, bus protocol PVR (processor version register), see e500 core, registers Q Quality of service (QoS), see eTSEC R Random number generator (RNG), see Security engine (SEC) RapidIO controller address translation and mapping unit (ATMU) inbound ATMU translation, 2-10 inbound windows, 17-98 crossed boundary errors, 17-98 hits to multiple windows, 17-98 outbound windows, 17-96 crossed boundary errors, 17-97 hits to multiple windows, 17-96 block diagram, 17-1 clocks minimum CCB frequency equation, 4-27 operation, 4-26 configuration accessing config. reg's with RapidIO packets, 17-95 control symbol summary, 17-93 control symbols link-request/reset-device, 17-99 device ID (POR), 4-19 error handling, 17-103 error types, 17-103 logical layer errors detected, 17-107 message unit doorbell errors, 17-170, 17-177-17-181 inbound message errors, 17-160-17-167 outbound message errors, 17-143-17-149, 17-154-17-156 port-write errors, 17-184-17-188 physical layer errors detected, 17-104 features, 17-1 functional description, 17-90 hot-swap support, 17-101 interrupts message unit doorbell, 17-170, 17-177 inbound message controller, 17-160 outbound message controller, 17-142, 17-153 port-write, 17-170, 17-177, 17-183 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-17 R-R maintenance accesses inbound, 17-95 outbound, 17-95 memory map/register definition endpoint, 17-4 message unit, 17-8 message unit doorbell controller operation, 17-168 command and status register (PWDCSR), 17-181 doorbell queue and pointer structure, 17-169, 17-176 enabling and disabling, 17-181 error handling, 17-170, 17-177-17-181 inbound doorbell controller, 17-175 interrupts, 17-170, 17-177, 17-183 outbound doorbell controller, 17-169 retry response conditions, 17-177 features, 17-140 inbound message controller operation, 17-157 enabling and disabling, 17-167 error handling, 17-160-17-167 inbound message structure, 17-157 interrupts, 17-160 message steering, 17-159 retry response conditions, 17-159 mailbox command and status register (MCSR), 17-168 outbound message controller operation, 17-141 arbitration for multiple message units, 17-156 chaining mode operation, 17-149-17-156 descriptor format, 17-152 direct mode operation, 17-141 enabling and disabling, 17-144 error handling, 17-143-17-149, 17-154-17-156 interrupts, 17-142, 17-153 switching between direct and chaining modes, 17-152 outbound modes of operation, 17-141 overview, 17-139 port-write controller operation, 17-182 command and status register (PWDCSR), 17-188 discarding port-writes, 17-184 enabling and disabling, 17-188 error handling, 17-184-17-188 interrupts, 17-170, 17-177, 17-183 modes of operation, 17-3 message unit (RMU), 17-3 RapidIO port, 17-3 overview, 1-23, 17-1 packet format summary, 17-92 register descriptions 1x/4x LP-Serial registers, 17-22-17-29 architectural registers, 17-11-17-22 ATMU registers, 17-51-17-62 by acronym, see Register Index error reporting logical registers, 17-30-17-36 error reporting physical registers, 17-36-17-43 implementation space registers, 17-43-17-50 message unit registers, 17-62-17-90 doorbellregisters, 17-79-17-87 port-write registers, 17-88-17-90 revision control registers, 17-50-17-51 signal summary, 17-4 see also Signals, RapidIO transactions supported, 17-90 READY signal, 4-2, 4-9, 22-23, 22-24 Registers by acronym (memory-mapped registers) see Register Index configuration, control, and status, 2-10-2-16, 4-3 device-specific utilities, 2-15 general utilities, 2-13 programmable interrupt controller (PIC) space, 2-14 context ID, 22-22-22-23 DDR configuration registers, 9-11-9-33 error handling registers, 9-34-9-40 error injection registers, 9-33-9-34 e500 core, see e500 core, registers ECM, 8-3 eTSEC, 14-21-14-126 DMA attribute registers, 14-111-14-113 FIFO control and status registers, 14-36-14-39 FIFO registers, 14-110-14-111 general control and status registers, 14-21-14-36 hash function registers, 14-108-14-109 MAC registers, 14-68-14-81 MIB registers, 14-81-14-108 receive control and status registers, 14-50-14-65 ten-bit interface registers, 14-114-14-125 transmit control and status registers, 14-40-14-49 global utilities, 20-5 POR boot mode status, 20-6 POR debug mode status, 20-10 POR device status, 20-8 POR external system configuration, 20-11 POR I/O impedance status, 20-7 POR PLL status, 20-5 I2C interface, 11-5 L2 cache/SRAM registers, 7-8-7-25 LBC, 13-10 local access window registers attributes registers (LAWAR0-LAWAR7), 2-7 base address registers (LAWBAR0-LAWBAR7), 2-7 PCI Express configuration header registers, 18-43-18-66 32-bit memory base address register, 18-51 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-18 Freescale Semiconductor R-R 64-bit high memory base address register, 18-52 64-bit low memory base address register, 18-52 base address registers, 18-50-18-52, 18-57 bridge control register, 18-66 bus status register, 18-46 cache line size register, 18-48 capabilities pointer register, 18-54, 18-64 command register, 18-44 configuration and status register base address (PCSRBAR), 18-50, 18-57 device ID register, 18-44, 18-53 I/O base register, 18-59 I/O base upper 16 bits register, 18-63 I/O limit register, 18-59 I/O limit upper 16 bits register, 18-64 interrupt line register, 18-54, 18-65 interrupt pin register, 18-55, 18-65 latency timer register, 18-49, 18-59 maximum latency (EP-mode) register, 18-56 memory base register, 18-61 memory limit register, 18-61 minimum grant (EP-mode) register, 18-55 prefetchable base upper 32 bits register, 18-63 prefetchable limit upper 32 bits register, 18-63 prefetchable memory base register, 18-62 prefetchable memory limit register, 18-62 primary bus number, 18-57 revision ID register, 18-47 secondary bus number, 18-58 secondary status register, 18-60 subordinate bus number, 18-58 subsystem vendor ID, 18-53 vendor ID, 18-44 device-specific configuration space registers, 18-67-18-80 capabilities register, 18-70 capability ID register, 18-70 device capabilities register, 18-71 device control register, 18-71 device status register, 18-72 link capabilities register, 18-73 link control register, 18-73 link status register, 18-74 MSI message address register, 18-79 MSI message capability ID register, 18-78 MSI message control register, 18-78 MSI message data register, 18-79 MSI message upper address register, 18-79 power management capabilities register, 18-68 power management capability ID register, 18-68 power management data register, 18-69 power management status and control register, 18-69 root control register, 18-77 root status register, 18-77 slot capabilities register, 18-75 slot control register, 18-75 slot status register, 18-76 extended configuration space registers, 18-80-18-88 advanced error capabilities and control register, 18-85 advanced error reporting capability ID register, 18-81 correctable error mask register, 18-84 correctable error source ID register, 18-88 correctable error status register, 18-84 error source ID register, 18-88 header log register, 18-86 root error command register, 18-87 root error status register, 18-87 uncorrectable error mask register, 18-82 uncorrectable error severity register, 18-83 uncorrectable error status register, 18-81 memory-mapped registers ATMU registers, 18-19-18-29 configuration access registers, 18-9-18-12, 18-42-18-43 error management registers, 18-29-18-42 IP block revision registers, 18-18-18-19 pwr mgmt and message registers, 18-13-18-18 PCI/PCI-X configuration header registers, 16-33-16-49, 16-65 32-bit memory base address register, 16-41 64-bit high memory base address register, 16-42 64-bit low memory base address register, 16-41 arbiter configuration register (PBACR), 16-46 base address registers, 16-40-16-42 base class code register, 16-39 bus function register (PBFR), 16-45 bus status register, 16-36, 16-55, 16-59, 16-71, 16-72 cache line size register, 16-39 capabilities pointer register, 16-43 command register, 16-35, 16-65 configuration and status register base address (PCSRBAR), 16-40 device ID register, 16-35, 16-43 interrupt line register, 16-43 interrupt pin register, 16-44 latency timer register, 16-40 maximum grant (MAX GNT) register, 16-44 maximum latency (MAX LAT) register, 16-45 programming interface register, 16-38 revision ID register, 16-38 subclass code register, 16-39 vendor ID, 16-34, 16-42 memory-mapped registers ATMU inbound registers, 16-22-16-26 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-19 S-S ATMU outbound registers, 16-19-16-22 configuration access registers, 16-17-16-19, 16-66 error management registers, 16-26-16-32 performance monitor (e500 core) counter registers, 5-29 performance monitor, descriptions, 21-3 PIC, 10-16 global registers, 10-16-10-21 global timer registers, 10-21-10-26 interrupt source configuration registers, 10-21-10-24, 10-37-10-41 message registers, 10-32-10-33 non-accessible registers in-service register (ISR), 10-48 interrupt pending register (IPR), 10-46 interrupt request register (IRR), 10-46 per-CPU registers, 10-41-10-46 performance monitor mask registers, 10-30-10-32 summary registers, 10-26-10-30 processor version register (PVR), 20-20 RapidIO 1x/4x LP-Serial registers, 17-22-17-29 architectural registers, 17-11-17-22 ATMU registers, 17-51-17-62 error reporting logical registers, 17-30-17-36 error reporting physical registers, 17-36-17-43 implementation space registers, 17-43-17-50 message unit registers, 17-62-17-90 doorbell registers, 17-79-17-87 port-write registers, 17-88-17-90 revision control registers, 17-50-17-51 security engine (SEC) AESU, 19-67-19-79 AFEU, 19-42-19-50 controller registers, 19-109-19-115 crypto-channel, 19-92-19-102 DEU, 19-34-19-41 interrupt registers, 19-110-19-112 KEU, 19-80-19-91 MDEU, 19-50-19-62 PKEU, 19-26-19-33 RNG, 19-63-19-67 system version register (SVR), 20-21 trace buffer, 22-16-22-22 trigger out source register, 22-24 watchpoint monitor, 22-11-22-15 Reset core reset through PIC register, 10-19 hard reset actions, 4-8 HRESET_REQ control, 20-22 operations, 4-8 power-on reset (POR) configuration, see Power-on reset (POR), configuration sequence of events, 4-9 requests from RapidIO and PCI Express, 20-20 SEC, channel reset, 19-103 signals summary, 4-2 see also Signals, reset soft request, 20-20 soft reset actions, 4-8 and reconfiguring the eTSEC, 14-144 RMON support, see eTSEC, modes of operation RTC (real time clock) signal, 4-3, 4-27, 10-24, 10-25, 20-34 RTS, see DUART_RTS[0:1] S SCL (I2C serial clock) signal, 11-3, 11-4 SD_RX[4:7]/SD_RX[4:7] (RapidIO serial data input and complement) signals, 17-4 SD_RX[7:0]/SD_RX[7:0] (PCI Express serial data input and complement) signals, 18-5 SD_TX[4:7]/SD_TX[4:7] (RapidIO serial data output and complement) signals, 17-4 SD_TX[7:0]/SD_TX[7:0] (PCI Express serial data output and complement) signals, 18-5 SDA (I2C serial data) signal, 11-3, 11-4 SDRAM interface (LBC), 13-46-13-57 see also Local bus controller (LBC), SDRAM interface Security engine (SEC) advanced encryption standard execution unit (AESU), 19-7, 19-67 contexts CBC mode, 19-76 CCM mode, 19-77 counter mode, 19-76 SRT mode, 19-76 restore decrypt key (RDK) operation, 19-69 Rinjdael algorithm, 19-7 ARC Four execution unit (AFEU), 19-6 context, 19-49 dump context mode, 19-42 host-provided context via prevent permute, 19-42 block diagram, 19-3 data encryption standard execution unit (DEU), 19-6, 19-34 descriptors, 19-4, 19-16 header dword, 19-17 descriptor types, 19-19 EU selection, 19-18 writeback format, 19-94 pointer dwords 0-6, 19-20 descriptor types and formats, 19-24 Diffie-Hellman key exchanges, 19-6 disabling the block, 19-115 ECC digital signatures, 19-6 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-20 Freescale Semiconductor S-S error handling, 19-98, 19-103 see also individual execution units execution units (EUs), 19-25 channels, 19-91 arbitration of internal buses, 19-105 assignment of EUs to channels, 19-104 crypto-channel states, 19-98 priority arbitration, 19-104, 19-105 controller arbitration, 19-106 features, 19-1 interrupts, 19-103-19-104, 19-108 registers, 19-110-19-112 Kasumi execution unit (KEU), 19-8, 19-79 link tables, 19-102 format, 19-21 gather operation (reading data), 19-17, 19-97 scatter operation (writing data), 19-17, 19-97 memory map/register definition, 19-10 message digest execution unit (MDEU), 19-7, 19-50 algorithm selection, 19-52 endian (byte ordering) considerations, 19-60, 19-61, 19-62 recommended settings for mode register, 19-53 overview architecture, 19-2 execution units (EUs), 19-5 security channels, 19-8 security controller access types, 19-9 public key execution unit (PKEU), 19-5, 19-26 Chinese remainder theorem and RSA algorithm, 19-6 elliptic curve operations, 19-5 modular exponentiation operations, 19-6 Montgomery modular multiplication algorithm, 19-6 parameter memories A, B, E, and N, 19-33 random number generator (RNG), 19-7, 19-62 register descriptions AESU, 19-67-19-79 AFEU, 19-42-19-50 by acronym, see Register Index controller registers, 19-109-19-115 crypto-channel, 19-92-19-102 DEU, 19-34-19-41 interrupt registers, 19-110-19-112 KEU, 19-80-19-91 MDEU, 19-50-19-62 PKEU, 19-26-19-33 RNG, 19-63-19-67 reset channel, 19-103 transactions (internal) master reads, 19-107 master writes, 19-107 slave reads and writes, 19-107 Serial data/clock, see I 2C interface, 11-1 Signals clock RTC (real time clock), 4-3, 4-27, 10-24, 10-25, 20-34 SYSCLK (system clock input), 4-3 complete signal listing alphabetical reference, 3-12 configuration signals, sampled at POR, 3-18 see also Power-on reset (POR) figure showing groupings, 3-1 output signal states at power-on reset, 3-20 reference by functional block, 3-5 DDR MA[0:14] (address bus), 9-7 MBA[0:1] (logical bank address), 9-7 MCAS (column address strobe), 9-8 MCK[0:5] (DDR clock output complements), 9-9 MCK[0:5] (DDR clock outputs), 9-9 MCKE[0:3] (DDR clock enables), 9-9 MCS[0:3] (chip selects), 9-8 MDIC[0:1] (driver impedance calibration), 9-9 MDM[0:8] (SDRAM data output mask), 9-9 MDQS[0:8] (data bus strobes), 9-6, 9-42 MDVAL (debug mode data valid), 4-23, 22-3, 22-7 MECC[0:5] (error correcting code) as debug signals, 22-3, 22-7 MECC[0:7] (error correcting code), 4-24, 9-7 MODT[0:3] (on-die termination), 9-9 MRAS (row address strobe), 9-8 MSRCID[0:4] (debug source ID), 4-23, 22-3, 22-7 MWE (write enable), 9-8 DMA DMA_DACK[0:3] (DMA acknowledge), 15-6 DMA_DDONE[0:3] (DMA done), 15-6 DMA_DREQ[0:3] (DMA request), 15-6 DUART UART_CTS[0:1] (DUART clear to send), 12-1, 12-3 UART_RTS[0:1] (DUART request to send), 12-1, 12-3, 12-4 UART_SIN [0:1] (DUART transmitter serial data in), 12-2, 12-3 UART_SOUT [0:1] (DUART transmitter serial data out), 12-2, 12-3 eTSEC EC_GTX_CLK125 (eTSEC gigabit transmit 125 MHz source), 14-9 EC_MDC (eTSEC management data clock), 14-9 EC_MDIO (eTSEC management data input/output, BIDI), 14-9 FIFO interface signal summary, 14-142 TSECn_COL (eTSEC 1-4 collision input), 14-8 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-21 S-S TSECn_CRS (eTSEC 1-4 carrier sense input/FIFO receiver flow control), 14-8 TSECn_GTX_CLK (eTSEC 1-4 gigabit transmit clock), 14-9 TSECn_RX_CLK (eTSEC 1-4 receive clock), 14-9 TSECn_RX_DV (eTSEC 1-4 receive data valid), 14-9 TSECn_RX_ER (eTSEC 1-4 receive error), 14-10 TSECn_RXD[7:0] (eTSEC 1-4 receive data in), 14-10 TSECn_TX_CLK (eTSEC 1-4 transmit clock in), 14-10 TSECn_TX_EN (eTSEC 1-4 transmit data valid), 14-11 TSECn_TX_ER (eTSEC 1-4 transmit error), 14-11 TSECn_TXD[7:0] (eTSEC 1-4 transmit data out), 14-11 global utilities ASLEEP, 20-2, 20-32 CKSTP_IN (checkstop in), 20-2 CKSTP_OUT (checkstop out), 20-3 CLK_OUT, 20-3, 20-25, 20-28, 20-29 GPOUT[24:31], 20-3 I2 C SCL (serial clock), 11-3, 11-4 SDA (serial data), 11-3, 11-4 JTAG TCK (JTAG test clock), 22-8 TDI (JTAG test data input), 22-8 TDO (JTAG test data output), 22-9 TMS (JTAG test mode select), 22-9 TRST (JTAG test reset), 22-9 LBC LA[27:31] (non-multiplexed address), 13-7 LAD[0:31] (multiplexed address/data), 13-7 LALE (external address latch enable), 13-5, 13-32 LBCTL (data buffer control), 13-7, 13-35 LBS[0:3] (UPM byte select), 13-6 LCK[0:2] (clock), 13-8 LCKE (clock enable), 13-7 LCS[0:7] (chip select), 13-5 LCS0 (LBC chip select 0), 13-45 LDP[0:3] (data parity), 13-7, 13-35 LGPL0 (GP line 0), 13-6 LGPL1 (GP line 1), 13-6 LGPL2 (GP line 2), 13-6 LGPL3 (GP line 3), 13-6 LGPL4 (GP line 4), 13-6 LGPL5 (GP line 5), 13-7 LGTA (GPCM transfer acknowledge), 13-6, 13-45 LOE (GPCM output enable), 13-6 LPBSE (parity byte select), 13-6 LSDA10 (SDRAM A10), 13-6 LSDCAS (SDRAM CAS), 13-6 LSDDQM[0:3] (SDRAM data mask), 13-6 LSDRAS (SDRAM RAS), 13-6 LSDWE (SDRAM write enable), 13-6 LSYNC_IN (PLL synchronization in), 13-8 LSYNC_OUT (PLL synchronization out), 13-8 LWE[0:3] (GPCM write enable), 13-6 MDVAL (debug mode data valid), 4-23, 13-8, 22-3, 22-7 MSRCID[0:4] (debug source ID), 4-23, 13-8, 22-3, 22-7 TA (data transfer acknowledge), 13-34 UPWAIT (UPM wait), 13-6, 13-58 other THERM[0:1] (thermal resistor access), 22-9 PCI Express SD_RX[7:0]/SD_RX[7:0] (PCI Express serial data input and complement) signals, 18-5 SD_TX[7:0]/SD_TX[7:0] (PCI Express serial data output and complement) signals, 18-5 PCI/PCI-X PCI_ACK64 (64-bit transaction acknowledge), 16-8 PCI_AD[63:0] (address/data bus), 16-8, 16-54 PCI_AD[63:59] (high-order PCI address) as debug signals, 22-4, 22-7 PCI_C/BE[7:0] (command/byte enable), 16-9, 16-53, 16-55, 16-56, 16-71 PCI_DEVSEL (device select), 16-9, 16-55 PCI_FRAME (frame), 16-9, 16-52 PCI_GNT[4:0] (bus grant), 16-10, 16-49 PCI_IDSEL (initialization device), 16-10 PCI_IRDY (intitiator ready), 16-10, 16-52 PCI_PAR (parity), 16-11, 16-71 PCI_PAR64 (upper DWORD parity), 16-11 PCI_PERR (parity error), 16-12, 16-72, 16-86 PCI_REQ[4:0] (bus request), 16-12, 16-49 PCI_REQ64[4:0] (64-bit transaction request), 16-12 PCI_SERR (system error), 16-13, 16-72, 16-86 PCI_STOP (stop), 16-13, 16-56 PCI_TRDY (target ready), 16-13, 16-52 PIC IRQ[0:11], 10-6 IRQ_OUT, 10-7, 10-26 MCP, 10-7 UDE, 10-7 RapidIO SD_RX[4:7]/SD_RX[4:7] (RapidIO serial data input and complement) signals, 17-4 SD_TX[4:7]/SD_TX[4:7] (RapidIO serial data output and complement) signals, 17-4 reset HRESET (hard reset), 4-2, 4-8 HRESET_REQ (hard reset request), 4-2, 11-18, 11-19 READY, 4-2, 22-23, 22-24 SRESET (soft reset), 4-2, 4-8 watchpoint monitor TRIG_IN (watchpoint trigger in), 22-8, 22-12, 22-17 TRIG_OUT (watchpoint trigger out), 22-8, 22-23 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-22 Freescale Semiconductor T-W Sleep mode, 1-24, 20-32, 20-36 see also Global utilities, power management Snooping power management and snooping (global utilities), 20-36 Soft reset, 20-20 SPEFSCR (signal processing and embedded floating-point status and control register), see e500 core, registers SPRGn (software-use registers 0-7), see e500 core, registers SRAM, see L2 cache/SRAM, 7-27 SRESET (soft reset) signal, 4-2, 4-8 SRR0-1 (save/restore registers 0-1), see e500 core, registers Stashing, see L2 cache/SRAM, stashing, 7-25 SVR (system version register), see e500 core, registers SYSCLK (system clock input) signal, 4-3 T TA (LBC data transfer acknowledge) signal, 13-34 Target-disconnect, see PCI/PCI-X controller TBL (time base lower register), see e500 core, registers TBU (time base upper register), see e500 core, registers TCK (JTAG test clock) signal, 22-8 TCR (timer control register), see e500 core, registers TDI (JTAG test data input) signal, 22-8 TDO (JTAG test data output) signal, 22-9 Termination PCI/PCI-X, termination of PCI transactions, 16-59 Test interface, see JTAG test access port THERM[0:1] (thermal resistor access) signals, 22-9 Timing diagrams PCI/PCI-X transactions, 16-56 TLB0CFG (TLB0 configuration register), see e500 core, registers TLB1CFG (TLB1 configuration register), see e500 core, registers TMS (JTAG test mode select) signal, 22-9 Trace buffer and watchpoint monitor, block diagram, 22-1 as a second watchpoint monitor, 22-27 functional description, 22-27-22-30 initialization, 22-30 modes of triggering and arming, 22-5 overview, 22-1 register descriptions, 22-16-22-22 by acronym, see Register Index see also Watchpoint monitor, 22-5 traced data formats relative to TBCR1[IFSEL] DDR trace buffer entry, 22-29 ECM trace buffer entry, 22-28 PCI trace buffer entry, 22-29, 22-30 Transactions PCI/PCI-X see PCI/PCI-X controller, transactions TRIG_IN (watchpoint trigger in) signal, 22-8, 22-12, 22-17 TRIG_OUT (watchpoint trigger out) signal, 22-8, 22-23 TRST (JTAG test reset) signal, 22-9 TSECn_COL (eTSEC 1-4 collision input) signals, 14-8 TSECn_CRS (eTSEC 1-4 carrier sense input/FIFO receiver flow control) signals, 14-8 TSECn_GTX_CLK (eTSEC 1-4 gigabit transmit clock) signals, 14-9 TSECn_RX_CLK (eTSEC 1-4 receive clock) signals, 14-9 TSECn_RX_DV (eTSEC 1-4 receive data valid) signals, 14-9 TSECn_RX_ER (eTSEC 1-4 receive error) signals, 14-10 TSECn_RXD[7:0] (eTSEC 1-4 receive data in) signals, 14-10 TSECn_TX_CLK (eTSEC 1-4 transmit clock in) signals, 14-10 TSECn_TX_EN (eTSEC 1-4 transmit data valid) signals, 14-11 TSECn_TX_ER (eTSEC 1-4 transmit error) signals, 14-11 TSECn_TXD[7:0] (eTSEC 1-4 transmit data out) signals, 14-11 TSR (timer status register), see e500 core, registers U UART_CTS[0:1] (DUART clear to send) signals, 12-1, 12-3 UART_RTS[0:1] (DUART request to send) signals, 12-1, 12-3, 12-4 UART_SIN [0:1] (DUART transmitter serial data in) signals, 12-2, 12-3 UART_SOUT [0:1] (DUART transmitter serial data out) signals, 12-2, 12-3 UDE (unconditional debug event) signal, 10-7 Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter, see DUART UPMCn (user performance monitor counter registers 0-3), see e500 core, registers UPMGC0 (user performance monitor global control register 0), see e500 core, registers UPMLCan (user performance monitor local control registers a0-a3), see e500 core, registers UPMLCbn (user performance monitor local control registers b0-b3), see e500 core, registers UPWAIT (LBC UPM wait) signal, 13-6, 13-58 USPRG0 (user software-use register 0), see e500 core, registers V Voltage selection LBC signals, 20-22 W Watchpoint monitor MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor Index 2-23 X-Z and trace buffer, block diagram, 22-1 functional description, 22-26-22-27 initialization, 22-30 modes of triggering and arming, 22-4 overview, 22-1 performance monitor events, 22-27 register descriptions, 22-11-22-15 by acronym, see Register Index second WM by using trace buffer, 22-27 see also Trace buffer, 22-4 signals summary, 22-5 see also Signals, watchpoint, 22-5 X XER (integer exception register), see e500 core, registers Z ZBT SRAM interface (LBC), 13-95 MPC8548E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Index 2-24 Freescale Semiconductor Part I--Overview I Overview 1 Memory Map 2 Signal Descriptions 3 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization 4 Part II--e500 Core Complex and L2 Cache II Core Complex Overview 5 Core Register Summary 6 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM 7 Part III--Memory, Security, and I/O Interfaces III e500 Coherency Module 8 DDR Memory Controller 9 Programmable Interrupt Controller 10 I2C Interfaces 11 DUART 12 Local Bus Controller 13 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 14 DMA Controller 15 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 16 Serial RapidIO Interface 17 PCI Express Interface Controller 18 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 19 Part IV--Global Functions and Debug IV Global Utilities 20 Device Performance Monitor 21 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility 22 MPC8547E A MPC8545E B MPC8543E C Revision History D Glossary GLO Index 1 Register Index (Memory-Mapped Registers) REG Index 2 General Index IND I Part I--Overview 1 Overview 2 Memory Map 3 Signal Descriptions 4 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization II Part II--e500 Core Complex and L2 Cache 5 Core Complex Overview 6 Core Register Summary 7 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM III Part III--Memory, Security, and I/O Interfaces 8 e500 Coherency Module 9 DDR Memory Controller 10 Programmable Interrupt Controller 11 I2C Interfaces 12 DUART 13 Local Bus Controller 14 Enhanced Three-Speed Ethernet Controllers 15 DMA Controller 16 PCI/PCI-X Bus Interface 17 Serial RapidIO Interface 18 PCI Express Interface Controller 19 Security Engine (SEC) 2.1 IV Part IV--Global Functions and Debug 20 Global Utilities 21 Device Performance Monitor 22 Debug Features and Watchpoint Facility A MPC8547E B MPC8545E C MPC8543E D Revision History GLO Glossary REG Index 1 Register Index (Memory-Mapped Registers) IND Index 2 General Index