fax id: 4504
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 3901 North First Street • San Jose • CA 95134 • 408-943-2600
July 1994 - Revised May 11, 1995
Using Decoupling Capacitors
This application note describes some revised re commenda-
tions regarding the use of decoupling capacitors. The “con-
ventional” recommendation of using two different values and
two different types can, in many circumstances, cause less
than ideal operation. Simpler, more reliable designs will often
result from following the design guidelines of this note.
The Problem
Faster edges, more sensitive devices, higher clock rate s all
demand “go od” decoupling of the power supplies.
The a rt and p ractice o f breaking c oupling between portions of
systems and circuits to ensure proper operation.
The practice of adding a low-im pedance path t o shunt tran-
sient energy to ground at the source. Requi red for proper de-
What used to work for lower system speeds and slower logic
may not work well when the system speed increases. The
common practice of using two different values for decoupling
• Increase the RFI/EMI problems
• Re duce the reliability of operati on
• Reduce the noise tolerance
Each physical component shown on the schematic brings
with it additional electrica l compon ents determined by the de-
sign and mounting of that component into the system.
Look in
Fi g ur e 1
at th e behavior of two id eal components, a
capacitor and an inductor representing parts of the capacitor
shown in
Figure 2
. Note that without an y lead inductance or
resistance, the resulting capacitive reac tance approa ches 0Ω
with increasing frequency. Note also that th e inductive reac-
tance of the ideal induc tor, without any stray ca pacitance, a p-
pro aches infinity.
A real capacitor includes an inductor and resistor in th e form
of leads , trace s, and even ground planes i n series with it (
ure 2)
Multi-layer capacitors have approximately 5 nH of parasitic
inductance when mounted on a printed circuit board. While
the component drawn on the schematic (
Figure 2)
shows a
22-nF capacitor, the system sees the 22-nF capacitor in se-
ries with a 5-nH inductor and a 30-mΩ resistor.
The impedance curve of “Real” capacitors resembles the
traces marked 22 nF and 100 pF of
Fi gur e 3 .
The shape of
these calculated curves match the curves given i n capacitor
manufacturers’ data sheets. This means that in a circuit, a
capacitor acts as a low-impedance element only over a limit-
ed ran ge of frequencies. A solution, proposed in many works,
added a second capaci tor t o bypass frequencies outside the
limited range of the single capacitor. This approach expected
that the resulting impedance curve would look like the solid
line marked “Expected” in
Figure 3
. This solution, however,
has a significant problem at “intermediate” frequencies.
These intermediate frequency problems come from the circuit
shown in
Figure 4
. The ci rcuit on the left represents the sche-
matic form of a typical decoupling arr angement, a 22-nF and
a 100-pF capacitor in par al lel.
Conventional wisdom suggests that the 100-pF should de-
coup le the high frequencies, a nd the 22-nF should decouple
Figure 1. Z vs. f for Parts of a Real Capacitor
1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Frequency (MHz)
Figure 2. The “Real” Schematic
Schematic System
22 nF
22 nF
5 n H
30 mΩ