The EZ-ICE probes plug directly onto these connectors for
chip-on-board emulation. You must add a JTAG connector to
your target board design if you intend to use the EZ-ICE. It is
possible to support multiprocessor SHARC systems using a
single JTAG connector and EZ-ICE. Figure 4 shows the
dimensions of the ADSP-21060 SHARC EZ-ICE TAP probe.
Be sure to allow enough room in your system to fit the probe’s
cable connector onto the target’s JTAG connector.
ADSP-2106x Emulator Connector Specification
The 2-row, 14-pin ADSP-2106x pin strip header is keyed at the
Pin 3 location—you must remove Pin 3 from the header. The
pins must be 0.025 inch square and at least 0.20 inch long. Pin
spacing should be 0.100 × 0.100 inches. Pin strip headers are
available from vendors such as 3M, McKenzie, and Samtec.
The length of the traces between the EZ-ICE probe connector
and the processor’s test access port pins should be as short as
possible. Note that the EZ-ICE probe adds two TTL loads to
the CLKIN pin.
= 59.2 INCHES (1503.7 mm)
3.187 (80.9)
0.577 (14.7)
9.5 (241.3)
Figure 4. ADSP-2106x SHARC EZ-ICE TAP Probe
The BMTS, BTCK, BTRST, and BTDI signals are provided so
that the test access port can also be used for board-level testing.
When the connector is not being used for emulation, place
jumpers between the BXXX pins and the XXX pins as shown in
Figure 5. If you are not going to use the test access port for
board test, tie BTRST to GND and tie or pull up BTCK to
. The TRST pin must be asserted (pulsed low) after power
up (through BTRST on the connector) or held low for proper
operation of the processor.
ICEPAC Embeddable In-Circuit Emulator
The ICEPAC is a small (business card size) daughter card that
contains emulator-specific hardware that incorporates emulation
functionality into a plug-in target board. With ICEPAC, you
can use standard ADSP-2106x EZ-ICE software for full in-
circuit emulation capability.
The ICEPAC interfaces to the PC Host through an 8-bit data
bus, and to the target system through its (IEEE 1149.1) JTAG
test access port. The ICEPAC connector is a superset of the
standard EZ-ICE target board connector.
Using EZ-LAB and EZ-ICE Together
For the ADSP-2106x SHARC EZ-LAB Development System,
the only additional component required to have in-circuit
emulation is an ICEPAC module. The EZ-ICE board’s
interface and probe functions are built into the EZ-LAB System.
Together, EZ-LAB and ICEPAC combine to form a high speed
DSP workstation with an interactive, window-based debugging
interface. This setup lets you develop and test your application
without any additional time investment in hardware prototyping.
Combined Software and Hardware Packages
EZ-KIT Packages for the ADSP-21000 Family processors offer
complete development tools sets at an affordable price.
In addition to the EZ-LAB Development Board, ADSP-2106x
EZ-KIT contains the ADSP-2106x EZ-LAB and the ADSP-
21000 Family Development Software: Simulator, Assembler,
G21K C Compiler, C Source Level Debugger, Linker,
Librarian, and PROM Splitter. Also included are abridged
versions of software from SHARC Third Party developers. This
package creates a complete development environment for
programming applications in assembly language.
ADSP-21020 Development Tools
ADSP-21020 EZ-LAB Evaluation Board
Similar to the EZ-LAB SHARC Development Board, the
ADSP-21020 EZ-LAB lets you control and observe ADSP-
21020 programs executing in real-time from on-board RAM.
The large memory space—up to 4 Mbits of SRAM—lets you
develop high performance floating-point DSP applications.
Unlike the EZ-LAB SHARC Development Board, the ADSP-
21020 EZ-LAB is a stand-alone board that interfaces to the host
computer through an RS-232 serial link. Several demonstration
programs accompany EZ-LAB for you to familiarize yourself
with and evaluate the ADSP-21020 floating-point DSPs.
Platform Requirements
The ADSP-21020 EZ-LAB requires a power supply that can
deliver +5 V dc @ 1 amp and ± 12 V dc @ 200 mA.
The ADSP-21020 EZ-LAB contains 32K × 48-bit words of
zero-wait state program memory and 32K × 48-bit words of
zero-wait state data memory.
Expansion Connectors
Two expansion connectors let you add additional program
memory, data memory, and I/O devices to customize the
system. The 96-pin expansion connectors accept standard
Eurocard prototyping boards (6U or 3U form factor).
PC Control
A host PC controls the ADSP-21020 EZ-LAB board through an
RS-232 link. With this connection, you can download and run
ADSP-21000 Family programs using interface software that
runs on the PC. Program results may be uploaded from EZ-
LAB’s on-board memory to the host PC. For code debug, plug
the ADSP-21020 EZ-ICE Emulator probe into the EZ-LAB’s
JTAG emulation connection.
Analog Interface
A basic analog interface is provided on-board, based on an
AD1849 SoundPort Stereo Codec, for developing speech and
audio processing applications. A 16-bit sigma-delta audio
codec, the AD1849 integrates two sigma-delta DACs, two
sigma-delta ADCs, anti-aliasing filters, digital interpolation
filters, attenuators, and analog anti-imaging filters in a single
package. It handles multiple channels of stereo input and
output, and allows sampling rates from 8 kHz to 48 kHz.