Spartan - IIE 1.8V FPGA Family: Functiona l Descrip tion
DS077-2 (v1.0) No vember 15, 2001 11
Preliminary Product Specification 1-800-255-7778
Bit Seque nce
The bit sequence within each IOB is: In, Out, 3-State. The
input-only pins contribute only the In bit to the boundary
scan I/O data register , while the output-only pins contributes
all three b its.
From a cavity-up view of the chip (as shown in the FPGA
Editor), starting in the upper right chip corner, the boundary
scan data-register bits are ordered as shown in Figure 13.
BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) files for
Spar tan-I IE fami ly devices are available on the Xilin x web-
site, in the File Download area.
Development System
Spartan-IIE FPGAs are suppor ted by the Xilinx ISE Foun-
dation and Alliance CAE tools. The basic methodology for
Spartan-IIE design consists of three interrelated
steps: design entry, implementation, and verification.
Industry-standard tools are used for design entry and simu-
lation, while Xilinx pro vides proprietary architecture-specific
tools for implementation.
The Xilinx development system is integrated under the
Xilinx Project Navigator software, providing designers with a
common user interface regardless of their choice of entry
and verification tools. The software simplifies the selection
of implementation options with pull-down m enus and on-line
Application programs ranging from schematic capture to
placement and routing can be accessed through the soft-
ware. The program command sequence is generated prior
to execution, and stored for do cu men tation.
Several advanced software features facilitate Spartan-IIE
design. CORE Generator™ functions, for example, include
macros with relative location constraints to guide their
placement. They help ensure optimal implementation of
common func tions.
For HDL design entry, the Xilinx FPGA development system
provides interfaces to several synthesis design environ-
A standard interface-file specification, Electronic Design
Interchange Form at (EDIF), simpl ifies file trans fe rs into a nd
out of the development system.
Spartan-IIE FPGAs are supported by a unified library of
standard functions. This library contains over 400 primitiv es
and macros, ranging from 2-input AND gates to 16-bit accu-
mulators, and includes arithmetic functions, comparators,
counters , data registers, decoders, encoders, I/O functions,
latches, Boolean functions, multiple xers, shift registers, and
barrel shifters.
The design environment supports hierarchical design entry,
with high-level designs that comprise major functional
blocks, while lower-level designs define the logic in these
blocks. These hierarchical design elements are automati-
cally combined by the implementation tools. Different
design entry tools can be combined within a hierarchical
design, thus allowing the most convenient entry method to
be used fo r each portion of the design.
Design Implementation
The p lace-and-route tools automatically provide the imple-
mentation flow described in this section. The partitioner
takes the EDIF netlist for the design and maps the logic into
the architectural resources of the FPGA (CLBs and IOBs,
for e xample). The placer then determines the best locations
for these blocks based on their interconnections and the
desired performance. Finally, the router interconnects the
The algorithms support fully automatic implementation of
most designs. For demanding applications, however, the
user can exercise various degrees of control over the pro-
cess. User p art itioning, placement , and rou ting inform ation
is optionally spec i fied duri ng t he design -e ntry pro cess. The
implementation of highly structured designs can benefit
greatly from basic floorplanning.
The implementation software incorporates timing-driven
placement and routing. Designers specify timing require-
ments along entire paths during design entry. The timing
path analysis routines then recogn ize these user-specified
requirem ents and acc om mod ate them.
Timing requirements are entered in a for m directly relating
to the syste m requirements, such as the targeted clock fre-
quenc y, or the maximum allowa ble delay between two reg-
isters. In this way, the overall performance of the system
along entire signal paths is automatically tailored to
user-generated specifications. Specific timing information
for individual nets is unnecessary.
Design Verification
In addition to conv entional software sim ulation, FPGA users
can use in-circuit debugging techniques. Because Xilinx
Figure 13: Boundary Scan Bit Sequence