Rev. C
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The LT3763 utilizes fixed frequency, average current mode
control to accurately regulate the inductor current inde-
pendently from the output voltage. This is an ideal solution
for applications requiring a regulated current source. The
control loop will regulate the current in the inductor at
an accuracy of ±6%. If the output reaches the regulation
voltage determined by the resistor divider from the output
to the FB pin, the inductor current will be reduced by the
voltage regulation loop. In voltage regulation, the output
voltage has an accuracy of ±1.5%. For additional opera-
tion information, refer to the Block Diagram in Figure 1.
The current control loop has two main inputs, determined
by the voltages at the analog control pins, CTRL1 and
CTRL2. The lower voltage between CTRL1 and CTRL2
determines the regulated output current. The voltages at
CTRL1 and CTRL2 are buffered to produce a reference
current set by the voltage across an internal 90k resistor.
This reference current produces a reference voltage that
the average current mode control loop uses to regulate
the inductor current as a voltage drop across the external
sense resistor, RS. The outputs of the internal buffers are
clamped at 1.5V, limiting the control range of the CTRL1
and CTRL2 pins from 0V to 1.5V—corresponding to a
0mV to 51mV range on RS.
The FBIN pin provides a third input to the current control
loop. This input is dedicated to regulating the input volt-
age by controlling the inductor current. Inductor current
regulation commences when the voltage at the FBIN pin
rises higher than 1.206V. Above 1.206V, the inductor current
is linearly increased, providing the maximum current, as
determined by the voltages at the CTRL pins, when FBIN
is at and above 1.26V. When input voltage regulation is
not needed, FBIN should be tied to VREF to allow the CTRL
pins to control the inductor current.
The 2V reference provided on the VREF pin allows the
use of a resistor voltage divider to the CTRL1 and CTRL2
pins. The current supplied by the VREF pin should be less
than 0.5mA.
The error amplifier for the average current mode control
loop has a common mode lockout that regulates the induc-
tor current so that the error amplifier is never operated out
of the common mode range. The common mode range is
from ground to 1.4V below the VIN supply rail.
The LT3763 prevents excessive inductor current by trigger-
ing overcurrent limit when the inductor current produces
a voltage greater than 85mV across the SENSE+ and
SENSE– pins. The current is limited on a cycle-by-cycle
basis; switching shuts down as soon as the overcurrent
level is reached. Overcurrent is not soft-started.
The regulated output voltage is set with a resistor divider
from the output to the FB pin. The reference for the FB
pin is 1.206V. If the output voltage level is high enough to
engage the voltage loop, the regulated inductor current will
be reduced. If the voltage at the FB pin reaches 1.515V, an
internal overvoltage flag is set, shutting down switching
for a brief period.
The EN/UVLO pin functions as a precision shutdown
pin. When the voltage at the EN/UVLO pin is lower than
1.52V, the internal reset flag is asserted and switching is
terminated. Full shutdown is guaranteed below 0.5V with
a quiescent current of less than 2µA. The EN/UVLO pin has
185mV of hysteresis built in, and a 5µA current source is
connected to this pin that allows any amount of hysteresis
to be added with a series resistor or resistor divider from
VIN. Alternatively, this pin can be tied directly to VIN to
reduce the number of off-chip components.
During start-up, the SS pin is held low until the internal
reset goes low and PWM goes high the first time after
a reset event. Once the reset is cleared, the capacitor
connected to the soft-start pin is charged with an 11μA
current source. Initially, the internal buffers for the CTRL1,
CTRL2, and FBIN voltages are limited by the voltage at the
soft-start pin, and the inductor current reference slowly
increases to the level determined by the lowest voltage
of those three pins.
The rising threshold for thermal shutdown is set at 165°C
with –5°C hysteresis. During thermal shutdown, all switch-
ing is terminated, and the part is in reset mode (forcing
the SS pin low).
The switching frequency is determined by a resistor at
the RT pin. This pin is limited to 55µA, which limits the
switching frequency to approximately 2MHz when the
RT pin is shorted to ground. The LT3763 may also be
synchronized to an external clock through the use of the