795 FIBER SENSORS Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor Amplifier Built-in GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES Related Information General terms and conditions............ F-17 Glossary of terms........................ P.1386~ Sensor selection guide................... P.757~ General precautions...................... P.1405 LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES ENDOSCOPE LASER MARKERS PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX panasonic-electric-works.net/sunx 2-wire type Oil resistant available Metal embedding possible Improved performance, environmental resistance, and operability BASIC PERFORMANCE About four times more robust in tightening Long sensing range As the sensor can be securely tightened, it does not get loose due to vibration or shock. GX-12MLU(B)/N12ML(B) feature 1.6 times longer sensing range than previous model [GX-12ML(B)]. It can be mounted at a sufficient distance from the object. GX-18MU(B) GX-N18M(B) GX-18M(B) Conventional model 19.6 N*m or less 4 times approx. 80 N*m or less GX-12MLU(B) GX-N12ML(B) imes 1.6 t 8 mm 0.315 in ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE FUNCTIONS Spatter-resistant type available DC 2-wire type Visible 2-color indicator As the enclosure is entirely coated by fluorine resin, the sensor can be safely used at a place where welding spatters fly around. Both the pigtail cable and the mating cable are also spatter-resistant. The normally open type [GX-(F)U(-J)] is equipped with a 2-color indicator. (The normally closed type and GX-N have the operation indicator instead.) The operation is easily observable from any direction because the entire sensor tail (transparent, GX-5SU(B): enclosure) lights up. GX-FU-J VARIETIES Compact size: o5.4 mm o0.213 in Simple wiring GX-5SU(B) is just 5.4 mm 0.213 in in diameter, the smallest in existing DC two-wire sensors. It saves you space. The wiring cost is considerably reduced as it is DC 2wire type. Further, each of GX-12M(L)U(B), GX-18M(L)U(B), GX-30M(L)U(B) is available as a pigtailed model that makes replacement easy Pigtailed type and quick. GX-U(B)-J o5.4 mm o0.213 in DC 2-wire type Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES APPLICATIONS 796 FIBER SENSORS Detecting traveling aluminum pallets Controlling depth of drilling It can reliably detect even aluminum pallets because of its long sensing range. By detecting the dog, the sensor decides the depth of the drilled hole. Positioning object at welding station (GX-FU-J only) It can be safely used even where welding sparks (spatter) fly around. LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS ORDER GUIDE SENSOR OPTIONS DC 2-wire type Appearance (mm in) Non-threaded type Type SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS o5.4 o0.213 Sensing range (Note) Output Output operation WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS GX-5SU Normally open MEASUREMENT SENSORS GX-5SUB Normally closed STATIC CONTROL DEVICES 2 mm 0.079 in GX-8MU Normally open (0 to 1.6 mm 0 to 0.063 in) GX-8MUB Normally closed GX-12MU Normally open HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES GX-12MUB Normally closed ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS GX-18MU Normally open 1.5 mm 0.059 in 30 1.181 Model No. Maximum operation distance (0 to 1.2 mm 0 to 0.047 in) Stable sensing range ENDOSCOPE M8 3 mm 0.118 in Threaded type Shielded type 30 1.181 M12 40.5 1.594 (0 to 2.4 mm 0 to 0.094 in) 7 mm 0.276 in M18 41.5 1.634 (0 to 5.6 mm 0 to 0.220 in) GX-18MUB GX-30MU DC 2-wire 10 mm 0.394 in M30 44.5 1.752 (0 to 8 mm 0 to 0.315 in) GX-30MUB 4 mm 0.157 in M8 30 1.181 (0 to 3.2 mm 0 to 0.126 in) Threaded type Non-shielded type 8 mm 0.315 in M12 40.5 1.594 LASER MARKERS (0 to 6.4 mm 0 to 0.252 in) Normally closed Non-contact DC 2-wire type PLC / TERMINALS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Normally open Normally closed GX-8MLU Normally open GX-8MLUB Normally closed GX-12MLU Normally open GX-12MLUB Normally closed GX-18MLU Normally open GX-18MLUB Normally closed GX-30MLU Normally open GX-30MLUB Normally closed Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 15 mm 0.591 in M18 41.5 1.634 (0 to 12 mm 0 to 0.472 in) 22 mm 0.866 in M30 44.5 1.752 (0 to 17.6 mm 0 to 0.693 in) Note: The maximum operation distance stands for the maximum distance for which the sensor can detect the standard sensing object. The stable sensing range stands for the sensing range for which the sensor can stably detect the standard sensing object even if there is an ambient temperature drift and/or supply voltage fluctuation. 797 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor ORDER GUIDE FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS Spatter-resistant of DC 2-wire type (Pigtailed type) PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Type Appearance (mm in) MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS M12 40.5 1.594 Threaded type DC 2-wire Shielded type LIGHT CURTAINS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS Sensing range (Note) 3 mm 0.118 in AREA SENSORS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS M18 41.5 1.634 MEASUREMENT SENSORS GX-F18MU-J (0 to 5.6 mm 0 to 0.220 in) 44.5 1.752 o14 mm o0.551 in Description CN-22G-C2 300 mm 11.811 in approx. Length: 2 m 6.562 ft 0.3 mm2 2-core flame-resistant, spatter-resistant cable with connector at one end Length: 5 m 16.404 ft Cable outer diameter: o3.6 mm o0.142 in CN-22G-C5 Mating cable CN-22G-C2 (length 2 m 6.562 ft) CN-22G-C5 (length 5 m 16.404 ft) DC 3-wire type Type ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS Appearance (mm in) Sensing range (Note) 3 mm 0.118 in FA COMPONENTS M12 Shielded type UV CURING SYSTEMS Threaded type MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS 40.5 1.594 Maximum operation distance (0 to 2.4 mm 0 to 0.094 in) Stable sensing range 7 mm 0.276 in M18 41.5 1.634 Selection Guide (0 to 5.6 mm 0 to 0.220 in) 10 mm 0.394 in Amplifier Built-in DC 3-wire M30 44.5 1.752 40.5 1.594 Threaded type Non-shielded type GL (0 to 6.4 mm 0 to 0.252 in) 41.5 1.634 (0 to 12 mm 0 to 0.472 in) 22 mm 0.866 in M30 44.5 1.752 (0 to 17.6 mm 0 to 0.693 in) Output Output operation GX-N12M Normally open GX-N12MB Normally closed GX-N18M Normally open GX-N18MB Normally closed GX-N30M Normally open GX-N12ML 15 mm 0.591 in M18 Model No. GX-N30MB (0 to 8 mm 0 to 0.315 in) 8 mm 0.315 in M12 GXL GX GX-F30MU-J (0 to 8 mm 0 to 0.315 in) Model No. HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N Normally open * Mating cable LASER MARKERS GX-F/H Non-contact DC 2-wire type GX-F12MU-J Note: The maximum operation distance stands for the maximum distance for which the sensor can detect the standard sensing object. The stable sensing range stands for the sensing range for which the sensor can stably detect the standard sensing object even if there is an ambient temperature drift and/or supply voltage fluctuation. ENDOSCOPE Amplifierseparated Output operation 10 mm 0.394 in M30 STATIC CONTROL DEVICES PLC / TERMINALS Output Stable sensing range 7 mm 0.276 in SENSOR OPTIONS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS Model No. Maximum operation distance (0 to 2.4 mm 0 to 0.094 in) PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES NPN open-collector transistor Normally closed Normally open GX-N12MLB Normally closed GX-N18ML Normally open GX-N18MLB Normally closed GX-N30ML Normally open GX-N30MLB Normally closed Note: The maximum operation distance stands for the maximum distance for which the sensor can detect the standard sensing object. The stable sensing range stands for the sensing range for which the sensor can stably detect the standard sensing object even if there is an ambient temperature drift and/or supply voltage fluctuation. Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES ORDER GUIDE FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS 5 m 16.404 ft cable length type 5 m 16.404 ft cable length type (standard: 2 m 6.562 ft) is also available for cable type. When ordering this type, suffix "-C5" to the model No. (e.g.) 5 m 16.404 ft cable length type of GX-5SU is "GX-5SU-C5". PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Pigtailed type AREA SENSORS Pigtailed type (standard: cable type) is also available for DC 2-wire type. LIGHT CURTAINS * Table of Model Nos. Threaded type Shielded type Threaded type DC 2-wire Non-shielded type Pigtailed type (Note) PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS GX-5SU - INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS GX-5SUB - GX-8MU - GX-8MUB - GX-12MU GX-12MU-J GX-12MUB GX-12MUB-J GX-18MU GX-18MU-J GX-18MUB GX-18MUB-J GX-30MU GX-30MU-J GX-30MUB GX-30MUB-J Standard Non-threaded type Type 798 GX-8MLU - GX-8MLUB - GX-12MLU GX-12MLU-J GX-12MLUB GX-12MLUB-J GX-18MLU GX-18MLU-J GX-18MLUB GX-18MLUB-J GX-30MLU GX-30MLU-J GX-30MLUB GX-30MLUB-J PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES ENDOSCOPE LASER MARKERS PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS Note: Please order the suitable mating cable separately for pigtailed type. MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS * Mating cable Model No. UV CURING SYSTEMS Description CN-22G-C2 Length: 2 m 6.562 ft CN-22G-C5 Length: 5 m 16.404 ft CN-24-C2 Length: 2 m 6.562 ft CN-24-C5 Length: 5 m 16.404 ft 0.3 mm2 2-core flame-resistant, spatter-resistant cable with connector at one end Cable outer diameter: o3.6 mm o0.142 in 0.3 mm2 4-core oil, heat, cold resistant cable Cable outer diameter: o3.6 mm o0.142 in o14 mm o0.551 in 300 mm 11.811 in approx. Mating cable CN-22G-C CN-24-C Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 799 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES OPTIONS FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Designation Model No. Sensor mounting bracket MS-SS5 For GX-5SU(B) MS-H12 For GX-12MU(B) For GX-N12M(B) MS-H18 For GX-18MU(B) For GX-N18M(B) MS-H30 For GX-30MU(B) For GX-N30M(B) AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS Protection cover PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS Type LASER MARKERS PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX Model No. Item Protection cover * MS-H12 * MS-H18 * MS-H30 It protects the sensing surface from welding sparks (spatter), etc. Normally open Shielded type Non-threaded type GX-5SU Threaded type GX-8MU Normally closed GX-5SUB Non-shielded type GX-12MU Threaded type GX-18MU GX-30MU GX-8MLU GX-12MLU GX-18MLU GX-30MLU GX-8MUB GX-12MUB GX-18MUB GX-30MUB GX-8MLUB GX-12MLUB GX-18MLUB GX-30MLUB Max. operation distance (Note 2) 1.5 mm 0.059 in 10 % 2 mm 0.079 in 10 % 3 mm 0.118 in 10 % 7 mm 0.276 in 10 % 10 mm 0.394 in 10 % 4 mm 0.157 in 10 % 8 mm 0.315 in 10 % 15 mm 0.591 in 10 % 22 mm 0.866 in 10 % Stable sensing range (Note 2) 0 to 1.2 mm 0 to 0.047 in 0 to 1.6 mm 0 to 0.063 in 0 to 2.4 mm 0 to 0.094 in 0 to 5.6 mm 0 to 0.220 in 0 to 8 mm 0 to 0.315 in 0 to 3.2 mm 0 to 0.126 in 0 to 6.4 mm 0 to 0.252 in 0 to 12 mm 0 to 0.472 in 0 to 17.6 mm 0 to 0.693 in Standard sensing object Iron sheet 6 x 6 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 8 x 8 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 12 x 12 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 18 x 18 x t 1mm Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 20 x 20 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 50 x 50 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 70 x 70 x t 1 mm 0.236 x 0.236 x t 0.039 in 0.315 x 0.315 x t 0.039 in 0.472 x 0.472 x t 0.039 in 0.709 x 0.709 x t 0.0 39 in 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in 0.787 x 0.787 x t 0.039 in 1.181 x1.181 x t 0.039 in 1.969 x 1.969 x t 0.039 in 2.756 x 2.756 x t 0.039 in Hysteresis 20 % or less of operation distance (with standard sensing object) +10 12 to 24 V DC -15 % Ripple P-P 10 % or less Supply voltage Current consumption (Note 3) 0.8 mA or less Non-contact DC 2-wire type * Load current: 3 to 70 mA (Note 4) * Residual voltage: 3 V or less (Note 5) Output Incorporated Short-circuit protection Max. response frequency 1.7 kHz 1.2 kHz Operation indicator 2-color indicator Environmental resistance ENDOSCOPE The sensor is easily mounted with this bracket. DC 2-wire type WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES * MS-SS5 SPECIFICATIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS MEASUREMENT SENSORS Sensor mounting bracket Description 1.2 kHz 500 Hz 350 Hz 1 kHz 650 Hz 350 Hz Normally open type: Lights up in green under stable sensing condition, lights up in orange under unstable sensing condition Protection IP67 (IEC), IP67g (JEM) Ambient temperature -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F, Storage: -30 to +80 C -22 to +176 F Ambient humidity 45 to 85 % RH, Storage: 35 to 95 % RH Voltage withstandability 1,000 V AC for one min. between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Insulation resistance 50 M, or more, with 250 V DC megger between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz frequency, 1.5 mm 0.059 in amplitude in X, Y and Z directions for two hours each Shock resistance Sensing range variation Temperature characteristics 1,000 m/s2 acceleration (100 G approx.) in X, Y and Z directions for three times each Over ambient temperature range -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F: within 10 % of sensing range at +20 C +68 F Within 2 % for 10 % fluctuation of the supply voltage Voltage characteristics Material Cable 220 Hz Normally closed type: Orange LED (lights up when the output is ON) Enclosure: Brass (Nickel plated) [Stainless steel (SUS303) for GX-5SU(B), GX-8MU(B) and GX-8MLU(B)] Sensing part: Nylon [Polyalylate for GX-5SU(B)], Indicator part: Nylon [excluding GX-5SU(B)] 0.3 mm2 [0.15 mm2 for GX-5SU(B), GX-8MU(B) and GX-8MLU(B)] 2-core oil, heat and cold resistant cabtyre cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Cable extension Extension up to total 50 m 164.042 ft is possible with 0.3 mm2, or more, cable. Weight (Note 6) Net weight: Net weight: Net weight: Net weight: Net weight: Net weight: Net weight: Net weight: Net weight: 20 g approx. 30 g approx. 55 g approx. 95 g approx. 220 g approx. 30 g approx. 55 g approx. 95 g approx. 220 g approx. Accessories - Nut: 2 pcs., Toothed lock washer: 1 pc. Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +23 C +73.4 F. 2) The maximum operation distance stands for the maximum distance for which the sensor can detect the standard sensing object. The stable sensing range stands for the sensing range for which the sensor can stably detect the standard sensing object even if there is an ambient temperature drift and/or supply voltage fluctuation. 3) It is the leakage current when the output is in the OFF state. 4) The maximum load current varies depending on the ambient temperature. Refer to "I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS" for more details. 5) When the cable is extended, the residual voltage becomes larger. 6) The weight of the threaded type includes the weight of two nuts and one toothed lock washer. Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES SPECIFICATIONS FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS Spatter-resistant of DC 2-wire type (Pigtailed type) Shielded type Type Model No. Item Max. operation distance (Note 2) Stable sensing range (Note 2) Standard sensing object GX-F12MU-J GX-F18MU-J GX-F30MU-J 3 mm 0.118 in 10 % 7 mm 0.276 in 10 % 10 mm 0.394 in 10 % 0 to 2.4 mm 0 to 0.094 in 0 to 5.6 mm 0 to 0.220 in 0 to 8 mm 0 to 0.315 in Iron sheet 12 x 12 x t 1 mm 0.472 x 0.472 x t 0.039 in Iron sheet 18 x 18 x t 1 mm 0.709 x 0.709 x t 0.039 in Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x1.181 x t 0.039 in +10 12 to 24 V DC -15 % Ripple P-P 10 % or less Current consumption (Note 3) Max. response frequency 1.2 kHz 500 Hz 350 Hz Lights up in green under stable sensing condition, lights up in orange under unstable sensing condition -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F, Storage: -30 to +80 C -22 to +176 F 45 to 85 % RH, Storage: 35 to 95 % RH 1,000 V AC for one min. between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Insulation resistance 50 M, or more, with 250 V DC megger between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz frequency, 1.5 mm 0.059 in amplitude in X, Y and Z directions for two hours each Shock resistance Sensing range variation 1,000 m/s2 acceleration (100 G approx.) in X, Y and Z directions for three times each Temperature characteristics Over ambient temperature range -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F: within 10 % of sensing range at +20 C +68 F Voltage characteristics Within 2 % for 10 % fluctuation of the supply voltage Material Cable Cable extension Weight (Note 6) Accessories Enclosure: Brass (Fluorine resin coated), Sensing part: Polyalylate (Fluorine resin coated), Indicator part: Polyalylate 0.3 mm2 2-core spatter-resistant cable, 0.3 m 0.984 ft long with round type connector Extension up to total 50 m 164.042 ft is possible with 0.3 mm2, or more, cable. Net weight: 35 g approx. Net weight: 75 g approx. WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS IP67 (IEC), IP67g (JEM) Ambient humidity Voltage withstandability SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS Incorporated Protection Ambient temperature SENSOR OPTIONS Normally open Short-circuit protection LIGHT CURTAINS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS Non-contact DC 2-wire type * Load current: 3 to 70 mA (Note 4) * Residual voltage: 3 V or less (Note 5) Output operation AREA SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS 0.8 mA or less Output MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS 20 % or less of operation distance (with standard sensing object) Supply voltage Environmental resistance PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Threaded type Hysteresis 2-color indicator 800 Net weight: 200 g approx. Nut: 2 pcs. (Fluorine resin coated), Toothed lock washer: 1 pc. (Fluorine resin coated) Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +23 C +73.4 F. 2) The maximum operation distance stands for the maximum distance for which the sensor can detect the standard sensing object. The stable sensing range stands for the sensing range for which the sensor can stably detect the standard sensing object even if there is an ambient temperature drift and/or supply voltage fluctuation. 3) It is the leakage current when the output is in the OFF state. 4) The maximum load current varies depending on the ambient temperature. Refer to "I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS" for more details. 5) When the cable is extended, the residual voltage becomes larger. 6) The given weight includes the weight of two nuts and one toothed lock washer. STATIC CONTROL DEVICES ENDOSCOPE LASER MARKERS PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 801 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor SPECIFICATIONS FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS DC 3-wire type PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS Type LASER MARKERS PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS 8 mm 0.315 in 10 % Stable sensing range (Note 2) 0 to 2.4 mm 0 to 0.094 in 0 to 5.6 mm 0 to 0.220 in 0 to 8 mm 0 to 0.315 in 0 to 6.4 mm 0 to 0.252 in 0 to 12 mm 0 to 0.472 in 0 to 17.6 mm 0 to 0.693 in Standard sensing object Iron sheet 12 x 12 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 18 x 18 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 50 x 50 x t 1 mm Iron sheet 70 x 70 x t 1 mm 0.472 x 0.472 x t 0.039 in 0.709 x 0.709 x t 0.039 in 1.181 x1.181 x t 0.039 in 1.181 x1.181 x t 0.039 in 1.969 x 1.969 x t 0.039 in 2.756 x 2.756 x t 0.039 in Hysteresis Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 15 mm 0.591 in 10 % 22 mm 0.866 in 10 % 20 % or less of operation distance (with standard sensing object) +10 Supply voltage 12 to 24 V DC -15 % Ripple P-P 10 % or less Current consumption 10 mA or less NPN open-collector transistor * Maximum sink current: 100 mA * Applied voltage: 30 V DC or less (between output and 0 V) * Residual voltage: 1.5 V or less (at 100 mA sink current) 0.4 V or less (at 16 mA sink current) Output Output operation Normally open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed Short-circuit protection Max. response frequency Incorporated 450 Hz 300 Hz 300 Hz Operation indicator 350 Hz 100 Hz 100 Hz Orange LED (lights up when the output is ON) Protection IP67 (IEC), IP67g (JEM) Ambient temperature -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F, Storage: -30 to +80 C -22 to +176 F Ambient humidity 45 to 85 % RH, Storage: 35 to 95 % RH Voltage withstandability 1,000 V AC for one min. between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Insulation resistance 50 M, or more, with 250 V DC megger between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz frequency, 1.5 mm 0.059 in amplitude in X, Y and Z directions for two hours each 1,000 m/s2 acceleration (100 G approx.) in X, Y and Z directions for three times each Shock resistance Sensing range variation Temperature characteristics Over ambient temperature range -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F: within 10 % of sensing range at +20 C +68 F Voltage characteristics Within 2 % for 10 % fluctuation of the supply voltage Material Enclosure: Brass (Nickel plated), Sensing part: Nylon, Indicator part: Nylon Cable 0.3 mm2 3-core oil, heat and cold resistant cabtyre cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Extension up to total 100 m 328.084 ft is possible with 0.3 mm2, or more, cable. Cable extension Weight (Note 3) Accessories Selection Guide Threaded type 10 mm 0.394 in 10 % Environmental resistance ENDOSCOPE Non-shielded type 7 mm 0.276 in 10 % WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Shielded type Threaded type Model No. GX-N12M GX-N12MB GX-N18M GX-N18MB GX-N30M GX-N30MB GX-N12ML GX-N12MLB GX-N18ML GX-N18MLB GX-N30ML GX-N30MLB Item Max. operation distance (Note 2) 3 mm 0.118 in 10 % SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS MEASUREMENT SENSORS GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES Net weight: 65 g approx. Net weight: 110 g approx. Net weight: 240 g approx. Net weight: 65 g approx. Net weight: 110 g approx. Net weight: 240 g approx. Nut: 2 pcs., Toothed lock washer: 1 pc. Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +23 C +73.4 F. 2) The maximum operation distance stands for the maximum distance for which the sensor can detect the standard sensing object. The stable sensing range stands for the sensing range for which the sensor can stably detect the standard sensing object even if there is an ambient temperature drift and/or supply voltage fluctuation. 3) The given weight includes the weight of two nuts and one toothed lock washer. Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES 802 I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS FIBER SENSORS GX-U(B) DC 2-wire type I/O circuit diagram Color code Color code Sensor circuit (Brown) Output Tr ZD Load 3 to 70 mA in ON state (Note) 0.8 mA in OFF state + 3 V in ON state - Bleeder resistance MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Load AREA SENSORS Brown 12 to 24 V DC +10 % -15 + - Internal circuit Blue Load (Blue) 0 V Users' circuit Note: The maximum load current varies depending on the ambient temperature. Max. load current (mA) PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Wiring diagram Bleeder resistance 70 12 to 24 V DC +10 % -15 Conditions for the load 1) T he load should not be actuated by the leakage current (0.8 mA) in the OFF state. 2) T he load should be actuated by (supply voltage - 3 V) in the ON state. 3) The current in the ON state should be between 3 to 70 mA DC. 3 -25 -13 Ambient temperature (C F) +55 +131 +70 +158 Spatter-resistant of DC 2-wire type Wiring diagram Color code of mating cable / Connector pin No. Sensor circuit Internal circuit Max. load current (mA) Bleeder resistance Brown / 1 Load Load Users' circuit Blue / 2,4 (Note) Load - Load GX-U-J (Normally open) 3 Not connected Mating cable CN-22G-C 1 +V 4 0V Mating cable CN-24-C 3 Ambient temperature (C F) Conditions for the load +70 +158 1) T he load should not be actuated by the leakage current (0.8 mA) in the OFF state. 2) T he load should be actuated by (supply voltage - 3 V) in the ON state. 3) The current in the ON state should be between 3 to 70 mA DC. In case the current is less than 3 mA, connect a bleeder resistance in parallel to the load so that a current of 3 mA, or more, flows. GX-UB-J (Normally closed) 2 0V 3 Not connected 2 Not connected 3 Not connected Mating cable CN-22G-C 1 +V 4 Not connected GX-FU-J (Spatter-resistant type) Symbols ... ZD: Surge absorption zener diode Tr : PNP output transistor HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Connector pin position 35 +55 +131 12 to 24 V DC +10 % -15 Note: T his is when the mating cable CN-22G-C is connected. The connecter pins No.2 and No.4 are short-circuited inside the mating cable connecter. However, when the mating cable CN-24-C is connected; GX-U-J (normally open): Black / 4 GX-UB-J (normally closed): White / 2 2 Not connected 70 ENDOSCOPE PLC / TERMINALS + 3 to 70 mA in ON state (Note 2) 0.8 mA in OFF state + 12 to 24 V DC +10 % 3 V in ON state - -15 Notes: 1) T his is when the mating cable CN-22G-C is connected. The connecter pins No.2 and No.4 are short-circuited inside the mating cable connecter. However, when the mating cable CN-24-C is connected; GX-U-J (normally open): (Black / 4) 0 V GX-UB-J (normally closed): (White / 2) 0 V 2) The maximum load current varies depending on the ambient temperature. -25 -13 SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS LASER MARKERS Color code of mating cable / Connector pin No. Bleeder resistance (Blue / 2,4) 0 V (Note 1) SENSOR OPTIONS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES I/O circuit diagram ZD PARTICULAR USE SENSORS MEASUREMENT SENSORS GX-U(B)-JGX-FU-J Tr INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS Symbols ... ZD: Surge absorption zener diode Tr : PNP output transistor (Brown / 1) Output LIGHT CURTAINS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS Load In case the current is less than 3 mA, connect a bleeder resistance in parallel to the load so that a current of 3 mA, or more, flows. 35 LASER SENSORS 1 +V Mating cable CN-24-C Mating cable CN-22G-C Color code of mating cable / Connector pin No. (Brown / 1) Output (Blue / 2,4) 0 V (Note) Color code of mating cable / Connector pin No. (Brown / 1) Output White Not connected Blue (Black / 4) 0 V Color code of mating cable / Connector pin No. (Brown / 1) Output (Blue / 2,4) 0 V (Note) Color code of mating cable / Connector pin No. (Brown / 1) Output Black Not connected Blue (White / 2) 0 V Color code of mating cable / Connector pin No. (Brown / 1) Output (Blue / 2,4) 0 V (Note) Note: The connecter pins No.2 and No.4 are shortcircuited inside the mating cable connector. 4 0V Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 803 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS FIBER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS GX-N Wiring diagram Color code Color code (Brown) +V D Brown Load (Black) Output (Note) Tr ZD PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS DC 3-wire type (NPN output) I/O circuit diagram Sensor circuit LASER SENSORS GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES + - 100 mA max. 12 to 24 V DC +10 % -15 Black Blue (Blue) 0 V Internal circuit Load Users' circuit Note: If a capacitive load is directly connected to the output, malfunction may occur. Symbols ... D : Reverse supply polarity protection diode ZD: Surge absorption zener diode Tr : NPN output transistor PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SENSING CHARACTERISTICS (TYPICAL) SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS LASER MARKERS PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES 2 0.079 0 2 0.079 UV CURING SYSTEMS Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N Iron As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 6 x 6 x t 1 mm 0.236 x 0.236 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Stainless steel (SUS304) 1 0.039 Brass Aluminum 5 10 15 0.197 0.394 0.591 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 20 0.787 GX-8MUGX-8MUB Sensing field 2 0.079 Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Standard sensing object Iron sheet 8 x 8 x t 1 mm 0.315 x 0.315 x t 0.039 in L 1 0.039 0 4 0.157 GX-F/H GXL Sensing object a x a mm a x a in 2 t 1 mm t 0.039 in L 0.079 0 1 0 1 2 0.039 0.039 0.079 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) Setting distance L (mm in) MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS Standard sensing object Iron sheet 6 x 6 x t 1 mm 0.236 x 0.236 x t 0.039 in L 1 0.039 ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing range L (mm in) ENDOSCOPE Sensing field Sensing range L (mm in) STATIC CONTROL DEVICES GX-5SUGX-5SUB 2 0.079 L Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm t 0.039 in Iron Stainless steel (SUS304) 1 0.039 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 8 x 8 x t 1 mm 0.315 x 0.315 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Brass Aluminum 5 10 15 0.197 0.394 0.591 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 0 2 0 2 4 0.079 0.079 0.157 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) 20 0.787 GX-12MU(B)GX-F12MU-J Sensing field GX Setting distance L (mm in) 4 0.157 Standard sensing object Iron sheet 12 x 12 x t 1 mm 0.472 x 0.472 x t 0.039 in L 2 0.079 0 4 0.157 2 0 2 4 0.079 0.079 0.157 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing range L (mm in) MEASUREMENT SENSORS Setting distance L (mm in) WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS 4 0.157 L Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm t 0.039 in Iron Stainless steel (SUS304) 2 0.079 0 Brass Aluminum 10 20 30 0.394 0.787 1.181 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 40 1.575 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 12 x 12 x t 1 mm 0.472 x 0.472 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. + - 12 to 24 V DC +10 % -15 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES SENSING CHARACTERISTICS (TYPICAL) FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS GX-18MU(B)GX-F18MU-J Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Standard sensing object Iron sheet 18 x 18 x t 1 mm 0.709 x 0.709 x t 0.039 in L Setting distance L (mm in) 10 0.394 5 0.197 0 20 0.787 Sensing range L (mm in) Sensing field 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) 10 0.394 L 5 0.197 0 Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm t 0.039 in As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 18 x 18 x t 1 mm 0.709 x 0.709 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. 5 0.197 0 20 0.787 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) Brass Aluminum PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS 10 20 30 0.394 0.787 1.181 Sensing object side length a (mm in) INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS 40 1.575 PARTICULAR USE SENSORS Iron 10 0.394 Stainless steel (SUS304) 5 0.197 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Brass Sensing object a x a mm a x a in Aluminum t 1 mm t 0.039 in L 0 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 2 0.079 MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES 80 3.150 PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS Sensing range L (mm in) Setting distance L (mm in) Standard sensing object Iron sheet 20 x 20 x t 1 mm 0.787 x 0.787 x t 0.039 in L WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS LASER MARKERS Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range 4 0.157 SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS ENDOSCOPE GX-8MLUGX-8MLUB Sensing field AREA SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS Sensing range L (mm in) Setting distance L (mm in) 10 0.394 MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Standard sensing object Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in L PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Iron Stainless steel (SUS304) GX-30MU(B)GX-F30MU-J Sensing field 804 4 0.157 L Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm t 0.039 in Iron Stainless steel (SUS304) 2 0.079 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 20 x 20 x t 1 mm 0.787 x 0.787 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Brass Aluminum FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in 0 10 0.394 0 5 0 5 10 0.197 0.197 0.394 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) 10 20 30 0.394 0.787 1.181 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 40 1.575 Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GX-12MLUGX-12MLUB 10 0.394 Standard sensing object Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in L 10 0.394 5 0.197 5 0.197 0 20 0.787 Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing range L (mm in) Setting distance L (mm in) Sensing field GXL 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) 0 Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm t 0.039 in L Iron Stainless steel (SUS304) Brass Aluminum 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 80 3.150 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 805 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor SENSING CHARACTERISTICS (TYPICAL) FIBER SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS GX-18MLUGX-18MLUB Sensing field SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS Standard sensing object Iron sheet 50 x 50 x t 1 mm 1.969 x 1.969 x t 0.039 in L 10 0.394 0 20 0.787 PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS 20 0.787 Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range 20 0.787 L Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm t 0.039 in Sensing range L (mm in) PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Setting distance L (mm in) LASER SENSORS GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES Iron Stainless steel (SUS304) 10 0.394 10 10 0 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) 0 Brass Aluminum 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) Sensing field Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range 10 0.394 0 20 0.787 PLC / TERMINALS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS L 10 10 0 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) Brass L 0 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 70 x 70 x t 1 mm 2.756 x 2.756 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Aluminum Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm t 0.039 in 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 80 3.150 GX-N12MGX-N12MB Sensing field Standard sensing object Iron sheet 12 x 12 x t 1 mm 0.472 x 0.472 x t 0.039 in 4 L 0.157 2 0.079 Selection Guide Stainless steel (SUS304) 10 0.394 Setting distance L (mm in) ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS Standard sensing object Iron sheet 70 x 70 x t 1 mm 2.756 x 2.756 x t 0.039 in Sensing range L (mm in) LASER MARKERS 20 0.787 20 0.787 Amplifier Built-in 0 4 0.157 Amplifierseparated Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm 4 L t 0.039 in 0.157 Sensing range L (mm in) ENDOSCOPE Iron Setting distance L (mm in) STATIC CONTROL DEVICES 80 3.150 GX-30MLUGX-30MLUB WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 50 x 50 x t 1 mm 1.969 x 1.969 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Iron Stainless steel (SUS304) 2 0.079 2 0 2 4 0.079 0.079 0.157 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 12 x 12 x t 1 mm 0.472 x 0.472 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Brass Aluminum 0 10 20 30 0.394 0.787 1.181 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 40 1.575 GX-F/H GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX GX-N18MGX-N18MB Sensing field Standard sensing object Iron sheet 18 x 18 x t 1 mm 0.709 x 0.709 x t 0.039 in 10 L 0.394 5 0.197 0 20 0.787 Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm 10 L t 0.039 in 0.394 Sensing range L (mm in) GL Setting distance L (mm in) GXL Iron 5 0.197 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) Stainless steel (SUS304) Brass Aluminum 0 10 20 30 0.394 0.787 1.181 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 40 1.575 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 18 x 18 x t 1 mm 0.709 x 0.709 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES SENSING CHARACTERISTICS (TYPICAL) FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS GX-N30MGX-N30MB Setting distance L (mm in) Standard sensing object Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in 10 L 0.394 20 0.787 Iron 10 0.394 5 0.197 5 0.197 0 Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing range L (mm in) Sensing field Stainless steel (SUS304) As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. t 1 mm t 0.039 in PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS 10 0.394 Sensing range L (mm in) Setting distance L (mm in) 0 20 0.787 Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm L t 0.039 in Iron 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 80 3.150 20 0.787 0 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) Sensing object a x a mm a x a in t 1 mm L t 0.039 in As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 50 x 50 x t 1 mm 1.969 x 1.969 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Stainless steel (SUS304) Brass Aluminum 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) STATIC CONTROL DEVICES HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES Iron 10 0.394 10 0.394 0 20 0.787 MEASUREMENT SENSORS PLC / TERMINALS Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Sensing range L (mm in) Setting distance L (mm in) Standard sensing object Iron sheet 50 x 50 x t 1 mm 1.969 x 1.969 x t 0.039 in 20 L 0.787 WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS LASER MARKERS GX-N18MLGX-N18MLB Sensing field SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS ENDOSCOPE Brass Aluminum 0 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. Stainless steel (SUS304) 5 0.197 5 0.197 AREA SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS 80 3.150 GX-N12MLGX-N12MLB Standard sensing object Iron sheet 30 x 30 x t 1 mm 1.181 x 1.181 x t 0.039 in 10 L 0.394 MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS Sensing object a x a mm a x a in Aluminum 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS Brass L 0 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Left Center Right Operating point (mm in) Sensing field 806 ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in 80 3.150 Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GX-N30MLGX-N30MLB Sensing field GXL Correlation between sensing object size and sensing range Iron 20 0.787 10 0.394 Standard sensing object Iron sheet 70 x 70 x t 1 mm 2.756 x 2.756 x t 0.039 in L 0 20 0.787 10 0 10 20 0.394 0.394 0.787 Center Right Left Operating point (mm in) Sensing range L (mm in) Setting distance L (mm in) 20 0.787 10 0.394 0 Stainless steel (SUS304) Brass Sensing object a x a mm a x a in Aluminum t 1 mm L t 0.039 in 20 40 60 0.787 1.575 2.362 Sensing object side length a (mm in) 80 3.150 As the sensing object size becomes smaller than the standard size (iron sheet 70 x 70 x t 1 mm 2.756 x 2.756 x t 0.039 in), the sensing range shortens as shown in the left figure. GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 807 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE FIBER SENSORS All models PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS * Never use this product as a sensing device for personnel protection. * In case of using sensing devices for personnel protection, use products which meet laws and standards, such as OSHA, ANSI or IEC etc., for personnel protection applicable in each region or country. MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Mounting * The tightening torque should be under the value given below. Mounting with a set screw * Tighten with the cup-point of a set screw (M4). <Non-threaded type> ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS Model No. A (mm in) B (mm in) GX-5SU(B) 5 to 30 0.197 to 1.181 3 0.118 Operation indicator C (mm in) Tightening torque o5.5 + 00.2 o0.217 + 00.008 0.78 N*m Operation indicator Operation indicator Amplifierseparated GX-F/H GXL GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX Model No. E Mounting with nut <Shielded of threaded type> D <Non-shielded of threaded type> Attached toothed lock washer G Model No. GX-12MU(B) GX-F12MU-J GX-N12M(B) GX-18MU(B) GX-F18MU-J GX-N18M(B) GX-30MU(B) GX-F30MU-J GX-N30M(B) GX-8MLU(B) Mounting plate Dimension D (mm in) Tightening torque 3 to 10.3 0.118 to 0.406 5.9 N*m 10.3 0.406 or more 11.8 N*m 3.5 to 13.5 0.138 to 0.531 10 N*m 13.5 0.531 or more 20 N*m 4 to 18 0.157 to 0.709 45 N*m 18 0.709 or more 80 N*m 5 to 21 0.197 to 0.827 80 N*m 21 0.827 or more 180 N*m 12 0.472 or more 11.8 N*m GX-12MLU(B) GX-N12ML(B) 15 0.591 or more 20 N*m GX-18MLU(B) GX-N18ML(B) 25 0.984 or more 80 N*m GX-30MLU(B) GX-N30ML(B) 30 1.181 or more 180 N*m Note: Mount such that the nuts do not protrude from the threaded portion. * The root truncation of the threads is shallow owing to strengthening of the sensors against tightening. When tapping holes on equipment to fix the sensors, the prepared holes must be value in the table below. Tapping holes Sensor Tap Model No. GX-8MU(B) GX-8MLU(B) GX-12MU(B) GX-12MLU(B) GX-F12MU-J GX-N12M(B) GX-N12ML(B) 4.5 0.177 Model No. F Mounting plate 4.5 0.177 GX-8MU(B) GX-12MU(B) GX-F12MU-J GX-N12M(B) GX-18MU(B) GX-F18MU-J GX-N18M(B) GX-30MU(B) GX-F30MU-J GX-N30M(B) GX-8MLU(B) GX-12MLU(B) GX-N12ML(B) GX-18MLU(B) GX-N18ML(B) GX-30MLU(B) GX-N30ML(B) 8 0.315 20 0.787 40 1.575 8 0.315 22 0.866 45 1.772 75 2.953 * Sensing range may decrease if the sensor is completely embedded in metal. Especially for the non-threaded type and the non-shielded type, keep the minimum distance specified in the table below. Attached toothed lock washer D E (mm in) GX-5SU(B) Embedding of the sensor in metal Set screw GX-8MU(B) Amplifier Built-in * The surrounding metal will affect the sensing performance. Keep the minimum distance specified in the table below. * Do not fix on the operation indicator or opposite to it. MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS Selection Guide Influence of surrounding metal B FA COMPONENTS UV CURING SYSTEMS * As metal around the sensor may affect the sensing performance, pay attention to the following points. C LASER MARKERS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES Distance from surrounding metal Mounting hole process dimension Set screw (M4) A ENDOSCOPE PLC / TERMINALS Refer to General precautions. Background metal LASER SENSORS GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES Prepared hole o7.2 mm o0.283 in o11.2 mm o0.441 in Metal Note: With the non-shielded type, the sensing range may vary depending on the position of the nuts. F (mm in) G (mm in) GX-5SU(B) o12 o0.472 3 0.118 GX-8MLU(B) GX-12MLU(B) GX-N12ML(B) GX-18MLU(B) GX-N18ML(B) GX-30MLU(B) GX-N30ML(B) o24 o0.945 12 0.472 o50 o1.969 15 0.591 o75 o2.953 25 0.984 o105 o4.134 30 1.181 Mutual interference * When two or more sensors are installed in parallel or face to face, keep the minimum separation distance specified below to avoid mutual interference. Face to face mounting H Parallel mounting J Model No. H (mm in) J (mm in) GX-5SU(B) 19 0.748 14 0.551 GX-8MU(B) GX-12MU(B) GX-F12MU-J GX-18MU(B) GX-F18MU-J GX-30MU(B) GX-F30MU-J GX-8MLU(B) 20 0.787 15 0.591 GX-12MLU(B) 145 5.709 95 3.740 GX-18MLU(B) 250 9.843 165 6.496 GX-30MLU(B) 350 13.780 250 9.843 GX-N12M(B) 25 0.984 15 0.591 GX-N18M(B) 50 1.969 35 1.378 GX-N30M(B) 90 3.543 55 2.165 GX-N12ML(B) 120 4.724 70 2.756 GX-N18ML(B) 180 7.087 125 4.921 GX-N30ML(B) 290 1.417 190 7.480 35 1.378 20 0.787 70 2.756 45 1.772 115 4.528 70 2.756 60 2.362 45 1.772 Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE All models Refer to General precautions. DC 2-wire type Sensing range Correction coefficient Aluminum 0.63 approx. 0.32 approx. 0.30 approx. GX-8MU(B) 1 0.59 approx. 0.32 approx. 0.29 approx. GX-12MU(B) GX-F12MU-J 1 0.75 approx. 0.51 approx. 0.49 approx. GX-18MU(B) GX-F18MU-J 1 0.75 approx. 0.50 approx. 0.48 approx. GX-30MU(B) GX-F30MU-J 1 0.69 approx. 0.44 approx. 0.42 approx. GX-8MLU(B) 1 0.64 approx. 0.38 approx. 0.38 approx. GX-12MLU(B) 1 0.67 approx. 0.44 approx. 0.43 approx. GX-18MLU(B) 1 0.68 approx. 0.45 approx. 0.43 approx. GX-30MLU(B) 1 0.67 approx. 0.44 approx. 0.43 approx. GX-N12M(B) 1 0.77 approx. 0.52 approx. 0.51 approx. GX-N18M(B) 1 0.73 approx. 0.50 approx. 0.48 approx. GX-N30M(B) 1 0.70 approx. 0.45 approx. 0.44 approx. GX-N12ML(B) 1 0.66 approx. 0.44 approx. 0.43 approx. GX-N18ML(B) 1 0.68 approx. 0.46 approx. 0.44 approx. GX-N30ML(B) 1 0.65 approx. 0.44 approx. 0.43 approx. Protection cover (Optional) * It protects the sensing surface from welding sparks (spatter), etc. Mounting method Sensor Material: Fluorine resin Model No. Applicable model No. MS-H12 GX-12MU(B) GX-N12M(B) MS-H18 GX-18MU(B) GX-N18M(B) MS-H30 GX-30MU(B) GX-N30M(B) Note: Mount the protection cover so that there is no gap between it and the sensing surface. Others * Do not use during the initial transient time (50 ms) after the power supply is switched on. * Make sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied directly to the sensor cable joint. + DC power supply - - DC power supply PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS Blue lead wire Brown lead wire * For series connection (AND circuit) or parallel connection (OR circuit) of sensors, take care of the following. SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS Series connection (AND circuit) Parallel connection (OR circuit) WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS When all sensors are in the ON state, the load voltage VRL is given by: VRL = VCC - n x 3 (V) When all sensors are in the OFF state, the load leakage current lcc is given by: MEASUREMENT SENSORS Vcc: s upply voltage (24 V DC max.) n: number of sensors lcc = n x 0.8 (mA) ( n: number of sensors) Make sure that the load can work properly. Make sure that the load can work properly at this voltage. ENDOSCOPE Vcc - 3V (mA) Load resistance The load current must be 3 mA x n IL 70 mA (n: number of sensors turned ON) LASER MARKERS IL = Note: T he output is generated normally even if the indicator does not light up properly. Brown lead wire Load Brown lead wire Load VRL Blue lead wire + VCC - Brown lead wire Blue lead wire Blue lead wire Blue lead wire Brown lead wire ICC (IL) + VCC - * The residual voltage of the sensor is 3 V. Before connecting a relay as the load, take care of its actuation voltage. (Some 12 V relays may not be usable.) ( VR Relay actuation voltage Brown lead wire ) ( VS=3 V Residual voltage when the sensor is in the ON state Blue lead wire ) + - Relay actuation voltage: VR 12 - 3 V 9V Power supply 12 V DC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURING SYSTEMS Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Amplifierseparated GXL * When the sensing object is in the stable sensing range, the LED lights up in green, and when the sensing object is in the unstable sensing range, the LED lights up in orange. While the LED lights up in green, the sensing is performed stably without being affected by temperature drifts or voltage fluctuations. Output operation level Unstable range LED lights up in orange 0 Output operation PLC / TERMINALS GX-F/H 2-color indicator [GX-(F)U(-J) only] Max. operation distance STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Note: T he load current in the ON state is given by: Lights OFF 1 + LED lights up in green GX-5SU(B) Switched OFF Brass Switched ON Stainless steel (SUS304) Brown lead wire Blue lead wire Relay Iron Model No. * The sensor must be connected to a power supply via a load. If the sensor is connected to a power supply without a load, the short-circuit protection makes the sensor inoperable. (The output stays in the OFF state and the indicator does not light up.) In this case, rectify by connecting the power supply via a load. Now, the sensor becomes operable. Further, take care that if the power supply is connected with reverse polarity without a load, the sensor will get damaged. Setting distance Metal FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS Wiring * The sensing range is specified for the standard sensing object. With a non-ferrous metal, the sensing range is obtained by multiplying with the correction coefficient specified below. Further, the sensing range also changes if the sensing object is smaller than the standard sensing object or if the sensing object is plated. Protection cover 808 2-color indicator operation GL GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX 809 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor DIMENSIONS (Unit: mm in) 16.5 0.650 AREA SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES ENDOSCOPE 5 0.197 35.5 1.398 M12 x 1 0.039 o21 o0.827 SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS MEASUREMENT SENSORS 2 0.079 o5.5 o0.217 o10.4 o0.409 o43 o1.693 ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS UV CURING SYSTEMS GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N GX Indicator part 1.3 0.051 5 0.197 2 0.079 Indicator part 1.3 0.051 o5.5 o0.217 o10.4 o0.409 o3.6 o0.142 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long 2-color indicator Toothed lock washer (Orange, green) (Note) (Internally toothed) 4 0.157 Note: GX-18MUB and GX-N18M(B) have an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. GX-8MLUGX-8MLUB Sensor Indicator part 12 0.472 M8 x 1 0.039 10 0.394 20 0.787 o6.5 o15 o0.256 6 o0.591 Toothed 0.236 lock washer (Internally toothed) 3 0.118 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) o6.8 o0.268 o2.9 o0.114 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Note: GX-8MLUB has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) GX-12MLU(B)GX-N12ML(B) 17 0.669 Sensor 5 0.197 2 35.5 1.398 0.079 M12 x 1 0.039 o5.5 o0.217 7 0.276 o10.2 o0.402 Indicator part 1.3 0.051 GX-18MLU(B)GX-N18ML(B) 24 0.945 3.5 0.138 o15.2 o0.598 o3.6 o0.142 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) Note: GX-12MLUB and GX-N12ML(B) have an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. GX-30MLU(B)GX-N30ML(B) Sensor Indicator part 1.3 0.051 5 0.197 2 39.5 0.079 12 1.555 0.472 M30 x 1.5 0.059 36 1.417 o5.5 o0.217 o10.4 o0.409 o26.6 o1.047 o43 o1.693 5 0.236 o3.6 o0.142 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) o29 o1.142 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) Note: GX-30MLUB and GX-N30ML(B) have an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. Sensor 5 0.197 2 36.5 0.079 1.437 M18 x 1 0.039 o5.5 o0.217 o10.4 o0.409 10 0.394 o10.4 o0.409 o21 o0.827 Amplifierseparated GL 36.5 1.437 M18 x 1 0.039 Sensor Note: GX-30MUB and GX-N30M(B) have an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. Amplifier Built-in GXL Sensor o3.6 o0.142 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long 5 0.197 Selection Guide GX-F/H 24 0.945 o5.5 o0.217 o10.4 o0.409 HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS GX-18MU(B)GX-N18M(B) 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) 5 0.197 2 39.5 0.079 1.555 M30 x 1.5 0.059 PLC / TERMINALS 3 o2.9 o0.114 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long 0.118 o29 o1.142 GX-30MU(B)GX-N30M(B) 2-color indicator o6.8 (Orange, green) (Note) o0.268 10 0.394 20 0.787 M8 x 1 0.039 o15 Toothed o0.591 lock washer (Internally toothed) Indicator part 1.3 0.051 Note: GX-12MUB and GX-N12M(B) have an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. 36 1.417 Sensor Note: GX-8MUB has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. Sensor o3.6 o0.142 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) 3.5 0.138 LASER MARKERS FA COMPONENTS 12 0.472 o2.9 o0.114 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long 4 0.157 GX-12MU(B)GX-N12M(B) 17 0.669 GX-8MUGX-8MUB Indicator part 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) Note: GX-5SUB has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. SENSOR OPTIONS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS Sensor 30 1.181 1.5 0.059 o5.4 o0.213 MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS The CAD data in the dimensions can be downloaded from our website. GX-5SUGX-5SUB PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES 4 0.157 o3.6 o0.142 cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) Indicator part 1.3 0.051 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) Note: GX-18MLUB and GX-N18ML(B) have an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. GX-12MU(B)-JGX-F12MU-J 5 35.5 0.197 1.398 2 M12 x 1 0.039 0.079 17 0.669 o21 o0.827 3.5 0.138 Sensor Indicator part (300) (11.811) 44 1.732 1.3 0.051 o14 o0.551 M12 connector o3.6 o0.142 cable 2-color indicator Toothed lock washer (Orange, green) (Note) (Internally toothed) o10.4 o5.5 o0.409 o0.217 Note: GX-12MUB-J has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor DIMENSIONS (Unit: mm in) The CAD data in the dimensions can be downloaded from our website. GX-18MU(B)-JGX-F18MU-J Sensor 5 (300) 36.5 0.197 (11.811) 1.437 2 M18 x 1 0.039 0.079 o5.5 o0.217 24 0.945 o29 o1.142 4 0.157 o10.4 o0.409 Indicator part 1.3 0.051 44 1.732 M12 connector o3.6 o0.142 cable Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) GX-12MLU-JGX-12MLUB-J 7 0.276 o10.2 o0.402 o21 o0.827 o10.4 o0.409 3.5 0.138 Sensor Indicator part 1.3 0.051 44 1.732 M12 connector o43 o1.693 5 0.197 (300) M12 connector o3.6 o0.142 cable Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) 10 0.394 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) Indicator part 1.3 0.051 44 1.732 M12 connector o3.6 o0.142 cable Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) o14 o0.551 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) Note: GX-18MLUB-J has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. STATIC CONTROL DEVICES ENDOSCOPE LASER MARKERS UV CURING SYSTEMS MS-H12MS-H18MS-H30 Protection cover (Optional) Selection Guide Amplifier Built-in Thickness of front face 0.7 - 00.2 0.028 - 00.008 Amplifierseparated A GX-F/H BC GXL GL 4 0.157 Material: Nylon 66 MEASUREMENT SENSORS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) 18 10 0.709 0.394 4 0.157 WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS FA COMPONENTS Sensor mounting bracket for GX-5SU(B) (Optional) 8.3 0.327 SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS ENERGY CONSUMPTION VISUALIZATION COMPONENTS o14 o0.551 2-o3.5 o0.138 mounting holes PARTICULAR USE SENSORS HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES Note: GX-30MLUB-J has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. MS-SS5 PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS PLC / TERMINALS Indicator part 1.3 0.051 M12 o10.4 connector o0.409 o3.6 o0.142 cable Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS o10.4 o0.409 4 0.157 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS Sensor 5 (300) 36.5 0.197 1.437 (11.811) 2 0.079 M18 x 1 0.039 o5.5 o0.217 o29 o1.142 LASER SENSORS LIGHT CURTAINS GX-18MLU-JGX-18MLUB-J 24 0.945 FIBER SENSORS AREA SENSORS o14 o0.551 Sensor 5 (300) 39.5 0.197 1.555 (11.811) 44 2 0.079 1.732 M30 x 1.5 0.059 o5.5 o0.217 o26.6 o1.047 Indicator part 1.3 0.051 Note: GX-30MUB-J has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. o15.2 o0.598 GX-30MLU-JGX-30MLUB-J Sensor (11.811) 2 44 0.079 1.732 o5.5 o0.217 o10.4 o0.409 o43 o1.693 5 0.197 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) o3.6 o0.142 cable Toothed lock washer (Internally toothed) 12 0.472 39.5 1.555 M30 x 1.5 0.059 36 1.417 o14 o0.551 Note: GX-12MLUB-J has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. 36 1.417 5 0.197 2-color indicator (Orange, green) (Note) Note: GX-18MUB-J has an operation indicator (orange) instead of the 2-color indicator. 17 0.669 GX-30MU(B)-JGX-F30MU-J o14 o0.551 5 (300) 35.5 0.197 (11.811) 1.398 2 0.079 M12 x 1 0.039 o5.5 o0.217 810 GX-U SERIES GX-FU SERIES GX-N SERIES GX-U/GX-FU/ GX-N Material: Fluorine resin 8 0.315 16 0.630 4 0.157 6.1 0.240 Symbol A B C Applicable model No. MS-H12 5 o11.5 o0.453 o14 o0.551 GX-12MU(B) GX-N12M(B) MS-H18 6 o17.5 o0.689 o20 o0.787 GX-18MU(B) GX-N18M(B) MS-H30 8 o29.4 o1.157 o33 o1.299 GX-30MU(B) GX-N30M(B) Model No. GX