Introduction to the SMD Product Listing
Each Standard Microcircuit Drawing
(SMD) part number that Atmel supplies
corresponds to an Atmel /883 part num-
ber. SMD products are compliant to MIL-
STD-883, paragraph 1.2.1 and to the
requirements of the applicable standar d
microcircuit drawing. The tables in this
section list the currently approved Atmel
SMD parts by Atmel part number (Table
1) and by SMD part number (Table 2).
They define and cross reference the
Atmel /883 pa rt number with the SMD
part number for your ordering conve-
Figure 1 (below) shows how an Atmel
SMD order number defines a part, com-
pared to the components of the Atmel
similar part number.
Please note that some SMD part nu m-
bers contain the letter “M” between the
device type and the case outline desig-
nator. The “M” is part of the one part-one
number system, set up by DESC. It is a
device c lass desi gnator wh ich indic ates
the part is an SMD part number as
opposed to being a JAN part number.
Figur e 1. Components of an SMD number (top) compared to the Atmel similar part
number (bottom).
Drawing (SMD)
(M=SMD part) Case Outline
(SMD Code) Lead
5962-38267 01 M YX
Atmel Part
Number Speed Case Outline
(Atmel Code)
SMD Products
SMD Products
Rev. 0553B–06/98
Microcir cuit
Dra wing
Pr oduct
SMD Products
How to Use the Atmel Part Ty pe Reference Table
The organization of Table 1 enables the purchaser to order
a standardized military part by using the Atmel generic part
type to locate the correct SMD drawing number. The SMD
part number is the order number for SMD devices. The
Atmel generic part type, which begins with the prefix “AT,”
heads Table 1. There are four sections in this table (see
sample table below):
SMD Options
The first section lis ts the SMD option s ava il abl e at Atm el. It
includ es the indu stry gene ric part type , the SMD dra wing
number, and the SMD device type. The SMD case outline
options, the lead finish options, the circuit description, and
the access time that correspond to that device type are
also in cluded. T he tables for th e EEPROM i n this sect ion
includ e t he en d wri te in dica tor in the circ uit d escri ption col-
umn and the write mode for the specific device type.
Order Code Cross-Reference
The next section of the table cross-references each option-
ally complete SMD part number (see below) with the
Atmel similar /883 part number (see below).
Case Outline Legend
The third se ction gives the SM D case outli ne option s avail-
able for the device.
Lead Finish Leg end
The last section lists the SMD lead finish options available
for the device.
Note: Finish letter “X” shall not be marked on the microcircuit or its packaging. This designation is provided for use in drawings, part
lists , purch ase ord ers, or other doc um ent atio n w h ere lead fini she s A, B o r C are al l c ons idered acceptable and intercha ngeab le
without preference. For Government logistic support, the A lead finish will be acquired and supplied to the end user when the X
is included in the PIN for lead finish. If the PIN is not available with the A lead finish, the same PIN will be acquired except wi th
the B or C lea d finis h desig nator as determined b y a vailability. Type C terminal material is a fired on m etalli zation used with lead-
les s chip ca rriers.
How to Use the Atmel SMD Number Reference Table
Table 2 allows qu ick refer ence to the Atmel /883 similar
part number when the SMD part number is known by the
purchas er. The head for Table 2 is the SMD drawing nu m-
ber (see the example table below). The only section in this
table is a cross-reference between the optionally complete
SMD drawing number (see below) and the correspond-
ing At mel similar /883 pa rt numb er (see below). It also
includes the circuit description and access time for that part
numbe r. The EE PR OM ta bles incl ude the end w rite indic a-
tor (which is in the circuit description column) the write
mode, the write speed, and the endurance cycles for the
specific part number.
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Note: New designs to use AT28C256 product SMD 5962-88525.
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C64 Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-87514 13 X, Y, Z X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Rdy/Busy Byte 350 1 10K
5962-87514 14 X, Y X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Rdy/Busy Byte 300 1 10K
5962-87514 15 X, Y, Z X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Rdy/Busy Byte 250 1 10K
5962-87514 16 X, Y X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Rdy/Busy Byte 200 1 10K
5962-87514 17 X, Y X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Rdy/Busy Byte 150 1 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example:Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-87514 13 XX AT28C64-35DM/883
5962-87514 13 YX AT28C64-35LM/883
5962-87514 13 ZX AT28C64-35FM/883
5962-87514 14 XX AT28C64-30DM/883
5962-87514 14 YX AT28C64-30LM/883
5962-87514 15 XX AT28C64-25DM/883
5962-87514 15 YX AT28C64-25LM/883
5962-87514 15 ZX AT28C64-25FM/883
5962-87514 16 XX AT28C64-20DM/883
5962-87514 16 YX AT28C64-20LM/883
5962-87514 17 XX AT28C64-15DM/883
5962-87514 17 YX AT28C64-15LM/883
Case Outline
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F, 28 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Note: New designs to use AT28C256 product SMD 5962-88525.
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C64F Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-87514 28 X, Y, Z X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Rdy/Busy Byte 200 0.2 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-87514 28 XX AT28C64F-20DM/883
5962-87514 28 YX AT28C64F-20LM/883
5962-87514 28 ZX AT28C64F-20FM/883
Case Outline
X28D6 28 Lead 0.600" Wide Non-Windowed Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L 32 Pad Non-Windowed Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F 28 Lead Non-Windowed Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Note: New designs to use AT28C256 product SMD 5962-88525.
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C64X Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-87514 18 X, Y X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte 350 1 10K
5962-87514 19 X, Y X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte 300 1 10K
5962-87514 20 X, Y, Z X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte 250 1 10K
5962-87514 21 X, Y X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte 200 1 10K
5962-87514 22 X, Y X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte 150 1 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-87514 18 XX AT28C64X-35DM/883
5962-87514 18 YX AT28C64X-35LM/883
5962-87514 19 XX AT28C64X-30DM/883
5962-87514 19 YX AT28C64X-30LM/883
5962-87514 20 XX AT28C64X-25DM/883
5962-87514 20 YX AT28C64X-25LM/883
5962-87514 20 ZX AT28C64X-25FM/883
5962-87514 21 XX AT28C64X-20DM/883
5962-87514 21 YX AT28C64X-20LM/883
5962-87514 22 XX AT28C64X-15DM/883
5962-87514 22 YX AT28C64X-15LM/883
Case Outline
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F, 28 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Note: New designs to use AT28C256 product SMD 5962-88525.
Note: New designs to use AT28C256 product SMD 5962-88634.
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C64B Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-87514 08 X X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 250 2 10K
5962-87514 09 X X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 200 2 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-87514 08 XX AT28C64B-25DM/883
5962-87514 09 XX AT28C64B-20DM/883
Case Outline
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28HC64B Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-87514 10 X X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 120 2 10K
5962-87514 11 X X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 90 2 10K
5962-87514 12 X X, A 8K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 70 2 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-87514 10 XX AT28HC64B-12DM/883
5962-87514 11 XX AT28HC64B-90DM/883
5962-87514 12 XX AT28HC64B-70DM/883
Case Outline
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C256 Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-88525 01 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 350 10 10K
5962-88525 02 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 300 10 10K
5962-88525 03 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 250 10 10K
5962-88525 04 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 200 10 10K
5962-88525 06 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 150 10 10K
5962-88525 09(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 350 10 10K
5962-88525 10(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 300 10 10K
5962-88525 11(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 250 10 10K
5962-88525 12(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 200 10 10K
5962-88525 14(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 150 10 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-88525 01 UX AT28C256-35UM/883
5962-88525 01 XX AT28C256-35DM/883
5962-88525 01 YX AT28C256-35LM/883
5962-88525 01 ZX AT28C256-35FM/883
5962-88525 02 UX AT28C256-30UM/883
5962-88525 02 XX AT28C256-30DM/883
5962-88525 02 YX AT28C256-30LM/883
5962-88525 02 ZX AT28C256-30FM/883
5962-88525 03 UX AT28C256-25UM/883
5962-88525 03 XX AT28C256-25DM/883
5962-88525 03 YX AT28C256-25LM/883
5962-88525 03 ZX AT28C256-25FM/883
5962-88525 04 UX AT28C256-20UM/883
5962-88525 04 XX AT28C256-20DM/883
5962-88525 04 YX AT28C256-20LM/883
5962-88525 04 ZX AT28C256-20FM/883
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Note: 1. SMD s pecif ies So ftwa re Data Pro tectio n feature f or d e vi ce ty pe , alt hou gh Atmel pr oduct supp lied to
device type o n the
SMD is 100% tested for this feature.
AT28C256 (Continued)
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-88525 06 UX AT28C256-15UM/883
5962-88525 06 XX AT28C256-15DM/883
5962-88525 06 YX AT28C256-15LM/883
5962-88525 06 ZX AT28C256-15FM/883
5962-88525 09 UX AT28C256-35UM/883
5962-88525 09 XX AT28C256-35DM/883
5962-88525 09 YX AT28C256-35LM/883
5962-88525 09 ZX AT28C256-35FM/883
5962-88525 10 UX AT28C256-30UM/883
5962-88525 10 XX AT28C256-30DM/883
5962-88525 10 YX AT28C256-30LM/883
5962-88525 10 ZX AT28C256-30FM/883
5962-88525 11 UX AT28C256-25UM/883
5962-88525 11 XX AT28C256-25DM/883
5962-88525 11 YX AT28C256-25LM/883
5962-88525 11 ZX AT28C256-25FM/883
5962-88525 12 UX AT28C256-20UM/883
5962-88525 12 XX AT28C256-20DM/883
5962-88525 12 YX AT28C256-20LM/883
5962-88525 12 ZX AT28C256-20FM/883
5962-88525 14 UX AT28C256-15UM/883
5962-88525 14 XX AT28C256-15DM/883
5962-88525 14 YX AT28C256-15LM/883
5962-88525 14 ZX AT28C256-15FM/883
Case Outline
U28U, 28 Pin, Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F, 28 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Note: 1. SMD s pecif ies So ftwa re Data Pro tectio n feature f or d e vi ce ty pe , alt hou gh Atmel pr oduct supp lied to
device type o n the
SMD is 100% tested for this feature.
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C256E Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-88525 05 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte
Page 250 10 100K
5962-88525 08 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 150 10 100K
5962-88525 13(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 250 10 100K
5962-88525 16(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 150 10 100K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Similar Part Number
5962-88525 05 UX AT28C256E-25UM/883
5962-88525 05 XX AT28C256E-25DM/883
5962-88525 05 YX AT28C256E-25LM/883
5962-88525 05 ZX AT28C256E-25FM/883
5962-88525 08 UX AT28C256E-15UM/883
5962-88525 08 XX AT28C256E-15DM/883
5962-88525 08 YX AT28C256E-15LM/883
5962-88525 08 ZX AT28C256E-15FM/883
5962-88525 13 UX AT28C256E-25UM/883
5962-88525 13 XX AT28C256E-25DM/883
5962-88525 13 YX AT28C256E-25LM/883
5962-88525 13 ZX AT28C256E-25FM/883
5962-88525 16 UX AT28C256E-15UM/883
5962-88525 16 XX AT28C256E-15DM/883
5962-88525 16 YX AT28C256E-15LM/883
5962-88525 16 ZX AT28C256E-15FM/883
Case Outline
U28U, 28 Pin, Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F, 28 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Note: 1. SMD s pecif ies So ftwa re Data Pro tectio n feature f or d e vi ce ty pe , alt hou gh Atmel pr oduct supp lied to
device type o n the
SMD is 100% tested for this feature.
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C256F Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-88525 07 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 150 3 10K
5962-88525 15(1) U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 150 3 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-88525 07 UX AT28C256F-15UM/883
5962-88525 07 XX AT28C256F-15DM/883
5962-88525 07 YX AT28C256F-15LM/883
5962-88525 07 ZX AT28C256F-15FM/883
5962-88525 15 UX AT28C256F-15UM/883
5962-88525 15 XX AT28C256F-15DM/883
5962-88525 15 YX AT28C256F-15LM/883
5962-88525 15 ZX AT28C256F-15FM/883
Case Outline
U28U, 28 Pin, Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F, 28 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28HC256 Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-88634 01 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 120 10 10K
5962-88634 03 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 90 10 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Similar Part Number
5962-88634 01 UX AT28HC256-12UM/883
5962-88634 01 XX AT28HC256-12DM/883
5962-88634 01 YX AT28HC256-12LM/883
5962-88634 01 ZX AT28HC256-12FM/883
5962-88634 03 UX AT28HC256-90UM/883
5962-88634 03 XX AT28HC256-90DM/883
5962-88634 03 YX AT28HC256-90LM/883
5962-88634 03 ZX AT28HC256-90FM/883
Case Outline
U28U, 28 Pin, Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F, 28 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28HC256F Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Speed (ms) Endurance
5962-88634 02 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 120 3 10K
5962-88634 04 U, X, Y, Z X, A 32K x 8 EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
Page 90 3 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-88634 02 UX AT28HC256F-12UM/883
5962-88634 02 XX AT28HC256F-12DM/883
5962-88634 02 YX AT28HC256F-12LM/883
5962-88634 02 ZX AT28HC256F-12FM/883
5962-88634 04 UX AT28HC256F-90UM/883
5962-88634 04 XX AT28HC256F-90DM/883
5962-88634 04 YX AT28HC256F-90LM/883
5962-88634 04 ZX AT28HC256F-90FM/883
Case Outline
U28U, 28 Pin, Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
X28D6, 28 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z28F, 28 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 1. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by Atmel Part Number
Generic Number Standard Microcircuit Drawing Number Description
28C010 Drawing
Number Device
Type Case
Outline Lead
Finish Circuit Description En d
Write Indicator Wr ite
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Spd (ms) Endurance
5962-38267 01 T, U, X,
Y, Z X, A 128K x 8, 1M bit
EEPROM Data Polling Byte/
Page 250 10 10K
5962-38267 03 T, U, X,
Y, Z X, A 128K x 8, 1M bit
EEPROM Data Polling Byte/
Page 200 10 10K
5962-38267 05 T, U, X,
Y, Z X, A 128K x 8, 1M bit
EEPROM Data Polling Byte/
Page 150 10 10K
5962-38267 07 U, X, Y, Z X, A 128K x 8, 1M bit
EEPROM Data Polling Byte/
Page 120 10 10K
Atmel Cage No.
Example: Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar Part Number
5962-38267 01M TX AT28C010-25UM/883
5962-38267 01M UX AT28C010-25EM/883
5962-38267 01M XX AT28C010-25DM/883
5962-38267 01M YX AT28C010-25LM/883
5962-38267 01M ZX AT28C010-25FM/883
5962-38267 03M TX AT28C010-20UM/883
5962-38267 03M UX AT28C010-20EM/883
5962-38267 03M XX AT28C010-20DM/883
5962-38267 03M YX AT28C010-20LM/883
5962-38267 03M ZX AT28C010-20FM/883
5962-38267 05M TX AT28C010-15UM/883
5962-38267 05M UX AT28C010-15EM/883
5962-38267 05M XX AT28C010-15DM/883
5962-38267 05M YX AT28C010-15LM/883
5962-38267 05M ZX AT28C010-15FM/883
5962-38267 07M UX AT28C010-12EM/883
5962-38267 07M XX AT28C010-12DM/883
5962-38267 07M YX AT28C010-12LM/883
5962-38267 07M ZX AT28C010-12FM/883
Case Outline
T30U, 30 Pin, Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
U32L, 32 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
X32D6, 32 Lead, 0.600" Wide, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Dual Inline Package (Cerdip)
Y44L, 44 Pad, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Z32F, 32 Lead, Non-Windowed, Ceramic Bottom-Brazed Flat Package (Flatpack)
Lead Finish
XDenotes no preference in lead finish; Finish A will be supplied (per paragraph of MIL-I-38535B Appendix A)
AHot Solder Dip
SMD Products
Table 2. Atmel SMD Part Types, Listed by SMD Number
Atmel Order Number Atmel Similar P a rt
Number Circuit Description
End Write Indicator Write
Mode Access
Time (ns) Write
Spd. (ms) Endur.
5962-38267 01M XX AT28C010-25DM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 01M YX AT28C010-25LM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 01M ZX AT28C010-25FM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 03M XX AT28C010-20DM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 03M YX AT28C010-20LM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 03M ZX AT28C010-20FM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 05M XX AT28C010-15DM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
Data Polling Byte/
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5962-38267 05M YX AT28C010-15LM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 05M ZX AT28C010-15FM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 07M XX AT28C010-12DM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 07M YX AT28C010-12LM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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5962-38267 07M ZX AT28C010-12FM/883 128K x 8, 1M bit EEPROM
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