© Copyright 1999 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Publication# 22507 Rev: AAmendment/0
Issue Date: March 1999
Designing for Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) Compliance
Application Note
by Tim Raper and Steve Knauber
This application note describes how to integ r ate an y microp roce ssor or microc ontroller into an em-
bedded system successfully while maintaining electromagnetic interference (EMI) compliance. It
does this by providing an understanding of the system parameters that affect EMI. The discussion
includes theoretical concepts that are helpful to the systems designer as well as practical system
solutions. For example, it discusses ho w to bypass noisy integrated circuit (IC) pins for more effec-
tiv e noise containment, and how to improve utilization of the ground plane to reduce signal loop in-
ductance. The application note includes a case study that demonstrates the concepts presented.
W e are reminded of the importance of EMI compliance
e ve ry time we take off or land in an airplane and are in-
structed by a flight attendant to turn off all electronic
de vices. This request on the part of the airline suggests
that the electromag netic energy r adiated by our laptops
and personal digital assistants (PDA) might do any-
thing from induce noise in the pilot’s headset to
interf ere with th e airliner’ s a vionics . In any case , the re-
quirement to keep electronic systems from interfering
with one another is fully agreed upon and, therefore,
should be of interest to all designers.
The subject of r ad iated emission s is a concern to most
electrical engineers, especially those that design em-
bedded consumer electronic devices that must pass
EMI compliance (e.g., FCC Class B) testing to be ap-
prov ed for sale. This discussion f ocuses specifically on
the emissions radiated by a system that are propa-
gated through space and measur ed by an antenna and
Passing certification for EMI compliance can be ver y
challenging with today's products. Minimal enclosures,
high-speed digital circuitr y, and lots of I/O cabling can
create real problems for design engineers seeking to
achieve compliance. Also, today's microprocessors
can often be a significant source of EMI energy in and
of themselves. Microprocessors inherently produce a
lot of EMI energ y due to the nature of their architecture.
Typically, a significant por tion of the die area inside a
microprocessor is switching states on the positive and
negative edge of the core clock. CMOS gates momen-
tarily short power and ground together as the gate
changes states. This results from both transistors in the
totem pole output structure being on momentarily dur-
ing the transition. At AMD we realize that
microprocessors are inherently noisy devices. Our en-
gineers continue to make progress in this area by
designing quieter devices. However, we also realize
that achieving EMI compliance is a systems issue. By
systems, we mean circuit board layout. Layout, or the
system design, does have an impact on EMI perfor-
mance. Therefore, to assist the electronic device
designer in achieving system compliance, AMD pro-
vides this applicat ion not e as a guid e to th e pr oc ess.
This application note discusses theoretical issues, then
discusses more practical topics. If you are starting a
new design, read the entire application note. If you are
a few weeks from a ship deadline and are wondering
how you are going to get your design to pass after it
failed miserably on the first attempt, skip to “What To
Do If You Had To Ship Yesterday” on page 4. Then read
the rest when you go on to your ne xt design, so you can
avoid a repeat of that stressful predicament.
Because EMI compliance is a systems issue, we must
first address the e nclosure. Some designs do not have
enclosures. We will address this later. For now, it is in-
structive to know the theory behind having a good
Do you remember Gauss’ Law? We can use Gauss’
Law to mathematically define the goal of no electro-
magnetic interference emanating from the system of
interest. This definition helps us get a handle on what
exactly we are trying to do.
Gauss’ Law stat es,
represents flux density. Flux density is the
electric field
multiplied by the permittivity of the me-
dium through which the field is passing. That is, the
electr ic field strength
is altered by the permittivity of
the medium through which it is passing.
is simply
Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance 2
without the complication of what the medium is doing to
the field strength.
is an element of an arbit rar y sur-
is the total charge e nclosed. Gauss’ La w states
that the surface integral of the dot product of the flux
density and the enclosure surface area is equal to the
charge enclosed.
That is, the total field strength emanating from an arbi-
trary enclosure is equal to the charge enclosed. Gauss’
Law is inte re sting b ecause it shows that we can estab-
lish an earth ground in or, better yet, around our
system. This is highly desirable because the important
property of an earth ground is that no matter ho w much
current we put into or take out of it, its potential does not
change. This is also important because if the enclosure
potential does not change, then it does not radiate. At
low frequencies, this can be accomplished by simply
making use of the ear th ground from the wall outlet.
However, at any frequency much beyond audio, the in-
ductance in the po w er cor d defeats the lo w impeda nce
of this earth ground. This lea v e s us with the task of e s-
tablishing a local radio frequency (RF) earth gr ound.
Using Gauss’ Law, we can mak e a simple observation.
If the only currents flowing into or out of the enclosure
are differential, then the charge
enclosed by the sys-
tem is a constant. Differential current is defined as
current going in opposite directions at the same rate,
such that the charge
enclosed by the system is con-
stant at any point in time. Contrast this with common
mode current which is not constant at any point in time.
is a constant, then by Gauss’ Law we can see that
the field strength emanating from the enclosure at any
point in time must be a constant. Moreo ver , if the enclo-
sure is a good conductor, the potential across the
surf ace at any point in time is constant. Because at any
point in time there can be no potential variation, and be-
cause over the surface of the enclosure the total field
strength emanating from the enclosure is constant,
then there is no AC variation in the potential of the en-
closure surf ace and it is , therefore, an RF earth ground
that does not radiate.
It is critical to note that only differential currents are al-
lowed for an RF earth ground to be established.
Signals lea ving the enclosure that carry information by
design are only differential. Or, stated another way, all
signals leaving the system that are of any interest, un-
less you are building a radio, are differential in nature.
One of the properties of differential signals is that ther e
is no net charge transf er at any point in time associated
with them. Because conductive enclosures have uni-
f orm potential all across their surface , and if there is n o
net current leaving the system, then by Gauss’ Law the
system conductive enclosure is a local earth ground.
By defining the problem mathematically, this discussion
illustrates that EMI compliance is absolutely a systems
issue. We see that the behavior of the system I/O can
have a dramatic effect on the integrity of the system
earth ground and enclosure radiation. The goal is a
seamless conductive enclosure surrounding the elec-
tronics with any I/O carrying only differential curr ents. It
is understood this goal may be too lofty for many rea-
sonable endeavors; however, it is good to know what
the ideal is before departing from it.
Because many systems do not have the luxury of an
enclosure, we will deal with this in “Circuitry and Lay-
out” on page 3.
It is now pertinent to define inductance. Having a good
understanding of inductance is critical to making e xcel-
lent PCB layouts that inherently minimize EMI.
Rather than bring up more calculus, let's look at the
simple formula f or the inductance of a single loop coil.
is inductance of the loop,
is current in the
is the area of the loop, and
is the magnetic
field in the loop. The magnetic field exists due to the
current in the loop. This we cannot change. But it is
easy to see that if the loop area is reduced, th en the in-
ductance is also reduced. It is instructive to note that
the magnetic field currents reinf orce inside the loop and
cancel outside the loop. This is easy to demonstrate
using the right-hand rule. So the lesson here is: trace
inductance can be minimized by minimizing loop area.
What does this mean in terms of the practicality of PCB
layouts? Well, it means something ver y strange to the
As the frequency of the signal goes up, the return cur-
rent path f ound in the ground plane or po wer plane (the
pow er plane is an A C ground) tends to be found directly
under the signal trace, even if the signal trace snakes
around on the board. This seems strange at first, but
the return current is following the path of least resis-
tance so to speak, or in our case, of least impedance.
As the frequency goes up , the path of least inductan ce
is the path with the least loop area. If ground plane ex-
ists under the signal trace, then directly under the
signal trace is the path of least inductance. This is im-
portant to keep in mind when la ying out a PCB. Cuts in
the ground plane, such as those caused by closely
spaced signal vias, can greatly increase trace induc-
tance and EMI because
, the magnetic field p roduced
by the current
, reinforces inside the loop bu t cancels
outside the loop.
Another area where inductance can really hur t is with
decoupling capacitors. First, vias add significantly to
trace inductance—more on this later. Also, due to lead
inductance, decoupling capacitors have a self-reso-
nance. Below the self-resonance frequency the
3 Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance
decoupling capacitor acts like a capacitor with its im-
pedance decreasing as the frequency increases. The
impedance of the capacitor hits a minimum at the res-
onant frequency and then starts becoming inductive
and, therefore, begins to rise as the frequency in-
creases. The resonant frequency of common
decoupling capa citors can be sur pri singly low. For ce-
ramic capacitors with X7R dielectrics (do not use Z5U
dielectrics for high-speed decoupling), the resonant
frequency for a 0.1 µF capacitor is 7 MHz. For a
0.01 µF capacitor, the resonant frequency is 70 Mhz.
For a 0.001 µF capacitor, the resonant frequency is
greater than 500 MHz. It becomes obvious that the
choice of the type and size of decoupling capacitor, as
well as its la y out, can be crucial to success . It is best to
have a mixture of sizes with larger values sprinkled
around f or stor age and lots of smaller v alues f or f ast re-
sponse to current transients. Watch placement and
vias! We cover this in greater detail in the following
We now examine the actual system circuitry and rec-
ommended layout techniques.
Again, EMI must be viewed as a system problem where
every circuit board, power bus and plane, component
and connector location, signal trace, and cable com-
bine to form a noise source and an antenna.
Microcontrollers and other ICs that drive high-speed
digital circuitry qualify as noise sources. But these
noise sources must have an amplification mechanism
to propagate an electromagnetic field out into space.
The circuit board traces and cables connected to the
microcontroller pins act as an antenna, amplify the mi-
crocontroller noise , and propagate the electromagnetic
energy out into space.
To reduce ra diation levels, we must first take a broader
view of everything in our system. Star t by simply iden-
tifying each component as either part of the noise
source or part of the antenna. Almost e verything in the
system is par t of the antenna. The antenna is a com-
plex mechanism created by IC lead frames, circuit
board signal and power traces, and cables. The prod-
uct layout is impor tant because everything in it affects
the overall gain of the antenna an d, therefore, the r adi-
ated energy emitted from the product.
In general microcontrollers are noise sources, and cir-
cuit board traces and cables are antennas. All
microcontrollers potent ially generate noise and, there-
fore, radiate to some degree. Some are worse than
others, b ut no matter which microcontroller y ou use, an
antenna with a high efficiency (high gain) can amplify
this noise to the point of exceeding EMI limits. Even mi-
crocontrollers advertised as “reduced EMI” can easily
be made noisy with a bad circuit board layout. There
are two actions to take: 1) spoil the antenna, and 2)
suppress the noise at the source. Of course, we want
to do both.
Circuit board traces unintent ionally create antennas—
often resulting from compromises made by layout per-
sonnel in trace routing, component placement, and
orientation. These compromises most often occur be-
cause of electrical functional changes, mechanical
packaging requirements, or project schedules. The
purpose of this discussion is to make the hardware and
system designers more aware of these compromises
and their effect on radiated emission performance.
Most of the current sourced by the high-speed micro-
controller address and data pins are differential in
nature, with the return path being through the system
ground. The differential currents create fields that can-
cel one another outside the trace loop and, therefore,
are not an EMI concern. However, a small high-fre-
quency portion of the current sees this signal trace path
as the highest impedance path (highest inductance)
and determines that the path of least inductance is a
capacitive (airbor ne) jump back to its source. This air-
borne jump creates and propagates an EMI field.
To better understand how circuit board traces and ca-
bles accidentally act like antennas, we need to
understand that inductance make s an antenna efficient
(high gain) because of the voltage developed across
the inductance at higher frequencies. This voltage
drives common mode current in the antenna resulting
in radiated EMI. Inductance increases as the area en-
closed b y the loop increases . A monopole a ntenna can
be created b y a circuit board trace that has a lar ge loop
area when referenced to its return path or ground. The
idea is to remove the inductance by decreasing the
loop area. The loop area is decreased by adding
ground closer to the signal traces. Adding ground
planes helps the most because they affect all signal
traces including power.
The case study be ginning on pa ge 6 demonstr ates the
benefits of multiple g round planes . It is a good e xample
because it is a f our-lay er board that goes to the e xtreme
in adding groun d plane, but pays off in significantly re-
duced radiated emissions.
The antenna effects of the circuit board traces propa-
gate common mode current out from the
microcontroller pins and amp lify it. Stated another w ay,
the lack of only diff erential cur rent in the signal loop re-
sults in the generation of common mode current.
Remember that current must return to its source in
some wa y either differentially or in common mode f orm.
W e wa nt only the differential f o rm. Common mode cur-
rent causes the propagation of the field into space
because it does not maintain a constant amount of
charge inside the system at any single point in time.
Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance 4
When only differential currents are established by an
extremely low signal loop inductance, then common
mode currents are automatically minimi zed. The e xpla-
nation of Gauss’ Law is important here because it helps
us understand the importance of ensuring that the
amount of charge does not change within the system
(or enclosure) over time. This in turn ensures that the
field strength emanating from the system remains con-
stant and, therefore, does not propagate into space.
This is the ideal. It is practically impossible to imple-
ment perfectly, but layout and grounding techniques
discussed in this application note can significantly min-
imize th e common mode currents.
W e ha v e described how important it is to reduce signal
trace inductance and, therefore, reduce the no ise am-
plification effects (i.e., antenna effects) of circuit board
traces b y adding ground in a wa y that squelches signal
loop inductance. Simply put, this is accomplished by
adding a close return path f or each signal trace. Adding
ground plane is the most effective technique because
of its ability to cover all signal traces. Multiple ground
planes that are stitched together to ensure equal po-
tential are even better. The case study described on
page 6 is a four-layer circuit board with two ground
planes stitched together. All open areas between
traces on signal layers are filled with ground and
stitched to the adjacent grou nd plane. Components are
positioned and oriented such that signal tr ace leng th is
as shor t as possible, which opens new areas for even
more ground fill. All four layers contain stitched ground
plane directly under the microcontroller core with all
signal I/O running out and away from the microcontrol-
ler package.
Microcontrollers act as noise sources because of their
large current-s ourcing cl ock drivers and lead frame in-
ductance. Manufacturers use techniques to minimize
these problems , b ut system designers still hav e to con-
tend with them. The clock dr ivers may generate noise,
which can be seen at some level on all I/O pins, and
can drive common mode current out onto the circuit
board traces . The circuit boar d tr aces form loop anten-
nas which, if not laid out carefully , ha ve high inductance
due to a large loop area and, therefore, increase the
antenna’s gain.
Capacitors on any and all of the microcontroller pins
hold the v oltage le v els more stab le and, the ref ore, help
prevent the propagation of common mode current out
onto the circuit board traces. This is why in the case
study on page 6, power supply and microcontroller I/O
pin bypassing is ver y ef fective. Also, address and da ta
pins may not allow much more capacitance than
100 pF to be added without signal deg radation, b ut this
is enough to mak e a big difference in EMI perf ormance,
as the case study demonstrates. Location of these by-
pass capacitors also is critical. The closer they are to
their respective IC pins, the more effective th ey are.
The top reflow side is one of the ground layers that
works effectively because it also provides a good solid
low-impedance ground for all bypassing capacitors.
Adding a bypass capacitor is a waste of time if it is con-
nected to its respective IC pin with a long skinny trace
that has high inductance.
This section describes system grounding improve-
ments and the addition of bypassing capacitors to
reduce radiated emission energy. “Bypassing and
ground? I already do that,” you say. At AMD we have
analyzed many of our customers’ system designs and
each time we found that many layout improvements
could be made by adding capacitive bypassing and
ground, and by creating a local system earth ground.
Add Capacitive Bypassing and Ground
Bypassing and ground go hand-in-hand because you
cannot adequately achieve effective bypassing without
an eff ectiv e gr ound. This mean that a byp ass capacitor
has a smaller effect of voltage stabilization with an in-
ductor between it and the IC pin it is bypassing. The
circuit board trace acts like an inductor. And at higher
frequencies, the inductor’s impedance grows larger.
Designers sprinkle their design with capacitors but see
no eff ect because the placemen t is simply too f ar awa y
from the IC pin being bypassed. Even a via hole be-
tween the IC pin and the bypass capacitor limits the
bypass capacitor's effectiveness. The most effective
bypass capacitor resides as close to its associated IC
pin as physically possible with its other end connected
directly to the system groun d plane. A g round plane on
the same circuit board layer as the IC is sometimes a
good idea for the purpose of easily grounding bypass
capacitors in a low impedance manner relativ e to the IC
ground pin. The ground plane provides the lowest im-
pedance path back to the IC ground pin. Placing the
bypass capacitor on the same lay er as the IC’s ground
plane eliminates a via hole between the capacitor and
the IC pin and, theref ore , mak es it much more effective
as a noise filter. Also, having the bypass capacitor
ph ysically close to the IC pin to be filtered an d to the IC
ground p in pro vides containme nt of the RF noise clo se
to the IC package.
This concept of “noise containment” to the IC package
is very impo rtant becau se it can be used o n any pin o f
any IC where RF noise ex ists. This applies not only to
pow er supply pins b ut also to I/O pins of a microcontrol-
ler or any other CMOS device. Select the capacitor
value carefully to avoid compromising signal integrity.
Typically, the highest value capacitor that can be placed
5 Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance
on the IC pin that still maintains signal integrity provides
the most effective r adiated emissions reduction.
Multiple ground planes can also further decrease the
system signal return path impedance. In systems that
have few connections to the power plane, two ground
planes can be used in place of one power plane and
one ground plane. You can achieve improved EMI per-
f ormance by using two g round planes stitched together
to form parallel return paths. These parallel return
paths for bypass capacitors and IC signals provide an
even lower impedance return path.
To make the largest impact on EMI perfor mance, you
must bypass all noisy IC pins. This includes, but is not
limited to, the pow er supply pins . Highly activ e address
and data pins of an embedded microcontroller are typ-
ical sources of noise due to inadequate system ground
and placement of micro a nd memory ICs far apart with
long trace lengths. The address and data lines of em-
bedded microcontrollers running with internal bus
speeds of 40 to 50 MHz can typically drive 50- to
100-pF worth of capacitance without signal degrada-
tion. The intent here is threefold: 1) contain noise by
placing the bypass capacitor close to the noisy IC pin
and ground pin, 2) slew the signal edge (thereby reduc-
ing the high-frequency content), and 3) stabilize the
v oltage at the IC pin.
Create a Local System Earth Ground with
Ground Planes
As discussed during the explanation of Gauss’ Law,
theoretically you can establish an effective earth
ground within any system using a conductive enclo-
sure. A conductive enclosure can operate as an
effectiv e earth ground due to its low inductance charac-
teristics; howe ver , weight, size, and cost considerations
restrict many products to plastic enclosures or hous-
ings that cannot be utilized as electric return paths. You
also can establish an effective earth ground within the
circuit board itself with a single ground plane or, even
better, multiple ground planes stitched together with
many vias. The use of a solid ground plan e or multiple
ground planes stitched together offers every IC and
component connected to it a more stable reference.
Multiple planes can also act as an effective enclosure
and act as an EMI shield by placing noisy circuit board
traces on a plane in between the two ground planes.
The case study demonstrates the use of multiple
ground pla nes and their ability to impr ov e th e eff ectiv e-
ness of all bypass capacitors (noise suppression), and
to reduce the trace inductance of the entire system, in-
cluding signal and power.
Fur ther, as mentioned during the discussion of Gauss’
Law, maintaining only differential (versus common
mode) currents is also an important aspect in creating
a local earth ground. Again, the low impedance of a
conductive enclosure aids this effort and at the same
time pre vents the common mode current. As pre viously
discussed, ground planes, which encourage diff erential
mode current flow and restrict common mode current,
can act as the enclosure . Reducing the commo n mode
current is important because it takes such a small
quantity to create enough radiated energy to fail to
comply with FCC specifications. For example, within
some systems, it only takes an estimation of 30 nA of
common mode current to f a il FCC Class B. 30 nA is an
extremely small amount of current and can easily
change based on system layout. The exact amount of
common mode current each system generates de-
pends on the noise characteristic of the components
used and the system layout. Therefore, PCB layout is
an extremely important factor in EMI performance. Sys-
tem layout parameters, including circuit board trace
routing, power distribution, system ground, attached
cables, and component locations, all play key roles in
contributing to or reducing this common mode current
and, therefore, radiated emissions.
Add ground plane wherever possible. Two-layer circuit
boards make this very difficult; however, you can stitch
together groun d islands on both la yers with vias so that
all islands are electrically grounded to the system.
Think of a two-layer design as a four-layer approxima-
tion, where ground islands are stitched together to
approximate the performance of a solid unbroken
ground plane on one layer. Ground planes should be as
large as possible, run directly under high-speed signal
traces, and not be broken with signal vias, signal
traces, or cutouts. The “swiss cheese” effect of many
signal vias passing through the ground planes can eas-
ily reduce the gr ound plane’ s eff ectiv eness, so keep via
hole diameters to a minimum. Slots and cutouts in the
ground plane also increase ground inductance due to
the longer path for the return current to get back to its
Less ground directly correlates to higher inductance
and, theref ore , highe r antenna g ain and, in turn, higher
radiated emissions. Therefore, lower radiated-emis-
sions performance requires more ground plane.
Ground plane is not free. To obtain low radiated-emis-
sion performance, you must add more ground plane. If
more planes are added, this could increase system
costs. This is not to say that the current system config-
uration cannot be improved or optimized. Ground is
only one item in the long list of layout considerations.
However, with all other layout variables being equal,
adding more ground correlates directly into lower radi-
ated emissions.
The following case study demonstrates the effective-
ness of utilizing the above-mentioned bypassing and
grounding techniques.
Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance 6
This case study documents the success of using cer-
tain capacitive bypassing and circuit board grounding
techniques to reduce radiated emissions from a two-
circuit board embedded electronic module. Customer
requirements dictated stringent specifications for the
radiated emission levels (i.e., 15 dBuV/m in the FM
The following sections describe what was done to re-
duce radiated emissions from this embedded
microcontroller-based product.
This product consists of two circuit boards (display
board and microcontroller board) connected by appro x-
imately four inches of discrete wire cable and mounted
at a right angle relative to one another. Style require-
ments dictated a plastic housing, thereby eliminating
the case as a source of shielding.
This product w as tested at the component le v el using a
three-meter harness to a passive load box to simulate
the system loads.
The microcontroller has an internal phase-locked loop
(PLL) to maintain the bus speed. It has integrated
memory. A serial interface provides communication
with the display board. And an integrated interface
communicates with de vices separate from this product.
All serial interfaces were active during the radiated
emissions tes tin g.
Radiated Emissions Performance Devel-
opment History
Originally, the designers used typical circuit-board con-
struction methods. They constructed a four-layer
microcontroller board containing the following layers,
beginning with the reflow side on which the microcon-
troller, bus interface ICs, and voltage regulators were
Layer 1: Reflow component side: Signal layer.
Layer 2: Reflow inner layer: All ground layer (the
ground plane).
Layer 3: Wave side inner layer: +5V supply plane.
Layer 4: Wave component side: Signal layer.
Lessons Learned From This Design
The designers made many circuit board turns attempt-
ing to make this design quiet. Unfor tunately, surface-
mounting processes in man uf acturing requir ed them to
minimize the number of reflow components . This man-
ufacturing requirement forced most surface mounted
chips to be located on the wave solder side, including
all the critical bypassing capacitors, therefore signifi-
cantly reducing their effectiveness. Also, this design
struggled due to the inadequate ground structure. It
was not significantly improved until the designers re-
placed the +5V plane with another ground plane.
Two modifications to this design made the most im-
provement in reducing radiated emissions: more
efficient bypassing and better ground structuring. The
modifications resulted in the following layer
Layer 1: Reflow component side: All ground layer
(ground plane). See Figure 1 on page 7 f or an imag e of
the actual board.
Layer 2: Reflow inner layer: Signal layer.
La yer 3: W av e side inner layer: All ground layer (ground
Layer 4: Wave component side: Signal layer. See
Figure 2 on page 7 for an image of the actual board.
7 Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance
Figure 1. Reflow Component Side of Microcontroller Board
Figure 2. Wave Component Side of Microcontroller Board
Ground layer with bypass capacitors around controller and connector pins.
Signal layer with discrete components and ground fill, with many ground stitches used.
Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance 8
Ground Structuring
The designers replaced the original +5V supply plane
with another ground layer to lower ground return im-
pedance. They used extensive ground stitching to
connect the two g r ound planes together, further reduc-
ing ground impedance. They used ground fill in open
areas on the signal planes. This new and improved
ground structuring also increased the effectiveness of
the bypass capacitors because the traces connecting
them to their respective surface-mount IC did not have
to go through the isolation impedance of a via hole.
This circuit board layout provides its own shielding, a
technique usable wherever external shielding cannot
be used. All used microcontroller I/O pins have a via
hole connecting the pin to its signal trace on the inner
layer. Therefore, all signal traces with high-frequency
content run on an inne r layer sandwiched between the
two ground layers.
The designers increased the ov erall amount o f bypass-
ing to include a bypass capacitor at every used I/O pin
of the microcontroller and connector pins, as shown in
Figure 3. They g rounded all unused I/O pin s. They kept
the ground plane unbroken and solid on all four layers
under the microcontroller package, and connected the
four layers with sixteen ground stitch holes. All via
holes and surface mount pads were thermally relieved
to maintain manufacturing compliance.
The first design had all I/O bypassing capacitors lo-
cated on the wa ve sold er side, f orcing the I/O s witching
currents to travel through tw o via hole s. This techn ique
did not provide good emissions containment.
In the redesign, they moved the microcontroller I/O by-
passing capacitors from the opposite side of the
microcontroller to the same side as the microcontroller.
This technique pro vided the lo west impedan ce path f or
the I/O switching current (noise current) to get from the
microcontroller I/O pin to the microcontroller ground
pin. Also , beca use la yer 1 is a ground la y er, placing the
bypass capacitors on this layer makes routing the cir-
cuits a simple chore.
EMI Case Study Summary
This development wor k revealed that an improved cir-
cuit board layout and more effective bypassing can
improve EMI performance. Radiated emission levels
dropped from approximately 100 dBuV/m in the FM
band for the original design to approximately
10 dBuV/m in the FM band, well within the customer
specification of 15 dBuV/m.
These techniques have also been used on other em-
bedded designs using other manufacturers’
microcontrollers with the same reduction in emission
lev els, further validating this system-level EMI fix.
Figure 3. Microcontroller Area on Reflow Side
Solid unbroken ground under microcontroller package. Microcontroller
signals run out to vias and down to the reflow-inner layer. Bypass capac-
itors are carefully placed very close to microcontroller signal pins and the
reflow ground plane.
9 Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance
We have discussed how EMI is a systems issue, be-
cause it requires a combination of both a noisy IC and
a bad circuit board la y out acting as the antenna to gen-
erate, amplify, and propagate EMI.
This application note shows that layout has a big im-
pact on EMI perf ormance, and that la yout can be a v ery
cost effective and manufacturable means of solving
EMI problems. La yout changes can entail a slight mod-
ification of the current layout if you are 5dB to 10dB
aw ay from passing. Or , if you are 20dB to 30dB or more
away from passing, you may actually save time by
starting the lay out over from scratch. In either case, you
should determine how much y ou have compr omised in
the layout. Before your first circuit board goes into lay-
out, y ou sh ould an alyze your desig n from a n EMI point
of vie w . Look at all aspects of the la yout in terms of how
it effects the overall EMI performance of the product.
Start with the layout considerations listed below and
add any others you feel ma y be important. Then sketch
out preliminary drawings of where components should
be placed on the circuit board and how they will be
grounded and bypassed, keeping in mind IC package
size, type, and pin pitch.
Typically, EMI is a balancing act. If your EMI perfor-
mance is good, y our la yout is well balanced ; if your EMI
performance is poor, your layout is out of balance.
What does it mean for a layout to be balanced? After
you identify all the layout character istics that are most
important for your specific product, then you must in-
corporate each of these characteristics into the design
with the appropriate emphasis on each, without com-
promise. When too many compromises are made, the
layout is then out of balance.
Every product is different in so many ways that it is im-
possible to have a hard and fast rule for layout. Some
products may be on a circuit board, others on flex cir-
cuitr y. Some have multiple circuit boards connected in
various ways to each other with an endless number of
diff erent cab ling and attachment metho ds, while others
are single board designs. Many products are con-
nected to other products by a wide variety of
communication mechanisms. Communications are
usually not a problem if they have been designed with
EMI in mind (which most of them are) and you comply
with all the recommended layout guidelines suggested
by the manuf acturer . All these la yout v ariables combine
to make it an almost impossib le task to identify what ex-
actly you must do in layout to make your product EMI
compliant. Each product must be analyzed indepen-
dently and key layout characteristics identified to
determine how to approach the layout.
Adding critical bypassing capacitors and ground plane
structuring are the top two most important layout rec-
ommendations. However, you must evaluate other
la yo ut considerations as well. The best im plementation
of these top two layout recommendations depends on
how adequately you incorporate the other layout
The following is a general list of layout recommenda-
tions that must be considere d as a whole . Spend a f e w
extr a da ys in lay out, if necessary, to achiev e the appro-
priate amount of emphasis on each of the following:
Utilize a comprehensive ground structure, including
the use and design of gr ound plane and attachment
methods to each component with in the system. The
goal should be a low impedance grounding struc-
ture for all powered IC components, filtering de-
vices, and signal traces. Consider multiple ground
planes heavily stitched together to ensure they re-
main at the same RF potential. Consider ground
plane on multiple layers underneath the microcon-
troller with many ground vias connecting them to-
Determine the best layout for power routing to each
IC, especially the microcontroller.
Incorporate capacitiv e bypassing, including bypass-
ing of all power supply IC pins and I/O pins.
Consider grounding all unused I/O pins.
Use as low clock frequencies as possible to mini-
mize energy levels across the spectrum
Keep all trace lengths as short as possible. Long
traces make efficient antennas.
Route traces so they run out and awa y from the mi-
crocontroller package instead of underneath it.
Group e xternal discrete circuits tightly together with
all filtering components as close as possible to the
device pin being protected. Remember to keep all
trace lengths as short as possible.
Consider placing all high speed and active periph-
erals (me mory and communication ICs) close to the
microcontroller with special attention given to their
signal routing and return ground planes.
Consider la ying out with the option to add capacitiv e
bypassing to the microcontroller and other IC I/O
pins if necessary.
Avoid “swiss cheese” effects on copper planes
caused b y large clearance holes arou nd signal vias.
Make your p lane look like a solid plane with n o slots
or cutouts.
Consider a ground plane on the reflow component
side directly underneath all ICs with all filtering and
bypassing components on this same side,
grounde d to this ground plane.
Locate the microcontroller away from internal ca-
bles and jumpers. Dress any loose wir ing or cables
away from the microcontroller.
Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance 10
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