5 Designing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Compliance
on the IC pin that still maintains signal integrity provides
the most effective r adiated emissions reduction.
Multiple ground planes can also further decrease the
system signal return path impedance. In systems that
have few connections to the power plane, two ground
planes can be used in place of one power plane and
one ground plane. You can achieve improved EMI per-
f ormance by using two g round planes stitched together
to form parallel return paths. These parallel return
paths for bypass capacitors and IC signals provide an
even lower impedance return path.
To make the largest impact on EMI perfor mance, you
must bypass all noisy IC pins. This includes, but is not
limited to, the pow er supply pins . Highly activ e address
and data pins of an embedded microcontroller are typ-
ical sources of noise due to inadequate system ground
and placement of micro a nd memory ICs far apart with
long trace lengths. The address and data lines of em-
bedded microcontrollers running with internal bus
speeds of 40 to 50 MHz can typically drive 50- to
100-pF worth of capacitance without signal degrada-
tion. The intent here is threefold: 1) contain noise by
placing the bypass capacitor close to the noisy IC pin
and ground pin, 2) slew the signal edge (thereby reduc-
ing the high-frequency content), and 3) stabilize the
v oltage at the IC pin.
Create a Local System Earth Ground with
Ground Planes
As discussed during the explanation of Gauss’ Law,
theoretically you can establish an effective earth
ground within any system using a conductive enclo-
sure. A conductive enclosure can operate as an
effectiv e earth ground due to its low inductance charac-
teristics; howe ver , weight, size, and cost considerations
restrict many products to plastic enclosures or hous-
ings that cannot be utilized as electric return paths. You
also can establish an effective earth ground within the
circuit board itself with a single ground plane or, even
better, multiple ground planes stitched together with
many vias. The use of a solid ground plan e or multiple
ground planes stitched together offers every IC and
component connected to it a more stable reference.
Multiple planes can also act as an effective enclosure
and act as an EMI shield by placing noisy circuit board
traces on a plane in between the two ground planes.
The case study demonstrates the use of multiple
ground pla nes and their ability to impr ov e th e eff ectiv e-
ness of all bypass capacitors (noise suppression), and
to reduce the trace inductance of the entire system, in-
cluding signal and power.
Fur ther, as mentioned during the discussion of Gauss’
Law, maintaining only differential (versus common
mode) currents is also an important aspect in creating
a local earth ground. Again, the low impedance of a
conductive enclosure aids this effort and at the same
time pre vents the common mode current. As pre viously
discussed, ground planes, which encourage diff erential
mode current flow and restrict common mode current,
can act as the enclosure . Reducing the commo n mode
current is important because it takes such a small
quantity to create enough radiated energy to fail to
comply with FCC specifications. For example, within
some systems, it only takes an estimation of 30 nA of
common mode current to f a il FCC Class B. 30 nA is an
extremely small amount of current and can easily
change based on system layout. The exact amount of
common mode current each system generates de-
pends on the noise characteristic of the components
used and the system layout. Therefore, PCB layout is
an extremely important factor in EMI performance. Sys-
tem layout parameters, including circuit board trace
routing, power distribution, system ground, attached
cables, and component locations, all play key roles in
contributing to or reducing this common mode current
and, therefore, radiated emissions.
Add ground plane wherever possible. Two-layer circuit
boards make this very difficult; however, you can stitch
together groun d islands on both la yers with vias so that
all islands are electrically grounded to the system.
Think of a two-layer design as a four-layer approxima-
tion, where ground islands are stitched together to
approximate the performance of a solid unbroken
ground plane on one layer. Ground planes should be as
large as possible, run directly under high-speed signal
traces, and not be broken with signal vias, signal
traces, or cutouts. The “swiss cheese” effect of many
signal vias passing through the ground planes can eas-
ily reduce the gr ound plane’ s eff ectiv eness, so keep via
hole diameters to a minimum. Slots and cutouts in the
ground plane also increase ground inductance due to
the longer path for the return current to get back to its
Less ground directly correlates to higher inductance
and, theref ore , highe r antenna g ain and, in turn, higher
radiated emissions. Therefore, lower radiated-emis-
sions performance requires more ground plane.
Ground plane is not free. To obtain low radiated-emis-
sion performance, you must add more ground plane. If
more planes are added, this could increase system
costs. This is not to say that the current system config-
uration cannot be improved or optimized. Ground is
only one item in the long list of layout considerations.
However, with all other layout variables being equal,
adding more ground correlates directly into lower radi-
ated emissions.
The following case study demonstrates the effective-
ness of utilizing the above-mentioned bypassing and
grounding techniques.