Data Book Updates and Changes
AT90S/LS4434 and AT90S/LS8535
The latest data sheet on the web is rev. 1041E-04/99.
The data sheet in the printed data book is rev. 1041E-04/99.
Changes in the AT90S/LS4434 and AT90S/LS8535 Data Sheet:
Page: Change or Add:
7-6 In “Pin Descri ptions ”, AVCC, change “This is the suppl y vo ltage f or the A/D Conver ter. It should be ext ernall y con-
nected to Vcc via a low-pass filter.” to “ This is the supply voltage for Port A and the A/ D Converter. I f the ADC is not
used, this pin must be connected to Vcc. If the ADC is used, this pin shoul d be connected to Vcc via a low-pass fil-
7-15 In Figure 19, add a box containi ng “+1” as an input t o the summation operator.
7-27 In “Timer /Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR ”, chan ge headi ng “Bit 6 - T OV2: Timer/Counter0 Over flow Flag ”
to “Bit 6 - TOV2: Timer/Counter2 Overf low Flag”.
7-29 Table 9: remove this note: “Note: When changing the ISC11/ISC10 bits, INT1 must be d isabled by c lear ing it s Inter-
rupt Enable bi t in the GIMSK register. Otherwise an int errupt can occur when the bits are changed.”
Table 10: remove this note: “Note: When changing the ISC01/ISC00 bits, INT0 must be disabled by clearing its
Interrupt Enable bit in the GIMSK re gister. Otherwise an interr upt can occur when the bit s are changed.”
7-30 In the Power Down Mode section, replace parag raph 2 (“Note that if a level triggered interrupt.. . ...on page 7-98.”)
to “ N ote that wh en a le vel triggered interrupt is use d for wake-up from power down, th e low level must be held for a
time longer than the reset delay t ime-out perio d tTOUT.”
7-30 At the end of the Power Save Mode section, add the paragraph “If the asynchronous timer is NOT clocked asyn-
chronously, Power Down Mode is recommended instead of Power Save Mode because the contents of the regis-
ters in the asynchronous timer should be considered undefined after wake up in Power Save Mode, even if AS2 is
7-36 In “Timer/Counter Control Register 1B - TCCR1B”, bit3 - CTC1, change the count sequence when prescaler is
set to divide by 8 from “...C-1 | C, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 | ...” to “. ..C-1 | C, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 | ...”
7-39 Before table 16, add paragraph “Note: If the compare register contains the TOP value and the prescaler is not in
use (CS12..CS10 = 001), the PWM output will not produce any pulse at all, because the up-counting and down-
counting values are reached simultaneously. When the prescaler is in use (CS12..CS10 ≠ 001 or 000), the PWM
output goes active when the counter reaches the TOP value, but the down-counting compare match is not inter-
preted to be reached before the next time the counter reaches the TOP-value, making a one- period PWM pulse.”
7-45 Replace last paragraph on page:
“When asynchronous operation is selected, the 32 kHz oscillator for Timer/Counter2 is always running, except in
power down mode. After a power up reset or wake-up from power down, the user should be aware of the fact that
this oscillator might take as long as one second to stabilize. Therefore, the content of all Timer/Counter2 registers
must be consi dered lost after a wake-up from power down, due to the unstable clock signal. The user is advised to
wait for at least one second bef ore using Ti mer/Counte r2 after power- up or wake-up from power down.”
“When the asynchronous operation is selected, the 32kHZ oscillator for Ti mer/Counter2 is always running, except
in power down mode. After a power up reset or wake-up from power down, the user should be aware of the fact
that this oscillator might take as long a s one second to stabili ze. The user is advised to wait for at least one second
befor e using Timer/Counter2 after power- up or wake-up from power down. The contents of all Timer/Counter2 reg-