21 April 2016
21 December 2013
CLEAR AND DIFFUSED LENS, TYPES 1N6094, 1N6611, M19500/52101, M19500/52102,
M19500/5210 3 AND M19500/52104, QUALITY LEVELS JAN AND JANTX
This specif ication is approved for use by all D epartments
and Agencies of the Department of Defense.
The requirements for acquiring the product d escribed herein shall consist of
this specification sheet and MIL-PRF-19500.
1.1 Scope. This s pec i fication cover s the performance requirements for hermetically-sealed green discrete and
panel mount light emitting diodes. Two levels of product assuranc e are provided f or each device type as specified in
1.2 Package outlines. The device packages for the device types are a modified TO–46 in accordance with figur e 1
and panel mount assembly in accordance with figur e 2.
1.3 Maximum rati ngs.
IF IP (1) Iptr (2) V(BR) (3) PFM (4) TOP and TSTG
mA dc mA (pk) A (pk) V dc mW (pk) °C
30 60 1.0 5 120 65 to +100
(1) Pulse width maximum 0.5 ms and PFM(AV) less than PF.
(2) Iptr = 1 µs pulse width, 300 pulses per second (pps).
(3) IR = 10 µA dc.
(4) Derate line arly from +50°C at 2.4 mW/°C.
Comments, suggestions, or questions on thi s document should be addressed to DLA L and and Maritime,
ATTN: VAC, P.O. Box 3990, Columbus, OH 43218-3990, or emailed to Since contact
information c an change, you may want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASS IST
Online database at
The documentation and proc es s conversion
measures necessary to comp ly with this revis ion
shall be completed by 21 July 2016.
1.4 Characteristics, radiometric (physical), and photom etric (visual).
IF = 20 mA dc
Θ = 0 degrees
IF = 20 mA dc
Θ = 30 degrees
IF = 20 mA dc
VR = 3 V
VR = 0
f = 1 MHz Color
mcd mcd V dc nm µA dc pF
3.0 (1)
20.0 (2)
(1) Applies to diffused lens types (JAN1N6094, JANTX1N6094, JANM19500/52101, and JANTXM19500/52102).
(2) Applies to c l ear lens types (JAN1N6611, J A N TX1N6611, JANM 19500/52103, an d JANTXM19500/ 52104).
1.5 Part or Ident i fying Number (PIN). The PIN is in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, and as s pecified herein.
See 6.8 for PIN construction exam ple and 6.9 for a list of available PINs.
1.5.1 JAN certification mark and quality level. The JAN certification mark and qu ali ty level designators for
encapsulated devices that are applicable for this specificat i on sheet from the lowest to the highest level are as
follows: "JAN" and "JANTX".
1.5.2 Device t ypes. There are two different designation system used for the devic e types of red LEDs covered by
this specification sheet. Listed below are the s pecifics of the dev ice types available under the two systems. Component designations. The component designations syst em is a JEDEC based system that uses t he
first number and letter symbol "1N" and the second number symbols " 6094" and "661 1" . Specification designations. T he second is a military PIN based designation system that uses "M19500/"
followed by the specification sheet number "521" and a sequ ential two digit number "01" through "04".
Designator Lens type Package type Quality levels
1N6094 Diffused Through-hole m ount JAN and JANTX
1N6611 Clear Through-hole mount JAN and JANTX
M19500/52101 Diffused P anel mount assembly JAN only
M19500/52102 Diffused P anel mount assembly JANTX only
M19500/52103 Clear Panel mount assembly JAN only
M19500/52104 Clear Panel mount assembly JANTX only
1.5.3 Lens typ es. There are two lens types available, diffused and cl ear. See 6.5 and f i gur es 3 and 4 for the
relative luminous intensity of the two lens t ypes. The clear lens types are consider ed sunli ght viewable and are for
applications requiring readability in bright sunlight (see 6.5.2).
1.5.4 Suffix symbols. Suffix symbols are not applicable for this specification sheet.
1.5.5 Lead finish. The lead finishes applicabl e to this specification sheet ar e l isted on QPDSIS-19500.
2.1 General. The documents list ed i n this section ar e specified in sections 3 and 4 of this specification. This
section does n ot include docum ents cited in other s ec tions of this spec i fication or rec ommended for addi tional
information or as examples. While every effort has been made to e ns ure the completeness of this li s t, document
users are cautioned that they must meet all specified req uirements of doc um ents cited in sections 3 and 4 of this
specificati on, whether or not they are listed.
2.2 Government documents.
2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specific ations, standards, and handbooks form a
part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless ot herwise specified, the issues of t hes e documents are
those cited in the solicitatio n or contract.
MIL-PRF-19500 Semiconductor Devices, Gen er al S pecification for.
MIL-STD-750 Test Methods f or Semiconduct or Devices.
(Copies of these documents a r e available online at
2.3 Order of prec edence. Unless otherwise noted her ein or in the contr ac t, in the event of a conflict between the
text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in thi s
document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a spec ific exemption has been obtaine d.
3.1 General. The individual item requirement s shall be as spec ified in MIL-PRF-19500 and as modifie d her ein.
3.2 Qualification. Devices furnished under t his specification shall be products that are manufactured by a
manufacturer authorized by the qualifying activity for list ing on the applic able qualified manufacturer's list (QML)
before contrac t award (see 4.2 and 6.3).
3.3 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein sh all be as
specified in MIL-PRF-19500 and herein.
IP Peak operating forward pulse c urrent.
Iptr Peak transi ent forward current.
IV Luminous inten sity (the subscript V is used to desi gnate a photometri c or visual quant ity to
differentiate from I as us ed herein for curre nt).
λV Peak radiometric wavelength of diode light em ission.
mcd Milli-candela; the candela is a unit of luminous i ntensity defined such that the luminance of a
blackbody radiator at the temperature of solidification of platinum is 60 can delas per square
Θ The angle at or off the axis of symmetry of a light sourc e at which luminou s i ntensity is measured.
3.4 Interface and physical dimensions. The interface req uirements and ph ysical dimensions shall be as specified
in MIL-PRF-19500 and on figures 1 and 2.
3.4.1 Lead finish. Unless otherwise specified, the lead finish shall be solder able as defined in MIL-PRF-19500,
MIL-STD-750 and herein. Where a choice of lead f i nish is desired, it shall be specified in the acquisition document
(see 6.2).
3.4.2 Polarity. The polarity of the device types shall be as shown on figures 1 and 2.
3.4.3 Term inal l ead length. Termina l lead lengths other than that spec ified on figures 1 and 2 may be furnished
when so stipul ated in the acquisit i on document (s ee 6.2) where the d evices covered herein are required directly for
particular equipment-circuit in s tallation or for automatic-assembly-technique programs.
LTR Dimensions
LTR Dimensions
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
BD .176 .190 4.47 4.83 J .032 .042 0.81 1.07
BD1 .200 .220 5.08 5.59 LD .016 .019 0.41 0.48
BH .180 .225 4.57 5.72 LL .970 1.030 24.64 26.16
H .035 .045 0.89 1.14 PS .045 .055 1.14 1.40
HT .013 .024 0.33 0.61
1. Dimensio ns are in inches.
2. Millimeters are given for general information only.
3. Cathode lead; both leads isolated from case.
4. Glass/metal hermetic can.
5. Colored lens or clear glass lens (see 6.2).
6. For sunlight v iewable LEDs, dimension BH is .213 inch (5.41 mm) minimum and .260 inch (6.60 mm)
maximum (see 6.2).
7. In accordance with ASME Y14. 5M, diameters are equivalent to Φx symbology.
FIGURE 1. Physical dimensions f or types JAN1N609 4, JANTX1N6094, JA N 1N661, and JA N TX1N6611.
Inches mm Inches mm
.022 0.56 .133 3.38
.025 0.64 .139 3.53
.028 0.71 .373 9.47
.060 1.52 .388 9.86
.070 1.78 .500 12.70
.095 2.41 .520 13.21
.105 2.67 .583 14.81
1. Dimensio ns are in inches.
2. Millimeters are given for general information only.
3. The panel mount sleeve is either black conduct i v e composite with a tensile strength of 35,000 psi and
surface resist i vity of 100 ohms per square, black anodized alumin um, or black finished zinc.
4. Mounting hardware, which in c l udes one lock washer and one hex nut, is included with e ac h panel
mountable her meti c solid state lamp.
5. Use of metric drill size 8.20 millimeters or letter gauge dr il l size P (.323 inch, 8.20 mm) is recommended for
producing ho le in the panel for panel mounting.
6. Both leads are isolated from the panel mount by nonconductive potti ng. Lead length is .500 inch
(12.70 mm) minimum, . 583 inch (14.81 mm) maximum.
7. Conductive surface may exten d to threaded area.
8. In accordanc e with ASME Y14.5M, diameters ar e equivalent t o Φx symbology.
FIGURE 2. Physical dimensions for types JANM19500/52101, JAN TXM19500/52102,
JANM19500/5 2103, and JANTXM19500/52104 panel mount assembl ies.
3.5 Marking. Devices shal l be marked as specif ied in MIL-PRF-19500.
3.6 Electrical performance characteristics. Unless otherwise specifi ed herein, the electrical performance
characteris tics are as specif ied in 1.3, 1.4, a nd tables I and II herein.
3.7 Electrical test requiremen ts. The electric al test requirements shall be the subgroups specified in tables I and II
3.8 Workmanship. Devices shall be processed in suc h a manner as to be unifor m in quality and shall be free from
other defects t hat will affect li fe, serviceability, or appearance.
4.1 Classific ation of inspect i ons. The inspec tion requireme nts specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.2).
b. Screening (see 4.3).
c. Conformance inspection (see 4.4 and tables I and II).
4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500 an d as specified
4.2.1 Group E quali fication. Group E inspection sha ll be performed for qualification or re-qualification only. In
case qualification was awarded to a prior revision of the spec i fication sheet that did not request the performanc e of
table III tests , the tests specified in t able III herein that were not performed in the prior r ev ision shall be p erformed on
the first inspec tion lot of t his revision to maintain qualification.
4.3 Screening (qua lit y leve l JANTX only). Screening sh all be in accordance with table E-IV of MIL-PRF-19500 and
as specified h erein. The foll owi ng measurement s shall be made in accordance with table I herein. Devices that
exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acc eptable.
Screen Measurements
JANTX level
2 As given, exce pt condition shall be 24 hours minimum at maximum rated s torage
3a T
upper extreme
= 100°C, +0°C, –3°C.
7 As given, exce pt for the fine leak test, condition G, testing 2 hours aft er pressurization
is acceptabl e and for the gross l eak test, the devic e temperature sha ll be maintained
at 100°C ±5°C.
9 and 10 Not app li c able.
11 IV1, VF
12 IF = 35 mA dc; TA = +25°C, t = 96 hours.
13 Subgroup 2 of table I herein; ΔIV1 = 20 percent of initial readings.
ΔVF = ±50 mV dc.
4.4 Conformance i nspection. Conformance inspec tion shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500 and as follows.
a. If the manuf ac turer chooses the following option(s) for test i ng, the sample units that are to be used in
group C inspection shall be de signated as suc h, prior to conduct ing the referenced group B test s.
Moreover, t he number of failed diodes to be counte d for lot acceptance or rejected as a res ult of group C
test shall be equal to all failed diodes of the test in group B inspect ion, which were predesignat ed for use
in group C inspection, plus any additional failures occurring group C testing. For each life test in gr oup C
inspection, the manufactur er has the option of using all, or a port ion of, the sample already subjected to
340 hours of group B life testing for an additional 660 hours of test i ng to meet the 1,000 h our requirement.
b. Panel mount assemblies shal l be assembled with LEDs that have met the requireme nts of groups A, B, and
C, and the applic able screening requirements specified herein. The quality conformance inspection for
panel mount assemblies shall consist of the ex am inations a nd i nspections s pecified in table II herein.
4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in acc ordance with table E-V of MIL-PRF-19500,
and tables I and II herein.
4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall be conducted in acc ordance with the conditions specified for
subgroup testing in table E-VIB of MIL-PRF-19500 and herein.
Subgroup Method Conditions
B2 1051 Test conditio n A , except T(high) = +100°C (25 cycles); time at t emperature extremes
10 minutes minimum.
B2 1071 Fine leak: Tes t condition G or H (for condition H, leak testing 1 hour after
pressurizat ion shall be acceptable).
Gross leak: Test condition A, D, E, or J except t hat leak indicator fluid shall be
maintained at +100°C ±5°C.
B3 1027 IF = 35 mA dc; TA = +25°C; t = 340 hours +72, 24 hours (se e 4.4.a).
4.4.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shal l be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for
subgroup testing in table E-VII of MIL-PRF-19500 and as follows.
Subgroup Method Conditions
C2 1056 Test condition A.
C2 2036 Test condition E.
C2 1071 Fine l eak: Test condit ion G or H (for condit i on H, leak testin g 1 hour after
pressurizat ion shall be acceptable).
Gross leak: Test condition A, D, E, or J except t hat leak indicator fluid shall be
maintained at +100°C ±5°C.
C3 2016 Non-operating; 1,500 G's; t = 0.5 ms; 5 blows in each orientation: X1, Y1, and Y2.
C3 2056 Non-operating.
C3 2006 Non-operating; 20,000 G's; X1, Y1, and Y2, one minute in each or ientation.
C6 1026 IF = 35 mA dc; TA = +25°C, 1,000 hours.
C7 Peak forward pulse current (transient); tP = 1 µs, pps = 300, total test time = 5 s,
Iprt = 1.0 A (pk).
C8 tP = 0.5 ms, PFM 120 mW, TA = +25°C, IP = 60 mA, 500 hours.
4.5 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be as specified in the appropriate tables and as follows.
4.5.1 Axial lum i nous intensity. This measurement is made with a photometer.
TABLE I. Group A inspection.
Inspection 1/ MIL-STD-750 Symbol Limits Unit
Method Conditions Min Max
Subgroup 1
Visual and mec hanical
Subgroup 2
Luminous intensity
Θ = 0 degrees (see 3.3 and 4.5.1);
IF = 20 mA dc
2/ 3.0
3/ 20.0
Luminous intensity 2/
Θ = 30 degrees; I
= 20 mA dc
Reverse current
DC method; V
= 3 V dc
µA dc
Forward volt age
DC method, I
= 20 mA dc
V dc
Subgroup 3
High temperature
= +100°C
Reverse current
DC method; V
= 3 V dc
µA dc
Forward volt age
DC method, I
= 20 mA dc
V dc
Low temperature
= 55°C
Reverse current
DC method; V
= 3 V dc
µA dc
Forward volt age
DC method, I
= 20 mA dc
V dc
Subgroup 4
= 0; f = 1 MHz
Subgroups 5, 6, and 7
Not applicable
1/ For sampling plan, see MIL-PRF-19500.
2/ Applies to JAN1N6094 and JANTX1N6094.
3/ Applies to JAN1N6611 and JANTX1N6611.
TABLE II. Group A inspection for pane l mount assemblies.
Inspection 1/ MIL-STD-750 Symbol Limits Unit
Method Conditions Min Max
Subgroup 1
External vis ual
Subgroup 2
Luminous intensity
Θ = 0 degrees (see 3.3 and 4.5.1);
IF = 20 mA dc
2/ 3.0
3/ 20.0
Luminous intensity 2/
Θ = 30 degrees; I
= 20 mA dc
Reverse current
DC method; V
= 3 V dc
µA dc
Forward volt age
DC method, I
= 20 mA dc
V dc
Subgroup 3, 4, 5, and 6
Not applicable
Subgroup 7
Solderability 4/
15 devices, c = 0
Resistance t o s ol v ents
Solutions A an d B only.
15 devices, c = 0
Physical dimens ions
See figure 2, 45 devices, c = 0
1/ For sampling plan, see MIL-PRF-19500.
2/ Applies to JANM19500/52101 and JANTXM19500/52102.
3/ Applies to JANM19500/52103 and JANTXM19500/52104.
4/ The sample size for solderabi lity test applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shal l l es s than
three leads be us ed to provide the number of leads req uired.
TABLE III. Group E inspections (all quality levels) for qualification only.
Inspections MIL-STD-750 Quality conformance
inspection sample size
Method Conditions
Subgroup 1
45 devices, c = 0
Temperature cycling
Test condition A, except that the hot
temperature s hall be +100°C, +15°C / –0°C,
20 cycles.
Hermetic seal
Fine leak
Gross leak
Electrical measurements
See tables I and II, subgroup II .
Subgroup 2
45 devices, c = 0
Intermittent operating lif e
For all devices with organic material.
Electrical measurements
See tables I and II, subgroup II .
5.1 Packaging. For acquisitio n purposes, the pac kaging requirements shall be as specified in the c ontract or order
(see 6.2). W hen pac kaging of materiel is to be performed by DoD or in-house contractor personnel, these personnel
need to contact the responsible pac kaging activ i ty to ascertain packaging requirem ents. Packaging requirements are
maintained by the Inventory Cont rol Point's packaging activities within the Military Service or Defense Agency, or
within the Military Service’s system com mands. Packaging data retrieval is available from the managing Military
Department's or Defense Agency's automated packaging files , CD-ROM products, or by contacting the responsible
packaging act ivity.
(This section contains information of a gener al or explanator y nat ur e that may be helpf ul, but is not mandatory.
The notes specified in MIL-PRF-19500 are applicable t o this specification.)
6.1 Intended u se. Semiconductor s conforming to this s pecification are intended for original equipm ent design
applications and logistic support of existi ng equipment.
6.2 Acquisiti on requirements . Acquisition documents should specify the fol lowing:
a. Title, number, and date of this specification.
b. Packaging requirements (see 5.1).
c. Lead finish (see 3.4.1).
d. The complete PIN, see 1.5 and 6.9.
6.3 Qualification. With respe ct to products requ i ring qualification, awards wil l be made only for products which ar e,
at the time of awar d of contract, quali fied for inclusi on in Qualified Manufacturers List (QML-19500) whether or not
such products have actually b een so listed by that date. The attenti on of the contractors is called to these
requirements, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products t hat they propose to offer to the Federal
Government tested for qualification in order that they may be el igible to be awarded contracts or or ders for the
products covered by this specificatio n. Information pertaining to qu ali fication of products may be obta i ned from DLA
Land and Maritime, ATT N: VQE, P.O. Box 3990, Columbus, OH 43218-3990 or e-mail An online
listing of products qualified to this specif ication may be found in the Qualified Products D atabase (QPD) at
6.4 Applications. These light emi tting diodes are primarily intended as visibl e s tatus (ON or OF F) indicators.
Intensity is easily modulate d by varying the fo rward current, so the level can be ad j us ted to suit ambient light
conditions. The modulation rat e c apability can be hi gh enough to accommodate video si gnals. Diodes m ay be
operated in either direct cur rent or pulsed mode depending upon c urrent availa bility. Pulsed op eration is desirable as
a means of linear control of average intensity or of improving the average efficiency (ratio of average intensity to
average current). A panel mount configuration, i s provided (see figure 2). The panel mount confi guration provi des
precise and consistent mech anical surfaces for mounting an d optical alignm ent.
6.5 Operating c onsiderations. Under normal am bi ent light condi tions (300 to 1,000 lux), a typical forward current
of 6 mA is requir ed to produce an adequate on-stat e luminous intens i ty. This current level is directl y compatible with
TTL devices, and only simple buf fering is needed when operatin g from LSTTL, LTTL, CMOS. No consideration of
inrush current or keep-alive voltage is necessary. The relative luminous intensity (normalized at 20 mA) is displayed
on figure 3 for diffused lens devic es and figure 4 for clear, sunlight viewable lens devices.
6.5.1 Design considerations. Design consideration should include: Ambie nt light level an d c ol or; viewing
background, c ol or and texture; observer, attentiv eness, position and operator accessories (glasses, goggles). Where
ambient light levels are so high that it is diffi c ul t to distinguis h between the LED on condition and glint (reflect i on of
light from the surface of the LE D lens), a modulated c urrent causing a visible flicker in the LED at 10 Hz is
recommended. Color filters, louvered filters, and circular p olarizing filters may enhance the desired vis ual effects of
the LED.
6.5.2 Clear lens (sunlight vie wa ble). For applicat ions in bright sunlight, sunlight viewable types are recommended.
With the proper enhancement filter, these parts are readabl e in sunlight ambi ent conditions .
FIGURE 3. Relative luminous intensity, diffu sed lens devices.
FIGURE 4. Relative luminous intensity, clear l ens (sunlight vi ewable) devices.
6.6 Reliabilit y consider ati ons . There is a cor relation bet ween LED luminous intensity degradation and operating
current levels . To lengthen the useful life of this device, drive c ur rent should be held to a minimum cons istent with
use conditions. Luminous intensi ty would have to change by more than 50 percent before becoming appar ent to the
causal observer.
6.7 Replacement data. MIL-S-19500/521(EL) Amendment 1, dated 8 March 1977 intr oduced the pan el mountable
LED lamp assembly option by using commercially available LE D holders with their associated commercial part
numbers to be us ed with the qualified device types. MIL-S-19500/521(EL) Amendment 2, dated 13 March 1978
removed the com m ercial lamp holder option and replaced it with milit ary PINs M19500/521-01 and M19500/521-02.
These two PINs did not use the JAN or JANTX prefixes. MIL-S-19500/521(ER) Amendment 3, dated 21 January
1983 altered t he PIN for the panel m ount assembly again by adding the JAN and JANTX prefixes and removing the
dash ("–") that separated military specificatio n P IN designator f rom the sequential dash number. Amendment 3 also
notified user that device typ es JANM19500/52101 and JANTXM19500/52102 ar e di rect replacements for device
types M19500/521-01 and M19500/521-02, respectively.
6.7.2 Superseded PINs. T he following superses sion data applies to PINs associated with this document:
Replacement P IN as
specified within
Superseded PIN as
specified within
Original PIN as
specified within
dated 10 Janu ary 1992
Amendment 3,
dated 21 Janu ary 1983
Amendment 2,
dated 10 Marc h 1978
JANM19500/52101 JANM19500/52101 M19500/521-01
JANTXM19500/52102 JTXM19500/52102 M19500/521-02
6.7.3 Interchangeability. The PINs and device types JANM19500/52101 and JANTXM19500/52102 are
interchangeable with the PINs and device types M19500/521-01 and M19500/52 1-02.
6.8 PIN construction examples.
6.8.1 Through-hole mount devices. The PIN for through-hole mount device s are in the follo wing form.
JANTX 1N6611
JAN brand and quality level (see 1.5.1)
Component designation (see
6.8.2 Panel mount assemblies. The PIN for panel mou nt assemblies are in the follo win g form.
JANTX M19500/52104
JAN brand and quality level (see 1.5.1)
Specificati on designatio n and dash number (s ee
6.9 List of PINs. The following is a list of al l possible PINs f or the devices avail able on this spec ification sheet .
PIN Description
JAN1N6094 LED, green, diffused lens, through-hole mount, quality level JAN.
JANTX1N6094 LED, green, diffused lens, through-hole mount, quality level JANTX.
JAN1N6611 LED, green, clear lens, through-h ole mount, quali ty level JAN.
JANTX1N6611 LED, green, clear l ens, through-h ole mount, quality level JANTX.
JANM19500/52101 LED, gree n, diffused lens , panel mount assembly, quality level JAN.
JANTXM19500/52102 LED, green, diffused l ens, panel mount assembly, qua li ty level JANT X.
JANM19500/52103 LED, gree n, clear lens, panel mount assembly, quality level JAN.
JANTXM19500/52104 LED, green, clear lens, panel mount assembly, quality level JA NTX.
6.10 Changes f r om previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in t his revision to identify changes with
respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the c hanges.
Custodians: Preparing activity:
Army – CR DLA - CC
Air Force 85
DLA CC (Project 59802016004)
Review activities:
Army – AR, MI, SM
Air Force 99
NOTE: The activities listed ab ove were interes ted in this document as of the date of this document. Since
organizations and responsibilities can ch ange, you should v erify the currency of the information above using t he
ASSIST Onli ne database at