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The DS1339 serial real-time clock (RTC) is a low-
power cl ock/date devi ce wit h two programm able time-
of-day alarms and a programmable square-wave
output. Address and data are transferred serially
through an I2C bus. The clock/date provides seconds,
minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year
information. The date at the end of the month is
automatically adjusted for months with fewer than 31
days, including corrections for leap year. The clock
operates in either the 24-hour or 12-hour format with
AM/PM indicator. The DS1339 has a built-in power-
sense circuit that detects power failures and
automatically switches to the backup supply,
m aintaining time, dat e, and alarm oper ation.
Handhelds (G P S , POS Termi nals)
Consumer E lectr onics (Set-Top Box, Digital
Recording, Network Appli anc e)
Offic e Equi pm ent (Fax/Printers, Copier )
Medi c al (G lucom eter, Medicine Dispenser)
Telecommunicati ons (Rout er s, S witches, S ervers)
Ot her ( Utility Meter, Vending Mac hine, Thermostat,
Real-Time Clock (RT C) Counts Seconds, M inutes,
Hours, Day, Date, Month, and Year wit h Leap-
Year Compensation Valid Up to 2100
Availabl e in a Surf ac e-M ount Pac k age with an
Int egr ated Cry stal ( DS 1339C)
I2C Seri al Interfac e
Two Time-of-Day Al arms
Program mable S quar e-Wave Output
Osci llat or St op Flag
Autom atic Power-Fail Detect and Swit c h Cir c uitry
Trickle-Charge Capabilit y
Under wri ters Laborator ies (UL) Recogniz ed
Pin Con fig urati ons appe ar at end of data sheet.
DS1339C-2# -40°C to +85°C 2.0 16 SO (300 mils) DS1339C-2
DS1339U-2+ -40°C to +85°C 2.0 8 µSOP 1339 rr-2
DS1339U-3+ -40°C to +85°C 3.0
1339 rr-3
DS1339U-33+ -40°C to +85°C 3.3 8 µSOP 1339 rr-33
+Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package.
#Denotes a RoHS-compliant device that may include lead that is exempt under the RoHS requirements . The lead finish is JESD97 c ate gory
e3, and is compatible with both lead-bas e d an d lea d-free soldering processes.
†A “+” anywhere on the top mark indicates a lead(Pb)-free devi ce. A “#” denotes a RoHS-complian t device. rr = second line, revision code