Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Datasheet - Volume 1 June 2010 Document Number: 322371-003 INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL(R) PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN INTEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, INTEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, AND INTEL DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF INTEL PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN WRITING BY INTEL, THE INTEL PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED NOR INTENDED FOR ANY APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE INTEL PRODUCT COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. See for details. Over time processor numbers will increment based on changes in clock, speed, cache, FSB, or other features, and increments are not intended to represent proportional or quantitative increases in any particular feature. Current roadmap processor number progression is not necessarily representative of future roadmaps. See processor_number for details. Intel(R) Active Management Technology requires the computer system to have an Intel(R) AMT-enabled chipset, network hardware and software, as well as connection with a power source and a corporate network connection. Setup requires configuration by the purchaser and may require scripting with the management console or further integration into existing security frameworks to enable certain functionality. It may also require modifications of implementation of new business processes. With regard to notebooks, Intel AMT may not be available or certain capabilities may be limited over a host OS-based VPN or when connecting wirelessly, on battery power, sleeping, hibernating or powered off. For more information, see technology/platform-technology/intel-amt/ Intel(R) Trusted Execution Technology (Intel(R) TXT) requires a computer system with Intel(R) Virtualization Technology (Intel(R) Virtualization Technology (Intel(R) VT-x) and Intel(R) Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (Intel(R) VT-d)), a Intel TXT-enabled processor, chipset, BIOS, Authenticated Code Modules and an Intel TXT-compatible measured launched environment (MLE). The MLE could consist of a virtual machine monitor, an OS or an application. In addition, Intel TXT requires the system to contain a TPM v1.2, as defined by the Trusted Computing Group and specific software for some uses. For more information, see Intel(R) Virtualization Technology requires a computer system with an enabled Intel(R) processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM) and, for some uses, certain computer system software enabled for it. Functionality, performance or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configurations and may require a BIOS update. Software applications may not be compatible with all operating systems. Please check with your application vendor. Warning: Altering clock frequency and/or voltage may (i) reduce system stability and useful life of the system and processor; (ii) cause the processor and other system components to fail; (iii) cause reductions in system performance; (iv) cause additional heat or other damage; and (v) affect system data integrity. Intel has not tested, and does not warranty, the operation of the processor beyond its specifications. * Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology requires a PC with a processor with Intel Turbo Boost Technology capability. Intel Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Intel Turbo Boost Technology. For more information, see Hyper-threading Technology requires a computer system with a processor supporting HT Technology and an HT Technology-enabled chipset, BIOS, and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you use. For more information including details on which processors support HT Technology, see 64-bit computing on Intel architecture requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating system, device drivers and applications enabled for Intel(R) 64 architecture. Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software configurations. Consult with your system vendor for more information. Enabling Execute Disable Bit functionality requires a PC with a processor with Execute Disable Bit capability and a supporting operating system. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Execute Disable Bit functionality. Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology for specified units of this processor available Q2/06. See the Processor Spec Finder at http:// or contact your Intel representative for more information. Intel,Intel Core, Core Inside, Intel Speedstep, Intel Xeon, and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. 2 Datasheet, Volume 1 Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 9 1.1 Processor Feature Details ................................................................................... 11 1.1.1 Supported Technologies .......................................................................... 11 1.2 Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 11 1.2.1 System Memory Support ......................................................................... 11 1.2.2 PCI Express* ......................................................................................... 12 1.2.3 Direct Media Interface (DMI).................................................................... 13 1.2.4 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI) ........................................... 14 1.3 Power Management Support ............................................................................... 14 1.3.1 Processor Core....................................................................................... 14 1.3.2 System ................................................................................................. 14 1.3.3 Memory Controller.................................................................................. 14 1.3.4 PCI Express* ......................................................................................... 14 1.4 Thermal Management Support ............................................................................ 15 1.5 Package ........................................................................................................... 15 1.6 Terminology ..................................................................................................... 15 1.7 Related Documents ........................................................................................... 17 2 Interfaces................................................................................................................ 19 2.1 System Memory Interface .................................................................................. 19 2.1.1 System Memory Technology Supported ..................................................... 19 2.1.2 System Memory Timing Support............................................................... 21 2.1.3 System Memory Organization Modes......................................................... 21 Single-Channel Mode................................................................. 21 Dual-Channel Mode--Intel(R) Flex Memory Technology Mode ............ 22 2.1.4 Rules for Populating Memory Slots ............................................................ 23 2.1.5 Technology Enhancements of Intel(R) Fast Memory Access (Intel(R) FMA).......... 24 Just-in-Time Command Scheduling.............................................. 24 Command Overlap .................................................................... 24 Out-of-Order Scheduling ............................................................ 24 2.1.6 System Memory Pre-Charge Power Down Support Details ............................ 24 2.2 PCI Express* Interface....................................................................................... 25 2.2.1 PCI Express* Architecture ....................................................................... 25 Transaction Layer ..................................................................... 26 Data Link Layer ........................................................................ 26 Physical Layer .......................................................................... 26 2.2.2 PCI Express* Configuration Mechanism ..................................................... 27 2.2.3 PCI Express* Ports and Bifurcation ........................................................... 28 PCI Express* Bifurcated Mode .................................................... 28 2.3 Direct Media Interface (DMI)............................................................................... 28 2.3.1 DMI Error Flow....................................................................................... 28 2.3.2 Processor/PCH Compatibility Assumptions.................................................. 28 2.3.3 DMI Link Down ...................................................................................... 28 2.4 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI) ...................................................... 29 2.5 Interface Clocking ............................................................................................. 29 2.5.1 Internal Clocking Requirements................................................................ 29 3 Technologies ........................................................................................................... 31 3.1 Intel(R) Virtualization Technology .......................................................................... 31 3.1.1 Intel(R) VT-x Objectives ............................................................................ 31 3.1.2 Intel(R) VT-x Features .............................................................................. 31 Datasheet, Volume 1 3 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 Intel(R) Intel(R) Intel(R) Intel(R) VT-d Objectives ............................................................................32 Intel(R) VT-d Features ...............................................................................32 Intel(R) VT-d Features Not Supported..........................................................33 Trusted Execution Technology (Intel(R) TXT) .................................................33 Hyper-Threading Technology .....................................................................34 Turbo Boost Technology ............................................................................34 4 Power Management .................................................................................................35 4.1 ACPI States Supported .......................................................................................35 4.1.1 System States........................................................................................35 4.1.2 Processor Core/Package Idle States...........................................................35 4.1.3 Integrated Memory Controller States .........................................................35 4.1.4 PCI Express* Link States .........................................................................36 4.1.5 Interface State Combinations ...................................................................36 4.2 Processor Core Power Management ......................................................................36 4.2.1 Enhanced Intel(R) SpeedStep(R) Technology ..................................................37 4.2.2 Low-Power Idle States.............................................................................37 4.2.3 Requesting Low-Power Idle States ............................................................39 4.2.4 Core C-states .........................................................................................39 Core C0 State ...........................................................................40 Core C1/C1E State ....................................................................40 Core C3 State ...........................................................................40 Core C6 State ...........................................................................40 C-State Auto-Demotion ..............................................................40 4.2.5 Package C-States ...................................................................................41 Package C0 ..............................................................................42 Package C1/C1E........................................................................42 Package C3 State ......................................................................43 Package C6 State ......................................................................43 4.3 IMC Power Management .....................................................................................43 4.3.1 Disabling Unused System Memory Outputs.................................................43 4.3.2 DRAM Power Management and Initialization ...............................................44 Initialization Role of CKE ............................................................44 Conditional Self-Refresh .............................................................44 Dynamic Power Down Operation..................................................44 DRAM I/O Power Management ....................................................45 4.4 PCI Express* Power Management ........................................................................45 5 Thermal Management ..............................................................................................47 6 Signal Description ....................................................................................................49 6.1 System Memory Interface ...................................................................................50 6.2 Memory Reference and Compensation ..................................................................52 6.3 Reset and Miscellaneous Signals ..........................................................................52 6.4 PCI Express* Based Interface Signals ...................................................................53 6.5 DMI--Processor to PCH Serial Interface.................................................................53 6.6 PLL Signals .......................................................................................................54 6.7 Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Signals ...............................................................54 6.8 JTAG/ITP Signals ...............................................................................................55 6.9 Error and Thermal Protection...............................................................................56 6.10 Power Sequencing .............................................................................................57 6.11 Processor Core Power Signals ..............................................................................57 6.12 Graphics and Memory Core Power Signals .............................................................59 6.13 Ground and NCTF ..............................................................................................60 6.14 Processor Internal Pull Up/Pull Down ....................................................................60 4 Datasheet, Volume 1 7 Electrical Specifications ........................................................................................... 61 7.1 Power and Ground Lands.................................................................................... 61 7.2 Decoupling Guidelines ........................................................................................ 61 7.2.1 Voltage Rail Decoupling........................................................................... 61 7.3 Processor Clocking (BCLK[0], BCLK#[0]) .............................................................. 62 7.3.1 PLL Power Supply ................................................................................... 62 7.4 VCC Voltage Identification (VID) .......................................................................... 62 7.5 Reserved or Unused Signals................................................................................ 66 7.6 Signal Groups ................................................................................................... 66 7.7 Test Access Port (TAP) Connection....................................................................... 69 7.8 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings ............................................................. 69 7.9 DC Specifications .............................................................................................. 70 7.9.1 Voltage and Current Specifications............................................................ 70 7.10 Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI) DC Specifications........................... 77 7.10.1 DC Characteristics .................................................................................. 77 7.10.2 Input Device Hysteresis .......................................................................... 78 8 Processor Land and Signal Information ................................................................... 79 8.1 Processor Land Assignments ............................................................................... 79 Figures 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 4-1 4-2 4-3 7-1 7-2 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Platform Diagram ................................................. 10 Intel(R) Flex Memory Technology Operation................................................................... 22 Dual-Channel Symmetric (Interleaved) and Dual-Channel Asymmetric Modes .................. 23 PCI Express* Layering Diagram ................................................................................. 25 Packet Flow through the Layers ................................................................................. 26 PCI Express* Related Register Structures in Processor ................................................. 27 Idle Power Management Breakdown of the Processor Cores ........................................... 37 Thread and Core C-State Entry and Exit ...................................................................... 38 Package C-State Entry and Exit.................................................................................. 42 VCC Static and Transient Tolerance Loadlines ............................................................... 73 Input Device Hysteresis ............................................................................................ 78 Socket Pinmap (Top View, Upper-Left Quadrant) .......................................................... 80 Socket Pinmap (Top View, Upper-Right Quadrant) ........................................................ 81 Socket Pinmap (Top View, Lower-Left Quadrant) .......................................................... 82 Socket Pinmap (Top View, Lower-Right Quadrant) ........................................................ 83 Tables 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Supported Memory Summary ................................ 11 Related Documents ................................................................................................. 17 Supported DIMM Module Configurations ..................................................................... 20 DDR3 System Memory Timing Support ..................................................................... 21 System Memory Pre-Charge Power Down Support ....................................................... 24 Processor Reference Clock Requirements ................................................................... 29 Processor Core/Package State Support ...................................................................... 35 G, S, and C State Combinations ................................................................................ 36 Coordination of Thread Power States at the Core Level ................................................ 38 P_LVLx to MWAIT Conversion ................................................................................... 39 Coordination of Core Power States at the Package Level............................................... 41 Targeted Memory State Conditions............................................................................ 44 Signal Description Buffer Types ................................................................................ 49 Memory Channel A.................................................................................................. 50 Memory Channel B.................................................................................................. 51 Memory Reference and Compensation ....................................................................... 52 Datasheet, Volume 1 5 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 8-1 8-2 6 Reset and Miscellaneous Signals................................................................................52 PCI Express* Based Interface Signals ........................................................................53 DMI--Processor to PCH Serial Interface ......................................................................53 PLL Signals.............................................................................................................54 Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface ................................................................................54 JTAG/ITP................................................................................................................55 Error and Thermal Protection ....................................................................................56 Power Sequencing ...................................................................................................57 Processor Core Power Signals ...................................................................................57 Graphics and Memory Power Signals ..........................................................................59 Ground and NCTF ....................................................................................................60 Processor Internal Pull Up/Pull Down..........................................................................60 VRD 11.1/11.0 Voltage Identification Definition ...........................................................63 Market Segment Selection Truth Table for MSID[2:0]...................................................65 Signal Groups 1 ......................................................................................................67 Processor Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings .....................................................69 Processor Core Active and Idle Mode DC Voltage and Current Specifications ....................70 Processor Uncore I/O Buffer Supply DC Voltage and Current Specifications .....................71 VCC Static and Transient Tolerance ............................................................................72 DDR3 Signal Group DC Specifications.........................................................................74 Control Sideband and TAP Signal Group DC Specifications.............................................75 PCI Express* DC Specifications .................................................................................76 PECI DC Electrical Limits ..........................................................................................77 Signals Not Used by the Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series........................................79 Processor Pin List by Pin Name..................................................................................84 Datasheet, Volume 1 Revision History Revision Number Description Date 001 * Initial release September 2009 002 * Added workstation information January 2010 003 * Added Intel Xeon X3480 processor June 2010 Datasheet, Volume 1 7 8 Datasheet, Volume 1 Introduction 1 Introduction The Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3400 series are the next generation of 64-bit, multi-core processors built on 45-nanometer process technology. Based on the low-power/highperformance Intel microarchitecture, the processor is designed for a two-chip platform, instead of the traditional three-chip platforms (processor, (G)MCH, and ICH). The twochip platform consists of a processor and Platform Controller Hub (PCH) and enables higher performance, easier validation, and improved x-y footprint. The Intel(R) 3400 Series Chipset components for servers and workstations are the PCH. The Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3400 series is intended for UP server and workstation platforms. This document provides DC electrical specifications, signal integrity, differential signaling specifications, pinout and signal definitions, interface functional descriptions, and additional feature information pertinent to the implementation and operation of the processor on its respective platform. Note: Throughout this document, the Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3400 series may be referred to as "processor". Note: Throughout this document, the Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3400 series refers to the Intel(R) Xeon(R) X3480, X3470, X3460, X3450, X3440, X3430, and L3426 processors. Note: Througout this document, the Intel(R) 3400 Series Chipset Platform Controller Hub may be referred to as "PCH". Note: Some processor features are not available on all platforms. Refer to the processor specification update for details. Included in this family of processors is an integrated memory controller (IMC) and integrated I/O (IIO) (such as PCI Express* and DMI) on a single silicon die. This single die solution is known as a monolithic processor. For specific features supported on individual Intel Xeon processor 3400 series SKUs, refer to the Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Specification Update. Figure 1-1 shows an example server platform block diagram. Datasheet, Volume 1 9 Introduction Figure 1-1. Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Platform Diagram Quad Core CPU w it h Int egrat ed Memory Cont roller Discrete Graphics (PEG) PCI Express* 1x16 DDR3 DIM Ms 2 Channels (2 UDIMM/ Channel) Or (3 RDIMM/ Channel) Processor OR PCI Express* 2 x 8 OR PCI Express* 4x4 DDR3 DIMM s Not e: Support ed PCI Express conf igurat ions vary by SKU. DMI PECI Intel(R) Management Engine Serial ATA 6 Port s 3 Gb/ s USB 2.0 14 Port s Intel(R)3 400 Series Chipset Intel(R) HD Audio SMBUS 2 .0 SPI Flash PCI SPI PCI Express* PCI 8 x1 PCI Express* 2.0 Port s (2.5 GT/ s) FWH TPM 1.2 LPC Super I/ O GPIO 10 Gigabit Network Connection Som e technologies m ay not be enabled on all processor SKUs. Refer to the Processor Specification Update for details. Datasheet, Volume 1 Introduction 1.1 Processor Feature Details * Four cores * A 32-KB instruction and 32-KB data first-level cache (L1) for each core * A 256-KB shared instruction/data second-level cache (L2) for each core * 8-MB shared instruction/data last-level cache (L3), shared among all cores 1.1.1 Supported Technologies * Intel(R) Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (Intel(R) VT-d) * Intel(R) Virtualization Technology (Intel(R) VT-x) * Intel(R) Trusted Execution Technology (Intel(R) TXT) * Intel Active Management Technology 6.0 (Intel 3450 Chipset platform only) * Intel(R) Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1 (Intel(R) SSE4.1) * Intel(R) Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 (Intel(R) SSE4.2) * Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology * Intel(R) 64 Architecture * Execute Disable Bit * Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology Note: Some technologies may not be enabled on all processor SKUs. Refer to the processor specification update for details. Note: Intel(R) Active Management Technology 6.0 is not supported on the Intel Xeon processor 3400 series for Intel 3400 and 3420 Chipset Platforms. 1.2 Interfaces 1.2.1 System Memory Support Table 1-1. Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Supported Memory Summary Platform Intel 3450 Chipset Platform Intel 3400 and 3420 Chipset Platforms # of Channels DIMMs/ Channel Transfer Rate (MT/s) Notes DDR3: Non-ECC Unbuffered 1 or 2 1 or 2 1066, 1333 2 DDR3: ECC Unbuffered 1 or 2 1 or 2 1066, 1333 2 DDR3: ECC Registered DIMM 1 or 2 Up to 3 800, 1066, 1333 1 DDR3: ECC Unbuffered DIMM 1 or 2 1 or 2 1066, 1333 1 Memory Type Notes: 1. Non-ECC DIMMs are not supported. Mixing of non-ECC and ECC DIMMs is not supported. 2. Mixing of non-ECC and ECC DIMMs is not supported. Registered DIMMs are not supported. Datasheet, Volume 1 11 Introduction System memory features include: * Data burst length of eight for all memory organization modes * 64-bit wide channels * DDR3 I/O Voltage of 1.5 V * Maximum memory bandwidth of 10.6 GB/s in single-channel mode or 21 GB/s in dual-channel mode assuming DDR3 1333 MT/s * 1-Gb and 2-Gb DDR3 DRAM technologies are supported. * Using 2-Gb device technologies, the largest memory capacity possible is 16 GB for UDIMMs (assuming Dual Channel Mode with a four dual rank unbuffered, non-ECC DIMM memory configuration), and 32 GB for RDIMMs (assuming Dual Channel Mode with a four quad-rank registered DIMM memory configuration) * Up to 64 simultaneous open pages, 32 per channel (assuming 8 ranks of 8 bank devices) * Command launch modes of 1n/2n * Intel(R) Fast Memory Access (Intel(R) FMA) -- Just-in-Time Command Scheduling -- Command Overlap -- Out-of-Order Scheduling 1.2.2 PCI Express* * The processor PCI Express* port(s) are fully-compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 2.0. * Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3400 series with the Intel(R) 3450 Chipset supports: -- One 16-lane PCI Express port intended for graphics attach. -- Two 8-lane PCI Express ports for graphics or I/O. * Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3400 series with the Intel 3420 Chipset supports: -- One 16-lane PCI Express port intended for graphics or I/O. -- Two 8-lane PCI Express ports intended for I/O. -- Four 4-lane PCI Express ports intended for I/O. * Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3400 series with the Intel 3400 Chipset supports: -- Two 8-lane PCI Express ports intended for I/O. -- Four 4-lane PCI Express ports intended for I/O. * PCI Express port 0 is mapped to PCI Device 3. * PCI Express port 1 is mapped to PCI Device 5. * The port may negotiate down to narrower widths. -- Support for x16/x8/x4/x1 widths for a single PCI Express mode. * 2.5 GT/s and 5.0 GT/s PCI Express frequencies are supported. * Either port can be configured independently as 2.5 GT/s or 5.0 GT/s. * Raw bit-rate on the data pins of 5.0 GB/s, resulting in a real bandwidth per pair of 500 MB/s given the 8b/10b encoding used to transmit data across this interface. This also does not account for packet overhead and link maintenance. * Maximum theoretical bandwidth on interface of 8 GB/s in each direction simultaneously, for an aggregate of 16 GB/s for x16. * Hierarchical PCI-compliant configuration mechanism for downstream devices. * Traditional PCI style traffic (asynchronous snooped, PCI ordering). 12 Datasheet, Volume 1 Introduction * PCI Express extended configuration space. The first 256 bytes of configuration space aliases directly to the PCI Compatibility configuration space. The remaining portion of the fixed 4-KB block of memory-mapped space above that (starting at 100h) is known as extended configuration space. * PCI Express Enhanced Access Mechanism. Accessing the device configuration space in a flat memory mapped fashion. * Automatic discovery, negotiation, and training of link out of reset. * Traditional AGP style traffic (asynchronous non-snooped, PCI-X* Relaxed ordering). * Peer segment destination posted write traffic (no peer-to-peer read traffic) in Virtual Channel 0: * * -- PCI Express Port 0 -> PCI Express Port 1 -- PCI Express Port 1 -> PCI Express Port 0 -- DMI -> PCI Express Port 0 -- DMI -> PCI Express Port 1 -- PCI Express Port 1 -> DMI -- PCI Express Port 0 -> DMI 64-bit downstream address format, but the processor never generates an address above 64 GB (Bits 63:36 will always be zeros). 64-bit upstream address format, but the processor responds to upstream read transactions to addresses above 64 GB (addresses where any of Bits 63:36 are nonzero) with an Unsupported Request response. Upstream write transactions to addresses above 64 GB will be dropped. Re-issues Configuration cycles that have been previously completed with the Configuration Retry status. PCI Express reference clock is 100-MHz differential clock. Power Management Event (PME) functions. * * * * * Dynamic lane numbering reversal as defined by the PCI Express Base Specification. Dynamic frequency change capability (2.5 GT/s - 5.0 GT/s) Dynamic width capability Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI and MSI-X) messages Polarity inversion * * * 1.2.3 Direct Media Interface (DMI) * Four lanes in each direction. * 2.5 GT/s point-to-point DMI interface to PCH is supported. * Raw bit-rate on the data pins of 2.5 GB/s, resulting in a real bandwidth per pair of 250 MB/s given the 8b/10b encoding used to transmit data across this interface. Does not account for packet overhead and link maintenance. * Maximum theoretical bandwidth on interface of 1 GB/s in each direction simultaneously, for an aggregate of 2 GB/s when DMI x4. * Shares 100-MHz PCI Express reference clock. * 64-bit downstream address format, but the processor never generates an address above 64 GB (Bits 63:36 will always be zeros). * 64-bit upstream address format, but the processor responds to upstream read transactions to addresses above 64 GB (addresses where any of Bits 63:36 are nonzero) with an Unsupported Request response. Upstream write transactions to addresses above 64 GB will be dropped. Datasheet, Volume 1 13 Introduction * Supports the following traffic types to or from the PCH -- DMI -> PCI Express Port 0 write traffic -- DMI -> PCI Express Port 1 write traffic -- DMI -> DRAM -- DMI -> processor core (Virtual Legacy Wires (VLWs), Resetwarn, or MSIs only) -- Processor core -> DMI * APIC and MSI interrupt messaging support -- Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI and MSI-X) messages * Downstream SMI, SCI, and SERR error indication * Legacy support for ISA regime protocol (PHOLD/PHOLDA) required for parallel port DMA, floppy drive, and LPC bus masters * DC coupling - no capacitors between the processor and the PCH * Polarity inversion * PCH end-to-end lane reversal across the link * Supports Half Swing "low-power/low-voltage" and Full Swing "high-power/highvoltage" modes 1.2.4 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI) The PECI is a one-wire interface that provides a communication channel between processor and a PECI master, usually the PCH. 1.3 Power Management Support 1.3.1 Processor Core * Full support of ACPI C-states as implemented by the following processor C-states: -- C0, C1, C1E, C3, C6 * Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology 1.3.2 System * S0, S1, S4, S5 1.3.3 Memory Controller * Conditional self-refresh * Dynamic power-down 1.3.4 PCI Express* * L0s and L1 ASPM power management capability. -- L0s not supported on the Intel Xeon(R) processor 3400 series when configured as PCI Express 4x4 14 Datasheet, Volume 1 Introduction 1.4 Thermal Management Support * Digital Thermal Sensor * Intel(R) Adaptive Thermal Monitor * THERMTRIP# and PROCHOT# support * On-Demand Mode * Memory Thermal Throttling * External Thermal Sensor * Fan Speed Control with DTS 1.5 Package * The processor socket type is noted as LGA 1156. The package is a 37.5 x 37.5 mm Flip Chip Land Grid Array (FCLGA 1156). 1.6 Terminology Term Description DDR3 Third generation Double Data Rate SDRAM memory technology DP Display Port* DMA Direct Memory Access DMI Direct Media Interface DTS Digital Thermal Sensor ECC Error Correction Code Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology Technology that provides power management capabilities. Execute Disable Bit The Execute Disable bit allows memory to be marked as executable or nonexecutable, when combined with a supporting operating system. If code attempts to run in non-executable memory, the processor raises an error to the operating system. This feature can prevent some classes of viruses or worms that exploit buffer overrun vulnerabilities and can, thus, help improve the overall security of the system. See the Intel(R) 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals for more detailed information. FCLGA Flip Chip Land Grid Array (G)MCH Legacy component - Graphics Memory Controller Hub. Platforms using LGA 1156 processors do not use a (G)MCH component. ICH The legacy I/O Controller Hub component that contains the main PCI interface, LPC interface, USB2, Serial ATA, and other I/O functions. It communicates with the legacy (G)MCH over a proprietary interconnect called DMI. Platforms using LGA 1156 processors do not use an ICH component. IMC Integrated Memory Controller Intel(R) 64 Technology 64-bit memory extensions to the IA-32 architecture. Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology The processor supports Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel(R) HT Technology) that allows an execution core to function as two logical processors. Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology is a feature that allows the processor core to opportunistically and automatically run faster than its rated operating frequency if it is operating below power, temperature, and current limits. Intel(R) TXT Intel(R) Trusted Execution Technology Datasheet, Volume 1 15 Introduction Term Description Intel(R) Intel(R) VT-d Intel(R) Virtualization Technology 16 Virtualization Technology (Intel(R) VT) for Directed I/O. Intel VT-d is a hardware assist, under system software (Virtual Machine Manager or OS) control, for enabling I/O device virtualization. VT-d also brings robust security by providing protection from errant DMAs by using DMA remapping, a key feature of Intel VT-d. Processor virtualization which when used in conjunction with Virtual Machine Monitor software enables multiple, robust independent software environments inside a single platform. ITPM Integrated Trusted Platform Module IOV I/O Virtualization LCD Liquid Crystal Display LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling. A high speed, low power data transmission standard used for display connections to LCD panels. NCTF Non-Critical to Function: NCTF locations are typically redundant ground or noncritical reserved, so the loss of the solder joint continuity at end of life conditions will not affect the overall product functionality. PCH Platform Controller Hub. The new, 2009 chipset with centralized platform capabilities including the main I/O interfaces along with display connectivity, audio features, power management, manageability, security and storage features. PECI Platform Environment Control Interface PEG PCI Express* Graphics. External Graphics using PCI Express Architecture. A highspeed serial interface whose configuration is software compatible with the existing PCI specifications. Processor The 64-bit multi-core component (package) Processor Core The term "processor core" refers to Si die itself which can contain multiple execution cores. Each execution core has an instruction cache, data cache, and 256-KB L2 cache. All execution cores share the L3 cache. Rank A unit of DRAM corresponding to four to eight devices in parallel, ignoring ECC. These devices are usually, but not always, mounted on a single side of a DIMM. SCI System Control Interrupt. Used in ACPI protocol. Storage Conditions A non-operational state. The processor may be installed in a platform, in a tray, or loose. Processors may be sealed in packaging or exposed to free air. Under these conditions, processor landings should not be connected to any supply voltages, have any I/Os biased or receive any clocks. Upon exposure to "free air" (that is, unsealed packaging or a device removed from packaging material), the processor must be handled in accordance with moisture sensitivity labeling (MSL) as indicated on the packaging material. TAC Thermal Averaging Constant TDP Thermal Design Power TLP Transaction Layer Packet TOM Top of Memory TTM Time-To-Market VCC Processor core power rail VSS Processor ground VTT L3 shared cache, memory controller, and processor I/O power rail VDDQ DDR3 power rail VLD Variable Length Decoding x1 Refers to a Link or Port with one Physical Lane x4 Refers to a Link or Port with four Physical Lanes x8 Refers to a Link or Port with eight Physical Lanes x16 Refers to a Link or Port with sixteen Physical Lanes Datasheet, Volume 1 Introduction 1.7 Related Documents Refer to the following documents for additional information. Table 1-2. Related Documents Document Document Number/ Location Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Datasheet, Volume 2 /datasheet/322372.pdf Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Specification Update /datasheet/322373.pdf Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series and LGA1156 Socket Thermal and Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines /datasheet/322374.pdf Intel(R) 5 Series Chipset and Intel(R) 3400 Series Chipset Datasheet heet/322169 Intel(R) 5 Series Chipset and Intel(R) 3400 Series Chipset Thermal and Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines esignguide/322171.pdf Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines /processor/designex/322172.pdf Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification 3.0 PCI Local Bus Specification 3.0 ons PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 2.0 DDR3 SDRAM Specification Display Port Specification Intel (R) 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals Volume 1: Basic Architecture Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M ocessor/manuals/ Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z Volume 3A: System Programming Guide Volume 3B: System Programming Guide Datasheet, Volume 1 17 Introduction 18 Datasheet, Volume 1 Interfaces 2 Interfaces This chapter describes the interfaces supported by the processor. 2.1 System Memory Interface 2.1.1 System Memory Technology Supported The Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) supports DDR3 protocols with two independent, 64-bit wide channels. Refer to Section 1.2.1 for details on the type of memory supported. * Supported DIMM Types -- Unbuffered DIMMs--1066 MT/s (PC3-8500), and 1333 MT/s (PC3-10600) -- Registered DIMMs--1066 MT/s (PC3-8500), and 1333 MT/s (PC3-10600) * Intel 3450 Chipset platforms DDR3 DIMM Modules -- -- -- -- -- Raw Raw Raw Raw Raw Card Card Card Card Card A--Single Sided x8 unbuffered non-ECC B--Double Sided x8 unbuffered non-ECC C--Single Sided x16 unbuffered non-ECC D--Single Sided x8 unbuffered ECC E--Double Sided x8 unbuffered ECC * Intel 3400 and 3420 Chipset platforms DDR3 DIMM Modules -- -- -- -- -- -- Raw Raw Raw Raw Raw Raw Card Card Card Card Card Card D--Single Sided x8 unbuffered ECC E--Double Sided x8 unbuffered ECC A--Single Sided x8 registered ECC B--Double Sided x8 registered ECC G--Quad Rank x8 registered ECC H--Quad Rank Stacked x8 registered ECC * DDR3 DRAM Device Technology -- Unbuffered--1-Gb and 2-Gb DDR3 DRAM Device technologies and addressing are supported (as detailed in Table 2-1). -- Registered--1-Gb and 2-Gb DDR3 DRAM Device technologies and addressing are supported (as detailed in Table 2-1). Datasheet, Volume 1 19 Interfaces Table 2-1. Raw Card Version Supported DIMM Module Configurations DIMM Capacity DRAM Device Technology DRAM Organization # of DRAM Devices # of Physical Device Ranks # of Row/Col Address Bits # of Banks Inside DRAM Page Size Intel 3450 Chipset Platforms with Intel Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Skus: Unbuffered/ECC Supported DIMM Module Configurations A B 1 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 8 1 14/10 8 8K 2 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 16 2 14/10 8 8K 4 GB 2 Gb 256 M X 8 16 2 15/10 8 8K C 512 MB 1 Gb 64 M X 16 4 1 13/10 8 8K D 1 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 9 1 14/10 8 8K E 2 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 18 2 14/10 8 8K 4 GB 2 Gb 256 M X 8 18 2 15/10 8 8K Intel 3400 and 3420 Chipset Platforms with Intel Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series SKUs: Registered/ECC Supported RDIMM Module Configurations and Unbuffered/ECC Supported DIMM Module Configurations (D and E) D 1 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 9 1 14/10 8 8K E 2 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 18 2 14/10 8 8K 4 GB 2 Gb 256 M X 8 18 2 15/10 8 8K A 1 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 9 1 14/10 8 8K B 2 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 18 2 14/10 8 8K G 8 GB 2 Gb 256 M X 8 36 4 15/10 8 8K H 4 GB 1 Gb 128 M X 8 36 4 14/10 8 8K Note: 20 DIMM module support is based on availability and is subject to change. Datasheet, Volume 1 Interfaces 2.1.2 System Memory Timing Support The IMC supports the following DDR3 Speed Bin, CAS Write Latency (CWL), and command signal mode timings on the main memory interface: * * * * * Table 2-2. tCL = CAS Latency tRCD = Activate Command to READ or WRITE Command delay tRP = PRECHARGE Command Period CWL = CAS Write Latency Command Signal modes = 1N indicates a new command may be issued every clock and 2N indicates a new command may be issued every 2 clocks. Command launch mode programming depends on the transfer rate and memory configuration. DDR3 System Memory Timing Support Transfer Rate (MT/s) 1066 1333 tRP (tCK) CWL (tCK) Unbuffered DIMM CMD Mode Registered DIMM CMD Mode Notes 6 6 5 N/A 1N Only 4 7 7 8 8 8 6 See Note 1, 2, 3 1N Only 4 8 8 8 tCL (tCK) tRCD (tCK) 6 7 9 9 9 10 10 10 4 7 See Note 1, 2, 3 1N Only 4 4 Note: 1. Two Un-buffered DIMM Memory Configurations = 2N Command Mode at 1067/1333 MHz 2. One Un-buffered DIMM Memory Configurations = 1N Command Mode at 1067/1333 MHz 3. Both Channel A and B will run at same Command Mode based on the slowest mode enabled relative to the memory configurations populated in both channels. For example, if Channel A has both DIMM connectors populated (2N CMD Mode) and Channel B has only one DIMM connector populated (1N CMD Mode) then 2N CMD mode would be enabled for both channels. 4. System Memory timing support is based on availability and is subject to change. 2.1.3 System Memory Organization Modes The IMC supports two memory organization modes, single-channel and dual-channel. Depending upon how the DIMM Modules are populated in each memory channel, a number of different configurations can exist. Single-Channel Mode In this mode, all memory cycles are directed to a single-channel. Single-channel mode is used when either Channel A or Channel B DIMM connectors are populated, but not both. Datasheet, Volume 1 21 Interfaces Dual-Channel Mode--Intel(R) Flex Memory Technology Mode The IMC supports Intel Flex Memory Technology mode. This mode combines the advantages of the Dual-Channel Symmetric (Interleaved) and Dual-Channel Asymmetric Modes. Memory is divided into a symmetric and a asymmetric zone. The symmetric zone starts at the lowest address in each channel and is contiguous until the asymmetric zone begins or until the top address of the channel with the smaller capacity is reached. In this mode, the system runs with one zone of dual-channel mode and one zone of single-channel mode, simultaneously, across the whole memory array. Figure 2-1. Intel(R) Flex Memory Technology Operation C T o p o f M e m o ry B B CH A CH B C N o n in te r le a v e d access B C D ual channel in te r le a v e d a c c e s s B B CH A CH B B B - T h e la rg e s t p h y s ic a l m e m o ry a m o u n t o f th e s m a lle r s iz e m e m o ry m o d u le C - T h e re m a in in g p h y s ic a l m e m o ry a m o u n t o f th e la rg e r s iz e m e m o ry m o d u le Dual-Channel Symmetric Mode Dual-Channel Symmetric mode, also known as interleaved mode, provides maximum performance on real world applications. Addresses are ping-ponged between the channels after each cache line (64-byte boundary). If there are two requests, and the second request is to an address on the opposite channel from the first, that request can be sent before data from the first request has returned. If two consecutive cache lines are requested, both may be retrieved simultaneously, since they are ensured to be on opposite channels. Use Dual-Channel Symmetric mode when both Channel A and Channel B DIMM connectors are populated in any order, with the total amount of memory in each channel being the same. When both channels are populated with the same memory capacity and the boundary between the dual channel zone and the single channel zone is the top of memory, IMC operates completely in Dual-Channel Symmetric mode. Note: 22 The DRAM device technology and width may vary from one channel to the other. Datasheet, Volume 1 Interfaces Dual-Channel Asymmetric Mode This mode trades performance for system design flexibility. Unlike the previous mode, addresses start at the bottom of Channel A and stay there until the end of the highest rank in Channel A, and then addresses continue from the bottom of Channel B to the top. Real world applications are unlikely to make requests that alternate between addresses that sit on opposite channels with this memory organization, so in most cases, bandwidth is limited to a single channel. This mode is used when Intel Flex Memory Technology is disabled and both Channel A and Channel B DIMM connectors are populated in any order with the total amount of memory in each channel being different. Figure 2-2. Dual-Channel Symmetric (Interleaved) and Dual-Channel Asymmetric Modes Dual Channel Interleaved (memory sizes must match) Dual Channel Asymmetric (memory sizes can differ) CL CL CH. B Top of Memory CH. B Top of Memory CH. A CH.A-top DRB CH. A CH. B CH. A CH. B CH. A 2.1.4 0 0 Rules for Populating Memory Slots In all modes, the frequency of system memory is the lowest frequency of all memory modules placed in the system, as determined through the SPD registers on the memory modules. The system memory controller supports one or two DIMM connectors per channel for unbuffered DIMMs or up to three DIMM connectors per channel for registered DIMMs.For dual-channel modes, both channels must have at least one DIMM connector populated and for single-channel mode only a single-channel may have one or more DIMM connectors populated. Note: DIMM0 must always be populated within any memory configuration. DIMM0 is the furthest DIMM within a channel and is identified by the CS#[1:0], ODT[1:0], and CKE[1:0] signals. Datasheet, Volume 1 23 Interfaces 2.1.5 Technology Enhancements of Intel(R) Fast Memory Access (Intel(R) FMA) The following sections describe the Just-in-Time Scheduling, Command Overlap, and Out-of-Order Scheduling Intel FMA technology enhancements. Just-in-Time Command Scheduling The memory controller has an advanced command scheduler where all pending requests are examined simultaneously to determine the most efficient request to be issued next. The most efficient request is picked from all pending requests and issued to system memory Just-in-Time to make optimal use of Command Overlapping. Thus, instead of having all memory access requests go individually through an arbitration mechanism forcing requests to be executed one at a time, they can be started without interfering with the current request allowing for concurrent issuing of requests. This allows for optimized bandwidth and reduced latency while maintaining appropriate command spacing to meet system memory protocol. Command Overlap Command Overlap allows the insertion of the DRAM commands between the Activate, Precharge, and Read/Write commands normally used, as long as the inserted commands do not affect the currently executing command. Multiple commands can be issued in an overlapping manner, increasing the efficiency of system memory protocol. Out-of-Order Scheduling While leveraging the Just-in-Time Scheduling and Command Overlap enhancements, the IMC continuously monitors pending requests to system memory for the best use of bandwidth and reduction of latency. If there are multiple requests to the same open page, these requests would be launched in a back to back manner to make optimum use of the open memory page. This ability to reorder requests on the fly allows the IMC to further reduce latency and increase bandwidth efficiency. 2.1.6 System Memory Pre-Charge Power Down Support Details The IMC supports and enables the following DDR3 DRAM Device pre-charge power down DLL controls during a pre-charge power down. * Slow Exit is where the DRAM device DLL is disabled after entering pre-charge power down * Fast Exit is where the DRAM device DLLs are maintained after entering pre-charge power down Table 2-3. 24 System Memory Pre-Charge Power Down Support DIMM per Channel Configuration DIMM Type Precharge Power Down Slow/Fast Exit One Unbuffered DIMM Slow Exit Two Unbuffered DIMM Fast Exit One Registered DIMM Raw Cards A, B, D, or E Slow Exit Two or Three Registered DIMM Raw Cards A, B, D, or E Fast Exit One or Two Registered DIMM Raw Cards G or H Fast Exit Datasheet, Volume 1 Interfaces 2.2 PCI Express* Interface This section describes the PCI Express interface capabilities of the processor. See the PCI Express Base Specification for details of PCI Express. The number of PCI Express controllers available is dependent on the platform: * Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with the Intel 3450 Chipset: 1 x16 PCI Express Graphics or 2x8 PCI Express Graphics are supported. * Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with Intel 3400 and 3420 Chipset: 1 x16 PCI Express I/O, 2 x8 PCI Express I/O, or 4 x4 PCI Express I/O are supported. 2.2.1 PCI Express* Architecture Compatibility with the PCI addressing model is maintained to ensure that all existing applications and drivers operate unchanged. The PCI Express configuration uses standard mechanisms as defined in the PCI Plugand-Play specification. The initial recovered clock speed of 1.25 GHz results in 2.5 Gb/s/direction which provides a 250-MB/s communications channel in each direction (500 MB/s total). That is close to twice the data rate of classic PCI. The fact that 8b/10b encoding is used accounts for the 250 MB/s where quick calculations would imply 300 MB/s. The PCI Express ports support 5.0 GT/s speed as well. Operating at 5.0 GT/s results in twice as much bandwidth per lane as compared to 2.5 GT/s operation. When operating with more than one PCI Express controller, each controller can be operating at either 2.5 GT/s or 5.0 GT/s. The PCI Express architecture is specified in three layers: Transaction Layer, Data Link Layer, and Physical Layer. The partitioning in the component is not necessarily along these same boundaries. Refer to Figure 2-3 for the PCI Express Layering Diagram. Figure 2-3. PCI Express* Layering Diagram PCI Express uses packets to communicate information between components. Packets are formed in the Transaction and Data Link Layers to carry the information from the transmitting component to the receiving component. As the transmitted packets flow through the other layers, they are extended with additional information necessary to handle packets at those layers. At the receiving side the reverse process occurs and Datasheet, Volume 1 25 Interfaces packets get transformed from their Physical Layer representation to the Data Link Layer representation and finally (for Transaction Layer Packets) to the form that can be processed by the Transaction Layer of the receiving device. Figure 2-4. Packet Flow through the Layers Transaction Layer The upper layer of the PCI Express architecture is the Transaction Layer. The Transaction Layer's primary responsibility is the assembly and disassembly of Transaction Layer Packets (TLPs). TLPs are used to communicate transactions, such as read and write, as well as certain types of events. The Transaction Layer also manages flow control of TLPs. Data Link Layer The middle layer in the PCI Express stack, the Data Link Layer, serves as an intermediate stage between the Transaction Layer and the Physical Layer. Responsibilities of the Data Link Layer include link management, error detection, and error correction. The transmission side of the Data Link Layer accepts TLPs assembled by the Transaction Layer, calculates and applies data protection code and TLP sequence number, and submits them to the Physical Layer for transmission across the Link. The receiving Data Link Layer is responsible for checking the integrity of received TLPs and for submitting them to the Transaction Layer for further processing. On detection of TLP error(s), this layer is responsible for requesting retransmission of TLPs until information is correctly received, or the Link is determined to have failed. The Data Link Layer also generates and consumes packets that are used for Link management functions. Physical Layer The Physical Layer includes all circuitry for interface operation, including driver and input buffers, parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel conversion, PLL(s), and impedance matching circuitry. It also includes logical functions related to interface initialization and maintenance. The Physical Layer exchanges data with the Data Link Layer in an implementation-specific format, and is responsible for converting this to an appropriate serialized format and transmitting it across the PCI Express Link at a frequency and width compatible with the remote device. 26 Datasheet, Volume 1 Interfaces 2.2.2 PCI Express* Configuration Mechanism The PCI Express (external graphics) link is mapped through a PCI-to-PCI bridge structure. . Figure 2-5. PCI Express* Related Register Structures in Processor PCI Express* Device PCI Express* Device PCI Express Port 0 PCI Express Port 1 PCI-PCI Bridge representing root PCI Express port (Device 3) PCI Compatible Host Bridge Device (Device 0) PCI-PCI Bridge representing root PCI Express port (Device 5) DMI PCI Express extends the configuration space to 4096 bytes per-device/function, as compared to 256 bytes allowed by the Conventional PCI Specification. PCI Express configuration space is divided into a PCI-compatible region (consisting of the first 256 B of a logical device's configuration space) and an extended PCI Express region (consisting of the remaining configuration space). The PCI-compatible region can be accessed using either the mechanisms defined in the PCI specification or using the enhanced PCI Express configuration access mechanism described in the PCI Express Enhanced Configuration Mechanism section. The PCI Express Host Bridge is required to translate the memory-mapped PCI Express configuration space accesses from the host processor to PCI Express configuration cycles. To maintain compatibility with PCI configuration addressing mechanisms, it is recommended that system software access the enhanced configuration space using 32bit operations (32-bit aligned) only. See the PCI Express Base Specification for details of both the PCI-compatible and PCI Express Enhanced configuration mechanisms and transaction rules. Datasheet, Volume 1 27 Interfaces 2.2.3 PCI Express* Ports and Bifurcation The PCI Express interface on the processor is a single 16 lane (x16) port that can also be configured at narrower widths. It may be bifurcated (refer to Table 6-5) and each port may train to narrower widths. The PCI Express port is designed to be compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification rev 2.0 PCI Express* Bifurcated Mode When bifurcated, the signals that had previously been assigned to lanes 15:8 of the single x16 Primary port are reassigned to lanes 7:0 of the x8 Secondary port. This assignment applies whether the lane numbering is reversed or not. The controls for the Secondary port and the associated virtual PCI-to-PCI bridge can be found in PCI Device 5. Refer to Table 6-5 for port bifurcation configuration settings and supported configurations. When the port is not bifurcated, Device 5 is hidden from the discovery mechanism used in PCI enumeration, such that configuration of the device is neither possible nor necessary. 2.3 Direct Media Interface (DMI) DMI connects the processor and the PCH chip-to-chip. The DMI is similar to a four-lane PCI Express supporting up to 1 GB/s of bandwidth in each direction. Note: Only DMI x4 configuration is supported. 2.3.1 DMI Error Flow DMI can only generate SERR in response to errors--never SCI, SMI, MSI, PCI INT, or GPE. Any DMI related SERR activity is associated with Device 0. 2.3.2 Processor/PCH Compatibility Assumptions The processor is compatible with the PCH and is not compatible with any previous (G)MCH or ICH products. 2.3.3 DMI Link Down The DMI link going down is a fatal, unrecoverable error. If the DMI data link goes to data link down, after the link was up, then the DMI link hangs the system by not allowing the link to retrain to prevent data corruption. This is controlled by the PCH. Downstream transactions that had been successfully transmitted across the link prior to the link going down may be processed as normal. No completions from downstream, non-posted transactions are returned upstream over the DMI link after a link down event. 28 Datasheet, Volume 1 Interfaces 2.4 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI) The PECI is a one-wire interface that provides a communication channel between processor and a PECI master, usually the PCH. The processor implements a PECI interface to: * Allow communication of processor thermal and other information to the PECI master. * Read averaged Digital Thermal Sensor (DTS) values for fan speed control. 2.5 Interface Clocking 2.5.1 Internal Clocking Requirements Table 2-4. Processor Reference Clock Requirements Reference Input Clocks Input Frequency Associated PLL BCLK[0]/BCLK#[0] 133 MHz Processor/Memory PEG_CLK/PEG_CLK# 100 MHz PCI Express/DMI Datasheet, Volume 1 29 Interfaces 30 Datasheet, Volume 1 Technologies 3 Technologies 3.1 Intel(R) Virtualization Technology Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT) makes a single system appear as multiple independent systems to software. This allows multiple, independent operating systems to run simultaneously on a single system. Intel VT comprises technology components to support virtualization of platforms based on Intel architecture microprocessors and chipsets. Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT-x) added hardware support in the processor to improve the virtualization performance and robustness. Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (Intel VT-d) adds chipset hardware implementation to support and improve I/O virtualization performance and robustness. Intel VT-x specifications and functional descriptions are included in the Intel(R) 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3B and is available at: The Intel VT-d spec and other VT documents can be referenced at: 3.1.1 Intel(R) VT-x Objectives Intel VT-x provides hardware acceleration for virtualization of IA platforms. Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can use Intel VT-x features to provide improved reliable virtualized platforms. By using Intel VT-x, a VMM is: * Robust--VMMs no longer need to use paravirtualization or binary translation. This means that they will be able to run off-the-shelf OSs and applications without any special steps. * Enhanced--Intel VT enables VMMs to run 64-bit guest operating systems on IA x86 processors. * More reliable--Due to the hardware support, VMMs can now be smaller, less complex, and more efficient. This improves reliability and availability and reduces the potential for software conflicts. * More secure--The use of hardware transitions in the VMM strengthens the isolation of VMs and further prevents corruption of one VM from affecting others on the same system. 3.1.2 Intel(R) VT-x Features The processor core supports the following Intel VT-x features: * Extended Page Tables (EPT) -- EPT is hardware assisted page table virtualization -- It eliminates VM exits from guest OS to the VMM for shadow page-table maintenance * Virtual Processor IDs (VPID) -- Ability to assign a VM ID to tag processor core hardware structures (such as TLBs) -- This avoids flushes on VM transitions to give a lower-cost VM transition time and an overall reduction in virtualization overhead. Datasheet, Volume 1 31 Technologies * Guest Preemption Timer -- Mechanism for a VMM to preempt the execution of a guest OS after an amount of time specified by the VMM. The VMM sets a timer value before entering a guest -- The feature aids VMM developers in flexibility and Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees * Descriptor-Table Exiting -- Descriptor-table exiting allows a VMM to protect a guest OS from internal (malicious software based) attack by preventing relocation of key system data structures like IDT (interrupt descriptor table), GDT (global descriptor table), LDT (local descriptor table), and TSS (task segment selector). -- A VMM using this feature can intercept (by a VM exit) attempts to relocate these data structures and prevent them from being tampered by malicious software. 3.1.3 Intel(R) VT-d Objectives The key Intel VT-d objectives are domain-based isolation and hardware-based virtualization. A domain can be abstractly defined as an isolated environment in a platform to which a subset of host physical memory is allocated. Virtualization allows for the creation of one or more partitions on a single system. This could be multiple partitions in the same operating system, or there can be multiple operating system instances running on the same system--offering benefits such as system consolidation, legacy migration, activity partitioning, or security. 3.1.4 Intel(R) VT-d Features The processor supports the following Intel VT-d features: * 48-bit maximum guest address width and 36-bit maximum host address width for non-isoch traffic, in UP profiles * 39-bit maximum guest address width and 36-bit maximum host address width for isoch (Intel High Definition Audio isoch) traffic * Support for 4K page sizes only * Support for register-based fault recording only (for single entry only) and support for MSI interrupts for faults -- Support for fault collapsing based on Requester ID * Support for both leaf and non-leaf caching * Support for boot protection of default page table * Support for non-caching of invalid page table entries * Support for hardware based flushing of translated but pending writes and pending reads, on IOTLB invalidation * Support for page-selective IOTLB invalidation * Support for queue-based invalidation interface * Support for Intel VT-d read prefetching/snarfing (such as, translations within a cacheline are stored in an internal buffer for reuse for subsequent transactions) * Support for ARI (Alternate Requester ID--a PCI SIG ECR for increasing the function number count in a PCI Express device) to support IOV devices 32 Datasheet, Volume 1 Technologies 3.1.5 Intel(R) VT-d Features Not Supported The following features are not supported by the processor with Intel VT-d: * No support for PCISIG endpoint caching (ATS) * No support for interrupt remapping * No support for advance fault reporting * No support for super pages * No support for 1 or 2 level page walks for isoch remap engine and 1, 2, or 3 level walks for non-isoch remap engine * No support for Intel VT-d translation bypass address range (such usage models need to be resolved with VMM help in setting up the page tables correctly) 3.2 Intel(R) Trusted Execution Technology (Intel(R) TXT) Intel Trusted Execution Technology (Intel TXT) defines platform-level enhancements that provide the building blocks for creating trusted platforms. The Intel TXT platform helps to provide the authenticity of the controlling environment such that those wishing to rely on the platform can make an appropriate trust decision. The Intel TXT platform determines the identity of the controlling environment by accurately measuring and verifying the controlling software. Another aspect of the trust decision is the ability of the platform to resist attempts to change the controlling environment. The Intel TXT platform will resist attempts by software processes to change the controlling environment or bypass the bounds set by the controlling environment. Intel TXT is a set of extensions designed to provide a measured and controlled launch of system software that will then establish a protected environment for itself and any additional software that it may execute. These extensions enhance two areas: * The launching of the Measured Launched Environment (MLE). * The protection of the MLE from potential corruption. The enhanced platform provides these launch and control interfaces using Safer Mode Extensions (SMX). The SMX interface includes the following functions: * Measured/Verified launch of the MLE. * Mechanisms to ensure the above measurement is protected and stored in a secure location. * Protection mechanisms that allow the MLE to control attempts to modify itself. Datasheet, Volume 1 33 Technologies 3.3 Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology The processor supports Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel(R) HT Technology) that allows an execution core to function as two logical processors. While some execution resources such as caches, execution units, and buses are shared, each logical processor has its own architectural state with its own set of general-purpose registers and control registers. This feature must be enabled using the BIOS and requires operating system support. Intel recommends enabling Hyper-Threading Technology with Microsoft Windows Vista*, Microsoft Windows* XP Professional/Windows* XP Home, and disabling HyperThreading Technology using the BIOS for all previous versions of Windows operating systems. For more information on Hyper-Threading Technology, see: 3.4 Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology is a feature that allows the processor core to opportunistically and automatically run faster than its rated operating frequency if it is operating below power, temperature, and current limits. Maximum frequency is dependent on the SKU and number of active cores. No special hardware support is necessary for Intel Turbo Boost Technology. BIOS and the operating system can enable or disable Intel Turbo Boost Technology. Note: Intel Turbo Boost Technology may not be available on all SKUs. Refer to the processor specification update for details. 34 Datasheet, Volume 1 Power Management 4 Power Management This chapter provides information on the following power management topics: * ACPI States * Processor Core * IMC * PCI Express* 4.1 ACPI States Supported The ACPI states supported by the processor are described in this section. 4.1.1 System States State Description G0/S0 Full On G1 Suspend-to-RAM (STR). G1/S4 Suspend-to-Disk (STD). All power lost (except wakeup on PCH). G2/S5 Soft off. All power lost (except wakeup on PCH). Total reboot. G3 Mechanical off. All power removed from system. 4.1.2 Processor Core/Package Idle States Table 4-1. Processor Core/Package State Support State C0 4.1.3 Description Active mode, processor executing code. C1 AutoHALT state. C1E AutoHALT state with lowest frequency and voltage operating point. C3 Execution cores in C3 flush their L1 instruction cache, L1 data cache, and L2 cache to the L3 shared cache. Clocks are shut off to the core. C6 Execution cores in this state save their architectural state before removing core voltage. Integrated Memory Controller States State Description Power up CKE asserted. Active mode. Pre-charge Power down CKE de-asserted (not self-refresh) with all banks closed. Active Power down CKE de-asserted (not self-refresh) with minimum one bank active. Self-Refresh CKE de-asserted using device self-refresh. Datasheet, Volume 1 35 Power Management 4.1.4 PCI Express* Link States State Description L0 Full on - Active transfer state. L0s First Active Power Management low power state - Low exit latency. L1 Lowest Active Power Management - Longer exit latency. L3 Lowest power state (power-off) - Longest exit latency. 4.1.5 Interface State Combinations Table 4-2. G, S, and C State Combinations 4.2 Global (G) State Sleep (S) State Processor Core (C) State Processor State System Clocks Description G0 S0 C0 Full On On Full On G0 S0 C1/C1E Auto-Halt On Auto-Halt G0 S0 C3 Deep Sleep On Deep Sleep On Deep Power Down G0 S0 C6 Deep Power Down G1 -- Power off Power off Off, except RTC Suspend to RAM G1 S4 Power off Power off Off, except RTC Suspend to Disk G2 S5 Power off Power off Off, except RTC Soft Off G3 NA Power off Power off Power off Hard off Processor Core Power Management While executing code, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology optimizes the processor's frequency and core voltage based on workload. Each frequency and voltage operating point is defined by ACPI as a P-state. When the processor is not executing code, it is idle. A low-power idle state is defined by ACPI as a C-state. In general, lower power Cstates have longer entry and exit latencies. 36 Datasheet, Volume 1 Power Management 4.2.1 Enhanced Intel(R) SpeedStep(R) Technology The following are the key features of Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology: * Multiple frequency and voltage points for optimal performance and power efficiency. These operating points are known as P-states. * Frequency selection is software controlled by writing to processor MSRs. The voltage is optimized based on the selected frequency and the number of active processor cores. -- If the target frequency is higher than the current frequency, VCC is ramped up in steps to an optimized voltage. This voltage is signaled by the VID[7:0] pins to the voltage regulator. Once the voltage is established, the PLL locks on to the target frequency. -- If the target frequency is lower than the current frequency, the PLL locks to the target frequency, then transitions to a lower voltage by signaling the target voltage on the VID[7:0] pins. -- All active processor cores share the same frequency and voltage. In a multicore processor, the highest frequency P-state requested amongst all active cores is selected. -- Software-requested transitions are accepted at any time. If a previous transition is in progress, the new transition is deferred until the previous transition is completed. * The processor controls voltage ramp rates internally to ensure glitch-free transitions. * Because there is low transition latency between P-states, a significant number of transitions per second are possible. 4.2.2 Low-Power Idle States When the processor is idle, low-power idle states (C-states) are used to save power. More power savings actions are taken for numerically higher C-states. However, higher C-states have longer exit and entry latencies. Resolution of C-states occur at the thread, processor core, and processor package level. Thread level C-states are available if Intel Hyper-Threading Technology is enabled. Figure 4-1. Idle Power Management Breakdown of the Processor Cores Thread 0 Thread 1 Core 0 State Thread 0 Thread 1 Core 1 State Processor Package State Datasheet, Volume 1 37 Power Management Entry and exit of the C-States at the thread and core level are shown in Figure 4-2. Figure 4-2. Thread and Core C-State Entry and Exit C0 MWAIT(C6), P_LVL3 I/O Read MWAIT(C1), HLT MWAIT(C1), HLT (C1E Enabled) C1 MWAIT(C3), P_LVL2 I/O Read C1E C3 C6 While individual threads can request low power C-states, power saving actions only take place once the core C-state is resolved. Core C-states are automatically resolved by the processor. For thread and core C-states, a transition to and from C0 is required before entering any other C-state. Table 4-3. Coordination of Thread Power States at the Core Level Processor Core C-State Thread 1 C0 C1 C3 C6 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C1 C0 C11 C11 C11 C3 C0 C11 C3 C3 C6 C0 C11 C3 C6 Thread 0 Note: 1. If enabled, the core C-state will be C1E if all active cores have also resolved to a core C1 state or higher. 38 Datasheet, Volume 1 Power Management 4.2.3 Requesting Low-Power Idle States The primary software interfaces for requesting low-power idle states are through the MWAIT instruction with sub-state hints and the HLT instruction (for C1 and C1E). However, software may make C-state requests using the legacy method of I/O reads from the ACPI-defined processor clock control registers, referred to as P_LVLx. This method of requesting C-states provides legacy support for operating systems that initiate C-state transitions using I/O reads. For legacy operating systems, P_LVLx I/O reads are converted within the processor to the equivalent MWAIT C-state request. Therefore, P_LVLx reads do not directly result in I/O reads to the system. The feature, known as I/O MWAIT redirection, must be enabled in the BIOS. Note: The P_LVLx I/O Monitor address needs to be set up before using the P_LVLx I/O read interface. Each P-LVLx is mapped to the supported MWAIT(Cx) instruction as follows: Table 4-4. P_LVLx to MWAIT Conversion P_LVLx MWAIT(Cx) P_LVL2 MWAIT(C3) P_LVL3 MWAIT(C6) Notes C6. No sub-states allowed The BIOS can write to the C-state range field of the PMG_IO_CAPTURE MSR to restrict the range of I/O addresses that are trapped and emulate MWAIT like functionality. Any P_LVLx reads outside of this range does not cause an I/O redirection to MWAIT(Cx) like request. They fall through like a normal I/O instruction. Note: When P_LVLx I/O instructions are used, MWAIT substates cannot be defined. The MWAIT substate is always zero if I/O MWAIT redirection is used. By default, P_LVLx I/O redirections enable the MWAIT 'break on EFLAGS.IF' feature that triggers a wakeup on an interrupt, even if interrupts are masked by EFLAGS.IF. 4.2.4 Core C-states The following are general rules for all core C-states, unless specified otherwise: * A core C-State is determined by the lowest numerical thread state (such that, Thread 0 requests C1E while thread1 requests C3, resulting in a core C1E state). See Table 4-3. * A core transitions to C0 state when: -- an interrupt occurs. -- there is an access to the monitored address if the state was entered using an MWAIT instruction. * For core C1/C1E, and core C3, an interrupt directed toward a single thread wakes only that thread. However, since both threads are no longer at the same core Cstate, the core resolves to C0. * For core C6, an interrupt coming into either thread wakes both threads into C0 state. * Any interrupt coming into the processor package may wake any core. Datasheet, Volume 1 39 Power Management Core C0 State The normal operating state of a core where code is being executed. Core C1/C1E State C1/C1E is a low power state entered when all threads within a core execute a HLT or MWAIT(C1/C1E) instruction. A System Management Interrupt (SMI) handler returns execution to either Normal state or the C1/C1E state. See the Intel(R) 64 and IA-32 Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3A/3B: System Programmer's Guide for more information. While a core is in C1/C1E state, it processes bus snoops and snoops from other threads. For more information on C1E, see Section Core C3 State Individual threads of a core can enter the C3 state by initiating a P_LVL2 I/O read to the P_BLK or an MWAIT(C3) instruction. A core in C3 state flushes the contents of its L1 instruction cache, L1 data cache, and L2 cache to the shared L3 cache, while maintaining its architectural state. All core clocks are stopped at this point. Because the core's caches are flushed, the processor does not wake any core that is in the C3 state when either a snoop is detected or when another core accesses cacheable memory. Core C6 State Individual threads of a core can enter the C6 state by initiating a P_LVL3 I/O read or an MWAIT(C6) instruction. Before entering core C6, the core will save its architectural state to a dedicated SRAM. Once complete, a core will have its voltage reduced to zero volts. During exit, the core is powered on and its architectural state is restored. C-State Auto-Demotion In general, deeper C-states, such as C6, have long latencies and have higher energy entry/exit costs. The resulting performance and energy penalties become significant when the entry/exit frequency of a deeper C-state is high. Therefore, incorrect or inefficient usage of deeper C-states may have a negative impact on power consumption. To increase residency and improve power consumption in deeper C-states, the processor supports C-state auto-demotion. There are two C-State auto-demotion options: * C6 to C3 * C6/C3 To C1 The decision to demote a core from C6 to C3 or C3/C6 to C1 is based on each core's residency history. Requests to deeper C-states are demoted to shallower C-states when the original request doesn't make sense from a performance or energy perspective. This feature is disabled by default. BIOS must enable it in the PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL register. The auto-demotion policy is also configured by this register. 40 Datasheet, Volume 1 Power Management 4.2.5 Package C-States The processor supports C0, C1/C1E, C3, and C6 power states. The following is a summary of the general rules for package C-state entry. These apply to all package Cstates unless specified otherwise: * A package C-state request is determined by the lowest numerical core C-state amongst all cores. * A package C-state is automatically resolved by the processor depending on the core idle power states and the status of the platform components. -- Each core can be at a lower idle power state than the package if the platform does not grant the processor permission to enter a requested package C-state. -- The platform may allow additional power savings to be realized in the processor. The processor will put the DRAM into self-refresh in the package C3 and C6 states. * For package C-states, the processor is not required to enter C0 before entering any other C-state. The processor exits a package C-state when a break event is detected. If DRAM was allowed to go into self-refresh in package C3 or C6 state, it will be taken out of selfrefresh. Depending on the type of break event, the processor does the following: * If a core break event is received, the target core is activated and the break event message is forwarded to the target core. -- If the break event is not masked, the target core enters the core C0 state and the processor enters package C0. -- If the break event is masked, the processor attempts to re-enter its previous package state. * If the break event was due to a memory access or snoop request. -- But the platform did not request to keep the processor in a higher package Cstate, the package returns to its previous C-state. -- And the platform requests a higher power C-state, the memory access or snoop request is serviced and the package remains in the higher power C-state. Table 4-5 shows an example package C-state resolution for a dual-core processor. Figure 4-3 summarizes package C-state transitions. Table 4-5. Coordination of Core Power States at the Package Level Core 1 Package C-State C0 Core 0 C11 C3 C6 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C11 C0 C11 C11 C11 C3 C0 C11 C3 C3 C0 C11 C3 C6 C6 Note: 1. If enabled, the package C-state will be C1E if all actives cores have resolved a core C1 state or higher. Datasheet, Volume 1 41 Power Management Figure 4-3. Package C-State Entry and Exit C0 C3 C1 C6 Package C0 The normal operating state for the processor. The processor remains in the normal state when at least one of its cores is in the C0 or C1 state or when the platform has not granted permission to the processor to go into a low power state. Individual cores may be in lower power idle states while the package is in C0. Package C1/C1E No additional power reduction actions are taken in the package C1 state. However, if the C1E sub-state is enabled, the processor automatically transitions to the lowest supported core clock frequency, followed by a reduction in voltage. The package enters the C1 low power state when: * At least one core is in the C1 state. * The other cores are in a C1 or lower power state. The package enters the C1E state when: * All cores have directly requested C1E using MWAIT(C1) with a C1E sub-state hint. * All cores are in a power state lower that C1/C1E but the package low power state is limited to C1/C1E using the PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR. * All cores have requested C1 using HLT or MWAIT(C1) and C1E auto-promotion is enabled in IA32_MISC_ENABLES. No notification to the system occurs upon entry to C1/C1E. 42 Datasheet, Volume 1 Power Management Package C3 State A processor enters the package C3 low power state when: * At least one core is in the C3 state. * The other cores are in a C3 or lower power state, and the processor has been granted permission by the platform. * The processor has requested the C6 state, but the platform only allowed C3. In package C3-state, the L3 shared cache is snoopable. Package C6 State A processor enters the package C6 low power state when: * At least one core is in the C6 state. * The other cores are in a C6 state, and the processor has been granted permission by the platform. In package C6 state, all cores save their architectural state and have their core voltages reduced. The L3 shared cache is still powered and snoopable in this state. 4.3 IMC Power Management The main memory is power managed during normal operation and in low power ACPI Cx states. 4.3.1 Disabling Unused System Memory Outputs Any system memory (SM) interface signal that goes to a memory module connector in which it is not connected to any actual memory devices (such as, DIMM connector is unpopulated, or is single-sided) is tristated. The benefits of disabling unused SM signals are: * Reduced power consumption. * Reduced possible overshoot/undershoot signal quality issues seen by the processor I/O buffer receivers caused by reflections from potentially un-terminated transmission lines. When a given rank is not populated, the corresponding chip select and SCKE signals are not driven. At reset, all rows must be assumed to be populated, until it can be proven that they are not populated. This is due to the fact that when CKE is tristated with a DIMM present, the DIMM is not ensured to maintain data integrity. Datasheet, Volume 1 43 Power Management 4.3.2 DRAM Power Management and Initialization The processor implements extensive support for power management on the SDRAM interface. There are four SDRAM operations associated with the Clock Enable (CKE) signals, which the SDRAM controller supports. The processor drives four CKE pins to perform these operations. Initialization Role of CKE During power-up, CKE is the only input to the SDRAM that has its level recognized (other than the DDR3 reset pin) once power is applied. It must be driven LOW by the DDR controller to make sure the SDRAM components float DQ and DQS during powerup. CKE signals remain LOW (while any reset is active) until the BIOS writes to a configuration register. Using this method, CKE is ensured to remain inactive for much longer than the specified 200 micro-seconds after power and clocks to SDRAM devices are stable. Conditional Self-Refresh The processor conditionally places memory into self-refresh in the C3 and C6 low power states. When entering the Suspend-to-RAM (STR) state, the processor core flushes pending cycles and then enters all SDRAM ranks into self refresh. In STR, the CKE signals remain LOW so the SDRAM devices perform self refresh. The target behavior is to enter self-refresh for the package C3 and C6 states as long as there are no memory requests to service. The target usage is shown in Table 4-6. Table 4-6. Targeted Memory State Conditions Mode Memory State with External Graphics C0, C1, C1E Dynamic memory rank power down based on idle conditions. C3, C6 Dynamic memory rank power down based on idle conditions If there are no memory requests, then enter self-refresh. Otherwise, use dynamic memory rank power down based on idle conditions. S4 Memory power down (contents lost) Dynamic Power Down Operation Dynamic power-down of memory is employed during normal operation. Based on idle conditions, a given memory rank may be powered down. The IMC implements aggressive CKE control to dynamically put the DRAM devices in a power down state. The processor core controller can be configured to put the devices in active power down (CKE de-assertion with open pages) or precharge power down (CKE de-assertion with all pages closed). Precharge power down provides greater power savings but has a bigger performance impact, since all pages will first be closed before putting the devices in power down mode. If dynamic power-down is enabled, all ranks are powered up before doing a refresh cycle and all ranks are powered down at the end of refresh. 44 Datasheet, Volume 1 Power Management DRAM I/O Power Management Unused signals should be disabled to save power and reduce electromagnetic interference. This includes all signals associated with an unused memory channel. Clocks can be controlled on a per DIMM basis. Exceptions are made for per DIMM control signals, such as CS#, CKE, and ODT for unpopulated DIMM slots. The I/O buffer for an unused signal should be tristated (output driver disabled), the input receiver (differential sense-amp) should be disabled, and any DLL circuitry related ONLY to unused signals should be disabled. The input path must be gated to prevent spurious results due to noise on the unused signals (typically handled automatically when input receiver is disabled). 4.4 PCI Express* Power Management * Active power management support using L0s, and L1 states. * All inputs and outputs disabled in L3 Ready state. Datasheet, Volume 1 45 Power Management 46 Datasheet, Volume 1 Thermal Management 5 Thermal Management For thermal specifications and design guidelines, refer to the appropriate Thermal and Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines (see Section 1.7). Datasheet, Volume 1 47 Thermal Management 48 Datasheet, Volume 1 Signal Description 6 Signal Description This chapter describes the processor signals. They are arranged in functional groups according to their associated interface or category. The following notations are used to describe the signal type. Notations Signal Type I Input Pin O Output Pin I/O Bi-directional Input/Output Pin The signal description also includes the type of buffer used for the particular signal. Table 6-1. Signal Description Buffer Types Signal Description PCI Express* PCI Express* interface signals. These signals are compatible with the PCI Express 2.0 Signaling Environment AC Specifications and are AC Coupled. The buffers are not 3.3 V tolerant. Refer to the PCI Express Specification. FDI Intel Flexible Display Interface signals. These signals are compatible with PCI Express 2.0 Signaling Environment AC Specifications, but are DC coupled. The buffers are not 3.3 V tolerant. DMI Direct Media Interface signals. These signals are compatible with PCI Express 2.0 Signaling Environment AC Specifications, but are DC coupled. The buffers are not 3.3 V tolerant. CMOS CMOS buffers. 1.1 V tolerant DDR3 DDR3 buffers: 1.5 V tolerant GTL Gunning Transceiver Logic signaling technology TAP Test Access Port signal Analog Analog reference or output. May be used as a threshold voltage or for buffer compensation. Ref Voltage reference signal Asynch This signal is asynchronous and has no timing relationship with any reference clock. Datasheet, Volume 1 49 Signal Description 6.1 System Memory Interface Table 6-2. Memory Channel A Signal Name 50 Description Direction Type SA_BS[2:0] Bank Select: These signals define which banks are selected within each SDRAM rank. O DDR3 SA_CAS# CAS Control Signal: This signal is used with SA_RAS# and SA_WE# (along with SA_CS#) to define the SDRAM Commands. O DDR3 SA_CK#[1:0] SDRAM Inverted Differential Clock: Channel A SDRAM Differential clock signal-pair complement. O DDR3 SA_CK#[3:2] SDRAM Inverted Differential Clock: Channel A SDRAM Differential clock signal-pair complement. O DDR3 SA_CK[1:0] SDRAM Differential Clock: Channel A SDRAM Differential clock signal pair. The crossing of the positive edge of SA_CKx and the negative edge of its complement SA_CKx# are used to sample the command and control signals on the SDRAM. O DDR3 SA_CK[3:2] SDRAM Differential Clock: Channel A SDRAM Differential clock signal pair. The crossing of the positive edge of SA_CKx and the negative edge of its complement SA_CKx# are used to sample the command and control signals on the SDRAM. O DDR3 SA_CKE[3:0] Clock Enable: (1 per rank). These signals are used to: * Initialize the SDRAMs during power-up * Power-down SDRAM ranks * Place all SDRAM ranks into and out of self-refresh during STR O DDR3 SA_CS#[3:0] Chip Select: (1 per rank) These signals are used to select particular SDRAM components during the active state. There is one Chip Select for each SDRAM rank. O DDR3 SA_CS#[7:4] These signals are only used for processors and platforms that have Registered DIMM support. These signals are used to select particular SDRAM components during the active state and SA_CS#[7:6] are used as the on die termination for the first DIMM. O DDR3 SA_DM[7:0] Data Mask: These signals are used to mask individual bytes of data in the case of a partial write, and to interrupt burst writes. When activated during writes, the corresponding data groups in the SDRAM are masked. There is one SA_DM[7:0] for every data byte lane. Note: These signals are not used by the Intel Xeon processor 3400 series. They are connected to VSS on the package. SA_DQ[63:0] Data Bus: Channel A data signal interface to the SDRAM data bus. I/O DDR3 SA_DQS[8:0] SA_DQS#[8:0] Data Strobes: SA_DQS[8:0] and its complement signal group make up a differential strobe pair. The data is captured at the crossing point of SA_DQS[8:0] and its SA_DQS#[8:0] during read and write transactions. I/O DDR3 SA_ECC_CB[7:0] Data Lines for ECC Check Byte. I/O DDR3 SA_MA[15:0] Memory Address: These signals are used to provide the multiplexed row and column address to the SDRAM. O DDR3 SA_ODT[3:0] On Die Termination: Active Termination Control O DDR3 SA_RAS# RAS Control Signal: This signal is used with SA_CAS# and SA_WE# (along with SA_CS#) to define the SRAM Commands. O DDR3 SA_WE# Write Enable Control Signal: This signal is used with SA_RAS# and SA_CAS# (along with SA_CS#) to define the SDRAM Commands. O DDR3 Datasheet, Volume 1 Signal Description Table 6-3. Memory Channel B Signal Name Direction Type SB_BS[2:0] Bank Select: These signals define which banks are selected within each SDRAM rank. O DDR3 SB_CAS# CAS Control Signal: This signal is used with SB_RAS# and SB_WE# (along with SB_CS#) to define the SDRAM Commands. O DDR3 SB_CK#[1:0] SDRAM Inverted Differential Clock: Channel B SDRAM Differential clock signal-pair complement. O DDR3 SB_CK#[3:2] SDRAM Inverted Differential Clock: Channel B SDRAM Differential clock signal-pair complement. O DDR3 SB_CK[1:0] SDRAM Differential Clock: Channel B SDRAM Differential clock signal pair. The crossing of the positive edge of SB_CKx and the negative edge of its complement SB_CKx# are used to sample the command and control signals on the SDRAM. O DDR3 SB_CK[3:2] SDRAM Differential Clock: Channel B SDRAM Differential clock signal pair. The crossing of the positive edge of SB_CKx and the negative edge of its complement SB_CKx# are used to sample the command and control signals on the SDRAM. O DDR3 SB_CKE[3:0] Clock Enable: (1 per rank). These signals are used to: * Initialize the SDRAMs during power-up * Power-down SDRAM ranks * Place all SDRAM ranks into and out of self-refresh during STR O DDR3 SB_CS#[3:0] Chip Select: (1 per rank) These signals are used to select particular SDRAM components during the active state. There is one Chip Select for each SDRAM rank. O DDR3 SB_CS#[7:4] These signals are only used for processors and platforms that have Registered DIMM support. These signals are used to select particular SDRAM components during the active state and SB_CS#[7:6] are used as the on die termination for the first DIMM. O DDR3 SB_DM[7:0] Data Mask: These signals are used to mask individual bytes of data in the case of a partial write, and to interrupt burst writes. When activated during writes, the corresponding data groups in the SDRAM are masked. There is one SB_DM[7:0] for every data byte lane. Note: These signals are not used by the Intel Xeon processor 3400 series. They are connected to VSS on the package. SB_DQ[63:0] Data Bus: Channel B data signal interface to the SDRAM data bus. I/O DDR3 SB_DQS[8:0] SB_DQS#[8:0] Data Strobes: SB_DQS[8:0] and its complement signal group make up a differential strobe pair. The data is captured at the crossing point of SB_DQS[8:0] and its SB_DQS#[8:0] during read and write transactions. I/O DDR3 SB_ECC_CB[7:0] Data Lines for ECC Check Byte. I/O DDR3 SB_MA[15:0] Memory Address: These signals are used to provide the multiplexed row and column address to the SDRAM. O DDR3 SB_ODT[3:0] On-Die Termination: Active Termination Control. O DDR3 SB_RAS# RAS Control Signal: This signal is used with SB_CAS# and SB_WE# (along with SB_CS#) to define the SDRAM Commands. O DDR3 SB_WE# Write Enable Control Signal: This signal is used with SB_RAS# and SB_CAS# (along with SB_CS#) to define the SDRAM Commands. O DDR3 Datasheet, Volume 1 Description 51 Signal Description 6.2 Memory Reference and Compensation Table 6-4. Memory Reference and Compensation Signal Name Description SA_DIMM_VREFDQ SB_DIMM_VREFDQ Channel A and B Output DDR3 DIMM DQ Reference Voltage. SM_RCOMP[2:0] System Memory Impedance Compensation. 6.3 Reset and Miscellaneous Signals Table 6-5. Reset and Miscellaneous Signals (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal Name Type O Analog I Analog Description Direction Type Configuration signals: The CFG signals have a default value of 1 if not terminated on the board. * CFG[1:0]: PCI Express Bifurcation Intel Xeon(R) processor 3400 series: 11 = 1 x16 PCI Express 10 = 2 x8 PCI Express 01 = 4 x4 PCI Express (requires Intel 3420 or 3400 Chipset) 00 = Reserved I CMOS Impedance compensation must be terminated on the system board using a precision resistor. Refer to Table 7-9 for the termination requirement. I Analog COMP1 Impedance compensation must be terminated on the system board using a precision resistor. Refer to Table 7-9 for the termination requirement. I Analog COMP2 Impedance compensation must be terminated on the system board using a precision resistor. Refer to Table 7-9 for the termination requirement. I Analog COMP3 Impedance compensation must be terminated on the system board using a precision resistor. Refer to Table 7-9 for the termination requirement. I Analog FC_x Future Compatibility (FC) signals are signals that are available for compatibility with other processors. A test point may be placed on the board for these lands. PM_EXT_TS#[1:0] External Thermal Sensor Input: If the system temperature reaches a dangerously high value, this signal can be used to trigger the start of system memory throttling. I CMOS PM_SYNC Power Management Sync: A sideband signal to communicate power management status from the platform to the processor. I CMOS CFG[17:0] * * * * COMP0 52 Direction CFG[2]: Reserved configuration land. A test point may be placed on the board for this land. CFG[3]: Reserved configuration land. CFG[6:4]: Reserved configuration lands. A test point may be placed on the board for this land. CFG[17:7]: Reserved configuration lands. Intel does not recommend a test point on the board for this land. Datasheet, Volume 1 Signal Description Table 6-5. Reset and Miscellaneous Signals (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Name RESET_OBS# Description Type O Asynch CMOS I CMOS O DDR3 Direction Type I Analog This signal is an indication of the processor being reset. RSTIN# Reset In: When asserted, this signal will asynchronously reset the processor logic. This signal is connected to the PLTRST# output of the PCH. RSVD RESERVED. Must be left unconnected on the board. Intel does not recommend a test point on the board for this land. RSVD_NCTF RESERVED/Non-Critical to Function: Pin for package mechanical reliability. A test point may be placed on the board for this land. RSVD_TP RESERVED-Test Point. A test point may be placed on the board for this land. SM_DRAMRST# DDR3 DRAM Reset: Reset signal from processor to DRAM devices. One common to all channels. 6.4 PCI Express* Based Interface Signals Table 6-6. PCI Express* Based Interface Signals Signal Name Direction Description PEG_ICOMPI PCI Express Current Compensation. PEG_ICOMPO PCI Express Current Compensation. I Analog PEG_RBIAS PCI Express Resistor Bias Control. I Analog PEG_RCOMPO PCI Express Resistance Compensation. I Analog PEG_RX[15:0] PEG_RX#[15:0] PCI Express Receive Differential Pair. I PCI Express PEG_TX[15:0] PEG_TX#[15:0] PCI Express Transmit Differential Pair. O PCI Express Direction Type 6.5 DMI--Processor to PCH Serial Interface Table 6-7. DMI--Processor to PCH Serial Interface Signal Name Description DMI_RX[3:0] DMI_RX#[3:0] DMI input from PCH: Direct Media Interface receive differential pair. I DMI DMI_TX[3:0] DMI_TX#[3:0] DMI output to PCH: Direct Media Interface transmit differential pair. O DMI Datasheet, Volume 1 53 Signal Description 6.6 PLL Signals Table 6-8. PLL Signals Signal Name Description BCLK[0] BCLK#[0] Differential bus clock input to the processor. BCLK[1] BCLK#[1] Differential bus clock input to the processor. Reserved for possible future use. BCLK_ITP BCLK_ITP# Buffered differential bus clock pair to ITP.. PEG_CLK PEG_CLK# Direction Type I Diff Clk I Diff Clk O Diff Clk I Diff Clk Differential PCI Express / DMI Clock In: These pins receive a 100-MHz Serial Reference clock. This clock is used to generate the clocks necessary for the support of PCI Express. This also is the reference clock for Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface. 6.7 Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Signals Note: The signals noted below as not being used are included for reference to define all LGA 1156 land locations. These signals will be used by future processors that are compatible with LGA 1156 platforms. Table 6-9. Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Signal Name 54 Description FDI_FSYNC[0] Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Frame Sync--Pipe A. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. FDI_FSYNC[1] Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Frame Sync--Pipe B. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. FDI_INT Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Hot Plug Interrupt. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. FDI_LSYNC[0] Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Line Sync--Pipe A. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. FDI_LSYNC[1] Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Line Sync--Pipe B. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. FDI_TX[3:0] FDI_TX#[3:0] Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Transmit Differential Pair--Pipe A.. Note: These signals are not used by the processor. They are connected to VSS on the package. FDI_TX[7:4] FDI_TX#[7:4] Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface Transmit Differential Pair--Pipe B. Note: These signals are not used by the processor. They are connected to VSS on the package. Direction Type Datasheet, Volume 1 Signal Description 6.8 JTAG/ITP Signals Table 6-10. JTAG/ITP Signal Name Description Direction Type GTL BPM#[7:0] Breakpoint and Performance Monitor Signals: Outputs from the processor that indicate the status of breakpoints and programmable counters used for monitoring processor performance. I/O DBR# DBR# is used only in systems where no debug port is implemented on the system board. DBR# is used by a debug port interposer so that an in-target probe can drive system reset. O PRDY# PRDY# is a processor output used by debug tools to determine processor debug readiness. O Asynch GTL PREQ# PREQ# is used by debug tools to request debug operation of the processor. I Asynch GTL TCK TCK (Test Clock) provides the clock input for the processor Test Bus (also known as the Test Access Port). I TAP TDI TDI (Test Data In) transfers serial test data into the processor. TDI provides the serial input needed for JTAG specification support. I TAP TDI_M TDI_M (Test Data In) transfers serial test data into the processor. TDI_M provides the serial input needed for JTAG specification support. I TAP TDO TDO (Test Data Out) transfers serial test data out of the processor. TDO provides the serial output needed for JTAG specification support. O TAP TDO_M TDO_M (Test Data Out) transfers serial test data out of the processor. TDO_M provides the serial output needed for JTAG specification support. O TAP TMS TMS (Test Mode Select) is a JTAG specification support signal used by debug tools. I TAP TRST# TRST# (Test Reset) resets the Test Access Port (TAP) logic. TRST# must be driven low during power on Reset. I TAP Datasheet, Volume 1 55 Signal Description 6.9 Error and Thermal Protection Table 6-11. Error and Thermal Protection Signal Name 56 Description Direction Type CATERR# Catastrophic Error: This signal indicates that the system has experienced a catastrophic error and cannot continue to operate. The processor will set this for non-recoverable machine check errors or other unrecoverable internal errors. Since this is an I/O pin, external agents are allowed to assert this pin that will cause the processor to take a machine check exception. CATERR# is used for signaling the following types of errors: * Legacy MCERR: CATERR# is asserted for 16 BCLKs. * Legacy IERR: CATERR# remains asserted until warm or cold reset. I/O GTL PECI PECI (Platform Environment Control Interface) is the serial sideband interface to the processor and is used primarily for thermal, power, and error management. I/O Asynch PROCHOT# PROCHOT# goes active when the processor temperature monitoring sensor(s) detects that the processor has reached its maximum safe operating temperature. This indicates that the processor Thermal Control Circuit has been activated, if enabled. This signal can also be driven to the processor to activate the Thermal Control Circuit. This signal does not have on-die termination and must be terminated on the system board. I/O Asynch GTL PSI# Processor Power Status Indicator: This signal is asserted when maximum possible processor core current consumption is less than 15 A. Assertion of this signal is an indication that the VR controller does not currently need to be able to provide ICC above 15 A, and the VR controller can use this information to move to more efficient operating point. This signal will de-assert at least 3.3 s before the current consumption will exceed 15 A. The minimum PSI# assertion and de-assertion time is 1 BCLK. O Asynch CMOS THERMTRIP# Thermal Trip: The processor protects itself from catastrophic overheating by use of an internal thermal sensor. This sensor is set well above the normal operating temperature to ensure that there are no false trips. The processor will stop all execution when the junction temperature exceeds approximately 125 C. This is signaled to the system by the THERMTRIP# pin. O Asynch GTL Datasheet, Volume 1 Signal Description 6.10 Power Sequencing Table 6-12. Power Sequencing Signal Name 6.11 Description Direction Type SKTOCC# SKTOCC# (Socket Occupied): This signal will be pulled to ground on the processor package. There is no connection to the processor silicon for this signal. System board designers may use this signal to determine if the processor is present. O SM_DRAMPWROK SM_DRAMPWROK processor input: This signal connects to PCH DRAMPWROK. I Asynch CMOS TAPPWRGOOD Power good for ITP. Indicates to the ITP when the TAP can be accessed. O Asynch CMOS VCCPWRGOOD_0 VCCPWRGOOD_1 VCCPWRGOOD_0 and VCCPWRGOOD_1 (Power Good) Processor Input: The processor requires these signals to be a clean indication that VCC, VCCPLL, VTT, VAXG supplies are stable and within their specifications and that BCLK is stable and has been running for a minimum number of cycles. These signals must then transition monotonically to a high state. These signals can be driven inactive at any time, but BCLK and power must again be stable before a subsequent rising edge of VCCPWRGOOD_0 and VCCPWRGOOD_1. These signals should be tied together and connected to the CPUPWRGD output signal of the PCH. I Asynch CMOS VTTPWRGOOD The processor requires this input signal to be a clean indication that the VTT power supply is stable and within specifications. 'Clean' implies that the signal will remain low (capable of sinking leakage current), without glitches, from the time that the power supplies are turned on until they come within specification. The signal must then transition monotonically to a high state. Note that it is not valid for VTTPWRGOOD to be de-asserted while VCCPWRGOOD_0 and VCCPWRGOOD_1 are asserted. I Asynch CMOS Description Direction Type ISENSE Current sense from VRD11.1 Compliant Regulator to the processor core. I Analog VCC Processor core power supply. The voltage supplied to these pins is determined by the VID pins. PWR VCC_NCTF VCC/Non-Critical to Function: Pin for package mechanical reliability. PWR VCC_SENSE VCC_SENSE and VSS_SENSE provide an isolated, low impedance connection to the processor core voltage and ground. They can be used to sense or measure voltage near the silicon. Processor Core Power Signals Table 6-13. Processor Core Power Signals (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal Name Datasheet, Volume 1 Analog 57 Signal Description Table 6-13. Processor Core Power Signals (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Name Description Direction Type I/O CMOS VID[7:0] (Voltage ID) are used to support automatic selection of power supply voltages (VCC). Refer to the Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines for more information. The voltage supply for these signals must be valid before the VR can supply VCC to the processor. Conversely, the VR output must be disabled until the voltage supply for the VID signals become valid. The VR must supply the voltage that is requested by the signals, or disable itself. VID[7:6] VID[5:3]/CSC[2:0] VID[2:0]/MSID[2:0] VID7 and VID6 should be tied separately to VSS using a 1 k resistor (This value is latched on the rising edge of VTTPWRGOOD). CSC[2:0]--Current Sense Configuration bits, for ISENSE gain setting. See Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines for gain setting information. This value is latched on the rising edge of VTTPWRGOOD. MSID[2:0] (Market Segment Identification) are used to indicate the maximum platform capability to the processor. A processor will only boot if the MSID[2:0] pins are strapped to the appropriate setting (or higher) on the platform (see Table 7-3 for MSID encodings). MSID is used to help protect the platform by preventing a higher power processor from booting in a platform designed for lower power processors. MSID[2:0] are latched on the rising edge of VTTPWRGOOD. 58 VSS_SENSE VCC_SENSE and VSS_SENSE provide an isolated, low impedance connection to the processor core voltage and ground. They can be used to sense or measure voltage near the silicon. Analog VSS_SENSE_VTT VTT_SENSE and VSS_SENSE_VTT provide an isolated, low impedance connection to the processor VTT voltage and ground. They can be used to sense or measure voltage near the silicon. Analog VTT Processor power for the memory controller, shared cache and I/O (1.1 V). PWR VTT_SELECT The VTT_SELECT signal is used to select the correct VTT voltage level for the processor. The processor will be configured to drive a low voltage level for VTT_SELECT. VTT_SENSE VTT_SENSE and VSS_SENSE_VTT provide an isolated, low impedance connection to the processor VTT voltage and ground. They can be used to sense or measure voltage near the silicon. O CMOS Analog Datasheet, Volume 1 Signal Description 6.12 Graphics and Memory Core Power Signals Note: The signals noted below as not being used are included for reference to define all LGA 1156 land locations. These signals will be used by future processors that are compatible with LGA 1156 platforms. Table 6-14. Graphics and Memory Power Signals Signal Name Description Direction Type GFX_DPRSLPVR Integrated graphics output signal to a VRD11.1 compliant VR. When asserted this signal indicates that the integrated graphics is in render suspend mode. This signal is also used to control render suspend state exit slew rate. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. GFX_IMON Current Sense from an VRD11.1 compliant VR to the integrated graphics. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. GFX_VID[6:0] GFX_VID[6:0] (Voltage ID) pins are used to support automatic selection of nominal voltages (VAXG). These are CMOS signals that are driven by the processor. The VID code output by VID[6:0] and associated voltages are given in Chapter 7. Note: These signals are not used by the processor. They are connected to VTT on the package. GFX_VR_EN Integrated graphics output signal to integrated graphics VR. This signal is used as an on/off control to enable/disable the integrated graphics VR. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. VAXG Graphics core power supply. Note: These signals are not used by the processor. They are no connect on the package. VAXG_SENSE VAXG_SENSE and VSSAXG_SENSE provide an isolated, low impedance connection to the VAXG voltage and ground. They can be used to sense or measure voltage near the silicon. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is a no connect on the package. VCCPLL VCCPLL provides isolated power for internal processor PLLs. PWR VDDQ Processor I/O supply voltage for DDR3. PWR VSSAXG_SENSE VAXG_SENSE and VSSAXG_SENSE provide an isolated, low impedance connection to the VAXG voltage and ground. They can be used to sense or measure voltage near the silicon. Note: This signal is not used by the processor. It is connected to VSS on the package. Datasheet, Volume 1 59 Signal Description 6.13 Ground and NCTF Table 6-15. Ground and NCTF Signal Name 6.14 Description Direction VSS VSS are the ground pins for the processor and should be connected to the system ground plane. CGC_TP_NCTF Corner Ground Connection: This land may be used to test for connection to ground. A test point may be placed on the board for this land. This land is considered NonCritical to Function. Type GND Processor Internal Pull Up/Pull Down Table 6-16. Processor Internal Pull Up/Pull Down Signal Name Pull Up/Pull Down Rail Value SM_DRAMPWROK Pull Down VSS 10-20 k VCCPWRGOOD_0 Pull Down VSS 10-20 k Pull Down VSS 10-20 k BPM#[7:0] Pull Up VTT 44-55 TCK Pull Up VTT 44-55 TDI Pull Up VTT 44-55 TMS Pull Up VTT 44-55 TRST# Pull Up VTT 1-5 k TDI_M Pull Up VTT 44-55 PREQ# Pull Up VTT 44-55 CFG[17:0] Pull Up VTT 5-14 k VCCPWRGOOD_1 VTTPWRGOOD 60 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications 7 Electrical Specifications 7.1 Power and Ground Lands The processor has VCC, VTT, VDDQ, VCCPLL, VAXG, and VSS (ground) inputs for onchip power distribution. All power lands must be connected to their respective processor power planes, while all VSS lands must be connected to the system ground plane. Use of multiple power and ground planes is recommended to reduce I*R drop. The VCC lands must be supplied with the voltage determined by the processor Voltage IDentification (VID) signals. Table 7-1 specifies the voltage level for the various VIDs. 7.2 Decoupling Guidelines Due to its large number of transistors and high internal clock speeds, the processor is capable of generating large current swings between low- and full-power states. This may cause voltages on power planes to sag below their minimum values, if bulk decoupling is not adequate. Larger bulk storage (CBULK), such as electrolytic capacitors, supply current during longer lasting changes in current demand (for example, coming out of an idle condition). Similarly, capacitors act as a storage well for current when entering an idle condition from a running condition. To keep voltages within specification, output decoupling must be properly designed. Caution: Design the board to ensure that the voltage provided to the processor remains within the specifications listed in Table 7-5. Failure to do so can result in timing violations or reduced lifetime of the processor. For further information and design guidelines, refer to the Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines. 7.2.1 Voltage Rail Decoupling The voltage regulator solution needs to provide: * bulk capacitance with low effective series resistance (ESR). * a low interconnect resistance from the regulator to the socket. * bulk decoupling to compensate for large current swings generated during poweron, or low-power idle state entry/exit. The power delivery solution must ensure that the voltage and current specifications are met, as defined in Table 7-5. Datasheet, Volume 1 61 Electrical Specifications 7.3 Processor Clocking (BCLK[0], BCLK#[0]) The processor uses a differential clock to generate the processor core(s) operating frequency, memory controller frequency, and other internal clocks. The processor core frequency is determined by multiplying the processor core ratio by 133 MHz. Clock multiplying within the processor is provided by an internal phase locked loop (PLL) that requires a constant frequency input, with exceptions for Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC). The processor maximum core frequency is configured during power-on reset by using its manufacturing default value. This value is the highest core multiplier at which the processor can operate. If lower maximum speeds are desired, the appropriate ratio can be configured using the FLEX_RATIO MSR. 7.3.1 PLL Power Supply An on-die PLL filter solution is implemented on the processor. Refer to Table 7-6 for DC specifications. 7.4 VCC Voltage Identification (VID) The VID specification for the processor is defined by the Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines. The processor uses eight voltage identification signals, VID[7:0], to support automatic selection of voltages. Table 7-1 specifies the voltage level corresponding to the state of VID[7:0]. A `1' in this table refers to a high voltage level and a `0' refers to a low voltage level. If the processor socket is empty (VID[7:0] = 11111111), or the voltage regulation circuit cannot supply the voltage that is requested, the voltage regulator must disable itself. See the Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines for further details. VID signals are CMOS push/pull drivers. Refer to Table 7-9 for the DC specifications for these signals. The VID codes will change due to temperature and/or current load changes to minimize the power of the part. A voltage range is provided in Table 7-5. The specifications are set so that one voltage regulator can operate with all supported frequencies. Individual processor VID values may be set during manufacturing so that two devices at the same core frequency may have different default VID settings. This is shown in the VID range values in Table 7-5. The processor provides the ability to operate while transitioning to an adjacent VID and its associated processor core voltage (VCC). This will represent a DC shift in the loadline. Note: A low-to-high or high-to-low voltage state change will result in as many VID transitions as necessary to reach the target core voltage. Transitions above the maximum specified VID are not permitted. One VID transition occurs in 1.25 us. Table 7-1 includes VID step sizes and DC shift ranges. Minimum and maximum voltages must be maintained. The VR used must be capable of regulating its output to the value defined by the new VID values issued. DC specifications for dynamic VID transitions are included in Table 7-5 and Table 7-7. See the Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines for further details. Several of the VID signals (VID[5:3]/CSC[2:0] and VID[2:0]/MSID[2:0]) serve a dual purpose and are sampled during reset. Refer to the signal description table in Chapter 6 and Table 7-3 for further information. 62 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications Table 7-1. VRD 11.1/11.0 Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 1 of 3) VID 7 VID 6 VID 5 VID 4 VID 3 VID 2 VID 1 VID 0 VCC_MAX VID 7 VID 6 VID 5 VID 4 VID 3 VID 2 VID 1 VID 0 VCC_MAX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OFF 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1.04375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 OFF 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1.03750 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.60000 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1.03125 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.59375 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1.02500 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.58750 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1.01875 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1.58125 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.01250 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1.57500 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.00625 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1.56875 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1.00000 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1.56250 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0.99375 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1.55625 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.98750 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.55000 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0.98125 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1.54375 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0.97500 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1.53750 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0.96875 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1.53125 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0.96250 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1.52500 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0.95626 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1.51875 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0.95000 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1.51250 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0.94375 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1.50625 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0.93750 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.50000 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0.93125 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1.49375 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0.92500 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1.48750 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0.91875 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1.48125 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.91250 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1.47500 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.90625 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1.46875 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.90000 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1.46250 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0.89375 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1.45625 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0.88750 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1.45000 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0.88125 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1.44375 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0.87500 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1.43750 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0.86875 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1.43125 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0.86250 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1.42500 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0.85625 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1.41875 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0.85000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.41250 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0.84374 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.40625 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0.83750 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1.40000 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0.83125 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.39375 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.82500 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1.38750 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.81875 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1.38125 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.81250 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1.37500 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.80625 Datasheet, Volume 1 63 Electrical Specifications Table 7-1. VRD 11.1/11.0 Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 2 of 3) VID 7 VID 6 VID 5 VID 4 VID 3 VID 2 VID 1 VID 0 VCC_MAX VID 7 VID 6 VID 5 VID 4 VID 3 VID 2 VID 1 VID 0 VCC_MAX 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1.36875 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.80000 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.36250 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.79375 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1.35625 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.78750 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1.35000 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.78125 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1.34375 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0.77500 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1.33750 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0.76875 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1.33125 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.76250 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1.32500 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.75625 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1.31875 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.75000 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.31250 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0.74375 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1.30625 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0.73750 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.30000 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0.73125 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1.29375 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0.72500 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1.28750 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0.71875 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1.28125 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.71250 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1.27500 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.70625 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1.26875 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0.70000 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1.26250 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0.69375 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1.25625 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.68750 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1.25000 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0.68125 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1.24375 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0.67500 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1.23750 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0.66875 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1.23125 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0.66250 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1.22500 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0.65625 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.21875 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0.65000 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.21250 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0.64375 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.20625 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0.63750 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.20000 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0.63125 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.19375 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0.62500 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.18750 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0.61875 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1.18125 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.61250 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1.17500 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.60625 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1.16875 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.60000 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1.16250 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0.59375 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1.15625 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.58750 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.15000 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0.58125 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1.14375 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0.57500 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1.13750 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0.56875 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1.13125 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0.56250 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1.12500 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0.55625 64 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications Table 7-1. VRD 11.1/11.0 Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 3 of 3) VID 7 VID 6 VID 5 VID 4 VID 3 VID 2 VID 1 VID 0 VCC_MAX VID 7 VID 6 VID 5 VID 4 VID 3 VID 2 VID 1 VID 0 VCC_MAX 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1.11875 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0.55000 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1.11250 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0.54375 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1.10625 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0.53750 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.10000 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0.53125 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1.09375 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0.52500 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1.08750 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0.51875 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1.08125 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.51250 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1.07500 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.50625 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1.06875 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.50000 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1.06250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 OFF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OFF 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1.05625 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1.05000 Table 7-2. Market Segment Selection Truth Table for MSID[2:0] MSID2 MSID1 MSID0 Description1 0 0 0 Reserved 0 0 1 Reserved 0 1 0 Reserved 0 1 1 Reserved 1 0 0 Reserved 1 0 1 2009A processors supported 2 1 1 0 2009B processors supported 3 1 1 1 Reserved Notes: 1. The MSID[2:0] signals are provided to indicate the maximum platform capability to the processor. 2. 2009A processors have thermal requirements that are equivalent to those of the Intel(R) CoreTM2 Duo E8000 processor series. Refer to the appropriate processor Thermal and Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines for additional information (see Section 1.7). 3. 2009B processors have thermal requirements that are equivalent to those of the Intel(R) CoreTM2 Quad Q9000 processor series. Refer to the appropriate processor Thermal and Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines for additional information (see Section 1.7). Datasheet, Volume 1 65 Electrical Specifications 7.5 Reserved or Unused Signals The following are the general types of reserved (RSVD) signals and connection guidelines: * RSVD - these signals should not be connected * RSVD_TP - these signals should be routed to a test point * RSVD_NCTF - these signals are non-critical to function and may be left unconnected Arbitrary connection of these signals to VCC, VTT, VDDQ, VCCPLL, VSS, or to any other signal (including each other) may result in component malfunction or incompatibility with future processors. See Chapter 8 for a land listing of the processor and the location of all reserved signals. For reliable operation, always connect unused inputs or bi-directional signals to an appropriate signal level. Unused active high inputs should be connected through a resistor to ground (VSS). Unused outputs may be left unconnected; however, this may interfere with some Test Access Port (TAP) functions, complicate debug probing, and prevent boundary scan testing. A resistor must be used when tying bi-directional signals to power or ground. When tying any signal to power or ground, a resistor will also allow for system testability. For details, see Table 7-9. 7.6 Signal Groups Signals are grouped by buffer type and similar characteristics as listed in Table 7-3. The buffer type indicates which signaling technology and specifications apply to the signals. All the differential signals, and selected DDR3 and Control Sideband signals, have OnDie Termination (ODT) resistors. There are some signals that do not have ODT and need to be terminated on the board. 66 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications Table 7-3. Signal Groups (Sheet 1 of 2)1 Alpha Group Type Differential (a) CMOS Input BCLK[0], BCLK#[0], BCLK[1], BCLK#[1], PEG_CLK, PEG_CLK# Differential (b) CMOS Output BCLK_ITP, BCLK_ITP# (c) DDR3 Output SA_CK[3:0], SA_CK#[3:0] SB_CK[3:0], SB_CK#[3:0] (d) DDR3 Output SA_RAS#, SB_RAS#, SA_CAS#, SB_CAS# SA_WE#, SB_WE# SA_MA[15:0], SB_MA[15:0] SA_BS[2:0], SB_BS[2:0] SA_DM[7:0]4, SB_DM[7:0]4 SM_DRAMRST# SA_CS#[3:0], SB_CS#[3:0] SA_CS#[7:4], SB_CS#[7:4] SA_ODT[3:0], SB_ODT[3:0] SA_CKE[3:0], SB_CKE[3:0] (e) DDR3 Bi-directional SA_DQ[63:0], SB_DQ[63:0] DDR3 Bi-directional SA_DQS[8:0], SA_DQS#[8:0] SA_ECC_CB[7:0]3 SB_DQS[8:0], SB_DQS#[8:0] SB_ECC_CB[7:0]3 Signal Group Signals System Reference Clock DDR3 Reference Clocks2 Differential DDR3 Command Signals2 Single Ended DDR3 Data Signals2 Single ended Differential (f) TAP (ITP/XDP) Single Ended (g) CMOS Input Single Ended (h) CMOS Open-Drain Output TCK, TDI, TMS, TRST#, TDI_M Single Ended (i) Asynchronous CMOS Output TAPPWRGOOD Single Ended (ja) Asynchronous CMOS Input VCCPWRGOOD_0, VCCPWRGOOD_1, VTTPWRGOOD Single Ended (jb) Asynchronous CMOS Input Single Ended (k) Asynchronous Output Single Ended (l) Asynchronous GTL Output Single Ended (m) Asynchronous GTL Input Single Ended (n) GTL Bi-directional CATERR#, BPM#[7:0] Single Ended (o) Asynchronous Bidirectional PECI Single Ended (p) Asynchronous GTL Bidirectional Single Ended (qa) CMOS Input TDO, TDO_M Control Sideband Datasheet, Volume 1 SM_DRAMPWROK RESET_OBS# PRDY#, THERMTRIP# PREQ# PROCHOT# CFG[17:0], PM_SYNC, PM_EXT_TS#[1:0] 67 Electrical Specifications Table 7-3. Signal Groups (Sheet 2 of 2)1 Signal Group Alpha Group Single Ended (qb) CMOS Input Single Ended (r) CMOS Output Single Ended (s) CMOS Bi-directional Single Ended (t) Analog Input Single Ended (ta) Analog Output (u) Power (v) Ground (w) No Connect (x) Asynchronous CMOS Output (y) Sense Points Type Signals RSTIN# VTT_SELECT VID[7:6] VID[5:3]/CSC[2:0] VID[2:0]/MSID[2:0] COMP0, COMP1, COMP2, COMP3, SM_RCOMP[2:0], ISENSE SA_DIMM_VREFDQ SB_DIMM_VREFDQ Power/Ground/Other Single Ended (z) Other VCC, VCC_NCTF, VTT, VCCPLL, VDDQ, VAXG VSS, CGC_TP_NCTF RSVD, RSVD_NCTF, RSVD_TP, FC_x PSI# VCC_SENSE, VSS_SENSE, VTT_SENSE, VSS_SENSE_VTT, VAXG_SENSE, VSSAXG_SENSE SKTOCC#, DBR# PCI Express* Differential (ac) PCI Express Input PEG_RX[15:0], PEG_RX#[15:0] Differential (ad) PCI Express Output PEG_TX[15:0], PEG_TX#[15:0] Single Ended (ae) Analog Input PEG_ICOMP0, PEG_ICOMPI, PEG_RCOMP0, PEG_RBIAS DMI Intel (R) Differential (af) DMI Input DMI_RX[3:0], DMI_RX#[3:0] Differential (ag) DMI Output DMI_TX[3:0], DMI_TX#[3:0] Single Ended (ah) FDI Input FDI_FSYNC[1:0]4, FDI_LSYNC[1:0]4, FDI_INT4 Differential (ai) FDI Output FDI FDI_TX[7:0]4, FDI_TX#[7:0]4 Notes: 1. Refer to Chapter 6 for signal description details. 2. SA and SB refer to DDR3 Channel A and DDR3 Channel B. 3. These signals are only used on processors and platforms that support ECC DIMMs. 4. These signals will not be actively used on the Intel Xeon processor 3400 series. All Control Sideband Asynchronous signals are required to be asserted/de-asserted for at least eight BCLKs for the processor to recognize the proper signal state. See Section 7.9 for the DC specifications. 68 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications 7.7 Test Access Port (TAP) Connection Due to the voltage levels supported by other components in the Test Access Port (TAP) logic, Intel recommends the processor be first in the TAP chain, followed by any other components within the system. A translation buffer should be used to connect to the rest of the chain unless one of the other components is capable of accepting an input of the appropriate voltage. Two copies of each signal may be required with each driving a different voltage level. 7.8 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings Table 7-4 specifies absolute maximum and minimum ratings. At conditions outside functional operation condition limits, but within absolute maximum and minimum ratings, neither functionality nor long-term reliability can be expected. If a device is returned to conditions within functional operation limits after having been subjected to conditions outside these limits (but within the absolute maximum and minimum ratings) the device may be functional, but with its lifetime degraded depending on exposure to conditions exceeding the functional operation condition limits. At conditions exceeding absolute maximum and minimum ratings, neither functionality nor long-term reliability can be expected. Moreover, if a device is subjected to these conditions for any length of time, it will either not function or its reliability will be severely degraded when returned to conditions within the functional operating condition limits. Although the processor contains protective circuitry to resist damage from ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD), precautions should always be taken to avoid high static voltages or electric fields. Table 7-4. Processor Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes1, 2 6 VCC Processor Core voltage with respect to VSS -0.3 1.40 V VTT Voltage for the memory controller and Shared Cache with respect to VSS -0.3 1.40 V Processor I/O supply voltage for DDR3 with respect to VSS -0.3 1.80 V Processor PLL voltage with respect to VSS -0.3 1.98 V Storage temperature -40 85 C VDDQ VCCPLL TSTORAGE 3, 4, 5 Notes: 1. For functional operation, all processor electrical, signal quality, mechanical and thermal specifications must be satisfied. 2. Excessive overshoot or undershoot on any signal will likely result in permanent damage to the processor. 3. Storage temperature is applicable to storage conditions only. In this scenario, the processor must not receive a clock, and no lands can be connected to a voltage bias. Storage within these limits will not affect the long-term reliability of the device. For functional operation, refer to the processor case temperature specifications. 4. This rating applies to the processor and does not include any tray or packaging. 5. Failure to adhere to this specification can affect the long-term reliability of the processor. 6. VCC is a VID based rail. Datasheet, Volume 1 69 Electrical Specifications 7.9 DC Specifications The processor DC specifications in this section are defined at the processor pads, unless noted otherwise. See Chapter 8 for the processor land listings and Chapter 6 for signal definitions. Voltage and current specifications are detailed in Table 7-5 and Table 7-6. For platform planning, refer to Table 7-7 that provides VCC static and transient tolerances. This same information is presented graphically in Figure 7-1. The DC specifications for the DDR3 signals are listed in Table 7-8 Control Sideband and Test Access Port (TAP) are listed in Table 7-9. Table 7-5 through Table 7-6 list the DC specifications for the processor and are valid only while meeting the thermal specifications (as specified in the processor Thermal and Mechanical Specifications and Guidelines), clock frequency, and input voltages. Care should be taken to read all notes associated with each parameter. 7.9.1 Voltage and Current Specifications Table 7-5. Processor Core Active and Idle Mode DC Voltage and Current Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit 0.6500 -- 1.4000 V VID VID Range VCC VCC for processor core See Table 7-7 and Figure 7-1 V Default VCC voltage for initial power up -- 1.10 V -- -- -- -- VCC,BOOT Processor Number ICC ICC X3480 X3470 X3460 X3450 X3440 X3430 Processor Number L3426 -- Note 1, 2, 3 For Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 95 W TDP 3.06 2.93 2.80 2.66 2.53 2.40 GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz For Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 45 W TDP 1.86 GHz 110 110 110 110 110 110 A 4 A 4 55 ICC_TDC Sustained ICC; recommended design target for Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 95 W TDP -- -- 90 A ICC_TDC 2009A Sustained ICC; recommended design target for Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 45 W TDP -- -- 45 A Notes: 1. Each processor is programmed with a maximum valid voltage identification value (VID) that is set at manufacturing and cannot be altered. Individual maximum VID values are calibrated during manufacturing such that two processors at the same frequency may have different settings within the VID range. Note that this differs from the VID employed by the processor during a power management event (Adaptive Thermal Monitor, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology, or Low Power States). 2. The voltage specification requirements are measured across VCC_SENSE and VSS_SENSE lands at the socket with a 100-MHz bandwidth oscilloscope, 1.5 pF maximum probe capacitance, and 1-M minimum impedance. The maximum length of ground wire on the probe should be less than 5 mm. Ensure external noise from the system is not coupled into the oscilloscope probe. 3. Refer to Table 7-7 and Figure 7-1 for the minimum, typical, and maximum VCC allowed for a given current. The processor should not be subjected to any VCC and ICC combination wherein VCC exceeds VCC_MAX for a given current. 4. ICC_MAX specification is based on the VCC_MAX loadline. Refer to Figure 7-1 for details. 70 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications Table 7-6. Processor Uncore I/O Buffer Supply DC Voltage and Current Specifications Symbol VTT VDDQ VCCPLL Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Note Voltage for the memory controller and shared cache defined at the socket motherboard VTT pinfield via. 1.045 1.10 1.155 V 1 Voltage for the memory controller and shared cache defined across VTT_SENSE and VSS_SENSE_VTT. 1.023 1.10 1.117 V 2 Processor I/O supply voltage for DDR3 1.425 1.5 1.575 V 1.71 1.8 1.89 V PLL supply voltage (DC + AC specification) ITT Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 95 W TDP: Current for the memory controller and Shared Cache -- -- 35 A ITT Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 45 W TDP: Current for the memory controller and Shared Cache -- -- 27 A ITT_TDC Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 95 W TDP: Sustained current for the memory controller and Shared Cache -- -- 30 A ITT_TDC Intel Xeon processor 3400 series with 45 W TDP: Sustained current for the memory controller and Shared Cache -- -- 22 A IDDQ Processor I/O supply current for DDR3 -- -- 6 A IDDQ_TDC Processor I/O supply sustained current for DDR3 -- -- 6 A Processor I/O supply standby current for DDR3 -- -- 0.650 A IDDQ_STANDBY ICC_VCCPLL ICC_VCCPLL_TDC PLL supply current -- -- 1.1 A PLL sustained supply current -- -- 0.7 A Notes: 1. VTT must be provided using a separate voltage source and not be connected to VCC. The voltage specification requirements are defined in the middle of the VTT pinfield at the processor socket vias on the bottom side of the baseboard. The voltage specifications are measured with a 20-MHz bandwidth oscilloscope, 1.5 pF maximum probe capacitance, and 1 M minimum impedance. The maximum length of ground wire on the probe should be less than 5 mm. Ensure external noise from the system is not coupled into the oscilloscope probe. 2. VTT must be provided using a separate voltage source and not be connected to VCC. The voltage specification requirements are defined across VTT_SENSE and VSS_SENSE_VTT lands at the processor socket vias on the bottom side of the baseboard. The requirements across the SENSE signals account for voltage drops and impedances across the baseboard vias, socket, and processor package up to the processor Si. The voltage specifications are measured with a 20-MHz bandwidth oscilloscope, 1.5 pF maximum probe capacitance, and 1 M minimum impedance. The maximum length of ground wire on the probe should be less than 5 mm. Ensure external noise from the system is not coupled into the oscilloscope probe. Datasheet, Volume 1 71 Electrical Specifications Table 7-7. VCC Static and Transient Tolerance Voltage Deviation from VID Setting 1, 2, 3 ICC (A) VCC_Max (V) 1.40 m VCC_Typ (V) 1.40 m VCC_Min (V) 1.40 m 0 0.000 -0.019 -0.038 5 -0.007 -0.026 -0.045 10 -0.014 -0.033 -0.052 15 -0.021 -0.040 -0.059 20 -0.028 -0.047 -0.066 25 -0.035 -0.054 -0.073 30 -0.042 -0.061 -0.080 35 -0.049 -0.068 -0.087 40 -0.056 -0.075 -0.094 45 -0.063 -0.082 -0.101 50 -0.070 -0.089 -0.108 55 -0.077 -0.096 -0.115 60 -0.084 -0.103 -0.122 65 -0.091 -0.110 -0.129 70 -0.098 -0.117 -0.136 75 -0.105 -0.124 -0.143 80 -0.112 -0.131 -0.150 85 -0.119 -0.138 -0.157 90 -0.126 -0.145 -0.164 95 -0.133 -0.152 -0.171 100 -0.140 -0.159 -0.178 110 -0.147 -0.166 -0.185 Notes: 1. The VCC_MIN and VCC_MAX loadlines represent static and transient limits. 2. This table is intended to aid in reading discrete points on Figure 7-1. 3. The loadlines specify voltage limits at the die measured at the VCC_SENSE and VSS_SENSE lands. Voltage regulation feedback for voltage regulator circuits must also be taken from processor VCC_SENSE and VSS_SENSE lands. Refer to the Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) 11.1 Design Guidelines for socket load line guidelines and VR implementation. 72 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications Figure 7-1. VCC Static and Transient Tolerance Loadlines Icc [A] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 VID - 0.000 VID - 0.013 VID - 0.025 VID - 0.038 VID - 0.050 VID - 0.063 Vcc Maximum VID - 0.075 Vcc [V] VID - 0.088 VID - 0.100 VID - 0.113 Vcc Minimum VID - 0.125 VID - 0.138 Vcc Typical VID - 0.150 VID - 0.163 VID - 0.175 VID - 0.188 Datasheet, Volume 1 73 Electrical Specifications Table 7-8. Symbol DDR3 Signal Group DC Specifications Parameter Alpha Group Min Typ Max Units Notes1 -- 0.43*VDDQ V 2,4 V 3 VIL Input Low Voltage (e,f) -- (e,f) 0.57*VDDQ -- -- (c,d,e,f) -- (VDDQ / 2)* (RON / (RON+RVTT_TERM)) -- (c,d,e,f) -- VDDQ - ((VDDQ / 2)* (RON/(RON+RVTT_TERM)) -- V 4,6 VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage RON DDR3 Clock Buffer On Resistance -- 21 -- 36 5 RON DDR3 Command Buffer On Resistance -- 20 -- 31 5 RON DDR3 Control Buffer On Resistance -- 20 -- 31 5 RON DDR3 Data Buffer On Resistance -- 21 -- 36 5 Data ODT On-Die Termination for Data Signals (d) 93.5 -- 126.5 ILI Input Leakage Current -- -- -- 1 mA SM_RCOMP0 COMP Resistance (t) 99 100 101 7 SM_RCOMP1 COMP Resistance (t) 24.7 24.9 25.1 7 SM_RCOMP2 COMP Resistance (t) 128.7 130 131.3 7 6 Notes: 1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies. 2. VIL is defined as the maximum voltage level at a receiving agent that will be interpreted as a logical low value. 3. VIH is defined as the minimum voltage level at a receiving agent that will be interpreted as a logical high value. 4. VIH and VOH may experience excursions above VDDQ. However, input signal drivers must comply with the signal quality specifications. 5. This is the pull down driver resistance. 6. RVTT_TERM is the termination on the DIMM and is not controlled by the processor. 7. COMP resistance must be provided on the system board with 1% resistors. COMP resistors are to VSS. 74 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications Table 7-9. Symbol Control Sideband and TAP Signal Group DC Specifications Alpha Group Min Typ Max Units Notes1 Input Low Voltage -- -- 0.64 * VTT V 2 Parameter VIL (m),(n),(p),(qa),(qb),(s) VIH (m),(n),(p),(qa),(qb),(s) Input High Voltage 0.76 * VTT -- -- V 2,4 VIL (g) Input Low Voltage -- -- 0.40 * VTT V 2 VIH (g) Input High Voltage 0.75 * VTT -- -- V 2,4 VIL (ja) Input Low Voltage -- -- 0.25 * VTT V 2 VIH (ja) Input High Voltage 0.75 * VTT -- -- V 2,4 VIL (jb) Input Low Voltage -- -- 0.29 V 2 0.87 -- -- V 2,4 -- -- VTT * RON / (RON + RSYS_TERM) V 2,6 VTT -- -- V 2,4 20 -- 45 -- -- 200 A 3 -- -- 100 A 3 VIH (jb) Input High Voltage VOL (k),(l),(n),(p),(r), (s),(h),(i) Output Low Voltage VOH (k),(l),(n),(p), (r),(s),(i) Output High Voltage RON (ab) Buffer on Resistance ILI (ja),(jb),(m),(n), (p),(qa),(s),(t),(g) Input Leakage Current ILI (qb) Input Leakage Current COMP0 (t) COMP Resistance 49.4 49.9 50.4 5 COMP1 (t) COMP Resistance 49.4 49.9 50.4 5 COMP2 (t) COMP Resistance 19.8 20 20.2 5 COMP3 (t) COMP Resistance 19.8 20 20.2 5 Notes: 1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies. 2. The VTT referred to in these specifications refers to instantaneous VTT. 3. For VIN between 0 V and VTT. Measured when the driver is tristated. 4. VIH and VOH may experience excursions above VTT. However, input signal drivers must comply with the signal quality specifications. 5. COMP resistance must be provided on the system board with 1% resistors. COMP resistors are to VSS. 6. RSYS_TERM is the system termination on the signal. Datasheet, Volume 1 75 Electrical Specifications Table 7-10. PCI Express* DC Specifications Symbol Alpha Group Parameter Min Typ Max Units Notes1 VTX-DIFF-p-p (ad) Differential peak to peak Tx voltage swing 0.8 -- 1.2 V 3 VTX_CM-AC-p (ad) Tx AC Peak Common Mode Output Voltage (Gen1 only) -- -- 20 mV 1,2,6 VTX_CM-AC-p-p (ad) Tx AC Peak-to-Peak Common Mode Output Voltage (Gen2 only) -- -- 100 mV 1,2 ZTX-DIFF-DC (ad) DC Differential Tx Impedance (Gen1 only) 80 -- 120 1,10 ZTX-DIFF-DC (ad) DC Differential Tx Impedance (Gen2 only) -- -- 120 1,10 ZRX-DC (ac) DC Common Mode Rx Impedance 40 -- 60 1,8,9 ZRX-DIFF-DC (ac) DC Differential Rx Impedance (Gen1 only) 80 -- 120 1 VRX-DIFFp-p (ac) Differential Rx input Peak to Peak Voltage (Gen1 only) 0.175 -- 1.2 V 1 VRX-DIFFp-p (ac) Differential Rx Input Peak to Peak Voltage (Gen2 only) 0.120 -- 1.2 V 1,1 VRX_CM-AC-p (ac) Rx AC peak Common Mode Input Voltage -- -- 150 mV 1,7 PEG_ICOMPO (ae) Comp Resistance 49.5 50 50.5 4,5 PEG_ICOMPI (ae) Comp Resistance 49.5 50 50.5 4,5 PEG_RCOMPO (ae) Comp Resistance 49.5 50 50.5 4,5 PEG_RBIAS (ae) Comp Resistance 742.5 750 757.5 4,5 Notes: 1. Refer to the PCI Express Base Specification for more details. 2. VTX-AC-CM-PP and VTX-AC-CM-P are defined in the PCI Express Base Specification. Measurement is made over at least 10^6 UI. 3. As measured with compliance test load. Defined as 2*|VTXD+ - VTXD- |. 4. COMP resistance must be provided on the system board with 1% resistors. COMP resistors are to VSS. 5. PEG_ICOMPO, PEG_ICOMPI, PEG_RCOMPO are the same resistor 6. RMS value. 7. Measured at Rx pins into a pair of 50-terminations into ground. Common mode peak voltage is defined by the expression: max{|(Vd+ - Vd-) - V-CMDC|}. 8. DC impedance limits are needed to guarantee Receiver detect. 9. The Rx DC Common Mode Impedance must be present when the Receiver terminations are first enabled to ensure that the Receiver Detect occurs properly. Compensation of this impedance can start immediately and the 15 Rx Common Mode Impedance (constrained by RLRX-CM to 50 20%) must be within the specified range by the time Detect is entered. 10. Low impedance defined during signaling. Parameter is captured for 5.0 GHz by RLTX-DIFF. 76 Datasheet, Volume 1 Electrical Specifications 7.10 Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI) DC Specifications PECI is an Intel proprietary interface that provides a communication channel between Intel processors and chipset components to external thermal monitoring devices. The processor contains a Digital Thermal Sensor (DTS) that reports a relative die temperature as an offset from Thermal Control Circuit (TCC) activation temperature. Temperature sensors located throughout the die are implemented as analog-to-digital converters calibrated at the factory. PECI provides an interface for external devices to read the DTS temperature for thermal management and fan speed control. For the PECI command set supported by the processor, refer to the appropriate processor Thermal and Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines for additional information (see Section 1.7). 7.10.1 DC Characteristics The PECI interface operates at a nominal voltage set by VTT. The set of DC electrical specifications shown in Table 7-11 is used with devices normally operating from a VTT interface supply. VTT nominal levels will vary between processor families. All PECI devices will operate at the VTT level determined by the processor installed in the system. For specific nominal VTT levels, refer to Table 7-6. Table 7-11. PECI DC Electrical Limits Symbol Vin Vhysteresis Definition and Conditions Input Voltage Range Hysteresis Min Max Units -0.150 VTT V 0.1 * VTT N/A V Notes1 Vn Negative-Edge Threshold Voltage 0.275 * VTT 0.500 * VTT V Vp Positive-Edge Threshold Voltage 0.550 * VTT 0.725 * VTT V High-Level Output Source (VOH = 0.75 * VTT) -6.0 N/A mA Low-Level Output Sink (VOL = 0.25 * VTT) 0.5 1.0 mA Ileak+ High Impedance State Leakage to VTT (Vleak = VOL) N/A 100 A 2 Ileak- High Impedance Leakage to GND (Vleak = VOH) N/A 100 A 2 Cbus Bus Capacitance per Node N/A 10 pF 0.1 * VTT N/A Vp-p Isource Isink Vnoise Signal Noise Immunity above 300 MHz Notes: 1. VTT supplies the PECI interface. PECI behavior does not affect VTT min/max specifications. 2. The leakage specification applies to powered devices on the PECI bus. Datasheet, Volume 1 77 Electrical Specifications 7.10.2 Input Device Hysteresis The input buffers in both client and host models must use a Schmitt-triggered input design for improved noise immunity. Use Figure 7-2 as a guide for input buffer design. Figure 7-2. Input Device Hysteresis VTTD Maximum VP PECI High Range Minimum VP Minimum Hysteresis Valid Input Signal Range Maximum VN Minimum VN PECI Low Range PECI Ground . 78 Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information 8 Processor Land and Signal Information 8.1 Processor Land Assignments The processor land-map quadrants are shown in Figure 8-1 through Figure 8-4. Table 8-2 provides a listing of all processor lands ordered alphabetically by pin name. Not all signals are used by the processor. Table 8-1 lists the signals that are not used by the Intel Xeon processor 3400 series. Table 8-1. Signals Not Used by the Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor 3400 Series Interface Signals Not Used FDI_FSYNC[1:0] FDI_LSYNC[1:0] Intel Flexible Display Interface FDI_INT FDI_TX[7:0] FDI_TX#[7:0] GFX_DPRSLPVR GFX_IMON Integrated Graphics Core Power GFX_VID[6:0] GFX_VR_EN VAXG Memory Datasheet, Volume 1 SA_DM[7:0] SB_DM[7:0] 79 Processor Land and Signal Information Figure 8-1. Socket Pinmap (Top View, Upper-Left Quadrant) 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 RSVD_NCTF VSS SA_DQ[49] SA_DQ[52] VSS RSVD_NCTF SA_DQ[55] SA_DQS[6] SA_DQ[48] SA_DQ[53] SA_DQ[47] SA_DQS#[5] SA_DM[5] SA_DQ[45] SB_CS#[1] RSVD_NCTF VSS SA_DQ[50] SA_DQ[54] SA_DQS#[6] VSS SA_DQ[42] SA_DQS[5] VSS SA_DQ[44] AY AW AV SB_CS#[0] VDDQ SB_MA[10] SA_ODT[3] VDDQ SB_MA[13] SB_CAS# SB_RAS# SB_BS[1] SA_CS#[1] SA_ODT[2] SB_CS#[3] VDDQ SB_ODT[2] SB_CS#[2] VDDQ SA_ODT[1] SA_ODT[0] VDDQ SA_CS#[0] AU RSVD_NCTF SA_DQ[61] SA_DQ[60] SA_DQ[51] VSS SA_DM[6] SA_DQ[43] SA_DQ[46] VSS SA_DQ[41] SA_DQ[40] SB_ODT[1] SB_ODT[3] SB_ODT[0] SB_WE# SB_BS[0] SA_MA[13] SA_CS#[3] SA_CAS# SA_CS#[2] AT SA_DQ[57] SA_DQ[56] SA_DM[7] VSS SB_DQ[49] SB_DQ[53] VSS SB_DQ[47] SB_DQ[40] SB_DQ[44] VSS SA_DQS#[4] SA_DQ[33] VSS SB_DQ[39] SB_DQS[4] VSS SB_DQ[36] SA_WE# VDDQ SA_DQS[7] SA_DQS#[7] SB_DQS#[6] SB_DQS[6] SB_DQ[48] SB_DQ[46] SB_DQ[42] SB_DQS#[5] SB_DQ[45] VSS SA_DQ[38] SA_DQS[4] SA_DQ[37] SB_DQ[35] SB_DQ[34] SB_DQS#[4] VSS SA_CK[0] SA_CK#[0] SA_DQ[62] VSS SB_DQ[55] SB_DQ[51] VSS SB_DQ[52] VSS SB_DQS[5] SB_DQ[41] SA_DQ[35] VSS SA_DQ[34] VSS VSS SB_DQ[38] VSS SB_DQ[33] SB_DQ[37] SA_CK#[2] SA_DQ[59] SA_DQ[58] TCK VSS SB_DQ[60] SB_DQ[54] SB_DQ[50] SB_DM[5] VSS SA_DQ[39] SA_DM[4] VSS SA_DQ[32] VSS SB_DM[4] SB_DQ[32] VSS SA_CK[2] TRST# TDO TDI SB_DQS#[7] SB_DQ[57] SB_DQ[61] SB_DM[6] SB_DQ[43] BPM#[4] RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD SB_CS#[5] SB_CS#[4] SA_CS#[5] RSVD DBR# RESET_OBS# VSS SB_DQS[7] SB_DQ[63] SB_DQ[56] VSS BPM#[0] BPM#[1] VSS BPM#[5] RSVD VSS SB_CS#[6] SA_CS#[6] VSS VTT BCLK_ITP# BCLK_ITP SKTOCC# PREQ# VSS SB_DM[7] TAPPWRGOOD BPM#[2] BPM#[3] BPM#[7] BPM#[6] RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD SB_CS#[7] SA_CS#[7] SA_CS#[4] AJ VSS RSVD PRDY# SB_DQ[59] SB_DQ[58] SB_DQ[62] VSS VSS VTT VTT VSS VTT VSS VTT VSS VTT VSS VTT VSS VTT AH RSVD PM_SYNC VSS SM_DRAMPWROK VCCPWRGOOD_1 VCCPWRGOOD_0 PROCHOT# AG FC_AG40 CATERR# PSI# VTTPWRGOOD VSS PECI VSS VTT VTT_SELECT TDO_M TDI_M COMP0 THERMTRIP# RSTIN# VSS VTT_SENSE VTT VTT AR VSS AP SA_DQ[63] AN TMS AM VSS AL AK AF VSS AE VTT VTT FC_AE38 VSS_SENSE_VTT VSS SA_DQ[36] RSVD RSVD VTT VSS VTT AD VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT AC VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT AB VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS AA 80 VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Figure 8-2. Socket Pinmap (Top View, Upper-Right Quadrant) 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SB_MA[4] VDDQ SB_MA[9] SA_MA[1] VDDQ SA_MA[5] SB_MA[14] VDDQ SA_CKE[3] SB_CKE[1] SA_DQ[27] VSS SA_DQS[3] SA_DQ[25] VSS RSVD_NCTF SA_MA[0] SB_MA[6] SB_MA[11] SB_MA[12] SA_MA[4] SA_MA[7] SA_MA[9] SA_MA[12] SA_CKE[1] VDDQ SB_CKE[0] SA_DQ[31] SA_DQS#[3] SA_DQ[24] SA_DQ[19] SA_DQ[18] RSVD_NCTF RSVD_NCTF AV AY AW SA_BS[0] VDDQ SB_MA[2] SB_MA[5] VDDQ SA_MA[2] SA_MA[6] VDDQ SB_BS[2] SB_MA[15] SA_CKE[2] SB_CKE[3] SM_DRAMRST# SA_DQ[30] SA_DM[3] SA_DQ[29] SA_DQ[23] VSS SA_DQ[22] SB_MA[0] SA_BS[1] SB_MA[1] SB_MA[3] SB_MA[7] SA_MA[3] SA_MA[8] SA_MA[11] SA_BS[2] VDDQ SA_CKE[0] SB_CKE[2] SA_DQ[26] VSS VSS SA_DQ[28] SA_DQS[2] SA_DQS#[2] SA_DQ[17] SA_DM[2] AU SA_RAS# SA_MA[10] VDDQ SB_MA[8] VSS SB_CK[1] VSS SB_ECC_CB[1] VSS SA_MA[14] VDDQ SB_DQ[31] VSS SB_DM[3] SB_DQ[24] VSS SA_DQ[16] SA_DQ[20] VSS SA_DQ[21] AT VSS SB_CK[3] SB_CK#[3] SB_CK[0] SB_CK#[0] SB_CK#[1] SB_DQS[8] SB_DQS#[8] SB_ECC_CB[0] SA_ECC_CB[2] SA_MA[15] SB_DQ[26] SB_DQS[3] SB_DQ[25] SB_DQ[29] SB_DQ[19] SA_DQ[15] SA_DQ[10] SA_DQ[11] VSS SA_CK[3] SA_CK[1] VSS VSS VSS SB_ECC_CB[3] SB_ECC_CB[7] VSS SA_ECC_CB[3] SA_ECC_CB[0] VSS SB_DQS#[3] VSS SB_DQ[18] SB_DQ[23] VSS SA_DQS#[1] SA_DQS[1] SA_DQ[14] AP VSS SA_CK#[3] SA_CK#[1] SB_CK[2] SB_ECC_CB[6] VSS SB_ECC_CB[5] RSVD_TP SA_ECC_CB[1] VSS SB_DQ[28] SB_DQ[22] SB_DQS[2] SB_DQ[17] VSS SA_DQ[8] SA_DQ[9] SA_DM[1] AN RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD SB_ECC_CB[4] SA_ECC_CB[7] SA_DQS#[8] VSS SB_DQ[27] SB_DM[2] SB_DQS#[2] VSS SB_DQ[21] SA_DQ[12] SA_DQ[13] VTT VSS RSVD RSVD RSVD VSS SA_DQS[8] SA_ECC_CB[5] SB_DQ[30] VSS SB_DQ[16] SB_DQ[20] SB_DQ[11] VSS SA_DQ[2] SA_DQ[3] AL VTT VTT RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD SA_ECC_CB[6] VSS SA_ECC_CB[4] VSS SB_DQ[15] SB_DQ[10] VSS VSS SA_DQS[0] SA_DQ[7] SA_DQ[6] AK VSS SB_DQ[3] SB_DQ[14] VSS SB_DQS#[1] SA_DQ[1] SA_DQS#[0] SA_DM[0] SB_DQ[2] SB_DQ[9] SB_DQS[1] VSS SB_DM[1] VSS SA_DQ[5] SA_DQ[0] AH VCCPLL VSS SB_DQ[12] SB_DQ[8] SB_DQ[13] SB_DIMM_VREFDQ SA_DQ[4] SM_RCOMP[0] AG VCCPLL VCCPLL VSS SB_DQ[6] SB_DQS[0] SA_DIMM_VREFDQ COMP1 VTT VSS SB_DQ[7] SB_DQS#[0] SB_DM[0] VSS RSVD SM_RCOMP[2] AE VSS SB_DQ[0] SB_DQ[1] VSS FDI_LSYNC[0] FDI_LSYNC[1] RSVD SM_RCOMP[1] AD VTT SB_DQ[4] SB_DQ[5] VTT FDI_FSYNC[0] FDI_FSYNC[1] FDI_INT VSS VTT VSS PM_EXT_TS#[0] PM_EXT_TS#[1] VSS BCLK[1] BCLK[0] VSS PEG_CLK# PEG_CLK VSS SB_CK#[2] VSS VSS VTT VSS VTT VSS Datasheet, Volume 1 SB_ECC_CB[2] RSVD RSVD VDDQ VSS VSS VDDQ VSS VDDQ BCLK#[0] VSS AR VSS AM VSS AJ VSS AF VSS AC AB AA 81 Processor Land and Signal Information Figure 8-3. Socket Pinmap (Top View, Lower-Left Quadrant) Y VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT W VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS V VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT VTT U VID[0]/MSID[0] VID[1]/MSID[1] VID[4]/CSC[1] VID[5]/CSC[2] VID[6] VID[7] T ISENSE VSS VSS VSS VSS VCC_SENSE VSS_SENSE VID[2]/MSID[2] VID[3]/CSC[0] VSS R VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC P VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC N VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC M VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS L VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS K VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC J VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC H VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS G VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC F VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC E VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS D VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VAXG VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VCC VSS VAXG C B A VCC_NCTF CGC_TP_NCTF VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC_NCTF VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VCC VSS VCC VCC 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 82 Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Figure 8-4. Socket Pinmap (Top View, Lower-Right Quadrant) BCLK#[1] VSS FDI_TX[7] FDI_TX#[7] FDI_TX[6] FDI_TX#[6] FDI_TX[3] FDI_TX#[3] VTT FDI_TX[4] FDI_TX#[4] DMI_RX[3] DMI_RX#[3] VTT VTT VTT VSS FDI_TX[1] FDI_TX#[1] VTT DMI_RX#[2] V FDI_TX[2] FDI_TX#[0] VSS DMI_RX[1] DMI_RX#[1] DMI_RX[2] U VTT VTT VTT VSS PEG_RX#[15] PEG_RX[15] VTT DMI_RX#[0] T FDI_TX[5] PEG_TX[15] VSS DMI_TX#[3] DMI_TX[3] DMI_RX[0] R VTT VTT VTT VSS PEG_RX#[14] PEG_RX[14] VSS DMI_TX#[2] P FDI_TX#[2] FDI_TX#[5] FDI_TX[0] PEG_TX#[15] Y VTT W PEG_TX#[14] VTT PEG_TX#[13] VSS DMI_TX[1] DMI_TX#[1] DMI_TX[2] N PEG_TX[13] VSS VCC VSS VCC VAXG VAXG VAXG VSS RSVD VTT VTT VTT PEG_TX[14] VSS VSS VSS PEG_TX[11] PEG_TX#[11] VSS DMI_TX#[0] M VCC VCC VSS VCC VAXG VAXG VAXG VSS RSVD CFG[17] VTT VSS CFG[13] PEG_TX#[12] PEG_TX[10] PEG_TX#[10] VSS PEG_RX#[13] PEG_RX[13] DMI_TX[0] L VCC VSS VCC VCC VAXG VAXG VAXG VSS CFG[15] VSS CFG[10] CFG[14] CFG[11] PEG_TX[12] VSS VSS PEG_TX#[8] PEG_TX[8] VSS PEG_RX#[12] K VSS VCC VCC VSS VAXG VAXG VAXG VSS CFG[12] GFX_VID[6] GFX_DPRSLPVR VSS PEG_TX#[9] VSS PEG_TX[7] PEG_TX#[7] VSS PEG_RX[11] PEG_RX#[11] PEG_RX[12] J VCC VCC VSS VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS CFG[9] VSS CFG[4] CFG[5] PEG_TX[9] CFG[16] VSS VSS PEG_TX[5] PEG_TX#[5] VSS PEG_RX#[10] H VAXG VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS CFG[8] GFX_VID[5] GFX_VID[0] VSS CFG[1] PEG_TX#[6] PEG_TX[4] PEG_TX#[4] VSS PEG_RX[9] PEG_RX#[9] PEG_RX[10] G VSS VAXG VAXG VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS GFX_VR_EN VSS CFG[3] CFG[7] VSS PEG_TX[6] GFX_IMON PEG_TX#[2] PEG_TX#[3] PEG_TX[3] VSS PEG_RX#[8] F VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS GFX_VID[2] GFX_VID[3] CFG[2] CFG[6] CFG[0] PEG_TX[1] PEG_TX#[1] PEG_TX[2] VSS VSS PEG_RX#[7] PEG_RX[8] E VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS VSS PEG_ICOMPI VSS PEG_RX#[0] VSS PEG_TX#[0] VSS VSS VSS PEG_RX#[6] PEG_RX[7] RSVD_NCTF D VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSS GFX_VID[4] COMP3 PEG_ICOMPO PEG_RX[0] PEG_RX#[1] PEG_TX[0] PEG_RX#[3] VSS PEG_RX#[5] PEG_RX[6] RSVD_NCTF VAXG VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VSSAXG_SENSE GFX_VID[1] COMP2 PEG_RCOMPO VSS PEG_RX[1] VSS PEG_RX[3] PEG_RX#[4] PEG_RX[5] RSVD_NCTF VAXG VAXG VSS VAXG VAXG VAXG_SENSE RSVD PEG_RBIAS PEG_RX[2] PEG_RX#[2] PEG_RX[4] RSVD_NCTF 7 6 5 4 VCC VSS 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Datasheet, Volume 1 9 8 C B A 3 2 1 83 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Table 8-2. Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin Name Buffer Type Pin # Buffer Type Dir. Dir. DMI_RX[2] Pin Name U1 DMI I BCLK_ITP AK39 CMOS O DMI_RX[3] W3 DMI I BCLK_ITP# AK40 CMOS O DMI_RX#[0] T1 DMI I BCLK[0] AA7 CMOS I DMI_RX#[1] U2 DMI I BCLK[1] AA8 Diff Clk I DMI_RX#[2] V1 DMI I BCLK#[0] AA6 CMOS I DMI_RX#[3] W2 DMI I BCLK#[1] Y8 Diff Clk I DMI_TX[0] L1 DMI O BPM#[0] AL33 GTL I/O DMI_TX[1] N3 DMI O BPM#[1] AL32 GTL I/O DMI_TX[2] N1 DMI O BPM#[2] AK33 GTL I/O DMI_TX[3] R2 DMI O BPM#[3] AK32 GTL I/O DMI_TX#[0] M1 DMI O BPM#[4] AM31 GTL I/O DMI_TX#[1] N2 DMI O BPM#[5] AL30 GTL I/O DMI_TX#[2] P1 DMI O BPM#[6] AK30 GTL I/O DMI_TX#[3] R3 DMI O BPM#[7] AK31 GTL I/O FC_AE38 AE38 CATERR# AG39 GTL I/O FC_AG40 AG40 E8 CMOS I FDI_FSYNC[0] AC4 CMOS I CFG[1] G8 CMOS I FDI_FSYNC[1] AC3 CMOS I CFG[10] K10 CMOS I FDI_INT AC2 CMOS I CFG[11] K8 CMOS I FDI_LSYNC[0] AD4 CMOS I CFG[12] J12 CMOS I FDI_LSYNC[1] AD3 CMOS I O CFG[0] 84 Pin # Processor Pin List by Pin Name CFG[13] L8 CMOS I FDI_TX[0] U6 FDI CFG[14] K9 CMOS I FDI_TX[1] V4 FDI O CFG[15] K12 CMOS I FDI_TX[2] U8 FDI O CFG[16] H7 CMOS I FDI_TX[3] W8 FDI O CFG[17] L11 CMOS I FDI_TX[4] W5 FDI O CFG[2] E10 CMOS I FDI_TX[5] R8 FDI O CFG[3] F10 CMOS I FDI_TX[6] Y4 FDI O CFG[4] H10 CMOS I FDI_TX[7] Y6 FDI O CFG[5] H9 CMOS I FDI_TX#[0] U5 FDI O CFG[6] E9 CMOS I FDI_TX#[1] V3 FDI O CFG[7] F9 CMOS I FDI_TX#[2] U7 FDI O CFG[8] G12 CMOS I FDI_TX#[3] W7 FDI O CFG[9] H12 CMOS I FDI_TX#[4] W4 FDI O CGC_TP_NCTF B39 FDI_TX#[5] R7 FDI O COMP0 AF36 Analog I FDI_TX#[6] Y3 FDI O COMP1 AF2 Analog I FDI_TX#[7] Y5 FDI O O COMP2 B11 Analog I GFX_DPRSLPVR J10 CMOS COMP3 C11 Analog I GFX_IMON F6 Analog I DBR# AL40 O GFX_VID[0] G10 CMOS O SA_DIMM_VREFDQ AF3 Analog O GFX_VID[1] B12 CMOS O SB_DIMM_VREFDQ AG3 Analog O GFX_VID[2] E12 CMOS O DMI_RX[0] R1 DMI I GFX_VID[3] E11 CMOS O DMI_RX[1] U3 DMI I GFX_VID[4] C12 CMOS O Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name GFX_VID[5] Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Pin # Buffer Type Dir. G11 CMOS O PEG_TX[1] Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Dir. E7 PCI Express O O GFX_VID[6] J11 CMOS O PEG_TX[10] L6 PCI Express GFX_VR_EN F12 CMOS O PEG_TX[11] M4 PCI Express O ISENSE T40 Analog I PEG_TX[12] K7 PCI Express O AG35 Asynch I/O PEG_TX[13] N6 PCI Express O O PECI PEG_CLK AA3 Diff Clk I PEG_TX[14] M8 PCI Express PEG_CLK# AA4 Diff Clk I PEG_TX[15] R5 PCI Express O PEG_ICOMPI D11 Analog I PEG_TX[2] E5 PCI Express O PEG_ICOMPO C10 Analog I PEG_TX[3] F3 PCI Express O PEG_RBIAS A11 Analog I PEG_TX[4] G6 PCI Express O PEG_RCOMPO B10 Analog I PEG_TX[5] H4 PCI Express O PEG_RX[0] C9 PCI Express I PEG_TX[6] F7 PCI Express O PEG_RX[1] B8 PCI Express I PEG_TX[7] J6 PCI Express O PEG_RX[10] G1 PCI Express I PEG_TX[8] K3 PCI Express O PEG_RX[11] J3 PCI Express I PEG_TX[9] H8 PCI Express O PEG_RX[12] J1 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[0] D7 PCI Express O PEG_RX[13] L2 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[1] E6 PCI Express O O PEG_RX[14] P3 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[10] L5 PCI Express PEG_RX[15] T3 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[11] M3 PCI Express O PEG_RX[2] A7 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[12] L7 PCI Express O PEG_RX[3] B6 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[13] N5 PCI Express O PEG_RX[4] A5 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[14] N8 PCI Express O PEG_RX[5] B4 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[15] R6 PCI Express O PEG_RX[6] C3 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[2] F5 PCI Express O PEG_RX[7] D2 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[3] F4 PCI Express O PEG_RX[8] E1 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[4] G5 PCI Express O PEG_RX[9] G3 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[5] H3 PCI Express O PEG_RX#[0] D9 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[6] G7 PCI Express O PEG_RX#[1] C8 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[7] J5 PCI Express O PEG_RX#[10] H1 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[8] K4 PCI Express O PEG_RX#[11] J2 PCI Express I PEG_TX#[9] J8 PCI Express O PEG_RX#[12] K1 PCI Express I PM_EXT_TS#[0] AB5 CMOS I PEG_RX#[13] L3 PCI Express I PM_EXT_TS#[1] AB4 CMOS I PEG_RX#[14] P4 PCI Express I PM_SYNC AH39 CMOS I PEG_RX#[15] T4 PCI Express I PRDY# AJ38 Asynch GTL O PEG_RX#[2] A6 PCI Express I PREQ# AK37 Asynch GTL I PEG_RX#[3] C6 PCI Express I PROCHOT# AH34 Asynch GTL I/O PEG_RX#[4] B5 PCI Express I PSI# AG38 Asynch CMOS O PEG_RX#[5] C4 PCI Express I RESET_OBS# AL39 Asynch CMOS O PEG_RX#[6] D3 PCI Express I RSTIN# AF34 CMOS I PEG_RX#[7] E2 PCI Express I RSVD A12 AD2 PEG_RX#[8] F1 PCI Express I RSVD PEG_RX#[9] G2 PCI Express I RSVD AE2 PEG_TX[0] C7 PCI Express O RSVD AH40 Datasheet, Volume 1 85 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name 86 Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Dir. Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Dir. AV20 DDR3 O AU19 DDR3 O RSVD AJ39 RSVD_NCTF AY37 RSVD AK12 RSVD_NCTF B3 RSVD AK13 RSVD_NCTF C2 RSVD AK14 RSVD_NCTF D1 RSVD AK15 RSVD_TP RSVD AK16 SA_BS[0] RSVD AK18 SA_BS[1] RSVD AK25 SA_BS[2] AU12 DDR3 O RSVD AK26 SA_CAS# AU22 DDR3 O RSVD AK27 SA_CK[0] AR22 DDR3 O RSVD AK28 SA_CK[1] AP18 DDR3 O RSVD AK29 SA_CK[2] AN21 DDR3 O RSVD AL12 SA_CK[3] AP19 DDR3 O RSVD AL14 SA_CK#[0] AR21 DDR3 O RSVD AL15 SA_CK#[1] AN18 DDR3 O RSVD AL17 SA_CK#[2] AP21 DDR3 O RSVD AL18 SA_CK#[3] AN19 DDR3 O RSVD AL26 SA_CKE[0] AU10 DDR3 O RSVD AL27 SA_CKE[1] AW10 DDR3 O RSVD AL29 SA_CKE[2] AV10 DDR3 O RSVD AM13 SA_CKE[3] AY10 DDR3 O RSVD AM14 SA_CS#[0] AV21 DDR3 O RSVD AM15 SA_CS#[1] AW24 DDR3 O RSVD AM16 SA_CS#[2] AU21 DDR3 O RSVD AM17 SA_CS#[3] AU23 DDR3 O RSVD AM18 SA_CS#[4] AK22 DDR3 O RSVD AM19 SA_CS#[5] AM22 DDR3 O RSVD AM20 SA_CS#[6] AL23 DDR3 O RSVD AM21 SA_CS#[7] AK23 DDR3 O RSVD AM25 SA_DM[0] AJ2 DDR3 O RSVD AM26 SA_DM[1] AN1 DDR3 O RSVD AM27 SA_DM[2] AU1 DDR3 O RSVD AM28 SA_DM[3] AV6 DDR3 I/O RSVD AM29 SA_DM[4] AN29 DDR3 O RSVD AM30 SA_DM[5] AW31 DDR3 O RSVD L12 SA_DM[6] AU35 DDR3 O RSVD M12 SA_DM[7] AT38 DDR3 O RSVD_NCTF A4 SA_DQ[0] AH1 DDR3 I/O RSVD_NCTF AU40 SA_DQ[1] AJ4 DDR3 I/O RSVD_NCTF AV1 SA_DQ[10] AR3 DDR3 I/O RSVD_NCTF AV39 SA_DQ[11] AR2 DDR3 I/O RSVD_NCTF AW2 SA_DQ[12] AM3 DDR3 I/O RSVD_NCTF AW38 SA_DQ[13] AM2 DDR3 I/O RSVD_NCTF AY3 SA_DQ[14] AP1 DDR3 I/O AN11 Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Pin # Buffer Type Dir. Pin # Buffer Type Dir. AR4 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[55] AW37 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[16] AT4 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[56] AT39 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[17] AU2 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[57] AT40 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[18] AW3 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[58] AN38 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[19] AW4 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[59] AN39 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[15] Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name SA_DQ[2] AL2 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[6] AK1 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[20] AT3 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[60] AU38 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[21] AT1 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[61] AU39 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[22] AV2 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[62] AP39 DDR3 I/O I/O SA_DQ[23] AV4 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[63] AP40 DDR3 SA_DQ[24] AW5 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[7] AK2 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[25] AY5 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[8] AN3 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[26] AU8 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[9] AN2 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[27] AY8 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[0] AK3 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[28] AU5 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[1] AP2 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[29] AV5 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[2] AU4 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[3] AL1 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[3] AY6 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[30] AV7 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[4] AR28 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[31] AW7 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[5] AV32 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[32] AN27 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[6] AW36 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[33] AT28 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[7] AR39 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[34] AP28 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS[8] AL10 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[35] AP30 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[0] AJ3 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[36] AN26 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[1] AP3 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[37] AR27 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[2] AU3 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[38] AR29 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[3] AW6 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[39] AN30 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[4] AT29 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[4] AG2 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[5] AW32 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[40] AU30 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[6] AV35 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[41] AU31 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[7] AR38 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[42] AV33 DDR3 I/O SA_DQS#[8] AM10 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[43] AU34 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[0] AP10 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[44] AV30 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[1] AN10 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[45] AW30 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[2] AR11 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[46] AU33 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[3] AP11 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[47] AW33 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[4] AK9 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[48] AW35 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[5] AL9 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[49] AY35 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[6] AK11 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[5] AH2 DDR3 I/O SA_ECC_CB[7] AM11 DDR3 I/O SA_DQ[50] AV37 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[0] AW18 DDR3 O SA_DQ[51] AU37 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[1] AY15 DDR3 O SA_DQ[52] AY34 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[10] AT19 DDR3 O SA_DQ[53] AW34 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[11] AU13 DDR3 O SA_DQ[54] AV36 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[12] AW11 DDR3 O Datasheet, Volume 1 87 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name SA_MA[13] 88 Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Dir. Pin # Buffer Type Dir. AU24 DDR3 O SB_DM[3] AT7 DDR3 O SA_MA[14] AT11 DDR3 O SB_DM[4] AN24 DDR3 O SA_MA[15] AR10 DDR3 O SB_DM[5] AN32 DDR3 O SA_MA[2] AV15 DDR3 O SB_DM[6] AM33 DDR3 O SA_MA[3] AU15 DDR3 O SB_DM[7] AK35 DDR3 O SA_MA[4] AW14 DDR3 O SB_DQ[0] AD7 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[5] AY13 DDR3 O SB_DQ[1] AD6 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[6] AV14 DDR3 O SB_DQ[10] AK6 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[7] AW13 DDR3 O SB_DQ[11] AL4 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[8] AU14 DDR3 O SB_DQ[12] AG6 DDR3 I/O SA_MA[9] AW12 DDR3 O SB_DQ[13] AG4 DDR3 I/O SA_ODT[0] AV23 DDR3 O SB_DQ[14] AJ7 DDR3 I/O SA_ODT[1] AV24 DDR3 O SB_DQ[15] AK7 DDR3 I/O SA_ODT[2] AW23 DDR3 O SB_DQ[16] AL6 DDR3 I/O SA_ODT[3] AY24 DDR3 O SB_DQ[17] AN5 DDR3 I/O SA_RAS# AT20 DDR3 O SB_DQ[18] AP6 DDR3 I/O SA_WE# AT22 DDR3 O SB_DQ[19] AR5 DDR3 I/O SB_BS[0] AU25 DDR3 O SB_DQ[2] AH8 DDR3 I/O SB_BS[1] AW25 DDR3 O SB_DQ[20] AL5 DDR3 I/O SB_BS[2] AV12 DDR3 O SB_DQ[21] AM4 DDR3 I/O SB_CAS# AW27 DDR3 O SB_DQ[22] AN7 DDR3 I/O SB_CK[0] AR17 DDR3 O SB_DQ[23] AP5 DDR3 I/O SB_CK[1] AT15 DDR3 O SB_DQ[24] AT6 DDR3 I/O SB_CK[2] AN17 DDR3 O SB_DQ[25] AR7 DDR3 I/O SB_CK[3] AR19 DDR3 O SB_DQ[26] AR9 DDR3 I/O SB_CK#[0] AR16 DDR3 O SB_DQ[27] AM8 DDR3 I/O SB_CK#[1] AR15 DDR3 O SB_DQ[28] AN8 DDR3 I/O SB_CK#[2] AN16 DDR3 O SB_DQ[29] AR6 DDR3 I/O SB_CK#[3] AR18 DDR3 O SB_DQ[3] AJ8 DDR3 I/O SB_CKE[0] AW8 DDR3 O SB_DQ[30] AL8 DDR3 I/O SB_CKE[1] AY9 DDR3 O SB_DQ[31] AT9 DDR3 I/O SB_CKE[2] AU9 DDR3 O SB_DQ[32] AN23 DDR3 I/O SB_CKE[3] AV9 DDR3 O SB_DQ[33] AP23 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[0] AY27 DDR3 O SB_DQ[34] AR25 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[1] AW29 DDR3 O SB_DQ[35] AR26 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[2] AV26 DDR3 O SB_DQ[36] AT23 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[3] AV29 DDR3 O SB_DQ[37] AP22 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[4] AM23 DDR3 O SB_DQ[38] AP25 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[5] AM24 DDR3 O SB_DQ[39] AT26 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[6] AL24 DDR3 O SB_DQ[4] AC7 DDR3 I/O SB_CS#[7] AK24 DDR3 O SB_DQ[40] AT32 DDR3 I/O SB_DM[0] AE4 DDR3 O SB_DQ[41] AP31 DDR3 I/O SB_DM[1] AH4 DDR3 O SB_DQ[42] AR33 DDR3 I/O SB_DM[2] AM7 DDR3 O SB_DQ[43] AM32 DDR3 I/O Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Dir. Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Dir. SB_DQ[44] AT31 DDR3 I/O SB_ECC_CB[1] AT13 DDR3 I/O SB_DQ[45] AR31 DDR3 I/O SB_ECC_CB[2] AN15 DDR3 I/O SB_DQ[46] AR34 DDR3 I/O SB_ECC_CB[3] AP14 DDR3 I/O SB_DQ[47] AT33 DDR3 I/O SB_ECC_CB[4] AM12 DDR3 I/O SB_DQ[48] AR35 DDR3 I/O SB_ECC_CB[5] AN12 DDR3 I/O SB_DQ[49] AT36 DDR3 I/O SB_ECC_CB[6] AN14 DDR3 I/O SB_DQ[5] AC6 DDR3 I/O SB_ECC_CB[7] AP13 DDR3 I/O SB_DQ[50] AN33 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[0] AU20 DDR3 O SB_DQ[51] AP36 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[1] AU18 DDR3 O SB_DQ[52] AP34 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[10] AY25 DDR3 O SB_DQ[53] AT35 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[11] AW16 DDR3 O SB_DQ[54] AN34 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[12] AW15 DDR3 O SB_DQ[55] AP37 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[13] AW28 DDR3 O SB_DQ[56] AL35 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[14] AY12 DDR3 O SB_DQ[57] AM35 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[15] AV11 DDR3 O SB_DQ[58] AJ36 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[2] AV18 DDR3 O SB_DQ[59] AJ37 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[3] AU17 DDR3 O O SB_DQ[6] AF5 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[4] AY18 DDR3 SB_DQ[60] AN35 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[5] AV17 DDR3 O SB_DQ[61] AM34 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[6] AW17 DDR3 O SB_DQ[62] AJ35 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[7] AU16 DDR3 O SB_DQ[63] AL36 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[8] AT17 DDR3 O SB_DQ[7] AE6 DDR3 I/O SB_MA[9] AY16 DDR3 O SB_DQ[8] AG5 DDR3 I/O SB_ODT[0] AU27 DDR3 O SB_DQ[9] AH7 DDR3 I/O SB_ODT[1] AU29 DDR3 O SB_DQS[0] AF4 DDR3 I/O SB_ODT[2] AV27 DDR3 O SB_DQS[1] AH6 DDR3 I/O SB_ODT[3] AU28 DDR3 O SB_DQS[2] AN6 DDR3 I/O SB_RAS# AW26 DDR3 O SB_DQS[3] AR8 DDR3 I/O SB_WE# AU26 DDR3 O SB_DQS[4] AT25 DDR3 I/O SKTOCC# AK38 SB_DQS[5] AP32 DDR3 I/O SM_DRAMPWROK AH37 Asynch CMOS I SB_DQS[6] AR36 DDR3 I/O SM_DRAMRST# AV8 DDR3 O SB_DQS[7] AL37 DDR3 I/O SM_RCOMP[0] AG1 Analog I SB_DQS[8] AR14 DDR3 I/O SM_RCOMP[1] AD1 Analog I AE5 DDR3 I/O SM_RCOMP[2] AE1 Analog I SB_DQS#[1] AJ5 DDR3 I/O TAPPWRGOOD AK34 Asynch CMOS O SB_DQS#[2] AM6 DDR3 I/O TCK AN37 TAP I I SB_DQS#[0] O SB_DQS#[3] AP8 DDR3 I/O TDI AM37 TAP SB_DQS#[4] AR24 DDR3 I/O TDI_M AF37 TAP I SB_DQS#[5] AR32 DDR3 I/O TDO AM38 TAP O SB_DQS#[6] AR37 DDR3 I/O TDO_M AF38 TAP O SB_DQS#[7] AM36 DDR3 I/O THERMTRIP# AF35 Asynch GTL O SB_DQS#[8] AR13 DDR3 I/O TMS AN40 TAP I SB_ECC_CB[0] AR12 DDR3 I/O TRST# AM39 TAP I Datasheet, Volume 1 89 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name 90 Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Dir. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type VAXG A14 PWR VAXG Pin # Buffer Type L15 PWR VAXG A15 PWR VAXG L16 PWR VAXG A17 PWR VAXG M14 PWR VAXG A18 PWR VAXG M15 PWR VAXG B14 PWR VAXG M16 PWR VAXG B15 PWR VAXG_SENSE A13 Analog VAXG B17 PWR VCC A23 PWR VAXG B18 PWR VCC A24 PWR VAXG C14 PWR VCC A26 PWR VAXG C15 PWR VCC A27 PWR VAXG C17 PWR VCC A33 PWR VAXG C18 PWR VCC A35 PWR VAXG C20 PWR VCC A36 PWR VAXG C21 PWR VCC B23 PWR VAXG D14 PWR VCC B25 PWR VAXG D15 PWR VCC B26 PWR VAXG D17 PWR VCC B28 PWR VAXG D18 PWR VCC B29 PWR VAXG D20 PWR VCC B31 PWR VAXG D21 PWR VCC B32 PWR VAXG E14 PWR VCC B34 PWR VAXG E15 PWR VCC B35 PWR VAXG E17 PWR VCC B37 PWR VAXG E18 PWR VCC B38 PWR VAXG E20 PWR VCC C23 PWR VAXG F14 PWR VCC C24 PWR VAXG F15 PWR VCC C25 PWR VAXG F17 PWR VCC C27 PWR VAXG F18 PWR VCC C28 PWR VAXG F19 PWR VCC C30 PWR VAXG G14 PWR VCC C31 PWR VAXG G15 PWR VCC C33 PWR VAXG G17 PWR VCC C34 PWR VAXG G18 PWR VCC C36 PWR VAXG H14 PWR VCC C37 PWR VAXG H15 PWR VCC C39 PWR VAXG H17 PWR VCC D23 PWR VAXG J14 PWR VCC D24 PWR VAXG J15 PWR VCC D26 PWR VAXG J16 PWR VCC D27 PWR VAXG K14 PWR VCC D29 PWR VAXG K15 PWR VCC D30 PWR VAXG K16 PWR VCC D32 PWR VAXG L14 PWR VCC D33 PWR Dir. Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Pin # Buffer Type Pin # Buffer Type VCC D35 PWR VCC G39 PWR VCC D36 PWR VCC H19 PWR VCC D38 PWR VCC H20 PWR VCC D39 PWR VCC H22 PWR VCC E22 PWR VCC H23 PWR VCC E23 PWR VCC H25 PWR VCC E25 PWR VCC H26 PWR VCC E26 PWR VCC H28 PWR VCC E28 PWR VCC H29 PWR VCC E29 PWR VCC H31 PWR VCC E31 PWR VCC H32 PWR VCC E32 PWR VCC H34 PWR VCC E34 PWR VCC H35 PWR VCC E35 PWR VCC H37 PWR VCC E37 PWR VCC H38 PWR VCC E38 PWR VCC H40 PWR VCC E40 PWR VCC J18 PWR VCC F21 PWR VCC J19 PWR VCC F22 PWR VCC J21 PWR VCC F24 PWR VCC J22 PWR VCC F25 PWR VCC J24 PWR VCC F27 PWR VCC J25 PWR VCC F28 PWR VCC J27 PWR VCC F30 PWR VCC J28 PWR VCC F31 PWR VCC J30 PWR VCC F33 PWR VCC J31 PWR VCC F34 PWR VCC J33 PWR VCC F36 PWR VCC J34 PWR VCC F37 PWR VCC J36 PWR VCC F39 PWR VCC J37 PWR VCC F40 PWR VCC J39 PWR VCC G20 PWR VCC J40 PWR VCC G21 PWR VCC K17 PWR VCC G23 PWR VCC K18 PWR VCC G24 PWR VCC K20 PWR VCC G26 PWR VCC K21 PWR VCC G27 PWR VCC K23 PWR VCC G29 PWR VCC K24 PWR VCC G30 PWR VCC K26 PWR VCC G32 PWR VCC K27 PWR VCC G33 PWR VCC K29 PWR VCC G35 PWR VCC K30 PWR VCC G36 PWR VCC K32 PWR VCC G38 PWR VCC K33 PWR Datasheet, Volume 1 Dir. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Dir. 91 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name 92 Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Dir. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Pin # Buffer Type VCC K35 PWR VCC P37 PWR Dir. VCC K36 PWR VCC P38 PWR VCC K38 PWR VCC P39 PWR VCC K39 PWR VCC P40 PWR VCC L17 PWR VCC R33 PWR VCC L19 PWR VCC R34 PWR VCC L20 PWR VCC R35 PWR VCC L22 PWR VCC R36 PWR VCC L23 PWR VCC R37 PWR VCC L25 PWR VCC R38 PWR VCC L26 PWR VCC R39 PWR VCC L28 PWR VCC R40 PWR VCC L29 PWR VCC_NCTF A38 PWR VCC L31 PWR VCC_NCTF C40 PWR VCC L32 PWR VCC_SENSE T35 Analog VCC L34 PWR VCCPLL AF7 PWR VCC L35 PWR VCCPLL AF8 PWR VCC L37 PWR VCCPLL AG8 PWR VCC L38 PWR VCCPWRGOOD_0 AH35 Asynch I VCC L40 PWR VCCPWRGOOD_1 AH36 Asynch I VCC M17 PWR VDDQ AJ11 PWR VCC M19 PWR VDDQ AJ13 PWR VCC M21 PWR VDDQ AJ15 PWR VCC M22 PWR VDDQ AT10 PWR VCC M24 PWR VDDQ AT18 PWR VCC M25 PWR VDDQ AT21 PWR VCC M27 PWR VDDQ AU11 PWR VCC M28 PWR VDDQ AV13 PWR VCC M30 PWR VDDQ AV16 PWR VCC M33 PWR VDDQ AV19 PWR VCC M34 PWR VDDQ AV22 PWR VCC M36 PWR VDDQ AV25 PWR VCC M37 PWR VDDQ AV28 PWR VCC M39 PWR VDDQ AW9 PWR VCC M40 PWR VDDQ AY11 PWR VCC N33 PWR VDDQ AY14 PWR VCC N35 PWR VDDQ AY17 PWR VCC N36 PWR VDDQ AY23 PWR VCC N38 PWR VDDQ AY26 PWR VCC N39 PWR VID[0]/MSID[0] U40 CMOS I/O VCC P33 PWR VID[1]/MSID[1] U39 CMOS I/O VCC P34 PWR VID[2]/MSID[2] U38 CMOS I/O VCC P35 PWR VID[3]/CSC[0] U37 CMOS I/O VCC P36 PWR VID[4]/CSC[1] U36 CMOS I/O Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Dir. Pin # Buffer Type VID[5]/CSC[2] U35 CMOS I/O VSS AJ26 GND VID[6] U34 CMOS I/O VSS AJ28 GND VID[7] U33 CMOS I/O VSS AJ30 GND VSS A16 GND VSS AJ33 GND VSS A25 GND VSS AJ34 GND VSS A28 GND VSS AJ40 GND VSS A34 GND VSS AJ6 GND VSS A37 GND VSS AJ9 GND VSS AA5 GND VSS AK10 GND VSS AB3 GND VSS AK17 GND VSS AB33 GND VSS AK36 GND VSS AB34 GND VSS AK4 GND VSS AB35 GND VSS AK5 GND VSS AB36 GND VSS AK8 GND VSS AB37 GND VSS AL11 GND VSS AB38 GND VSS AL13 GND VSS AB39 GND VSS AL16 GND VSS AB40 GND VSS AL19 GND VSS AB6 GND VSS AL22 GND VSS AB8 GND VSS AL25 GND VSS AC1 GND VSS AL28 GND VSS AD5 GND VSS AL3 GND VSS AD8 GND VSS AL31 GND VSS AE3 GND VSS AL34 GND VSS AE37 GND VSS AL38 GND VSS AE7 GND VSS AL7 GND VSS AF1 GND VSS AM1 GND VSS AF40 GND VSS AM40 GND VSS AF6 GND VSS AM5 GND VSS AG34 GND VSS AM9 GND VSS AG36 GND VSS AN13 GND VSS AG7 GND VSS AN20 GND VSS AH3 GND VSS AN22 GND VSS AH33 GND VSS AN25 GND VSS AH38 GND VSS AN28 GND VSS AH5 GND VSS AN31 GND VSS AJ1 GND VSS AN36 GND VSS AJ12 GND VSS AN4 GND VSS AJ14 GND VSS AN9 GND VSS AJ16 GND VSS AP12 GND VSS AJ18 GND VSS AP15 GND VSS AJ20 GND VSS AP16 GND VSS AJ22 GND VSS AP17 GND VSS AJ24 GND VSS AP20 GND Datasheet, Volume 1 Dir. 93 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name 94 Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Pin # Buffer Type VSS AP24 GND Dir. VSS Pin Name VSS AP26 GND VSS AP27 GND VSS AP29 VSS Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type B7 GND VSS B9 GND VSS C13 GND GND VSS C16 GND AP33 GND VSS C19 GND VSS AP35 GND VSS C22 GND VSS AP38 GND VSS C26 GND VSS AP4 GND VSS C29 GND VSS AP7 GND VSS C32 GND GND VSS AP9 GND VSS C35 VSS AR1 GND VSS C38 GND VSS AR20 GND VSS C5 GND VSS AR23 GND VSS D10 GND VSS AR30 GND VSS D12 GND VSS AR40 GND VSS D13 GND VSS AT12 GND VSS D16 GND VSS AT14 GND VSS D19 GND VSS AT16 GND VSS D22 GND VSS AT2 GND VSS D25 GND VSS AT24 GND VSS D28 GND VSS AT27 GND VSS D31 GND VSS AT30 GND VSS D34 GND VSS AT34 GND VSS D37 GND VSS AT37 GND VSS D4 GND VSS AT5 GND VSS D40 GND VSS AT8 GND VSS D5 GND VSS AU32 GND VSS D6 GND VSS AU36 GND VSS D8 GND VSS AU6 GND VSS E13 GND VSS AU7 GND VSS E16 GND VSS AV3 GND VSS E19 GND VSS AV31 GND VSS E21 GND VSS AV34 GND VSS E24 GND VSS AV38 GND VSS E27 GND VSS AY33 GND VSS E3 GND VSS AY36 GND VSS E30 GND VSS AY4 GND VSS E33 GND VSS AY7 GND VSS E36 GND VSS B16 GND VSS E39 GND VSS B24 GND VSS E4 GND VSS B27 GND VSS F11 GND VSS B30 GND VSS F13 GND VSS B33 GND VSS F16 GND VSS B36 GND VSS F2 GND Dir. Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Table 8-2. Pin # Buffer Type VSS F20 GND VSS Pin # Buffer Type J7 GND VSS F23 GND VSS F26 GND VSS J9 GND VSS K11 VSS F29 GND GND VSS K13 VSS GND F32 GND VSS K19 GND VSS F35 GND VSS K2 GND VSS F38 GND VSS K22 GND VSS F8 GND VSS K25 GND VSS G13 GND VSS K28 GND VSS G16 GND VSS K31 GND VSS G19 GND VSS K34 GND VSS G22 GND VSS K37 GND VSS G25 GND VSS K40 GND VSS G28 GND VSS K5 GND VSS G31 GND VSS K6 GND VSS G34 GND VSS L13 GND VSS G37 GND VSS L18 GND VSS G4 GND VSS L21 GND VSS G40 GND VSS L24 GND VSS G9 GND VSS L27 GND VSS H11 GND VSS L30 GND VSS H13 GND VSS L33 GND VSS H16 GND VSS L36 GND VSS H18 GND VSS L39 GND VSS H2 GND VSS L4 GND VSS H21 GND VSS L9 GND VSS H24 GND VSS M13 GND VSS H27 GND VSS M18 GND VSS H30 GND VSS M2 GND VSS H33 GND VSS M20 GND VSS H36 GND VSS M23 GND VSS H39 GND VSS M26 GND VSS H5 GND VSS M29 GND VSS H6 GND VSS M32 GND VSS J13 GND VSS M35 GND VSS J17 GND VSS M38 GND VSS J20 GND VSS M5 GND VSS J23 GND VSS M6 GND VSS J26 GND VSS M7 GND VSS J29 GND VSS N34 GND VSS J32 GND VSS N37 GND VSS J35 GND VSS N4 GND VSS J38 GND VSS N40 GND VSS J4 GND VSS P2 GND Datasheet, Volume 1 Dir. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Dir. 95 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name VSS Table 8-2. Dir. Pin Name Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type Pin # Buffer Type P5 GND VTT AD40 PWR VSS R4 GND VTT AE33 PWR VSS T33 GND VTT AE34 PWR VSS T36 GND VTT AE39 PWR VSS T37 GND VTT AE40 PWR VSS T38 GND VTT AE8 PWR VSS T39 GND VTT AF33 PWR VSS T5 GND VTT AG33 PWR VSS U4 GND VTT AJ17 PWR VSS V5 GND VTT AJ19 PWR VSS W33 GND VTT AJ21 PWR VSS W34 GND VTT AJ23 PWR VSS W35 GND VTT AJ25 PWR VSS W36 GND VTT AJ27 PWR VSS W37 GND VTT AJ29 PWR VSS W38 GND VTT AJ31 PWR VSS Y7 GND VTT AJ32 PWR VSS_SENSE 96 Processor Pin List by Pin Name T34 Analog VTT AK19 PWR VSS_SENSE_VTT AE36 Analog VTT AK20 PWR VSSAXG_SENSE B13 Analog VTT AK21 PWR VTT AA33 PWR VTT AL20 PWR VTT AA34 PWR VTT AL21 PWR VTT AA35 PWR VTT L10 PWR VTT AA36 PWR VTT M10 PWR VTT AA37 PWR VTT M11 PWR VTT AA38 PWR VTT M9 PWR VTT AB7 PWR VTT N7 PWR VTT AC33 PWR VTT P6 PWR VTT AC34 PWR VTT P7 PWR VTT AC35 PWR VTT P8 PWR VTT AC36 PWR VTT T2 PWR VTT AC37 PWR VTT T6 PWR VTT AC38 PWR VTT T7 PWR VTT AC39 PWR VTT T8 PWR VTT AC40 PWR VTT V2 PWR VTT AC5 PWR VTT V33 PWR VTT AC8 PWR VTT V34 PWR VTT AD33 PWR VTT V35 PWR VTT AD34 PWR VTT V36 PWR VTT AD35 PWR VTT V37 PWR VTT AD36 PWR VTT V38 PWR VTT AD37 PWR VTT V39 PWR VTT AD38 PWR VTT V40 PWR VTT AD39 PWR VTT V6 PWR Dir. Datasheet, Volume 1 Processor Land and Signal Information Table 8-2. Pin Name VTT Processor Pin List by Pin Name Pin # Buffer Type V7 PWR VTT V8 PWR VTT W1 PWR VTT W6 PWR VTT Y33 PWR VTT Y34 PWR VTT Y35 PWR VTT Y36 PWR VTT Y37 PWR VTT Y38 PWR VTT_SELECT AF39 CMOS VTT_SENSE AE35 Analog VTTPWRGOOD AG37 Asynch CMOS Dir. O I Datasheet, Volume 1 97 Processor Land and Signal Information 98 Datasheet, Volume 1