Medium Power Film Capacitors FFV3 (RoHS Compliant) DC FILTERING DC FILTERING The series uses a non-impregnated metallized polypropylene or polyester dielectric, with the controlled self-healing process, specially treated to have a very high dielectric strength in operating conditions up to 105C. The FFV3 has been designed for printed circuit board mounting. General tolerance: 0.5 (0.020) Dimensions: millimeters (inches) B 1.2 (0.048) B A 1 2 1 2 3 4 30 (1.181) 3 APPLICATIONS The FFV3 capacitors are particularly designed for DC filtering, low reactive power. 4 25 (0.984) 0.6 (0.024) A Plastic Case 16 (0.630) STANDARDS IEC 61071-1, IEC 61071-2: Power electronic capacitors IEC 60384-16: Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric DC capacitors IEC 60384-16-1: Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric DC capacitors Assessment level E IEC 60384-17: Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric AC and pulse capacitors IEC 60384-17-1: Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric AC and pulse capacitors Assessment level E IEC 60384-2: Fixed metallized polyester capacitors LIFETIME EXPECTANCY One unique feature of this technology (as opposed to electrolytics) is how the capacitor reacts at the end of its lifetime. Unlike aluminum, electrolytics film capacitors do not have a catastrophic failure mode. Film capacitors simply experience a parametric loss of capacitance of about 2%, with no risk of short circuit. Please note that this is theoretical, however, as the capacitor continues to be functional even after this 2% decrease. PACKAGING MATERIAL Self-extinguishing plastic case (V0 = in accordance with UL 94) filled thermosetting resin. Self-extinguishing thermosetting resin (V0 = in accordance with UL 94; I3F2 = in accordance with NF F 16-101). 8 40 (1.575) 1.2 (0.047) 0.1 (0.004) 40 (1.575) 0.8 (0.032) 0.1 (0.004) 4.5 (0.178) 1 (0.040) 36 (1.418) HOT SPOT CALCULATION See Hot Spot Temperature, page 3. hot spot = ambient + (Pd + Pt) x (Rth + 7.4) hot spot = case + (Pd + Pt) x Rth with Pd (Dielectric losses) = Q x tg0 [ 12 x Cn x (Vpeak to peak)2 x f ] x tg0 tg0 (tan delta) For polypropylene, tg0 = 2 x 10-4 for frequencies up to 1MHz and is independent of temperatures. For polyester, tg0 values are shown in graph 4 on page 3. Pt (Thermal losses) = Rs x (Irms)2 where Cn in Farad Irms in Ampere f in Hertz in C V in Volt Rs in Ohm Rth : Rth case/hot spot in C/W Rth in C/W Medium Power Film Capacitors FFV3 (RoHS Compliant) for Low Voltage Applications FFV3 4 D K -- Series Dielectric 4 = Polyester 6 = Polypropylene Voltage Code D = 75Vdc J = 500Vdc E = 100Vdc A = 700Vdc F = 160Vdc C = 900Vdc H = 300Vdc L = 1100Vdc I = 400Vdc Capacitance Tolerances K = 10% Lead Styles - - = Standard DC FILTERING HOW TO ORDER Consult Factory for Special Options ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - POLYESTER DIELECTRIC Climatic category Test voltage between terminals @ 25C Test voltage between terminals and case @ 25C " Capacitance range Cn Tolerance on Cn Rated DC voltage Vndc Dielectric Max Stray Inductance 40/105/56 (IEC 60068) 1.5 x Vndc during 10s @ 4 kVrms @ 50 Hz during 1 min. 30F to 160F 10% 75 to 400 V polyester 15nH RATINGS AND PART NUMBER REFERENCE - POLYESTER DIELECTRIC Part Number Capacitance (F) FFV34D0137K-FFV34D0167K-- 130 160 FFV34E0806K-FFV34E0107K-- 80 100 FFV34F0556K-FFV34F0656K-- 55 65 FFV34H0406K-FFV34H0506K-- 40 50 FFV34I0306K-FFV34I0406K-- 30 40 Irms max. (I2t)10 shots (I2t)1000 shots Rs (A) (A2s) (A2s) (m) Vndc = 75 V Vrms = 45 v max Voltage Code: D 23 370 37 0.56 28 560 56 0.47 Vndc = 100 V Vrms = 60 v max Voltage Code: E 19 250 25 0.67 24 390 39 0.55 Vndc = 160 V Vrms = 75 v max Voltage Code: F 17 180 18 0.77 20 260 26 0.66 Vndc = 300 V Vrms = 90 v max Voltage Code: H 20 150 15 2.80 26 230 23 2.25 Vndc = 400 V Vrms = 105 v max Voltage Code: I 17 110 11 2.93 23 200 20 2.21 Rth (C/W) Typical Weight (g) 5.60 5.00 90 90 6.16 5.42 90 90 6.56 5.97 90 90 9.58 8.46 90 90 9.92 8.41 90 90 LIFETIME EXPECTANCY vs Vw/Vn AND HOT SPOT TEMPERATURE POLYESTER DIELECTRIC 1.2 50C 1.1 60C 1.0 Vw/Vndc 0.9 85C 0.8 70C 95C 0.7 0.6 105C 0.5 0.4 Vw = Permanent working or operating DC voltage. 0.3 100 1000 10000 100000 Lifetime Expectancy (hours) 9 Medium Power Film Capacitors FFV3 (RoHS Compliant) DC for Medium and High Voltage Applications DC FILTERING Climatic category Test voltage between terminals @ 25C Test voltage between terminals and case @ 25C " Capacitance range Cn Tolerance on Cn Rated DC voltage Vndc Dielectric Max Stray Inductance 40/105/56 (IEC 60068) 1.5 x Vndc during 10s @ 4 kVrms @ 50 Hz during 1 min. 6F to 25F 10% 500 to 1100 V polypropylene 15nH RATINGS AND PART NUMBER REFERENCE - POLYESTER DIELECTRIC Part Number Capacitance (F) FFV36J0206K-FFV36J0256K-- 20 25 FFV36A0146K-FFV36A0206K-- 14 20 FFV36C0106K-FFV36C0136K-- 10 13 FFV36L0605K-FFV36L0905K-- 6 9 Irms max. (I2t)10 shots (I2t)1000 shots Rs (A) (A2s) (A2s) (m) Vndc = 500 V Vrms = 105 v max Voltage Code: J 27 3200 320 5.88 33 5000 500 4.72 Vndc = 700 V Vrms = 120 v max Voltage Code: A 21 2000 200 7.34 30 4200 420 5.15 Vndc = 900 V Vrms = 150 v max Voltage Code: C 19 1600 160 8.21 25 2800 280 6.33 Vndc = 1100 V Vrms = 180 v max Voltage Code: L 13 800 80 11.4 20 1900 190 7.61 Rth (C/W) Typical Weight (g) 3.53 3.14 90 90 3.73 3.05 90 90 3.37 2.91 90 90 3.71 2.92 90 90 LIFETIME EXPECTANCY vs Vw/Vn AND HOT SPOT TEMPERATURE POLYPROPYLENE DIELECTRIC 1.2 60C 1.1 Vw/Vndc DC FILTERING ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - POLYPROPYLENE DIELECTRIC 50C 70C 80C 1.0 85C 1.9 95C 0.8 105C 0.7 100 1000 10000 Lifetime Expectancy (hours) Vw = Permanent working or operating DC voltage. 10 100000