Firmware Versions
Central: Terminal I/O and GATT for transparent
point to (multi-) point cable replacement
•Terminal I/O central and peripheral
support for fast and easy data exchange
•Host access to up to 4 concurrent
•Host access to generic GATT client for
data exchange with third party devices
•Host access to BT scanning functionality
for implementing location based services
(RSSI based)
•Support for OTA Firmware update
•iOS and Android sample application
available in source code
•LGA pads
•Integrated ceramic Antenna: +2 dBi
• Length x Width x Height: 17x10x2.8mm
•Temperature range: -40°C to +85°C
•UART: 9600 bps – 921600 bps (asynchronous)
•Other interfaces: I²C, SPI, PWM, ADC
•GPIOs: Up to 21
•Bluetooth Qualification 4.2
•RED, FCC, IC, KC, MIC, RCM, Anatel
Electrical & Sensitivity
•Power supply: 1.7V to 3.6V
•Transmit Power: Up to 5 dBm (programmable)
•Receiver Sensitivity: -93dBm
•Power consumption transmission: 7.5 mA
•Advertising on 3 channels1,28s:17µA
•Power consumption sleep: 0,9µA
•BlueEva+S42: evaluation kit
•BlueDev+S42: development kit
Telit Wireless Solutions Inc.
3131 RDU Center Drive, Suite 135
Morrisville, NC 27560, USA
Phone +1 888 846 9773 or +1 919 439 7977
Fax +1 888 846 9774 or +1 919 840 0337
E-Mail NORTHAMERICA @ telit.com
Telit Wireless Solutions Inc.
Rua Paes Leme, 524, Conj, 126
05424-101, Pinheiros
São Paulo-SP-Brazil
Phone +55 11 3031 5051
Fax +55 11 3031 5051
E-Mail LATINAMERICA @ telit.com
Telit Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd.
8th Fl., Shinyoung Securities Bld.
6, Gukjegeumyung-ro8-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu
Seoul, 150-884, Korea
Phone +82 2 368 4600
Fax +82 2 368 4606
E-Mail APAC @ telit.com
Join the Telit Technical Forum
For a quicker and more rewarding integration experience join
the Telit Technical Forum. There you can browse the first open
forum covering all IoT topics, get direct support by region
(EMEA, North America, Latin America, APAC), take part in this
quickly growing IoT community and exchange experiences.
Telit Communications S.p.A.
Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B
I-34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy
Phone +39 040 4192 200
Fax +39 040 4192 383
E-Mail EMEA @ telit.com
Telit reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Products, names, logos
and designs described herein may in whole or in part be subject to intellectual property rights.
The information contained herein is provided “as is”. No warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
is made in relation to the accuracy, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose or content of this document.
This document may be revised by Telit at any time. For most recent documents, please visit www.telit.com
Copyright © 2016, Telit
* Copyright © 1990-2016, Python Software Foundation
ADC/LUA: IoT Platform Peripheral with LUA
Scripting for host-less applications
•Designed for host-less battery driven
•Based on Lua 5.3.4 powerful scripting
language (https://www.lua.org/
•Up to 32kB of FLASH and 20kB of RAM
are available to implement and run
custom scripts Simple development of
scripts as text files, no complex toolchain
neededSupported by Telit IOT Appzone
development environmentScript access to
the same AT command set that is
available in hosted firmware
versionsScript access to generic GATT
server do allow definition of GATT
servicesScript access to build in Terminal
I/O implementation for easy data
•Script access to BT scanning functionality
for implementing location based services
(RSSI based)
•Script access to external sensors via TWI
( I²C ) and a 12bit ADC
•Script access to up to 8 fully configurable
ADC/TWI: Automation I/O Peripheral for simple
sensors and/or actuators
•Designed for host-less battery driven
•OTA access of GPIO and ADC live data via
Automation I/O profile
•OTA access to the same AT command set
that is available in hosted firmware
•OTA access to external sensors via TWI
(I²C) and a 12bit ADC
•OTA access to up to 8 fully configurable
•Support for OTA Firmware update
•iOS and Android sample application
available in source code