Novel Material for Improved Quality
of RF-PA
in Base-Station Applications
Co-Authored by
Nokia Research Center
Freescale Semiconductor
Presented at
10th International Workshop on
THERMal INvestigations of ICs and Systems
29 September – 1 October 2004
Sophia Antipolis
Côte d’Azur, France
Z. Radivojevic1, K. Andersson1, L. Bogod1, M. Mahalingam2, J. Rantala1 and J. Wright3
1Nokia Research Center, P.O.Box 407, FIN-00045, Helsinki, Finland
2RF Division, Freescale Semiconductor, 2100 E. Elliot Rd, Tempe, AZ., USA.
3RF Division, Freescale Semiconductor, Kaapelitie 4, Oulu, Finland.
New materials and production technology have been introduced into LDMOS RF-PA transistors to provide
advanced thermal features and increased thermal conductivity (Kth). Recently Kth of WCu flanges has been
increased by nearly 25% from near 160 W/mK to near 200 W/mK. Further improvements in the latest generation of
the RF-PA utilize novel flange materials such as Cu-laminate with even higher Kth, by more than 25% compared to
WCu. The development of Cu-laminate flange structures, involved optimization between achieving higher Kth and
preserving desired mechanical properties for low stress and long-term reliability. Such optimization provided
desired flatness for the RF-PA; yielding in lower interfacial thermal resistance between the RF -PA transistor flange
and the next level heat sink. Furthermore, well characterized, highly thermally conductive, and very robust AuSi
die attach was employed for efficient and reliable thermal coupling. Constellation of such materials and production
technology improved overall quality of the RF-PA, enabling successful implementation in base-stations.
The RF-PA components examined in this work belong to LDMOS (Laterally Diffused Metal Oxide
Semiconductor) family recently implemented in WCDMA BS. The LDMOS Si device technology has
many advantages such as high power gain, high RF efficiency, excellent linearity, ruggedness, need of
only a single voltage supply, and inherently better thermal structure. Hence, LDMOS device technology
has nearly replaced the previous Si bipolar technology for RF-PA applications in the cellular base-station
market. LDMOS device technology has been evolving since 1st generation (1993) to its current 6th
generation device structures. In the present work here, two types of RF-PA (WCu and Cu-laminate)
devices have been used with the novel packaging materials in accomplishing higher thermal performance
and high quality picture.
High power Radio Frequency Power Amplifier semiconductor devices (RF-PA) used in cellular base-
station (BS) infrastructure equipment dissipate substantial amount of power and consequently can reach
higher junction temperatures (Tj). Failure mechanisms are accelerated at higher temperatures and hence
proper attention must be paid to RF-PA’s thermal management and long-term reliability assessment.
Overall quality of an RF-PA is dictated by manufacturing technology, mounting method and materials
used to provide low junction-to-heat sink thermal resistances (Rjh). An integrated and comprehensive
approach from device layout, die thinning, package material selection, to manufacturing process has been
rigorously used to achieve low Rjh in the RF-PA.
Effective heat spreading in the Si through optimized device layouts is used to lower device thermal
resistance, while providing high RF electrical performance. Thermal resistance due to Si chip thickness
was reduced by thinning Si to 100 microns. Furthermore, a well characterized, highly thermally
conductive, and very robust AuSi die attach is practiced. Near void free and very thin bond line thickness
are key in reaching best in class die bond and enabling a lower thermal resistance. Further, AuSi die
attach does not show any hardening or fatigue behavior after long thermo mechanical cycling (being a
hard solder, behaves elastically). Understanding the stress created in the Si and designing the stress to be
well below the strength of Si is key in the successful implementation of AuSi die attach in concert with
the novel flange material and 100 micron thick Si chip. For such purpose, Finite Element (FE)
simulations have been combined with dedicated measurements to develop suitable model for stress
analysis. The validated FE simulations helped in correct understanding of the involved thermal resistance
and heat transfer properties across the whole assembly. Such combination of experimental and numerical
simulations supported designer’s guideline by obtaining the component performances at elevated
temperatures and information about safe operational margins. Such information is necessary to allow
utilization of whole functional capacity of the component and avoid over specification of the system.
The basic LDMOS device structure has three electrodes - Drain, Source, and Gate. Current flow between
the Drain and the Source is controlled by the Gate. Heat dissipation occurs in the current flow path having
temperature extremes in the high resistive region. A simplified view of the device cross-section is given in
Fig 1 highlighting the heat dissipating structure, marked as a “heat source finger”.
Figure 1. Cross-section of the LDMOS RF-PA device structure.
a) b)
Figure 2. a) An SEM image of AuSi diebond of an LDMOS Si device to a metal flange. Bond line thickness is thin
(~5µm), of uniform thickness and void free. b) The microstructure shows a uniform dispersion of Si in the Au
In a typical device layout, a single heat dissipating structure (finger) is a few micrometers (~3µm) wide, a
few hundred micrometers (~500 µm) long, and located a few micrometers (~10 µm) below the surface.
The whole RF-PA presents multiples of such device structures (fingers), which are arranged in parallel.
Thermal density in the active area of the device is in the range of 3×107W/m2. It is interesting to compare
this thermal flux with that on the sun’s surface (6.6 × 107W/m2) [1]. The thermal flux in the active region
of the RF-PA device is one of the highest among semiconductor devices and this highlights the challenges
in the proper thermal management.
A well characterized, highly thermally conductive, and very robust AuSi die attach material is used to
bond the die to metal flange. Near void free and very thin bond line thickness are key in reaching best in
class die bond and enabling a lower thermal resistance. An SEM view of AuSi die attach cross section
and its microstructure is given in Fig 2.
Both types of the RF-PA (WCu and Cu-laminate) have been examined by lifetime acceleration
experiments. Long-term loading experiments have been performed at elevated junction temperatures by
using two tones RF signal technique. At the same time RF-electrical parameters (linearity, gain, and
efficiency) were monitored and combined with infrared (IR) thermographs. The loading measurements
were performed at temperatures below and above the typical recommended values. The RF-PA with
impedance matching circuitry (Device Under Test - DUT) were assembled on water-cooled plates with
adjustable flow rate. This feature provided possibility to adjust for several working conditions starting
from low to high and harsh temperatures. LabView based Data Acquisition System (DAQ) was used to
monitor stimulation parameters and perform thermal mapping by means of a set of thermocouples. The
DUTs were separated in 4 groups where each group was stimulated to reach predefined working
conditions. The experiment was adjusted to covered junction temperatures (at surface of the die) in range
of Tjmax=160225°C. At the same time, the case temperatures (Tc - temperature on the surface of the
flange at the center of symmetry of component, see Fig 3b) were adjusted and varied in range of
Tc=70110°C. Several series of IR measurements were done to correlate the device power, maximum
junction temperatures and RF-electrical parameters. The DUTs were decapped and black painted for IR
imaging as shown in Fig 3a. Figure 3b shows cross section of the DUT and position of thermocouples for
thermal mapping and characterisation.
a) b)
Figure 3. a) The RF-PA mounted into impedance matching circuitry (DUT) ready for stimulation and IR imaging.
b) Cross-section view on the DUT for temperature mapping by several thermocouples.
IR measurements with both types of the components (WCu and Cu-laminate) were performed with the
same stimulation and assembly conditions. Results of the measurements are presented in Fig 4. As can be
seen, the Cu-laminate component has nearly 29% reduction in Rjc and a more uniform temperature
distribution across the die compared to the standard WCu based device. Such advanced components were
further examined by long-term loadings at elevated temperatures. Results of the IR measurements for the
Cu-laminate component are presented in Fig 5.
Analyzing the thermal resistance in the heat-flow path of Cu-laminate components, the major contributors
can be proportioned as Si die (~35%), die bond (~10%), metal flange (~40%) and the thermal interface
between the component and next level heat-sink (~15%). In addition to a reduction of about 1835% in
Rjc, a more uniform temperature distribution across the die and the package was observed. Furthermore,
the Cu-laminate structure with active RF-PA component showed high out-of-plane stability resulting in
remarkable flatness of the flange. Such flatness allowed reduction of interfacial thermal resistances,
sufficient heat transfer and further lowering of Tjmax.
For a set of working conditions at elevated temperatures (Tjmax= 160-225oC Tc= 70-110oC) the RF
electrical parameters were monitored over long period (1.5 months) to observe stability at severe
loadings. Results of the RF stability experiments with Cu-laminate components are presented in Fig 6. At
elevated junction temperatures, operational window is typically limited by RF electrical properties.
a) b)
Figure 4. IR microscopy temperature profiles for two type of RF-PA at 34 W CDMA output power at 70° C case
temperature. a) The standard WCu package, peak die temperature Tjmax= 124°C with an Rjc= 0.52°C/W. b) The Cu-
laminate component, Tjmax= 107°C with an Rjc= 0.37°C/W.
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 5. IR images taken with the Cu-laminate RF-PA at different working conditions. a) Tjmax=160oC, b)
Tjmax=180oC, c) Tjmax=200oC and d) Tjmax=225oC.
However, due to the excellent quality of the component, the observed limitations occurred only at high
temperatures. The WCu type of component at Tj=225°C, showed noticeable drop in RF performances (RF
gain and power) after approximately 1.5 months of severe RF loadings. At Tjmax=200°C, change was
almost negligible and at Tj=180°C there was no change in the linearity. The new Cu-laminate component,
even at high junction temperatures such as Tjmax=225°C, after 1.5 months showed very small changes in
the RF performances. At Tjmax=200°C there were no changes in the electrical performances for the Cu-
laminate component. These results indicated that maximum operating temperatures should be set as high
as Tjmax=180°C and 200°C for the WCu and Cu-laminate RF-PA components, respectively. These values
reflect factors involved in the present design of the RF-PAs, its constellation of the thermal resistances
and usual mounting practices.
Time [day]
Power [dBm]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time [day]
Gain [dB]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Figure 6. RF parameters of Cu-laminate components for a set of conditions as: Tjmax= 160-225oC monitored over
long continuous loading time.
A full 3D, half symmetry, model was developed and implemented in the software code Ansys80. A
parametric FE-model for the RF-PA component was constructed in the ANSYS APDL language. The FE-
simulations were carried by using a sequential coupled-field analysis.
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 7. Half-symmetry FE model developed by using ANSYS software. a) The model mesh and corresponding
temperature distribution of the fully assembled component at b) the die and c) flange surfaces. d) Corresponding
stress analysis results expressed in (MPa).
The mesh model is shown in Fig 7a. As a first step, the thermal distribution in the component is
calculated and compared to the results of IR measurements to validate the model. As a second step, the
thermal distribution is used as the load in the stress calculations. In both types of FE-analysis, temperature
dependent properties are used and structural non-linearity is not included. To reduce the number of
simulations, a surface response model was constructed for calculating the maximum temperature and
stress of the component. The surface response model was constructed by running 27 FE-simulations and
by using a design of experiment technique [2]. In the model, the component flange bending phenomena
were also included because of its influence on the silicon die. The simulation results are given in Fig 7.
The quality and reliability of the RF-PA with novel materials and manufacturing technology were
examined under elevated junction temperatures. Both temperature field and RF electrical performances
were measured for the two types of RF-PAs over longer period of time and a set of loading conditions.
Covered temperature ranges were Tjmax=160225oC and Tc=70110oC for the junction and case
temperatures, respectively. The most sensitive limiting factors observed at elevated temperatures were RF
electrical properties (power, gain, linearity). For the Cu-laminate components, at junction temperatures of
Tjmax=160180oC, the RF gain was stable over 1.5 months of continuous RF loading and has not indicated
potential risks. At Tjmax=200oC, a small drop of about 0,5 dB was observed after 1.5 months of continuous
severe loadings. In the harsh temperature case (continuous at Tjmax=225oC), the drop in the RF gain was
significant. When the WCu components were tested in a similar way, changes of the RF properties were
slightly larger. At the most severe temperature conditions (continuous Tjmax=225oC) observed drop in the
RF gain was noticeable, drop was more than 1 dB after 1.5 months of continuous loadings. In the
development of Cu-laminate flange structures, a trade-off existed between achieving higher Kth and still
preserving desired mechanical properties. Optimized mechanical properties of the flange provided desired
flatness for the Cu-laminate flange; this enabled further lowering of the interfacial thermal resistance
between the RF-PA transistor flange and the next level heat-sink. Such coordinated improvements that
include careful device layout, Si die thinning to 100 µm, high Kth Cu-laminate flange material, robust
AuSi die-attach, and the flange’s flatness resulted in nearly 18%-35% reduction in Rjc compared to
components manufactured with the conventional high thermal conductivity WCu flanges. The Cu-
laminate flange based RF-PA device offers the possibility of 10-15% higher P1dB (RF output power)
compared to the standard device.
The validated FE simulations and corresponding stress analysis showed that the thermomechanical
stresses experienced even in the most severe loading conditions (Tjmax=225°C) are within safe margins for
both types of the RF-PAs [3]. However, upper limits are imposed by RF-PA properties suggesting that
maximal operating temperature should not exceed Tjmax=200oC. This value reflects the limiting factors
involved by the present design of the RF-PA, its constellation of the thermal resistances and usual
mounting practices. As a conclusion, we would like to emphasize that usage of novel materials in
combination with cost effective manufacturing technology yielded in extended operational window and
larger functional capacity for the new Cu-laminate RF-PA components. These features provide good
opportunity for applications in base station environment.
[1] Nick Strobel, Chapter 12 “The Sun and Stellar Structure”,
[2] Eriksson L., Design of experiments principles and applications. Sweden: Umetrics/Umea; 2001.
[3] Fischer E., Upper yield point of large diameter silicon, Microelectron Eng 2001;56:117.