(E=CRYSTALONICS 2805 Veterans Hwy., Unit 14 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone 631-981-(/40 * Fax 631-585-4858 www.crystalonics.com. email: pweinstein@crystalonics.com Date 2 ~ OQ / UV Company Attention Z7722/;4 Lthaih/ Fax # /7-ve7-/90/3 From Re: Comments: ao you need. pV /O3BY We are transmitting C<oageto including this cover sheet. If you do not receive all the page(s), please call back the above listed Office. d OOO0000000 ON XVd & fd pe4 HL O1- -avH ALABAMA Gulf Electroni 8100 Mamoric Huntevilia, Phone: Ot TWX: (51 ARIZON Starline 10 F Phoe: Pher Gr Wr 2 ct Pl ui a3 In Pp T = Taw 7A moins I GENERAL PURPOSE SILICON EPITAXIAL JUNCTION PNP TRANSISTORS ELECTAICAL DaTA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING PaRAMETER Collector -Hoe a Sethe SYMBOL om. 0a4 TN:033 ran eloga | AMOR Units dendore en Veiga . ENeae Eeittes Brasco volroge Biers Beat Breakdown Vel oe avr pmb et fo n . ' -10dma Pisliatice Wiee egy 7g bee Boy ee fanetion Teng. (Gh SB Sera) iow sh APC re Hane an . bare i BMS e1eie tom ginal 7.1 Eee ae lee OT toot AR Doing Factor (row a) 1 Be tBSmw te : 2 Tae _, he Wes Os PaLLcOyoR a t ae HF vai AU Dlr etn in ref PARAMETER Cs|lactar-Bore Lagkage Curran .__8 2NI034 MIN PRGA Ennitter-faue leakoge Current ___ aa Vea 7 30 ___. Col lacror-Saturarhog Veetrage oo AC. Curent Goin i A - Ba, Cslleciar te Base Capacitance Alpha Cutott Frequency Spor Noirs Figura SL loput lmpaiconce Var = iV le. lana Feige CRYSTALONICS 747 Sherman St. = Camuridge, Mass, 02140 A TELEDYNE COMPANY Tal: (617) 911670 TWX. 710-430-1195, 20