ATSTK94 Series
9. When switching from PROG to RUN, the scrolling design runs. FPSLIC
STARTER KIT IS HERE appears on the alphanumeric display from right to left.
The LEDs increments as the alphanumeric display changes shifting each
character from right to left. The string value is coming from the AVR.
10. Set JP19 to AVRRESET and hold down SW12 RESET, the string of characters
freezes and the LEDs do not light up.
11. Release SW12, both LEDs and the alphanumeric display restart.
12. If the design does not run immediately, set JP19 to RESET and use the RESET
button SW12 to force a download from the Configurator to the FPSLIC device; or
power cycle the board.
13. The user can change the sentence within the quotation marks to display what
will be shown on the alphanumeric display:
unsigned char alphaString[] = " FPSLIC STARTER KIT IS HERE ";
14. The AVR will write the data on the databus using the following command line:
/*Output string_characters on FPGA I/O address line*/
for (counter = 0; counter < width; counter ++)
{FISCR = counter;
if ((nextPointer < width) && (counter > nextPointer)) FISUA=‘‘;
else FISUA = alphaString[nextPointer - counter];
15. Recompile your C code.
16. Re-run the bitstream generation.
17. Reprogram the EEPROM.
Table 1. FPGA-AVR Interface Connections
FPGA Design Port Name Action AVR Port Name Tab Label (Left)
Load(0) <<Connect>> IOSELA0 AVR IO Selects
Load(1) <<Connect>> IOSELA1 AVR IO Selects
Load(2) <<Connect>> IOSELA2 AVR IO Selects
Load(3) <<Connect>> IOSELA3 AVR IO Selects
D(0) <<Connect>> ADINA0 Data from AVR
D(1) <<Connect>> ADINA1 Data from AVR
D(2) <<Connect>> ADINA2 Data from AVR
D(3) <<Connect>> ADINA3 Data from AVR
D(4) <<Connect>> ADINA4 Data from AVR
D(5) <<Connect>> ADINA5 Data from AVR
D(6) <<Connect>> ADINA6 Data from AVR
Io_write <<Connect>> FIOWEA AVR Control
Clk <<Connect>> GCLK5 FPGA Clocks