3 = tp NS ni eo | a co ~ + 2 = 3/5 5 |- . > O - oO -~ | > x > I x 21S (0 nO oO 2 op) < \ 2 a Z = | O z oO ~ co on 010 + Ye) a) : oO N o : i) _ - = Sslalolo|/?e |" Ee) LO ~ = 5 ot |) ole OIN|B ig | i) oOo a = >)ro rerio iy eo ee To) VV co E o|< 8s =\s\8) 2 , og 3% 8|O . a 9 8 E b Qo g [@|F Pes e so? Fg eet ae oO Mpsxis ls} 2) 2 mo RPL RO ALPEN] ap) Re oe 35 . 7) o = 8 o _ QD + = SC) A |O Oo - 2) oc o B| 0 OQ}; a s S ro Lo | LO o ~ oO rT rT S: 6 5 = + + 5 = @ o Dy: - . Qe o QO >| O} FE Olo\T Oo oO - LO | LO 5S) + /| 0 =e 0 << OQ Lo | LO | oS | > oO ? 55 g 3 8 Barve ges ( s> Biel | oS "5 of)" ) on yoo o| O - = ol], ale oa | = 8 a bs QE | ES] BS E|Z5 coe So < il +f S _ a0 5 o 5 90 n > ~ c - oS @ 2 2 > fe - . Oo Oo | oc oO 0 , 2 OK) go] 5 oO], | ys) # P6|o ED ow 9 4) # gla Fo ~/5/E/8 Sim] Oo) a ar 'S > a a @ - | Yi @d|)2)/ac}]/O/}/ |] | 2 c c - | ee > o 2 = = SO S olelo 2 3 5 2/8" Slgis g ~ Ep? = S -)oel Fl), E891 O/SG)/ a) Ss Oo] @ F ow 2 cc QiSiel/P S 7 cle le 2/5 Slolia c Lu ec 8ss 5 BIZ @ SIS CglelSlS 8 Sisleio,2 Lid LL S&S Aas o ESS 8 5 FE 5/8 2 L Pe gi Ba CL cS Eo 2 rs = 28/5 8 3) 8uo\/54 6/6 Cs E EUSE =n = Sec oe - SE ele | /P SSP Blele SB 2 GLE? S nh o |e = |e /Slol|=e tit a9 eio ' Oo Wee -_ a) ei Gli wile Sc OQ I} PY} S oO > O|> QO = -= ( LU oO S| E G oi/cli | o!|o Mo;|Pl/S/&/o Qa) = O ot = ee0e0e cela 2 AOIA/O/OI/LN iain in|@ /O/OIE FOO Semiconductor GroupSIEMENS BTS 100 Elartricral Charartariaetine bei lb wel WEHICGIGAWtiv Iiwtlivwa at 7; = 25 C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Static Characteristics Drain-source breakdown voltage V erypss Vv Vos = 0, fp =-0.25 mA - 50 - - (2 pbem tl. -l-!1-! amlibn mm T7 Gate tnresnoia voltage V ascth) Vas = Vos Jp =-1 MA -2.5 - 3.0 -3.5 Zero gate voltage drain current bss uA Vrc= OV Vic=-50V Ves =OV, Vos 50 T= 25C - | - 10 T, = 150 C - 100 300 Gate-source leakage current ass Y = _ONV Y_=n os v v,ps uv T,=25C - -10 - 100 nA =150C - -2 -4 uA T,=150 C 2 f uA Drain-source on-state resistance Rogscon) Q T = Ors F A NOL ng Vos =1UV,ip =-SA - U.c29 Vio Dynamic Characteristics CaAwmaavea tennannansaAntannn eo Forward transconductance Sts o Vos 2 2 * Ip * Rogonmax: fp = - 5 A 1.5 2.3 4.0 input capacitance Css pF Vas = 0, Vog = - 25 V, f= 1 MHz - 900 1200 Output capacitance Coss T7 =f \I7 = OE VN ua 4 AALIS 9QEeN EEN Yes =V, Vos = COV, J FI MnZ - 90U 90U Davaren tranefar rnananitanna PIS VSLoS UAC! VAVAUILAIIUS \ rss Vas = 9, Vos =- 25 V, f= 1 MHz - 130 230 Turn-on time fon, (fon = faony + fr) tavon) - 20 30 ns Ve 30V, bento I,=-29A . an OE Wh , a u a i ou yO Dp = Enm Nes = OV kZ Tren aff tima + = ary + _ 7 an PULTI-OE UIE Copp, (fort fact) * it} La(otf) iv gV Voc =- 30 V, Ves =-10V, Ib=- 2.9 A, t _ BR 75 .=50Q ' Res = 80 QO Semiconductor Group 6-2w | on, eo =] 1 | t Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Reverse Diode Continous source current & - - - A Pulsed source current ous - - 32 Diode forward on-voltage Vsp Vv re 4A Y -N 4n 47 jp =- 110A, Veg yu - 1 1. Ravarea ranrnvary tima t ne 1PIVevoelrow iVevvVely Lit rr lio k= &, di,/dt = 100 Ajus, Vz=-30V - 90 - Reverse recovery charge Qn uC E= &, di-fdt =- 100 Ajus, Vz =-30V - 0.23 - Temperature Sensor Forward voltage Vrscon) Vv T _ INwA TH ere 4EN oe 4A 5 ftgon) = IU MA, 45= 900... F LOU & - 14 - 1.9 Sensor override, t, < 100 us T=-55...+ 160C - - -10 Forward current sion mA wr Cr TN ON dt ABT... F IU & - - 1U Sensor override, , < 100 us Te-_GE 44Anee _ _ _ Ann 4j we. uy Ww vu Holding current, Vigom =-5V, T= 25 qa 0.05 0.1 -0.5 T,= 150C - 0.05 -0.2 -0.3 Switching temperature Trscom C Vig =-5V 150 - - Turn-off time ton us V.=-5V Eb. . =-2mA O5 - 25 "TS ws vy 47S (on) ae tile) Ne on Semiconductor Group 6-3o pani ) m) ui 2 Ld VY + 150 C, unless otherwise specified. Unit , _ Example N oa oO a 16 <- wr LO LO Oo oe 25 Vi Lo o LO LO Symbol Vps Ts Isc t 'sccoff) Parameter Drain-source voitage ge Short-circuit current w ~ ource Vo wn @ ~~ we , before short circuit Max. gate volta Short-circuit protection /. Diagram to determine Js. siT00401 _ BTS 100 -11 uw a f I V4 N N Lf ! a i co A | 7 - I oO > nD 00 ms to wm at rm) 1 7 _ 1 l l l l l l o mH am a_- ~ _ c 2 a = 5 = a Semiconductor Grouprs ee RTS 100 MIENIENS May nawear dieceinatinn DP = f{T_\ maa. POWCr Gissipaudil 7 J Vici 45 BIS 100 SIT00403 W N P.. \ TOT , 35 I 30 N \ 25 \ \ \ 20 ~ te \ 13 ~ \ 10 \ _ \ _ , Ms=-6V-6.5V7 V-7.5V-8V-9V-10V-20V 5 \ i= \ 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 C 160 Typicai output characierisiics ip = f (V Parameter: t, = 80 us BIS 100 (f= 80 us) 1 ot = 40W 1} %c=-20V Semiconductor Group 7 bs) SIT00404 I > ao -10V $IT00414 wt otw Q lwo SIT00411 (Veg2-10) ~ BIS 100 - A 7 5 4 3 lyp. capacitances Parameter: V, 10! nF yp. gate-source leakage current un &S o 2 __- oO _ im 1072 40 -30 V -20 -10 160 40 60 80 100 120 C 20 0 rDS Ko Semiconductor Groupo o _ ) -- mM ad ~ + Ss Ss She a ial Il oO < N o oO c Cs] ao) oO oe ~ = he T, = = ) _ T LMON-OOO a Gm 3s ASSoSSSO dG, = 1 Lud} 29 e = =, 8 rd = 2 2 2 o 3 = a Lid a o> o wo 4 wn D = 8 = 2 "A =f = < r= Oo N Semiconductor GroupS ot oO = 3 << Oo r c 5 N o 0 S 2s 28 ae os Ee 5 2 S ' rm re 5 23 a re 2 mM oO = < _ 3 | i oS 2 = < 2 oo ~ / po = o & 5 ES TT tog OK 3) EO a J =I 5 EO & on; = * je GS, e| Sf 4 fon = co = 2 co Oo O . QO 2 oF G a. SOL g rij] eal $ _ 34 Spoil Q i : 3 t Ee a ~%) o a 2 = T Oy EAT: SSS = = =! . 2 2 LL | e aS ~ 4 ee o = c ~ \ 4 os t Pa se mo | 2 O - OO} 0 | > < > I < N/a on) (0 =} o S \ 2S re 1) O r + Le) oo) = i) : Qo o : Tre) N c ec 2 Oo Oo LO = lo 7 = Oo Bid oa NIN |S co | hm | | oa | am NS ou By bs > m | Ol) Hl) od oo |i | Oo) 1) wi) wo MV eE PS 5 2 8 I c & O > = 7 2 a 2 cc 9 2 0 oe 8 El o| S| a B z2/ 4| 6) 3/5 2 3 e Pm) 2) 0 Se alia a| a a A RS te fe 2 ce Ops) my |e | I mq AG a I e A = _ oo er | ze O}O oo - | *. |e - 2) 4 8B is o 2 = |x DS oO 7 |r D> 65 = + | + c = @ o oO : : - - . >|2 Lo | Lo 29 ob 29 < is Lo | LO | | LO 236 =O |. olN |) | l wo . > Q |S IT ~x< I of} o} on fa o Sig -= = OQ o oO mal p oo Qo; | . p = 8 = NA bs Ble | | BS =|Z\/> aC... 2c = il =f aS o/O|= o=d c Y 6 c | | O 3S @ & a fe am - oO oO > so i 9c oO Oo | > eo lo 5 oO 2/4/38 MP) o| EO o Blo ei a | @| oS 7 c| 8 = | mM) OO] w = an 2 7 | > a & OG) | a Pio 2S e/8i oa A/C q LO < ~ () ee] Cc rom i] = . w o + | + @ c > 5 2s 2 = O}S o|/8) Go F S'/5/9/ 5 2|8 B/8 _ 5 0 = CG - SliF SLEOC SC Bisel ola 2) Sis tho = oD e ee o read 2 Soi FP S cis l2la/Si ei oi Fs c Lu CBs 3 oe (/ o SI8PCg B@siSs Ee SiS 20,2 i UL fceot E 22 8 5 a el slelei#i\2 e| %) = oO cL SEQ - = '3\o 9'3\/8wo\/4 6/6/C #/\/E/ 8 & E 7m S SCO - 7 Fe EP el Ee Pl SSO A 2S Lila SB SIS ESS =< > o | SS |e) S/S) 0o|8 Sis) 2! oO ~ 2 2 ZWweer = 2) x -/| | 2)/o;/o|8|Olz> a ( LU oO S| E G 8/8 ela o olS/4/e)/56)/a\/& O ot b= eeo00e Celio! |@ OOOO SNA HD|HWlca io aAi4IFEoo 6-63 Semiconductor GroupSIEMENS BTS 114A Flectrica! Characteristics at 7; = 25 C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Drain-source breakdown voltage V erypss Vv Vag = 9, fp = 0.25 mA 50 - - (O ptm tl. nl -l-l spelen nn T7 Gate tnresnoia voltage V ascth) Ves = Vos Ib = 1.0 mA 2.5 3.0 3.5 Zero gate voltage drain current bss uA V.c=OV Vie=50V Veg =OV, Vog = 50 V T= 25C - 0.4 1.0 T,=125 C - 10 100 Gate-source leakage current ass Y =9N0V Y..=9N YGS 4v v,ps uv T,=25C - 10 100 nA =150C _ 2 4 uA 7,=150 C 2 t u Drain-source on-state resistance Rogscon) Q T7 = 4NVN/ FF =aQnA nna Nn4dn Vos = 1U Vi, ip =.UA - U.U0 U.TU seein ee nt loting Dynamic Characteristics CawmsardA tenancanneiintanas eg Forward transconductance Sts o Vos 2 2 * Ip < Rogionymax: Lp =9 A 5.0 8.0 - input capacitance Css pF Vos = 0, Vog = 25 V, f= 1 MHz - 450 600 Go 2 Ds Le Output capacitance Coss T7 = VY = ORV Fa 4 KALI 99n QEN Ves =V, Vos = COV, J = 1 MIAZ - c2u 90U Davaren tranefar rnananitanna PIS VSLoS UAC! VAVAUILAIIUS \ rss Ves = 0, Vos = 25 V, f= 1 MHz - 85 150 Turn-on time fon, (fon = fagony + f;) tavon) - 20 30 ns Voc = 30 V, Veg = 10 V, 15 =3.0A, An an Dp = Enm Nes OU LZ Tin _afft tima + f(t 41 +\ + EE TO EUPM-OT UME fo, (lott = fact) * uf) td(off) - 99 Vu Voc = 80 V, Veg = 10 V, 15 =3.0A, t _ AQ 60 Reg = 50 Semiconductor Group 6 - 64w =| ~ om, om, IS > 1 | t Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Reverse Diode Continuous source current & - - A Pulsed source current ous - - 68 Diode forward on-voltage Vsp Vv T-j-2NA Y =n 45 40 ip = QUA, Ves FU - 1.0 1.0 Ravarea racnnyvary tima t ne 1PIVevoelrow iVevvVely Lit rr lio L= &, di,/dt = 100 A/us, Vz = 30 V - 60 - Reverse recovery charge Qn uC E= &, di-fdt = 100 Afus, Va = 30 V - 0.10 - Temperature Sensor Forward voltage Vrscon) Vv T -4dN mA TH ere 4EN ore 4A 5 ftg(on) = IUMA, 4) = 90... 7 LOU & - 1.4 1.0 Sensor override, t, < 100 us T=-55..+160C - - 10 Forward current sion mA wr Cr TN ON dt ABT... F IU & - - 1U Sensor override, , < 100 us To _EE 44Anee _ _ ann 4j wo. Vy wT wu Holding current, Vigo =5.0V, 7, = 25 qa 0.05 0.1 0.5 T,= 150C 0.05 0.2 0.3 Switching temperature Trscom C Vie =50V - - - Turn-off time ton us V.=50V EL. .=2mA O5 - 25 "TS wl vy 47S (on) a tii. Ne on Semiconductor Group 6-65SIEMENS BTS 114A Fvamolae far echartinrireanit nentartinn LAGIIVIV a de ed MiVevrvetivil at T7= 55... + 150 C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Examples Unit 1 2 - Drain-source voltage Vos 15 30 - V Gate-source voltage Vas 7.2 5.2 - Short-circuit current Isc 37 17 - A Ok art Alvar it celineinatan nD ren ran VAT ONOP-CIFCUIL Olssipation sc VOU o1U - VV Daraennnen tims + mo nesponse time Esccott) ms T,= 25 C, before short circuit 25 25 Short-circuit protection J/g. = f (Vos) Max. gate voltage Vegisc) = f (Vos) Daramatar: |I/ Daramatar: T= ABR +450 1 APQATIItlel. GS 1 CAPAIm tel 4j we Iv ww Diagram to determine /,, for T7,=-55...+ 150C 4 BS 1148 51T00479 g IS 114 (Tj=-55.+150C) 51T00480 Transient -- V Vos * "es(st) 7 \ ' \ | N | \ 6 s N N NN i ~~. 5 4 3 an 4A 49 99 90a Zan ZA VAN IV 1 10 4a au wv vor y Vv Semiconductor Group 6 - 66< + ~ = Y) m) Vos mI oO st = oo st ~ S > = n up oO sy a oO aN we LO _ _ A ? 2 io a a,o 2 be ~ 3S un " Ss oo a = 2 a CoO ~ 2 ll ao 2 8 o o 2 o a0 = oe 7 OoO o < a un ry o 5 = = = 35 oa A & @ BS) 2 z 2 s > e of oO ,e aN - aA a oO a i Sey uD La r 3 f Hl few io N a ~ a pom Se Oo 7) st ll = 9 7 eS 2 - , & i ~ Qn a o a ND - i co o tm Lf) o a -o f 2 GS wn = iJ S a =. q ON 2 59 a 2 Oo K; a | 4 + _ Il ~ > tS or 2 We ro =< oO 2s s @ = N Bu = = w oo n oO a3 oO = Oo & oO 2. 0 = oO o o o o 8 E o . wn + n5 N 2g t+ x I I a j = a + ce 2 = 6 - 67 Ys Semiconductor GroupSIEMENS BTS 114A Nrainlenirra nn_Lletata racietanra Gata thrachnald untana |/ = f{T)\ LW CI VwVUEIVY VII Vly IVVIVLGIvw BAGLW LULIVOlivin VIlayw v GS(th) J \4j) Rosvon) = f(T) Parameter: Vos = Ves, 5 =- 1 mA (spread) Parameter: J, =9A, Veg = 10 V Uv , wo 0.18 uM (Ip=9A, Vog=10V) $1T00486 5 BIS 1144 (Vog=Vog In=1mA) siT0489 7 4 Vv Rps(on) uv A 4 Yos(th) 4 0.14 & 7 4 | Y x 0.12 aay 14 | wO/o + a MM 3 0.10 LY St 47 Lt nne al ae VeVO wr os ae 2 a | 0.06 VU.U4 { 0.02 0.00 0 -86 -40 G 40 80 = 120 C 160 - 7, 4d Typ. transfer characieristic Typ. transconductance g,, = / (ip) Ip =f (Ves) Parameter: 1, = 80 us, Vpp =- 25 V Davarmatare + ON ..e TY _ OE NV Parallleler. tp ~ OV Us, Vps ~ 7 ev Vv _ 4g BTS 114A (4p=80 4s, Vpp=25V) SIT00487 10 2S 114A (#p=80 ys, Yyg=-25V) siT00488 A f S . Tn / g a u vts 4 t nn | / | L | -12 f | / 6 fe | Y { f it _3 | / / 7, ~6 t / / / -4 | _ [ -? / n fn Vv VW 0 2 #4  8 Y 10 Oo 2 4 6 8 10 12 A 16 > Vs ~ ly Semiconductor Group 6 - 68< + f (Vso) I; Parameter: Va, >-10V SIT00492 a we oN Ne LT , : _ : _ Qo - _ = NI i] T a Ow ~ & = > s go 4 Rs 6 il Ry o Fe ~ < mS < = oO .. = _ =_ w S o E rd E a 6 oO a 4 Qo oO O Tole in o Ww 7 w 7 2 c oO Oo oO 3 = ~ = o <_ 160 v ES ee siT00491 \ C Te \ \ 100 120 N 80 \ / * . NX 60 >a 2=1 . nN uU (Yes=20V, Vos=0V) A 20 40 T, e 4 BTS 114A 0 > & ct * ~ = oi o nm So wo oc es od yp. gate-source leakage current ao <+-__- ol 6 - 69 Semiconductor Group< + ~ = Y) m) " a LL = a LL Parameter: D = to] T oO ~ gp S zz b 3 1 4 Oo al I ge ll o LY ON UNA SOoS 1 c ADDODOOO 1 ae o Re Wt ; o o m oT S a c rs) 5 ob Ly + a: So 3 go + | rF y > a Oo 2 + mort f oO S it t e OQ cs peqr 8 < LO ! | r A Y{[. |) pt S an 1. _____. z. o2 +O 7OQ- =F 44 tH Ld a 1 t col y | a9 =

< O oO LO Oo ~ 2 + to 2 S o _ : 8 A Zioglo le oO LO ra 7 In S/S S/T wn] co | co oO Lo Lo hs > er i[e ul alo co | oO | LO vi vi 3 . " a 2 Oo E 8 & g Bg S 2 2 Aix se XN] S| 2 me) a MS Re Ree Oo oO LO o v oD c + oO Liol: ~ > |e 1 a to | uo | w8 3 % I NI = | Al w co wl Oo | O a ll i ll I oD i Oo RS oO Q Nl Q be | Bs E z = N ll aad Ss = n < - . ~ a o @ > > o ~ Re = ; Lo D > M9 | 5 Oe). ' @ 8 a | @| o ~|5/ T = Bio ge ll. Oo | > vwle | oO oD = DD) a - Il rE _ o|@e =|a & S|i | OD 2 Si) |O) GB) O 2) 3)5 O\s |. o ~loel/Fzlel lex], e?e)o xs | eo |S Oo ~ gPeg ss ef 2 ab as e - = Oo oO > | 5 . =S 0 5/2)/5/)/3)60/ 82) 8 >) a|D a o's 9/O|/@\/ 5/8 g./5 s O|o E ee H/o) 8) 2) GS wWl)y/ 5 LO Ss o & 1 1 Cc O - oO >= Oo @ clco|gliBe| Co QO | t wl) Oise roa Cia gl Lie o'}2 6 n| S| oO O 2 2 preg fa oO n Oo 3) ~Aa} Oo Q lu & & MiAl/A|O\/O|LN/L|# x~/o2|O oOo 6-103 Semiconductor GroupSIEMENS BTS 121A Flectrica! Characteristics at 7; = 25 C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Drain-source breakdown voltage V erypss Vv Vos = 0, fp = 0.25 mA 100 - - (O ptm tl. nl -l-l spelen nn T7 Gate tnresnoia voltage V ascth) Ves = Vos Jp = 1 MA 1.5 2.0 2.5 Zero gate voltage drain current bss uA Vere =OV. Vac = 100 Ves = OV, Vos = 100 T= 25C - 0.4 1.0 T,=125 C - 10 100 Gate-source leakage current ass Y =+90V Y..=N YGS t4u v,ps Vv T,=25C - 10 100 nA T=150C - 2 4 uA j r Drain-source on-state resistance Rogscon) Q T7 =AENVTSITFH-oaecEA N NOE nn 4 Vos =4.9 V, Ip ZF VOA - U.U0S Ue wnaminc Charactarictine Dynamic Characteristics CawmsardA tenancanneiintanas o> eg Forward transconductance Sts o Vos = 2 2 x 1p x Rosvonymaxs lh = 9.5 A 8 14 - input capacitance Css pF Vos = 0, Vog = 25 V, f= 1 MHz - 1200 1500 Output capacitance Coss T7 = VY = ORV Fa 4 KALI ann Ean Ves =V, Vos = COV, J = 1 MIAZ - Oo2U 90U Davaren tranefar rnananitanna PIS VSLoS UAC! VAVAUILAIIUS \ rss Vas = 9, Vos = 25 V, f= 1 MHz - 160 260 Turn-on time fon, (fon = fagony + f;) tavon) - 25 40 ns Va-=30V. Ves =5V, In=3A, R. 500 aan a7n Tran me ff bin me fe = t 1 #\ $ o4n 970 PUPPIHOT UPTIE log, (lotp = La(off) Tv Ut) La(off) _- civ civ Veo = 380 V, Vag = 5V, Ib =SA, Reg = 502 + 4nn 4Qn uf uy Iu Semiconductor Group 6 - 104w =| ~ om, rh om, > 1 | t Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Reverse Diode Continuous source current & - - 19 A Pulsed source current ous - - 16 Diode forward on-voltage Vsp Vv F-29090 A Y -f 49 47 ip = GOA, Veg TV - 1.09 Lf Ravarea racnnyvary tima t ne 1PIVevoelrow iVevvVely Lit rr lio L= &, di,/dt = 100 A/us, Vz = 30 V - 150 - Reverse recovery charge Qn uC E= &, di-fdt = 100 Afus, Va = 30 V - 0.58 - Temperature Sensor Forward voltage Vrscon) Vv T -ErmA TH ere 4EN oR 49 A ftg(on) = IMA, 4 = 99... F LOU & - 1.0 1.4 Sensor override, t, < 100 us 7T,=-65...+ 160C - - 10 Forward current sion mA wr Cr TN ON ~ nN ARTI... F lou U - - 9.U Sensor override, , < 100 us Te-_GE 44Anee _ _ ann 4j WI ie Vy wT wu Holding current, Vigom=5V, T= 25 qa 0.05 0.1 0.5 T,= 150C 0.05 0.2 0.3 Switching temperature Trscom C Vie =5V 150 - - Turn-off time ton us V.=5V be. =2mA O5 - 25 v TS wv Vv J #TS(on) ae til. Ne on Semiconductor Group 6-105SIEMENS BTS 121A Fvamolae far echartinrireanit nentartinn LAGIIVIV a de ed MiVevrvetivil at T7= 55... + 150 C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Examples Unit 1 2 Drain-source voltage Vos 15 30 V Gate-source voltage Vas 5.5 4.0 Short-circuit current Isc 66.7 26.7 A lo) ee ee ee eee ees 4Nnnn ann VAT onori-cirCuil a dissipation sc 1UUU ouUU VV Daraennnen tims + mo nesponse time Esccott) ms T,= 25 C, before short circuit <25 <25 Short-circuit protection J/g. = f (Vos) Max. gate voltage Vago) = f (Vos Daramatar: |I/ Daramatar: BR 1 CAPATIINlr. F GS 1 CAPAIIm tel. WS oe Diagram to determine /,, for 7,=55...+ 150C 75 BTS 121A $IT00543 5 BTS 121A (=-55...+150 *C) SIT00544 Transient . Vv Ves=5.5V i 6s(SC) 5.4 | 5.0 AEB TeV AD 42 7a 7.0 3.4 3.6 { Semiconductor Group 6-106< = a rT co N ~ g t+ aA = NN ql , oO ol o ~aO Oe bad = Lo Sw, oll N a,0 _ met BA o co go CoO 2 ll + ao Gu eo o oO 20 N Cc > Oo wo l ow st oO 3 : M7 NeN WD 4H = GS G&G 8B o os Oo oO oO o Q o o a _b a <__- (a m& A & Qo oe 3 = = 3 o B 3 e Z4Iae SN 5 i) Pe +k = ye Sey Oo a gS Hl _ . 2 2 7) 7 2 7 a vas 3 = 7 2 fo. 9 4 fw wa o> , CO yw eS 0 a 5 ll Drain-source on-state resistance Roscon) =f (T) Parameter: J,=4.5A, Veg=9.5V BTS 121A (Vgg=5V, J =!14) SITOOS50 0.22 0 ; y Ros(on) 4 / I o.t6 wy | y |/7 sax L7l 0.12 Ai | 1 a iY 0.08 a . 4 a oT | 0.04 0.00 -80 -40 O 40 80 120C 160 _ 7, 1 Typ. transfer characieristic In = f (Ves) Davarnatar- + ON ..2 YY =-OELb WV Farallerer. lp OU Us, Vos 7 oY Vv 60 BIS i2iA (Ves=25V, tp =80u8, 7} =25C) SiT00548 A Ty f 1 50 f | | ! / 40 / / 30 } / / 20 f y [ / 10 } 4 0 012 3 4 5 67 8 VY 10 = Ves Semiconductor Group Cata thrachnald valtana |/ =f WME LIV Olivwin VIlayw v GS(th) J \4j) Parameter: Vps = Ves, Jp = 1 mA (spread) Ves(th) A | ~ 0 -60-40-20 0 20 40 60 80 100120 C 160 _7, d Typ. transconductance g,, = / (ip) Parameter: 1, = 80 us, Vpg = 25 V 20 BTS i2iA (Vos= 25V, = 80 us, 7) = 25C ) SiT00551 La S ip Its | A i 16 T- | A | f- / 12 7 / 8|4 | | | wll 4 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 A 60 a i D 6 - 108< rT > f (Vso) I; Parameter: Vas >10V Wa rs] SITO0S56 SITOO. DS co wm ON Ne Lr > ~ ~ S NN iy 2 q DO Jt 7 ~ > 8 gO F n Q ll sf S = fg < mS < ~ oO .. N 2 BSG 5 Qa 2 3 6 o o ml - o T Oo Ee _ OQ T N o< o LD o wn oO . a o& o 9 oO nD Ly _ _ = 2 v _ 2 Le > Oo ; <-_ Eo. q 7 SITO0553 yp. gate-source leakage current BTS 121A st < te) N co t o _ 9 tl 1 nA 0 5 0 5 10! 2 eSo 6 - 109 Semiconductor Group< = a rT Y) m) " a LL = a LL Parameter: D = to] T SIT00557 (D= 4 BTS 121A 10! fT) 1071 WON NQN= Sees Moooocca w No Oo 6-110 Semiconductor Group< = a rT Y) m) T Package O ui 2 Ld VY GPDO5164 utlines Ordering Code Pn} 9.9 _ 5.08 |= 0.75 I= 1.05 Il TO 220 AB GPT05155 Ordering Code =| 4,4 ) 6-111 Semiconductor GroupSemiconductor Group 6-1124 - oP) XS by o | o 7 co o- 3S 2 2 oS |. > O > Oo 6 > |> x = GO) | < (( N | O & + = | SN 6S \ 21S @ ~ -/O 5.0 2 o + LO op) = : nN e rs 5 c e 2 oO co & LO r Ow ~ = Oo Blaoia Nin | 8 S/O Gi w | a) Th ou s a = |LO | LO) HH) AM. wm ]O fre fm | T | WI] wo vi VI e | BIS Ql 5 |sia |o) e oO S = (oe 2 % 2 2 a ot 8 El ol & , B 2 5| =| 2 3 = am) a) a BD ol 4 O 3 a 2 x 05 QO 7) s meg | Pom a ine Qu Quy BS l l Oe Re + . . o 2 o 2|c =O o Ss 80 KF | 26 oO . 2) C os o 1 | O Oo;oO iad wo | LO Mo rT rT #2 . 2 oS = + | + c 5 2 ZO} Slo Fle oo | 5 30 . Bi 7) 11a | Lo 2 oO) wo OS << 0; tO LO 5 /t/ 0 SO Hw N | | A LW) Cl 5 Oo} oO = . a 7 A oO " VW) Ss 2 2 N ~< a "5 oon a) 9 - = oO Ol pale 2; ],/ . p = 2 = qi) |b Ble | | BS =|Z\/> ae. 25 = Wi Ole) SS ; Qa 253 2) 8) 0 ~_ c | 0 Oo a O;jxHi - Oo oO =| sc i 6 2 0 0 > o,& oO; 5 ole: |e 6/2 eS oO .~| > B ~|S/=/ SB tr) O}] wm a . 21o a wm) OO] oO 7) | - Oo om! oO = _ o So Fla & #=io Giclee l/e La sls 2lole > oes 5 = S/o/G G 2 3/5) 2/S)") Sl gis g - 5? 3 & oles ES/P)/o (Gl SB /Sjri ao a #4 1 Lu SROs 2 cc 8 > Sold -|S\# = S)68|/2 918 GF { vm _ = | ! ~ [cm [cig | cig = | Lid LL ceas 8 o EIS SL 5 2e08 $s sBeBo@sB loa a sSeo 2 6 2/8853 s 8a Fess te EGEsE =n = CE Ok 5 lol E/E ee 4 EloM Ga ele o SB E/GI ERS l f) uu 2 WEF 5 | 0 * < @ oe 5/0 "|Z o|6 = 2/21 0| o 2 2 an | : | of DIE ] = cs F- oeoe0e coFlio) B aA O/A/O/O/@naN alHD Dla lolaiYtiFoo 6-123 Semiconductor GroupSIEMENS BTS 130 Flectrica! Characteristics at 7; = 25 C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Static Characteristics Drain-source breakdown voltage V erypss Vv Vos = 0, fp = 0.25 mA 50 - - (O ptm tl. nl -l-l spelen nn T7 Gate tnresnoia voltage V ascth) Ves = Vos Jp = 1 MA 2.5 3.0 3.5 Zero gate voltage drain current bss uA Vrc= OV Voc =50V Ves =OV, Vag = 50 V T= 25C - 1 10 T,=125 C - 100 300 Gate-source leakage current ass Y =9N0V Y..=9N YGS 4v v,ps uv T,=25C - 10 100 nA =150C - 2 4 uA 7,=150 C 2 t uA Drain-source on-state resistance Rogscon) Q Orv! FT =17 A ON OA ON NE Vas = 10V, ip =1f A - U.U4 V.US wnamic Charactarictine Dynamic Characteristics CaAwmaavea tennannansaAntannn eo Forward transconductance Sts o Vos 2 2 * Ip * Rogyonymax: fp = 17 A 8.0 13.0 18.0 input capacitance Css pF Vas =9, Yong = 25 V, f= 1 MHz 700 940 1250 Gs ? DS J Output capacitance Coss T7 =f \I7 ==OR VN ~ 4 AALIS ENN TEN Ves =V, Vos = COV, J = 1 MIAZ - OUU fou Davaren tranefar rnananitanna PIS VSLoS UAC! VAVAUILAIIUS \ rss Vas = 9, Vos = 25 V, f= 1 MHz - 180 270 Turn-on time fon, (fon = fagony + f;) tavon) - 25 40 ns Vern = 30 V, Vec=10V, I, =3A, Ree = 500 /, an on Wh , Wo , Wo i _ ou U Trae mff bien 4 be t + 4nn 49n LUPA-OM UME for, (lop = La(off) + t,) La(off) _- uy lou Veo = 380 V, Veg = 10 V, Ib =SA, Rog = 500], 75 On uf fv ve Semiconductor Group 6 - 124w | on, OW =] 1 | t Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Continous source current & - - 2f A Pulsed source current ky - - 108 Diode forward on-voltage Vsp Vv FeEFAA VY -N 46 907 dp = OSA, Veg ty - 1.0 au Ravarea ranrnvary tima t ne 1PIVevoelrow iVevvVely Lit rr lio k= &, di,/dt = 100 Ajus, Vz = 30 V - 150 - Reverse recovery charge Qn uC E= &, di-fdt = 100 Afus, Va = 30 V - 1.0 - Temperature Sensor Forward voltage Vrscon) Vv T -4dN mA TH ere 4EN ore 4A 45 ftg(on) = IUMA, 4) = 90... 7 LOU & - 1.4 1.0 Sensor override, t, < 100 us T=-55...+ 160C - - 10 Forward current sion mA wr Cr TN ON dt ABT... F IU & - - 1U Sensor override, , < 100 us To _EE 44Anee _ _ ann 4j wy. uy Ww vu Holding current, Vigom=5V, T= 25 qa 0.05 0.1 0.5 T,= 150C 0.05 0.2 0.3 Switching temperature Trscom C Vig =5V 150 - - Turn-off time ton us V.=5V be. =2mA O5 - 25 v TS wv Vv J #TS(on) ae til. Ne on Semiconductor Group 6-125SIEMENS BTS 130 Fvamolae far echartinrireanit nentartinn LAGIIVIV a de ed MiVevrvetivil at T7= 55... + 150 C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Examples Unit 1 2 Drain-source voltage Vos 15 30 V Gate-source voltage Vas 8.1 5.9 Short-circuit current Isc < 80 <37 A Obl net alee ih cline nati aA nD 4OnNn 44NN VAT ONOP-CIFCUIL Olssipation sc 1zUU 11uu VV Daraennnen tims + mo nesponse time Esccott) ms T, = 25 C, before short circuit 25 25 Short-circuit protection J/g. = f (Vos) Max. gate voltage Vegisc) = f (Vos) Parameter: VY Daramatar: T= ABR +450 . GS 1 CAPAIIm tel. 4j we ' Iv ww Diagram to determine /,, for T7,=-55...+ 150C 90 BTS 130 SIT00576 9 BIS 130 (7)=-55...+150 C) SIT00575 ransient i V sc A efen, & \ | aq BSC) \ an ' \ | \ 60 ' 7 x \ 50 NN 6 PS 40 50 5 20 4 10 9 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 V 50 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 Y 4p > Vos Vos Semiconductor Group 6-126o pal ) m) " a LL = a LL Ol T > T 3B q | > Oo > S |i nmI=1-o << e ~ at \ A o b> \ a in ~| \ mn NS z ~ \ | + . SALA i XY \4 Leo _s. Na Oo \ \ \ | rm ~ \ b oe \ \ o 2 \\ ~ Lis , \ ao SN! AMA s Ul XN Bg MN nl> NY w a oO wo Cc N oO 00 wo + N o = en = 2 S 2 2 2 So 5 Oo o coi oS So o Ba <__- Ce Ty uv s) Vo ( 5 C f Safe operating area /, = ~ = f (Vos) Typical output characieristics /, Parameter: f, = 80 us ,To=2 0.01 ; Te = Parameter: D p So Oo) > oa wn SIT00580 Qo _ w 0.01, Ty =25 C) BTS 130 @ 105 $IT00579 80 us) BTS 130 <= oo w QoQ wd + st wm wn o uw o _ 60 30 25 20 2 << DS 6 - 127 Semiconductor GroupSIEMENS BTS 130 Nrainlenirra nn_Lletata racietanra Gata thrachnald untana |/ = f{T)\ LW CI VwVUEIVY VII Vly IVVIVLGIvw BAGLW LULIVOlivin VIlayw v GS(th) J \4j) Roson) =f (T)) Parameter: Vos = Veg, fp = 1MA Parameter: J,=17 A, Veg = 10 V (spread) er i an BIS 130 (/p=17A, Yog=10V) SITOO583 ~ BIS 130 (Vye=Vec, =imA) SITO0585 U.IZ 2 nN Md Vv n1n WV VeIV , gs(th) A * DS(on) Ay ' F \ } | 0.08 4, | | 4 JY , Z f 3 7 y gazle1 | 0.06 a aia Wn F LO 2 A) 2 0.04 air . t YP pA a 1 0.02 0.00 0 2@n AN n AN on 149N 97 414aNn = ov aU Ve aU ov 124v \ luv _ 7, Typ. transfer characieristic Typ. transconductance g,, = / (ip) Ip =f (Ves) Parameter: 1, = 80 us, Vpg = 25 V Davarnatar- + ON ..2 YY =-OELb WV Farallerer. bp OV Ue, Vos ~ ev V BTS 130 (4)=80us .VYys=25) SIT00581 20 BTS 130 (4, =80us , Vyg=25V) $IT00584 ; / - A ] S ap / yD 4o | Vis 16 t t = | 4 | 44 T bo / } t* aT 39 Tt an VT 12 a 30 f NH y 10 H 25 YY / sty 20 f Y / 5 15 } / / I 10 f 4 5 [ 2 [ J / 0 9 012 3 4 5 67 8 V 10 0 10 20 3A 30 Veg ~ Ih Semiconductor Group 6-128o I= Parameter: Vas >10V f (Vso) gM SS x= : he _ ty = on = 9 Oo + oO ill w sf go = gu 3 oe 2 n 6 oO ica E OLIN > in T wn ? a e = S 2 = o QO _ yp. gate-source leakage current Tt NO OO BO SPN OO OO O WF NN CO 105 5 0 5 ll c oO | * Loss of ground and loss of Vbb protection | a OARS NICS CN sl, | * Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection | Nee Ss ee | | Standard Straight leads SMD | Application * uC compatible power switch with diagnostic feedback for 12 V and 24 V DC grounded loads * Most suitable for inductive loads * Replaces electromechanica! relays and discrete circuits Ganaval Raernvintian MULIVIGE WUouULIVuvil N channel vertical power FET with charge pump, ground referenced CMOS compatible input and diagnostic feedback, monolithically integrated in Smart SIPMOS technology. Fully protected by embedded protection functions T t 1 I I *Vbb 3 ' Voltage Overvoltagel | Current Gate l i 2 ' source protection limit protection] |[~e ZN L-y.. T T k . ' ~~ * Logic [ ] ' J Voltage Charge pump Limit for Opt unclamped 5 | ! sensor Level shifter ind. loads | [Temperature : | 2 | Rectifier sensor | | Open load |. rt Late ban ct <1 _|toad ESD Ogic detection a 4 Ist ' || ' Pt Short circuit ' = detection | 2 | . I GnD PROFET | i ee T| | al Signal GND Load GND WW ama % 4\ } With external current limit (e.g. resistor Ranp=150 Q) in GND connection, resistors in series with IN and S connections, reverse load current limited by connected load. Semiconductor Group Page 1 of 13 2.Feb.96uniess otherwise specified = 25C _ c 2) a ron ma < Q a 2 _ O a) a oO & cc > O = = o & alec| i= OY] . oO wo = S| > -2| 0 QO) >) 218 6ol|x o|ar|o | 3o5| S| so 10 2] a Alu DO! Oo : Oo;| o/ 2/2 d/o0| o | SO) S= Cl; ] e 5/2/99 %/ o| 19O/5/ 2 o/s] 0 @) Some o> Dm | = Pe} t| > 2 2 5 ||| 3/3 ~| 9/2 5146/2! o 0|. 8/5 wa) fia /a;o 1f}| + nm |O T 3 ; oO =| k- S|2/>/8 |-|/28 = = = = n\ol=|> n|oa = lela} st | Lo Maximum Ratings ait T; > |t/O |S z |- lo | DIO O]/O O\|r co oO; [LD 10 [LO 2 + - ei . El+ + : = oot uw) 312 2 oO on | + a. z 3 im) < G ip) 7 wa a 2 g Jo |Z - s => KB | OL ly | => => ma) x LO S on O alse 0 eo oOo}! D ll = DO) oc | Ke S| L/S -| Oo 2 oO. Gb 2 Pea 2 S| e /60/|/5 A OD G S/2olzls SSS |s 5 5 O*-1}O]; x c|' =. O & oo <=} Oo oO Ou To o/on |Y| 2 = Asi = oe | TE OB 3 Og |e ola]; @ 2 o c|oO = 7 |O oO #/)/aQ -|'9/7 =/H0 4 5 ClEC/IE|> 2/0 a a > Sie 5 Q.) + = Sqa/ 3] oO fn O >| oO O | = {5 O10 > oO Slotlo/& slOlSalsle 2 Q|eZle|/o =| c/o. => = Sioml/o|2 O 9 |@22|2 e Y|4~|.4/0 o Lu ~ | O 6 2.Feb.96 2 with 6cm* (one layer, 7Oum thick) copper area for Vib FR4 6 Page 2 CB connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. protection of the input is integrated. V Load dum Device o Ve 5) ) Semiconductor Group 3) 4)max 2.Feb.96 v typ | fwd min | nd Characieristics 12 V unless otherwise specified ~ oad Switching Capabilities a L << < Y n >|> >|> > |>|>|(>|> < <{ E * S |= ays oO} | o LQ LO QU/LO MN | a/o wl rtrd lo 9 |O + r N sw s+ st t+ o Ww re N N | 00 Po Pdi rfaje@ fe fil ifmje 0] | 6% | i |O o|> 7 co NW LO MIO Mm] i]s No] 1 [iw roids - ~ FIN A Tv D 5 5 S a) 3 ole o ~ 5 5 oS e| = 1 3 3 2} 2) 21 5 oS S | 5)5 | sl 3 | 8 | S| of 3] < le 2 |6 - |> [3 a)2 |2)2 |= |S) 2/>|2 = | 3 = |= OS [o |F >{> [> (> [a [> |>/a/> 2 jw O = BS O}O O]0O O/O1O}O Oo 0 |o o fo o jo Jo Jo o Oo Oo o& ISL Q\to O|d O/O/O|o 19 i 5 Ir O LO} A wh | 19 | | | H A 9 ~ BD [2x 2} 3 | o4 |S (EIS /S ty tl m oo fo) OQ r]RO OL]: : z] oo: s Lia cd orc Ww uw) : : : : : : Qo - & OlE go oO | oo oO O10 o|c|o/o + o fr) 5 w 4 + + + Tit Tisistyt a rab} . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Il 3 9 ov } og I Hy lo Tn RLS BO $| F KE) RTE ERR Ee ll " i = oD im o/O I ll a. o JZ ES EY, a To + ~1Cr5 o> - m a =) 0 >| 5 SO) a] d 5 | 3 3 cMWl=7 O oO ton < = = -~/S oO wn N N oS = ~ = ZPlEHS y vu] oT c = Oy 3 8] wn |= ellehe? . I I 3 eo |orm| a\o | c Zz)? 6 : = a! + | crt eo @ | = c L Ole S t So} a; ale |2 G|/GO2)O SOtle|o |e 5 Ela. y elo E/O)/S (HlBVe Zeisif\e | 3 3 ..|/- ae Hl 5 5 6 | Oo O/O S| => 2/23/0/L/0 = Ogle 37 | do] 6 w/S|? BPE Sco sioiol/zs | 5 soalZSolla ale Flye=> a|o|2 O/OE/Os|?) = || & = 2 Colt oy EEaI|Osxs 5 xo >| > DD) Dog | D i oO; O;0O; 0 5 5 oalfs melo = o~ oD GO) .) 3) OD) OD! | Oo =o|7F 3 WF oo!l|oo c Te) SFIS OS A0!1 0/ cola = >1/>35/> 210/'0|'6|'S a m c SQ 0/9 9 Solo |) oo) < cjculc sg SsiSq/2 o = = en | 3 s tw | 221 0 oO!|o o2clicli2Zie oO i EQ|22 Mec =Tl|2r o|o Po(O solo ieie ple os we Y=] oer ec _I oO oO O|T T|T @ TD. 8s/0/0)/0;1/0 ale = Oo CM/S 0 A/5 Sael|2 H-|2r 2) QO) c E/CH(S>| >| >| 2/2 S/S > o z O hk F O|O|D D|D DaA1O/O/O/|O Y ! in table of protection functions and circuit diagram page 7. Page 3 N(CL) A ae t supply voltage increase up to Vpp= 5.6 V typ without charge pump, Vout =Vbb - 2 V Meassured without load. See also Vo A Semiconductor Group a\ oj 2)ivi BTS 410 F2 Parameter and Conditions Symbol Values Unit atT: =O of WV = 19 VV rimlance athananan enarifiael a | am me Aliyev &Y, Vbb= le V UINESs VLC PWISe speciicu Mint lyp | Max Oinaratinan currant (Din 1\8) WasHR VV TAs __ 4 94 mA WVPCIGUNY VULEGrit (oir bye, Vif vv, iGND I 2.1 PAA Tj =-40...+150C Protection Functions initial peak short circuit current limit (pin 3 to 5)9%), iL(scp) (max 450 us if Von > Vonisc) ) Tj =-40C 4.0 -| 11} A j =25C 3.5 5.5 10 Tj =*150C: 2.0 3.5 0.5 Overload shutdown current limit lLscr wv. Harv TT TT foo! ro = aman A oOo 7 A VON= 0 V, fj = /jt (See timing diagrams, page 10) -- zZ.f -- A Short circuit shutdown delay after input pos. slope VW ~ VW T= At 24ECnorm. + oom, ~=- VON > VON(SC); fj F-4u..F1OUU! | td(SC) _- _- 450 us min value valid only, if input "low" time exceeds 60 us Output clamp (inductive load switch off) at Vout = Von - Vonict) = 40 mA, T; =-40..+150C: Vonict) 61 68 73 V i= 1A, Tj =-40..+150C -| | 75 Chae Alivart ahittAaAuim claAtarntian unltansa SHOP CICUTIL SHMULQOWTT GELOCLUOll VUILAYS (pin 3 to 5) Von(sc) -- 6.0 -- Vv Tharemal nvarlnggA trin tamnaratiirsa T. 40N ort PHCITal OVEMUdAU LIP LOHIPCraluie fit luVU 7 7 ww Thermal! hysteresis ATjt -- 10 -- K Inductive load switch-off energy dissipation), Eas -- -- tbd J ~ 4ENOM -aiRnala vni;slar VW ~ 49VV: i +L. Al Hj stat = 190 C, singi pulse Vbb = 12 V: | Evoaat2 ipa Yun = QAMV: | Fi nnaoa thd YUU oTry LOaduc4+ Davarea hattary (nin 2 tn 1) 11) _V, __ __ Q29 V Piwvorose VALLI {Milby lw tp) i V bb Vo Vv Niannanaetin Chavantaviatina WMIGAYIIVOLIY VWIIGLAUVLULIOlIve Open load detection current Io mA fan.canditinn) =AN 150C 9 __ 459 (VEIPOUliMluerl) ry +t Ive Ww ca Ive 8) Add Ist, if lst > 0, add /in, if Vin>5.5 V 9) Short circuit current limit for max. duration of td(SC) max=450 us, prior to shutdow 10) While damaanatizina load inductance diesinated eneray in PROFET ie =CVAwA, * EN dt annroy VV UPIIIaYylICuciliy we HIMUVLALIVE, UMivviIValou Slici y rb Pinvr Lot lo J VON(UL) FLAY Ui, AYPIVA. Cras dt wt x ,__Voncl) _, awe Ae nee ee eee O EAS= ip "Lh "1, Voncy) - Vip ), See diagram page 6 11) Daaiivae 450 0 rasietne in GND eannection Baverse Inad currant fthratich intrincic drain_enirre clade) jc MEeYQUuNes Pov s2 Pools Tl VAINLY CUTTS CUUTT. MOeVeroe Wau CULO (UNUUY THUHTSOI UPA" SUUTUS UlVUS) lo normally limited by the connected load. Input and Status currents have to be limited (see max. ratings page 2 and circuit page 7). Semiconductor Group Page 4 2.Feb.96CIiIFaAAEAaIC mmm pan WE LIVE LIN BIS 410 F2 Parameter and Conditions Symbol Unit at T= 98 Of Vhs. = 49 V rinlancen nthamaan enarifis mt aL iy=ceu YY, Vob= le Vv UINESS otherwise specified Max Dee eeeek eeeel Abas a Ab = 119) IMIPUl aha olaluUS FeCanvnacKk'/ Innit turn-on thrashold yvoltana Fo TVW. 5 A V Pr rps CUP WE GP New VV FF VINCI +) cas oT v T= AN 24ECnom. fj =-4U,.T1TOU UU. Input turn-off threshold voltage YL ViNcT-) 1.0 -- V T= At 24ECnorm. I) ty =-4U..T POU &. Inout threshold hysteresis A. Viney -- V Input threshold hysteresis A Viner Vv Off state input current (pin 2), Vin = 0.4 V Ino) 1 30/ uA On state inout current (nin 2?) Vin =5V fine ny 10 7O uA On state input current (pin 2), Vin =5 V Linton) 10 70; wA Ofantiin imarnlial nftar naArithn insist alana + AEN SlaAlUs HIVAHG ailer PUSOTLIVe MHIPUL sIUPe td(ST SC) 40U Us (short circuit) Ti=-4Q ... +150C: Status invalid after positive input slope ta(st) 1400 us (open load) Tj=-40 ... +150C: Status output (open drain) Zener limit voltage Tj =-40...+150C, Ist = +50 UA: | Vstirighy -- V OT lara: wenden nn TT. ~ AN +150C 4 anm A VWs OA ol 1OW VO ltage fj F-4U...F19U vist = +1.6 MA: VST(low) U.4 12) If a ground resistor Renn is used, add the voltage drop across this resistor. Semiconductor Group Page 5 2.Feb.96Input- | Output Status level level 412 410 410 410 410 DBO nod C.IE9 m9 uO be ve bejr Wc me Normal L L H H H H H operation H H H H H H H Open load L 13) L H H H L H H L L L H Short circuit L L H H H H H tn OAIN Lu I I I I lu I Ww UINY mt uw L L uw Mm L Short circuit L H L H H H L to Vbb H H H H(L1)) | H(L1) | H(L14)) H Owartam. I I | | I | | WVYWELWl at at LK LK at LK LK perature H L L L L L L Under- L L a) a) H H H voltage H L 15) 15) H H H Ow ee se lhe oe ! ! ! ! ui Li Li VVCTVOILAge L L L L | A A H L L L H H H L = "Low" Level H = "High" | aval it 1 iyil Level rerms Input circuit (ESD protection) poe ~ a ~ ~ ~~ R 3 ' | 1 lini alN TT __L- = PS _ a IN Vou | l_ - ok ~~ | 2 I Vv, VN esp- ZN KH ! ON ' ZDyu ZDe 1 ' ' 1 PROFET OUTI- | ly" | ST | | ei __ Tals" ' GND _! Vint Yeti GND Viol ' 1 A [| GND Vout ZDi1 6 V typ., ESD zener diodes are not to be used as GND voltage clamp at DC conditions. Operation in this t- wn ml may result ten om alate Af bh en ne mm mm NOUS IHlay FESuIl il a UP OF WIE Zener VOlaAyge (increase of up to i V). 13) Power Transistor off, high impedance, versions BTS 410H, BTS 412B: internal! pull up current source for 4 a a ~ = Low resistance short Vbp to output may be detected by no-load-detection No current sink capability during undervoltage shutdown Semiconductor Group Page 6 2.Feb.96CIE AAE AIC a WE LIVilitl BIS 410 F2 Status output Overvolt. and reverse batt. protection +5V 4 eG c cn ess i 7 TT Yb | Im t 1 R pr I | ST(ON) stl 'T B ! Vz2 ' | Na t- NO iy ZN | ' \ mm 1 LH | , rn] os J Logic t 1! - ESD- I m1 = | | = ST Z2N ae | | 3ND 2D ! Rsr Tv | | Dn ce el ee 1! Vv t | Zi PROFET | ESD-Zener diode: 6 V typ., max 5 mA; rae meena RST(ON) < 250 at 1.6 mA, ESD zener diodes are R | i not to be used as voltage clamp at DC conditions. GND Operation in this mode may result in a drift of the L Signai GND zener voltage (increase of up to i V) Vz1 = 6.2 V typ., Vzo = 70 V typ., Ranp= 150 Q, Rin, DRer= 160 Mol iv nse Short circuit detection Fault Condition: Voy > 8.5 V typ.; IN high Onen_laad detection wey DE wwe weer - - ON-state diagnostic condition: Von < Ron * fot; IN | _ +Vbp high I t ~ 18 | ([--+_ 11 ~- ee =", | Ie AB |) q { ON ' o+ I 14 ' ir 1 | ! Y | ' . TI | | J OUT 4s _ 1 Von s Lani Short circuit . . ON I . gj wogic . d . i i UN = ' i i unit detection i Y Onen loaad 1 Logie an ; ; ; ; ; ; unit MULUVLIVII Inductive and overvoltage output clamp i 3 _oO ne ! 2 ! ! ZN ik | XT It zi a i |e A&A Von i a | i j y | OUT I | GND PROFET | Von clamped to 68 V typ Semiconductor Group Page 7 GND disconnect kc) IN Vib | 2 | PROFET OUT | _ wy | 1 oA st olen | GND | | Vv Vv ly | 4i 1 | | bb] IN| *st| | lYenp T | | /. | | I? Any kind of load. In case of Input=high is Vout = Vin - Vinct+) - Due to Vanp +0, no Vst = low signal available. 2.Feb.96CIEFAAEAIC oe WELIVE EL. BIS 410 F2 GND disconnect with GND pull up Vbb disconnect with charged external inductive load 3 j s 2 a | 2 high iN Vob | | | PROFET OUT 2 LT | | st PROFET OUT 5 | |* GND r1 ST Pl | | 4 | | 4 GND ro = Z NX | tH || ry hh 2 | LU i Mb U | NI ST | Veno Vob Any kind of load. If Venp > Vin - VincTy device stays off Due to Vanp 70, no Vst = low signal available. lf other external inductive loads L are connected to the PROFET additional elements like D are necessary. Vbb disconnect with charged inductive =. _ on We ee ee OE i ee ee ioad inauctive Load switcn-orr energy 7 dissipation al Ebb a oS high IN Vbb EAS 2 : \ = \ Et oad PROFET OUTI- L Vin \ 5 FI IN \ A ST _ \ GND | pm PROFET OUT] ] \ Be IF - ar, ST Ey. GND \ Y bb rm 1 | en4 | | n Normal load current can be handled by the PROFET T itself. Semiconductor Group Page 8 Energy dissipated in PROFET Eas = Epp + EL - Ep. c. .e- CE; cr, a4 7 eg2 Fload*S FL,EL = f2 bf) 2.Feb.96bi ne tar ture protection wiin nysieresis lat ah function')'7) > = ot QO = oO a oO 5 oR < GS . = = - oO -s en) ~ m = > oO =) x 2 Zz Vv \ erature protection < @ a 3 3 Open ioad detection in EL Hh AanKAInA ALIerAN 49ON WT OFF-state with ool Sif Wy CUulicl it vv HA typ. in ON-state with sensing voltage drop across power transistor < < eee ee lee ee OL al be ee et tia) Overvoliage snuiaown witn auto resiart'*, Status feedback for overtemperature undervoltage overvoltage N a a a N a x x x x x ? A _b co ~ h co ~ _ 4 ? A x > x > x x x x WO ra < > < < Vbb - VON(CL) ad Load current limit high level (can handle loads with high inrush currents) low level (better protection of application) < < Protection against loss of GND ~< |< Taree 7 on Ow. in most cases Vout = =vVUvdal 16) Latch except when Vib - Vout < Vonisc) after shu #0 V only if forced externally). So the device remains latched unless Vob < Vonsc) (see | hathwaan turn an and taser between turn on and tasc). 417) \Anrak lasek ,.--t-. Daapatae la a VVitn latcn TUNCTION. NEesetea by a) input iow, b) Ur 'S) No auto restart after overvoltage in case of short circuit. 19) Low resistance short V,, to output may be detected by no-load-detection Semiconductor GroupFigure ia: Vpb turn on: IN ie tog ian a | S_ d(bb IN) -;>. Vpb 1 1 _> V yp OUT | | | A OT anrnane elesin ol Oper Grail 1 t \ A ~ in case of too early ViN=high the device may not turn on (curve A) ta(bb IN) Approx. 150 ps AYN | | _a1 ta(ST) sT ots *) Vv ; OUT . ______ f: I: I: : f 7 I wo! | L : IL(OL); ~ - f- . \ { \ t / \ ~ *) if the time constant of load is too large, open-load-status may occur Semiconductor Group Page AST : wot : OuT! : : tyen NST d(SC) ot : f\\ L 1 1 ! ff 1 t | td(SC) approx. 200us if Vib - Vout > 8.5 V typ. Figure 3b: Turn on into overload, IN h LJ | > - \ tA ~n 4 Heating up may require several seconds, Vbb - Vout < 8.5 V typ. 10 2.Feb.96BTS 410 F2 Figure 3c: Short circuit while on: ST + *) ST goes high , when Vin=low and 7j<7jt Semiconductor Group Page Figure 5a: Open load: detection in ON-state, turn onfoff to open load IN . t < ST 5 OS!) | Vv OUT OUT JN | L open t . ~ Lf d(ST OL1) , st OL) ST : 1 _ I : I\ 7 ' 1 > <_ Vv . ; : v : ' : \ OUT : | normal + open + normal L : ' t ta(st O11) = tod us typ., tast oL2) = tod us typ 11 2.Feb.96CIiEAAE AIC WE LTV E EAI Figure 6a: Undervoltage: iN Ms | Vib A 98 \ f YW \ ' : A; [ Ypb(under) oF PP oP ff MF Vani rot _ af ve\U 1Ol MV our a ee A | OU! \ : ( 1 4 Ley: 7 > ST open drain : t Figure 6b: Undervoltage restart of charge pump V VON(CL) iL on fre f off ao u | I 7 bb(over) off SS Sy iA L ll Ma ena Vv bhfo rsth (U Fst) BAY Sy - sas VY Af eee di I I WwW > bb(under) on a eee Vv, charge pump starts at Vibiucp) =5.6 V typ. ~ | bb Figure 7a: Overvoltage: 2 vAonct) Vbb(over), AA Y bb(o rst) Vin ON. yt N\.- Nour | A x rN | : I | | LA. LA] s ST JN ~ Figure 9a: Overvoltage at short circuit shutdown: IN Vi, vo V pb(o rst) J * | ~ Output short to GND ; > Output short to GND \i \ Vout ~~ short circuit shutdown \ \ as APL \ ~ ST \\ Mat + U Overvoltage due to power line inductance. No overvoltage auto- restart of PROFET after short circuit shutdown. Semiconductor Group Page 12 2.Feb.96IFAAEAI FLIVi. i raGnaGe anu All dimensions in mm Standard TO-220AB/5 LC aD Ordering code TO-220AB/5, Option E3043 Ordering code | BTs4ioF2 | Q67060-86103-A2__ ||| BTS 410 F2 E3043 | Q67060-S6103-A3 9.9 hd = 99 |e 9.5 13 we} 95 bee | AA 3.7 | | =| deze | -| 22] Z | i | aif | rot, =a mia wo iS i. 8 1 1)> 4 ~ | oO} = > + } 1 t |_J 1 i ae { Tn = 7 hd HH e. |g, a, | | HIT & Spi ahs a | Ci ja My ey tt A 7 | i elle | 2.4) | { | 1.7 | ee 0.5 . _| ~ 45 0.8 e259 4x1.7=6.8 | "B.2 | 1.7 2.4 | _ GPTOS5165 a - 1) shear and punch direction no burrs this surface 4x1.7=6.8 oPTESST DN nti Lae dl bee beaten \ 2) min. length by inning 1) punch direction, burr max. 0.04 3) max. 11 mm allowable by tinning 2) dip tinning 3) max. 14.5 by dip finning press burr max. 0.05 J 7 GP SP Semiconductor Group Page 13 Ordering code 060-S6103-A4 | rE ) 10.5 1.5 4x1.7=6.8 GPT05904 2.Feb.96CIF AAE AIC poRnceET DTe A4nND4 WE LIViLIN PROFET BIS 412B2 Cmart Liinhaida Dawarwy Crirtah SHIGE PIQgnisue POW! OWL Features Product Summary * Overload protection Qvuarunittans nrntactinn Visas RE VY e VUVeEIVONaAYe PIOLCULIOll V bb(AZ) OU Vv Current limitation Operating voltage Vob(on) 4.7...42 V * Short circuit protection el eee aoe AAR * Thermal shutdown On-state resistance RON QO mQ on ts : . f too 1 to \ Lanad nwirrant (1QN\ fnarny 40 A * Gvervoitage protection (inciuding ioad dump) LOad CUITENt WSY) iL(ISO) 1.0 A * Fast demagnetization of inductive loads Current limitation IL(SCr) 5 A * Reverse battery protection) y vi oTection i * Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown with auto-restart and hysteresis CMOS di einen tout | TO-220AB/5 | WIVINYD aiagi IVOLIV vulyvu Ll | | * Open load detection in OFF-state . tana om ~~ | * GMOS compatible input | oo, ROA co o> | Ol ane nf eerniine ans! lanes nf lV nentartanc | Ge 7 mS Oo NS ~~ 17S O85 me) | LOSS OT QfOUNG a2NG OSS OT Vbb Provecton ~~ IW P | Xa NESS NIRS | * Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection | Sees Ss pe | | Standard Straight leads SMD | Application * uC compatible power switch with diagnostic feedback for 12 V and 24 V DC grounded loads * All types of resistive, inductive and capacitve loads e Ranlarac alartramachaniral ralayve and dierrata circ lite t IVyiaw' Ve VIS VII UliCQaninwal iwiays CALIM UIOVIClS VIPVULlo MULIVIGE WUouULIVuvil N channel vertical power FET with charge pump, ground referenced CMOS compatible input and diagnostic feedback, monolithically integrated in Smart SIPMOS technology. Fully protected by embedded protection functions T t a ' 1 ! *Vbb | 13 1 Voltage Overvoltagel | Current Gate (t 2 QO; source protection limit protection - ZNT L-y.. T T t . ' ~~ * Logic [ ] ' J Voltage Charae pump Limit for OUT VMTN yw ep unclamped 5 | ! sensor Level shifter ind. loads | [Temperature : | 2 | Rectifier sensor | | Open load |. rt Late oa a <1 _|toad ESD ogic detection a 4 Ist ' a ' Pt Short circuit ' = detection | 2 | . I GnD PROFET | i ee T| | al Signal GND Load GND WW ama % 1) With external current iimit (e.g. resistor Renp=150 Q) in GND connection, resistor in series with ST connection, reverse load current limited by connected load. Semiconductor Group Page 1 of 14 15.Jan.96Wi Zz W c 2) a ron ma < Q a 2 _ O a) a oO & cc > O = = o & alec| i= OY] . oO wo = S| > -2| 0 QO) >) 218 6ol|x o|ar|o | 3o5| S| so 10 2] a Alu DO! Oo : Oo;| o/ 2/2 d/o0| o | SO) S= Cl; ] e 5/2/99 %/ o| 19O/5/ 2 o/s] 0 @) Some o> Dm | = Pe} t| > 2 2 5 ||| 3/3 ~| 9/2 5146/2! o 0|. 8/5 wa) fia /a;o 1f}| + nm |O T 3 ; oO =| k- S|2/>/8 |-|/28 = = = = n\ol=|> n|oa = lela} st | Lo uniess otherwise specified = 25C _ Maximum Ratings ait T; . ~ ~ . , = > |> L O =< le > = = " x Lo |O ala c/o alr ooo lO Lo Oo |S OO 1/0 a - ofan 7; 4 g - Eile - + Lo LO A - Ejt + a vi VE ov = => Dot . S =1O 1 O - > on | ' c 2 3 E) .| 3 o| B Qs Sal ol] 5 Bl s Zz _ OSs falc Via} ugly |S 2% ro > 5 oad Lo 9 O-= o0 oc om|- D Wo eo cL _ rr - < = | 0 |S Se | 33/9 c 2s oO | = 5 > @|>2|o Q 2a Aly uw | o = | ED c|<=|9 a |QO Fe L/D a|% ..| 2 i c 2 O} | O}.2 6 L oe Cc o |}o > - D . :: oO | Oo} EO| LO | >> i _ > S/ Ss0/E N | oD == aa c QO.) Os mS oO co >a ZS = VI 1 @ Q ad oO; Sn |P|2 o c & an~ g = OS S/2/E D Liao |F ~ s n |" n 3 a es ee Oo Cia 2 Of AGlxljo SIs|/o Jon ow es 2|Sol/ol' Oli |oo *# 35 Ciow 3 OlA|& =o 5S 2-2 8 Oe Ssltlt =/] 0 a8 Db a ZIOFlG/S BS = [ellie ce wl |6 S\gijelo sl//F (GSO Zz 2 sl le oP-iMN|2 5/51" |\2sj/Q ff #| |S BSCS Ee Slalo,|osl~ 2 2 3| |e w So ElS E/2/SBB 09/95 5 S| Iu elElOVigi= Gg/@/Lsl/eQle aE So] ia LIQ EwWleE|PHiZloalScljH SE By |= @ > oO; 2s oO Oo > Nolo c wo =| >)o Olts a. |/6L Og/> CC oO & lolol ilo/2 o|/O2/OCnls ~~ OOF _ wo Oe |S wv : Or 2-15 = i. | 2) G2) @| 2 Oo Si/Dc I Docs Oo GO) 5;oC)/o Q2s/0/c Oo a) = Qs =) e x Ain) 3 |2/0 Hin I Iw |f OO oa lE protection of the input is integrated. t Rk, V 3) 4) V Load dum ! 2 with 6cm* (one layer, 7Oum thick) copper area for Vib TteG tO -B FR4 6 cS Cc connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. = ac Device o 5) ) 15.Jan.96 Semiconductor GroupV unless otherwise specified min | typ | max On-state resistance (pin 3 to 5) h=16A =95 C: an -- 190 290! mo ALL pow Fe j ow Ne FtUy ivvu coy Tiida T=150 C: 390! 440 Nominal load current (pin 3 to 5) ILaso) 1.6 1.8 -- A IOAN Dearnannn I VW = NEN TH Of or low FiUpvcadal. VON ~ V.9 V, IC7 OU & QOutnut current (oin 5) while GND disconnected or Li rannniany -- -- 10 mA NT AR TE Sp PCP NE ee AE NN ee FL(GNUMIQM) iv enire GND pulled up, Vbb=30 V, Vin= 0, see diagram pade 7 rT wT Turn-on time to 90% Vout: | ton 15 -- 60 us Turn-off time to 10% Vout: | for 5 -- 50 RL =12Q Siew rate on dV /dton -- -- 3| Vius 1Ntn 2NY VA BR, =190 mw Vv /0 VOUT FIL 12 84 Slew rate off -dV/dtos -- -- 6! V/us TN to ANY, VA =190 pyew Ty 7/0 VOUTs FIL 124 82 Operating Parameters Operating yvoltane 6) i =-A40,.+150C Jpn, A7 -- AD V EMA yw VwVilMywy f J Ta rw Ne v D(On) Ta Ff TT v Undervoltage shutdown Tj =25C: | Vopiunder) 2.9 -- 4.5 V TT. AM dd LAOS, oO 7 A 7 Tj =-40...+150C: 2. -- 4.7 Undervoltage restart Tj =-40...4150C: | Vopw rst) -- -- 4.9 V Undervoltage restart of charge pump Voprucp) -- 2.6 6.0 V ena dianram nana 19 VU MICAYIQiit veYyLY 1a Undervoltage hysteresis AVop (under) -- 0.1 -- V AV, =V,, -VWo, 4 bb(under) bb(u rst) ~ bb(under) Overvoltage shutdown Tj =-40...+150C: | Vonrovery 42 -- 52 V Overvoitage restart Tj =-40...4150C: | Vinorsty 40 -- -- V OvuaArninltannan hiuratarnaaioa TT. ANY L4A4enonm. AVS od Vi Uvervoitage nysterTesis H) F-4U...F1OU&. | AV bb(over) -- ULI -- Vv Overvoltaae protection) Ti =-A0 4+150C Vinay, 65 70 -- V Overvoltage protection ] 10...4150C: | Vob(az) 65 {0 v Ibb=40 mA Ou. ll... ee ee ee hk i A stanapy current (pin 3), fob (off) HA Vin=0. ler O, add Jin, if Vin>5.5 V Semiconductor Group Page 3 15.Jan.96CIF AAE AIC og - WE LIViLIN BIS 412B2 Parameter and Conditions Symbol Values Unit at TT: = OF OF Wh 2 ADV imlanen Athanasian enanifiasl a | hon | AA Aliyev &Y, Vbb= le V UINESs VLC PWISe speciicu Tn | lyp | Max Protection Functions Initial peak short circuit current limit (pin 3 to 5)9), IL(sCp) (max 450 us if Von > Voncscy ) Tj =-40C g -| 23) A j =25C -- 12 -- Tj =t150C 4 -- 15 Overload shutdown current limit liscn Von= 8 V, 7j = Tit (see timing diagrams, page 10) -- 5 -- A Shar circuit chittdqwn dalay aftar innit nne elnana VPIVVEL VIPWUl DVIIULUY VET UViany CAILY I OI wu vYvy: viVvVL ws Ws TAN 4Eenon. ra VON 7 VON(SC); fj =-4U..F1OU UU. fd(SC) -- -- 450 us min value valid only, if input "low" time exceeds 60 us Output clamp (inductive load switch off) Vn, Tr = Vin - Vanni \ fi = AN mA Ti =-40N +1 5NC: J Ani \ 61 68 73 V YOu! DO Y ON(GL) AL TM PEN, 8] m reve MM: YON(GCL) vi vy iv IL= 1A, Tj =-40..+150C: -- -- 75 Short circuit shutdown detection voltage (pin 3 to o) Von(sc) -- 8.5 -- V Than nl nwa el en el be been eee eee TT 4Een om inermai overioaa trip temperature Fit 190 -- -- C Thermal hysteresis AT yt -- 10 -- K Inductive load switch-off energy dissipation), Eas -- -- tbd J Tj start = 150 C, singie pulse Vbb = 12 V: | Evoaat2 tod Vun =9AV: Ein, thd v er v. &Load?4 ane Davaresn hattany; (nin 2 tn 41\ 11) V 29 V Moveol VAL \Villv lW T) f -Vbb 7 7 Ve Vv Mian wratin Oh auantaviatinan WIAYIVUOU UVIAPaULOTisltive Open load detection current T=-40...4150C: Lp ce 15 30 60 uA Vv - tL(off) 10 ov Ov HA (included in standby current /pp(oft)) Open load detection voltage Tj=-40..150C: Vout (OL) 2 3 4 V 9) Short circuit current limit for max. duration of td(SC) max=450 us, prior to shutdown 10) While demananetizing load inductance. dissipated eneray in PROFET is Faoe S Vanes, *i dt anoroxy VV UPIIIaYylICuciliy we HIMUVLALIVE, UMivviIValou Slici y Her Pinvi kt is LAS J VON(UL) FLAY Ui, AYPIVA. Cras dt wt 24,_VONCL) awe Ae nee ee eee O EAS lo L A VoncL) . Vib ), see Alagram page o 11) Daniivae 459 O vrasistar in GND cannectinn Paverse nad currant (thrauich intrincic drain-ecurre dice) is MeYues Pov s2 PeoImolwwl Tl VAINLY CUTTISCUUTL MOvVeroo Mau CULO CUIUUYTT TIUISI UPA I-SOUUTUe UlUUE) Io normally limited by the connected load. Input and Status currents have to be limited (see max. ratings page 2 and circuit page 7). Semiconductor Group Page 4 15.Jan.96Unit I x uA B86BV tho: IN high ra ran snes nl PAU WVEIUIIVil., VON oO. V LYPK., TIN THY ! R ! ' I ' IN - > 4 17 - I TL rh I I I . + Vip ! OW ! : ro | : ESD-ZD;| T1, : : |b . | I t 1! I I lke N11, I GND I | | Yon - - -_- -! ' - I ty ! + | ! OUT ESD zener diodes are not to be used as voitage clamp ' Logic Short circuit ; at DC conditions. Operation in this mode may result in sunt detection a drift of the zener voltage (increase of up to 1 V). 1 _! wer n ff, high impedance, versions BTS 410H, BTS 412B: internal pull up current source for , open load detection. '0) Low resistance short V,,, to output may be detected by no-load-detection 17) No current sink capability during undervoltage shutdown Semiconductor Group Page 6 15.Jan.96WV a W U high is Vout Vin - Vincr+) - GND PROFET bb AN GND disconnect ro ! i > oO f= g # of--= 2 f-@ * F a bk no a vw 4 IN ST If Venn > Vin - Viner+ high ind of load. Due to Venp =0, no Vst = low signal available. Any kind of load. In case of Input Z load Any k bb bb Signal GND batt. protection reverse ao rvolt. and Von clamped to 68 V typ. ve , O LN > 1 N 2 ZB al [A IN T [A.J > cc | TIN i - : T - 7 r hoy _ Signal GND +-t Open load detection - Logic 1 unit to 15.Jan.96 Page 7 Semiconductor GroupWi Zz W oad switch-off 4 NL j Ww +i} Vbb IN 5 z tive L . : ' ! QT" ' Oia 1 = ; 1 ' Heating up may require several seconds Vob - Vout < 8.5 V typ Figure 3c: Short circuit while on: IN ST J v OUT I I L a 1? A Sl | t { **) current peak approx. 20 us Semiconductor Group Page Daaat if /INalAwas\ ana (T.2T.\ NSSEt it VUIN-EIOW) ANG (i j< 7 jt) IN : : or ' ' ' Nol : : i, V : ' OUT ! : : T ' : ' NJ : : : : ' ' \ t / yy. Sf iN / / *) ST goes high , when Vin=low and 7j<7jt Figure 5a: Open load: detection in OFF-state, turn matinff itn anne lanl OFJOIT W Oper load IN <> lustois ST <> ) Ve OUT ey heel L : L open ' normal *) t in case of external capacity tyst,oLg) may be higher due to high impedance *) 1, = 30 pA typ 11 15.Jan.96IN ST Aly > V Vv OY IT A\\ Ww 1 el | normal { Open {| normal L load : load | load *y *y t f f *\ hf = 80 uAtvo AL MM Be op IN i. | Vpp \ / Vv XE =F bbtu cp) _/ pp(undeW. -f* Ybowu rst) Vv iY OUT \ f 1 Ly . ST CMOS t Semiconductor Group Page BTS 412B2 Figure 6b: Undervoltage restart of charge pump Vv VON(CL) i on eS VA off 4 if Il + u aa { ll 7 aff bb(over) off ~ a, /\ Y wa Viv... V bio ret) il a bb(u rst) 1,0 rs il ~ + fem VS AA | bb(u cp) Il yiol Wi + bb(under) on Lele __ Vip charge pump starts at Vpbiucp) =5.6 V typ. Figure 7a: Overvoltage: Vpb - fon Vbb(over), A. * bb(o rst) y ; Po v ' : , OUT , A x S / | IN | r | | :; ! ! IN. LAL] _ ST . IN | T | t > if Vop > Vobiaz) Increase of Vst due to GND resistor voltage. 12 15.Jan.96WE LTV E EAI BTS 412B2 Figure 9a: Overvoltage at short circuit shutdown: IN VV bb a a. bb(o rst) \ VS | Oy tet chart ta OAD } i MERE SHUil WU INL Vour _ short circuit shutdown / I L aie LY \ \ \ ST i Overvoltage due to power line inductance. No overvoltage auto- restart of PROFET after short circuit shutdown Semiconductor Group Page 13 15.Jan.96CiFPaAArFailic a WE LIVE LI BTS 412B2 FraVvAautl aiiu WViuvTilill wus All dimensions in mm Standard TO-220AB/5 Ordering code TO-220AB/5, Option E3043 Ordering code | BTS412B2 | Q67060-86109-A2__|||_BTS 412B2 E3043 | Q67060-S6109-A3 9.9 ve = 99 |g 9.5 13 eos Le AA 3.7 | | | 413 7)f || ae] 4 | _ Te. i ai Pot, a7 my 8 = i No | dos | Ol] = > +t & ; 1 t |_J 1 i ae i Tn at TT 4 foi HHH eke | s By | Hl h It rte. a rs | na huY tt A 7 | ao 24) La rit 12 0.5 ne ne | _ _w __ U.0 | 29 Ax1.7=6.8 TWA ke 17 24] | GPT05165 a - 1) shear and punch direction no burrs this surface 4x1.7=6.8 oPTESST 2) min. length by tinning 1) punch direction, burr max. 0.04 3) max. if mm allowable by tinning 2) dip tinning 3) max. 14.5 by dip tinning press burr max. 0.05 4x1.7=6.8 GPT05904 Semiconductor Group Page 14 15.Jan.96CIE RAE AIC ponceT pre 199 EA ZI LIViLIWS PROFET~ BTS 432 E2 Cmart Liinheida Dawar Cwurtah WHICGit I HYyiioue FwWWol WWILVUII Features Product Summary * Load dump and reverse battery protection) VLoad dump 80 V * Clamp of negative voltage at output Vbb- Vout Avalanche Clamp 58 V * Short-circuit protection Vbb (oneration) 4.5... 42 V * Current limitation ws. \ r : , an Vs =. Vbb (reverse) -32 V * Thermal shutdown Ron 38 mo * Diagnostic feedback Do AA A * Open load detection in ON-state iL(SCp) ~ erhine fLiscn 35 A * CMOS compatible input pit S A * Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection ALUISU) i A Loss oO of ground and loss of Vib protection?) * Overvoltage protection Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown with auto-restart and hysteresis a Lr Application BY NS ARES * uC compatibie power switch with diagnostic feedback NN B for 12 V and 24 V DC grounded loads ee * All types of resistive, inductive and capacitve loads * Repiaces eiectromechanicai relays and discrete circuits Generai Description N channel vertical power FET with charge pump, ground referenced CMOS compatible input and diagnostic fandhanrk intanratad in Qmart CIDNMANSR rhin an chin tachnnlany Fiilhe: aratactad Av amhadedad nrntactian ISVUCUNWALN, Hie yratwu TEE MPHICaADk Wil Winvw Vili Wit Vili lULIiVivgy 1 Ui VMivVvicvicu Ww SliivouUuuUuTeuUu VMivVicvuvil functions. r + { } Deel | | Rob + Vbb 3 t Voltane Tan alia Pi eet Data . 1 OnOGS Overvoltage Current woAIS | I source protection lirnit protection | bk JN T se T T i ~V Logic [ 4 T T | Volt Ch Limit f OUT oltage arge pump imit for 5 unclamped 5 | . sensor Lavell shifter soo ' Tamnaearnati ira i seri RN ora Ind. loads ISTiPerarure 1 | 2 | Rectifier sensor | - | Open load | ' _ ' | Load ESD Logic detection | 4 Ist = I _ t short circuit 1 detection | | ano PROFET | ' - - - - - - - --l | rf | | rea Lanlt ONn aia Signai UND bua INL 1) No externai components required, reverse load current limited by connected load. 2) Additional external diode required for charged inductive loads Semiconductor Group Page 1 of 13 12.Sep.95~ ~< > >< E 63 9 co co .+150 1.7 -55 .. 2 N ooo : HOH 0 o Prot aw vv uniess otherwise specified Cc t Tj = 25 \ = i w c = 7) = AS2) <= w Q rs) 2 _ @ rs oO = So = =| o & ole c| el) Oo}. o| oO 2 2/> 2/6 Oo} >s/ OQ) S& O16 QO; Qa. o}oao @ | 10 2] 0 ) a10 mt 2 oO] o oO om O|/sle | @ c Oo J | a on 3/2 oO Olo| c - = oO Oo QO a iA D 2 iO) ST) S 2) o/s /$/3/% 2/9/28 3/ 6/2/06 2|.2|5 w/o; fSia SiaQloO 1||+ m|O 7 8 ; Oo =|) k- S| Z 8 |-lao O;O;4/> n}ow = OL |r|} oe st | Lo Pi Supply voltage (overvoltage protection see page 3) Maximum Ratings a LO) 13. h i ws ION VioadDump = YA + Vs, UA = 10, tg ar ws at Cc Tj=150 C: | Ens low or hig 200 ms, IN a DC) ( a Storage temperature range Power dissipation ~~ ) ) C DC (D D h age hrou Current through status pin In Cc WE KIW 12.Sep.95 < <1 Dy Aina f 2 with 6cm* (one iayer, 7/Oum thick) copper area for Vpp a junction - ambient (free air): Page 2 connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. Device on C see internal circuit diagrams page 6... Semiconductor Group 4 vvCIEaAAE AIC a WE LIvVifi BTS 432 E2 Claatsiaal Chavaatauatinga LIGULIIVGEE VIIGAIPAULOETISltive Parameter and Conditions Symbol Values Unit at Tj = 25 C, Vbb = 12 V uniess otherwise specified min | typ | max Load Swiiching Capabiiities and Characieristics IN etrete ereietaran fein Qtea BY UTI-SLALE PesistaliCe (pill o lO oO) 1, =9OA THOR Of: D_ __ aN QQ mn ly IL ar, y av Ww. FUON VvYU VO PMSZ Tj=150 C: 55 10 Nominal load current (pin 3 to 5) ILaso) 9 11 -- A iSO Proposal: Von =0.5V, To =85C Output ocuirrant (nin &\ while GNID diernnnacrtead or simi: __ __ 4 mA vue WULEEPOCLIL (Mie v) WITHIN MAINLY UlOUYVEIPIDULOUU VI #L(GNDhigh) I Pir GND pulled up, Vin= 0, see diagram page 7, Tj =-40...+150C Turn-on time to 90% Vout: | ton 50; 160] 300 us Turn-off time to 10% Vout: | tort 10 -- 80 RR, =120, qj =-40,..+150C Siew rate on dV /dton 0.4 -- 2.5 | Vius 4N tn ON04 VW =- 14190 TT: AN L4enor 1U 10 OU7%o VouT, AL = 1 82, fj F-4U...F rou Slew rate off -AV/ to 1 -- 5} Vius TAtn AND, V - 190 TT: AN 44An0M FU W4U70 VOUT, AL = 14 84, FP) FR-4U... FOU Operating Parameiers Onaratina voltana 5) T =AN 2a48N0C:: Ve. ARB a Ad V WVPolauny VUILaYyo i iy +V... TIWY WW, Vv bb(on) +. +2 Vv Undervoltage shutdown Tj =-40...+150C: | Vopiundery 2.4 -- 4.5 V Undervoltage restart Tj =-40...4+150C: | Vonwursy -- -- 4.5 V Undervoltage restart of charge pump Vob(ucp) -- 6.5 7.5 V see diagram page 12 j =-40...+150C: - tea ara nic AVS No Vs Undervoitage nyst eresisS AV bb(under) -- U.Z2 -- V AVopbiunder) = Vobwu rst) - Vob(under) Maram alta nn alate Arann TT. AY 14e0Norm. VWs ADT en Vi Uvervornage snutaown fj =-4U...F TOU G! | Vibover) 42 -- oz V Overvoltane rasta +=AN 4+150C: | Vien A? -- -- V Mw VWI VWI PN wheat yj Pane rw Ne DD(O rst) TT v Overvoltage hysteresis Tj =-40...+150C: | AVbpiovery -- 0.2 -- Vv Overvoitage protection) Tj =-40C: | Vowrazy 60 -- -- V h1.=AN mA T: =9R 4214NC: B2 67 App tv Try ry cv ivy ww, Vu we Standby current (pin 3) Tj=-40...4+25C: | lopcorn -- 12 25| uA Vin=O T;=150C: -- 18 60 Leakage output current (included in /pbioFt)) IL(off) -- 6 -- LA VIN=0 Operating current (Pin 1), Vin=5 V IanD -- 1.1 --| mA 5) At suooly voltage increase up to Ven= .5 V tye without charae oump. Vout av f vPRI vVLlaye HIwVicCac= Up U bb Vv Vv lyv VVILIIWUL UI lalryo MUP, VOU! Vbb - 8) see aiso Von(cL) in tabie of protection functions and circuit diagram page 7.4 Meassured without ioad. 7) Add Ist, if Isp > O, add Jin, if Vin>5.5 V Semiconductor Group Page 3 12.Sep.95CIEFAAE AIC ee eee VI LIViliia BTS 432 E2 Parameter and Conditions Symbol Values Unit atT = OF OF Whe 2 49M piplace nthanates enanifia aie | a any al Ij= Vonisc) ) Tj =-40C: -- -- 74 A Tj =25C: -- 44 -- Tj =*150C: 24 -- -- Repetitive short circuit current limit lLscn Tr . TF f A AN an ar A 1; = Tj, (see timing diagrams, page 10) ZZ 00 -- A Short circuit shutdown delay after input pos. slope VW ~, V/s T= AN 14e0Norm. + ~ = = Von > VoN(SC); 1] F-4U..F1OUU! | ta(Sc) 80 _- 400 us min value valid only, if inpu It "low" time exceeds 30 us Output clamp (inductive load switch off) at Vout = Veo - Voici, /L= 30 MA Vonicy) - 38 - V Short circuit shutdown detection voltage (pin 3 to 5) Vonisc) -- 8.3 -- V Thermal overload trip temperature Tht 150 -- --| C Th meen ml ln cantar nin AT qt 7 INemnal NySteresis Aljt -- 1U -- Nn Inductive load ewitch-off anaray dicscinatinn?) Pan =- =- 17 I TRIM POU OVI OW wl IMViyy MIVVIPAUVIl ty EAS pag vw Tj start = 150 C, single pulse Vob = 12 V: | Etoadte 1.3 Vbb =24%V: EF oade4 1.6 ys rt any 7 nr ue Reverse battery (pin 3 to 1) 1% -Vob -- -- 32 V Intararatad raciatar in Vi. lina D.. 49N oO IPMS YIALGU POololUl I Vbb TIS Mbb 77 Icvu 77 SZ Mian weaetia Mla auaamtauiatiagn Diagnostic Wildl acieristics Open load detection current Tj=-40 C: Tle op 2 --| 900! mA (on-condition) Tj=25..150C: 2 -- 750 oo Short circuit current limit for max. duration of 400 us, prior to shutdown (see td(Sc) page 4) 9) While demagnetizing load inductance, dissipated energy in PROFET is Eas= f Yon * iL(t) dt, approx. Vonrc \ Eas= "Io *[ * P * (7 717 ), see diagram page 8 L *VON(CL) - Vbb ) Reverse load current (through intrinsic drain-source diode) is normaiiy limited by the connected ioad. Reverse current lenp of ~ 0.3 A at Vi,,= -32 V through the logic heats up the device. Time allowed under = 1 wi thaea conditinn ie dependent oan the ciza af tha haateink Ravares | rman ha radiuirad hy an additinnal UIGoe CVIIMEIVIT lo USvel IMCL VET UID COIZS VEL PICQALOILIN. Plo VvoLlom GND VALLE WO PoUULOoOU Ny All QAUUILIVIIAL external GND-resistor (150 Q). input and Status currents have io be iimited (see max. ratings page 2 and circuit page 7). Semiconductor Group Page 4 12.Sep.95CIERAE AIC aoe pee ee WE LIivili BTS 432 E2 Parameter and Conditions Symbol Values Unit at T: = OF OF Whe 2 49 lane ntharaies enarifiee | | ane; ALI) = cUO YY, Vbb = le V UMESs OWUIEMWISe Speciieu if | lyp | max lenses menel Qtatiin Panella nal-11) HIPUL au olalus PCCUNAUK'' Input turn-on threshold voltage _/ ViNCT+) 1.5 -- 2.4 V T~ AN s4kNON. ty T"4U,,.T POU &, Input turn-off threshold voltage \ Vin) 1.0 -- -- V Tr-AN s24Bnorm: ry F4U,,F PUY &, Input threshold hysteresis A Ving -- 0.5 -- V Pr y HINGE) Off state input current (pin 2) Vin = 0.4 V: | linc 1 -- 30 uA On state input current (pin 2) Vin =3.5 Vi | fintony 10 25 50 uA Pr \P } iN IN(On) m Otatiia invalid aftar nnatthis innitt alana $ an Onn ANN VLALUS THIVANU AMO! VUOIUVES I UL OIVPS td(ST SC) ov cuUYU 4VUU Ho (short circuit) Tj=-40 ... +150C Status invalid after positive input slope ta(st) 350 -- | 1600 us (open load) Tj=-40 ... +150C Status outout (onen drain) Status output (open drain) Zener limit voltage Tj =-40...+150C, Ist = +1.6 MA: | Vstinigh) 5.4 6.1 -- V OT lasa: mltAnA TT. ANY 14E0NM0 i - 141 COwrwA-, VW OA or low Voltage fy F-4u...F 1OU &, Ist = 71.0 ITA. | VST(low) -- -- U.S "1) If a ground resistor Ren is used, add the voltage drop across this resistor. Semiconductor Group Page 5 12.Sep.95CIEAAE AIC a WELivilLii BTS 432 E2 Truth Table Input- Output | Status level level 432 432 NHd C9/IE9 ID vo Rest a 1a Normal L L H H H operation H H H H H Open load L 12) H H L H H L L H Short circuit L L H H H to GND H L L L L Short circuit L H H H L to Vbb H H H (L13)) | H(L19)) H Overtem- L L L L L perature ni L L L L Under- L L Li4) H Li4) voltage H L L14) H L14) Qwamrnalanan I I I li I WVU VULLAYyge LL LL L tt L H L L H i L = "Low" Level H = "High" Level Terms Status output at Lin [ | vt _ tee Roatinnn as LI a1 7 i. XU ST T " tt YON Ny [ ~ ler PROFET OUTK- le Sty H Tal?! Vinl Vsti GND ~ So) Vol ' iT, V R []' GND OUT ESD-Zener diode: 6.1 V typ., max 5 mA; GND Darrrnan - OEN atdArwA CON sana alingdlan ara [- Ms! (ON) < avy 2 al i.v MA, LOL Zerell UlVULS ac not designed for continuous current . . Short Circuit detection Input circuit (ESD protection) ~ A ., oats bee ee , Fault Condition: Voy > 8.3 V typ.; IN high I~ R 7 ~~! ' | ' -__-o "7 IN pS - 1 | . +Vpp | -t) aaa | t ' AN Esp. Z ! ' |[--_ 1] ' ZDn ZDe ! | | hee | | | | | |? << | Iv, | | ' ee | k ' I ON 1. - - -! 1 Y | | OUT sR nav Kar hog loo: le Logic Short circuit \ Z2Dit 6.1 V typ., ESD zener diodes are not designed for unt detection continuous current | _| ao Mm ~ Ne Ne Semiconductor Group Power T Transistor off, high impedance Low resistance short V,,, to output may be detected by no-load-detection No current sink capability during undervoltage shutdown Page 6 12.Sep.95CIE RAE AIC WE LIivili Inductive and overvoltage output clamp rere | __ \ Vz ' ' ZN \ ' | NXT7 [t ~= Von I N4 jr AN i __ 4 ft i | | OUT t GND | t _ ow = = = _me es As Le FO ta VON Clamped to 56 V typ. Orvzawmsalb ame suman bath ww atantianwn Overvoli. anda reverse bait. protection - - - - a a Ls ! vz | Rob ! Rin TT if ~ = 4 IN AN |! a= +_f} | aN i I r-4 i Logic | 1 set Vout R_. Sl ST | ! | GND PROFET! eo I I Renn i Le Signal GND Rbb = 120 Q typ., Vz +Rpp*40 mA = 67 V typ., add Ranp, Rin, Rst for extended protection N-state diagnostic condition: Von < Ron * Ion; IN high v - - - - = Vy r i | I | ; | -_ [ke ZN || | Von i] ON e+ f \ Y | oir . OUI ' Logic Open load unit - detection 1. - -7-- 3 a= Semiconductor Group Page 7 GND disconnect 3 IN Vbob | 2 | PROFET OUT | 5 aA ST | be i bb Vint Ystl "| | Venn L | /, | YoY a Any kind of load. In case of Input=high is Vout Vin - VincT+ - Due to Venp >0, no Vst = low signal available. GND disconnect with GND pull up | 3 V IN bb | 2 ry | PROFET OUT I | | 5 eee 1 | | tf | LJ ry \, \, / | VoL | [inlsr Meno r Any kind of load. If Venn > Vin - Vincty device stays off Due to Venp >0, no Vsr = low signal available. Vin dienannart urnth nharanad indiuiatiua VDD UIOVUVITIGUL VVILIT UI laryeu IIMUVLIVo load a _ a] high 2 PROFET OUT . 5 | sist | GND | : 1 tT = S V., ty. ib | _ 3 2 PROFET OUT 5 A ST _ GND | a = Vb 12.Sep.95Wi Z VW) Inductive Load switch-off energy 8 _ 4 - _ : . a mc a Wi Ww uw / a+ :. + Yn 3 < Ld Lu ; b ll A 2 uw ke Lu $8 8 us - Gi ) & cc Cc oa 2 oO o 2 c 2 5 | 2 + 2 = a > > QB \ Cy S Go} ard Ww 9 a ! L Tio*L*] ELoad < EL, EL 12.Sep.95 Page 8 Semiconductor GroupCIEFAAE AIC eo WE LIvVifi BTS 432 E2 Options Overview all versions: High-side switch, Input protection, ESD protection, load dump and vauaAven hattaru AraAtantian mAvAtantian anainat lace af avairmaA ISVCLOU NALLGI MIVELSULIVIT, VIVLEULIVIT GYGITIOt hvoo VI YPVUlru Type BTS | 432D2 | 432E2 | 432F2 | 4322 Loaic version Dn c c ! av Yeon v c r ! Overtemnerature orotectio Overtemperature protection Tj >150 C, latch function)"6) Xx Xx Xx TT. .4AeN or antln mieten ee ante t ae An elinn vw ij >100 , witn auto-restart on cooling A Short-circuit to GND protection switches off when Von>8.3 V typ.15) Xx X Xx Xx (when first turned on after annorox, 200 us) rr te; Open load detection in OFF-state with sensing current 30 HA typ. X in ON-state with sensing voltage drop across x X x power transistor Undervoitage shutdown with auto restart x x x x Overvoitage shuidown with auto resiart x x< x x Status feedback for AuaArtamnaratira vv Vv vv vv VVC lCHipeCrawuie ww nA ww ww short circuit to GND x Xx x x 47\ a7. 47\ a: short to Vpb lf) =f} tf) xX VSI wau fK a fK fK undervoltage xX - - xX overvoitage x - - x Statiie onitniit tuna WLLL vutlpue tyyLy CMOS Xx Xx Open drain Xx X Owitnit nanativa valtana traneiant limit WULVU Pwyative VVLLaAYye LICAPIOPGEIU PEPEEEL (fast inductive load switch off) to Vn. - Vanier, v v v v iw VDD VUINIEL) A A Load current limit high level (can handle loads with high inrush currents) xX X medium ievel xX low lavel (hetter nrotection of annlication) x low level (better protection of application) an\ 1) Latch except when Von b-YVout < Vonsc) after shutdown. In most cases Voy)7 = 0 V after shutdown (Voy7 #0 V only if forced externally). So the device remains latched unless Vob < Vonisc) (see page 4). No latch between turn on a nd tse, = With iatch function. Reseted by a) input iow, b) Undervoitage, c) Overvoitage Low resistance short V,,, to output may be detected by no-load-detection 4 N 22 Semiconductor Group Page 9 12.Sep.95INI IIN '< tawbb IN) > MN Tiny rr WV, ' bb Vout seen i) | A > ST open drain t A > in case of too early Vin=high the device may not turn on (curve A) Tabb IN) Approx. 150 us Figure 2a: Switching a lamp, IN ST Vv OUT 7 / [ J \ . to. JNO A I | t | I | J A Semiconductor Group Page Figure 2b: Switching an inductive load AAN stat) ST Vv A\\ MAW 1 fd i : 7 . 1 1 I /\ 1 : | ae uy O= /: \ t | / \ *) if the time constant of load is too large, open-load-status may occur Figure 3a: Turn on into short circuit, AIN | ST ; Vie : /\ OUT = tran At) *, | os tt :; / { t J id(SC) approx. 200us if Vop - Vout > 8.3 V typ. 10 12.Sep.95CIEaAALcaic a MELIVE LI BTS 432 E2 Figure 3b: Turn on into overload, Figure 4a: Overtemperature: Reset if 7) Figure 3c: Short circuit while on: Figure 5a: Open load: detection in ON-state, turn on/off to open ioad IN IN ST > t < ast. oo: AST); Vour Vy JN Vv OUT Ih | a) | i ~ open Ll | t | t **) current peak approx. 20 ps ss Semiconductor Group Page 11 12.Sep.95IN ~~ ter ot) tqd(OL ST2) Uwe VL ') ' Vw wie J ST a! < << Vv : ' tot OUT : : a 1 1 I normal + open : normal L : : t tast OL1) = tod us typ., tast oL2) = tod us typ Dims Cm ll indanaltaann PIigure Va, YIU VUILAYye , IN IN nd | . : Vv ta Yoncl) Vbb(over) V bb(o rst) Vb ; bb = oN In 1 \ : f j a : NN : : ee \ / Vi NE + tf Mbb(u cp) ; \ / bb(under) YL fy ' ' : V/ + bb(u rst) ' ' : 5 Don Vo! i oof _ OUT | A K Mey S| = io - \ / | |j You \ # : | | | | ff: | A LAJ _. ' : > ' ' : ST open drain oo ST ; t T Semiconductor Group Page 12 12.Sep.95 BTS 432 E2 Figure 6b: Undervoltage restart of charge pump Von [V] V VONCL) | "on Tr L off 4 i I " / I too bb(over) ott mw + A /\I VA Jy V f il _ dblu rst) bb(o rst) IL ~ 7, Prem SY bb(u cp) | I \ i v tv bb (under) . on Legale <_< oo Vib Veo 1V] charge pump starts at Vpbiucp) =6.5 V typ. Figure 7a: Overvoltage:CIE RAE AIC momen ann ee MELIVE LI BTS 432 E2 Darlana and Ovdavina Cada ratnage anG ViGting VOGe All dimensions in mm Standard TO-220AB/5 Ordering code TO-220AB/5, Option E3043 Ordering code | _BTs432E2 | Q67060-86202-A2__||| BTS 432 E2 E3043 | Q67060-S6202-A4 9.9 de 9.9 9.5 13] 1 95 Be | Aa 3.7 | || el 7 eet _ 1 | ss | Te, in Sf Pot, sa rly 5 SI 2 | _ no | dis 7 | O} Ne | 4g i t | ! ' i i Tn ol rT: _ HAKH e | KS By HUAI 2? Spl 15 ow ns abu ios 4 7 Sa4 | 24) || ! U2 La of 5 08 N65 _.| a _ __ U.0 tiie 4x1,7=6.8 435 _ 1.7 24) | GPTO5165 : - ee - 1) shear and punch direction no burrs this surface 4x1.7=6.8 erioest 2) min. fengih by tinning ae 1) punch direction, burr max. 0.04 3) max It mm aiowable by TInhing 2) dip tinning 3) max. 14.5 by dip tinning press burr max. 0.05 SMD TO-220AB/5, Opt. E3062 Ordering code | BTS432E2 30624 |T&R: _Q67060-S6202-A6__| > 4x1.7=6.8 GPTO5904 Semiconductor Group Page 13 12.Sep.95