MOTOROW Order this document SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA by 2N3251AJAN/D e 2N3251AJAN, JTX Processed per MIL4-195001323 PNP Silicon Smal14ignal Transistors ..designed for genera~urpose switching and amplifier applications. CASE 22*, TM06AA .,4., ,, `, ELECTRICAL CHARACTERlSTl~~#*25C unless othetise ~ham@@e.<; OFF CHARA~ERISTICS SWLE 1 ~&18) \ ,g+"?~~+ Colleotor-Emtier Bree@wn''Nge(l) (ic = 10 mAdc) :li}~<':,+ noted.) Symbol M1n M= V(BR)CEO 60 -- Vdc V(BR)CBO 60 -- Vdo V(BR)EBO 5.0 -- Vdo -- -- 20 20 tide @dc I Unit Coll&&off Current `$~~~'" 40 Vht VEB(O = 3.0 V&) ~CE = 40 Vdc, VEB =? .0 Vdc, TA = 150C) [CEX ColleotorCutoff Current ~cB = 40 V*) ICBO -- 20 ti& Emitter Cutoff Cument WEB =3.0 Vdo, VCE = 40 Vdo) IBEx -- 50 tido (1) Pulsed. Pulse Wdth 250 to 350 W, D@ Qcle 1.0 to 2.0%. (ootinued) RN O 9/93 @ Motorola,lm. 19% M-ROLA @ 2N3251AJAN and JTX ,.., COMMERCIAL PLUS AND MIUAERO SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DATA 3-53 2N3251AJAN and JTX Q ASSUWNCE TESTING prdPost BumAn) Bum4n Condltlonw 7A = 25 *3"C, VCB 25 Vdc, PD = 360 mW Inltfaland End PointLimits Charactefiatioelasted Symbol Unit Mln M= Mln Mw:':*:~'%:"( ~.$,;w~"" ,,. ,4,,> Yv DeltafromPtium+n MeasuredValues DaltaColleotorCutoffCurrent AICBO -- YO of IntialValue tida Deb DCCurrentGtin(l) AhFE (1) Pulsed.PulseWdth 250 to W W, DutyQcle 1.0to 2.0%. 9 a -- YO of IntialValue 2N3251AJAN and JTX PACWGE DIMENSIONS I F- CASE 243 TW6AA ~.i, ~ ,, ,,.,. ,,,>;;~t~ `<i, .2s,,4$" .,), M@odar~wW##Wotie ti~@WoMfutihermfMtoay Poduota herein. Motorola mafms no w-, repr~inwgutiee r~dng the auwil~ of * ,,tti for any particular puqmse, nor ~ Motorola assume any fi~lity Wng out of the application or use of any -a or cimuit, andepsoifi~,,."" & , ~smyand all lWlity, inoludingwithout lim.~tiorr m~uentid oritide~ damages. 7ypi@ peremetersm and do very In different eppfiiA-rating Psremetem, Inoluding Typioaf# must b vtiitd for -h ouetomer app~ion by ouatome~s tahnioaf ex~~. Motorola ~ not mv "' en i&nse under W patent rights nor the tights of others. Motorola pmdu~ are not designed, intended, or authoked for use as mmponente in sy-~ "u for au~iti im@arttinto the body, or other @loetbne Intended to support or sustaht life, or for any other ep~ition in whfoh the failure of th~~m pmduot ooufd weate a situation where pereoti injury or death may -r. Should Buyer pumhess or use Motorola woduots for any such +W,-orunaufhotied @oation, Buyershai indemnWand hold Motomfa and ifeoffwre, employees, subsidfariee, afitiaf=, enddetnbutors harmless %.~i cl?imst -I ~W~I ~d ewn~, ad r~n*le aRomeYf= ~sin9 om of, drmly or indfraly, any dam of Wrsonaf injury or death %m~d~t uoh Umntetiorunauthorized use, even if suti claim aflegesthat Motorola waan~ligentregsrding Wd~ign ormsnufa~ureof them @ are registered trademati of Motorola, In. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal O~Runi~/Affirmative Ation Employer. Literature Diatrfbution Centem USA Motorola Utereture Diefnbutio~ P.O. Box 20912 Phoenix, Arizona M036. EUROPE Motorola Ltd.; European Ltierature Oenfr~ ~ Tanners Drive, BIXelande, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England. JAPAN: Nipwn Motorola Ltd.; H2-1, Nishffiotanda, Shinagawa+u, T*o 141, Japan. ASIA PACIFIC Motorola Semioonduotors H.K. Ltd.; Sifimn Hatiur Oenter, No. 2 Dd King StreeL Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. @ M~ROLA 7PHM4101 1-2 PRINKD IN USA WW MPWPOD CPTO YDACM 2N3251AJANID llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll