Spartan - IIE 1.8V FPGA Family: Pinout Tables
Modu le 4 of 4 DS077-4 (v1 .0) November 15, 2001
2 1-800-255-7778 Preliminary Product Specification
Spartan-IIE Package Pinouts
The Spartan-IIE family of FPGAs is av ailable in four popular,
low-cost packages, including plastic quad flat packs and
fine-pitch ball grid arrays. Family members have footprint
compatibility across devices provided in the same package,
with minor exceptions due to the smaller number of I/O in
smaller devices or due to LVDS/LVPECL pin pairing. The
following package-specific pinout tables indicate function,
pin, and bank information for all devices available in that
package. The p inouts follow the pad locations around the
die, starting from pin 1 o n the QFP packages.
Low Voltage Differential Signals (LVDS
The S partan-I IE family features low-voltage differential sig-
nal ing (LVDS a nd LVPECL). Each si gnal u til ize s two pins on
the Spartan-IIE devi ce, known as diff erential pin pairs. Each
diff erential pin pair has a Positive (P) and a Negative (N) pin.
These pairs are labeled in the follow ing man ner.
I/O, L#[ P/N][-/_Y/_YY]
L = LVDS or LV PECL pin
# = Pin pair nu mbe r
P = Positive
N = Negative
_Y = Asynchronous output allowed (device-dependent )
_YY = Async hronou s output allowed (all devices)
Synchronous or Asynch ronous
I/O pins f or differential signals can either be synchronous or
asynchronous, input or output. Differential signaling
requires the pins of each pair to s witch simultaneously. If the
output signals driving the pins are from IOB flip-flops, they
are synchronous. If the signals driving the pins are from
internal logic, they are asynchronous, and therefore more
care mus t be taken that they are simultaneous. Any differ-
VCCO Yes Input Po wer supply pins for output driv ers (1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, or 3.3V
subject to banking r ules in module 2).
VREF No Input Input threshold reference voltage pin s. Become user I/Os when
an exter nal threshold voltage is not needed (sub ject to banking
rules in module 2).
GND Yes Input Ground. All must be connected.
IRDY, TRDY No See PCI core
documentation These signals can only be accessed when using Xilinx PCI cores.
If the cores a re not used, these pins are available a s user I/Os.
(e.g., L0P) No Bidirectional Differential I/O with synchronous output. P = p ositive, N =
negative. The number (#) is used to associate the two pins of a
diff erential pair . Becomes a general user I/O when not needed f or
differential signals.
(e.g., L0P_Y) No Bidirectional Diff erential I/O with asynchronous or synchronous output
(asynchronous outp ut not compatible for a ll densities in a
package). P = positive, N = negative. The number (#) is used to
associate the two pins of a differential pa ir. Be comes a general
user I/O when not needed for differential signals.
(e.g., L0P_YY) No Bidirectional Diff e rential I/O with asynchronous or synchronous output
(compatible for all densities in a package). P = positive, N =
negative. The number (#) is used to ass ociate the two pins of a
diff erential pair . Becomes a general user I/O when not needed f or
differential signals.
I/O No Bidirectiona l These pins can be configured to be input and/or output after
configuration is completed. Unused I/Os are disabled with a weak
pull-down resistor. After power-on and before configuration is
completed, these pins are either pulled up or le ft floating
according to the Mode pin v alues . See module 3 for power-on
Pin D ef i ni ti o n s (Continued)
Pad Name Dedicated
Pin Direction Description