Spartan - II 2.5V FP GA Family: Functional Description
Modu le 2 of 4 DS001-2 (v2 .1) March 5, 2001
10 1-800-255-7778 Preliminary Product Specification
Development System
Spartan-II FPGAs are supported by the Xilinx Foundation
and Alliance CAE tools. The basic methodology for Spar-
tan-II design consists of three interrelated steps: design
entry, implementation, and verification. Industry-standard
tools are used f or design entry and simulation (f or example,
Synopsys FPGA Express), while Xilinx provides proprietary
architecture-specific tools fo r implemen tation.
The Xilinx development system is integrated under the
Xilinx Design M anager software, providing des igners with a
common user interface regardless of their choice of entry
and verification tools. The software simplifies the selection
of implementation options with pull-down m enus and on-line
Application programs ranging from schematic capture to
Placement and Routi ng (PAR) can be accessed through the
software. The program command sequence is generated
prior to e xecution, and stored for documentation.
Several advanced software features facilitate Spartan-II
design. Relationally-Placed Macros (RPMs), for example,
are schematic-based macros with relative location con-
straints to g uide their placement . They help en sure optim al
implement ation of commo n functions.
F or HDL des ign entry, the Xilinx F PGA de v elopment system
provides interfaces to several synthesis design environ-
A standard interface-file specification, Electronic Design
Interchange Format (EDIF), simplifies file transf ers into and
out of the developmen t system .
Spartan-II FPGAs supported b y a unified library of standard
functions. This l ibrary contains over 400 primitives and m ac-
ros, r anging from 2-input AND gates to 16-bit accumulators,
and includes arithmetic functions, comparators, counters,
data registers, decoders, encoders, I/O functions, latches,
Boolean functions, multiplexers, shift registers, and barrel
The "soft macro" portion of the library contains detailed
descriptions of common logic functions, but does not con-
tain any partitioning or placement information. The perfor-
mance of these macros depends, therefore, on the
partitioning and placement obtained during implementation.
RPMs, on the other hand, do contain predeter mined par ti-
tioning and placement information that permits optimal
implementation of these functions. Users can create their
own library of soft macros or RPMs based on the macros
and primitives in the standard library.
The design environment supports hierarchical design entry,
with high-level schematics that comprise major functional
blocks, while lower-level schematics define the logic in
these blocks. Thes e hie rarchical design ele men ts are auto-
matically combined by the implementation tools. Different
design entry tools can be combined within a hierarchical
design, thus allowing the most convenient entry method to
be used fo r each portion of the design.
Design Implementation
The place-and-route tools (PAR) automatically provide the
implementation flow described in this section. The parti-
tioner takes the EDIF netlist for the design and maps the
logic into the architectural resources of the FPGA (CLBs
and IOBs, for example). The placer then determines the
best locations for these blocks based on their interconnec-
tions and the desired perfor mance. Final ly, the router inter-
conn ects the blocks.
The PAR algorithms support fully automatic implementation
of most designs. For demanding applications, however, the
user can exercise various degrees of control over the pro-
cess. User p art itioning, placement , and rou ting inform ation
is optionally spec i fied duri ng t he design -e ntry pro cess. The
implementation of highly structured designs can benefit
greatly from basic floorplanning.
The implementation software incorpo rates Timing Wizard®
timing-driven placement and routing. Designers specify tim-
ing requirements along entire paths during design entry.
The timing path analysis routines in PAR then recognize
these user-specified requirements and accommodate them.
Timing requirements are entered on a schematic in a form
directly relating to the system requirements, such as the tar-
geted clock frequency, or the maximum allowable delay
between two regist ers. I n this way, the overall perform ance
of the syst em along entire signal path s is autom atically tai-
lored to user-generated specifications. Specific timing infor-
mation for individual nets is unnecessar y.
Design Verification
In addition to conv entional software sim ulation, FPGA users
can use in-circuit debugging techniques. Because Xilinx
devices are infinitely reprogrammable, designs ca n be veri-
Figure 9: Bo un da ry S c an B i t Se qu e nce