e5C D MM 8235605 0004104 2 MBSIEG .. NPN Silicon Transistors SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 3 449 T- 29-23 BC 141 BC 140 and BC 141 are epitaxial NPN silicon transistors in TO 39 case (5 C 3 DIN 41873). The collector is electrically connected to the case. The transistors are intended for use in AF amplifiers and as complementary transistors to BC 160 and BC 161, as well as for AF switching applications up to 1 A. The transistors BC 140 and BC 141 are available upon request as matched pairs. $Q5 == = - 6.6 04 9293 Type Ordering code BC 1401) Q60203-X140 BC 140-6 Q60203-X140-V6 BC 140-10 Q60203-X140-V10 BC 140-16 Q60203-X140-V16 BC 140 paired Q60203-X140-P BC 140/BC 160 paired | Q62702-C228-S2 Bc 1411) Q62702-C719 BC 141-6 Q62702-C234 BC 141-10 Q62702-C235 BC 141-16 062702-C236 BC 141 paired Q62702-C209 BC 141/BC 161 paired |062702-C230-S2 Approx. welght1.6g Dimensionsinmm Maximum ratings BC 140 BC 141 : Collector-base voltage Veso 80 100 Vv . Collector-emitter voltage Veeco -| 440 60 Vv Emitter-base voltage Veso 7 7 Vv Collector current Io 1 1 A Base current Ig 0.1 0.1 A Junction temperature 7; 175 175 C Storage temperature range Tstg -55 to +175 -55 to +175 C Total power dissipation Prot 3.7 3.7 Ww Thermal resistance Junction to ambient air Rthga $200 $200 K/W Junction to case Rinuc 835 $35 K/W Static characteristics (Tam, = 25C) The transistors BC 140 and BC 141 are grouped at J = 100 mA and Veg = 1 V according to the DC current gain hgg and are marked by numerals of the DIN standard series. For the operating points quoted below, the following values apply: Type BC 140, BC 141 hee-group 6 10 16 Ic hee hee Nee Vee mA Ie/Ip Tol lp Ic/Tp Vv 0.1 28 40 30 ~ 100 63 (40 to 100) | 100 (63 to 160) 160 (100 to 250) | - 1000 15 20 30 1.2 (<1.8) 1) {f the order does not include any oxact indication of the current amplification group desired, a transistor of a current amplification graup Just available from stock will be delivered. 150 1580 A-07_@5C D MM 8235605 OOO4L0S 4 MESIEG SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BC 140 lag Static characteristics (Tab = 25C) BC 140 BC 141 Collector cutoff current (Voces = 60 V) Ices 10 (< 100) 10 (<100) nA Collector cutoff current (Vees = 60 V; Tamb = 150C) Ices 10 (< 100) 10 (<100) pA Collector-emitter breakdown voltage (Iceo = 30 mA; pulse width = 200 usec: duty cycle 1%) Visriceo | > 40 >60 Vv Collector-emitter breakdown voltage (ces = 100 pA) Vierjices | >80 >100 Vv ; Emitter-base breakdown voltage . = (ego = 100 pA) Vienjeso | >7 >7 V Collector emitter saturation voltage (Ig = 0.5 A; Ig = 25 mA) Veesat? 0.6 (< 1.0) 0.6 (<1.0) Vv Conditions for matching pairs: h FEt = : = a $1. . (Ig =100 mA; Veg = 1V) hee 1.26 $1.25 Dynamic characteristics (Tamp = 25C) Transition frequency ([ = 50 mA; Veg = 10 V; f = 20 MHz) ey >50 >50 MHz Collector-base capacitance (Vcg = 10 V; f = 1 MHz) Ccso <25 <25 pF Emitter-base capacitance (Veg = 0.5 V; f= 1 MHz) Cegso <80 <80 pF Test circuit Switching times for transistors BC 140, BC 141: (ig = 100 mA; Ig; approx. Jg2 approx. 5 mA) ops fon <250 ns ettVL tott <860 ns hetns 4 <tins Ry=500. 1) The transistor is overloaded to such an extent that the DC current gain decreases to hfe = 20. 1581 A-08 oe 164cle oneal teal J25C D MM 4235605 GOO4LOb & MBSIEG *- (oF 9-23 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHA BC 140 BC 141 Total perm. power dissipation Total perm. power dissipation versus temperature versus temperature Pro = f (7), Ren = parameter Pre = 7 (1), Pin = parameter v BC 140 gc 141 010 Prot 3 0 100 200 C f Permissible pulse load fac = f (0; v = parameter BC 140, BC 141 a Z| Fauc Ly 10 w 2 wt wh wt we we tw 1% } 162 1582 A-09 W 4 to Prot 3 0 100 209C w 7 Transition frequency fr = f (ic) Veg =10V BC140, BC 141 se Lape rode 5 aa Vie ne ness wae 1_= 5 Se ~ 25C D MM 8235605 COO4L07 8 MESIEG F- 24 -AZ SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF ' BC 140 BC 141 Collector-emitter saturation voltage Baee-amitter saturation voltage Vecent = f (Zc) Vecset =f (ich Pepe = 10: Tame = parameter ge 2 10; Tamb = parameter: (common emitter configuration} {common emitter configuration) mA 80140, BC141 mA BC140, BC141 me Average values mee Scattering finnit at 10! 0 Of ov Ver sat Collector cutoff currant versus temperatura Tceo = f (Temp) Veao = 60 V nA BC 140, BC 141 10 eno a 0 a5 40 45V Vac eat Transition frequancy f; = f (Ze} Wee =10V) MHZ BC140, BC 14T 10 5 f w 865 (0 5 107 5 mA eh oo some 183 fnmae a tet aa hed