Networking Silicon — 82562ET
Datasheet 7
3.6 LED Pins
3.7 Miscellaneous Control Pins
Pin Name Pin
Number Type Description
LILED# 27 O Link Integrity LED . The LED is active low and t he Link Inte gri ty LED pin
indicates link status in either 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX mode. If a link is
present in either mode, the LILED is ass erted.
ACTLED# 32 O Activity LED. The LED i s acti v e l ow an d t he Act ivi ty LED si gn al in di ca tes
either receive or transmit activity. When no activity is present, the LED is
off. The Act iv ity LED will fli cker whe n ac tiv it y is pres en t. The flicker rate
depends on the activity load.
The individual address LED control bit (Word A hexadecimal, bit 4) in the
ICH2 EEPROM can select the ACTLED# behavior. It controls the Activity
LED (ACTLED) functionality in Wake on LAN (WOL) mode.
0 = In WOL mode, the ACTLED is activated by the transmission and
recep tion of broadcast and individua l address mat ch packets.
1 = In WOL mode, the ACTLED is activated by the transmission and
recep tion of individu al address match pac kets only.
This bit is configured by the OEM and is activated by a transmission and
recep tion of individu al address mat c h pac kets.
SPDLED# 31 O Speed LED. The LED is active low and the Speed LED signal indicates
the speed of operation, either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. The Speed LED is
on during 100BASE-TX operation and off in 10BASE-T mode.
Pin Name Pin
Number Type Description
ADV10 41 I Advertise 10 Mbps Only. Th e Ad v ertis e 1 0 Mbp s On l y si gnal i s ass erted
high, and the 82562ET adv ertises only 10BASE-T technology during
Auto-Negotiation processes in this state. Otherwise, the 82562ET
advertises all of its technologies.
Not e: A DV10 has an internal pull -down resistor.
ISOL_TCK 30 I Test Clock. The Test Clock signal sets the device into asynchronous test
mode in co njunction with the Test Input, Test Execute an d Test Enable
pins (r efer to Table 1).
In the manufacturing test mode, it acts as the test clock.
Note: ISOL_TCK has an internal pull-down resistor .
ISOL_TI 28 I Test Input. The Test Input signal sets the device into asynchronous t est
mode in co njunction with the Test Cl ock, Test Exec ute and Test Enabl e
pins (r efer to Table 1).
In the manufacturing test mode, it acts as the test data input pin.
Note: ISOL_TI has an internal pull-down resistor.