MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits General Description Features These devices are designed for use in systems powered by 3.0V or 3.3V supplies. See the selector guide in the back of this data sheet for similar devices designed for 5V systems. The suffixes denote different reset threshold voltages: 3.075V (T), 2.925V (S), and 2.625V (R) (see the Reset Threshold section in the Detailed Description). All these parts are available in 8-pin DIP and SO packages. Functions offered in this series are as follows: These microprocessor (P) supervisory circuits reduce the complexity and number of components required for power-supply monitoring and battery-control functions in P systems. They significantly improve system reliability and accuracy compared to separate ICs or discrete components. ow ind tW se Re ail r-F or we rat Po pa m Co ail r-F y we rac Po cu Ac ld ery ho att h res -B itc Th up Sw ck Ba ut t t se Re ut al Inp se t MAX802 np gI Re se MAX704 nu do igh Re Ma tch e-H ow e-L tiv tiv Wa Ac Ac MAX690 4% 75mV 4% 75mV 2% 2% MAX804 2% 2% MAX805 4% 75mV 2% 2% MAX806 Typical Operating Circuits REGULATED +3.3V OR +3.0V UNREGULATED DC VCC 0.1F VCC R1 RESET (RESET) RESET NMI MAX690T/S/R PFO PFI MAX802T/S/R WDI R2 3.6V LITHIUM BATTERY I/O LINE GND MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R VBATT GND 0.1F P BUS VOUT 0.1F VCC CMOS RAM GND ( ) ARE FOR MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R Typical Operating Circuits continued at at end of data sheet. 19-0243; Rev 3; 4/15 RESET and RESET Outputs Manual Reset Input Precision Supply-Voltage Monitor 200ms Reset Time Delay Watchdog Timer (1.6sec timeout) Battery-Backup Power Switching--Battery Can Exceed VCC in Normal Operation 40A VCC Supply Current 1A Battery Supply Current Voltage Monitor for Power-Fail or Low-Battery Warning Guaranteed RESET Assertion to VCC = 1V 8-Pin DIP and SO Packages Applications Battery-Powered Computers and Controllers Embedded Controllers Intelligent Instruments Critical P Power Monitoring Portable Equipment Ordering Information PART** TEMP RANGE MAX690_CPA 0C to +70C 8 Plastic DIP PIN-PACKAGE MAX690_CSA 0C to +70C 8 SO MAX690_C/D 0C to +70C Dice* MAX690_EPA -40C to +85C 8 Plastic DIP MAX690_ESA -40C to +85C 8 SO MAX690_MJA -55C to +125C 8 CERDIP Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet. *Contact factory for dice specifications. **These parts offer a choice of reset threshold voltage. Select the letter corresponding to the desired nominal reset threshold voltage (T = 3.075V, S = 2.925V, R = 2.625V) and insert it into the blank to complete the part number. Devices in PDIP and SO packages are available in both leaded and lead(Pb)-free packaging. Specify lead free by adding the + symbol at the end of the part number when ordering. Lead free not available for CERDIP package. Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet. MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Absolute Maximum Ratings Terminal Voltage (with respect to GND) VCC....................................................................-0.3V to +6.0V VBATT...............................................................-0.3V to +6.0V All Other Inputs................. -0.3V to the higher of VCC or VBATT Continuous Input Current VCC................................................................................100mA VBATT.............................................................................18mA GND.................................................................................18mA Output Current RESET, PFO...................................................................18mA VOUT..............................................................................100mA Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70C) Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/C above +70C).............727mW SO (derate 5.88mW/C above +70C).........................471mW CERDIP (derate 8.00mW/C above +70C).................640mW Operating Temperature Ranges MAX690_C_ _/MAX704_C_ _/MAX80_ _C_ _........0C to +70C MAX690_E_ _/MAX704_E_ _/MAX80_ _E_ _..... -40C to +85C MAX690_M_ _/MAX704_M_ _/MAX80_ _M_ _.... -55C to +125C Storage Temperature Range............................. -65C to +160C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................. +300C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Electrical Characteristics (VCC = 3.17V to 5.5V for the MAX690T/MAX704T/MAX80_T, VCC = 3.02V to 5.5V for the MAX690S/MAX704S/MAX80_S, VCC = 2.72V to 5.5V for the MAX690R/MAX704R/MAX80_R; VBATT = 3.6V; TA = TMIN to TMAX; unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) PARAMETER Operating Voltage Range, VCC, VBATT (Note 1) VCC Supply Current (excluding IOUT) VCC Supply Current in BatteryBackup Mode(excluding IOUT) SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MAX690_C, MAX704_C, MAX80_ _C 1.0 5.5 MAX690_E/M, MAX704_E/M, MAX80_ _E/M 1.1 5.5 MR = VCC ISUPPLY (MAX704_/ MAX806_) MR = VCC (MAX704_/ MAX806_) MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E, VCC < 3.6V 40 50 MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E, VCC < 5.5V 50 65 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M, VCC < 3.6V 40 55 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M, VCC < 5.5V 50 70 VCC = 2.0V, VBATT = 2.3V 25 50 MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E 0.4 1 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M 0.4 10 Battery Leakage Current (Note 3) MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E 0.01 0.5 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M 0.01 5 MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E, IOUT = 5mA (Note 4) VCC -0.3 VCC -0.015 MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E IOUT = 50mA VCC -0.3 VCC -0.15 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M IOUT = 5mA (Note 4) VCC -0.035 VCC -0.015 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M IOUT = 50mA VCC -0.35 VCC -0.15 IOUT = 250A, VCC > 2.5V (Note 4) V A VBATT Supply Current, Any Mode (excluding IOUT) (Note 2) VOUT Output Voltage UNITS A A A V VCC VCC -0.0015 -0.0006 Maxim Integrated 2 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VCC = 3.17V to 5.5V for the MAX690T/MAX704T/MAX80_T, VCC = 3.02V to 5.5V for the MAX690S/MAX704S/MAX80_S, VCC = 2.72V to 5.5V for the MAX690R/MAX704R/MAX80_R; VBATT = 3.6V; TA = TMIN to TMAX; unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL IOUT = 250A, VBATT = 2.3V VOUT in Battery-Backup Mode Battery Switch Threshold, VCC Falling CONDITIONS MAX VBATT - 0.1 VBATT - 0.034 VBATT > VCC (Note 6) 65 25 2.30 2.40 mV 2.50 This value is identical to the reset threshold, VCC rising MAX802T/804T/806T MAX690S/704S/805S VRST MAX802S/804S/806S MAX690R/704R/805R MAX802R/804R/806S tWP V V VCC falling 3.00 3.075 3.15 VCC rising 3.00 3.085 3.17 VCC falling 3.00 3.075 3.12 VCC rising 3.00 3.085 3.14 VCC falling 2.85 2.925 3.00 VCC rising 2.85 2.935 3.02 VCC falling 2.88 2.925 3.00 VCC rising 2.88 2.935 3.02 VCC falling 2.55 2.625 2.70 VCC rising 2.55 2.635 2.72 VCC falling 2.59 2.625 2.70 VCC rising 2.59 2.635 2.72 140 200 280 VCC0.3 VCC0.05 VCC < 3.6V UNITS V VBATT -0.14 VBATT - VCC, VSW > VCC > 1.75V (Note 5) VSW MAX690T/704T/805T Reset Timeout Period TYP IOUT = 1mA, VBATT = 2.3V Battery Switch Threshold, VCC Rising (Note 7) Reset Threshold (Note 8) MIN V ms PFO, RESET Output Voltage VOH ISOURCE = 50A PFO, RESET Output Short to GND Current (Note 4) IOS VCC = 3.3V, VOH = 0V 180 500 V PFO, RESET, RESET Output Voltage VOL ISINK = 1.2mA; MAX690_/704_/802_/806_, VCC = VRST min; MAX804_/805_, VCC = VRST max 0.06 0.3 V VBATT = 0V, VCC = 1.0V, ISINK = 40A, MAX690_C, MAX704_C, MAX80_ _C 0.13 0.3 VBATT = 0V, VCC = 1.2V, ISINK = 200A, MAX690_E/M, MAX704_E/M, MAX80_ _E/M 0.17 0.3 PFO, RESET Output Voltage RESET Output Leakage Current (Note 9) VOL VBATT = 0V, VCC = VRST min; VRESET = 0V, VCC V V MAX804_C, MAX805_C -1 +1 MAX804_E/M, MAX805_E/M -10 +10 A Maxim Integrated 3 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VCC = 3.17V to 5.5V for the MAX690T/MAX704T/MAX80_T, VCC = 3.02V to 5.5V for the MAX690S/MAX704S/MAX80_S, VCC = 2.72V to 5.5V for the MAX690R/MAX704R/MAX80_R; VBATT = 3.6V; TA = TMIN to TMAX; unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) PARAMETER PFI Input Threshold SYMBOL VPFT PFI Input Current PFI Hysteresis, PFI Rising VPFH PFI Input Current MR Input Threshold VIH VIL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MAX802_C/E, MAX804_C/E, MAX806_C/E 1.212 1.237 1.262 MAX690_/MAX704_/MAX805_ 1.187 1.237 1.287 MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E -25 2 25 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M -500 2 500 MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E 10 20 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M 10 25 VCC < 3.6V VPFI falling VCC < 3.6V -25 2 25 MAX690_M, MAX704_M, MAX80_ _M -500 2 500 MR Pulse Width tMR MAX704_/MAX806_ only MR to Reset Delay tMD MAX704_/MAX806_ only MR Pull-Up Current WDI Input Threshold MAX704_/MAX806_ only, MR = 0V, VCC = 3V VIH VIL 0V< VCC < 5.5V WDI Input Current Watchdog Timeout Period WDI Pulse Width MAX690_/MAX802_/MAX804_/MAX805_ only tWD VCC < 3.6V 0.7 x VCC 0.3 x VCC 100 20 nA 20 nA V ns 60 60 500 ns 350 A 0.7 x VCC 0.3 x VCC MAX690_C/E, MAX802_C/E, MAX804_C/E, MAX805_C/E -1 +0.01 +1 MAX690_M, MAX802_M, MAX804_M, MAX805_M -10 +0.01 +10 MAX690/MAX802/MAX804/ MAX805 only 1.12 1.60 2.24 100 20 MAX690_/MAX802_/MAX804_/MAX805_ only V mV MAX690_C/E, MAX704_C/E, MAX80_ _C/E MAX704_/MAX806_ only UNITS V A s ns Note 1: VCC supply current, logic input leakage, watchdog functionality (MAX690_/802_/805_/804_), MR functionality (MAX704_/806_), PFI functionality, state of RESET (MAX690_/704_/802_/806_), and RESET (MAX804_/805_) tested at VBATT = 3.6V, and VCC = 5.5V. The state of RESET or RESET and PFO is tested at VCC = VCC min. Note 2: Tested at VBATT = 3.6V, VCC = 3.5V and 0V. The battery current will rise to 10A over a narrow transition window around VCC = 1.9V. Note 3: Leakage current into the battery is tested under the worst-case conditions at VCC = 5.5V, VBATT = 1.8V and at VCC = 1.5V, VBATT= 1.0V. Note 4: Guaranteed by design. Note 5: When VSW > VCC > VBATT, VOUT remains connected to VCC until VCC drops below VBATT. The VCC-to-VBATT comparator has a small 25mV typical hysteresis to prevent oscillation. For VCC < 1.75V (typ), VOUT switches to VBATT regardless of the voltage on VBATT. Note 6: When VBATT > VCC > VSW, VOUT remains connected to VCC until VCC drops below the battery switch threshold (VSW). Note 7: VOUT switches from VBATT to VCC when VCC rises above the reset threshold, independent of VBATT. Switchover back to VCC occurs at the exact voltage that causes RESET to go high (on the MAX804_/805_, RESET goes low); however switchover occurs 200ms prior to reset. Note 8: The reset threshold tolerance is wider for VCC rising than for VCC falling to accommodate the 10mV typical hysteresis, which prevents internal oscillation. Note 9: The leakage current into or out of the RESET pin is tested with RESET asserted (RESET output high impedance). Maxim Integrated 4 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Typical Operating Characteristics (TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) 2 VCC = 5V 0 -60 -40 -20 0 VBATT = 3V 100 VBATT = 3.3V 60 -60 -40 -20 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 VBATT = 3V 10 1 0.1 VBATT = 2V -60 -40 -20 0 PFI THRESHOLD (V) 1.238 VBATT = 3.0V 200 VCC = 3.3V -60 -40 -20 0 MAX690 toc07 VCC = 3.3V VCC = 5V VCC = 2.5V 1.234 1.232 VBATT = 3.0V -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE (C) 30 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 VBATT = 3.0V 100mV OVERDRIVE 26 MAX690-806 TOC03 22 18 14 10 -60 -40 -20 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 1.236 1.230 RESET-COMPARATOR PROPAGATION DELAY vs. TEMPERATURE 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE (C) PFI THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURE 1.240 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 RESET TIMEOUT PERIOD vs. TEMPERATURE VCC = 5V TEMPERATURE (C) -60 -40 -20 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 204 196 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 VCC = 2.5V TEMPERATURE (C) 212 208 35 25 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 MAX690 toc05 VBATT = 5V 216 RESET TIMEOUT PERIOD (ms) 1000 VCC = 0V PFI = GND MAX690 toc04 BATTERY SUPPLY CURRENT (nA) 10,000 BATTERY SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE VCC = 3.3V VBATT = 3V PFI = GND MR/WDI FLOATING 30 VBATT = 5V 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 40 1.004 NORMALIZED RESET THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURE MAX690 toc08 1 VCC = 5V 45 MAX690 toc06 VCC = 3.3V 140 SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE 50 SUPPLY CURRENT (A) 3 VBATT = 2V PROPAGATION DELAY (s) VCC = 2.5V VCC = 0V NORMALIZED RESET THRESHOLD (V) 4 180 VBATT-TO-VOUT ON-RESISTANCE vs. TEMPERATURE MAX690 toc02 VBATT = 3.0V VBATT-TO-VOUT ON-RESISTANCE () VCC-TO-VOUT ON-RESISTANCE () 5 MAX690 toc01 VCC-TO-VOUT ON-RESISTANCE vs. TEMPERATURE 1.002 1.000 0.998 0.996 0.994 VBATT = 3.0V -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE (C) Maxim Integrated 5 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Pin Description PIN MAX690 MAX704 MAX804 MAX802 MAX806 MAX805 NAME 1 1 1 VOUT 2 2 2 3 3 3 GND 4 4 4 PFI 5 5 5 PFO 6 -- 6 WDI -- 6 -- MR 7 7 -- RESET -- -- 7 RESET 8 8 8 VBATT VCC FUNCTION Supply Output for CMOS RAM. When VCC is above the reset threshold, VOUT is connected to VCC through a p-channel MOSFET switch. When VCC falls below VSW and VBATT, VBATT connects to VOUT. Connect to VCC if no battery is used. Main Supply Input Ground Power-Fail Input. When PFI is less than VPFT or when VCC falls below VSW, PFO goes low; otherwise, PFO remains high. Connect to ground if unused. Power-Fail Output. When PFI is less than VPFT, or VCC falls below VSW, PFO goes low; otherwise, PFO remains high. Leave open if unused. Watchdog Input. If WDI remains high or low for 1.6s, the internal watchdog timer runs out and reset is triggered. The internal watchdog timer clears while reset is asserted or when WDI sees a rising or falling edge. The watchdog function cannot be disabled. Manual Reset Input. A logic low on MR asserts reset. Reset remains asserted as long as MR is low and for 200ms after MR returns high. This active-low input has an internal 70A pullup current. It can be driven from a TTL or CMOS logic line, or shorted to ground with a switch. Leave open if unused. Active-Low Reset Output. Pulses low for 200ms when triggered, and stays low whenever VCC is below the reset threshold or when MR is a logic low. It remains low for 200ms after either VCC rises above the reset threshold, the watchdog triggers a reset, or MR goes from low to high. Active-High, Open-Drain Reset Output is the inverse of RESET. Backup-Battery Input. When VCC falls below VSW and VBATT, VOUT switches from VCC to VBATT. When VCC rises above the reset threshold, VOUT reconnects to VCC. VBATT may exceed VCC. Connect to VCC if no battery is used. Detailed Description Reset Output A microprocessor's (P's) reset input starts the P in a known state. These P supervisory circuits assert reset to prevent code execution errors during power-up, powerdown, brownout conditions, or a watchdog timeout. RESET is guaranteed to be a logic low for 0V < VCC < VRST, provided that VBATT is greater than 1V. Without a backup battery, RESET is guaranteed valid for VCC > 1V. Once VCC exceeds the reset threshold, an internal timer keeps RESET low for the reset timeout period; after this interval, RESET goes high (Figure 2). If a brownout condition occurs (VCC dips below the reset threshold), RESET goes low. Each time RESET is asserted, it stays low for the reset timeout period. Any time VCC goes below the reset threshold, the internal timer restarts. The watchdog timer can also initiate a reset. See the Watchdog Input section. The MAX804_/MAX805_ active-high RESET output is open drain, and the inverse of the MAX690_/MAX704_/ MAX802_/MAX806_ RESET output. Reset Threshold The MAX690T/MAX704T/MAX805T are intended for 3.3V systems with a 5% power-supply tolerance and a 10% system tolerance. Except for watchdog faults, reset will not assert as long as the power supply remains above 3.15V (3.3V - 5%). Reset is guaranteed to assert before the power supply falls below 3.0V. The MAX690S/MAX704S/MAX805S are designed for 3.3V 10% power supplies. Except for watchdog faults, they are guaranteed not to assert reset as long as the supply remains above 3.0V (3.3V - 10%). Reset is guaranteed to assert before the power supply falls below 2.85V (VCC - 14%). The MAX690R/MAX704R/MAX805R are optimized for monitoring 3.0V 10% power supplies. Reset will not occur until VCC falls below 2.7V (3.0V - 10%), but is guaranteed to occur before the supply falls below 2.59V (3.0V - 14%). The MAX802R/S/T, MAX804R/S/T, and MAX806R/S/T are respectively similar to the MAX690R/S/T, MAX805R/S/T, and MAX704R/S/T, but with tightened reset and power-fail threshold tolerances. Maxim Integrated 6 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R VBATT BATTERY SWITCHOVER CIRCUITRY VCC VOUT 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits 3.0V OR 3.3V VCC VSW BATTERY SWITCHOVER COMPARATOR 1.237V RESET COMPARATOR 0V 3.0V OR 3.3V MAX690T/S/R MAX704T/S/R MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R MAX806T/S/R VOUT MR ** VBATT = 3.6V VSW tWP 3.0V OR 3.3V RESET 1.237V WDI * VRST * RESET GENERATOR WATCHDOG TIMER RESET (RESET) (RESET) PFI PFO VPFT POWER-FAIL COMPARATOR * MAX690T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R ONLY ** MAX704T/S/R, MAX806T/S/R ONLY ( ) MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R ONLY PFO VBATT = PFI = 3.6V IOUT = 0mA ( ) MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R ONLY, RESET EXTERNALLY PULLED UP TO VCC Figure 1. Block Diagram Figure 2. Timing Diagram Watchdog Input (MAX690_/802_/804_/805_) Power-Fail Comparator The watchdog circuit monitors the P's activity. If the P does not toggle the watchdog input (WDI) within 1.6sec, a reset pulse is triggered. The internal 1.6sec timer is cleared by either a reset pulse or by a transition (low-tohigh or high-to-low) at WDI. If WDI is tied high or low, a RESET pulse is triggered every 1.8sec (tWD plus tRS). As long as reset is asserted, the timer remains cleared and does not count. As soon as reset is deasserted, the timer starts counting. Unlike the 5V MAX690 family, the watchdog function cannot be disabled. The PFI input is compared to an internal reference. If PFI is less than VPFT, PFO goes low. The power-fail comparator is intended for use as an undervoltage detector to signal a failing power supply. However, the comparator does not need to be dedicated to this function because it is completely separate from the rest of the circuitry. The power-fail comparator turns off and PFO goes low when VCC falls below VSW on power-down. The powerfail comparator turns on as VCC crosses VSW on powerup. If the comparator is not used, connect PFI to ground and leave PFO unconnected. PFO can be connected to MR on the MAX704_/MAX806_ so that a low voltage on PFI will generate a reset (Figure 5b). Maxim Integrated 7 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R Backup-Battery Switchover In the event of a brownout or power failure, it may be necessary to preserve the contents of RAM. With a backup battery installed at VBATT, the devices automatically switch RAM to backup power when VCC falls. This family of P supervisors (designed for 3.3V and 3V systems) doesn't always connect VBATT to VOUT when VBATT is greater than VCC. VBATT connects to VOUT (through a 140 switch) when VCC is below VSW and VBATT is greater than VCC, or when VCC falls below 1.75V (typ) regardless of the VBATT voltage. This is done to allow the backup battery (e.g., a 3.6V lithium cell) to have a higher voltage than VCC. Switchover at VSW (2.40V) ensures that battery-backup mode is entered before VOUT gets too close to the 2.0V minimum required to reliably retain data in CMOS RAM. Switchover at higher VCC voltages would decrease backup-battery life. When VCC recovers, switchover is deferred until VCC rises above the reset threshold (VRST) to ensure a stable supply. VOUT is connected to VCC through a 3 PMOS power switch. Manual Reset A logic low on MR asserts reset. Reset remains asserted while MR is low, and for tWP (200ms) after MR returns high. This input has an internal 70A pullup current, so it can be left open if it is not used. MR can be driven with TTL or CMOS logic levels, or with open-drain/collector outputs. Connect a normally open momentary switch from MR to GND to create a manual-reset function; external debounce circuitry is not required. Table 1. Input and Output Status in Battery-Backup Mode PIN NAME STATUS VOUT Connected to VBATT through an internal 140 switch VCC Disconnected from VOUT PFI The power-fail comparator is disabled when VCC < VSW PFO Logic low when VCC < VSW or PFI < VPFT WDI The watchdog timer is disabled MR Disabled RESET Low logic RESET High impedance VBATT Connected to VOUT 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Applications Information These P supervisory circuits are not short-circuit protected. Shorting VOUT to ground--excluding power-up transients such as charging a decoupling capacitor-- destroys the device. Decouple both VCC and VBATT pins to ground by placing 0.1F capacitors as close as possible to the device. Using a SuperCap as a Backup Power Source SuperCaps are capacitors with extremely high capacitance values (e.g., order of 0.47F) for their size. Figure 3 shows two ways to use a SuperCap as a backup power source. The SuperCap may be connected through a diode to the 3V input (Figure 3a) or, if a 5V supply is also available, the SuperCap may be charged up to the 5V supply (Figure 3b) allowing a longer backup period. Since VBATT can exceed VCC while VCC is a bove the reset threshold, there are no special precautions when using these P supervisors with a SuperCap. Operation without a Backup Power Source These P supervisors were designed for battery-backed applications. If a backup battery is not used, connect both VBATT and VOUT to VCC, or use a different P supervisor such as the MAX706T/S/R or MAX708T/S/R. Replacing the Backup Battery The backup power source can be removed while VCC remains valid, if VBATT is decoupled with a 0.1F capacitor to ground, without danger of triggering RESET/ RESET. As long as VCC stays above VSW, battery-backup mode cannot be entered. Adding Hysteresis to the Power-Fail Comparator The power-fail comparator has a typical input hysteresis of 10mV. This is sufficient for most applications where a power-supply line is being monitored through an external voltage divider (see the Monitoring an Additional Power Supply section). If additional noise margin is desired, connect a resistor between PFO and PFI as shown in Figure 4a. Select the ratio of R1 and R2 such that PFI sees 1.237V (VPFT) when VIN falls to its trip point (VTRIP). R3 adds the hysteresis and will typically be more than 10 times the value of R1 or R2. The hysteresis window extends both above (VH) and below (VL) the original trip point (VTRIP). Connecting an ordinary signal diode in series with R3, as shown in Figure 4b, causes the lower trip point (VL) to Maxim Integrated 8 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits 3.0V OR 3.3V +5V VCC 1N4148 VBATT MAX690T/S/R VOUT MAX704T/S/R MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R RESET MAX806T/S/R (RESET) 3.0V OR 3.3V TO STATIC RAM 1N4148 VBATT TO P MAX690T/S/R VOUT MAX704T/S/R MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R RESET MAX806T/S/R (RESET) TO STATIC RAM TO P 0.47F 0.47F GND GND a VCC ( ) ARE FOR MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R ONLY b ( ) ARE FOR MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R ONLY Figure 3. Using a SuperCap as a Backup Power Source coincide with the trip point without hysteresis (VTRIP), so the entire hysteresis window occurs above VTRIP. This method provides additional noise margin without compromising the accuracy of the power-fail threshold when the monitored voltage is falling. It is useful for accurately detecting when a voltage falls past a threshold. Negative-Going VCC Transients The current through R1 and R2 should be at least 1A to ensure that the 25nA (max over extended temperature range) PFI input current does not shift the trip point. R3 should be larger than 10k so it does not load down the PFO pin. Capacitor C1 adds additional noise rejection. Figure 7 shows maximum transient duration vs. resetcomparator overdrive, for which reset pulses are not generated. The graph was produced using negative-going VCC pulses, starting at 3.3V and ending below the reset threshold by the magnitude indicated (reset comparator overdrive). The graph shows the maximum pulse width a negative-going VCC transient may typically have without causing a reset pulse to be issued. As the amplitude of the transient increases (i.e., goes farther below the reset threshold), the maximum allowable pulse width decreases. Typically, a VCC transient that goes 100mV below the reset threshold and lasts for 40s or less will not cause a reset pulse to be issued. Monitoring an Additional Power Supply These P supervisors can monitor either positive or negative supplies using a resistor voltage divider to PFI. PFO can be used to generate an interrupt to the P (Figure 5). Connecting PFO to MR on the MAX704 and MAX806 causes reset to assert when the monitored supply goes out of tolerance. Reset remains asserted as long as PFO holds MR low, and for 200ms after PFO goes high. Interfacing to Ps with Bidirectional Reset Pins While issuing resets to the P during power-up, powerdown, and brownout conditions, these supervisors are relatively immune to short-duration negative-going VCC transients (glitches). It is usually undesirable to reset the P when VCC experiences only small glitches. A 100nF bypass capacitor mounted close to the VCC pin provides additional transient immunity. Ps with bidirectional reset pins, such as the Motorola 68HC11 series, can contend with the MAX690_/MAX704_/ MAX802_/MAX806_ RESET output. If, for example, the RESET output is driven high and the P wants to pull it low, indeterminate logic levels may result. To correct this, connect a 4.7k resistor between the RESET output and the P reset I/O, as in Figure 6. Buffer the RESET output to other system components. Maxim Integrated 9 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits VIN VIN R1 VCC R1 PFI R2 R3 C1* PFO MAX690T/S/R MAX704T/S/R MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R MAX806T/S/R VCC PFI R2 R3 C1* PFO GND *OPTIONAL TO P PFO 0V VL 0V VTRIP = VPFT ( R R+ R ) 1 VH VTRIP PFO 0V VIN ) *OPTIONAL VTRIP 0V VTRIP = VPFT WHERE VPFT = 1.237V 2 VPFH = 10mV 1 1 1 VH = (VPFT + VPFH) (R1) + + R1 R2 R3 1 1 1 VCC + + - VL = R1 VPFT R3 R1 R2 R3 ( GND TO P 2 ( MAX690T/S/R MAX704T/S/R MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R MAX806T/S/R ) (R R+ R ) 1 2 2 VH = R1 (VPFT + VPFH) a VIN VH ( R1 + R1 + R1 ) - (V CC - VD) 1 2 3 R3 WHERE VPFT = 1.237V VPFH = 10mV VD = DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP VL = VTRIP b Figure 4. a) Adding Additional Hysteresis to the Power-Fail Comparator b) Shifting the Additional Hysteresis above VPFT VIN 3.0V OR 3.3V VCC R1 R1 MAX690T/S/R PFI MAX704T/S/R PFO MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R MAX806T/S/R R2 3.0V OR 3.3V VCC PFI R2 MAX690T/S/R MAX704T/S/R PFO MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R MAX806T/S/R MR * GND GND VVCC VCC PFO PFO VL VTRIP = R2 (VPFT + VPFH) VL = R2 (VPFT) a 1 1 ( R1 + R2 ) - 1 1 ( R1 + R2 ) - VCC R1 VTRIP VCC R1 0V V- VTRIP VTRIP = VPFT WHERE VPFT = 1.237V VPFH = 10mV NOTE: VTRIP IS NEGATIVE ( R1 + R2 R2 VH = (VPFT + VPFH) b ( ) R1 + R2 R2 VH VIN * MAX704T/S/R, MAX806T/S/R ONLY ) Figure 5. Using the Power-Fail Comparator to Monitor an Additional Power Supply Maxim Integrated 10 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Typical Operating Circuits (continued) BUFFERED RESET TO OTHER SYSTEM COMPONENTS 3.0V OR 3.3V VCC P 4.7k 0.1F 3.6V MAX704T/S/R MAX806T/S/R 0.1F 0.1F RESET GND P RESET MR GND PFI GND Figure 6. Interfacing to Ps with Bidirectional Reset I/O Chip Topography VOUT VBATT MAX690 fig07 100 MAXIMUM TRANSIENT DURATION (s) RAM VBATT VCC MAX690T/S/R MAX704T/S/R RESET MAX802T/S/R MAX806T/S/R VOUT VCC 80 VCC VCC = 3.3V TA = +25C 60 0.110" (2.794mm) GND 40 RESET (RESET) 20 0 WDI [MR] 10 100 1000 RESET COMPARATOR OVERDRIVE (VRST - VCC) (mV) Figure 7. Maximum Transient Duration without Causing a Reset Pulse vs. Reset Comparator Overdrive PFI Chip Information 0.080" (2.032mm) PFO TRANSISTOR COUNT: 802; SUBSTRATE IS CONNECTED TO THE HIGHER OF VCC OR VBATT, AND MUST BE FLOATED IN ANY HYBRID DESIGN. ( ) ARE FOR MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R. [ ] ARE FOR MAX704T/S/R, MAX806T/S/R. Maxim Integrated 11 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R Pin Configuration Ordering Information (continued) TOP VIEW VOUT 1 VCC 2 GND 3 PFI 4 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits MAX690T/S/R MAX704T/S/R MAX802T/S/R MAX804T/S/R MAX805T/S/R MAX806T/S/R 8 VBATT 7 RESET (RESET) 6 WDI <MR> 5 PFO DIP/SO ( ) ARE FOR MAX804T/S/R, MAX805T/S/R < > ARE FOR MAX704T/S/R, MAX806T/S/R Package Information For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to Note that a "+", "#", or "-" in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. PART** TEMP RANGE MAX704_CPA 0C to +70C 8 Plastic DIP PIN-PACKAGE MAX704_CSA 0C to +70C 8 SO MAX704_C/D 0C to +70C Dice* MAX704_EPA -40C to +85C 8 Plastic DIP MAX704_ESA -40C to +85C 8 SO 8 CERDIP MAX704_MJA -55C to +125C MAX802_CPA 0C to +70C 8 Plastic DIP MAX802_CSA 0C to +70C 8 SO MAX802_C/D 0C to +70C Dice* MAX802_EPA -40C to +85C 8 Plastic DIP MAX802_ESA -40C to +85C 8 SO MAX802_MJA -55C to +125C 8 CERDIP MAX804_CPA 0C to +70C 8 Plastic DIP MAX804_CSA 0C to +70C 8 SO MAX804_C/D 0C to +70C Dice* PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE e CODE OUTLINE NO. LAND PATTERN NO. 8 PDIP P8+2 21-0043 -- MAX804_EPA -40C to +85C 8 Plastic DIP MAX804_ESA -40C to +85C 8 SO 8 CERDIP 8 CDIP J8+2 21-0045 -- 8 SOIC S8+4 21-0041 90-0096 MAX804_MJA -55C to +125C MAX805_CPA 0C to +70C 8 Plastic DIP MAX805_CSA 0C to +70C 8 SO MAX805_C/D 0C to +70C Dice* MAX805_EPA -40C to +85C 8 Plastic DIP MAX805_ESA -40C to +85C 8 SO MAX805_MJA -55C to +125C 8 CERDIP MAX806_CPA 0C to +70C 8 Plastic DIP MAX806_CSA 0C to +70C 8 SO MAX806_C/D 0C to +70C Dice* MAX806_EPA -40C to +85C 8 Plastic DIP MAX806_ESA -40C to +85C 8 SO MAX806_MJA -55C to +125C 8 CERDIP *Contact factory for dice specifications. **These parts offer a choice of reset threshold voltage. Select the letter corresponding to the desired nominal reset threshold voltage (T = 3.075V, S = 2.925V, R = 2.625V) and insert it into the blank to complete the part number. Devices in PDIP and SO packages are available in both leaded and lead(Pb)-free packaging. Specify lead free by adding the + symbol at the end of the part number when ordering. Lead free not available for CERDIP package. Maxim Integrated 12 MAX690T/S/R, MAX704T/S/R, MAX802T/S/R, MAX804-MAX806T/S/R 3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED 3 4/15 No /V OPNs in Ordering Information; deleted Automotive Systems in Applications Information section; added Package Information and Revision History tables 1, 12, 13 For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated's website at Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (c) 2015 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. 13 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Maxim Integrated: MAX704RCSA+ MAX704SCSA+ MAX704SESA+ MAX704TCSA+ MAX704TESA+ MAX802RCPA+ MAX802RCSA+ MAX802RCSA+T MAX802SCPA+ MAX802SCSA+ MAX802SCSA+T MAX802TCPA+ MAX802TCSA+ MAX802TCSA+T MAX804RCPA+ MAX804RCSA+ MAX804RCSA+T MAX804SCPA+ MAX804SCSA+ MAX804SCSA+T MAX804TCPA+ MAX804TCSA+ MAX804TCSA+T MAX805RCPA+ MAX805RCSA+ MAX805RCSA+T MAX805SCPA+ MAX805SCSA+ MAX805SCSA+T MAX805TCPA+ MAX805TCSA+ MAX805TCSA+T MAX806RCPA+ MAX806RCSA+ MAX806RCSA+T MAX806SCPA+ MAX806SCSA+ MAX806SCSA+T MAX806TCPA+ MAX806TCSA+ MAX806TCSA+T MAX690RCPA+ MAX690RCSA+ MAX690RCSA+T MAX690REPA+ MAX690RESA+ MAX690RESA+T MAX690SCSA+ MAX690SCSA+T MAX690SEPA+ MAX690SESA+ MAX690SESA+T MAX690TCPA+ MAX690TCSA+ MAX690TCSA+T MAX690TEPA+ MAX690TESA+ MAX690TESA+T MAX704RCPA+ MAX704RCSA+T MAX704REPA+ MAX704RESA+ MAX704RESA+T MAX704SCPA+ MAX704SCSA+T MAX704SEPA+ MAX704SESA+T MAX704TCPA+ MAX704TCSA+T MAX704TEPA+ MAX704TESA+T MAX806TESA