MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} 1 D ese 7es3 OOa8oS4b 4 i "B367253 M ako -_ Men tree ee OTOROLA SC TELECOM) (S) MOTOROLA O1E 80546 "Dp F- 79-10 'LM158, LM258, LM358, LM2904 Specifications and Applications Information Low Input Bias Currents Internally Compensated DUAL LOW POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS Utilizing the circuit designs perfected for recently introduced Quad Operational Amplifiers, these dual operational amplifiers feature 1) low power drain, 2} a common mode input voltage range extending to ground/VEeE, 3) Single Supply or Split Supply operation and 4) pin outs compatible with the popular MC 1558 dual operational amplifier. The LM158 Series is equivalent to one-half of an LM124. These amplifiers have several distinct advantages over standard operational amplifier types in single supply applications. They can Operate at supply voltages as low as 3.0 Volts or as high as 32 Volts with quiescent currents about one-fifth of those associated with the MC1741 (on a per amplifier basis}. The common mode input range includes the negative supply, thereby eliminating the necessity for externa! biasing components in many applications. The output voltage range also includes the negative power supply voltage. Short Circuit Protected Outputs True Differential Input Stage Single Supply Operation: 3.0 to 32 Volts Common Mode Range Extends to Negative Supply Single and Split Supply Operation Simitar Performance to the Popular MC1558 DUAL DIFFERENTIAL INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT H SUFFIX METAL PACKAGE CASE 601-04 Veco Output A (s) Output B @) a" () (7) (3) (8) : Vee/Gnd (Top View) MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = +25C unless otherwise noted} J SUFFIX er CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 693-02 ; 1 N SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 626-05 D SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE & CASE 751-02 8 " $0-8 1 Inputs B {Top View} LM158 LM258 Rating Symbol LM358 tLM2904 Unit Power Supply Voltages Vde Single Supply Vec 32 26 Split Supplies Vcc. VEE 216 13 Input Differential Voltage Range (1) VIDR 232 226 Vdc laput Common Mode Voitage Range (2) VicR -0.3 to 32 | ~0.3 to 26 Vde Japut Forward Current {3} Ihe 50 - mA {V) <-0.3 Vv} Output Short Circuit Duration ts Continuous Junction Temperature Ty % Ceramic and Metal Packages 175 Plastic Package 150 Storage Temperature Range Tstg Ceramic and Metat Packages ~65 to +150 Plastic Package ~55 to #125 Operating Ambient Temperature Range Ta %C LM158 -55 to +125 - LM258 ~25 to +85 - LM358 Oto +70 - LM2904 - -40 to +85 (1) Split Power Supplies. than -0.3 V. {2} For Supply Voltages less than 32 V for the LM158/258/358 and 26 V for the LM2904, the absolute maximum input voltage is equa! to the supply voltage. {3} This input current will only exist when the valtage is negative at any of the input leads. Normal output states will reestablish when the input voltage returns to a voltage greater 66 to + 125C 40 to +85C ~25 to +85C Oto +70C LM358N Plastic DIP MOTOROLA LINEAR/INTERFACE DEVICES 2-67MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} O1 D peze esa OO8O54? oO [ 6367253 MOTOROLA SC CTELECOM) DIE 80547 D T-79-10 | LM158, LM258, LM358, LM2904 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc = 5.0 V, Veg = Gnd, Ta = 25C unless otherwise noted) LM158/LM258 LM358 LM2904 Characteristic Symbol | Min | Typ | Max | Min |] Typ | Max | Min | Typ | Max | Unit Input Offset Voltage Vio , : mv Voc = 5.0 V to 30 V (26 V for LM2904}), Vic OV toVeg-1.7V, Vg =14V,Rg=02 Ta = 25C - 2.0 | 5.0 = 2.0 | 70 - 2.0 | 7.0 TA = Thigh t0 Tiow (Note 1} ~ > 70] - - | 908 - 10 Average Temperature Coefficient of tnput Offset Voltage AVIQ/AT] 7.0 - - 7.0 - ~ 7.0 [uv/ec TA = Thigh to Tlow {Note 1} Input Offset Current ho ~ 3.0 30 - 5.0 | 50 _ 5.0 | 50 aA TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 1} - {1007 - |1507 - | 45 | 200 Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Current Alfo/AT] 10 - - 10 - - 10 [pare TA = Thigh t Tiow (Note 1) input Bias Current ip = -45 [-750) -45 /-250% -45 |-250] nA TA = Thigh to Tiow (Note 1) |-50 /-300f | -50 |-5007 | -50 |-500 Input Common-Mode Voltage Range (Note 2} Vicr Vv Voc = 30 V (26 V for LM2904) . 0 - 128.37 0 128.3] 0 [24.3 Voc = 30 V (26 V for LM2904), Ta = Thigh Tiow 0 - 28 0 - 28 0 = 24 Differential Input Voftage Range VIDR = - |[Vee} - - |Veef - - |Vec Vv Large Signal Open-Loop Voltage Gain AVOL Vimv RL = 2.0 kQ, Voc = 15 V, For Large Vo Swing, 50 |100 | 25 | 100 7 - |100 | - Ta = Thigh tO Tlow (Note 1} 25 - - 15 - - - - - Channel Separation = 7-120] [-120} ~ |[-120f dB 1.0 kHz < f < 20 kHz, Input Referenced Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR 70 85 - 65 70 - 50 70 - dB Rg < 10k2 Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 65 4100 - 65 100 - 50 |] 100 - dB Output Voltage Range Vor 0 - 3.3 0 - 3.3 0 - 3.3 Vv RL =2k2 (RL > 10 kQ for LM2904) Output VoitageHigh Limit {Ta = Thigh to TiowltNote 7) VOH 7 Voc = 30 V (26 V for LM2904), Ry = 2k2 26 - - 26 = _ 22 - - Voc = 30 V (26 V for LM2904), RL = 10 kn 27 28 = 27 28 - 23 24 = Output VoitageLow Limit VoL - 5.0 | 20 | 5.0 | 20 | 50 | 20 mv Voc = .0 V, Ry = 10 k&, Ta = Thigh to Tiow (Note 1) Output Source Current lo+ 20 40 - 20 40 - 20 40 - mA Vip =t+10V,Vec= 168 V Output Sink Current to- Vip =-1.0V,Veg215V 10 =| 20 = 10 20 - 10 {| 20 ~ mA Vip = -1.0 V, Vo = 200 mv 12 50 - 12 50 - = - - BA Output Short Circuit to Ground (Note 3) los - 40 60 _ 40 60 - 40 | 60 mA Power Supply Current (Ta = Thigh tO TiowltNote 1) lec mA Voc = 30 V (26 V for LM2904), Vo =O V, RL = - i5 | 3.0 = 1.5 | 3.0 - 1.6 | 3.0 Voc =5V, Vo =0V,RL=@ - 0.7 | 12 = 0.7 | 1.2 =~ 0.7 | 1.2 NOTES: (1) Tlow = -55C for LM158 Thigh = + 125C for LMi58 0.3 V. The upper end of the common-mode voltage range 40C for LM2904 = +85C for LM2904 is Voc -1.7 V, but either or both inputs can go to +32 V = ~25C for LM258 and LM258 without damage (+26 V for LM2904). = 0C for LM358 = +70C for LM358 . (3) Short circuits from the output to Voc can cause excessive {2) The input common-mode voltage or either input signal heating and eventual destruction. Destructive dissipation voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than can result from simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers. . + SINGLE SUPPLY SPLIT SUPPLIES 3.0 V to Veg (Max) Vee Voc 1.8 V to Veg (Max) 1.6 V to Veg (Max) Veg/Gnd MOTOROLA LINEAR/INTERFACE DEVICES 2-68MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} O1 D Bere: ggaos4s 1 i ro mr ST eS ~ 367585" MOTOROLA SC CTELECOMD beeen LM158, L258, LIM358, LIM2904 ote B0S4e Dy REPRESENTATIVE CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC Bias Circuitry (One-Half of Circuit Shown) Output coe litee : : ! yy ais Py t 1 vec {| a22 1 > ai6 a1 I 1 Nye es tH} I | 40k | I a19 \ 5 pF aiz i a24 | He 25 a23 i 1 l ais 20 Inputs as {fos 1 oar a21 06 K ! 5 GI I a2 as 1 N a7 010 ; 4 026 (2 | to VeeR/Gnd LARGE SIGNAL VOLTAGE FOLLOWER RESPONSE Vec = 15 Vde RL =2k2 Ta = 26C 1 V/Div. 5.0 ys/Div. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The LM158 Series is made using two internally com- pensated, two-stage operational amplifiers. The first stage of each consists of differential input devices Q20 and Q18 with input buffer transistors Q21 and Q17 and the differential to single ended converter Q3 and Q4. The first stage performs not only the first stage gain function but also performs the level shifting and trans- conductance reduction functions. By reducing the trans- conductance a smaller compensation capacitor (only 5 pF) can be employed, thus saving chip area. The transcon- ductance reduction is accomplished by splitting the col- lectors of Q20 and Q18. Another feature of this input stage is that the input common-mode range can include the negative supply or ground, in single supply operation, without saturating either the input devices or the dif- ferential to single-ended converter, The second stage con- sists of a standard current source load amplifier stage. Each amplifier is biased from an internal-voltage regu- lator which has a low temperature coefficient thus giving each amplifier good temperature characteristics as well as excellent power supply rejection. MOTOROLA LINEAR/INTERFACE DEVICES 2-69MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} OL D pee ress 00805449 3 i 8367255 LM158, LM258, LM358, LM2904 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES FIGURE 1 INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE Vy, INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Boe SRR ER EE > oo PF kt FT MW WS n ao 0 220 240 +60 80 210 212 214 216 Vec/Vee, POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGES (VOLTS) 48 FIGURE 3 ~ LARGE-SIGNAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE = 2k Voo=18V Vee = Gnd GAIN =-100 Ry tke Re = 100 ka Von, OUTPLT VOLTAGE RANGE (Vp) 10 {, FREQUENCY {kHz} 100 FIGURE 5 POWER SUPPLY CURRENT versus POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE lec, POWER SUPPLY CURRENT (mA} 9 5.0 10 5 20 25 Vec, POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 30 S53 MOTOROLA SC (TELECOM) #20 550 Vce=2V Vee = Gnd 500 Ty = 25C = C= 50 pF = 450 ber uw go z 5 eo > z 2 E 300 o 3 > 200 0 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 36 a OTE 80549" D T-79-10 FIGURE 2 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY Vec=i5V VEE = Grd Ta = 25C Avot. LARGE-SIGNAL OPEN-LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN (dB) 100 1.0k , FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k 100k 10M FIGURE 4 SMALL-SIGNAL VOLTAGE FOLLOWER PULSE RESPONSE (Non-Inverting) {, TIME {ns} FIGURE 6 INPUT BIAS CURRENT versus SUPPLY VOLTAGE 170 60 S18, INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) 8 12 Voc. POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA LINEAR/INTERFACE DEVICES 2-70MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} O1 D peseress 0080550 0 Tt 6367253 MOTOROLA SC CTELECOW) LM158, LM258, LM358, LM2904 ere ee SRE eT = a = EES oe Mmc1403 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION FIGURE 7 - VOLTAGE REFERENCE Ri Vo=2.5V1 +2 o*2 Ro! FIGURE 9 ~ HIGH [IMPEDANCE DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER 9=C (t+a+b) (e2-e1) ~O1E 80550 paprqeio FIGURE 8 WIEN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR 50k $_v--_ 10k Vret @ We Vio 1 tf, = _ : O 2a RC Vref = 3 Voc ann dt For {g=1kHz weit = r As R= 16k2 ne zARC C= 0.01 pF FIGURE 10 COMPARATOR WITH HYSTERESIS. Hysteresis Vou tb R1 Vret O Yo \ O I! Vin oO Yo : Vou Vine ! Vink Vref RI Vink = aye ae (VOL Vrefl * Vret R1 Vin = Aye na (VOH ~ Vref) + Vref 1 aie ag (YOH- You) FIGURE 11 BI-QUAD FILTER MA VW >___{(__- Notch Output = R = 160k AAA. bad 1 f, = ~__ R. R O 2nRC 100 k { AW Ri=aA c1 R2 c c Al =i { AW R2= Top Vref = 5 Vee AWN 100k 0 ANE R3= Ty A2 0 o-! ci=10 Veet O For tg = TkHz Tr a-10 o Bandpass R3 Vref Vret , | Output Tep=1 2R1 = R 2 Tu tT AAA ct Oo C= 0.001 uF R1=1.6M2 Vret Where Tap = Center Frequency Gain R2=1.6MQ2 Ty = Passband Notch Gain R3=1.6M2 MOTOROLA LINEAR/INTERFACE DEVICES 2-71MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} O1 D peseres3 00480551 1 (8367253 MOTOROLA SC (TELECOM) OYE 80587 _LIM158, LIM258, LIM358, LM2904 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION (continued) FIGURE 12 FUNCTION GENERATOR Triangle Wave 1 Vref = = ref 5 Vec R2 Output @ AWA 300k Vret R3 Square O Wave 75k Output Rig Oo < 100k 2 j c Vref @ AA Re Ri+R Rt fool TRO Oy age R2 . 4CRyR1 R2?R1 FIGURE 13 - MULTIPLE FEEDBACK BANDPASS FILTER Rl Vin @W4 = Vret 1 Vret * 5 Voc Given fg = Center Frequency Alfo} = Gain at Center Frequency Choose Value fy, Then: Ras 9 rfc ___R3 ZA) R1R3 R2 aa? R1 R3 For tess than 10% error from operationat amplitier Qo fo aw <o1 Where fy and BW are expressed in Hz. {f source impadance varies, filter may be preceded with voltage follower buffer to stabilize filter parameters, | DT 99-10 MOTOROLA LINEAR/INTERFACE DEVICES 2-72