SPS-450 Series
No.6349 1/5
Ordering number : ENN6349
SPS-450 Series
Receiver Pre-amp Module for
Infrared Remote Control
D2099 GI, (MI)
This is an unified module consisting of a PIN photodiode and receiver pre-amp IC.
It is a compact type, not necessary to mount outer part, and provides low voltage and low power consumption.
It also puts a measure to inverter fluorescent lamp with a high frequency trap circuit for band-pass filter.
It has leads at the both sides, so it is easy to put it on PCB.
Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C (as per JIS C 7032)
Parameter Symbol Rating Unit
Line Voltage VCC 0 to +6.3 V
Power Dissipation PD100 mW
Operating Temperature Topr --10 to +60 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg --20 to +70 °C
Soldering Temperature Tsol +260 *1°C
Recommended Operating Condition at Ta=25°C
Parameter Symbol Opr. Condition Unit
Line Voltage VCC +4.7 to +5.3 V
We recommend the signal format with leader code (for example ; NEC format or Home Electrical Appliances Society
format in Japan) for the remote control transmitter.
Electrical / Optical Characteristics at Ta=25°C, VCC=5.0V D.C.
Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Consumption Current ICC Non-signal input -- 1.4 2.2 mA
*2 On axis 7.5 10.0 -- m
*2 form device
Cone with its limit
Controlling Distance L inclined at 30 deg to axis 5.0 -- -- m
Cone with its limit
inclined at 40 deg to axis 3.0 -- -- m
Low-level Output Voltage VL*2
At the point of 30cm on axis
-- -- 0 . 5 V
High-level Output Voltage VH*2
At the point of 30cm on axis
4.5 -- -- V
*2 Specified by TWL time
Low-level Pulse Width TWL interval of output at the 300 610 900 µs
point of 30cm and 7.5m on axis
*2 Specified by TWH time
High-level Pulse Width TWH interval of output at the 300 590 900 µs
point of 30cm and 7.5m on axis
Carrier Wave Frequency fo-- -- * 3-- kHz
*1 Soldering time : with in 3sec and clearance of 1mm from lead stopper.
*2 As shown in Fig.1, burst wave shall be transmitted by our transmitter in item 7. Detector face illuminance : Ee < 10 lx
*3 Carrier wave frequency (fo) differs every a type. Refer to the following list.
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Company
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN
SPS-450 Series
No.6349 2/5
Type No. Carrier wave frequency (fo)
SPS-450-E 40 kHz
SPS-450-1-E 38 kHz
SPS-450-2-E 36.7 kHz
SPS-450-3-E 33.3 kHz
SPS-450-4-E 36 kHz
SPS-450-6-E 56.8 kHz
Precautions of Use Precautions
(1) Care must be taken to avoid bending leads.
(2) Do not apply any force or mechanical stress onto the leads or plastic part during soldering.
(3) Confirm reliability in terms of devices, because it sometimes acts be wrong by the ingredient of the ripple noise of the
power supply lines.
Please design the ripple voltage of the power supply line below 1mVp-p.
Please attach the RC filter (R=100, C=22µF) for the power supply lines.
Pulse Waveform
The Transmitter shall be defined by adjusting the output of transmitter to make Vo=400mVp-p according to the burst wave
shown in Fig. 1 and measurement condition shown in Fig.2. In addition infrared LED used in the transmitter is set to
λ peak=945nm, ∆λ=45nm, and photodiode used in the receiver is set to 32nA / Ix (VR=5.0V).
Leader pulse fo kHz
9ms 4.5ms 600µs600µs600µs
50% 50%
Burst wavefom
of transmitter
Output waveform
Fig.1 Pulse waveform
20cm 10k
12 ± 0.1V
Transmitter Oscilloscorpe
Fig.2 The output adjustment of transmitter
SPS-450 Series
No.6349 3/5
Fig.4 Block Diagram
Amp. Limiter Detector
Controlling distance
DUT Transmitter
DUT : Device Under Test
Fig.3 Measurement Condition
Measurement Condition
Block Diagram
Note 1. Vout : Active “Low” output
2. RL=15k to 51k
3. The power supply filter is not being attached.
SPS-450 Series
No.6349 4/5
(3.8) Photo diode chip
3.6 ± 0.5 9.6
2.54 2.54
lead stopper part
7.62 ± 0.5
(punch hole)
(A side)
(A side)
2 Vout
(4 GND)
(5 GND)
*** **
< Recommended mounting drawing
from soldering side >
Note 1) Pin4, Pin5 has been connected to Pin1 (GND) in a product.
2) The photo diode ohip is located in 3.8mm distance from top of lense.
3) *1 indicates root dimensions of leads.
4) The width and the position of the leads of "*" marke may be changed.
Tolerance : ±0.3
Unit : mm
SPS-450 Series Package Dimensions and Pinconnection
SPS-450 Series
No.6349 5/5
1. No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems,
aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, vehicles, disaster / crime-prevention equipment or
the like, and the failure of which may directly or indirectly cause injury, death or property loss.
2. Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall:
1) Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD., it’s affiliates,
subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any
and all claims and litigation and all damages, costs and expenses associated with such use.
2) Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or
litigation on SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., it’s affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of
their officers and employees jointly or severally.
3. Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) disclosed herein is for example only; it is not
guaranteed for mass production, SANYO believes the information disclosed herein is accurate and reliable,
but no guarantees are made or implied regarding it’s use or any infringements of intellectual property rights
or other rights of third parties.
Precautionary instructions in handling gallium arsenic products
Special precautions must be taken in handling this product because it contains, gallium arsenic, which is
designated as a toxic substance by law. Be sure to adhere strictly to all applicable laws and regulations
enacted for this substance, particularly when it comes to disposal.
Manufactured by ; Tottori SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
LED Division
5-318, Tachikawa-cho, Tottori City, 680-8634 Japan
TEL: +81-857-21-2137 FAX: +81-857-21-2161