SPS-450 Series
No.6349 1/5
Ordering number : ENN6349
SPS-450 Series
Receiver Pre-amp Module for
Infrared Remote Control
D2099 GI, (MI)
• This is an unified module consisting of a PIN photodiode and receiver pre-amp IC.
It is a compact type, not necessary to mount outer part, and provides low voltage and low power consumption.
• It also puts a measure to inverter fluorescent lamp with a high frequency trap circuit for band-pass filter.
• It has leads at the both sides, so it is easy to put it on PCB.
Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C (as per JIS C 7032)
Parameter Symbol Rating Unit
Line Voltage VCC 0 to +6.3 V
Power Dissipation PD100 mW
Operating Temperature Topr --10 to +60 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg --20 to +70 °C
Soldering Temperature Tsol +260 *1°C
Recommended Operating Condition at Ta=25°C
Parameter Symbol Opr. Condition Unit
Line Voltage VCC +4.7 to +5.3 V
We recommend the signal format with leader code (for example ; NEC format or Home Electrical Appliances Society
format in Japan) for the remote control transmitter.
Electrical / Optical Characteristics at Ta=25°C, VCC=5.0V D.C.
Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Consumption Current ICC Non-signal input -- 1.4 2.2 mA
*2 On axis 7.5 10.0 -- m
*2 form device
Cone with its limit
Controlling Distance L inclined at 30 deg to axis 5.0 -- -- m
Cone with its limit
inclined at 40 deg to axis 3.0 -- -- m
Low-level Output Voltage VL*2
At the point of 30cm on axis
-- -- 0 . 5 V
High-level Output Voltage VH*2
At the point of 30cm on axis
4.5 -- -- V
*2 Specified by TWL time
Low-level Pulse Width TWL interval of output at the 300 610 900 µs
point of 30cm and 7.5m on axis
*2 Specified by TWH time
High-level Pulse Width TWH interval of output at the 300 590 900 µs
point of 30cm and 7.5m on axis
Carrier Wave Frequency fo-- -- * 3-- kHz
*1 Soldering time : with in 3sec and clearance of 1mm from lead stopper.
*2 As shown in Fig.1, burst wave shall be transmitted by our transmitter in item 7. Detector face illuminance : Ee < 10 lx
*3 Carrier wave frequency (fo) differs every a type. Refer to the following list.
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Company
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN