CAMELIACOL 4M 4 MEGAPIXEL COLOR DIGITAL CAMERA User guide CAMELIA PACKAGE CONTENTS : Depending on the selected configuration, a CAMELIA package may include : CAMELIA COLOR camera FGT COLOR frame grabber board `'Power supply'' cable + `'RS232'' cable `'Data & Sync'' cable. `'COMMCAM'' software. FGT software. documentation SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : +24V(0.6A) power supply computer : minimal configuration : * PENTIUM II 350MHz. * RAM : 128 Mb, 256 Mb for 3 shot color operation. * Cache memory : 256 Kb. * 1 free PCI slot. operating system : * windows NT 4.0. * windows 95b, 98. NIKON lens lightning control : shutter / chopper or pulsed lightning IR cut-off filter : BG38 2mm recommended to filter light from 700 nm to 1100 nm. GETTING STARTED : connect the camera to one of the computer serial ports (COM1 or COM2) by using the RS232 cable power on the camera install `'COMMCAM'' software in your computer. (see "COMMCAM User Guide") install FGT COLOR frame grabber board and FGT software in your computer. (see "FGT Frame Grabber User Guide") run the system V 1.1 July 2000 Phone +33 (0) 1 69 33 00 00 - Fax +33 (0) 1 69 33 03 21 1/12 CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 1. IMAGING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3 2. CAMELIA COLOR 4M CAMERA 4 2.1 CCD 4 2.2 Timing 4 2.3 Anti-blooming by clocking 6 2.4 Electrical interfaces : 2.4.1 Power supply : 2.4.2 digital I/O 2.4.3 RS232 interface 6 6 6 7 2.5 Electro-optical performance 8 2.6 Geometrical specifications 10 2.7 Environmental requirements 11 3. CONNECTORS AND CABLES 11 3.1 `'Data and sync'' connector 11 3.2 'Power supply'' cable 12 3.3 `'RS232'' cable 12 2/12 CAMELIACOL 4M user guide COMPUTER CAMELIA SERIAL PORT LIGHTNING +24V POWER SUPPLY ANALYZED OBJECT SHUTTER / CHOPPER 1. IMAGING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION POWER RS232 FRAME DATA & SYNC GRABBER ELECTRO-OPTICAL INTERFACE TRIG_ITC CAMELIA camera is powered by a +24V power supply. CAMELIA camera is configured through the serial port of the computer. CAMELIA camera sends digital video to the FGT frame grabber. As CAMELIA 's CCD is a full frame sensor, you must use either pulsed lightning or a chopper/shutter in front of the camera in order to have incident lightning on the CCD only during integration time. You must design an electro-optical interface to drive camera, shutter/chopper or lightning by using the "SHUTTER" signal delivered by the camera. If required, the system can send an external trigger or external ITC (integration time control signal) to the camera. 3/12 CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 2. CAMELIA COLOR 4M CAMERA 2.1 CCD image format : 28.7mm(V) x 28.7mm(H) 2048(V) x 2048(H) active pixels pixel geometries : 14m(V) x 14m(H). filter mosaic : BAYER pattern : B G B G G R G R B G B G G R G R note : first active pixel of first active line : blue. anti-blooming by clocking. 2.2 T IMING 3 timing modes are available : continuous : the camera delivers frames continuously : frame N+1 integration starts as soon as frame N readout is completed. integration time is set by RS232 operation with external trigger : integration start is controlled by the user from the external signal TRIG : the rising edge of TRIG activates the start of the frame integration. This rising edge is synchronized by the camera with a precision of 112s integration time is set by RS232 note : TRIG signal period must be greater than integration time plus frame readout time. operation with integration time control : integration is fully controlled by the user from the external signal ITC : the falling edge of ITC activates the start of the frame integration. This falling edge is synchronized by the camera with a precision of 112s the rising edge of ITC activates the stop of the frame integration. This rising edge is synchronized by the camera with a precision of 112s note : ITC signal period must be greater than integration time (defined by ITC low) plus frame readout time. 2x2 and 4x4 pixel binning is possible to enable previewing modes. When binning is used, the camera delivers black and white video. Data rate is : pixel clock : 20 MHz frame readout time : 4/12 normal mode : 235ms 2x2 pixel binning : 125ms. 4x4 pixel binning : 70ms. CAMELIACOL 4M user guide Timing diagram (for continuous operation) : FRAME INTEGRATION shutter delay FRAME READOUT 2ms INT. TIME SET BY RS232 2048 pixels 2048 2047 2046 3 1 video lines 2 LEN FEN SHUTTER Timing diagram (for operation with `'external trigger'') : FRAME INTEGRATION shutter delay FRAME READOUT WAITING INT. TIME SET BY RS232 TRIG 2048 pixels 2048 2047 2046 3 2 video lines 1 LEN FEN SHUTTER Timing diagram (for operation with `'integration time control'') : FRAME INTEGRATION shutter delay FRAME READOUT WAITING ITC 2048 pixels 2048 2047 2046 3 2 video lines 1 LEN FEN SHUTTER 5/12 CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 2.3 ANTI-BLOOMING BY CLOCKING Anti-blooming can be activated or inhibited (see 2.4.3) : anti-blooming OFF : anti-blooming inhibited : this position is recommended if anti-blooming is not required for the application. anti-blooming ON : anti-blooming activated. 2.4 ELECTRICAL INTERFACES : 2.4.1 POWER SUPPLY : 2.4.2 Voltage Current +24V Min : +20V ; Max : +28V 0.6A DIGITAL I/O SYMBOL I/O DEFINITION LEVEL TRIG_ITC I LVDS S(11..0) FEN O LEN O PCK SHUTTER O O Timing control : TRIG_ITC is either an external trigger or integration time control depending on the timing mode configurated by RS232 (see after) operation with external trigger : TRIG_ITC = TRIG operation with integration time control : TRIG_ITC = ITC TRIG_ITC is synchronized by the camera line clock (jitter : 112s) Digital video output : 12 bits Frame enable : - FEN = 0 : frame data valid : active lines - FEN = 1 : frame data not valid Line enable : - LEN = 0 : line data valid : active pixels - LEN = 1 : line data not valid Pixel clock shutter open/close : - during integration : shutter = 1 - during readout : shutter = 0 delay between the falling edge of shutter and the start of readout : - 4 positions : 1ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms. LVDS LVDS LVDS LVDS LVDS Note : LVDS drivers / receivers : 6/12 LVDS : Low Voltage differential Signal. (EIA 644 standard). All digital I/Os are differential : (signal+, signal-). Specifications are given for signal +. manufacturer NS driver : DS90C031TM (SO16 package) receiver : DS90C032TM (SO16 package) CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 2.4.3 RS232 INTERFACE Camera configuration is set by RS232 interface. The following features are available : Function RS232 configuration Timing mode 3 modes : - continuous (free running) - external trigger - external ITC 3 modes : - no binning - 2x2 pixel binning - 4x4 pixel binning 2 positions : -G=1 -G=4 camera gain value from 1.00x to 2.00x in 16 steps 2 modes : - active - inactive (always open) 4 positions : - 1ms - 5ms - 10ms - 20ms 2 modes : - active - inactive integration time value in ms from 1ms to 2000ms. Binning CDS gain Camera gain Shutter control Shutter delay Anti-blooming control Integration time Comment image size : 2048(H) x 2048(V) image size : 1024(H) x 1024(V) image size : 512(H) x 512(V) G = 4 is recommended for applications requiring high sensitivity. Must be an integer. Ex : 120 for 120ms 120.4 not allowed. Note : video signal processing gain of the camera can be adjusted by setting : either `'CDS gain'' : a commutation 1x or 4x is available at the input of the video signal processing. Use of the 4x position is recommended for low level applications (noise is lower) or `'camera gain'' : a range of 1x to 2x is available in 16 steps. 7/12 CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 2.5 ELECTRO-OPTICAL PERFORMANCE Conditions : frame integration time : 40ms camera operating free air temperature : 25C Performance : Parameter Symbol Typical Value Unit Full scale value see note 2 Temporal noise see note 3 Dark signal non uniformity see note 4 Dynamic range see note 5 Responsitivity @ 3200k - red channel - green channel - blue channel @ 5200k - red channel - green channel - blue channel see note 6 Resolution - horizontal resolution - vertical resolution see note 7 VPE 4095 adu VN 2 adu DSNU 2 adu DY 2048 adu/(lux.s) Rr Rg Rb 3.7 2.7 1.3 Rr Rg Rb 2.7 2.7 2.1 TBD TBD note 1 : adu : arbitrary digital unit : 12 bit = 4095 adu or gray levels. note 2 : full scale value VPE : maximum digital video signal note 3 : temporal noise VN : r.m.s value in darkness. Measured by substracting 2 images pixel to pixel note 4 : dark signal non uniformity : r.m.s value. Excludes blemishes. note 5 : dynamic range DY : DY = VPE / VN note 6 : responsitivity : conditions : BG38 2mm, F/4, lux measured on the scene, CDS gain = 1, camera gain = 1x. note 7 : resolution : 8/12 conditions : light source 3200K, BG38 2mm. measured at VIDEO = 2000 adu, CDS gain = 1, camera gain = 1x. CAMELIACOL 4M user guide Spectral responsitivity CAMELIA COLOR 4M 4000 Responsitivity (adu/uJ/cm2) 3000 2000 Blue Green Red 1000 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) Note : J/cm2 measured on the CCD chip. Including BG38 2mm. 9/12 CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 2.6 GEOMETRICAL SPECIFICATIONS FRONT PANEL 4 X M3 (depth 6mm) 74.0 mm 4.0 mm 6.0 mm 64.0 mm 2 X o 2.0 mm 25.6 mm 2X 1/4_20 UNC 2B o 66.0 mm 64.0 mm 108.0 mm 114.0 mm REAR PANEL 112.0 mm DATA & SYNC CAMELIA COLOR 4M SN: Made in France RS 232 110.5 mm weight : 1.4 kg. 10/12 POWER 144.5 mm CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 2.7 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS operating temperature : 0C / +50C storage temperature : -20C / 70C operating humidity : < 80% at +35C vibration : 2g sinusoidal, from 10Hz to 55Hz. 3. CONNECTORS AND CABLES 3.1 `'DATA AND SYNC'' CONNECTOR 50 points 3M connector. connector reference :HIROSE DX10A-50S. mating connector on cable side : HIROSE DX40-50P ; shell : HIROSE DX50-CV1. Pin-out : Pin n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Signal PCK+ PCKFEN+ FENCOLOUR_O2+ (1) COLOUR_O2-(1) PDATA0+ PDATA0PDATA2+ PDATA2PDATA4+ PDATA4PDATA6+ PDATA6PDATA8+ PDATA8PDATA10+ PDATA10GROUND GROUND SHUTTER+ SHUTTERCOLOUR_I1+(1) COLOUR_I1-(1) NC Pin n 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Signal LEN+ LENCOLOUR_O1+ (1) COLOUR_O1-(1) GROUND GROUND PDATA1+ PDATA1PDATA3+ PDATA3PDATA5+ PDATA5PDATA7+ PDATA7PDATA9+ PDATA9PDATA11+ PDATA11NC NC TRIG_ITC+ TRIG_ITCCOLOUR_I2+(1) COLOUR_I2-(1) NC Notes : NC : not connected. (1) : grey cells : not used for CAMELIA COLOR : must be left unconnected a "Data + Sync" cable is provided with FGT Frame grabber, including a part to be connected to the electro-optical interface, and the second one to the "FGT" frame grabber : see "FGT Frame Grabber user manual". 11/12 CAMELIACOL 4M user guide 3.2 'POWER SUPPLY'' CABLE On power supply side : SUBD9 male. Pin out : Pin Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 note : NC : not connected. Signal +24V +24V NC NC NC GROUND GROUND NC NC 3.3 `'RS232'' CABLE on computer side : SUBD9 female pin out compatible with computer serial port note : pin out is the same on camera side and on computer side. Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However Atmel-Grenoble assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Atmel-Grenoble. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. Atmel-Grenoble products are not authorised for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval from Atmel-Grenoble. (c) 2000 Atmel-Grenoble- Printed in France - All rights reserved. This product is manufactured by Atmel-Grenoble- 38521 SAINT-EGREVE - FRANCE. For further information please contact : Atmel-Grenoble - Route Departementale 128 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex - FRANCE Phone +33 (0)1 69 33 00 00 - Fax +33 (0) 1 69 33 03 21. Internet : 12/12