IXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions and Dimensions.
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values
(TJ = 25°C Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max.
gfS IC = 22A, VCE = 10V, Note 1 13 22 S
Cies 2200 pF
Coes VCE = 25V, VGE = 0V, f = 1MHz 85 pF
Cres 30 pF
Qg(on) 110 nC
Qge IC = 22A, VGE = 15V, VCE = 1500V 13 nC
Qgc 45 nC
td(on) 46 ns
tr 360 ns
td(off) 205 ns
tf 1820 ns
td(on) 43 ns
tr 700 ns
td(off) 220 ns
tf 1650 ns
RthJC 0.83 °C/W
RthCS 0.05 °C/W
RthJA 30 °C/W
IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered 4,835,592 4,931,844 5,049,961 5,237,481 6,162,665 6,404,065 B1 6,683,344 6,727,585 7,005,734 B2 7,157,338B2
by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 4,850,072 5,017,508 5,063,307 5,381,025 6,259,123 B1 6,534,343 6,710,405 B2 6,759,692 7,063,975 B2
4,881,106 5,034,796 5,187,117 5,486,715 6,306,728 B1 6,583,505 6,710,463 6,771,478 B2 7,071,537
Resistive Switching Times, TJ = 125°C
IC = 22A, VGE = 15V
VCE = 960V, RG = 15
Resistive Switching Times, TJ = 25°C
IC = 22A, VGE = 15V
VCE = 960V, RG = 15
1. Pulse test, t 300s, duty cycle, d 2%.
2. Device must be heatsunk for high temperature leakage current
measurements to avoid thermal runaway.
Additional provisions for lead-to-lead voltage isolation are required at VCE > 1200V.
Reverse Diode
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values
(TJ = 25°C Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max
VF IF = 22A, VGE = 0V, Note 1 2.7 V
trr 1.4 μs
IRM 30 A
QRM 21 μC
IF = 11A, VGE = 0V, -diF/dt = 100A/μs
VR = 100V, VGE = 0V