© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80132F-page 1
The PIC® microcontrollers you have received all exhibit
anomalous behavior in their Synchronous Serial Port
(SSP) modules, as described in this document. They
otherwise conform functionally to the descriptions pro-
vided in their respective Device Data Sheets and Ref-
erence Manuals, as amended by silicon release errata
for particular devices.
Users are encouraged to review the latest device data
sheets and errata available for additional information
concerning an individual device. These documents
may be obtained directly from the Microchip corporate
web site, at www.microchip.com.
Silicon Errata
These issues are expected to be resolved in future
silicon revisions of the designated parts.
The silicon issues identified in this “Silicon Errata” section
affect all silicon revisions of the following devices:
1. Module: I2C™ (Slave Mode)
In its current implementation, the module may fail
to correctly recognize certain Repeated Start
conditions. For this discussion, a Repeated Start is
defined as a Start condition presented to the bus
after an initial valid Start condition has been recog-
nized and the Start status bit (SSPSTAT<3>) has
been set and before a valid Stop condition is
If a Repeated Start is not recognized, a loss of
synchronization between the Master and Slave
may occur; the condition may continue until the
module is reset. A NACK condition, generated by
the Slave for any reason, will not reset the module.
This failure has been observed only under two
A Repeated Start occurs within the frame of a
data or address byte. The unexpected Start
condition may be erroneously interpreted as a
data bit, provided that the required conditions
for setup and hold times are met.
A Repeated Start condition occurs between two
back-to-back slave address matches in the
same Slave, with the R/W bit set to Read (= 1)
in both cases. (This circumstance is regarded
as being unlikely in normal operation.)
Work around
A time-out routine should be used to monitor the
module’s operation. The timer is enabled upon the
receipt of a valid Start condition; if a time-out
occurs, the module is reset. The length of the time-
out period will vary from application to application
and will need to be determined by the user.
Two methods are suggested to reset the module:
1. Change the mode of the module to something
other than the desired mode by changing the set-
tings of bits, SSPM3:SSPM0 (SSPCON<3:0>);
then, change the bits back to the desired
2. Disable the module by clearing the SSPEN bit
(SSPCON<5>); then, re-enable the module by
setting the bit.
Other methods may be available.
PIC14000 PIC16C923
PIC16C62 PIC16C924
PIC16C62A PIC16C925
PIC16C62B PIC16C926
PIC16C63 PIC16CR62
PIC16C64 PIC16CR64
PIC16C65 PIC16CR72
PIC16C65B PIC16F72
PIC16C66 PIC16F73
PIC16C67 PIC16F74
PIC16C717 PIC16F76
PIC16C72 PIC16F77
PIC16C72A PIC16F87
PIC16C73 PIC16F88
PIC16C73A PIC16F818
PIC16C73B PIC16F819
PIC16C74 PIC18F2331
PIC16C74A PIC18F2431
PIC16C74B PIC18F4331
PIC16C76 PIC18F4431
SSP Module Silicon/Data Sheet Errata
DS80132F-page 2 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
Clarifications/Corrections to the Data
1. Module: SSP (SPI Mode)
The description of the operation of the CKE bit
(SSPSTAT<6>) is clarified. Please substitute the
description in Register 1, below, for all occurrences of
the existing text for the SSPSTAT register, bit 6 (new
text in bold).
2. Module: SSP (SPI Slave Mode)
The description of the operation of SPI Slave mode is
clarified as follows:
Before enabling the module in SPI Slave mode, the
state of the clock line (SCK) must match the polarity
selected for the Idle state. The clock line can be
observed by reading the SCK pin. The polarity of the
Idle state is determined by the CKP bit (SSPCON<4>).
This foregoing text should be added to the appropriate
subsections of the “SSP Module” chapter, entitled “SPI
Mode” and read in context with any discussions of SPI
Slave mode.
In the case of DS30234D, the text applies to both
implementations of SPI mode, as described in
Sections 11.2 and 11.3.
Note: This correction applies to the Data Sheets
for the following devices:
PIC16C62B/72A (DS35008B)
PIC16C63A/65B/73B/74B (DS30605C)
PIC16C923/924 (DS30444E)
PIC16C925/926 (DS39544A)
PIC16F72 (DS39597B)
PIC16F73/74/76/77 (DS30325B)
In addition, this clarification applies only to
the following devices in the PIC16C6X
Data Sheet (DS30234D):
In addition, this clarification applies only to
the following devices in the PIC16C7X
Data Sheet (DS30390E):
Any devices not explicitly listed in this
section do not implement SPI mode and
are not affected by this clarification.
Note: This text refers only to the operation of the
CKE bit in SPI mode; its operation in I2C
mode is unchanged.
Note: This correction applies to the Data Sheets
for the following devices:
PIC16C6X (DS30234D), except
PIC16C61 (does not implement the
SSP module)
PIC16C62B/72A (DS35008B)
PIC16C63A/65B/73B/74B (DS30605C)
PIC16C923/924 (DS30444E)
PIC16C925/926 (DS39544A)
PIC16F72 (DS39597B)
PIC16F73/74/76/77 (DS30325B)
Any other devices not explicitly listed in this
section do not implement SPI mode and
are not affected by this clarification.
bit 6 CKE: SPI Clock Edge Select bit
1 = Transmit occurs on transition from active to Idle clock state
0 = Transmit occurs on transition from Idle to active clock state
Note: Polarity of clock state is set by the CKP bit (SSPCON<4>).
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80132F-page 3
3. Module: SSP (I2C Mode) The description of the I2C pins related to the TRIS
bits is clarified. To ensure proper communication
of the I2C Slave mode, the TRIS bits (TRISx [SDA,
SCL]) corresponding to the I2C pins must be set to
1’. If any TRIS bits (TRISx<7:0>) of the port con-
taining the I2C pins (PORTx [SDA, SCL]) are
changed in software during I2C communication
using a Read-Modify-Write instruction (BSF, BCF),
then the I2C mode may stop functioning properly
and I2C communication may suspend. Do not
change any of the TRISx bits (TRIS bits of the port
containing the I2C pins) using the instruction BSF
or BCF during I2C communication. If it is absolutely
necessary to change the TRISx bits during
communication, the following method can be
Note: This correction applies to the Data Sheets
for the following devices:
PIC14000 (DS40122B)
PIC16C6X (DS30234D) except
PIC16C61 (does not implement SSP
PIC16C62B/72A (DS35008B)
PIC16C63A/65B/73B/74B (DS30605C)
PIC16C923/924 (DS30444E)
PIC16C925/926 (DS39544A)
PIC16F72 (DS39597B)
PIC16F73/74/76/77 (DS30325B)
MOVF TRISC, W ; Example for a 40-pin part such as the PIC16F73
IORLW 0x18 ; Ensures <4:3> bits are ‘11’
ANDLW B’11111001’ ; Sets <2:1> as output, but will not alter other bits
; User can use their own logic here, such as IORLW, XORLW and ANDLW
DS80132F-page 4 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
Revision A Document (7/2002):
Original version (I2C Slave Issue).
Revision B Document (1/2003):
Clarification of original issue to include Restart
conditions. Addition of data sheet clarification 1 (SPI
Mode, CKE bit).
Revision C Document (3/2003):
Addition of data sheet clarification 2 (SPI Slave Mode,
Revision D Document (9/2004):
Updated list of affected devices for silicon issue 1 (I2C
– Slave Mode) and 2 (SSP – SPI, Slave Mode),
removed silicon issue 3 (I2C – Slave Mode). Updated
list of affected devices for data sheet clarification 1
(SSP – SPI Mode) and 2 (SSP – SPI Slave Mode).
Added data sheet clarification 3 (SSP – I2C Mode).
Revision E Document (7/2006):
Removed silicon issue 2 (SSP – SPI Slave Mode).
Revision F Document (2/2007):
Added four devices to list of devices affected by the
silicon errata and clarified the related language.
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80132F-page 5
Information contained in this publication regarding device
applications and the like is provided only for your convenience
and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to
ensure that your application meets with your specifications.
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arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip
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the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and
hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims,
suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are
conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip
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The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron,
PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, PowerSmart, rfPIC, and
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Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.
Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the
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DS80132F-page 6 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
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