Technical Data 4311
Effective April 2014
DRQ Series Dual winding, shielded induc-
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Eaton’s Electrical Group
Electronics Division
114 Old State Road
Ellisville, MO 63021
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© 2014 Eaton
All Rights Reserved
Publication No. 4311 — BU-SB14113
April 2014
TC -5°C
Time 25°C to Peak Time
Max. Ramp Up Rate = 3°C/s
Max. Ramp Down Rate = 6°C/s
Table 1 - Standard SnPb Solder (Tc)
Volume Volume
Thickness <350 >
<2.5mm 235°C 220°C
_2.5mm 220°C 220°C
Table 2 - Lead (Pb) Free Solder (Tc)
Volume Volume Volume
Thickness <350 350 - 2000 >2000
<1.6mm 260°C 260°C 260°C
1.6 – 2.5mm 260°C 250°C 245°C
>2.5mm 250°C 245°C 245°C
Reference JDEC J-STD-020D
Profile Feature Standard SnPb Solder Lead (Pb) Free Solder
Preheat and Soak • Temperature min.(Tsmin) 100°C 150°C
• Temperature max. (Tsmax) 150°C 200°C
• Time (Tsmin to Tsmax) (ts) 60-120 Seconds 60-120 Seconds
Average ramp up rate Tsmax to Tp3°C/ Second Max. 3°C/ Second Max.
Liquidous temperature (T
) 183°C 217°C
Time at liquidous (tL) 60-150 Seconds 60-150 Seconds
Peak package body temperature (TP)* Table 1Table 2
Time (tp)** within 5 °C of the specified classification temperature (Tc) 20 Seconds** 30 Seconds**
Average ramp-down rate (Tpto Tsmax) 6°C/ Second Max. 6°C/ Second Max.
Time 25°C to Peak Temperature 6 Minutes Max. 8 Minutes Max.
* Tolerance for peak profile temperature (Tp) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum.
** Tolerance for time at peak profile temperature (tp) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum.
Solder reflow profile
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Tel: 1-636-394-2877
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Phone: +34-93-736-2813
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