2) DIP4/6 type and DIP4/6 Wide terminal type
Note: “A”, “AX”, “AZ” “AY” and “AW” at the end of the part numbers have been omitted.
* Do not exceed 0.05 A of ON state RMS current in case of following load voltage condition.
DIP4pin (APT1211, APT1221, APT1231) and DIP4pin wide terminal type (APT1211W, APT1221W, APT1231W): more than 100 V AC;
DIP6pin (APT1212, APT1222, APT1232) and DIP6pin wide terminal type (APT1212W, APT1222W, APT1232W): more than 120 V AC.
2. Electrical characteristics (Ambient temperature: 25°C 77°F)
1) Zero-cross voltage type (max. 50V) and random type
Notes: 1. For type of connection, see page 46.
2. Terminals are either solder plated or solder dipped.
Item Symbol APT1211(W) APT1221(W) APT1231(W) APT1212(W) APT1222(W) APT1232(W) Remarks
LED forward current IF50 mA
LED reverse voltage VR6 V
Peak forward current IFP 1 A f = 100 Hz,
Duty Ratio = 0.1%
Repetitive peak
OFF-state voltage VDRM 600 V
ON-state RMS current* IT(RMS) 0.1 A AC
Non-repetitive surge
current ITSM 1.2 A In one cycle at 60Hz
Total power dissipation PT500 mW
I/O isolation voltage Viso 5,000 V AC
Temperature limits Operating Topr –40°C to +100°C –40°F to +212°FNon-condensing at
low temperatures
Storage Tstg –40°C to +125°C –40°F to +257°F
Item Symbol APT1211S, APT1211(W), APT1212(W) APT1221S, APT1221(W), APT1222(W) Condition
LED dropout voltage Typical VF
1.21 V IF = 20 mA
Maximum 1.3 V
LED reverse current Typical IR
—VR = 6 V
Maximum 10 µA
Repetitive peak
OFF-state current
Typical IDRM
—IF = 0 mA
VDRM = 600 V
Maximum 1 µA
Repetitive peak
On-state voltage
Typical VTM
1.3 V IF = 10 mA
ITM = 0.05 A
Maximum 2.5 V
Holding current Typical IH
0.3 mA
Maximum 3.5 mA
Critical rate of rise of
OFF-state voltage Minimum dv/dt 500 V/µsV
DRM = 600 V ×1/M2
Tr igger LED current Maximum IFT 10 mA VD = 6 V
RL = 100 Ω
Zero-cross voltage Maximum VZC 50 V — IF = 10 mA
Tu rn on time* Maximum Ton 100 µs
IF = 20 mA
VD = 6 V
RL = 100 Ω
I/O capacitance Maximum Ciso 1.5 pF f = 1 MHz
VB = 0 V
I/O resistance Minimum Riso 50 GΩ500 V DC
*Turn on time
To n
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