*Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or
copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products. Intel retains the right to make
changes to these specifications at any time, without notice. Microcomputer Products may have minor variations to this specification known as errata.
November 1995COPYRIGHT ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1995 Order Number: 270827-006
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
125§C Ambient
YHigh Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU
YUp to 48 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM
YUp to 1.5 Kbytes of On-Chip Register
YUp to 512 Bytes of Additional RAM
(Code RAM)
YRegister-Register Architecture
YUp to 8 Channel/10-Bit A/D with
YUp to 37 Prioritized Interrupt Sources
YUp to Seven 8-Bit (56) I/O Ports
YFull Duplex Serial I/O Port
YDedicated Baud Rate Generator
YInterprocessor Communication Slave
YHigh Speed Peripheral Transaction
Server (PTS)
YTwo 16-Bit Software Timers
Y10 High Speed Capture/Compare (EPA)
YFull Duplex Synchronous Serial I/O
Port (SSIO)
YTwo Flexible 16-Bit Timer/Counters
YQuadrature Counting Inputs
YFlexible 8-/16-Bit External Bus
YProgrammable Bus (HLD/HLDA)
Y1.75 ms 16 x 16 Multiply
Y3ms 32/16 Divide
Y68-Pin and 52-Pin PLCC Packages
Device Pins/Package EPROM Reg RAM Code RAM I/O EPA SIO SSIO A/D
87C196KR 68-pin PLCC 16K 488 256 56 10 Y Y 8
87C196KQ 68-pin PLCC 12K 360 128 56 10 Y Y 8
87C196JV 52-pin PLCC 48K 1.5K 512 41 6 Y Y 6
87C196JT 52-pin PLCC 32K 1.0K 512 41 6 Y Y 6
87C196JR 52-pin PLCC 16K 488 256 41 6 Y Y 6
87C196JQ 52-pin PLCC 12K 360 128 41 6 Y Y 6
The 87C196KR/KQ JV/JT JR/JQ devices represent the fourth generation of MCSÉ96 Microcontroller prod-
ucts implemented on Intel’s advanced 1 micron process technology. These products are based on the
80C196KB device with improvements for automotive applications. The instruction set is a true super set of
80C196KB. The 87C196JR is a 52-pin version of the 87C196KR device, while the 87C196KQ/JQ are memory
scalars of the 87C196KR/JR.
The 87C196JV/JT A-step devices (JV-A, JT-A) are the newest members of the MCS 96 microcontroller family.
These devices are memory scalars of the 87C196JR D-step (JR-D) and are designed for strict functional and
electrical compatibility. The JT-A has 32 Kbytes of on-chip EPROM, 1.0 Kbytes of Register RAM and 512
bytes of Code RAM. The JV-A has 48 Kbytes of on-chip EPROM, 1.5 Kbytes of Register RAM and 512 bytes
of Code RAM.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
The MCS 96 microcontroller family members are all
high performance microcontrollers with a 16-bit
CPU. The 87C196Kx/Jx family members listed
above are composed of the high-speed (16 MHz)
core as well as the following peripherals: up to 48
Kbytes of Programmable EPROM, up to 1.5 Kbytes
of Register RAM, 512 bytes of code RAM (16-bit
addressing modes) with the ability to execute from
this RAM space, an eight channel-10-Bit/g3 LSB
analog to digital converter with programmable S/H
times with conversion times k5ms at 16 MHz, an
asynchronous/synchronous serial I/O port (8096
compatible) with a dedicated 16-bit baud rate gener-
ator, an additional synchronous serial I/O port (8096
compatible) with a dedicated 16-bit baud rate gener-
ator, an additional synchronous serial I/O port with
full duplex master/slave transceivers, a flexible tim-
er/counter structure with prescaler, cascading, and
quadrature capabilities, 10 modularized multiplexed
high speed I/O for capture and compare (called
Event Processor Array) with 250 ns resolution and
double buffered inputs, a sophisticated prioritized in-
terrupt structure with programmable Peripheral
Transaction Server (PTS). The PTS has several
channel modes, including single/burst block trans-
fers from any memory location to any memory loca-
tion, a PWM and PWM toggle mode to be used in
conjunction with the EPA, and an A/D scan mode.
Additional SFR space is allocated for the EPA and
can be ‘‘windowed’’ into the lower Register RAM
Please refer to the following datasheets for higher
frequency versions of devices contained within this
datasheet: 20 MHz 87C196JT: Order Ý272529;
20 MHz 87C196JV: Order Number 272580.
The 87C196KR/KQ/JV/JT/JR/JQ are members of
the MCS 96 microcontroller family, has the same ar-
chitecture and uses the same instruction set as the
80C196KB/KC. Many new features have been add-
ed including:
#Powerdown and Idle Modes
#16 MHz Operating Frequency
#A High Performance Peripheral Transaction Serv-
er (PTS)
#Up to 37 Interrupt Vectors
#Up to 512 Bytes of Code RAM
#Up to 1.5 Kbytes of Register RAM
#‘‘Windowing’’ Allows 8-Bit Addressing to Some
16-Bit Addresses
#1.75 ms 16 x 16 Multiply
#3ms 32/16 Divide
#Oscillator Fail Detect
#Programmable A/D Conversion and S/H Times
#10 Capture/Compare I/O with 2 Flexible Timers
#Synchronous Serial I/O Port for Full Duplex Seri-
al I/O
#Total Utilization of ALL Available Pins (I/O Mux’d
with Control)
#2 16-Bit Timers with Prescale, Cascading and
Quadrature Counting Capabilities
#Up to 12 Externally Triggered Interrupts
Exchange the contents of two locations, either Word
or Byte is supported.
Interruptable Block Move Instruction, allows the user
to be interrupted during long executing Block Moves.
Table Indirect JUMP. This instruction incorporates a
way to do complex CASE level branches through
one instruction. An example of such code savings:
several interrupt sources and only one interrupt vec-
tor. The TIJMP instruction will sort through the
sources and branch to the appropriate sub-code lev-
el in one instruction. This instruction was added es-
pecially for the EPA structure, but has other code
saving advantages.
Enable and Disable PTS Interrupts (Works like EI
and DI).
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
An additional 256 bytes of SFR registers were add-
ed to the 8XC196KR devices. These locations were
added to support the wide range of on-chip peripher-
als that the 8XC196KR has. This memory space
(1F00 1FFFH) has the ability to be addressed as
direct 8-bit addresses through the ‘‘windowing’’
technique. Any 32-, 64- or 128-byte section can be
relocated in the upper 32, 64 or 128 bytes of the
internal register RAM (080 FFH) address space.
Figure 1. Block Diagram
Figure 2. The 8XC196KR Family Nomenclature
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Figure 3. Package Diagrams
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Symbol Name and Function
VCC Main supply voltage (a5V).
SS Digital circuit ground (0V). There are three VSS pins, all of which MUST be
connected to a single ground plane.
VREF Reference for the A/D converter (a5V). VREF is also the supply voltage to the
analog portion of the A/D converter and the logic used to read Port 0. Must be
connected for A/D and Port 0 to function.
VPP Programming voltage for the EPROM parts. It should be a12.5V for
programming. It is also the timing pin for the return from powerdown circuit.
Connect this pin with a 1 mF capacitor to VSS anda1MXresistor to VCC. If this
function is not used, VPP may be tied to VCC.
ANGND Reference ground for the A/D converter. Must be held at nominally the same
potential as VSS.
XTAL1 Input of the oscillator inverter and the internal clock generator.
XTAL2 Output of the oscillator inverter.
P2.7/CLKOUT Output of the internal clock generator. The frequency is (/2 the oscillator
frequency. It has a 50% duty cycle. Also LSIO pin.
RESET Reset input to the chip. Input low for at least 16 state times will reset the chip. The
subsequent low to high transition resynchronizes CLKOUT and commences a 10-
state time sequence in which the PSW is cleared, bytes are read from 2018H and
201AH loading the CCBs, and a jump to location 2080H is executed. Input high for
normal operation. RESET has an internal pullup.
P5.7/BUSWIDTH Input for bus width selection. If CCR bit 1 is a one and CCR1 bit 2 is a one, this pin
dynamically controls the Bus width of the bus cycle in progress. If BUSWIDTH is
low, an 8-bit cycle occurs. If BUSWIDTH is high, a 16-bit cycle occurs. If CCR bit 1
is ‘‘0’’ and CCR1 bit 2 is ‘‘1’’, all bus cycles are 8-bit, if CCR bit 1 is ‘‘1’’ and CCR1
bit 2 is ‘‘0’’, all bus cycles are 16-bit. CCR bit 1 e‘‘0’’ and CCR1 bit 2 e‘‘0’’ is
illegal. Also an LSIO pin when not used as BUSWIDTH.
NMI A positive transition causes a non-maskable interrupt vector through memory
location 203EH. Used by Intel (GND this pin).
P5.1/INST Output high during an external memory read indicates the read is an instruction
fetch. INST is valid throughout the bus cycle. INST is active only during external
memory fetches, during internal [EP]ROM fetches INST is held low. Also LSIO
when not INST.
EA Input for memory select (External Access). EA equal to a high causes memory
accesses to locations 2000H through 5FFFH to be directed to on-chip EPROM/
ROM. EA equal to a low causes accesses to these locations to be directed to off-
chip memory. EA ea
12.5V causes execution to begin in the Programming
Mode. EA latched at reset.
P5.0/ALE/ADV Address Latch Enable or Address Valid output, as selected by CCR. Both pin
options provide a latch to demultiplex the address from the address/data bus.
When the pin is ADV, it goes inactive (high) at the end of the bus cycle. ADV can
be used as a chip select for external memory. ALE/ADV is active only during
external memory accesses. Also LSIO when not used as ALE.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Symbol Name and Function
P5.3/RD Read signal output to external memory. RD is active only during external memory
reads or LSIO when not used as RD.
P5.2/WR/WRL Write and Write Low output to external memory, as selected by the CCR, WR will
go low for every external write, while WRL will go low only for external writes
where an even byte is being written. WR/WRL is active during external memory
writes. Also an LSIO pin when not used as WR/WRL.
P5.5/BHE/WRH Byte High Enable or Write High output, as selected by the CCR. BHE e0 selects
the bank of memory that is connected to the high byte of the data bus. A0 e0
selects that bank of memory that is connectd to the low byte. Thus accesses to a
16-bit wide memory can be to the low byte only (A0 e0, BHE e1), to the high
byte only (A0 e1, BHE e0) or both bytes (A0 e0, BHE e0). If the WRH
function is selected, the pin will go low if the bus cycle is writing to an odd memory
location. BHE/WRH is only valid during 16-bit external memory write cycles. Also
an LSIO pin when not BHE/WRH.
P5.6/READY Ready input to lengthen external memory cycles, for interfacing with slow or
dynamic memory, or for bus sharing. If the pin is high, CPU operation continues in
a normal manner. If the pin is low prior to the falling edge of CLKOUT, the memory
controller goes into a wait state mode until the next positive transition in CLKOUT
occurs with READY high. When external memory is not used, READY has no
effect. The max number of wait states inserted into the bus cycle is controlled by
the CCR/CCR1. Also an LSIO pin when READY is not selected.
P5.4/SLPINT Dual functional I/O pin. As a bidirectional port pin or as a system function. The
system function is a Slave Port Interrupt Output Pin.
P6.2/T1CLK Dual function I/O pin. Primary function is that of a bidirectional I/O pin, however it
may also be used as a TIMER1 Clock input. The TIMER1 will increment or
decrement on both positive and negative edges of this pin.
P6.3/T1DIR Dual function I/Opin. Primary function is that of a bidirectional I/O pin, however it
may also be used as a TIMER1 Direction input. The TIMER1 will increment when
this pin is high and decrements when this pin is low.
PORT1/EPA0 7 Dual function I/O port pins. Primary function is that of bidirectional I/O. System
function is that of High Speed capture and compare. EPA0 and EPA2 have yet
P6.0 6.1/EPA8 9
another function of T2CLK and T2DIR of the TIMER2 timer/counter.
PORT 0/ACH0 7 8-bit high impedance input-only port. These pins can be used as digital inputs
and/or as analog inputs to the on-chip A/D converter. These pins are also used
as inputs to EPROM parts to select the Programming Mode.
P6.4 6.7/SSIO Dual function I/O ports that have a system function as Synchronous Serial I/O.
Two pins are clocks and two pins are data, providing full duplex capability.
PORT 2 8-bit multi-functional port. All of its pins are shared with other functions.
PORT 3 and 4 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports with open drain outputs. These pins are shared with
the multiplexed address/data bus which has strong internal pullups.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Storage Temperature ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀb60§Ctoa
Voltage from VPP or EA to
Voltage from Any Other Pin
This includes VPP on ROM and CPU devices.
NOTICE: This is a production data sheet. The specifi-
cations are subject to change without notice.
WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the ‘‘Absolute
Maximum Ratings’’ may cause permanent damage.
These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the
‘‘Operating Conditions’’ is not recommended and ex-
tended exposure beyond the ‘‘Operating Conditions’’
may affect device reliability.
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TAAmbient Temperature under Bias b40 a125 §C
VCC Digital Supply Voltage 4.50 5.50 V
VREF Analog Supply Voltage 4.50 5.50 V
FOSC Oscillator Frequency 4 16 MHz(4)
ANGND and VSS should be nominally at the same potential.
DC CHARACTERISTICS (Under Listed Operating Conditions)
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions
ICC VCC Supply Current 75 mA XTAL1 e16 MHz,
125§C (JV e80) VCC eVPP eVREF e5.5V
Ambient) 50 (While Device in Reset)
ICC1 Active Mode Supply 50 mA
Current (Typical) (JV e55)
IREF A/D Reference 25mA
Supply Current
IIDLE Idle Mode Current 15 30 mA XTAL1 e16 MHz,
(JV e32) VCC eVPP eVREF e5.5V
IPD Powerdown Mode 50 TBD mAVCC eVPP eVREF e5.5V
Current (Note 6)
VIL Input Low Voltage b0.5V 0.3 VCC V
(All Pins)
VIH Input High Voltage 0.7 VCC VCC a0.5 V (Note 7)
(All Pins)
VOL Output Low Voltage 0.3 V IOL e200 mA (Notes 3, 5)
(Outputs Configured 0.45 V IOL e3.2 mA
as Push/Pull) 1.5 V IOL e7.0 mA
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
DC CHARACTERISTICS (Under Listed Operating Conditions) (Continued)
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions
VOH Output High Voltage VCC b0.3 V IOH eb
200 mA (Notes 3, 5)
(Outputs Configured VCC b0.7 V IOH eb
3.2 mA
as Push/Pull) VCC b1.5 V IOH eb
7.0 mA
ILI Input Leakage Current g8mAV
(Std. Inputs) JT/JV: g10 (Note 2)
ILI1 Input Leakage Current g1mAV
(Port 0ÐA/D Inputs) JT/JV: g2
IIH Input High Current a175 mAV
(NMI Pin)
VOH2 Output High Voltage VCC b1V V IOH eb
15 mA (Notes 1, 8)
IOH2 Output High Current b6b35 mAV
OH2 eVCC b1.0V
(KR, KQ) in RESET b15 b60 mAV
OH2 eVCC b2.5V
b20 b70 mAV
OH2 eVCC b4.0V
IOH2 Output High b30 b120 mAV
OH2 eVCC b1.0V
(JV, JT, Current in b75 b240 mAV
OH2 eVCC b2.5V
JR-D, JQ-D) RESET b90 b280 mAV
OH2 eVCC b4.0V
RRST Reset Pullup Resistor 6K 65K X
VOL3 Output Low Voltage 0.3 V IOL3 e4 mA (Note 9)
in RESET 0.5 V IOL3 e6mA
(RESET Pin only) 0.8 V IOL3 e10 mA
CSPin Capacitance 10 pF FTEST e1.0 MHz
(Any Pin to VSS)
RWPU Weak Pullup Resistance 150K X(Note 6)
1. All BD (bidirectional) pins except P5.1/INST and P2.7/CLKOUT which are excluded due to their not being weakly pulled
high in reset. BD pins include Port1, Port2, Port3, Port4, Port5 and Port6.
2. Standard Input pins include XTAL1, EA, RESET and Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when configured as inputs.
3. All Bidirectional I/O pins when configured as Outputs (Push/Pull).
4. Device is Static and should operate below 1 Hz, but only tested down to 4 MHz.
5. Maximum IOL/IOH currents per pin will be characterized and published at a later date. Target values are g10 mA.
6. Typicals are based on limited number of samples and are not guaranteed. The values listed are at room temperature and
VREF eVCC e5.0V.
7. VIH max for Port0 is VREF a0.5V.
8. Refer to ‘‘VOH2/IOH2 Specification’’ errata Ý1 in errata section of this datasheet.
9. This specification is not tested in production and is based upon theoretical estimates and/or product characterization.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
KR/KQ/JR/JQ ICC vs Frequency
ICC Max e3.88 cFreq a13.43
IIDLE Max e1.65 cFreq a2.2
JT ICC vs Frequency
ICC Max e3.25 cFreq a23
IIDLE Max e1.25 cFreq a15
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
AC CHARACTERISTICS (Over Specified Operating Conditions)
Test Conditions: Capacitance Load on All Pins e100 pF, Rise and Fall Times e10 ns, FOSC e16 MHz.
The system must meet these specifications to work with the 87C196KR/KQ/JV/JT/JR/JQ
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TAVYV Address Valid to READY Setup 2 TOSC b75 ns
TLLYV ALE Low to READY Setup TOSC b70 ns
TYLYH Non READY Time No Upper Limit ns
TCLYX READY Hold after CLKOUT Low 0 TOSC b30 ns(1)
TLLYX READY Hold after ALE Low TOSC b15 2 TOSC b40 ns(1)
TAVGV Address Valid to Buswidth Setup 2 TOSC b75 ns
TLLGV ALE Low to Buswidth Setup TOSC b60 ns
TCLGX Buswidth Hold after CLKOUT Low 0 ns
TAVDV Address Valid to Input Data Valid 3 TOSC b55 ns
TRLDV RD Active to Input Data Valid TOSC b22 ns
TCLDV CLKOUT Low to Input Data Valid TOSC b50 ns
TRHDZ End of RD to Input Data Float TOSC ns
TRXDX Data Hold after RD Inactive 0 ns
1. If max is exceeded, additional wait states will occur.
The 87C196KR/KQ/JV/JT/JR/JQ will meet these specifications.
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
FXTAL Oscillator Frequency 4.0 16.0 MHz(1)
TOSC Oscillator Period (1/Fxtal) 62.5 250 ns
TXHCH XTAL1 High to CLKOUT 20 110 ns(2)
High or Low
TCHCL CLKOUT High Period TOSC b10 TOSC a15 ns
TCLLH CLKOUT Falling Edge b10 15 ns
to ALE Rising
TLLCH ALE/ADV Falling Edge b20 15 ns
to CLKOUT Rising
TLHLH ALE/ADV Cycle Time 4 TOSC ns
TLHLL ALE/ADV High Period TOSC b10 TOSC a10 ns
TAVLL Address Setup to ALE/ADV TOSC b15 ns
Falling Edge
TLLAX Address Hold after ALE/ADV TOSC b40 ns
Falling Edge
TLLRL ALE/ADV Falling Edge to TOSC b30 ns
RD Falling Edge
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
AC CHARACTERISTICS (Over Specified Operating Conditions) (Continued)
Test Conditions: Capacitance Load on All Pins e100 pF, Rise and Fall Times e10 ns, FOSC e16 MHz.
The 87C196KR/KQ/JV/JT/JR/JQ will meet these specifications.
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TRLCL RD Low to CLKOUT 4 30 ns
Falling Edge
TRLRH RD Low Period TOSC b5ns
RHLH RD Rising Edge to TOSC TOSC a25 ns(3)
ALE/ADV Rising Edge
TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float 5 ns(5)
TLLWL ALE/ADV Falling Edge TOSC b10 ns
to WR Falling Edge
TCLWL CLKOUT Low to b525ns
WR Falling Edge
TQVWH Data Stable to WR Rising Edge TOSC b23 ns
TCHWH CLKOUT High to WR b10 15 ns
Rising Edge
TWLWH WR Low Period TOSC b20 ns
TWHQX Data Hold after WR Rising Edge TOSC b25 ns
TWHLH WR Rising Edge to ALE/ADV TOSC b10 TOSC a15 ns(3)
Rising Edge
TWHBX BHE, INST Hold after WR TOSC b10 ns
Rising Edge
TWHAX AD8 15 Hold after WR Rising Edge TOSC b30(4) ns
TRHBX BHE, INST Hold after RD Rising Edge TOSC b10 ns
TRHAX AD8 15 Hold after RD Rising Edge TOSC b30(4) ns
1. Testing performed at 4.0 MHz, however, the device is static by design and will typically operate below 1 Hz.
2. Typical specifications, not guaranteed.
3. Assuming back-to-back bus cycles.
4. 8-bit bus only.
5. TRLAZ (max) e5 ns by design.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
System Bus Timing
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
1/TXLXL Oscillator Frequency 4.0 16 MHz
TXLXL Oscillator Period (TOSC) 62.5 250 ns
TXHXX High Time 0.35 TOSC 0.65 TOSC ns
TXLXX Low Time 0.35 TOSC 0.65 TOSC ns
TXLXH Rise Time 10 ns
TXHXL Fall Time 10 ns
AC Testing Inputs are driven at 3.5V for a logic ‘‘1’’ and
0.45V for a logic ‘‘0’’. Timing measurements are made
at 2.0V for a logic ‘‘1’’ and 0.8V for logic ‘‘0’’.
For timing purposes a port pin is no longer floating
when a 150 mV change from load voltage occurs and
begins to float when a 150 mV change from the loading
VOH/VOL level occurs IOL/IOH s15 mA.
Device and Package iJA iJC
AN87C196KR/KQ 41§C/W 14§C/W
(68-Lead PLCC)
AN87C196JV/JT/JR/JQ 42§C/W 15§C/W
(52-Lead PLCC)
1. iJA eThermal resistance between junction and the surround-
ing environment (ambient). Measurements are taken 1
ft. away from case in air flow environment.
iJC eThermal resistance between junction and package sur-
face (case).
2. All values of iJA and iJC may fluctuate depending on the en-
vironment (with or without airflow, and how much airflow) and
device power dissipation at temperature of operation. Typical
variations are g2§C/W.
3. Values listed are at a maximum power dissipation of 0.50W.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Each symbol is two pairs of letters prefixed by ‘‘t’’ for time. The characters in a pair indicate a signal and its
condition, respectively. Symbols represent the time between the two signal/condition points.
No Longer Valid
Operating Conditions: Load Capacitance e150 pF; TCe25§Cg5§C, VREF e5.0V g0.5V, VSS,
ANGND e0V. VPP e12.5V g0.25V; EA e12.5V g0.25V; FOSC e5.0 MHz
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TAVLL Address Setup Time 0 TOSC
TLLAX Address Hold Time 100 TOSC
TDVPL Data Setup Time 0 TOSC
TPLDX Data Hold Time 400 TOSC
TLLLH PALE Pulse Width 50 TOSC
TPLPH PROG Pulse Width(3) 50 TOSC
TPHLL PROG High to Next PALE Low 220 TOSC
TPHDX Word Dump Hold Time 50 TOSC
TPHPL PROG High to Next PROG Low 220 TOSC
TPLDV PROG Low to Word Dump Valid 50 TOSC
TSHLL RESET High to First PALE Low 1100 TOSC
TILIH AINC Pulse Width 240 TOSC
TILVH PVER Hold after AINC Low 50 TOSC
TPHVL PROG High to PVER Valid 220 TOSC
1. Run time programming is done with FOSC e6.0 MHz to 10.0 MHz, VCC,V
REF e5V g0.5V, TCe25§Cg5§C and
VPP e12.5V g0.25V. For run-time programming over a full operating range, contact factory.
2. Programming Specifications are not tested, but guaranteed by design.
3. This specification is for the word dump mode. For programming pulses use 300 TOSC a100 ms.
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
IPP VPP Programming Supply Current 100 mA
VPP must be within 1V of VCC while VCC k4.5V. VPP must not have a low impedance path to ground or VSS while VCC l
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
The speed of the A/D converter in the 10-bit or 8-bit
modes can be adjusted by setting the ADÐTIME
special function register to the appropriate value.
The ADÐTIME register only programs the speed at
which the conversions are performed, not the speed
at which it can convert correctly.
The converter is ratiometric, so absolute accuracy is
dependent on the accuracy and stability of VREF.
VREF must not exceed VCC by more than 0.5V since
it supplies both the resistor ladder and the digital
portion of the converter and input port pins.
For testing purposes, after a conversion is started,
the device is placed in the IDLE mode until the con-
version is complete. Testing is performed at VREF e
5.12V and 16 MHz operating frequency.
There is an ADÐTEST register that allows for con-
version on ANGND and VREF as well as zero offset
adjustment. The absolute error listed is without do-
ing any adjustments.
Symbol Description Min Max Units
TAAutomotive Ambient Temperature b40 a125 §C
VCC Digital Supply Voltage 4.50 5.50 V
VREF Analog Supply Voltage 4.50 5.50(2, 3) V
TSAM Sample Time 2.0 ms(4)
TCONV Conversion Time 16.5 19.5 ms(4)
FOSC Oscillator Frequency 4 16 MHz
1. ANGND and VSS should nominally be at the same potential.
2. VREF must not exceed VCC by more than a0.5V.
3. Testing is performed at VREF e5.12V.
4. The value of ADÐTIME must be selected to meet these specifications.
Parameter Typical*(1) Min Max Units**
Resolution 1024 1024 Level
10 10 Bits
Absolute Error 0 b3 LSBs
Full Scale Error g2 LSBs
Zero Offset Error g2 LSBs
Non-Linearity g3 LSBs
Differential Non-Linearity lb0.5 a0.5 LSBs
Channel-to-Channel Matching 0 g1 LSBs
Repeatability g0.25 0 LSBs(1)
Temperature Coefficients:
Offset 0.009 LSB/C(1)
Fullscale 0.009 LSB/C(1)
Differential Non-Linearity 0.009 LSB/C(1)
Off Isolation b60 dB(1, 2, 3)
Feedthrough b60 dB(1, 2)
VCC Power Supply Rejection b60 dB(1, 2)
Input Resistance 750 1.2K X(1)
DC Input Leakage 0 g1mA
JT/JV eg2
*These values are expected for most parts at 25§C but are not tested or guaranteed.
**An ‘‘LSB’’, as used here, has a value of approximately 5 mV. (See Automotive Handbook for A/D glossary of terms).
1. These values are not tested in production and are based on theoretical estimates and/or laboratory test.
2. DC to 100 KHz
3. Multiplexer Break-Before-Make Guaranteed.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Symbol Description Min Max Units Notes
THVCH HOLD Setup 65 ns (Note 1)
TCLHAL CLKOUT Low to HLDA Low b15 15 ns
TCLBRL CLKOUT Low to BREQ Low b15 15 ns
TAZHAL HLDA Low to Address Float 25 ns
TBZHAL HLDA Low to BHE, INST, RD,WRWeakly Driven 25 ns
TCLHAH CLKOUT Low to HLDA High b15 15 ns
TCLBRH CLKOUT Low to BREQ High b15 15 ns
THAHAX HLDA High to Address Valid b15 ns
THAHBV HLDA High to BHE, INST, RD, WR Valid b10 ns
TCLLH CLKOUT Low to ALE High b10 15 ns
1. To guarantee recognition at next clock.
Parameter Min Max Units
Weak Pullups on ADV, RD, 50K 250K VCC e5.5V, VIN e0.45V
Weak Pulldowns on 10K 50K VCC e5.5V, VIN e2.4
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TSAVWL Address Valid to WR Low 50 ns
TSRHAV RD High to Address Valid 60 ns
TSRLRH RD Low Period TOSC ns
TSWLWH WR Low Period TOSC ns
TSRLDV RD Low to Output Data Valid 60 ns
TSDVWH Input Data Setup to WR High 20 ns
TSWHQX WR High to Data Invalid 30 ns
TSRHDZ RD High to Data Float 15 ns
1. Test Conditions: FOSC e16 MHz, TOSC e60 ns. Rise/Fall Time e10 ns. Capacitive Pin Load e100 pF.
2. These values are not tested in production, and are based upon theoretical estimates and/or laboratory tests.
3. Specifications above are advanced information and are subject to change.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TSELLL CS Low to ALE Low 20 ns
TSRHEH RD or WR High to CS High 60 ns
TSRLRH RD Low Period TOSC ns
TSWLWH WR Low Period TOSC ns
TSAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 20 ns
TSLLAX ALE Low to Address Invalid 20 ns
TSRLDV RD Low to Output Data Valid 60 ns
TSDVWH Input Data Setup to WR High 20 ns
TSWHQX WR High to Data Invalid 30 ns
TSRHDZ RD High to Data Float 15 ns
1. Test Conditions: FOSC e16 MHz, TOSC e60 ns. Rise/Fall Time e10 ns. Capacitive Pin Load e100 pF.
2. These values are not tested in production, and are based upon theoretical estimates and/or laboratory tests.
3. Specifications above are advanced information and are subject to change.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Test Conditions: TAeb
125§C; VCC e5.0V g10%; VSS e0.0V; Load Capacitance e100 pF
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TXLXL Serial Port Clock Period 8 TOSC ns
TXLXH Serial Port Clock Falling 4 TOSC b50 4 TOSC a50 ns
Edge to Rising Edge
TQVXH Output Data Setup 3 TOSC ns
to Clock Rising Edge
TXHQX Output Data Hold 2 TOSC b50 ns
after Clock Rising Edge
TXHQV Next Output Data Valid 2 TOSC a50 ns
after Clock Rising Edge
TDVXH Input Data Setup 2 TOSC a200 ns
to Clock Rising Edge
TXHDX(1) Input Data Hold 0 ns
after Clock Rising Edge
TXHQZ(1) Last Clock Rising to 5 TOSC ns
Output Float
1. Parameter not tested.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
Intel offers 52-lead versions of the 87C196KR de-
vice: the 87C196JV/JT/JR/JQ devices. The first
samples and production units use the 87C196KR die
and bond it out in a 52-lead package.
It is important to point out some functionality differ-
ences because of future devices or to remain soft-
ware consistent with the 68-lead device. Because of
the absence of pins on the 52-lead device some
functions are not supported.
52-Lead Unsupported Functions:
Analog Channels 0 and 1
INST Pin Functionality
SLPINT Pin Support
HLD/HLDA Functionality
External Clocking/Direction of Timer1
WRH or BHE Functions
Dynamic Buswidth
Dynamic Wait State Control
The following is a list of recommended practices
when using the 52-lead device:
(1) External Memory. Use an 8-bit bus mode only.
There is neither a WRH or BUSWIDTH pin. The
bus cannot dynamically switch from 8- to 16-bit
or vice versa. Set the CCB bytes to an 8-bit only
mode, using WR function only.
(2) Wait State Control. Use the CCB bytes to con-
figure the maximum number of wait states. If the
READY pin is selected to be a system function,
the device will lockup waiting for READY. If the
READY pin is configured as LSIO (default after
RESET), the internal logic will receive a logic
‘‘0’’ level and insert the CCB defined number of
wait states in the bus cycle. DON’T USE IRC e
(3) NMI Support. The NMI is not bonded out. Make
the NMI vector at location 203Eh vector to a
Return instruction. This is for glitch safety pro-
tection only.
(4) Auto-Programming Mode. The 52-lead device
will ONLY support the 16-bit zero wait state bus
during auto-programming.
(5) EPA4 through EPA7. Since the JR and JQ de-
vices use the KR silicon, these functions are in
the device, just not bonded out. A programmer
can use these as compare only channels or for
other functions like software timer, start an A/D
conversion, or reset timers.
(6) Slave Port Support. The Slave port cannot be
easily used on 52-lead devices due to
P5.4/SLPINT and P5.1/SLPCS not being bond-
(7) Port Functions. Some port pins have been re-
moved. P5.7, P5.6, P5.5, P5.1, P6.2, P6.3, P1.4
through P1.7, P2.3, P2.5, P0.0 and P0.1. The
PxREG, PxSSEL, and PxIO registers can still be
updated and read. The programmer should not
use the corresponding bits associated with the
removed port pins to conditionally branch in
software. Treat these bits as RESERVED.
Additionally, these port pins should be setup in-
ternally by software as follows:
1. Written to PxREG as ‘‘1’’ or ‘‘0’’.
2. Configured as Push/Pull, PxIO as ‘‘0’’.
3. Configured as LSIO.
This configuration will effectively strap the pin
either high or low.
DO NOT Configure as
Open Drain output ‘’1’’, or as an Input pin.
This device is CMOS.
1. VOH2/IOH2 Specification (Note C)
In the DC Characteristics section of this data-
sheet, VOH2 indicates the strength of the internal
weak pullups that are active during and after re-
set until the user writes to the PxMODE register.
C-step devices do not meet this specification.
The new specification for C-step devices is VOH2
(min) eVCC b1V at IOH2 eb
6mA. Note that
JR/JQ D-step devices are not affected by this
errata and meet the published specification.
2. 1B00h 1BDFh External Addressing
(Notes C, D)
Affected devices cannot access external memory
locations 1B00h 1BDFh. A bus cycle does not
occur when these addresses are accessed. If at-
tempting to read from 1B00h 1BDFh a value of
FFh is returned even though a read cycle is not
generated. Writing to these locations will not gen-
erate an external bus cycle either. This errata has
been corrected on JV and JT devices.
3. Port3 Push-Pull Operation (Note C)
If Port3 is operating as a push-pull LSIO (Low-
Speed I/O) port and an address/data bus cycle
occurs, Port3 will continue to drive the address/
data bus with its LSIO data during the bus cycle.
It is rather unlikely that this errata would affect an
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
application because the application would have
to use Port3 for both LSIO and as an external
addr/data bus. If an application uses external
memory, Port3 should not be selected as push-
pull LSIO.
‘‘C’’ ePresent on C-step devices
‘‘D’’ ePresent on D-step devices
‘‘V’’ ePresent on JV A-step devices
‘‘T’’ ePresent on JT A-step devices
Devices can be identified by a special mark fol-
lowing the eight-digit FPO number on the top of
the package. The following chart specifies what
these markings are for various device steppings:
Device Topside Marking
KR, KQ C-step ‘‘C’’
JR, JQ D-step ‘‘D’’
JV, JT A-step ‘‘A’’
1. EPA Timer RESET/Write Conflict
If the user writes to the EPA timer at the same
time that the timer is reset, it is indeterminate
which will take precedence. Users should not
write to a timer if using EPA signals to reset it.
2. Valid Time Matches
The timer must increment/decrement to the
compare value for a match to occur. A match
does not occur if the timer is loaded with a value
equal to an EPA compare value. Matches also do
not occur if a timer is reset and 0 is the EPA
compare value.
3. P6ÐPIN.4 .7 Not Updated Immediately
Values written to P6ÐREG are temporarily held
in a buffer. If P6ÐMODE is cleared, the buffer is
loaded into P6ÐREG.x. If P6ÐMODE is set, the
value stays in the buffer and is loaded into P6Ð
REG.x when P6ÐMODE.x is cleared. Since read-
ing P6ÐREG returns the current value in P6Ð
REG and not the buffer, changes to P6ÐREG
cannot be read until/unless P6ÐMODE.x is
4. Write Cycle during Reset
If RESET occurs during a write cycle, the con-
tents of the external memory device may be cor-
5. Indirect Shift Instruction
The upper 3 bits of the byte register holding the
shift count are not masked completely. If the shift
count register has the value 32 cn, where n e
1, 3, 5, or 7, the operand will be shifted 32 times.
This should have resulted in no shift taking place.
6. P2.7 (CLKOUT)
P2.7 (CLKOUT) does not operate in open drain
The CLKOUT signal is active on P2.7 during
RESET for the KR, KQ, JV, JT, JR and JQ de-
vices. Note that CLKOUT is not active on P2.7
in RESET for the KT.
8. EPA Overruns
EPA ‘‘lock-up’’ can occur if overruns are not han-
dled correctly, refer to Intel Techbit ÝDB0459
‘‘Understanding EPA Capture Overruns’’,
12-9-93. Applies to EPA channels with interrupts
and overruns enabled (ON/RT bit in
EPAÐCONTROL register set to ‘‘1’’).
9. Indirect Addressing with Auto-Increment
For the special case of a pointer pointing to itself
using auto-increment, an incorrect access of the
incremented pointer address will occur instead of
an access to the original pointer address. All oth-
er indirect auto-increment accesses will note be
affected. Please refer to Techbit ÝMC0593.
Incorrect sequence:
ld ax,#ax ; Results in ax being
incremented by 1 and the
ldb bx,[ax]0 ;contents of the address
pointed to by axa1tobe
loaded into bx.
Correct sequence:
ld ax,#bx ; where ax ibx. Results in
the contents of the address
ldb cx,[ax]0 ;pointed to by ax to be
loaded into bx and ax
incremented by 1.
10. JV Additional Register RAM
The 8XC196JV has a total of 1.5 Kbytes of reg-
ister RAM. The RAM is located in two memory
ranges: 0000h 03FFh and 1C00h 1DFFh.
87C196JR/JQ C-step to
JR/JQ D-step or JV/JT A-step
This section documents differences between the
87C197JV A-step (JV-A)/87C196JT A-step (JT-A)/
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
87C196JR D-step (JR-D) and the 87C196JR C-step
(JR-C). For a list of design considerations between
68-lead and 52-lead devices, please refer to the
52-lead Device Design Considerations section of
this datasheet. Since the 87C196JV/JT/JQ are sim-
ply memory scalars of the 87C196JR, the term ‘‘JR’’
in this section will refer to JV, JT, JR and JQ ver-
sions of the device unless otherwise noted.
The JR-C is simply a 87C196KR C-step (KR-C) de-
vice packaged within a 52-lead package. This reduc-
tion in pin count necessitated not bonding-out cer-
tain pins of the KR-C device. The fact that these
‘‘removed pins’’ were still present on the device but
not available to the outside world allowed the pro-
grammer to take advantage of some of the 68-lead
KR features.
The JR-D is a fully-optimized 52-lead device based
on the 87C196KR C-step device. The KR-C design
data base was used to assure that the JR-D would
be fully compatible with the KR-C, JR-C and other
Kx family members. The main differences between
the JR-D and the JR-C is that several of the unused
(not bonded-out) functions on the JR-C were re-
moved altogether on the JR-D.
Following is a list of differences between the JR-C
and the JR-D:
1. Port3 Push-Pull Operation
It was discovered on JR-C that if Port3 is select-
ed for push-pull operation (P34ÐDRV register)
during low speed I/O (LSIO), the port was driving
data when the system bus was attempting to in-
put data. It is rather unlikely that this errata would
affect an application because the application
would have to use Port3 for both LSIO and as an
external addr/data bus. Nonetheless, this errata
was corrected on the JR-D.
2. VOH2 Strengthened
The DC Characteristics section of the Automotive
KR datasheet contains a parameter, VOH2 (Out-
put High Voltage in RESET (BD ports)), which is
specified at VCC 1V min at IOH2 eb
15 mA.
This specification indicates the strength of the in-
ternal weak pull-ups that are active during and
after reset. These weak pull-ups stay active until
the user writes to PxMODE (previously known as
PxSSEL) and configures the port pin as desired.
These pull-ups do not meet this VOH2 spec on
the JR-C. The weak pull-ups on specified JR-D
ports have been enhanced to meet the published
specification of IOH2 eb
15 mA.
3. ONCE Mode
ONCE mode is entered by holding a single pin
low on the rising edge of RESETÝ. On the KR,
this pin is P5.4/SLPINT. The JR-C does not sup-
port ONCE mode since P5.4/SLPINT (ONCE
mode entry pin) is not bonded-out on these de-
vices. To provide ONCE mode on the JR-D, the
ONCE mode entry function was moved from
P5.4/SLPINT to P2.6/HLDA. This will allow the
JR-D to enter ONCE mode using P2.6 instead of
removed pin P5.4.
4. Port0
On the JR-C, P0.0 and P0.1 are not bonded out.
However, these inputs are present in the device
and reading them will provide an indeterminate
On the JR-D, the analog inputs for these two
channels at the miltiplexer are tied to VREF.
Therefore, initiating an analog conversion on
ACH0 or ACH1 will result in a value equal to full
scale (3FFh). On the JR-D, the digital inputs for
these two channels are tied to ground, therefore
reading P0.0 or P0.1 will result in a digital ‘‘0’’.
5. Port1
On the JR-C, P1.4, P1.5, P1.6 and P1.7 are not
bonded out but are present internally on the de-
vice. This allows the programmer to write to the
port registers and clear, set or read the pin even
though it is not available to the outside world.
However, to maintain compatibility with D-step
and future devices, it is recommended that the
corresponding bits associated with the removed
pins NOT be used to conditionally branch in soft-
ware. These bits should be treated as reserved.
On the JR-D, unused port logic for these four port
pins has been removed from the device and is
not available to the programmer. Corresponding
bits in the port registers have been ‘‘hard-wired’’
to provide the following results when read:
Register Bits When Read
P1ÐPIN.x (x e4,5,6,7) 1
P1ÐREG.x (x e4,5,6,7) 1
P1ÐDIR.x (x e4,5,6,7) 1
P1ÐMODE.x (x e4,5,6,7) 0
Writing to these bits will have no effect.
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
6. Port2
On the JR-C, P2.3 and P2.5 are not bonded out
but are present internally on the device. This al-
lows the programmer to write to the port registers
and clear, set or read the pin even though it is not
available to the outside world. However, to main-
tain compatibility with D-step and future devices,
it is recommended that the corresponding bits as-
sociated with the removed pins not be used to
conditionally branch in software. These bits
should be treated as reserved.
On the JR-D, unused port logic for these two port
pins has been removed from the device and is
not available to the programmer. Corresponding
bits in the port registers have been ‘‘hardwired’’
to provide the following results when read:
Register Bits When Read
P2ÐPIN.x (x e3,5) 1
P2ÐREG.x (x e3,5) 1
P2ÐDIR.x (x e3,5) 1
P2ÐMODE.x (x e3,5) 0
Writing to these bits will have no effect.
7. Port5
On the JR-C, P5.1, P5.4, P5.5, P5.6 and P5.7 are
not bonded out but are present internally on the
device. This allows the programmer to write to
the port registers and clear, set or read the pin
even though it is not available to the outside
world. However, to maintain compatibility with D-
step and future devices, it is recommended that
the corresponding bits associated with the re-
moved pins not be used to conditionally branch in
software. These bits should be treated as re-
On the JR-D, unused port logic for these five port
pins has been removed from the device and is
not available to the programmer. Corresponding
bits in the port registers have been ‘‘hardwired’’
to provide the following results when read:
Register Bits When Read
P5ÐPIN.x (x e1,4,5,6,7) 1
P5ÐREG.x (x e1,4,5,6,7) 1
P5ÐDIR.x (x e1,4,5,6,7) 1
P5ÐMODE.x (x e1,4,6) 0
P5ÐMODE.x (x e5) (EAÝe0) 1
P5ÐMODE.x (x e5) (EAÝe1) 0
P5ÐMODE.x (x e7) 1
Writing to these bits will have no effect.
8. Port6
On the JR-C, P6.2 and P6.3 are not bonded out
but are present internally on the device. This al-
lows the programmer to write to the port registers
and clear, set or read the pin even though it is not
available to the outside world. However, to main-
tain compatibility with D-step and future devices,
it is recommended that the corresponding bits as-
sociated with the removed pins not be used to
conditionally branch in software. These bits
should be treated as reserved.
On the JR-D, unused port logic for these two port
pins has been removed from the device and is
not available to the programmer. Corresponding
bits in the port registers have been ‘‘hardwired’’
to provide the following results when read:
Register Bits When Read
P6ÐPIN.x (x e2,3) 1
P6ÐREG.x (x e2,3) 1
P6ÐDIR.x (x e2,3) 1
P6ÐMODE.x (x e2,3) 0
Writing to these bits will have no effect.
9. 8XC196JQ Internal to External Memory
Roll-over Point
8XC196JQ devices are simply 8XC196JR devic-
es with less memory. Both the JQ-C and JQ-D
are fabricated from the JR-C and JR-D respect-
fully. The difference between JQ and JR devices
is that memory locations beyond the supported
boundaries on the JQ are not tested in produc-
tion and should not be used. Any software which
relies upon reading or writing these locations may
not function correctly. Following are the support-
ed memory maps for these devices:
87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
JQ C and D-Step JR C and D-Step
Register RAM 18h to 17Fh 18h to 1FFh
Internal (Code) RAM 400h to 47Fh 400h to 4FFh
Internal ROM/EPROM 2000h to 4FFFh 2000h to 5FFFh
It is important to note that the internal to exter-
nal memory roll-over point for both the JR and
JQ devices is the same (6000h and above goes
external). Two guidelines the programmer
should follow to insure no problems are encoun-
tered when using JQ devices are:
a) For JQ devices, the program must contain a
jump to a location greater than 5FFFh before
the 12K boundary (4FFFh) is reached. This
is necessary only if greater than 12K of pro-
gram memory is required with a JQ device
and portions of the program execute from in-
ternal ROM/EPROM.
b) For JQ devices with EAÝtied to ground, use
only internal program memory from 2000h to
4FFFh. Do not use the unsupported loca-
tions from 5000h to 5FFFh.
10. EPA Channels 4 through 7
The JR C-step device is simply a 68-lead KR-C
device packaged in a 52-lead package. The re-
duced pin-out is achieved by not bonding-out
the unsupported pins. EPA4 EPA7 are among
these pins that are not bonded-out. The fact
that EPA4 EPA7 are still present allows the
programmer to use these channels as software
timers, to start A/D conversions, reset timers,
etc. All of the port pin logic is still present and it
is possible to use the EPA to toggle these pins
internally. Please refer to the 52-Lead Device
section in this datasheet for further information.
On the JR D-step, the EPA4 EPA7 logic has
NOT been removed from the device. This al-
lows the programmer to still use these channels
(as on the C-step) for software timers, etc. The
only difference is that the associated port pin
logic has been removed and does not exist in-
ternally. To maintain C-step to D-step compati-
bility, programmers should make sure that their
software does not rely upon the removed pins.
This is the -006 version of the 87C196KR Data-
sheet. The following differences exist between the
-005 version and the -006 version:
1. The 87C196JV datasheet status has been
moved from ‘‘Product Preview’’ to that of ‘‘no
2. A ‘‘by design’’ note was added to the TRLAZ
3. In the Design Considerations section, the Ý7.
CLKOUT design consideration was corrected.
4. Only the two most current revision histories of
this datasheet were retained in the datasheet re-
vision history section.
The following differences exist between the -004
version and the -005 version:
1. The 87C196JT and 87C196JV 16 MHz devices
were added to the list of products covered by this
datasheet The 87C196JT and 87C196JV are
simply higher memory versions of the 87C196JR
device. For 20 MHz datasheets of these devices,
please refer to the following datasheets:
20 MHz 87C196JT: order Ý272529-001
20 MHz 87C196JV: order Ý272580-001
2. The status of the datasheet has been moved
from ‘‘Advanced Information’’ to that of no-mark-
ing. Datasheets with no markings reflect specifi-
cations that have reached full production status.
Although the 87C196JV device is included within
this datasheet, its specifications are actually at
the design phase of development. Do not finalize
a design with this information. Revised informa-
tion will be published when the 87C196JV device
becomes available.
3. The title of the datasheet as well as the features
and design considerations list has been revised
to include the 87C196JT and 87C196JV devices.
4. Notes were added as appropriate to call out
where 87C196JV specifications are expected to
differ from those of other products listed within
this datasheet. Specifications which are expected
to differ are ICC,I
IDLE, and ILI and DC Input
Leakage on A/D channels.
5. The VOH2 (min) specification was supplemented
with more comprehensive IOH2 (min/max) speci-
6. A VOL3 (RESET pin only) specification was add-
ed to indicate the strength of the RESET pull-
down device.
7. All 87C196KR A-step errata was removed from
the Errata section of this datasheet.
8. For the JT, the DC input leakage (max), as speci-
fied in the previous JT datasheet (272374-002),
has been corrected to 2 mA to match the ILI
specification of 2 mA. These specifications both
specify the same parameter.
9. CerQuad package references have been re-