87C196KR/KQ 87C196JV/JT 87C196JR/JQ
JQ C and D-Step JR C and D-Step
Register RAM 18h to 17Fh 18h to 1FFh
Internal (Code) RAM 400h to 47Fh 400h to 4FFh
Internal ROM/EPROM 2000h to 4FFFh 2000h to 5FFFh
It is important to note that the internal to exter-
nal memory roll-over point for both the JR and
JQ devices is the same (6000h and above goes
external). Two guidelines the programmer
should follow to insure no problems are encoun-
tered when using JQ devices are:
a) For JQ devices, the program must contain a
jump to a location greater than 5FFFh before
the 12K boundary (4FFFh) is reached. This
is necessary only if greater than 12K of pro-
gram memory is required with a JQ device
and portions of the program execute from in-
ternal ROM/EPROM.
b) For JQ devices with EAÝtied to ground, use
only internal program memory from 2000h to
4FFFh. Do not use the unsupported loca-
tions from 5000h to 5FFFh.
10. EPA Channels 4 through 7
The JR C-step device is simply a 68-lead KR-C
device packaged in a 52-lead package. The re-
duced pin-out is achieved by not bonding-out
the unsupported pins. EPA4– EPA7 are among
these pins that are not bonded-out. The fact
that EPA4– EPA7 are still present allows the
programmer to use these channels as software
timers, to start A/D conversions, reset timers,
etc. All of the port pin logic is still present and it
is possible to use the EPA to toggle these pins
internally. Please refer to the 52-Lead Device
section in this datasheet for further information.
On the JR D-step, the EPA4– EPA7 logic has
NOT been removed from the device. This al-
lows the programmer to still use these channels
(as on the C-step) for software timers, etc. The
only difference is that the associated port pin
logic has been removed and does not exist in-
ternally. To maintain C-step to D-step compati-
bility, programmers should make sure that their
software does not rely upon the removed pins.
This is the -006 version of the 87C196KR Data-
sheet. The following differences exist between the
-005 version and the -006 version:
1. The 87C196JV datasheet status has been
moved from ‘‘Product Preview’’ to that of ‘‘no
2. A ‘‘by design’’ note was added to the TRLAZ
3. In the Design Considerations section, the Ý7.
CLKOUT design consideration was corrected.
4. Only the two most current revision histories of
this datasheet were retained in the datasheet re-
vision history section.
The following differences exist between the -004
version and the -005 version:
1. The 87C196JT and 87C196JV 16 MHz devices
were added to the list of products covered by this
datasheet The 87C196JT and 87C196JV are
simply higher memory versions of the 87C196JR
device. For 20 MHz datasheets of these devices,
please refer to the following datasheets:
20 MHz 87C196JT: order Ý272529-001
20 MHz 87C196JV: order Ý272580-001
2. The status of the datasheet has been moved
from ‘‘Advanced Information’’ to that of no-mark-
ing. Datasheets with no markings reflect specifi-
cations that have reached full production status.
Although the 87C196JV device is included within
this datasheet, its specifications are actually at
the design phase of development. Do not finalize
a design with this information. Revised informa-
tion will be published when the 87C196JV device
becomes available.
3. The title of the datasheet as well as the features
and design considerations list has been revised
to include the 87C196JT and 87C196JV devices.
4. Notes were added as appropriate to call out
where 87C196JV specifications are expected to
differ from those of other products listed within
this datasheet. Specifications which are expected
to differ are ICC,I
IDLE, and ILI and DC Input
Leakage on A/D channels.
5. The VOH2 (min) specification was supplemented
with more comprehensive IOH2 (min/max) speci-
6. A VOL3 (RESET pin only) specification was add-
ed to indicate the strength of the RESET pull-
down device.
7. All 87C196KR A-step errata was removed from
the Errata section of this datasheet.
8. For the JT, the DC input leakage (max), as speci-
fied in the previous JT datasheet (272374-002),
has been corrected to 2 mA to match the ILI
specification of 2 mA. These specifications both
specify the same parameter.
9. CerQuad package references have been re-