PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V 3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPortTM Static RAM Features * True four-ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location * Synchronous Pipelined device -- 64K x 18 organization * Pipelined output mode allows fast 133-MHz operation * High Bandwidth up to 10 Gbps (133 MHz x 18 bits wide x 4 ports) * 0.25-micron CMOS for optimum speed/power * High-speed clock to data access 4.7 ns (max.) * 3.3V Low operating power -- Active = 750 mA (maximum) -- Standby = 5 mA (maximum) * Counter wrap-around control -- Internal mask register controls counter wrap-around -- Counter-Interrupt flags to indicate wrap-around Counter readback on address lines Mask register readback on address lines Interrupt flags for message passing Master reset for all ports Width and depth expansion capabilities Dual Chip Enables on all ports for easy depth expansion Separate upper-byte and lower-byte controls on all ports * 272-BGA package (27 mm x 27 mm 1.27-mm ball pitch) * Commercial and Industrial temperature ranges * IEEE 1149.1 JTAG boundary scan * * * * * * * Top Level Logic Block Diagram Port 1 Operation-Control Logic Blocks[1] Reset Logic MRST UB P1 LBP1 Port-1 Control Logic R/WP1 OEP1 CE 0P1 TMS JTAG Controller TCK TDI TDO CE 1P1 CLK P1 18 Port 1 I/O I/O 0P1- I/O17P1 CLKP1 A0P1-A15P1 Port 4 Logic Blocks[2] 16 MKLDP1 CNTLD P1 CNTINCP1 CNTRD P1 MKRDP1 Port 1 Counter/ Mask Reg/ Address Decode CNTRST P1 INTP1 CNTINTP1 Port 1 Port 4 RAM Array Port 2 Port 3 Port 2 Logic Blocks[2] Port 3 Logic Blocks[2] Notes: 1. Port 1 Control Logic Block is detailed on page 2. 2. Port 2, Port 3, and Port 4 Logic Blocks are similar to Port 1 Logic Blocks. For the most recent information, visit the Cypress web site at Cypress Semiconductor Corporation * 3901 North First Street * San Jose * CA 95134 * 408-943-2600 September 12, 2000 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Port 1 Operation-Control Logic Block Diagram: (Address Readback is independent of CEs) R/WP1 W R UBP1 CE0P1 CE1P1 LBP1 OEP1 I/O 9P1-I/O 17P1 I/O0P1-I/O8P1 9 Port-1 I/O Control 9 Addr. Read Back Port 1 Readback Register MRST 16 MKLDP1 Decision Logic t1 Port 1 Decode LBP1 CLKP1 UBP1 R/WP1 CE0P1 CE1P1 OEP1 CLKP1 MRST 2 2 rt Po CNTRSTP1 MRST CNTINTP1 RAM Array Address Port 1 Counter/ Address Register Port 1 Interrupt Logic INT P1 t3 Priority Po r MKRDP1 CNTLDP1 t4 CNTRDP1 CNTINCP1 r Po Port 1 Mask Register Po r A0P1-A15P1 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V internal counter for fast interleaved memory applications. A port's burst counter is loaded with an external address when the port's Counter Load pin (CNTLD) is asserted LOW. When the port's Counter Increment pin (CNTINC) is asserted, the address counter will increment on each subsequent LOW-toHIGH transition of that port's clock signal. This will read/write one word from/into each successive address location until CNTINC is deasserted. The counter can address the entire memory array and will loop back to the start. Counter Reset (CNTRST) is used to reset the burst counter. A counter-mask register is used to control the counter wrap. The counter and mask register operations are described in more details in the following sections. Functional Description The CY7C0430V is a 1-Mb synchronous true four-port Static RAM. This is a high-speed, low-power 3.3V CMOS four-port static RAM. Four ports are provided, permitting independent, simultaneous access for reads from any location in memory. A particular port can write to a certain location while other ports are reading that location simultaneously. The result of writing to the same location by more than one port at the same time is undefined. Registers on control, address and data lines allow for minimal set-up and hold time. Data is registered for decreased cycle time. Clock to data valid tCD2 = 4.7 ns. Each port contains a burst counter on the input address register. After externally loading the counter with the initial address the counter will self-increment the address internally (more details to follow). The internal write pulse width is independent of the duration of the R/W input signal. The internal write pulse is self-timed to allow the shortest possible cycle times. The counter or mask register values can be read back on the bidirectional address lines by activating MKRD or CNTRD respectively. The new features added to the QuadPortTM as compared to standard synchronous dual-ports include: readback of burst-counter internal address value on address lines, counter-mask registers to control the counter wrap-around, readback of mask register value on address lines, interrupt flags for message passing, JTAG for boundary scan, and asynchronous Master Reset. A HIGH on CE0 or LOW on CE1 for one clock cycle will power down the internal circuitry to reduce the static power consumption. One cycle is required with chip enables asserted to reactivate the outputs. Counter enable inputs are provided to stall the operation of the address input and utilize the internal address generated by the 3 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Pin Configuration 272-Ball Grid Array (BGA) Top View 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A LB P1 I/O17 P2 I/O15 P2 I/O13 P2 I/O11 P2 I/O9 P2 I/O16 P1 I/O14 P1 I/O12 P1 I/O10 P1 I/O10 P4 I/O12 P4 I/O14 P4 I/O16 P4 I/O9 P3 I/O11 P3 I/O13 P3 I/O15 P3 I/O17 P3 LB P4 B VDD1 UB P1 I/O16 P2 I/O14 P2 I/O12 P2 I/O10 P2 I/O17 P1 I/O13 P1 I/O11 P1 TMS TDI I/O11 P4 I/O13 P4 I/O17 P4 I/O10 P3 I/O12 P3 I/O14 P3 I/O16 P3 UB P4 VDD1 C A14 P1 A15 P1 CE1 P1 CE0 P1 R/W P1 I/O15 P1 VSS2 VSS2 I/O9 P1 TCK TDO I/O9 P4 VSS2 VSS2 I/O15 P4 R/W P4 CE0 P4 CE1 P4 A15 P4 A14 P4 D VSS1 A12 P1 A13 P1 OE P1 VDD2 VSS2 VSS2 VDD2 VDD VSS VSS VDD VDD2 VSS2 VSS2 VDD2 OE P4 A13 P4 A12 P4 VSS1 E A10 P1 A11 P1 MKRD P1 CNTRD P1 CNTRD P4 MKRD P4 A11 P4 A10 P4 F A7 P1 A8 P1 A9 P1 CNTINT P1 CNTINT P4 A9 P4 A8 P4 A7 P4 G VSS1 A5 P1 A6 P1 CNTINC P1 CNTINC P4 A6 P4 A5 P4 VSS1 H A3 P1 A4 P1 MKLD P1 CNTLD P1 CNTLD P4 MKLD P4 A4 P4 A3 P4 J VDD1 A1 P1 A2 P1 VDD GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] VDD A2 P4 A1 P4 VDD1 K A0 P1 INT P1 CNTRST P1 CLK P1 GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] CLK P4 CNTRST P4 INT P4 A0 P4 L A0 P2 INT P2 CNTRST P2 VSS GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] VSS CNTRST P3 INT P3 A0 P3 M VDD1 A1 P2 A2 P2 CLK P2 GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] GND[3] CLK P3 A2 P3 A1 P3 VDD1 N A3 P2 A4 P2 MKLD P2 CNTLD P2 CNTLD P3 MKLD P3 A4 P3 A3 P3 P VSS1 A5 P2 A6 P2 CNTINC P2 CNTINC P3 A6 P3 A5 P3 VSS1 R A7 P2 A8 P2 A9 P2 CNTINT P2 CNTINT P3 A9 P3 A8 P3 A7 P3 T A10 P2 A11 P2 MKRD P2 CNTRD P2 CNTRD P3 MKRD P3 A11 P3 A10 P3 U VSS1 A12 P2 A13 P2 OE P2 VDD2 VSS2 VSS2 VDD2 VDD VSS VSS VDD VDD2 VSS2 VSS2 VDD2 OE P3 A13 P3 A12 P3 VSS1 V A14 P2 A15 P2 CE1 P2 CE0 P2 R/W P2 I/O6 P2 VSS2 VSS2 I/O0 P2 NC NC I/O0 P3 VSS2 VSS2 I/O6 P3 R/W P3 CE0 P3 CE1 P3 A15 P3 A14 P3 W VDD1 UB P2 I/O7 P1 I/O5 P1 I/O3 P1 I/O1 P1 I/O8 P2 I/O4 P2 I/O2 P2 MRST VSS I/O2 P3 I/O4 P3 I/O8 P3 I/O1 P4 I/O3 P4 I/O5 P4 I/O7 P4 UB P3 VDD1 Y LB P2 I/O8 P1 I/O6 P1 I/O4 P1 I/O2 P1 I/O0 P1 1/O7 P2 I/O5 P2 I/O3 P2 I/O1 P2 I/O1 P3 I/O3 P3 I/O5 P3 I/O7 P3 I/O0 P4 I/O2 P4 I/O4 P4 I/O6 P4 I/O8 P4 LB P3 Note: 3. Central Leads are for thermal dissipation only. They are connected to device VSS. 4 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Selection Guide CY7C0430V -133 CY7C0430V -100 fMAX2 (MHz) 133 100 Max Access Time (ns) (Clock to Data) 4.7 5.0 Max Operating Current ICC (mA) 750 600 Max Standby Current for ISB1 (mA) (All ports TTL Level) 200 150 5 5 Max Standby Current for ISB3 (mA) (All ports CMOS Level) Pin Definitions Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Description A0P1-A15P1 A0P2-A15P2 A0P3-A15P3 A0P4-A15P4 Address Input/Output. I/O0P1-I/O17P1 I/O0P2-I/O17P2 I/O0P3-I/O 17P3 I/O0P4-I/O17P4 Data Bus Input/Output. CLKP1 CLKP2 CLKP3 CLKP4 Clock Input. This input can be free running or strobed. Maximum clock input rate is fMAX. LBP1 LBP2 LBP3 LBP4 Lower Byte Select Input. Asserting this signal LOW enables read and write operations to the lower byte. For read operations both the LB and OE signals must be asserted to drive output data on the lower byte of the data pins. UBP1 UBP2 UBP3 UBP4 Upper Byte Select Input. Same function as LB, but to the upper byte. CE0P1,CE1P1 CE0P2,CE1P2 CE0P3,CE1P3 CE0P4,CE1P4 Chip Enable Input. To select any port, both CE0 AND CE1 must be asserted to their active states (CE0 VIL and CE1 VIH). OEP1 OEP2 OEP3 OEP4 Output Enable Input. This signal must be asserted LOW to enable the I/O data lines during read operations. OE is asynchronous input. R/WP1 R/WP2 R/WP3 R/WP4 Read/Write Enable Input. This signal is asserted LOW to write to the dual port memory array. For read operations, assert this pin HIGH. MRST Master Reset Input. This is one signal for All Ports. MRST is an asynchronous input. Asserting MRST LOW performs all of the reset functions as described in the text. A MRST operation is required at power-up. CNTRSTP1 CNTRSTP2 CNTRSTP3 CNTRSTP4 Counter Reset Input. Asserting this signal LOW resets the burst address counter of its respective port to zero. CNTRST is second to MRST in priority with respect to counter and mask register operations. MKLDP1 MKLDP2 MKLDP3 MKLDP4 Mask Register Load input. Asserting this signal LOW loads the mask register with the external address available on the address lines. MKLD operation has higher priority over CNTLD operation. CNTLDP1 CNTLDP2 CNTLDP3 CNTLDP4 Counter Load Input. Asserting this signal LOW loads the burst counter with the external address present on the address pins. CNTINCP1 CNTINCP2 CNTINCP3 CNTINCP4 Counter Increment Input. Asserting this signal LOW increments the burst address counter of its respective port on each rising edge of CLK. 5 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Pin Definitions (continued) Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Description CNTRDP1 CNTRDP2 CNTRDP3 CNTRDP4 Counter Readback Input. When asserted LOW, the internal address value of the counter will be read back on the address lines. During CNTRD operation, both CNTLD and CNTINC must be HIGH. Counter readback operation has higher priority over mask register readback operation. Counter readback operation is independent of port chip enables. If address readback operation occurs with chip enables active (CE0 = LOW, CE1 = HIGH), the data lines (I/Os) will be three-stated. The readback timing will be valid after one no-operation cycle plus tCD2 from the rising edge of the next cycle. MKRDP1 MKRD P2 MKRDP3 MKRDP4 Mask Register Readback Input. When asserted LOW, the value of the mask register will be readback on address lines. During mask register readback operation, all counter and MKLD inputs must be HIGH (see Counter and Mask Register Operations truth table). Mask register readback operation is independent of port chip enables. If address readback operation occurs with chip enables active (CE0 = LOW, CE1 = HIGH), the data lines (I/Os) will be three-stated. The readback will be valid after one no-operation cycle plus tCD2 from the rising edge of the next cycle. CNTINTP1 CNTINTP2 CNTINTP3 CNTINTP4 Counter Interrupt flag output. Flag is asserted LOW for one clock cycle when the counter wraps around to location zero. INTP1 INTP2 INTP3 INTP4 Interrupt flag output. Interrupt permits communications between all four ports. The upper four memory locations can be used for message passing. Example of operation: INTP4 is asserted LOW when another port writes to the mailbox location of Port 4. Flag is cleared when Port 4 reads the contents of its mailbox. The same operation is applicable to Ports 1, 2, and 3. TMS JTAG Test Mode Select Input. It controls the advance of JTAG TAP state machine. State machine transitions occur on the rising edge of TCK. TCK JTAG Test Clock Input. This can be CLK of any port or an external clock connected to the JTAG TAP. TDI JTAG Test Data Input. This is the only data input. TDI inputs will shift data serially in to the selected register. TDO JTAG Test Data Output. This is the only data output. TDO transitions occur on the falling edge of TCK. TDO normally three-stated except when captured data is shifted out of the JTAG TAP. GND Thermal ground for heat dissipation. VSS Ground Input. VDD Power Input. VSS1 Address lines ground Input. VDD1 Address lines power Input. VSS2 Data lines ground Input. VDD2 Data lines power Input. 6 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V DC Input Voltage ..................................... -0.5V to VCC+0.5V Output Current into Outputs (LOW)............................. 20 mA Maximum Ratings (Above which the useful life may be impaired. For user guidelines, not tested.) Static Discharge Voltage ........................................... >2001V Storage Temperature ................................ -65C to + 150C Latch-Up Current ..................................................... >200 mA Ambient Temperature with Power Applied ............................................-55C to + 125C Operating Range Supply Voltage to Ground Potential .............. -0.5V to + 4.6V Range DC Voltage Applied to Outputs in High Z State............................-0.5V to VCC+0.5V Commercial Industrial Ambient Temperature VDD 0C to +70C 3.3V 150 mV -40C to +85C 3.3V 150 mV Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range CY7C0430V -133 Parameter Description Min. VOH Output HIGH Voltage (VCC = Min., IOH = -4.0 mA) VOL Output LOW Voltage (VCC = Min., IOH = +4.0 mA) VIH Input HIGH Voltage VIL Input LOW Voltage IOZ Output Leakage Current ICC Operating Current (VCC = Max., IOUT = 0 mA) Outputs Disabled, CE = VIL, f = fmax Indust. Standby Current (4 Ports toggling at TTL Levels,0 active) CE1-4 VIH, f = fMAX Indust. Standby Current (4 Ports toggling at TTL Levels, 1 active) CE1 | CE2 | CE3 | CE4 < VIL, f = fMAX Indust. Standby Current (4 Ports CMOS Level, 0 active) CE1-4 VIH, f = 0 Indust. Standby Current (4 Ports CMOS Level, 1 active and toggling) CE1 | CE2 | CE3 | CE4 < VIL, f = fMAX Indust. ISB1 ISB2 ISB3 ISB4 Typ -100 Max 2.4 Min. Typ Max Unit 2.4 V 0.4 2.0 0.4 V 2.0 V 0.8 -10 10 413 -10 750 330 0.8 V 10 A 600 mA Com'l. mA 80 200 60 150 mA Com'l. mA 170 349 128 263 mA Com'l. mA 1.5 5 1.5 5 mA 110 240 83 180 mA A Com'l. Com'l. mA JTAG TAP Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range Parameter Description Test Conditions VOH1 Output HIGH Voltage IOH = -4.0 mA VOL1 Output LOW Voltage IOL = 4.0 mA VIH Input HIGH Voltage VIL Input LOW Voltage IX Input Leakage Current Min. Max. Unit 2.4 V 0.4 V 2.0 GND VI V DD -100 V 0.8 V 100 A Capacitance Parameter Description CIN Input Capacitance COUT Output Capacitance Test Conditions TA = 25C, f = 1 MHz, VCC = 3.3V 7 Max. Unit 8 pF 8 pF PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V AC Test Load OUTPUT Z0 = 50 OUTPUT C R = 50 Z0 = 50 R = 50 5 pF [4] VTH = 1.5V VTH = 0.0V OUTPUT (a) Normal Load Z0 = 50 R = 50 5 pF VTH = 3.3V 1.5V (b) Three-State Delay 50 TDO Z0 =50 C = 10 pF 3.0V GND 10% 90% 90% 10% GND tF tR (c) TAP Load ALL INPUT PULSES Note: 4. Test Conditions: C = 10 pF. 8 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Characteristics Over the Industrial Operating Range CY7C0430V -133 Parameter Description Min. -100 Max. Min. 133 Max. Unit 100 MHz fMAX2 Maximum Frequency tCYC2 Clock Cycle Time 7.5 10 ns tCH2 Clock HIGH Time 3 4 ns tCL2 Clock LOW Time 3 tR Clock Rise Time 2 3 ns tF Clock Fall Time 2 3 ns tSA Address Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHA Address Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSC Chip Enable Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHC Chip Enable Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSW R/W Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHW R/W Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns 4 ns tSD Input Data Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHD Input Data Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSB Byte Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHB Byte Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSCLD CNTLD Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHCLD CNTLD Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSCINC CNTINC Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHCINC CNTINC Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSCRST CNTRST Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHCRST CNTRST Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSCRD CNTRD Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHCRD CNTRD Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSMLD MKLD Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHMLD MKLD Hold Time 0.7 0.7 ns tSMRD MKRD Set-up Time 2.3 3 ns tHMRD MKRD Hold Time 0.7 tOE Output Enable to Data Valid tOLZ[5] [5] 0.7 6.5 OE to LOW Z 1 OE to HIGH Z 1 ns 8 1 1 ns 7 ns tCD2 Clock to Data Valid 4.7 5 ns tCA2 Clock to Counter Address Readback Valid 4.7 5 ns tCM2 Clock to Mask Register readback Valid tDC Data Output Hold After Clock HIGH 1 tCKHZ[6] Clock HIGH to Output High Z 1 [6] tOHZ 6 ns 4.7 5 1 4.8 1 ns ns 6.8 ns Clock HIGH to Output LOW Z 1 tSINT Clock to INT Set Time 1 7.5 1 10 ns tRINT Clock to INT Reset Time 1 7.5 1 10 ns tSCINT Clock to CNTINT Set Time 1 7.5 1 10 ns tRCINT Clock to CNTINT Reset Time 1 7.5 1 10 ns tCKLZ 9 1 ns PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Characteristics Over the Industrial Operating Range (continued) CY7C0430V -133 Parameter Description Min. -100 Max. Min. Max. Unit Master Reset Timing tRS Master Reset Pulse Width 7.5 10 ns tRSR Master Reset Recovery Time 7.5 10 ns tROF Master Reset to Output Flags Reset Time 6.5 8 ns Port to Port Delays tCCS Clock to Clock Set-up Time 6.5 Notes: 5. This parameter is guaranteed by design, but it is not production tested. 6. Valid for both address and data outputs. 10 9 ns PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V JTAG Timing and Switching Waveforms CY7C0430V -133 Parameter Description Min. -100 Max. Min. 10 Max. Unit 10 MHz fJTAG Maximum JTAG TAP Controller Frequency tTCYC TCK Clock Cycle Time 100 100 ns tTH TCK Clock High Time 40 40 ns tTL TCK Clock Low Time 40 40 ns tTMSS TMS Setup to TCK Clock Rise 10 10 ns tTMSH TMS Hold After TCK Clock Rise 10 10 ns tTDIS TDI Setup to TCK Clock Rise 10 10 ns tTDIH TDI Hold after TCK Clock Rise 10 10 ns tTDOV TCK Clock Low to TDO Valid tTDOX TCK Clock Low to TDO Invalid 20 0 tTH 0 tTL Test Clock TCK tTCYC tTMSS tTMSH Test Mode Select TMS tTDIS tTDIH Test Data-In TDI Test Data-Out TDO tTDOX 11 20 tTDOV ns ns PRELIMINARY Switching Waveforms Master Reset[7] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK tRS MRST ALL ADDRESS/ DATA LINES ALL OTHER INPUTS tRSF tRSR INACTIVE tS ACTIVE TMS CNTINT INT TDO Notes: 7. ts is the set-up time required for all input control signals. 12 CY7C0430V PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Read Cycle[8, 9, 10, 11, 12] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK CE tSC tHC tSB tHB tSW tSA tHW tHA tSC tHC LB UB R/W ADDRESS DATAOUT An An+1 1 Latency An+2 An+3 tDC tCD2 Qn Qn+1 tOHZ tCKLZ Qn+2 tOLZ OE tOE Notes: 8. OE is asynchronously controlled; all other inputs (excluding MRST) are synchronous to the rising clock edge. 9. CNTLD= VIL, MKLD= VIH, CNTINC = x, and MRST=CNTRST = VIH. 10. The output is disabled (high-impedance state) by CE=VIH following the next rising edge of the clock. 11. Addresses do not have to be accessed sequentially. Note 9 indicates that address is constantly loaded on the rising edge of the CLK. Numbers are for reference only. 12. CE is internal signal. CE = VIL if CE0 = VIL and CE1 = VIH. 13 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Bank Select Read[13, 14] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK tHA tSA ADDRESS(B1) A0 A1 A3 A2 A4 A5 tHC tSC CE(B1) tCD2 tHC tSC tCD2 tHA tSA ADDRESS(B2) A0 tDC A1 tCKHZ Q3 Q1 Q0 DATAOUT(B1) tCD2 tCKHZ tDC tCKLZ A3 A2 A4 A5 tHC tSC CE(B2) tSC tCD2 tHC DATAOUT(B2) tCKHZ tCD2 Q4 Q2 tCKLZ tCKLZ Read-to-Write-to-Read (OE = VIL)[15, 16, 17, 18] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK CE tSC tHC tSW tHW R/W tSW An ADDRESS tSA DATAIN tHW An+1 An+2 An+2 An+3 An+4 tSD tHD tHA tCD2 tCKHZ Dn+2 tCD2 Qn DATAOUT Qn+3 tCKLZ READ NO OPERATION WRITE READ Notes: 13. In this depth expansion example, B1 represents Bank #1 and B2 is Bank #2; Each Bank consists of one Cypress Quadport device from this data sheet. ADDRESS(B1) = ADDRESS(B2). 14. LB = UB = OE = CNTLD = VIL; MRST= CNTRST= MKLD = VIH. 15. Output state (HIGH, LOW, or High-Impedance) is determined by the previous cycle control signals. 16. LB = UB = CNTLD = VIL; MRST= CNTRST= MKLD =VIH. 17. Addresses do not have to be accessed sequentially since CNTLD= VIL constantly loads the address on the rising edge of the CLK; numbers are for reference only. 18. During "No operation," data in memory at the selected address may be corrupted and should be rewritten to ensure data integrity. 14 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Read-to-Write-to-Read (OE Controlled)[15, 16, 17, 18] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK CE tSC tHC tSW tHW R/W tSW tHW An An+1 An+2 An+3 An+4 An+5 ADDRESS tSA tHA tSD tHD Dn+2 DATAIN Dn+3 tCD2 DATAOUT tCD2 Qn Qn+4 tOHZ tCKLZ OE READ WRITE READ Read with Address Counter Advance[19, 20] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK tSA ADDRESS tHA An tSCLD tHCLD CNTLD tSCINC tHCINC CNTINC tCD2 DATAOUT Qx-1 READ EXTERNAL ADDRESS Qx Qn Qn+1 tDC READ WITH COUNTER COUNTER HOLD Notes: 19. CE0 = OE = LB = UB = VIL; CE1 = R/W = CNTRST = MRST = MKLD = MKRD = CNTRD = VIH. 20. The "Internal Address" is equal to the "External Address" when CNTLD= VIL. 15 Qn+2 Qn+3 READ WITH COUNTER PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Write with Address Counter Advance [20, 21] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK tSA tHA An ADDRESS INTERNAL ADDRESS An tSCLD tHCLD tSCINC tHCINC An+1 An+2 An+3 An+4 CNTLD CNTINC Dn DATAIN tSD tHD WRITE EXTERNAL ADDRESS Dn+1 Dn+1 WRITE WITH COUNTER Dn+2 WRITE COUNTER HOLD Note: 21. CE0 = LB = UB = R/W = VIL; CE1 = CNTRST = MRST = MKLD = MKRD = CNTRD = VIH. 16 Dn+3 Dn+4 WRITE WITH COUNTER PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Counter Reset [17, 22, 23] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK tSA An ADDRESS INTERNAL ADDRESS tHA AX A0 tSW An+1 A1 An An+1 tHW R/W tHCLD tSCLD CNTLD CNTINC tSCRST CNTRST tHCRST tSD DATAIN tHD D0 DATAOUT Q0 COUNTER RESET WRITE ADDRESS 0 READ ADDRESS 0 READ ADDRESS 1 Notes: 22. CE0 = LB = UB = VIL; CE1 = MRST = MKLD = MKRD = CNTRD = VIH. 23. No dead cycle exists during counter reset. A READ or WRITE cycle may be coincidental with the counter reset. 17 Q1 READ ADDRESS n Qn PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Load and Read Address Counter[24] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 Note 25 Note 26 CLK tHA tSA A0-A15 tCKLZ tCA2 tCKHZ [27] An tSCLD An+2 tHCLD CNTLD CNTINC tSCINC tHCINC tSCRD tHCRD CNTRD An+2 INTERNAL ADDRESS An An+1 Qx-1 Qx LOAD EXTERNAL ADDRESS An+2 An+2 tDC tCD2 DATAOUT An+2 tCKHZ Qn Qn+1 READ DATA WITH COUNTER Notes: 24. CE0 = OE = LB = UB = VIL; CE1 = R/W = CNTRST = MRST = MKLD = MKRD = VIH. 25. Address in output mode. Host must not be driving address bus after time tCKLZ in next clock cycle. 26. Address in input mode. Host can drive address bus after tCKHZ. 27. This is the value of the address counter being read out on the address lines. 18 Qn+2 tCKLZ Qn+2 READ INTERNAL ADDRESS PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Load and Read Mask Register [28] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 Note 25 Note 26 CLK tHA tSA A0-A15 tCKLZ tCA2 tCKHZ An [29] An tSMLD tHMLD MKLD tSMRD tHMRD MKRD MASK INTERNAL VALUE An An An An An READ MASK-REGISTER VALUE LOAD MASK REGISTER VALUE Notes: 28. CE0 = OE = LB = UB = VIL; CE1 = R/W = CNTRST = MRST = CNTLD = CNTRD = CNTINC =VIH. 29. This is the value of the Mask Register read out on the address lines. 19 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Port 1 Write to Port 2 Read[30, 31, 32] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLKP1 tHA tSA PORT-1 ADDRESS An tSW tHW R/WP1 tCKHZ tSD PORT-1 tCKLZ Dn DATAIN CLKP2 tHD tCYC2 tCL2 tCCS tCH2 tSA PORT-2 ADDRESS tHA An R/WP2 tCD2 PORT-2 Qn DATAOUT tDC Notes: 30. CE0 = OE = LB = UB = CNTLD =VIL; CE1 = CNTRST = MRST = MKLD = MKRD = CNTRD = CNTINC =VIH. 31. This timing is valid when one port is writing, and one or more of the three other ports is reading the same location at the same time. If tCCS is violated, indeterminate data will be read out. 32. If t CCS< minimum specified value, then Port 2 will read the most recent data (written by Port 1) only (2*tCYC2 + tCD2) after the rising edge of Port 2's clock. If tCCS > minimum specified value, then Port 2 will read the most recent data (written by Port 1) (tCYC2 + t CD2) after the rising edge of Port 2's clock. 20 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Switching Waveforms (continued) Counter Interrupt [33, 34, 35] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK EXTERNAL ADDRESS 007Fh xx7Dh tSMLD tHMLD MKLD tSCLD tHCLD CNTLD tHCINC tSCINC CNTINC COUNTER INTERNAL ADDRESS xx7Dh An xx7Eh xx7Fh xx00h xx00h tSCINT tRCINT CNTINT Mailbox Interrupt Timing[36, 37, 38, 39, 40] tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLKP1 tSA PORT-1 ADDRESS tHA FFFE An+1 An An+2 An+3 tSINT tRINT INTP2 tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLKP2 tSA PORT-2 ADDRESS Am tHA FFFE Am+1 Am+3 Notes: 33. CE0 = OE = LB = UB = VIL; CE1 = R/W = CNTRST = MRST = CNTRD = MKRD = VIH. 34. CNTINT is always driven. 35. CNTINC goes LOW as the counter address masked portion is incremented from xx7Fh to xx00h. The "x" is "don't care." 36. CE0 = OE = LB = UB = CNTLD =VIL; CE1 = CNTRST = MRST = CNTRD = CNTINC = MKRD = MKLD =VIH. 37. Address "FFFE" is the mailbox location for Port 2. 38. Port 1 is configured for Write operation, and Port 2 is configured for Read operation. 39. Port 1 and Port 2 are used for simplicity. All four ports can write to or read from any mailbox. 40. Interrupt flag is set with respect to the rising edge of the write clock, and is reset with respect to the rising edge of the read clock. 21 Am+4 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Table 1. Read/Write and Enable Operation (Any Port)[41, 42, 43] Inputs OE CLK Outputs CE0 CE1 R/W I/O0-I/O17 X H X X High-Z Deselected X X L X High-Z Deselected X L H L DIN Write L L H H DOUT Read L H X High-Z Outputs Disabled H X Operation Table 2. Address Counter and Counter-Mask Register Control Operation (Any Port)[41, 44, 45] CLK MRST CNTRST MKLD CNTLD CNTINC CNTRD MKRD X Mode Operation L X X X X X X MasterReset Counter/Address Register Reset and Mask Register Set (resets entire chip as per reset state table) H L X X X X X Reset Counter/Address Register Reset H H L X X X X Load Load of Address Lines into Mask Register H H H L X X X Load Load of Address Lines into Counter/Address Register H H H H L X X Increment Counter Increment H H H H H L X Readback Readback Counter on Address Lines H H H H H H L Readback Readback Mask Register on Address Lines H H H H H H H Hold Notes: 41. "X" = "don't care," "H" = VIH, "L" = VIL. 42. OE is an asynchronous input signal. 43. When CE changes state, deselection and read happen after one cycle of latency. 44. CE0 = OE = VIL; CE1 = R/W = VIH. 45. Counter operation and mask register operation is independent of Chip Enables. 22 Counter Hold PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V for Port 3, and FFFC is the mailbox for Port 4. Table 3 shows that in order to set Port 1 INTP1 flag, a write by any other port to address FFFF will assert INTP1 LOW. A read of FFFF location by Port 1 will reset INTP1 HIGH. When one port writes to the other port's mailbox, the Interrupt flag (INT) of the port that the mailbox belongs to is asserted LOW. The Interrupt is reset when the owner (port) of the mailbox reads the contents of the mailbox. The interrupt flag is set in a flow-through mode (i.e., it follows the clock edge of the writing port). Also, the flag is reset in a flow-through mode (i.e., it follows the clock edge of the reading port). Master Reset The QuadPort undergoes a complete reset by taking its Master Reset (MRST) input LOW. The Master Reset input can switch asynchronously to the clocks. A Master Reset initializes the internal burst counters to zero, and the counter mask registers to all ones (completely unmasked). A Master Reset also forces the Mailbox Interrupt (INT) flags and the Counter Interrupt (CNTINT) flags HIGH, and takes all registered control signals to a deselected read state[46]. A Master Reset must be performed on the QuadPort after power-up. Each port can read the other port's mailbox without resetting the interrupt. If an application does not require message passing, INT pins should be treated as no-connect and should be left floating. When two ports or more write to the same mailbox at the same time INT will be asserted but the contents of the mailbox are not guaranteed to be valid. Interrupts The upper four memory locations may be used for message passing and permit communications between ports. Table 3 shows the interrupt operation for all ports. For the 1-Meg QuadPort, the highest memory location FFFF is the mailbox for Port 1, FFFE is the mailbox for Port 2, FFFD is the mailbox Table 3. Interrupt Operation Example Port 1 Function Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 A0P1-15P1 INTP1 A0P2-15P2 INTP2 A0P3-15P3 INTP3 A0P4-15P4 INTP4 X L FFFF X FFFF X FFFF X Reset Port 1 INTP1 Flag FFFF H X X X X X X Set Port 2 INTP2 Flag FFFE X X L FFFE X FFFE X X X FFFE H X X X X FFFD X FFFD X X L FFFD X X X X X FFFD H X X FFFC X FFFC X FFFC X X L X X X X X X FFFC H Set Port 1 INTP1 Flag Reset Port 2 INTP2 Flag Set Port 3 INTP3 Flag Reset Port 3 INTP3 Flag Set Port 4 INTP4 Flag Reset Port 4 INTP4 Flag Note: 46. During Master Reset the control signals will be set to a deselected read state: CE0I = LBI = UBI = R/WI = MKLDI = MKRDI = CNTRDI = CNTRSTI = CNTLDI = CNTINCI = VIH; CE1I = VIL. The "I" suffix on all these signals denotes that these are the internal registered equivalent of the associated pin signals. 23 PRELIMINARY vides a block diagram of the readback operation. Table 2 lists control signals required for counter operations. The signals are listed based on their priority. For example, master reset takes precedence over counter reset, and counter load has lower priority than mask register load (described below). All counter operations are independent of Chip Enables (CE0 and CE1). When the address readback operation is performed the data I/Os are three-stated (if CEs are active) and one-clock cycle (no-operation cycle) latency is experienced. The address will be read at time tCA2 from the rising edge of the clock following the no-operation cycle. The read back address can be either of the burst counter or the mask register based on the levels of Counter Read signal (CNTRD) and Mask Register Read signal (MKRD). Both signals are synchronized to the port's clock as shown in Table 2. Counter read has a higher priority than mask read. Address Counter Control Operations Counter enable inputs are provided to stall the operation of the address input and utilize the internal address generated by the internal counter for the fast interleaved memory applications. A port's burst counter is loaded with the port's Counter Load pin (CNTLD). When the port's Counter Increment (CNTINC) is asserted, the address counter will increment on each LOW to HIGH transition of that port's clock signal. This will read/write one word from/into each successive address location until CNTINC is deasserted. Depending on the mask register state, the counter can address the entire memory array and will loop back to start. Counter Reset (CNTRST) is used to reset the Burst Counter (the Mask Register value is unaffected). When using the counter in readback mode, the internal address value of the counter will be read back on the address lines when Counter Readback Signal (CNTRD) is asserted. Figure 1 pro- Read back Register CNTRD MKRD CY7C0430V Addr. Read Back MKLD = 1 Mask Register Bidirectional Address Lines CNTINC = 1 Counter/ Address Register CNTLD = 1 CNTRST = 1 CLK Figure 1. Counter and Mask Register Read Back on Address Lines 24 Memory Array PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Counter-Mask Register Example: Load Counter-Mask Register = 3F CNTINT H 0 0 0's 215 214 H X X X's 215 214 Max Address Register H X X L 1 1 1 1 1 Mask Register bit-0 Counter Address X 0 0 1 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 X's 215 214 Max + 1 Address Register 1 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Blocked Address Load Address Counter = 8 0 X 1 1 1 1 1 Address Counter bit-0 1 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 X X X's 215 214 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Figure 2. Programmable Counter-Mask Register Operation[47] Note: 47. The "X" in this diagram represents the counter upper-bits. will increment by two and the address values are even. If the loaded value for address counter bit 0 is "1," the counter will increment by two and the address values are odd. This operations allows the user to achieve a 36-bit interface using any two ports, where the counter of one port counts even addresses and the counter of the other port counts odd addresses. This even-odd address scheme stores one half of the 36-bit word in even memory locations, and the other half in odd memory locations. CNTINT will be asserted when the unmasked portion of the counter wraps to all zeros. Loading mask register bit 0 with "1" allows the counter to increment the address value sequentially. The burst counter has a mask register that controls when and where the counter wraps. An interrupt flag (CNTINT) is asserted for one clock cycle when the unmasked portion of the counter address wraps around from all ones (CNTINC must be asserted) to all zeros. The example in Figure 2 shows the counter mask register loaded with a mask value of 003F unmasking the first 6 bits with bit "0" as the LSB and bit "15" as the MSB. The maximum value the mask register can be loaded with is FFFF. Setting the mask register to this value allows the counter to access the entire memory space. The address counter is then loaded with an initial value of XXX8. The "blocked" addresses (in this case, the 6th address through the 15th address) are loaded with an address but do not increment once loaded. The counter address will start at address XXX8. With CNTINC asserted LOW, the counter will increment its internal address value till it reaches the mask register value of 3F and wraps around the memory block to location XXX0. Therefore, the counter uses the mask-register to define wrap-around point. The mask register of every port is loaded when MKLD (mask register load) for that port is LOW. When MKRD is LOW, the value of the mask register can be read out on address lines in a manner similar to counter read back operation (see Table 2 for required conditions). Table 2 groups the operations of the mask register with the operations of the address counter. Address counter and mask register signals are all synchronized to the port's clock CLK. Master reset (MRST) is the only asynchronous signal listed on Table 2. Signals are listed based on their priority going from left column to right column with MRST being the highest. A LOW on MRST will reset both counter register to all zeros and mask register to all ones. On the other hand, a LOW on CNTRST will only clear the address counter register to zeros and the mask register will remain intact. There are four operations for the counter and mask register: When the burst counter is loaded with an address higher than the mask register value, the higher addresses will form the masked portion of the counter address and are called blocked addresses. The blocked addresses will not be changed or affected by the counter increment operation. The only exception is mask register bit 0. It can be masked to allow the address counter to increment by two. If the mask register bit 0 is loaded with a logic value of "0," then address counter bit 0 is masked and can not be changed during counter increment operation. If the loaded value for address counter bit 0 is "0," the counter 1. Load operation: When CNTLD or MKLD is LOW, the address counter or the mask register is loaded with the address value presented at the address lines. This value ranges from 0 to FFFF (64K). The mask register load operation has a higher priority over the address counter load operation. 2. Increment: Once the address counter is loaded with an external address, the counter can internally increment the ad- 25 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Test Data Out (TDO) dress value by asserting CNTINC LOW. The counter can address the entire memory array (depend on the value of the mask register) and loop back to location 0. The increment operation is second in priority to load operation. The TDO output pin is used to serially clock data-out from the registers. The output is active depending upon the current state of the TAP state machine (see TAP Controller State Diagram (FSM)). The output changes on the falling edge of TCK. TDO is connected to the least significant bit (LSB) of any register. 3. Readback: the internal value of either the burst counter or the mask register can be read out on the address lines when CNTRD or MKRD is LOW. Counter readback has higher priority over mask register readback. A no-operation delay cycle is experienced when readback operation is performed. The address will be valid after tCA2 (for counter readback) or tCM2 (for mask readback) from the following port's clock rising edge. Address readback operation is independent of the port's chip enables (CE0 and CE1). If address readback occurs while the port is enabled (chip enables active), the data lines (I/Os) will be three-stated. Performing a TAP Reset A Reset is performed by forcing TMS HIGH (VDD) for five rising edges of TCK. This RESET does not affect the operation of the QuadPort and may be performed while the device is operating. At power-up, the TAP is reset internally to ensure that TDO comes up in a high-Z state. TAP Registers 4. Hold operation: In order to hold the value of the address counter at certain address, all signals in Table 2 have to be HIGH. This operation has the least priority. This operation is useful in many applications where wait states are needed or when address is available few cycles ahead of data. Registers are connected between the TDI and TDO pins and allow data to be scanned into and out of the QuadPort test circuitry. Only one register can be selected at a time through the instruction registers. Data is serially loaded into the TDI pin on the rising edge of TCK. Data is output on the TDO pin on the falling edge of TCK. The counter and mask register operations are totally independent of port chip enables. Instruction Register IEEE 1149.1 Serial Boundary Scan (JTAG) Four-bit instructions can be serially loaded into the instruction register. This register is loaded when it is placed between the TDI and TDO pins as shown in the following JTAG Controller diagram. Upon power-up, the instruction register is loaded with the IDCODE instruction. It is also loaded with the IDCODE instruction if the controller is placed in a reset state as described in the previous section. The CY7C0430V incorporates a serial boundary scan test access port (TAP). This port operates in accordance with IEEE Standard 1149.1-1900. Note that the TAP controller functions in a manner that does not conflict with the operation of other devices using 1149.1 fully compliant TAPs. The TAP operates using JEDEC standard 3.3V I/O logic levels. It is composed of three input connections and one output connection required by the test logic defined by the standard. Disabling the JTAG Feature When the TAP controller is in the CaptureIR state, the two least significant bits are loaded with a binary "01" pattern to allow for fault isolation of the board level serial test path. It is possible to operate the QuadPort without using the JTAG feature. To disable the TAP controller, TCK must be tied LOW (VSS) to prevent clocking of the device. TDI and TMS are internally pulled up and may be unconnected. They may alternately be connected to VDD through a pull-up resistor. TDO should be left unconnected. Upon power-up, the device will come up in a reset state which will not interfere with the operation of the device. Bypass Register To save time when serially shifting data through registers, it is sometimes advantageous to skip certain devices. The bypass register is a single-bit register that can be placed between TDI and TDO pins. This allows data to be shifted through the QuadPort with minimal delay. The bypass register is set LOW (VSS) when the BYPASS instruction is executed. Test Access Port (TAP) - Test Clock (TCK) Boundary Scan Register The test clock is used only with the TAP controller. All inputs are captured on the rising edge of TCK. All outputs are driven from the falling edge of TCK. The boundary scan register is connected to all the input and output pins on the QuadPort. The boundary scan register is loaded with the contents of the QP Input and Output ring when the TAP controller is in the Capture-DR state and is then placed between the TDI and TDO pins when the controller is moved to the Shift-DR state. The EXTEST, and SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions can be used to capture the contents of the Input and Output ring. Test Mode Select The TMS input is used to give commands to the TAP controller and is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. It is allowable to leave this pin unconnected if the TAP is not used. The pin is pulled up internally, resulting in a logic HIGH level. Identification (ID) Register Test Data-In (TDI) The ID register is loaded with a vendor-specific, 32-bit code during the Capture-DR state when the IDCODE command is loaded in the instruction register. The IDCODE is hardwired into the QuadPort and can be shifted out when the TAP controller is in the Shift-DR state. The ID register has a vendor code and other information described in the Identification Register Definitions table. The TDI pin is used to serially input information into the registers and can be connected to the input of any of the registers. The register between TDI and TDO is chosen by the instruction that is loaded into the TAP instruction register. For information on loading the instruction register, see the TAP Controller State Diagram. TDI is internally pulled up and can be unconnected if the TAP is unused in an application. TDI is connected to the most significant bit (MSB) on any register. 26 PRELIMINARY TAP Instruction Set CY7C0430V instruction register and the TAP controller in the Capture-DR state, a snapshot of data on the inputs and output pins is captured in the boundary scan register. Sixteen different instructions are possible with the 4-bit instruction register. All combinations are listed in Table 6, Instruction Codes. Seven of these instructions (codes) are listed as RESERVED and should not be used. The other nine instructions are described in detail below. The user must be aware that the TAP controller clock can only operate at a frequency up to 10 MHz, while the QuadPort clock operates more than an order of magnitude faster. Because there is a large difference in the clock frequencies, it is possible that during the Capture-DR state, an input or output will undergo a transition. The TAP may then try to capture a signal while in transition (metastable state). This will not harm the device, but there is no guarantee as to the value that will be captured. Repeatable results may not be possible. The TAP controller used in this QuadPort is fully compliant to the 1149.1 convention. The TAP controller can be used to load address, data or control signals into the QuadPort and can preload the Input or output buffers. The QuadPort implements all of the 1149.1 instructions except INTEST. Table 6 lists all instructions. To guarantee that the boundary scan register will capture the correct value of a signal, the QuadPort signal must be stabilized long enough to meet the TAP controller's capture set-up plus hold times. Once the data is captured, it is possible to shift out the data by putting the TAP into the Shift-DR state. This places the boundary scan register between the TDI and TDO pins. If the TAP controller goes into the Update-DR state, the sampled data will be updated. Instructions are loaded into the TAP controller during the Shift-IR state when the instruction register is placed between TDI and TDO. During this state, instructions are shifted through the instruction register through the TDI and TDO pins. To execute the instruction once it is shifted in, the TAP controller needs to be moved into the Update-IR state. EXTEST EXTEST is a mandatory 1149.1 instruction which is to be executed whenever the instruction register is loaded with all 0s. EXTEST allows circuitry external to the QuadPort package to be tested. Boundary-scan register cells at output pins are used to apply test stimuli, while those at input pins capture test results. BYPASS When the BYPASS instruction is loaded in the instruction register and the TAP is placed in a Shift-DR state, the bypass register is placed between the TDI and TDO pins. The advantage of the BYPASS instruction is that it shortens the boundary scan path when multiple devices are connected together on a board. IDCODE The IDCODE instruction causes a vendor-specific, 32-bit code to be loaded into the instruction register. It also places the instruction register between the TDI and TDO pins and allows the IDCODE to be shifted out of the device when the TAP controller enters the Shift-DR state. The IDCODE instruction is loaded into the instruction register upon power-up or whenever the TAP controller is given a test logic reset state. CLAMP The optional CLAMP instruction allows the state of the signals driven from QuadPort pins to be determined from the boundary-scan register while the BYPASS register is selected as the serial path between TDI and TDO. CLAMP controls boundary cells to 1 or 0. High-Z Boundary Scan Cells (BSC) The High-Z instruction causes the boundary scan register to be connected between the TDI and TDO pins when the TAP controller is in a Shift-DR state. It also places all QuadPort outputs into a High-Z state. Table 7 lists all QuadPort I/Os with their associated BSC. Notice that the cells have even numbers. Every I/O has two boundary scan cells. Bidirectional signals (address lines, datalines) require two cells so that one (the odd cell) is used to control a three-state buffer. Input only and output only signals have an extra dummy cell (odd cells) that are used to ease device layout. SAMPLE / PRELOAD SAMPLE / PRELOAD is a 1149.1 mandatory instruction. When the SAMPLE / PRELOAD instructions loaded into the 27 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V TAP Controller State Diagram (FSM)[48] 1 TEST-LOGIC RESET 0 0 RUN_TEST/ IDLE 1 1 1 SELECT DR-SCAN SELECT IR-SCAN 0 0 1 1 CAPTURE-DR CAPTURE-IR 0 0 SHIFT-DR SHIFT-IR 0 1 0 1 1 EXIT1-DR 1 EXIT1-IR 0 0 PAUSE-DR 0 0 PAUSE-IR 1 1 0 0 EXIT2-DR EXIT2-IR 1 1 UPDATE-DR 1 0 Note: 48. The 0/1 next to each state represents the value at TMS at the rising edge of TCK. 28 UPDATE-IR 1 0 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V JTAG TAP Controller Block Diagram 0 Bypass Register (BYR) 3 2 1 Selection Circuitry 0 Instruction Register (IR) TDO TDI 31 30 29 0 Identification Register (IDR) 391 0 Boundary Scan Register (BSR) TCK TMS TAP CONTROLLER MRST 29 (MUX) PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V JTAG Timing Waveform tTH tTL Test Clock TCK tTCYC tTMSS tTMSH Test Mode Select TMS tTDIS tTDIH Test Data-In TDI Test Data-Out TDO tTDOX tTDOV Table 4. Identification Register Definitions Instruction Field Value Description Revision Number (31:28) 1h Reserved for version number Cypress Device ID (27:12) C000h Defines Cypress part number Cypress JEDEC ID (11:1) 34h Allows unique identification of QuadPort vendor ID Register Presence (0) 1 Indicate the presence of an ID register 30 PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Table 5. Scan Registers Sizes Register Name Bit Size Instruction (IR) 4 Bypass (BYR) 1 Identification (IDR) 32 Boundary Scan (BSR) 392 Table 6. Instruction Identification Codes Instruction Code Description EXTEST 0000 Captures the Input/Output ring contents. Places the boundary scan register (BSR) between the TDI and TDO. BYPASS 1111 Places the bypass register (BYR) between TDI and TDO. IDCODE 0111 Loads the ID register (IDR) with the vendor ID code and places the register between TDI and TDO. HIGHZ 0110 Places the BYR between TDI and TDO. Forces all QuadPort output drivers to a High-Z state. CLAMP 0101 Controls boundary to 1/0. Uses BYR. SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0001 Captures the Input/Output ring contents. Places the boundary scan register (BSR) between TDI and TDO. RESERVED All other codes Seven combinations are reserved. Do not use other than the above. 31 PRELIMINARY Table 7. Boundary Scan Order (continued) Table 7. Boundary Scan Order Cell # 2 Signal Name A0_P4 CY7C0430V Cell # Bump (Ball) ID Signal Name Bump (Ball) ID K20 84 A10_P3 T20 A11_P3 T19 4 A1_P4 J19 86 6 A2_P4 J18 88 A12_P3 U19 8 A3_P4 H20 90 A13_P3 U18 10 A4_P4 H19 92 A14_P3 V20 A15_P3 V19 12 A5_P4 G19 94 14 A6_P4 G18 96 CNTINT_P3 R17 16 A7_P4 F20 98 CNTRST_P3 L18 18 A8_P4 F19 100 MKLD_P3 N18 CNTLD_P3 N17 20 A9_P4 F18 102 22 A10_P4 E20 104 CNTINC_P3 P17 24 A11_P4 E19 106 CNTRD_P3 T17 26 A12_P4 D19 108 MKRD_P3 T18 LB_P3 Y20 28 A13_P4 D18 110 30 A14_P4 C20 112 UB_P3 W19 32 A15_P4 C19 114 OE_P3 U17 34 CNTINT_P4 F17 116 R/W_P3 V16 CE1_P3 V18 36 CNTRST_P4 K18 118 38 MKLD_P4 H18 120 CE0_P3 V17 40 CNTLD_P4 H17 122 INT_P3 L19 42 CNTINC_P4 G17 124 CLK_P3 M17 IO0_P4 Y15 44 CNTRD_P4 E17 126 46 MKRD_P4 E18 128 IO1_P4 W15 48 LB_P4 A20 130 IO2_P4 Y16 50 UB_P4 B19 132 IO3_P4 W16 IO4_P4 Y17 52 OE_P4 D17 134 54 R/W_P4 C16 136 IO5_P4 W17 56 CE1_P4 C18 138 IO6_P4 Y18 58 CE0_P4 C17 140 IO7_P4 W18 IO8_P4 Y19 60 INT_P4 K19 142 62 CLK_P4 K17 144 IO0_P3 V12 64 A0_P3 L20 146 IO1_P3 Y11 66 A1_P3 M19 148 IO2_P3 W12 IO3_P3 Y12 68 A2_P3 M18 150 70 A3_P3 N20 152 IO4_P3 W13 72 A4_P3 N19 154 IO5_P3 Y13 74 A5_P3 P19 156 IO6_P3 V15 IO7_P3 Y14 76 A6_P3 P18 158 78 A7_P3 R20 160 IO8_P3 W14 80 A8_P3 R19 162 IO0_P1 Y6 82 A9_P3 R18 164 IO1_P1 W6 32 PRELIMINARY Table 7. Boundary Scan Order (continued) Cell # Signal Name CY7C0430V Table 7. Boundary Scan Order (continued) Bump (Ball) ID Cell # Signal Name Bump (Ball) ID 166 IO2_P1 Y5 248 OE_P2 U4 168 IO3_P1 W5 250 R/W_P2 V5 170 IO4_P1 Y4 252 CE1_P2 V3 172 IO5_P1 W4 254 CE0_P2 V4 174 IO6_P1 Y3 256 INT_P2 L2 176 IO7_P1 W3 258 CLK_P2 M4 178 IO8_P1 Y2 260 A0_P1 K1 180 IO0_P2 V9 262 A1_P1 J2 182 IO1_P2 Y10 264 A2_P1 J3 184 IO2_P2 W9 266 A3_P1 H1 186 IO3_P2 Y9 268 A4_P1 H2 188 IO4_P2 W8 270 A5_P1 G2 190 IO5_P2 Y8 272 A6_P1 G3 192 IO6_P2 V6 274 A7_P1 F1 194 IO7_P2 Y7 276 A8_P1 F2 196 IO8_P2 W7 278 A9_P1 F3 198 A0_P2 L1 280 A10_P1 E1 200 A1_P2 M2 282 A11_P1 E2 202 A2_P2 M3 284 A12_P1 D2 204 A3_P2 N1 286 A13_P1 D3 206 A4_P2 N2 288 A14_P1 C1 208 A5_P2 P2 290 A15_P1 C2 210 A6_P2 P3 292 CNTINT_P1 F4 212 A7_P2 R1 294 CNTRST_P1 K3 214 A8_P2 R2 296 MKLD_P1 H3 216 A9_P2 R3 298 CNTLD_P1 H4 218 A10_P2 T1 300 CNTINC_P1 G4 220 A11_P2 T2 302 CNTRD_P1 E4 222 A12_P2 U2 304 MKRD_P1 E3 224 A13_P2 U3 306 LB_P1 A1 226 A14_P2 V1 308 UB_P1 B2 228 A15_P2 V2 310 OE_P1 D4 230 CNTINT_P2 R4 312 R/W_P1 C5 232 CNTRST_P2 L3 314 CE1_P1 C3 234 MKLD_P2 N3 316 CE0_P1 C4 236 CNTLD_P2 N4 318 INT_P1 K2 238 CNTINC_P2 P4 320 CLK_P1 K4 240 CNTRD_P2 T4 322 IO9_P2 A6 242 MKRD_P2 T3 324 IO10_P2 B6 244 LB_P2 Y1 326 IO11_P2 A5 246 UB_P2 W2 328 IO12_P2 B5 33 PRELIMINARY Table 7. Boundary Scan Order (continued) Cell # Signal Name Bump (Ball) ID 330 IO13_P2 A4 332 IO14_P2 B4 334 IO15_P2 A3 336 IO16_P2 B3 338 IO17_P2 A2 340 IO9_P1 C9 342 IO10_P1 A10 344 IO11_P1 B9 346 IO12_P1 A9 348 IO13_P1 B8 350 IO14_P1 A8 352 IO15_P1 C6 354 IO16_P1 A7 356 IO17_P1 B7 358 IO9_P3 A15 360 IO10_P3 B15 362 IO11_P3 A16 364 IO12_P3 B16 366 IO13_P3 A17 368 IO14_P3 B17 370 IO15_P3 A18 372 IO16_P3 B18 374 IO17_P3 A19 376 IO9_P4 C12 378 IO10_P4 A11 380 IO11_P4 B12 382 IO12_P4 A12 384 IO13_P4 B13 386 IO14_P4 A13 388 IO15_P4 C15 390 IO16_P4 A14 392 IO17_P4 B14 34 CY7C0430V PRELIMINARY CY7C0430V Ordering Information 64K x 18 3.3V Synchronous QuadPort SRAM Speed (MHz) Ordering Code Package Name BG272 Operating Range Package Type 133 CY7C0430V-133BGC 272-Ball Grid Array (BGA) Commercial CY7C0430V-133BGI BG272 272-Ball Grid Array (BGA) Industrial 100 CY7C0430V-100BGC BG272 272-Ball Grid Array (BGA) Commercial CY7C0430V-100BGI BG272 272-Ball Grid Array (BGA) Industrial Document #: 38-00882-*A Package Diagram 272-Lead Ball Grid Array (27 x 27 x 2.33 mm) BG272 51-85130 (c) Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2000. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress Semiconductor product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress Semiconductor does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress Semiconductor products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress Semiconductor against all charges.