NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) eceE D M@@ 6501124 0064507 4 mm National Semiconductor 7-79-10 LM2900/LM3900/LM3301/LM3401 Quad Amplifiers General Description The LM2800 series consists of four independent, dual input, Internally compensated amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate off of a single power supply voltage and to provide a large output voltage swing. These ampiifi- ers make use of a current mirror to achieve the non-invert- Ing Input function. Application areas include: ac amplifiers, RC active filters, low frequency triangle, squarewave and pulse waveform generation circuits, tachometers and low speed, high voltage digital logic gates, Features m Wide single supply voltage 4 Voc to 32 Voc Range or dual supplies 2 Voc to 16 Voc @ Supply current drain independent of supply voltage Schematic and Connection Diagrams yt OUTPUT 1.3 mA CURRENT MIRROR TU/HIT946-1 Order Number LM3900M See NS Package Number M14A @ Low input biasing current 30 nA m@ High open-loop gain 70 dB m Wide bandwidth 2.5 MHz (unity gain) m Large output volfage swing (Vt - 1) Vp-p @ Internally frequency compensated for unity gain w Output short-circuit protection Dual-in-Line and Flat Package vt tina* tina lina7 OUT, OUT; IN3~ lhe 13 12 1" 10 g 8 2 1 + + 1 2 3 4 5 6 | IN,* IN2* lina out, OUT; iN,7 = GND TL/H/7836~2 Top View Order Number LM2900N, LM3S00N, LM3301N or LM3401N See NS Package Number N14A 3-621 LOPEW1/LOSEINT/O06EINT/0062INTNATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) ecE D M@ &501124 00464508 b Mm = So zx = el oS i = ~ oe So a eo = sal ~~ S oa N = oad Absolute Maximum Ratings T-79-10 If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. LM2900/LM3900 LM3301 LM3401 Supply Voltage 92 Voc 28 Voc 18 Voc 16 Voc 14 Voc 9 Voc Power Dissipation (Ta = 25C) (Note 1) Molded DIP 1080 mW 1080 mW 1080 mW S.O. Package 765 mW Input Currents, lint or tig 20 mApo 20 mApc 20 mApo Output Short-Circuit DurationOne Amplifier Continuous Continuous Continuous Ta = 25C (See Application Hints) Operating Temperature Range 40C to + 85C OC to +75C LM2900 40C to 85C LM3900 OC to +70C Storage Temperature Range 65C to + 150C 65'C to + 150C 65C to + 150C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260C 260C 260C Soldering Information Dual-in-Line Package Soldering (10 sec.) 260C 260C 260C Smati Outline Package Vapor Phase (60 sec.) 215C 215C 215C Infrared (15 sec.) 220C 220C 220C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. ESD tolerance (Note 7) 2000V 2000V 2000V Electrical Characteristics 1, = 25C, v+ = 15 Vpc, unless otherwise stated , LM2600 LM300 LM3301 LM3401 Parameter Conditions ) Units Min| Typ|Max| Min| Typ| Max] Min| Typ|Max! Min| Typ|Max Open Voltage Gain Over Temp. 0.8 VimnV Loop [VoitageGain _ [AV0 = 10 Voc 1.2| 2.8 1.2| 28 1.2| 2.8 1.2| 28 Inverting Input Input Resistance ; 1 1 1 0.1] 1 Ma Qutput Resistance ; 8 8 9 8] | ka Unity Gain Bandwidth inverting input 25 25 25 25 MHz Input Bias Current Inverting Input, Vt = 5Vpo 30 | 200 30 | 200 30 1300 30 | 300 nA Inverting Input 600 Slew Rate Positive Output Swing 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 v/ Negative Output Swing 20 20 20 20 HS Supply Current RL = & OnAll Amplifiers 6.2] 10 6.2} 10 6.2] 10 6.2} 10 |mApco Output Vout High Ri = 2k, lin = 0, Voltage vt = 45.0 Voc lint =0 13.5) 13.5) 13.5 13.5) Swing -= Vour Low In, =10HAL lo oalo.2| jo.09] 0.2 0,09] 0.2 0.09] 0.2 lin =9 Voc Vour High vt = Absolute |lin = 0, Maximum Ratings [Iy* = 29.5 29.5 26.0 16.0 AL=, Output Source 6 | 18 6 | 10 5 | 18 5} 10} | Canabilty Sink (Note 2) 0.5| 1.3 0.5] 1.3 0.5} 1.3 0.5] 1.3 mApo IsINK VoL = 1V, iNT = 5 pA 5 5 5 5 3-622NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) ffE D MM 650112e4 0068505 6 mm T-79-10 Electrical Characteristics (notes), v+ = 15 Vpo, unless otherwise stated (Continued) LM2900 LM3900 LM3301 LM3401 Parameter Conditions . Units Min | Typ| Max| Min | Typ | Max| Min | Typ| Max] Min | Typ} Max Power Supply Rejection| Ta = 26C, f = 100 Hz 70 70 70 70 dB Mirror Gain @ 20 pA (Note 3) 0.90] 1.0] 1.1 |0.80} 1.0] 1.1 /0.90} 1 11.10/0.90] 1 | 1.10 A/pA @ 200 yA (Note 3) 0,90] 1.0} 1.1 }0.90] 1.0} 1.1 ]0.90! 41 11.10}0.90/ 14 | 1.10 B AMirror Galn @ 20 pA to 200 pA (Note 3) 2 5 2 5 2 6 2 6 % Mirror Current (Note 4) 10 | 500 10 | 500 10 | 500 10 | 500} Apso Negative Input Current | Ta = 25C (Note 5) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 mApc {Input Bias Current Inverting Input 300 300 nA Note 1: For operating at high temperatures, the device must be derated based on a 125C maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance of 92C/W which applies for the device soldered in a printed circuit board, operating In a still alr ambient. Thermal resistance for the $.0. package is 131C/W. Note 2: The output current sink capability can be increased for large signal conditions by overdriving the inverting Input. This Is shown in the section on Typical Characteristics. Note $: This spec indicates the current gain of the current mirror which Is used as tha non-inverting Input, Note 4: Input Vee match between the non-inverting and the inverting Inputs occurs for a mirror current (non-inverting input current) of approximately 10 pA. This is therefore a typical design center for many of the application circuits. Note 5: Clamp transistors are included on the IC to prevent the Input voltages from swinging below ground more than approximately 0.3 Voc. The negative input currents which may result from large signal overdrive with capacitance Input coupling need to be externally limited to values of approximately 1 mA. Negative Input currents In excess of 4 mA will cause the output voltage to drop to a low voltage. This maximum current applies fo any one of the input terminals. If more than one of the input terminals are simultaneously driven negative emalier maximum currents are akowed. Common-mode current biasing can be used to prevent negative Input voltages: see for example, the Differentlator Circuit In the applications section. Note : These specs apply for 40C < Ta < +685C, unless otherwise stated. Wote 7: Human body model, 1.5 kf in series with 100 pF. Application Hints When driving elther input from a low-impedance source, a limiting resistor should be. placed In series with the input lead to limit the peak input current. Currents as large as 20 mA will not damage the device, but the current mirror on the non-inverting input will saturate and cause a loss of mir- ror gain at mA current levelsespecially at high operating temperatures. Precautions should be taken to insure that the power supply for the integrated circuit never becomes reversed in polarity or that the unit Is not inadvertently installed backwards ina test socket as an unlimited current surge through the result- ing torward diode within the IC could cause fusing of the internal conductors and result in a destroyed unit. Output short circuits elther to ground or to the positive pow- er supply should be of short time duration. Units can be destroyed, not as a result of the short circuit current causing metal fusing, but rather due to the large increase In IC chip dissipation which will cause eventual failure due to exces- sive junction temperatures. For example, when operating from a well-regulated +5 Vp power supply at Ta = 25C with a 100 kf shunt-feedback resistor (from the output to the inverting input) a short directly to the power supply will not cause catastrophic failure but the current magnitude will be approximately 50 mA and the junction temperature will be above Ty max. Larger feedback resistors will reduce the current, 11 MQ. provides approximately 30 mA, an open cir- cuit provides 1.3 mA, and a direct connection from the out- put to the non-inverting input will result in catastrophic fail- ure when the output is shorted to V* as this then places the base-emitter junction of the input transistor directly across the power supply. Short-circults to ground will have magni- tudes of approximately 30 mA and will not cause cata- strophic failure at Ta = 25C. Unintentional signal coupling from the output to the non-in- verting input can cause oscillations. This is likely only in breadboard hook-ups with long component leads and can be prevented by a more careful lead dress or by locating the non-inverting input biasing resistor close to the iC. A quick check of this condition is to bypags the non-inverting input to ground with a capacitor. High impedance biasing resis- tors used in the non-inverting input circuit make this input lead highly susceptible. to unintentional AC signal pickup. Operation of this amplifier can be best understood by notic- ing that Input currents are differenced at the inverting-input terminal and this difference current then flows through the external feedback resistor to produce the output voltage. Common-mode current biasing is generally useful to allow operating with signal tevets near ground or even negative as this maintains the Inputs biased at +Vpe. Internal clamp transistors (see note &) catch-negative Input voltages at ap- proximately 0.3 Voc but the magnitude of current flow has to be limited by the external input network. For operation at high temperature, this limit should be approximately 100 pA. This new Norton current-differencing amplifier can be used in most of the applications of a standard iC op amp. Performance as a DC amplifier using only a single supply is not as precise as a standard IC op amp operating with split supplies but is adequate in many tess critical applications, New functions are made possible with this amplifier which are useful in single power supply systems. For example, blasing can be designed separately from the AC gain as was shown in the inverting. amplifier," the difference integra- tor allows controlling the charging and the discharging of the integrating capacitor with positive voltages, and the fre- quency doubling tachometer" provides a simple circuit which reduces the ripple voltage on a tachometer output DC voltage. 3-623 LOVEINT/}O8SIW1/006EIN1/0062N1NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) 22 D MM b501124 0048510 4 Open Loop Gain 1a Sox. VOLTAGE GAIN (08) e 1 ie? ret te a8 1g? {= FREQUENCY (He) LM2900/LM3900/LM3301/LM3401 Input Current 0 tae INPUT CURRENT (nA) 4 -% -% 8 #35 #68 128 Ta TEMPERATURE (C) Output Sink Current faa = 100A, o~ OUTPUT SINK CURRENT (mA) 5s 6 2 3 3 Vt SUPPLY VOLTAGE (Ve) SUPPLY REJECTION (48) e woe tet? 1 FREQUENCY {Ha} Typical Performance Characteristics Age, VOLTAGE GAIN (48) Sp CURRENT DRAIE (mA) 1g ~PULL-DOWN CURRENT {mA} A, MIRROR-GAIN (NCRMALIZED) T-79-10 Voltage Gain Voitage Gain Ye] 1% A, ze 8 g 2 3 a ea < a Z a t a ga 8 6 8 6 bo 8 a @ H lh -26) 66 Ok 128 V+. SUPPLY VOLTAGE (Voc! Ty ~ TEMPERATURE ("C) Large Signal Frequency Supply Current Response 1 Fane tas tee | 7 ce . ' 3 4 5 4 oS C 2 $ 6 s 0 6 2 2 M ee ee | Vv" SUPFLY VOLTAGE (Vpe) { FREQUENCY (H2} : Qutput Class-A Bias Current Qutput Source Current 25 4 3 7 a = 15 Tae-86C 1, #26C 5 2 ee ta = 10 a 1 T t 7 to 3 Ta 188C Ta = 128C Cr | 6 88 06 % 2 ww yt = SUPPLY VOLTAGE (Voc) * ~ SUPPLY VOLTAGE (Vna) Mirror Gain Maximum Mirror Current 1.18 ae 142 A fn? i & 10 z 3 14 5 z J 1.0 6 0 8-18 5) 36 HHS 125 55-28 5 3S 88 85 (128 Ta ~ TEMPERATURE {"C) Ta TEMPERATURE ("C} TL/H/7936-9 3-624NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) 226 D MM GS50LL24 OObsSil b Typical Applications wv* = 15 vp0) T-79-10 Inverting Amplifier Triangle/Square Generator LOVE T/} OCEN 1/006EN 1/0062 TL/H/7938-3 TL/H/7986-4 Frequency-Doubling Tachometer Low Vin Vout Voltage Regulator Vin Vo * Vz + Ves tk = We uF Va we LP. y) O Vooc tk SM nowwn| ath O.00&F ot TL/H/7636=5 (y) Ves 510 TL/H/7836-6 Non-Inverting Amplifier Negative Supply Blasing Ra TL/H/7936-8 TL/H/7036-7 Ay = At 3-625NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) 22E D MM 6501124 O0b8s5ic 6 Typical Applications (v* = 15 Voc) (Continued) Low-Drift Ramp and Hold Circuit AA L.M2900/LM3900/LM3301/LM3401 E- Bi-Quad Active Filter (2nd Degree State-Varlable Network) T-79-10 TL/H/7838-~10 470k TL/H/7836-11NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) 22E D MM 6501124 0066513 T Typical Applications (vt = 15 Vp.) (Continued) Voltage-Contralled Current Source r (Transconductance Amplifier) HI Vin , Lo (Vin Vo) Seif-Regulator Vg #8206 T-79-10 TL/H/7938-12 lo <1A ___ *Vo TL/H/7996-13 TL/H/7636~14 "3-627 LOvET/ LOSE 1/006EIN 1/0062NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) LM2900/LM3900/LM3301/LM3401 eee D Mg 6501124 0066514 1 Typical Applications (v* = 15 Voc) (Continued) Voltage Regulator Vz T-79-10 Fixed Current Sources yr Vee 610 +Vonc Wo = Vz + Vee) TL/H/7936~15 Voltage-Controlied Current Sink (Transconductance Amplifier) s | fo = 1 mA/VOLT (Vin) TL/H/7938~17 Tachometer yt (Y) umsaoo TL/H/7936-19 ot} tmA Ig= at h : A2 TL/H/7996-16 Buffer Amplifier +Vo Vo = Vin Vin 2 Vee Vin TL/H/7938-18 +Vooc Vooc = A fin *Allowa Vo to go to zero. 3-628NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) eee ) M 65011204 00646515 3 No negative yotege fmit if properly blased. Comparator Vo TL/H/7838-20. Typical Applications (vt = 15 Voc) (Continued) Low-Voltage Comparator yt T-79-10 Power Comparator TL/H/7696~21 Schmitt-Trigger TL/H/7996-23 TL/H/7036-25 Vone = A (fi f2) TL/H/7896-26 3-629 LOPE 1/ LOSE 1/006EN 1/0067LM2900/LM3900/LM3301/LM3401 NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) 22 D MB 6501124 OOL651b 5 i Typical Applications (vt = 15 Voc) (Continued) Frequency Averaging Tachometer VARIABLE RELUCTANCE TRANSOUCER vt TUH/7936-28 Differentiator (Common-Mode Blasing Keeps Input at + Vee) vr vt 0.001yF Vo 1 AV TL/H/7636-30 AND Gate f=AeBeG TL/H/7836~32 T-79-10 49k Vonc = A(fy + f2) TL/H/7938-27 Bl-Stable Multivibrator vt TUH/7036-20 OR Gate c TL/H/7936~31 Difference integrator TLIH/7836-33 3-630NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) Staircase Generator *2 Step/eycle O.1yF 39k ecE D Mi bS5011e4 OOb8517? 7 Typical Applications (v+ = 15 Voc) (Continued) Low Pass Active Fliter v* TL/H/7936~35 T-79-10 OUTPUT BIAS AQJUST Vee =0.6 Voc A2 vont (102) TL/H/79368-36 Bandpass Active Fliter TL/H/7036-37 3-631 LOvEW1/1OSEN1/006EN1/006eN1NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) eee Dd LM2900/LM3900/LM3301/LM3401 mM 650112e4 0064518 1 Typical Applications vt = 15 voc) (Continued) Low-Frequency Mixer PULSE GENERATOR 100 pF DIFFERENTIAL INTEGRATOR ONE-SHOT W/ INPUT COMPARATOR 1.2M T-79-10 TL/H/7938-38 TLIH/7636-39 3-632NATL SEMICOND: (LINEAR) ecEe D M8 6501124 0064519 0 me Typical Applications (v* = 15 Voc) (Continueg) Supplying ly with Aux. Amp (to Allow Hi-Z Feedback Networka) 2 zy ri T-79-10 TL/H/7996~40 v Ovt 100k M3900. 0.001 pF PW s 2 xX 1086 *Speeds recovery. TRIGGER IN ve Non-Inverting DC Gain to (0,0) OFFSET ADJ B 30k | | L0 Vo: TL/H/7936-41 TL/H/7636-42 3-633 LOPEW'T/LOEEW1/O06EN 1/0062NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) 2ecE D MM 6503124 LM2900/LM3900/LM3301/LM3401 Typical Applications (v* = 15 Vp) (Continued) Channel Selection by DC Control (or Audio Mixer) v1 0068520 = T-79-10 TL/H/7836~43 3-634NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) Typical Applications (v* = 15 vp) (Continued) Power Amplifier ye One-Shot with DC Input Comparator vt High Pass Active Filter 410 oF 10M 4170p 470 pF Vin o- 1k F 1 Lwaane D) mazar + M fo = kHz View T-79-10 TL/H/7836-44 Trips at Vin = 0.6 VF Vin must fall 0.8 V* prior to ta TL/H/7938-45 Vo TLAH/7938-48 ecE D M@@ 6501124 0064521 9 3-635 LODENT/LOCEWT/006EN1/0062N1NATL SEMICOND (LINEAR) 22 D MM 6501124 O0b85ee 0 T-79-10 7 Typical Applications (v* = 15 Voc) (Continued) Sample-Hold and Compare with New + Vin Vox = Vay (HOLO) Y FORT