1. Checkpoints relating to principle of
MP motion sensors are passive infrared
sensors which detect changes in the
infrared rays. They may fail to detect
successfully if a heat source other than a
human being is detected or if there are
no temperature changes in or movement
of a heat source. Care must generally be
taken in the following cases. The perfor-
mance and reliability of the sensors must
be checked out under conditions of actu-
al use.
<1> Cases where a heat source other
than a human being is detected.
1) When a small animal enters the detec-
tion range.
2) When the sensor is directly exposed
to sunlight, a vehicle’s headlights, an
incandescent light or some other source
of far infrared rays.
3) When the temperature inside the
detection range has changed suddenly
due to the entry of cold or warm air from
an air-conditioning or heating unit, water
vapor from a humidifier, etc.
<2> Cases where it is difficult to
detect the heat source
1) When an object made of glass, acrylic
or other subject which far infrared rays
have difficulty passing through is located
between the sensor and what is to be
2) When the heat source inside the
detection range hardly moves or when it
moves at high speed; for details on the
movement speed, refer to the section on
the performance ratings.
2. When the detection area becomes
When the difference between the ambi-
ent temperature and body temperature is
large (more than 20°C 68°F), detection
may occur in isolated areas outside the
specified detection range.
3. Other handling cautions
1) Be careful not to allow dust or dirt to
accumulate on the lens as this will
adversely affect the detection sensitivity.
2) The lens is made of a soft material
Avoid applying a load or impact since
this will deform or scratch the lens, mak-
ing proper operation impossible and
causing a deterioration in its perfor-
3) The sensor may be damaged if it is
exposed to static with a voltage exceed-
ing ±200V. Therefore, do not touch its
terminals directly, and exercise adequate
care in the handling of the sensor.
4) When the leads are to be soldered,
solder them by hand for less than 3 sec-
onds at a temperature of less than 350°C
662°F at the tip of the soldering iron.
Avoid using a solder bath since this will
causing a deterioration in the sensor’s
5) Do not attempt to clean the sensor.
Cleaning fluid may enter inside the lens
area causing a deterioration in perfor-
6) When using the sensors with cables, it
is recommended that cables which are
shielded and as short as possible be
used in order to safeguard against the
effects of noise.
For the general precautions, refer to the
Notes for Motion Sensors on page 22.
3. Spot detection type 4. 10m detection type
Recommended PC board pattern
1. In order to ensure proper detection, install it with the lens
exposed at least 5.6mm .220inch.
2. As for panel mounting hole, tapering or making a large size
hole should be done.
3. The height dimension does not include the remaining mold-
ing gate.
Notes: 1. As for panel mounting hole, tapering or making a large size hole should be
2. The height dimension does not include the remaining molding gate.
MP Motion Sensor (AMN)
mm inch General tolerance ±0.5 ±.020