WIZ107SR User Manual Version 1.72 (c) 2015 WIZnet Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. For more information, visit our website at http://www.wiznet.co.kr Document Revision History Date Revision Changes 2010-04-23 V1.00 Official Release 2010-04-28 V1.10 Modify the serial command list 1. Added cautions for uploading F/W 2. Added illustration for serial command responses. 3. Added Table 5 to demonstrate the corresponding serial command responses 2010-08-24 V1.20 2011-01-04 V1.30 Modify the serial command list 1. IT. The time unit is sec, not ms. 2. RT/SV/EX attentions V1.50 Added explanation about WIZ107SR revision 1. Added Module Revision Notification. 2. Modified "1.2 Product Contents". 3. Modified "1.3 Product Specification". 4. Added "Table 4. Available firmware version with hardware version". V1.60 Added explanation about WIZ107SR-EVB revision 1. Added EVB Revision Notification. 2. Modified "4.2 WIZ107SR Interface Board Schematic". 3. Added "4.3 Booting Time" and "4.4 HW_TRIG Pin". 4. Added attention for using serial command. <Page25> V1.61 Modified the part name of "Ordering Information" in section "Module & EVB Revision Notification". Changed the name of this part as follows. 1. WIZ107SR-UART -> WIZ107SR-RS232 2. WIZ107SR-UART-EVB -> WIZ107SR-RS232-EVB 2015-03-25 V1.70 Added explanation about WIZ107SR-EVB revision 1.4 1. Added EVB Revision Notification 2. Added "4.3 Booting Time" and "4.4 HW_TRIG Pin". 3. Added "Table 4. Available firmware version with hardware version". Added descriptions for firmware 4.04 or above 1. Added description for H/W Factory reset function removal and No-PHY link detection function using HW_TRIG pin. Modified the Table 5. Serial command response list 1. Added the additional return value (3:ATMODE) of Device status (ST) command. 2015-04-15 V1.71 Fixed the Typo in "3.2 Serial Command List" 1. Modified the Time unit for Inactivity timer(sec) 2017-06-19 V1.72 Fixed command parameter in "Table 1. Serial command list" 1. Delete "2 : 9bit" parameter in DB. 2012-11-07 2013-02-05 2013-06-11 WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd) Module & EVB Revision Notification <WIZ107SR V1.3 / V1.4 Module> WIZnet mainly revised the hardware and software of WIZ107SR with the discontinuance of the main MCU, W7100, in November 2012. We replaced the W7100 with W7100A, and upgraded several functions for better performance and convenience. The change detail is as following. Part # Hardware Revision Description of Changes 1. Operation Temperature : Supports industrial temperature range V1.3 Hardware Version V1.1 or below V1.3 Temp. Range 0 ~70 -40 ~ 85 2. Reinforce ESD protection by adding TVS arrays on the RJ45 side. 3. Change main MCU from W7100 to W7100A with the discontinuance of W7100. 4. Serial signals support 3.3V TTL level.(Optional) WIZ107SR 1. Operation Temperature : Supports industrial temperature range V1.4 Hardware Version V1.4 or above Temp. Range -40 ~ 85 2. Removed the MIC811RU for MCU hardware reset. 3. Added the TPS3823-33 as external watchdog for MCU. Since the hardware form factors and pin maps of all revisions are compatible, ones can replace the old one with the new one without changing their existing hardware design. However, they have to use the appropriate firmware according to hardware version. If they upload the wrong firmware, the module may be work properly. Part # WIZ107SR Hardware Version Available Firmware Version V1.1 or below V2.20 (the latest one) V1.3 V3.04 ~ V3.14 V1.4 or above V4.04 or above Remark If you upload the wrong firmware, the module may not work properly. There is no difference in all functions and features. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd) <WIZ107SR-EVB> From the WIZ107SR rev1.3, the module optionally supports the TTL signal on the serial side. With this change, we changed the base board of WIZ107SR-EVB to test both of WIZ107SRRS232 and WIZ107SR-TTL. Therefore, when you order the WIZ107SR or WIZ107SR-EVB, please specify the version by referring below ordering information. To test WIZ107SR UART version To test WIZ107SR TTL version <Ordering Information> Category Part No WIZ107SR-RS232 Compact Size Serial to Ethernet Module Serial : RS-232 / Network : RJ-45 WIZ107SR-TTL Compact Size Serial to Ethernet Module Serial : TTL / Network : RJ-45 Module EVB Description WIZ107SR-RS232-EVB WIZ107SR-TTL-EVB WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd) Evaluation Board for WIZ107SR-RS232 Evaluation Board for WIZ107SR-TTL WIZnet's Online Technical Support If you have something to ask about WIZnet products, write down your question on Q&A Board in WIZWiki Forum (http://wizwiki.net/forum/). WIZnet will give an answer as soon as possible. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 2015 WIZnet Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Technical Support: Our Forum, http://wizwiki.net/forum/ Sales & Distribution: sales@wiznet.co.kr For more information, visit our website at http://www.wiznet.co.kr WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd) Table of Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Key Features.......................................................................................... 1 1.3.1 WIZ107SR Module Specification ........................................................... 3 1.3.2 WIZ107SR Module Interface ................................................................ 4 1.3.3 Pin Header Connector Pin-Assignment ................................................... 5 2. Getting Started ............................................................................................. 6 2.1 Configuration Tool ................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Network Configuration ..................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Serial Configuration ....................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Option Configuration...................................................................... 13 2.2 Firmware Upload .................................................................................. 15 3. Serial Configuration ...................................................................................... 18 3.1 Serial Command Format .......................................................................... 18 3.2 Serial Command List .............................................................................. 18 3.3 Serial Command Executing Example ........................................................... 24 4. Hardware Specification .................................................................................. 26 4.1 WIZ107SR Dimension .............................................................................. 26 4.2 WIZ107SR Interface Board Schematic .......................................................... 27 4.3 Booting Time ....................................................................................... 28 4.4 HW_TRIG PIN....................................................................................... 28 5. Warranty ................................................................................................... 29 WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd) Figures FIGURE 1. WIZ107SR INTERFACE ................................................................................. 4 FIGURE 2. WIZ107SR CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT .............................................................. 5 FIGURE 3. WIZ107SR CONFIGURATION TOOL (NETWORK CONFIGURATION PAGE) ................................. 6 FIGURE 4. SEARCHING WITH UDP BROADCAST METHOD ............................................................ 7 FIGURE 5. SEARCHING WITH TCP UNICAST METHOD ................................................................ 7 FIGURE 6. SIMPLE PING TEST PROGRAM ........................................................................... 8 FIGURE 7. WIZ107SR CONFIGURATION TOOL (SERIAL CONFIGURATION PAGE) ................................... 11 FIGURE 8. WIZ107SR CONFIGURATION TOOL (OPTION CONFIGURATION PAGE).................................. 13 FIGURE 9. FILE OPEN DIALOG BOX FOR FIRMWARE UPLOADING ................................................... 15 FIGURE 10. FIRMWARE UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY ................................................................ 16 FIGURE 11. ERROR MESSAGE ABOUT UPLOADING DIFFERENT VERSION FIRMWARE .................................. 17 FIGURE 12. SERIAL COMMAND FORMAT ........................................................................... 18 FIGURE 13. SERIAL COMMAND EXECUTING EXAMPLE .............................................................. 25 FIGURE 14. WIZ107SR DIMENSIONS (UNIT : MM) ............................................................... 26 FIGURE 15. WIZ107SR INTERFACE BOARD SCHEMATIC .......................................................... 27 FIGURE 16. WIZ107SR'S OPERATION FLOW .................................................................... 28 Tables TABLE 1. PRODUCT CONTENTS..................................................................................... 2 TABLE 2. WIZ107SR MODULE SPECIFICATION ..................................................................... 3 TABLE 3. PIN HEADER CONNECTOR PIN-ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION ................................................ 5 TABLE 4. AVAILABLE FIRMWARE VERSION WITH HARDWARE VERSION ............................................... 17 TABLE 5. SERIAL COMMAND LIST.................................................................................. 19 TABLE 6. WIZ107SR'S BOOTING TIME .......................................................................... 28 WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd) 1. Introduction WIZ107SR is a gateway module that converts serial protocol (RS-232) into TCP/IP protocol. It enables remote management and control of a serial device through TCP/IP network. In other words WIZ107SR is the protocol converter that transmits the data sent by serial equipment as TCP/IP data type, and converts back the TCP/IP data received through the network into serial data to transmit back to the equipment. 1.1 Key Features Compact Sized RS-232 to Ethernet Converting Module Quick and Simple Internet Connection to Serial Devices Supports Firmware Customization according to Customer's Requirement Guarantees Stable and Reliable Data Communication by using W7100A One chip solution Provides User-Friendly Configuration Tool Program User Password Configurable for Security Supports Serial Command for Serial configuration 10/100 Mbps Ethernet & Max 230Kbps Serial Interface Supports IP Configuration - Static, DHCP Supports DNS Compact design 48mm X 30mm X 18mm ( L x W x H ) RoHS Compliant WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 1 1.2 Product Contents WIZ107SR WIZ107SR EVB WIZ107SR Interface Board 12-pin Cable ( Connect WIZ107SR with Interface Board ) LAN Cable Accessories Serial Cable Power ( DC 5V / 2A Adaptor ) Table 2. Product Contents If there is any missing item, contact to the shop where you purchased. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 2 1.3 Product Specification 1.3.1 WIZ107SR Module Specification WIZ107SR includes WIZnet's hardwired TCP/IP chip that embeds the most of TCP/IP protocols such as TCP, UDP, IP, ARP, ICMP, IGMP and Ethernet MAC. 10Mbps and 100Mbps Ethernet are all supported and a standard RJ-45 is mounted on the board of WIZ107SR. One serial port is provided in WIZ107SR via 12-pin connector which features the standard RS-232 specification. WIZ107SR can be powered by a DC 3.3V power supply with the max 250mA current supply. The detailed specifications are listed in Table 2 TCP / IP W7100A Included in W7100A PHY Auto negotiation (Full-duplex and Half-duplex) Auto MDI/MDIX Serial WIZ107SR : RS-232C Included in W7100A Architecture (Fully software compatible with industrial standard 8051) Internal 2KBytes Boot ROM MCU Internal 64KBytes embedded program FLASH memory Internal 256Bytes embedded data FLASH memory Internal 64KBytes embedded SRAM Internal 32KBytes memory for TCP/IP data communication Interface Signals WIZ107SR : Included RS-232C Transceiver, WIZ107SR : TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS, GND WIZ107SR Serial Parameters - Parity : None, Odd, Even - Data bits : 7, 8 bit - Flow control : None, RTS / CTS, XON / XOFF Speed Dimensions Connector type Up to 230Kbps 48mm x 30mm x 18mm ( Include connector size ) 2.54mm Pitch Pin-header, 12Pin (2*6) Input voltage DC 3.3V Max power consumption 250mA Temperature Humidity -40C ~ 85C (Operation), -40C ~ 85C (Storage) 10 ~ 90% Table 3. WIZ107SR Module Specification WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 3 1.3.2 WIZ107SR Module Interface Figure 1. WIZ107SR Interface WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 4 1.3.3 Pin Header Connector Pin-Assignment WIZ107SR provides an external connector to connect it with your application board. The pin assignment and definition of the connector are introduced in Figure 2 and the specification of each pin is described in Table 3. 1 VCC 2 VCC 3 RXD 4 nRESET 5 RTS 6 nFAC_RST 7 TXD 8 HW_TRIG 9 CTS 10 NC 11 GND 12 GND Figure 2. WIZ107SR Connector Pin Assignment Pin Number Signal Description 1 VCC System Power input (3.3V) 2 VCC System Power input (3.3V) 3 RXD RS-232C Receive Data 4 nRESET 5 RTS 6 nFAC_RST System Reset signal input / Active Low RS-232C Request To Send / Optional Factory Reset signal input / Active Low [ Function Removed: Firmware v4.04 or above] The H/W Factory reset function pin removed for more stable operation. but S/W Factory reset still exists. 7 TXD 8 HW_TRIG RS-232C Transmit Data Hardware Trigger signal input / Low : CMD mode [ In the initial time, this pin is INPUT for Hardware Trigger(for serial command mode). After that, this pin is OUTPUT for connection status. When the connection is established, this pin goes Low. And, it will go HIGH when connection is closed. ] [ Function Added: Firmware v4.04 or above] In No-PHY link (like Ethernet cable is disconnected) case, HW_TRIG pin generates High and low signal in turns every second. When returning to normal condition, HW_TRIG displays TCP connection status as usual. 9 CTS RS-232C Clear To Send / Optional 10 NC Not connect 11 GND System Ground 12 GND System Ground Table 4. Pin Header Connector PIN-Assignment Description WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 5 2. Getting Started 2.1 Configuration Tool 2.1.1 Network Configuration Figure 3. WIZ107SR Configuration Tool (Network Configuration Page) 1) Search The Search function is used to search all devices existing in the same LAN or in WAN. By using UDP broadcast as shown in Figure 4, all connected devices in the same subnet will be found. If the TCP unicast method is checked, the specified IP address must be given as shown in Figure 5. The founded device will be listed in the "Serial to Ethernet" tree with its MAC address. Please, note the identification code must be input if the device has been configured with one identification code. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 6 Figure 4. Searching with UDP broadcast method Figure 5. Searching with TCP unicast method 2) Setting This function is to complete the configuration change. If you select the MAC Address from the "Serial to Ethernet" tree, the default configuration value of the module will be displayed. Change the configuration and click "Setting" button to complete the configuration. The module will re-initialize with the changed configuration. Changed value is saved in the EEPROM of the module. Thus, the value is not removed even though power is disconnected. 3) Upload Firmware will be uploaded through network WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 7 4) Reset Reset and restart the selected module if you select the MAC Address from the tree and click "Reset" button. 5) Factory All value is initialized to Factory default value if you select the MAC Address from the tree and click "Factory" button. 6) Ping Popup the Simple Ping application program, you can test the ping operation. Figure 6. Simple Ping Test Program 7) Firewall Popup the Windows Firewall setup program. 8) Exit Close the configuration Tool Program. 9) Search window If you click "Search" button, all the MAC address on a same subnet, will be displayed this area. You can see the basic information such as Model name, Firmware version Etc. 10) Network Setting Method Select IP setting mode, you can select one of Static, DHCP. (PPPoE mode is not supported in the WIZ107SR) - Using the follow IP Address (Static) This is option for setting WIZ107SR module's IP with static IP address. Firstly, select MAC address which you wanted to set as static IP in the board list. Then "Device IP, Subnet, Gateway box" will be enabled. Input Static IP address and click "setting" button. Then set the IP address as you want. - DHCP Set this option to use DHCP mode. Firstly, check `DHCP' and click `Setting' button. If IP WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 8 address is successfully acquired from DHCP server, the MAC address will be displayed on the configuration window. (It takes some time to acquire IP address from DHCP server) When a module on the board list is selected, IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway are displayed. If module could not acquire network information from DHCP server, IP address, Gateway Address and Subnet mask will be initialized to 11) Network Operation Mode Client / server / mixed : This is to select the communication method based on TCP. TCP is the protocol to establish the connection before data communication, but UDP just processes the data communication without connection establishment. The Network mode of WIZ107SR can be divided into TCP Server, TCP Client and Mixed mode according to the connection establishing method. At the TCP server mode, WIZ107SR operates as server on the process of connection, and waits for the connection trial from the client. WIZ107SR operates as client at the TCP Client mode on the process of connection, and tries to connect to the server's IP and Port. Mixed modes supports both of Server and Client. The communication process of each mode is as below. <TCP server mode Communication> At the TCP Server mode, WIZ107SR waits for the connection requests. TCP Server mode can be useful when the monitoring center tries to connect to the device (where WIZ107SR is installed) in order to check the status or provide the commands. In normal time WIZ107SR is on the waiting status, and if there is any connection request (SYN) from the monitoring center, the connection is established (ESTABLISH), and data communication is processed (Data Transaction). Finally connection is closed (FIN). In order to operate this mode, Local IP, Subnet, Gateway Address and Local Port Number should be configured first. The Data transmission proceeds as follows, 1. The host connects to the WIZ107SR which is configured as TCP Server mode. 2. As the connection is established, data can be transmitted in both directions - from the host to the WIZ107SR, and from the WIZ107SR to the host <TCP client mode Communication> If WIZ107SR is set as TCP Client, it tries to establish connection to the server. To operate this mode, Local IP, Subnet, Gateway Address, Server IP, and Server port number should be set. If server IP had domain name, use DNS function. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 9 In TCP Client mode, WIZ107SR can actively establish a TCP connection to a host computer when power is supplied. The Data transmission proceeds as follows: 1. As power is supplied, WIZ107SR board operating as TCP client mode actively establishes a connection to the server. 2. If the connection is complete, data can be transmitted in both directions - from the host to the WIZ107SR and from WIZ107SR to the host <Mixed mode Communication> In this mode, WIZ107SR normally operates as TCP Server and waits for the connection request from the peer. However, if WIZ107SR receives data from the serial device before connection is established, it changes to the client mode and sends the data to the server IP. Therefore, at the mixed mode, the server mode is operated prior to the client mode. As like TCP Server mode, the Mixed mode is useful for the case that the monitoring center tries to connect to the serial device (in which WIZ107SR is used) to check device status. In addition to this, if any emergency occurs in the serial device, the module will change to Client mode to establish the connection to the server and deliver the emergency status of the device. <UDP mode Communication> UDP is not a connection oriented protocol. But the communication port should also be defined well. If the UDP mode is selected, the data from serial interface can be defined where to delivery via the "Sever IP Address" and "Port", and the WIZ107SR can also be defined where to receive Ethernet data from via the "Remote Peer IP Address" definition. If the data destination and source are the same, the two IP address will also be the same. Please note the destination and source are using the same port. 12) DDNS Setting DDNS function is not supported in the WIZ107SR. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 10 2.1.2 Serial Configuration Figure 7. WIZ107SR Configuration Tool (Serial Configuration Page) 1) Enable debug message output If this mode is checked, you can monitor the status of module and socket message like listen OK, connect fail etc. through serial terminal. If debug mode is on, debug message can cause abnormal operation of the serial device. Therefore, just use this mode only for debug mode. 2) COM port Setting The parameters of COM port of WIZ107SR are listed well in this page. Users can set the COM port of WIZ107SR by selecting the value of each parameter in the drop down list. By clicking the "Setting" button, changed value can be applied. 3) Serial data packing condition settings You can designate how the serial data can be packed to send to the Ethernet. In default mode, WIZ107SR checks the serial buffer and sends any received data to Ethernet without any standard. Therefore, the data can be regarded as error data due to WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 11 inconsistent data length. In order to solve this problem, the data from serial can be packed according to the specified condition before sending to Ethernet. The condition is as below. Time: If there is not any new data during designated time, all data in the serial buffer is converted to Ethernet packet. If new data is received, the time is re-calculated and the received data is saved in the serial buffer. Time condition can be utilized when the serial data size is variable and has no ending character, but needs to be delivered in frame unit. (If the value is `0', option is not used) Size: When data is collected as much as the defined size in the serial buffer, it is transmitted to Ethernet (If the value is `0', option is not used) Character: The data is collected in the serial buffer until specified character is received, and transmitted to Ethernet. The character can be specified in Hex formation. (The value is `0', this option is not used) One of three conditions is satisfied, the data is transmitted to the Ethernet. Ex) Delimiter : Size=10, Char=0x0D Serial data : 0123456789abc Ethernet data : 0123456789 "abc" data remains in the serial buffer of module. 4) Serial command mode switch code This function is for module configuration not through network with Configuration tool but through serial communication. At the default status, the serial command mode is disabled. When you want to set via serial communication, check "enable". WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 12 2.1.3 Option Configuration Figure 8. WIZ107SR Configuration Tool (Option Configuration Page) 1) Timer interval - Inactivity Timer : The connection holding period when no data transmission. - Reconnection Interval : The connection retry interval (client mode only) After the connection is established, if there is not data transmission within the time defined in Inactivity time, the connection is closed automatically. The default value is `0'. If `0' is set, this function is not activated. In this default setting, the connection is maintained even though there is no data transmission. In order to close the connection, the `Close' command should be given. This function can be used for more than two or more systems to connect to a WIZ107SR module. If one system holds the connection to the WIZ107SR, other systems cannot connect to the module. If there is no data transmission during the time defined in Inactivity time, the connection will be closed for other system to be connected. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 13 Inactivity Time also can be useful for the case when the server system is unexpectedly shut down. In this status, if there is not any data communication during the time defined in the Inactivity time, WIZ107SR will close the connection and enter into waiting status. 2) Search identification code For the security issues, WIZ107SR can have its own password for searching. The password is stored in the EEPROM of WIZ107SR, and it can be modified via this configuration tool. The password can be any alphabet or number. Its length can be variable and its maximum length is 8 bytes. The password is case sensitive. 3) Connection password This function is available only when WIZ107SR works in server mode. If this function is enabled, the remote client should send the password to WIZ107SR before data transmission. Please, note the password is case sensitive. 4) Network protocol settings There are two kinds of data transmission protocol: one is raw data transmission, and the other is using Telnet (RFC2217). But in current version, only the raw data transmission is supported. If the `Keep alive' function is enabled, WIZ107SR will send keep alive packet in every user set minutes if no reply received after the user set period. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 14 2.2 Firmware Upload 1) Run the Configuration Tool program and click "Search" button, and input search password in the password popup dialog if you set the search password. 2) If the module is properly connected to the network then MAC address will be displayed on the "Serial to Ethernet" search result area. 3) Select a MAC address shown in search result and click "Upload" button. Before uploading through Ethernet, you should set the network information of WIZ107SR first by Configuration Tool program. 4) When the window as shown below Figure is displayed, select file for upload and click "Open" button. Do not upload any other files except for WIZ107SR application firmware file. If you uploaded other files by accident, Configuration Tool cannot search out WIZ107SR so that uploading a correct one via Ethernet is impossible. In this case, you should erase code and data flash in W7100 and upload a correct file by using "WIZISP for iMCU W7100" Don't turn power off while F/W is being uploaded. Figure 9. File open dialog box for Firmware uploading WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 15 5) When the firmware is uploaded successfully, the following message box will be shown. Figure 10. Firmware uploaded successfully WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 16 If you try to upload the wrong version of firmware, the following message box will be displayed. Figure 11. Error message about uploading different version firmware Please check the firmware version. And upload the appropriate one according to the hardware version Part # WIZ107SR Hardware Version Available Firmware Version V1.2 or below V2.20 (the latest one) V1.3 V3.03 ~ V3.14 V1.4 or above V4.04 or above Remark If you upload the wrong firmware, the module may not work properly. There is no difference in all functions and features. Table 5. Available firmware version with hardware version WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 17 3. Serial Configuration 3.1 Serial Command Format If WIZ107SR is in serial configuration mode, users can use the following predefined commands to configure WIZ107SR via serial interface. The format of serial command is shown in Figure 12. Each command starts with a command name (2 characters) and ends with `\r\n'. If the data field is null, it means the command does a reading operation. Otherwise, the command do writing operation. Ones can get response in case of reading operation of Commands, the format of response is the same with Serial command format. Command Data \r \n Figure 12. Serial command format 3.2 Serial Command List The commands are listed in the following Table 5. CMD Data Description MC -- MAC address (read only) VR -- Firmware version (read only) MN -- Model name (read only) ST -- Device status (read only) 0:OPEN, 1:CONNECT, 2:UPGRADE 3:ATMODE UN -- Total UART number (read only) LG -- Debug log message (read only) ER -- Error message (read only) IM 0:STATIC, 1:DHCP, 2:PPPoE Obtain IP method OP 0:CLIENT, 1:SERVER, 2:MIXED, 3:UDP Operation mode DD 1:ENABLE, 0:DISABLE DDNS enable/disable flag CP 1:ENABLE, 0:DISABLE Connection password enable/disable flag PO 0:RAW, 1:TELNET Data transmission protocol (only raw data transmission is supported for current version) DG 1:ENABLE, 0:DISABLE Debug message output flag KA 1:ENABLE, 0:DISABLE Keep alive flag KI 0 ~ 65535 Tx KeepAlive interval (0~65535ms) KE 0 ~ 65535 KeepAlive enable interval (0~65535ms) RI 0 ~ 65535 Reconnection interval WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 18 (client mode only, 0~65535ms) LI (Default value) Local IP address SM (Default value) Subnet mask GW (Default value) Gateway DS (Default value) DNS server IP LP 5000 (Default value) Local port number RP 5000 (Default value) Remote host port number RH (Default value) Remote host IP/name BR 0:300bps, 1:600bps, 2:1200bps, Baud rate index 3:1800bps, 4:2400bps, 5:4800bps, 6:9600bps, 7:14400bps, 8:19200bps, 9:28800bps, 10:38400bps, 11:57600bps, 12:115200bps, 13:230400bps DB 0:7bit, 1:8bit Data bit PR 0:NONE, 1:ODD, 2:EVEN parity SB 0:1bit, 1:2bit Stop bit FL 0:NONE, 1:XON/XOFF, 2:CTS/RTS Flow Control IT 0 ~ 65535 Inactivity timer (0~65535sec) PT 0 ~ 65535 Serial data packing interval (0~65535ms) PS 0 ~ 255 Packing size (0~255) PD 0 ~ 255 Packing indicator (0~255) TE 1:Enable, 0:Disable Software trigger enable flag SS 010203 (Default value) software trigger (fixed 3 bytes in hex) NP ******** Connection password (Max. 8 bytes) SP ******** Search password (Max. 8 bytes) EC 1:Enable, 0:Disable Show serial input echo or not WIZ108SR is not supported this CMD. SV -- Save setting message (After command, WIZ107SR needs some delay about 50ms) RT -- Reboot the device EX -- Exit from command mode FR -- Factory Reset Table 6. Serial command list WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 19 The corresponding responses samples of serial commands are listed in the following Table 5. Command Response MC00:08:DC:##:##:##\r\n In ASCII: MC\r\n MC In HEX: 4D 43 0D 0A VR1.4\r\n In ASCII: VR\r\n VR In HEX: 56 52 0D 0A MNWIZ107SR\r\n In ASCII: MN\r\n MN In HEX: 4D 4E 0D 0A STATMODE\r\n In ASCII: ST\r\n ST Read only UN Input commands: Data field is null. In HEX: 53 54 0D 0A UN1\r\n In ASCII: UN\r\n In HEX: 55 4E 0D 0A Users are not allowed to input this LGIP:\r\n command. This command can only LG be displayed by system. See example on right side. Users are not allowed to input this ERNOCOMMAND:kk\r\n command. This command can only ER be displayed by system. See example on right side. Null data IM With data Null data OP In ASCII: IM\r\n In HEX: 49 4D 0D 0A In ASCII: IM0\r\n or IM1\r\n No Response In HEX: 49 4D 31 0D 0A or ... In ASCII: OP\r\n OP0 In HEX: 4F 50 0D 0A In ASCII: OP0\r\n or OP1\r\n or ... With data IM0 No Response OP3\r\n In HEX: 4F 50 31 0D 0A or ... Null data DD With data CP Null data In ASCII: DD\r\n DD0\r\n In HEX: 44 44 0D 0A In ASCII: DD0\r\n or DD1\r\n No Response In HEX: 44 44 31 0D 0A or ... In ASCII: CP\r\n WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) CP0\r\n 20 In HEX: 43 50 0D 0A With data Null data PO With data Null data DG With data Null data KA With data Null data KI With data Null data KE With data Null data RI With data Null data LI In ASCII: CP0\r\n or CP1\r\n In HEX: 43 50 31 0D 0A or ... In ASCII: PO\r\n PO0\r\n In HEX: 50 4F 0D 0A In ASCII: PO0\r\n or PO1\r\n No Response In HEX: 50 4F 31 0D 0A or ... In ASCII: DG\r\n DG1\r\n In HEX: 44 47 0D 0A In ASCII: DG0\r\n or DG1\r\n No Response In HEX: 44 47 31 0D 0A or ... In ASCII: KA\r\n KA0\r\n In HEX: 4B 41 0D 0A In ASCII: KA0\r\n or KA1\r\n No Response In HEX: 4B 41 31 0D 0A or ... In ASCII: KI\r\n KI0\r\n In HEX: 4B 49 0D 0A In ASCII: KI100 \r\n No Response In HEX: 4B 49 31 30 30 0D 0A In ASCII: KE\r\n KE0\r\n In HEX: 4B 45 0D 0A In ASCII: KE100\r\n No Response In HEX: 4B 45 31 30 30 0D 0A In ASCII: RI\r\n RI0\r\n In HEX: 52 49 0D 0A In ASCII: RI100 \r\n No Response In HEX: 52 49 31 30 30 0D 0A In ASCII: LI\r\n LI192.168.11.2\r\n In HEX: 4C 49 0D 0A In ASCII: LI192.168.11.20\r\n With data No Response No Response In HEX: 4C 49 31 39 32 2E 31 36 38 2E 31 31 2E 32 30 0D 0A Null data SM With data In ASCII: SM\r\n SM255.255.255.0\r\n In HEX: 53 4D 0D 0A In ASCII: SM255.255.255.0\r\n No Response In HEX: 53 4D 32 35 35 2E 32 35 35 WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 21 2E 32 35 35 2E 30 0D 0A Null data GW In ASCII: GW\r\n In HEX: 47 57 0D 0A In ASCII: GW192.168.11.1\r\n With data GW192.168.11.1\r\n No Response In HEX: 47 57 31 39 32 2E 31 36 38 2E 31 31 2E 31 0D 0A Null data DS In ASCII: DS\r\n In HEX: 44 53 0D 0A In ASCII: DS1.2.3.4\r\n With data DS192.168.11.22\r\n No Response In HEX: 44 53 31 2E 32 2E 33 2E 34 0D 0A Null data LP With data Null data RP With data Null data RH In ASCII: LP\r\n In HEX: 4C 50 0D 0A In ASCII: LP5000\r\n No Response In HEX: 4C 50 35 30 30 30 0D 0A In ASCII: RP\r\n RP5000\r\n In HEX: 52 50 0D 0A In ASCII: RP5000\r\n No Response In HEX: 52 50 35 30 30 30 0D 0A In ASCII: RH\r\n RH1.2.3.4\r\n In HEX: 52 48 0D 0A In ASCII: RH1.2.3.4\r\n With data LP5000\r\n No Response In HEX: 52 48 31 2E 32 2E 33 2E 34 0D 0A Null data BR With data Null data DB With data Null data PR With data In ASCII: BR\r\n BR11\r\n In HEX: 42 52 0D 0A In ASCII: BR11\r\n No Response In HEX: 42 52 31 31 0D 0A In ASCII: DB\r\n DB1\r\n In HEX: 44 42 0D 0A In ASCII: DB1\r\n No Response In HEX: 44 42 31 0D 0A In ASCII: PR\r\n PR0\r\n In HEX: 50 52 0D 0A In ASCII: PR0\r\n No Response In HEX: 50 52 30 0D 0A WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 22 Null data SB With data Null data FL With data Null data IT With data Null data PT With data Null data PS With data Null data PD With data Null data TE With data Null data SS In ASCII: SB\r\n In HEX: 53 42 0D 0A In ASCII: SB0\r\n No Response In HEX: 53 42 30 0D 0A In ASCII: FL\r\n FL0\r\n In HEX: 46 4C 0D 0A In ASCII: FL0\r\n No Response In HEX: 46 4C 30 0D 0A In ASCII: IT\r\n IT0\r\n In HEX: 49 54 0D 0A In ASCII: IT100\r\n No Response In HEX: 49 54 31 30 30 0D 0A In ASCII: PT\r\n PT0\r\n In HEX: 50 54 0D 0A In ASCII: PT100\r\n No Response In HEX: 50 54 31 30 30 0D 0A In ASCII: PS\r\n PS0\r\n In HEX: 50 53 0D 0A In ASCII: PS0 \r\n No Response In HEX: 50 53 30 0D 0A In ASCII: PD\r\n PD0\r\n In HEX: 50 44 0D 0A In ASCII: PD0 \r\n No Response In HEX: 50 44 30 0D 0A In ASCII: TE\r\n TE0\r\n In HEX: 54 45 0D 0A In ASCII: TE1\r\n No Response In HEX: 54 45 31 0D 0A In ASCII: SS\r\n SS2B2B2B\r\n In HEX: 53 53 0D 0A In ASCII: SS010101\r\n With data SB0\r\n No Response In HEX: 53 53 30 31 30 31 30 31 2B 2B 0D 0A NP Null data With data In ASCII: NP\r\n NP110\r\n In HEX: 4E 50 0D 0A In ASCII: NP110 \r\n WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) No Response 23 In HEX: 4E 50 31 31 30 0D 0A Null data SP With data Null data EC With data In ASCII: SP\r\n In HEX: 53 50 0D 0A In ASCII: SP110\r\n No Response In HEX: 53 50 #31 31 30 0D 0A In ASCII: EC\r\n EC0\r\n In HEX: 45 43 0D 0A In ASCII: EC1 \r\n No Response In HEX: 45 43 31 0D 0A In ASCII: SV\r\n SV SP110\r\n No Response In HEX: 53 56 0D 0A In ASCII: RT\r\n RT Data field is null EX Reboot display In HEX: 52 54 0D 0A In ASCII: EX\r\n No Response In HEX: 45 58 0D 0A In ASCII: FR\r\n FR Reboot display In HEX: 46 52 0D 0A Table 5. Serial command response list 3.3 Serial Command Executing Example Figure 13. shows an example with several commands executed. At first, WIZ107SR should be set into serial configuration mode (both hardware trigger and software trigger can be used). For hardware trigger, the trigger should be turned on and reset the WIZ107SR, and the software trigger code should be sent to change WIZ107SR into serial configuration mode. In this example, the serial echo message is on and the software trigger is used to enter the serial configuration mode. And then, the user inputs command `MC' with `Enter' key pressed to read the MAC address of the WIZ107SR. You can find that the WIZ107SR responses with `MC00:08:DC:01:02:03'. In the same way, we can read the IP address of WIZ107SR. This example also shows how to modify the parameters of WIZ107SR. After reading IP address, the user inputs `LI192.168.11.20' with `Enter' key pressed in hyper terminal. You can find that the IP address is set to `' after `LI' command executed correctly. Attentions: 1) The `SV' command must be executed if you want to save your new parameters. 2) The `RT'command must be executed if you want to execute your new parameters 3) The `EX' command must be executed if you want to leave the serial configuration mode. WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 24 4) Example: Refer to 1)~3), usually if you want to change the operation mode from Server to Client, you should input something like this: OP0 --->SV--->RT Please, note that the data connection will be closed once the WIZ107SR goes into serial configuration mode. Figure 13. Serial command executing example Attentions: 1) The `SV' command must be executed with some delay (about 50ms) for WIZ107SR's stable operation. 2) Recommend to use the serial commands with some delay (about 10ms) for stable operation 3) After execute serial command, We recommend to check the parameters using response serial command like "LI\r\n". Example Input> LI192.168.11.2\r\n Input> LI\r\n Output> LI192.168.11.2 WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 25 4. Hardware Specification 4.1 WIZ107SR Dimension A 30.00 B 3.50 C 11.50 D 11.50 E 3.50 F 3.00 G 3.50 H 38.00 I 3.50 J 48.00 K 2.54 L 2.73 M 8.65 N 2.54 Figure 14. WIZ107SR Dimensions (unit : mm) WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 26 4.2 WIZ107SR Interface Board Schematic Figure 15. WIZ107SR Interface Board Schematic WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 27 4.3 Booting Time H/W version Rev 1.1 Rev 1.3 Rev 1.4 Firmware Version Booting Time ~ v1.93 70ms v2.1 ~ v2.13 70ms + (400ms) v2.14 ~ 70ms ~ v3.04 70ms + (400ms) v3.06 ~ v3.14 70ms v4.03 ~ 70ms Table 7. WIZ107SR's Booting Time 4.4 HW_TRIG PIN The way of detection connect status is monitoring the HW_TRIG Pin. When the connection is established, HW_TRIG pin goes Low. And, it will go HIGH when connection is closed. Actually, this pin works both direction, like Input and Output. In the initial time, this pin is INPUT for Hardware Trigger (for serial command mode). After that, this pin is OUTPUT for connection status. Figure 16. WIZ107SR's Operation Flow WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 28 5. Warranty WIZnet Co., Ltd offers the following limited warranties applicable only to the original purchaser. This offer is non-transferable. WIZnet warrants our products and its parts against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for period of standard ONE(1) YEAR for the WIZ107SR board and labor warranty after the date of original retail purchase. During this period, WIZnet will repair or replace a defective products or part free of charge. Warranty Conditions: 1. The warranty applies only to products distributed by WIZnet or our official distributors. 2. The warranty applies only to defects in material or workmanship as mentioned above in 6.Warranty. The warranty applies only to defects which occur during normal use and does not extend to damage to products or parts which results from alternation, repair, modification, faulty installation or service by anyone other than someone authorized by WIZnet Inc. ; damage to products or parts caused by accident, abuse, or misuse, poor maintenance, mishandling, misapplication, or used in violation of instructions furnished by us ; damage occurring in shipment or any damage caused by an act of God, such as lightening or line surge. Procedure for Obtaining Warranty Service 1. Contact an authorized distributors or dealer of WIZnet Inc. for obtaining an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) request form within the applicable warranty period. 2. Send the products to the distributors or dealers together with the completed RMA request form. All products returned for warranty must be carefully repackaged in the original packing materials. 3. Any service issue, please contact to sales@wiznet.co.kr WIZ107SR User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.) 29