Rev. 1.10 - 6 -
●R3112x271A/C T
Symbol Item Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit
-VDET Detector Threshold 2.646 2.700 2 .754 V
VHYS Detector Threshold Hysteresis 0.081 0.189 V
VDD=2.60V 1.0 2.5ISS Supply Current 3.70V 0.5 3.0 µA
VDDH Maximum Operating Voltage 6.0 V
Topt=25°C0.7VDDL Minimum Operating Voltage*Note1
-40°C ≤Topt≤85°C0.8
VDS=0.05V,VDD=0.70V 10 120 µA
VDS=0.50V,VDD=1.50V 1.0 3.0 mA
IOUT Output Current
(Driver Output Pin) Pch
VDS=-2.1V,VDD=4.5V 1.0 3.5 mA
VTCD CD pin Threshold Voltage VDD=2.97V 0.891 1.485 2.079 V
VDS=0.1V, VDD=0.7V 2.0 70 µAICD CD pin Output Current VDS=0.5V, VDD=1.5V 200 500
RDOutput Dela y Resistanc e 3.25 6.50 13.00 MΩ
∆-VDET/∆T Detector Threshold
Temperature Coefficient -40°C ≤Topt≤85°C±100 ppm/°C
●R3112x501A/C T
Symbol Item Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit
-VDET Detector Threshold 4.900 5.000 5.100 V
VHYS Detector Threshold Hysteresis 0.150 0.250 0.350 V
VDD=4.9V 1.5 2.5ISS Supply Current 6.0V 0.6 3.0 µA
VDDH Maximum Operating Voltage 6.0 V
Topt=25°C0.7VDDL Minimum Operating Voltage*Note1
-40°C ≤Topt≤85°C0.8
VDS=0.05V,VDD=0.70V 10 120 µA
VDS=0.50V,VDD=1.50V 1.0 3.0 mA
IOUT Output Current
(Driver Output Pin) Pch
VDS=-2.1V,VDD=6.0V 1.5 4.5 mA
VTCD CD pin Threshold Voltage VDD=2.97V 1.650 2.750 3.850 V
VDS=0.1V, VDD=0.7V 2.0 70 µAICD CD pin Output Current VDS=0.5V, VDD=1.5V 200 500
RDOutput Dela y Resistanc e 3.25 6.50 13.00 MΩ
∆-VDET/∆T Detector Threshold
Temperature Coefficient -40°C≤Topt≤85°C±100 ppm/°C
*Note1: Minimum Operating Voltage means the value of input voltage when output voltage maintains
0.1V or less.
(In the case of Nch Open Drain T y pe, Output pin is pulled up with a resistance of 470kΩ to 5.0V.)