eee Screw cap Z : i eee + = Protective collar ater a at 1. Fuse base Fuse cartridge Gauge insert The D-fuse system comprises: fuse base, gauge insert, fuse cartridge, and screw cap. It is rated for voltages up to 500 V. Gradation of the diameter of the fuse cartridge pedestal-contact, in conjunction with correspondingly determined diameters for the gauge insert, for each rating stage, ensure that (above 6 A), no fuse can be inserted in the wrong base. Operating class: gF (fast) to VDE 0635 Operating class: gL (slow) to VDE 0636 Operating class: gT (slow) to VDE 0635 D fuse cartridges to DIN 49360 and DIN 49515 Size Rated Thread Type Pack Weight Total g current Operating class qty. 4100 off, fength nett A QF gl/gT kg a b NOz 0,5 E16 gFND2z/0,5 gTNOz/0,5 25 1,3 50 12,8 1 gFNDz/1 gTNDz/1 1,3 2 gFND2/2 gTNOz/2 1,3 4 gFNDz/4 gTNDz/4 1,3 6 gFNDz/6 gTNDz6 1,3 10 9FND2/10 gTNDz/10 1,3 16 gFNDz/16 gTND2/16 1,4 20 gFND2/20 gTNOz/20 1.6 - 25 gFNOz/25 gTND2/25 1,7 on 0,5 E27 gFD2/0,5 gL02/0,5 5 2,7 50 21,8 1 gFD2/1 gLD2/1 2,7 , 2 gFD2/2 gLD2/2 2,7 4 gFD2/4 glLD2/4 2,7 6 gFD2/6 gLD2/6 2,7 10 gFD2/10 gLD2/10 3,2 10/6) gFD2/10/6 gLD2/10/6 3,2 16 gFD2/16 gLD2/16 3,2 20 gFD2/20 gLD2/20 3,2 25 gFD2/25 gLD2/25 3,6 oul 35 E33 gFD3/35 gLD3/35 5 5.6 50 238 0 gF03/50 gL03/50 6.2 63 gFD3/63 9LD3/63 6,4 OIVH 80 RA" gFD4/80 glD4/80 10 13,4 57,5 33,5 100 gFD4/100 giD4/100 13,4 OVH 125 R 2 gFD5/125 gTD5/125 10 23,2 7,5 46 160 gFD5/160 gT05/160 24,2 200 gFD5/200 gTD5/200 34,8 List Il-1/2D screw caps to DIN 49514 und DIN 49360 Size Rated Thread Test Type Pack Weight per current hole qly. hundred approx A kg Thread; nickel! plated brass NOz 25 E16 without NOK 25 24 Dil 25 E27 with K2 25 5,0 Dill 63 E 33 with K3 25 8,4 DIVH 100 R 1a" without K4 10 21,0 DVH 200 R2" without KS 10 34,0 Thread; silver plated copper NOz 25 E16 without NDK/Cu 26 2,3 oll 25 E27 with K2/Cu 25 5,0 Dill 63 E33 with K3/Cu 25 8.4 D gauge inserts to DIN 49360 und DIN 49516 Size For fuse Fuse dase Type Pack Weight per cartridge thread qty. hundred approx. A kg Gauge rings NDz 2 E16 NDR2 50 0.28 4 NOR4 0,28 6 NDA6 0,28 10 NDA10 0,28 20 NOR1G 0,28 20 NOR20 0.11 Gauge screws Dll 2 E27 $2/2 25 1,3 4 82/4 1,3 6 $2/6 1.3 10 $2/10 13 16 S2/16 13 20 $2/20 1,2 25 $2/25 1,2 oN 35 E33 $3/35 25 2,1 50 $3/50 19 63 $3/63 7 Gauge Sleeve DIVH 80 Rye" H4/80 50 0,5 100 4/100 0,5 DVH 125 R2 H5/125 50 0.6 160 H5/160 0.6 200 H5/200 0,5 D gauge rings to DIN 49362 for fuse bases without gauge screws Dll 6 E27 PR2/6 50 0,40 10 PR2/10 16 PR2/16 20 PR2/20 Dit 35 E33 PR3/35 50 0,43 50 PR3/50 Adapters are necessary when the cartridge being used is of a lower rating than the fuse base. Size For fuse In screw Thread Type Pack Weight per cartridge cap aty. hundred approx. kg NDz NDz _ il E27 HFZ 100 1,65 oll Olt KI E33 HF2 100 1,55 ou Din KIv Ri" HFS 100 1,90 DIVH OIVH KV R 2 HF4 100 Gauge plug - for fitting Dill fuses (85-63 A) in DIVH fuse bases ~ R11" Pt 1 2.5 Gauge ring spanner - . PSs 1 4,4 Gauge ring pliers ~ PAZ 1 3,5 aot,D fuse bases to DIN 49510, 49511 and 49325 D single-pole flush-mounting fuse bases, for separate mounting Size Rated Thread Type of Shroud Type Pack Weight on current terminal aty % approx. A kg NDz 25 E16 Screw tab without NEZ 25 20 5.4 NOz 25 E16 Screw tab with NEZ 25R 20 64 an 25 E 27 Screw tab without EZ 25 12 7.8 oll 25 E27 Screw tab with EZ 25A 12 8,8 Dill 63 33 Screw tab without EZ 60 10 15,4 oll 63 E33 Screw tab with Z 60AR 190 18,0 OIVH 100 Ria" Screw tab without EZ 100 6 32,3 DIVH 100 RA Screw tab with EZ 100A 6 34.8 DVH 200 R2" Srew tab without Z 200 4 62,2 DVH 200 R 2" Screw tab with EZ 200R 4 74.6 Dimensions in mm a b c d z2 f g gh NEZ R 33 56 25 25 45 44 52,5 33 EZ 25R 37,5 66 30 27 5.6 44 52.5 46 EZ 60R 46 82 355 355 455 47 55 54,5 EZ 100R 62 105 47 47 6 60 68 71 EZ 200R 81 135 65 65 3 62 74 96 D three-pole flush mounting fuse bases, with neutral terminal NOz 25 E16 Screw tab without NEZ 25/3 2 32,6 NOz 25 E16 Screw tab with NEZ 25/3/A 2 33,8 Dit 25 E27 Screw tab without EZ 25/3 8 31,6 Ol 25 E27 Screw tab with EZ 25/3/A 8 37 Onl 63 E33 Screw tab without EZ 60/3 8 48 oll 63 E33 Screw tab with EZ 60/3/A 8 54,4 Dimensions in mm a b c d ge f g h NEZ 25/3/A 64 90 30 39 4.5 48 54 68 EZ 25/3/A 94 94 44 32 5 44 2 94 EZ 60/3/A 102 106 455 32 44 52 113 D single-pole universal fuse bases NDZ 25 E16 Screw tab with NUZ 25 10 19,4 Dil 25 E 27 Screw tab with UZ 25 10 17.8 pul 63 E 33 Screw tab with UZ 60 8 38.2 Dimensions in mm | pee ey { a b c d ge t 1 ; NUzZ 25 45 71 81 - 4 50 sit OTT | UZ 25 at 73 - 33 5 50 Uz 60 85 100 - 48 5 63 Oo 4+ Jno la D single and triple-pole surface mounting fuse bases Size Rated Thread Type of Gauge Transp. Type Pack Weight current terminal fitting shroud aty. My approx. A kg Dll 1x25 E 27 Screw tad gauge screw with $ 27-1/h/p 10 7,6 Ol 1x25 E2r Screw tab gauge ring with S$ 27-1/h 10 7.6 Ol 1x63 E 33 Screw tab gauge screw without * $ 33-1/p 10 12,2 Out 1x63 E33 Screw tab gauge ring without * S 33-1 10 12,2 Dit 3x25 E27 Screw tab gauge screw with $ 27/p 4 28.2 Dil 3x25 E27 Serew tab gauge ring with $ 27 4 28.2 i. ont 3x63 33 Screw tab gauge screw with $ 33/p 4 44.2 Dit 3x63 E33 Screw tab gauge ring with $33 4 $4.2 * Available with protective collar, dimensions: see back pageTechnical data Time/current characteristics (tolerance; + 5 % in direction of current flow) D fuse cartridges, 500 V (operating class gL) D fuse cartridges, 500 V (fast) Further technical data on fast characteristic D fuse cartriages 500 V, on request. LasCut-off characteristics D fuse cartridges 500 V (operating class gL) i Peak asymmetrical short-circuit current without d.c. aperiodic component % Peak asymmetrical short-circuit current with Jargest d.c. aperiodic component 20 tga Ae Fuse cartridge/A 4 Prospective fault current I/A 2t values D fuse cartridges 500 V (operating class gL) uals ' 2535 2 a 6 10 16 20 in/A fuse cartridges | Total #t waiue at 242 Yo? Pre-arcing |-t value at tys amsPower losses D fuses 500 V (operating class gL) Py Dimensions in mm D surface mounting fuse bases singie-pole three-pole xz. NG 5 A) D Q N Dy a b c d e f g h t 9 S$ 27-tfh/p 58 37 30 27 4,5 45 53 43 74 - $ 33-1/p 79 45 34 34 4,5 45 53 - g55 - S$ 27/p 58 17 41 - 45 45 53 76 123 41 $ 33/p 79 144 50 - 45 45 $3 97 150 50 D busbar mounting fuse bases for multiple fitting on busbars Size Rated Thread Terminal Gauge Busbar Type Pack Weight per current fitting size qty. hundred approx. A kg DII 25 E 27 Screw tab Gauge ring 16x4 RS 27 - 1x4 10 8 Ou 25 E27 Screw tab Gauge ring 16x8 RS 27 - 1x8 10 8 Olli 63 E33 Screw tab Gauge ring 16x4 RS 33 - 1x4 2 10,2 On 63 E 33 Screw tab Gauge ring 16x8 RS 33 - 1x8 2 10,2 Dimensions in mm + - + wo | 12 10 16 20 23 = |N/A fuse cartridges