Breadboard with External Power & Jumper Wires
The Pro-S Lab Station is an entr y level pr ototyping package that is perfect for small analo g and d ig ital experiments.
The PRO-S Lab includes the Model PB-10 breadboard, PRO-S triple output DC Wall adapter, po wer supply
breadboard connector and wire pack. The PRO-S power suppl y has outputs of 5VDC @ 500mA and +/- 12V @
PB-10 Solderless breadboard (also sold separately, P/N 104-1000)
Pro Power Supply (also sold separately, P/N 104-6998)
Output voltage: +5 VDC@1amp, +12VDC@ 250mA, -12VDC@250mA
Input voltage: 110VAC
Pro-PS Power Connector (also sold separ ately, P/N 104-6999)
Pro-S Lab Station........P/N 104-7000