MDTL MC930/830 series CLOCKED FLIP-FLOP MC945F, G - MC845F, P, G MC9468F, G - MC846&F, P, G v, These clocked flip-flops consist af two directly cou cc pled flip-flops, operating on the master-slave principle. 14 {to} The input information is stored in the master flip-flop Rie 2.2% 2.2 k. At when the clock voltage is high, and is transferred to the a a slave when the clock voitage is low (a) 6: fo 8 (6) This clocked flip-ftop can be operated in either the AS 3.6 k 35k or J-K made. For J-K operation the Q output is connected to a clear input, and the & output is connected to a set in- Put. Asynchronous inputs, direct set (Sp) and direct clear (CE), override the synchronous inputs. No matter whet ak 3k other inputs are applied to the tlip-flop, the direct set and 6 ad Ht 18 clear inputs prevail. k tk Ok The outputs are buffered, thereby reducing the possi- GNO GND bility of circuit disturbance from external line noisa. |/ o> =-, |e s The output pullup resistor of the MC948/MC348 has co 1 m1 \ o been changed fram that utilized in the MCS45/MC845 in 5e4 1 fOr ~ 10 (7) Order to improve the propagation delay-versus-capacitance Kl twee t 1 zs characteristics. ofp -s --3 Yeo Veco 2k 47k 47k ze MC945F/MC&45F, P Sy ak 4k cy MCS48F /MC84BF, P (2) 3-4@4 4 pi-o12 (9) +4 a (3) 4046-4 ok Ct on tPto14 (8) 10 8. g r 3 4 P cr GNO g PF dy 2 a (3) 12 Cr Ne = ape C: c Used only on MCO46/MC845 * MC945/MCE45 6.0 k W 2 D 948/MCB48 2.0 Used onty on MCoae/MCE4S me 20 5 Number at end of terminal represents pin number tor flat end duel in-line packages. Number in parenthesis indicates pin number for mets! can. MC945G/MC845G MC948G/MC848G (7) {2} ey +K TRUTH TABLE (2 SYNCHRONOUS TRUTH TABLE {Comnect Sta G, C2 t0 Q) dt tn tatt ty tnt 19) Cy ic aptes 8 82 4 2 a Ss cy fe) 6) x 0 x a, o On 0 x x o Qn o ' x 0 x a, ' 3 x o x o Q, - * ASYNCHRONOUS o x s 1 TRUTH TABLE Input Loading Factor: x 1 1 3 Sand C= 2/39 1 1 o x 1 fp | a Sp. Co, T= 2 ' 1 x o 1 1 1] Ne | Nc Output Loading Factor: 1 1 1 u 5 1 1 o MC945 = 10 1 a ' MCB45 = 12 0 Low State (more negative! oO o 1 1 MC94B= 9 1 High State (more positive) Asynchronous inputs, di- MC848 + 11 {Sp} and Girect : X State of tha input does not affect the eters of CK Met (Sp Total Power Dissipation: theeleult . clear (Cp), override the syn- MC945/MCB45 = 60 mW twe/pkE chronaus inputs; they sre C948/MCeaB ~ 70 mW crr/on U ~ Indeterminate State independent of all ather Mceaa/mceal mW wye/pkg Inputs. Propagation Delay Time = 40 ns typ alseem cna sian MC945F, G/MC845F, P,G, MC948F, G/MC848F, P, G (continued) ado ya fo pe pede on -f > f ss [st fp - 4d - > | -dsas [sry - | - | ot aa 7 7 > - 7 7 - - - | | - - SL | ot - - | - > GL Sz - 7 ot +Pd, SSW /AF6OW, - pope pe ]e ~J-ofede - p> pss far f- | - -f-[ss for} - | - foe] 74 L a en a 9 z sy | = pooryse | - ) - foot - | - Joort se} - | - | oe | Ph SY@OW/SheOM INQ asing uf asing saan, Sumyotag| aisee'z | - | - for f- f-]-7-]-f.]- - - - | - |sw}-] - f - -|-for]-] -f-|en) *% L ~J-]-)- 7-0 f-f-]-4- - - | -f-fard-f-]- | -]-foert - | - | - 7 vr | Body 882W/eb6on wireve's p - | - fer] - ]- 7 -]-7-.]-.]. - - -}-fer{-|[-|- - | - swe =f - foe] oo fm L -f-f- f-]-]erd-]- 7.4. - - ove ~ = fort = 7 - f - foowm) - f - fer] - | - | - for | Hey SROW/SE OW wa1103 vterq 12a0g i's -f-]- -}-]-jor]-]- - - - - - - - - | or all aortas -[-[- -|-j-ts]-]- - - - : - - | - -lo sa, t -[-]- -te]- fa] dor - - - - - : - -fo2 | 2 4 -f-]- - fe frp e tet - - he-e-| - joaz-} - Jos-z-{ - oores| = lore-| - foge-| - | 2 | dy ~ fe pe fr ps page f= - . - - : - - ~f a I EELS, LEAP Fs 4 att pet - gp - | - fe) de] - : - Spvis pe'o-| - jseo-| = fseo-} - foewuloot-{ - jzot-| - luote] - | oe | Areve we1309 premrog VINE RE - - . - - z - bd . - - OF; - | of | - | of | - oe) - | oF] + f owt - z Oe, ue - Je] 7~hotad-.[-]- - - - - : - - - for Ly - 47 cde fp. fe] - - . - - - - - - | or wine zt - -f-fo}-7-]- - - - - - - - - | ot ere z - - - s - - . * - > - - - - - $s ue bd . - * - - - - - - . - - - - y a Le = ~ pet | - - : = : ~. : sewrt{ory - Jos! - los} - jovrtos| - | oz! - Ost - $ T Wadin) asiaaay| Wie - ~ 7. - f+ t+ Tor fs - ~ : . - - - t t - | - - - - > ett + t - : - - a - L - 7]: sys | > krttyp @ - - . : - - - 8 ve . ~[. ~tod. at . . . . - - . 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SPEIW H3SWNN Nid aovwowd 70s "s]osy] = |o0'*} Oo joo zloaol s-o- | ato | eer eeu fDSol+ mao) piGe) volsien 0 floss jos'oo's [00's] 9 [oozjort] so- Faro | aa | 2st |>,sze SrOOW SOOW leq iq , + [ossfoss] - foo] o lorejorn] so Tero. Oet ot ]>,65~ -UOD 842 UI UMOYS SuaquINU Ud aINNISsgns ued jBlew % BUI UI Sed1Aep 3501 01 SeZIAep PaBeyoed aUl]-UI jENP Alara 250] Ma | tq 1 ty | q LSPOM| SPOIW | BPGIW | SHOW tS pus 2e1y aya Ajo Burisaa 404 sudloauUGD UId sous "| al 2) aiqes ays saBeyoed ajqeyeag Iv ul saqraap 10) awes SYOA yal = ays eve sqiuiy 18a) pue sudIIPUOD 3S8) ayy YyBnouzty -310N SAMVA_INI8IND/I9V1IOA SAL . SOLLSIMSLOVUVHS 1V91N193913MC945F, G/MC845F, P,G, MC948F, G/MC848F, P.G (continued) PROPAGATION DELAY TIME TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS a MCB33 Or Equivalent Used For Diodes. CLOCK PULSE WAVEFORMS (t#< 1.0 ys) TEST TIME PULSE cP > 25 TEST CONDITIONSDSP56301 Product Documentation PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION The three documents listed in the following table are required for a complete description of the DSP56301 and are necessary to design properly with the part. Documentation is available from one of the following locations (see back cover for detailed information): A local Motorola distributor A Motorola semiconductor sales office A Motorola Literature Distribution Center The World Wide Web (WWW) See the Additional Support section of the DSP56300 Family Manual for detailed information on the multiple support options available to you. Table 1 DSP56301 Documentation Name Description Order Number DSP56300 Detailed description of the DSP56300 family processor DSP56300FM/ AD Family Manual | core and instruction set DSP56301 Detailed functional description of the DSP56301 memory | DSP56301UM/AD User's Manual configuration, operation, and register programming DSP56301 DSP56301 features list and physical, electrical, timing, DSP56301/D Technical Data and package specifications ose Preliminary Data vi DSP56301 Technical Data sheet, Rev. 1 MOTOROLA Me 6967248 0157042 Ocd