Preliminary Technical Information PolarHTTM HiPerFET IXFK 102N30P Power MOSFET VDSS ID25 RDS(on) trr N-Channel Enhancement Mode Fast Intrinsic Diode Avalanche Rated Symbol Test Conditions VDSS TJ = 25 C to 150 C 300 V VDGR TJ = 25 C to 150 C; RGS = 1 M 300 V = = 300 V 102 A 33 m 200 ns Maximum Ratings VGS Continuous 20 V VGSM Transient 30 V ID25 TC = 25 C 102 A ID(RMS) External lead current limit 75 A IDM TC = 25C, pulse width limited by TJM 250 A IAR TC = 25 C 60 A EAR TC = 25 C 60 mJ EAS TC = 25 C 2.5 J dv/dt IS IDM, di/dt 100 A/s, VDD VDSS, TJ 150 C, RG = 4 10 V/ns PD TC = 25 C 700 W -55 ... +150 150 -55 ... +150 C C C 300 260 C C TJ TJM Tstg TL TSOLD 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) from case for 10 s Plastic body for 10 s Md Mounting torque, Terminal lead torque Weight TO-264 TO-264 (IXFK) G g D = Drain Features l l l International standard package Unclamped Inductive Switching (UIS) rated Low package inductance - easy to drive and to protect Advantages l l l Symbol Test Conditions (TJ = 25 C, unless otherwise specified) (TAB) S G = Gate S = Source 1.13/10 Nm/ 10 D Easy to mount Space savings High power density Characteristic Values Min. Typ. Max. BVDSS VGS = 0 V, ID = 250 A 300 VGS(th) VDS = VGS, ID = 4 mA 2.5 IGSS VGS = 20 VDC, VDS = 0 IDSS VDS = VDSS VGS = 0 V RDS(on) VGS = 10 V, ID = 0.5 ID25 Pulse test, t 300 s, duty cycle d 2 % TJ = 125 C V 5.0 V 200 nA 25 250 A A 33 m DS99221E(05/06) (c) 2006 IXYS All rights reserved IXFK 102N30P TO-264 Outline Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (TJ = 25 C, unless otherwise specified) Min. Typ. Max. gfs VDS= 10 V; ID = 0.5 ID25, pulse test 45 Ciss Coss VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz 57 S 7500 pF 1150 pF Crss 230 pF td(on) 30 ns tr VGS = 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = 60 A td(off) RG = 3.3 (External) 28 ns 130 ns 30 ns 224 nC tf Qg(on) Qgs VGS= 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = 0.5 ID25 Qgd 50 nC 110 nC 0.18 C/W RthJC RthCS C/W 0.15 Source-Drain Diode Characteristic Values (TJ = 25 C, unless otherwise specified) Min. Typ. Max. Symbol Test Conditions IS VGS = 0 V 102 A ISM Repetitive 250 A VSD IF = IS, VGS = 0 V, Pulse test, t 300 s, duty cycle d 2 % 1.5 V trr QRM IF = 25 A, -di/dt = 100 A/s VR = 100 V, VGS = 0 V 0.8 Dim. A A1 A2 b b1 b2 c D E e J K L L1 P Q Q1 R R1 S T Millimeter Min. Max. 4.82 5.13 2.54 2.89 2.00 2.10 1.12 1.42 2.39 2.69 2.90 3.09 0.53 0.83 25.91 26.16 19.81 19.96 5.46 BSC 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 20.32 20.83 2.29 2.59 3.17 3.66 6.07 6.27 8.38 8.69 3.81 4.32 1.78 2.29 6.04 6.30 1.57 1.83 Inches Min. Max. .190 .202 .100 .114 .079 .083 .044 .056 .094 .106 .114 .122 .021 .033 1.020 1.030 .780 .786 .215 BSC .000 .010 .000 .010 .800 .820 .090 .102 .125 .144 .239 .247 .330 .342 .150 .170 .070 .090 .238 .248 .062 .072 200 ns C PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION The product presented herein is under development. The Technical Specifications offered are derived from data gathered during objective characterizations of preliminary engineering lots; but also may yet contain some information supplied during a pre-production design evaluation. IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions without notice. IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions. IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered by 4,835,592 one or moreof the following U.S. patents: 4,850,072 4,881,106 4,931,844 5,017,508 5,034,796 5,049,961 5,063,307 5,187,117 5,237,481 5,381,025 5,486,715 6,162,665 6,259,123 B1 6,306,728 B1 6,404,065 B1 6,534,343 6,583,505 6,683,344 6,710,405B2 6,710,463 6,727,585 6,759,692 6,771,478 B2